March 01, 1991 Issue 18 Loquitur

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friday, march 1, 1991

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvii, no. 18

College to cut '91 budget 1O percent by CarJoIacono Spurned by a downturn in demographics and the belt tightening of the national recession, the senior staff has recommended that the college's budget be cut by 10 percent for 1991-2 and an additional 8 percent the following year. The decision, culminating the weekendofFeb.16and based on a mandate from the Board of Trustees, ended months of deliberation about how to cut the school's $11 million budget. The senior staff based its cuts on demographic

projections showing a decrease in high school graduat~s and market predictions of lean financial times ahead and most of all on the sharp drop in enrollment for next year. The memorandum, issued to faculty and staff on Feb. 22, stressed collaboration in the planning process to refocus and to reduce expenditures in "all areas of the college." All departments will be asked to participate in the process. But the cut will not be across the board, instead it will involve months of examining the strengths and weaknesses of the college, and a coop-

eration among the divisions being cut. According to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, the deliberating time will be to address a·"trimrning of the budget fat." According to a Jan. 30 article in the "Chronicle of Higher Education," Cabrini is not alone as far as liberal arts schools swallowing the tough budget pill. The article stated that these schools, including Bryn Mawr college, are being forced to wrestle with its financial future, a task made all the more difficult in a souring economy. These institutions are finding thatthey must cut back on spend-

ing and find new ways to increase income. For instance, Bryn Mawr has embarked on a five year plan to cut four graduates programs,eliminate jobs through attrition, sell some property, and reduce operating costs. Cabrini's course of tackling this dilemma is cooperation and focusing on what the institution does and does not do well. "We agree as a senior staff to concentrate on what we do well," Bonfiglio said. "We will then address the programs we feel do not enhance the mission." As future budgets grow, the money wiJl go back into programs

and faciJities. The college will not cut off growing programs or new "Jife-lines" like the burgeoning continuing education department. "One of our roles in this institution is our relation to the community," Margerat Leahy, de~ of students of continuing education, said. "Events like Childrens' Camp and Elderhostel.may take a back seat and that would have to be examined." In the process, after the evaluation of the institution, people with "budget authority" will make more BUDGET on 4

Cavs toppleShenandoah, No beer at beef 'n beer? fall in ESAC championship by Kimberly Leblang

The 100-days-until-graduation countdown has begun and the 5th annual Beef-nBeer is just around the comer. The Beef-nBeer is given in honor of the graduating • seniorclass, and is again being sponsored by the Accounting Association. 1he event has become a tradition at Cabrini College,as well as an event many seniors look forward to. In a sense, events such as these symbolize the beginning of the end for the graduating class. Whether to serve alcoholic drinks was a decision the Accounting Association had to face. Danielle Dirubbio, president of the Accounting Association, said, "We didn't think it would be such a good idea because of the recent death of David Pisko, so we were going to change it to a Beef-n-Beverage. But the 100Nights was an alcohol related ~vent, so we don't see it as being a major problem." Another factor is the student attendance. The Accounting Association took a poll

with the .seniors to see how many would attend the function if alcohol would not be served. Many seniors said they would not

'The Accounting Association is concerned with liability due to everything that occurred recently, but it is their choice.' - Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities attend. "The Accounting Association is concerned with liability, due to everything that occurred recently, but it is their choice. It is up to them to decide, as long as they follow more BEEF on 3

Studentgov't plansspringevents by Lorraine Marie Lill

photo by Chris Pesotski

Senior John O'Hare averaged 20 points and nine rebounds a game in the Eastern States Athletic Conference championshiptournamentin Winchester, Va, Feb. 22-24. O'Hare and the Cavs beat Frostburg State 98-97 in double OT before upsetting regular-season champion Shenandoah 102-93 to move on to the championship round. The Cavaliers dropped the fast-paced title game to Salisbury State, 112-94. O'Hare and Jason Yurchak earned al/tournament honors for their efforts. See page 8 for full coverage.

Food, beer, bands, games, and excitement are what lie ahead. Superthon and Block Bash "91" are the two events being planned by the Student Government Association (SGA) for the months of March and April.Superthon will be held on the weekend of March 15-17. Traditionally Superthon brings people together to benefit an organization. This year the proceeds from Superthon will go to "The ~

What's happening-March 8 to March 15 ... Friday .,, Spring Break


Saturday .,, Spring Break

Sunday .,, Residence halls re-open at noon .,, 5:15 p.m. Peace Vigil• chapel .,, 6:00 p.m. Mass • Chapel .,, Following Mass • Lenten Fa~h Development Program

Monday .,, Semester mid point

Caring Program for Children." This program was established by Independence Blue Cross and Pennsylvania Blue Shield. Superthon 1991 will benefit the children of families who lack income to cover health care benefits. Superthon weekend kicks off on Friday with a picnic dinner in the cafeteria. Caricaturist Joseph Aronson will be there to draw portraits. In the evening, if you would like to see your friend

or perhaps ti member of the faculty or staff roll around in slimy Jell-O, then you can go on over to the gym to see the Jell-O wrestling matches. On Saturday, the day will begin with children's olympics in the gym. The afternoon can be spent in the Widener Center Lecture Hall relaxing and enjoying a movie marathon. The big event for Saturday will be a concert by Fly Nap, previously known as "For the People," who will be opening up for a Philadelmore SGA PLANS on 3

more coverage in UPDATES!




12:20 Education division meeting • WCCR .,, 12:30 Leclure on Sexually transmitted diseases - Lab A .,, 7:00 p.m. Discussion on alcohol ,ssues - Xavier great room .,, 8:30 p.m Movie ..Romero" - discussion will follow· WCLH

.,, 7:00 p.m. Project Outreach p,esentation and information night - WCLH

Thursday To have youreven1 covered onWHAT"S Kim Keck in the Newsroom or call ext. 8412 .

Friday .,, Superthon begins!!!

f ridaXzmarch 11 1991







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A step backwards in Imagine a different life the right direction Fewer babies were being born eighteen years ago. Combine this with today's disturbing drop in •high school students who actually make it to graduation. Tbe result is that we are left with a country that does not value or embrace education, and has no one to educate. By ''trimming' ' the college's budget, administration's hope is to keep the clamage from the demographics and economy to a minimum. Their emphasis is leaner programs that do not sacrifice the standards that attract quality students to our campus. After their last expensive stint of expansion by constructing the atrium, this little bit of foresight can be acknowledged as a step in the right direction, even if it is one step backwards. Administration finally took their blinders off and realized that no matter how special of a place we are, we are not immune to societal trends. True, we may not have been able to predict the war or the recession, but we've had eighteen years to realize there would not be enough kids around to fill the new residence hall that was being considered this time last year. The question of whether Cabrini should be a supermarket franchise or a fine delicatessen has been answered for us for a while. Perhaps without the pressure of growing beyond our means, the college can use this hiatus to refocus on creative leadership and follow-through. By the time the demographics tum back around, Cabrini can be stronger and ready to face the world- no matter what it throws at us.

Problems posed for yearbook photos by lack of response To the editor: To the "annoyed" commuters, we would like to take this opportunity to inform you of a few key points. First of all, we had sent two letters out to each club president, including your C 3 president, Eileen Turner, asking when would be a convenient time to have a group picture taken as well as any story ideas . anyone had to put in the yearbook. The response did not include anything about a convenient time for a picture to be taken. We only received a few responses which only stated the members names, not telling us when the best time for pictures would be. At that point, a schedule for Sunday night

was arranged. The reasoning for this time was that Monday through Thursday there are night classes. Not everyone is on campus at the same time, and many students have co-op jobs. It was hard enough to get a professional photographer to come on campus; obviously we can not please everyone. If communication was lacking, it was not due to the yearbook staff, it was due to each club president.

Sincerely, Kelly Walsh, Wood.crestActivities Editor Lorri Nelson, Wood.crestActivities Assistant Editor

jennifer morrison managing editor This is dedicated to the ones I love. Sitting in her room alone, Janie never felt so lonely. With her boyfriend leaving her for someone else, financial troubles and a stack of work on her desk that never seemed to disappear, Janie went for a walk to forget her troubles. The wind began to give her a chill. She folded her arms and walked faster. The faster she walked, the colder it was and this was not helping her relax. She slowed down and let her thoughts drift again. Unfortunately her thoughts trailed back to the work on her desk. "When will the pressure ever end?" she sighed. "Give it time," responded a voice. "How much time should ...hey, who am I talking to? Hello?" Janie asked. Noone answered her. I must be hearing things she thought, shrugged her shoulders and continued her walk. A few minutes later, the cold night wind whooshed around her and the stars in the sky begantotwinkleandmove in a slowmotion. Janie became fascinated with the lights in the sky and sat down on the cool earth to get a better look. When out of the sky a flash of light burst in front of her and landed somewhere in the woods behind her. She turned quickly and saw smoke drifting into the air and a light illuminated the area. Janie decided to kill the curiosity that rumbled inside of her. She ventured into the opening of the woods and saw an image. Although half of her wanted to get out of this situation as fast as it could, there was something inside of her that told her to trust her curiosity and to look closer. She moved closer. The night wind calmed and she started to feel comfortable and wann. The image moved. She rubbed her eyes and when she removed her hands the image was before her. Startled, Janie asked, "Who are you and where did you come from?" The image smiled, yet didn't say a word. Janie asked her questions again. This time it moved its arm and pointed. Janie's eyes followed the direction at which the image pointed and couldn't believe what she was seeing. The night had turned to day and the woods were filled with people enjoying themselves and smiling. Kites filled the sky while children of all size, race, and creed played and giggled with each other. There were barbecues and pie-

Edtor-in-cnef: Car1oIacono

PhotographyEditor: Frank Emmelich

ManagingEditor: Jennifer Morrison

Assistant PhotographyEditor: Lisa Lindley


PhotographyAdviser: Dr. carter Craigie

Editor: Chris Pesotski

Senior Associate News Editor: Melissa Landsmann

Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek

Assistant News Editors: Ru Cellua:i, Kimbelty Keck, Dawn limbario and Missy von Siegel

Staff: Karen Dumorney, Wiliam Fulton, John Gay, Matt Hodlofsl<i, Kimberly Leblang, Joe Martini, ElizMacGui'e, Jennifer Melchiorre, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynoc:k,Frank Sc:iolla.

Perspectives Edilor: Sharle"8 Sephton Assistant PerspectivesEdttors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Ed~rs: Joseph Buda, Lorraine Marie Lill and Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards

Loqultur welcomes letters to the ed~or. Letters should be signed ond the authorship known to the edlt0<s. However, ~the writer wishes, and the edijor agrees, the wrijer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscriptioninserted such as ··namew~held at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long tor the available space, the ed~or may or condense it. Letters to the -or should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

nics, couples hugging and birds flying. One family sat under a tree in the shade, as they read books and shared their deepest feelings with one another. Janie began to get a sense that this was a utopia, a place in which no one went hungry and all were happy to be themselves. She began to smile and felt a hunger to share in the love that was outwardly being displayed in front of her. Her worries that she left her house with, had suddenly disappeared and the only thing that was on her mind was the overshadowing glee that had succumbed her ever since she experienced this new world. Janie looked up ai the image and smiled. The image smiled back and still didn't utter a word. Then it slowly lifted its' other arm and pointed. Janie again followed the direction of the image's arm butthistimetheview wasn't at all what she was expecting. The night was cold with a starless sky. The wind whipped down a trash-lined street whileratsanddogs lookedfordinner. Aman sitting in a box, searched for protection from the cold while shivering in the night air. As Janie and the image reached the end of the street, Janie peered into a tiny window where a small clritdwas found crying. In the next room, a mother and father are arguing about the bills. The father raised his hand in anger and the mother screamed. Janie looked at the image, a tear streamed down her cheek. She wanted to run in and help the mother and child. She felt the depression in the air. The tension in her neck had returned and the ever growing fear of disappointment and failure crept back into her life. As she turned to take a final look at the child in the window, who was holding ever so tightly onto its hope of someday living a peaceful life, the image returned itself and Janie to the woods. No longer is a smile on either face. Janie couldn't say a word. The stars had returned and began to twinkle. The heat of the woods . is now returned and Janie takes a final look at the image. It looks back at Janie and says in a familiar voice, '' Your situation is what you make it. It's not al ways a bed of roses, but it's not the end of the world either. Have faith in yourself and enjoy the only life you have and it will be all you ever wish for.'' · With that, the image turned into a light that represented a rainbow of many colors. It flew into the sky and blended together with the other stars that twinkled and illuminated the world with mystery and hope. Janie stood for a while in the woods and looked at the stars. She began to believe in what the image had reflected upon her and slowly she walked home with a new sense of discovery in herself and the world.

Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavageand William A Fulton Business Managers: Kim Marshall. Michelle Merger

Photography Staff: Ivan Domazet, Matt Forman, John Gay, Mari<Gudas, Kim Kojeski, Lorraine Marie LiU,Edd McNamee, Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotskl, Chris Pesotski, Sue Roux, Charles Watertall. Loqurturis published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefrts secured by turtion and student fees. The editorials and opinions published in Loqurturare the views of the student editorial staff and lhe individual writers and nol lhe entire student body or the. faculty and admirnstrat,on. Loquitur ,s established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust free and open discussion of issues.

' f f1

friday, march 1, 1991




more SGA PLANS from 1

more BEEF from 1 procedures," Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities said. When Marks-Oold was questioned about the anendance of seniors if this event was to be non-alcoholic, she felt that some students might want to get together and hang out, because it is given solely in their honor, but the reality is that certain people would not anend. Individuals might go, but there will most likely be a group decoy. "Alcohol is a part of society, and if you are 21 years or older the law considers you to be an adult, Cabrini is trying to treat them as such. The Pennsylvania law says it, Cabrini is citing what the law dictates," Marks-Gold said. As of now there has been no definite decision made about the Beef-n-Beer/Beefn-Beverage, but many seniors have their feelings about this traditional event being held without alcohol. Senior Carol Ann Gross commented, "If it is not going to be what it traditionally is, what is the point of having it? Come to reality, who would want to go to a Beef-nSoda?" "All the events Cabrini has held have not been well attended as it is, this is a step in the wrong direction. If they're not going to acknowledge that we are 21, and we are adults, why don't they just serve cookies and milk and sponsor it for the Children's School," Gross said. Another senior who wishes to remain anonymous said, "People are responsible for their own actions, I feel the recent loss on campus has made students more aware of drinking and driving if anything. We are mature enough to make our own decisions. The 100 Nights proved how responsible we are. No problems occurred. I think a beefn-soda is unfair to us. seniors because all previous seniors had it, why is it that our class must have this privilege taken away? Why do the past seniors deserve to have a Beef-nBeer and we don't?"

Senior Trish Renz felt that since everyone who will be drinking will be of legal age, they will be responsible for their own actions. Renz can understand how the Accounting Association can be concerned about drinking and driving. · "If they are that concerned a possible solution would be to hold a coffee and donut hour after the event. This is one of the last chances for our class to get together socially," Renz said. "It's better to have everyone get together on campus than to get together off-campus at the tavern." The Accounting Association adviser, Ann Servey, had no comment, only that there will be no final decisions made until the Association meets with Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students. As of now the tentative date for the Beef-n-Beer/Beef-n-Beverage is April· 26, 1991. It will be held in the Widener Center and the cost for seniors is free. Everyone else must pay a $5 admissions fee.

phia band, SCRAM. There will be a beer and soda garden available. On Sunday, Independence Blue Cross and Pennsylvania Blue Shield will be presented with a check for the weekends donations. In the afternoon, the Loquitur and WYBF will compete in a series of softball matches. The losers will donate $5 per player to the organization. "I hope that students support the events because the money is going to benefit young children and the money is going back jnto the community," Kimberly Marshall, SGA vice-president said. This year Sibling Weekend and Spring Fling will be combined together making it a Block Bash Weekend. Some plans which are still tentative as of right now are to have Olympic games which will start the Monday before the weekend and will last through Friday. Three days during that week there will be activities taking place during lunch

time. Two evenings out of that week will be set aside for volleyball games and other sports which will take place in the gym. The teams for the games would be made up of students from each resident hall, faculty and staff. Each team would consist of IO people from each of those groups and they will compete against each other. On Friday night, when the siblings come on campus, there will be a lip-syncing contest. The Block Bash, which consists of all Residential Boulevard, will start on Saturday. According to Jennifer Morrison, SGA social activities chairperson, the houses, classes and clubs will be asked by Student Government to set up booths of food and games during the event. Saturday night will consist of the Gospelrama from 4-7 p.m. Then later that evening there will be some type of band performing on the mansion lawn.


Liz Miller's address in the Persian Gulf

BRYN MAWRPA Newl..iJcation - Oneblockfrom8,ynMawrHospilal



Liz Miller has requested letters, tape recorded messages and batteries to share with the troops in her unit. Send letters and packages to: SGT. ELIZABETH MILLER 114-54-1528 300th Field Hospital Operation Desert Storm APO New York, NY 09616


626-HELP "My friendstold me, 'If you haveto go anywhere, go to Amnion'."

ALUMNI NETWORKING CAREER FAIR Monday, March 18 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Cafeteria (Food will be served until 7 p.m.) All students, first year through senior, are invited to attend! Commuters & part time students will be guests of the Alumni Association. This wi!l be an opportunity to meet informally witt,.alumni to learn: - about their career experiences - how they got started - what their jobs are all about! Many successful alumni will be there, including such recent graduate as:

Colin Coakley '90 Carlos Chamorro '90

Yvette Everett '90 Anne Fahy '89 Joel Zazyzcyzny '89

Hillary Hoch '90 John Hoguet '89 i.

A variety of employers will be represented including:

Automated Data Processing Downingtown School District Internal Revenue Service Springfield School District

Coopers & Lybrand DuPont Reliance Insurance Strawbridge & Clothier





Campus Alcohol issues ... An "Issues involving alcohol" discussion will be held on Tues., March 12, froII) 7 to 8:30 p.m. Topics covered will be: understanding the warning signs of alcoholism; insights to various types of drinkers; insights to various types of drinkers, learning how to identify and confront someone who may be abusing alcohol; and gaining knowledge of alternatives to alcohol. This discussion will be led by recovering alcoholics, a sophomore and an · assistant lacrosse coach from Franklin and Marshall College, and the director of marketing for New Beginnings, a chemical dependency treatment program.

Jell-0 wrestling Sign up for Jell-O wrestling outside the SGA office by Tues., March 12 at noon. See Felicia Falcone or Kim Marshall for more information about this "slimy" event.

Revised mass schedule

friday1 niarch 1, 1991


Security incidents as reported by the security office from 2/19 through 2/25. Personal Injury 2/20-reported at 9:30 a.m.-An employee of the College was walking to her car the night before at approximately 7 :00 p.m. on the roadway near Grace Hall across from the soccer field. She was struck by a passing car which caused bruising to her left hip. Sought medical attention. Employee could not identify the vehicle or its driver due to time of day. Radnor police notified. False Fire Alarm 2/20-lQ:25 p.m.-A fire alarm sounded in the Mansion which proved to be false. No smoke or fire present. System reset. Annoying Phone Calls 2/21-12:55 a.m.-Student in Xavier Hall was the recipient of several annoying phone calls. Student reported incidents to security. Referred to Radnor police. False Fire Alarm 2/21-2:45 a.m.-A fire alarm sounded in Xavier Hall.which proved to be false. No smoke or fire present. System reset. Attempted Break-in 2/21-reported at 9: 15 a.m.-A failed attempt was made to enter the convent through a window between 2/ I 0/91 and 2/17/91. Screen broken as a result. Current increased patrols in the area on an hourly basis.

Due to the Spring Break, masses on Sun., Mar. 3, and the 10:30 a.m. mass on March 10 will be canceled. There will be a 6 p.m. mass on Sun., March 10. Noon masses during the week of Spring Break will be on Tues., March 5 and Thurs., March 7, only. Daily noon masses will resume on Mon., March 11. First Friday mass will be held on March 1 at noon.

Special campus ministry offerings Confessions will be held from 11:15 to 11:45 in the chapel before the first Friday mass on March 1. If this time is inconvenient, call campus ministry at ext. 8226 to schedule an appointment. Lenten Faith Development Program will be held after the 6 p.m. masses every Sunday in the chapel. The priest celebrant will give a presentation and facilitate discussion on a different theme each week. The theme for Sun., 10 is "mercy." Call ext. 8225 or 8226 for further information.


Pray for peace every Sunday during Lent from 5: 15 to 6 p.m. This Lenten prayer effort is a continuation of the peace vigil held on Jan. 15.

Interested in Project Outreach? Meg Hagan, class of '90, will be talking about her experiences in Chicago working with infants who suffered physical abuse. Her presentation will be held on March 13, from 7 to 8 p.m. in WCLH. Following the presentation, there will information night about opportunities available to students to do volunteer work at Cabrini missions for prolonged periods of time. For more information, see Sr. Bernadette.

Film series "Romero," the first movie of an El Salvador film series, will show at 8:30 on March 12, in the WCLH. All are welcome. This is a good opportunity to see what life has been like in El Salvador for the past ten years. A discussion will follow for all who wish to participate.

Trip to Baltimore There will be a day trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor on April 20, 1991. Bus fare is $10 for students and $15 for faculty/staff. Bus leaves at 8 a.m. and returns to Cabrini at 7 p.m. Special attractions are: Maryland Science Center ($6.50 per person for entrance to museum and Imax theater, planetatium is $2 extra); National Aquarium in Baltimore ($8.50 with student I.D., $10.75 for others); food courts; shopping; and boating on the inner harbor. Sign up in student services by April 12. Contact student services for more information.

Art exhibit The Holy Spirit Library will host an exhibit of the artist Dolya Goutman until March 24. The exhibit, entitled "Doyla Goutman--Selected Paintings Past and Present," features Goutman's work from 1943 to the present.

Loss support group forming A loss support group is forming for anybody who has suffered losses, whether it be of a relationship, a loved one or a pet. For more information, contact Ellen Schechtman at ext. 8561.

more BUDGET from 1 recommendations to senior staff which would then move to president Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, and then the budget committee. The budget committee will then talk with those individuals affected to get a sense of the "pluses and minuses of the cut," according to Bonfiglio. "We are being asked to do what other institutions are also forced to do based on financial dire straits," Bonfiglio said. "But we aren't asking people to give money back or cut personnel." The six recommendations of criteria simply stress an adherence to the mission statement, enhancement of Cabrini's positives, and a retention of personnel. "The college is not going to downsize or layoff," Bonfiglio said. "No jobs are in jeopardy, but we need to maximize the efforts of the personnel." According to Bonfiglio, the memorandum was done with hindsight to correct a problem before it occurs. Leahy echoed that sentiment when she said, "I don't know if the analogy of the cut being too little too late is true. We had indications that there would be enrollment difficulties, but not that strong." John Barclay, chief financial officer, said the refocusing of resources may be difficult within the six recommendations, but it would be worth it. Barclay sees a possibility of reallocating personnel as well as creative measures to cut heating and cleaning costs. "It is harder (refocusing within the mission), but we have narrowed the parameters," Barclay said. "It may make it harder but it is more humane." Tony Brocchi, vice president of institutional advancement, sees the process as a tying back to the college's mission. "We need to prioritize what we do," Brocchi said. "Maybe we can do things collectively, such as mailings, in which departments can better coordinate to save cost." Barclay is optimistic that the institution can be "lean and mean." The college went against the nonn in the late '80s as other institutions experienced shrinking classes, Cabrini held its own and even increased. "We had a sense we beat the odds when we grew when others didn't, but that changed," Leahy said That income problem is two-fold, in that Cabrini will lo~e revenue from tuition and gifts. While the college receives nearly 80 percent of its budget funding from tuition, the smaller pool of college-age people will hurt revenue. The gift route is also expected to receive a blow in the depressed economic

time. Thus, a .r~endation stresses the support of the other avenues of funding, such as the capital campaign. "I think there is no cause for depression," Bonfiglio said. "The college will not or is in any position to close." The senior staff also view this cutback as an opportunity to strongly hold to the mission statement. "I see this as a good opportunity to get a sense of identification in the college market," Bonfiglio said. "I think once the students and the money come in greater supply we will be in a position to capitalize." The senior staff, according to Bonfiglio, also view the memorandum as a way to slay myths and shift focus. "The college does not have a plan to compete with larger Catholic institutions. We see us working in a close environment of 1,000 to 1,200 people," Bonfiglio said. "We know what the limits of our growth is." The shift in focus will be from enrollment and growth of the late '80s to an adherence of the mission statement, according to Bonfiglio. "The test of a good institution is its ability to make the shifts while retaining its values," Leahy said. The Board of Trustees will confirm a revenue budget, which will also contain a tuition increase according to Bonfiglio, on March 13. "For people not to think that is a fantasy," Bonfiglio said. The expenditure budget will not be confirmed until after fall enrollment in October. Department budgets convene this month and are sent by mid-April. · But when push comes to shove for the budget dollar, senior staff feels that the commitment to cooperation will be there. "There obviously needs to be creative thinking," Leahy said. "But the commitment to cooperation will be there. Not that many people here would fight over sustaining their budget over the good of the institution. People are going to negotiate." The other small liberal arts institutions that are going through the same belt tightening acknowledge the risk of affecting campus services, programs and closeknit atmosphere. According to the "Chronicle" article, President Robert H. Edwards of debt-ridden Bowdoin College said, "We are entering an unremitting, difficult decade in which we have little idea yet how tough it is going to get," "It is important to rememberthat we are not alone," Bonfiglio said. "Yes, this is a belt tightening, but the Chapter 11 (bankruptcy) people are not closing in on us."



triday, march 1, 1991


Appalachia: a specialkindof warmthfor springbreak by Melissa von Siegel

do?'" Anello said. Laura Walker, a junior social work major, will be returning to Fayetteville for a third year and is looking forward to seeing familiar faces from the past. One goal that Walker hopes to accomplish this

spend spring break with friends. Her initial decision was to not participate in Appalachia this year, however, she realized that every time she thought about the subject, "I was really sad about it and I thought that ifl'm this sad about not going--maybe I should be going,"

ing out what they're like and experiencing that kind of lifeSpring break. For many college style. It seems very remote students nationwide, the two words from what we' re used to," Inimmediately conjure up images of man said. Inman will be going a glorious week of sun, sand and to Union. surf--slathering on the cocoa butter, Krista Milito, a sophomore meeting gorgeous guys or girls social work maand partying into the wee hours of jor, is also new the morn. Or, briefly living the life to the program of a beach bum. this year and Some popular spring break will be travlocations include Cancun, the elling to FayBahamas, Myrtle Beach, and Fort etteville. Milito Lauderdale. said that parHowever, for 26 individuals, 22 ticipating in the of them Cabrini students, spring project is a break is viewed from a different ''perfect opporperspective as they head down to tunity" as the Appalachia, a region that runs along work is related the Appalachian Mountains, which to her major. extend from Maine into northern Francesca Alabama. Bansbach, camIn terms of economic deprespus minister, sion and poverty, Appalachia is and a coordinamainly referred to sections of tor with Anello, eastern Tennessee, eastern Kenhopes to do tucky, southeastern Ohio and the follow-up upon western part of West Virginia. their return by According to Sr. Bernadette means of stayAnello, MSC, director of Cabing in touch rini's Campus Ministry and a coorwith the people file photo dinator of the project, 1991 marks 1990 Project Appalachia participants Karie Papay and Trish Lee lift linoleum met, "keeping the ninth consecutive year of during last year's trip. the Word and information Cabrini students participating in year is in understanding "the polProject Appalachia, an outreach alive, and have an ongoing Papay said. program offered anhually during icy issues that have stuck those First-year student, Mary Jane consciousness raised about Inman, an English/ spring break in which students travel people where they are." Communications ma"It's going to take a change of to West Virginia and perform servjor, is one of the policy. Understanding comes first, ice work on varying levels. This many newcomers inthen change,' ' Walker said. year, the group will return to Union volved with Project In the middle of the week, the and Fayetteville, two towns located in West Virginia about an two groups take a day off and meet Appalachia this year. Inman was athour apart from each other. with each other, sharing their mutracted totheprogram tual experiences. A second goal of Thirteen are travelling to Union, Walker's, on a lighter note, is to as a result of her perand the other 13 will go to forming volunteer take both groups to ''the Mystery Fayetteville. For the most part, the work through her Hall." students have the opportunity to hometown church and Walker described the Hall as choose where they would like to actually a house and unusual in that hearing about the progo. Monetary backing for the trip is it has half of a Volkswagen bug gram on her tour of fumishfd solely through fundrais- leaning against the side of the house Cabrini's campus as ers, outside personal donations, as if it had been driven through the a prospective student. Shimkus was her tour and any contributions given at the wall. guide. A painted wooden sign leading two Sunday Masses offered in the "I'm really lookchapel. All students who partici- up to the house reads, "Come to ing forward to meetpate in Project Appalachia assist in the Mystery Hall.'' Following, are ing the people, findwarning signs which caution if you these fundraising endeavors. According to Anello, who are one who has a bad heart, a weak makes her fourth trip this year, the stomach, are prone to dizziness, students are given their work as- or pregnant. Nancy Long, a senior social work signments for the week upon their arrival. These range from home major and a co-coordinator for the maintenance, such as cleaning and trip, is returning to Fayetteville for painting houses, tearing up an old a third year as well. ''Going to Appalachia is like a linoleum floor, building a new set of outdoor steps, to visiting with vacation in itself," Long said. "I . some of the elderly who are in need 1ike to help people; it makes me feel good." of companionship. Mary Shimkus, a junior special "It's an opportunity for each individual to personally grow and · education major and also co-coordinator with Long, will be going to tap into their inner resources," Union for a third year and is Anello said. looking fotward to seeing the people Anello also added that "exposure to a new people and area will she met in the past and how they are give us a greater appreciation of faring. Senior Karie Papay, an elemendiversity." Anello emphasized that the tary education major, has been students are not present to try and involved with Project Appalachia change the lives of the people or ever since her freshman year. She ''take over.'' Anello said they try will be returning to Union, where to make the situation better accord- she has gone for the past three ing to how the people think it should years. Papay's decision this year was a be better. bit more difficult due to the fact "We don't say, 'We'regoingto that she is a senior and that this do this, we 're going to do that'. We say,'What do you want us to would be her last opportunity to

Appalachia--that it doesn't get forgotten about until next spring,'' Bansbach said. Some students not involved with the project have expressed the view that the problems Appalachia is facing can not be solved in a week and that the whole concept of going down is basically pointless. Shimkus disagrees. "Whether I'm there for a day, a week, or a month, I've touched someone's life and they've touched my life. I feel a special warmth in that,'' Shimkus said. In addition to Shimkus, Papay and Inman, the Union crew consists of the following: Lisa Gambacorta, first-year student; sophomores Janene Devine, Maura Johnson, Caroline Thompson and Missy von Siegel; juniors Ellen Battersby, Julie McKee, and Sean McDonough; Tom Hare of Norristown, Pa. and Francesca Bansbach. The Fayetteville crew, along with Walker, Long and Milito, consists of the following: sophomores Michelle Brown, Colleen Croke, Juliann Dunn, and Heather Resch; juniors Michele Staszewski and Caroline Young; seniors Kelly Evans, and Christine Piombino; the Rev. Jim Bolger of Bronx, N.Y. and Sr. Bernadette Anello.





f ridaY,march 11 1991



Spoon-feeding the solution to the fork dilemma .. by Lisa Neuman Grilled salmon filet, chicken marsala, and grilled ribeye steak were on the menu, but the students gathered around the table had more than food on their minds when they dined at the Guest Quarters Hotel in Chesterbrook. The 14 students at the table were listening intently for tips on "How to Dine Professionally," the name of the program being held the evening of Mon., Feb. 18. The program was co-sponsored by the Society for· Human Resource Management and business professor John Heiberger. The dinner was held to educate senior business majors on the etiquette of dining in a business atmosphere, whether it be taking a perspective client to dinner or having a job interview luncheon. For a cost of $20, the students received a five-course meal and a lot

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of advice. According to business professor Ruby Remley, the whole objective was for the students to find the dinner useful and to put them more at ease with the business dining environment. Barbara McPhelim, a student who attended and co-sponsored the dinner, immediately applied what she learned at Guest Quarters the next day when she attended a Human Resource dinner. "Everything was_covered. The students no longer feel self-conscious or inhibited to dine with a business client," McPhelim said. Two staff persons of the Guest Quarters Hotel presented the dinner and program to the students, with full explanations along the way. Felice Barsky, director of sales and marketing, went over the fine points of dining with a business companion, such as who pays the check and how to order. If you are the host, you pick up the check, and when ordering have your guests give their selections first. The second hotel staff person, Bob Smith, director of food and beverage for the hotel, explained how each dish the students dined on was prepared, described different spices used in cooking, and explained how to suggest wine with the meal. As Barsky and Smith described in fine detail rules of etiquette and different foods and wines, the students dined on a fivecourse meal consisting of fettuccine alfredo, grille salad with mustard vinaigrette dressing, fruit sorbet (to cleanse the palete for the main course), a choice of grilled salmon, chicken marsala, or grilled ribeye steak for the entree, and creme caramel for desert. This was the second time Cabrini students have had the program at Guest Quarters. Last spring several students taking a co-op in business approached Heiberger with the concern of feeling uncomfortable while dining out with their employers. They had little idea how to order their meal, whether or not to order wine or what kind, and basic restaurant etiquette, such as



how to use the silverware and the many plates that adorn the table at a business meal. It was these concerns that led to the first dinner. Remley felt the dinner was a good way to round out the business majors' education at Cabrini.' 'We've taught them all the tech-

photo by Jennifer Morrison printed by Lisa Lindley

Bob Smith, from the Chesterbrook Guest Quarters, instructs students and faculty on the art of eating with business smarts. nical things, we've given them all the knowledge in the business courses,'' Remley said. She felt the dinner experience would help put students at ease in a business dining situation so they could concentrate on taking the technical knowledge they learned in the classroom to close a deal with a client, instead of being preoccupied with how to use silverware. Senior Joe Hvizdos felt that the dinner was beneficial. "I'd do it again," Hvizdos said. "I thought it was really something that no matter what your major is, it's useful." He felt that going to the dinner and learning the ways of business dining would prove especially helpful when entertaining business clients. ''It'll help me socially and in the business world," Hvizdos said. Senior John Sparta also had a positive experience at the dinner. "It was great," Sparta said. ''It taught a lot about etiquette when dealing with business clients and job interviews. The food was delicious, too." At the end of the evening, Barsky and Smith provided the students with a booklet entitled,' 'You '11Never Eat the Wrong Roll

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Again." McPhelim felt the booklet was beneficial to the students' experience. ''People felt self-conscious eating and asking questions. The booklet summed up the whole evening," McPhelim said. Both Remley and McPhelim were


impressed with presentation given by Barsky and Smith. Remley described the presentation as "more structured than last year." Heiberger also felt the dinner was a valuable experience for the students. "Rather than learn by trial and error where it will cost you, you can learn by trial and error where it doesn't cost you,'' Heiberger said. He said in learning at the dinnerstudentscan "eliminate barriers" that would otherwise keep them from an important business deal. Remley and Heiberger felt the improvement over last year came from the presenters knowing more about what the students wanted out of the program. Remley and Heiberger said they wanted the students to know what is used out in the business world as a norm for the business occasion. The feedback from the dinner was so positive that another one is being planned for March. A final date hasn't been set yet, but the department is thinking of opening it up to all majors, with seniors getting preference due to the fact they will be the first ones to face the business dining atmosphere. The cost again will be $20.

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more CHAMPIONSHIPS from 8 ments he felt before the game, "I knew we were going to beat them, I just knew it,' ' he said. Cabrini played an up-tempo pace the entire game en route to their highest offense output of the season. According to Dzik he wanted the team to play aggressive an "let it hang out." Shenandoall Head Coach Dave Dutton credited the Cavalier victory to its up-tempo 'We own you.' ''We were out of sync early and got to -Eugene Baltimore, style. far behind, " he said. "The better team won Shenandoah guard tonight." The four Cabrini seniors combined for 73 points and 25 rebounds. Jeff Barnes, On Feb.9, Shenandoah defeated the Cava- who scored 15, said, "We (O'Hare, liers 64-63 at Sacred Heart Gym on a last Yurehak, Hines and myself) have been second shot by Eugene Baltimore. Follow- through a lot, it was one more thing we had ing the game, Baltimore ran by the Cabrini to step up and do," he said. O'Hare, who scored a game high 26 bench and belched, "We own you." Before the ESAC semi-final match-up points and hauled in 12rebounds, reverberDzik wrote the Baltimore quote on the chalk- ated his words from the night previous, board and below it followed, "Not any "We were ready for them," he said. "We're gelling on this roadtrip." more." Robert Harris lead Shenandoah with 22 With :29 seconds remaining in the l 02-93 Cavalierv.ictory, Dzik, being swarmed by his points and Mario Pritchett chipped in 17. With the Baltimore quote still fresh in team, regurgitated his pregame quote, "Not his mind, Jeff Hines, 18 points, screamed, any more." The victory was Dzik's maiden win over "We own them now." With the Shenandoah nemesis now eradiShenandoah and it was Shenandoah's first cated chants of "not any more" could be home Div. III loss in three years. The Cavs lead for all but 22 seconds of the heard throughout the locker room. Following the emotional, monumental game, they trailed 11-10 early in the first half an its lead was in double figures from victory over Shenandoah, the Cavs had to the 19:47 mark to the 7:55 juncture of the face Salisbury State University in the ESAC championship game. second half. Playing its third game in three nights the Robert Harris of Shenandoah scored with 5:49 left to trim the score to 79-76. They Cavs were a few octanes ·short in the the fuel tank. Salisbury was victorious 112-94 would get no closer. Cabrini built the lead back up to 13 points as they simply outran the tired Cavs who could not keep up with the quick tempo. and finished with a nine point victory. According to Dzik, the team got behind Following the game Dzik echoed senti-

"We want Shenandoah so bad we can taste them. We'll be ready," he said. Yurchak finished with a game high 33 points and seven rebounds. Frotsburg alltournament selectionWill Liggins and teammate Scott Kerr led Frotsburg with 58 points evenly divided.

GROUNDS/LANDSCAPE POSITIONS· Two openings available: regular full-time, hours Mon.-Fri. 7:30am-4:00pm; Temporary full· time(April to October) hours flexible. Duties include operating vehicles and equipment, maintenance of grounds, use of hand power tools, must have valid PA drivers license. Salary range: $7.50 to $9.00/hr. Call Rebecca Rose at 526-7000.

STAFF ASSISTANT· The Main line Chamber of Commerce, is located in Wayne, is seeking a part-time staff assistant. The position involves public contact, secretarial and organizational skills. 10-15 hr/wk, MF, between 9-5, $6.00/hr. Contact:linda O'Keefe at the Chamber Oflice,687-6232.

DRIVER· Needed to drive elderly lady in her car as necessary. $7./hr. Must have car to get to home in Wayne. If interested contact Dr. Bezdek at faculty mailbox or at ext.8361.

NEEDED- Someone to clean brass fire place and irons for elderly lady in Wayne. If interested contact Dr. Bezdek at faculty mailbox or at ext.8361.

OFFICE MANAGER- Negotiable entry-level salary with growth potential. Candidates should have a Bachelors Degree in either Business, English, of Journalism or be a graduating senior with such a degree in the Spring. 30-40 hrs./wk.

early and had to play at Salisbury's tempo. "That's just not our style," he said. "We tried to play to their level, our legs just weren't there," O'Hare said. _ The Cavs stayed close early and at the 10:40 junction of the first-half the score stood even at 20. In the next two minutes Salisbury built a double figure lead and the Cavs could get no closer ~han eight points the rest of the game. In their final collegiate game O'Hare and Yurchak score~ 16 points a piece and firstyear player Jamie Shaak and junior Jon Owens combined for 28 points evenly divided. Dzik felt the pace lead to the team's demise. "That and Andre Foreman," he said. Foreman scored 40 points, shooting 60 ·percent from the field, and recorded 14 rebounds. Both game highs. Following the game Foreman was named tournament MVP. According to Barnes, the team got caught up in the running game and could not get over that hump. "They took us out of our concept,'' he said. O'Hare was impressed at how the team gelled and played well together. "It's a shame we lost," he said "but we gave it our all." O'Hare averaged 20 points and nine

rebounds in the tournament. Yurchak averaged 21 points and 8.3 rebounds. The senior duo were both named to the alltournament team. Prior to the tournament Yurchak was named first-team All ESAC and O'Hare was named to the second team.

WANTED· Accounting major, accounting clerk B. $6.27/hr. part-time, temporary (6 month min.) 15-20hrs./wk., flexible, between 9-5. Commodore Semiconductor Group. Julie Casas 666-2541.

PART-TIME HELP- Executive secretary for Paoli Law firm. Organizational skills needed, word processing skills required. Flexible hours. Medical or scientific background helpful. This job offers growth potential.

SCHOLARSHIPS· The Philiadelphia chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants is awarding 2 scholarships of $750 to full or part-time undergraduate students persuing a major in accounting. Deadline is April 30, 1991.

PART-TIME· Costumer service rep. Crt data input and look-up. Light typing Mon. Wed. and Fri. 5-9pm every other Sat. · 12-4pm ($7.00/hr) contact Brian Fuhrmeister 962-8120 PERMANENT POSITION- part-time now, full-time summer. Flexible hrs. Clerical work.Clearfield Energy located in Radnor Corp. Center 293-0410

NEEDED- Insurance clerk. Mon.-Fri., daytime hrs., part·time(20hrs./wk.) Responsible for billing, processing. Exper. helpful. $10.00/hr. benefits:trans. to train station, employee

NEEDED· Local student to assist in Paoli office. 2-3 days/wk., 2-4 hrs./day part· time for summer and school vacations. Salary negotiable. Starts immediately. Dr. Barrie Cassileth 296-5733 or 2969651.

REAL PIZZA .18 West 1'venue, Wayne, Pa.


ForFAST"Plck-up or HOT Delivery, can

'Not anymore.' -John Dzik

HUMAN RESOURCE POSITION- PIT, flexible hrs. (prefer mornings). 15 hrs.I wk. PC knowledge, working skills. Starts immediately Susan Pentek 254-0249. Enterprising Interns in Devon.

POSITION AVAILABLE· Part-time, skills: computer (Lotus, etc.), basic accounting knowledge, willingness to perform office duties. Contact Gail Martin, Lincoln Mortage Comp. 885-4161 ext. 227


f riday, march 1, 1991



The National Right to Work Committee is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No deadline. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is offering 3 scholarships and other forms of various Financial Aid to students planning to attend their University. No dead• line.

The Main line Chapter of the American Business Women's Assoc. is accepting applications for their scholarship given to a women seeking a business or professional career and has reached sophomore classification. Deadline is March 31, 1991.

The College and University Public Rela• lions Assoc. is offering a $1,000. scholarship to Minoritiesin Communications. Deadline Feb 22, 1991.

OFFICE ASSISTANT· Perm., PIT, 2 days a week min. 5 hrs./day, flexible scheduling, excellent hourly wage & mileage reimbursement. Contact: Cor· porate office mgr.-Barbara Obst at 293· 9100.

687-2222 688-2222 688-5588 HOME DELIVERY AITER 4:00 PM

OPENINGSears Business Center (Bala Cynwyd). Sales support person/executive ast. light secretarial duties. $9.00/hr. 35hrsJ wk. (No weekends) contact Mrs. Evans 668-2600.

OFFICE POSITION· The Holding Compnay. Costumer service. Clerical and data entry work. Mon. & Fri. (5-8pm) $6.00/hr. Cathy 287-8010

CLERK- G.W Hunter Inc. is looking for an accounts receivable clerk. Accounting major preferred. Send resume or letter of recommendation to: 510 Feheley Rd., P.O. Box 1585, King of Prussia, Pa 19406.

PART-TIME- Direct Mail Company in Wayne has a position available. Flexible schedule, $5.00/hr. Contact: Patty at 687-8800.

WORK-GRANT/WORK-STUDY· Students needed to workin Student Serv· ices, Resident Life, modeling for Gary Armstrong, Faculty Secretaries, or Countinuing Ed. on campus.


J 0 B

s Q

u A D


triday, march 1, 1991



Cavs sting Hornets; Gulls grab ESAC title by Bob Healey

photoby Chris Pesotski

Junior Jon Owens drives for two of his 30 tournament points in the championship game against Salisbury State University.

October is the month of expectations, February is the month of reality. On Sat. Feb. 23, the Cavalier'sexpectations,ina 112-94loss in the ESAC championship to Salisbury, became reality. The Cavaliers left Sacred Heart Hall on Thursday with a goal of three victories in three days and the capturing of the ESAC crown. The Cavs fell short of their goal following the Salisbury defeat. "We're notinthistofinishsecond best,' ' Head Coach John Dzik said.

But as the Meatloaf song goes, teams traded baskets until the :07 "Two out of three ain't bad." mark. With the scored even at 97, The tournament began on Thurs. senior Jason Yurchak hit one of two Feb. 21, with an exhausting, double- foulshots to give the Cavs its marovertime vietory, by the slimmest gin of victory. of margins, over Frostburg State Shenandoah, ESAC regular University 98-97. season champions, were scheduled Regulation ended 77-77 follow- to play the winner of the Cabriniing a Will Liggins basket with :17 , Frotsburg game. Before the game seconds remaining. The initial Dzik wrote on the lockerroom overtime ended with the teams chalkboard "It's the only way to deadlocked at 89. Senior Jeff Hines get to Shenandoah." launched home a three-point bomb Following the game senior John that exploded with :05 seconds O'Hare, who finished with 18 remaining to tie the game. · points, echoed those sentiments. Hines scored the initial.basket , in the second overtime and the more CHAMPIONSHIPS on 7

O'Hora's harriers prep for upcoming season by Rita S. Cellucci It may be small but it is powerful. Cabrini's track team is running along as smoothly as possible as it continues into the indoor track season and, starting soon, outdoor track. Head Track Coach Tom O'Hora calls it an "individual sport" where twenty to thirty schools gather at meets and the runners compete individually to score as many points as possible and run a time that will qualify them for the end of the season. When O'Hora came to Cabrini nine years ago he found a men's cross country team but no track team. O'Hora started one with interested members. Two years ago a women's track team was started by juniors Jackie Albrecht and Jen Arnholt. O'Hora said that the women's programis still young, but it is growing. O'Hora now

coaches both men and women runners. ''We have pretty good athletes," O'Hora said. O'Hora also said that the track team specializes in middle to long distance runners and that they try to accumulate as many points as possible there. Albrecht, whose best run is the 1500 meter, feels they should "do fair this season'' because they have picked up new additions to the team. O'Hora said Albrecht is a top track runner who "is making good progress." That includes first-year student Denise Tucker from Cardinal O'Hara. According to O'Hora, she suffered an injury last semester but he hopes she will be able to give a contribution within the next few weeks. Sophomore Chris Costigan is also recovering from knee surgery and is in rehabilitation. But they have also picked up junior Donna Kindig, who joined the team this year. Also O'Hora is

currently recruiting for next year and has three good possibilities. Amholt's best run is the quarter mile. She feels "the team is improving" because "we have a good coach." "However the season is iffy because of those injuries,'' Arnholt said. She has been the top sprinter the last two years, especially now that Liz Miller has left for Saudi Arabia. Veronica O'Hora, sophomore, is an "all around athlete," according to O'Hora, who also happens to be her father. She participates in the field events and sprints. Chris Callinan, junior, has three events which O'Hora hopes Callinan will qualify him. They are the five-kilometer, IO-kilometer, and the steeple chase. O'Hora feels that these are Callinan's best events. Senior Paul Greenhalgh's objective is .to qualify for 1500 and 3000 meter events. Then there is first-year student John Fasolka

whom O'Hora recruited from Allentown. His best event is the 400 meter and ''he will do very well on indoor track," O'Hora said. Sophomore Regina Dougherty sprints the 200 meter and 400 meter. Her concentration is on

javelin, however, along with Costig!!!:,. O'Hora is planning to build a relay team sometime in the near future. The next track and field meet is the Delaware State relays on March 30. The season ends the second week of May.

photo by Mark Gudas

Jackie Albrecht and Donna Kindig, juniors, stretch out before a practice run in preparation for the upcoming season. ~

Fitness and •vou

Protect your skin on the sand or slopes by Kimberly Keck

Results Men's Basketball 2/21 2/22 2/23

98 Cabrini 102Cabrini 94 Cabrini

Frostburg 97 Shenandoah93 Salisbury 112

Women's Basketball 2/22

50 Cabrini



Men's Volleyball 2/19 2/25

3 0

Cabrini Cabrini

Swarthmore 2 Villanova 3

Schedule Men's Volleyball Tue. 3/12 NortheasternJ.C. away 7:30pm

Warm tropical weather will be a memory of many Cabrini students this spring break. Another part of this memory is often sunburn, blistering and pain. Besides causing temporary discomfort, sunburn can have Jong term effects. '' Constant exposure to the sun can lead to cancer,'' Sue Fitzgerald, director of health services, said. "There is no difference between a bum from boiling water or a sunburn,'' Fitzgerald said. "A bum is a bum." According to Fitzgerald, a tan is a protection against the sun. The tan protects the skin from burning. For protection against the sun, wear sunscreen and avoid exposure, Fitzgerald said. "A sun protection factor (spf) of 15 or higher is recommended to prevent aging,'' Dr. William Warren, dermatologist in St. Davids, said. '' A good suntan lotion to use is Sundown 30 by Johnson and Johnson," Warren said.

The cosmetic industry also offers suggestions to the problem. '' Always use lotion with at least an spf of four.'' Cindy Sadlowski, senior sales associate for Clinique, said. '' After a day in the sun, apply products with aloe," Sadlowski said. ''Research is showing a genetic link to cancer," Fitzgerald said. People who are skiing or mountain climbing aren't exempt from the sun's danger. Your risk of burning is greater, according to The Skin Cancer Foundation. At high altitudes, there is less atmosphere to absorb the sun's rays, according to The Skin Cancer Foundation. The Foundation said to protect yourself, wear a sunscreen. According to the Neutrogena SkinCare Institute, skiers should wear many layers of clothing and the top layer should consist of wind breaking materials. Skiers and mountain climbers aren't the only ones who feel the effects of the cold and winds. "Even though you're not laying out,

you're still exposed to the sun," Fitzgerald said. What's the best defense? Taking shorter, less steamy showers and applying a moisturizer immediately after bathing while the skin is still damp, according the Neutrogena SkinCare Institute. "If you know you' re going to be outside, in the cold, bundle up and drink lots of water," Fitzgerald said. "Humidifiers also work well." Skin problems can't only be blamed on the weather. The deterioration of the ozone layers is allowing more pollutants, which can effect the skin, into the environment according to Neutrogena. More ultra violet Jight penetrates to the surface every day. Tanning salons are not a good substitute for the sun. According to the Food and Drug Administration, the ultra violet A (UV A) which is given off by equipment in tanning salons is worse for skin. UV A penetrates deeper into the skin. ''Fifteen minutes in a tanning salon is equal to one day in the sun,'' Fitzgerald said.

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