Sept. 24, 1993 Issue 03 Loquitur

Page 1

Friday, Sept.24,1993 • Vol.XL,No.3_ CabriniCollege Radnor, Pa.19087

Emergencyprocedures manualenacted by Steve May .

co-news editor

Back in March, during the "Blizzard of '93,"Cabrini College lacked electricity. It was not the first time. This year and last, Cabrini was powerless several times as the campus tried to cope with the storms that hit the region. At the time there was no cohesive plan to deal with emergencies that hit the campus. But this week, the public relations department and the college are putting the official emergency procedures manual into effect. The manual, which is still in its rough form, includes information on what will be done in the event of any emergency the campus may face. The list includes crimes, rape, fire, serious illness or injury, bomb threats, power failures and natural disasters. Karen Berlant, director of

public relations, said she began working on an emergency manual when she came here. Berlant said a crisis manual has been in the works since 1989. She said the approval for_ the final version was given by the new administration after last year's emergencies. This manual outlines in great detail how to deal with any emergency. It defines emergencies as results of human action or natural causes. But the book does not describe what an "emergency" is. Richard Kralle, director of public safety, defined emergencies as affecting a large portion of the campus. He cited last year's loss o"f power, heat and phones during the blizzard as an emergency. Other examples of emergencies are shown in the manual. One of these is rape. T~e manual goes into great detail on the issue of rape and what to do

if one is reported. Fires in residence halls are also outlined. These portions of the book are directed at students. However, the manual currently is not slated for release to the general student population. The manual will be distributed to all the administration, offices and staff. Radnor and Tredyffrin fire and police will receive copies of the manual, as will the college resident and medical assistants. Berlant said the manual will not be distributed to the community at large because it contains the home phone numbers of contacts for the emergencies. Among these contacts are the directors of student development, enrollment management, institutional advancement, finance, resident life, physical plant, health services and pub_lic safety.

EMERGENCY PROCEDURES MANUAL (Thecontmts of this publiaitionareconfidentialandfor intl:rnal administrativeuse only.)

see more MANUAL pg. 4 ®

Programdesignedto help students'success ___ ~~.. _,. by Kelly McDonald co-news editor

It is becoming a national trend. Many students across the country do not perform to their academic-~tential in high school. This is why more and more students are being accepted to college in general studies programs. This is no l~ss the case at Cabrini. A general studies student is one who does not directly meet the college's enrollment standards but does exhibit the potential to be a successful student, although records may not indicate this. Janet Shoemaker, director of college success seminar, said,

Inside ... ✓NEWS


Have you had problems changing your major? Read other students' stories inside.



Lack of school spirit at Cabrini? Never!!



Stay tuned for the fall TV season schedule.



Field hockey battles the elements.

"Every general studies student is an individual with different strengths and weaknesses. We give them the opportunity to build on their strengths and remediate their weaknesses so they can be a successful student." According to Nancy Gardner, executive director of admissions and financial aid, the general parameters for the "ideal applicant" are a B or- higher grade point average, a rank in the top half of his or her class, a 900 or higher SAT score and a wellwritten essay. Although these standards exist, in reality the average GP A for fall of 1993 was 2.12 and the average SAT score was 745. Gardner said the GP A has increased and more emphasis is being placed on it rather than on the SAT score, because how a student did in high school is a better indicator of success in

college than standardized testing. Students who do not meet these requirements go through an admissions review process which consists of general studies staff, faculty and admissions. The applications are reviewed individually, and from there one of three things could happen.

"I wouldliketo keep the generalstudies programno larger than it is now becauseof our supportstaff' -NancyGardner, ' executivedjrectorof admissionsand financialaid. A student can be rejected be-

cause he or she does not have the potential to be successful in the eyes of the review board. A student could be accepted as an "option-recommended opportunity admit." This means the student is close to meeting the criteria and has the potential to be successful. ~ student also can be accepted under general studies, which is designed for students who could benefit from the Center for Academic Reinforcement (CARe). The general studies program offers specially trained advisers, varying course loads and a great deal of personal attention, such as advisers making sure their advisees attend class and study. The CARe center offers individual tutoring, a professional writing coach and, according to Director of General Studies and English/communications Professor Arthur Young, a staff always available to help and deal with any problem.

Week at a Glance ... FRIDAY

SATURDAY SUNDAY V 4-9p.m. One World-A Celebralion of Music on field hockey field.

V6p.m. Mass in the Chapel.

The general studies staff consists of five staff members,. 20 tutors and two interns. Shoemaker said the general studies staff and advisers give their advisees more tender loving care and more academic support. She said the general stud~ ies staff looks more closely into a student's academic performance. Young said the college success seminar is offered to make students aware there is no magic to being successful, but they need to learn systems of study and approaches to academics that contribute to Gardner said the CARe center and general studies college success seminar staff is a little more tuned into academic skills and provides extra attention to their students.

see more GENERALpg. 8

Sept. 24 to Sept. 30

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY V 6 p. m. COMPinformation session in Grace Hall Board Room. el'8p.m.Pris: on Outreach information session in SDCR.

V7p.m. Nutritional information program in the lobby of House 7.

V9:30-llp.m. Kappa general meeting.

Vlla.m.2p.m. Cartoonist in cafeteria.



.___jE_d_ito_ri_a_l _____

Friday, Sept. 24, 1993


A hush falls over the crowd· Playing ball in the house Gras.5 fliesfromthebottomof hercleats.Sweatdripsoffher forehead.Shedrawsher stickback,andSC'ORE!The LadyCavsfieldhockeyteam scoresthewinninggoal,and theteamtravelstovict:ory. Aperrnanenthushengulfi;thefield Onceagainthefansareabsent Bob fromthestands. Macartney, Hockeyisnottheonlyteamaffected. Thereisavoidinthestandsandanabsenceofschool Sports Editor spiritin athletics.Wherearethefans?As studentshurryto classes,theyareunawareofthe problemthatplaguesall athleticteams. . Whereisourschoolspirit? AssoonasNovembersetsin,fanscrawloutofthewoodwork formen's basketballgames.Thesesamefair-weatherfriendsoccasionallyattendsoccer playoffgames.However,doesthewomen'svolleyball teamdrawfans?Whocanidentify I am an addict. wherethecros.scountryteamis runningthisweekend? I havebeen addictedto my drug sincetheday PresidentAntoinetteIadarolapresentsa solutionto thisapathy:builda new athletic complexforthebenefitoftheathletesandfans. However,therewillbenoneedforthenew thatI was born. My drugis sports. complexbecauseno onewillfill theaurawithCabrinispirit. Ilovetoplaythem,towatchthem,to broadcast SacredHeartGymishalfthesizeoftheeagerlyanticipatedathleticcomplex. Whybegin them,to writeaboutthem and to win at them. constructionon a newgymiftherearenotenoughfansto fill thestandsnow? Thesilence Especiallyto win at them. willbecomemoredeafeningin a biggerbuilding. This ismy problem. I play to win. Always.I Anew complexcouldenhancethe entireathleticprogram.The problemlieswith the havea burningdesireto win. supportof thestudentbody. Recently,I playeda seasonof dek hockey. A Home fieldadvantagebelongsto the visitorsbecausethey have more fans. It is an very important season. A season in which I embarrassmenttoourschool. Onlya selectfew backourathletes. expectedtowinachampionship.Wedidnot.This Thesupportofthecrowdcantumlossesintowins. Thesepotentialextrawinswillhelp ate at me for days. I realizedmy competitiveness was eatingme up: I told myselfthat I neededto buildmoraleandcouldmakethedifferencein the PAC. Right now,there are six athleticteamsin season:cros.scountry, men's andwomen's mature. I decidedto stopplayingcompetitively soccer,fieldhockey,volleyball,soccerandtennis.Fiveoftheseteamshaveanexcellent and to try to havefun. A few days ago, I realizedthat I was driving chanceatwinningaPACchampionship. Theothersquad,thewomen'ssoccerteam,isin myself crazy. I just couldnot understandwhy. I itsfirstseasonofexistenceandcouldusea boostfromtheirfans. cameto thisconclusion. As studentsrepresenttheathleticdepartment,rootforthehometeam. Cabriniisyour Youarethepersonthatyouarebecauseofthree schoolandwhatyoumakeit.Let'soutnumberthevisitorsandfillthecarnpuswithcheersthings:yourfamily,yourfriendsandyourenvironforthehome team. ment.

IUps and Downs True dedication was implemented by the women's field hockey team as they braved the storm to pull off a win during last Friday's game against Wesley College. It just goes to show, a little rain cannot hurt the team's morale.


Students must push and shove their way into the cafeteria during lunch rush. Chaos is created in front of the soda fountains, bread is scarce at the sandwich bar and a tray jam creates traffic for Seiler's employees. Although, there is no more elbow room on the sticky tables, it is good to see students eager to indulge cafeteria food. The Selier's newsletter displayed great concern for the students on and off campus. The mugs given to students were appreciated and the information relating to upcoming meals was helpful. It is too bad this amount of effort cannot be put into food preparation.




I /





When I was two yearsold, my father had me reading the sports section of the Philadelphia Daily News. The addiction had begun. He would return from work, and we would play ball. It did not matter what. Baseball, football, hockey, basketball, you name a sport and we played it. Inside and outside. We bonded through sports. My mom, however,was not a big sports fan. B,speciallywhen they were played in her house. Looking back, I am proud to say that I never broke anything important in my house, although I did knock down the Christmas tree once. Anyway,by thetimeI was five,I wasplaying basketballin my house every day. My father wouldsiton thecouch andkeepscorewhileI ran up anddownthefloor,dunkinginto an imaginary basket.Thanksto my father,I was alwaysthestar ofthegame. WhatI didnotrealizewasthatitwasabnonnal for my fatherto be home everyday. When I was six, the Phillieswon the World Series. Itwas oneof the happiestdaysof my life. The next day, my dad died. It was one of the saddestdaysof my life. The one thing that he left me was sports. I continued to play, and my love for them was doubled.This iswheremy mom came intoplay. My mother was not exactly an athlete. And she still complained when I would play in the house. But she tried to change. I still was not allowed to play in the house. She made me go outside,but she followedme out. Have you ever playedcatchwithyour mom? Ihave. Itisnotasbadasyouwouldthink. She couldnot catchtoo well,and shethrewlike a girl, butlhadagreattime. Ifirmlybelieveitisbecause ofmymotherthatmyloveforsportsgrew.Mydad got me started,but my mom kept me going. The addictionwas growing. Thisiswherefriendscomein.Imadeallofmy friendsin lifethroughsports. Ingradeschoo~we would playwheneverwe could Wheneverwe got together,which was abouteveryday,we playedsomesport. On thestreet,at theRec, in thehouse,everywhere. You were not acceptedin my neighborhood unless you were athletic. I honestly feel that I am fromthemostcompetitiveneighborhood in

the world. To say the least, this did not help my addiction. Ourteamswon at everything.Two yearsin a row we won the City Championshipin baseball. Ourbasketballteam went to theregionfinalstwo yearsinarow.Weconstantlywon,andlosingwas notacx:epted. Uponmygraduationfromgradeschool,Iwent to LaSalleHighSchool.Mostof my friendswent to CardinalDougherty.We grew apart. I made new friendsthroughmy high school acquaintances. One weekend, a friend of mine asked me to come over and play hockey. Because of this hockey game, I met five guys who are now my best friends. All because of sports. Sometimes, addictions are a good thing. The one thing about my friends, though, was their competitiveness. They liked to win, but it was not life or death. To me, it was. You are probably wondering how all of this comes together. Actually, ittook me a while to figure it out. You become a certain person because of a combination of these three things which I have presented. My family got me started, my friends kept me going and my environment made me competitive.This cannotbe changed. That was my problem. I was trying to change the very essence of my being, my desire to win. It was making me sick. I will always despise losing,and I will always do whatever is in my power to avoid that feeling. It is one of the worst feelings in the world, knowing that somebody has outdone you. I will never be able to change that. And I will never again attempt to do so. You cannot changetheperson youare.Youcanrestrainyourself,butyoucannever change yourbeliefs. I believe in sports, and I believe in winning, and that will never change. I am proud to be an addict. So, with all apologies, mom. I will never stop playing ball in the house.

jstaff Editlr,n Olet Hea!herMcAllister Managi,gEdler: Daniele OIMal'0o PerspedMl6 Ecitoc Donelle DiMan::o


SbM, May

Co-NewsEdtoc Kelly McOooid Fealures Ed1oc Garyv.hte

Ms end Enter1airment Ediblr:Gary Whte Spof1sEdilDr.BobMaamey

Cop>fEdior:Doug Eppler Wrting Coach: DougEppler Graphi: C>aag,8r.~ Aladrl Edibial Cartoon!St Fnvlas Kelly

Business MMager: Diane Osbom Asslart Buslne6s Man,ger KatenSzczurek ~

Editors:Eric Batbuscia & DawnleleKklpp

Pl'olograptty'AcMsel: Dr.Ca1er Oaigoe


Dr. Jerome Zlsek

Staff: Shella Brady, KalinaCo!Tao,Garolne O'olay, KellyDougherty, ClvistJanFeehan, ~ Holt.RichardJasper. Margaret Maio, Regina Miler.Gabi t«:nols, Renee Ronzrialo6l<i,en., Slllkowski. Calheme Smctaman. Js1e Van lngen, Tirnofly Woreon.Celene Wri{t,t.Oiane~

PhJtigapl'f Stalf: Qmr,e KendraManin

Croley,Doug Eppler, ~ Mao,

l..ocµ!.r is l)lAJlisl1ed weekly cuing 1heschool year by sbJdents of CabriniCollege, Aaalor, PA 19067. Prone: 215-971-8412. Subscriptionprice is $25 per year end is nduded in !he benellls by IUtlOnand sbJd8nt fees. Loq,.iu welccmes lellefs 101heedilor. ~ shoud be 8igled end the a.cholShlp known10the e<ilOrs. Ha,r;ever; W1hewnler wishes, end tie edilllr ~ the Wl'ller'snamemay be left off 1he letler~ p.i)lcalia1 end.,~ .--1edsuctl •"lane wltneld al lhe l8qU86Iof.,. wriler." ~ shoUd be typed, ~. and no morettwl 300 words ., iengt,. tt a letler is too long for1he aveilabla11Ja08. the ecllOrmay odl rx ~ it. 1..--. IO the edlOrshould be swmill8d by noon on Mondays.

The edlDra and~ pu,liahed h ~ are 1heviews of the lllJdertedlarialsl8IIand ... hdMc1Jalwrillrsand not the 8l"llielllJdertboctf rx the facuty and ""adl""'••...,a""llliol""'c l..ocµu la Nl8tlllhed• & fcrum for91tJ<1ert 8"l)le.ion and• IIOiceh h lR1tibllad.rob..111. tee rd open....__, of--.




Friday, Sept. 24, 1993

JOpinions Academic dean & Provost shares goals and visions for future

CREATING HISTORY: I think education

Dr. Thomas V. Boeke, Prov9st & Academic Dean

should be purpose-

I do not think educa-

ful and deliberate.

tion shoulp be solitary and accidental.

I believe scholarship

in a broad definition and multidimensional

ulty development

and evaluation

tems to renew and reinvigorate ulty. I am delighted

to have the opportu-

my description

where I

of the college

faculty are convinced

should be an institutional rather, as by-product

and underrepresented





the so-called

college which has a history and is creat-

and change

ing one. I want to be in a place where I

must know that undecided

that what they are




status is an


to de-




want to work and which I might help


create. I want to work at a college where


tion programs should be established

I have helped establish








this philosophy


goals and in-





riculum based upon a public, coherent of liberal education,

frequently mographics


present my position in an

which may be argumenta-

and retenand

by faculty and ad-

I want. to work in a college which has time for celebration

and ritual, a place

where people continue telling tribal stories and understand

them and a place


where leaders seek to liberate rather than





control. I want to work in a place where there

Given the changing we_witness,

I want to work in a place where there is an absorbing errani I want to pursue this errand and proceed to these goals in

comes demonstrate

vinced that a college should make career

tems should be in place to ensure stabil-

is a relationship

an environment


ity and measure growth.

dence among people who have si,nilar


which challenges

energy, initiative


and enthusi-


short range planning, ties, the curriculum

long and



and student life pro-

I believe in and want to help

create an institution

which engages

outcomes assessment

to ensure that it is


I am equally con-

for its students a high prior-

ity and college-wide and administrators

be clear correlations

among the mission statement,


ally educate students.

the goals it establishes

majors, its liberal education


for its


and the quality of student life.

ning and enrollment

All so-called non-traditional


This goal can be achieved

asm. There

the effort to liber-




can vigorously

tive, but is not acrimonious.

claring a major.

and important.

I believe in a liberal education

I want to work in a

In conclusion,

tention as well. They are a_ttrition-prone frequently.





need special

and services



the fac-



goal. I see it,

of ever improving


I want to work at a college where

doing is exciting

nity to indicate to the readers ofLoquitur


adult learners at the graduate and undergraduate levels as well as underprepared

require special academic services.

by faculty


demic advising, at an abundance


They work together

by implementing

leges, is poorly organized,


field experiences,

tus and perpetuates


ity. Academic


programs, student

going career development should

and on-

not give the impression

program to stu-

dents that college is an endless party. believe in innovative sound programs


Acaof col-

has low sta-

low priority

advisers, especially


Being asked to write an opinion gives one the opportunity to write about whatever topic he or she wi~hes. I am beginning my third year here at Cabrini, and during that ti~e I have witnessed and experienced many changes on the campus. Some are personal and others are shared with the whole campus. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome the new first-year students and transfer students and try to enlighten them to what Cabrini has to offer. Two big changes which I experienced during my sophomore year were being elected president of the Student Government Association Executive Board and co-captain of the soccer team. What these changes meant was that I was accepting responsibilities that I have never had before. Before accepting these two responsibilities, I was just another face in the crowd. I accepted the soccer player

Mike Tims, President of SGA Executive Board

stereotype labeled to myself, with a cynical viewpoint on everything that happened on campus. As a player, some views were good while others were bad. Now that I am aware of what goes on behind the scenes, I realize most of my opinions were wrong and that _alot of work goes into what happens on campus. From what I have witnessed during the short time I have been serving as president is the faculty, administration, public safety, SGA and all other participating departments do ing their best to make all the events run smooth! y for the students. And after being on both sides, I now realize that those various groups do not get the appreciation that they deserve. Since I am now part of SGA, I think I would like to elaborate on the group and enlighten everybody about the year to come. In the past, I never knew much about SGA, but I do know what I thought about it. My personal opinion of SGA was the same as the opinions that I still hear


and "trust"

and who

exude grace, style and civility. I want to work where the pressures of day-to-day


do not push

aside our concern for vision and risk. I


want to say at the end of my watch that we actually got around to do the things


we really wanted to do. In my short tenure at Cabrini,


and be rewarded

for excellent


I be-

lieve that this is the college where I want Finally,

I do not believe


Student displays leadership abilities on and off the field Mike Tims is one of the busiest men on campus, yet he finds time to share his knowledge with the community.


of words like "responsi-


and academically

to meet the needs of


ing, have advising as a specified respon-

ones, should receive


The new student orientation


of mutual interdepen-

today. The opinions regarding SGA are that it is boring and the events SGA sponsors are not fun. After working with the members for only a short tif!1e, I have learned that they are the hardest working, most loyal and dedicated group of people I have ever been associated with. They sacrifice so offer to make the campus fun for everyone. Honestly, when I first took tht; job as president, I did not have a good attitude towards it nor did I take it seriously. But since then I have really come to enjoy SGA and take it seriously. If I don't, the group does not work as one. Hopefully, both new and old students will start to get involved with more campus activities so they can learn about SGA and what kind of effort it involves. The most noticeable change Cabrini has gone through over the last few years is our new president, Antoinette Iadarola. This is her second year as president, and I want to wish her all the best of luck. I want to note that this opinion was a lot harder to write than I first expected, and I would never think that it would take so much time and effort. On a positive note, I wish continued success for SGA. The experience so far has ·1et me enjoy myself and also mature as a person.

to work and which I might help create.

You have•the power to speak your mind in

Loquitur! Lettersto theEditor: If there is a topic you would like to dispute or an idea you would like to share, you are encouraged to write them down for all to appreciate. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. The writer may choi:;e to leave out the name, with the consent of the editor. Letters should be double-spaced and no more than 300 words in length. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.

Opinions: Is there a story you would like to share? Do you want your voice to be heard? This is your opportunity to submit YOUR point of view in opinions. Opinions should be discussedwith the editor one week in advance of publication (preferably by noon on Fridays.) The length can varyfromone page to two-and-a-half pages. Freedom of the press is now brought to you! There are no set topics. This is left up to you. Speak your mind, and speakout in Loquitur. If there are any questions, they can be addressed to Danielle DiMarco. She can be reachedat 8412 or box 72. Do it now and say your piece!




Friday, Sept. 24, 1993

Students rate seminar's success by Christina Feehan staff writer

As a first-year student, one faces overwhelming changes ranging from living arrangements to study habits. There is one class, however, where students can go and share these experiences with others. The college success seminar is a course in which students have a chance to express their fears and anxieties, their joys and sorrows. This seminar, as opposed to common academic classes, allows for a bond between faculty and students. According to Janet Shoemaker,· an adviser and director of the college success seminar, the seminar is designed to "assist students in taking charge of their college learning experience. It also provides an opportunity for students to learn and adopt methods and skills to be successful in school and life." First-year students are also given the chance to relate to upperclassmen

through this course. Co-facilitators work· side-by-side with. the advisers and usually serve the same purpose: to help the first-year students succeed. The class also is beneficial to the cofacilitators because they learn student leadership and become models for the new first-year students. Terri Carragher, a sophomore education major, said her role as co-facilitator was "to give· advice both academically and socially to freshman, and to help them college." Carragher thinks the program has improved sins:;e last year, when she was on the other side of the desk. Another co-facilitator, Anne Waldspurger, sophomore and orientation counselor, takes the class one step further. She wants the first-year students to feel she is always there for them. Waldspurger said she will make herself available whenever they need a ·friend or even just someone to talk to.

College provides flexibility in 'major' moves

Denise Tancredi, first-year student, said she found it was easier to talk about her feelings with other people adjusting to college.

According to Janet Shoemaker, director of the college success ·seminar, the class is designed to "assist students in taking charge of their college learning experience." Joanna Golesh, first-year student, agreed with Tancredi and stated that she thinks the seminar will be beneficial because she feels comfortable in that type of setting. In fact, Golesh went canoeing with her fellow classmates and adviser this past Sunday.

As with any new experience at college, there are some pros and cons. According to Kristen Stancavage, a sophomore pre..,_med major, the college success semina'r was occasionally a waste of time. As an 18-year-old resident, Stancavage felt she already had study habits and money management, two subjects of importance in the course, under her belt. Heather Teti, sophomore, stated that the course did not really help her. Teti felt she could have used the time to study or do something else productive. ""One positive aspect of this course, though, is that it is a good way to meet new people," Teti said. The college success seminar began approximately 15 years ago when Dr. Arthur Young, director of the CARe center, taught the course to benefit the general studies students. "It turned out to be quite a success, and now the class is a requirement for graduation," Shoemaker said .•

when a crisis occurs. more MANUAL from 1 er concerns Senior MA Eileen Doyle said

that there should be a type of hotline for anyone to call for information on an emergency. She said a copy of the manual, without the administrators' home numbers, should be distributed. Doyle said there was no guarantee that the RAs or MAs would be around in an emergency and that students should know how to act. She said it would be great if they could have access to it. Berlant, who will handle the official communication in an emergency, said the manual is an evolving process that will change with time. Kralle, also listed as a contact, said the manual was ·compiled from all the administrators' previous experiences at other institutions. He said Berlant assigned the duties to the administration in the event of an emergency. Berlant, who has previously handled crisis situations at SUNY Binghamton, Pierce and Philadelphia College of Textiles and Sciences, said disasters can happen anywhere. "Cabrini is not immune," Berlant said. "We saw that last year. Now I hope we're delivering instructions."

K.ralle said the manual currently was not being release.ct to the community but does not see this as a problem. He said the information on rape was discussed at rape and self-defense programs. However, Senior Dena Della Rocca, who was on campus last year during the blizzard, said the campus should know what is inside the manuals. She said the book should be distributed because the RAs and MAs are not always accessible. by Marg,uet Malo uatework. "If the RA goes away, and a girl is Carter~raigje, Englishand communi.staff writer cationsprofessor.., said a student should talk hurt, and the RA has the emergency There are manyreasons why students with an adviserfirst. He saysanystudent manual, what do we do?" Della Rocca change thei.rmajors. Senior BrianKillen who comesto him wantingto changetheir said. was spending a lot of time at the campus majoris asked why. She said there should be a required radio station whenhe realizedthat com• Craigieadvisesthestudent tospeakwith general meeting to go over the manual munications wasa better major for him. an upperclassmanin the major they are to teach the students and campus what is then businessadministration. considering.Craigiealso asks the student in the manual. Killen had friends who, al the time, whattheyseeasthegood:pointsofthenew Yet there are some things in the manwere involved with the radio. '1 was majotandwhattbebadpointsarefromtheir ual that are not necessarily for the resibanging out at the station and thought it curreiumajor. . <tent students. wasinteresting,"Killensaid,"solswitched "My job is to help my adviseesfind the The book also covers what form of to ~mmunications." best match between them and what the public relations will be done in an emerThere are many students at Cabrini college has to offer,''Craigiesaid."We are gency, what the communication protowhohaveneverchanged theirmajor, while here to serve the students." col will be and what the responsibilities others have changed two or more times. Studentswho areinterestedin changing of the administrators will be. According Mary Ann Biller, vice their major must contact the academic afBerlant said the book covers when presidentofemollmemJDaDagement, there fairsoffice. AccordingtoBiller the student whochange their must cont.act,the departmentchairperson officials will be notified, school will be majorsev dentmaychange fromthemajortowhich they~h to~itch. closed, students will be notified and oththeirmajor timesin the<:ourse Thedepartmentchairmustthenapprove of their colle the switch,accordingto Biller. Finally,the The r~os dlanging vary with student is asmgneda new adviser,and the each individualstudent. Senior Cbadyne change is complete. Adams changed her major because of a The continuingeducationoffice states calculus class. "I always knew that I thatanyoftheirstudentswbowishtochange wanted to teach," Adams said. "and after majors need to come to theofficeand notify my first calculus class, I knew math was someone there. it." The most popular major on campus, Adams began her college career as a according to academic affairs, iseducation. Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing 1993 history major. She views the change of In the spring of 1993, 221 students were her major as "very positive." declared as education majors. The next Travel brochures. For more information Stephanie Heitman,a sophomore trans- largest major on campus was business ad· fer student, recently changed her major ministration with 155 students.




from elementaryedtK:ationto sociology. , Psychology,sociologyand socialwork. According to Heitman,shew~ working at were the.smallestmajors with 43 students. a daycarecenter~herethereweredwdren According toBiller, "The first two years, from fosterhomes. are a decision time for students. Some "I was interestedin them,andnow I.• students come in with a major and change wot•ldlike to be a child welfareadvo- later,whileother$areundecided until their cate,"Heitmansaid. "" sophomoreyear." Heitmansaidshelikestheprogramshe AnystudentwJlo is interestedin.changis in at Cabrini andis lookingtoward a' ingtheir major should contact their adviser. mastersdegreefollowingher undergrad-

send a self addressed stamped envelope to: Travel Inc. P.O. Box 2530, Miami, FL 33261


Friday, Sept. 24, 1993

Ask Roxy Dear Roxy, We live in a triple in Woodcrest and are experiencing major problems with our third roommate. We have considered going home and leaving Cabrini. But we like the other people on campus and feel that we would really miss everyone. We have tried to talk to her, but that did not work out. So now we are not speaking and must find out if we can change rooms. The two of us do not want to split apart, but we are afraid that may happen. We have nothing against our third roommate, but too much has happened in the past week-and-a-half for us to stay. What can we do? We are open to any suggestions! Sincerely, Confused and Upset in Woodcrest Dear Confused and Upset, Have you tried setting up a meeting with your resident assistant acting as a moderator? Have you tried to identify what the problem is among the three of you and how you can try to get past it? Are these major problems of moral dilemmas or are we talking about throwing clothes on the floor and being a slob? Does she worship Satan or is it just a matter of her not listening to the same kind of music or having the same friends as you do? As I see it, you can do one of two things. First, room changes begin on Sept. 27. But remember the room belongs to the three of you equally. Just because two of you get along does not mean the third must move. It is your problem so you must find two willing students to switch rooms with. If you can convince the third party to move out, then she will have to find someone to switch rooms with. One note to think about. If your third person does find someone to switch with, how do you know you will get along with.her? Secondly, the fact that you actually considered leaving school beca-use of this disturbs me. You have to realize· there will always be someone you cannot get along with in this world. Whether it be a teacher, classmate, someone you work with or even a member of your social group, you may not be just like them, and that's okay. What you have to do, however, is find a way to DEAL with it. Dealing with your problems and learning not fo run away from them is something you will encounter throughout your life. So, you can take the easy way out and . jump ship or try to work through the problems you have and set a positive pattern to be followed for the future.


W_igwam rewinds to the 1950s by Brian Siatkowski


The Widener Center's snack bar, commonly known as the Wigwam, has undergone several renovations over the last few months. The Wigwam has been sent back in time to the 1950s. The '50s? It was the beginning of the end of virgin America, when highways began· to barrel through small majestic towns in hopes of connecting major cities. This was the time when RCA invented the three-color picture tube grjp and the two great threats JoAmerica were encapsuled by the Red Scare and hydrogen bomb. Upon entering the double doors of the Wigwam you won't hear Richie Valens or the Big Bopper jamming out of a Wurlitzer, or read in the newspaper about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ted Williams. But you can catch the daily lunch special, soup with ham, chicken patty and soda or baked potato bar, all of which are crayoned on the wall next to the counter. Flo Pittman, Wigwam worker for two years, said the snack bar's name is the same although it has been painted, redecorated and gained the '50s theme. Pittman said the decision was made by management, the Seiler's corporation and likes the change because it "ad_ded new things to the menu in order to give the customers variety." Seven-year employee April Harris leaned over the counter during her busy morning shift and said, "It's getting _better every year. Now we have hot lunch specials that are different every day." A calendar at the entrance of the· Wigwam lists the specials. Most of the round wooden tables and plastic chairs are spread out in a jigsaw

photo by Dawnielle Klopp

Flo Pittman serves Jen Yates in the newly decorated Wigwam. array, as commuters Donna Heeney and Portia Rivers take a iunch break. Rivers views the new decorations as "quite eye-catching," although she empathizes with one of the several Elvis novelties. "They just will not let this man rest," Rivers said. Heeney noticed more variety in the menu, but both she and Rivers said the most improved characteristic of the Wigwam is the service. "They really know what they are doing," Rivers said. "The service is always good." Another commuter, Senior Dean Marino, said the '50s renovations are "pretty creative." Marino said, however, "the food is of the same quality as the cafeteria." The lunch menu offers coffee and soft drinks, candy, ice cream, baked potato, turkey, hoagies, grilled cheese, chip·s, tasty cakes, pizza, chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs. During the breakfa,st hours of the Wigwam, bagels, donuts and the muffin list offers quite a variety. The muffins

include the Cabrini Muffin. the Mansion Muffin and the Grace Hall Muffin. Sophomores Manney Hernandez and Reggie Marani sampled the Cabrini Muffin, made with egg, cheese, bacon and sausage or ham. Marant grabbed his muffin and, with a very serious tone, said, "It's bumping," and took off for his table. The white brick walls of the Wigwam are dotted by 45-inch records dating back to the 1950s. A John Wayne pictl.jre rests behind the potato bar and a blinking traffic light separates the potato bar from the serve-yourself drink dispenser. Marilyn Monroe's and James Pean's immortality is safe in the Wigwam. Dean, who shattered the 50s in his '55 fatal car crash, is now a lifesize, cardboard image frozen in his classic rebellious" stance. Father Ambrose Cashman, campus chaplain, said the renovations "probably fit me better than you. Do you students know what a 45 is?" Randy Mills, lacrosse coach, laughed and said, "They think its a-gun."

Supportingthe Children'sSchool show of children's songs and stories. This program airs three times a week in the teaMes, arts& enteriaihment New England area. If you are walking around the ath-. Following the children's concert is a letic fields on Sept. 25 and happen to folk/rock concert for adults at 7 p.m. see "Jessie the Bear" or "Barney the All the money raised during the day Dinosaur,:• do not worry. You are not will go to Cabrini's Children's School hallucinating. These characters are vis- and a local organization called Hug The iting as part of the entertainment Earth. planned for the first annual "One Hug The Earth was formed in 1989 and World ... A Celebration of Music" be-. is a non-profit environmental organizaing held on Saturday·from 4-9 p.m. tion for children. One of the founders of The day begins with some "food and Hug The Earth is Joe Pilyar, the owner of fun." There will be food, face painting Kids' Own Bookstore in Wayne. and strolling story book characters, and Pilyar helped organize the day's events participants may bring their own pic- and is the one who brought the Children's nic lunch. School into the action. At 5 p.m. there will be a children's He first became involved with Cabrini concert with Renny Brodeur opening when Jack McGovern, former director of for David Grover. graduate studies, invited him to help out Grover has been performing folk, at a conference and give a· talk. From classical and jazz music for over 20 there Pilyar increased his involvement years. In 1987 he traveled to the with many other areas of Cabrini and People's Republic of China, where he eventually discovered the Children's did a concert for Chinese children. School. Grover released his first children's "The Children's Sc·hool has always album, entitled "Kids Mean the World been a great school to work with," Pilyar to Us," in 1988. The following year he said. began "Grover's Corner," a 15-minute "It is through Joe's kindness that we by Gary White

a_re going to be the beneficiary of the concert," Ellen Jackson, director of the Children's School, said. "He is a good neighbor." The Children's School is part of the education division of Cabrini College. It is a pre-school for 45 students ranging in age from two-and- a-half to five. Although the college provides the building and insurance for the Children's School, the school makes its own budget and pays its own bills. ·The money raised from Saturday's celebration will help subsidize school expenses and expand the building. The events are $5 in advance and $6 on the day of the concert. For those students who can provide a college I.D. the price is only $2.

_Ask Roxy Sendyourlettersand opinionsto box586 and Roxywillgiveyou hergemsof wisdom. ·



Cabrini's traveling carolers by Renee Rozniatoski staff wr,ter

The temperature is still in the high '80s and the air conditioners are turnedup. Everyone is wearing shorts, and there are no signs of snow. But the sounds of Jingle Bells and other wellknown Christmas carols can be heard on campus. No, it is not Christmas in July, it is the chorus practicing for the annual winter concert. On Sunday, Dec. 12, the chorus will hold its annual winter concert. It will be at 3 p.m. in the chapel. The musical selecti~n includes both religious and secular Christmas songs. "It is a great kick-off for Christmas," Nina Sciarrotta, a sophomore chorus member, said. "It is up-beat, fun and definitely not boring." The chorus performs community service by taking their music to those who cannot come to them. A trip to a Wayne nursing home is being considered. Traveling is not a new concept for the chorus. They have been traveling since

1982. This past summer, in association with Delaware County Community College, the chorus had the honor of singing in Europe. The Delaware County Community College-Cabrini Singers performed in the liturgy at Sacre Coeur, a cathedral in Paris. In order to sing there, tapes must be submitted, and performers must be chosen through an application process. A trip to Puerto Rico is in the works for spring break. According to Dr. Adeline Bethany, fine arts department chairperson, the trip may have to be postponed. There must be balanced sections (soprano, alto, tenor, and bass) in order to have a strong singing group, Bethany said. The chorus has not yet accomplished this balance, according to Bethany. Although the chorus is lacking balance, membership is beginning to rise. When Bethany went on sabbatical, the membership diminished. However, with the help of returning students, many new members have been recruited. This semester, the chorus is worth one-and-a half credits toward the core. L<ist year chorus was worth ·one credit per semester. With the new system, in two semesters the arts requirement of the core can be fulfilled. The chorus rehearses at 7:15 p.m. every Monday night in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Bethany said, "It's a small amount of personal time to give for great rewards that are personal, academic, social, and aesthetic."


Friday, Sept. 24, 1993

plloto by Dawnie/JiKfcpp

The Cabrini College Chorus prepares for their annual winter concert.

Area providesa varietyof opportunities .

byGa~Whlte eatures, arts



PI.ACES TOGO Prints Go see the prints of Richard D. Hricko in


$158 to $258 depending on occupancy and membership statl!S.The price includes transportation, lodging, breakfasts, an Audubon Society lecture on whales, the Dolphin Fleet outing and a New England lobster bake. If interested call Bob at 277-DUCK.

in the mansion and it is free. Country Music Awards For a little bit of country, catch the Country Music Awards on Sept. 29 on CBS. NATURE

PEOPLE TO SEE "Annie" "Annie," the musical of an orphan and her dog who goes from rags to riches, is being performed now through Oct. 24 at the Riverfront Dinner Theatre on the Delaware River at Poplar St. in Philadelphia. There are matinees and evening performances Wednesday through Sunday. Prices range form $20.95 to $32.95. Call 925-7000 for more information.

Hiking The Chester CountyClub hikes at various locations every Saturday and Sunday. It is free and open to the public. Call 459-3203 for more information. Park Guide Contact the Chester County Park and Recreation Department offers a guide for free of the parks in the area. Call 344-6415 for more information and details. DANCE

the University Gallery Boland Half at St. Joseph's University. The show is now through Oct. 8. The gallery is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The gallery is located between 54st ,and 51st streets un Lapsley Lane at City Avenue in Philadelphia. Photos & Sculptures Photographs by John Grant and Gerard Gendron and sculptures by Philip Prill are on display now through Oct. 23 at the Widener University .\rt Museum. The museum is located on 13th and Potter Streets in Chester. Elmwood Park Zoo The Elmwood Park Zoo is holding their first whole watching trip to Cape Cod the weekend of Oct. 3. The trip cost ranges form

Philadelphia Cup Race The Philadelphia Cup Race is being held at Penn's Landing on Sept. 25. Area boaters will compete for the Philadelphia Cup in a day-long series of races. Call 923-9030 for details. "Jake's Women" Neil Simon's autobiographical play, "Jake's Women," opens on Sept. 29 at the Walnut Street Theatre. Call 574-3555 for more information. Also look for a review of the play in a later issue. "A Chorus Line" The Twelve Ceasars Musical Theater at 4200 City Line Ave. in Philadelphia just opened with "A Chorus Line." Call Terry Fazzi at 879-0851 for reservations.

Square Dancing The Lansdowne Community T at the corner of Lansdowne Ave. and Garrett Roads in Lansdowne have square dancing the first, third and fifth Fridays of the month from 8-10:30 p.m. The cost' is $6 per couple. If interested, call 485-4560. Line Dancing Earl-Brook Senior Center, Earlington and Kenmore Roads, Havertown, conducts lessons on Mondays from 10 a.m. to noon, Tuesday 1-3 p.m. and Wednesdays and Fridays from 1-3 p.m. A $1 donation is requested. GAMES

Cabrini Performances Greg Fulkerson, violinist, and Gary Boerckel, pianist, will be performing at Cabrini on Sunday at 3 p.m. The concert will be

Scrabble Scrabble Club No. 333 holds games for Scrabble lovers on Mon-

days at 7 p.m. The cost is $5. The club is for all skill levels and follows the rules of the National Scrabble Association. Call 269-1723 or 358-1268 for details. Chess The West Chester Chess Club holds a free chess tournament at the United Methodist Church on High and Barnard Streets the first Saturday of every· month. Free lessons are available. Call 566-9029 for information. FOR YOUR INFORMATION Banned Books Sept. 25 begins banned books week. Celebrate the right to react·.

Friday, Sept. 24, 1993


Television Season by Gary White features, arts

& enterta,nment edlf~r

Fall, also known as autumn, is the time of falling leaves and falling temperatures. It also is the time of shorter days and longer nights. To help fill those long hours, television network executives are introducing 36 new programs they hope will keep the public watching. These shows have been debuting since August, and some will not hit the air until October. Twenty-one of the shows are sitcoms, 11 dramas, two variety shows and one is a mystery anthology. Top network executives are very happy with the season's offerings. Although none of the shows are considered guaranteed successes, some have been attracting a lot of interest. "Frasier" is one of these shows. It is the only spin-off of "Cheers" this season. Some people think it will be a big hit. In the show, psychologist Dr. Frasier Crane has moved from Boston to Seattle, where he has a radio talk show for people who need psychiatric help. He has left his wife and child behind and is now living with his father. The show will follow "Seinfeld'' _inthe line-up, so it has a good shot at success. But other post-hit shows like "AfterM*A*S*H" and "The Golden Palace" did not do very well. "Frasier was enough of an individual on 'Cheers' that I think he is a really good character for a spin-off," Senior Carin Pesotski said. Another show getting a lot of attention is "NYPD Blues" on ABC. This show is set to air Tuesday nights at 10. Some have called it TV's first R-rated show. Others believe it is a classic in the making

The story revolves around the life of new York Detective John Kelly, played by David Caruso. Kelly's partner, played by Dennis Franz, is burnt-out, and Kelly's wife has left him because of his work. ' What makes the show so controversial is the amount of profanity and the occasions of near nudity. One scene has Kelly and a female friend in the show together with only the soap scum to hide them. This season will also see some new and old faces on the screen. Valerie Bertinelli is one of the old faces returning to weekly television with "Cafe Americain." Bertinelli plays a divorcee who goes to France. There she finds a new home ~nd job working in a Paris cafe with an as.:,ortmentof off-beat characters. It may be "Cheers" set in a French restaurant. Bertinelli has been doing TV movies in recent years and is well-known for the role

L.OtJUf:TUR ..



of Barbara on "One Day at a Time." Some new faces this year are the gang from "Saved By The Bell." "Saved by the Bell: The College Years" debuts this season . on Tuesday at 8 p.m. on NBC. If you liked 8,00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:.lO the kids in high school, here is a chance to s ABC Lois & Movu· see them as "adults." Clark u "Mommy Dearest" also has found a home N CBS Murder, Movie on television. Faye Dunaway will make her She D Wrote TV debut this season in a show with Robert A y Ulri~h. "It Had to Be You" has Dunaway NBC scaQucst Movie DSV playmg a book publisher and Ulrich the FOX Martin Llving Married Daddy Local carpenter she "has the hots for." The biggest Sin&)e With Dearest ChHdrcn problem.the show has is its time slot, Fridays M at 8 p.m. on CBS. ABC Day One Monday Night Foc,tball 0 Another show sharing this time slot is Evening Dave's N CBS Murphy Love& Northern Shade World "The NBC Friday Night Mystery." The show Brown War Exposure D was supposed to rotate Larry Hagman, Kenny A NBC Blo~:,;om Fresh Movie y Prince Rogers, Raymond Burr, Pierce Bronson, Stefanie Powers and Robert Wagner in five FOX Movie Local separate two-hour mysteries. The only probABC Full Phenom Roseanne Coach NYPD House lem with this is Burr died last week. Who Blue will fill his spot has not yet been decided. T CBS Rescue Movie 911 u The other shows have Hagm;m playing a E KBC Saved By Gelling John The former millionaire who now helps the feds Datctine The Bell r ,nrroquctt By Se<.XJn<l N8C s solve mysteries in order to keep his expenHalf D sive lifestyle. Sine~ he lives on a boat, the A FOX Roe Ba.kcrsfie) l\merica's Local y d, P.O. 'vfost show is titled "Staying Wanted Afloat." ABC Thea Joc'!i Life Home Grace Moon Kenny Rogers is lmprovcm Under Over eo1 Fire Miami "McShaw," a slick w cas The The South of 48 Hours yet lovable con man E Trouble Nanny Dundct With in Las Vegas. D Larry N Pierce Bronson is E NBC Unsolved 'low Law& a private eye on Mysteries Order s the run in D FOX Beverly \.felrose Local A "Frame-Up." Hills, Place 90210 y The last of the ABC Missing Matlock PrimeTim five shows is a Persons eLive T new version of H CBS In The Eye to Angel "Hart to Hart." Heat of Eyew/ Faus u the Night Connie Robert Wagner R s NBC Mad Wings Seinfeld and Stefanie PowFrasier L.A.Law About D ers are returning You A to television as y I FOX The Sinbad lnUving Herma.n's Local Simpsons Show Color Head ,=ce. Johnathan and :Jennifer , Hart. The original show aired ABC Family Boy Step by Hangin' 20/20 Matters Meets Step With Mr. F from 1979 to 1984. World Cooper R "Hart to Hart" is not the only show to be CBS h Had to FamJly Good Bob Picket I be You Album Advic:e Fences revisited this year. NBC has "Bonanza: The D Return" planned for November. The sons of A NBC Against NBC the Grain Friday y the original show's stars, Michael Landon Night Movie and Don Blocker, are returning to the PonFOX Disco derosa 20 years later. This is the second The Local County X-Files attempt Michael fr. Landon Jr. has made s ABC George Where r Paula The Live Poundcrst C.ommish A at resurrecting "Boone T nanza." The first one u CBS Dr. Quinn Harts of Texas was a flop. the West Ranger R There also are enD NBC Mommies Cafe Empty Nurses Sisters A Americain Nest cores of "The Odd y Couple," "I'll Fly FOX Front Cops Copsll L<x;al • Page Away," "I Spy" and "The Waltons" planned. Keep an eye out for the times. about a Palm Springs detective, played by There also are some new cable channels set Reunions are not the Terri Garr, who needs Sam Elliott's help to to hit the airwaves this fall. only movies the netsolve a mystery. works have planned. "Message From Nam" is scheduled for NBC is offering two Oct. 17 and 19. "Fugitive Nights" will air in book adaptations, November. Danielle Steel's If music is your thing, then stay tuned. "Message From Nam" PBS is showing "Porgy and Bess" on Oct. 6. and "Fugitive Nights" by CBS has "Gypsy," with Bette Midler, set for Joseph Warnbaugh. sometime in December and Fox is airing "Messages From Nam" · "The Sonny and Cher Story" sometime this stars Jenny Robertson and season. 1. What show, starring Dan Billy Dee Williams and tells the This is just a small glimpse of what is to HedayaandJeanKasein, was spunstory of a woman who loses her ficome. There are many more series, movies off from "Oleers?" ance and decides to become a war correand specials planned throughout the year. 2. Which characters from spondent in Vietnam. "Fugitive Nights" is

Fall TV Schedule




TV Trivia



1. "Cheezs" is the showwiththe moste.mmynominations. 2 .."The•¥atJ. TylerMooreShow"haswonthemostemmys. 3. "HOlllOflmt" "I'll Ply Away"~· canceledand nominated. 4. Angela~ has received13 emmynominationundneverwon. $;."TheRed SkeltonShow''won the firstbestcomedyshowaward.


"M*A •S*H" also stai:red in ''AfterM•A *S*H?" 3. In whatshow did Raymond Burrplaya wheelchair-bound detective?Whatwasbiscbaracter'sname? 4.WhatwasthenameoftheHarts' dog (jn"Hartto Hart?" 5. NameBen Cartwright's three sonson "Bonanza."





Friday, Sept. 24, 1993


Mideast-peace.treatybecomesreality by AmbreenA. Alladln years, no1 only militarily but in terms of graphics designer education, trade, taxation and tourism. The next few years call for a schedule Monday, September 13, 1993, will that jncreasingly adds cooperation and be remembered in history as the day Yasir Arafat, the Palestine Libera- trust between the two. The agreement sets a timetable for the two sides to tion Organization (PLO) chairman, negotiate the details as part of the acand Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak cords. Rabin shook hands in an effort to Within 30 days Israel and the PLO grasp the reality of the 20th century will begin negotiations over Israeli troop and share a land that both factions withdrawal from Gaza and .Jericho. have fought over for years. These negotiations are slated to last "There is a chance for the begin• roughly two months, after which a force · ning of the end to t.he wars that have of PLO fighters will take over the reraged between Israel and the Palessponsibility of keeping order in Gaza tinians," Israeli Prime Minister and Jericho. Yitzhak .Rabin said in a message to The next stepwill be quietly bringing the country's armed forces. ''We are intelligence services from both sides to now standing at a crossroads that will allow us to start a new, different bis, protect Arafat and containing militants who oppose the agreement. · tory in the State of Israel." ln the same step, in parts of the West This,. however, is only the beginBank, the Israeli military institutions ning. The next five years will be an will be turning over power to "authointerim period for Israel to test the rized Palestinians"in five spheres:eduPLO as a safe neighbor, and then the cation and culture, social welfarejhealth, fate of these nations will be decided. The biggest problem facing the Pal- direct taxation and tourism. Eourmonthsfrom then, Israeli troops estinians and Israelis in their new are supposed to be fully out of the Gaza situation will be sharing everything strip and Jericho, even t._ouglrit will be that the.Israelis have controlled for

just outside the actual territories. Ten months down the road, elections are to be held to establish a self-governing council, with exact powers still to be determined in regard to zoning. Two years from now, the negotiations for final status will determine who will be in contrpl of what. Only then will real separation be a possibility. Once that happens, territorial boundaries will be formed and both cmmtries might be able to live together in relative harmony. The accord speaks about the possibility of having the Israelis grant Palestinians a broadcasting license and television station. However, all the ideas mentioned in the accords are to be discussed step-bystep in the future. There are a significant number of issues that must be resolved between ttie two nations, and it will take a great deal of time to weed through all of it, According to Pinchas Landau, the editor of The 'telegraph, Israel's business daily, we need to "watch what multinational corporations do," and be expects to see the changes yield "tremendous changes in attitude, particularly in

Europe and Japan." Military aid also is at stake. Herbert Stein, an economic. adviser to Republican'Ptesidents, and a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, says dependence on foreign military aid is a double-edged sword, and the Israelis ought to plan to phase out this aid. Regionally, tensions seem high, and compromise will be slow and dif• ficult in corning. ' Howard Rosen, an economist at the Competitiveness Policy Council in Washington, argues that Israel's economic opportunities have been deeply handicapped by Arab boycott and the uncertainty of investing in a country permanently at war. Peace could change that. Dann Trotter, senior, said, "The Palestinians seem to be more genuine in their desire for peace. Israel seems as though they begrudge every concession they have made. Unless this attitude on the part of Israel subsides, the situation could develop into a bitter grudge match between the two nations. instead, of a peace accord!'

more GENERAL from 1 ing superior and I have all the confiAfter completing their first year un- knowledgeable ·superior staff who has and expand the program. der general studies, students declarea given him the freedom to make changes "Dr. Biller, at present, is my report- dence in the world in her, despite my major, are sent to concern of other changes in the their regular department and become administration and institution," members of that deYoung said. partment. Gardner said "They are sent on to their departments more and more knowing that the general studies general studies staff students are enis always available to rolling because them if they need they are looking 2.5~------=---~ 1000~-----=------~ help," Young said. for personal support and like the Sophomore Theresa Carragher idea of being 2 800 said that after comconnected with pleting her first year the CARe center. 1.5 under general studAs for the fu- . ture, Gardner ies, she does not feel 1 she received any said the number 400 more attention than of general stud0.5 any other first-year ies will depend student. on the applicant 200 0 "Being accepted poll. She said 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 under the general the class size has studies program was not yet been de100 not any different termined. 100~-------~ from my intended 90 "I would like 90 major," Carragher to keep the gen80 80 said. "I carried 15 eral studies pro70 70 credits both semesgram no larger 60 60 ters and took classes than it is now 50 within my intended because of our 40 40 major." support staff," 30 30 Gardner said. According to 20 20 Young, the program "After all, our 10 10 main focus is not has been very suc0 0 how many gencessful because of a 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 committed, caring eral studies but staff, cooperative This year's total enrollment has gone up from last year. One major reason for this is the increase in the admission how well these of general studies. students. These students are characterized as students who do not fit the set enrollment faculty and students students will standards such as uPA, SAT scores and recommendations. They are admitted because admissions feels that who have the potenbenefit from this have the potential to succeed in college. tial to succeed. program," she Most importantly, said. Young said he has had a wonderful and

Statistics on general·studies studentsfor past five years Average SAT scores

GPA average

Percentage of class

Total number accepted



Friday, Sept. 24, 1993



Last week in the world of news by Caroline Croley

aroundMiami. Orlando's amusementparks have alwaysre- of QVC's Network,is tryingto fire thingsup ThedeathofGaryColley:atouristfromBritain, mainedonthetopofthetouristslist.LikeFlorida's betweenthe two corporations.Dillermade a onTuesday,Sept7th,markedthesecondincidentin otherthemeparks,thisadditionwillfeaturetranspor$9.5 billionoffer to ParamountCommunica□ Tuesday,Sept 14-YasserArafatand lessthanoneweek. Theincidentoccurredjnafarm tation to and from the attractions as well as to and tionson Monday,Sept.20. YitzbakRabinMeetin WawngtontoMake area outside Tallahassee. from the hotels. Thisofferhas putMartinDavis,Paramount Peace Seventeenpercentof Florida'stourismcomes CEO, in a difficult positionbecause of his In the '60s, John Lennon sang the lyrics fromforeignersand,sincetheproblemsstarted,this □Monday,Sept.20Timelnc.GetsAFace­ mergeragreementwith ViacomProductions. "GivePeaceAChance."Inthe'90s,histOl)'was percentageissteadilydecreasing. lift made in the MiddleEast on the WhiteHouse lnApril,afterBaibaraMeller-Jenson,anativeof TIIlleInc.announcedSundaythattheywill be . OWednesdaySept.22-Clinton'sHealth lawn. Germany,was killedin Miami,visitorswere ad- takinga wholenew lookat theirtotalproduction. Planis ComingUponus in a Wave World leaders Yasser Arafat and Israel's visedtospendtheirvacationsinTampa01:0rlando.Theplanistorestructureandreorganizetheiradver- On Wednesday,Sept.22, Bill Ointon adPrimeMinisterYitrhakRabinjoinedhandsinan SinceTuesday,stateofficialshavebecomeappre- tisingandgeneralmanagement.This includesthe dressedthenationin frontof ajointCongress. effortto makepeacein thetroubledregion. hensiveaboutthe safetythroughoutthestate. changingof a few publishers.Cuttingfinancesis Forthepastweeks,evenmonths, healthcare Overthenexttwoyears,itwillbetheresponalso partof theplan: has been on everybody's mind, raisingnumerSibilityof both countriesio resolveproblems □Thur&lay, Sept.16-OrlandoParksKeep In addition,TIIlleInc.willfeaturemultimedia ousquestions. concerningboundaries,settlementsandtheisGettingBiggerandBetter projectssuchas videocassettesandtelevisionspeThis week, PresidentOinton and ~ suesinJerusalem. On Wednesday, Sept. 16, Universal Studios cials taken from their books and magazines. Ointon sell their plan in Tampa,Fla. and the Despitetheagreement, thehandshakeproved announcedplanstoenlargetheirpopularthernepark TIIlle Inc. is known for the publiattions Sports MayoOinic,Rochester,Minn. Theiropponents tobea monumentaloccasion.ArafatandRabin overthenextdecade. lliustrated,Time, Peopleand Fortune. In all,this continuetoprotestthroughtelevision advertisecameto the agreementthatit is timeto tum the Thenewsightswillfeaturefivethemehotels, 10 corporationputsout30magazinesandsixoooks. ments. pageandembracea newandpeacefulworld. new attractionscreatedby StevenSpielbergand Ointon has been meetingwithsmallbusiotherformsofentertainment. □ Tuesday,Sept. 21 QVC Gets Between nessesthatareworriedaboutpayrolls.Theplan □ WednesdaySept.15- FloridaKilling Even thoughUniversalStudiosdid not reveal ViacomandParamount hopesto requireemployersto payandprovide CausesDecreasein Toumm costs ofthenewproject,theysaidconstruction will Last week news broke out that Viacomwas insurancecoveragefor their employees.The Over the past year, there have been nine . beginin 1995andwillcoverabout800acres. goingtomergewithParamount. Now,BarryDiller, percentagewillincreaseto7.9percentfrom3.5 killingsinFlorida.Fivevictimswerekilledin or staff writer

Communityreactsto Blue Route by Katina Corrao staff writer

On December 19, 1991, a 62-yearold, $581.3 million dream came to life. A north-south expressway through Delaware County was born. The Blue Route, also known as 1-476, Mid-County Expressway and the Veterans Memorial Highway, is its name. The final link in the Interstate Highway System now is completed. This 21.5 mile route, with its 56 bridges and nine interchanges, provides travelers with easy access to all major landmarks, including Cabrini. Michael Carragher, local transportation engineer, said, "Reports indicated that the merchants of the Plymouth Meeting Mall recorded higher than anticipated Christmas period sales, due to the newly created access for more Delaware County residents."

Tricia Reilly, junior, said, "The Blue Route saved my social life." Before 1476 came, Reilly said she took Lancaster Avenue. It took her almost 45 minutes to travel back and forth to school. "It takes me only 13 minutes now," Reilly said. "I love it." Bryan Bell, junior, said, "The Blue Route is smooth enough to shave your legs while driving."· Carragher added, "The limited access Blue Route provides a definite time saving, compared to the stop-and-go traffic of the parallel Route 320." The Blue Route is greatly used by commuters at Cabrini. Paul Marturano, first-year student, said, "It gets me here faster than any other way." Agreeing with him was another first-year student, Joseph Marturano. "It takes me 15 minutes from Drexel Hill," Marturano said. The Blue Route also is a preferred

What's Happening permitting,theeventwillbeheld intheChildren's School parkinglot; in case of rain, it will be 0 The StudentActivities departmentis relocatedto theGraceHallAtrium. For more hostingOne World-A Celebrationof Music infoanationcallKarenStaufferat647-3968,or beginningat4p.m.onthefieldhockeyfield. The TheChildren'sSchoolat971-8520. children'sconcertwithDavid Grover& friends AIDSWaJkScheduled. isfrom5-6:30p.m.The folk/rockconcertwith DavidGrover& friendsis from 7-9p.m. This 10/17 OThe PhiladelphiaAIDSWalkbegimwith event is sponsoredby Kids Own Bookstore, Flags for All Seasons,Swamp Oeek, Your registrationat9a.m. Thewalkwillbeginatlla.m. GowmetKitchen.ProceedesgototheOrildrens anda freeconcertandpicnicwilltakeplacefrom SchoolandHugtheEarth. EakinsOval. For more info contact JoelleCharletteBox 132. CaricaturesCreatoo 0 To date,20 percentof theseniorsHAVE 9/30 0 The StudentActivities departmentis NOTappliedforgraduation. Pleaserememberto hostingcartoonistJoeAronsonin thecafeteria fill out yourgraduationapplication,availablein fromlla.m.-2p.m.Arsonsonwillcreatecarica- theregistrar'soffice. turesforeveryone. 0 Duringthe courseof the year the public FleaMarket & CraftFair relationsstaffroutinelyphotographsrnembersof lQ/16 thecampuscommunityforpromotionalpurpos□Cabrini Orildren'sSchoolisholdingaflea es. If for anyreasonyouchocs: not to appearin marketandcraftfairfrom9a.m.-lp.m. Weather thesepublicityactivities,notify thepublicrelationsofficeinwritingFriday,Oct.1

A CelebrationofMusic 9(25

way for faculty. Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chairperson of the psychology department, said, "It's the best thing, travelwise." With so much publicity and advertising, the Blue Route has become very popular. Traffic may be heavy at times, as with any major highway, during rush hour. Melissa Imperato, first-year student, said, "It's a real hassle. It takes me 10 minutes longer than when I take Montgomery Avenue." Kim Forde, sophomore, feels that it depends on the time. She said, "During rush hour, the Blue Route is a killer." According to publications provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, PENNDOT, approximately 71,500 vehicles driye the Blue Route daily. This was a figure not expected to be reached until after the year 2010. Carragher said, "On a more regional

perspective, the Blue Route provides a direct link from areas south of Philadelphia to the north via the turnpike, while bypassing the congested Schuylkill Expressway." Many things should be taken into consideration as to why there are people satisfied and dissatisfied with the convenience of the Blue Route. The weather, accidents and road construction all play an integral part in the slowing down of traffic. Will the Blue Route ever go under more construction? Will there be more room for cars to move during the hustle and bustle of bumper-to-bumper traffic? Is widening possible? Lois M. Morasco, assistant press secretary for the Department of Transportation, said, "In the two-lane section, widening is possible, but highly improbable."

Security Update Securityincidentsas reportedby security officefromTuesday,Sept.14throughMonday, Sept.20.

UnlawfulEntry □ 9/16/93-InWoodcrest,an RA informed securityof a maleenteringthebuildingthrough awindowonthefirstfloor.Thesuspectwasnot found. 'Institutional Vandalism O9/17/93-AftertheSGAlegalparty,securityreportedthesoapdishinthefirstfloormen's room and the trash pole containerby the fire lane,betweenSacredheartandWidenerCenter, werevandalized. HitandRun O9/18/93-Ajeepwashitwhileparkedinthe SacredHeartparkinglot. ExtinguisherFound, O9/18/93Afireextinguisherwasfoundon the lawn of House 3. It had been discharged.

Securityplacedtheextinguisherinsecurity lost andfoundsection.

DoorAlann :l9/19/93-In Woodcrest,anRAinformed securitythatamaleCabrinistudenthad entered thebuildingthroughthe basementdoorwhen the alarm went off. The male suspect was found.

Violation of Visitation O9/19/93-InWoodcrest,anRAsuspected visitationviolationandcontacted security.The RA and securityknocked on resident's door and informedher that if she did not open the door,securitywould. When securityopened the door, the residentsaid no one was in the room but securitysaw the male Cabrinistudent's headon thebed. The male studentwas escortedoutof the building. SuspectedIllegalViolationof Visitation 0 9/19/93-InWoodcrest,an RA informed securitythatsheheardmalevoicesonthethird floor. No maleswere found.

Friday, Sept. 24, 1993


-a,..3 ~


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128 W. LancasterAve.








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Friday, Sept. 24, 1993



Last week in the world of sports

Tap in '

by Jane S. Van lngen

staffwnter The Phillies were the hot topic of conversation this week. During three days of playing against the New York Mets, they lost one game and won two. They piayed against the Expos over the weekend and lost twice. The Phils played the Florida Marlins this week and are getting ready for the big series against the Atlanta Braves this weekend. In the first game against the Mets, pitcher Tommy Greene beat the Mets 5-0 in one of his most impressive and significant performances. It was the Phillies' third victory in eight games, but with only 18 games left in the season, it gave them an enormous boost. The first four runs came from Darren Daulton, Lenny Dykstra, Pete Incaviglia and Jim Eisenreich. In the second game, the Phillies lost 5-3. There were also two injuries during the game. Incaviglia pulled a muscle run_ning the bases in the fourth inning, and pitcher Danny Jackson sprained his left ankle running out a grounder.

Jackson remained in the game though and is scheduled to play in Montreal against the Expos. The Phillies came back the third day and beat the Mets 6-3. When play resumed after a rain delay in the top of the eighth, Ricky Jordan delivered a sacrifice fly that scored Wes Chamberlain and proved to be the winning run of the game. Any combination of Phils'wins and Expos' losses lowers the Phils' magic number to clinch the division. The other two teams still in competition are St. Louis and Chicago. In the first game against the Montreal Expos, the Phillies lost against the Montreal Expos in the 12th inning 8- 7. Montreal had a 30 lead before the Phillies scored seven times in the sixth inning. Daulton clubbed a three-run homer in the sixth, pushing his RBI total to 102. Pinch-hitter Curtis Pride made a two-run pinch-double in the eighth, sparking an Expos' comeback that continued in the 12th inning. In the Phillies second game, the Expos beat them again 5-4. In other baseball news, the Phillies and the Braves will become rivals next season under

Father knows best Who was the oldest man ever to pitch in the history of the National League Championship Series? How old was he? -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman (answers next week)

the National League's plan for realignment. The Braves will move to the East and the Pirates will move to NL Central. Phils Owner Bill Giles says having the Braves in the East will be harder for the Phillies, but that in the long run it will be all right. Steffi Graf won her third open title three weeks ago in the U.S. Open and now is coming to. Philadelphia in November. Along with six of the top 10 tennis players in the world,. she has entered the Philadelphia tournament November 814 at the Civic Center. This tournament will precede the Virginia Slims Championship in New York City, ending the tennis season. The Philadelphia Eagle's kicker Roger Ruzek strained his hamstring during the Eagles' victory against the Green Bay Packers. As a result, veteran Matt Bahr has been signed to a one-year deal as a back-up. Bahr was cut from the New York Giants' roster last month because of injuries. However, the Eagles' coaches were impressed

with Bahr's try-out. It is uncertain when Ruzek will return, even though he no longer is limping around and has participated in practice on a limited basis. The Flyers opened their exhibition season with a 5-3 victory against the Devils. Goaltender Tommy Soderstrom was only beaten once on 13 shots in the first half hour of the game, and goalie Dominic Rousel was beaten twice. Eric Lindros got the elbows flying with his smashes on Ben Hankinson, Bobby Carpenter and Scott Stevens. Lindros also fought Ken Daneyko in a short bout later in the game. Speaking of bouts, the first fight of the season came only one minute and 25 seconds in the game. It was between Flyers newcomer Jim Cummins and Mike Peluso. Cummins won when he landed on top of Peluso. No one was surprised by the outcome of the game, as fans packed into the Spectrum. This has been a look at the week in sports. Check again next week for more sports news.

A quote to □ ote-~ "If they paid Mitch Williams for excitement, hetd be a billionaire by now." -Tommy Greene

Lady Cavs reach semifinals at Rosemont by Celene Wright staff writer Tough,aggressive, lasting ... these words may come to mind when watching Cabrini's women's volleyball team play. These ladies work and sweat together, which .has resulted in a record of 6 wins and 6 losses. According to Sophomore Jen Paliaro, the reason for the team working so ·well together is the solid pre-season camp. Paliaro said, "We have personalities that coincide, and we respect our team captains and coaches." They were able to put that teamwork into effect on Sept. 18 at the Rosemont Tournament. "Our performance was intense," Paliaro said. With eight teams to compete against in the tournament, Cabrini had some anxiety about playing certain teams.

When asked which teams the Lady Cavaliers were worried about, coach Jim Harrigan said Beaver looked strong. The Lady Cavs had lost to Beaver before and had an idea of how strong the team was and what they had to offer. With Cabrini taking first place in their pool, Sophomore Stephanie Eberhardt was very happy with her team's performance. According to Eberhardt, the team played hard together, which is very effective in developing a good 'team. In the pool play, the Lady Cavs beat Rosemont, scoring 15-6, 12-15 and 15-11. Next, they defeated Chestnut Hill with an impressive score of 15-13 and 15-9. The team followed that victory with a win against Cedar Crest with twin scores of 15-8 and 15-8.

Though the players fought hard for the win, they did not last in the semi-finals. They lost to Alvernia, who finished second in the other pool, by 1115, 15-11 and 8-15. "The Alvernia match is the best we've played all year," Harrigan said. "Even though we lost, we played very well." Harrigan said his team wanted to win, but Alvernia wanted the victory a little more. According to Eberhardt, "Alvertiia could not hav·e walked away saying Cabrini was an easy win." "Dawn Johnson was very strong when serving," Harrigan said, "while Jill Saam played extremely well at the net. Eberhardt was good at outside hitting. Setting by' Paliaro and Amy Mollenko was strong. The Lady Cavs played tough, they played hard, and most of all they played together. If they

continue to keep up these habits,, they may have a chance to go to the top. Eberhardt said, "Ifwe didn't play well, I would have been disappointed, but we gave them a good fight."

Trivia Answer Jay Johnstone set a National League Championship Series threegame record by batting .778 for the Phillies in 1976. -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman

to Mac

by Bob Macartt»y sports editor

Ninety feet. between the

bases. Nine men on each side.

'Threestrikes. Three outs. These are the common rules of baseball. At least, they used to be. the days when um. pires could see. If youhave seen anybaseball games on television this year, you have noticed that the state of umpiring in the major leagues bas declined. The strike zone used to be 18 inches wide. Now it is

wider than John Kruk's waistline.

A pitcherthrows a pitchoo the outside comer,andthe umpire calls it a strike. The next pitch is inthe sameplace,and it is called a ball. Whatever happened to consistency1 Whenaplayerdoesnotshow the ability it takesto stay in the

majorleagues,he.isoptionedto the minors. When anumpireis in the same situation, nothing happens. . On Friday night, Bobby Thigpengotthe thirdout of an inning on a fly ball to center. As the players ran to the dugout.theywere calledback onto the field. A balk bad been called on Thigpen, giving Montreal another chance. They scored a run, and the game went to extra innings. The Expos won. On Sunday. the Expos, trailing by a run, bad men on first and second with one out in the ninth. Larry Walker hit a ground ball to Kruk, who bobbled it, giving him only one play. He flipped to Mitch Williams, who tagged first an instant before Walker. Two outs, second and third. One problem: first base umpire Charlie Williams bltw bis only call of the series, and the Expos had the bases loaded. Therefore, when the next batter popped upto Kruk, the Phillies bad only two outs. The game should have been over. It was not. The Expos won when the next batter hit a

double. We can only hope that tbe Phils can bold outfor the next two weeks, puttitJg them in theplayoffs. Then, we can'only hope that the umpires remember that the game is played with three outs.





Friday, Sept. 24, 1993

Field hockeybattlesweather,opponents by Tim Wonson

pholo by Doug Eppler

Coach Joanie Quinn battles for the ball with Christie Conlin, as Morgan looks on. The rain forced the cancelation of the match against Eastern on Tuesday.

staffwnter Field Hockey Coach Joanie Quinn and Wesley Head Coach Barb Abbott stood facing each other on a rain-soaked field. There was a difficult decision to be made. Theirs was the final call in whether or not the field hockey game between Cabrini and Wesley was going to happen. Abbott felt the field conditions were nearly impossible to play on. On the other hand, Quinn felt t the proper placement of sand would be enough to keep the gaine on schedule. The rain picked up its ferocity as the two drenched coaches tried to make the decision. After placing dry sand in the areas where the mud had gained too much ground, it was determined that the game would be played. Sophomore Chris Calvert said, "It took us a while to get psyched up after sitting in the locker room for so long." Calvert, who admitted she liked playing in the rain, went on to score the first goal for the Lady Cavs, starting them on their road to victory. Chris Lear, first-year student, felt that the rain made things very sleepy. According to Lear, Calvert played . with such an intensity the other team was intimidated by her. Tammy Pfeiff en berger scored the second and final goal of the game before the end of the first half. Junior Kristen Rudnick said, "We should have scored eight goals in this game, but the field was in ridiculous condition." According to Denise Cassidy, junior, "I was not thinking about the rain. I was thinking more about

the game than anything else." Firstyear student Melissa Hunsberger felt the field conditions really slowed down the ball. However, Hunsberger said, "I had fun. The rain really made things different." Abbott seemed to think the field conditions were in Cabrini's favor, but Quinn felt otherwise. . Quinn said, "I disagree. I really feel the weather was an equal deterrent. I feel that we were the stronger team and we should have scored more goals." According to Quinn, she was happy with the number of shots that the Lady Cavs took in the first half, but "we just couldn't cap them off with goals." Sophomore Jen Schaub said, "It was hard to see in the second half because it was really pouring." Rudnick said, "The rain really got a lot of people on edge and the game was very rough towards the end." Hunsberger agreed. "We started off really well but some attitudes got in the way ~uring the second half." Quinn feels the teain is stronger then many people realize. Quinn said, "We have a lot of new talent. I don't have to teach them basic skills like in the past. Instead we can work on our overall game." Schaub could not agree more. "I feel that we have a real opportunity to go all the way and win the PAC championships," Schaub said. Hunsberger said, "Our ability to play as a team will really help us in the long run." Cassidy said, "In order for that to happen, we really will have·to want it."

Athleteof the month: Chris Calvert by Catherine Smotherman

staff writer

Sticks don't hurt the field hockey team, and words only build them up, at least when the words are like the ones Joanie Quinn, head field hockey coach, lavished recently on Chris Calvert, the Loquitur Athlete of the

Month. The 19-year-old sophomore plays. rightback defense and offensive comers and was chosen by her teammates as player of the game after the Chestnut Hill College game. · The operative word with regard to Calvert's game is improved. Quinn praised Calvert's improved stick work and ball control but positively glowed when describing her motivation. According to Quinn, since last season Calvert has developed her ability and found confidence in her game. Quinn believes it is this burgeoning confidence that is driving Calvert to give 100 percent in every game. It is her high level of enthusiasm and confidence that is really making her shine on the field. Quinn believes Calvert's improvement is based on her playing indoor field hockey during the winter. Indoor field hockey is optional for team members, but most participate during the off- season. Calvert herself attributes her increased commitment to contact with older players who are more involved. Calvert began playing field hockey seven years ago, in the 7th grade but had no intention of playing at Cabrini when she arrived here. Her mother was concerned that the sport might interfere with her academic effort.

Her resident assistant last year asked if She works in Career Services, helping with tnbutethis in part to an influxof strongfreshmen sbe was interested in field hockey. When the Alumni Grapevine and doing clerical players. The recent defeat of Delaware Valley College,2 to 1,reverseslastyear'smatchupwhen Calvert said yes, the RA gave her a uniform work. KristynRudnick,the field hockey team cap- DelawareValleyCollegedefeatedCabrini7 to 0. and within two days she went to her first Cabriniplayedadoubleovertimegarneagainst game without having previously met the tain, describesCalvertas energetic,alwayssmilcoach. ing.RudnicksaidCalverttriestogeteveryoneinto Immaculataon Sept.15which stillendedin a tie. Someportionofthisgarnewillhavetobereplayed Field hockey practice is held every week- the game. Both Quinn and Calvert believe the team is becauseconferencegames must have a winner. day, except game days, regardless of weather. Calvert used to be the only team member much strongerthis year than last year. They atwho refused to wear cleats. A fall that left her flat on· the ground, covered with mud, and surrounded by laughing teammates conve,rted her, at least during rainy weather. Calvert said the down side of the game is when they come across a bad referee or a bad team. Quinn pointed out that a team that is not very skilled may wind up pushing, not out of malice, but because they don't have the control to get around their opponents any other way. Both good and bad players can get frustrated when the game is not going well. Wben the Cabrini team is frustrated, it may show temporarily in their on-field interaction. But the team spends a lot of time together off the field as well as on, and everyone recognizes that the frustration is directed at the situation and not at each other. Calvert, an early childhood and elementary education major from Milford, PA, in the Poconos, likes Cabrini. She has found that she really does get individual attention. And she loves the field hockey program. The games provide competition and excitement. The team provides a social circle. They eat dinner together most nights, and some hang out together as well. Her mother has been won over and is very supportive now. p/)Otooy Doug Eppler Calvert is a sophomore class officer and served as an orientation counselor this year. Sophomore field hockey player Chris Calvert, September's Athlete of the Month.

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