May 3, 1991 Issue 24 Loquitur

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friday, may 3, 1991

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxvii, no.24

College presidential search to begin by Rita Cellucci

News Editor

Cabrini College is undertaking a search for a new president to follow President Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, who resigns in May, 1992. There is a new presidential search committee that is already starting the process of searching for a successor. "The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart have decided for themselves that their best work is done not in positions of corporate leadership, but in other areas," Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students and member of the committee, said. According to Dr. Margaret Reher, chair of the religion department and faculty member of the committee, it was the decision of the religious chapter not to continue in their position. However, they will still continue to sponsor the institution. The search committee consists of the board of trustees, administrators, faculty, alumni and current students. Sister Mary of Lourdes has been appointed chair of this committee. Edith R. Dixon, chairperson of the board.Charles Roach.Joanne Balshi and Sister Roselle Santivasi, MSC, are the members of the board participating in the search. The administrators include Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs, and Bonfiglio. Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairperson of

lie photo

Sister Eileen Currie, MSC, president, will resign May 1992 the psychology department, and Reher were the two faculty members chosen. Alumna Angela Zager, from the class of '64, will serve on the committee. The two current students chosen are Dawn Timbario and Eric Klansek, both sophomores. "The committee recognizes the importance of having representation from all the constituencies of the college," Bonfiglio said. "I welcome students as part of the search," Reher said, "they are a natural part of the process." The college has contacted the Presidential Search Consultant Service of the Association of Governing Boards to aid in the search. Reher thinks that choosing a professional group will provide objectivity and neutrality in the search. The consultant service will visit die campus on May 6 and 7 to evaluate and determine what characteristics should be sought for the college and its new president. Two consultants want to see and get to know the campus "to meet students, faculty and staff and get a sense of the institution and our needs," ac-

cording to Reher. From these two days, the consultants should be able to develop a job description. In Septembe, the process of the search will start with advertisements in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Also, contacts the consultants know will be considered. The college is expecting 100 resumes and by late October those resumes will be read and semi-finalists chosen. Interviewing will start in the latter part of the fall semester. In January and February, the search will narrow to finalists and continue with second-round interviews. "Hopefully, by March or April, the Board of Trustees will be able to announce the new president," Bonfiglio said. "I trust and respect the decision of the Missionary Sisters and respect them for giving it a lot of thought," Zager said. She does not feel it will hurt the mission of the college if the president is not from a religious order. "In fact, that will be a primary concern when choosing the candidate," Zager said, "That person can carry the mission statement farther and broaden it into other areas." "My general impression is that higher education is facing a lot of tough questions and we need a president who will be able to gather the resources of the college and around the area," Bonfiglio said. "I need to formulate my thoughts on thequalities of a president," Zager said. see SEARCH, pg.8

Food proposalsto be reviewed who would best fit Cabrini's

needs of a small college. Having a companythat deals with larger collegesmiptmcan that Fourfood servkes are sub- Cabrini "migld not get the atmiltillaproposals tobtCabrini •s tentioo it needs,.. Barclaysaid. food conpny staraiagin SepFromthe four proposals,die tember.TheyareSellers,Wood. two companieswill be selected Morrison and Dab. Howewr and invitedto present their proonly two cx,mpanies,Morisson posala in person. Barclay and aad Seilen, bandetlin daeirpro- Boafiglio will then make m:posals by the April 26deadline. QJIJIDelldadoosto Sister Eileen OnMonday,April8.thefour' Currie.M.S.C., presidea, who ~apanies WeR invitedto IOGk It Cabrinisad to talk 10 Dr. it is the students RobertBonfiglio, dean of students, John Bmclay, chief fiGraphicsEdi/or


oancial officer, and the food committee, formed by students aad Olga Lien. HealthServices

R.N. Barclayreceivedthe two proposals by April 26 anda copy

the food,' -Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students

lhen WeJll to Bonfiglio.The companywill providefood for the cafeteria,the Wigwam and any :;pedal events that need to

will makethefmaldecision. Bonfigliodidnot seea pal picediffamceandfeltthefood committeewasimportantto the

Bonfiglio said he has been receiving mail from food ser-

seleclioe ~--·whohavetoea,. the thestudents food andwho they feel more comfortable with." One thing Bonfigliowould


vicecompaniesfortbepMtthree years and filed them. He chose the four companiesfrom there. Hisdecisionwasmade basedon

seeFOOD,pg. 9

BUsiness department celebrates 10th anniversary by Kimberly Marshall

business administration professor,

Ed1tor-in-cl11e} said. The business department is a little over l Oyears old according to Cabrini's business department celebrated its 10th anniversary by bringing together students, faculty, administration, friends of the college and the corporate business community. The kick-off began on Thursday. April 25 with three business men who spoke during a student forum. William Combs. James Genuardi and John Geraci spoke about what it takes to become successful in business today. "It was an opportunity to hear influential and successful people and to hear what challenges and issues are ahead," John Heiberger,

photo by C3rin Pesotski

Drew Lewis spoke to the business community and the Cabrini community last week

Heiberger. The idea to celebrate this came up over a year and a half ago according to Anthony Broce hi, the vice president of institutional advancement. "A little of this is recognizing the growth of the business department in the past ten years." Heiberger said. James Gcnuardi. of the Genuardi food store chains.was one member of the business community invited to celebrate. Genuardi supermarkets was started by Genuardi's father as a produce cart. Now it is on of the largest independent food chains in the Philadelphia region according to Genuardi. Being committed to quality and the customer are characteri sties he attributes to being

What's Happening May 3 to May 10. Friday ~

11:15-11 45 am F rst Friday confessions, Chapel 10 pm • 2 a.m ~ TAXI service 971-8415

Saturday ~

Noon track & held Lincoln relays

~ 2..r,.m, Miracle Play ,n Grace all ~ 10 p.m. ·2 am. TAXI s1,rv,ce971-8415

Sunday ~ 2 p.m. MiraclePlay In Grace Hall ~ 4 p.m. Cabrini Chorus Concert WCLH

Monday ~ Last day of

classes ~ Presidential search consultants on campus

successful. "Have a passion for what you do," Genuardi said. Sophomore Jennifer Humay worked as a co-op student for Genuardi supermarkets. Humay publicly thanked Genuardi for the oppurtunity. "They really take pride in their employees and they arealwa} s there to know what is wrong," Humay said. Geraci spoke about important current business trends. "Figure out what you like to do," Geraci said. Geraci also spoke about the changing role of education within the next 15 years. He feels that the students and parents, will begin questioning what they are really getting for their money. "The para-

digms of tenure will be broken," Geraci said. "Mr. Combs indirectly helped get the business program started," Heiberger said. Heiberger and Dr. Joseph Romano, philosophy department chair. asked Combs to help out with finances and counselors in setting the department up when Heiberger was head of in~titutional advancement and Romano wa\ the vice president of academic affairs. According to Romano, the department got staned because of good will and an interest in people. "As administrator in the 1979-'80 time period, we had a lot of priorities. One of them was to build the business department," Romano see SPEAKER, pg.8

more coverage in UPDATES! Tuesday ~ Final Exams Begin ~ Presidential search

consultants on campus

Wednesday To have yourevents cov8"'d ,n WHAT'S HAPPENING contact Karen Kerchusky in the newsroom or contact extension 8412

Thursday ~ Noon & 6 p.m.

Ascens•on Thursday 1turgy

Friday ~ 10pm. 2a.m. TAXI SIIMC8 971-8415



friday 1 may 3 1 1991



view oint

A chance to reflect It's been a strange trip A hurricane was blowing this year and now we are in the eye of the storm. There has been unrest plaguing the campus all year. Extreme unrest. In the beginning there was vandalism, harassment and violence. It wasn't until the administration clamped down that the student body overcame their complacent attitude and became passionate about preserving their existence. We all remember the volatile gathering and questioning in Xavier's Great Room. Passion. To be completely consumed by a desire of something. Cabrini desired a calm in the storm. There was a new air of openness between the faculty, staff and students that characterized the first town meeting and raised the enthusiasm to an all-time high. There was a willingness to accept our strengths and weaknesses. Eventually the excitement dissipated. Red tape and lack of communication turned the vibrant members of the town council into a more or less lame duck committee (something which this college , already has an overabundance.) This was personified during the last town meeting in which the possibilities of open lines of communication were stifled. Questions posed by the students about such issues as a steep tuition increase were ignored. Thus, the town council was incapacitated. Now the college is coming upon its annual retreat of summer. We have time to refocus ourselves and revitalize our energies. Let's use this time properly to become reflective and objective. Let's not continually rehash what went wrong this year but focus on the chance we have to make things better. Look to be informed so your involvement can make the difference. We have a small incoming class and though they lack quantity in numbers, let's hope they possess a new attitude--something which we can afford to take note of. The new editorial board welcomes better communications between the president and the students. This is a cry that is continually being muffled. Let's all take an active role in soothing strained relations. Resident life will be holding members of special interest housing accountable for their actions and implementation of policies. This will force students to finally be responsible for their actions. The 'why bother' attitude is changing. Cabrini is here for a reason and so are we. Let's find out what our mission is and if we are following it. We must begin to be true to ourselves and also others. We as students must rekindle those old flames of passion, love for the college and its potential to be the spirited institution it once was.

!letters Student Academic Council calls for schedule changes To the Editor As another pre-registration comes and ,goes, about the only thoughts that are much worse are those of official registration which is to come in the fall. Each semester seems to bring the same headaches and hassles of closed classes and numerous scheduling conflicts, yet each semester we get upset but then simply do nothing with the hope that next semester will be different. The time has come however, to stop hoping and to start doing. Due to lack of communication between students, faculty, and the registrar's office, many students are finding it difficult to schedule required classes to complete their majors. If in scheduling your classes for the fall, you found that there are three different classes that you

need to takethat are all being offered in the same prime-time slot, then you 're not alone. The Student Academic Council is interested· in facilitating the resolutions to these problems. It will take work, time, and effort on the part of all parties involved. Students will be required to talk to the faculty and to communicate some of the various problems being encountered. Each of the departments should then begin to communicate with each other and to work out some sort of compromise with the scheduling of classes. We all need to work together and look at what is in the best interest of the Cabri'ni community as a whole. In the end, we will hopefullly have arrived at some type of compromise that will make pre-registration and registration much smoother. Sincerely, Student Academic Council

more LETTERS, pg. 4 Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorsh,p known to the ed,tors However, rt the wrner wishes, and the editor agrees. the wrner s name may be left off the letter upon pubhca~on and an inscnpt,on inserted such as ·name wnhheld al the request of the writer." Le:ters should be typed. double-spaced and no more than 300 words ,n length If a letter is too long for 1he available space. the editor may edit or condense 11.Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.


carlo iacono editor in chief The last viewpoint is trnditionally a lovein which enables the editor in chief to thank everybody from his co-workers to Ringo the dog. The readership for these ·'house journals" wades through three sentences orto the point of nauseam, whichever comes first. I can hear the chorus now, "Those dam Loquitur people think their crap doesn't stink and they 're al ways writing about themselves, how they saw a leaf or their dogs. What a rag." Well I vow that this won't be a thank-you letter hummed to the background music of Julio and Willie's "To All The Girls I've Loved Before." Not that I don't have to be thankful to anybody; like Grammy winners I have too many to name. They know who they are, and besides if I don't appreciate them what they don't know won't kill them. Instead I will spend this space reflecting upon a promise I made way back in September. That was before the one-inch growth spurt, three-pound weight gain. the sideburns and this job. In that first correspondence I waxed eloquently about the respect of reporters. I stated that we were crusaders for truth because it provided clarity and will generally prevail. Verbatim it went like this. "Journalists are not out to fire people or make people look like idiots. Humans are capable of doing that all by themselves. We're just here to record it." Well, to say the least, that is the most prophetic I have ever been since predicting that the Phillies might need some pitching. In the course of two semesters, we truth mongers have been abused. It is true that Loquitur, like all publications, is made up of selective truth mongers. That means due to time restraints and simply what we find as interesting, all truths don't get covered all of the time. But it was nothing personal. What does get covered is relevant, thorough and, most important, truthful. In the name of hindering the truth, this publication has been stolen, tisked at (as in tisk tisk when people saw the pictures in the "Sex and Choices" series) and threatened. The admissions office didn't ·'prepare" for the truth oflssue IOwhich coincided with the largest fall open house in years. The unfortunate result of our censorship, via constructive disappearing, was recognized and dutifully apologized for. But the bitter aftertaste between our once amicable offices still lingers. We never had it in for this department but that is the way the cookie crumbles. This is an official olive branch on my part and a wish for the cooperation between this publication and admissions to remain cordial for many more productive years. Those who were aghast at the "Sex and Choices" series may never have gotten past the pictures. Once those people tackled the content, they came away with a new respect for the section. If those offended still found moral problems with the section based on the content, then their opinion was respected. But those who value the serenity of ignorance, from the male student who found the date rape series to be "male bashing" to the parent of a prospective student who felt college-age students shouldn't know about contraception, too bad. It wasn't as if the editorial board sat down and said "we hate men" and "oool, we feel the need for skin in the features section." The series occurred after

months of thought, research and commitment. We felt it was a service to our readership embedded in the truth and relevance of the topic. After all, we don't need sex to sell papers because ... we don ·1 sell papers. In the area of this publication being threatened, that is hard to document. No administrator ever said, "Print that and I 'II give your money to the accounting club." (I bet some probably prayed for such an occurrence). Rather, to their credit, the powers that be respected the rights of the student press and complied with our probing. But comply and cooperate are two separate things. In the quest for truth based on relevance, cooperation is key. Not trying to sound snooty, but ask Richard Nixon. If he cooperated concerning a little thing called Watergate, his face might be on some kind of currency today. I'm not drawing a correlation that anything that happens on these 110-rolling acres is like Watergate. But the budget process and commencement speaker selection are big things for our readership. Clarity is fueled by cooperation. Well, I guess some people are dancing that "happy dance" now that this board's days are done. But guess what. We've bred a class of mutantioTlowers who will take our jobs. They've been implanted with that terrible manufactured gene called truth mongering. But don't worry, you have three months before their annoying mosquito impersonation starts. Now it is time to cap this column with your traditional personal stuff that nobody except friends will understand. To the graduating seniors - best of luck, get a job and give us great <.:onnections. To the Heads of the Five Families - '"Don't worry about me. I have a game plan-I'm taking the ball and running with it." To everybody else - have a safe summer filled with joy (no pun intended babe) and get a tan.

Istaff Ed,tors-in-chief: Carlo Iacono and Kimberly Marshall

ManagingEdnors: Jemffer Momson and Dawn T1mbano

News Editors· ChrtS PesotsJu and Rna Cellucci Senior Assooate News Editors· Melissa Landsmann and Kunberty Keck Perspeciives Editors: Sharlene Sephton and J.P. Raynock Features Ednors: Kelly Anne Reed and Lorraine Mane Lill Arts and Entertainment Editor· Joseph Buda

Assistant Features Editor: Charles Water1all

Sports Editors: OenlS8 Edwards and Bob Healey

SeniorCopy Editor\ Writing Coach: Missy vonSiegel

Copy Editor. Wdliam A. Fulton Business Managers: Kimberly Marshall, Michelle Merger and Lisa

Rose Photography Edijor: Frank Emmench AsslStant Pho1ography Editor· Lisa Lin<ley Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser:

Dr. Jerome ZUrel<

Staff: John Gay, Matt Hodlofski, Kimberly Leblang, Joe Martini, Elizabeth MacGuire, Jemifer Melchiorre, Lisa Neuman, Amanda Picher, Stephan1e Ranieri, Frank ScioUa Photography Staff: John Gay, Mark Gudas, Lorraine Mane Lill, Judi Panasik, Cann Pesotskr, Charles Waterfall Loqu,tur is published weekly dunng the school year by studen1s of Cabnni College, Ract,or, PA 19087 Phone: 215-971-8412 SubsmptlOfl pnce IS $25 per year and Is mcfuded m the benefits secured by tuition and studest fees. The editorials and opinrons publtshed ,n Loquijur are the views of the student ecitonal staff and the indiVldual wrners and not the en11restuden1 body or the faculty and adm1mstration. Loquttur IS estabftShed as a forum for student exp,9SSl0fl and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust free and open dlSCUSSIOfl of ,ssues

arts & entertainment


f riday, may 3, 1991


Bookreview . 'Armageddon: Oil and the Middle East Crisis' by Elizabeth MacGuire staff writer

Based on biblical prophecy and set in a world-wide time table, the book, "Armageddon: Oil and the Middle East Crisis," by John F. Walvoord takes you through what Christians believe are the last days of this planet. Its clear, concise chapter headings help even the ~ginner understand what the bible says about the last days. Walvoord also goes into today's headlines and the history of Israel to make clearer certain passages of Scripture on the end times. This book was on The New York Times best seller list during the war in the Persian Gulf and does a good job in explaining how the fight for oil will eventually, in Walvood's opinion, help bring on a new world order. This new world order will, in his opinion, come from the Middle East. He also talks about a 10 -nation confederacy which will be in place at that time. The book also gives a prophetic checklist for the church, the nations and Israel. A handy guide at the end helps those who want to be sure of their eternal destiny. Interesting but not well known facts make this book readable but highly speculative. An example of this was that the 10 -nation confederacy will be located in the Mediterra-

nean. Walvoord does not ,though, fall into the same trap as many other authors who write books about the end of time. •This trap consists of setting an exact time for Christ's return to this earth. This is a trap because it says in Matthew 24:36, that "no one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." Subheadings mark the various points and a summary of unfulfilled prophecy shows that there is not much to be fulfilled until the Lord's coming for his saints. This book gives Christians hope by quoting the Bible and making clearer for those who want to know what is going to happen in the future. This book then is a must read for everyone who wants to know what could really happen to this old world of ours. It is not for those who are not open to what the bible says about the end times or unwilling to look at what the future could have in store for mankind. The reasons for this is that this book uses a lot of biblical references to make the author's position clear. So if you want to know what the future holds for you and the world, then the book to read besides the bible is Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis. This book can be found at your neighorhood christian bookstore. But with 1,000,000 in print, they' re going fast ....

Eventsand amusementsto highlightsummer entert~ment by Lisa Neuman staff writer

Summer vacation is fast approaching for the students of Cabrini and many are turning their thoughts from papers and exams to sunglasses and suntan oil. However, there is more to do than lay on a beach this summer and soak up ultraviolet rays. Some specific events taking place early in the hiatus from Cabrini include the Pennsylvania Fair, taking place at Philadelphia Park from May 16- 27, this year including a hot air balloon classic, and the Devon Horse Show, on Lancaster Ave., taking place from May 24 to June I. Also, for the kid in everyone, the circus is coming to town. The Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus will entertain all ages in "the greatest show on earth" at the Spectrum April 28 to June 9. On Memorial Day Weekend, the Philadelphia Convention and Visitors Bureau, along with USAir, will hold the city's annual kickoff to summer with the Jambalaya Jam, held at Penn's Landing on May 25 - 27. Included in the festivities are Cajun food, music, and entertainment New Orleans style. On the concert circuit, Crosby, Stills, and Nash will play one show only at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City on May 16. The group Yes will appear at the Spectrum on July 12. Whether you prefer Philadelphia, the Poconos or the Jersey shore, there's plenty to see and do over the summer. In and around Philadelphia, several day trips can be made by visiting such city fixtures as the Art Museum, Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Zoo, and Longwood Gardens, to name a few. Admission prices are reasonable and there's p1enty to see and do at each. In another city a little farther south, Baltimore Inner Harboroffers exciting opportunities for day trips or long weekends. Some of

the things to see include the clipper ships and the National Aquarium. There are also many restaurants and shops to explore. If amusement parks are your thing, there are several in our area to check out. Dorney Park and Wild Water Kingdom in Allentown, Pa., opens daily on May 4 and features over I 00 rides, games, entertainment, and other attractions. The park is the owner of the world's largest wooden roller coaster, the Hercules. Combined admission price for both parks is $20.95. · Herseypark in Hersey, Pa., features three dozen rides, including the six-loop roller coaster Sidewinder, and six hours of live entertainment every day, plus Hersey's Chocolate World. Over in New Jersey, Six Flags Great Adventure is celebrating 30 years of Six Flags' existence this year. Great Adventure features over 100 rides, shows and attractions, plus 450 acres of a safari park. For a combined admission price of $26.00, visitors can ride the seven-loop roller coaster Great American Scream Machine, and the East Coast's first stand-up roller coaster, Shockwave. New this year is Adventure Rivers, a series of ten wild white-water slides and rides. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles will be spending a week at the park in June. Great Adventure is located off exit 7-A of the N.J. turnpike in Jackson, N.J. For shopping buffs , the Reading Outlets offer eight complexes with over 200 stores to browse through. For artists, New Hope and Lahaska, Pa., is a famed, quaint artists' town, with many arts and crafts shops. While there, explore Washington's Crossing Historic Park and Peddler's Village. Finally, for the sports fans, there are home games for the Philadelphia Phillies at Veterans Stadium. Among the many teams the boys of summer will be playing are the Cincinnati Reds, Atlanta Braves, St. Louis Cardinals, and the New York Mets.



What'shot for summer: 1991's strongestchoices for theatricalentertarnment


On Video:

Movies: "FIX 2: The Deadly Art of Illusion" This sequel to the 1986 blockbuster, "FIX," is an early entry into the summer box office. This movie concentrates more on the illusions created by movie special effects experts than its predecessor. It will be a must see for all action movie buffs.

"Misery" This excellent adaptation of Stephen King's novel was one of the best movies of 1990and earned Kathy Bates an Oscar for her performance as the demented nurse from hell. A must see for all King fans.

"Truth or Dare' Madonna's latest attempt at a blockbuster, following last year's "Dick Tracy," is a semi-real documentary of Madonna the entertainer, as well as Madonna the business woman and Madonna the hype.

"Home Alone" The top grossing comedy of all time comes home on videocassette this summer following a LONG theatrical release. For anyone who dreamed of having the house to themselves while growing up, this movie is for you.

"Naked Gun 11112:TheSmell of Fear" Leslie Nielson and Priscilla Presley reprise their rolls in this sequel to the box office smash of 1989. This could very well be the top grossing movie of the summer.

... "The Rocketeer" Yet another movie adaptation of a comic book, which seems to be very popular. It should be worth watching, but only once.

"L.A. Story" Steve Martin's comedy did not last long in the theaters, but sti 11was one of the best movies Martin made. "Graveyard Shift" This terrible adaptation of a King novel will sell due to his popular name.

REAL PIZZA I wouldjust like tothankeveryone who supported me throughout my entire campaign. It is truly an honor to represent the class of 1993 as Vice President. Rest assured,I willnot let you down.

Tom Berretone

.18 West Avenue, Wayne, Pa.


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uppates Campus SGA executive officials elected 0 The 1991-92 Executive Board of the Student Government Association are: President; Frank Emmerich, Vice President; Mark Mellor, Treasurer; Kelly Reed, Secretary; Beth Mulvihill, Corresponding Secretary; Mollie Chesna, Social Activities Chairperson; Jennifer Morrison, Social Activities Assistants; Kimberly Hl!ban, James Santora and Amy Wechsler, Historian; to be announced.

Resident life news

0 If you did not get the room you wanted in the housing lottery. resident life will begin taking names to get on waiting lists for specific areas beginning Mon., April 29 until the end of the school year. Priority will be given by class. All requests must be in writing. 0 Procedures for checking out of residence halls: l) Pack belongings 2) Clean room to original condition and remove trash 3) Checkout: Tell your resident assistant and roommates when you will be checking out. The R.A. will collect your keys and ask you to sign the room condition report. You must vacate your room 24 hours after your last final. Last checkout time is Tues., May 14, at 4 p.m.

Campus ministry news 0 Litrugy will be celebrated on Thurs., May 9 at noon and 6 p.m. for Ascension Thursday.

0 Confessions will be heard on Fri., May 3 between 11:15-11:45 and by appointment. Liturgy at noon will follow.

1991 Kappa Sigma Omega Officers 0 The 1991 executive board members were inducted Sun., April 28.They are: Karen Boyle, President; Christina Rudden. Vice President: April DuHadaway, Treasurer: Karen Moffett, Secretary; Laurie Currie, Pledged Coordinator; Karen Kerchusky, Admissions Liaison.

Theater spring production 0 The theater's last performance ·of "The Miracle Plays," will be Sat., May 4 and Sun., May 5 at 2 p.m. in the Atrium. Admission is $5. For more information contact Neal Newman at the theater in Grace Hall.

New Check cashing hours

0 Effective May I, the business office will have new check cashing hours from JO a.m.-noon and 2-4 daily. Cabrini student identification is required to cash checks and there is a limit of $50·on personal checks.


friday, may 3 1 1991

securityO report Security incidents as reported by the security office from 4/20/91-4/28/91 Vandalism 4/25-food was thrown on the walls and carpet of Xavier hall. Reported at 2: 15 a.m. Property Damage 4/26-Xavier hall window broken by student throwing shoe in window. Student cut by glass and amended to by medical assistant on duty. Reported at 11:20 p.m. 4/27-window broken at Sacred Heart green house. Officer said he saw 2 males running from the area. Window replaced by physical plant. Reported at 2:05 a.m. Criminal Mischief 4/26-car full of males threw eggs at cars parked in front of Chapel. No other damage done. Security has license plate number of car. Reported at 9:30 p.m. 4/27-tree branch fell on windshield of car in House 6 parking lot. Reported at 5:30 p.m.

LETTERS, pg. l

Activities Reps Respond to Criticismsof Constituents To the Editor: In response to the recent letter submitted planning for. So sorry we asked for your to you by some of our fellow classmates, we input, we were only trying to plan an event would like to raise a few points of our own. that you would enjoy. To address the issue of the senior crawl, The support from the senior class all this year you are right. We are not willing to take the has been "totally pathetic." We are two transfer students who have responsibility. However, if you wish to take only been part of this class for two years. on this job we will support you in your During last semester we noticed that there efforts. This year's senior class officers have prowere NO senior class social activities representatives. We were not elected to this posi- vided as many activities as last year's senior tion, rather we chose to take on these respon- class. You may remember the many parties sibilities. If people in the senior class are so for seniors held in House Four last year. upset about our performance thus far, then These were sponsored by a small group of they should have gone out for these positions seniors and not the senior class itself. Unfortunately we are working on a budthemselves. We do not feel that those senior class get that is almost non-existent. We would students realize the responsibilities that are love to be able to offer you free events for involved with planning an event. Maybe that senior week but due to lack of fund raising by is because they are never willing to help out. your elected officers in past years we cannot. If you want to see the effort that has been Half the time they do not even attend functions planned for them unless there is going thus far put in to your senior week, we encourage you to come see anyone of us. We to be alcohol. There are four - that's right - four can always use a willing volunteer. As the events planned for this year's senior week. senior class, how about finally lending us a That is the same amount that was planned by hand? the previous senior class. There was a miscommunication about the "Booze Cruise." Sincerely, Brad Millaway is still trying to work out a Lisa Lindley and Joe Hvizdos deal but in case he cannot, he asked for Senior Activities Representatives suggestions. You are the ones who we are

Bansbach clarifiesstatements

Chorus concert 0 Cabrini College community chorus spring concert will be Sun., May 5, in WCLH.

SUMMERJOBIN NANTUCKET 7/19 - 8/29 HousekeePins and bab~sittins forVillanova familyandhaPPY 4-Year-old. Livein.nonsmoker. 964-1557

To the Editor: In reference to "A call for more education" appearing in the April 26 Loquitur, I applaud the writer for doing such a comprehensive article on this subject. I would like, however, to clarify some of my own statements from an interview that appeared in the article. I never meant ot speak for the entire Catholic Church. The official church teachings affirm the person but not homosexual acts. These teachings are meant to inform the conscience. The church is apprised of the latest discoveries in science and medicine; however, none of these have come out with the final word on this subject. I believe the Catholic Church and all Chris-

tians are called to be loving, not judgmental. The church can offer support and resources to persons who are homosexual or heterosexual. Campus Ministry is here to be present for everyone on campus. I deeply regret any hurt or misunderstanding my words in this article may have caused, and I am open to dialogue about this.

Sincerely, Francesca Bansbach




friday, may 3, 1991


The days of our livesin the newsroom Editor's note: The following is a fict~ious st()(}' written strictly for the enjoyment of the reader. MY similarities to the t 990 -91 editorial board is lnten1ional. This was written in a humorous way to say thank you for all that was done to prepare us for the upcoming year.

by 1991-92 Editorial Board

During the academic year I 99091, there was an elite group of editors that reigned over the pages of Loquitur. As legend has it, an abnormal virus began to plague the editorial board. It was almost an animal-like presence. The day that everything snapped seemed to be a perfectly fine day. Loquitur was being prepared as normal with the editors sitting at their computers working diligently on their pages. Then, it happened! Betty MacGuire started it! She was sitting at computerthree playing with a few buttons. All at once every computer went blank and nothing would work. She had erased PageMaker, the program used to layout the newspaper, from the computer's memory. That was all it took to push the editors over the edge! There was silence for what seemed to be an eternity. Then slowly, changes became more and

Jen Morrison, managing editor more apparent. It started with the News Editor, Chris Pesotski. From out of no where he began screaming about Sr. Eileen and the Board of Trustees. His anger developed into a rampage from which he threatened the life of our Editor-in-chief, Carlo Iacono, by flinging chairs about the newsroom. Carlo just stood there with an impassive face, repeating one phrase, while throwing his hands over his head continuously. He said, "Don't worry about me, I have a game plan." The Managing Editor, Jen Morrison, sat down at computer number four and started laughing in a loud obnoxious voice. In between vibrant gasps of laughter, she would hold a conver-

Carlo Iacono, editor-in-chief

sat ion with the computer. What she was discussing was hard to tell. The language she used was incoherent. Our gentle Perspectives Editor, quiet, calm, very well composed Sharlene Sephton, whipped a bra out from her desk drawer and flung it around Chris's neck as he continued to throw chairs at poor little Carlo. Why a bra? No one knew! Sharlene had turned into the mad bra strangler from Cabrini. The Features Editor, Kelly Reed, began to suffer from an inner Freudian childhood conflict. She broke out the first aid kit, put a nursing cap on her head and

Frank Emmerich, photography editor ran around the newsroom trying to counsel Sharlene's fetish with the sexual article that she was using to strangle Chris. Kelly shouted, "My life is Hell, but I'm totally calm." Then Melissa Landsmann, the Senior Associate News Editor, began cursing at Chris and Carlo accusing them of being sexists. But then, right in the middle of bellowing life threatening statements. she stopped. Hernext words were, "Where is my disk? I can't find my disk," as she began to Snoopy dance around the newsroom. The Sports Editor Denise Edwards and the Copy Editor Bill Fulton simply sat down quietly at a table together. Bill put his head between his

Bud Mellon, communications center supervisor Following a failed coup in March, we hired Kim Marshall as a political and war consultant. She rounded up troops for the mother of all editorial boards and commenced with the Liberation of Loquitur from the sons of an infidel god. We tried everything to get these sickening individuals to leave, but they would not. The last resort was to call Norristown State Mental Hospital and have them taken away. Dr. Zurek volunteered to drive them. As he and the nine ex-editors were driving to Norristown State Hospital, the lunatics started to get restless. Dr. Zurek felt his blood pressure start to go up. As he reach into the glove com-

Denise Edwards, sports editor partment to get his blood pressure pills, Sharlene snuck up behind him and blind folded him with her bra. Thinking that she was making a sexual innuendo, Dr. Zurek's hand slipped offthe wheel and the van crashed into a tree. Twenty minutes later, after Dr. Zurek awakened from the knock out, he found no one around.

Jen was found in Iowa in a convent. She became an MSC nun and took on a vow of silence because she felt so remorseful about the sex articles she wrote. Sharlene was never found. But every now and then, when the moon is full, on the 14th day of the month, some helpless victim is found strangled to death with no clues to the murder, except for the bra found beside their still lifeless body. Chris was found in the college gatehouse, a crippled shell of a man still waiting for an important fax from the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Lisa Lindley, assistant photography editor Kelly ... well the story· states that after the van crashed she was so upset at being delayed in her arrival to the mental institution that she ended up running the rest of the way there. She punched out one of the nurses, put on her uniform and took over her role. Throughout the next ten years, she grew to be five times her normal size and turned into the demented nurse from Hell that starred in the book, "Misery." Melissa married some guy named Skippy. Apparently they met in a mall. She had 15 children the natural way, but they were confused kids, because she told them to use her maiden name instead of their father's last name.

Ten years later the 1990-91 editorial board was found!

Kelly Reed, features editor knees and sat there quietly rocking back and forth. No one ever knew what he was doing. Denise pulled out a dark red bottle of nail polish and painted her nails. That was all she did. She just painted her nails. The insanity was taking over at its worst. Then came the Photography Editors. It was Frank Emmerich and Lisa Lindley trying to find themselves in their viewpoint which made absolutely no sense to anyone??????? From the episode we were seeing, we knew that it was now or never for us to takeover the newsroom.

Carlo escaped to a white sandy beach in Tijuana, drinking Tequila and selling suntan lotion to all forms of"babeages" that strolled by. His famous pickup line being: "Yo babe, I used to be Editorin-chief."

Melissa Landsmann, senior associate news editor

Sharlene Sephton, perspectives editor Denise ventured down to Dallas, Texas, and took over the Mary Kay cosmetic line. She doesn't let anyone win the cosmetic prizes, but merely hordes them for herself. Instead of having pink Cadillacs, she had them painted with 500 old bottles of her fire engine red nail polish she found in the garage. Frank did not go very far away from Cabrini. He enrolled himself into Radnor Elementary school after he was disbarred from practicing law because he could not spell. Lisa got a job with Playgirl as a photographer and loved it, because

Dr. Zurek, advisor

she was jealous that Frank got to take the picture of the silhouette in the sex series. Bill, because of all the pressure he went through as a child being quiet and reserved, he turned into someone completely opposite. If you should venture down to Independence Boulevard in Philadelphia, Bill can be found prostituting lonely woman as a Pimp. His #I money maker is Lola in Fetish ensemble. , Following the accident, Dr. Zurek was treated at Montgomery Hospital in Norristown for head injuries and supposed hair weaving procedures to correct his extensive baldness. After treatment he requested to be released on his own recognizance, but much to his dismay he was committed to the mental

Chris Pesotski, news editor ward. Bud Mellon, communications center supervisor, ended up being counseled by Kelly for post-war break down. He repeats continuously, "It was Da Nang, Circa 68, during the war ... and I was knee deep in rice patties, jonesing for gin and smokes ..." Bud was also committed to the mental institution because Dr. Zurek claimed he was an accomplice to the delinquency of the Loquitur editors. As for the 1991-92 editorial board, they have finally taken over the newsroom. What will happen to these editors? Is it Dr. Zurek who drives the editors insane? Read about it in September...

Bill Fulton, copy editor



f ridaXzmay 3 1 1991


Russian student performs, sings by Amanda Picher

songs were about such things as the new Russian generation and a young boy who was forced to go to Afghanistan. He is a very emotional performer and puts a lot of energy into his music and poetry. Zhdanovsky also performed songs in English and French, along with

staff writer

Maxsim Zhdanovsky used the last of his money to come to America. The handsome, 21 year old balladeer hopes to make his living here much as he did in the Soviet Union, using his musical and poetic talent. He brought his talent here to Cabrini through a diverse performance featuring traditional Russian folk songs and poetry, Russian rock, and some of his own original work. Zhdanovsky came to America three weeks ago. He is interested in becoming an exchange student for a year at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is planning to study Chinese and Russian history. Although he is presently enrolled as a fourth year student at the University of Moscow, he has taken a leave of absence to visit America, improve his English and organize his exchange program. ''It is impossible to organize an exchange from Moscow," Zhdanovsky said. Back in the Soviet Union, Zhdanovsky is a published poet and a member of a prestigious literary society-that is recognized as the best of the young, new talent in the country. Every member of the society has been published and has received royalties for their work. Zhdanovsky is also a film star and has appeared in three Soviet films. He had the leading role in the most recent one. "Our Military Train," which has received an award for it s photography at an international film festival. At the performance, Zhdanovsky performed mostly traditional Russian folk songs in Russian, although he explained what every song was about before singing. He accompanied himself on a twelve-string guitar. In addition, he performed some Russian rock music. which he also explained. The rock

move on to do shows in Washington and throughout the South. 'Tm really enjoying the show," Erin Riley, junior, said. "I came because I was curious and wanted a taste of Russian culture." Although Zhdanovsky usually performs his own work, at this performance, he wanted to give an anthology of Russian folk songs and some modem music, so he sang songs written by a variety of composers, as well as some of his own pieces. Dan Francis.junior, had a personal reason for coming to the show. "I wanted to hear I\what Russian music sounds like, from a musician's point of view."

l ___

.,,. _____ some 0 f h i s

o w n music and that of his friends. Since he America, he has performed at Bowdoin College in Maine and at the Van Pelt House at the University of Pennsylvania. He will be performing in New York at an upcoming benefit and then will

Maxsim Zhdanovsky, Russian balladeer, performed Thursday, April 25, in the Grace Hall Atrium for Cabrini and the community.

Zhdanovsky finished off the show with three emotional poetry readings, and a song he wrote with a friend back home. The song is called "Euphoria" and he told the audience that writing it was one of the happiest times of his life. Many people in the audience had questions about his life back in Russia and how it differed from what he has seen while in America. He spoke about the surprises he has had since being here and what he thinks the major cultural differences are. He said that the number of homeless he saw in New York shocked him. since there is not a problem likeiliat in the Soviet Union. He also said that the streets in America are much cleaner than the ones back in \1osco\\.. although the New York Cit} subway was much more dangerous than the subway in Moscow. These performances are Zhdanovsky's only source of income in the United States. While he is here, he hopes to be able to support himself with his shows as he did in the Soviet Union. He plans to return home in the summer of 1992 and finish his exams for graduation with his class from the University of Moscow.

Homelessness:a fact of life in the-city by Lorraine Marie Lill

Features Editor

The kitchen smelled of fish and potatoes. The room next to it was occupied by roughly 20 black men. Three older women, two eighth graders from St. Mary's Catholic school and three students from Cabrini helped prepare and serve the food to these men. This was Old St. Joe's soup kitchen. These men are homeless. Old St. Joe's is an all male soup kitchen. It is open three days a week and serves three consecutive dinners to three different groups of men. Ken, Jamie and Lewis were in the third group of the day. Jamie and Lewis are gay. They are friends. They could be lovers, but it is hard to tell. Jamie said instead of making an income, right now he is "on a mission to find a lover." All three men seem intelligent. All three men want to find a job. But all three men are on drugs. Ken is more quiet than the other two men. But he does not hide his thoughts. "Basically, this is mostly a lot of young black homeless people. Mostofthemareondrugs. That's why they 're out here." Jamie and Lewis talk at the same time making it hard to hear what they are saying. They like the attention. They like to make jokes. Ken filters in words when he need'> to.

These men live together in an abar,idoned building with five or six more men. Lewis said, "I live in an abandominium." His abandoned building is his condominium. On cold nights they either sleep on heating vents or wrap up in plenty of blankets and snuggle. Many homeless people are on drugs. Ken described what some homeless people do to get money. "They have a blanket wrapped around them looking all dirty. What they are doing is faking it. They make people feel sorry for them by the way they look. They don't have to look like that."

food stamps off, because look at all the homeless organizations coming out day after day." Jamie disagreed, "With as much money as this government throws away. I think everyone is entitled to food stamps." As the men are talking, a stiff smell becomes apparent. It is a1:hemical reaction of body odor and breath . Not all homeless people smell bad. These men do not always smell bad, but today they do. After Jamie and Lewis stop trying to out speak each other, Jamie begins to explain how the homeless become family after awhile.

'If someone would have told me in 1985, that in 1989 would be homeless, I would have killed them.' - Lewis Lewis said, "Homeless people got it good. You get free food, you get free shelter and you get places to get a shower every day." Ken said that the state gives the homeless food stamps and people sell them. because with all of the homeless organizations offering food, one really does not need the food stamps. Ken and Lewis argue withJamieaboutthe state giving them food stamps. Lewis said, "I think they should cut the

"It seems like when people are getting really down, other people stop putting on airs and it (being homeless) becomes more realistic." Jamie said that some day he would like to get a job with the post office. Even some homeless who have jobs are still homeless. Lewis said that some homeless who are on social security, if they are not on drugs, spend their money on high priced clothes. "That outfit could have been your down

payment on your rent." "If someone would have told me in 1985, that in 1989 I would be homeless, I would have killed them," Lewis said. "I stayed out on the street for two years now." Ken looks as ifhe is in deep thought, then he said, "homeless women, the ones who are on drugs, will sell their bodies for less than $5. They do this all day, everyday, just for a drug. When you think about it, it's sad." Jamie and Lewis begin to chime in, at the same time, with theiropinions. They all say that most homeless women live in abandoned houses, in bad areas. Ken said, "The areas are drug infested. filled with rats, trash and people use these places for outhouses." Jamie sings out "all the comforts of home." Lewis explains that the saddest part about homeless women is that they have children on the street. They keep the children with them until the Department of Human Services comes in, then they take their children away from them. Jamie goes back to the fact of being on drugs. "Truly. it has become a major epidemic with black people. I have to do more to help myself."' The men are smiling, Ken gets up to take his dishes to the kitchen and Lewis says one final statement. "I ask God to take this addiction away from me and take this taste off my tongue, but he can ·1 do it his self, I have to play a part."

f riday, may 3, 1991



Mad scramble to finish video yearbook by Francis Sciolla staff writer

If there is "no business like show business," then there is certainly nothing like the production of this year's video yearbook. This is the third year for the video yearbook and its producers are scrambling to finish it. The purpose of the yearbook is to capture the year's events on video in an entertaining and memorable way. The members of Cathy Yungmann's remote television production class are responsible for the making of the yearbook. Each member of the class was assigned a segment of the video and they were personally responsible for its completion. It is the first major production for many of the students, but Yungmann warns that it will not be sold if it is not professional. Since it is student run, many of the student-producers learned many valuable lessons during the production. Sophomore Dawn Timbario's segment includes many of Cabrini's off-campus hang-

end." A segment on seniors is also included. All the events of senior year as well as the changes that students have undergone during the past four years are intertwined. Frank Bressi, junior, is handling this segment and he admits it has not been an easy task. "Nothing really goes as planned, but I want to go to film school so it is good practice," Bressi said. Sophomore Chris Conrad is in charge of the transition segments. This requires him to find an acceptable host who will introduce the segments. Conrad finds himself at the mercy of his fellow producers because he needs their scripts to pattern his segments. "I'll never get involved in this again," Conrad said. ''I'll take television classes because this is what I want to do, but I won't do this again." Other portions of the video yearbook include sections on the staff, faculty, security, what's hot and what's not and much, much more. Executive producer, sophomore JoeBuda, is in charge of the video's open and close and

'I'll never get involved in this again I'll take television classes· because this is what I want to do, but I won't do this again.' - Chris Conrad sophomore outs. The King of Prussia Plaza, Denny's, Rib-IT and the infamous Wayne Tavern are just a few of the hot spots included. "It's a lot of work. and once you get all the shots you need it takes three or four hours to edit," Timbario said. "It is nice to see your name in the credits." Junior Krista Palmisano has been working hard on her sports segment, which includes highlights of Cabrini athletes and teams. Palmisano claims to have gained valuable experience and she thinks her hard work on the yearbook portrays an accurate representation of the real world. "It's t~ugh because she (Yungmann) gives us other assignments in addition to the yearbook," Palmisano said. "It takes a lot of time, but it's a lot of fun and it's worth it in the

he also consults with the other producers on their assignments. Buda thinks this year's yearbook will be far better than the previous two. As far as the problems with the yearbook's completion are concerned, he feels they could have been avoided. "We had two useless assignments when we c.:ouldhave been doing this," Buda said. Regardless of the problems with its completion, the yearbook will be ready for distribution on Thursday, May 9. The cost is $17 and students are encouraged to purchase ahead. There are already 75 copies pre-sold. Interested buyers can pay at the time of purchase with either check or money order. Yungmann and Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the English/communications department, will handle the sales.


Features Ooinion • Money: the necessity for a college education destruction that happened last semester, I don't think they will listen. We could cry to our representatives, but they are too wrapped up in the their own concerns. So, where do we go? Financial aid will help a little, but not enough for some of us. The only alternative for us then will probably be to transfer even though we do not want to do this. Maybe someday colleges will bring their tuition back down to where the middle class can afford it. I will not hold my breath while they do though. To those of you who can afford to go, I can only hope that you will take all the advantages that you can and make the most of your education. Remember those of us who left because of the high cost and those of us who are still struggling to pay the high cost of college. Another beef I have is the way the college has given us the run-around about how high they are going to raise tuition. Maybe next year, this issue will come to the surface sooner so those of us who need to know can plan how to get the money to pay for college. Will a new president help? I don't think so. We want to know where our money is going. To someone like me, who is paying their waytlifough college via loans, the high cost should be justified-- not blown-off like it is nothing. I think all those who are in the same boat as myself would agree. How about the Student Governemt Association? It should probably start by getting those issues out to the student body. Well, I will come back to what we can do to combat the high cost of college. A few weeks back I talked about scholarships, but most of those will not help you pay the bulk of what is needed. So, I guess in the old words of a famous philosopher, " we'll have to grin and bear it."

by Elizabeth MacGuire staff writer

What is one thing that is on college students' minds besides the finals? If you guessed money, you are correct. The reason that money is such a grave issue now is that the recession is making it difficult for college students to stay in college. It's sad but true. Many of our classmates will not be able to afford to go to school anymore. Look around you and open your eyes to see that tuition is going up once more. With tuition rising, many people who are struggling right now to pay for a better life will be denied the chance to improve. College for the wealthy? Is that what we are saying when we raise tuition rates to an unprecedented high? Yes, that is what the college is saying to me. The college is not the only one at fault here though. When rich young kids think they have the run of the campus and can destroy everything in sight because "Daddy will pay for it," they hurt everyone else with higher room fees. I just wish I could wipe the smug smiles off their faces when they feel they have gotten away with something. The government is also at fault when they sit on their hands watching people struggle to make something of themselves and failing because they cannot get enough money to go to college. What is even more sad is when the person is already in college and has to quit because there is no money. Why? It just seems so unfair. So money then is the culprit. It would probably be easier if we went back to the bartering system. Then everyone would be able to get the education they need to get a head start in the world. Well, what do we do about higher tuition and fees? We could cry to the colle~e but with all the vandalism and


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Sophomores Chris Conrad and Joe Buda work on the production of the video yearbook.

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f riday, may 3 1 1991

ContinuingEducationadds 3 new programs by Lisa Neuman

staff writer

The continuing education department has had a very busy and productive year. The department is enjoying a rise in enrollment as well as launching three new programs. "We've had good increases," Meredyth Leahy, dean of continuing education, said. In the fall of 1990, the department had enrolled 440 part-time students, an increase from 338 part-time students in the

SPEAKER, pg 1 said. "Our base for expansion was always good because of student interest,•· Romano said. Romano visited many fellow deans to benefit from their programs. "I felt it was extremely important for students to get the background." Combs said. "Look at the results and the percentage of people employed. Edward Christ was the first full time faculty member hired. "Depending on how you count the numbers, we are the largest department of the college with credit hours generated," Heiberger said. Gerald Satlow, computer science professor, taught business courses also. according to Romano. Howard Buzzardand. Ruby Remley, both assistant professor business administration also beganasfull time faculty. Brian Metz, assistant professor business administration came along and the department added the human resource management major

fall of 1989. A 10 percent increase in enrollment each year is the department's goal. The first of three new programs the department has been working on was designed by the College Board, which is based in Princeton. NJ. The program is called "The Corporate Counselor" and is "designed to accomplish two tasks important to corporations as they plan for their future workforce needs," Leahy said. The two-tiered program entails assisting human resource departments in counseling employees

Christ said. According to Christ, almost 60 percent of the courses were taught at night in the beginning and many students and parents complained. Now more than half of the courses are taught in the day. "We have long recognized (Bill) Combs as a silent partner," Christ said. Combs spoke highly of Cabrini. "You have a great faculty here and people who really care," Combs said. He attributed this as one of the advanteges of a small school.

'You have a great faculty here and people who really care.' "I like your kind because 80 percent of you are on help and you want this," Combs said. The afternoon forum was directed more towards the corporate community. John Miller, Mr.

., lllept,oto

Meredyth Leahy, dean of contiuing education

Drew Lewis and Robert McClements spoke more about business changes coming up in the I 990s. Dr. Vail Garvin, senior vice president of corporate affairs at Independence Blue Cross and member of the Board of Trustees, moderated the forum. Both Lewis and Miller have been commencement speakers at the college. "These are three rather influential business leaders," Heiberger said. The board of trustees chairperson, Mrs. Edith R.Dixon, came up with the idea for the business forum, Brocchi said. Lewis has been chairman and chief executive officer for Union Pacific Corp., secretary of transportation and chairman and chief executive officer of Warner Amex Cabe) Communications. Miller is the chairman and chief executive officer CffProvident Mutual Life Insurance Company. "Institutional advancement did the mechanical work of inviting speakers," Heiberger said. Brocchi was pleased with the overall outcome of both events.

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who express a desire to continue their education. The second tier is designed to help employees make their educational plans in a way that they can capitalize on work experiences and previous education. In August, the continuing education department will be hosting a week-long conference sponsored by the Leaming Connection of New York City. Only eight colleges nationwide are hosting this program that focuses on children's literature in education. Cabrini's education professors will be facilitating the workshops for this confer-

ence. The last program the continuing education department has been working on is the Cabrini Organizational Management Program (COMP). The program is designed to give the opportunity to earn a bachelor's of arts degree in organizational management to students whose traditional college education has been interrupted. The program is open to students over 25 years of age, working full-time, and have earned at least 60 college credits. Through this program, the degree can be earned in 18 months.

SGA plans for next semester by ElizabethMacGuire

staff writer A new Money Access Center machine is the foremost issue that the Student Government Association {SGA) is proposing for next year. Costing about $20,000 to install and $750 a month to maintain, SGA or the college would bavetohaveanaccountwithBryn Mawr Trust, the company that has offered to put a MAC machine at the college. The new officials of the

exectiveboardofSGA are bouncing off other suggestions for next year. One such suggestion is.intramural sports. This suggestion has been tried ten times. according to JohnDzik. Kim Haban, social activities assistant, said, "We need to generate student interest and this would help generate that. interest."


a dead



Emmerich, president of SGA, said. "We have to prove there is studemioW""'ltinthisprogram,!' Jamie Santora, social activities assistant, said. The social activities board bas a whole list of activities for students to get involved in. Among these are the traditional haunted house and Superthon. A new activity that the social activitiesboard which consists of Morrison,Haban, Amy Weschlerand Santorir,i~thin°k• ing doing for next year is having one alcoholic party a monthfor students over2 l years old andonenon-alcoboJicparty for under 21.

SGA wantsto appointa pub-

licity person to get infonnation on activitiesand issuesthatconcern the student body. "Wewant

to get the informationcentraf.. ized.Twocorkboards, oneoutsideof SGAandoneoutsidethe Jennifer Morrison, chairpet~ cafeteria should help in that son of social activities,said "You endeavOI'," Emmerichsaid. Thecandidatesfelt theelechave to have some competition though. tionprocesswasrusbedthisyear "Points for each team would as they hurried to get theirplatformsin. "We shouldhave a be awardedfor those whoparticipated with T-shirts•and a plaque weekanda halfneKtyearto get beingasprizes.''Everyone should ~;• Emmerichsaid. put in money for intramurals so Theelectionprocesstakesa we could award bigger prizes and time for everyonewhois runpay for the equipment," Mark ning to make up a platfonn. Mellor, vice-president of SGA. "The platfot'IMare at the caf. said. "It's tough to find people willing to put in the time though. Between 6 and7 o'clock is kind

eteriafor threenightsandtwo days so peoplecan make an

intelligent decision," Mellor said.

SEARCH, pg. 1 "Colleges have changed and no president today could handle all the aspects of a college the way she (Mother Ursula Infante) did," Zager said. "She was a very visible presi-

dent who was involved in all aspects of the college, and she is a remarkable person," Zager said. The search committee had its first meeting last week to get a sense of the process involved and



friday, may 3, 1991

Follow-up: What ever happened to ... Xavier


by Jennifer Morrison

Managing Editor

In the beginning, residents of the Xavier resident hall had problems that resulted in sanctions that prohibited visitors after 7 p.m., alcohol from being consumed in.the building and a security guard that helped the resident assistants, (RAs),enforce the rules. Today, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, dean of students, has walked down the halls and seen a difference. "There is a different atmosphere, there is a realization from students to respect the condition of their environment." Cathy Caulfield, resident life director, said Sr. Eileen's visits to Xavier halls "scared people." the security guard, the damage bills. a pro-active rather than a re-active staff, semester grades, opening of the game room and because "the residents felt they were being listened to all aided in changing." "I feel good about how things are now and I think they have a better understanding of rules and guidelines and know where to draw the line," Caulfield said. In the fall semester, Tamara Causley, assistant resident director, resigned her position due to harassment and overall damage on campus, especially in Xavier hall. Marianne DeFruscio replaced Causley in the spring semester.

"I've found a lot of energy in the residents and it's up to the resident life staff to give them projects and events to channel energies." "There's a sense of community now, the residents are coming up with new ideas," Kathy D' Amelio, Xavier RA, said. "It's much cleaner, the security system is good and it's a safe place for people to have fun," Jason Giles, first-year-student resident, said. Some residents feel that Xavier hasn't changed. Sophomore resident Lisa Suosso said, "It's not too much different down here. Damage is down, but security only sits there and doesn't walk around. They can only check for damage, they can't write us up so what are they being payed for?" Next year, Bonfiglio feels that more energies should be focused on educational activities and less energy on strictly disciplinary activities. "This year was an overall good wake-up call," Tom Berretone sophomore resident said.


Signs mal, while trash is more likely to end up where it's not supposed to. Overall, Caranfa stressed that physical plant has to do most of the work to recycle, and that this would essentially affect its budget. Caranfa feels that some better communication would help the recycling project to work more effectively. Maybeifstudentsweremore aware of what is expected of them in terms of sorting recyclables, it would take some of the burden away from physical plant.

Physical Pl ant collects recyclables

by ToeMartini

staff writer

The recycling laws that were instated in Radnor Township this year have meant increased responsibilities for Cabrini's physical plant. "The burden is being shouldered by individuals rather than by all," MikeCaranfa, chief physical plant officer, said. Caranfaexplained that recycling was a lot for his department because people are not doing their share. In thedorms,cooperation in terms of recycling has been mini-

According to Caranfa, recycling bins were placed in the Wigwam, but were removed because the bins were not assigned there. In each building, there is a central location assigned for recyclable trash. "I'm sure we'll meet the goal that is mandated by the state, but its a painful process," Caranfa said. He added that the recycling process will be reassessed and will be different in September.

by Joseph Buda Entertainment Editor

Cabrini College will not be getting a sign on the Blue Route, Interstate 476, when it opens, according to Karen Berlant. public relations director. According to Berlant, the college needs a minimum enrollment of 5,000 students to get the sign, plus money to pay for the charge for such a sign. "The college falls flat twice," Berlant said.

Cabrini also lacks signs on other major area roadways, like the Schuylkill Expressway. Just recently, the signs that were at the bottom of the Gulph Mills exit have been stolen. Finding the college will be an even harder task.

Liz Miller Miller, Liz's mother. Her responsibilities include treating allied soldiers and prisoners of war. Miller said. Miller said her daughter has plans for when she arrives home. Miller said her daughter will enjoy the summer and intends to return to - Cabrini next semester. 'Tm waiting and hoping she comes home safely," Miller said.

by Kimberly Keck Senior Assocrate News Editor

Junior Liz Miller was called to serve in Operation Desert Storm in late December as a medic for the Army. Even though the war has ended, Miller will be stationed in Saudi Arabia until May, possibly June, according to Peggy

Minority Affairs

TownCouncil Agenda by DawnTimbario

by Lisa Neuman

staff writer

Managinf? Editor

photo by Ca1inPesotski

Xavier students celebrate a barbecue, as one of many special events planned by resident students

FOOD, pg.I like to see in a food service is a more com,istent management. "Sometimes the manager who is placed is not the right person for the account," Dee Cochran, manager of two years. said. "A good crew is a team and is not built overnight," Cochran said. According to Cochran Seiler's closest competitor is Wood because in size comparison the two are basically equal. Barclay said he hoped the college could save money or at the least, not go above whatthe college spent this year. Included in the room and board price, the money for food is the lowest amount. There will be some changes in both the cafeteria and the Wigwam. In the cafeteria, Seilers has proposed to implement a computer system with a bar code to check students who are on the meal plan. Of the over 400 resident students

who are on the meal program, only about 300 residents came to student services to obtain their meal stickers. "Every food company worth its salt should have a missed meal factor. It shows in the cost figure," Barclay said. The missed meal factor is how a food service accounts for students not going to all the meals offered. It is an average number of students who will attend a certain meal. "If this factor is not figured in the quality of the food or the staff could be reduced," Barclay said. "I have been gathering information for a year on the Wigwam, and there are going to be changes," Barclay said. According to Barclay the Wigwam should be either break even or be a profit to the college. Instead, the Wigwam has operated at a loss. "It has to be run as a business," Barclay said. "It must stand on its own."

The newly established minority affairs division of the Student Government Association is already defunct. A board had been nominated, approved, and ready to put plans into action when budget cuts stung SGA and plans had to be put on hold. "In September, our budget was cut 30 percent, and we were allotted no new money for these positions," Frank Emmerich, SGA president, said. "We weren't go-

ing to start such a new and sensitive program without the allotted money," Emmerich said. The budget cuts in September proved fatal for the new division

The Town Meeting process began as a means of building community and creating cooperative effort between students, faculty and staff. The group first gathered as a result of President Sr. Eileen Currie's, MSC, implementation of new sanctions against Xavier Hall residents on Nov. 14. These strict regulations came directly after the rampant vandalism and harrassment throughout the campus. The organization of Town Council came about as a result of the meeting process. The council, which is comprised of equal representative membership among students, faculty, administration and staff, was devised to facilitate communication throughout the campus community. The members are responsible for setting an agenda for the Town Meetings which will occur approximately twice during each semester. Though each council board has been meeting and doing their part in bettering campus relations, the last Town Meeting, held on April 11 deviated from the agenda and turned

into more of a budget gripe session than a group meeting. Despite some minor setbacks in the program, the self-governance and Wigwam committees have been progressing in their ideas. For instance, the selfgovemmentcommittee has devised three recommendations forpromoting more student involvement at Cabrini and John Barclay, member of the Wigwam enhancement committee, said he is actively pursuing vending companies who would be willing to set up machines in the area for added refreshment.




friday, may 3, 1991 l«y,

Healey:'from the heart'


Tl!t Gl\.O'/L C\1T I ivl 'i~I\ -UI j•U

'.:>Il<Ll 1 1/t,

something to talk about, and a reason to drink.

Heads of the Five Families Thanks for pimp slapping me when my brain went soft from running comedy and my actions put the family business, in immediate danger. For forgiving my crimes against the family, for the concern and the advice.

bob healey sports editor Too often in life we fail to realize the importance of people until it is too late. As another academic year winds down it is time for me to take a look back and thank those who have helped me.

Carlo Iacono My don, to whom I owe many a service. Thanks for letting me partake in the arts with the ZBT boys over Christmas. Also thanks for being another baseball fan who believes Larry Bowa should be in the Hall of Fame. Chris Pesotski Thanks for the company on all the away basketball games this year and for driving home from Shenandoah while I slept off a hangover. Also for being there when I needed to talk sports till dawn in the living room of the Sullivan House. Matt Hodlofski Slacker is only a word.Thanks for giving me your couch four nights a week and for a place to watch any sporting event at any time of any night. Denise Edwards Thanks for being a friend first and an editor second. For all those late nights we spent staring aimlessly at a computer wondering why nothing was being accomplished. In a sick way it was fun.

Happie Conner Thanks for all the stats and phone numbers when I needed them last minute and thanks for hanging out all night in Virginia with me and Ray "Baltimore" Larkin.


Lou Monaco Sports Editortwice removed. Thanks for all those days I cut class and we talked sports over a six pack and two Tozzi's special Italian hoagies. PSU 24-ND 21

!)1_;.f}t.:c -\- .....

,., rL 'I..;•

1. V\LI<

• ~.t L 1 &•••D


Phil Murphy Thanks for waking me up that 20-degree night when I fell asleep in my truck and for all the ice while I was wearing my immobilizer. Lorraine Healey and Theresa Coppa Thanks for all the spaghetti and lasagne dinners when I called home and said I needed some home-cooked Italian delights. Thanks for letting me live at school next year and for allowing me to drive to Chicago to see a baseball game on Mother's Day. Happy Birthday Mom.

moreSCIOUA from pg.11 dhows. Runner-up Keith~. MoatHook-upsJames

· •• • ·a



Jimmy Buffett For reminding me when I get run down that there is a place with white sand, a crystal blue ocean and Tequila is cheap and plentiful. Also for drumming into my head that Margaritaville is an attitude, a state of mind, because, Lord knows, I'm wastin' away. See you at the Mann in June, or at a bar in Key West. Tito Cantafio Thanks for dating a J?;irlnamed Teri Kelly

Bud Mellon Thanks for all those mini Yalta conferences we had drinking coffee and discussing a subject that has baffled man for years: women! Women everywhere Thanks for giving Bud and me

:who has a friend named Jennifer Jane.

You The readers, for reading the thoughts and opinions of a 20-year old punk with a bad haircut who parties too much and loves talkin' sports. 'Preeeeeciate It.

more SOCCER from pg. 12 JOBSQUAD JOBSQUAD JOBSQUAD Synthes USA in Paoli is seeking graduating seniors interested in C?mputer operations (systems 38). Wage and salary are negeotiable. Contact 647-9700, ext.112, or to 1690 Russell Rd., Paoli, _, send resume 19301.

Latchaw, Montgomery & Peck Inc. is seeking part-time help. Approximately 1015 hrs./wk starting at $7 /hr. Job includes data entry, filing, and catalog assembly. Will train. If interested please contact 64 7--4640.

There is an Intern position available at the Yellow Springs Institute. Job includes general office help. Job will be from MayAugust. Hours are 8:30-5pm. MondayFriday and some Saturdays. Salary is $5-6/ hr. depending on experience. For more information contact Amy at 827-9111.

Radnor high-tech company has opening for enthusiastic and highly motivated professional. Excellent typing (WordPerfect on Macintosh SE), communication and organization skills required. Ability to communicate effectively with high level government, business and university professionals essential. Knowledge of a variety of additional software programs helpful,e.g., Excel, PageMaker, Filemaker Pro and/or CAT III .. Competitive salary. Send resume to P.O. Box R-301, Radnor, PA. 687-6937.

Sparrs Company is seeking full and part-time sales associates in Chestnut Hill and Haverford store locations. For more information contact Lisa at (215) 248-9890.

Stouffer Valley Forge Hotel has immediate openings for bell attendants, front desk clerks, housekeepers, cooks, waitresses, and buspersons. If interested contact 337-1800.

Commonwealth Federal Savings Bank is seeking a graduating senior earning a B.A. or B.S. in accounting for an opening in their Accounting Department. Full-time position. Contact 251-1600, Candice Lane, ext. 3048.

Hauss and Burke Law Offices in Ardmore are seeking a part-time file clerk to help with copying and other miscellaneous duties. Hours are Mon.-Fri. 3-6pm. wage is $5.50/ hr. If interested contact Christopher Murray at 649-5200.

Clinical Practice Associates is seeking parttime data entry personnel. Hours and days are flexible, 10 hrs./wk. or more. Contact Karen Weber at 341-1850.

If you did not find what you were looking for in the above ads please visit our Job Board located within the Financial Aid Office. The Job Board is full of full or part-time and seasonal jobs.

tently good play'' and praised junior Matt Schlegelmilch as ''the most pleasant surprise'' during the course of the spring season. From a player's standpointDiRita said that the spring presents the players with two main objectives; to maintain off-season interest in the sport and for players to check their individual progress. However, the spring season also provides an added dimension to the Cavs' stronger team unity. "During the regular season the team pretty much all hangs out together," DiRita said. "But when the season is over we all go our. own way. So getting together in the spring definitely gives us more team unity." The Cav's are counting on this team unity to carry over into the fall season when Cabrini defends last year's ESAC championship. The Cav's will return 17 players from last year's squad, losing only last S$ason 's co-captain Steve Buividas to graduation and goalie Zimmerman, who is transferring after this semester. "I'm really sorry to see Clark go," Hubley said. "He was a real competitor and a breath of fresh air for our goaltending situation." The goaltending situation which, in the past few years before Zimmerman's arrival, Hubley described as "a nightmare" looks somewhat brighter with the expected arrival of first-year players who have previous netminding experience. Hubley commented that it is dif-


ficult for him to attract a prospective soccer player to the college primarily because of a lack of sufficient financial aid packages for the athletes. ''That's why I never use the word 'recruiting'," Hubley said. "I 'encourage' a soccer player to come to Cabrini. Realistically I can't recruit players when other schools are offering more financially than we are." Hubley contends that this limitation in attracting pl~ers leaves Cabrini at a disadvantage in terms of accumulating the depth needed to compete in a full schedule of games during the fall. Nevertheless, Hubley believes that next years squad will be able to be "at least competitive", although he thinks that winning another ESAC title will be "twice as tough as last year." "We snuk-up on people last year. This year, those people know who we are," Hubley said. "Last year we were both good and lucky, this year all I can say is that, in the end, we' II be in the race." The Cav 's strength fornext year basically rest in its positions_up the middle, where center Glen Jaskelewicz, and backs Connor and DiRita gives the Cavs what Hubley calls "skill players at the right spots.'' As for the players, in addition to defending their ESAC crown, the Cav's hope to earn a bid to the NCAA tournament. "I think next year, if we do well enough, our strength of schedule might get us in the tournament," DiRita said. "Playing strong, recognized teams like Swarthmore and Trenton State will definitely help us."

TheSciolla Awards for'90'91 NBAseaso frank sciolla sports co~umnist

Michael Jordan doesn't like the way the Chicago Bulls coaching staff is keeping score during a practice scrimmage so he walks out of practice. James Worthy hires two "women" for a little pregame entertainment. David Wingate is accused of raping not one ,but two women. Larry Bird punches out two fans outside the Boston Garden. As a result of this sterling behavior, they all receive standing ovations the next time they step on the playing floor. But don't let Charles Barkley look at someone funny or he will be fined faster than you can say double standard. Barkley's spitting incident at Meadowlands Arena was indeed a despicable act. However, he isn't the only player who lost his temper with the morons that come to the gam'es just to harrass the players. Ladies and gentlemen, it is obvious to all of us that the NBA does not like Charles 'Wade ' Barkley. Barkley says what he feels and that is the difference between him and Magic and Michael. As long as he is not a hypocrite, he will not win the MVP.

See her run, see her throw by Bob Healey Sporrs Editor

Whether it is the flat sandy beach of Sea Isle City, N .J., orthe rolling acres of Cabrini College, Jeannie Dougherty approaches track and field with the same enthusiam. Dougherty, who grew up at the Jersey shore, honed her skills by running seaside during low-tide and throwing the javelin with her sister. Dougherty's sister, Maureen, who graduated from Stacken State College the past year, holds the school record for javelin throwing at 135 feet. Dougherty would often compete against her sister at the college and "she (Maureen) would coach me on the beach,'' she said. At Cabrini, however, Dougherty is herown throwing coach. "Icoach myself here but the team helps with advice,'' she said. Dougherty said coach Tom O'Hora helps her mostly with running, "and he

Trenton State University. That day the Cavs won its first-ever relay event. "It (winning) felt good," she said •'especially since there were Division II schools there." Dougherty credits the victory to the team practicing hand-offs more. She said that was a "big deal" because it had been the team's downfall in the past. Dougherty said O'Hora approached her aboutjoing the team and "(I) figured, hey why not, and took a shot at it," she said. Dougherty also echoed the sentiments ofO'Hora from an early article. •'The people we do have are doing well this year," she said. "Maybe it is quality and not quanity." Track and field is something that Dougherty has picked-up as an extraphoto by Lorrame Litt cirricular activity. "Just for the side," she said. Jeannie Dougherty, during high However, she has intentions of school, would practice running coaching once she graduates. "Sure and throwing on the beach of I'd do it," she said, "I think it would Sea Isle City, N.J. be fun."

motivates me," she said. Along with throwing a personal colligete best, 93 feet, at Cheyney this year, Dougherty also ran the third leg of the 4x 100 meter relay at


NBA Awards

MVP- Michael Jordan* It's finally his time and Barkley missed too many games because of injuries. Coach of the year- Matt Goukas* Don Chaney and Del Harris were close but they didn't win 31 games with Greg Kite and Jeff Turner starting. Sixth man award- Detlef Schrempf* Indiana Pacers. He's finally becoming the player everyone thought he would be. He is a definite poor man's Larry Bird. Unsung Heroes- Kevin Gamble* Scott Skiles* Vernon Maxwell* All they ever needed was a chance. Defensive player- David Robinson* Numbers 34 and 23 are the only two this man can't cover.


friday, may 3, 1991




Call Us!



And now for the real awards. You knew l couldn't resist.

128 W. Lancaster Avenue, Wayne





The All Hair Club for Men Team G-Scott Skiles-Orlando Magic G-Michael Jordan- You know C-Moses Malone- Atlanta Hawks F-Clyde Drexler-Portland Trailblazers F-Kenny Walker- That can't be his real hair. Coach-Bob Weiss- Hawks

iffl. '/~

The All Bad Haircut Team G-Jeff Hornacek-Phoenix Suns G-Steve Alford-Dallas Mavericks C-David Kerchner-Cabrini Cavaliers F-Armon Gilliam-Sixers F-Jayson Williams-Sixers Definitely the team captain. Sciolla's special team Sixth man- John Quirus-Village People Iron Man-Dave Hoppen- 28 minutes the whole season. Someone warm up the whirlpool. Most Unselfish-Tom Chambers. Hey, Mr. Robinson, what does pass mean? Best Sportsman- Bill Cartwright- sharpen those



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fridaY, may 3 1 1991


Cavsfinishseason,Wells takesCabriniInvitational by John Gay staff writer

The men's tennis team finished its season last week with matches against Rutgers-Camden, East Stroudsburg and Alvemia. The Cavs were 1-1-1 on the week, closing the season at 6-11-1. Rutgers-Camden visited to start the week and in a tennis rarity, came away with a tie. The match ended knotted at 4.5, when the doubles competition was called due to darkness. The Cavs started off well with number one seed Bill Wells beating Dave Prendergrast in three sets, 4-6,6-4,6-2. Numbertwo seed Jim Landon also won but needed to play tiebreakers in each set to win over Matt Johnson, 7-6, 6-7, 7-5. Number four seed Matt Cahill bested Jeff Emety in another close match, 7-5, 6-3 and Jeff Patti won the last singles match, beating Joe Martin, 4-6, 7-5, 6-1. The Cavs next hosted Division II East Stroudsburg and lost by a 54 score. Head coach Reggie Day had praise for his team after their gritty performance against a Div. II team. Wells continued his impressive play with a 6-3, 4-6, 6-3 victory

over Jeff Siuta. Jim Landon dropped down to three seed singles slot and second doubles slot by default. Matt Cahill won over Dean Munro. 6-2, 0-6, 7-5. The doubles combo of Wells and Cahill lost a close match to Brandon Jones and Dean Munro, 7-6, 7-5. The Cavs travelled to Alvernia to close the season. The game was the make-up of a rainout. Cabrini trounced Alvemia, 7-2, even though they only had five players. Both Alvernia wins came by defaults. Wells beat Andy Stondt, 6-4, 62. Two seed Landon defeated Brandon Grier, 6-1,6-3. Cahill defeated John Reedy, 6-0, 6-1. The victory gave Cahill the best overall record on the team. Five seed Patti beat Kevin Crozier in a close three sets, 4-6, 7-5, 6-4. In doubles play, Wells and Cahill won 6-3, 6-2 and the team of Landon and Patti won 6- l , 6-0. The big story of the match was the play of senior co-captain Chris Renzulli, who stepped in at the number three seed and defeated Scott Kane, 6-1, 4-6, 6-4. "It was a great way for a senior to close his career, especially for someone who did not get to play as much as I would have liked," Day said.

Day believed the Cavs will be much improved next year. He cited some internal problems that forced the departure of his potential one, three and four seeds. He said this hurt the team and stressed that the experience his young players received this year would b~nefit them. "Next year we're gonna be there, because we have a much more solid core,'' Day said. Day called his current team hardworking, young and enthusiastic compared to the complacent attitudes of some of his former players. Day does not believe his senior co-captains Bob Bonner and Chris Renzulli can be easily replaced. ''Bob and Chris are my best in terms of stabilizing influence. You miss people with that kind of dedication,'' Day said. Day called Wells a tough player who will do the job for him next year. "Wells wasforcedtoplayat a higher seed and finished 11-10. That's a tribute to him,'' Day said. Day expects Landon to be a leader for the Cavs next year. '' Jim will offer a mature stabilizing effect," Day said. Sean McNamara was labeled a '' good kid, who adds some levity," by Day.

Photo by John Gay

First-year player Bill Wells, winner of the Cabrini Invitational, is the leader of a talented young group ot.Cavalier tennis players. McNamara had a tough season jury-filled year. because of the dropoff the Cavs The Cavs played the first Cabhave after the number two seed. rini men's Invitational TournaDay looks forward to Dave ment on the weekend. Though the Thompson returning next year. field was smaller than expected, "Dave is capable of doing an the day was a success. excellent job for us,'' Day said. Wells was the winner of the Thompson played through an in- tournament.

Soccerendsspring~-~ season of woes continue., seasonat Trenton St. ~

bJ MattHotlloftld

by William A. Fulton copyed,tor

There is a saying in the world of sports which claims that many athletes have the desire for game day glory, but only the truly determined athlete has the desire to sacrifice and prepare before that game day actually

Results Soccer 4/27



Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini

0 1 0

Cabrini Cabrini Cabrini



Monclair St. Monmouth Trenton St. Bapt. Bible

4 3



Softball 4/29


Misericordia 5 Misericordia 8 Phila Textile 9

Schedule Track and Field Sat. Sat.

514 5/ 11

Lincoln Relays Swarthmore

noon A noon

arrives. If one accepts this saying as true, then soccer coach Duncan Hubley just may have himself one truly determined group of athletes playing for the Cav's next season. This past weekend the Cavaliers completed their second consecutive season of spring soccer with a tournament held at Trenton State in which the Cav's finished with 2 wins, I loss and and l tie. Spring soccer, as governed by the NCM, allows teams to participate on up to six occasions during the off-season. The Cavaliers made the most of this opportunity by playing in six tournaments against teams from Villanova, Haverford, Scranton, Temple, East Stroudsburg as well as Trenton State. Hubley said that despite the team "not doing as well as expected," the Cav's finished the spring campaign with an overall record of 4 wins, 7 losses and 2 ties, the true focus of the spring was generally ''to get better." According to Hubley, injuries played a significant role in the disappointing record. In particular. co-captain Michael Connor suffered two broken fingers on his left hand during a game and, later on in the spring, the injury plague continued when first-year goalie Clark Zimmerman sustained a knee injury in a game against Scranton. However, Hubley did manage to find a few bright spots in the otherwise disappointing spring campaign. In particular, Hubley said that co-captain Billy DiRita lead the Cav's with "consis-


infteldandinto theoutfield. A recocd of fivewins, 15lossesand "WhenKristi wentto theoutfieldit onetie says it all forCabrini'swomen Nined a lot of the continuity that we softballteam. ~·Errors ieally rookus out bad in the infield. wbicJlreally• hurt us. of every gamewe Jost,'' seniorco-eaptain When I wasontltemoundl knewslwbad Kristi Vilotti said. According to Vilotti, control of the wield," Banner said. theplayerslackexperience. "Manyplayed .. ft was really ~mg IDQVing to softball in high school but lacted real the outfteld because..llove playingthe softballknowledge,"Vilottisaid. infield, but it wasbest for the team so I The team started off with three wins had to adjust," Vilotti said. and four losses. The turning point of the Becky Tressel said most of the team

1, 1

see SOCCER pg. 10

ingtheseasonwu movingpotential gold

sisHwrlter glove infielderKristiVilottiout of

season happened on April 10, when the Lady Cavs faced Allentown for a doubleheader at home. "We started giving up walks, errors and did not hit the ball. After that game it just seemed like people started losing interest." second year coach Dave Tajerian said. 'Tajerian came back for the softball team's version of spring training at the end of February and was unpleasantly surprised. Angela DiJoseph, Sue Roux, and Kathy Murray were three players the CQaChcounted on to play this season but were all unable to. "The only problem with this year's pitching staff was their control. We walked so many people this season," Tajerian said. The pitching staff was a three•woman rotation with sophomore Mara Beth Shedden, junior Nancy Boyle and junior Jen Banner. "I think Nancy, Mara Beth and I did our job but we did not get a lot of support,•' Banner said. "When the pitching was on there were a lot of errors and when the fielding was doing well. the pitching staff gave up many walks." Another big move that occurred dur-

takes softball seriously but some do not. "When I make an error I get down on myself and make sure it doesn ·• happen again. Otherplayersdidnotcare enough to get down on themselves~" needed to come together as a team more," sophomore Veronica Hoffman said. "When one player got down on themselves the whole team got down with them, instead of picking each otherup." Losing its two.three combination in the batting line-up with seniors Vilotti and Michelle Ballinghoff, will hurt the team next season but so will many other things. Many players have co-ops, interns and student teaching jobs during the week so next year's roster is very much up in the air right now. ''It looks bad next year unless they get a lot of good freshmen," Tajirian said . .. This will probally be my last year, for the most part {as coach) because of my job being demanding and my eight month old girl. I want to put more time in with her next season.'' Tajirian said. Today is the team's game with a doubleheader against Wesley College.


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