Nov. 30, 1990 Issue 11 Loquitur

Page 1

f riday, nov. 30, 1990

vol. xxxvii, no. 11

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

Progressshownon communityissues by Chris i:esotski

photo by Michelle Merger, printed by Edd McN..,,._

Cabriniitestrace roots by Sharlene Sephton If you sail under the Verrazzano Bridge which links Brooklyn and Staten Island, you are cruising toward the Bahamas. But as the burly captain of the New Jersey ferry bound for Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty teased during the chilly and overcast Saturday afternoon, his passengers weren't dressed for the trip. With his New Yorker's slang, he jokes through his trivia routine-- How many steps

are there to the crown of the Statue of Liberty? What kind of wood doesn't float? What are the three types of seagulls native to New York and which is the noisiest? Of his precious cargoonNov.17, in attendance is an audience of 40 Cabrini students, faculty, staff, and their families. Their laughter mingles with the voices of Czechs, Indians, Chinese... all are about to visit the

more ELLIS ISLAND on 12

Admissions removes paper from newsstands

A "town meeting" held by over 20 faculty members and nearly 150 students in the Mansion dining room Tuesday night capped off two weeks of meetings, cooperative efforts, and talk of community building. All of this activity comes on the heels of President Sr. Eileen Currie's, MSC, implementation of new sanctions against Xavier Hall residents on Nov. 14 following vandalism and harassment across campus. Tuesday's gathering grewoutofarecent faculty meeting where the problems were discussed, according to Dr. Jerome Zurek, chair of the English/communications department, and a leader of the meeting. Faculty members felt that they had to make an effort to begin re-building a sense of community on campus following the events and imposed sanctions. "Faculty felt that the previous meetings focused on the negative,'' Zurek said in the introduction to the night's activities. "We wanted to focus on the positive tonight.'' The evening's agenda consisted of small group sessions where six or seven students worked with a faculty member to think about solutions to problems facing the college. The small groups then came back together and tabulated the ideas. The faculty group hopes to use the suggestions in future meetings to help the

students implement changes on campus. Zurek said that Tuesday's caucus was the first in what he hopes will be a series of events involving student-faculty interaction outside the classroom. The faculty-student session was the latest in a series of meetings held following Currie's original meeting, where Currie

more PROGRESS on 6

Students'resident privilegesrevised by Carlo Iacono Two students had their residency privileges suspended and two days later the decision was revolcedby Dean of Students Dr. Robert Bonfiglio. According to the suspended students, senior Nick Ostrowski and sophomore Scott Miller, their original suspension from their residency in Xavier Hall was reduced on Wednesday, Nov. 21 to suspension from residency halls on weekends for the remainder of the semester. According to Miller, the decision was made in order to allow both of

more RESIDENTS on 6

Papay honoredwith UrsulaAward by Lisa Lindley

~y Amanda Picher On Sunday, Nov. 18, over 500 Loquitur newspapers were removed from the newsstands prior to the arrival of prospective students for a scheduled open house. The issue removed was issue number 10. The front page stories included articles on and photographs of the vandalism at Xavier hall and the damage done to Resident Director Andrew Mcllroy's car. According to statements made that day, Laurie Bentz, associate director of admissions made the decision to remove the Loquiturs from the stands. Her immediate supervisor, Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, was out of town at the time. The admissions office refused comment until after press time. Dr. Jerome Zurek, adviser to the Loquitur, said he believes the

admissions office realizes the mistake. He also said he understands the worry and the fact that the decision was made under pressure. Zurek also said that the admissions office always presents the communications department very well and tells prospective students that the paper is run by the students, not administration. In reaction to this, the editorial board has asked the admissions office for a Jetter of apology to the Loquitur staff. The board also asked Gardner to write a policy to assist indecision makingforfuture events. According to Carlo Iacono, Loquitur editor-in-chief, it is the hope of the editorial board that the policy will state that the removal of Loquiturs from the newsstands will not be permitted. In addition, Iacono said that they asked to be reimbursed for the

more CENSORED on 5

Members of the senior class gatl)ered at the annual alumnisponsored senior dinner and awarded the class's most prestigious distinction, the Mother Ursula Award, to Karie Papay. Papay was chosen from among finalists including Kelly McGillian, Katie Mullen, and herself. Papay, a co-chair of Hunger Awareness Week, said that she was surprised to be honored with the award "Sometimes you feel what you're doing isn't being recognized by your fellow students. Hunger Awareness week went well, but I was hoping to see more student support. This let me know people were behind me.'' Susan Linaugh, president of' the Alumni Association, was master of ceremonies and presented Papay with her award.

photo by Lisa Lindley

Senior Karie Papay was presented with the Mother Ursula Award by Alumni Associaon presidnet Susan Linaugh Alums John Callanan and President Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, also spoke to the 74 seniors attending the dinner. Linaugh said that the award is presented to the senior student who most embodies the character-

istics of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini. "Mother Ursula is a magnificent woman and I feel very honored to have my name associated with hers in any way'', Papay said.



inside perspectives ...... 2, 3 news.......... 4, 5, 6, 12 features 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 sports .. 13, 14, 15, 16

Cabrini's couch

Dzik contemplates

potatoes pick their

1-2 start

favorite shows

(page 16)

(see page 7)



fridav3 nov. 303 1990

A respected campus: a place for dreamers


Lady Liberty.·

Woman to woman Cabrini is the spirit of the statue embodied. They share a pure respect for all humankind, and Mother Cabrini's energy, dedication, and guts brought it to her everyday life. It is a challenge to live up to her example. In our classes, in our relationships, in our lives, we must face the world with the same courage. And we should challenge others to do the same and never to be just satisfied It's dangerous to get too comfortable in life. Women, especially, need to stay restless. It's easy to bedisheartened when reality hits and they realize the American dream was not meant for them. When you have been trained to answer, "I don't know," since you were 11, as recent studies by Prof. Carol Gilligan of Harvard have suggested, you forget that your ideas are worthwhile and how to assert them.

The world needs more dreamers. People who can sit back, look at the sharlene· world and find the good in it. The true visionaries then go on to share their sephton dreams with the rest of the world. perspectives The challenge the faculty had for the students at the Tuesday town editor meeting, was to dream a little. They asked us to free our minds for an hourand-a-half from all the vandalism and racism on campus, and to think about how we dreamt the college would be and what it still can be. I am glad the Statue of Liberty is a woman. For some reason, I simply can't picture The facuJty already have a vision. They have their lives and careers invested in this place. If the college goes down, so do their livelihoods. They the Rocky statue looming 20-stories tall over New York's harbor. The effect just have as much at stake as the students-even more. isn't the same, although some Philly fans The faculty is the one element of campus which everyone respects. They may disagree. Sister Ursula told me her favorite part of are what drew us here and what keep us here. It is the opportunity to help the Ellis Island trip sponsored by SGA was shape our dreams that keep them here. They are most qualified to help the seeing, "The lady in the water," from the campus solve its problems because they know each one ofus on an individual ferry. The Statue of Liberty is truly a lady. basis. And they have shown that they are wilJing to do the extra work to help She may not be the prettiest woman ever to shape the parts of the Cabrini community which exist outside the classroom. The faculty is willing to make this extra effort because they believe in the students. In a world where it's rare to give women role models But they are not always going to hold the student's hands. It was mentioned that college is the first adult community we are exposed to. Many their due praise and attention, Lady Lieerty stands proud in her womanhood. students expressed that they were ready to accept responsibility for their behavior and their peers. This means a serious commitment to the ideals of The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of our country's community that were stressed Tuesday night. freedom foundations, and yet we are still fighting Students must stop being passive. They need the energy to keep thinking today for women's rights. of workable ideas and to follow through with them. Students need to start believing in each other and to see what the faculty Women must work twice as hard to be sees in them-- young minds capable of profound change in their world. Only be immortalized, but she's got class. In a world where it's rare to give women accomplished,sotheycan't be lazy. Butit's then can the dream become reality.

Just a thought ... In part, theFirstAmendmentto the Constitution reads, "Congress shall make no law ...abridging freedom of speech or of the press." While it may be illegal to censor the press outside of our 110 acres, Cabrini College has made it an unwritten policy for years. The admissions office implemented the policy with the confiscation of the student newspaper on Nov. 18. Censorship is immoral. Misleading prospective students is unethical. Theft is illegal. The existence of the college's Mission Statement and the Qualities of a Liberally Educated Person are a farce as long as such values are acceptable in the administration's decision-making process. This college must enact policies which state that the responsibly-run student media are immune to censorship. The college's mission and heritage demand it, as do the values of academic freedom and integrity.

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role models their due praise and attention, Lady Liberty stands proud in her womanhood. She is the center of attention for millions of visitors every year. The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of our country's freedom foundations, and yet we are still fighting today for women's rights. As you look up her skirts, you get more than a cheap thrill while climbing onwards to the tip of her crown. The trek is not for the weak of heart and knees, or the claustrophobic. In between breaths, you see an intricate network of beams and steel that act as her support system. The beauty of the curves of metal that create the folds of her robe and the careful craftsmanship is striking. The pennies pledged for her renovations that were completed in 1988 symbolized Americans coming together and having pride in what their country stands for. All walks of life have traveled step by step (all 360 of them), on the winding staircase at the statue's center. It is the people that are at the Statue of Liberty's core. For, the Statue of Liberty is not all woman. She is everyone. She is woman. She is man. She is the children and aged, "the ,poor, the tired, the huddled masses." She welcomes all of humanity to her feet, and celebrates their differences. When you finally do reach the crown, you can look out at the harbor and see the world from her perspective. There is a vastness that goes beyond infinitely outside her island, just waiting to be explored by those who dare. Yet, even when daring women attempt to encounter the world, they are met with comparable salaries ofa woman's earned 67 cents for every dollar that a man makes, sexist jokes and professors, and an overall feeling of shame and inadequacy for any brilliance they possess. When I think of the Statue of Liberty anymore, I can't help but think of the patron of our college, Saint Frances Cabrini who is honored in the hollow of the statue. Mother

worth it. Cabrini College was founded because Sister Ursula had the insight to see women weren't being challenged. In the tradition of Mother Cabrini, she saw a need and found ways to fulfill it. She wouldn't take no for an answer and she triumphed. The Statue of Liberty stands as a testament to the triumphs of women like Mother Cabrini and Sister Ursula, and for all those who strive to better themselves.

Editor-in-chief: Carlo Iacono ManagingEditor: Jenntter Morrison

News Edrtor: Chris Pesotski Assistant NdNsEdrtor: Melissa Landsmann PerspectivesEditor: Sharlene Sephton Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Sports Edrtor: Denise Edwaids Copy Editor: Andrea Atmonavage and William A. Fulton Business Managers: Kim Marshall and Michelle Merger Photography Edrtor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Edrtor:Lisa Lindley PhotographyAdviser: Dr. carter Craigie Adviser: Dr.Jerome Zurek Staff: Matthew Brush. Joseph Buda, Rita S. Cellucci, Karen Dumorney, William Fulton, John Gay, Robert Healey, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberty Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Kimberly Leblang, Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Kim Marshall, Jenntter Melchiorre, Alexandra L. Napoleon, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciolla, Dawn Timbario, Missy von Siegel, Charies Waterfall. Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet. Matt Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee, Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Cha~es WaterfaU. Loqultur is published weekly during the school year by students of Caboni College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and studentfees. The editorials and opinions poblished in loquitur are the views of the student edltorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for sludent e,pression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.



friday, nov. 30, 1990



Disillusioned students demand new direction for campus in the aftermath of destruction To the editor: I am an off-campus part-time student, who is appalled at reading each week in the Loquitur of the damage, vandalism and harassment an Cabrini Campus. This is my first semester at Cabrini and as I drive on the school grounds, I am in awe of its beauty. Howcansomuch thatis beautiful have so much ugly inside and for what purpose? This cannot be the destruction of one individual; it must be the work of a few who are unhappy with themselves. Surely they cannot be trying to make life count for themselves or with goodness towards others by such repulsive behavior. You who despoil our campus, if you are bored, worried or distressed, the solution is to make it better, not to put yourself in a ghetto-type atmosphere, where those in charge have to guard against your further actions with less privileges for all. To me it is an advantage, honor and pleasure to attend Cabrini College and I am 72-years-old. You see, I never had the opportunity to go to college in my younger years. No one forces you to come here, so consider yourselves lucky and take the opportunities offered by the staff, faculty and the curriculum to grow not only wisely, but worthy also of the reverence for our Cabrini College as held by most of your fellow studentst.

Frances Henton To the editor: I am the first to admit there has been too much vandalism here at Cabrini College. We definitely need a change. This letter is pertaining to the mandatory meeting in Xavier Hall on Thursday, November 14, 1990. We the adult residents were treated like children. We were reprehended then humiliated by a total stranger. Sister Eileen Currie criticizes}our morals and our character. This is the first time I remember seeing the presi-

dent. I have never had the opportunity to talk to her. It is rare to see her at all. However, she knew what kind of person I was just by the actions of my peers. She made it seem like each and everyone ofus is some kind of destructive, deviant delinquent. She put us down and told us how things were going to change, I became enraged when we were not given a chance for a rebuttal. Each one of us were declared guilty without a chance to defend ourselves. We pay all this money to go here, yet we are not allowed to say whatwethinkaboutorreally know about the problem. I think Sister Eileen took the wrong approach. She said since we live here and let the problems occur then we are equally at fault. However, am I mistaken or do R.A.' s also live here? Have they lost total control in the residence hall? Where were they when all the vandalism was happening? Once again, we definitely need a change. However, we, as adults, must be given a chance to defend ourselves and help correct the problem. It must be a mutual effort.

Steve Murray first-year student To the editor: Hello everyone! I am writing this out of sheer disgust and disappointment with the recent'' goings-on'' at my Alma Mater. I am fortunate enough to receive the Loquitur each week, however, with each issue I become more disillusioned about the school I left behind just last May. I am a 1990 graduate of Cabrini and am now doing graduate work at the University of Pennsylvania. While I am not far from Radnor, I often lose touch with much of what occurs outside of my new campus. Reading the Loquitur keeps me infonned of the issues and events concemign Cabrini. Living in the heart of West Philadelphia, I am exceptionally mindful of safety and security issues. I find myself much more

Letter of moral support roisessoldiers'spirits


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interested in the security report section of the Loquitur than I was when I attended Cabrini. Since the beginning of the semester, I have been apalled at the amount of vandalism occurring on Cabrini's campus. This behavior is inexcusable! Being a student of psychology and sociology, I am familiar with and' understanding of Merton's workds concerning anomie and the role deviance plays in society. However, the behavior exhibited by the students of Cabrini is extremely disheartening. As an alum, I have every right to be outraged. Whey should we, the graduates who have little money to spare at this point in our lives, give to you when all we see is wasted resources! It is time for you, the students to be responsible for and concerned about your home. Where has the Cabrini spirit gone? It was slowly dissipating while I was enrolled, but what will become of the school if it continues to do so? Incidents such as the Dean• s windows being smashed, the Mansion robbery, and the brutal vandalism of a residential life staff member's car-- to cite a few examples-- do not happen here at Penn. And this is a school of 22,000 students from 115 countries in West Philadelphia. Go figure! It is time for you to wake up-and take pride in you good fortune. Being able to attend college is a privelege not a right, and if you are not a part of the solution, you are part of the problem.

Carolyn M. Wilson Class of 1990




an immature display of obvious ignorance such as yours. The next time you have a comment or complaint try to approach it in a more grown up manner. In other words, the next time you write a letter, it should be one you can sign your name to!

Tricia Loughran sophomore

SGA condemns censorship To the editor: On behalf of the Student Government Association, I would like to extend our encouragement and support of your outstanding-work, _despite your recent setback that occurred during the Nov. 18, Open House. Whatever happened I know is still unclear, but it is unfortunate that your accurate reporting on the recent issues affecting the college community were shielded from the prospective students. The Student Government believes that any fonn of censorship is unacceptable and is a severe violation of many ethical codes. A letter has been written on behalf of the Loqwtur staff to the admissions office expressing our concerns in regards to censorship of official student publications. The Student Government supJ)()rts all

youhardworkthatthestaff consistentlyputs

In support of food services

in on the week to week basis. We look forward to your continuation of providing the instituition with correct and viable information on a weekly basis.

Frank Emmerich Student Government President

The editor: The following letter is a response to a note placed in the cafeteria on Tuesday evening, Nov. 14, 1990 expressing an unidentified student's disatisfaction with the cafeteria staffs performance: I have a couple of things to say about the letter which you wrote to the cafeteria Tuesday night. First, you have no idea how much time and effort all of the employees in the cafeteria put into making your meals just a little bit better. De, Kevin, Cora, Kevin, Wendy, Ruth, all of them, are constantly asking me what I think of the food and the "set up." They are also interested in how the rest of our campus life is going. The Cabrini Feast Day Dinner took a lot of hard work and preparation. I don't think you have the right to attack the cafeteria for events they have no control over, such as lack of space and enonnous tum-out.· Myself and many others felt it was, all in all, an excellent meal and a very nice celebration due to them. Most importantly, I feel the letter showed a lack of appreciation for all the work they do. Granted, some of the meals are nothing equivalent to what you would receive at home. That is the reason why the cafeteria asks for, and responds to, your questions and comments. The cafeteria should not be expected to answer to such

Editing errors criticized To the editor: Every time I read this paper, I become increasingly disgusted with the amount of mechanical, grammatical, and spelling errors I find in each week's edition of the Loquitur-- what is supposedly and awardwinning college newspaper. I consistently find small,yet inexcusable mistakes in practically every article. Examples include missing question marks,, missing parts of speech, and generally bad editing which makes sentences hard to understand. This can seriously hinder someone's enjoyment of an article. I am not an English major, and don't mean to be coming off as arrogant (even though I probably am), but it has reached the point where I become angry every time I read an edition. This should not be. Either actually start doing yourJobs, or find someone who will.

Jennifer Igoe _sophomore

Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, :/tt the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon pubHcation and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request o1the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words _inlength. tt a letter is too long tor the available space, the edttor may editor condense it Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.





Arts supporters form council; plan activities

updates Campus Twelve Days of Christmas continues through Dec. 7. following events:

fridaXznov. 30, 1990

Be sure to watch for the

Thurs, Nov. 29: "It's a Wonderful Life" will be showing at 9 p.m. in the WCL1I. Refreshments will be served and there will be no admission charge. Fri., Nov. 30: A trip to John Wanamakers in Center City will leave from the Widener Center parking lot at 5:30 p.m. Experience the traditional light show, get your picture taken with Santa and get a head start on your holiday shopping. Sign up outside of the SGA office by Thur., Nov. 29. Sat., Dec. 1: A trip to the Viking Ice Skating Rink will be leaving from the Widener Center parking lot at 1:30 p.m. Sign up outside the SGA office by Thur., Nov. 29. Sun., Dec. 2: The cafeteria will be closed and dinner will be served on Residential Boulevard between 4:30 and 6 p.m.. The Progressive dinner starts at House 1 and ends at House 7. Mon., Dec. 3: Between the hours of 12:30 and 3:30 p.m. judging of office and resident hall decorations will take place. A discussion on various holiday traditions will take place in the Mansion lobby at 5:30 p.m. Tues., Dec. 4: Take a break from it all and enjoy Christmas cartoons at dinner. Wed., Dec. 5: All are welcome to attend the Christmas dinner at 4:45 p.m. Christmas Caroling will begin at 5:45 p.m. and will go from the cafeteria to the mansion. The traditional Yule Log Ceremony will begin at 6 p.m., followed by mass in the mansion. There will be a giving tree at the mass and all are encouraged to bring a toy for needy children. Refreshments will be served and all are welcome to stay and listen to WCAB's rendition of "A Christmas Carol." Thurs., Dec. 6: "A Christmas Story" will be shown at 9 p.m. in the WCLH. Refreshments will be served. Fri., Dec. 7: "The Sense." a national band, will rock at 9 p.m. in the gym. Those who are 21 may enjoy the finest in imported in beer in our beer garden. Listen during dinner to WCAB for Christmas music to get you in the holiday mood. Look for the various displays of holiday drawings from teh Children's School. A non-alcoholic Cocktail Party will be held in the Woodcrest Smoker from 7 to 9:30 p.m. All are welcome to attend and admission is $2. Used Book Sale will be held after the semester break. Used books are being co11ectednow and until Dec. 14. Don't bring your books home--let the Student Ac.ademic Council sell them for you. For more information, contact box #437. Gift Certificates are now available in the bookstore and they can be purchased for any amount. Good gift idea!

There will be a Christmas drawing for a Cabrini watch. The drawing will take last place on Dec. 10. Come to the bookstore and enter your name and box number. The last day of classes is Dec. 10 and exams begin on Dec. 11 through Dec. 18. "Ali Aboard the Polar Express" is a special holiday program for children ages four to seven on Sat., Dec. 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. The cost is $6 per child and family rates are available. Holiday stories, music, live theater, puppet show, and a visit with Santa are some of the day's events. All money raised benefits the library. Call 971-8534 for reservations for more information.

Need to relieve some stress before exams? Come to the Imagery Power Nap on Tues., Dec. 4, from 12:10 to 1:30 in room 2 of the Rooyman Center. All are welcome to attend. For more information, call 971-8566. Seasonal Concert on Sun., Dec. 9, in the chapel at 3 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public. A reception will follow in the Mansion. For more information, contact the fine arts department at 971-8380. Advent Penance Service on Thurs., Dec. 6, at 7 p.m. in the chapel. All are welcome to attend. Feast of the Immaculate Conception mass will be held on Sat., Dec. 6, at l l :30 in the chapel. Hunger Awareness Week Wrap-up for all the chairpersons of the week's events willl be held on Tues., Dec. 4 at 4:45 in the cafeteria. A Daily News box is now available outside the mailboxes.

by Dawn Timbario

The Arts Council, a new organization for all students interested in the arts, is becoming better known around campus this semester by planning many new activities. The function of the council is ''to make the arts more visible,'' Gary Armstrong, Arts Council moderator, said. The council, which had a late start in establishing itself with SGA, is striving to become better known throughout the campus. The organization is in the process of drawing up a charter of its functions and ideas. It is important to note, Armstrong said, that students, staff and administration are welcome to become members of this council. '' Anyone interested in the arts can join," Dr. Adeline Bethany, fine arts chairperson, said.

"I'm really impressed with what the council has done so far." -Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities Currently, the council has trun wo fundraisers to defray the costs of activities such as visiting museums, galleries and symphony performances. In a meeting of the council on Tuesday, Oct. 30, the members decided to sell t-shirts designed by Sue Roux, Arts Council secretary, during cultural awareness week. Because of the council• s limited budget, the officers met with John Barclay, chief financial officer, to discuss how the fun-

draisers could get off the ground. Barclay arranged for a purchase order for the amount of the t-shirts and the subsequent repayment after the funds have been raised. The council has had tables set up to sell the t-shirts and urges anyone interested to approach members and sign up. The members agree that the publication of the meeting times has been weak because they are new. "During the first few meetings, the officers themselves were trying to decide what we're going to do and how we're going to do it," Michele Maguire, Arts Council treasurer, said. Now that an agenda has been devised, fliers will be printed up to inform the entire student body of the council• s meetings and activities. "I'm really impressed with what the council has done so far," Jennifer MarksGold, director of student activities, said. The campus is able to use their talents as a link to the arts, Marks-Gold said. The council welcomes all new members and is looking for sponsors interested in helping out and sponsoring events. Armstrong said thc--council will have a strong impact because it will expose a person to their inner self not only rationally but spiritually as well. "Not just at Cabrini does the public express an interest in the arts but in other institutions as well,'' he said. The college has always had an arts club but it merely lacked a dedicated crew of people who showed the enthusiasm to participate, Bethany said. Roux said the club was formed in order to awaken an interest in the cultural arts and events. '' Arts at Cabrini get lost in the shuffle," Roux said, amid all the other majors.

New bookstoremanagerhired by Francis Sciolla

The search is over for a successor to former bookstore manager Albert Vassallo. The new manager is 23 year-old Jennifer Stevens. Stevens graduated three years ago with a bachelor's degree in fine arts from Rosemont College. For the last three years she has worked for Encore Books and she plans to use her experience to make major changes in the store. After Christmas, the front section of the store will be for books and magazines. Students will be able to look for their own textbooks. Paperback books are now available in the store for leisure reading. There is a IO percent discount on these and a 20 percent discount on hardcovers. More books will be ordered and if a student or faculty member wants a particular book it will be ordered with a discount. Stevens intends to expand the selection of magazines so that there will be a bigger variety for men. She feels that more news magazines will fulfill the men's reading needs. Fans of Gary Larson will be happy to know that "Far Side" calendars and cards have been ordered and they should be here in time for Christmas. The back section of the store which had been used for storage will be opened to the public after Christmas. This section will house the bookstore's clothing and toiletries. Settling into the job was not without its difficulties, according to Stevens. She had to


photo by Judi Panas,k

Jennifer Stevens, bookstore manager

sort through years of Vassallo' s notes including some from the seventies and two months of Sister Antonia Avitable's. "She is extemely enthusiastic about her job and she has several excellent ideas," Dan Monaco, first-year student and bookstore employee, said. Fellow employee Chris Monaco has even stronger feelings about Stevens. "She has only been here a short time but she has already pumped new life into the store and it is great working for her," Monaco said. As far as Stevens is concerned, you don't have to be a bookstore employeetohelpout. ''l 'm open to suggestions and if anyone saw anything at another school they liked we'll try,to get it here," Stevens said.



friday, nov. 30, 1990


Orientation counselor compensation examined by Stephanie Ranieri Wanted: Strong dedicated workers with school spirit willing to sacrifice three weeks of their summer vacation to greet first-year students on Cabrini College campus. Must have great personality, leadership skills, ability to work well with others and reliability. Salary: None. Benefits: None. An orientation counselor's job is never done. They not only have to train but also take under their wing the firstyear students. A counselor is largely responsible for not only showing the first-year students around the campus and familiarizing them with the surroundings, but making it easier for them to meet and get to know people through various ice-breakers. It is up to the counselors to make sure that the first year students know what the rules of the college are, for example are parietals and drinking. A first-year student's impressions of Cabrini are made after orientation. Therefore, it is up to the counselor to reduce fears, both academic and social and to encourage spirit. Compensation is a job perk job for most people. However, this hasn't been the case for the orientation counselors here at Cabrini, although in the future it is a possibility. Work at orientation is treated as a job in almost all aspects of the word with only one exception: The counselor get material compensation. The students who wish to apply for the job do so by filling out an application, which includes a short essay question on why they want the position. The applications are then sent to the student services office where the Dean of Students Bob Bonfiglio and director of student activities, Jennifer Marks-Gold look over the applications for enthusiastic, reliable and spirited students. The interviewing process is then started. To most people on campus May 15 symbolizes the end of the school year and the beginning of summer vacation. To an orientation counselor, however, it means two extra days on campus for the required training camp. "One training camp would be enough. I don't think the second training camp in Phoenixville, Pa., is worth our time

or money," Christine Costigan, a sophomore counselor, said. It costs the counselors $55 for the leadership camp in Phoenixville, Pa. "We are always lectured and left with a lot of free time,'; Heather Laraway, a sophomore counselor, said. "We could do without the camp." ''There is a leadership task force working on lower costs for the camp by moving it to a closer locatiofi," Bonfiglio said. "I think we should be compensated for our work as orientation counselors," Laraway said. "We would accept credit at the bookstore, credittowardourclasses such as an internship, or even money off our tuition like a work study program," Laraway said. "I see no problem in compensating the counselors. Money is, however, a scarce commodity in the world today,'' Bonfiglio said. '' As far as treating the program like an internship or a work study program where students receive money off their tuition, this would diminish the program. It would also involve other people making the situation more complicated. The counselors get plenty in return. It may not be concrete, but their pay back is intangible and abstract.'' When asked if the orientation counselors should be compensated, Bonfiglio agreed. '' I want to handle it within my division. There is a committee working on granting credit at the bookstore or even giving the counselors free parking tags. We hope to get these benefits and maybe others into effect for the upcoming year. The students are not the only ones who see fault with the program. There is room for improvements to be made. "I would like to see improvements in the area of scheduling. The scheduling is too rushed in some areas,'' Laraway said. ''I would like to have a better differentiation between the summer and fall orientations,'' Bonfiglio said. ''I'd also like to balance the difference between parents and student programs over the summer. The parents need more to do." When looking for or when offered more than one job most people take the job with the better benefits. In such a case a student might want to take the orientation job at Villanova University. Their program

is full of benefits and advantages forthecounselor. If offered a leadership position of Administrative co-ordinator or Chairperson you receive a salary plus room and board. According to the Rev. Joesph S. Mostardi, the steering committee of 13 counselors also receive money for their services along with their room and board. Villanova, however, does not give the orientation leaders any money but does compensates them through room and board. The only realistic downfall found in Villanova's program was that it is highly competitive. They receive 400 applications a year, which results in not one but two rounds of interviews process which allows them to narrow their staff down to 76. The benefits of the program don't stop there'. The orientation counselors at Villanova are not required to put out any expenses for a leadership camp since it is on campus.


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more CENSORED from 1 board's requests will prevent this people's minds. "My heart was tom,'' he said. Everyone involved from happening again. Dean of Students Dr. Robert was just trying to do their job, he Bonfiglio's reaction was also one added. of disappointment, although he understood the rationale of the admissions office. In the future, he said he hopes that the Loquitur and admission's staffs wiJI be able to work together to prevent something like this from happening "This was obviously again. Kappa Sigma Omega president a violation, in spirit, of Kelly McGillan said that she was the First also disappointed by the judgment of the admissionsoffice. She added Amendment." that her disappointment is magni- Dr. Jolyon Girard, fied by the fact that she was Loquiprofessor of history tur's features editor last year. Dr. Carter Craigie,professor of and political science English'arnmunicatioos, said he sees this from John Dzik, athletic director, was two different points of formerly the director of admis- view. He said that he sions before Gardner. He agreed understands the admiswith Bentz's decision. Dzik said sions office's job is to Loquitur does a good job as an sell the college. This , 18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa. internal mechanism of communiincident was unusually cation, but to really understand terrible and he underwhat is being printed, people need stands the temptation to have an understanding of the to pull the papers to internal workings of Cabrini. A prevent people from prospective student would not generalizing the have this understanding. events. Dzik also said that it would have Still, Craigie also For FAST Piek-up been a disservice and done a lot of or HOT Delivery, Call said that he thinks harm to let prospective students see -HOVRSthe issue since they do not have a that incoming students MONDAY THAU THURSDAY subjective view of what's happen- would be impressed by 11AMTO11 PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ing. He also added that he probably the fact that the 11AMTO 12AM would have done the same thing school's paper was SUNDAY 4 PMT010PM allowed to print probhad he been in that position. 687-2222 Iacono said he was disappointed lems of the college. 688-2222 by what happened. He also said The freedom that the 688-5588 that it was unfortunate that the inci- Cabrini media has HOMEDELIVERYAJITER4:00PM dent occurred, but he hopes that the would stand out in

200 extra issues that were printed for the open house. The editorial board has not received any replies to their requests. According to Iacono, Gardner must discuss the requests with her office and Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice-president of academic affairs, Gardner's immediate superior.-·




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f riday, nov. 30, 1990



Radnor police charge Woodcrest burglar by J.P. Raynock

On Monday Nov. 12, 1990, at approximately 12 noon, Littel Vaughn of3133 W. Clifford St., Philadelphia, was arrested for allegedly breaking into a second floor room in Woodcrest on Friday, Nov.3. Vaughn, a basketball player at Eastern College, was charged with burglary, criminal trespass, and simple assault. He was released later that day on 10 percent of $2,500 bail. . According to the victim, who asked that her identity be withheld, she awoke at 3 a.m. Saturday and found Vaughn in her room stroking her cheek. According to the victim, Vaughn asked her if she knew where Jen-

nifer was. She responded by asking how he got into the room. When Vaughn did not reply, she told him he wasn't supposed to be in the building. Vaughn then left the room.

Littel Vaughn, a basketball player at Eastern College, was charged with burglary, criminal trespass, and simple assault. Immediately after, the victim attempted to notify the resident assistant on her floor. While knocking on the door, she noticed Vaughn on the back stairway, at which point

Vaughn fled the building. After being unable to wake the R.A., the victim attempted to wake the Ana Hazelrigg, head resident. Not being able to wake Hazelrigg, the victim returned to the second floor, and this time succeeded in waking the R.A. The R.A. then called Lisa Neuman, the R.A. on duty, who then called Hazelrig. Hazelrig then notified the police, who were already on campus investigating a theft at the mansion. According to the victim, the break-in was caused by a faulty door lock. When locked from the inside, she said, it's possible for someone to jiggle the doorknob until the lock button pops. According to the victim, the police were

able to identify Vaughn because he had left a note for another resident earlier in the evening with his name and phone number. Vaughn 's preliminary hearing washeld before District Justice Beverly Foster Tuesday on Nov. 20 at 3:30. The maximum sentence for the burglary and criminal trespass charges is three to five years. The simple assault charge carries a fine. With regards to the question of safety at Cabrini, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said he was extremely disheartened to hear that someone gained access to the residence halls but that he was grateful that Vaughn was identified and that Resident Life's follow-up resulted in Vaughn's arrest.

Meyers organizes Circle K to provide service by Melissa von Siegel

You've seen the signs. You'veheardthetalk. Now, what exactly is Circle K? Circle K, a new club at Cabrini, is the college level division of Kiwanis International, an worldwide organization committed to community service. ••I was real surprised that so few people down here knew what it was,'' said Christine Meyers, coordinator of Cabrini's Circle K chapter. "Back home, everyone was so involved and they knew what Circle K was all about,'' Meyers said. "Basically, it's a total service organization designed to promote leadership and service skills to the community," Meyers said. Meyers, ajuniortransfer student, has been involved since her freshman year of high school where she joined Key Club, a Kiwanis high school division. This long tenn involvement prompted her to begin a chapter at Cabrini. "I feel the things they do are real worthwhile," Meyers said. Meyers approached Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities, with her idea and described Gold as "really supportive" in helping her get started. '' I try to give them as much help and advice,'' Gold said. "If she needs anything, she can always come to me." Meyers also contacted a local Kiwanis chapter in St. Davids infonning them of her plans and asking for their

sponsorship. Blase Gav lick, past president of the St. David's Kiwanis, is the contact for Cabrini's Circle K chapter. "It's a great organization. We plan on doing a number of things with Circle K,'' Gavlick said. "It doesn't work when people don't care. Cabrini seems tobe a caring school. It'snotasnob school," Gavlick said.

"Basically, it's a total service organization designed to promote leadership and service skills to the community." - Christine Meyers, Circle K coordinator Gavlick also hopes that Meyers or some other Circle K member will join the St. Davids Kiwanis at their weekly breakfast meetings and let them know what the group is doing. Some possible service projects may include participation in Special Olympics, a CROP walk for hunger, Christmas

more PROGRESS from 1 encouraged the group to come together as a community and develop a system of self-regulation. First-year student James Santora said that Xavier residents began to come together in the hours immediately following that announcement. "That night, we selected representatives and wrote a proposal to (Currie)," Santora said. Santora was one of tne four representatives selected. The proposal included all of the suggestions given to the representatives by Xavier Hall residents, according to Santora. Santora said that on Nov. 15, the representatives contacted Student Government Association President Frank Emmerich and asked him to bring the proposal to Currie. Emmerich also set up a meeting between the college's senior staff and the hall representatives to discuss the proposal. Santora felt that the proposal, which continues some vistitation regulation, and a no-alcohol policy was well-received by Currie and the senior staff. "They have agreed that we can now work together to become a community again,'' Santora said.

Santora said that he feels that the college will have fulfilled its obligations to the proposal by early next week. Part of the proposal asked that a security guard be placed at the front door to Xavier Hall to regulate visitation. That portion of the proposal has already been implemented. Tammy Causley, assistant director of resident life, has also started a weekly newsletter to keep Xavier residents abreast of the changes. Among the changes Santora expects to see in effect by next week are the additions of recreational and studying facilities in Xavier and the installation of additional trash cans. Santora said that he believed that Xavier residents were living up to their end of the agreei:tient,but that more work was needed. "(Currie) has been willing to come down a big step on sanctions, but more has to be done on everyone's parts,'' Santora said. A follow-up town meeting is planned for Wednesday, Dec. 5, from 2 to4 p.m. in the Mansion. All interested students are invited to interact with a small group of faculty. Members of the administration are invited to observe.

caroling at nursing homes, raising money for various charities, and working with other groups on campus. "It (service) can come from any area. I'm open to a lot of ideas,'' Meyers said. There is a membership fee of $12 per year "but one fundraiser can eliminate that," Meyers said. No qualifications are needed except "enthusiasm, a willingness to help, and people Wifha lot of ideas," Meyers said. First year student, James Santora, became involved after ··1 saw Christine hanging up the sign and said 'Hey. what's that,'" Santora said. '·11 ·s a good organization. It helps people out,'' Santora said. Karen May and Janice Reuter, also first year students, became members of Circle K because' 'we heard it was going to help out some special groups. We wanted to make a difference." Both Gold and Gavlick are hopeful for the new club. '"I'm impressed with her(Christine). I hope it works," Gold said. "I wish them well," Gavlick said. Meyers' immediate goals for Circle Kare· 'to tell everyone, find a faculty adviser as a moderator, and to elect officers," Meyers said. "Basically, I would just like to get it established, do a few projects, and have a real strong basis of support,'' Meyers said.

more RESIDENTS from 1 them to finish the semester here. According to Ostrowski and Miller, the two will leave the institution entirely on their own accord next semester. According to the letters issued to Ostrowski and Miller by Bonfiglio on Nov. 19, Ostrowski was suspended due to verbal harassment charge during the early morning of Nov. 11. Miller's removal was on the basis of a second alcohol violation of the semester which also occurred during the morning of the 11th Bonfiglio refused comment on the cases based on the privacy of individual disciplinary cases. Ostrowski and Miller made their situations public fare during President Sister Eileen Currie's open forum in Xavier Hall on Nov. 19. That forum was set up in response to Currie's imposed sanctions on Xavier Hall. The forum, mandatory for male Xavier residents, was a wellattended event in which Currie spoke of the need for communal

responsibility and the tempering of alcohol use. "There is nothing intrinsically wrong with alcohol in its proper use. But there were enough empty bottles in this building to float a battleship,'' Currie said. "Alcohol is being used to hide feelings. I think we need to talk about those reasons or feelings,'' Currie said. Students present responded with requests for more activities and clarification and consistency with resident life policies and sanctions. "There is no clarity as to what is right or wrong," senior Steve Buividas said. There was also the outcry for more integration among the classes in the residence halls in order for older students to act as role models. •'There are no models or authority figures to keep order here," Buividas said. A section of the code of conduct was used for the first time during Bonfiglio's tenure in the removal of the students. In weighing the severity of the punishment, Bonfiglio invokedthefollowing clause

of the code: "Students who exhibit consistent disregard for these standards or' conduct may also be subjected to more severe sanction than infrequent offenders. The College reserves the right to require the suspension or withdrawal of a student from the residence halls or from the College itself, and to waive the right for a conduct hearing at any time for reasons of unsatisfactory conduct or behavior contrary to the spirit of Cabrini College." Ostrowsk.i said, ''Basically the administration can do what they want to do because the code of conduct can be used as their tool." Ostrowski and Miller felt that they were used as a scapegoat after the college was unable to find perpetrators in the destruction of resident director Andy Mcllroy's car on Nov. 11. "With everything that is going on (the crackdown of Xavier), the administration. had to get somebody for something," Miller said.



f riday, nov. 30, 1990


Cabrini couch potatoes, hooked on their tube by Joseph Buda

Pam Lemay, a sophomore marketing major, is talking on the telephone and reading in her room on Monday night. An alarm goes off in her head and she realizes that it is 8 p.m. She closes her book and ends her phone call. She then turns on the television to ABC and favorite program. "I like to watch it because it "It deals with real issues.'' "I like the way he handles things in an intelli_gent and creative way. Ijust have to see what he does with a bottle cap and a piece of string to get out of situations." Lemay said. According to Lemay, because of ''MacGyver,'' her favorite night of television viewing is Monday night. Dick Masterson, a master of education student, said that his favorite show is ''Cheers.' ' "I like 'Cheers' because it is the most entertaining and most amusing show on TV. Sometimes you must actually think to pick up a joke,'' Masterson said. Krista Palmisano, a junior undeclared major, agreed about "Cheers." "I like 'Cheers' because it is sophisticated as well as funny. Plus, it has two of the finest lead actors on television." Palmisano said that she likes to watch "General Hospital" as much as she likes •'Cheers.'' •'It has the elements of a good soap- action, good acting, plus I have to wait to see what is going to happen next.'' Rachel Sakowitz likes another soap as her favorite show. "It gets you away from reality" is why. she likes it. Her favorite time to watch television is early Friday night because "it helps you unwind at the end of the week.'' Chiaki Suzuki, a senior arts administration major, prefers the "Cosby Show" to everything else on television. According to Suzuki, "It's funny. It seems to be the typical American show, especially the way th~ people on the show treat each of their children." Pakakrong · Poomwongsomneang, a se'nior business administration major, "Growing Pains" every Wednesday because she thinks "it's a really fun show to watch." Senior Kelly Walsh, an English and communications major, likes to watch "thirtysomething." According to Walsh,

"I like it because it is a reality-based show and what my age group would like to see because it can relate to everyday life." . "Thirtysomething" is also the favorite program of freshman Courtney O'Conner, an English and secondary education major. She likes it because of' 'the use of symbolism. They don't do anything without symbolic meaning, which I think is pretty cool." Colleen McKenna and Pam Simpson, senior elementary education majors, like "Married ... with Children" most of all. According to Simpson, "It's funny, a stupid funny." McKenna said that she likes to watch television most on Tuesdays because of the "good" shows on like "Roseanne," "Coach," and "thirtysomething." Simpson likes Mondays for watching television because it is when she has the most time. Brad DeLong, a sophomore sociology major, also has "Married ...with Children" as his favorite show because he "likesAl Bundy. He's fun to watch." His favorite viewing night is Saturday because he gets to relax without worrying about doing any homework. Sophomore Matt Forman, an English and communications major, Picked another show on Fox Sunday night as his favorite, "In Living Color." He likes it because '• it is the best and the fullJ1iest there is." Forman' s favorite night of watching television is the Fox Sunday night line-up because ' •it is the best lineup on any of the networks." Another show on the Fox Sunday night line-up, "Parker Lewis Can't Lose," is the favorite of senior Ed Leo. According to Leo, he likes it because "it's odd, especially the camera angles.'' His favorite night for television is "any night with boxing." Janeen Papania, a first-year student with an undecided major, likes "Saturday Night Live" the most because, "It cracks me up. I think it's so funny, but sometimes when I go to turn it on, that wrestling thing is on and it makes me so mad." Papania said she likes Sunday nights with 'In Living Color' and Thursday nights with the 'Simpson's' and 'A Different World' most out of all the viewing nights.

Verdict on television More than 2,000 people wrote in to answer the USA TODAY survey about viewing habits. Here are the answers:

More watching less TV viewing compared with a year ago: r---....::--- Watching more 8% Watching the same 22% Watching less 70%

But cable shows gains Of those responding, 78% have cable. Cable viewing compared with a year ago: -.,...-- Watching less 22% Watching the same 22% Watching more 56%

Too much predictability, violence Given our list of adjectives, percentage who said TV is too: (could choose more than one) Predictable Violent Racy

John Buckley, an English and communications major, thinks "LA Law" and "In The Heat Of The Night" are the best shows on television. Buckley's favorite viewing night is Thursday because "it contains the best shows." Off network shows are also popular. Ruth Richardson, a member of the library staff said that she likes watching "Jeopardy" the most "because it's challenging," even though she's not a big television watcher. Brian Marczyk, a sophomore English and communications major, said that his favorite television program is' 'Star Trek: The Next Generation." "If I don't get to boldly go where no one has gone before,'' Marczyk said,' 'I wilJ curl up in a little ball and die.'' Marczyk also added that he likes any late night on television because • 'the television stinks that time of night and makes me laugh." Bud MeUon, communications center supervisor, likes to watch "Our Century" on the Arts and Entertainment cable network. Mellon said he likes it because it brings back documentary style on television, which isoneofhisfavoriteforms of television. He likes it because, •'it's highclass, not high-brew:'' He likes watching television at I a.m. on a Friday morning because that is the only time he can watch television. At that time he watches the original "Twilight Zone" because, according to MeUon, it is the best of the anthology shows on television. "There's something about grainy black and white and that famous whip pan which puts Rod Serling

in the same scene as the action.''

I I58% , Top ten NielsenI;=====,- I40% rated TV shows I 12so/o ':::::-:---'



Among people watching less TV, percentage who found it too: (could choose more than one) Predictable




I 43%

Rod Little, Gannett News Service



Week ending Nov. 25: 1. 60 Minutes/ CBS 2. Movie: It-Pt.2/ ABC 3. NFL Mon. NitFtbl/ A]:!C 4. Amer.'s Funn. People/ ABC 5. Fun. Home Videos/ ABC 6. Murder, She Wrote/ CBS 7. Murphy Brown/ CBS 8. Designing Women/ CBS 9. Golden Girls/ NBC 10. Empty Nest/ NBC ~

Real men: not afraid to show their emotions by Rita S. Cellucci What is the ideal man? Tall, dark and handsome, as the old saying goes. Twinkling eyes, broad chest, nice smile and ruggedness are a few other qualities. Of course, he must be intelligent, sensitive, humorous, outgoing, truthful and open to emotions. In other words: perfect. "The media has done a lot to perpetuate an image," Eileen McAlinney, health educator in the health services office said. According to McAlinney, men have been conditioned not to show their emotions. They are taught to be aggressive, strong and macho. However, women are taught to be nurturing, warm and tender. Just think of the toys a child receives from his parents. Girls usually get dolls. Boys get G.I. Joe's.

As the child matures, the girls are conditioned to be more emotional. "Men have been conditioned not to show their emotions," Mcalinney said. Jim Seifret, first year student, said there are a lot of men who put up fronts and talk "bogus talk." • 'A lot of guys put on attitudes and feel they have to put on an image,'' Seifret said. McAlinney said that men are beginning to understand that they have a tender side and that it is okay to display their emotions. '' It is healthy and it is a new change from the past couple of years," McAlinney said. Joe Stelacio, senior, said, "If ymi hide your feelings your friends know something is wrong.'' Seifret said that a guy must have a great amount of trust in a person before they can talk. •'If you feel secure around a girl or any other

person then it's okay," Seifretsaid. Chris Conrad, sophomore, said he has no problem talking to men or women. •'A lot of images about guys are untrue. It is the same about girls too." "Sometimes you want to hide it and forget it, but it is better to talk about it," Chris Monaghan, first year student, said. Monaghan finds it easier to talk to women. He also said the counseling center would be good because it provides a neutral party. Paul Schneider, sophomore, said that when he is ready to talk he turns to his closest friends. Schneider said that sometimes when he keeps emotions in it will come out through anger. Dr. Daniel Schwarz, director of the counseling center, said that "by coping with bottled emotions, the problem can be manifested into other outlets such as anger, vandal-.

ism, drug and alcohol abuse." McAlinney also added that it can cause physical problems like hypertension and ulcers. Schwarz said that the problems between men and women depend upon the individual. Mostly the problems are related to relationship and family issues. Schwarz said that more women than men visit the counseling center. ''Communication is the key to any good relationship,'' Monica Rightnour, junior, said. In her situation it is the opposite. She will sometimes pull away from her boyfriend whereas he is very open and willing to talk. As the relationship goes on, she said he reveals himself more and more in the little gifts he gives her. McAlinney said that men are starting to assume more responsibility in a relationship. Now that

women are a major part of the workplace, men and women are viewing their relationships as a •'partnership.'' Monaghan said he grew up in a household where the men had to assume most of the chores since his mother worked. "Thirtysomething's" Michael Steadman is what the media portrays as the ideal man. Women adore him and men can sympathize with him. He appeals to women because of his sensitive nature. However, men relate to Michael because of his power position at work. McAlinney said that the most important thing for males is that they feel comfortable with anyone because it is great for feedback. When looking for the ·'perfect'' male or female, just remember that everyone is human. When you find them, remember that communication an.d patience will help.




f ridaY, nov. 30, 1990

Givingstudentswith learningand physicaldisabilities the chanceto provethey are just like everyoneelse (Left) Cabrini student, and the reason the MBF Computer School was started, Megan Flanigan, demonstrates some of the skills that she learned as a student of the MBF Computer School.

(Below) Mrs. Mary Anne Flanigan, the founder of the MBF Computer School, and Megan's mother, discusses the reasons she started the center and the students who have been helped by it. pho1osby Matt Forman

I by Kimberly Keck

Megan· Flanigan, sophomore at Cabrini College, was born with cerebral palsy. In the beginning,doctors told her mother, Mary Ann Flanigan, that her daughter would not be able to learn past a certain age. Despite this, Megan graduated from Archbishop John Carrol in Radnor Township. While Megan was in high school, her mother became concerned about a potential career for her daughter. Out of concern for her daughter, Mary Ann Flanigan founded MBF Computer School, a non-profit computer training program for adults with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy, spina bifida, spinal cord injuries, learning disabilities and brain injuries. "l thought computers would be a way of bridging the gap.'' Mary Ann Flanigan said. Flanigan named MBF after her daughter, .Megan Barbara Flanigan. The goal of MBF is to prepare students for meaningful employment. MBF prepares handicapped people for careers such as secretaries, general office clerks, customer service representatives, receptionists, word processors, data entry and trackers and photo copiers. Besides computer courses, MBF offers social and business courses to give the students an overall polish according to

Weiss's supervisor, said Ken's performance is excellent. "He was supposed to attend a twoday program. However, he picked everything up in the first morning of training,'' Bepple said. Not only does MBF train its students, it hires them as well. Cory Pannell is an MBF graduate and is now the administrative and director of admissions. ·'Everyone in this world has a disability, it's just that mine is more apparent." Pannell said. ''Cory is our prize student,'' Flanigan said. MBF differs from other schools in that it is the only school in the Philadelphia suburbs to offer this unique program according to Suzetta Baird, MBF development coordinator. · 'We feel we are a program all by ourselves because we help those who fall through the cracks," Fianigan said. We take those turned away from otherorganizations because we think they are capable.'' One MBF student, Mary Ann Bernard, has multiple disabilities stemming from cerebral palsy . At one time, she was diagnosed as mentally retarded and was turned down by other programs. After four MBA courses and with the help of a private tutor, Mary Ann today communicates on a professional level via her home computer.. She also enjoys reading, attends classes

''._Inthe classr(?Om, the most enlightening transformation takes place. Not only do students increase their skill level on the computer, but they begin to develop a sense of confidence and self-worth that some of them would never have imagined." - former teacher , MBF Flanigan. MBF is listed as a post-secondary school. To accommodate the students' disabilities, special keyboard covers, magnified screens, software that allows for one-finger operation and more were installed at the facilities. Former MBF student, Ken Weiss, is a data entry operator in the accounts receivable department of the General Rehabilitation Center in _Berwyn,Pa. Maria Bepple,

and coordinates the Student Activities Committee at MBF. "Mary is an extremely driven and motivated human being,'' Flanigan said. At MBF, the students are not the only ones learning. "They have taught me the power behind a positive attitude in the face of adversity,'' a former teacher said. Each year, thousands of people become paralyzed by accidents or diseases. These permanent injuries can strip one of dignity and independence.

This was the case for Francis Cooney. In 1972, a motorcycle accident left Fran with a hearing impairment and limited use of his right hand. "I truly love MBF," Cooney said. His goal is to obtain skills so he can get a job. ''Fran is definitely capable of working for a company again and able to take more advanced courses,'' Dave Stroup, MBF teacher said. One former teacher said, •'In the classroom, the most enlightening transformation takes place. Not only do students increase their skill level on the computer, but they begin to develop a sense of confidence and self-worth that some of them would never have imagined." MBF Computer Center was incorporated in 1986. The program began in January 1987 with four students and four professional volunteer teachers. MBF's 55 students have completed courses primarily in computer literacy, database principles, word processing and spread sheet. Courses have been taught part-time in the evenings in three donated centers: The Episcopal Academy (Merion), The Academy of Notre Dame (Villanova), and Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children

(Philadelphia). The executive office is located in King of Prussia. Currently. MBF is establi-shing a fulltime comprehensive, computer training program to better serve the multiple needs of its students. The new program will include counsel'-ing, computer education, a learning center and an office lab in one site. The students will complete the program in IO months rather than over a number of years. A full-time pilot program will begin in Jan. 1991 with five students. In Sept. I 991, the full-time program will begin with 15 students. MBF is a non-profitorganization. Ninety percent of revenue comes from family and friends, according to Flanigan. Companies are donating computers, equipment, and consulting time, Baird said. Fundraisers such as golf tournaments have helped the organization as well, Flanigan said. MBF received a grant to help the full time pilot in Jan., 1991. MBF also accepts donations from the United Way. If interested in contributing, the number to place on the donor choice form is 08410.




friday, nov. 30, 1990

Sullivan,MSC shares her visitto the "secret annexe" by John Gay

· 'It's really a wonder that I haven't dropped all my ideals, because they seem so absurd and impossible to carry out. Yet I keep them, because in spite of everything I still believe people are really good at heart.'' These are the words of Anne Frank. a girl not yet 16 years old, who died at the Belson concentration camp in Gennany in ~arch of 1945. Anne Frank was the subject of Sister Mary Sullivan, MSC, in her lecture Nov. 6 during the noon-time I iturgy in the chapel. Sullivan, a fonner president of Cabrini College, shared her reflections of a visit she recently made to the "secret annexe" where Frank and seven other Jews hid from the Nazis for over two years. . Judy Barnes, student services secretary. found the lecture stirring. "It was a good way to start our week," Barnes said. Mary Ann Mirra, secretary to the registrar, agreed. ''It was very interesting and well-presented. She's a beautiful speaker," Mirra said. Sullivan visited the annexe, located in Amsterdam, Holland, on Oct. 24. The annexe is now a museum run by the Anne Frank Foundation and has been preserved to remind us of the past but also to stimulate thinking for the future. Sullivan called the annexe a "shrine of the human spirit," as she went about describing it. She was surprized to see photographs in Frank's room of movie stars of the '30s. Sullivan noted that the room could have been that of any teenager today She spoke of Frank meeting a long, lost friend at Belson whom she had left on unfriendly tenns. Through the barbed wire of the camp, it didn't matter. Sullivan reflected that she could almost hear the voices of the occupants of the annexe. Sullivan's lecture pointed out how herwritingcaptured the human spirit in its darkest days. Sullivan used excerpts of Frank"s diary generously. Employing Frank's words elevated Sullivan's astute reflections. Pointing out that there was still much anti-semitism (as

well as anti-Catholicism) in todays world, Sullivan relayed the view of cultural diversity. ''Regardless of our differences, we are all one people," Sullivan said. In her diary, Frank had made a wish, "I want to go on living even after my death." Her wish came true. The forces that persecuted Frank are also alive and well,

"I see the world gradually turning into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too. I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet if I look into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that the cruelty too will end, and the peace and tranquility will return again." - Anne Frank, from the "Diary of Anne Frank" according to Sullivan. Neo-Nazi groups, who don't believe there even was a holocaust, are on the rise in Europe. "We are right back where we were in 1930,'' Sullivan said. Sister Sullivan is no stranger to Cabrini College. She served on Cabrini's board of trustees from 1968 to 1970. Sullivan then served two years as vice-president for academic affairs before becoming president of the college in 1972. Sullivan held the title of president for 10 years, leaving in 1982 to complete her doctorate degree on Mother Cabrini at ~ryn Mawr College. Since acquiring her doctorate degree Sullivan has played a prominent role in many diverse areas. One honor she recieved was being asked to go to the Bishops Conference on Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees. Sullivan then returned to Philadelphia to start a small institute at St. Charles Seminary dedicated to immigrants and refugees. The institute features multi-cultural religious

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education courses on cultures as diverse as Native-American, African-American, Asian-American and HispanicAmerican. Sullivan is currently finishing a book on Mother Cabrini. In Feb. she anticipates joining the Center for Migration Studies in Staten Island, New York to help delvelop ..

SCHOLARSHIPSConcerned Educators Against Forced Unionism is offering a $1,000. scholarship to honor Michigan teacher who were fired because they refused to pay union dues. The Applegate/Jackson/Parks Future Teacher Scholarship is awarded to a student in his or her junior year pursuing a degree in education. Applicants will be asked to submit an essay and a complete application by April 30, 1991.

The Pennslyvania Federation of Democratic Women.Inc. is offering 3 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to any Pennsylvania woman student in her junior year who is interested in making a career in politics or government, economics, history or who is preparing to teach in these fields. Applicants must possess a Democratic family background or be an active participant in the activities of the Democratic Party. Deadline for Applications is April 15,1991.

The National Federation of the Blind is offering a broad array of scholarships to recognize achievement by blind scholars. All applicants for these scholarships must be legally blind and pursuing a full-time past secondary course of study. The amount of the scholarships range from S6,000-$2.000. Deadline for applications is March 31,1991. The Pennsylvania Associated Press managing Editors is seeking the most Promising Pennsylvania print journalist for 1990-1991. A $1,000 scholarship to be applied against the winner's tuition for the 199192 school year will be awarded. The Scholarship is awarded to a Pennsylvania resident in their junior year of study who is pursuing a career in print journalism and who has experience on his/her college newspaper. Applicants should send a cover letter and resume outlining his/her experience and interest in Newspapers, a transcript of college grades and ex: amples of his/her published work. Deadline for applicants is Dec. I ,I 990. For more infonnation on scholarships and applications see the Financial Aid Office.

pastoral institute. "I'll be picking up this work of world migration, which is so great now because of all the upheavals in the world,'' Sullivan said. Sullivan will teach and do pastoral work with clergy and laiety who work with immigrants. Her work centers around teaching..Jb.em to understand newcomers customs and faith heritage. "It was a privilege to be here today," Sullivan said. "I'm delighted that you are having a week like this." Anne Frank, will be "forever etched in my mind," Sullivan said in closing. She ended with some passages from Frank's diary. "I see the world gradually turning into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which ~ill destroy us too. I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet if I look into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that the cruelty too will end, and the peace and tranquility will return again.''

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If you did not find what you were looking for in the above ads please visit our Job Board located within the Financial Aid Office. The Job Board is full of part-time and seasonal job~.

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fridav1nov. 30, 1990


Master'sclass bringsWalnutStreetTheater to Cabrini by Karen Dumorney The theater department, for the second time this semester, attempted to heighten as well as enlighten the level of theatrical performance when the Walnut Street Theater's Master Class performed at Cabrini's theater on November 19. The workshop consisted of first the performance and then the working rehearsals that were discussed to improve the scenes. Scenes that were presented included Moliere's ''The Misentrope, Sheridan's "The Rivals, Chekov 's "The Sea Gull", Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing", "The Beggar's Opera" and Sameul Beckett's "Waiting For Godot". Moliere's "The Misentrope" was the first play that was performed. The setting takes place ·in the present era. It was about a gentleman who refused to play societies game. In addition, he was a person who had an extreme dislike for humanities. The most entertaining part of the scene was the way John Hefferon, who played the Misenthorpe, criticired Miles Chapman's poem who played the poet. In addition, the actors use of rhyme couplets increased the audiences attention. Sheridan's "The Rivals" followed soon after. It is a satirical comedy written in 1775 where people disguise themselves to be more romantic to the one's they're in love with. The play is a disguised story where one of the characters in the story is a rich woman whose ideas about love come from reading novels. In this scene she is destined to marry outside her social status. Because of the novels, she is convinced that marrying a poor man is the most romantic thing to do. In addition, there are two male characters in the play who are in love with this woman but neither of them

are aware of it. Michael Brophy Beatrice who is content about Opera". It's a musical comedy plays Bob Aacras, a country being single. Charles McMahon about two women in love with the bumpkin and Di Staniseau plays· plays a soldier who is a confirmed same man and one man in love Sir Lucius, a hot-tempered Irish- bachelor named Benedict who with all women. man who has no meaning. makes fun of the other soldiers being At the beginning, the characThe climax of this scene is in love. ters were feeling sorry for themwhen Sir Lucius gives Aacras In this scene, you see how selves because of the fact that they advice on fighting the man who is difficult it is for both characters to shared the same man. In the end, in love with the same woman as he. confess their love for one another. Lisa Hatcher, who plays a characNext in line was Chekov 's ''The This particular romantic com- ter named Lucy, has an objective Sea Gull''. The setting takes place edy produced a feeling of elation which is to rid the woman of her in 1895 in Moscow. It is basically in the audience. It's a romance that life of the man that they both love. about a series of scenes that depict looks like it won't work out; how- In one incident Lucy attempts to frustration, love, anger and joy. ever, it surprises the characters more befriend Polly played by Taylor In this scene, Morton Patterson, than anybody by how well the Williams. In actuality, he has the who plays a middle-aged-Russian romance works out. diabolical plan to poison her. writer named Trigorian, acts as a lover and a companion to Jacqueline Rowlette who plays the mother. Trigorian follows her to Moscow when she goes to visit her brother. The climax of this scene takes place when Trigorian asks his companion permission to photo by Judi ?anasik have an affair with a 19- Cabrini's first master's performance was attended by a number of students who y ear - old came out to watch a wide variety of scenes form romantic,comedic and tragic woman. The plays. The scenes were performed by the Walnut Street Theater's Master's class scene sizzles under the direction of Cabrini's own Neal Newman. when Rowlette seduces him away from his The climax of this comedy Finally the last play presented thought of having an affair with a takes place when Beatrice and was Sameul Beckett's "Waiting younger woman and convinces him Benedict finally confess their love For Gadot". It's a black comedy to go back home with her. forone another. However,accordabout two guys, Michael Brophy Following "The Sea Gull" was ing to Beatrice, there's a price to who plays a character named Sheridan's "Much Ado About pay for love. In the end of this Estragon and Charles Patterson Nothing". It's a romantic Shake- scene, she asks Benedict to do the who plays Vladimir who are waitspearean comedy about two people most repulsive actto prove his love ing for something to happen but who refuse to fall in love with each for her: she wants him to kill you donotknowwhat. Duringthis other by denying their love for each someone but Benedict declines. scene, the characters leave you in other. Janet Wasser plays a rich Following "Much Ado About suspense because you do not what and very happy woman named Nothing" was "The Beggar's it is they are waiting for. · Although the plays presented were the most difficult to do, it






"I think that the Cabrini students were very lucky to see such a large array of comedic styles of different time periods and great authors in that evening."


- Neal Newman, theater director




~~ ~


played in "The Sea Gull", although the scenes were not well done, they were beautifully criticized by Newman. He also thought that the audience was very attentive and cooperative. "I thought that any laughs that were real, were enjoyable,'' said Patterson. Brophy said that although the plays weren't up to perfonnance level, he thought that the workshop went well. In addition, he added, "that although we would have liked it to be flawless, it's a learning process, said Brophy. "It's always good to have these points brought out,'' he added. As for the audience, Leonora Veterano, senior said that she went because she would get extra credit. She admitted that if that wasn't the case, she wouldn't have gone. But because she did, she learned a lot. "I didn't know that so much was involved in performing as far as form and style," said Veterano. "I either thought you had it or you didn't." In addition, she noticed that the actors and actresses never seemed pleased with their performance. "I got the idea that they could do better," said Veterano. According to Stephanie Homyak, senior, even though it was a class requirement, she would.have gone to the workshop anyway. "I enjoy going to the theater and I was curious to see how Neal worked with professional actors,'' said Homyak. Christy Earley, junior, said that although it was also a class requirement, she would have gone anyway. "I am mostinterested in acting and it helped me to gain experience, said Earley. She added, "not only is it a learning experience, it was a Cabrini event that I think Cabrini students should get involved in," said Earley. Whatever· the case might have been for attending the workshop, everybody got something out of it, according to Newman. "I think that the students learned something from what I could ten and the actors thou~llt that it was

was challenging to them at the same time, said Newman. As a result, by bringing it to Cabrini, it gave the actors and actresses a chance to perform. In addition, Newman added, by doing comedic scenes the actors will be rewarded by the audiences reaction. "I think that the Cabrini students were very lucky to see such a large array of comedic styles of different time periods and great authors in that evening.'' According to Patterson who

very gratifying," said Newman. He added, "I heard a lot of laughs and a lot of applause. If the laughs and applause were a perimeter, than I think it was successful,'', said Newman. Although the workshop and the previous one, Shakespeare's "12th Night'' was not funded by Cabrini, he hopes that other groups will come and perform here. "I can only live and hope, because we don't have a budget for it," said Newman.



friday, nov. 30, 1990


Cabrinistudent Abramovic,critically receives national youth acclaimed pianist, to play award in Hershey at Mansionthisweekend by Melissa

Landsmann Junior Bill Sc~ellinger has been chosen from hundreds of students nationwide to be one of ten finalists of the National Youth Leadership Awards Program of the Religious Heritage of America. The National Youth Leadership Award is awarded by the Religious Heritage of America photo by Cha~ie Waterfall (RHA) to 01,1ts tan ding Bill Schellinger was one of 1Ostudents chosen youths who by the Religious Heritage of America, as a have made unstudent who had demonstrated outstanding usual and sigcontributions to society and the community nificant contributions to their local community and to the broader spectrum of society. RHA identifies and draws attention to role models for youth and society at large to follow. RHA is a non-political, interfaith citizens movement which believes in the application of the Judeo-Christian principles and strives to perpetuate the diverse · religious heritage of America. RHA recognizes youth who demonstrate leadership qualities in their school,

all equal in each God's eyes and in each others," said ScheJlinger. "I can see even better the goodness in each person, the gifts they have to offer." Many different religions were represented by the finalists including Mormon, non-denomin at ion al, Presbyterian, Catholic, Baptist and African Methodist Episcopal. Schellinger thought it unfortunate that there were no Jewish final-

ists because he would have liked to "gain a better understanding of the Jewish religion." ''The weekend did much to lessen my ignorance toward other religions," Schellinger said. One of the most rewarding aspects was when he spoke to and visited the Milton Hershey School, which is a school fordisadvantaged children. He and the other finalists spoke to the students in an effort to let them know

"Despite the fact that we all came from different religious backgrounds, we are all equal in each God's eyes and in each others'." - Bill Schellinger, junior church and community and who exemplify biblical principles in their daily lives, according to Schellinger. Schellinger learned about the organization when Sister Bernadette Anello, director of campus ministry, nominated him and other campus ministry council members for the award. He filled out the application and got three letters of recommendation, one each from Anello, academic dean Dr. Antoinette Schiesler, and the assistant pastor at his parish. The award ceremony took place on the weekend of Oct. 28 in Hershey, PA when the ten youth finalists were brought together to provide an informal opportunity for them to get to know each other and offer advice to one another on how to be leaders, according to.Schellinger. '' Despite the fact that we all came from different religious backgrounds, we are

''they can accomplish anything that they set their minds to with God's help." As a secondary education major, Schellinger found the visit to the Hershey School to be the most rewarding experience of the weekend because he learned about the Hershey legacy and how the children are reaching their goals. Schellinger described the weekend as ''the most uplifting and fulfilling experience I've ever had.'' "I do not think I've ever felt closer to God as I did that weekend," Schellinger said. "The experience changed me a great deal." At the awards ceremony, the youth and adult awards were present John O'Connor, cardinal of the archdiocese of New York, received the Clergyman of the Year A ward and award recipients had the opportunity to meet and talk briefly with him.

by John Gay Cabrini College will host a concert by internationally reknowned musician Charles Abramovic on Dec. 2 at 3 p.m in the mansion. The concert is the latest in a series sponsored by the fine arts department. Admission to the performance is free and all are welcome to come and experience what the fine arts department is billing as a "trip through the live fantastic." Abramovic is a prominent and critically acclaimed pianist, who has had an active career as an accompanist, soloist and chamber musician. His credits include recording for the Musical Heritage Society with violinist Daniel Phillips and also being a member of the Janus Trio. Abramovic's wife, cellist Heidi Jacobs, is also a member of the trio, along with violinist Geoffrey Michaels. Abramovic has performed with the Janus Trio at festivals in places as diverse as the United States and Yugoslavia. A native of Pittsburgh, Abramovic began his professional career at the age of 14 performing with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra. He has since appeared with numerous orchestras including the Baltimore Symphony, the Florida Philharmonic

and the Penn Sinfonia. Abramovic is a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music and the Peabody Conservatory. In 1986, he was awarded a Presidential Fellowship for doctoral studies at Temple University. Abramovic is currently teaching at Temple and living in Philadelphia. He is involved with the Penn Contemporary Players, his local chamber music ensemble, and the Swarthmore Music and Dance Festival. Abramovic has also been successful in classical music competitions. He won 1st prize at the 198I Piano Teachers Congress of New York and placed 1st in the 1980 American Chopin Competition. Abramovic's program in the mansion will consist of his interpretations of six classical composers. The works performed will be "Sonata in C# minor" by Joseph Haydn, "Variations on a Theme of Robert Schumann" by Johannes Brahms, "Four Mazurkas" and "Bolero" by Frederic Chopin, "Kolo" by Boris Papandopulo, "Seven Balkan Dances" by Marko Tajcevic, and "Pieces of Childhood" by Richard Brodhead. Brodhead is a contemporary composer. "Pieces of Childhood" was written in 1990.

Piz·za: a favorite alternativeto the cafe by Alexa Napoleon When was the last time you heard the question, "Can we get pizza?" Most likely, almost every Cabrini student either asked or was asked that question last night. For some students, pizza is not only a staple food item but also the basis of campus living. In addition to pizza, other popular food items include popcorn, other take-out food, candy, microwave meals, and any food not made in the cafeteria. Pizza and other snack foods are a good choice when studying or when bored. Although in general, pizza is the unanimous choice when ordering out, the difficulty arises when debating what kind of pizza to get. The ever-popular Domino's Pizza may be a good choice, but what about Real Pizza, Pizza Hut (which now delivers) or the new California Pizza? Some Cabrini students could care less where their pizza comes from but some students are extremely picky and will eat only one particular kind. "I'll eat pizza from almost anywhere.but I like the new California Pizza,'' Matt Forman, sophomore, said. Pam Lemay, sophomore, said that the pizza she had from Domino's was gross. The pizza was cold, the cheese was hard, and the crust was mushy. Although Lemay dislikes Domino's sometimes, others prefer Domino's and will not order froll} anywhere else. California Pizza is a new experience for Cabrini students this year. Their pizza combines four types of cheese with a thin crust and toppings. Employees from the establishment said that the pizza seems to be having a good reception, and that customers are returning for more. Real Pizza, Domino's and Pizza Hut also

have a following. Students who prefer one of these types keep ordering from the same place. Pizza Hut is becoming more popular because they finally deliver. K~thleen Allen, junior, will eat take-out pizza at Cabrini, but definitely prefers to eat realpizzafrom Papa's in theChambersburg section of Trenton, N.J. Brian Marczyk, sophomore, recently tried California pizza. "The pizza is really good. The cheese tastes different, and the price is reasonable, too." California Pizza seems to be the overwhelming choice in pizza alternatives recently. Because discount coupons were distributed around campus and in students' mailboxes, Cabrini students were persuaded to try the new restaurant. "I received a coupon in my mailbox, so I thought, 'Why not?"' Lemay said. "I tried the pizza, and it was really great. I'll take California Pizza over Domino's any time." Getting take-out or having pizza delivered quenches those hunger pains when the Wig-Warn is closed and supplies a hearty dinner when just thinking about Cabrini food gives you a stomachache. Pizza is also a great party starter. "When J' m bored, I call up my friends and ask them to co;ne over and have a piz;za," Forman said. "I don't stay bored for long." Pizza is the ultimate in junk food. Hardly anyone ever does not like pizza. An offer of pizza is hardly ever turned down. If you want to have fun, just order a pizza and see what happens. ' 'It is a conversation starter,' ' Sara Krauss said. "You can't be silent and be eating a pizza atthe same time. It just doesn't work." Pizza. No matter what kind, how often you order out, or why you get ·it, pizza is an important part of campus life. Pizza can make you hungry just thinking about it. Mmmm ...sounds good. Pizza anyone?



fridaXznov. 30, 1990


College addresses rise in sexual encounters, AIDS, and STD statisticsthroughpolicyand educationefforts by Amanda Picher A study was ~eleasedin the Nov. 8 issue of the Philadelphia Inquirer showing the level of sexually active females, age 15-19, has risen 13 percent from 1982 to 1988. The study also showed that 65 percent of all teenage females were using contraception for their first encouruer. Only 48 percent did in 1982. The main form of contracep-tion used was a condom. Unfortunately, the level of sexually transmitted diseases like acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) has been rising. According to Gary Bonas at the Villanova University counseling center, AIDS has been spreading fourtimes as fast in theheterosexual community than in the homosexual community. The problem is complicated by the fact that people who contract AIDS may not know for 7-14 years. According to the American Medical Association's Encyclopedia of Medicine ( 1989), AIDS is a deficiency of the immune system due to infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Currently, there is no cure. The presence of HIV does not always mean that the person has AIDS, although according to the Encyclopedia of Medicine, 1.5 percent of the people diagnosed with HIV develop AIDS every year. AIDS is transmitted mainly through intimate sexual contact and infected needles used by drug addicts. It cannot be transmitted by kissing, hugging or normal everyday contact. Due to the rampant spread of the

disease, many institutions have developed policies on how to deal with victims of the disease. The Cabrini College AIDS policy was written in the spring of 1988 by Susan Fitzgerald, director of health services. It was re-

phcto by Ivan Domazet

Susan Fitzgerald, R.N.,director of health services, wrote the college's AIDS policy.

quested by the former Dean of Students Jim Fitzsimmons and approved by college president Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, in November of 1988, according to Dean of Students Bob Bonfiglio. The policy consists of 17 guidelines taken main)y from the American College Health Association's published report on AIDS. The preface to the policy states that the college's primary response is education. The policy goes on to state that any student or employee with AIDS shall be allowed to continue going to class or work as long as they are physically able to. Students and employees do not have to answer questions about antibody status, and the college

will not establish a mandatory testi"ngsystem. According to Fitzgerald, a lot is involved in mandatory testing programs. They are not always cost efficient. Also, Fitzgerald said that whether or not a person has AIDS should not have a bearing on if they are accepted or hired. The college Health Services encourage students who suspect or know they have been infected to let them know. Confidentiality is protected, and Health Services can provide the student with help in finding medical care, education, counseling and support. It is the student's choice to tell the administration and, if he or she is a resident, any roommates. According to Fitzgerald, it is extremely unlikely that AIDS could be transmitted from one roommate to another as the relationship involves only casual eve-' ryday contact. According to Fitzgerald, at Villanova, if a resident with AIDS does not want to inform roommates, the college will move the AIDS victim out of the room. Since education is the college's first response, informational programs are run. According to Bonfiglio, Fitzgerald has arranged for speakers with AIDS during the past two spring semesters. Fitzgerald said that there is currently no formal program for education, although her annual spring semester project is AIDS awareness. AIDS awareness week falls in the spring semester, and Fitzgerald tries to arrange for as many

ation, Villanova did not offer free condoms as part of the program. Bonas also said that condoms are only 85 percent effective, anyway. Ursinus College, in Collegeville, has an active peercounseling program. According to Stephanie McN ulty, assistant director ofresident life, the program has 20 students trained to educate their peers on issues of sexuality. They run 12 programs throughout the year, and 4 or 5 of them are on AIDS. The AIDS program consists of a role play by students about two people meeting at a party, then moves on to discuss the risks involved in encounters like this. The discussion includes transmission and prevention of AIDS, and at the end of the program, condoms are passed out to the students. According to Bonfiglio, the chances are that Cabrini will never "People will only read hand out condoms or make them available on campus because the so many pamphlets college cannot go directly against and attend so many the policy of the Catholic church. Fitzgerald said she runs prolectures. I'll try grams on sexuality issues, but must anything that anyone include the policy of the church. Since condoms are considered to thinks will help." be used as birth control by the - Susan Fitzgerald, church and not as disease prevention, she cannot make them availdirector of health able in the health office. services Fitzgerald believes that the college will eventually have to deal with an AIDS victim on campus, When active, the peer counsel- although she said it would probaors explained the epidemiology of bly be an older employee because AIDS and gave information on of the length of time between infection and the display of sympprevention. Because of the Catholic affili- toms. The age group that currently has the most victims is 29-34.

programs as she can, although it can get difficult. She said that there is always more that could be done, but certain considerations have to be made because of the college's Catholic affiliation. "People will only read so many pampblets and attend so many lectures,'' Fitzgerald said. She tries to arrange events that people will relate to more. When she looks for a speaker each year, she tries to find a heterosexual victim of AIDS. "I'll try anything that anyone thinks will help," she said. "I'm open to suggestions.'' Other area institutions have tried peer counseling programs. Villanova University is one of these. Presently, according to Bonas, there is no formal program. The students that were a part of the program graduated.

more ELLIS ISLAND from 1 arrived on the island in 1906 from '' gateway to America.'' They arrive by ferry as the Minsk, Russia. According to a Sept.7 article immigrants had since the orginal facility on Ellis Island opened in by the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1892. They disembark using the ''Officials estimate that 100 milsame gangplanks that huddled lion Americans-- 40percent ofthe masses filed through toward their nation's population-- trace their first steps on American soil as they ancestry to at least one of the 12 stretched their legs after a two-week million immigrants who passed through Ellis Island between 1892 voyage from Europe. "The immigrants had to sleep and 1924, the peak immigration on bunks that were really years." Not all made it through. The squished," Christopher ZurekToton, age l 0, said. ''They could weak and sickly, elderly, and unchaperoned women, often with hardly move." After $156 million spent on children, were forced to return. ''I restoration, the deteriorating build- can't imagine coming into Ellis ings on Ellis Island were trans- island, standing shoulder to shoulformed into the National Museum der asking, 'Can I stay here or will of Immigration. On Sept. 19, it I have to go back?"' !van Domazet, opened as the fourth- largest sophomore, said. The exhibit takes visitors room museum in New York. "To see it restored is a pleas- by room through the process of ure,'' Sister Ursula Infante, MSC, becoming an American. A thorough analysis of an immigrant's said. The canopy of the Main Build- mental and physical well-being ing is now shiny glass and red steel, could last from five hours to days. but the awestruck feelings upon Echoes ofvoices, thick with native arrival at Ellis Island are still the dialects, are heard as tapes of personal interviews are throughout the same. "I sort of swelled up," said displays. They speak of both the Jennifer Marks-Gold, activities successes and failures as do the director, "as I was putting my feet thousands of faces that panel the on the same ground as my grand- museum's walls. ''The blown-up faces were mother.'' Marks-Gold was named for her grandmother, Jenny, who beautiful for me," Sister Ber-

grated from Yugoslavia when he was 3-and-a-half, found a distant relative in Virginia. "I was amazed when I put my name into the computer," Domazet said. "My family has always thought we were the only Domazet' sin the country." A donation of $100 honors a family's name on a special plaque at the Sea Wall on Ellis Island. "At the height of the rain I went running to try to find panel number "I sort of swelled up 240,'' Marks-Gold said. When she as I was putting my found it, she ran her fingers over the letters of her grandparent's feet on the same names, Jenny and Abraham Levground as my ine. "It felt like a dream, as if you are being absorbed into the name,'' grandmother." Marks-Gold said. -Jennifer Marks-Gold, Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, activities director patron saint of immigrants, did not pass through Ellis Island itself when she arrived in New York's port Austrian, Italian, Albanian, Chinese from Italy in 1889 because it had and Austrianchildrenas they played not been built yet. Her name is in the land of the free. inscribed on panel number 57 of the "It's incredible that people Sea Wall. would bring bare essentials, and "Finding Mother Cabrini's yet they always brought a huge name and seeing how they preBible,'' Domazet said. sented her at the Statue of Liberty A film is shown during special was fascinating," Anello said. presentation times and computer A tribute ro Mother Cabrini is terminals which trace individual on the third floor on the pedastal geneaologies are also available. under Statue of Liberty's skirts of For Domazet, whose family immi- steel. She is placed with other

nadette Annello, MSC, said. "It was striking to see so many were disillusioned. Their hopes and aspirations were discouraged as they were looking for more, but found they were lost.'' A carnival of personal belongings and crafts from distant homelands are displayed. One showcase includes shoes worn by Greek,

immigrants who have made major contributions to America. Count DeCesnola, who with his wife were tremendousassests to Mother Cabrini's work, is displayed above Mother Cabrini. The picture of Mother Cabrini shows her in front of a stainedglass window with an orphan, and the Statue of Liberty in the background. Marks-Gold feels it was a perfect fit to end Cabrini spirit week and plans to run the trip annually. "It's wonderful for Cabrini," Infante said, "and for those not familiar with New York to have that kind of experience.'' Exactly how many steps arethere to the crown? Listen close to the ferry's captain or be careful not to lose count on the way up.

How to get to Ellis Island and the National Museum of Immigration: Take the Pennsylvania Turnpike east to the New Jersey Turnpike north. Get off at the Liberty Park exit. Park and look for the ferry which leaves every half hour. The admission price is $6.00.

fridaXznov. 301 1990




Sportsfans fund escalatingsalaries an opinion by Bob Healey Darren Daulton recently signed a contract that is worth $6.75 million over the next three years. He will receive more money next year than Mike Schmidt ever made. If Daulton were to have a carbon copy of this past season next year -- remember this was a career year-.- he will make: $13,888.88 for every game of the year, $4,901.96 for every one of his 459 at bats, $ I 8,292.68 for each of his 123 hits or $187,500 for each of his 12 homeruns. In just two games he will earn (no pun intended) more than half of working America. . Ruly Carpenter sold the Phillies to Bill Giles after George Steinbrenner rewarded Claudell Washington by making him the initial one million dollru:player. This was less then 10 years ago. I can only imagine what he is thinking now, as he sits on his farm watching the replay Phillies-Astros series in '80. Jose Canseco now makes $500 an hour, every hour, of every day. No matter ifhe is sleeping, fishing

or perfonning his marital obligation. What is going on in sports? The players are receiving astronomical salaries and there is no end in sight. Most of this problem is because of the new TV contract with CBS. Now the owners have more money than they know what to do with. And all the players have their hands out, laughing all the way to the bank. But can you blame the players? For many, after a few seasons they are financially set for life. If you were working at McDonald's for minimum wage and your grill partner was suddenly given a raise to $15 an hour, would you not want comparable pay? Of course you would. If McDonalds suddenly had an extra $2 million for payroll, would you not want a piece of the pie? But can you blame Bill Giles for signing Daulton? He was the best available catcher this year. Giles knew Daulton would get the money. It was just a matter of which uniform he would be wear-

ing. I think the problem goes back to when the owners instituted salary arbitration in order to keep salaries in check. This will go down in history as the ultimate financial faux paux. Arbitration basically allows players with three years experience to go to arbitration when his contract has expired. The player sets a figure and the owner will set a figure. Then a neutral judge, who by design knows nothing about baseball, will arbitrarily set the player's salary somewhere in the middle. The owner's plan to keep salaries down backfired in their face, resembling a teen-ager holding a firecracker in his hand just a split second too long on July 4. But is it their fault? They were doing what they felt was best. Maybe not for the game, but for themselves. The owners are responsible, but are they at fault? Now we have role players, riding pine and receiving seven-figure contracts.

It is hard to say who is at fault. I think Howard Eskin was right when he said, "It is the system's fault." No matter who is at fault, I know who will eventually pay for these outrageous contracts. Me and you. The little people struggling to make ends meet. Yes, CBS did fund Major League Baseball with billions of

No matter who is at fault, I know who will eventually pay for these outrageous contracts. Me and you. dollars. But where did they get the money from? They get their money from two places. One is ESPN, a cable company that broadcasted over 162 games this year. But we--, me and you -- pay for ESPN through our cable systems. The other place CBS gets money from

is advertisers. But where do the advertisers get money from? From us? We buy their products. It does not matter who is at fault. The common person pays. Presently for a family offourto attend a Phillies game it will cost in excess of $80. How can a guy busting his hump for $15 an hour afford this? The fan is being eliminated. I do not have an answer to the problem of escalating salaries in baseball. I do not know if there is a answer. But I do know that we are ultimately responsible for paying them. Through parking, concession, products and tickets, we pay. I only have one cry. A cry of reason amidst a forest of confusion. Do not eliminate the fan. To me baseball is still the symbol of America, right along with mom and apple pie, you know the story. Baseball is still the dream of every boy as he grows up. I just hope every boy dreams about hitting a homerun in the seventh game of the world series, and not about getting paid $2.25 million -a year for being a lifetime .208 hitter.

Reflectionson a journeyto South Bend, Indiana an opinion by Bob Healey The sun began to set in the western sky. As it did, the moon began to rise in the East. The sun gave its domain over to the moon for yet another night (but this night was special). As the moon rose so did my truck from the bottom of the hill on Route 80. As we reached the top of the hill a beautiful monument came into sight. It sparkled in the night and shone for miles around. It was the Golden Dome, a beacon in the night, the symbol of Notre Dame. To our left was touchdown Jesus staring me in the face and on our right was the football field. The aura of South Bend was so encompassing, we could hardly walk straight. But we were able to walk into the stadium. It was 6 a.m. and the Dome was the only light. The interwoven ND insignia in either endzone sparkled, as the glow of the Dome danced in the still night. We stood on the field for about 10 minutes and were so overwhelmed with

awe that we could hardly talk. We were like little kids at Christmas. We had so much to say that we could say nothing at all. The campus can only be described as inspiring. It echoed with history, pride and Catholic tradition. Monstrosities of old, gothic buildings surrounded by immaculate grass,

answered, Louie's will have to wait 'til next year. We went two days without sleep and on Friday we attended a pep rally. As usual, Notre Dame propaganda was running rampid. From hearing the players talk, you would think they had already won the

All year Notre Dame fans have been professing themselves as the best team in the nation. All of a sudden those voices are silent. Notre Dame could talk the talk. But, when push came to shove and the stakes were there for the claiming, they could not walk the walk. trimmed religiously, each blade as perfect as the next. It was so powerful that Lou Monaco got on his hands and knees and kissed the ground. We both said a prayer to touchdown Jesus, and Matt Hod Iof ski's and mine were

ciceroand bud

National Championship. They forgot one thing, though. Nobody, no mater how lucky they are, beats Joe Paterno three years in a row. When Ricky Watters dubbed my team the Nittany Pussy Cats, or the Nittany Kittens, I knew that Joey P. would have the boys fired up. So, at that pep rally the

State diehards started that resounding cheer, "We Are ...Penn State!" All year Notre Dame fans have been professing themselves as the best team in the nation. All of a sudden those voices are silent. Notre Dame could talk the talk. But, when push came to shove and the stakes were there for the claiming, they could not walk the walk. What started out as a road trip to see a football game turned into a religious journey. How often do you see yourfavorite college team defeat the number one team in the nation, at the most breath-taking campus in America? Touchdown Jesus was frowning when the clock hit 0:04 as the laced pigskin split the uprights, shattering Notre Dame's season. Penn State did not buy into the hype and proved that heart often will outlast skill. My basic summation of the game is this: just when Lou Holtz thought he had all the answers, Joe Paterno changed the questions. As we left, it was like the day after Christmas. We knew we would have to wait another year before the two teams meet again.

Cicero Last week 5-5 overall and I 0-0 against the spread. For the year 29-21 overall and 30-20 against the spread. TEXAS 20 Texas AM 14 (+7.5) Ole Tex is locking its horns on Miami. X-Auburn 14 Alabama 13 (-2.5) * Tigers tame Tide. FLORIDA ST. 30 Florida 25 (+3.5) Seminoles make suitcases out of the Gators. WASHINGTON 31 Miami 17 (+ 3) Three games in eleven days helped the Skins lose to the Cowboys. Nine days without a game helps the Skins beat the Dolphins. BUFFALO 20 Eagles 19 (+3) Bills grazing kills the Eagles fertile winning streak. SAN FRANCISCO 28 N.Y. Giants 17 (+3.5) Montana and Rice make the Giants lose twice.

Bud Last week 7-3 overall and 8-2 against the spread. For the year27-24 overall and 27-22 against the spread. TEXAS 21 Texas AM 7 Homs hook Aggies. Auburn 27 Alabama 23 Tide gets clawed by War Eagles. FLORIDA ST. 35 Florida 30 Seminoles spear Gators. Miami 27 WASHINGTON 21 Fish catching floundering skins at the right time. Eagles 17 BUFFALO 10 * Birds on a roll. SAN FRANCISCO 35 N.Y. Giants 17 Niners in an angry mood X- at Birmingham, Home Team in CAPS, *-uoset soecial () - Soread




i STANLEYH. KAPLAN & Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances


friday 1 nov. 30 1 1990



Athleteof the week

Albrecht perseveresthroughtoughterrain by ElizabethMacGuire Through driving rain, Jackie Albrecht persevered, beating her teammates in the Allentown meet on Sat. Nov. 10. This perseverance was just one of the reasons that Jackie Albrecht was selected as athlete of the week by her coach, TomO'Hora. O'Hora said that her hard work and attention to directions also paid off. Jackie was surprised at how well she actually did at the meet because Chris Callinan didn't do well. ''I had no cue who was behind or before me,'' Albrecht said, as she ran through the curtain of rain and the three foot puddles at the Allentown track. '• She really surprised everyone,'' Eric Klansek, a member of the men's cross country team, said. "Jackie didn't let the weather bother her. She beat a lot of people that usually beat her." O'Hora said. Albrecht placed 112outof200in the meet, beating her old time. Her photo finish made through the mud cheered everyone. None were surprised that Albrecht was named athlete of the week for her running in the Allentown meet. Susanne Beck, a teammate of Albrecht's, said that the meet Saturday went terrible as everyone slipped and slided through the mud. "Next year, the team will be better. Weare getting some new women on the team and the rest of us will be ready to meet the challenges of cross country,'' Beck said. Albrecht's goal for next year is "to win ESAC." Her detennination should help her reach that goal. "She is averyconsistentrunner," Callinan said, which should also help her reach that goal. When Albrecht first started the season she was "slacking" but as the season got under way she improved. "She never missed a practice. She really hung in there," O'Hora said. As Saturday proved, her practice paid off.

Courage and dedication are two special qualities every cross country runner needs. Albrecht showed those qualities time after time as she ran. "She is always there for us," Klansek said. Callinan summed up Albrecht's season by saying, "She decided to peak at the right race.'' Now that the season is over, the runners will have to wait until next year to prove themselves on the track. Albrecht and Jennifer Arnold started the women's cross country team when they were only first-year students. The team has improved steadily since Tom O'Hora agreed to coach both cross country teams. With only seven members, the team is "close knit" according to co-captain Jennifer Arnold. "It's discouraging though. I would like to see more women come out for the team." As co-captains, Albrecht and Arnold are responsible for their teammates. They have to make sure that they make it to practices and keep the morale up even when it's raining. Beck said that the team is going through a "building", that is, everyone is learning how to run as a team. Albrecht is satisfied with her team and said that '' we have a team together finally.'' Albrecht's teammates agreed with that. Albrecht started running in the seventh grade when she transferred from public to parochial school. "I thought in order to belong in a Catholic school, I had to participate in some sport," she said. She chose cross country running because a friend of his father's was in cross country and it looked like something she could do. Later, she developed a love for running which carried over to college. Albrecht attributes her success to the hard work and friendship she has with her teammates.

photo by Matt Forman

Jackie Albrecht, athlete of the week.

Albrecht takes her running seriously. She hopes that her determination along with practice will help her win the ESAC next year.

Fourplayersreturningleaves Lady Cavs in uncertainstate

photo by John Gay

Sophomore guard, Mari Kate Fannon drives the lane against sophomore Amy Crossley.

by Lorraiue Marie Lill With a lack of players and a total of four women returning from last year's team, the Lady Cavs begin the new basketball season

weaker than they were last year but accord-

ing to Coach Dan Welde, they have the potential to do better. "Last year we had four seniors on the team. Senior leadership is a definite key to

success during the season," Welde said. Captain Barb Milligan, senior, said, "Compared to last year, we don't have the experience we had." "We have improved a great deal. If we improve on our defense from now on, I think we will be a very good team,'' Assistant Coach Jim Welde said. "The team is strongin different ways," Kathy Murray, junior, said. "We know who the leaders are, the leaders know what they have to do." Last year during Christmas vacation, Milligan suffered a tear to her anterior cruciate knee ligament, which prohibited her from playing for the rest of the year. "I was right at the top of my career in basketball, then all of a sudden an injury, and I'm out the whole season," Milligan said. Milligan had reconstructive and orthroscopic surgery done to her knee. After going through four braces and eight months of therapy, she is now ready to begin the season.' Tm on my last brace, which I should wear for at least a year. It restricts the knee from hyperextending when I want to fake or drive to the basket," Milligan said. Jim Welde said, "I don't think the injury will effect her performance as long as she is healthy and only she knows that.'' "With Barb coming off an injury, I have to be there, ready to step in and lead along with her," Murray said. The team consists of only ten players. Keeping the team healthy is a big concern. Sophomore Amy Crossley said, "The team could be a little deeper. We only have lOplayersandtwoare hurt so that'seight." "One or two injuries on a team like ours can affect your whole outcome to the season," Jim said. '' When a player gets hurt there is nothing you can do," Milligan said. "We don't have a lot of people to practice. We are

fortunate if we have eight players at practice." A lack of experience and height are the weaknesses affecting the team. "We don't have a lot of depth. He (the coach) expects the bench to pick up if something happens to the starters. They have to be ready to go in," Milligan said. "We don'thavealotofheightcomingoff the bench," Jim said. "You always like to have more than three big girls coming off the bench." "Height is definitely a problem, because we can't get to the boards, we can not rebound," Milligan said. The biggest competition this year wilJ come from Frostburg University and Marywood College. Dan Welde said, "Frostburg will be the best team in the conference. They are in the southern conference and they are the toughest competition. In the northern part of the division will be Marywood . " "Frostburg is the team to beat this year," Milligan said. ''They have practically all their starters back, they are experienced, they have been to the championship.'' The team has a very positive outlook for the season. "We are not very deep, but we're strong. We are going to surprise the lead," Murray said. Crossley said, "Ifwedo the plays that we were taught we should have a great year, because they work." '' We are fighters that want to go after the banner,'' Milligan said. "There is an enormous amount of potential," Jim said. "We as coaches can only go so far. They have to want to do the work. They have to want to do what it takes to win."



friday, nov. 30, 1990


Ukee spends a night on 'Sports Source' by Matt Hodlofski "Let's rock, and roll the highlights." This is a quote from KYW-TV's sports anchor Ukee Washington who walked into the WCAB studios on Wed., Nov. 7 to be a sports spotlight on Sports Source, WCAB's weekly sports talk show. Before joining KYW, Ukee was the sports director of WBBH-TV in Fort Myers, Fla., which he joined in 1981 as sports reporter and weekend sports anchor. He was promoted to weekday anchor and sports director that same year. In 1983, Washington accepted a job with WSB-TVin Atlanta where he worked for five months before returning toWBBH. Matt McGeehan, one of the three members of the Sports Source team was able to schedule the interview. "I ·had an internship at Channel 3 last year and I was able to build a rapport with him,'' McGeehan said. '' I contacted him a week in advance and fortunately he was

available.'' Washington was able to stay for 45 minutes and talk about how he got started in the sports broadcasting business. Sports Source set up an extra phone line for the special show and received many phone calls. Lisa Lindley, one of the many callers, expressed her feelings of Washington. "I felt Ukee was personable and easy to talk to. He was very down to earth compared to the other attitudes in Philadelphia like Howard Eskin," Lindley said .. Washington gave advice to the callers who were curious about how to get into the media field, whether ~t be print, television or radio. "Don't give up when it comes to writing your cover letters and making contacts. When I came out of the University of Richmond I received so many rejections that it really got me down," Washington said. "I used to practice doing play by play to myself looking in the mirror. Work hard and do your

homework and the breaks will eventually come." Washington did not hesitate in jumping into the flow of Sports Source and giving his opinions on the major topics of the night. ''I like the Sixers chances of repeating as Atlantic Division champions, but the competition this year is more intense with the New York Knicks and the Boston Celtics," Washington said. ''When that (Manute Bol) move was first made I was very happy to see it... With a 7'7 man in the middle, if he doesn't block the shot he will alter it," Washington said. Washington also talked about how he felt about Ahmad Rashad, who received the job on NBC's "Inside Stuff," which Washington was in the running for. "Ahmad is a good guy," Washington said. ''I'm getting to know him and hopefully when I go up to New York to see the taping of his show I can get to met more people and get more contacts. If Ahmad can't do a show for some reason, NBC will ask me to fill in.',


photo by Edd McNamee pnnted by Mark Gudas

Ukee Washington,KYW-TV.

more HOLY FAMILY from 16 That philosophy never sunk through as Holy Family built upon a 38-30 halftime mark with an 18-8 run during the first seven minutes of the last half. TheCav's momentarily stopped the bleeding when senior guard Jeff Hines hit his fourth three-pointer of the evening. But a Glitz foul shot two minutes later iced the day for Cabrini with a 63-41 lead. The last ten minutes was mop-up time for bench reserves on both squads. "I saw good things from individuals on Friday, but what scared me is that we seemed to give up," Dzik said. "We didn't play better in the first half, our shots just fell." Glitz ended up having a field day with 25 points. Hines three-pointers counted for his 12on the day which helped him earn his first All-Tournament team showing. Yurchak also posted 12 while senior forward JohnO'Hare netted IO while hampered by a sore right shoulder. Sophomore transfer Frank Sciolla knocked down eight. The raw data illustrated a new weakness for the Cavs. While posting only seven rebounds in the second half, they turned the ball overnine times in the half as the Tiger's press gave the Cavs' new motion offense fits. Only when the offense was abandoned, which was always against the zone press, did Cabrini move the ball effectively up court. The Cavs also didn't attempt a foul shot in the second half. "We ran into an experienced and confident team in Holy Family," Dzik said. ''They are a far better team than we are, but I'd believe we would give them a much better game at the end of the season."

more YORK from 16 Dzik called a time-out with 9:47 remaining in the first half to steady the troops in the face of a trapping, 1-3-1 half-court press. The score at that point was 16-11 in favor of York. Cabrini fought back to a 1 point lead at halftime, 30-29, led by the three-point shooting of Hines. The lead see-sawed between the teams until the 7 :00 mark of the second half when a Hines thre,e-point shot put the Cavs in the lead for good, 49-46. A packed-in Cavalier defense gave York fits the rest of the way, forcing the Cardinals to shoot unsuccessfully from the perimeter.




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Lies.------------~-----------..J_:· __________


fridaXznov. 30, 1990



Men's basketball goes 1-1 in tip-off tourney Wander through opener to Holy Family -----

Postwin.overYork .,_


by Carlo Iacono For the first time in John Dzik's coaching career, the thought of quitting entered his mind. After a dismantling 78-51 loss to Holy Family in the opening round of the BJ. Marchese Tip-off Tournament, Dzik sat in the solace of the Philadelphia Textile gym and cqntemplated what he once thought of as the impossible. "After the game, I told the team that loss was the worst performance in my 11 years of coaching, and in tum, the worst defeat,'' Dzik said. '' For the first time I though about quitting. I know that seems an overreaction, but it gives you an idea about my feelings.'' What irked Dzik was not the struggling performance of his young team against disciplined experience (the youngest Holy Family starter was a junior), but the lethargy he observed. "I take part of the blame for that loss because the word lethargy brings forth that people were not ready to play, which (getting people ready) is part of my job as coach," Dzik said. The season-opening loss on Nov. 16 was the largest for the Cavaliers in Dzik's I I-year tenure. Cabrini actually held the lead for the greater part of the first half, until it ran into the tactical game plan of the Tigers. After the game started at an intense pace, the Cavaliers staked their last lead of 2 I -17 with 7: 50 to go on senior Jason Yurchak's jumper. Then Holy Family mounted a comeback fueled by full-court press, dead-eye shooting, and one-man rebounding of senior All-American Mike Glitz. The Tigers sprinted to a 25-21 lead in three minutes after a jumper by senior guard Kevin Corney. Dzik called a timeout for the Cavaliers to illustrate the need to "move the ball" in what, at that point, was a dead offense.

moreHOLY FAMILY on 15

photo by Chris Pesotski

Senior guard Jason Yurchak posted 12 points in the Cavalier basketball opener. The Tigers of Holy Family drubbed the Cavs 78-51. Yurchak sat out the Cavs' first win of the season when he was called for a technical foul before the Cavs' 63-53 consolation round victory over the York (NY) College Cardinals.

byChrisPesotski Undaunted by the previous day's devastating 78-51 loss to Holy Family, the Cavs simply outplayed the Cardinals of York (NY) College for a 63-53 win in the consolation round of the BJ. Marchese Tip-off Tournament at the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. The win evened the Cavs season record at 1-1. Head Coach John Dzik said prior to the game that he hoped that the team improved on its "lack-luster" opening night performance. "I have to find some players who are willing to play with some heart," Dzik said. Dzik dressed every man in the basketball program with the exception of first-year students Kevin Marrazzo and Keith Kelleher. '' Jwould have dressed them too," Dzik said, "but I ran out of uniforms." Senior guard Jeff Hines led all scorers with 20 points. Hines shot eight for 15 from floor, and four for 11 from the three point line. Sophomore forward Frank Sciolla chipped in 18 points while senior forward Mike Massari grabbed six rebounds. Sophomore forward Ricky Parkes led the Cardinals with 18 points and seven rebounds. Noel Sampson dropped in 12 points from the center position. The Cardinals, who completed a 9-16 record in 1989-90 dropped to 0-2 on the young season. . Senior guard Jason Yurchak sat out the entire game after being whistled for a technical foul for dunking in the warmup period prior to the conte§t: 'ACcording to red-shirt guard Mike Carrafa, Dzik has a team rule that any player called for a technical is benched for the remainder of the game. Yurchack 's benching resulted in the unusual starting lineup of a pair of 5'8" guards, (Hines and senior Jeff Barnes), Sciolla, Massari, and senior team co-captain John O'Hare. This small quick line-up jumped out to an 11-5 lead before an 11 point run by the Cardinals.

Men's b-ball drops a thriller to Cheyney by Carlo Iacono The Cavaliers scared nationally-ranked Division II Cheyney University in a 5249 loss at Sacred Heart on Monday. The loss was solidified when Wolverine senior Darryl Oliver netted two free throws with :0 l .4 seconds remaining. The Cavs had a chance to pull off the upset in the waning seconds as Oliver missed the first of a one-in-one with eight seconds remaining. Even after an errant Cavalier inbound pass, Cabrini still had life as junior Mike Massari stole a Cheyney pass. But the subsequent outlet pass could not be handled by senior Jason Yurchak as the Cavs lost possession with four seconds left. A vocal and packed Sacred Heart gym was buzzing as it felt Yurchak had been fouled on the scramble. The Division III Cavs played a deliberately patient offensive set in which they did not shoot until ten seconds remained on the 45-second shot clock. This slowdown of tempo kept Cabrini close as it ended the first-half behind

---0..P..-i points for the

fi1r seniorguard -•


24 points, while six assists. The by onepoint with0:05 lefl on the clock

20-18 on senior Jeff Hines three-point shot. Hines ended with a game-high 17 points and five three-pointers, two of which came from well outside the white arch. "I was very pleased with the team's effort," Coach John Dzik said. ''The kids played a solid 40 minutes of basketball and we may have learned how to play Cabrini basketball.'' "Cabrini basketball" gave the quicker and taller Wolves fits throughout the whole contest. Cheyney adjusted to the slower tempo of the Cavs by running full-court press in the second half. That press, deficiency on the offensive boards, and costly turnovers thwarted Cabrini's upset bid. Massari played a solid defensive game while punching in 13 points. O'Hare and sophomore Frank Sciolla each garnered seven points a piece. "We treated this game as a springboard to our upcoming league games," Dziksaid in reference to upcoming home league action against Salisbury State on Saturday and Lincoln University on Tuesday .

more YORK on 15


IResults Women's Basketball 60 Cabrini 51 Cabrini

Alvemia 73 Marywood 49ot

Men's Basketball 51 63 49

Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini

Holy Family 78 York, NY 53 Cheyney 52

J.V. Men's Basketbal 86 Cabrini 83 Cabrini

Williamson 77 Manor Jr. Col.73

Schedule Women's Basketball Sat. 12/1 Tue. 12/4

Dutch Country Classic away Lincoln home 6pm

Men's Basketball Sat. Tue.

12/1 12/4

Salisbury Lincoln

home7:30pm home 8pm

J.V. Men's Basketball Thurs.11/29 Reading Com.Col. home7pm Sat. 12/1 Penn State Del. Co. away7pm Sun. 12/2 Tip-off away TBA Mon. 12/3 Cecil Co. Comm. home 7pm Weds. 12/5 Penn State Ogontz away 7:30pm

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