f riday, may 7, 1993
cabrini college, radnor, pa 19087
vol. xxxix, no.25
Students react to choice of speaker a world-renownedperson of celebrity status." by Kelly McDonald Berretonesaid. ·'It will be a pleasantchange:· associate news editor TaraKegel.seniorclasspresident.saidCicippio Joseph J. Cicippio.former Americanho\- wa<;not her tir.;tchoice.Accordingto Kegel.the tagein Beirut.will addressthe graduatingclass hstcontainedmorequalified speakerswhowould atcommencementon Sunday.May23. Hewa<; havebetterrepresentedthe college. • chosenafterthe seniorclass submitteda listof Kegelsrud."A<; a class.weformulatedthelist, theirtop 10choicesforcommencementspeak- andascla5s,v.e shouldhavebeenableto makethe ers to the nominatingBoardof Trustees. who final decision. We didn't."' made the final decision. Kegel said she would have liked to see a On Sept. I2. 1986,Cicippiowaskidnapped speakerwhocouldhaveattractedmoremedia.to from theAmericanUniversityof Beirut,where Cabrim.Kegelbroughtuptheideathatthereisstill he seivedas a comptroller.He was releasedby a lotofspeculationconcemmgCic1ppio.Shesaid h1scaptors,theRevolutionaryJusticeOrganiza-his credentialsand reasons for being in Beirut tion.five yearslateron Dec. 2. 1991. Cicipp10 shouldhavebeencheckedbeforehe wa<;askedto iscurrentlywritinga book abouthis captivity. speakat Cabrini. Tom Berretone,seniorclass vicepresident, BudMellon,communicanonscentersuperviwasrespon.5ibleforproposingthe ideaofCicippio sor,willbe receivmghis master'sdegreeat comas thecommencementspeaker. Berretonesaid . mencement.Mellonsaidhe is interestedin hearhecontactedCicippiobecause,atthetimethelist ingwhatCicippiohastosaybecauseCicippiowas wascompiled,Cicippiowasjust beingreleased a hostageand cangivehispointof viewto seniors from captivity. Cicippiotold Berretonehe aboutto enterthe real world. would be happy to speak at commencement, "I am lookingforwardto the ceremonyand providinghewasintheUnitedStatesatthetime receivingmy degree, and as long as Cicippio of graduation. keepsit shortand simple,I willbe gladto hearhim He told Cicippioof the S 1.000limit with speak,"Mellonsaid. whichtheclasshadtowork,andCicippiosaidhe Cicippio was unavailablefor comment rewouldbe glad to speakfor free. gardingcommencement. Berretonesaid Cicippiowould be a good Next year, Kegel said she hopes the senior speakerbecausehewasfromtheareaand could classwill havea largersay in thefinaldecisionof give an interestingangleto what his periodof who theircommencementspeakerwillbe. She captivityin Beirutinvolved. said seniorsdid not reaii7.ethat,once the listwas "'Thepast commencementspeakersnever submittedto administration,the decisionwasout Former hostage Joseph Cicippio will speak at commencement on May 23. He was one of ten proposed speakers sugessted by the senior class. 'stoodoutfromthecrowd',andthisyearwehave of theirhands.
Staff demands greater respect from Iadarola by HeaiherMcAllister editor in chief
A silent message is being sent across Cabrini•s campusabout tbe new president, Dr.Antoinetteladarola. The messengers ate membersof the college staff, employees who are not administratorsor faculty members. Their message is that Iadarola does not respect the college staff. From the lack of a "thank you" or adequate office supplies, roadditional scare. tactics or job tasks, disrespect is the key · conflict linking Iadarola with the staff, manystaff members said. According to staff members,many of them are afraid to voice criticisms about Iadarola. for fear of losing their jobs. Iadarola was unavailable for comment. Manystaffmembers said they approved of the recent publicity concerning conflicts between Iadarola and faculty, because they felt the facts should be out in the open. However,many members of the staff emphasized that they do not have tenure,
What's Happening Friday 11"'10:30pm-2:15am Taxi971·8415
Saturday 11"'9amOcean City Trip
an opportunity for the staff to get to know the inauguration. However.becauseof the unlikethe faculty, and therefore fearforthejr Iast-minutenotice.onlyfourrnemberswere peoplewedon'tnormallysee."C-OStellosaid. jobs if they criticizeIadarola. able to process. "It was very affirming and positive." As one staff member.who worts in the Tbe grandeurof the entireinauguration Other staff members painted a different Mansion,put it, ''How much fear is ladarola did not go unnoticed by the staff, espepicture of the groups. Some said the main instilling in people? If she truly believes collegeis a dialogue, peopleshould beable to positive point about the meetings was that cially those who participated in its preparation. speaktbeitmindswitboutfeelingherwrath."they were completely confidential. ·•tdon't know if anybodyknew exactly Goveranceemerged as an issue for staff, When Iadarola first took office in July, she was placed under the analytical micro- becausemany feel the president makesdeci- howbigthe inauguration wasgoingto be,'' scope that many new leaders face, particu- sions without consulting staff members or a staff member,who works in Grace Hall, larly because she is the college's first lay consideringtheir feelings.Once a particular said. "The fact remains that no one really president. However. criticism of the presi- decision is made. somestaffmembers said, it knows how much this cost. Not even the dent has intensified in recent weeks, with often is not communicated to all the sectors people who worked on the preparations many faculty members accusing her of not of the college, and confusion and disillusion- know whereall the money came from." While the inauguration perhaps was a consulting them on matters of governance, ment result. Iadarola' srecent inauguration celebration fleeting moment in time, staff members such as whomakes and communicatesdeci• also raised many eyebrowsamong staffmem- claim the problems with Iadarola are not sions, and scheduling. Accordingto anotherMansionstaff mem• bers, because they initially were excluded vanishing. The most common complaint ber, governanceis also an issue for staff, as from processing in the inauguration cer- of staff members is that Iadaroladoes not discovered throughthe recent focus groups emony. Included in the procession were respectthem. Many said she is inconsideron campus. Nancy Costello, director of representatives of the administration,fac- ate about points of view that do not agree missiondevelopment.said 16 focus groups, ulty, parents, alumni, students, academicso- with her own. containing 12 staff members each, were cieties and other colleges. Only after members of the staff comformed in order10 define the core values of plained were sixmembers of the staff human the college. ''We talk about community, but this was resources committee pennitted to march at see moreSTAFFpg.• 3
May 8 to May 15 Sunday ll"'6pmMass Chapel
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friday 1 may 7 1 1993
e_d_it_o_ria_· I_____ ___,! I viewp;int Campus tailssobrietytest One year provides L-1
Within the past month, three Cabrini students have been arrested for underage drunk driving. What these students did not understand is alcohol mixed with driving is deadly, plain and simple. Not only could they have killed themselves, but they could have killed innocent bystanders as well. When an intoxicated person makes a conscious decision to get behind the wheel of a car, they are exhibiting an irresponsible act, an act that is also against the law. These students who have exemplified the wrong-doings of underage drinking have also had to deal with the realization of becoming statistics. In the month of March, there have been ·eight DUI arrests in Radnor township. Between January and March, records show that 2 I people have been arrested for DUI. The Radnor Police Department projects this statistic wilJ rise due to increased colJege enrollments. The starting points for the three recent crimes range from large Cabrini functions to intimate campus parties. Studies show that drinking is more excessive on smaller campuses, rather than at larger universities. Here at Cabrini, many students do not think before they drink, or after, for that matter. What will it take before people stop getting behind the wheel after they have been drinking? The "friends" of these sadistic statistics are by no means off the proverbial hook. True, society has watered down the visionary phrase "Friends don't let friends drive drunk." But has anybody bothered to test this simple concept? Two years ago, the death of a Cabrini student in a DUI accident opened the eyes of this campus community to the perils of irresponsible drinking. Students monitored their drinking and that of their classmates and friends. Two years later, that startling vision is again beginning to blur. Corny as it sounds, we are a community of sorts, a family. As with any family, it is our moral prerogative and mandate to protect the lives of our campus siblings. We owe it to ourselves and to each otherto watch out foroursel ves and each other. No doubt alJ ofus would much rather see a friend safely put to bed than tearfully laid to rest. It has happened before. Please, do not let it happen again.
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All the efforts for the peace garden have really paid off. With __A the excess of warm weather, people have utilized the benches for ~ studying and socializing. Also, out of 116 worldwide colleges and · universities, Cabrini won a bronze award for special event programming because of the peace garden dedication last year.
rn \)
aboutfiiendship.I realizeit is not the quantityof friendsihave,butthequalityofthosefriends.Ialso kimberly leamedthatatruefriendisonetowhomlcanshow m. haban thegood,bad and ugly, and theywill stillloveme. That concept works bothways. editor in My eyes also have been opened to the world chief around.meand the problemsthatplaguesociety.I have developeda more openview of these problemsand hardships.I learnedthatI can domy part to makesocietya littlebetterby helpingthoseless IfI wereto writemy versionofJohnFulgham's fortunatethan myself. Giving up a few hours a "EverythingI Needto Know I Learnedin Kinder- weekto spendwith abusedchildrenor to feed the garten," it would be titled"EverythingI Need to homeles.5does not harmme in any way and helps Know I Learned My Junior Year of College." others,at leastfor a while. MaybeI am a slow learner. With that idea,I also learnedthatdoing what I I learnedthateveryonehasa differentviewand am ableto do to helpothersisenough.I willnever op~onaboot things.Notwo areexactlythesame, beabletoeliminatealloftheworld'sevils.Ibelieve and there is nothingwrong withthat. In fact it is a whatanoldpriestoncesaidtoayoungpriest, 'We good thing becausethat is what makes you the cannot eliminatedirt; we can only help to control personyouareandmethepersoniam.Ifweallhad it" thesameopinion,we wouldallbethesameperson. Theconcepts we learnin collegeare supposed What a boringworld that would be. to be the ideas we practicehere and take out and Not only did I learnthateveryonewillalways applyin the "real world" I took full advantageof haveadifferentopinion,butllearnedhowtolisten my college education this year. I received my to thoseopinionswithan openmind Thisdoesnot $16,CXX> worth. However,it frustratesme that in meanI hadto accept those views. Itjust meansI this "community of learners"as Dr. Antoinette triedto understandthem. ThemoreI understand Iadarolacalls it, peopledo not take full advantage of the educationtheycan receive. To quoteNikki Giovanni,one of the many people from whom I notmeaniamgivingupmyideaoryouaregiving learned this year, ''The unthinkingpeople are fools." I learnedthatthere will alwaysbe fools. up yours. It meansthat both of us are mature Thisyearhasbeen the biggestlearningexperienoughto cometo an agreement I realiz.edthat ence for me yet. Ifididn'tlearn it in kindergarten, compromisingis a big part of beinghappyin life. and I haven't learnedit as of now,I wonderif and Myjunioryearwasonethatalsotaughtmealot when I evecwill.
Iu12sand de,wns i....-~
lifetime of learning
Who were the culprits that wrote graffiti with permanent markers on the benches in the peace garden? What an intelligent way to convey student opinion. If you are going to vandalize the campus, make sure you can spell degrading comments the right way.
The sports banquet was a commendable effort to acknowledge lll8Cabrini's athletes. Although the idea was well respected, the $15 charge for non-students was inconceivable.
le_tt_e_rs __ ll
Studentdefends organization Totheeditor:
Editors in chief: Kimberly M. Haban & Heather McAllister Managing Edttors: MaryJane Inman & Danielle DiMarco PerspectivesEdttors: MaryJane Inman & Danielle DIMarco News Edttors: Megan Flanigan & Steve May Associate News Editors: Kevin Ohlant & Kelly McDonald
I wouldlike to expressmy disgust about the AssistantNews Editor: Maryanne Walker editorial"Get involved,make a differeoce."In- Arts and EntertainmentEdttors: Belinda Desher& Gary White steadof makinga studentget upandjoin SGA,the Assistant Arts Editor:RosanneCarfagno editorialmakesSGA look like a bunch of losers Features Editors: Katherine Ross & Gary WMe ~ People, we realize the end of the year is quickly approaching, who had nothingelse betterto do. . Everyoneon Sports Editors: Deanna D'AHonso,Brendan Noone & Bob SGAcaresa lot If studentsheani promisingfacts ~ but must you continously destroy your own living conditions? Macartney aboutSGA,maybethey wouldjoin. If theyonly Graphic Designers: Ambreen Alladin & Tim Conway When you don't receive·your fu11room deposit back,do not comhearnegativethings like"SGAiscnnnbling-fast," plain! Editorial Cartoonist: Francis Kelly or"activitiesarepoorlyattended," then I wouldn't Writing Coach & Copy Editor: Doug Eppler join either. I haveto disagreewith the ')ust get involved" Copy Editors: Joanne Carbone & Belinda Desher statement It mightcreatemoreproblemsrather Business Manager: Diane Osborn thensolvingall of them. We wantpeoplewhoare Photography Editors: Eric Barbuscia & Dawnielle Klopp willingto take SGA seriouslyand doo't just want Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie a title. We havesucceededmanytimesin pullingoff Advisers: Anne Fahy and Debbie Nolen events.You focgotaboutthe hauntedhoose. We siaff: Keith Ahlas. Ambreen Alladin, Dana Caterson, Paul Crowell, Corinne Egan, Robert Evans, Christine had to turn peq,le away. Labroli, Matthew Macsisak We do notserveasjust a second-rateactivities Photography Staff: Matt Macsisak. Krista Milito boaro. Did you know that half of us are on Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by committees such as the conduct review board, students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is trafficcommitteeandaseaichcommitteetoreplace included in the benefits secured by tuition and student JenniferMarl<-Gold?We alsoplayeda bigpart in fees. gettingridof the visitationpolicyin the houses. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters be signed and the authorship known to the As to the remadethatfirst-yearstudentsdoo't should editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor evenknowwhatSGAis,freshman ballotswerefull agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as thisyear.Asforthestudentswhoareunaware,they ·name withheld at the request of the writer.· Letters be typed. double-spaced and no more than 300 shouldgettheirheadsoutofthesand, becauseSGA should words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense !t. Letters to the is publicized. editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. Did this editorialcloseout thelast issueof the ·editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the year, or was-itjustanother opinior1 furn Loquitur The view's of the student editorial staff and the individual . IJ<1i backedtip·t>y half..decentfacts? Maybeit was writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and RADNOR. FIREU?.just a plug,sincehalfof the staffranforoffice. administration. Sincerely, . Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open AnneMarieMaw-o,junior discussion of issues. SGAExecutive SocialActivities~
I · I-
loquitur •
more STAFFfrom 1 "lfladarola was really invested in what want to concentrate on petty squabbles, the actual mission of the college is, most but to emphasize the importance of of this would get cleared up," a staff source maintaining the "little" things that said. ''The fact that everyone is afraid to make a college run smoothly. criticize her in print is absolutely ridicu"You have to take care of the nuts and lous, but I understand it.•• bolts of the college before you worry Other staff members complained they about the future," the staff member said. have not received responses fromthe presi- "Our problems with Iadarola are not just dent, or a "thank you" after completing a about office supplies." particular task. There is at least one office that has an "We know she values our donors, extremely limitednumberof pens. Worlcbut it would be nice for her to value ers must tie their pens to the desks so they the staff a little more." another man- are not lost. Many Staffmembers said sion source said. they are being asked to do extra tasks in
friday, may 7, 1993
Fire department examines hazards
Manystaff memberssaid the entire theirres~veoffaces.andtoputinlonger hours. but are not seeing an increased budget Iadaro~'s personal stylebecausesheis so Anotheroffice suffetsfrom a lack of different from the previouspresident, Sis- paper. This causeseven lhe smallest of colJege needs time to adjust to change. Some said they have a problem with
ter Eileen Cunie, MSC. "Our last president basically sat back and let people do what they wanted," a staff member said. ''That's not Iadarola's style. She is ambitious and energetic. lt bas been her lifelong dream to be a college president, and this is the culmination of her career. She has an ideal picture in mind of what she wants." Not all the comments made about Iadarola have been negative. According to Laude Turns,associate director of admissions, "The changes Iadarola wants to make are for the good of the institution. But change takes time for everyone, and we have to consider that it is difficult." Directorof Admissions Nancy Gardner said the college community bas to take the time to adjust to new leadership. "I agree that change takes time for adjustment,'' Gardner said. "What we have to remember is that. from time to time. everyone may fly off the handle. or reject a suggestion. We need to explain our reasoningto thepresident and notjust give a blank 'yes• or 'no' to her. She wants intelligent responses.'' Another mansion source does not
tasks to be prolonged."There are only so manyhours in the week,and ifwe have no paperto print on, what can we do?" a
Mansionsourcesaid. "Iadarola doesn't care."
LaurieTums, ~ directorof adJnis. sions,saidshefeelsthestaffinherofficen:ceives adequateresources to fulfill their duties. She · saidshe acceptS havingto ll">t!thosereSOWl'es wiselyand to nOtbewasteful. ''With our goal of recruiting235first-year students,Iadarolabasicallyhas said 'What do youneed?', and she's providedit," Tumssaid. •'!feelbetteraboutmyownjob.I feelimponant, and1agreethat weshouldbeunderthemicroscope.If we're beingprovidedwithresources, we shouldbe heldaccountable for what we do withthern." Although manystaffmeroberssaid they would like to criticize Iadarola publicly, they emphasized the differences between themselves and others on campus. "We are not members of the missionary sisters, and we do not have tenure," a staff sc:,urcesaid. "We have to worry'" about our jobs and our families."
pholo b) D:iwniclle Klopp
Hidden amidst trees and shrubs, this antiquated fire hydrant, and three others, may hinder efforts to extinguish a fire on campus. Only two out of the four hydrants are functional, according to the Radnor Fire Company. by Corinne Egan
hydrants if necessary.They would need pipe wrenches,which are not nonnally in the nuclcs. ThinkbacktoyourfirstcampusvisittoCabrini. Theysubsequentlyhavegoneoutandboughtthese Most incomingstudentsare concernedprimarily wrenchesspecificallyfor Cabrinihydrants. "The college is working on fixing the hywithhousing."What dothedonnitorieslooklike? How big ismy room? Are the bathroomsclean?" drants, but at this time, if there was a fire. we'd How many of us ever thoughtto ask about the probably have to run hoses in off a working college'sfireregulationsandfiresafetyrneasures?hydrant on the street," a Radnor Fire Depart• Accidentshappen,and they oftentum deadJy.Is ment official said. Caranfa said Radnor Fire Company Chief the placewheremany of us worlc,live and study properlyequippedwiththepreventiverneasurestoFngineerJim Kellyfirstbroughtthe fire hydrant prQblemtohisattention.Caranfahadan insurance ward'usagainstsuch a tragedyasa fire? hydrants to An inspection of the fourfire hydrants:On com~y put -gauges,oo the-fOI.Jf campus, by the Radnor Township Fire Com- detenninethewaterpressure.Tlµstellshowmany pany, found the hydrants in need of cleaning gallonsof water flowsout of the hydrantevery and repair, perhaps even replacement. Only hour. The other hydrantsare locatednear mainteone of the four hydrants is in working order. The fire companydid not imply that the college nance,bytheroadthatleadsto UpperGulphRoad, was in violation of any fire codes. According on themansionsideof GraceHalland acrossfium to Mike Caranfa,directorof physicalplant, the thefiuntdoorsof thechapel.Caranfasaidtheyare hydrants have been in the same positions and locatedintheseplacesinrelationtothetwooriginal style, with rounded heads, since the college buildings,GraceHallandthe Mansion. Caranfasaidasidefrom thehydrants,thecamwas built. One of these hydrants are in front of . pus is completewithsmokealarmsand fireextinthe Mansion near the convent. "If a fire were to start in the basement of the guishers. In additionto security,theRadnorFire inspection Mansion, the building would be engulfed in a Companyandaprivatecontractordoan of all seven houses quarterly. short period of time because it is not made of "All systems are self monitoring,"Caranfa steel, like some of the newer buildings are," said. "If a wirebreaks,a troublesignalalanns, and Caranfa said. we take careof it Becauseof thesemonitors,there Workis going to be doneover the summer, is really no reasonto do frequentchecks." accordingtoCaranfaThereis currentlyanemerRichard Kralle,director of security,said fire gencyplanoncampus,butbySeptembertherewill drills are routinely doneoncea monththroughout be laminatedescaperoute plans hung in every theentirecampus.Accordingto Kralle,themajor residencehall. Plansfor thesummeralso includethe Radnor problemisstudentsdischargingfireextinguishers. Fire Companyto do some trainingon campus. He saidthisishappeningnowbecauseit istheend This will make the fire company more familiar of the schoolyear andthereis a lot of partyingis with the campus. It will be safer for everyone goingon. Kralleremindsstudentsthatdischarging becausethefire fighterswill be ableto movefaster fireextinguishersisa criminalact andif theperson iscaught.theycould be prosecuted Thereare six whenthey knowthe layoutof the campus. extinguishers ineveryhouseandmorethandouble Inthemeantime,becauseoftheroundedheads, that nwnber in the buildingson campus. the Ftre Company could not easily open the
staff writer
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May 10 July I
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fridaY, may 7 1 1993
Lastin a series
Defining the 1990s
by Katherine Ross
though,therehas been a lotof divorce.·• Notonly is thelackofthefamilyunitfaltering, so is the abilityto get morethanour parents. Were you bornbetweenthe years of 1%5 and "I feelthatifl havehalfa5much as my parents, 1975? Are you feelinga littlelost lately? Do you I'll bedoingOK.''Maiosaid.'·Butifmyparentsare thinkthat maybe thingsare not how they are sup- notgettingthetypicalArnericandream. whoistosay posed to be? that I will be ableto get it?" Welldon'twony,youarenotalone.Youareone Accordingto Maio, her idea of the American of 50 millionnear-20-year-oldswho arepart of an dreamisthecar,thehouseinthesuburbs,therightjob ilinstriousgroup. This group has been labeled andahappyfamily.Maiostatedthatshefelttohave GenerationX, the fast forwardgeneration,yiffies moreor thesameas whatherparentshave, she will (young,individual,freedom-mindedand few)and have to work harder, but that might not even be thebabybusters. enough. AccordingtoanarticlethatappearedinPersonal '·Peoplealwaystold me that when I got out of Journalin March l 992, ;.Managingthe babybust- collegeit\.vouldbe my turn forthejobs,the future," ers." by CharleneManner Solomon,people who Maio said."But now thatl'malmostoutofschool, where born in this time periodare labeledas baby I can seetherestillis a longlineaheadof me." busters becausethey are not a group that can be With all of the ills of society looking at this definedby one setof principles.ideasor actions. younggeneration,it isoftenwonderedwhetheror Solomonalsosaidtherearemanyproblemsthat notthereishopeforthefuture. Someoneneedsto plaguetoday's society. They see aheadof them a take responsibilityfortheproblemsthatareoccurcountrythatisfailingeconomically. Acountrythat ring and try to remedy the mistakes that have sociallyis falling to pieces. And they wonder if happened. prosperityis reallyjust a joke. With all of these "I am going to do my part," Maio said. "No problems,itisnowonderthisgroupoftenfeelslost. one wantsto be responsiblefor a downfall. But if Theywony about theeconomy,wheretheywillfit youcanjumpinanddoyourpart, thatisallsociety intothejob marketand familyproblems. can ask of you." "A lot of the reasons we have problems is Accordingto Maio,everyonewhois incollege becauseof thebreakdownoffamilyvalues,"Peggy orisat leastaneducatedpersonisa solution.Maio Maio,junior,said."Itissoclichetosay, but itisthe stated the changes have to start deeper than the truth.'' White House. They need to start with local and A Timemagazinearticlereported40percentof stategovernment. peopleintheir20sarechildrenofdivorceandmore "However,no change will take placeuntilthe then40 percentwere latchkeychildren. Solomon peoplestandupand ask for it,"Maio said. "When saida~a resultof this,babybustersfeelmarriageis askingdoesnot work, we mustdemandit. Unfornota "when"butan "if." tunately,Ithinkwehavecornetothemuststage, and "My immediatefamilyisveryclose.Myparents ithastohappenorelseldon'twanttoknowwhatthe areincredible."Maiosaid."Inmyextemalfamily, nicknamesforthenextgeneration will be." features editor
On ...
by Harumi Miyabayashi
Campus Ministrey's Francesca Bansbach sits in the Peace Garden.
guest writer Deep in the Campus Ministry Office is a woman who encourages students to participate in the outreach to the homeless program or the prison literacy program, a woman who attends the 11:45 liturgydaily in the Cabrini chapel, a woman who always greets people with a smile. This woman is Francesca Bansbach. Bansbach came to Cabrini as campus minister six years ago afterteaching religion at Villanova University. Before that she was the director of religious education at St. Bernadette's Parish in Drexel H iiI. Bansbach said she likes working with the Cabrini students the most. "I try to be available to help and advise students in fulfilling their public service requirements for Seminar 300. " The paper work is the worst part of the job, she said. Bansbach has been married for six years. Her brother, sister and parents live in Reading. She said they are a very supportive family. Sometimes students come to her and talk about their problems, whether they be personal or concerning religious beliefs. She is also an adviser for those on the Campus Ministry Council. For a break from her work, she enjoys walking or reading. Bansbach's philosophyis to have all kinds of good relationships with people and God.
Talking about my generation
She wants Cabrini students to keep growmg inMotherCabrini'sspirit. They should care for other people and have respect for them. She would also like students to be alway~ true to themselves and the spirit of Cabrini college. "Francesca is wann, compassionate and very concernedforothers." Sister Bernadette Anello, director of campus ministry, said. "She pitches in with all her might." "I like her a lot, she seems very quiet at first, but is very accepting ofothers," Junior Tricia Daley said. "But she can't play miniatur~ golf to save her life." "Francesca is someone who always gets tasks done, is good about checking in and values the components of team work,'' Anello said. Anello believes Bansbach's ability to listen is her best attribute. "I have really valued the six years we have worked together," she said. Rev. Ambrose Cashman, campus minister, described Bansbach as quiet yet caring and capable. "She is truly a ministering person and a hard worker," he said. Cashman feels Bansbach' s best ability is teaching. "She sees her role as one who empowers others to do things.'' she said. "She is a special kind of a person and is very willing to share herself with everyone. especially the students," he said.
giventhemostfocusby societysincetheirrecognition in the'50s. Thisgroupwa5firstto be coinedas news editor "yuppies·'and now haveblossomedinto so much A couple of weeks ago, I got really angry. I more. This age group holds a lot of the "expert" defineourgenerntionas Everyone CanPlay! openedupan issueofSpinm3eoazine. The issuewas positions.These"expe11s" Playh theCoochSpaml'P< Hoop-It.Upat andlost dedicatedto ..my generntion." In it they '1ad an beingrebellious,anti-social.self-destructive GIFTS FOREVERY PLAYER HahomhyMal:.uie 12·13)or theEch<lonMal (.u,e 19-1!0).lt"sthe -officld3-on-3 bosl<ttbal ""-<namert. • Hoof>it-Up !·Shit .......................... 112 alternativecultureinsertfromA-Z. In thissection. tohumanity.Yetlfinditunbelievablyironicthat20 Youn«d 3 pio)en f9<5 10 ot <11<r. A •lh (subslilute) • 1 HorlanWlzardsTICket ..................110 o01)Ciona,. theyportrnyed"us" as being ignorant.anarchistic. yearsago this same demographicwas giventhese • 2 Frrilin InstituteTlct«ts................. 117 ◄ PlliaddpluaPor1c Tickets ................112 violent.materialistic and nihilistic.And thatwas in san1elabelsby their elders. Only then they were Everyone's a Winner! •• 21.aSol< Blllk<tboll Tickets...............$12 called'"hippies." EVUIpioy<r!<Is• FRfEHoop-it-Upt-shortandCM! theletter'·A"alone. • 2 T<lrfJleFoott>an r~uts ................... $20 l100dfrtebdets Therebellious··hippies'·ofthe'(50shavebecome • 2 VilanovaFootba!Tod<ets ................ $26 Seeff youca, win• dMsion championsnp.Thereare What frustratedme themostaboutthis issueof • 2 Reading Phllll<s flCkets...................... $7 75s,p.nte dMlionsfof 10U1h, l«rlO!le and oaAtteam,, Spinwa~that it wasbeingmade intoan issue.Spin the preachyex-"yuppies.. of the '90s. They have Youcompete 09"ll1'tteams01eq.,al abditybased upon Presented ~ and ~ TOIII 'fllucof GIiii Per l'llycr ..........$116 )'OIi' t<am\ <rl'ffl9< 19<, hei9ht, and slcJI wa~jumping on the bandwagon of every other transferredtheirabilitytochangetheworldintothe By f!l ~ Get )'OIi' tun togetherandentu today' mediasource.psychologistand New Ageprophet. abilityto blameallof the world's problemson the Complete ThisEntryFormandEnterToday! J Waysto Enter... It was ti) ing to label the generntion of young young. They gave up. I CAil 1-1100.377-6882, 9 011 - 11 pm,(M-f) By readingtlus,you areprobablyseeingme as I FAXTo,(215)825•◄<55 LJMAI. Cheocor CreditCardIntoTo Americansborn between the years of 1960and HM your aedlt ca-dready CredotCMdsror Hoop-It-Up, Box22, t.afayttk Hill,PA19◄« 1978.We havebeencalled..post-yuppies."''baby angryandbittertowardssociety.lam. Idonotthink Efflll:1fflll hlf)'iJtc•OldCCMWiD-~i..,.Fora.0.1 MndQM.EfttM'lrtat.redlftet,...tair,,..,.JIMl111w it is fair for me and my peers to be criticiz.ed and busters.····thenew LostGeneration''and ·'Generaf.0Mtlha+f,...,PA-.k.nt1t-ll,t99l 3,0locJI~ KJ.MfecttotpllClfflMlbiltJ_ 2.C Ec:hdon.......kJ-M'W:19--I0,199l 1-,i:iuPIJirllla).wou_ts,•-.._ □Chut«IIIClffle)"orOlr~'°'1ioop«-l,ti" Or tionX.'' ButIthinkthebesttermfor'·our" generation blarnedforallofArnenca·sproblemswhenwehad ,,,_,..,illl1----, ....... on ,,_.,1110,owr 1 ..... ....,.. ............. ~=h!NG .-1 ..,., 0\154 O~~ ONIU. UOf5COlf'DI nothingto do withthem. isno termat all. Otlt.501•--anwOJ~fll'IMIW'l""M• on ..,,.,__ _.'-"""-'~" ~:i~!!:::..(WI-~:;%!~.-iua Weareaccusedofhavingnofamilyvalues. Yet I think thesethings for two reasons.They are OHUSI•__,.°"..., CJSlttSt•---1iea on ....,.-.,.,,,..._~""'._...,. ODISOll.,_Ol!tca 01) ,..,,,QIDl'llutill'l'blm_,_JII...._ inthe70s,thedivorceraterose ..... -.111 .... , .. u, u,,,..,.,,__ ,-..~-.--. attemptingto blameallof theworld's problemson duringourchildhood, OS19'11•~o..-OM9.'1r•~-"on Hladl.,,.._...,-.:;pi•"'3 □•k~11,.._11111..-. Ont.'5flPll'CII•~ UIS 9"J"dtGlll..,_.,'ldlo. to50percent WeareaccusedofhavingpromiscuGrrt..... .., ... ,._ us and are trying to capitalize on our apparent LMehlaQ .. '1_..,. .. ,,,.,. oussex. Yetthetelevisionandbigscreenportrnysex stupidity. Ever notice how our demographicis TeamName Butthe called ignorantand senselessby the same people asOK. Weareaccusedofbeinguneducated. (aptain Sa: OM Of Player2 Saa QM OF Pllrt<r3 So. OM al Pla)oer ◄ (Optional) "' a• a r idea of the open classroom and modem math was whosaythat''TheJetsons''iseducationalprc>gr"dlll...... created by the ''hippie-then-yuppie-now-mommyrning? "' ,. Ialsodonotthinkourgenerationcanbedefined and-daddy"agebracket. ..,,.,._, ,. "-"--! .._.._I Most of the people reading this are students .. ,._I duetothefactthatthedefinersthemselvescaneasily ,. ... bebroughtintoquestion. Theprirnaryagegroupthat betweentheagesofl8and22. Many,insorneway, Oari.l ... -.. • .....,._, ......... oa..c11••--.,.._,_,......,.. 00........... ,_,..._ OCIiia .. .__ .. ....,..,_,...__ (StUS ... lh4,._.,._~,.,..._...,__..,_ is criticizingu~is the fortysornething"yuppies." havehadtodealwiththestereotypesandrnisconcep- .......(114.N.-,IN).lo,...,..._.._~ffH.N....,,_~,_.....,_..,_,..,._ ~ ........... t □- DMD .............. -4.111-....1Olll ONi> ,__ .. ......,........,, O,_ OMQ ,_.. ... 0• Ol O>t 0.,. ,....,a,,. □ l oa ~• ,..,..,...a. Ol o• au tions ofthosewho "know better." But bear in mind ,., ..... a. Ol OA aa Theyarethe"newpowergeneration''andhavebeen ---a.dtcct,_..,,at..,....,__ OMD,__,_..~ 01tttr.....i,_.,.~ Olllt,___,_...,~ that thosewhoknow betterhave droppedthe ball. Oatr~i..,,....-... 0~-~ OC.,,~~-a«..,._...__ OMfitkl-'._.,. 01«111,C,. ...... o..,.klwll...., OMtJt1ct1oo1...,. _ g=::...,.~-----Twentyyearsagotheyplannedtochangetheworld. g=-~,.,_ ___ g=::,._~,._ ____ g=::.:..•,.:_,._ ___ _ Now most of them areonlychangingdiapers. Allofthemembers'·our''generationhavepaths wecan choose.Wecan be losersanddo everything ~------------....... that is (or isnot)expectedof us. Or we can fightto make a difference.And untilwe are allon one side TheHIIA's .PowwwWln! Official 3-on-3 We've only just begun. of thepathortheother,letthernkeepondefiningu.~ TCMIMlllaltl f!I\II' SPAu>ING. $TOYOTA as "GenerationX." Becauseonlywe canmake the -KarenCarpenter final choice. by Steve May
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arts & entertainment
friday, may 7, 1993
to pay another visitto Cabrini Maryanne Walker assistant news editor "Well, though sweet beef, I must be good angel to thee. The money shall be paid back again to advantage." This quote. taken from Shakespeare's ··Henry IV," Part I. will be heard again during Philadelphia's Shakespeare In The Park production of the play here at Cabrini. Shakespeare refers to money and advantage in this quote. But money is not needed to take advantage of the opportunity to see the play on one of the Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday nights. It will be performed beginning July I 0. The play is free because Neal Newman, theater director who will be directing "Henry IV" part I, said it is a form of community service. "We're bringing classical theatre to people who may not go near it otherwise because of the usual cost," Newman said. Sometimes tickets to see Shakespeare's plays can cost up to $50. If someone does not understand the language of Shakespeare, Newman said,
John Heffron and Steve Salotto duel in last year's producion of "Hamlet" he or she should attend this production because there is no cost, which will enable a person to see the play as often as it takes for them to appreciate it. The play previews begin July 2, and opening night is July 10. Closing night is August 7. According to Newman, "Henry IV," part I, will be the eighth production of Shakespeare in the Park done in the Philadelphia area. It is the second play involving Cabrini students and the campus. Last year was the first year Cabrini students participated in Shake peare In
The Park. Hamlet was performed at both Cabrini and Spring Garden College in Philadelphia. "Last summer the rain was a problem," Newman said. "Fifty percent of the performances were lost due to rain." Weather is a major factor in putting on a Shakespeare In The Park play because it is an outdoor experience. Newman said "it is a game of luck" when dealing with Mother Nature during an outdoor production. "Henry IV," Newman said, should be of much interest to college students because of the excitement it portrays.
According to a written analysis of the play by Senior Courtney O'Connor and Neal Newman, "Henry JV,'' part I, concentrates on a story of a young man with two father figures One father is known to be stnct and cold, and demands respect and total obedience from his son. This character is Henry IV. The son is Prince Hal, the next K10g of England, who enjoys the company of Sir John Falstaff much more than hi!> own father. Falstaff is a man we1gh10g 400 pounds, with a piggish and wild personality. He has no future, yet thoroughly enjoys the present by indulging in women and liquor. Prince Hal follows Falstaff's footsteps during his teen-age years by being fully entertained by hanging out in whorehouses. having several affairs and drinking lots of booze. In the end. Prince Hal takes the throne and is the epitome of his father, surprising everyone. Junior Belinda Desher. sound and music engineer said, "The play is about sex, alcohol, buzz in' at the Tavern. chasing women and duking it out. It's total entertainment for college students.•· Newman said there are a number of students from Cabrini involved in this summer's production. Senior Chris McMahon will be the technical director. Junior Belinda Desher, for the second year, will carry the title of sound and music engineer. Other positions include Junior Peggy Maio as administrative assistant, graduate Jennifer Teichmann as graphics designer, Junior Eileen Doyle as costumer and Courtney O'Connor as dramaturge. Junior Cheryl Croce will also take an active part in the production. Newman said if students are searching for "grand entertainment" full of excitement and history then "Henry IV" is the play to see for free this summer.
Senior artists display their talents Gary White features, arts & entertainment editor Art pieces ranging from pencil sketches to oil paintings decorated the second floor library walls between April I 8 and 30. These creations were the work of seniors Mary Kate Fannon, Lisa Lipar and Nancy Brown. It was the annual seniors art exhibit. The custom of displaying the seniors' an 10 the fine arts gallery of the librar) has held s10ce a fine arts major was established in 1980. Dr. Adeline Bethany. chairperson of the fine arts department. said the exhibit 1s a requirement of all graduating seniors in the
major. One of the art instructors is assigned to help students with the exhibit and create a portfolio. The students and instructor decide what will be displayed, Bethany said. "I think the exhibit 1s impressive, diverse, well executed and· pleasing," Bethany said. ·'It shows creativity. I am very proud of the seniors.'' Fannon 1s one of these proud sen10rs. She first got interested in art after taking art classes 1n high school in order to graduate. Fannon says she likes doing draw10gs the most. '"It comes easiest:· she said.
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Nothing in particular inspires Fannon. ··1 just love to do it," she said. She also likes to include people in her drawings. Graphics are also something she likes to do. She chose to hang assorted graphics in her section of the show because she would like to get involved 1n advertis10g after graduating. She would like to work in a studio in the future. Of al I Fannon ·s works, she most likes her "The Lady in Life" piece Art 1s not the only thing Fannon likes. She has been playing basketball all her life. She said many people get shocked when she tells them she pla~s bask.!tball. "They don't link basketball with art." she said. In spite of the skepticism of other:,, Fannon was very excited with her first exhibit. She said it took a lot of work but feels it was successful. '"Man) people showed up for the opening.,. she said. Lipar also felt the exhibll was successful. She was , ery proud to finally see her work hanging in public. "I never had that before; it was a good feeling," she said. Lipar would like that feeling to continue by working in art after graduation. She plans to work for the Franklin Mint 10 this area, or Hallmark in Kansas City. No matter what happens, she will never give up painting. Lipar.said she would love to be a full-time painter but first needs to know commercial art. Lipar came to college an English/ communications major. She later added the fine arts major. Lipar realized she could write and communicate visually.
She considers this very important. Lipar is an actress m addiuon 10 an artist. "If you are sensitive to all areas of art, you can't help but have a love for them," she said. In addition to art and acting. Lipar likes to do photography. "l would love to be a National Geographic photographer· she said It is hard for Lipar to decide what form of art she likes co do most. She loves oil paint10g and likes draw10g also. "I am very comfortable with pencil," she said. Lipar said nature inspires her to draw. She said she can not go anywhere without feeling how wonderful painting something would be or saymg," I wish I had my camera.'· In her drawings. she hkes people with character. "I am a very visual person." she said. Brown, a continuing education student, is the third senior who had her work exhibited. She was very excited to have the exhibit. "It wasn't hard to plan.'' she said. After graduation, Brown plans to freelance. She is currently illustrat10g a children's book. At the exhibit. two of Brown's pieces sold. One of them, "Betty's quilt" is Brown's favorite piece. It is a an acrylic painting of four quilt patterns. Brown is negotiating the sale of two more pieces. Brown's favorite kind of art is 3-dimensional. This is the kind of art she will be using in the children's book she is illustrating. All three artist were happy with the exhibit and are glad they had the experience.
friday, may 7, 1993
Campus figures depart for different pursuits work Anellosaidshehas beenundergoinga newdirectorof studentactivities. "processof discernment"sinceSeptember,in Schwarzwill returnto privatepracticewith Shewishes to devotemore time to community preparationforherdecisionto leave. VanguardPsychologicalAssociatesattheendofwolk and writingfor scholarlyjournals. Reher "A discernmentprocessis aboutdecision the semester. He said he will be worlcingat notedshehasbeenbusysinceDecemberwithher Wanted:directorofcampusministry,directorof making,but it involvesa specialprocess," Vanguard'sofficesinNortheastPhiladelphiaandclasses,her writingand her serviceto an award studentactivities,directorof counseling,provost/ Anellosaid."It involveslotsofprayer...Ihad a Wyndrnoor,Pa, withfourotherdoctors,provid- committee on which she has been evaluating academicdean,chairpersonof the religiondepart- menlor,someonelmetwithoncearnonthtotalk. ingindividual,coupleandfamilytherapy. Schwarz theologicalessaysandpapersforthreeyears. "One thing I am not doing,"Reher said, "is ment , residentdirectorand chairpersonof the overthisconcem,thisquestion." said he has maintainedhis practicepan-time rolling overandplayingdead." physicaleducationdepartment.ContactCabrini Marl<s-Gold, directorof studentactivities whileworkingat Cabriniforthreeyears,andhe The collegeissearchingfora replacementfor Collegefordetails.(Who saysthere arenojobs out forthreeyears,saidsheneedstimeto bringher now feelsthe timeis rightto movebackto fullReher,whohasservedatCabrinifor20years. fustchildintotheworld.Thebaby'sduedateis there?) timewolkin the field. Afterthreeyears as residentdirectorof the Sr.BemadetteAnello,Jennifer Marl<s-Gold,Dr. June 15,giveor taketwo weeks,Marl<s-Gold Scheisler,academicdean forfiveyears,said Woodcrestdormitory, Hazelrigghasresignedto DanSchwan,Dr.AntoinetteScheisler, Dr.Marg- said.Shesaidshewill finishoutthisacademic sheplanstobeginwolkinanewfieldandhasbeen pursueotheropportunities.Shesaidsheisnotsure aretReher, AnnaHazelrigg,and Helen"Goody" year beforetakinga maternityleaveand will studyingfor thepositionfor six years. Shewill Goodwinwill finishthis academicyear in their retumtoCabrinibythestartofnextsemester"if attendtheVirginiaTheologicalSeminaryforone whatshewill pursuenext. Goodwin,chairpersonof thephysicaleducarespectivepositions.Then, forreasonsasdiverseas thebabycooperates." year and then will be ordaineda deacon in the tion department,saidshewill retireat theendofthis the individuals,these seven facesof Cabriniwill Upon her return to the 110rollingacres, Episcopalchurch.Scheislereventuallywill be schoolyearbecause'Tmold." Sheaddedthatshe -headtheirseparateways. Marl<s-Goldwill enter a differentoffice as ordainedapriestintheEpiscopalchun:h. Shesaid will teachpan-timenext year,offeringphysical ThisacademicyearwillcloseAnello's second InternationalStudent/Multi-Cultural Coordithechangeisriskybecausesheisrnovingfroma term at Cabrini. Priorto her six yearsin Campus nator.Shewill worlmotonlywithhercomrades payingpositionto anotheryearof schoolandan education for childrenon Tuesdaysand ThursMinisll)', she servedfor three yearsas directorof instudentservicesbutalsowith NancyGardner, uncertainfuture.Episcopalpriestsmustfindtheir days. Othetwise,she hopes to play tennisevery day. Goodwinhasbeenat Cabrinifor32 years. residentlife.Anellosaidhercurrentterrnhaslasted directorof admissions. Togetherthey will ownpositionsandarenotassistedbythebishop. All ofthedepartingstaffandfacultymembers three yearslongerthanher originalcommitment. recruitinternational studentsanddevelopproA searchis in progressfor a new provost/acareportedlargeamountsofsupportfromthecampus She cited her departure as panof the missionary grams for both new and returningstudents. demicdean to fillthisvacantoffice. conceptofgoingwherethereisaneed,andsaidshe Meanwhile,a committeeof faculty,staffand Reher said she will retireat the end of the intheirdecisions. plansto takea sabbaticalbeforerenuningto parish studentsisconductinga nationalsearchfor a semester butplanstocootinuetoteachonecoorse. by Doug Eppler copy editor & writing coach
updates OUR corner Ocean City Trip 5/8 oWelcome summer by taking a day trip to Ocean City, NJ. Catch some rays! Bus leaves Cabrini at 9 a.m. Seating is limited, so reserve yours early. Sign up in student services. Free!
sale at lunch and dinner on May 10 for $25. This covers the kegs and transportation to all five events for senior week only. The rest is out of your own wallet. Please cooperate and purchase the tickets in advance.
Chorus Performance 5/9 oEnjoy a delightful Sunday evening listening to the Cabrini chorus present timeless favorites by Rodgers and Hammerstein, Smokey Robinson, Joiu?Rutter and many others. The performance is free and begins at 7 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. •Bring mom, it is Mother's Day, don't forget!
SGA Executive Board For 93/94 Selected oThe 1993/94 SGA Executive Board willbe MikeTims:President,TriciaDaley: Vice President, Beth Mulvihi11:Social Activities Chairperson, Jennifer Ferris: Recording Secretary, Kevin Oblandt: Treasurer,Lisa Gambacorta,Anne Marie Mauro, and Brendan Noone: Social Activities Representatives. The Corresponding Secretary is to be
Comedy Troupe To Perform Theater Sports 5/16 oThe Comedy Troupe will perform theater sports in Xavier Great Room at 9:30 p.m. The performance is free. 7 Nights
5/16 oSeniors, only 7 days left! Come celebrate this momentous occasion at Smokey _Joe'sfor $1 beers. Senior Week 5/18-5/23 05/18-The Crawl-Transportation will be provided to Marita's, leaving the Wigwam at 8 p.m. From there you may walk or crawl to whichever bars you choose, finally ending up at the Wayne Tavern. 05/19-Softball Game, Kegs and Barbecue, all starting at the SoftbaU Field at noon. 05/20-For $10, have all you can drink, transportationwill be provided to and from the Bank. Buses will leave the Wigwam at
9p.m. 05/21-The Spirit of Philadelphia-Kegs will be in the Wigwam from 10-11 :30 p.m. Transportationto and from the ship will be provided. Buses will leave the Wigwam at ll:15p.m. 05/22-Bacalaureate Mass at 4 p.m., Roving Dinner and late night kegs in house basements. 05/23-The Final Frontier,the HastaLaVista, whatyou'veallbeenworlcingthesepastfour years for-Graduation. starting at l O a.m. Later guys!!! oTickets for the senior package will go on
announced. Congratulations! Yearbook News oThis is your last chance to buy a yearbook! Pick up your forms in the newsroom and return with cash or check to LISA NAAB, Box 293. We're sorry, but no more orders can be charged to the business office. You can guarantee yourself in the yearbook. Send them your photos! They're looking for good quality photos of spring break, trips, dorm or house life, campus activities, club events, etc. If you would like to donate photos, contact Lisa Naab or Courtney O'Connor in the newsroom or send them to Box 293. Club and organization photos will be taken next week. Please see the schedule posted around campus for specific times or contact Lisa Naab in the newsroom. Scholanhip News oThe financial aid office has recently obtained a scholarship search computer software program. This program contains informationon such scholarship sources as religious groups, clubs, organizations, and employers. Any interested student can call or stop by to sign up to use this new service. Free Resumes for Senion oThe Senior Resume Workshop meets every Tuesday from 12:30-1:30 p.m. and Thursday from 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. in Room 112 of Sacred Heart. Receive 10 free resumes.
International oMuslim Town of Zepa Set AblazeBosnian Muslim leaders reported that Bosnian Serbs set a Muslim town on fire Tuesday, killing or wounding as many as 100 people. However, the Bosnian Serb command suggested the Muslims timed the attack to provoke international military intervention. oPressure on Clinton RelievedMonday's decision by the leader of the Bosnian Serbs to accept a peace pact relieved the pressure on President Clinton to respond with military force to end the slaughter in the Balkans. oCries of 'J'Accuse' in FranceThe suicide of France's former Prime Minister Pierre Bere Govoy brought up the question of what is wrong with the political system in France. National oClinton Pushes for Budget-Deficit Cuts-
President Clinton used Tuesday's economic news to prod Congress to initiate his proposed budget-deficit cuts. oQuestions on Koresh 's Corpse-The discovery that David Koresh, the leader of the Branch Davidians, was shot in the head before a quick-moving fire destroyed the cult's compound raises many questions, said federal officers. Local oPhillies still on top-The Philles still have the best record in baseball.
o Whitman's Candy Co. Closes-Over 450 employees of the Whitman's Candy Co. in Northeast Philadelphia were laid off following the takeover of the plant by rival Russel-Stover Co.
The sources for this capsule New York Times and The phia Inquirer. Compiled McDonald, associate news
were the Philadelby Kelly editor.
curity corner Security incidents as reported by security office from Tuesday, April 27 through Monday, May 3. Public Drunkenness 04/30/93-Two Cabrini students were found sleeping around the peace pole. There were three empty Busch Light bottles found lying next to the students. Students were awaken and taken to a friend's room in Sullivan House. Drug Bag Found 04/30/93-An empty blue plastic bag which was used to bold drugs was found next to Xavier Hall steps. The area was checked for other bags but none were found. False Fire Alarm 05/1/93-Fire pull station in Lower South side of Xavier Hall was pulled. No smoke or fire wasfound. Fire alarm bells in 250,260, and 270 quads were not working correctly. Auto Accident 05/2/93-A white jeep was driving past Casey House when it stopped and backed into three parked cars. A male Cabrini student was arrested for driving under the influence. Disorderly Conduct 05/2/93-Cabrini couple was found fighting in Woodcrest parking lot. When asked to leave, Cabrini male yelled obscenities at security officer.
f riday, may 7, ·1993
Last week in the world of sports Tap in by Rosanne Carfagno staff writer
Hey there sports fans. For those of you too busy with end of year studies to check out what has happened in the world of sports, here is a quick update from last weekend. The world was stunned Friday night when Monica Seles was stabbed in the back at courtside during the Citizen Cup tournament in Hamburg, Germany. The assailant, Gunther P., a 38year-old man from eastern Germany, was arrested immediately after the attack. Authorities said the man indicated that he attacked Seles because he was a Steffi Graf fan and was tired ofSeles dominating the sport. Security measures were increased at the tournament, and the U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) reported that the security set-up for the U.S. Open would be re-examined. Seles was released Sunday from the hospital and is expected to miss at least four weeks of tennis.
Dave Waymer, a defensive back for 13 years for the New Orleans Saints, San Francisco 49ers and the Los Angeles Raiders, collapsed and died in Charlotte, N.C. Traces of cocaine were found in his blood and urine, but a medical examiner said the cause of death had not been determined. He was 34. The 13-1 long shot Sea Hero beat favorite Prairie Bayou by 2 1/ 2 lengths at Saturday's Kentucky Derby. The victory was the firstever in the Derby for his owner, 85-year-old Paul Mellon. During the final lap of the 500-mile NASCAR race in Talladega, Ala., Rusty Wallace's car flipped through the air nine times after being tapped from behind by Dale Earnhardt. Wallace was not believed to be seriously hurt in the accident. The Eagles started their three-day mini-camp Friday at Veterans Stadium. Three notable no-shows were tight end Keith Byars, defensive tackle Mike Pitts and wide receiver Fred Barnett. All three are still
Father knows best The StanleyCupPlayoffsarein Ml. $V/UliWayp.e Oretzkyis Ille all-tune~----• playoffhistory,butwhois tll~i!J-~ ~ penaltyminutesin theplayoffsenteringl993? -compiled by FatherAmbrose ~.
unsigned. Attendance at camp is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged. The Eagles also became the first NFL team to sign a first-round draft choice when they came to terms on a three-year contract with defensive tackle Leonard Renfro. Renfro, a 29 t -pound tackle from Colorado whom the Eagles selected with their second pick of the first round, signed the contract at the end of the team's three-day minicamp. High hopes are riding on new defensive end Tim Harris, who the Eagles just acquired from San Francisco. Harris has been brought in to fill Reggie White's shoes on the front line. Eagles defensive line coach Dale Haupt is chomping at the bit with the thought of having Harris and Clyde Simmons, the number one and two sack artists in the league last year, on the same line this season. How 'bout those Phillies! Dykstra, Kruk, Hollins, Daulton, and the rest look better than any Phillies team in at least a decade.
They have been unrelentless in their games. Just when you think they are beaten, they come back. Not only are the Phils in first place in the National League East, but they also have the best record in the majors. Okay, it's still early in the season, but this team is on fire. They have scored 120 runs in their 24 games, and their defense has been impeccable. They have shown a new confidence that has not come through in a Philly team since those comeback kids of the 1980 World Series team. It should be a lot of fun to watch these boys of summer turn into the men of October. Serbian Slobodan Jankovic, a 6'8" center for Panionios of Athens, broke his neck Wednesday night. He was upset over a call which fouled him out of a game in the Greek Championship semifinals and rammed his head against the cement basket support. Jankovic suffered a fractured neck vertebrae, damage to his spinal cord, and paralysis from the neck down.
A-Quote to Note "If you can laugh a little bit, think a little bit, and be so moved by emotion that you cry a little bit, then you have led a full day." -Jim Valvano,
Tennis endures wrath of Mother Nature by Ambreen AllmJin
staff wrzter Despite being hammered with the bad weather early this year, the men's tennis team was able to pull off a 6-10 record for the season. Considering that five of those losses were suffered at the hands of top-notch competition at the Hilton Head tournament, the team played much better than the record shows. As Coach Reggie Day said, "The record doesn't always reflect the quality of play or level of competition." Hilton Head brought together some of the best competition the team saw all season. Cabrini played three teams that were national top 20 division III schools as well as two division I schools. Another detriment to the team's record this year was the weather. According to Day, the team was playing super tennis until the Blizzard of '~3. "The season went very well, if it weren't for the weather it could have been much better. It left a hole in the season, but every other team was hit just as hard," said Day.
In fact, the Friday before the snow, they had a tremendous practice and were really geared for the season. However, the courts were wiped out by the snow and were not able to be cleared for a week. The snowfall resulted in five postponements of matches, and there was not enough time to reschedule all of them. According to Day, these matches could not be rescheduled and they lost some easy wins. Day said, "Teams from Rutgers Camden, Cheney and Lincoln are teams we always beat, but we just did not have time to reschedule." The team placed second in the conference in regular season play, the highest rank ever for a Cabrini's men's tennis team. This year there were no PAC tennis conference championships, because there were not enough parti ci pati n g schools. However, according to Day, if they had played these matches, the team had an excellent shot for number one in the PAC. "Anything could have happened," he added. More than anything, it is the
players that make the game and slot. "He is a player that will this year's team "played real help us down the road; he really did a nice job," according to tough" to get where they did. Jim Landon, senior and co- Day. Co-captain Patti also percaptain, was seeded number one this season. According to Day, formed -well this season. He "he played very, very well - he was seeded at number six for had some shoulder trouble but most of the season but was he put out 100 percent; as a boosted up to number five at senior captain, well you could the Hilton Head tournament. not ask for anything more." Patti also received the Coaches Landon also received the A ward for the third consecutive Coaches Award this year, along year. Javier Caelles, an exchange with junior Jeff Patti. student from Spain, also proved The number two singles seed to be an asset to the team, playwas held by first-year student Loe Dao. He finished with a 9- ing in the six, seven and eight 7 singles record and is described seeds during the season. He captured the Most Improved by Day as a smooth player Player of the Year award and whose losses were close. Named Rookie of the Year, Dao according to Day, has "a bright tennis future." has a bright tennis future. Senior Dave Thompson rounded Senior Dan Newell played in the number three position this out the top eight this year. Due to season. "He is a strong player, . a knee injury he missed almost the and he played some strong entire season but was able to play and win in one of the last matches people," Day said. Junior Matt Cahill played the of the season. As Patti put it, "We had a very number four seed and was the big winner this season with a 9- talented team, and due to weather 7 singles record and an 8-8 and time constraints we did not doubles record. He does "a play up to our standards, but without Reggie's knowledge of the super job," said Day. Bill Marchel, first-year stu- game, we would have done a lot dent, played in the number five worse."
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friday1 may 7 1 1993
Athleteshonoredat sportsbanquet ~
by Bob Macartney
sports editor
A number of athletes gathered in hopeful anticipation. Speeches were given. Awards were handed out. The hours ticked off the clock. Was this the ESPY Awards? No, it was the Cabrini College Athletic Banquet. For the first time m years. the Athletic Banquet was held on the l 10 rolling '.tcresof Cabrm1. The invitees and their parents gathaed for dinner m the cafeteria at 3:30 p.m. The nwards ceremony began at 5:15 p.m. in the Grace Hall Atrium. Many athletes were honored. The following is a list ofawards given out at the banquet. and a few that should have been.
Men·sCrossCountry 'Vlost Improved- Doug Eppler \1VP- Doug Eppler
Women'sCrossCountry Rookie of the Year- Heather Teti Improved- Tammy Pfeiffenberger MVP- Denise Tucker
Women·sBasketball Rookie of the Year- Patty Carr, Karen Lawrence. Dana Mills . MVP- Mary Kate Fannon
Men'sBasketball Rookie of the Year- Billy Carr Most Improved- Joe McGowan MVP- Billy Carr
FieldHockey Most Improved- Kerri Brambilla MVP- Veronica O'Hara, Kristyn Rudnick
Most Spirited and Dedicated Cheerleader-Jenny Williams Women'sTennis Rookie of the Year- Kim Scarborough Most Improved- Maura Wiswall Coach's A ward- Katen Bell MVP- Celeste Eschbach
Men'sTennis Rookie of the Year- Loe Dau Most Improved- Javier Caulis Coach's Award- Jeff Patti, Jim Landon '" MVP- Matt Cahill
Outstanding Freshman- Joe Ricci Most Versatile- Kevin Gaherty MVP- Glen Jaskelewicz
,JuniorVarsity Basketball MVP- Rob Uff
Softball Rookie of the Year- Nikki Rose Most Improved- Christine Costigan MVP- Rosanne Carfagno
\'ollevbaH Rookie of the Year- Jen Paliaro Most Improved- Dena DellaRocca MVP- Laurie Mac A voy !..tag
Rookie of the Year- Mike Tims '\lost Improved- \1arg1t Karlsen MVP- Tammy Pfe1ffenberger, Veromca o·Hora
Coach's Award- Shane Ferguson \1ost Improved- Shawn ~cAleer '.\IIVP-Steve Vigliotta
Captain'sClubAwards Outstanding Male- Glen Jaskelewicz Outstanding Female- Veronica O'Hora
.... photo by Doug Eppler
Athletic Director John Dzik presides over this year's sports banquet, as softball coach Jim Hedtke and tennis coach Reggie Day prepare to summarize their first seasons of PAC competition before student-athletes and parents. In the inaugural PAC seasons, Cabrini brought home four championship tro13hies.
said. 'This year we finished with a record of 21-5, the best record in the history of Cabrini basketball." Athletic Director John Dzik responded by saying, "Twenty-one and five In any event such as this, there are comes out to a winning percentage of .790. some lighter moments. Here is my list One year we went 23-6, which is a winning of a few awards that should have been percentage of. 793. Nice try, Danny." Check given out: your math one more time, coach. Twentythree and six comes outto .793. Twenty-one TheWhatLeaa:ue AreWeIp. Anyway and five comes out to a winning percentage .Amwl-TomO'Hora,coachofthetrackteam, of .807. Nice try, Dzik. who constantly referred to the PAC (PennsylTheGlassHalf-Empty Awardo 'Hora, vania Athletic Conference) as the PAC-IO. who said one member of his team had "no The Pac- IOis a Division I conference located natural ability,'' another had "no idea what was on the West Coast. going on," and a third "lacked confidence." By TheBestSeasonSummaryRob Rowe, the way, the team won the PAC Championcoach of the junior varsity basketball team, ship. who said, "Let me tell you a few things about Dressed ToImpress AwardJason Chaya our team ...that 's enough." andlvanDomazet,crosscountry,andBrendan Mathematjcjan Award-Dan Welde, Ryan. track, who apparently thought the bancoach of the women's basketball team, who quet was informal. Congratulations winners!
to all of the award
TheWhatDoesIt TakeAward-Mike Tims, who was honored with the Rookie of the Year A ward for track. Tims appeared in one meet. One! TheYes,I KQow WhoIs OnMyTeam AlYaalDzik.who,whileannouncingmembers ofthegolfteam,said,"MikeMarchese.l'venever met Mike Marchese. Mike,comeon up here and we'II introduceourselvesto each other." QestOuote-Jim Hedtke,softballcoach, who said,"This crowd looks likemy 8:20;half of you areroamingaround,andtheotherhalfareasleep." Hedtkespokearound7: 15. Njcest HoporDzik, who named the CheerleaderAwardafterthelateDeniseEdwards,anexcheerleader who died in a tragic car accident in December. Smartest MoveDzik, once again,formaking sure that there will be two banquets next year, so we do not have to sit through three and a half hours of honors.
Lacrosse team reflects on inaugural season by Paul Crowell staff writer
ThefirstseasonoftheCabrinimen·s lacrosse teamisinthebooks.Theroughandtumbleseason hasbeena baptismof fire for thenew Cavsfilled with the anxious anticipationof startinga new program,bench-clearingbrawlsandanuncooperativeMotherNature. Buttheteamcametogetherthroughtheadversity.And they can not waitto do it all overagain nextseason. "Wewentfromabunchofpeoplewithnoclue on and off thefieldto reallycomingtogetherasa team;· first-yearplayerKyle Simonssaid."We accomplisheda lot,buttherestillis moretodo." CoachRandyMillssawhis team meldintoa cohesivewell-oiledmachine, whichwasparticularlysatisfyingconsideringthenwnberof players whoneverplayedlacrossepriortothisyear. 'They've reallycome togetheras a group," Millssaid. First-yearplayerTunWonson,whohimselfis anewcomertothesportoflacros.se,agreed. Hesaid the new playershave made great stridesin their devekpnent "We'veimprovedalot,"Wonsonsaid "Half oftheguysnevertouchedastickbefore." "I went fromnotbeingabletocatchandthroworcradleto
seeingmyselfasa capableplayer,"Wonsonsaid and thesecondtimewas whenthe teamtookto the enjoyedthe homefieldadvantageprovidedby the Sophomore Lindo Sabatini, who played la- fieldfortheir secondgame. largetumoutoffanswinningboththeirhomeopener crossethroughouthighschool, wasimpressedwith However,Wonsondownplayedtheteam'slack andfinale. his teammates' progress.Sabatinisaid there was ofout doorpreparationcitingthefactthattheteam First-yearplayerKevinBesemer,who wasthe about 10 playerson the team who never played has beenworking-outasa teamsinceSeptember. startinggoaliefortheCavs,saidthefansgavehima beforeon a team of 25. According to Mills. the inclement weather littleextraincentivetoplay. 'There is a lot of the guys who you wouldn't caused the cancellation of seven games, which ''Itwasagoodfeeling,''Besemersaid."Itmeant thinkjuststartedplaying,"Sabatinisaid. amounts to nearly half of the team's schedule. alottomeseeingmyfriendsandfamilyinthestands. However,Fitzgeraldsaidtheearly-seasonbar- MiiIssaid the weather prevented the team from Thefanspsycheme up.·• rageof inclementweatherhurttheteam becauseit reaching its full potential. However, first-year student Tom Hafler preventedtheteamfium(X<ICticingoutside.Fitzgerald "We could've done better under different said that although he loved the fan support, saidnotpracticingpreventedtheyoungerguysfromcircumstances," Mills said. "With all of the it did not affect his play on the field. honingtheirskillsandgainingmuchneededexpe- cancellations, the enthusiasm wanes. It was "I don't really see the fans when I play," rieoce. a lot of hurry up and wait." Hafler said, 'Tm used to playing in front of Mills said the with team relegatedto practice Mills said the most satisfying aspect of crowds. When I'm playing it's just me on the indoorsforthefirsthalfof theseasondeprivedhim the season was just getting the new program field." of theopportunityof workingwiththeteamon the off the ground. He also was pleased by the Witha year's experience under the team's finerpointsofthegame. excitement the team generated on campus belt the team is anxious for next season when "It killedus," Millssaid."You can only do so and the team's integration into the campus the team will shed its club status and commuchinthegym.Wecouldn'tpracticeourridesand community. Mills said among the activities pete as a full-fledged division III program. clears,whichare importantpartsof thegame.You the team participated in was involvement in "It was a long frustrating season," can teacha chimpanzeeto shootat a goal." blood donations, handing out turkeys to the Besemer said. "The weather killed us, but Sabatinisaidtheteam hada caseof cabinfever needy during Thanksgiving and helping with next year will be a totally different season. while beingcooped up in the gym for half of the the Taxi service. Trust me." season.AccordingtoSabatini,theteamwasforced Simonsaddedthattheteamalsohelpedwiththe "We weren't sure what to expect this toplaysixonsixscrimmagesinthegymratherthan preparationof the inaugurationof PresidentDr. season; it was really a toss-up," Fitzgerald full-squad games. AntoinetteIadarola said. "If we aren't over .500 next season it MillssaidthefirsttimetheteamhadanopportuAnother bright spot cited by Mills was the will be a disappointment." nityto play ona lacrossefieldwastheirfrrstgame, overwhelmingfan support. Mills said the team