April 19, 1991 Issue 22 Loquitur

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vol. xxxvii, no. 22

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

friday, april 19, 1991

Lt. Gov. to speak at commencement will allow Singel's helicopter to land, but they must also take into consideration the travel time involved, as Singe! has to speak at another graduation that afternoon. According to Tony Brocci, vice president for institutional advancement, Sun Co. on Matsonford Rd., has a heliport, but the company's permit does not allow it to operate on Sunday. Radnor Township also does not allow helicopters to land in the township on Sunday.

by Kelly Reed Features Editor

Mark S. Singe!, the lieutenant governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, has agreed to speak at this year's commencement excersises. Singe! 's office confirmed that he wou Id be speaking at the Sunday, May 19 event contingent upon Cabrini finding a place for Singel's helicopter to land. Cabrini must find a facility that

photo courtesy Lt. Govenor's Office

Lt. Gov. Mark S. Singe/

The college is looking into the possibility of the heilcopter landing on the new soccer field which is located in Tredfyrrin Township, other companies like Sun Oil, and those in the Great Valley Corporate Center are being looked into as possible sites for the helicopter to land at. The process of searching for a speaker began back in September with the first meeting of the graduation committee. The committee is made up of the

dean of students, who presides as chairman, the senior class officers, the director of public relations, the registrar, the director of student activities, the faculty marshall, the vice president of academic affairs, the director of housekeeping, director of physical plant and the director of food setvices, among others. All of these committee mem

see SINGEL, pg 12

Currie:Athleticsprogram will not be cut in '91-'92 semester five are soccer players and one is a basketball player. On top of those numbers there will probably be another five or six males coming to Cabrini to play basketball." Dzik said. According to Dzik, Currie was very upset with the release of his budget proposal prior to its submission to her office. Currie felt that it could hurt the recruiting effort of student . Administrative sources have confirmed that some factions within the budget process are upset with John Dzik •s handling of the athletic budget proposal. "I did not concur with his (Dzik's) recommendations so I did not pass those onto the presi

by Denise Edwards Sports Editor

"Six athletic programs will not be cut," according to Nancy Gardner, director of admissions. Gardner was informed of the new status of the athletic programs last Friday afternoon when she received a telephone call from Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president. Currie stated that none of the current athletic programs would be cut due to future budget restraints. Currie could not be reached for remarks on this subject at deadline. According to Gardner, she requested that a decision be made on athletics before this past Sunday's open house. "I needed a decision so the issue could be addressed to the

Sr. Eileen Currie, president prospective students. It's hurting our recruitment efforts," Gardner said. According to John Dzik, director of athletics, it was brought to his attention that Steve Brinley, associate director of admissions, was being questioned by high school counselors about "what is going on in your athletic department?" Athletics is a major attraction for students especially males, according to Dzik. "Out of the l 8 males currently enrolled for the fall

photo by Judi Panasik

see ATHLETICS, pg. 12

First-year student Carin Pesotski arid brother Matt, 11, clown around during the Sibling Weekend kickball match. See page 9 for more coverage of the weekend's events.

Budgetcuts may force on-campusLeadershipCamp by Lorraine Marie Lill Assistant Feqtures Editor

Leadership camp would be severely affected by one of the proposed cuts Student Services would make to appease the budget. According to Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio, because of the budget requirements, student services is decreasing its budget by I 0 percent. In the past, the students attending the leadership conference were

charged a fee of$55. According to Bonfiglio, this fee did not cover the entire cost of the program and the remainder of the bill was picked up by student services from the budget it had. A committee of students and administrators are in the process of planning the upcoming leadership conference. As of yet, it is not definite that the conference will be held on campus. However, Bonfiglio said that if the conference is held off-campus, he wants to be sure that it fits

whether the student fee for leadership camp would increase because 'There are goingto of the budget problem he said, "I be a lot of complaints would hate to see it cost anymore if peoplehave to pay money than it costs now. The budget situation is so unsettled at this $55 or whateverand point that anything is possible." Bonfiglio did say that he does be on campus.' not think that an increase in the - Frank Emmerich, student fee is likely to happen. The SGA president question of paying ihe $55 for remaining on campus is a concern. Frank Emmerich, student govinto the constraints of the budget. ·ernment association (SGA) presiWhen Bonfiglio was asked as to dent said, "There is no way if it's

What's Happening April 19 to April 26 ... Friday Deadline for PHEAA state grant and work study applica:ions ti' 11 a.m.- 2 p.m. Grassroots campaign ti' 1 p.m. Men's tennis at Shenandoah 8 p.m. Dance ensemble at West Chester


Saturday ti'

2 p.m. Women's softball at Goldey Beacom (DH) ti' 4 p.m. WYBF vs. Loqultur softball game (DH) ti' 8 ~.m. Dance ensem le at West Chester _10p.m. •2 a.m. TAXI




"' "'

10: 30 a.m. & 6 p.m. Liturgy- Chapel ti' 2 p.m. Women's softball vs. Marywood (DH) 4 p.m. WYBF vs. Loqurtur softball game (DH)



"' "'

1 p.m. Gott ESAC championship TBA Men's lennis Rutgers Camden


TBA Men's tennis vs. E. Stroudsburg


To have your events covered in WHAT'S HAPPENING, contact Kim Keck in the newsroom or contact extension 8412.

(leadership camp) on campus that we should pay $55. The budget, from my understanding, for leadership camp, was cut IO percent. I think there was a budget of $4,000, so 10 percent means $400 and $400 does not mean that we should all still have to pay $55." Paying for food would be one of the biggest expenses if leadership camp were to remain on campus and that would be one of the reason


more coverage in UPDATES! Wednesday


"' "'


Focus on the fulll"e program aHday 4 p.m. Women's softball vs. Phlla.Textiles TBA Men's tennis al



9:40 a.m. "How to Succeedin Business" student seminar - Board Room in Grace Hall ti' 4 p.m. Women's softball al S1ocktonState



4:30 p.m. Chaplain candidate celebrating Liturgy ti' 10 p.m. - 2 a.m. TAXI service Don't drink &drive


, ,loauitur

friday1 april 191 1991


view oint Scheming for a budget? As the college shrinks to fit the budget, administration is usll}g slick sales strategy. They're hoping we buy into it. But as consumers, the students, their families, and faculty, need to be aware of the latest sales pitches so that we don't end up with an institutional lemon. Whether it is the Cadillac theory of an increase in tuition equals an increase in prestige, or whatever creative theory pops into administrator's minds, we don't expect any four-year-guarantees. Except one: that what we are being told is the truth. By mid-May, at the latest, the college needs a scheme for a workable budget. In the next few weeks, watch as the deals start swinging as proposed department and program budget cuts are finalized. The athletic department has been the first, and they knew how to work the system. John Dzik, director of intercollegiate athletics, used the shock value of proposing six of the sports the college offers be cut. Stu.dents were fired-up. Athletes and their friends wrote letters to the editor, and complained to faculty and administration, to the point that the department seemed to be on the verge of crumbling. Word spread to the outside world, and soon high schooi counselors were telling recruited students of the mayhem. In order to avoid a greater loss in recruitment and reputation, Sister Eileen Currie, president, was forced to give admissions the go ahead to announce at Sunday's open house that the six sports would not be cut.' The students saved their athletic program because something precious to them was being threatened. They banded together and fought back, and made themselves heard. It worked for CARET, it worked for the Town Counci!, and now it worked for the athletes. For a brief time, students took control of their ,college. Students can maintain this momentum by holding the administration accountable for their actions and decisions. Are they serving the needs of the college in the best and fairest way? We must ask, because administration is counting on the fact that we don't question or ask them why. They want us to follow the perceptions they give, and if we come to the wrong conclusions, then it's considered our fault, not their's. Perhaps the administration can stop being media consultants, and start being in the business of education. It doesn't take much extra effort to listen to what the students need, make their objectives clear, and tell us how they are going to reach them. If administration and students can cooperate and collaborate, perhaps in a neutral forum such as the Town Council, then it doesn't matter if the college is a J::adillac or not. We need good drivers who know how to handle the steering, and which direction we're heading.

Just a thought ... Thirty days before graduation, we snatched up a speaker who will attend the commencement in Cabrini style. Lt. Gov, of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Mark Singe!, will arrive and leave by helicopter in a time crunch in order to ·make it to a second graduation after ours. Of course, we still don't have a place for the helicopter to land. Maybe, Singel could try the new soccer field- we can't use it for any sports, so it might as we_llpretend to be a landing pad. f

old unimproved.


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When friends move on denise edwards sports editor When I was 17 I was a junior in high school. On a whole everything that school year began like all the rest. In the summer, I did theatre at Penn State, went to cheerleading camp, vacationed at the shore and hung out with my friends. I had been going through this summer routine ever since I could recall. I had not a care in the world. I was having fun enjoying

The times we have shared and the memories we have created will last a lifetime.

life and all my friends. September rolled around, then October and November. Things still seemed to be the same. I dated football players, went to field parties on the weekend. It appeared at times that high school would last like this forever. Then with the snow and cold of winter settling in on the Poconos came the holiday season. This caused for a shock,a revalation on my part. At a New Year's Eve party my friends and I were all celebrating the coming of the new year. We were toasting to our futures and were wishing for the best in 1987 when I made the shocking discovery. For the first time I could not join in and experience their happiness. They were all seniors and I a junior. They were celebrating about graduation and college in the fall. I had never really put it all together that all my closest friends would not be around next fall. My freshman and sophomore years close friends had graduated and I had no problem adjusting to their absence. But this time it seemed so different. So final. I felt alone. I wondered and worried about who I would socialize with? I kept asking myself, "Have I been separating myself to much from people my own age?" I began to feel a void in my life. I withdrew into my shell. I was not the life of the party like I used to be. I started not caring about my grades and classwork. I did what I had to do to get by but that was all. My friends cou Id not understand what was wrong with me. My parents were on me to make a decision about college and my future. And my response to all of this was nothing. For once in my life I was apathetic. Thank God I snapped out of it and realized how silly I was being. That summer between my junior and senior year was very different and difficult, but I got through it. I still hung out with my now graduated friends and I also became much closer with those people my own age. It was easier than I thought to say good-bye and adjust to being the "senior." That fall was a lot of fun. renjoyed being a senior and all the privileges the title held. I became very close to friends my own age. At times I still missed my college friends but I would pick up the telephone and call or write a letter and I would be fine. Here I am four years later. You would think the years gone by would have made me

wiser and enable me to have a better understanding of life and how I fit into the grand scheme of it all. Just when I was feelings very comfortable and confident in myself I realized I am back to my junior year in hjgh school. Again I find myself being with people older than I. They will be graduating this May and I still have another year to finish out. It was not as much of a shock the second time around. I have been preparing myself for the upcoming year. My roommate of two years will no longer be my roommate. My house mates will also not be there. Things from the outside will seem very odd to me at first next year because of their absences. I keep reminding myself that even if we will not be together here at Cabrini they will always be with me. The times we have shared and the memories we have created will last a lifetime. I know we will keep in touch. Many are starting their careers close to Cabmi so the chance in meeting up with one another is very likely. As for my roommate, I will always be there for her and I know she will always be there for me. We~ be going our separate ways but thar does not matter. Our friendship is much stronger than four dorm walls and living in a close proximity. All of these feelings of my friends leaving will come out full force after commencement on the 19th of May. The event will commemorate the ending of a chapter in the bookof my life. This chapter will have been finished but not closed. It will be a good chapter full of laughs, smiles, tears and personal growth. Because of sharing in their senior year, I am looking forward to "my" senior year. Just as it was in high school that word "senior" will bring about many privileges, challenges andyun I am sure of it.


Carlo Iacono

Managing Editor: Jennifer M01Tison News Editor: Chris Pesotski Senior Associate News Edttor: Meissa Landsmann Assistant News Edttors: Rita Cellucci, Kimberly Keck, Dawn Timbario and Missy von Siegel Perspectives Edttor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspectives Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Edttor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Editors: Joseph Buda, Lorraine Marie Lill and Charles Waterfall Sports Edttor: Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editor: William A. Fulton Business Managers:

Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger and Lisa Rose

Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich ASSlstant Photography Editor: Lisa Lindley Photography Adviser: Or. Carter Craigie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: William Fulton, John Gay, Man Hodlofski, Kimberly Leblang, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciolla. Photography Staff: John Gay, Mark Gudas, Lorraine Mane Lill, Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Charles Waterfall. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215--971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by turtion and student fees.

The editorials and opinions published in Loqurtur are the views of the student edttonal staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open-discuss10n of issues.



friday, april 19, 1991


Cabrini facing the '90s: Start with changes at the top by Chris Pesotski

News Editor

Here's a small bit of news you won't find anywhere else in these pages. Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president of Cabrini College, has submitted her resignation to the Board of Trustees, effective the end of the 1991-1992 academic year. Well, that's not really news. No one is forcing Currie from power. There's no juicy scandal behind her departure. Rather, the story is pretty simple: Currie's got to resign. No matter how badly she wants to, she's not allowed to be president past next year. The college limits the tenure of its presidents to two five-year terms of office. It's really a pretty good idea. The U.S. Constitution limits the term of office for the president to two terms. Many states are adopting laws which would limit the terms of legislators. The laws are designed to prevent stagnation in ideas, or in a worst-case scenario, to prevent dictatorships. These laws, and Cabrini's limitation, allow regular infusions of fresh blood, new and dynamic ideas, and encourage people to do the most they have with a limited term.

After eight years of Ronald Reagan, it was increases threaten to price Cabrini out of its urns, science labs and student unions at other time to look to another vision to lead this market. Further, as other colleges our size colleges. improved their athletic facilities, residence Cabrini is caught between what it is and country. (That is if you could call Reagan's halls and student resource centers in the late how we compare to to other colleges in our presidency leadership, but that is mixing '80s, they were able to offer more visible market. We must remain competitive while apples and oranges.) Few will disagree that examples of how a prospective student could not sacrificing who we are. Philadelphia needs a change after two terms This means leadership which effectively of W. Wilson Goode at the helm of the manages, plans, and educates, while setting It is time that we took a long bankrupt city. an example and working with the students to Now it's time for a change at Cabrini. look at how the college is remain a vital and progressive institution. Sister Eileen, as she is affectionately known I am no longer certain that our college's governed. It is time on campus, has held the reins of this college leadership knows or believes in the l 0th goal for the last nine years, and it is time we passed students had a say in how of the mission statement which demands that them to someone to lead us into the 21st the college spends -our they promote a spirit of cooperation among century. The college is facing some lean, the campus community. I have heard the millions of tuition dollars tough years and may well be on the brink of college's executive staff and even our Presienrollment and financial crises. which fund 70 percent of dent refuse to answer the most basic quesThe college is being forced to face the fact tions from students about our college's futhis college. that the series of six percent tuition increases ture finances. through the '80s were not enough to meet the They have been silent on the demands of growing needs of the college. Now we are benefit from ai1education. CARET and the Campus Life Commission. faced with pressing needs for capital imCabrini's personalized approach to an eduThey have stood by while students have provements, a desire on the part of the stu- cation which imbues in a student a respect for become more and more disillusioned with dents to see a more diverse, well-qualified the world and its peoples cannot be so easily faculty, and more attention to programs that sold in a market which is increasing competi- our role in the future of this institution. They directly benefit students. tive. While our mission defines who we are have failed to re-capture and perpetuate the At the same time, enrollment of first-year as a college and a community and is certainly mission of the college as taught in our classst_udentsmay reach a 10 year low, federal and more important than any building on cam- rooms by employing Cabrini graduates. state funding is being cut, campus budgets pus, it is difficult to impress its value on many .~•..JI!PreOPINION, pg. 4 are being slashed l O percent, and tuition high school students who see new gymnasi-

Quickfixtothe Israeli-Palestinian problem? As the dust of the Persian GulfW ar settles, one point of contention remains: the IsraelPalestinian question. So serious is this problem that Secretary of State James Baker made his first trip to Israel in March to better assess the situation. The basic conflict, for our purposes, between the Palestinians and Israelis can be traced to the late 19th century. At that time, a movement known as Zionism began to take shape. Jews began to appreciate the need for a homeland of their own, but it was not until World War I that the location of that homeland was on that bit of land the British had called Palestine. The Jews, well organized now~for 20 years, had a firm Zionist movement which they brought to bear on the British government in 1917, with the result being a commitment from the British to establish a Jewish state in Palestine. Unfortunately, there were already inhabitants of this land, those we call Palestinians. They were 20 years behind the Jews in organization of their nationalistic movement, and that time lapse would cost them dearly. For, by the time the Palestinians had organized, the Jews had already secured a promise from the British. Luckily for the Palestinians, the British are not known for keeping their word, and in 1939, they rescinded their promise to the Jews. In the aftermath of World War 11, however, the Jews living in Palestine took their fate into their own hands and led by such young "radicals" as Menachem Begin, Yitzak Shamir and David Ben Gurion, various factions of Jews forced the British to .tum the problem to United Nations. In 1947, the United Nations devised a plan whereby the Jews would get 56 percent of Palestine, the Palestinians would get 43 percent as a Palestinian state, and l percent (Jerusalem) would be under a joint rule by U.N. agencies. Under this plan, the Palestinians and the Jews both got their own state. But the Palestinians refused to accept this proposal. They would not recognize the right to a Jewish homeland. With the aid ofEgypt, Syria and Jordan, a war was declared on the new Jewish state by 1948. When the shots were stilled, the Jews had acquired roughly 80 percent of Palestine. The Palestinians so-called "friends" decided

bill firman to carve up that Palestinian territory which Israel did not win; Egypt took the Gaza Strip and Jordan took the West Bank. In short, the Palestinians got nothing. Of course, this was not good, so the Palestinians cried to the United Nations that they wanted Israel to relinquish the territory they had captured and go back to the 56 percent to 43 percent ratio. Israel, to use diplomatic terms, told them to suck a brick. If the Palestinians didn't accept the terms in the first place, Israel argued, why should Israel return to the boundaries? This is the root of the current problem •today. The fact cannot be denied that the Palestinians need a homeland. There are problems, however. First, they had a homeland, but they refused to accept 43 percent of Palestine the United Nations had given them. When they asked Arab neighbors for help and lost, those same Arab neighbors chopped up the Palestinian' sland and annexed it themselves. This is one reason why Jordan today has a Palestinian majority. Which brings us to the second problem, there already .llia Palestinian state- Jordan. The Bedouin minority, which rules through King Hussein, is clearly standing in the way of a Palestinian state. If the United States is truly interested in establishing a formal country of Palestine, it should look past the West Bank of the Jordan River. Which brings us to those dreaded "occupied territories" of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. In 1967, Egyptian President Nasser massed a huge force in the Sinai desert and had secured the help of Jordan, Syria and Iraq in planning an attack on Israel. The problem was, Israel managed to destroy Nasser's entire Air Force while it was still on the ground. By the end of the war, Israel had in its possession the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. These territories were acquired in the same way the United States gained California-

through the fruits of victory. Suddenly, the entire international community became outraged at Jewish "occupation." An interesting o~ersight on the part of the United Nations was the fact that, had the Arabs been victorious, Israel would have been destroyed. Still, U.N. resolutions were issued calling for Israel to leave the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. In 1987, the Palestinians in those parts of Israel began a rebellion know and the Intefadah. This was an uprising against Jewish rule and it continues today. Li)cemost of the other forms of Palestinian action, it is bloody and violent. Its intent is to bring world attention on the Palestinian plight, but the reaction it fosters is one of disdain for a people who would slaughter civilians in the name of their cause. As stated before, I have no doubt that a Palestinian state should be created. My argument with the Bush administration, however, is that a Palestinian state already exists in Jordan. Here js a nation that openly violated the sanctions against Saddam Hussein, and who actively supported his cause. By removing the Bedouin rule of King Hussein and making Jordan a Palestinian state, the hue and cry of the Palestinian people would be answered. Israel should not give up the West Bank or the Gaza Strip. I firmly believe that these parts of Israel are not in any way "occupied territories" as the United States government claims. They are no more occupied territories than are California or Texas, both of which we "occupied" in various conflicts with Mexico. I propose to James Baker, that the next time he patronizes Israel by saying, "Here's our phone number, when you want to talk peace, give us a call," he should also propose a Constitutional amendment which would cede California and Texas back to its previous owners! Yes, the Palestinians need a homeland. But it's in Jordan, not in the West Bank or Gaza- these are part oflsrael. If the United States is really interested in peace, they will abandon this condescending notion of"territory for peace" and ensure the transformation of Jordan from a Bedouin monarchy to a Palestinian homeland.

itetters· SACscopes out schedule










j To the editor: I would like to comment on a scheduling problem I encountered for the fall, 1991, semester. I will be a junior education major who must fulfill a field experience requirement of one full day a week. My problem is that I could not keep one full day free next semester for my field experience due to a greater number of classes being scheduled Monday/Wednesday. Although I support the new scheduling, it has left me with a complicated situation. As a board member of the Student Academic Council, I brought this matter up at a general meeting and found that there were other students who had expereinced similar scheduling difficulties. The SAC is interested in learning the scope and extent of this problem to determine if recommendations could, or should, be made to assist departments with scheduling required courses so that conflicts with required courses of other departments are minimized. If you are a student who encountered difficulties while'scheduling classes for next semester, please contact a member of the SAC. If you are a department chair, professor, or advisor and are aware of these difficulties from a different perspective, we would appreciate your input. Please contact myself or another board member. Sincerely, Lea Brundin, sophomore Treasurer, Student Academic Council

Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters shoolct be signed and the authorshipknownto the edltO<S.However,ttthe writerwishes, andthee<itoragrees, thewriter's name may be left off the letter upon publicationand an inscription Inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters shoolct be typed, double-spaced.and no morethan 300 words in length. tt aletteristoolongfortheavailable space. the editor may edit or condenseIt. Lettersto the editor shoulctbe submitted by noon on Mondays.





Security focidents as reported by the security office from 4/9 through 4/15/91.

Campus Last chance, seniors! 0 Any graduating senior who would like their portrait in the yearbook needs to send their proofs with the chosen photograph to Sarony Studios. Any questions call Felicia Falcone, at 254-8971 or Tammy Brintzinghoffer, at 458-0498.

Theater spring production 0 "The Miracle Plays," the sping production of the theater department, begins this weekend on Sat., April 20 and Sun., April 21, at 2 p.m. in the Atrium Bring a blanket and wear comfortable shoes--the play travels. Admission is $5. For more infromation, contact Neal Newman at the theater in Grace Hall.

Grassroots Campaign 0 Pitch in to help clean the campus at the second annual Grassroots Campaign on Fri., April 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Dance ensemble performance 0 Cabrini Dance Ensemble will perform at the Dance Production Workshop of West Chester University in "Blast From the Past," a celebration of 15 years of dance productions on April 18, 19, and 20, at 8 p.m. in Philips Memorial Auditorium at WCU. Admission for students or faculty with identification is $4. For more information or to buy tickets in advance, contact Trina Homing.

Summer college work study 0 ~adline for PHEAA State Grant and summer college work study (CWS) applications is Fri., April 19. Pjck up your applications in the financial aid office.

SAC announces new board 0 Student Academic Council board members for the 91-92 academic year are: President-Michele Montgomery . Vice-President-Trina Homing Secretary-Bill Schellinger

securityO report

Treasurer-Lea Brundin Faculty Liaison-Eileen Turner Public Relations-Laura Colamasco

Campus ministry news 0 "Focus on the Future," a program designed to expose inner city elementary school students to college life for a day, will take place on Wed., April 24, throughout the day. For more information, contact campus ministry, academic affairs or admissions.

0 Campus ministry invites the campus to meet priest visitors that they are interviewing for the position of chaplain. On Fri., April 26, at 4:30 p.m., Father Gray will be celebrating liturgy.

0 Liturgy will be celebrated in memory of Lawrence Higgins, father of Kristin Higgins, on Sun., April 21, at 6 p.m.

Guitar Concert 0 The fine arts department in conjunction with the Philadelphia Classical Guitar Society presents a classical guitar concert featuring Carlo Barone on Sat., April 27, at 8 p.m. in the Mansion. Admission is free. For more information, call ext. 8380.

Photo show 0 The annual photo show begins on Sun., April 21-28, in the library. Winners of the photo contest will be announced at a reception at 7:30 on April 21.

Collegiate tour 0 IBM's latest technology in personal computers will be on display on Fri., April 19, in Grace Hall parking lot from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be prizes, games, and food. Stt!dent discounts are available.

Spring Convocation 0 Spring Convocation will be Fri., April 19, at 7:30 p.m. in the gym.

Softball Tournament 0 A softball tournament between Loquitur and WYBF will begin Sat., April 20, and Sun., April 21 at 4 p.m. with a doubleheader each day.

Theft; Property Damage 4/12 - reported at 10:35 a.m.- Sacred Heart Hall Cafeteria - Between 4:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., an unknown person or persons broke into the outside ice box stealing $30 to $40 worth of dairy products. The Jock and hinge of the ice box were broken in gaining entry. As a result, increased patrols in the area. Criminal Mischief; Disorderly Conduct 4/13 - 2:05 a.m.- Xavier Hall Parking Lot-Heated argument between a group of Xavier students and a group of non-Cabrini students. The latter group complied with security by leaving campus immediately and the students from Xavier were told to return to their residence hall.

To~n Meeting update tivities. The first recommendation suggests that all student appointments to college committees be done by their peers. Dr. Jolyon The Town Meeting on Thursday, April Girard, a member of the self-governance 11, was attended by approximately twenty- committee said, "We want to be sure stufive students and faculty and staff. The dents are picking their own peer group." The current policy for appointments bemeeting's agenda called for an update on the gins with an interested student signing up for Wigwam and self-governance recommendations, as well as understanding the budget a pos1_t10n. The Student Government Association(SGA), then reviews the student and addressing the issue of better communinominees and chooses the names that will be cation on campus. That was the agenda, but the meeting did sent to the dean of students and finally, the not run too smoothly or according to plan. college president. Maura Gustafson, a self-governance comInstead, it emerged into a gripe session between the students and John Barclay, chief mittee member, suggests that rather than financial officer, over the proposed budget sign-up sheets, flyers be put in mailboxes of every student defining the function of each increase for next semester. Barclay could not give any answers to the committee, how often it meets and what their questions, stating he would not know the position entails. The self-goverance comfigures until afterthe Board of Trustees meet- mittee feels that some students may feel left ing on April 17. At that time, the board was out of the process by not being individually to review the budget and decide upon the invited to participate in the appointment process. increase in next year's tuition payment. "We feel there is a perception that there is The students' argument to Barclay was a core group of people that get on these that they should be notified of the proposed increase, or at least given an estimate so that committees," Gustafson said. Frank Emmerich, S.G.A. president, agrees they could either plan their finances for next semester or apply to other instituitions for with Gustafson and said that the best way to transfer. Barclay said that such figures would inform people of committee involvement is to make the sign-up sheets or flyers available be forthcoming after the Trustees had met. Because talks on the budget issue ran so to people in early April. The self-govemance_committee also reclong, many of the other committees did not receive sufficient time to present their pro- ommends the implementation of a "students posals. The only word from Barclay on the only" college review board. This would Wigwam was that he was impressed with the mean students will judge their peers on their clean-up of the tables and the general appear- actions, in addition to proposing the necessary punishment for their conduct. Dr. Robance of the area. The self-governance committee briefly ert Bonfiglio, dean of students, responded presented their proposals in the beginning of that this concept seems like a good idea. Finally, the last proposal by the commit- the meeting before talks on the budget began. This group met amongst themselves earlier tee asks for a Jist of the minimum sanctions in the week to discuss three proposed recom- for policy violations be placed in the student mendations designed to promote more sig- handbook. This recommendation will be nificant student involvement in campus ac- implemented in the fall 1991 puplication.

by Dawn Timbario Assistant News Editor

OPINION, pg. 3 It is time these things changed. It is time that we took a long look at how the college_is governed. It is time students served on the budget committee. It is time students had a say in how the college spends our millions of tuition dollars which f\Jnd 70 percent of this college. There is currently being impaneled a committee to select Cabrini's next president. This committee should do more than just select a president. It should thoroughly investigate the role of our president and suggest some changes. At a college which states that everyone is an educator, our leader should be an educator, who has and will continue to spend time in the classroom. The president should be a visionary who can interpret and execute the mission of the college on campus, and communicate it to the rest of the world. Our

leader should be a recognized figure in the world of education, who can bring Cabrini's reputation to the level we deserve. The times, though, demand a competent manager and adninistrator. We may need to create a two-tiered presidency, as other colleges have done. The current job of president could be divided to include two people: a visionary educatorwho can communicate the mission to the world, and thus raise needed revenues, as president and a chief operating officer who is responsible for business decisions and the day-to-day operations of the institution. Whatever we do, it is time that we ask ourselves hard questions about how we run this college, who is involved in the decisionmaking, and how we can involve those who are shut out of the system, The survival of Cabrini as what it is depend!i on it.

· 1oquitur



friday, april 19, 1991

Part-time faculty play key role in schedule make a difference," McGee said. Dr. Jerome Zurek, English and communications department chairperson, said that he was told what Despite a mandate to cut the the size the class of first-year stunumber of courses to be taught by dents would be and was asked to part-time instructors, there wei-e make decisions concerning the curmore courses taught by part-time riculum based on that information. English composition sections for instructors offered in the spring of fust-year students were the only 1991. ones cut. In the fall of 1990, nine However, the total number of sections of English composition courses offered in the spring of 1991 was 365, which is 18 more than in the fall of 1990. The num'Just because we're ber of courses taught by part-time instructors also rose; from 67 in the under a budget fall of 1990 to 70 in the spring of crunch, doesn't mean 1991. that quality will be The department heads were asked to cut the number of classes affected.' taught by part-time instructors as a - Jennifer Hansbury, result of the budget cuts that took effect this semester. registrar Robert McGee, mathematics department chairperson, said, "We were given guidelines to cut our were offered. In the spring of 1991 there were seven sections of the budget by 10 percent." McGee cut four sections total. same course offered; only two fewer One section of calculus, two sec- than in the fall. Zurek did not feel that the cuts tions of math 113 and 114, which are first-year student courses, and have adversely affected the English the entire sequence of Seminar in and communications department because courses for first-year stumath ideas. McGee didn't feel that the cuts dents do not affect the department would weaken the math department, major. "We haven't cut any major only that it would limit choices for students. The courses for majors courses," Zurek said. Harvey Lape, a part-time phihaven't been affected. "In the math department, it losophy instructor at Cabrini, said means fewer sections. If there is a that he had heard about a departsmaller student body it shouldn't mental budget cut of about JOper-

by Joe Martini

staff writer

cent. However, Lape was not cut from teaching any courses. "Cabrini is not going to be more attractive to prospective applicants," Lape said. He added that the cuts should not come out of the curriculum. Lape said that Cabrini may not get the part-time instructors back if they let them go. "If I can't count on Cabrini, then Cabrini can't count on me," Lape concluded. _ "Just because we 're under a budget crunch, doesn't mean thatquality will be affected," Jennifer Hansbury, registrar, said. The registrar is counting on advisers and students to pay more attention to which courses they're selecting. Although some classes may be larger, the faculty to student ratio doesn't change. Enrollment numbers will play a large role in these decisions also. Hansbury explained that the Office of the Registrar will look at the big picture after pre-registration drop/add to see if any changes in course offerings need to be made. The registrar will also make more decisions after first-year students have registered. Hansbury acknowledged that Cabrini is experiencing a budget crunch, but her office is looking for ways to relieve strain orrthe budget without lessening quality. This may mean that full-time instructors will need to teach more courses. "We are all looking for creative ways to save money that won't af-

photo by Judi Panasik

Pete Rondinero, a part-time instructor, teaches an introduction to psychology section for the psychology department.

feet students," Hansbury said. Many other colleges use more part-time instructors because it is morefeasibleeconomically. A parttime instructor teaching three courses usually makes under $10,000 per year. A full-time instructor teaching the same number

of courses will usually make more than $20,000 per year. This may be the reason for full-time instructors to teach more courses. The Academic Affairs Office was not available for comment at this time because the budget is still in the working stages.

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f riday1 april 191 1991


Friendship:the big wheel meets the tutu by Lorraine Marie Lill Assistant Features Editor

I was in the bathroom gargling with Listerine when she came in and scared me to death. In between choking and slobbering, I met my first friend at Cabrini. The only thing I didn't know was that this person would tum out to be one of the best friends I've ever had in my life. There is only one difference between the both of us. We have absolutely nothing in common! I would never have been friends with this girl when I was a kid. She would have been too clean for me! The best part of my day was catching crayfish in the polluted creeksofthevalleyllivein. Those were the days of climbing trees and eating mud pies. I was the little runt in the neighborhood that was stupid enough to believe that those whipped mud pies were reaJly chocolate mousse. In fact the mud didn't really bother me, it was the tiny rocks that caused the problem. Shaving with dad was a great joy for me. I would fill my hands with a huge mound of shaving cream and smooth it out all over my face. Then I would take my plastic spoon and follow the same route that my dad used as he guided his razor along his face. After I was

satisfied that my face looked as good as my dad's, I would pour after-shave on my hands and splatter it on my face just like dad did it. (Can you tell that I was quite a tomboy?) Lunch time was exciting! That was when I would make my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. After preparing the sandwiches to my satisfaction I would stuff them into the secret compartment in the rear of my big wheel. Then I would ascend the tall hill located beside my house. When I reached the top of the hill I would secure myself into my seat and begin to race down. As I rounded the comer of my driveway I would do a wipe out, and ifl did it right, I would eat one of my sandwiches. I should confess that if I didn't come home at night without my knees being scraped up I didn't have a fun day. I never cared ifl sweated as long as it didn't drip into my food. I never got hit when I was a kid, but I probably deserved to because I was a little tyrant. One time I was really bad and my mom decided to scare me by washing my mouth out

with soap, but she never actually .did it. Being the stupid child that I was I decided that my mom had eyes in the back of her head and she knew everything I did. I had a plan that would keep me one step ahead of my mom. I was sure she knew everything I did that was bad. Instead of wa~ting for her to confront me with my punishment, I would confess to what I had done. I was going to make sure that she never personally washed my mouth out with soap. So after I confessed to a story she had no idea about, I would fake washing my own mouth out with soap. I thought I was being slick. I wasn't very bright back then, because somehow I alway~ managed to get a terrible soapy taste in my mouth that would last the entire day. (The things I did to escape a grounding.) The biggest fist fight of my life happened when I was in the fifth grade - right after catechism. There was this girl who loved to beat me up. This one particular day was not a good day to try to push little Lorraine around. This was the day I was wearing my fa-

vorite Benji T-shirt. No one hurt were unique years of my life. I had to get out of the habit of wearing Benji and she got him muddy. Needless to say that was the last day high top Nike sneakers with a dress. At age 13, I had already grown to a she ever picked a fight with me. When I was young I had a favor- height of 5'7", so squeezing my ite pair of red tough skin jeans and size 9 foot into a pair of heels was a red sweat shirt. I would take these an adventure. Something happened the year clothes off at night, get my bath and put them right back on in the morn- that l turned 15; guys began to . notice my existence. The chubby ing. The only way my mom could little tomboy started to develop into wash these clothes was to sneak a mature young woman. The happiest day of my life was them out of my room when I was the day I graduated from Johnstown asleep. I loved these clothes so much High School. I wasn't much of a that I began hiding them so my scholar in those days. Activities mom couldn't find them at all. One were totally an uncool thing to do. day my mom got so fed up with me I just hung out and worked at looking like a little slob in these McDonald's. I ended up coming to Cabrini, worn out clothes of mine that she and my sisters came up with a plan. which is 200 miles away from home. I always loved to eat! One night I'm glad I came here, because if I my mom made my favorite dinner - would have gone anywhere else, I pork chops. As I was whole would never have met Dawn. . She is the kind of girl that won't heartedly eating my dinner, my sisters pinned me into my chair and leave the house in the morning until my mom literally cut the sweat shirt she looks perfect. My biggest conand tough skin jeans off my body. I cern is having my teeth brushed. If I could hang out in a T-shirt, don't think I ever cried as hard as I cut-off swe-atpants and sneakers all did that night. That was probably the time I would be quite happy. the saddest ordeal of my childhood. There are two things that Dawn The years that my mom spent trying to mold me into a woman and I hold similar in comparison. Neither of us can hold down the taste of asparagus and we were both born with straight teeth. What more could you ask for in a friendship?

by Dawn Timbario Assistant News Editor

Unfriendly glares and sarcastic · comments greet me as I walk into a certain unnamed office on this campus. "Your not allowed to use that machine now," the woman says. Oo my tongue lies a nasty jab ready to roll out of my mouth, but I stop myself. Why? Because Queen of Prussia Charm School taught me to keep smiling through my frustration and silently wish them another grey hair. When I was growing up, my mother schooled me in the virtue that little girls should be seen and not heard. Because I always listened to my mother when I was younger, I sat silent and learned a lot. I learned tliat my cousin Sheri had a strange disease called "knocked up" and that Daddy liked it so much when I punched him in the groin that he bent over and Jet me kiss him on the cheek. A~ a little girl, my wardrobe consisted of pink frilly dresses and patent leather shoes. I didn't have many "play" outfits. In addition to clothes, I owned many cutesy accesories. Ribbons and barrettes cluttered my bureau to adorn my long, brown hair. Speaking ofmy hair, my mother and I had an unspoken contract. She would do my hair each morning before I left for school and if it was done wrong and little hairs were sticking out, I would refuse to go to schoo1 that day. I would have her take the braids or ponytails out and start all over again. Around the time I started kindergarten, my mother enrolled me in charm school. It was here that I

photo by MicheleO'Brien printed by Lorraine Lill

Sophomores Lorraine Lill and Dawn Timbario are best friends despite the fact that they are total opposites. learned manners, etiquette, how to set a table, and correct posture. This training really comes in handy nowadays when my boyfriend takes me to McDonalds for a burger. Along with the above training, charm school taught me ballet, tap, and ballroom dancing. I participated in many recitals with my little blue tutu, yet my most memorable experience in that outfit was not on stage. Rather, it was the year I wore it on Halloween to go trick or treating and got my chubby little hands on 1.otsof sticky candy. As the years flew by and I left charm school, I became involved in other activities. I was in both of my elementary school musicals and learned my Jines skillfully. In the musical, Oklahoma, I had to sing solo while hanging up clothes and have live chickens dance around my ankles. As I broke into a refrain of "Oh what a beautiful morning,"

the chickens beat feet off stage to save their eardrums. My career as a singer ended that year. In my teenage years, I was involved in many clubs. It should be known that I stink at sports because my lack of athletic coordination and my distain for sweating. In spite of both these reasons, I somehow found myself swinging a bat at a softball on the hotest summer afternoon of 1982. All I could do wascursemybestfriendwhotalked me into joining the Cinderella softball league with h~r. In the years I have just summarized, my mother gave birth to my little brother, six years my junior. Let it be known that no where on this earth is there a brother and a sister who are so completely unlike that one would swear there was a switch that took place in the hospital. To give an example of just how

unsimilar we are, J'11refer to the ol' worm on the hook tale. One day my parents took Shaun and I fishing at the river. While I was busy swatting away themosquitos, my brother was digging for a worm in the soil box he brought with us. I watched him as he pulled a long, fat worm from the dirt and lifted it up to meet his pointy hook. I screamed, "What are you doing? You're @ing to hurt that worm." Shaun threw me a sinister smile as the guts were poked out of the worm and the last thing I remember seeing is the blue sky before I fainted and hit the ground. I have never been fishing since. Now that I'm in college, I can look back and draw many conclusions as to why I am the person that exists today. My closet is still filled with dressy clothes, only now I can boast that I own one pair of jeans and a single pair of running sneakers. I am still involved in clubs and

activities, but dread the thought of taking another gym course to meet my requirments. A unique twist in the storyline of my life's synopsis comes in the form of a friendship I gainned in my first days as a freshman at Cabrini. I met a giil named Lorraine who is so completely opposite from me that our personalities actually compliment one another's. I'd like to end with a funny example how childhood experiences shape an individual and made Lorraine and I as unalike as we are today. Here's a single example that depicts us perfectly. The other week I had an assignment for the Loquitur to interview a resident life staff member. I walked into G'race Hall and knocked on an unmarked door, I was to assume is CathyCaufield'sofficedoor. When no one answered, I shrugged it off and thought, "Oh well, I try again some other time." When l mentionned the incident to Lorraine she commented that this seemed strange because usually someone is always in the office. We put on our coats and walked over to inves!igate. When we arrived, I stopp<'.;,_:an unmarked door, turned the knob and found it to be locked. "See," I.exclaimed. "No one is there." In between sobs of laughter, Lorraine said, "Dawn, your knocking on ·the door of a broom closet. Cathy's office is over here." Smiling' through my embarassment, I thought silently that ifl was only taught to speak up and not remain silent as a youngster, I would have possessed the guts to ask, "Excuse me, which door is the storage closet?"


friday, april 19, 1991



Merger's diverse. talents are shown in art show ,

by Amanda Picher Staff Writer

"I've climbed thousands of hills and walls, and now I'm finally at the top. I feel great-I've finally made it!" These are the words of senior Michelle Merger, the only graduate from the fine arts department this year, describing how she feels about the opening of her senior art exhibit. The exhibit, which opened on Sunday, April 7, will run through April 28, is in the art gallery on the second floor of the Iibrary. Merger came to Cabrini as a business major, but later changed to a general studies major. It was not until she was in an introduction to watercolor that her talents were noticed by Gary Armstrong, associate professor of fine arts. Armstrong noticed her strong sense of design and dedication to her work. Merger started to work with Armstrong and the fine arts department to develop her abilities. It was then that she decided to become a fine arts major. "I realized I wouldn't be happy in business," Merger said, "but I would be happy making art." Merger will be graduating with a bachelors of art in studio arts, which includes a lot of academic work in addition to the studio work. Her abilities lie more in the area of graphic design and commercial art than the traditional fine

arts. "I see myself as an artist in front of the draftingtable or a computer, not in front of an easel," she said. Through her time here, her courses have been a blendoftechnical and creative aspects of art, as

Merger's development through her time here. "She has come a long way," he said. "She has always been shy and she's grown more and more self-confident. It's very difficult to cr.eate art without that self-

help she has received from Armstrong. "He's helped me grow as an artist, and helped make me aware of my art," she said. Her show reflects the diversity of her talents. It includes both color and black and white photographs, drawings, paintings, ceramics, computer designed advertisements and

his favorite. It is a picture ofbrightly colored tropical flowers hidden among their leaves. Kathleen Finerty, junior, attended the opening of the exhibit. She was happy to see Merger being recognized and thinks the exhibits are a good idea. "It shows people the work that fine arts majors do,"

'I've climbed thousands of hills and walls, and now I'm finally at the top. I feel great-I've finally made it!' - Michelle Merger

pho<oby Judi Panasik

Senior MicheJle Merger and her mother Rita, are all smiles during the opening of Michelle's senior art show on Sun. April 7. well as the fundamental skills and a great deal of communications and business. Armstrong is pleased with

confidence." Merger said she could see her own artistic development in the exhibit. She appreciates all the

Crowdspiritedby Gospelrama by J.P. Raynock Staff Writer •'

On Saturday, April 13, the Black Student Alliance held the annual Gospelrama concert in the chapel. Despite competeing activities from Spring Fling/Siblings Weekend, attendence was high. According to Karmen Gaffin, organizer and master of cermonies for Gospelrama, gospel music is basically derived from African-American spirituals, and the AfricanAmerican spirit of the good news of Jesus Christ. The concert featured performers from surrounding schools and included Lulama Kundne from Eastern College, the Villanova Gospel Ensemble, The Transfiguration School Children's choir, the Gospel Ensemble of Delaware County Community College, the Eastern College Angels of Harmony, and Cabrini's academic dean, Dr. Antoinette Schiesler. Some highlights of the concert included solos by Omar Brice and Terry Thompson of the Transfiguration group on "You are the Potter, I am the Clay," Dr. Schiesler's rendition of traditional spirituals, and the Eastern Angels of Harmony. Student reaction to this year's concert was enthusiastic. "I thought it was very impressive." said Anna Rodriguez, sophomore. "I think Karmen (Gaffin) did an excellent job and I have to commend her." Rodriguez went on to say that she felt this year's concert was a very good example of what gospel is all about. Monifa Williams, sophomore, said "This year's Gospelrama really moved me because

it was just so overwhelming. The church was just vibrating with thier voices." Most of the concert was marked with active audience participation. Shortly after a song began, members of the audience began to sway and clap their hands to the beat of the music. By the end ofa song; the audience and the performers seemed to be one. Gaffin said organizing this year's Gospelrama was not that difficult. "I just contacted surrounding colleges."· Gaffin said. A big help, according to Gaffin, was that the colleges she informed of the event helped to spread the word about the need for performers. Gaffin also contacted college alumni about the event, and as a result was able to book the Transfiguration group. However, Gaffin did have a complaint about the event. According to her, there was a lack of support from the college student body for the event. Gaffin did.note that those students who did not attend the concert supported the event with their donations. Despite the lack of support from students, Gaffin did say that she recieved alot of support from the administration, including Sr. Bernadette Aneillo, director of Campus Ministry,m Jenifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities, Tony Brocchi, vice-president of institutional advancement, and Dr. Adeline Bethaney, director of the Cabrini College Chorus. One of the things Gaffin hopes to have accomplished with this year's Gospelramais an increase in student support of functions like Gospelrama. In addition she would like to "encouragethe witnesssing of Jesus Christ through the community. After all, we are a Catholic College."

sculpture. The opening was well attended, and almost everyone who saw the exhibit had a favorite. Ellen Battersby, junior, chose a graphic design titled "The Fine Arts Statement" as her favorite. The same design can be seen as a mural on the wall outside the fine arts department. Kathleen Allen, junior, remembers seeing Merger working on her pieces for the exhibit in an art class they had together. She said it was nice to see Merger's work complete and displayed together after seeing all the time that was put into it. "She has great patience," Allen said. She chose a ceramic piece titled "Blooming" as her favorite. Andy Macllroy, resident director for the houses, mansion and Counsel Hall, selected a color photograph titled "Hiding Beauty" as

she said. Finerty also selected the color photograph "Hiding Beauty" as one of her favorites. "When I see the.colors of the flowers, I think of Michelle." she said. Merger had a much more difficult time selecting her own personal favorite. "Each one in itself is special to me," she said. "Each one has a meaning. It's just too hard to pick a favorite." Merger is looking into computer design and ~out and desktop publishing as a possible career choice after her graduation in May. Merger is pleased with both the exhibit arid her artistic development. Armstrong, as well, is proud of her achievements. "She has found her footing," he said, "and a language to speak with."

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friday, april 19, 1991


Cabrini names 1991 Who's Who awardees by Amanda Picher and Frank Sciolla

Staff Writers This best of the Cabrini's class of 1991 have been recognized as students worthy of selection to Who's Who of American Colleges and Universities. The selection process is coordinated through Academic Affairs and has followed the Sam!! guidelines for over 10 years. Selection into Who's Who is determined by academic standing, particpation in extr-curricular activities, and community service. A ballot is sent to every senior and fulltime faculty member of three years or more, during the fall semester. Each person can nominate up to eight people. After a list of all the nominated students is compiled, all of the students are required to send their reumes. The resumes are then evaluated by faculty and administrators, and seniors who hold office on committees on campus. The candidates are then ranked on a point system from six to one. The top one third are selected and then the list is sent to the corporation's base in Atlanta and the names are published.

Catherine Libertz was unavailable for a photograph.

Katherine Mullen

Kelly Mc Gillan

'It's a great honor, I was really surprised.'

Bill Firman

Lisa Martelli

'It was a personal accomplishment for me, the grades and the hard work really paid off.'

' It was impressive because it was chosen by professors and other students.'

Sharon Sheedy

'It's realJy good to know that everything I 've done the past four years is being acknowledged.'

'It was nice because I was there for four years and to be nominated by people who know you for more than just academics.'

'Thank you for having enough faith and support in me to select me for this honor.'

Jeanine Kederis

Barbara Wilson

'I had wanted to make it since I was a freshman and I had hoped that one day I would be up there.'

Anna Zawodniak

'It just feels like I'm leaving the college having done something positive for the institution.'

'It makes me feel good that the faculty, administration and my peers felt I deserved this.'

Trish Renz

'I didn't think I would get it,so many qualified people applied- I was really surprised.'



friday, april 19, 1991


Siblings: have a blast at block bash party by Stephanie Ranieri

Staff Writer Despite bad weather all events were a go this weekend on Cabrini's campus as the Block Bash/Sibling weekend came and went. According to Jennifer Morrision the activities director for S.G.A. "The sibling weekend and Block Bash were combined due to budget problems. Planning for the Block Bash started back in the beginning of the year. We started planning for the sibling weekend back in Feburary." 'The success of the weekend was a combined effort between Myself. Kim Haben. the chairperson of Sibling weekend, and Karen Bell. "Kim was very organized and very planned. Karen Bell, sophomore, the chairperson of Block Bash liked working with Social Activities and does hope to continue with it in the future. "It was a little hectic but, working with Jen made it easier." Bell said. Their was a wide variety of activities throughout the weekend. These events included a Water balloon toss, Comedians, relay races, indoor olympics (due to rain), a softball game, and a lyp-syncing contest. "We always had something todo." ten-yearold Charlene Teal said. Charlene was a friend often-year-old Patty Bristow and was v~ry excited to be on campus for the weekend's events. When asked what the best part of the weekend was for them Patty and Charlene replied enthusiastically "The parties, pillow fighting, and the tye-dying." "I tried to fix my sister up." Patty Bristow said with a giggle. Yet, the young duo didn't see any cute guys on campus for themselves. "My favorite part was when the girls went to bed." Sophomore, Carol Bristow said, " They played pool, cranked called house six and seven. and danced the the Mc Hammmer dance until 4:30 in the morning." "They are different from when we were kids." Bristow said as the girls sang the theme to the Coors light commercial in the backround. Rristow said that the girls had more energy and knew a lot more at their age then we did at our age. Carol Bristow said that her sister and her friend had a good time even though they missed some of the activities because they had arrived late. The only downside to the weekend was that she didn't think that the Cafeteria should have charged full price for the siblings. "They only ate cereal and jello. I think that they should have let those under twelve in free." Bristow said. Bell said that it may be a possibility that in the future S.G.A. may send out letters to all the siblings and ask them to not only R.S.V.P. to the weekend but, to send fifteen dollars in to cover the expenses such as food. This would make it easier for the residents. "It was too expensive for students to shell out." One of the top events that people commented about was the lyp-sync contest. "We wanted to do something that no one has ever done before," Bell said. Tom Berretone was the M.C. and Jamie did all the music for the activity. First place prize of $100 was awarded to the Ginsus. A.K.A JohnQuirus and his gang f five from Xavier. They preformed Y.M.C.A. by the village People and dressed the parts. " Joel Mcgovern thought up the actual idea. We scrambled around campus d looked for hats and clothes from the ople in the dorm."said John Quirus,First ear student and lead singer for the group of

five. "We knew we would win especially if we did something goofy. So we figured we'd get buzzed and do it." Quirus went on to say that the main reason behind doing it was for the money." That the money will come in handy for next weekend." Quirus said " We will spend it on beer and pizza." Second place prize of $50 dollars was awarded to Michele Montgemery's Brother who rapped But you said he•s just a friend.

By Bismarck third place wentto J.P. Raynock for his lyp-sync to aFrank Sinatra classic. "The lyp-sync contest was a huge success. The brothers and sisiters loved it. At the beggining of the night we started out with four groups and by the end of the night we had an additional four acts added" Morrison said. "I hope to have many lypsyncing contests in the furture." " The plan was to not have a tight schedule so that the siblings could have time to do

what they wanted. We wanted to be a community." Morrison said. Being under one roof with a brother or sister can at times drive a parent crazy but. this weekend that wasn't the case at all. Joe Ewing , sophomore had his ten-year-old brother on campus and said that they got along the whole time. "I think it should be moved up to maybe have a better chance at nicer weather. It was a mad house but it was fun." Ewing said.

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photo by Judi Panasik

From left to right, J.P. Raynock, Matt von Siegel, Maryanne Walker and her little sister, Regina, share a moment together during Sibling Weekend.

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friday 1 april 19 1 1991



Campus ministry explores hiring chaplain by Karen Kerchusky

Assistant Perspectives Editor

Despite cutbacks in the budget, the Board of Trustees is encouraging student sei:vices and campus ministry to hire a full-time Catholic priest-chaplain. "We have been directed by the board (of trustees) to hire the priest to expand the religious presence on campus," Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students said. "The ministers bring the mission of the college to life. They are a vital part of the institution." "The request for a priest-chaplain preceeded budget cuts. We made inquiries last year. They just didn't work," Sister Bernadette Anello, MSC, director of campus ministry said. "The cost is not campus ministry's responsibility. The money comes from the board. We have to trust they will allocate the money." For the past two years, campus ministry and student services had been looking for a priest to fill this position. The budget has reflected this anticipation and money has been included in the student services budget. The money has been used to pay the stipends to the vis-

was advertised in the April edition of the Catholic Campus Ministry Newsletter, once in the weekly National Catholic Reporter Weekly ' and once in the America, a Jesuitrun weekly magazine. There have been four responses and three scheduled interviews with the fourth possibly being set up. Students from the campus ministry council are being included in the process. Stu• dents not involved in campus ministry are invited to come fo the liturgies being celebrated by the candidates. The main duty of the priest-chapphoto by Carin Pesotski lain is to "enflesh the mission statement," Anello said, which includes Sr. Brenadette Anello, MSC, administring the sacraments, and director of campus ministry, is being a participating member of the currently seeking to hire a campus ministry staff. A Catholic Catholic chaplain for the next priest will be required for the job academic year. because he will be celebrating Mass. "When you have a priest who iting priests. Whatever money that knows the campus, you have more was not used was put back into the of a family atmosphere," Ellen operating budget. If a priest is hired, Battersby, coordinator of hunger he will have the opportunity to live awareness, said. "Since campus on campus if his religious order is ministry is a big part of the campus it will be money well spent. The not present in the surrounding community. The projected site is Xavier priest will understand the feelings of the campus. What will be lackHall. Last year when the position was ing in variety will be made up for in a personal homily." first advertised, only two people MarkGudas, co-coordinator of responded. This year, the position

reteats, said having a full-time priest would be a positive influence and will help take some of the work load off the present campus ministry staff. It will also benefit those who may feel more comfortable taking to a priest.

'We have been directed by the board (of trustees) to hire the priest to expand the religious presence on campus.' - Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students "Ifheis walking down residental boulevard, a person should be able to ask him for confession right there," Gudas said. "Should he live on campus, he may be able to deter some of the vandalism in Xavier." However, not all feel the need for a priest. "We do fine without a full-time priest. I like the different views from the variety of priests," Mollie Chesna said. The budget is a big concern for

some students. "If they don't have the money to give financial aid, then they don't have the money to hire a full-time priest," Tara Rodman said. "By cutting sports they are making the college less than it is." Maryanne Walker said that "since the tuition is going up, we are going to have to pay for something. Why not let is go for something positive like a priest." "The last thing they need is another expense," Dan Trotter said. "They have a perfectly servicable, campus ministry which performs the same functions of a full-time priest." John Osborn said the budget is not a major concern as some people think. "First they said we were on a budget but then they spend money that they really don't need to spend." A priest would be "cool" to have on campus Osborn said and is favor of the idea despite the budget. "I understand cutting back on sports will be detrimental to enrollment," Mark Mellor said, but not all sports can work. "If I was a parent, I would like to see my tuition..mgney going for a full-time priest to be there for spiritual guidance, academics and to play softball with the students."

Grassroots: Cabrini's answer to·Earth Day by J.P. Raynock

staff writer

On Friday, April 19, Cabrini College will hold the second annual Grassroots for Cabrini campaign. It will run from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. According to Karen Berlant, director of public relations, the Grassroots campaign is .'.'Our(the college's) way of celebrating Earth Day." International Earth Day is Monday April 22. According to Berlant, an all volunteer force made up of students, faculty, and administrators will help to clean up Cabrini's 110 acres. Most of the tasks are things the physical plant would normaly deal with, such as pulling weeds and planting flowers. Other jobs slated for Friday are for the yellow traffic rocks around campus to be repainted, to have some of the fences to be repainted, and for the park benches and picnic tables around campus to be water-proofed. Litter clean-up is also a major task scheduled for Friday

According to Berlant, about 80 people are expected to participate. However, she hopes that more students will sign up to participate. "It's a great, cost-free way to help the campus." Berlant said. "The only cost involved is some office time or a lunch hour."

'It's a great, cost-free way to help the campus.The only cost involved is some office time or a lunch hour.' - Karen Berlant, director of public relations Participants bring their own rakes, gloves and other tools. Other offices on campus are also enthusiastic about the upcoming campaign. "One of the exciting elements of Grassroots is that it is a tradition in the making." said Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students.

According to Bonfiglio, the student services office is in the process of forming teams for the campaign. "I hope to be out there with rake and hoe supporting them." Bonfiglio said. Francesca Bansbach, campus minister, said that Campus Ministry is planning to participate in the Grassroots campaign by cleaning up litter. According to Bansbach, flyers and phone calls have been used to invite members of Campus Ministry to participate in the event. Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities, said she is also planning to participate, either with the student services office or campus ministry. Despite the advance publicity, virtually all the students interviewed were not aware of the Grassroots campaign. However, once informed of what the campaign was, some expressed intrest. Mike Reidy, junior, said "I would consider it since I am an environmentally-conscious member of the Lanshe House."

Lanshe's special intrest is environmental awareness. Kristin Pastino, first year student, said "It sounds like a good idea." She did not know

'It sounds like a good idea.' - Kristin Pastino, first-year student if she would participate. John Latvenas, sophomore, said it sounded like a good cause but "With end of semester pressures and exams coming up, I just don't think I can devote the time necessary." Kim Marshall, sophomore, said she would be interested ii;i helping to clean up around her house, but also said she didn't have the time to devote to cleaning the entire campus. Alex Savarino, sophomore, expressed intrest in the project, but said she had previous engagements.

Res.ident lifeannounces placements by Chris Pesotski

News Editor



Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, announced Wednesday the placements for the resident life staff for 1991-92. Ten of the 18 resident assistants (RAs) are returing from the current year. "Overall, it was a tough assignment, but we believe we put together the best staff groups possible," Caulfield said. Caulfield said that if there were

any changes in the staff before the beginning of the school year, room assignments for RAs might be altered. RAs for special interest houses were not necessarily assigned according to the requests in proposals. "We considered many different factors," Caulfield said.

252 - Bill DiRita 182 - Steve Bobo

Woodcrest Hall: 101 118 201 220 30 I 320

- Christine Scaramuzza - Chris Meyers - Amanda Picher - Jeannie Dougherty - Christine Cambria - Missy vonSiegel

Houses: The placements for resident assistants are as follows:

Mansion: Sharlene Sephton

Xavier Hall: 132 - Karen Bell 222 - Lea Brundin

Maguire - Kathy D' Amelio Dixon - Mary Shimkus Infante - Chris Callinan McManus - Melissa Landsmann Casey - Chrisy Roach Lanshe - Jeff Magee Sullivan - Jon Owens




friday, april 19, 1991


Co-opstudentsfeel effectsof recession by Joe Martini staff writer

Students who are looking for a co-op job will be feeling the effects oftheongoingrecessionastheavailability of jobs is decreasing. According to Nancy Hutchison, Employment Coordinator of cooperative education at Cabrini, some employers have discontinued the hiring of co-op students because its not part of their budget. Since Feburary of 1991, there has been a noticable decrease in the amount of openings for co-op jobs. This is also effecting jobs for the summer. According to The New York Times, "Large companies are expected to continue to slim down in coming years, resulting in fewer job opportunities at the country's largest firms." Students who found co-op jobs said that they had a hard time doing so. Some had to wait until job

openings were available, as there are more students interested in coops than there are jobs. Brad Millaway, a senior who has a co-op position with The Vanguard Group, in ChesterbrOQk,said, "The jobs were not as plentiful." According to Business Week, "Nonfarm payrolls lost 76,000 jobs

'There were no jobs out there as of January 1991 .' - Tim Janusz, senior co-op student in December, and the unemployment rate rose to 6.1 percent- the highest in three and a half years." This makes it easy to see why the job market is hurting as a whole, thus affecting co-op jobs as well. Tim Janusz, a senior who also holds a co-op job with The Van-

guard Group, had considerable difficulty finding a co-op. "There were no jobs out there as of Japuary 1991," Janusz said. Kyna Kirkland, Acting Director of Co-operative education at Temple University, has noticed the decline in opportunity also. Kirkland said that the recession was indeed effecting her program, including summer positions, and fulltime jobs for graduates. Kirkland, whose office places about 700 co-op students per year, explained that economic uncertainty effected opportunities in the May through August programs, and said that she has noticed about a 20 to 25 percent decline in openings. "Students are going to have to check papers, job fairs and career centers, as well as co-op. They need to look for more innovative ways to find opportunities," Kirkland said. Some employers can use college students at lower costs, according to Hutchison. Because of

photoby Mari< Gudas

Senior Brad Mil/away found a co-op placement,despite the recession, at the Vanguard Group in Chesterbrook. the recession some employers are using more college students. Most everyone interviewed did not see a significant drop in salary rates in co-op positions. As for when the decline in op-

portunity will change, "Depends on the economy," Hutchison said. Hutchison added that she is confident that there will be enough good, quality jobs for students for the fall semester.

Where does hall damage and room deposit nion._gy go? Lorraine Marie Lill Assistant Features Editor

Students are paying for damages on campus, but where does the money go? According to Mike Caranfa, cheif physical plant officer, money collected from dorm damage goes into an account called 599. "I don't ever.charge anything to the 599 account except a bill that is strictly a dorm damage account or a vandalism account." Caranfa said that there is never enough money in the 599 account. An example he gave was if he had $4,000 in damages, and there was only $300 left in the 599 account, he would have to take out of other accounts to repair the damage. "A lot of times we don't make repairs, that doesn't -mean a person wouldn't be held responsible for the damage," Caranfa said. Another example that he gave would be if a brand new rug was burned by a hot iron. "They walked into a brand new rug, they should leave with a fairly decent looking rug after a years use. They get billed for the damage to that rug, but we may not necessarily call a carpet person and repair that rug," Caranfa said. Caranfa said that the next student who

photo by Edd McNamee

Mike Caranfa, chief physical plant officer. moves into that room should not get charged again for the burnt rug. The resident assistants (RA's) do a room check in the beginning of the year and note the damage in the room right after move in. As of March 8, there was $6,849 in the 599 account. Caranfa said that he has been billing

a lot of things against that amount this month. L~st year a $ 100 deposit was charged to reserve a room and this year $250 is required to reserye a room. What is the difference between the $100 and the $250? "Once the student enrolled and attended classes, the $100 was put right against their bill as a credit, so it was attached to their bill," John Barclay, cheif financial officer said. According to Barclay the $ 100 reserved the students room and it was suppose to have done something with security deposit. Barclay said, "It (the $100) really didn't do anything. The way it was set up a couple years ago, it just went in against their bill as a credit." Barclay said that the $100 was doing two thing·s at once and it could not be doing two things at once. "All your tuitions and all your payments went into one bucket and then, mathematically, whatever comes out at the bottom, that's either what you owe or the school owes you back," Barclay said. The $2_50this year will not be a credit to an account, but it will act strictly as a security deposit. "Any common room damage, especially at the end of the year, gets written off against that account," Barclay said. "At the

end of the school year, if there's any money left over, you get it t;>ack,it never hits your account, it's a real security deposit." When Barclay was asked whether a student could use the left over portion of their security deposit from the previous year to reserve their room for the next year he said, "each year stands on its own." A refund will be given from the $250. However, the refund will not be given until the school year is completely over. "I want

'A lot of times we don't make repairs, that doesn't mean a person wouldn't be held responsible for the damage.' - Mike Caranfa, chief physical plant officer to make sure that people understand that each year stands on its own. What you 're renting this year is different then what you're going to be renting next year," Barclay said. "Basically you're renting rooms from us for a year. So each year has to stand on its own."




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fridav 1 april 19 1 1991


Campusparty policyfollowsletterof PA law by Kimberly Leblang staff writer

When choosing a college, many students look not only into the college's academics, but the social. environment as well; particularly the party aspect. The party scene at Cabrini College is bound by the guidelines of the Pennsylvania file photo Commonwealth law. Catherine Caulfield, director of When students wish to have a resident fife. .legal party, they must go through what is called the Party Policy. The policy rules are given to those who guest list must be made .!IP of no wish to have the party by resident more than 65 people. If a guest is ·under21 years old, it must be noted life, and are as follows: Students who wish to host a party on the list. Guests who do not go to Cabrini with alcohol must submit a party must leave picture ID upon entrance, request form to the director of resiand no more than 30 percent of the dent life IOdays prior to the planned guest may be non-Cabrini students. date of the party. The parties must All parties must have a security be on a Friday or Saturday night officer present, and the hosts of the and must not coincide with any party are responsible for the cost of other college-sponsored events. the guard. Three students, 21 years of age The only alcoholic beverage alor older, will be considered the hosts lowed to be served is beer, which and will be held totally responsible will be provided by the hosts. No for the party, including any violaone may bring their own alcohol. tions that may occur. The hosts The amount of beer permitted at the must attend a party-planning semiparty will be determined by the nar. number of people in attendance who A meeting between the three are 21 years or older, as well as how hosts, the RA and the director of many drinks per hour the average student activities must take place. person can consume without beThe party can only be held in a coming intoxicated. Only those of basement or the Widener Center. A

legal age are permitted to consume alcohol. Any offensive behavior, such as violence, damage or abuse that takes place due to the use of alcohol is subjecttodisciplinary action against the host or violators. Non-alcoholic beverages and snacks should be provided. The hosts are not allowed to charge an admission fee. The area where the party was held should be cleaned and returned to order the day after the party . A party cannot go past I a.m., nor should it last more than five hours. This may seem as though it is a very strict policy, but Catherine Caulfield , director of resident life said that the party policy is similiar to many other colleges. . "Most colleges and universities do not allow sanctioned parties on campus," Caulfield said. Caulfield worked at the University of Delaware where the only parties that took place were off the campus grounds. Dean of Students Robert Bonfiglio agreed with Caulfield. "Other campuses may have pubs or fraternities off campus. Many schools claim to be 'dry,'" Bonfiglio said. Since Cabrini does allow legal parties (o take place on campus, the question arose of why there are not more parties taking place. "We

expected to have more party requests, considering the fact that the parties which have taken place have been successful. I don't know why there isn't. Maybe people think it is a pain to go through the policy." Caulfield said "There were a few problems in the fall with violence and the police arriving. Students may not want

'There were a few problems in the fall with violence and the police arriving. Students may not want that kind of responsibility.' Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students that kind of responsibility, " Bonfiglio said. When faced with the responsibility students agree with Bonfiglio and Caulfield' s hypothesis. "Three people should not have to take on the responsibility for an entire party. That's scary. It's supposed. to be a party, not a prision," senior Maureen Herman stated. "There aren't any parties this

year because no one wants to go through the process. My sophomore year there were never any excuses, no delays, and no enforced limitations of kegs. Cabrini College use to be'the party school,"' senior Steve Buividas said. "I feel that the new administration is playing a power role, like they are going out of their way to find trouble. So, why have a party when we know for some reason or other, it will be busted." Buividas went on to state a difference between this year's resident life staff and past ones. "I miss John Doyle (resident life director 1988-90). He went to Cabrini as a student. He knew what it felt like to be a college student. He really related to us with respect. These days, if we have a party, it might as well be in Dean (Bonfiglio's) basement, because basically it's the same thing," Buividas said. Herman backed up Buividas by saying, "They're making it so prision-like that we seniors who are 21 choose to go off-campus bars to drink, which means driving. ''Granted, it's hard because there IJ.ay~en problems, but our cam- · pus is so small that every problem, minor or major, is noticed. I think the problems occur because when something is made unavailable to you, it is then all the more desirable to do it, and make it available,"

SINGEL, pg. 1 bers suggested possible speakers and a list of five was chosen to be presented to •the board of trustees for approval, at their October board meeting. At that meeting the list was prioritized and the top three selections were Governor Robert Casey, Rosemary Grieco, president of Core States Bank, and WCAU-TV news anchor Diane Allen. At this point it was up to the Board of -·Trustees to contact each of these individuals and find out if they would be available to speak. -The top ch~ice was Governor Casey and he was written a letter of invitation by Cabrini's President Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, in late October. The college followed up the letter with telephone calls and contacts with the governor, but as of April 19 the college has never recieived any word either affirming or deny-

ing, the governor's ability to speak at graduation. After not receiving a reply from the governor by March 20, the board contacted the second choice, Rosemary Grieco. Unfortunately Grieco, had been asked to speak at St. Joseph's University graduation also on May 19.. Diane Allen, had been contacted by dean of students, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, in midFebruary to ask about her availability on May 19. Allen's secretary had said that Allen was available. On March 20, Currie officially extended an invitation to Allen to speak at graduation. However, Diane Allen's secretary called Bonifiglio and explained that there had been a mix-up in the dates and that Allen had a family engagement and would not be able to speak. This put the search for a speaker back to the beginning. The graduation committee met again and director of public

LEADERSHIP CAMP, pg. 1 for still paying the $55, according to Bonfiglio. "There are going to be a lot of complaints if people have to pay $55 or whatever and be on campus," Emmerich said. .There is an equal opinion to having leadership camp on campus as there is to having it off-campus. Some resident assistants would prefer having it on campus because of the time it takes to prepare their residence halls for the upcoming year. Members of SGA, Kappa Sigma Omega and Campus Ministry prefer to go off-campus. "I would like to see it (leadership, camp) not on campus. I think the atmosphere brings everybody closer together when were offcampus. I think if we had it on campus people might be too concerned with staying in their rooms or hanging out with cliques. There's even more of an opportunity to leave campus," Lisa Naab, SGA Exec. board, said.

Another concern is the length of time certain individuals need to remain on campus as compared to others. According to Emmerich, an .example was given at the committee meeting about resident assistants (R.A.s)andmembersofKappaSigmaOmega (Kappa). If R.A.s need five days for training and Kappa members only need two days, then the R.A.s should pay more then the Kappa members. The students should be charged for the length of time they attend the camp, rather than having a straight fee for everyone when one person is not doing as much as another. "When I think of leadership camp I think the first thing is to give people the skills that they need to be successful in the positions that they hold," Cathy Caulfield, director of resident life, said. "Another thing is for giving people the opportunity to interact with each other and hopefully open up lines of communication."

realtions, Karen Berlant, suggested that the lieutenant governor would be a.good choice. Berlant had heard Singe! speak at another college and felt that he was a great speaker "he was dynamic, youthful and related well with the students." · On April 2, the graduation committee gave its recommendation of Singe! to the board of trustees and on April 5, Currie sent a formal letter of invitation to Singe!. The reason the college was 33 days from graduation without a speaker stems from the fact that Governor Bob Casey never replied at to whether he would speak. The college waited on his reply and was not actively looking for another speaker from October until March. To possibly avoid a situation like this from happpening again, the Student Academic Council (SAC) has proposed that a standing sub-committee of the graduation

committee would deal only with finding graduation speakers. Many involved in the process feel that there are no established sets of guidelines that say this is when you should have all of your suggestions to the board of trustees or exactly what they need to do, the process seemed very lacadaisial to them. "The process needs to be more formalized, we had no idea what we were doing, it was just thrown into our lap," Brad Milla way, senior class president said. Currie said, "My job is basically to extend invitations to the chosen speakers in the name of the class, however I would like to see the entire process begin much sooner." "Ideally I would have the class submit a list of possible speakers in January of their junior year, so that their senior year is not so hair-raising trying to find a speaker," Currie said.

ATHLETICS, pg. 1 dent," Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, said. "There was no recommendation in my proposal to cut any athletic teams. I recommended that the Athletic Advisory Board be reconvened," Bonfiglio said. "What I proposed was n(!t a popular decision, but this is how I saw it had to be done," Dzik said. "My goal was to force a decision." "There was some risk on my part that people might not write, that parents might not call. Fortunately that never happened," Dzik said. Gardner expressed an interest to officially and publicly, besides at the open house, get the word out about the new status of the six athletic programs. _ "Sister Eileen (Currie) needs to write a memo, get the word out to the students,

stop the miscommunication," Gardner said. Dzik was asked instead by administration to write a letter to all recruiting athletes and returning athletes stating that none of the programs would be cut. Dzik confirmed that he would write theletter but wondered out of which budget the postage and stationary costs would come from. Dzik is pleased with the decision made by Currie but he still has questions on how his department will function next year. "If you're not going to drop any programs that's great but let's be able to fund them all," Dzik said. Dzik was to meet Currie later this week to further discuss what isneeded to be done to insure the continuation of Cabrini athletics.

Golf: a Master sport matt hodlofski sports columnist The 55th Masters, there is nothing of its kind. If you don't even follow the sport of golf you stiil have to watch the Masters. The best players in the world competing for the oldest and most prestigious award in golf, the green jacket. After Nick Faldo fell short of becoming the first player ever to three-peat as Masters champion, a spunky Engishman rose to the occasion and defeated home countrymen and, of course, crowd favorite, Tom Watson to win his first ever major tournament. The 5 foot 4 inch Ian Woosnam sank an eight foot putt on the eighteeth green to end an exciting back nine and weekend at the Augusta National Golf Club. I personally was cheering for Woosie throughout Sunday's competition for the sheer fact of how he approached his game. He didn't stand over his ball on a given shot for more than five seconds and he went after every shot he took like it was his last. He showed more courage at Augusta in going after shots than I've seen at the golf course I caddy at in a husband-wife tournament. But what I didn't like was how the Augusta crowd was treating him. I know many people were pulling for the American Watson, and I won't argue with the reasoning, but golf is not like hockey. Heckling


and booing are fine and acceptable in baseball, football, basketball and hockey but not ·golf. I have never seen a golf tournament where the golfers have to get into verbal arguments with the gallery. That is exactly what Woosnam had to do. In a sport where concentration is more important than anything else, verbal heckling does not belong. Especially in a tournament like the Masters. For anyone who has ever played golf, you realize how much concentration and composure it takes. Whether it be on a Fridayafternoon at Woods Golf Parm with a six pack in your bag or in a major money tournament where you are participating in a fifty dollar nassau. I can not even imagine playing a sport like golf in front of thousands of people in the gallery and millions on television with thoughts going through my head like'' is this enough club, did my caddy pace this shot off correctly and I wish that man in my back swing didn't have such a bright shirt on.'' I know every sport, no matter which one it is, requires a certain amount of mental toughness, but none like golf. It is a sport where your mind has to be clear and your swing smooth. A sport that is the most unforgiving of all the others. If a pro golfer misses one shot bad, the entire round is realistically over. A four-hour mental and physical battle done in the matter of one bad five iron. So next time you see any of the golfers walking around on this campus , stop them, congratulate them and then shake their hand. Because their job is a lot tougher than you think.


The Plymouth Township Parks and Recreation Department is seeking enthusiastic and creative students to staff their summer program. Interviews are now being conducted for the following position: Summer playground coordinator, Arts and crafts specialist, Playground leaders, Summer tennis instructor. If interestedcontact Karen Schick at 277-4312.

Programs for Exceptional People is now recruiting candidates for CAMP PEP (a summer program serving handicapped youth from South Philadelphia area). Applicants must be mature, responsible individuals who are interested in working with special needs youth for 4 weeks. Hours are Mon-Fri from 8:30 to 3:30pm. Positions available include Camp Counselors, Van Driver/ Custodial, Physical Ed. Jnstructor, Nursing Student (basic first aid certification), Music Instructor, Art/Creative Crafts Instructor. If interested contact: Mr. Joe Shorke at (215) 389-4006.

If you did not find what you were looking for in the above ads please visit our Job Board located within the Financial Aid. The Job Board is full or part-time and seasonal jobs ..


friday, april 19, 1991

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Applications are now being accepted for a $1,000scholarship from the Women's Club of Upper Merion. The Rosemary Gumski Memorial Scholarship is available to any high school graduate enrolled in an accredited post-high school program and who lives within the Upper Merion Area School District. For more information, contact 2656238 after 3:30 pm. The deadline for applications is May 15.

The Orville Redenbacher's Second Start Program is offering a scholarship. To be eligible, applicants must be 30 years old (or older, be enrolled in a degree seeking program, and be either a full or part-time student attending an accredited college or university. Deadline is in May.

The Philadelphia chapter of the American Society of Women Accountants is awarding 2 scholarships of $750 to full or part-time undergraduate students persuing a major in accounting. Deadline is April 30,1991.


The YMCA in St. Peter's and Phoenixville has summer openings for a Toddler Aide, Group Supervisor, and Assistant Group Supervisor. Salary ranges from $4.25$5.50/hr.(depending on experience). Hours are from 9-5. Experience is necessary for supervisor positions. For more information contact: Marilyn Coater (215)935-3995.

The Overseas Custom-Maid Agency Inc. is seeking applicants for placement as ' ' mother's helpers" jobs. Coordinate around school schedules. Salary range is $125. to $175/week, with full room and board. Experience with child care needed. Applications are available in the Financial Aid Office or contact: 1-800-424-MAID.

Roving Nature Center is seeking 15 teachers/ naturalists to staff summer camps in Phila., Radnor, Havertown, and Bristol. Background in Education required. Training in June. Work 8 weeks in July-August. Looking for sophomore, junior or senior education majors. Also freshman with camp experience. Hours are 8am-4pm. Salary is $9 .00-$ 10.00/hr. If interested contact: Karol DiPasquale at 1-800-284-0973.



Editor'snote: The 1ollowing photographs were taken by John Gay and Lorraine Lill

by Denise Edwards and Bob Healey Sports Editor/Asst. Sports Editor

Major: elem. ed./human resources Sport: field hockey Ballinghoff was awarded most improved player her freshman year and was MVP her junior year. She was also named to Who's Who in Athletics in American Colleges and Universities. After graduation, Ballinghoff plans to get a job in human resources and hopes to keep playing competitive field hockey. When asked what she would remember most about Cabrini athletics she .aid meeting many friends and learning eadership through sports.

Jeff Barnes


summer. Following her tenure in California, she plans to look for a job in international marketing. Boyer would also like to teach sports to children.


Time goes by like it always does and it is once again time to say goodbye to the 21 senior athletes at Cabrini College. As we bid them their final adie.u let's look back at their tenure and look ahead to their future.

Michelle Ballinghoff

f riday, april 19, 1991

Steve Buividas Major: pol.science/History Sport: soccer Buividas along with soccer played tennis for two years and golf for one.Foliowing graduation he plans to attend law school,hopefully at Miami. Buividas plans to keep playing socceron a recreational level and would like to coach young children. Looking back Buividas recalls all his friends, "Jerry, Pie, and Avenia all the late night 'study' sessions we had in my room and last seasons championship in Shenandoah."

Bridgett Collins Major: English/ secondary ed. program Sport: field hockey Looking back on her years at Cabrini Collins believes she gained valuable leadership experience while out on the field and made great friends with members of her team. As for the future, "I want to be the best teacher I can be in the classroom, on the field and in my home."

Major: business/marketing -Sport: basketball Barnes a two-time Academic AllAmerican and dean's list student, plans to attend graduate school for his MBA. Although he hails from Wilctwood ,New Jersey Barnes would like to work in the Phifudelphia area. "A great experience, I met good people and received a quality education that will prepare me for the future," Barnes said on reflection upon his four years at Cabrini.

Carolanne Gross Major: biology Sport: volleyball Gross who currently works for the EPA, plans to attend graduate school at Temple. Through sports at Cabrini and being captain Gross believes she learned leadership, dedication and commitment. The area she feels she benefitted the most in was working with others. "Rarely do you accomplish something on your own."

Alex Mairone Major: marketing/ bus. adm. Sport: golf Mairone said Cabrini has been a positive experience and he met his closest friends here. He is gratetful that he was given the opportunity to play on exclusive courses that he would otbeEYitisenot get the chance to play on. Following graduation Mairone hopes to dedicate time to golf, maybe go to Florida, and then eventually get into the field of sports marketing .

Jeff Hines Major: human resources Sport: basketball Following graduation Hines plans to either attend graduate school at Ohio State or "dabble in the job market." While playing hoops for Cabrini Hines was rewarded by the PSCBA in his senior year for the contributions he has made to the team. Hines stated that he will miss everyone he became close to over the years and he will, "savor the experiences which will hopefully carry on."

Debbie Malveux Major: political science Sport: Volleyball Following graduation Malveux plan to ''(go) straight to law school." She feels she will most remember "The friends I made and the people I met." She also believes athletics teaches you how to be competitive and how to work with people. ''I'll take that out into the real world," she said.

Paul Greeenhalgh Major: finance Sport: cross country

Kelly Boyer Major: marketing Sport: field hockey After graduation Boyer will be flying out to the California Coast where she will be director of a sports clinic for the

Dispite the fact that Greenhalgh transferred here ftom Eastern Michigan University his junior year he originally is from Winona, New Jersey. Greenhalgh plans to attend graduate school at the University of Miami at night while working for a financial planning company full time. Greenhalgh hopes to stay involved in cross country and would like to someday coach. Greenhalgh believes he owes much of his success at Cabrini to Howard Buzzard "the best professor at the college," Greenhalgh said.

Barb Milligan Mike Long

Major: business adm. Sport: soccer After taking the summer off, Long plans to persue a career in the business field. While at Cabrini Long enjoyed, "Good friends,good times and had a lot of fun. "Long is most proud of being on the past two chapionship teams and been given the opportunity to play a sport which he loves.

Major: elementary education Sport: basketball After the culmination of her four year visit at Cabrini, Milligan plans to take three weeks off to visit Europe. Upon her return to the states Milligan will decide if she whether to teach in the Philadelphia area or "possibly going to Florida." After coming back from a serious



leave their mark


friday, april 19, 1991 After graduating from Cabrini Romano plans to attend law school, he is waiting to hear from Widener University. Romano said he will remember the social gatherings the most when he reflects upon his stay at Cabrini. "Because I commute from Philadelphia playing soccer was a great way for me to meet people and socialize."

I knee injury that not only threatened her career but her ability to walk. Milligan was able to accomplish her goal of 1,000 points. "I am grateful to all of my friends at Cabrini. The basketball team can't be replaced and won't be forgotten." Milligan has definite plans to get involved in coaching.

with highlights and achievements. The most special one was the basket with which he netted his 1,000 career point. Other highlights include, Rookie of the Year, All-Esac and small college Player of the Week. Yurchak has also golfed the last two years. Yurchak, who was shy when he arrived at Cabrini, feels the friends he has made have helped him, "break out of my shell." Yurchak will be graduating in December and plans to return home to work.

Kathleen Rowan

John O'Hare Major: political science Sport: basketball O'Hare, a two-time All-State selection at Deleware County Community College transferred to Cabrini his junior year. He then proceeded to net his 2,000 career point on Sacred Heart h~rdwood. O'Hare was named to the AllESAC team his senior year while also brining home All-Tournament honors. He will graduate in the summer and plans to participate in the World Student Games whicJi-will be followed by a try-out for the Irish Olympic team. This all could lead to extended playing time overseas. 'Tm play-ing it by ear," he said. When O'Hare returns to America he plans to_getinvolved in law enforcement. What O'Hare most appreciated about Cabrini was the student/teacher relations.

Nick Palumbo

Rose Poljevka Major: elementary education Sport: field hockey Poljevka, a Collingswood, New Jersey native, overcame a serious car accident her sophomore year to return to the field of athletic and scholastic competition. Because of the accident and subsequent recovery she feels she is more appreciative and believes she can overcome any obstacle in life. She is especially more appreciative of her close friends. "My friends and team mates were very supportive (during recovery) showing me were more than a team," she said.

Chris Renzulli Major: marketing Sport: tennis Bearing a striking resemblence to Dean Robert Bonfiglio, "Renz" is co-captain of the tennis team in this, his second year of play. Because a hectic work schedule forced Renzulli to take a light course load last year he will be graduating in December. Renzulli feels that being a captain of the team will help him in the future. "It (captain) is teaching me how to deal with people from a leadership position," he said.

Major: Eng/ communications Sport: volleyball Rowan, a Louisiana native, also attended Cabrini High School in her home town. She was captain of the team her senior year and her play was rewarded with All-ESAC honors this year. Rowan feels she has gained valuable experience this year. "I learned how to be a leader," she said, "and how to be more vocal." Currently Rowan does not have immediate employment set -up but she plans to return home, with moving to New York and being an anchor woman in her "master plan."

Major: accounting Sport: softball Vilotti not only played softball for four years she also played two years of volleyball. Vilotti has enjoyed sports since she was a kid and "(I have) made a lot of friends playing sports." Vilotti enjoys competition and hopes to continue playing softballl in a league following graduation. She has still undefined long-term career goals but feels her business background will help her.

Major: medical technology Sport: soccer manager Palumbo may not of played on the field or ever scored a goal, but has always been a very integral part of the soccer program. As soccer manager he was the man the team could depend on. Palumbo has made many good, close, friends through athletics. After graduation Palumbo plans to get into pharmaceutical sales.

Ralph Romano Major: political science Sport: soccer

Jason Yurchak Major: business Sport: basketball Yurchak, the Lancaster, Pa. native has completed a basketball careei: filled

Bob Bonner Major: Eng/comm./political science Minor: business adm. Sport: tennis Bonner has participcated in the tennis program three of the last four years, missing only the year that~as a student at Jacksonville University. Bonner has always aspired to become a journalist but now has had a change of heart and is interested in pursueing governmental work. Bonner enjoys the sport of tennis. He gets a kick out of seeing 90 year old people play. "It keeps you physically fit, it's a good social game, not as good as golf, but a good social game."


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fridaY,april 19, 1991


TrackcapturesCavs'defensive woescontinue relayvictory by Bob Healey

ofrelays but there were individual events as well. For the Cavalier Assistant Sports Editor runners Jackie Albrect finished fifth in the 3,000 meter race with a time ofl3:15:4. O'Hora was also Last weekend at Trenton State particularly impressed with University the women's relay team Albrect 's improvement, not only in pulled off a monumental victory in the the 3,000 meter, but also in the the 4x 100 meter race. It was the 1,500. first-ever victory for a Cabrini reChris Callinan finished first in lay team. the 5,000 meter race with a time of According to coach Tom O'Hora 16:26:5. it was not onJy the highlight of the "Chris was his consistent self day it was the "highlight of the and his winning is becoming season.'' commonplace," O'Hora said. The women finished fourth in However, any joy Callinan felt the javelin relay, shot-put relay in finishing first was usurped by and discus relay. the fact he pulled a muscle in his The most impressive perform- back running on Tues. April 16. ance of the three was the javelin as According to Callinan he pulled the relay team consisting of Veron- one the largest muscles in the back ica O'Hora, Jen Arnholt, Chris and will miss this weekend's meet Costigan and JenSpingleractually at Lincoln. led for a duration before slipping O'Hora was impressed with the to fourth place where they finished. team's effort overall on the day. The meet was consisted mostly The field of20 teams consisted of many Div. I and II schools. "For us to be competitive as we were is amazing," O'Hora said. "They all did really well but Jeanne Dougherty was the best." O'Hora is satisfied with the season to date --butis a little disappointed with the size of his team. "We don't have quantity but we have quality," he said. Soccer He is surprised how4/13 2 Cabrini Haverford 0 ever at the fact that on 1 Cabrini Swathmore 2 such a small campus we 1 Cabrini Scranton 1 have four javelin throwers when ''big schools Softball (sometimes) don't have 4/10 5 Cabrini Allentown 13 two,'' he said. 0 Cabrini Allentown 12 The other negative is 4/16 6 Cabrini Widener 8 the lack of a track on Cabrini's campus. However, according to Tennis O'Hora he has a good 4/12 3 Cabrini Cheyney 6 4/16 7 Cabrini Newman 2 working relationship with neighboring schools and Golf the runners and throwers 4/16 472Cabrini Wesley418 can use their facilities. Allentown 438 Villanova University and Radnor High School are two schools used by the Cavaliers. Soccer O'Hora does not feel Sat. 4/20 E.Strousburg Tourney TBA that this arrangement has an adverse affect on the runners. He feels the team Softball has determined runners Sat. 4/20 Goldey Beacom (DH) A 2pm and it is all in the mindSun. 4/21 Marywood(DH) H 2pm set. "If you want to do Wed. 4/24 Phila. Textile H 4pm Thur. 4/25 Stocken St. A 4pm well you will despite obstacles," he said. The Cavaliers will Tennis Fri. 4/19 next be in action Sat. April Shpnandoah A 1pm Sat. 4/20 ESAC championship TBA 20, at Lincoln UniverMon. 4/22 Rutgers-Camden HTBA sity. This is a meet offiTues. 4/23 E. Strousburg HTBA cially sanctioned by the Wed. 4/24 Alvernia ATBA NCAA so that times may be used to qualify for the Track and Field National Championships. Sat. 4/20 Lafayette lnvatational TBA Callinan will not be running but still has a Golf chance to qualify in later Mon. 4/22 ESAC Championship 1pm meets.



photoby LorraineLill

Catcher Dena DellaRocca and the Lady Cavs went 2-1 last week and had a double-header rained out. by Kimberly Keck Assistant News Editor

The Cabrini Cavaliers women's softball team played a double header on Wednesday, April 10. On this windy day, the team couldn't muster enough runs to defeat Allentown. The Lady Cavs were able to score five runs in the first game, however defensively they yielded 13. In the second game, their defensive woes continued as they were shut out 12-0. In the first game, the Lady Cavs dug themselves an early grave as they trailed 8-0 before they even batted. In the first inning, seven of the first eight Allentown batters scored as they sent 13 batters to the plate. Allentown was able to build an 11-run lead before Christine Myers singled in the Lady Cavs initial run in the third inning.

"We just got killed," Dave wasn't enough to pull off a win. Tajirian, coach said. .• , .li.Jjirian said the team lost be"We gave up on ourselves," cause of one big inning. Laurie MacA voy, second baseman, Widener's big inning came said. early in the game. In the second Maurabeth Shedden, sopho- inning, the Pioneers took the lead more, suffered the loss in the by scoring seven runs. opening game. Defense for the Lady Cavs The Lady Cavs second game improved after Widener took didn't bring victory either. the lead. They held Widener As opposed to the first game, down to one more run. AccordAllentown scored their runs late. ing to Tajirian, three of the runs The Lady Cavs defense held them were unearned. down to four runs until the fourth The offense came alive in the inning when Allentown scored three seventh inning when the Lady more. Cavs scored two runs. The clincher was the sixth The Lady Cavs were unable inningwhenAllentown plated five tocatchupto Widener's strong consecutive runners. lead and suffered the loss, 8-6. Allentown's pitcher, Clemens "We ran outoftimetocatch went the distance in both games. up,'' Becky Tressell, third She recorded two victories on the baseman, said. day, yielding only five runs in the This leaves the team's rec14 innings she pitched. ord at 3-7. Their next game will In the Lady Cavs next game be a double header on Saturday facing Widener, their hitting im- April 20 at Goldey Beacom folproved according to Tajirian. Kristi lowed by a home double-header Valotti led the rally with three hits. on Sunday against Marywood However, the Lady Cavs hitting College.

No love for men'stennis by John Gay

staff writer It was a rough week for Cabrini's men's tennis team, as they gamely faced two Division II teams and severe wind conditions but still came up short on all counts. The Cavs record dropped to 3-9 after losses at home against Textile and away against Allentown and Cheyney. The Cavs began the week against Textile and lost 7-2. Cabrini started strong behind the play ofnumber one seed Bill Wells who defeated Scott Roth by a score of 6-3, 6-4, but it was downhill after that as Textile won the next seven matches fairly easily. Standouts for Textile included number threeseed Brian Kaplan, who defeated Sean McNamera 6-1, 6-1, and number four seed Raphael Cordero, who defeated Matt Cahill

6-0, 6-1. Cabrini won the last doubles match of the day as Matt Cahill and number 5 seed Bob Bonner defeated Werner Protzel and Rolando Luisto by a 6-1, 6-3, score. The Cavs next traveled to Allentown and again lost by a score of7-2, in what Head Coach Reggie Day called near tornado conditions. "The wind was a factor. There were some near comical situations out there, where the ball looked like it was going to be four feet out and instead blew back into the players face," Day said. Day stressed that though Allentown was more accustomed to playing under windy conditions because of the geography of their courts, the Cavs could not use it as an excuse. ''The wind was on both sides of the court," Day said. Number one seed Bill Wells continued to shine as he battled defending ESAC champion Tom

Sweeney. Wells lost the match 5-7, 6-1, 7-6, but the fact that he forced the match into three sets with two determined by tiebreakers is an indication of his potential. "Bill's a real contender for an ESAC championship," Day said. Wells stepped into the number one seed after senior Leo Eschbach opted to play volleyball instead of tennis. Wells, who is a first-year student, has really come on strong, according to Day. Allentown won the first five matches, including a win by number two seed Nick Wernicki over Jim Landon. Landon played a tough first set before succumbing 6-4, 61. Decisive victories were also made by thirdseed Frank McBride over Sean McNamera 6-0, 6-0, and four seed Rich Bury, who defeated Jeff Patti 6-1, 6-1.

see TENNIS, pg.15

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