Feb. 05, 1993 Issue 14 Loquitur

Page 1


friday, feb. 5, 1993

cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087

vol. xxxix no.14

College challenged by Dixon's donation by Heather McAllister assistant news editor

StewartStabley, vicepresidentof institutionaladvancement, has been activelyfundraisingsincehe tookofficein September.

Cabrini has received a $500,000 grant from Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon, longtime benefactors of the college. According to Stewart Stabley, vice president for institutional advancement, the grant is considered a fund-raising challenge. If .Cabrini can raise one million dollars by June of 1994, the Dixons will give the college an additional $500,000. Stabley said, "Technically, Cabrini gets $500,000 now, with the potential for receiving 2 million dollars total." According to Stabley, the Dixons have specified that the grant be used to meet the school's most pressing needs. It may not go into the endowment fund or be used to retire any debt. As for how the money may be used, Stabley would not speculate. However, he did say, "Obviously there are a lot of needs on campus, but finding new space is a primary goal." Stabley did not elaborate on

exactly what he meant by "space on campus." Stabley said the Institutional Advancement Committee of the Board of Trustees will meet in March to decide which direction to pursue in spending the grant. In order to raise the additional million dollars, Stabley said he will concentrate on the annual fund, which includes a phoneathon and direct mail contacts. Stabley said he will be looking at large-scale fundraising in addition to the annual fund. "We need to earn major gifts to effectively meet the Dixon challenge," Stabley said. "My staff and I will be contacting foundations, corporations, friends and trustees." Stabley said the Dixons have been working with Cabrini since the late 1970s. Mrs. Dixon is a current member of the board of trustees and is a former chairperson of the board. Throughout the years, the Dixons have supported many

aspects of the college but have been especially interested in athletics. Mr. Dixon is a former owner of the Philadelphia 7 6ers. The school's tennis courts and soccer field were dedicated to the benefactors, in addition to house two, Dixon House. Stabley said he is proud of the Dixon challenge because it presents an opportunity to raise more money for the students, faculty and staff. "This grant is a source of great encouragement to all who work for and love Cabrini," Stabley said. "There are a lot of challenges here, as there are at any other small school. I am confident that with the help of ·the board and friends in the community we will meet those challenges." According to Stabley, the Dixon grant is the largest private donation Cabrini has ever received, other than from the missionary sisters of the Sacred Heart. The grant is an early personal challenge for Stabley.

News Analysis

United States aids Somalia for a future of hope byKevin Ohland/

The children of Somalia have turned into skeletons while United States troops try to ereate a semblance of government for the starving nation. Somalia is labeled as one of the

of Africa. This is a strateg,ic ~In 1992, the United Na- people. It sent an envoy named location, becaus~ •·•······. ~-~kanactiveinter:st,mostly Mohammed Sahnoun to the counGulf and the Jn'(ij~~ becauseoftttsin~U~J ... ~ Sahnoundiscussedthesending close to ~inali.,; ~ . ·..... tioos~~ l;Jouti~l The United Nations forces with Union ~lffl)er~an~ .. ~i. ~ United Na~ ~ From the United Nations, trie~yidedarmsfor~~ti~~ anernet~y.ail-SQO~ed troops were sent to SoIi~"'~ .theUnitedS- •dcWt lifttodte~cit)'o(~ maluL lhe United States said it arms(<> tl\e$otnalla; and~~t()Wnl ~ provide military planes to •.As ~ <:o.w'war ~.~ ·l'lle .we~ major• (lb.. help. t>utit dLd not want to be

malia and other "hot spots" is that America has sent its men and women to intervene. Therearetwocurrentschoolsof thought on the situation. One is that the United States should be dealing with its internal problems and not helpingoutwithforeigninterests. The otheristhehumanitarianaspect People are dying, and the United States has the power to put a stop to it. Many people do not know how all of this started. The story begins during the Cold War between the United States and the former Soviet Union. Somalia is located at the northeastern tip of Africa, the Horn

., JanullfY of telief. agencies begen to a .forthe. Thefamine the S()fllali dicillt9f, Mol'!am.med hiresecurityJU$l ..to c:leliver •f<lcxt bad ct.medover100.0()0 people. SiadB1ltn4WUousted~powet;, Chaos. ~nsued 4t{ over .Somalia.Skeltronniddledthelartd. Fear Nobody tookdver as a new So-· ~schooJs, facro~ and mitmtrios c>fr~in caused fea,'of cholera malian leader. Instead, warring were destroyed, l'he two major and typhoideplpemics because factions vied for the top seat. factions are ruled py of dead bodies oeing washed up Somalia turned into clan-based Mohammed Farah Adkt, who from ttle ra,i)J. The children fiefs with no central governtook over,the southerµ; end of lucky enougft to survive will ment. Warlords and thieves Mogadishu, and Jrischief'rtval, sv.f.fe.r •fate of permanent ~mmaintained authority. Ali Mahdi M·Qhllrtmted. age from malnimition. MediMeanwhile, Somalia was sufferIn a Ne~ article, dated cine, do~ors and tents were (iesing the same fate as Ethiopia in Aug.24, 1992,lrishMinisterDavid peratefytteeded. Over 100tons 1984. Severe drought and poor ag- Andrewsdes~Somalia•''the offood were lootep at ports. ricultural standards resulted in fam- end of the wort , a fand (baJ GQd 1he nited Nations sent its ine. Relief agencies such as CARE has forgotten." 500 (roops, led by Pakistani and the International Committee of By the end oft~ August,~ Brigadier General Imtiaz theRedCrossimmediatelysentfood United Nations realited its food · $1fuheen, with 3,000 scheduled andrationsforthestarvingSomali was not getting thr<>tlgh to the, to arrive in the follo"1i'rtg

associate news editor

i..· {


months.· In October, Sahnoun lost his post as special envoy. He criticized the United Nations for announcing the arrival of the 3,000 troops without briefing him on it first. Sahnoun worked very closely with Adid, and Adid was opposed to more troops coming in. The situation rapidly deteriorated by November. One-third of the population and over 50 percent of the children were in danger of dying from starvation. The U.N. forces were late in helping with the relief effort. After ignoring Somalia for over a year, the United States airlifted thousands of tons of food up to that point. The United Nations and the United States realized Somalia had to be stabilized before ·creating a government for them. Ex-President George Bush made a decision on Somalia in the first week of December. In agreement

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What's Happening Friday ...,Emerging Leaders retreat begins ...-11 :30pm-2:15am TAXI 971-8415

Saturday . ...,8pm Afro/Brazilian Dance WCLH ...-11 :30pm-2:15am TAXI 971-8415

Feb.5 to Feb.12 Sunday ...-spm Mass .....7:30pm AIDS Talk Xavier ...,9pm Mass

Monday .....12:30pmAIDSTalk SSCR ...-7:30pm AIDS Talk Xavier

see more SOMALIA pg.3

more coverage zn UPDATES! Tuesday .....All Day Long, AIDS Info. FairWCGA&Caf.

Wednesday ...-11:45am Mass ...-100 Nights, Wayne Tavern

Thursday ...-7:35pm Flyers Game Spectrum

Friday ...-11 :30pm-2: 15am TAXI 971-8415

I editorial


fridaXzfeb. 5, 1993



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Prioritizerelief efforts Rewarded by friendship Get involvedor mindyourown business.The UnitedStatesoptedfor involvement with Somalia'scrisisand now many of us are wonderingjust why that decisionwas deanna made. d'alfonso Why, with all of our own problemsof hungerand homelessness,would we take co-sports initiativetoaida countrythousandsof milesawayfromus? We haveourown hungry editor and starvingpeople liningour streetsand beggingfor ourhelp rightherein America. Why, when our nationis sufferingfrom the economichardshipsof recessionand rrationaldebt,wouldwe spend$583milliontohelp a countrywe haveno connection with? Hordesof Americans have lost theirjobs as a resultof the economic_turmoil They say in life that if you have one withinour own country. The nationaldebt is approximately$4-6 trillion. good friend then you have accomplished Why, with all of the racialand religiousprejudicein our country,wouldwe-goto something. I am one of the accomplished. another continent and try to solve their civil wars? We have our own "warring My best friend and I are like night factions"right here displayedin the gang wars of our youth. and day. We have been friends for what It is obviousthat our governmentshouldbe more concernedwith the socialand seems like an eternity. Actually, it is economicproblemsof Americathan those of countriesabroad. There is, however, more like eight years. All through high one aspectof thisissuethatmustbe addressed-our humanitariandutyto help those school we were inseparable. Yet we were, and still have remained, two comin dire need, regardlessof how far away they live from us. plete individuals and best friends. We cannotpossiblywatchswollen-belliedbabiesand cryingchildrendesperately It seems that breaks in the monotony pleadfor foodeverynighton ourtelevisionsetsand nottakeactionto helpout. There of the school year are the perfect times is a great injusticehappeningto the poor peopleof Somaliaand the UnitedStatesis to reflect on things and see what is up in justifiedinmovinginto assurethatthosestarvingpeoplereceivethenourishmentthey our lives. Well, my life anyway. One night I was at Mary's house and need to survive. we were just sitting, drinking vanilla TheUnitedStates,however,mustaddressthesocio-economicinjusticesoccurring coffee. We were talking about all the righthereinAmerica Althoughour governmentmayseemorganizedandcivil,there crazy things that we had done while we are tremendousdiscrepanciesbetweenthe "haves" and the "have nots." were in high school, stupid things that Asa nation,weneedto applythehumanitarianeffortwe extendto foreigncountries happen to me while I am here, and crazy to our own people. We do have an obligationto aid our brothersand sistersaround stuff that happened to her at work or the globeinneed,but we cannotexpectto effectivelyhelpothersuntilwe workon the home. It reminded me of something out of an International House coffee comproblemsof our own people.

~:;;:_I ul?sand downs ~

The Martin Luther King Jr. memorial day on Jan. 25 is an example of a great idea poorly executed. Students were not given enough information to know what was going on in order to enjoy the events. Special thanks to Campus Ministry, Seilers and alumni for coordinating the mass and brunch on Jan. 31, in memory of Denise Edwards. Denise's energetic spirit will always remain present on campus. What is going on? The number of broken windows, vandalized cars and punched in walls is out of control. Try to control yourselves in your drunken stupors!


cartoon THAT'S GRFAT t".,OM) 1'-'\YBILLSA~FALL


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mercial. We laughed about everything, something we had not been able to do for a while. For as much as we laughed I started to question what was going on in my life at school in comparison to what she was doing. I have always admired her ability to pick herself up and keep going. And she has always admired that same aspect about me. Both Mary and myself have had several obstacles in life to get through. But

the walls that I have had to climb have never seemed real in comparison lo hers. Our ways of life have always been very different. She has to raise a family. I have to raise my grade point average. Mary goes to work. I go to class. She sleeps at night. I sit in front of a computer in the newsroom. She is family and I am career. Each of us has a specific purpose and know what we want out of life. She is my link to reality and she has lived far more than her 21 years will tell. I am 21 trying to be the best I can be. She knows and understands this and is constantly supportive of me. For that I am very grateful. We have no secrets from one another. No problem is too big for us to conquer together. She is someone that I know I could call at anytime day or night and she will be there. Of course after she has stopped cursing me because it happened to be five in the morning. I know that if for some reason we were so busy that it was a month before we talked to each other, I could pick up the phone and it would seem like we had just talked yesterday. When I stand at her wedding in the spring I am sure that all of the silly memories will come flooding back. But now a new era of our lives is approaching. I am sure that we will still be laughing, but it will be comparing crazy things we did to what her daughter and friends have done.

Istaff Editor-in-chief: Kimberly M Haban Managing Editor: MaryJane Inman Perspectives Editor: MaryJane Inman Assistant Perspectives Editor: Danielle DiMarco News Editor: Megan Flanigan Associate News Editor: Kevin Ohland! Assistant News Editors: Heather McAlhster and Maryanne Walker

Show s0111eone you care with a ¥alentine personal

Arts and Entertainment Editor: Belinda Desher Assistant Arts Editors: Rosanne Carfagno and Gary White Features Editor: Katherine Ross Assistant Features Editor:

Doug Eppler

Sports Editors: Deanna D"Altonso and Brendan Noone Assistant Sports Editors: Bob Macartney and Kelly McDonalo Editorial Cartoonist: Francis Kelly Graphic Designer: Ambreen Allad,n and Tim Conway Copy Editor: Belinda Desher and Joann Carbone Assistant Copy Editor Steve May Business Manager· Diane Osborn

\STh\\S ?

Photography Editors: Enc Barbusc,a and Dawnielle Klopp

I ~1-,Vf~0, • . ru\V\LL'tD MT F\NACv\LOBl\GA\'ON

Photography Adviser: Dr Carter Cra1g1e Advisers

Anne Fahy and Debbie Nolen

Staff: Keith Ah1as, Ambreen Alladin, Dana Caterson, Paul Crowell, Corinne Egan, Robert Evans, Christine Labroli, Ma1thew Macsisak, Photography StaH: Stephanie Sieg, Christine Costigan. Kendre Martin

Loqu,tur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College. Radnor. PA 19087. Phone 215-971-8412. Subscription price is S25 per year and ,s included In the benefits secured by tuItIon and student fees

Lookfor details in your mailbox

Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However. if the wrrter wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left oft the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced. and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views ot the s1udent editorial staff and the individual wrtters and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited. robust, free and open discussionof issues.




friday, feb. 5, 1993

more SOMALIAfrom 1 the United Nations passed Resolution 794 which sates "the magnitude of the human tragedy in Somalia constitutes a threat to international peace and security." Since the U.S. military is able to move people and supplies quickly, Bush agreed to send 28,000 troops to Somalia. Labeled "Operation Restore Hope," the troops mission was to stop the bloodshed and looting, and to get food to the people. After _that the United Nations would -attempt to ensure peace with the creation of a central government. Bush wanted to do something earlier, but he thought U.S. intervention might have interfered with the election process. Bush realized he could not wait until the inauguration to take action. Adid and Mohammed supported U.S. intervention, although it was unknown whether they were to be trusted. Bush said he hoped the job would be done by Jan. 20 but it was harder getting out than

getting in. So far, the United States and its allies have made a difference. Food is being brought to the famine victims. Last month the warring factions agreed to a cease-fire at a meeting in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Somalis are testing a self-government in the city of Baidoa. Between Jan. 19-21, 850 marines left Somalia. A conference is being planned this month for the United Nations to create a multi-million dollar rehabilitation plan. This leaves President Bill Clinton will a military effort to decide upon. Philosophy professor Dr. Joseph J._ Romano said he was not sure how Clinton would handle the situation "but he sure got stuck! He is an innovative person, and he deserves a chance in the international scope of things." History and political science chairperson Dr. Jolyon Girard said the U.S.

military presence is a "short-term solution to a long-term problem. Our foreign policy exists to defend national self-interest, to protect and advance them. I don't like 18-yearolds getting shot at. I buried a lot of those kids in Vietnam, and I don't like it." The media once again played a major role in a U.S. military action, just as they did in the Persian Gulf War. For months before the U.S. intervention, the media was reporting on the situation. "The media always has decisions to make with what are pressing issues," Romano said. "The mass media hit hard with pictures. It brought a human issue into our living rooms. They have great powers." For the Somali people the famine is ending, but the issue of global "hot spots" is just beginning for President Clinton.

First in a series

Registrationprocedurecausesconflicts registrationfrom classeshad been canceled,but each had individualreasons why. "It seems they've screwed up every Communicationis a tool that makes life and semester.andtherehasn't beena timewherethey the proceduresin life run smoothly. Many on have gotten my bill right," Judi Panasik,junior, campusbelievecommunicationis thetool that is said. "My motherdidn't even know I owed the lackingamongtheBusinessOffice,theRegistrar's money." Panasik said that two days before she Officeand students,especiallywhen it is time to returnedfrom the holidays,she receiveda letter notifying her that her registration would be register for new classes. Some studentsreturnedfrom the holidaysto dropped. Steve May, sophomore,experienceda simifind theyhad been dropped from theirpre-registeredclasses.The reasonwas becausethey owed lar situation. "I missed one of my payments,so moneyto the BusinessOffice,accordingto Chief my registrationwascanceled,"he said. AccordFinancialOfficerJohn Barclay. ing to May, two of the classes he registeredfor Any studentswho pre-registeredforthe spring wereclosed,andhehadtogototheinstructorsfor semester weresentletterswith informationtelling permissionto enter the class. "I think communicationshould be changed them whentheir billswouldbe mailedand when their payments were due, according to Cindy on campus," Maysaid. Accordingto May,there should be one place where students can go, Falcone,accountingmanager. The letteralso statedif a student'saccounthad insteadof travelingback and forth between the notbeenclearedbyDec.22, 1992,the studentmay two offices. "Betweenthe time you walk to the need to re-registerfor some or all of the classes BusinessOfficeand the RegistrarOffice,youare originallypre-registeredfor andprioritywouldbe closed out of the classes you want," he said. givento those studentswho paid in full. Other students, like Junior TJ. Roland, said The Business Office has records of each the Business Office did not update her bill after student'sfinancialstatusin its computers,which she resignedfromherresistantassistantposition. areconstantlybeingupdated. The informationis "I owed them like$3,000,and I nevergot a letter alsoconnectedto thecomputersin the Registrar's saying I owed that money," Roland said. AcOfficeto letthemknowif the studentis financially cording to Roland, she also received a letter cleared and able to be enrolledin classesfor the informing her of her canceled registration and had tore-registerfor all ofherclasses. "Everysemester,accordingto Barclay. JenniferHansbury,registrar,had no comment one just got dropped, no questions asked," Roland said. regardingthis matter. Barclay said, "Studentshave ample time to Dropping students from their pre-regcleartheirbills." Accordingto Barclay,the Busi- istered classes is an incentive for them nessOffice sends out invoicesand lettersto the to pay their bills Barclay said. If stustudents."We don't know whatelse we cando," dents do not pay their bills, the college Barclaysaid. "We triedcallingstudents' homes is not sure whether they are returning, two or three years ago, and all we got were busy according to Barclay. "This is a way of knowing, and it's the students' responsignals,answeringmachinesand no answers." Students had similar conflicts with both the sibility to check to see if their bills are Registrar and Business offices because their paid," Barclay said.

by Megan Flanigan

news editor

CANCUNNassau, Paradise Island

Paradise Island8AHAMAS "

Instead of sending out a general letter to every student, Roland said she would like the Business Office to update the students more consistantly with personal letters about their due payments, not just with bills. However, some students said they have never had a problem with registration. For example, Sophomore Bryan Bell said, "I just give them a check, and they are happy." Some may question Cabrini's registration policy, but it's not unlike other colleges in the area. St. Joseph's University's billing system, for example, is similar to Cabrini's. The only difference is that St. Joseph's students have a week upon returning to campus to clear their financial status according to Wendy Alexander, receivables clerk. The reason is because they have students who live out of state,

Studentsoffer mixedthoushts on.Somalia ·---·...,"•aiof ·~·



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"'Fild•·SomaH1. butck)n't.feed Anria.rb. FeeclSomalia. but don't feedcabrini... Pim-year.student.Kyle Simons said. ."The UJtited.Statesshouldn't &eSp.Dttneveryone'sbeetand.call We hlveprob)etn$ofour own. You ·shouldmakeyourbed before·yougo in it... UWhatis Somaliagoing to do for us?" Senior Pat Ryan w.ed. "It's only a strategic location and a humanitarianthing.» Junior EllenR,()bbins said, ..Ifwe hive the ~and authority to help a COllD1J'y dtat•ain need, we should help out. Jf the tables wereturned. I think we would e~t the same thing... "It is right what were doing becauset11ey•ro people. they'rehuman beings. Yoo ca•t let them starve... first-year studentJoeRicci said. EiRt,-1¥.,..Mlrty.'S1-,1:;1 said, ..Morally,we should be helping them out, butwe should alsohelp the people at home.•• "It's importantto help out foreign countries," first-year student Anne Waldspurgersaid, "but at the same time our problems are just as promi-

nent." "I believe what were doing is right, but it's a shame some of our men and women are getting hurt," senior Jeannie Dougherty said.

SeniorReoognition DaysetforFeb.10 riences being the first class graduating through the core curriculum. Theday will also include the responSeniorsare requiredto take advantage sibilities seniors will talceon ne:x,tyear of a day set aside especially for them. It as Cabrini alumni, and the Who's Who is called SeniorRecognition Day. Awardswill be announced. All seniorsare exemptfrommorning Schwarze said that seniors will be classeson Wednesday, Feb. 10 andmust given the chance to assess their learning attend this celebration. abilities andto record their college exAs stated in the letter distributed by periences. Dr. M. Antoinette Scbiesler, Academic Theschedulefor.SeniorRecognition Dean and members of the Cuniculum Day is as follows; AssessmentCommittee, seniors begin their day promptlyat 9 a.m. in the Wid0 9:00amOieckIn ener LectureHall. 0 9:15 an WelcanebyDr.JadaroJa 09'.30am AlumniA.ssociadoo AddressSeniors should have receivedtwo letMartha Dale, Director ters infonning them of the activitieson a 9:40am Pttsidentof Seni<X' Class- • Senior Day, according to the Office of Wdcane Academic Affairs. The first letter dis09:45 amWho'sWoo announced tributedwas datedJan. 14and the second 09'.SO am lntroduction of Camni Feb.2. CoJle8e Asses.wentDr. SharonSchwarze,Chairpersonof 0. Tomasco the PhilosophyDepartment,saidtbatthis 010-.30anCmricubnOoal &,~:'ii~ j Wednesday is an opportunity for the se010:40am Wriling~-DrX~gie'1 niors to share with the faculty theirexpe-






friday, feb. 5, 1993

On ... photo by Dawmelle Klopp

Professor Rebecca Price-Janney.

by Ambreen Alladin staff writer

"To me, life is mysterious and I'm constantly looking for mysteries," said Rebecca Price Janney, part-time history professor at Cabrini. Janney's new series, the Heather Reed mystery series, finds the mystery in life. Her first book in the series, The Cryptic Clue, is due out in May. Heather Reed, who aspires to be the Nancy Drew of the 90s, is a character based on a childhood friend of Janney's. Not surprisingly, many of Janney's ideas come from her experiences and people she knows. The Cryptic Clue is about a history professor specializing in Middle Eastern terrorism who has just returned from a one-year sabbatical. Tracking down a professor is not as easy as it seems, so ... well buy the book to find out the rest. Let's just say that this has everything: the CIA, the FBI and jealou 'tolleagues. Janney really took the road less travelled in order to get to writing successfully. She always knew she wanted to be

a journalist but she struggled to get there. After bouts with various career paths, she finally chose to pursue her two passions, writing and teaching. She has been teaching at Cabrini since the fall of 1989. Before that she taught at LaSalle University. She first discovered her ability to write as a sportswriter for her hometown paper, The Phillipsburg Press, at the age of 15. She fell in love with writing and has been doing it ever since. Her newest series, the Heather Reed mysteries, is going to be released later this spring. The first two books will be released in May and two more in July. If these are received well, she will have the option to write on as the Heather Reed saga continues. The first four books in the series were written in only one year, a time during which she had to cut back on her teaching considerably, which is something she also loves. However, she says "I write for publication so others can benefit from my writing." Janney earned her bachelor's degree in history from Lafayette College and also holds a Masters of Divinity

from the Princeton Seminary. At present she is also considering pursuing her doctorate degree in history. Her interests include Jewish and Middle Eastern studies. She strives to bring out the personality of history rather than the dates. This semester she is teaching Profiles of 20th Century European history, a 400 level course for history majors. She cites one of the advantages of being at Cabrini is that she has the opportunity to teach more than survey courses, even as a part-time teacher. Oddly enough, she did not start teaching until four years after she was out of graduate school. During that time she pursued other interests but she felt that writing and teaching were much more creative. Additionally, she could not see herself at a normal, routine 9-5 job day after day. Writing and teaching allowed her the creative license she needed. "In any era, people of a creative mind-set struggle to find their place," she says. Janney is a person who believes that you have to make your life count and strives to do just that.

Second in a series

An insightfullook at male bondingCabrinistyle by Maryjane Inman managing and perspectives editor

Men of Cabrini. They hang out, drink beer and playsports. They seem rathersimplisticand non-dimensional, but these activitieshelp to establish deep bonds betweenmen. Stereotypesleave the talking for the women, but men on this campus claim they also communicate with their friends. "It's differentthough," first-year student Francis Kelly said, "Girl talk just seems like all gossip." Guys do not care "what's going on," and they mainly talk about girls, Kelly said JuniorMikeCallinansaid thatgirls wastetoo muchtime'complaining.He said, however, guys also gossip and often talk about "who's hooking up with who and the like." Callinanagreed he and his friend<; often talk aboutgirls. They talk about sex in general,personalsex and lackof sex, Callinansaid. Guys usually talk aboutthe previous night's escapades, their states of drunkennessand,of course,sports, seniorPaul Karcshsaid. Karcshsaid that he and his friends are very competitivein conversation. He said he religiouslyreads the Daily News' sports section so that he can .:hallengehis friends on sports trivia ~we're very competitive about it, too,"Karcsh said While much of male-t<rmalecon-

problems with friends is to get their adviceand opinionon the matter. McKinleysaid that loyaltyis a big factor among inale friendships. Men need to know that their friendswill be there for them to talk and hang oul, McKinleysaid. Callinan said that women sometimes disrupt loyalty between inale friendships."There's a time and a place for everything,"Callinansaid He said men have to learn how to equally balance their time between friendsand girlfriends,otherwisemen miss out on too much.

Quote... Unquote A diamondis just a piece of coal that did well

From left to right Senior Matt Sch/egelmilich, Junior Eric Fox, and Sophomore Jon Young.

versationmay consistof non-personal topics, such as sports,men will share personal information about themselvesas the bond betweenfriendsbecomes stronger, Dr. Kathleen McKinley,chair personof the sociology department,said Callinan said he and his friends talk about absolutelyeverything. "We're very close, and we trust one another.'' McKinleysaid thatbonds between men often develop outside of verbal

underpressure. -Anonymous

communication. Karcshsaid thatlisteningis imporKelly said "guys sitting around tant,but themainreasonfor discussing getting drunk and sloppytogether'' constitutesbonding. As long as no women are around, Kellysaid,bond* EXTRA INCOME "93" * ing takes place, even if the guysare I I just sitting aroundwatching1V. Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing 1993 UWTI McKinley said that men and I travel brochures. For more information womenpossessdifferentgoalsin con- I versation. If personalproblemscome I send self addressed stamped envelope to: up in conversation,McKinley said, I Travel INC., P.O. Box 2530, Miami, FL 33161 womenwill listento oneanother while I men striveto solvethem

·--------------------· I I I I I I I


arts & entertainment


f riday,feb. 5, 1993


Preserving Philadelphia's history "CommonGrounds"spotlightsthe evolutionof Philadelphianeighborhoods by ttmbreen A. Alladin staff writer Welcome Neighbors ... to Philadelphia, a city rich in diversity which has yet another attraction to entice its visitors. Favorite places include South Street, Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell, and now an exhibition at 1300 Locust St. that displays nearly a century's worth of Philadelphia's historical memorabilia. The Historical Society of Pennsylvania is sponsoring an exhibit on Philadelphia neighborhood history,"Common Ground: Philadelphia's Neighborhoods," As the first words of the title suggest, "Common Grounds" is about the city's neighborhoods which share a destiny despite their social, economic and cultural differences. "'Common Ground' focuses on Philadelphia neighborhoods as they have evolved within livjpg memory in the 20th century," according to the Society's president, Susan Stitt. Items in the exhibit are as diverse as the neighborhoods themselves. "With more rhan 200 photographs, maps, documents, artifacts and memorabilia, 'Common Ground' traces the development of the city's neighborhoods, the dynamics

of community li,fe,and how people are working together to maintain and renew their neighborhoods today," Stitt said. Included in the exhibit are map chronologies from 1797 to 1946, a wand used to bless the ground of a housing project, house keys of homeowners displaced by redevelopment, a quilt depicting a pattern of neighborhood cultures and religions and a hard hat worn during anti--drug vigils. Notwithstanding all the .political happenings of Philadelphia's history; there are also things like baseball club photos and beauty pageant crowns. These and other memorabilia will appear within a context of maps, photographs, prints, and documents. Each month from now until May a different region of Philadelphia will be highlighted, giving all 109 neighborhoods a chance in the spotlight. Additionally, "Common Grounds" is not a passive exhibition. "It reaches out to cooperate with dozens of neighborhood organizations, some that are preserving history, some that are studying history, and some that are making history," Stitt said. This is the type of exhibit that appeals to a wide variety of people. Those who want to learn something about their neighborhoods, or Philadelphia in general, as well as history buffs .• As Mark Rasch, one man at the exhibit said, "Like all cities, it is a city of

photo supplied by Historical Society of Philadephia

This is 52nd Street facing Market Street in the year 1910. In the background is the elevated electrical train system still functional today.

neighbors, but Philadelphia is more provincial. It is big yet it doesn't like change. I guess of all the cities I've lived in, Philadelphia is the most reluctant to change. " Rasch said. A strange kind of feeling settles over you as you walk through the exhibition. There are pictures of areas of Philadelphia's Center City that used to have rolling acres, that are now just buildings and roads. There is a print of the John B. Stetson Hat Co., as it appeared circa 1900. This company, at the peak of its hundred year history, the company employed 5,000 people and occupied 25 buildings that spread over nine acres. For years, the grandiose clock tower of the company graced Kensington as a major landmark. Take a journey to the past or the present. The Historical Society of Pennsylvaniais located at 1300 Locust St. and is open Tuesday, Thurs-

Freeeventsofferedfora limitedtimeonly Drexel Universitv photographv exhibit Susan Winters, award-winning Philadelphia Daily News photographer, will be available on Feb. 17 at 5 p.m. to display "South Africa: The Quiet Revolution," a collection of photographs depicting the spirit of the people of South Africa.

photo supplied by The Historical Sooety of Philadelphia

The Wissahickon Baseball Club in 1898; this picture of the 12-member team and their mascot ( young boy at the top) comes from the Society's Chadwick Papers collection.

day, Fridayand Saturdayfrom IOa.m. Mondays and major holidays. For to 5 p.m., on Wednesday from 1p.m. furtherinformationcall 732-6200. to 9 p.m. and is closed on Sundays,


The exhibit runs from Feb. 16-March 19 at Nesbitt Hall, 33rd and Market Streets. Cabrini fine arts The best prints, illustrations,paintings and ceramics of the Cabrini facultywill be on exhibit through March 7. The opening reception will begin at 3 p.m. on Feb. 7.

Phonathon Wants You! The Annual Fund Office is looking for 30 students to call alumni and ~ents to ask for gifts to the Annual Fund. The starting salary for students who called

for Phonathon is $5.50 per hour and $6.00 an hour last year.

Phoning will take place for two wee-ks in mid-March. _Y<?U ~t call Susie Wittich 1'01 at ext. 8260 if you are interested. Hiring will take place only until February 19. Call ext. 8260 '!ODAYfor rore information.


In celebrationof AfricanAmerican HistoryMonth, cabrinJ College and EasternCollege hSVtl}oinBdforces to spans« theAlrlcan-inlJU(N tolklorlcBraziliandances"(JfNsgoGatoandQIOC--• !ltlBlllbl6.N6go ·--NIM~, --Capoe,ta


f ridaXzfeb. 5 1 1993




EthnicStudentAlliancedesigr,sfull semesterof events Gary White assistant arts & entertanment editor

The Ethnic Student Alliance is planning many events for the upcoming semester. Since February is Black History Month the ESA will be distributing ribbons of red, black and green to honor Africa. Also scheduled this month is a black lrturgy on Feb. 21, and a gospel hour with both gospel and poetry yet to be scheduled. On the sixth, Cabrini joins with Eastern Coilege to sponsor Nego Gato, a night of Afro- Brazilian dance. It is free and scheduled for 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Later in the semester the ESA is sponsoring its annual fashion show. The event will be held April 3, in the Grace Hall Atrium. Clothes will be supplied from

The Limited, Macy's, The Gap and John Wanamaker's. The show will feature both men's and women's formal and casual wear. Auditions will be held soon. The organization also sponsors a mentor program on campus. The program ensures that minority students get moral support while they are at Cabrini. "Hopefully, this will make them better students and contribute to the success of minority students on campus," sophomore Kendra Martin, ESA president, said. The ESA would like to see many people at their events, and does not want anyone to feel excluded from these activities. The group began as the Black Student Union in 1978. The name was later changed to the Black Student Alliance and finally the ESA. The name ESA was chosen "because the club had

many students of different descent," Scott Dorsey, resident director and member of the ESA, said. "It is a club for all people." On Jan. 25, Cabrini celebrated Martin Luther King Jr.' s birthday. Martin and Dorsey spoke on WYBF's Phoneln-Forum about King's legacy. Dr. Blue, jazz performer, entertained in the lecture hall throughout the day. In the late afternoon, Dorsey's father, the Rev. Richard Dorsey, read King's "Letter from Birmingham Jail." Afterwards there was a procession to the peace garden in the courtyard. Martin said she would like to see the social consciousness of the campus raised. According to Martin, she would also like some of the college's cultural diversity programs be mandatory. This way the students who need to be in-

formed will be, Martin said. "Programming is fine, but you have to have people attend," Dorsey said. "If no one attends then the programs are worthless." Members of the ESA agree that some sort of change is needed for the campus. "Change has to come down from the top, Dr. Iadarola," Dorsey said. "I think she will do some good stuff, but it will take students, faculty and staff to help her." The ESA, meets every Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. in the Student Services Conference Room. If anyone is interested in joining or would like to learn more about upcoming programs they are welcome to stop by.

updates o·URcorner Wellness Day 2/4 □Celebrate your health during Wellness Day, a special day devoted to the human body. Evening events are as follows: ODance Performance lll)d ParticipationTake in the talents of the Cabrini Dance Ensemble in the atrium from 7-8 p.m. and participate in the "Electric Slide." Learn how dancing can help you relax and have fun together with others. OY oga Instruction-Join Joan Halperinin the XavierGreatRoom for a one-houryoga class from 8-9 p.m. Geared for anyone, from the advanced athleteto the average student.

Area and the cafeteria. O2/10-Commemorative Liturgy at 11:45 a.m. in the Chapel. O2/11-Student Debate: Needle Distribution, at 12:30 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall.


straight Super Bowl loss.


0 FirstLady,HillaryClinton,bannedsmoking in the White House.andhas put broccoli backon the White House menu. Clinton statedthat if visitorsto theWhitehousewant to smokethey mustgo outside

100 Nights until Graduation 2/10 OF or Seniors and anyone over 21, come on down to the Wayne Tavern for the traditional I 00 Nights count down to graduation. Senior class will start selling mugs next week, so bring them to the Tavern and enjoy$ I fill-ups all night.

OThe'BoysareonTop!-The Dallas Cowboys beat the Buffalo Bills in a crushing score of 52-17. This was the Bills third

Emerging Leaders Retreat 2/5,2/6 □Emerging first-year student leaders get together for a weekend retreat. More details to be announced.

Attention Seniors 2/15 OAII portraits must be in by Feb. 15 if you would like to be in the yearbook. Send proofs to photographer and put green slips in yearbook mailbox in the newsroom.

African/Brazilian Dance 2/6 □Cabrini joins with Eastern College and the fine arts department to bring you a night of African/Brazilian dance and song featuring Nego Gato. Repertoire includes works from African influenced folkloric Brazilian dances such as Maculele, Candomble, Afoxe, and Samba among others. Featured is a performance of Capoeira, an African martial art developed in Brazil that combines dance, gymnastics and acrobatics. This takes place at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall for free. AIDS Awareness Week 2/7-2/14 O2/7-Commemorative Liturgy in the Chapel at 6 p.m. O2/7-"No One is Immune", speech by Virginia Rhodes at 7:30 p.m. in the Xavier Great Room. O2/8-"Self Esteem: Its Impact on Sexual Choices,., speech by Ellen Schechtman at 12:30 p.m. in the Student Services Conference Room. Hoagies will be served. O2/8-"AIDS, Sex and Alcohol," by Ellen McAlinney at 7:30 p.m. in the Xavier Great Room. O2/9-AIDS Information Fair, all day long in the Widener Center Gathering

Valentine's Day Under the Stars 2/14 □Spend theday of sweetheartsat the Franklin Instituteand Science Museum, Mandell Future Center and Omniverse Center with its four-storyhigh screen. Van service is available, seating is limited. Admission varies dependingon how many exhibitsyou decide to attend. The event takes place from 11:30 a.m.to 4:30 p.m. Career Fair Day '93 2/16 □This opportunity is brought to you by over40employersoffering permanent fulltime and part-time jobs. Internships and summer jobs available. Sponsored by Cabrini, Eastern, Rosemont, and Immaculata. In the Grace Hall Atrium from 1 -4 p.m. For more info. call ext. 8560. Roller Skating 2/20 □Skate down memory lane atthe Villanova Skating Rink for $3 (including skate rental) from I :30-4 p.m. Van service is available and sign up is in student services.

To haveyoureventscoveredin OURCorner, pleasecontactKevinOhlandt in thenewsroom at 971-8412or at 989-9833. Infonnalioncan also be droppedof in the newsroom.

Vaccines?- President Clinton has come up with a plan for free vaccinations for aJIchildren in America. Many pharmaceutical companies oppose the idea.

The source for this capsule is the New York Times

ecuritycorner Security incidents as reported by the security office from Tuesday Jan. 26 through Monday Feb. 1. Auto Vandalism O1/26/93-Sacred Heart Parking Lot- male housekeeper's car was vandalized, a mirror was stolen. Obscene Literature O1/27/93-Xavier- obscene flyers were found on wall in the men's side. Public Drinking/Disorderly Conduct O1/19/93-Woodcrest- male Cabrini student caught drinking and screaming obscenities at Woodcrest student. Fire Alarm/Intrusion O1/29/93-Xavier- fire alarm was set off. During evacuation, students pulled it again. Broken Window O1/31/93-Xavier- male Cabrini student reported broken window in Xavier lower south. Alcohol Violation O1/31/93-Woodcrest- male Cabrini student found carrying beer. Beer was confiscated. Broken Door O1/31/93-Casey House- door was tampered with. Broken Door/Wall Destroyed O1/31/93-Sullivan House- bathroom was vandalized, hole in the wall. Party Broken Up O1/31/93-Xavier- large party broken up due to noise violation. Vandalism 01/31/93-Grace Hall Parking Lot- bent antennae and unknown re<lsubstance found on vandalized car. Noise Complaint O2/1/93-Dixon House- loud noises erninated, causing complaint.



Why play wallyball? by Danielle DiMarco assistant perspectives editor

It is an averageTuesday night. An avid fan of wallyball, Claudio Baccile, martial artist/actor, and eight of his friends meet at a local health spa, close themselves into a racquetball court and spike volleyballs at one another. You may ask why thesepeople wouldbe insaneenough to shut the door and enter into the middle of this chaos. Baccile and the rest of the nation are joining the craze of wallyball. The game of wallyball (no, not volleyball)is playedin a racquetballcourt with a volleyballnet and lots of people anxious to release pent up frustrationson their friends. The only difference between wallyball and volleyball is the use of walls to hit, spike or dink the ball onto the opposing team's side. In the beginning, Baccile picked people at random to play wallyball. At present he meets the same friends every Tuesday night at Four Seasons Health Club in Brookhaven. Non-stopaction and lots of movementis how Baccile described the game. ''It's good cardiovascularexercise that requires a lot of twisting," he said. According to Holiday Spa at Granite Run Mall, regulars usually return to rent racquetball courts for wallyball. The clients range from young adults to middle-aged men and women. Le Masters Racquetball and Fitness Center, located in West Chester, commented on the popularity of wallyball during after-hour parties. Couples,


friends, men and women are all participants of the game. One of the employeesat Le MastersRacquetballand FitnessCentersaidthe sportwillprobably staypopularforawhilebecauseitisan indoorsport that canbe played yearlong. Le Mastersalsohas wallyballleagues set up with tournaments. Baccile never got involved in leagues becauseoftheexpectation to make ittoevery game. His main goal for playing wallyball is to release daily stress and for the sole purpose of fun and relaxation with his friends. "Killer wallyball" is how Baccile describes their type of intense games. "Even though you aren't allowedto touchthe nets, we grab and pull them down," Baccile said. "We could never play by league rules." Pat Connelly, first-year student, has only played wallyballonce or twice but said he played the game just to have fun. "At the time, I had no idea what I was doing," Connelly said. But he and a couple of friendsgot together and had fun learning the game. Sue Carr, sales representativefor Club Le Maison Health and Fitness Complex located in Stratford,saidthecourtsareusedrnoreforracquetball, but people do use the mom for wallyball. "The game had been played intramurallyin schools and for fun," Carr said '"There is no competition." The game is reasonably inexpensive. Some health spas and racquetballfacilitiesmay charge per hour or per person. Le Masters Racquetball and Fitness Center. charges $5 for each guest of a member or $8 for each non-member. As for Baccile, he has played his Tuesday night wallyball games for four to five months, and continuesto releasedaily burdenson the five walls of the racquetballcourt. After all, Baccile said, the game is played for fun and that is the purpose of wallyball. For more information about wallyball, call Le Masters Racquetball and Fitness Center at (215) 436-6200 or Club Le Maison Health and Fitness Complex at (215) 964-8800.



friday, feb. 5, 1993


spreadthetloor,swingtheballfromsidetosidc, and shoot the thlte-pointer.•• Beforeany of bisplayersstepontheIm', however.Weldeletsthemknowwhatheexpects. Weldesaid.''Thegirlsmustreali2elhat1hey have a no:sporlS.l'bility to themselvet,, and a

CoachDan Welde by Bob MacQl'tney


no:sporlS.l'bilit.ytothe1mnasawldetotakecare of their academics bebe Ibey step onrothe floor." Once they~ the baskedlalJ oounin SacredHeartGymnawm,all Weldeasksis thathis playersgive me hundR:d ~m themselves. "I hope that the girlsJeam dialnoting is givento you in life. Youmust achieve everythingyourself,"Weldesaid "If theycanlook • intothemiiTor and besatisfied wilhwhal they see, then they have<b'lethejoo. That is lbe

Likethecahn befixethestorm, theman in thethree-piece suitsitsonthesidelinewith his bands foldedoohis~. and his legs aossed. AstheLadyCavsgrabtherebound,heboltsto his feet.looks at the retreatingopponentand screams. "Transition!Ttamition!Swing!"As theballchqJs throughthehoop,DanWelde, head rod) of the LadyCavalffl, sits back downinhis seat, andwaitsforthenextbolt of

action. In the fallof 1986,thehead coach of the women'steam had a shiftchangeat his other job, and AthleticDirectorJohn Dzik asked Weldeif he would like thejob~ headcooch. Accadingto Welde,he decidedto giveit a tty. ht his first year. the Lady Cavs posted an impre&,ive15-10record After that season, Welde lklmits."I wasbittenby the coaching bug." Themaincomporm:ofWefde'scoaching




AccordingtoWelde.heslillc.'lj>ys 1hethrill

of a good game,and aimts thatcompetitive girlsare fun to bearound. However,thehighlightofWelde's coachingcareerdidootoccuratCatnn.JimBoyle, the ex--cooclt ofSaintbqit•s Univelsit.y. was asked to coach the NationaJJunior Team in Taiwan in tbe.summer m191)1.He seiecfed Weldeto coachthewanen's team. Welde said "It wa,; the opponunity exa lifetime. I spentfour mon1hsin Tai.wan. and anothertwo weclcsinJapm. It~ anexperi-ence that I could rot receive in any od'ff profesoon.It wasgreatto~akltally differentculture f<r four and a half Q01lhs. Plus.it wasa verygood team." Lcding back on his young<Oadl"'......,.m""',gcareer,Weldecreditstbeinflueooedt>ziktorbis sucx:es.5.

phi1olqJhyis speed Accadingto Welde, be likesto runtheball. Welde said. "In 1he last two years,we haven'tbadlheamleCestoplaythetypeOf game thatIprefer.'Ibisyear,we havesomegirlswith ad:llencability w)Jocanplaytheup-tempotype

Welde said. ''C.oach.Dz:ikgtM me the OA)O[tUllity. Ithasbeeruagiatexperiea:e. Not only is Dzika pofessiorl8Iin bisjah.luheis a~petSOOMwell. lmt11beael 01111 f<rju.qmeetinghim."

of game.•• The mainfocusdtbis ~.

lhewcm:n's team.He sdllalb tomostcxhis


Welde oldpla}'ePandfindsbis~ICatobeveay

~ "WeliketorunthebaDupthecourt, a:q,erati.ve.

Eastern falls to Lady Cavs by Christine Labroli

staff writer The Cabrini Cavalier women's basketball team crushed their rival opponents, Eastern College, with a score of 82-4 7, in a game held at home on Saturday Jan. 23. The Cavs' record going in to the game against Eastern was 9-3 overall and 3-0 in PAC (South). Eastern 's record was 2-11 overall and 1-2inPAC. The Cavs were hungryfora win aftercoming off of a big loss with Alvemia College on the following Thursday. Cindy Keane, junior center-forward,said the team was ready for Eastern and the game went as expected. Keane said the guards did great and all shots were on. Karen Lawrence,freshman forward,said the team was extremely happy with their performance throughout the game. MaryKate Fannon. seniorguard,was the lead scorer in the game with six three-pointersin the firsthalf and eight three-pointersoverall.Fannon is currentlysecond in the country in the National Collegiate Athletic Associatjon, Division three, for the number of three pointers made per game. Fannon scoreda totalof29 pointsthroughoutthe game. Patty Carr, first-year student and forward, was the second leading scorer in the game, with a total of 17 points and seven assists. "MaryKate lead thefirsthalf and Pattypicked it up in the second half with six of the first ten points scored," Cav's assistant coach Chip O'Neil said. He saidtheteam ran theirtransitions well and overall played an excellent game.

GET MONEY l'ROM YOUR UNCLE INSTEAD. Your Uncle Sam. Every year Army ROTC awards scholarships to hundreds of talented students. If you qualify, these merit-based scholarships ca['[ help you pay tuition and educational

fees. They even pay a fiat rate for textbooks and supplies. You can also receive an allowance of up to $1000 each school year the scholarship is in effect. Find out today if you qualify.


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Melanie Winship, freshman forward, and Lawrence tied for the third leading scorer with ten points each. Amy Crossley, senior centerforward, came in fourth with nine point~. Junior and manager of Cabrini's team, Steve Travia, said the game started off slow, but once the girls got into the game the shotskept corning. They stayed at a consistent pace throughoutthe game. He said the girls played more as a team since Dana Mills, freshman guard, was out due to a sprained ankle and they had to experiment with different positions.Travia said the chemistry of the team is beginning to come together. Ric Cawthem. spectator and a non-Cabrini student, said Cabrini played aggressively the whole game. They gave Eastern a good challenge and could tell Eastern was frustrated by the score from their rough playing on the court. The playing on the court was rough, and Keane cited Eastern for being overly physical. She said "Eastern was just frustrated because they were expecting to do better." O'Neil said Eastern had to play physical on the court because they did not have the talent to match up to Cabrini. Linda Bensing, Eastem's first-year coach, said her team played better in the first half then what the score represented.BensingsaidEastern was optimisticgoing into the game and did not becomeintimidatedoncetheyfellbehind Bensing said she was pleased with Eastem's perf01TTJance in the firsthalf, but itjust did not panout. Eastem's lead scorer was Karen Kurtas, senior center-forward, with a total of 28 points. Kurtasis Eastern's all time leadingscorerand has a college career of over 1,300 points.


109unur ,6' I

She said...

Dickerson reflects on life experiences by Brendan Noone co-sports editor

by DeannaD'Al/onao co-sports editor Top commercials of SUperbowl '93 The Jordan-Bird commercial was e11ccellent,but my vote goes with Air Jordan- Hare Jordan vs. Marvin the martian. You've got all the elements, The huge sports star. the huge cartoon star, the shoes. In a mini looney tune, Michael Jordan is Jhe flpampered super star" making that wrong turn to Pismo Beach. Whei, will that wascally wabbiu ever get it wight? With Hare Jordall exttaordinaire, Bugs Bunnyand Air JC)tdan. the jock. superstar, Nike curiotp wrong. .All tbey needed WU Dut:lr:1)(1,qm in the 21st anda 'halfceamryto ~me nd save them, shoe&amt


BveaPorkyD' la Oll the IC• tion with.bis~.. :DI.AT'SALL



One of the most highly respected coaches in college football, Ron Dickerson of Temple University, talked to Cabrini this past Monday about character, fatherhood and football . The 44year-old coach and father of two reflected on his life as a player, a coach, and his fondness for the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. In his hour and a half meeting with Cabrini students and faculty, Dickerson addressed his aspirations for the Temple football program. He promised a national championship within his tenure and, most importantly, he is willing to face the need for leadership in the AfroAmerican community. Dickerson was the initial celebrity speaker for February's black history month. The road which Dickerson has traveled toward the Delaware Valley reads like a "Who's Who in America" scrapbook. He attended Kansas State University, where he set a school record for interception return yards in a career. He was later drafted by the Miami Dolphins and appeared on Miami's remarkable championship team in 1972. After three years in the NFL, Dickerson faced what he called the toughest challenge of his young life. His career was shortened by a leg

injury. It was time to shed his playing life and time to move on to the beginning of Ron Dickerson as the leader. "Theultimatemeasureofamanisnotwhere he stands in the time of comfort and need, but it is where he stands when compared to controversy and difficulty," Dickerson said, quoting Martin Luther King Jr. According to Dickerson, this was the crossroad of his life. A year after retirement from football, Dickerson, with help from his wife, began to pave the road of his destiny. He went back to his roots and started a new life, as confidant and coach, at Kansas State. As assistant coach, Dickerson led his players to nine Bowl appearances and was defensive secondary coach at Penn State in their 1986 championship season. Dickerson exhibits an unyielding character through his presence. His character was tested seven times when he was turned down for various head coaching jobs at the college level. On November 24,1992, the Dickerson ship came in. ''We sought the most qualified coach in the NCAA," Temple President Peter Liacouras said, "and we found coach Dickerson." This past week Dickerson displayed his first instalment of the "new Temple family." 21 of the 25 recruited players are from the greater-Philadelphia area and according to Dickerson they all have an abundance of character.

According to Resident Director Scott Dorsey who was in attendance, a man like Dickerson is a role model for all people , no matter what color or creed.


photo by DawrnelleKlopp

FormerNFL greatRon Dickersontalkedto studentsabouthis lifeas a player and a coach.

athlete of the week

Karcshof all tra.desshootsfrom benchto court byDeanna D'Alfonso co-sports editor

by BrerulanNoone co-sportseditor The Super Bowl was a bore, but thank God for commercials. There were a couple-0fbighlights; Jordan vs. Bird and Bud Bowl with Duff from MTV...on fire! The Pepsi blitz left something to be desired. The cream of the crop was the Reebok Shaq ad. The NBA's most valuable savior was impressing the NBA's great centers. There was Bi11 Russell, Bill Walton, Wilt and Kareem. The best ever was when the new superstar was cleaning up after his mess. (The mess being the broken backboard.) The runner-up would be the Lays bald boys ad. Ditka bald. Boomer bald. Elway bald. Great gimmick: and funny. I wouldn't mind seeing Randall bald or traded. but that is another story.

Clipboard in hand, he paces the sideline. A shot goes up, but the rebound escapes the Cavs. He furiously scribbles notes and shouts commands. Yet the words are not Head Coach John Dzik's. Instead, a uniform-clad senior advises the squad. He is coach, statistician, moral support giver and player. He is Paul Karcsh, the athlete of the week. Before the season began, Dzik gave Karcsh three options to ponder. The first was for him to accept the role as 12th man, with limited, if any, playing time and to be a source of experience for the first-year players. His other options were to play JV or to quit the team altogether. It was Dzik's hope that Karcsh would choose the first option. Karcsh did just that. "My role is very different from everyone else's. I help give advice to young players,"

Karcsh said. "I keep everyone focused on upcoming games. I try to keep myself and everyone mentally prepared. It was tough but I have accepted it." Karcsh holds a role more diverse than any other. It is a role that not many others would have chosen. "He really knows the game and is more experienced. I listen when he says something about my game and I trust what he says," first-year student Billy Carr said. "Not many would do what he does and not many would have stuck with it the way he has." "He keeps the coach~s in the game. When they need to know something, they go to Paul. He plays a very important role. That is what people don't realize, what he does is part of the game too," first-year student Nate Bowles said. When the action has quieted, Karcsh sets the clipboard aside and glances at the stat sheet. According to Dzik, Karcsh keeps an

Attention: Women's softball tryouts are open Feb. 9th, l 0th and 11th.

For moreinformation contact James Hedtke at 971-8336.

photo by Etic Barbuscia

According to Coach Dzik, although senior Paul Karcsh is not always in the forefront, he is an athlete who should bi' recognized

eye on the stats, checks the bench for a fresh substitution and makes sure the team is utilized effectively. However, a truly effective team requires constant support. Karcsh once again answers the call. "He has a positive attitude and keeps the team up and motivated," Dzik said. "He is very enthusiastic at the games and psyches the team up even though he knows he probably won't play." "I like having Paul around. He does the things no one else wants to do," Bowles added. "He looks out for everybody and is fun to have around. We'll miss him next year." "I stay motivated because we are winning. lfl can help keep the team motivated, then we will be successful," Karcsh said. Dzik added that Karcsh's presence is a vital part of the program and they would "not be as good a team without him." The final facet of Karcsh on the court is that of a basketball player. Karcsh has even stepped in to play in JV games. "I play JV to keep in shape. Just in case I get into the varsity game I wantto be mentally prepared," Karcsh said. Dzik is very proud of Karcsh's mature attitude. Dzik said he practices hard with the team everyday, has not missed a practice yet this season, and maintains a positive frame of mind. "He is the kind of guy who leads by example. You can tell he loves the game and you have to respect someone Iike that,'' sophomore Mark Springer said. Dzik says Karcsh is intelligent enough to know every position and can come in at any point in the game. Often that point comes with a few minutes left in the game while the Cavs hold a substantial lead. A rumble emerges from the stage. Chants of "Karcsh, Karcsh, Karcsh" are heard. This is the time when Karcsh sets the clipboard down and steps on the court for the first time, although he has been in the game the entire time.

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