friday,feb. 22, 1991
cabrini college, radnor,pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 17
Area schools BSA continues Black History. Month celebration eye tuition hike Cabrini-decision expected in March by Kimberly Marshall The impending question of a possible rise in tuition comes up every year according to John Barclay, chief financial officer. Rumors may fly, but Barclay said that until the Board of Trustees approves a tuition increase it is all speculation. Vice President of Institutional Advancement Anthony Brocchi said that in the past history of higher educatronal institutions tuition has gone up every year and probably continue to do so. "The Board of Trustees is the governing body of the institution. They make the final determination on any tuition increase," Barclay photo by Lorraine Lill said. According to Barclay they make the final decision around Dr. Laureen Findley, a practicing psychologist at the Medical College of Pennsylvania, March. spoke at the BSA-sponsored lecture on black consciousness, oppression and cultural According to Barclay, the proidentification on Sun., Feb 17, in the Xavier Hall great room. See page six for a full story on cedure for raising tuition is simple the night's activities. but the analysis part is diffucult. "We have to speculate on expenses like the price of gasoline going up," Barclay said. The budget committee, consisting of faculty and administration, could make a recommendation through Sister Eileen previous years, the amount of confusion associated with room or by Joe Martini Currie, MSC, president, to the fideposit needed to guarantee hous- resident hall damage billing. The nance committee of the Board of The office of resident life an- ing was $100. This year, the amount $250 will be treated as a security Trustees then pass it on to the full nounced last week that there will of deposit has been more than deposit. Therefore, damages ~ill Board. The idea to increase tuition be several changes in the lottery doubled to $250. Resident life said not be added to bills. Any damage may also originate from the finance process. The lottery, as we all that there are many reasons for this charges will be taken straight from committee. the security deposit. A full refund increase. know, is the sometimes-painful "Hopefully, someday we could One reason is that resident life is of the $250 will be issued if no process of room selection for the reduce tuition but that just isn't trying to predict which students damage is incurred by the student at upcoming school year. happening in America," Barclay "I "Itwas like pulling teeth," Kevin will actually be returning in the fall. the end of the school year. said. Koknar, senior and former resident $ince the room deposit is non- think $250 is a lot of money, but it Nancy Costello, director of the assistant, said of last year's lottery. refundable, people will only pay if comprehensive campaign, sits on more LOTTERY on 4 The first and most major change they intend to live on campus. the Board of Trustees as an alumni Another reason is to lessen the is the increased room deposit. In
Lottery revamped, deposit higher
member. According to Costello no firm decision has been made yet. "Speaking for myself, I think we're still competitive. Cabrini's education is still affordable quality," Co~tello said. Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said that tuition has gone up every year since he has been here. "I also believe that the quality of the institution has gone up also." Bonfiglio, a member of the budget committee, was involved in the preliminary discussions about a possible tuition increase.
'Hopefuttr, someday we could reduce tuition, but that just isn't happening in America,' -John Barclay, chief financial officer Bonfiglio said that the report of the Consultants for Educational Resources and Research done in April of 1988 for the college, stated that "Cabrini College is underpriced when compared to colleges and universities in this market especially with those direct competitors. Catholic -affiliated colleges had an averaging state per year tuition of $7200 in 1987 and independent non-profit colleges averaged $8400. At $5800 per
more TUITION on 4
Drop in high school grads hurts '91 enrollment statistics by Lorraine Marie Lill As of Feb. 1, 229 students had been accepted to Cabrini College. Only 21 of those students have enrolled for the fall of 1991. At the same time, within the past five years there has been an up-and-down run in the number of students enrolled. The best year was in 1989 when, at this time, 63 students were enrolled. The year with the lowest number at this time, except for this year, was in 1988 when 30 students
had put their money down. "The number of high school graduates is less than it was last year and the year before. The economy is worse than those years. It isn't fair to say we should be at the same level," Dean of Students, Robert Bonfiglio said. Brother Paul Scheiter, director of institutional research at LaSalle University, said that 18 years ago children were not being born at the same rate as in previous years and that is the reason for the considerable decline in the enrollment population.
According to Bonfiglio, some people think that bad publicity of the college has something todo with the low level of enrollment. Bonfiglio said, "I'm not sure I feel that way." Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said that there are a mixture of different reasons why students may not be enrolling. Bad publicity may be one of them. "Another thing that does have an effect on us is that there are greater numbers applying to the larger, more prestigious colleges. ' photo by Judi Panasik
more ENROLLMENT on 3
What's happening Feb. 22 to March 1 ... Friday Men's and Women's ESAC Championsh~ at Shenandoah Un1vers,rty 10:00 p.m. Legal Party with guest 11st- House Two
Saturday Men's and Women's ESAC Championships at Shenandoah Umversirty
Sunday 10:30 a.m. Mass - Oapel 12'.45 p.m. Brunch 1or accepted students - Cafeteria 2:00 g.m. Free workout party - Clu La Maison 5:15 p.m. Peace Vigil· Chapel 6:00 p.m. Mass• Chapel Following Mass • Lerten Faith Developmen1 Program
Monday Deadline tor applications for Special ln1erest Housing 1 :00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. "Local Focus• airs on Adelphia Cable channel 8 7:30 Men's Volleyball vs. Villanova - gym
Nancy Gardner, admissions director
more coverage in UPDATES!
Tuesday 12:30 p.m. Planning meeting for a Passover Seder - Student Services t :00 p.m. "Local Focus· airs on Adelphia Cable's channel 8
Wednesday 1:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. "Local Focus• airs on Adelphia Cable channel 8 7-~D1verstty W op • Mans10n
Thursday 1:00 p.m. "local FOC\Js" airs on Adelphia Cable's channel 8 3 p.m. Town Council Meeting • Academic
Friday Deadline 1ora~ication for studen1 leader ip posttions
fridaY,feb. 22, 1991
Puttingourselvesat risk How Peanuts imitates life We are not winning this war. Battles are being fought within our own communities as our soldiers are enduring in the desert. And we are losing the battles on the homefront. The danger for both is as ominious, because we feel the world is out of our control. In our daily lives, we have allowed ourselves to be intimidated by the uncertainty. We are slowly shrinking into ourselves. - We are afraid to travel, or enjoy life too much. We are afraid to invest in the future. We are afraid to risk. Last weekend, though, ten young students weren't. They had the guts to confront their futures as black students in a powerful white world. Because a fellow high school graduate cared enough to try out the '' Focus on the Future 1991,'' program, opportunities were opened for them to see the impact they could have as black leaders, and what they could bring back to their neighborhoods. During their visit, college was made real for them, and once they know they can touch it, they may be able to have the confidence to reach it. These students are a reminder to us to have the courage to risk a little. Because every time we risk, we are assured that we will grow and learn no matter what the outcome. What greater control over our future is there?
Q.\Jill any road~gel buill
Well, Charlie Brown, the doctor is in. Pay me a quarter and tell me what's on your mind. I am sure any problem you have I can solve with ease. If you just listen to what I tell you things will run much smoother. Lucy I don't understand why nobody listens to me. Sorry Chuck, what's that you said? Good grief! Nobody ·ever pays attention to me! Charlie Brown, all you do is complain. It is no wonderthat people do not wantto listen to you. You should try to be more like me-compassionate, understanding, undeniably beautiful, and always in charge of... in charge of... well, in charge of everything. AARGH! ! I have good ideas, Lucy, I just want to be heard!
Administration's n~wlT'anspor-t.aUon plan? -/\'.\'., Bufl'alo
l~le_ttf9_·rs__ .....;_._._.,: .11 co:rr8~tion~ I Bad timing for photo shoot? To the editor: We are writing this letter to show how annoyed we are that this year's picture schedule for the yearbook was held on a Sunday evening. To.the commuters who are involved in various activities, this posed a great inconvenience. Did the yearbook staff actually think that commuters would put their other affairs aside to drive to Cabrini on a weekend to have pictures taken? Our point is that commuters should be • taken into consideration before planning a schedule such as this. Thank you,
Catrina Horning,Bill Schellinger Eileen Turner,Jeanine Kederis
An addition to the article in the Feb. issue of Loquitur, "Special interest housing to remain," is that special interest housing does not need to be 24 or more people. You can have a quad or a floor designated as special interest. Also, in the article, "Counseling center plans programs for semester,'' quoted Dr. Daniel Schwarz as saying "eating takes place even without your knowing.'' The quote should have read, "the eating concern group is to raise students' awareness that eating can occur unconsciously." Schwarz gave the example of, "people eating when they are not hungry, but as a way of coping with their feelings." Loqultuf welcOmes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. Wthe wrtter wishes, and the editor agrees. the wrlter's name may be left off the letter upon publication onci on Inscription Inserted such as "'name withheld a1 the request of the wr1ter... Letters should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words In lerQ!h. W a letter Istoo long for the oval~ .i able ,pace. the editor may edit or con/ dec'\18It. Letters to the editor should be / submitted by noon on Mondays. ;:;
frank emmerich photography editor
lisa lindley assistant photography editor
I can't help thinking that this would be a better world if everyone would listen to me ... -Lucy, Peanuts character Here is our big chance to be heard and the truth is we have much to say. The problem is that no one is going to listen. It really is not anything new to our lives, however, it is not something that we enjoy. Why is it that it is our generation that is fighting this war, yet it is the preceeding generation who is being listened to? How come in Peanuts their preceeding generation is either non-existent or some unintelligible voice? The truth is this is not as far from reality as we would like to think. Do we really understand what is happening to our friends and those of our generation? Or are we allowing some mush mouth voice over the phone or in the classroom of life to control our destiny? Our generation, and yes we are including ourselves, seems more interested in the battle of the TV network anchors than the battle that is ongoing in the Persian Gulf. (Dan Rather--not!?) Even in Wayne's World ... war is real! Are you listening to us? Is there
anybody out there? AARGH!!! Life is too frustrating. No one even listens to us when it is little stuff. We do not want our significant others to leave our rooms at midnight. Why won't the administration hear us when we tell them that anything we can do after midnight we can do all day! And even our friends (Carlo, our esteemed editor) do not hear us when we offer constructive criticisms. We are at times made to feel that we are second rate when really they (Carlo, our esteemed editor) should just save time ... and see it our way! The truth is no one is always right but that does not mean that they should not be heard. In most cases a lot of time would be saved if we just stopped and listened to each other. Communication is the key to solving all of life's problems. Unfortunately, in our generation technological communication has superceeded personal communication. Thanks to CNN the two leaders in charge of this war can communicate with each other. What would the world do without Ted Turner? At one time the administration communicated with the student body through the President's Newsletter, now what? If it were not for a handful of students and faculty who realized that personal, one on one, communication was important would there be any communication? In the harsh reality oflife, we are seldom allowed to express ourselves honestly. Our friends (Carlo, our esteemed editor) do, however. afford us this opportunity. Friends allow you to share the laughter and the tears and best of all, even when they don't do what you tell them, they do listen. And the truth is, we really do like "Wayne's World" but in our perfect vision of society it should be, "Frank and Lisa's World ... Frank and Lisa's World!" Save time, hear it, speak it, see it, think it, do it, and live it our way because we know the truth. If everyone would just listen to each other, the world would be a most excellent place. Well Charlie Brown, I hope that I have been some help. AARGH! ! It is awful when you have to pay a quarter just to be heard. What ever happen to a penny for your thoughts? Recession. Now pay up!
Cl Editor-on-chief:Carto Iacono
PhotographyEdttor: Frank Emmerich
Managing Editor: Jenntter Morrison
Assistant PhotographyEditor: Lisa Lindley
News Editor: Chris Pesotski
PhotographyAdviser: Or. Carter Craigie
Senior Associate News Edttor: Melissa Landsmann
Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek
Assistant News Edrtors: Atta Cellucci, Kimberty Keck, Dawn Timbario and Missy von Siegel PerspectivesEditor: SharteneSephton
Stall: William Fulton, John Gay, Matt Hodlofski. Kimberly Leblang, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Jenntter Melchiorre. Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sdolla.
Assistant PerspectivesEditors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall
Photography Stall: John Gay, Mall<Gudas, Lorraine Marie Lill. Judi Panaslk. Carin Pesotski.Charles Waterfall.
Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed
Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor, PA 19087. PhOne:215-971-8412. SUbscriptionprice is $25 per year and is included in the benefits securedby tuijion and Sludenl fees.
Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda. Lorraine Marie Lill and Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: DeniseEdwards Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and William A. Fulton
BusinessManagers: Kim Marshal, MicnelleMerger
The ed~orlals and opinions publiShedin Loquttur are the views of the student editorial stall and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibi1ed,robust.-free and opendiscussion of issues.
friday, feb. 22, 1991
Activist speaks of peace in the midst of war by Elizabeth MacGuire
Valentine's Day seemed an ironic day to discuss the dangers of global conflict. But the message of Sister Evelyn Mattern, of the Fellowship for Reconciliation, a peace group, who went to Iraq and Jordan in October to find a peaceful solution to the coming war, rang out clearly to those assembled to hear her speak .. "I had two reasons for wanting to go. My background in going to Central America and actually seeing mitigation in the fighting because there were ordinary people sitting before the guns helped me," Mattern said. "My friend, an Episcopalian priest who is on the Middle East task force of the Fellowship for Reconciliation, also asked me·to join his task force to talk to the Iraq people and bring much needed medicine and food for the children. He wanted to set up a structure for peace," Mattern _said."He
was planning on having some of the members replace the hostages still in Iraq." The members of the Fellowship spent a few days in Jordan before going in Iraq. It was in Jordan that they met some high-ranking officials who helped them assess the whole situation and to see what the ordinary people on the street were thinking. The people of Iraq Mattern met were afraid. Mattern relayed the utter hopelessness of the Iraqis with her story about a father who has two sons in the military. Mattern said that he gave her a bear hug which is very unusual because Arabs rarely ever touch a women much less hug them. Mattern also said that the man's two sons were now at the Iraqi border and whenever she hears about the bombing she thinks about that man and his sons. She feels that this war is not justified. "It is out of proportion. No one is thinking of the long-tenn effects on
the environment or the long tenn possibility of hostilities with the whole Arab world. This is the cradle of civilization we're bombing. There are at least 500 archaeological sites destroyed already," Mattern said. Sister Mattern's main concern, though, is for the poor people who end up dying for the rich. "Once again the U.S. is supporting the rich against the poor," she said concerning the war for Kuwait. She urged us to build a peace community because "you can't do it alone." Writing your congressman as a group then will have a greater impact she went on to say. The short-tenn goals she outlined in her talk were to get the U.S. to cease fire, to have the withdrawal of troops on both sides,to hold an Arab conference, to settle the Palestinian issues and haggle out oil fields and oil prices. The long-tenn goals were to make no more weapon sales to anyone in the Middle East and finally disarmament.
more TUITION from 1 year, Cabrini College is priced so far below its comparable colleges that its price may be seen as a disadvantage in the eyes of prospective students and their parents." Tuition for the 1989-90 school year was $6600. It climbed a record 10 percent to $7200 for the 1990-91 school year. According to Barclay an increase in tuition would cover the inflation of expenses to run the college such as· electricity, heating buildings and benefits for employees. Bonfiglio said that the report suggested that "Cabrini raise its tuition costs to a more competitive level which will generate additional funds for financial aid programs and overall upgrading of increasingly important areas as athietics." Greg Smith, manager of student receivables at Villanova University, said they will definitely raise their tuition for the 1991-92 school year. The decision of how much has not been decided as of yet. The last increase was implemented last year. "I do not believe we are pricing ourselves out of the market," Smith said. Smith also said that there has been an increase in capital expenditures and employee benefits. Rosemont College has not decided about a tuition increase just yet according to the Joe Lunardi, director of media relations at
Saint Joseph's University, said that there will be a tuition increase this year but they are not sure how much. "The process does not conclude until late February or early March. The budget advisory committee advises the president about projected expenses for the upcoming year," Lunardi said. "St. Joe's has been fairly consistent
'The educational dollar is spent wisely by students and parents.' -Joe Lunardi, director of media relations, St. Joseph's University with inflation although the percentage varies from yeartoyear," Lunardi said. According to Lunardi, tuition was raised a significant 16 percent for the 1989-90 academic year. This increase also coincided with the largest incoming freshman class ever. Lunardi does not believe that increases in tuition will price various institutions out of the market. "The educational dollar is spent wisely by_ students and parents. Better
institutions have been able to maintain tuition increases without decreasing enrollment," Lunardi said. Bonfiglio said that surveys were taken at orientation for incoming first-year students by the student services office. Also a survey was taken three years ago for the entire student body. "Tuition was on of the least important reasons that students checked as a deciding factor in attending Cabrini," Bonfiglio said. "Bigger concerns seemed to be the location and size." Elizabeth Cairns, assistant director of financial aid, does not believe that Cabrini would be pricing itself out of the market if tuition increased. "It is seriously considered before any increase is implemented," Cairns said. Cairns said that she had never been at any school, even state schools, that have not had tuition increases each year. "I could see if the price went up and the money went towards building another resi• dence hall," senior Jan Mathis said. Mathis would also like to see the money go towards improvements for the commuters. Senior Kayleen Monaghan is concerned about entering the job market and employers not knowing about Cabrini. "I do not have a problem with the academics here but I think if tuition is raised the money should go toward furthering the accredidation of the school," Monaghan said.
Many students pay for tuition themselves. Sophomore Tracy Loftus said if they raise the price of tuition, they should also raise the amount of aid they give out. "A tuition increase might scare away other people like myself," Loftus said. "It's unfair for people who are paying for it themselves," junior Chris Brittain said. Junior Jon Owens receives loans and financial aid but he must pick up the rest of the tab himself. "I save during the summer and think I'm prepared for the upcoming school year then the price goes up and I hardly have money for books," Owens said. "It's a lot for my parents to pay," firstyear student Deanna D' Alfonso. Sophomore Heather Laraway said it would be a bad decision to raise tuition considreing today's economic situation. "People don't have the money especially with the parents of some students being laid off," Laraway said. Currie was out of town and unable to be reached for comment.
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friday, feb. 22, 1991
more ENROLLMENT from 1
Campus Town Council Meeting Do you have something to say? The next Town Council meeting will be held Thurs., Feb. 28, at 3 p.m. in the Academic Conference Room in Grace Hall. All are invited to attend.
Lenten programs Lenten Faith Development Program will be held after the 6 p.m. masses every . Sunday in the chapel. The priest celebrant will give a presentation and facilitate discussion on a different theme each week. The theme for Sun., Feb. 24, is faith. Call ext. 8225 or 8226 for further infonnation. Pray for peace every Sunday during Lent from 5: 15 to 6 p.m. This Lenten prayer effort is a continuation of the peace vigil held on Jan. 15.
New arrivals Congratulations to Glen and Jini Loos (of the public relations office) on the arrival of their son, Christian, who was born on Sat., Feb. 2. Arlene Dittbrenner, director of Financial Aid office, and her husband welcome the birth of their daughter, Lindsay Holland, who was born on Sat., Feb. 16.
Brunch early on Sunday About 250 people, accepted students and their families, will be coming to the cafeteria for an Accepted Student Luncheon about 12:45 on Sun., Feb. 24. So it might be quieter for you to eat brunch before noon. Admissions thanks you for your help in making these prospective students feel welcome!
Students who would nonnally apply to Cabrini have a greater chance of being accepted into these colleges," Bonfiglio said. Gardner said that since this year's high school graduating class is the smallest in recent history, "we're getting a sense from the high school students that there is no rush to apply to college." 'Twenty-one students as of Feb. 1 out of 229 who have been accepted have enrolled. A lot of those 229 may have not made a decision yet. Whether they are awaiting to hear about financial aid, you can't really say," Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio and Gardner said that all colleges are feeling the demographic and economic pinch, but they may not be to the same extent. Neumann College is doing well at this point, according to a representative of that college. They are on target for first-year students enrolled and they are above target for transfers. Harcum Junior College is 9.2 percent ahead in applications from last year. Because of the costs of running the college there could be a tuition increase, which may become a factor in the enrollment of students. According to Bonfiglio the costs of running a college seems to go up each year. Those costs include utilities, heating and cooling of the buildings, health insurance for faculty and staff and salaries. "Eighty percent of the colfege budget is taken up by utilities, salaries and benefits. It's important to keep in mind that those
salaries are not unusually high," Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio said that it would not be surprising if tuition does become a factor in the enrollment decision. First-year Cabrini students do not seem to be concerned about financing college,
'Twenty-one students as of Feb. 1 out of 229 who have been accepted have enrolled.' -Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students according to a survey given to first-year students upon entering the fall semester. "I think there are trade offs between choosing a big college and a small college. If they want to pay less and go to a larger state institution that would be understandable given the economic situation that we're in," Bonfiglio said. "I don't think it would be fair to say that they would get more out of a larger institution. Our students value the relationship that they have with the faculty and staff," Bonfiglto said. Brother Scheiter said, "It's been studied that at times a slight recession will cause people to want to go to school."
Local Focus Persian Gulf Special If your building is wired for cable, then be sure to watch the "Local Focus" Persian Gulf Special, produced by Cabrini students, which will air on Adelphia Cable's Radnor franchise--channel 8. The purpose of this program is to infonn students about their selective service obligations and the chances of the reinstitution of a military draft as well as to let students know about life in the military through the reflections of campus figures: Dr. Jolyon Girard, Dr. Jack McGovern, Andrew Litavec and Dr. Dan Schwarz. This program will also give students a chance to frankly discuss their fears and feelings about the war and having relatives in the Gulf. Air dates and times are: Feb. 25, 26, and 28 at 1 p.m. and Feb. 25 and 27 at 7:30~.m.
Student leadership positions .. Anyone interested in applying for the positions of Orientation Counselor, Resident Assistant or Medical Assistant should stop by student services to pick up an application packet. The deadline for application is March 1.
more LOTTERY from 1 will be treated as a security deposit and damage will be deducted from that deposit," Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, said. Caulfield also added that she is "Concerned about people's ability to come up with the extra $150 right now." "I think $250 is entirely too much money," Trish Loughran, sophomore, said. Another policy that has been subject to change is the squatting privilege. Squatting is the process of simply keeping the same room for the upcoming year that one is living in now. In previous years, any student could squattheirroom with the exception of
Free workout party Free Admissions to a workout party at Cl_ubLa Maison Health and Fitness Complex in Wayne on Sun., Feb. 24, from 2 to 5 p.m. The party includes use of all facilities and food and refreshments. Van will leave from student services at 1:45 p.m. Sign up in student services by Feb. 21. See Jennifer Marks-Gold or call ext. 8407 for more infonnation.
~ Security incidents as reported by the security office from 2/13 through 2/18. Fire Alarm 2/13-12:15 a.m.-Xavier Hall, Upper South-Overcooked fire alarm to sound.
steak in 270 quad caused
Theft 2/14-8:00 a.m.-A sister in the Mansion reported theft of a parking tag from her car. Believed to have occurred between 2/12 and 2/14. Door was left open.
Criminal Mischief 2/18-3:55 p.m.-Student in House 6 discovered that his room was ransacked and the closet door broken. Student reported his door to have been locked. Requested that a new lock be installed.
'I think $250 is entirely too much money,' - Trish Loughran, sophomore people living in special interest housing. Under t~e new system, the exception of special interest housing will stand unless a new proposal is submitted. In this case, students wishing to acquire housing under special interest will need to work out their room plans with the coordinator of that special interest facility. What has changed is that seniority (determined by class rank) will rule squatting. This means, for example, that if a firstyear student living in Xavier Hall wishes to squat his or her room, he or she can be pushed out by a sophomore or junior who enters the lottery and :Vishes to live in that room. The actual process of room selection will be spread out over a three-day period, instead of doing it all in one night as it was previously done. The reason for this is to avoid the confusion of all residents selecting rooms in one night. The first night of room selection, students who are consid-
ered juniors (64 or more credits as of fall 1990) will pick their rooms. They will be followed in the next two nights by sophomores (30 or more credits as of fall 1990), then first-year students (under 30 credits as of fall 1990), respectively. "We want juniors to get the best opportunity to get what they want," Caulfield said. The $250 room deposit must be paid to the Business Office instead of resident life. Parents were also informed of the lottery process and the changes made to it. The lottery process will no longer involve student services. Previously, lottery numbers were picked at the student services office. Under the new system, students will pick their lottery numbers at the resident life office. Students must also infonn resident life who their roommate(s) will be when their lottery numbers are picked. There will be no room changes until after room selection is completed. At which time, there will be a week designated for room changes. Resident life is not precluding people due to disciplinary records, as was standard procedure in.the past. Rather, st)Jdents who have incurred excessive damage will be handled on an individual basis. Students must also be pre-registered for the fall semester of 1991 in order to participate in the lottery process. According to Caulfield, this year's system is based on last year's system, but updated. The Resident Life staff took the system from last year and tried to address the problems with it. Resident life met with the Student Governrnent Association and RAs to talk about the problems with the system and make adjustments. Caulfield said that resident life had met with students to find out what problems they saw and what changes they could make. Overall, Caulfield is very hopeful that this will be a better system. "It is an emotional issue as to where students live, and who lives with who. We want it to run as smoothly as possible," Caulfield said.
friday, feb. 22, 1991
OverbrookHighstudents get a taste of collegelife
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Left to right: Overbrook High School students Nikisha Stuart, Karen Wallace, Denise Neison and Jamar Bridges prepare to play a game of pool.
by Joseph Buda Students from Overbrook High School saw Cabrini. College on the weekend of Friday, Feb. 15. through Sunday, Feb. 17 and were allowed their first taste of college life through events sponsored by the Black Student Alliance. Jheri Rayon, junior and Overbrook High School graduate, first presented the idea to BSA because she wanted to help the Overbrook students in the transition from high school to college life. "The difference between what a college education can do compared to a high school education is that a college education can open up a hell of a lot more doors for you than just a high school education,'' ~a yon said. According to Rayon, she went to her former counselor and her former teacher from Overbrook to get the students together . On-campus preparations had to be made as well. Seiler's was called for meals for the students, the Widener Center Gathering Area was reserved for the dance, the Widener Center Lecture Hall needed to be reserved for Tyson Price, the van was needed for .transportation and housing had to be arranged with several BSA members to let the students live with them on campus for that weekend. Denise Nelson, an Overbrook student, wanted to come that weekend to experience college life and what it is like to live on campus. Sharita Cummings wanted to see how college life is because she plans on attending college and wants to know as much about it as possible before she goes. Nikisha Stuart wanted to "see how it really is." Karen Wal lace came because she applied here and wanted to see the campus and the residence halls. P.Jso, she wanted to learn more about life here because she is "exploring whether I want to be here or not next
year." The schedule of events, according to Rayon, started with the students going to
classes with BSA members and the Hip House Dance Party on Friday. On Saturday, the students saw a lecture with Tyson Price on the subject of "The Responsibilities of the African-American College Student.'' Also on Saturday the students went to see the men's basketball game against Wesley. On Sunday, the students went to the final program, "Focus on the Future 1991." ••Focus on the Future 1991·' started with registration at 12:30 p.m. The keynote speaker of this program was Dr. Jack McGovern, director of graduate studies. According to McGovern, "College can be an opportunity to question what it means to be human. College is a place where you can learn that the world is a lot more than just your friends and your neighborhood.''
'The difference between what a college education can do compared to a high school education is that a college education can open up a hell of a lot more doors for you than just a high school education.' -Jheri Rayon, junior
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This address was followed by a presentation to adults, as well as a presenta~ion to students, on the admissions process and on the various types of financial aid available. At 3 p.m. "Focus on the Future 1991" came to a close following a presentation by the Cabrini College Dance Ensemble. "The people here are nice and it seems relatively quiet." Wallace said. "I think I will go here next year." "It's so comfortable, it feels like I have been going here for years.'' Stuart added. "I am really excited to go to college now," Wallace said.
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fridaXzfeb. 22, 1991
Celebrating Black History Month ·
A call for consciousness and unity ter Jenny Craigie. cultural experiences and therefore ness and cultural identification. "Laureen made me feel that I Among Findley's expectations · it has become a national problem. have a Jot to learn." Craigie said. '' I remember being one of the for the night were: getting people Dr. Laureen Findley reflected Craigie associated some of the steretwo black kids in my high school on her first experience with cul- to know themselves, what happens ture. She remembered being about when we try to get to know people two or three years old and living from other cultures, and why we bump into each other instead of next door to a white neighbor. 'I wish we could be like a hamburger with "Suzie and I were great friends. embracing. She sees the world as a melting cheese on top. However, I see the Icouldhave lived with her. Unfor- melting pot of sorts. world as a salad bowl with onions and "I wish we could be like a tunately my mom looked down on Suiie's parents and therefore my hamburger with melting cheese on chunks of cheese.' feelings were torn. Was it okay for top. However, I see the world as a me to iike Suzie or not? I found salad bowl with onions and chunks - Dr. Laureen Findley myself pulling away from Suzie of cheese, meaning that we as humans are isolated,'' Findley because of my mother's feelings,'' said. Findley said. The lecture was a learning class. All the people around me otypes Findley used to his own life. Findley, a graduate of Temple '' I was raised by a black woman University and a practicing psy- experience for those who at- were talking about spring break and and a lot of how my communicabathing suits. They were all exchologist at the medical college of tended, as Findley used games and tions style is relates to the black cited about getting tan. I never felt group involvement to achieve her Pennsylvania, saw her experience stereotype that Laureen emphaso left out and excluded in my life. goals. as a positive one. sized. I'm enthusiastic, excited. I couldn't communicate with the "The point to the games was "If your parents make a negaand I like to embrace people or students. This was the loneliest tive point you are bound to carry that people are forthcoming. We reach out to them.'' Craigie also memory and the most negative it over with you. When you get draw conclusions and make aswent on to say that when he sees his experience I had,'' Findley said. sumptions," Findley said. "We older you find that things aren't daughter Jenny being non-commu''The most vivid example of that cut and dry. There is more to want the fast food. We want everynatative it is just another style. , culture shock I had was when I thing now. We don't take the time life than what is on the surface,'' Jenny liked the group interacfirst came in touch with the Jewish Anna Rodriguez, sophomore resi- and patience to know people who tion and talking to other people culture. I remember walking into dent and member of the Black are different from us." from different backgrounds the my friend's house. It was the size "As an Afro-American we wait Student Alliance, said. most. Cabrini College continued its and watch for where the white of a mansion. I walked in and saw Jennifer Marks-Gold, director celebration of Black History Month person stands, whether they are someone my color waiting on me.'' of Student Activities, was also a Findley did not just focus on narrow minded or open minded. with a lecture on black consciouspart of the nights event . black consciousness but also emness on Sunday, Feb. 17from 5 :30 We were brought up on how the "I think that everyone was to 7 p.m. The lecture was held in white people live, Jheri Rayon, phasized the differences between understanding. We should be all groups, ethnic and career orithe informal surroundings of junior said. accepting of different groups and Findley realizes that for the ented. Xavier Hall Great Room. On Fintypes,'' Marks-Gold said. Among those in attendance were dley's agenda for discussion was most part people have had negaShe used Cabrini's campus as tive experiences with cross- Dr. Carter Craigie and his <laughblack oppression, black conscious-
by Stephanie Ranieri
a simplistic example of cultural ignorance. ''When I walk into the cafeteria I see a bunch of cliques. Why can't people go out of their way to talk to people who are different? It is easy to be friends with people you are comfortable with,'' Marks-Gold said. Marks-Gold thinks it is important that we all remember where we came from and keep our identity. "We are all humans. I'm proud to be a Jew. As I get older I realize we can't all get along but we should be able to work together and understand our own uniqueness. Sometimes you are forced to lose your identity," Marks-Gold said. Solutions to cultural awareness were far from scarce. "We need a stimulus on campus. I don't know what that stimulus is. I'm wondering iflt should be required by my students,'' Craigie said. "Wormal is better than requirement. I might possibly make it a project for my advisees,'' Craigie said. ''We don't make the most of our time to get to know people and that annoys me." In an attempt to drop these barriers Findley is holding a conference at Temple on how to translate this concept to the general population. It is the second annual conference and she hopes it will be a program model.
Hollywood,Martin make 'LA Story' a smash hit of the restamaDt. played by Jean Patrick Stewat of "Star Have &ome free time and Trek: the Next OeneratiM,'' waottoha~fun? Wantto bad Martin meet .bimII a benk that he go someplace wberethe sunit so Martincould~ almost always shining and the bad enough of II financial)nS-people are zany?Then goto LA. tigc to enter the restaurant. Afterwards, the owner told See .. LA Story," and you get to see all of the pleasures of Martin that he ~uld enter, but LA, plus ~ou see Steve Martin with his financialstalU$,hewas allowed to order only the at his finest. Martin playsHarris, the LA chicken. ••wp:y weatherf0ftl08Sta'" H...moris -~ by who prebp6 Im weetead Martill's ~--bis co- ... .foaolsWbecause "1111 ltll'L 8-ill ~ weebada ..Wtia»fouae tot:CIRlllia.•• by~Buda
Spring Break in the Land of Co-op,
cartoon by Dave Couerly
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sports Athlete of the week
Beck quickens Cavs' pace by Rita S. Cellucci Speed. Suzanne Beck has it. That is why she is athlete of the week. According to Coach Dan Welde, that is a big asset to the women's basketball team. "She is one of the better athletes on our team," Welde said. However, basketball is not her first sport. Beck is also a cross country runner. She started running in high school and in senior year she was contacted by Tom O'Hora, track coach, to come and visit Cabrini. She chose to come to Cabrini because she was impressed with all the people she met. She also liked the fact that Cabrini is small and what it offers academically. Beck, a first-year student, started playing basketball in high school in her sophomore year. Once she started, she was hooked. To be named athlete of the week "surprised" her and she feels "it is an honor." She also said it makes her feel like she is doing something for the school. "She's spunky, real hyper," senior captain Barb Milligan said ofBeck. "She is into the game and wants us to win." "Suzanne is a really good hustler," Adrianne Bruce, sophomore, said. "We need her because she takes the ball to the basket and she is fast. We don't have that many players on the team like that," Bruce said. Junior Kathy Murray said, "The team has not been the same due to injuries. It hasn't been a consistent team, but she came right in and pulled through.'' Murray also said that she is a hard worker and looks to the older students for help.
friday, feb. 22, 1991
"I look up to everyone because they all have experience and I am learning from them," Beck said. · Welde said, '' She is learning how to play team basketball. She has learned how to harness her speed and is aggressive." In the first half of the season, Beck was averaging about two points per game. According to Welde, her ''playing time has increased so her production for the game has also increased." In the last three weeks she has started to average 10-11 points per game. In a game against Allentown two weeks ago, Beck scored 15 points in that game and her playing improved dramatically. As for the future, Welde expects "big things from Suzanne.'•
hodlofski sports columnist
Big 5 Tradition Not manycities in the United States
are like the city of Philadelphia. The Big 5 is scxnedling thatonly PIJiladelphians and the surrounding areas really seem to appreciate. The Big S consists of Penn.Temple, St. Joseph's, LaSmle and Villanova. Five schools whohave as much tradition andhistory88 any school in the entire country. No city in America has au aura of basketball like Philadelphia and no city in Americabas five divisionone schools wbocompetelikethe schoolsin die.Bia 5, Growing up I knew about John Piac,ae. Stewart ~ Temince Slaasl,erry, aad NaaeBJackwdL1bea I
screamsIDlf -..,em being thrown an the court. Monday,Feb. 41 WIS privilepl to at• lend the Big 5 8-11 of Fame luacbcon. Not only WU evetf Big 5 _,, and women's coach pnaent but all die adlletic direccoo were.. witb dlli mastenof oemnoniea behr,l.aryRGlell from Prism Sports 8lld Al,.._. floal channel 10 sports. Besides the men 8lld womensilting at the bead table the peaple ... ill the audiencewere incrediblein tbemselvel. Men likeJackRamsey, Tomlngellby, Keith Hemm, and John Baum were walking around the restaunmt. ~ dw my dad remembers waadun& llid I can only read their pseviC1us accamplishmentsin ~ .and sports almanacs. These are the lype of men that bave helpedthe Big 5 stay alive. Cut backsin acbedulingand the importanceof playing top rankedschools havejeopardµ.ecl the vesyexistence of the Big 5.• Some mernbenoftbeBigS wouldratberplaysdlooll like UCLA. use.and w~ s.. than ocher'city schools. Crazy. Ahbough I am not a albletem,-elf 1 caaoalyjmagine thefeeliea of,ia,.gia acityseriespme. lnler-Qlyrivalriealllld thefeelingofJwwmi"Illia5dll'JIPOIIS
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Sue Beck, athfete of the week, attempts a shot against Alfentown.
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.. GROUNDS/LANDSCAPE POSITIONS- Two openings available: regular full-time, hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-4:00pm; Temporary fulltime(April to October) hours flexible. Duties include operating vehicles and equipment, maintenance of grounds, use of hand power tools, must have valid PA drivers license. Salary range: $7.50 to $9.00/hr. Call Rebecca Rose at 526-7000.
STAFF ASSISTANT-The Main Line Chamber of Commerce, is located in Wayne, is seeking a part-time staff assistant. The position involves public contact, secretarial and organizational skills. 10-15 hr/wk, MF, between 9-5, $6.00/hr. Contact:Linda O'Keefe at the Chamber Office,687-6232.
DRIVER- Needed to drive elderly lady in her car as necessary. $7./hr. Must have car to get to home in Wayne. If interested contact Dr. Bezdek at faculty mailbox or at ext.8361.
NEEDED- Someone to clean brass fire place and irons for elderly lady in Wayne. If interested contact Dr. Bezdek at faculty mailbox or at ext.8361.
OFFICE MANAGER- Negotiable entry-level salary with growth potential. Candidates should have a Bachelors Degree in either Business, English, of Journalism or be a graduating senior with such a degree in the Spring. 30-40 hrs.lwk.
HUMAN RESOURCE POSITION- PfT, flexible hrs. (prefer mornings). 15 hrs./ wk. PC knowledge, working skills. Starts immediately Susan Pentek 254-0249. Enterprising Interns in Devon.
WANTED- Accounting major, accounting clerk B. $6.27/hr. part-time, temporary (6 month min.) 15-20hrs./wk., flexible, between 9-5. Commodore Semiconductor Group. Julie Casas 666-2541.
PART-TIME HELP- Executive secretary for Paoli Law firm. Organizational skills needed, word processing skills required. Flexible hours. Medical or scientific background helpful. This job offers growth potential.
SCHOLARSHIPS- The Philiadelphia chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants is awarding 2 scholarships of $750 to full or part-time undergraduate students persuing a major in accounting. Deadline is April 30, 1991.
POSITION AVAILABLE- Part-time, skills: computer (Lotus, etc.), basic accounting knowledge, willingness to perform office duties. Contact Gail Martin, Lincoln Mortage Comp. 885-4161 ext. 227 PART-TIME- Costumer service rep. Crt data input and look-up. Light typing Mon. Wed. and Fri. 5-9pm every other Sat. 12-4pm ($7 .00/hr) contact Brian Fuhrmeister 962-8120 PERMANENT POSITION- part-time now, full-time summer. Flexible hrs. Clerical work. Clearfield Energy located in Radnor Corp. Center 293-041 O
NEEDED- Insurance clerk. Mon.-Fri., daytime hrs., part-time(20hrs./wk.) Responsible for billing, processing. Exper.helpful. $10.00/hr. benefits: trans. to train station, employee
NEEDED- Localstudent to assist in Paoli office. 2-3 days/wk., 2-4 hrslday parttime for summer and school vacations. Salary negotiable. Starts immediately. Dr. Barrie Cassileth 296-5733 or 2969651.
The National Right to Work Committee is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline.
The Main Line Chapter of the American Business Women's Assoc. is accepting applications for their scholarship given to a women seeking a business or professional career and has reached sophomore classification. Deadline is March 31, 1991.
The College and University Public Relations Assoc. is offering a $1,000. scholarship to Minorities in Communications. Deadline Feb 22, 1991.
OFFICE ASSISTANT- Perm., PfT, 2 days a week min. 5 hrsJday, flexible scheduling, excellent hourly wage & mileage reimbursement. Contact: Corporate office mgr.-Barbara Obst at 2939100.
OPENINGSears Business Center (Bala Cynwyd). Sales support person/executive ast. light secretarial duties. $9.00/hr. 35hrs./ wk. (No weekends) contact Mrs. Evans 6682600.
OFFICE POSITION- The Holding Compnay. Costumer service. Clerical anddataentrywork. Mon. & Fri. (5-8pm) $6.00/hr. Cathy 287-8010
CLERK- G.W Hunter Inc. is looking for an accounts receivable clerk. Accounting major preferred. Send resume or letter of recommendation to: 510 Feheley Rd., P.O. Box 1585, King of Prussia, Pa 19406.
PART-TIME- Direct Mail Company in Wayne has a position available. Flexible schedule, $5.00/hr. Contact: Patty at 687-8800.
WORK-GRANT/WORK-STUDYStudents needed to work in Student Services, Resident Life, modeling for Gary Armstrong, Faculty Secretaries, or Countinuing Ed. on campus.
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u A D
friday, feb. 22, 1991
Cavs defeat WSsley in ,seaspn finale by John Gay The Cavaliers quartet of seniors played the last home game of their collegiate careers on Saturday night, turning in a loose, trapfilled performance that featured black sneakers, a little comedy, and oh yes, an 85-80 victory over Wesley. The four seniors, Jason Yurchak, Jeff Barnes, Jeff Hines and John O'Hare all took the court wearing black sneakers in commemoration of their final home game. "We wanted to go out jn style," Yurchak said, alluding to the bond he felt towards the other three seniors. "We've been through a lot together both on and off the court," Hines said. "It's not just basketball, we're all good friends," Barnes added. John Dzik, head coach, has mixed emotions about his senior players. "The reason I'm in it at this level is to see guys graduate. You don't like to see good players go but we are here to see them get their degrees," Dzik said. All but Yurchak will graduate in May. The comedy came at the start of the second half as Yurchak took the initial inbounds pass and intentionally headed towards his own basket, only to pull up, and tum and grin at the delighted home crowd. The Cavalier seniors were definitively in a cavalier mood. Aside from the aforementioned theatrics, the game was a lot closer than it should have been. Cabrini
built its biggest lead of the first half, a ten point spread, at 10:27, sparked by two consecutive steals. by junior guard Jon Owens. The game than turned into the JeffBarnesclinic of three pointers, as he hit three consecutive threepoint shots on his way to a career high 15 points. Barnes shot five for six total from the field and five for five from the three-point line. "I was having a blast," Barnes said. "Wesley's been good to me. They leave me open and if the shot's there I take it.'' Dzik commended Barnes performance. "If we are going to win the ESAC's, we need that kind of performance from him. Not that he has to get us five three-pointers but he has to be a threat to score,'' Dzik said. Wesley stayed close throughout the game, mostly because of the play of junior guard Steven Eady. Eady scored 34 points for the Wolverines. The first half ended with a score of 46-43 in favor of Cabrini. The Cavaliers had begun using a press or trap defense early in the first half and continued throughout the second. This is a tactic that Dzik learned was effective against Wesley in an earlier game. Wesley is a big and slightly inexperienced team, according to Dzik, which makes them vulnerable to the trap. ''They did a much better job handling the press tonight," Dzik said. "All in all our defensive in-
photo by Carin Pesotski
Senior Jason Yurchak attempts a shot as Brian Kreglow, Bill Ho/up and Doug Burrows defend for Wesley.
tensity was poor." Cabrini again built a ten-point lead at 14:11 of the second half, capitalizing on two of Wesley's nine turnovers. The great combination of Yurchak and O'Hare kicked in the jets down the stretch to seal the victory. Yurchak led the Cav' s with 25 points, seven rebounds and eight assists, while O'Hare netted 21 points. Wesley closed to within two points at 68-66 with 9:31 left in the game but that would be the closest the Wolverines would get as Cabrini's trap prevailed and the Cav's ended the regular season with a 14-10 record. Though Wesley never had the lead in the game, the Wolverines (5-16) played well against a clearly more talented team. Dzik said he saw the defensive letdown coming in recent practices but did not put a lot of pressure on his players, believing the long season was the culprit. Dzik is now focusing on the ESAC tournament which will start at Shenandoah. "I feel we can beat anyone in the league, but we've got to play a solid 40 minutes of basketball," Dzik said. Dzik believes the Cav's must play better defense in the tournament and plans to "tighten the screws after tonight.'' ''This season is over. We have a threegame season left," Dzik said.
LadyCavstriumphoverWesleyWolverines 81-52 by Joseph Buda The Lady Cavs outshot the Wesley Wolverines Friday, Feb. 15, 81 - 52. Winning this game had special significance to the Lady Cavs be-· cause it was senior Barb Milligan' s last home game at Cabrini. Before the game, Coach Dan Welde presented a basketball to Milligan, and her teammates gave her a fruitbasket. "It was a nice win for Barb's last appearance," Welde said. "Blowing out a team is the way she should go out." "It's going to be extremely difficult when we lose Barb," Welde said. ''She meant so much to· us for the past four years." "Being my last game," Milligan said. "it's kind of depressing ina way. ""It's sad to say goodbye to the last four years. They were a joy to me, but now it's time to move on," Milligan said. The Lady Cavs captured an early lead and held onto it throughout the game. At halftime, the score was 37-28. The leading scorers for Cabrini at the half were Marikate Fann'1fl, sophomore, with 14 points and Amy Crossley,sophomore, with I0points. The closest Wesley's score rs got to Cabrini's before being blown away was 41-35, or a difference of six points. "We shot ball extremely well," Welde said. "It's a good sign with the playoffs coming up.'' The Lady Cavs qualified for this
photo by Charles Waterfall
Senior Barb Milligan goes up for a shot as Carolyn Cannon, Yalonda Wilkens and Janet Coleman defend for Wesley.
week's ESAC playoffs with a 7-3 league mark and a l 2- l 2overall showing with a non-league 74-48 loss against Holy Family this past Tuesday. Top scorer for the Lady Cavs was Crossley with 16 points, followed closely by Milligan, with 15 points, and Fannan, with 14 points overall. Other top scorers for Cabrini were Colleen Brennan, junior, with 11 points and sophomore Adrian Bruce with IO points overall. Top scorer for Wesley was Rachel Milan, first-year student, with 20 points, followed by Yalonda Wilkins, first-year student with 13 points.
Men's Basketball 2/16
85 Cabrini
Women's Basketball 2/15 2/19
81 Cabrini 48 Cabrini
97 Cabrini
52 Wesley Holy Fam. 74
JV Basketball Brandywine113
Men's Volleyball 2/17
'Some of the younger players had nice performances. I think it's a good sign for the future.' -Dan Welde "We could still improve on defense -- zone defense, rebounding.' ' Welde said. ''This has been our most consistent game so far, but we still can get better." "Some of the younger players had nice performances." Welde said. "I think it is a good sign for the future." As for Milligan, she would like to be an elementary school teacher and coach basketball.
PSU Berks 2
Schedule Men's Basketball ESACChampionshipsat Shenandoah Thur. 2/21 Fri. 2/22 Sal 2/23
FrostburgSt Univ. TBA TBA
5pm TBA
Women's Basketball ESACChampionshipsat Frostburg Fri. Sat
2/22 2/23
Frostburg TBA
Men's Volleyball Mon. 2/25
home 7:30pm