Nov. 02, 1992 Issue 08 Loquitur

Page 1

f riday, nov. 2, 1992

vol. xxxix no. 8

cabrini college, radnor, p~ 19087

Former student to speak on Studentsturnout to support AIDS at Cabrini spirit day annualRed Crossblooddrive by Rosanne Carfagno staff writer It is.estimated that in the year 2000, 40 million people will have AIDS. The three most common ways to contract AIDS are by unprotected sexual intercourse, blood transfusions with infected blood and sharing intravenous needles. "The only 100 percent effective method to prevent AIDS from being sexually transmitted is by abstinence," said Kevin Koknar, social worker and recent Cabrini graduate who will be speaking at this year's Spirit Day about Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). "Realistically it's not monogamy but being choosy that's important. The one night stands have to stop," Koknar said. Koknar said he feels that AIDS has slowed some people's sexual activity down because the thought of AIDS is in their mind. Koknar said they still have a long way to go. According to Koknar, college students are not as aware of AIDS because they do not think it affects them. "People still view AIDS as something the middle class doesn't get. It is still thought of as a lower class, homosexual, intravenous drug user disease

to some people," Koknar said. Koknar said that women are more aware of AIDS than men are and also have to be the aggressor when it comes to safe sex. The risk of contracting AIDS during sexual intercourse is higher for women because it is easier for a woman to get AIDS from a man than a man to get AIDS from a woman. HIV, (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) the virus that causes AIDS, is present in high quantities in blood, semen and vaginal discharge in infected people. The most common way of transmitting the HIV virus is through blood-to-blood contact, intravenous drug users and sexual intercourse. French kissing and deep kissing are also possible ways to contract AIDS if there are open sores in the mouth. Koknar pointed out that men and women's views on sex also play a big part in relationships. "Men see sex more as a function. Women see it as something emotional," Koknar said. "Women have to take control and demand that he wear a condom before she'll have sex with him," he said. Koknar said that most college students are in the denial stage when it comes to AIDS because they are healthy people who

photo by Lorraine Marie Lill

Junior Amy Wechsler donates blood to The American Red Cross during the annual semester blood drive. Wechsler, who has been donating blood since her freshman year said it is her social responsibility to do so.

see more AIDS pg.6

Miscommunication: Campus~-=-•"'l Clinton'changes'America electionspostponed

Former Governorof Arkansas Bill Clinton-,elected the Presidentof the UnitedStates. by Bnndon Noone

co-sportseditor It was 20 mintites after midnight on Nov. 4 when President-elect Bill


8 pm Chicago Theater, discus1sionafter V 11:30 pm-2:15 am TAXI 971-8412

Saturday V8am-4J)m Women's lssues'',Mi..m,'M:l.H,SH "' Chicago Theater,discussion after

by Keith Ahlas

andtheworldproclaiminghlsvictory , ..a new beginning for America." The campaign of change and a "new covenant" for America ended in a democratic landslide with Ointon receiving 44 percentof the popularvote and, as of3 am Wednesday, 345 of the needed 270 electoral votes, Earlier in the evening,Cabrini watched as George Bush and independent candidate Ross Perot both conceded def eat to the young democratic leader. Students watched history beirtg made on campuses all over America. At Cabrini's own Wigwam. Chris Conrad .renior,made the best of it and watched the votes tally in on a old black and white Zenith TV. He sat glued to the TV, flapping his hands in disgust "I'll give him (Clinton) a chance, but it was not Bush's fault, it just happened that he

staff writer The first year-studentelections were held on Nov. 2 and Nov. 3. The electionwas postponed due to a Jack of communication between the StudentGovernmentAssociation(SGA) and the freshmanclass. A meeting was held on Oct. 27 in the SGA office where a secret vote was taken to include new people on the ballot,or to keep the original electionballot and hold the electionsthe following week. The freshmancandidatesvoted by a 7 - 6 count to keep the originalballotand to proceed with the elections the following week. The elections were originallysupposedto take place the third week of October. MatthewGallaro,first-yearstudentandcandidate for vicepresident,saidthatthe reasonthatthe electionswere postponedwas due to the fact that "not too many studentsknew about the election because of a lack of publicityfrom SGA." Gallaro also said that a few of the candidates did not hand in their platformson time and that many of the candidates did not show up at the meetings. "There were posters put up and information about the meeting was put in our mailboxes," Gallaro said. "If I knew about the election how come no one else did." Kim Marshall, SGA president, said that the reasonforthe mis-communicationwas that Amy


What's Happening Friday

Clinton stoodbeforeLittle Rock

Nov. 6 to Nov. 13 Sunday V

3-5 P.m Art Exhibit opens Library V 4-1O pm Sigma Phi induction ceremony ~R t/ 6 pm Mass 9 pm Mass

Monday To have your events covered in What's Happening contact Kevin Ohland! in the newsroom ext. 8412

more coverage in UPDATES!

Tuesday V

Wechsler,vice presidentof SGA and director of TAXJ, had a conflict in scheduling variousmeetings. Wechslersaid,"It can~ very confusing in tryingto schedulemeetings.Therearetoo many things going on all at once." 'There were two meetings that were scheduledonthesamenight,"Marshallsaid. The reasonmanycandidatesdidnot show up at the first meeting was because it was rescheduled on a different night and not everyone was notifiedof this occurrence. Marshall said, "We put notices in their mailboxes also, but that there may have been a problem with those too." According to Marshall, there was a shortage of volunteers to help promote the election. Marshall apologized for the confusion at the meeting. Marshall said she hopes that such an unfortunate incident will not discourage students from joining Student Government. There are positions that are still available for the freshman class office. If you are interested in any of the positions contact Kim Marshall or Amy Wechsler in the SGA office at 9718415.

8:30 am-8 pm Cabrini SJiirit Dax, campus-wi e, forfu sched· 4le see updates sec~fsenior Registration





Senior Registration



Junior Registra-

8 pm Sex Perv in Chicago Theatre discussion after V 11:30 pm-2:15 am TAXI 971-8415

Friday V 8 pm Sex. Perv. in Chicago, GH Theater, discussion held after V 11:30 J)m-2:15 am TAXI 971-8415




f riday1 nov. 2 1992 1


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Theater reflectsreality Scared Those who focus on the languageand sexual content of "Sexual Perversityin Chicago"as the main argumentagainstits showingat thiscollegeare totallymissing thepoint.Thisplayisimportantandrelevanttostudents'livesdue to itsfocuson male/ femalerelationships.At this time in our livesthese relationshipsare pertinentto our personalgrowthand the developmentof our self-image. Yes,thisisaCatholiccollege,butbecauseacollegeexistsprimarilyasan institution of learning,it remainsnecessarythatwe addresstopicsthat have a strongimpacton our lives. Althoughthe college's foundationis Catholic,this school has a duty to educate us not only on Catholicviews and values,but also on socialproblemssuch as those involvedin male/femalerelationshipsand sexualactivity. "SexualPerversityin Chicago"opensour eyes up to whatis reallygoingon in our lives and reflectsthe realityof modem-dayrelationships. Once we recognizethe situationwe engage in, we can begin to understandit. When we comprehendthe situation,we can learn from it. Thecharactersdealwiththevitaltopicof mutualrespectin an open,honestmanner throughtheirdialogue.It is importantthatmen and womenthinkabout how we treat each other and the necessityfor respectwhen involvedin a relationship. One can nevergrow throughignoringthe issuesthatare hinderingdevelopment. We mustfacetheproblemsthatoccurinmale/femalerelationships,regardlessof their crudeness,so thatwecan learnaboutandeventuallyalterourhurtfulbehaviortowards one another. CabriniCollegehas a missionto promoteacceptance,understandingand respect forone another. "SexualPerversityin Chicago" mirrorsrealityand forcesus to look ' at the obstaclesthat prohibitsuch positivedevelopment. We need to identifythese problemsso that we can changeour behaviorand createmorefulfillingrelationships betweenourselvesand the oppositesex. Justbecausethecollegeis sponsoringa playthatexposesimmoralactivity,it is not to be impliedthat the schoolis condoningsuch actions.

ups and downs All those involved in the planning of Midnight Madness deserve special recognition. The night was a definite success and their effort was obvious. The students who attended demonstrated great spirit and support. Hip, hip! Mischief night came and went with hardly any damage and minimal vandalism. To those mischief-makers involved-- thanks for not getting too carried away!


to share the decision

katherine ross features editor

It was a gray day. The sun was hiding. The beach was warm. Mixed underneath the roar of the ocean was the sound of sea gulls as they fought to feed from the hands of the children who offered them french fries. She approached me wearing her usual bathing suit and shorts. She wore her hair in a ponytail protecting it from the ocean's breeze. · She said, "What are you doing? Can we talk?" "Sure, what's up?" We began to walk down the beach. We were talking and then she came right out and said, "I'm pregnant." "OK," I responded as 20 questions flashed through my mind. I asked her. "Does your boyfriend know? Are you going to tell your parents? Are you going to keep the baby?" She was quiet. "I don't know." she said finally. · It was the end of the day at that point, so we gathered our belongings and went home. After a week of r.ot seeing her, she appeared again on the beach. The sunlight was blinding, and it seemed as if she came out of a mirage along the sand. '·Can we talk." she asked again. "Sure, sit down." Her face was as still as the bay-like waters in the ocean that day. And without one emotion on her face she said, "I want you to know that on Saturday I went to a clinic and had an abortion."

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I was shocked. I could not believe it. "Who did you go with," I asked. She went on to tell me that she went by herself. She told no one except me and that she felt that it was the best for everyone involved. I asked her why she didn't tell her boyfriend. "Now just isn't a good time for him," she said. "He has a lot on his mind." "How could you have gone by yourself? I would have gone with you. Why didn't you ask me," I said to her with disbelief. "I was afraid," she said. "I didn't know how people would deal with this. Do you think I made a mistake by not telling anyone?" I could see how hard it was for her to express what was going on inside of her. It was obvious to me that she did what she thought was best. But I was questioning if that was what was right for her. What was I supposed to say to her? I never experienced this. All I could tell her was that she should have at least given her b03/..friAwda chance to tell her that he could not deal with it. Instead she did not talk. She made her own decision. He had the right to help make the decision also. Didn't he? The predicament was just as much his as it was hen,. He deserved the opportunity to voice his feelings and partake in the decision. She got up to leave. I asked her if ~he would be alright. She said. •'Yeah. 1 will be. with time ... I watched her as she walked away. She walked onto the boardwalk and disappeared into a crowd of people. . I sat there thinking about what I would do if I were in that situation. Then the sea gulls began crying. And my eyes watched the waves in their continual crash upon the shore .


Student disputes the appropriateness of 'Sexual Perversity


Edltor-in-<:hief:KimberlyM. Haban ManagingEd1or:MaryJaneInman


j.p. raynock guest columnist

I do not think that Cabrini should support the production of "Sexual Perversity in Chicago." My primary reasoning for this is that Cabrini is a Catholic institution, and I think that this play runs diametrically opposite to what the Church and t1is college teaches. Neal Newman, theater director, said that he feels this play should be produced because every student who has read it has told him 'This is what my life is like." I think this statement sums up the fundamental reason why this play should not be performed. The Catholic Church is not, and was never meant to be, a mirror of society. Instead, the whole purpose for the Church's existence is to provide a model for how we should live our lives. Christ's whole mission on earth was to show, by example, how we should live. St. Frances Xavier Cabrini's mission wa<;to bring Christ's message to America Yet here we are, a college founded in her name abandoning our basic mission in favor of mimicking the life of "every" student.

Cabrini's support of this play is,quitefrankly, an abdication of its fundamental role as an agent of the Roman Catholic Church. A lot of people's response to this argument is that for Cabrini to bar this play would be a violation of the First Amendment's protection of freespeech. Not so. Mr. Newman should have every right to produce this play. If he wants to recruit Cabrini students to perform this play at his own expense at an off-campus theater, that is his right. But by asking for the college's financial support,heshould subject himself to the standards of the college, and by proxy, the standards of the Church. I think that this play would also harm the reputation of Cabrini. What kind of message does this play send to the general public that attends our theater productions. The college constantly tries to present itself as a Iiving legacy of Mother Cabrini. Yet in one of the few mediums we have to reach the public at large, we choose a production that showcases themes that characteristically run contrary to our mission statement. ForthreeyearslhaveattendedCabrini,oneof the main items on the college· s agenda has been promoting cultural diversity. Anyone who remembers the racial incidents of January 1990 knows that the college is committed to respecting any recognizable minority group. If someone proposed a play that was offensive to Jewish or

African-American students, you can besure that it would be scrapped immediately. But propose a play that is offensive to the college·s core constituency - Catholics - and there is no problem. The college has spent three years teaching me to respect the beliefs of others, and now it turns around and approves of something that is disrespectful to my own beliefs. After a decision like this, can anyone doubt that the college is just payinglipservicetotheideaofculturaldiversity. Remember this-before you can respect others, you must first respect yourself. Finally, an appeal to Mr. Newman. Mr. Newman has done a fantastic job running the Cabrini theater, and we appreciate it. He's brought us a world premiere musical and the critically acclaimed Shakespeare in thePark. For this we are in his debt. But why must he present us with a play that runs contrary to our teachings and very essence of being a Catholic school? Right now, the parishioners of the Philadelphia Archdiocese are waging a veritable war to keep their beloved Catholic schools in existence. They believe in the ideals and teachings of the Catholic Church, and the inherit value of propagating our faith through a Catholic education. I find it sadly ironic that while they are struggling to maintain their Catholic heritage, we so wanton Iy throw ours away.

NewsEditor:Megan Flanigan Artsand EntertaJrvnent Ed1or:BelindaDesher FeaturesEd1or:KatherineRoss

Sports Edlors: Deama [)'Alfonsoand BrendanNool1e Wri!ingCoach: Kely Adams

GraphicDesigner:AmbreenAl1adil and Tm Conway Copy Editor. KevinOhlard Busi'lessManager: DianeOsborn

PhotographyEditor: Lbn'aineM. UI Photograi:nyAdviser:Dr.CarterCraigie

Adviser: Dr. Jerome ZUrel< Staff: Keith Ahlas,AmbreenAlladin.Aosame Carfagno.Dana Catason. PaulCrowel. Daniele DiMatro,ConnneEgan.Douglas EpplerJr., Robert Evans.CITisti1el.abroli,Robert Macartney.Matthew Macsisak,SteveMay,HealherMcAlister.Kelly McDonald,Maryanne Walker. Gary White f'ro1ography Staff: EricBarbusoa,Stephane Sieg, ChristineCostigan,

DawnieileKlopp,KendraMar1ln Loquituris pubishedweekly ciJringlhe school yearby sb..dents01 CabriniCollege,Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412 Subsoiptionprice is $25 peryear and is includedin lhe benefits S80JR!dby tuitionand student fees. Locµtur waioomes letters to lhe editor. Letters should be signed and lhe aUlhorshi>kr<lY.nIll lhe edtors. However,f lhe'Miterv.ishes, and lhe editoragees, thewriter'snamemay be left oftthe letterLpOn pubhcationand an inscnptioninsertedsuch as "namewithheldal lhe reqJ8St of the v.ntar." Lettersshould be typed, double-spaced. and no morethan 300 words in lengtlc ft a letteris too long for the avaolablespaoe, the ecilor may edit or condenseIt. La11e<s to the editorshould be submittedby noon on Mondays.

The editonalsand opinoons publishedin Loqulturare the views ol the studenleditorialstaffand lhe individualwriters and not lhe entire studentboa, or the lacuhy.and adlllns1ralion. Loquituris establishedas a forumfor student expression and as a vooce in lhe and opendisrussion of issues.



friday; nov. 2, 1992


Federal law restrictslibraryloan serviceto students

photo by Eric Barbuscia

Librarian Roxanne Lucchesi-O'Gorman is in the process of ordering certain journals, which are not available in the library through the inter-library loan system. The system is meant to make things easier for students so they do not have to leave campus for the journals they need because they are sent to the library. by Paul Crowell staff writer Suppose you had to write a term paper. Suppose you went to the library to do your research. Suppose that you requested several journal articles through the inter-library loan ~ystem. But you are told that your request has been denied because the college has ex-

YouDon't Haveto be An Einstein #


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ceeded the allowable limit of requests from the journal you chose. This is exactly what happened to senior Dawn Timbario. What she did not know was that her requestwasdeniedbecauseitisthe law. According to Roxanne LucchesiO'Gorman, the technical services library associate, federal copynght law prohibits the library from obtaining any more than five articles

per journal per school year through handled 1,619 loan transactions. the inter-library loan system. That is a 29 percent increase That the reason this is that if from the previous year. a college does not subscribe to Lucchesi-O'Gorman said that the journal the publisher can- she expects the trend to connot collect royalties. tinue. Ca):,rinidid not own the journal Lucchesi-O'Gorman said that that Timbario requested, Lucchesi- the cost of a journal subscription is O'Gorman said. expensive, costing as much as $300 According to Lucchesiper journal. The decision of what O'Gorman, the only other way journals are to be subscribed is to obtain articles from journals made by the faculty. that have exceeded their limit Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairthrough Cabrini is through an man of the psychology departarticle· clearing house. The ment, said that the department clearing house pays loyalties to heads work in conjunction with the publisher. The cost of this the library by finding out what is $10.50. journals are used most freIt is rare that a student is quently. unable to get an article that they Tomasco said through his exdesire. Lucchesi-O'Gorman said. perience he has found that stuSince Lucchesi-O'Gorman dents have been able to obtain arrived at Cabrini last January, the information that they needed there have been only three incithrough the library. dents when a student was deTomasco has not received any nied a request for an article be- complaints about the inter-licause the limit was exceededbrary loan system. including the incident with Through the in ter-1 i brary Timbario. loan system Cabrini 1s able to Due to the five article limit each access any library in the counstudent is limited to two articles try, according to Lucchesiper journal when using the inter- O'Gorman. library loan system. Cabrini is also a member of In the last year the Iibrary the Tri-state College Library


take longer depending on the ayailability of the journal and the amount of money the student is ~lli!;!.g to spend for a particular article. Lucchesi-O'Gorman, who worked at West Chester· s Iibrary before coming to Cabrini, said that Cabrini's library is more efficient because It handles less volume.

Speaker sharesbooksabout homelessnessfor SpiritDay

cooperativeeducationhas di,covered just aboutthe bestcareerequationever.

by Kelly Adams

writing coach


For the rightstudent,co-opcan be the bestway to gaina workingknowledgeof everything frombusinessmanagementto quantumchromodynamics, In short,ii's1hebestwayto puttheorym10prac1ice. Theenergye~pendedbys1udenhin LO-opJObs can beconvenedintomoney, andcareerexperience!hatlooksverygoodon a re~ume.

To Understand the Benefitsof Cooperative Education.

Cooperative (TCLC), which consists of 34 area colleges and universities within an hour of Philadelphia, including Eastern, West Chester, and Immaculata. The members of the TCLC have agreed to make loans to each other free of charge. Cabrini has been a member of the TCLC since 1984. Lucchesi-O'Gorman said that students may also acquire a library card from any TCLC school by first obtaining a courtesy letter from the Iibrary stating that you are in good standing with the library. The only exception is Villanova. It usually takes between one to two weeks to receive an article that was requested. It may

The ne1workof contactsthe typicalco-ops1udentmakesbeforegraduationmaynotstretchacrossthe universe,but it doesreachfar enoughto helpmanystudentsgeta goodfirstjob.

"Give me your tired,your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free..." These words begin Dr. Joseph Sorrentino's book."The New Colossus." The book is a collection of photographs of homeless people, juxtaposed with phrases from Emma Lazarus' poem, also entitled "The New Colossus." Sorrentino, a former adjunct professor of biology at Cabrini. wi II conduct a homelessness workshop on Cabrini Spirit Day, Tuesday, Nov. I0. Sorrentino now runs a computer-based literacy program for the homeless through Drexel University. According to Sorrentino, the workshop will consist of a slide presentation of home-

'The book is a very • revealing and honest set of portraits of homeless people that shows their dianitv' - Carter Cratg18',professor of English


less people he has encountered throughout Pennsylvania and Delaware. Sorrentino said, "I will try to put a face on this thing we call homelessness." Sorrentino said his work with the homeless began when he moved to Philadelphia where, homelessness was and is still a widespread problem. "It was literally right across the street," Sorrentino said.

Sorrentino organized a soup kitchen in his neighborhood. According to Sorrentino, he felt that the picture portrayed in the media of homelessness did not coincide with what he saw every day. "I felt the need to document what I was seeing," Sorrentino said. Sorrentino said that, in his experience, homelessness does not discriminate.

'I will try to put a face on this thing we call homelessness.' -Dr. Joseph Sorrentino, Cabrini Spirit Day speaker Homelessness encompasses men, women and children alike. According to Sorrentino, he has documented cases of doctors and lawyers who by some misfortune have become homeless. Sorrentino said that he hopes to evoke compassion for the homeless by telling their stories. Sorrentino said that he will have copies of his book "The New Colossus" with him on Spirit Day, as well as his new book, "Street Lives." This book, a collaboration with Steven VanderStaay, is an oral history of homelessness in America. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications praised "The New Colossus," as well as Sorrentino, who took all of the photographs himself. "The book is a very revealing and honest set of portraits of homeless people that shows their dignity," Craigie said.

f ridaXznov. 21 1992


Check your local listingsfor FYI by Bob Macartney staff writer

photo courtesy of public relations

Pamela Rainey Lawler who founded Phi/abundance in 1984 will recieve the Cabrini Spirit Award for exemplifying Mother Cabrini's mission.

·CabriniSpirit Awardrecipient; A modernhero for moderntimes· by Christine Labroli staff writer Poverty and hunger. Many people equate these words to street people; ones that live in cardboard boxes; ones that you step over in the train station bathroom and the ones who approach you for some spare change. The pitiful fact of the matter is that poverty and hunger describe the condition of approximately 450,000 people in the Philadelphia area. Food is a basic need of human beings. Without food you have no strength, no state of mind. Most people do not realize how many people around us go without food. A full beJiy is not something to take for granted. On Cabrini Spirit Day, Tuesday, Nov. 10,the college will honor someone who is doing something about hunger inPhiladelphia,Pamela Rainey Lawler. Lawler grew up in a Catholic home and was taught that she could make a difference. After reading the book, "Starving in the Shadow of Plenty" she realized that hunger was a problem that existed close to home. As a mother, she felt appalled that families with little children were neglectedfrom themostessential need of a human being, food. From her empathy for human beings and wanting so desperately to fix the problem ofhunger, Philabundance was born. Lawler realized the abundance of food that went to waste in restaurants and began to transport this food to area shelters free of charge. Philabundance began in 1984 as a one-womlt'n operation requiring her to be on call 24 hours a day so she could pickup food when it was ready. Lawler's three children often rode in the back seat of her car as she picked up the food and dropped it off at the shelters.

Since 1984, the organization has grown from collecting 12,000 pounds of food a year and delivering it to nine shelters, to now collecting 75,000 pounds of food a month and delivering it to more than 190 shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries, drug rehabilitation centers, boarding homes for the elderly and hospices for AIDS patients. The organization is funded through donors such as schools, churches, individual people and foundations. "If someone asked me in 1984 if Philabundance would still be around today, I would have thought no," Lawler said. "I thought Philabundance was going to be an emergency solution." 1984 marked an important year for Lawler. She left her editing and writing career of 12 years and started Philabundance. To top· off the landmark year Lawler and husband adopted their son Jason. Lawler said her husband and children have always been supportive of the organization. They all have found that Philabundance has been personally rewarding. Philabundance opened Lawlers' eyes to the injustices of the world and has created in her the commitment to fight. Lawler is the president of the board of Phil abundance. She hired an exycutive director so she can work on new projects. One ptoject, The Little Red School Bus, reaches out to children by providing them with mobile meals. These children received free meals during the summer and during the school year. The program serves 500 meals a day and Lawler is hoping to serve more.

Quote • • • Unquote I don't wantthe cheese, l just wantto get out of the trap. - Spanish Proverb

For your information Cabrini media is expanding. Students on campus staff a newspaper, an FM radio station, and now they also produce and host their own television show on localcable network's. FYI, is the brainchild of senior Dawn Tirnbario and junior Dana Caterson. Caterson and Timbario are the executive producers and anchors of FYI. The half-hour, cable-~ news show highlights Cabrini College, local area events, and otherarea colleges. Catersonand Tirnbario came up with idea during their Advanced Editing class last year. "Dawn and I talked about doing a show and decided to ap-

proach associate professor Cathy Yungmann, with the idea," Caterson said. According toCaterson,Yungmann agreedtooffer the showas a practicum "After getting approval the next step was provingour dedicationto the show," Tirnbario said 1he two executiveproducersdid a lot of work on the show over the summer. 1hey came up with a namefor the show and developed a format for the program. "FYI, is not meant to be as hardhitting as Loquitur," Caterson said "We want the show to be more of a public relations type show that will bring the campus and the community closer together." According to Timbario this gives FYI a quality balance between news and entertainment. "It has been a lot of work, and a lot of headaches, but I do get a

sense of accomplishment when we finish a show," Caterson said. "Now that we know what to expect we want to try and put together a tighter package," Caterson said. "We want the show to look more professional." As for the next program of FYI, many topics have been chosen for coverage including segments about WYBF, the local farmer's market, and much more. The two producers agreed that the show is not all hard work. When filming, anything can happen. "'Therehave been many errors, and there is a blooper tape in the works," Caiersonsaid "We are doing this show for the school, not for ourselves," Caterson said. "Hopefully students will appreciate the hard work put into FYI and tune in. "

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arts & entertainment


Movie Review: 'Consenting Adults' & 'Hero'


Chills the spine or warms the heart by Corinne Egan

staff writer Nextdoorneighbors: when they first move in, you bring over a homemade apple pie to welcome them to the neighborhood (or at least Mrs. Cleaver would.) You either become real good friends or your relationship goes as far as waving to each other on your way to and from work. After you see "Consenting Adults," you will either !:>e A: glad that you do not associate with your neighbors or B: Finding yourself re-evaluating the relationship between you and the person or persons who live only a couple of feet away. Kevin Kline and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio play a couple in their mid-thirties, who work together writing jingles for commercials and are quite well-off financially. Like many real life couples today they are very career-oriented and do not have much time lo socialize. But they have taken an unusual liking to Kay and Eddie,

Dr. Giggles:

Wasn't this supposed to be scary? by Kimberly M. Haban

editor-in-chief have seen some pretty bad movies; "RUSH," "The Legend ofBilly Jean, "and "Friday the 13th Part VIll." But, "Dr. Giggles" a seasonal, cheap-thriller movie was the worst of the bunch. The opening scene, where a psychiatric patient poses as a doctor with an annoying laugh murders a fellow patient with a bone cutter, should have left me running-out of the theater. Since I already wasted my $6, I decided to grin and bare it. Dr. Giggles, as he is called, was on a quest for the perfect heart. Yes, that is the plot. However, there is a sub-plot. His mother died because she had a heart problem. Dr. Giggle's psycho dad began to murder people in the small town that they lived in to find his wife a new heart. Before he was caught he hid his 8-yearold son in his wife's corpse so he could carry on his crazy legacy. Thirty years later, his son does. Dr. Giggle's went back to his home town and began a senseless killing of young rebellious teens for their hearts. I expected to be scared and jump into the lap of the person next to me. Instead I found myself rolling on the floor with laughter and wondering what the doctor would use for his next hideous murder. The murder weapons varied from an oversized hypodermic needle filled with a drug that made people spit up blcxxl to a liposuction machine with a razor blade attached to the end that he would stick down his victim's throat. The only time I jumped was when a dog barked in the movie. This only startled me because I was expecting another ridiculous murder scene, where the doctor would use a thermometer or something.



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the new couple next door. It all begins with a casual evening of drinks but what those drinks led to was beyond thei( wildest imaginations. The four of them hit it off almost too well. You are led to believe that two of the four are headed towards committing adultery, but adultery would be mild compared to what really happens. Kline's character is an honest, committed father and husband who for the first time in his life takes a risk and it backfires on him in the worst possible way. One word for this movie is suspense. It's not your normal man - kills woman- thriller where you can predict what is going to happen 20 minutes before it actually does. As a matter of fact it is not predictable at all. " Consenting Adults " is rated "R." There are a couple of gruesome scenes but it is not overly done. As to why they chose to put the word consenting in the title, you will have· to go see the movie and determine yourself. Were they were consenting adults or not? "Hero" Have you ever had a day where everything seems to be going wrong? From the moment you get out of bed you can just feel it in your bones that this just is not going to be a day you will want to re-live. Then, you read your horoscope and figure out why you are feeling this way. You only have a one star day. Well, that is sort of the way all of Bernie Leplant' s days are. I guess you could say the poor guy has

Area colleges offer recreational possibilities

been dealt a one - star life. Leplant, played by Dustin Hoffman, is a guy who is just really down on his luck. He is divorced, with a nine-or ten- year old son (he is not real sure.) He is on the verge of going to prison and the only thing that he really wants to do with his life is teach his son some moral values to make sure he does not grow up like his old man. He is in the process of trying to achieve this goal when something literally falls from the sky and changes his whole world. Leplant goes beyond the call of duty and puts his life on the line to save others. This is something a lot ofus would throw in the next guys lap before we would get involved. "Hero" is classified as a comedy and it has some hysterically funny lines as well as characters. The cast includes Dustin Hoffman, Geena Davis, Tom Arnold and Chevy Chase. While this film is very comical, it really does have an important meaning. Hoffman's character is an inspiration that reminds us that we are all heroes in our own way, whether we save 50 people from a burning plane or teach a child how to be a caring, compassionate young adult in this crazy, peer-pressured, high-tech world . Whether we are considered a hero in the eyes of the entire world or in the eyes of one small child, it carries the same weight. We may not put ourselves in the classification of hero but everybody is considered a hero to someone else for some reason and it does not matter how big or small that reason may be.

by Christine Labroli staff writer The following is a list of events hosted by area colleges throughout the month of November. Villanova Villanova University will be holding Special Olympics Fall Festival on Nov. 6 - 8. Chestnut Hill College Chestnut Hill College will be hosting local comedians. Brad Lowery will perform on Nov. 11 and Sky Sands will appear on Nov. 18. The shows begin at 9:30 p.m. and admission is $1. West Chester If you have an interest in jazz music, Herbie Mann, jazz musician, will electrify his audience on Nov. 7 at West Chester University. The concert will be held in the Philips auditorium at 8 p.m. Contact the public relations office at 436-3383 for details. Eastern College Eastern College will present Christian singer, Kim Hill, on Nov. 13. If you enjoy music with a message her performance will begin at 7 p.m. Admission is $8 for students and $10 for guests. For more information contact the activities office at 341-1725. Harcum Junior College Harcum College is sponsoring the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for a conference at Bryn Mawr College on Nov. 6. The conference will be discussing the issue of "black students on white campuses." Some of the workshop choices include black on plack issues, inter-racial situations, male/female relationships, racism and discrimination. According to a promotional ad, Dr. Clark will be encouraging creative thinking and inspire participants to strive for excellence in their college careers. Registration is at 12 p.m. and a dance will be held at Harcum from 8 p.m. until 12 a.m. Harcum is planning a trip to Baltimore Harbor on Nov. 7, all are welcome. Call the activities office at 526-6028 for details.


friday, nov. 2, 1992

des,gn provided by Cabnni Theater Department

It is showtime! Sexual Perversity in Chicago takes funny and painful digs at the fantasies and distances of the contemporary sexual game. It tells the story of a few months in the lives of 4 young people: Bernie and Joan, seemingly sexually knowledgeable, and Danny and Debbie, who are quieter and less assertive. The play offers a mosaic of flashes from the war between men and women among the filing cabinets and singles bars. Sexual Perversity in Chicago was written by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright David Mamet. It was first performed in 1977. Performances are Nov. 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 8 p.m. with an improvisational curtainraiser entitled "Who's Line Is It, Anyway?" Open discussions will be held afterwards to entice audience feedback about relationships between men and women. General admission cost is $5 and $3.50 for students. No one under 17 admitted. For more information call 971-8510.

New releases from old favorites by Kevin Ohlandt

copy edlfor

***** Mint man, great album! **** Very fine piece of work. *** Pretty okay stuff, chap. ** Alright, only three good songs. *

Wouldn't line a litter box with it.

• "EROTICA" by Madonna **1/2 Madonna has embarked on a different, yet familiar path with her latest offspring, "Erotica." Madonna has never shied away from expressing her sexuality, and the title track enforces this with lyrics like "If I'm in charge, and I treat you like a child, will you let yourself go wild, let my mouth go where it wants to?" The rest of the album is her next evolutionary step into the club music scene. Madonna's voice sinks into a tone similar to Paula Abdul's. But Madonna can no longer reach the high notes for which she was once famous. Her next single, "Deeper and Deeper," should do well with top 40 buffs. Other sure bets are "Rain" and "ThiefofHearts" because of their alluring rhythm that-makesyou want to dance. "AUTOMATIC FOR THE PEOPLE" by R.E.M. * 1(2 The boys from Athens, Georgia, R.E.M. are back with "Automatic for the People." The band seems to have become more acoustic since their last album, "Out of Tune." The album harlcens back to their roots, with a sound similar to earlier albums "Murmur" and "Reckoning" from the early '80's. The first single "Drive" reminds meof fingernails scratching on a chalkboard. It never ends. "New Orleans Instrumental No. l" doesn't sound like the type of music to come out of the cajun city, more like "Twin Peaks." The only tracks I enjoyed were "Star Me Kitten" and" Nightswirnming" because of their upbeat lyrics and smooth sound. An artist may need to explore different styles, but for R.E.M. this style is repetitious of an old one, and it does not work. "US" by Peter Gabriel ***** "Us" is Peter Gabriel's seventh album, and it is just as good, if not better than "So," his last album. The first single "Digging in the Dirt" ties into Gabriel's separation from his wife over the past three years. "I'm digging in the dirt, to find the places I got hurt," Gabriel sings as he tries to cope with his inner turmoil. "Steam" has the capability of thrusting Gabriel into a larger-than-life spotlight. This tune has a great melody for dancing and a surprising rap by Gabriel. "Kiss that Frog" has an enchanting beat and a guitar riff that echoes in the mind. Other great tracks include the soothing "Love to be Loved" and the MidEastern sounding "Blood of Eden."

. Nine InchNails-"Broken" . Sugar-"CopperBlue" . PeterGabriel-"Us" . Siousxie&the Banshees"Twice upona time" . R.E.M.-"Automaticfor the People" . Alice in Chains--"Dirt" . ScreamingTrees-"SweetOblivion" . Mudhoney-"Pieceof cake" . Cracker-"Tuscon" 0. GeneLovesJetebel.''Heavenley Bodies'' 971--8453 withRequests!



more AIDS from 1 probably do not know anyone personally who is infected and doe~ not view AIDS as something that could ever happen to them. That sentiment is echoed by Kerry McGillan,junior. "Not many people on campus are aware of AIDS. Many people have the attitude that it can't happen to me." Angie Bruce, a freshman, said, "The answer to AIDS is not having seminars or pamphlets passed out. You need a general discussion on sex with relationships and AIDS as a subnote." ··condoms are not I00 percent effective even with nonoxynol 9 spermicide," Koknar ·said. "We need a total change ofbehaviorto prevent AIDS from spreading, not just the use of condoms. Sexual activity is a behavior not a necessity. We need to make it less functional and more emotional," he said. Koknar said, "People think it's business as usual but everyone is living with AIDS whether they're infected or affected. It has changed society."

f riday, nov. 2 1 1992


more CLINTON froml was a victim of the economy." Other students found different resources to stay in tune to the latest results. Joe Ewing,_senior, listened to his Walkman while he wasworking in the computer lab, anxiously awaiting the timely tallies. 'Tm optimistic for the next four years," Ewing said. "It's going lo be interesting to see how he will work with the Democratic House and Senate." A few students working 011 term papers, would come over to Ewing for the latest information. "These are not the sameold Democrats," Ewing said aloud. "Clinton's winning big." Dawn Timbario, senior, was counting on word of mouth as lter source of communication for the election outcome. "Did he win?" Timbario asked. ·•Good, I like his (Clinton's) platfonn

'It was my first election. I was gearedto be able to have a voice in our country'sdemocratic process.'

- Junior Brian Wolk on education andltealth care. he has a whole new outlook on the country.'' For many of Cabrini's students it was the first presidential electionjnwhich theycould participate. According to an ABC election ·poll, registration for first time voters was up


Senior Mau Macsisak was glad to see that people went out in droves to vote this election day. "It was good to let the people know that they have their own voice and chojce."

George Bush and manyof his supportersbelieve thatit is necessaryfor thecountry to change handsthrough a "smooth transitionof power." But. some of the41st President'sfollowers do not agree with the change coming January20, 1993. Senior Bill Bambers believes that thistransitionwill notbeapositiveone. "I'mmoving to adifferentcountry.We are going to be hugging spotted owls andriding bicycles insteadof cars for the next four years." The election of 1992 has started


a new chapter in the book of Ameri-

"It was my first election,'' said junior Brian Wolk. "I was geared to be able to have a voice in our country· s democratic process."

can history. The title of this chapter is "change," and the first line was written by the American people on Nov. 3.

updates OUR corner


Alumni Dinner 11/6 CJContinuing Education Alumni Dinner will take place in the Atrium from 511pm. Sexual Perversity in Chicago 11/6.1 l/7,l l/12.11/13.l l/14 :JPerformances will be held on all of these dates at 8pm. Discussions will be held after performances to talk about the play. On the 11/12 performance, a special discussion group will be held by outside experts. Tickets are $5 and $3.50 with student identificatio~ "Women's Issues" 11/7 OThe American Cancer Society will sponsor"Women ·s Issues., from 8am-4pm in the Grace Hall Atrium, Widener Center, and Sacred Heart Classrooms. Art Exhibit I 1/8-11/29 OThe Nury Vicens-Weinmann, Chilean Artist Exhibit will have an opening reception from 3-Spm in the Library Fine Arts Gallery. The exhibit will continue until 11/29 during library hours. Sigma Phi Ceremony 11/8-Ceremony OThe Sigma Phi Induction Ceremony will take place from 4- lOpm in the Mansion Dining Room. Cabrini Spirit Day 11/10 08:30-9: 15-continental breakfast for students, faculty and staff in all residence halls and Widener gathering area(commuters only.) 09:30-10:45-Chapel. Official opening of Spirit Day by Dr.Iadarola and religious celebration of Mother Cabrini. Mass will focus on di¥erse religious values of the college community. 011-12-Atrium.Keynote speaker Pamela Rainey Lawler, founder of Philabundance. Tells whatPhilabundance does and what one person can do. Ms.Lawler founded an emergency food system that collects surplus food from restaurants and distributes it free to agencies feeding the hungry. 012-1 :25-Lunch in the cafeteria. o 12:20-1 :35-Education Division Meeting in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. 012:45-1 :40-Gymnasium. Cavalier Attitudes: Cabrini's comedy troupe. OJ :45-2:45-Classrooms. You can make

a difference: Twelve workshops on how you can make the world a better place. O3-4-Classrooms. Workshop Session II. 04:30-6:30-Cafeteria. Thanksgiving dinner provided for all students, faculty and staff. Those not on the meal plan may attend as guests of the college president, Dr.Iadarola. and Seilers. J6-6:45-Workshop Session III-Dr. Midge Leahy. Adult Literacy: Systemic Failures and Individual Triumphs. ::16:30-Gymnasium. Annual Cavalier Alumni Basketball Game. ::16:45-7: 15-Reception for Continuing Education and Masters students. ::17-Latin American Film and Coffee House in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. ::17:15-8-Workshop Session IV-Dr.Jack McGovern. How children's books promote the common good. O8-Gymnasium. Annual Blue/White Intra-Squad Basketball Game. Registration l l/lO,l l/11,l l/l2,I 1/17,11/19 □Seniors register on 11/10& 11/11, juniors on 11/12, sophomores on 11/17, and freshman on 11/19. Statue of Liberty Trip 11/14 OA chartered bus trip to Ellis Island, the home of the Statue of Liberty will take place from 8am-6pm. The bus will leave Cabrini from the mansion at 8am, and will return at 6pm. Other sights explored will be South St. Seaport, and the Ellis Island Museum. Sign up and payment of $5 due on or before Nov.13. Cryptic Submissions 11/23 □Cryptic, Cabrini's literary magazine is accepting submissions for the February 1993 edition. Submit your black and white photographs, charcoal or pen and ink artwork, cartoons, short stories or poetry by November 23. Submissions can be sent to Karen Kerchusky, mailbox 422 or Tricia Daley, mailbox 291. Amy Nestler 0 Semor, Amy Nestler, was involved in a serious car accident. If anyone is interested in writing, her address is 278 Swedesford Rd., Malvern, PA 19355. To have your events covered in OUR

Corner, contact Kevin Ohlandt in the newsroom at ext. 8412.


National ::l Economy on the rise-The United States government reported the gross domestic product went up 2.7 percent in the July to September quarter. George Bush used this for his campaigning. These figures were disputed by the Democrats.

..J Bush involvement in Iran-Contra scandal?-The secretary of defense under Ronald Reagan. Caspar Weinberger released r:otes indicating President Bush was involved in meeting concerning the arms for hostages deal with Iran. The meeting that took place in January of 1986. had Bush favoring the deal. 0 Basketball loses star again-Magic Johnson announced Monday, Nov.2 that he was retiring from the Los Angeles Lakers due to controversy from other players concerning his AIDS virus. He had rejoined the Lakers on Sept.29 after retiring Nov. 7, I 991.

::i 1\uns killed in Liberia-Five United States nuns were shot to death in Monrovia. Liberia as guerrilla fighters led by Charles Taylor mounted fighting against the country. The Vatican called the incident a massacre. J Israel Vs. Lebanon?-Israel began to prepare for a possible move into Lebanon. last Tuesday. Tunks were massed, and planes and artillery were striking targets.

Local 0 Radnor announces no tax hike in '93-Radnorofficials reported there would be no increase in property taxes in the coming year. The sources for this capsule are the New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer and the Suburban and Wayne Times. Compiled by Kevin Ohlandt.


curity. corner t------Security incidents as reported by the security office from Tuesday Oct.27 through Monday Nov.2.

Dangerous Situation 10/28-Maguire House-R.A. reported a gas smell. Security found the smell to be coming from the boiler room. The boiler was fixed.

Theft and Vandalism I 0/30-Mansion-fire hose nozzle from fire hose station was stolen outside the business office door. Urgent maintenance request made.

Attempted Break-in 10/30-Xavier Parking Lot-student reported the lock and handle on his car were damaged due to an attempted break-in.

Vandalism 10/31-Woodcrest-three students were apprehended throwing eggs behind Woodcrest. 10/31-Woodcrest-student reported window was broken as a result of thrown eggs.

Theft 11/1-Dixon House Parking Lot:Upon hearing reports of a fight, three officers went to check it out. No fight was found, but the officers discovered the building keys were stolen from the front seat of the security car.



friday, nov. 2, 1992

7 7"'


Reflectingon the past season by Heather McAllister staff writer The end of any sports season brings a time of reflection and pondering of what might have been. "What if we had more players to step in during the close matches?" "What if we had done something differently and the close matches had been victories?" "What if we had won enough matches to make it to the championships?" "Would more students support our team and try out next year?" Such are the ruminations of the Lady Cavs volleyball team in particular. Their 1992 season culminated with a 3-0 loss against Swarthmore College. The team was thwarted from inclusion in the PAC championships.

According to coach Jim Harrigan, the season went well overall because the Lady Cavs turned the tables on many of their opponents. They defeated teams which they had lost to last year. The team also was competitive in a -lot of close matches. Harrigan offered the Rosemont, Lincoln and lmmaculata matches as tough losses which could have gone either way. • The Lady Cavs' record this season was 13-20. The four schools that beat them to the PAC finals were Marywood, Rosemont, Immaculata and Misericordia. Harrigan said that he wished more students had come out for the team. This year's squad consisted of nine players. with many close matches being

spearheaded by only six or seven teammates. According to Kathleen Foto, sophomore, the team began the season on the right foot because of early victories. "We started out with a good morale," Foto said. "We won our first tournament but when the losing began we became a little bummed." First-year student Jennifer Paliaro felt that the team became more united over the course of the season. ""We didn't have a lot of time in the beginning to learn about each other," Paliaro said. "On the court you could see our improvement as we concentrated on teamwork arid helping out each other." Foto said that while the team could have played better this

season there was a balance of ups and downs. Foto anticipates a successful 1993 season because of the talents of three key players. Junior Dena Della Rocca probably will be next year's captain, Foto said. Paliaro, who is a setter, and first-year student Stephanie Eberhardt, a middle hitter, will step forward to lead the team, according to Foto. Paliaro said she felt very lucky to have a lot of playing time. "I do wish we'd had a larger team," Paliaro said. "If we'd had a better turnout for tryouts it would have made our team stronger. Finding more players for next year definitely should be a priority." Paliaro said she is anxious to see what people Harrigan brings

to the volleyball program through his current recruitment efforts. Eberhardt agreed that she would like to see some changes next year. "We let some pressure get us down this season," Eberhardt said. "We have to learn how to deal with it. We cracked sometimes under the strain and hopefully we've learned from our mistakes." "I'm disappointed the season is over," Eberhardt said. "We really blended well together when we had our chins up." Harrigan said he will wait until the sports banquet in May to announce his most valuable player. "I like to keep them in suspense," Harrigan said.

r--------------------------------------~ intramu,;ats ~ EVOftJ' I Wednesdav I Is. ~ i i • ·Domino'sPiz7aDavI : ka~~::=~ r .. lbnmColl g I '-Cl e e ,.,___, .......... At Flag

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by Maryanne Walker




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Mulvihill, social activities chairperson of SGA. Mulvihill said that originally there were five teamsparticipating in the voluntarysport. ''TheguysfromXavier droppedoutbecausea lot of them were involved with basketball, and they were afraid of having a conflict with their schedule," Mulvihill said." The other team never really got their act together. There was a lack of

communication." Mulvihillsaid thatonly 12-15 people are needed to make up a

team. Atl~ttwoteammembers

mustbe fromthe oppositesex. This is the firstyear thatt1ag footballis being played as an intramural sport, and it will take time to get used to . According to Scott Dorsey, residentdirector,"Thisyear'sgoal is to play foolball,volleyball and softball as intramural sportS. ft gives studentsachancetobecompetitive and to get out and do some activity on the weekend." Senior Shane Ferguson said, "I think this is great. lt gives everyone something to do on the weekends rather thanjust watching televised football."

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Crushers a~ they defeated their opponent 6-1. It wasa game full of good, clean competition. Two teams recently dropped out. according to junior Beth

II 1

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First-year-student Diana Glasgow,'"Iloveplaying football. This isa lot of fun. A littlefriendly competition isn't bad for you." Bryan Bell, sophomore said he is totallydedicatedto WYBF, and, "I'm out here to support my swion and get sweaty but getting creamedlikethisgoeswithoutsay-

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He said, She said by Deanna D'Alfonso and Brendan Noone co-sports editors Yeah, but Rich he has a candy bar named after him Hesaid: O.KitwasnicetoseeJimmy Mac's black visor last Sunday verse the Cowgirls but, one half is enough. This week Randall should be starting against the Raiders. Randall is the Eagles meal ticket to the Super Bowl. As Reggie White said, "Randall is the one who is going to take us all the way, we need him." The time is now for the Eagles' all-pro to get back on track. The man owns the AFC teams, earlier this year he mealed on the tough Bronco defense. Randall has shinned againsttearns which don't get a look at him every year. Plus, the Giants are right around the comer and Cunningham needs as many chances to bust out of this funk. The main reason Randall has to start is his confidence. This was the first year the ultimate weapon sounded likea leader. He was talking as a team player and not about himself and his stats. Even after Jimmy Mac was placed in the game Cunningham was focused and vocal. 111be back riding pine? We all know a good man is hard to keep down, but his emotions arenot Cunningham's personality is still a mystery to much of his fans and his teammates, but you can see it by the look in his eyes that he is not a happy scrambler. Besides Cunningham, the finger has to be pointed at the head coach Kotite. Jn the past four weeks the Eagles offensive playbook has looked like a 65-pounders football teams. To top things off the offensive line looks like a MASH unit. Most of all, this team needs unity right now and not a team torn about which QB they like better. They can not afford a QB controversy at 5-3. Yeah, but Rich I had a really cool Honda commercial She said: Maybe Randall Cunningham is tired and needs a vacation. He started every game so far this season, and Kotite just saw a need to sit him down for the rest of the Dallas game. What are you gonna do, everyone needs a break sometime. Even God got the seventh day to rest. McMahon is a former Super Bowl champion, not that it has to do with this season but the guy knows how to play football, and play it well, at least until injuries started to get the better of him. He seems to be healthy now, so give him a start. Randall is not sitting on the bench the rest of the season. It is one game ... sit, see what happens, maybe he will even get in the game. The Eagles are five and three, not too bad with Cunningham but maybe it is time for an ego boost for McMahon. They are paying him so ~aybe he should start at least one game. Eagles fans should want what is best for the team at this particular stage of the season. Kotite thinks this is best and he is the boss. Sorry Randall fans, but give him a break whether he wants one or not, some one might know what they are doing .. I guess we will all find out Sunday.

fridaY,nov. 2, 1992


Tennis comp.etasin PAC tournament by Gary White

staff writer Tennis is the only sport at Cabrini that made it into the first Pennsylvania Athletic Championships conference tennis championship held Friday and late into the night Saturday, Oct. 30 and 31. "We were very proud to represent Cabrini College in post-season play," tennis Coach Reggie Day said. Marywood College finished first in the championship followed by Beaver College, Rosemont College, Cabrini College, Eastern College, Cedar Crest College, Immaculata College, and Gwynedd Mercy College. "There were five teams in the running to take first place in the championship: Beaver, Eastern, Cabrini, Rosemont, and Marywood," Day said. "These teams have a lot more depth than the others." The PAC is a very balanced conference, according to Day. There is a lot of parity among the teams in the conference. Cabrini was one of the driving forces behind the development of the PAC. The only team to come from the Eastern States Athletic Conference (ESAC), Cabrini's former conference, was Marywood. "I wasn't sure what the teams would be like in the PAC conference," Day said. "The ESAC conference was pretty strong." Cabrini finished fourth in the ESAC championship last year. According to Day, ESAC was a good DivisionIII NCAA conference.

"When the PAC started it was hard to tell what the schools had," Day said. "It was just a bunch of local schools. But those schools have some pretty good teams. On any given day one team can beat the others. That is an example of how close the teams are." In the championship, Celeste Eschbach, senior, won the first consolation round of the first singles defeating Stephanie Boyer of Marywood 6-4, 6-2. She then beat Ann Rogers of Eastern in the consolation finals 6-4,7-6. Eschbach end up in the third place for the first singles. Maryanne Walker, junior, lost to Tracy Lyman of Eastern 6-3, 4-6, 7-5 in the semi-finals of the second singles. She didn't place in the second singles. Kim Scarborough, first-year student, was runner-up in third singles. In fourth singles, first-year student Tina Strobel, defeated Bobbie Skidmore from Immaculata 6-4, 6-2. In the semifinals she lost to Maryanne Creighton of Beaver 6-2, 6-1. Strobel didn't place in the standings. Christina Jester, junior, defeated Mari Menke of Cedar Crest 6-4, 6-1, but lost in the finals of the fifth singles to Shannon Pickard of Marywood 6-1, 6-1. She placed second in the standings for fifth singles. Sixth singles player, Karen Bell, senior, lost to Chris Thomas of Beaver 63, 6-3. She did not place in the standings. In doubles play, Eschbach and Walker defeated Samuaba and Bahner of Cedar Crest 6-2, 6-1 in first doubles. They

then lost 6-3, 6-4 in the semi-finals to the tournament winners, Gail Beddal and Lisa Chreighton of Beaver. The second doubles team of Jester and Strobel lost to Dettinburn and Maryanne Creighton of Beaver 6-3, 6-4. They didn't place in the final standings. Bell and Maura Wiswall lost to Immaculata 's third doubles team of Renea Ashire and Stephanie Duncan 63, 7-5. In the consolation round they lost to the Cedar Crest team of Menke and Holt 6-1, 6-1. Rosemont won first and fourth singles. Beaver won third singles and first doubles. Marywood won second, fifth, sixth singles and second and third doubles. Cabrini did not win any rounds but did place second in fifth and third singles. The tournament was co-hosted by Cabrini and Eastern. The play started out at Cabrini but moved to Indian Falls Racquet Club Friday night. On Saturday, the game was supposed to continue at Cabrini but due to the weather the rournament was moved to Worchester Racquet Club. Accor.di~ to Day, Walker, with a record of 6-1 in the PAC and 10-4 overall, and Scarborough, with a record of 60 in the PAC and I 0-2 overall, were the two strongest players on the team. "Everybody has really gotten better," Day said. "We have gone through a lot of changes in the past two years." Our record for the season is 9-5 overall and 5-2 in the PAC.

Divison111 showdown proves toughon Cavs by Matthew Macsisak

staff writer The chill of the Autumn air swept across the field, and the Cabrini men's soccer team found itself in a situation that seemed to exemplify the whole season. It was a game that they came into hoping to dethrone last year's Division III runner-up Trenton State, but one that ended in a 9-2 disappointment. Not only was it a heart-felt loss, but one that left the Cavs wondering what went wrong. For a season that was filled with such high expectations, some saw it as more of a letdown year. "Without a doubt, this was a letdown year. It was my senior year. I wanted to go out a winner," halfback Matt Capone said. For junior stopper Jason Giles, the season was more of a disappointmentratherthat a let down. "Yeah, I'm disappointed. Everyone tried to do his best. We were a little unlucky. With a little luck, we could have done better." For Cabrini, this was the first year in the PAC. (Pennsylvania Athletic Conference) The Cavs, who were early favorites to win the conference, found themselves ending up in third. "It wasn't a let-down season. It was a let down that we didn't make the PAC playoffs," senior forward Glen Jaskelewicz said. In a season of ups and dqwns, some questioned the ability of the Cavs to play together as a team. "That was one of our problems for the year - team unity," Capone said. Capone added that there was never a full team for practices, and that the team meetings the night before games were constantly lacking five or six players.

Jaskelewicz assessed the team's unity just a bit differently. "I don't think there was ever a lack of unity, especially when the circumstances with North Carolina came up." Jaskelewicz is referring to the early season incident when several players were suspended for behavioral misconduct during a tournament in North Carolina ,,"It didn't affect our spirits as much as it affected our play on the field," Giles said. "It left us men short-guys that we needed." Capone added that any time you lose five starters it's going to hurt. "Just being a senior, it was a let down. It killed all of us." As to whether or not head coach Duncan Hubley will return next year, Jaskelewicz commented, "I will guarantee Duncan Hubley will be back as head coach just because he loves the game." Putting this year behind them is something Giles said they have to do to be competitive next photo by Chrisbne Cosbgan year. "Guys have to step up on and off the field First-year student Joe Ricci keeps the to bring up moral. Coming together will help us ball in play against Shippensburg. next year." With the end of the season rapidly approaching, Capone and Jaskelewicz both have fond memories of their four years playing Cabrini soccer. "I'm sad that it's over," Capone said. 'Tm going to miss being on a team. I'll always cherish the togetherness we shared off the field." Jaskelewicz, who holds the all time goal scoring record with 76 goals in 76 games, will always remember his time spent as a Cav. "I've Soccer had a lot of fun in my four years here. I'd Sat. 10/31 Cabrini 2 Shippensburg 1 especially like to say thanks to my parents, my fellow players and Duncan Hubley."


Week's Results

Women's tennis

Fri. &Sat. 10/30 & 10/31 PAC Championships Cabrini finished fourth overall out of eight competing schools.

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