vol. xxxvii, no. 23
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
friday, april 26, 1991
Trustees approve record 15 percent tuition and board increase for '91-'92 by Kimberly Marshall
Assistqnt Perspectives Editor
Letters confinning a 15 percent tuition increase were scheduled to be sent out sometime this week according to Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president. Currie said that the reasons for the increase are the downturn in the traditional-age college student population, and unclear levels of state and federal funding. For the 1991- '92 academic year,
son of the board of trustees. "In March the decision was made with the board, but the budget was not yet completed," Dixon said. Currie said that 15 percent was a working figure approved by the board in March. "It gave us better parameters in which to work out the whole budget," Currie said. Currie said that at one of the earlier board meetings, there was a discussion as to whetherthey should they make that decision then or should they wait until April because of the uncertainty. The board
tuition at Cabrini will cost $8,350. Room and board is $5,510. Currie said that Cabrini must remain fiscally responsible. "Contrary to all of ttie rumors. we are not cutting academic programs. We are not cutting the athletics program. We might be cutting down but we are not cutting out," Currie said. "I will be very honest, the cutting part is not fini!>hed." The figure qf 15 percent has been known since March, according to Edith Robb Dixon, chairper-
said to use this as a working decision. Members of the committees were not free to confinn the amount of the tuition increase publicly. "It is my responsibility to notify and that was to be done after a certain amount of work," Currie said. The budget process begins in late fall. The budget committee of the college is made up of faculty and staff. They propose or workfue photo
Edith R. Dixon, chairperson, board of trustees.
see TUITION HIKE, pg. 9
EnrOllment plummets forfall '91 by J.P. Raynock staff writer
-·-"""'·-~•II 1ft1Ve'eaur0Hmenriof i1U tine~ dents for the fall of 1991 is down by as much as eleven percent, according to Nancy Gardner, director of admissions. According to Gardner, enrollment for this fall was 826 full time undergraduate students, 440 continuing education students, and 207 graduate students, for a total of 1,473. This spring however, enrollment dropped to 790 full time students, 401 cont. ed. students, and 255 graduate students, for a total of 1,446 students. "Enrollment always goes down in the photo by Frank Emmerich spring due to students finishing early," Gardner said. The spring theater production of "Miracle Plays" featuring LawrenceBeck as Noah and Cabrini theater veteran Christy Projected student enrollment forthe I 991Early as Mrs. Noah continues its run this weekend, weather permitting, at 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. 92 school year is 730 to 750 full time undergraduates, 430-450 continuing ed. students and graduate students. According to Gardner, the college can expect anywhere from 120 to 140 first year students next year. However, of 368 acThe conynercial consisted of a group of cepted students, only 90 have paid their deThe 60-second spot commercials were by Denise Edwards Sports Editor heard on K YW Newsradio 1060, Star I 04.5 males at the beach talking about attending posit to guarantee their enrollment. for the COMP program and Eagle I 06 and Cabrini. Unfortunately many alumni tele"One thing we have seen this year is phoned displeased with the commercial so students waiting to make a decision," Gardner Q 102 for the undergraduate program. "Radio is the most direct way to get our the college pulled it from the air. "Now was the time to get back on the air," said of the low number of enrolled students. According to Berlant and Gardner "hitKaren Berlant director of public relations for message to the audience that we want to Along with the incoming first-year stureach," Nancy Gardner director of admis- ting the airways" was the next logical step in dents, the college is also expecting anywhere the college said. their marketing plan for the college. For the past four weeks Cabrini has been sions, said. from 70 to 100 new, non-first year students "We've worked very hard to get all of our The last time Cabrini advertised on the flooding the Philadelphia area airways with commercials for their COMP, Cabrini Orga- radio was back in 1987. "We produced a nizational Management Program, and under- commercial to increase male enrollment," see ENROLLMENT, pg. 8 see MEDIA BLITZ, pg. 9 Gardner said. graduate programs at the institution.
College mounts mediablitzforstudents
more coverage in UPDATES!
What's Happening April 26 to May 3 ... Friday Deadline for room changes tf 2:30 p.m. Women', softball vs. Marywood (DH) 4 p.m. Class election results posted 4:30 p m. Lltrurgy tf 10 p.m. • 2 a.m. TAXI service 971-8245
"' "'
"' tf "' tf
9 a.m. Men's tennis Cabrini mvrtational 2 ~.m. Miracle Play in Grace all Women's softball ESAC Championship TBA 10f.'m. -2 a.m TAXI service 9 1·8245.
"' "' tf "'
9 a.m. Men's tennis Cabrini invrtational 1 p.m. Kappa inductions
m Mansion 2 p.m. Miracle Play in Grace Hall Women's softball ESAC championship TBA
Monday To have your events coveied In WHA HAPPENING,contact Kim Ked< in the newsroom or contact extEnsion 8412.
12:30 p.m. Communications lecture WCLH4 tf 8 p.m. Stress & Su1c1de program House 7
New check cashing hours 10 a.m.- noon; 2 • 4 p.m.
4:30 p.m. Last college actiV1tiesboard meeting DSCR
Friday tf
11:15 First Friday confessions Chapel 10p.m. -2a.m., TAXI service 971-8245
friday 1 april 26 1 1991
view oint
A ·den of sin or study? Sharing senior year lisa lindley assistant photography editor
There is no excuse for leaving one another with memories of bitterness. Life is too short and true friendship is too important. Can any of us really afford to lose the secrets and tears that we have shared with one another? Memories are one of the greatest things we have. When we can't see each other in September, we can remember Septembers from our past. Another thing that we should do before we move on is express our feelings to those around us. If someone has helped you tell them "thanks.'' If there has been a person who has made you laugh in the face of adversity share your gratitude. We may never have another chance to share with these people just how they have touched our lives. Set aside some scheduled time to be with friends that you may not see for a while. Spend quality bonding time with your room-
The college years are fragile ones. They are explorations of identity and thought. This includes sexual encounters, which touch a very personal part of an individual. For the college student, dealing with sexual issues are not only ageappropriate, but if a college student hasn't thought seriously about sex yet, someone should make sure they start. · In today's society, sex has no age limits. Studies show that an adolescent's Wow!! Can you believe that in less than first full-fledged sexual experience is likely to happen when they become 12- one month another school year will draw to a close. For some ofus, it will mean the end of year-old. There are college students that have reached the age of consent, that still our college life will also draw to a close. During this couple of weeks, time is going wrongly believe pregnancy can't and won't occur the first time you have sex. to fly by and we will not be able to stop it. And there are parents that have attended open houses on campus have seen This is the time that we should be enjoying the "Sex and Choices" series within the pages of Loquitur, and commented our last moments together. How easy it is as a senior to forget that we that college students are too young and shouldn't be allowed to know of such will not have a fall semester in September to things as contraception. come back to. The people that were our Sexual stereotypes are reinforced daily by sexually explicit commercials, closest neighbors, and often our closest ads and MTV videos that send out mixed messages to our young people. friends, will no longer be right next door. Society is asking everyone to be a sexually-experienced virgin. Billy Joel said it best in his song "Say Goodbye To Hollywood." "So many faces in And because we are a Catholic institution, we are forced to disguise Memories are one of the and out of my life. Some will last, some will programs on sex education on campus as, "Women's Health Issues." Articles just be now and then. Life is a series of hellos greatest things we have. in the student newspaper that provide a information to advance students' and goodbyes. I'm afraid it's time for goodbye When we can't see each "choice," are viewed as against the values of the college. If correct informa- again." tion is being censored, no wonder students pose their questions to the streets. . Saying goodbye to late-night papers and other in September, we can last-minute projects will be easy. Saying What college students need is not another body to use as a sexual outlet, but remember Septembers an outlet where they can discuss sexual issues and get the answers they goodbye to turkey tetrazzini and strange growths in the shower will also be easy. desperately need. Saying goodbye to the people we have spent If the college wants students to consider their stand on sexual concerns, most of our adult life with, however, will not mate. Share things about yourself that people then it is the college's responsibility to provide that information. If they want be easy. can mentally take with them. Set aside some personal time to reflect on It is so simple to say that we will pick up us to live by their rules, they first have to tell us what they are. Many colleges times past. Think about what you have the phone and be in touch, but it is a lot harder include courses on human sexuality, perhaps Cabrini needs a new course on accomplished both educationally and perto do. The distance between two residence human sexuality that could also include the Catholic perspective in halls is nothing compared to the distance that sonally. If there is any unfinished business, practical and realistic terms. finish it now. our future life will bring. Sexual choice includes more than debating the condom controversy, or Our senior year has been filled with hope Remember freshman year (see how much homosexual rights; choosing sex should be made from an informed and things change, back then we were called and tragedy. College has given us more than an educafreshmen). Think about those people you thoughtful conscience. were really close to. Are you still as close? tion. It has blessed us with friends that will Sex happens. Ignorance won't make it go away.
Just a thought .... What we would say to an 18-year-old thinking about Cabrini as a place to come for college instead of listening to a commercial: The faculty spend quality classroom time getting to know you. The size will help you find life-long friends. The residence facilities are comfy. Socializing is possible without fraternities or sororities. The campus is beautiful, and you don't have to step over street-people. People here care. People here smile. College is what you make it, and you '11have the chance to make a difference. WEU.,GE.OIX>E, ITS A LITTLE SHORT
Each year, new living arrangements helped to separate the friendships that we once had. Imagine how the distance will separate us now. Reaching out to touch one another will not be as easy as we think. Take a moment. .. how often do you talk to the people that you graduated high school with? How often do you talk to the people that you hung out with in high school? The truth is, for most of us, we don't talk to any of them as much as we would like. Stop and consider how much harder it will be when we have a job ... a spouse ... a family. These kinds of thoughts are sobering and scary, but they are the reality of being a senior. Saying goodbye is never easy. The people that we have shared bathrooms, meals, and grapevine gossip with have become our family, and it is going to be hard to leave them behind to step out into the "real world." Notthatcollege life isn't a very real world. Some of the greatest triumphs and tragedies that we have thus far experienced have happened to us during these past four, or so, years. Once we leave college, the desire to look back is going to be very strong. We won't be looking back because we miss 8:20 a.m. classes. We will be looking back to the friendships and fun times. Beforesteppingoffthese I IOrolling acres, we need to think about what is truly important to us. Friendships can be easily made and all too easily broken- BUT REMEMBER, we can not wait until September to settle our differences. If things have been said or done which offend, NOW is the time to settle them. Hard feelings and misunderstood words which have caused divisions within friendships need to be resolved.
last us a lifetime if we are willing to make a commitment to them.
Istaff Editor-in-chief: Carlo Iacono Managing Editor: Jennifer Morrison News Editor: Chris Pesotski Senior Associate News Editor: Melissa Landsmann Assistant News Editors: Rita Cellucci, Kimberly Keck, Dawn Timbario and Missy von Siegel Perspectives Editor: Sharlene Sephton Assistant Perspectives Editors: Karen Kerchusky and Kim Marshall Features Editor: Kelly Anne Reed Assistant Features Edttors: Joseph Buda. Lorraine Marie UII and Charles Waterfall Sports Editor: Denise Edwards Assistant Sports Editor: Bob Healey Copy Editor: Wilham A. Fulton Business Managers: Rose
Kim Marshall, Michelle Merger and Lisa
Photography Editor: Frank Emmerich Assistant Photography Editor: Usa Lindley Photography Adviser: Or. carter Craig1e Adviser; Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: William Fulton, John Gay, Matt Hodlofski. Kimberly Leblang, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Lisa Neuman. Amanda Picher, Stephanie Ranieri, J.P. Raynock, Frank Sciolla. Photography Staff: John Gay, Mark Gudas, Lorraine Marie Lill, Judi Panasik, Carin Pesotski, Charles Waterfall. Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the beneftts secured by tu1t1onand student fees. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the sludent editorial staff and the individual wrtters and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a torum for student expression and as a vo,ce 1nthe uninh1btted, robust, free and open discussion of
friday, april 26, 1991
Recording the best and worst of history The final column. What a momentous occasion for me. After a year and a half, I will graduate and become just another unemployed drone. Oh well. What better way to finish than with one of the worst days in the history of recorded rotten days. A few weeks ago, I had the great misfortune to travel to the University of Pennsylvania, accompanying a friend to a yearly physical - intending to provide some "moral support." Driving to University City is like driving around Northern Iraq; only you'd probably find a parking space in Iraq. After circling the radius of the campus three times, I finally located a parking lot that was not .marked "Lot Full," and proceeded to park my car and walk the four miles back to the doctor's office at Penn. At the time, I would like to point out, I saw NO signs indicating that this was anything other than a dorm parking lot. Remember this; it's real important. Upon arriving at the doctor's office, I was ushered into the examining room along with my friend. I figured moral support had to be delivered in person. The doctor arrived and seemed happy to see me and his patient, so he proceeded to talk to us about all kinds of wonderful things that doctors talk about to get their patients sick. Things like surgery, blood, tumors, gene splicing; real great stuff. Anyway, about half-way through his talk, I looked up to tell him I thought I'd better step out of the room - unfortunately, I fainted dead away before I got the chance. Here I am, supposedly a mere spectator at thisdoctor'sappointmentandsoontwonurses and one doctor are scrambling to save the life of the patient's moral support! I remember apologizing to the doctor, but I think he was
bill firman too busy laughing to hear me. Before I knew it, they were moving me out of the room I guess the doctor didn't think he could perform the examination with a dead body on the floor. To free up an examining room, the nurses kicked some poor six-month-pregnant woman into the hallway so they could give me ammonia salts. When I came back to reality, the world had ceased spinning and doctor, nurse and patient were looking down and asking me if I was all right. This was not a good day. After being thoroughly humiliated, I went to the cafeteria to get some sugar in my system before driving home to hide under a rock. After the cafe, I proceeded on the fourmile jog back to my car ... actually, back to the empty space where my car once was. Either it had been stolen or towed. It turns out that this lot was permit parking only, with visitors being towed, as I was. A mere ninety minutes had passed since leaving my car, and for the first time in my life, I was hoping someone had towed my car theft would not be good. As I stood in an empty parking space, still feeling woozy from my combat duty in the doctor's office, it began to rain. Since my umbrella was in my car, I hoped the tow truck operator had seen fit to use it to keep him dry. I called the University of Pennsylvania police. The guy on the other land almost split
open from laughter. He kept saying, "Your car's not there - is it?" I would have told him to suck a brick, but I wanted my car. I called the number of the towing company given to me by the now mentally committed rent-a-cop. The towing service told me, "Yea, we got your car." I asked him where the hell he had taken it to. He said, "Well, you wanna get on 76 and get off at... " I said, "l_f>okyou brilliantine stick insect; you stole my damned car and my roller skates are at home. How in the hell am I going to get to 76?" To which the cro-magnon on the other line said, "Look, pal - Just get here with $80 in cash by 7pm to getyour car." Hegave me directions and hung up. $80 is a lot of money; to me anyway. Obviously, however, everyone who goes to Penn has money because there were no MAC machines in sight. I approached a homeless, toothless man lying in the middle of Chestnut Street, wearing aPenn State jacket. "Sir, do you know where a MAC machine is around here?"said I. He looked up in the rain and pointed toward Drexel University. I would have given him some money for his trouble, but as I was about to be raped for $80, I just told him to go to hell instead. After getting the $80, my now exasperated companion saw a cab and jumped in front of it; either an act of desperation or cunning insight. The cab had two choices: either hit the pedestrian, or stop and pick up the fare. Luckily for me, he chose the latter. The cab driver noticed my companion was chewing on the seat belt and that I was
by Lisa Neuman staff writer
Iletters Classmatessay officersslacked off with seniorweek planning To the editor: I know that we speak on behalf o1 the entire senior class by voicing our disappointment at the job that has been done thus far by our senior class officers, which has been totally pathetic. Up until now, the only activities held for seniors this year have been the "100 Nights Till' Graduation" and two "Senior Nights" at the tavern. But what really takes the cake is the lack of activities planned for what is supposed to be a week to remember for the seniors and their friends, the last few days of their college years ... Senior Week. We've just received a letter, approximately four weeks before Senior Week begins, explaining that there are now three events planned for us - that's right - three. In a letter sent to us about a month ago, seniors were told that the annual senior "Booze Cruise" on the Spirit of Philadelphia was to be one of the highlights of Senior Week. Now, we've been informed by Brad Millaway that the cruise is canceled because the ship was booked all week! We were then asked for any suggestions for what we should do instead for that Friday night. What we would like to know, is why we
were even told there would be a "Booze Cruise," as was held for seniors of past years when obviously no effort had been made to book the date. Not only have the two senior crawls been canceled for us this year (which have been a tradition for seniors at Cabrini for may years) because of what the senior officers have told their fellow classmates as their desire not to be responsible for the crawls, but now they couldn't even take the responsibility to at least book the Spirit of Philadelphia far enough in advance so that it would be available for the senior class ... the class which they chose to be officers for. As for the other events planned, how much trouble was it to plan a trip to Market Street Live other than getting transportation back and forth? We just don't see any real effor put into planning for senior week whatsoever. Must we always take it upon ourselves, as has been the case all year, to create our own good memories from senior year? As our officers, how about finally lending us a hand? The seniors from House 2 Kelly Digan, Marie-Elena DiSipio, Bernadine Febbo, Lori Johnson, Nancy Long, Susan Moriarty, Kathleen Rowan, Karie Papay
Loquitur welcomes letters to the ednor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the ednors. However, 1fthe writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the wnter's name may be left off the letter upon publ<:at,on and an inscription inserted such as ·name wnhheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words 1nlength. If a letter is too long for the available space. the editor 11ayedn or S condense n. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
It's finally the end of the school year and soon we will all be packing up the books and typewriters and going home. But before you jump into the fun and frolic of summer vacation, take just a little time to think about what you're doing. Think a little before you throw an empty soda can or cigarette pack on the sands of the Jersey Shore or whatever beach you 're visiting. Millions of people will flock to the country's beaches this summer, and if everyone would just put their trash in the right place, think how much cleaner the alreadypolluted beaches would be. Think a little before you tum on the garden hose or the sprinkler when the mercury climbs. Just a few minutes of cooling off can waste gallons of water - our most precious, and most rapidly disappearing - resource. Think before you collect all the trash into the same bag after a backyard barbecue. Remember that all aluminum products, glass bottles and paper can all be recycled. Most likely that includes everything that would wind up as trash after a summer party. Whether you are the host or only a guest, be responsible and recycle. These are just three very simple ways we can he!p save our planet. The time has come when we can no longer ignore what mankind has done to the environment in the name of progress. If we all don't chip in and do our part (and if you inhabit this planet, you have a part in cleaning it up), saving the environment will be the most important battle we could ever lose. The time for action is right now; we've waited too long as it is. Taking that action has become easier and easier to do. WPVI -TV Channel 6 Action News, along with Phi lade I-
foaming at the mouth spitting our expletives that were never meant to be said together; he wisely decided not to jack the fare. He took us down by the oil refineries to this junkyard that looked like the spot where the Scarfo' s dump their bodies. After paying the fare, I approached the lot and say my poor car - guarded by two dogs the size of SEPT A buses, with a sign about the size of a thimble reading, "Beware of Dog." The guy at the towing service was wearing a big smile and greeted me with, "And what can I do for you sir?" I wanted to tell him he could grab his upper lip and pull it over his head; but again, I wanted my car. We paid the $80, got my car back, and I went home - after being stuck in a one-hour traffic jam on the SureKill Expressway. At the end of this day that had seen me so humiliated and defeated, I could only look skyward (it had been raining Republicans that week, if you recall) and hope for the best. I got into my bed, and for the first time since I was 12, I watched TV on a Friday night and would not leave my home. The moral of this story? I guess it's that life is a series of disappointments in between which we sleep or take naps-£tay cheerful, and remember me when you thing of Dan Quayle, Penn State, QUAIDS, Saddam Hussein, the Terry Mulholland no-hitter, or George Bush. It's been a lot of fun writing this, and I thank all of my readers for giving me a chance to tell them a story - I hope you had a good time. Good luck, Bill
phia Electric Company, Acme Stores, New Jersey Bell, and Ikea, have put together a booklet called "Protecting Our Planet" that provides 14 simple tips we can all do everyday to make a difference, such as recycling all aluminum products, composting fallen leaves and finding ways to re-use items we would otherwise throw away when we're finished using them. McDonald's has also started environmental programs, such as planting trees, that are well worth checking out when you stop in for a Big Mac. Stop, look, and listen. Television, radio, newspapers and magazines have all taken on the protection of the planet as an important topic. Only those living under rocks could not know that the environment is the issue of the 1990s, and if people don't wake up, those rocks could someday disappear. If you still think I'm kidding, go down to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia and take a good, hard look at the exhibits in the new Futures Center. They have several displays concerning the future of our environment that will both shock and frighten you. With all the education we acquire in college comes responsibility. One of our biggest responsibilities as college graduates in the 1990s is ensuring. our children and grandchildren's right to breath clean air and drink clean water. It's not too late; if we start now. Maybe you're already sick and tired of hearing about the environment. That's too bad, because you've only heard the beginning. We can't ignore the now-constant message of saving the planet, because that won't go away. But if we do ignore the message, the environment will go away, forever. Just take a little time and think about it. Have a safe, happy and environmentally conscious summer.
friday 1 april 26 1 1991
securityo re·port
Security incidents as reported by the security office from 4/15/91 through 4/ 21/91.
New check cashing hours
Alchohol comfiscated 4/19 - keg of beer comfiscated from Xavier hall at 1 p.m. by resident life. Director of resident life notified security to remove keg.
0 The business office will have new check cashing hours, effective May I. The new times are l O a.m.-noon and 2-4 p.m. daily. There is a limit of $50 on personal checks. Cabrini student identification is required to cash checks. All of the above will be strictly enforced. The business office thanks you for your cooperation. \
Theater spring production 0 ''The Miracle Plays," the spring production of the theater department will be performed on Sat., April 27, and Sun., April 28, at 2 p.m. in the Atrium. Bring a blanket and wear comfortable shoes-the play travels. Admission is $5. For more information, contact Neal Newman at the theater in Grace Hall.
Last college activities board meeting 0 The college activities board will hold their last meeting on Thurs., May 2, at 4:30 in the dean of students conference room. Reviewing this past year and setting the 1991-92 agenda for clubs and organization are the topics to be discussed. For more information, contact Jennifer Marks-Gold.
English/communications speaker 0 The last career development lecture will be held on Tues., April 30 frorrl 12:301:30 p.m. in WCLH. Representatives of Paskill & Stapleton, creators of Cabrini's publication "Comment" will give a presentation.
Financial aid news 0 Summer College Work Study and summer PHEAA Grant applications are available in the financial aid office.
Class officer elections 0 Elections for class officers will end on Fri., April 26, Students can vote outside the cafeteria or wigwam. Results will be posted Fri., April 26, at 4 p.m. outside the SGA office.
Resident life news 0 Deadline for 1991-92 room changes is Fri., April 26. 0 Summer housing applications are now available in resident life office. Spaces are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information, contact resident life office.
0 Residence halls close for the year on Tues., May 14, at 4 p.m. All residents must be checked out 24 hours after their last exam.
Photo contest winners 0 The winners of the 1991 photo contest are: Michelle Merger--Grand Champion Sue Roux-Reserve Champion Color photo winners are: Juliann Dunn-first place; Ellen Battersby-second place; Ivan Domazet-third place. Black and white photo winners are: · Frank Emmerich-first place; Mark Gudas-second place; Kristin Higgins-third place.
Campus ministry news 0 A stress and suicide program will be presented on Tues., April 30, at 8 p.m. in House 7. This program is sponsored by the respect life committee, House 7, and campus ministry.
0 Campus ministry invites the campus to meet priest visitors that they are interviewing for the position as chaplain. On Fri., April 26, at 4:30 p.m., Father Gray will be celebrating liturgy.
0 First Friday confessions will be heard on Fri., May 3, in the chapel from 11:1511:45. After confession, a liturgy will be celebrated at noon.
0 Liturgy will be celebrated on Sun., April 28, at 10:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Campus ministry will show slides from their trip to Appalachia.
Student Employee of the Year ::JBeth Green was selected as the 1990-91 Student Employee of the Year.
Radio station nears FM operations by Kimberly Marshall Assistant Perspectives Editor
This week no one could help but see the 50 foot tower on the top of the George D. Widener Center. Few however, will never see the almost seven-inch-thick file full of documents though which made Cabrini's FM radio station become a reality. According to Dr. Jerome Zurek, English/ communications department chair, the test signals for WYBF were done on April 14 and April 15. Zurek said that the results were sent to the station's lawyers who will send them to the FCC. "The rest depends on how long it takes them to process it," Zurek said. "The exact date (to go on the air as an FM station), we don't know," Bud Mellon, communication center supervisor, and WYBF adviser, said. According to Mellon, Zurek was really excited about receiving the test signal in his car on the way to his 'house. "I'm glad to see this for him because he is the one that has to do the leg work, keeping in contact with the FCC, the lawyers, and all the stuff nobody else wants to do. (Zurek) doesn't get the credit maybe he should," Mellon said. "He is probably more excited than most." On Sunday, April 21, more testing was done. Mellon said that they have been having some problems with the remote linking Cabrini with Villanova. "This doesn't hold up any of the paperwork with the FCC," Mellon said. This past weekend, Mellon was able to purchase a new compact disc player for the station. Other equipment to upgrade the turntables was also purchased. The process to establish an FM station at Cabrini began in June of 1985 when Cabrini applied for an FM frequency with the Federal Communications Commission. "There was one educational band left forour area," Zurek ,1;aid. According to Zurek, Villanova University applied for a license simultaneously. Cabrini found out about this through an article published in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Zurek said that at the same time, University of Pennsylvania wantedfo move to 88.5 FM, the frequency that Cabrini and Villanova were applying for. Penn was doing this to move their tower, increase their power and, in tum audience on the Main Line. All of the schools gottogether and worked out an agreement. "We would move from 88.5 to 89. l and Penn would move down to 88.5," Zurek said. The switch caused those signals to affect two other radio stations. According to Mellon one of the problems occurred with WPVI-TV (channel six), which broadcasts its sound on the FM frequency but lower than many receivers can pick up. Channel six is at the tail end of one radio band, which happens to be the beginning of the FM educational band. All applicants had to work out a major legal compromise where everyone got what
they wanted. Mellon said that Zurek was instrumental in mediating this process, which lasted about a year and a half. Zurek said that Frank Hogan, who built the college's original AM carrier current station, was really responsible for instigating the idea of the need for an FM station. Hogan built the 1981 station and did the testing on the 1991 one. "He has been just incredibly good in keeping us on budget and getting us the best equipment for the least amount of money. He has really been like the guiding light behind everything and people don't know he has put in more work ff-tan any of us," Zurek said. Mellon said the current arrangement where Villanova and Cabrini share the FM frequency by broadcasting in seperate time slots works out equitably for both schools. Cabrini can be heard FM on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays starting at noon. According to Mellon, Villanova wanted the other days and particularly Saturdays to broadcast their sports events. "Our AM shifts will be good training ground for newjocks coming in," Mellon said. Dan Francis, WYBF program director, believes there was no way around the time sharing arrangement with Villanova. Francis said that Villanova's station, WXVU, and WYBF have similar formats. Dr. Sheryl Bowen, assistant professor of Villanova University's communication/arts department, said that they have not been on the air at all this year because their studios were being entirely rebuilt. Mellon said that Villanova might have to use our studio for the first few weeks. According to Bowen, the on-air studio is 99 percent built but the production studio and the conference studio might not be completed until the semester is over. "Villanova has a lot of nice equipment that we don't have," Mellon said. He said where WYBF is lacking in equipment it is ahead of the game in personnel. Villanova doesn't have full time-news and sports people as WYBF does. Station managerChristinaRoach said that their staff jumped from 10 people to 75 this year. Mellon thinks it is feasible that next year members ofWYBF' s experienced sports team including Matt McGeehan, Matt Hodlofski, and Mark Gudas might assist Villanova in live sports broadcasts. According to Bowen, Villanova's sports department had done quite a bit before the renovations this year. "Our station is not directly tied in with course work like Cabrini's," Bowen said. Bowen indicated that might be considered fo the future. Over the summer WYBF will have to be on the air for a certain amount of hours, according to the FCC. Mellon said that he would like to offer credit to the people who will work over the summer. Both Zurek and Mellon do not expect any further delays _once the paperwork goes through the FCC.
Soviet-Jew by Lorraine Marie Lill Assistant Features Editor
Two years ago, in a city named Kiev, which is located in the Soviet Union, there was a 17-yearold boy who answered a ringing telephone. The boy said "hello'' the voice on the other end responded with an invitation for the boy to Ie11vehis country within 48 hours or spend the next l Oyears of his life in prison. What did the boy do to receive such a life threatening phone call? It was simple. He voiced his opinion that he disagreed with his government. Alex Bren, a 1_9yearold Russian-Jew lived this story. Two years ago Bren was running for his life. This year he is a first-year student at Cabrini College. The story began when Bren was 13 years old. He worked for a Jewish theater and through the theater he began writing for an illegal underground Jewish newspaper. In the beginning Bren did not sign his name to his opinions. Then, around the age of 16, he felt that his opinions would- mean more if
friday, april 26, 1991
leaves Russia for better life in America
he signed his name at the end. Expecting the worst th~t could happen, Bren began to claim authorship to his writings. Shortly after this the KGB began calling Bren and asked him to stop writing in the newspaper. Bren believed in his opinion and refused to stop.
Alex Bren
pho1oby Chari e Wa1erfall
Bren freely went into the KGB office and talked to them about his beliefs. He continued to write. The KGB began watching him constantly. They knew everything he did or said. At the same time, Bren's family did not know about
anything that was going on. One day, while Bren was in a restaurant with some friends, two men approached him, took him to prison and told his friends to keep quiet. His friends did not listen, but they did not disobey entirely. Because they were worried, they telephoned his parents telling them that Bren went out of town for a few days and not to worry. Meanwhile, Bren was being held in prison where he spent 10 days mopping a gym floor, which was used by KGB employees, for 20 hours each day. The KGB took all of the money and valuables Bren had on him and after the 10 days they let him go home. In return, Bren stopped writing for the newspaper for about seven months. The KGB watched him constantly. Bren found being a Jew living in the Soviet Union very difficult. He said he was discriminated against everywhere he went. The KGB made his life even more difficult. Eventually, Bren was forced to leave his college because his teachers never gave him a higher grade than
a "C" and the students were making his life miserable, because he was the only Jew in the entire schooL Bren then began to work at a job for lower wages just because, as a Jew, he could not get fair wages. Bren also enrolled in a night school and continued to write for the underground newspaper.
older brother. "Russia is like the black part of my life," Bren said. "I spent the first 18 years of my life for nothing in Russia." Bren said that the United States is a country that can give everybody everything. "It's a country for all people, they are all immi-
'It's a country for all people, they are all immigrants here.' -Alex Bren Shortly after Bren graduated from the night school, he received the phone call telling him to leave the country. He demanded that his parents and little brother be given permission to leave as well or he would not leave. The permission was granted and for the first time Bren's parents heard of what had been going on. Within 48 hou·rs Bren and his family left the Soviet Union for Allstria where he lived for about seven months. FroITlthere he went to Rochester, N. Y ., where he has an
grants here." That is why Bren chose to come to the United States. Bren is a full-time business major at Cabrini and he works between 40-45 hours a week at Pizza Hut in Wayne as a manager. He pays for his own education and sends money home for his family once a week. In four years, after Bren becomes a United States citizen he will be a~le to visit his family in the Soviet Union. But, Wllil.that time, if Bren steps one foot into the Soviet Union, he will be thrown into prison.
'Miracle Play': a taste of medieval times on campus by Neal Newman
press release The "Miracle Plays," Cabrini College's spring theater production, will be performed on Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 2 p.m. on April 26 and 27 and May 4 and 5. The cost of admission is $5.
The outside production will be performed around the entire Cabrini College campus. In addition to a program, audience members will be given a map with directions for each of the plays. There will be performers and singers to guide the audience to the five scenic areas. Wear comfortable shoes and bring
a blanket. The "Miracle Plays;" which were written in the Middle Ages, were dramatized tales from the Old Testament. They were considered a tradition and were written to be performed yearly at spring festivals. The custom began in the 12th century and continued through the
middle 1500s. The manuscripts we have today are probably revisions of the earliest works. The five plays presented will be: "The Creation," "The Fall," "Abraham and Isaac," "Noah's Arc," and "The Annunciation." The size and architecture of Cabrini College's campus make for an
unique setting. Parts of both Grace Hall and the Mansion have areas that have symbolic meaning. For example the Mansion parking lot resembles an inn yard for horses and carriages, and the Atrium in Grace Hall was originally a stable house.
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fridaY, april 26, 1991
~ Homosexuality:
CHOICES by Sharlene Sephton
They are a part of the invisible minority on campus. Unlike other groups discriminated against by society, like blacks, women and the handicapped, you can't tell just by looking. The odds are though, that each of us probably knows a few people who belong to this minority. In fact, one out of every ten ·of us, that's roughly 140 students attending our college, are gay, lesbian or bisexual. These students attend classes, have families and friends, play sports, and participate in extracurricular activities. They are people like Kathy (this name has been changed), a young member of Cabrini's staff; Katina Kosturos, a 22-year-old Cabrini English major from Springfield; and Rich Trevino, a 22-year-old computer information systems major at Rutgers Camden campus. "When all the girls were giggling and asking, 'Isn't he cute?', I found myself thinking, 'Hmmm, she's not so bad,"' Kathy said. "Then I'd go, Oh my God, what did I just think?" Kathy remembers her strong denial was based on her need for peer approval as a teenager. Prov-
ing to herself that she was not abnormal was a preoccupation during these years. "From what I saw through the mass media, the only people that were homosexual were the sick people of society like the child abusers. I knew I wasn't any of those, so I thought I must not be gay," Kathy said. Confusion stirred up in Katina's
with guys, but all I was left with was more guilt, shame and confusion." Rich knew he had feelings for other men, but didn't explore them until the summer of his senior year in high school. "I tried relationships with women, but nothing was happening. That'sonethingpeople don't realize, but gay men do have sex with women," Rich said.
'I went through years of asking: Am I, aren't I? Am I, aren't I? Am I, aren't I? It was a big relief. Oh, I'm gay. ' - 'Kathy' identity since she was young. She always had close friendships with females in intimate, but not necessari Iy physical ways. But she reached a level that she just could not attain with men. It seemed like she had crushes on sporty, intelligent, and attractive women, but she still couldn't put one and one together. Like Kathy, she tried rationalizing to herself that she was a late bloomer. She dated to be just like everyone else, but she didn't feel any better. "I was trying to prove to myself and others that I was normal," Katina said. "I was promiscuous
homosexual and active in keeping the campus safe and free of vandalism. Her friends were supportive, and she had no problems from faculty. It was most difficult for Kathy to tell her family, who were very oppressive Protestants. "Everyone wants approval from their parents. Some are at most mildly disturbed, others can be very scary," Kathy said. "My parents were attacking me and they sent me off to church," Kathy said. "The minister was surprisingly ve.y supportive. He accepted it as a fact of nature, and told me I would be fine as long as I was living a moral, sane life."
Lastsummer,Katina"cameout." "I was in therapy as a recovering alcoholic, and I became in touch with things l didn't want to look at while I was drinking," Katina said. She had been in a state of denial for three years. While at Cabrini, Katina became involved with someone. "It was good, but I was fearful. After we broke up, I felt like crap," Katina said. People had a hunch she was a lesbian, according to Katina. Her friends gave her support, and they have -found mutual respect. She counted on them most, when she recently attended the Spring Formal with a good female friend as
"When I grew up, my mother had us believing that every person was different and unique in their own way," Rich said. "So, I simply thought I was unique." By senior year of college, Kathy had "come out.., She met someone and fell in love. For most people, she feels it is a gradual discovery. "I went through years of asking: Am I, aren't I? Am I, aren't I? Am I, aren't I?" Kathy said. "It was a big relief. Oh, I'm gay. Well that explains everything." Kathy feels that she was fortunate to be in a university that had a large theater department which involved other students who were
A call for more education bJ Sharlene Sephton
Throughout the country, homosexuals are trying to be heard on college campuses. Campaigns for gay rights on campus have become more vigorous, especially within institutions on the East and West coast, causing some campuses to become more sensitive to the issue, and others to be left in chaos and violence. An article in the Chronicle of Higher Education lists several changes being debated by students, faculty and administrators. They include a specific stipulation to be added to college and hiring policies that states there will be no discrimination against sexual orientation, as well as sex and race; providing on-campus housing for homosexual couples as some campuses do for married couples; and special gay studies departments. Student Activities On Cabrini's campus, there are not any established support services specifically for the concerns of homosexual groups. Director of student activities Jennifer Marks-Gold said if at least four people wanted to form a gay-lesbian alliance on campus she would support them as a
valid group. "There's a need for support, and perhaps we need to make it known," Marks-Gold said, "but we don't want to push the issue down the students' throats." The student handbook published by student services does include an AIDS policy, but does not include a gay and lesbian hotline. There should be a listing, according to Marks-Gold. "We're in 1991. It's not something we don't talk about," MarksGold said. Resident Life Does someone need to be gay to start something? "Part of me says, yes, someone should express 'hey, I need this.'" Cathy Caufield, director of resident life, said. "But I don't know ifwe can wait. I don't know if this kind of environment would be seen as OK, either." According to Caulfield, it is essential that there be a supportive environment. In her previous resident life positions, especially at the University of Delaware, the institutions were large enough that the gay and lesbian student unions were open and had the support they needed. They sponsored socials and gay-lesbian student panels. At Delaware, Caulfield said she is sure she worked with resident
assistants that were gay. She also describes situations in which people on the floor will tell their RA they are gay. An RA might encounter situations in which a homosexual couple would be living together in one room, and then the implications of their break-up would need to be resolved. The new resident assistants will be getting more specific training and homosexuality will be more of a priority next year. "They will be encouraged to think of diversity beyond black-white, male-female, to include gay-straight," Caulfield said. Admissions and Hiring "We don't specifically mentiQn 'sexual orientation' in our policies," Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said. "I always assumed it was somewhere between sex and marital status." Both admissions and the human resources department claim that they would never discriminate against homosexuals and would probably never know of a potential student or employee's affectional practice. Counseling Center There is probably a greater fear and difficulty for a student to come out to the campus as a whole be-
Models represelllingtwo couples illustrate examplesof affection: in for openess where homosexualcouple in background does so in more clan cause of the smaller size of the student body, according to Dr. Daniel Schwarz, director of counseling. Students come to the counseling center to deal with feelings and identities. "It's important to know that's what we' re here for," Schwarz said. "We help students express their identity in the ways they feel most comfortable." The educational services the counseling center would be willing to provide include in-classroom discussions and invitations to speakers from off campus for lectures. The only related program provided at present is the discussion on sexuality that the center has traditionally offered. Any other organized support service must be found off campus. Campus Ministry "The Catholic church is against homosexual acts. They feel it is ideal for sex in heterosexual mar~ ried union. Anything else is not
recommended," according to Francesca Bansbach, campus minister. "Even the official teachings, however, are to be pastoral," Bansbach said. This means that Catholics must inform their consciences and guide their own lives. An individual must think, pray, talk, consider the church's standpoints, and make a decision based on dignity, compassion and respect. Bansbach emphasizes tlfat the church does not condemn a person for being homosexual but stresses that God loves and created us all. People shouldn't interpret itas negative or evil. "No one's come to me for help or advice about being homosexual," Bansbach said. She sees her capacity as a resource person and listener. "We're all kind of floundering," Bansbach said in reference to the church's interaction with the latest theories of medicine and psychology. "I don't think the final word has come out," Bansbach said.
f riday, april 26, 1991
a voiceon collegecampuses ■
)ler date. "I had my doubts about showing · up. I wanted to go and have a good time. I wanted others to see that it was normal and OK," Katina said. "I did not anticipate any violence, and my friends were there to back me up." "The first time I went to a gay bar," Rich said, "I thought it was funny. I grew up used to seeing a man and a woman dancing. When I saw men dancing with men, I couldn't help it, but I had a big grin on my face." Rich's father found out that he was gay by reading an interview published in their area newspaper that had talked to Rich as president
round a heterosexual couple does so in ·tine atmosphere.
The following organizations are places where gays and lesbians can find support: Lesbian and Gay Task Force (215) 563-9584
Lesbian/Gay Anti-Violence Project (215) 563-4581 Gay and Lesbian Peer Counseling (215) 386-6110 or (215) 898·8888 Gay Switchboard (215) 546-7100 Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (215) 572-1833 Lesbian Hotline of Philadelphia (215) 222-5110
of Gay and Lesbians at Rutgers. "I gave my dad two weeks after the article was out to bring it up," Rich said. It was hard for us to start speaking. He had the sarrle reactions as any parent--fear, hate, disgust. He had a lot of que~tions, but didn't want to know the answers. Eventually, he told me I was his son, and he loved and accepted me." "Your comforts are few and far between," Kathy said. "One day, your best and closest friend may almost freak out." Kathy describes it as always feeling isolated. Kathy also feels it is harder for lesbians, because they are also part of the minority of women. There seems to be much more support of
men. She also finds it to be very difficult to meet people her own age, because it is rare for college women to identify themselves as gay. Most men recognize their homosexuality between the ages of 18 to 20, while women are more likely to identify themselves when they reach 30. "Find information somewhere," Kathy said, "and know that you 're not the only person in the world. Always remember you have a chosen family of friends that accept you as a person and one small part of your life." For Katina, the social life she was involved in on campus revolved around drinking. In this setting, she never felt comfortable, and always tried to prove her heterosexuality by becoming intoxicated. Katina said that one out of every three homosexuals is an alcoholic. "Even when you try to find a more diverse crowd of people that are homosexual, look where you have to go--a bar," Katina said. "I was thinking of getting a group together on campus, but I didn't know who else was out there, and I got nervous," Katina said. "Homophobia is even worse in college," Rich said, "where everyone has to drink the same, and dress the same, and speak in the same tone. It just shows how people are manipulated by society."
As president of GLAR (Gay and Lesbians at Rutgers), Rich sees the groups focus as educational. Since their constitution was accepted last fall, the group has fewer than a dozen members. They are starting to do outreach in the classrooms and go through instructors.
"On this campus, people are fairly supportive, but they are not vocally supportive, "Kathy said. She feels if the campus leaders start addressing the issue, people would start to be more accepting. "It's a lot more dangerous being
are even more horrifying than rape cases. There is no crime except existing in a fashion other than the norm." Katina describes one experience she had in a literature class that was discussing the novel "Giovanni's Room," which includes homosexuality as a theme. "I kept thinking to myself, I don't believe we 're reading about homosexuality. I was worried I wouldn't get through it. I didn't want to deal with the class's homophobia. My heart was racing. After class, I heard people saying they didn't see the point of reading it. One girl gave up on the first chapter," Katina said. "AIDS really helped homosexuals pull themselves together," Kathy Sllid. "We're all subject to the same diseases at anytime. Being homosexual does not give you a free license on seX:-Y ou also have to consider people's feelings and their own relationships." · "People need to be more concerned than just getting a quick fix of sex," Katina said. "It's not just sex. but feelings for somebody that have developed into a really deep level emotionally. Sex is too important to send out wrong messages. You need to know who you are, ~ho you're doing it
a homosexual in society." Kathy
with, and be comfortable that you
said. "Some homosexual bashings
are doing it for the right reasons."
'Homophobia is even worse in college.' - Rich Trevino "It's the only way we can be visible," Rich said. "I like being popular, and I'm still educating people." Without education, some people will always believe the misperceptions and see homosexuals as objects instead of human beings. "We need to watch our language. When you use the words queer and gay, you start to dehumanize people," according to Kathy.
photo by Frank Emmerich
AIDS Hotline 342-AIDS Giovanni's Room Bookstore (215) 923-2960 WXPN88.5FM Gay Dreams: Sundays 8:009:00 pm Amazon Country: Sundays 9:00- 10:00pm The following area colleges and universities have active gay and lesbian and bisexual student alliances:
Bryn Mawr College (215) 526-5000
photo by Frank Emmench
Two male models represent the intimacy (Jf a homosexual relationship.
University of Pennsylvania (215) 898-5270 Haverford College (215) 896-1420
fridaXzapril 26, 1991
Student serviceschanges summer orientation by Joe Martini
staff writer
The Student Services office announced the names of those who have been chosen to be Orientation Counselors (OCs) for the fall semester, and changes in the organization and planning of the summer orientation sessions have been planned, Of the 43 students who applied for the OC position, which included returning OC's, 32 were actually selected. The selection process consisted of many things. The first thing that an applicant needed was a nomination. Then, letters of recommendation were needed, and an application was due March 1. An interview with Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student activities, the orientation coordinators; Karen Moffett and Lisa Naab, and Andy Mcilroy, resident director, was also necessary.
, 18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa
"I tried to think about freshmen and who they would feel comfortable with," MarksGold said. Marks-Gold aqded that she was looking for people who are positive, warm, intelligent and extroverted. Marks-Gold said that she met with prospective OCs to see "where their•head was at," and that she was looking for, "A lot of smiling." The selection process may have been difficult, but first-year student Danielle Harris thought it was worth it. "My OCs were very good, and that made me want to do it more." Harris said. There will be some changes in the organization and planning of summer orientation this year. There will be only two sessions held this year. The first will be held on July 15 and 16, and the other on July 31 and August J. Cabrini will be using more of its own resources to meet its objectives. Summer orientation will involve more on-campus people to facilitate summer orientation, such as Dr. Dan Schwartz director of the counseling center, Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairperson of the psychology department, and also Marks-Gold. Also, returning OCs will be facilitating the training for the new OCs. According to Marks-Gold, another change being made this year is, "Being honest about what happens at Cabrini." Marks-Gold went on to say that the first-year students will be warned that coming to college is not that easy. "It's an adjustment," Marks-Gold said. The OCs will be trained on May 15 and 16 in communications skills, group leadership, ice-breakers and energizers. They will be informed of their job responsibilities and their role as an OC. They will attend lectures which teach them about procedures for security and health issues. They will be given cultural diversity training, and taught how to work with parents. The responsibilities of the OCs will include a host of duties. The purpose of the OCs is a combination of'getting students accli-
In past years, there were three summer orientations where oreientation counselors including Mary Shimkus, pictured here, volunteered their services. This year, there will only be two summer sessions for incoming students.
mated to campus and making them feel comfortable with the people here. 'They're seen as role models," Marks-Gold said. Pairs of OCs will be assigned to a group of first-year students to work with during the entire orientation. The OCs will see to it that their respective groups know where and when they are supposed to be, and that they get there on time. They will have to work with parents and help with entertainment. The OCs will have to explain a lot to the new students and will have to answer many questions. The OCs are acting as a resource for the first-year students. Marks-Gold is very optimistic about summer orientation. She has lined up entertainment, such as a bonfire with Dr. CarterCraigie,
professor of English and communications, telling a ghost·stery, and is confident that things will run smoothly. Above all, Marks-Gold is focusing on the OCs as a group, and is hoping that the OCs learn from this experience and "have memories that will last a lifetime from this experience." In the past, OCs have advised many students as to what they can expect from this college. Denise Edwards, senior and thirdyear OC, said of last year's orientation, "I think it's very successful." "I hope that they would make a positive impact on incoming freshmen and set the pace for the four years that they are here," Edwards said.
New orientationcounselorsnamed College press release
photo by Marl<Gudas
The following students have been newly appointed to the position of Orientation Counselor for 1991:
For FAST Pick-up or HOT Delivery, Call
Laura Currie Steve Murray Stephen Czech Courtney O'Connor Brandon Dougherty Krista Palmisano Danielle Harris Judith Panasik Eric Klansek
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Carin Pesotski Mark Mellor Dave Thompson Beth Mulvihill Amy Wechesler John Quirus The following Orientation Counselors will be returning to their positions for 1991: Chris Costigan Charlie Tucci Denise Edwards Bob Salladino April DuHadaway Christina Rudden
Heather Laraway Dave McCabe Trish Lee Jayda Zazyczny Mark Gudas Julie McKee Frank Emmerich Patty Zeller Kim Marshall The Orientation Coordinators for 1991 are Lisa Naab and Karen Moffett. The first summer orientation will be held on July 15 and 16, and the other on July 31 and August I.
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next year. Non-fist-year students are students with 15 or more credits transferring from another institution. In addition to new students coming in, the retention rate also affects enrollment. Retention is the college's ability to graduate students who enrolled as first-year students. The class of 1990 started with 144 first-year students. Sophomore year there were 119, or 83 percent. By junior year, there were 105 original students, or 73 percent. Senior year there were I 05 students, or 72 percent, and of that number, 84 graduated. In all 58 percent of the original first-year students from the class of 1990 graduated. According to Gardner, the national average is 45 to 50 percent. As of last spring, this year's senior class
still had 127 of the 173 first-year students who started in 1987. This year's junior class still had 167 of 216 original students, or 77 percent, at the end of last spring. According to Gardner, the national retention average at the end of sophomore year is 73 percent. Continuing education and the graduate studies division make up the rest of the enrollment. For summer session II, continuing education is projecting 300 students, 450 for the fall, 430 for the spring, and 380 for summer session I in 1992, according to Meredith Leahy, dean of continuing education. According to Dr. Jack McGovern, director of graduate studies, there are 1,021 registrations for the period from 1991 's summer session II to 1992's summer I session. Ac-
cording to McGovern though, that number is not necessarily indicative of the number of students enrolled, as the graduate division counts the number of classes taken rather than the number of students enrolled. According to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, and chair of the enrollment management committee there are several reasons why full-time undergraduate enrollment has fallen. One is the economy. Another reason is demographics. According to Bonfiglio, the lower birth rates of the mid-seventies are effecting enrollment at every college. "To my understanding, Cabrini is not unique in it's enrollment situation or it's budget constraints. However, I would like to think it is unique in some of it's positive aspects," Bonfiglio said.
f riday, april 26, 1991
Gatehousehostsguestsof MissionarySisters by Karen Kerchusky Assistant Perspectives Editor
You may have seen the lights on and a car·parked outside and wondered, "Wlio lives there?" Wonder no more. Sister Mary Mester, R.S.M. and Sister Margaret Campell, R.G.S. and a native of Scotland are the mystery residents of the gatehouse. According to President Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, the Missionary Sisters of Sacred Heart own the land and buildings of Cabrini. The sisters have a lease agreement between themselves and the college in which the sisters offer use of the buildings. However, they may take advantage of the buildings and make use of them as they desire. The Missionary Sisters offered the use of the gatehouse to its current occupants and the tenants are their guests. "The college uses and maintains the buildings and the property," Currie said. Maintenance means that Physical Plant will do any maintenance requirements on the buildings. The college had thought about
uses for the house, however, "the sisters needs reserved use of it," according to Currie. The two guests are pursuing higher education. Mester is working on her dissertation on helping novices discern experiences of guilt from the Gregorian University of Rome. Campell is doing postgraduate studies in couple and family therapy at the Marriage Council of Philadelphia. In the past the director of resident life, the dean of students, chaplains ancf sisters were some of the former occupants of the gatehouse, according to Currie. Students lived for a short period of time when the houses were being finished. Michael Caranfa, chief physical plant officer said he also lived there for six months. According to Currie, no one, that she is aware of, who has lived in the gatehouse paid rent. There are no future plans for the house by the college because it depends on how long the Missionary Sisters want'to continue using it, Currie said. There have been no major repairs on the building since the resi-
dents moved in. "It's not a big maintenance problem," Caranfa said. "They have never called us." According to Caranfa, there are three other areas that are considered used only by the Missionary Sisters. The convent section of the mansion, the Emmaus house and the swimming pool i-reaare reserved specifically forthe use of the order. "Time for thinking and writing," is what Mester said she appreciates about living at Cabrini. The library has been very useful to her work. Mester feels her dissertation will be helpful because, "Guilt is a universal experience. It touches spirituality, morality and psychology." This paper will help the novice know how to understand guilt feelings. Currie said she learned of decision of the use of the gatehouse in conversations with a sister from Philadelphia and New York at the time the house was to become vacant after the departure of former director of resident life John Doyle. The residents have been living here since the end of September, 1990. The location of the gatehouse is both "desirable and a drawback,"
- photoby MarkGudas
The current residents of the gatehouse are guests of the Missionary Sisters, who may reserve the use of campus buildings under their lease agreement with the college. Currie said. "The distance from campus makes some options not appealing. Its use is limited."
Currie also said the college has no expectations of service from the two guests.
MEDIA BLITZ, pg.1 publications to be consistent and develop a definite Cabrini image. We've accomplished that," Berlant said. "Now the radio needs to come in for the kill." Because an individual needs to hear 52 repetitions of a commercial to remember it, print combined with radio reinforces one another and makes for a successful-advertising plan. "Right now prospective students are being bombarded by colleges and universities with view books," Gardner said. "By being on the radio it sets us apart from the others." Prior to the radio commercials Cabrini had run advertisements in the March issue of "Philadelphia Magazine" and in the April 7 and 11 issues of the "Philadelphia Inquirer" Educational edition. "The timing of the print combined with the open house in early April gave us the
wedge we needed to use the rest of the two budget lines for the radio," Berlant said. Because of the recent budget restraints advertising on the radio was carefully looked into. "We took a look at all the dollars we needed to spend on the necessities and where if any there would be dollars left over," Berlant said. The commercials were paid for through the Institutional Advertising fund. The two weeks of air time on Eagle I 06 and Q I02 cost $18,000 and $14,650 on KYW and Star. "It took every last cent in the budget," Berlant said. For the $18,000 price tag for the undergraduate commercials the college received 58 spots on Q 102 and 96 spots on Eagle 106. The c~llege also bought air time at the right time for the COMP program. "At the time people were still faithfully listening to
KYW because of the war, so many people heard our message," Berlant said. Berlant did all of the primary research needed to make a successful radio campaign. Berlant, her office and the admissions office worked jointly on creating a student profile, writing copy and selecting what times the commercials would air. Berlant and her staff developed a student profile and a dozen or more different scripts. "From all the scripts we chose differentthings out of each we liked and from there came up with the final 60 second script," Berlant said. Public relations and admissions were very particular about what time the commercials
would air. "We chose times when students would most likely be listening, in the morning getting ready for school and when school is out." Berlant said. "The COMP programs commercials were extremely effective," Steve Welsch, director of the COMP program, said. After the first week, Welsch had received over 600 respondent. "Out of the over 600 inquirers close to 225 have signed up for information sessions." "From the inquirers radio has proven to be one of the most effective medium, for us to use," Berlant said. "I'm hoping that come August we can go back on the air."
BEEF & BEER Friday May 3, 1991
TUITION HIKE, pg. 1 up the constraints of the budget. After many rounds of going back and forth, once the financial committee is ready, then they meet with the full board. The budget committee and the finance committee meet together over the various issues regarding the budget. "There was a rumor and it was only a misunderstanding that at the meeting last Wednesday, the executive committee was making that decision," Currie said, "they weren't." The executive committee consists of all of the elected officers of the board of trustees. They act in the name of the board when it is necessary. Currie said that sometimes it acts like a coordinating body of all of the different committees. Currie said that this past Wednesday the committee was meeting as it normally meets and was not making any decision about the tuition increase. "It has the power but rarely does the executive committee make a decision without a full board discussion," Currie said. According to Currie, admissions had a consultant reflecting different aspects of what the college can do in admissions efforts such as financial aid and pricing. The consultant was not brought in for the budget. "I am not the marketing analyst and I respect the marketing experts but in the sim-
10:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. plistic mindset that I have you don't charge what you don't need to charge," Currie said. However, Currie said the college wants to continue to offer a quality education. "It is not whether it is a Cadillac or a Hyundai. I personally do not like that analogy but I am not a marketing analyst," Currie said .. "It is hard," Currie said, "It is not the end of Cabrini." This increase will not effect the graduate division or part-time students. According to the April 19 issue of The Villanovan, Villanova University's tuition will be hiked seven and one-half percent. According to the business office at Ursinus College, they had a tuition increase of nine percent which the students knew about in February. The admissions office at Saint Joseph's University said that they had between a seven or eight percent increase raising tuition to $10,000 and for the business school to $10,300. Room and board is $5,000 and the students knew about this a few months ago. Steve Klug, -controller of Spring Garden College's business office, said that their tuition is going up from $8,000 per year to $8,800. Room and board is $4,200 for the year. "We got rid of all of the lab fees, though," Klug said.
by the Junior
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be 21 years
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friday 1 april 26 1 1991
Athleteof the week
Avena : chipping away at success by Matt Hodlofski
staff writer
photo by Lorraine Lill
Senior Ed Avena, athlete of the week.
There are rules to every sport you see. In baseball you must touch every base around the diamond infield if you want to score a run. In basketball you must dribble the ball if you want to progresswith the ball down the court. In both sports there are certain dress codes. Tang top and shorts for basketball players and elastic pants and stirrups for baseball players. In the sport of golf you must wear a collared shirt along with a dress pants. There are tedious rules to the game. You can not ground your club in a sandtrap. You can not break a twig from a tree on the course to help alleviate a difficult swing. There is even etiquette to the sport of golf. You help your opponent in deciphering certain rules. You don't step in the line of another golfers' putt. Crazy, when you think of the other sports when Americans are used to seeing cheating and bending of the rules as the norm.
Ed Avena is this weeks' athlete of the week. One of the top three players on a team in a sport that requires hours of practice and incredible concentration, Avena has a different attitude toward the game. "I only play when we have matches," Avena said. "Practice is more important than anything, but I play it to have fun. In the summer, when golf is more prominent to every golfers' life,
'He hits the long ball very well and is our best sand trap player.' -John Dzik, golf coach Avena plays to a handicap of 10, but during the school year when studies and graduation are on his mind he plays to a 15. The one thing that Ed adds to this team is comedy through his play, according to golf coach John Dzik. "He hits the long ball very well and is our best sand trap player," /
Dzik said. ''The problem with this golf program is that our competition plays on better courses and has better practice facilities,'' Avena said. "Although individual determination would make the team better." All the players on the golf team adopted a golf nickname on the van en route to an away match earlier this year. Avena's professional nickname is Roco Mediate, a current golfer on the professional tour. Besides Mediate, Avena's favorite pro golfers are Jack Nicklaus and Davis Love Ill. Talking about the Masters, which occurred a couple weeks ago, Avena's heart was with Nick Faldo. "I wanted to see if he could win it for a third year in a row," Avena said. On Monday, April 22, the (Eastern States Athletic Conference) ESAC's occurred in Allentown and the Cavs finished third behind Wesley College and Allentown while beating Shenandoah .i Avena shot .A.,95, which was the second lowest on the team. The Cavs' last match is this Monday against Textile.
JOBSQUADJOBSQUADJOBSQUAD ~/ Synthes USA in Paoli is seeking a graduating seniors interested in computer operations (systems 38). Wage and salary are negotiable. Contact 647-9700, ext.I 12, or send resume to 1690 Russell Rd., Paoli, 19301.
Latchaw, Montgomery & Peck Inc. is seeking part-time help. Approximately 1015 hrs./wk starting at $7 /hr.Job includes data entry, filing, and catalog assembly. Will train. If interested please contact 647-4640.
Sparrs Company is seeking full and part-time sales associates in Chestnut Hill and Haverford store locations. For more information contact Lisa at (215) 248-9890.
There is an Intern position available at the Yellow Springs Institute. Job includes general office help. Job will be from MayAugust. Hours ate 8:30-5pm. Mon.-Fri. and some Saturdays. Salsry is $5-6/hr. depending on experience. For more information contact Amy at 827-9111.
The Orville Redenbacher's Second Start Program is offering a scholarship. To be eligible, applicants must be 30 years -old or older, be enrolled in a degree seeking program, and be either a full or part-time student attending an accredited college or university. Daedline is in May.
Clinical Practice Associates is seeking parttime data entry personnel. Hours and days ~re flexible, 10 hrs./wk. or more. Contact Karen Weber at 341-1850.
Stouffer Valley Forge Hotel has immediate openings for Bell Attendants, Front Desk clerks, Housekeepers, Cooks, Waitresses, and Buspersons. If interested contact 3371800.
Commonwealth Federal Savings Bank is seeking a graduating senior earning a B.A. orB.S.inAccountingforan opening in their Accounting Department. Full-time position. Contact 251 ~ I 600, Candice Lane, ext_3048. Hauss and Burke Law Offices in Ardmore are seeking a part-time file clerk to help with copying and other miscellaneous duties. Hours are Mon.-Fri. 3-6 pm. wage is $5.50/ hr. If interested contact Christopher Murray at 649-5200.
Applications are now being accepted for a $1,000 scholarship from the Women's Club of Upper Merion. The Rosemary Gumski Memorial Scholarship is available to any highschool graduate enrolled in an accredited post-high school program and who 11ves within the Upper Merion Area School District. For more information, contact 2656238 after 3:30 pm. The deadline for applications is May 15.
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frank sciolla sports columnist ~ L------.&.;:;;=;;;;;;;;=__,=;.i
f riday, april 26, 1991
.. Formanfighttakesusfora ride .
In a figurative sense, George Foreman I hope the final bell last Friday night ended fought his last fight on October 30, 1974, in his second career for his heart's sake. Too Kinshasa, Zaire. many cheeseburgers are bad for the cholesThe man whom many had called a young terol level. Sonny Liston did not want to fight that George Foreman duped you folks!!!!! night. F.oryou see, George Foreman was as He fought twenty-four tomato cans and he smart then as he is now. used his abilities as a preacher to get a title Foreman lost that fight to Muhammed shot. Ali. He knew he'd have trouble with Ali, but What did he have to lose? He was because of his bankruptcy he was forced to fighting a pumped up cruiserweight who take the fight. is not even among today's top three Foreman, who was an overwhelming heavyweights. Foreman knew that Holyfield favorite according to Las Vegas was knocked would dance all night so he didn't have to out in the eighth round: He would go on to worry about getting hurt. And what if George fight another three years until 1977, when he landed a lucky punch. was beaten in San Juan by Philadelphian There is no denying he can punch. He put Jimmy Young. Joe Frazier on the canvas six times in two On that sweltering night in Puerto Rico, rounds. However, Frazier lost on a TKO not Foreman claimed to receive divine inspira- a knockout. Frazier always had the heart tion. Apparently, God told big George to that Foreman desired. quit boxing and become a preacher. When you think about the ForemanI watched that Foreman-Young fight on Holyfield fight, don't congratulate Foretelevision. It was the first heavyweight fight man for going the distance. Scold Evander I ever saw. Holyfield for not flattening another guy that Last Friday's Foreman-Holyfield fight makes boxing the joke it is today. reminded me of that fight. In both bouts, Big George plodded through twelve rounds of GRAPEVINE largely uneventful pugilism. When the final bell rang during the Young *Congratulation£ to field hockey, golf, fight, it marked the official end of Fore- woman's volleyball, cheerleading, and track man's first boxing career. But that career and field. really ended when Ali stole his heart in Zaire. Isn't it nice to know you're really appre-
PRQ»ARE,pg.12 Al
said shouldbring Water and energy snacks -etbs: Ji&?!.... refer to the diet. Before accordingto Rien. Raisins, apples and doing strenuousactivities,Riensaidnot to fruitsareencqy snacksRiensaid. eat muchbefore.''Avoid drinkswithhigh Clorbes alaokeepthebody-cool''Wear
-'Peopleshouldstartoutsideactivityslowly.The averagepersonneedsfiveto sevendaysto adjust to a newclimate.' -MarkGrothmann
ciated???? !! !! *Did you hear about our new all-purpose fieldhouse? Neither did I. *Has anyone· seen the softball team play? Women's basketball isn't the only team that misses Kathy Murray. *Does the dean of students at Penn State take the time to go down to the residence halls and remove kegs? *It's nice to see Darren Daulton is off to a blistering start. I figure he' II get hot again by the time his contract is up for renegotiation. *Tommy "Duke" Monison should spend more time in the gym and less time in the, tanning salon.
*Attention school officials!!! I hear there are two full beer cans hidden in someone's closet. *The Rocket won't sell many Nike's from Toronto. *Russel Maryland will be the rookie of the year. *I hate the Dallas Cowboys! *I love blue eyes. *Are they still playing hockey? *I miss Mike Keenan. *Masterful public relations job, coach. The six sports are back. *Social life is still missing. *So is Wes Chamberlain. *I love spring. *I really hate Don King. *I despise endings. Oh well.
SUMMERJOBIN NANTUCKET 7/19 - 8/29 HousekeePins and babYsittina forVillanova familyandhaPPY 4-Year-old. Livein. nonsmoker.~~ 4-l SS? 96
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sugar content suchas Cokeand7-Up," cottons and fabricsthat breathewithyour Olga Rien said. "Don't eat something body,''Riensaid. .. Avoidpolyestersand sweetandfull of fatbeforeplaying sports nylonsmaterialsthey do not breathe.'•
Attention Althetes! Change the date!
The annual sports award banquet will be held on
SUNDAYMAY 12,1991 at the Holiday Inn King of Prussia. 6-lpm 1-Bpm 8-?pm
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Remember if you are able to attend, please fill out and return your invitation form you received in the mail by April 30, 1991.
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626-HELP "My friendstold me, 'If you haveto go anywhere,go Jo Amnion'."
fridaXi april 26, 1991
Tennisontheupswing by TosephBuda Assistant Features Editor
phO'.O by John Gay
Senior Bob Bonner returns a serve during a recent match. This weekend Bonner and his teammates will be vying for the Cabrini Invitational title.
As the sun set Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, so did the hopes of Cabrini's men's tennis team's competitors, giving the Cavs two more wins and a 5-9 s~ason record so far. On Tuesday, the Cavaliers crushed Newman College 7-2. In number one singles, firstyear ~ill Wells won 6-love, 6-love against Newman's John Litchko. Jim Landin beat Chuck Thornton 6-1, 6-love in number two singles. Bob Bonner, senior co-captain, defeated grade-school classmate Pete Postiglione 6-4, 6-2 in number four singles. Newman's Joe Lavin fell fo Cabrini's first-year Matt Cahill 6love, 6-love. There were only two losses. Sean McNamera lost a close match to John Spadea 4-6, 4-6. Another close loss was Chris Renzulli to Mark Clark 2-6, 6-3, 6-7. In doubles action, the first-year team of Wells and Cahill won 6-
I, 6-1 against Newman's Litchko and James Clayton. Landin and Bonner defeated Newman's Lavin and Thornton 61, 6-2. Dave Thompson and Jeff Patti beat Spadea and Postiglione 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. At Eastern College on Wednesday, Cavs defeated Eastern 4-3, even though the match was never finished due to rain. Number one singles Wells lost to.Eastem's Rob Preziosi 6-2, 6-4. Landin, in number two singles, defeated Matt Kirk 6-3, 2-6, 6-1. In number three singles, McNamera lostto Chuck Linke 6-0,75. For number four singles, Bonner lost to Dan McManus 5-7, 6-2, 7-6. Cahill won against Keith Davies 6~2, 6-1 for number five singles. Thompson defeated Kingsly Emerson 6-3, 7-5 for number six singles. In doubles action, Wells and Cahill defeated Preziosi amd Kirk 1-6, 6-3, 6-4. Landin and Bonner were win-
ning against Linke and McManus 6-3 when it started to rain and the match was ended. Accordingto Reggie Day, coach of the men's tennisteam, "I wanted to finish it today (Thursday) or next Thursday, but Eastern did not have time this week and needed next Thursday for practice.'' According to Day, he will call the game in as a win, and "if Eastern doesn't like it, let them play." "Maybe their afraid they'll get their butts kicked,'' Day added. In the ESAC championships, the men's tennis team placed fifth with 15 overall points. Wells lost to Ken Solidy of Salisbury 8-1, while defeating Scot Kemp, of Frostburg, 8-5 in the consolation round and taking third place for first seed singles. Cahill placed second in fifth seed singles by defeating Colin Bonini of Wesley 9-8 and Dom Walitsh of Allentown 8-3. Cahill lost to Dave Hardesy of Salisbury 6-3, 6-2. Lanuiiiand Bonner placed th.ird in second seed doubles after losing to Hammet and Klein from Wesley 8-3 and defeating Diatto and Hess.
Fitnessand you
Preparingyour body for summer by Kimberly Keck Assistant News Editor
Results Tennis 4/17 4/19 4/22 4/23
5 4 4.5 4
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Eastern 3 Shenandoah5 Rut. Cam 4.5 E. Stroud. 5
Spring Soccer 4/20 4/20 4/20
2 4 1
Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Courtland St.12 Bloomsburg 5 Fordham 0
Softball Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini
Gold. Beac. Gold. Beac. Textile
6 8 7
4/20 4/20 4/23
5 2 6
4/19 4/19 4/22
375 Cabrini Rut. Cam. 315 375 Cabrini Rider 362 ESAC Championships Wesley #1 Allentown #2 Cabrini #3 Shenandoah #4
Summertime means hot bodies in the cool sand. Getting your body in shape for the season of string bikinis is a Catch 22. You feel great about turning heads on the beach yet the body beautiful never fails to remind of the pain suffered to be the god or goddess of the beach. To look this good is a year-long commit-
ment. Even through the months of sun and fun, dedicated body builders must keep up with exercise and proper diet without suffering heat illness or common sports injuries. Climatization is the key to reducing injuries from the summer heat according to Mark Grothmann, a trainer at Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine Clinic. Grothmann said climatization is gradually adapting your body to weather and the environment. "People should start outside activity slowly," Grothmann said. "The average person needs five to seven days to adjust to
Cabrini garners firstrelayevent f~ ~'
Schedule Tennis Sat. 4/26 Sun. 4/27
Cabrini Invitational Cabrini Invitational photo by Lorraine Lill
Spring Soccer Sat.
Trenton State Tourn.
Marywood (DH}
Softball 2:30pm
Golf Mon. 4/29
Phila. Textile
The women's 4x100 meter relay team consisting of junior Jen Arnholt, first-year student Jen Spingler, Jeanne Dougherty, sophomore and Veronica O'Hora, sophomore, captured Cabrini's first-ever relay victory at Trenton State University . Coach O'Hora called the victory the 'highlight of the season.' Arnholt ran the lead, followed·by Spingler and Dougherty. O'Hora was the first to carry the batton across the finish line, running the anchor.
a new climate.'' While sports advocates are exercising in the heat, they must also remember to exercise common sense. "You should listen to your body's messages,'' Grothmann said. ''Avoid dehydration and rest in the shade. Grothmann said. "Drink fluids such as water, fruit juices and pre-made sports drinks.'' Even though the hot months require more precautions, the workout pays off in the long run. ''The body tends to work harder with more heat because you're outside and losing more water," Olga Rien, Cabrini's registered nurse, said. Another advantage about summer is that less time is needed to warm up according to Grothmann. Stretching out is easier because the body is wanner Grothmann said. This allows for a better heart beat and improves blood flow. Too often sun related problems are heat illness and heat stroke according to Bill Lukasiewicz, Cabrini's athletic trainer. The latter has a stronger effect and resuIts in a medical emergency. Lukasiewicz said heat illness is a reaction to being over heated. The treatment for heat illness is to drink fluids and to get cooled off as soon as possible according to Luskasiewicz. The most common injury in all sports no matter what sport or season, is an ankle sprain according to Lukasiewicz. "I see spumed ankles every day,'' Lukasiewicz said. To prevent this injury Lukasiewicz said to use an ankle brace, or athletic tape. Any exercises to strengthen the lower leg will help prevent ankle injuries according to Lukasiewicz. To heal this most common injury, Luskasiewicz said to use RICE (rest, ice, compression and elevation). ''For outside injuries, do not apply oils because they hold heat,'' Rien said.
see PREPARE,pg.11