friday, jan. 25, 1991
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
Campus holds vigil for peace
Studentcalledto war Othersfear lossof lovedones in Gulf by Kimberly Keck International conflicts are hitting home at Cabrini. On Jan. 15, when Cabrini students were returning to classes, junior Elizabeth Miller was on her way to serve in Operation Desert Storm. Miller serves in one of the 12 mobile anny surgical hospital units in the Army reserves, unit 300. She will be treating injured soldiers and prisoners of war injured by chemical warfare, according to Peggy Miller. Miller's mother. "If doctors come in contact with contaminated prisoners, they must react within two to three minutes," Mrs. Miller said. According to Mrs. Miller, patients are first treated with a special shower and if that isn't successful, patients are put in a decontamination chamber. Miller received special training at Indian Town Gap Army base in Pennsylvania. This training consisted of instruction on how to put on a gas mask in seconds. how to decontaminate chemical warfare, and a review of combat manuevers,
·photo by Lisa Undley
About 200 people participated in a candlelight campus march and vigil for peace in the Persian Gulf less than one day before hostilities intensified in the region. See page 9 for full coverage of the march and service.
M~nslaughter, DUI charged in Pisko death by Melissa von Siegel The tragic accident that occurred on Dec. 14, 1990 involving four Cabrini students did not just end with the injuries of three and the death of senior David Pisko. Rather, there has been a series of events in the aftermath-most recently, the charges brought against the driver of the vehicle that night, senior John Sparta, 21. The complaint charges as filed by the Upper Merion Township Police Department are as follows: homicide by vehicle whiledriving under the influence; homicide by vehicle; driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance; involuntary manslaughter; and recklessly endangering another
person. There were two summaries filed as well: careless driving and driving a vehicle at a safe speed. The three other Cabrini students in the car with Sparta were Edward Avena, 21, Michael Reidy, also 21 and David Pisko, 22. All four men were coming from Touche's nightclub, located in the Valley Forge Hilton Hotel. Reidy said that they had gone to Touche's because of a 25 cent per drink special that night. According to a report from Upper Merion police, Avena said that he estimated their arrival at the nightclub to be about 10:30 p.m. on Dec. 13, 1990 and that the accident occurred just after they left
more ACCIDENT on 4
vol. xxxvii, no. 13
according to Mrs. Miller. "My daughter has received seven needle shots and two bottles of malaria pills," Mrs. Miller said. "Before putting on the army gear, Liz has to put flea collars on her legs and wear insect repellant," Mrs. Miller said "The flea collars protect against the sand flea1.." According to Mrs. Miller, when war breaks out, active duty can be extended. The army told her daughter she could be over there for six months to two years, her mother said. Miller received her activated status two days after Christmas. "Parents are asking people to pray for our soldiers and that this is a a short war," Mrs. Miller said. "The 50,000 body bags will not be
used." The brother of first-year-student Priscilla Fuentes was called to active duty over Christma<;break. Fuentes' brother serves in the Marine Corps. According to Fuentes. her brother is involved with technology and fixing machinery. "Because he fixes machines he'll be stationed on the front line.•: Fuentes said. She said the situation is heartbreaking because she knows he could die. "What ifhe came back in
a body bag?" Fuentes said. David M. Washington, boyfriend of sophomore Lorraine Lill, is stationed in Al-Rashad. Saudi Arabia. Washington is a Lance Corporal in the Marine Corps. According to Lill, Washington is there because he's licensed to operate machinery. "Regarding my feelings about David, I have an endless pit in my stomach shouting I may lose (him)." Editor's note: As soon as EhzabethMiller's
address ,s made ava,lab,e by the U.S Anny, LoquItur w,n pnnt 11so tha1letters and packages can be sent10 her in SaudiArabia
War worries Women show far more concern than men about a host of war worries, a Monday USA TODAY Poll of 600 adults shows. The percent of men and women worried about:
1-c:::t. Women
Threat of terrorism in the United States
__,JI 98%
Reinstatement ot the draft
140% ._ ________
Weakening of U.S. economy
I51% ._ ________
..... 173%
War spreading throughout Mideast
,_ ______ Source: Gordon S. Black Ire.
____,1!67% KeithCarter.USATODAY
Collegeto create war leave policy by Kimberly Keck On the academic level, Cabrini is handling Liz Miller's indefinite absence by giving her a leave of absence, according to Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs. "A leave of absence will leave
her in good standing and she ·will not have any problems such as reapplying," Biller said. The college is in the proces$ of making a policy for students in the reserves, according to Biller. "The policy will be formulated by following 'state and federal policy," Biller said "Some mem-
bers of the faculty also received a memo regarding the matter." "Our policy is to try to do the best to rescue a situation such as a car accident or abrupt withdrawal," Biller said. Catherine Caulfield, directorof resident life, said they have no policy and are "playing it by ear."
inside perspectives ...... 2, 3
'Dances with
Complete men's
news ................ 4, 8, 9
Wolves' sparks
and women's
features .......... 5, 6, 7
basketball wrap-up
sports........ 10, 11, 12
(page 6)
(page 11)
e_d_it_or___.i9_I _____
friday, jan. 25, 1991
What power do we have? As we headed home last month, the world seemed to be closing in on us. Death had recently showed us its true face-- unpredictable, devastating, and bloody. The sudden fatal accident of David Pisko on Dec. 14, 1990 chilled our hearts and numbed our holiday spirit. One of our friends and classmates died too young. Almost exactly a month later, many more were on the verge of a similar fate. It all seemed so senseless. The campus came together to mourn and remember David Pisko, and then we left for home. But at home, the world was still shrinking. The sandbox in the backyard became the dust of Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The nation held its breath as words like deadline, no negotiations, and war barraged our ears. But it wasn't until we each found a personal connection did we sit up and listen .. It wasn't until one of the friends we graduated with, a brother or a sister, boyfriends and girlfriends started leaving one by one. It wasn't until we heard them project which 18 to 25-year-olds would be called up first for the draft. It wasn't until we saw the soldiers on the television cry as they left for the desert and their children screaming and wondering when Daddy and Mommy would be back. And yet some people stil1 do no seem to take it seriously. We grew up in a time when Hogan's Heroes, MASH, and Rambo were all we knew of war. So people continued partying on the eve of the day the first air raids began. Whether we realize it or not, war and death are frightening realities, and it is our generation fighting and dying. When the bodies are flown home in body bags to Dover, they will be our friends, lovers, and family. And we will weep for strangers, as many of us who did not know David Pisko did. We weep because even in war, there is human compassion. Death can leave us feeling powerless, but even if the war is across deserts and oceans, we can still have power at home. We need to pull together, as the campus did for David Pisko, and support those people who have people over there. We can hold vigils. We can rally. We can send letters. We can be informed. Most importantly, we can learn. No matter who wins or loses, the war will be useless if we don't learn from it,just as David Pisko 's death would be truly senseless if we do not recognize the dangers of drinking and driving. We grew up in peace, and none of us expected war to touch our lifetime. None of us wants to see one of our friends die, but one did last semester. Life's not always fair. War never is.
War hurts everyone melissa landsmann senior associate news editor Like the rest of America, I sat glued to the television as reports of war poured into my home. While I had been hoping that a miracle would occur and the United States would not go to war, I knew in the back of my mind that my hopes were not only unrealistic but also
I have no clue what it is like to sit in an air raid shelter all night praying to God that the bomb doesn't hit nearby only to emerge hours later to discover that my house has been destroyed. naive. If the following seems like a hodge-podge of emotions and words, then maybe I am getting across my emotions about this war. War runs the gamut of so many emotions and I hope what I am saying makes some sense although it makes little sense to me. My feelings on the subject of the war in the Persian Gulf are hard to define: While I wish this world was not a place where wars were fought, the cold truth is that wars do exist and maybe are even necessary in some instances to maintain the well-being of our country. If we had let Iraq continue on its rampage. then we could very easily be faced with the prospectoffighting Iraq in anuclearwar. It is dangerous to let a man like Saddam with such an insane and ruthless regard for his own people to have control over such death machines. Of course, that is not even the reason for U.S. involvement according to most the~rists. But, I did not intend to venture forth on a discussion of the morality of U.S. involvement in Kuwait. Our' troops already are there so discussion of that subject at this point seems pointless. I'd rather put energy into trying to get our troops home quickly and safely. There is one thing that Americans can agree on whether or not we believe that the United States should be involved in the Persian Gulf: War is a terrible thing and nobody wants to see anybody die. I detest the idea of war. 1hate the fact that people are going to die and families are being tom apart. I abhor the devastation and destruction brought on by war. But, to me, the person who has never experienced war firsthand, the electronic media brings the only impressions that I have of the images and sounds of war. I have no clue what it is like to sit in an air raid shelter all night praying to God that the bomb doesn't hit nearby only lo emerge hours later to discover that my house has been destroyed. My safe world of homework and killer tests cannot in any way compare to what those people must feel each night when they go to sleep, never knowing if they
. will be awakened half-way through the night by the sound air raid sirens or if they wi11 ever wake up at all. l cannot understand the tremendous mixture of fear and pride the men and women of the U.S. troops must feel when they don combat garb and fight for their country. I have a tremendous amount of respect for these men and women who are serving their country in a land half-way across the world. I pledge my support of the troops and I pray for them and their families. I want to see them home safely and soon. It's too easy to say thatthe war is halfway across the world and tlpt I cannot be hurt by it. But, I will be hurt. We all will be. Whether it will be watching one of our classmates go to war or looking at the strained, worried faces who are waiting for word of their loved ones, we will all be affected directly and indirectly. We were all so happy because there was word that the war may be over quickly. How fast is that actually? Any length of time seems too leng.-(loesn 't it? While most of us sit back and watch the war on the news and debate the pros and cons of war, there are countless people who are living this war. Like most of us, I am sure these people want peace. Who wants to see people die? Nobody likes war. God bless America. Godhelpourtroops. God help the people who are there fighting today. How do I feel about the war? I am scared. I am scared for the people who are there and I am afraid for their families. I believe in the reasons we are there.
;staff Ed1tor-m-chie!: Carlo Iacono Managing Editor Jennifer Morrison News Editor: Chns Pesotski Sen10r Assooate News Editor Melissa Landsmann Assistant News Editors Rna Celluoc1. Kimberly Keck. Dawn
T1mbarioand Missy von Siegel Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspect,ves Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor Kelly Anne Reed
Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda. Lorraine Marie L1IIand Charles Watertall Sports Editor Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor Robert Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and Wilham A. Fulton Business Managers:
K,m Marshall and Michelle Merge,
Photography Editor Frank E'Tlmer<:h Assistant Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley Photography Adviser: Or Carter Cra191e Actvrser Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: Karen Dumorney, Wilham Fulton. John Gay, Matt Hodlofsk,. Kimberly Leblang. Joe Martin,. Elizabeth MacGu,re. Jennifer Melchiorre, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher Stephanie Ran,en. J.P Raynock. Frank Saolla. Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman. John Gay. Mark Gudas. l<im KoJeski, Edd McNamee. Jud, Panas,k. Cann Pesotski. Chris Pesotsk,. Sue Rou, Charles Waterfall. Loqurtur 1spublished weekly dunng the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412 Subscript10n price is S25 per year and 1s included ,n the bene!,ts secured by tu11t0nand student fees. Loqu1tur welcomes letters to the edttor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. ,f the writer wishes, and the editor agrees. the wnter's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscnplion inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer:· Letters should be typed. double-spaced and no more than 300 words ,n length. If a letter is too long !or the available space, the editor may edit or condense ~- Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
The editonals and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the indN1dualwriters and not the entire student body or the faculty and admm1s1rat1on. Loquitur 1s estabtished as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uriinhib1ted,robust, free and open discussion of
perspectives f
friday, jan. 25, 1991
Is thisour war?
Fearsand faith of students·as the Gulf war impacts campus Time to kick in
Vet prays
Students speak out
for peace
by Bob Healey I know through out this article I might sound like a hypocrite, especially during the week we are celebrating Martin Luther King's birthday. But, if believing that war is the quickest and safest path to peace, with peace being a 'My boyfriend is an dream of mine, then may I 82nd Airborne parabe the biggest hypocrite trooper. There'sa sense alive. of relief that there's no Peace is a goal shared by more waiting. Every all. True, there ~sa plethora day fighting happens is of oil in 'the Middle East one day closer to it and this may be a personal being over." vendetta between Bush and. Hussein. But there is more. -Susan Moriarty, Hussein has Kuwait, he senior wants Saudi Arabia, then what? The Palestinian question and battles over the occupied territories have existed, it seems, as long as time itself. But it took a mad man and terroristic killer like Hussein to bring it to a head. And now we are called upon to protect kin we do not even know.
We must give peace a fighting chance. We are the school yard protector from the neighborhood bully. Protesters want to avoid another "Vietnam," so they congregate hoping their demonstrations will bring the troops home. What these people do not fully realize is that without the American presence in the Gulf, Hussein could conquer the Middle East facilitating another world war. A world war with enough chemical, nuclear and biological weapons to destroy the world over I00 times over. The coalition of allied forces have bombed Iraq daily, being extremely cautious as to where the bombs detonate. Precautions have been taken to save as many Holy Shrines and innocent lives as possible, minimizing death. So what does Hussein do? He retaliates by bombing a mostly poor, elderly section of Tel Aviv, with no respect for the sanctity of human life. He wants war. His people want war. They think differently than we do. The Iraqi people are willing to die for Hussein, and he takes advantage of their unconditional loyalty, patriotism and/or naivete, brain washed upbringing. During the eight year Iran-Iraq war we funded Hussein in hopes he could prevent the Ayatollah Khomenei from conquering the Middle East. Now Hussein is trying to become what we supported him to prevent. By deploying troops Bush is carrying out an ideology that has been in place for 40 years. Hussein has used chemical weapons on his own people, gassing the Kurdish minority. He has no respect for human life, he wants war. He has nothing to lose in war. No amount of casualties is too many for Hussein. This is why the United Nation's sanctions and trade embargo alone will not work. Without food and medical supplies many Iraqi people, who have supported Hussein, along with innocent, guiltless children have been dying. He has let them. Bush, the coalition of allied forces and Cabrini all want peace, Hussein does not. Numerous peace resolutions have failed, by no fault of our own, but because they were predestined, by Iraq, to faiUn Geneva, James Baker asked Tariq Aziz to dance for peace but Aziz refused. Baker still danced, regretfully, he danced stag. · 'There are times in life when we are confronted with values worth fighting for. This is one such time," President Bush said. I agree. There are also many values worth living for, some are even worth dying for. Currently peace is
by Elizabeth MacGuire
·1 think we have pretty good goals so far. If it becomes a WWII! scenario, we should leave. I don't believe true peace can ever be avoided in that strife-filled area.''
"We grew up in a peaceful time period. Now we're sitting in class while people are fighting. We don't know what to do. It'sa totally different way of life for us to understand.·
-Clyde Laforest, unior
-Christina Rudden, so homore
stagnant. We must give peace a fighting chance. We are the school yard protector from the neighborhood bully. If fighting means American casualties, which it has and undoubtedly will continue to do. may those people rest heroically by God's side. knowing they died so others may live freely and in peace. Hussein said it is God's will that he go to war with the West. John ·s gospel states," He who lives by the sword will eventually and inevitably die by the sword." We must ante up and kick in like men. We must prevent Hussein's sword from causing any more destruction and loss of Iife. We must be the death of Hussein ·s aggression. Before the American pilots flew on their maiden attack they were told, "You are the lightning and the thunder of Operation Desert Storrn.'' Well may the rain of peace shower from this storm, in drops so immense they can not be ignored, flooding the Middle East with love, compassion and equanimity. May God bless our brethren in arrns and assist them in resolving the conflict as expeditiously as possible. And may our troops, God willing, give peace a fighting chance.
Big support for war effort A significant majority of the U.S. public agrees on many of the key questions of the war with Iraq, a Sunday USA TODAY poll shows.
□ Wednesday □ Now
□ Black
□ White
[D Support
a] Support now
Volunteer military or reinstate draft? □
iG9% ISS%172%1
□ Total
□ Black
□ White
56%c[h63% 38o/c 21o/c
00 Angry
In bel\Nen .
Souroe.NabonMle phone poll Sundayof 641 adultsby GordonS. Black Inc. Samplingerror 4% (7% for black responses).
K'"lh Carter,USATODAY
War stinks. Why would anyone want to go to war? That's the question I've been asking myself ever since the war started in Iraq. The euphoria doesn't last long enough. All I can see in my mind's eye is the thousands of people screaming in pain, "One death is not all because Saddam and worth it to me. I get George want to play tug of upset when the rallies war with Kuwait. are compared to the They try to justify them'60s: This movement is selves but in my opinion, they more serious, more sound like a bunch of little conscious. not just a boys exchanging insults and thing to do'' trying to beat each other. Cyndy Nobody is thinking of the loss Bangs, of life. They are only thinkfirst- ear student ing of who is right. There has got to be an alternative. I don't believe Mr. Bush when he said that he tried everything. I know I'm no expert when it comes to war. I tried to understand wh)' peoplewouldgotowarbutlfailedto come up with any good reason. People tell me that this war is justified but I can't understand their reasoning. ~faybe I feel for those people that are suffering without ha\ mg any ,a)' in the matter. I mean. of course. the innocent bystander who doesn't agree with what is going on but gets caught up in it anyway. I also think of the children who are growing up now thinking that violence is the answer to everything. These children then are hardened to any other alternative. What then of our future? Will the children be expected to fight when they are old enough? I guess I have a personal feeling about this because of my little brother who is only 11. I often wonder what he thinks about what is going on in the Gulf. I then go back to my own childhood and the Vietnam War. I realize that I really didn't understand what was happening then. So maybe he really doesn't understand this war like I neverunderstood the Vietnam War. Ijust hope that he will never have to go to war to protect some rich guy's rights. I know people will say since I served in the Air Force that I should be gung-ho about this war. They don't realize though that war is not glorious and that I wouldn't want to be caught up in it. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be a veteran but I wouldn't trade my veteran status to run to the Persian Gulf. That's why I guess I do have a special feeling for the people in the service now. I can see that most of them dislike war as much as I do. So, I pray along with others that the war will have a quick end. Can anyone explain why we are in this war? I don't go for the explanation that we are liberating Kuwait. It seems more like slaughter to me. I guess I feel with Jordan and the fear that this war could only grow worse instead of ending quickly. Will this be WWIII? I don't know. I can only hope that this war will not grow. Even as I write these words, I know in my heart that there will be no quick solution. Nobody has thought out what this warcQUld entail. When we pick up the pieces, will we see that new world that Mr. Bush talked about so many weeks ago? Do we realize that we are really fighting for oil? People are dying just to get their hands on oil. It seems stupid when the issue is stated that way. For this reason, I'm still puzzled. War is a bloody way to solve a problem with oil. I'm sure that there are people out there that feel the same way. I have heard that and I have seen the demonstrations. How will the little children understand this when I can't even understand it myself? Do I take the view that war is a part of life? No. How can I expect anyone to take that view? I guess all I'm trying to say is that war stinks and we should make every effort to end it as quickly as possible. Pray, then I will, for peace because this old world has had enough of war.
friday 1 ian. 25, 1991
updates Campus
by Dawn Timbario Approximately 20 faculty and staff members including Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, participated on Jan. 8 in a follow-up to the two previous "town meetings". Dr. Jerome Zurek, chair of the English/communications department and leader of the meeting compiled a summary of issues to be discussed from the original town meeting. The purpose of this follow-up was to identify several of the deep problems of the Cabrini community and pick five concerns which present a workable solution. "I think the problem is that a number of people here do not share in the values of Cabrini's mission," Zurek said. In order to remedy this problem, faculty and staff voted on creating a tri-partite college forum . composed of one representative each from: houses 1-3, 4-7, Counsel/Mansion, Xavier, and W oodcrest. An additional one represen-
Nationwide Peace Rally on Sat., Jan. 26, in Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Jacqui Ricci at ext. 8478.
Project Appalachia Information Night will be held on Thurs., Jan. 24, at 9:30 in the DSCR. Anyone interested in helping out with this project who did not attend the information night in the fall is required to attend this meeting. Training sessions will begin this week. For more information, contact campus ministry. Super Bowl party in Xavier Great Room on Sun .. Jan. 27, at kick-off time. Free pizza, chips and soda for all who attend. Come on out and root for your favorite team! The first-ever Cabrini Activities Board Meeting will be held on Thurs., Jan. 31. from 4:30-5:30 p.m. in the DSCR. Anyone who is involved in a club or organization on campus is invited to attend. Contact Jennifer Marks-Gold at ext. 8407.
Black History Month mass will be held on Sun., Feb. 3 at 6 p.m. in the chapel. Father Britto will be the celebrant.
the committee for this activity has not formally met, they have ideas on extending the hours to midnight. and adding to the food selection. A third idea soon to go into effect is the instating of hall and class moderators. These moderators are to be helpful guides to every student and aid them in decision making processes when sought out for advice. This committee, which is led by Marks-Gold, Anna Hazelbrigg, resident director, and Jini Loos, memberof the public relations department. has met already. A fourth proposal calls for students to take steps toward self-governance. It will be their job to make the rules as well as draw up the penalties and punishment facing those who break the laws. "Self-governance means taking an in-depth look at what's happening around us right now," Reilly said. This committee is being spear-headed b)' Maura Gustafson, a graduate assistant and
Financial aid office would like to remind all students that the on-time applicant deadline is April I, 1991.
If you need extra hours for to fulfill your work grant requirement, there is a list of available jobs in the financial aid office. Do you spend too much time thinking about food? Are you in control of your relationship with food or is it in control of you? Join a support group for people with eating concerns. Contact Dan Schwarz at ext. 8563 or Lili Goodman at 8566 for more information and a pre-screening interview. There will be a workshop, "Yoga For Everyone," offered on Wednesdays. Jan. 23 to April 3, from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. This workshop is offered free to students. For more information, contact continuing education at 971-8500. Do you need to improve your test scores? "Becoming Test Wise" is being offered on Sat., Feb. 2, from 1-4 p.m. and is free to students enrolled in the spring semester. For further information, contact continuing education at 9718500.
moreACCIDENT from 1 Touche's which was approximately 12:15 a.m. According to the police report, they travelled along Route 202 North, making a right tum onto S. Henderson Rd. After passing a series of orange warning signs · due to road construction, they ran off the side of the road and collided with a telephone pole at 12:23 a.m., hitting it broadside. According to Upper Merion Patrolman Christopher R. Bird, the investigative officer in this case, Bird was called that night at 12:35 a.m. about the accident. Bird said that Sgt. Deegan and Officers Nolan, Pilcicki, and Terzuolo were the first to arrive. Police officials said that Sparta and Avena were outside the vehicle and that Reidy and Pisko, the rear seat passen_gers(left and right, respectively) were still in the vehicle in those same positions upon police arrival. According· 10 the police report, Sparta identified himself as the driver of the vehicle and Avena identified himself as the front seat passenger to Sgt. Deegan and Officer Nolan. While speaking to Sparta, Nolan detected a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from his mouth. Sparta and Avena were transported by ambulance to Sacred Heart Hospital in Norristown. According to the police report, Sparta's injuries were described as moderate as he suffered bruises, abrasions, and swelling of the face. Avena's injuries also held the same description as he complained of pain in the chest and stomach. At the scene, paramedics communicated with Montgomery Hospital in Norristown. After having described the nature and extent of Pisko's injuries, including a bleeding wound on the head, the hospital was instructed by Dr. Steven Morse to treat him as dead on arrival. According to police, Reidy suffen:d head
injuries which were described as moderate. Both Pisko and Reidy were transported by ambulance to Montgomery Hospital in Norristown. According to police, Officer Terzuolo was permitted into the emergency room at Sacred Heart Hospital by staff present there in order to question Sparta. Upon Terzuolo' s arrival, Sparta was being interviewed by Beverly Supplee, R.N. In response to a question posed by Supplee as to whether or not Sparta had consumed any alcohol, Sparta replied "some." According to police, Sparta, in response to Terzuolo 's request, voluntarily agreed to give police a sampling of his blood to determine the blood alcohol content. Later testing showed Sparta's blood alc9hol content to be .208 percent. At approximately 3: 15 a.m., Officer Pilcicki, informed Sparta, in the presence of his parents, that Pisko did not survive the accident. At this time, Pilcicki advised Sparta of his constitutional rights and then asked Sparta if he would give a voluntary statement.Police said that Sparta. under his father's advice, declined to comment until after having first consulted an attorney. Avena was also advised of his rights by Pilcicki and signed a waiver form. In his statement. Avena idt?ntified himself as the front seat passenger and Sparta as the driver of the vehicle. According to police, Avena said that he was changing stations on the radio right before the accident and that he did not remember what happened. Police said that Avena admitted having consumed alcoholic beverages at Touche 's nightclub and estimated pre-impact speed at 40 m.p.h. While police interviewed Sparta and Avena. Reidy's condition at this time was
photo by Charlre Waterfall
In December, 2 "Town Meetings" were held to discuss the origins of last semester's campus problems. These meetings have resulted in the formation of the Cabrini College Forum, designed to alleviate these situations. tative will be choosen from within the continuing education department, along with two commuters and one alum. The Cabrini College Forum will conduct open meetings for all campus members and act as a student voice whenever a problem or question arises. Currently there is no committee to t11rnto as a means to being heard. Creating this forum will enable students to stop small problems before they become significant. The faculty and staff members on the committee of this college forum are Dr. Joseph Romano, professorofphilosopy, Dr. Beverly Reilly, co-ordinator of the secondary education division, Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice-president of academic affairs, Bud Mellon, communications center supervisor, and Linda Fox, manager of the human resources department. The second proposal of the town meeting follow-up is enhance the Wigwam. Though
member of the graduate studies department. Finally, faculty and staff ruled upon the fifth proposal. It calls for the re-evaluation of admissions procedures. "We must take a look at the messages Cabrini is giving and decide if we are misleading potential students," Nancy Gardner, director of admissions and committee chair, said. Zurek agrees that new faculty, staff and students who interview to become a part of the Cabrini community fail to embody the values of our mission. "We seem to have forgotten about Cabrini spirit," Zurek said. Gardner said that many people tend to point to the admissions office and accuse them of letting the "bad apples" filter into the institution. "It's difficult to identify the wrong kind of student through an interview or essay when most people are merely saying what they think you want to hear," Gardner said.
listed as critical. According to police, Sgt. Deegan contacted the police department of Pennsauken, NJ. in order to notify Pisko'5 parents of their son's death who later identified hi°mat Montgomery Hospital. Police said that the force of impact caused parts of the vehicle to be separated. Other extensive damage to the passenger side included from in front of the passenger door to the rear wheel, the rear wheel to the taillight'. and the buckling of the roof. According to Gerard T. Rosso, assistant district attorney of Montgomery County, a preliminary hearing took place Jan. 16, 1990 at Montgomery County Court House. Sparta was placed on $50,000 ba;J. but was released on his own recognizance. Rosso said that there will be an arraign-
ment probably in February or March of this year and will be listed for trial sometime late spring."I don't really know which way to go at this time or what sentence to ask for," Rosso said. "The most serious charge he's looking at is the D.U.I. That one charge has a mandatory minimum sentence of three years," Rosso said Reidy said he remembers nothing of the accident. "Last thing I can remember pretty well is being in the bar and a vague memory of being in the parking lot at Touche 's. We were deciding who was getting in the front seat, who was getting in the back seat,'' Reidy said. Reidy said that presently he just wants to concentrate on his schoc'.work and "not cry over the whole situation. There's nothing you can do now."
friday, jan. 25, 1991
CabrinicommemoratesKingthroughstoryand song by Charles Waterfall Martin Luther King, Jr. encouraged his people to follow their dreams. Sparky Rucker, who once taught art to junior and senior high school students, took that advice. He recognized that his true purpose was to be the educator that he was, yet his dream
department said. "ll was the real folk from the heart of the people." Dr. Bethany had suggested lo Academic Dean, Dr. Schiesler, who had been looking for a campus activity to commemorate Martin Luther King, Jr., that Sparky and Rhonda Rucker would be perfect for the celebration. Last Spring, the Ruckers came from
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clothing .. Sparky sported an enormous, wide-brimmed, black Zorro-like hat that matched the resl of his dark attire. Rhonda kept the mood, dressed in a long, dark and loose dress, also reminisenl of the era. Keep in mind that Sparky Rucker was an art teacher. He had known Jillie about history. College had only taught him, "a little of this and a little of that." His education had mostly made him into an avid reader and an avid researcher . Mrs. Rucker graduated from a medical school in Kentucky. The Ruckers' knowledge of history did not just come from textbooks and speaking with folklorists, but from feeling itself. Th-ey make a point to visit historical landmarks and places, as they tour this nation and others. · 'None of it makes sense to you unless you see it yourself," Mr. Rucker, said. "You almost feel the troops' energy when you walk the fields; and it makes things vivid." Usually, nine to 10 months of the year are spent traveling. performing for festivals, colleges, and public services like radio and television. RhondaRuckerhas been a part of the performances for two years now. Sparky Rucker has considered himself a full-time performer since 1972, when he quit teaching. He has been all over the United States, Canada. and central Europe -Germany, Austria, Holland, and Belgium to name a few. His guitar case tells his story of travel and success, as it is completely stickered with the places where he has been. He-
takes a lot of pride in it. Mr. Rucker has been playing the guitar since he was 11 years of age, and always
'If you become aware of a problem, you must eradicate the problem.' -Sparky Rucker sang. Both Mr. and Mrs. Rucker have had a love and interest in blues and country music throughout their lives. They have adopted the music into theirown style, today. Rhonda Rucker has always had a gift in music, as well. She has been playing piano since she was four years old, and guitar since she was 15. Her talents in harmonica-playing were seen at Monday's performance. Sparky has produced seven albums, alone. Rhonda has been helping him produce the eighth, titled "Conceived in Liberty,'' which covers the colonial era. Rhonda's interest in research is geared more toward family than history. She has recently found that a past family member was a lieutenant colonel in the confederacy. Rhonda hopes to publish a book about her search for her family's history sometime in the future. Both Sparky and Rhonda have had articles of their historical research published in several magazines. Most of them were folklore articles. For the final performance of the three. Sparky and Rhonda closed . ..:xpressing to Dr. Martin Luther King. "Thank you and God Bless-:" And they had good ffre~a84se~nt:--. __ .,,.,___
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I photo courtesy of Real People's Music
Singer and songwriters Sparky and Rhonda Rucker performed in the Widener Center Lecture Hall on Monday, Jan. 15 commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. had always been to be a performer. Today, their Knoxville, Tennessee home to guest that dream is alive. speak for Bethany's American music class. Last Monday, Rucker, along with his The overall message that Sparky and wife, Rhonda, appropriately commemoRhonda presented to their audience was of rated Martin Luther King's birthday through peace and what black Americans have contributed to the country. "I also want to story and song. Their performance consisted of extenmake people feel good about being Ameri_sive,historical introductions in a story form, cans, and I think (the pe~formance) works," relevant to the songs which followed. ''With Mr. Rucker said. Martin Luther King Jr. had much influthe 20 minute introductions, the people find more of an interest in the song," Mr. Rucker ence on Mr. Rucker. One lesson learned, Rucker said, was, "if you become aware of a said. The tribulations of black Americans problem, you must eradicate the problem.'· through the course of history were stressed, And so he does, by educating. as far back as slavery. One specific account Mr. Rucker considered himself privileged was of the new face of the black soldier, . enough to have met and to have been born in nicknamed "the buffalo soldier." He was the same era as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called this by the American Indians due to The guitar and harmonica duo have their resemblance to the buffalo as the Civil presented a variety of educational, yet War began to settle in the West. entertaining programs over the years which The Buffalo story happened to be one are performed in different eras. story that Mr. Rucker wrote a song about. He The Ruckers even dress in costume to estimates that one-third of the songs he and relate to the era they cover. "It gives the his wife sing are original. Others have been' audience the mood and gives me the excuse passed along since slavery. to buy neat clothes,'' Mr. R~cker said. "I thought they were excellent," Dr. Last Monday's audience couldn't help Adeline Bethany, chair of the Fine Arts but notice the somber, yet 60ish style
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friday, jan.25, 1991
'Qances with Wolves': capturing the spirit of a people by Lisa Neuman The year is 1864. Imagine waking up in a makeshift Union army hospital during the Civil War to hear doctors discussing when they will take off your foot. Then imagine jumping on a horse, riding right in front of Confederate soldiers, all firing furious( y, and all of them missing. This opening scene escalates Lt. John Dunbarto a living hero in the Oscar-contender for Best Picture, "Dances With Wolves." Directed by, co-produced by and starring Kevin Costner, it is already the Golden Globe winner for Best Picture, Best Director and Best Screenplay. In return for not getting himself killed while giving the Union army a chance for victory, Dunbar is awarded the horse he was riding on during his suicidal ride, Cisco, and his choice of army posts. He chooses the frontier and begins his journey. When he reaches his destination, Dunbar finds an abandoned army outpost and a friendly wolf he names Two Socks. Alone except for his horse and his wolf, Dunbar goes to work fixing up the fort, expecting reinforcements, which never arrive. The Indians do, however. After several initial encounters, the tribe sends an envoy to visit the white man, which is led by Kicking Bird, played by Graham Greene, and Wind In His Hair, played by Rodney Grant. Here begins the real essence of the movie. The establishment of communication between Dunbar and the Sioux tribe was moving and at many times humorous. Dunbar tries charades to get across the idea of buffalo, causing the Indians to think he is crazy. The process of learning to communicate with each other was slow and frustrating for both sides, and the audience was brought right into that process, making you feellike you
were there trying to learn the Indians' language, Lakota, along with Costner. The Indians are anxious for answers to their questions about the coming of the white man. They know only that they
is captured by the Union army now occupying the fort and beaten for ''turning Injun.'' He is taken prisoner and shipped back to another fort to be hung for being a traitor. In these scenes we really see the brutality of white men against
'I had never felt such a sense of elation at watching army soldiers being killed, because they truly deserved it.' -Lisa Neuman have seen more and more of them. They are under the impression that they can fight them off and defend their land. Dunbar, knowing the truth, is too ashamed to teH them. After watching Dunbar and the Indians learn to like and then live with each other, anyone with an open mind would feel not a little discomfort at being a white American. This film gave the Indians a name besides hostile. It eradicated all of my mental images of Indians as wild, hostile, and dirty, which is what we learn as children. It showed white people's prejudice towards Native Americans at its worst, and I, too, was ashamed. What Costner has done is entertain his audience with the magic of the developing relationship between Dunbar and the Sioux tribe. At the same time, he forces his audience to see the truth. During the late I 800's white people, in their greed, systematically destroyed the Indians' religions, traditions, cultures and homes. Seemingly without caring much about it. they took what they thought was theirs. Toward the end of the movie, Dunbar, now Dances With Wolves,
Native Americans, and it was heartbreaking. It was surprising to me that Dances With Wolves even lived through the ordeal. Before his captors could do any more damage, Dances' tribe comes to his rescue. I had never felt such a sense of elation at watching army soldiers being killed, because they truly deserved it. If you go see this movie, you will definitely be entertained. It is authentic and heartfelt and fully captivates and involves the audience. The scenery was majestic (the movie was made in South Dakota), the musical score was deeply moving, the characters human and full ofemotion, and the screenplay brilliant. One word of caution, though: if you don't possess an open mind when you sit down, this movie will definitely open it up for you. It will make you think about issues you never thought you would think about. Although the movie is three hours and ten minutes long, it is definitely time very well spent.
American Indians: reflecting on a way of life that has faded away opinion by Karen Kerchusky
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Pink, purple, orange and red are the hues of the sky during the setting sun. The land runs wild with its rises and falls as far as the eye can see. Sounds nice, doesn't it? One man stands alone, Lt. John J. Dunbar. I envy this man who is blessed with this sight after his attempted suicide turns him into a hero. He is here to see the frontier before it is no more. He was correct in his assumption. His only companions are his horse, Cisco and a curious wolf, who he names Two Socks. His neighbors are a Sioux tribe of Lakota Indians. Slowly he learns of their culture, their ways, their love of the land and their respect for each other. We do not see beautiful sunsets because of pollution. Endless stretches of wilderness are being replaced with "progress." The only kind of culture we know is that Italians are responsible for pizza. If we loved the land, vandalism would not be happening nor the fight to save our planet and the environment. Respect is a word that is foreign to us. I am, howe_ver, not here to preach. I want to tell you what I learned when I saw "Dances with Wolves." Have you ever looked up at the stars and wondered what it looked like years before? Have you ever wondered what life was like before modem conven-
iences? "Dances with Wolves" brought out an appreciation of the Native Americans. Everything has meaning. They fight for a reason. Not because its fun orbecause they hate one another. They fight for the survival of their families and the tribe. When hunting, they kill the animals for food and clothing for the tribe. The kill is never excess, only enough for the tribe to survive to the next hunting season. The Indians also move with the season. They respect the land for all it gives them and are careful for what nature can take away. I wonder what happened to that respect? We arenamednotforwhoweare. Weare named with words our parents like. It is Two Socks. a part of the wilderness. that renames the Lieutenant. He is now called by the entire tribe Dances with Wolves. He becomes a member of the tribe. He becomes a part of the wilderness itself. He marries a woman who is called Stands with a Fist. She is the daughter of Kicking Bird. Wind in His Hair is a friend of Dances with Wolves. What is in a name? Today, we say you look like aJQhn or a Mary. With the Indians your name is what you are. Dances with Wolves is called that because he "danced" with a wolf. Stands with a Fist is called that because she hit a woman with her fist and stood over her. Names are an important aspect of both the Indian and the white society. What would your name be if you were an Indian?
friday, jan. 25, 1991
Energy bound in yellow ribbon, keeps us strong 0
opinion by Lorraine Marie Lill
It was silent the day we stood in the chapel to pray. As we began to sing "Let there be Peace on Earth" my friend grabbed my hand. As the song continued I began to squeeze her hand for I felt a wann tear descend my c_heek. The tear was fonned from love, yet the speed it had as it guided itself down my face was caused by the sadness I have in my heart. The sa~ness which began to grow the day David told me he was going to Saudi Arabia. As I lie my head upon my pillow each night, I close my eyes in hopes of having a dreamless sleep. But every night I drift into the world that brings the sinister characters of my worst fear alive in a way that causes me not to have a dreamless night, but a sleepless night. David and I tied a yellow ribbon around an oak tree in a park in my hometown. When I was home over the break I kept an eye on that ribbon to ensure its safety. That ribbon is a symbol of the friendship and love we have for each other. It is part of the energy that keeps us strong. It is a symbol for survival. I keep looking at the picture of David in his dress blues. He is so proud to be a Marine. Now he is somewhere in Saudi Arabia defending the rights of the world against a man who cares only about himself. Here in America there are protestors voicing their opinions as to why we should not be in Saudi Arabia. At this point who cares why we should or sh_ouldnot be there - the war has begun. People make careless remarks about what they will do if the draft starts. You people make me sick! Grow up and support your country instead of trying to escape what may happen. We live in the land of the proud and the free. What is there to be proud of in a country where the people accept all of the opportunities that are offered to them, yet they will
GROUNDS/LANDSCAPE POSITIONSTwo openings available: regular full-time, hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-4:00pm; Temporary full-time(April to October) hours flexible. Duties include operating vehicles and equipment, maintenance of grounds, use of hand power tools, must have valid PA drivers license. Salary range: $7.50 to $9.00/hr. Call Rebecca Rose at 526-7000.
STAFF ASSISTANTThe Main Line Chamber of Commerce, is located in Wayne, is seeking a part-time staff assistant. The position involves public contact, secretarial and organizational skills. 10-15 hr/wk, M-F, between 9-5, $6.00/hr. Contact:Linda O'Keefe at the Chamber Office, 687-6232.
not support the sold iers who are protecting their freedom? There are many opinions floating about and I do not believe that any of those opinions are wrong. However,
'That ribbon is a symbol of the friendship and love we have for each other. It is part of the energy that keeps us strong. It is a symbol for survival.' -Lorraine Marie Lill because I cannot agree on any one thing, I have come to the conclusion that an opinion is unimportant when it comes to this particular war. The one thought in my mind is that my boyfriend is fighting for all of us and so I must fight for him by supporting him. Do you think he wants to be over there on his own free will? This is his duty as an American and he is doing it proudly. The emotions I have seen since David left have been like no emotion I have seen in my life. Some of these emotions have been positive, but some have not. We should do what our fellow soldiers want us to do. I do not believe that being '60s want to be's by protesting everything that happens will help the war any. In my opinion it will only damage things more. The words I have written are merely what they appear to be - words. However, they are words that mean something to me and perhaps to others who are terrified for the life of
SALES- Sears is looking for candidatesto work parttime( up to 35 hrs.) as a commission salesperson. Mostly interested in hiring women and minorities but will accept all qualified job applicants. Contact the Personnel Dept. at 926-6456.
LIVE-IN COMPANIONSomeone needed for an elderly woman writer. Free room and board. Private bath, no duties except being in the house during the evening hours. Must have own transportation. Call 459-3327.
OPPORTUNITY- The Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation Dept. is seeking enthusiastic and creative students to staff their summer programs. For more information call Karen Schickat277-4312.
the person they love. Stand up straight, put a smile on your face and be proud to be an American. You are free to do as you wish in this country. That right is pretty fabulous. You could have been born an Arablivinginlraq. Howmuchdifferentdoyouthink your life would be living under the iron fist of Saddam Hussein rather than the golf club of George Bush? I heard from David the other day. He called me by a military radio. My heart has stopped pounding in the quick paced manner by which it has had a steady beat. However, my mind cannot travel away from the war for one moment. I stay glued to the television set in hopes of hearing the words - THE WAR IS OVER! As of yet, my anticipations have been crushed continuously. It has been extremely cold these past few days. [t is the type of weather that carries echoes with it. The echoes of voices and laughter. At times I have allowed my imagination to wonder as I walked outdoors. As the icy wind blew into my face I thought I heard the sound of bombs exploding in the far distance. Although I know that sound has come from my over imaginative mind, I cannot help but to mull over the realization of what is actually happening in Saudi Arabia. It is amazing how famities pull together in times of crisis. I have seen an energy come from the families of military soldiers that brings a proud smile.tomy.face. This is the type of support that comforts me. This is the type of support that every American citizen should have. It is ashame that this is not the case. How would you feel if you were fighting a war and knew that back home there were people protesting what you are doing for your country? I do not think that would be a good feeling, do you?
PART-TIME HELP- Executive secretary for Paoli Law firm. Organizational skills needed, word processing skills required. Flexible hours. Medical or scientific background helpful. This job offers growth potential.
RECEPTIONISTPart-time or full-time, flexible days and hours. Contact: Mr. Driscoll at CLERICAL ASSISTANT- 825-6565. Responsible, organized person needed for cleri- SCHOLARSHIPS- The cal asst. prior computer American Association of Women and calculator experience University helpful. Flexible hours be- (AAUW) has awarded tween 9-5, approx. 20 hr/ grants and fellowships to wk. Salary depends on women scholars. These prior experience. Call Glo- graduate fellowships are given to women who demria at 337-1171. onstrate scholary excellence in several categoWORK-GRANT/WORKSTUDY- Students needed ries. If your planning to to work in Student SeN- attend graduate school in ices, Resident Life, for 1991-1992, please stop ' Gary Armstrong, Faculty by the financial aid office Secretaries, or Countinu- for more information. Deadlines for some have ing Ed. on campus. passed already and are approaching for others.
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friday, jan. 25, 1991
Alcohol awareness stressed; students criticize availability of resources by Melissa von Siegel Cabrini students drink. Cabrini students get drunk. What is being done about it? Although many students say they aren't aware of it, there is a drug and alcohol program present on campus. Components include educational programs, indi".idual evaluations, campus counseling, and when neces·sary, off-campus referrals are provided. Eileen McAlinney, R.N., is in her fourth year as the health educator here on campus. Her position, she says, was originally "to begin to educate the Cabrini community about the effects of alcohol and drugs. That has now broadened to include family and friends of those who are alcoholics or drug addicts." McAlinney said she wants to help people identify with these problems and to make them aware of what r<>Sourcesare available here on campus. "Each year, I send a letter to all the RAs and MAs and I make myself available to them in helping them with their program requirements,'' McAlinney said. McAlinney is present on campus Monday through Wednesday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and is involved in various programs throughout the year. Some of these include presentations in the residence halls. Two of these programs took place about two weeks ago and topics discussed were "Love and Addiction" and "Courtship Violence." 'Tm trying to heighten awareness that alcohol is a drug as well. You have choices to make and with them are consequences," McAlinney said.
An Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) group does meet on campus Saturdays at 10 a.m. where they are permitted to use a conference room in Widener Center. However, according to McAlinney, the group consists mainly of adults and she says that "most students wouldn't feel comfortable about attending meetings here on campus." Other support groups such as Al-Anon and ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) are not offered here at Cabrini. McAlinney would like to see these groups become a reality. "It's not difficult to get a meeting started. You just need the people to do it," McAlinney said. Other colleges in the area, such as Eastern College and Villanova University, provide awareness programs as well. Last week, Eastern held their own alcohol and drug awareness week which featured a variety of activities and guest speakers. According to Anita Marland, a nurse in Eastern 's health center, many of this year's activities are the result of a state grant called Penn-Free, which Eastern received last year. This grant also enabled Eastern to offer a three credit elective course entitled "Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse:• As a requirement of the course, the students themselves organized and publicized this year's alcohol and drug awareness week. The support group ACOA is offered directly through Eastern 's counseling center but referrals are made for any other group meetings as ·'there are so many local groups
Do you have friends and/ or family over seas in the Persian Gulf ? If so ...Local Focus, Cabrini's cable show, needs your help with an upcoming episode.
by 1-24-91
in the area," Marland said. Marland also said that Eastern College does not have a SADD (Students Against Driving Drunk) chapter as it is "a philosophical issue." "We don't believe in the role of the designated driver," Marland said. "It gives license for everyone else to drink and-it puts too much responsibility on one person. It is more beneficial to stress individual responsibility," Marland said.
Cathy Caulfield, directorofresident life, said, "I think we have some good groundwork ...hoping to have an alcohol education component (in terms of the disciplinary system) by spring semester." Dr. Dan Schwarz, directorofthe counseling center, believes McAlinney to be "an important-resource." Schwarz also stressed the importance of incorporating awareness into Leadership Camp. "It's an issue that has to be made clear to student leaders," Schwarz said. to Bonfiglio, Cabrini applied "I think that we have in for According a grant in regard to this issue about 4place the structureof a 5 years ago. It is called FIPSE (Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education). good program. We're Will Cabrini re-apply? "Personally, I feel luckyto have sucha it's time to try again," Bonfiglio said. Schwarz agreed that Cabrini should make qualifiedperson. There another attempt. Schwarz also sent for inforare some studentswho mation regarding a national student organization dealing with alcohol awareness have been helpedas a called BACCHUS (Boost Alcohol Conresultof her presence." sciousness Concerning the Health of Uni-Dr. RobertBonfiglio, versity Students) and the possibilities of Dean of students Cabrini establishing a BACCHUS chapter. "I hope people are aware of this source on campus. We need to market it, publicize it," Villanova University has an alcohol and Bonfiglio said. Some suggestions Bonfiglio drug center for its students, which is cur- gave were "by student word-of-mouth. peer rently in its fourth year. Jan Janosik, director education. the RAs. MAs. and through SGA." Students agree that more publicity is of Alcohol and Drug Intervention at needed as many did not know Cabrini had a Villanova, previously served as Associate program or a health educator. In regard to Director of Resident Life about four years the efficiency of both. students held mixed ago. For any student who was written-up or feelings. had violated a code of conduct, Janosik ''The program itself is set-up properly and followed through with some counseling and adequate, but the audience is what we need to found that many of the incidents were alcowork on." said Karie Papay, a senior RA in hol-related. Janosik said she felt this was a problem and began to make presentations to House 2. "Eileen is really active," said Debbie their board of trustees. Villanova was able to receive a federal Malveaux, a junior MA. "It's a pretty good grant which helped in getting the center system. I don't see how it could expand started more quickly. Students whose anymore," Malveaux said. Lea Brundin, an RA in Xavier Hall said, offenses are alcohol-related are automati"It ought to be a stronger program.'' Brundin cally referred to the center. The number of sessions attended and topics suggested implementing an alcohol and drug program for all incoming freshmen or at the discussed depends upon the circumstances of the incident. If a student is at a party or least "make it a more intensive part of the a keg is discovered, he or she would come to success seminar.•· Lisa Martelli, a senior RA in House 4, a one night program, Janosik said. said, "Eileen has a lot of resources availHowever, if the incident is more serious, able," and added that the program "meets the such as a student found passed out or rushed needs of the students." to the hospital, "they attend a two night Junior Kathy D' Amelio, another RA in educational program where we delve more Xavier, said McAlinney was very open and into addiction, knowing your limits, and enthusiastic but was disappointed that saying 'No'," Janosik said. McAlinney is available for a limited time. Both Eastern and Villanova have levels "That sucks. Who the hell is going to get of student involvement in their awareness up at 8:00 in the morning to talk about their programs. In running Eastern 's awareness problems," D' Amelio said. "She needs to be week, "students had input. They were remore available or people won't go to her," sponsible for breaking it up and assigning it D'Amelio said. to other students," Marland said. Several students said that the Rooyman Villanova has a peer assistance program Center was an inappropriate location forthe consisting of about 12 students who do health educator. ·•A lot of people tend to educational progFams in the residence halls. forget that the Rooyman Center is there," Also, last year 101 students walked in of said Jeff Hines, a senior RA in Xavier. "It's their volition and recognized their proban unfortunate reality, but it's the truth," lems. "It really can catch on when you provide Hines said. D'Amelio said that students "are intimithis kind of specialized service," Janosik dated by the whole idea of going into an said. Some members of the Cabrini admini- office." D' Amelio suggested the possibility of having a professional in the residence stration are positive in terms of McAlinney halls. "I don't know if it's even feasible, but and the program she offers. it would be really ideal to have one in Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, Woodcrest and one in Xavier," D'Amelio said,"I think that we have in place the said. structure of a good program. Eileen D.'Amelio said that "they would be so McAlinney is very knowledgeable in this accessible" and did not feel that it would area." detract from the RA position. "We're seen Bonfiglio also added, "We're lucky to more as enforcing discipline than as counhave such a qualified person. There are some selors. Plus, we'restudentstoo,"D'Amelio students who have been helped as a result of said. her presence;"
friday, jan. 25, 1991
Cabrini and the Gulf war
Marchersseek peace by Jennifer A. Morrison As the deadline for peace and war drew near, students, staff and faculty came together to reflect for peace. Over 200 people participated in an evening of reflection on Jan. 15 from 8 p.m. to midnight. The chapel was left open for prayer, a candlelight reflection walk toured the campus and in the chapel a vigil prayer service ended the evening. During the Christmas break, President Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC and Katie Mullen, treasurer of Student Government Association (S.G.A.) discussed the involvement of, S.G.A. in reference to the deadline set in the Gulf. "Sister Eileen felt that Student Government was the perfect channel to go through to plan the event," Mullen said. "She initiated the event." Currie mentioned the opening of the chapel andlefttherestofthe vigil toS.G.A. Mullen collected yellow ribbon and proposed ttie evening to the S.G.A. executive board and Sister Bernadette Anello. director of campus ministry. Campus ministry and S.G.A. began working on the details of the walk and
"Some residents thought it was a very nice gesture. but others claimed that it was too late to walk for peace. Those who did walk were appreciated." - Kimberly Marshall, SGA vice-president the prayer service. Frank Emmerich, S.G.A. president, who coordinated the walk said. "We supported a peac~ walk because we felt it could bring the community together by going through the resident halls and gathering students." Emmerich said that S.G.A. felt that the peace walk was not against the war but was a time to reflect on the possibility of a war. The walk started from the chapel and proceeded to Counsel, Woodcrest amfXavier resident halls, continued to the houses and to the Mansion finally ending in the chapel for a vigil prayer service. Students carried candles and sang patriotic and peace songs to reflect on the issues that were being raised for the evening. In front of Counsel Hall a sign was posted for the safe return of Elizabeth Miller, junior, who lives in the resident hall and is currently over in the Persian Gulf fighting for our country. House 7 hung two American flags and a peace flag on the house and added red. white and blue lights to the many lights that already lit up the house. At the service, members of S.G.A. and campus ministry addressed the congregation with readings that applied to peace. Students ended the reflection by holding hands and singing. ''Let There Be Peace On Earth.'" A book was sitting in the center aisle where names of those who are over in the Gulf could be written and rememhered in prayer and yellow ribbon was handed to all who attended. Both of these opportunities will be offered until the crisis is over. Kim Marshall vice pre~ident of S.G.A. assisted campu,; mimstry in the planning of
As A
Senior Felicia Falcone and others gathered on January 15th, the eve of the Persian Gulf war, to hold a candlelight vigil for peace. Some 200 students, faculty and staff took part in the ceremony, which inaluded stops at all of the residence halls.
Persian Gulf Addresses
who had classes all da). While on the walk Marshall heard different comments from the residents. "Some residents thought it was a very nice gesture but others claimed that it was too late to walk for peace. T~ose who did walk were appreciated." "The sincerity of the participation throughout the evening was very genuine," Emmerich said, "and it gave many students the opportunity to reflect on the forthcoming events." "I have 34 friends over iQSaudi Arabia." said Adelman, ''I feel for everyone over there."
192, CARLO
Box645 --:
Any Soldier/Airman Operation Desert Storm APO New York, NY 09848
To write or send parcels to any soldier or marine:
Any Sailor/Marine Operation Desert Storm FPO NewYork, NY 09866
To write or send parcels to Army or Air Force personnel:
Liz Miller's address will be made available A.S.A.P.
31,AT3P.M. IF
the prayer service. ·'I didn't think that many people would attend the evening," Marshall said ... But I was very happy with the turnout. .. Anello wanted the evening "to gather a community reference for one another before God to beg for peace and for war to be averted. '· ''The spirit of pulling together and collaborating with S.G.A. was very important to me,'" Anello said. Michele Adelman, junior, felt that the evening was beneficial for those who needed time to be open to their thoughts. But felt that it was held too late for students
fridaXzjan. 25, 1991
Athlete of the week
O'Hare rewardedfor consistentwinter-breakplay by KimberlyMarshall He weathered a 7:30 a.m. flight to Iowa on New Year's Day and still managed to perform extraordinarily well that night during the game with Marycrest College. John O'Hare scored a team high 18 points and recorded seven rebounds in a 85-56 loss to Marycrest. O'Hare, senior co-captain and All-American candidate, has been chosen as athlete of the week by Head Coach John Dzik. According to Dzik, O'Hare deserves to be athlete of the week because he played consistently. During the six holiday games. O'Hare deposited 135 points and has risen his team-leading scoring average to 17.4 points per game and ranks him fifth in the ESAC conference. Last year O'Hare averaged 16.8 points. In the Jan. 11 game against Shenandoah, O'Hare shot 11 for 12 from the field and 11 for 12 from the foul line scoring 33 points for the game. ''The only way he could have done better was if he shot 12 for 12 each time," Dzik said. No matter what Dzik thinks, O'Hare was surprised to discover that he was chosen as the athlete of the week. "I definitelythink I can do better and rm still not ~hat happy with my performance," O'Hare said. O'Hare has had a successful past including All-Catholic hon-
ors at Cardinal O'Hara High School. In 1987 he was Catholic League MVP. O'Hare transferred from Delaware County Community College last, year leaving behind a two-year legacy. '' John made the most important rebounds and assists of the game," Joe Hazinsky, O'Hare's coach at Deleware County said. "Delco is very proud of him." Dzik is happy that O'Hare came to Cabrini and the fact that he excels on the court as well as in the classroom. "We certainly wouldn't have as good a team without him,·' Dzik said. "I always end up starting off slow." O'Hare said of his two years on Cabrini's basketball team. He attributes much of his playing talent to working out in summer leagues and playing basketball every spare minute to improve his game. "I play every day even if it is just a pick-up game," O'Hare said. O'Hare's experiences in basketball go beyond the court. He has played for the Irish National Team since 1986. The team travelled to Wales, Spain, Ireland and Scotland participating in pre-Olympic basketball games. "Because of basketball, I have been able to see different countries and do different things," O'Hare said. This summer he might play in the World Student Games in Sheffield, England.
"I was born over there and it makes me happy to see him play there," O'Hare's father, John Sr., said. O'Hare said that his parents have stood behind him all the way. "My dad makes most of the games and he travelled with me to Europe," O'Hare said. ''He never ceases to amaze me when he plays. He always comes up with something different," teammate John Owens said. Dzik said that O'Hare plays as hard in practice as he does for a game. Mike Massari admires O'Hare's passing ability. "He makes so much happen whether he has the ball or not," Massari said. O'Hare's philosophy of the game is all in the mind-set. "Ifwe keep playing hard I really don't think anyone in
the ESAC, Eastern States Athletic Conference, can beat us," O'Hare said. ''If we had more players like John, coaching would be a lot easier," Dzik said. O'Hare's father is unsure about his son's future in basketball after
graduation.•' I don't know what he is going to do after graduation. Maybe get a job,·' the elder O'Hare said laughingly. According to Hazinsky, he and O'Hare are still friends. "If I have a son someday," Hazinsky said, "I might consider naming him John."
pho1oby Judi Panas,k
With the American flag overhead senior Jeff Hines guards Quincy Reed, sophomore of Gwynedd Mercy College, 40 minutes after allied forces attacked Iraq.
'll~:1. .::~;,:JJJ,much Do you spend too ,v time thinking
more Gulf and sports from 12
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contest. I thought I was watching a previous US/USSR Olympic gold metal contest. Fans were going crazy at every possible chance, waving, not the hometown Blackhawks emblem or not even their favorite team, but the American flag.The next day the NFL 's NFC and AFC's championship games were held. Fitting that both victors in these two contests have team colors of red, white and blue. In both San Francisco and Buffalo the tone of the event was clear. PRO AMERICA. If the sports world ends, the biggest diversion to these terrible happenings will end. And if people all across America and the world do not have any type of a diversion, life will come to a near stop. I realize that every person is different as far as their interests extend with sports, but to me it is the greatest form of entertainment. I have stayed up all hours of the night, skipped classes, and put off doing homework all in the name of sports. My daily routine is encountering people, all kinds of people, and talking sports. I run into people in the hallways going to class and we stop each other to talk about the latest happenings in the sports world. I run into one particular person every day and without even saying hello to
each other he asks me a sports trivia question. It is a daily routine in my life. It is one of the reasons I enjoy getting up in the morning. I'm sure I am like everyone in the world and surely people at Cabrini, in that years from now I will remember where I was and what I was doing when I found out war broke out. Of course I was doing something sports related, but it was different. I normally do either play by play or color commentary for the basketball games for WYBF. But on this night I was on the other end engineering when I was informed. I knew what I was doing did not mean a thing as far as the big picture goes, but to coin a phrase, I did not leave my post. I worked through the entire game and then when the time was right, I dedicated the rest of the night to the war. I understand it is difficult for the athletes, whether they be professional, collegiate, in high school or grade school to continue to participate, "to play·' in something where they should get nothing less than pure joy. While knowing that there are people in another part of the world fighting for their country. But in this time of war America needs the athletes the most. If anyone can be sitting in front of their televisions watching CNN and for some reason turn the channel and be mesmerized by a basketball game for a few hours and forget about the world's troubles, the sports community is doing its job .
friday, jan. 25, 1991
Winter Break Cavalier game highlights by Denise Edwards and Bob Healey The recently completed Christmas vacation proved to be a period of self-improvement as the men's basketball team catapulted its record to 9-6 from a mediocre 4-3.
Christmas Classicgame1 The Cavaliers opened the 3rd annual holiday tournament with a victory over Delaware Valley College 8 l-76. Cabrini's tight firsthalf defense limited Delaware Valley to 29 points, which gave the Cavs a 13 point half-time lead. Despite the fact that Delaware Valley outscored the Cavs by eight in the second half the lead proved to be insurmontable. The Cavs out shot the Aggies 52 percent-41 percent. Jason Yurchak,senior, led the team with 17 points. Jon Owens,junior, chipped in 15 and Frank Sciolla,sophomore, netted 12 for the night. MikeMassari,junior and
Dave Kerchner.sophomore, combined for 20 points and 13 rebounds. Overall:5-3.
for the National Catholic Basketball Tournament. Hopes were high for_a successful campaign as the ChristmasClassicChampion- Cavs were seeded fourth in the shipgame tournament. In the championship game Cabrini was trounced by Mapoor shooting and poor clock rycrest College 85-56 in the openmanagement proved to be the ing round. According to Head downfall for the Cavs, allowing Coach John Dzik, jet lag played a Alvemia College to defeat them role in Cabrini's lacklustered ef87-81. Despitethe fact thatseniors fort. O'Hare was the loneglimmer O'Hare and Yurchak combined for of light in what otherwise was a 53 points,the Cavs still found them- cloudy performance by the Cavs. selves six points· short when the O'Hare led the Cavs in minutes siren wailed. played,33,points scored, 18,and For the third consecutive year rebounds seven. Overall: 5-5. the Cavs found themselves playThe third day of January proing second fiddle to a visiting mu- vided the Cavaliers with its first sician at their own concert. Sciolla win of the new year by defeating received all-tournament honors and Cardinal Stritch 64-55. O'Hare Yurchak was named tournament still shining bright lit up the scoring MVP. Overall:5-4. with a team high 17 points. With NationalCatholicBasketball their game legs back the Cavs inTournament, Dubuque,lowa creaseditsfivepoint halftime lead, Cabrini rang in the New Year 27-22, and finished out the game with its traditional visit to the brisk- nine on top. Overall:6-5. aired,frost-covered Dubuque,Iowa, Cabrini posted back-to-back
Women's highlights
wins as they upended Caldwell College 61-58. Yurchak and O'Hare each placed 16 on the board while Massari and Owens combined for 18 points evenly divided. As a team Cabrini merited a sixthplace finish. Individual honors went to senior Jeff Barnes. Cabrini's heady point-guard was named Academic All-American for the second year running. Overall:7-5.
Frostburg Continuing his fine play senior captain O'Hare tossed in 18 points and leading the Cavs to their third straight victory a 76-52 verdict over Frostburg. Yurchak and Massari also netted double figures as they hit for 13 and 10 respectively. Scio Ila was the game's leading rebounder as he, pulled down 12 wayward caroms. Overall: 8-5.
Shenandoah Despite 33 points by O'Hare the Cavs fell short in overtime to Sh-
enandoah 94-90. O'Hare was on fire as he connected on 11 of 12 shots from the floor and then duplicated that from the charity stripe. Jeff Hines, senior, converted four three-point field goals enroute to his 22 markers. Sciolla was the game's leadingrebounder with 11 and he also scored 16 points, while Yurchak,whotiedthecontestat86 allattheendofregulation finished with 11 points and eight rebounds. The loss broke the Cavs threegame winning streak. Overall:8-6
Gwynedd Mercy A moment of silence began the initial game of the New Year as allied forces began making their maiden attack on Iraq. Gwynedd Mercy College had no hopes of defeating the mighty Cavs as the score ended 77-48. Massari proved to be the top man with 14 points and nine rebounds. Kerchner and Wissler, both sophomores, assisted in the large victory with 21 points combined. Overall:9-6
by Denise Edwards
The Lady Cavs met up with Bloomsfield College in the opening round of the Rutgers-Camden Holiday Tournament in Camden, Nj. Despite 18 points from Kathy Murray, junior, and 15 from Amy Crossley ,sophomore the Lady Cavs fell to Blooms field 73-60. Barb Milligan,senior, was on target with nine points,seven rebounds and eight assists. Overall:4-3
Lincoln Milligan tossed in-21 points-;-grabbed-11 rebounds, and handed out 11 assist to lead the Cavs to a 62-42 victory over Lincoln in the consolation game of the tournament. Crossely registered 18 points, snatched eight rebounds and blocked three shots. Overall: 5-3
Norwich The Lady Cavs fired nothing but blanks in OT as they dropped their fourth game of the season by 7457 to Norwich College in overtime. Milligan and Colleen Brennan,junior, were the only Lady Cavs to hit double figures at 17 and 12 points. Overall: 5-4
Trenton State The Lady Cavs dropped a 55-45 decision to Trenton State. Milligan tossed in I 5 points and eight assists to lead the Lady Cavs attack. The attack was not strong enough as the only other Lady Cavs in the double figures was Murray with I 2 points. Overall: 5-5
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Frostburg Even with three players scoring in double figures the Lady Cavs still did not have enough firepower to defeat ESAC foe Frostburg College. Murray paced Cabrini's attack with 16 points, Milligan added 13 points and l O assists, while Adrianne Bruce,sophomore.contributed 12 points and 11 rebounds. The loss was the third straight for the Lady Cavs. Overall: 5-6
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Marywood The Lady Cavs recorded a great victory and suffered a tragic loss. The Lady Cavs defeated Marywood 46-44 on a jump shot by Milligan with three seconds left in the game. The team played without the presence of its second leading scorer Kathy Murray whose season was brought to a disheartening close as she suffered a catastrophic knee injury. Overall:7-6
lmmaculata The Lady Cavs fell to Immaculata by six, 63-57. Milligan and Fannon shared team high scoring honors as they combined for 34 points. Bruce led the team with eight rebounds and Shannon O'Donnell,junior, paced the Lady Cavs by dishing out 10 assists. Overall:7-7
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Neumann The Lady Cavs broke their three game losing streak with a win over Neumann College 51-34. Brennan and Bruce paved the way for the Lady Cavs as they netted I2 and IO points. Milligan reached double figures in assists with IO while Bruce was Cabrini's leading rebounder with nine. Overall: 6-6
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friday, jan. 25, 1991
. Cavs battle Centaurs;benchejected by Bob Healey The Cabrini-Allentown basketl:5allgame started out as a classic Catholic ESAC school match-up but ended up being halted in what Head Coach John Dzik called a disgrace. ''The end of the game was a disgrace to the school, the team and the college. we should be ashamed, from myself right on down. It was a poor display of sportsmanship,'' Dzik said. The game, on Tues. Jan.22, that was seen by many in attendance to be the worst officiated game in some time.ended but was never finished. ''The entire incident was precipitated by poor officiating,'' Dzik said. With :54 seconds remaining Allentown lead 54-45. Mike Kearney, a 6'5" sophomore, was at the line ready to attempt a foul shot when bedlam erupted resulting in the ejection of the entire Cavalier bench. "54 [Kearney] made ajesture to [Jeff] Barnes and (Jeff] Hines, two ofour smaller players, so we stood up for them," Mike Massari, junior, said. According to Dzik, Kearney and Jeff Barnes, senior, were jawing at the line. Senior Jeff Hines came over and Kearney appeared to rush at the two. John O'Hare. senior, came to the defense of his gaurds when Larry Lowery, Allentown senior, entired the congregation of players. Sophomore Frank Sciolla then went after Lowery. The ensuing fight forced one official. Terry Stoudt, to walk over to the scorers table, he simultaneously wave his arms in front of his face and said, "This game is over!" The IO players on the court gathered at
half court in a meylay in which fist were thrown. When O'Hare . appeared to be struck the Cabrini bench emptied. ESAC rules state that only the players in the game and the coach are allowed on the court and any player who leaves the bench is to be ejected and suspended for the next game. "I am certainly going to protest (the game) because he [Terry Stoudt, official] didn't have a clue who was on the bench. He should have been breaking up the fight,'' Dzik said. According to Dzik, Stoudt said,' "Coach I do not know who left the bench. But I know the bench cleared.' He told me he didn't know," Dzik said. Both Cabrini and Allentown intend to submit a video of the game to the league office. Campus security arrived shortly after the fight broke out. "I was called primarily because of a spectator." Officer Bob Schierber said. Schierber was called by Allentown's Athletic Director Dennis Booher. According to Massari the fight was not as much because ofthe Allentown players as it was because of the horrible officiating. "We were frustrated," Massari said, "and you take out your frustrations on who's there.'· Massari was one of the players ejected. "The bench players. me included, made a mistake by leaving the bench," Massari said. Allentown Head Coach Jim Hutnik was not sure who to blame. "Barnes and Kearney had a dispute at the foul line, I do not know who is at fault,'' he said. Hutnik was dissappointed at how the
game ended. "(the end) Put a damper on the whole game,'' he said. '' I am dissappointed ai the way it ended," he said. No Allentown players were ejected. "It is a shame," Larry Lowery, an Allentown senior who led the team in scoring with 15 points, said. ''After a game 1ike this you want to see the players shake hands.'' The basketball portion of the game, for Cabrini, was as sloppy as the ending. The Cavs shot a horrible 33% from the field ( 13 for 39), they were outrebounded 3830,committed 18 turnovers, were whistled for 18 fouls and were outshot 53-39. According to Dzik that was the game. "Anybody will win if they outshoot you by 14," Dzik said. "The stats say we lost the game, not the refs," he said. "The deba,i:le at the end only added salt to the wound.'' Despite being outplayed, the Cavs lead most of the first-half, however they trailed 30-24 at the intermission. With 10: 13 remaining the Cavs trailed 41-37. Barnes made a lay up but was called for an offensive foul. An offensive foul that enraged the fans, Dzik and the team. The bucket and subsequent fou I shot would have made the score 4 JqQ_ But the basket was disallowed and Allentown scored 20 seconds later and never relinquished the lead. The play turned out to be a five point swing. O'Hare again was his consistent self. He netted a game high 18 points (5-9, 6-6), hauled in four rebounds and dished out two assists. Senior Jason Yurchak also chipped in 14 points. The suspended Cavalier players will sit out Saturday's game versus Beaver College.
Yurchakjoins 1000th pointelite club and whose parents played high school basketball, was glad he scored the basket at home in front of his family. For the third consecutive "It was nice to see him get it before year Cabrini has been the bridesmaid at its own Christ- Dubuque," John Yurchak Sr., Jason's famas tournament. This year ther, said. According to Yurchak's mom, Phyllis, Alvernia College was the bride, although Jason Yurchak Jason's sister Jennifer was able to attend the game because she was on break for Pitt. was the best man. His brother John also was in attendance. Alvemia defeated the Cavaliers for the tournament John recently scored his 100th point at Mary championship on Sat., Dec. Washington College in Virginia. Yurchak needed 16 points going into the 29. Delaware Valley College game to reach the milestone. He scored the initial six points for the defeated Beaver College in the consolation game to war- Cavaliers and had 10 at the half. The 1000th point was scored early in the second half. rant third-place honors. 'Tm happy for him," John Dzik, head The highlight of the tournament occurred during the coach, said. "He has been consistent over his career, good and bad games balance out." Cabrini-Delaware Valley Dzik also said that Yurchak has worked game. John O'hare grabbed a for everything he has earned. According to Phyllis Yurchak Jason's rebound and gunned an outlet pass to Yurchak who then body weight left a lot to be desired early in drove the floor on a break a his basketball life. According to Dzik, Yurchak has used way. Yurchak went up for a weights to increase his strength. "He has dunk but was fouled on the worked hard to become a stronger player," shot. He was, however, able to Dzik said. After his accomplishment Yurchak make the shot, netting his I 000th career point at Cab- humbly said,"It's only points. Nobody came out to see me score my 900th point, so rini. Following the basket the why my I00th.'' Putting the team first Yurchak said he just game was halted, Yurchak was swarmed by teammates, wanted a 20-win season. Yurchak, the 12th Cabrini playerto eclipse then he presented the game the 1000th point plateau, capped the weekball to his father. Yurchak, whose grandfa- end off by being named tournament MVP. ther is a former Catholic Frank Sciolla also received all-tournament Youth Organization coach honors.
Gulf war affectssports enthusiast opinion by Matt Hodlofski Although my personality is one of easy going and laid back behavior, for the past nine days it has been very different. The night of January 16, I 991 was very sad and historic all around the world with ,the allies invading Iraq for the first time at 7 p.m. Operation "Desert Shield" turned into operation "Desert Storm." While every person, at least here in America, sits on the edge of their seats in front of televisi_ons and radios praying for the war to end quickly, efficiently, and with minimal losses. But for the time being, at least here in America, the sports scene does not end. But should it? I understand the terrorist attack scare and I agree that there should be precautions made in accordance as far as the Superbowl and other largely populated events go, but don't stop the sports world. The first major sporting event after after the war began was the NHL' s 44th All-Star game. The game was held in Chi~go in wmch the majority of the participants were not even Americans. If you were lucky enough to witness the game you felt the electricity of Chicago Stadium during the national anthem and throughout the entire
more Gulf and sports on 10
Scoreboard I Results
by Bob Healey
file p1oto
Senior Jason Yurchak, seen here attempting a layup earlier this season, scored his 1000th career point on a similiar shot.
Men's Basketball 12/28 12/29 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/10 1/11 1/16 1/22
81 81 56 64 61 76 90 77 45
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Del. Val. 76 87 Alvernia Marycrest 85 Card. Stritch55 Caldwell 58 52 Frostburg Shenandoah94 Gwynedd 48 Allentown 54
Women's Basketball 12/27 12/28 1/5 1/6 1/10 1/12 1/16 1/18 1/22
60 62 57 45 47 51 46 57 47
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Bloomsfield Lincoln Norwich Trenton St. Frostburg Neumann Marywood lmmaculata Allentown
73 42 74 55 68 34 44 63 62
Schedule Men's Basketball Sat. Tue.
1/26 1/29
Beaver Lincoln
home away
7pm 8pm
Men's JV Basketball Fri. Mon. Wed. Thur.
1/25 1/28 1/30 2/1
Manor Jr. Col. away Cecil Co. Comm.away Swarthmore away away Ursinus
7pm 7pm 6pm 7pm
Women's Basketball Sat. Tue.
1/26 1/29
Hunter Lincoln
home away
2pm 6pm
Men's ..Volleyball Sun. 1/27 Thur. 1/31
LaSalle Eastern
away away
2pm 10pm