March 15, 1991 Issue 19 Loquitur

Page 1

Superthon Weekend schedule on page 4

vol. xxxvii, no. 19·

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

friday, march 15, 1991

Counsel to be closed as residence hall by Melissa von Siegel Assistant News Editor

As a residence hall, Counsel Hall is to be no more. According to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, Counsel will be closed as a residence hall effective at the conclusion of this academic year. This is the result of a decision recommended by the college's senior staff and finally decided upon by Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president. At a 10 p.m. hall meeting Tuesday night, Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, relayed information to about 15 of the 20 female upperclass students who reside there, regarding Counsel's situation and what changes woul~ occur in the lottery process for room selections. "This puts you into a special category called displacement," Caulfield said. Caulfield went on to further ex plain that this category would enable them the opportunity to choose their rooms ahead of those participating in the regular lottery, yet behind those who were squatting or keeping their rooms. "It will be squatters first, displaced and then regular," Caulfield said. Caulfield said that those who are displaced will have a special box to choose from when selecting their lottery number. However, according to Caulfield, if a student had already picked a number (prior to the meeting), then that student

would "just need to pick a new one from a different box." For some, the announcement yielded reactions of surprise and disbelief which senior Sue Roux noticed. "Tonight when it was confirmed, a lot of people were like 'Oh my God, what are we going to do,"' Roux said. "I saw iton their faces." "I know people are angry and upset," Caulfield said to the women. "I'm sorry, guys." Yet the majority viewed the decision from a positive perspective. "It seems fair, I think, because we get to pick first (after squatters)," Junior Ellen Battersby, said. "If we weren't getting to choose first, I'd be upset." "I can understand why they did what they did," sophomore Susan DiMoia said. "This is the smallest dorm and there are plenty of other places on campus for people to live." Fellow sophomore and floormate, Cathy DeHartsaid, "It's not conducive to living," citing no fire escape, nearness of faculty offices, and "people in and out at all hoursof the day" as drawbacksto the hall. Roux said Counsel's location is better regarding accessibility to classrooms; however, Roux feels the decision is a good one, as it will help to bring about campus unity. "We're kind of segregated from the rest of the campus," Roux said. "This way, we'll be more unified."


photo by Frank Emmerich

Counsel Hall, the stable of the original Woodcrest estate, and home to hundreds of Cabrini students over the last 30 years, will close to residents in May. - -

College adds four trustees by Melissa von Siegel Assistant News Editor

Increasing its current membership from 22 to 26, the College's Board of Trustees confirmed the appointments of four new members at its meeting held on Dec. 10, 1990. According to Sr. Eileen Currie, MSC, president of the College and a member of the board, the fournew members are Sr. Regina Casey, MSC, Sr. Lucille Souza, MSC, Shirley Ann Dixon of Philadelphia, Pa. and James F.

Oakley, III, of Norristown, Pa. Casey, an educator and former president of the College from 1968 until 1972, is currently chief executive officer of the ColumbusCabrini Medical Center in Chicago, Ill. Casey also served as superior general of the International Institute of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart from 1972 through 1984. According to Currie, Casey brings with her "a vast experience of corporate knowledge and Missionary Sister knowledge." Although she has not been present on campus through the

years, Casey said she is aware of the ongoing development occurring at Cabrini. "It has grown to be a much stronger institution and has kept the atmosphere characterized at that time ( when Casey was president)," Casey said. Sr. Lucille Souza, MSC, a reading specialist and an alumna of Cabrini and like Casey, has been kept abreast of current happenings on campus. Souza currently serves as director of the Cabrini Mission

see NEW TRUSTEES, pg. 4

Proposed federal budget would _slashaid by Kimberly Marshall Assistant Perspectives Editor

If the Bush administration has its way, some Cabrini students may experience a onethird cut in their student aid packages for the 1992-93 school year. According to the Feb. 13 issue of the "Chronicle of Higher Education," the Bush administration has proposed major changes and cuts in Federal student aid funding. The changes would provide more money to the neediest students while removing as many as 600,000 middle-income persons from the Pell Grant program. New grants

will also be created for needy students with good grades, but aid may be denied to students who are in the bottom 10 percent of their college classes. Colleges will be required to pay a greater share of the costs of the College Work Study (CWS) and Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) programs under Bush's proposal. The Education Department will also consolidate six fellowship programs for graduate students into a single program. The proposed fiscal 1992 budget for studentgrant programs would be $6.7-billion. This figure reflects no increase for inflation from the I 991 fiscal year figures. Elizabeth Cairns, assistant director of fi-

nancial aid, said that these changes and cuts will not be reflected in next year's financial aid packages but they underline what may happen in the following years. "These are all proposals," Cairns said. "It is hard to even imagine which of these proposals will actually tum into law. Usually we won't know things like this until Oct. of 1991. Then we will get a much better feel for 1992." Cairns said that the estimated amount of total government aid Cabrini receives in federal and state funds, including Stafford and student loans, is $2,261,500, in addition to Cabrini's contribution, which is approximately $450,000. Federal funds include Pell

What's happening March 15 to March 22 ... Friday


7:30 volleyball

p.m. Men's at Lehigh



II' 5:15 p.m. Peace Vigil -

chapel II' 6:00 p.m. Mass - Chapel II' 6:45 - Lenten Program


Grants, College Work Study, Perkins loans, and SEOG, a grant for Pell-eligible needy students. Cabrini receives the federal funding, and disburses the money to eligible students. How does Cabrini decide who classifies as neediest students? "Anyone out there who has applied knows that it is a long procedure," Cairns said. According to Cairns all the numbers submitted on the students' financial aid applications serve as different variables in a formula called Congressional Methodology (CM).

see AID CUTS, pg. 4

more coverage in UPDATES!


II' 12 noon - Loss Support


Group meeting - Counseling Center II' 5:30-6:30 p.m. Enqlishlcommunication maiors· Career development meeting • WCLH v 6-8 p.m. • Alumni Netwo11<,ngCareer Fair Cafe

REGISTRATION v' 3:30 p.m. Passover Seder discussion SH t07B v' 3 p.m. Girl's softball doubleheader vs. Eastern - Softball field v' 4:30 p.m. Passover Seder meal · Cafe

Wednesday To have your event covered ,n WHATS HIIPPENING, contac1 Kim Keel<in the Newsroom or call ext. 8412.

Thursday II' SOPHOMORE FALL 1991 REGISTRAION v' 7 p.m. • Lenten reooncrnationservice

Friday v' Last day to register for Pro1ec1Leaming Tree · a program for teachers and education ma)Ors



fridaY, march 151 1991

Sex talk: Make it honest Although many of us pretend to know all about sex, most of us have no idea what to do. We don't know how to talk about it, let alone do it right. Society uses its own smooth-talk when comes to sex. Everyone knows of someone who has lived through the pain of sex when it is used wrongly. We hear that one-out-of-every-four of our daughters, sisters, and friends has been raped or sexually abused. An American teen -becomespregnant every 30 seconds, and 80 percent of these pregnancies are unintentional. One in seven teenagers get an STD every year. Yet, we refuse to be honest with ourselves. Sex education in schools is resisted. Concerned parents want their children to learn about their sexuality based on home-spun values. But the majority of kids find out about sex on the streets. Some find out on street corners. The problem is, neither the adults nor the children know the right information. So they pretend to know or guess. Sexual pressures have been around since Adam and Eve. The kissing is the same. The sex is the same. The men and women are what is different. We work so hard to prove that men and women can do the same jobs, earn the same money, play the same sports. But we need to remember that they don't feel things the same way. They don't relate to sex in the same way. Most men are, by their nature, aggressive creatures. In our society, where men have been bred to achieve and conquer, they need to know the yellow caution light does not mean go faster. Some women do send mixed messages without realizing it. They need to be firm in clarifying misunderstandings based on the clothes that they wear or behavior. It's hard to accept that the overwhelming number of date rapes being reported by women are committed by sex-craved lunatics. Like many ~f. the victims, these men and boys may not even think that they have been involved in a rape. They believe faithfully in what they have been taught by their parents, peers, television, and mov~es. ''No'' means '·yes.'' Sex is a male privelege. A women in a tight skirt is asking for it. They believe this because no one along the way has stopped to tell them anything different. How can we tell the difference between rape and roma!'}ce?The only way we are going to find out is to start talking to each other about our expectations, wants, needs, and desires. Both men and women should read the ''Rape: What you need to know,'' pamphlet distribute by the counseling center. It must be clear that rape is not just a female issue. Time and thought and discussion are needed to understand any tricky situation. In sex, we need to make informed choices and we need to know not only what we are talking about, but who we are talking about. And our sexual intimacy need not be shattered. Because there is not a greater trust than which bonds friends and lovers.

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Battling the bra sharlene sephton erspectives editor The battle of the bra began when I was in sixth grade. Since then the story has been immortalized by my mother and passed on to each of my successive boyfriends by my younger sister. I consider it my first self-sponsored feminist movement. It may have been that I was simply an irritable and volatile pre-adolescent demonstrating the appropriate level of demonic rebellion to torture my family. I was becoming a woman and I wasn't

March is Women's History Month. Look back and see the heroines that refused to let societal standards weaken their resolve or ambitions. sure I liked the idea. I was worried about not being able to play on the boy's soccer team, dish-panned hands, and the unfairness that women had to suffer through childbirth while men seem to go through life scar-free. In the meantime, my swelling chest was not waiting for me to solve my identitycrisis. And my mother thought it indecent for me to continue attending school without the size AA young teen' s beginner brassiere, or as some refer to it, the training bra. Well, I had training wheels on my bike for support, so I wouldn't fall over, but I did not understand what wearing a bra was actually training me for in life. For me, it was an itchy twisted thing that cut into my rib cage and you could see the bumpy lace underneath my favorite T-shirts. Even the names for its construction sound formidable if not painful: hook-and-eye closures, back straps, underwiring, and sidebones. Anyway, my first bra was definitely not from the Victoria's Secret satin collection, and I refused to wear it. My mother gave me an ultimatum. IfI would consent to wear the contraption, I could live in her household until I was independent, or if not, it would be understood as a declaration of war. I chose war. And throughout the battles I was waving the feminist flag. I had heard the rumor that brassieres had been created by a man with the name, Mr. Titzlinger. Since then I have searched through books of firsts to find the true origins, but without avail. I argued with my mother that it was no wonder wearing a bra was like self-inflicted torture, because they had been invented by a male who had no idea of what the female anatomy actually feels like. It was clear to me that their purpose was another of the countless ways that men have used to restrain and oppress the women of the world throughout history. Suddenly I felt a kinship with the braburners glorified from the sixties. Later I learned that the bra-burning rallies were actually isolated events that have been hyped

up as a symbol of the female movement. I learned more as I grew older. I realized that feminism is much more than angry acts of rebellion. Feminism is pride in being a woman and recognizing those of us who have done what we were once thought incapable of; those of us who strived and succeeded in a world that has not always appreciated our womanly ways. Feminism is a celebration of the differences between men and women and learning how to accept them. March is Women's History Month. Look back and see the heroines that refused to let societal standards weaken their resolve or ambitions. People like Elizabeth Blackwell, the first American female doctor; Sandra Day O'Connor, the first woman to sit on the Supreme Court bench; Sally Ride, the first American woman astronaut to be on a space shuttle mission; Melissa RathbunNealy, one of the first women who were under fire in the Gulf War. I found that little girls can look up to wbmen besides the bra-burners. There are women who are leaders of generations who aspire by hard work,determination, and their womanly wiles. Who triumphed over the Battle of the Bra? My mother black-mailed me by threatening to keep me home from school and send in a note with Doug Black, the boy we carpooled with. explaining the binding circumstances to our teacher. Well, my mother and I drew up a peace compromise. I ended up wearing a bra, but a stretch-one without the itchy padding, that spring of my sixth grade. In fact, I can now admit that I can bear wearing them, and sometimes actually enjoy the Victoria's Secret kind. But don't be surprised if you catch me in the newsroom slinking out of the undergarment from beneath my sweatshirt and shoving it in a dark comer of my desk.


Carlo Iacono

Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison News Editor: Chris Pesotsl<J Senior Associate News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Assistant News Editors: Aila Celluco, Kimberly Keck, Dawn nmbario and Missy von Siegel Perspective~ Edltor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspectives Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda, Lorraine Marie Lill and Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and William A. Fulton Business Managers:

Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger and Lisa Rose

Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley Photography Adviser: Dr. Caner Craig1e Adviser:

Dr.Jerome Zurek

Staff: Karen Dumorney, William Fulton. John Gay, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberly Leblang. Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Jennifer Melchiorre, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Aaynock, Frank Sc1olla. Photography Staff: John Gay. Mark Gudas, Lorraine Marte L1Ir, Christine Meyers, Judi Panasik. Cann Pesotsk1, Charles Waterfall. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price Is $25 per year and is included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student ed1tonal staff and the individual writers and not the entire stujlent body or the f'rulty and administration. Loquitur Is establishjld as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.



friday, marcti 15, 1991


As Pressoars,remember how he got hiswings In a continuing effort to better educate the public on the major players of the Persian Gulf War, I dedicate this week to give equal column space to the allied side. Now, who to profile? ·The choice is obvious -- George Bush. Thereaderatthis point might add that he or she is well aware of their President and there is no need of a Reader's Digest biography. I protest, however, for the public has only been given the authorized biography of George Bush. Here on the hallowed pages of the Loquitur; then, let us cast some light on the real George Bush. Before I start, however, a brief story. The other day I was laying in bed with a 101 degree fever when my phone rang. I discovered on the other end of the line a confused soul who was under the misunderstanding that my previous biography of Saddam Hussein was 100 percent accurate. Of course, I was stunned. In writing satire I normally try not to slam my reader on the head with a warning that the following piece is a joke. This caller who got me out of bed with a fever, however, could not ascertain from the fact that I gave Saddam's parents the names of Shemp and Bunny that this piece was a satire. This phone call proved to me once again that the world and its inhabitants are preposterous. So, to my favorite reader out there, take note. WARNING: The following article is a satire. The reader is advised that many of the following ditties are untruths written in the interest of causing the human response known as laughter. Anal retentive people should not read this column as it will confuse them and interrupt their normal thought processes. Read at your own risk! Well, thank God that's out of the way. Now on to George Bush: On June 11, 1924, Prescott Bush and his wife June Cleaver Bush welcomed their new addition, George Herbert Walker Bush. In the baby's newly decorated room, the Bushes had a 20xl4 foot portrait of Calvin Coolidge installed on the ceiling above the baby's crib. Young George grew up in the midst of the depres-

bill firman

sion and his family was hit hard. His father was forced to become a United States Senator when his business failed. Somehow, the family scraped by and young George soon grew into manhood -- but, finding it didn't fit, he joined the Navy. Bush became the Navy's youngest fighter pilot in 1942 and, while flying his first mission, was shot at by the enemy. Before his co-pilot could say, "Let's get outta here!" young George was safely ejected from the plane and on his way to a soft landing in the Pacific. Finding that war is hell, George entered Yale as an economics major and soon was initiated into the Skull and Bones Society -a sort of preppy frantemity where, instead of drinking all night and getting sick on the lawn, members would round up Jews, Blacks and Catholics and threw up on them. It was here that young George became imbued with his firm commitment to equality and civil rights for all. It was while at Skull and Bones thatBushgothis lifelongnickname, Poppy. This name was arrived at by the other members from the constant phone calls Bush would make to his father for money. Bush soon graduated from Yale and, like most college graduates, had no job. Unlike most other graduates, however, George hit Daddy up for a few million dollars and started his own oil development company, PEPTICO. In 1948, Bush traveled to the tiny nation of Kuwait with his members of his company to begin oil exploration. It was PEPTICO that first located oil in the Persian Gulf nation and he formed lifelong friendships with many of the Kuwaitis. Bush's best friend in Kuwait was the ruler, Sheik alSabbad al Moisha, roughly Bush's age. Many nights the two young millionaires would sit up late and watch the Indian, Pakistani and Palestinian peasants work the Kuwaiti oil fields -- this was a good Foreignpolicysuccesseshavesent ~esident Bush'soverall time for Bush. approvalrating- the percentageof people giving him an A or B - to an all-timehigh.And that supporthas helped hiTI By this time, domesticaly,says the latest USATODAYPoll. Bush had marri_edBarbara and Overall support the two had five Jan. '89 children. Bush instilled in them April '89 the hard CalvinOct. '89 ist work ethic he 51% had learned as a Jan. '90 64% i-----------.....--.....1 boy and passed July '90 50% on the Bush ethic: Work ._M_a_rc_h_'9_1 ______ :::::=:::::::::c:=-:~~.J 84% hard, prosper, and NEVER get On specific issues caught. Those giving Bush an A or B for dealingwith: After twenty years of fine □ July'90 87% wealth and reloi::lMarch '91 78% cating to Texas, 71% Bush was felled in 1963 by a se54o/c vere attack 45% which his doc350/4 38% 40% _tor prescribed as conscience. The only remedy was politics and Bush became a Congressman in Soviets Drug Environment Economy Foreign 1964. While in problems policy Congress, Bush Source:USATODAYtelephonepoll of 802 aciilts nationwide conducted March2·3 by GordonS. 81ack Corp. Samplingenor:3.5 percentage points. worked hard on KeithCarter,USATODAY his backhand



,____, ._____.r11r1 I._____.

and got to know Lyndon Johnson, John Connally, and soon earned a reputation for being a loyal Republican stalwart -- translation: he'll do anything. In 1970, encouraged by President Richard Nixon, who liked his backhand, Bush ran for the U.S. Senate against Lloyd Bentsen, another \:hild of the depression who was forced to rely on his family's wealth' to survive. Bush ran a hard campaign but was powerless because the electorate couldn't distinguish between th~ two candidates. This was especially true after an embarrassing press conference in which Bush was being pinned down as to what was his position on a particular issue and he blurted out, "I'm for whatever you are!" Bush lost. Feeling dejected, Bush was unemployed and destitute. He was forced to take the position of the United States Ambassador to

After· twenty years of fine wealth and relocating to Texas, Bush was felled in 1963 by severe attack which his doctor prescribed as conscience. The only remedy was politics ...


the United Nations. It was here that Bush shine~, in an organization which does nothing and has no power -- Bush's star rose. Bush jumped at the opportunity offered him by President Nixon in 1974-- unofficial emissary to China. Bush loved the prestige and benefits of the job -- namely, once a week Henry Kissinger would call him up and inform him about secret negotiations Kissinger and Nixon/Ford had hammered out without informing or involving Bush. While Watergate was bringing down his party, Bush was a loyalist who never wavered -- unless anyone asked him if he knew anything, to which he would reply, "I've never met President Nixon." Gerald Ford rewarded such loyal~ by making Bush head of the Central Intelligence Agency in 1976. Here Bush found his horizons expanded beyond mere politics and economics. It was while head of the CIA that Bush learned how to overthrow governments not friendly to the United States, a gift which would be of invaluable service to both he and his nation in years to come. By 1980, Bush had acquired a national reputation. Unfortunately, it was the kind of recognition afforded to old TV star who are recognized by fans of the series' re-runs but can't quite remember the name. Feeling a bit bored with traveling between Texas and Maine, Bush through his cardigan into the ring and ran for the Republican nomination as President. His campaign was defined when he called Ronald Reagan's plans, "V oo-doo economics." This made it clear to the American voting public that, while Reagan might not have any idea what was going on, at least he didn't use words like, "voo-doo" and "prudent." Bush soon dropped out of the running. , Feeling somewhat sorry for him, Reagan summoned Bush to his headquarters at the convention and offered him to VicePresidential nomination. Bush, realizing he could only go "up" in recognition factors even in the Vice-Presidency, accepted shortly before Reagan had put his teeth in a glass. This was the beginning of ~e beginning for George Herbert Walker Bush. Next time, we continue the saga with "Bush II: This Time It's Questionable." Stay tuned.

How to save the college money To the editor, Recently I read your February 15th edition concerning higher postage rates and Cabrini College's mailing costs. As a part-time night student and U.S. Postal Service employee, I feel compelled to respond. I think I can save the college some money. It is true that postage rates have risen. However, so has fuel costs, newspapers, taxes, and even college tuition. One must remember that although the cost ofa first class letter has gone up four cents, U.S. postage rates are still the lowest in the industrialized world. In addition, the Postal Service is promising business mailers, such as Cabrini College, reduced postage rates through worksharing programs. What are worksharing programs? Worksharing programs include prebarcoding, presorting, and drop shipping letters. This may sound confusing. What it boils down to is that the Postal Service is ~oving toward a computerized and automated mail service into the 21st century. The Postal service must do this in order to keep costs down and stay competitive with their rivals in the mail industry. If Mr. John Barclay, the chief financial officer, would contact the local Postmaster, I am sure he would be provided with a customer service representative who could explain postage reductions more thoroughly. Sincerely, Greg Cummings Havertown Post Office Edlor's note: lnformatfon provided by Greg Cummings hos been forwarded to John Barclay.

Loqultur welcomes letters to the edttor. Letters should be ~gned and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the wrtter wishes. and the edttor agrees. the wrtter"s name may be left off the letter upon publlcatfon and on Inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer:· Letters should be lyped, doublespaced. and no more than 300 words in . length. If a letter Is too long tor the oval~ _;· able space. the editor may edit or condense tt. Le:ters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.


In the article, "College to cut '91 budget 10 percent," that ran in the Friday, March 1 issue of Loquitur, the following corrections should be understood: In the first paragraph, the recommendation attributed to senior staff should have been attributed to the board of trustees. Also, Midge Leahy's name is not Margerat. Dean of students Robert Bonfiglio, is quoted as saying, "The college is not going to downsize." Bonfiglio does believe that the college is, in fact, downsizing. In the following paragraph, the article reads that the memo was written with "hindsight." The line should be, "According to Bonfiglio, the memorandum was done with foresight to correct a probiem before it occurs."



Campus Career Fair Alumni Networking Career Fair will be held on Mon., March 18, from 6-8 p.m. in the cafeteria. This will be an opportunity to meet informally with alumni to learn about their career experiences, how they got started and what their jobs are all about. Food will be served until 7 p.m. All students are invited to attend.

Support group forming A loss support group will hold its first meeting on Mon., March 18, from 12-1 p.m. in the counseling center. Anyone who has suffered any type of loss, such as loss of "loved one or relationship, is welcome to attend. For more information, contact Ellen at ext. 856 l.

Registration news Registration dates are as follows: juniots-Tues., March 19. sophomores-Thurs., March 21. First-year-Tues., March 26. Pick up the master schedule and registration form in the registrar's office. If you owe any balance on your tuition bitl, you will be prohibitted from pre-registering. Contact your advisor to schedule your classes. If you have any questions, contact the registrar's office.

If you are interested in ~egistering for summer classes, pick up a schedule in the registrar's office. Registration for summer classes begins on April l.

Learn something about Jewish culture A Passover Seder, a traditional home service that initiates passover, will be celebrated on Tues., March 19 at 3:30 p.m. All are welcome to participate in this traditional Jewish festival of freedom, Passover. From 3:30-4:30 p.m. the Passover story will be told, discussed and interpreted in room 107B, Sacred Heart Hall. At 4:30 p.m. the cafeteria will serve variations of some traditional Passover foods to participants as well as the campus community at large: Written explanations of why and what is being served will be displayed throughout the cafeteria. This meal is ·sponsored by student services, several members of the faculty and the sisterhood from the Main Line Reform Temple in Wynnewood. For more information, contact Jennifer Marks-Gold in student services.

Project Learning Tree Pre-school and elementary education teachers are invited to take part in a growing experience on Sat., April 6, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Grace Hall Atrium. Project Learning Tree will provide hands-on experience in proven environmental activities for teachers to take back to their classrooms. The facilitator will be Patty Vathis, the project's coordinator for Pennsylvania Department of Education. Fee is $10 a person and registration closes Fri., March 22. The program is sponsored by the Children's School. For more information, call ext. 8520.

Fashion show BSA is sponsoring a fashion show on Sat., March 23 from 8-10 p.m. in Grace Hall Atrium. Admission is $3. Models are needed. If you are interested, contact Leonora Veterano, box 14.

fridaYzmarch 15, 1991


Friday, March 15 I/ Leave behind your troubles and come to a Picnic Dinner in the cafeteria with a special menu while caricaturist Joseph Aronson will draw the real you for $2.00! Cafeteria will be open from 3:30-6:30. I/ Come to see Jell-O Wrestling in the gym beginning at 9pm. This is the second year Cabrini College will host this sticky event. Jell-O Wrestling allows the students and possibly faculty/administration to vent some frustrations and toss Jell-O atone another in the ring. This event will be emceed by Cabrini• s own Dr. Carter Craigie and Dr. Jolyon Girard. $4.00 admission.

Saturday, March 16 I/ 9am-12pm Cabrini will be host the Children's Superthon Olympics in the gym. There will be activities for all ages and sizes: obstacle course pinatas foul shooJing contest cartoons face painting ring toss bean bag toss twister plastic egg toss and much, much more!!! $3.00 admission. I/ This afternoon offers a lazy and relaxing time for the students as we offer a Movie Marathon during the afternoon in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Remember the movies we loved in high school featuring the "Brat Pack": "Breakfast Club" and "Sixteen Candles". Free. ti' Cabrini's own Fly Nap will beopening for the up-and-coming Philadelphia band, SCRAM at 9 p.m .. We will have a beer and soda garden and snacks available. Students must be 21 years of age to enter the beer garden. This event will be highly regulated.

Sunday, March 17 . ti' Representatives of the Caring Foundation will ~ ~~ng

on campus for a brunch and Cabrini will then make the contribution to the program. I/ At 1p.m. the staffs of the Loquitur and WYBF will have their kick-off softball game to a series of grudge matches. The losers will donate $5.00 a piece.

COUNSEL CLOSES Caulfield cited lack of enrollment as the primary reason for the decision.

"The reality is, we have enough open spaces to close this building now and reassign new spaces," Caulfield said. · "If enrollment continues to be lower than we would like to be, o~r next step would be to de-triple Woodcrest Hall," Bonfiglio said. Other deciding factors added by Bonfiglio included Counsel's size and age, the reduction in utility costs involved in closing down a certain area, the number of seniors residing in Counsel as in comparison with the other residence halls. Also involved is the relative security of the building. "It's off the beaten path. We worry about

students walking back late at night," Bonfiglio said. In terms of how Counsel Hall will be utilized for next year, Bonfiglio said that according to the college's master building plan, that the space may be used for faculty offices. According to Caulfield, if something should happen regarding a change in Counsel's status and if the students express an interest, "then we can re-assign them back in here." "I hope it's closed permanently," Bonfiglio said. "For security and community-type reasons, it does make sense."

Campus Ministry updates Leriten reconciliation service will be held on Thurs., March 21, at 7 p.m. in the chapel. Mother Cabrini Feast Day planning meeting will be held on Mon., March 18 at 10 a.m. in the DSCR. Vision Quest III, the annual retreat, will be held on April 5-7. Space is limited so sign up now in campus ministry or by calling ext. 8226 or 8225. Lenten Faith Development Program will be held after the 6 p.m. masses every Sunday in the chapel. The priest celebrant will give a presentation and facilitate discussion on a different theme each week. The theme for Sun., Mar. 17, is "forgiveness." Call ext. 8225 or 8226 for further information. Pray for peace every Sunday during Lent from 5: 15 to 6 p.m. This Lenten prayer effort is a continuation of the peace vigil held on Jan. 15, 1991.

Wigwam news The contest for the renaming of the Wigwam did not have enough of a response. Due to a decision by the Food Committee the name will remain the same. Thanks to all who participated.

Film series Roses in December, the first movie of an El Salvador film series, will show at 8:30 on March 19, in the WCLH. All are welcome. A discussion will follow for all who wish to participate.

Thank you! The Holy Spirit Library wishes to thank all of you for your help in collecting Acme register tapes. They had enough for a new computer-stop into the library and see it.

NEW TRUSTEES Corps, which is a program involving Christian men and women who volunteer their time and service to underprivileged members of the community. As a board member, some of Souza's goals include providing peer tutoring and helping students to be successful at Cabrini, and thus, successful in life. "I'd also like to see how we could involve or attract minority students," Souza said. Shirle'y Ann Dixon, a fifth grade teacher, is also a graduate of Cabrini through the College's continuing education division. "It's interesting to see how Cabrini functions on the inside," Dixon said. According to Currie, Dixon (no relation to Mrs. Edith Dixon, chairperson of the board), is the first person from the continuing education program who win •serve on the board. One of Dixon's goals is to make the continuing education students more involved at Cabrini. "The main thing is through tbe help of communication-there's a lack of that," Dixon said. James F. Oakley ,III, is owner of National Risk Management Inc. in Valley Forge, a company specializing in non-profit insurance. Oakley, who h~ been involved with busi-

ness for 20 years, felt it is time for him to give something back to the community and that the board's invitation would provide him with this opportunity. "Surely, as I participate m{the board and as timing is appropriate, hopefully I'll express them (goals) and do the politicking needed to make things happen," Oakley said'. In regard to Oakley and Dixon's participation on the board, Oakley replied, "Speaking for both of us, we both want to be very active," Oakley said. "If we can't do that, we'd rather not be a part of the board. But so far, every indication given to us is that we will be active," Oakley said. Currie said that there is no scheduled time of choosing new members as it is "an ongoing process of decision." "The board looks at itself and sees where it needs strength," Currie said, also including the factor of "the right timing." According to Currie, the Board of Trustees is the administrative head of the institution and establishe's certain College policies which the president of the College implements. Currie added that finding new sources of money is what is lagging in fundraising and that members of the board can assist with this aspect by "introducing new people to Cabrini College."



trtaaY,marcn 15,


Goutman art exhibitcapturesthe inrler-self by DawnTimhado Assistant News Editor

The Holy Spirit Library will hosted an exhibit of the artist Dolya Goutman which began on Sunday, Feb. 24. The exhibit, entitled "Doyla Goutman - Selected Paintings Past and Present," will feature GoutmaQ.'Swork from 1943 to the present."I'm an expressi9nist not an impressionist,'' Goutman said. By this he means he likes to capture in his works the inner meaning of human beings. Goutman was born in the Caucasus in Russia and as a small boy escaped the country with his parents. They spent a few years in Latvia and Holland before journeying to the United States, where he eventually became a naturalized citizen. "I started drawing at age seven while in Holland," Goutman said. He came to the United States when he was 11 years old and continued

in his art. Goutman studied and received a bachelor of fine arts degree at the Art Institute of Chicago and his masters of fine arts at the University of Pennsylvania. From the Art Institute, he was awarded a Foreign Travel Fellowship which made it possible for Goutman to travelto Mexico, Guatemaia, and South Africa. On his way abroad he stopped in California to visit an uncle and also because the Institute wanted him to look at art displays in Hollywood. By fate he met Frank Capra of Warner Brothers who introduced and interested Goutman in film. He worked as a portrait artist in "The Moon and Sixpence" and composed all the murals for this as well as other motion pictures. Also among his screen credits, Goutman was a staff artist for "The Hollywood Canteen." While working as an art director in Hollywood, he painted portraits of Gary Copper, Ingrid Bergman, Paulette Goddard, Ginger Rogers,

Charlie Chaplin, Cary Gr3!1t,Clark paiJ!ting in "Art Now.·' Inspired by Goutman, PhiladelGable and other famous stars. During World War II, the War phia's art collectors have come Department sent Goutman to together to donate paintings to vari'ous army hospitals in Japan, Radnor schools. Due to his fervor Korea and Germany to work with to make art a part of the daily lives Gls in a special art program. He of every youth, Goutman founded spent time with psycho-neurotic a priceless collection of 300 paintcombat casualities asking them to ings that are used as a reference by draw their war experiences and the school district and constantly then submit the art to psy~hia- on exhibit. trists for evaluation. Goutman is the founder of In 1955, Goutman began teach- - "Traveling Art, Inc." This is a ing at the Moore College of Art. He nonprofit art organizationthat sends taught there for 30 years and was "The Best of Philadelphia Art" to head of the painting department. colleges and universities throughIn 1970, he served as director of out the country and Canada. Today, Goutman's art can be Moore College of Art in Florence, found in the Pennsylvania AcadItaly. Goutman has been an art con- emy of Fine Arts,,the Governor's sultant for WCAU radio. He was a Mansion in Harrisburg, Pa., and member of Art Panel at Allentown Tretiakov State Museum in Art Museum and administered Moscow, U.S.S.R. His art is also painting demonstrations, "Art and displayed in the White House in The Artist," for the school district Washington, D.C. A number of Goutman' s exhi biof Philadelphia and the National tions have been sponsored by the Art Association Conference. He Cultural Relations Section of the as also appeared on WFIL-TV U.S. Foreign Service. He has redemonstrating the art of portrait

cently displayed his art in Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo. Goutman has had three exhibitions in Japan, and has arranged for another exhibition next month in Prague, Czechoslovakia. He has also exhibited his work for the San Francisco Peace Conference. Goutman is the former director of "Magazine Main Line" and former art director of Harcum Junior College. After educating now successful fashion designers and artists, Goutman has retired from teaching but not from creating his works of art. He is a resident of Rosemont, Pa., where he lives with his wife, Lois, who is the head of the Drama Department at Baldwin School in Bryn Mawr. Goutman's art will be on display in the library until March 24. The campus had a chance to meet Goutman in person to discuss his life and his art between 3 and 5 p.m., on Feb. 24 in the library's Fine Arts Gallery.

son 'Play it as it lies':a conflict betweenfather ar.:1d not by the standards his father has set. Revolving around a game of Staff Writer golf played with an insightful black man of his own age, the play is a series of flashbacks in which In a continuing effort t between Burton reflects on the developfather and sono expose Cabrini stu- ment of a relationship with his dents to the theatre, Neal Newman father that sets him up for failure. Written and directed by Granorganized a trip consisting of 44 students to the Walnut Street Stu- ville Burgess, the play follows in dio Theatre to see the production the tradition of other great. father"Play It As It Lies," the opening son conflicts such as '' All My production of the Studio's 1990- Sons" and "Death of a Salesman." The play progresses as would a 1991 season. "I wanted to take them to see round of golf, with each scene what theatre could be and to illus- being either a hole of golf on the trate what we're doing in the course or a flashback. Perhaps Burgess' greatest acclasses:·,, Newman said. Newman said he selected this particular complishment with this play is that play because he knew the director despite the numerous flashbacks, personally and he knew it would the viewer was always able to follow the action without becombe a good show. "However," Newman said, "it far surpassed ing lost or confused. Finally, perhaps, is the one scene my expectations.'' Newman also said that it was important that the in which Burgess outdoes himself. students should come away from On the ninth green, the young and the show thinking that theatre can old Cecils confront one another. Not as ghosts or voices, but as be a great thing. Newman's students were very two people confronting one anenthusiastic in their comments other after many years. Douglas Wing plays Francis about the performance. '' I thought Burton, the father of Cecil. In his it was awesome'' said Courtney portrayal of "Daddy," Wing apO'Conner, first-year student. _ Stephanie Ranieri, sophomore, said pears not only as the archetypal "I enjoyed the play very much domineering father, but also as the because I come from a family of southern gentleman who knows golfers and could relate to every his way of life is dying, yet fights thing in the play." Matt Hodlofski, to the end. More importantly junior, said "I love sports, so I however, is how Wing portrays "Daddy" as a father. Although found the play very interesting.'' we know that he is the CatlSeof The characters were very real, and Cecil's problems, hej'tever comes even though it was a father-son off as hat~ful-or spiteful. ·He is simconflict, I could relate to it." Matt ply a father who expects too ~uch McGeehan,junior, said "I thought it was very good. Michael C. Carter from his son. Greg Wood and Patrick Rose was very good in his multiple roles. play old and young Cecil Burton, I highly recommend it." respectively. Rose plays the high "Play It As It Lies," the winner school-aged Cecil, whose great of the 1990-199 l Southern Playdream is to become a professional wrights Competition, deals with golfer, despite his father's insisCecil Burton's struggle to break tence that "you don 'tmake a living free of his father's influence and accept himself for who he is, and from a game." Rose's perf?rmby J.P. Raynock

brooding countenance round of golf. As the game and the ance captures the young Cecil Wood's and angry outbursts capture a man play progress, Waters transfonns perfectly, being exuberant and who does not hate his father nearly from an annoying sidekick to ambitious while at the same time being awkward and insecure, espe- as much as he hates himself, yet Cecil's confessor and confident. cially around his father. In one finds himself powerless to do He becomes a sort of surrogate father to Cecil, someone whom memorable scene, young Cecil anything about it. Michael J. Carter plays Grady Cecil can tell his failures to without meets his future wife at a dance. In his conversation with Maria, we Waters, Cecil's companion in his being deemed a failure. see how Daddy's perfectionism has become a part of Cecil. His natural awkwardness as a teenager with a girl serves only to , 18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa. magnify his awkwardness with the perfectionist stanF/T SUMMERPOSITION. dards that his GREAT FORCOLLEGE STUDENT. father has set for him. DATA ENTRY ANDVARIOUS Of• Greg Wood plays the older FICEDUTIES.CALL CHRISTINE Cecil Burton. As the play RILEY @ opens, Wood flawlessly portrays an older, perfectionist Cecil, methodically hitting brand new golf -HOURSballs on the driv~~~K. MONDAYTHAU THURSDAY ing range. As Earn up to $1000 in one 11 AMTO 11 PM the play proweek for your campus FRIDAYAND SATURDAY organization. gresses though 11AMT012AM and Wood takes SUNDAY Plus a chance at 4 PMTO 10PM over the role of $5000 more! the older Cecil This program worRs! in the flashNo investment needed. backs, we see For FAST Pick-up Call 1-800-932-0528 Cecil no longer or HOT Delivery,Call Ext. so as a young man who enjoys 687-2222 golf, but a man 688-2222 driven by the need to succeed HIRING Men - Women. Summer, 688-5588 Year Round. PHOTOGRAPHEtlS, and prove TOURGUIDES.RECREATION PERSONNEL himself better Excellentpay plus FREEtrave_LCaribbean, Hawaii, Bahamas, South Pac1f1c, Mexico. than his father. HOME DELIVERY AFTER 4:00 PM CALL r-.:::-WI Call refundable.





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friday, march 15, 1991






■ ■

by Melissa Landsmann Senior Associate News Eidtor

It started out like any other night. A bunch of us were relaxing after work one night. We were drinking. I had too much to drink and myfriend drove my car home to his house. I was going to sleep in the basement and he made up the couch for me to sleep on and we watched TV for awhile. We had been friends for two years. I trusted him. I felt comfortable with him. Things started to happen and it was kind of nice. But then it was getting out of control. When I told him to stop, he just told me to relax. I kept telling him to stop. I was shocked. It was instantaneous. He grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down. He told me to "relax and enjoy." I didn't scream, I was just too shocked. I had been a virgin and he realized that. He went upstairs and

came down with a towel. TJien he went up to bed. Ninety percent of college wbmen who are raped know their assailants. This story above actually happened to Mary (not her real nanie ), a student here at Cabrini. And, whether Mary realized it or not at the time, she was a victim of rape. Victims of date rape have difficulty identifying what has happened as a rape. In the state of Pennsylvania, if a person engages in non-consensual intercourse due to physical force, coercion or threat, actual or implied, the act is considered rape. A person is unable to consent if he or she is mentally incapacitated, asleep, unconscious or physically helpless due to drug or alcohol consumption. If sexual intercourse takes place without. consent from both parties, it is rape. At the point that a person says "no," if sexual intercourse is forced it becomes rape.

The next morning he came down and woke me up. It was as if nothing had happened. I went to work--/ was still in shock. I still didn't believe it really happened. Then I felt the pain and I realized that it did happen. For the next couple of days, I went on as if nothing had happened. I tried to block it from my mind but I couldn't. A week later, I confronted him. I was angry. He told me to just leave it alone. I stayed at my job for one month, but I could not deal with being around him. So I quit. I loved that job, I had been there for four years. I avoided being around men, I could not talk with men in general, whether I knew them or not. I didn't go to school. I couldn't concentrate. I didn't go to work. My life seemed to stop. I kept wondering what I could have done differently. If only I hadn't froze, I could have stopped him.· IJonly I had called home for

a ride. If only/ had not trusted him. If I had only known. What Mary was experiencing is called rape trauma syndrome. A wide range of emotions such as anger, shock, fear, self-blame, shame, anxiety and cautiousness are common reactions in the acute phase, the first stage in rape trauma syndrome. This stage can ll>stfrom days to weeks to months and may overlap the symptoms of the longtenn process. The second stage, the long-term process, is characterized by changes in life style. The victim may be able to resume only a minimal level of functioning as the victim attempts to reorganize her life. The rape trauma syndrome was first outlined through the research of Ann Wolpert Burgess and Lynda Lytle Holmstrom from the book, Rape: Victims of Crisis.

Looking back, I can see the warning signals. He had a bad temper. He liked to control things.

VictimServices Hotline:277-5200

Taking responsibility for your actions opinion b]5Kimberly Marshall Assistant ersepectives Editor

We constantly reflect upon bad events realizing the solution. Remember that hindsight is always 20/20. What if we had enough foresight to prevent something from taking place? How many times have we seen it coming? We had two weeks to study for the test yet we did not bother. We drove beyond the speed limit even when we had a crazy inclination tha~there was a cop sitting around the comer. And so it goes that we ended up with a D on the test and we had to scrounge up enough money to pay a· $76 speeding ticket too. Ten years from now these events will be a blur if anything. Would we still take these chances if there were more at stake? What if it were a risk that could stain our memories forever? What if it meant our own bodies being subjected to violation or intrusion? We are all guilty of putting ourselves in compromising positions. I am not only talking about walking by way of the darkest path late at night. I am·1alking about drinking so much that you cannot remember who you were "with" by the time the next morning rolls around. If some people normally acted

the way they behave when they are drunk, society would label them an idiot. Do our bodies become a "free feel" just because we are intoxicated? You might not remember how many kisses or innuendos you handed out. But you would remember if it were taken too far. If the game fell out of your hands and you were forced to do , something against your will. The humiliation would leave a bad taste ii'\ your mouth for the rest of your lifetime. If you couldn't remember who you were "with," how are you going to prove in a court of law that you were forced to do something against your will? Our campus takes advantage of the fact that we have no reputation for rape and are located in a relatively safe neighborhood. It is kind oflike the traffic light they did not install in the worstintersection until someone was killed. We feel that we are immune to it or simply prefer to ignore it. Rape is serious as an issue but sometimes as a word it is used in a joking context or not discussed. Why bother to deal with it now? Let's wait until it happens. We are by nature social beings so I am not condemning partying or getting buzzed and a little silly. I am against becoming so oblivious to what is going on around you that you cannot say stop when

someone has caught you in an uncompromising situation. Imagine the pain of someone entering where they are unwelcomed and taking whatever they pleased to satisfy their needs without permission. Which is worse, the feeling of helpless anger or looking back upon your own stupidity which led to something you did not deserve? Maybe just for once we, men and women included, should take heed to our foresight before some-

thing falls apart. Those of you who don't have the gift of looking ahead, just think next time before you take a chance. The only real solution to this sheer carelessness is education and awareness. Oh yes, and maybe next time your friend is blitzed you could keep an eye on them. Better yet, think before you take that next drink that will land you in the state of uncontrol where your destiny may not be what you planned.

Based onobservations withyourpeers, towhatextentdoyouthinkdrinking has beeninvolved withsexual behavior that islaterregretted? 40-+------~ D MALE 30 -








Theresultsaredrawnfroma survey of 64Cabrini College undergraduate students

A lotofcampus t

Whenever theresdrinkingordrugs,th Soit'snosurprise thatmanycampus n Butyoushouldknowthatunderanyq theotherperson's consent isconside byprison. Anddrinkingisnoe.mise That'swh}:whenyoupar1J1it'sgoodtd YouliCC.. a lilllemring tbougbl lllNt problemlatec

Howtopro by Melissa Landsmann Senior Assistant News Editor

Although you may want to ignore date rape, statistics show that you cannot afford ignorance. Date rape devestates both males and females. It is your responsibility to become informed. Learn what you can do to protect yourself. Because date rape can happen to you and, chances are, it has happened to someone you know. Protect yourself and learn how to prevent date rape. For Women: --Makeuse of the campus escort service by calling extension 8245 any time after dark. --Be direct and firm with someone who is pressuring you sexually. --Pay attention to what is going on around you. --When on dates: a. Let a date know from the start that you can handle yourself and share the decisions about where you are going and what you will be doing. b. Arrange a double date with a couple you know well if you are seeing the guy for the first time. c. Always let someone know where you are going, when you expect to return and who you are



fr1day,march 15, 1991


a _sllattering _oftrustandsileaae It was as if he was on a power trip, thinking "I can have her if I want her." Men a lot of times interpret ''no'' to mean "yes." They think it's a typical woman thing to say "no." They think that ''she' s here, she must want it.'' It's just hurting somebody in a way that you can only hurt a woman.

pesstarthere. :scangetoutof hand.

,sinvolve alcohol. Jmstances, sexwithout ipe. A relon:i; punishable iOWwhatyourlimJtsare.

raped? Mary found her friends to be the biggest help to her.

victims to take the first step toward dealing with the rape by working through the feelings of betrayal One of my male friends noticed Mary wishes she had sought with trained counselors. The center that I wasn't talking to him and counseling and admits that it proba- has counselors on call 24 hours a confronted me with it. He was the bly would have helped her to cope day anµ individual and group first person I told. He didn't judge with the rape and recover faster. coupseling is also available. Call me or give me the male perspective She also wishes that she had 215-277-5200 for support. on the situation. He was suppor- reported it. "When somebody That was one year ago. Today tive of me. hurts you like that, you should re- Mary is still dealing with the rape. She still can't be alone in a room It really helped me to get it out port it." and start to deal with it instead of Whether the victim decides to with a man. She has not been able keeping it bottled up inside. - report the rape or not, she should to date. Sometimes she deludes It's tricky with date rape be- be aware that there are counseling herself into thinking that the rape cause you know the person. You services available. Victim Serv- did not happen, but all of a sudden trusted them. It's hard to trust ices Center of Montgomery County remembers vividly. anybody again. You' re scared._ can offer help to the victime in "You never forget. It gets a You are afraid nobody will believe dealing with the emotions after little bit easier every day, but you you if do tell them. being · raped and can help decide never forget," Mary said. The most important thing a how to best proceed. Women are warned not to walk friend can do isjust to be there to be Date rape is especially traumatic alone at night and be careful of supportive and not to judge, ac- because the victim doubts her abil- going into dimly lit places for fear cording to Mary. When you' re in ity to make good judgements about ofbeing attacked, but nobody ever -this situation, you need somebody people and feelings of being warns them about the rapists to lean on. conned, cheated or manipulated lurk;ng in their everyday lives. After a certain amount of time make it difficult to trust others, Because of the bonds of trust that (and she admits that this time according to Victim Services Cen- are severed, these rapists are caperiod is different for each individ- ter. pable of doing more emotional ual), a friend needs to push you to Victim Services Center urges damage than unknown assailants.

"Researchers say that the misconceptions arise from a societal view that excessive male aggression is normal and a woman is somehow responsible for a man's actions as well as her own," according to a December 1990Ebony article. Rape is not a crime of passion. Rape has nothing to do with sex. It has to do with power. It has to do with degradation, violence, humiliation and control, but it is not about sex, according to a December 1990 article in Ebony. What can a friend do to help someone they know who has been

live again. It won't be easy, but you cannot wallow in itforever.



Women OrganizedAgainstRape Hotline:566-4342

saveyoufroma big


~ctyourself with. Let your date know that someone else knows you are with him. d. If you feel uncomfortable, pay attention to that feeling and begin to plan a way to leave. e. Leave immediately if you walk into a party or room where there are no other females--it could be a set up for a gang rape. f. Al ways carry money with you, in case you need to take a taxi home. If a situation seems risky, call a friend or family member. Don't hesitate to call police in a dangerous situation. g. When going on a blind date, always go to a public place like a restaurant or movie. For Men: --Know that you are expressing hostility and aggression if you try to force or coerce someone to engage in sex. --Women who say "no" to sex are not rejecting you as a person. They are expressing their desire not to participate in a single act. --Accept the woman's decision not to have sexual contact. "No" does mean NO. --Do not assume that just because a woman dresses in a sexy manner and flirts that she wants to have sexual intercourse. --Do not assume that previous permission for sexual contact applies to the current situation. --Do not assume that paying for a date mans that your partner owes you sexual favors. --Avoid use of aicohol and drugs as it may cloud your judgement.

Material excerpted from Cabrini College's "Rape: What You Should Know."

Resultsof Cabrinisurveys Have you ever encountered asituation of not being able tocontrol advances made towards you when alcohol was involved? □ tvALE

Have you ever encountered asituation of notbeing able tocontrol advances made towards you when alcohol was involved?


1 r--------~

40 ■ FEMA~E


40 ■ FEMAL:

I 30









The,..,~ ~,,na1.M1cf 6' ca,, C.<goullie<,a:laeswle,$



Senior Associate News Editor







Reportingrape: how to get psychological counseling




T\ereduecl-awn""'1a!IM,of64 Ca!mC-,..~rao.mstJller$

Aperson whohasbeen drinking isconsidered to haveimpaired consent. Have youeverhadintercourse against yourwillorwithout yourconsent? YES ('v1~t~ (FEMALE)

Theresults afedfawnlroma surveyof 64CabnniCoUege undergraduale sludenls

NO (\1ALE)


•outof thosewhosaidyes,78%saidtheyhadbeen drinking. graphics by Lisa Lindley

If you are a victim of sexual assault, your first step should be to attend to your medical and psychological needs, then you need to decide whether to report the attack. Get immediate medical attention if you have been abused or raped. --Be examined for physical injury and disease. --Do not wash or change your clothes or apply any medication. --When calm, make notes of the incident. Psychological support is necessary for minimizing the long-term effects of sexual assault. "Try to protect yourself, hold on to evidence and try to pursue prosecuting the person, although this is a very difficult thing to do,'' Dr. Daniel Schwarz, director of the counseling center, said. According to the counseling center's pamphlet, "Rape: What You Should Know," it is strongly recommended that the victim seek psychological help and that the victim report any rape or attempted rape to prevent the attacker(s) from victimizing others in the future. Many rapists have raped before and will rape again until stopped. Mo~t rapists commit their first offense by age 16, according to a 1988 Ebony article. If you



1naay, marcn

1:> 1~~ •



Damage bill drops, still costs students $2,173 by Lo"aine Marie Lill Assistant Features Editor

Approximately $2,173 in damages have been calculated in a damage report for the months of January and February. Last year from Jan. 26 to Feb. 16 the total cost of damage was at $3,489. However, the type of damage being done and the value of the items are totally different this year. This semester most of the damage that has been done has occurred in houses six and seven and in Xavier. When Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life was asked where the damage

'This is a low figure right now. A lot of this is not vandalism.' - Michael Caranfa, chief physical plant officer stands as compared to last semester in Xavier Hall she said, "I know it's down. We just had one really bad month last semester. November was just a very expensive month, because up until then, damage had been down from last year." According to Caulfield there has not been a problem in the houses with damage. Caulfield also said that for the most . part the whole campus has been very good when in comes to damage. "I think it's important that people know things are a lot better," Caulfield said. "It's so easy for people to hear the negative and not hear the positive." Michael Caranfa, chief officerof physical plant, said that when looking at the cost of the damages, one has to see if there are more occurrences or if the item that has been damaged is just more expensive. "I would be more concerned if there were more acts of vandalism," Caranfa said. "This is a low figure right now. A lot -of this is not vandalism." When physical plant removes furniture from hall ways or removes or replaces screens in windows there is a $15 fee for labor. A frequent question asked by students is how the college comes up with the

amount that is charged for the damage and to whom the cost is billed. Caulfield said, "Every month they (physical plant) send us a list of the damages and then we go through it. We try to figure out what is normal wear and tear and what is damage. From that we figure out who needs to be assessed what." Most of the damage that occurs on campus happens in the male resident halls. "Guys by nature are more rowdy," Tim Janusz, house six resident, said. "If they trace the damage back from 10 years ago at this school, it's always going to be the guys' buildings. I think they should be thankful it's just the guys' buildings and not the guys' and the girls' buildings." "You get accidents of things that happen and then you get stupid people who do stupid things," Janusz said. "Boys will be boys," Brad Milla way, house six resident assistant, said. "We either fix things ourselves or we pay for it." Some student feel they should be given the chance to fix the damage they make first, before it is fixed by physical plant. "I think they (physical plant) should have some kind of a system where they say 'look, this is what's broken, if you don't fix it to our standards, then we're going to come in and fix it,"' Janusz said.

'Boys will be boys.' - Brad Millaway, house six resident assistant Many students agree that certain damage which occurs that should be minor, turns out to be major, because previous damage was not fixed properly. Before the beginning of each school year there is a report prepared which states the condition of each building before the students move in. Physical plant goes through each resident hall twice a week. If there is damage to something that was not damaged in the beginning of the year, physical plant reports it to resident life and they determine what type of damage it is. If students want to fi_xdamage that they made, they can talk to resident life and from there something can be arranged with physical plant.




Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 24 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 28 Jan. 29 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 31 Jan. 3 I Jan. 31 Feb. I Feb. I Feb. 1 Feb.2 Feb.2 Feb.4 Feb.4 Feb.5 Feb.8 Feb.8 Feb. 11 Feb. 11 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 13 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 14 Feb. 14

House 7 Xavier Hall House 3 House 7 House 7 House 6 Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Counsel Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall House 7 House 6 House 2 House 6 House 7 House 4 Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall House 7 House 6 Woodcrest Xavier Hall House 4 House 6 Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall House 6 House 6 House6 House 1 Xavier Hall House 6 Woodcrest Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall Xavier Hall House 3 House 7 House 7 House 6 Xavier

Four fire extinguishers discharged $36 Broken chair - study hall 74 Broken kitchen chair 30 Two broken chairs 104 Holes in wall - rooms 1-3 12 Door kicked in - room 12 36 Holes in walls - both ramps 85 Fire bell broken - quad 250 50 Broken soap dish - quad 110 36 Broken window - room 253 90 Replaced screen - room 210.5 15 Removed furniture - quad 250 15 Removed furniture - quad 270 15 Removed furniture - quad 280 15 Fire alarm pull station broken 29 Replace screen - stairway 15 Broken chair - behind house 30 Broken chair - living room 30 Replace screen - stairway 15 Recharged fire extinguisher 8 Screen missing - room 143 45 Blind broken - room 143 I08 Broken chair - 170 30 Hole in wall - back stairway 40 Hole in wall - back stairway 25 Ceiling tile broken - room 206 18 Broken table - quad 160 40 Fire extng. stolen, another discharged 48 Window handles and screen broken-stairs46 Light cover mis-sing - quad 270 36 Screen missing - room 141 45 Screen missing - room 272 45 Screen missing - room 273 45 Two screens missing - room 251 90 Screen missing 163 45 Recharge 2 fire extinguishers 16 Replace missing fire extinguisher 40 Llght fixture broken- upper hallway 60 Recharge fire extinguisher 8 Window broken - lower ramp 90 Bathroom doors broken 40 Screen removed - 2nd floor lounge 15 Broken window - room 251 90 Fire bell removed - quad 260 18 Replace screen - room 142 15 Replace screen twice - room 172 30 Recharge two fire extinguishers 16 Recharge two fire extinguishers 16 Replace screen - stairway 15 Screen broken - stairway 45 Ping-pong table broken 60

Feb. 14

Feb. 14 Feb. 18 Feb.20 Feb.20 Feb.21 Feb.22 Feb.22 Feb.25 Feb.25 Feb.25 Feb.25 Feb.25 Feb.27




AID CUTS This is a formula set by the Congress of the United States. The CM computes the student's expected family contribution. This Federal formula applies acr6ss the nation. The outcome is subtracted from the amount of costs students come across going to school composed of tuition fees, room and board, transportation costs, books and personal costs. Cairns said that this does not include or will never include the cost of a car or car insurance. "That is one factor that some students just can not understand," Cairns said. The cost of education minus the expected family contribution equals the need. At Cabrini and most institutions, students are then awarded Pell and state grants if eligible. Students are also required to apply for a student loan to receive most other aid. If a student still has need after these three programs then the college attempts to help fund the need, Cairns said. SEOG, Perkins loans, work study and college grant aid programs are among the programs which the college administers to help students out. Cairns believes that one proposal that probably has a pretty good chance of passing is the raising of maximums of Stafford Student Loans. Presently first-year students and sophomores are eligible 'tor $2200 and $2600 per year and juniors and seniors for $4000 per year. Bush is proposing $3500 and $5000 accordingly as the new figures. The maximum Pell grant, now $2400, would be increased

to $3700 but many students now eligible will be knocked out. The Pell will only be available to the very neediest of students. "Historically Pell has jumped $100 or $200 maximum per year but this is ajumpfrom$2400 to$3700,"Cairns said. According to Cairns this is the very beginning of the avalanche. Bush is also proposing a new grant for needy students in the top 20 percent of their class. His proposal will deny aid to students in the bottom I0percentoftheirclass. "I this is going to run up against (the legal) wall of discrimination," Cairns said. "Bush basically has some good ideas behind this in that good students should be rewarded." Bush also proposes to slash SEOG funds by 33 percent and CWS by 30 percent. At present schools are required to contribute 20 percent to work study program and 15 percent to SEOG. Bush wants those figures to match 50-50. "Funds won't necessarily be reduced but in order for Cabrini to even get those funds we would have to match them," Cairns said. "If all of our contributions have to increase so greatly to those funds, it is going to perhaps reduce what Cabrini money is contributed to financial aid," Cairns said. Bush is also proposing to do away with Perkins loans. This is a revolving loan fund where students repay money to the school. At present the government does subsidize that program with a $10,000 a year contribution. Thus whatever

the college receives back from graduates can be loaned out. The Perkins loan won't end, but there will be no more annual federal contribution Cairns said. Cairns said that it is hard to say how many students do not attend Cabrini because of financial aid. Cairns attributes the problem with lower enrollment to the diminishing population of high school seniors for the next few years. Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said that any cuts on financial aid would definitely have an impact on enrollment. A large percentage of students do receive financial aid, Gardner said. "I am particularly concerned because I think a lot of minority Students or lower income students are locked out of the opportunity getting higher education and that keeps getting worse and worse," Gardner said. "Perhaps a bigger group that would be hit is the middle class. They have already started to see that erosion." Christine Rakowski, secretary in financial aid; said that 164 students on Cabrini's campus participate in work-study and 150 in the work-grant program. Many of these students could not be here at Cabrini if thd, did not receive aid. Sophomore Paul Puskar said that work grant is one form of financial aid he receives. "It is less loans that I have to pay back," Puskar said. "I won't vote for Bush again if he cuts financial aid programs."



triday, march 15, 1991


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St. Matthew's Lutheran Church seeks organist and choir direc tor. Part-time, 10 hours/wk., must have own transportation. If interested call 458-5675, be tween 9-1 on weekdays.

The Orville Redenbacher's Sec ond Start Scholarship Program is offering a scholarship. To be eligible applicants must be 30 years old or older, be enrolled in a degree program, be either a full or part-time student and at tending an accredited college or university. Deadline is May, 1991.

Design Resouce needing secre tary/bookkeeper. Responsible for answering phones, computer work (IBM, MAC) and Market ing/Graphics. Part-time, 5 days a week, flexible hours, must have own transportation. Contact: Mr. John Burne at 265-8585.

All Saints Christian Pre-School needing nursery school teacher for 4-5 year olds. Hours are Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm. Must be a 2 yr. certified teacher starts Sep tember 1991. Salary 9.75/hr. Must have own car. If interested apply to: 535 Hawf Ave. Norristown, Pa.1940 l Attn: Nancy. Reply by mail.

Cellophane Gifts Inc., located in Wynnewood Shopping Center, delivery person needed (must be familiar with the area). Flexible days and hours, own transporta tion needed. If interested con tact 896-4455. Position open im mediately.

The Hellenic University Club of Philadelphia Scholarship Com mittee is offering 5 student aca demic scholarships for the 19911992 school year. Applicants must be of Greek de!ifent and U.S. citizens. Deadline for ap plicants is April 20, 1991.



fridaY, march 15 1 1991



Athlete of the week

Eschbach: two sports, one season by Matt Hodlofski

staff writer Trivia Question. Name the only athlete on this campus that plays two sports in the same season? No, not Kathy Murray. Last time I checked basketball and softball were in different seasons. No, not "Pickle" Conner, for the same reason with soccer and basketball. On this type of campus many athletes are involved in two different sports but not in the same season. Leo Eschbach is the answer. Eschbach plays volleyball and iennis as a Cavalier in the spring and he is the athlete of the week. Eschbach has been the number one playeron the tennis team since his freshmen year and has been a member of the volleyball team just as long. "I take ienni~le more serious because it is a legitimate program here, but I would never stop playing voll~yball, "Eschbach said. The next year the team was stiJl

good only losing two games but last year and this year have really been rebuilding years. "Goody (Mrs. Goodwin, Gym teacher) saw me play in gym my freshmen year and suggested to Jan Torrez, a §tudent co-captain, to have me go out for the team," Eschbach said.

photoby LorraineLill

Leo Eschbach, athlete of the


SOFTBALL for the team. The pre-dominant feeling is one • of~ team that has a lot of potential, but must learn to play together. Returning catcher-first baseman Veronica Hoffman believes that with practice and hard work the Cavs can win. "I think we can only improve.

We need to focus earlier than last year, get in synch as a team quicker," Hoffman said. Becky Tressel, infielder, thinks it is still too early to tell how the Cavs will do this year,believing the players are really just beginning to get to know each other. "Last season's record may not

Eschbach's only other experi~nce with organized volleyball in the past was playing USVBA (United States Volleyball Association) during his first semester his sophomore year and plans to play in a Phoenixville league this year. ''I really enjoy playing volleyball and I think I am in pretty good shape, so I don't have a hard time (playing two sports)," Eschbach said. "He will be missed next year because of his ability to hit, block and set," Tucci said. "He rises to the occasion when the game is on the line." Eschbach' s play is very unusual for the fact that not many ':olleyball players do more than one thing well, he handles all three aspects of the game well. "I think we should have a lot of enthusiasm after the break," Eschbach said. The team has a busy weekend coming up with a match against Lehigh on Friday, March 15 and two matches against Northeastern and the University of Delaware on Saturday, March 16.

have shown it, but we have talent, there were a lot of close games last year,'' Tressel said. Tajirian agrees, "We were in every game last year.'' Villotti also cited the close games the Cavs played last year, including two against Eastern and Marywood, whom she considers




-· an



games. As for Ballinghoff, she believes that if the Cavs can put it's offense, defense and pitching together it will have a great season. The Cavs will begin their quest for the ESAC title with a home game on Tuesday against Eastern College.

the team's chief rivals. Tajirian adds Allentown to that list. ''I'd like to see us go at least .500, but hopefully we '11have a winning record,'' Villotti said. VillottibelievesthatTajirianhas gained valuable coaching experience from his first season with the team that will help them win more


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~ The cold windwasnot the 'lyJer •Wffilol'1r ~ over only detnaer.TheC.VsbaltledLandin 1-6. j,-3, Nib• FerWithout its num.berooewarrior.nando•s 7-6,.i-0. defeat of 8thlete of the week. LeoEsch-·',Jay Wrigginf 6--3, bach.who has been suffering 6-0 defeat.of senia' Bob Bamer and sophomore Sean Mc(rombronchitis. The abscenceof ,Eschbach Namara'sfall to ScottOodshall . allowed first-yearplayer Bill 6--2,64. Reidy, playing without his Well$the opportunity to be the Cavs'firstseed,a positionnor- usual partner Esch1-ch,and first-year player kff Patti sucmally.held by Eschbach. Wells tookfull advantageof cumbed«> Wrigginsand Ferbis opportunityby defeating nando6-1, 6--~ In the Olba" Tom Papi 7-5. 6-4. Wellswas doublestbatch fint..year~ anc1.•seni« also victorious in bis ~ Ma

Now youcanafford todream incolor If youthoughtthatfindinga color Macintosh" systemyoucouldafford wasjusta dream,thenthenew,affordable Macintosh LCisa dream cometrue. TheMacintosh LCisrichincolor.Unlike manycomputers thatcandisplay only16colorsatonce,theMacintosh LCexpandsyourpaletteto256colors. It alsocomeswithamicrophone andnewsound-input technology thatlets youpersonalize yourworkbyaddingvoiceorothersounds. likeeveryMacintosh computer, theLCiseasyto setupandeasyto master.Anditrunsthousands ofavailable applications thatallworkin the same,consistent way-soonceyou'velearn,ed oneprogram, you'rewell onyoUIwaytolearning them.all. TheMacintosh LCevenletsyoushareinformationwithsomeonewhousesa differenttype ofcomputer-thanks to theversatile Apple" SuperDrive~ whichcanreadfromandwritetoMacintosh, MS-DOS, OS/2,andAppleII floppydisks. Takea lookattheMacintosh LCandseewhatitgivesyou.Thenpinch yourself.It'sbetterthana dream-it'sa Macintosh.






f riday, march 15, 1991


HEALEY Campus Disease If you notice something different about people on campus and your not sure what it is, Dr. Healey knows the cause. It is a collective madness, March Madness. It is a sickness thatlasts until April I when the college basketball season culminates with the crowning of a new king for a year. It is two weeks when Davids like the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Fighting Phoenix and the Coastal Carolina Chanticleers attempt to Slay the Goliaths of the league. But have you ever seen a Goliath with the might of U.N.L.V.? Karma says UNLV will falter. If "poetic justice" exist in this world then U.N.L.V. will not win the tournament. First of all they should not even be there. The NCAA rules committee allowed a one year deferment on U.N.L.V's suspension so they can defend its title. Actually the committee did it because they knew U.N.L.V. would be a lucrative draw. Kansas was prevented from defending its title a few years back because of probation. So why the double Stanard? How can the rule committee be upset when a 19-year old kid takes money from boosters (I'm not saying it is acceptable) when the committee, themselves, are a greedy, hypocritical collection of ''enforcers.'' It reminds me of a commercial where a fatherapproaches his son wondering where he learned to do drugs. The son's reply is "I learned it from you." If there is any semblance of justice in this world look for the Runnin' Rebels to fall early. Often when you go out on a limb the branch breaks, but I am going to anyway. Georgetown 78 U.N.L.V. 74. Trivia Answer Kirby Puckett was the initial player to be awarded a $3 million contract. And he has not once gripped about being the number 40 player on Major League Baseball's payroll. Healeyism of the Week Money, in itself, is not bad. Often it is the people who have and control it that are bad. So with the aforementioned material fresh in my mind, here is the Healeyism of the week. "Money is your crutch but on values alone~ will you stand."

LAWSCHOOL: "Should I Co & H- CanI Get Io?'' We'll lab you tbroullhtbe Intricacies of the law acbool 1ppllc1Uon pt"OCCII and show you how Stanley H. KaplanCID help )'OU ICOff

high on the new I.SAT.

Bobby's Balderdash The men's basketball team finished its season by placing second in the ESAC tournament. I was able to atte~d the tourney and since poetry transcends sporting boundaries, with much respect to Ernest L. Thayer (Casey at the Bat), here is a rhaspody recapitulatung what I witnessed.

The outlook wasn't brilliant for the Cabrini Cavs that day. For the ESAC title they needed three victories along the way. But when they defeated Frotsburg and to Shenandoah did the same An anxious feeling of victory filled the players in the game. 1"'

For they knew if they beat Salisbury they would have the ESAC crown And could return to Cabrini with a smile and a proud frown. But the Gulls boast David Byer and Andre Forman the scorer The former was a spark and the latter was the scorner.

However their combined 50 points were to no avail Yet despite losing, the Cavs did not fail. A team befuddled by injuries and the suspensions of three players Had bonded together and to Frotsburg and Shenandoah were a slayer.

The Cavs held close early and even lead by three But Foreman, the MVP, soon became filled with glee.

But Salisbury was too good and Cabrini was too tired The Cavs got caught up in their game and they were mired.

He shot 15 for 25 and scored forty on the night And the tired Cavs fell victim to his might.

So the Cavs missed the title and finished second best Yet behind them Finished Shenandoah, Allentown and the rest.

The Cavs played uptempo and quickly ran out of gas After the 11 minute mark the Salisbury score they could not surpass. Dzik was dfssappomted, although not upset For winning it all was far from a sure-fire bet. Many counted the Cavs out and didn't expect them to be there But they forgot about Hines, Barnes, Yurchak and O'Hare. The senior quartet rose up, to finish what they had started They were determined not to let the team be easily discarded.

On our 110 rolling acres the sun is shining bright Sacred Heart Gym echoes with memories and all hearts are light. Somewhere the players are laughing while the Shenanigans committee plans a scheme And all of the students are proud to say the Cavs are our team. Sports and Science Phylogeny recapitulates ontogeny--meaning_the evolutionary development of anything in life, one way or another, is a mirrored reflection of the biological development of a baby in the womb. Baseball is no exception. Baseball is currently in Spring Training

''' •••

and will culminate in October with the '' mother of all games," the World Series. Baseball, does indeed, mirror life and birth. In the off- season, baseball is fertile and with trades, drafts and free-agent signings the seed is planted. For the first few weeks baseball is in the zygotic stage. It is the initial development of the season and like the early stages of pregnancy a lot of questions are raised while few are answered. The middle of the season is the embrionic stage. The season~veloping and maturing, as does pregnancy. Despite the fact that more questions are being raised, many more are beginning to be answered. The final stage of the season, as in pregnancy, is the fetal stage. This is when most questions are answered and expectations are met. Now it is just a matter of time. In October the League Championship Series' are played. This is the labor period. It is excruciatingly painful, yet plaesantly bearable, because-of what is te come. And of course, the World Series is the birth. The World Series is the second most beautiful occurence in life, with birth being numeral uno. The innocence of a newborn baby is mirrored in the World Series. The olfactory scent of fresh-trimmed grass and pulp from the bats is as pure as an infant's maiden tear. When the World Series concludes the cycle is complete and ready to start anew. As does the infant who has grown and is ready to either fertilize or be fertilized, baseball to has grown and is set for another offseason fertilization.


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fridaY, march 15 1991



Softballteamprepares to swingintoseason by John Gay

staff writer

Spring is in the air. The evidence is everywhere. The temperatures are growing milder, the migratory birds are returning, and lastly, Cabrini's women's softball team has begun to practice for it's upcoming season which commences March 19 against Eastern. . Spring is a magical time for a baseball team. It is a time when past mistakes are forgotten, and hope for the upcoming season abounds. It is a time of days full of endless sunlight, with the smell of freshly mowed grass and the sound of the cracking of a bathittinga ball filling the air. Cabrini's softball team is not immune to the above-mentioned powers of spring. And though they have been practicing in temperatures hovering in the 30s, on a field with an infield more suited to gophers than grounders, they are hopeful that they can improve on last year's 5-16 record. Dave Tajirian, head coach, won't make any predictions about the upcoming season, but does expect to win more games this year. "I like the attitude of this team a lot better than last year. The girls really seem to want to play," Tajirian said. Tajirian believes the combination of a few of his players just

"going through the motions" and his late start (Tajirian did not begin to coach the team until after spring break last year) contributed to the teams poor showing last year. Michelle Ballinghoff, senior cocaptain, believes the team has great potential. Ballinghoff feels Cabrini will field the best team in her four

'This is the first time in four years we've had to make cuts, which is great, because it means we will have quality people on the bench.' - Michelle Ballinghoff years of play this year. "This ,is the first time in four years we've had to make cuts, which is great, because it means we will have quality people on the bench," Ballinghoff said, noting that in previous years the club had to carry players who were not capable, solely because they had a shortage of players. Tajirian believes that in order to win the team must have solid pitching and timely hitting. ''The fielding will take care of itself,"

Healey: 'from the hip' bob healey assistant sports editor Trivia Ricky Henderson recently claimed that his $12 million contract leaves him, "grossly underpaid.'' Henderson makes enough in one game to cover my tuition, room, board, fees, a year of truck payments and still have enough left over to hit the tavern every night. In November of 1989, Henderson became the second player to be paid $3 million a year. Currently 40 players receive at least $3 million a year. Who was the initial player to be awarded a three-million a year contract? Answer later. Seniors Boxing? We have seniors' golf and a now defunct seniors' baseball league, how far in the future is seniors' boxing? Following in the footsteps of George Foreman, Larry Holmes, 41, yes, 41, has announced he will fight Tim Anderson (who) on April 7. Holmes said the ultimate scenario would be Foreman defeating

Evander Holyfield and Mike Tyson then a title fight between the two archaic Greybeards would occur. If this were to be a premonition it would be the greatest comeback in the history of man, well other than Lazarus. Holmes, wanting to regain the title that he once held. gave alternative motives for the comeback. "Every three months, I used to bring home a million and a half. I'm not getting that now. I get $700,000 a year from rental properties. I've had to make adjustments. My life style is not that great. I don't eat steak every night.·' Well Larry, I do not eat steak every night either. But I'm content. There is more to life than money and is it worth risking your life because $700,000 is "not comfortable?" Holmes, you were thoroughly demolished by Mike Tyson in your last fight and do you actually think your a better fighter now? You are a grandfather! You are fat, out of shape and slow. You are asking for a death wish. What good is a six-figure car if your brain can not function enough to drive it? What good is a mansion if your secluded to a bed because you are paralyzed? Larry, back in the day you were a champion fighter. Operative word in the afore

Tajirian said. Tajirian and Ballinghoff both agree the infield is the team's strong point. The Cavs are blessed with many multi-position infielders. "At this point it's a matter of who to put where,'' Ballinghoff said. Tajirian cited infielders Charlyne Adams and Chris Meyers as players to watch in the infield, along with senior co-captain Kristy Villotti. The Cavs will retain the same pitching staff as last year. Tajirian emphasizes that the pitching must be solid for the Cavs to win. "Not with speed or velocity, but control," Tajirian said. Tajirian cited Jen Bannar as his most "clutch" pitcher and Maureen McGlone as his overall best pitcher. ··She pitched all my best games last year," Tajirian said. According to Tajirian, the teams big question mark is it's outfield. Apart from Ballinghoff in centerfield, the outfield is weak, especially in terms of speed and arm strength. Villotti feels the Cavs must improve on their hitting to be com peti ti ve. Bal 1i nghoff agrees,"what lacked last year was our offense." Tajirian looks to Ballinghoff and Villotti to continue to provide the offensive thrust see SOFTBALL, page 10

mentioned sentence is "were." All you are doing now is risking death or permanent injury. There is more to life than money and do not let money force you to risk your life.

Rest In Peace? ''May the soul of Hank Gathers, and the souls of all the faithfully departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace, amen." How many times has Father Dave Hagan said those words? Even a year after his tragic death, it is becoming abundantly clear that only, through the mercy of God, will Hank ever rest in peace.

We have seniors' golf and a now defunct seniors' baseball league, how far in the future is seniors' boxing? As Shelley Smith of Sports Illustrated wrote, "Suddenly, the people closest to Gathers in life were, in his death, fighting over money that wasn't there." The Gathers story is well documented, from the reduction in medicine, to the $32.5 million lawsuit that was filed before he was even buried, to the accusations of payments while he was at Loyola Marymount University. There comes a time when human compassion must overcome greed. If Bo Kimble, who in my opinion benefited the most

file photo

Led by the returning battery of junior Nancy Boyle and sophomore catcher Veronica Hoffman , this year the Cavs will field one of its most talented teams ever.

from the death by becoming a national folk hero, and Gathers were so close, how come he has not helped the Lucielle Gathers move from North Philadelphia? And how come they do not even talk anymore? Why wasn't Lucielle complaining when Gathers received payments, according to her depositions, that paid for a $1,050 a month apartment, a car and over $50,000 during his four-year tenure at Loyola. It comes down to greed. It was not beneficial for Lucielle to reveal this information while Hank was alive. But, since he died, she realizes that such derogatory statements about LMU might help her case. Maybe she does not realize that her son is dead and even $32.5 million will not bring him back. The longer this fiasco rides on the more tainted America's image of the Gathers family become. The family had the pity and the love of people who did not the difference between a basketball and basket weaving. They tried to parlay it into 32.5 million. But · the pit boss just tugged at his sleeve and their luck is about to run out. I am just glad Hank is not alive to see how his "loved ones" are handling his death and estate that never existed. Sure, you are allowed to sue for future earnings, but look at the facts. "If it weren't for Paul Wesrhead, Hank Gath~rs would be alive today,'' Bruce '' Ambulance Chaser" Fagel, the family lawyer, said.

His premise is that if Westhead had not reduced Gathers medication, as Fagel alleges, that Gathers would still be alive today. Well Bruce, if the medication was not reduced then Gathers would not be playing basketball and he would not be making millions of dollars. I have one cry of reason amidst an echo of confusion, please let America remember Gathers as he lived, not by the aristocracy that followed his death. see HEALEY, page 11

Results Men's Tennis 3/12



Widener 3

Schedule Women's Softball Tue. 3/19 Eastern(DH) home 3pm Thur. 3/21 Rosemont away 4pm

Men's Volleyball Fri. Sat. Sat.

3/15 3/16 3/16

Lehigh away Northeastern away Univ. Del. away

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