Oct. 09, 1992 Issue 05 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, oct. 9, 1992

vol. xxxix no. 5

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

Students express concern over verbal abuse policy byKelly Adams co-news editor In the United States of America, it is now illegal for public institutions to ban speech that is inflammatory because of its racist, sexist, or otherwise bigoted content. This ruling was handed down in June of this year because the First Amendment prevents the government from "silencing speech based on its content," as stated in the Court's decision. This case reached the Supreme Court after a white teen-ager, accused of bu ming a cross on the front lawn of the lone black family in a mostly white neighborhood, challenged the local hate-speech law. The teen-ager argued that the law violated his right to free speech. The Minnesota State Supreme Court upheld the ordinance. The supreme Court of the United States did not. What does this mean to Cabrini College? President Antoinette Iadarola said. "This college will not tolerate harassment or verbal abuse as it relates to racist, sexist or class issues.According to a July I study in the Chronicle of Higher Education, private colleges and universities, such as Cabrini, have more authority to monitor speech at their cam-

puses, so the decision should have little effect on their speech codes. According to Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student services, the ruling will not change anything at Cabrini in the immediate future. Bonfiglio said that the present verbal abuse policy, which mandates expulsion only after four documented offenses, was.written by students, for students. "This is the policy students wanted to have," Bonfiglio said. Bonfiglio said that if students want to amend the present policy that they should pursue it through Student Government Association. Bonfiglio spoke of the college's mission. Bonfiglio said, "Would Mother Cabrini want us to have a policy that says it's OK to say hateful and punishing things to other people with no consequence?". Senior Jeri Rayon also spoke of the college's mission. Rayon said, "I don't know if this school will ever fulfill its mission if students aren't willing to accept cultural diversity." Rayon expressed dissatisfaction with the Supreme Court·s ruling m; ---Wetl as with-ei!biiru•s-present verbal abuse policy. "Community service should not be a punishment. it should be a given." Junior Priscilla Fuentes said shl" values free speech but was saddened

by the Supreme Court's ruling "It's a shame that people can abuse it ... when they want to insult or abuse someoneelse." LikeRayon,Fuentes said that offenders should be held accountable for their conduct, but Fuentes did not know exactly what those consequences should be. Resident Director Scott Dorsey, adviser to the Ethnic Student Association (ESA) - formerly the Black Student alliance - said that he was not surprised by the Supreme Court's ruling. Dorsey said that he was concerned about the Civil Rights movement "backlash" and fears that the work of the movement will be undone. Dorsey said he felt that the present verbal abuse policy should be more stringent,with fewer verbalwarnings. Dorsey, like Rayon and Fuentes, was the target of racial slurs while at Cabrini. Dorsey, Rayon and Iadarola all encouraged education as a means of preventing such incidents in Cabrini's future. Dorsey said that the ESA wiUmeet every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. in the Student Services Conference Room

mWWle,l:G.enter-<!Hdencouragedall concerned students to attend.

Undercover investigation possible on campus by Kimberly M. Haban editor-in-chief The Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement (LCB) has sent a letter to Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student affairs stating that it is their priority to enforce the underage drinking laws in Pennsylvania. The letter stated the bureau is now undertaking a new program in the interdiction of alcohol abuse by minors on and near college and university campuses throughout Pennsylvania. Requests were made of the administration and security force in assisting the bureau with this program which the letter stated was to be "quite in depth and extensive." Bonfiglio said he has not been notified of any officers on campus, but he said Director of Security Richard Kralle was notified by a local law enforcement officer. Kralle said he was not contacted by anyone.

What's Happening Friday t/ 11 pm - 2:15 am TAXI 971-8415

Bonfiglio said "We did not contact the LCB. Wedidnotaskthemtocomehere. We are doing a reasonable job controlling underage drinking." Neither the bureau or Radnor police are required to let someone know they are coming on campus. According to Kralle an undercover officer could be on campus at anytime without anyone knowing it. A reliable source said Delaware County is being targeted by the LCB to arrest underage drinkers. According to this source if there was an undercover officer on campus this may be their operating procedure. If the officer was a male he would most likely become friendly with a female who knew a lot about the school and about what events were taking place on and around campus. Once this friendship is established the

agent would be able to become friendly with the women's friends and would have easy access to parties or events happening on or off campus. However, the agent may not arrest people immediately. The source said the LCB may not want to arrest just five people at a small party. According to the source they may wait for the big kill where they could arrest 20 underage drinkers. Twenty arrests are 20 different incidents under the agents' belts which makes their statistics look good the source said. Considering it is an election year it is also a budget year. The source said that means, the better the LCB 's statistics are the better their chance of getting a bigger budget. Also, according to the source, if the LCB said they were going to crack down Radnor police will also crack down on

more coverage in UPDATES!

Oct. 9 to Oct. 16




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What'sHappening, contact Kelly Adams in the newsroomext. 8412

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underage drinking. Local police do not want the LCB to catch something they do not because that makes their department look like they are doing a poor job. If an undercover agent does bust a party three things could happen to the underage drinker. If the person is under 18 years old his or her parents would be notified and the person would receive a citation, a fine and lose their drivers license for three months. In the case that the underager is over 18 years old he or she could get arrested, brought into the police station, photographed, given a citation and a fine and have their license suspended for three months. If the officer does not opt for taking people to the station he could write up citations at the scene. Those offenders would still receive a fine and lose their license for three months.

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Wednesday t/ 4:30 pm Ethnic


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t/ 8:30 pm- 9:30 pm

t/ 10pm WCLH

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fridaY, oct. 9, 1992



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Ebb towards maturity

Distinguish between hate and crime

Much confusion centers around the theory of a "hate crime." Is such a concept in accordance with our constitutional rights? Can the law really tell a deanna person what he/she can and cannot say? d'alfonso By definition a hate crime is "speech that is inflammatory because of racist, co-sports sexist or otherwise bigoted content." The primary argument against the idea of a hate crime focuses on First editor Amendment rights. The First Amendment grants us the right to say and feel whatever we want, regardless of how ignorant our comments sound. We have a duty, however, to use this right in a responsible way and to be careful not to Growing up is something that I think I have abuse it. wanted to avoid doing for a while.Every once in True, name-calling is not a crime. a while, however, that adult who is a part of me Slanders become crimes, however, when they are demonstrated in the fonn just all of a sudden happens into my life. of vandalism or harassment. Vandalism is an easy crime to detect but Sitting on the beach this summer I really started thinking about growing up and being harassment is often more difficult to pinpoint. responsible, somethingI have neverhad to worry Verbal harassment is speaking with the intention of intimidating or inciting about before. I neverhad to work in high school. fear in someone. It is illegal to use our words to make others feel inferior and My mom never let me forgetjust how irrespontry to overpower them. sible I was. My dad just spoiled me rotten, My Hate crimes, by definition, are not really crimes because they only deal with mother did too, but she had a handle on it. I find the thoughtsof growing up appealing, name-calling. it just seems like when I am ready to take the first A line must be drawn between ignorant comments and verbal abuse. Not every ethnic/gender/religious/race-degrading comment is a crime. Each case must be reviewed individually to determine whether harassment took place. Only then can the hatefulness be considered a crime.



ups and downs

I Asking

Thumbsdown to the carelessdriverwho nailedthe handicapsignalong ResidentialBoulevard 1be sign, however,was in a rather inconvenient spot. It was only a matter of time before someone took it out! Thanks to all involved in the planning of such an activity-packed

ParentsWeekend. The game room in the Widener Center is in terrible condition.The dilapidated,ripped-uppooltableisa primeexampleofthe pitifulsituation. Is there somethingthat can be done or is this complaintjust a lostcause? We appreciate the efforts of those who supported the controversial "~xual Perversityin Chicago." Such a work will definitelybenefit the campus community by addressingrealisticsituations. What was the deal with dinneron Sundaynight? The parentsweren't even gone an hour when Seiters served up one of the worst meals in cafeteriahistory. What a facade!

for seniorinput To the editor: Over the past few weeks, we have received several comments, questions, and criticisms of last year's senior portraits in the yearbook from this years graduating class. We would like to inviteany one who is interestedindiscussingthis and other issues further to join us, as well as a representativefrom the Cooke PublishingCompany. The meeting will be held on Monday, Oct 19, at 6:30 p.m. in the newsroom. If you would liketo speak to us furtherand voiceyour opinions on this topic or any other issue relating to the yearbook, please come to the meeting and let us know. We would like to here your opinionsand ideas and to let you know ours and what is feasiblefor us. Thankyou and we hope to seeyou on the 19th.

Editor-in-chief: Kimberly M. Haban

Perspectives Editor: MaryJane Inman

l NARC, I am not the NARC, and I have no intentionofever being a NARC. I know nothing about what a NARC does, what its purpose would be, or its modus operandi. But yet, to many people on campus, they believed it. I was labeled. Hearing about this from people shocked me. I felt many mixed emotions,ranging from anger to laughter. I did not know what I had done that caused people to think such a thing. I was actually scared. People have heard about narcs that have been attcked because others were afraid of gettingcaught. That first week here was very confusing. I found it hard to meet people. I received strange looks from people. The label was assumed because there were no cold, hard facts. Nobody knew me, or where I came from, except a select few people. How much different was my situation from prejudice? Because I seemed "different" for some reason. I was labeled. Nigger. Spic. Jew. Gook. Retard. Cripple.

!staff Managing Editor: MaryJane Inman

Throw away the labels · give one another a fair chance

NARC. Thewordembodiessomethingmysterious, something quite suspicious. Many students at Cabrini believe there is a narc on campus. This has created a fear and paranoia that I did not expect to find. I have a personal Stakein this,for I was accusedof beingthe narc by a great deal of people. It wasn't just the word "NARC" that bothered me. It was a label. . I transferred as a junior. I graduated from high school,took a year off and spent three years at community college in Bucks County. I am also 22 yearsold. For some reason,this qualified me to be a possiblechoice for being the NARC. The plain simple truth was that I was not the

step there is someone there to hold me back. My friends are afraid of what might happen. Some of them just seem threatened by commitment to anything including school. work, or even each other. They have a really funny way of showing it too. Learning to tune out their opinions and thinking for myself is a part of growing up that I need to learn. My friends have so many conflictingopinions on how they think I should act and who they think I should hang out with, thatiamusuallytryingsohardtomakeeveryone happy I wind up cheating myself. I'll learn. All of many experiences in growing up. I sat on the beach a long time that day and it felt good to ponder my thoughts andget into a fresh frame of mind for the upcomingsemester. I used to be afraid of growing up. I thought that I was going to have to learn to stay inside of the lines. I found out just recently that changing yourselfto please others is a sign of immaturity. There is no way I am ever going to stay in the lines again because that is not my style. I finally did get a job this summer (actually four) and took.on some "adult responsibility." I am still working four jobs, and time management still is.not one of my strong points, I don'tthink it ev'er~be. I view accepting your limitations as a sign of growing up. I am very defined about the things that I want out of the semester:to get involvedin everything that will help me get a greatjob when I finally graduate and become this wonderful adult everyone keeps talking about. From what I can gather from several different sources, "it is all a learningexperienceand it does get easier." That is what I am hanging around waiting for... the part where it gets easier. . Well, I am headed to the beach this weekend to look for some new answers andI hope I find them. I'm sure I will because the ocean is so much like life. It is cool and calm somedays and then others stormy with waves crashing until you feel likeyou are going down for the lasttime. But there is always a lifeguardto pull you out, I am convinced. Sort of.

Sincerely, Lisa Naaband CourtneyO'Connor Editors of the 1993 Woodcrest

I. viewpoint kevin ohlandt copy editor


Whore. Those are just labels too. The words themselveshave a power. It stirs up the worst in people. One need only look at the fate of six millionJews during World War II. Or the racial prejudicethat has existed in America ever since it was founded. Some people believe it will never change, that the nature of man dictates us to see people under labels. I find that to be a cop-out. All we have to do is take the time to look outside of ourselves and see people for who and whatthey really are. We all have a responsibility to help make this world a better place. As long as labels get in the way we cannot move towards

peace. It is time to put an end to this ugly hatred that surroundsus, and it all startsrightwhere you live. Don't assume somethingabout peopleunless you truly know them. Don't believe everything you hear. Look beyond the surface, and try to look inside. Labels have affected us all. I am Kevin Ohlandt and that's all that really matters.

News Editors: Kelly Adams and Megan Flanigan Arts and Entertainment Editor: Belinda Descher Features Editor: Katherine Ross Sports Editors: Deanna D'Alfonso and B<endanNoone Graph,c Designers: Ambreen Alladin and Tim Conway Copy Editors: Kevin Ohlandt and Joann Carbone Business Manager: Diane Osborn Photography Editor: Lorraine M. Lill Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Keith Ahlas, Ambreen Alladin, Roseanne Carfagno.Dana Caterson, Alicia Crego, Paul Crowell, DantelleDiMarco.Corinne Egan, Douglas EpplerJr., Robert Evans,Christine L.abroli,Robert Macartney,Matthew Macsisak,Steve May, Heather McAlhster, KeftyMcDonald,Kevin Ohlandt, MaryanneWalker, Gary White PhotographyStaff: Eric Bart>usoa.StephanieBieg, Christine Costigan,DawnieNeKlopp, Ken<te Martin Loquituris publishedweekly dunng the school year by studentsof Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone. 215-971·8412. SubscriptK>n pnce is $25 per year and is included 111the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the edilor. Letters should be signed and the authorshipknownto the edrtors. However,It the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the write(s name may be left off the letter upon publicationand an inscriptioninserted such as 'name withheld at the requestof the writer • Lettersshould be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words 1nlength. If a letter is too long for the available space, the edrtor may edit or condense it. Lettersto the editor shook! be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorialsand opinions publishedin Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individualwriters and not the entire studentbody or the faculty and administrat10n.

loquitur 1sestablishedas a forum for student expressionand as a voice In the L11inhibited. robust,free and open disaJssionol ISSU8S



friday, oct. 9, 1992

Choosing to exercise the right to vote or third in a series not to vote by Kelly Adams co-news editor "The most dangerous vote in America is one that is not cast." This phrase dates back over a century, but does the Cabrini community feel thf s way? The majority of the people interviewed were registered to vote in this election. Junior Steve Czech attributes the widespread registration to the recent media coverage and air time devoted to the subject. Czech specifically spoke of the coverage on MTV, which hosted an open forum with Democratic candidate Bill Clinton. Czech, who registered in August, said, "I never thought about how important it was." Senior Karen Pappas credited the registration turnout to outside agencies getting involved in registering people. Pappas said that she registered while at her local video store where the League of Women Voters were registering people. "It took two seconds - it was easy," Pappas said. Brian Wheeler, junior, said he registered when he turned 18 as part of a high school religion class requirement. Wheeler said that "parental influence" was why he initially registered as a Democrat. Wheeler said he is now familiar with and agrees with the party platform. Dr. Margaret M. McGuinness, associate professor ofreligion, said that she considered requiring her

'The Republicans are slow to bring about change and the Democrats want to bring about change too fast. ' Aaron Albert sophomore

students to register and vote in the election, but decided against it. "I just decided that if people chose not to vote it was their right," Mc

Guinness said. Aaron Albert, sophomore, is registered as a Republican, but said that he is unhappy with both parties. "The Republicans are slow to bring about change and the Democrats want to bring about change too fast," Albert said. "Neither way is good for society." Seiler's employee Ben Dunn said that he votes to get involved in community issues. Sophomore Lisa Hedtke said that she registered so she could have a voice in government. Hedtke, a Democrat, was an-

'I just decided that if people chose not to vote it was their right.' Dr. Margaret McGuinness associate professor of religion

said, "I don't want to taint my objectivity if I ever report on politics."

'I don't want to taint my objectivity if I ever report on politics.' Kim Keck senior

Junior Gary Fisher is not registered to vote either. Fisher said that voting just was not important to him. "I have nothing to complain about," Fisher said. Fisher plans to register eventually. Pam Lemay, senior, said that she will not be voting in the election either. "It was inconvenient," Lemay said, citing that the voter registration office was not open late during the week and was closed on weekends. Lemay said that she was un-

aware that registration forms gered by the recent re-entrance of H. Ross Perot into the election. "He's a spoiler," Hedtke said. Hedtke said she felt that Perot and most government officials were corrupt. Tiffanie Westley, sophomore, also a Democrat, agreed with hedtke. "Perot is going to take away votes where they are needed," Westley said. It is widely speculated that Perot's re-entrance into the election will hinder Clinton's campaign. Like many of her peers, junior Michelle Sheets registered when she was 18 because "everybody else was doing it." Kim Keck, senior, however, will not be voting in this election. Keck, who plans to become a reporter,



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were available at places like liquor stores. Lemay said that she also plans to register for the next election. Teresa DiCampli, junior, thinks thatthe registration process should be easier. DiCampli suggested linking voter registration with getting a driver's license. President Bush recently vetoed a similar procedure. Senior Tom Foran, a New Jersey resident, will be voting in the election via absentee ballot. Foran is a solid Republican and will be voting because, "Bush is the best," Foran said. John Latvenas, senior will also be voting by absentee ballot and said that he has done so the entire time he has been at Cabrini. Latvenas, a Democrat, said he initially registered Republican. but switched parties in order to support a candidate he believed in. When asked why he would be voting, Latvenas said, "It's choose or loose." Campus security guard Jim Mitchell agreed with Latvenas. "People die to vote, " Mitchell said. "Here, we take it for granted."


a r1n1a resses Columbus controversy by Kevin Ohlamlt copy editor Five hundred years ago, Christopher Columbus came to America looking for spices and a route to China. What he found was a land filled with natives. But was Columbus the first to sail to the Western Hemisphere from a distant shore? And what is the controversy over Columbus? Many people do not think he was the first to discover America. Students are taught from elementary school to college about the discovery of America. Dr. Jolyon Girard,academic chairperson of history and political science said "High school teachers teach it, but the students may not be listening." Sheila Brady and Tina Strobel, both first-year students stated that Columbus discovered America because "that's what we were told." Gerry Dunleavy ,junior, said "Sure, cause a big history book told me so." Larry Foster, first-year student said he believes the opposite. "Columbus was in the West Indies. Leif Erikson was the first on continental America,"

photo by Dawnielle Klopp

Dr. Jo/yon Girard instructs his students in the intricacies of this period of American back." Girard said the controversy comes in with the effect of racial exploitation of the North American Indians and the· Africans who were sold into slavery. "Columbus-i8-held responsible," said Girard, "for the importation of slaves by certain cultures in the world today. In South America, this results from Columbus and Spanish devastation of Indians." The controversy about Columbus has been given more

,~ .


attention because the 500th

Aaron Albert, sophomore, agreed with Foster. Albert said "There are stories and knowledge that other people, like Leif Erikso1i and Sir Brendan from

anniversary of Columbus coming to America is on Monday, Oct. 12. Girard said "The Indians won't celebrate Columbus Day." Other cultures, such as Spain and Italy, will celebrate in full force, because Columbus was Italian and he sailed

Irelandwere here first." Some studentsdo not seem to care either way, such as Mary Jane Inman, junior. She

said "Not to be ignorant,but does it really matter?"

'Columbus was the first from another continent that kept people coming back.' Dr. Joseph Romano philosophy professor

underthe Spanishflag. The movie "1492" is currently out in the theaters, and the poorly received movie, "Christopher Columbus: The Discovery" is due for video release soon. Girard said the holiday will "cause people to think about what really happened." Famous Spanish explorer Bemald Diaz said "We came to serve God and get rich." According to Girard, the talented sailor died not knowing he found a new world that would change the lives of everyone. He simply thought he had found a new route to China.

Girard said he believes that others were here first, but Columbus' discovery had the most profound effect. "It is the most significant act of modem history. It attached not only Europe to the Western hemisphere, but Asia and • Students with Work Study Africa as well." Dr. Joseph Romano, • needed for: philosophy professor said Wednesdays 3:30-10:00 ·"Columbus was the first from another continent that kept people coming • Come to Student Services



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friday 1 oct. 9, 1992


Museums sponsor open house for area college students phatO

"V Kalhenne Ross

The Rodin Museumwasjust one of co-sports eduor the stops for Collegeday on the Parkway. CollegeDayoo thePartwayis a concept ~ time has mne. The idea ~ to SwnmerVacatioo." Ore srudent went so exposecollege studentsin lheareato Phila- far as to take a pieceof inebook Jl8l)CI'and delphiaIDlL'lCIU'm. Andlhe adrnissmwas write the days of the week under which the free?GetootofDallas! labelswaxand play ren. TheGoldiePaley On Sat Oct 3 museums on lhe Ben Gallery houseda ~ exhibit tided FranklinPattwayparticipalcdin the evem. ''Dqmtures" whichtodc ~y fum by Deanna D'Aifo,uo

photo by Enc Barbusc,a

Taking time for a break, the physical plant crew stops from their busy day.

An inside look:

Routing thr_oughthe plant formerstudentof the college.outsideGraceHall where he hasjust re-assembledthe atrium after another schoolfunction. As the last studenthas Eleven men crowd around a fractionof a been seated in his or her 3:00 p.m. class, plant kitchentableand absorb the vaporsfroma fresh secretruyAnaHazelriggpassesonthe lastmemo, cup of life-givingcoffee. Some have already to the departingmembers of the physicalplant been worldng over an hour. Otherscheck the staff. Tomorrowthey will start overagain. "nuisance" board for today's unexpectedtasks. For many of these men, however, their In a tiny room overshadowedby the garage and services arenot limitedto the academicschool its tools, Mike Caranfa, chief physicalplant year of Cabrini. For over three years now, the officer and 20-year veteranof physicalplant, department has aided a homeless shelter in raises his voice above the munnur and another Philadelphia,giving discarded fumitW'efrom weekly staff meeting is underway. on andoff-campusto those lackingsuch pieces After a brief descriptionand review of the in the city. Oftenthey volunteerthe useof their week, the 11 file out the small door, strap on trucks to pick up and drop off variousobjects their requiredtools, and head out of thegarage. for the people in the citywho cannot afford The men of physicalplantstrut another day. It is suchvehiclesthemselves. no laterthan 8 am. The summer months are by no means Unbeknownstto the bulkof Cabrini's popu- vacation time for the crew either. 'Tm more lation,this is a typicalThursdaymorningfor the busy in the sunnner," Pizzuto said. They take membersof thecollege'sphysicalplant on new construction,larger repairs,and larger They area reservedgroup of men, so much painting projects in the summermonths. of their day is a mystery. Sb.ldentsseethem In regards to theircampussupport,Caranfa scatteredaboutthecampusatvarioustimesduring and his crew suggest that often studentand theschoolday.Butdotheykno~howmuch goes faculty perceptionsof the plant center 2rOUl1d into a day at the plant? whetheror not somethingis worldngproperly. Let us speculate,then, usingthefactsthat we "It's us versus them sometimes," Caranfa said. have, on a typical day with the crew. In general,though,the team agreedthat they get By 6:30 am., Frank Norcini, the veteran along well withthe students. groundskeeperof 23 years, is picking up the Caranfa and his men cite the Loquituras a morning securityreports compiled by the men primarysourceof the crew's negativeimage and in blue based on housekeepingreportsfrom the referred totheSept25 issue's"UpsandDowns" night before. At 7 am., carpenterDougMeder, caption. The caption praises an outside lawn the rookieof threemonths,greets Pat Hol.nes.5, a servicefor its work on the soccerfield. Caranfa five year member of the plant, who has been suggeststhatthereis more to the stOI)'of Dzik' s checking the boilers since 6 am. By 7:30am., decisionto hire the service than the campus thecrew is assembledandcheckingtheirdiverse knows but he did not comment further. work orders. Shuttle van driver and 12-year Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice-presidentof acaveteranDennisFaulkneris alreadyheadedto the demic affairs, said that in her manydealings IS-passengervanhe commands. with physical plant she has found them to be Evenbeforethatgruesome8:20,WaltMiles, "wonderful"people. Biller said she feels that a 17-yearmember of the crew, has finished all of the plant members "carefor the peopleof patching that drywall in Xavier's rampway the institution." and isjust aboutto slap on the firstcoat of paint. BobSrnisko said, with a grin on his face, And Joe Rebarchak,a member of thecrew that he and his compatriots "try to keep for six years, hasreplacedtwo or three bulooin everybody happy" and are "happyto serve." Woodcrest. By that dreaded 11:00 am. seminar, eight year-memberBob Smisko has already replaced a dilapidatedbureau in house two. Already the cafeteria reaches its lunchtime capacity,Richard Miles, who has 11 years of experiencewithCabrinibehindhim, wheels his mowing chariot towards one of the last fields of theday. When I :40 p.m. rolls around, Michael True love is like the Loch Troupeorganizeshis workstudyandworkgrant Ness Monster.Youhearabout regimentfortheirnextmissionwhilePat Holness it butyou neversee it. readies the campus boilers for a cold night - GavinIrons By 3:00 p.m., Lany Stauffer,Cabrini's oncampuselectricianforover 11years,meets Rudy Pizzuto, a 13-year member of the team and by Doug Eppler

staff writer

Quote ... Unquote

Six museurmoffmd free admisgoo to studel1Spesming a collegeID. The event has beenheld the pmafour years at the PhiladelphiaMuseumrL Art. -We offereda free day during the early part of the fall semester. This Jmt year-we decidedtowodc wilh ochermw.ewnson the parkway," said Glenn Tooilimal. coordinator of the event. &al1ing at the Academyof NIIIUlal Scienceswith an exhibitof ..TheWorldrLPmr Rabbit The Art and ScieR:e cl Bealrix Poller." A colledioo cl her lxds nl illustralianswereput m display in a room made ID .eaeotie 1bepdm ~ lhe


One museumwhich I neverevenknew existed in the Philadelphiaareais the Rodin JIIJ!ICUltl. 11 oouses manysculptures by Rodinbut offered00 background infonnation(JI lhe art itself. Theart rnmeumdidnot offer any special displays but it was nice to appreciate the woft:5 Inside. In attempt to reach more students the participating museums are offering a special college pass which offers special prices to students. With so much to offer, PhiladelRabbitfiwt;ly!let up aaidence. phia is a great place to look for a Mae C'olleF cA Artspmand _,_,....,. a change of scenery from the unl






................................................ ___ PLEASESEND ME A COPY OF THE SCHOLARSHIP DIRECTORY ENCLOSEDIS $25.00 NAME:. _______________________




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arts & entertainment by Douglas Eppler

staff writer To anyone who ever taunted me for missing the Rolling Stones Steel Wheels tour, I have three words for you: Ha, Ha, Ha! Not only did I see the concert, but I saw it in Turin, Italy, East Berlin, and London's Wembley Stadium. You laugh, but to anyone who has seen the Rolling Stones at the Max at the Franklin Institute's Tuttleman Omni verse Theater, that is exactly what it felt like. The sights, the sounds, and the feeling of the show transport even the most skeptical of concert-goers. Shot over five nights in July and August of the 1990 tour, the IMAX adventure captures the Stones in Europe and their homeland and blend them flawlessly into 90 minutes of pure ecstasy. "Mick was right in my face," said junior Deanna D' Alfonso. "It was just like being at the concert. It felt like you were floating over the crowd. And the sound was excellent!" Jennifer Marks-Gold, directorof student activities, also attended the college preview on Oct. I and agreed withD'Alfonso. "Yougetsoclose you get to see Mick Jagger's nose hairs. That theater is the wave of the future." How does this futuristic theater work? IMAXuses a revolutionary camera and projector that advances film horizontally instead of the conventional method of vertical film advancement. IMAX projects an image ten times larger than standard 35mm film and three times larger than 70 mm film. The name IMAX stems from "maximum image." IMAX produces the largest image in motion picture history. Loaded with this unconventional film, the "Rolling Loop" projector creates images of extraordinary clarity and projects them onto the four-story, giant wraparound screen. The key to IMAX's stunning affect is its use of the viewer's peripheral vision. "The difference between watching IMAX and regular films is at the neurological level," explains IMAX co-founder and seniorvicepresident Roman Kroitor, who served as location director. "Because so much of your retina is


lo uitur

'Evenbetterthan therealthing' U2& TheRollingStones highlighttheFranklinInstitute

photo provided by the Franklin Institute

Keith Richards and Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones •~t the Max, Ha 90-minute Omni movie running until Dec. 19 at the Franklin Institute. filled by the IMAXimage, the brain seems to treat it in a different way. It's no more complicated than that." Senior Christina Rudden said that she is thrilled about the concept behind the show. "I think it is neat that they did it with a band," Rudden said. Junior Katherine Ross said she, too, felt it was an incredible experience. "I felt like I was in the front row." "You felt like you were on stage with them and in the crowd," firstyear student Stephanie Bieg said. "I have never seen anything like it in my life. You actually saw what was going on behind the scenes. It was better than being at the concert. You 're in the front row with no waiting, pushing, or shoving," Beig said. IMAX's stunning visual affects are matched only by the incredible

"surround-sound" audio system. Using 56 speakers, the system surrounds the audience and puts out over 20,000 watts of power. Unlike an actual concert, the Stones at the MAX delivers crystal clear sound. Every harmony from the three-member back-up group rings clearly as Keith Richards' hypnotic six-string mesmerizes the gasping crowd. Jagger and company deliver a spectacular performance. Theimmortal grin of Charlie Watts and lavish wardrobe of Mick Jagger come to life in vibrant, living color. The show features 15 classic Stones masterpieces including "Start Me Up," "Paint It Black," "Ruby Tuesday," and the encore, "Satisfaction." Incorporating the biggest rock and roll stage ever to hit the road so large, in fact, federal



525-HELP "My friendstoldme, 'If youhaveto go anywhere, go.toAmnion'."

oct. 9 1992

law required airport collision lights on the highest points, the Stones light up the skies of Europe. Speaking of light shows, do not miss the all-new U2 laser show in the Fels Planetarium. The Oct. 1 premiere thrilled over 300 students from colleges throughout the Philadelphia area. Produced by the Seattle-based company Laser Fantasy, the U2 show is the latest creation by the team that produced laser shows highlighting bands like Led Zeppelin, Genesis, Guns and Roses, Pink Floyd, Aerosmith, Yes, and their most popular laser band, Depeche Mode. Scott Huggins, an employee of Laser Fantasy, programmed various parts of the show. During the Franklin Institute's showing, Huggins randomly altered colors and shapes where the computer program allowed. Much of the programming involves laser animation. For such segments, desired images were traced on a digitizing tablet and imputed into the computer as a series of "connectthe-dot" pictures. These dots were connected by the laser beams. Huggins, who has been with the laser company for three years, said the show's production began about five months ago. He added that an additional laser scanner will ·be added to the set of five currently used in the planetarium and will project images in the space over the heads of the audience which will soon be covered in the smoke of the soon-to-arrive smoke machine. When asked if he ever grows bored with the show, Huggins responded that "I have to do the same show over and over again ... but it's hard to get bored." The Stones at the Max will run at the Institute through Dec.19. The show costs $15 or $12.50 with the college pass, a new discount pass that reduces admission charges to events throughout the Franklin Institute. The pass costs $ 10. The U2 laser show runs indefinitely and costs $7 or $2.50 with the college pass. For information, call the Franklin Institute at 215-448-1208.


Lachman viewsnature through oils & watercolors by KellyMd>onakl staff writer

Diana Lachman's passion for painting began as a child . when her teacher took away her crayons. From that point on, Lachman,a self-described abstract painter, 'Vowed to be an anist fot the rest of her life. Her current work consists of oil and water color paintings. Lachman's water color paintings contain a swirling of colors which collide to blend colors and shapes. The display ofLachman's paintings.Natural Fonnations, is located at the Fine Arts Gallery in Holy Spirit Library until Nov. 1. Accordingto Lachman, her main purpose as an artist is to open people's eyes to look around ~ture and enjoy what's actually happening. "There is $0 much beauty that people don't see and in my paintingswhat I try to do is

get people to see what they wouldn't ordinarily see in natme."Lacbma11 said. I a::bM11uiNdR .. aletof

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wllelnldby diecdor. I dm't toot b' a.~· memingaldlough.ed painriag.js -matted with something Diana.hadin mind. Theyjust toot my breath away." "l espcciallyadmirehetuseof color and bro, .. Dr. Adeline Bethany. art administration chairpersonsaid. ''WhenI saw her wenlWO yearsago it W&S representatiooaSheb$moved ina totallynewdirection withber absttact .,



f ridaY,oct. 91 1992



Studentshurlconcernsat Open Forum by Megan Flanigan

co-nei,vseditor No major problems were solved, but President Antoinette Iadarola said:'You've got me here." Iadarola said she wanted the students to know she was available to discuss anything that they wanted to talk about. · She wanted to listen and do what she could to improve certain situations and issues. Students presented problems and issues ranging from the parietal policy to parking in the campus community at the first general open forum on Oct.6. The open forum was sponsored by the Student Government Association(SGA).

The first issue raised was the. parietal policy. Students wanted to know what was happening with the 24-hourparietals policy. Kimberly Marshall is thepresident of SGA. According to Marshall, There are still some things that need to be worked out. Robert Bonfiglio, vice-president for student affairs said,"lt is in a fact finding stage." Iadarola said she wants to see more research done on the parietal policy. "My decisions are being made on how it will enhance the college and students." The policy is expected to be ready by the December board of Trustees meeting. Students questioned Iadarola on whether or not she was planning

anything special for the seniors this year. Iadarola said,"You should be working on these issues for the committees with Jennifer Marks-Gold." Jennifer Marks-Gold is the director of student activities. Iadarola addressed the question about the play,"Sexual Perversity in Chicago," which sparked controversy about the language. According to Iadarola, the play is being performed, along with educational programs about the play held in the dormitories. In regard to the lack of a fulltime faculty member for the Spanish department, which decreases the number of students enrolled in the department as majors, Iadarola said,"You have to understand and appreciate that a lot of colleges

have this problem." According to Iadarola, it is difficult to employ somebody for only a few students majoring in the department. Another issue raised was the problem of parking. Students expressed concern about not having enough parking spaces. "Isn't it a wonderful problem though, other colleges have empty parking lots," Iadarola said. According to Director of Security Richard Kralle, the problem is the visitors are taking up the spaces for the residents. Students said that there are no signs to inform them where to park. There are also some students who do not have their cars registered on campus. Gary White, sophomore and corresponding secretary for SGA

said," A lot of good questions were asked, but nothing was decided upon." According to White, it might have helped more if some of the questions raised were solved. Junior Dana Caterson said, "I thought the students thought they were going to get instant answers from Dr. Iadarola. According to Caterson, the forum was a good idea,but she thinks the administrators from each department should help answer the questions because Iadarola can not do it by herself. "The community has to come together as a whole for an open forum."

updates OUR corner 10/10 Haunted Hayride 0 There will be a "Haunted Hayride" on Saturday, Oct. 10. The van leaves at 7:30 p.m. and will return at 11 p.m. Tickets cost $5 per person before Oct. 5 and $IO afterwards. Tickets are available in the Student Services office. Contact Jennifer Marks-Gold at ext. 8407. 10/11 Special Mass Schedule 0 Due to the Dean's Fall Holiday, one mass will be held on Sunday, October 11 at 6 p.m. in the Chapel. This is also Columbus Day, as well as Canada's Thanksgiving Day.

.illill Dean's Fall Holiday 0 There will be no classes held on Monday, Oct. 12 because of the Dean's Fall Holiday. 10/12 & 10/14 Aerobics Classes 0 Aerobics classes are held every Monday. and Wednesday in House 6. Monday classes are with Kim Marshall from9to IOp.m. and on Wednesday with either Mary Jane Inman or Colleen Reemer from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. A class will be held on Monday, Oct. 12, despite the Dean's Fall Holiday. Contact Susan Riley at Box 225 for more information and please bring a towel.

erlands' history. The city has designated a week of mourning for the victims .

National Lisa Naab at ext. 8412 or through mailbox 293 if you have any questions. In order to have your picture in the yearbook you must return the prints to the photography studio by March 15, 1993. 10/15 Free Haircuts 0 Talent hair Salon will be giving free haircuts on Thursday, Oct. 15 in the Widener Center gathering Area. The event, beginning at 11:30 a.m. and ending at 1:30 p.m., is sponsored by Student Services. Contact Jennifer Marks-Gold at ext. 8407.

10/19to I0/23 AlrohoI Awareness Week 0 Alcohol Awareness Week will held during the week of October 19. The week will focus on issues associated with alcohol use and abuse. For more information contact Cathy Caulfield in Resident Life at ext. 8410. 10/20, 10/22, 11/3 & 11/5 Career Services News 0 There will be a resume ptanning workshop on October 20 and 22, as well as an Interviewing Techniques Workshop on November 3 and 5. All workshops will be held at 1 p.m. in the Career Services Center. Contact Stacey Norden at ext. 8560.

0 Bush vetoes cable TV legislation; Congress overrides - President Bush vetoes a bill to re-regulate the cable-television industry. The bill was a result of a plethora of complaints concerning high prices and poor service. Congress overturned the veto a few days later. This was the first overturned veto in the entire Bush administration. 0 Presidential debates tentatively set; Perot will debate as well - After months of political maneuvering, presidential debates have been tentatively set for October 11, 15 and 19. The televised debates will be between President Bush and Democratic candidate Gov. Bill Clinton, but H. Ross Perot could possibly debate as well. The debates will coincide with three of the baseball playoff games.

Local 0 City unions strike - 15,000 trash collectors, crossing guards, museum workers and other employees of the city of Philadelphia, walked off the job on Tuesday, Oct. 6. Union officials are calling this a "lockout" instead of a strike so employees will be eligible for unemployment benefits.

0 Yeakel and Specter spar - Democratic Senate candidate Lynn Yeakel debated with the incumbent Republican Senator Arlen Specter on Saturday, Oct. 4. Each candidate accused the other of intentionally misleading the voters, in response to negative advertisements each has aired. This was the only televised debate of the campaign.

International 0 Plane crashes into an Amsterdam apartment complex. - An Israeli cargo plane crashed into an Amsterdam apartment complex, possibly killing over 250 people. The crash, and the fire which followed, is considered the worst in the Neth-

The sources for this capsule are the Philadelphia Inquirer, The Philadelphia Daily News, The New York Times and The Times Herald. Compiled by Kelly Adams.

ecurity corner

l.lfil 10/14 Ethnic Student Association 0 The Ethnic Student Association will be having a meeting on Wednesday, October 14 at 4:30 p.m. in the Dean of Students Conference Room in Widener Center. All are welcome to attend. Contact Scott Dorsey at ext. 8459. 10/13, 10/14, 10/15, 11/5. 11/11, 11/ 12, & 11/13 Senior Portraits 0 Sign up times available in the Studwt Services offices for senior portrait sittings on Oct. 13 to 15 and on Nov. 5, 11, 12 and 13. Sittings begin at 9 a.m. and end at 4:55 p.m. There is a $12sitting fee, due at the time of the sitting. Contact

Cryptic submissions o Cryptic, Cabrini's literary magazine, is accepting submissions for the February 1993 edition. Submit your black and white photographs, charcoal or pen and ink artwork, cartoons, short stories or poetry by November 23. Submissions can be sent to Karen Kerchusky, mailbox 422 or Tricia Daley, mailbox 291.

Security incidents as reported by the security office from Monday, Sept. 28 to Tuesday, Oct. 6. Traffic Accident '.:l9/28/92 - Widener Center parking lot - A female Cabrini student struck a male Cabrini student while exiting the Widener Center parking lot. The incident w<1sreported to Radnor Police Department. There were no injuries. After Hours Visitation

0 10/2/92 - Xavier Hall - A male Cabrini student was apprehended exiting the 10/16 0 To have your event covered in OUR Comer contact Kelly Adams in the newsroom at 971-8412 or through mailbox 414.

women's side of Xavier. The student explained that he had been assisting a friend who was ill.

Handicap Pole Hit 0 10/3/92 - Xavier parking lot - A Cabrini student backed her car over the handicap walkway sign on Residential Boulevard. A road barrier was placed around the remaining stub of the pole and Physical Plant was called to fix the sign. There were no injuries.

friday, oct. 9, 1992



more volley from pg 8


more he from pg 8

defense blocked many shots from the opposition with the help of Jen Paliaro, first year student and Stephanie Eberhardt also a first year student. "Overall, the girls worked well as a team," Loftus said. "We are playing a lot better as a team this year and we 're in better shape especially because we are all friends and are here to help each other out." Cabrini faced a tougher game away at Rosemont on Thursday, October 1st. The team lost three straight games to Rosemont which was a PAC conference game. MacA voy due to bronchitis sat out but said, " The team played well and Jen Paliaro did a great job in setting." Foto said that the reason Cabrini lost was because "We were not serving well, the passes and hits were good but our serves were off." Cabrini continued their quest on Saturday, Oct.4, Parents Weekend. According to Coach Harrigan there was an enthusiastic crowd that filled the gym which inspired

;... photo by Chrisbne Costigan

Lynda lnvara and parents after the Lady cavs tied in double overtime during Parents Weekend.

Lady Cavs tie one on against Cedar Crest, Parents Weekend by Heather Mac Alister

the team, but it was not enough to win the match. Misericordia swept Cabrini with the scores of 11-5, 14-16 and 9-15. Cabrini was leading in the second game by three points

staff writer

parents at Parents Weekend is very special. "This is the one time the parents can all come together at the same time and watch us play," Many actors believe that an enthusiastic Michele Montgomery, senior, said. audience makes all the difference in a perforAccording to Riley, the players decided to mance. Since athletes also find themselves but failed to pull through. give roses to their parents at the game as a on a stage of sorts, a "home team" audience "It was another bad day serving. This far is important to them as well. special touch. in the season we are missing too many Field hockey is a sport that normally does Riley's mother, Barbara Riley, enjoys serves to be competitive," Harrigan said. seeingSusanplay. "I'maparentwhodoesn't not draw large crowds, according to the play"We made a lot of nice plays as a team, ers. This is one reason why the Lady Cava- know too much about hockey," Riley said. "I better in this match then in any other this liers were excited about their Oct. 3rd game root for my daughter and the rest of the team. season. There is still a problem of inconsisagainst Cedar Crest during Parents Week- Whether they win, tie or lose, they'll all be winners in my book." tency and there are too many unforced er- end. Another parent, Mike Montgomery, While coa~h Joan Quinn and her players rors." Michele's father, has more experience with On Monday, Oct.5, the team traveled to were expecting a breathtaking, suspenseful game on Saturday, none of them anticipated the sport but shares Riley's enthusiasm. "We Alvernia. The volleyball team consisted of the actual result. The final score of the game get to about half the home games," Montsix players which was a limited number to gomery said. "We'd go to more games ifwe was 0-0. work with, according to Harrigan. " It's Cabrini and Cedar Crest battled through could because they're always competitive. hard to coach with only six players to work two overtime periods in the attempt to gain a The team is always excited. They don't with and no subs because you don't have quit." score, to no avail. According to Melissa Menighan, "ObviAccording to some team members, Paroptions. The two time outs are taken to ously both teams played very well, but I ents Weekend is the exception to the rule correct the player, that's all you can do." thought we had total control of the whole when it comes to fans. Some players feel that Cabrini lost to Alvernia 11-15, 11-15, the lack of fan support makes them want to game." 15-8 and I 0-15. Each player played a good "We had a great crowd of parents and lots prove their worth as athletes. game, according to Harrigan. Lori MacA voy "Some people have a low picture of the of other people who were on campus," had four aces and ten assists. Stephanie Menighan said. "We gave flowers to our hockey team," Rudnick said. "Everything is Eberhardt made three kills, two blocks and parents, our coach and her parents. soccer this, soccer that. Wejustwantto show one ace.' Pam Weekes got thirteen out of Quinn is a support to the players even if people that we can win. We've improved so much since last year, but no one knows it spectators aren't filling the stands, according thirteen serves in with three kills. Jen Piliaro to Menighan. since they didn't see us last year!" killed two balls with one block. Jill Saam "I'd love to have a crowd at all the games The players are very proud of their unity had two kills and aced the opposition once. because it's nice to know someone's out as a team and their successes so far. "This is Tracy Loftus also had two kills and blocked there," Menighan said. "Even when the fans my first year playing hockey ever," Menighan the opposition once. aren't there I'll hear our coach cheering us said. "I came in here with the typical "fresh"At this point in the season we should be on. lt makes me think, 'all right, maybe I man attitude" that we'd be the lowest of the doing a lot better," said Harrigan. "We must didn't get that one but the next time I'll be bottom and that the other girls would say we be consistent and work on our concentradidn't know how to play. Everyone's been better.' She's great!" Cabrini fans can contribute to a win, ac- great! The whole team is so nice and supporttion. We are still trying to figure out how to ive. I was very impressed with that." get the team more pumped. That may stand cording to Quinn. "The crowd is the biggest Potential fan support was not the only help, the biggest motivator and the biggest in their way." reason the Lady Cavs were anticipating a reason for a win," Quinn said. While the players want fans at all their victory on Saturday. They were anxious to games having their resume playing after their disappointing loss at Rosemont on Thursday, Oct. I. Cabrini fell by the score of 2-1. According to Quinn, the game was very competitive. "I have no complaints," Quinn said. ~ REEI( S & CLUB Even though a win did not materialize, the players were proud of their RAISEACOOL effort, according to Menighan. "We didn't have that extra 'umph' to pull INDIVIDUALS AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS IN JUSTONEWEEKI off a win, but we dominated the game WANTED TO PROMOTE SPRING BREAK. PLUS$1000FORTHE MEMBERWHOCALLS! and gave it our all. It was a great day that I was very happy about." CALL THE NATION'S LEADER: No obligation.No c.ost.





Youalaoget• FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just for ailing 1~932-0528, Ext.65

He said: NL MVP: Barry Bonds, Pittsburgh Pirates. I'll take Bonds over anyplayer in the game. He is the complete gamer, the best two way player in baseball. fn the age when teams like the Mets and Dodgers are mak.ingmoreerrorsthanscoringruns, Bonds and the Pirates know the importanceof a solid defense. According to his manager, Jim Leyland, he is the best left-fielder ever. Bonds is a legitimate pitchers nightmare. Even with the departure of friend and slugger Bobby Bonilla, Bonds maintained his all-starstatusin l 992. Bonds leadthe league in runs. sluggingpercentage,on-basepercentage, walks and wasin the top five in batting, RBI's, and home runs. AL MVP: Mr.Twin, Kirby Puckett


Every team needs a Kirby, he does it all. Heisthe ultimateclubhouseleader on and off the field, the sparkplugof the AmericanLeague. If Kirby t'eceived any of the support the Twin manufactured last season. Puckett would be hands down the MVP. Look at "Stubs" stats, first in hits and total bases,and finished in the top IO in five different offensive categories. Hecarried ~his back allthroughthesummerandmostlikely would have pitched if manager Tom KeJlyasked him to.

NL Cy Young:Greg"the batboy" Maddux, Chicago Cubs. Baseball's best kept all-star,Maddux gets overshadowedby the Gia vine•s, Drabek' s andtheMetsunderachievers.Year in and year out be is one of the best pitchers around. Most of all, Maddux is a~ pit4":her.Yw ea wrap up the Gold Glove for him this year, and they just don't call him "batboy" because he looks ten years old. Maddux is a lifetime .220 hitter, not bad for a pitcher. Look at the stat which puts him ahead of the pack, in the not-sofiiendlypitcberconfounds ofWrigley Field. Maddux basa 2.18 ERA. Can you say respectable or impossible? Lock it up for the 20 game winner, who pitched more imings than anyoneelse in baseball. AL Cy Young: Jack McDowell, ChicagoWhite Sox. A 20 gamewinner,leadthe leagueineompletegames and had a decent3.13 ERA.The main reason is, be bas one of'the best bar bands in the second city. His band V.I.E.W.,has received four stars from Rolling Stone and reflects the shades ofREM. Thisftreball-rockerdeserves applause,don't quit your dayjob. Or

yournightjob. Comebackplayer of the year: A's. Mark McGwire.Why? Doubled his homertotal from last year and regained his bash brother forearm, until Jose said good-bye. Canhe carrythe A's on his back t.o the series if be gets ho~ like he did in the beginning of the year. He just beat out the 90210 players of the year, Dutch Daulton and BradyAnderson. Bill Almon award (biggest flop.): Kevin Mitchell, Seattle Mariners. ft looked great on paper, Griffey and Mitchell banging the Mariners to the top. Last year they had their first winning season in 15 years, and this was going to bethe yearofbattling for the pennant. Nice to see MitcheU could hit nine home runs this year.



He said, She said by Noone and D'Alfonso co -sports editors

Wasteballseasonof 1992 Awards She said: Pick for MVP is Andy Van Slyke, Pittsburgh Pirates. He is like the quiet thunderstorm for the Pirates. Bobby who ... Van Slyke one of the key reasons the Pirates did it again this year. He. was only second to Sheffield for the batting title. Right in there with runs, hits, RBl's. Not the leader in these categories but competitive. AL MVP: I have to go with Edgar Martinez of the Seattle Mariners for the sole fact oflooking at his numbers. I really don't have the opportunity to , see much American league ball but 1 from what l have read and heard he seems to be a solid choice. He won the batting title and is there in runs, hits· and led the league in doubles. Cy Young: Well, I know it is along shot now but I wish it would go to, yes., ~ you guessed it ...Tom Glavine of the Atlanta Braves. J know his numbers have dropped off in the second half of the season but he was still one of only two twenty game winners and he played the last few weeks of the season hurt. He also led the NL in shutouts with 5. He also pitched 7 complete gamesto put him in top 5. Ifhe continued to be healthy he would have had the Cy Young hands down. Unfortunately for me as a Glavine fan but fortunate for Chicago, Greg Maddux had an incred• ible second half. Comeback : Darren Daulton of our own Philadelphia Phillies definitely a banner season for Dutch. Coming off of serious injuries from an accident last year and then having bad knees besides that. He went from hitting below 200 last sea$Onright into MVP

contention. AL Cy Young: Kevin Brown the All·Star pitcher is my pick for Cy Youngthis season.. He is a 2I game winnerandbas an ERA of 3.32and is up there in strikeours..He pitched 11 complete games this season ·to tie Rocket•and he .is .secom1·in innings pitched. CbarlesNagyfromtheCleveland Indians . is anotherupand comer that I like. He is. up Utere in ERA. complete games, innings and strikeouts.


The wholeMetsteam.Theyget my vote for the Bill Almon award. A disappointing seasonasa whole and just a big disappointment in Bobby Bonilla. It is definitely timeto rethink the~ plan. Healthyplayersmight be firsund foremost. Theydid however in a miraclefinish ahead of the Phillies.· Goodenbad his first losing

seasonof hisnineyearcareer. Kevin Maas whereare you tQday? Whined your way through the whole season it seemed like and didn't produce anything. No the Yankeesdidn't help him any by not really giving him a defined job but as designated hitter he didn't accomplish half of what he could have and should have.

see he on page 7


fridaXzoct. 9, 1992



Volleyballset back from PAC Tough week has /adv Cavs' back to the wall • by Mary Anne Walker staff writer

When Cabrini's women's volleyball team gathers round and chants WIN, that is their goal -- to win the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference Division title! "We have the potential to win the league and beat the teams from the north," said Jim Harrigan, head coach of women's volleyball. "It's just a matter of communication." According to Tracy Loftus, senior tri captain, "this season is tough but it's not impossible. It's a challenge but it's one that can be met. We have a great chance of taking our di vision." Last week, the team faced a tri match that involved Gwynedd Mercy and Bryn Mawr colleges. Cabrini lost to Bryn Mawr College in the first round but played an impressive game in the second round, beating Gwynedd Mercy. who is one of the southern colleges included in the PAC conference. In the PAC conference Cabrini's volleyball team plays the best out of five games. In

the match last Tuesday, Sept. 29. Cabrini downed Gwynedd Mercy with a three game , score of 16-14, 15-8 and 15-13. It was an action packed match with pumped up players. Dan Eberhardt, a spectator at the game on Tuesday, said, "These girls are wonderful and play well together. They are a small team with a lot of talent." Chester Weekes, also a spectator and father of senior tri captain Pamela Weekes, said, "They're playing really well and in the four years that I've seen them play, each year they have progressed. I watched the very first game Pam played and the team has improved immensely." During the game against Gwynedd Mercy, Jill Saam, sophomore had a number of killer spikes. Kathleen Foto, sophomore, along with Saam played wel I, accenting each other's shots. Laurie MacA voy, senior tri captain, ..... served well with sets that allowed Weekes photo by Kendra Maron and Saam to win points. Loftus·s defense Laurie MacA voy and Stephanie blocked many shots from the opposition with Eberheart set up to score a point the help of Jen Paliaro, first year student and a~ainst Eastern College

athlete of the week

l ,,


~,~M: definition of energy I

Coming up

staff writer

Being a member of a tennis team is like being a resident assistant(R.A.). At least that's the analogy that athlete of the week Karen Bell used to describe the two. ''When you're on the court, your winning or losing affects the whole team's standing," Bell said. "So you try to win and support each other. And it's the same for R.A.; we 're all in separate places doing separate things, but you need the support of others to make it a success." Bell, a senior, has been playing college tennis for three years and has been R.A. for two. She is an English/communications major and hopes to pursue a career in public relations. photo by Oawnielle Klopp Bell's tennis record, so far this season is Karen Bell relaxes and looks good for very good, according to Coach Reggie Day. the camera She has a 3-2 record in singles and a 3-1 in doubles. When asked about Bell's season, the feeling of knowing that I'm here for Coach Day said, "Since her loss to Textiles people, to listen or just for support," Bell Karen's been moving steadily uphill. That said. "It's nice to know that people can see was a turning point for her. me as a person that they can come to for "She's done a nice job, a very nice job," something." Day said. "She's risen to the occasion when Other students think Bell gives the same I've needed her. She's got her heart and soul amount of energy on the courts and as RA to in the game," Day said. Bell won her matches everything she does. R.A. Steve Bobo said for Parents Weekend, winning both singles "She's very energetic, very outgoing. Sh; and doubles against Harcum Junior College. always follows through with everything." Concerning Day, Bell said, "He's given Kim Scarborough, teammate and firstme a lot of the confidence I've needed. He year student, said that Bell "inputs a lot to the really cares about the team. He's taken the team. And you can always talk to her about tennis team really far. Three years ago, we anything." wouldn't have even made it to the Eastern "Karen is a very determined person. She's Tournament." a great friend and is fun to be with. She's Bell said her family got her interested in consistent and very energetic," said R.A. playing tennis. She has played for clubs. She Christine Cambria, senior. plays now because "it's pleasurable. Being Junior Kim Kojeski, a resident of an R.A. and having a heavy course load ... it's McManus House, where Bell is R.A., said, nice to get on the courts and do something for "She's fun, outgoing, and a cool RA." myself." Alex Saverino summed ital I up by saying, Bell is definitely a busy person. She did "Karen defines energy. She brings new not even have time to buy a fish for her fish meaning to the word." tank until last week, although the tank has Bell says that the three things she will been plugged in since the start of the semesmiss most about Cabrini are "the tennis team ter. being an RA, the friends I've made and th~ Bell is involved in many activities, but her friends I'll keep forever." main interest is in her job as R.A. "It can be stressful, but what I like most is

Due to the Dean's holiday Loquitur will not be published next week, so here are the up-coming games for the next two weeks.

Soccer .Sat. 10/10 Tues. 10/13 Thurs. 10/15 Sat. 10/17 Mon. 10/19 Wed. 10/21

1 pm Swarthmore home 3 pm Eastern away Phila. Bible away 4pm 1 pm Haverford home 4pm Stockton St. away Rutgers/Newark home 3:30pm

Field Hockey Fri. 10/9 Mon. 10/12 Thurs. 10/15 Sun. 10/18 Thurs. 10/22

Sweetbriar Gwyned-Mercy Alvernia Wesley Textile

home home home away home

4pm 4pm 4pm 4pm pm

Women's Volleyball Sat. 10/10 Thurs. 10/15 Sat. 10/17 Tues. 10/20 Wed. 10/21

1 pm Marywood home Wilmington home 7pm Cabrini Fall Classic 9am Phila. Pharmacy away 7:30pm 6pm lmmaculata home

Women's Tennis Fri. 10/1O Allentown home 1 pm Tues.. 10/13 Neumann home 3:30 pm Thurs. 10/15 Eastern away 3:30 pm Mon. 10/19 Phila. Pharmacy home 4 pm Wed. 10/19 Cheyney away 4 pm

Cross Country Sat. 10/10 Tues.. 10/13 Sat. 10/17

Dickinson lnvit'I away Eastern away Allentown lnvit'I away

11 am 3 pm 11 am

Attention sports fans ... Tune in to 89. l WYBF for the "real" Sports Source from 6-7 pm with your hosts Brendan Noone, Frank Sciolla, and Bob McCartney. Tune in this week for four to score, and Heisman report both local and national. Call 971-8453 to talk about all the latest news in sports

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