friday, march 22, 1991
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxvii, no. 20
Departments cut budgets Jell-Omadness
Athletics proposes slashing six programs .
at Superthon
by Kimberly Marshall
"My recommendation is that we drop the following sports: volleyball for wotnen, field hockey for women, golf, ·which is currently coed, cheerleading,juniorvarsity basketball, and spring track and field," athletic director John Dzik said. Dzikalso said lhat the men's basketball trip to Iowa would have to be cancelled. Different departments of the college are being forced to suggest serious cuts in certain programs due to a recommendation made by the senior staff on Feb 22. Dzik handed in budget cut recommendations on Friday, March 15,
John Dzik, athletic director, has proposed eliminating six sports to meet a budgetcutting mandate.
to dean of students, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio. Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairman of
the history and political science department, compared one column of his last year's figures and an- · other of next 5-ear's possible figures. ·The latter was composed of allowances cut in half and zeros. "Part-time faculty will have to be cut in hat( along with no upper division courses in European history and or third world, no overload U.S. (history) survey sections in spring or fall and class sizes would probably end up with 40 plus students (in a class)," Girard said. Regi~ar Jennifer Hansbury said,'1 was looking at purchasing anoptical scanner. It would record the grades more quickly so I could
Largest-ever tuition hikeexpected by Dawn Timbario
Assistant News Editor Tuition for next year will increase 10 to 15 percent, according to several administration sources. The Board of Trustees' approval on exactly how high the increase will be will not be made known until after their upcoming meeting on April 15. Until then, students are being kept in a financial state of limbo. Af least part of the reason for the stiff tuition increase is due to the recommendation of a marketing consultant hired by Cabrini. He advised the college administration
photo by Lorraine Lill
Jefl-O flies as junior Bob Healey upends SGA President Frank Emmerich in Superthon Weekend's Jefl-O wrestling tournament as Bud Mellon, communications center supervisor looks on. For the record, Emmerich and teammate Mark Gudas defeated Mellon and Healey in the match. The weekend's events, wl'tich raised over $2,600 for the Caring Program for Children, are featured on pages six and seven.
Cabrini's currentbudget 1990-91 Budgeted Revenues Total $11,184,252 59% Tuition and Fees
\ ,M
20% Auxiliary Enterprises
four people _willbe .on call. Two by Kimberly Keck Assistant News Editor people will be driving the van and two will be answering the phones according to Mullen. The college- shuttle van will be Cabrini is taking a stand against used so TA.XI will notconflict with drinking and driving. Beginning on Sat., March 19, sports teams and other clubs acTAXI (Take An X-tra Initiative) cording to Mullen. The four people will provide students with a ride driving the vans and working the home if they or their drivers have phones are volunteers. "I hope students support TAXI had too much too drink. TAXI will operate on Friday by using and volunteering," Mullen and Saturday nights between 10 said. Before the program could go p.m.- 2 a.m. according to Katie Mullen, organizer of TAXI and into effect, several issues had to be settled. SGA Treasurer. How this service was going to Students who have been drinking at bars arid need a ride to cam- be insured was questioned. The college's current insurance pus will call the SGA office and
policy will cover TA.XI according to John Barclay, chief financial officer. · Another question that arose was whether this service would condone drinking and driving or conflict with the college's mission. "I feel comfortable it (TAXI) is related to the college's mission," Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, Dean of Students said. "It falls under the category of caring for others and the community." His statement indicates a change of heart regarding TAXI. In a previous Loquitur article, (Feb. 15,
see TAXI, page 9
What's happening March 22 to Ma,:-ch29 ... Friday rf
1 p.m. Camd'us Clean Up--WC A rf 7 p.m. Senior Farewell dinner rf 9 p.m. Spring Formal • Adam's Mark Hotel rf 1 p.m. Golf match at Alvernia
10 ~- ·2 a.m. TAXI Ins. Don~ drink and drive! rf 1 p.m. • Men's tennis vs. Wesley
5:15 p.m. Pea<:eVigil• chapel rf ·5 p.m. • Palm S,ndaJ Mass and enactment of e passion- Chapel rf 6:45 • lenlen Prcgram
12 noon • Loss Support Group meeting • Counseling Center rf 1 p.m. • GoNvs. Shenandoah rf 7:3~.m. • Men's volleyb vs. Northeastern
FIRST-YEAR STUDENT FALL 1991 PRE-REGISTRATION rf 8:30 p.m."A Question of Conscience' • El Salvador Film series · 8:30 WCLH 4 Announcements about special interest housing made
9% Gov't Grants
6%Otherlncome 6% Private Gifts
1990-91 Budgeted Expenditures
see TUITION HIKE, page 4
SGA's TAXI service approved
Total $11,463,276 26% Instructional
23% Administration
17% Aux. Enterprises 10% Scholarships
3% Debt Service 5% Maint. and Oper. 7% Academic Supp 9% Student Services graphics by Karen Kerchusky
The college's total budgeted expenditures for 1990-1991 are $11,463,276. The total budgeted revenues for the 1990-1991 are $11,184,252. This leaves a debt of $279, 024. Tuition and fees contribute the most money, 59 percent, to the budget. The money is distributed in many ways. Instructional purposes include the academic departments and teachers' salaries use the most money, 26 percent of the budget. The library and the faculty secretaries are included in Academic support. Auxil.iary enterprises consists of the residence halls, the children's school, the Wig W am and the cafeteria. Funds for student activities are contained in the allocation for student services.
more coverage zn UPDATES! Wednesday
To have your event covered in WHAT'S HAPPENING. contact Kim Keck in the Newsroom or call ext. 8412.
Room deposit due for fall 1991 5 p.m. • Residence Halls close for Easter Break rf 1 p.m. • Golf at Wesley rf ~-m • Women's softball vs. estey
I nuctrz
view oint~
Start talking to
For all those mathematically inclined out there, and the college business office too, here's a mind-bender to try for homework: The college is in a budget crunch. Each department has been mandated to cut their operating costs by 10 percent. The Board of Trustees is projected to vote on a 15 percent tuition increase in April. Plus, the nation is in a recession. If tuition increase A meets budget cuts B at the same rate of the recession, what will the cost be to the average student? A) The student will be paying over $8,200 for tuition ... no-frills. B) The college will have to drop volleyball for women, women's field hockey, co-ed golf, cheeleading, junior varsity basketball, and spring track and field. C) Students are not provided with enough information to complete the problem. D) All of the above. If your answer is "D," you're right on the money. During these constrictive and restrictive years, we as students need to make sure we aren't being ripped off. We need not know the intricacies of the financial world of Cabrini, but we do need to show a general concern for the dollars and issues that directly affect us. . Administration will forget us, if we forget ourselves. Part of their job, however, is to tell students honest answers both in the classroom and outside. There is a tendency for us to get really fired up about controversy such as this, and then let the follow-through slide. Both administration and students need to open-up and wise-up if we're going to make it through this one. An example of this togetherness would be a budget forum where faculty, administration and students could collectively make the tough financial choices we face. Then we can stop centering on our own self-interests, and work towards sharing the collgege's burden. We are in fact paying more for less, so we better make sure that what we are left with is worth it.
the college is not even supplying us with all of the information needed to make an infonned choice. chris Before we put a deposit down on a car, we pesotski usually want to know what the sticker price is. If a car dealer were unwilling to give us news the price, we'd take our business elsewhere. editor The college refuses to give us any particulan; on costs until mid-April, long after the It costs an incredible amount of money to deposits are due. This is simply unfair. And, go to school here, something around $14,000 if the college is doing it with the hopes of if one wants to live here for nine months in capitalizing on those who find they cannot a room the size of a roach motel. To reserve return after paying the deposit, it's certainly a space for 1991-92, resident life and the an unethical practice. business office want each of us to come up It's not as if no one is asking what college on these 110 rolling acres is going to cost. with $250 by Wednesday. That's right. They want us to pay $250 People have been asking for two months dollars to reserve the right to live on-cam- now. No one will even discuss what figures pus, despite the fact that the college refuses are being proposed. Why keep it a secret? to tell us how much the living arrangements We're going to find out eventually. will cost next year. Further, they want the Rumors of 15 percent increases have cash up front, before we even know what been floating around c3:.mpussince Christroom we' 11have, and in many cases, whether mas break. The prognosticators in the finanour roommate will even be back next year. cial aid and admissions offices have place So we're playing a high-stakes lottery the estimated cost for residents next year at game, where we could end up living with just over $16,000. Probably not coincidenCharles Manson in a pup tent on the soccer tally, that's about a 15 percent increase over field (the one over by Physical Plant with the this year. The financial aid and admissions rocks all over it.) Even worse, whenever the people don't usually invent costs out of the college decides to release that highly-classi- blue, so one could assume that someone fied figure which will tell us how many from on high has given the go-ahead to tell mortages we need to take outto be Cabnniites potential students what it might cost to go next year, we could find out that there's here. At least the powers-that-be are being simply no way for us to live here any more. forthcoming with someone. Then Sister Eileen's got another $250 to Maybe we've gotten a little too big for help close that budget gap, or maybe put an our own britches. In our rush to be efficient, addition on that wonderful Atrium. we've lost sight of the fact that students are · I under~tand that resident life needs to the reason that this college exists. It's not an know how many people are going to be unrea~onable request that we ask where our housed here next year. They want the lottery tuition dollars are being spent. Just ask, process to be as smooth and painless as though, what the Cabrini's total budget is, possible. But to require us to put a deposit and you are told in polite language, that it's down now for a service the college won't none of your business. disclose the price tag on is unfair. It's a But it is our business. We pay the bills system which benefits the wealthy, making around here. We fund the s<1,laries.It's time it ever-tougher for the middle class student the administration started treating us like to get an education. mature, educated young people instead of In its drive to be a lean, efficient business like kindergarteners. We have a stake in this operation, it seems like Cabrini is losing- college's future. We believe i_nthis place. many of the small-college qualities which We deserve to be infonned, if for no other attracted so many of its students. Our billing reason than that we deserve to know how our process now requires payment in full of money is being spent. tuition and fees 30 days prior to the beginBy telling the students all of what's going ning of the semester. If you accidently over- on, the administration offers us the opportupay, though, don't expect the grinding wheels nity to make infonned choices about our of bureacracy to issue a refund for another education. Perhaps they're afraid that we'll twelve weeks or so. take our business elsewhere. Maybe they're The college, to make its financial projec- afraid of criticism. tions more solid, is requiring families to Criticism is going to come one way or make financial decisions months before the another. I'd much rather criticize based on beginning of school. To add insult to injury, infonnation, rather than on the lack of it.
Just a thought ... If you are drinking this weekend make sure you call TAXI to get back to campus alive. 971-8415. If you are not driniking, volunteer to save someone's life by helping out SGA for a few hours.
le_tt_er_s _
Responding to rape instead of ignoring
Istaff Ed1tor-1n-chief:
earn, Iacono
Managing Edrtor· Jennder Morrison News Editor: Chns Pesotsk1 Senior Associate News Editor
To the editor:
Assistant News Editors: Rita Cellucci. K1mberty Keck, Dawn limbano and M,ssy von S.egel Perspectives Editor
I was pleased to see the section on date rape in the March 15thedition of the Loquitur, and I was doubly pleased to see that much of the infonnation was quoted from Rape: What You Should Know. Both men and women need to know that rape is a serious and growing problem, and this is what I had in mind when I developed the pamphlet over the summer. It is essential that the community be educated in order to prevent future occurances of sexual misconduct. A special thanks to Dr. Daniel Schwarz, and Karen Magargle from Women Against Rape for their encouragement, and for their assistance in the development of the pamphlet. Sincerely, Rachel S. Sakowitz
Melissa landsmann
Sharlene Sephton
Assistant Persp3CIJVes Editors. Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Featu·es Ed,tors Joseph Buda, Lorraine Marie UI aod Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor Bob Healey
Copy Editors, Andrea Atmonavage and Wilham A. Fulton Busiaess Mana;iers:
Kim Marshall. Michelle Merger and Lisa Rose
Photography Edrtor· Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Edrtor Lisa Lindley Photography Adv,ser: Dr. Carter Craig1e Adviser· Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff· Karen Dumomey, William Fulton, John Gay Matt Hodlofsk1, Kirrberty Leblang, Joe Martini. Elizabeth MacGuire, Jennifer Melchiorre, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher. Stephanie Ranieri, J.P Raynock, Frank SclOlla. Photography Staff John Gay. Mark Gudas, Lorraine Marie Lill. Judi Panasik, Cann Pesotskl. Charles Waterfall.
Loqultvr welcomes letters to the editor Letters shauld be s,gned and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the writer wishes.and the editor agrees. the writer's name moy be 1ett off the letter upon publication and an Inscription inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the wrrter • Letters should be typed ~ dauble-spocea and no more than 300 words in lengtn. If a le.tter is too long for the avalloble space. the editor moy edrt or condense 1t. Letters to < - ,:, the editor should be submitted by ( J noon on Mondays.
Loquitur 1spublished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini Colege, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412 Subscnphon Pfl08 ,s S25 per year and ,s included ,n the benefits serured by tutton and student tees The edrtonals and opinions published in Loqu1tur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual wrrters and not the entire student body or the faculty and adm1nrstrahon. Loqu1tur 1s established as a forum tor student expression and as a vo,ce 1n the unmh1b1ted.robust tree and open discussion of issues
0 ~INT5 OF 6Rf..E.N A.RE. 8f.&rNN1Nu TO R,EA,PPEAP..-
f riday, march 22, 1991
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friday1 march 22, 1991
tes Campus
Security incidents as reported by the security office from 2/26 through 3/17/91. . Auto Accident; Personal Injury
Resident life information 0 Announcements will beJ11adeon Tues., March 26, about Special Interest Housing proposals decisions.
0 AU returning residents for the 1991-92 academic year must pay a $250 room
3/11-2:55 p.m ..-Two female commuter students involved in an auto accident that occurred in front of Woodcrest Hall. Both students sustained injuries-one with a head injury, one with a neck injury. Both were transported to Bryn Ma~r Hospital via Radnor Ambulance. As a result of extensive damage to both vehicles, towing was r~uired. Radnor police responded to the scene. One available eyewitness.
deposit by Wed., March 27, in order to draw a number in the housing lottery. The lottery will begin on April 8 for students of junior status and above. Sophomore
Broken Window
lottery will be held on April 9 and first-year student on April 10.
3/14-8:21 p.m.-Window oflobby office in W oodcrest Hall broken by a snow ball. Two men in camouflage uniforms were seen running from the area. Security placed a box in front of the window to keep out snow.
Registration news 0 Registration dates for first-year students-Tues., March 26. Pick up the master schedule and registration form in the registrar's office. If you owe any balance on your tuition bill, you will be prohibitted from pre-registering. Contact your adviser to schedule your classes. If you have any questions, contact the registrar's office.
0 If you are interested in registering for summer classes, pick up a schedule in the registrar's office. Registration for summer classes begins on April 1.
3/16-0ccurred between 12:30 and 6:30 a.m. in Xavier Hall-Forced entry into a male student's room located in Lower South while student was away. Perpetrator sprayed student's bed with toothpaste, jelly, Pepto Bismol, grape drink, and shampoo. Also threw books around the room. Student reported that he is also missing clothes from his room. Roommate's belongings not charge a highertuition payment in order to increase its prestige.
TAXI begins
0 TAXI (Take An Extra Initiative) begins on Sat., March 23, from 10 p.m. to 2
3/17-Reported at 2:30 a.m.-Unknown person attempted entry to a student's room in Woodcrest Hall. Object used to gain entry found broken in lock.
a.m. This is a van service offered to students who have been drinking and need a ride back to campus. This service is confidential so don't hesitate to call 9718415.
Clean the campus 0 Cabrini clean-up day will tie March 22, at I p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Take an interest keeping the campus clean and come out and lend a hand.
Fashion show 0 BSA is sponsoring a fashion show on Sat., March 23 from 8-10 p.m. in Grace Hall Atrium. Admission is $3.
Campus Ministry updates 0 Lenten reconciliation service with an opportunity for individual confessions will be held on Thurs., March 21, at 7 p.m. in the chapel.
0 An enactment of the story of Jesus' passion will take place on Sun., _M:arch24, at the 6 p.m. in the chapel.
0 Vision Quest III, the annual retreat, will be held on April 5-7. Space is limited so sign up now in campus ministry or by calling ext. 8226 or 8225.
0 Lenten Faith Development Program will be held after the 6 p.m. masses every Sunday in the chapel. The priest celebrant will give a presentation and facilitate discussion on a different theme each week.
0 Pray for peace every Sunday during Lent from 5: 15 to 6 p.m. 0 "A Question of Conscience," the third movie in the El Salvador film series, will show at 8:30 on March 26, in the WCLH. All are welcome. A discussion will follow for all who wish to participate.
Trip to Baltimore 0 Student services is sponsoring a day trip to Baltimore's Inner Harbor on April 20. The bus fare for students is $10 and for faculty/staff is $15 and will leave Cabrini at 8 a.m. The special attractions are the Maryland Science Center ($6.50 for entrance to the museum and Imax theater and the planetarium is $2 extra), the National Aquarium in Baltimore ($8.50 with student id and $10.75), food courts, shopping and boating.Sign up in student services by April 12 with the bus deposit.
Congratulations to ... 0 Michele Doman of the Math department and her husband, 'John, on the birth of their daughter, Anna Michelle, who was born on Feb. 22, weighing 10 lbs., 9 ozs.
0 Linda Channing of the Co-Op department, and her husband, David, on the birth of their daughter! Rebecca Louise, who was born on March 8, weighing 9 lbs. and 6 ozs. tt your organization has any in1ormation it would like to have appear in campus updates, send it to updates clothe newsroom. The deadlrne is Monday prior to publication.
TUITION INCREASE, from 1 to charge a higher tuition payment in order to increase its prestige. Dean of students Robert Bonfiglio called this the Cadillac theory. The old adage that you get what you pay for. Tentative figures are being disclosed to incoming first-year students inquiring about the cost of education at Cabrini. Director of admissions, Nancy Gardner said, "We are giving them the figures for this year. I recommend they consider a 10 to I 5 percent increase to that and to figure more on the upslant towards 15." Gardner said emollment is down for every college due to the low birth rate two decades ago. A February Associated Press story, however, stated that Pennsylvania's state-affiliated schools are enjoying their best enrollments in recent years. Gardner said that there have not been many incoming students who have declined enrollment to the college. Instead, they are aware that they are very much in demand and are waiting to hear what their financial aid will be as well as how much the tuition will increase. The financial aid office is basically in the same boat with admissions. Elizabeth Cairns, assistant director of fina.11cialaid, said that actual figures for this year are not yet being given out to prospective students. "Estimates, estimates, estimates," Cairns said, are being given for next year. John Barclay, chief financial officer, said that the Board of Trustees must consider many factors before designing a new budget. They analyze everything from utilities to salaries. "If we can trim expenses and become more productive and institute costsaving measures," Barclay said, then he does not foresee as large a jump in tuition in subsequent years. Last year, Cabrini's tuition increased by 10 percent which, according to Barclay, was at that point the largest increase on record. "We are still one of the lowest-priced colleges in this area," Barclay said. This low price tag is exactly what the board's marketing consultant studied in a financial review of the college. Gardner said the consultant believes the college has kept its tuition costs too low in the past and now must raise it. He also believed, according to Gardner, that any college carrying a large price tag will be looked upon favorably as
offering a better education. The consultant said tuition will also have to be raised in order for Cabrini to gain a higher level of prestige. Barclay said, "(Prestige) is not a reason to raise the price, but it may be a by-product." He believes students will choose Cabrini not because of the price tag but because it provides a quality education and wi IIcontinue to remain financially stable. Despite the proposed increase in tuition, the budgets for all activities next year are being cut. The money from the tuition increase and the cuts will be fed into the financial aid office in order to generate more money for the students, Barclay said. Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, is not delighted by the cuts. It does mean less money for what the student activities office wants to organize for next year, but he believes a cut in the budget would lend structure. "Having less money will help us focus on what we should be doing," Bonfiglio said. In regards to whether an increase in tuition will affect the prestige of the college, Bonfiglio agrees with Barclay. He doesn't believe in the direct correlation between higher price and better reputation. "In terms of the effectiveness of Cabrini's mission and programs, I think Cabrini can be as effective or is just as effective as a lot of higher-priced institutions," Bonfiglio said. All colleges competing with Cabrini for enrollment charge a higher tuition. According to statistics published in the "Chronicle of Higher Education" on Oct. 10, 1990, a student attending St. Joseph's University is paying $9,650 this year. LaSalle University's tuition is slightly lower at $9,150 and Rosemont College charges $8,675. Currently, Cabrini's tuition for this year equals $7,740. For this price students are receiving the same caliber education, Bonfiglio said, than if they enrolled in a higher priced institution. In formulating the budget, the board is said to be considering those students already enrolled. Gardner said she hopes the board approves a plan for the retention of upperclassmen because for every currently-enrolled student who leaves, the office of admissions must work to recruit another new student.
friday, march 22, 1991
Appalachia:gaininginsightsintothe human heart Assistant News Editor
It' Union, W. Va. Fem Hill is leaving her apart~ent located across the street from the town's lone gas station. Hill, a woman of about 60 years of age, walks two blocks up Main St. to the Monroe County Community House where she has been a volunteer for the past three years. Hill has lived in Union since 1945, and though the town boasts only about 800 residents, she "wouldn't have it any other way."
YOIJlive on Main St."
Due to the nature of its name, one would think life on Main St. would be full of activity. "Oh, I like it alright, but there's nothin' goin' on," Hill said. "It's real quiet, even on Saturday night." According to Hill, Union is mostly a retirement community and not a place for the younger generation. Some reasons Hill included were not enough opportunities for employment and cultural activities. "If you're lookin' for entertainment,
pho1o by Melissa von Siegel. printed by Judi Panasik
Junior, Sean Mc Donaugh lends a helping hand during project Appalachia over spring break. "It's a real good little town," said Hill in a friendly West Virginian accent, "even if
whom some Cabrini students came to know in Union as participants of Project Appalachia during spring break. Twelve individuals travelled to Union, W. Va., while 13 stayed in Fayetteville, located approximately an hour away. The students received their work assignments upon their arrival which included painting and cleaning houses, repairing an outdoor wheelchair ramp and a porch roof. In addition to physical labor, the students also provided companionship by talking with the people, getting to know them on an individual basis, and for a week, actually becoming a part of their lives. Krista Milito, sophomore, was a member of the Fayetteville crew and a newcomer to this year's project. One person whom Milito talked with is Sam, a 21 year old divorced man who lives with his grandmother in Fayetteville. According to Milito, Sam has a 23-monthold daughter whom he visits every Wednesday and Saturday. As Sam has no transportation, Milito said that he usually walks there beginning at 7 a.m. and arriving at 10 a.m. Milito and other Cabrini students were able to help Sam by giving him a ride to and from his former wife's house in order that he could spend time with his daughter. Milito said that Sam "really opened up to me." Over a two-day period, Milito and other members of the Fayetteville crew worked together in cleaning Sam's house, which according to Milito, was greatly needed. Milito described the house as consisting of four rooms and that everything was covered in black, due to a large coal-burning
learning experience. ''I actually took a look at what was around me," Dunn said. "I could see the connection between how they are living and how the government is running things.'' Karie Papay, senior, travelled to Union this year marking trip number four. This year, Papay rekindled old friendships that she has made over the years. Something that stands out in her mind from this trip is a warm comment she received frorn one of these close friends, saying that the people there will always remember her. '' I started crying when he said that because it was something that made me feel special," Papay said. "Someone, somewhere, appreciated me.'' Papay is making plans for next year in attempting to involve a crew consisting of high school students or if possible, (since she will be graduating this May) to return with Cabrini. Junior Sean Mc Donough, a newly involved member with the project this year, also travelled to Union. ·'I think I got more out of it than I thought I would," McDonough said. "By going down there, seeing the people and just helping them, you help ),IW(self." McDonough, like Papay, hopes to make a return trip to Union and hopefully encourage more members from a male perspective. "I think it would be important if a few more guys went," McDonough said. "From an overall picture, it would be good." Francesca Bansbach, campus minister and a coordinator of the project, travelled to Union. Bansbach was pleased at how well
you 're not goin' to find it," Hill said. Hill is only one of the many people
A childand an alcoholic an opinion by Lo"aine Marie Lill Assistant Features Editor
"What is wrong with daddy? Why is mommy crying? Mommy told me he is going away for a few weeks. Why? Doesn't daddy love me anymore?" His father loves him, that is why he is going away. He is his baby. His youngest child. He is going away to take control of his life. His father is an alcoholic. Someone tries to explain to the baby that his father has a disease. How can his father have a disease from drinking beer? The baby does not realize what is going on, because he feels that everything is all right. He thinks he is playing a game of hide-n-seek when his sisters drag him into a closet in the middle of the night. When his father finally came home everything seemed different. ''Why is daddy home before 10 o'clock every night? Why doesn't daddy want any beer? Mommy, why aren't you crying?" The baby has two older sisters. All three siblings acquired defense mechanisms from what they saw and heard when they were children. Each of these small kids grew into an adult child of an alcoholic. Sixteen years earlier the baby's father stopped drinking. Now the baby is a twenty-year-old college student. He realizes that the way he is today is partially because his father is a recovering alcoholic. Being an adult, he can now look back
at his life. He notices that everytime he is quiet it is because someone is yelling. He is very good at looking people in the eye, but he does not like to say anything that might hurt someone. He now understands that he is a protector. He is not a loud protector, but a silent protector. If someone does not like him he becomes extremely uncomfortable. He thinks he did something wrong. He is now beginning to understand why he tries to defend the people close to him. He cannot bare to see a loved one cry. He was never hit as a child. He has never heard about his sisters or his mother ever being hit. However, the yelling was very strong. The yelling is what has scarred him. Now he is able to talk to others. They have helped him to find out what kind of person he really is. He needs to attend an "Adult Children of Alcoholics'' meeting. He needs to talk to others who have experienced something similar to what he encountered. By talking to someone who understands him, he will be able to understand himself. He knows that being the child of an alcoholic makes him more likely to become an alcoholic. He has always been aware of that fact. But now he realizes that he has been drinking too much. "Mom, could I become like the way dad was when I was a child? Could I be an alcoholic? I don't want to be. I think I may need help!"
photo by Melissa von Siegel , pflnted by Judi Panas,k
Junior Ellen Battersby and first-year student Mary Jane Inman refinish a floor at a house in. Union. stove in the middle of one of the rooms. Milito also added that as a result of no running water, there was a large number of dishes sitting in the kitchen sink. ''They had to have had dishes stacked for a year,'' Milito said. One aspect of the week that leaves an impression in the mind of sophomore Juliann Dunn is working on the house of Mr. Green. Dunn and her co-workers cleaned Green's house also, but what surprised Dunn was the personal possessions and bare essentials that weren't present. ''The dirty windows, grease in the kitchen, and dirt on the walls didn't nearly as phase me as the lack of belongings that the man just didn't have," Dunn said, adding that "yet, he seemed happy." For Dunn, who also went to Fayetteville last year, this trip was more of a deeper
each person worked together as a team. "Every year I'm impressed in how people come out of themselves and show such maturity and sensitivity," Bansbach said. Nancy Long, a senior and a co-coordinator of the project, made her third trip to Fayetteville this year. Long is glad she went as she made many new friends, not only from Fayetteville, but also some people from Cabrini whom she did not know very well. Milito holds this same view as well. "By the end of the week, we were best friends,'' Milito said. "You find out how good some people really can be." Upon her return, Milito discovered that trying to explain her experiences was difficult. "It was a kind of week where you have to experience it to understand," Milito said.
friday, march 22, 1991
Jell-0, softballand sounds: Supert
photo by Lorraine Lill
Senior Lisa Lindfey attempts to slime junior Melissa Landsmann with jeffo.
Senior Felicia Falcone and sophomore Kim Marshall tag team sophomore
by Kimberly Marshall
Assistant PerspectivesEditor The "Lost Weekend" is over but it will not be forgotten,especially by those smacked in the face with tr!-colored jello. Every willing victim had their personality captured by caricaturist Joseph Aronson at the picnic dinner Friday evening. Then finally it was time for the main event! Carter "KD3AO"' Craigie captured the essence of the wrestlers as he commentated on the matches. Craigie was able to escape the evening without being tossed into the ring. Faculty members and parents from the community brought their children out on Saturday morning for the children's games in the gymnasium. Kids of all sizes became Ninja Turtles or clowns and had free run of the gym. Cabrini's own, Flynap, never sounded better when they opened for the Philadelphia-based SCRAM! The crowd jammed to the sounds of bongo drums and a horn
photo by John Gay
Cabrini's own Joe Martini pfucks out a tune as FlyNap entertains the crowd at Saturday night's concert.
section. And so the story goes the Student Government Association of Cabrini College successfully held their eighth annual Superthon. This year all proceeds went to benefit the Caring Program for Children. This foundation provides primary and preventive health care to children of working poor families at no cost to the parents. The college's corporate sponsor, Independence Blue Cross and Pennsylvania Blue Shield, matched the college's donation dollar for dollar. Because of donations from local businesses and money raised at the events, SGA exceeded their goal and the money will sponsor 25 children from Delaware County beginning April I. The Student Government Association would like to thank everyone for coming out ;md supporting these events for a worthwhile cause. A special thanks goes to all who helped with set-up, clean-up and offered moral support!
friday, march 22, 1991
,on 1991
Bud Mellon, player/coach of the WYBF softball team , attempts to motivate "slacker" Matt Hodlofski as teammates look on.
photo by Lorraine Lill
~ve Bobo in an attempt to force- feed him Jell-0.
photo by Lorraine Lill
Superthon chairpeople Kim Marshall and Felicia Falcone present a check to William Haggett, president of the caring program for children .
photo by John Gay
Members of the band Scram, jam to the beat of Superthon.
fridaY, march 22 1 1991
Handicapped accessibility increase proposed by J.P. Raynock
Caranfa said that there is a bid in with Jim
staffwn'ter Craven, a concrete contractor, to make the Last semester, the Sacred Heart Hall elevator opened. Now instead of zig-zagging from floor to floor on the ramps, disabled students can move directly from floor to floor. But just how accessible is Cabrini to the handicapped? Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, feels that Cabrini is moderately accessible. "We just made a dramatic improvement this . semester with the opening of the elevator." Bonfiglio said. However, he went on to say that the mansion and the upper floorof Grace Hall, which houses the faculty offices, are areas that also need attention. "I asked Mike Caranfa to look at the mansion because of the business office." Tony Brocchi, vice president of institutional advancement, said. Brocchi also said that he feels the elevator is a major improvement with regards to access for disabled students. "I think it's a concern of the college to look into these things," Brocchi said. According to Mik~ Caranfa, chief physical plant officer, the mansion is being discussed with regards to it's accessibility:
mansion accessible. "If we can fund it, we'd' like to do it this sum111er."Caranfa said. Xavier Hall is currently the only handicapped accessible dormitory on campus. In addition, it has one bathroom that is equipped with handicapped aids such as handrails, hand-held shower heads.and fold out seats in the shower. However, the actual rooms in this quad are no different than the other rooms. According to Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, the admissions office informs resident life of any disabled students who are enrolling. Resident life then talks to the student and their family .to detennine what special needs, if any, the student has. Then resident life works with physical plant, if necessary, to accommodate the student. In addition to Xavier, Caulfield said that some of the houses could be made handicapped accessible. The showers in some houses have lower splash ledges that could accommodate wheelchairs, and ramps could be put at the side entrances. However, handicapped accessibility isn't always achieved with just ramps and elevators. According to Susan Fitzgerald R.N.,
director of health services, there is no specific counseling or support group for handicapped students. "However, "Fitzgerald said, "they are made more aware of the counseling services and encouraged to use them." Megan Flanigan, sophomore, was born with cerebral palsy arid is affected from the waist down. She feels that Cabrini is fairly accessible, with the exception of the mansion, and the faculty offices in Grace Hall. When she needs something from the business office, she gets a friend to go for her, and her adviser's office is in the Widener Center, which is accessible. In addition, Flanigan says her choice of residence halls is limited to Xavier. "The school is trying hardernow that I'm here and since they know there is a possibility of other (disabled) people coming here," Flanigan said. However, there are some features about Cabrini that can't be changed - such as its hills. Flanigan used a manual wheelchair and crutches before she carne to Cabrini, and didn't want an electric chair for fear she would get lazy. Then she came to Cabrini. "I said 'Mom get me one. Those hills are way too much.,.. Flanigan says that she gets around fairly
photo by Chartie Watertall
SophomoreMegan Ranigan, who has cerebalpalsy, uses the Sacred Heart elevator with the help of sophomore Patty Zeller. well, but that someone who had less mobility than her would probably need an aid to help with opening doors and other things. "I have to give them credit though," Flanigan said. "Because they do realize I am here and they are trying to make it easier."
DEPARTMENTAL CUTS, from 1 get the report cards to (students) quicker." According to Hansbury, issuing report cards earlier is something the registrar's office has really been wanting to do. Theater director Neal Newman said that what we do here is the Rumpelstiltskin school of theater. "We give you little or nothing and put you and a bunch of people away in a room and come back in a few months to see if the straw has been spun into gold," Newman said. According to Newman the difference in the amount of money spent this year and next year will not change as far as the theater is concerned. According to Dzik the athletic - department will still offer basketball, cross country and tennis for men and women along with softball and soccer. "By cutting the other programs it would leave us with four sports for men and four for women. In order to remain a Division III, NCAA school we must sponsor eight sports, four for men and four for women, during the fall, winter and spring seasons. Dzik said another reason for the specific programs being cut had a lot to do with the fact that no current members of those programs, except for JV basketball, have been recruited. Dzik said he could not believe that the students will feel that this is a positive thing. "As an administrator I have been told to cut my budget. Even so this is only cutting the operating defecit. This is not because of poor management but because of insufficient funding," Dzik said. The NCAA "Report on Revenues and Expenses of Intercollegiate Athletic Program: Analysis of Financial Trends and Relationships 1985- l 989," suggests average total expenses for Cabrini's type of athletic program in 1989 should be $278,000. "Our total expenses including salaries, benefits, social security, work study and van lease is $140,000. I proposed to the senior staff in Novem-
ber 1989 for an operating budget of $43,500. I received roughly $30,000. I am not saying we should be at $278,000 but we probably bring that average down," Dzik said. "I am afraid that someone will point the finger at me and say poor fiscal management but here are the figures to back it up," Dzik said. According to Dzik, the men's
'We give you little or nothing and put you and a bunch of people away in a room and come back in a few months to see if the straw has been spun into gold.' - Neal Newman, theater director, on Cabrini administration's 'Rumpelstiltskin' attitude toward theater basketball programs at our level have a reported an operating deficit at $24,000 which is almost equal to Cabrini's athletic operating budget. "Men's basketball is the most expensive program we run," Dzik said. ."I have no idea if they (the senior staff and budget committee) will want to drop basketball," Dzik said. Dzik made these recommendations based upon what he thought was the best way to go. Dzik said that the athletic program has created a great deal of visibility and student activity. "This isnotDzik'sdecision. ThisisDzik's recommendation based upon facts," Dzik said. Bonfiglio said that he feels strongly that deep cuts in the athletic program is not a positive step.
"I hope I have other options," have between 60 and 70 majors in this department. Our core courses Bonfiglio said Girard said he has not spoken to are heavily subscribed and most of anybody about these cuts yet be- them are sophomore education cause he is not sure what is going to majors," Girard said. Girard is concerned about offerhappen. His budget items include ing his majors enough to keep their salaries, benefits and work-study. interest and to educate them propLast year the budget for the history erly. "My sense is that the budget and political science department committee will be sensitive to that," was$115,184. " I can not touch $97,000 which Girard said. "They will probably is salary and benefits. lt is not a take a more focused look at how realistic concept that of $18,000 I each department provides the serhave to cut IOpercent," Girard said. vice forthe money it allocates. I do "The places where I can make the not think we will be cut IO percuts are three areas: supplies, col- cent." Girard said that it is a responsilege work-study and part-time faculty. I cut my supply budget from bility that everyone must share. $1300 to $85. If my typewriter "The trickiest discussion will be breaks, I do not fix it," Girard said. with the faculty that might not have Girard also suggested that any travel a job here next year," Girard said. "It can be done." money for academic conferences According to Dr. Jack or trips will come out of faculty and McGovern, director of graduate students' pockets. This year his department had studies, his department has a special dilemma with the proposed $ I ,400 for supplies and expenses and has only spent $400 "so we are budget cuts. "The graduate proalready doing out of pocket ex- gram is an7.mportant contributor to penses," Girard said. Salaries cou!d not be kept down this year since 'We will be operating James Hedtke, assistant proffessor on a shoestring of history and political science was away on sabbatical and replacebudget.' ment faculty were needed. - Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, According to Girard, the department will not only lose the clerical dean of students support it receives from the workstudy program but that students will the budget because of the growth of lose the work-study money too. our program," McGovern said. The Girard expressed these concerns graduate program brings in a lot of in a memo to the academic dean, Dr. Antoinette Schiesler. He wrote revenue for the college and costs that with over 60 majors this would little, according to McGovern. "I am cutting anything I feel we require all faculty to do all typing can tighten upa little bit, McGovern and filing. "Every minute that I said. McGovern has proposed cutspend filing things is one minute ting bookstore and advertising exJess that I spend teaching," Girard . penses by IO percent and travel cut said. The staff cuts will only perby 20 percent. mit two additional courses in a The graduate division has a need department that now offers four or for more adjunct faculty because five per semester. It would also some students are waiting to get in. eliminate courses for majors. According to McGovern it costs "The general stipulation for ev$I, 700 for one adjunct faculty memery department is to cut their budber and each course brings in gets by IOpercent. My department roughly $12,000. is going to say that we can not. We "I would not run any course
which would not pay for itself, that is any course under IO students," McGovern said. The graduate department may be offering a reading program during the summer which would attract more students. "We can't go backwards. The money is coming right back," McGovern said. "Everyone tries to live within their budget," McGovern said. He feels his department has done so with the exception of adjunct faculty. "If you don'thireaperson you lose money because you have students sitting home," McGovern said. McGovern said he sees the basic issue as one of fairness and people willing to sacrifice. "The college is only going to go through a few years of this. I hope the graduate program can bring in more revenue," McGovern said. Bonfiglio said that student services has spent staff meetings for the past month discussing ways to collaborate on programs and which ones to eliminate. Student services will concentrate on three major programs: wellness, alcohol, and diversity. "Sorpe things that have been happening will reduce our expenditures such as one less resident assistant in CounseJ Hall. We will be operating on a shoestring budget," Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio said that in the past l Oyears he has never worked at an institution that has not asked him to watch hisspending. "We are creative when we find ways to get things done without spending much money. I will see the minor adjustments and what I perceive to be the needs of the college. I think we will be sure that every dollar is being spent is for a worthwhile purpose," Bonfiglio said. John Barclay, chief financial officer, hopes that the budget freeze this school year has helped departments become more cost conscious. "The final numbers are still. being gathered and we are looking for ways to conserve," Barclay said .
friday, march 22, 1991
With tuition rising; scholarships cut costs by Elizabeth MacGuire
staff writer
Money. Most college students need more. One of the best ways to get money for colleg~ is scholarships. Scholarships ¥e made up of m~meythat you don't have to pay back. There are two different categories of scholarships according to Elizabeth Cairns, assistant director of financial aid. The internal scholarships are those scholarships that the college or institution provides for those who demonstrate financial need arid/or meet certain qualifications. There are a lot of need based scholarships awarded to those who show their need for money in order to stay in college. Other internal scholarships have restrictions that can be based on either how well the person who is applying is doing in school or has done if applying for the first time or service to the community and leadership abilities. Cabrini offers three such scholarships according to Cairns. These are the Sedler philosophy, Lindback and the Patience Cavanaugh McFadden Memorial awards. The Cavanaugh and the Lindback require some kind of service whether to the college itself or the community as a whole. The Sedler though requires that the person applying is either a philosophy major or has had some philosophy courses. The external scholarships are those scholarships that can come from anywhere. Career organizations, companies, unions and communities offer thousands of dollars to college students who apply for their scholarships according to "The Scholarship Book." "The Scholarship Book" found in the Cabrini library is one good source for information on scholarships. Other good sources are the search companies. These companies for $40 to $70 dollars search out the scholar-
",I t
photo by Judi Panasik
Elizabeth Cairns, assistant director of financial aid and financial aid office worker Lorraine Lill. ships that match your particular interest or field. "I tried this method early last semester to find some more money for college," Colleen Murphy, junior, said. "The first thing someone who is applying for a scholarship needs to do is to go to the financial aid office and get the forms necessary to determine if that person is eligible for any of the need based scholarships," Cairns said. "This college mainly offers need-based scholarships. There are ·other scholarships that the college offers that are not need based," Cairns said: Presidential, Vice-presidential and Dean scholarships are a few of the scholarships offered. Sue DiMoia, sophomore, is one of the Cabrini students offered a Dean scholarship. "I have to keep a 3.3 G.P.A. to renew the scholarship each year," DiMoia said.
Problem found in sewer by J.P. Raynock staff writer
It's pouring rain outside. Suddenly, from out of the sewer emerge men in yellow suits, bearing t.v. cameras. They jump into a white van and speed off into the mist. No, this isn't a scene from anew spy thriller. It's Cabrini's own I IO rolling acres. According to Mike Caranfa, chief physical plant officer, there is no cause for alarm. It's simply Radnor Township doing aroutine inspection of Cabrini's sanitary sewer pipes. Sanitary sewers carry water from toilets and stnks, as opposed to storm sewers which carry rain water. "They run t. v. cameras down the sewer line to look for cracks in the pipes." Caranfa
said. Dan Malloy, engineer for Radnor Township, said the township was checking to see if groundwater was seeping into the sanitary sewer line. "We noticed a high concentration of clear water downstream in the sanitary sewer line." Malloy said. The problem is a hole in the pipe near Residential Blvd. "That's a real good question." Malloy said when asked how the hole got there. The township is currently trying to determine who is financially responsible for the hole. Malloy said it could have happened as early as the installation of the pipe. "It's only a few feet underground." said Malloy. "It could probably be dug up by hand." The cost should only be a few hundred dollars, according to Malloy.
. TAXI, from 1 issue 16) Bonfiglio said he questioned TAXI' s consistency with the college's mission. "(TAXI) is responding to reality and a responsible alternative," Dr. Jolyon Girard, professor of history said. "The mission encourages responsiblity and smart choices," Lisa Bogia, public relations associate said. "The program (TA.XI) is moving towards getting people to think and be more responsible for themselves." "Having a service like this will lessen the risk of drinking and driving." Eileen McAlinney, drug and alcohol counselor said. "TAXIprovides a safety net." "It is great that students are taking the initiative to help other students," Bonfiglio said.
"This is a big step for Cabrini," Karen Bell, sophomore, said. Bell said when she is 21, she would feel comfortable calling TAXI. First-year-student Jim Kunf said it is a good idea if you want to drink off campus. According to Mullen, SGA has considered the idea of TAXI for the past couple of years. "The time is right,"Mullen said. "This is something the college needs." SGA will be giving each student a business card with the days, times and number for TAXI. The days will be Friday and Saturday from IOp.m.- 2 a.m .. The number to call is 971-8415. .TAXI is entirely funded by SGA. According to Mullen, the only expense to date has been business cards.
Others wait for applications to arrive in the mail. This is another good way to get information about scholarships. Writing for information can only improve your chances of getting a good scholarship. When you write to the organizations sponsoring the scholarships, be sure to include a self-addressed stamped envelope and a standard form letter stating your purpose. "It's up to the students to take the extra steps required to apply for any scholarships," Cairns said. "Remember the financial aid deadline for applications is April 1. If you don't have your PHEAA application in ...File it immediatelyl" Most scholarships have deadlines starting in January but there are still a few that are still open. "The best time to start looking into scholarships though is November to December of the previous year," Cairns said. "Keep your eyes, ears and mouth open to any and all possible scholarships." Lastly, scholarships are there for your benefit. Take advantage of them. "Don't be afraid to ask for money for college," Cairns said.
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fridaXzmarch 22 1 1991
Fitness and You
Sneakers: contoured andhightechto improve performance by Rita S. Cellucci Assistant News Editor There is Air Jordan V, Adidas Forum, Etonic, Asics GT, Nike Air Tech, Reebok, Avia 775, New Balance Pl 500, Converse, Brooks GFS 105, and L.A Gear. What is the point of listing the names of sneakers? These are sneakers designed for athletes intent on enhancing their performance. For every sport there is a specific shoe with certain criteria. Both Foot Locker and Gold Medal Sporting Goods stores have hundreds and hundreds of styles to choose from. Prices range from $25 to$ 160. All in different styles, colors and soles. Then there is high .tops, low tops, quarter tops. All for the consumer to decide on.
Testing different models and styles will give you a shoe specific to your sport. A recent article in The New York Times, written by Dr. John McNerney, a podiatrist in New York, answers some questions athletes amd consumers have in looking for a good shoe. McNemey listed the qualities needed for a good shoe: orthopedic construction, fit and comfort, style, and cost. The article also mentioned the criteria common to most performance shoes. Stability, cushioning, flexibility, durability and comfort are the five important ones. Stability is what McNemey referred to as the ability of the shoe to withstand side to side motion. Reinforcement on the upperpartof the shoe, such as straps and lacing,
are what make a shoe stable. Also, a flared sole gives stability. Basketball players are the ones who would profit from shoes providing lateral support with the flared sole. Cushioning dampens shock and pressure caused by running and jumping. According to Dr. Benson Weinstock, a private practice podiatrist from the Foot and Ankle Institute in Philadelphia, said cushioning is important to a point. Weinstock said, "the s·hoe must have an insole that is semi-flexible in order to feel a resistance in the arch.'' That, he said, creates support. Shoe flexibility is neccessary in the forefoot, which would make the shoe able to bend across the toes. Compare models and place them on a flat surface. Lifting the heel, while pressing down on the forefoot will show if the shoe will be flexible. For comfort and fit, as well as the overall choice in selecting a proper shoe, basically relies on the individual preference. Testing different models and styles will give you a shoe specific to your sport. The most popular shoe at the Foot Locker store in the plaza at King of Prussia Mall is the Air Jordan. ''The reason is because of style and how Nike markets the shoe," an employee at Foot Locker, said. Nike markets the shoe in saturation volume, in which the store needs to sell a certain number of shoes a week. The Foot Locker store at the Gallery in Philadelphia alone sells 55 to 60 pairs a week. One-third of the Gold Medal Sporting Goods in Springfield is footwear. Their biggest sellers are Nike and Reebok, in all their styles, for cross training and basketball. Adidas is liked for soccer and New Balance for running. Most of the younger kids come in look-
photo by Marl<Gudas
Chuck Taylors no more. Today sneakers are specifically made to enhance an athlete's performance. Some are even contoured to fit the athlete's foot.
ingforstylesandbig brand names. ketball shoes should alleviate shock Advertising endorsements from while reducing excess motion. athletes such as Andre Agassi, Stability and flexibility are also Michael Jordan and Bo Jackson important. Amy Crossley, sophohelp to create an image that the more women's basketball player, quality of the shoe is good. "Brand wears high top Nike Air for the names are as good as their adver- support it provides. tisements," Weinstock said. Running is different in that it Weinstock bases an athlete's choice requires a sneaker that is designed for their sneaker relies on experi- for one-directional use, Luskawiecz ence. said, since it does not need lateral Bill Luskawiecz, athletic trainer side to side movement. They should at Cabrini, said the most common also be lightweight and never worn injury for all sports is sprained for anything else be~ides running. ankles. Luskawiecz said basketJeannie Dougherty, sophomore, ball shoes should be concerned with also wears Nike Air because they their shoes since they need ankle are very light and gives her balance. support and lateral support. LatTennis sneakers have become eral support is from the flared both high fashion and technical. edges on the soles. Shoes for this sport depends on the According to McNemey, bas- playing style of the player.
Soccerplaysind.oor tourney_ at WCU
LadyCavsfinish11.-5 by Joseph Buda
Assistant Features Editor
pionsbipround. TheCavsf'tninshedlied for first with AssistantSports. Editor LehighUniversitybutLehighwoothetie• breakeronthebasisof totalgoals. 1be Cavs tied United GermanHunW"ath theupcomingseasonwaitingsix garians2-2beforedefeatingPennState-monthsinthefutme andanESAC<:Mffl.. Bed:s3-2.·theythenproceededto finished. ~ seasonfive monthsin the past deadl«kedat two versusMooCo. be1he:Olbrini soccer team venturedoff to fore facing1,ebighin the braketchamUniversity► over theweet- pion$1lip. its spring l.,.dugb.~ onlya tie to advaoce to thedatlnpi.Qmhip l'ClQIKt .~· not. to playing to win,
cabrioi wilbuelther ftOMmino-outdoor goal$. Aflofheteams badfive players with a goalieasopposted totbe outdoer team wbicb fields 11 players and a goalie. · The 20 team field wasbroken into four brak.etsof five 1eamS-.with the winner of each advancing to the cham-
Accotdiagto~.BUI Delita. junior, ~•toumaments areaprepfor swnmerleaguesandare used to keep players interestedin soc<:er. Thegame$ate a.lsousedasa1-offle.. ter.1ojugcrthe team for the
McNemey wrote that all-court players need both back and side to side stability, good flexibility, and cushioning. Chris Renzulli, senior, plays tennis and he wears Nike Air because he said they "feel great." ''They are cushioned real well so I won't injure myself in my game," Renzulli said. He also said that that will improve his game. Fellow teammate, Michael Reidy, junior, wears Ektalon. Reidy bought them "because they are for tennis and are good quality shoes." All in all, no matter what you choose, the shoe should fit the sport. Even for those interested in aerobics, ma:kesure you buy something that is right for you.
Cabrini's women's tennis team earned a second place standing last weekend at the Betty Prince Memorial Tournament in Easton, Pa. '' It was a real good finish for this year.'' Reggie Day, coach of the women's tennis team, said.' 'We went as an all freshman and sophomore team because the two co-captains couldn't play." The team beat Albright and Moravian, while losing to Muhlenberg. Moravian had one more point than Cabrini, but Cabrini came in a higher standing because the emphasis was on individual play and wins and not the overall score of a team. Against Albright, Cabrini won 3-2. Celeste Eschbach, sophomore, won 8-3 for singles, sophomore Lisa Rose and first-year Joelle Spagnola won 8-4 for doubles and Sophomores April Scott and Karen Bell won 8-4 for doubles against Albright.
Against Moravian, Cabrini won 3-2. Mary Ann Walker, first-year student, won 8-5, Eschbach won 8-6, and Neal McGill, firstyear student, won 8-5 for singles. Muhlenberg won all matches against Cabrini. Earlier this year, the team won Cabrini's invitational, the Philadelphia Area Catholic College tournament. "This poses a nice finish," Day said, "especially with our overall season record ofl 1-5." "It looks well for next year."
friday, march 22, 1991
hodlofski sports columnist
• Design Resource needing secretary/bookkeeper. Responsible for answering phones, computer work (IBM.MAC)and Marketing/ Graphics.Part-time, 5 days/ wk., flexible hours. must have own transportation. Contact: MrJolm Burne at
MarchMadness: Thebestof ti mes M-A-R-C-H- M-A-D-N-E-S-S! It has interrupted your favorite daytime and nightime soap operas and sitcoms. It has taken considerable time out of all the sports talk radio shows and has taken valuable ink away from the end of the NHL hockey season and baseball's spring training. Why? To me this is the best time of the year. Whether you like the NCAA's selection process on the top 64 teams in the nation or not, you have to believe that the teams in this tournament are the best. It doesn't matter if you are rooting for the University of Nevada Las Vegas or the Red Flash from St. Francis. In theory, anyoneofthe teams are eligible and have a chance to become national champions. Last weekend began for me at noon on Thursday. That was the time the tournament began. It didn't matter to me who was playing or not, it was the tournament. One channel, CBS, is covering every game exclusively for the first time. My heart dropped when CBS showed a quad screen showing four different games at the same time. I am proud of the reputation I have built-: Thursday through Saturday my dorm room was filled with off-campus students, oncampus students, and alumni watching NCAA basketball. People calling me that I haven't talked to in months knowing exactly what I was doing this weekend. It's March Madness. Throughout the basketball season there are many different sports-related stories that float around the different
campuses but this time of the year the stories are the best. Does UNLV really deserve to be in the tournament after all of allegations against their basketball program? Does Indiana really have the talentto go to the Final Four in their home state? The one big surprise to me, and probably to every one else is Eastern Michigan. Michigan wasn't good enough to even be invited this year after winning it just a couple years ago. Michigan State lost in double overtime to Utah on Sunday. It won the national championship way back when Earvin "Magic" Johnson played there. Now due to all the hype and publicity of- the Sweet 16 everyone will know who the Hurons best player is, Marcus Kennedy and who their skinny 37-year-old coach is, Beil Braun. Will they beat North Carolina in the next round? No. But this past week Eastern Michigan has had more focus on their institution than ever before. I do not think there will be any upsets in this next round. All the higher placed seeds will win and advance to the "Final Eight". No question about it, sorry Temple fans. How is my tournament pool going? Well I am glad you asked. Thirteen out of the Sweet 16 is not bad. The Eastern part of the bracket is the only section that is screwing me up. Eastern Michigan, Oklahoma State, and Temple are the only teams I do not have. I hope you got all your work done in the beginning of the week because the whole thing starts all over again. Isn't March Madness great?
Cabrini College Golf Classic May 1, 1991
J 0 B
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fridaXzmarch 22, 1991
Golf swings into action year'srecordof2-6. "Theteam is · and get some wins." Junior Jason Yurchak said he looking for a .500 season even Assistant News Editor hopes to do the best he can. though we have a tougher season,'' "I hope to win a few more Dzik said. matches this season,'' Jaskelwicz The team will have a good seaThe ball park isn't the only said. place athletes will spend the spring son this year according to Glen Avena is one of the team's Jackelewicz, sophomore. season. On March 22, IO Cabrini quality players, according to According to Dzik, golf offers students will be on the greens to Malveaux. a different type of competition. It start the golf season. Avena was the winner of Cab.This will be their fourth season is not always man against man it rini's "rookie of the year" award as an NCAA III team. Some of also man against nature. his freshman year. He has also their competitors are Alvemia, played and won tournaments in the Wesley and Allentown. The team past five years. 'Golf is such an will play two division I teams, VilThe players also have strong lanova and Rider. individual sport.' expectations for the team. Avena The team is scheduled to play Debbie Malveaux hopes to put some excitement into 12 matches and the Eastern States the season. Athletic Conference (ESAC) ''I want to get some spirit in the championship hosted by Allengolf team," Avena said. "I want ''Opponents are not always town. Allentown is also their bigpeople to be dedicated and to win.•' competing against each other.'' gest rival. The 1991 ESAC championCabrini's golf team has the only Dzik said. ships look promising for the Cavs. "Players are competing against female golf player in their region This year the play-offs are at Allenthe golf course.'' Despite the fact · according to John Dzik, golf coach. town. Debbie Malveaux, senior, is not that the Cavs lost its number one "We play really well there," to only a golfer but she is also the competitor, Brian Kilroy, Malveaux said. graduation, the team still has high team's captain. "If everyone can concentrate, personal expectations. Malveaux feels confident about we should do well in the ES A Cs," "(My personal goal for this her position. Avena said. season) is to be the first to place in ''Golf is such an individual The team plays their home sport," Malveaux said. "It's not the ESAC finals," Malveaux said. matches at General Washington "No ups and downs this year," like a girl going out for the football golf course, located in Audobon, senior Ed Avena said. "(I want) to team." Penna. go out and have a consistent year The team hopes to improve last
by Kimberly Keck
Captain Debbie Malueaux, senior, the only woman golfer in the ESAC, prepares to lead her team into play.
Cavaliers planto servean aceseason by Joseph Buda
Assistant Features Editor
Schedule Golf Fri. Mon. Wed. Wed. Mon. Wed.
3122 3125 3127
Sat. Wed. Mon. Wed.
3/23 4/3
Sat. Sat.
4/3 418 4/10
Alvemia Shenandoah Wesley Wesley Allentown Muhlenburg
away home away home away away
1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm 1pm
Men's Tennis 418 4/10
Wesley Lincoln Phlla.Text. Allentown
home 1pm away 3pm home3:30pm 3pm away
Track and Field 416
Del.St. Relays away away Cheyney
noon noon
Women's Softball Wed. 3127 Wed. 4/3 Thur. 414 Fri. 4/5 Sat. 4/6 Wed. 4110 Thur. 4111
Wesley(OH) home 2pm Phila.Pharm. home 4pm 4pm away Alvemla 4pm lmmaculata away 2pm Marywood(DH)home Allentown(DH) home 2:30pm Holy Family away 4:30pm
It will be a strong season for the men's tennis team, according to some members of the team and-coach Reggie Day. ''We have a greatgroupofreturning players," Day said. "And a strong group of freshman and transfers." Returning are tri-captains, senior Leo Eschbach, seniorChris Renzulli and senior Robert Bonner, who had been a co-captain during. his sophomore year then took a year off from tennis. Also returning are junior Mike Reidy, sophomore Dave Thompson and sophomore Sean McNamara. New to the tennis team this year are firstyear students Bill Wells, Jeff Patti, Matt Cahill, and sophomore transfer-student Jim Lahlan. According to Day, the team ''didn't do so well" last year because of a few injuries, close matches and a tough schedule. However, this year's team "Is the strongest men's team ever at Cabrini, and the strong-
Men's Volleyball Mon. Tue. Thur. Sat.
3/25 3/26 4/4 4/6
Northeastern home 7:30pm away 7:30pm Haverford away 7:30pm Widener LeagueToum. at Villanova
the Cavs will meet Allentown College, Wesley College, Salisbury State and Frostburg State, all good and strong competitors. Over Easter Break, the Cavs will travel to Hilton Head Island, where they will meet more stiff competition. They will play Youngstown State, a Division IAA team, Johnstown State, a known tennis power, West Chester University, a good Division II squad, and State University if New York (SUNY)- Oneonta, a powerful Division III COQlpetitor,according to Day. According to first-year student Matt Cahill; that trip will be very big for the Cavs because, even though the teams are tough there; the Cavs "have a good amount of talent.'' Also in the plans for the Cavs is a Cabrini Invitational for the men's team to.ward the end of the season. According to Day, the women's team had one for the !<)Sttwo years, and now it is time "for the men's team to branch out and to start to go places." As for the future of the tennis team, it. is looking bright, accordjng to Day. "Everyone in the conference realizes that we are a team to watch.''
Cavs plunder lead as Eagles snatch victory 7. The first four games are nonnal games in which only the team serving canrecord points. Assistant Sports Editor In rally score either team can score, regardless of who is serving. According to co-captain Charlie Tucci, , As the reverberating sound of a volleyball the team got worn down and lost intesity. echoed through a sparse crowd at Sacred ''We couldn't get our second wind." After dropping the initial set 15-12, the Heart Gym on Tues., March 19, the Cabr_ini volleybalJ club fell in defeat to Eastern Col- Cavs came on strong to be victorious in the two subsequent sets by scores of 8-15 · and lege 3-2. 11-15. The fourth set was the turning point With the score tied at two games a piece the Cavs lost the rally score to the Eagles 15- of the night. The Ca vs were soundly defeated
by Bob Healey
..._ ,
est men's team that 1have ever taught," Day said. This year's team, according to Day, has all of the makings of a great tennis team depth, skill, a lot of talent and experience. "The' team realJy looks good this year." Eschbach said, ''there are a lot of good new players." The depth comes from the overall talent of the whole team, not just the top players, according to Day. An example of this depth occurred at 'the opener with Widener University. Eschbach, who is the number one Cavalier player, ~as unable play because of a battle with bronchitis. First-year Bill WelJs took on the number one spot and came out victorious. "Bill WelJs is a strong player," Day said, '' And will figure very prominently with the team.'' "The other new players are also strong," Day said, '' And will be important factors in the years to come." "We have a pretty tough schedule this season." Eschbach said. According to Day, The strongest competition is supposed to come from the ESAC (Eastern States Athletic Conference). There
15-5 in the set as their head~ were not in the game. According to Chris Thompson, sophomore, the team seemed to have no idea '¥hat was happening and everything seemed to shut down. "It was like we weren't on the court," he said. After Eastern tied the score at two sets a piece the Cavs could not regain the momentum that drove them early and succumbed to the Eagles 15-7. The defeat dropped the Cavs season record to l- 7.