friday, feb. 1, 1991
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 14
Bookstoreprices upped; problems corrected by William A. Fulton Recent concerns regarding price discrepancies occurring in the Cabrini bookstore are being resolved, according to Jennifer Stevens bookstore manager. The discrepancies which involved prices for chorus sheet music as well as an English textbook, were the result of a miscalculation on the part of the bookstore. "It was my mistake," Stevens said. "Basically, it was a simple matter of a mathematical error." Clyde Laforest, junior, first noticed the price discrepancy in the price of the sheet music while he was working in the finearts department. During some rputine filing, Laforest came across an invoice which was intended for the bookstore, but apparently was inadvertently delivered to the Fine Arts
department. Upon studying the invoice, Laforest noticed that the suggested retail price listed on the invoice was lower than what the sheet music sold for in the bookstore. Laforest then approached Stevens about the discrepancies in price. In a recalculation of figures, Stevens discovered that there had been a miscalculation in the pricing of the sheet music. Once this error was noticed, Stevens met with Dr. Adeline Bethany, chorus moderator, and it was agreed that all students who purchased the sheet music at the incorrect price would be issued a refund for the amount that they were overcharged. A similar refund was also issued in an photo by Carin Pesotski
more BOOKSTORE on 4
Among the many changes in the bookstore this semester were higher book prices, which are closer to publishers' retail prices.
Cabrini and the Gulf war
Despite terrorist threat, trip plans continue by Francis Sciolla Security on airlines the world over has been tightened since the escalation of the war in the Persian Gulf. Despite the heightened threat of terrorism , the Cabrini College Chorus will .gothrough with their scheduled trip to England as planned. The chorus will depart for England on June 19 with a traveling party of 68. The group plans on touring all of the island's major tourist attractions including London, Stonehenge, Newcastle, Leeds, Stratford-upon-Avon and several universities.
The chorus, under. the direction of Dr. Adeline Bethany have three concerts confinned, one of which is a benefit for ALS, which was the favorite charity of the late David Niven.The threats of terrorism have done little to dampen the spirits of Dr. Bethany or her students. They are no strangers to the rumors of terrorism as on the last trip when there was a bomb scare at Frankfurt airport in Germany. Nothing ever came of that and Bethany said she is not afraid at all. "Terrorism is a terrible thing, but we have to try to go on with our lives," Bethany said.
"Hopefully the war will be over by the time we leave." Trish Lee, copresident of the chorus, echoed the sentiments of Bethany. "You can'tleadyourlife Dr. Adeline Bethany being afraid about what might happen," Lee said. "I am not afraid." Senior Karie Papay is determined not to
Sp..ecial interest housing to remain by Stephanie Ranieri
"To be ornot to be?" That is the question facing special interest housing and its planned return in the upcoming year. "I don't really think there should be a program for the next year. It is just a figure-head for a group of people to live together," Tim Janus, president of House Six, said. According to Dean of Students Dr. Robert Bonfiglio and the resident life staff there will be special interest housing on campus next year. What is special interest housing? "I don't know. I never heard of it," Megan Meaney, a sophomore commuter, said. "I think it has something to do with rooms for the handicapped,"
Michele Lynch, a sophomore commuter, said. "I'm not sure. !thought students got their housing through the lottery," Karen Falcone, a sophomore
'I am very hopeful that the special interest housing program will keep improving throughout the years to come.' Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students resident, said. According to Bonfiglio, the special interest housing program gives students the opportunity to
provide a structure to their living area. It also gives the students the opportunity to get involved in the learning process. For instance, there are three special interest houses on campus at the present time. The special interest project at House Seven is male relation~hips. They are trying to bring together the male population within the campus community as a whole. In a combined project, Houses Four and Six are making the effort to achieve an enviromentally practical atmosphere to live in. "I am very hopeful that the special interest housing program will keep improving throughout the years to come," Bonfiglio said. more SPECIAL on 3
let anything ruin what she feels will be a marvelous time. "I won't let this ruin it for me," said Papay. She is, however, concerned about the group as a whole. "When we went to Italy and Switzerland a year and a half ago they told us not to wear the shirts they gave us because we were more likely to be bombed as a group," Papay said. There have been no cancellations as of yet, but the group has until April to decide whether or not to back out of the trip. If they do, the group will receive a refund but will lose $125 per person.
Damage tops $2800 Nov. 12 Xav Nov.12 Xav Nov. 12 Xav Nov.12 House? Nov. 13 House 6 Nov.15 Xav Nov. 15 Xav Nov. 15 Xav Nov.15 Xav Nov. 15 Xav Nov. 1.5 Xav Nov. 15 Xav Nov. 17 Xav Nov. 17 Xav Nov. 19 Xav Nov. 21 Xav Nov. 21 Xav Nov. 30 House 6 Dec. 3 Xav Dec.•6 Xav
Broken return air grills 250 Broken return air grills 150 Broken return air grills 170. Removed Damage Basketball Rim Doorknob bent Room 11 Toilet blocked, non-repairable Bathroom lock broken 280 Desk broken 170 Screen broken 152 Screen broken 153 Screen broken 154 Screen broken 172 Replace screen in window 164 Replace screen in window 163 Screen broken 163 Screen broken 161 Screen broken 251 Recharge four H2O Fire exting. Window broken 180 Screen broken again 163
55 55 55 40 35 · 200 85 30 45 45 45 45 15 15 45 45 45 32 110 45
more DAMAGE on 3
perspectives ..... ..... 2
Cabrini expresses
Dzik deems three
news.................... 3, 4
its support for
features .............. 5, 6
troops in the gulf
sports .................. 7, 8
(page 6)
(page 8)
fridaXzfeb. 11 1991
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Remembering a day A matter of survival of peace and love Working together:
It was a matter of survivaJ. Students and faculty cmne together charged with excitement to be heard, to listen, and to make a difference. The town meetings were one of the best things to ever happen to this campus. At one of its lowest points in history, a cmnpus divided by societal -ism's, transformed problems into solutions and created a new high. And as we left the mansion courtyard the evening of the first meeting, that is exactly how we felt. We were inspired and empowered, riding the pure high that comes from being on the brink of greatness. And the greatness was one that cmne from within ourselves. By sharing our time and ideas, we helped to give birth to it. The town council is an entity that we can truly call our own. Finally, we have what we asked for and fought for. No, what do we want to do with it? The world has taken new turns and there are new worries. We are living in dangerous times. The danger on campus is if we forget the passion of our words and hearts last semester. We are in danger if we do not renew our commitment and purpose. We need to sit in on the meetings, let our needs be known to the student representatives and faculty, and follow through to make sure they are accomplished. If not, we can easily destroy all that was achieved last semester by allowing the town council to become just another good intention. If we believe students and faculty should be a force in our own college, than we need to re-dedicate ourselves to this mission. We can make things happen. No longer can we say there is no one to turn to, because we will be looking at ?urselves in the mirror.
kelly reed features editor Everyone from my generation will be able to remember where they were and what they were doing on Tuesday, January 15, 1991. Much like the Americans who were alive when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, seldom is there a place in time when an event reaches across social, economic and religious boundaries as this did.
We have learned nothing except how to fight each other better and kill each other faster and more horribly. But, as each of us remembered what happened on that day, did we also remember an event even more signifigant to the way in which we go to school, eat in restaurants, drink from a water fountain, and even use public transportation? Did the events in the Persian Gulf make us forget that on January 15, the leader of the civil rights movement in this country, Dr. Martin Luther King, would have been 62 years old. It is a little ironic that the United Nations set the deadline for Saddam Hussein to leave Kuwait on the same day as the birthday of a man who gained world-wide recognition for his peaceful resistance as the means of gaining what he desired and even winning the Nobel Peace Prize. Why do we bother recognizing the great legacies that men like King leave us, with statues and memorials and marches when we obviously do not listen to what they try to teach us? Why is it that though King's birthday is a legal holiday in the state of Pennsylvaina, most people walked around as if it was any other day of the week? What does it take for people to wake up and realize that what King was saying in the '60s can be applied to the world events of today? King believed that justice could overcome injustice, love could overcome hate, ignorance could be overcome through education and the desire for peace could overcome the lunacy of war. He gave his life in pursuit of a dream that all men were created equal, that American lives were no better than those oflraqis. He believed that non-violent demonstrations and negotiations accomplished more than a half-dozen B-52' s carpet bombing a country into a smoking black crater. Yet we still continue to fight rather than trying to find a common ground to agree on. We have learned nothing except how to fight each other better and !<,illeach other faster and more horribly. A few short months ago President Bush proclaimed that we were entering the greatest era of peace in world history. Peace, it's a nice concept. It's a shame that Iraq celebrated world
The questionof war isone we shouldall askourselves We learn from asking questions. It's part of what makes us human. Since we were children we badgered adults with questions. Why is the sky blue? Why do people have to die? -·Part of being an adult is not necessarily that we know all the answers. Answers are the easy part, it's the questions that raise the doubt. We still value the questions, and we think about those questions as we interpret them according to our own experiences to formulate opinions. We can't be afraid to ask the important questions. Keep asking the government, the reporters, teachers, about the Persian Gulf. Talk it out and see the big picture, not just from the lens of blind partiotism. Especially in America, it is more patriotic to question and be different than to blindly follow. Think a little; start finding out how you feel yourself. Why are we at war? What will happen when the war is over? Why do people have to die?
NO'l 8E £.AS'(.
peace by invading Kuwait. The U.S. observed peace by attacking Iraq. The Soviet Union, after its President was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, rolled into Lithuania and crushed a peaceful democratic movement with force and bloodshed. The U.S. is in the Persian Gulf to keep Iraq from overtaking other nations and to keep the peace. Israel is allowing one SCUD missile after another to fall into its neighborhoods and cities, all in the name of keeping the peace. Israel is unable to defend itself or its people, because it is thought that if they were to attack Iraq in defense, the other Arab nations would leave the coalition. King taught us to love all races, to have tolerance for all religions, yet some of the Arab nations would rather have Saddam Hussein continue his rampage rather than fight,along side a Jew. What I wonder is if we are doing all of these horri~le t~s to each other in the name of peace, what would we do to each other in the name of war? Thinking about the future (hopefully we will all sti U be here) I wonder what I will tell my children about Dr. Martin Luther King and all that he stood for. I wonder if they will even care about the wonderful ideas that he had, in a world that doesn't seem to have appreciated or adopted any of his ideals. I know that I want them to realize that January 15 wasadayofpeaceand love for all men long before it was a day for war.
Edttor-in-chiet: Carlo Iacono Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison News Edttor: Chris Pesotski Senior Associate News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Assistant News Edttors: Rita Cellucci, Kimbef1y Keck, Dawn Timbario and Missy von Siegel Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspect,ves Edttors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda, Lorraine Marie Lill and Cha~es Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and William A. Fulton Business Managers: Kim Marshall and Michelle Merger Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Edttor: Lisa Lindley Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Karen Dumorney, William Fulton, John Gay, Matt Hodlotski, Kimberly Leblang. Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire. Jennifer Melchiorre. Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciolla. Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Edd McNamee. Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Cha~es Waterfall. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215·97H!412. Subscr1ption price is S25 per year and is Included in the benefits secured by tuition and student tees. The edttorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or Iha faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice 1nthe uninhibtted, robust, free and open discussion ot
issues. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to theed~ tors. However, ij the wrtter wishes, and the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and on inscrtption Inserted such as · ·name withheld at the request of the writer · · Letters should be typed, doubl&spoced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter~s.. .' too long for the ova Hable space. the editor ~ may edit or condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on ? < Mondays. L
fridaXzfeb. 1, 1991
Despite change, Formal date still a conflict by Lisa Neuman
After se11eral false starts and schedule conflicts, the Senior Farewell has been slated for March 22 at the Adams' Mark Hotel in Philadelphia, with $4000 worth of hors d 'oeuvres being served in addition to the complimentary dinner for seniors. However, not everyone is pleased. When the date was finally set, it seemed that there would be no conflicts with any other academic or social activity. No one had any idea that there was a teacher's certification exam the next day, March 23. This exam is extremely important to many graduating education majors. This circumstance will make it difficult for those seniors to attend their own Senior Farewell. According to Jennifer MarksGold, director of student activi-
ties, she and the sophomore class, figlio had suggested Philadelphia, who are planning the event, did to give seniors and their guests the everything they could to please opportunity to explore the city's everyone. However, fate wasn't on their side during the planning process. 'I feel for (those "Eric Klansek (sophomoreclass vice-president) de~erves a medal who have to take and gas money. He did most of the work and a lot of the driving," the test) but I Marks-Gold said. According to Klansek he was hope ...they'II beginning to think that the formal understand what wasn't going to happen. "I was really in doubt that we could puJl it the class went off. We got thrown into situations," Klansek said. through,' Klansek and Marks-Gold spent many Mondays and Fridays last JenniferMarks-Gold semester looking for a place that could hold 450 people in a festive atmosphere. Size wasn't the first, or only, obstacle they faced. cultural aspects. According to Marks-Gold, when The initial ideas included carthe search first started, Dean Bon- riage rides and moonlit walks
through the cultural and historic streets of town, and the search commenced, with Klansek and Marks-Gold trying everything from Guest Quarters to the Four Seasons. After several tries, the Sheraton Society Hill started to look promising. However, somewhere between the verbal agreement to hold the room and the phone call to officially reserve it, the room was given away to a wedding. "That was strike one," MarksGold said. Staying away, for the time being, from the Sheraton Valley Forge and the Holiday Inn, sites of the fall formal and Parents Weekend, Klansek and Marks-Gold called the Adams' Mark Hotel next. The first date the hotel gave them was April 5. On MarksGold's calendar was a message, in her handwriting, not to sched-
ule anything for April 5, but no reason why. The only thing M~ks:Gold could think of was April 5 is her 30th birthday. She was willing to go ahead with the date despite that. After giving the hotel confirmation, she found out the real reason why April 5 was supposed to stay clear from Sr. Bernadette Anello, MSC, director of Campus Ministry.
Anello went to Marks-Gold to remind her of the Campus Ministry retreat taking place that weekend of April 5, involving 13 students. Marks-Gold immediately wanted to see if something could be worked out. When it was learned that Campus Ministry had already put
more FORMAL on 4
more SPECIAL from 1 To be eligible fora special interest house, a person or a group of people get together and write up a proposal for the resident life staff. This proposal has to include the interest or cause \he individual residents of the house want to work on and accomplish together. It should also include the names of 24 people who want to take part in the cause. The proposals, upon being turned in, are then judged on their content, the potential contribution
it will give to Cabrini, and why they have to live together to accomplish this committment. If selected, 20-24 people are guaranteed housing. This past year, there were only three proposals turned in to the resident life staff. "People see it as a easy way into a house, although it is hard to get 24 people that are interested in the same cause," Andy Mcilroy, head resident, said. "Housing should be selected by your seniority in the lottery.," Ja-
nus said. Kim Marshall, a sophomore resident of House Four, had a positive outlook toward the program. "In September we had a meeting and discussed our goals. We decided that our house was going to try to get all the Styrofoam off campus," Marshall said. Although this did not happen through House 4 's efforts, other things did. According to Marshall, a trash
gram, as currently exists, has some problems. ' 'The special interest houses don't do much now. Other campuses, however, are doing well with their programs. The houses are an added bonus to the campus." Mcilroy said, "There isn't too much guidance or direction within the project. I would like to see it more noticeable on campus but, it is up to the houses to do so."
more DAMAGE from 1 Dec.6 Xav Dec. 7 Xav Dec. 7 Xav Dec. 7 Xav Dec. 11 Xav Dec. I 1 Xav Dec. I I Xav Dec. 11 Xav Dec. 11 Grounds Dec. I I WC Dec. 12 Xav Dec. 12 RRCC Dec. 13 Xav Dec. 13 Xav Dec. 13 Xav Dec. 13 RRCC Dec. 13 Xav Dec. 18 WC Dec. 20 Xav Dec. 20 Xav Dec. 20 Xav Dec. 20 Xav Dec. 20 Xav Jan. 2 Xav Jan. 2 Xav Jan. 3 Xav Jan. 3 House 2 Jan. 8 House 6 Jan. 14 House 2 Jan. 14 WC Jan. 14 Mansion Jan. 15 Xav Jan. 15 Xav Jan. 15 Xav
Screen broken I 64 Pillow in hear duct - 174 Return air grill missing 151 Fire damper closed 170 Hole in wall upper south ramp Broken exit sign lower center Broken exit sign near 250 Broken sofa great room Street sign stolen Room 214 window broken Room 154 doorknob latch and bolt Window broken in back door Replace screens in l 63 Replace screens in 143 Great room sofa broken Screens removed from five windows Chair broken 260 Room 306 mirror broken Exit sign broken lower level Hallway near 150 broken exit sign Lower level broken fire ext. case Hall by 170 broken light diffuser Hall by 160 broken light diffuser Rest room sign missing Mens room soap dispenser missing Room l 63 lock broken Missing fire extinguisher Recharge fire extinquisher Room 7 carpet burned Recharge fire extinguisher Recharge fire extinquisher Great room chair broken Broken table quad 160 Broken chair quad 180
Messages of love in the LOQUITUR! 45 40 55 15 60 l 05 105 350 60 30 40 34 45 45 40 20 74 13
This Valentines Day let a secret admirer, friend, lover, and/or special person know your true feelings by dropping them a line in LOQUITUR'S VALENTINE'S SECTION OF LOVE! This special offer is only $1.00 a line (15 words). Depending on the amount of lines, send your message and money to: MICHELLE MERGER c/o LOQUITUR or BOX 379 Messages must be received by Friday, February 8, 1991 to make publication deadline! '
So express yourself this Valentine's Day in the LOQUITUR!
65 65 42 36 36 18 24 110 40 8 35 8 8 15 24 18
Total for November, December and January: $2817 "
can was put outside the campus mailboxes to recycle all junk mail, pretzels were sold on kite day to raise money for their house, and all paper and glass products are recycyled within the household. On the negative side however, Marshall found fault with the program. "I don'tknowifeveryoneis there for the right purpose,'· Marshall said. Mcllroy also believes the pro-
(717) 242-2153
fridaXzfeb. 11 1991
more FORMAL from3
Campus Black History Month mass will be held on Sun., Feb. 3, at 6 p.m. in the chapel. Father Britto will be the celebrant. Senior portraits will be taken on Feb. 7, 8, and 11.
Stop by student services to sign up for a time or contact Felicia Falcone for more information. BSA is sponsoring a Spike Lee film series each night from Feb. 4-8 between 8 and IO p.m. in the WCLH. Look for flyers for more information about which films will be shown.
SGA announces Karen Bell, sophomore, and Kim Haban, first-year student, as the new social activities assistants.
Send a Valentine to the troops! Many of our troops stationed in the Middle East will receive valentines, but don't forget those who won't. Address a card to: Any Service Member, Operation Desert Storm, APO New York 09848-0006 (for land-based units) or 09866-0006 (for Naval Units or Marines serving on ships). Postage is the same as for a card in the States. The troops can send letters for free, so be sure to include your name and address. The last day to turn in your Acme receipts to the library for the "Free IBM's For Your School" program is Feb. 5. The Student Academic Council would like to thank all who made the used book sale a success. Financial aid office would like to remind all students that the on-time applicant deadline is April 1, 1991.
If you need extra hours for to fulfill your work grant requirement, there is a list of available jobs in the financial aid office.
Do you spend too much time thinking about food? Are you in control of your relationship with food or is it in control of you? Join a support group for people with eating concerns. Contact Dan Schwarz at ext. 8563 or Lili Goodman at 8566 for more information and a pre-screening interview.
down a non-refundable deposit, .MarksGold 's instinct was to change the date of the formal. "It was my fault," Marks-Gold said. "I put down not to schedule anything but no reason why." She called the Holiday Inn at Valley Forge, which had a weekend available for everyone, but would not allow Cabrini to have alcohol, despite the new monitoring system instituted at the fall formal. She went
'We~did everything possible, I just hope everyone sees the work we put into it.' - Eric Klansek, sophomore class vice-president
back to the Adams' Mark. The only date the hotel had left available was March 22, the date of spring convocation at Cabrini. Besides that, there was nothing on the academic or activities calendars for that date. Marks-Gold then went to Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice-president for academic affairs, to see if convocation could be rescheduled. Biller said that if President Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, agreed to the switch, Biller would also agree to the switch of convocation from March 22 to April 19, a clear date. Currie approved the change. According to Marks-Gold and the sophomore class, at this point it looked like
everything was finally in order for the formal. That's when they found out that the teacher's certification test was scheduled for the next day. "We did everything possible," Klansek said, "I just hope everyone sees the work we put into it." "We tried to appeaseeverybody," MarksGold said. With spring being the most popular time for college fonnals, high school proms, and weddings, dates are hard to come by and hotels can be unpredictale, as the sophomore class and Marks-Gold found. "I'd be upset ifl were a senior ( who has to take the test), but you have to take the good with the bad and mix it all together," Klansek said. Klansek said he felt relieved that the formal was finally planned, although he felt some disappointment at the way things turned out. "I wouldhavelikedtohave been in the Grand Ballroom at the Adams' Mark instead of the Exhibit Hall, and to have had it in April," he said. "March is kind of early." "I hope people don'_t give the sophomore class any flak. I feel for them (those who have to take the test), especially because they 're seniors, but I hope after they read this they'l! understand what the class went through," Marks-Gold said. Marks-Gold warned that students planning to attend the formal need not eat in advance. Instead of paying rent on the room at the Adam's Mark, $4000 worth of hors d' oeurves were purchased from the hotel. According to Marks-Gold they will be elaborate. "We are going for nice hors d'oeurves like shrimp, not just cheese and crackers," Marks-Gold said.
more BOOKSTORE from 1
Security incidents as reported by security office from 1/9 through 1/28.
Vandalism 1/9-Theft of foodstuffs from the Wigwam.
Hit and Run 1/17-3 p.m.-Student reported hit and run of her parked car in Woodcrest parking lot. 1/24-8 a.m.-Student reported hit and run of his parked car in Grace Hall parking lot.
Automobile Accident 1/27-12:25 p.m.-Student reported hitting another student's car in House 5 parking lot causing light damage to the right front door.
In the Jan. 25 issue of Loquitur, in the article concerning the death of David Pisko it was incorrectly stated that John Sparta's preliminary hearing took place on Jan. 16, 1990. The hearing took place on Jan. 16, 1991. The article also quoted Montgomery County district attorney, Gerald T. Rosso, as being most concerned about the "D.U.1. (charge). That one charge has a mandatory minimum sentence of three years.'' Rosso' s quote was in reference to the homocide by D.U.I. charge. In the Jan. 25 issue of Loquitur, the story on the back page about the fight in the Allentown-Cabrini basketball game stated that the ejected players would be suspended from the Jan. 26 game against Beaver College. - After deadline, NCAA and conference officials suspended only Cavalier guard Jeff Hines. Hines sat out the varsity game at Lincoln University on Tues. Jan 29. In the Jan. 25 issue of Loquitur, the story concerning Jason Yurchak's reaching of the 1000 point plateau, stated that his brother, John, Jr., recently scored his 100th point at Mary Washington College in Virginia. This was a typographical error. John Yurchak actually scored his 1000th point at Mary Washington. In the Jan. 25 issue ofLoquitur, the Athlete of the Week sports feature incorrectly reported that John O'Hare graduated from Cardinal O'Hara High School in 1987. O'Hare actually graduated in 1986.
other circumstance in which a textbook for an English course of Dr. Marilyn Johnson · was also found to be mispriced. In addition to the recent pricing discrepancies, Laforest was also concerned as to whether the bookstore was adhering to a consistent policy in the pricing of textbooks. "It would appear that the standard markup policy isn't applicable to a wider variety of books," Laforest said. Stevens responded by saying that the bookstore goes by the publishers' recommended retail price, and that this policy is consistent for the majority of textbooks sold by the bookstore. Stevens further explained that in addition to the standard 20 percent mark-up in effect, that there is also a shipping cost that is added on to the cost of the book. "I think that if you compare this bookstore mark-up with other college bookstores, you 'II find that a 20 percent mark-up is not that unreasonable." According to Frank Henninger, director of the Villanova shop, the Villanova bookstore has a 25 percent margin increase in the price of their textbooks. Henninger also said that college bookstores have little choice but to pass their shipping cost on to the customer since most vendors will not pay freight cost when shipping textbooks. Stevens, who is currently in her second semester as manager of the bookstore, has found that setting new standards for the pricing of textbooks is necessary in order for the bookstore to become more profitable. "With the entire c:ollege losing money, I think it's a good thing that one area of the school is making an attempt to become more profitable," Stevens said. Stevens also felt that one reason students may view the current bookstore prices as
noticably higher than in the past is that the previous management of the bookstore was apparently in the practice of selling certain textbooks at a lower cost than what was the suggested retail price of the vendor. In Stevens' view, although this may have benefited some in the past, in her opinion, it didn't benefit the balance ledger of the bookstore. However, despite their differing views, both Laforest and Stevens are in agreement · that the recent move of the bookstore rriay have contributed to a less than smooth transition during the early part of this semester. "I understand that she is the new manager
'I think that if you compare this bookstore mark-up with. other college bookstores, you'll find that a 20 percent mark-up is not that unreasonable.' -Jennifer Stevens, bookstore manager
and that bookstore has undergone a rather big move," Laforest said. "I don't want to blast anyone. It's just that I feel that someone must be held accountable. Afterall, we are talking about money." "I'm sure that next semester will go much more smoothly," Stevens said." All that I can say is that we are human and that we sometimes make mistakes. I just hope people can understand and have patience with what we're trying to do."
friday, feb. 1, 1991
A new chapter begins to unfold by Kimberly Keck When students passed through thegatheringareato get tothe Wig W am, there was something missing. The line of students waiting to purchase books and the bookstore. Over Christmas break, the book store was moved to the game room. Along with the expansion came new items. This semester the bookstore sells more greeting cards, supplies, toiletries and sweatshirts according to Wendy Bronick, bookstore employee. ''One popular item in the store are the sweatshirts," Jennifer Stevens, book store manager said. ' '' Support the Cabrini football team' t-shirts are selling fast," Bronick said. Having more space has also been a benefit. "Since it's bigger, you can see what they have," Bernadette Couwels, senior, said. "Since everything is spread out, it's not like looking at a closet," Hronick said. The new bookstore is a popular change on campus. ''Everyone seems to like it," Stevens said. First-year-student, Joe Sacchetti said, ''Everything is easier to get to." "It's like a real college," Lenora Veterano, senior, said.
GROUNDS/LANDSCAPE POSITIONS- Two openings available: regular full-time, hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30am4:00pm; Temporary fulltime(April to October) hours flexible. Duties include operating vehicles and equipment, maintenance of grounds, use of hand power tools, must have valid PA drivers license. Salary range: $7.50 to $9.00/hr. Call Rebecca Rose at 526-7000. STAFF ASSISTANT-The Main Line Chamber of Commerce, located in Wayne, is seeking a part-time staff assistanL The position involves public contact, secretarial and organizational skills. 10-15 hr/wk, M-F, between 9-5, $6.00/hr. Contact:Linda O'Keefe at the Chamber Office,687-6232. PART-TIME HELP- Executive secretary for Paoli Law firm. Organizational skills needed, word processing skills required. Flexible hours. Medical or scientific background helpful. This job offers growth potential. NEEDED- Insurance clerk. Mon.-Fri., daytime hrs., parttime(20hrs./wk.) Responsible for billing, processing. Exper. helpful. $10.00/hr. benefits: trans. to train station, employee
using." ''This is a more sensible way to operate,'' John Heiberger said. Robert McGee, head of the math department, said, "I think it's good the students can look through the books.'' "The book store has a greater variety for students," Carol Serotta said "I Iike the over-sized tshirts." Moving and renovating the book store was proposed by the book store task committee according to Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. Bonfiglio said, photo by Carin Pesotski ''The proposal First-year-student, Kristi Pastino browses through the books, in search for the was approved one she needs. by the enrollment management committee." JuniorJim Daly said, "Ilike the said. The location was changed beset up and that they carry a more The bookstore was a positive cause of inadequate space, acexpanded line than before." improvement to the faculty as well. cording to Stevens. "I wish they had this set up ' 'The new improvements bring '' The hard work has been worth when I was a freshman," Jeanine Cabrini into the twentieth cenit," Stevens said. Kederis, senior, said "The staff tury," Dr. John DeTurck said. "I "At first it was such a mess. It handled returns and refunds very like to see books other teachers are
"The cards on top of the books were helpful because people could go in before classes started and pick up their books," Jeanette Bacskai senior said.
COMPANION- For ederly women. Light housekeeping. Driver. Valley Forge area. Contact Rev. Pennington at 688-8588
NEEDED- Local studentto assist in Paoli office. 2-3 days/wk., 2-4 hrs./ day part-time for summer and school vacations. Salary negotiable. Starts immediately. Dr. Barrie Cassileth296-5733 or 296-9651. WANTED- Accounting major, accounting clerk 8. $6.27/hr. parttime, temporary (6 month min.) 1520hrs./wk., flexible, between 9-5. Commodore Semi-conductor Group. Julie Casas 666-2541. SCHOLARSHIPS- The Philiadelphia chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants is awarding 2 scholarships of $750 to full or part-time undergraduate students persuing a major in accounting. Deadline is April 30, 1991. The National Right to Work Committee is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline. The Main Line Chapter of the American Business Women's Assoc. is accepting applications for their scholarship given to a women seeking a business or professional career and has reached sophomore classification. Deadline is March 31, 1991.
well." "Picking out books is faster," junior Tim O'Leary said. "It's better now because it cuts
CLERICAL ASSISTANT- The Chapman Agency needs a responsible, organized person needed for clerical asst. prior computer and calculator experience helpful. Flexible hours between 9-5, approx. 20 hr/wk. Salary depends on prior experience. Call Gloria at 337-1171 .
RECEPTIONISTThe Aluminum Athletic Equipment Co. parttime or full-time, flexible days and hours. Contact: Mr. Driscoll at 825-6565.
WORK-GRANT /WORK-STUDYStudents needed to work in Student Services, Resident Life, modeling for Gary Armstrong, Faculty Secretaries, or Countinuing Ed. on campus.
OFFICE POSITIONThe Holding Compnay. Costumer service. Clerical and data entry work. Mon. & Fri. (58pm) $6.00/hr. Cathy 287-8010
POSITION AVAILABLE- Part-time, skills: computer (Lotus, etc.), basic accounting knowledge, willingness to perform office duties. Contact Gail Martin, Lincoln Mortage Comp. 885-4161 ext. 227 PART-TIME- Costumer service rep. Crt data input and look-up. Light typing Mon. Wed. and Fri. 59pm every other Sat. 12-4pm ($7.00/hr) contact Brian Fuhrmeisier 962-8120 PERMANENT POSITION- parttime now, full-time summer. Flexible hrs. Clerical work. Clearfield Energy located in Radnor Corp. Center 293-041O OPENING- Sheraton Valley Forge, Lily Landtrey's Dinner theatre. Fulltime 8-5, ($6-$7/hr.) typing, work well with others. Contact personal dept. 337-2000 or apply in person.
SALES- Sears is looking for candidates to work part-time(up to 35 hrs.) as a commission salesperson. Mostly interested in hiring women and minorities but will accept all qualified job applicants. Contact the Personnel Dept. at 9266456. LIVE-IN COMPANION- Someone neededfor an elderly woman writer. Free room and board. Private bath, no duties except being in the house during the evening hours. Must have own transportation. Call 4593327. OPPORTUNITY- The Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation Dept. is seeking enthusiastic and creative students to staff their summer programs. For more information call Karen Schick at 2774312.
was nice to see it all come together," Zazyczny said. Cindy Falcone, member of the book store task committee, said the project has worked out very well and she hopes the bookstore will generate more revenue. "The book store's ability to sell a greater variety of things is an advantage to the students,'' Bonfiglio said. What are some other things the students would be interested in seeing in the bookstore? '' I think they should put a photo copier in the bookstore so you don't have to run to the library all the time," Daly said. Junior Tim O'Leary said they should put newstands outside the bookstore. The book store should set up credit cards with an account that has a declining balance according to ·serotta. "If there is no money in the account, no cr.eett,''Serrota said. According to Stevens, future plans for the book store include another rack which will display wrapping paper and designer bags for gifts. Stevens said she wants to start buying used books from students and companies and sell them. '' Jen did a great job and I would like to congratulate her,'• Zazyczny sa~d. "I hope all the students and teachers enjoy the bookstore,"
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fridaXzfeb. 1, 1991
Cabrini rememberstroops Facultysecretariesand in gulfwith yellowribbons residentlife:positions filledwith new faces by Matt Hodlofski
Some people American are informed, people have differothers aren't at ent ways of exall, and then pressing how they there are some feel about the war people who are with Iraq. Some informed but people rebel don't understand against the war and that they are inparticipate in ralvolved. lies, marches, and Anita Pesot, pickets. Other Student Servpeople support the ices' secretary president and the agreed with troops by driving Emmerich. The their cars with 18 to 22 age their head lights group is out of on during the day touch. "You and posting flags don't know what on their housewar is like.'' holds or desks. But "Ribbons are still others use a nice but they different apdon't help the proach. troops,'' junior Cabrini is a April DuHadasmall part of way said. We America but an should write to important one to the troops and the students, factell them we supulty and staff. port them. SGA Executive A group Board with Presishould be formed dent Frank to write letters or Emmerich thought maybe even just Cabrini should do one letter to send something outover, Pesot said. wardly to show Yellow ribsupport of "Opbons signify eration Desert peace, but I think Storm''. we should do We had chapel pholo by Carin Pesotski something more, time of reflection A yellow ribbon hangs on the door outside junior Jayda on Jan. 15 (the day Janice Revter and Karen May's room on the Zazyczny said. of Bush's dead- third floor of Woodcrest. We should have line to Hussein) some kind of and then had a vigil which walked throughfund raiser and send something symbolic to out the entire campus, Emmerich said. let them know we care. -· That night, and a day or two pre and War is very Nintendo-like to our generaproceding the 15th, SGA gave out yellow tion, and dispite the high tecnology it is still ribbons all throughout the campus. Emmerich expressed many different feel- killing people, Emmerich said. SGA ~ working on getting more yellow ings when asked about how he thought the ribbons on campus. students at Cabrini react to war.
by Lorraine Marie Lill Grace Hall holds the presence of two new individuals. One can be found in the resident life office and the other is located in the small office on the other side of the building known as the faculty secretaries office. Faculty secretary Dorothy Hall is a Lansdowne resident who hoped to find a job located in the suburbs. She wanted to find a job that was as challenging as her former position with the Philadelphia Maritime Museum.
is what made me make my decision. She was willing to come through snow, sleet, whatever to get here.'' Hall enjoys the friendly environment of Cabrini and hopes to take classes in the future. Marianne DeFruscio, assistant director of resident life, is a former student of Cabrini College. DeFruscio transferred from Cabrini midway through her sophomore year where she attended Penn State and obtained a degree in economics. DeFruscio's former position was at Wheeling Jesuit CoUege as area coordinator/assistant director of campus life. DeFruscio had a graduate assistantship where she received her MBA in management.
Dorothy Hall
Hall is a graduate of the Harris School of Business. She studied word processing and secretarial sciences. During her time there she fell in love with the computer and pursued her career as a secretary. "You have to be a supportive type person to be in this role, to be able to support the people that you work for, to be understanding of their needs,'' Hall said. Hall is an outgoing person who does not let minor set backs stand in her way. Rose Jamattona, co-ordinator of faculty secretaries, said "her determination by coming by public transportation really
Marianne DeFruscio
Director of Resident Life Catherine Caulfield said that DeFruscio has a lot of good energy, she has some good ideas and she is very positive. "She came from a college that was very similar to Cabrini,'' Caulfield said. "She lias two years of experience behind her coming in.'' DeFruscio is excited about her position and is anxious to get started with the semester.
New Year's resolutions:make'emthen break'em by Rita S. Cellucci
Now that New Year's is over and you are pretty much in the swing of your daily routine, you kind of forgetthose New Year's resolutions you made on that eventful Eve. Right now I bet you're wondering whose brilliant idea it was to think of such a concept. Well, I searched the archives and found the answer. When the tradition of celebrating the new year started, it was a very paganistic holiday. It was meant to be a happy time, looking forward to the new year. In the fouth century, Emperor Constantine changed the pagan idea of a feast day to the Christian one of a fast day. Instead of spending the day in revelry, the Christians spent the day in prayer and meditation. They believed New Year should be a time when Christians repented any wrongdoings of the past year and made resolutions to turn over a new leaf and lead better lives in the coming year. Although the religious aspect of New Year has changed, we still cling to many of the beliefs, customs, and superstitions. That's
why many of us make resolutions. Lisa Braconaro, first-year student, said she makes resolutions every year and sticks to them. This year she plans to not let things bother her and get her down, especially where
tive. Junior Mark Gudas has a serious resolution. "I want to be more understanding of the lives of people who are special in my life,'' Gudas said. Gudas went on to say that
'I want to be more understanding of the lives of people who are special in my life,' -Mark Gudas she works. Chuck Gani me, sophomore, made a resolution to quit smoking, but so far it failed. Ganime said that in order for resolutions to work they have to be challenging. Jenny Igoe, sophomore, made two resolutions this year. One was to not cut classes and the other was to go on a diet. This is her first year making resolutions and she is determined to keep them. Janet Kollmeyer, first-year student, made herresolution to start eating healthy. Kollmeyer said, ''I will accomplish my objec-
it is not whether you fulfill your resolutions, it is enough that you tried. However, there are always critics who disagree. Jim Tokolics, first-year student, does not like resolutions. "My resolution is not to make any resolutions,'' Tokolics said. Paul Schneider, sophomore, said a person needs a lot of discipline and the average person doesn't have that. "Every year people make resolutions that are too high to keep," Schneider said. Whatever the case, this custom is something that will never die and will always be
associated with New Year's. Whatever you did for New Year's, I hope you have a great one. Here is some more trivia about New Year's: January I is the chosen date because of Julius Caesar who devised his calendar that designated January 1 as the beginning of a year. January is named after Janus, the Roman god of gates and doors. Janus is portrayed with two faces, one looking backward to the old year, the other looking forward to the new year. The Mummers Parade is the result of Swedish and English influence. The Swedes that settled in Philadelphia kept their tradition of marching down the streets in fancy costumes. The English used to dress up and perform plays and pantomimes. These actors were known as "mummers". It is now the most famous tradition held in Philadelphia. 1902 was the start of intercollegiate football games. The Rose Bowl was followed by other cities starting their own bowls.
f riday, feb. 1, 1991
Athleteof the week
Milligan:nationally-ranked by Lorraine Marie Lill
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Barb Milligan, senior, captain has captured this title once more for being ranked eighth nationally in women's Division III three-point field goals per game and sixth nationally in assists,7.0 assists per game. Milligan's average is 2.8 three-point field goals per game . "It's fairly remarkable when you think that Barbara last year was ranked second in the country before she hurt her knee," Athletic Director John Dzik said. Milligan said, "I didn't think I would have a rank this year being that I'm coming back from an injury."Milligan is one of the best players on the women's basketball team. She is the leading scorer and one of the top two rebounders on the team. Coach Dan Welde expected Milligan to be able to shoot three-point field goals, but he did not expect her to be able to handle the ball and move as much as she has been able to do. Milligan is leading the Lady Cavs in every statistical category for the third straight year. Offensively, she averages 14.3 points per game and 7.5 assists. Defensively,
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Milligan averages 7.1 rebounds per game and 2.5 steals. Milligan is just about to reach the 1000 point mark for her career. When Welde was asked whether she would be able to reach the l000pointmarkhesaid "it will be reached." Milligan said, "Ifl start picking up my points now that Shannon (O'Donnell) is back, she' II be taking more control over the ball, that will free me up for my shot more." Because of a tom anterior cruciate ligament in her knee, Milligan had to sit out the remainder of the season resulting in falling behind in points scored. Milligan will have to photo by Judi Panasik score at least 10 points per game to reach the 1000 Senior Barb Milligan follows through on a foul shot while a Hunter defender boxes her out. point mark.
more SUSPENSION from 8 policy. I look at everything with 11 years of perspective," Dzik said in reference to the apparent communication problem between he and Massari. Dzik spoke with each player individually and explained to them why the suspension occurred. "I reiterated why I did this. I encouraged them to use the services offered to them to meet their most important challenge right now, their academics," Dzik said. According to Dzik his actions . were taken after having received his players' semester grades. He received them the day after he was ashamed at his teams' behavior in Allentown. The game was marred by a fight with :54 seconds left on the clock. During the fight Cabrini's bench emptied onto the playing court. After the game Dzik said,' 'The end of the game was a 9isgrace to the school,the team, and the college. We should be ashamed, from myself right on down. It was a poor display of sportsmanship.'' Both Massari and Wissler were among the players who left the bench area.
Massari was not sure if the Allentown game was a direct factor in the enforcement of Dzik's rule. But, according to Massari the timing was "a little fishy." "There is no doubt, absolutely none, that this (the suspensions) was a reaction to the Allentown game," Dzik said. "The Allentown game made me sit back and re-evaluate my philosophy on my coaching, my team, and my beliefs." Dzik stated he has gotten sick of bending backwards to accommodate Massari. "He's not willing to give his best, just enough to skim by," Dzik said. "Dzik has done a lot of good things for me. We never had a rosy red relationship, but he respects me and I respect him," Massari said. Although Massari was the most vocal of the three suspended players, Connor also voiced his sentiments. "At first, I was disappointed but then when I went back and looked at it Dzik was doing it for our benefit," Connor said. The hardest aspect of the suspension for Connor was having to inform his parents. "I was ashamed. My mom and dad weren't too pleased but were glad Dzik took the action," Connor said.
Something like this makes the rest of the team worried about injuries also. "No one would ever think Kathy would get hurt because she's so strong," Bruce said. Sophomore Colleen Brennan said it is scary to see someone get hurt like that but you can't let it affect your play." "It is depressing because I have never had an injury this serious before. I'm not one who likes to sit still but I'll just have to adjust," Murray said. According to Kathy Murray's mother, Tish Murray, when you play these sports you take a risk and if you are a good sport you will have a positive attitude. Of her daughter's road to recovery she said, "Kathy wants to work for it. We've been very supportive and that has helped her and us,"
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Wissler was unable to be reached at deadline. Although Dzik felt these suspensions were necessary to re-focus his program,he hoped they will provide opportunity to better future grades of his players as opposed to punishing for past grades.
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-HOURSMrs. Murray said. According to Welde, Murray has a consistency to her that the team lacks. "She was a steady influence," Welde said. Assistant coach John Roe is afraid that Murray's absence will hurt the team but "hopefully it will make the younger players more assertive." "I feel bad for Dan because the past few years something has always happened just when the team begins to click," Murray said. According to Murray, it has been upsetting to watch the games she has been at because she wishes she could jump in and help. Steve Travia, manager, feels the injury is a big loss. "It is sad to see a good player like her go down," Travia said. Milligan said that Murray will definitely be missed on the team for her defense and her spirit.
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friday, feb. 1, 1991
Higheracademicstandardenforcedby Dzik by Denise Edwards Productivity is what head coach John Dzik hopes will come from his recent suspension of three Cavalier players from the team for
academic reasons. As of Friday, Jan. 25. junior Mike Massari, and sophomores Dave Wissler and Mike Connor were suspended for the rest of the season because of their academic perfonnances.
In Division III basketball, a player is eligible if he maintains the standards implemented by his individual institution. At Cabrini, for a student to be eligible to participate in any extracurricular acttv1ty or henceforth exist as a viable student he must achieve a cumulative grade-point average consistent with the standards of the school. For the past 11 years Dzik has placed higher
academic expectations on his team as players than the school has on them as students. "I want them to succeed academically,to play ball and get a degree," Dzik said. "Academics should be their number one priority." According to Massari he was not fully aware that Dzik had instituted a higher standard for his players. Massari said 'that his grades have never been good and he frequently had conversations with Dzik about his academic perform-
ance. "Never once did he (Dzik) say he was thinking about instituting such a rule," Massari said. "The single and only reason I am upset is there was no warning. He was always one to warn, this is out of character (for him) and totally irrational," Massari said. "I take personal responsibility in the lack of understanding my
Cheerleadersincreasesquad by Lorraine Lill
photoby LorraineLill
Junior MikeMassari ,seen here attempting a shot against Salisbury State University earlier this season, was deemed academically ineligible along with sophomores Dave Wissler and Mike Connor under Head Coach Jphn Dzik's higher academic standa_rds.
As the first semester came to a close the cheerleading squad declined in number to a mere six members due to school and work. On Jan. I 7, I 991 a tryout was held for anyone who was interested in becoming a cheerleader. Because it was in the middle of the season, the entire squad took part in deciding who made it and who did not. Having had fewer than five practices since the new members were choosen, the cheerleading squad performed in front of a home crowd last Saturday night. With enthusiasm and dedication, the squad looks strong and shows much potential.
The new members consist of juniors Jenn Arnholt and Kathy Mclane, and first-year-students Monica Thomas and Dana Caterson. Most of the new members have never been cheerleaders before. Since the squad was in need of people, they came out to show their support. "We did it because the squad was small and they needed help," McLane said. "We thought it would be better for the school." The response the old cheerleaders have given to the new members has been very positive. As of yet there has not been any major problems and the squad works together very closely. "When there are more of us we look better and we get the fans going more," Barb Millaway, junior, co-captain said. Coming in with the new cheerleaders are new cheers which will be a unique challenge for everyone.
Compared to the first practice, the new cheerleaders are beginning to understand the positions and how to chant the cheers. Millaway said, "People think it is easy until they try to do it." One thing that the cheerleaders should have that they do not have is gymnastics, but with gymnastics there would be the need for a coach. Without the training of a coach someone could get hurt. "We have to limit ourselves because we don't have the kind of guidence needed to help us learn the proper techniques to do flips and the more difficult pyramids," Denise Edwards, junior, co-captain said. Due to a lack of time, there is only so much the cheerleaders will be able to do this semester with the new squad. Although it has been a difficult year for the cheerleaders, they are happily looking forward to the rest of the season.
LadyCavs programsuffersfrom Murrayknee injury Scoreboard by Kimberly Marshall Usually the women Cavaliers sport many scrapes and bruises especially on their knees as a symbol of their demanding practices and games. Leading scorer, guard, Kathy Murray now has more than just scrapes to verify her excellent playing skills. Murray was recently injured during a game against Marywood College on Jan. 16. According to Head Coach Dan Welde, Murray was in the midst of changing direction when her foot got stuck in one position resulting in tom ligaments. According to Murray, she was guarding one of the women on the other team when she went to take a stride and her knee gave out. "We were all going for a rebound when Kathy fell down right near the basket and started screaming," sophomore Adrienne Bruce said. Murray received reconstructive surgery on Thursday, Jan. 24, at Bryn Mawr Hospital. She suffered from an anterior cruciated ligament and a medial collateral injury.
Murray also damaged 30 percent of the cartilage in her knee. The surgery removed the damaged anterior cruciate ligament and replaced it with a tendon from a donor bank at University of Pennsylvania. "The medial collateral injury will heal on its own," Murray said. Bill Lukasiewicz, athletic trainer, classified Murray's injury as a grade three knee
thigh muscles," Murray said. In three weeks Murray will begin therapy three times a week for about a year. "It's going to take a lot of hard work but I want to get back to the way I was," Murray said. Senior Barb Milligan suffered from a similar injury in December of last year. Milligan underwent her surgery on Feb. I, 1990, which will make today a year after sur-
'It is a tough injury for the team and for Kathy. We will move on but she has a lot of hard work ahead of her and we wish her the best.' -Dan Welde sprain, the worst kind. Lukasiweicz was not present at the Marywood game but believed it will require one year of rehabilitation. The doctors told Murray that it would be six months until she could become active with a brace on. Then depending on how strong it is after rehabilitation she can stop wearing the brace. "Right now I am doing leg lifts because they told me it is important to strengthen my
gery. According to Milligan, the only difference from her surgery and Murray's is the fact that her anterior cruciate ligament was replaced with a tendon from another part of he1 leg, not a donor bank. Milligan endured similar therapy. "By August Kathy should be able to run with a brace - so the leg doesn't hyperextend," Milligan said. Milligan was told to play with the brace on for at least a year.
"Some people have to play with it on for security but it doesn't bother me that much," Milligan said. "It is a tough injury for the team and for Kathy. We will move on but she has a lot of hard work ahead of her and we wish her the best,"Welde said. According to Welde, Murray has one of the most serious injuries around today. All of Murray's teammates agree that she is an awesome player. According to first-year player Suzanne Beck, it will be hard to make up what the team lost with Murray. "She was an all- around player," Beck said. "She could do everything. We won't only miss her shot but we'll miss her," firstyear player Kasey Eckman said.
IResults Men's Basketball 1/29
46 Cabrini
1/25 1/28
103 Cabrini 81 Cabrini
JV Basketball ManorJr. Cecil
96 79
Women's Basketball 1/26 1/29
48 Cabrini 67 Cabrini
Hunter Lincoln
59 51
Schedule Men's Basketball Sat. 2/2 Mon. 2/4 Wed. 21'5
Salisbury Eastern Frostburg
away 7:30pm away 8pm home7:30pm
JV Basketball Fri. 2/1 Mon. 2/4 Wed. 2/6
Ursinus Eastern Williamson
away 7pm away 6pm home5:30pm
Women's Basketball more MURRAY on 7
Sat. 2/2 Mon. 2/4 Wed. 2/6
Salisbury lmmac. Eastern
away 5:30pm away 7pm away 6pm