Feb. 15, 1991 Issue 16 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, feb. 15, 1991

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvii, no. 16

Higher postage rate ups mailing costs $10,000 by Amanda Picher The 4 cent increase in postal rates, recently put into effect by the U.S. Postal Service, will cost Cabrini between $8,000 to $10~000next year. Since the increase came more that halfway through the school year, it should only mean an extra expense of about $3,500 this year, according to John Barclay, chief financial officer. The college is hoping to cover the expense by using money saved and left over from other areas.

When the budget was made for this year, according to Barclay, budget planners suspected there would be an increase, and added money to cover the possible expense. They had not expected a rate increase of 4 cents, however. The college sends out approximately 700 pieces of mail in an average day, according to Sam Vasiliades, mail room manager. These numbers increase or decrease depending on the time of year. During the summer, there is very little. This increases in the weeks before students come back, accord-

ing to Robert Flynn, assistant manager of the mail room. He also said that the amount of mail going out doubles at the end of the year. According to Flynn, admissions mailings account for about 40 percent of the total mailing the school sends out. The admissions department is the biggest single mailer on campus. The increase also brings with it many indirect costs, outside of the actual postage. The college keeps a postage due account to cover to cost of business reply cards that are

Despite criticism, SGA initiates safe rides program by DawnTunbario

The Student Government Association has presented a budget proposal to the senior college administrationto fund a "safe rides" program on campus. SGA has named this program TAXI, meaning "take an extra initiative." For the remainder of1bcse~

whether the college administration comes up with the money or llOl, SGA will fund the program as best they can and hope that money will be allotted for TAXI next semester. The.re has been some speculationthat this typeof service condones alcohol consumption. Kane Mullen. executive

board treasurer of SGA, disagrees and said that there are studentsof ageoncampus that will choose to drink. "We are trying to use preventive medicine by givingstudentsanother option to driving drunk or being with someone who has been drinking," Mullensaid. Dr. Robert &mflglao.dean



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Security staff added to guard residents by J.P. Raynock Campus security recently hired . two more full-time security guards to help with the patrolling of Woodcrest and Xavier residence halls. According to Dan Neyer, director of security, the college is still looking for one more full-time guard and one replacement parttime guard. There is an applicant for the part-time position who is

currently waiting Sr. Eileen Currie's approval. Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said that the decision to install security guards in the lobbies was made by the college's board of trustees. According to Neyer, an ad was placed in the Delaware County Times for three full-time and one part-time security guards. Neyer said that the ad asked for appli-

cants with Act 235 training, which is an abbreviated police academy course for security Neyer guards. Applicants with previous experience more SECURITY on 8

mailed out with return postage already paid. The increase will affect this area, Flynn said. He also said that to have the microchip in the electronic mail scale adjusted for the new rates will cost $650. Cabrini is not the only institution affected by the increase. Al Broski, supervisor of the mailroom at Villanova University, said that they will have to rework their budget to allow for the increase. Villanova sends out about $60,000 worth of more POSTAGE on 4

Xavier changes:

Door guard, more programs; 'dry' status by Francis Sciolla Responsibility wa\ the key word from resident assistants, administrators and students alike when the recent changes in Xavier Hall were discussed. To date. the bigge~t change this semester was Xavier being classified a ·'dry'' residence hall by the resident life department and dean of students. A dry residence hall means absolutely no alcohol is permitted in the building. That policy has been in effect in Woodcrest Hall. Xavier has_only five residents over 21, not including RAs, thus the policy does not legally affect many people. The residence hall was made "dry" because of the damage during the first semester, not because of underage drinking. Opinions vary about the sanction and students, as can be expected, are not in favor of it. "We cr·-'!here for education and social life and the social life is being ruined," Shane Ferguson, sophomore, said. "As a student I don't like it because the school doesn't offer many parties and that is a big part of college," RA Jeff Hines said. Director of Resident Life Cathy Caulfield is in favor of the rule because damage has been down. "A lot of problems were attributed to alcohol abuse and there have been fewer problems this semester," Caulfield said. Some students take a stance of apathy when speaking about the rule. "We can't argue because that's

just the way it is," Sheri Bangle, sophomore, said. Dean of Students Dr. Robert Bonfiglio thinks it"sup to the residents of Xavier if they want alcohol back in the residence hall. "If damage...wouldbe limited I w..oi-t look at letting alcohol back but the students would have to be on a honor code," Bonfiglio said. Another change in Xavier was the addition of a security guard at the front desk. This was made possible because the college was allotted special money for security reasons. The response to the guard has been favorable. "It's good to have a guard," RA Kathy D' Amelio said. "I don't think they are taking over my job but they are here to help the community." "His presence alone makes everyone feel secure," Hines said. "He's decreased damages and I haven't seen a punched hole since he's been here," Kevin Gaherty, sophomore, said. Nick Stroffolino, a security guard in Xavier Hall says he almost feels guilty about his job. "The kids are nice and 90 percent of my job is just being a physical presence," Stroffolino said . In order to alleviate the tension caused by the ban on alcohol, the RAs of Xavier have planned a series of educational programs for the residents. Joe Hvizd9s, RA from Xavier lower south plans to form an more XAVIER on 8

inside perspectives ...... 2, 3

How non-lovers


news ................ 4, 8, 9

spent Valentine's

overcomes injury

features .......... 5, 6, 7


to garner 1,000th

sports........ 10, 11, 12

{page 5)

{page 12)



fridax, feb. 15 1991


Because sometimes Chance of a lifetime the real world hurts There are two basic rules you need to follow as a child; don't do anything that will hurt yourself or anyone else. Society seems to have given the okay to college students to degenerate e'!en below this level by allotting us four years to behave as irresponsibly as possible and get it out of our systems for the rest of our lifetime. Many Cabrini students take advantage of this to the fullest and perceive it as a right they earned. We are living out a personal fable that youth is forever and nothing bad can touch us. Usually, this translates into a hannless night out at the tavern. It's an escape for a few hours to a place where we can revel in the sense of community that seems to be lacking on campus. But in the midst of the legendary, smoky mystique, however, it is easy to forget that the tavern five minutes away is still part of the real world. Out in the ''real world,'' there are police officers and juries and judges instead of Cabrini RA' s and a judiciary system of peers. Out in the "real world," there need to be designated drivers and on Cabrini's campus there is a desperate need for a safe-rides program. Sponsoring a safe-rides program is not condoning alcohol use, but promoting responsible decision-m~ing. The ''real world,'' is here and now, and we need to make the best of it. If we want to take advantage of the freedom we do deserve as college-age adults, then we also must not abuse it whether it's on or off campus. Only when we make sure we aren't making decisions that may lead to us killing ourselves or anybody else, will we be grown-ups.




WAR. c..ovf.RM.:x. ?

Editor-in-chief: Carlo Iacono

Pho1ographyEditor: Frank Emmerich

ManagingEdttor: Jenntter Mornson

Assistant Pho1ographyEditor: Lisa Lindley

News Edttor: Chris Pesotski

PhotographyAdviser: Or. Carter Craigie

Senior Associate News Editor: Melissa Landsmann

Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek

Assistant News Editors: Aita Cellucci, Kimberly Keck, Dawn Timbario and Missy van Siegel

Staff: Karen Dumorney, William Fuhon,John Gay, Matt Hodlofski, Kimoerty Leblang, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Jennifer Melchiorre,llama channeler - Bud MeNon, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Aaynock, Frank ScioUa.

Pe<spectivesEditor: Sharlene Seph1on Assistant Pe,spectives Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Manihall Featun,s Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda, Lorraine Marie UNand Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards

Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, Jolln Gay, Mark Gudas, Kim KOjeski,Lorraine Marie Lill, Edd Mc:Namee, Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Charles Waterfall. Loquttur is publshed weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscriptionprice Is $25 per year and is included in the benefits securedby tuitior>and student fees.

william a. fulton copy editor When it comes to giving advice, I often been accused of providing it a day late and a dollar short. Nonetheless, I'm a firm believer in some advice being better late than never. That being said, do both yourself and me a favor and give my advice a chance. Because to me that is what a good deal of what life is all about, giving yourself and others a chance to be themselves. Now I know you might be thinking. "Geez, here comes anotherone of those self~ righteous lectures on respecting the rights of others." But before you dismiss this as another attempt of somebody trying to tell you how to live your life,just let me mention that this bit of advice is as much for myself as it is for anybody else. Because as much as I try to remember it, it seems to be something that I have to struggle with ·daily. Like most people I have made my share of mistakes. (Sometimes it seems like more than my share) But maybe the biggest mistake I've made is that I never gave myself a chance at anything. I guess a lot of it has to do with what can be considered my generally shy nature. But for whatever reason, after awhile I began to discover that I wasn't doing myself any favors by sitting back and watching life pass meby. What I seem to have found is that life has a way of creeping up on you. Before you know it, you are in your mid-twenties and you find yourself looking back and wondering where the past five or even ten years have gone. When I look back, I can't believe I actually have made it far as I have. I almost have to laugh when I think of how much I've changed over those years. Back in high school, a couple of friends described me as a "timid, little forest creature". I gues-sthe reason I was timid was that, for me, high school wasn't filled with very happy times. Having to deal with the trauma of my father's death in addition to the usual adolescent awkward thoughts and feelings kept me from participating in those things typically done by high school students. Things like trying out for the varsity football team, sneaking out on a Friday night to go to a drinking party in the woods behind my high school, or asking the girl I had a crush on to the senior prom. For me, doing these things meant taking chances, and having lost so much at such an early age, I couldn't afford to be disappointed anymore. So, when I started college in the faJI of 1984 (yeah, I'm that old!) I was hoping that some new faces and a change of scenery would maybe bring me out of my shell a little more. However I chose to attend Penn State main campus, and I quickly discovered that a quiet, shy, insecure, homesick 18-year -old kid was going to have a lot trouble adjusting

to the fast and loose lifestyle that "Happy Valley" had to offer. That may sound like I'm being too hard on myself, but at that time I felt that, because of my shy personality, I didn't belong in college. So after spending two years lost in a sea of 35,000 other students, I decided that maybe I wasn't cut out to be a Penn Stater. In the winter of 1986, money was getting tight at home, so I decided to venture out into what I thought was the "real world" and get a full-time job. It was while I w~s working that I started to notice a change in my self-conscious attitude.

...Sometimes you need someone else to believe in you first so that you can see that what you have to offer the rest of tneworld is truly worthwhile. Having to work side by side with the same people day after day, I slowly but surely began to realize that I had more in common with other people than I previously thought. These people, who were mostly older than me, kept on telling me the same thing, "Get your butt back in school while you still young enough to do it.'' This meant a lot coming from them, since most of the people I worked with had left school when they were my age, and before they knew it, they had already been marrfed and began raising families and pretty soon going to college fulltime became just another lost dream. It was then that I began to realize that going to college was one dream that I didn't want to lose. When these people spoke to me there was a tone of genuine concern in their voice. They saw I was young and unsure about myself, and they only wanted what was best for me. "Geez, give yourself a chance." They would tell me, "You 're young, single, and that college you want to go to is filled with girls. What the hell are you waiting for?" For once, I wanted what was best for myself as well. I guess what I'm trying to say is that they believed in me, and having spent most of my life doubting ·myself, it seemed to be just what I needed. It might sound strange, but being able to believe in yourselfis something only you can accomplish. Yet, sometimes you need someone else to believe in you first so that you can see that what you have to offer the rest of the world is truly worthwhile. What these people showed me was that the best thing I could offer the rest of the world was myself. As I look back, I can see that those type of supportive people were always around. They were in my high school, they were at Penn State, and in the short amount of time I've been at Cabrini, I have found them here as well. All I had to do was give both them and myself a chance to be ourselves.

Assistant Sports Editor: Robert Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and Wiliam A. Fulton Business Managers: Kim Marshall, MichelleMergerand Lisa Rose

The edttonals and opinions published in loqultur are the views of the student edilorial staff and the individual writers and not the entirestudent body or the facuhy and administration. Loquitur is establishedas a forum for student expression and as a voiceIn the uninhibited, robus~free and opendiscussional


Loquttur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the edttors. However, H the wrtter wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an insaiption inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer."' Letters should be typed, double-spaced,and no more than 300 words in length. ff a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense tt. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.




friday, feb. 15, 1991


once upon a time~ lived a man nanied Saddam One of the first rules of war is to always know your enemy. Unfortunately, little is known about Saddam Hussein and his rise to power. In the interest of the war effort, therefore, I have compiled a short history of the Butcher of Baghdad. I suggest to all readers they keep this article handy in case President Bush quizzes us on why we are in the Gulf. Saddam Hussein was born in 1937. His father, Sliemp, mysteriously disappeared in 1939 and was believed to have traveled to Hollywood. Saddam's mother, Bunny, left the young tyrant-to-be with his Uncle Caligula -- a noted pro-Nazi and reknowned violinist. . All that was embued in young Saddam came from this mysterious Uncle who raised him -- until 1950, when young Saddam hacked the old man to death after losing a game of bridge. It was from Uncle Caligula that Saddam learned the fine art of sharpshooting atBritish tourists. Saddam spent many nights by the fire listening to his uncle read from "Mein Kampf." After removing his uncle, Saddam joined the Baath Party, a secular political party in Iraq. After repeated efforts, Saddam managed to convince other members of Baath that he should be its leader. This was accomplished by poisening

- Iletters

For the next five years, As General Secretary of the Baath Saddam organized the Party, Saddam wielded tremensecret police for the Baath dous influence in Iraq. However, Party. This, however, Bakr was still the nominal head of became a problem when state. All this changed in July 1979, Saddam kept killing young recruits who shot when Saddam, bored after 11 years better than he did. All - of simple butchery, devised a turned out well, how- plan to oust Bakr. Contracting a most of the 45 original members. ever: and in 1968, the Baathists West German firm, Farfegnugen, Saddam commisioned a huge tupIn 1959, after making his point came to power in Iraq. To celebrate his triumph, Sad- perware bowl constructed -- air with Baathist, Saddam led a failed coup attempt on the Iraqi President. dam execute_dhis wife arid moved tight. On the night of July 15, He The plan was botched when Sad- to Baghdad. Working closely with lured Bakr into the bowl by condam accidently landed his com- Iraqi President Bakr, Saddam vincing the old man that Ringo mando helicopter in Iran. After consolidated power into his own Starr wished to see him. Once learning of his mistake, Saddam hands by cutting off the hands of safely in the bowl, Saddam had it sealed forever and spent the next shot his co-pilot and fled to Cairo. anyone closer to the President. For the next ten years, Saddam few nights watching his prisoner The next four years saw Saddam biding his time in exile. .While Hussein ran Iraq behind the scenes. suffocate. in Egypt, Saddam grew to admire Egyptian President Nasser and his pan-Arab coalition. It was here that Saddam realized his true destiny. Shortly before returning to Iraq, Saddam was reunited with some family members from Tikrit, his home village. One relative, his first cousin Akzqybgf, caught Saddam's eye and the two were married in 1963. Returning to Iraq the same year, Saddam celebrated the assassination of John Kennedy by picking off British tourists with his uncle's old sharpshooter. It was a grand time for Saddam.

bill firman

more FIRMANon 4


Have Arabs changed our world?

Students s eak out

Xavier RA defends residents'· reputation T-othe editor: My name is Joe Hvizdos and I am the new resident assistant down in Xavier Lower South. Like so many other students at Cabrini, I read the Loquitur before moving to my new position. Upon arriving to Xavier, I noticed that the Loquitur's article in issue number 12 on December 7, 1990, and questioned the accuracy of its reporting. It was at this point that I reread all the articles for the past year and came to a conclusion. I noticed that the Loquitur's articles were all negative towards the residents living in Xavier What I am really thinking is, '' Do you have a grudge against XavLer residents and why?'' I will be the first to admit that they (Xavier residents) are not a bunch of angels, but they are not all a bunch of drunken slobs as your newspaper depicts them to be. When I came to Xavier, I was glad to see that they were not the people that your paper describes them as. I invite the same of you! I would like to invite the Loquitur staff and editors down to Xavier to meet the residents. They are human beings as much asyou and I. Why not see them as such? They don't deserve the constant bad publicity and yellow journalism that I feel is written in the Loquitur. Why not give this issue a rest and report issues that might make a positive impact on the residents. There are programs going on in Xavier that cfo deserve some recognition. I would like to see the Loquitur there and report some of these events. I will personally inform you of these programs. Let's wipe the slateclean and give theseresidents an opportunity to start over again. Everybody does deserve a second chance! One that will not begin until they are allowed the freedom to do so. Please contact me if you should decide to meet with the residents. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

This being accomplished, Saddam was smart enough to realize that the other 500 members of the Baath elite were going to notice Baler's absence. He therefore called a general meeting of the Baath Party on July 16, 1979. Once assembled, Saddam produced a huge video screen and dimmed the lights. Unbeknownst to the 500 victims, Saddam had locked them into the chamber and began a nonstop showing of Bob Hope Comedy Specials -- all 500 were dead in six hours. Once power was soiidified, Saddam declared himself President and commanded huge murals to be

Sincerely, Joe Hvizdos Xavier Lower South

Resident A~istant

"If Saddam Husseindied, his people would have no idea what to do. There's no thinking for themselves.· -Jeff Patti first-year student

"You hear the most bizarre things that happen in Arab countries. There's a lot of controversy." -Vickie Raffetto junior

by Karen Kerchusky "How much do we know about the Middle East7'' is a question many people ask themselves. As people we need to be more sensitive about the Arabian culture. Maybe if we had taken a closer look at who we're fighting, maybe the situation could have been prevented. I investigated a book, ''The Middle East," by Thomas Kavunedus. I think many people would be surprised at how the Arabian culture touches our everyday lives. Ournumeric system is Arabic, and is just one of the mathematical contributions the Arabian culture have given to the West. The arabians have helped develop trigonometry, astronomy, geography, chemistry, biology, medicine, and algebra. In fact, "algebra" is an Arabic word, al-jabr. . Mathematics is not the only thing the people of the Middle East have contributed to our society. Traffic, tariff, magazine, caravan and bazaar are just some


"You can't say kill them, I wish they were dead just because they're from Iraq and have different viewpoints." -Diane Osborn first-yearstudent

of the words we received from the Middle Eastern people. People may call America the melting-pot, but perhaps that name should be given to the Middle East. Three races, Negro, Caucasian and Oriental, live in the region. Some famous people in history have come from the area. Hannibal, the Queen of Sheba, as well as Jesus Christ and Mohammed were from the Middle East. Although there are some things we share, there are big differences. The major difference is religion. The Islamic religion i"s considered a guide to their life. Their Jaws stem from religious obligations. Their religion is closely intertwined into common society and everyday life. This forms a formidable loyalty and brotherhood within the countries. Will this ultimately be a decisive factor in this war and against the coalition's strength? The Middle East ~as, tora long time, a tribal society. At a time when imperialism was common, most empires never invested and

"I think we're dealing with a large group of frustrated people who are at the point of breaking." -Brian Marcyzk sophomore

interest in the people they ruled. Could this be what the Arabians are wary of us? Arabs are human beings just like anyone else living in the world. The problem is understanding. We don't understand the what's and the why's people do things. Arabians don't understand us, but the problem is compounded by the bad experiences the Middle Eastern people had. I believe the wars of the past were ,due to misunderstanding. Now we have a better concept of this people and have invited some of their culture into ours. I wonder who.in America would have known or eaten sushi before World War II? If we are to learn from history, why haven't we learned aeout the people and their culture? There are many things we could have done to prevent the current situation. However, if we investigate what makes the Arab world tum, maybe we can push towards a peaceful Middle East. ·



f riday, feb. 15, 1991


more POSTAGE from 1

Campus Dance party Hip House Dance Party will be held Fri., Feb. 15, in the WCGA from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Cost of admission is $2 with Cabrini student id and $3 for all others. Inner city and Main Line Colleges have been invited.

mail every year. The Cabrini budget committee is currently working on the budget for next year. The postage increase will have to be taken into consideration. Although it is a lot of extra expense, Barclay said that it is just one of many components to be considered when creating the budget. A~cording to Barclay, part of the

job of creating a budget is anticipating the increases. Some of the other expenses that have to be looked at include the rising costs of electricity, gas and especially oil. Barclay said that the increase in oil and gas will probably· be greater than the postage inerease: "Those things we can't control," he said, "but we have to pay."

Looking to be a leader? ·Anyone interested in applying for the positions of Orientation Counselor, Resident Assistant or Medical Assistant should stop by student services to pick up an application packet. The deadline for application is March 1.

Lecture Tyson Price will speak on "The Responsibilities of the African-American Student" on Sat., Feb. 16, at 4 p.m. in the WCLH.


Special interest information meeting Interested in Special Interest Housing? Come to an information meeting on Tues., Feb. 19, at 7:30 in WCLH. Find out what it's all about.

photo by John Gay

The microchip to re-program this automated postage machine for the postal service's 4 cent increase will cost the college $650.

Workout party Free Admissions to a workout party at Club La Maison Health and Fitness Complex in Wayne on Sun., Feb. 24, from 2 to 5 p.m. The party includes use of all facilities and food and refreshments. Van will leave from student services at I :45. Sign up in student services by Feb. 21. See Jennifer Marks-Gold or call ext. 8407 for more information.

Culturally speaking ... "When Cultures Meet" seminar will meet on Sun., Feb. 17, in Xavier Great Room from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Laureen Finley, guest speaker, will provide an opportunity to participate in a group experience involving cultural issues of values, attitudes, and beliefs of self and others. Work and learn together in this multi-cultural setting.

Honors colloquium All members of the honors program! Dr. Romano is forming an "Honors Colloquium" for all honors program members. The first meeting will be Sat:, Feb. 16, at 6 p.m. in the Mansion Sun Room to discuss Hamlet, the book and the movie.

·'Volunteers needed lf you would like to help out with Spring Fling Weekend, there will be a meeting every Thurs., Feb 7, at 8 p.m. in the SGA office. All are welcome. For more information, contact Jen Morrison in the SGA office. Block Bash Weekend is a weekend just for you! Residential Boulevard will be blocked off and ii will be a huge block party. Any ideas you have for this weekend can be directed to box #656. If you are willing to help send your name, box # and phone number to that box.

Liturgy intentions Intentions for liturgies: On Sun., Feb. 17, the 10:30 a.m. mass is for the mother of Kevin and Jenny Obrecht. The 6 p.m. mass that day will be offered for David Pisko. The noon mass on Mon., Feb. 18, is for Tony Brocchi's father.

more FIRMAN from 3 painted in his image throughout Baghdad.

In addition, Saddam commanded that the artist's eyes be tom out after completion of the works, so as to insure they could not duplicate the effort. As the new decade dawned, Saddam began to grow tired of killing Iraqis. He looked south and west - but his eyes grew large upon Iran, the country whose location had humiliated him earlier in his failed coup attempt in 1959. The Iranians troubled Hussein, namely becaus~ they were getting credit for being themost anti-West country in the region, a dream Saddam aspired for Iraq. So, in 1980, Saddam invaded Iran with 50,000 housewives waving 100,000 ball point pens. Much to Saddam's chagrin, however, he could not save his forces forever and was forced to use them in 1981. Not faring much better than the housewives, Saddam saw the need to increment his forces who were being thrashed apart in Iran. Saddam took I 50,000 Iraqi men, aged 20-25 years, and locked them in a huge room for one year with no females, no fiber for their diet, and a huge picture of the Ayatollah on the wall facing them. After the year was out, Saddam Jet these men, now known as the Republican Guards, loose on Iran with a vengence. After eight years of war, however, Saddam grew weary as it took his mind away from his greater joy - murder. Every time he planned to oust another member of his

security.a report

Campus survey Campus Ministry is sponsoring a liturgy survey beginning Sun., Feb. IO at the masses. The survey will be distributed campus-wide.

Senior raffle Theseniordass""illbeholding~50-.: rzffr. T ~arsue..,...=,--.. ....... ~ Feb. 27. For moreinformarion.please cool3:'l a semcxclass officer.

Theater trip The theater department is planning a field trip for a special petfmm:nx.euf Pl:iy It As It Lies at the Walnut Street lbeater on the e,ening of feb. 21. Folowing the performance the author. director and actors ..,,illmeet to discuss any and all aspects of the play. Space is limited so call the theater department for reser;arions at 97 I -8510 and for more information. Ticket price is $5.

party, some weighty military decision had to be made thus spoiling his surprise. So, in 1988, Saddam offered Iran an acceptable cease fue by threatening to deport Yassir Arafat to Teheran, and the war ended. By this time, Saddam began to covet his southern neighbor, Kuwait. After repeatedly threatening the wealthy nation, he decided to check with the Bush administration's representative in Baghdad, Lucy Van Pelt, as to how the United States would react to an invasion of Kuwait. Van Pelt, a I 988 graduate of Penn S?te University, arrived at Saddam's palace and met with the Iraqi President. When confronted with Saddam's inquiry as to President Bush's possible response to~ invasion of Kuwait, Van Pelt replied, "Where?" Satisfied that the U.S. would show nothing more than token resistance, Saddam thanked Van Pelt and had her shot. Two days later, August 2, 1990, Saddam invaded Kuwait. To make things interesting, however, none of the Iraqi troops were permitted to wear pants during the invasion. Well the rest, as they say, is television. After this brief review, I hope that you better understand the need to stop this "Naked Aggression, as the President has rightly asserted.

Security incidents as reported by the security office from 2/5 through 2/11/91 Injury 2/~-11:25



co::~.::=.:.:::::::..1!:c::C:c: ~ due to a head injury. tr3Ilip0rted to Bryn Mawr Hospital. 1

LUct:ibal rlCIIZmm


J1:-5 p.m.-Students seen cransporting alcohol into Xavier Hall, a dry


Criminal Mischief 2/12-1:40 a.m.-Two ashtrays deliberatelyseton fire on thesecood • causing the fire alarm to sound. The small fire was extingwsbo.;i injuries were reported. Criminal Mischief 2/12-8 a.m.-Student reported damage to his car in Xavier Hall p~ was done to the window of the driver's side and the sideview mirror. u=:=::::..:=:::::: of damage was between 5:30 and 8 a.m.



f riday, feb. 15, 1991


Valentine'sDay: how to survivewithouta Valentine by Melissa Landsmann


It's the most romantic day of the year according to Hallmark and, as couples everywhere stream to restaurants and movie theaters, there are many of us who will not be joining the rush to get romantic. Some have chosen to be without a sweetheart while others are forced to be away from their loved ones because of work, distance and even the war. This article is devoted to those people in the hopes that they take comfort in the fact that they are not alone in their solitude on Valentine's Day. How do lonely hearts handle this holiday? Read on to find out some interesting solutions to their dilemma, if you could call it that. "We're having a non-Valentine's day party,'' Belinda Descher and Angela Visco, first-year students, said. "We 're sending out invitations to anybody who does not have a valentine." , What does one do at a non-Valentine's day party? "We'll hang black hearts, rent the sappiest movies we can find and bawl our eyes out," Descher and Visco said. Five first-year students who wished to keep their identities a secret had similar plans, "We're going to Friendly's and J'ig out!" "I'm going to get sloshed and talk about how rotten men are," Sue Aster, first-year student said, quoting a card a friend from home had sent her. Working in restaurants, stores or movie theaters will be a occupying many people this Valentine's Day. Others will be working at other places. ·

''I'll be baby-sitting," Laura Currie, sophomore, said. "It's a great chance to make some money." "I have Appalachia training and then I'll be on duty at W oodcrest," Mary Shimkus, junior RA, said. ''I'IJ be working at Clover," Courtney Connor, first-year student said. "People wilJ be just as rude as they always are even though it's a holiday." A sense of humor about the situation seemed to be a common trait that many of the

Distance separates many valentines from their special friends. Nina Chartier, first-year student, will be calling a special friend and laughing over things they've done on past Valentine's Days. "Last year we sent anonymous valentine's to each other in the newspaper at our high school," Chartier said. "I won't be with my valentine, but he'll be in my heart," Audra Paoleschi, sophomore, said.

'Once again, in the misery·of my life, I will be studying hard in my room trying to achieve academic goals and wishing I had a life.' -Judi Panasik, first-year student

Rich Dreher, first-year student, said. "I'll probably be depressed because I had a girlfriend last year." (Dreher also wanted it to be known that he can be found in his room if anybody wants to comfort him). "I'Jl be hanging out with my friends doing whatever it is that friends do when they don't have valentines on valentine's day," Beth Mulvihill, first-year student, said. "I'm not upset right now but I'll probably be a tad bit depressed on that night." "I have no idea what I'm going to do," Matt Marshall, frrst-year student, said. Jim Kunf, frrst-year student, said he'd be doing "nothing in particular" except hoping that he gets a balloon. (Is that a hint?) "I'll be hanging out with friends," Jerry Schaefer, frrst-year student, said. "Everything I do for holidays is last minute and Valentine's day is no exception," Kath Allen, junior, said. '' I don't even know what I '11be doing five

"lonely hearts" possessed. "Once again, in the misery of my life, I will be studying hard in my room trying to achieve academic goals and wishing I had a life," Judi Panasik, first-year student, said. '' And then I'll play basketball at midnight." "I'll be single and still loving it," Joann Carbone, frrst-year student, said. "I'll also be getting revenge on someone by sending him a sleazy valentine." "That's right, Thursday is Valei,tine's day! That (his forgetfulness) probably explains why I don't have a honey," Jim Rodriguez, sophomore, said. ''l'Jl be in class. I have no clue what I'll do after that."

Her boyfriend lives in New Jersey so she '11be going out to dinner with the girls on her floor. "I'll call my boyfriend and maybe we'll celebrate over the weekend,'' Justine Kozielski, first-year student, said. Allison Exley, sophomore, has been separated from her boyfriend for the past three years on Valentine's day because he goes to Penn State. They'll celebrate early and then call each other on Val en tine's day. An overwhelmingly majority of people have no idea what they will be doing on Feb. 14. "I don't know, I guess I'll go to class,"

minutes from now let alone on Valentine's day," Steve Czek, first-year student, said. Whatever you'U,b..e,.dsl.ing on Valentine's day remember that it is a day for love. So, tell your friends, family and the people you care about how much they mean to you. And, if you're separated from or still searching for that special someone, go out and have a blast anyway. Treat yourself to a something special and be good to yourself.

HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! a great weekend withMatt ...Thanks forholding me,being Kim...Have Youmean theworldto me.I Sweetie Audra & Christina ...Happy Valentine'sDearDavidLolsof loveandbubbles, yourself, anda "friend". Love,& Kisses and"Vicki". Tara DayGirls!Hope allyourlovedreams loveyou!!!Lovealways, Alex. come true!Love, Alex Skippy--To oursecond Valentine's to- Tothe"MallChick" --1oweyouonenight Happy Valentine's Day"GIRLFRIENDS" andLittleBobo- Thanl<s I love youalways!!!KingCarmen andto manymore. Love, "TheMall awayfromcampus. in House #5. Boyyyyeeee! Love, Mish gether for theheartpalpitations andall the Skippy O'Naugatuck. Chick". Mosh. laughs.Wholovesyouthemost!! FortheTerrorists ofHouse #3.-Twinkles ToMikeFinn: to stayten Putski-Someday I'lltakeyououttodinner. QueenCoco-I promise and Mary Ettawill certainly notbe Mike,Weloveyoufromafar. paces behind in thefuture.I'll stopby Day! sending hugsandkisses yourwaythis Mike,Weloveyoufromtheicecream bar! HappyValentine's to washthecocktail glassesonce I Valentines Day.Truly-TheirMother. Mike,youaresofine! finish my nails!! I love you.Alice Mike,Please, beourValentine! Flash-I'm"waiting, wanting for youto Happy Valentine's Dayto allthe"Born justifymy love."Make yourmove! Love--No.1Maloka-Jalepino Peppar isonthe Again's" inHouse#4TopFloor!! Cupid Tara& NicoleI heard Captain Morgan is $#*!@ rise! I was standing inJine at the other taking atriptoMalibu-want togo?Happy daywithmy-ya' know-True lovealways. BradDelong-Happy Hearts Day!I'llal- Valentine's Day!Michele. JohnitinTeamocontodomicorazon. Ines waysloveyou!Love Poopie Face andthe Who wasit Tina?Oh,it wasGeorge Posse. PS-I'llendupdrivingyoucrazy Toourwild,short, Italian stallion--Whether To NeilYoung'sBiggestFan-I wishI Bush attheNational Deficit Hearings. I first! it'sheartbeats ornews beats, weloveyour wouldof knowninSeptember, butweall loveyoueven though I refuse to tel I you style.Yourfavorite Editors. knowthatit wasmeeating thecakeoffthe so! Nancy Reagan Michelle, you'remypicture perfect Valfloor that clinched it. Thanks foreveryentine! Love, Carter. Tomydearsister, Car~n. Happy Valentine'sthing! I'm very veryhappyandI hate Tricia,Thanksforall thefun.Happy Day!Love,Chris. Michael Tierson too.I loveyou."We're just Valentine's t\ay!!Love, ( ...~.s HeyButhead,Happy Valentine's Day! two lost souls swimming in a fishbowl year I always behere, twelve months ayear, Love, Michelte. afteryear."Dwayne Stomp HappyValei1tine's Day!Fromthe foryoumydear. TheUnderstudy. LOQUITUR Staff!




friday, feb. 15, 1991


Seniorscelebrate100 nightstill graduation by Lorraine Marie Lill They were all there drinking beer, laughing, dancing and remembering. 'fhoughts of how it was three years earlier when they came to Cabrini to start their first year of college. Friendships were made that will never be comparable. Friendships that were found through loneliness, excitement and even sadness. · These are people who have grown together as they discovered what life is really like. These are the people who will soon be the graduates of 1991. Friday, Feb. 8, marked the 100th day before these men and women walk in the final possession of their c_ollegecareers. It marked the day that some of these seniors realized that they will soon leave their friends to begin their futures. 'Tm excited, but I'm scared," Susan Moriarty, senior said. "I'm going to miss my friends. I've made the best friends of my life here at Cabrini." Bernadine Febbo, senior, said, "It's sad because you are going to miss all of your friends, but finally getting an education and getting out of school makes me glad.,. "I'm excited about graduation, but I'm sad, because these are the best friends I've had inmy whole life," Marie-Elena DiSipio, senior, said. "It's going to be hard to leave them." But for some, the fact that graduation is only a few short months away has not begun to affect them. "Really it hasn't hit me and it probably won't hit me until I put on a cap and gown for baccalaureate," Lisa Lindley, senior said. ' 'I just have so much to do between now and May 19, that it seems like May 19 is forever away." Kelly McGillan, senior class secretary said, "I'm going to be really involved with Cabrini life after I graduate. I'm the representative for our class of the Alumni Association. They won't be able to get rid of me once I graduate.'' The 100 days before graduation party brought people together. "A lot of people don't even know who they are graduating with," Moriarty said.

"Especially because we're seniors, I think it's a good idea that we all get to come together like this.'' Brad Milla way, senior class president said, "Everyone is having fun, they're all socializing, they are doing something that has become a rarity here on campus.'• In the past, the 100 days before graduation party was free of charge to all seniors,

have to help subsidize, there is no way that we could let seniors in free this year." "Our budget is•zero. Our previous officers didn't raise enough money for our class," Anna Zawodniak, senior class treasurer said. "We were dropped with $200 at the beginning of the year. We will not have enough money for our senior week events, beef and beer, gifts for baccalaure-

once, and I don• t think it's a really big deal if we charge it,•' McGillan said. The senior class has never had a high levei of participation for events. "It feels great that it's 100 days before graduation, but it's too bad that the seniors never show up for anything," Trish Renz, senior said. "This class is really lame." "There's not really that many seniors

photo by Mark Gudas

Left to right: Donna Amoroso, Marie-Elena Disipio, Kelly Digan, and Bernadine Febbo gather at the 100 nights party to share a few laughs together as they await graduation in May. but this year there was a $3.00 fee. ''Unfortunately, because of poor leadership in the past, we didn't have much money this year, and that's one of the reasons why we had to charge tonight," Millaway said. McGillan said, "The senior class doesn't have very many funds. In order to cover ourselves for other senior events that we

ate, if we don't charge seniors to break.even at this event." McGillan said, "I personally would rather pay to go to something instead of not having it.'' McGill an feels that the charge of S3.00 is nottoomuch to ask. "What's three bucks? Your a senior, 100 nights only happens

here, I don't think they are that cohesive of a class," Lindley said. "It's always the same group that supports the senior class all the time. You don't see a lot of them." The senior class will have some work to do to make the upcoming events successful. However, if everything works out, the final semester of the class of 1991 looks good.

Low attendance,apathyspi~eBSA--film festival . .

by John Gay The near-empty Widener Center Lecture Hall was the big story of the Black Student Alliance sponsored Spike Lee Film Festival. The movie festival was canceled two of the three nights it was scheduled to run due to insufficient attendence. The film festival, which was part of the festivities to commemorate Black History Month, featured three films written and directed by New York-based Spike Lee. The films were to be "Mo' Better Blues" on Feb. 5, "Do The Right Thing" on Feb. 6, and "School Daze" on Feb. 7. "School Daze" was the only film actually shown. Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities, cited the apathy of a great deal of the student body as a major factor in the low ;,ittendence.Markr -!dconceded that many 5tudents have a ha. dme balanch,g studies .and social activities and believ~d that the 1dvent of VCR's in residence halls has ;1dversely affected attendance at movie nights. "Why would a student go out in the snow

and rain when they can rent the same movie at any video store and watch it in their own residence room,'' Marks-Gold said. Anna Rodriguez, secretary of the Black Student Alliance, agreed and also cited what she call~d "low motivation" on the part of the student body. "People don't have opinions about anything on this campus. They don't talk about anything until something happens and then unfortunately it's only for a period of two or three weeks,'' Rodriguez said. Leonora Veterano, who is in charge of the alliance's outside activities and seminars, believed the scheduling of the festival hurt the attendance. ''Tuesday night is a big party night here and Wednesday night a lot of people have classes," Veterano said. Rodriguez also cited a basketball game on Wednesday night as a factor for the poor attendance. Felicia Falcone, a senior resident, attended the festival Thursday night and labeled the small turnout "pretty sad." "I think a lot of people are committed to doing other things and to say you can attend all

these functions would be unrealistic," Pal-_ cone said. Falcone wondered why more B.S.A members didn't attend the movie. Rodriguez responded that most of the groups members commute or have already seen the films. The Black Student Alliance is a group numbering around 20, according to Rodriguez, with eight to 12 active members. Rodriguez and Veterano both believe many people have the wrong idea about the alliance. "Because we're called the Black Student Alliance, people think we only cater to minority people. Anyone who is interested is welcome. We work hard to promote events but also to educate and inake people culturally aware of what's going on," Rodriguez said. "A Jot of people get the wrong idea that it's a black thing," Veterano agreed. Veterano dislikes the group's title saying "I'm not into issues or color." She believes the only way to increase awareness and attendance at future events is to talk to people individually.

Marks-Gold and the B.S.A are adamant in their assessment that the dismal turnout is symptomatic of Cabrini and not any sort of racism. Marks-Gold said that student government functions are also poorly attended. "Spike does a good job, in a somewhat humorous way, of getting l)COple to open up and see things,'' Rodriguez said. To Veterano, Lee is a hot property who has a '90s style. ''His films are very controversial and people are very aware of him," Veterano said. Veterano believed the topical material Lee tackles would bring people in to see the movies. "Spike is quite unique and I think people need to see that yes, there are black people out there that can do all these different things and have very eclectic tastes," Rodriguez said. According to Rodriguez, Lee's message is to know your culture and understand where you came from. Whether it be apathy, school priorities, scheduling conflicts or poor publicity, Cabrini's campus community has missed an opportunity to see the work of one of the brightest, most promising artists on the scene, who is at least a masterful director and writer.




f riday, feb. 15, 1991

No matter what you buy, the green stuff goes fa·st by Joseph Buda Sophomore Ann Sexton glances into her wallet and smiles - she has just been paid. She drives up to the automated teller machine and puts almost all of her money in her savings account, except for some cash to spend throughout the week. On the way back to the donn, Sexton stops at Mol!il to fill up her gas tank. Upon her return to the donn, she finds her roommate in a half-starved state, so they decide to order out for pizza. This is how Sexton spends the money that she does not put in the bank. For the most part, according to Sexton, the money she earns goes toward paying for school, car insurance, and the tolls to go home to Maryland. In an article in the Jan. 1990 issue of Changing Times, the major causes of the spending of discretionary income are discussed. One major cause of spending is the phone bill. Due to long distance calls, this bill can really add up, according to the article. Pizza is another culprit of cash drain. Pizza is a common alternative to the cafeteria and, according to the article, it is not uncommon for a student to order hundreds of dollars' worth of pizza in one semester. Textbooks and other class supplies can nearly kill a cash flow. Due to the fact that most book bills are well over $100, books are one of the largest causes of spending. The final major cause of cash drain is end-of-semester bills. These bills range from a Christmas shopping spree to money spent on vacation travel. But how do Cabrini students plan on spending their income? Here is how. Clyde Laforest, junior, also saves his money for college and books, but ''my paycheck goes very quickly, unintentionally sometimes." Other than college, Laforest spends his paychecks on ''basic expenses, like videos and pizza."

"My car is aJso a major ex-pense," LaForest added, ''with gas and oil, plus now it needs work.'' C~risty Earley,junior, likes to save half of

said. "I also eat here (at Cabrini) on Tuesdays and Thursdays and go out drinking sometimes." Nadeem Najafi, sophomore, is into

Howwe spendour paychecks For every $100 we spend:

Housing'Costs(rent, utilities,furniture) $41.35




servicN 7 Marty Baumann, USA TODAY

her paychecks. The rest goes toward cigaretres, gas and food, according to Earley. Jacqui Ricci,junior, also likes to save her money, except for what she uses to buy cigarettes. Sophomore Anna-Marie Karlsen puts her paychecks right into the bank because ''the paycheck of a waitress sucks. They only pay minimum.'' According to Karlsen, she lives on her tips from her waitress job at Bennigan 's. "I usually save up for biweekly trips to see my boyfriend at Penn State,'' Karlsen

"budgeting money." He only goes out every once in a while and saves most of his money for "rent and essentials like groceries, electricity and telephone.'' Beth Ford, first-year student, spends only $15 per week of her paycheck. With that she pays for essentials like laundry, food and "if I need something from the grocery store.'' · Caroline Thompson, junior, uses her weekly paycheck as spending money, where she buys "food, gifts and whatever essentials are needed.'' Junior Julie McKee:s paycheck is her

'·only source of financial income.'' With it, according to McKee, she buys food, clothes and books, and pays for her bills. "! completely blow my paycheck on things I don't really need," Jeanine Kederis, senior,.said. According to Kederis, she primarily spends her money on gas, lunches at school and on going out with friends. Kathy Ross, first-year·student, only saves her paycheck wheri she really needs it for something. Ross also said she mostly buys clothes with her money. Tracy Esposto, sophomore, is saving most of her money in the bank. The rest of her money is going towards cigarettes and food. The money she is saving is going toward a spring break trip to Cancun. Mary Shimkus.junior, spends her money mostly on necessities like "shampoo or whatnot." She also spends her paycheck sociaJly on movies or on ordering out. Eric Klansek, sophomore, spends his paycheck on "bills, car, gas, going out to dinner and something nice." Donna McGregor, senior, puts some of her paycheck in the bank to pay for expenses. _ "My fiancee and I are in the process of buying a house," McGregor said, "so some of my money is going toward the house.'' Steve Murray, first-year student, uses his paycheck to order from Campus Comer "almost every night." Kevin Obrecht, part-time student, buys "beer, scotch, cigarettes and gas" with his paychecks. Joe Carmen, sophomore, buys "cigarettes, alcohol, gas and food, in that order of importance" with his paycheck.

REAL PIZZA .18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa.

Commuter makes a difference that counts by Lorraine Marie Lill · It began in conjunction with the Ultra Slim Fast diet and a project in a political science class. Last semester, JoAnn Packtor, junior, commuter, was given an assignment in her political science class to get something changed. -'.'One of the things I have always felt about Cabrini was the lack of facilities for the commuting student,'' Packtor said. Packtor said that students would bring foods in from home which needed to be heated in the microwave. She felt that a microwave was something which was needed for the commuting population. Because Packtor was on a diet she wanted to bring in a blender, but she would have to wash the blender in the ladies room. Since these problems existed, Packtor began her class project by trying to get a microwave, sink and counter put into the commuter lounge. The first step taken was to talk to other students to see if this idea was something that other people wanted. After getting a positive response, Packtor then went to talk to Dean of Students Dr. Robert Bonfiglio. Bonfiglio supported Packtor's idea From

that point she went through the Student Government Association to get the project started. This project was worked on for the entire fall semester. "This was acontinuingeffort throughout the whole semester," Packtor said. "In fact I did not get the results until the very last week of school." A microwave was donated to the school, which was placed on a shelf in the commuter lounge. Bonfiglio said, "I had a conversation with someJoAnn Packtor one not affiliated with the college and she had a microwave that needed a home. She donated it and did not want anyone to know she donated it.'' Packtor was pleased with the microwave. However, she was disappointed that there was no counter or sink, because there was nowhere for people to place items or wash out dirty containers. "The sink and so forth are in the category that is going to take some time, because

there is no plumbing in that room (commuter lounge)," Bonfiglio said. It is unknown as to whether there is another room that has plumbing in it which will be a convienent place to use .. According to Bonfiglio, on Tuesday, Feb. 5, a senior staff meeting was to be held which would plan a response to these requests. The feedback given by the commuting students has been positive. "I was surprised that they brought it," Nicole Jones, junior, said. "That was a good investment, because it is FAST FUNDRAJSING used." PROGRAM "I like it in there," Trina Horning, sophomore, WEEK. said. "Now Earn up to $1000 in one we don't week for your campus organization. always have to rely on the Plus a chance at Wig Warn. $5000 more! We can bring This program works! what we want No investment needed. and heat it up call 1-800-932-0528 Ext.so in the microwave."




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friday feb. 15 1991 1



Povertv• in America

Donations make Appalachia trip possible A news feature by Caroline Young Rolling hills and mountainous landscapes ...bluegrass jams and mountain folk singing together. Go to Appalachia on any given day and this is what you may encounter. If you are a residentor the region, however, you may have an entirely different perspective. If you are unfamiliar with this region, it consists of the Appalachian mountains, which form the spiny backbone of the eastern United States. This whole stretch, which the federal government calls "The Appalachia Region" runs from southern New York to northern Georgia and Alabama. It contains 397 counties and 13 states, parts of: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and all of West Virginia. Because of the vastness of the region, it is difficult to gener-

alize about it. There is wealth and ferent about that? Take a drive into poverty, large corporations and in- Philadelphia and you can see all of dividuals, industrial workers and · that and more." Well, that is right. service-oriented workers, farmers, Social policy has suffered in this teachers, professionals, and artists. country in the last decade, and it has It all seems to be tied together by affected everyone. the mountain chain and by the coal Because the Appalachian region in its center, producing energy contains all of the state of West within it. Although there is more than coal in the region -- there is gas, lumber, oil, farms, and steel Until the situation mills -- coal is central. gets better in Despite the potential wealth to Appalachia, the be made in this region, the people seem to have been forgotten. Inindividuals who suffer dustry takes precedent over the the most can be individual needs and basic human rights. Giant corporations in West helped by programs Virginia coexist with local governlike Project ments who have applied for Third Appalachia. World aid from Japan and Great Britain. There is something profoundly wrong with this scenario. Virginia, many programs formed People are going hungry, educato resolve some of the problems tional and housing needs are being existing there are targeted toward denied, basic human rights are being this state. Cabrini College is restripped from these people. sponsible for one such program, One may think, "What's so dif- Project Appalachia.

In January of 1983, under the direction of Sr. Bernadette Casciano, a group of active campus ministry students interested in service work travelled to Hinton, W. V. An employee of the WheelingCharleston Catholic Community Services coordinated several home repair-oriented jobs for these students, hence the birth of Project Appalachia. The present director ·of campus ministry, Sr. Bernadette Anello, has kept the tradition alive. Every year since 1983, during the spring semester break, Cabrini students travel to West Virginia and are given work assignments in the community. These assignments range from cleaning and painting houses, and construction and repair of houses (inside and out), to visitation of the elderly who simply have no friends or family to talk to. In one week, more is accomplished than one would think possible. While it may be a band-aid solution to a much greater problem, it is a worthwhile mission. Until

the situation gets better in Appalachia, the individuals who suffer the most can be helped by programs like Project Appalachia. This is a mission which represents that of the college itself. Not only do the Appalachian people benefit but the Cabrini college community as well. The student volunteers bring back an attitude of growth as well as cultural diversity, which could only be an asset. Although it is not realistic for every student to physically participate in this project, your help is needed in other areas. During the next few weeks, donation jars will be found in the Wigwam, bookstore and the cafeteria. Students will be sel1ing soft pretzels and selling chances on the number of pieces of candy in a jar. The faculty and staffs assistance is also greatly needed. In order to raise enough capital to transport the students and feed them, Project Appalachia calls on the entire Cabrini community to he1p.

more SECURITY from 1

Counseling center plans programs for semester by Rita S. Cellucci The counseling center,underthe direction of Dr. Daniel Schwarz, has planned several new programs for this semester. Schwarz, who holds a doctorate in counseling psychology, wants "the campus to know we are here for any issue" and to also be "sensitive to ideas and suggestions of what the campus wants." Feb. 17 at 5:30 there will be a seminar called "When Cultures Meet." Guest speaker, psychologist Laureen Finley, will give students an opportunity to participate in a group discussion involving cultural issues. The seminar, sponsored by student services, will teach values, attitudes, and beliefs of self and others. The counseling center is in the process of organizing "Grief Groups," which are support groups aimed at helping students deal with the death of a loved one or with just trying to recover from a broken relationship, "It is an opportunity to provide support for those dealing with some kind of loss," Schwarz said. One reason this came about is due to the death 'of David Pisko last semester and it can be helpful in dealing.with that or with other related issues. Ellen Shechtman, counselor, is running this group and those students interested should call the center at her extension, 8566. Another group will focus on eating concerns, such as compulsive eating and overeating. Schwarz and Lili Goodman Waechtler are the co-leaders of this program and they hope to "raise an awareness and consciousness that eating takes place even without your knowing." Schwarz pointed out many reasons for compulsive eating which students who

photo by Ivan Domazet

Dr. Dan Schwarz director of the counseling center from New Beginnings will speak here on campus to interested students and faculty about the problems of drugs and alcohol on college campuses. Along with a representative there will be a recent college graduate from the rehabilitation program. The hour-and-a-half session will discuss the initial phases for recovery, what resources are available, and how to approach people and talk to them about their problem. The counseling center also has workshops, which are combinations of lectures and group participation. These are made available to resident advisors and to other students as well. They include How to Build Self Esteem, Managing Pressure and Stress, Interpersonal Conflicts: How to Negotiate Differences, Preventing Suicide, Dream Interpretation, Feeding the Hungry Heart, and Relationships. This last workshop can be in a series of four workshops or individually. The Counseling Center staff is available Monday through Friday from 9-5, with possible evening hours. The staff is morethan willing to take suggestions from students who think Cabrini lacks in certain programs. Schwarz said they are there to help students, staff and faculty

have this problem can overcome. On March 12at 7:30, a representative workon a wide rangeof issues.

and those with appropriate college degrees will also be considered. One of the new guards, Louis Welsch, is coming from a previous job as a lieutenant guard at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. Welsch came to Cabrini because he said it is a nice campus and the students are friendly. Welsch has five children, one in college, three in high school, and a daughter in the Air Force in the Gulf. Welsch said he came to Cabrini because he "felt like a change and it seemed like a nice campus." Nick Stroffolino has been a temporary summer guard at Cabrini for the past two years. Prior to coming to Cabrini he taught at Williamson Trade School. In addition to working full-time here, Stroffolino also teaches an afternoon math class at Penn State Delaware County. "I enjoy working with young people, and if anyone needs math help drop in." said Stroffolino.Welsch and Stroffolino work Sunday through Thursday from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. After their training they will rotate with the other guards so that the same guard is not always stationed at the same place. Student seem to have welcomed the idea

of dorm security guards with open arms. "I reallydon'tthinkit's such a badidea." said Trish Monaghan, first- year resident student of Woodcrest. Jeff Patti, first-year resident student in Xavier said "It's good to have the presence there. It cuts down onmischievous happenings and vandalism." "I think it• s good to have a security guard, but along with that I think since they know everyone who comes in and out of the building, parietals should be until two or three." said Susan Haines, first-year resident student. "I think it shows Cabrini to be a real college." said Brendan Noone, first-year resident student. "If you go to colleges all across the Philadelphia area, they all have the same set-up." Joelle Spagnola, first-year resident said "I think the security guard is a good idea, but I don't think we should have parietals if we have a security guard." The Woodcrest resident who had her room entered by an intruder also commented on the guard. "I think he's there because of what happened to me. I don't think he would have been there in September. And they still haven't put a new lock on my door."

more XAVIER from 1 intramural sports program for the hall. He is also going to organize a counseling session for those who want to talk about how the war in the Middle East affects them.


'It was evident to me that we needed more structure for students who reside in Xavier.' - Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students

Lea Brundin, RA from Xavier upper north is planning a dream interpretation clinic as well as a Mary Kay cosmetics demonstration. Hines is conducting two alcohol edu-

cation programs. One will be called Alcohol Bowl. It will be a question and answer game between the basketball team and each dorm wing. The other program will inform students of the level of alcohol in certain drinks and teach students how to drink responsibly. D' Amelio plans to run a program which will teach students how to do their income taxes. Another program will be a group discussion on courtship violence. She hopes to have someone from the counseling center come in and talk to the group. Date rape, co-dependency and love addiction will be discussed. "It was evident to me that we needed more structure for students who reside in Xavier. and decisions were made to fulfill that aim," Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio feels that the changes have helped Xavier and he explained that it was the students who recommended them.





friday, feb. 15, 1991


moreTAXI from 1· be done in moderation. There will be some people who don't understand moderation, she said, then TAXI will be here for them. Mullen said she has the support of most of the students, faculty and staff behind SGA's idea to initiate TAXI.

'I don'tthinkSGA is promotingalcoholism.If anything,they'repromoting safety.' - MicheleAdleman, junior Michele Adelman, junior, confirms this attitude by saying, "I don't think SGA is promoting alcoholism. If anything, they're promoting safety." The question of insurance is a factor that is halting the formation of this program. Mullen said the college is attempting to work out a policy where TAXI could utilize the two vans the college already owns. Mullen said the term "safe rides" was not chosen for this program because SGA sees it as derogatory. SGA said the term implies students cannot handle the responsibility of their alcohol consu~ption. TAXI is a positivo name, she said, for a program that asks the student to realize when not to drive while intoxicated or drive with someone who has been drinking. Mullen has been working closely with Villanova University which began its safe rides program in 1981. According to Jeanne O'Neill, secretary to the dean of students at Villanova, their safe rides program began withanalumnigrantof$5,000 to getthe ball rolling. Currently, the program is supported en-

tirely by Villanova itself with no ties to the student government association. Ed Mooney, a junior and president of Villanova's safe rides program; said he oversees a staff of six board members and approximately 35 volunteers. At least one board member mans the phone every evening-and the volunteers are called upon once or twice a semester. Students who have consumed alcohol or driven with a friend who \li'.aS drinking are encouraged to dial the safe rides telephone number for a ride back to campus. Villanova leases two vans for their safe rides program. These vans are not only used for safe rides, but also for other organizations on campus. The phone number for the safe rides program is posted all over the

'We can't buryour heads in the sand and expectthe problemto go away.' - JenniferMarks-Gold, directorof Studentactivities campus, O'Neill said, and notecards advertising the number are issued to every student. Mooney said many students at Villanova take advantage of the program. "It's usually slow the first couple of weekends but by the end of the semester when everyone is familiar with our service, we get a lot of calls," Mooney said. There has never been a problem at Villanova where the school has viewed the safe rides program as condoning alcohol consumption, according to Mooney. "We don't have a position on drinking," Mooney said, "but we are against drinking and driving."

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fridaXzfeb. 15, 1991


Athlete of the Week

Tucci: v-balI leader by Joe Martini

availability of the gymnasium for club practice, availability of school vans for away grunes and funds to . pay referees for officiating games. Tucci also calls officials to get them to come to games. "I have to haggle with them for price," Tucci said. Tucci even drives to away games himself. He picked out the uniforms, designed the insignia, appointed numbers for the players and took them to the printer. He also designed the terun's jackets. All the fundraising for the club is done by Tucci. The club sponsors a sweatsuit sale once a year. When it comes to practice and grunes, Tucci is always the one to look ahead. He'll call practice when he knows that there is a game coming up. He puts the playe~s in the positions that are best suited for them. He watches to see which new players do what the best, and appoints positions appropriately. He is very optimistic about the new players. "The new players are the strongest in natural ability in three years, " Tucci said.

It came as no surprise to anyone in the men's volleyball club that Charlie Tucci would be highlighted as the most outstanding player. All the players spoke· unanimously about his dedication and commitment to the club. Tucci does so much to hold the club together, one would have to wonder how he has time for anything else. For starters, Tucci is the cocaptain of the club. He attends all of the AMIVL (Atlantic Men's Intercollegiate Volleyball League) meetings, which entail tedious voting on issues such as eligibility, how long the season will last, which teruns will play which and when, and determining whether the games will be played home or away. Tucci then has to make up Cabrini's club schedule and advise the players of it. Meetings with John Dzik, athletic director, are a regular part of Tucci's schedule. He meets with Dzik three times a week to discuss

With the aid of senior co-captain Tim Janusz, Tucci runs the practices. He and Janusz set up the nets before games. Tucci serves as a sort of unofficial coach, since the club is coach-less this season. Tucci is also the floor captain during games. He calls for substitutions and time outs, and is the only player who can talk to the officials during the grunes. _ ''The hardest thing is dealing with the school...trying to get money and recognition," Tucci said. The players recognize and appreciate Tucci' s efforts. They all see him as a crucial part of the club. "I know he did a lot of work to get the club together," Joe Orsati, junior, said. Orsati also recognized a duality that makes Tucci so outphoto by Judi Panasik standing. "Off the court he takes Junior Charlie Tucci, seen here returning a volley, has the place of a coach, and on the found his duties on the court as challenging as those off. court he backs it up by being a great player," Orsati said. do their best...pushing everybody." How does Charlie feel about all Jerry Schaefer, a first-year stu"Charlie has the most dedica- of this responsibility? "I hated it dent and new player, praised Tucci tion to the sport. I personalJy (the job) last year, because I didn't for his efforts, saying, "If it wasn't wouldn't go through half of the • knowwhatto do. But, this year its for Charlie, we wouldn't be where hassles that he (Tucci) does," smooth because 1 have a format,'' we are. He motivates the team to Janusz said. Tucci -raid.

more WOMEN'S 8-BALL from 12 a 6-3 league record with one home league game with Wesley remaining. But with the loss to league-foe Allentown, the lady Cavs ensured themselves no higher place than third with Salisbury State looming just behind them. The showdown began with the lady Cavs shouting in unison their motto: "Win." Allentown captured the ball first as Cabrini demonstrated good defense. Sophomore Mary Kate Fannon knocked in the first basket of the game en route to her 11 points for the contest. One minute and 30 seconds into the grune, Allentown called for timeout, as Cabrini dictated the pace of the grune. Sophomore Adrienne Bruce scored the first two points of


her l O for the game. Allentown scored their first point after 5:30 expired in the first half. Fannon made another shot, and then Allentown and Cabrini traded baskets for the rest of the half. It became tit for tat.

'It is only just that she finally achieved scoring 1,000 points.' -Dan Welde First-year student Suzanne Beck hit one of her many long shots from the side and guided the ball gracefully into the basket for her 15 points on the day. Still Allentown ran to its




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biggest lead of the game at 17-10 with 9:21 left. Some back-door passes took place along with usual ball fumbling. But the clanks of the rim mounted as Allentown capitalized on the misses. Milligan missed a shot only to have Bruce tip it back into the basket effortlessly. Beck makes the final basket as the buzzer sounds for half-time. The half ended with a 29-28 Allentown lead. With the start of the second half, the lady Cavs stayed close. It becrune more difficult for the ladies to make a basket. The women were beginning to look weary. Coach Dan Welde screamed from the sidelines and the players responded like puppets as he called out plays. The crowd heard the smacking arms reach for the points. Beck was taken out of the game after five personal fouls. The closest Cabrini got was behind 63-61 with 2:00 minutes remaining. According to Welde, fundrunentals are the key to basketball and Allentown did a much better job that night with defense and foul shooting. '' It made the difference of the game,'' Welde said. The grune did not end on a completely sad note though. Milligan 's accomplishment left a smile on everyone's face. Milligan, who teaches first grade and she had a cheering section all to her own at the game, mostly little children. Brother Marty tries to make all of her home grunes. "It is only just that she finally achieved scoring 1000 points," Welde, who coached Milligan throughout her collegiate career, said: According to Milligan, she was just happy to come back and play. "I'm happy with myself," Milligan said after the grune.

Cavs loseto Centaurs64-63


SllnJo; Jt,ff Sames;atter""9 to split Allnollln

.... Larry LIJweryantJ--~. Tbs C.S .,,,.,_, lls oonstlCfllM onefJOllttbis.

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friday, feb. 15, 1991


more FITNESS from 12 good exercise that you can do virtually anywhere outside. It is a simple exercise tqat anyone can do. All you need is a good pair of sneakers and to dress warmly in the cold weather. Experts recommend layers as you can take off the top layer as you warm up with the exercise. Tennis, swimming, bicycling, jogging, aerobic dance and jumping rope are also good exercises according to Renee D. Turner in Ebony's July 1989 issue. She went on to say that a person should ease into an exercise program and by all means be consistent. Dzik said the same thing essentially when he said that any exercise program should include the long term effects and be a lifetime plan. Fitzgerald said that the younger a person starts on an exercise program the better. "It becomes a habit then and the person will be healthier for it,'' Fitzgerald said. Dzik would like to see a course taught at the campus on physical fitness but understands that there is only one person handling physical fitness on campus. He feels that there is not enough emphasis on lifetime physical well being. '' A good course would be something on the ideas, rules and so. forth to physical fitness. Lifetime sports like tennis, squash and golf could also be explored in this course," Dzik said. "Physical fitness should be given more than just a "playground approach," Dzik said. On the other hand, he added that ''people make too much out of it and it becomes an obsession.'' Dan Trotter, first-yearstudent,said, "It's so overrated. People should do whatever makes them comfortable,'' .. Fitzgerald agreed. "People are being bombarded by

fitness propaganda,'' Fitzgerald said. Nike cross trainers are the best selling sneaker for those that are thii:akingof doing any kind of aerobics and other related exercises, according to Bernie Conner, manager of the Wayne Sporting Goods. Foot Joy walking shoes also sell fast at the Wayne Sporting Goods and are great for brisk walking. "Dec., Sept. and June are our biggest selling months,'' Conner said. Spring, though, is the favorite time of year for people to seriously start an exercise program. '' People are tired of being inside,'' Donohue said. ''Women usually exercise in the spring to get ready for swimsuit season.'' Fitzgerald said. You can see people exercising all year round though through house-cleaning and aerobic tapes. ''The best ones to sta~ with are the low-impact aerobic tapes," Trotter said. The one thing you should remember is that any exercise program you take up whether it be walking, aerobics or biking, should make you feel good about yourself. "It shouldn't be a chore," Donohue said. Donohue went on to say that the size and shape of a person are often related to physical fitness. This, he said, is not true. Different body types show that physical fitness can not be judged by the shape and size of the person. Each person should judge how physically fit they are and with the help of their physician and their individualized exercise program, stay the way they want to .stay. The best way to start a exercise program is to do it with friends according to Drabick. That is always a good idea because it defuses boredom. So, if you like to feel better, look healthier and have a good altitude, a good exercise program may be for you.


fO1iisfather followinghis 2,000th peint.


niHreO'HAREfrom12 O'ffale ia a ..__ed citiz.eaill IJe: landas well II Amedcaandhasplayed ovenieesevery11111fU1111!11'1QDCe highacbooL Alsowhenthe oppommitytoplay professiooallyin Europe WIS mmior.ecl., O'Hare said.''It's alwaysintJ1e bu of mymind.•• Accordingto O'Hare,he will perticipate in the WorldStudent Gamesthis summea-andhis lOUmalDelltplay will dictamfmtheil'opportunities. O'Hare bas maoyrelativesovenees andO'Raecelilbes thofacl dlllbecan visit them beaiut of ~ ··1 waddn'l aeet.bem • "le Joe~.


O'lfare~ dieup-ten'4JOpaceof EulopeanplayIDl(-I>zit said.''I dunkbe is~ suilm forintemalional play." L Accordilaa to hazi.nsty, '"John~ adapt'to any kqJ of play. He is velJ: coacbable,"be saii!I. &Bin's play oo the couttcaa only be "'8tched, ~ ~ by dw mannerin wbidl he cardeahimllelfoff thecourt. "EWajlfodJbows be'sa~ bestcd,,o-ll player.''Hazialty said...blf be'sa better~" "YOIIDI playen should ...

to be

litekimO'Jflie."Dzittl\il4 "If~ ~

was lilDo.ldil. 11111. JGII_...,








RECEPTIONIST - The Aluminum Athletic Equipment Co. parttime or full-time, flexible days and hours. Contact: Mr. Driscoll at 8256565. GROUNDS/LANDSCAPE POSITIONS- Two openings available: regular full-time, hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-4:00pm; Temporary fulltime(April to October) hours flexible. Duties include operating vehicles and equipment, maintenance of grounds, use of hand power tools, must have valid PA drivers license. Salary range: $7.50 to $9.00/hr. Call Rebecca Rose at 526-7000.

STAFF ASSISTANT- The Main Line Chamber of Commerce, is located in Wayne, is seeking a part-time staff assistant. The position involves public contact, secretarial and organizational skills. 10-15 hr/wk, MF, between 9-5, $6.00/hr. Cpntact:Linda O'Keefe at the Chamber Office,687-6232. CLERICAL ASSISTANT- The Chapman Agency needs a responsible, organized person needed for clerical asst. prior computer and calculator experience helpful. Flexible hours between 9-5, approx. 20 hr/ wk. Salary depends on prior experience. Call Gloria at 337-1171. NEEDED- someone to clean brass fire place and irons for elderly lady in Wayne, Someone needed to drive elderly lady in her car as necessary. $7 ./hr. Flex. hrs. Must have car. If interested contact Dr. Bezdek at faculty mailboxor at ext. 8361.

HUMAN RESOURCE POSITION- PIT, flexible hrs. (prefer mornings). 15 hrsJ wk. PC knowledge, working skills. Starts immediately Susan Pentek 254-0249. Enterprising Interns in Devon.

WANTED- Accounting major, accounting clerk B. $6.27/hr. part-time, temporary (6 month min.) 15-20hrs.fwk., flexible, between 9-5. Commodore Semiconductor Group. Julie Casas 666-2541.

PART-TIME HELP- Executive secretary for Paoli Law firm. Organizational skills needed, word processing skills required. Flexible hours. Medical or scientific background helpful. This job offers growth potential.

SCHOLARSHIPS- The Philiadelphia chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants is awarding 2 scholarships of $750 to full or part-time undergraduate students persuing a major in accounting. Deadline is April 30, 1991.

POSITION AVAILABLE- Part-time, skills: computer (Lotus, etc.), basic accounting knowledge, willingness to perform office duties. Contact Gail Martin, Lincoln Mortage Comp. 885-4161 ext. 227

The National Right to Work Committee is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline.

PART-TIME- Costumer servicerep.Crt data input and look-up. Light typing Mon. Wed. and Fri. 5-9pm every other Sat. 12-4pm ($7.00/hr) contact Brian Fuhrmeister 962-8120 PERMANENT POSITION- part-time now, full-time summer. Flexible hrs. Clerical work. Clearfield Energy located in Radnor Corp. Center 293-0410 OPENING- Sheraton Valley Forge, Lily Landtrey's Dinner theatre. Full-time 85, ($6-$7/hr.) typing, work well with others. Contact personel dept. 337-2000 or apply in person.

NEEDED- Insurance clerk. Mon.-Fri., daytime hrs., part-time(20hrs./wk.) Responsible for billing, processing. Exper. ~I. $10.00/hr. benefits:trans. to train station, employee

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline.

The Main Line Chapter of the American Business Women's Assoc. is accepting applications for their scholarship given to a women seeking a business or professional career and has reached sophomore classification. Deadline is March 31, 1991. The College and University Public Relations Assoc. is offering a $1,000. scholarship to Minorities in Communications. Deadline Feb 22, 1991. OFFICE ASSISTANT- Perm., PIT, 2 days a week min. 5 hrs./day, flexible scheduling, excellent hourly wage & mileage reimbursement. Contact: Corporate office mgr.-Barbara Obst at 29.39100.

OPENINGSears Business Center (Bala Cynwyd). Sales support person/executive ast. light secretarial duties. $9.00/hr. 35hrs./ wk. (No weekends) contact Mrs. Evans 6682600. OFFICE POSITION- The Holding Compnay. Costumer service. Clerical and data entry work. Mon. & Fri. (5-8pm) $6.00/hr. Cathy 287-8010

NEEDED- Local student to assist in Paoli office. 2-3 days/wk., 2-4 hrs./day parttime for summer and school vacations. Salary negotiable. Starts immediately. Dr. Barrie Cassileth 296-5733 or 2969651. CLERK- G.W Hunter Inc. is looking for an accounts receivable clerk. Accounting major preferred. Send resume or letter of recommendation to: 510 Feheley Rd., P.O. Box 1585, King of Prussia, Pa 19406. PART-TIME- Direct Mail Company in Wayne has a position available. Flexible schedule, $5.00/hr. Contact: Patty at 687-8800. WORK-GRANT/WORK-STUDYStudents needed to work in Student Services, Resident Life, modeling for Gary Armstrong,Faculty Secretaries, or Countinuing Ed. on campus. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON JOBS OR SCHOLARSHIPS PLEASE SEE THE FINANCIAL AID OFFICE.

s Q

u A D



by Kimberly Marshall and Carlo Iacono

Results Men's Basketball 63 Cabrini 63 Cabrini

Shenandoah64 Allentown 64

Women's Basketball canceled 67 Cabrini

2/9 2/11



Men's Volleyball 2/9





Schedule Men's Basketball Sat.





Women's Basketball Fri. Tue.

2/15 2/19

Wesley Holy Family



7pm 6pm

Men's Volleyball Sun. 2/17 Tue. 2/19

PSU-Berks Swarthmore



Milliganjoins 1,000 pointelite club


2/9 2/11

friday, feb. 15, 1991


away 7:30pm

The women's Cavalier basketball game on Monday evening against the Allentown Centaurs had its highlights and its dark moments. One could say it turned out to mirror the lady Cav's season to date. With four minutes and 42 seconds left in the first half of the game, senior guard Barb Milligan launched a three-point shot from the top of the key for her second basket of the evening as a tension breaker and landmark. Milligan's bucket allowed her to reach the plateau of her J,OOOthpoint. For a slight moment in 74-67 Centaur cut-throat victory, the contest came to a halt and the other women Cavs ascended onto the court with balloons and flowers. Milligan 's father greeted herwith roses and her mother and cousins carried a poster and balloons out onto the court. , Mom and dad, Pat and Marty Milligan, only had proud things to say. "Her old man was hoping she would be able to walk again and here she scores 1,000 points,'' Pat Milligan said. A linle over a year ago, MiUigan suffered a strenuous knee injury similar to one recently suffered by sophomore Kathy ·


Murray. ''It is unbelievable, and like a dream come true," Milligan, a 1987 Cardinal O'Hara graduate said. "I never thought I would have made it this far after the injury." Milligan, who was on pace to achieve the 1,000 point mark during last season before the injury, resumed her quest after eight months of rehibilitation and two sessions

under the knife. Masked by the celebration of Milligan• s achievement, the lady Cav's dropped to a .500 record and decreased their chances for a high seeding in the ESAC tournament. Standing at 11-11overall, Cabrini does post

more WOMEN'S 8-BALL on 10

photo by Charh, Waterfal

Senior Barb Milligan was presented roses and balloons by her family, teamates and friends after scoring her monumental 1,000th point.

O'Hare's roadto Cabriniandbeyond b,y Bob Healey

If at first you don't succeed, It is a trite, hackneyed statement; but in the case of John Dzik recruiting John O'Hare, it fits. Following his high school graduation O'Hare applied and was accepted to Cabrini, however he chose to attend Elizabethtown College. According to O'Hare he was planning to attend Cabrini but during the Delaware County All-Star game the coach of Elizabethtown cajoled him away from Cabrini. According to O'Hare, Elizabethtown was more economically feasible. "You have to go with the bettermoney,'' O'Hare said. While at Elizabethtown O'Hare became frustrated and try, try, try again.

left after his initial semester. O'Hare aggravated an injury, that he sustained while playing in Spain, on Labor Day ... , aggravated it playing pick-up,'' O'Hare said. O'Hare recovered from his broken foot and in December, during his initial practice following his recovery, he broke his finger on the shooting hand. O'Hare said it took 12 months for him to fully recover from the foot injury. "It took me a full year to do things I was doing before," he said. O'Hare did not return for the second semester atElizabethtown and enrolled in a night class at Delaware County Community College. Once again, Dzik attempted to convince O'Hare that Cabrini was for him. 0 'Hare opted to enroll fuII time at Delco because, "It was close to home and things seemed to

fall into place,'· he said. ··I think he considered leaving after one semester, but I didn't push it." Dzik said. O'Hare stayed at Delaware County for two years, then turned down a few offers to play Division I and II, in order lo attend Cabrini. O'Hare said he choose Cabrini because he had traveled with the Irish National Team and, "I just wanted to stay close to home," he said. O'Hare recently eclipsed the 2,000 point plateau and he surpassed it in front of his family. "I was happy to get it at home, in front of my family," O'Hare said. O'Hare's parents were born in Ireland and his father, John Sr., said it makes him proud to see his son play for the Irish National team.

more O'HARE on 11

Fitnessand vou ~

Get doctor'sadvice by Elizabeth MacGuire


Fitness has been on everyone's mind lateIy because of the unseasonably warm weather . Before you start strapping on your new sneakers and starting out on your own fitness program, though, you should know how healthy you are . "People should know their limits and be cleared by their physician especially if they're at risk of any kind of cardiovascular disease,'' Susan Fitzgerald, R.N. said. '' Age and family history also play a part in deciding which exercise is right for you," Fitzgerald said. Nutrition and the

attitude you take about fitness also help when you're starting on a fitness program. "You should organize a plan that sets up a work-out schedule for a period of time not exceeding one year." John Dzik, athletic director said, the reason being that most get bored or have some other equally . good reason for quitting. The cure for that according to Maria Drabick, junior, is to try anything. Terry Donohue, junior, suggests that the exercise should be fun and easy to learn. Step aerobics is the ticket as it is the hottest new exercise sweeping the Main Line. Sherry from The Fitness Factory in Bryn Mawr agrees. ''The platform classes

along with the advanced aerobic classes are the most popular.'' You can do this exercise anywhere from your steps at home to the steps of a skyscraper, according to an article in the Jan. 27 Philadelphia Inquirer by Marc Schogol. As in starting any exercise program, you should know what physical condition you are in before starting. Shelly also suggests that you first calJ the fitness center you want to enroll in so they can assess what kind of condition you are in and what kind of condition you want to be in. Brisk walking is also a very

more FITNESS on 11

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