Oct. 23, 1992 Issue 06 Loquitur

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f riday, oct. 23, 1992

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxix no. 6

Crash coursein drunkdriving by Kimberly M. Haban editor-in-chief The police cars raced down Residential Boulevard. The ambulances and firetrucks followed with lights flashing and sirens blaring. Sophomore Bob Macartney awoke and thought something serious had happened to someone on

tract him from the car. Latvenas said the scariest part of the scene was having handcuffs on. "The thought of me being under

arrestforD.U.I.and hurtingafriend was scary for me," Latvenas said. Patti said he was not nervous or scared at all. "All those guys were.

communicating to each other the whole time, they knew what they were doing. " Sophomore Frank Petrane wit-


campus. Radnor police officer Martha . Gurney arrived at the scene frrst to . find Junior Jeff Patti and Senior John Latvenas in a car accident caused by drunken driving. Students gathering around the parking lot, stared at the scene in ..:~ front of them and asked "What is going on here?" What happened was the result of Medical Assistant Tom Foran' s efforts to increase campus awareness of drunken driving and its consequences. Although· it was a simulated event, Latvenas was given the sobriety test, handcuffed and treated like a true drunken driver. Patti was left in the vehicle as Radnor firefighters and rescue workers worked for a full 15 minutes using the Jaws of Life to ex-

nessed the scene. Petrane said "I saw how long it takes them to get you out of there, you don't have a good chance." "Eerie," was how Pam Weekes, senior, described the simulated accident. Weekes said "I've never seen the Jaws of Life before, it made you think that it was real. It was freakie." According to George Fielden, assistant fire chief, there are approximately 20 drunken-driving accidents every year in Radnor township that require rescue services. Fielden said one of the worst accidents he had to attend to was when one person was killed and the other had his legs cut off. One leg .was severed at the ankle and the other was cut off at the knee. Foran, senior, is also a volunteer fireman anctrescue worker along with being an MA. Foran said the MAs and the resident assistants sat together and planned events for alcohol awareness week. Foran said "They were saying

Cabrini supports alcohol awareness weekby staging a simulated drunk driving accident.

See more DRUNK pg.8

Graduate Studie~ Program 9eleprates 1O years by Kelly Adams


500 450

1l 400

= 350


., 300





150 100 50

• PROJECTEDSPRING 1993REGISTRATIONS F = Fall semester S = Spring semester

The graph shows the amount of growth the graduate studies program has been experiencing throughout the past 10 years. The black bar indicates the number of students enrolled in the fall semester and the grey represents the spring.

What's Happening Friday t,/ 7:30-P.m-10:30pm Haunted House Xavier$4 t/11 :30pm-2:15am TAXI 97 -8415

Saturday ii

7:30P.m-10:30pm Haunted House Xavier $4


11:30pm-2:15am TAX/971- 8415

1982: An actor was in the White House. War waged in the Falkland Islands. The Equal Rights Amendment was not passed. And Cabrini College began its graduate division, offering a master's degree in education to students. The program was the result of two year's worth of work by then Vice President of Academic Affairs Dr. Joseph Romano, Dr. Ann Kennedy, Dr. Ruth Sower. Work began in the fall of 1980. • Romano, now a professor of philosophy, said that beginning a graduate division at Cabrini had been talked about for many years. According to Romano, those involved believed that the school's charter prevented having a graduate division. Romano said that when he and Sower traveled to Harrisburg to have the charter changed they found that the assumption was false. Sower, now division head for education and the graduate division at Holy Family College, was the frrst director Cabrini's graduate division. Sower said," Adding the

OCT. 23 to Oct. 30 Sunday ttl 12Jlm Phila Walk for Al S t,/ 3 P.m Pianist Jeni Skotcliiver Mansion ttl 6 pm Mass t/ 9 pm Mass

Monday t,/ 9 pm-1Opm Aerobics House 6 basement To have your events covered in What's happeninfiicontact Kim Haban in e newsroom 971-8412

first graduate division in a school is no small measure." According to Romano, approval for any graduate program must be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of Education~ Romano said that the initial proposal was a 154 page document, three-fourths of an inch thick, which included everything from an overview of the proposed program to why Cabrini should have a graduate division. Romano said that when the graduate division was approved in the fall of 1982 it was a time of intense pride on campus. Sower said that the early years of the program were optimistic and euphoric. According to Sower, she knew that the graduate division would do well and that the everexpanding program was difficult to keep up with. "Space was always a critical issue when it came to night classes," Sower said. Sower said that this was a welcome problem. Colleen Malone-Wellstein, a 1984 graduate of the graduate division, said, "It was a learning experience for the college and for me." Malone-Wellstein said that if she continue see more GRADUATE pg.4

more coverage in UPDATES!

Tuesday t,/ 1 pm-1 :30 pm Voter Awareness lecture "Why One Vote Counts• Leawe of Women Voters CLH t,/ 9;30 nm Debate Presiden ial Issues XGR

Wednesday t,/ Campus wide mock election all day outside SGA office t,/ 8 :30 P.m-9 :30 pm Aerobics House 6

Thursday t,/ Campus wide mock elections all dax outside the SGA o ice t,/ 11:30P.m-2:15am TAXI 971-8415

Friday t/ ow.anized Mischief


t/ 11:30f-m-2:15am TAXI 97 -8415



fridaXzoct. 231 1992


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~~.~~g~,~~~~~~~re~::~: El1countering the no faith in ~ne another. A fear ~weepsover us and prohibits us from reachingout to each other m order to accomplishour common goals. Withouttrust,nothingbecomesaccomplished.Alack of trustoftenleadsto anarchy and chaos. Why is it that we feel that we cannot place trust in one another? What makes it so difficultto open ourselvesup and believe that the person we are speaking to is being honest. . Wemayneedtolooktoourselvesfortheexplanation. Ourmistrustofourneighbor may stem from self-doubtsconcerningour personaltrustworthiness. Perhapsthe problemrests in the factthateach one of us fearstakinga risk. Trusting someone includes becoming vulnerableto that particularperson. Do we fear being vulnerableto one another? The detrimentsofmistrustaremanifestingin thispresidentialelection. Votershave expressedmistrustfor every candidate. How can we elect a person that we don't trust personallyor politically. Although it might be difficult,we must take a risk and put our trust in a candidate. We must not ignore our responsibility. If there is no candidatethat you totally trust, then pick the most trustworthyof the lot. In the future, we need to work on our own trustworthinessand become examples for one another. It all starts with the individual.

l Didn'tyou learn the firsttime? As if one ridiculously-placedhandicap sign isn't enough on ResidentialBoulevard,now anotherone is added in an even worse spot! Those nifty cementpoles are great for keeping the signs in place, but what happens when someone gets hurt? Thursdays has really been a great success because of SGA effort and student participation. Could there actually be spirit at Cabrini? Isthisacollege? Theseverelackofresourcesinthelibraryisabsolutely embarrassingand frustrating.Why shouldwe have to travelall aroundthe Mainlineto find necessaryresourcesfor our studies. The college needs to provide more funding to this vital component of our academia.


Philadelphiahas developeda great idea to fostera sense of community within the city. The $10 dinner and movie deal on Wednesday nights provides some serious bonding opportunitiesfor the City of Brotherly Love. Go check it out! Seilers needs to find a new parking spot for that van. It's positioning direcfly on the comer is very dangerous. It's an accident waiting to happen! CEC (CouncilforExceptionalChildren)shouldbe recognizedfor their hard workand dedication. They meet everyMonday nighttotallyon their own accord. Now that's the Mother Cabrini spirit manifested.

Resident denied clean slate To the editor: Recently, it has come to my attention that a particular Resident Director has taken a rather unprofessional approach to her responsibilities. While blantantly accusing a resident of disobeying the rules of quiet hours, she was corrected by another resident who admitted causing the distutbance. Upon correction, she boisterously maintained that the first individual was the culprit. Thus, she neglected to apologize for her insubstantial accusations. Young adults mature significantly during their four years of college, especially between their freshman and sophomore years. Unfortunately some authority figures cannot accept this fact. Instead, they prefer to label

individuals during their first few encounters with them, and permanently attach that label to the individual. I thought that college was not only a time to learn, but also a time to change and prepare for the "real world." However, if an individual is premature Iy labeled, and never given the chance to prove themselves, how can he/ she grow? Students do no need the unfair treatment and added pressure of a biased "role model." College is difficult enough, without this type of unnecessary exploitation.

Sincerely, A Disappointed Student (Author's name withheld by the editor.)

see more LETTERS on

pg. 3

.f.orgo tten \1'.Qu+h f ·

/ I

The wind was blowing at a rate of 15 mph that day. The ice was frozen an inch thick on the sidewalks. Cars were sliding into each other as they drove 2 mph on their way to Sunday services. Ice sickles hung from every powerline, drain pipe and street light. I had to open the diner at 7 a.m that morning. I brewed the coffee immediately hoping to take some of the chill away. The smell filled the dinning room alerting the cook it was time to deal with his Sunday morning hangover. I checked the rat trap for a victim. Crushed between the forceps was the biggest black rat I've ever seen. Although he did have a cute pink nose. I got my tools together and threw him in the dumpster hoping I wouldn't run into any of his brothers during the day. I was tired of balancing myselfbetween two counters when they decided to run around my legs as I washed dishes. My first two customers came in around 7:30 a.m. They were in attendance at 6 a.m. mass at St. Johns. The man's name was Chuck. He was a rather round man who usually drank coffee and made fun of the fat lady who came in the diner to gossip. She had a growth under her right eye so he would attach his empty creamer container under his right lens to his eye glasses and hold a conversation with her. I don't think she ever caught on to what he was doing. The second customer was a lady from the Salvation Army. She ordered pancakes and sausage for breakfast and sneezed on my hand as I placed a cup of coffee in front of her. She said, "Excuse me," and I said, "that's okay," even though I was swearing at her from under my breath. As I was walking back to the kitchen I noticed a red face looking through the glass door. He pressed his nose against the window steaming it up as he took a breath. I went to the door and squatted down to his level. He probably stood about 4 feet tall. I asked him if he wanted to come in. He shook his head as he opened the door at the same time. "What's your name," I said. He did not reply. I sat him up at the counter. I gave him a glass of water. I wanted to feed him, but I was afraid I might insult him. He looked like a proud little guy. He sat tall in his seat. However, the dirt on his face and his torn clothing told me he did not come from Sunday morning mass. His knotted hair appeared as though he slept in a very uncomfortable place. I asked him to come into the stock rooin with me and help me carry some cans of spaghetti sauce to the kitchen. He did. He wouldn'tletmecarry anything. He was a little gentleman. I gave him a cup of hot chocolate and was preparing a nice breakfast for him when the lady from the Salvation Anny called me over to her table. When I approached her I could see tears swelling in her eyes. She handed me $5 and told me to feed the boy. I wanted to tell her that I was about to do that, but she looked heart broken. l allowed her to help him. I had the cook prepare a warm meal. The boy ate well that day. He drank three cups of hot '! ~. "I' )


1 1




1 •





chocolate. Then he left. I never saw him again. I never forgot him either. In May of this year I stopped by the grocery store to pick up a pack of cigarettes for my mom. I was backing out of my space when a boy about I I-years-old knocked on my window. I rolled it down. "Which way are you going?" "Up the West End. Why? Do you need a ride?" "No, I have fifty cents." That's not enough to catch the bus so I gave him another fifty cents and started to leave again. Then I stopped. "Hey kid, get in." -He got in the car. I found out he was going to Kemville. That is a bad section of town. He said his name was Billy and he was in the sixth grade. He missed his bus because he got detention for running in the hall. The school gave an I I-year-old boy dentention. He lives on the other side of town. He had no transportation home. He gets free lunch so the only money he had was the fifty cents his granfilftft"gave him for an ice cream sandwich. His face was dirty. His clothes were tom. His hair was knotted. I drove him to his house. It was a worn down building that should have been condemned. He thanked me and got out of the c_ar. He didn't give me my fifty cents back. I didn't ask for it either. He disappeared into the building. I haven't seen him since. Billy made me think of the little boy from the diner. Could they be one in the same? Our children will be running this country when we are old, yet we treat them badly. We allow them to starve and go to school in dirty clothing. We give them detention not caring how they will get home or if they do. Billy touched my heart. The little boy from the diner changed my life. Lets hope the children don't treat us the same way we treated them.

lorraine Iii/ ,::td:gjA,' editor



Istaff Editor-,n-<:hief: Kimberly M. Haban Managing Edrtor: MaryJane Inman Perspectives Editor· MaryJane Inman News Editors: Kelly Adams and Megan Flanigan Arts and Entertainment Editor: Belinda Desher Features Editor: Katherine Ross Sports Editors: Deanna D'Attonso and Brendan Noone Graphic Designer: Ambreen Alladin and lim Conway Copy Editor: Kevin Ohland! Business Manager· Diane Osborn Photography Editor: Looaine M. Lill Photography Adviser· Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Keith Ahlas, Ambreen Alladin, Roseanne Carfagno.Dana Caterson, Alicia Crego, Paul Crowell, Danielle DiMarco, Corinne Egan, Douglas Eppler Jr., Robert Evans, Christine Labroli. Robert Macartney, Matthew Macsisak, Steve May, Heather McAllister. Kevin Olandt, Maryanne Walker. Gary White Photography Staff: Eric Barbuscia, Stephanie Bieg, Christine Costigan, Dawnielle Klopp, Kendre Martin Loquitur is published weeklyduring lhe school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscnption price ,s $25 per year and is included in lhe benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to lhe editor. Letters should be signed and lhe aulhorship known to the editors. However, 1fthe writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of lhe writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in leng1h. If a letter Is too long for the available space. the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur arE>the views of the student editorial s1aff and the individual wnters and not lhe entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for s1udent expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

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f riday, oct. 23, 1992


Studentstrugglesto decide 1·opinion by Maryjane Inman

Paying a price for freedom

perspectives and managing editor The final debate. Who's watching and why? Brian Bell, sophomore, is an English/Communications major. He said he has never before been concerned about politics. Bell said that he has not done any deep probing about the candidates. The upcoming election concerns him, but he has not altered his lifestyle to prepare for it. He wakes up, showers (on most days!) goes to class, works nights· at Sam Goody and comes home to hang out with his friends and girlfriend, Trish. He doesn't consider himself active in politics at all, but he is contemplating the upcoming election. Like many students, Bell is uncertain about who he is going to vote for. The November election exists as the first time that many students are presented with the opportunity to vote. Bell wants to be prepared. "I don't wantto make an ignorant decision," Bell said and added that he watches the debates in the hopes that they will give him some guidance. "I still have no idea who I'm going to vote for," Bell said. Bell sits in a laid-back style on the couch, legs outwardly stretched and soda in hand. He is ready. As he sits with a perplexed look on his face, Bell places a fixed stare on the television. People walk in and out of the living room laughing and talking, but nothing breaks his concentration. "I'm watching this debate because I'm trying to figure out who to vote for," Bell said. . Throughout the debate, Bell shows various reactions. He starts out very fixed. He listens to what is being said with little reaction to the candidate's speeches. As the debate ensues, however, Bell becomes a tad restless. He quickly sheds his serious approach and starts to react to the political drama. "Oh come on," Bell said in reference to one of Clinton's plans for economic comeback. "Ooh, now that was a hit," Bell said after Bush took a personal shot at one of Clinton's policies. A few more students wander into the room to see what is causing Bell to talk to himself! Bell engages in conversation with them to get a feel for what they think of each candidate. "The president doesn't matter," Karen Bell, senior RA said," it's the senators and congress that count." "Come on Bill," Danielle Harris,junior, ::hanted to show her support for Governor Clinton. • Bell started to do imitations of the candidates based on their personality traits. He stood up and pointed a crocked finger and spoke with a Southern accent about civil rights to mock Clinton. Next he pushed his ears forward with his fingers and began pouring out analogies comparing the government to just about anything to imitate Perot. Suddenly the issues weren't as important as the personali-

Recognizeand appreciate Kappa contributions To the editor: I would like to thank the Loquitur staff for the wonderful pre-Parents Weekend articles. However, I am sadly disappointed with the fact that there wasn't anything written about it afterwards. The only reason someone would have known that an event might have ever taken place was that on the front cover there was a poor picture of the Homecoming King and Queen. I would like to know when Kappa Sigma Omega members will have an article written about the amount of time, effort and dedication that they give to this college. I would like to inform this campus that Kappa Sigma Omega is a very vital organization on the campus. If we did not have the Kappa members, this school could not and would not have Parents Weekend, but also would not have thepeople to welcome the speakers for Cabrini Spirit Day, help with Sister Eileen's goodbye (Peace Day Ceremony), the Welcome Convocation and anything else that college puts together that needs student volunteers. Most importantly who do you think


carter craigie guest writer

"Free at last!" These words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous speech came to mind with urgency last night. I learned that the son of friends of mine had spoken these words to them just ten days before he took that forbidden photo by Kedre Martin, printed by KatherineRoss drink of alcohol and smashed himself and his car to SophomoreBrian Bell reacts to a statement during smithereens. the televisedpresidential debate on Monday, Oct.19. I never knew this but Don and Patti's son was an Many students, like Bell, are confused on who to vote alcoholic. He had been· going to Alcoholics Anonymous for and are using the dates to help in their decision (A.A.) meetings for two years, was active in his church by process. singing in the choir and lectoring,~had recently found a job in the post office and it looked like Joe might be free of his habit. But once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic. ties of the candidates. He was a computer genius, people told me last night at Bell sat through the rest of the debate floating in and out of conversation with the people around him. His attention to the funeral home. He could make a computer do more than the television often drifted. When the candidates went into it was designed to do. He used the computer to compose long speeches about the their platforms, Bell often faded into music -beautiful music - while at the same time printing a daze away from the t.v. A change of speakers brought his out pictures in brilliant colors to go along with it. But alcohol doesn't seem to care if you' re a genius ornot. gaze back to the set. Alcohol must be like a hunter's trap, that once it gets you, Bell let out a huge sigh as the debate concluded. you can't ever get away. You lose your freedom and remain "I stiJl don't know who I'm going to vote for." "Right now," Bell said, "I wouldn't put my trust in any of forever captive. So what did Joe mean ten ·days ago? How was he "free them. Clinton's a slick politician. Bush sounds good but look at last?" Does anyone really know? Did he think that he was at his track record. Perot's a great businessman but he doesn't free of alcohol's death grip? Did he feel he had broken the know a thing about politics or how to run a country." Bell said that he was turned off at the "cheap shots" that chains which held him to a bottle? Or was it something else? Was it something to do with his spirit? Was he making the candidates took at one another, although he did admit that a decision to free himself from all the pressures which were it added entertainment to the debate! It makes him nervous, Bell said, to hear the candidates pushing him to find solace in drinking? People think this way when they decide on suicide as a working so hard to make "the other guy" look bad because that signifies that they are not confident in their own capabili- way out of all the entanglements and demands oflife. They see a suicide death as the final freedom, the release of all ties. Bell said that he's a little nervous about having two weeks earthly obligation. Was this the freedom Joe had spoken of? I did some inquiring among friends at the funeral home to make this decision. The debates are over and he still remains without a preference for a candidate. He said that he and, yes, it did seem so. One man told me flat out that he is confused but knows that he is not motivated enough to read suspected suicide. Joe had been an alcoholic for years and his death came as no surprise. the paper everyday to enhance his decision. So that was, after all, what he probably meant. He had "I probably won 'tknow until I get in the booth," Bell said. planned it all. He knew he was driving toward the final freedom. I do not condone Joe's action because I love life too much. I refuse, however, to judge him because I have never experienced the self-destructive grip of alcoholism. "Free at last. Free at last." and stayed with on your overnight visit...Kappa tour guides and Admission tour guides. I would now like to recap the events that took place during Parents Weekend 1992. Dave Binder gave a wonderful performance on Friday. He played the songs that our students, alumni and parents requested. We hope he will be back. Saturday was gorgeous. There were many exciting events that were well attended. Our wish was that more people had put floats in the parade, This was the first year that the freshman class was not represented in the line up. The President's Reception at the Valley Forge Hilton was WHAT DO YOU THINK? held in Touche' with a packed crowd. The dinner was great. On Sunday, brunch was delicious and with a little more Loquiturwould like to invite you to become wind the kites would have been flying. a guest columnist in our perspectives section. If you see a Kappa member please give them a big thank We ore cunently seeking outsidesources, such you for everything they do because I can only thank them so as you11elf,to write viewpoint articles and opinion pieces. We ore eager to ~en our covmuch.

Sincerely, ChristinaRudden,senior Kappa Sigma OmegaPresident

In issuefive, Linda luvara's namewas misspelledin SPOrtS.

erage of campus perspecHves so that the paper will better serve you. We hope that you will join our staff. If you ore interested please contact Loqultur by dropping off your name, box and phone numbe11 in the newsroom or by colUng 971-



more GRADUATE from 1 ues her education she would return to Cabrini. "I never thought about going anywhere else," Malone-Wellstein said. Bobbi Wade, a 1992 graduate, praise the graduate division for the practical, useful classes as well as the high caliber of teaching. Today, the graduate division is a totally self-sufficient program. Nancy Malone, executive assistant in the graduate division, said, "We do everything, from sending the admissions catalog to seeing them graduate." According to Malone, two-thirds of the students in the graduate division are not Cabrini graduates. Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice president of academic affairs, said that she was extremely proud of the growth of the graduate division as well as of the philosophy of education the graduate division teaches. "The philosophy it espouses is one that really motivates, en-

friday, oct. 23, 1992

ables and inspires," Bill er said. Malone cited the arrival of Dr. Jack McGovern, director of the graduate division, as a high point in the history of the program. "He has been a great attraction," Malone said. Karen Berland!, director of public relations, agreed with malone. Berlandt said, "We were extremely lucky to have attracted someone of his caliber." Berland! said that McGovern is a nationally-known expert in children's reading. Last year McGovern was nominated for President Bush's "l,000 Points of Light" award and received a certificate for distinguished achievement, Berland! said.

'The philosophy it espouses is one that really motivates, enables and inspires' - Dr. Mary Ann Biller vice-president of academic affairs

'How many schools do people get a hug from someone in the office when they graduate?' -Dr. Jack Mc Govern director of the graduate division

McGov~rn stressed the personal treatment each graduate student receives. McGovern said, "How many schools do people get a hug from someone in the office when they graduate?" McGovern said that he was the most proud of the reading certification program begun by Dr. Martha Chaffee of the gradu~ ate division. McGovern, who does consulting work across the United States, said, "People are very impressed with our little


reading program." In the future, the graduate division may offer a master's degree in psychology, McGovern said. Primarily, McGovern said that he wants to consolidate and improve upon the present program. McGovern cited the program's work with the Settlement Music School as something he wants the program to work on in the future. At Settlement, Cabrini graduate students are working to train artists to work in community art centers with children.

'People are very impressed with our little reading program.' - Dr. Jack Mc Govern,director of the graduate division

updates OUR corner 10\22, 10\23, 10\24

10\27, 10\28, 10\29,

Ghouls, Ghosts and Goblins

Voter awareness

0 The annual haunted house sponsored by SGA will be held from Oct. 22 to Oct. 24. Admission is $4. It will take place in Xavierhall from 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm. It is not recommended for children under five. After you get scared out of your wits snacks will be available. For more info. call ext. 8412.

10\25 Philadelphia

AIDS walk

0 SGA will sponsor a lecture titled "Why One Vote Counts." It will be presented by a representative from the League of Women Voters. The lecture will be held in Widener Center Lecture Hall at l pm. SGA will also sponsor two days for mock elections. Students will have the opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice on Oct. 28 and Oct. 29 outside the SGA office. Results will be sent out on Oct. 30.

'92 10\27


People from all walks of life will gather at Elkins Oval to begin a 12 kilometer walk to raise money for the fight against AIDS in the Delaware Valley. Registration can be done at Student Services or at the starting point. For more info. call ext. 8407


0 SGA, Resident Life and the history club will sponsor a debate focusing on presidential issues at 9:30 pm in the Xavier Great room. Panels of students will discuss their views on the presidential candidates.

10\25 11\3, 11\5 Fine Arts Career Service News


Pianist Jeni Slotchiver will perform at 3 pm in the Mansion. Featuring Latin American works by Ginastera and Villa Lobos. Admission is free. For more info. call ext. 8380.

0 There will be an interviewing techniques workshop sponsored by Career Services. It will be held at I pm in the Career Services Center. For more info. call ext. 8560.



0 CommunistChina changing its outlook-The Communist Party intends to focus its efforts on economic planning rather than ideology. They promoted several enthusiasts of free markets to the seven member committee that is supposed to rule China for at least the next five years.

0 Accidental Death-Popular WMMR disc jockey John Deballa's exwife Annette died on Sunday morning. She was found dead in her car parked in the garage, the garage door closed, the engine running. Police told John they suspected Annette's death was accidental. Annette was a guest on John's arch rival Howard Stem's dial-a-date a few months ago.


0 Two more weeks until the election-Thelast of the three debates ended on Monday evening. Pres. Bush remained on the defensive about his record first term. He labored to revive his campaign by warning Gov. Bill Clinton lacked the record, the leadership and the character to be President.

0 Closing of Catholic Schools-Dueto the money problems the archdiocese is facing the possible shutdown of seven area Catholic High Schools. Those schools are: Little Flower High School for Girls; Northeast Catholic High School; West Catholic High School; St. James High School; Archbishop Kennedy High School; and Bishop Kenrick High School.


Decision on mentally handicappedindividuals rightsThe Supreme Court agreed to decide whether mentally retarded individuals are entitled by their constitutional rights to the same protection against involuntary confinement in a state institution that the state gives the mentally ill .

The source for this capsule is the New York Times compiled by Kimberly M. Haban

ecurity corner

10\26, 10\28 11\5, 11\11, 11\12, 11\13 Get in shape Senior portraits

0 Aerobic classes are held every Monday and Wednesday in the basement of House 6. Monday classes are instructed by Kim Marshall from 8:30 pm-9:30 pm. Wednesday classes are taught by Mary Jane Inman or Colleen Reemer.

0 Sign up times available in the student services offices for senior portrait sittings. sittings begin at 9 am and end at 4:45 pm. There is a $12 sitting fee, due at the time of the sitting. For more info. call Lisa Naab ext. 8412.

Security incidents as reported by the security office from Monday Oct. 12 though Tuesday 20.

Vandalism 0 10/16/92-Residental Blvd. -A student reported to security that their car was vandalized. No other cars in the are were harmed

Found property 0 10/18/92-Widener Center Conference room-Security found a TV and VCR on a stand. The unsecure items were placed in the Educational Resource Center

arts & entertainment


friday, oct. 23, 1992


I.JIf\jiQhtlife Escape to the clubs and-pubs of Philly ... by Matthew J. Macsisak staff writer

Contrary to popular belief, there is a world that actually exists outside the confines of Cabrini College. By this, I don't mean the five mile radius we have come to know as the Mainline. I'm not talking about the same.four or five bars that we almost always frequent, or those one or two restaurants we find ourselves always eating at. If you are looking to expand your horizons, and go past the local parameters to find social tranquility in different places, here are a few choices. The Bank The Bank, at Sixth and Spring Garden streets, in center city Philadelphia, is the perfect spot for those "Mainline blues." Located just off the Art Museum Circle, this old converted bank is one of the most popular clubs in the city. Open Monday through Saturday, The Bank offers great c_lrink specials throughout the week. On Thursday night, from 10 p.m. - 2 a.m., there is a $10 all-you-can-drink special with a "finger food" buffet. On Fridays from 9 -11 p.m., they have another $10 all you can drink special. The range of atmosphere stems from your normal college "hipsters," to the bla;k clad alternative crowd. Dress is casual, but

sneakers are a no-no. So for all of you who have been dying to wear your funkadelic loafers, here is your chance. The Bank has three floors with a different bar on each level. The basement bar is for all fans of classic rock-n-roll. The second floor has two bars and is mainly for those who like to gyrate to alternative dance music. And for all you Elvis impersonaters, the third floor karaoke machine is a chance to sing along with the "King." Senior, and local style-betty, Linda Majeski is a frequent visitor to The Bank. "It's a greatpeople-watchingplace. There's a very diverse crowd, unlike your typical Mainline scene."

Thursday night$ l Oall-you-can-eat-anddrink special from 10 p.m.-2 a.m. Friday nights offer techno, hip-hop and rave dance music. The cover charge is the same, and you may be 1 8 to get in the door. And for those who are a little daring, The Trocadero has theme parties every Saturday night. Entertainment is provided by a New York D.J., and you must be 21. Senior Leanne Bedwick enjoys The Trocadero for one simple reason. "It gives me an opportunity to get away from this area and not have to see the same people night after night." The Trocadero is also a great haven for good alternative shows. The price of the concert ticket covers your admission into the club. All shows are for those 18 and older, and there is an upstairs bar for those over 21. "It's a great place to catch a show," Bedwick said. "It's nice to be able to have a few beers after a concert, unlike the Spectrum where you have to leave when the band is over."

Trocadero The Trocadero, located on 10th and Arch Streets in Philadelphia is another one of the city's more popular spots. The "Troe" opens its doors every Wednesday through Saturday at 9 p.m. There is a $7 cover charge, and $5 if you have an invitation. Invitations available in the advertisements that are published in the Philadelphia Inquirer and the CityPaper. Every Wednesday is alternative and industrial music night. You may be l ~ to chill, but 21 to swill. For those of you who are 21, Wednesday nights also have a Jagermeister drink special. There is a

Khyber Pass On 56 S. Second St., between Chestnut and Market streets, sits the hidden treasure of all bars. The Khyber P3:ss is not much bigger than the Wayne Tavern, but its classic pub style atmosphere, with its varnished

wood and open brass rails, makes it worth taking a trip into Philadelphia. The Khyber Pass is open Monday through Saturday, form noon until 2 a.m. If you find yourself in the area during lunch time, The Khyber Pass offers an excellent and reasonably priced lunch menu. The bar itself is split into two sections. The smaller section contains the main bar, while the other section has a large stage area with a small back bar. Yes, like The Trocadero, The Khyber Pass is also a great place to check out a show. Senior, and New Jersey rock-n-roll hero Frank Bressi, enjoys the whole atmosphere surrounding a Khyber Pass show. "It's an excellent place to see un\ferground shows. It's a chance to meet the artists you've come to see. I met Mike Watt from Firehose there. And if you understand the significance of that, then you' II understand why it's such a great place to see shows." In addition to the merriment of food and dance, The Khyber Pass has an extensive beer menu. · They offer a two-page pamphlet of beers by country and/or region. The Khyber Pass has every beeryou could possibly want, and probably 15 you've never heard of, from all over the world. Bressi said, "If you're a beer connoisseur, you'll like The Khyber Pass."

'I ·1 I I



...or let Main/ Line food & spirits tempt you to stay by Kevin Ohlarult copy editor

Cabrini students looking for a good time off campus have many options available to them.

Pizzeria Uno Pizzeria Uno, located on 202 North, just minutes from the King of Prussia mall, offers a special deal in conjunction with AMC movie theaters. For only $9.95, you receive a small house salad, five buffalo wings, an individual pizza, and a ticket to any AMC theater. This is available for a limited time, so don't miss out on a great deal. For the really hungry person, there is the Uno Platter for $6.95. With this, you get a small house or Caesar salad, two pieces of garlic bread, and an individual pizza. Drink specials are every night and constantly changing. From Sunday to Thursday, kids eat for free.

K.P. Corral Ramble a little further down 202 North to the K.P. Corral for a swinging time. This

country music club, formerly known as Popcorns, is right next to the Eri,c movie theater located at the King of Prussia mall. If you want to learn how to "two-step" or "freestyle dance," the Corral is the place to go. Dance lessons are 7:30-8:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and 8- 9 p.m. on Saturdays. Sunday nights are Midnight "Club KP," a teen dance for those under the blessed age of 21. From Monday through Saturday, the over 21 crowd are welcome to some good old country cooking, with a buffet waiting for you every night. For Monday night football fans, 75 cent drafts are available along with the free buffet. Although country music may not be extremely popular, the Corral boasts that its clientele includes a cross-over crowd between the ages of 21 and 65 who get hooked on the country-music scene. Upcoming events at the K.P. Corral include; Confederate Railroad expected to appear in December, and main man, Willie Nelson, is slated to come s·ometime in Janua1·y.

Docksiders Docksiders Ale House can bea kickingplace. Every Thursday evening you can expect to see live entertainment downstairs for only $3. On Thursday, Oct 22, the Johnny Turk band will be playing. Turk and his crew make frequent appearances to Docksiders and delivers an allrequest show that is a definite crowd pleaser. If that doesn't wet your appetite, how about slapping back a cool MillerGenuineDraft for$1.25. It comes in a 20 ounce mug displaying the Philadelphia Eagles. Happy hour usually runs from 5-7 p.m. and reduces drinkprices by $1.50. Drinks normally cost $3.25 and $3.50. The place is flooded with college students between 11 p.m. and I a.m. on most nights. The menu consists mostly of sea food but is reasonably priced.

Main Lion Last, but not least, is Rib-it's Main Lion, on Lancaster Avenue. In the past, Rib-it has hosted bands such as Steppenwolf, Foghat, theMamas and the Papas, and the Outlaws have played for huge audiences. This Friday, Oct. 23 Final

Relax by AMNION CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER candlelight in BRYNMAWRPA NewLocation - QneblockfromBrynMawrHospit;JJ West Chester

FREE PREii NANCY SCREEN/NC TE818 CallforAppointment

626-HELP "Myfriendstoldme, 'If.youhaveto go anywhere, go to Amf!ion'."

.. ·-............................ ...

Chapter will ~ p¢Qrming but will also be making a repeat performance on Nov. 13. Rhythm and Bluefish will rock theplace on Oct24andNov. 14. QueenBeewillappearon Oct. 30, and the Aaming Caucasians will sting on Nov. 7. Rib-it has live entertainment and DJ. s every night from Wednesday- Saturday. Ribit is divided into a bar area which includes a huge dance floor on one side, while the restaurant is positionedontheother. FromMonday-Wednesday, patrons can enjoyanearlybirddinnerdeducts 20 percent off themenu price, and offersan allyou-can-eatspecialon ribs for$10.9CJ.

by Christine Labroli staff writer

West Chester is a great place to spend an evening drinking with a lively crowd and listening to some good tunes·. Two bars that stand out are Alibis, located on N. Walnut St. and The Bar and the Restaurant, located on E. Gay St. of West Chester.

Alibis Alibis is a "yuppie'' looking bar filled with a college crowd. The best nights to go are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On Tuesdays from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. Alibis serves 35 cent drafts of Miller Genu-

ine Draft. On Wednesdays and Saturdays happy hour begins at 8 p.m. and ends at 10 p.m. 'Offering 50 cent drinks and drafts specials. For those of you who enjoy imported beer, Michael Sheas beer is served with a cold mug, for only a dollar on Thursday nights. Alibis offers a wide variety of bands to go along with these specials, and the cover is usually $2. Some popular oands that perform are Friar Tuck, that plays The Grateful Dead and sounds remarkable like them; and Tree of Life that plays a wide mixture of reggae.

The Bar and Restaurant If you are in the mood for more of a midtwenties crowd, then The Bar and Restaurant is the place to be on Saturday nights. Every Saturday evening, two men that have been playing there for years sit on stools and play acoustic requests all night. Candlelight, great food and the music make The Bar and Restaurant a terrific spot for a very romantic evening.






fridaXzoct. 23, 1992

Faking your way through the bar by Kelly McDonald

staff writer

A fake ID to someone under age is like an inside tip to someone on the stock exchange, it opens opportunities that could harbor great reward but also runs the risk of strong penalties. It serves as a pass for an under age person into an otherwise restricted environment. Fake identification can be obtain through several different methods. Penalties vary depending on the type of ID that is used, the circumstances and also the state it is used in. Each state has its own method to combat the spread of fake identification. Pennsylvania added a hologram, which makes false duplication more difficult. This does not however, make it impossible. Senior Ellen Robbins, now 21, purchased a home-made Pennsylvania drivers license. Robbins said she stood in front of a blue poster board where her picture was taken with a Polaroid camera. The information that was needed on the drivers license was typed and then photo copied to shrink it in size. The person making the ID drew it with colored pencils. The informat1onwas the placed between the back of a real drivers license and clear lamination and was ironed together. With what seemed to be the perfect ID, Robbins entered Spoilsports, a tavern in Northeast Philadelphia. She said the bouncer immediately knew the ID was fake and took it from her. She was lucky enough notto get fined. 0 According to Robbins, her parents had to meet with the owners of the bar and her ID was tom up. When a drivers license picture is taken in New Jersey, a person under 21 gets a side profile picture on their license. A person over 21 faces front. Senior Matt Capone now 21, obtained his fake ID from the NJ. Department of

Motor Vehicles. By using his over-21 brother's birth certificate and social security card, Capone duplicated his brother's drivers license. While Capone was riding in the car with two friends and two cases of beer, his friend was pulled over for speeding. Upon arrest, Capone said he was searched and found possessing false identification. Capone said an open beer can was also found in the back seat where he was sitting. According to Capone, he was charged with under-age drinking, a $500 fine, and a $250 fine for the open beer can. Capone's lawyer plea bargained so his license was not taken away for the normal six month period. MicheleLynch, a senior who is now 21. borrowed a copy a her friend's birth certificate, a Maryland resident. For proof of residency Lynch said she went to Maryland and got a library card and a check cashing card in her friend's name. She used a false social security number and address. She said she took all this information to the Maryland Vehicle Association and applied for a non-drivers license. Jeff Lawrence, squad supervisor of the Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement Pennsylvania State Police, enforces the laws regarding fake ID. There are different laws that are listed in the book of Crime Codes, depending on what type of ID. Using someone else's ID is listed as crime code 6307, "Misrepresentaion of Age to Secure Alcoholic Beverages." The first charge is a summary offense, which results in a sliding fine up to $500 and a 90-day suspension of a drivers license. The next offense becomes a misdemeanor and leaves the guilty person with a criminal record. Possessing fake ID is listed under crime code 6310.3, "Mere Possession." The first charge is a summary offense and results in a mandatory fine up to $500.

pho1o by Lorraine Mane LHI

Obtaining fake identification for the under age drinker opens up many new social opportunities, however one often forgets the strict penalties involved if caught using it.

A subsequent offense is also handled as a misdemeanor. Making or selling fake ID is listed under crime code 6310.2 "Manufacturing or Sale of False Identification." The first offense is considered a misdemeanor and has a sliding fine of $1,000 to $5,000 or a two-year prison term. Taverns and bars handle incidents with fake ID according to the circumstances. The Wayne Tavern usually turns away fake ID. According to Glen, a bartender at the tavern, if the bar is raided by the Liquor Control Board(L.C.B) and minors are present with fake ID, the situation is handled by the LCB. and they penalize the individuals according to the offense they committed. Smokey Joe's tavern likes to see the immediate suspension of a drivers license

and $1000 fine given to anyone they catch with fake ID, said Anthony Ryan a bartender at S~o~ Joe's. According to Corky Cronin, a bartender at the Marita's Cantin a, they confiscate fake ID and ift!le people possessing fake ID give the door man a problem, they are warned that the police· will come and check the ID for verification. They will be arrested if they give the door man problem when taking their ID. According to the L.C.B. it is necessary for these local taverns to strongly enforce these laws because minors consuming alcohol jeopardize their license to keep their taverns open. A $1000 fine is issued to the bartender who serves minors, regardless if the bartender thought the ID was legitimate.

The history of karaoke: The past, present,and futureof a new trend by Belinda Desher

arts & entertainment editor

Karaoke is a hot fad that has surged into the American pop culture. But how did it become so popular? It was introduced in the United States only four years ago. Karaoke machines blend Jive singing with the accompaniment offarniliar songs that have been doctored to remove the true artist's vocals. According to Philadelphia Magazine, karaoke began as a form of entertainment in Japan as a way for businessmen to belt out Irene Cara tunes and let off steam. Karaoke gives amateur singers the chance to move from their private-shower studios to the main stage of bars and restaurants. "People liketosingtheirfavoritesongs," Andy Arriviello, owner of Hinnen Mobile Disk Jockeys Inc., said. Junior Beth Mulvihill, chose "More today than yesterday" as her karaoke song during orientation in September. When Mulvihill recalled the memory of her performance she said, "I booed myself I was so bad." Most people do not have the nerve to get up in front of complete strangers and belt out their favorite tune. So what is the charm of karaoke that attracts audience participation? "It all has to tlowith alcohol," Arriviello said. Arriviello explained that when someone has had a few beers, they tend to relax and let down their guard. "The judgment of the quality of their singing changes even though their singing doesn't," Arriviello said. TheBankatSixthandSpringGardenstreetsoffers karaoke every night. Mollie's located at Second and Market streets, lias karaoke on special evenings whenever they run contests.

Karaoke can be enjoyed in the home, at weddings, and even in the supermarket. Supermarket? Yes, one day you may have the opportunity to sing in the produce aisle of a nearby grocery store just like folks in Wichita, KA. In May, Pepsi Co. Inc. hosted a weeklong karaoke contest, in a Wichita supermarket to give away prizes and tickets to the Garth Brooks concert. The event drew in over 50 people a night, according to Business Week Magazine. Pioneer Electronics Corp. introduced karaoke to the U.S. electronic-consumer market in 1988, according to Business Week Magazine. Manufacturers packaged karaoke in a variety of forms geared toward every age. As a children's toy, it consists of a sturdy microphone and cassette player which allows children to sing along with the music. CD and cassette players are karaoke-ready for home entertainment. Melanie Bruno, sophomore, and Jen Ferris, junior, made their karaoke debut in the comfort of Sullivan house. They choose "Only the good die young" by Billy Joel to dazzle their friends. Both laughed looking back on the experience. "It's a great way to have a good time," Ferris said. - Karaoke entertainment is expanding. By 1993, Video simulations may accompany karaoke singing in bars according to Philadelphia magazine. The Franklin Institute is running a two-week "cutting edge" exhibit of laserdisk karaoke from Dec. 15 thru 31. It is Pioneer's newest invention in digital technology. According to Elaine Milnor, public relations manager at the Franklin Institute, the karaoke machine re-dubs the vocals and refines the sound as you perform. "So even if you can't carry a tune, you can," Milnor said.


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Recoveringalcoholictalksto stud·ents; shares~xperiencesand warns of dangers by Danielle DiMarco

staff writer Alcoholism. It is not a lack of character, but rather a disease. Serious, dangerous and life threatening results are often associated with the causes and effects of the addiction to alcohol. Today, there are an abundance of facilities and organizations where alcoholics can receive help and treatment for their disease. Before a person undergoes therapy, they must first recognize the warning signs of addiction to alcohol. Uncontrolled drinking of alcoholic beverages and dependence on the drug are some clues to a problem .. There are common questions asked about determining if a person is an alcoholic. An example of these types of questions are, how can one determine if a person experiences problems with alcoholism and what is correlated with an alcoholic? Some reasons to why people drink are to relieve tensions, to compensate with daily problems and as a substitute to cover up emotions, such as guilt or remorse. Alcohol serves as a temporary solution, that can swell and become worse with time. On October 6th, at 9: 15 p.m., Rapping about reality: The truth about alcohol and drugs program, took place. In Xavier's Great Room, Mike Knorr, a 26-year-old recovering drug and alcohol addict, spoke about his reality with his risks of being an addict. Stepping back into Knorr's past, his addiction started between the ages of four and five. "It all started with actifed liquid," Knorr said, but he has trouble remembering what happened in his past. Knorr experiences a fog syndrome. Everything seems hazy or cloudy due to the excess of alcohol and drugs effects on the brain. In forth and fifth grade, he and a friend,


friday, oct. 23, 1992

broken bones and wires and screws hold me together," said Knorr. "Onee, I was hit by a baseball bat and it fractured the bones in my face." McAlinney said "Society doesn't look at alcohol as a drug. Young adults are a target to abusive behavior with alcohol." In January of 1992, Knorr decided to change his addictive behavior. "The reason why I submitted myself to treatment was because I was hallucinating would drink beer till they got drunk. Knorr prior to excess of alcohol and drugs. I lost remembers an experience where he left beer touch with reality," said Knorr. Knorr was in detoxification for 10 days. outside during the winter and it froze. During those 10 days, Knorr said he heard "The water in the beer froze first, leaving God. God said to him, he could stay in hell only the alcohol. We then became drunk and die or he could quit drinking and live. quicker," Knorr said. Knorr said, "I haven't been happier and -By the age of thirteen, he was a daily I've never been in better shape." user of alcohol. He also began his addiction How does he cope and restrain from to marijuana. At the age of sixteen, he had to quit the drinking? "I have no need to go to bars, so I just wrestling team because of undernourishment. He could no longer make weight and stay away from them. I also do not hang out with power drinkers," Knorr said. had to leave the team. The power drinkers are people who conKnorr said, "This is what you don't see sume alcohol in lavish amounts. In on beer commercials. What about the Old McAlinney's terms, she refers to this as Milwaukee commercial with the Swedish women? Where are the men with beer guts "binging." 56.1 percent of males are binge drinkers and 34.5 percent of females are hanging over a toilet?" As a freshman in college, he retained a binge drinkers. "These are very high statis.17 GP A. His addiction to alcohol and tics," said McAJinney. At present, Knorr works at a juvenile drugs was now interfering with his educadetention center working with maltion. These teens grew Eileen McAlinney, health educator at adapted teen-agers. up without parental supervision and Cabrini College, works with the students lived on the streets. This is where the affiliation with alcohol on campus. "Alcohol is obvious on campus. Stu- root of their problems stem from and dents find it easier to drink because there is Knorr listens to them talk and act out their problems. no direct parental supervision," said Be'fore a person can receive proper McAlinney. treatment for alcoholism or substance When Knorr would use drugs or alcohol, abuse, they must first identify with their he would then become paranoid and violent. problem. Then, th~y must realize the In this state, he would become involved in effects on them and what can be done to fights. acquire a remedy. "In my lifetime, I have had 480 stitches,

Twelvesteps that willchangeyourlife if you let them c-,lll,41,y IJaldell, IJlllarto If you orsomeone yoo know is an the neaiest Alcobol-

alcoholic,~ ics Aaooymoal.

"-••twetve,...of-alcoholics ~

1. Wetdmitted we werepowerless overakohot-diale liveshad become

unmanageable. 2. Came to believe that a Power greaterthen ourselvescould restoreus to sanity. 3. Madea decisionto tum our will and ourlivesoverto the careof God as we understoodHim. 4. Made a searching and fearless moralinventoryof OUfSelves. S. Admittedto ~ ourselves and to anocherhuman being the exact


6. Wae ellt.Wlyready to ba\'e God

remove all &hese defeclsof character. 7. HUQlblyaskedffJmtoMIOYeout

shortcorniugs.. "' 8. Madea list-Ofldl penons webad harmed, and becamewillingto make amends to thent all. 9. Madedirectamendstosocbpeople whereverpossible, exceptwhenJodo so wouldinjure them or Olher&.. 10. Continuedto take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptlyadmitted it.

11.SouJhtdtro'ualiprayerandmeditlllbtl9 impmve-~contaet

wifhGod.••--stDOdJlim.t,raying Olllyfm~'41JiiWitlfcr us andthepowerto carrythatout.

Absolut AIDS: altruismor deceit by Do11,glas Eppler

staff writer In an age where stealth capabilities are the ideal, it is hard to tell what is real and where deception reigns, or who is genuinely concerned and whose ethics fall prey to their wallets. Even contributions to a cause traverse the line between aid and advertising. With so many causes to endorse or to exploit, Joe Public's vision blurs, he tosses a coin, and the silver settles his moral dilemma. Examine, then, if you will, the dilemma presented by Absolut Vodka's current project. In a supposed article printed this summer in USA Today, the distillery cleverly describes its campaign to contribute monetarily to Design Industries Foundation for AIDS (DIFFA), the foundation of designers dedicated to raising funds for AIDS research across the nation. For those of you playing along at home, look closely. Appearing at the top of this apparent news article in very fine print is the word "advertisement." Suddenly the bottle spins and readers who have not yet noticed come to .the cosmic conclusion that the print before them is, in fact, another Absolut Vodka advertisement minus the bottle, goddess-like female party-goers, and the catchy phrase. Do readers, though, suspect cloaked intentions or is the corporation still flaunting a

well polished halo? According to the article/ advertisement, Absolut Vodka has commissioned a total of 400 lithographs (usually referred to as prints) of 51 new, original works created by artists from each state and the District of Columbia. Of these 400 prints, 300 will be sold to the public at $300 a print. These proceeds then will go- to DIFFA. So the list of those benefiting from such sales has climbed to a whopping three: DIFF A, upcoming artists, and, of course, Absolut Ego ...err, Vodka. The question, however, has not changed -is the vodka company aiding or exploiting the issue of AIDS and the talent of new artists? Let's check in with Joe Public, or a resemblance thereof. "It's a deceit," said Dr. Joseph Romano of Cabrini's English/communication and philosophy departments. Romano opposed the vodka company's tactics and accused them of "exploitation of the tragedy of AIDS to promote their own agenda." Romano cited the disguised advertisement's resemblance to a news article as a means "to get people to read. It is a print version of an 'infomercial.' It is more of an affront or insult than unethical," Romano said. When asked if he felt the campaign would truly benefit all parties involved, Romano

said, "It's hard to say. I don't judge by how must include the Absolut image in it (the many it helps. My problem is its deceptive painting)," she said. Speaking from a student perspective, senature. major Karen "I'd send money to AIDS just out of nior and communications Kerchusky was impressed by the advertisespite," Romano added. Later he commented that the project is "exploiting artists as well ment and the plan. "She found the paintings as AIDS" and that he disagreed with the to be "for a good cause" and added that "if notion of requiring artists to include the you're against these pieces, you are also image of their state and Absolut Vodka as against research for AIDS." Kerchusky also failed to notice the article stated in the USA Today article or advertisein USA Today was an advertisement until ment. "Is it art for the sake of art or art for the the fine print was pointed out to her. She called this unusual style "clever" and sake of vodka?" Romano questioned. "effective." As to whether or not the plan Officials at Carillon Importer, Absolut Vodka's importer in New York, could not be would benefit or exploit those involved, Kerchusky suggested that "there is a fine line reached for comment. Kathleen Nugent, advertising instructor, between exploitation and aid" but added that Aboslut Vodka was "notovertheedge." disagreed with Romano's interpretation. That edge, however, floats in a haze of Though she admits she did not instantly radar-elusive ad techniques and ethics. That recognize the advertisement as such, she found almighty nickle or dime dubbed judge in 'the idea to be a "clever strategy." She these debates loses its shine in the process. It viewed Absolut Vodka's project as "good PR falls into gravity's snare and plummets back and at the same time they're working for a to the earth. But is there a decisive answer to good cause." When also asked about the the question before Mr. Public, or can the ethics of the hidden ad and the potential coin land on its side and maintain rigid balbenefits of the project, Nugent said, "If it's ance, favoring neither c~oice? Keep an eye going to help a good cause, then that's what on USA Today for more reprints of the paintyou have to consider. It's benefiting AIDS ings. If you still can't decide, find a coin to and the artist and getting attention." decide if Absolut Vodka is an Absolut hero Nugent did, however, disagree with one aspect of the idea. "It bothers me that the artist or Absolut crook.



l I









Seilers ' secret revealed: no reservations needed by Ambreen Alladin

staff writer


fridaY, oct. 23u 1992

GEORGE BUSH ONTHE DEFICIT: Bush is offering a program that he says will reduce the deficit to $118 billion from the current $330 billion by 1997. Bush plans to limit growth in Medicare and Medicaid, food stamps and Veteran benefits except Social Security. Additionally, Bush favors a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget similar to those in many states.

Clinton promises to cut the deficit to $140 billion by 1996.This is also based on a notion that the economy will grow faster than most economists project. The major elements are roughly $150 billion in new taxes and about $40 billion more in military cuts than the Bush platform proposal. Approximately two-thirds of the additional tax revenue would come from higher income taxes on the wealthiest two percent of the population. (joint annual incomes of $200,000 or more), a surtax on incomes over $1 million and a higher minimum tax on wealthy taxpayers.

Perot promises to balance the budget after five years.The gasoline tax would be raii,ed ten cents a gallon each year for five years. The top tax rate would be raised to 33 percent from 31 percent for couples making in excess of $90,000 a year. Taxes on Social Security benefits received by upperincome taxpayers and government program benefits would be taxed. Employers would betaxed on health insurance premiums more than $335 per month. Many programs would be cut by at least 15 percent and more money would be spent on public works.

Do you have a night class that prevents you from eating dinner in the cafeteria? What do you do? Starve until morning? Order in from Domino's? Well, there is an . alternative. Seiler's does offer a meal exchange program in the Wigwam for those residents who cannot eat dinner in the cafeteria because of class ON HEALTH conflicts. Additionally, for some CARE: students who have had to schedule back-to-back classes for requireThe Bush plan aims to provide Clinton has created a plan under Perot wants to establish a national ments that they cannot avoid, interhealth care for everyone, but does which everyone will have coverage. health board.to oversee cost not require it. The plan provides fering with lunch. They can eat in Employers will have to pay an containment and reform efforts. tax credits and deductions to help unspecified "large part" of full-time It also calls for a "publicthe Wigwam, a departure from last the poor and middle-class people employees insurance costs and a private partnership" to determine year's policies. All that the student buy policies. The money to share of part-timers' costs. Money a basic benefit plan for coverage. has to do is be on the list that qualifund this program would come for this plan will come from inside Additionally, he proposes from funds used for hospital care the system, from cutting Medicare fies for the meal exchange plan in taxing some employee health for people without insurance and Medicaid as well as more plans. the Wigwam. (roughly $15 billion per year) costs for employers. How do you get on the list? cuts into Medicare and Medicaid. According to Olga Lien, the parttime nurse in the health services ONTHE ENVIRONMENT: office, Usually at the beginning of the year we find out from the regisBush wants to promote Clinton says that government Perot has called for greater use trar who has conflicts with lunch "balance" in his environment should become more involved than of coal and nuclear power, along and dinner and we put them on the strategy. But over the last 16 it has been in the last 12 years in with new conservation measures list for meal exchange. After the months, the President has setting environmental policies and to lower America's dependency on proposed weakening the drop-add period we update the lists enforcing rules here and abroad. foreign oil. His proposed gasoline Endangered Species Act. The strong Democratic stance tax would, he says have the effect again to make sure we have the stepping up logging in new comes from Gore. The ticket of reducing oil consumption and names of all the students who forests, oil drilling in the has gained the endorsement of such air pollution. · qualifyfortheprogram,"sheadded. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, organizations as the Sierra Club However there is no clear, strip mining coal in national Those not placed on the list can because Gore is well-known as an public record on Perot's stance forests and allowing polluters environmentalist although Clinton on environmental issues. always go to health services and to increase toxic air without has a spotty record on environmental have the problemtakencare of. In "' reprecussions. r policy. the event that there is no one in graphic by Ambreen Alladin l health services, the student can go , I to student services and get helped, according to Lien. Seiler's has taken the responsiForan said "People don't rebility of providing a lunch meal alize how f-ed up they can get If I feel that I have exchange in the Wigwam for stuin a car accident." dents who have a conflict. George Hebard, professor of drunk too much at a According to Wynona Rich, asbiology said there is a lot less party my wife will sistant manager of Seilers and drinking when he goes to parmanager of the Wigwam, "The cafdrive home ties than was IO or 15 years eteria has started staying open an ago. extra five or ten minutes at lunch"If I feel that I have drunk - George Hebard time, till about 1:40, so that stutoo much at a party my wife dents who have classes ending at ins'tructor of biology will drive home," Hebard said. 1:30 can at least pop in and grab Hebard said "People are something before we close to set up for dinner." much more aware of drunken Seiler's is also keeping the driving. Fearoflaw is a factor." Latvenas said "If one person Wigwam open longer to accommoJunior Karen May said that out of this whole crowd doesn't date meal exchanges and others who when she and her friends go out drink and drive it is a good prowant to grab a bite to eat. Additionthey always have a designated gram." ally, the Wigwam does have a pizza driver. First-year-student Francis delivery service running from 9 p.m. Senior Suzanne Marotta said Kelly said the demonstration to midnight on Monday through she is usually the designated made him never want to drink Wednesday. driver for her friends. "It and drive or step into a car with Niki Rose, first-year student said doesn't matter if I drink or not someone under the influence. "I didn't even know that you could when I'm out with my friends," do that. Marotta said. Sue Fitzgerald, the school • nurse, said that if students take classes that schedule themselves out of lunch, Seiler' s Senior John Letvenas is placed under arrest while being escorted does not provide meal exby Radnor police to the patrol car after being hand-cuffed. All is change. being done to educate students on drinking and driving Unless a student schedules $$$$/ ~ back-to-back classes, they the usual things like a mocktail was to startle people and have them should be able to go to lunch without a conflict. There are a party and having people pretend open their eyes. Foran said because of his work few students that have had to ~they are dead. I thought let's do INDIVIDUALS AND STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS something a little different." with the fire department everyone schedule classes conflicting Foran worked with Rich Kralle, was very cooperative. David WANTED TO PROMOTE SPRING BREAK. with lunch because of requiredirector of security, in staging the Norcini, volunteer fireman, donated ments and those students are accident. Foran said the whole idea the car from his automotive shop. W~~-:--7\ CALL THE NATION'S LEADER: accommodated. INTER-CAMPUS PROGRAMS

more D,::IUNKfrom 1






friday, oct. 23, 1992



E.S.A: A change in name for a change in ti.me by Paul Crowell

staff writer

If you have been wondering what happened to the Black Student Alliance, do not worry. It now exists under a new name: the Ethnic Student Alliance (ESA). According to Resident Director Scott Dorsey, who is a moderator for the ESA, the student members voted for name change to reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the group itself. "We didn't want to limit ourselves," Dorsey said. Senior Jheri Rayon, who was president of the BSA last year, said that she felt the change was necessary because in the past students who weren't black were shy about saying that they were a member of the Black Student Alliance. Sophomore Kendre' Martin, the current president of the ESA, said, "We didn't want to make other minorities feel unwelcome." Dorsey said that he hopes that the name change will encourage more students to join the alliance, but he doesn't know what effect, if any, the change will have. Martin said that all students

are welcome to participate in the ESA. She added that many races and ethnic groups are represented in the alliance, includ-

'We learn about each other' Senior Jheri Rayon ing Caucasians. Jennifer Marks-Gold, director of student services, who is also a moderator, said that even when it was still the Black Student Alliance, it was open to all students. She said that the name change may encourage more participation by making the alliance more approachable for students. According to Dorsey, there are more Hispanics on campus now than in previous years. He added that Hispanics as well as other minorities, experience similar problems that AfricanAmericans do and they share the same goals for the alliance. According to Dorsey, although the name has changed, the mission of the alliance remains the same.

He said that one of the aims of the ESA has always been to promote cultural diversity on campus. According to Dorsey, the ESA strives to educate the campus community about different cultures present on campus through various programs. He said that they also accomplish this by bringing issues that affect minorities to the forefront

'We didn't want to make other minorities feel unwelcome.' -Sophomore Kendra Martin current president of E.S.A

of the campus consciousness. Martin said that in addition to promoting knowledge and history of various cultures of students on campus, the ESA also serves as a support group for minority students. According to Martin, the members embrace the cultural distinctions of each student in

'We are continuously growing' Scott Dorsey resident director of houses

order to enrich the group as a whole. "We learn about each other," said Rayon. According to Martin, the ESA plans to schedule various speakers on campus throughout the year. She also said that they plan to schedule special activities during cultural awareness week, which runs from Nov. 2nd through the 8th. The ESA will also be holding its annual fashion show (no date as of yet), which Martin said was very successful last year. In addition, a reggae party will also be planned. According to Dorsey, events for the upcoming year are still · in early planning stages due to the fact that the year's budget has not yet been settled. According to Martin, the ESA also networks with similar organizations at other area colleges such as Eastern,

Villanova, and West Chester. According to Rayon, memb~rs also go to cultural events off campus and see movies and theater productions done by minority artists. For example, members went as a group to see the movie "Sarafina." According to Marks-Gold, the alliance has done such things as inviting students from inner-city high schools to spend the weekend with them. "How many people would give up their weekend like that?" she said .. Marks-Gold spoke with high praise for the ESA. "We need a group like this," she said. She said that minority students put up with a Jot on campus, yet the ESA perseveres and works hard to bring about change· on campus. The ESA meets every Wednesday at-4:~p.m. in the Dean of Students Conference Room in the Widener Center. All students are welcome.



Students forced to live in cramped conditions By Dana Caterson

staff writer

Two's company and three's a crowd. For some the thought may provoke memories of summer camp without having to deal with the mosquitoes. Regardless of the memories that come to mind, could living with three people in college be considered easy? According to first-year student Tim Wonson, "No,it isn't easy. It's really crowded and one of my roommates is a slob, but I've shared rooms before so I'm used to


10.Rainforestchainsawoperator. 9. Mlonaires i1 prison. 8. Driverswithtumsignal perpetually on. 7. LasVegas lounge acts. 6. Unregistered voters. 5. Frozen chlerenthusiasts. 4. javeli1 catcher. 3. Someone ine,qns.s checkout linewith ele.elitems.

2. Om-smokilg gasstationattendant. I . Drug users. MltTNfMHIP'POAADMJG.HIIEAMeuc:A

sues." Sophomores Sherri Cannon, Heather McAllister and Tina Longo were all friends last year and decided to live in a triple this year. "It's been great. Every problem we come across, we work it out," Cannon said. "We schedule roommate time, where we all get together and hang out by ourselves to know each other better." At Cabrini residents who opt to live in a single pay a higher premium, however there is no change in tuition price between double and triple rooms. Tom Hatler, first year student, lives in a triple at Xavier. He said, "I think we should 'I think we should get get refunded money or pay less than doubles refunded money or pay less because we really don't have more space. than doubles because we With three people we have more stuff." Lana Bockhaus, first year student, lives really don't have more in a triple and knew one of her roommates space. With three people but said she felt cheated in some aspects, we have more stuff" "There• snot enough room because you don't -first-year student Tom Hafter get enough desks so we have to share," Bockhaus said. The policy with resident life department at Villanova University is if the room is initially a triple the students pay the same our habits and personality conflicts." fixed rate. However recently, with the lack According to Cathy Caufield, resident of housing they have tripled students in life director, "We run into more roommate double rooms and were charged less. conflicts with first year students because Cabrini's chief financial officer, John they come into conflict easier, but that's not Barclay ,said that the subject of different to say we don't spend time with upper-class rates from a double to triple has never been students." For students living in a triple formally addressed. Caufield said, "It makes it more challenging In order for the question to be formally to get along because it brings up more is- addressed Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student affairs said, "I think students

Jiving with people." Wonson says he finds himself compromising a lot. Becky Pappano, first-year student, said "The only time I had to share a room with someone before college was during vacations." Pappano rooms with two other firstyear students, Angie Bruce and Kim Scarborough. Pappano believes that rooming with the two will get better with time. "We all pretty much get along but we've had problems, not with space but with each of

should go through the student government association." Bonfiglio said, "Last year SGA was acting on behalf of the entrance policy and this year they are working on parietals. This is another example of what SGA can do for students." By giving SGA the opportunity to effect change on the campus Bonfiglio said he wants to empower students and give them a sense of clout.

'It's been great. Every problem we come across, we work it out' - Sophomore Sherri Cannon ... Resident assistant Missy Von Siegel said, '"What I suggest for all three roommates is to get together and talk in a forum about problems and discuss each others needs, because a lot of times it's a lack of communication." "I don't mind being in a triple because I'm still getting the same education and were living in the same donns as everyone else. My thing is I am a light sleeper and I want my sleep," said first year student Angie Bruce.



fridaXzOCt. 23, 1992


Monday night mania, Cabrini style by HeatherMcAllister staffwriter them. I've always loved playing the watchMondaynightfootballandallthe game becauseI w,derstandit." Eagles games devoutly. When the Along with weather, politics and According to football -fan Matt Eagles played the Cowboyson Monrelationships,sportsmay be considered Fonnan. senior. some children may day night.we rolledat. v. intothe lobby a commontheme forconversationsbe- holddifferentcriteriafor choosingtheir and we all watched the game there. tween men and women. Of the four favoriteteamsthan theirfamiliesdo. Nobody who was rooting for Dallas topics.sportscertainlypromptsheated "My two favoritefootballteams are was allowedin." arguments as individualsexpress di- . the SeattleSeahawksandtheWashingJonespreferstowatchfootballin her verse opinions concerning the inner ton Redskins,"Formansaid. "When I room or with other residents in facetsof their favoritepasttimes. was 12yearsoldI pickedtheSeahawks Woodcrest. "I like hockey,and it's not because because I liked their colors. I also ''I'll usuallywatchthegamesmyself of Eric Lindros."JenniferSgro, sopho- wantedan AFCteam thatwasfaraway or with some friends in my room," more,said. "I've watched the Flyers fromthe EastCoastand the Redskins." Jonessaid."I try to watchtheEaglesand ever since I was l kid growingup right Some studentsdescribethemselves the 49ers on Sundays and Monday outsideofPhiladelphiaI wasdefinitely as all-aroundsports fans, such as first- nightsif I can." influencedby my uncles." year studentReneeRozniatoski. Along with televisionviewing of . Frrst-yearstudent Tracy Roesener "Socceris my sportbutI likeevery- sports sometimescomes betting, acagreed that family connectionsinflu- thing,"Romiato5kisaid."I likehockey cordingto Romiatoski. encepreferencestowardaspecificsport. and the Ayers but they got whipped "Atthebeginningofthisseasonlput "Whether or not we all get to"Soccer is my sport even though against Quebec. I don't like Hextall. $5 down that the Eagles would win gether to watch the game depends I've never played it," Roesener said. 1bePhilliessuckandarea sony excuse every game this season,"Rozniatoski on how good the game looks. If "Everyone in my family is a soccer for a Philadelphiasports team. I like said."Ilostmymoney.Icouldhavehad the Eagles are playing on Monday night, something is definitely gofiend." lacrosse.WherethehellaretheWing.5T' $280." According to some students, the Otherstudertsmonitortheprogress Althoughmanystudentswatchtheir ing on in the house." While Monday night football is opinionsoffamilyrnember.lmeanmore of theirteamsand predictthe outcome favoritespoosteamsontelevision,some a priority to her, senior Kristen whenthestudentactuallyhasplayedthe of the season. prefer to attend the games in person. Sweger admits that scheduling the game. "I'm reallyexcitedabout the Ayers Carraghersaid she gets to someSixers time to watch the games can be "My whole family is into soccer," this year becausethey're goingto win games during the seru,on. Teti has tricky. HeatherTeti,first-yearstudent,said."I the StanleyCup," Sgro said tramfenedhertasteforsoccertoschool. "I watch football all weekend like the game because my brother is a "I thinktheEaglesarelookinggood ''I've always loved watching my but I work on Monday nights," great playerbut also because I played rightnow, even thoughthey were hor- brother on thesoccerfield,"Tetisaid."I Sweger said. "If the Eagles are on soccertoo." rible against K.ma.sCity," Joy Jones, alsolikewatchingoursoccertearnhere.'' I make sure l'm off. I'll go into Teni Carragher,first-yearstudent, first-yearstudent,said. Accootingtostudents,Monclaynight work early so that I can be home in saidsheappreciatesthegameofbasketSomestudentshavedifficultywatch- footballis a uniqueweeklyevent in the time for the game." ball becauseof her experiencewiththe ing their favorite games if their resi- world of sports. It is anticipatedand Food is an important factor in sport. dence halls don't have some focilities, viewedreligiouslyby many fans. deciding where to watch Monday "I likebasketball becauseI grewup accordingto Romiatoski. "I usuallywatchMonclaynightfootnight football, according to senior with the game," Carragher said. "I "I wanttogetcablein Woodcrestso ball in someone's room in the house," played basketball at home with my I can watch my soccer games on Fonnan,a Sullivan house resident, Paul Karcsh. "My friends and I go out every brotherswhen I was growing up with Sportschannel,"Romiatoski said "I s a i d .

Eastern sends Cabrini PACking "Two different teams," is how soccer Coach Duncan Hubley described his team after the games in the week of Oct. 11. The Cavaliers played at Eastern on Tuesday, Oct. 13. They went down in a 3-1 loss. The only goal was scored by co-captain Glen Jaskelewicz. On Thursday, Cabrini went to Philadelphia Bible College. The Cavs won with a victory of 7-1. Seven different players scored, including Jaskelewicz, Jason Giles, and Joe Ricci. What made this week's games interesting was that Eastern played Philadelphia Bible on Oct. 8 and the Cabrini team went to watch the game and scout their opponents. "Eastern tied Philadelphia Bible last week," co-captain Eric Burke said. In regards to Cabrini's game against Eastern, Burke said that "Eastern came to play. We really didn't." "Tuesday we definitely weren't a team," senior Jeff Magee said. "There were people on our team who didn't realize how big a deal that game was." "We really didn't know about the impact of the game," freshman Jim Gregory said. Dave Capozzolo, freshman, said, 'The game against Eastern was more ~

important for the upperclassmen." Sophomore Steve Spence said that "after the loss against Eastern, we were brought back to reality." "We came across a tough loss against Eastern," junior Jason Giles said. "We've been trying to bounce back. We did that real well today." Giles was referring to the victory against Philadelphia Bible on Oct. 15. "That game showed what we could do, that we are capable of playing good soccer," Giles said. "Today was such a big difference in that we played more like a team," Magee said. Burke said. "We played like a team. Seven different people scored and we let the ball do the work." Coach Hubley said, "I can't explain it. (It's like they're) two different teams. I don't think we're that good." "Philadelphia Bible was not aggressive enough," said Hubley. "Still, we should have beat them 100." Hubley said," I didn't think we playedthatwell. We'vehadarough season; we lost games that we should have won. But not Tuesday. I don't think we played well enough to win. When asked about the outlook, Hubley said, "We have some interesting games coming up. We play Haverford and Trenton State. If we play smart, it should be interesting." "We still have eight games left.

We're playing to be 7-0 for the rest of the season. That will give us more than a winning season," Giles said. Magee said, "We have Shippensburg, Trenton State, and Stockton coming up. We'll be starting off on the right foot and just wantto finish ahead." Astothefuture, Magee said, "We'll be looking for the juniors, sophomores and freshmen to step up because they're going to be the leaders next year."

week and do a different thing," Karcsh said. "Wayne Beef and Alehas25centhotdogs and three beers for $2. At Docksiders you get free hot dogs and $4 pitchers of beer. Barleycorns has 50 cent drinks and free chicken wings. It depends on what week it is. My pattern is interchangeable." If the bar scene doesn't appeal to him on a particular week, Karcsh said he does have two other options. "We can also go to Frank Sciolla's (senior) apartment for nothing, and there's always McDonald's," Karcsh said. "The Big Mac attack- two for $2.12."


by Steve May

staff writer

cartoon by Lamar Stamps





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STATE: ________







friday, oct. 23, 1992


Healey from the Hip:Greatest American Hero? bob healey guest columnist

You are use to reading my articles under the premise that they come from my hip. Well my friends, this has nothing to do with my hip. I am sick, I repeat, absolute sick and tired ( do I sound like your mother yet?) of hearing about how great Magic Johnson is. He is pathetic. I know that may bother many of you out there but he is the scum that scum wipes off the bottom of their shoes. Is our society that starved for a hero that we enshrine Magic? If so, let me go hungry cause I need not food. If I told you that I had sex with a department chairperson next door to a Board of

Trustee meeting would you consider me a hero. No you would chastise me .. So why is Magic a hero? Why have the Lakers given him a $14 million contract? Hey Earving, how much of that money are you going to donate to AIDS research and/or treatment. How much time have you spent with AIDS victims? Magic was critical of George Bush saying he hasn't done enough to find a cure for AIDS. Well how much has Magic done? He has gone out of his way to separate himself from those who have contracted AIDS from homosexual intercourse or from intravenous drug use. Almost like his AIDS is a better AIDS and he seems to almost brag about how he contracted AIDS. To me he appears to want laudatory comments on his sexual activity. He is almost proud of it. That is disgusting. He even made a joke about how many women he has "had" with Michael Cooper during the ceremony to retire his uniform number. From day one I have thought that Magic was far from a hero. I was sickened by how

much attention he got at the All-Star game and during the Olympics. He is still an excellent player and I admire his play on the court, but he is a phony. When he and Isiah (whose name is missing an "a") Thomas kiss before a game it is for show and it turns my stomach. They are so fake that a three dollar bill seems authentic. The entire Magic aura is fake to me. If he is a hero and a role model to young inner-city youths than we are in trouble as a society. Are we that pathetic that someone like Magic Johnson is a role model, yet alone one of the most heralded role models today. What of kind of message is sent to youths today if Magic is one to model your life after. He boarders on bragging about how he contracted a disease that will, in due time, kill him. Also how many women has he passed the disease on to. He says he knows how he got AIDS but not from whom. Well whom has he given AIDS to? His wife? His

·Men'svolleyballretains clubstatu_s. -~-

What Cabrini_.. athletes lookfor in a . . collegiatecoach .


new-born child? If either of them have AIDS they may not know for six more years. That's the kind of father I want, one who threate'ns my life. Get real, how can you idolize this clown? Sure I sympathize with him, as I do with anyone who is sick, but that is where my positive feelings for Magic end. Alas, my friends this article is not totally against Mr. Johnson. He has put a face to an incredibly mysterious disease and he has shown that those who are HIV positive can lead fulfilling lives. But he is not a hero. He has failed as "God's chosen one to shed light on the AIDS virus." I can't say that youths are any more informed about AIDS following Magic's odyssey. I apologize if you disagree with my afore dissertation. Who am I kidding, I ain't apologizing to anyone. Magic is not a hero, get that through your heads America. No wonder we have so few heroes in our society, we just don't kno\1/ where to look for them.

by Katherine Ross



features editor

because it will help school spirit. Thisyearaa:mling makehima~tohis tol..atvenas.becamemens'volleyhdlispla~ wbidahurlsanunily." "I will support them and hopefully At:,. They practice from 11 p.m. they will support us," Macartney said. adul,,~wilbl'oonFelrelics <Xlding lo Cahill,"A happy,uoaed a.m. They sponsor their own fund Other players said they feel the wWbe~ IAVena&saidihata an isanm m<Reft'ectiveteam, CQPtsoowd,!'-:fintpinlheiespec;tof raisers to raise money to buy equipsame way. "I'm glad that they are andiflhe~feellbat1becoachis Most coaches represent lead- .tbe-~and ment and uniforms. Even after five t,c; tbf\re for the p1ayels . here,;'4,t.yenassaid. ''Wedon'tblame 1 (JO 8Uflido. will ' ffl to ihe1r atheletes. niey aJlthelime.~ years of self organization and com- the lacrosse team for anything, it's the nevew;bt~uniled..Boarm compassionate. patient.supportPamWeekes.seauamco-al(Din mitment the men's volleyball club school that we have problems with." line-acoacllshouldwak.withhis ive and. above all. res~ by of the~ still has not been allocated the funds volleyballleam.sug- playeis andmitagainstthem." Junior John Fasolka, who has been their team. from the school to become an official playing volleyball for three years. will gests.thata<XladlafxJuld. teadlaan CelesleFachbacb. seoiorcapr.ain Do lhe~ d theOhini allthey toow.TheyslDJklalsolislen varsity team. also be playing lacrosse this spring. and foua1b..year tt'mis player.said, adiletictearm~ tlJe6equali- tothe~thatlhepayus~that Somethingelsethattheteamhasto "Inmy opinion there is no problem, that"a <Xl8Cll shouldbe $Upp011ive. ties? Inal1Ulshelltheamwer ayes theymaynoit.Ac1'.ording fDWeekes, He« shesbouldsetan examplero deal with is the fact that this summer butl do understand how there could be fDmcgdlhestudentaddell:s that h«~coecbloe MalimisDl(R a decision was made by the school to a problem," Fasolka said. their players andbe supportive in ~Mked·Chis~ motivating1banthe head ooactl.Jim thejr judganeas." bring in a men's lacrosse team. The With all that is going on it is good feels Sludalt atheleb nun~ Hanigan. Weekesbad no OOlm'lent that$aooach.Reggie0ay'1mgood school felt a spring sport for men that the team can remain focused sportshada fewthingsfDsayabout roooeming theabilitydffanipn but inltut:iooa would benefit the school. However, enough to practice and concentrate on ml means wen butthis whatlheiridealCQ8Cb wouldbe and . said,••anger is u moti.vatioo." volleyball is a spring sport the season ahead. doesnot showtbroughhisooaching whatlheirpmlf.ftc«dlesare. Some LaurieMacAvoy.alsoa seniorand abilitie$." Ovetal1EsclJbacbsaid, The team said they feel that they "We are looking for a strong seawouldlike to seechangesmade ~dthevolleyballteam.said. have obvious reasons for being frusson," Feketics said. ''Im e,q,ectations of his players are <Jlhas, ~ satisfied. with the way thataCOIICll sbouJd"beablecofeldtm expec1aiiom trated. , According to Latvenas thisyear the asifbewasooimnga theitteams- run. "I was disappointed because we team is looking good The team only ~usooanadultlevel,~ dmsioomeschool andearenot" Sosanruley,jumcrand~ levelandfriend~,. AccmtiDgto were overlooked by Dzik,"teammemlost three players from last year which "Itbiokaeadlsbouklbeat yeartie!doockeymember,said, ..A MacAvoy,b<Jhher..._<XUand ber Bob Macartney, sophomore, said. really will not hurt the team. exa&q!le." jlri(w,181m~ thirdCOIICll~SOOll'O,eftm,some-. headroacll, "are goodooadJe8.. 'Ibey According to team member Brian "We need a good utility player that year~ pla),,r,$lid. "'HeQt' she cwwlX>lDlUV81$)'W. ~ ldl uylbeir-.'' Wolk,junior, the team is not standing can come in and make the difference," shouldbeplbespirilsd.thepla)'l!IS be.~enduiasdc..... ~.•tennis sla'ler,•·Odp still and is always looking at every Latvenas said. upandatlhe samea-.dlnmi eay goillg,firm and veryperson- Chiappiauaid.~ Aooacbshoukl• opportunity to be recognized as a Macartney stated that no first-year aboutlhe~. Acxiar:hsbould110t •"~beJpes,:d ~•ttytoscethmupthe:eyes team. students came out for the team. "How~and~~ ~-~ •.all the• ofbisplayssandmit ... bis.ownwil."~ IO(iueshispa:au "We are a club with intention," ever some other new players look


.. •

a CiOlldl is .- a peeabut lihould be a dare and ne,alivealtiludetm ~poDl.




1ribulell acoadlsllcdda....._ .. ')'eS. 1l-,$1DA11rytowawilmbeirflCi0cet'coactJ-.·OQ!dmlg.a$1ep Wolk said. &mlbeyald her~ She'sdi>-...ptay,.nca•-- m,elimetmdunder- furlbtr•• ,.,...,_ ii thebestcoadl Senior John Latvenas, co-captain, Ulaldngbutcm ttinafun.dJal. ·-.1 lbeir 1imisllQlbatlbeooacbcan stated that the team buys their own Necverhad.Hecoldlesusbutalso leagingway ...~-~ make~ .. ~ to belpsuswilhlben:alwmttmdwhat uniforms and equiptment. They pay said.,.Behegames.shernake$m OW!PPBie. bis pese111oou. Regie league fees and their own travelling Chins,\. She1lSMm apoern~ Day is •• ~ selfcenleledand wearegoingaomwhen•~ a."

inplied. Hetriestohanf an:ldoesn't JdlnQuns.junittSOIXel'aD ~ ~,sa~ooach. know his own players .li~ts." member, said. "'Acoachsbouldbe a Similarly,SbmiRoam.scplO., Chiappine, in conclusion. said," rolemodel. Theyshauld-~ point► mm.~~ Reggie'sncigativealtitude&i10WS up aiticizeyouandat anorber suppM player.said,"A ooacllshouldbe a marethalihispositive~ He's yoo." AmxdingtD~ ''Duncan motiv..- and a leader."She said ve,ydisoooraging.'' is a greatooacb.Heteaches ycunot that ooforeeach game the coach "Obviouslyacoadlsoouklbebolh ooly soccerbutprepares yoo forthe would always give !be members aleaderandateacherandldlinkReggiereal wmld." ~andwouklmotivaie ooesan excellent job in bolhof these Bottoollineis: 'fakealookatwho thtmbyooirigcrealivelhings.Rolm roles,.. MauC.ahilJ. jUniorand tbinJ. your1eade:rs areand\fflOtheywant said."She'sal~us. yeartennismanber. said. "I 1hinkbe you to be. WJ1bout a 1eam.tlita OfflhefieldshetSSOOJeC:lle)'OUQIO ha., two map, ptOOlettlS thatdamage wouldbe no needfor COQChes, dy 1alk. to." bis influe'llceanl ~ • a Coadlesareleaders. Toanadllere wn:llet»'~~IOgelus~-



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expenses. "We need to find ways to raise money,"Latvenassaid. "Lastyearwe sold cups and we have already started this semester with a 50/50 raffle. But that still isn't enough." Co-captain John Feketics, sophomore, feelsatthispointit is all up to the hands of the school, "Maybeiftheyseehowseriouswe aretheywillgiveusfunding."Feketics said. Volleyball team members said they do not harbor any ill feelings against the new lacrosse team. Macartney stated that he is glad there is another men's sports team

good." Feketics feels that returning players are stronger. ''There are definite improvements in last years players." "We need Dzik and the school to takeusmoreseriously,"Latvenassaid "We aremore dedicated than any other team on campus. I can't think of any athlete who is going to practice at 1 a.m."



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He said,

She said 6) ,,_,.,,.

Dzik starts new conditioning program, Cavs practice around new NCAA ruling ·

D'Afo,uo c,ul lire ...

Noone CO-spQl'tS


Shesaid: WoodSeriesl9'Y2.whoelse canlpick:butthe.AdanlaBtaVCS. lreallydo want the Braves to win the Series, oot becauseanyooetoldmeto picktheBmes. ~ to popular belief,butbecauseI actuallylike the ream andthink!heyhave a greatshot$ wellasa spectacular team. Even though 1he Totooro Bluelayswinningwouldbeagreaioccur-

Team gears for midnight madness tip-off by Bob Macartney staff writer

If you have happened to walk by Sacred Heart Gymnasium recently, you might have noticed the 1992-93 version of the basketball team working out. In recent years, this may have been considered a violation of the NCAA regulations, but thanks to a change in the ruling on conditioning work, the team is able to work out while Coach John Dzik is in the gym. The rule stipulates that a team may not practice with the coach in the gym until Nov. 1." However, the coach may be present as long as a ball is not involved in the workout," said senior Frank Sciolla. Not only has the NCAA rule changed, but change seems to be the nonn when discussing this upcoming season. Since the team is coming off of their first losing season in years, these early season workouts may be a way of showing the team's dedication to

re,iceinlhehist<x}'ofbeseball.notforthe Americansportofbaseballbutfor~ as a wholeentity. I still feelthoughthe champioo.wpbe~ in Americawith ''Arnetica 'steam" the AtlantaBraves. The Braveswerehere this h 1-t year.Theyknowthe~. theybetter • underslanditandlql.owhow!£><ral withit and handleit better. The experieoce ct participating in wt yearsserieswill be a majorfactor. The home fieldoovamage ~~~knockedoutofthefactoringbecauseTorontobeatAtlantaontheir ' homefieldbutthatshollld<»tlymakethem moredetetminedTheteam itselfhashad theirshareof poblelns withpi1clling but they pulledit out in BO emOlionfilled seventhgameofthenatiooalleaguechampionshipseriesagaimt the PiUsbutghPiby Gary White ratesand I amconfident asI amsurethey arethat itcanbe done in Jessgamesorif it staff writer comesdown to the wire they canplay ban:lba1l and«me out m q, 1bisyear. The 12th annual Cabrini Volleyball Fall , , '". , Classic held on Oct. 17. Featured teams from willbethelaeytoasucces.wlseriesf«the Harcum Junior College, Immaculata Col-

bouncing back. Senior Paul Karsch said. "These workouts will definitely help us. lt will build up our stamina. WestartKov. l,so we have to get into shape before the season." As one can clearly see, the team has responded well to the conditioning work. The team is excited about the upcoming season, and Coach Dzik is hoping that the fans will become excited as well. For yet another look at change, Cabrini will have an attack of ''midnight madness" this season. This is not to be confused with "March madness", the tournament held at the end of the year to determine the NCAA champion. Instead, Cabrini students are urged to show up at the gym at midnight on Nov. I to witness an hour-long practice. Other universities have held "midnight madness" in the past and their students have turned out in costume and the basketball season has opened amongst great fanfare. Cabrini is hoping to bring these same festivities to our campus, and all are encouraged to participate. Once the season begins, fans of the basketball team will realize that this is a different squad from past Cabrini teams. This past offseason was one of change in many areas. For starters, the team will no longer participate in the ESAC, but have now joined the new Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC).

Cabrini takes second in Fall Classic

Btaves. He said: Let us go north of the • borderfor 1992"real"WorldChamps. 1 the TorootOBlue Jays. Cito Gaston andtiis()'Canadaboysaie mypick for the World Serieswmnen. WhentheJaysacquiredDm!Cone this season. thru a tradewiththe Mets. theJayssotidifiedtheirnanforthetitle. The deal matched up with and surpassedHotlanta•,&noltz,Glaivneand Averyrotation. Tbe leader. lack Morris:be has

lege, Delaware Tech, Marywood College, Stockton College, Bryn Mawr College and Northeast Christian colleges. The Fall Classic was started by Jerry Szabo ,the fonner coach, and is a chance for the teams to play all day without having to worry about their records. "When I was coaching at Immaculata, the Fall Classic was always a nice thing to look forward to at the end of the season," Harrigan said. The teams were divided in no certain order into pool A or pool B ,each having four been the veteran on this club and a 20 teams. The four teams in each pool would winner, Mostof all he has two then play each other and the best two teams W()'ddChampion ring$ on bis fingers of each pool then went on to the play-offs. and beat up the Bravesbats last year. Then the teams that won the play-offs comTheyounggun:JuanOumian;when pete in the finals. healthy, he is the best pitcher in baseThis year the teams in pool A were Caball. Guzmansets uphiUerswith conbrini, Harcum, Immaculata, and Delaware trol, beat and awesome offspead Tech. Pool B included Marywood, Stockton. pitches.Evenat hisyoungagehe isthe Bryn Mawr, and Northeast Christian. Jays go to man. he will pitch ~ Cabrini's first match was against Harcum. seven if necessary. Cabrini won with scores of 15-3, 7-15. and The.real deal: David Cone; solid, 15-7. and gritty. The Cone·headsfollowed Cabrini matched up against Immaculata him up to ea.wla_andbe delivered next. Cabrini also won this match with scores bec.inting the leagues dominate of 15-7, 13-15, and 15-10. strikeoutPrince of Skydome. The second game in the Immaculata match Besides thegteatstaff,Toronto has was back and forth the entire time. The game thele:agueshotleslyoaag.star,Roberto started with Cabrini getting the first four Aiomar.nusAme&:anteapecham• points. Then Immaculata got the ball -when pionshipMVPcancatty dus ~ on server Laurie MacAvoy, senior tri-captain, bis back. He is the best all around hit the net with her serve. secondbueaa.>U>ml>ining ~ The ball kept going back and forth at 6-8. powerandbu$de.lut.tbemain~then 7-8. Finally Immaculata made three plug on tbis-.n is 40 yearold Dave points making the score 7-11. Later Cabrini Winfield.This~playeroftbO tied up the game 11-11 with Jen Paliaro yeartecpsthedubhouselooie.andthe serving. playersconfident.•Wmfteld•;sdes. Immaculata brought the score to 11-13, tinea to break out o( bisonefor life and Jill Saam quickly tied the game 13-13 WorldSerieldisplayin 1981 andlead with an ace. To end the game Immaculata got the Jays to the rust non-American two more points, bringing the score to 13-15 cbampi()n teem. Stopthe~. and winning the game.



fridaYz pct. 23 1 1992


The team is greatly iooking forwara to piaying in the PAC this season. Assistant Coach Tom Kelly said, "We are looking forward to a much better season than last year." Looking to improve on last season's performance, Coach Dzik had "one of my best recruiting years ever." The additions of Manny Hernandez, Richard Grace, Greg Grant,EricTidwell,HarryCarr,NateBowles, Reggie Morant, and Mike Dever will greatly improvetheteam'sperformancethisseason. Add on to this a few other recruits and the Cavs will be a much deeper team than last year. The addition of these players will also provide fans with a-much more exciting, uptempo style of play. Look for the Cavs to play strong defense this season, and pressure the other team constantly, creating many fast-break opportunities. This style will keep fans on the edge of their seats for the entire season. Although it is still early in the year, and the season has not officially started yet, the outlook is bright. However. according to Dzik, "the situation changes every day atthis point." Is it coincidental that he mentions the word change in this statement? That is what this season i~)l!~ut, change. Hopefully it is a change for the better.

Scoreboard Coming up ,t'

Soccer Sat. 10/24 Beaver Wed. 10/28 Trenton State Sat. 10/31 Shippensburg

away home home

1 pm 3 pm 1 pm

Thurs. 10Je2 Phila, Textile home Sat. 10/24 PAC championship Sun. 10/25 Kean College away

4 pm TBA 1 pm

.Field Hockey

photo by Kendra


Dena Della Rocca scores a point against Harcum Jr. College

In the third game of the lmmaculata match, Immaculata started the game by getting the first two points. Soon Laurie MacA voy served four good serves and made the score 4-2 Cabrini. Immaculata remained at two while Cabrini went up to six then nine. lmmaculata later got two points, then three making their way to six. Meanwhile, Cabrini doubled its score to 12. Immaculata eventually got 10 points, but Cabrini had already gotten 15, and won the game. After the first two games, Cabrini got a break while the other teams played. When they returned it was all down hill. The third match was against Delaware Tech, and Cabrini lost in two games. The scores were 4-15 and 6-15. Last year Delaware Tech were the tournament champions Cabrini played Northeast Christian in the play-offs and lost in two games 4-15 and 615. "Cabrini always has a hard 1ime with Northeast Christian. We have only beaten them once in the four times we've played them in the last two years. They have beaten us in the finals of the Rosemont Tournament for the past two years." Harrigan said. The finals were played by Bryn Mawr College and Northeast Christian. Northeast Christian won in two games 15-7 and 15-8.

Cross Country Sat.


Bard Invitational away

11 am

Women's Volleyball Thurs. 10/29 Sat. 10/31

Swarthmore away 7 pm PAC championship away TBA

Women's Tennis Sun. 10/31 Sat. 10/30

PAC championship home TBA PAC championship home TBA

lntramurels Flag Football Sat. Sat. Sun. Sun,

10/24 10/24 10/25 10/25

Wombats vs. WYBF 11 am Krushers vs. Xavier 12 noon Xavier vs. Success 11 am Wombats vs. Krushers 12 noon

Attention sports fans ... Tune into 89.1 WYBF for the "real" Sports Source, Wednesdays from 6-7 pm, with your hosts Brendan Noone, Frank Sciolla. and Bob Macartney. Tune in this week for four to score and the Heisman report, both local and national. Call 971-8453 to talk aboutall the latest in sports.


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