Sept. 11, 1992 Issue 01 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, september 11, 1992

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxix no. 1

StudentchallengesR.A. appointments by Kelly Adams

co-News editor The summer of 1992 is one senior John "Veen" Latvenas, President Antoinette Iadarola, Vice President Robert Bonfiglio and Director of Resident Life Catherine Caulfield will not soon forget. In June of 1992, Latvenas, a two-time resident assistant (R.A.) alternate, received a letter from Bonfiglio. The letter explained why Latvenus had not been chosen to fill the one male vacancy created in the R.A. staff. Latvenus said that he was lead to believe that he would fill the vacancy through several conversations he had with Caulfield and he made his financial arrangements based on this. According to Latvenus, ·'Cathy said, 'If you get a 2.5 and keep your nose clean, the position is yours."' Caulfield said, "Through the conversations we had, he had every reason to believe that he would get the position, but he knew that there were concerns."

Latvenus did receive a 2.5 at the end of the spring semester but it is the second half of Caulfield 's statement, the concerns she herself spoke of, that is in contention. In the letter sent to Latvenas, Bonfiglio cited two specific code of conduct violations committed by Latvenus in the fall of 1991 and the spring of 1992. Bonfiglio would not comment on the specific incidents. The following is Latvenus' account. According to Latvenus, in late /Jhoto by Kimberly M. Haban printed by Lorraine Mane Lill fall of 1991 another student was Junior Michelle McKenna, left, and Senior Jeff Magee right, participate in leadership camp in making prank calls to members of preparation for their duties as RA 's for the 1992-93 school year the security staff from Latvenus' phone. Latvenas said that he was The second incident occurred in escorted from the gymnasium for he was under the impression was a aware that the calls were being made the spring of 1992 at a Cabrini the evening. Latvenas was again contract. and that his phone was being used, Latvenas made no room deposit written up, but this time did not basketball game. but was not in the room for the nor did he look for a roommate for Latvenus said, he arrived at the receive a fine. majority of the calls. the fall because, according to game already intoxicated and proAccording to Latvenas, he met According to Latvenas, he reLatvenas, "Cathy was confident ceeded to loudly heckle the referwith Caulfield several times after ceived a tip that the calls were being enough that I would get the 2.5 that ees as well as the players. Accordthe second incident and she assured traced by security, so he and the she felt thatthose things were ing to Latvenas, he was dissatisfied him that if no more diciplinary inciother student turned themselves in. with the level of school spirit and dents occurred, he would receive essary." Although the other student took responsibility for making every call, took it upon himself to "let 'em the position. Latvenas was named one of five R.A. alternates in April. both were written up and fined for know I was there." see R.A., pg. 6 Latvenas was approached by a Latvenas said he also signed a form showing disrespect to members the member of the security staff and listing the duties of an R.A., which security staff.

Welcometo Ga0FiAi

IadarolaappointsVP ·ot institutional aavancement by Katherine Ross

Features editor

photo by Cann Pesotsk1printed by Lorraine Marie Lill

First-year student Tracy Roesner, right, moves into Woodcrest with the help of her mother Maria, pictured left. Roesner, along with other first-year students are registering for classes. getting to know each other and learning to adapt to Cabrini College life.

After the position has been empty for fifteen months, President Antoinette Iadarola has named Stuart Stabley as the new vice president of institutional advancement, tilling the position left vacant by Anthony Brocchi. Since Brocchi resigned from the position of vice president for institutional advancement, the position has been vacant for over a year. Brocchi left to pursue other interests. The position had been left empty for this amount of time for specific reasons. "We knew we were going to conduct a presidential search and the top presidential candidates wanted to wait so they could choose their own vice president," said Karen Berlant, director of public relations. Martha Dale, the director of alumni and the annual fund, stated that even though there was not an acting vice president of institutional advancement the fund raising campaign was not hurt. According to a press release issued, Stabley is no stranger to successful campaigns. He was the driving force at Illinois State Uni,.,ersity by creating a successful automated telefund program to raise annual fund dollars. The funding at the university increased from



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5 p.m. Big Brother/Big Sister Dinner in CAFE

Sunday V V

6pm Mass

7 pm Big Brother Big Sister Bowling Night V 9pmMass

Monday V

10am Q-102 Pirare Ship near SHH

Stuart Stabley, above, will assume his duties as vice president of institutional advancement as of Sept. 14, 1992 $2 million to $3.2 million in just over two years. "l have a lot of ideas," Stabley said. "When I get on campus I want to take a look at what needs to be done and go on." Since beginning his career in development al Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, Stabley feels that he understands the problems of small colleges and he can bring some of his experience to Cabrini. According to Stabley, he is not sure if Cabrini is going to continue the present capital campaign, postpone it or cancel it all together.

more coverage in UPDATES!

What's Happening Sept. 11 to Sept. 18 Friday


Tuesday V

12 pm Joh Fair


V 6:30 pm Audilions for WYBF Sports show

Wednesday V

Look for sports schedule on page 8!

Thursday ti' 12:30 pmSEM 300 Fair in WCLH ti' 6:30 pm Audilions WYBF Issues Show ti' 7:30 pm Velcro Jumping /Thursdays

Friday V event

To have your covered in

What's Happening contact Kelly Adams at 971-8412



I editorial


Get up, stand up It is a sad sight when students feel that they need to seek protection against the very institution that they pay $15,000 to attend. It is a downright atrocity when certain heirarchy of this school feel that they can use their leadership positions to blatently rob students of their rights and walk away without any fear of student retaliation. But why should they fear students? We are constantly pushed around and walked upon without making so much as an audible peep. Now, when administrative members of this school deprive a student of a resident assistant position that he was promised, we cannot simply sit back and allow this to occur. We must support our fellow student and stand behind him if he decides to battle against the unjust. Students have rights. We need to evaluate the performances and decisions of our administrative leaders. If we find their work inconsistent with the needs of the student population, then we must stand up and become our own leaders. Offices such as Student Services and Resident Life are designed specifically for the needs of students. If we feel that their actions do not coincide with their mission, then it should be made known. The student body should be viewed as a force to be reckoned with, not a group that's easily pushed around. We decide the impression that is given off.

I ups and downs ~


Special thanks to Neal Newman for bringning Shakespeare in the Park on campus. The benefits will surely reach many constituent ', groups of the campus community. The new computers in the lab are a much-needed addition to the facility. We are grateful to the efforts of the computer science department.

If you visit the bookstore you'll recognize the obvious improvements. We appreciate the new items and friendly service. Hats off to Jennifer Marks-Gold who is responsible for the addition of the umbrella tables outside of the Widener Center. Nice touch!

The absence of extension phones in the Widener Center is not only inconvenient, but potentially dangerous. Let's get it together!

letters Cat and mouse To the editor: Cabrini offers many opportunities for leadership positions. Often the primary reason for trying for such positions as R.A. is for financial aid. Considering the case of alternate R.A. John M. Latvenas, as a student I am appalled at the fact that not only his financial stability but also his education was toyed with. I do not want to make it seem as if the financial end of the R.A. position is most important but common knowledge is that it plays a big role in the competitiveness of the position. lt is supposed to be a positive learning experience, yet in this case it was turned into a situation where educators became liars with no confidence in a student. Is it truly_an educational experience to be told you have earned a leadership position on this campus only to find out about another "inconsistent" decision affecting not only the role John would have played in his senior year but also such a delicate consideration as

friday 1 sept. 111 1992

his financial status? Did you ever consider how this student could return to school after being stripped of a position in mid-June. I mean that emotionally, but most crucial, financially. To the hierarchy making the decrees it was easy to say "that's that" and continue with your busy summer schedules. Yet here was and still is a student who received no compensation whatsoever and also no satisfactory answers or aid from Cabrini's new president, Dr. Iadarola, whom he turned to in light of the situation. Is it really educational to hand jobs to students then revoke them? ls it really educational when students are treated disrespectfully? Isn't it time that when decisions are made students are told about them immediately rather than being strung along? It's bad enough when students back-stab one another but coming from the administration it is unforgivable.

Respectfully, A fellow student more concerned with John's welfare than the college is.


v_ie_w_.;__p_oi_n_t ____


Going back to the basics kim haban editorin-chief

Summer is life all in three months. As life does, summer has its ups and downs, its hard times and its greatest moments. Being a junior in college I was thrilled to be writing for a daily newspaper every week this summer. Even though,[ had the insignificant title of being a" stringer" and only covered township and school board meetings it was a great learning and grow-· ing experience for me. I took part in the atmosphere that a professional reporter experiences and was allowed to make mistakes at the same time. I think the biggest mistake that I did make was on my last night covering a meeting. I was at a township meeeting with a group of angry residents. Instead of taking notes like a good journalist would I listened intently and decided that the story should receive more coverage than just one night. My editor had different ideas. When I returned to the office I told him about the story and the plans I had for it. He nodded and said "How about giving me a ten inch story on it now." I looked at him and replied "Well, I have another really good story I could do for you tonight." As ajournalistthe biggest lesson l learned was to always take notes. No text book could convince me of that before then. This summer also opened my eyes to the idea of independence. It was not by choice however. I guess as every parent eventually does my mother got fed up with supporting me. As I was thrust out into the world of car insurance and tuition payments I realized how much my family did do for me. I had no idea car insurance would cost me $1,600 a year and as for tuition, I was clueless. After a month and a half without communicating with my family I think both my mother and I broke down and started to rebuild what was damaged. This was a very trying time for me. Although it seemed to me that the whole situation was due to money, there were underlying· reasons behind my mother's so called rationalization. I never realized she might have wanted to spend more time with me than [ gave or that my teasing my fifteen-year-old brother really did bother her. My most fun-filled and enlightening experience this summer was my vacation to Elk Mountain right here in Pennsylvania. My friend and I left for the mountains the week before I had to venture back to school. [ was in anticipation of a nice, peaceful and relaxing week. I was not let down. However, a few surprises did await us. The first was the absence of running water in the mountain house. This was not always the case. It seemed as if the water pump had to break during our vacation. So, call a plumber, right? Well we did and he was the bearer of bad news when he told us the entire well was caved in. No running water for us. It did not stop us though. Almost, but not quite. We did have the car packed when we decided we were at the mountains so we could rough it.

Granted, roughing it for me is going a day without makeup or a telephone. After I was finished whining and complaining I began to have a good time. The neighbors were kind enough to let us use their shower. On the walk to and from their house I had the opportunity to get in touch with nature. The beefalo (yes, beefalo, a cross between a cow and a buffalo) were grazing as I lugged my shower neccessities across the land. I only had to showeronce a day. Relieving myself was a different story. No, I did not "cop a squat" in the woods. Large plastic cups have other uses rather than to just be filled wi~h beer. Aside from the water situation we encountered a family of bats. They decided to take up residence in the roof of the house. We felt like the Addams Family when they circled the house at night. By the end of the week we were having fun tormenting the bats by banging on the roof during the day so they would fly out into the sunlight. What a form of entertainment. I apologize to animal rights activists. I cannot forget.about our fishing trip. Thinking that we were going to catch hundreds of fish the size of Moby Dick, we bought three dozen night crawlers. Real lively ones we were told by the cashier. We packed a picnic lunch, sported our hiking boots and best fishing gear and were ready for some serious fishing. We quickly became discouraged when every time we got a bite we would reel in our lines only to find that the fish stole our bait and all we caught were some great algae plants. We realized it was time to quit when we were dropping our lines off a dock and could see the fish swim away with the bait. I am not complaining about my trip to the mountains. In fact it will probably be one of the most memorable excursions of my entire life. I would do it all again-maybe in a few years.

staff Editor-in-chie1: Kimberly M. Haban Managing Editor: MaryJane Inman Perspectives Editor: MaryJane Inman News Edrtors: Kelly Adams and Megan Flanigan

Arts and EntenaonmentEditor: Belinda Descher Features Edrtor: Katherine Ross Spans Edrtors: Deanna D'Alfonso and Brendan Noone

Graphic Designer: Ambreen Alladin and Tim Conway Business Manager: Diane Osborn Photography Editor: Lorraine M. Lill Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craig,e Adv,ser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff· Keith Atllas, Ambreen Alladin, Dana Caterson, Alicia Crego, Paul Crowell, Danielle DiMarco. Corinne Egan, Douglas Eppler Jr.• Roben Evans, Christopher Hight. Mary Kate Kelly. Christine Labroh, Roben Macartney. Matthew Macsisak, Steve May, Heather McAllister, Kevin Oland!, RebekahVaJoro, Maryame Walker, Therese Walmsley, Gary White Photography Staff: Loqu,tur is published -ekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscnption price is $25 per year and is included in the benefrts secured by tuibon and student fees. Loquitur welcomes lett81S to the edttor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the wmer ,.ishes. and the edit0<agrees, the wrtter·s name may be left off the letter uponpublication and an inSCl1)tioninserted such as "name withheld at the request of the wrtter." Lett81Sshould be typed, double-spaced, and no m0<ethan 300 words in leng!h. If a letter is too long f0<the available space, the editor may edit0< condenseH. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of 1hestudent edHorialstaff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. LoquHuris established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of 1ssues.



Iadarola sets agenda

Iadarola delivers a speech at the 1992 Leadership Camp. by Kimberly M. Hoban


Open hours for students, faculty and staff is one item on President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola's agenda for the upcoming year. These sessions will be held monthly in the president's office for anyone to discuss issues that they are concerned with. Iadarola said it is important that she hears people· s stories in order for herto communicate the spirit of the school to potential donors. These open hours will be held for students on Sept. 24 from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m., for staff on Sept. 30 from I p.m. to 3 p.m. and for faculty on Oct. 7 from 12:30-2:30. Fund raising is another item on Iadarola's agenda. She hired Stuart Stabley as vice president of institutional advancement. The position had been left vacant for 15 months. "We must reconfigure the capital campaign priorities," Iadarola said. According to Iadarola, she would like to see small focus groups to give input regarding those priorities. Although Iadarola said she wants to keep in touch with the students and remain visible on campus she said she needs people to understand she can not be two places at once. "When I am fund raising, I can not be on campus." Iadarola said she will inform people when she will be off campus. According to Iadarola she will be explor-


ing all the departments on campus and giving each department her personal ~sessment. She said she will look at the physical resources and the fiscal resources of each department. Iadarola addressed the issue of not having a full-time art professor or a full-time Spanish professor. She said she would ask faculty to assess those two programs, because if there are only one or two students interested it would not be economical to employ fulltime professors. Tuition was another issue that Iadarola addressed. She said she did not want to raise tuition significantly but Cabrini's tuition is comparable with the tuition of other colleges its size. Iadarola also said that Cabrini draws most of its funds from tuition right now and the college has been able to survive. "Sure, there are things we would like to do more," Iadarola said about making changes and adding services to the school. "I am very concerned about the chemistry lab," Iadarola said.

"The college will fail students if we graduate them without a broader education" - Antoinette Iadarola, president

Iadarola pointed out that there are Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart stationed in different countries and suggested that the college capitalize on that. She suggested that the school send students abroad for extemships to these sites for educational purposes. Iadarola said she would like to broaden the opportunities for externships to enhance the college's desire for cultural diversity. Iadarola said "The college will fail students if we graduate them without a broader education."

f riday, sept. 11, 1992

The first in a series

Exercising the right to vote by Kelly Adams

co-News editor

0 Who is eligible to vote? To register to vote in the I 992 election, you must: be a U.S. citizen for a minimum of one month prior to the election, be a resident of the state, county and election district at least 30 days prior to the election (some states require six months residency), and be 18-years-old on or before November 3, the day of the election.

0 How do I register? Assuming that the above-mentioned requirements are met, the applicant has only to fill out a short registration form and mail it to the county registration office. The form consists of questions from the applicant's name and address to what political party the applicant wishes to be affiliated with. Be certain that every question has been answered and that the form is signed before is is mailed. Also, it is illegal to be registered in more than one county at the same time.

0 Where can I get this information? Registration forms and absentee ballots are available at all public libraries, municipal buildings, state liquor stores, court houses and all county election boards. The form is free, self-addressed and no postage is required.

0 I left for Cabrini and I didn't register. Can I still vote? Absolutely, but you must act fast. Registration forms must be received by Oct. 4 and absentee ballots must be in by October 27. 0 What do I do? If you are living away from the county of your residence on Nov. 3, the day of the election, you are eligible to vote via absentee ballot. An absentee ballot is mailed to the board of elections in your county of residence prior to the election.


000 ~



Contact a family member or friend from home and ask him or her to mail you a voter registration form if you have not already registered and/or an absentee ballot. If this is not possible, call the voter registration office in your county of residence yourself. To locate the telephone number call information, which is 5551212.

0 Can anyone vote via absentee


CO'J.l'IJ 'J.l'l1I 9{Jj 'E/D'llC.91 'II O'J.l






ballot? No! Only those who are physically unable to leave their home due to a medical condition or those who are living or working away from their county of residence on the day of the election may use an absentee ballot. If your county of residence is Delaware County you must find a way to your election district from Cabrini on the day of the election.

0 Is there anything else I should know? Before the application is mailed make certain that all the information is correct. Intentionally giving incorrect information on the application is considered perjury, which carries a $ I000 fine and/or five years in prison, as well the suspension of voting rights for the next JOyears.


Look for voter awareness programs sponsored by SGA during the month of October. Voter registration forms for Delaware, Bucks and Montgomery counties are available in the SGA office in the Widener Center.

SEPT. 18, 1992 Last day to register for Fall Co-op



Welco111eto all students from the

Cooperative Education Staff




fridaYzsept. 111 1992

A roomto call your own by Katherine Ross

Features editor

It has already been decided that your room is too small, drab and crowded, right? Carole Smith of Smith Carole Design in Haverford suggests that you let pieces serve a dual purpose. "If you have a trunk that you are using for storage throw a nice piece of fabric over it and use it as a coffee table," Smith said. "The fabric adds a nice personal touch." . Adding a personal touch is what Alexander Messinger, professor and director of interior design at Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science, feels makes an institutional room livable. Messinger came to Cabrini to give some students a few suggestions on how to make their rooms a place with their own personal signature. "These rooms are too small for such big pieces offurniture," Messinger said. "These exposed cinder block walls make me feel like I am in a prison." According to Messinger there are several ways to add a personal touch to your room. "Hang fabric over the walls. [t will not only brighten up the room, but it will block sound coming from other rooms," Messinger said.

Starting anew

"Have plenty of lights in your room, the brightness will make _you less tired," Messinger said. The most popular way to cover the walls around campus is with posters. Another idea would is make a collage out of personal pictures. According to Messinger all of these ideas will help soften up the space and let students express themselves. Maybe with a few other suggestions not only can everything have its own space, but your room can be a personal extension of yourself. Smith and Messinger gave these few suggestions. A good first move would have been to get in touch with your roommate and find out if you have coordinating bed sheets and comforters. Colors that are similar tend to make a room look bigger. According to Messinger the most convenient room set up would be to have the furniture set up around the electrical outlets. Also, bunking the beds would give extra floor space which would open the room up giving the illusion of more space. With the help of crates and storage boxes you can get everything put away and orga-

nized from clothes to books. Having things organized and easily accessible will make life much easier. Crates and storage boxes can be purchased anywhere from K-mart to Lechters at the King of Prussia mall. Prices usually range from 99 cents to $3.99 for storage crates. One thing however that we all must keep in mind is Resident Life and the rules of what we can and cannot do. According to Priscilla Fuentes, resident assistant, nails are not to be put in the walls. There is also a fine for taking furniture out of other areas of the building and putting it in your room: Rules and regulations are listed in the Resident Life section of the student handbook. Messinger said that he felt the school should give the students more freedom in decorating their rooms. "Maybe, if the students where more involved in decorating the rooms the school could create a basic element that everyone can agree on using brighter colors and better furniture," Messinger said. "Then the students could come in and put their own signature in the room and at the end of the year remove it, still leaving a nice basic element." Money is the basic obstacle for most of us. Due to monetary constraints some ideas are just out of the question. Depending on how much time and money you are willing to

away from home, but I have relatives in the area so if I do get home sick I can always go by Katherine Ross there." According to Lamperti her transition to Features editor Cabrini should be a smooth one. "I plan on joining clubs and I will have a Separation anxiety ... we all have experienced job on campus," Lamperti said. "Along it to one degree or another. Though we might not with classes, I should be pretty busy." want to admit, when we first moved away from Dr. Dan Schwartz, director of the counhome regardless of the distance, we were all seling center, stated that the first part of a little scared. separation anxiety is to realize that it is there Students at Cabrini come from far and and you will have to make a transition to a wide. Some go home every weekend while new environment. others are going to be here until Christmas. According to Schwartz students should One of these students is Edie Lamperti, of allow themselves to get involved in activiFort Worth, Texas. She is a first-year student ties, join clubs, or take an interesting class. at Cabrini this fall. Lamperti chose Cabrini "By utilizing the resources available on for its small school atmosphere and close campus the transition to college life will be knit community. that much easier," Schwartz said. "I was very nervous about going so far On the average first-year students that


After getting everything in the room, the next dreaded step is putting it all away. invest in your room the possibilities are endless. After all, for roughly the next nine months this is where you will be spending most of yourtime. It might as well look as if you live there.

moved in on Tuesday said that they were not nervous about coming to school. According to girls on the second floor ofWoodcrest their parents where more nervous then they were. "I live about 20 minutes away so I did not worry about coming to school to much," Karen Snyder, first-year student said. "I am sure I will get homesick at some point , but I am so busy now it has not even hit me," Snyder said. First-year student, Dan Landis said that he does not live far enough away to experience separation anxiety. "I live in King of Prussia so I can always go home," Landis said. Being that all first-year students are adjusting simultaneously to their new environment, everyone should be comforted in the fact that they are not alone in their situation.

NANCY photo by Carin l>c\Olski


First-year student, Edie Lamperti from Fort Worth Texas.




Editor'snote: The thoughtsand saytnas printedIn quote ... unquoteare not exactly those of the editor.



is simply seeing

something the way it is and saying, "That's the way it is.'' Acceptance is saying, "It is wbat it is, and what is is what is."

Oreatphilosophers fromGertrude Stein , .. A rose is a rose is a rose; to Popeye ("I am what I am") have understood acceptante. Until we truly accept everthing, we can not see clearly. We will alwaysbe looking throughthe fil.

ters of "must's;• "should's," "ought-to's,'' "bave-to's," "and



-John-Roger & PeterMcWtlliams Ufe 101



arts & entertainment


f riday, sept. 11 1992


Napalm Sunday . . the men and their music ■

by Belinda Desher

Arts & Entertainment editor

Napalm Sunday, the name of a local rock band, is a fusion of "Napalm" and "Palm Sunday." Gerry McGolderick, guitarist and lead vocalist came up with the title. According to McGolderick, he chose the word Napalm [an explosive powder] because it was often mentioned in Vietnam war movies that were becoming popular about the same time the band was forming. The band members were all familiar with Palm Sunday because of their Catholic school backgrounds. Even though the words "Napalm" and "Palm Sunday" are in no way related, when combined they work together rather well. Perhaps the same could be said for these musicians. In 1979, MattFrederick from Broomall met McGolderick from Swarthmore while they were at Cardinal O'Hara High School. McGolderick met Steve Mercanti from Upper Darby during a 1986 Replacements concert at Penn. In 1988, Farnsworth joined the band after he met Mercanti through a mutual friend. Farnsworth did not even own a set of drums. "I had to borrow everything. The only things I owned were the sticks," Farnsworth said. A few weeks after Farnsworth joined the band, Napalm Sunday got their first opportunity to appear before an audience at the University of Delaware's Spring Fling '88. Not only was the band asked to play, they were requested to headline! "They [ University of Delaware's entertainment committee] thought we were a big band from Philly," Mercanti said. Since this was their first paying gig, Mercanti did what

any up-and-coming musician would have done; he agreed with them. After the Spring Fling, Napalm Sunday moved into the Center City bar scene. Within the last four years they have played at the Khyber Pass, the Barbary, Silk City Lounge, Chestnut Cabaret, and J.C. Dobbs. Last year Napalm Sunday was featured in an independent documentary entitled "Steal this Film (Tales of a little known band)."·

It cannot be bought in area stores nor can it be ordered by phone. "Steal this Film" has only been seen at the New York Film Festival and the University of the Arts Film Festival. Currently the band is in the process of recording 8-10 tracks onto cassette. Releasing material is one of the band's main aspirations. "I'd like to have something to show my kids when they call me a square," Farnsworth said.

A view from the f,shbmvl McGoldenck Mercant1 Farnsworth typical Monday mght practice in Fredenck s basement

The film consists of individual interviews with the band members and a live performance at the end. "Steal this Film " was directed by Kristen Cesare, independent filmmaker, and assisted by artist, Ed Waisnis.

In the theme of our special interest houses and in this our thirty fifth anniversary year, I 'Welcome you to the United World of Cabrini College." I lookforward to working with you in creating a community bonded by a shared commitmentto ideas, values andgoals as together we shape the future of this very special college. Toni Iadarola President

and Fredenck at a

What will the members of Napalm Sunday tell their kids? Will they mention the time the '69 VW conked out on the turnpike while the band was going to Pittsburgh and

even though they were only a short distance from the Valley Forge Music Center, they thought they were lost somewhere in Harrisburg? According to Frederick, the band had been driving for quite a while but the van was moving slowly. Then the van began to overheat. Considering the lack of scenery on the turnpike and the time that had elapsed, the guys assumed that they were lost somewhere in Harrisburg. Napalm Sunday soon realized that the $300 van was completely out of commission and they would need some assistance. Upon finding a phone they discovered that they were only a few miles from where they had originally started. While waiting for help, the hot weather broke and it started to pour. Now they were not only stranded, they were soaked. "I'll never forget the song we heard the most during the five hour drive to the show, 'Ifl could tum back time' by Cher," Frederick said. When the band made it to Pittsburgh they were surprised by the drastic change in weather. A cold front had moved into Pittsburgh and the temperature had dropped to 30 degrees. Needless to say, the members of Napalm Sunday were the only ones there in shorts. --Why not tell the kids that Napalm Sunday was the first local band to play with Nirvana when they both performed at J.C. Dobbs in June of 1989? How about the time one of the band m~mbers played a practical joke and hired a stripper to jump up on stage during their performance at the Khyber Pass? Or would they mention the time... on second thought, they will have said enough already.

Welcoine back to Cabrini and a special vVelcoine to all our nevV students! Best -wishes for a happy and acadeinically successful year. Office of Academic Affairs: Dr. Mary Ann Biller, Vice President Dr. M. Antoinette Schiesler, Academic Dean Mary Rau, Administrative Assistant Zita Derham, Administrative Assistant



friday, september 111 1992


more R.A from 1 .. I don't blame Cathy for any of this," Latvenas said. "She was overruled by Bob and she has to answer to him." Caulfield's account of the situation is identical to Latvenas', with a few exceptions. In regard to the "contract" Latvenas signed, Caulfield said, "It's OK that he signed it, but in terms of what makes it official, it's the letter." The letter Caulfield spoke of was the letter of confirmation, which offers the candidate the position of R.A. Latvenas received no letter. Prominent in the job description of an R.A. are: promoting an understanding of and adherence to college regulations, encouraging stu-

dents to respect other's rights, setting an example by adhering to the rules and regulations of the college, and being consistent in enforcing the rules and regulations and responding directly when observing inconsistency. Although Caulfield repeatedly expressed sympathy for Latvenas, she maintained, "We expect that theR.A. 's are going to live within the guidelines of the college." After receiving the letter from Bonfiglio, Latvenas took his complaint to Iadarola. According to Latvenas, Iadarola would not get involved. "Here I am, the first student to ask her for help, and she won't even meet with me," Latvenas said. "I feel violated by this." According to Iadarola, Latvenas called her office only once, on what was her very

"It's OK that he signed it, but in terms of what makes it official, it's the letter." - Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life


"I have an obligation to the student body, to provide them with the best quality student services staff possible." -Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student services first day on campus. Iadarola declined to speak with Latvenas until she met with Bonfiglio and became familiar with the situation. Latvenas never called her back to make an appointment. While Iadarola supports Bonfiglio in his decision, she ex pressed concern for Latvenas. Iadarola said that she would be happy to speak with Latvenas. When asked about his decision not _to appoint Latvenas, Bonfiglio said, "I have an obligation to the student body to provide them with the best quality student services staff possible." Bonfiglio said that all hiring decisions are based on fulfilling this obligation. According to both Bonfiglio and Caulfield, members of the student body, student services staff and the administration expressed

concern over Latvenas' possible appointment as an R.A. No present R.A. 's would comment on_the situation. Bonfiglio cited this decision as one of the most difficult he has had to make in the four years he has been at Cabrini. According to Bonfiglio, the student services staff has done a poor job communicating precisely what alternate status really means to R.A. candidates. According to both Bonfiglio and Caulfield, alternate status is no guarantee that the candidate will ever be elevated to a full time R.A. position. Bonfiglio took full responsibility for the miscommunication. •

updates OUR corner National 21.ill Aquarium tickets on sale 0 Tickets are on sale for the trip to the

NJState Aquarium, scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 20. Tickets are $7 each (group rate) and free transportation is available for up to thirty people. Tickets will be sold in the Student Services office. Call Jennifer Marks Gold at ext. 8407 in with questions.

9/11 9/12& 9/13 Big Brother/Big Sister events 0 Join your new sibling(s) for a funfilled weekend! The BB/BS Dinner is on Friday, Sept. I I in the Cafeteria at 5 p.m .. The weekend will be capped off on Sunday, Sept. 13 by the BB/BS Bowling Nightatthe Devon Lanes beginning at 7 p.m.. Van service is available. Contact Lisa Naab through Box 293. 9[J_2

SGA Welcome Back Bash 0 The Welcome Back Bash will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 12. Dinner will be served outside on the Mansion lawn followed by a Reggae concert by the band Flexx until 10:30. Contact Kim Marshall at ext.8415 for more information.

9M Q-102 Pirate Ship visits Cabrini 0 The Q-102 Pirate Ship with Glenn Kalina, radio personality from 106 FM, will be at Cabrini on Monday, Sept. 14 from IOa.m. to 2 p.m. The Pirate Ship will be next to Sacred Heart Hall, where Donna Storm will perform her "Noontime Workout." Call Public Relations at ext. 8254 9/14

Daily Mass 0 Beginning on Monday, Sept. 14, Mass will be celebrated at 11:45 a.m. in the chapel, located across from the Mansion. 9/14& 9/15

Theater Auditions 0 Auditions for "Cheers" and "Sexual Perversity in Chicago" will be held in the Theater in Grace Hall on Monday, Sept. 14 from I to 3 p.m. and on Tuesday, Sept. 15, beginning at 7 p.m. Script are available in the Theater and the Faculty Secretary's office, also in Grace Hall. Contact Neal Newman, theater director, at ex. 85 IO.

lives and be a lesson to others.

OJacksonAgreestoHelpBlacksVote9/15 & 9/17

WYBF Auditions 0 WYBF is looking for hosts for Phonein Forum and their new sports and women's issues shows. Auditions will be on Tuesday, Sept. 15 for the sports show and on Thursday, Sept. 17 for the issues shows. All auditions will be at 6:30 p.m. at the radio station. Call Bud Mellon, WYBF adviser, for more information at ext. 8412

9fil Job Fair 0 The Work Study Job Fair will be held at 12:20 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 15, in the Atrium. Contact Financial Aid at ext. 8420

'iJ.l1 SEM 300 Meeting 0 Attention all Juniors!

On Thursday, Sept. 17 there wi II be a mandatory meeting at 12:30 to I :30 p.m. for students taking Seminar 300 during the fall or spring of this academic year. The meeting, which will be held in the Widener Lecture Hall, will feature speakers who wi II address what is expected of the Cabrini student, as well as how to deal with the anxiety which can accompany a community involvement placement. ._

Democratic party officials agreed to enlist Reverend Jesse Jackson to assist the ClintonGore presidential ticket by heading an effort to register blacks to vote. The party plans to provide a bus to travel for four days from New Orleans to Chicago.

DA Five-year Study Conducted to Prevent Breast Cancer-Forthe next five years 16,000 American and Canadian women will commit themselves to research the study of breast cancer. Half of these women will be given a drug called tamoxifen. The study cost $68 million to conduct. By the end, researchers expect to know if the drug significantly lowers the risk of cancer.

International 0 Afghanistan Hangs Three Men-In front of a crowd of people shouting "God is Great" three men were hung because they were said to have confessed to murder, looting and robbery before a special court. The hangings were said to be the first public execution in two decades. The executions were said to help people feel safe, live normal ______

There will not be another such meeting in the spring, so all students must attend this meeting. Contact Dr. Zurek at ext. 8360 or Dr. Schwarze at ext. 8333 for more informa- _______

Local 0 Teachers and The PFT Reach an Agreement-The Philadelphia Federation of Teachers approved a twoyear contract, which gives teachers no wage increase until January 1994 when a three percent increase will take effect. The teachers approved the contract on a voice vote afteronly two questions from the floor.

0 Bankruptcy Courts Investigated For Insider-Trading• The Securities and Exchange commission suspect that some creditors are illegally trading debt securities based on confidential information. One reason the investigation is being conducted because of the growing number of companies that are making a business out of investing in bankruptcy companies.

The source for this capsule is The Philadelphia Inquirer. Compiled by Megan Flanigan


ecuritycorner ....,


'iJ.l1 Velcro Jumping(fhursdays

:l Velcro Jumping and "Thursdays" will take place on Thursday, Sept. 17 , beginning at 8 p.m. in the Widener Gathering Area. Contact Jennifer Marks-Gold at ext. 8407 9/24, 9/30 &

Securityincidentsas reportedby the securityoffice from Monday, Aug.31 from Tuesday, Sept.8. Alarm O 9/2/92-Computer lab-Security heard an alarm go off. They went in to check the lab and found that everything was fine.


Open Hours 0 Dr.Antoin~tte Iadarola, president, will be having open hours for students, staff and faculty. The hours are: Students: Sept. 24: 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Staff: Sept.30: I p.m. to 3 p. m. Faculty: Oct. 7: 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. It is not necessary to have an appoinnnent, but it is recommended. Hours are subject to change. ContactthePresident' sofficeext. 8200

O 9/2/92-Dixon House-Security responded to an alarm call. The alarm was reset upon arrival. The security reported that the alarm went off due to steam from the showers.

Unauthorized Entry O 9/3/92-between 4 p.m.-12 a.m-Mailroom-Security was notified that someone had entered the mailroom. Books containing students names and box numbers were reported opened and moved from where they had been left. The mailroom van was also reported to moved from the mailroom loading dock to the staff parking lot.


friday, september 11, 1992



Summer s·urprise...Cabrini nets lacrosse for spring season by Deanna D'Alfonso

co-sports editor Cabrini has a new addition to the athletic and admissions departments in the upcoming year. Randolph Mills has been named athletic recruiting coordinator for the admissions office and will also serve as head coach for the men's lacrosse team. Yes, that's right ... men's la~rosse team, beginning in the spring. Athletic Director John Dzik saw it as a way to increase male enrollment. "Randy Mills contacted me and I spoke with Nancy Gardner on how to increase enrollment and it looked like something we could give a crack at," Dzik said. Mills is no stranger to the sport that is older than basketball. He coached at UCLA, and was head coach at Gardner-Webb, where his team boasted a 14-0 record. "Gardner-Webb wanted to go

back to Southern Baptist values and were more interested in their football and basketball programs," Mills said. That is one of the factors that had Mills looking for a new team to instruct and why he chose Cabrini.

"There are so many schools in the area, the travelling time will be cut shorter and the recruiting can be contained to a smaller area," Mills said. " Lacrosse is such a growing sport in this area." He also feels that the incarna-

'I am excited about lacrosse beginning at Cabrini for a couple of reasons ... ...lacrosse is such a growing sport.' -John Dzik, athletic director

The Delaware· Valley boasts some very elite lacrosse programs and both Mills and Dzik agree that it was another key in why lacrosse was introduced at Cabrini. There are over 25 schools within a two hour radius that offer competitive programs, such as Haverford College, Swarthmore College, and Salisbury State University.

tion of the program is a chance for athletes to participate in a new sport without worrying about filling old shoes. "I am excited about beginning lacrosse at Cabrini for a couple of reasons," Dzik said. "First we've needed a spring team sport for men. Jt will give us the opportunity to interest some high school students in Cabrini.

Also it will help us extend the offerings for the male population to an additional team sport and bring us on an even basis with the athletic programs for women, " Dzik said. Mills has some of his players from Gardner-Webb enrolled at Cabrini and has also recruited some first-year students. "When I see them walking around on campus in September then I'll know who is here," Mills said. Mills said that people seem responsive and want lacrosse at Cabrini. Also, he said, students can get a fine education here while participating in the sport. "Lacrosse is just icing on the cake," he said, "everyone in the area has been kind and cooperative. They have asked about the program and think it's a great idea. Wish us luck." Dzik plans for lacrosse to participate as a team in NCAA Divi-

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more He and She from 8 , makes him such a great character to watch. I loved openingJbe paper to read aboutwhat ho did off the court after awhile, more so then the-scoreof the Sixers game. He said: He's an underachiever, an overachiever I 'mean. The players they traded himforarenothing. Oneguy is lalkiog ~t retirement. lt'sagoodm.ovefortheSuns. Thope he gets a ring. Lindros? She said: The 19-milliondollar 19 year old. He said: The one who makes more than everyone at Cabrini combined. He wiU be great for the Flyers and lead them. , She said: That is what everyone is expecting him to do. He is very focus,edand unselfish, and that's good to see, It seems like it is not about the money. ram glad he·s coming to Philly. He said: He did not like Quebec's owners. It was not about money. He could have gotten that money anywhere. He chose a good organization. I think his career will


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sion III competition in 1993-94. The one question that seemed to pop into many heads when lacrosse was the sport of choice was ... what about a baseball team? "Baseball in the Northeast has too short a season and is a waste of money. We have no field and by the time it is warm enough to play, the school year is over," Dzik responded.


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helped. She said: I was so im~ pressed by what he did. A lot of players do charity work like that and you never hear about it until tragedy strikes. Speaking of the Eagles, what is up with Norman Braman selling those shoes that were donated to his players? He said: He is running bis football organization like a usedcar dealership ... Oh wait doesn't he own a couple dealerships in Florida? He said: (extended) H-

Bomb 26-114. Rypien duck hunting: 0..1 for Gib.bsy. I'll be back

Jerome! Prediction: Cards 3.

.. no1penoiadtorlltlt-.

Birds 27-


I Eooua_hsaid. -111-......-.-.,-........ -111-oppliclllle.D,li,ory,ms_l)_ I• safldfMIIII.Ourdrwwlc:arryllUtlllnRO.IJO Our..,,.. Ultdriwiog.Ourdrhfflconyloa-R0.00.0urdriwn .


Ran<lallbar. Bring it home for




He said,

fridaY, september 111 1992


Return to glory: Cavs set sights on PAC title

she said Deanna D'Alfonso and Brendan Noone co-sports eduors Since the beginning of time men and women have had distinct differences of opinion. As generations have passed we have learned to accept each others views. But it is only natural to disagree and besides it is morefun...

REFLECTIONS OF SUMMER 92' Ladies first: She said: What did I see this summer ..• Tommy Glavine. Atlanta Braves. First place, nobody I know thought they would do it again and they did. It seemed like everyone thought it was a shot in the dark. He said: A fluke... how could it be a fluke when they have three of the best anns in the league. He said: What do you think their chances of winning it all are now that they acquired the save leader Jeff Reardon? She said: I did not think the Braves needed to enhance their pitching staff. He said: Are you out of your tree? Keeping an unhealthy Alejandro Pena and an aging Charlie Liebrandt would only ensure them of giving up more Game 6 homeruns to Kirby Puckett. I think Jeff Reardon is a big plus to this

team. She said: Hey. you are entitled to your opinion, but Reardon is not exactly a youngster either. He said: What did you think of the Olympics? She said: It was so boring. I tried not to watch. I was sort of forced into watching gymnastics. He said: That was the worst fonn of entertainment. I think the best was volleybaJI. Bald is beautiful . She said: It was so boring. The Dream Team were just there to pay everyone back for dominating every other year. There was no challenge. I want to see exciting games, opponent against opponent. I did not want to just be impressed because Magic Johnson and Michael Jordan were playing on the same team. He said: It was good to see those guys play together. But we still lost to Russia in the medal count... l mean the Unified Team. He said: How about the fighting Phillies? She said: Whereare they now? I can't believe they beat Tommy! He said; I am happy for John Kruk. He's getting the recognition he deserves. She said: Darren Daulton too. I just can not understand how they can lead the league in runs and still be in last place. He said: Were you happy to see Charles Barkley leave Philadelphia? She said; No not at all. He said: Like, Barkleyvs. Godzilla, Barkley is going to kill him by SO points. She said: I do not think the Sixers should have ever traded him. His hype is what

see he and she pg 7

photo by Brendan Noone printed by Lorraine Marie Lill PAC and forth: Coach Duncan Hubley talks with his team after a disappointing 6-1 loss to West Chester University. ~r"~


byBrendan Noone co- sports editor

Coach Duncan Hubley knew his team would be black and blue after a long week of training camp. Well aftertwo-a-day practices and night scrimmages the Cavs had a reality check from this summer. Hubley also threw a curve into the look and image of his popular soccer team. He added a little color to this seasons uniforms. You guessed it... black and blue. "They are cool," Dan Bradley junior said, "they represent the way we are going to play this year." The way Bradley feels seems to be the general consent of this year's team. For a smaller team the Cavs have to play aggressive on the field and they can't be afraid to mix it up. The challenge is to raise the level of play against some of the bigger Division r and II teams on their schedule. According to Sophomore Mike Timms the division of an opponent (I or II) dose not mean that they are better than Cabrini, it means they have more basic skills. "We have four or five players at the division r skill level,"' Timms said, "but the rest (of us) have to do it with heart." According to team members the heart of the matter is that they are eagerly awaiting the kickoff of the newly formed, I0team Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. Team members also feel that on paper the Cavs have an excellent chance of, not only winning but, crushing their competition. One player, who declined to give his name, called the PAC "a joke." The PAC should play as a warm up for those tougher Division I and I[ compeditors. Such as Shippensburg University, Swarthmore College andTrenton State College. Still, the PAC is not a walk in the park. There still is the heated challenge of their cross street rivals Eastern, who Cabrini beat twice last year. "I think the non-league games are the big challenge," junior John Quirus said. "For us to get to Houston we have to play aggressive in those games". Houston is the main goal for all of the college soccer teams in this country, it is the sight of the NCAA

championship later this fall. To accomplish the team's goal of a bid to the NCAA championship, coach Hubley has assembled one of his youngest teams in the past four years. Out of 21 players who reported to camp this past week, only nine were on the ESAC's championship team from two years ago. According to Hubley, Cabrini has to replace, on and off the field, one of the best players in Division HI. "Believe me when r tell you that Mike Conner is one of the best in division III in the country. Without him, on whole, the defense has to get better." Conner is not able to return, due to personal reasons. To help fill the void Hubley has recruited two· ex-Catholic league north prospects. Archbishop Wood graduate Ken (Cupcake) Kenopka and LaSalle graduate Joe Ricci, both are expected to step in and start this year. According to Junior Jason Paolini both will be impact players this year. This year will also be the last year for one of Cabrini's finest soccer players, Glen Jaskelewicz. Jaskelwicz, who holds the school record for most goal in a season and career, is optimistic about this years season. "For us to get a bid we have to go 16-4 for the whole season," Jaskelwicz said, "it is going to be tough." Nooner Notes: I recently asked coach Hubley if there was any truth to the rumor that he was going to step down as coach after this season. After all he had six coaches with him the past week at camp, and has stated to his players that there was a chance after this year he would call it quits. "Only if we go 0-20 this year." Hubley said. Freshmen Dave Capozollo scored the first goal of the season against D.11West Chester last Saturday but to no avail, the Cavs lost 6-1. According to Hubley, Junior Brendan Ryan and Sophomore Steve McGowan both played solid in their first game. Hubley called for better defensive play and better goaltendingforthe next game.

Week's Results Soccer Sat. 9/5 Wed. 9/9

Cabrini 1 Cabrini

West Chester 6 Baptist Bible

Field Hockey Wed. 9/9


Del. Valley

Coming up Soccer Sat. 9/12 Sun. 9'13 Wed. 9/16

N.C.Wesleyan away N.C. Wesleyan away Lycoming away

2pm TBA 4pm

Field Hockey Fri. 9/11 TBA Mon. 9/14 Wed. 9/16

William and Mary Moravian lmmaculata

home home

away 4pm 4pm

Cross Country Sat.





Volleyball Sat. 9/12 Tues. 9/15 Thurs. 9/17

Cedar Creast Eastern Stockton St.

away home away

noon 7pm 7pm

Women's Tennis Sat. 9/12 Wed. 9/16

Marywood Immaculate

home home

1pm 4pm

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