friday, oct. 30, 1992
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
Students debate candidates
Campus visualizes ideal U.S. president byMegan Flanigan news editor
phocoby Kalherinc Ross
Senior Brandon Dougherty, Junior Anne Marie Mauro and Dr. Jo/yon Girard, director of the history department give their opinions and positions about the three presidential candidates along with the other students attending. With the election drawing near, students are anticipating the out-come of their votes. The debate was held on Tuesday, Oct. 27 in Xavier Hall. It was sponsored by the Student Government Association To read more about the student debate see more on pg.3.
vol. xxxix no. 7
As children, many of us liked to have our own way. We had certain ideas of how we thought things should be and we wanted people to act the way we thought was appropriate. As adults we consideroursel ves more mature, but at election time we regress back to our childhood. In our minds, if the president does not act the way we want, we get upset. They are supposed to have certain qualities about them that would please everyone. Former mayqr of Philadelphia William Green said when he was mayor he wanted to please everyone, but realized he could not because bills have to be paid. "Paying the bills involves irritating the people called upon to pay them," Green said. Green used the analogy that paying biJ!s is much like going to dinner because when the check comes the bill has to be paid. "This country is having dinner and trying to pay the bill," Green said. According to Green, the hardest thing about being the mayor was always having to be the one that said no and knowing that people were interested not in the city, but in
themselves. Green said, "The president should have a working knowledge have a sense of history and a working knowledge of the world." Sophomore Mark Springer said," The first quality I look for in a president is integrity." The president should be able to say what he means and not what the public wants to hear Springer said. The second quality he looks for is if the person possesses morals. "The president should have moral conviction and isn't afraid to stand up for them." Francesa Bansbach, campus minister also agrees with Springer in that the president should have integrity. Along with integrity, Bansbach said she would like someone who is conscientious and intelligent. Another quality she felt was important was that the president should try to be just. "The president sl1'1old be someone who can surround themselves with trustworthy and capable advisers," Bansbach said. Christine Jestir,junior said,"It's tough to say because I look for characteristics I
see more IDEAL pg.6
Iadarola tunes in to student conGernsat open forum by RosalUU1 Carfagno staff writer
housekeeping. The general consensus of the students present was ''Presidents of colleges are that no problems were solved but normally stodgy, stale, sitthe path to the solutions were laid around-the-office, p()Werdressout. ing kind of people who work Regarding why she wanted to into the wee hours of the night organize the open forum. Iadarola and makedecisions throughtop said, "The best way to get to know executives• input, and rarely get somebody is to get under their skin in touch with everyday students. and crawl aroumi 1' Iadarola said Untilnow," said DanaCaterson, she wanted to get to know about junior. Dr. Antoinette Iadarola is Cabrini fromthe perspectiveof the comfortable sittingaroundin her students. Iadarola said, ''TruelearnCabrini College sweats, eating ing about people comes from sit• snacks and talking with students ting there and talking with them eyeball to eyeball." until the stroke of midnight. The students who were present On Wednesday, Oct. 21, Ia~ at the forum seemed to respond darola held an open forum at well to Iadarola. MarteSpringer, a Xavier Hallto address students' sophomore Xavier resident, said, concerns as well as any positive "You feel comfortable and confior negative feelings they may dent with her because she makes have. She also wanted to have herself available." the chance to meet.studentsin a MattGallaro,a freshman Xavier casual, informalway. resident. said,"l thinkit went really Someof the issUC$discussed wen.Wecoveredalotofimpottant atthe forumwerealcohol fines. i$sues. ·1 feel very confidentand I
cafeteriafood, par.kingprob- think we're moving in the right
Iadarola directed the students to become more involved in the Student GovernmentAssociation because that is where they could really make changes. She also said that although this was a good chancefor them to air their com-
plaints, and for her to hear them, they wouldbavetowork with SGA to get things changed.
KimMarshall,presidentof Student Government Association, said that she wants SGA to be a central spot or meeting place on campus to exchange ideas and to allow everyone to know what's going on. Marshall said, "It's wonderful to have the president backing up our organu.ation." Cathy Caulfield, director of residentlife, said that one reason the forum was a big success was 1 because, "people got to interact withheron their twf, not herturf.'' 1
pholo t,y Kenh Mortin
President Antoinette(adarola,sophomore RayEwingandjunior Janice Reuter are sittingand dicussingissues that are of concernto the students attending the open forum on Ott..2 J. The forum was held in Xavier HallwhereIadarolaspends her night.
throughout year. MurSteveMurray,ajunior resident ray also commented on how some assistant at Xavier, felt that administrations would rather tell Iadarola' s visit was very well re~ you how things are going to be ceived and hoped for visits insteadof Mkingyou how to make
things better. He was impressed by Iadarola's willingness to go out of her way to try and~
things better.
What's Happening Friday ~ SGA orRanized mischief nigli details TBA
11:30 ~m - 2:15 am TAXl9 1-8412
Saturday ~ 11:30pm-2:15am TAXI 971-8412
Oct. 30th to Nov. 6th Sunday ~ 6pm Mass 9 pm Mass
Monday ~ 11 :30 am-1 :30 P.m
Latin music by Keith ~rkscafe 4:45 P.m-6:30pm Mexican aining experience cafe
more coverage in UPDATES!
Tuesday ~ 8am-8pm Election
8 pm Poetrr reading of black and atin authors Mansion
V 5 pm-7 pm Flamenco dancers and Cabrini dance ensemble perform Atrium
7 pm-10 pm Movie Mambo Kings Atrium
11;30 am-1 :30 pm Arts and crafts fair outside cafe
1P,m-1:40 gm seminar 'Japan ashing" host Dr. Girard newsroom
Friday V
TAXI 971-8415
I -I
fridav 1 oct. 30 1 1992
v_ie_w___,;;,· p_o_in_t_· _____
Clinton meets chall~nge Disabled minds, not bodies With our country in such dire socialand economicstraitsit is necessarythat each ·one of us takes advantageof our opportunityto vote. In view of the presentcircumstances,Bill Clintonis, withoutdoubt,the strongest and most worthy candidatefor the presidency. .RossPerot,whilepromisinginhisclaimtoeliminatethenationaldebt,ispractically worthlessin terms of social and foreign policy. He knows nothing about political policyandproceduresandmay encounterseriousconflictswithCongressbecausehe is used to having the absolute,unquestionablefinal word. And what if he cannot balancethe national budget - wlJ_at are we left with then? George Bush is out of touch with what is going on with the middle class. He demonstratedhis sheer lack of abilityto deal with the socialdilemmasplaguingour society in the way he "handled" the L.A. riots. Bush calls himself the education president,but what has he actuallydone? This country cannot afford another four years of unfulfilledpromises. Bill Clinton's major drawbacksincludehis inabilityto disclosethe truthconcerning the attacks made on his personal life. This imperfection,however, is relatively insignificantwhen compared with the many positiveoutcomes he can deliver this country while in office. Clintonisthepresidentfortheyoung-forus. Whilemanypoliticianshavewritten usoffasbeingthelostgeneration,BillClintonbelievesinusandhasgearedhispolicies toward bettering our future. Clinton is working to better the social aspects of our societythroughhis beliefsin racialequality,respectfor women and his stanceon the need for safe abortionprocedures. Economically,Clinton identifieswith the problems of the middle class and has drafted his proposalson taxes to benefit our families. Clinton wants to createjobs for our generation. He plans to place large emphasis on job training. Clintonbelievesin the United Statesand will fightto keepjobs in the country and discouragebusinessesto move to other countries. The environmentalstanceof Ointon 's runningmate,Al Gore, willnot onlycreate policiesthat will benefitour generationin terms of preservingour naturalworld,but will ultimatelybetter the standardof living for generationsto come, includingour children,niecesandnephews.We needsomeonewithstrongconvictionsconcerning the environmentto bring us out of the mess we createdfor ourselves. Clintonisoneof us. Heprorriiseschange,whichiswhatourcountryneedsthe most. Hisenergy,positiveoutlookanddedicationtobetteringourstandardofliferenderhim the best candidatefor the job. Editorsnote: Newspapersoften endorsepoliticalcandidates. The purposeis to demonstrate leadershipand stimulatethinkingon the part of the reader. This editorialwas a consensusof the nine-membereditorialboardand is not meantto reflectcampusviews.
ups and downs Thumbs up to SGA for taking an active role in increasing voter awareness on campus through the mock elections and the student debate held in the Xavier Great Room on Oct. 27.
Iopinion Useyour arsenal:take action brandon dougherty guest columnist
1988was a significanttime in my life. It was the first year that I was able to cast a ballot in an election and enter the political process. My motivation to vote fully empowered me as a citiz.enof the United States and I felt it was my duty. I can empathiz.e,however with the excuses that people use not to vote. Some voters are uninformed about the candidatesand issues and feelthat they do not possess enough information to cast an intelligent vote. Others simply hate politics. Also,thereare people who honestlyfeel that their vote does not count. Despite allof theseargumentsagainstvoting,
megan flanigan news editor
I was born with Cerebral Palsy and I use a wheelchairto get around for fast,easy travel. It's my lazy way out I admit it. For this reason,most peoplewhenlookingatmewouldconsidermeto be unfortunate. HavingCerebralPalsy,inmyopinion,isinno way unfortunate,especially since I don't know whatit'sliketohaveanyotherwayoflife. Infact I never thought other people believed I was unfortunateuntil I got older. I can remember followingbehind my mother on my crutches at about the age of eight entering a mall while I over-heard two older women whisper,"lookat that poorlittle girl, isn't that a sin!" I looked behind me to see if there was anybody there because they couldn't have been talkingabout me. Looking back I saw no one so I lookedback at my mother and saw that she was laughing. I didn't know what was so funny, but I laughed anyway. Somepeoplego throughlifequestioninghow
I l~iiers Mixing messages To the editor: While reading the Loquitur's Oct. 23rd edition which was made available to the campus community as Alcohol Awareness Week was coming to a close, we were struck by the fact that the entire Arts and Entertainment section was devoted to listing happy hours. It is no wonder that students at Cabrini think that the only thingto do is drink. This concerned us for three reasons. Firstof all, it was Alcohol Awareness Week which, unless we are tenibly mistaken, is to educatethe campus communityas to thedangerouseffectsof alcohol-NOTTO ADVERTISE WHERE TIIE CHEAPEST DRINKS ARE SOLD!! Secondly, it seems ludicrous that this information would be made available to the campus since the majorityof studentsare under the legal drinking age. Finally, there were only two articles in that edition addressingthe dangers of alcohol. A whole page was, in essence, encouraging students to drink alcohol. As the medium to communicate to the campus community, the Loquitur should take greaterresponsibilityas to thearticlesthey runand the mixed messagesthey are sending. Perhapsa more conscientiousmessage would have been to propose alternativesto drinking for entertainment. DRINKING IS NOT ENIERT AINMENT! It was very inappropriateto run thesearticles promoting alcohol, especially during Alcohol Awareness Week! Did the week mean anything?
fundamentalreasonsexist why every member of society shouldtake the opportunityto cast a vote. First, citizens who vote participate in the government of their creation. You and I are the core of the democratic system. Without us participating,thedemocraticsystemcannotworlc successfully. By voting we are contributing to the community - the government-in which we dwell. Second,votinggivesyou reasonto complain. I have met scores of people who adamantly complain aboutpoliticalleadersand policies but make no effort to get involved, vote and try to Author's name withheld by the editor make a difference. Voting gives you substance to your arguments, a right to complain and a chance to better th,esituation. Finally, the American democratic system is not perfect and contains impurities, but it is a Bryan Bell's first name was misspelled in system that is emulated by the rest of the world issue six. To be privileged to live in a system of governBob Bonfigliowas misquoted in the issue six ment and participatein a global activity is truly a article "Students forced to live in cramped confeeling of esteem. ditions." Bonfiglio said that SGA revised the Voting is the nuclear arsenal of a-country's entrance policy, not acted on behalf of it. citiz.enry. Vote on Nov. 3!
Icorrections I
much or even if there is a person who loves or cares for them. That has not been a problem for me because my family and friends have always been there for me when I needed them. Maybe it's partly because I couldn't do everything exactly the way they could. They helped to make life easier and helped me to understand that if there is an obstacle in the road to find a way around it and never give up. I have had many thingsdone for me that most haven'tor just have taken for granted and for this I am very grateful. I consider myself to be one of the luckiest people in the world for many reasons. My parents did everything in their power to help me to walk by spendingcountlessdollarson the surgeries I had, along with the added accessories I needed and continue to need. Not many people had the opportunity to see or remember the expressions on their parents faces when they took their first steps as I did. I was so proud. The feeling I felt that day will never be forgotten! Even better, how many peoples' parents started a school and named it after them in their honor because-.Il:le¥· were wonied about their future? Mine did. My mom starteda Nonistown school in 1986named MBF for disabled persons to teach them the necessaryskills for making it in thejob field. If that's not fortunate,I don't know what is. It's amazing to see how many support the school not only for it's purpose, but also because they cared so much about me. Being disabled isn't a sad or unfortunate thing. I think it should be looked at the same as if someone had to wear glasses. If you think about it, everyone has a disability, mine is just moreapparent. What'ssadorunfortunatearethe perceptions some people have about the disabled, which is a word that shouldn't even have to be used. Thankfully, things are beginning to change and hopefully using a wheelchair,crutches. etc. will be viewed the same as someone who has to wear glasses.
Istaff Editor-in-chief: Kimberly M. Haban Managing Edrtor: MaryJane Inman Perspectives Editor: MaryJane Inman News Editors: Megan Flanigan Alts and Entertainment Edttor: Belinda Desher
Features Edttor: Katherine Ross Sports Editors: Deanna D'Attonsoand Brendan Noone Graphic Designer: Ambreen AJladinand Tim Conway Copy Editor: Kevin Ohland! Writing Coach: Kelly Adams Business Manager: Diane Osborn PhotographyEditor: Lorraine M. LiU PhotographyAdviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Keith Ahlas,AmbreenAJladin,Roseanneeart,ono.Dana Caterson,Alicia Crego, Paul CroweH.DanieMeDiMaroo.Corinne Egan, DouglasEppler Jr., Robert Evans,Christine Labroli,Robert Macartney,MatthewMacsisak,Steve May, Healher McAftister.. MaryanneWalker, Gary Whtte PhotographyStaff: Eric Bamuscia, StephanieB,eg,Christine Costigan,DawnielleKlopp, KendraMartin Loqutturis publishedweekly durlng the schoolyear by studentsof Cabrini College,Radnor, PA 19087. Phone:215-971-8412. Subscriptionprice is $25 per year and is includedin the beneftts securedby tuitionand studentfees. Loquttur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signedand the authorshipknown to the edttors. However,1fthe wnterwishes. and the editor agrees. the wnter'sname may be left off the letter upon publicationand an inscript10ninsertedsuch as 'name withheldat the requestof the writer." Lettersshould be typed, double-spaced,and no more than 300 words ,n length. ~ a letter is too long for the available space. the editor may edttor condensett. Lettersto the editorshould be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorialsand opinionspublishedin Loquiturare the views of the studenteditorialstaff and the individualwntersand not the entire student body or the farulty and administration. Loquituris establishedas a forumfor studentexpressionand as a voice ,n the uninh1b1ted, and open discussionof issues.
friday, oct. 30, 1992
Students debate presidential candidates' platforms by Deannna D' Alfonso and Brendan Noone
co-sports editors Perot, Clinton, and Bush, all three were represented in Xavier's Great Room Tuesday night. Students took the positions of each of the three candidates and debated the most important issues in their campaigns. Dr Jolyon Girard served as the mediator in the Student Government Association program which was the brainchild of SGA president Kim Marshall. Ross Perot advocate J.P. Raynok said his candidate wants to "cut through government crap" and get some credibility back in the United States. Raynok stressed that importance of economy and that was all. When asked about education he brought up the fact that Perot "dumped billions of dollars into the state of Texas to revamp education" but after all was said and done he ran right back to economic analogies. "We have to hammer it home because it's hammering us," He also called for radical changes and to do that the people of the country would need to vote for an outsider. "The country has been run by politicians for 100 years. Vote for someone who knows how to do things instead of just talking about getting them done,"Raynok said. Bill Clinton was represented by Brandon Dougherty and Bob Salladino. They stressed the point of putting the people first.
"We must take back portions of our government and make it work for us," Dougherty and Salladino stressed. On economic issues those for Clinton stated that he wanted to put Americans to work and make the U.S. an economic super power. "There is more on the horizon it's not a cliff." They muddled through the issue of minor-
'We have to hammer it home because it's hammering us.' -Senior J.P. Raynok ity issues, not really answering the question but speaking of Clinton understanding the vision of our country. As for education, Salladino stated that both the National Education Association and PSEA both endorse Clinton due to his views on education. He is against using public funds for private education. President George Bush was represented by Anne Marie Mauro and Christine Costigan. Foreign policy was the starting point and
Security department sets goals for improved student safety on campus by Kevin Ohlandt
copy editor knowledge of the laws of arrest, laws of detaining, and laws of training. It is a forty
"What does security really do? Do they have a purpose on this campus?" asked Junior Ellen Robbins. Security does have a role on Cabrini's campus. According to Director of Security Richard Kralle, the goals of the security department are "safety and security of the students, the outside community, and visitors. Security is someone to tum to." This is Richard Kralle's second year as director of security at Cabrini. In that time, many changes have taken place. Senior resident assistant Eric Klansek said, "My first two years here, security was a joke. Now under Richard Kralle, I gained respect for them." Security guard Rich Scattergood said, "It's improved over the last year in terms of equipment and training. Rich Kralle has done a lot for the department." According to Vice President of Student Affairs Bob Bonfiglio, "Security is more service-oriented than before." Over the two years Kralle has been at Cabrini an escort service has been implemented as a serivce for students and security guards are stationed in Wo04lcrestHall and Xavier Hall for student's protection. "The staff is 110 percent better than last year," said Kralle. "They are REEI( S & CLUB required by PennAAJSEACOOL sylvania •1000 INJUSTONEWEEKI law to PLUS$1000FORTIIE h a v e
MEMBER WHOCALLS! Noobligation.No cost. YoualloaetaFREE HEADPHONE RADIO ,iustrorcallina 1~932--0528, Ext.65
ACT235 training, w hi Ch gives them
hour course. They have no arrest power, but they do have the power to detain a person for questioning or call in the Radnor police." An upcoming issue is Mischief Night, the night before Halloween. Last year security and the resident advisers organized a pumpkin drop. This year they may be having a squirt gun fight. Security wants to make Mischief Night "safe for everyone and nondestructive" according to Kralle. Senior Patricia Levis said, "Security in the parking lot is terrible. They should watch the parking lot more." According to Kralle, he would like to see a more central location for the security office. The current office is tucked away behind the Widener building. There is no ramp for handicapped individuals, so they could not get into the office or to the phone.The sign on the door saying security is not visible. The black metal stairs are steep and dangerous. If a student was running up the stairs, it would be easy to trip. The office is small and cramped. There is always a car parked right in front of the stairs and that could pose a dangerous situation. According to Kralle, if the 24 hour visitation policy goes through for Woodcrest and Xavier, security would have to be there twenty-four hours a day. The current budget would not allow that. Other possible plans Kralle would like to see are emergency phones around the campus. Kralle is meeting with physical plant to discuss the placement of the second handicapped sign on Residential Boulevard. As the day-light hours lessen, security is increased and the lights come on earlier.
selling point for the Bush representatives. After talking highly about the Persian Gulf War and the victory by Desert Storm the Bush backers waffled through the main issues. They gave no comments to questions raised on the subjects of minorities in America and used the mudslinging approach in their answers, when they did answer. Take down the other guy, as long as you are going down. When asked a direct question about "family values" and the family leave act which President Bush vetoed this summer, they gave the popular Dan Quayle blank stare into the audience. Like a deer looking into oncoming headlights. After working their way through the grilling, the Bush representatives managed. to present a picture of leadership in these economically troubled times. Trying to save face it was brought to the audiences attention that Bush was responsiblefor"getting us out of the Gulf War" to which Raynok replied, "He got us into the Gulf War!" and also that Bush was a key factor in ending the Cold War and bettering relations with the former Soviet Union. Raynok also responded to this by stating that "giving credit to Bush for ending the Cold War is like giving credit to the rooster for the sun rising," Raynok with his quick wit however gave points to the Democrats seeing as it was a quote from Senator Albert Gore.
'The country has been run by politicians for 100 years. Vote for someone who knows how to do things instead of just talking about getting them done' -Senior J.P. Raynok The debate concluded with a one minute wrap up with the Bush campaign stating that "One must not look for change just for changes sake." Referring to the fact that four years of Clinton or Perot would hurt the American public more that four more years of Bush and Quayle. "Hold on to your wallet Mr. and Mrs. America." Clinton supporters spoke of change for the people by the people and of the people .. Unity among the masses and a country that could be heading in th.eright direction by the year 2000. Most importantly the fresh ideas of Clinton is geared toward our generation according to Salladino.
Campus lacks security phones RichanfKmlle.dim.'lli(f~, satct "I lhinlcthereshouJdbe a direclDlywith foctbephonesand parking." Beforethebreakof dawn,6 be ceottallocatioffi As b' the pbcne8 beina grayin cob Kralle exact.a commuterdrivesonto campus. said. ''ThcyshouJdbeprinledabriat.fluoresLike everyMondaymorning,she is arrivingto dothe7 a.m.radionewsshifton cent cnnge." Cmreamy dMe are 14 outside security WYBF. As usual at such an early hour pbones located around campus.Fourof the the newsroomin the Widener center is phonesaaenot wc.ning. aa:oidilJS IOKralle. locked. There isnoaecuritypbonenearby. "The phones will be Jepahed in a w«t." This was the dilemma of arrivers every Mondaymorninglast semester.To have the newsroomunlocked a student had to walk to the mailroom and ask to call 'All these studentsdo security on their phone or drop a quarter in the pay phone. Little did students when they vandalize is know that nestled away behind the hurt other studentsand mailroom outside security•s office there was an outside security phone. Students it's childish' say they I never noticedit since the phone - Directorof security is encased in a non descript gray box or RichardKralle because thereareo't any signsto indicate where one could find a security phone. Accordingto Senior DawnTimbario, Knlle also noted that vandalismis the ''There•s no phone in the Widenercenter M8SOll why most cAthe phones- out {:A by thenewsroomandit makesit difficult Older. However,squirrdshavechewed to get in&othe newsroom," Timbario through the woeby theOnce Hill paddng said. "Through bein8 a l..oquitur editor lot. someonetold me about tbephooenextto ..We havea JIOPIDlwith security's office... Otherwise,Timbario AT&T bllt it doeln•tincludevandalism." said not manypeople would haveknown saidRuda &:oil.telqmooeopea• .indre- • about its location. be eo Dr. Robert Bonfiglio. vice president cq,aonitL'"Howllictca aomeme of student affairs, said. ..Signs get SU>- deslroydleamn,ni, :a1ioabOlbentouse." "Iput a propoul inandasbdf(lf IS new len." Bonfiglio said, '1t is indi.caledin pboocs thestudenthandbook butI guessstudents plrm," Knllle said. 1be pcp011Cd donot haveahandsetandcold whichwould don't read the handbook." NateCarter,first-yearstudent,said, "I cut down oo dXl8ebeing vaodllittd. "AD would a somebodybefore I looked at theseSIUdenls dowhentheyvandalizei.1hurt the handbook." other studenlsandit's childish.,"Knlle said Senior KimChristy also heard about Cartersaid that eventhough he bu not the security phone by word of mouth. neededIO usethe securityphonesinsidethe Christy said, "I had to use the phone once ~ or outside around canpus, "h does and thedoor that coveredthephone was ~ me that there aren't any around., hard to openand coveredwith cobwebs.,.
fridav 1 oct. 30 1 1992
The ghost of Cabrini, believe it or not by Belinda Desher
arts & entertainment editor At the stroke of midnight, a light rain continued to fall over the tranquil Cabrini campus. The quiet was typical for a Wednesday in March. Soon this stillness would be interrupted by a nerve-wrenching scream. By 12:03 a.m., Cheryl Croce, then a sophomore, was walking toward her little Ford Escort. She threw her pocketbook in the front seat and started the engine. It was finally time to go home after a very long day. Within minutes she was proceeding out the back entrance toward Upper Gulph Road. As Croce drove she happened to see a man walking along the edge of the road toward her. It seemed strange that someone would be walking alone at this time on such a cold night She wondered who it could be.
The dark trench coat covering his tall frame and knit cap were all that Croce could see. Sh~ could not quite make out a familiar face so she passed by him. "I just happened to look in my rear view mirror after I passed him and he wasn't there any more," Croce said. At 12: 10 a.m. Lorraine Lill, Rita Cellucci, Karen Kerchusky and Melissa von Siegel, all juniors at the time, were returning from a late-night run to Wawa. They turned off of Upper Gulph Road and made their way down the back road toward Grace Hall. The rain was creating a mist, making visibility difficult for Lill, who was driving. She stayed close to the edge of the road, aided by the light of the lamp posts. As they passed the second of seven lamp posts that line the road, a figure stepped into the light ahead. It appeared to be a tall, broad-
shouldered man wearing a hat. He was dressed in an ascot and a heavy trench coat that covered him entirely, except for pant legs and boots. His clothing was unusual and his face indistinguishable. Lill asked, "Who is that guy?" The man was walking toward them along the edge of the road. Lill swerved away from the edge and assumed he would get out of the way too. But suddenly Lill cried out, "I hit that man!" From inside the car no sound was heard. No thump. No shriek of pain. The man was gone. "Oh my God! It's the ghost of Cabrini!" Lill shouted. This statement created pandemonium. Kerchusky began to scream, Lill hit the gas, and they all started to look for the man. Cellucci turned around but could not see him. Neither could Von Siegel, the only passenger in the car who had not seen the man. Her gaze had
been fixed on the other side of the road. Von Siegel didn't know to whom she was looking for, but she didn't see anyone either. In the meantime, Kerchusky was so frightened she tried to get out of the car. Lill sped up. Lill turned the car around in the parking lot and quickly retraced their route. They scoured the road and tried to find him on Upper Gulph Road. According to Kerchusky the man could not have reached the end of the drive, before them, at the rate he was going. Yet they could not find him. Cellucci, Kerchusky, and Lill believe they saw a ghost that night. Von Siegel said she believes them if they say they saw a ghost. A' few days later, Croce met with friends who were talking about the man seen by Cellucci, Kerchusky and Lill. Croce men-
tioned that she had seen the same man. Croce, having never heard the legend of the Cabrini ghosts, just thought her experience was odd. "I don't think it was a ghost," Croce said. "I think it was a weird coincidence." Dr. Carter Craigie, English professor and Cabrini-legend storyteller, was asked to comment. Craigie proposed a variety of questions. Was this a coincidence or not? People say they saw someone that night. Where did he go? Will he come back? What would you do?
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! photo oy Katherine Ross
Scaring visitors was all the spirits had in mind at the Student Goverment Associations annual haunted house.
Legend lives on;
spiritshauntXavier once again by Deanna D'Alfonso co-sports editor The buzz of excitement filled the air in the conidor as the line of children and parents prepared to enter the dark abyss of the haunted halls of Xavier. "Prepare to be scared," the monstrous tour guide announced to the antsy children as they trembled in line waiting to enter. Wide -eyed and leery to enter, the tour guide called for the next group of daring souls to enter into the foyer for the tale of the Cabrini spirits. "Many years ago there were two lovers living here, and it was a forbidden love, so forbidden was it that they were forced to kill themselves and they are buried under Xavier dormitory. Now on this the anniversary of the day, the spirits have risen. Beware and hopefully you will make it out alive," the tour guide bellowed with her white face ghoulishly displaying a twisted smile. "It's really dark in here! I'm scared," I said as I wrung my hands together tightly. The tour guide answered the cry with a laugh and then the ghouh began to pound on the door to signal they were ready for the next batch of victims and with that the doors flew open and we entered into the realm of the unknown spirit world
"Please feel free to try some of
~:~d~e~~~:~;:g~~ ::: at:f ~:~:~:~ into the first bowl and felt the slimy offering as creature grabbed my leg from under the table and was not letting go. Children let out screams as a. huge translucent creature danced around his prey in jubilation. I definitely thought I was not going to makeitout alive. Around every comer some disturbed spirit was jumping out and creating nightmares in my mind before I even thought about going to sleep. Michael Myers and Freddie Kruger appeared as a creature double feature. Myers followed me at a deadened pace up the flight of stairs right into a nightmare on my street with Kruger. Razor sharp blades brandished in front of the tour were a warning to get out while we still could. The tour then made a stop at what appeared to be a refuge for the deformed and insane. A young man scalded and decripit now jumped out with a pot of scalding hot water and threatened that we would be next if we did not stop staring. With that, the tour guide whisked us out the double doors just as he let go of the pot. We had made it back out into the lights, , back into our safe haven.
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arts & entertainment
friday, oct. 30, 1992
'Lend Me A Tenor'opensWalnutStreet's10th season by Courtney O'Connor guest writer This is it. This is the biggest night in your career as the general manager of the Cleveland Opera. The world famous Italian tenor, Tito Merelli is coming to sing the role of Otello at your opera house. What could possibly ruin this night? How about a dead tenor? In Ken Ludwig's award-winning American comedy, "Lend Me A Tenor," anything is possible. From start to finish, it is a lighthearted farce that involves several mistaken identities and unpredictable disasters. As the play opens, we find Saunders, the manager, awaiting Tito's arrival in a Cleveland hotel. Waiting along with him is the opera company's go-fer, Max, and Saunders' daughter, Maggie. After much pacing and anxious worrying, the great Tito Merelli arrives, unexpectedly bringing with him his wife, Maria. From the moment she marches onto the stage, the viewer knows that Maria isn't the kind of woman to be fooled with. Unfortunately, Maggie, hiding in the closet waiting to hopefully meet the great Tito, does not know this. Maria discovers Maggie and, convinced thather husband is having an affair, leaves him a goodbye letter on the bed andstorms out of the hotel in a fit of jealous rage. Meanwhile, Tito has not been feeling well, and is lying on the sofa with his new friend, Max. In an effort to try and help him, Max gives Tito sleeping medicine in his wine, not knowing that Maria has coaxed Tito into taking the same medicine a short time earlier. Feeling drunk and sleepy from all the wine and medicine, Tito gives a free singing lesson to Max, who has always wanted to be a singer but has never been able to impress anyone with his vocal abilities. Under the guidance of the great tenor, though, Max's voice achieves a quality that he never even knew he had. By now Tito is exhausted and goes into the bedroom to sleep. There he discovers that ·his wife has left him forever. Heartbroken, Tito goes into a rage that drains him of his
energy and he falls asleep, exhausted. Four hours later, Max tries to wake Tito so they can go to the opera. One problem Tito won't wake up. The note Maria left next to the bed is unsigned and Max mistakes it for a suicide note left by Tito. Saunders arrives and also is unable to revive him. Knowing that there is no way he can cancel without ruining his career, Saunders begs Max to go on in Tito's place. After all, Tito always brings two costumes with him, and in the makeup, no one would possibly notice that it was Max. And besides, if Tito thought that Max had a beautiful voice, then he must be good after all. Dazed by the chance to sing the great role of Otello, and to impress his love, Maggie, Max agrees, after Saunders' coaxing and threats. The arrival of Maggie, Julia(the bizarre chairman of the opera guild), and the curious bellhop forces Max to hide in the bedroom and change into Tito's costume. As he steps into the living room, the three fans are amazed that the great "Tito" is there right before them, and fall for the plot, hook, line, and sinker. The happy Saunders leads his entourage out of the hotel to the opera, and just as the curtain begins to fall on act one, the "dead" Tito sits up and looks around him, trying to figure out what's going on. As act two begins, we learn that Max was a great hit as Otello, and everyone is fully convinced that he is the great Tito. The only disturbance in the evenings performance was the loud banging on the back door of the stage by some strange man dressed in tights, screaming that he was supposed to be on stage singing Otello and claiming to be Tito Morelli. As everyone, iocluding both Titos, anive back at the hotel, the evening's events really start to kick in as both Titos run in andout of the two room suite, thoroughly confusing everyone but most especially themselves. The role of the bellowing artist Tito was played wonderfully by Steve Elmore. His passionate portrayal of the Italian tenor
Slotchiver plays with the greatest of ease
The power of persuasion. Saunders (Louis Lippa) convinces Max (Mark McGrath) to impersonate Tito Merelli unbeknownst to Tito's curiou~ fans, the Bellhop, Julia and Maggie (Gabor Morea, Mimi Bensinger, and Celine Havard respectively.) was full of energy and emotion needed to keep the character wonderfully amusing. Mark McGrath, in the role of Max, was a nice clam amisdt the storm of the play. His character was the driving force of the play, and kept the action going smoothly throughout the evening. From the moment she strutted onto the stage, Trish Jenkins demanded the attention that Maria so richly deserved. Her character's zest and zeal spiced up the play from her first word to long after she had left the stage. Mimi Bensinger gave a memorable performance as the Opera House's eccentric chairperson of the guild, Julia Her exaggerated voice and actions kept the audience roaring . Louis Lippa's portrayal of the manager Saunders. His character demanded an overexcited, roaring man who was constantly
desperate. In Lippa w~w a calmer man, although angry, who never seemed to feel as if his entire career was on the brink of disaster. As a whole, "Lend Me A Tenor" was a great play to open the tenth season of the Walnut Street Theatre. The light comedy was a great way to spend an evening . One special touch was the extra ending of the play. Just as you think that Tito is dead and then he's not, you think the play is over, but it really isn't . For a few extra laughs, be sure to stay in your seat for the after-the-curtain-call ending. "Lend Me A Tenor" runs at the Walnut Street Theatre through Nov. 8 at 8 p.m. Ticket prices ranging from $20 to $36. Student discounts are available. For more information call (215) 574-3550.
'BeauJest'showswhat can happenwhenyoulie to yourmother by Ro/MrtBwms
by Belinda Desher
siaj/ writer
arts & entertainment editor Pianist Jeni Slotchiver's perfonnance on Sunday Oct. 25 in the mansion, created music that roared like a storm yet could chime like the playful sound of a child's imagination and she did it all with the greatest of ease. Slotchiver, the daughter of a pianist and clarinetist, became a product of her environment influenced by opera and classical music. She knew that all she wanted to do was play the piano. "My mother was my first teacher," Slotchiver said. Slotchiver said she can remember being lulled to sleep by the sound of her mother playing the piano. By the age of seven, Slotchiver would climb up onto the piano bench and try to imitate the composition her mother had performed the night before. Practicing became an element of her teenage life. But like any young, energetic 13 year-old, Slotchiver became restless. It was the music of Ginastera that sparked her interest in Latin American compositions. Ginastera' s music was described by Slotchiver as being "similar to rock for the classicallytrained mind." Ginastera's music is the reason that Slotchiver began practicing again. "It would keep me at the piano rather than in trouble," Slotchiver said. Twenty years later, Slotchiver is still playing
Everyonewants to elease their par-
ems,aad eYCry onceiftawbile we miaht lie-to dJemin oaferto keep them happy.
That is what SarahGoldmandoes ht
James Sllerman's roaunti~ comedy. "BeluJest." lt'aa ....,...., , ~
sonate David Steinberg. Bob is sem from the agency. The agency mistakenlythinks he is Jewish, bccauleof his last name.Bob is anactor, and despitebeing smpri&ed by the shuatim be 11tbrowninlo.bedoesDJ11D13e to ,et rbn,ughthe evenina. whichis -dliaa1a will never~ ButSant1a•s padJleaniaa't fl'lfX. •
loria II
phoro by Steven BeglettBf
Pianist Jeni Slotchiver is the 199{ First Prize Winner of the Artists International Young Musicians Auditions Award ..
Ginastera's music. She chose his four-part Sonata (1952) as her closing piece. Slotchiver also gave the Pennsylvania premiere performance of Composer Pianist Jane Komarov's "My Name is Natasha," which captures the sounds of a child's imagination. Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairperson of the Fine Arts, said she was impressed by how physically demanding the program was. Lisa Naab, senior, noticed how relaxed Slotchiver was during the performance. "She was amazing. Her fingers just glided across the piano," Naab said.
friday 1 oct. 30, 1992
moreFORUMfrom 1
more IDEAL from 1 would want in any type ofleader." Jestir said the president should be trustworthy. "I want a president who would be for America. America should be first." Dr. Joi yon Girard, director of the history department, said, "I think he or she should be healthy, wealthy and wise." Girard said the president should be healthy in every sense. "The chief executive should be sound psychological and comfortable about themselves." . According to Girard. the president should be wealthy in the educational sense. "It's hard to be a national leader without a formal education:' Girard said. "They should have a wealthy access to books so they aren't myopic." According to Girard the pres_identhas to be wise in order to make aggressive decisions. Junior Justine Kozielski said the president has to be trustworthy because he
is a representative of the people. She also said the president should have a good rapport with the people. "Right now the president should deal with jobs and education," Kozielski said. "The president should bring education where it shou Id be." According to Kozielski she goes by her own instincts when deciding if the candidate would make a good president. . Some people look to the preside!1t to solve world problems and make everyone comfortable and happy. First-year student Nate Carter said,"l want a president who is very dedicated to domestic policies, but at the same wouldn't ignore foreign affairs." He also said he would want the president to work toward improving the deficit.
toJwnII a bitc:ihTbatleafi---1\'ell 1111.lOP·• seMionuinot•folloW•tmou,gli Oli-,Gf
only .goingto use •
theirCOIIIC$'D$, Iadarola askedthe studenlSwhatthey. foundto be }JOSilive ~ campus.Faculty andthe amoont of~ they give to studentswere important,asweDasthefriendly, caringpeople around campus and in the offices. The biggest positivepoint. to the stUdents,wasactuallyseeingIadarolawalking aroundthe campusand saying heDeto everyone aroundher. Approximately30 studentswerepresent for the first hour.and the crowd thinnedout to lessthan half of those people by 10:30
..baek ~.-·~•.Jletlakl, •...,.-,iom8-•__. ians set me· mood.wrtbe cmttre evening. ..Weshould be respectfulof each other; we may not alwaY$ a,iee but
weshouldbeableto shaleourdiffereoces;•1adaroJasaid assheendedthe almost two hourforum. Iadarolaalso commentedon how much she enjoyed speaking withthe students, and how she hopes their time hereat Cabriniwill be one that
theycan lookbackon withfondness andpride. She said, ·•whenI give you that diploma I want you to reCushmancommented."Dr.Iadarola really memberus and be proud of what has the interest (>fthe students at heart." happenshereafter you leave.••
p.m. Caulfield,Robert
Bonfiglio and the Reverend Ambrose Cushman were also present until the com;lusion of the forum.
updates OUR.corner WYBF Phone-In-Forum 11\2 0 Listen to Phone-In Forum Monday Nov. 2 from 6pm-7pm. The topic for discussion--The Presidential Election. Call and place your vote for your favorite candidate and at the end of the show the Presidential candidate who won this informal poll will be announced. Cultural Awareness Week I 1\2-11\8
11\2 0 11:30 am - I :30 pm For your listening pleasure while you are dining musician Keith Marks will perform Latin American and Carribean Jazz in the cafe. 0 4:45 pm - 6:30 pm Mexican Fiesta in the cafe. Enjoy fajitas and tacos for dinner and afterward celebrate with a pinata breaking ceremony.
11\3 0 8 pm The Ethnic Student Alliance will sponsor a poetry reading of black and Latin authors in the Mansion. Listen to the sounds of calypso\reggae, Japenese Israeli and Panamanian rap during lunch in the Gathering Area. Sponsored by the International Club. 11\4
::J5 pm - 7 pm Two Spanish Flamenco dancers will perform in the Atrium. The Cabrini Dance Ensemble will follow as they perform to Latin music. 07 pm The film the Mambo Kings will be shown in the Atrium.
11\5 0 11: 30 am - l :30 pm Arts and crafts fair outside the cafe. Vendors from Guatemala, Peru, Puerto Rico and Nigeria will be selling various goods. 0 l pm - 1:40 pm Dr. Girard will host a seminar entitled "Japanese Bashing: What's Behind It?" Held in the newsroom. O6:45pm- l I pmPerformancesbyNative American dancers, singers and musicians featuring bear, eagle, hoop and butterfly dances at the Annenburg Center Theatre at the University of Pennsylvania. Sign
up for van service in student services by I 1\4. Cost is $5.
11\8 0 10:30 am - 3:30pm Take the day off and visit Philadelphia. The van will leave at 10:30 am. The first stop will be the art museum. Lunch will follow at Zocolo's reataurantat the University of Pennsylvania. To conclude the day a trip to the University of Pennsylvania's Institute of Contemporary Art. Take in the works of Latvian-born artist, Vija Lemens. Admission to ICA is $1. Spending money will be needed for lunch. Sign up in the student services office by 11\5.
Get in Shape 11\2, 11\4 0 Join Kim Marshall at 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm on Monday for aerobics. Mary Jane Inman or Colleen Reemer will instruct the Wednesday class. Classes are held in the basement of House 6. Election Day Do Not Forget To Vote 11\3 0 The Student Government Van will provide transportation to and from Radnor High School and Radnor House from 8 am - 8 pm. SGA is willing to shuttle people within a reasonable distance of the college. For more info call ext. 8715. Career Service News 11\3, 11\5 0 There will be an interviewing techniques workshop sposored by Career Services. It will be held at l pm in the Career Services Center. For more info. call ext. 8560. Senior Portraits 11\5, 11\11, l 1\12, 11\13 0 Sign up times for senior portrait sittings are available in the student services office. Sittings begin at 9 am and end at 4:45 pm. There is a $12 sitting fee due at the time of the sitting. For more info contact Lisa Naab in at ext. 8412. To have your events covered in Our Corner contact Megan Flanigan in the newsroom ext. 8412.
International 0 Hanoi returns evidence of M.I.A.'sHanoi announced that it will send all pertinent documents, pictures, and personal effects concerning M.I.A. 's from Vietnam War to the White House. 0 Blue Jays win World Series for Canada-The Toronto Blue Jays beat the Atlanta Braves, 4-3, in game six of the World Series. This gave the Blue Jays their first World Series victory and the first time a Canadian team has won the World Series.
National 0 Jim Garrison dies-Garrison, the New Orleans prosecutor who brought about the first and only trial concerning the murder of President John F. Kennedy, died last Wednesday in New Orleans of heart failure. 0 Perot's reason for quitting in JulyRoss Perot, in a rally in Flemington, NJ,
announced the Republican party doctored a picture of his daughter in a compromising position. He allegedly quit the campaign because her impending wedding was threatened.
Local 0 Catholics protest closings-over 1,200 Catholics packed the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul in Chester to protest against the closing of seven area high schools. 0 TB in Radnor-a young student was diagnosed with tuberculosis in the first reported case in Radnor in thirteen years.
The sources for this capsule are the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and the Suburban and Wayne Times. Compiled by Kevin Ohlandt.
ecurity corner Security incidents as reported by the security office from Wednesday Oct. 21 through Monday Oct. 26.
Vandalism and Theft 10/21/92-Dixon House-laundry machines and dryers tampered with for free wash. Considered theft of services and vandalism.
Theft 10/21/92-Residential Blvd.-no parking sign stolen in front of Lanshee House. No suspects.
Vandalism 10/21/92-Sacred Heart-broken window found on door next to greenhouse. 10/22/92-Xavier Hall-smoke bomb went off during Haunted House. 10/23/92-Sullivan House-fire alarm set off and broken.
Disorderly Conduct I0/23/92-Xavier Hall-youths from Haunted House reported other youths were swinging bats at them. Other youths told to leave campus. I0/24/92-Widener Canter -Male youth was apprehended on the roof of building. Was with two other youths who got away.
sports ey
mpg.a Senior Lynda Iuvara said. Iuvara, who is also in her last year, is one of the reasons for Cabrini's newly acquired success. "I teamwewould like to win more, but we are definitely more competitive
and stron,er." luvara said. Junior,
Brambilla assessed this season as one of accomplishmentand self-realiza-
tion. "As a team,
r we
all of our Brambilla said. "We all have to realize that we have the ability to win. Working together is what makes us a good team." Worldr1gtogetherasateam is somethingthe Lady Cav's have welcomed with open arms. "We were 2-2 in our accomplished
conference,whichwas oneof our goals. Half waythrousb the
season.westartedto reat-
ae that wecouldwin,"Quinn said With the end of the season UJ)(>nthem,tbeLadyCavsare
looking forwardto utilizing their new-foundsuc::cess for nextyear. ..Just believing in ourselvesandnot holding back will make us a strong team next year,'' Brambilla said. "We will miss the core of our seniors - on and off the field. But we can only think of them, and grow and build a better team for the years to come," ~oach Quinn added.
0' Horaadded."I'vespent the best fouryearsof my life on the hockeyfield."
To the Editor: The last time I checked there was a basketball tournament at Dickinson College on the weekend of November 20th and 21st. Why then is the Senior Dinner and Fall Formal scheduled for that weekend? While the basketball players and cheerleaders are representing Cabrini College where will our friends be--whooping it up without us. As a Senior cheerleader I am outraged, but not surprised at this faux pas. Don't they do this every year? Cabrini is a small school, so why do we always have a problem scheduling events so that everyone can attend? signed, Jenny Williams
11-6 recordhumblesCavs' expectations Burke. "We worked well together and scored in the last three of four minutes of the game. It was a team effort and everyone played,"Burke said. Cabrini lost both PAC games against Eastern and Misericordia leaving their
by Maryanne Walker staff writer
"Give us some support. The school doesn't come to the games at all," Duncan Hubley, coach of the soccer team, said. As the soccer season draws to a close the team reflects on some major setbacks this year. According to team members there is a definite lack of school spirit. Hubley commented on previous games saying, "The school has no spirit-none! The administration doesn't even come out- they don't know what's going on." The team feels other drawbacks include playing in a new conference, various suspensions throughout the season and several injuries. At the present moment the team's overall record stands at 11-
"I think we're finally starting to play as a team, but now it's too late in the season," -first-year student Kenny Konopka
6. "I think we 're finally starting to play as a team but now it's too late in the season," First-year-student Kenny Konopka, defensive sweeper, said. Senior co-captain Glen Jaskelewicz, forward 1 said, "As a team we 're really close·. There were a lot of disappointments this year but we 're really supportive of each other." Mid-fielder Eric Burke, also a senior and co-captain, commented that "because of the new conference and suspensions, we experienced bad luck in certain games," Burke said. "We dug ourselves a hole and couldn't get out." Coach Hubley, said that this year the team was "short of leadership." Two players expected to lead the team never came
photo by Eric Barbusc1a
Co-captain Eric Burke fights for contol of the ball back. Hubley said, "One flunked out, the other never showed up." Commenting briefly on the present co-captains, Hubley said, "Burke tries and is a leader off the field. Jaskelewicz is a leader on the field." The team traveled to Stockton State College and came home with a victory on Oct. 19. The team swept their opponent 3-0. Hubley said that since he's been coaching at Cabrini the team has never beaten Stockton. This was the first year doing so and the team played well doing it. Burke said. ·'It was our best
game this season. Everyone on the team gave their best performance." According to J askelewicz the team started off the week better skilled in the game against Haverford on Oct.17. Cabrini lost to Haverford 4-2. In the game against Stockton, Jaskelewicz agreed that this was the best game the team played together all year. The team was successful in capturing another win on Oct.21 at home against Rutgers University, Newark. Cabrini won 4-2. In this game Cabrini had only eleven players, according to
record at 0-2 for the PAC conference. This changed dramatically when the team faced Beaver. bn Oct.24 Cabrini crushed Beaver 8-0. Senior KeVTfl Gaherty, goal tender said that the team was on and off all season. "We haven't won a league game all year so we wanted this one." Cabrini's record stands at 1-2 in the PAC conference. The toughest game that Cabrini will face now is the game against Trenton State who is one of the top ten ranked soccer teams in the U.S. According to Burke, Cabrini has a chance because the game is at home and on a grass field. Trenton plays on astro-turf. There is a significant difference. Burke said, •·we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. It would make our season if we won but we are going out there to play good soccer. nothing else. "
Recruitmentproblemsplagu·ecrosscountryteam by Heather MacAllister staff writer
friday, oct. 30, 1992
Chances are, if students were asked to name a Cabrini sport, the most popular responses would be soccer, basketball or perhaps the newest endeavor of the athletic department, lacrosse. Some knowledgeable students might answer volleyball or intramurals, but how many would say tennis or golf? To further challenge the mind, how many students would answer cross country and track? According to the runners on the cross country team, many students are unaware that the team exists. They also claim that the recruitment of runners is inferior to the recruitment of other sports on campus, and that the lack of runners has hurt the team's chances of actually scoring in meets. Tammy Pfeiffenberger, sophomore, said that many people just do not care whether or not Cabrini has a cross country. Pfeiffenberger also said that a large role in recruiting new runners has been played by the team mem-
bers themselves. Along with coach Tom O'Hora, she attended the first Fall Open House on Oct. l 8 in order to encourage the prospective students to run. Although she did not mind attending the Open House and speaking with students, Pfeiffenberger feels that the runners have been shouldering a large burden in finding more students to run. "A big problem in recruiting new students to run is the athletic schedule itself," Pfeiffenberger said. I wouldn't have known we had a cross country and track team if I hadn't asked about it myself because I was interested. The knowledge should be available to students." Senior Liz Miller agreed that recruitment of runners is a problem. "The school just doesn't put enough into cross country," Miller said. "There's not enough emphasis on our sport like there is on basketball and soccer. It's not the runners' job to find people for the team." Coach Tom O'Hora said that he
is in charge of convincing new students to run cross country and that if there is a problem with recruitment, he takes 100 percent responsibility. In his 11 years at Cabrini, O'Hora has seen a change in the runners the school has been able to attract. Some of the runners he recruits end up coming to Cabrini but do not go out for the team. Other athletes have more college choices since there are fewer runners coming out of high school, he said. "The runners I would have been able to get years ago now may have the opportunity to go to Di vision I schools," O 'Hora said. "The main disadvantage we face in recruiting cross country is that the pool of runners coming out of high school is much smaller than other sports." Cabrini will be hosting the first Cabrini Invitational for cross country on Saturday, Oct. 31. According to O'Hora, the cross country team is hoping to win its own meet. "There will be snipers hidden behind the trees," O'Hora joked,
"and if we don't win it means we have some bad shots." The main problem with not having a larger cross country team, according to O 'Hora, is that a team must have five runners in order to score for the team. In cross country, runners score points according to their finish, ideally achieving the least number of points. A runner's position in the race changes from meet to meet. Due to the structure of the sport and the fact that every runner is important, cross country is the only true team sport, according to O'Hora. "As a first-year student it's a great way to meet new people from other schools," Pfeiffenberger said. "Since Cabrini is small it's nice to see some different faces." 0 'Hora said that, by facing obstacles, the runners find out more about themselves when they are running. "We sleep when we're dead," 0 'Hora said. "A life unchallenged is a life unused."
fridav 1 oct. 30 1 1992
He said, She said... Brendan Noou & Deanna
Where have the Broad Street
BulliesGone? She said: Rules rules and more · rules! Give mea break! It was the one sport with somesaving grace! Now they have goneand tampered with hockey. The new rules installed this season are boring. The exciting, hard hitting, game I grew up loving is no longer. These new rules are supposed to make the gamemovefaster, and thereare notas manystoppagesin play but it makes the game $lower to watch. The time factoriscut down but the slap shot.hard nosed, hard bittiq gamethat hockeyhad a~put.ationfor is no longer. I went to a gameat the Spectrumthis seasonand as SOODas a fight even lookedlike it wasg<>ing to start, the fans weatcrazy! Of course five seconds later the ref wasbanging off of the guy and the fight wasbroken up. The sport has progressed·into Grettkyesque finessewhich is fanebut the fights and penalties were a big factorin makingthe gamemoreexciting. I am glad they are scoring more goalsingames (of cQUrsemost of them are being scoredon the Flym) but I wish the refs would let themplay the game.I amnot looking for the movie
S~ Shot but come on:,!"~~::'.:!!"1~:~= 1
Hesaid:Rules, rules comeand stay, we may makethis game civilizedsome day. I agree with the National Hockey League's decision on the new regula• tion implemented this summer. The league was sufferingfroma major image crisis. they bad a dictator commissionerwho they hadto overthrow. They were also, desperately seeking a TV contractto showcase their wealth of unexposed talent. This was the time for the NHL to make its move to capture the mindsand hearts of Americans. Only one thing was in the NHL's way. The barbaric play which tarnished the game and the bullies and. bruisers who change the game into a roller-derby gala.
This is the same NHL which could
their best player ever
Wayne Gretzky. Their best chance at sports supremacy, the 1980 Winter Olympics. And a New York team, the largest market in the western world, which was a four year dynasty. The leagues opportunitiesslipped through the five bole. Now, the league is on the rebound.
Theyhavestiffened their rules on high forcing the players to think beforethey swing. Theyhave enforced tougher rules ·against instigation and fighting, by tacking~ gan:ie misconducts for the third party involved. Most importantlythey have tried to stop the bleeding and clean up the image of professioual hoc~. The time is n.owfor the NHL to score.•They havelostGretzkyto a rare backinjury.buttheystillhaveLemieux andHull to carrythe torch. Philadelphiaalso. is readyto cashin on a young mannamedUndr0$, aheadycoinedthe prizeof the90's. slicking,
Lady Cavs toughbut Textiletougher by Matthew Macsisak ·
staff writer
Dockets New Look:
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With four minutes and sixteen seconds remaining in the second half, Philadelphia Textile unleashed a punishing offensive borage, and scored what was to unfortunately be the game winning goal. Although the Lady Cavs field hockey team lost th~ir final home game of the season 2-1, the loss was nothing to be ashamed of. Without the assistance of senior co-cap• tain, VeronicaO'Hora, whosatoutthegame due to a lower-back injury, the Lady Cavs seemed to be a bit lack-lusterthroughout the first half. Although Philadelphia Textile played offensively during the first half, the Lady Cavs held their heads high and put on a ferocious display of defense for the entire second half. It was a heart-felt loss, but one the Lady Cavs will definitely use to expand on as a team for future seasons. For Veronica O'Hora it was a difficult struggle to sit and watch her teammates play without her. "Obviously I'm upset," O'Hara said. It's very disappointing. I'd rather be out there playing!" Though the Lady Cav's have only three wins under their belts, the team itself has
Michelle Montgomery blocks the ball from a Philadelphia Textile's team member. made -a complete turn around in playing together as a whole. "Last year we were 1-14. Every loss was by three orfour goals. This season has made me so happy because it's nice to see improvement," coach JoanQuinn said. "This team is a completely different team from last year. With the exception of the first two games, we were always within one or two goals of our opponents." Quinn, who is in her second season as
Cabrini's field hockey coach, has played a major roll in turning the Lady Cav's around. Quinn added, "This team is a completely different team from last year. "We improved IOO%from last year," Senior Lynda Iuvara said. luvara, who is also in her last year, is one of the reasons
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athlete of the week scorebig by Gary White
staff writer The athlete of the week for the women's volleyball team is four year starter Laurie MacAvoy. She has been a team tri-captain for the past two years. She has been a starter all four years she has been here, in fact this year she is the only setter in a 5-1 offense. "Laurie is a very intense athlete and has athletics in the proper perspective," athletic director, John Dzik said. " She can go back to being a pleasant woman after the game. She is not consumed with athletics." "Laurie has been a mainstay player all four years," Dzik said. " Pam Weeks and Laurie MacAvoy are the two most dedicated players the women's volleyball team has ever had. Laurie is very deserving of the award." Freshman year MacA voy played the position of outside hitter. Since sophomore year MacAvoy has been playing setter, ac• cording to head coach Jim Harrigan. According to Harrigan, MacAvoy is a team leader on and off the court. "Laurie is very dedicated to the volley• ball team and is an all-around player who exhibits good sportsmanship," said David and Theresa MacAvoy, Laurie's parents. 'We are very proud of Laurie's efforts on and off the court," Theresa MacA voy said. "We went to New Jersey to pick-up Laurie's grandparents then came here for the volleyball tournament. We try to make as many games as possible," Theresa MacAvoy said, at the volleyball Fall Classic Saturday, Oct. 17. "Laurie is an excellent athlete," said Jen Paliaro, freshman volleyball player. "She sets the tone for the games. She also makes up for the things the other players miss. She is an aggressive player." MacAvoy went to BainbridgeGuilford High School in Bainbridge, NY. She played volleyball for four years there.
MacA voy has also been playing softball on and off for the past l O years. In addition to playing on the Cabrini women's volleyball team.MacAvoy has been helping with the Cabrini men's volleyball club. "She helps with practices, keeps stats at the games and is there to help everyone," said John Feketics, a co-captain of the men's volleyball club. "She knows a lot about the game of volleyball. Her knowledge is incredible." "If the girls' team didn't have Laurie the team would probably have no wins, because of poorattitudes," Feketics said. "She brings everybody up. When she talks on the court the people on the team listen." "She is the best damn player on the team," said John Latvenas, co-captain of the men's volleyball club. "She has played the game a lot longer than I have," said Bob Macartney, sophomore men's volleyball player. "So when she says something I'll Listen to her. She has helped my game tremendously." "Laurie has helped me out with passing and the techniques to be a better player," said Steve Czech, a junior and member of the men's volleyball club. "She tells me to relax when I am playing. Laurie is great, helpful and very nice." MacAvoy started playing volleyball in the seventh grade. "My sister got me involved in the game. She played and I started playing with her," MacAvoy said. MacA voy said she was surprised, shocked and very excited about being named athlete of the week. "Our season went well. I am friends with all the players. I had a lot of fun and it was great because all the new players had great personalities," MacA voy said. "I would like to play volleyball sometime in the future again, but it will be hard," MacA voy said. Mac Avoy is majoring in elementary education with an emphasis in speech therapy. She would like to go on and get a masters in education for speech therapy. "I will definitely miss Cabrini and everybody here," MacAvoy said. "I would like to come back and see some volleyball games if I am in the area and it is possible."
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Laurie MacAvoy goes up and over tor the Lady Cavs. The Rock and Jock Top 20 on WYBF 89.1 1. Nine Inch Nails 2. Sugar 3. Peter Gabriel 4. Siousxie and the Banshees 5.R.E.M. 6. Alice in Chains 7. Screaming Trees 8.Mudhoney 9. Cracker (EP) 10. Gene Loves Jezebel 11. The Farm 12. Kitchens of Distinction 13. Suzanne Vega 14. Modem English 15. 10,000 Maniacs 16. Mary's Danish 17. Ramones 18. Inspiral Carpets 19. Lemonheads 20. Supreme Love Gods
Attention sports fans ... Tune in to 89.1 WYBF for Sports Source from 6-7 pm with your hosts Brendan Noone, Frank Sciolla, and Bob Macartney. I Call 971-8453 to talk about all the latest news in sports.