Sept. 18, 1992 Issue 02 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, september 18, 1992

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

SGA drafts new visitation policy would ielililJII~

byK,U,U.U co-newseditor A 24-hour visitation policy. This .is Student Government Association's (SGA) proposal to Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student services. The present parietalpolicy permits a member of the oppositesex to visit in the residence halls until midnight on Sunday Ulrougb Thursdayand until 1 a.m.on Fridayand Saturday.Memberof the ODIXJSite sex may DOI enter die ~ balls until noon. According to theproposal.all guests, maleor female, must furnish identification when entering the residence ball. A student ID or a driver's license, must be given to the person at the desk and the guest must sign-in to the building. The ID will be returned when the guest leaves the building. After the hour of 5 a.m. overnight guests may retrieve their identification card between 8 a.m. and l p.m. the next day. Failure to pick up the ID

itdQn. Atty V.UJ the houses most signin butno JDwill betaken. A~ to SGA President Kimbedy Marshall, studentswant a change mthe parietal policy. Marshallsaid.''Thehours we have are not conducive to a social abnO-


Starting a new tradition

Thepresentproposalwaswrittenduring the summerof 1992by

Clesna and former SGA Assistant SocialActivities officer Eric Klansek. senior. Chesna and , Klansek resigned from SOAover the smnmer when both became resident assistants. sphere." Chesna and Klansek have reHowever, Marshall said that the searched this proposal. citing a propoal was not intended to en- 1983studyby Brown.Winkworth cowage sexual promiscuity. Ac- and Breskamp.The studyfound con1inJ to Marshall. '1be policy is lhat Oien and womenwho wen ~ out into 1beopen what is ableto study withmembersof the liappeoinJ behind doors in lbe ~ sexwete morelikoly ro ~•

The work on tbe-policy bepn two years ago, a result of Town Council meetings. Accordinsto lwtior MollyChesna, formerSGA corresponding secretary and coauthor of the proposal,the council felt thatvandalism wouldbe curbed and school spirit strengthened if a visitation policy was in place that studentswanted and wouldenforce. The workon the policy stalled because, according to Chesna, "No one wanted to take the time to write it."

vol. xxxix no.2

phot'>by cann Pesotsk1printed by Lorraine Marie Lill

stUdyill daeresidence balls. Chana contacted ICboofa.of similar size Cabr_ini. OM!8ila foumthatWide:nerUniversityhas a 24-hour visitation policy. Accordingto the proposal, Widener as Cabrini's main competitor. InMaycl 1992 Chesnaa,d K1ansek <X>l1CiJaBd a SJXWfcl

President Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, Head of the Board of Trustees, Sister Regina Casey, Vice President of Student Services Robert Bonfiglio, Director of Campus Ministry Sister Bernadette Anello, and Chaplain Father Ambrose Cashman, share a moment of solemnity in the rear of the Mansion at the Fall Academic Convocation. The cabrini faculty, in full academic robes, welcomed the incoming first-year a!2!f_.transfer students. Students who have attained Senior status this semester were presented with a single red rose as a symbol of their role as campus leaders during their senior year. The Convocation begins the year-long celebration of this the 35th Anniversary of the college's founding by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart.

see moreSGA on pg. 3

New image and OlJtlookfor, GaE>riAi bookstore -\-. ' • 1 ~ ~

; '







phoio by Lorraine Marie Lill

Peggy Magliano , left, and Chenise Turner, right, prepare for the noon rush. The Cabrini Bookstore now offers assorted snacks and novelty items

by Kelly Adams co-news editor

What's Happening Friday ti' 1114m-2amTAXI

971- 415 ti' Look for sports schedule on page 8

Saturday ti' 11£m-2amTAXI 971- 415

Text books. Panty hose. Recent popular magazines. Stamps. Laundry detergent.The opportunity to sell books back at any time. Shampoo. Soap. Service with a smile. Welcome to the Cabrini Book Store,cour-

tesy of the store's new owner, Follett Inc. Follett,a nationwidecorporation,selected by the College to run the bookstore in April of 1992. According to John Barclay, chief financial officer, "We could not find a professional bookstore manager with experience necessary to operate the bookstore in a way to benefit the students and the college." Barclay said, "We did not go to Follett to make a profit." According to Barclay, in the past the bookstore has been at best a breakeven operation. Accordingto Barclay,Follett, which has more than 400 stores nationwide, rents the space from Cabrini. Barclay declined to comment on the amount of the rent. "I'm a veteran," said Peggy Magliano, manager of the store. Magliano came to Cabrini with four years' experience working in college bookstores. "Our goal is to provide the students with a one-stop, get-everything-they-need store at prices they can afford." According to Magliano, it was rumored the bookstore had lost money in the past through shoplifting. "Shoplifting of any kind will not be tolerated," Magliano said. "The company will prosecute." When asked about past shoplifting in the bookstore, Barclay said that he had no proof. Magliano will have astaffoftwo: Chenise Turner will be assistant manager and Senior Matt Capone will be a shipper and receiver.

Sept. 18 to Sept. 25 Sunday


,/ 10 am Camden Aquarim trip ,/ 6pmMass

,/ 8 pm Datif/nthe 90's wkshp. GR

ti' 9pmMass

Magliano,Turner and Capone are employees of Follett, not Cabrini. No work study or work grant studentswi!l be hired. Maglianosaid, "I need to have store hours covered. There is a set schedule and I need somebody to fill the hours. " Magliano said that Turner typicallyworks a 7 hour shift. Accordingto Barclay,althoughhe encouraged Follett to hire Cabrinistudents,the company has the right to hire whomever they choose. Capone painted the store this summer. Maglianoinstalleda card rack right in front of the cash register. The rack is stocked with Hallmark cards, such as "Shoebox" and the "Just How I Feel" lines. Seasonal cards will also be available. Two refrigerator units for cold sodas and fruitjuices are now part of the store as well. Most students were impressed with the changes. "It's more than just a bookstore," said Tricia Daly.junior. Daly was impressed by

see more BOOKSTORE pg. 3

more coverage in UPDATES!

Tuesday ti' 1 Pm SGA general

mtg. WCLH ti' 9:30dl..mIntramural mtg. W LH

Wednesday ,/ To have your events covered in

What's HBfPf!nlng

contact Ke,7f in the newsroom9 1-8412.

Thursday ,/ 12:30 pm Latin American studies leeture Mike Mal/owe ti' 4 pm Latin American studies lecture Braulio Munoz WCLH ,/ 8 pm Cabrini Couples WCGA

Friday ti' 1114m-2am TAXI 971- 415



f ridav1 sept. 18 1992


P~~f:ie~=~~e ..~ou~:~t~~ ~~;?!:]~;!. Women against women: 0

begin to take responsibility for themselves. For many of us who live on campus. it is our first time away from the rules, regulations and supervision of our parental figures. In a sense, we are free. The door is open for a great deal of personal growth and development. The current visitation policy, however, hinders our growth in the area of male/ female relations. By denying us the freedom to make our own choices regarding our guests, we are slighted the opportunity to establish our own standards and morals regarding the opposite sex. The new visitation policy would allow us to develop our judgment in these matters. The new policy would also increase the level of security on campus. With 24-hour security, we will know exactly who is in the dorm and where. Visitors will no longer have to sneak in denying everyone knowledge of their whereabouts. In terms of sexuality, the new policy will not necessarily increase promiscuity, since anything that can happen after I a.m. could definitely take place before parietals. The new policy will increase positive relations between students and administration since the students will no longer feel as if they are being "treated like children." The largest obstacle of the new policy consists of roommate relations. Roommates wil I need to be open, honest and respectful of the "guest policy" in their individual rooms. SGA's proposal should be adopted because it promises many positive outcomes for the students who pay to live here.

l,u~ and


We are pleasantly surprised at the amount of school spirit that the student body showed by attending both Opening Convocations and the Raggae Bash in such large numbers. We hope to witness this support for campus activities throughout the year. Students are constantly the brunt of the miscommunication between the business office and financial aid. This lack of interoffice cooperation all-too-often results in unnect;ssary complications for students. Let's try to work this out because we pay too much money to be worrying about these misunderstandings.

Defeating our own cause Here we are strong, responsible women in leadership positions throwing around phrases such as, "Women are just petty ... materialistic ... backstabbers ... " It probably seems silly that I became irate over such comments, but I assure you that they do matter. Here we are, campus leaders, succumbing to the same ridiculous stereotypes that have kept women in low-paying jobs with "Oh God, here she goes." little respect since the beginning of patriar"Don't hold back Mare, tell us how you chal society. really feel." Wake up women! "Do we have to listen to this." It still is "a man's world" and if we ever Most of my friends have uttered these hope to elevate our sex to a level of equality, phrases in reference to me a countless amount we must abandon these detrimental judgof times. ments about ourselves. I guess you could say that I am a tad We cannot be our own enemy and hold melodramatic. ourselves back from the recognition we deCertain issues play very strongly on my serve. emotions. A single comment will, quite It is necessary for us to reject and rise easily, cause my face to redden, my voice to above our prejudged "nature." rise a couple octaves and my tone to gain There are many women who are cursignificant decibels. My fists clench and rently dedicatin_lU!leir lives to upgrading the start to pound heavily on whatever is in my quality of feminine life in our society. We reach. My rage unfurls in long, drawn-out must support them by making a conscious sentences and my fingers point, accusingly, effort to support women through our words at whoever is in my sight. These tangents and actions. can last for hours. Of course by then the We all need to start regarding ourselves room has cleared and no one is listening, but and those around us as humans first. at least I've gotten my point across. Our sex, race, creed and color are imporLately, I've been very "sensitive" re- tant characteristics because they create our garding the treatment of women. individual identities and should be respected I recently attended a leadership camp on as such. campus where women comprised approxiWe must look beyond these traits, howmately 75 percent of the 'attendance. ever, in order to produce an equal society. It During a discussion group concerning is important that we learn to regard others, male/female relationships, a great deal of and ourselves, as members of humanity, our "women-bashing" swept across the room, common core, and respect the fact that we dished out by other females! all posses equal worth and potential, regardNow, as you can imagine, this infuriated less of our individual characteristics. me.

mary jane inman ~ editor

The newly constructed ramps outside of the Maguire and Sullivan houses make life much easier for our physically disabled residents. It's great to see that their needs are being addressed. The process for attaining a parking permit is unnecessarily time consuming and frustrating. Why can't Student Services and Security mail us those cards during the summer and have our permits ready when we arrive in September -- without the wait! spared the worst of the storm and had very little loss. I can'ttell you how lucky we were. However, thereare morethan 250,<XX) people throughout this areathat are not They have lost loved ones, theirhomesand everything they have spent their lives building. The sights I have seen and To the editor: witnessed this past week are horrific and the estimatedrebuildingtimewithin Southfloridais ThislettercomestoyouandtheentireCabrini 3-5years.Everyone has beenpitching in here to family after the devastationof Hurricane An- do whatever is necessaryto help the less fonudrew. As an alumni of Cabrini College and nate. In times of despair, people have a way South Aorida resident, I am pleading to every- pulling together, forgetting mce,color andcreed one at Cabrini to please respond to this urgent to do what they can to ease the burden of such a message. loss. When we first heard threat~of the hurricane lamaskingthatourCabrinifamily,including surfacing throughout South Florida, I along with administration, faculty, -students and alumni do my loved ones and neighbors feared for our lives what ever they can to relieve the residents of as well as our possessions. We had no idea of South Florida what we were in for during the next 24 hours. All Money donations canbe made in Cabrini's we were told was to evacuate andleave every- name to: thing behind. Needless to say, we expected to Barnett Bank Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund come out of the stonn with little else than our Barnett Bank Iives, if that. P.O. Box44330 The roads were jammed with panicked Jacksonville, FL 32231-4300 people, the store shelves were stripped bare and (Campus Ministry is collecting donations at IO of us huddled in a small bathroom for six mass on Sunday). hours during the violent hunicane. When the light of day floodedinto the bathroomon MonSincerely, day morning, we emerged expecting to find total Gheri CullenGorpian andutter destruction. To our surprise, we were Cbmofl990

Pleading for help

Student leader speaks out against behavior

Editor-in-chief: Klmbet'lyM. Haban Managing Edtor: MaryJ-

To the editor: I was very disappointed on Saturday evening when the Radnorpolice came to shut down our annual Reggae Bash because of a noise violation. I was even more disappointed to find numerous empty beer bottles strewn across the mansion lawn after the crowd dispersed. It is upsetting because I thought my peers on this campus had a little more decency than to blantantly drink at a public event and then not even dispose properly of their trash. I will be the first one to say that drinking does happen on this campus but I have no respect for people who can't follow rules. It is common knowledge not to bring beer cans or bottles out in the open on this campus. Violations of the alcohol policy are not negotiable. I ask that you stop this now and take responsibility for yourselves and your actions. It's not fair to those of us taking time out to plan these events. Next time take your trash with you so that your irresponsibility doesn't prevent SGA from being able to sponsor campus activities altogether.

Sincerely, Kimberly Marshall Fellow student and SGA President

ParspecttvesEditor: Mary~

Inman Inman

News Edilors: KellyAdamsand Megan Flanigan

Al1sand En1er1alnmenlEditor: Belinda Desher Featutff Editor: Katherina Ross

Spo,1a Edilon: Deama D'Affonaaand BrendanNoone GraphicDesigner: AmbteenAllacinand Tim Conway Copy Edilor:KevinOhlandl

BusinessManager.Diane Osborn Pholog,aphy Editor: l.on'alneM.UII PhotographyAdviser: Dr.Cai1erCraigie

Adviser: Dr.JeromeZurel<


Staff: Keith Ahlas, Aladin, Dana Calel$0fl, Alicia Crego, Paul Crowell, Danielle OiMatt:o, Corlme Egan, Douglas Eppler Jr., Robert Evans, Christopher Hight, Christine Labroli, Robert Macattney. Mam- Macsisak, Steve May, Heather McAlister,,Gary White

Photography Stall: To be amounced. Loquitur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cab.inl College, Radnor, PA 19087.'Phone:215-971•8412. Subscriptionprice Is $25 per year and is included in the benefrts secured by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters shoold be signed and the authorship knowo to the editors. the writer wishes, and the edotoragrees, the writer's name may be lel1 off the letter upon publication and an inscnptioninserted such as ·name withheldat the request of the wnter.• Letters shoold be typed, double·spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. tt a letter is too longfor the available space, the edtor may edit or condense it Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

The edltorials and oplntons published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire studentbody or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression andas a YOicein the uninhibited,robust, free and open discussion of


friday, sept. ·1a,1992


Yeakel touts education, diversity service in commonwealth speech Yeakel said she is a supporter of this concept because it makes college more accessible to anyone who has the grades and motivation to go. It also make money available to the government to keep making loans, knowing it will be repaid one way or another. According to Yeakel,the fed-· eral government has cut its funding to education in general, the states have also been forced to cut back their commitments, and Pennsylvania ranks last among the fifty states in its funding for higher education. The Clinton concept will help increase Pell grants, which have been cut back, and low interest tuition loans, Yeakel said. Yeakel said supports this plan because it will supply society with an army of college educated people who can fill any kind of service job that is needed. "If we don't make college education a priority then we are going to be without the work force we need,.,


Yeakel is a resident of Radnor

Kelly Mc Donald guest writer

At a fund raiser for U.S. Senate candidate Lynn Yeakel, held by the Democratic Women of Philadelphia on Saturday, September 12, Yeakel discussed her stand on higher education. abortion, and also how important Yeakel feels it is to make college more attainable to all people. Yeakel, who experienced a victory in the Democratic primary elections is now running against incumbent Senator Arlen Specter on November 3. Yeakel said higher education is an extremely important economic issue as well as a quality of life issue forth is nation to make a priority. She is a supporterofthe Clinton concept of the National Trust Fund. According to Yeakel this fund would put federal money into a loan fund which could make tuition loans to students for colJege. These loans ~ould be repaid through a procedure of wages after school is completed or though community service, Yeakel said.

Council of Southern Pennsylvania and Leadership, Inc .. is pro-choice. She said she believes the government should not interfere with personal and private issues, such as abortion. "I represent new leadership for the future, an opportunity to bring new perspective, new problem solving skills and new experience to a process that is not represented. It is clear that with 98 men and two women in the U.S. Senate women are not properly represented. There is a great perspective that is missing," Yeakel said when asked why she should be elected. With all the overwhelming problems that face our nation. Yeakel said. the country needs all the skills and talents possible. Diversity is needed to approach the problem solving in a way that represents everyone. Yeakel said. She said she also holds her opponent. Sena-

"If we don't make college education a priority then we are going to be without the workforce we need." - Lynn Yeakel, U.S. Senate candidate

Yeakel said. According to Yeakel statistics show that by the year 2000 only 24 percent of the jobs in this country will be available to people who do not have a high school diploma.

Yeakel said workingto makecollege more attainable is a large part of her agenda.

Yeakel, who held a volunteer leadershippositionwiththeFamily

moreSGA from 1 orientation counselor staff. One hundred percent favored revision of thepiesent policy. and 90 percent were in favor of a 24-hour visitation policy. Chesna and Klansekarein the process of analyzing the results of a similar survey of the R.A. staff. Chesna said that there were sure to be mixed feelings about the possible policy change and she encouraged students to voice their concerns. Reaction from students, staff and administration, though predominantly positive, is mixed. Olga Lien, R.N. said that she was concerned over the disruption of a student's sleep schedule by the policy. Senior Missy von Siegel, said, "If it can work at a college of our size then I'm for it, provided that it is backed

more BOOKSTORE from 1 impressed by the cards, cold juice and the film developing ''It's confusing," said Jessica Funck, a first year student. "I don't know where anything is." "It looks nicer - a lot nicer - and the people are nicer," said Juanita Jones, senior. "Last year, they never came out and asked if we needed any help," said Chris Monaghan, junior, as he watched Magliano assist a confused first-year student. "The prices are extremely high," said Michele Derham, a

tor Arlen Specter, accountable for the decline in the quality of life in this state. "I intend, on November 3, to be the first woman ever elected by the voters of Pennsylvania," Yeakel said. "It's all about the courage to make change, new leadership, and getting this country back on track," Yeakel said.


M.A.'s question salary slash by Megan Flanigan

co-news editor Beginning this semester, the medical assistants' (M.A.) budget was cut to $5,000. This means that their salaries no longer include the benefit of receiving free room and board. Dr. Robert Bonfigilio, vicepresident for student affairs said. "I made a decision that the M.A.'s would have a salary of a flat rate, rather than a variable rate salary tied to room and board." Bonfiglio said, the decision was made in the spring of 1992, prior !o the end of the academic year. Director of Health Services Sue Fitzgerald said the budget cut was an administrative decision based on the M.A.s duties and responsibilities and it was felt that their duties were not as great as the R.A. position. According to Fitzgerald, she was informed of the M.A. 's budget cut. Fitzgerald said she thinks $5,000 is a nice reward. Fitzgerald also said she understands the M.A.s' concerns, especially the returning M.A.s because their award was less than they expected. Judith Panasik. junior and M.A. said she thought the decision was unfair because she said she does just as much work as the resident assistants (R.A.) do on campus. According to Bonfiglio. the R.A. and the M.A. responsibilities are not the same and can not be compared. "It's like comparing apples and oranges as far as I'm concerned," Bonfiglio said. Panasik said, "If we are not the same, why do we have to attend the same functions as the R.A.s at Jeadersh ip camp?" According to Panasik, no one consulted the M.A.'s about the decision. "They change the rules on us all the time without consulting the students," Panasik said.

Senior Tom Foran said that he, like Panasik was upset that the M.A.s were not consulted on the decision like they were in past years. "I think it stinks that they keep changing from year to year," said Foran. "I wish they would just settle it." Foran said the R.A. and the M.A. responsibilities are not the same. "I don't write people up, I just give band-aids," Foran said. According to Fitzgerald, a committee was formed of R.A.'s and M.A's. to evaluate the R.A. and M.A. compensation and to compare the responsibilities of the two. Bonfiglio said he had taken the information into account from the previous committee when he made the decision to cut the M.A.s' budget. "It's true that I did not consult them this year," Bonfiglio said. Resident director Catherine Caulfield said both the R.A.s and the M.A.s have different responsibilities, but equally important. According to Caulfield, the R.A. responsibility is more of a life-style. "Ifs not a position you can turn on and off,'?.~~ld said. Jeanie Dougherty, senior and R.A. said, that she agrees with the decision. Dougherty also said that if she were to see the M.A.' s do as much work as the R.A. 's, then she said she would be upset with the budget cut. Senior and R.A. Steve Bobo said that the two positions can not be compared. ''F.achjob is done differently," Bobosaid. KarenBell,R.A. andseniorsaid, ''lt'sareasonablecutthat'snottoolow." Trish Loughran,M.A. said, 'There is nothing I can do about it now, but I wish we were told about it sooner." PattyZeller, senior and M.A. said she wished that the M.A.s were included in the decisionmakingprocess from thebeginning. Bonfiglio said, 'The MA.s do a wonderful job and their salaryis well compensated.''

by adminilll'ldon. IIIUdenla andsecurity.'" Von Siegel, an R.A.,said." It matestheR.A.'s job easier." JennyIgoe. senicr. said that, in theory, she was very pleasedwiththe possibility of a 24-hourvisitationpolicy.but was concernedaboutthe effect it would haveon first-year smdents. According to Igoe, "It helps you get used to having

byCatherine Caalfield. directorofraidentlife. Caulfield said."Thereare people who iR comfortablewith the presentpolicy." Caulfieldsaid tbal she was excited aboutthe possibilityof a changeandwas willingto work with all students regardingthe policy change. Bonfiglio said thatthe present proposal was well done

to respect everybody that you live with." Doug Eppler, sophomore, said, "The students here are responsibleenough to handle parietal-free housing. We know that other institutions can survive without parietals. Cabrini should too." A senior who wished to remain anonymous. said that a change would make things more difficult for less assenive residents when dealing with roommates who have male visitors. According to this student, the policy makes the decision for the student, because it is the college ·s rule, not the student's responsibility. The unwanted-visitor problem was one concern voiced

and commended SGA for their efforts. Bonfiglio still had reservations concerning security and roommate relations. "I think our current policy is reasonable without being overly confining, based on these concerns,•· Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio. Caulfield and Kralle all voiced concern about security. Rich Kralle, director of security, said that the 24-hour visitation would require 24-hour security in the dormitories, which is not in place now. Kralle said he had not studied the proposal and would not comment on the specifics.

continuing education student. "Maybe it's because I've been out of school for three years." "Some of the books 1 bought last year are priced higher this year," said Molly Chesna, junior. One example of a price increase is "Design Concepts and Illustrations,'' a textbook used with Introduction to Graphic Design. The book, priced last year at $45.95, is $51.50 this year. In regard to the pricing concerns, Magliano said, "There is uniform pricing in this store. We will not inflate prices." Gary Krupinski, regional manager of Follett, said that the price increases were due to a publishers increase of up to 30

percent. Krupinski said that Follett's prices are competitive. "We're not the least expensive but we're not the highest." Krupinski spoke of plans to expand the store next summer. Barclay was more cautious. "If you can find me a room, I'll expand it," Barclay said. Krupinski said, "It's a pleasure to be here on campus. We look forward to a very successful year."

friday, sept. 18, 1992




The summer of adventure

and Espiritu Santo in the water an on the land. Every night volleyball games were held. Discussions and debates occurred often. We guest columnist explored, questioned, read and talked about photo courtesey of Juanita Jones what we knew, didn't know, observed, and Snorkeling with California sea lions. encountered. Together we were discovering Taking time out in La Paz, Mexico for a picture. Whale watching. Walking on the beach and learning the ecology of marine mammals discovering bioluminescents. Lectures on a as well as humans. course was to contribute data and informaFrom June 16-July 15 I studied the ecolboat. Debating on a beach. Scaling mountain During each return trip from the field to tion to the effort of management of these ogy of the California sea lions hauled out at sides. Camping out under the stars with ringLa Paz, we would go in search of whales and animals, which was achieved through our Los Islotes, Baja California. Every week 15 tailed cats. Taking a mid-term in La Posada dolphins extending the length of the trip to collected data and final reports. students, my professor and I traveled three de Engelbert's outdoor cafe. Pursuing dolabout six hours. We would encounter pods The reasons for the course were serious hours by boat from La Paz to Espiritu Santo. phin pods. Relearning Spanish. Capturing of dolphins so dose they would swim under and important. Collectively we were not On the beach of Espiritu Santo we made California sea pups. These things and much there to learn the information written in the bow of the boat. camp, put up a volleyball net and stowed our much more were the components of my sumNo classroom science class could offer so numerous texts books. Instead we were gear. Ten minutes away was the rookery, an mer science course. much. Nor could it provide a life time of there to gather information that would be island composed of mostly rocks and boulMy unique summer experience was made memories and great pictures. utilized in the writing of textbooks, protecders, of Los Islotes. The rookery was where possible through a little imagination, deterFor me the SFS offered an alternative to tion acts and management regulations. my course textbook came to life. Los Islotes mination, and an adviser who believed in me memorization. It also provided me with the The requirements of the course were mowas just one of many summer breeding/haul as well as my abilities. From an ad on a understanding of abstract concepts connected tivation, flexibility, hard work, and a high out sites for the sea lions. bulletin board I discovered The School for with marine mammals, instead of the confulevel of interest and endurance. Out of the 30 Each week I would climb to the observaField Studies (SFS) From SFS's catalog I sion often associated with such concepts. days of the course I had one free day. I had tion points to collect data for five hours. Two learned about the exciting learning advenThrough SfS~btained a greater interlectures and classes seven days a week. The days were set aside during the month for tures their school offered. I sent my applicaest in the environment as well as the ecology course midterm was held on July 4th. Days capturing, measuring, weighing, and marktion with my three choices of courses and my of man and nature. This is something I began at approximately 6:30 am and came to ing the pup population. Two other days were essay to the admissions department. A few would have been unable to obtain from a an end at 11 :30 p.m .. Observation data was set aside for collecting scat samples. All the weeks later I was notified that I was accepted regular science class. Also no science course collected in temperatures ranging from 106 information obtained during our visits to Los to participate in the Ecology of the sea lions could offer the opportunity of partying with degrees to 110 degrees with no shade. In the Islotes would be utilized as the raw data for course in La Paz, Mexico. Through savings, Engelbert Humperdinck (owner of half the evening we camped under the stars on the my final paper. a loan, a grant, and credit cards I was able to hotel that was our base) and his sons during beach without protection from nightly wind The sea lions are endangered as a result of take advantage of the opportunity SFS prothe celebration honoring his 25 years in the and sand storms. However, each negative harassment by tourists, competition with lovided. The total cost of the trip was $3100. music business. element of the course was outweighed by cal fishennen, and habitat degradation due to Loans and scholarships covered about $1200. Thinking back I know SFS was an intellithree positives. pollution. To evaluate the sensitivity of the All the credits I earned will transfer to satisfy gent choice because I learned and will retain Each day after the daily data collection I species during theirbreedingseason was the my science course requirements, thanks to was free to snorkel and explore Los Islotes more than I would have from any regular course objective. The significance of the the help of Dr. Arthur Young. science class.

by Juniata Jones

Wavingthe summergoodbye by Maryanne Walker

staff writer

photo courtesey of Maryanne Walker

Juniors Joelle Spagnola and Maryanne Walker swap summer stories.

Quote .••



.......... :1111--• ...., ., un.-n• INl..,otlla-41Uo11 •.•

If only dte ~ lastedall yearforthenI would.,evertear. Butso it pa die wbdlrbWa. andcomesIlle frost, mylo¥ewillbe lost.

Here I am just beginning my junior year at Cabrini and I must tell you that my schedule has already been overflowing with classes, meetings, deadlines, and tennis matches. Let me escape for a few minutes though, and think back to the summer of '92. It is 5 a.m. and my alarm is blaring but I do not hear it. At least until my roommate pounces on me, screaming obscenities to get me to tum the annoying device off. "OK! OK! I am up!" After 10 minutes of trying to stand up and balance myself, I begin to prepare for the work day. Two and a half hours is just not enough sleep for a waitress extrodinaire like myself. Before I know it, I am in the sunshine breathing the fresh ocean air. My eyes are a little bloodshot and my head is still spinning from the night before but I cannot think of how deathly ill I feel, not now, not today. There is work to be done, fun to be had, and sun to absorb. I quickly jump in my car and speed off to my destination which is the Golden Inn where I am an employee, a dedicated one at that. Especially at 6 a.m. ! I arrive and am reminded of how late I am. What do they expect? It is the summer and it is my time to relax. Relax? Yeah right! There are customers asking for more of this and a little of that. There are people complaining and adults insisting that their child is six-years-old and can eat for free off of our morning buffet. In reality the child

they are referring to looks 14 and is feeding his/her face like there is no tomorrow. Finally, it is 1:30 p.m. and the work day is done. I am beach bound. I tear off my waitressing uniform and expose the bathing suit I stuck on underneath and plop down on the hot sand. What a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky and the water is 74 degrees. Too bad I do not have the energy to swim. After 4 hours of sleeping soundly on the beach it is time to get ready for the evening. My five roommates and I have plans to do some serious cocktailing with about 20 outside guests and then hit the hot spots. Shall we do the karaoke or go to ladies night? Shall we hit the gig on 49th Street or 83rd? Decisions, decisions. Whatever the decision was that night I can assure you this: it is going to be difficult getting back into the tedious hours of studying. It is going to be hard not to think back to the days of water skiing, sailing, and jet skiing. Or the nights of quiet dinner dates or partying until the wee hours of the morning. I-still ask myself how I got up at 5 a.m. in the morning. Even ifl had not slept the night before, I still had the energy to be the faithful employee that I was even when I was making very little money. Well, maybe I made a lot of money but all the money I made I spent. Who knows? What I do know is that I had a blast this summeron 76th Street in Sea Isle and now it is time to get back into the real world of Cabrini Life . What a change of pace.

photo by Katherine Ross

Dig this! Giant volleyball decorates the Atlantic City shore.

arts & entertainment


f riday, sept. 18, 1992


This is the front entrance of the Thomas H. Kean New Jersey State Aquarium at Camden. In the background is the Philadelphia skyline and the Ben Franklin Bridge on the right.

An artificial shark towers over audiences that come to see activity in the "Edge of the Abyss" exhibit.

Camden Aquarium: sea life through the glass by Brendan Noone co-sports editor

The Thomas H. Kean New Jersey State Aquarium at Camden is a major step by the state to rebuild the Delaware River waierfront and profit from its Philadelphia connection. The aquarium opened its doors to its cross-river nieghbors on Feb. 29, 1992. Since that time the two cities have opened the Camden/Philadelphia ferry for the first time since 1952. The ferry links the two cities in a scenic eight minute trip across one of the most historical rivers in America. The ferry is a must see part of the trip. Tickets can be purchased on the Camden side at the ferry dock adjacent to the aquarium. From Philadelphia, tickets are available at the Penn's Landing dock located directly across from the aquarium. The outside "seal shores," a 170,000-

Fair Maid of the West opens this

weekend by BelindaDesher arts & entertainment editor

Fair Maid of the West, a swashbuckling romance about star-crossed lovers, written by Thomas Heywood will premiere at the Walnut Street Theatre in Studio Three on Thursday, Sept. 17. 1992. According to Actor, Tom Dragoni, Fair Maid of the West is about a barmaid who thinks that her lover is dead. Yet she must find proof in order to believe that he is truly gone forever. The barmaid rounds up a band of adventurers to sail the high seas in search of his body. The play is a collaboration of their travels from Foy, England to Sayal, off the coast of Portugal, to Moraco where the travelers end up in the court of the King of Sez. Fair Maid of the West is an adventure trapped in a comedy then wrapped in a romance according to Dragoni. Although the play makes a few reference to Queen Elizabeth, which is customary for an Elizabethan play, the plot is easy to understand.

gallon pool, is home to harbor and gray seals. These creatures are former inhabitants of New Jersey waters. In my opinion, the concept is a good one but the seals are no fun, I'll take polar bears at the Philly Zoo anytime. Men, women, and children of all ages gathered to get an up close look and feel of one of the world's most dangerous creatures. The "To Touch a Shark Tank" makes interaction between humans and sea life possible. The tank contains rays , skates, and a three foot shark. Surprisingly, the shark was a gentle fish. It appears that the animal has been tamed as a result of living in captivity for over the past year. The Open Ocean tank holds 760,000 gallons of sea water and a variety of fish from the New Jersey coast. This is one of the largest tanks in the United States, second only to Disney's Epcot Center. The tank was an eye-catching display

of life and the kingdom under the sea. with gift shops at your every turn. But, it was not enough to impress me NOONER'S NOTES: Over 80 permore than Sea World or even the Balti- cent of all the fish at the Aquarium more Aquarium. were caught in and around the waters of After the open tank the tour gets a New Jersey. little average. However, there is a wonI would advise that you check out the derful tropical fish section that opened 25 min. film entitled, "The Delaware." my eyes to their migrating habits. It portrays the history of the Delaware For you beach goers, there's Barrier River and its diverse functions. The Beach, a replica of the Jersey shore. film also looks at •f'lieuncertain future The beach includes everything from of both human and animal life along sea gulls to the salt water scent of the the Delaware in relation to environAtlantic ocean. This experience gave mental changes. me a chance to learn about the shore and The Aquarium hours are 9:30 a.m. to the creatures of the sea. 5:30 p.m. daily. It will be closed on More than once I found myself in awe New Year's Day, Easter, Thanksgiving, of the different types of fish just in our and Christmas. Delaware Valley. Cabrini is offering a trip to the Unfortunately, the second floor Aquarium on Sunday, Sept. 20. Tickwas just a disappointment. There was a ets can be purchased in Student Serwet lab which allowed you to touch . vices. The admission fee is $7 and starfish and other unique creatures but transportation from Cabrini is free. besides that the floor was a money trap Regular admission is $8.50.

hartin'the harts



by Deanna D'Alfonso co-sports editor

Top 10 college albums according to Rolling Stone magazine Sept., 17, 1992: l. Sonic Youth: Dirty 2. Lemonheads: It's a Shame About Ray 3. Singles: Soundtrack 4. Ministry: Psalm 69 5. Faith No More: Angel Dust 6. Morrissey: Your Arsenal 7. Catherine Wheel: Ferment 8. The Wolfgang Press: Queer 9. Helmet Meantime 10. XTC: Nonsuch Top 10 dance tracks according to Rolling Stone magazine Sept., 17, 1992: l. Moby: Drop a Beat 2. Messiah: Temple of Dreams 3. GTO: Elevation 4. Opus Ill: It's a Fine Day 5. Eon: Basket Case 6. The Cure: Friday I'm in love 7. Deee-Lite: Runaway 8. The Movement: Jump 9. KMFDM:Money 10. DJ Seduction: Hardcore Heaven





AO DRESS: ______________________


STATE: ________


The play runs at the Walnut Street Theater located at 9th and Walnut streets from Sept. 17 through Oct. 4 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. Matinees are Saturday and Sunday at 2 p.m. Admission is $12. Seating is limited so call in advance- 765-1715.


_ ZIP:____




f ridaXzsept. 18, 1992



Munozshares LatinAmerican"Voicesand Visions"

, Braulio Munoz' talk is entitled "Voices and Visions ff by Kimberly M. Haban editor - in - chief

To kick off the Latin American studies program this semester, Peruvian activist and scholar Braulio Munoz will-address the campus community on the different voices from Latin American culture and how they can be compared and contrasted to those in America. Munoz will be on campus Sept. 24, at 4 p.m. to share his experiences as a former Peruvian who organized Indians and labor workers in to unions. Munoz said he was a left-wing activist and encouraged the people of Peru to speak up for their rights. For example, Munoz said he worked to change the Jaws regarding the rights of illiterate people to vote. According to Munoz, 65% of the population in Peru is illiterate and by not allowing them to vote the majority of the population is out of politics. Munoz said he was also a journalist while in Peru. After a period of time he said he had to move his newspaper underground because he was too critical of certain poJicies. "I have been shot at and my office was smashed."

ln Peru there are two major political parties that try to control the country, the Shining Path and the military of Peru. The Shining Path is a group of guerrillas whose territory is the jungle of Peru. Both groups force people to join their groups, if they do not or do not offer information about the opposite group they are abused or killed. Munoz said the Indians who live in the jungle migrate down to the coast. Munoz said "These people can't take it anymore. Women are raped and children are abused." Munoz said the Indians who migrate to Lima, the capital city in Peru, have no jobs, no education and no way of knowing how to assimilate into the culture of the city. Therefore the people are poor. Although the situation in Peru may seem horrible, according to Munoz, America is going through the same struggle with cultural diversity. Munoz traveled to Peru this summer. He said in the two weeks before he left 22 people

were killed in Philadelphia. The number of people killed in Peru was less than that in the month that Munoz was there this summer. Munoz said. "There is a greater chance of being killed in Philadelphia than waJking in Lima." Munoz said when he visits Peru his fam: ily asks if his children are full of drugs. "Peruvians think Americans are all drug addicts,"' Munoz said. In comparison to Peru, although America does not have the military violence the drugs and interraciaJ violence is just as bad. Munoz has two children who are both trilingual. He said he took them around the country for three months in a car. "We drive and go to the ghettos," Munoz said. Munoz said they have aJso lived with the peasants in Peru. "My children are extremely humble and much more tolerant than other people."

updates OUR corner 9/17 0raJ Free Delivery 0 The Theater department will host "Oral Free Delivery," a Philadelphiaarea comedy troupe. The one-night-only performance will begin at 8 p.m. in the Theater, located in Grace Hall. Admission is $2. Contact Neal Newman at ex. 8510 for more information.

and organizational meeting for campus intramurals will be held in the Widener Center Lecture HaJI. The schedule for the sports programs will be discussed and the directors of each program will be chosen. Anyone interested is encouraged to attend. Contact SGA at ex. 8514

2LM 212.Q Camden Aquarium Trip 0 Tickets are still available for the trip to the N .J. State Aquarium in Camden on Sunday, Sept. 20. Tickets are $7. Contact Jennifer Marks-Gold at ex. 8407 or stop in the Student Services office to purchase the tickets.

9/21to 9/25 Relationship Respect Week

0 The week of Sept. 21 to Sept. 25 is "Relationship Respect Week," sponsored by Student Services. The week will go as follows: .2L2.l 8 p.m. "Dating in the 90's" XGR

9./21 8 p.m. the movie "Longtime Companion" WCLH 9/23 8:30 p.m. "Campus Rape and Self Defense" XGR 9/24 4 p.m. "Boozin' and Schmoozin,,, SSCR 9:30 p.m. "Cabrini Couples .. WCGA Admission$ 2 *Sophomore class fund raiser 9/25 12:30 p.m. "Men's Discussion Group'" GHBR Contact Dr. Dan Schwarz, ex. 8563, or Jennifer Marks-Gold, ex. 8407 for more information. 9/22 SGA General Meeting 0 On Tuesday. Sept. 22, the Student Government Association (SGA) wi IIhold its first general meeting of the year in Widener Center Lecture Hall. The meeting will begin at I p.m. and all are welcome. Contact Kim Marshall atex. 8415 for more information. 9/22 Intramural Meeting 0 At 9:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 22

Mike Mallowe Lecture On Thursday, Sept. 24 at 12:30 p.m. Mike Mallowe will deliver the first career development speech in the Widener center Lecture HaJI. Mallowe will speak about his investigative reporting on murderer Gary Heidnik, Sen. Ted Kennedy and the Philadelphia Mafia. Mallowe, who teaches Fiction Writing at Cabrini, is the author of the novel "The Meatman" and is a senior writer for Philadephia Magazine. AIJ are welcome to attend.


2M Munoz - "Voices and Visions" 0 At 4 p.m. on Sept. 24 Braulio Munoz will kick-off the Latin American Area Studies program. Munoz's lecture is entitled "Voices and Visions of Latin America" and will be held in Widener Center Lecture Hall.

9/24 Club and Organization Fair 0 The annual Club and Organization Fair will be held at 12 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium on Thursday, Sept. 24. All are welcome to attend Contact Jennifer Marks-Gold at ex. 8407 for more information. 9/24, 9/25, & 9/26 TAXI 0 TAXI (Take An Xtra Initiative) service runs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening from 11 p.m. to 2:15 a.m. Arrive alive. Call 971-8415.

21.ll:. 0 To Have your event mentioned in OUR Corner contact Kelly Adams in the newsroom at 971-8412.

National 0 Revamping Wildlife Act to Endangered Jobs-President Bush was campaigning in a timber region located in the Pacific Northwest proposing to change the endangered species act to better balance the people experiencing the loss of jobs. Bush has not specified how he wanted the act to change, other than to say he would not sign the act unless it gave greater emphasis on jobs, families and communities.

0 Barry Hopes to Win Seat on City Council-Former Washington D.C. Mayor Marion Barry is trying for a political comeback for City Council after serving six months in a federal prison for a misdemeanor drug conviction. Barry announced his candidacy in June and it was stated that he had 750 backers in July and has gained 1,000 more backers since then. If Barry wins the primary election, he could be running against Mayor Sharon Pratt Kelly in 1994. Barry is said to have denied wanting to run against Kelly, but said that Kelly expects him to do just that.

International 0 U.S. Gives More Agricultural Aid to Russia-Russia is expected to endure another food crisis this winter, so Bush

announced that he would give $1.15 billion of U.S. agricultural aid. Russian President Boris N. Yeltsin made request for $1 billion in food aid for before the winter, to which the administration responded. U.S. AgriculturaJ Secretary Edward Madigen said this might be a series of Russian aid packages for the upcoming winter.

Local 0 Plant Owner Sentenced For a Fire That Killed 25-A north Carolina plant owner pleaded guilty to 25 counts of involuntary manslaughter for the fire in his chicken plant that caused 25 people to die. Emmet Roe, owner of the plant ImperiaJ Food Products Inc., plea-bargained to allow his son Brad Roe, plant operations manager to go free. The employees were said to have died because the fire exits were blocked and the plant had no fire alarms. Roe also said he was not able to pay any of the $808,150 fine.

The source for this capsule is The Philadelphia Inquirer. Compiled by Megan Flanigan

curity corner Security incidents as reported by the security office from Monday Sept. 7 from Tuesday, Sept.IS

Alarm Deactivated 0 9/12/92-Computer lab-Security was called to open the Computer lab. Upon arrivaJ. security found that the aJarm was deactivated.

Vehicle\ Vandalism 0 9/12/92-House 3 parking lot-a car was entered without authorization and the glove-compartment was vandalized. Nothing was reported stolen.

Women's Volleyball spikeSearlY season opponents by Deanna D'Alfonso co-sports editor

This season women's volleyball coach Jim Harrigan has confidence that his team ca.'1win the PAC conference. "We have a good nucleus and with a ne.wdivision we have a real good shot at making the playoffs. Winning the division is within our reach," Harrigan said. The team has five returning players and nine new recruits. Harrigan is looking for them to take an active role in leading. "Knowing what we have in returning players, I'm looking for then to take an active role in leading the team," Harrigan said. "With the PAC we're competing against schools which are not obsolete, they are more in our league an equal to our size, that makes us more competitive," said Harrigan. He also feels that the team is P1ore used to the coaches this year as opposed to last. He feels last year was a transition for the team to become familiar with the way he and assistant coach Joe Malizia direct the team. "We won our scrimmage against Eastern 3-0 and the team looked good. We made a lot of good plays defensively and offensively. We still have players returning from last season that haven't even been in a game yet," Harrigan said. This allows Harrigan room to breathe because he knows that there is always someone on the bench waiting to get in the game aggressively. This gives the team an even better outlook for the season and they know they are able to beat teams in the PAC such as Cedar Crest and Del Val. "There are some teams we have never seen play, like Cedar Crest. The division is definitely in our reach," Harrigan said.

The team met this weekend with apponents Cedar Crest College and won both of their games.Coach Harrigan felt the team had a strong serving game number two. "Laurie MacAvoy had consistant setting in both games, " Caoch Harrigan said. Jill Saam and Jen Paliaro each had one ace. In the match againsi Delaware Valley , Cabrini won two of the three games played. MacA voy had two aces in that match and Pam Weeks , three blocks. Against Mulle'nberg College Cabrini did not meet with as much success. They dropped both matches to the opponent. ln its match against archrival Eastern the Cavs took all three games. "The team looked very impressive," Harrigan said. Winning 156, 15-3, and 15-10 respectively. This means that the team is now 1-0 against PAC opponents and 31 overall. Harrigan was impressed with the control they took in the first and third games. "Eastern got close and then we pulled away. In the third game they came close again and we pulled away," remarked Harrigan. Impressive seemed to be the descriptive word of the day. Even the crowd impressed Harrigan. "Itwasanicecrowdandithelped that everyone was out to support the team. It really boosted us," Harrigan said. He also remarked that Weekes and Stephanie Eberhart played exceptionally well at the net and were very consistant with their serving game. The team will participate in the Rosemont tournament on Saturday. They will not return to PAC division play until Tuesday September 29 when they meet Gwynedd- Mercy College at home.


f riday, sept. 18, 1992



Over the edge with the summers hottest fad

Go ahead, jump by Katherine Ross features editor



Se~ior Tri-Captain Laurie MacAvoysets up to dig the ball and

spike the opponent.

Attention all intramural volleyball players: The BEST adult volleyball camp around for men and women over 18 who want to brush up on their volleyball skills and team play. The cost is $40., only $30 with Cabrini I.D. Camp is held on September 26 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and September 27 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Contact Jim Harrigan at 549-914 7 or Al Reid at 449-8908 for more information or to register.

"No,youcan goahead,I'll wait." "No, really you can go. I'm patient, I'll wait." Then I heard - "You in the Cabrini t-shirt you're next." I always said that I was going to do it. I knew at the time though, I had to do it. As I was riding up in the crane I felt as if there was no turning back. The "Jump Miester" was explaining what I should do and how I should jump on the crane ride up, but as I rose above Rehoboth Beach and could see the ocean from 160 ft., I really was not listening to anything he was saying. With 20 of my friends below chanting my name I knew that if I did not jump I would be the laughing stock of Rehoboth. The humiliation of not jumping almost seemed worse then the idea of the rope snapping and plummeting to my death. The final instructions of the "Jump Miester were," After I count down 3-2-1 bungee, I want you to do a perfect swan dive off the platfonn." I asked if I could thinkabout it for a second and he flat out said no. Then he told me to step out on to the platfonn that projected about a foot off the cage. The next thing I knew I heard the word "bungee" and then I jumped right off the platfonn. As the blue tarp was rapidly approaching my face I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed that the rope would soon catch. When it did recoil I opened my eyes and felt exceptionally relieved. I still cannot decide which was more exciting, free falling with no resistance or the feeling of security when the rope finally caught. After bouncing around for what seemed like forever I could feel the cage begin to lower me to the


you canCearna fot 6yjoining us auring

9('E£5trrJO'J{S:J{Jp 9('ESP'ECI''WE'E1( Septem6er21 •25,1992 Look for further information about: Cabrini's own "'Dating(jame· Talks on "'Boozin'n Scfi11Wozin ·and

·Jt Ca6rini'Woman's(juide to [ationsliipsin tlie 9\[jneties• sponsorea6y Stuaent Services

anatlie Councefi Center

When one of the jump crew finally caught my arms and sat me on the ground I started realizing how totally out-of-control what I just

did was. For what it is worth I thought it was incredible. If you ever thought about doing it and have the $50 dollars go for it. You will never have another experience like it. Not unless you go skydiving. Maybe I will try that next!

Come one come all, on Tuesday September22, in the Widner Lecture Hall at 9:30 p.m., to discuss fall and winter intramural activities..




e said, She said by Noone and D'Alfonso

sports editors FROM FAY TO JOSE Ladies first: She said: I am glad they owners) got rid of ay Vincent, it is really bad for baseball that ey had to do something like that. but it eemed like they could not even trust him. I id not have a problem with his realignment f the team, but the rest of his policies were Id fashion. ·He said: I think he took the role with just oo much power and at the same time it eemed like he was against the progress of e game. He just wanted the iron fist to work ut everything. She said: That is the same way Bart iamatti was. He said: Vincent was just an adaptation of art. She Said: That is why Vincent got the job, was a clone. He said: It is a shame that be gained ontrol from the death of Bartbut, he wasjust carryover from the old school. He would ave been a great commish maybe thirty ears ago. Now they need a business man to n the game, because of money. She said: I hope Pete Rose could now get to the Hall of Fame now. He said: If he could let George teinbrenner back in to the game, Rose should a Hall member. He said: The NFL trial? She said: Everything is money. With free gency coming up in football, it is going to be ust like baseball. a mess. If a team is willing o pay someone obscene amounts of money en he is shucking camaraderie and saying


fridaY, sept. 191 1992

Misconduct in North Carolina:

Team remains silent ing_to Dzik,he did not excepting Hubley·s resignation. Dzik also staled that he spoke with Hubley that evening and asked him to reconsider. Al least six members of lhe soccer team were susW~ena~ ~as placed to NorthCarolinaWesleyan•s pendedfrom playingin the away gameagainstLycoming secunty, no mc1dentreport was filed. Fox declined to on Wednesday, Sept. 16. comment and requested to have the matter handled by According to Athletic Director John Dzik the sushimself and Dzik. pension was a result of an incident which •occurred The second reaction to the situation was the return of during an away tournament at North Carolina Wesleyan Hubley. On Sept 15, Hubley met with Dzilcto rescind on Sept. 12 and 13. his resignation. Dzik confinned that there were certain Dzik stated that team members looted Wesleyan's measures which needed to ensure Hubley's return. The lock~r room. At least 15 articles of clothing were players involved in the incident were to be suspendedfor conv1scated.A confinnation by the Wesleyan coach to two games and were told they should not show up on Dzik states that the locker room door was reportedly Wednesday to leave for the game at Lycoming. unlocked. "I just told them [the players in question] that they DzikreceivedacallthemorningofSept 14,fromthe won't be able to play once we find out who they are " Wesleyan Athletic Director, Mike Fox. In the call, Fox Hubley said. • stated that unifonns were missing and that Cabrini Cavs At the same time Dzilc and Hubley met, the soccer were allegedly suspected. According to Dzilc,Hubley team was having a meeting held by the senior captains. was present when the call came in. Hubley stated that this meeting was to clear the air and One of the first reactions to the incident was the have the culprits come forth. tendering of a resignation letter by coach B. Duncan "From what I understand, Glen Jaskelewicz gave Hubley. them a tongue-lashing," Hubley said. "It [the meeting] Ac_cordingto Dzilc, on Monday Sept.14, Hubley wasn't about was amaturityandresponsibilsubmitted a letter of resignation which stated that ity." Hubley would resign from his duties as Cabrini soccer As a result of the meeting, the soccer team opted not coach. immediately. to talk about the incident with anyone. . On Sept: 14, a numb team was preparing for life "We decided as a team not to talk about it," said without theu coach, and they carried on with practice. Gaherty. "I can not give you a comment." 'Tm upset." junior John Quirus put itsimply. Other's So, the coach waited through a tough day of practice could not and did not wantto talk about it. Senior Kevin and the night. to see who was going to Lycomingearly Gaherty pleaded with a, "no comment." Wednesday. Later that night, this reporter contacted Dzik at Hubley compared his reaction to the incident with home, by phone to discuss the team's situation. Accordthe hills and valleys of a roller coaster ride. •


DuncanHubley "We went up fast, and then we went far down," Hubley said. "I really went down." ~ccording _toDzik, the names of the alleged were not :lvailable to hun. The true identities were only known by Hubley and the players. Hubl~y-~d his requested team, appeared early Sept. 16, outside o£tlie'Widnercenter. a waiting thier the two hour ride to Lycoming. The ~~aining players carried on their every day respons1bil111es and were seen roaming the halls of Cabrini College. Several of the players who were present on Cabrini's campusdeclined to comment about why they were not with the team. Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, said he supportsDzikand wouldstand behind the Athletic Department's handling in this maller. The soccer team lost to Lycoming 6-0.

'I'll see ya." He said: The one thing that made football

·que was that players stayed with the same earnfor their entirecareers. 1bere was Joyty to the fans. 1bat is what has made ootball America's favorite sport. people ould relate to their team year in and year out. at trial just opens up a new can of wonns. She said: There may not even be a draft ext year. .. He said: That will begin a war for players, ind of on the line of buying players, like y are slaves. He said: How about Manon Rheaume. e 20-year-old goaltender who is trying out or the expansion Tampa Bay Lightings. By way she is a woman. That WQ._uld be ports history if she makes the team. She said: If she has thetalentandsbeisnot aid to get out there and get roughed up en, give her the job. He said: If! am an expansion team owner, an this is a great marketing move to bring pie in to the seats. She said: With nothing to lose and everying to change. For women in sports that is. emember, it is a man's world He said: God. She said: Jose in Texas. I think the Rangrs will benefit morein the long runfrom this de. For the A•s good luck in trying to sign ierra and McGuire next year. He said: I think the Rangers could have all e bats they want, but they need moreanns o go anywhere. He said (extended): H-Bomb 28-115. rkansas Fred have a day. I'll be back throwing- 17-22 267 3tds andall Bar. Prediction: Eagles 24-Denver 20 Reason: We know all about the Buddy ike defense of Denver's, Wayne Phillips, it s a 46 defense reject. Plus, Elway will try a ast second comeback and be will not get omeback number 21 against the Birds D. ay hi to Oyde, Johnny. It wiU be bring it ome for Jerome part 11

Fieldhouse distant on horizon New president lays groundwork for future athletic complex

Scoreboard Week's Results Soccer cabrinl cabrlni cabrinl

Sat. 9/12 Sun. 9/13 Wed 9/16

by Deanna D' Alfonso co -sports editor

Dict you ever want to shoot a basket in the gym, but had to wait until after midnight or later to do so? Or how about go for a swim But wait, where is thr. pool? A new recreation facility at Cabrini would allow students to fulfill those desires plus many more. The facility would benefit the entire Cabrini community. Allowing for such a campaign to begin would add to Cabrini in many ways according to the thoughts of athletic director John Dzik and President Antoinette Iadorola. Iadorola said she feels that a new athletic complex would offer a competitive edge with other area schools who have these facilities. Beaver College has begun construction of a new state of the art field house. Iadorola also believes in the theory, a sound mind means a sound body. "I would rather see people, not just jocks, shooting baskets then sitting in their rooms drinking." Coach John Dzik is hopeful that the field house will be a priority in the college's next capital campaign. Tentatively the field house will be constructed in back of and next to the chapel. "It would be nice if after work if a faculty member wanted to take a swim that there was a pool to do it in," Dzik said. Dzik also feels that with an upgraded

facility the physical education department could offer more programs. Other area colleges offer swimming classes for gym credits. This could appeal to students looking to come to Cabrini. "I think it's sad that we have people in college who don't know how to swim. It is something that could be taught here as a class, "Dzik said. According to both Iadorola and Dzik the key in getting the plan off the ground is funding. Gannon University just completed the kind of facility Dr. Iadorola said she would like to see at Cabrini. The cost of the 63 ,000square- foot facility was 5.5 million dollars. She would like to see a two floor facility that would also house classrooms. It would open up the world of opportunity for students to study sports medicine, a growing major in only a few colleges and universities as of now. It would also increase a major in physical education. "The board is open to the idea but we need to raise the money," Iadorola said, "it is in a phase of development now and we are most desirous of a new sports complex. Right now Dr. Iadorola is in the process along with the newly appointed Vice President of Institutional Advancement, Stuart Stabley, of getting together a board and attracting alumni and the board of trustees to donate to the cause. The time frame in which the project could be completed is unknown as of yet.

2 2 0

N.C. Wesleyan o Barton 6 Lycomlng6

Field Hockey Cabrini Cabrini

Fri. 9/11 Mon. 9/14


William and Maly Moravian 7

Volleyball Cabrini

Tues. 9/15




Women's Tennis Cabrini Cabrini

Sat. 9112 Wed. 9/16

3 8

Malywood 6 lmmaculata 1

Coming up Soccer Sat. 9/19 Wed. 9123

Del Val




1 p.m. 3p.m.

Field Hockey 1 p.m. 4p.m.

Sat. 9/19 Tues. 9122

King's College




Sat. 9/19 Tues. 9122

Rosemont Tourny Away 9 a.m. Lincoln Away 7 p.m.


Women's Tennis Sat.


Tues. 9122

Phial. Textile




1 p.m. 4p.m.

Cross Country Sat.


Phlla. Bible College Away Noon

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