Oct. 02, 1992 Issue 04 Loquitur

Page 1

friday; oct. 2, .1992

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087


vol. xxxix no.4

Xavier makestouchdownin the mud

The debate continues by Rosanne Carfagno

staff writer Do Y(!U consider yourself vertically challenged or short? A first year student or a freshman? Physically challenged or handicapped? Housewife or a domestic engineer? How you answered these questions will determine if you are politically correct in your language or not. Political correctness started in colleges around the turn of the century. At that time, it was required that all college faculty be of the same religion that the college is affiliated with. Political correctness took on a new meaning in the I 960's when the country was in its most rebellious period. To be politically correct in the '60's meant to be to the "left" or liberal, versus being to the "right" or conservative. Today political correctness is being developed by college campuses to neutralize relationships among different religions, political groups, races and sexes. This system would preclude caste systems and the way you were brought up. Simply put, to be politically correct means that there is no difference between men and women, blacks and whites, homosexuals and heterosexuals, Catholics and Jews, and everyone is equal to each other across the

board. Dr. Kathleen Daley-McKinley, professor of sociology, does not feel that political correctness is present on Cabrini's campus. She feels that the faculty does not force positions or ideas on students and that they are free to speak their minds. ' McKinley said she feels that the teachers here want to "inform students, not stifle them." She said she believes that sometimes people do not realize the implications of what they say. McKinley said, "The assumption that 'all Irish people are dirty' may be a stereotype you are brought up with. My job is not to tell you that you are wrong in your assumption. It is to provide you with information so that you can make your own intelligent judgment, not rely on someone else's." Stereotypes and pre-existing ideas about certain groups and cultures play a big part in the way people treat each other. Bud Mellon, Communications Center supervisor, feels that a college campus is no place for political correctness. He said,

phOtoby D-awmelleKlopp

morepolitical p<J.6

On Friday, Sept. 25, residents of Xavier Hall participated in a strategic game of "mud" football. First-year students Kevin Besemer and Tom Hafter display their excitement after making a touchdown.

Increaseaocumentea1ntfie 6iologyaepartment by KeithAhlas

staff writer Cabrini College is traditionally known for its large English and communications program and for its well-developed educational program. However the most surprising increase in enrollment this fall was in the biology department._ Anna Kruse, chairperson of the biology department, credits the increase to the new rising trend of the demand for science majors. "There is a new trend for a high demand for jobs in the fields of biochemistry and research due to the ongoing epidemics such as AIDS, tuberculosis, and all areas of allied health. People are needed in the fields of

'We have about30 new studentsenrolled,but we feel that we may end up with about 1O studentswho will remainwiththe program.' - Dr. John Deturk

What's Happening Friday


t/ 8:30 pm Dave Binder "Any Reasonable Request" show WCGA

t/ 4:30 pm Alumni Mass Chapel

biochemistry and research," Kruse said. Kruse gave credit to Nancy Gardner, director of admissions, for informing and encouraging students to enroll in the science program here at Cabrini during the open house last year. Kruse also contacted by phone all who were interested in enrolling in the program. "There were over 60 students that were accepted into the science program this year. There were over 30 new students that enrolled into the biology program this year," Kruse said. The biology department is also offering a $500 scholarship to any first - year biology major who stays with this major all four years and is able to maintain a 3.2 grade point average. This is the first time that the biology department has offered this type of a scholarship to any student. No new equipment was added to the biology department, but, as Kruse said, "We are able to accommodate the students by rotating the people in the class so that all the students get the opportunity to use the equipment that is available." Dr. John DeTurck, professor of biology, said another reason for the increase in the number of biology majors is that there is also a high demand for people in the pharmaceu-



1 9

8 7 6 5 3 2

------1988 • Black

• Grey




t/ 10:30 am Mass t/ 12pm • 4 pm Kite Festival Athletic Field t/ 3pm - 5 pm Art Show Reception GHL

Monday t/ 9pm - 10 pm Aerobics Lanshe House









Between 1988-1992 there have been fluctuations in the number of students enrolled within the biology department. As of this new academic year there are 30 new students among transfers and firstyear students. However, this number is expected to drop sometime between now and their graduation due to the continual trend that has taken place in past years.

graphic by Ambreen Alladin

tical and toxicology fields, but that people are really also needed in the nursing and health care fields. "We are adjusting to trends. Most of the population is getting older and they need proper health and medical care," Kruse said. "It's a great program. It's not like high school though. There is a lot of work involved," Eileen Doyle, sophomore biology major, said. "It's a really tough program. I can see about half the students dropping out of it by

the end of the semester," Laura Mink, senior, former biology and now life science major, said. "We have about 30 new students enrolled, but we feel that we may end up with about lO students who will remain with the program," DeTurck said. "We are trying to encourage all the new students to stay with the program because there are a lot of good jobs available with good salaries," Kruse said.

more coverage in UPDATES!

Oct. 2 to Oct. 9 Sunday


Tuesday t/ 12 :30 pm Traffie Committee Mtg SSCR t/ 7:30 pm Homeless Outreach Mtg Campus Ministry

Wednesday t/ 9:30pm . 11 :30pm Budget hearings SGA office

Thursday t/ 9:30pm 11 :30pm Budget hearings SGA office

Friday t/ 11pm 2:15am TAXI 9718415



fridaYtoct. 2, 1992



I v,__ ie_WJ_p_o _____ in_t............. """""""". ~li~!~~.~!~~<:~.,!!~!~!!~, Thrifting:Linkingthe past to the present

only cloud communicationbut also bring about conflict and misunderstanding.In many ways a society with a "politically correct" conscious creates unnecessary baniers and conflicts. Politicalcorrectnessmakes people afraid to communicatewith one another.If a personfeelsunfamiliarwithpoliticallycorrectterminologythen he/shewill fear that their comments may offend someone. It alsoputspeopleon the defensive.To thosewhompoliticallycorrecttermsapply, it is almost expectedof them to get defensiveif they are not spokento in a "proper" manner. The wholeconceptbreaksdown our senseof the "communityof human kind" by placingpeople in fixed categories. · Politicalcorrectnessisfake.Thewholeconceptconsistsofthedisillusionednotion that our entire thought process will change as a result of an adjustment to our vocabulary. The truth is that our cultural and gender conflicts will not disappear through the alterationof our language. Our problems will continueto exist if we fail to deal with the actualreasons why we don't respectandacceptthe differenceswe possess.Sugar-coatingthe issueswith complex labels will not help matters, it will only add furthercomplications. We need to direct more energy toward respecting,understandingand learning about one anotherand place less emphasis on memorizingpoliticallycorrect terms that only make communicationincreasinglydifficult


~,: 1


Despite the fact that the tum-out for Braulio Munoz's lecture was relatively small, those in attendance all remarked that the speaker was movingandinspirational.This marksa terrificstartfortheLatinAmerican studiesprogram. What's the deal with this $25 fee for droppinga course? We all know the amountof redtape involved in processinganythingat this collegebut is the actualfee that large? The phrase "robbedblind" may apply here!

belinda desher arts and entertainment editor I have a Marsha Brady dress. Not an authentic frock that Maureen McCormick wore on the Brady Bunch series but one that I have been told resembles something that she might have worn. The Marsha Brady dress is easily recognized by my family and friends because it is cut in a typical '60s style: a short skirt with a tight bodice and no sleeves. The green, yellow and blue material resembles the curtains that hang in my grandmom's living room. When I wear this dress, I unleash my soul to the past and become a "hippie chic" without an era. It wasn't passed down to me. I bought it at a thrift shop. I love thrift shops. Each one is unique, slightly bizarre and grossly overlooked. By definition a thrift shop is "a store where cast off clothes and rummage are sold." To me, thrift shops are little treasure-troves. The articles sold are links from the past to the

Questioning a student's"right" To the editor:

I read with some concern the editorial SGA and the studentbody shouldbe congratulatedfor the successof regarding student rights. last week's "Thursdays." The tum-out was great and the organization The article concluded with the sentence, noticeable. Let's see if we can keep.thespirit up on a consistentbasis! "we decide the impression that is given



We all lovethe familiarfacesin the Wigwam but the serviceis entirely too slow. Maybe they could take a hint from McDonalds,"friendly,fast andfun."

I letters

Queen of Peace.

Sincerely, Rich Scattergood,security

Offended Catholic speaks Refusing to hide the truth To the editor: I am outragedat your lackof sensitivityto the Catholic beliefs concerning the Blessed Virgin Mary, when you published in your September 25th edition the story and picture of Paul Pfeieffer's creation entitled "Our Lady of Perpetual Health." The New York Times includes on its front page its policy, "All the News That's Fit to · Print." Why, with so many worthwhile stories to report, the Loquitur would choose to report this vulgar and bizarrehappening tothe Catholic collegecommunity, I do not know. Y ourpicture and storyof an artist's handiwork with condoms and pornography is an affront to all that is Catholic. ToadornastatueoftheBlessedVirgin Mary in this is a direct assault against the Catholic mind and heart. By publishingthe story and picture of Pfeieffer's work, you have compounded this insult. In a world growing ever darker an more confused in its collective thinking, Catholic teaching is very clear (as taken from the Litany of Loreto). It is a strange paradox that in a world so hungry for real peace, bothpersonal and global, we would allow freedom of expression in art to blaspheme and insult Mary Immaculate, the

To the editor: I had mixed feelings in regards to Dana Caterson's article on Cabrini's rape policy. On the one hand, I was pleased to seethat Cabrini is acknowledgingthat rape is a problem on college campuses. This is something that I have been fighting for years. Rape happens and it happens here. Victims of rapecannot be swept under the rug and kept silent, because that would be like victimizing her again. However, I am very upset over a quote by Richard Kralle, director of campus security. He was quoted as saying that "there has never been a reported rape on record" I wantto go on record as saying my rapewas reported to this school and to the police in March and April of 1990. There is no excuse for victimizingrape victims a second time by not admitting that it happens, and it happens even on sheltered campuses. If the administrationcould admit that it happened back in 1990, and refer me to Women Against Rape, then I cannot understand why they cannot admit it in writing now. This is a topic I feel strongly about, as the first-year students at orientation know, and I will no longer be swept under the rug and remain silent.

Sincerely, Rachel(Sakowitz)Manetta,senior

present. The first item I bought was a maize colored sweater with a missing button. After I bought it I wore it all winter long during my junior year in high school. Ifl would get bored on my way home I would try to imagine who the previous owner of this sweater was and how that button was lost. My favorite theory is that somebody's grandfather used to wear this sweater every time he read a story. Maybe the button fell off one night and is still lodged under the cushion of his favorite old chair. One of the woolen suit Jackets I bought at a thrift shop has a loud plaid pattern that I have never seen duplicated. It looks like something a car salesman might have worn in the mid-'70s. I shop just about anywhere but I think I enjoy thrift shopping the most because I never know what I will find. Being in a thrift shop is like rooting through an attic. You can find clothe.s~, toys, and old furniture that are only collecting dust. Having visited various thrift shops, I have seen mad-hatter-tea-party hats, velvet bell-bottom pants, and prom dresses that look like they have been around since the '50s. Besides all this the prices cannot be beat. I have three suit jackets in my closet and not one of them cost over $6. I am passing this information on with the hope that someone will take advantage of an unusual resource. Not everyone will be as fortunate as me to find a Marsha Brady dress but if nothing else perhaps an interesting discovery may be made. My grandfather used to say "one man's junk is another man's treasure." Treasure hunting is not a bad way to spend a Sunday afternoon.

off." That is correct. Mr. Latvenus did decide the impression that was given off and the impression that the administration was left with was that he was not the most qualified for the position of R.A. I read in the news article that Mr. Latvenus was aware of prank calls make from his room and that he was not there for the majority of the calls. (I can only assume that he was there fora minority of the calls.) He should have been aware of the alcohol policy on campus and yet he chose to come to a basketball game intoxicated. He is fortunate that security did not summon the police to the gym to have him arrested. I think that what Mr. Latvenus hasn't realized that this is the real world and the real world doesn't give second chances. If this administration is guilty of any offense, it is considering Mr. Latvenus as a potential R.A. after last year's incidents. The administration is responsible for the entire student body and is not required to lower its standards to accommodate students who are not qualified. Yes we do choose what impression we will give. Mr. Latvenus has clearly decided to show us that he is not R.A. material.

Sincerely, Nancy Brown Continuing Education Student

Icouectlorij Pam Weekes' name was mispelled in issue number three.


Editor-in-chie1: Kimberly M. Haban Managing Editor: MaryJane Inman Perspectives Editor: MaryJane Inman News Editors: Kelly Adams and Megan Flanigan Arts and Entertainment Editor: Belinda Descher Features Editor: Katherine Ross Sports Editors: Deanna D'Alfonso and Brendan Noone Graphic Designer: Ambreen Alladin and Tim Conway Copy Editor: Kevin Ohland! Business Manager: Diane Osborn Photography Editor: Lorraine M. Lill Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Cra,gie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Keith Ahlas. Ambreen Allad,n, Roseanne Carfagno.Dana Caterson, Alicia Crego, Paul Crowell, Danielle DiMarco, Connne Egan, Douglas Eppler Jr., Robert Evans, Christine Labroli, Robert Macartney. Matthew Macsisak. Steve May, Heather McAllister, Kevin Olandt, Maryanne Walker, Gary White Photography Staff: Enc Barbuscia, Stephanie Bieg, Christine Costigan, Dawnielle Klopp, Kendre Martin Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship knownto the editors. However, if the writer \\ishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqultur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of


friday, oct. 2, 1992,




Studying Latin America Learnjngto conservelife hyKatherine Bou features editor When thinking of Latin America, one may envision a Mexican vacation spot, gambling joints in Havana, or Juan Valdez. However, the 23 individual cultures from this continent may be overlooked. The area studies program will focus on Latin America this year at Cabrini College. Anne Iskrant, part-time professor, and Dr. Jolyitn Girard, chairman of the history department, said that Latin America was chosen because there were already faculty on campus with a background and expertise in Latin America. "Next year there will be a focus on Native-American and African American cultures," Girard said. "The school is going to have to go out and hire someone to teach those courses. This year Mrs. Iskrant and I were able to teach the courses being offered." Iskrant is teaching a course in Latin American literature and Girard is teaching a course on Christopher Columbus. Another course offered this fall is Spanish for Educa-

tors. There are also classes being planned for the spring that center around this theme. According to the area studies program pamphlet, the goal of the area studies program is to familiarize students over their four years at Cabrini, with at least three cultures which are different from the Western European, North American heritage. "Awareness is a point of the program," Girard said. "The program will take you to a second level to look at other cultures that haven't been studied and compare and contrast them to what you are already familiar with." "Studying cultural diversity asks that you go down !1road educationally less traveled," Girard said. "The college has made a commitment to immerse itself in a culture," Girard said. "Focusing on a culture for a whole year gives a student more then a taste of that culture." 'Toeprogramhasnoformalfunding,"Iskrant said. "The banner that hangs outside the library is meant to be a visual symbol for the program. Funding for the banner came from the development office."

On'lbunday.Oct; 8DiaiieWood,vice- nlllbaadiftiwaa."' presidentfat LadoAaa,rica acl CaribWoodllidibebls--' ...... bean piOllamt fat dlDWorldWildlife c:aarvaion.bulm,m~•-• M Flmd(WWP). willpresentaJlctuiecaDecl.... eotamed .... -., '"TheWebofConservllkJI.,. '11leleccum--.,4 ..Woadlllid.., IIDlllOI 1111111. is a part of the Ladn Americasbdel )GI Clll't 00 illis WI& wilboutbeiltl prvgxamleriesofferedto atudeata 1be WWF'a-primary focus is far the w.msUJOdJedim:b'dtbD-protectionof natuJe andecologicalsys- gowacmimatoa:gaiZID)IIS..,,.._,.._ wbii:lliadl,llpi,drollsistlocalCf!M" tana.aloatwidladdn,uiqbumanneeda WWP, ......... ,..., and1heirresourceuaefor the specific IICIWlionNpi--il countries in Latia America. The pro- raisingllldp1111udew:lcp1• w-..w • ...._ • ......,_.. pamaincludecloaeto 300 projectsin 27 COIDltries. malllllran lreeiw.... die •••• Woodsaid she has alnys lovedld- b,Wuth aide,111p-dwc,-.,.. .... ., ......... . encefrom the dme she was • under· todle1-t1 8flduatestudying in inter-radionicsal Jl,q p,d~ CornellUniversky,butjoining the Peace Mldlcftll1lil!IPWood'Slidllbe.__ Corps and being usiped to Parapay is andddwtRtllmabpenmimpedeaa• wbeleWood Uid she'NC8iDemteftlllted '1atiltfwinDM,J011dDMawftlllatd'f I -,IPJC!ftl Id in tAtin ~ Accclriting to Woc,d. )'Ollcba'tlllldy."Woodsaid 'Yatoo shes&aded warkinJfordlO WWFbecause aayonetoaetimdwld."Woodllid. she saidtt•,puapoee it based on the con- ridlanextdocr...,.... servationLatin ~ countriesem-


SGA presenting fresh ideas to students by Dana Caterson

staff writer

photo by EricBarbuscia

Sophomore Gary White, juniors Patricia Daley and Joann Carbone and SGA president Kim Marshall are discussing the new ideas they have planned for the new year. SGA meets Tuesdays at 1p.m. to get suggestions from the student body as to what they would want or even to express complaints. SGA wants the students to know that they are here for them and would like to help students anyway possible. There are many positive things planned. "Thursdays" is just one of many activities sponsored by SGA that is back by popular demand and because this is election year, SGA wants the campus community to be informed about voting by getting students to register and vote.







•• • • •

This year the Student Government Association (SGA) has three major goals, despite the fact they are combating a lack of interest by students on campus. SGA treasurer, Charlene Adams said, "our three main goals are to get students more involved, to give students something major to do every week and to be able to have many people eager to be on the executive board." , The executive board consists of eight students. Last year, every board member ran unopposed during the elections. "This was a true sign that students were not paying attention," said Anne Marie Mauro, social activities assistant. "Word of mouth is our biggest thing. I don't want to run unopposed," Adams said. "I'll do a better job if I'm faced with competition." "I feel weird saying this but I don't know who is on SGA." Amy Sborlini, sophomore said, "For me it doesn't seem to be a big thing around here." Senior Dave Thompson feels differently about SGA. Thompson said, "I like SGA because it benefits the school. I'm all for it." As a result, Kimberly Marshall, SGA president, hopes to raise the level of spirit among students. "This year we want people to come to us with problems or suggestions for SGA." Marshall said, "In the past students have looked to us for the activities and nothing more. Instead we want to be more of a voice for the students." The SGA holds a general meeting every other Tuesday, which is open to all students. At each meeting the agenda for the semester is discussed. Some of the major issues SGA is working on for the year include having a 24- hour parietal policy, sponsoring a Seminar 300 project, running TAXI service and going over the newly written party policy. According to Marshall that list is only scratching the surface. As the year continues, "webope to address political election issues and sponsor more speakers too." SGA also sponsors intramurals, which

include three sports-flag football, volleyball and softball. Adams said, "it went over well last year but lacked organization. This year we are more prepared." Consistency and organization are what the SGA executive board hope to have. Marshall said, "By being consistent, I hope

'Word of mouth is our biggest thing. I don't want to run unopposed. I'll do a better job if I'm faced with competition.' Charlene Adams, SGA treasurer

to have an activity every week for the students to be more involved with the college." Gary White, corresponding secretary of SGA, started his position this year. White's job is to be the communicator between the clubs and the SGA executive board. White said, "I'm new but most of the clubs don't do much and should get organized." "Everyone complains there is nothing to do at school. As of this year, it will change," Adams said, "We are here for the students. They are our backbone; we represent them."




Making memories happen "Through the Years" by Danielle L. DiMarco staff writer

"Through the Years" Cabrini College has experienced numerous parents weekends. Each one different; each one unique. This year Kappa Sigma Omega enthusiastically plans the upcoming Parents Weekend and hopes you will remember all the fun "Through the Years." Toe Parents Weekend from last year is often thought back on with fondness and we will think about" ...The Time to Remember." Students and parents will remember the homecoming court driving around Cabrini's campus and the memorable dinner dance. First-year students now have the opportunity to join our activities and become part of our precious memories. Parents Weekend is an opportunity for the parents to become a part of Cabrini's community. "I think Parents Weekend is a time to get to know other families and students," said Heather Teti, first-year student. "It is an opportunity for the parents to get to know the school and spend time with their child." Teti and her parents are excited about this year's events. They are also anticipating the dinner dance held at the Valley Forge Hilton. What Teti's parents and other parents can look forward to is an assortment of events occurring on campus. An example is this year's parade. "This year the parade is taking a longer route around campus," said Christina Rudden, president of Kappa Sigma Omega, the college service organization. Last year, the float parade had the largest turnout. The dinner dance also included the maximum amount of people ever in attendance. All and all, Parents Weekend had a

huge turn out and Kappa hopes to have a repeat of last years crowd. Monica Scaramuzza, first-year student, is one of the few first-year students that has attended Parents Weekend. She previously accompanied her sister Christine Scaramuzza, senior. "I think it's a shame for people who don't get involved," Scaramuzza said. "I had a lot of fun and I think it's a good chance to meet a lot of nice people." Monica Scaramuzza said she convinced her roommate, Mindy Piekutowski, to attend this years Parents Weekend. "I hope to have a good time and I think my parents will feel more at ease about me being on my own," Piekutowski said. Piekutowski's parents said they expect Parents Weekend to be a learning experience. "I hope to meet other students and their parents and exchange family values," Richard Piekutowski, Mindy's father said. "The main reason why I'm attending parents weekend is because I miss my daughter."

'My main reasonfor attendingis to see my little girl' Kevin Kavanagh, first-year student's parent

Feelings of absence between parents and

their children is a common incentive for visi-


The annual kite festival, One Sky One World, is just one of the many events planned during parents weekend.

tation during Parents Weekend. Kevin Kavanagh, fatherofKim Kavanagh, first-year student, said his main reason for attending is "to see my little girl." This has been the primary motive for parents experiencing Parents Weekend. They miss their children and want to become involved with their lives on Cabrini's campus. Jeanne Czech, mother of junior Stephen Czech, is attending her third Parents Weekend. What makes this year's experience different than the past years? "This year I am coming up early to participate in Cabrini's activities," Czech said. Sports is another incentive for parents to become involved with the multitude of activities prepared for them. Soccer is scheduled to for Saturday at 2 p.m. against Holy Family. This is different than last year because the soccer team traveled to Virginia for an away game. Christine Sc a ram uzza' s father becomes involved with Cabrini's sports program

during Parents Weekend. During the rest of the year he rarely has a chance to support the college games. . "Parents Weekend is the only time I have to enjoy the games," Scaramuzza said. Something different is planned for this year, in order to include the students whose parents are not able to attend. They are running a van service for students to the dinner dance. Mollie Chesna, junior, has participated in two Parents Weekends, and her parents have never been. !Wle. to accompany her to Cabrini's Parents Weekend. "My parents haven't been able to make it to Parents Weekend, so I strongly suggest going with friends and their families," Chesna said. Parents Weekend is an opportunity for everyone to become involved. It is a gathering of students, parents, professors and alumni alike. The plethora of activities will revolve through the day, as well as "Through the Years."

Presenting the past:

Learning to tie dye in the 90s


by Kelly McDonald


staff writer

As you look around and see yourself surrounded by tie dye do you feel as though you should be wearing a pair of bell bottom jeans at Woodstock? You are actually just recalling what took place at the annual fall barbecue held for Xavier residents. This idea originated from the RA's who used it to support their theme for the leadership conference. The theme, "Make it Happen" was used to describe the groovy teeshirts they "made happen" by tie dying. Tie dying is a ·creative fashion, that allows the reserved college student to transform into the rebellious, peace-loving hippy from the past. Tie dying is inexpensive and only requires a few materials. The Craft Center in the Gateway Shopping Center carries two types of dye. The first is Dylon, a cold water dye. The cost of each color is $2.99. The second type is Tintex. It can be used in either warm or hot water. The cost of each color is $1. 79. Other materials necessary in tie dying are clothes pins, clothes line, buckets, sponges and rubberbands. The traditional rubberband method is the most populartechnique in tie dying. By twisting the shirt and tying knots with rubberbands, white rings will be created where the rubberbands are. Then dip in different colors to create the tie dye look. To create the star burst or spiral pattern, start twisting in the center and tying with rubberbands. Continue tying in a circular pattern. Then dip in different colors. People tie dyed shirts, shorts, sheets,


and school bags. Angie Bruce, who tie dyed her school bag, said "It was a fun experience as well as an icebreaker." "Tie dying is an activity a lot of people can participate in," Missy von Siegel, RA said. "A few of us knew the basics and we could show the others what to do." Marianne DeFruscio, assistant director of resident life, said, "The barbecue presented a great opportunity to be outside and meet each ·other, everyone who participated in tie dying had a good time, as well as those who watched.

ac,ore... Unquote

MIier·• lllte: TIiellloqhts and say.... la ..-

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f/1 die editor.

Mymotherhada greatdealof troublewithme,butI think she enjoyedit. -Mark Twain





ADDRESS:. ______________________







arts & entertainment

lo uitur

frida , oct. 2, 1992

Entertainment free for college students one day only

Binderaccepts any reasonable request by Douglas Eppler

Picture an evening with the likes of James Taylor, U2, The Rolling Stones, Eric Clapton, and dozens more of your favorite artists. Want to see it? No problem. When Dave Binder is in the house, your favorites come with him. Binder, 36, is a folk/rock guitarist who will appear at Cabrini in the Widener Center Gathering Area on Oct. 2 from 9-11 p.m. as part of Cabrini's Parents Weekend. He describes his program "Any Reasonable Request" as a "free for all" and adds that "you can't plan these shows." A student of the guitar since the age of7, Binder first performed professionally when he was 15. He studied music and was a voice major at the University of Lowell. A native of Massachusetts, Binder has been living in New Hampshire for five years. Binder began his college tours while in college. Each semester he travels to over 60 colleges. This will be his second appearance at Cabrini. He cites the college audience as his motivation. "I really like the college audience. They're educated. They like good music," Binder said. Despite years of traveling and hundreds of schools, Binderrecalls one trip to Springfield College in Massachusetts vividly.

by Belinda Desher arts & entertainment editor

'J\n evening of Choices in Classic Rock 'n' Roll" will be presented by guitarist, Dave Binder on Oct. 2 to kick off Parents Weekend. Shortly before his show began, Binder said the president of the senior class of Springfield was involved in a racial skirmish and killed. Binder's show went on. Hours after the tragic loss of their classmate and friend, a morose and silent audience sat before Binder. He played on. Bi~der said the evening became a memorial service and a major challenge. By the end of the evening though, thousands left the show with teary smiles and gratitude. Binder's personal musical preferences include James Taylor, Jimmy Buffet, Phil Collins, and other classic/folk rock artists. "I like different kinds of stuff," Binder

said. Also touring with Binder is his partnerofsix andahalfyears, his dog, Pasha. Binder said he will play anything . "If I don't know it, 111fake it, Binder said "Students are encouraged to request and dedicate songs to different people in the audience which makes it fun." Binder plans to play some of his own material during his show. "It isn't typical," Binder said in regards to his show. Binder encourages students to go to the show and hopes parents will enjoy it as well. Binder will have copies of his CD on sale in the Gathering Area.

Getting something for nothing does not happen often. Free admission for college students to some of Philadelphia's most historical, entertaining and cultural centers only happens once a year. "College Day on the Parkway" is offering students from area colleges the chance to taste a bit of Philadelphia entertainment and the opportunity to meet other college students on Saturday, Oct. 3 from 11-5 p.m. All that is required is a valid student ID. "College Day on the Parkway" is hosted by: The Academy of Natural Sciences, The Franklin Institute Science Museum, The Paley/Levy Galleries at Moore College of Art and Design, The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, and The Philadelphia Museum of Art, and the Rodin Museum. The museums, all in close proximity to one another, ar-;To"cated along the Benjamin Franklin Parkway. Each museum will sponsor tours, programs, and. raffles. The Philadelphia Museum of Art is offering student memberships and discounts. For further information, call 763-8100 x28 l.

"Rocketman"rocks Philly

Playboy moseysinto Malvern

by Kevin Ohlandt

copy editor

by Corinne Egan staff writer "Pia yboy of the Western World " first premiered in Dublin, Ireland in 1907. At the time nationalism was growing in Ireland and audiences dido' t appreciate the "comic vision of peasant life" that Playboy portrayed. Accordto the playbill the same reaction was demonstrated by audiences in Philadelphia in 1911. This is not the case in 1992. TheaudienceatThePeople'sLight and Theatre company did everything but object. Pictureyourself inasmall thatched cottage in a village onIreland's Western coast called County Mayo. Seven professional actors did a superbjob showing how the residents of a small town makeand unmakea hero out ofayoungoutlaw who seeks refuge in their village. The name of the young outlaw is Christy Mahon who is on the run because he supposedly killed his father. The residents of County Mayo regard Christy as a legend for doing such a noble act. Christy becomes


John Lumia, portrays Christy Mahon, the playboy of the western world who the run for murder finding mayham along his travels. the most popular person in town especially to all the young ladies. Christy enjoys his instant heroism and gets everything his little heart desires, even thewomanheloves,MargaretAaherty. Until... Until an unexpected visitor blows Christy's cover and makes him look like a liar. Everything suddenly changes. The people who put him on a pedestal now treat him like dirt and Margaret won't even look at him. Christy is called a liar and a cheat. Does Christy win back the trust among the community and the love of his girl or does he end up back on the streets looking for refuge in the



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next town? The only way to find the answer to this question is to see the talent of these professional actors and actresses live on stage. In an attempt to make the stage as authentic as possible some of the props came directly from the Emerald Isle. Playboy will also be· a learning experience. Do you know what a "cleeve" is? What in the world is a "Porter?" Answers to these questions can be found in the handy little Gaelic glossary inside the playbill. The classic Irish comedy is appearing now through Oct. 25 at The People's Light and Theatre company located in Malvern at 39 Conestoga Rd. For tickets call 644-3500. Tickets start at$ 5 for students with ID. General admission is $IO and front row seats are $15.

Last Tuesday night, I saw Elton John at the Spectrum in Philadelphia. As I walked into the sold out concert, the crowd appeared to be very anxious for Elton to start the show. A half hour after the show was supposed to start, Elton's band, climbed onto the stage. Then came the man I have waited over twelve years to actually see in person, Elton John. Elton went right up to the piano, and began playing "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me." He sang with a ferocious roughness that brought the Spectrum down to it's knees. He and the band then kicked in on "Philadelphia Freedom." After a few more older songs, Elton sang "The One."During this song, the platform Elton was on began to rise and rotate. This gave his fans to the back of him a chance . to see the legendary Rocket Man. The crowd turned very somber during a track from Elton's latest offering, "The One," entitled "The Last Song." Elton sang this song with a deep pain, as it was a song about a father of a friend of his dying of AIDS. After that, Elton announcing this was his twenty-third year of playing in the city of brotherly love. He then gave the fans a stunning piano solo that left the crowd speechless. His hands were moving quicker than a runaway train. By this time, the audience just couldn't get enough of Elton. No one was leaving their seats at all. Junior Elisa Daylor said "It was nothing like my first concert, Perry Como. But it was just great. Elton rocked the place, and Perry didn't.

As the concert was drawing to a close, Elton delivered a wonderful rendition of"Rocket Man." The lights moved around the arena as if they were stars. To many fans, this was Elton John at his best. But during "Daniel", Elton was unable to hit the high notes he used to be able to do with relative ease. The crowd could not sing along with the aging singer. Elton made up for "Daniel" with three incredible encores. The first one had Elton singing "The Bitch is Back," and boy was she ever. Then he performed histributetoMarilynMonroe, "Candle In the Wind" Elton thanked the crowd and left. When he came back he said "Philadelphia, this song is your song." After singing "Your Song," Elton said goodbye, and I was left wanting more.

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more POLITICAL from 1 You can't change a person's attitudes by changing their language." Mellon said he feels that we are putting more importance on the words instead of the meanings. Mellon said, "Maybe if we had less barriers we could really talk to each other." Chris Pesotski, student loan officer and recent gradu-' ate, feels that, unfortunately, you have to be politically correct to get anywhere in business. Random nicotine testing and changes in everyday vocabulary are just two of the things that ne said he disagrees with. Pesotski said, "The nice thing about language is that we use it to communicate with each other. Political correctness changes the language so no one understands what you're talking about." This idea is echoed by a vice president of a professional services company who is required to hire and fire people. He feels that as the business world goes, political correctness would implement a quota system where the work force needs to be balanced out equally. Every

'The nice thing about language is that we use it to communicate with each other. Political correctness changes the language so no one understands what you are talking about.' Chris Pesotski, student loan officer

aotjceGe01 ocatj11a1e company would be required to have a certain amount of women, a certain amount of minorities, a certain amount of handicapped workers, etc. He said, "The problem with that type of system occurs when people get jobs just because they fit into that quota, not because they are the most qualified for the job." Business managers like to hire people like themselves, he said, "Commonalities in business are a must for people

that you work with because you have to share a sense of trust with a colleague." Many businesses are based on family structure. "A middle aged man with a wife, two children and a mortgage is much more appealing to a company than a 26 year old single female because the man is more stable," he said. He added, "You can never prove it, and no one would ever admit it, but it's still a man's world out there." He also points out that political correctness might work if everyone were equal and this were an ideal world. The problem is that everyone is not equal and this is far from an ideal world. An academic counselor here on campus feels that political correctness is something the students should be aware of but it's not something they put a great deal of emphasis on. She said she feels that minorities see itas being important because it supposedly gives everyone a fair chance. A junior political science major said that there is a general unawareness among students on campus, but that it's not really a major concern. He said, "I don't like someone trying to tell me how to talk or what to say. Where do you draw the line?" Mellon echoes the same thought when he said, "I don't agree with what the Ku Klux Klan has to say, but I will fight for their right to say it."

updates OUR corner l0/4 - 11/1 Diane Lachman's "Natural Formations" 0 Artist Diane Lachman's exhibition entitled "Natural Formations" will be shown in the Fine Arts Gallery in the Library beginning on Sunday, Oct. 4 and ending of Nov. I . Lachman primarily works with the water-color and oil medium and her most important influence is color theory. There will be a reception from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Fine Arts Gallery. All are welcome to attend. Contact the Fine Arts department at ext. 8380. or Jini Loos in Public Relations at ext. 8255. 10/3, l0/4 & 10/ll Special Mass Schedules 0 The annual Alumni Mass will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 3 in the Chapel. All are welcome to attend. In honor of Parents Weekend, a special liturgy will be held on Sunday, Oct. 4 at I 0:30 a.m. in the Chapel. Another mass will be held at 6 p.m. that evening. Due to the Dean's Fall Holiday, only one mass will be held on Sunday, October 11 at 6 p.m. in the Chapel. 10/5 Aerobic Classes 0 Beginning Monday, Oct. 5, aerobics classes will be held in House 6 every Monday from 9 to IO p.m. and Wednesday from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. Classes will be taught by Mary Jane Inman, Kim Marshall and Colleen Reemer. There is no charge. Contact Susan Riley at 964-0658 or mailbox 225. l0/6 History, Pre Law and Political Science Club Meeting 0 There will be a meeting for the History, Pre-Law, Political Science Club onTuesday,Oct.6at 12:45µ.m. in room 207 in Sacred Heart Hall. All are welcome to attend. Additional meetings will be h'!ld every other week. Contact Melissa Farra through Box 314 or Mr. Hedtke at ext. 8336 if you are interested and unable to attend.

10/6 Budget Hearings 0 There will be a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 6 in the Student Government Association (SGA) office from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. for all club presidents, vice presidents and class vice presidents concerning the Budget hear:. ings The actual Budget Hearings will beheld on Wednesday, Oct. 7 and Thursday, Oct. 8 from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. also in the SGA office. 10/6 Homeless Outreach Meeting 0 There will be a Homeless Outreach Training and Information session on Tuesday, Oct 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Dean of Students Conference Room. Please contact Lisa Lipar, Tricia Loughran or campus ministry at ext. 8226. J.S)D_

Ethnic Student Association 0 The Ethnic Student Association formerly known as the Black Student Alliance - will meet every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Dean of Students Conference Room in Widener Center. all are welcome to attend. Contact Scott Dorsey at ext. 8459. 10/13, 10/14, 10/15 11/5, 11/11, 11/12&1 l/13 Senior Portraits 0 Sign up times are available in the Student Services office for senior portraitsittings on Oct. 13 to 15 and on Nov. 5, 11, 12and 13. Sittingsbeginat9a.m. and end at 4:55 p.m. There is a $12 sitting fee, due at the time of the sitting. Contact Lisa Naab at ext. 8412 or through mailbox 293 if you have any questions. ln order to have your picture in the yearbook you must return the prints to the photography studio by March 15, 1993. 10/9 To have your event covered in OUR Comer contact Kelly Adams in the newsroom at 971-8412 or through mailbox 414.

National 0 12-year-old Awarded "Divorce" From Parents - Twelve-year-old Gregory Kingsley was awarded a "divorce" from his natural parents, a landmark decision in children's rights, late last week. Kingsley's natural father did not contest the child's request, however his natural mother, Rachel Kingsley; fought bitterly. CircuitJ udge Thomas Kirk said his decision was based on Rachel Kingsley's consistent neglect for the child, who had spent the majority of his life in foster care. Kingsley was immediately adopted by his foster parents, George and Lizabeth Russ. 0 Perot Ponders Return To Presidential Race - In an eleventh-hour maneuver, Dallas business mogul Ross Perot may reenter the I 992 presidential race as early as this week. Perot said he was considering returning to the race due to dissatisfaction with the economic platforms of President Bush and Democratic candidate Bill Clinton.

0 "Magic" Johnson Resigns AIDS Post - Retired basketball star Earvin "Magic" Johnson resigned his post on the National Commission on AIDS last week. Johnson's resignation was based on what he felt was the Bush administration• s complete disregard for the work of the commission. Upon his

resignation, Johnson soundly criticized President Bush for battling the AIDS epidemic with what Johnson called "lip service and photo opportunities."

International 0 Mandela and de Klerk Lay a "Sound Basis" For Apartheid Reform - African National Congress President Nelson Mandel and South African Resident F.W. de Klerk said that a "sound basis" was in place after an eight-hour meeting, the first since December. The men discussed forming a non-racial constitution and a multi-racial government in South Africa, that would effectively end apartheid.

Local 0 Hurricane Danielle Hits Jersey and Delaware Coasts - Tropical Storm Danielle raked the coasts of New Jersey and Delaware late last week, causing widespread flooding and beach erosion, as well as some evacuations. No structural damage or injuries were reported. The sources for this capsule are the Philadelphia Inquirer, The New York Times and the Times Herald. Compiled by Kelly Adams.

ecurity corner Security incidents as reported by the security office from Monday, Sept. 21 to Tuesday, Sept. 29 Domestic Dispute 0 9/23/92 - Xavier parking lot - A female Cabrini student had an argument with her boyfriend, a non-Cabrini student. The security officer on duty intervened and the event ended without incident. Disorderly Conduct 0 9/27/92 - Sullivan House - A fist fight among three male Cabrini students was reported to security. No more punches were thrown afterthe arrival of the security guard. The incident ended with no substantial injuries to any involved.


Breaking & Entering 0 9/27 /92 - Infante House - A female student reported finding two males in the house kitchen after parietals. The men reportedly entered the house through the kitchen window. One suspect was verbally abusive to the female student and she called security to have the men removed. The males left the house before security arrived.

·Cabrini nutrition: 'Not the stuff of champions' the cafeteria open until 7:00 p.m. "because practices are usually 4p.m.-6p.m.so athletes can't get a "Not dle stuff of champions" relaxed dinner. "Quinn said. is how softball Coach Jim DonnaBeck, the bead of food Hedrte describes Seile:rs• box servicesfor Sellers, said "John lunchespacbcl for road lript (Dl:it) ad I have discussed this Coach John Ddk. die .... and need to 1111k to Jobp Barclay ledc:dil1ctor and bead coach of bocauaeit wouldaffect makfast. butetbeD and .,at, bas tbn,e 1UDCh and dinner." •ggesdms for tile people at . ~ Poto, • sophomore Seften. volleyballplayw.aid. "By 6p.m.

dinner, more nutritional. '1be captains get to pick the box lunches, but thereisn't much choice, "DaveThompson said. The lunchesusuallyincludea sandwich, potato chips and soda. Once in a while there are cookies and fruit. 'Ibis is ""poorfood for athletes." according to Heddceabout the box lunches. Beet said. "Juice boxes would not br:p in a box lunch." She also Dzit'•fint~ilwith alldlefo94... 111d by 6:30 die said.., will bewil1iDgtoacmmmocafelaia'•time of open,. .. is Mdy to lcjeve... Dave dlre the adlletesas-, asl bave48


............. ..

mo."Telt,-iaat• mvotwo ... ...,.............


Ut6toaeedlie.,....open .Cl'l!ll!IMll!lii --


more workout from pg 8

I will givethe studentwhatever they want andas muchas they wantas longas I have48 hours notice."

AnolbetsuggestiooDr.ikbad isforthesdlOOItoimtallasports buffet in the cafeteria.Tllis is a llble c. roodltdesignMrdby a IBlbilionist to be goodfU' a IIUdmtalWde to at. Becksaid, "1bcaeis alwaysa ll8R:hat everymeal We try to axxmntodMe1he llbldl:llateve,y meal" Beck is allo opento havinga dieddlllCClllle in -1

andlDnumberi." Dzik wouldalso lib to seedie JeVnlbelDIIIIL mddeDl student adlleeesbe .... UWemedasy111m•will bafildle...._ ..__ bur-4farmisaed .... "1 alouW be ~ fC)( lkllklbr.:1edlwldaiall tiff JQn.nanes,


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Tucker recommends making an appointment to visit the King of Prussia club to become familiar with the environment before joining. "We'll take you around to see everything first. New members then have a general orientation. You meet your trainer who will explain all the machines and help you create an individual exercise program, if that's what you want." There does exist another exercise facility accessible to Cabrini students. While many students pass Radnor Senior High School as they drive along King of Prussia Road, few realize the wealth of physical fitness equipment that the school offers to college students . Any Cabrini student may use Radnor High School's fitness center. Jeannie Marek, the school's main office secretary, said that using the Radnor facility is very simple. "All students must fill out a·medical form that may be picked up at the center. The cost per visit is $1 for th~der 21 and $2 for those over 21." Marek said that the center recently has been expanded. "We used to have two cafeterias but we closed off one of them and moved the exercise equipment there. Students should know that we now have a new entrance to the center. We used to be located near the swimming pool. Now the entrance is at the front of the building by the courtyard and the flagpole. The entrance faces Lancaster A venue." Radnor also offers the service of skilled staff people. "We always have a trained fitness person on duty from Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine," Marek said. According to David Hirsch, junior, "It's awesome! Fora$! a visit you get extensive free weights and every practical Nautilus machine you could use. I really love it." Hirsch agreed that staff people at Radnor are helpful. "There's always a trainer on duty to answer questions about weight programs and to give dietary advice. They'll even help you design your own weight program." The hours for Radnor High School's fitness center are 2:30p.m.-9 p.m. on weekdays and 11 a.m. -3 p.m. on Saturdays. It is sponsored by Bryn Mawr Sports Medicine as a public service. "It's really a shame that only a couple of Cabrini students utilize it," Hirsch said. "Nobody bothers you, everyone's our age and it's only a mile down the road from .us." Dzik said, "Students who are unhappy should take a nice brisk walk down to Radnor and back. It's only about a mile and it would be good exercise. Besides, many students have cars. You can't beat their offer and we're really lucky they made it available to us."

................ ,, .. ...............



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Weight no more, fitness has other options

Letters Soccer team apologizes To the editor: On behalf of the Cabrini soccer team, we would like to regain the respect of the college community as well as dignity as a team. We are deeply sorry for what we have done whichhas causedembarrassmentto our school. Our actions on the N.C. trip were thoughtless and inconsiderate. We showed lack of re6pectfor N.C. Wesleyan, coaches and players. We dishonored our school, our parents, ourselvesand especiallyour coach, B. Duncan Hubley. He has been a friend and mentor, as well as a coach and deserves more respect than we have shown. We hope that we can make amends. Be assured that the guilty parties are extremely sorry for what they have done. They have learned a valuable lesson. Once again, please accept our apology and we hope and pray that you can find it in your heart to give us a second chance. Let us make it up to you by making the school name known throughout collegiate soccer programs in performing our skills and expertise on the field. Thank you for your time in reading this letter and for your efforts here at Cabrini College. Sincerely, Cabrini College Soccer Team

He said, She said.ll••

''Danny Monaco, who is a student,and his "It is importantnot to confusethe reasonsfor having monitors,"Dzik said. They're not in- brotherLou workedto get outsidefunds,"Dzik staff writer structorsand they have no expertisein terms of said. We used that money to purchase some Since many Americans are growing more usingthe equipment. Everyoneuses the equip- equipment We have a new exercisebike and a barbellrack, althoughsome of the dumbellsare health-conscious,affordablefacilitiesfor exer- ment in the weight room at their own risk." missing." Some students have complained about the cise are becoming increasinglypopular. AlStudentsdissatisfiedwith Cabrini's weight absence of women's facilities. thoughmanycollegestudentshave limitedbudroomhave two other optionsfor exercise. One "I wish more girls would work out there but getsand time,thosewho are strivingto maintain is Hally's HolidaySpa. physicalfitnessdo not wantto forsakequalityof there aren't enough lightweights,"Mellor said. Baily's is locatedbesidetheCourt at the King First-year student Nikki La Rosa agreed. "I services. was in there riding the bike. I wishtheyhadmore of PrussiaMall. The mall is accessibledaily by Cabrini studentsworkingto maintainphysical fitnessare no exception. Thosewho wishto weightsand that more girls would go there. It collegevan. Accordingto Baily's representativeRobert workoutdemand top-notchfacilities. Students isn't big enough and there isn't enough equipTucker, ''Baily's is one of the three largest ment for girls. A stepmaster would be nice," La do notrealizethatvariousfitnesscenters,located exercisecomplexeson the east coast. It also is within closeproximityto the school,are avail- Rosa said. one of the largest in the entire United States. Senior Robert Tamburro offered additional able to them. One is a best buy at $1 a visit. Since we are a $27 million health center, you suggestions for improving the weight room. Cabrini's own weight room is located on the "It would be nice to get a line of Nautilus name it, we have it." lower levelof SacredHeart Hall. WhileconveTucker said,'Toe list of our servicesis very equipment,a bench press, a pee machineand a nient,the weightroomlacksmuch of the equiplong. Some of them_are a swimming pool, leg extension. Most basic gyms also have a pull ment that studentswant,accordingto some who over,hyperextensionmachine,legcurl,hipflexor,Nautilusequipment,a privatewomen'sexercise use it. area,walleyball,racquetballandaerobics.We're Mark.Mellor,junior,said,"The weightroom pull-downmachine,bicep-tricepmachine,universal dip calf and a pullupmachine.Thatwould also adding a free weight room." is in a good area but needs improvement.A lot Holidayoffers a number of differentmemof thegoodweightsgot stolen.Havingmonitors get them started!" The weightroom lacksthemostsimpletypes bershipplans. is a great idea." "Our rates vary from seasonto season,so it Accordingto AthleticDirectorJohn Dzik, a of machinery,accordingto Tamburro. would be difficultto give one exact estimate," 'These machines can be found in any small concernwith the weightroom is theft. Tucker said. "I would encourage students to "The chiefresponsibilityof the monitorsis to gym," Tamburrosaid. When told that students had suggestionson come in now becausewe are offeringprices as make sure nobodywalks away with the equiplow as $13 a.woll111-'This offer will end soon." ment. This has been a constantproblemin the whatthey'd liketo seein the weightroom,Dzik SomeBally's membershipsare for a lifetime said, "Do they involvemoney?" past,withsomepeoplebeingselfish,"Dziksaid According to Dzik, "I have absolutely no period and are renewable on a yearly basis. Although the monitors can safeguard the Membershipis good at all clubs throughoutthe budget left for the weightroom at all." machinery against theft, they are not in the country, although a member may choose to · Some new equipment has been purchased for weightroomtoact as personalfitnesstrainersfor limit their plan to a single club or all the clubs the weight room as a result of student fundthe students,accordingto Dzik. in a particular city. raising. Tucker recommends making an appointment to visit the King of Prussia club to become familiar with the environment before by Heather McAllister

athlete of the week


byNooneand D'Alfomo


Cabrini's double trouble

See more workout pg. 7

by Steve May staff writer

Scoreboard When a coach nominates her two co0.'t ay b- meJINle,Wplda. Arethe EaglesbetterwitborwidloutKeidl.Jack-captains for athlete of the week, what does 80ll?

Hesaid:We do not needhis attilude.his oontract.c.-his greed.Mostdall. wedonot needhimtoheJptheEaglesgettotheSuper

Bowl I say, let the Miami Dolpnns pay his ~ salaryof fouryears-sixmillion dollars. Theycanhavehis above average pas$catchingskillsandhispoo-interiorand down field bloclcing. WhattheEaglesneedisunity.Withtheloss of JeromeBrown,theyhave to pove to themselvesthat theycan win a play-off game.In fouryearsheneveronceshowed teamJeadersbip. Heonlycomplainedabout management,the coaching, aoo his cmtracts. Is this the signof a leader?Only a leader, f<x'free agencyin the NFL Give me a healthy Randal), a new and improvedH-Banb,amercilessBudOn:11 defenseand you havethe ingredienlsftl' Pasadena. Shesaid:The fanswill miss him. Heheld outtomakeapointandtomakeitbetta"ftl' otherplayersand fmeagency.They are30 without him but the big chal1enge is comingupin theDaJm game.Fouryearssixmillionisahigbpricetopaybuthefound someooewillingtoshelloutthenmey.He feelshe is wcxtltitand so does Mani. This is the secondloss the Eagles sufferedthis seasonit will ht ilmesting to see if it will haveeffectsoverthelonghaul.He wasa definitedrivingfM:e in the organization.

Without him the roadto Pasadena will be tough but not impossible- because nothing is impossible.

that say about them? When the players are seniors ChrisCostigan and Veronica O 'Hora, field hockey Coach Joan Quinn said a lot. "Both really showed me that they want this team to do well. And by starting off with such a goodgame againstImmaculata,"Quinn said, "the others (teammates) saw them try so hard, saw them as true leaders. Everybody followed." Quinn said,"Both players had real!y strong weeks. They came out as leaders on the field and got the team really together to play like they know how. "They really impressed me, because they're my captains and they're really doing their job well," Quinn said. Costigan, a history/political science major, has been playing field hockey since the sixth grade. After she graduates she said she wants to keep playing field hockey while holding a job in government or politics. O'Hara, an early childhood education major, has also been playing since the sixth grade. She also participates during other seasons in are cross country and track. Costigan plays inner wing and said she feels that the team has improved 100 percent over last year. "The team's attitude is up and they're playing more like a team," Costigan said. "The team has improved 100 percent from last year," center back O'Hora agreed. "As long as we keep our hearts in the game, we 'II make it." When asked to comment on the team's outlook, both players were very optimistic. "I know we can get to the play-offs if everyone continues to give 100 percent," Costigan said. 0 'Hora said that "Eastern was a really big

Week's Results Field Hockey Sat.






Cross Country p oto

awniele Klopp

Dynamic Duo: Co-Captains Christine Costigan and Veronica O'Hara

. loss, but we have the potentialfor a good season." EachhadonlycomplimentsforCoachQuinn. "She's an incrediblecoach, very encouraging andsupportive,"O'Horasaid Costigansaidthat after one year "we know what to expect of her and what she expects of us. She gives 110 percentand expectsthe same from us." Quinn saidthat CostiganandO'Hora "are the oneseveryonelooksto whenthechipsaredown, when thingsget tough." Theirteammateshad equallypositivewords for both Costigan and O'Hora. Sophomore TammyPfeiffenbergersaid"Veronicahas good leadershipqualitiesand really keeps the team up." Senior Michele Montgomery said that "they're both very aggressive." "Christineis improvingher leadershipqualities from last year," said Sophomore Kristyn Rudnick. Senior Kerri Brambilla summed it up by saying that "they're both very supportive as captains."

Coming up Soccer Sat. 10/3 Wed. 10/7

Holy Family Widner

home 2 pm home 3:30 pm

Field Hockey Thurs. 10/1 Sat. 10/3 Tues 10/6

Rosemont Cedar Crest Widner

away home home

4pm 11 am 4pm

Women's Volleyball Thurs. 10/1 Sat. 10/3 Mon. 10/5 Wed. 10/7

Rosemont Misercordia Alvemia Ursinus

away home away home

7 pm 1 pm 7 pm 7 pm

Women's Tennis Fri. 10/7 Thurs. 10/8

Chestnut Hill West Chester

home 4 pm home 3:30 pm

Cross Country Sat.


Phila. Bible College away Noon

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