BlockBash/SiblingWeekend events on 4
WYBF gets FM
Catalog misleads on fee spending by Rita S. Cellucci Assistant News Editor
The college's catalog may mislead students about the use of the $480 general fee for undergraduates, according to John Barclay, chief financial officer. According to the college catalog the general fee is used for registration, activities and services provided to full-time students. Services include the library, counseling center, career center and health services. But according to Barclay, "the
vol. xxxvii, no. 21
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
f riday, april 12, 1991
tower- finally! I m
era! fee," Barclay said. However, the fee charged by local colleges contacted by Loquitur was much lower than Cabrini's. Most colleges and universities build these service costs into their tuitions, taking into consideration that some majors are more expensive than others. Along with this general fee, Cabrini students are also being charged course fees for art, language, science, communication and computer courses. An introductory language course fee is$ IO. The
money goes in the bank." However, this money can go anywhere it is needed, either to those services, bills, or a department's budget. The college course catalog listing of expenses attempts to show "instructional costs," Barclay said. All full-time undergraduates at Cabrini must pay a $480 general fee. The number of full-time students totals 750 and the college receives $360,000 a year in these fees. This is a separate charge from the tuition ancl course fees for language, science and communication classes. "Every college charges a gen-
FEE, pg. 8
Security director stepsdown by Melissa Landsmann SemorAss
Dan Neyer, director of security, will resign his position, effective in June. Neyer, who worked as director of security for seven and a half years, will take a job teaching English at a Kansas junior college. Neyeradmits that few changes have occurred in his department during his tenure, citing the fact that security has basically reacted to climate changes in campus security. The major climate change Neyer is referring to is the recent legislation pressuring college security departments to release campus crime statistics. "People want to know more about campus security now more than ever before," Neyer said.
"When I started working here as director of security it was more of an Andy and Mayberry operation. It was more relaxed," Neyer said. "Now, it's an ulcer pressure job. It's a 24 hour-a-day J.ob." Dan Neyer Neyer, who considers his strongest point as director to be dealing with his staff, has recently been encouraged by administration to put more distance between himself and his staff He said that the job desciption has changes to include
photo by Frank Emmench I
Workers place guide wires on WYBPs new FM tower. After testing and FCC approval, WYBF will operate at 89. 1 on the FM band. by Rita S. Cellucci Assistant News Editor
After years of planning and preparation, the WYBFradio station tower was finally put in place 11 a.m. on Monday. The tower, which wires Cabrini and Villanova radio into the FM dial, has been delayed since January. "It's a big, rallying point for us right now," Bud Mellon, communication center supervisor and
see TOWER, pg 9. see
Judicialboardexamined;changesproposed by Kimberly Marshall Assistant Perspectives Edltor
If you receive a letter from resident life stating that you violated the alcohol policy of the college what do you do next? What are your options, your rights and what is in your best interest? Believe it or not the answers lie in your student handbook, which may have
been put aside as soon as you received it. The violation occurs first. The student receives the letter that they have violated college policy. According to resident life director, Catherine Caulfield, in general, people are aware of their violations. They must contact resident life or Dr. Marilyn Johnson, conduct hearing adviser, within five days. Caufield said she is flexible
with that time frame. "Last semester, Andy (Mcilroy), Tammy (Causely), Anna (Hazelrigg) and I came up with a set of recommended sanctions," Caufield said. If students are charged with a fine for visitation violations.they have the option to perform community service. In the case of an alcohol violation, Caulfield said the fine could be reduced if a student is willing to
What's happening April 12 to April 19 ... Friday ti
Deadline for photo contest submissic:ns ti Last day to drop/add
10 p.m. ·2 a.m. TAXI service ti 6 r-m. Gospelrama • Chapa
8 and 10f'm. Library,WYB trivia contest
Sibling Weekend andBashi
8 and 10 ~.m. Library/WYB trivia contest ti 7:30 p.m. Eating healthy discussion Woodcrest smoker ti 4 p.m. Women's softball at Widener
Univers11y ti 3:30 Men's tennis vs. Phila. Pharm.
8and10f'm. Library/WYB trivia contest ti 3:30 p.m. Men's tennis vs. Newman ti t p.m. Golf at Allentown/Wesley
attend a three-hour alcohol education seminar. "That is what we have been operating from so we can try to be consistent," Caulfield said. Johnson, who has been a student adviser for two years, said when a student comes to her they discuss the options: do nothing and accept the sanctions, have an administrative hearing or a conduct review board hearing. An administrative hearing qmsists of the student's
head resident, the director of resident life or the dean of students, and the student. Caufield said that most people go this route, although, by doing so, they waive the right to appeal any sanction. Caulfield said that a student can go to the conduct review board for a sanctioning reason but most often
more coverage in UPDATES! Wednesday
8 and 10 p.m. Library/WYBF trivia contest ti 12:30 p.m. Library dedication ti 2 p.m. Women's softball vs. Shenandoah (DH) ti 3:30 p.m. Men's tennisat Eastern
8 p.m. Cabrini dance ensemble at West Chester University
a and t 0 p.m. Library/WYBF trivia contest
Friday ti
11 a.m.·2 p.m. Grassroots campaign ti 3:30 p.m. Men's tennis at Cheyney
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fridaXz april 12, 1991
• view oint
Special interest New look at the old housing's last stand? A small campus is a dangerous place. Everyone knows everybody- and .where they should belong. Try making a mental map of who sits where in the cafeteria and you 'II see distinct divisions of habit and security. -The residence halls, however, should be a retreat from these restrictions. As educational domains, residence halls are sanctioned to explore and celebrate diversity while developing their own personality. They are our homes. During housing lottery week, however, these same halls become coveted palaces for which people will lie and cheat their neighbors and friends. Yet, there are some groups on campus that are safe from these tense and anxious days. They need not endure the lottery. They are the members of special interest housing. Special interest housing singles out a particular variety of people; plants them in a cozy place; covers them up with philosophy; and in a semester the house is supposed to become a vibrant, blossoming community that spreads its joy to the other residence halls on campus. These students have earned this peace-of-mind by spending hours during the week before break brainstorming specific and creative proposals which will guide their lifestyles during the next semesters. Some fathered the constitutions, others just signed. Sounds pretty inviting, doesn't it? One of the problemsis, however, that not everyone is invited. It could very well be that some students who would be valuable assets to the special interest program were overlooked or excluded simply because they were not acquaintances of the right people. Because they were never asked, their choices were made for them. For those that are living in special interest housing next year, however, literally have their work cut out for them. Resident life's review of the program has designed more challenging requirements and expectations. Students of special interest biggest challenge is that they have the added responsibility of holding each other accountable for their share of the committment. This self-monitoring will have a much greater impact than any of the structures resident life may set. For the past two years, special interest housing has had its small successes and failures, including low damage rates. It is time, however, for the honeymoon period of the experiment to be over. We need tangible results. The variables of the new structure and committment of all the students during the next semesters, will determine if special interest housing establishes or extinguishes itself.
Just a thought... With the opportunity to spend quality time with your sibling this weekend, take time to really find out who they are and not just show them your campus.
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_kelly anne reed features editor
It was about 5:30, and everyone within a l 00 mile radius seemed to be pulling into the parking lot. I was stuck in a SuperFresh supermarket with only two items, and no express lane in sight. To make matters worse I ended up behind an old man in line, who took about a lifetime to count out his change. As I stood there waiting impatiently for the man to hurry up. He looked up at me. He gave me a nervous little smile and his hands were shaking as he counted out his precious pennies and nickels.
from someone who is 65. I being selfish, could care less that Medicaid and Medicare are paying less and less. I don't realize how very little that monthly social security check pays, or how hard it is to get health insurance when you have high blood pressure or diabetes. I am wrong. I should care about Social Security benefits being cut. I should care that the elderly cannot afford high insurance rates and thus are not getting the quality medical care they should. The fact that elderly income is falling while the cost of food. clothes, and housing is skyrocketing should be a concern of mine too. Why? Because one day I too will be elderly. While we are young we never think about growing older and becoming dependent upon others. But, the years will catch up with us eventually and one day it will be my genera-
We as a society consistently treat the elderly the way we treat taking out the trash, as a chore that we don't like but are forced to deal with. He apologized profusely for keeping me waiting and he handed the checker the last of his change, closed up his litle red change purse and picked up his plastic grocery bag by the handles and walked toward the exit. Never in my whole life have I felt so mean. I had not known this man, he was merely another obstacle in what had been a long and tiring day. I was tired and hot and all I wanted to do was pay for my Mrs. Smith's apple pie and my can of ReddiWhip and go home and pass out on my bed. Instead I found myself thinking about that elderly man and where he came from. Did he have a family? How did he get to Super Fresh? Dumb questions, maybe. But, that man that I met only briefly has made me stop and think. How does society and even myself treat the elderly? The elderly are the fastest growing population in America. They are also the most neglected, poverty-ridden, and disrespected. We as a society consistently treat the elder! y the way we treat taking out the trash, as a chore that we don't like but are forced to deal with. Instead of looking at the elderly as a vast resource, we see them as a longterm liability. In other countries like Japan and Italy, generations of families live under one roof. The extended family is embedded into their society as a norm. The elderly are looked upon as a source of wisdom and experience, not as an object that needs to be locked up in a nursing home, when they can no longer take care of themselves. How many times have you complained about getting stuck behind an elderly person you thought was not driving fast enough? It is true that they move a little slower, talk a little slower and their reaction time might be a little slower, but should that make them any less a feeling, and thinking person in our minds? We have no appreciation for our past. We look upon tradition and customs as oldfashioned and backwards. Maybe that is why we cannot appreciate the many gifts that grandparents and elderly neighbors can give to us, we see them as living in the past and we only want to see the present. Looking at the world through the eyes of a 21 year old is a very different perspective
tion who will be collecting the Social Security checks. assuming there's any money left. We will be the men and women who will be getting the senior citizen discounts at the local CVS. We will be needing our children to take care of us. to take us to the store, to the doctor's appointments, and to maybe place us in a nursing home one day. I am grateful to that elderly gentleman. He probably thinks that he wasted my time, but in truth he opened my eyes and gave me a perspective that I didn't have before. We don't always get an opportunity to widen our minds and our hearts, so where ever you are gentleman, I owe you my thanks and my apology.
.. .
Editor-m-ch1ef· Carlo Iacono Managing Editor: Jenntter Morrison News Editor· Chris Pesotski Senior Associate New~ Editor: Mehssa Landsmann Assistant News Edrtors: Rita Cellucci, Kimberly Keck, Dawn limbar,o and Missy von Siegel Perspectives Edrtor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspectives Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda. Lorraine Marie Lil and Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editors: Andrea Atmonavage and W,11,amA. Fulton Business Managers.
Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger and Lisa Rose
Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Editor: Lsa Lindley Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Cra,gie Adviser. Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff Wilham Fulton John Gay, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberly Leblang, Joe Martini. Elizabeth MacGuire, Bud Mellon - Ice Man, Lisa Neuman. Amanda Picher Stephanie Ranieri. J P Raynock. Frank Sciolla Photography Staff: John Gay, Mark Gudas, Lorraine Mane l.JII, Chnst,ne Myers, Jud, Panaslk, Carin Pesotski, Charles Waterfall. Loquitur 1spublished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price 1sS25 per year and 1sincluded 1nthe benefits secured by tuibon and student fees. The edrtonals and opinions published 1n Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqurtur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice m the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.
friday, april 12, 1991
No room for Bush on Mount Rushmore manship, "The NRA would be proud," Bush When last we left our biography of Geoge Herbert Walker Bush, he had joined Ronald thought it politically touchy to take part in the games himself. Reagan in his quest for the White House and Other than traveling, Bush remained sion January 20, 1981, found himself being lent. In 1984, Reagan ·chose him as his sworn in as Vice-President of the United bill running mate again, and the Reagan-Bush States. firman ticket easily defeated the Democrats' Ralph Joining Bush in Washington was old friend Nader-Barbara Streisand duo. James A. Baker In (just back from an "I like During Reagan's second term, Bush beEichmann" retreat weekend) and he even brought Barbara with him to Washington heavily prepared Bu!.h for his future endeav- gan makeing strides in his relationship with (unlike during his previous trips when he ors with tyrants, drug lords and future con- the President. By 1986, Reagan could identify Bush as, "He's in the Cabinet, right?" became tired of dodging questions with, "No, victs. she is not my mother!"). In the Philippines, Bush formed a lasting And the Veep hired political consultants to study the feasibility of a 1988 campaign for In February and March, Bush went on a friendshipwithFerdinandandimeldaMarcos. the White House. whirlwind world tour to confer with world He praised the strongman as a, "Shining In early 1988, there were serious doubts as leaders and get a tan. It was on this first tour example of democracy and all the good it can that Bush was to meet such future friends as do." This shortly after Marcos executed a to the validity of Bush's campaign. Saddam Hussein, Manuel Noriega, Samuel half dozen protesters carrying anti-Bush and )lewsweek magazine called him a wimp. Bush's aides realized the Veep had a real Doe, Ferdinand Marcos, and a junior senator anti-USA banners. problem with the image thing. During a live fromlndianawhowaswater-skiinginBimini. In Iraq, Bush met President Saddam Wearing a blazing flourescent T-shirt bear- Hussein, with whom he developed a fascinat- newscast interview with Dan Rather, Bush ing the inscription, "My Best Friend Got His ing thumb-wrestling rivalry. After a series of almost instantly changed his image. Pan of Legs Blown Off in Vietnam, And All I Got defeats at the hand of the Iraqi, Bush was that transcript: RATHER: Mr. Bush, I don't think you've WasThisStupidT-Shirt!" Senator J. Danforth startled to hear Hussein say, "Jesus you're a QuayleoflndianafirstcametoGeorgeBush's 'wimp, my friend who eats little children and answered the question. BUSH: What did you say to me? attention, although he thought Quayle was has an infidel God, who will rot in hell. Care RATHER: I said you 're being evasive on only his bus-boy. Soon it was a growing for more tea?" Bush turned ashen and said, friendship that would have dire consequences "Don't ever call me a wimp." The seeds were the issue of your participation in the IranContra affair. 7-and-a-half years later. being sown. BUSH: And you're a schmuck? If you While en route from Panama to ColumIn Liberia, Bush met with strong man bia, carrying a package to one of Noriega's Samuel Doe who introduced Bush to the say that to me again I'm gonna kick a little "little Medellin friends," Bush received the novel sport of peasant shooting, which, Bush ass!" RATHER: And you're vulgar, sir. heartening news on March 30, 1981 that told reporters. reminded him of his college BUSH: The hell I am, you dip ... President Reagan had been shot. Upon hear- days. While impressed with Doe's marksing that Al Haig had claimed to be, "in charge," Bush's first instinct was to return to Texas for a vacation, stating to the press, "It's hard traveling the world." After some prodding, however, Bush was introduced to the by Brandon Dougherty was a conversational ice-breaker. Today, I Constitution and its various clauses on presihope, this former question is now viewed a guest columnist dential succession and realized he must relittle more seriously. turn to Washington. In the aftermath of the Gulf War, many of Upon returning to the White House, Bush Now that the Persian Gulf War is us might begin to lose focus on the Middle had all the Reagan's furniture packed up and over, everyone can reflect on the many East and the many issues involved in the shipped backto California. Bush realized his lessons this war has, hopefully, taught complex region. This would be a tragedy. faux pas when Nancy Reagan returned home us. The lesson I learned and the one I However, this is often the sad case when that evening to find she had just climbed into wish to expose to the readers, is the major new events are taken off the front page bed with the vice-president and Barbara. lesson of awareness. and embedded in page 20 of the New York Handling the situation with her usual charm, Before the war many of us, including Times. The Middle East and issues involved, Nancy calmly informed Bush her husband myself, cared little about the happenings in contrast, are not page 29 stories and they was not dead yet. The two of them did not in the Mi<ldleEast. The coloquial phrase, require the utmost of attention on our part speak. again for almost eight years. "So , what is happening in the Middle especially. Between 1981-1983, Bush traveled exEast today?" was used to get a laugh or Reading every printed material on the tensively, since Nancy Reagan refused to allow him to visit Washington. This travel
This was definitely going to be campaign on "the issues." First, Bush face off against fellow Republican Bob Dole in the early primaries. Losing Iowa, Bush realized he needed New Hampshire to keep avoid becoming part of a trivia question. Therefore, he and his media aides capitalized on the white ethnic vote of New England by portraying Dole as an AfricanAmerican in all their commercials. Bush won New Hampshire and locked up the Republican nomination. At the New Orleans convention in August, Bush was faced with a VP choice. His original choice was Lloyd Bentsen, however Michael Dukakis, in his last smart move of the campaign, had already picked Bentsen as his running-mate. The avenue being closed, Bush looked in his inner-soul to make the greatest decision of his life- but he found nothing there, so instead he went through I 0 names in a hat. After a few high pitched squeals, the choice was made public and the rest, as they say is dramedy. The remainder of this story is wellchronicled elsewhere. But in all the post-war glory, it is important that we never lose sight of George Bush the man and his history. We've already deified enough Presidentswe've got no more room on Mount Rushmore! Let us not get so caught up in Bushmania as to forget what Pru:the hJlSplayed in bringing us to where we are today in this countryand that includes both good and bad. See you in '92.
Don't be satisfied with peace talk Middle East is not what I mean about becoming aware. In fact, becoming too well aware of the issues involved in the Middle East can confuse even the most devout intellectual. My message on becoming more aware of the happenings in the Middle East, is to take some time and be well-informed or current about the daily happenings in that region. When we are watching the world news in the evening, let's tum up the volume when we see Israelis combating Palestinians and vice-versa. So, the next time someone asks us, "What is happening in the Middle East?" we can be more informed.
letters Athletes worked up EdJlor'1 DOie: Tbc following ~lcr was brought 10 the aucntion of president Sister Eileen Currie, MSC. by lhe wrilefon March 27. Clmi< refused ICC<plant<:of 1he leucr.
To the editor:
education but for athletics. Therefore, I feel, along with many other students that dropping these sports would be a loss to the campus community.
Sincerely, Krista Palmwmo, StudentRepresentative Board of Athletics
It has come to my attention that athletic director, John Dzik has proposed to cut six sports. These sports are: volleyball for women, field hockey for women, golf, cheerleading, spring track and field, and junior varsity basketball. As a representative for the student body I feel that cutting these sports would be detrimental to the college. It is evident that cutting these programs would cut the amount of activities Cabrini has to offer. Currently, the athletic department has 150 students and it is obvious that students come to Cabrini not just for an
To the editor: I am writing this letter to express my extreme disappointment upon reading in the last issue ofLoquitur about the possibility of six sports being cut from the athletic department. As a member of the field hockey team for the past two years, I was looking forward to playing again next season. 1 will truly miss it if field hockey is cut from the department. I speak for myself as well as other athletes in saying that no only
will this hurt the athletic department greatly, it will also harm the college as a whole. I do not understand at all why Cabrini, which is a tuition-driven institution, is resorting to deleting six sports from the athletic department. Isn't this a contradiction in itself? Any high school student who was interested in enrolling in Cabrini and playing volleyball, track and field or field hockey or whatever will not enroll now. Therefore the college is actually losing money when these students enroll at another college that has a good sports program. This doesn't make sense. By the way, has anyone heard the advertisement on Ql02 about Cabrini? It says that Cabrini has a great sports program! How can we have a great sports program if six sports are going to be cut?
Sincerely, Michele Montgomery '93
Hard work helps kids To the editor: I am writing to express my sincere gratitude to the students of Cabrini College for their recent efforts on behalf of the Caring Program for Children. The annual Student Government Association Superthon Weekend benefitted our new and exciting program. Through the students' efforts, $2,600 was raised which will enable us to provide health insurance coverage to 24 needy children in you community. We at Independence Blue Cross are particularly grateful to Kimberly Marshall and Felicia Falcone for their hard work: Also the members of their committee were particularly helpful. Tony Brocchi was
instrumental in connecting the program with the students. Without his oversight, the Caring Program would not have been the beneficiary of the students' efforts. As a board member of Cabrini and an executive of Independence Blue Cross, it is particularly special to see the two organizations combine forces to assist in helping needy children.
SincerelyJ. Dr. Gail r. Garvin Senior Vice President, CorporateAffairs Loquilur welcomes lel1ersto 1heectlor. Latters should be sigr,-j and 1he aulhorsh,p knownlo the edilars. ........ ff the wrilar wishes, and the edlar ..-, 1he wrilal"s namemay belefl ofl1heleelar......,plJblcalian and an ~ inu.-1 9IICh • ....,_ wllhheldal 1he~"' 1he wrilar." l.eMls shoukl belyped. ~ andnolhan 300 wonls in lenglh. ff a lelllr ls loo long lor1he......,.. space . cande,N. L101he adloc' ahould be submit\8d by ,,_, on Mondays. ·),_or .-..
friday 1 april 12, 1991
1 report securityC
Security incidents as reported by the security office from 3/21 through 4/9/91.
0 Deadline for submissions is April 12. The cost will be $3 for each entry
Ransacked Room 3/24-10:05 p.m.-A student in House l reported her room had been entered and ransacked, but nothing was found missing. As a result, the lock of her door was changed.
submitted. All entries must be 8 X 10 black and white or color photos. Each entry must be titled and include the photographer's name and phone number. Submit entries to the mailroom in a manilla envelope addressed Photo Contest and be sure to enclose the total amount due. No cash accepted. Make checks payable to Cabrini College.
Missing Property 3/26-reported ~t 11:30 p.m.-A student in House 4 reported that someone had entered her room and removed $80 from her wallet and a sum of $50 belonging to her roommate.
Photo contest
· Gospelrama
Vandalism 4/3-3:45 a.m.-Sacred Heart Hall Greenhouse-A window of the Greenhouse was broken. No suspects were found in the area.
0 Hear the sounds of gospel music April 13, at 6 p.m. in the chapel at Gospelrama '91, sponsored by BSA. Admission is free and refreshments will be served. For more infonnation, call 971-8255.
Disorderly Conduct;Tresp~ 4/5-9:45 p.m.-Woodcrest Hall-An intoxicated male arrived to visit a female resident. Finding her not present, this person caused some problems in the lobby and was asked to leave. After refusing to do so, Radnor police was notified and arrested him for disorderly conduct.
Grassroots Campaign 0 Pitch in to help clean at the second annual Grassroots Campaign on April 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. For more information on how to form a group or how to become involved, contact Heather Clisham at public relations, at ext. 8255 or 8493
Criminal Mischief 4/5-11 :30 p.m.-Xavier Hall Lower South-Fire extinguisher discharged in building. Returned by security.
Baltimore Inner Harbor trip
Attempted Entry 4/6-3:45 a.m.-Woodcrest Hall-Two male students from another college attempted to enter the lower level of the building surreptitiously in order to visit some female residents. Attempt discovered and the students were askew leave campus.
0 Student services is sponsoring a day trip to Baltimore Inner Harbor on April 20. The bus fare is $10 for students and $15 for faculty/staff. Sign up in student services by April 12. Bus deposit is also due at this time.
Lost Identification 4/9-12:30 a.m.-Woodcrest Hall-In accordance with the College's visitation policy, a male visitor left his driver's license at the front desk in order to visit a female resident. He returned to find it missing.
An Extra Initiative) is a van service offered to students who have been drinking and need a ride back to campus on Fridays and Saturdays between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. This service is free so don't hesitate to call 971-8415.
Trivia contest
Block Bash and -=--·s it>Iing week e"·d ScheduIe
0 On April 14-18 at 8 and 10 p.m., the library will sponsor a trivia contest on .,.......,,. WYBF radio in honor of National Library Week. Prizes will be awarded to the first person who answers each question correctly. All answers can be found in library resource books.
Take me out to the Ballgame! 0 Student services has $5 discount tickets for the Phillies vs. the Mets on April 24. Van service will be provided and will leave the campus at 6:30. Money is due to student services by April 12.
7 p.m. Sibling Get Together - Widener Center Gathering Area. $ I/Students $2 8-10 p.m. Lip Sync Contest - Winner receives $100 2nd place $50 3rd place $25 9-1 a.m. Movie Marathon -- "The Little Mermaid" "When Harry Met Sally" "Animal House"
0 The library will dedicate a series of student-created graphic panels on April 17,
Learn to eat right 0 Leaming to eat healthy at college will be discussed on April 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Woodcrest Smoker. Prizes and food will also be available.
at 12:30 p.m. The panels will be permanently mounted on the front of the library's circulation desk.
Campus ministry news 0 Campus ministry invites the campus to meet priest visitors that they are interviewing for the position of chaplain. On April 12 and 19, the priests will be celebrating mass at noon.
Pre-registration drop/add 0 Full-time students should have received their pre-registration confirmation. The last day for drop/add before September will be Fri., April 1;t Pick up a drop/add fonn in the registrar's office between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. Be sure to get your advisor's signature.
11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Scavenger Hunt* l p.m. Water Balloon Toss -- Mansion Lawn 1:45 p.m. Obstacle Course -- Soccer field 2-5 p.m. Block Bash on Residential Boulevard-- Vendors, balloons, music 2:30 p.m. Tug of War -- new field 3:15 p.m. Volleyball -- next to tennis courts 5-7 p.m. Dinner on Mansion Lawn 6-8 p.m. Gospelrama in the Chapel. Refreshments will be served 7-10 p.m. Pat Goodwin & the McGonigal Brothers -- Mansion Lawn 9-1 a.m. Movie Marathon -- "Grease" "Pretty Woman" "Dead Poets Society"
Sunday Spring Program 0 Library Support Group will present their spring program, "Ben and Me," for third and fourth graders from the Isaac Sheppard School in Philadelphia. Children will be read excerpts from that story, will be presented a puppet show, and will be treated to a performance by a Ben Franklin impersonator who will illustrate Franklin's accomplishments through the use of magic.
11:30-1 p.m. Brunch Winners of Olympics and Lip Sync Contest announce_dand receive prizes l p.m. Sibling Softball Game *_denotes events for siblings.
Campus gears up for 'Miracle Plays' A press release by Neal Newman Miracle Plays, Cabrini College's spring theater production, will be performed on Sat. and Sun. afternoons at 2 p.m. on April 20, 21, 27, and May 4 and 5. The cost of admission is $5. The outside production will be the entire Cabrini College campus. In addition to a program, audience members wilt°be given a map with directions for each of the plays. There will be performers and singers to guide
the audience to the five scenic areas. Where comfortable shoes and bring a blanket. The Miracle Plays. written in the Middle Ages, were dramatized tales from the old testament. They were considered a tradition and were written to be performed yearly at spring festivals. The custom began in the twelfth century and continued through the middle 1500's. The manuscripts we have today are probably revisions of the earliest works. The five plays presented will be: The
f riday, april 12, 1991
Creation. The Fall. Abraham and Issac, Noah's Arc. and The Annunciation. The size and architecture of Cabrini College's campus makes for an unique setting. Parts of both Grace Hall and the Mansion have areas which have symbolic meaning. For example the Mansion parking lot resembles an inn yard for horses and carriages, and the Atrium in Grace Hall was originally a stable house. Most of these areas have been restored., however its original design has been lost.
18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa.
'Four Past Midnight': a set of chilling tales by Joseph Buda
Assistant Features Editor Midnight. That time of day which commonly conjures up thoughts of evil, misdoings and witches. Due to these mysteries and legends, Stephen King decided to name his book of time-related novellas "Four Past Midnight." "Four Past Midnight" is a set of four novellas about time. Each novella is preceded by a message from King on how he came to write about each story. "One Past Midnight" is called "the Langoliers." It is a story about an airplane trip, one which goes totally wrong. Only eleven people survive this trip, even though the plane never crashes. Once it lands, however~ the real terror begins. The survivors land in a twisted world
where nothing is right. In this world nothing is alive. Fuels do not bum. Food, which is not stale, has no taste. Even the air has no smell to it. Even time is going too fast, which they can only feel because and clocks have stopped. "Two Past Midnight" is called "Secret Window, Secret Garden." Itis a tale about a recently divorced writer, who is alone in his Tashmore Lake home. Suddenly, a strange man, probable psychotic accuses him of plagiarism. The strange mystery man messes up when he tells Mort, the writer, that he actually wrote the story in 1982, while Mort published it in 1983. Mort allows the stranger to know that he actually originally published the story in 1980, two years before the stranger supposedly wrote it. This is when the horror begins to take place. The stranger asks for proof, and everytime Mort finds a way to supply evidence, the stranger thwarts him. It is as though
he is always .there watching Mort, knowing what he is going to do next. "Three Past Midnigbt" is called "the Library Policeman." It is a tale about a man named Sam, who may be losing his mind, because he has an intense fear of the library police. This fear, and his losing his mind, supply the terror in this story. Giving away the connection this story has to time would result in giving away a lot of the story. "Four Past Midnight" is a tale called "The Sun Dog." It is a tale of a fifteen year old and a Polaroid camera. It is also the tale ofa trader in the town of Castle Rock who wants this camera badly. The terror comes from how the supernatural camera reacts to the trader. "Four Past Midnight" is a book anyone can enjoy reading, providing they are not alone and all of the lights are on.
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friday, april 12, 1991
SEX CHOICES by Jennifer Morrison
Managing Editor, People have sex everyday. And the couple involved is faced with sexual decisions and questions. Is sex an integral part of our relationship? When should we commit to one another? How will sex change our relationship? What will we think of one another in the morning? Are we willing to take the risks and responsibilities? Have we discussed and talked about sex openly with one another? This evening was to be special, the first time for both. John and his girlfriend had been dating for a year and tonite all John's ideas of sex would become a reality. At midnight,aftera dinner for two at her house,
John the f?eachand placed a blanket in a secluded area on the sand. They sat, watched the moon, ate, talked and drank wine coolers. They kissed. One thing led to another, and it happened ...John and his girlfriend had sexual intercourse. , Thiswasalargestepbetweenthem. John loved her. He gave his girlfriend a diamond and sapphire pre-engagement ring four months later. The idea of the ring became a focal point of the relationship, but their feelings for one another started to deteriorate. After one year and eight months they weren't seeing each other anylonger. In a survey conducted by the "Young and Modern"magazine,April 1991 issue of 100 men, 44 percent say that they need to see a woman for one to three months before the relationship is serious. Twenty-three percent say it's not a question of time, while
only 5 percent say a year or longer. The remaining eight percent give various periods. Some feel sex is a pleasure not a performance. Sam feels sex is very important in the relationship. "Sex is like fringe benefits in a jo,b. If you don't get an occasional raise, what's the use of staying in a job or in this case a relationship. I was 21 and I loved her when I had my first sexual relationship. As long as the two people are aware of the consequences, then it's their decision." Fred had been going out with his girlfriend for six months, during those months, they enjoyed one anothers' company, but never talked about sex. While dating her for four-and-a-half months, Fred and she were alone, one thing led to another and the opportunity arose to have sexual intercourse. Fred stopped. I didn 'tknow her well enough.
Whether you have been dating a person a month, a year or a week, in order to have sex, there has to be a mutual respect for one another." Fred thinks that the responsibilty is too special to just perform sex. "Sex is love," Fred said, "I have never been in love. I looked down on people in high school who were sexually active. But I've realized it's their choice to take the huge responsibility and risks and I shouldn't judge." Fred would rather spend the time he had with a woman romantically. Holding hands on a beach in Hawaii or spending a quiet evening in front of a fireplace are just a few of his fantasies. "It's the best experience two people who love each other can share whether they're married or unmarried," Susie said. Susie shared her first sexual experience
pho1o by Chartie Watertall
Elements of college sexual encounters in the '90s,: Victoria's Secret lace and satin, boxer shorts and condoms. after seven months with a high school boyfriend at the age of 16. "It just happened," Susie explains. "We were alone at his house down the shore, I loved him and I think he loved me. While we were having sex, I was scared because we were taking such a big step in our relationship." Their relationship was in trouble before intercourse. "We were having a lot of problems and we resorted to sex to solve them." They broke up five months later. "I didn't regret the decisions I made then, but I regret it now." Susie said. "I see the relationship I'm in now and it's more mature. I wish it could have been that way with my first. But I understand we were both too young." Getting to know someone is a very integral part of someone' srelationship and sometimes our relationships seem much more to us than to our partner. Sarah had never met Jack except through phone conversations that lastedfor two weeks and a photo he had sent her of himself While talking to Jack on the phone, Sarah felt secure and was interested in everything he had to say. So when he asked her to take a train to Boston to see him at school, she qickly obliged and left the next day. "He met me at the train station, took me
tolunch,andthendrovemetohisapartment. I thought he was really good-looking and wanted to get to know him better. At his apartment, we talked and he asked me for a back rub, we began to kiss. The next thing I knew we were about to have sex. I got scared. I was seeing a different person than who talked lo me on the phone and I said no." "I never wanted to have sex before marriage. I was experimental and enjoyed the feelings he was giving me unti/1 woke up and realized he didn' I care about me." He tried to persuade her again yet she still refused. Finally he drove her to the station so that she could go home. He called the next day and never mentioned the day before. That was the last she heard from him. "I'm happy I didn' I go all the way with him. I didn't do anything I didn't want to. This experience changed the way I look at relationships." In the "Young and Modern" survey, 74 percent of the men surveyed would expect a kiss on the first date, while 16 percent say they don't know and 10 percent say petting or further. Eighty percent of the men interviewed would not break-up with a girl if she didn't want to have sex, while 10 percent said they would and 10 percent said it de-
pended on the circumstances. Unfortunately, unsuccessful first times with sexual intercourse may be a nightmare for some. According to Helen Singer Kaplan, M.D., of "Making Sense of Sex," said, "When two people trust each other, and are gentle with each other, and don't "awfulize" oroverreactto failure if the genitals don't work perfectly each time, they reassure each other and learn and grow together." Beth had a terrible first time. "It was disappointing. Hewasmybestfriendandhe still is. We had planned a special time and place, but it was no big deal. He was satisfied. He looked at me, when hefinished and asked, 'Was it good for you?' It was such a joke. I cou/dn' t get into it.I was tense and it hurt. We continued dating/or another year and then we broke up because we were tired of one another. I found that after sex the fantasy was gone. Fooling around was no longer any fun. As a matter of fact I'd rather be fishing." "In my other relationships, I don't look for sex. I was smart to have had it with someone I loved. I couldn't have found a better partner. I'd do the same if I did it all over.''.
Couples share intimacy in relationships.
friday, april 12, 1991
A scary experience:better late than pregnant by Jennifer Morrison
Managing Editor
Pregnancy. For some college students their dreams of a college education can be ended by the reality of pregnancy. An unwanted child may be brought into the world, leaving a strain on the relationship between the parents of the child. If a couple is going to react upon strong feelings for each other before marriage,
contraception is a necessary part of taking the responsibility to protect yourself from complications of sexual intercourse. Laura and Brian had been dating for a year. They had discussed sex and decided that they loved each other enough to share an important step in their relationship. Complications occured during intercourse. "We were sloppy," Laura said. "Brian had used a condom, but the condom broke as he was putting it on. We decided that we would use the pull-out method." An ineffective method of removing the penis before it ejaculated semen into the womans' vagina. "Unfortunately, I could tell that he had left his penis in my vagina for too long a period of time. I immediately thought the worse and left Brian alone in the room while I ran to tell my roommate what had happened. I was crying, upset and nervous that I would be pregnant." That month Laura waited for her period.
It was late. She began to panic. Brian and she discussed all the plans that we were going to make if pregnancy became a reality. Brian started to hide in a shell while they were making their discussions, but he still became an integral part in their final decision of adoption. "Our reasons were clear. I was brought up in a strict Catholic family. This information would have killed them. I wouldn't be able to face them. We also felt that we wouldn't be able to give the ultimate love a baby needs that another couple would be able to provide. Not to mention that our plans for college and our dreams would be delayed a few years." Thirteen days had past, she was home and still had not gotten her period. Brian brought a home pregnancy test to her house. "I was a little hesitant about performing this task in my house." But she still was looking for some hope. She read the directions on the box. They said to use her first urination of
the day. So, she woke-up at five a.m. on the 14th day, locked the bathroom door, and setup her lab. She mixed the chemicals and let the specimen sit on the sink for ten minutes. She looked at the test after the ten minutes suggested and noticed it was white. "The box said that meant I was not pregnant, but, I still waited for my period." The test relieved a lot of her worries and on day 15, she got her period. "I was very relieved and happy. My roommate and I celebrated." Since then, Laura and Brian have abstained from sex. They have found the relationship more relaxing and fun. "We do more together and that time means much more to us." "My advice to all of you thinking of sex is, don't have it. But if you do, make damn well sure, you don't becwe pregnant or get someone pregnant. It's the worse feeling in the world."
Contraceptionchoices for students
photo by Frank Emmerich
Contraception is the planned preven- often if they are not put on correctly. tion of pregnancy and Sexually TransmitContraceptive foams, creams, jellies, ted Diseases (STDs). The best type of and suppositories are liquids or solids that contraception for you should be decided melt into liquids after they are inserted and by you and your partner. block the entrance of the uterus. They kill According to Louise Tyrer, M.D., Vice- the sperm. Of I00 women who use these President for Medical 8,ffairs at the Planned contraceptives, about twenty will become Parenthood Federation of America, Inc., pregnant during the first year of use. They ninety-four percent of today's American can be used by just about any woman who women have used some birth control wants to use them. If not used exactly as method. The only way to prevent preg- directed, these products may not form a nancy that works l 00 percent of the time good barrier to the uterus. is not to have vaginal intercourse. But if Contraceptive sponges, are made of a you do decide to have vaginal intercourse, solid synthetic substance and contain using birth control will greatly reduce spermicide. They are soft, round-shaped, your chances of pregnancy. and about two inches in diameter. Each has According to "Scriptographic Book- a nylon loop attached to the bottom for easy let", published by Channing L. Bete Co., removal. They are barriers that cover the Inc. There are some factors to to consider cervix and block sperm from entering the before you choose which contraceptive is uterus. Of 100 women who use this device good for you. 18 will become pregnant during the fist year -Safety;Choose a method that won't be of use. They can be worn for up to 24 hours a risk to your health. Consult your doctor after insertion. During that time intercourse for advice. may be repeated without additional prepara-Convenience;If the method is too tion up to six hours before the sponge is much trouble, you'll be tempted to skip removed. Sponges can be used by any using-and it won't work. woman who can use a tampon. Do not use -Personal Taste;Choose a contracepthe sponge during any vaginal bleeding, tive that it isn't unpleasant, uncomfortincluding menstruation. If you cannot reable or embarrassing for you. move the sponge or if it breaks call your -Effectiveness; Choose one that gives physician immediately. you the best protection when it's used Prescription properly and regularly. The P ill,is a temporary, prescnptton -Cost; Check out the differences. method of birth control. It is a monthly There are several different types of series of pills taken once a day. The active contraceptives and the "Planned Parent- ingredients are like the hormones that natuhoodFederation of America, Inc. describes rally regulate the menstrual cycle. Most methods of contraception. kinds of pills keep ovaries from releasing Non-Pr~scription eggs. Condom, fits over penis to collect The pill is one of the most effective man's ejaculation. Of I OOmarried women temporary methods of birth control availwhose partners use condoms, about 14 able to women in the U.S. Of 100 women, will become pregnant during the first year who use the.pill, fewer than 3 will become of use. Condoms allow men to take pregnant during the first year of use. t-.1ost responsibility for birth control and STD women can take the pill safely. You shouldn't prevention. Just about any man uses a take the p'ill if you have ever had: blood condom, but the condom breaks more clots, inflammation in the veins, seriuos
liver diseases, unexplained vaginal bleeding, cancer of the breast or uterus, certain adnormal growths. The Diaphragm, is a shallow, domeshaped cup with a flexible rim that fits securely in the vagina to cover the cervix. The Cervical cap, is thimble-shaped, smaller than the diaphragm, and fits snugly over the cervix itself. The diaphragm can be inserted up to six hours before intercourse and may be left in place for 24 hours. Each time sex is repeated, more jelly, cream or foam must be inserted in the vagina (without removing the diaphragm). The cervical cap may be left in place for up to 48 hours. Of 100 women who use diaphragms or cervical caps, 18 will become pregnant during the first year of use. They can be worn by most women when they are not menstruating. Most women have no side effects. Some women are prone to develop bladder infections. An unpleasant odor may result when cervical caps are worn for more than three days or if an infection is present. "The Scriptographic Booklet", published by Channing L. Bete Co., Inc.,considers these forms of contraception as non-prescription methods. Natural Family Planning methods are based on temperature charts and observation of mucus and cervical changes during the woman's menstrual cycle. The fertile period is determined, and during this time you must refrain from sex. If you 're very careful, it can be 98 percent effective. Natural family planning costs very little, and neither partner has to use mechanical or chemical devices. These methods require avoiding sex at least 8 days each month and getting used to daily charting techniques. Abstinence is avoiding sex l 00 percent and is effective 100 percent. in preventing pregnancy.
friday, april 12, 1991
JUDICIAL BOARD, pg. 1 a hearing takes place before the conduct review board when there is a clear-cut disagreement. "Someone has been accused of something and they have said that is not what happened,., Caulfield said. "Judicial policies have undergone an evolution," Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said. He felt that they were not as effective as they could be. "I convened a committee in the summer of 1989 to review and draft a new proposal," Bonfiglio said. This consisted solely of students because at this time the judicial board was made up of all students. The new suggestions were placed into effect in the 1989-90 academic year. It was the first time that the system involved faculty and student membership on the judicial board since 1975. Bonfiglio said that it was done like this to create community and not exclude certain groups. Also with faculty, Bonfiglio felt the board would have more clout. Angela Corbo, 1990 graduate of Cabrini and resident director at Lasalle University,
'I don't believe that the system now best defends the student.' - Dr. Jolyon Girard sat on that review board. According to Corbo, the policy of the judicial system of the college was too vague. "Dean Bonfiglio put the collge's expectations into writing. Before that nothing was consistent," Corbo said. A student conduct committee was in place as far back as 1970. They were given power by the president to draw up guidelines for penalties of serious infractions such as smoking in undesignated areas. They also acted as a committee of appeals. According to Bonfiglio, in 1975, the student committee of the Middle States selfstudy recommended that the student conduct committee research and develop its history and reconstruct a more positive direction out of those meetings. The conduct review board then consisted of the dean of students, the academic dean, two faculty members, and four class presidents. Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science department chair, said that the Student Government Association judiciary board, known as the J-board, handled all hearings and the student conduct committee heard appeals. In 1981, the dean·of students formed an ad hoc committee of students, faculty and administration to review the judicial procedures of the college. The residency conduct committee consisted of five students elected
annually by SGA. A faculty member appointed by the academic dean serves as an exofficio, non-voting member of committee. At this time, a student could use counsel and the accused was given 72 hours to request a hearing. Girard, who served as a faculty moderator, worked with the committee to create a new judicial system to the college. According to Girard, The J-board had few guidelines, rules or stuctures. "What prompted me to work with the system was a case where a student was charged with a parietal violation and the J-board found the student not guilty. Basically the dean said try the case again until you get it right," Girard said. According to Girard, this faculty, student, adminstration committee came up with the original system which was published in the handbook up until the last two years. Girard feels that the student is not represented. "I don't believe that the system now best defends the student. The rights of representation are different now." Girard said before the student could use counsel. It states in the student handbook that the student's right to a hearing can be waived in an unusual situation. "There was an incident this fall where I did step in." Extreme measures had to be taken and the changes that have taken place in Xavier Hall this semester validate that action. Melissa Coleman is a sophomore, political science major who sits on the conduct review board. Coleman said that the board hears the arguments and after the trial they sit as a committee and vote on it. Then the review board makes a recommendation to the dean of students. "I think we should have the final say with the dean as a voting member because he does not hear the facts," Coleman said. "The hearings we have had in the past two years I have gone by the recommendations of the board and not waivered," Bonfiglio said. According to Bonfiglio, no one has appealed in two years. Coleman said it is difficult on such a small campus to sit on the board and hear gossip about some cases. "I base my judgement on what their arguments are," Coleman said. According to Coleman this is the best possible thing Cabrini has right now, but it could be more effective. "My opinion is that it is a good system with room for improvement," Bonfiglio said. The self-governance committee town council came up with three proposals according to Caulfield. First, all students should be notified about possible committee positions available on campus. "Most of the time they are appointed by SGA. Some positions should be elected whereas others can be appointed,"
Caulfield said. The second proposal was that the conduct review board be made up of all students. There would still be a moderator or adviser and that person would be Dr. Marilyn Johnson non-voting. "Who should do the hearing is less important to me then whether or not it is a fair one and that the rights of the student charged are protected and the best interests of the rest of the community are heard," Bonfiglio said. Sophomore Brian Marczyk, who was appointed to the self- governance committee feels we are adults now and should be able to regulate ourselves. "Students would find it more fair to come to a board made up of all students," Marczyk said. "The process is so time consuming and generalJy annoying that they don't bother with it." "If it were all students, people might be more apt to use the conduct review board," Caulfield said. "My sense of it is that the board consisting of two faculty members and three students suggests that we are a whole community and that the faculty is part of that community too," Johnson said. Johnson was not sure if a shift to all students would make a significant difference. Coleman likes the idea of professors sitting on the review board also. Coleman said tha( they have authority and are included in our community. "I would disagree with an all student board," Corbo said. She said that even at LaSalle the board looks at their community to consist of administation and faculty. This gives LaSalle a mature person making recommendations. Corbo said that it also keeps the faculty in touch. "I understand that students would prefer to have solely a hearing in front of students," Bonfiglio said. "I can abide by that provided that students on the board are trained in the proper way:··
Third, the committee is proposing to Bonfiglio that minimum sanctions be listed in the student handbook. Bonfiglio commented about the consistency of the board. "This is an educational process and there is nothing consistent about education. It takes place more in a serendipitous fashion. The problem of consistency can be addressed in the administrative sense that the sanctions come from the dean of students." Not all judicial systems work like Cabrini's. When Caulfield was an area coordinator at the University of Delaware, people came in and pleaded guilty. "If you were not guilty you were automatically given a hearing by the hear-
'My opinion is that it is a good system with room for improvement.' - Dr. Robert Bonfiglio ings' officer," Caulfield said." According to Corbo. LaSalle has two faculty members and four students that sit in on a hearing. The judicial board committee consists of 40 people who rotate for hearings. The assistant to the vice president of student affairs oversees the procedure. Resident life has one director who hears all judicial matters. Vice President Dean of Students at Eastern College, Dr. Ted Chamberlain, said that their judiciary board consists of three students and three faculty. The dean makes the final decision along with the board. "The judicial board, made up of all students, hears minoroffenses which deal with resident hall issues," Ethel Levenson, dean of students at Rosemont College, said. Students must see the dean about major offenses like drug and alcohol violations. The dean issues a sanction and then the student can go through the student appeals board, Levenson said.
GENERAL FEE, pg. 1 computer fee is $35. For specified communication courses, the fee is S30. The highest fee is for biology and chemistry which is $70. These charges do not go to the respective departments to buy more equipment or other resources. but rather are simply put into the college's general fund. At St. Joseph's University, tuition varies depending on your major. Joanne McColgan, accounts receivable manager at St. Joseph ·s, said, "For a science, computer, and business major, tuition is $9,750. The arts and science major pays $9 .450." A non-science major taking a science course would have to pay $125,just like a business major would pay a fee for an art course. St. Joe's charges every major a $25 registration fee each semester. Villanova University also charges according to different majors. Arts and commerce majors pay $10,600 a year. Tuition for science and nursing majors is $10,930. And engineering majors pay $11,170. There is a $75 general fee each semester. An official in Villanova's bursar's office who did not wish to be identified, said, "I don't know the real reason why we charge that amount. I guess it's just part ofthe tuition structure." Marian Grace, bursar at LaSalle University, said their 1990/1991 tuition will be $10,250 a year. Full-time undergraduates pay a $25 registration fee and course fees. There is also a counseling and orien-
talion fee for incoming first-year students. Temple University' tuition this year was $2,170 for in-state students and $3,916 for 6ut.-of-state students. "All full-time undergraduate students pay the same rate in tuition," Jerry Sharf, assistant director of student financial services, said. Temple, which is mostly funded by the state, charges an activities fee of$25. This money goes to the student activitie.s on campus, athletics, and ID cards. It charges a $12-$35 computer fee, depending on the amount of credits a student takes. This money goes to support the computer and data processing services for students. However, Eastern College's Steve Pearl, director of student financial services, said there is no general fee at Eastern. Its tuition is $4,360 per semester for all full-time undergraduates. Eastern does charge a fee for its science labs of $50. "We have recently adopted a plan to remove the computer fee because we felt it was too restricted before," Pearl said. They feel computers should be made to be more accessible to the students who wish to use them. Barclay said that the general fee does not cover every service, so Cabrini also tries to get government grants and contributions. "Expenses have to be covered," Barclay said.
friday, april 12, 1991
Computer coming; for now ID checks a way of life by Elizabeth MacGuire
hanging around their necks," Skiner said. "It's really hard to keep track of everyone at times," Tricia Loughran, sophomore, said. Loughran works in the evenings checking IDs at dinner. Skin er and Loughran both agree that Cafeteria ID checking is a way of life for many Cabrini it takes a common knowledge of who is a resident and who students. Every year residents pull out their ID cards with isn't. "I basically know everyone who comes in the cafetetheir semester stickers to show to Frances Skiner or another ria," Loughran said. cafeteria wor}s:er.Skiner, though, is always there every weekA new computer system should alleviate the cafeteria's day morning to give you a smile. headaches. According to Cochran this system shoulq make it Skiner feels that some of the students look to her as a easier to control who goes in the cafeteria and is really mother or grandmother. "I try to make this job interesting needed. because it can be a very boring job," Skiner said. "Now, it is still under consideration. We should see it next The things that Skiner looks for when she is checking IDs year, probably in mid-semester," Cochran said. The new are thi; person's picture and the right semester sticker. system will still use the ID cards but in place of the stickers, "It is very hard to control who comes in because a Jot of there will be bar code stickers that the students will run people use other people's cards. Some IDs have last year's through a scanner in order to get in to the cafeteria. silver sticker," Skiner said. "I think the new system will be nice but students will only At least twice a semester the cafeteria has what Dee be able to get in once," Skiner said. Cochran, cafeteria manager, calls a "crackdown." Two people "It's not fair if you can't go in more than once. What if you stay at the door and check IDs during that time. The reasoning had to go to bathroom? I think you should be able to go in as behind this is to get those who either forget their IDs or who many times as you want," Megan Holcomb, junior said. never got a sticker for their IDs to get them according to "It won't curtail my job any. I will probably still be like a Cochran. cashier to the commuters," Skiner said. "It's hard to track students who are getting in free and it's "It would be better because students would know to bring hard to control commuters who use resident's ID cards," their ID cards to every meal. It's good to be consistent," Cochran said. Loughran said. "You paid enough money for that ID. Why is it such an "You have to check IDs because a lot of commuters get in effort to carry it at all times? Some students even have them free. The computer system is the best way to deter this in my staff writer
opinion," Holcomb said. "They should let people know beforehand. The last time, I had to go back for my ID card in the rain." Some schools have cards that have an allotted number of meals on them, according to Angela Visco, first-year student. "That wouldn't work because you would soon run out of money. Here we can eat all we want without that worry," Karen May, first-year student said. "The computer system wouldn't be any better. It would cause a backup." "It doesn't really bother me. I just think that people shouldn't be penalized fornot having it," Michele Staszewski, junior said. "The new computer system will make life a lot easier for the cafeteria people." The same may not be true for the people w_house the facilities. "I just hate waiting in line especially if I have a class afterwards," May said. "I remember a few weeks ago that it took forever to get into lunch." Cochran said that at least 780 to 819 people eat in the cafeteria daily. The consistency of the computer system will go a long way in keeping track ofall those people. "Hopefully our need for a better way of checking IDs will be seen and the computer system will be on its way," Cochran said. A first-year student will benefit from the new system because they will be the ones who remember to bring their IDs all of the time. Upperclassmen though will have problems remembering at first. "I think they should start off the system right at the beginning of the semester," Loughran said.
TOWER, pg. 1 radio adviser, said. Awaiting the arrival of the tower, physical plant workers barricaded several parking spaces at the bottom entrance of Widener Center. Soon enough, a crowd gathered to watch. According to Frank Emmerich, Loquitur photographer, who witnessed the scene, the actual work to place the tower on the roof of the Widener Center took an hour. The delays started when equipment was not delivered on time. WYBF officials expected it to be on the campus during Christmas break. That delay pushed the start of the FM date to February. The problems took a more serious turn when Frank Hogan, the WYBF engineer, suffered a heart attack in February. Hogan is the individual who started the radio station at Cabrini. Problems escalated when the truck delivering the tower broke one of its axles late Thursday night and could not deliveron the settled date of Friday, April 19. "It was like a black cloud hanging over our heads," Mellon said. Chrisy Roach, station manager, was estatic and could only describe it as "beautiful" when the tower was in place. "It's a dream that has b-:en realized and it is tangible," Roach said, "There is no question that we are starting." The radio station will now test the tower with a monitoring signal. Following the broadcast of the test signal, the Federal Communications Commission will complete the last-minute paperwork needed to allow WYBF to broadcast at 89.1 on the FM band. The station is planning several changes in programming for its FM debut. New shows are being prepared to augment the current alternative music format. One show will be a two hour call-in news show, focusing on issues either on campus or nationally.
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NEVER RESIGNS, pg. 1 becoming more of a high profile figure and to assume to the role of educator. "The position changed and I do not want it the way it is defined now," Neyer said. "It is better for me and for the school ifl leave." Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio, Ed.D., will head the job search committee for director of security. He would like to choose a director of sec~rity who has an "inclination to serve as an educ~tor on the issues of security." He will also be looking for a person who has a "significant understanding of what security work on a college campus entails and what the college student of the '90s is like." Bonfiglio emphasizes that, prior to beginning the job search, all requests-for-hire need to be authorized by Sister Eileen, president of the college, who is not on campus right now. Bonfiglio would like to hire someone for the position by the beginning of the 1991-92 academic year. He is not aware of members on the current security force expressing an interest in the position, but said that they are eligible to apply. "It is premature to say whether I am going to promote someone from within or not," said Bonfiglio. "I am open to that option as well as to other possibilities."
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Athlete of the week
DellaRoccaat home behindthe plate by John Gay staff writer
Dena DellaRocca's first reaction upon !>eingtold she had been named athlete of the week was that it was "kind of embarrassing." Her second reaction was one of surprise. Surprise because she believes that several of her teammates on the Lady Cavs softball team are also deserving of the honor. Those initial reactions tell you a lot about DellaRocca as a player and as a person. Her slightly awkward reaction to the honor is the sign of a consummate team player, who does not seek individual acclaim. Dave Tajirian, head coach, chose DellaRocca as athlete of the week on the basis of a two-run dou~le that won the game against Salisbury and also on the strength of DellaRocca's batting average, which after four games is .625. Tajirian sees DellaRocca emerging as a leader on the relatively young Cavaliers team. "She's only a freshman, but in the next couple of years she'll be the leader on this team,'' Tajirian said. DellaRocca is in her first semester at Cabrini. She began the year at Elizabethtown and trans-
ferred when she realized she would be unable to play softball there because of her work schedule. DellaRocca chose Cabrini because of a connection with Athletic Director John Dzik who shares a mutual friend with her parents. DellaRocca has been playing softball for nine years. Originally a shortstop, she moved to catcher in her first year of high school and played on the varsity team for four years at Academy Park High School
photo by John Gay
Athlete of the week Dena De/laRocca. in Sharon Hill. The adjustment to college ball has been easy for DellaRocca, though she admits to being a bit tense at first. "I was kind of nervous that I wasn't going to live up to their expectations,'' DellaRocca said. Michelle Ballinghoff, co-cap-
tain, had cited DellaRocca as a player to watch in a pre-season interview. · "Dena'sveryeager toplayand really knows what she is doing,'' Ballinghoff said. Tajirian believes DellaRocca's outgoing personality is an asset on the team. He feels her spirited play and positive attitude help keep the team in the game. He is also impressed with the way she handles the pitching staff. ''The pitchers love her because she talks to them and lets them know what they are doing wrong. She is a very headsy ballplayer," Tajirian said. DellaRocca believes the key to handling pitchers is in learning their individual style and form. She uses pitcher Jen Bannar as an example, explaining that when Bannar holds her glove high in her wind-up, she throws balls. DellaRocca sees a lot of potential on the team and believes that with time and experience they will have a valid shot at the ESAC's. DellaRocca is content with just being able to play ball, which she ranks high on her list of priorities. "Besides God and my family there is nothing else but softball. I love softball,'' DellaRocca said. "It's my way ofrelieving stress. As long as I can play ball, that's all that matters to me.''
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CRIPPLING COLLEGE , pg. 12 From an admissions point of view athletics is a major attraction to prospective students. According to the college's recent radio commercials, Cabrini has a comprehensive sports facility and a great athletic department, What will perspective students say to six programs being axed, one multi-purpose field, that in itself is one of the 110 rolling acres. Another field unable to- be use for official play and a weight room that can not carry its own weight. This is a distressing fact that I hope not only disturbs 'Jle but other students, including perspective ones. It is important to note that the largest number of students (over 150 strong)
Div. III average for colleges like Cabrini. Asking the athletic department to cut its already deficient budget by another 10 percent, while, simultaneously asking the athletes directly affected, to pay 15 percent more to attend Cabrini is insane and ludicrous. Unfortunately, as is too often the case in today's society, it all boils down to the almighty dollar. I am not so naive to think that athletics should be put upon a pedestal and considered untouchable when it comes to the budget crunch, but I am also highly irate that a program that generates so much support and enthusiasm receives little consideration or financial support. Proof of support and enthusiasm is a peti-
Our athletic department's budget is currently half of what is the national NCAADiv. 111 average for colleges like Cabrini. Asking the athletic department to cut its already deficient budget by another 1O percent, while, simultaneously asking the athletes directly affected, to pay 15 percent more to attend Cabrini is insane and ludicrous.
Tnaay, apr111;l, 1~~1
Volleyballendsseaso.n withtournament at Nova byKimherly Keck AssistantNews Editor Cabrini's men's volleyballteam ended its season in the Atlantic Men's Volley• ball League'tournamenthosted by Villanova. The Cavs played Northeastern College, Villanova University and Swarthmore College. They competed in games againsteach opposing team and losteachmatch by a scoreof two games
tozero. •'You gotta get YO\lfhead out of your ass(asadviceto theteam)," Tim Janusz.
senior. co-captain said. "Next yearwe'lldoalotbetter. We're the people that want to win," Charlie Tucci.junior, co-captainsaid. "When it camedownto cnmchtime,
wedidn'thaveit," LeoEschbach,senior-, said.
actively participating in a single extracuricular activity are those student athletes at Cabrini. With such a visual presence of active participation riow can over 150 voices be ignored? Students have not only been ignored they have been spurned, this is epitomized by the letters to the editor on page three oflhis issue. Many institutions reserve more money for intra-mural sports (blatantly non-existent on our campus) than Cabrini does for varsity sports. Our athletic department's budget is currently half of what is the national NCAA
tion currently in the makings by those directly affected by the proposed athletic cuts. At one of the recent Town Council meetings a Cabrini faculty member emphatically statfd, '' Ask not what Cabrini can do for you but what you can do for Cabrini.'' Well. this is what you can do for Cabrini. Sign the petition, let your voice be heard and show your support. Do this now so we can force administration to make a decision immediately. Make them deal with us as a whole community and not dispersed, weakened individuals over the summer.
''We don'tbaveateammentaJityand with the exception of Tim and Leo, we lack skills,'· Gary Burnett.senior.said. "The. team should have done a lot better.'' Chris Thompson,sophomore, i,aid. "NOltheastemdefinitelywasn't better than us," JoeOrsatti,junior said. ··we should have won that game." •'More passes could have won us some games today;· Jerry Schaefer, first-year student, said. Opponents in the tournament had opinions about the Cavs perfonnance. ''Cabrini is an and down team,••
Ben Heuston, tint-yearstudent at Swarthmore Collegesaid. ..They would oe a really tough team if they could stay up." PaulJacoby,Northeasterncollegevolleyball coach said the Cavs have a very good attitude and never give up. Though the team k)st in the touma• ment, they achieved theirpersooal goals. •'(Mypersona) goals►were to play consistently, .. Orsatti said. · 'I wanted to win a few games and become a better volley ball player," Schaefer said. Schaefer is an experienced player with four years behind him at Bishop McDevitt high school. .. I wanted to have fun," Janusz said. The Cavs improved their recordfrom last year. This seasonculminatedin 3-9. Last year's record was 0-14. '·t wanted IQ improveOtlJ"record from last year;' Burnett said. •'The seniors have been pulling through·anseason.'' JohnFasolka, firstyear student said. Accordingto 'Scbler"er, thekey players were Janusz, EschbachandTucci. Winning is in the forecast for next
season. '·Next year we will do a lot better," Tucci said. "All we needis height. we have everythingelse.'• Withsomepractice,theCavswill have a winning season next year, according to Orsatti. 'Tm looking forwardto some wins TbompllOn tNiid:·
•t season...
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friday, april 12, 1991
Cavssplittwinbill by Matt Hodwfski
staff writer
On a simply gorgeous day on the 110 rolling acres, the Lady Cavs softball team spent four and a half hours on the softball field playing cross-street rival Eastern College. The day turned out to be a split for the two teams with the Eagles of Eastern winning the first game 10-3 and the Lady Cavs rebounding in the latter game to produce a 10-5 victory. Junior Veronica Hoffman knocked in two of the three runs for the.Lady Cavs and went 2 for 4 in the first game. Senior Michelle Ballinghoff also went 2 for 4 in the first game. The loss went to junior pitcher Jen Banner. · "In the second game we hit much better because everyone had the right attitude going to the plate,'' junior Becky Tressel said. Tressel went 4 for 7 on the day and played a near flawless defensive third base. She snared one line drive that was over her head and made a heads up play when she fielded a
hot one hopper to her left and was able to tag an oncoming base runner. In the second game of the twin-bill the runs came early for the.Lady Cavs as they scored four runs in the first inning. Eastem's pitcher Jen Bradley walked the first three Lady Cavs to load the bases. Then first year players Deena Dellaroco, Charlyne Adams and Tressel proceeded to clear the bases while Dellaroco had an RBI and scored a run. The Lady Cavs next runs came in the third inning when Adams' base on balJs was squezzed between two singles. Tressel picked up her second RBI in the game hitting a single while sophomore Laurie McAlroy picked up two RBIs in the inning on a double. ''The atmosphere was high before the games began,'' Michelle Ballingfoff said. "In the past, Eastem's pitching was much stronger but Ann Rogers (game one's pitcher) was consistent.'' The highlight of game two of the double header was when junior Chris Myers smoked the softball to the power alley in left-center for a three run home run in the fifth inning. Sophomore pitcher Marabeth Shedden, who was battling the flu , went the distance for the Lady Cavs to seal the victory.
Spring Soccer 4/5
Women's Softball 2 Cabrini 3 Cabrini 10 Cabrini
"4/3 4/8
PhilaPharm.8 Eastern 10 Eastern 5
Men's Volleyball Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
4/4 4/6 4/6 4/6 4/6 4/6 4/6
1 0 0 0 0 0 0
4/3 4/8
7 2
Widener Swathmore Swathmore N'eastern N'eastern Villanova Villanova
3 2 2 2 2 2 2
Men's Tennis Cabrini Cabrini
Lincoln Phila.Tex.
Junior Christine Meyers approaches homeplate during the Lady Cavs'doub/e header on Monday against cross -street rival Eastern Col/ege.
Cutting athletic programs could cripple college
denise edwards sports editor
photo by Lorraine Liff
Women's volleyball spiked! Women's field hockey slashed! Golf sliced! Cheerleading muted! Junior varsity basketball program slammed and men's and women's spring track and field halted! This is what could come of these six sports programs according to a recent frontpage article in the March 22 issue of the Loquitur. This article made our campus community aware of the recent athletic proposal to drop six NCAA Div. III programs. The slashing of the six athletic programs is not being proposed due to a lack ofinterest by the students. Rather the proposal is to meet the current budget mandate from the board of trustees, to cut back their spending by 10 percent. John Dzik, as director of our athletic department, has been given no choice but to resort to such drastic measures to meet these
budget terms. How hard it must be for one to cut off his nose to spite his face. The way I've come to view the whole situation is that the budget is just the broad, vague, top layer of a very in-depth multifaceted problem with Cabrini athletics. At how many other Div. III institutions do we find athletes driving "the one" campus van along with rentals 'on road trips, purchasing their own footwear, tennis rackets, gloves, hockey sticks, golf clubs and any food they want to eat on away trips that totals more than five dollars a day. How many local high schools have better facilities than ours? A stage behind a backboard and classrooms on the same floor as the gym, which of course, sits above the cafeteria, I mean, didn't we have this in grade school? Why did Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine choose to install a state-of-the-art fitness center at a high school instead of at Cabrini?
Are college athletes not in more need ofhightech equipment, not to facilitate play, but, in the least, to prevent injury? Or is jogging 110 rolling acres enough? Why don't more administrators on this campus believe in supporting our athletic department? For those of you who do not support our athletic program, why not? The mission statement of this college does. '' ...promoting personal and interpersonal growth ... '' Under the college's definition of the qualities of a liberally educated person, sub-section D Effective Social Interaction, point two, states it clearly. "Demonstrates responsibility, flexibility, cooperation and assertiveness in social interaction." Does organized sports not do this, or am I incorrect in putting to much credence into sports? see CRIPPLINGCOLLEGE, pg. 11
2 7
Golf Allentown 329
Barnes andHinesrecognized by PSCBA /
by Rita S. Cellucci
Schedule Women's Softball Mon. 4/15 Wed. 4/17
Widener U. away 4pm Shenandoah(DH) home 2pm
Men's Tennis Fri.
4/19 Mon. 4/15 Tues. 4/16 Wed. 4/17
Cheyney Phila.Pharm. Newman Eastern
Tues. 4/16
All'town/Wesley away 1pm
away 3:30pm home 3:30pm home 3:30pm away 3:30pm
Golf Track and Field Sat.
Trenton St. Relaysaway 12pm
Assistant News Editor
The Philadelphia Small College Basketball Association awarded two Cabrini basketball players for their contributions to college basketball. The award was presented to Jeff Hines and Jeff Barnes, on March 25 I 99 I at an award presentation at the Philadelphia College of Science and Pharmacy. The award is open to all small colleges in the area, including Widener and Cheyney Universities, and the winners are invited to attend a big ceremony and receive a plaque. ''The award is to recognize their
careers and their contributions to college basketball at Cabrini," Coach John Dzik, athletic director, said. "I nominated both Hines and Barnes," Dzik said. The Association contacted Coach Dzik to nominate two senior players from the men's basketball team. This award is only open to the men's basketball players. The Association then chooses players from each college. Hines, co-captain and guard, said it was a nice ceremony. Hines has been playing since his freshman year and is sad to graduate. "After May, there will be no more organized basketball for me," Hines said, "But I also won't have practice anymore." Hines majored in Human Resources
and his concern now is finding a job aft~r May. The final statistics for Hines' plays this year are 33 rebounds, 28 assists, 26 steals and 27 turnovers. He has scored 200 points and averaged 7 .65 points a game. Barnes, who has been playing since his freshman year, is also a guard for the team. "I appreciate the fact that I was able to play for four years with good people," Barnes said. Barnes is a marketing and business administration major who will also be graduating in May. Barnes' statistics for this year are 29 rebounds, 98 assists, 35 steals and 46 tum overs. Barnes scored 125 points a.nd averaged 4.62 points a game.