f riday, dee. 7, 1990
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
Fall formal tickets faked
vol. xxxvii, no. 12
Childrenfloodcampus JIPP'
by Melissa von Siegel
lot smoother than ours,'' DuHadaway said. In a continuing chain of DuHadaway showed Hodlofski disturbing events recently occur- and junior class treasurer, Karen ring on Cabrini's campus, yet Boyle, her findings. All agreed another incident has been discov- that although they were almost ered. exactly alike, they were indeed 1 According to an SGA officer counterfeit. According to from the junior class, two Cabrini Hodlofski, other differences in male students, a junior and a regard to paper texture were that senior, allegedly counterfeited the fake tickets were of a heavier tickets for this year's Fall Formal paper and obviously a better qualwhich was held on Friday, Nov.9 ity. The three officers al so noticed and sponsored by the junior class. a small difference in color, in Junior class president, Matt contrast with the original muted Hodlofski, and vice-president, light green. The counterfeit was April DuHadaway, in cleaning up a slightly brighter green. Also, a after the oance that night, put the design or graphic located at the tickets received that evening in a bottom of the original was not plastic bag. DuHadaway was consistently in the same place. looking through the bag the followAccording to DuHadaway, ing Monday morning when she three original tickets were made observed a difference. "I noticed that the paper textures were different. Theirs were a more TICKETS on 9
photo by Frank Emmercih
First-grader Jason Thompson was unhurt as the bus carrying children home from the Polar Express struck a tree last Friday (see story below). See page 6 for a story on the outreach program that brought Jason to Cabrini for a day.
Polar Expressderails by Chris Pesotski and Carlo Iacono
Senior Sullivan resident Charles Waterfall was the only one to witness the accident. "I saw the bus roll backwards and I thought it would hit the house," Waterfall said. "If we had missed that tree," Glover said, "We would have been talking some serious deaths. Thank God for trees." Sophomore Sullivan resident Mark Van
A bus carrying over 30 first-graders, their parents and teachers home from Friday's Polar Express collided with a tree in front of Sullivan House at approximately 12:45 p.m. There were no injuries among the 44 passengers. The bus, owned by Yellowbird Bus Company, was driven by Debora Glover of Philadelphia who had worked for the bus company for only a week. According to Glover, the bus was approximately halfway up the hill past Sullivan House on Residential Blvd. when she attempted to shift the vehicle from fourth to third gear. At this point, the bus stalled and Glover said that the brakes, including the emergency, failed to stop photo by Frank Emmerich the vehicle from rolling Yellowbird Bus Company driver Debora Glover inspects backwards. As the bus rolled damage to the bus which, while carrying over 30 bllckwards, Glover said youngsters, struck a tree in front of Sullivan House. she attempted to sideswipe, a tree in front of Sullivan House. The vehicle, coasting at approximately 10-15 m.p.h., ground to a halt when the front bumper caught the tree.
Belle said, "I hurt."
am swprised no one got
more BUS CRASH on 4
Xavierproblems continue by Carlo Iacono and Chris Pesotski Four incidents over the weekend continued the violation of policy in Xavier Hall. These incidents, fresh on the heels of progressive steps made by the hall, ran the gamut from physical assault to visitation policy violations. Xavier Hall, still under self-imposed regulation, progressed towards its goals of being an acceptable living environment with an opening of a game room on Dec. 4. But even with the use of a guard, the building housed the four incidents between Nov. 30 and Dec. 3. On Friday, Nov. 30 at approximately
photo by Chris Pesotsk1
Xavier hall 180 quad 2 a.m., an unknown individual splashed more XAVIER on 4
Causley resignsresidentlife post by Francis Sciolla Tammy Causley, assistant director of resident life, has submitted her resignation. effective Dec. 21. Causley explained that she is not leaving because of anything in specific but because of the overall damage on campus and especially in Xavier Hall. The situation at Cabrini is different from what Causley is used to and she found it difficult to separate her personal and professional life. "It's kind of scary here, with some of the vicious things that happen," Causley said. "The damage to Andy's
(Mcilroy) car really upset ~" Causley was also a victim of sexual harassment. ~omeone wrote the word "Gash" file photo Causley on her parking sign and when she discovered it's crude more RESIGNS on 9
inside perspectives ... ... 2, 3
There is more than
Cavs up record to
news ................ 4, 5, 9
one holiday in Dec.
2-3 with win over
features .......... 6, 7, 8
(page 8)
sports........ 1O, 11, 12
(page 12)
fridaYzdee. 7, 1990
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Getting fired up "For brighter days, and happy times ..." -A dedication to the direction of the college made in front of the yule log fire by Carter Craigie on Wednesday evening. A circle of students, faculty, staff, and their loved ones stood in affirmation. The yule log is an annual celebration of Cabrini family and tradition. This year, we needed it more than ever. Only two hours before, many of these same people were in a much different setting than the candlelit mansion courtyard with the glow of the fire on their smiling faces. They met inside the walls of a conference room for the follow-up session of the Town Meeting. Their voices were not singing carols or recalling myth, but words were spoken in earnest. Both gatherings had a solemnity about them. Concerned people came together for the tomorrows of Cabrini College. The campus is undergoing a conversion. It is a re-awakening to the vision of the college. Yet the know ledge we are gaining about ourselves is wasted unless we put it into action. The nature of the college is at a pivotal point. We can become a far better place than we've ever been, or we give up and close our gates. But we do have the intellect, the resources, and the power to meet the challenge. Four weeks of break can be used to meet, to organize, to set details for an incredible spring semester of growth and change. We have the spark. Now we must keep the fire burning by passing our own candles- our ideas, time, and energy- on to the person next to us. Soon, the brighter days will be everday.
A white Christmas? There was a black Santa, and a puppeteer who included a series of Aesop's fables in his routine. (Did you know that even though he spoke and wrote in Oreek, Aesop was a black story-teller from ancient Ethiopia?) There was also lots of fun, presents and 132 inner-city first-graders. The Polar Bear Express last Friday morning was much more than a holiday celebration or grade school field trip. It was a celebration of heritage, and a concious attempt to promote literacy by spending some special quality time with kids who are not often treated so specially in today's world. The children may not have understood the point of these efforts. One little boy said, "That's not really Santa-- he's black." They also may not have noticed that all the volunteers were white. -When one of the schoolbuses slid down a hill, the people who came running to help out probably weren't thinking of the children's color. The school children and their teachers were simply people who were in trouble. Acknowledging these differences is important, however. Will these firstgraders grow up thinking all the people that go to college are white? There were no black role models to offer the children as buddies. Enrollment management and admissions need to work even harder at bringing minorities to the campus, and giving them the support and encouragement to be visible leaders on campus. Maybe then youngsters will grow up believing Santa can be black.
More than a wish list want a couple pf Owens finger-rolls, some O'Hare magic in the lane, a few Hines threechris pointers, about 40 rebounds from Massari, and a healthy measure of Sciolla playing allpesotski around basketball. news If I get to see all of that, I'll also get the three wins. The boys will probably also editor bring home quite a few All-Tournament selections. Whenever I ask my dad what he wants for Boy-oh-boy is my hair getting long. I Christmas, I get the same answer. ''Three really could use a good haircut for Christgood kids," he sighs. I usually buy him a mas. Maybe that Tom Cruise look or a slick book or something. copy of Kevin Costner's cut. I'd fit right in I remember when I was little what a thrill with those guys then. I got paging through the Christmas cataFinally, though, in all seriousness, I want logs, putting together my list for Santa. all of our people over in the Persian Gulf, There was something really neat about look- standing up for "freedom and decency," to ing at all of those glossy pictures of brand- be able to come home and see their families. new toys, imagining what it would be like to I want those people back home on Amerihave all of them wrapped up in boxes next to can soil and I want them back in one piece, the tree on Christmas morning. without another flag being placed on I'm not quite as greedy these days, but the another coffin. And I don't want another stuff on my list is just about as far-fetched as person sent over there until every single one my dad's wish for "Three good kids." of our interests, strategies and motives is out My first wish is actually a pre-Christmas in the open and the American people have present. It's probably too late to suggest it given their unequivocal approval. The 51 now, but there's always next year. families which have already been scarred This campus needs a communal Christ- forever deserve-'ftt1east that much. mas tree. And a menorah. And a K wanza If I could have the last of my wish list, I'd comer. The Yule Log is a very special give up every gift I'm going to get the tradition, the lighting of Residential Boule- Christmas. But, unfortunately, the rest of the list is far easier to fulfill than the last item. My dad will probably even get his Christmas I'm not quite as greedy wish before we see all of those people come these days, but the stuff home alive. thought. On all of our holiday on my list is just about as wishOnelistslastshould be the desire to come far-fetched as my dad's together and reach out to those less fortunate than ourselves. That's part of our wish for ''Three good responsibility as followers of the Cabrini kids." legacy. vard is a unique addition of Christmas spirit to the campus. But we really need a place where people can go and recognize as part of Cabrini a Christmas tradition that they grew up with every year in their own homes. Let's do it now. One of my life-time goals is to become self-dependent enough to be able to afford to have Phillies season tick~ts. Somehow, I'm pretty sure that's a long way down the road, so I'd really like them as a Christmas preseilt. I'd share them with everyone, since my schedule probably precludes attendance at all 81 home games. But the play-off tickets are mine. I want sleep. About I 2 hours a day for two weeks. I don't want to get up for classes, work, parents, friends or anything else. I just want to live without responsibility for a couple of weeks. Pretty self-indulgent, but as Billy Joel says, "You've got to cool it off before you bum it out.'' I want to see more events like the Polar Express here at Cabrini. Moments to remind us that life is so much larger and more diverse than our comfortable existence. A chance to show others and keep fresh in our minds what the Cabrini spirit is. A nice supply of hugs would really be a nice gift. I'd wantto be able to give them and get them whenever I felt the need. There are so many times we can all remember when a hug has made all the difference in our moments of '' quiet desperation.'' I'd love to be able to know that I can always count on a hug when l'm feeling lost. (There are a number of people I'd like to have give me a hug, including Christie Brinkley, Madonna ...) My major post-Christmas wish is for three wins in Dubuque.· When the group of Cavalier faithful disembark the long Greyhound at the National Catholic Basketball Tournament, we want to see some action. I
!staff Editor-in-chief: Carlo Iacono Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison News Editor: Chris Pesotski Assistant News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Perspectives Edner: Sharlene Sephton Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and Wilham A. Fulton Business Managers
Kim Marshall and Michelle Merger
Photography Ed1t0f: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Editor· Lisa Lindley Photography Adv!S8r: Dr. Carter Craig,e Headline Coach. Bud Mellon Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Matthew Brush. Joseph Buda, Rita S. Cellucc,. Karen DumOfney, William Fulton. John Gay, Robert Healey. Matt Hodlofsk1, Kimberly Keck, Karen Kerchusky, Kimberly Leblang, Lorraine Marie Lill, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Kim Marshall, Jennifer Melchiorre, Alexandra L. Napoleon. Lisa Neuman, Amanda P,cher, Stephanie Ranieri. J P. Raynock. Frank Sciolla, DawnTimbario, Missy von Siegel, Charles Waterfall. Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee, Jud, Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux. Charles Waterfall. Loqunur ,s published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fe. s. The ednorials and opinions pubiished 1nLoqu,t"r are the views of the student editorial staff and ttie 1nd1v<Jualwntars and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust. free and open d1scuss1onof issues. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the ednOfs. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon pub• lication and an 1nscriptt0ninserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. tt a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense n. Letters to the editor should be submitted by I noon on Mondays. L......J
f riday, dee. 7, 1990
Holocausthitshome for a young Jew body ·of Elie Wiesel's Night, a chilling acco.Untof his experiences in Hitler's Concentration Camps: "I've got more faith in Hitler than in anyone else. He's the only one who's kept bill his promises, all his promises, to the Jewish people." It is true, Hitler does own that firmah distinction. Still, the anger at the brutality of Then the Jews will be . hanged, one after Germany is far outweighed by the obstinacy another, and they will stay hanging until of United States policy toward the Jews they stink ... As soon as one is untied, the next during the period 1933-45. The noted antiwill take his place, and that will go on until semitic cripple (Franklin Roosevelt) who occupied the White House was not the only the last Jew in Munich is obliterated. Exactly the same thing will happen in the obstacle to Jewish immigration from Europe other cities until Germany is cleansed of its to the U.S. In 1942, polls showed Amerilast Jew." As the Holocaust proves, faith cans ranking the Jews as the third biggest in humanity, without prudence, leads to threat to the nation. Faced with this hostility, the U.S. Government only admitted 10 genocide. percent of its Jewish quota (roughly 21,000 What amazes me is that, after thousands of years of persecution, the. Jews were still were admitted) during this period. In May under the impression that the world gave a 1942 news reached the States that 7000,000 damn about them. The common plea. '' How Jews had been murdered at Chelmno in could it be possible for them to bum people, Poland, and the Boston Globe buried it on page 12, while the New York Times gave it , children, and for the wrrld to keep silent,'' is a little inane when we remember that the a mere two inches. All the news that's fit to print, but not necessarily elaborated upon! The Jewish peopled cannot expect to survive the next Final Solution, and make no As a Jew, I have spent the last 12 years trying to mistake about the ·existence of another Final reconcile my hatred for the world and what it did Solution- it will rear its head once more. to my people, and also my hatred for God in This time, however, the Jews must not smile- they must be ready. As the late Meir allowing such a thing to transpire. I have never Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense recovered the security I knew as a child, before League, often expounded, "I say what you think." And what he said was, NEVER learned of the Holocaust. AGAIN! More than a catchy sound-bite, this is a badge of survival that al!Jews must Shortly thereafter, my Hebrew School Jews themselves didn't believe it. Why carry in their hearts if they are to continue decided we were old enough to learn about should the world believe it? Or, if they did, being Jews. The Jew can no longer be the great tragedy that was the Holocaust. I why would they care? The Jews had been defined by his passive nature. Ask any cannot effectively put into words how it felt, a problem for 2000 years. Like the argu- Holocaust survivor about the qualities of at age nine, to really comprehend that six ment, "At least Mussolini kept the trains peaceful existence and you will have insulted million brethren had been extinguished by running on time,'' at least Hitler had devised every fiber of his being. a people calling themselves "Nazis," and a Final Solution to the world's problem. The Holocaust is almost SO-years-old. I When surrounded by wolves, it is useless to do not believe the sins of the fathers are the only 24 years prior to my birth. Finally, it was around this time that I ask them for protection from the leaderof the sins of the sons; therefore, Jews cannot cry pack. learned how close to home the Holocaust "Foul!" about the Holocaust much longer. This is my history. This is the l(?gacy I Most of the survivors will be dead soon, and almost hit my family. In 1944, my greatGrandfather purchased a revolver. He inherited upon being brought into this world the world will surely place it in its historical informed tnY great-Grandmother that, if 24yearslater. AsaJew,I have spent the last perspective as the greatest purge of Judaism 12 years trying to reconcile my hatred for the in history. To avoid the sequel of that purge, Hitler won, he was going to shoot her, their world and what it did to my people, and also let .us tum back to that, "Never again!" daughter (my Grandmother), and then himmy hatred for God in allowing such a thing phrase. Thismeans,notonly "never again" self. The family still has the revolver, I guess to transpire. I have never recovered the can the world allow it to happen, but ''never you never know when you may need it. security I knew as a child, before I learned again" can the Jew slide back into thouUnfortunately, the Jews are primarily a of the Holocaust. As a young urchin, I sands of years of misguided trust and hope. pacific people. It is this pacifism which led believed in the world, I trusted everyonethem to the ovens of Auschwitz; when paciThe Jew must secure the State of Israel. today, I trust no one,_least of all a united Once that is done, he must constantly work fism is buffered with naivete, it is a fatal combination which can strip a people of its Germany, whose very existence has been with his neighbors in the world to bring based on military aggression since Frederdignity. about a prosperous existence; but on his own Adolf Hitler had made his intentions viv- ick William, the Great Elector, went t<;> terms, in his own country, and with his own idly clear as early as Mein Kampf; this work Westphalia in 1648 for a piece of the pie in people. I feel that the only way to prevent was essentially a game-plan which not only the aftermath of the Thirty Years' War. Nor another Hitler, is for a strong nuclear forcethreatened, but promised violence against can I trust a Palestinian people who have equipped Israel to be in a position to bum refused to negotiate with Jews since Zionism him from the earth before he can send us to the Jews. But the Jews did not Iisten. They ignored first organized in the late 19th century- and the crematoriums. Hitler when he outlined, "I shall have who are bent on the destruction of Isreal. A strong Jew is a Jew who will stay alive. The most poignant quote I have ever Revenge? No! Remembrance? Always! gallows erected, in Munich for example in the Marienplatz, as many as traffic permits. encountered in literature can be found in the Retreat from reality? Never again!
As we are approaching the three year anniversary of the Palestinian intifadah against Israel, I feel duty bound to share the following tale. I choose not to comment on the pros and cons of Israeli policy in the territory it wan after the 1956 and 1967 Arab attacks on her. Instead, I share this: It was 1978, and I was nine-years-old. Joining my friends at Hebrew School on a trip to downtown Philadelphia in celebration of Israel's 30th anniversary, I marched through the streets of the city in a joyous procession. · As we gathered, roughly 20,000 of us, along Independence Mall, I found myself standing next to an elderly gentleman who was gazing upon me with the twilight of remembrance in his eyes. Suddenly, he spoke to me. ''The young among you know not what preceded you; nor did we know what was too soon commence ... " I became frightened as I · glanced down at his arm and noticed what appeared to be a tattoo. like the one my Grandfather got as a teen-ager in the Army. Only, this was not really a tattoo with a picture, just a number. ..
The choice isyours: . Is Cabrini the place for you? by Melissa von Siegel
I admit it. I fell in tove with Cabrini the first time I set foot on its 110 acres. As sappy as it may sound, it's true. I can't really remember exactly what it was; all I know is that something clicked. Looking back, I realize it wasn't any one defined aspect. I guess it was more of a combination of people and atmosphere. Specifically, a kind of people who shared common goals that I believed in and the atmosphere they created was one of respect and pride-- in themselves, with each other, ~nd through the college itself.
Something happened to that respect which was so clearly evident here. I observed this last semester in the various racial and ethnic incidents that occurred on campus. Due to the narrow-mindedness of a handful of individuals, our friends were robbed of the innate dignity belonging to them and the entire Cabrini community was turned upside-down. Students decided to unite together and thus, CARET was formed with the strong support of members of the faculty. We realized then that as students, we could make a difference if _wetruly wanted to. September arrived and the goals disap-
peared. For some reason, no one seemed to care anymore. In the next few months, such a wave of apathy and destruction would sweep through the campus, that those of us who remembered what Cabrini used to be wondered if we were still at the sa~e school. After awhile, it got to the point that not a week could go by without a vandalous act of some nature being committed. Meanwhile, in the residence halls, particularly Xavier, the list continues. Holes punched in the walls of breezeways, broken windows, destruction of furniture--defecation on the walls? What the hell is going on? I don't understand the blatant disregard of certain
Festivalfans disappointed To the editor: Ever since my freshman year at Cabrini, the Mansion always came alive with Christmas spirit and cheer with the Festival of the Trees. I recently found out that it is being held at Valley Forge Military Academy this year. I am a resident of the Mansion and I look forward to seeing the beautifully decorated trees, wreaths, etc. It really put me in the Christmas spirit. Now being a senior, I am saddened that my last Christmas at Cabrini will be without the Festival of the Trees.
Michelle Merger senior
Prohibitcars firstyear? To the editor: I am writing this letter to ask the student body of Cabrini College to petition the administration to prohibit first-year resident parking on campus starting in the 1991-1992 academic year. There has been a real problem ~ith parking on campus this year. There are more cars on campus this year causing many students as well as faculty to park further and further away from their destination. It is not fair for a person to have to park down by the Children's School if they have to go the the library or Sacred Heart. If first-year students were not allowed to have cars on campus, there would be more available spots for the students as wen as staff. The lot of W oodcrest would be open as wen as some of the spaces in Xavier's lot. Residents would not have to worry about leaving their cars over-night in Sacred Heart's lot because they wre unable to find a space in their resident halls. Since there would be more spots, people would no longer have to park in the spots reserved for faculty and staff. Commuters would no longer have to park all the way down by the Children's School when they have to go to the library. In short, if the first-year students were not allowed to have cars on campus, as it is at most other coneges and universities, many of the parking problems on campus would be resolved.
David McCabe sophomore standards which many of us uphold. Again, I believe it is due to a handful of individuals who obviously are not happy with their lives and don't agree with the beliefs held by the majority of the people here. Frankly, no one is forcing you to stay. Last week's town meeting, combined of concerned students and faculty, showed that we are not going to put up with this garbage any longer. I suggestthat over the Christmas break, take the time to evaluate your reasons for wanting to be a member of the Cabrini community. Think long and hard. Make the right decision.
f ridaYJdee. 7 1 1990
more XAVIER from 1
Campus The Sense, a national will rock at 9 p.m. on Fri., Dec. 7, in the gJm." Those who ·are 21 may enjoy the finest in imported beer in the beer garden. Admission is $3. Extended library hours for final exams are as follows: Mon., Dec. 10, through Thurs., Dec. 13: 8 a.m. to l a.m. Fri., Dec. 14: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sat., Dec. 15.: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m: Sun., Dec. 16: l p.m. to 11 p.m. Mon., Dec. 17: 8_a.m. to l a.m. Tues., Dec. 18: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. "LocaJ Focus," Cabrini's local cable TV show will air on Radnor's Adelphia Cable channel 8 on Mondays and Wednesdays for the next two weeks at 7:30 p.m.
The Community Chorus presents Holiday in Hannony on Dec. 9, at 3 p.m. in the chapel. Attention van service users! Van Schedule during final exams has been revised. In order to obtain a revised schedule, stop by student services. Need a snack break during finals? The cafeteria will open from 9 to 10 p.m. on Dec. 11 through Dec. 13 and Dec. 16 to Dec. 17 for an exam break. Exam break snacks include hoagie , cheesesteak and breakfast specials and junk food as well as light snacks. Look for publicity around the cafeteria and take advantage of this special. Used Book Sale will be held after the semester break. Used books are being collected from now until Dec. 14. Don't bring your books home--let the Student Academic Council sell them for you. For more infonnation, contact Michele Montgomery at box #437 or Laura Colamasco at box #551.
Trade in your used books for cash on Thurs., Dec. 13 and Fri., Dec. 14.from 9 a.m. to 3-p.m. in the bookstore. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception mass will be held On Sat., Dec. 8 at 11:30 a.m. in the chapel. All are welcome to attend.
detergent in the face of first-year Xavier resident Eric Hope in the lower south wing of Xavier. According to Hope, the incident occurredasheanswereda knock at his door. Hope, who claimed not to have been physically hurt, said, "I have no idea who did it. It was apparently a prank." Xavier guard Dick Templeton summoned security at 12:20 a.m. on Dec. 3 after he learned of a simple assault in the lower south wing of the building. Lanshe (House - 6) senior resident Joe Martini smacked firstyear Xavier resident Alexander Szep across the face. According to Martini, the incident occurred when he approached Szep in "an aggravated manner to question him about a prior incident." Martini then stated that "things got heated" and "he pushed me before I hit him." Martini's visit occurred after the 11 p.m, visitation restriction agreed to by Xavier residents and the administration. Szep did not want to press charges against Martinj_ Later Templeton reported a broken window in the 180 quad at 12:45 a.m. According to the security report, further investigation by Templeton could tum up no witnesses to the act of damage. A tour by Loquitur reporters late Sunday morning uncovered beer containers in three of the four quad areas in the wing where the window was broken. Xavier is still considered a "dry" facility according to the agreement between residents and administrators. "It is frustrating and disturbing to see
Lamentations of a Black Woman!" presented by the Brenda Lee Dance Company on Dec. 15, and Dec. 16, at 7:30 p.m. at the Walnut Street Theater in studio three. There wiJI be a matinee on Dec. 16 at 2 p.m. The cost for evening shows is $12 and for the matinee the cost is $10. For more information, call 5494559.
Auditions for spring theater production are scheduled for Thurs., Jan. 17 at 7 p.m. If you are interested in helping out with any aspect of this production be sure to notify the theater. For more infonnation, call 971-8510. Regional Art Educators' Exhibit is on display in the library Fine Arts Gallery through Sunday, Dec. 9. Admission is free and open to the public. For more information, call ext. 8380. Gift Certificates are now available in the bookstore and they can be purchased for any amount. Good gift idea!
There will be a Christmas drawing for a Cabrini watch. The drawing will take place on Dec. I 0. Come to the bookstore and enter your name and box number. The last day of classes is Dec. l Oand exams begin on Dec. 11 through Dec. 18. Classes resume after the semester break on Jan. 15. The Power Nap series continues with a Meditation power nap held on Tues., Dec. 11 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in room 2 of the Rooyman Center, Dr. Lili Goodman-Waechtler' s office. All are invited. For more information, call 9718566. Are you interested in applying for the State Work-Study Program for the summer? For eligibility requirements, applications and more information. contact PHEAA State Work-Study Program staff at (717) 257-2550 or speak go to the financial aid office.
overnight.'' At approximately 4 a.m on Dec. 3, security was summoned by assistant director of resident life Tammy Causley to remove an "unwanted subject" asleep on the floor of House 3. According to the security report, Causley was notified by a resident that the subject was sophomore Xavier resident Scott Miller. According to the report, Miller, who recently agreed to be banned from residence halls on weekends, was allowed to remain asleep by Causley after she had identified him and contacted ....... Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life. According to Miller, further disciplinary action against him will be handled by President Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, late this week. ~
live.'' Brocchi arranged for the children and their chaperons to be provided lunch in the cafeteria. The children were served by several Seiler cafeteria workers and education majors, who had earlier helped out at Polar E~press. Volunteers included seniors Lisa Lindley and Karie Papay, junior Sharlene Sephton, and sophomores Veronica Hoffman, Veronica McManee and Karin Moffett. Frank Doyle, a teacher at Frederick Douglas who was on tha crashed bus, said, "We are thankful for the hospitality even with the unfortunate circumstances.'' Another bus from Yellowbird arrived at 3 p.m. to take the children home.
Need a break from 24 hour quiet hours during finals? Every night during finals from 9:30 to 9:45 has been designated as "scream time." Feel free to blare your radios and make noise during this time set aside for stress release. Look for activities in your hall or house at this time.
Freshmen education majors meeting on Mon., Dec. 10 at 4 p.m. in the WCLH.
"It is frustrating .and disturbing to see these things happen." - Jennifer Igoe, Xavier resident
more BUS CRASH from 1
Attention, residents! 24 hour quiet hours are in effect Sun., Dec. 9, through Tues. Dec. 18. On Sat., Dec. 15, from 4 p.m. to 12 midnight quiet hours are temporarily lifted.
Finals are coming! Tutoring at the CARe Center ends Mon., 'Dec. 10. Stop by the Rooymans Center now if you need help with any of your classes.
these things happen," sophomore Xavier resident Jennifer Igoe said. "But we hope the administration is going to see these incidents as minor because these things are bound to happen in a hall with freshman males. Just because there are policies for a model donn doesn't mean it can happen
photo by Lisa Lindley
Eric Klansek, Matt Hodlofski, and Joe Orsatti ,residents of Sullivan House, entertained visitors from the Fredric Douglas Elementary school Friday, Nov. 30. after their bus crashed in front of the house.
The bus, tilting precariously toward the house, crushed a Bell of PA telephone company control box. A Yellowbird company driver was summoned two hours later to drive the bus over the embankment next to the road. Sullivan House residents entertained the youngsters from the Frederick Douglas school by turning their home into an impromptu playground. "I heard the noise of the crash and I thought it was physical plant removing trash,'' Sullivan resident assistant, junior Bill DiRita, said. DiRita then called campus security and resident life director Cathy Caulfield, who arrived with vice president of institutional advancement Tony Brocchi. '' Most of the kids seemed nervous from the accident, so we took them do\\-nstairs to try to entertain them with games," DiRita said. Sophomore Sullivan resident Chris Conrad said. ·' \ couple of the kids were i;rymg at hr-t. but then they seemc:J rr-.cp-
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f riday, dee. 7, 1990
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f riday1 dee. 71 1990
'The Polar Express'promotesliteracywith cheer by Kelly Reed A giant fragrant evergreen stands majestically. Red, velvet bows hang from tree branches and red, green, blue and yellow lights wink at one another. Reindeer's made of tree boughs with branches for antlers and red construction paper noses. This was the setting for the
Polar Express. A coming together of the Cabrini community in the effort to spread the true Cabrini spirit and the joy of the holidays to underprivileged children and to raise money for the library. This past Fri, Nov 30, and Sat, Dec 1, faculty, staff, alumni, and students spent their free time spreading-thetheme of children's literacy and the importance of reading to
the teachers, children and their parents. Polar Express was the combined efforts of the development, academic affairs, library, education, and the Fredrick Douglass Elementary School. On Fri. approximately 140 first graders from the Fredrick Douglass Elemental)' School came to Cabrini where they were
PERFECT RESUME • Resumes • Cover Letters • Career
treated to a number of activities. along with 40 l~ger gifts that the There was the reading of "The principal of Fredrick Douglass Polar Express," by Lili Goodrnan- will give out to the neediest of the Waechtler, there was a puppeteer, children. a music lesson where children sang Genuardi' s supermarket donated Christmas and Hanukkah songs Tastykakes and Juicy Juices so with Ellen Jackson of the Chil- that the-childrencould have a nutridren's School and a children's tious snack during the program. theater production by alumni "We would like to do this kind Virginia Smith and Paul Cauchi, of program every semester, adoptnot to mention the class picture for ing a different inner-city school the students with Santa Claus. each time. Ideally the hardest part· Though the theaterproduction was of all the planning was finding scheduled to be a part of the pro- corporate sponsorship, and Tyco gram on Fri. the children arrived Toys and Wyeth-Ayerst came in late and only were able to partici- and did a super job," Director of pate in the other three programs. Institutional Advancement Mary Each of the school children Ellen Herzog said. received a copy of ''The Polar Frank Doyle, a special edutaExpress" and a set of Tyco build- tion teacher, was the acting princiing blocks. The books were paid pal for Fredrick Douglass school. for out of a corporate effort on the while they were here. "One of my part of Wyeth-Aeyrst who donated students, Earl Smith turned to me $1500 to the literacy program and on the bus and said ''This was the the toys from Tyco were donated best day of my life."
• Printing
Proprietor/Ma.nag er
16 W. Lancaster Avenue Paoli, PA 19301
215-889-0508 photo by Frank Emmerich
Lili Goodman-Waechtler reads "The Polar Express," to a group of students from the Fredrick Dol.l(Jlass School.
SCHOLARSHIPSConcerned Educators Against Forced Unionism is offering a $'i,OOO. scholarship to honor Michigan teacher who were fired because they refused to pay union dues. The Applegate/ Jackson/Parks Future Teacher Scholarship is awarded to a student in his or her junior year pursuing a degree in education. Applicants will be asked to submit an essay and a complete application by April 30, 1991.
The Pennslyvania Federation of Democratic Women,Inc. is offering 3 scholarships in the amount of $1,000 to any Pennsylvania woman student in her junior year who is interested in making a career in politics or government, economics, history or who is preparing to teach in these fields. Applicants must possess a Democratic family background or be an active par-
The Pennsylvania Associated ,Press managing Editors is seeking the most Promising Pennsylvania print ;"umalist for 1990-1991. A $ t ,000 scholarship to be applied against the winner'stuitionforthe 1991-92 school year will be awarded.
The Scholarship is awarded to a Pennsylvania resident in their junior year of study who is pursuing a career in print journalism and who has experience on his/her college newspaper. Applicants should send a cover letter and resume outlining his/her experience and interest in Newspapers, a transcript of college grades and examples ofhis/her published work. Deadline for applicants is Dec. 1,1990.
OPPORTUNITY- Oean Water Action is hiring temporary and permanent positions in thier community outreach program. If interested call Laurie at 735-8409. TAX TIME- Linpro Co. needs 4 people to help with zeroxing, collating and getting tax returns ready. Part-time, flexible hours, $6.00/hr.(20/wk), from March 4April 15. Contact: Kathy Thais at 251-9103. DATA ENTRY- operator needed to work in Marketing dept. Will train $5.75-$6.00/hour. Call Dave Coldwell at 527-6200. Mailroom Clerk also needed to work
COMPUTERS- Full or part-time work on computers, call people, do accounts, send letters. 8am-9pm (flexible). For more information call Mark Rowe at 337-0700. WAITER/WAITRESS- Magic Pan at the Court of King of Prussia has openings for people interested in waiting tables. Full and part-time, afternoon and evenings, $3.80 + tips. _CallCarolyn at 265-7411. TEACHERS- Full-time teacher for toddlers needed at Hartstrings in Wayne. Need someone to start by Dec.17 (if possible). Must be professional, friendly, high quality day care. Health benefits (Med. and Dental), Life Insurance, pay negotiable. · The American Association of University Women (AAUW) has awarded grants and fellowships to women scholars. These graduate fellowships are given to women who demonstrate scholary excellence in several categories. If your planning to attend graduate school in 1991-1992, please stop by the financial aid office for more information about these grants/fellowships. Deadlines for some have passed already and are approaching for others.
TYPIST- must be timely, neat, and efficient. Flexible hours. Contact Cindy at 687-4028.
SECRETARYStrong data entry and word processing skills preferred. $17,000+ benefits and bonus. Call or send resume to Realty Research,Inc. 30 South Valley Rd., Suite 302, Paoli,PA 19301, 215-644-3144. HOUSEKEEPER/MOTHERS HELPER- 2 year position in Wayne. Flexible 6-7 hrs./wk., $8/hr. Prefers Education major, must have own car. Call 687-3034.
JOB OPPORTUNITY-Free room and board in exchange for childcare. Care for two children in Villanova. Needed to start Jan. 1991. For more information call, Trish at 525-6495. PART-TIME TELLER- Commerce Bank in Devon has an opening for a teller, willing to train, flexible hours. Contact Bernadette 254-9963.
If you did not find what you were looking for in the above ads please visit our Job Board located within the Financial Aid Office. The Job Board is full of part-time and seasonal jobs.
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f riday, dee. 7, 1990 NEWSPRINT STACKERS·
Cultural and religious differences, celebrating the holidays
ROLL TENDERS Fullor part-timeall shifts.
by Bob Healey
neighborhood telling kids there was no Santa-Claus." Marks-Gold, who is a Reform Jew, said she loves the Now that December is here most Christians will begin holidays. Marks-Gold was the only Jewish person at her last to think about Christmas. But, did you ever wonder what . job and she did all the holiday decorations. She also brings non-Christians think about during this season? Say, for gifts to all of her Christian friends at Christmas.' 'We should example the Jewish community. How do they view Christ- be proud of who we are," she said mas and Santa Claus, or in their case a lack thereof? Did you ever notice that when you go to a store the In December the Jewish community will celebrate workers say "Merry Christmas" and not "Happy HanukHanukkah. Hanukjrnh, however, is largely a historical holi- kah." day as opposed to a religious one. ''There is an egocentricity that people Hanukkah, which begins at sundown on Dec. 11, is also think their way is the only way. Not called the Jewish Feast of Lights and is a commemoration because they are bigots, they just never of the recapturing and rededication of the Temple in thought about it,'' Shoemaker said. ''The Jerusalem. It is an eight-day feast celebrating the Macabees' Jewish community lets you know that victory over the Syrians. you are not alone," "Hanukkah is a low-level religious holiday," Jerry According to Shoemaker, because Satlow, assistant professor of computer information science, of the work of Jehovah Witnesses, said. "But, by practice ofJewish families in America it ranks schools have become more ecumenical. high because it acts as a counter-event to Christmas." "There are no celebrations in public Did you ever wonder what it would be like to grow up schools," she said. There are no trees in without Christmas or Santa Claus? Jewish children do both, school and instead of singing "Silent yet they do not feel slighted. Night" they will sing "Here Comes "It is obvious to them [my three children] that we do not Santa Claus.'' believe Jesus was God,'' Janet Shoemaker, tutorial director In school they have Winter break, of the care center, said. According to Shoemaker, Santa is not Christmas break so there is no disrelated to Christmas and "it would be a disservice to pretend crimination. it is not a Christian holiday." That is what Christmas should be According to Satlow a lack of Santa Claus is explained about - family and friends. over time. You get bits and pieces as you grow up. This year at Christmas, spend time Satlow grew up in a Jewish community in Brooklyn with yo~r family, and take the Jewish and attended a Hebrew school so Christmas had no appre- approach to it. -Christmas is a christian ciable affect on him. "There was an effort to portray that religiouscelebration, uniquely their own. Christmas did not exist,·' Satlow said. Who would have thought that the JewAccording to Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student ish community has a better grasp on the activities, "I was one of those brats who went around the idea of Christmas than Christians do?
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Xmas shopping:crowds, uglygifts,and returnlines by Kimberly Keck Tis the season to be jolly and ... aggravated. Some of the jolliness of the Christmas season comes from the pleasure of exchanging gifts with loved ones during this holiday season. Aggravation sets in when trying to find these gifts along with everyone else celebrating this festive season. Shoppers face many obstacles. Without having to resort to physical violence, shoppers attempt to beat each other out of parking spaces. Then, upon entering the mall, shoppers are greeted by lines of people wrapped
around the store waiting to pay for their purchases. Another nuisance fo shoppers are those lackadaisical browsers who only wish to window shop. And who could forget those slow poke strollers containing crying children? What could these children possibly have to cry about? They place their order with Santa and everything is taken care of. If only holiday shoppers had it so easy. Not only do other shoppers interfere with accomplishing this task but sales people do as well. Has any shopper escaped the mass of sales people in department stores showering them with every cologne on the market? As ugly as this scene may sound, there
will be many Cabrini people out in these crowds. Sophomore Joe Delaney said he has not started his Christmas shopping. He said procrastination is a tradition for him. Michele O'Brien, sophomore, and Matt Marshall, first-year student, said they will start their shopping after exams. Gail Oldfield, dance instructor, said she
from where I parked,'' Cardwell said. Jennifer Marks-Gold, student activities director, said she likes to go to Wanamakers in center city. Some other members of the Cabrini community are avoiding the mall during this holiday season. Christine Rakowski, secretary in finan-
Holiday ins and outs Downscalingwill be the byword, promptednot only by financial considerations,but by public sentimentfor the · simplerthings:
,!~ ~
WAYNE, PA 19087 293-9333
List by Marco R della Cava and Susan Wloszczyna, Gannett News Service: graphic by John Sherlock. GNS
CHRISTMASCLASSIFIEDSI Merry Christmas to young, younger, and youngest... Hope Santa has you on HISlist...... Love Anna, Felicia and Katie. CJ CZ in effect and kick in' it live! Let's go to Dad's and the stressdestination--or go up on the roof!!!!!!! Train stations,maybe? !? Very Happy Holidays from your elves in the Registrar's office: Mary Ann Mirra, Bob Moran, Beth Green, Lori Johnson, Don Kim and Jennifer Hansbury. Happy Holidays and our warmest wishesfor a fruitful New Year ...from Linda Fox and Susan Kazmierczak, Human Resources. Alex Savarino ... On December 29th, your roommate wiHbe thinking of you from across the ocean. Happy Birthday with love, Kim. Merry Christmas...'Peppermint Patty· and 'Marcie". Love, Kerry. Melissa, Jennif.er, Bill, Heather and Felicia: Wishing you a wonderful holiday season! Fa la la! Karen, Lisa and Jini.
Happy Christmas CHUCK#516 Eyes of blue fire Burn my soul. To Warren Christopher--Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, honey. August 3 keeps getting closer! I'll always love you! Love, Colleen Marie. R2C2, Bacca and Z-Zone: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the goofiest friends I've ever known! Thanks P.S.-I love you ... Merry Christmas! "I can't wait to see you!"-Famous quote! We're going to have an awesome (5th) Christmas! Love, Scooter. Happy Holidays ....Enjoy your break, looking forward to seeing you next semester. Student Services. Christmas love and joy to the whole Cabrini family. From the Children's School. Seasons Greetings to all the girls on 1st floor Woodcrest! Love your R.A.s Sharlene and Lisa. Happy Holidays from the LOQUITUR staff!
will be starting her shopping cial aid office, said she started Christmas two weeks before Christmas. shopping a month and a half ago. At one of She said she is planning to Macy's one day sales, Rakowski said she shop at Tl'je Court at King of bought three gifts for under $50. Prussia mall, Lancasteroutlets Besides fighting among the crowds, anand small specialty stores. "I other problem is paying for the presents. am trying to avoid the mall as Senior Michelle Merger said she is crunched much as possib)e," Oldfield for money this year so she made up an said. estimated budget of $200. "I love being Dr. Carter Craigie said he generous but I can't put it all on my Visa has not been to the mall yet and card,'' Merger said. probably will not go until "I'm buying with whatever lean spare on Christmas Eve. For all of his my credit card," Cardwell sajd. family members. Craigie said "J'm getting money from work study he ordered the same calendar. and by working over Christmas break," Dr. Joseph Romano said O'Brien said. he has not seriously started his One solution people have come up with Christmas shopping. He is to solve the money problem is pollyannas. planning on starting serious Marks-Gold said her family uses pollyanshopping soon because his nas. daughter will be working in According to Marks-Gold, she has two Arizona on Christmas and he family members she has to buy for this year, wants her to receive her pres- her step father and step sister. Her step ent on time. father is asking for a gift certificate to CusEven though the malls are tom Shirts. Her step sister would like leather notorious for being crowded, gloves, robe or a bracelet. many people at Cabrini said Rakowski said she has six brothers and that is where they will shop. sisters. She said her family has been using Junior Denise Ortiz said she pollyannas for seven years. This year, her went to the Gallery. She also pollyanna is her brother-in-law, Bob. She is said it was crowded. still undecided on what to get him. First-year student John What are some of the gifts friends and Cardwell said he has done relatives of the Cabrini community will be some Christmas shopping at shopping for this season? Cherry Hill mall, which he said · Marshall said he is asking for a profeswas crowded. sional paint ball gun and anything from the "I couldn't see the mall Houston Oilers.
friday, dee. 7, 1990
more TICKETS from 1 which would serve as the master copy. However, these three tickets were in themselves different, as the design/graphic was either a little higher or lower on each one. But, on the counterfeits, the design was consistently in the same place--another indication that they were bogus. "They (counterfeits) looked much better actually," Hodlofski said. DuHadaway went through all the tickets in the bag, separated them, and counted 22 as being counterfeit. This number, multiplied by the$15priceoftheticket, incurred a loss of $330 for the junior class. DuHadaway and Hodlofskithen decided to inform Jennifer MarksGold, director of student activities, about the incident. The two junior class officers gave Marks-Gold the stack of fake tickets as well as a stack of the originals in order to view the comparisons between both. Marks-Gold in tum notified Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students.
Meanwhile, Maura Johnson, sophomore class president, said she had heard through hearsay after the dance Friday night that tickets had been counterfeited. Johnson said that as the weekend progressed, it was rumored that she knew all along that the counterfeiting was going to take place and knew those responsible. According to Johnson, Marks-Gold and Bonfiglio heard of this rumor and summoned her to their offices. Bonfiglio confirmed these circumstances. Johnson said that she had heard about the counterfeiting after the dance was over and that it was only through hearsay. According to Johnson, Marks-Gold and Bonfiglio wanted Johnson to give the names of the possible perpetrators. This was also confirmed by Bonfiglio. Johnson did not want to do this as she had heard of the names only through other people. "I didn't want to say who it was because of Cabrini's grapevine. That's the only thing I hate about C'abrini. It's always getting
innocent people in trouble and I didn't want to contribute to it," Johnson said. .Johnson said that she knew the suspects as they were friends of hers. She said that she asked them in casual conversation about the counterfeiting of the tickets. According to Johnson, they said they didn't know what she was talking about. ''I just dropped it right at that. I didn't wantto pursue it," Johnson said. Bonfiglio said that there is an open investigation, but it "is in an inactive status" since "there was no proof.'' "For me, it was just another example of a type of behavior which I find extremely disappointing," Bonfiglio said. Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities, said she was disappointed and disgusted. "To me, everyone who boughtthose $5 tickets were in on it," said MarksGold, referring to the price of the counterfeit tickets. "A bargain is a bargain, but
you don't steal from your classmates,'' Marks-Gold said. Both Bonfiglio and Marks-Gold gave suggestions to prevent an incident such as this from happening again. These included astamping system and numbering the tickets so they can be checked on a list at the door. Bonfiglio and MarksGold agreed that the numbering process would lead to slower lines at the door and "create an air of formality that takes away from the festive nature of the event,'' Bonfiglio said. However, Bonfiglio added that '' at the same time, we cannot allow the sponsoring class of an event to be ripped off like that." Marks-Gold said that whomever had done it should realize what a mistake it was and that it would make amends if they felt any remorse or regret. The junior class officers said they had feelings of surprise, anger, and disappointment. "I never thought anyone at Cabrini would do something like that,'' DuHadaway said.
''It's water under the bridge, but they have to live with the guilt,'' Boyle said. Hodlofski said that he felt it was sad. "It's bad enough trying to sneak in the door, but when you pre-think committing a crime, that's serious law-breaking,·' Hodlofski said. Cabrini students held similar views when they learned of the crime. "I think it's pretty bad that people have to counterfeit a $15 ticket for a dance," said Dan Francis, junior. "Paying for it ispart of the deal," · said Tara Monte, also a junior. Sophomore Nicole Gabriel "couldn't believe how they got away with it.'' Chris Thompson, also a sophomore, said the incident to be "pretty lame." Bud Mellon, junior class moderator, said it was '.'a damn disgrace. It's sad because it detracts from all the good work that was done," Mellon said. "If it's one thing you can call them, it's cheap," Marks-Gold said.
more RESIGNS from 1 meaning she was shocked and upset. "ft makes you paranoid because you don't know who to trust and who not to," Causley said. Although Causley has liked the people she has worked with she isn't sure this is the environment for her. She is, however sure that this experience will help her. Causley made her decision to resign in the first week of November and she fonnally submitted her resignation after Thanksgiving. She checked with her family about the decision and she was happy to receive their full support. Ana Hazelrigg, head residentof Woodcrest is sad that Causley is leaving because of the job she did here.
"She's a good person and she has done a good job.'' - Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life "No one should have to go through what we do and Tammy has it the worst because she's in Xavier," Hazelrigg said. "They couldn't pay me enough to do what she's done." Dean of Students Dr. Robert Bonfiglio understands Causley's point of view and he expressed sadness and disappointment. "fn Tammy the students had a good advocate and role model in resident life and she had a strong understanding of what it's like· to resident life program for students,'' Bonfiglio said. Caulfield is also disappointed about Causley's resignation because of her demeanor and qualifications. "She's a good person and she has done a good job since she's been here," Caulfield said. "It will be hard to replace her." "I'll miss her a lot and that is not just as a supervisor but as a real good friend," Jeff Hines, senior RA, said. As her friend Hines feels it is better for Causley to leave if she is unhappy. He thinks she never felt like she was getting enough support from the college to feel comfortable. Xavier resident1. are also saddened by the loss of Causley. "She was one of the better administrators in the resident life program," said Jeff Patti, first-year student. Causley plans to find work soon after leaving and she will be looking to do some graduate work in the hopes of earn;ng a master's degree in Human Resources. She would like to tie in human resources and computers in her future job. "I'm sorry 1 couldn't make it to May because of my relationship with the RA's in Xavier,'' Causley said. She feels the RA· s are a good group of people and people don't reailze how hard their job is.
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friday, dee. 7 1 1990 ,
Athleteof the week
Milligan rebounds ·after k·neeinjury by Lorraine-Marie Lill
from Continuing Education!
7ett~t4-~ S""4 te ~
Barb Milligan', senior starter for the women's basketball team, has been chosen athlete of the week by Athletic Director John Dzik. "Barbara did a great job_the other. night in an overtime viftOry against Marywood. And, more importantly, Barbara has worked very hard to battle back from a knee injury that could have ended her career,'' J?zik said. Surprise and excitement was the expression shown by Milligan when told that she was athlete of the week. An enthusiastic "all right" was the response given by Coach Dan Welde. "For me to get this title, it's through everybody who is associated with me, or who I am involved with," Milligan said. Milligan feels that she would not have gotten to where she is without the team, the coach, her fans, or her parents. When Shannon O'Donnell was asked how she felt about Milligan being athlete of the week, she said, ·'It's well deserving. She earned it. She plays outrageous basketball.'' The injury that Milligan received last year does not have much of an effect on her.' 'To tell you the truth, I don't even think about my injury anymore. My parents are the ones that are more scared about me playing," Milligan said. "I wasn't exactly sure how she would come off her knee injury,'' Welde· said. "It's been a pleasant surprise. She is playing very well." Now that Milligan is a senior, the entire atmosphere of the game has changed. "There is a different feeling out there from when you are an underclassmen. You are the leader controlling the team," Milligan said. "When you're aseniorontheteam, you not only have to play, but you have to think," Welde said. "You have to start thinking, not only about what your doing but_if everyone else are doing things right.'' "When we get nervou'l;, she knows when to calm us down and how to help us," O'Donnell said. "It's like a medicine, you soothe them," Milligan said. Milligan said that the younger players come into the game too hyper, .and they need the
tile photo
Barb Milligan, athlete of the week. comfort of someone older to tell them to be calm. According to Welde, the game was kept close and when it came down to the end, the best player was left on the floor, which was Milligan. She won the game scoring 24 points, 12 rebounds and six assists. "If you look at it with points and assists, she contributed on 36 of our 51 points,'' Welde said. When Welde was asked what he thought about Barb's performance, he said, '' It was a hell ofa performance. One of the best in this gym. No doubt about it. And I've seen some good performances in this gym."
May All Your Wishes Come True This Holiday Season!
The Graduate Office Jack, Marty, Na~cy; Maura.
f riday, dee. 7, 1990
Squadthreatenedby dwindlingnumbers
photo by Lorraine Lill
Cheerleaders Dawn Weston, Tara Tarutis, Jenny Williams and Christine Flavin{obstructed) build a "chair" during a time out at the Salibury game. by Kimberly Marshall
Now you see them; now you don't. The cheerleaders always occupy the sidelines during the basketball games but there is the impending possibility that they may not be around for the following soccer or basketball season. Right now the squad is down to six women from 10. Next semester they will be reduced to five because junior Alanna Pettit will be commuting and working full time. Co-captains Denise Edwards and Barb Millaway, both juniors. have been struggling to create a strong base for the squad, which they took over last year after the previous captains resigned. Right now Cabrini's pillar of spirit is disheartened and frustrated. If the membership of the squad does not pick up it may be forced to fold. "It would be a disappointment if the squad had to fold because of a lack of interest and support from males or females;' moderator and coach John Dzik said. Dzik is hopeful that there are people out there who want to show their spirit. ''This summer everything seemed so positive," Millaway said. it was the first time the cheerleaders were able to attend camp and acquire new skills. Edwards said they sent letters to all prospective incoming students over the summer. Twenty women signed-up in the beginning of the year but only nine came to try-outs. It is possible that the women were intimidated since we had so many cheerleaders return from last year," Millaway said. Junior Tara Tarutis said that the people coming back knew most of the routines. Senior Georgina Demas and sophomore Renee Corrado had to quit for personal reasons. "I did it for the benefit of the squad because I didn't want to leave them with the possibility of my quitting,'' Demas
said. According to Demas, who cheered for three years, People on Cabrini's campus do not realize how hard the cheerleaders work. Demas was instumental in getting cheerleading recognized as a team sport to count for physical education credits. ''I couldn't make the practices and I realized that they were the most important part," Corrado said. Junior Tara Monte was at camp during the summer but has not been able to cheer because of injuries unrelated to the sport. ''We are there for the players,'' Monte said. Varsity basketball player Mike Massari,junior, feels it would be ashame if the program had to be cut. ''The program seemed to be on the up since they went to summer camp,'' Massari said. ''There has to be something that can be done.'' "We are part of a team and we must think as a team not of ourselves,'' junior Christine Falvin said. "What happened to the cheerleaders looks really bad," Pettit said. Williams said that the cheerleaders are here to support the players and the women are not doing it just for themselves. According to Flavin, collegiate cheering is a lot different than high school. It entails more building of pyramids but to do that the squad needs people. "We would really like to get guys," Millaway said. "They wouldn't be expected to hop around but we could use their muscle." Flavin said that each time the group gets something accomplished like a new routine, it gets ruined because another cheerleader resigns. ''Ifwe were to try the pyramids with the few people we have left they would look elementary," sophomore Jenny Williams said. Tryouts will take place after semester break. "Maybe some members of the pep club would want to take more of a concrete
The Membersof Institutional Advancement wishthe entire Cabrini Community
YI o/ergMerryCliristmas
Joyin tfie_Nf,w'Year! 'J{ancg Costeff.or
.l iflian 'Williams
x._aren 'Berfant
'---------------------------------....1 OVERALL OPINION OF MY FALL 1990 CO-OP EXPERIENCE "The co-op experience is something that will be very valuable in the long-run. I have learned many different facets of the Human Resource Department. I hope to get another co-op in the future." Cazille
- Enterprise Rent-A-Car
"The co-op experience is an excellent opportunity. You get to use the knowledge of your education and apply it to your work. Also, it helps you decide what field of work you enjoy while gaining experience." Meagen
- Padgett Business Services
"I loved working with my three year old class. The practical experience was more than I could get from books. I got plenty of experience in classroom management, behavior modification and motivation. Teaching art lessons, physical education activities, storytelling, cooking etc. were all valuable and enjoyable experiences." Eileen
step with their school spirit," Edwards said. The best is when the fans support us according to junior Tara Tarutis. "It made me so happy the other night when they repeated the cheeres with us,'' Tarutis said. First-year student basketball player Gus Nazaridis noticed the size of Cabrini's cheerleading squad compared to some of the opposing school's. "I'd rather be on our squad of six good people rather than 14 mediocre ones," Flavin said. According to Pettit you still need quantity. ·They are our best fans,'' Sophomore basketball player Frank Sciolla said. John Owens said the cheerleaders deserve more credit because they work hard and are always there. ''They are a spiritual lift,'' Senior player John O'Hare said. "They practice just like we do and took time out over the summer too.'' Dzik knows everyone was really dedicated, even those who had to quit. ''This will be a good test to see if they are really spirited," Dzik said.
'Tong 'Broccli.i
.lisa 'Bogin.
"It would be a disappointmentif the squad had to fold becauseof a lack of interestand supportfrom males or females." -John Dzik
- The Little Friends School
"I believe co-op is very helpful career. There is no substitute Rich
in preparing for practical
for/and planning experience."
- Miller, Mason & Dickenson
"I am very glad that I took place in a co-op experience before I graduated because it offered ~e new insights and skills that will stay with me throughout my future career. I would highly recommend that other students take part in Cabrini's co-op program and possibly even gain their work experience at Philadelphia Mortgage Corporation." Kristine
Mc earthy
- Philadelphia
Mortgage Corporation
"I think the co-op experience is great. The student gets firsthand experience of what goes on in the work world and the on the job training will be beneficial because future employers will find the new worker is already equipped with knowledge to fulfill his or her job functions. Lastly, the-student gets paid while working." Tim Corbett
- MSI International
t ridaXz dee. 1 1 1990
Cavaliers lance the Lions in OT 69-68 13:20 remaining. Following a Lincoln time-out, Cabrini slumped Tuesday night the chilly fore- and the visiting Lions outscored the cast called for snow, but inside Cavs 8-2 to tie the game with 5: 11 Sacred Heart Hall Cabrini was siz- showing on the clock. Senior Jason Yurchak, who zling. The Cavaliers were able to pirate a victory from the claws of earlier electrified the home faithdefeat by triumphing over Lincoln fuls with a break-a-way slam dunk, dashed through the lane and pulled- University 69-68 in over-time. According to Head Coach John up with a 12-footjumper to put the Dzik, the Cavs' (2-3, 1-1) initial Cavs ahead 57-56. Yurchak also tied the game at 60 five games were the toughest stretch on its· schedule. Coach Joe Kelly with 17.4 seconds remaining by said, "We finally got the monkey sinking the latter of two foul shots. off our back," in reference to two There was no further scoring in close defeats to Cheyney Univer- regulation and the teams went to sity and Salisbury State Univer- overtime deadlocked at 60. Lincoln scored the first four sity. Cabrini trailed 33-29 following points of the overtime cession and a sloppy first half. "We played lead 64-60 with 3:41 on the clock. poorly in the first half,'' Dzik said. Following a Jon Owens finger-roll "We were rushingouroffense, and the teams, once again, found themplayed as individualsnot as a team." selves deadlocked, this time at 64. Owens put the Cavs ahead 67Dzik felt the team played with no patience and really did not execute. 64 following a steal by Jamie According to Bobby Byars, head Shaak, with a break-a-way lay-up. coach of Lincoln University, Dzik "I am finally getting over being is on of the best second half coaches nervous and I came through at the he knows. "Dzik is an excellent end," Owens said. "The team stuck coach and knows how to coach a together in o.t.'' The Cavs trailed 68-67 with 9.3 team from behind at a furious pace.'' ticks remaining on the clock when Furious pace is the best way to Yurchak was fouled by Lions describe the Cavs play in the guard Donald King. Yurchak second half. Cabrini went on a 14- stepped to the line, took a deep 4 tear to take a 49-43 lead with breath and sank two shots to give Cabrini the win by the narrowest of margins, 6968. "I just tried to block (all the noise) out the best I could," Yurchak said. ''I knew I was going to make both." "I had a chance to J.V. Basketball win two close ones and 11/29 102Cabrini Reading 67 I finally converted on this 12/1 72 Cabrini Del. Com. 75 Williamson 57 12/2 78 Cabrini one," Yurchak also said. Cecil Com. 63 12/3 88 Cabrini Sophomore Frank Sciolla played inspired Men's Basketball inside ball in scoring a 12/i Salisbury 88 86 Cabrini ream high 20 points, 69 Cabrini Lincoln 12/4 68 by Bob Healey
Scoreboard I Results
Women's Basketball 12/1 12/2 12/4
69 Cabrini 51 Cabrini 71 Cabrini
York Dennison Lincoln
57 67 44
Schedule J.V. Basketball 1/14 1/17 1/21 1/23 1/25
Penn St. Del. Burlington Eastern Del. Tech. Manor
home home home home away
7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm 7pm
Men's Basketball Sat. 12/8 Mon. 12/10 Fri. 12/28 Sat. 12/29 1/2-1/4 Thurs. 1/10 1/11 Fri. Wed. 1/16 Tue. 1/22
Wesley away 7:30pm York home 8pm Cabrini Christmas Classic home 6&8pm Nat. Cath. Toum Iowa Frostburg away 8pm Sheenandoah away 7:30pm Gwyneed Mercyhome 7pm Allentown away 8pm
Women's Basketball Sat. Thurs. Fri. Sun. Thurs. Sat. Wed. Fri. Tue.
12/8 12/27 12/28 1/6 1/10 1/12 1/16 1/18 1/22
Phil.Pharm. Rutgers Camdem Trenton Frostburg Neuman
Marywood lmmac. Allentown
away away
away home
away away away home
2pm TBA TBA 2pm 6pm 2pm 6pm 7pm 6pm
photo by Cann Pesotsk,
According to Massarir Senior John O'Hare scores two of his 16 points over Lincoln's Ted Dzik held a pre-game team Bolden as Ronald James looks on. meeting. "We're growing together as a team and we' re a close needed this game." fully expect to win the next two,'' knit group of friends. Any kind of "We're young and we need to he said. dissension shows." Massari said. find a way to win these games,'' For the Cavs the month of "Coach saw some bickering and Massari said. "Maybe this is the December will mean the Annual called us together." first step." Christmas Tournament. The New According to Dzik, the team is Cabrini's will next see action Year will start will a trip to playing tentative. "We're walking tomorrow night at Wesley Col- Dubuque, Iowa where the Naon eggs and we needed to get our lege. According to Dzik, the key to tional Catholic College Tourney is confidence back," Dzik said. "We the season is the nexttwo games. "I held.
JuniorCavs race to 5-1 start by Denise Edwards and Bob Healey
- .., l'ue. Thurs. Mon. Wed .. Fri.
shooting 7 -11 from the field. "I scored more p~ints inside the paint tonightthen I did all last season,'' Sciolla said. Sciolla played at Point Park College last year. Senior John O'Hare chipped in 15 and Yurchak added 14. Donald King was high scorer for Lincoln with 23. Demetrius Butler added in 16. Junior Mike Massari dominated the boards with a game high 16, many at crucial situations of the game. "Half the time I just go up and the ball comes to me,'' Massari said. "It is all timing and knowing where the ball is going to go." Shaak, a first-year player, received considerable playing time in the late going. '' Shaak showed composure,'' Dzik said. "I was pleased with his effort." '' At the moment I feel I can offer many things to the team. When I get in I play as hard as I can at any time in the game," Shaak said. "Everybody here had drive and desire."
The Cavalier junior varsity basketball team soundly defeated the Seahawks of Cecil County Community College 88-63 on Monday.Dec. 3. The victory catapulted the Cavs overall record to 5-1. The Cavs tookadvantageofl6tumovers during the first half to take a 46-36 lead on a Gus Naziridis three-point shot at the buzzer. Cabrini's offense controlled the first half often getting two to three rebounds per possession. "Wissler (David) and Kelleher (Keith) did well on the boards," Rick Costello, junior varsity head coach, said. Never did the Seahawks take the lead over the Cavs. Cabrini was able to thoroughly dissect the Seahawk man-to-man defense. With l :01 remaining in the first half the score stood 39-36. Cecil would not come any closer. A five-point outburst followed, culminated by Naziridis' three-point shot which gave the Cavs its 10 point half time lead. In the second half Cabrini wore down the under-sized and under-manned visitors. Jamie Shaak scored 17 of his game high 28
points in the latter half, 12 points came on four three-point shots. "He shot exceptionally well from the outside and drove the lane effectively," Costello said. "He looks to take the big shot." Cabrini led 67-52 with 10:52 remaining in the game. They were able to slowly build on the lead using all players, considerably wearing down the opposition. During a sloppy 4:19 span the Cavs increased its lead from 69-54 to 75-58. The two point increase was accomplished by keeping the Seahawks at bay and effectively running the floor. Following a Cecil time-out Shaak put the Cavs ahead by 20 on a three-point shot with four seconds on the shot-clock. The last 2:63 seconds of the game was the pinnacle of Cecil's futility as they scored only three points. Two foul shots by Brad deLong with 6.7 ticks on the clock closed out the scoring, sealed Cecil's coffin and gave Cabrini a 25 pojnt victory. As the junior varsity players continue consistent play Costello believes many players will see varsity action. "Gus, Jamie
and Wissler will all see time," he said. '' Pick (Mike Conner) could also see time.'' Co-coach Rick Rowe is optimistic about the rest of the season but realizes he will lose players to the varsity squad. "It depends on who they take off of us,'' he said. "We'll see if varsity sticks theirnose in and takes any players,'' he also said, tongue in cheek. Rowe added, "That is what j. v. is for." "Jamie and Gussie could see more time as the season goes on," Joe Kelly, varsity coach, said. According to Kelly, Both Naziridis and Shaak come from a strong program at Ridley High School, but being first-yearstudents they must better fanjliarize themselves with the system. "We are going to bring them along slowly and let them get theirfeet wet," Kelly said. "If you just throw them to the dogs it could hurt their confidence and take them longer to develop." The junior varsity Cavs will continue their 5-1 campaign, after Christmas break, with a game versus Penn State Delco on Jan.14 at Sacred Heart Hall. ·