Nov. 20, 1992 Issue 10 Loquitur

Page 1

friday, nov. 20, 1992

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxix no.10

Dickinson tour,namentconflicts with fOrmal by Maryanne Walker

percent complete sclroJle which in- about the conflicts but it was this date eluded the DickinsonTournament or no fonnal." Dzilc said, "This game has been Cheerleader Tma Longo, junior, Disappointed and angry. That is scheduled for a long time. The ques- said, "I think it stinks." how both the men's and women's tion is, why was the fonnal scheduled According to Longo, Dzik is givbasketball teams and cheerleaders on the same day as the tournament?" ingthecheerleadersamulligan, which feel about the fall formal being Junior John Quiros, president of permitsthemtomissonegame.Sixof scheduled at the same time as the the junior class said that the woman thecheerleadersaretakingthisopporDickinson Tournament. who he had made formal arrange- tunityandwillbeattendingtheformal. "It sucks that we're going to miss ments with was let go. Longo said that the other four will be the formal. The people who schedDirector of Student Services Jen- cheering. uled it didn't take anything into con- nifer Marks-Gold said the woman Longo said, "This school has got a sideration," junior Brad Devor, var- Quiros made arrangements with dur- real problem with scheduling. The sity basketball player, said. ing the summer was fired from her soccer team couldn't go to parents Senior Jenny Williams, captain of position at the King of Prussia Hilton, weekend and now we can't go to the the cheerleading squad, voiced her therefore, the plans were cancelled fall formal. It's not fair!" opinion in issue seven of the Loquitur, and a new date had to be scheduled. FlfSt-year student Rob Uff, J.V. saying in the letter that she was, "outAccording to Marks-Gold it is basketball player, is unsure if the J.V. raged but not surprised at the faux difficult to find a hotel that can team will be participating in the tourpas." Williamsalsosaidthatshedoes accommodate 400 to 500 people. nament Uffsaid,"I'llhaveanempty not blame one person. "I can under- The location of the hotel is imporfeelingiflgototheformalbecausemy stand that it's difficultto sit down and tant and there are only three or four fellow comrades won't be there." think of all the events taking place to choose from in the King of "I've never missed one dance or during the year but there is no excuse Prussia area. formal untilnow,"juniorJarnieShaak, forthis. Theathleticschedulehasbeen Marks-GoldsupportedQuirusand ba~ketbaUplayer said. "It's the only out since August." his attempts to please everyone but event that all classescan get together Athletic Director JohnD-zik, head there was nothing he could do to move as one and celebrate. The team is coachofmen'sbasketball, confirmed the date. Marks-Gold said that in missing out and I'm upset." that the original agreement with scheduling events, it is crucial that the According to sophomore cheerDickinsonwasmadeonFeb.1-9, 1992. academicandathleticcalenderbeconleader Beth Pierce there are three Dzik said, "'fhe)"e's no doubt in my sidered. This lack of communication groups of people that cannot go to the mind that the date was set far in ad- has been a consecutive mishap. formal. Because of this Pierce said pl1otoby Eric Barb<Jsc,a vance of the senior formal." LL According to Quiros the seniors that the school will be losing money AccordingtoDzik.theathleticsc~wanted their dinner on th: same night and bodie~. "I'm going to the formal First-year student Billy Car hussies to grab the rebound during ule for fall of ·92 was sent to publ" a, thefonnal and.Nov.20.,..asthe most but it wasdifficultto make the choice inner-squad practice. The team members are practicing their relatiooswnn«:c<1.~mctime.i(IJuly,Jl,.._a~I/JeaM!al.,diW~~~~hL.'1A~--~NIIMIWA;..it11111t-,ia: ... 1t·•llla.-~ te.g,11r~'Jot lhe:{)uinsQR TQUl'P.:!ment 'Sonie'""""'.....,---=--~s---.1 lrvices received a 90 not plan this on purpose. I'm tion," Pierce said cheerleaders will have to choose between the game and formal.

staff writer



Decisionreachedon a First-yearofficersare optimisticaboutfuturegoals commencementspeaker by Caroline Croley beat reporter

photo by KendraMartin

First-year student Gabrielle· Nichols extends her leadership ability into her personal life as she helps a fellow first-year student with her psychology work.

What's Happening Friday v'Open Hours for Staff in Pres. office, all day long v'9pm-1 :3Oam,Fall Formal, Valley Forge Hilton 1"11 :3Opm-2:15am,

Saturday 1"11 :3Ofm-2:15am, TAX/97 -8415

Not only was this an election year for our country, it was also an election year for our first year students here at Cabrini .. Despite some problems these elections finished successfully. The officers forthe 1992-1993 school term are:Gabriel!e Nichols, President; Matt Gallaro, Vice President; Lorena DiBucci, Treasurer; Dina Paglione, Secretary: Kelly McCullen and Chris Calvert, Social Activities Representatives; and Katina Corrao, Commuter Representative. Theofficersmetfortheirfirst SGA meeting on Wednesday, Nov. 11 at 9:30 p.m. Arny Wechsler, vice president of SGA, met with them to discuss the basic guidelines of their positions and then went on to discussvarious thingsto keep in mind as the year goes on.

see more OFFICERS pg.6

by Megan Flanigan news editor Remember last year how the senior class was running around frantically wondering who their commencement speaker was going to be? This year the seniors do not have to worry because the commencement speaker was chosen and is publicly known on campus. This year the commencement speaker will be Joseph Cicipio. Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student affairs said that he supports the idea of having Cicipio as the commencement speaker because he was one of the people on the student"s list for a possible candidate. Senior Joyce Talotta said she is glad that the college is inviting such an interesting speaker. "I feel that his speech will hopefully be an asset later in our lives and I'm looking forward to hearing it." Dr. Antoinette Iadarola said that normally most colleges or universities do not announce their commencement speaker publicly until it is closer to the graduation because it is not professional or appropriate.

Nov.20 to Nov. 17 Sunday v'GpmMass

v'9pm Mass-Xavier

Monday To have Y.OUrevents covered in WharsHap~ningt511ease contact evin hlandt in the newsroom at ext. 8412

According to Iadarola, the reason for this is to give confidentiality to the speaker. "I like to be professional, but I am doing this this year because I am sensitive to the senior class paranoia." Iadarola said. "I understand it and I am empathetic toward the seniors." The Haverford College Deans office said the college does not publicly announce the commencement speaker until closer to graduation. Jill Schoeniger, who works in the public relations office at Rosemont College said the college usually announces their commencement speaker at the end of April. The speaker was chosen by making a list of possible candidates suggested by the graduating class of 1993. Senior Class President Tara Kegel said she sent a letter to the students' mailboxes asking them for suggestions last year. Kegel said,"Some of the names on the list were so

see more SENIOR pg.6

more coverage in UPDATES!

Tuesday v'7pm-Residential Halls close for Thanks. Holiday




H a p p y Thanksgiving




fridaXznov. 20, 1992


e_d_it_o_ria_l _____ ---111 viewpoiOt conjure up compassion Reality hits home L--1

Homelessnessis not a life-styleof choice. Men, women,childrenand familieson the streetswho haveno controlover their circumstancescomprisethepopulationof the homeless.Approximately33 percent kim of those forced to live on the streetsare families,and 25 percent are school-aged haban children! editorHomelesspeopleare humanbeings. They possessjust as much worth as we do. in-chief It is common in our societyto blame the victim. We oftenjudge others by the standardsoftheAmericanDreamwhichstatesthatifyouworkhard,youwillachieve your goals. Therefore,if someoneis poor we often attnbutethat factorto their lack of initiativeand their abundanceof laziness. The truthis, however,that homeless "This is not my priority," he shouted as he smashed his ceramic bowl on the people are caughtup in cyclesthat societydoes not allowthem to escape. hard blacktop, sending small pieces flyOur societydoesnot providethe necessaryresourcestoallow homelesspeopleto ing through the air. lift themselvesout of theirplight Many sheltershave very stricttime limitsthat do "This is not my priority." he ye! led not providepermanentshelterbut rather allowthem to stayfor only a few days. as he emptied the contents of the clear Expertssaythateducationisthe keyto gettinghomelesspersonsoffthe streetsand plastic baggy he was clutching into the creatinga betterlifeforthemselves.How can weexpectthesechildrentobe educated garbage can. "I don't want to lose you. I already when they are constantlybeing shuffledfrom shelterto shelterand worriedabout messed up before I don't want to do it whetheror not they will eat at night? again." Manyhomelesspeopleareveterans,mentallyillandaddictedtodrugsandalcohol. Then came the tears, the hurt and the These people are sick.They need help and they need to be cared for. realization that smoking marijuana reCertainbusinesspeoplein CenterCity Philadelphiaare talkingaboutfining and ally can be destructive. I used to accept it. I would wait possiblyarrestinghomelesspeople for loitering and pan-handlingin front of their around for him for hours while he and stores. How is a homeless person expected to pay a fine for loitering when they his friends smoked, just a few bowls. I cannot even afford to feed themselves and their families on most days? The used to try and have intelligent converconcept of arresting the homeless is also ridiculous. It costs thousands of dollars sations with him when he was stoned. I to keep a person in jail. Why not take that money and establish facilities such used to laugh along with him when he as detoxification centers and pennanent shelters to help these unfortunate told me stories about being "soooo wasted." people? Then I got tired of gazing into those We need to realize that we have a responsibility to care for these people in blood-shot eyes. I grew impatient waitany way we can. Mother Cabrini dedicated her whole life to helping the hungry ing for him to get finished smoking. I stopped laughing at his stoner tales. and homeless. Each one of us can work to do something to help the cause .

Iups and


The campus has been looking very clean lately. Physical plant can be witnessed working hard on a daily basis to maintain the cosmetic appearance of the campus. Great job!


The businessoffice failedto send a letternotifyingstudentsthat they owedmoneyand wouldnotbeabletoregister.Formanyofus, ourparents pay our tuitionso we are not aware of delinquentpayments. How long does it taketo writeout a slip of paperto notifyus that we are delinquent? Student participation has been excellent this past week. The student attendance at the play was very high and approximately 30 students attended the Ellis Island trip. Keep up the school spirit!


What 's the deal with all of the vandalism along Residential Boulevard? Last week two lampposts were run down and a large rock was rolled right in the middle of the handicap path. Can we please grow up?

letters Iadarola guaranteed privileges To the editor: I would like to respond to Paul Karsch 's letter concerning the function and duties of Physical Plant and Housekeeping. It is my understanding that the house that Dr. Iadarola is using belongs to the Missionary Sisters and is available for the college use as a residence for the president. As part of that agreement we (Cabrini College) are responsible to maintain that facility in the same manner as any other building on campus. This includes routine maintenance and housekeeping. Paul also expressed concern about lack of regular housekeeping in our seven

houses. Dr. Iadarola shares that concern and on Oct. 30 directed me to provide weekly housekeeping in these residences "as soon as possible." We have received bills from two contractors and are waiting for final reference checks. We hope to have this work begin the week after Thanksgiving, if not sooner. If Paul or anyone else would like to discuss ·'what housekeeping and physical plant should do" please call me at

x8240. Thank you, Michael H. Caranfa

Chief Physical Plant Officer

He would tell me he loved me. I questioned it. Was that him speaking from his heart, or was it him with his judgment impaired because he did a few bong hits before I came to his house? I could not believe anything he said. I could not trust him. I see myself in all of this, though. I used to get high. It used to be a

Loquitur holds fullstoryon AIDS To the editor:

priority in my life. I would lie to my parents about what I was doing, where I was going and who I was going to be with. I would blow off my friends left and right. I used to be the one who told the stoner tales. Sure, I thought it was so much fun. Life was great when I was wasted. But now I wonder, was it really great? Was it true fun? No, it was not. It was not real life. It was Iife distorted by pot. It was not true fun I was having because I was so out of it, how could I appreciate it. It was fake fun. I stopped smoking pot after a while. I am glad I did. So many of my friends did not and ended up with big problems. My best friend who I would get high with all of the time did not graduate from high school. She was so caught up in marijuana, then acid and then a little cocaine every once in a while that nothing really mattered to her. Many of my friends frequent rehabilitation centers. Others just walk around with a dazed look on their faces WQDderingwhen the next party will be. Some people will argue that there is nothing wrong with smoking marijuana. Maybe for them there is not. But in my life I have seen it destroy so many people, and it has caused so much pain that I can not accept it any more. How can I? It almost stole the person I love away from me forever. It started to rain. It was warm and soft. We sat on the picnic table in his back yard. Nothing much was being said. But when I got up to leave he put his arms around me. He pulled me close. ''I'm sony," he whispered. I did not speak. "Please forgive me." I pulled away from him to look into his eyes. "Please don't hurt me again.''

Istaff Edrtor-in-ch1ef:Kimberly M Haban Managing Edrto<:MaryJane Inman Perspectives Editor: MaryJane Inman News Edrtor: Megan Flanigan

In addressing the important issue of AIDS education, Loquitur appears to have been duped by some of the big lies of contemporary culture. One is that sex is MORALLYindifferent Another is the "safe sex" fallacy with its "technofix" approach to the epidemic. I was surprised that the discussion of AIDS education does not include mention of sexual postponement and mutual fidelity. These values have long been a large part of the preventive response to AIDS among the adult heterosexual and homosexual populations. To its credit Loquitur does make a contribution toward dispeUing the false sense of security promoted by the "safe sex" myth. It reports the condom failure statistic. which, in terrns of life and death, is a whopping 10 percent to 15 percent. However, what Loquitur overlooks, and is rarely discussed elsewhere. are those studies which show that, over the long haul, the condom failure rate is much higher still even among trained spouses with high motivation. The sad truth about"safe sex" is that it can kill you! To date, there is no "pound of cure" when the proverbial "ounce of prevention" fails. Sincerely, Dr. Margaret Mary Reher Department of Religion

Assistant News Editor: Kevin Ohlandt Arts and EntertainmentEditor- Belinda Desher Features Edrtor: Katherine Ross Spons Ed1tois: Deanna IYAlfonso and Brendan Noone Grapaic Designer: Ambreen Anadinand Tim Conway Copy Editois: Belinda Desher and Joann Calbone Business Manager: Diane Osborn PhotographyEditor· Lorraine M. UN PhotographyM,,s.,r

Dr.Caner Cra1g1e

M,1ser· Dr.Jerome Zurek Staff Keith Ahlas. Ambreen AHadin,Roseannecartagno,Dana Caterson, Paul Crowell, Danielle DiMarco, Corinne Egan, Douglas Eppler Jr., Robert Evans, Christine L..abroli. Roben Macartney, Matthew Macsisak, Steve May, Heather McAllister, Kelly McDonald, Maryanne Walker. Gary WMe PhotographyStaff: Eric Barbuscia, StephanieSieg, Chnst1ne Costigan, DawrnelleKlopp, Kendra Martin Loquitur1spublished weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 215·971·8412. Subscnpt10npnce is $25 per year and is included in the benefits SOOJred by tuition and student fees. Loqurtur welcomes lette,s to the editor. Letters should be s,gned and the authorshipknown to the editois However, d the wrrterwishes, and the edrtoragrees. the writer's name may be lett off the letter upon publicationand an insaiption inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer.· Letters should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the ed•tormay edit or condense it. Lettersto the edrtorshould be submitted by noon on Mondays

The edrtonalsand opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the studenteditorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the taculty and adm1nistrat10n. Loquitur is establishedas a forum for studentexpressionand as a voice in the unnhibited, robust. free and open discussionof issues.



f riday, nov. 20, 1992


Studentsperceivediscussionto be on abstinencenot

photo by Dawnielle Klopp

Speaker Michael Horner is talking to senior Tracy Esposita and Cassandre Maxwell, lector of the fine arts department. Horner told students focused his lecture on abstinence and many students left feeling guilty.

by Steve May staff writer Things are not always as they seem. This famous quote by an anonymous author is very useful in today's society. What one person thinks is a clear message, another may think is confusing. Such was the case on Monday, Nov. 16 when Micheal Homer brought his message to Cabrini. Homer has an M.A. in philosophy from the University ofToronto.

going to be a frank discussion about safe sex. "I thought it was going to be a speaker talking about contraceptives and how to practice safe sex," sophomore Melissa Tobias said. "I figured abstinence would end up in thediscussion. Butldidn'tthinkhe would have spoken so much on it." This was the general misconception that the audience went to -thi84e:ett1r · • B Horneniiduot W~t~i,e--on-"S<!tte,-S@~ilfl Search for Intimacy." The general meet those ideas. Homer lectured preconceptions were that it was for 50 minutes in the Woodcrest He has spoken in many nations across the world, including China, and is gaining popularity in the United States as a lecturer. His speeches and debates focus on a contemporary understanding of God. But all this information was not made common knowledge until the meeting. According to the numerous fliers placed around campus, his topic

the person responsible for insmoker lounge on his announced viting Horner _to speak, did not topic. But, although his message feel that his message was todid not change, his approach did. Homer started off his talk by ward guilt. She thinks that his saying that he could show the way talk was necessary for Cabrini. "Too many people turn away to a "lifetime of boundless love and fantastic sex." At first he used from their faith without solid humor and identification with . evidence," Maxwell said. Maxyoung people to make his argu- well said that Horner provided ments sink in. He then talked mostly good evidence. Sophomore Meredith about the pros of "waiting" and the cons of not. By the end, he was Hinkle said that if he had spoken to her when she was still in using a different approach. Homer's message is for young people to wait junior high that it would have made more of an impact on her. until marriage to have sex. Edie Lamberti, first-year stu- "It's too late now. Nobody's dent, initially did not think Horner going to change," Hinkle said. Sophomore Amy Gallagher said was going to give reasons not to have sex. Yet, she agreed that she thought the posters placed around there were consequences that come school were misleading. She really from sex that some people are not believed the talk was going to be about sex, not abstinence. prepared for. Maxwell said that Homer's pubHomer talked about many consequences that arise from having licity kit was used to advertise the pre-marital sex, including nega- event. All of the posters came from tive social feedback, infidelity, and the kit. Yet Maxwell said that 90 sexually transmitted diseases. But percent of the talk was exactly what his main answer was to tum to the students were expecting. Tobias said Homer was truthful religion for the answers. "I did not think he was going to but did not give the whole story. Lamberti saili that it was good that bring religion into the discussion," he spoke his opinions and tried to first-year student Karen Szczurek said. Szczurek said his religious make a difference,but she said she talk at the end brought the whole thought that asking people whether or not they were going to make a group down. Ana Hazelrigg, resident direc- commitment to wait and put the tor of Woodcrest, thought that response on the response card was Homer made the audience feel a little much. Hazelrigg said that the talk guilty. "There are different ways of dealing with guilt and most of could be damaging if there was no those people would probably feel follow-up. guilt an wa ," Hazelri g said. Cassandre Max. well, pantime faculty member and also

FCC controlsthe radioairwavesby fines for unwantedverbal uses by Gary White staff writer

preciate a jock who uses creative humor." This is not the first time Stem has been fined. He was also fined in 1981 and 1987. Stem was sus-

Monaghan said he feels the FCC rules are appropriate. The FCC and WYBF need to have some restrictions, according to Monaghan. He said guide-

If you listen to the radio station, 94 WYSP, from 6 to 10:30 in the morning you will hear the sometimes-offensive v.iews of a legend in the making, Howard Stern. Stern has been 'Personally,I don'tlike HowardSternI feel he on the airwaves since 1980 and shouldbe fined becauseif I said what he has been on the air in the Philasaid,they wouldfine me. Just becausehe is delphia area since 1985. Recently, the Federal Coma celebrityhe shouldn'tget away with it.' munication Commission fined Stern and his Los Angeles radio -ChrisMonaghan,the operationsmanager/ outlet, KLSX, $105,000 as a result of Stern's 12 counts of programdirectorfor WYBF. verbal "indecency" during "The Howard Stern Show". Senior Tom Berretone said he believes Stern was fined for pended in 1984asaresultofbroadlines are needed, and the FCC calling the FCC penises. The casting a piece with God playing a guidelines are not so stringent secretary of Don Buckwald, video game called Virgin Mary that you can't be creative. Stern's agent, said she was not "Sometimes it is fun to try and Kong. sure exactly what Stern said that around the rules," "Personally, I don't like Howard get got him fined. The reason she Stem," said Chris Monaghan, the Monaghan said. does not know is that the tranBud Mellon, communicaoperations manager/ program discript oflhe show has not come rector for WYBF. "I feel he should tions center supervisor, said he, in yet. be fined because if I said what he agrees with the fine. "I think it Some people feel the fine is said, they would fine me. Just be- is about time the FCC stepped justified while others think it is cause he is a celebrity he shouldn't in. After 12 years of de-control a violation of Stern's first · get away with it." · by the Republicans, I am glad amendment rights. the FCC has stepped in and When asked if he felt the Stem "I think the fine is terrific," said incident will affect WYBF, maybe the FCC will have more Frank Hogan, instructor of Radio Monaghan said, "I don't think so. control." Broadcasting. 'Tm against profan- He has been in trouble before. It is Mellon compared Stern to ity being used to get ratings. I ap- just publicity for him." Morton Downey Jr. when he

went national. "It is just shock entertainment," Mellon said. ''I'm a Howard Stern fan and support everything he does," said Berretone. In regards to the fining, Berretone believes it is the station's fought for airing it. "They have the seven minute delay and know he runs by the seat of his pants,'· Berretone said. The FCC was created by the Communications Act of 1934. The purpose is to govern and regulate commerce by radio and wire communication. The FCC is an everyday part ·of the life of all students who work on the Cabrini FM radio station, WYBF. The FCC is in charge of regulating the radio and television stations. The "seven dirty words" are what the FCC adheres to when deciding whether or not to fine someone. They also consider slander on the air and verbal attacks on someone to be a base for fining. They include the discussion of "sexual or excretory matters in a patently offensive way an area to fine. Paul Schneider, training director for WYBF, thinks it is important to regulate what is said on the airwaves so that pro-

paganda does not get on. Schneider said he does not like not being able to play certain records though. Schneider said the idea is good, but it is not done as well as it should be. Schneider said he really likes Stern and that the fine only adds fuel to the fire. Schneider doesn't agree with the fine and feels it is a little too late since Stern has been on the local air for so long. WYBF has certain rules and regulations disk jockeys must follow, Schneider said. "A lot of jocks feel they are being censored. College radio is the place to learn from your mistakes. I don't think the FCC should be as strict with college radio as they are with commercial radio,'' according to Schneider. "I don't think he should have been fined-freedom of speech," said Sheriee Wilson, sophomore communications major. "Certain things he should tone down, but not everything. I think he is funny. "The FCC has gotten too hard on Howard," Wilson said. They are to worried about our moral issues. There are a lot of people who like Howard, Wilson said.



fridaY, nov. 201 1992


photo by Tom Holmes

"Please help any, food or change or clothes helps, hungry and homeless, bless you. " Waiting for a handout or a handup, this homeless man sits and waits all day.


stt:18eRt= malfingthe f1ifferenee

by Kimberly Haban editor-in-chief

They were linedup along FrontStreet. Over 70 men were awaitingour arrival. They were from various backgrounds,different races and differentages. Some were quiet and others offered a few words. They were the hungry and homelessof Philadelphia We walkeddown the streetsof Philadelphia past exclusive shops and Bookbindersrestaurant The smellof foodcomingfrom Bookbinders was almost heavenly. It brought back memories of the lobsterdinner I ate therejust this past summer. When our group of volunteersarrivedat the stopthe men were gladto see us. They immediately extended their handsfor the packages of food we were aboutto give them. They nodded graciouslyand no one forgot to say thank you. I first went on the Carewalk sponsored by campus ministrytwo weeks ago. I must admit I had some apprehensions. I used to think homeless people wanted to be homeless. I thought anyone could get a job. I never believed in giving them food, clothing or shelter. My views were narrow-minded and naive. After two weeks of participating in the Carewalk, where we handed out food and hot cocoa to homeless and hungry men, I realized not everyone on the street wants to be there. Not everyone is a drug addict or an unmotivated individual. I met a man namedTed. Ted wasa homeless person who volunteeredhis time to chaperone the groups of people who distributed food to other homelesspeople. The week I met Ted he was without a home. The second time I went down to Philadelphia, expecting to see Ted again, I was told that he got a job. Good for him, I thought. But, would he make enough money to support himself? Would he make

enough to rent an apartment? Pay his bills? Buy food? Buy clothing? I also met anotherman, whosename I do not know,but who caughtmy attentionrightaway. He was an older man with shon gray hair. His smile was gentle. Although he looked tired and worn down I could still see a sparkle in his eyes. He could have been anyone's grandfather. Hethankedmeforcoming out to give him food. His voice was soft and grateful. He joked about the hot chocolate calling it "hot chunklate" and got a kick out of himself. He thanked me again for coming out to help him and the other men. "Thanks for the care package," he said. "We do care about you," I replied. Seventy sandwicheswere gone in less than 15 minutes. Having nothing else to give these men we headed for home. Home where we would be blessed with heat, a bed and food if we wanted it. As I was walking I turned to look behind me. All those men who were lined up waiting for us were gone. I caught sight of a few stragglers disappearing into alley ways. I wondered where they all went. They just seemed to vanish into the dark, cold night of the city.

Quote ... Unquote Kipdncss, a languagedeaf ~

caaJiear andbUitd cansee.

photo by Eric BarllUSCla

Often seen begging for money, the homeless are ignored by most passers-by. This man in the business suit ignores the cup being held out to him for a donation. This is a common sight in Philadelphia.

arts & entertainment

f riday, nov. 10, 1992



As evil prevails, comic book values multiply Doomsday for Superman by Kevin Ohlandt

associate news editor Look, up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a plane, it's ... no one. The Man of Steel breathed his last breath this week. He has finally fought the one villain he could not beat, Doomsday. Superman was created in 1938 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Schuster for DC Comics. As World War II began to affect the United States, the country needed a hero. Superman was viewed as the perfect soldier and a model citizen for many people. This idea gained him instant popularity as the first super hero. Fifty three years later, Superman is dead. In recent years, the Kryptonian avenger has gained quite a bit of media exposure. In 1986 the character was completely revamped by popular comic book writer and artist, John Byrne. In 1988, Superman celebrated his 50th anniversary. In 1990, Superman's alter ego, Clark Kent, asked ace reporter, Lois Lane, to marry him. By 1991, Superman actually revealed his identity to Lois. The reasoning behind Superman's demise has to do with the success of other characters in DC Comics. Superman used to be DC's central character, but in recent years, Batman has become more popular due mostly to the success of his recent two movies. Where did Doomsday come from? Nobody knows, and the writers are not telling. The story so far is that Doomsday is a creature bent on total destruction. He has no conscience and actually enjoys killing. Doomsday was first introduced last month. He came out of a vault in the ground and embarked on a murderous rampage. In last week's issue of "Superman: The Man of Steel" No. 19,


drawing by Tom Grummett & Doug Hazelwood/@ DC Comics 1992

Photo taken by Jimmy Olsen of Superman's death. This drawing appears on the cover for 'Adventures of Superman'No. 498, the first part of 'Funeral for a friend.'

Doomsday arrived at Superman's hometown, Metropolis, and caused massive destruction. The death toll so far in Metropolis is over 100. The release date for "Superman" No. 75, the death issue, was Wednesday, Nov. 18. The issue comes in two editions. The collector's

edition, selling for $2.50, is available only in comic book stores. It contain is a poster of Superman's death, a memorial edition from th~ Daily Planet, an armband with the Superman logo on it, a mock Superman postage stamp and a trading card. The other edition, priced at $1.25, is a newsstand issue with a different cover and none of the other treats. Responses thus far have been phenomenal. The six issues of Superman, preceding "Superman" No. 75, have all sold out and gone into second printings. The current retail price for "Superman: The Man of Steel" No. 18, with the first appearance of Do0msday, is $6. Initially the cover price was $1.25. The death has also affected "Action Comics" No. 1, the first appearance of Superman. It recently sold for $82,000 at a recent auction in New York. For comic book collectors and investors alike, this is a golden opportunity. Already, collectors are asking stores for a hundred copies of the coveted issue. "You would not believe how much of the general public has come in for it. We've had people who don't even know what a comic book looks like asking for it," Eric Batipps, employee of Comics And More in the King of Prussia Mall, said. The Superman comic books will continue for the next two months in an eight part story entitled "Funeral For A Friend." The other supporting characters in the Superman myths, such as Jimmy Olsen, Lois Lane and arch nemesis Lex Luthor try to cope with the death of the world's greatest hero. The interesting twist in this st~s the Superman identity problem. Lois Lane, as well as Clark Kent's adoptive parents, Ma and Pa Kent, are the only ones that know Clark Kent is Superman. Clark is reported missing after the battle with Doomsday. Will Superman be back? Only time will tell. The balance between good and evil has definitely shifted due to Superman's death. If anything, the death of Superman is meant to remind us of our own immortality. Even the mightiest of heroes must die.

ObscUre films often overlooked but still enjoyable by Bob Macartney

staff writer You all know the routine: a new movie comes out amidst unbelievable hype, millions of people go to see it, and it makes tons of money. But what about the movies that don't receive the hype. There are many movies playing today, and plenty of others at your local video store, that are really good movies, but nobody knows about them. How many of the following have you seen? Perhaps you have been missing out on some really good flicks. The first is "Rocky Horror Picture Show." Basically the story goes like this; two hokey newlyweds, Janet and Brad, are ?riving down a road when their car breaks down. They see a house in the distance and seek shelter from the rain. They go to the door, ring the bell and begin to encounter the weirdest night of their lives. The plot becomes very twisted from then on. It is one of those experiences that you have to see for yourself in order to fully understand. For those of you who have not seen this film, the audience is encouraged to bring props such as toast, water pistols, umbrellas, toilet paper or newspaper. Take your pick. The audience is also expected to get out of their seats and move around the theater during the movie. RHPS is a movie that you

have to see in the theater; renting it out just does not cut it. There are some other good movies on video, however, that you may not know about. "Student Bodies" is a combination horror/comedy. It was made as a satirical look at horror films of the mid-1980s. In the film, "The Breather," that's the killer, tracks down students at the local high school, breathing heavily all the while. It is a really funny movie, with slapstick comedy worthy enough to be ranked along with "Naked Gun." Self-professed campus movie-expert Keith Ahlas, senior, had this to say, •·1t is a really funny movie. Some of the lines in the film just crack me up. I would recommend it to anyone."

Another movie that you might not find in the New Releases section at your video store is "Better Off Dead." In this movie, a teenager struggles to become accepted in his community and attempts to win acceptance on the ski slopes. Before the stunning climax, he makes many futile attempts at suicide. When an exchange student enters his life, his outlook changes. He looks at life from a different perspective, and prepares himself for the movie's climax. It is worth the $2. Not all obscure movies are good movies. For example, "Surf Nazis Must Die," a film about young Nazis who like to surf on the California beach. Following a leader named Adolf, they begin to plunder

and pillage the population of the beach. When they kill a young man who tries to stop them from stealing, his mother comes out of her retirement home and tracks them down. This movie nearly put me to sleep. I can understand why it was obscure. "You can tell where the cuts were made in some parts of the movie. It is obvious that this is a low-budget film," Ahlas said. There was no plot, and the acting was not the best. It did make me realize that venturing into the obscure section at the video store does not al ways pay off. There are reasons why some films do not receive the attention of the people. They are just plain bad. However, I took a chance on a few different movies, and was pleasantly surprised by the outcomes. So the next time you wander into your movie rental store, do not go directly to the New Releases section. Stop by the Other Films section first, and perhaps, you too will be pleasantly surprised.

drawing by John Byrne/ @ DC COm,cs1987

Clark Kent, reporter

Daily Planet reporter mysteriously . . mIss1ng Clark Kent; missing Age: 32 Occupation: reporter for Daily Planet Residence: Metropolis, DE Lastseen: Nov. 20, 1992atoffice of Daily Planet in Metropolis,DE Hair color: black Eye color: blue If anyone has seen Clark Kent, please contact Lois Lane at the Daily Planet.


thatSupermanwasnot of earthly origin. Studies indicatedthathe Superman, superhero, maybavebcentbelastsurvivor of koowaforfighcingfortruthtjus-Ktypton,a planetthat exploded tic:eanddleA.merjcan Way,died in habitantsdid not onNov.29.1992. D=lth~ all!fertioirelMl'mnent. ~ ~ d~ig Cbranaliea.

oecame m

photo by Kendra Martin

Obscure films and junk food appeals to many people.



more SENIOR from 1 ridiculous. but I put them on the list anyway so that people wouldn't think their suggestions were over-looked." According to Kegel, once the list was submitted, it was out of her hands. After the list of possible candidates was made it was sent to Bonfiglio who approved the list and then sent it to Iadarola. Iadarola said she looked at the list and the final decision was made by the Board of Trustees of which candidate would speak at the commencement. Iadarola said she thinks the paranoia occurred because the process was unclear and the criteria ·for the commencement speaker was ambiguous. To improve the process for the years to come, Iadarola said she presented a procedure to the Board of Trustees to approve the process of getting a speaker and awarding them an honorary degree. "It lays out the pwpose of an honorary degree," Iadarola said. In the proposal Iadarola sent to the Board of Trustees it states that when the college is award-

friday, nov. 20, 1992

ing an honorary degree, the person's achievement should be outstanding and represent the values and ideals of the college. The proposal was approved by the board on Oct. 24, 1992. "I want the senior to have the best commencement that this college will offer and I believe they will have it," Iadarola said. Senior Tom Berretone said Cicipio is a good person to speak because he is a historical figure who is local and the most approachable on the list. Kirn Holmes, senior said she thinks it would be interesting to hear what Cicipio has to say in regards to his experiences in captivity. According to Iadarola, the criteria for next years commencement speaker will be sent out after Christmas. "It's a very open process, anyone can submit names." Iadarola said she needs at least 18months to get a commencement speaker because sometimes they hold off on giving the college an answer. The process will not be implemented until the spring of 1993.


more OFFICERS from 1 The freshmen class will start with $200 in their budget plus whatever they make on fund-raisers throughout the year. The class will also be working on various fund-raisers such as candygrams, a talent show, and casino night, to help raise money for the next years spring formal that they will be sponsoring. Activities representative, Kelly McCullen said, "We are around campus a lot and will continue to be around, ready to listen to people's ideas and suggestions. We want the class to know that we are responsible and we'll do our best to get their ideas and suggestions back to SGA." The officers did not have an official meeting until the week of Nov. 16 and have not really established themselves yet. This week they met to discuss ideas for fund-raisers and how they are going

to reach the freshmen class as well as the rest of the student body and faculty. Nichols said, "I had a great deal of experience in the past and I know I can handle my position this year." Nichols and Gallaro pointed out that even though their was turmoil in the beginning, they want people to know that they are ready to take on their responsibilities. GaJJaro said, "A lot of the upperclassmen are saying that we don't have any spirit. During my tenure as vice president, I wantto bring the classes spirit out to the school and prove that we can have just has much, if not more spirit than the upperclassmen have!" Lastly, Gallaro and Nichols want the school to know that they really want to bring the class together,make changes, and expand their horizons,

updates OUR corner Thursdays 11/19 :lThursdays. the populareventforstudents twenty-one and over, will take place tonight in the gathering area from IOp.m. until I a.m. The event costs $3 and is sponsored by SGA. Open Hours in President's office 11/20 DAIi staff are invited to open hours in President Iadarola's office this Friday. The office will be open all day for any staff wishing to discuss an issue. Third World Craft Fair 11/20 □From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the gathering area, you can come to the Third World Craft Fair and get an early start on your holiday shopping while supporting a good cause. The event is sponsored by the Central Baptist Church in Wayne. Purchases will range from $1 to $50. All proceeds go directly to the Third World countries where the products are made. Fall Formal 11/20 ;:)The Fall Formal will take place at the Valley Forge Hilton on Friday evening from 9 p.m. until I :30 a.m. Tickets are still available for $15 outside of the cafeteria, or $20 at the door. Cryptic Submissions 11/23 □Cryptic, Cabrini's literary magazine, is accepting submissions for the February 1993 edition. Submit your black and white photographs, charcoal or pen and ink artwork, cartoons, short stories or poetry by November 23. Submissions can be sent to Karen Kerchusky, mailbox 422, or Tricia Daley, mailbox 291. Dropping Classes? 11/24 □Next Tuesday is the last day students can drop a class. Don't have late rosters! 11/30 □This is the last day for current students to submit a roster for the Spring '93 semester without having a late fee. Latin Fiesta· 12/3 □Cabrini CoUege's departments of fine arts. foreign language and student activities invite you to join them at Latin Fiesta, a festive celebration of Latin culture on Thursday,

Dec. 3 at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Many musicians will be playing. Admission is free. For more information call ext. 8380 or 8255. Yule Log Celebration 12n, 1218,1219 □The annual Yule Log Celebration at Cabrini will have a 11:45 a.m. mass at the chapel on 12n, a mass at 4 p.m. on 12/8 and the Yule Log Celebration on 12/9 tentative! y scheduled for 4:30 p.m. There will be hot chocolate, cookies and coffee for all who come.

Residential Hall Hours for Thanksgiving □All residential halls will be closed from 7 p.m. Tuesday Nov. 24 until 2 p.m. Sunday Nov. 29. If you need any special arrangements due to academics, contact the resident life office by Friday Nov. 20. Ski Trip □Deposits are still being accepted for the Ski Weekend Getaway to the Poconos. The trip includes transportation, lodging, open bar, activities and meals. For additional information, contact Eddie Moore at 3531897. Flu Vaccine □Time is running out. There is still a limited quantity of flu vaccine available in the Health Service. The cost is SI 0. For more information, contact Health Services at 971-8400. Ice Skating □The Philadelphia Skating Club and Humane Society is open until May 21, 1993. Any questions or information needed can be directed at their office from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., or call at 6428700. Amy Nestler :lAmy is a senior here ~t Cabrini who was involved in a very serious car accident. She is recovering at home and if anyon~ is interested in writing her, letters can be sent to 278 Swedesford Rd., Malvern PA 19355.

National □Detroit

police charged in murder-Four Detroit, Michigan police officers were charged in the beating death of a black motorist on Nov. 5. Two were charged with seconddegree murder, and the other two were charged with lesser crimes. ::JClintonpromises toliftban-Preside.otElect

Bill Clinton vowed last week to lift the ban restricting homosexuals from entering the military. The ban was placed by Ronald Reagan during his second presidential term.

Liberia for the past three years has suddenly found allies. The African countries of Nigeria, Ghana and five smaller West African countries joined the fight as they allied themselves with the government of Liberia. □Tensions

mount in Eastern EuropeGe~any and other European countries are having problems with racial tensions in their countries, most of them having to do with immigrants.


:lPress Conference for the Elect-President Elect Bill Clinton and Vice President Elect Al Gore held a press conference Thursday to discuss issues on the economy, foreign policy and the elected officials themselves.

:lPhiladelphia receives aid-The city of Philadelphia was loaned $ I 00 million dollars by Wall Street to help pay for the $60 million dollar deficit that has been built over the past two years.


The sources for this capsule are the New York Times and the Philadelphia Inquirer. Compiled by Kevin Ohlandt.

□Liberian War

Continues-The civil war that has been going on in the African nation of

curitycorner Security incidents as reported by the security office from Tuesday Nov .10 through Monday Nov.16.

Auto Break-in :l 11/ I I-Residential Blvd.-female Cabrini student reported her car had been broken into and items were destroyed.

Simple Assault ..ll I/I I-Campus-a female Cabrini student was assaulted by an off-campus male. Radnor police was called in to investigate.

Verbal Abuse 011/12-Woodcrest-a male Cabrini student verbally abused a security officer in the lounge when the security officer asked the student to leave.

Vandalism O11/14-Dixon House-the driveway lights to House 2 and House 1 were knocked over by vandals. Physical plant was called for repairs. · To have your events covered in OUR Corner, please contact Kevin Ohlandt in the newsroom at 971-8412 or drop the information in Mailbox 686.

011/15-Widener ripped.

Center-security officer reported the felt top on the pool table was


fire extinguisher was discharged in the lower hallway of Xavier.


friday, nov. 20, 1992



PAC passes first semester with flying colors ence alignment with the excepstaff writer tion of Cabrini and Marywood. •uke any other new who were members of' the programwe have The Pennsylvania Athletic ESAC. Now all are formalized things to work out. We Conference has just completed into one group. All are small now have people its first season. The fall sports liberal arts colleges that have just completed are cross.councome together with a likeness gettingthe recognition try, field hockey. volleyball, SOC• to play together. they deserve.' cer and women's tennis. This is The conference sponsors 13 -John Dzik, athletic the first year for the PAC. Cur- championship events. There are director rently there are 11 teams in the five fall sports as mentioned conference including: Cabrini, above. Winter sports are men lmmaculata, Rosemont.Beaver, and women's basketball and people and have done a good Eastern, Mary wood. four spring sports including Misericordia, Cedar Crest, baseball, men's tennis, golf and job of it. "Like any other new Alvemia Gwynedd Mercy and women's lacrosse. program, we have things to Neumann. Only IO of these ate AccordingtoAthleticI>irector John work out, but coaches and the currently participating. Dlik. everythingwent verywellwith students alike are pleased that Neumann College joined after the fall sports.Dzik also mentioned we now have people being recthe conferences formation. the success of themen'sandwomen's ognized as au-conference and Before this conference student athletes are getting the crosscountry reams. came into existence most colInik discussedbow each athletic recognition they deserve." Dzilt leges were not in any confer• directoragreedto serve a$ sportschair said.

by Corinne A. E,an

Dzik said that some feelers from other schools have expressed an interest for next year but be was not at liberty to disclose their names. Only schools of a like philosophy will be admitted into the PAC. Dzik

said. Gwynedd Mercy's Athletic Dfrector Marie McHugh agrees that everything went well. McHugh said he thinks things will only get better. "We have a very energetic group of athletic directors who have worked hard. We met over the summer and continue to meet so the PAC will work. The students and directors alike have a strong interest to make it work," McHugh said. McHughmade a point of saying that Dzik deserves a lot of


credit for the implementation of PAC. ''He was definitely the catalyst in getting the program started," McHugh said. Rosemont's Athletic Director Anne Donaldson also thinks the first season went very well. Although their hockey and volleyball teams both lost in the semi-finals to Marywood, their tennis team placed third. One of their players named # l singles women player of the year. Donaldson said the students really enjoyed having end of year finals. Eastern's athletic department shared the same feelings as the others and noted that its soccer team won and hockey placed second.

Mills named ath·letic recruitment coordinator nlikeother travelprograms,Chase StudentTravelhasno blackout dates.So no matterwhen you takeoff, you can take5% off the lowesttravel pricesyou find on airfares,traintickets,


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year. So call us at 1-800-GET CHASE and apply for your Chase card immediately. Or, pick up an application on campus and_ ..,o.,6(1;, apply today. And then ✓.,P start pack-


ing for Arbor Day, Mother's Day or any day you want.

by Kelly McDonald

staff writer

Recruiting athletes for college teams is similar to shopping for a fine cut sirloin steak. Both involve searching for the most flawless el• ement that fits into the plan. In shopping, the plan is the menu. In recruiting. the plan-is the1>rogram of the team. Every Cabrini team, with the exception of cheerleading and golf, has its own recruiting process. Each team shares the same basic primary and secondary steps. The primary step is identifying a player. After that, the recruiting staff decides how this player will fit into their program. The secondary step is taken when a player doesn't fit directly into the program and is not the main focus of the recruiting staff. In order to select players the recruiting staffs attends endless games, according to Athletic Director Coach John Dzik . Dzik said the only drawback to the recruiting process is that the staff is not reimbursed for their expenses. According to Dzik, after a player is identified it is a long process in trying to get students to chose Cabrini over other schools because the recruiting process is very competitive. "There is a great misunderstanding by the general admissions, faculty, staff, and students that talented students athletes just appear. They don't realize the work that it takes to get a student to choose Cabrini." Dzik said. Randolph Mills, lacrosse coach, is also the recruitment coordinator. Th is job is two fold. It includes being out recruiting players and also providing leads to different coaches and admissions recruiters about prospective students and players. Mills also makes personal contact with students in order to reinforce the contact that was made with students by coaches and admis-

sions recruiters, Dzik said. Dzik said that appointing Coach Mills as recruitment coordinator is a step in the right direction because it allows Cabrini to follow up on prospective players from far away. Mannie Hernandez, Reggie Marant, and Nate Bowles were recruited by Coach Dzik for the basketball team. All three said that if the recruiting staff did not visit them and teach them about Cabrini, they would not have considered attending this school. They agreed that a strong factor in their decision to attend Cabrini was the personal contact and attention from the recruiting staffs. Marant said, "Coach Dzik was the only consistent recruiter that kept in touch with me and that had a lot to do with my decision." Marant added that the coach stressed how he would fit into the basketball program's new offense. First-year students Ken Kanopka and Paul Ellis were both recruited by soccer Coach Duncan Hubley. Kanopka said, "Coach Hubley seemed to be more on a personal level than the coaches at other schools. Most of the players were retwning so that gave me a positive outlook for the season. lllese factors, with academics being a priority,contributed to my choice." Ellis said that Coach Hubley made this soccer program seem better for him than other programs•. He also thought he would get good playing time out of his four years. First-year student. Nate Carter was recruited by Coach Mills for the lacrosse team. Mills informed him about the academics of the college and also about the first-year lacrosse program. "l liked the idea of a first-year team because it is something new to be a part of," Carter said. Without Coach Mills' recruiting technique Carter never would have thought about attending Cabrini.


lo uitur


frida , nov. 20 1992

s orts


He said' women's basketball preview She said Combining youth and experience b1DMIUUID'Affo,uq and


by Bob Macartney staff writer


Expansiondraft of 1992,baseball

newsin November.Do we need two more teams?

Hesaid:As I have statedin the past, baseball needs a change. Call it a contradiction if you want but, I do not see a needfor two new teamsentering an already thin league. This expansion draft, held this past Tuesday, effected every team in the majors. The good teams which spent time and money building a solid orga .. nization were raped of budding young stars. Teams like the Braves and the Reds had no choice ..but to watch as their unprotectedplayers were taken by the new and now much improved Marlins and Rockies. It seems to me that the new power gods of baseball must fqcus more time on the teams already in this league of tradition. The players now have so much power that they can dictate if the 1993 season wil1officially happen, This is just another platform for the almighty players to stand above the rest of the league. Big money had a drastic effect on the draft. All-stars werepassed by for young guns and unproven low dollar minor-leaguers. Aretheownersready to hold their ground and demand a lower price for quality? As a fan of the

,~1~=~="-"""·'="' What will happen now to our be-

lovedPhillies? You can only wonder if the Marlins will battle the Phils for the basement. In just one day the new teamssurpassedthe Phillies weakfann


Anotheryear of reality for Philadelphia and 11.llOther confusing day for baseball.

She said; Becauseof this change peopleare calling for in major league baseball I think the new expansion teams are a good addition. Withthedrafttakingplacethis week the Florida Marlins and Colorado Rockies have a chance to go in and choose players with which to begin a new tradition. Each major league team loses players but they protect their franchise players. For a player to go in the draft it is like getting traded. Traded to a fresh start, veterans ·will have a chance to further prove to be leaders and young

talentwillhave an opportunityto show• case. 'The expansion teams will bring peopleoutto the ballpark forthe chance to see the two new teams in action during the 1993 season. It will be tough for teams to have to giveup unprotectedplayeT$that were in reserve but it will be good for the change. and new ttaditions. I mean the TORONTO Blue Jays are the world

championsnow. }lere are two more chances to try and get the championship back on American soiL

ATTENTIONSPORTSFANS~Be sure to tune into 89.1 WYBF for the "real"Sports Source on Wednesdays from 6p.m.~7p.m., with your host BrendanNoone, Bob .Macartneyand Frank Sciolla. Call 971•8453to talk about all the latest happenings in sports, both_localand national:

The men's basketball team is not the only team that will bring an exciting brand of basketball to Sacred Heart Gym this season. As a large crowd at Midnight Madness witnessed, this year's women's team promises to be a heartstopping squad as well. Led by seniors Mary Kate Fannon, Amy Crossley and Cindy Keane, and an influx of young talent, the Lady Cavs open their season with the Philadelphia Textile tournament on Nov. 20. These three seniors are the only returning players from last year's team, which struggled in the rugged ESAC. However, with a new league, the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, and the youth, the team is full of promise heading into the season. The season officially started early on Sunday morning, Nov. I, with an attack of Midnight Madness. Coach Dan Welde said he enjoyed the evening and was impressed with the crowd. Welde said, "The support and spirit showed by the fans was great. It helped both teams get off to a good start, and I hope that we receive the continued support of the student body throughout the season." The team will be led this year by Fannon, the leading scorer last year,

and the top three-point shooter in the nation in Division III. Welde said he is looking to her for scoring and leadership this season. In Fannon 's senior year, she will be looking to walk away a winner. Fannon said, "I think we will do well. We have a lot more talent this year, e_ven though we 're a younger team. We have a more even, balanced offense than last year." That balanced offense will come from the two other seniors, Crossley and Keane. Welde said he is counting on these "Twin Towers" for stability and rebounding. Rebounding was a weak point last year, but Crossley and Keane should. clean the glass like Windex. The rest of the team this season is composed of players new to the Cabrini system. First-year students Dana Mills, Karen Lawrence, Patti Carr, Kristen Blanck, and Melanie Winshop are all being counted on to contribute. Coach Welde said in regards to the newcomers, "We've had some injuries at this point, and we 're counting on freshmen to step in. We have had some problems with adjustments. Some of the girls are at different stages, but four of our top seven players this year will be freshmen. The quicker they adjust to the college game, the quicker the team will gel as a unit." Added Fannon, "It is a big adjustment to the college game, but the girls

are picking up the plays extremely well." Right now, the team's biggest problem is inexperience. "The two week layoff has us behind schedule. We used to start on Oct. 15, but this year the date was pushed back to Nov. I. I haven't settled on a lineup yet, and we're still learning the offense." Both Welde and Fannon agree that one of the biggest improvements over last year is the athletic ability shown by the first-year students. Welde said, "The new kids are great athletes. Dana, Patti, and Karen all have the ability to drive to the basket and create their own shots. They are good athletes and they know how to play the game. It is the best recruiting class that Cabrini has had in years. They will provide a bright fu. ture." Fannon agreed, "Dana Mills is going to be a good point guard, and we have some other players who can drive to the basket." , The team's first home game is against Marywood on Nov. 22. Coach Welde considers this to be the most important PAC game't,t the season, and is hoping for a big crowd. The support could be enough to lead the team to victory. In the words of Fannon, "We're going to hang a banner!"

Early $tart for Cabrini's

new lacrosseclub brothers Ray and Sam will also play for the club. "I thinkit's neat how we'll all beplaying,"hesaid. staff writer Ewing added that somehave already begun to compare the Ewings to the Hanson brothers seen What do you call 14guys in shorts throwing in the hockey movie "Slap Shot" Sophomore Lindo Sabatini said he is not woraround a ball with sticks in sub-zero temperatures on a brisk Friday afternoon? Crazy? Maybe. ried about the lack of experience in the club. Devoted? Probably. Cabrini's lacrosse team? Sabatini, who played four years of high school lacrosse, said that those new to the sport "are Definitely. Composed of veteran stick handlers and play- picking it up quickly." AccordingtoCoachMills,theclubwillquickly ers who haveneverpicked up a stick, the team is the latest addition to Cabrini's list of club sports. On become the school's newest varsity sport. Mills campus now, according to lacrosse Coach Randy said the team willentertheNCAA's third division Mills,thereareatleast26men interested in playing next year. This year, however, the club's schedule will pit Mills and his team against Division I and in the spring. "The numbers are growing everyday," Mills Division IIteams as well. "So far we're scheduled said In addition, Mills said he expects about I 8 to play MaineMaritimeAcademy,Goucher, Widener, Wesley, Delaware, St Vincent's and St. players will join the squadnext semester. The players currently on campus have already Joe's, some of which are Division I teams," Mills begtm their preparations for the upcoming season. said. The team, however, will not join the PennsylEven on a Friday afternoon they meet infonnally vaniaAthleticConference, butwill insteadenteras to practice pas.sing,catching, and "cradling" the an independent team. ball.ledbyfirst-yearstudentandlacrosse-veteran Mills, who startedcoaching after serving in the TomHatler,theteamleamsthebasicsofthegame. KoreanWar,citedDirectorofAthleticsJohnDzik 1he motley pack will continue to meet like this as "insnumental and farsighted enoogh to see that throughout the winter. "We'll do some running when it gets colder. lacrosse would benefit the school." Blisard is especially thankfulthat the team will We 're doing a lot of stick work now," Hatler said. go to varsity status next year. "We need Division Hatler and fellow veterans Nate Carter and m. I need it because I can't afford to buy the Kevin ''Peanut''Besemerarethe bulk of the team's experienced players. The majority of the team has equipment if we remain a club." Sabatini said that he believes the team will gain never played the game before now. Junior and rookie John Blisard borrowed a friend's stick and morerecognitionand will be taken moreseriously, came out to see what the game was like. He said but added that, since they have not yet begun to he is learning and finds the sportmore fun thanhe play, he is unsure how different thingswill be as he doesnotknowhowtheteamwillbetakenasaclub. expected. Muchofthatheattributestohisteachers. Millsnotedthatheisconcentratingonbringing 'Tom, Peanut and Nate are a good bunch of guys. They're willing to put the time in and help moreplayers to the school in January and helping those players already here. He addedthathe ismt out," Blisard said Senior Joe Ewing, another new face on the planning on cutting any one from theteam for any lacrosse field, likened the game to hockey. He reason short of discipliruuy action. When asked what they are looking to get from addedthathecannotalwaysafford to play hockey and that lacrosse is a nice substitute. Ewing's the first season, the team respooded diversely.

by Doug Eppler

photo by Lorraine Lill

First-year student Nathan Carter passes a ball during lacrosse practice.

Sabatini says he simply wants to have fun playing. Blisard joked that he is looking to get women, but on a more serious note added thathe hopes to walk away with some experience but expects to walk away with some bumps and bruises. Ewingsaidhehopestofindsomegoodcompetition this season and that he would like to walk away from the game in better shape. Hatler seemedpleased with the team's development already and added that the players are "looking better thanthe first few days the guys were picking up the sticks." Mills added that he simply hopes that nobody gets hurt. He said he hopes everybody enjoys the game and that the school enjoys lacrosse. "This is a very enthusiastic area for lacrosse,"he said Mills said the structured practices should officially begin around Jan. 20. According to, we can look for the firstCabrinilacrosse game in early February.

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.