Feb. 08, 1991 Issue 15 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, feb. 8, 1991

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvii, no. 15

Fight at Xavier party "It was her idea that we go in the window," Pitino said. "It felt The Radnor Township Police strange, but I had never been to Department, in addition to Cabrini Cabrini. so I listened to her. We're College and Villanova University human beings, we're used to going officials, are investigating a fight through the front door." Pitino claimed he was trying to in the lower north wing of Xavier Hall on Fri., Feb. I between explain to Matthew Fannon about Matthew Fannon, the brother of Eriksen's condition, when Fannon Cabrini sophomore Mary Kate "took a swing at (me)." When Fannon, and Villanova sophomore other students became involved in Randal Pitino, 20, of Long Island, the incident, attempting to sepaNY. According to Pitino, no rate Pitino and Fannon, some of the charges have been filed as of press Villanova students left the scene through Regina's window, allegtime. A report issued by Radnor po- edly damaging the window blinds. The Cabrini security departlice states that the fight began after Pitino intervened between Mat- ment report states that $20 was thew Fannon and another Villa- taken from a wallet in room 143. nova student, Neils Eriksen, who Pitino said that he and his friends Fannon believed had been making had been accused of stealing the lewd gestures toward Mary Kate money by the Cabrini students, Fannon. "(Neils) has a nervous but that the police had found no condition," Pitino said. "He's evidence to support the accusaalways doing something like that." tion. The police statement makes Pitino said that he was invited to no mention..Gf any theft. Cathy Caulfield, director of a party in the 140 quad by Cabrini sophomore Barbara Regina, who resident life, said that she had not he had met earlier in the week. yet talked to Regina, who may face Accoring to the police statement disciplinary charges, and thus could and Pitino, Regina instructed Pit- not comment on the matter. Matino, Eriksen, and three other Villa- thew Fannon refused comment on nova students to enter Xavier the incident, and Mary Kate Fanthrough her room window instead non and Regina could not be reached for comment. of the front door. by Chris Pesotski

photo by Fran~ Emmerich

Approximately 150 people attended the BSA 's Black History Month Mass on Feb. 3 in the chapel. Sophomore Anna Rodriguez presented gifts at the Mass.

Faculty agree with Israeli restraint in Gulf conflict by J.P. Raynock Cabrini faculty members who have spent extensive time in Israel are supporting the nation's policy of not retaliating against Iraq in the Persian Gulf crisis. Gerald Satlow, associate professor of computer science~lived in Israel for 14 months, from June 1986 to August 1987. While there, he worked as a volunteer, teaching nursery school and tutoring math, computer science and English. He also taught English at the seventh-grade level for a semester, worked at a summer camp for Ethiopian immigrants, and worked as a correspondence secretary for an artists' colony and in a data processing unit. When asked about Israel's in-

volvement in the Persian Gulf, Satlow said, :•1 think the representatives of Israel that we have seen on television have expressed very articulately and accurately where Israel is at." Satlow went on to say that while Israel has always had a policy of retaliation to prevent other countries from attacking with impunity, they have always been very selective, choosing the time, the place and the form of retaliation. "It seems to me that they are acting consistent with that policy," Satlow said with regards to Israel's lack of retaliation up to this point. Satlow also said that he felt with such extreme provocation, Israel was showing great resraint in not retaliating, not only for Israel, but for any country. He said that any

How people first heard that war had broken out in the Persian



8ird11Scarborough ~Corp.

r,J~of Rod Little, USA TODAY

country which had been bombed would probably accept it as a declaration of a state of war. "It is a special restraint if you will," Satlow said, •'and personally, I think it is a very wise policy." Satlow went on to say that he felt that at this point in time, Israel would probably gain very little from retaliation, but would probably upset the pan-Arabian alliance with the U.S. When asked about Israel's feeling's towards the U.S. as their allies, Satlow said that the Israeli's regard America as a strong ally and that much of their social behavior, as well as their technology, is modeled on those of the U.S. However, Satlow said that "The Israeli's have always maintained a very strong sense of independence and have always made it quite clear that they do not want people to come help them." He went on to say that they have asked for equipment and training in the past, but that was so they could do the job themselves. "I think the Israelis will stay out of the war as long as possible," Sallow said, "and I think it would be to their serious detriment if they became active participants. Israel cannot afford to lose the manpower." Satlowwentonto say that he doesn't think there is anything Israel can do at this time that the U.S. and its allies are not already

Lackof support · ,:



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,.. -assistantiuW~--

~ties beforebecoaninl It.As."lassumedthe wont and . AJoecwithNeuman. senior I wuo•t let down."McNamee, RAs EddMcNamee andKevin a former Xavier RA. said. "It Koknar.as well as assistant exceeded my expectations." din,ctorofresidentlife, T.mny McNameesaid he wasbasseled Causley. resigned prior to the beginningof the semester. Koknar's resignation stems from bis pan-time academic status andthefac& tbat it would notbeeeonomtcafl)'~to remain · ~left her post in . _.. (II. A

at all hours of the night with knocks on thedoor. Hisscooter and Cllf were also vandalized. Neumanexpectedthe job to be challenging. but she was

confidentshe could band1ethe ttiess. Aftera wbile.Neuman ~. to dislih - positiaa. :lol1beeamedoi,og thiapI ...believe.-

more ISRAEL on 3

inside perspectives ..... ..... 2

What to buy your

O'Hare reaches

news ................ 3, 4, 5


another milestone

features .......... 6, 7, 8

(page 6)

(page 12)

sports .... 9, 10, 11, 12



friday, feb. 8 1 1991


ecji_t6rial.,. :.

view oint

Not only a black

Oppressionfelt by all


If an IQ test was administered to every student, faculty, and staff member, we would probably all fail miserably. We would definitely not be considered ''heavy,'' especially if the test was one that measured our understanding of the black culture today. Not many of us know that "heavy" can mean articulate and intelligent. Or, how many of us know that ''jams'' are records? Does it make a difference that we don't know a ''pimp'' is also a young marr who lies arnund all day? It does if we want to take a step closer to valuing, understanding and appreciating diversity. Each day we can make this effort, but it is made easier for us during Feb.' s black history month. All we have to do is to bring to life the new ideas we learn during it by incorporating them into our attitudes and actions. Each step we take must be one of action towards a commitment to make a difference instead of just tolerance. We can attend a lecture and movie, or simply talk to people of color ancj share what you have in common as well as how you are different. Diversity goes beyond CARET and BSA, in every activity and in every class we can dedicate our lives to maintaining a multicultural supportive environment. Each of us needs to take some time-and thought to assessing what level of awareness we are operating at. What did we learn about different races, men and women, or the disabled from the playgrounds and parents when we were children? How do they become the prejudices we harbor as adults? In this world, nine-tenths.of the population is people of color. Whites right now are the distinct minority. Yet, they are perceived as the group in power. It is when this power combines with prejudice that oppression is born. The powers of the world of today, however, may not be in control of the world of tomorrow. We may suddenly have to answer to those we have thought of as inferiororunhuman. Then who's worlfi is it? Will we be more willing to see it as all of ours and fight for equality? There are some things we have no say in. We do not have the choice to be Black, White, Asian, female etc. It's not our fault who we are, but we are part of the system and we can either help or perpetuate societal 'isms. We can't say, "It's not me," because oppression affects all of us. No matter what race or gender you are, if you have ever been spat on as a minority, the hurt feels the same.

denise edwards sports editor As we venture into what has been designated Black History month let us not think of it as just a label or a holiday along with Valentine's Day or President's day that occur in the month of Feb. Let us delve deep inside our inner-selves and make a conscious effort to try to better understand those different diversities around us. Black History month is a time for those of us who are not of color to attend a lecture, watch a movie, read a book, or just discuss with oth~rs a different race and ethnic background besides our own. To often we are only concerned with our "own kind" and the problems that only effect our daily existence; not what the person next to us is feeling and experiencing. By talcing time to look outside of our normal surroundings it can be amazing what can be seen, experienced and learned. We must keep in mind though that blacks have not been the only ones oppressed. Since the beginning their has always been a group shunned upon. The Romans shunned the Christains, The Jews and the Holocaust, the Irish coming to the new world being thought of as lowly, useless alcoholics. Oppression has touched one race or religion or ethnic group throughout history. I'm not saying that this should be a grand excuse for those who oppress others but rather be a time to reflect upon how all of these people have risen above their oppressions in one form or another. What has brought groups out of oppression was the realization others made of learning to value, understand and appreciate their diversities. Just think of the young child, a toddler, not yet able to really notice differences. They will play and share with children very

different from themselves. They never see the color difference in the skin or know about their religion orethnic backgrounds. They look at one another for what they really are, an individual their own age who wants to play and share, they take things at face value. By taking some time this month to learn something about black history you are helping lessen the oppression that they have felt at one time or another in their lives. They have come a long way from the bus protests and marches with Dr. Martin Luther King at the lead. But still much more can and should be done. We now have laws for equal rights, not just for blacks, but for women, handicapped, all types of people so everyone can and will be treated as equals. I never fully realized how much of an impact our society having an awareness of diversities would have on my life. Personally, coming from an area of little to no deviations in race or ethnicity, college was the key I 'used to open the door to my beginning of understanding the great many differences in people's lives. I was theonlyp.enon from my school and my area I knew who was coming to Cabrini. I was excited about meeting new people and nervous at the same time. I met many wonderful individuals and became close friends to some very different than myself. One person in particular had a lasting impression on me and was a key in my growth of accepting and realizing diversity. He taught me an awful lot about his race and how he viewed life. It was interesting to find someone who seemed to be so unlike me from the outside but actually was a lot like me on the inside. My dreams, thoughts and aspirations for the future of the world were very much like his. It was a special bond which few could understand. To others we appeared so extremely different. That year I not only learned about others but I learned about myself. That's one of the most interesting aspects about diversity, being aware of not just the differences you have with others but also the similarities.



lNSTRUCTIONS ... Source: Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies survey of 759 black people taken Sept. 1•Oct. 3

No opinion/other

S°/4 Elys McLean-Ibrahim,USA TODAY

Editor•in•ch1ef: Carlo Iacono

Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich

Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison

Assistant Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley

News Editor: Chris Pesotski

Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie

SeniorAssociate News Editor: Melissa Landsmann

Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek

Assistant News Editors: Rita Cellucci, Kimberly Keck, Dawn Timbario and Missy von Siegel

Staff: Karen Dumomey, William Fulton, John Gay, Matt Hodlofsk,. Kimberty Leblang. Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Jennifer Melchiorre, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciolla.

Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspectives Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall


Photography Staf: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, John Gay, Mark Gudas. K,m ~01eski, Edd McNarnee, Jud, Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Chartes Watertall.

Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda, Lorraine MarieLill and Charles Watertall

Loqultur 1spublished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor, PA t9087. Phone: 215-97H!412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is induded in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees.

$por1s Editor: Denise Edwards Assistant Spans Editor: Robert Healey

The editorials and opinions published in Loqu,tur are the views of the student edltorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administralion.

Copy Edlt9rs: Andrea Atmonavage and William A. Fulton Business Managers: Kim Marshall and Michelle Merger

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibrted. robust. free and open discussion of


Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the outhO<Ship known to the editors. However, If the writer wishes, and the editor agrees. the writer's name may be left off the letter upon pubN· cation and on inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space. theeditormoyedrtorcondense1t. Letterstotheedltorshould besubmltted by noon on ;"" Mondays • c_J





updates Campus Senior 100 Nights Party will be held on Fri., Feb. 8, from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the WCGA. Seniors only welcome from 9 to 11 p.m. and all are welcome from 11 p.m. to I a.m. Beer, food, and dj. Admission is $3. If you would like to help out with Spring Fling Weekend, there will be a meeting Thurs., Feb 7, at 8 p.m. in the SGA office. All are welcome. For more infonnation, contact Jen Morrison in the SGA office. Sign up for the Tropical Swim Gala on Fri., Feb. 8, in student services. The van leaves at I p.m. Sun., Feb I 0, and returns at 5 p.m. The cost is $5 for the swim and the van ride and includes Carribean music, tropical drinks, fruits and other surprises. The swim will be held at Suburban Swim Club in Newtown Square. Don't forget a swimsuit and towel! Dan Schwarz and Andy Mcllroy are sponsoring a discussion of the war situation focusing on student concerns on Tues., Feb. 12, at House 3 at 7 p.m.

Ash Wednesday liturgies will be held Wed., Feb. 13, at 12 p.m. and 6 p.m. in the chapel. All are welcome. Sister Evelyn Mattern will be speaking on "How to make peace in the midst of war" on Thurs., Feb. 14, from 12:30 to l :45 p.m. in WCLH. Sister recently returned from Jordan and Iraq where she listened to and spoke to the people including high government officials and students in Baghdad. For additional infonnation, call ext. 8330. All are welcome. Admission is free.

Tyson Price will speak on "The Responsibilities of the African-American College Student" on Sat., Feb. 16, in the WCLH. The lecture is open to the public and admission is free. Focus on the Future, a program of the Arcdiocese of Philadelphia which shows inner city students what college life is about, will hold its opening ceremony on Fri., Feb. 8, from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Dr. Jack McGovern, director of graduate studies, will give the keynote address. "When Cultures Meet" seminar will meet on Sun., Feb. 17, in Xavier Great Room from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Laureen Finley, guest speaker, will provide an opportunity to participate in a group experience involving cultural issues of ~ values, attitudes, and beliefs of self and others. Work and learn together in this multi-cultural setting. Admission is free and it is open to the public. There will be a career fair at Rosement College for part-time, summer and pennanent employment on Tues., Feb. 19, from I to 4 p.m. For more information, contact career services. The Theater department is planning an exclusive field trip for a special performance of Play It As It Lies at the Walnut Street Theater on the evening of Feb. 2J. Following the performance the author, director and actors will meet with students to discuss any and all aspects of the play. Space is limited so call the theater department at 971-8510 for reservations and for further information. The special ticket price ir. $5 and students, faculty, and staff are welcome for this special performance given in one of the Walnut's private studio theater.

Order your yearbook now! Order the 1991 Woodcrest Yearbook, at $35, and Video Yearbook, at $17, by Fri., Feb. 22. Send orders to box #369. Campus Ministry is sponsoring a liturgy survey beginning Sun., Feb. 10, at the masses. The survey will be distributed campus-wide. If you need tutoring in any subject, stop by the CARe Center in the Rooyman Center to schedule an appointment or to pick up a schedule of available tutors. Tutoring is offered free to students.

Send a message of love in the Loquitur! This Valentine's Day let a secret admirer, friend, lover, and/or special person know your true feelings by dropping them a line in the Section of Love. This special offer is only $1 a line ( 15 words). Send your message and money to: Michelle Merger c/o Lo4uitur by Fri., Feb. 8 so your loved one will see the message when the paper comes out on Thursday night. Need some money for Spring Break? The senior class is holding a 50-50 raffle. Tickets will go on sale Wed., Feb. 13. The drawing will be held in the cafeteria during dinner on Wed., Feb. 27. For more infonnation, contact Anna Zawodniak. Senior portraits will be taken on Feb. 7, 8 and 11. Stop by student services to sign up for a time or contact Felicia Falcone for more infonnation. Send a Valentine to the troops! Many of our troops stationed in the Middle East will receive valentines, but don't forget those who won't. Address a card to: Any Service Member, Operation Desert Storm, APO New York 09848-0006 (for land-based units) or 09866-0006 (for Naval Units or Marines serving on ships). Postage is the same as for a card in the States. The troops can send letters for free, so be sure to include your name and address.


friday, feb. 8 1 1991

securit}t]report Security incidents as reported by security office from 1/29 through 2/4/'J I

Personal Property Damage 1/29-1 p.m.-Reported damage to a painting belonging to a faculty member. The painting was part of an exhibit on the second floor of the library. The frame, glass, and wire of the painting were broken. Automobile Accident 1/30-8:40 a.m.-Two students from House 7 were involved in an accident which occurred in the parking lot of the house. No personal injury reported. One of the vehicles was damaged with an estimated cost of $420. Theft, Criminal Mischief, and Assault 2/1-10:10 p.m.-Students from Villanova University entered and exited the lower north section of Xavier Hall by surreptitious means. Are suspected of causing property damage in one of the quad rooms and procuring money by theft. One of the students is also suspecte·d of assaulting the brother of a Cabrini student. ntegal Parties 2/2-10:00 p.m.-Two illegal parties discovered in the lower south section of Xavier Hall involving approximately 30 people. Both parties were broken up by security and the RA on duty.

moreTURNOVER from1 Schwartz, director of the counseling center, said, "It depends on the individual student and if they are up to the challenge. They have to create boundaries for themselves and be helpful to a point." The new staff is still making adjustments and getting a feel for their positions. Joe Hvizdos, senior and newly-appointed RA in Xavier, took over McNamee's job. He said there have been no significant problems in the donn since the beginning of this semester. This is a big change from last year when restrictions were placed on Xavier to end the acts of vandalism and disrespectplaguing the resident hall. Hvizdos said he knew from hear-say what the situation was in Xavier but he took the post with an open mind and gets along well with the residents on his floor. "I'm here for them as much as they' re here for me. We' re a team." Jeff Hines, senior and RA of Xavier, chose to stay in his position rather than resign. "Nothing conflicted with my personal life. Things were bad but they've calmed down," Hines said. Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, worked closely to train the new RAs who assumed their posts late last semester or at the beginning of the spring tenn. She said


they are making a good transition and the turnover could be attributed to fuctioning in a daily routine. "Being an RA is your'1it"estyle," Caulfield said. "You have to live where you work so it makes it hard." The new RAs this semester applied for their jobs last year and were put on an alternate list in case a current RA decided to leave the post. Chris Callinan, senior, is the new RA in House 3. Also joining the staff is Christine Meyers, junior and RA of Woodcrest. In the resident life office, Marianne DeFruscio, a fonner Cabrini student, took over the position of assistant director of resident life. Neuman and McNamee felt they received no support from the resident life staff. Others like Mary Shimkus.junior and RA of Woodcrest, said she didn't know what to expect when she began working with the last semester. "I like the people I work with," Shimkus said. She relies, though, more on fellow RAs for advice than the resident life administration. According to Woodcrest RA Lisa Lindley, the position of RA has its good and bad days, but as Lindley said, "You have to have a sense of humor when you take this positon."

more ISRAEL from-1 doing. Satlow has friends in Israel and said he had been in touch with them since the war began. "The war has been a very disruptive influence," Satlow said "Students were home from school for a week, and I suspect that most industry has ground to a halt." Sallow said that people are back at work now, but not much is getting done. He also said that everyone is required to carry a gas mask at all times or be subject to fine. Sat low also feels that once the war is over alliances are going to shift in the Middle East. "I don't know if the Arab-Israeli question will be solved." Satlow said.He also said that now the Israelis have to worry about long range missile attacks, rather than just the conventional ground attacks and terrorism. Catherine Yungmann, an English/Communications instructor, has been to Israel four times. In 1972, she spent six months at the University of Tel Aviv, and in 1979 she visited relatives in Haifa, one of the Israeli cities recently attacked by Scud missiles. Yungmann also agrees with the current Israeli policy of not retaliating. She feels

that if Israel retaliates, all its neighbors will attack it, causing a war on all fronts. "The longer Israel can hold off, the better off they are."


Yungmann said that she has a lot of family in Israel. "My grandparents' family, after the Holocaust, halfof them came to the United States with my father, and the other half went to Israel." Yungmann said that most of them live in Haifa,andsomelive in Tel Aviv. Yungmann said she has been in touch with them since the bombings and that they are all right. None of the missiles hit near her family, but thesectionofTel Aviv that was bombed was where Yungmann lived in 1972. "You have to understand that they have lived under a constant state of war for their entire lives, so for them this is just a continuation of the state of war," Yungmann said, but went on to say that the bombings and the need for gas masks and sealed rooms have really upset the children.



f riday, feb. 8, 1991



89.1 FM WYBF

DJ SHIFTS (These DJ's can be heard on 650 AM until our FM debut)




~2-2 pm



Diedra and Corrine



Judi Panaslk


Jim R. : Request Lunch

Sara Krauss


Joe Stelaclo


Marla Watson


Tara Tarutla


Brian Marcz:yk


Felicla and Jacqui

p2-3 am

Tara and Mlchele


3-6 am

Anne Marie Karlson


Bellnda and Steve





I i

7-9 am

Ace, Goose and Conrad Kathleen



STAFF ASSISTANT- The Main Line Chamber of Commerce, is located in Wayne, is seeking a part-time staff assistant. The position involves public contact, secretarial and organizational skills. 10-15 hr/wk, MF, between 9-5, $6.00/hr. Contact:Linda O'Keefe at the Chamber Office,687-6232. CLERICAL ASSISTANT- The Chapman Agency needs a responsible, organized person needed for clerical asst. prior computer and calculator experience helpful. Flexible hours between 9-5, approx. 20 hr/ wk. Salary depends on prior experience. Call Gloria at 337-1171.

WORK-GRANT/WORK-STUDYStudents needed to work in Student Services, Resident Life, modeling for Gary Armstrong, Faculty Secretaries, or Countinuing Ed. on campus.

POSITION AVAILABLE- Part-time, skills: computer (Lotus, etc.), basic accounting knowledge, willingness to perform office duties. Contact Gail Martin, Lincoln Mortage Comp. 885-4161 ext. 227 PART-TIME- Costumer service rep. Crt data input and look-up. Light typing Mori. Wed. and Fri. 5-9pm every other Sat. 12-4pm ($7.00/hr) contact Brian Fuhrmeister 962-8120 PERMANENT POSITION- part-time now, full-time summer. Flexible hrs. Clerical work. Clearfield Energy located in Radnor Corp. Center 293-041O OPENING- Sheraton Valley Forge, Lily Landtrey's Dinner theatre. Full-time 85, ($6-$7/hr.) typing, work well with others. Contact personal dept. 337-2000 or apply in person.

NEEDED- Insurance clerk. Mon.-Fri., day1ime hrs., part-time(20hrs./wk.) Responsible for billing, processing. Exper. helpful. $10.001hr.benefits: trans. to train station, employee


7-9 am

JP and Lisa

9- 11

Jim Kunf

11 - 1

Cathy D : Request Lunch


Request Lunch


Steve and Brendan


Fab Four Flashback


Tara Monte


Tim Welsh - Blues Friday


Matt Forman


Tara Kegal


Karen and Cathy


Jenny Igoe


Tito Cantaflo


Dan Francia

Phone-in-Forum I

PART-TIME HELP- Executive secretary for Paoli Law firm. Organizational skills needed, word processing skills required. Flexible hours. Medical or scientific baci<ground helpful. This job offers growth potential.





GROUNDS/LANDSCAPE POSITIONS- Two openings available: regular full-time, hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-4:00pm; Temporary fulltime(April to October) hours flexible. Duties include operating vehicles and equipment, maintenance of grounds, use of hand power tools, must have valid PA drivers license. Salary range: $7.50 to $9.00/hr. Call Rebecca Rose at 526-7000.

Italian Duo

11 • 1


11 • 1

HUMAN RESOURCE POSITION- PIT, flexible hrs. (prefer mornings). 15 hrs./ wk. PC knowledge, working skills. Starts immediately Susan Pentek 254-0249. Enterprising Interns ,n Devon.


7-9 AM Ace, Goose and Conrad

Mary Jane Inman


RECEPTIONIST- The Aluminum Athletic Equipment Co. part-time or full-time, flexible days and hours. Contact: Mr.Driscoll at 825-6565.


SALES- Sears is looking for candidates to work part-time(up to 35 hrs.) as a commission salesperson. Mostly interested in hiring women and minorities but will accept all qualified job applicants. Contact the Personnel Dept. at 926-6456.

WANTED- Accounting major, accounting clerk B. $6.27/hr. part-time, temporary (6 month min.) 15-20hrs./wk., flexible, between 9-5. Commodore Semiconductor Group. Julie Casas 666-2541.

SCHOLARSHIPS- The Philiadelphia chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants is awarding 2 scholarships of $750 to full or part-time undergraduate students persuing a major in accounting. Deadline is April 30, 1991.

The National Right to Work Committee is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline.

The Main Line Chapter of the American Business Women's Assoc. is accepting applications for their scholarship given to a women seeking a business or professional career and has reached sophomore classification. Deadline is March 31, 1991.

The College and Univeraity Public Relations Assoc. is offering a $1,000 scholarship to Minorities in Communications. Deadline Feb.22, 1991.

OPENINGSears Business Center (Bala Cynwyd). Sales support person/executive ast. light secretarial duties. $9.00/hr. 35hrs./ wk. (No weekends) contact Mrs. Evans 6682600. OFFICE POSITION- The Holding Compnay. Costumer service. Clerical and data entry work. Mon. & Fri. (5-Bpm) $6.00/hr. Cathy 287-8010

NEEDED- Local student to assist in Paoli office. 2-3 days/wk., 2-4 hrs./day parttime for summer and school vacations. Salary negotiable. Starts immediately. Dr. Barrie Cassileth 296-5733 or 2969651. LIVE-IN COMPANION- Someone needed for an elderly woman writer. Free room and board. Private bath, no duties except being in the house during the evening hours. Must have own transportation. Call 459-3327. ·

OPPORTUNITY- The Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation Dept. is seeking enthusiastic and creative students to staff their summer programs. For more information call Karen Schick at 277-4312.


J 0 B

.s Q

u A D



friday, feb. 8, 1991


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friday, feb. 8, 1991


Recovering alcoholic shares her experiences by Matt Hodlofski Have you ever known anyone to drink alcohol to excess? Sure you have. Due you consider them to be alcoholics? Sure you don't. But how do you really know? Lisa Martelli, House 4 R.A., and a few other females on this campus were invited to a Women to Women's Workshop sponsored by the Junior League of Philadelphia midsemester, and came back with a great idea for a 'program on campus. One of the speakers at this workshop was a woman named "Kate". "Kate" is a 21 yearoldcollege student who is a recovering alcoholic. "She is most pertinent to our age group. Being a peer we can relate to her because we have had similar experiences as her," Martelli said. "Kate", who started drinking at the age of 13 or 14 started her presentation with saying, "I am the alcoholic in the room." "Kate", who opted to use an assumed name, has one tool for staying away from alcohol now. "I speak so I can_stay sober," she said. She sat on the step inside House 4 and spoke to an audience of about 15 people or so. ''I speak so I can remember where (alcohol) it took me," "Kate" said. "Kate" went to an all girls high school and worked hard on her school work all week long but felt she deserved to have a good time on the weekends. I worked extra hard in school so no one would know I had a problem, "Kate" said.

My dad was an alcoholic but when I was growing up I used to think all·dads drank that way, "Kate'' said. Upon graduation of high school "Kate" got accepted to 14 different colleges but

away from here (Philadelphia area) it would help me, "Kate" said. When "Kate" got to New Orleans she worked hard on staying away from the liquor, but developed another problem. I

photo by Mark Gudas

Left to right, Matt Hodlofski, Andy Mac 1/roy,Sharon Kourt, April Du Hadaway and Christina Rudden gather to listen to a lecture by "Kate" a recovering alcoholic. The lecture was sponsored by medical assistant Trish Renz last Tuesday night in House 4. narrowed it down to two different places, University of Southern California and Loyola, which is in New Orleans. I never visited USC and I felt if I got

started smoking pot, which lasted about a month, "Kate" said. Then she realized that wasn't doing any good and started doing other things to excess.

If I had a cold I would drink cough medicine straight out of the bottle or take three or four sleeping piUs a night, "Kate" said. In the middle of the conversation "Kate" expressed to the group that she was not trying to stop anyone from drinking. Although "Kate" came from Alcoholics Anonymous she told the group the things she was talking about were personal experiences and not the feelings of AA. "Kate" tried many different things to cope with her problem. In grade school she was voted "Most likely to become a Psychologist". So one way she would try to cope would be to go out with boys who would also have problems. Then she would work hartl in trying to help the boy she was with, instead of trying to help herself. When she finally realized she had a problem, she went to tell her mom and dad and received a strange response from her dad. "He said it was O.K. Just go to meetings, "Kate" said. On the other hand my mom told me to go to rehab. I was pouring out my guts and neither of them understood the situation. "Kate" finally went to a place called "Chit Chat" which is in Reading and learned one thing about drinking. "They said to me if I choose to drink again one of three things will happen to me. I would either go to jail, a mental institution or die," she said. ''Kate'' has been sober for two years now as of Jan. 12th.

For vour Valentine: '

Candy, red roses Snd a ·kiss

by Rita S. Cellucci Hearts everywhere. Red and white everywhere. On keychains, barrettes, T-shirts, soccer balls, yo-yos, stuffed animals, paper plates, wrapping paper, cards, candy, balloons, earrings, erasers, mugs. There are even crystal hearts and porcelain hearts. Walk into any mall, gift shop, or flower shop and you are destined to find these hearts on just about anything to give to that special someone for Valentine's Day. Matthew's Hallmark in the Plaza has these gifts for under $20. Ceila Gallo, a sophomore, has worked at Matthew's since high school. "These gifts are great. You get a laugh out of them," Gallo said. And, of course

they have cards. Funny cards, romantic cards, funny romantic cards. The favorite card this year are giant-sized ones that go up to your waist. If your head is in the clouds, stop by Gail's Floral andGift Creations in Wynnewood. "Our specialty this year are balloons that look like hot air balloons. They can be filled with flowers, candy, and stuffed animals, whatever you want in the balloon," owner Gail Gondek said. Prices start at about $35 and up, up, and away, depending on what you want. "Instead of a dozen roses, you can get this for cheaper and it lasts longer,'' Gondek said. If traditional is more your style, flowers


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are the answer. "Red roses are still the favorite,' ' according to Cowan' s Flowers, located in Wayne.

'I plan to buy flowers and candy because· they are traditional gifts and I am a traditional guy. All I want is a peck on the cheek.' -Brad Millaway, senior Price stems at $60 for a dozen. But more and more people are starting to branch out into pink and white roses as well. ''There are those practical people that buy plants to signify their long-lasting love," owner Charles Cowan said. Gail's is offering a discount to Cabrini students showing I.D if they wish to purchase a dozen red roses for $44.99. What are students planning to buy? Suzanne Marotta, sophomore, plans to buy for her boyfriend, fellow sophomore, Chris Thompson. "I'll buy him a card, candy, and one red rose,'' Marotta said. Monica Rightnour, junior, said she and her boyfriend will go out to dinner. "Valentine's allows us to make time to be together. After three years, Valentine's has more meaning,'' Rightnour said. "I plan to buy flowers and candy because they are traditional gifts and I am a traditional guy," Senior Brad Milla way said, '' All I want is a peck on the cheek.'' Senior foes Bolufer-Laurentie likes Valentine's Day, but she said she always shows how she feels about someone every day of the year. ''This year, we will spend a quiet


626-HELP "My friendstoldme, 'Ifyou haveto go anywhere, go to Amnion'."

night together," Laurentie said. Dr. Romano, philosophy professor, sees Valentine's as a shared celebration. "Val-

entine's intensifies as you get older," Romano said. Dr. Romano calls Valentine's Day a '' Hallmark Holiday'' because of how commercialized it is, however he said you don't have to fall in the trap. Ray Larkin, first-year student, said it is a holiday for women and men but women take it more seriously. Larkin 's ideal holiday is to give a girl a red rose waiting for her at every class that day, and then at the end he would give her a dozen red roses. What would he like to receive? "If it really surprises me, it can be anything. It's the thought that counts," Larkin said. Joe Hvizdos, senior, is planning something "we can both enjoy." We, is Joe and his girlfriend, Melissa Landsmann. The ideal Valentine's is to get away from school. "That would be the best," Hvizdos sad. Mark Feb. 14 on your calendars and no matter what you buy, say it with "I Love You." P.S. Don't forget to buy something for me.




friday, feb. 8, 1991

LoVe:not always a pOem in a Hallmark Card an opinion by Lorraine Marie Lill

some of the problems that others are having. Some would call me a sucker. I would not There was a knock at my door. When I call myself that, because I would not be like opened the door she was standing there with this to just anyone. I am like this to the tears racing down her face. I knew what walo person I can call my true friend. wrong. I threw a smile at her and gave her a My friend has gone through many trials in hug with the hopes of taking some of her her life. I have always felt that she was pain away. strong. She handles so much, yet this one She is a beautiful woman with a great particular person can tangle her up into thoupersonality. I cannot believe that her life is sand of knots so tightly that she becomes falling apart right in front of her face. She unable to move. When she does move, has to have more strength left inside of her. apparently, it is always the wrong way. How can she be like this? I cannot imagine how life would be Love is a wonderful emotion felt by having to watch every word that I say. ·1 humans. One would never think of love as would never take the abuse of a man telling being a disease. It usually does not begin that me how childlike I am. way, but sometimes it ends that way. The strength that one obtains throughout I have a friend who has this disease. I call life can only last for a short time. One has to it obsession! The scary part is that she calls refill that strength when it begins to become it obsession, too. low. If that strength is not renewed, then Have you ever been a real friend to one's entire body begins to let go, mentally someone? If you have, then you know that and physically. this job is not an easy one. When the phone She called me the other night because she rings you have to be ready to jump. Espe- needed to talk. She told me her story, the cially when your friend needs you as much as same story I hear every time she goes out my friend needs me now. with him. There was one difference between I possess the infamous shoulder to cry on. this story and the other stories. This time I I have the ear that is always available to was the one who began to cry. listen. I am the one that helps to take away I have been her ob~tacle to lean on for a

long time now. I am beginning to become weak. Her unbalanced world is taking hold of me and I am hurting. I am terrified of what is happening to her life. She has a family that loves her, friends that will give their lives for her and a

The strength that one obtains throughout life can only last ·tor a short time. One has to refill that strength when it begins to become low. boyfriend who mentally abuses her. She knows what is good for her, but she chooses what is bad. Everytime we speak she tells me the solution to her problem. She never follows through with i't. Mentally she is so confused that she is convinced that she will lose her mind if she lets go of him. Which choice is worse? I have told her that I will spend every free moment with her just so that she wi-Jlnot be alone when the time comes to deal with her

emotions. When love turns into a disease the only medicine available tq cure this mentally draining sickness is time. The time that keeps ticking away. Every moment that she stays with him is one more moment wasted in her life. The rare beautiful days tfiey spend together is the dream she keeps telling herself is reality. But reality is that a few good days out of the hundreds of bad days are worth nothing_ when it comes to her happiness. I could smack her in the face with all the truth of their relationship, but it will not do any good. She is the only one in this world that can help. So far I have been around to catch her when she began to fall. But what will happen that day when I am not there? Will she catch herself or will she fall thousand of feet and crash into the cold lonely earth? This story is almost like trying to keep a match lit when the wind , is blowing violently. I can stand by her and convince her to do what is right, but my words will not do anything. She has to take control. Just like that match, it is hard to keep the flame alive, when the~nd is blowing in your face!

'Hamlet': a Shakespearean classic comes to film by Joseph Buda Imagine being at a movie theatre. Imagine the aroma of fresh popped com with tons of butter on top. Picture the vast theatre with people crowding in to see the feature presentation. Picture the m<?viescreen as the film begins. Suddenly a lucid hole opens in the middle of the screen and you are sucked into it. You close your eyes for a brief second and open them up, seeing that you are now in Elsinore, Denmark. The Queen is Gertrude, the Prince is Hamlet, and their lives are all that matter now .. Few films have the power to draw the viewer in totally without a thought for anything else than the lives of those in the movie. Hamlet is one of the few. The newest version of Hamlet stars Mel Gibson, as Hamlet, and Glenn Close, as Hamlet's mother. It is a powerful and vivid interpretation of William Shakespeare's play about a prince who_has to deal with the murderofhis father and his mother's marriage to the murderer soon after the death. It's power and vividness are drawn from several areas. Gibson played Hamlet as Mozart composed music. He managed to bring the many levels of Hamlet together smoothly, flawlessly and, most importantly, believably. Most notable was Gibson portraying a Hamlet who was pretending to be "mad." What was especially nice about this was it was not as fake as the acting in most movies that attempt acting within acting. Gibson portrayed this side of Hamlet as though it was a nuance toward madness in his personality. Another notable performance from Gibson came when Hamlet ultimately realized that he would have to take action, instead of just thinking about it. This sudden realization, as played by Gibson, was strong and full of life.

The only aspect of this play that was wrong was that Glenn Close stole the show. Close brought levels and nuances to Hamlet's mother that I have yetto see in any other production, including the Olivier version. It was engrossing, as well as fun, to watch the many sides of Gertrude (Hamlet's mother) as played by Close. For the first time, this part was neither overacted, nor underacted. Close, also for the first time that I have seen, brought real life to Gertrude, and for that, she deserves an Oscar. One is given the treat of not only seeing Gertrude alive and full of vigor, but also of seeing Gertrude in deep despair and agony. Close portrays these two sides of the same woman with conviction. Most notable was her performance in the beginning when she was grieving for her deceased husband. Her face was lying on her deceased husband in the coffin and she was crying, suddenly she looked up at her soon to be new husband and froze. The mixture of emotions she felt in thfs scene shined through. One could tell what she was feeling, due to the precision of acting on Close's part. One could tell Gertrude was feeling total despair, yet when she saw her future husband, she felt a little better just knowing there was someone there she could lean upon. One just knew that she would become

addicted to his shoulder to cry on and eventually fall in Jove with this man, even though she did not know that herself. Close was able to portray this because her acting was genuine. The foreshadowing and symbolism also made this movie memorable. ~e example of this was when Ophelia went mad. The weather was bright and sunny when Ophelia's father was still alive. After Hamlet killed her father, the weather turned bleak. This bleak weather symbolically expressed the tragedy which had befallen. Ophelia's clean dress became muddy after her father died. She was running around the top of the castle in the rain and singing to herself. This foreshadowed her death by drowning in a muddy pond. One of the reasons that I enjoyed this movie so much was the costumes. Unlike some other Shakespeare plays I have seen, the costumes did not seem like costumes. The costumes were simple, and yet were still regal. They seemed more like an extension of the characters personalities, than just garments used to enhance the feeling of setting. Another aspect of Hamlet which allows it to be a better tale than anything else out in the theatres is that Hamlet is 145 minutes long, and most movies are only 90 minutes. This . is significant because it allows a greater depth of characters, and someone

gets to stay with cared-about characters longer. To see or not to see? There is no question when it comes to Hamlet; if you miss it, it is your Joss.

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friday, feb. 8, 1991


Persian Gulf evokes fears of _a draft·by students by Joseph Buda "The need for a draft is a catch-22," Dr. Jack McGovern. director of graduate studies, said. ''The only time it is needed is when national security is threatened, but when that happens you really do not need it because people will enlist." As the January 15 deadline came into view and the possiblility of another war · came into reality, people considered another possibility, one which might not have received much thought since Vietnam - the possibility of another draft. ''I never really thought about it much before the Persian Gulf situation,'' one senior, who wished to remain anonymous, said. "I'd be upset about it, but if they have to reinstate the draft, I only hope it is really necessary.'' Lea Brundin, junior, thought that if it becomes necessary it should be done, but she would rather see the armed forces call for volunteers first. Sophomore Sara Krauss said, "The draft is something I did not think about before the war. I cannot see a war being a solution to problems. I think the draft should be done on a voluntary basis if you must resort to that."

Alexandra Napoleon, sophomore, said. ''I do not believe in the draft; I feel it goes against our rights. No one should be forced into a life or death situation fike war. I

would probably go voluntarily first to do their part.'' Obrecht said. "I'm opposed to thedraftinwar.or peace time," Brian Marczyk, sophomore, said,

'The draft is something I did not think about before the war. I cannot see a war being a solution to problems. I think the draft should be done on a voluntary basis if you must resort to that.' -Sara Krauss, sophomore

personally do not believe in war.'' ''If I were drafted, I wouldn't go. I would tell them no." Napoleon added, "I wouldn't try to leave the country or try to hide, I would just tell them no. I really couldn't kill." Chris Brittain, junior, and Kevin Obrecht, part-time student, said that if a draft was really needed, they would enlist before being drafted. "If it was really serious, everybody

''In my opinion, if there is a real threat to national security, people will go. I would no~ want to be part of a forced army.'' "I would not go if I were drafted for a wide variety ofreasons," Marczyk said. "I feel the President made the decision to go to war several months ago and the peace process was a joke." "If it happened somewhere else, like Chad or Burma, where there weren't any

monetary interests or any oil in the ground. we wouldn't have over four hundred thousand troops over there.· ' Marczyk said. '• If the war should last over three months, "Joan Falcone, library staff member, said, ''I would be in favor of the draft, but not until then or during peace time.'' Anne Schweim, librarian, agreed, "The draft is a necessary evil during times of war. It is very honorable to do your duty." "As was said duringtheCivilWar, 'duty is man's, the consequences are God's.' " Schweim added. "I'm a pacifist at heart but I also believe it is important to show support for our troops overseas." Susan Dumoia, sophomore, said. "I would like to see peace, but the draft should be treated as a last resort.'' According to McGovern, he was drafted and trained to fight in Vietnam in 1966 but was never sent. He served two years in the army. "I'm against the draft; I think it makes war fairly easy." McGovern said. "I think itshouldonlybein place when thecountry's national security is threatened, like World War II, not Korea, not Vietnam, and not the Persian Gulf."

'Awakenings,' and Williams' portrayal stirs the viewer's heart and mind '

by Lisa Lindley Whatever happened to the days when comedians starred in comedies? When a Robin Williams movie meant a few hours of spontaneous laughter, not days of thought-provoking conversations. Who would have thought that a movie full of long-time comedic minds could be so heartfelt and sobering? In "Awakenings", a true story set in the summer of 1969, Robin Williams portrays Dr. Malcolm Sayer. Sayer, who spent most of his adult life in the lab studying worms and avoiding people, reluctantly takes a job as a neurological at New York's Bainbridge Hospital. As Sayer begins his first day on the job at this hospital for the mentally ill, it seems the only fresh air he can find is from a window that sticks and from nurse Ellenor Castello, portrayed by Julie Kavner. Sayer begins to work with a group of patients that are in a state of catatonia due to a severe case of encephalitis. The only thing that seems to even remotely begin to reach Sayer's patients is certain types of music or the touch of another human being. When an experimental drug called LOOPA is introduced to help combat Parkinson's disease, Sayer desires to try it on his group of post-encephalitic patients. He is given permission to experiment on one patient. Sayer chooses Leonard Lowell, played by Robert Di Nero. Ironically, as Sayer gives life to Leonard, Leonard gives life to Sayer. Leonard also reminds the audience that,

"human spirit is more powerful than any drug" and that "work, friendship, play, and family- these are the things that matter." Robert Di Nero is Leonard Lowell. This man's ability as an actor is continually amazing. His understanding and insight into the characters in which he portrays is incredible. Robin Williams who kept us laughing as Mork from Ork, displays his unexpected talent as a serious actor. Williams first exhibited his serious side in the box office hit, "Dead Poet's Society". It seems that whatever Robin Williams attempts, he is successful. Julie Kavner gives a terrific supporting performance. Kavner, who thrilled television audiences for years as Rhoda Morgenstem' s younger siste'r Brenda, is an established comediene. After performing on the Tracy Ulman Show, Kavner went on to star in one of America's hottest television comedies- well, sort of. Actually, it is her voice that has made her so popular. Kavner can be heard every Thursday evening as the voice of Marge Simpson. "Awakenings" was directed by Penny Marshall who was best known as an actress in her role as Shirley's roommate Laverne Dafazio. MarshaJI adds this to her directing credits which indude the smash movie, "Big". "Awakenings" will leave you to ask the modified age old question, "Is it better to have lived and lost than to have never lived at all?" The answer will not come easily.

Messages of love in the LOQUITUR! This Valentines Day let a secret admirer, friend, lover, and/or special person know your true feelings by dropping them a line in

LOQUITUR'SVALENTINE'S SECTION OF LOVE! This special offer is only $1.00 a line (15 words). Depending on the amount of lines, send your message and money to: MICHELLE MERGER c/o LOQUITUR or BOX379 Messages must be received by Friday, February 8, 1991 to make publication deadline!

So express yourself this Valentine's Day in the LOQUITUR!


bob healey assistant sports· editor Editor'snole: The following is an opinion column In which set aside are any resel'nblenceto journalistic qua~ty,creed and/or other more esoteric qualities so often associated with the Loquitur,and simply Irie to provide pondering Cavalier fans with facts and informationcandidly, humorouslyand, of course,provide them from the hip.

You Don't Say -"I always tum to the sports page first, which records people's accomplishments. The front page has nothing but man's failures." -former Chief Justice Earl Warren Obviously the editors of newspapers and the producers of broadcast news agree with Chief Justice Warren. At Super Bowl XXV there were 2,20Cfreporters. Currently there are about 780 members of the press covering the Persian Gulf War.

Quote Of The Week In reference to the Cavaliers losing junior Mike Massari and sophomore Dave Wissler to academics, losing Frank Sciolla, sophomore, for the season due to knee surgery and senior John O'Hare playing intermittently nursing a tender ankle. -"We have to look not at how small we are but how big of a heart we have." -Jon Owens, junior In reference to John O'Hare coming back from a ankle injury and scoring 23 points against Eastern. -"Heee's baaack!" -Pa~l Karch, sophomore

francis sciolla sports columnist Sports fans always like to talk about records which will never be broken. Joe DiMaggio's 56 game hitting streak is often brought up and it truly is a formidable mark. The 1972 Miami Dolphins perfect record of 17 and Oh is another. However, nothing can compare with John Wooden's magnificent UCLA teams during the '60s and early '70s, which at one point won seven consecutive NCAA champions})ips. I was only four years old when UCLA won their last championship so what I have to say might not seem fair. Never the less as long as I can remember watching basketball I have never seen a team so cruelly yet beautifully effective as this year's UNLV squad. Six times this year I have watched the Running Rebels systematically dismantle teams which are considered to be of top 25 caliber. Unfortunately, as far as I'm concerned there is no top 25 this year. The difference between UNL V and the rest of the pack is immense. In fact, if UNLV doesn't lose at Barnhill Arena in Arkansas this weekend, they won't lose all year. Pete Carril's Princeton team which had battled valiantly with Georgetown and Arkansas in the past two years thought they had. a_chance. They strolled into the "shark


friday, feb. 8, 1991


Healey: 'FromThe Hip' That is until tip-off, when competition Bobby's Balderdash clenches their soul; Purpose and passion. Without you When their leadership permeates and bonds have not life. For the past two seasons John the Cavs as a whole. O'Hare, senior, has played basketball with a passion and that passion most definitely has They do whatever is necessary and asked of had a purpose. by Coach Dzik, O'Hare has been the model of con- They sometimes have left opponents, litersistency and has been a positive influence to ally, unable to speak. Cabrini both on and off the hardwood floor. On Wednesday, O'Hare netted his With quiet determination they perform all 2,000th career point, and as usual he did it aspects of the game with the styleand class ofaconsumateteam They are two rouge lions (Cardinal O'Hara) player. His college basketball career is unable to be tamed. about to culminate but it is not the denouemont, his legacy will live on forever. For an open shot they will the ball to a With much respect to the late, great teammate pass, Grantland Rice, here goes a rhaspody reca- · they are the reason the Cavs have been able to pitulating O'Hare's impact: kick-. There are two bodies moving, two figures sway up the court And all of the Cavaliers relish their support. For the rival defender it is really hard Because in his mind he must decide which of them to guard. When the Cavs played cloudedly, the two always shined, Not because of pure talent, but because they love to grind. Praise they give to others, when praise they deserved But that's just their style: calm, quiet and reserved.

Whether it's a spin move down low or a rebound off the board, Theyare the force of the Cavaliers, they are its sword. They have for their career eclipsed the plateau of 2,000 points; They are the glue that bonds the Cavaliers at the joints. With the precision of Swiss Timing they consistently will score, Their grace on and off the court are a relic of folklore. They area role model, at a time when role models are rare

For one of them' s his shadow, the other one's

O'Hare! SportsObituary Last Saturday Pete Axthelm died from complications stemming from a liver disease. Axthelm, 47, was currently working as an analyst forESPN. "Ax"wasoneofthegood guys. He allowed the show to revolve around the game and not himself. Unlike many of the bombastic, pompous, bravadobearing sportscasters of today Axthelm was genuine and not full of haughty grandeur. "Ax," may your soul, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. We'll miss you.

Healeyism of the Week Last week Athletic Director John Dzik asked Chris Pesotski and m~ to drive the cheerleaders to Salisbury State University. Without thinking tw'ice we euphorically agreed. I mean me, Chris, 10 cheerleaders and a three-hour, vllJl.,.ride;what could go wro~g? As I write this article and reflect on the evening I find myself asking what went right. (It's a helluva story but too long to incorporate in one issue. Ask me in person.) The road trip to Heaven quickly became the road trip from Hell. So with much respect to women everywhere, many of whom I love dearly, here's the Healeyism of the week: -''Polygamy means having one too many wives; but then again, so too can monogamy."

Cavalierattitudes:'an insideview' tank" with a nice record of seven and zero and all seven wins were on the road. When they left Vegas they were the victims of such an unmerciful spanking they couldn't wait to get back to the likes of Dartmouth and Cornell. Denny Crum and his Louisville Cardinals tried to use their game with the Rebels to straighten out their season. The only thing he'll wind up using that game for is as an instructional tape for his assistant coaches who had better start recruiting players instead of raw athletes. Just who are the people who make this team such an indestructible force you say? We'll start with the coach. A short bald man who loves to chew on towels when he gets nervous. His name is Jerry Tarkanian and he is better known for his legal battles with the NCAA than his coaching ability. Don't be deceived by all.the glamour and glitter of Vegas. He is a masterful recruiter as well as gifted teacher. His teams will always be known for their high octane offense but they should be known for playing the best man to man defense in the country. The defensive leader on this team is 6-7 senior forward Stacey Augmon. He is just one of six future NBA players on the team. Four of the six are certain first round draft picks, including guards Greg Anthony and Anderson Hunt, forward Larry Johnson and Augmon. There are other teams in the country

who have talent comparable to UNLV but no team works better as a unit. The only sad thing about the team is that after this year they will break up and go their separate ways. Those whose eligibility is used up (notice I don't use the word graduate) will play professionally and the underclassmen will almost certainly transfer because the program will be on probation for the next two years. So as March Madness approaches I suggest you watch this team because I don't suppose you'll ever see another one like it

****Cavalier Notes **** Has anyone noticed the improved play of sophmore center David Kerchner? He has become the best shot blocker in the ESAC and he has lifted his game up at the right time of the year. Now if he could just do something about his hair. Fans shouldn't get down on the men's basketball team because of injuries and suspensions. Senior swingman Jason Yurchak is having his best year after a rough start and as long as John O'Hare is on the floor the team is dangerous. Speaking of the ESAC, the men's game with Lincoln last week was a perfect example of coaching winning or losing games. Coach John Dzik and his staff went into

the game with only ten players. Only five had extensive experience in ESAC games and only three were seniors. The Cavaliers succeeded in controlling the pace of the game on Lincoln's home floor as well as confusing them with multiple defenses. 0 'Hare didn't even play in the second half. It's going to take all of Dzik's coaching savvy and some fast maturing by the firstyear players and sophmores in order to win the ESAC's. Finally, for all of John O'Hares qualities on and off the floor he's not the best player associated with Cabrini basketball. That honor goes to senior guard Barb Milligan of the women's team. Every time I watch her play I gain more and more respect for her. She battled back from a serious knee injury and she is the epitome of an all around basketball player. She easily has the best court sense of any player I have seen or played against since I've been here. The best thing about her is with all her talent she stilJ has the heart of a champion. Hopefully for her sake as well as the team's she will finish this season a champion.

Editor'snole: The abovesportsopinioncolumnwill be seenin the Loquiturbiweekly.Views expressedin this column are those of the writter and not necessarilythose of the staff as a whole. •



f ridaY,feb. 8, 1991


Athlete of the week

Kelleher grinds his way to varsity squad by Bob Healey

Too often in today's society people equate success with statistics. But as Tim Mccarver once so beautifully eloquated, "Looking at statistics are like looking at a girl in a bikini. It reveals a lot, but not everything." According to Coach Rob Rowe, first-year player Keith Kelleher possesses the intangibles that do not always ~how up in the boxscore ·and often you do not recognize him on the floor. But when· you pay attention to him , Rowe said, you see, "he always has a body on somebody." Kelleher has been one of Cabrini's most valuable cogs, securing the Jeam engine and allowing it to function and run properly especially when it appeared to need an overh~ul. "Keith wjll never be a star but will always be a solid player," Head Coach John Dzik said, "but you need those guys to make a solid team." Kelleher chose Cabrini first because of his major and secondly for basketball. Kelleher's major is physical therapy. According to Kelleher he always made teams by playing bard, not because of his scoring. "I'm not going to be a star but I do my portions," he said. According to injured teammate Frank Sciolla, sophomore, Kelleher is the type of person you always want around. "Ke'JJ~heris the type of guy you want with you in a street fight, cause he a1ways has your back." According to Coach Rick Costello, Kelleher is a hustler

and on the floor he gives 110 percent. "He proves that good attitude and hard work will do it all the time," he said. According, to Rowe, he would always want one or two guys like Kelleher on his team. "He '11run through a brick wall for the team, " Rowe said. Kelleher has been able to play varsity because of the absence of three Cavalier big men. Kelleher said his playing time came quickly and all of a sudden. "All of this playing time came as a shock," he said. Kelleher played for the junior varsity Cavs early in the season and was promoted to the parent squad when the Cavs became "a depleted bunch of characters," according to Dzik. "He's seeing time because of those guys (Sciolla, Mike Massari and Dave Wissler) not being here," IYziksaid. According to Dzik, Kelleher battles hard for being only 62 and his main responsibility is to spell David Kerchner. "He's taken full advantage of his varsity time and has helped himself immensely," Rowe said. Kelleher has kept his playing time and responsibilities in proper perspective. "I'm not expecting to score double digits," he said. "I just try to help the team out." According to Dzik, athlete of the week is a nice award for Kelleher to win because he gives I 00 percent. "He's not the most talented person but he's one of the hardest workers." Dzik said. "It's appropriate for him to be recognized." When Kelleher was asked if he would change his game following the award he, tongue in cheek, said, "There's a possibility I might start wearing my socks like Frank (Sciolla)."

photo by Judi Panasik

Athlete of the week Keith Kelleher.




2 93-0980

128 W. lancaster Ave., Wayne

While attending Montgomery County Community College, Adelman finished first in the nationals and competed in international competition in Atlanta. Adelman said she started playing pool while at MCCC and it has been part of her life ever since. "I followed a really cute guy into the pool room," Adelman said. "I don't know what happened to him but pool stayed." According to Adelman, the billiards club is primarily so everybody knows that there is always someone out there to shoot with. "Pisko was the first person I shot pool with here," Adelman said. "Dave was a strong part of our team and he is sadly missed. Shooting pool is not the same without him.•· Adelman said it will be difficult to shoot in the tournament but, "I know he is with me," she said. First-year student Eric Barbuscia will join Adelman in the tournament and sophomore Chris Conrad will shoot in Pisko's absence. "He (Pisko) was a much better player than I am," Conrad said. "He deserves to be there more than I do." "Dave was a great guy, he would have done really well," Conrad also said. "It's really a shame." According to Adelman, when Pisko died, the team wrote a letter and all the members of the club signed it. Mr. Pisko placed it in the casket with his deceased son. The letter read, "We, the Cabrini College Billiards Team, dedicate all our games, past, present and future, to your memory. Our hearts are filled with your love."

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fridav1 feb. 8 1 1991


Cavaliergam·ehighlights by BobHealey

With senior John O'Hare out of action with arecuningankleinjury Yurchakcanied Salisbury the extra scoringload on his shoulders. The Salisbury State ~ Glllls soared •'WithHarsie (O'Hare) out all of us have c)VertheCavaliers on Sat. Feb. 2, 87-63. to step up, Barnes did, he played well," The Jossevened the Cavs ESAC recordat Yurchak said. 4~4. Barnes thrived in the up-tempo style of

pare. for the playoffs~He also said the team

HeadCoachJohn Dzik.kept a closeeye has to get "healthy and better." on O'Hare and said if be noticed any Eastern limpinghe would havetaken him out. The Cavaliers easilygroundedthe Eagles Sophomore David Kerchnercontinued ofEastem College on Mon. Jan.4, 91- 75 and his maturation proces..,; by netting IO points,

increased its overall record to 12-8. The Cavs trailed early on 17•8 at the Despite senior Jason Yurchak's 27- play and in O'Hare's absence effectively 14:44 mark of the first half. But in the point, eight-rebound perfonnance and penetrated the opposing defense. The 12- remaining 1.5minutes and 16 seconds they senior Jeff Barnes• 12-point, five-assist point effort was a career high for him. outscored Eastern 39· l 3 opening up a 17effort the Cavs were not able to pilfer ..Essentially the court was so wide open point half-time lead. victory. I had a lot more opportunities." Barnes said. According to Head' Coach John Dzik, The Cavi, effectively controlled the "With O'Hare and Frank {Sciolla) out because of the recent injuries the team has tempo in the first half yet they trailed 29- some people naveto srep up and score more. not been able to practice and Dzik 19 at the intennission and during the sec- A point here and there from me will help,'' attributed it to the teams poor start. ond half the Cavs plunderedthe game. be also said. John O'Hare returned to the line up and Cavalier players tu.medthe ball over27 O'Hare said his ankle is still bothering gave the Cavs its initial leadofthegame.27times while dishing out only 14 assists him .and it is difftcult to watch the team 25, at the6;03 mark of the.first half. He then contrastedby.20Salisbury assistsagainst knowinghecan not play.O'Hare hoped to be proceeded to, personally, outscore Eastern 15 turnovers. ready for the Easterngame. 10·1.inthe process of scoring t3outofthe ..Inthe f..-sthalf we did agood job conAcconting to Dzit; O'Hatt is about 75 next IS Cavalier points. O'Hare's streak trollingthe tempo," Head Collcb ••John peroenu11d couldplafblit wouldrather wasintemaptedonlyby Yutchak'sbreak-aDziksaid. baveO'Hare~t« -offsandnot wayslamdunk. O'Harehad 18points at the 1nthesecond balftheteamappeatt.d10 ~ otmcinjury. halfandfimsbedwi1b. ~. bus lost u the teamvan.waspriortothe O'Hare·felt·n,laud before the game and WPpacedby~ game. 'l'bi.tfeanumiwdin 1.lwt ~ it not blowing. ifbe wasgoingto bout after the clesigmud • . h· hit tiattleto tie.• play. He saidis .ankle felt fme and missing the gotJost. the~ ......... ~ ~~

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pulling down 11 rebounds and bJocking·6 shots. The highlight of the game for Kerchner was his break-a-way dunk. According to Kerchner, be stole the ball, lookedaround. and ~aw no t>ne. Kerchner said as he was dribbling down court he saw sophomore Kenny Coull and figute he better get it off. ''I'm just glad I have long anus." he said. In the second half the Cavs were able to thoroughly dissect the Eastern man•toman defense en route to its 91 point

performance,aseasonhlgh. ..We play betteragainst man," Dzitt said. He also said the post offense is run against man defense because it takes advantage of the Cavs strengths. lt highlights O'Hare and Kerchner inside along with Y~.S first-year•·ptayaJamicShaakoutside.

Eastemwasledl,yi.t$ ~of Coull.20 point., andRob~ 24

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"The fivo hourvan rideulled•~.. nigtm...O'Haresaid. theplayon ·· bondeduateam. Delpitetti.e. Jost, wasnot .ctisap- "lt•oae Ozit•.i. "the~ ear13ht'-, rous poiated................ effi'y "lhav~~pfa: Lincoln.Thotestdid O'Hare~ "T~is akey.lf ~play· and the maaUnW01e oft .. lie said. meJ(JO(f,ttlle.aid. togethetwecan•win.,.,__ ~ ~lO ~ to ...

Studentstake intramuralprogramintotheir own·hands by Lorraine Marie Lill After a stressful day of classes and work, what could be a bener way of' relieving tension than playing some type of intramural sport? Many students at Cabrini feel that an intramural program would be an excellent way to relieve pressure and have fun. "I think intramural sports would be an excellent idea," Chris Conrad, sophomore: said. "It relieves pressure from studies on campus and off-campus jobs in a semiorganized manner, which allows for competition and fun at the 1 same time." "I think it's good. If someone doesn't want to participate in intercollegiate sports, intramural is the way to go," Tom Foran, sophomore, said. "I think intramural sports could only help the students develop as a person," Jim Rodriguez, sophomore, said. •:it helps students to interact with people and make new friends." If intramural sports are going to work on campus, then the students have to take the initiative. "If there are a group of students who want a particular sport, in the past we have accommodated them," John Dzik, athletic director, said. Dean of Students, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, said that in order for an intramural program to be set up, the students should either go to the executive board of the Student Government Association for sponsorship or work directly with the athletic department. There are many opinions as to why the intramural program has not been successful in the past. "You asked me how the student body will react to an

intramural program and my response is a one • word response, apathetic," Dzik said. "I've been here 10 years and we have tried numerous approaches to gening intramurals off the ground, up and running, and there are many reasons why it hasn't worked," Dzik said. "The major reason is because it wasn't supported by the students themselves." "I don't believe there is any apathy on this campus,'' Bonfiglio said. "We have over 100 students in positions of student leadership, probably around 100 students who

'If the coltege could organize the intramural program in an orderly fashion then it will work.' -Chris Conrad sophomore are student athletes involved in our athletic program already. :--ro,I don't believe that apathy exists on this campus." "If the college could organize the intramural program in an orderly fashion, where people can sign up and be put on a team, then it will work," Conrad said. "The program that we had last yearwasineffective due tothe fact of a lack of interest, in my opinion, on the part of Student Services," Conrad said. "I feel that they felt it was their job and something they had to do, which allows for a disorganized effort, which isn't an effective way to run the program." A problem with intramural sports is the availability of the

facilities. "We have one gym. We have intercollegiate activities that use the gym. The scheduling of the gym is a problem," Dzik said. "However, it's workable if there is a commitment from the students and their intramural team." First-year student John Quirus said, "If I signed up for the program, I would be committed to it." "The freshmen guys want the opportunity to do something and intramural sports would give them the opportunity to do it," Quirus said. "They always want to play games, but it's neverorganized." Dzik said that co-ed volleyball would be a good sport to play as long as the males who were playing know that the game is for fun and they are not playing in the NCAA championship. ·'It only takes one or two nuts, weekend warriors is what I call them, to ruin it for everyone," Dzik said. Bud Mellon, communications center supervisor, said that he would volunteer to help get intramural sports set up if the students want to start an intramural program. There is no budget for an intramural program on campus. "Because budget is a problem, staffing is a problem. Who will referee and officiate the game?" Dzik asked. "Those weekend warriors want the game to be under control. They want the rules." Dzik said that he would like to show some type ofrecognition to the teams that win. "You need to recognize, because it breeds a little pride,'' Dzik said. In order for the program to work the students have to take control. Dzik said, "The students have

Clyde LaForest attempts to return a volley while Mark Gudas, Juliann Dunn, Mark Mitchel and Dana Lepis look on. Volleyball is one of the proposed co-ed intramural activitiesto be started.

the ball now. Until they show an interest, I don't think it will happen." "I feel that certain students should volunteer as player/coaches and organize the players given to them by Student Services from sign up sheets," Conrad said. Some sports that have been suggested are softball, basketball, volleyball, flag football, lawn darts and women's soccer. Most people said· the sports should be played co-ed. An intennural program has been set up this semester for anyone interested in playing volleyball. Lisa Lipar, sophomore, went to Bonfiglio to get his support for the program. From there she confronted

Dzik with the idea and obtain his approval. "Dzik said he would give us spare court time," Lipar said. There is not a pennanent time slot for the games, but each week there will be signs posted outside the gym, cafeteria, commuter lounge and faculty mailboxes with the times for that week. Lipar said, "the students would really like to see the faculty and staff come out to blow off some steam." About 2~ people showed up for the first game time. "I was very happy to see the support that Dean Bob (Bonfiglio) showed by being there to play," Lipar said.Softball is being look at for the spring.



friday, feb. 8, 1991


O'Hare nets 2,000th by Bob Healey With the swagger that is oh so famaliar to the Cabrini home faithful , senior John O'Hare swayed up the court. He planted himself on the low post and received a pass frorp sophomore David Kerchner. Withhis patented spin move O'Hare rolled to the basket and banged home a lay up. This basket was, however, was of epic proportion. It was O'Hare's 2,00lst point of his legendary collegiate career. . Following a 23-point effort against Eastern on Monday, O'Hare needed only four points to eclipse the monumental plateau. At the 16:50 mark of the first half, O'Hare launched a three-point bomb that exploded for his initial basket of the game. His 2,000th point came at the 14:41

mark of the first half. Following the basket O'Hare presented his father with the game ball and joined his family in the stands for a brief moment. "I was happy to get it at home, in front of my family," O'Hare said after the game. Along with the O'Hare family, John's girlfriend and her parents were in the stands. According to O'Hare's father, John Sr., his son was looking forward to eclipsing the mark but, "he was concentrating more on the game." According to Head Coach John Dzik, O'Hare reaching the mark was inevitable . "Usually people recognize 1,000:2,000 is quite a bit of points." Putting the team first as he perpetually does O'Hare was more concerned with the playoffs than his mark. "We have to learn how to play like a team, we're gaining confidence along the way," he said.

Men's v..:ball fallsto Eagles by Joe Martini As Cabrini went in to their first scrimmage of the new season against Eastern College, the players were getting ready for the upcoming season. "We weren't concerned with winning or losing, we wanted players to get experience," Tim Janusz, senior and club captain, said. A certain stalemate was evident for the , first three serves of the game, then Cabrini took over the court. The "brick wall" blocking of senior Leo Eschbach, and the powerful left-hand hitting from club captain Tim Janusz helped Cabrini to dominate the scoring. The score went from 4-3 Cabrini to 13-3 Cabrini without Eastern ever getting the ball back. The teamwork and experience of the starting play~rs led to a Cabrini victory of 15-4 in the first game. The beginning of the second game follqwed suit with a crushing spike by Janusz, for the first and crucial turnover. However, Eastern's teamwork led them to s9me important recoveries and crucial points to bring them ahead 7-4, 10 minutes

into the game. Cabrini later came back to tie 8-8, then another close battle for a tie at 10-10. Eastern won 15-12. Eastern's quick saves and rapid recoveries were followed by excellent coverage in the third game. Cabrini's overall height advantage began to pay off with strong, well-timed blocks by Eschbach and Janusz. Eschbach also had some very powerful, seemingly unretumab\e serves. Cabrini prevailed with a crushing power hit by Janusz to win the game 15-11. Despite Cabrini's efforts in the fourth and fifth games, Eastern won the scrimmage 3 - 2. The players thought they played really well for the first scrimmage. "I think the teamwork was good, " Janusz said. Eschbach saw where the trouble spots were. "We blew someserves,andmadesome early mistakes," Eschbach said. Janusz added that the team didn't hit and block as well as they should have. "We're going to have to concentrate more on Coverage," Gary Burnett, senior, said. The fact that the club doesn't even have a coach is probably a hindrance more than a help. However, the team is still optimistic. The older players say that they are used to

photo by Frank Emmerich

Senior Jason Yurchak ,slams home a break-a-way dunk against cross-street rival Eastern College on Monday. The Cavs defeated the Eagles 91-75. For more game coverage and highlights see page 11.

not having a coach, and that its not a big problem. "We pass things from player to player," Eschbach said. Burnett said that the progress of the club is slower without a coach, and Janusz also admitted having some problems. "Its difficult to play and coach," Janusz said. Putting the Eastern loss behind them, the club is ready to dive head first into the upcoming season. They got plenty of

experience in the Eastern scrimmage, which is all they had hoped for the first scrimmage. ''I'm very optimistic about the season because as a team, we have what it takes to win, " Burnett said. "I think we have a lot of potential to play really well, and get over the .500 mark," Eschbach said. Janusz added that he would like to see an improvement from last season's 0-12 record.

Billiardsclub dedicatestournamentto Pisko Scoreboard I Results by Bob Healey

photo by Judi Panasik

Junior Michele Lee Adelman, prepares for a shot and for the Billiards Club upcoming tournament at the University of West Virginia.

With the memory of David Pisko in their head and his spirit in their heart, the Cabrini billiards team will participate in its second annual national billiards tournament this weekend at the University of West Virginia. "Dave was one of my closest friends and pool was an important part of his life," Michele Adelman, founder, said. "It (Pisko's death) has made us want to win more than ever, especially me," she said. According to Adelman, the Student Government Association provided the club with a budget and the club will have fund raisers to reimburse the money. Last year, Student Services provided funding for the club's tournament but according to Adelman, they could not allot money for the club within the bounds of this year's budget. Cabrini is in region four of a 16-region international league entitled the Association of College Unions International (ACUI). Winning members of the national tournament will advance to the international tournament which will be held at the University of Pittsburgh. more BILLIARDS on 10

Men's Basketball 2/2 2/4 2/6

63 Cabrini 91 Cabrini 87 Cabrini

Salisbury Eastern Frostburg


75 63

Women's Basketball 53 Cabrini 55 Cabrini 60 Cabrini

2/2 2/4 2/6

Salisbury lmmac. Eastern

39 51 62

Men's Volleyball 1/31 2/4

2 0

Cabrini Cabrini

Eastern 3 PSU-Delco 3

Schedule Men's Basketball Sat. 2/9 Mon. 2/11

Shenandoah Allentown

away home

8pm 8pm

Women's Basketball Sat. 2/9 Mon. 2/11

Shenandoah Allentown

home home

6pm 6pm

Men's Volleyball Sat.





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