Nov. 16, 1990 Issue 10 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, nov. 16, 1990

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvii, no. 10

Curriecracks Vandals continue destructive rampage down on Xavier by Carlo Iacono and Chris Pesotski ·

by word of mouth,'' Currie said. Currie said that thos~ who participate in vanddisr.1, verbal Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, abuse, or physical intimidation president, banned alcohol from '' are not memocr-; of the Cabrini Xavier Hall and instituted new community of learners.'· restrictions on residents' visitaDr. Mary Ann Biller, vice tion privileges at a meeting held president of_ academic affairs Wednesday night in the Xavier spoke after Currie's speech, and great room. Approximately 100 compared living conditions in students and staff members at- the hall to that of a pigsty. Currie tended the meeting. where stu- did not allow students to respond dents met Currie's new stric- to her speech, and left immetures with silence during the 30 diately following the meeting. minute address. Currie said that students Currie, who refused immedi- would have the opportunity to ate comment following the meet- present proposals of proper ing, implemented the sanctions guidelines and norms of .behavafter Michael Caranfa, chief ior at sometime in the future. Dr. physical plant officer, led Cur- Robert Bonfiglio, d~n of sturie and several other members dents, said the meeting of the college's administration that he did not bel,eve that those on a tour of the destructioncaused meetings could happen immediby residents and other vandals ately. "She (Currie) does not last weekend. Damage in the think she can hold a rational building for the weekend was conversation with you guys," valued at over $800 by Caranfa. Bonfiglio told a Xavier resident. The visitation privileges for According to Cathy CaulXavier Hall residents are re- field, director of resident life. stricted as follows: on weekdays, Currie did not consult her no resident may have visiton. before aMQWIClllg the new from outside the building from restnctJons. "It's all new to seven p.m. until noon the fol- me,'' Caulfield said. ''Tonight lowing day. On weekends, visi- was the first I heard of it.'' tors must leave the premises by Caulfield held an informal 10 p.m. According to Currie, the meeting of the Xavier Hall new policies will be in effect resident assistants after the • until the college formulates sanc- meeting. Provisions for entions to address the vandalism forcement of the new strictures and abuse which have regularly are not yet in place. occured in Xavier Hall. "That's for tommorrow 's ''These restrictions will be in meeting," Bonfiglio said. "But effect until residents are oficiallynotifiedotherwise,andnot more RESTRICTIONS on 4

photo by Chns Pesotski

The windows in Resident Director Andrew Mc/fray's 1990 Honda Civic were smashed by vandals . in the early morning hows of Sun. Nov. 11. Damage to the car was estimated at over $1000. by Jennifer Morrison

Vandals damaged a 1990 Honda Civic owned by Andrew Mcilroy, resident director, sometime in the early morning hours of Sun., Nov. 1I. The damage, estimated at over $1,000, was discovered by Cabrini security officers at 6:41 a.m. and reported to the Radnor Township Police Department. Mcllroy's car had been parked in the library parking lot. According to a Radnor police • incident report, Mcllroy's wind-

shield, rear window and two left side windows were smashed and there was a dent in the hood, which was caused by a rock. Mcilroy added that the trunk and side panel were dented and the tail light was broken. Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, said that there were suspects and the situation is under investigation. · The incident angered and upset Mcilroy. "It makes me feel sick," Mcilroy said. "I find it sad that people have to act out in such a

childish way." According to resident life officials this isn't the first time that vandalism and harassment have happened to staff members. Mcilroy has been physically assaulted, verbally harassed several times and in one instance had a note left on his desk in the admissions office that said, "We don't like you." Ana Hazelrigg, resident director more HARASSMENT on 8



Recyclinglacksnewsprintoption by J.P.Raynock At the beginning of the 1990 fall semester, Cabrini College instituted a recycling program in accordance with the new state law. Currently, the school is recycling aluminum, cardboard and highgrade office paper. However, to date there are no facilities to recycle lower grade paper, among which the chief type is newsprint. Dan Malloy, engineer for Radnor township and director of recycling, said that the township recycles aluminum, tin, glass, two types of plastic, and low as well as high grade paper. Malloy said \..

that the township had been collecting newspapers at the municipal building until someone had set fire to them. However, the township still picks up nearly 40 tons of paper a week from residences. The problem, according to Malloy, is that the market for low grade paper, especially newspapers, has been glutted on the east and west coasts. '' At one point we were being piiid $25 a ton. Now with the market, we're paying $15 a ton to have the papers

more RECYCLING on 9

Xavierdamage:'gross' by William A. Fulton

A wave of vandalism, totalling more than $700 in damage, according to estimates taken by Chief Physical Plant Officer Michael Caranfa, occurred in Xavier Hall during the early morning hours of Saturday, Nov. 10. Among the damage was a shattered window adja,centto the 250 quad in Xavier Hall. The cost of replacing the window could approach $200 to $220, Caranfa said.

photo by Frank Emmerich

The incident involving the smashed window was witnessed by a resident of more XAVIER on 9

inside perspectives ...... 2, 3

Dancing and good

Basketball team

news ................ 4, 8, 9

times at the Fall

gears up for

features .......... 5, 6, 7



(page 6)

10, 11, 12


season opener (page 12)


2 I

f ridax, nov. 16, 1990



~ :


Grow up or get out Cowards. Many of us witness the savage behavior corrupting the campus and our homes, and yet we stand in silence. This is a far cry from the commitment to dignity and courage we celebrated during Mother Cabrini's Feast Day this past Tuesday. Instead, we settle for much less than these ideals. We should be sickened by our failure to uphold these principles and quality of life. We allow residence halls to be gutted every week. Staff members are being harrassed and threatened. Cars are being hidden off-campus in fear of another violent attack on property. These devastating actions are not done by the campus majority. But simply being silent, respectable, good people is just as damaging as the fist being slammed through the window. Through their implied consent, the good people are just as guilty. We must let those who are doing the wrongs know their peers are disgusted by their actions. We can't afford to wait for administration. The code of conduct is not being effectively enforced. Offenders are getting away with murder, and soon it won't be surprising if this st~tement could be taken literally. Students, faculty, and staff need to send a strong message. Those who abuse themselves, others, and our homes had better pack their bags and get out. We need to isolate the threat and confront it. Letthem know you won't be their friends, advisers, or teachers. They are not worth it. The college shouldn't be a refuge for those who have no idea of the value or dignity which should be accorded to every single human being. Cabrini is not an institution of rehabilitation but of education. If one is not here for an education, then the students shouldn't be allowed to stay, whether they are student leaders or not. With more people losing residency privileges, the college will suffer a short-term financial loss because of more empty beds. But isn't it better than the exodus of good students from campus, trying to escape from deplorable living conditions? We had better hope that ten years from now when the envelope comes to - make a generous contribution to the college, the students will remember four years of friends and learning instead of the vandalism and disrespect. The long-term financial viability of the college depends on it. If damage control continues to eat away at the college's resources and attention, how can we concentrate on education? Students need to realize that learning never stops. The residence halls should be extensions of the classroom, not dens of destruction. But most of all, we as students must make a commitment to each other. None of us should tolerate the mindless destruction and senseless harrassment. But we are a part of the problem if we stand by and do nothing. ~

Just a thought ... The presence of Mother Ursula, MSC, at the Mother Cabrini Feast Day celebration was truly inspiring, as well as her lecture. At 94 years of youth, Mother Ursula dazzles with her words and smile. In all sincerity, she is a "Cabrini treasure," usually buried under her many translations of Mother Cabrini's letters in the Cabriniana room. Take her up on her invitation, and spend a few moments with Cabrini history.

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Conducting the music of life jennifer morrison managing editor My viewpoint wouldn't be the same without music, so before I begin I would like to have you imagine that you are listening to a very relaxing yet powerful piece by your favorite composer. If you do not have one think of a piece by Pachelbel or a new age classical piece. Music, to me, is very powerful. It can determine the fate of a situation and can also create an urge to love or hate. A simple

are singing songs that they practiced for weeks in music class and it is the song of joy that the children exclaim in the special way they can. To me, children are the best communicators of music. They read into the composers' thoughts and sing for the audience and the gratification of the many reasons the holidays bring. Music has been a very important part of my life. It relaxes me, helps me think and most of all keeps me in a great mood. It is somewhat amazing the feelings that conjure in my mind from one chord of music. When I sing, I find myselflooking for the special chord that helps me understand the piece. There are many messages to music, because there are many ideas that a composer puts into a piece. Lyrics sometimes let a

The important part of music is that it lets me be myself. It can really determine the way that I interpret the world. It doesn't judge, me but boosts my spirit and life. At times of despair, music can be the inspiration that keeps me going. situation of boy meets girl is quite simple and sometimes boring unless I add tones of slow, romantic music to enhance the situation and pique my interest. All of a sudden, the slow relaxing movements of the flirt, to the ultimate laugh and finally a kiss, can mean so much more with music. Sounds can really enhance a person's feelings and energy. In Walt Disney's "Fantasia," the pixie sprinkles dust on the stem of a leaf. The dust begins to flow from the stem and filters throughout the leaf till it sparkles and gives the gift of life to an important part of nature. The Disney animators added music that was mystifying yet enchanting and awoke the audience to a series of beautiful spectacles. From the pixie to the dust to the leaf, everything shimmered to the music. Last week I went to the ballet. I could see the ballerinas reaching out to the music, touching each chord and finding themselves through the one thing that keeps their love for music alive. Each step. each gesture, each feeling is brought on by a love for what they're doing. The music is to them what to some happens when the stock market climbs. a lead to a story grabs a reader, or a life is saved. All of these feelings and aspirations enhance a person's life, yet in every situation the incredible sounds of music grab the aspiring person. To some, "Happy Days are here Again" could sound in their ears or maybe Handel's "Messiah" could stream throughout their souls. But no matter what the music, the feeling means the most. At this time of the year music is very apparent and on hand. Families enjoy listening to songs of holidays and teach each other the importance of togetherness and love during the holiday season through song. Choruses of "Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas," or "The First Noel," mix with others like •'Santa Claus is Coming to Town" and "Frosty the Snowman." During this season not only words and stories move and shake people, but the music is the background theme to life. In a department store I can hear the sounds of the holidays yet I seem to not notice it because it is a natural sound that means a lot to me. My favorite part of the season is the many important and always entertaining school productions of the holidays. The children

listener understand the outerfeelings ofthe composer, but to find the inner feelings I need to listen to the chords in the piece. The important part of music is that it lets me be myself. It can really determine the way that I interpret the world. It doesn't judge me but boosts my spirit and life. At times of despair, music can be the inspiration that keeps me going. I remember trying to stop thinking for 30 seconds in fifth- grade health class. The thoughts in my mind were ,musically inclined. 1 found my true feelings for music developing like the ballerinas and the animators. I've kept this feeling throughout my Iife and don't feel I will ever see it leave. It has become a necessity. All of us have a special musical tone. When we find it we find ourselves. but like the pixies and leaves we may need a little music, maestro.

!staff Edotor-on-chlefCano Iacono

ManagingEditor· Jennifer Mornson News Editor; Chris Pesotski Assistant News Editor· Melissa Landsmann Perspect,vesEditor: Sharlene Sephton Features Ed,tor Kelly Anne Reed

Sports Editor. Denise Edwards Copy Editor: Andrea Atmonavage end William A Fulton Business Managers: Kim Marshall and Michelle Merger Photography Ed~or: Frank Emmencn AsSIStantPhotography Editor: Lisa Lindley PhotographyAdviser: Or. Carter Craig,e Adviser: Dr.Jerome Zurek Stall: Matthew Brush, Joseph Buda, Rna S. Celluca, Karen Oumorney. Wilham Fulton, John Gay. Robert Healey, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberly Keel<.Karen Kercnusky, Kimberly Leblang, Lorraine Marie UU. Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuore.Kim Marshall, Jennifer Metcniorre. Bud Mellon. Alexandra L Napoleon, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picner, Stephanie Ranieri. J.P. Raynock. Frank Sciona, Dawn Timbano, Missy von S,egel., Charles Waterfall. Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, John Gay. Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee.Judi Panasok,Cann Pesotski, Chris Pesotskl. Sue Roux, Charles Waterfall Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College,Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price ,s $25 per year and is included in the benetrts secured by turtoonandstudent fees. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the vtews of the student edltonal stall and the individual wnters and not the entire student body or the faculty and adminlstrabon. Loqultur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice In the unonhibited.robust, free and open discussion of




friday, nov. 16, 1990


I opinioAs Thanksgiving Day hunger-pangs:



Lack of food and caring

came to this school than ever pefore. We only food in school. I gave money at the second effort to remember these people the rest of have one problem and we're going to deal collection at mass. And I have prayed for the year. Thanksgiving is only one day, there "Thanksgiving! Remember high school, with it in this coming week. We are going to those in need. But only when I have been are many others. junior high school, elementary school. cancel our regular classes and what we are asked to do so. I am guilty of charity when In today's society people seem to have Everybody bringing in cans for the hungry going to talk about is what are those people convenient. lost the sense of community and self-giving going to eat next week?' people -- remember that. Just imagine if somebody, when you were Now wouldn't that be a sensible in the.fifth, sixth grade ... if the principal had educational system that dealt with those kinds So why then, on a planet that can feed its population the gonads to say, 'On Monday, children, it of problems.'' -Harry Chapin This year each and every one of us will was the single-most, wonderful outpourtwice over, are people going hungry? ing of generosity this school has ever seen. sit down on Thanksgiving and thank God More cans of food, feeding 193 families, for his shower'Of gifts upon us. But what about those people who are I had an elderly neighbor who passed on that made our country and Cabrini strong. in a drought without an oasis about three years ago. He ate dinner alone We have to break that selfish mold and, if for in sight? The homeless every night of the year. On Thanksgiving and no otherreason, for mere respect of humanpeople whom we feed on Christmas my family would prepare dinner ity, we must feed those who otherwise Thanksgiving and Christmas for him along with a supply of leftovers. But would not eat. kind of get forgotten about what did he eat the rest of the year? I am Harry Chapin also said people need three the rest of the year. almost afraid to know. I would not be sur- things to survive: air, liquid and food. We What are those people prised if many nights he didn't eat. His frag- are fouling up our air, yet few people are going to eat next week? ile, old body could hardly walk; how could he dying of asphyxiation. We are polluting are Those words are still rever- be expected to cook? waters, yet few people are dying of thirst. bating in my head. As they This year as we gather around the dinner So why then, on a planet that can feed its . To the editor and Todd Richards, Stmjent Govperpetually bounce from one table on that Thursday of gratitude, let us population twice over, are people going eardrum to another I can't remember those who have no table to gather hungry? ernment President of Eastern College: help but be ashamed of my around, no family to be thankful for, and no What are those people going to eat next For many years, Eastern College and Cabrini guilt. Sure I donated canned food to eat. Also, let's make it a conscious week? College have shared a tremendous rivalry. In the past this rivalry was limited to our athletic events. However, an unfortunate altercation occurred on Tuesday, Oct 30, 1990. The altercation affects both colleges individually, as well as mars the relationship between the two institutions. There is a fine line between friendly rivalry and danIn my last column, I wrote of the rationale behind our gerous confrontation. What could have and should student leadership development program at Cabrini. I fohave been a night of harmless fun, almost crossed that cused on the delicate balance of challenge and support that fine line. Instead of toilet papering each other's is criticals to the development of leadership skills, and the campuses, we were defacing our institutions' buildinappropriate use of the concept of professionalism as it robert ings. Instead of shave-creaming our college friends, we relates to student leaders. This week, I would like to focus were initiating potential riotous behavior. on a particular component of that program, the resident bonfiglio What could have been a night of fun, resulted in assistant program. thousands of dollars worth of damage to both campuses. Neither of our student populations should have did not see them as capable of being role models, confronting to be subjected to this type of inhumane and unChrisIs it realistic to expect that students violators of college policy and reporting these violations to tian-like behavior. the professional administration. This is not to gainsay can be role models for other -The Student Government Association of Cabrini these responsibilities as minor ones. Rather, it is to say that College codemns acts of immaturity and irresponsibilthis is a significant challenge, a challenge that the professtudents? ity. Vandalism and disrespect of property and indisional administration of the institution must support through viduals' rights will not be tolerated by the student on-going training and evaluation. body. Those students responsible for the malicious This is a brief description of our expectations for the An article in the weekly Chronicle of Higher Education actions against Eastern College and Cabrini College resident assistant position. In any given week, the position of last spring resonated on campuses throughout the country. should be held accountable for their actions by their R.A. may involve aiding students in a roommate dispute, The gist of the article was to question whether the peers. attempting to refer a student suspected of having an eating challenges of the resident assistant postition had become The students who participated in such actions should disorder to the counseling center, and breaking up an too great for undergraduate students. On the Cabrini come forward and take responsibility for their actions. "illegal'' party. These responsibilities could be compounded campus, in an enrollment management committee meeting It is the weak person who cannot stand behind his or her by the nearing deadline for a term paper, an upcoming midand in the pages of the Loquitur, this question was posed. actions. It occurred to me that a preliminary question needed to be Both of our institutions were founded with a mission raised before answering the question of whether the job of based in Christian values. We should be working and We do not expect R.A.'s to be resident assistant had grown too big for undergraduate interacting with each other in a peaceful nature in accorstudents. That preliminary question is: What do we expect problem solvers, just problem dance with our colleges' missions. The Student Govof resident assistants? spotters. ernments of Eastern and Cabrini College will not tolerAt Cabrini, we expect our resident assistants to provide a ate those -actions which violate the rights of other trained presence in the residence halls, available to spot people. potential student problems of a personal and interpersonal term exam or numerous other challenges. When faced with On behalf of the student body at Cabrini College, I nature, and to refer those problems to the appropriate these challenges, it is as important to note that R.A's are would like to apologize for our behavior during the past professional administrative staff member. We do not expect not asked to do the work of administrators, but to enter into week. I hope that this incident does not reoccur and that R.A.'s to be problem solvers, just problem spotters. a partnership designed to further their own personal the two institutions can coordinate activites and events At Cabrini, we expect a resident assistant to utilize cam- development. and work together to better the missions of our individpus resources to coordinate social, educational, and Having answered the question, ''What are our expectaual colleges. cultural programming for the benefit of their students. We do tions for the position of resident assistant?'' I think it would by Bob HeaJey


SGA responding to rivalry with Eastern

R.A.'s:Toomuch power and pressure?

SincereJy, Frank Emmerich President Student Government Association Cabrini CoJlege Loquitur welcomes letters to 1he editor. Letters should be signed and 1he au1horship known to the editors. However, tt the writer wishes, and the editor agrees,the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of 1he writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. H a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Leners to !he ? C, editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. LJ

not expect R.A.'s to be knowledgeable enough to facilitate these programs themselves, but to make arrangements for them to take place. At Cabrini, we also expect our resident assistants to support the values of the college in the residence halls through abiding by, and enforcing college policy. Of all our expectations, this one is probably the most problematical. Is it realistic to expect that students can police the activity of their peers to ensure that an environment that supports the goals of the institution exists in the residence halls? Is it realistic to expect that students can be role models for other students? In my view, we would be selling our students short if we

now be appropriate to evaluate whether the job of resident assistant has grown too big for undergraduate students. Knowing our students and the qualities they possess, my answer would be a resounding ''no.'' Nonetheless, I would reiterate that the key to success of the resident assistant program is direct! y related to the kind of support we can offer our R.A. 's. I would like to encourage you to do what you can to show your support to this hardworking group.

Robert Bonfiglio, dean of .students, received a doctorate in education from Columbia University.











Campus Congratulations to the newly elected freshmen officers.The officers~: President--Dan Monaco; Vice President--Katie Clark; Secretary--Kayce Pottichen; Treasurer--John Cardwell; Social Activities Representatives--Amy Wecsler, Lynn Bechtel, and Anne Marie Mauro; Commuter Representative-Maryanne Walker; and Parliamentarian--Beth Mulvihill. Interested in being a Resident Assistant? The resident life office is looking for students who are interested in an RA position. Applications are being accepted from sophomores, juniors and seniors. For more information, stop by the resident life office.

Third World Craft Fair will be held on Fri., Nov. 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. outside the bookstore. This event is sponsored by the Central Baptist Church in Wayne and a variety of craft items from the "Crafts of Freedom" will be on display and available for purchase ranging in price from $1 to $50. All proceeds go directly to the Third World Countries where products are made. Fine Arts department will hold a Benefit Art Auction presented by Burlington Fine Arts Gallery on Saturday, Nov. 17 in the Widener Center Gathering Area. The preview is from 7-8 p.m. and the auction begins at 8 p.m. Proceeds will be donated to the "Student Chorus Travel Fund" for their 1991 concert tour of England, Scotland and Wales. Open to the public. Admission for Cabrini students is free and for the general public is $3.

Twelve Days of Christmas will be held on campus from Nov. 26 to Dec. 7. The events are as follows: Nov. 28--Lighting of Residential Boulevard from Houses l through 7; Nov. 29--Movie night showing Christmas specials at 9 p.m.; Dec. 2-Meal on Residential Boulevard, Progressive Dinner from 4:30 to 6 p.m.; Dec. 3 -Judging of Christmas Decorations in Residential Halls and offices; Dec. 4 -Christmas specials in the Cafeteria at dinner; Dec. 5--Yule Log Mass at 6:30 p.m. Announcement of the winners of the Christmas Centers; Dec. 6--Movie Night at 9 p.m. showing Christmas specials; and Dec. 7--Christmas Concert. Attention Seniors! The Senior Dinner will be held on Nov. 16 at 6:30 p.m. in the Mansion Dining Room. Thanks 4 Giving is a program designed to give the families of Holy Child Parish in Philadelphia a Thanksgiving Dinner. There are boxes in the library, faculty secretaries office, campus ministry, admissions office, student services, and the Gathering Area in which to put non-perishable goods. All contributions are greatly appreciated. For more information, contact campus ministry. There will be a 6 p.m. mass on Sun., Nov. 25. There will be no 10:30 a.m. mass on thllt day.

"All Aboard the Polar Express" is a Christmas program for children from four to seven years of age on Nov. 30 and Dec. l. Volunteers are needed to spend time with the children throughout the days' activities. If you are interested, please stop by~Campus Ministry and let Sr. Bernadette and Francesca know. The Power Nap series continues with a Progressive Relaxation power nap held on Tuesday, Nov. 20 from 12:30 p.m. to I :30 p.m. in room 2 of the Rooyman Center, Dr. Lili Goodman-Waechtler's office. All are invited. For more information, call 971-8566.

more RESTRICTIONS from 1 we are prepared to do everything we have to do to make sure (Currie's) words are carried out." Currie said that it would be assumed that anyone caught violating the new rules no longer desired to be a part of the Cabrini residential community. "To those who do not want to continue to live at Cabrini in an ethical way, accepting the rules of this institution fully, I expect that when you leave your room on Tuesday night for the Thanksgiving holiday, you will have removed all of your belongings, with no intention of returning,'' Currie said. Many residents expressed shock at Currie's restrictions. "My mind is blown," Lea Brundin, a resident assistant, said. "We (female Xavier residents) are being punished for something we didn't do," sophomore Celeste Eschbach said. "It's crazy that they actually take our freedom away." "Something needed to be done, but not to this severity," Glen Jaskelewicz, sophomore, said. Kevin Koknar, another resident assistant, said, "This is martial law." Bonfiglio concurred. "This is martial

law," Bonfiglio said. "But before it was civil war.'' Anthony Brocchi, vice president of institutional advancement said, "I hope thatthis is taken in the spirit it is given.'' Brocchi said the "spirit" of the speech was, "that there is a problem and changes need to take place.'' Frank Emmerich, Student Government Association president, met with Xavier residents at one a.m. Thursday morning, and received a petition signed by most of the female residents of Xavier Hall. The petition requests that Currie meet with the female Xavier residents to discuss the possibility of lifting sanctions against them. . According to Emmerich, he assured the students that he would communicate their message to Currie. ''I will bring any organized student interests to Sr. Eileen's office,'' Emmerich said. In the hour following the meeting, two signs were posted on the front door of Xavier. One read, ''Welcome to Alcatraz. You must leave by seven p.m. Enjoy your stay." Another mandatory meeting has been scheduled for all male Xavier residents on Monday at 9:15 p.m. in the great room.

f riday, nov. 1611990


Damage tops $5500 since Oct .. Date Location Damage Sep. 19 Counsel Shade missing room 211 Sep.27 Xav Light diffuser broken room 150 Sep.27 XavUS Broken light diffuser Sep.27 Xav Room 151 - stolen sign from Grace Hall Sep. 27 Xav Panic hardware broken ramp lower level Sep. 27 Xav Return air grill broken 160 Oct. 1 WC Screens missing from 2nd fl lounge Oct. 3 CTrounds Street light smashed Oct. 3 Grounds Light smashed at main sign Oct. 3 Xav Two fire extinguisher cases broken Oct. 4 XavUS Two stairwell light covers broken Oct. 5 Grounds Light vandalized at main sign again Oct. 6 Grounds Five stolen traffic signs Oct. 6 wee Light bulbs missing near LLCR Oct. 6 wee Broken ceiling tiles near DSCR Oct. 8 XavLS Fire extinquisher discharged Oct. 9 Xav Holes in walls of both ramps Oct. 9 Xav 160 Knob missing Oct. 9 SAC H Three clocks stolen Oct. 10 Xav Screens damaged from 133, 143, 114 Oct. 11 Xav 170 Two t.p. holders removed Oct.12 RRCC Fire extinquisher discharged Oct. 14 WC Room 216 window broken Oct. 15 House 7 Door frame kicked open , Oct. 15 Xav Lobby Two soap dispenser missing from men's room Oct. 16 RRCC Back door broken in Oct. 18 House 3 Hole in wall between rooms l and 3 .....--Oct. 22 Xav 150 Light diffuser Oct. 22 Grounds Street light head smashed Oct. 22 SACH Toilet bowls smashed Oct. 22 SAC H Three windows broken Oct. 22 Grounds Street light pushed over Oct. 22 Xav 140 Fire bell missing Oct. 22 Xav LN Broken glass in hallway Oct. 22 Cafeteria Door stop broken Oct. 22 Xav Exit sign missing Oct. 22 Xav 162&I 63 Screens replaced Oct. 24 Library Three clocks stolen Oct. 24 House 7 Hallway screen replaced Oct. 24 Mansion Basement exit sign broken Oct. 25 Xav Outside litter picked up Oct. 26 Xav Great Rm. Three window cranks missing Oct. 29 Xav LS Room 171 lock plate replaced Oct. 29 Xav LS Fire exit sign broken Oct. 31 WC Vacuum cleaner stolen Nov. I Xav Bulletin board damaged Nov. I Xav 251 Screen replaced Nov. I Xav Quad 250 oak table broken Nov. I Xav Fire extinguisher discharged Nov. I WC First floor hallway eggs smashed Nov.2 House 3 Two fire extinguishers missing Nov. 2 WC Room 312 window broken Nov.2 WC Room I02 screen fixed Nov. 5 WCC Gameroom thermostat cover broken Nov. 5 Xav Lower level center window broken Nov. 5 wee Gameroom window broken Nov.6 XavLN Fire extinquish~r cover broken Nov.6 House 6 Hallway screen missing Nov.6 House 6 Hallway enclosure handle broken Nov.6 Xav. LN Exit sign broken Nov.6 House6 Front door fixed Nov.6 Xav 260 Fire bell taken down Nov.6 Xav 180 Fire bell destroyed Nov.6 House 6 Broken chair Nov.6 Xav Quad 250 desk broken Nov.6 Xav Quad 250 screen replaced Nov.8 Xav Room 162 lock broken Nov. 8 Xav Room 174 lock broken Nov. 10 Chapel Street light pole pushed over Nov. 12 House 3 Foyer chandelier broken Nov. 12 House 6 Front door kicked out (to be replaced by contractor) Nov. 12 Xav 250 Broken glass Nov. 12 Xav 270 Broken glass Nov. 12 Xav US Holes in ramp Nov. 12 Xav Two fire extinguishers covers Nov. 12 Xav US Two ramp heating covers broken Nov. 12 Xav 250 Plastic chair broken Nov. 12 Xav 170 Broken quad table Nov. 12 Xav 260 Plastic chair broken Nov. 12 Xav Bulletin board broken Nov. 12 Xav Great Room TV set knobs missing

Cost $42 15 15 0

300 25 45 600

60 126 24 24 225 4

18 16 60 85 60 45 16 8 30

55 15 28 40 12

500 160 75 70 50 190 25 65 30 60 45 65 15 30

35 50 90 15 45 188 21 15 66 30 15 120

? 85 42 45 8

65 15 15 50 ?

248 45 110 110 145

100 est.I 000 110 190 60 84 20 74 188 74

15 ?

Total cost: $5586



friday, nov. 16, 1990


Grab the cold medicine and the tissues: Achoooo by Kimberly Leblang Achoo! Once again you and your roommate race for the tissue box, knowing that the winner will engage in the tenderness of that last Puff tissue. Thirty million Americans are racing to their tissue boxes, sneezing, coughing and achy. They are suffering from an ailment, the common cold. Chances are you will be the colds next victim. ''If you don't have a cold right now, the odds are three out of fourthat you will get one during the coming year." Dr. Don Powell, author of "A Year Of Health Hints, "writes. The common cold has swept through Cabrini College campus, and it is affecting not only the student body, but the student's bodies. Look around your classroom and you will notice many empty seats, or seats filled with students who are constantly sneezing or coughing. The campus health facility has been open for only a mere fourteen days, within that time frame 30 students have come in with colds. Senior Carol Ann Gross is a diabetic and therefore has a very low immune tolerance. '' I catch a cold every season throughout the year. I become really stressed, trying to get up, go to classes and get all my work done. It is hard enough when you DO feel good, let alone when you don't feel well at all," Gross said. Another virus victim has been Debbie Maryott. · 'Ever since I was a little girl I've gotten a cold every fall," Maryott recalls. Freshman year Maryott was struck with a severe cold, her sophomore year she suffered from Mononucleosis and this year she had a bronchial infection which her doctor informed her could tum into Phemonia if she wasn't cautious. "Sophomore year I was totally immobile. I slept through classes. No one could wake me up. Normally all someone has to do is tap me and I awake,'' Maryott said. Maryott believes she receives colds during transitions. For instance, coming

back to school after a break, or after exams. Maryott believes students study habits may have an influence on the chances ofreceiving a cold. ''l feel that a college student's lifestyle of late nights and early classes may make us more prone to illnesses,'' Maryott said. Director of the Health Service at Cabrini, Susan Fitzgerald believes that the season has an impact on the cold virus. '' During Fall. most people go inside and shut their windows. This enables us to have closer contact with people. Someone might sneeze or cough and then touch something you will latertouch and therefore you will receive the virus germ and catch a cold,'' Fitzgerald said. Powell backs up Fitzgerald's statement: ''Colds travel from one person to another via coughs and sneezes, but studies show colds are transmitted by the spread of mucus on the hands of someone who has a cold. You could touch towels or money, someone else picks them up and thus catches your germs,'' Powell writes. Since there is no pill or vaccination exsisting to fight the common cold, people need to take precautions. First of all, wash your hands. "People need to wash their hands more! They don't realize just how important it actually is,'' Fitzgerald urged. Also, use disposable tissues when you sneeze. As well, avoid touching other people and their belongings while sick. The symptoms of the cold consist of sneezing, running nose, slight fever, sore throat and a dry cough. A cold normally lasts for three to seven days. So, if you are a victim of the common cold be sure to rest in bed, drink lots of hot or cold liquids, take asprin and breath air through a vaporizer. As well, another myth has proven effective, CHICKEN SOUP! Yes, it' chicken soup clears mucus from nasal passages and the broth contains a substance that inhibits the cold virus. See, having a cold isn't all that bad. Look at it as an excuse for mom to make her homemade chicken soup.

Fighting the common cold Director of Health Services, Susan Fitzgerald gave the following suggestions to combat the common cold and to keep yourself healthy during the cold season. The common cold presents iteself in a variety of symptoms which are all signals for you to get out the cough syrup and the puffs tissues. *sneezing ~ynose *stuffy head

*headache •sore throat

Nasal Congestion Try steam or hot drinks to help drain your sinuses. Don't use decongestants for more than three days without a physician's approval. Blowing hard through one nostril , or squeezing both nearly closed may causemucus to infect ears and sinuses. Seek help if there's pain in the ears, neck or sinuses; or if symptoms persist more than JOdays.

Fevers and Chills

*cough *hoarseness *fever below 100.5 F. Generally colds last about seven to ten days, but if you catch the symptoms early and treat them you will spend less time with a red nose and smelling like Vick's

Drink lots of water and juices to combat dehydration. Aspirin or substitutes may relieve pain ancireduce fever. (Avoid aspirin in flu- like illness.) Seek help if any fever lasts more than seven days, is over 1OOF. for three days or goes above 103F.


Sore Throa1 Soothe by usinga hwnidifier, steam or warm salt water gargles. by suckingon throatlo7.enges. Seek help if 19P!OC8Slasts morethan

Influenzastarts abruptly with generalized symptoms that usually include some of the following:

*feverover 100.5 F. *weakness *aches and pains *dry cough


•sore eyes •runny nose *sore throat *sneezing Influenza usually lasts about one to two days , but you might still feel tiredand nm dowlrupto. aftawn. What todo?


A Dry Cough Suck on hard candies to keep the throat moist. Use a cough suppressent if your cough keeps you up at night. If the cough persists for more than ten days or if a fever of more than 1OOF. appearsseek professional help .

seven days or is accompanied by an earache, fevecover IOOF.for48 hours or over lOlF. for 24 hours.

Strep Throa1 Symptoms of this bacterial infection include swollco sJanda, white or yellow • spots OD die met of 8 V«y sore..... painful swallowing, fever, chills, and headache. . Seek he!J'. SlmJ,tliniil!llUStbe naledwidt .. biotics,or seriouscomplications may re-

sult. Rememberthatthebestway to prevent catchinga cold is to takecareof youne)f. That means getting plenty of sleep, eatingtherightfoods andwearingwarm clothesnow lhatthe weaatheris acttinl colder.

Gene's. Bookstore voted 'Philly's Best' by magazine by Elizabeth MacGuire Gene's bookstore in King of Prussia has been named best in the Philadelphia area by' 'Philadelphia Magazine." Gene's has won this honor twice before, once for its magazine selection and the second time for its large supply of travel books. This time, though, Gene's was voted to be the best general bookstore. Customer service and the size of its inventory are the key ingredients to the success of Gene's bookstore. Gene Massey, the owner, was honored that "PhiladelphiaMagazine" said that his bookstore was the best in the area. He showed that he earned that mention by being involved with every aspect of the business. As in all businesses, "the customer comes· first.'' At Gene's they make sure that this saying is true by ''trying our hardest to get books for customers by whatever means possible.'' "We try to leave customer with something positive," Fred Monsimer, a Gene's employee, said. "Close teamwork and organization can also be attributed to Gene's

success. We try our best to you could ever need.'' Its large straighten out problems as quickly selection also attracts a lot of as possible.'' Cabrini students. Mary Jane The bookstore's motto is to be Inman, first-year student, liked the the bookstore for the '90s and be- large quantity of books and the big yond, according to Monsimer. selection at Gene's. Andrea Scareto, sophomore, was Gene's also carries over 4,000 impressed by the good service and magazines which makes it the largorganization she saw at Gene's. est distributor of magazines on the Helpful employees made the big- East Coast. Tomchick liked the gest impression on Sandy Johnson, large selection of magazines. a commuting student. What makes Gene's books Most people go to Gene's, unique to the way magazines are however, because of the number of usually arranged is that Gene's books and magazines it has. magazines are cross-merchanDerek King, a customer, was dised. This means that all the heard to say that Gene's has a materials on one subject are bigger, more in depth selection of grouped together including the books than anywhere in the area. magazines. This selection defiGene'shasmore than 50,000 book nitely makes it easier for the titles in stock, according to Ca- customer which, according to dence Smith, the marketing Monsimer, Gene's is always strivmanager at Gene's. _ing to do. Customer Ken Tomchick agreed Smith said, ' "Gene's books is and added that Gene's was a lot the largest independent bookseller larger than other bookstores. in the Delaware Valley. Our goal is Shopper George Burger said, "It to be one of the largest bookstores was great that Gene's had a lot of in the country." hardbacks on sale and a lot of older The customers seem to agree as books that had their stories com- Jim Siever was quoted as saying bined." that "Gene's had a bigger selection Margery Hall said that "the than any bookstore he had been bookstore carried most everything in." "They have mostly every-

thing,'' Tomchick said. Gene's has grown a lot in the past 10 years. When Gene's first opened in the Lawrence Park Shopping Center in 1980, it was like any other small independent bookstore. Two years later they moved to King of Prussia Plaza and changed the way they did things. They did such good business that they decided to expand the store. The expansion which happened last year was a real change for Gene's, according to employees. ''They had to change the way they do things,'' Smith said. To celebrate their 10th anniversary in September, Gene's had a sale in which three categories of books were discounted every week. Then they had a deal in which if you brought in an old sales receipt you would get a gift certificate. "One of the sales receipts was from 1984," Monsimer said. Steve Mandell, the store's customer service manager, disagreed. He thought the oldest one was from 1986. This does show, though, that Gene's has a lot of repeat customers. In the near future, Gene's is planning to open a second store in

the area. This will be good news to those who travel 50 miles to go to Gene's. "Hopefully, this store will be the very complete bookstore that I saw in the King of Prussia plaza," said Inman. Maybe then, too, Sandy Johnson will have more access to the wide selection at Gene's. These reasons and many others are why Gene's was mentioned by Philadelphia magazine as the best in Philly. There was one discrepancy in the article, though, as Philadelphia magazine placed Gene's books in Wayne instead of King of Prussia. Mandell thought· "the article stunk. The reporter didn't take enough time to get to know us. I am pleased with the award though and I think the article won't hurt us." The staff at Gene's also felt that the article could have put Gene• s in a better light. However, they still feltthat the review was very good. One of the most popular events in Gene's bookstore is the book signings. Author Robert Groden is scheduled to make a appearance touting his new book, "High Treason," on Nov. 23.



friday, nov. 16, 1990


Students shake it up at the Sheraton

photos by Lisa Lindley printed by Frank Emmerich

(Left) Junior Kathryn McLane shares a dance with Tony Brocchi, Vice Presidet of institutional advancement, as junior Jen McKee looks on. _ (Above) Over 400 ticket holders danced the night away at the Sheraton Valley Forge on Friday night. (Below) Freshman Sarah Dougherty and sophomore Tom Anderson enjoy a dance at the formal.

by Lisa Lindley Sounds of music filled the air Friday night while young women, dressed in silk to sequins, danced with dappergentlemen. Cabrini's annual Fall Fonnal at the Sheraton Valley Forge, which was sponsored by the junior class, was a night of friends and fun for the 440 ticket holders. Black appeared to be ~e most popular color choice among Cabrini ladies this year. One of Cabrini's resident assistants was overheard saying, ''It is amazing how grown up and sophisticated the girls look tonight. What a metamorphosis!" The Cabrini men's styles seemed to only vary slightly. Most of the young men wore suits but displayed their individuality when choosing a tie and shoes. With songs being played by QBM Productions and Security being provided by both the junior class and the Sheraton, the evening went off .without a hitch. Junior class president Matt Hodlofski also credits

Bud Mellon, Jennifer Marks-Gold, and the entire junior class board for the evening's success. The theme of this year's Fall Formal was "In Your Eyes." This selection seemed to be the prevailing preference among Cabrini students. Senior Jeff Hines felt the music selections this year were much better than those of years past. The Sheraton provided a beautiful array of hors' d'oeuvres and two bars. The drinks were slightly over priced according to some, but nothing more than what was expected. Some of the students were a bit disgruntled when the bars closed at midnight. Meeting and greeting people at the door were two members of the Liquor Control Board. They had been contacted by the Sheraton to ensure no under-age drinking occurred. For the most part their evening went smoothly. Numerous students felt that the presence of the LCB helped to avoid many of the problems that typically occur at functions such as the Fall Formal.

WalnutStreetTheaterenlightensfuturedirectors by Karen Dumomey For the second time this semester, the theater department will present a special perfonnance of the Walnut Street Theater's Master Class at Cabrini on Nov 19. The perfonnance will run from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in the theater. Scenes presented might include Shaw's "Man" and "Superman," Sheridan's "The Rivals," "The Beggar's Opera," Shakespeare's '· Much Ado About Nothing,'' Moliere' s ''The Misenthrope,'' and Chekov' s "The Seagull." According to Neal Newman, theater director, the scenes that they have chosen were

picked because they are very good actors and by doing difficult scenes they will have met their challenge. ''You won't find a more

involved in the Wal nut Street Theater, he just asked the performers to be our guest and perform here at Cabrini's theater.

"Youwon'tfindmoretalentedor experienced performersanywherein thisarea," -Neal Newman, theater-director talented or experienced performers anywhere in this area,'' Newman said. Newman said that since he was already

"It's an advantage to us that most of the scenes that they are doing are comedy. They've been working very hard and by

doing comedy, they are rewarded by the audiences' reaction," Newman said. The workshop will consist of the performances and then working rehearsals to discuss the SCl!nesand improve them. All those present will be invited to participate. The special event series is designed to bring a high level of theatrical performance to the Cabrini Community. According to Newman, he is hoping to continue using Cabrini as a place for professional performances so that Cabrini students can come out and watch.



friday, nov. 16, 1990


Mother Ursulaunitescampusin celebratingCabrini ' ter." Cabrini did. not know the meaning of the word difficulty, A small woman with endless energy, Frances Xavier according to Infante. Cabrini wrote, "Difficulties? They are Cabrini, came to the United States in 1889 to begin her the mere playthings of children enlargened by our imaginamission helping Italian immigrants adjust to their new en- tions.'' Infante spoke of the Cabrini tradition of the missionary who was consumed with the "love of God--The love of vironments. On Tues .• Nov. 13, the campus community came to- God will surmount every difficulty." gether on Cabrini Feast Day/Cabrini Spirit Day to celebrate Infante left the audience with words of encouragement the legend of the woman who began 67 missionary institu- telling them to live in "the tradition that is left to us" by tions in countries in Europe, Central and South America, and Cabrini. After Infante finished speaking, athletic director John the United States. The highlight of the day was the speech by Mother Dzik presented her with tlowers and, amidst a standing Ursula Infante, founding president of the college. Infante, ovation, referred to her as "a Cabrini College treasure." who knew Cabrini personally, spoke about the life and the Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president of the college, was "gigantic faith which was strong and unwavering" of the the homilist at the mass held that afternoon in celebration saint for whom the college was named. A large group as- of Cabrini Feast Day. The mass was followed by a Thankssembled as Infante read a letter Cabrini wrote to Infante. giving feast in the cafeteria. ''I would like to have seen more people come to the Infante, who was vested in the religious habit by Cabrini herself, described the mission of Cabrini as "wherever a mass.'' Sister Bernadetter Anello, director of campus minissoul stood in need. nationality, color or belief did not mat- try, said. "I want to make Cabrini Spirit Day something annual that is going to be the ~-----------------------------.... ..._ blockbuster for the school year," Anello said. The standing committee that was formed one month ago is already taking steps to ensure that Cabrini Spirit Day will continue in upcoming years and gain the importance that is deserved of such an importantday,acphoto by Chns Pesotskl cording to Anello. Pantalone, another character, is a by Rita S. Cellucci The committee planned Mother Ursula Infante, MSC, the college's founder, mean old miser played with conviction the day's events within the was honored with a bouquet of red roses during the Cabrini's first fall theater production is by Tom Berretone. Berretone said he past month. Mother Cabrini Feast Day festivities for her many enjoys working on this play and that it is a smash hit! The members of the comcontributions to the college. Mother Ursula discussed fun because the actors improvise as they "Androcles and the Lion." under the mittee did not have the time her relationship with and memories of Saint Frances direction of theater director Neal Newgo along. ''The director that directs the to do everything they wanted Xavier Cabrini at the event, which was attended by man, is a musical must-see attraction. The best directs the least,'' Berretone said of to do, but next year will be over 300 students, faculty and staff. Newman. cast of eight students created the script, bigger and better, according which has no set guidelines and the result J.P. Raynock, as Capitano, plays the to Anello. part of an egotistical soldier. Raynock is pure insanity. '' Androcles and the Lion'' is based on said he had to "search within himself' to create the part. When you see the show the art form, commedia del l'arte, which be sure to pay attention when Capitano is a form of improvisational theater popular in Italy during the I 6th and 17th centuJ sings his version of a rap song and an oldies song. Wonderful vocal capabiliries. It is slapstick humor at its best. In ties. fact a slapstick is used. I know what you are thinking and it is not proper. The Stephanie Ranieri plays Arlichino, a slave who longs for freedom. Arlichactors have truly captyred the essence of ino's master is none other than that evil this Renaissance art form. miser Pantalone. The antagonism beNewman, in his first year here at Cabrini, wants to make Cabrini's theater tween these two characters is enjoyable to watch. attractive for students to come and see the Courtney A. O'Connor and Matt Cahill show. That is whyhechose Commedia, play the parts of the star-crossed lovers, the first improvised musical ever done Lavania and Flavio. These two "sane" here at Cabrini. "I wanted to do something fun and actor-oriented," Newman characters keep the play on its plot and not go too far off-track. said. Missy von Siegel and Brian Marczyk He credits the actors for creating the script and he said "the show that has been are comical passerbys who pop in and out. However, they are not easily forgotten. made is because of the actors." The play is performed in the Widener The cast includes Tara Monte. Thomas Berretone. J.P. Raynock, Stepha- Lecture Hall because it provides ample space for the actors to run around. There nie Ranieri, Courtney A. O'Connor, Mau Cahill, Missy von Siegel and Brian is noneed toworrythatyouwillbebored. The audience is asked to participate in Marczyk. There is also a surprise passercertain activities. That is another thing I by that wanders into the theater halfway can't tell you although it is killing me through the show. I was sworn not to inside. reveal that name. You have to go see the I was very impressed with this play and show to find out. Although this is a children's play, the the actors who lived through it. The play, WITH which uses minimal props, focuses on underlying jokes and meanings are meant for an older crowd. You remember watch- their comedic abilities. The costumes ing Bugs Bunny cartoons when you were were superb, as was the fine piano playing of Newman. I highly recommend little. Kids do not understand what they this play in order to increase one's aesmean. But when you watch them now you die of laughter (figuratively speaking of thetic appreciation of the arts. You get a good laugh out of it too. course). Newman wants to attract this I know you missed the first weekend older crowd, mainly college students and the surrounding community. but do not worry I will forgive you. You WCAB 650 AM can catch the next shows on Friday, Tara Monte is the Troupe Leader, an ALL REQUEST LINE: 971-8453 Nov.16, Saturday. Nov.17, and Sunday important and prestigious part. HowNov.18. The Friday night show is at 7 ever, her true acting ability shines as she p.m .. The Saturday and Sunday shows are portrays the Lion. The scene when the at 2 p.m. There is no need for reservathorn is removed from her paw is adortions . able. But beware: she eats people.

by Melissa Landsmann

'Commedia'captures openingnight"crowd







friday, nov. 16, 1990


more HARASSMENT from 1 tor of Woodcrest resident hall, had a derogatory remark left on her message board Friday night, Nov. 9. Tammy Causley, assistant director of resident life, has had a list of assaults since the beginning of October. In October she was blamed for putting up signs which expressed concern for for the condition of Xavier resident hall. A derogatory note was left for Causley discussing their feelings about the signs. On Nov. I, Causley's resident director sign was scratched out and derogatory remarks and pictures were drawn on it with "We don't like you," and several sexually oriented insults scribbled on the bottom of the sign.

person or an isolated group. "Resident life has the right idea," McNamee said. ''The problem is that the administrators have changed several times reaching drastic change-overs. I think they're dealing with the campus problems correctly." Some students feel that resident life is dealing with a lot

"The resident life staff doesn't know how to relate to the students." - Eric Burke, sophomore At 3:30 a.m., Tuesday, Nov. 12, Edd McNamee, senior resident assistant, received a phone call. The caller said rude remarks and McNamee hung up on them. In the beginning of the fall semester, McNamee had his 1972 Volkswagon Karman Ghia car spit and vomited on. His scooter was also knocked over and kicked. ''This is definitely not my sense of fun,'' Causley said. According to the staff none of them has ever seen this type of destruction in any of the other college experiences they have encountered. "We're very different from the staff before," Caulfield said. ''When I first came here I was told that there was a concern with consistency. We're more consistent and strict. Students don't like it and are scared." ''This job has made me harder and has taught me to do what I have to do,'' Causley said. "Where are their morals?" Hazelrigg said. "I feel that 90 percent of the students here are terrific, but in Xavier, the men and women have to learn how to control their alcohol and the men have to learn respect.'' Mcllroy appreciates the support he has received from the college community, yet he sees that this is the work of one

photo by Chris Pesotsk1

Shattered glass and leaves filled the interior of Andrew Mc/fray's car after vandals shattered the windows and dented the hood. and that they're handling it well. "I give them a lot of credit," Brian Wolk, first-year student, said. "Tammy relates the most to us. We can go to her any time,'' Shane Ferguson, sophomore, said. Other students feel differently. First-year student Eric Hope said that the resident life staff is very lax in enforcement, which is a major cause for the problems on

campus. ''The resident life staff doesn't know how to relate to the students," Eric Burke, sophomore, said. "They only deal with people by the book and not by the person," Kevin Gaherty, sophomore, said. Sheri Bangle, sophomore, feels that some R.A. 's take problems too personally and that a friendship should be established between a resident and an R:A. Students see different problems as the cause to all of the negative attitude on campus. "There is a certain group of students and administrators," McNamee said. "who are negative role models leading a very impressionable group of others.'' "Students are bored,'' John Quirus. first-year student, said. "Wayne's not exciting and Cabrini doesn't have something to do every night." Nick Ostrowski, senior, said,' 'The school has to shed its grand facade and come into contact with reality. Until that happens Cabrini will live in the dark ages." Students had a variety of solutions to the problems, the most apparent would be to have a 24-hour-security guard present in all of the residence halls. "I think we need a security guard in each hall to collect identification," Joe Cavaliere, junior, said. "Students do that now but they're not reliable enough." Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, is appalled that some students would vent their hostilities in such a manner toward Mcilroy. ''I am disappointed because we made progress in resident life since the start of the semester. Now we have experienced a set-back due to the recent occurrences of vandalism in Xavier," Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio said that the 24-hour-security idea is worthy of consideration. But the security and quality of living conditions are a function or consequence of the people in the building. He said at this time the students will either take a positive or negative role in bettering the situation of their living conditions. "Resident life is working their tails off to provide a quality resident hall environment," Bonfiglio said.




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"Xavier has always been a problem. It's not a · pleasant place to come to work to on Mondays. Not when there is defecation on the walls and broken glass all over the place, as was the case th is past Monday." - Michael Caranfa, chief physical plant officer fine does not mean that they will retain their residency privleges," Caulfield said. "Students must realize that they are responsible for the actions of their guests, and that the resident life department will continue to enfor the code of conduct in regards to visitors," Caulfield said. The broken window was just a part of the extensive damage which occured in the residence hall during this past weekend. In a related incident, which also occurred early Saturday morning, security reported that during a routine patrol of campus, a Cabrini student approached a memberof campus security and reported that he witnessed two males kicking the front side fenderof a student's car, which was parked in front of Xavier Hall. According to the security report, the witness observed the suspects drive off campus. The owner of the damaged vehicle proceeded to file a report with the Radnor Township Police Department, which contained a full and detailed description of the suspect's vehicle. In response to the damage at Xavier, members of the senior staff and college president Sr. Eileen Currie, M.S.C., toured the residence hall on Monday.Nov.12th, in order to get a full assesement of the damages. The recent acts of vandalism were the latest and most widespread in a series of destuctive acts within the residence hall this semester. According to the resident life staff, in the past the acts of vandalism have been isolated to a particular area or quad of Xavier Hall. However, the damage this past weekend damage spread out to the breezeway area, where a hole was discovered in the wall in addition to damage to two heating covers within the breezeway ramp. In addition to the destroyed window in quad 250, another window was found to be damaged in the 270 quad of Xavier. Further damage to the residence hall included two broken fire extinguisher


more RECYCLINGfrom 1

more XAVIER from 1 Xavier, who then informed a resident assistant in the building. According to the report filed by the Resident Life office, the window was broken by an off-campus male who had apparently been visiting an Xavier resident. According to Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, residents have in the past and will in the future be held responsible for the conductoftheirguest in the residence halls, as is outlined in the student code of conduct. Caulfield said that she had been in communication with the Xavier resident who had been hosting the alleged vandal. "Just because someone is willing to pay a

f riday, nov. 16, 1990

covers, knobs removed from the television set in the Xavier great room, damage to the lower level bulletin board, as well as damage to a table and two chairs on the 1st and 2nd floors. Although the physical damage to the building presents a burden to the physical plant, a more growing concern by the college is the janitorial maintenance, which is continuously needed in Xavier Hall. ''Xavier has always been a problem,'' Caranfasaid. "It's not a pleasant place to come to work to on Mondays. Not when there is defecation on the walls and broken glass all over the place, as was the case this past monday." •'It was gross,'' Caulfield said of the condition of Xavier Hall after this past weekend. Caranfa also said a routine accumulation of trash and empty beer bottles in parts of the hallways, places an added burden on the housekeeping staff. Last year, Caranfa said that he had one member of his housekeeping staff quit because "they couldn't take working in Xavier anymore." Those who toured Xavier on Monday realized that the entire population of the residence hall is not at fault for the recent wave of behavior. However, members of the senior staff wanted to make clear that the actions of a few people will not only

"I really don't know why it was so bad last weekend. I mean, they are the ones who have to live down there. All we are trying to say is to start to have a little more pride in yourself and where you live." -Tammy Causley, assistant director of resident life reflect upon the residents of Xavier, but upon the entire college community as well. ••As an institution, we should be concerned with maintaining an environment that promotes a quality of life we want to have here at Cabrini,'' Vice President for Institutional Advancement Anthony Brocchi Jr. said. "That's what our college code of conduct is supposed to represent." In order to gain a betterunderstanding of the current situation a meeting was held on Wednesday, Nov.14th, in Xavier Hall between membersofthecollege administration, including Currie, and the residents of Xavier Hall. Tammy Causley, assistant director of resident life, expressed her hopes for a changeinrecentbehavior at Xavierwhen she said, "Ireallydon'tknowwhy·it was so bad last weekend," Causley said. "I mean, they are the ones who have to live down there. All we are trying to say is to start to have a little more pride in yourself and where you live." Editor•• note: Jennifer Morrison and Chris Pesotski also contirblJ1edto this article.

recycled" Malloy said. He also said that cling had been stopped in Xavier it is because of this Radnor Township will because people were abusing the bins by not accept newspapers from buisnesses, col- placing trash in them, so she could underleges, or it's public schools. stand why the college wasn't attempting to Michael Caranfa, chief physical plant officer, said there was one simple reason why Cabrini doesn't recycle low grade paper. "Our hauler won't recycle it." Caranfa said. Low grade recycling was Caranfa also said that low grade recycling never a consideration at was never a consideration at the college. He the college ... state law said that state law requires institutions such as Cabrini only to recycle high grade paper requires institutions such and aluminum, imd therefore that is all that as Cabrini only to recycle the college's hauler will accept. "Besides," Caranfa said, "most of the high grade paper and paper generated on campus comes from the aluminum, and therefore offices and is high grade paper. Seiler's also that is all that the college's is able to recycle most of their cardboard.'' With regards to the success of Cabrini's hauler will accept. recycling program, Caranfa said that "We haven't really evaluated how well it's -Michael Caranfa, chief working. We have to recycle 25% of our gross [trash output]. That would be our physical plant officer goal." Students at Cabrini seem to support the recycling, yet feel that the college isn't doing recycle low grade paper. enough to support it. Despite some shortcomings, Dr. Robert "I didn't even know they had it any- Bonfiglio, dean of students, said that he was more." Nick Ostrowski, senior said. "It's pleased with the efforts to recycle so far and defunct in Xavier.'' that he hope the college would become . Senior E.J. Hartman feels that the recy- even more environmeotal!y concious in the cling program at Cabrini is "a bit lackadai- future. sical," and said that he was still apalled at the cafeteria's use of styrofoam when the dishwasher broke. He also expressed dismay at the trash problem on campus despite the recycling program and the numerous trash recepticles. "People don't think twice about throwing something on the ground." .18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa. Hartman said. Mike Finn, sophomore, felt that newspaper recycling should be left to other people, since the campus is already doing it's fair share. ''Living at House Six, I myself have seen a major contribution to the recycling program in the way of aluminum cans." Finn said. For FAST Plck•up "We should recycle everything." said or HOTDelivery, Call Kevin Koknar, senior. However, he added -HOURSthat it was tough to get people at Cabrini to MONDAYTHAU THURSDAY 11AM TO t1 PM recycle anything, '' including their minds.'' FRIDAYANO SATURDAY "I work in admissions and they're very t1 AM TO 12AM SUNDAY strong about recycling." Krista Milito, 4 PMTO 10PM sophomore said. "In fact, over the sumI 687-2222 Ifierwe organized a recycling program in the 688-2222 office." 688-5588 HOME DE!JVERY APTER 4:00 PM However, Milito went on to say that recy-





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f ridaXznov. 16, 1990


Cheerleadersbuildbase for sesaon by Karen Kerchusky

photo by CarinPesotski

Basketball cheerleaders (Top to bottom) Jenny Williams, Tara Tarutis (obscured), Renee Corrado, Barb Mill/away, Christine Flavin, Alanna Pettit, Denise Edwards and Dawn Weston.

LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING- No experience necessary. Flexible, 2-4 hours a week, $8.00/hr. Call "688-0914. OPPORTUNITY- Staples Office Supply Store has an opportunity available. Hours depend on your schedule. Please see the Financial Aid Office for an application. HOUSECLEANING- One afternoon a week- anyday but Thursday. Time and salary negotiable, long term employment. Job available immediately. Call 687-6786.

EARN MONEY- You can earn according yo your needs and efforts. Let Marian show you how. Call 265-5684 for an interview. COMPUTER OPERATORPart-time, 5-9pm, Mon.-Thurs. Call Audrey Morrison -The Eagles Eye- 941-3700. OFFICE WORK- Word Processing and filing. Pay is negotiable, call Sandy Kane at 9754780 for interview(required). MAINTENANCE- of newly built con -.traction sight. Parttime, flexible around your sched-

SALES ASSOCIATES- Winsor Shirt Co. has openings. Excellent starting wages employee discounts, paid vacations, sales contests. If interested call 337-3474. 10/9. SCHOLARSHIPSConcerned Educators Against Forced Unionism is offering a $1,000. scholarship to honor Michigan teacher who were fired because they refused to pay union dues. The Applegate/I ackson/Parks Future Teacher Scholarship is awarded to a student in his or her junior year pursuing a degree in education. Applicants will be asked to submit an essay and a complete application by April 30, 1991.

The Pennslyvania Federation of Democratic Women,Inc. is offering 3 scholarships in the amount of $ I ,000 to any Pennsylvania woman student in her junior year who is interested in making a career in politics or government, economics, history or who is preparing to teach in these fields. Applicants must possess a Democratic family background or be an active participant in the activities of the Democratic Party. Deadline for Applications is April 15,1991.

Denise Edwards bent her leg back slightly, checking her footing. She stretched out her anns. Barb Millaway put her one foot on Edward's leg, just behind her knee. On the count of three, Millaway appeared standing on Edwards' shoulders. The motions were quick, effortless and barely noticeable. Physical strength, coordination and a positive attitude are the things cheerleaders are made of. "This is frustrating," Renee Corrado said while learnin~ the choreography to a song. "This is a dedicated squad," Millaway, co-captain of the squad, said. Tryouts were held the second week of Oct. For the past five weeks, the squad practices four days a week two hours at a time. The first 15 to 20 minutes is spent working out. "Not many people realize how much time and work we put into this,'' Tara Tarutis said. At practice, the squad has fun, but there is a time to be serious. Cheerleading can be a dangerous sport. Pyramids are deadly if not everyone is paying attention. The squad is aware of stories about women from other schools who have been hurt and someone who

was killed while performing. Everyone has to be in sync. Every member of this squad is very important to practice. Each practice the squad learns new maneuvers and routines. "You can't practice a mount when you don't have a base," Millaway said. "It's vital that everyone comes to practice,'' Ed~ards, co-captain of the squad, said. "Otherwise during a game when the buzzer sounds for a time-out your nervous to be out there performing." "We're not spirit-bunnies," Tarutissaid. "We'rethe only fans at the away games," especially to places like Virginia. The squad's motto is: we support the school. In places like Virginia, the cheerleaders represent the school and its fans. They all feel the basketball players appreciate their efforts. Athletic director John Dzik is also their moderator. "We're his girls,'' Edwards said. "What we need we have," Millaway said. "He takes care of us." Although Edwards and Millaway run practice, Dzik takes care of their budget. "Lots of friends," is how Flavin describes how she feels about being a cheerleader. Cheerleaders cheer for the Cavaliers in other ways. They put up posters and signs supporting

the players and try to promote the times when the team will be playing. Dawn Weston is the only firstyear student on the squad. '' I met a lot ofnew people, especially upperclassmen." The squad goes to basketball tournaments which sometimes last a weekend. The tournaments "bring us a lot closer," Millaway said. The squad members are all friends and often go places together. The cheerleaders may start practicing at the beginning of Oct, but they neverstop. The must keep learning new things to keep their routines fresh and different. This summer a camp was held for the cheerleaders. This helped bring new ideas. First-year student cheerleaders bring new ideas from their high schools for routines, dances and cheers. They also bring a different viewpoint on the performances the cheerleaders do. "We cheer for them, for the fans," Mill away said. "It is for this reason that the cheerleaders learn new routines. It's important to keep the fans excited, happy and interested. If the fans get bored, the attendance at the games could decrease.'' The cheerleaders perform to support the team, the school, to bring the fans to the games and to keep them coming.

The National Federation of the Blind is offering a broad array of scholarships to recognize achievement by blind scholars. All applicants for these scholarships must be legally blind and pursuing a full-time past secondary course of study. The amount of the scholarships range from $6,000-$2,000. Deadline for applications is March 31,1991. The Pennsylvania Associated Press managing Editors is seeking the most Promising Pennsylvania print journalist for 1990-1991. A $1,000 scholarship to be applied against the winner's tuition for the 199192 school year will be awarded. The Scholarship is awarded to a Pennsylvania resident in their junior year of study who is pursuing a career in print journalism and who has experience on his/her college newspaper. Applicants should send a cover letter and resume outlining his/her experience and interest in Newspapers, a transcript of college grades and examples ofhis/her published work. Deadline for applicants is Dec. 1,1990. For more information on scholarships and applications see the Financial Aid Office.

DATA ENTRY- operator needed to work in Marketing dept. Will train $5.75-$6.00/hour. Call Dave Coldwell at 527-6200. Mailroom Clerk also needed to work 8:30JOB OPPORTUNITY- Executive Assistant to Vice Pres., entry level position. Full time, Mon.-Fri., 9:005:30. Contact Bob DeBoyce at (609) 234-3757. 11/30. WAITER-WAITRESS- needed at Merion Cricket Club in Havertown. Part-time, flexible hours, must be 18 or older. Contact Ann Coughlan at 642-5800. 10/2. SNEAKER SALES- No experience necessary (will train). Parttime, flexible hours, pay is negotiable. Contact Robert at 642-4470.

If you did not find what you were looking for in the above ads please visit our Job Board located within the Financial Aid Office. The Job Board is full of part-time and seasonal jobs.

J 0


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f riday, nov. 16, 1990


more PRESEASON from 12 O'Hare said, "The team is going to look are five games that Dzik says will set the "I like the attitude of the team during the for ine to pick up the scoring slack. That tempo for the season: preseason," Dzik said. "And I'm pleased aspect is not burdensome because coach is "How well the seniors play will ultiwith the play of Massari, Sciolla and asking me to do something (scoring) that I mately reflect if we'll go to NCAA's," Owens. Owens has taken a position (point enjoy to do." Dzik said. "The offense is tailored for our guard) that we worried about and turned it The preseason has been as much a learn- bigger guys, who are young. The experiinto a solid position." ing experience for Dzik as well as the ence of our returning players will dictate New blood arrives in the form of firstplayers. The word out of camp is that the how well we do early on." year students Brad deLong, Keith Kelleher, learning experience has been approached "The first five games will be tough and Kevin Marrazzo, Gus Nazaridis, Jon Rydel, with vigor and confidence. we can easily go 5-0 or 0-5,' ' 0' Hare said. Jamie Shaak, and Eric Townes. ''The guys are close, and there is no weak Junior Mike Massari and sophomores O'Hare said, ''Once we get into the flow link," O'Hare said. "Coach knew that this David Kerchner and David Wissler round by winning games and adapting, then we'll was going to be a young team and not a one- out the returning bunch. The rest of the of be all right.'' or two-man team. We will live and die as a the 19-man squad is a hodgepodge of junior But all right around the halls of unit.'' varsity players stepping up, transfer reCabrini's winning basketball tradition will Senior Jeff Hines said, "We have a lot of cruits and first-year blood. be deemed as a disappointment to some. young people this year and that is different Junior Sean McDonough and sophoAfter perennial title-contending seasons in from what I'm used to. The leadership posi- mores Mike Finn and Paul Karsch take the the National Association of Intercollegiate tion will also take some getting used to." jump from junior varsity. McDonough Athletics during the '80s, the Cavaliers Returning seniors for the Cavaliers are O'Hare, Hines, Jason Yurchak and Jeff Barnes. O'Hare has a 16.9 point average and a "Everything before (offensively) was set patterns. This shot at 1,000 points at Cabrini (at present he has 422 points). year it is more of a motion offense that is tailored to our Hines and Barnes will anchor the back court. And Yurchak brings a 10.6 career_ own natural abilities. I felt that is was a time for change point average and is the Cavalier's main based on are personnel and it is what will let us win in threat in a dunkfest. the '90s." Missing from that bunch is Mike Caraffa who will sit out his senior year as a redshirt -John Dzik, head basketball coach due to academic reasons. These four will carry the bulk of the leadership and skill responsibilities in the early going. looked good in the preseason according to sculpted a reputation of success as if 20-win And the early going won't be easy. Dzik. seasons and play-off births are God-given "There is no time to coast in the early Junior Jon Owens and sophomore rights. going," O'Hare said. "The younger guys Frank Sciolla arrive as transfers. Owens, After a NCAA tournament invitation will get thrown into the fire early." a 6-foot guard from Keystone Junior Col- their rookie season in the league, the CavaThe Cavaliers open up their campaign at lege, brings a scoring touch to the backcourt. liers have failed to reach the 20-win plateau the Philadelphia Textile Tip-Off TournaBut in the new offensive scheme, Owens or be invited to the post-season ball since. ment against Holy Family and York College feels his shooting duties will give way to Last season's 16-10 mark was the lowest of New York this weekend. Division II the traditional assist-position of point guard. posted in over a decade. Cheyney State, which the Cavaliers scared '' Yes, it has been tough learning the sys''Our goal used to be to win X number of in their inaugural meeting last season, strolls tem and adjusting to being a-point guard in games;' '1)zirraid. '~NoWit is to improve or into Sacred Heart gym on Nov. 26. After a non-run-and-gun system," Owens said. get better." -an.other home game against a traditionally "We 're adjusting well and everyday some"We got a tournament bid our first year tough Spring Garden, the Cavaliers open up one is learning something new, which in the NCAA's and that could be considtheir league schedule against the formidable makes everyone feel equal.'' ered a miracle," Dzik said. "It is Salisbury State. Sciolla, a 6-foot-6-inch sophomore from conceivable that we will never get in the That is five tough games with a new Point Park College, will take up duties in play-offs again." offense and an inexperienced team. They the paint with Kerchner and ~issler. The league that the Cavaliers play in, the

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CRIMSON 24 Louella Court, Wayne PA


cicero and bud Upset Saturday hit us hard but fortunately we only do this for fun. This week's highlights: Notre Dame and Penn St., great rivalries and the long awaited return of Mark Rypien.

CICERO Last week 4-6 overall and 4-6 against the spread. For the year, 24-16 overall and 20- 20 against the spread. NOTRE DAME 20 Penn St. 17 (+7.5) Lions game plan gets "Mired" in "Rocket" fumes. Air Force 30 UTEP 17 (+7) Falcons take a liberty bowl bid back to their nest. UCLA 14 Southern Cal JO(-3.5) * Bruins send the Trojans packing. CALIFORNIA 3 I Stanford 30 (+3.5) Bears are finally heading for a bowl game. TEMPLE 35 Rutgers 20 (+8) I could of picked anyone .... ATLANTA 28 Eagles 24 (-6) Birds have trouble when they play teams with healthy first string quaterbacks. NY. GIANTS 35 Detroit 17 (+8) The Giants won't lose until Dec. 3. WASHINGTON 24 New Orleans 3 (+ 7) Uh oh! The Skins have their main manback.Welcome home Mark Rypien. KANSAS CITY I 7 San Diego 10 ( pick em) Derrick Thomas, best player in the AFC. CINCINNA TTI 24 Pittsburgh 20 (+3) Bubby won't pop any first place bubbly this week.

Eastern States Athletic Conference, does not receive an automatic bid to the 36-team Division III tournament. ''The reason we may never get back is that we play in a regi~n dominated by the politics of the MAC (Middle Atlantic Conference). The MAC gets two automatic bids. We are forced to make a tough non-league schedule in order to attract a tournament invitation," Dzik said. Dzik likes what he seen so far this preseason. ''We are capable of playing with anybody in the area -- year in and year out. This year we have height, but we are young and especially among the big people," Dzik said. "Our guards are going to assume the leadership spots while our offense will go through some growing pains.'' "I guarantee we will be a better team by the NCBT (National Catholic Basketball Tournament) and a solid team by the ESACs (play-offs)," Dzik added. But all is not rosy to Dzik. "We didn't answer our recruiting needs at the point guard position, but we have a safety net in Caraffa for next year," Dzik said. "Except from O'Hare and Yurchak, I don't know where we will get our points." ''Our slowness will be a liability on defense, but we will play zone to utilize our size," Dzik said. "But we couldn't press a shirt.'' In the confines of Sacred Heart there is no 20-win or NCAA Tournament talk right now. But given a few key early wins, and the traditional chatter could be back with vigor.

- As theplayersandDziksaid.the minefield of the first five gamesis the key to the 9eUOll. A solid 2-3 or 3-2 showing will pace themfor a_strong

Dec. Tourney wins at their own Christmas Classic, and a final round showing at the NCBT will boast confidence in a young, and at that point, solid team. The ESAC portion of the schedule will determine how strong the team really is. They'll steal sometheyshould lose and lose some they should win. Somesteals early·(like Oteyney) could get them playing pumped and pace them to a 20-win campaign. They'll go a solid 17-8 going into the ESAC tourney. An ESAC win could provide the elusive promised land of a Division m NCAAtournament bid, whereanythingcanhappen once you in in. If there is no ESACchampionship, thenthat promised landwill haveto wait till next year.

more BLUE AND WHITE from 12

BUD Last week 5-4 overall and 3-6 against the spread. For the year, 20-19 overall and 19-20 against the spread. NOTRE DAME 27 Penn St. 17 Joey P. sees green all day. Air Force 34 UTEP 16 Falcons bomb the Miners. UCLA 21 Southern Cal 20 Always a great show in Hollywood. Stanford 33 CALIFORNIA 26 Notre Dame's only loss is a real tough "Cardinal." TEMPLE 28 Rutgers 14 Owls having a good year. Eagles 21 ATLANTA 17 Talon bowl goes to the birds. NY GIANTS 31 Detroit 17 " New Joisey " boys send cowardly cubs back to Oz. New Orleans 21 WASHINGTON 20 * Saints still in the playoff hunt. KANSAS CITY 18 San Diego 14 Steaking San Diego gets stopped in K.C. CINCINNA TII 24 Pittsburgh 21 Cats claw their way back to AFC Central lead.

Home Team in CAPS • - Upset Special ( )-Point spread

team with a game-high 22 points, and junior Mike Massari chipped in 14. With three minutes left in the game, both coaches pulled their starters and some wild passing and scoring drives replaced the sleepy pace of the previous 37 minutes. Sophomore MikeFinn's break-away lay up in the last minute was the evening's crowd-pleaser. Overall, the teams shot 52 percent from the field, while converting 80 percent of its free throw attempts. Outside shooters lit it up from the three point line at a 42 percent rate.

Annualinter-squadclash showcasesteam talents

Scoreboard Results

by Chris Pesotski & Denise Edwards

Men's Cross Country 11/1o

team 23 out of 30 NCAA mid-atlantic regionals Chris Callinan 26 out of 200 Paul Greenhalgh 116 out of 200

Women's Cross Country 11/1o

team 24 out of 30 NCAA mid-atlantic regionals Jacqueline Albrecht 112 out of 200 Sue Beck 122 out of 200 Lori Staneruck 136 out of 200 Denise Tucker 141 out of 200 Veronica O'Hara 150 out of 200

Men's Basketball Blue and White Game 11/9

91 White



Men's Basketball Alumni Game 11/9

123 White




Men's Basketball

~· Men's JV Basketball

Women's Basketball away home

8pm 6pm

photo by Sue Roux

Sophomore Frank Scio/la (White team) drives the lane against inter-squad foe junior Mike Massari during last Friday's Blue and White game.

Cavs hope new lookleadsto title by Carlo Iacono

Tue. 11/20 Williamson home7:30pm Tue. 11/27 Manor Jr.Col. home 7pm Thurs. 11/29 Reading Cpmm.home 7pm

Alvernia Marywood

The men's basketball team, looking at times as if it would preferto be preparing for the Fall Formal, wandered through the annual inter-squad Blue and White Game on Friday, Nov. 9. Coach Rob Rowe's White team overcame an early defict to pummel Rick Costello's Blue squad, 91-56. Sophomore center Dave Wissler, playing for the Blue team, put the first points on the board 30 seconds into the game with a turnaround jumper in the paint. It was nearly two minutes later before the White team answered with transfer forward Frank Sciolla 's two-pointer from the top of the key. In a loosely-officiated first half, the Blue team went on a 12-2 run, until Costello called a time-out with 12:31 remaining to stop the bleeding. Coming out of the huddle, the White team went on a I 6-4 tear, tying the score at 20 with 7: 16 left in the first half. Sciolla put his squad on top for the first time, 22-20, on two foul shots with 6:51 left. From that poinron, it was all White in the scoring column. At halftime, the score stood at 38-30 in favor of Rowe ·s White team. Matters did not imporve any for the Blue team in the second half, as they were able to score only eight field goals in the final 20 minutes. The White team, paced by sophomore guard Jon Owens' 19 points, put 53 second-half points on the board, to tum the game into a rout. In addition to Owens' scoring, Sciolla also dropped in 18, while senior Jason Yurchak contributed 17forthe White squad. Senior forward John O'Hare led the Blue

more BL\.JEAND WHITE on 11

Fri. 11/16 Textile tip-off Toum away 4pm Sat.11/17Tip-offToum.Game2 5:30or7pm Mon.11/26 Cheyney home 8pm

Tue. 11/20 Mon. 11/26


f riday, nov. 16, 1990



Tradition says that you don't change a formula, especially a winning one. Men's basketball coach John Dzik felt that it was time for a change. That change involved a different offensive scheme and philosophy from the one Dzik and his Cavaliers rode to over l 0 consecutive 20-win seasons. Not attaining that perch for two years, Dzik has implemented a new offensive game plan for the upcoming season.

The traditional Cavalier offense was set patterns and plays that featured the open outside shot. Forthis year, Dzik said, "It is more of a motion offense that is tailored to our own natural abilities (big men underneath). I felt that it was a time for change based on our personnel and it is what will let us win in the '90s." The personnel Dzik spoke about is a relatively young, big and slow team. Unlike Cavalier teams of the past, this year's version possess little speed, less experience and a lack of a helmsman.

With the graduation of All-American candidate Marko Gittens, Cabrini is left with a void at the star position. ButDzik feels that void will be filled by a team approach and the overall skills of senior John O'Hare. '•We are a better team in the true sense of theword," Dziksaid. "Wehavealwayshad one 'star player' here, and Marko was that player last year. But this year, O'Hare will take that role in a more team-like atmosphere.'' more PRESEASON on 11

Callinanand Cabrinifall shortat NCAA regionals by Bob Healey As each falling rain drop slackened the course in Allentown, the Cavaliers watched its national invitation slip away. The Cavaliers Men's Cross Country Team finished 23rd on Sat. Nov. 10, in the Mid-Atlantic Regionals at Allentown College, dubbed "Allentown swimming pool," by Head Coach Tom O'Hora. Over three inches of rainflooded the course and according to some runners, because of poor drainage, the puddles were as high as their thighs. "I don't want to make excuses,"

O'Hora said, "but odd things happened.'' John Osborn, who was sick early in the week, did not run. Joel McGovern, the Cavs second runner and All-Regional-first-year student, did not run because of a sprained ankle. Chris Callinan, ESAC champion, was pushed once and fell three other times. Callinan finished 26th, the top 25 qualify for the Nationals. He was extremely disappointed that he did not qualify. Callinan said, "I was pushed once and really b~nged up my knee." According to O'Hora, the day was not indicative of the season. "It was pretty much a nightmare,"

he said. "It was our worst day ever." The men's team finished 23rd and will not make the Nationals. Paul Greenhalgh finished 113th and Callinan was in the lead when he was pushed by one of the 300 runners involved. O'Hora was expecting both Callinan and McGovern to qualify for t,he Nationals judging from their ESAC. performance. Callinan finished first, ahead of Matt Adams of Frostburg State, who finished third. McGovern finished fifth in the ESACs seconds behind Adams. Adams finished 11th on Saturday. The women's team fared no better finishing 24th. Jackie Al-

brecht finished 112th and Suzanne Beck finished I 23rd. According to O' Hora, Albrecht ran one of her best races. According to O'Hora, Cabrini's small enrollment has an adverse effect on the Cross Country program. "We have no depth," O'Hora said. "Mere enrollment hurts us. It is like playing basketball five on three." O'Hora said that because Cabrini is such a small school, when injuries occur there are few reserves. "Frostburg State is five times as big as us," he said "but we have beaten them." Although the season ended on

a sour note, O'Hora is optimistic about next year. The Cavs will lose no one to graduation and O'Hora is going to recruit harder. "Successful people gravitate towards successful programs,'' he said. "It is tough to recruit because we do not have a.Jong history and tradition," O'Hora said. O'Hora did not want to make excuses but' 'our wheels fell off," he said. He also said that the rain affected everyone, not just Cabrini runners. "It was like running on an ice rink." ''The rain did not effect me other than falling,'' Callinan said, "but the course was awful."

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