Friday, Oct.1,1993 Vol.XL,No.4 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa.19087
College·improves look of campus with·renovations by Shella Brady staff writer
Hot Dog Man!!!
Heart,leaclingtoXavier Hallbeforetheotherswere put in?" Maggie Mitura,sophomoreresidentof Xavier,said,referringto themuddypathunderthe
Withouta doubt,manyphysicalchangeshave trees. taken place on Cabrini's campus over summer AnotherattentiongrabberofCabrini'snewphysvacation. ical appearanceis the additionof the two Cabrini Officeshavebeen moved,treeshavebeencut, groundsmaps. RobRisse,junior,thinksthesigns themansionhasa brandnewroof. makeCabrinilookneat. Therearenewlightsinthecafeteria,freshcaipetSophomoreSheilaMcGrorysaid, ''Whocould inginthelibraryandthedividinglinesintheparking getlostat Cabrini?" lotare a sunniershadeof yellow. TheWigwamhasbeenrenovated. JarnesDean, Directorof ResidentLife CatherineCaufield nottherealpersonbutacardboardcut-out,standsin spoke of many changes within the dorms and thecomermoderating.· houses. House seven hasbeen fullypaintedand Oldrecordsfromhisdayhavebeenhungonthe recai-peted. walls.Thereisablackandwhitepanelingbelowthe Housetwohasbeenpartiallypaintedandcaipethuge new menu board, (which now includes ed. Some paintinghasbeendoneon Housefour. milkshakes.) Housefivehasbeencaipetedandsomepainting · Ao Pittman,cookof theWigwam,saidsheput has also been done on it. House two hasnew upallthesegroovydecorationstogivetheplaceatrue cushions.Housesfiveandsix receivednewlVs. '50s sense. Winona Woods and Donna Beck, The tripleroomsin Xavierhavenewfurniture, managersof thecafeteria,cameupwiththeidea and there are new televisionsin Xavier as well. Cabrini'scampuschangesslightlyeach year. Woodcresthasfinallyreceivedcable. Generally,these changesmeet the approvalof However,to most Cabriniresidents,the most students,facultyandstaff. positivechange would have to be the sidewalk However,youcannotpleaseallthepeopleallthe pavingitsway fromthelibraryto WoodcrestHall. time.ExceptmaybejuniortransferstudentCaroline ''Butwhydidn'ttheyputinasidewalkbySacred Bakerwhosaid,''Ijusttbink itlooksbeautiful."
photo by Dawn,elleKlopp
Look at this boy. He's a bird! He's a plane! No, he's David Shapiro, a student at the Children's School, eating a hot dog at last Saturday's Children's concert. The concert was held to benefit the school.
Publicsafe_tydepartmentcopes Withthe.unexpected by Doug Eppler copy editor & writing coach
11:35p.m.Saturday,Sept.25, XavierHall. A Radnorpolicecruiserslowsto astop,'officersenter thedormitpry,lightbouncesoff theirsilvercuffs, andtwo visitorsto the campusare herdedout the doorintothedrizzlingrain,theirheadsspinningin wavesof drunkennessand shame. For Cabrini's Departmentof PublicSafety(OOPS),itis another fun nighton patrol. 1lris weekend'sspectacle,acoordingto membersof thecollegesecurityforce,wasby nomeans thenorm. Loquiturscouredthe campusthatnight for an eveningwith the membersof OOPS. At 11:45p.m.,Jim McGrealsat at his post at Woodcrest,talking of his days in the busine.5s worldwitha first-yearbusinessmajor. A 10-year veteran of Cabrini's force, McGreal went into security nearly 18 years ago after 20 years at
Inside ... tl'NEWS
pg. 4
Do you know who makes up the resident life staff? Read the RA and RD profiles to get more insight to these everyday faces.
GeneralElectric. Taking IDs from two male visitorsto theall-femaledormitory,McGrealconfided the toughestpart of hisjob was "littleboys tryingto act like big men." A pizza deliveryat 11:50 p.m. interrupted McGrealas he spokeof alcoholviolationson the campus. When the conversationresumed,he said the reportedcaseswerefar fewerat thecollegethanat some placesat whichhe hasserved. Joe Lews, the evening's mobile officer,returnedto the whiteChryslerminivanto checkits mileageandwrapup 12am. shift. A securityofficerfor nearly 20 years,l.ews came to Cabrinifouryearsago. He reportedthe typicalshiftlastseighthoursandfindstheofficers divided between van or foot patrols and dorm watches. 7 Lews said, ''V-. e try to get aroundas much as possible,to be visibleas much as possible." Ac-· cordingto Lews,therearethreeto fourofficerson dutyeachnight. Henotedthedepartmentwill call in the Radnorpolicein a numberof cases,including burglary,vandalismand, as in the case of Saturdaynight,underagedrinking. Forty-fiveminutesafter Lews' departure,his relief,Lou Welsch,passed Dixon House in the midstof yet anotherroundof patrols.·
Meanwhilein Xavier,dutyofficerJohnAllen ''You're licensed by the state," Allen said. continuedhis two-pagereport on the evening's "You go to a class andtheytellyou how tohandle arrest. varioussituations." Allen has also completedthe requirementsof Thoughunableto givedetailsontheevening's callto Radnorpolice pendinga fullinvestigation, Act 120, the licensingcriteriafor Pennsylvania Allen,a two-yearmemberof Cabrini'steam and policeofficers. At 1:30a.m.,Alleninvestigatednoisefromthe part-timepoliceofficer,said OOPS' decisionto callRadnorusuallydependson theway the situa- northside of Xavierbut returnedafter the noise abruptly ceased. Ten minutes later, a similar tionis going. He said cooperationfrom the accusedparty outbuist prompted a similar investigationand will deter such a call, but potentialtrouble and result. disorderlyconductwarrantsRadnor's attention. At 1:50a.m., Welsch unlockedthe Widener Saturdaynight,Allen and his colleagues,along CenterforseveraleagerMACusers. Whenasked withmembersof residentlife,receivedlittlecoop- to describethe scariestmomentin his 15 yearsas erationand feltRadnorshouldbe notified. a securityofficer,theformerpoliceofficerrecalled Allen reiterated,however,that the evening's anincidentatthePhiladelphianaval yardsinwhich eventswere not typical. a drunkfatherheld hischildhostageuntilWelsch He said the usual routinein Xavier includes and his colleaguescould "take the guy down checkingandsecuringexteriordoors,attendingto withoutdamagingthechild" Chucklingat the thoughtof someof Cabrini's fire and door alarms,preventingnoiseviolations funt)iercalls to security,Welsch returnedto the andenforcingvisitationpolicies. He addedthat someof the toughestsituations van. facedbythedepartrnentincludethosetimesduring At twoa.m.,he bracedfor anothersixhoursof whichthecampusis desertedandmorevulnerable patrol.Allenand McGrealhadthreehoursleft in to vandalismand burglaries. theirshiftsand l.ews was longgone. SaturdaydriftedintoSundayandthe lateshift Accordingto Allen, all of Cabrini's security personnelhave completed,as perstate require- coastedinto them0rninghours. OOPS,however,remainedever vigilant. ments,thestandardtrainingdescribedin Act235.
Week at a Glance ... tl'PERSPECTIVES pg.3
Students and facilty speak against cafeteria food.
11'6-8p.m.: Scholarship banquetin Mansion Dining Room
Sr. Mary Brancato exhibits her art in the library.
tl'SPORTS pg.12
SATURDAY SUNDAY VParent Weekend begins. Welcome Parents!
Check out our first Flyers preview. '
11'10:30 a.m.: Fami_ly weekend liturgy in the Chapel Vl-4p.m.: One World, One Kite Festi~ val for Peace.
Oct. 1 to Oct. 7
V9p.m.: Prison Outreach lnformation Session in the Student Development Conference Room.
11'12:301:30: Outreach to the Homeless Information Session in Campus Ministry.
II' 8-10 p.m.: WYBFs sports talk show. Call in971-8453.
11' Thursdays by SGA held in the Widener Center Gathering Area.
E_d_ito_r_ia_l _____
Friday,Oct. 1, 1993
............... ___________ ---11I Viewpoint
Middle States evaluates Cabrini
The prissearns her wings
Duringthenexttwoyears,CabriniCollegewillbeunderswveillancebytheMiddleStates Accreditation team.Theteamwillanalyz.etheinstitutionin~venbroadareas. Theseareas includestudents,faculty,educationalprograms,planning,:financialresources,govemance Kelly McDonald, and.image._ A portionofstudentshasbeenselectedtotakepartinaself-evaluationproces.sbeforethe Co-News Editor outsideteamstepsin. Thisisanexampleofhowthecollegeattemptstopreparethemselves beforea ''teamofexperts"arrives. . Asyearsprogress,tuitionwillrapidlyrise,andstudentswillbecomemoredependenton :financial aid.Thecollegeneedsto evaluatethesourceoffundsthatsupportsfinancialaid so allstudentscanreceivehelp. I am a priss. A major tragedy to me is losing my lipAsthecollegeobtainsnationalrecognitionforitsserviceprogram,housingwillbecome stick or breaking a nail. a greaterconcern.Wecannotrecruitmorestudents withoutadequatehousingfacilities. Coming from a female-dominated famAsenrollmentescalates,itwillbeneces.5al)' tore-examinetheteacher-to-student ratio. ily, it seemed inevitable that the road I would Cabrinipridesitselfonprovidingindividualiz.ed attentiontoallstudents.Realistically ,can travel was already defined for me. thiscontinuewhenourstaffsizeremainsthesame? I would lead a sports-free life, I was not Studentsarenottheonlypeoplethatmakeupoursmallcommunity.Staffandfaculty sports inclined nor did I have any interest in professional sports. concernsmustbeaddressed. Theredtapethatseparatesadrninistrationfromtheofficesis In particular, I hated football. I did not destructiveto everyone.Communication is suffocated.In orderfor Cabrinito breathe, understand football and had no interest in airwavesmustbe keptclearfor properdialogue.Memosandmeetingsshouldnotbe learning the sport. To me, football was just secretivebutratheropenforallto offersuggestionsandconcerns. a bunch of over-sized men, with an extra Cabrinidoeshaveits strongpoints.In recentyearsthe collegehas achievedproper dose of testosterone, running around knockrecognition foritseducationalmerits.Themostrepetitious question,''WhereisCabrini?" ing over one another. I just did not see the isnotsocommonanymore.Thequalityofourfaculty,whilesmallinnumbers,continues purpose of football. Also, football was played on Sunday, and tobe admirable. that was my day to sleep until at least halfCabriniwasbuiltuponastrongfoundationofeducationalexcellence. However,leaming time and shop with my girlfriends. I thought this ritual was carved in stone and would doesnotjusttakeplaceintheclas&00m Improvementshavebeguninmanynon-academic areasof the college.Changesmustbe madenotfor thesakeof accreditation butforthe never change. I was wrong. "commongood"oftheinstitution.
IUps and.Downs Flower power has hit Cabrini's campus with a vengeance. The dormitories ·and maps have been adorned with an abundance of mums. This colorful change has brought peace and love into our small community.
Television viewing pleasure in the cafeteria has been detained this semester. While the set is broken, students can no longer enjoy their favorite soap operas or re-runs from the early '80s.
Congratulations to Scott and Debbie Dorsey on the birth of their daughter, Raven Marie. We wish the family much happiness.
!Cartoon Caught withiQ'no mans land' l\rJOODCREST l
On Sept. 15, 1989, I met Steve, a 5-foot9-inch brunette with beautiful blue eyes. At the time, this seemed perfect, but then I discovered he also was a running back for North Catholic, a die-hard Eagles fan and he •ate, slept and breathed football. This was a problem. _ After dating for a few months, which not to mention was during footbaU season, I tried to learn something about footba_ll,just for the sake of conversation. After pestering my dad during numerous Eagles games, I finally knew enough to watch a game with Steve. The first game I watched was the play-off game between the Eagles and the Rams. The Eagles lost. This set the mood for the day, even for me. I was amazed at the amount of emotion
the loss stirred in me. Also, I was surprised by the interest I had in the game, not for Steve but for me, Kelly. For the first time since this whole football issue started, I was interested in football for me. My desire to learn about the game strengthened. Four years later, Steve and I are still dating, and my love for footba11 has flourished. I faithfully watch the Eagles games every Sunday now and enjoy them. Through·years of learning and broadening my horizons, I have developed a great knowledge of football. Knowledge. I realize now that this knowledge was not about football or even about sports, but about my life. Until that point, I went through life living what I thought I was supposed to be, without letting in other ideas or interests because they were different. Now I have greater confidence in myself to handle any challenge. I have an open mina and am not intimidated by the world around me just because it is different. l do not feel inadequate because I am not all knowledgeable, but I look to the future as a way to break down th.ewalls that surround me. lam notjustconfined to being a priss, and I live with no restrictions. Or regrets. So, as life progresses, I hope to avoid makingjudgements without at least testing the waters. After all, if Randall Cunningham planted his feet firmly in one place, he would be setting himself up for a lot a sacks.
!Staff Editor in Chief:
Heather McAllister
Managing Editor: Perspeclives
Danielle DiMarco
Co•N11ws Editor:
Danielle DiMarco
Steve May
Co;News Editor:
Kelly McDonald
Feat"res Editor:
Gary White
Arts and Entertainment Sports Editor:
Gary White
Bob Macartney
Copy Editor: Doug Eppler
[Letters Student annoyed with on-campus parking problems
Writing Coach: Doug Eppler Graphic Designer: Editorial Cartoonist:
Francis Kelly
Business Manager:
Diane Osborn
Assitant Business Manager:
There is a parking problem here on campus! I am a commuter student, and I have to wait 15 to 20 minutes until I can get a spot. Something needs to be done. The problem that I see is that the residents who live on campus are parking here! They can easily walk from their dormitories and should be required to park there. Faculty members have also expressed their concerns. I know there is an increase in the number of students, but freshmen are not supposed to have cars. I spoke to security about this, and right now they are scoping the area to see which hours the lots are full. I propose that fines should be given to any residents who parkhere. . Tbanks! Tara Palmisano, senior
Karen Szczurek
Photography Editors: Eric Barbuscia & Dawnielle Klopp Photography Adviser: Adviser:
Letter to the Editor:
Ambreen Alladln
Dr. Carter Craigie
Dr. Jerome Zurek
Staff: Shella Brady, Katina Corrao, Caroline Croley, Kelly Dougherty, Christian Feehan, Ronette Holt, Richard Jasper, Margaret Maio, Regina Miller, Gabi Nichols, Renee Ronzniatoski, Brain Siatkowski, Catherine Smotherman, Jana Van lngen, Timothy Wonson, Celene Wright. Diane Wrobleski Photography Staff: Caroline Croley, Doug Eppler. Margaret Maio, Kendra Martin Loquitur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an Inscription inserted such as •name withheld at the request of the writer.· Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Letters. to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published In Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the lndivid~al writers and ! not the entire student body or the faculty and t l• · administration. f • Loquitur Is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited robust, free and open discussion of issues.
Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
..___lo_,._Q_in_io_n ______ " __JI!Letters (continued) Avid. Cowboys. fan smears Warning: Cafeteria food may ,riore than cream cheese be harmful to your health Letterto the Editor:
Edie Lamberti, sophomore
There are many things that happened to me when I moved to Pa. from Texas. I moved 1,700 miles away from home. It became common practice for me to be introduced as "Edie from Texas," and I was ridiculed on WYBF for liking the Dallas Cowboys. I was not originally a fan of the Cowboys, so if there is anyone to blame it would have to be the die-hard Eagle fans. I remember the night of the first Cowboys-Eagles game of my freshman year. I heard screaming next door, and I went to see what was up. The Eagles had just scored a t~uchdown against the Cowboys, and I was curious about all the excitement. I was met with a reply of "We HATE the Dallas Cowboys!! Oh wait, aren't you from Dallas?" The war was on! I'm not from Dallas; I'm from Fort Worth, which is right next door, and the Cowboys are our team. I had always hated football and never watched it. This was abnormal for a Texan. Football is very big in Texas. (That is probably the biggest understatement of the year.) It is what everyone does on Sunday between church and "supper." I grew up begging my grandpa to change the channel to something besides "that dumb game." All the little boys play pee-wee football, while their fathers' stand on the sideline, screaming obscenities at the referee, as if it was the NFL. This is the background I was coming from, until I show up at the one place in the whole Northeast that absolutely detested the team that Wl\S second only to Ood, and holding season tickets to their games got you in the "pearly gates." How could I stand back and not stick up for them? How could I let my 'Boys down? After that first game, I didn't think much about it. I would see how they did each week, it was nice if they won and too bad if they lost. Then they seemed to be -doing
pretty well, an'd people started to talk about the SuperBowl. That was when it started to get serious. Around this time, someone I hardly knew, Doug Eppler, began to make comments about the Cowboys on WYBF, just to get my goat. I remember walking into my room one night and my roommate saying, "Edie, they are talking about you on the radio!" I could not sit back and let him sound like he was getting the best of me, so I took every opportunity to mention, nonchalantly of course, how well the Cowboys were playing (with Doug sending back those quick rebuttals he is known so well for). I also stocked up on as much Dallas Cowboy memorabilia that would fit into my suitcase during Christmas break. Well, it is obvious as to who got the last laugh. I enjoyed every darn minute of it. Well, after all the Cowboys did go on to win the SuperBowl, and they did a mighty fine job, I might add! So, as football season rolled around again this year, I began planning my strategy. Yes, the Cowboys did get off to a slow start this year, but they seem to do better this way, and we have the "Everlasting" Emmitt Smith back in the saddle! Besides, Texans are creative and dtualistic. We pulled all the Philadelphia Cream Cheese off the shelves last year, and they are preparing to do it again this year. In a way I guess I am thankful to the Eagles fans, and the people who just plain HATE the Cowboys, for encouraging me to stand by my team and become a loyal fan. There is probably some hidden meaning deep below the surface of this story, and Dr. Romano could probably tie this to some ancient ritual or medieval myth. But, for me, I am going to bask in the glory of the aftermathof anEXTRAORDINARYSuperBowl victory, and enjoy watching the Cowboys out-do some football players in green from Philadelphia ...and to rub it in to Doug ...just to get his goat. I guess worse things could have happened to me being so far from home. I mean I could have started to talk funny, and say "youz guys" and "gaz." My friends know what to get me as a gift. I think I have accumulated four or five Cowboy T-shirts and at least one Philadelphia shot glass, to " ...keep me humble ..." I suppose. Or possibly I could have been tragically harmed in a way never to recover ...I could have learned to like the Eagles!
BecauseI want a chanceto visitwithfellowfaculty,I've decidedto try to subjectmyselfto cafeteria foodonMondaysandFridays.However,afterthreelunches,I'mreadytogiveup(again.)LastMonday, Sept.20, I couldnot find a healthy,satisfyingmeal among the selections. Ihad aproblemfindinglow-fatfoodthepreviousMonday,butmadedobyeatingcottagecheeseand a greensalad(yuk). I'm NOT on a diet,but I do want a "heart healthy"meallike the cafeterialiterature recommendations. Here's what I foundon Sept. 20: a choiceof cheese puffs,cheese steaks,breadedand friedpatties ofsomesortand,ofcourse,theever-presentfrenchfries--allhighcalories,highfat,highcholesterol. The saladbarhad threegreensalads(one disqualifiedby largeamountsof cheese,bacon andoilydressing), a pastasalad,no cottagecheese,no yogurt,no low-fatdressing. One soupwas available-a very lowcalorie(and good)chickenvegetable. The othertureenwas apparentlyfilledwithkindergartenpaste. So, lunchfor me was a greensaladwith somepasta and ranchdressing,a bowl of soup and pieceof fruit. This was healthy,but hardly satisfying.I was hungrytwo hourslater. Couldn'tthecafeteriaofferonelow-fatentreeatlunch?Oratleastmakesurethere'ssomethingwith some low-fatproteinin it atthe saladbar? I'd hateto spendthe semestereatinggreensaladand cottage cheese,and hopeI don't haveto, but eventhat is betterthanwhat was availableon·Sept.20. Am I going to have to spendthe semesterchoosingbetweengood nutritionand adequatefuel intake? Sincerely, MariceBezdekPh.D. English/communications professor
With visions of DOmino's heads dancing in our Letterto the Editor: I've been a resident of the 110 rolling acres going on three years now, and if there is one facet of life here that needs to be drastically changed, it's the poor excuse for food service. I'm surethat 99.9percentof the residentsfeelthe same way aboutSeiler's that I do. I go to sleep at nightwithvisionsofgrilledcheese,crabcakesaooboiledchickendancinginmyhead.Theytrytocover up thewhip marksmadeby thejockey on the hamburgermeatand confuseus by offeringmultitudesof variationson the grilledcheese theme. This must stop. This is not funnyanymore. Residentslike myselfpay about6,000.dollarsto livehere,andwe aresubjectto this torture.For that kindofmoney,I wantNewYorkStripSteak,ChickenCordonBleuandsomeonetorepeatedly apologize to me for threeyearsof Seiler's food. There areschoolsthatl havebeen to with honest-to-Godedible food that cost one-thirdof Cabrini's tuitionand room and board. ThebottomlineisSeiler'scontractmustnotberenewed.Theonlypositivethingsl,thevastmajority of residentsand a fewunfortunateandnodoubtnauseouscommuterscansay aboutSeiler's, isthatthey keep Domino's in businessand the roads clearof dead littlefurry things. When thosedead littlefurry thingsareeventuallyrenamedandputon a plate,residentsgetupset.I proposethatthepersonwhowrites the checkfor the foodserviceshouldbe requiredto eat theirfood. I'm surewe'd see a big changein the cafeteriaofferings._This poor excusefor food mustbe broughtto an end, or at leastplacedbackwhere they found it. In all seriousness,we've had enough. BryanBell,junior FrequentDomino's Customer
Quality of first-year students superior to previous years To the Editor: Toclarifyconfusionoverthegrade-pointaverage(GPA)andSATscoreaveragedatamentionedin the Sept. 24, 1993articleon the frontpage, pleasebe awarethat the statisticslistedwerefor the general studiespopulation. Thelatestfinalstatisticsforthethreegroupingsofstudentsforfall1993,andcomparisonswith 1992, are as follows: 1992
Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing 1993
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Thus, as you cam see, the qualityof this year's new first-year studentclass is NOT lowerthan last year,but is actuallyslightlyhigher. Thanks to everyonewho helped us bring in anotherterrificclass. Sincerely, NancyK Gardner executivedirectorof admissionsand financialaid
Resident life profile by Christina Feehan staff writer
Most people slap the snooze button at 6:30 a.m., slink out of bed, stumble into the shower and contemplate the ominous commute to the grey-walled office and their nine to five work day. For four Cabrini employees, however, the not-sogrey office is home. Catherine Caulfield, th~ only commuter on the resident life staff, has been the director of resident life for the past four years. Although she enjoys her position, Caulfield revealed that it is not always easy to solve problems on campus. She has certain goals for the year, including finding every resident a comfortable place to live. "People simply need to let us know what they want, and hopefully we can supply them to the best of our ability, but it is especially difficult this year," Caulfield said. Caulfield hopes that . the student body will earn to do things on their own, because some problems cannot be taken care of immediately. She and the rest of the resident life staff are thinking ofnext year and some of the realistic changes that may take place, such as the building of a new housing complex. "We are moving forward with issues such as visitation, and hopefully we will keep this trend going," Caulfield said. The assistant director of resident life, Scott Dorsey, is now in his third year at the college. This past Thursday, Dorsey's wife gave birth to Raven Marie, a 6-pound, 9-ounce baby girl. Thefamilywillremain inHousefour. Hewas a resident director when he fust came to Cabrini, but was promqted to assistant director of resident life programming. "I hope that the programming will be motivational and set up better than it was in the past," Dorsey said. He revealed that he has many responsibilities, and developing programs is a full-time job. Dorsey would like to improve the qm;tlityof programs on campus and make them more educational. He would also like to propose different activiiies instead of the always having the same old pizza parties.
RA Michelle Peranteau
"The students need a variety, something different to look forward to and bring them together," Dorsey said. A newcomer to Cabrini's campus, Laura Irwin, is the assistant director of Xavier hall. She began her job in July after working at Providence College for a year. Irwin graduated from Frostburg State University in Ma~y-
·Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
An in-depth look at the people who make living on campus possible
nior, and Maguire House RA, has been an RA for two years and is an English/communications major. His goals are to graduate on time and get a job. Murray decided to return to his position as an RA for many reasons. "I learned a lot about myself because of this job, and the personal satisfaction you receive when you help someone makes it all
er science/mathematics major. He took the job because he enjoys working with people and is respected by his fellow students. "My goals are to graduate in May and get my GPA over a 3.0," Barracliff admits. Michelle Peranteau, senior, is a transfer student from Pittsburgh and an arts administration major. She is also the RA for the Lanshe House and revealed that without a good RA and roommate her first year at Cabrini, she would never have stayed. Peranteau said that RAs are pivotal people and act as a voice for residents. According to Peranteau, RAs are students also, and are not out there to see how many people they can write up.
RAs Amy Gillette and Tammy Pfeiffenberger
land with a masters in counseling psychology. "Cabrini reminds me of my alma mater, and I enjoy the challenging and rewarding area of higher education," Irwin said. "The opportunity to share experiences with younger people is exciting and I love my job." According to Irwin, this position does not allow her to have a closed mind. She would like to share what she has accomplished in her life and does not•!ike being seen as the wicked witch of the west. Irwin said she would go the extra mile for anyone, but deserves the students' respect. "I treat them as adults, and as long as they do not cross me, I will continue to respect them," hwin said. Sloane Gibb, the new resident director of Woodcrest, graduated from Ursiqus College in 1992. She spent a year teaching kindergarten, and now while working at Cabrini she is going for her master's degree. "Myjob as resident director is everything I expected and more," Gibb said. She stated that the people make her work worth while, and she hopes to use her experience to help students in gaining the same visitation as Xavier. Gibb cannot do it herself. She can only help the women of Woodcrest. "It is not for me to do, I have 24-hour visitation," Gibb said. This does not mean I will not do my best to help the situation." Things seem to be working themselves out and Gibb is surprised and happy to reveal that there are not as many problems as she expected. S t e v e Murray, se-
worth it. It is a difficult job, but it is rewarding," Murray admitted. Another returning RA is Priscilla Fuentes, senior. She is an early childhood/elementary education major and lives in the Dixon House. She enjoyed the position last year and decided to return. "The houses offer a different experience than Wood crest, where I lived previously. Everything is going smoothly and I am trying my best," Fuentes said. Her focus this year is getting the programming done and doing the best job she can. J e r r y Schaefer, the new Infante House RA, is a senior accounting major, with a minor in human resources. "I felt capable of doing the job, but ifl did not get the position, it would be no great loss," Schaefer said. His goals are to graduate and have the best year ever. He is enjoying his position but reveals that it is a great deal of work. Michelle McKenoa, living in the McManus House, is a senior education major. She took the job because she enjoys the leadership responsibility and likes helping people. McKenna lived in Woodcrest for three years and reveals that living in the houses is a very different experience. "I would like to provide the girls in my house with what they want and need, McKenna said. "We sit, share our ideas, and work together for the benefit of everyone." The Casey House RA, Dan Barracliff, is a senior on the b~sketball team and a comput-
In fact, Peranteau wants to be understanding because she recalls trying to get around the system as many students do now. Her main goal is to change the studen\s' perception ofRAs/RDs. Peranteau enjoys being an RA and acting as a resource for students as well as an advertiser of services. "~eing an RA is a social job and that is why I enjoy it," Peranteau said. MollieChesna, senior and Sullivan House RA, was an RA in Woodcrest last year. She is an education major as well as a council person for campus ministry. Chesna is the president of the Pennsylvania State Education Association and her goals are both personal and job related. She wants people to become in tune to other peoples' needs. Chesna. would really like to reduce the secular grouping and promote a campus wide
RA Caroline Smith
community. "I would like to foster a better sense of community, a better understanding of community, and finally a better respect between people," Chesna said. The first floor Woodcrest RAs are Caroline Smith and Kristyn Rudnick. Smith is junior political science/history major. She took the position as an RA because she likes living at free room and board.
see more RESIDENTon pg. 8
Friday, Oct. 1 , 1993
1( Steve's Stars lf
Cabrini Citizen
Dr. ArthurE. Young
From Phillyto Radnor· by Brian Slatkowskl
staffwnter Where did you grow up and where did you go to school? I grew up in South Philly. I attended high school in the city at St. John Neumann and then left for Nobert College in Wisconsin. After I received my B.A. from Nobert, I went to Villanova to get my M.A. and then to the University of Pennsylvania for my Ph.D. After teaching at St. John Neumann High School in Philly, I came to Cabrini in 1975 to set up a male residency program and then started teaching English courses. What evoked your interest in litera-
ture? I wanted to be a psychiatrist but found that the purpose for teaching literature is to become more human, and that brought me into the field. Name one positive and one negative thing about Cabrini College. The good students, good co-workers, creative atmosphere and freedom. However, sometimes there seems to be a lack of appreciation for how hard people work. I have concerns for some of the stated goals of the new administration. What other work do you do? I am a member of the department of physical medicine at Sacred Heart Hospital in Norristown. I also am a consult-
file photo Young has been teaching at Cabrini for years. Before that he was involved in resident life.
ant for Montgomery Psychiatric Association and a reading specialist (oneon-one with kids.) Share y'our favorite books with us. "The Country of the Pointed Firs," by Sarah Orne Jewett. I also love the poetry of Emily Dickinson, Stephen King's "The Shining" and "Good Times, Bad Times" by James Kirkwood. Do you watch television? I enjoy "Murphy Brown." Also "Northern Exposure," "Seinfeld" and "Dr. Who." What changes have been made over the years to Cabrini? Males were admitted, enrollment has tripled and honors and graduate program were added. We have gone through three presidents and five academic deans. Where would you like to travel? Boston. I feel, in a past life, I was
Ask Roxy Send your letters with questions or concerns 10 Roxy at Box 586. She will give ycu some of her wise advice.
headmaster at a private academy. never had a desire to go out of the United States. Name someone you would like to meet and speak with. Alexander the Great. He is my personal hero. Faithful to his friends, deadly to his enemies. Any predictions for the world in the next five years? I strongly feel that the United States is in danger of becoming a second-rate power because of our illiteracy rate. What thought do you remember from 1960? In sixth grade I was still afraid of nuns. I was waiting for the world to end, seriously. What is one thing you would like to change in life? People would be more human to one another, more tolerant. Life is difficult, but really not that bad. What are the personal sacrifices in your occupation? . Not making as much money as I could. What's your worst fear? Driving across a bridge and catastrophic illness. What do you think of your father? I love my dad and the way he makes macaroni and gravy.
Aries: Love is in the air all month. Your relationship will be exciting and rewarding. If you are without someone, get together this weekend or at the end of the month. You also will be sexually charged for all of October. Unfortunately, problems may occur in your career around the 22, and you may feel trapped until the end of the month. Taurus: You may feel frustrated in your relationships this month. You will be sexually energetic, but your lover may be reluctant. You will definitely have rough times around Parents' Weekend. But do something fun on the 14. Work may be tense around the 24. Also expect welcome responsibilities to your daily routine on the 15. Party hard around Halloween. Gemini: This month will be fun! Leisure is highlighted all month, especially the "super weekend" of the 15-18. Take a well-deserved vacation and relax! Have lots of fun and party at will. You may receive news from home in the early part of the month. Also, look out for disease from the 24 'til the end of the month, as your ruling planet, Mercury, makes a powerful conjunction with the Sun, Pluto and Mars. Cancer: This is also a good month for you to call home. You still may be feeling a little homesick from last month, but let it go starting the 18. The end of the month should be spent relaxing and taking a break from your hectic schedule. In the early part of the month, communicate with a partner to avoid the troubles you face around the 22. Leo: This will not be a good month for your relationships. Expect problems to reach a head around the 23. But you will be especially lucky with money up to the 17. Then your focus will switch to communicating with friends and family. Perhaps you should think about stepping back from the social scene (that you are no doubt dominating) and relaxing with your loved ones. Beware of the early cold on the 21. Virgo: You will have a great months for relationships, as you will be feeling extra-friendly and fun. Money this month also will be rolling in, as will the phone calls. You will be called on to give advice and may even find yourself the life of the party! Don't shrink back from the spotlight. You deserve it. Make sure to take those penicillin pills on the 23, as your body may be attacked by little germies.
month." You can rest easy until the 17, when your social scene comes calling. Watch out for a fall fling gone astray on the 23 and for relational problems this weekend. You will find the money coming in all month. Do not be surprised if you get a job, raise or promotion around the 18. The extra work will be rewarding and ultimately worth it. Enjoy this great month, Libra! Scorpio: You knocked yourself out for the first month of this school year. Now it is time for a break. You need to rest away from others for most of October. Look out for family disputes and arguments that may draw you out of your peace and quiet around the 21. Also, you may be asked to do extra work on the 24. Your energy will be high, but your attitude may not be up to the work. Look forward to the end of the month for a break and more fun! Sagittarius: You definitely need a break this month. The 18 provides a great opportunity for a vacation or break from the ho-hums of school and work. Your work may be very difficult all month. Money will be easy to get but will slip too easily through _your fingers. Watch out for bad news around-the 26. This will be a strange month where you feel out of sorts. November promises more of a steady schedule and less ambiguity. Capricorn: This will be another great month for your career and work. You will feel very earth and environmentally conscious this month as well and may give time and money to Greenpeace. This is a good month to think about goals and your future plans. Allow yourself to dream and act on those dreams. On the personal side, life may be a little boring, but watch out for a minor skirmish on the 22. Also, money may be the cause of some trouble on the 23. Aquarius: You may be frustrated with your relationships and friendships this month as you may be particularly moody. Your naturally wacky self will be txtra wacky around the 21, which may turn some people off. This is a great time for silent contemplation and goal searching. But you should make advances in your career and at work. Also, look to your signi_ficant other for some solace and TLC.
Pisces: The beginning of this month will be great in your romantic life. Venus will be in Virgo until the 17, so that means look for a passionate virgin to warm up your autumn nights. Your sex life will be great Libra: You usually shine in Octo-· this month, as will your career. Watch out for burnout on the 24. But ber, and this year is not any different. You will have loads of needed en- . act on all those dreams, as you can make them come true for November. ergy as you plunge into "the birthday
Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
Sister displaysart ·at Cabrini by Regina Miller
staffwrtter Southwest Community Enrichment Center was filled with activity. African American dolls, decorative pillows and traditional watercolors were scattered along the wall. Sister Helen Brancato's pieces of art filled the gaps. Brancato founded this art center three years ago. Brancato is preparing for her onewoman show on Cabrini's campus. The show will be located at the Fine Arts Gallery of Holy Spirit Library from Oct. 3 to Nov. 7. Exhibit hours are Monday through Thursday 8 a.m. to 10:30 p.m., Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday 1 la.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Brancato describes her style of _work as automatic. She is unsure if other artists use the technique. . "My art used to be realistic," Brancato said. "Now I do automati~ painting. The image emerges ... l just slap paint on a surface to music and it's nothing." Then Brancato said she takes a step back, looks at the colors and starts to visualize an image. "The image actually develops because it is what is inside of me," she said. "You bring your own experience to the painting. You find things that you don't even know are there." Most of the paintings at the art show will be done with this technique. Brancato prefers not to impose a painting style on the people. She also talks about an unusual image she painted of the Last Supper with women, men and children at the table. Brancato spoke of the Asher Lev books, "My Name Is Asher Lev" and "The Gift of Asher Lev," when she sharing her personal attitudes about family and community acceptance. "Sometimes the ones closest to you don't understand your art," she sa~d. "Sometimes in the community it's the same thing. If you take a risk with your art, not everybody is going to understand it. Sometimes it is a little difficult, but it makes you stronger in what you believe." Brancato noted that people take incredible risks when showing their art, especially if they are starting the pro-
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photo by Caroflne Croley
Sr. Helen Brancato admires some of her pieces at the art center where she works. ing. "I am trying to convey a message in cess of exposition. my art," Brancato said. "The message is "I must have had encouragement from human dignity. I love people, and I someone to show my art," Brancato said. always see people in everything. And I "Some form of communication. Even if think, especially in the black commuit touches one person ,it is important to nity, I see a community so oppressed. I show it." am trying to show dignity and nobility "You are really bearing your soul. As in the faces and the portraits." a matter of fact, one I may hold Brancato said her inspiration, Jane back-I'm not quite ready yet," she said. Pruett, was influential. Brancato pointed out the importance "She came to speak at the Catholic of knowing the audience. Foreign Mission Society, which I joined "You shouldn't make yourself totally for some summers," she said. "Jane vulnerable," Brancato said. "You should spoke of herself working in Africa. She really trust a lot before putting every- had a dream of starting a center when thing out." she discovered a talented young man Brancato interrupted for an explanaworking on wood carving. She envition to an inquiring sister who desires to sioned a center, and she then began an start her own version of the arts center apprenticeship program in Tanzania." in Panama. She was observing the daily Brancato discussed the financial opprocedures of the community center. erations of the center. She explained Brancato shared information regarding that the service division has been runher art technique, and she encouraged ning for 25 years. The arts center has Ida May, a senior member of the art grown over three years. establish·ment, to show the completed "The center is community-operated," projects. May appeared bashful but will- Brancato said. "The people live in the community. Andy Stevens, a resident
... . ••
This picture appears on the schedule handed out for "The Arts Center. " The picture was created by Fadhil Mahana. The center is open everyday. If you are interested in going check the times in the story. The center offers some lessons in art.
of this area, pays my salary. Seventyfive percent of the board are community members." "We base ourselves on the Dorothy Day philosophy of the Catholic worker," she continued. "It is a simple philosophy. If what we are doing is of God, then the money will come, and it has for 25 years." Brancato does acknowledge the help of the initial community center that encouraged and assisted in the art center's induction. Ruth Barkley, another senior arnst, gained monetary rewards for one of her paintings and dabbled in her art as she chatted about all the activities. "We went to a Washington museum; different exhibitions, Penn's Landing, Walnut Street Theater, musicals and we showed some art at the Bryn Mawr Church," Barkley said. Brancato encouraged all members of the community to join the art center. "The studio is open from 9:30-5:30 everyday," she said, "for anyone in the community to work in and try their hand at painting, drawing, print making or just to sit and talk. We have a studio upstairs to accommodate those who want to work alone, especially when the little ones come." Brancato has hosted a number of volunteers at the art center, some lacking a traditional art education . Others were students from Villanova University and Swarthmore College. "Sometimes it is enough just to sit w(th the children and give them that undivided attention that they do not get at home," Brancato said. The Moore College of Art has invited all members of the art center to show their work in May and June of 1994 at the Levy Center. Great excitement is shared among the community. · Brancato has a quote by M.C. Richardson on one of the walls of the center that states, "I learn through my hands, and my eyes and my skin what I could never learn through my brain." A humble but significant quote in the world of Sister Helen Brancato.
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Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
Livingthe .Deadexperience b; Margaret Malo
staff write,
The evening sun was slipping slowly down the western sky as thousands of people made their way Tuesday Sept. 14 toward the Spectrum. The Dead were in town. The Grateful Dead that is, and I was one of the thousands. Everywhere you looked there were people. Big, small, old and young, they were all there to see the show. It seemed as though there were more people than could ever fit into the Spectrum, and there were. · Actually going into the show is not a requirement to enjoy the Dead. Enjoying a different crowd and wanting to have a unique experience are required. Mike Cumming, Chad Godhard and Lori I went to the show with two friends from home and my old roommate Lori Secrist. It was her first show, and she . may be in the show. was excited to see why the Dead were The show lasted the better part of · one of my favorite people to see live. four hours, and everyone was exhausted Walking around the parking lot be- when it was over. The people filed out fore the show we saw all kinds of people. of the Spectrum and back into the parkThere are a group of people that follow ing lot for some more tailgating. the Dead from city to city ·and they are I wandered the lot with my friends, easy to spot. They sell clothing, jewelry watching the people and taking in the and food as a means of supporting themsights. There was the smell of food in selves. the air as veggie burgers and burritos I bought a necklace from a girl who were being cooked up by people for looked no older than nineteen. She had sale. I bought a veggie burrito for a not showered for over two weeks and dollar, and I must say that it was the she wore the same clothing all three worst thing I have ever eaten in my life. nights of the show. She would not give Walking through the lot we suddenly me a real name but instead preferred to heard the faint sound of music in the air. be known as Lightness. As we neared the source of the music it Lightness has been following the became evident that we were entering Dead since last May and has attended into the "Disco Zone." over 50 shows. I asked her why she Atop a blue Chevrolet were two large traveled around the country following speakers pumping out disco music at an this particular band, and the response obscene volume. All around the car was interesting. "I see the Dead as a people were dancing and having fun. So national trademark," Lightness said. my friends and I jumped into the middle "They are the counterculture of America, o{ the mass and started to dance. and the music they play is really cool." A strange thing happens at the Dead. The show itself was great. The Dead People seem to shed their inhibitions rocked the Spectrum with their mix of and allow themselves to act in ways they bluegrass, folk and rock and roll. People normally would not. I know thafstandwere dancing everywhere, in the aisle, ing in a parking lot dancing to disco is at their seats and o_utin the concourse. not a common activity of mine, but on Two rows below where I was sitting that night it was. there was a young couple holding a newPeople also are very friendly at the born baby girl. They were holding the shows. They say hello when passing, baby close to their bodies and swaying and often someone will just walk up and to the music. Children were everywhere, start a conversation. My friends and I and it is amazing just how many there met a group of people simply because I had a Maryland license plate on my car. They were from Virginia and thought it was great that other people had driven north to see the sliow. The Dead may have a bad reputation 1. Whatwasthemonumentalcon• for drugs and uninhibited behavior at cert the Dead played at on August 15~ their shows, but they create an experi1969? ence that is unique and special. I will 2. What is the common name continue to attend shows whenever I given to the fans of the Dead, especan, even if I do not have tickets. cially those who follow the Dead from city to city? , I am by no means a Deadhead, but I 3. What is the Dead' sonly top lO treasure the unique experiences I have hit? had attending the shows. Every show is 4. How manyyears have the Dead a new horizon to be explored, and a new been together? experience to add to my life. 5. What are the names of the If I could only find a decent veggie Dead'! What parts do they play in the burrito, it '.-\'Ouldall be complete.
Dead Trivia
Secrist sit on the back of Peggy Maia's car while tailgating before the concert.
rate ano
Submitted for your approval ...
Another look at "The TwilightZone" byGa~ White . atures,arts& enferfammanfeddor On Oct. 2, 19~9, Rod Serling first introduced America to a "fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man.'' For the next six years stories dealing with various topics of science fiction were aired in "The Twilight Zone." Episodes dealt with such topics as immortality, nuclear disaster and visitation by little space men. Most shows had a twist ending or a little touch of irony. In the episode "Time Enough at Last," a man sells his soul tq the devil for everlasting life but soon wishes he had not. In order to save himself from the curse the man kills someone hoping to get the death penalty. It turns out the jury gives him life instead. In another episode, "The Eye of The Beholder," a man complains he never has enough time to read. So, one day he is sitting in a vault in the bank where he works reading when a nuclear explosion occurs outside. Everyone else is dead, but he has enough time to read all he wants. Until, he trips and breaks his glasses:
This is the dimension Ser ling created that is "as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area we call "The Twilight Zone."
TV Trivia 1. "The Tortellis" starred Dan HedayaandJeanK.asemandwasspunoff from "Cheers"in 1987. 2. ShermanPotter, Max Klinger, FatherFrancisMulcahyand Soon-Lee Klingerall starredin both "M*A"S"H'' and "AfterM*A*S~." 3. Raymond Burr was Robert Ironside, a wheelchair-bounddetective, in the show "Ironside." 4. Freeway was the name of the Harts'dog on "Hart to Hart." 5. Adam, Little Joe and Hoss are Ben Cartwright'sthree sons on "Bonanza."
Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
Collegestudies..for MiddleStates review Under the direction of Biller and McOuinness, task groups will be formed to evaluate smaller sections l'be Middle States evaluation is a of the evaluation process more instudy conducted to determine the ae- tensely. The heads of these task forccreditation group for this region. es, as well as senior staff members, Accreditationis acquiredby satiscon&titute the main steering com· factorily· fulfilling the guidelines set mittee. forthin•the Middle StatesCbaracter'I'bere are seven major areas that istics of lb:ceUence in Higher Educa- the college will be examining, as out• tion:• ••·Standard~·· for. A«reditation. li#ed jn the Middle States' 'criteria. Similarly, accreditation in other ar- These areas are: 0 Students: Encompassed in this eas of the .country.•is •conducted by regional agencies, such as in New ,area are orientations, housing, coun. England.and southwest states. seling, discipline and health placeMiddle States is a process con- ment. -This also involves student or• ducted at every institution in tbe re- ganizations, cultural planning, ath• gion e\l'ery decade. The massive prep- letics, security, admjssions, financial aration for the Middle States Accred- aid, registration~ advising, tutoring itation evaluation team in the spring and alumni relatio,ns. of 199S is well under way, a Faculty: Items involved in this In anti<:ipation of an on-site team · area are responsibilities, criteria for evaluation sometirtie in l 995, the col- hiring, evaluation, promotion and tenlege community is undergoing a com.: ure, professional development and prehensive self-study process. excellence, faculty handbook and This self-study is being co-chaired work conditions. by Dr. Mary Ann Biller, vice-presiQ Educational Programs and Curdent for enrollment management, and ricula: This third area deals with the Dr. Margaret McGuinness, academic core curriculum, programs of differchair of the religion department. ent majors, curriculum assessment Various areas will beexamined by and innovation, program review, field diverse people on campus. Both Bill- experiences, transfer credit, assesser and President Antoinette Iadarola ment of prior learning, graduate and expressed hopes that students be in• adult studies, community service, • volved in the process. non-traditional programs, library, Student invo.lvementonthe appro- learning resources and academic techpriate committees will be helpful in nologies. determining the course the college :l Planning and Resource Alloca• shQuld take and, by integrating the tion: This phase of Middle States restudents with the task forces, cam- views the college's mission, goals, pus-wide communication wilLbe fa- planning assumptions, external opcilitated. portunities. and constraints, instituAccording to Biller, the target date tional data: planning process, a camfor an initial draft of the self-study is pus needs assessm.ent process, resometime in December, 1993. Be• source allocation, co-existence with ginning in fanuary and February, fo- mission, goals and objectives, plancus groups and campus-wide meet- ning responses to audits and studies, ings will be held to look at those itnplications for budgeting, fundraisdrafts. ing, grants and development plans. Throughout the spring and sumC:lFinancial Resources: Budget mer, these drafts willbe revised and history and process. tie-in with needs re-revised. A final draft should be assessment and planning, proper acprepared for the Board of Trustees counting, estimating and auditing. · and other constiluents by tbe fall of endowment, short and long-term 1994. plans. Plant facilities and equipment, Finally, in December of 1994, the as well as other resources, are items completed self-study will go to the considered under this category. Middle States Accredi.tation office in a Governance and Management: Philadelphia. Mainly concerned with administraThrough this process, Dr. Mina tive duties, this division evaluates the Weinsteit,, an associate director of Board by-laws, delineation of roles the Middle States office in Phlladeland responsibilities of governance, phia, will serve as the communica• management and teaching, policy tion link between Cabrini and Middle determination, administrative qualiStates. fications, professional development The time for Cabrini's on-campus and communication. evaluation will arrive in spring of a lmage and Visibility~ Catalogs, 1995. Typically a three to four day Publications and Other Promotional stay, this team of evaluators will be MateTials: This last area reflects upon from coll~ges with a make-up similar how catalogs, handbooks, manuals for to that of Cabrini. students, faculty, staff and adminisln fact, both Iadarola and Biller trators outline policy with accuracy have served on similar teams to eval- and integrity. uate other schools. The decision of Each task force will also be asked accreditation and analysis of the to integrate into its study characterisschool will be decided by October tics on institutional integrity, mis1995. sion, goals and objectives and instiDescribed by Biller as a ''matura- tutional effectiveness, change andretion of the school," The Middle States newal. evaluation helps analyze what has "Just be yourselves;,, urges Iadabeen and what needs to be done at rola. "We have done a lot of good Cabrini. things here, and now is the time to In the past, Cabrini has done very show off what we are.'' well in a lot of areas, Biller said.
by AmbreenA. Alladln
more RESIDENT from4 DaveKing,seniorandpoliticalsciencemajor,is Cabriniandbeinginvolvedoncampus.Smith the XavierLowerNorthRA He wantedto get enjoys_ workingwithpeopleand has nothad any involvedoncampusandfiguredthatthiswasoneof majorproblems. thebestresumebuilders. Kingfelthisinvolvement , ''BeinganRAcreatesabalancebetweenmyself oncampushadbeeninadequateandbecomingan andothers,"Smithstated. Rudnick,also a junior,is a computerscience RAwoulddepletetheinadequacy. OnegoalKinghasistocreateprograms thatare major.ShegotalongwithherRAherfirstyearat Cabrini,andthe ideaof becomingan RA carried bothinformativeandinteresting. Althoughhe enjoyshimselfin this leadership through.Shehasnotencountered anymajorprobthathecannotdo allthethings lems,buthasdiscoveredthepositionis extremely position,herealizes time-consuming. Hergoalistogetpeopleinvolved.heusedto do inhispreviousyearsincollege. "Somethingthat bothersme, though,in my "I wouldliketogetpeopletoremainoncampus for,andlookfor.vardto,theweekends,"Rudnick positionisthefactthatlalwaysusedtobejustDave, orDaveKing.NowlamanRAfirst,thenDave.It said MelissaTobias,junior, isenjoyingherfirst year is difficultwhenpeoplelabelyou,or avoidyou," asanRA,andlivingonthesecondfloorofWooclcrest. . Kingsaid."Somekidskiss-uptome,andothersrun Tobiashaspeeninvolvedoncampusandtookthe theotherwaywhentheyseeme." Amy Wechsleris the RA in XavierLower jobbecauseshealwayswantedtobe anRA South.Sheisaseniorandwasoriginallyanaltemate Sinceshehashadprevioosleadershippa;itions at Cabrini,Tobiaswantedanotheropportunityto RAinthebeginningof herjunioryear. Whenthe opportunityarose,she was ableto helpothers.Shehada badexperiencewithan RA herfirstyear,andshedoesnotwantanyoneelseto becometheRAin theInfanteHouseforthespring semesteroflastyear. gothroughthathassle. Wechsleris thefifth returningRA and an EnTobias,a psychologymajor,is planningsocial major.Sheplanstograduate programsfortheupcomingyear.Tobiaswantsto glish/communications andgethermaster'sdegree. holdanawarenessprogramonmentalretardationat "Ifeelallthechangesareforthe goodwiththecothe St. Edmond'sHome for Gippled Children, edhousinginXavier,and thingsseemtobeworking wheresheworkedthispastsummer. "Holdingtheprogramat the homewill allow out,"Wechslersaid The XavierUpperNorthRA is JennYates,a studentsto meetchildrenwithhandicapsandde--, major.Shetookthe creasethe stigmatismthatsometimesgoesalong seniorpsychology/sociology jobbecauseofherpositiveexperienceswithherpast them,"Tobiassaid. RAs. AmyGillette,juniorandpoliticalsciencemajor, "Theydida lotforme,andI wouldliketo give istheothersecondfloorRAin Woodcrest.Shetook back somethingin return,"Yates said. She is thejobtohelpotherresidentswithlivingoncampus, enjoyingherpositionandatfirstwasnotawareofall sinceherRAshavehelpedherinthepast. "Weareintheproces.sofworkingon programs thedemandsbeinganRA involves. Yatessaid she likesthe peopleshe livesand andarethinkingaboutideasforRelationshipWeek, workswijhandfeelsbeingan RA is a rewarding whichis thefirstweekinOctober,"Gillettesaid. pa;ition.Yates'goalisforeveryoneonherfloorto - Shesaidtherehavenotbeenanymajorproblems withthewomenonherfloor.Shehasencouraged becomefriendsandrelyoneachother. themtosharetheirideasandfeelingsandhopesthey "Iwouldliketodevelopatrustingfamilyamong thegirlson my floor,"Yatessaid. Accordingto becomefriends. Tammy Pfeiffenberger,a third floor RA in Yates,shehasreceivedagreatdealofsupportfrom Woodcrest,isa specialeducationmajor.Shetook everyoneintakingthisposition,especiallythefive thejobbecauseofthepositiveinfluencea pastRA retumingRAs. SteveMcGowen,juniorandaccounting/mathehadon her. maticsmajor,istheRAforXavierUpperSouth. He Pfeiffenbergerenjoyshelpingothersandtrying tookthejobbecauseoftheleadershiproleingeneral, tosolvetheirproblems.Hergoalistohaveeveryone enjoythemselves.. eventhoughmost oftherooms andfortheadvantageof freeroomandboard.He is enjoyingit,butcannotdo manythingswithhis aretripledinWoodcrest. friendsthatheusedto. ''Iwouldliketoseethegirlsbecomefamiliarwith "Butsometimesyoucannotdoeyerythingthat eachother,becausethis is part of therealworld," youwouldliketo," McGowensaid. Pfeiffenbergersaid. His maingoal is to stopthe whole"groupie Overall,she saidthat thingsare workingout Hewouldlikeeveryone okay.Thepositionis everythingsheexpectedand thing''hefindsonhisfloor. to get to know each otherand even form some more,andsheneverrealizedthegreatrespoo,ibility friendships.McGowanis basingtheprogramsin untilsheexperienced ithands-On. Theotherthirdfloor RAin WoodcrestisNicole Xavieronthingsthatstudentscando alltogether. "Thepositiondemandsa lot,"McGowansaid, Borderieux.She is a juniorand politicalscience majorwhotookthejobbecauseitis a goodwayto "butI amenjoyingmyself.." At the end of the work day, CaulfieldcomhelppeopleandimprovetheCabrinicommunity. Dorsey,Irwinand Now Borderieuxhas a betterinteractionwith mutestoheroff-campushouse. Gibb accompany students backtotheirrespective peopleand,intum, knowsa lotmoreaboutthem. dormitories,and the RAsplaneveningsdivided Hergoalistomak:elivingascomfortableaspc&ible between homeworkand the responsibilities of a becauseofthecrowding. "I am enjoyingmyselfand I hope others·are nightonduty.Ineffect,theresidentlifestaffgives enjoyinglivingin Woodcrestdespitethe minor newmeaningt.otakingtheirworkhomewiththem. problemswehaveencountered,"Borderieux said.
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Second to
Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
Last week in the world of news Miami from Los Angeles plunged.into an Alabama swamp minutesafter a barge struckthe rail staff writer bridge over the bayou. 0 Tuesday, Sept 21- Yeltsinwants to In all, 43 peoplewere killedand an additional replaceRussianparliament 10 were missing as a result of the 3 a.m. crash, Plunging Russia into its deepest govern- which happenedapproximatelylOrnilesnorthof mentalcrisissincetheAugust 1991atte1Dpted downtownMobile. coup,PresidentBoris S.Yeltsin,in a televised Since 1970, 48 people had died in all the address,announcedthat he plannedto replace Amtrakcrashesbeforethisone,including16killed the Russian parliament with a new elected in the previousworst crash in 1987in Maryland. body.. Citing that Yeltsin had no constitutional 0 Thursday,Sept 23 -TransitThursday authorityto dissolveparliament,leadersof the Attemptingto get Philadelphiacommutersto Supreme Soviet,the decision-makingbranch try mass transit,SEPTA joined with PATCO and of thelegislature,declaredYeltsin'sorder null NJTransittopromoteservicewitha one-dayslash and void and voted 144-6to impeachYeltsin. in fares. PresidentClintonagreedtosupportYeltsin For SEPTA, it was part of a campaign to in his movebut alsosoughtout guaranteesthat reverseridershipdeclinethatbeganin 1989,due in Yeltsinwouldfollowdemocraticguidelinesin part to the slumpingeconomy and los.sof jobs in his attempt to replacethe legislature. CenterCity. In an effort to promote the event, KYW OWednesday,Sept22-Amtrakcrash Newsradio(1060AM) replacedits trafficreports kills43; 10 stillmissing with subway and rail updates. In whatmany investigatorsarecalling"the deadliestwreckinAmtrak's23-year history," · 0Friday,Sept24-MandellatellsU.N.tolift a Sunset Limited passenger train in route to sanctions .
by Richard Jasper
Speakingbefore the United Nations General liturgyat Villanova Assembly,NelsonMandellasaideconornicsancCardinalAnthonyBevilacquahelda3 p.m. tions against South Africa should be lifted and liturgyfor7,000CatholicsinthePhiladelphia urged investors to return to the apartheid state, Archdioceseat Dupont Pavillionat Villanova warningthattheSouthAfricaneconomyisfacing University. a seriousdepression. Thisisthethirdyearofanine-yearspiritual MinutesafterMandellaspoke,theUnitedStates renewal known as Catholic Life and Faith Senateunanimouslypassed a measureliftingthe . 2000,aninvitationtoallCatholicstorenewand U.S. economic embargo. Canada and the Conc---.5en~ theirfaith. monwealth,a group ofBritain's formercol§oies, .._~ alsoannouncedsirnilarsteps. / 1 :J Mon\tay, Sept 27 - Torrentialrain returnsto the Midwest 0Saturday,Sept25-Three U.S.troopsdie Even as )?OOP)e were stillcleaningup from a surnmtr of flooding, the Midwest was hit in Somalia An AmericanBlackhawkhelicopterwas shot once-againwith a delugeof rain,forcinghundownby Somalisoldiers,killingthreelf.S,crew- dreds.from Jh_eirhomes, closing dozens of men. Militarysourcessaidtheplanewas attacked co'unfry_soadsandstatehighwaysandwashing asitpatrolledin a sectionof Mogadishucontrolled - away carsand mobilehomes. Following two days of heavy rain, many by the fugitivewarlord MohamedFarrahAidid The burning wreckage of the helicopterwas riversinMissouri,OklahomaandKansaswere immediately surrounded by cheering Somalis, forecastto crestsometimethis week,puttinga whoheldupwhattheyclaimedwereburnedpieces haltto clean-upwork and forcingmanyvolunof flesh and militaryclothingof the U.S. service- teerstoresumethedifficulttaskofsandbagging levees. men's bodies. :J Sunday,Sept 26 - "Catholiclife 2000"
Renovationsmade at local mall 20 stores that will be relocated.
by Katina Corrao staff writer
Out with the old and in with the new. This is the feeling you get when you walk amid the million dollars of renovations taking place at the King of Prussia Plaza. Last January, the mission began. Relocations, closings and construction signs were seen immediately. JCPenney's was the first maj~---'{toreto move. Ward Wright, operation~ manager, said, "Penney's needed an outsidd entrance." They moved into the old Stern·sbJiiding. Wright said that business has been difficult, but he is more than positive t!¥tt after the renovations, business will pick up. "fh-eformerJCPenney 'swill hold about 40 new stores. According to The Post, a King of Prussia paper, 135 new stores will be added, including three major department stores: Neimaq Marcus, Lord & Taylor and Nordstrom. Fredrick's of Hollywood, No Name, N aturalizer and Showcase are just some of the
The Food Court is also under the process of face-liftingsome ofitseateries, explainedSandy Sitler, manager of Dairy Queen. "The renovations haven't affected us too much," Sitler said. Sitler said if fewer people were coming to eat at The Food Court it was because of summer ending and peoplegetting back into their own routine. By the end of all renovations, there will be nme aepafffu~t stores. Bloomingdales, JCPenney's, ~r¥ Taylor, Macy's, Neiman Marcus, Nordst;t)m, Sears, Strawbridge & Clothier and~~. amakers. Noothershopping center has, at t~me, that many stores. ~.This w.Q.!ij,fl make the King of Prussia Plaza the largest mall in the United States, The Post said. "I'm looking forward to a real good, new, elegant looking plaza," Sitler said. "Curiosity will at least attract people." Cabrini shoppers also have mixed feelings about the transitions taking place at the plaza.
·What's Happening :J "Loving someone gay: Discussion for HistoryDepartmentMeeting friends and familyof gay and Lesbianpeople" 10/4 will l;,e held in House 3 at 7p.m. 0 Dr.Girardhasinvitedallhistory,political 10n science,pre-lawandAmericanstudiesmajorsto :l "Real life,AIDS and relationships"will a generalmeeting. He will be discussingthe futurecoursesin the departmentand providing be held at 7:30 p.m. in the Widener Student an openforum. Also come to meetthe newest DevelopmentConferenceRoom. memberofthedepartment,Dr. MarkQuintanilla Thismeetingwillbeheld from12:30-1:30p.m. ~ ~ TAXI Re-Organized in theWidenerCenterLectureHall OTAXI.. TakeAn eXtraInitiative,is in the 1 ~ of~mg re-organized. TAXI needs RelationshipWeek studentsi.n,ptdertp exist. If you are interested 10/3 . ' invotun~gfol"f AXI,pleasecontactRich :JHornilyonrelationships,~6&9p.m. , Dreher or PattyZeller. 10/4 TAXJisasaferideprogramforpeoplewho 0 "Survivinglong distancerel~hips" a.-eunab~~yStudentscancallThursday willbeheld inWoodcrestSmokeratV.;3()p.m,, thro~~y, from 11p.m. -2:15 a.m., at 10/5 .. . I ,.!mJ.S4.15. 0 ''We are just friends: Friendships beIfnoonevolunteersnow,TAXIwilinotrun tweenmenandwomen"willbeheldinXavier later. Great Room at 8:00 p.m. "TheSecretGarden" 10/6 :)Anyone interetsedinseeing "TheSecret 'Cl"Changing relationshipswith parents" will be held at 12:30 p.m. in the Widener Garden"at the ForrestTheater,pleasecontact Sherry Cannan at254-8564. ConferenceRoom.
r\~ 7,-..._
Bridget Russell, senior, said, "Right now the renovations are inconvenient, but hopefully they will improve the mall for the future.". "I feel the renovations are an inconvenience. There is construction all over the place," Sophomore Nikki LaRosa said. No Name, a woman'sclothingstore, isin its third location, according to Kelly Delaney, assistantmanager. They now are located across from The Food Court, between Capezio and Jean Country. Delaney said, "Sales have been down, but after renovations, they will pick up again." Marie Mize, branc;hmanager of Remington Products, said, "Once the renovation is finished, sales will incredibly jump. Our expectations are very high." • The Plaza Newsflash, a flyer circulating the mall, explains how ceilings, floors and interior designs will be installed. It tells customers to look forward to fountains, glass elevators and Italian marble floors. The Plaza Newsletter also indicates that Kiddie City, Care Charles, U.S. #1 and Hush
Puppies Shoes will all close. Gregory and Maria Jasillo, owners of Universal Art Gallery, purchased their store in 1980. On December 30, 1992, they occupied their original location, and by December 31, 1992, were prepared for their first customer at their new temporary location, next to Payless Shoe Source. "The renovations will put new economic life into the plaza.," Jasillo said. "It should make the King of Prussia area well-known." Maggie Mitura, sophomore, said, "The renovations are a pain. It is an inconvenience to have to walk through the smelly construction." Dann Trotter, senior, said, "The King of Prussia Mall didn't need renovations. It looked okay to me." Christina Savelli, first-year student, said, "Last week I visited King of Prussia and experienced the construction that was going on at the plaza. 1was totally confused and could not find my way around. I found myself going to the court for easier shopping and better atmosphere."
Security Update Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Tuesday, Sept. 21 through Monday, Sept. 27.
room. Security observed him acting irrationally, being loud and disorderly. Suspect then left area with three other males.
Injury 9/26/93 0 Female Cabrini student slipped on mud in front of House 1. She fell on her facet cutting her lip and breaking her t~ The student was taken to Bryn ..___,__:...,,-.1 ~~i&spiJal to be treated for injuries. ,.""".. ~ Vandalism/Miscbief ,._____ A_i/!., Illegal S~ta~ 9/25/93 \, -- ·. -~ :;:.. _ 0 Security found initialswritfeii in wet; ..,.. 9/ .... lsecurity w# a$ked-tocome to House concrete. Craven Concrete Company had repaired the wet concrete three times al- 1 witb.'1lesIOP1jJ)irector. The smell of Marijuana\vas emanating from a room in ready in one day. House 1. After no answer at the door. security and RD entered the room to find Simple Assault incense remnants on the desk in a glass, 9/25/93 0 Security observed a male Cabrini and the room smelled of Marijuana. Male student grab a female Cabrini student and and female Cabrini students, smelling of swing her around. After being told to leave marijuana, were found entering Xavier. the area, the male Cabrini student was found outside the female's Woodcrest
Vandalism/Underaged Drinking 9/25/93 :J Security was informed that Xavier quad 140 bathroom had been vandalized by visiting males. Suspects were arrested by Radnor Police for undet~edqrinkini,
Tennis team aced but hopeful by Diane Wrobleski
staff Writer For those of you who may have been affected by the dreary, rainy weather of last week, there was but one group of high-energy optimists that did exist on campus. These individuals were working hard within the fencing of the tennis courts. They are the dedicated ladies of the women's tennis team. In Allentown on September 23, after a series of complications, including late arrival, rain and darkness that set in quickly, the team still managed to keep positive attitudes high. That day however, positive attitudes were not enough. Allentown came out on top. Cabrini fell 5-2. Senior Co-Captain Maryanne Walker stated, "The skill was there, but we just didn't play to our potential." Walker has become the team's top-ranking player for both singles and doubles., as a result of many challenging matches. Sophomore Kim Scarborough, co-captain with Walker and veteran player, is another strong, consistent player. She will continue to mend and work out the adjustments of the team for the next two years. Despite losses to Marywood, Wilkes, and Mt. Vernon, the team still remains strong. This is due to the degree of losses against these teams. Each loss was by the score of 5-4. The team beat undefeated Immaculata 8-1, Beaver 8-land Wesley 9-0. The scores indicate thee team is building strength. This proves to be even more true when considering that, within the PAC Conference, the team is 21. Since they are only a third through the season, there still is time to clear a straight path and come out on top. The majority of this year's team is made up of first-year students. As Head Coach Reggie Day explained,"Most prove to be excellent tournament players, as compared to just team players. During summer camp, they molded together nicely as a team. They became a real unit, almost like a family." "Sometimes it's true that freshman players may lack certain skills," Day said, "but they certainly make up for it through their positive attitudes and a strong willingness to do whatever it takes:" Morale is up because the players all pull the load of the team. "This team has the best overall attitude I've ever seen since I've coached at Cabrini," Day said, who has been coaching for 23 years, with six years invested at Cabrini. Day feels his team members take criticism well, correct errors and work for one another. He said, "There are no egos out there." "There are some exciting matches coming up in October., especially the Oct.14 match, when Cabrini plays Eastern at home," Day said. "Also, this year's PAC Championships are being held at home."
Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
Phillies Phever: Is Lenny D. the MVP? byCatherineSmotherman
Jim Hedtke, assistant professor sfaWwritef of history and political science and In the business world, profl~s- coach of the softball team, was sionals must maintain an out-of- more moderate. He said Dykstra the-office image appropriate to 'should be considered for MVP."I
choiceis a to.s-upbetween Dykstra and Bally Bondsof the San Francisco Giants.Hesaid if the Phillies
Dykstraj_ustearned his big name this season and that Fred McGriffand Dave Justice of Atlanta were also contenders, but he placedhisvote for
First•year student Kelvin Jaboolal said Dykstra is worth the money he is paid and that his indiscreet political candidates. butiflwasa'managerlmigbtwant JohnDzik,directorofathletn,said private life is his own business, But do these rules also apply to himasmy lead-offhitter," Hedtke sports figures? ·That. question Said. Dykstrahashadagoodyear,butDarren but was neutral on whether he came up when Loquitur polled Most people interviewed said Daultonand JohnKruk mightalsobe should be MVP. Leon Holloway,oflSS,theoolthe Cabrinicommunity on wheth- Dykstra 's extracurricularactivities candidatesfor MVP.''If you're not were irrelevant to the MVP quesMVP of your ream. how can you be legehousekeepingservice,said he er Lenny Dykstra, centerfielder MVPoftbewholeleague?"Dzikasked would vote for Dykstra, but a lot of for the Philadelphia Phillies and tion. The dissenters tended to be generally acknowledged "bad people who profe~ little interest FrankHewitt,junior,saidtbeMVPhis motivationwould comefrom boy", should be the National in baseball. awanhelat.esnotjustto howthe player thefact thathe is a Phillies fan. He League'sMVP. Bob DiSalvatore, director of doeson the field but to how theyinflu- said Dykstrawasnotdoingaswell and may be Though an athlete has more housekeeping, was the mos•fanati- ence theteam as a whole.Hewitt feels early in the s~n leeway than a politician, because calfan. He saidDykstra is "amazing. theathlete'sprivate life"shouldenter overlookedwhentheawardisgivthe athlete's position is attained You can't argue with the stats. He thedecisiononlyif it affectsthe team. en. through physical contestsrather leads by example, alwayshustling." Pete Rose shouldbe in the Hall of Fame."J-Iewittfmtheras5Cltedthattbe Dykstra's Stats than popularitycontests, there is SamVasiliacles,mail room definitepressureonathletestobe Avg AB RH HR RBI SB tor, said "of course, he's had a beck award shouldnot be basedsolely on .308 614 140 189 19 63 37 "good role models:" Rightnow he feelstheMVP of a year." Vasiliades noted that staostie'i. their in-the-office position. And we ~11know what can happen to
wouldn't wantmy children to meet him or considerhima role model,
. Somepeoplebadnoproblemwitb Dykstra's private life, but stillwere not sure he is MVP material.
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Friday, Oct. 1, 199~
Last week in the world of sports dinals. Ricky Proehl had a good
by Cellne Wright
staffwnter game for the Cardinals with a 51-yard touchdown. Unfortunately for the Lions, their playFans were glued to their er Benny Blades was·carried off couches on Sunday watching their favorite football teams and the field after suffering a broplayers trying their hardest to ken right leg in the game. The game co·ncluded with a score of keep on top. Colt fans were 26-20, the Lions winning. very excited when their team defeated the Cleveland Browns The Bucaneers suffered a crushing defeat when they went 23-10. up against "Da~Bears." One In the Bills-Dolphins game, Irving ·Fryar scored his first reason for the Bears' success touchdown as a Dolphin. Lewis · was their good defense. Tom Oliver's interception also was a Waddle's spectacular reception was one example of the Bears' highlight of the game. Players offense. Lamar Thomas of the of the game for the Dolphins were Marco Coleman, with two Bucaneers did seem to get past tackles and one sack, and Dan the Bear.s' defense with his imMarino, with one touchdown pressive 63-yard touchdown. The game ended with the Bears and one interception. Marino, defeating the Bucs 4 7-17. who, while being interviewed, was compared to Johnny Unitas The Rams struck first against and Joe Montana, passed for 282 the Oilers, starting the game off yards in the game. The game with 7-0 lead. Travis McNeal of the ·Rams scored a 22-yard ended with the Dolphins ahead of the Bills by the score of 22- touchdown, which he intercepted. Ernest Givins of the Oilers 13. McNeal's play The Vikings and Packers had counteracted a close game. The Packers were with an 80-yard touchdown releading 13-12 and, in the last ception. The Rams finished the four seconds of the game, ner- game with a score of 28 to the vous Viking fans were very hap- _Oiler's 13. On Monday night, the py to see a field goal that led the· Steelers overcame some early Vikings to victory. The resulting score of the game was 15- turnovers to defeat the Atlanta Falcons, 45-17. Barry Foster ran 13. · The Linns defeated the Car- for three touchdowns in the
l'·Father knows best Who was the Phillie, in game 5 of the 1980 National League Championship Series, whose 10th inning double downed Hou·ston 8-7and gave the Phillies their first pennant since 1950? -compiled by Father Ambrose
game. With the Super Bowl about three months away any teams still have a chance at it. The teams will be scratching and clawing their way to the top, on occasion drawing blood. It is definitely going to be a heck of a season! In baseball, Blue Jays fans will be happy to know that their team clinched the American League East title on Tuesday. The White Sox also won the American League West division title on the same day. The Braves and the Giant~ are battling down to the wire in the National League West. And how about those Phillies, who are so famous on the Cabrini campus, Ricky Jordan's RBI did put the Phillies ahead on Sunday but the Braves won the game 7-2. Dave Justice of the Braves was responsible for two of the Braves' runs in ·the second inning when he hit a two-run homer. The downfalls that hurt the Phillies were their sloppy fielding and the speed of the Atlanta Braves. The Phillies then traveled to Pittsburgh, where they clinched their first Eastern Division title in a decade. Mariano Duncan hit a grand slam on Tuesday night to give the Phillies a 9-4 lead, which the bullpen held for
the victory. The Phils will play either the Braves or the Giants in the NLCS. On September 6, the Ryder Cup-team for the United States were busy fighting for their country in England. The style of battle chosen was an aggressive game of golf. First to strike with a hard blow was the U.S. player Jim Gallagher, with his win over Steve Ballesteros. Tim Kite, refusing to let his team and country down, stepped all over Langer. Dave Love's putt on the Number 18, against Constantino Rocca, was another impressive move by the U.S. team. Though the U.S. was doing well throughout the game, there still were the matter of only two points separating the teams the entire day. As both teams continued to sweat, the oldest player in the cup history decided to show his stuff. Raymond Floyd fought for an overall tie on the 16th hole and cleaned the field with Europeans on the 18th without even having to _flex for his putter. The United States defeated Europe and denied the losing of the Ryder Cup, which was regained at South Carolina in 1991. The American's 15-13 victory brought their Ryder Cup record to 23-5-2.
A quote to note "We couldn't have done it without you, Harry!" ....
-John Kruk, to Harry Kalas, following the Phils division clinching win over Pittsburgh
O'Hora, the Cavs would have staff writer come in 3rd place if all of the It was the perfect day for people were there. The women are doing better running. The sun was out, the clouds were few and the tern- than the men. O'Hora said a lot perature was warm. Despite in- of the men have not been at the juries, the cross country team meets, and he is hoping to rechad a spectacular run last Sat- tify the situation. Kate Spires, urday at Philadelphia's first-year student, did not play Fairmount.Park. because of an injury. Kate In the second meet this se- Dinwiddie, also a first-year stumester, the women ran 5,000 dent, came in second. Margit meters and the men 8,000 Karlson, sophomore, came in meters. There were five third and Melanie Bruno, junrunners,even though the miniior, came in fourth place demum for a cross country team is spite an injury. Captain in chief seven. The Cavs were shortof the team, Lorrie Staneruck, handed due to injuries and a senior, came in fifth place. shortage of men, but finished Kristen Vento came in second 5th out of the 13 teams. Even highest in the race and walked though it was a much stronger home with a medal. The men's field, there were good teams team was supposed to be fi_v~ there, such as Haverford. Ac- ~ members, but a lot of them were cording to Coach Thomas missing from the meet.
· by Bob Macartney
§JSMsedltdf The wodd used to be a rough place to live. In fact, it used tobe downrighthotnole
at time.. But now,none of that stuff matters. The Phillies have won the National LeagueEast,and everything is goodin the worlp again. Children will smile, ro•
mancewillbloomandthefans of Philadelphia will have a
winner again. And all of you bandwagon jumpers can hop back on. One of the best things in the world aboutbeingright is being able to gloat. Since I was right, this is my time. r told you so.
Mariano Duncan was the hero of the day on Tuesday night, as the Philadelphia _Philliesended a 10-year losing streak and clinched the National League East title. I told you so. LennyDykstrarappedout four hits, scored twice and
drovein threeruns,as he stated his casefor MVP. I told you so. Mike'Williamsftlledinad• mirably for the injuredTerry Mulholland, pitching six strong innings, and the bullpen held the lead. I told you Kevin Stocker had .abig hit, JohnKrukdrove in a run. Darren Daulton doubled and ev-erybodyelse in a red and white uniform contributed to
Cross country team runs for some respect by Jane S. Van lngen
Tapif1 to Mac
O'Hora has been the coach The team runs right up to Thanksgiving. The championof cross-country for 12 years, and Cabrini has had a long suc- ships also are in November. The cess of doing well. Runners have · Cabrini invitation is scheduled for Oct. 30. This is when advanced to the championships, Cabrini's team will invite other and they presently are defendschools to compete with them. ing the PAC championships. According to O'Hora, this is a' O'Hora said he is pleased with the women's team. A lot of prestigious meet. About 12 or 13 teams are scheduled to arpeople left last year, but some rive, and some are coming from first-year students took their as far away as Washington D.C. plac_es. Junior Tammy Pfeiffenberger has been on the team for two years and will be joining them. The women have come together as a team, becoming friends with one anothThe oldest pitcher ever er and showing team spirit. They practice every day except for to play in a Championship Fridays and exhibit self-disciSeries was Phil Niekro, age pline and diversity. According 43. to O'Hora, cross country is a great way to see what you're made of.
Trivia Answer
the cause. I told you so. Bring on the Braves..,the Giants, the Blue Jays, the White Sox and anybody else who wants to try and knock offthisjuggemaut. ltwillnot
happen. The last time the Phillies,lwasnineyears old. At the time, I was very happy, but I did not fully understand the magnitude of the experience. This time I do. It is that much better. Baseball is a part ofAmerioa,and the belief in your team keeps you going wpenthe times are tough. When your team wins, nothing tops that feeling.
Nothing. So,barewithme,one more
time: I toldyou so.
Friday, Oct. 1, 1993
Soccerteam ·splitstyvomatches by Timothy Wonson
even match in the first half, but we came strong in the second and scored within the first 10 minutes." Powers felt the game against Misericordia was "one of the best games we ever played as a team." He felt the exact opposite about the Merchant Marine game. "If Misericordia was the best we ever played, then the Merchant Marine game was the worst we've ever played," Powers said. Luckily for the Cavs, the Merchant Marine game was not a league game. The Cavaliers were down by three when Marty Meehan scored their only goal. "There was no communication," Powers said," We were just kicking the ball and hoping it would go some where useful." Winters felt the team could have been more prepared to face Merchant Marine. "We didn't think they were going to be that good ... I don't know why, we just didn't," Winters said. _ Giles said, "We were on such an emotional high after our win over Misericordia, we didn't really prepare for Merchant Marine." Giles also felt that Merchant Marine had an advantage over Cabrini. "They scouted us to see how we played, while we had no idea what they were going to be like." Giles-attributed a lot of Merchant Marines' ability to the fact that they were so well-conditioned. "The guy I was covering just kept running back and forth," Giles said, "that guy could have run all day." Wally Fiore, junior, attributed the loss to the mentality of the Cavs. "We just came out flat and could never really get anything going." "We played their game instead of ours," Giles said. "If we were to play. them again, I'm sure that we could beat ,them." Cabrini will take on Beaver College and Stockton State College at home this week.
staff Wr,fer. out really
Cabrini's men's soccer team faced two s·eparate opponents this week, with different endings in each. The first game was against Misericordia, and the Cavs were triumphant, winning 2-1. Then they faced the U.S. Merchant Marine, and the ending was not as positive, losing 3-1. Both g,.imes took place on Cabrini's field. "We dominated Misericordia," First -year student Jeff Winters said. Winters scored the first goal of the game. "We shot, we passed, we kicked their ass," Winters went on to say. Junior Mike Tims, who is a captain, scored the final game- winning goal. Tims also had an assist on Winters' goal. Jason Paolini is a senior and tri-captain with Tims and Jason Giles. Paolini felt the team really came together against Misericordia. "We played at a higher level than we did in the past," Paolini said. Lou Powers, junior, couldn't agree more. "We looked and played like a team, " Powers said. Fran Kelly, sophomore, was not surprised with the higher level of play. "I think we always play better at home," Kelly said. "The fans really psyched us up." Giles, also a senior, took a more pragmatic look ;it Wednesday's game. Giles talked about the importance of the game in relationship to the Cavs' PAC standing. Since there are only four teams in the division this year,. Misericordia, Beaver, Eastern and Cabrini, it is important that Cabrini wins all its divisional games. "We had to beat Misericordia to make the PAC play-offs," Giles said. "Misetcordia was a good team. They were 4 and O before we played them." "We knew whoever scored the first goal would go on to win the game," said Sophomore Joe Koroly. "It was a pretty
Flyers·lookto break . Streak,make playoffs \
by BrianMoontly
finalsea<ionwith.theFlyeJS. Heplanstoreturn 1o his native Sweden at the end of the ye-ar, guest writf1r Claude Boivinreturns fromthe devastating and,although Last year the Flyersfailed to make the kneeinjuryhesufferedlastyear he slightly reinjured the knee in pre-season, playoffs for the fourth consecutiveyear. shouldbereadytogowhentheseasonbep However, off-season changes and a yearof seasoning have made the Flyersa young, Alsoback.tbisyearistheFlyersenforoer,Dave will maketheteamdespitethe hungry team who will reach the playoffs Brown.Brown presence of Jim ~ an off-8C$Jnac-this year and may contend for as high as quisitionfromDetroit becausehestillisoneof secondplace in the new Atlantic Division. the most feared fighters in theleague. One of the most obvious off~season Rounding out the forwards are a much-changes was thehiringofanew head coach. irnprovedJosefBeranek. veteranDave Tippett TerrySimpsoq,former coach of the New and.Andn:Fa._, whohadashortstintwiththe York Islanders, btjngs a different approach 'the onlyrealdisappointment to coaching than his predecessor, Bill Flyerslastyear. in camp so far has been center Viacheslav Dineen.WhileDineen,nowaf1yersscout, Butsayev, whomaybeoptionedoutto.Hersbey was popularaJllO!l8 bis players, manybe~ lieved be was too lenient anddid not get the onceagain. Defenseremainsthe Flyersweakn~. mostoutofhis players.TheFlyerorganjz.aGarry Galleyreturnsfreshoff hisbestpro•tionbelievesthatSimpson,knownthroughfessional season. Second-year defenseman out theleagueas a disciplinarian,is .better Dimitri Yumkevicbisexpeciedto blOS&)ffl, suited to getthe most out of this young and in this his sophomor~ year. The always talented team. steady Terry Cartner is also back, along Erie Lindros,as well as the FlyersMVP with Ryan McGill, Greg Hawgood and from la.5tyear,Mark Recchi, lead a vastly veteran Ric Nattress. The seventh improved groupofforwards.Lindros,fuUy recoveredfromtht;knee injurytha1plagued defensemanwill be.Milos Holan, a rookie him throughout his rookie season, will be who has shown both a powerful shot and a thedominantforcethat we have anticipated scoringtouch duringpreseason. ln spiteof Holan,the FJyersstill lack a and, ~urning he stays healthy,should legitimate scoringthreat fromthe blue line, score over 50 goals andpossibly reach 150 unlesssGMRussFarwellcanacquireat-0~ points. Rec.chi,if he plays a full season with notch scoring defensemanfor a forward, Lindros, could top the numbers he put up possibly Brind'Amour.
One area where the Flyersshouldhave aooolutelynoweaknessisingoal. Thetandem single seasonscoringrecord. The thirdmember of the"CrazyEights" ofTommySodmtromandDominic Roussel line, Brent Fedyk. underwent off-season may not be the~tin hockeybut, giventime, they could blo&Otninto it. Although both shoulder surgery andjustrecently-retutned to the lineup. He will most likelyend up goalies have played well in the pre-season, will probablybegin the seasonas playingonthesecondlinewitbl<evinOineenSoderstrom the team's number one g<>alie. and Rod Brind' Amour. Taking Fedyk's Wbatall of this means isthattheFlyersare Spaton the top Uneat the startof the season good enough to secure a playoffberth. The will be Swedish rookiesensation Mikhael l§landersplayoffsuccessa yearago,plus their Renberg. acquisition of Ron Hextall. makes them the Renberg, a fast skater who has shown favorites to win the Atlantic Division. The that be is ready to play in the NHL by Rangers may have trouble adjusting to their leading the Flyers in scoring during the newcoach,MikeKeenan,andtheCapitalsare preseason. 'lb.e Lindros-Reccbi-Renberg line isa c.ombinationthatFlyers fans prob- gettingolder,especiallyingoal. lb~.Flyers will makethe playoffs,and ablywillsee for years to <X>me. could perhaps challenge for the division PelleEklund,rerums forwhatmaybe his title. last year, when he broke Bobby Clarke 1 s
There is a new team on campus. Who are they? Look for an article on the women's soccer club in an upcoming issue of Loquitur.