friday, sept. 25, 1992
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol .xxxix no3
Eastern and Cabrini Clash by Kimberly M. Haban & Katherine Ross editor-in-chief &features editor The ongoing conflicts between Eastern College and Cabrini College perpetuated into violence early Saturday morning Sept. 19. According to the Radnor township police report five men from Eastern came to Cabrini at approximately 12:30 am. to look at girls. The report stated that the men yelled obscenities that 15-20 Cabrini students took exception to. The men from Eastern were Grant Etheridge, Antoine Harden, "Al," Chip" and "Tom." According to Junior John Quirus the men were yelling sexually explicit suggestions to him regarding his girlfriend. The men were standing outside of Quirus 'second-floor window in Sullivan house where he resides. Quirus said he inquired about who was outside his window because initially he thought they were people from Cabrini just
messing around. Quirus said after he asked who was outside the men challenged him to come down because they would "kick his ass." According to Quirus he went downstairs and on his way down grabbed his housemates who were there at the time. Christopher Conrad was one of the men Quirus grabbed. Conrad said "Chico said fight. We dido 't know there was going to be one or if we were just watching one." Conrad said when everyone got outside the men from Eastern were sitting by the cars next to the house. Quirus asked the men what they said to him. Quiros and Conrad each said the men replied that where they come from those remarks are a form of encouragement. They both said that one of the men said "F. you whitey," to Quirus. Quirus said he replied "I'm not scared 'cause you're black. Black doesn't scare me." Conrad said that the men from Eastern seemed tough but they were not going to hit anyone.
photo by Stephanie Oleg
Director of Health Services Sue Fitzgerald,· Dr. Dan Scwartze,director of the counseling center, and seniors Jeanie Dougherty, Karen Bell and Tom Foran attend a talk on the rape policy
Attention brought to college rape policy by Dana Caterson staff writer
Are you a victim ofrape or have you ever come close to being victimized? While some would like to keep issues such as rape under the rug, various staff administrators at Cabrini have opted to ad-
Conradand Quiros each said that the men began to retreat down
dress its existence. Over the summer both Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student affairs, and the resident life staff, took part in a training program conducted at Temple University about rape, its preventative measures and effects conducted at As a result, an outline was created
explaining how to deal with a victim of rape= -· "Statistically,one in four women have had the experience of being violated whiJe in college. Therefore, some colleges across the country have a rape policy in
See CLASH pg.4
See R APE pg.8
ADA opens doors for disabled by Belinda Desher staff writer
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Photo by Lorraine Marie LIii
Senior Keith Athas as pictured above is taking advantage of the handicap path making it safer and easier to get around the campus. These changes aid in overcoming what might have been an obstacle to the disabled. ADA is helping to make the campus and other areas accessible to the disabled.
"What had been done in the past as a courtesy, now has to be done. It's the law," Megan Flanigan, seniors aid when asked about the changes made to the Cabrini facilities in order to make them more accessible to disabled students. The law which Flanigan was referring to is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA.) The AD A allows physically and mentally disabled students or employees the same privileges as any other individual. Through this act the disabled are granted the right to sue the institution or employer if a reasonable request is denied. ADA became effective on July 26, 1992. Cabrini's physical plant had been making alterations since the summer to make traveling and access to the resident halls more convenient for Flanigan and A ramp was erected at Maguire House and a path was etched on the blacktop for her safety along the blind curve along Residential Blvd. According to Mike Caranfa, physical plant director, physical
What's Happening Friday
11 pm - 2am TAXI971-8415
Saturday ti
3 - 7 pm Fall Blow Out on Residential Blvd.
plant intends to luminize the path by install a few more lamp posts along Reside'ltial Blvd. Keith Ahlas, senior, is physically disabled and resides in Sullivan House. The path along the road does not reach to his residence. "I drive at my own risk," AJhas said. However, Alhas said he never mentioned this matter to physical plant until last week. Dixon house, next door to Maguire, would have been accessible if not for the fact that the driveway is steep and it may be too dangerous, according to Caranfa. According to Caranfa, no plans to extend the path are in sight but more lights may be installed on route toward Sullivan. New construction will be designed to ADA standards, according to Caranfa. For now, changes will be made as the need arises. Caranfa said that not all residence halls are alterable. Maguire merely needed a ramp with a railing and a few adjustments to bathroom fixtures. Narrow hallways, sharp corners, and small bathroom facilities prohibit the possibility of maJcjng some of the houses convenient liv-
ing quarters for disabled students, according to Caranfa. Renovations can be costly. Caranfa suggested the budget figure for the erection of a ramp is $5,000. To make alterations in a spacious bathroom that includes wheel chair accessible shower would require approximately $2,000. Caranfa commented on the vagueness of the act, by explaining that its terms are not as mandatory as perhaps a fire code regulation. "It's hard for us to work with it [ADA] because it's not specific. Our lawyers say we don't have to do anything unless its requested," Caranfa said. Presently, the Chemistry lab and Woodcrest hall are inaccessible, according to Ahlas. Caranfa said that alterations to these two facilities are not planned but that he would be looking into it. Caranfa explained that construction of a five foot long ramp to the Chemistry would be
See ADApg.4
more coverage in UPDATES! Sunday
fl' 6pm Mass
ti Watch for Sports schedule on page 121
t/ 12:45 pm First year students Communlcations m-,.
9pm Mass
6:15 Yearbook
mtg newsroom
Wednesday ti event
To have your covered in
What's Happening call Kelly Adams at 971-8412.
Thursday tl12:45pm Sophomore Communications class• room
Friday ti 8:30"AnyReasonable Request" with Dave BinderIn WCGA
f ridav 1 sept. 25 1 1992
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Working with admissions Finding beauty within The admissions office deserves recognitionfor the significantincrease in new .------students.A 19 percentincreaseinfirst-yearstudentsacts as positivereinforcement
kel/y adams
forallofuswhohavealreadydecidedtoenrollhere.Weareespeciallyimpressedwith the amount of minoritystudentsenrolledthis fall. Acceptanceof culturaldiversityhas been expressedas a vital componentof this college's mission. Lecturesand textbooksare fine for teachingtheory,but in reality, direct interaction with different cultures exists as the only method effective for bringingabout understanding. . If we are to developinto open-mindedand culturallyaware adultsthen it is vital for us to be exposed to diverse ethnic cultures while in college. Most of us live in homogeneousneighbomoodswhereeveryfaceresemblesourown.Incollegethose territorialboundariesareerasedandwearegrantedtheopportunitytoexperienceone anotherand the rich culturalcharacteristicsthat our individualbackgroundspossess. In ordertobenefitfroma culturallydiversecampus,however,we mustputourfears aside,stepoutfromourfamiliarcircleoffriendsandmakeaconsciousefforttomeet and speak to someone who is physicallydifferentfrom us. A multi-culturalcampusmust be viewedas an opportunityto learnand growfrom one anotheror else the ardent efforts of the admissionsoffice will be in vain.
Ups and do \ Ins
, ______________________
Despite the fact that dinner has been consistently horrible every night since our return, gradual improvements have been witnessed. For example, the house dressing at dinner Saturday, Sept. 19, was excellent. Keep it up and we may get a decent meal before the end of the year! What is this driving school? Since when does security have the right to fine us for parking on the yellow line in a legal space? This is just a tad out of control.
Coach John Dzik deserves recognition for his decision to hire an outside lawn service to take care of the fields. Players have already been commenting on the difference.
Thumbs down to Eastern for leaving their bibles behind when they came over here to start trouble.
l letters Fightingthe system To the editor: I wasn't going to write this letter,but I feel the need to have my situation heard. I am a handicap student living on campus here at Cabrini. I need the help of a handicapped vehicle in order to get around the campus. I was to be a Senioratthestartofthe fall semester and I wanted the opportunity to live in a House before I graduated. Due to the revamped lottery system, and the fact that I did not have a roommate I chose the single room in House Two even though I knew that it would be next to impossible for me to get my vehicle in and out of the House, especially in bad weather, due to the layout of the House, and the uphill slope of the driveway. Resident Life told me that I would probably be forced to live in Xaiver another year if an opening did not occur in House Seven, since it was accessible, as compared to House Two. I felt this was unfair because I chose the single room in the lottery and, by rights, that room was mine. Physical Plant told me that they would see what they could do for me. Fortunately for me I found out towards the end of the summer that an opening did occur for me in House Seven, but that it was upstairs. It would be an inconvenience for me to go up and down
steps and I would have to leave my vehicle parked in the lobby unattended, but I accepted it. When I returned to school I learned that the single room in House Seven had become available. I told Resident Life that I wanted the room. lhadtowaitaweek. Notonlywasitan inconvenience for me, but also dangerous because I almost feel down the steps. I finally got the room. I am not angry with Resident Life. I am angry with the way the situation was handled, the fact that I had to wait, and the fact that nothing was built for me in House Seven. Luckily House Seven is accessible enough for me. My mother always told me that in order to have something done right you have to do it yourself. I did, I won, and I'm glad.
Casey Ahlas
Two names were spelled incorrectly in issue one. The correct spellings are Stewart (not Stuart) Stabley and Edie Lamberti(not Lamperti). In last week's issue Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student affairs, was misquoted. The article stated that he said the M.A.'s "salary" would be compensated when he actually said that their "work" would be compensated.
co-news editor ...................... __________
While cleaning out my room last month I found an old grade school yearbook, from when I was in the sixth grade. Now, most peoplelknowwouldhavethebookdestroyed immediately, for fear someone would see them in the throes of puberty. I, however, was feeling relatively brave that day and decided to take a timid tip-toe down Memory Lane. As I studied the faces of my former classmates my eye fell on a little girl named Diane. At that instant, Memory Lane took a sharp detour into the Twilight Zone. The Diane I saw on page 20 could not possibly be the Diane !remember from when I was that awkward adolescent! This Diane was a chubby, pasty-faced child with a really
· __,,1~
bad haircut. The Diane I remember was a voluptuous woman with luminous skin and a haircut that almost every girl in the sixth grade tried to copy, without much success. At that point I closed the yearbook, wish-
Questioning intoxication karen kerchusky guest columnist
Someone once asked me why I am against drinking. Let me state this only once, I am not against drinking, I am against becoming intoxicated. Intoxicated,ifyouhaven'tnoticed,hasthe word toxic in it. Gee, I wonder why? I have seen the carefulpreparations, the precise calculations. You choose your clothes carefully. The make-up is applied with a steady hand to improve the beauty that nature has already granted. You 're excited and count yourself as being a very lucky personto be able to have a good time. It will be the Mother of all Parties. Everyone watches you as you enterthe room. You take your first drinkand settle intoa conversation with a friend. You take another drink,and find another friend. What happens at the tenth drink, when you no longer know who you are talking to? Perhaps it is the person you had your eye on when you first entered the room. I guess it is fine ifthatpersonhadas many drinksas you had.But what if they did not; what if they do not find drunk people amusing? All those preparations to make yourself attractive have been in vain. The adage says, "actions speak louder than words," butsometimesI thinkthat actionsspeak louderthanwords,looks,or personality. You may feel good while you are drinking but what aboutthe next day when you have a hangover, or you wake up in a strange place and cannot remember what happened the night before? I tendto think logically and my mind cannot ~nd why people drinkto intoxication. I am not against having a few drinks with your friends. I only want people to know when to say
mg I had start ed weanng glasses 10 years sooner. The Diane question still bothered me, though. Diane was the object of as much male desire and female jealousy as 30 12-year-olds are c lpable of. What was it about Diane that made us all think that she was gorgeous? After much soul-searching, I finally got my answer: We thought Diane was gorgeous because Diane thought she was gorgeous. I have to admire Diane for that. My memories of puberty include sprouting up an entire foot in one summer, massive amounts of Oxy-1 o and a training bra with nothing to train for a long, long time. As anyone knows, puberty wreaks havoc on self-esteem. · I'm sure that Diane has similar memories but her self image soared. Diane set the standard for her own personal beauty, she didn't look to another person to do that for her the way the rest of us looked to her. \ remember at recess, five or 10 of us WQuld be gathered around a desk, pouring over the newest issue of"Seventeen," literally eating up the fashion and beauty sec_,.~ tions. I used to try all of the make-up tricks, hairstyles and fashion tips I could get my hands on, the whole nine yards. I vividly recall the feeling when, at a compact 5 '3 ", I failed to look like the tall svelte models in the magazine. I took me a very long time to realize what I was doing to myself and how unfair it was. For the 99.9 percent of us who weren't born with a flawless face or a perfect lxxiy, a simple adjustment of attitude can work wonders. I think that everyone is capable of their own special kind of beauty and that the only person who has to believe you are beautiful is you. It took me over 20 years to figure out what Diane knew all along: Beauty isn't in the eye of the beholder, it's in the mind of the beheld.
Editor-in-chief: Kimbet1yM. Haban Managing Editor: MaryJane Inman PerspectivesEditor: MaryJane Inman News Editors: Kelly Adams and Megan Flanigan Arts and Entertainment Editor: Belinda Desher Features Editor: Katherine Ross Sports Editors: Deanna D'Alfonso and Brendan Noone Graphic Designer: Ambreen Alladin and Tim Conway Business Manager: Diane Osborn PhotographyEditor: Lorraine M. Lill PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Keith Ahtas, Ambreen Anadin, Dana caterson. Alicia Crego, Paul Crowell, Danielle OiMarco.Corinne Egan, Douglas Eppler Jr., Robert Evans. Christine Labroli. Robert Macartney. Matthew Macsisak,Steve May, Heather McAllister. Kevin Ohland!. Maryanne Walker, Gary WMe PhotographyStaff: Eric Barbuscia, Stephanie Bleg,Christine Costigan, Dawnielle Klopp, Kendre Martin Loqultur is published -ly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor,PA 19087. Phone:215-971-8412. Subsaiption price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student tees. Loqu1ti: welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signedandthe au1horshipknown10 the editors. However, ff the writerwishes. andthe editoragrees, the writer"sname may be left off the letter uponpublication and an insaiplion inserted suet, as "namewithheld at the requestot the writer.· Letters should be typed. double-spaced,and no morethan 300 words in length. H a lel1erIs too long for the avallablespace, the editor may edt or condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The ec:itorials and opinionspublishedIn Loqultur are the views of the studenteditorialstaff and the individual writersand not the entirestudentbody or the facuhyand administration. Loqultur is establishedas a forum for student expressionandas a voice in the uninhibited, robust. free and open discussion of
friday, sept. 25, 1992
Tapping into
drinking student by Maryjane Inman
managing and perspectives editor Editor's note: This article is not meant to condemn or glorify student alcohol consumption. The purpose is to give students who drink an opportunity lo express their perception of the subject.
The Cabriniparty. Many peoplewould argue Beer is associated with a good time in our that this statement is a contradiction of te1TDS. society, Ewing said Ewing said that the mere With the absence of fraternities and a strict presenceof beer indicatesa celebrationand gets alcohol policy it is often difficult for Cabrini people in a social, party mood. students imitate the "college experience" that o Do your parentsknow that you drink? they hear all of their friends who attend major Chiappine said that his parents do know that universitiestalking about. he drinks but that they don't approve since they On a much smaller scale Cabrini students do not As long as he doesn't drink and drive, gather severaltimesa week to "hang out," social- Chiappine said, or get caught doing anything izeand,yes, drink. Drinkingis regardedby many "stupid" they don't say anythingto him about it. to be a common occurrence on college camHer parents are aware that she drinks Elisa puses. Daylor,junior, said but they don't want to know Some consider this a vice while others regard or hear about the specifics. the alcohol consumption as merely a natural BrianWolk,junior,saidthathis parentsknow phase associated with young adults being away that he drinks and they allow him to as long as he from parentalsupervision. Some people simply knows his limits and doesn't get drunk. do not understand why drinking is so synony- o Do you drink morenow or when you were mous with college life. To the students who do in high school? drink, they say that they are quite aware of the "I never drank in high school," Thompson reasoning behind the tradition. said. She said that she definitely drinks more o How manydaysof the weekdo you drink? now because she is legal drinking age and away "Well I have been drinking for the past 19 from home. days but that's not the norm," Joe Ewing, senior, Saverino said that she went through a bad said. For the most part, Ewing said, he only period in high schooland only drinks 1/4of what consumed one or two beers a day in that 19-day she consumed back then. period. On average, he said he drinks only twice In high school, Mellor said, drinking was weekly. considered the "manly" thing to do and so he Junior Melissa Thompson said that she usu- drank nearly every weekend. Now, he said, he ally drinksthree timesa week. Dependingon the realizesthat he iskillinghis body,thecaloriesare night, she sometimes drinks to the point of hard to lose and the novelty has worn off. intoxication and other times only receives a Sabatini said that he drinks more now be"buzz.'' cause he does not have to go home at night and "On a good night I'm intoxicated, on a bad answer to his parents. night, I come home sober," Thompson said. Drinking wasnot as popular in high school, Joelle Spagnola,junior, said that she drinks Daylor said, and she drinks more now simply approximately three times a week but is only because she is more exposed to it. "wasted" one of those nights. o Do you ever drink alone? o Whatdo you drink? "What would you do if you were drunk by SophomoreChipChiappinesaidthathe drinks yourself," Spagnola said. beer because he likes the taste and that it's Sabatinisaidthat he wouldneverget drunkby cheaper than most other types of alcohol. himself but thathe would have a beerevery once Joel McGovern, junior, said that he also in a while even if no one was around. drinks beer because it's more available andthe McGovern said that he would feel like an most prevalent alcoholic beverage on campus. alcoholic if he drank alone. BeerismorepredictableMarkMellor,junior, Althoughhesaidthathedoesnotmakeahabit said. Mellor contends that it is easier to predict of it,Chiappinesaid that he has had a beer or two the outcomes of beer drinking while with harder alone very rarelyjust out of sheer boredom. fonns of alcohol, "you never know what to o How often do you get sick as a result of expect." alcoholcomumption? Sophomore Lindo Sabatini said that he usuDaylor saidthat she occasionallyvomits as a allydrinks beer because it iseasily accessiblebut resultof alcoholconsumption,but noteverytime that he'll drink anything that is around. she drinks. Alex Saverino, senior, said that she prefers "If I go the 'beyond nuts' it will happen," mixed drinks, will drink beer occasionally but Saverino said. drinks wine at home. McGovern said that he sometimes wakes up o Why do you drink? with a headache but very rarely gets sick. "Ilove thetasteofbeer,"Thompson said. She Excess is a sure way to get sick, Marino said. said that shealso likes the "buzz" but that she He said that one needs to know his/her limits in hates being "w8sted." order to avoid sickness. Spagnola said that she hates to admit it but o What is a party? being buzzedis often more fun than being sober. "A party is a group of friends sittingaround, Dean Marino, junior, said that he doesn't talking andlisteningto music," Thompson said drink to get drunk but rather to be sociable. Chiappine said that a party is 20 or more Mellor said that drinkingallows him to "chill people comprised of bothfriends andacquainout," relax andrelieve stress. tances talking and drinking beer.
canoon by LaMarr Stamp,
''Twenty friends and good tunes," Marino said. "It's a gathering of friends celebrating anything from the end of the week to a birthday," Ewing said. o Woulda party be fun withoutalcohol? McGovern said that he thinks that a party would be fun without alcohol but that most people perceive the absence of alcohol as the absence of fun. Ewing said that he has fun no matter what he does but thatjust the sightof alcoholcould make the event more fun because that the presenceof beer is psychologicallyconnected with a good time. Spagnola said that as long as you are with your friends, alcohol should not be a necessity.
oDoyouthinkthatyouoranyofyourfriends may be alcoholics? Saverino said that she feels that one of her friends is definitely an alcoholic. She said that when she confronts this person, the response is always, "alright I promise I won't drink that much next time." McGovern said that he does not consider himselfor his friendsalcoholicsbecause,to him, an alcoholicdoes not drink Friday andSaturday and stay sober for the rest of the week. "ldon'tknowhowmanypeoplelscrapedoff the floorlast year and theythoughtthatthey were having fun," Wolk said. 'That's a problem." Ewing said that he is convinced that he is not an alcoholic because drinking is purely a social experiencefor him. Marino said that he knows people that are alcoholics because they feel like they have to drink every night. He said that he tells them that they are alcoholicsand the response consistsof, "Well maybe I am but I'm having fun." o Why do you thinkcollegepeopledrink so
much? "It's the norm," Thompson said. According to her it is traditionto party and drink in college. Saverino said that it is mostly based on peer pressure. The first year, she said, students view it as entertainment and a good way to meet people. The access is easy and it is difficult to avoid, Saverino said. 'They just like acting like idiots," Chiappine said. "It's the 'in' thing to do," Marino said, and it is hard to avoid when everyone else is doing it. It has a lot to do with tradition, Ewing said, and it is almost expected of students. "A lot of your best timesin college come under the influence of alcohol."
o Howdo youfeelabout the way that resident lifebandies the alcoholpolicy? "'Theyneed to loosen up more," Thompson said, "so that a lot more people would stay on campus on the weekends." Daylor said that resident life needs to realize that students are not children andthat they need to have a good time. Students should be left alone, shesaid, as long as no one is causing
photo by Chmtme CO!ilogan
trouble. McGovern said that he agrees with the policy forbidding kegs but that they need to be more lenient when no one is causing trouble or hanging out the windows. Wolk said that resident life is very aware of the situationon campus and that is admirablebut that they are a little too hasty in their decision process. Mellor said that resident life's policies show thattheycareaboutstudents."Kegsbringtrouble."
o Do you considerunderagedrinkingto be a crime? "Not unless someone is driving or hurting another person," Thompson said Saverinosaidthatitdependsontheindividual and their maturity level. Chiappinesaidthathedoesconsideritacrime because 16 and 17-year-oldswho drink do not really know what they are getting into and could get hurt or in a lot of trouble. "Sixteen and 17-year-oldsdonotknow when enough is enough and often get reckless with their drinking," McGovern said. Mellor said that it is not a crime but rather somethingthat all adolescentsgo through. They learn from experience, Mellor said. o Do youthinkthatyour drinkinghabitswill
changeaftercollege? "Not right away," Spagnola said, explaining that she turns 21 during her senior year so it will take her a while to "settle down." "I can't go to work all hung over," Mellor said. He said that he will gradually slow down and start to "buckle down." McGovern said that the "college experience" will be done with after graduation so he will not feel so inclined to drink when school is over.
more CLASH from 1 the path back to Eastern until Resident Director Scott Dorsey came upon the scene. Both Quiros and Conrad said the men decided to get tough and one man took his shirt off. Conrad said he saw one man coming around behind Quiros to possibly hit him when he was not looking. He said he put his arm out to block the man and push him back. According to Conrad the man put his right hand up to his neck and warned him to never touch him again. "I was not aware he had a knife," Conrad said. Conrad said he felt something on his neck and the man said "I could have cut you M.F." Conrad had a red scratch on his neck. "When I put two and two together I realized he had a knife," Conrad said. "It didn't phase me a bit," Conrad said, "The fact is now when I go to back someone up I will have to bring a bat or my own knife with me."
f ridaY,sept.251 1992
Etheridge said he would not comment. However, he said "The whole situation is F.'d up." "This racial shit his F.'d up." Etheridge said there was no knife involved. Harden, "Al," "Chip," and "Tom" were not available for comment. Quiros and Conrad said this was not a racial iIJcident. Dorsey said, "No racial slurs were said when I was there." "I did not see a knife at all," Dorsey said "No one pulled one that I saw." Vice President of student affairs Dr. Robert Bonfiglio said "To my knowledge this is not a racially motivated issue." Director of Security Rich Kralle said "From what I know it was not a racial incident." Kralle said security is still in the process of investigating the incident themselves. "In regards to Eastern and Cabrini relations," Bonfiglio said "we have attempted to take the initiative and plan ways that we can mutually cooperate." The police report proposed a meeting between representatives of the two schools be set up to discuss this ongoing strife and ways that it may be resolved.
OUR corner 10/3& 10/4
1992 Yearbooks Are In
Parent's Weekend o The schedule for Parents Weekend,
o 1992 Yearbooks are in! If you ordered one or would like to purchase one stop by the cafeteria or contact Lisa Naab through box 293. Old issues are available as well at reduced rates. 2/l,§
Fall Blow Out o The SGA will sponsor the Fall Blow Out on Saturday, Sept. 26. The event will begin at 3 p.m. and end at 6 p.m. Dinner will be served outside on Residential Blvd. during a concert by the Top 40 band "Perfect Timing." Contact Kim Marshall atex. 8415.
9/28to 1012 Parent's Weekend Dinner tickets o Kappa Sigma Omega will be selling tickets to the Parent's Weekend Dinner and Dance throughout the week of Sept. 28 outside of the cafeteria. Dinner tickets are $35 and Dance tickets are $16. Contact Danielle Harris at 971-8476.
sponsored by Kappa Sigma Omega, is as follows: 10/2 8:30 p.m. "Any Reasonable Re quest" Dave Binder lQ/3...11:30 a.m. Float Parade in Main Drive 12 p.m. Parent's Lunch in cafeteria 12 p.m. SGA Carnival on Main Lawn 1:30 p.m. Family Game Show WCLH 2 p.m. Cabrini Legends w/Carter Craigie in Mansion 2 p.m. Author of "Mother Cabrini: Italian Immigrant Of the Century" book signing outside of the bookstore. 2:30 Theater scenes in grace hall & 3:30 p.m. theater 3p.m. SEM300lecturew/Dr.Girard in Mansion 7:30 p.m. Dinner and Dance at the Valley Forge Hilton !QL!.10:30 p.m. Liturgy 11:30 p.m. Brunch in cafeteria 12:30 a.m. "One Sky/One world" Kite festival on Alumni Field.
9/29 SGA Budget Hearing.sMeeting
o Anyone who is interested in having
Any Reasonable Request
their club or organization funded by the SGA who did not attend the meeting on Tuesday, Sept 22 should attend a meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29 at 9:30 p.m. in the SGA office. Contact Charlyne Adams at ex. 8415. The Budget Hearings will be held on October 7 and 8 at 9:30.
o On Friday, October 2 at 8:30 p.m. in the Widener Gathering Area, Dave Binder will perform his "Any Reasonable Request" show. Binder, a singer and guitar player, will play "any reasonable request" from the members of the audience. Admission is $5.
1993 Yearbook Meeting
Kite Festival Tables
o At 6:15 on Tuesday, Sept. 29, there will be a meeting for anyone interested in working on the 1993 Yearbook. The meeting will be held in the newsroom, located on the second floor of Widener Center. Anyonewho is unable to attend should contact either Lisa Naab, box 293.
PR pictures o Throughout the year the public relations offke routinely takes pictures of the campus community for promotional purposed. If you do not want your picture used contact the public relations office in writing buy Friday, Oct. 2.
o On Sunday, Oct. 4 free tables will be available to any club or organization to sell products or services to raise money for their organization at the 1992 "One Kite One, One World" festival. Contact Kim Keck in the public relation office at ex. 8255.
National o Clinton Airs First Negative Ad Democratic presidential candidate aired his first negative ad against President George Bush this week. The ad attacks Bush's economic record.
o Hotline To Investigate Priests Accused of Child Molestation - The Archdiocese of Chicago has begun a hotline as well as an independent board to investigate allegation of child molestation by priests. The measures exceed the recommendations by a 1988 panel which investigated 59 allegations of sexual misconduct in the diocese since 1963.
International o European Unity Treaty Passes- On Sunday, Sept 20, the people of France passed the Maastricht Treaty on European Unity by a slim margin. The end of three months of debate, the treaty will unite 12 European nations with a common currency by the end of the decade.
o State Supreme Court Frees Jay Smith - On Saturday, Sept. 19 the PA Supreme Court set former Upper Marion high school principal free. Smith was accused and convicted in 1986 of killing teacher Susan Reinert and her two children in 1979. Smith was set free because the prosecutors purposely withheld evidence and made a secret deal with a jailhouse informant.
o Rendell Offers Unions "Last, Best Offer"- On Friday. Sept. 18, Philadelphia Mayor Ed Rendell offered blue collar city employees his "last, best offer" at the height of ongoing contract discussions. Blue collar workers, police officers and fire fighters are all working without a contract at this point in time. Rendell said " slightly encouraged." A strike would halt such municipal functions as trash pick-
The sources for this capsule are the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Times Herald, Compiled by Kelly Adams.
Security incidents as reported by the security office from Sunday, Sept. 13 to Tuesday, Sept. 22. Stolen Phones o 9/13/92 - Xavier - Student admitted to stealing exterior security phones from Maguire, Dixon, Infante Mc Manus and Casey houses. Student turned himself in to a member of the Resident life staff. The phones were returned to the houses.
Stolen Office Keys
o 9/16/92 - Philadelphia - One unmarked set of keys to two Cabrini professors offices' were lost when their secretary's car was stolen. The car was found in Philadelphia on Sept. 16.
10/9,10/16& 10/23 Unauthorized Persons Cabrini Spirit Day o 9/19/92 - Sullivan house driveway - Officer found four males, all non-Cabrini o Anyone interestedin participatingin students, loitering at IOp.m. The four were removed from campus. theCabriniSpiritDaycommitteeandmissed the meetingon Sept. 18 contactDanielle Reckles.1Driving Harristhrough mailbox542orSr.Bernadette · o 9/19/92 -Residential Boulevard - At 12:30a.m. and 1 p.m. a studentwas cited for Anello at ex. 8226. Othermeetings are scheduled for October 9, 16 and 23.
reckless driving and almost hitting the the two other students.
f riday, sept. 25, 1992
arts & entertaiment
Theatre may shock and surprise campus community by Maryjane Inman
perspectives & managing editor
Comedy troupe, "Dream on Royal Street," Shakespeare in the Park... what is next from the Cabrini theatre department? Neal Newman, director of theater, said that there is plenty to look forward to in the upcoming year. In November, the theater is performing David Mamet's "Sexual Perversity in Chicago." Newman describes the play as a comedy that focuses on the difficulties encountered in male/female relationships. According to Newman, the language is honest and the scenes include sexual situations. "There will be many dropped jaws, walkouts and angry letters, but every student who reads the play says, This is what my life is like ... , Newman said. The reaction to this play, Newman said, has been mixed. "I can't wait to see it, but I'm not bringing my mother," was the general consensus of the students who read the play, Newman said. Courtney O'Connor, junior, has been
involved with the theater for over two years and said that she has received the reactions of shock and excitement.
'Some are excited, others are shocked and some are excited because it is a shock.' -Courtney O' Connor, junior "Some people are shocked, others are excited and some are excited because it is a shock," O'Connor said. Newman said he views the play as a type of community service that centers on issues that directly pertain to students. Newman said that he feels like it is the theater's responsibility and obligation to reflect situations that are actually going on in students' lives. The subject of sex is on everybody's mind so the theater might as well express it, Newman said. O'Connor said that the audience should
know that it is explicit before they attend. Newman said that there will be an open discussion group regarding the material addressed in the play at the preview. The comedy troupe will also be back in action this semester Newman said. Troupe members will be selected this semester from Newman's class, Acting and Current Events, which, Newman said, is a course that teaches proper and effective methods of improvisation. Newman said thatthe school can expect a few performances this semester but many more in the spring. The theater plans to perform the world premiere of Philadelphia playwright Vivian Green's "The Pact," Newman said. The play, according to Newman, is a suspenseful drama set in an all-female college dorm in Poland in 1939 during the Nazi invasion. According to O'Connor, Green will be attending the rehearsals and working with the cast and crew. "It's an experience that you don't run across everyday in a college setting," O'Connor said. Newman also plans a trip to London and Stratford, England, this spring. Twenty students will accompany Newman across the ocean during Spring Break. They will tour,
attend theatrical performances, and visit the birthplace of Shakespeare, Newman said. The trip costs $1250 and includes such items as air fare, tours, theater tickets, hotel accommodations, transportation, breakfast and special dinners. Newman said that all who are interested must obtain an application from the theater department and return it by Spring courses include "Writing for Theater," a class which Green will be working with, and an honors theater course for seven students, Newman said. The honors course, Newman said, is designed to teach students to direct their own plays. As a result of this course, Newman said he hopes Cabrini theater will be run entirely by students next year. As for the rumor that "Dream on Royal Street" will be performed again, Newman said that it was false due to the fact that the movie rights have been purchased by Touchstone Pictures. Newman said that he planned to perform some songs for parents weekend but that the proposition was squelched due to the fact that no one may touch the script right now.
Thestarscomeout to play for AIDS
The Bride did not wear white by Danielle DiMarco
staff writer
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Colors, colleagues and mirrors glimmer and shine outside The Painted Bride Art center. This vibrant building stands alone on the busy streets of 2nd and Vine in Philadelphia. "Altars, Divination and Icons" is the name of the current art exhibit presented during the months of September and October. The premise for this exhibition is examining the concepts of spirituality through installations and mixed media objects. It includes a "presentation of works by contemporary artists," as stated in the literature of the press kit To be more specific, it investigates exhibitions of visual artists from diverse cultural backgrounds. "The influence of Catholicism is definitively felt through this exhibition," A.M. Weaver, gallery director and curator, said. This is demonstrated by artist Paul Pfeiffer's statue "Our Lady of Perpetual Health." A statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is covered with an assortment of condoms and an arrangement of photo-
graphs hanging around her neck. The photos included pictures of both homosexual and heterosexual "involvements." Cabrini student, P J. Koehler, sophomore, said, "Overall, I found the art display very offensive. lalsothoughtitwassacrilegiousand it went against my morals." An exhibit by K. Lohnson Bowles entitled "Post Catholic Relic 13-The Female Priapus," elicited a shocked response from sophomore, Nicole Gentile. "I was mortified," Gentile said, referring to the display of bloodied underwear, surrounded by tampons, condoms, a diaphragm and a box of birth control pills. Jonas dos Santos' creation, "A Shrine for St. Benedict the Moor," is quietly tucked away in The Painted Bride Art Center. A cross, stairs and suspended material objects are presented at this particular altar. Cotton balls that lead up to the front of the alter are taped to the floor, One of the installations probes "the political connotation of the L.A. riots," Weaver said. Willie Birch's "Voices from the Belly of the Earth," explores the tension between African Americans and the L.A. police department. The Painted Bride, located at 230 Vine
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Paul Pfeieffer'screationentitled"ourLady of PerpetualHeahh" Thestatueis adorned with condomsand photographsof heterosexualand homosexual involvement. Street, is a non-profit organization. The core of their mission is "to stimulate creative activity and to promote public understanding and participation in the creative process," as explained in the Painted Bride Art Center background pamphlet.
Oral Free Delivery receives mixed reviews bad taste in their mouth. Junior Brian Killen
by Bob McCarthy staff writer
SPECIAL OFFER WANTED 77 PEOPLE We will pay you to eat anything you want and lose up to 29 pounds in the next 30 days ... and
Calling themselves "Philly's Funniest Comedy Troupe!," Oral Free Delivery brought their comedy act to the theater on Sept. 17. The comedy quartet performed their act in front of a large crowd of Cabrini students. 1beir 17-sketch performance received mixed reviews from the students who witnessed it. According to junior Brian Wolk, "Overall, they were prett),funny, but there is room for improvement. It was very predictable and it was very crude at the end." Sophomore Trish Reilly agreed with Wolk' s statement about the crudeness of the performance, saying, "I don't think it was appropriate for a Catholic college." Not all of the students came away with a
said, "It was a good performance. Some parts were demented, butl enjoyed it." When asked if he found the show crude, Killen responded, "No, I didn't It was a reflection on today's society." Although their opinions of the show varied, all of the students interviewed a~eed the best skit was "Sex at Home." In this skit two of the actors portrayed parents in a society where sex was considered safe if it was practiced in the home. They allowed their son to have sex with his girlfriend at home. "After Credit Hours" and "Depends" were also well-liked by the crowd. I found the comedy review to be fairly funny, but lacking in a few areas. The four performers did a creditable job with the varied characters, and certain skits were performed really well. The troupe even dealt with real
issues which affect society today: the upcoming election, safe sex, drug abuse, and political cormption. I found it a plus that they could deal with some very controversial issues, and make them come across in a satirical manner. Certain parts of the show required a strong stomach, however, and I could see how this would upset some people. I think that another female performer is needed in certain parts of the show. 1be final decision on any show depends on whether or not the viewer would pay money to see the show again, and I would have to seriously think about it However, first-year student Tricia Foley did not agree. ''.It was original, " Foley said. "Some parts were hysterical and others were really corny, but I would go see it again." I would recommend the show to my friends but would advise them not to pay too much.
friday, sept. 25, 1992
All ti uresbasedon financialaidestimates
ResidentExpenses $6000.
Maxin The proble
Tips on using er
. $2000.
article coutesy of Citibank MasterCard and Visa
Setting limits, keeping good records, and using finacial common sense are the keys to college students successully using credit cards, according to a national consumer education program targeted to college students.
"There is a common misconception that students are not good credit risks," says Max Hayes, former executive director of the.Auociation of Collegiate Enterpreneurs, and the leader of Citibank MasterCard and Visa's "Money Matters for College Students" program.
"That could not be farther from the truth; students have proven to be very responsible users of credit. They understand that it is important to use their credit cards wisely and begin developing a healthy credit history right from the start." To help college students get off to that healthy start, Mr. Hayes regularly advises students on the importance of establishing and maintaining good credit habits while in college. Mr. Haynes offers the following tips:
Learning how to spend by Christine Labroli staff writer
How many of you walk into a store, any store, and could pick out at least two or more things you want or "need?" Those new earrings or those shoes that would make an outfit perfect; or a CD or why not even a CD player! What a let down when you find out that you do not have any spare change. Then, in that moment of desire, you realize, "ah, I have a credit card!" Before you know it, the card is in your hand and you are asking yourself "Should I use it or should I not?" "Of course I should," you say. "I deserve it!" Although there is no money in your account, the assumption you make is that by the time you will have to pay the bill, there will be some money there. The only problem is that this situation happens far too often. A charge here and a charge there, and soon the cashier is telling you, "sorry, your card is to its limit." There the fun ends. You are stuck with bills upon bills, with the interest rapidly making those numbers larger. Everyone seems to feel that they can manage a credit card and keep spending under control. A good example of someone who lost control is Brittini Lutterman, a junior at West Chester University. Lutterman has been paying off her bill since her freshman year. She maxed out her cards$ 500 limit in two months.
"It was like an addiction." Lutterman said. Eric Barbuscia, a junior finance major at Cabrini, maxed his Citibank visa card to its $600 limit. Barbuscia said he used his card for things like parts to fix his car and books. His card has a 19.8 percent interest fee, so he said he is working to pay his bill off as soon as possible. "Students must realize the importance of good discipline. If a student obtains bad credit, it will come back to haunt him or her in the future," Lutterman said. Max Haynes, former executive director of the Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs, and the leader of Citibank Mastercard and Visa's " Money Matters for College Students" program says, credit monitoring companies, monitor you, to keep track of your credit history. When it comes time to obtain a mortgage, buy a car or apply for a loan; good credit is a must." Haynes program "Money Matters" is just one of three programs sponsored by Citibank. The programs are designed to provide basic financial information to Americans of all ages. "Money Matters" is directed at high school and college students to help them establish a budget plan. Financial experts hold the seminars that can be arranged through community organizations and schools. According to Lutterman must students can relate to these credit problems, there are ways to work them out. "Good credit comes from responsibility and saying 'no' to that new sweater in the future," Lutterman said.
l. Keep track of your credit use. You need to know how much you owe at any time. File your credit card receipts in a small index box and keep a running tab of what's spent.
photo by Lorraine MarieUII
With so many credit cards available to students, it has become much easier to spend money that one does not have.
f riday, sept. 25, 1992
it all out:
m with credit cards ~dit cards wisely from Citibank 2. Set a personal credit limit for yourself. Based on your present income, expenses, spending habits, and · your ability to pay, you should determine what limit is best on any one credit card, as well as all your cards combined. 3. Limit the number of credit card you have. Don't just get them to have them. As a college student, your credit card needs might easily be satisfied with just one bank card, one gas card, and one department store card at most.
A free booklet, "Money Matters for College Students," is available by writing to: Money Matters for College Students 301 East 57th Street, Suite 300 A New York, New York 10022 Authored by Mr. Haynes, the booklet contains information on responsible credit use and other financial issues of concern to college students.
photo by LorraineMarie Ull
Because of peer presure and societal pressures students often eel the need to purchase things that they do not need .. &>,.w.hippining ut the credit card is a fami/ar sight for many of us. Unfortunately students often think that they will have the money ater to pay the bill when it comes in. More often than not however, tudents find themselves scrapping for money at the end of the month to ay bills. From the phone bill to the Visa bill students often spend money ike their no tomorrow forgetting that they eventually will have to pay omeone back, this is where they run into trouble. Some students believe no credit is good credit. That way they eel that they can never get into financial troublr. They spend what they ave and that is that . Maybe that is a safe bet, however, without stablishing credit it will be difficult later in life to make major urchases. Thanks to programs like the ones sponsored by Citibank asterCard and Visa, students can learn the proper way to manage their oney before they get into financial difficulty. Students should take dvantage of these programs to take financial stresses off of their mind o that they can focus on more im ortant aspects of their lives.
4. Think about how soon you 'II be able to pay off the balance when you charge a purchase. If it's more than a few months, maybe the purchase should be postponed until such time as you can better manage it financially. 5. Each time you consider making a purchase, mentally subtract the amount from your budget so you don't overspend. 6. Be as serious about credit card debt as you would be about getting a bank loan for the same amount. 7. Look at the big picture. Take all financial needs into consideration when planning your credit use, including those you anticipate. Try to gauge your financial requirements upon graduation (and beyond), and then plan what credit resources you will need to have available.
Students managing money by Corinne Egan staff writer
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If you are like most college students you need a 36 - hour day to get everything done. Between classes, social activities and jobs, you are lucky if you get five hours of sleep a night. It is hard enough managing your time. How can you be expected to manage your money too? According to Citibank Visa, "It is easy, if you take control with a spending plan. The first step in managing money is knowing what you have got and where it is going." Everyone should divide their personal expenses into four categories: food and drink, dorm room necessities, academic needs and recreation. We all know too well how easy it is to spend money without really intending to. All first year students seem to learn the hard way that the well eventually does run dry.
Money magazine reminds college students of expenses that can really add up. Laundry is one expense not often thought about but costing at least $ 3 or more a week. The most dangerous number one expense for years has been the monthly telephone bill. After first year students receive their first bill around the end of September, they suddenly stop calling their high school friends scattered all over the state at different universities. Tara Mcilwain, a transfer student from Villanova University, remembers her first phone bill away from home. "I know exactly how much it was, $ 98.55. I'll never forget it because I had to borrow the money from my parents," Mcilwain said.
Changing Times magazine did a study on college costsand how to help students stay one step ahead of the bill collectors. As a means of pacing your spending they recommend both a savings and checking account. It is a good idea to have " a specified amount automatically transferred from savings to checking each month." And believe it or not, Changing Times magazine stated, "It makes sense to have a credit card for emergencies and travel expenses." As easy or maybe as difficult as all of this may seem, just starting out in college will definitely throw financial curveballs at even the most organized student. Between phone bills, pizza, those absolutely needed college sweatshirts, books, etc., etc., the dollar signs get larger by the minute. The number one tip to remember is to keep records of where your money is going and you will find that managing your finances is not as difficult as you may think. Cathy Couwels, a commuter, said that, " In the beginning it was costing me more than I expected between tokens for SEPT A and money for food when I spent the whole day on campus." " Now that I'm a senior I think I've finnaly gotten the hang of it. One way to limit the amount of money I spend during the week is brown bagging my lunch, " Couwels said.
f ridav 1sept. 25 1 1992
Bush vs. Clinton on political platforms by Ambreen A. Alladin staff writer As November 3rd approaches, have you realized that you may not be ready to make one of the most important choices for your future? At least about two-thirds of Americans aren't, if we can judge from the number of Americans not registered to vote. The person chosen to be the next president of the United States will have the power to radically alter our lives. The president of the United States is the chief diplomat in foreign affairs. The winner of this election will appoint people to the Supreme Court should a vacancy occur, a vacancy that when filled could very well decide the future of abortion rights. But additionally, the man elected to the White House will have the power to press "THE BUTTON" and launch nuclear warfare, destroying life as we know it. To make an infonned decision voters need to know the facts and detennine what makes a good president and how it will affect the future. The candidates this year, on the Republican ticket are incumbents President George Bush and Vice-President Danforth Quayle. Running on the Democratic ticket is Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas with running mate Senator Albert Gore of Tennessee. Exactly what to these candidates want to do if elected to the White House? 0 Economy Bush's main goals are to: t/ Spur investment by cutting capital gains taxes. t/ --A-$$Ointlation and interest rates low. t/ +i:::.-.*■♦$ expanding American trade through new international trade agreements. t/ Cut red tape so small businesses will grow, creating new jobs. t/ +♦-. wasteful spending without raising taxes. Clinton's main goals are to: t/ *O*+the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share in taxes and impose tax fairness across the board. t/ End tax breaks for American companies that shut down their plants here and ship American jobs overseas.
t/ Rebuild America, focusing in the areas of transportation, technology transfer, and defense conversion. "...We simply got to become as able as other nations are at finding new manufacturing technologies and turning ideas into jobs in America ... ," Clinton said to the employee owners of Standard Knapp, Portland, Conn. On the issue of education, both candidates seem to have spent the time to make education a major campaign issue this fall. Bush said on Sept. 9th at Norristown Area High School, "The world has changed, and so must our schools. You don't have to look _ _., __ .__"' far for new ideas. Teachers, school board members, parents, business leaders, all are fountains of innovation. They represent the true genius of America, and we must encourage them. And right now, as we gather today, America is responding to this charge." Clinton plans to take steps to improve education at every level. He plans to overhaul K-12 education, to create a National Apprenticeship Program to offer non-college bound students training in valuable skills to increase job potential upon completion. Clinton also has fonnulated a plan to give every American the right to borrow money for college, and to ensure that it is paid back. Additionally, employers will be required to spend money in retraining to keep workers current on the latest technology. The abortion stand is pretty straight-forphoto courtesy of Democraticparty file photo ward on both sides. The official Republican party stand is that there should be no abortion at all. Clinton, however, is pro-choice and Democratic candidate Bill Clinton and Republican candidate President George Bush present their political positions for the 1992 Presidential campaign. The very strongly so. importance of presenting these platforms is to offer information needed in making As he said at the Democratic convention an educated decision when making your vote. "George Bush won't guarantee a woman's right to choose. I will. Listen, hear me now: Republican said " I am not pro-abortion. I am pro-choice think? James Hedtke, assistant professor of poOprah!. Something about Clinton ready strongly. litical science said "Students should vote scares me, but he couldn't be any worse than On the issue of health care, Bush plans to open up the health care system to because winners and losers affect their fu- Bush - I probably vote for Clinton anyway." competition and market forces to control tures." He says "lpok for candidate to help " And tell Dan Qualye to knock off the lowbudget Murphy Brown commercials". costs, expand access, and encourage innova- communally down the road." When asking students who they would Democrat Laura Barnett, first-year stution. People can switch jobs and still get vote for and why, this is what they said: dent said "Clinton; My first reaction is that coverage. Bush said that consumers, not govFirst-year student, Democrat Kelly anyone is better than Bush. I think Clinton ernment, should pick their doctors and make MacDonald said "I personally think that the relates better to the middle class and truly the decisions. country is in dire need of a change and it's wants to tum the country around". Clinton said, "Health care costs are now obvious this isn't going happen under Bush. Polls say that if the election was held the number one cause of bankruptcy and I am also in favor of Clinton's education today Clinton would win, even though Bush labor disputes. We spend more on health care program and its impact on college students." is better qualified on paper ... but then again than any nation on earth and don't get our Lana Backhaus, a first-year Republican so was Herbert Hoover. money's worth." He plans to control health care costs by regulating prices on health care, student said "Clinton's obvious lack of forprovide universal coverage, have managed eign policy experience will prove detrimenhealth care networks, eliminate drug price tal to the future of the country if elected gouging and take on the insurance industry. president." Tricia Reilly, sophomore and registered What to the people of Cabrini College
Second in a series
more Rape from 1 we want students for our
2 bedroom
--includes heat and hot water --fully carpeted --blinds on windows Call NOW to reserve your apartment
place," Dr. Daniel Schwartz, directorof counseling services, said. According to Richard Kralle, director of campus security, there has never been a reported rape on record as far as he can tell. On Sunday, Sept. 20, the resident life staff and counseling center, trained the college's resident assistants and medical assistants for the newly developed protocol. What this means for students at Cabrini, is if they become victims there are RA' s and MA' s to tum too. Resident assistant, Missy von Siegel, said that the meeting provided her with a lot of resources to tap. "Rape is a sticky situation, but it's something that we as RA' s need to be infonned about." Von Siegel said The protocol, according to Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, "was designed to let people know that the college recognizes rape as an issue on campuses and
now knows the steps to support and help those victimized." Bonfiglio said, "the college is now prepared for this type of emergency." We've come up with a procedure to put the person in touch with resources they need including hospital, police and Women Against Rape." Kralle also participated in creating the protocol. His concerns are with making sure the proper steps are carried out. For example, every security guard on staff has been trained through the academy. Those trained know to preserve the crime scene and call an RA, most likely a female. Kralle said, "Basically, we're here for the victim and it's the victim's call." The training program held at Temple helped Caulfield understand how supportive you have to be for a victim. "My overwhelming feeling was that I am now more aware of how victims feel," Caulfield said. "The reality is you could do everything right and it still could happen."
friday, sept. 25, 1992
College entry requirements
by Rosanne Carfagno
staff wnter
150 100
50 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 * * Tenative numbers until after late registration deadline 9/17 /92
Graph displays the growth of the enrollment for the past six years
Enrollment status increases for '92-'93 by Paul Crowell ---------------
staff writer
nia, while one-fourth hail from New Jersey, with Delaware and New York accounting for five percent and four percent of the class of 1996 respectively. The class of 1996is an indecisive bunch. Undeclared is the most popular major. Bi~log~, followed by Englis~/communications 1sthe ~ost frequently listed area of study, accordm~ t~ Gardner. So why Cabnm? ."~tude~ts tell us ~at they choose Cabnm ~or its small stz~ and th~' personal at~enttonthat they receive here, Gardner said. First-year student Kristen Shapansky said, "I chose Cabrini over larger schools because I wanted more individual attention."
The class of 1996 has arrived. And this year's class is bigger and more ethnically diverse than its predecessor. According to Nancy Gardner, directorof admissions this year's batch of incoming freshmen n~mbers 163, that's a 19 percent increase from last year's class. According to Gardner this is the first increase in freshmen enrollment since the class of 1993 arrived on campus in the fall of 1989. Gardner attributes the recent downward trend in attendance in part to the fact that area Catholic high schools, traditionally bi~==============~ feeder schools, are experiencing shrinking 'We've had to target more attendance. Another factor threatening enrollment, schools' according to Gardner, is the recession. She cited the fact that many students are opting for less expensive state schools, rather than -Nancy Gardner, director private institutions such as Cabrini. of admissions In order to maintain a healthy enrollment, Cabrini has had to broaden its recruitment strategy, according to Gardner. "We've had to target more schools," According to Gardner, new students Gardner said. also cited the strength of academics as In addition to the overall increase in a reason for choosing Cabrini, while freshmen enrollment, there is also is a sigsingling out the biology and English/ nificant increase in minority enrollment in communications departments. the class of 1996. First-year Student Jessica Bilotta ==============~ said the strength of the English/com'! choseCabriniover large munications department is the reason schools because I wanted why she chose Cabrini. · d' 'd I · 1 According to Gardner, students also tn IVI Ua attention. said the affordability coupled with the private education that Cabrini offers another reason why they chose CaKristen Shapansky, first- as brini. year student However, first-year student Caroline --------------• Croley said that when comparing the According to Gardner, 10 of the newly cost of Cabrini with other schools, enrolled students freshmen are minori- " th ey were about the same." ties, 59 percent of whom are AfricanAmerican. That's up from seven percent of last year's freshman class, Gardner said. According to Gardner two-thirds of the new students are from Pennsylva-
When applying for college, did you base your choice on a) the school farthest away from home, b) the school with the best parties, c) the only one that accepted you, or d) the one with the requirements that didn't intimidate you. If you picked "d" you are not alone. Cabrini, as well as Chestnut Hill, Gwynedd Mercy and Widener, all share basically the same requirements for admissions. College preparatory classes are a must. They include four years of English, three years of math and science, at least two years of a foreign language, 900 or above in the SAT' s and a letter of recommendation from a guidance counselor or academic teacher.
'We don't just accept anyone. They must exhibit the aptitude, determination and motivation for college work.' Nancy Gardner, director of admissions Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, said she feels that a college preparatory curriculum is the best training for actual college work. Gardner said, "There is nothing worse than -coming into a college class the first day and not knowing anything that the teacher is talking about." A strong grade point average and SAT scores are definite pluses but each student is judged on what they can bring to Cabrini. "We have been known to reject students with high SAT scores and low grade point averages because they are not motivated to do well in their courses. Sometimes that's what they need
to wake them up." She said she feels that motivation and dedication are definitely strong assets. Gardner points out, however, that in these changing times, students have more to worry about than just their studies. Divorce, emotional problems and drug and alcohol abuse are commonplace in many homes today. It is hard for a student to be motivated to go to college to get a better job when their father just got laid off. Gardner does see a bright spot in the incoming freshman class. "This class seems more interested in using their education to make a difference and change things for the better. They want to make the world a better place instead of just trying to increase their salary when they reach the job market." Gardner also feels that our "education president," George Bush, really let us down. "Many teachers have been let go and the ratio of students to guidance counselors is very disproportional.;..oardner said. "It is hard for a guidance counselor to see 1,000 students and give them all his or her undivided attention. It just doesn't work." Cabrini tries to maintain their high quality of education by being selective in their accepting practice. She said, "We don't just accept anyone. They must exhibit the aptitude, determination and motivation for college work." It seems that is the only way to be successful at any college. Over the past three years the SAT averages have been fairly similar. In 1989 the average score was 926, in 1990 it was 921, and in 1991 it was 939. In 1989, 812 applications were received and of them 170, or 21 percent, were rejected. In 1992, 548 applications were received and of them 59, or 11 percent, were rejected.
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av,sept.25, 1992
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Flag football joins intramural program by Brendan Noone
co-sportseditor Intramurals at Cabrini. Two years ago it was a dream, a figment of the imagination. Last year, largely to the thanks of Kim Haban, Mark Mellor and SGA, an intramurals program at Cabrini became a reality. A majority of the student, residents and commuters, part-icipated in the two featured sports, volleyball and softball. But, is that enough for the starved, hungry, athletic students ofthis college. No. So, on September 22, 20 of Cabrini's finest men and women brainstormed overthe possibility of incorporating another sport into this years intramurals schedule. Well, weaskedourselves, whatsportcould we possibility want this fall? I have to say we have all been engulfed by Lacrosse mania, so that is ruled out. And soccer, well that is just for the chosen few, if they chose to except it. What sport is left for our famished students the fall? Football. You know the sport which sends colleges into frenzies, routing for the Irish, Midshipmen and even Hurricanes. How about the most popular sport in this great land we call America. The sport which gave us the immortal legacy of the "Reisman." Sorry, to all the speed walker fans, maybe next year. So, after about five seconds of thought the group selected flag football for this fall. The biggest debate during the meeting was how the female population would be accepted on the field. They were considered from the start and were not left out of any reindeer games. Most of all both side understood that flag football is not as physical as tag football or rough touch and the group was very optimistic. The ground work for the league was laid down at the meeting and some of the rules '1f!dqualifications go as so: 12 players to a team. Two of the players must be from the opposite sex. [Opposite sex is determined by the majority sex of the team.] One player
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'1'11na,oin8tobo •-ileddM$ionnowanct ---1batonly,twooutof six 119 JOing romakeit andthatmeans now eightoutoftwenty-eiptan, goingto makeit I thinkthatis a perfectopportllllity to get your first series and makeit a best of three and tben your next series a best of five and then you have the World Series a best of seven. It will probably take the same amount of time. maybe it.will take less I would like to design a programwhere by the twentiethof September we have, say maybe the last )¥eek of September. baseball is done completely.
from the opposite sex must be on the field at all times. The length of the field and time limit of games still have determined. There was a difference of opinion in the time length of the games. The options thrown around were 20 minutes a game or a five touchdowns first policy. That will be decided at a later date. Another aspect of the games will be the zebra's, officials. Last years head of Intramurals, Eric Klansek suggested that team captains share official's duties. Everyone present agreed. Next the SGA and Athletic Director John Dzik must approve and financially support the proposed sport. Sign ups: They will be held outside of the
SGA office in Widener Center. Deadline for teams will be Friday, October 2. A meeting with team captain will be held Sunday , October 4, TBA. There will also be a $25 team fee and a $4 per person cover. (A request for a $5 cover was cut short.) Nooner Notes: Kudos to Scott Dorsey, of resident life fame, for playing happy moderator for last years and this years intramurals program. Be on the look out for the dreaded Kingswood Krushers ...coming this fall. Action could and is expected to start as early as October JO.
more athlete from pg. 12 remember a scramble in front of the net that ended the game. I didn't have any time to relax." After the game against Baptist Bible he found himself in goal for Cabrini's third game of the season, their opener at the North Carolina Wesleyan tournament. The Cavs again shut-out a host team, this time by the score of 2-0. Gaherty was surprised by all the attention the game attracted in North Carolina. "There were a lot of fans there and they were all thinking they'd beat us. I looked in the paper the next day, expecting to see the score, and instead our win was the second biggest headline in sports. I was shocked!" Gaherty's shut-out streak ended the next day with the Cavs' 6-2 loss against Barton College. He gave up three goals in the first half. Dzik applauded Gaherty's unexpected performance in goal which produced what he described as "two really fine efforts, the best singular sports effort of the week." According to Dzik, "Gaherty deserves a lot of credit for his determination and resiliency under fire. He was willing to step in, as a senior, during a crucial point in the season. He easily could have been 0-3 as a goalie now, instead of having two strong shutouts."
Gaherty personally likes playing goal because the position is so instinctive. "I think my size has held me back. I've always played halfback. When I'm in goal I don't think about what I'm doing. Later I'll look back and say 'How did I do that?' I can't believe it was me!" "Kevin made the best of a tough situation. He really came through in the clutch," Dzik said. Gaherty was quick to share the credit for the two wins with his teammates. "I'm only as good as my defense is," Gaherty said. "The entire team played well, especially the defense. I couldn't have done it without our freshman sweeper, Kenny Kenopka. It's the most important position for me and he's doing a great job, especially for his first year. I definitely don't deserve all the credit." Dzik, instead of Hubley, selected Gaherty as athlete of the week. "I'm not sure if Hubley would be very receptive to an interview right now. He also might not be the most objective person to talk to, whereas I can be objective. He has a lot on his mind," Dzik said.
In October, sony Reggie Jackson. it is just not going to work. It is becoming to cold in certain citiesyou canbuild domes. Tocxmpaieit to hockeyis kindof like a slap in theface. rm not awng fur 14 to i6 team to be involved,that wouldbe 1udicrom.I'm just givingmy q>inim00 baseball811tlEW it ha., evolved andthe wayit hasto takethatSllepnowevenpast thepointwhereit is now. SocaD thismydespelarecryifyoulike. This maybe baseball's l&'ilhun'8h.who koowshow much longerthis canl&'ilthe waythesyslan is now,andthewaythe ))[ffl are now caJI this a chance for
transformation not a drastic one but for one in which the system will becomebetter.
Shesaid:Ifyouaregoingto havemore playoffgamesthenthereismoremoneyto sinkiototbeteaim.Thenetwakswouldbe paying to have thenational<ffiffllge and the &1ronOlnical salarieswould keep in~The p)ayt':1$ would jUQkeep gettingmoreout ofa:iuchand lhe salaries wouldkeep~ Thatisnotgoodfor thesport of baseball in general He said:One~ what good has oomeout of baseball in thepast five years. in general. May bea fistfull of gamesand COO~SlatS. Theyeventooktbe gumout of those~ making bubbJe pn cards. So Jetsgooutto theballgame andgmba$2hotdog anda$4warn beer. Oh.ilhink.Joegme,icisupnm, doeso'tbe playt«lbe Falcmsin the fall.
friday, sept. 25, 1992
Serving up success for starters
Eagles and Cavaliers By Deanna D'Alfonso co-sportseditor
byGary White staff writer According to Coach Reggie Day, the outlook for this year's women's tennis team looks "bright." Although Day feels there isn 'tmuch power this season as in the past, he believe~ this year's players are " experienced." This year the team lacks many key players of past seasons. One such player is Susan Dietrick, an All-Conference number two singles player, who graduated last year. According to Day, Dietrick was a "really powerful player." She was captain and M.V .P. two years and set the school record for most wins in a career. Two other participants who will not be playing this year are Eileen Doyle and Joelle Spagnola. Both players had to quit the team due to their class schedules. In spite of such losses, this year's roster still contains some good players. The number one singles will be played by senior Celeste Eschbach,team co-captain with April Scott, who will play number five singles. Number two singles will be played by junior Maryanne Walker, a "proven, consistent winner," said Day. According to Day, "She plays a slow, steady game and wears down her opponent." Kim Scarborough is a freshman from Penn Crest High School who will be playing number three singles. Day says Scarborough has "good power" and "tennis savvy." Returning after taking a year off from school is junior Neil McGill. She will be playing fourth singles. Day says she has a
"solid serve." In reserves, Day has Karen Bell, a senior whom he considers to be a "role player." Day says, "Karen was instrumental in the latter season last year." Tina Strobel, Maura Wiswall, and Eva
Day also thinks Allentown will be a tough team to beat. Of course, there is always the strong rivalry between Eastern College and Cabrini. Concerning the PAC, Day feels the team "should be one of the stronger teams in the
Ewan are three freshman, also in reserves. Day feels they will be a healthy addition to the team. Day feels the team will "have a good, solid season," but he realizes there is tough competition ahead. According to Day, the team's toughest competition will be Marywood, to whom they lost 6 to 3 in their first match this year.
PAC and Possibly win the conference." According to Day, "the PAC is not quite as strong as ESAC, but has a broader spectrum of competition." So far this season, the team is 3 and I in PAC competition and 3 and 2 over all. They have defeated Immaculata 8-1, Beaver 5-1, €edar Crest 9-0, and lost to Marywood 6-3, and Philadelphia Textiles 1-8.
The Philadelphia Eagles have scored a touchdown with Cabrini. The college is now sponsoring the Eagles this season. Over a five game period, during the pregame and post-game shows WYSP will run spots promoting Cabrini. Itis the brainchild of Steve Welch in the Continuing Education offices. "We went into it with hopes of bolstering male studentenrolement in the Cabrini Organizational Management program (COMP)," said Karen Berlant, director of public relations. Cabrini waited until the costly price of advertising was reduced and then purcliased time for 37 spots which run 30 seconds each. WYSP also will be running the radio spots during the week when previews for Sunday's upcoming game are on. The ads would also be getting reinforcement at the actual games also with people there listening to the radio. "Many people take radios to the games and listen while they are there. So the fans in the stands are gett~ eemtantreinforcement of the ads at actual games and by listening to the radio during the week," said Berlant. "We felt that in our organization wanted to expand and try college advertising. We chose two area college, Cabrini and Gwynedd-Mercy, which were chosen because they have much more to offer then just athletics. That is what we wanted to express in running the ads,"said Richard Marks, account executive for WYSP and the Eagles. The next game which Cabrini will sponsor will be October 11, Eagles vs Kansas City Chiefs.
Where is the team?
byMaryAnne Walker staff writer
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In the past couple of weeks there has been a question of whether or not there will be a men's cross country team this season, due to the limited number of available runners. Despite the small numberof runners, to Tom O'Hora, who is both the men's and women's coach, there will be a team this year. At present, there is only one member on the men's team, sophomore, Doug Eppler. Five men are needed to compete in a race in order to receive a team score. Runners can still enter and compete individually however. With out five men, the team is disqualified. "We need more runners. It is a team sport and there is no experience necessary," said O'Hora. "For a number of years Cabrini College's cross country team has been considered one of the best out of small colleges. There is a new atmosphere this year because of Dr. Iadorola, the new president, and the athletic department is looking up." According to O 'Hora, new uniforms have been purchased and meets are scheduled. Four team members have been lost to graduation this past year. The team is without John Osborn, Chris Callinan, Tom O'Donnell, and H.J. Kelly. Junior, Joel McGovern, a former runner will not be returning because of the lack in aid he would be receiving. Also due to the fact that there is no complete team. O'Hora said that McGovern has been a definite asset to the team and will
be missed this season. 'Tm disappointed because I wanted a team," McGovern said, "If there were five decent, dedicated runners we could easily do well and win. I was never in it for myself. I would rather have a team championship then win as an individual." "It is obvious we need more guys on the team and the coach will take anyone he can get and will work with them to make the team successful," Eppler said. O'Hora said that recruitment was not as successful as he would have liked it to be. The coach recruited three high school runners, all with impressive cross country backgrounds. The three possibilities did not work out due to the location of Cabrini. O'Hora said he would continue his attempts at getting runners to Cabrini and hopes that next year is more successful. The men's and women's teams had their first meet on Saturday, September 19. It was held at the Bible Baptist College in Scranton and overall as individuals Denise Tucker and Doug Eppler both finished their respective races. Tucker, a sophomore, placed eighth in the women's three mile race. Doug Eppler, the only male runner on the day, finished the men's five mile race. "I really think Cabrini has potential for a great team," Eppler said, "we have had it in the past. It is disappointing that the tum out is so low but we are doing the best we can with what we have."
He said, She said
friday 1 sept. 25 3 1992
Cavs check King's in a dramatic win
by D'Alfcmsoand Noone Baseball wants to shorten the regular seasou and expand the playoffs ... She said: I guess I am a traditionalist or at least trv to be. I go to a baseball game beca~ I want to see two teams play the game. Granted there are certain teams that I like to watch more than others. 1 reallyjust to see two teams take the field and play a good game. I do not go to fan appreciation day to try and win a free trip. Yes, 162 games mak for a long season but I do not want to see t playoff system change. When there is ag pennant rnce going on the end of the se becomes veryexciting.Evenwhen the teams in first place are running away with their ·ve division$ it is still good to know playoff timethe best reams will h otbe,.(or 11D opportUDity te 8 Seriesandwau:h themost
by Brendan Noone
------~-.......:...:'-"'--_.___----:~;;,ile-:-photo VeronicaO'Hora sizes up the co- sports editor opponent.
In her sophomoreseason as field hockey coach Joan Quinn looks more confident. She looks more relaxed and most importantly,in total control. The ex-Williamand Mary field hockey player had a tough rookie season last year, but she is bouncing back w_ith. more experienceand a team which 1s starting to play together.
with a quicker style of play and took the home game 2-0. That win put two early season notches under coach Quinn's belt. It cootenct for thetitle. Not established the team with their first win of got "wildcanl" kdy. the season and most importantly it rewarded muingdleplayoffs the team with their first PAC win in the team's history. lleacbwidiateamof Thanks to a decision by Athletic Director dojusttut " . John Dzik, the condition of the field was an inl;oela"I feel more comfortable about this year," assist to the players. Dzik hired a private Quinn said. "I have a little more experience landscaping service to groom the field for the ..,...,.,raec=sa under my belt too." Immaculata game. This does not seem like clolltNJi Well, after four games, it looks as if the a big deal, but for a multi-purpose field secret of Quinn;s sophomore season is no which is the home for soccer, softball and mystery. To alter a famous sports phrase, field hockey, the wear and tear begins to take • just go out and play, baby . its toll. fbmetybet>•· tho playdf After two injury plagued losses, the Ca"Having a well groomed field is an intebrini ladies of fall played healthy and with a gral part of play." Quinn said. "The team is winningattitude.TheyswprisedImmaculata more able to demonstrate and utilize their
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playoffswillendsoonet. Havingmoreteams intheplayoffswUlmabittn0tebockeyetqqe where the playoffslook Jikethe regularseason. You have a clean slate whenyou start the season, Fans have the All-stargame to stuff the ballot boxfor their.favorites. The World Series should he the two best going at
He said: I guess I believe in the pastime, I guess everybody does. I believe in long, wet kisses that last for three days. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe in change and 1 believe that this game which we've all grown to know and love has to change. I believe baseball needs a change I believe the season is too long, it has become too meaningless, too pointless, you are lucky if you get one out of four divisions that have a good pennant race. Add at least two more teams from the American league and two more from the National league. opportunity to make it into the playoffs. that means that you have the number one and rwo teams making it into the.playoffs from National League Eastand from the American League East and the NL West andAL West. Your number one team in the Sastplays your number two team in dieWestandyournumberone team in theWe.sfplays,out number two team in the Bast l do" eot t,elieve in realignment if l beli'e\-e they should realign~..,.two top. I believe moreina~Mblilteball has to bange it is beiaf the fast pa<:edplayofl; 11hd,,lll • ..., arclosing ro.and they • ~,JD':~ Come
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dying to ~ ~ baseball is ... Iweulda't .. ~t,utjl_lst a long gameandilisa tin»~~ game,so is
seefft0l'e He onpage 1o
skills on a better surface." A big game on the field hockey schedule this year was last weeks Saturday game verse Kings College. Sandwich between two PAC challenges, Immaculata and Eastern, the Kings game was an important test on the Lady Cavs confidence and desire. Battling with not only Kings, but also the men's soccerteams for fans, the Cavs hosted their most dramatic game so far this Cabrini sports season. In the first half Quinn's team rallied behind goaltender Kerri Brambilla and played patience hockey. The second half was much of the same. Solid defense and steady goaltending kept the Cavs alive. Late in the second half, Senior co-captain Veronica O'Hora dished off to fellow Senior co-captain Christine Costigan. Witha minute and a half remaining Costigan scored the games only goal and ensured Cabrini with its second victory in as many games. "We had a rough start injury wise," Costigan said. "but we are fighting back and we want to win. Our motivation right now is 100 percent." According to Costigan this years team has more spirit now than it had all last year. They also have ex~riS!S. from last years disappointing season and they have grown as a team from last year. As Costigan puts it, "She(Quinn) knows what we have to do to win." Nooner Notes:Last winter Quinn and her team played indoor hockey to improve stick work and unity. According to Quinn it is paying off even eight months later.
Scoreboard Week's Results
athlete of the week
Gaherty attains goal byHeather
September peoglt;ilf ~ ..
Soccer Sat. 9/19
Cabrini 5
Del Val
staff writer Goalie is a position of instinct. As the waves of a game ebb and flow, a goalie may find himself in extraordinary situations. How he responds to those situations is dependent upon experience and reflexes. Do reflexes take over when experience is limited? Soccer player Kevin Gaherty. a senior, thinks so. Gaherty credits his instincts, in addition to strong teamwork, for bis sudden success in stepping between the posts and playing goal for the Cavaliers. Gaherty is a third-year soccer player who describes himself as "someone who comes off the bench to play." He was selected as athlete of the week because "he is a person who was thrust into a situation and responded in exemplary fashion," Athletic Director John Dzik said. According to Dzik, Gaherty was unexpectedly asked to play goal. . "Due to injury and inexperience our goalie situation was shaky. Kevin had played a little goal in a summer league. He went on to shutout the home team during his first intercollegiate game at that position," Dzik said.
Dzik credited soccer coach Duncan Hubley for giving Gaherty the opportunity to play goal. After the team's 6- l loss in their first game of the season against WestChester University, Hubley offered Gaherty the goalie position for the next game .. The Cavs shutout Baptist Bible College on the road by the score of 1-0. Dzik said, "Gaherty made several quality
Field Hockey Sat. 9/19 Tues. 9/22
Cabrini Cabrini O
King's College Eastern
O 4
Volleyball finished 2nd in the Rosemont Tournament def. Rosemont, Chestnut Hill, North Hampton Community and Harcum Jr. College Lost in the championship round to NE Christian
Women's Tennis Sat. 9/19 Mon. 9/21
Cabrini Cabrini
1 5
Phila. Textile 8 Beaver 4
Coming up Soccer Wed. 9/30
photoby DawnielleKlopp
Field Hockey saves in a very competitive situation." Since Gaherty remembered last year's loss ~gainst Baptist Bible, he appreciated this year's victory. "Baptist Bible shut us out 4-0 last year. They figured this would be a walkover win for them. Beating them was a great feeling,"Gaherty said. Gaherty recalled the competitiveness of his first college game in goal. "It was close right down to the end. I
Sat. 9/26 Tues. 9/29
Misercordia Bryn Mawr
Notre Dame Home Gwynedd-Mercy Home
Noon 4p.m.
Volleyball tues. 9/29
6 p.m. 6 p.m.
Women's Tennis Fri.
9/25 Sat. 9/26 Mon. 9/28 Wed. 9/30
Eastern Collegiate TourneyAway Eastern Collegiate TourneyAway Rosemont Away 3:30 p.m. Gwynedd-Mercy Away 4 p.m.
Cross Country
see moreathlete on pg. 10 Sat.
Phila. Metropolitan Home Noon