I Studentskeep spiritalive First-yearstudentsDonnaSchaeffer, Schaeffer said "We want to help John Lindsay and Joe Marturano ap- people as much as we can. People editor in chief proachedthefounderofProjectHOME. reallygo togetherhere." One of the purposesof Cabrini Schaefferspokefor the group. Marturano said he became inSpiritDay, celebratedon Tuesday, "I introducedmyself,"Schaeffersaid,volvedwithspiritdaypromotionbeNov. 9, was to infuse a senseof "and toldherwe, as the freshmanclass, causethespiritathishighschoolwas communitypride.Cavalierprideran would liketo helpsell itemsfor Project poor. rampantduringSpiritDay, and the HOME. We saw this as a greatservice "Our morale was very low," days precedingit,when one considMarturanosaid. ''I wanted to make ers thework of thefirst-yearclass. schoolspiritcome here.We've tried Whilemanywereinvolvedwith to pumpstudentsup andmake them See·yourfriends, the promotionof SpiritDay, many proudtogo to Cabrini." fust-yearstudentstookanextrainitia- teachersand favorite AccordingtoLindsay,manyfirsttiveto make the day a success. staff memberson the year students did not know much During the keynote address of about spirit day until sophomore SpiritDay photo SisterMaryScullion,therecipientof KatinaCorrao,aspiritdayorganizer, spreadInside thespiritdayaward,Scullionemphaencouragedthemtobecomeinvolved sizedtheimportanceoftakingaction, "AtfirstIthoughttbedaywasjust in the spirit of Mother Cabrini, to aboutspirit,"Lindsaysaid."By helpprojectthatwouldbe easyto do." make theworlda betterplace. ing with some of the activities,I've AcrordingtoSchaeffer,Scullionwas learnedmoreaboutMotherCabrini Afterherspeech,Scullionopened extremelyenthusiasticandsaidshewouldEveryone'sbeensoexcitedaooutthis the floorfor questions. Thefirststudenttospeakwasfirst- havebroughtalongsampleitems,ifshe day." had known Cabrinistudentswould be yearstudentRobMarish. Marishsaidhelearnedmoreabout ''Now that you've told us what interested. spirit day becauseof some of the Schaeffer said Marish's comment benefits. you do. how can we get involved?" spurred her to act. The class officers Marishasked."Is therea listwe can "They give you free food and decided to takeup Scullionon her pro- everything,"Marishsaid. sign.orsomething?" "Youmight Theballwasrolling.Scullionen- posal as wellsee whatthey haveto say." Accordingto Schaeffer.manyfirstcouragedthose on campus to help Marishsaidhe learneda lotmore yearstudentswereexcitedaooutpromotProjectHOME,Scullion'snon-profthanhehadexpectedHealsowanted it organizationfor the homeless,by ingspiritday. tobe activeinspiritdaybecause"I'm "Our freshmanclassreallywantsto a CabriniWeenie!" sellingstati_onery and greetingcards get involved to keep up v,ith things," asafundraiser.
by Heather McAllister
photo by Caroline Croley
Dr. Carter Craigie, professor of English, helps seniors Joe Opeila and Steve Murray raise spirit at the Spirit Day Bonfire.
Annual phonathonraises·funds,awarenessfor college by Christina Feehan staff writer
Each year Cabrini has an annual fund it must fulfill, and one of the ways this is accomplished is through the phonathon. Susannah Wittich, the assistant director of the annual fund, said that the phonathon has been taking place for at least five to 10 years. Primarily, its function is to raise money for the college. Wittich and the rest of the staff of the annual fund must meet another challenge. In December 1992, Mr. and Mrs. F. Eugene Dixon donated $500,000 to Cabrini and agreed to · donate $500,000 more, if an additional $1 million could be raised by June 30, 1994. The Dixon Challenge
Inside ... tl'NEWS
Had enough of Spirit Day yet? If not, see the photo spread on page 10. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but remember, Spirit Day comes only once a year.
tl'SPORTSpg.10 Check sports for even more Spirit Day coverage. Yea!! The Blue and White and alumni games are covered. Also look for a new sports feature, Cabrini question?
has caused alumni, friends and parents to donate generously. They are quickly on theirwaytomeetingtheir own $250,000 challenge. Each month that the phonathon takes place is d#edicatedto a specific group of contributors. fu October, major donors of the collegeare called. In November, students call parents and ask for donations. In January, thereis a reunionphonathon,in which alumni call their classmates. fu February, alumni volunteers hold an alumni phonathon and in March the studentsof Cabrinicall anyonewhom they could not reach in the previous phonathons. "The phonathon is a great way for the college to keep in touch with constituencies," Wittich said. ·'It is important not only to raise money but to keep current records of alumni." Susan Linaugh, '74 graduate of Cabrini, is one alumna who has been involved with the annual phonathon for 10 years. She participates because she lives locally and it benefits thecollege. Linaughsaid she enjoys
talking with old friends and servicing Cabrini. "Normally people like to give to the college,so the phonathonis something I enjoy doing," Linaugh said. Another alumna, Robin Larkins, a '85 graduate, has been involved with the phonathon since her graduation. She said she finds value in keeping in touch with people and fin_dingout what they are doing. "I had good experiences at Cabrini, and so I enjoy doing the phonathon and keeping up with all of Cabrini's changes," Larkins said. Amy Andrako,sophomore,volunteeredtodothephonathonherfreshman year,andshesaidshewouldparticipate again this year. Andrako said she had fun and wassurprisedat how muchthe people she phoned were interestedin Cabrini. She also said that she and the other students received payment for working the phonathon,but this is not what motivatedher. "We tried to see who could get the most donations for a given night," phOIOby Kristyn u nick Andrako said. "It was a form of motiTrish Schuler calls parents during the recent student phonathon. vatingourselvesto get largerpledges."
Week at-a Glance ... FRIDAY t/ 8 p.m. Fall Theater Production in the Red Cloud Co{fee House.
SATURDAY SUNDAY t/ 8 p.m. Fall Theater Production in the Red Cloud Coffee House.
t/ 8 p.m. Fall Theater Production in the Red Cloud Coffee House. t/ Hunger & Homelessness Awareness Week begins
Nov. 12 to 18
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY t/ 6 p.m. Comp Information Session in the GHBR. t/ Junior Spring Registration
t/ 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Mission & Management Workshop in the GHBR.
t/ Sophomore Spring Registration. t/ Great American Smokeout
..__IE_d_ito_ri_a_l ---~----JI Support hidden talents of Cabrini's Red Cloud Coffee House A light mist of steam pours out of the metal coffee urns. The blackness swirls around the plastic mugs and cookie crumbs tumble to the floor. Students, faculty and staff gather around small wood chipped tables and eagerly await the first act in the Red Cloud Coffee House. The coffee house is a gathering place for the campus community to enjoy the hidden talents of Cabrini. The opportunity to share special gifts with others allows untapped talents to become visible to the college. The coffee house welcomes the public expression of non-professional artists for others to appreciate. The coffee house portrays a positive image for the campus community. However, everyone must support the efforts of the performers and encourage others to share their artistic abilities. If you are the type·of person who does not like to perform in front of others, how about doing behind the scenes work? Scenes need to be created, artwork hung and floor layouts organized. You might have a different perspective and could offer personalized creativity to aid the design of the Red Cloud. Now there is something to do, somewhere to go and s9mething to see on campus. Get involved and participate in the Red Cloud Coffee House. It is scheduled to run until May, 1994. -Without your support, it will not be able to function next year. The Red Cloud Coffee House is a non-profit organization that depends upon community support for continual success. Tablecloths, chairs, lights and instrument equipment and many other supplies are needed to complete the aura. If you can donate any materials, it would be greatly appreciated. Many volunteers have worked hard to entertait1 Cabrini{s community. Why not lend a helping hand in the development of The Red Cloud Coffee House?
IUps and downs The three one-act plays were entertaining this past weekend. Each production was cast, directed and performed by students. Also, the grand opening of the Red Cloud Coffee House was a smashing success. What a great theater package! All the books have been sent back to the publishers, and the bookstore shelves are thinning. Granted, the semester may be coming to a close soon, but the students should have been notified. Take after Seiler's example and send out a newsletter to inform the campus of your changes.
The advertising for Spirit Day was a good segue for the day's events. Special kudos to all the first-year students who knocked themselves out promoting the different functions. BKK.K did a good job, whomever they may be.
!Cartoon .4S if/€ lAB({llJI (...4V4llE RS RV~ our ~AS16~ N FoR rHf P',4l .SC>C-CeR. -rrrlE, WE HAIIE. 1'/ME to ,HtN/f. O,:' fHf LtBi:((TJ t.:._~i;.~~u_~J.~~ WE HA-VE .47' 111t.S s,11001.,1r1Ai o(H(.fU l)oAJ..,-. --
C.l-lH.~ OU P. EAC,L€:-5 ONi'O VIC. iOltV l
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Where are we when the children cry? Danielle DiMarco, Managing & Perspectives Editor
The future of tomorrow starts today. The innocence of a newborn baby shines in the eyes of the mother. The miracle of life is gently placed in the arms of a young woman, who thanks God above for the small blessing of life. The car was tightly packed with overflowing luggage that crowded the cranky family. Sweat emulated from the back seat, as the three children fought for ample body space. The mother screams at her irritating daughters, as they argue about seat placement. The father pours steamy coffee down his throat, as he drowns out the noise with those great oldies. It was the annual trip to the heatridden state of North Carolina, This year was different. And this year was special. A new member of the family was born into the perils of society. A society where shoot-outs claim the lives of innocent bystanders and drugs are the king of the street. My precious cousin Stephanie is not aware of the dangers that plague out planet. She is pure, she is naive, she is young. As the five stiff passengers step out of the air-conditioned automobile and into the fiery sun, they look around the silent neighborhood. The familiar scene draws the family into the southern aura. They have reached their destination and are momentarily startled by the faint cry of an infant. It wafted through the air and into the eardrumsofthefamily, My family. We had traveled 900 miles to witness the new addition to the family. The future of tomorrow was here, and 1 was exuberant to become part of her life. Two days had passed before I could gather up enough courage to hold Stephanie in my arms. I have always had a fear of children, and I was scared to hold her close to my body. My heart raced as she looked into my eyes and smiled. , My eyes glistened, as a small tear emerged in the corner of my eye. Her beauty made me want to take her away from all the evils in the world. I wanted to keep her close to my heart and never let her see aH the hate that engulfs the world, In today's society, we have a respon. sibility to protect our youth. Parents must maintain a stable environment within their households. They can no longer place their child in front of a television set while they prepare dinner, because the messages may not be suitable for a younger audience. Video games pride themselves on boosted technological advancements that
create humanistic pictures of violence. Nine out of 10 games revolve around death and destruction of human life. What are we telling our children? Also, what if she becomes another statistic in the drug wars? An innocent child looking upon her surroundings with hope and dreams, shattered by the ignorance of today's society. I will not let that happen. I want to see her emerge into the future as a bright glimmer of hope. A shooting star in a galaxy of dreams and aspirations. I want her to have the ability to withstand any complications that will present obstacles in her path for life. As for now, Stephanie does not understand the difficulties that lie before her. She is left uneducated about the violence that has taken too many lives. She is naive to the destructions that constantly consume the media. Before I left to go home, I placed a soft kiss on top of her head. I prayed to God that night. Please help this child to have the strength to succumb any obstacles that are placed in her way. Watch over her and protect her from evil. Love her, as I do, and keep her close to your heart, for she is the future of tomorrow.
jStaff Editor in Chief:
Heather McAllister
Managing Editor:
Danielle DIMarco
Perspectives Editor:
Danielle DiMarco
Co-News Editor:
Steve May
Co-News Editor:
Kelly McDonald
Features Editor:
Gary White
Arts and Entertainment
Gary White
Sports Editor: Bob Macartney
Copy Editor: Doug Eppler Writing Coach. Doug Eppler Graphic Designer:
Ambreen Alladin
Editorial Cartoonist:
Joe Opiela
Business Managers:
Diane Osborn & Karen Szczurek
Photography Editors: Eric Barbuscia & Dawnielle Klopp Photography Adviser: Adviser:
Dr. Carter Cra1gie
Dr. Jerome Zurek
Staff: Shelia Brady, Katina Corrao. Caroline Croley, Kelli Dougherty, Christina Feehan, Ronette Holt, Richard Jasper, Margaret Maio, Regina Miller, Renee Rozniatoski, Brian Siatkowski, Catherine Smotherman, Jane Van lngen, Timothy Wonson, Celene Wright, Diane Wrobleski Photography Staff: Caroline Croley, MaryJane Inman, Jamie Latshaw, Kendra Martin, Kelly McDonald, Kristyn Rudnick Loquitur 1s published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 215-971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year a:nd is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters should be typed. double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of Issues.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
!Opinions All humans make mistakes, don't they? Margaret Maio, staff writer
There is an old adage that says we learn from our mistakes. I wish that were always true, but as it stands, I have been repeating the same mistake for years. I guess some people never learn. I have never been an outstanding student, and at one point I dropped out of college for a semester. My parents were frustrated with my less than exceptional performance, and I was starting toques~ tion my desire for a college degree. After working full time for six months, I discovered once again the joy of being a student. I could stay out late and not worry about being tired at work. So I traded my heels for sneakers and headed back to class. My first semester was a good one, and I felt that I might just pull through this time. Then I transferred. My parents and I were finally beginning to think there might just be a student in me after all. I came to Cabrini full of ideas and goals for my future and with a renewed sense of confidence in myself. Then it started again. I began to dig a hole beneath my feet that eventually became too high to get out of. I ended up dropping two classes and failing another. I don't really know what happened to me to cause such a mess. Perhaps it was a fear of actually someday graduating, or maybe I really do not have what it takes to succeed in college. Perhaps I am just scared. Scared of failing after I have really tried to do well in a class. Scared that my parents will never be proud of their crazy, mixed-up daughter. Scared that I might actually be good at something. I noticed a pattern, with my mistake beginning in high school and ·ending up here at Cabrini. I have not learned yet, despite the hours of advice given to me by parents and friends, and the swift kicks I deliver regularly to myself. I have tried to change and stop mak-
ing such a stupid mistake over and over, but to no avail. I suppose my final insult will be to actually graduate and face my biggest fear of all. Trying to get a job. I am fortunate that my parents have now learned to accept my crazy behavior, although they are still not pleased. They yell and scream when I bring home a less than spectacular report card, and I think it helps. I have dug smaller holes, and occasionally I can hop right on out and save a semester. I have noticed that I do not tell people about my mistake willingly, until now. I have a hard enough time dealing with my problem alone, much less with others telling me how badly I have messed up. It is hard enough to realize you have made a mistake. When others tell you, it is adding insult to injury. I have noticed that people on this campus love to know when someone has made a mistake. The gossip flies, and people are hurt. Feelings are stepped upon, and esteem falls. Basically, it just really hurts. We are in a college environment so that we can learn. This is a time unlike any other in our lives, a time when we are supposed to make mistakes. If none of us ever did, we would have no need to be here in the first place. We could bypass college and head straight into the real world. Unfortunately, this is not true, and so we have come here to learn. The classes that we take, and the things that we do during our years here, will affect the rest of our lives. They will help to ease our transition into the working world by giving us this time to test the waters. Make your mistakes now, for your boss might not be as forgiving as a teacher who has seen student after student make the same mistake. But also do not forget that the person sitting next to you might get up and make the same one right after you. They might not have learned from your mistake. It sounds stupid at times, but it rings true at others: Be kind to others. Remember that you would not want to have your peers pointing out every mistake you had ever made. Nobody would. College has given me the opportunity to discover facets of my personality that I have tried to avoid for years. I might not like all I have seen, but I did become an expert at digging very deep holes.
CRUISESHIPJOBS! Studentsneeded! Earn $2000+ monthly. Summer/holidays/fulltime. Worldtravel. Caribbean, Hawaii, Europe, Mexico.TourGuides,.------, Gift Shop Sales, Deck Hands, CasinoWorkers,etc. No experiencenecessary. CALL 602-680-4647, Ext. C147.
Examiningthe future of education Dawn E. Middleton, ChairpersonEducation Division
As we approach the 21st century, I would like to introduce you to the future of education. On Cabrini College campus, we have hundreds of students preparing for a career in education. We look to these educators for excellence. We look to these educators with promise. They are the future of education. As we look forward to the 21st century, we reflect on the past and wonder where we will be and what we will be doing in the future. We wonder if we will fit into a new century. We wonder if we will make good decisions. We wonder if we will make a difference. The Education Division majors are those educators who will set the path for the 21st century. The educators who will make good decisions. The educators who will make a difference. The educators who will touch the lives of children. The educators who will touch the lives of the children. The educators who will serve more than the next generation. They will serve the next generations. The veteran educators of Cabrini College are comforted by the promise of the future. They are comforted by the quality of pre-service teachers ready to right all the shortcoming of an education system left by the veteran teachers. The preparation of a liberal arts and teacher preparation program assures that the teachers for tomorrow are thinkers, as well as doers. What is the future of education? What will the 21st century look like? Where will you find challenges? How will you know if you have the skills, patience, persistence, determination and knowledge to face the future? Let's look at some of the indicators for predicting the future. According to the Rand Corporation of Washington D.C., there are only seven percent of children today with three or less children in a home with two parents, one who works and one who remains at home as caregiver. According to this corporation, 95 percent of the chronically unemployed are illiterate. Parents are becoming a sandwich generation with responsibilities to their aging parents and their school-aged children. This may mean that educators of the 21st century need to be flexible. Flexible to the needs of the children who come from a two working parent family or a single parent family. It may mean that the educators of the 21st century need to redefine the role of parents. It may mean that the literacy programs of the school need to be re-examined, so as not to fail the children. Re-examined to extend to the needs of adults who may not have been successful in school or where schools have not been successful with them.
It is a time where business and industry need to be involved in the system. If business and industry is looking for an educated and literate workforce, this may be a necessity. This literate workforce needs to do more than read and write. This workforce needs to be literate in technology, mathematics, science, multicultural education and communication. Perhaps business and industry will do more than adopt a school. Perhaps the walls of the classroom will be extended into business and industry through cooperative education, service learning and training programs beneficial to the school-aged student and the employees of the firm. Perhaps colleges and universities will become.a significant part of basic education. The kindergarden through 12th grade teachers will look to colleges for in-service training, for curriculum development, for assisting in the preparation of the next generation of teachers through a cooperative agreement with college professors and researchers. As we look forward to the 21st century, I can see an open system. Open to colleges, social services, businesses and families. As we look forward to the 21st century, I can see an integrated system. Integrated to include all cultures, all exceptionalities and new ideas. As we look forward to the 21st century, I see a collegial system including all talents of the educational system and the instructional system with a working curriculum involving input from the students, teachers, school administrators and college faculty. As we look forward to the 21st century, I can see an accountable system including assessment that is fair and consistent. As we look forward to the 21st century, I can see a promising future. As I work with the education majors at Cabrini College I see hope, I see encouragement, I see promise. I can see the future.
!Correction In Issue 7, Oct. 29, 1993, the registrar's correct namae is Leslie Sutton-Skinner. We regret the error.
Letters to the editor Say what you feel. Say what you mean. Say what you want. Just say it! Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be typed, doublespaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. It is also very important to submit letters no later than Monday
at noon. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Quilt comes to area college by Shella Brady staff writer
The rainpouredoutsidewhilethe tears poured inside. It was a very emotionalday at HaverfordCoUege duringthe visitationof the NAMES ProjectAIDSMemorialQuiltonSaturday,Oct.30.Boxesoftis.5uessaton the floor at alternatingquiltpanels. The QuiltwasintheFieldHouse,abuilding on Haverford's campus,for the last weekendof October. . A woman with frostywhite hair clutchedhermalecompanion'sjacket photo by Dawnielle Klopp sleeve,as she moppedher facewitha . Eric Barton Miller's square of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, which Kleenex.A youngwomanwith long was on display at Haverford College Oct. 29-31. brownhairsatonafoldingchairagainst the wall and sobbed into her hands, thathe tookmattersintohis ownhands. HIVandtheirlovedones. Colshaking.Anothergirlsatcross-legged Jonesgatheredasmallgroupofneigh- TheQuiltalsovisitedHaverford in frontof one navyblue quiltpane~ borhoodfriendsandresidentstogetherinlegetwoyearsago."Thedisplaymoved Juneof 1987at an emptyMarketStreet mesomuchthatI was determinedto do carefullytouchingthevelvetarounda storefrontTheneachofthemtooktheir itagain,"LaurieLussier,Haverfordseyoung man's photograph. Maybe it washerboyfriend,ormaybeitwasher lossesandexpressedthosefeelingsand niorandhostcomrnitteechair,said "Here brotherthatAIDSstolefromher. memorieson a quilt. Thenewsspread itis;lean'tbelieveit.Itfeelslikeadream." Lussiersaidthat,inordertohavethe That navyblue 3-by-6quiltpanel quickly,and soon othercities,such as wasamongthe8,000panelsdisplayed New York and Los Angeles,began to QuiltcometoHaverford,shecontacted contribute. TheNAMESProjectFoundationinSan at HaverfordCollegeduringthispast Todaythereare contributionsfrom Francisco.MarianneDeFruscio,direcHalloweenweekend.Thequiltpanels weresewntogetheringroupsof20to25 29countriesaroundtheworld,includingtor of studentactivities,said that, alAustralia,Brazil,Ireland,Italy,Israel, thoughitmaybe costly,shewouldlook tomakeseverallargerquilts. intothe possibilityof havingthe Quilt In theentireQuilt,thereare25,000 Poland,SouthAfricaandSweden. panelsalltogether. Thisrepresentsonly The goals of the AIDS Memorial come to Cabrini. DeFrusciotried to 13percentofAmericanswhohavedied Quilt,accordingtotheNAMESProject organizea van trip to Haverford for asaresultofAIDS. Foundation,aretoillustratetheenormity Saturday,Oct.30. Shedistnbutedsigns TheAIDSMemorialQuiltbeganin of the AIDS epidemicby showingthe around Cabrini's campus but no one photo by Dawnielle Klopp San Franciscoin 1987. Betweenthe humanitybehindthestatistics, toprovide responded,DeFrusciosaid. Therefore, Miller's mother and father look at their son's square on the Quilt. apositiveandcreativemeansofexpres- the vantripwas canceled. years of 1980 and 1987, more than sion for thosewhose liveshave been Oneofthequiltpanels, withGarfield The traveled from Reading, Pa. to see if additions were made to 1,000San Franciscansdiedof AIDS. OeveJones,thefounderoftheproject, touchedbythisepidemicandtosupport the cat on it, got a message across. Miller's piece of the Quilt. Many other people were admiring was so overwhelmedby theselosses theraisingof vitalfundsandencourage "Garfieldsays,'SexisOK.butyouneed pieces of the Quilt, some openly weeping. The Quilt is on tour all across the nation. andthelackof governmentresponse supportfor peoplelivingwithAIDS/ a condom. Don't riskyourlife!"'
Muslim speaker spreads political and religious message by Ronette Holt staff writer
Minister Rodney Muhammad from the Nation of Islam is the chief executive officer and head administrator of Muhammad's Mosque No. 12 of the Delaware Valley. A native of Chicago, Ill. and former student at DePaul University. Muhammad realized he was working without a purpose. He reflected back on his life before he became a Muslim. "I was moving in vain, a slave , to materialism," Muhammad said, "wondering how much money I can make." According to Muhammad, what made him decide to become a Muslim was listening to the Minister Louis Farrakahn, who is head of the Nation of Islam. Farrakahn produced a positive and encouraging change in Minister Rodney. He joined the Nation of Islam in 1981. He highly respects the teachings and contributions of the late Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X. Muhammad met someone who worked with the late Malcolm X. Striving to receive a challenging and worthwhile educaphoto by Dawnielle Klopp tion, conquering the problems Surrounded by female bodyguards, Minister Rodney that plague the black society Muhammed from the Nation of Islam speaks in the Grace Hall and being spiritually connected Board Room Nov. 3. His speech was about peace, justice and with Allah (God) were the mesthe African-American community.
sages Minister Rodney sent to the crowd in the Grace Hall Board Room on Wednesday, Nov. 3. The Nation of Islam was formed by Elijah Muhammad. His purposewas to educate African Americans politically, economi_cally and socially. He wanted black people to have love, knowledge and understanding. Muhammad said in his speech that the L"Smedia tries to separate the Muslim and Christian communities. He said the media tries "to keep unity from taking place among all blacks and make The Nation of Islam seem like a hate group." The Nation of Islam wants to have peace throughout America but also wants the injustice of African Americans to recognized. "This nation has no balance," Muhammad said. "The average black family makes only $26,000 a year, compared to the average white family that makes $40,000 a year. America today suffers from classim, racism and sexism." Brother Tyrone, also from Mosque No. 12, was changed by a book called "Message to the Black Man," by Elijah Muhammad. The book made him realize he was heading in a
direction that had no focus. As he brough! his speech to a close, Minister Rodney said the problems facing black people in America can be solved, but they must be solved with truth and spirituality. Dr. Margaret McGuinness, chair of the religion department, is responsible for arranging Minister Rodney Muhammad to speak at Cabrini. Sophomore Manny Hernandez said Minister Rodney made a lot of interesting points. "It made more people aware of the situation that some and most blacks are in," Hernandez said." Now people don't have to interpret or think how it really is." Dr. Leonard Primiano, religion professor, said,"It was a message worth hearing. It is very important for all Cabrini students to listen and try to understand the religious lives of all people." Primiano said the perpectives of the race religion in America are very important to hear from the Nation of Islam. Minister Rodney Muhammad has also spoken at the University of Pennsylvania, Community College of Philadelphia, West Chester University and on radio talk shows.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
History of a tiny, ·1ittlevirus called AIDS by Brian Siatkowski
staffwrtter A tiny little virus:
the common cold.
A tiny little virus that has infected over 270.000 people. without showing a sign of prejudice. in 20 years. AIDS. In 1968, the definition of AIDS was not in Webster's dictionary. Today, the face of almost every newsstand magazine has been scarred by the unmerciful disease. AIDS is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, an illness that impairs the body's ability to fight infection. Without full resistance, the person with AIDS is susceptible to certain infections and cancers. Rock Hudson, Liberace, Magic Johnson and Arthur Ashe are just a few spotlighters who have been affected by the AIDS virus. With no cure in sight and a high death rate, people all over the country are being tested for the virus. AIDS has our doctors rendered helpless in a search for a cure. The pains of AIDS are embezzled into every human being, regardless of race or religion. AIDS can be transmitted by sexual contact, sharing an infected hypodermic
needle or less often, through blood. Also, an infected mother may transmit the virus to her baby. So. if the disease is so widespread, affects so many people and is deadl_y without a cure. what can be done to address this issue? Olga Lien. registered nurse in health services, said, "Because of the amount of people we have here, the statistical estimates say it is possible we might have as many as two people." Cabrini provides AIDS education through pamphlets in the Rooyman Center and RA programs. National AIDS Awareness Month was in October, and in a relationship program, 1wo people with the disease spoke. The AIDS virus is spread through sex by both heterosexual and homosexual activity. Three percent of male cases are from having heterosexual contact, and 65 percent get it from having sex with men. For women, heterosexual contact jumps to 35 percent of AIDS cases. "Risk has gone up tremendously for women, though it is really high for anyone," Lien said. "People are not stopping sexual practices. People think it is
a lower class, drug-using problem. 1t is not." When people become scared of the disease. instead of becoming aware. they make up their own folklores. No, you can not get AIDS by sitting next to someone. Not by shaking hands or eating in a restaurant. Not by sharing food or using a restroom, water fountain or telephone. You cannot get AIDS by caring for a person with AIDS. There also is no proven research that AIDS can be transmitted by being bitten by a mosquito. Students have varying opinions as to whether or not AIDS is an issue on campus. Kristine Crowe, first-year student, said, "AIDS has not been a public issue here. There could be an underlying problem, though." "You need to know how to protect yourself," sophomore Brian Mooney said, "knowing you may have to face some serious consequences for your actions." Gerald Sallow. instructor of computer science, said," AIDS is an issue in every public place. As a transmittable disease, it has to be a concern for every-
body." Sitting across from Satlow in the cafeteria, Dr. Anthony Tomasco, chair of the psychology department, said, ''It's not an issue, from what I hear. It's not a topic of ongoing conversations in our gathering places." ''There probably are a few people here who have AIDS,"' Steve Murray, senior, said. ·'It needs to be an issue, in order to prevent its continuance, and also to allow those who are around the disease to be more sympathetic ... The AIDS issue has worked its ugly head into the doors of Cabrini and has had its way with the prejudices in the minds of almost every student. Everyone has their own perceptions and some have false facts, but nobody has come up with the answer that can stop th is disease. Scott Dorsey, assistant director of residence life, said, "I encourage all students who are at risk to get tested." AIDS is an issue, even though it is not talked about. Maybe, in a society supplied with virtual reality, we will be. able to play a game where there is no AIDS.
Scientific AIDS exhibit opens in.Philly by Heather McAllister
Quilt is a colorful panel on "what kids editor rn ch,et need to know" about AIDS. All visitors are reminded of such AIDS-safe activiA glossy, black-and-white mural ties as touching, hugging, kissing and towers 10 feet above the plush carpetspending time with a friend. Children ing. Fluorescent track lights angle their whose families have been affected by beams onto the display, lucidly conveyAIDS shared their thoughts on the wall, ing a list of 101 recommendations. Some complete with re-created drawings. of the items include: Many children either had the disease or No. 14:Make a special tape of love lost parents to AIDS. and the scribblings songs; of heaven are especially moving. No. 33:Bake cookies; The presentation of the chief AIDS So. 58: Go for a moonlight walk; timeline, "A Medical Mystery Unfolds.'' No. 94: Play "footsie." is very effective. Information and phoThis is not a laundry list of advice for tographs are displayed on a countertop, the romantic lovelorn. The mural preand questions concerning AIDS are sents "101 ways to make love without placed on flip-up blocks, with the andoin' it." It is one of the highlights of swers underneath. the new ·'What about AIDS?'' exhibit, This hands-on technique is repeated located on the third floor of throughout the exhibit. as are the photoPhiladelphia's Franklin Institute. The graphs of AIDS victims that hang on exhibit runs until January 2. each wall. The caption for every photoOnce a visitor wanders up the pendugraph states, "Each of the people piclum staircase and discovers "What about tured here is living with AIDS." AIDS?". the magnitude of the compreAccording to the medical mystery hensive exhibit is striking. The layout is timeline, US researchers, in 1981, bemaze-like. as visitors must walk through gan receiving reports of an unusual imthe early panels to see what information mune system failure in young men. lies ahead. The exhibit is suited for visiGrassroots organizations in urban gay tors of all ages, since each presentation communities began funding AIDS reis placed at adult eye-level, while lower search in 1982, and then the crisis escacountertops contain facts not displayed lated beyond all boundaries. The main on the walls. message of the timeline, in addition to One of the early panels includes 6 the other panels, is "if you think you squares from the NAMES Project AIDS won't get AIDS, think again. Anyone Memorial Quilt. The quilt originated in can get it." San Francisco and was created in 1987 The universality of AIDS is further as a lasting record of the devistation of emphasized through the ·'AIDS in our AIDS. world" map. This map pinpointed all the Each square on the quilt represents countries affected by AIDS. In this part one person who has died of AIDS. As of of the exhibit, an interesting compariAugust 5, 1993, there were 24,281 panson is drawn between the demographics els on the quilt, and over 3 million indiof AIDS victims in the United States viduals had visited the quilt. Without and those in the rest of the world. walkways. the quilt is as long as 10 In the United States, 61 percent of football fields. those with AIDS are homosexual. HowWhile the quilt equally represents all ever, in the rest of the world, 71 percent those who have succumbed to AIDS, of AIDS victims are heterosexual. The some famous names include tennis great United States appears to be joining the and Philadelphian Arthur Ashe, chorecontemporary trend in AIDS, as the numographer Michael Bennett, fashion deber of heterosexuals acquiring the dissigner Perry Ellis and Ricky Wilson, ease is on the rise. In one year, between guitarist for the B-52's. 1990 and 1991, the number of AIDS To the right of the AIDS Memorial cases among heterosexuals rose by 21
percent. In order to combat the rise in heterosexual AIDS cases, "What about AIDS?" blatantly promotes practicing safe sex with a condom. The ''taking care" condom mural is eye-catching because of the hundreds of condom photographs on the walls. While information on various condoms is available, the main message of the mural is that all sex is risky. "What About AIDS?" ends on a somber note. Visitors are given the opportunity to sign a book with any names of AIDS victims. The entries are incredibly moving. Many children signed the book, and a group of students in "class V" wrote the name of a 13-year-old fellow student who had died of AIDS. Child-like handwriting proclaimed "grandma and greatgrandma·• died of AIDS. Another person wrote·' Jesus died of AIDS." Sentiments about Johnson and Ashe were frequent. One example of child-like handwriting shares the statement, ·'I am Christian and go to school in Saint France. I know there are many people that have AIDS. It is sad." While many visitors to "What about AIDS?" many consider the topic a sad one, the exhibit is intended to infuse AIDS issues into the mainstream population. "Anyone can get it, AIDS does not discriminate" is a dominant theme for the exhibit. Men, women and children of al I races are presented as victims of AIDS in various personality profiles, complete with photographs. However, one ommission from the exhibit is glaringly obvio~s. In attempting to bring the danger of AIDS to everyone's level. the exhibit virtually ignores the homosexual population. The exhibit is so comprehensive that it includes seemingly everything to do with AIDS. Pinpointing the number of gay men who have died from AIDS would be factual and not discriminatory. This group has suffered the most from AIDS in the past 12 years. This summer. when "What about AIDS?" was in preview, the Franklin Institute received many complaints from those in the homosexual population. Gay
men not being included in the exhibit is a senseless form of discrimination, many claimed. It is like dying twice. Directors at the institute promised a re-vamped exhibit, especially since it will tour the United States next year. However. no noticeable attentions have been made. Homosexuals are virtually invisible in "What about AIDS?" Overall, ·'What about AIDS?" is an admirable, educational addition to the Franklin Institute, especially considering the number of students who visit the museum on class trips. All the material is attractive to the eye and easy to comprehend. Instead of being overwhelming, the exhibit excites the mind and soul to learn more about the epidemic. It is sobering to realize that at least 200,000 American corpses already learned much about the epidemic.
Facts about HIV and AIDS provided by the American Red Cross
FACT: AIDS is caused by a virus called HIV. FACT: People infected with mv may look and feel healthy for a long time. FACT: When signs of illness do appear, they vary from person to person. FACT: Most people with HIV or AIDS got the virus by having sex or sharing needles with someone who was already infected. FACT: You cannot "catch" HIV like you do a cold or flu. FACT: People with HIV live in everyone of the 50 states. FACT:It is impossible for a donor to get HIV from giving blood or plasma. FACT:The chances of getting HIV from a blood transfusion in the United States are now very low.
For moreinformationcall: American Red Cross 299-4218 National AIDS lnfonnation Hotline (toll free) 1-800-342-AIDS
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Review of the one-act plays by Steve May co-news
Although Cabrini's Red Cloud Coffee House officially opened on Spirit Day, it has been in business for a week. Last weekend, Nov. 5 and 6, the coffee house opened its doors to "For Students, By Students," three one-act plays directed by Cabrini_ students. This has been the first time Ca.brini has ever offered this type of event. The shows will run this weekend, Nov. 11, 12 and 13. The plays are "Boy Meets Girl," directed by senior Courtney O'Connor, "Graceland," directed by sophomores Karen Szczurek and Nina Sciarotta and "You Can't Trust the Male," directed by senior Dann Trotter. The first play, "Boy Meets Girl," was written by Wendy Wasserstein. Those not familiar with Wasserstein should be prepared for her intelligent humor, laced with biting cynicism and social comment. This play especially focuses on the oh-so-cynical '80s. O'Connor and the performers do a splendid job with Wasserstein's work, pulling no punches. Unfortunately, some of those punches do not land, especially those made by the narrator, first-year student Joe Marturano. The act starts with Marturano giving a lot of set-up for the play that is missed by the audience because of his speed. But the rest of the cast gladly makes up for these errors by providing charming performances. Junior Doug Eppler's Dan and senior MaryJane Inman's Molly are perfect for each other in their "yuppie gone domestic" scenario. Inman brings new life to the Cabrini stage with her rendition of a "thirtysomething" socialite. Other gems were senior Belinda Desher's
one-track performance as Molly's shrink and first-year student Kathy Malone's "queen" Leona Helmsley. Overall, O'Connor rriade a wise and witty decision in "Boy Meets Girl." O'Connor's directing choices were very strong. When she put Dan and Molly on the couch, the audience really believed they were at a parade, or on a park bench at the very least. The blocking was excellent, and the intricate set changes between scenes were handled with ease. The subject matter is a little obscure, and it does not help that not much background is provided, but it is a fantastic love story, of sorts. Expect to laugh. But also expect to listen. However, listening to Szczurek and Sciarotta's "Graceland" could induce nausea at worse, be tiresome at best. It is a one-act written by Ellen Byron, directed and performed by Szczurek and Sciarotta. Although the play has its moments, they are lost in an array of speedy words and even speedier stage movement. Even the play itself hinders the performance. It is a bittersweet tale about two women waiting outside Elvis' home, waiting for it to open for the public. Szczurek plays the older Bev to Sciarotta's ditsy Rudy. Although their ages were clear to the audience, their motivations were not. Questions left unanswered, such as to why the women wanted to see the King's home, could have been cleared up if the entire play was presented. Unfortunately, half the play was too much to begin with. Things obviously intended for humor were delivered much too quickly. Also, the actresses seemed too interested in the appearance of reality that they missed the drive behind what was real. The audience was kept wondering what Rudy's objectives were. Unfortunately, the scene was too short for Sciarotta to get them out. The directing was also choppy. Poor choices were made in set design, leav-
Joe Marturano narrates, as Doug Eppler and MaryJane Inman gaze into each other's eyes in a scene from the production"Boy Meets Girl," directed by Courtney O'Connor. John Lindsay, Belinda Desher and Kathy Malone look on. ing the audience wondering exactly where they were in relation to Graceland. Keep an open mind for this one, though, bearing in mind that it is always difficult for actors to direct themselves. But do not let your mind wander, or you may be tempted to think this play has a point. The final performance, "You Can't Trust the Male," opens your mind for you. Randy Noojin's funny play about love and postal deceit is aimed right at the college crowd. Trotter directs sophomore Katina Corrao's·Laura to say the happy "F" word 15 times throughout the play. Innuendo abounds in this hysterical performance. First-year student Matt Chiappardi delivers his lines quickly as Harvey, but how does one behave when one is nervous? He clearly portrayed his desire to ask out Laura in his nervous, Woody Allen-esque way. Trotter's direction was fluid and believable, making it obvious what the end would be without it being too predictable. Only one warning: Corrao goes above and beyond foul language, so if you were planning on bringing your mother, think twice. Otherwise, enjoy the show! On the whole, the atmosphere· of the coffee house lends to the plays' production. For the first time this was ever
done at Cabrini, these one-acts were very good. Hopefully, more will be seen from the students of Cabrini involving directing and performing in the new Red Cloud Coffee House.
Upcomingevents at the Coffee House Thurs., Nov. 11: Following "For Stud.ents, By Students," there will be a musical performance by Neal Newman, theater director, and Dan Frantz. Fri., Nov.12: Following "For Students, by Students,"Cavalier Attitudes, Cabrini's comedy troupe, will perform. Sat., Nov.13: Following "For Students, By S_tudents," will be a• freefor-all by the castmembers. Mon., Nov.15, 7:30 p.m: Theater scenes will be performed by people from the Walnut Street Theater. Wed., Nov. 17, 8-11 p.m: There will be entertainment and refreshments provided during the letter-writing coffee house for Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week. Anyone interested in performing at th Red. Cloud, or in helping run the coffe house, contact senior Belinda Desher, stu dent manager of the Red Cloud, at box 248.
The wondersof Williamsburgexplored by Regina MIiier staff writer
Autumn brings a whole attitude to life. The aroma of apple pie simmering in the oven and Irish coffee brewing in the pot would appeal to the most satiated of people. It is a time to dust off the cookbooks and carve the pumpkins. It is a fresh start in the cycle of time. A chance for a new beginning and a change in perspective. A great time to dash off to a new experience. Colonial Williamsburg, an historical experience to uncover, enlightens and educates. Williamsburg is the living standard for historical sites throughout the country. The town welcomes guests by providing a visitor center, which gives all ticket and tour information. An orientation film is offered to new visitors to educate them about Williamsburg's history. There is a new building called the Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center which encompassed 19,000 square feet and holds 3,000 art objects. These objects symbolize a creative America, with unique hand sewn quilts and earthy poetry. The browns and beige tones of the art compliment the general
back drop of the historic paintings. The tour consists of Bassett Hall, a two-story, 18th centur"y frame structure sitting on a 585-acre tract of woodlands. It was the former home of Abby Aldlrich Rockefeller and John D. Rockefeller, Jr. The Jamestown Settlement, America's first permanent English colony, provides numerous exhibits that tell the history of Jamestown's beginnings in Europe, the first century of the colony and the Powhatan Indian culture of coastal Virginia. · Three replicas of the ships that brought the settlers to Jamestown in 1607 are at the water's edge. Beautiful docks and tours of the ships provide a deeper understanding of life on board. Jamestown's original streets are worn, due to the numerous tourists. The first permanent English settlement and the site of America's first representative legislative assembly, in 1619, features archaeological remains, memorials and the 1639 church tower. The Yorktown Victory Center presents the American Revolution through theme exhibits, living history and the film, "The Road to Yorktown." Military artifacts are also featured. Daily life, during and right after the . revolution, is re-created in a Continen-
ta! Army encampment and the outline of an 18th century farm site. The Yorktown battlefields are introduced by viewing a 16-minute film. In October, 1781, the guns blasted their shots for eight days, until the British surrender brought independence to the American colonies. The Moore House, where the surrender took place, is open. Tours outside Williamsburg are plentiful. There is a self-guided brewery tour, and the hospitality center provides certain beverages free of charge. The Virginia Air and Space Center shows a film to help tourists begin the journey. Artifacts, models, planes and jets are displayed. The focus if from the time of English settlers until the space shuttle. IMAX, a large screen, places people in seats that enable them to see, hear and feel the realities of flight. There are Civil War walks, harbor cruises, river cruises and air cruises. Carter's Grove, built in 1775, is the largest plantation closest to Williamsburg. It is owned by Williamsburg. Also, nearby is the site of Wolstenholme Towne, a settlement destroyed by the Indians. A ghost tour is done based on the works of L.B. Taylor, Jr. This tour
requires reservations. Busch Gardens is a theme park located three miles east of Williamsburg. It is located on 360 acres. The flowers are still in blossom. There are nine authentic European villages with 30 rides. The food is a delightful addition to the park. Pastry and wine shops decorate France, while pasta and cappuccino surround Italy's outdoor opera arena. Festivities mimic an actual opera, with talented sopranos and tenors. Germany employees numerous dancers. The men dressed in knickers and shiny white socks, laced with flowers, energetically capture attention and demand participation. · Acrobats and choruses scatter the park. The people are vibrant and colorful, dressed in period-appropriate attire. Actors bellow loud multi-syllabic words, while they stand on the closest object that displays their grandeur. A virtual reality booth brings sweat to the brow, as the airplane glides back and forth. Movies offer high technology displays. The exhibit "Haunts of the Old Country" is a "4-D" movie, new to the park this year. The movie required raincoats, due to the intense sprinkling in the theater.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Virtual reality: Is it the way of the future? describes. but typically there were just blocks, the buildLanier imagined teaching surgery to Hamilton claims h has different charac- ings were just squares." doctors on virtual bodies. The creations teristics than regular graphics. It has mulExorex, the virtual reality game, was grew, and the future looked exciting, until Virtual reality (VR) may be the wave of tiple sensory information to make environ- moved from the King of Prussia site to an- Lanier lost his business in 1991 to an angry the future, or a fad for today. The waters are ments more realistic. other test site in Maryland. It consisted of a French company and creditor. Lanier used being tested in the reality arena. And there is more. Hamilton notes that joystick, headset and the player sitting down his patents as collateral and subsequently lost Virtual reality is a phenomenon that mas- the brain can suck up so much information at vs. standing, as some games demand. The ·them. sages the mind. The mind interprets what the high speeds that a system must be developed game took up twice as much room as a Hamilton notes that Cyberspace, a form eyes see, ears hear and hands touch. Brain . to keep up with the human mind. traditional game. of virtual reality, uses military training with cells attempt to organize bits of information Scientists are aware that some people are Right now, Justice does not envision vir- great success. There is a dramatic increase in that are aimed at all senses. Is our society genetically programmed to pick up visual tual reality games making a smash at home. scoring. ready for this technology? cues. Therefore, most VRs are still too slow, He mentioned Sega, a software company, as Cyberspace is a cost-effective training How can games change our world? "It's but increased computing is closing the gap. marketing one of the first homeowners' ver- tool; it can enhance performance and trainjust like Lawnmower," John P. Justice, assisThe stereoscopic displays may be re- sions of the game, but he claims it is not ing, improve product design, assist surgeons tant manager of Space Port in the King of placed with an invention that resembles a something for the home-not in the near and create interactive forms of entertainPrussia Mall said, "That's what everybody pair of glasses. future, anyway. ment. would say when they would ride it." Also, touch-sensitive joysticks and gloves Ironically, the initial virtual reality idea However, it will be years, if ever, before "Lawnmower," the 1980 Stephen King may replace the entire body suit, to enable was born at home, in a bedroom in Pan Alto, all that becomes reality. movie, portrayed three dimensions. Virtual communication with the computer through Calif. Jaron Lanier, a 32-year-old Silicone Jeff Stokes, a 25-year-old Drexel Hill reality seems more complicated. gestures. Valley dweller, was the original virtual real- resident, commented on the Exorex ride. In the Oct. 5, 1992 issue of Business "They are going to have to do a lot of ity guru. Lanier, with the help of a friend, a "I think it's the ride of the new generaWeek, Joan C. O'Hamilton explained the work." Justice said. "The graphics in the fellow musician and game programmer, cre- tion," he said. "It adds the excitement but concept as a powerful computer, withsophis- virtual reality game were not that good, be- ated ideas to bring the 'air guitar' to life. without danger. People are attracted to the ticated gr~phics, that renders a world in 3cause of the kind of memory that the hard- . They were able to join forces and tell the excitement, plus people know that they are D, which re-creates precisely what the data ware takes up. The capabilities were there, computer how to interpret finger movements. safe."
by Regina Miller
staff writer
9021 o Trivia
L 90210 premiered on Oct. 4,
1. Whowasthe voice of Barney
1990. 2. Mel Gilden writes the novelized versions of 90210.
Rubble on "The Flintstones?"
2. What animal was the Flintstones' vacuum cleaner? 3. WhowasLollobrickida? 4. From what show were the Flintstones' neighbors, the Gruesomes, created after?
3. "Hartley House," 4. BrandonworkedatTheBeverly Hills Beach Club as a cabana boy. 5. Dylan's father was indicted for corporatefinancial fraud.
5, What networkoriginallyaired "The Flintstones?"
Tooning into the. movies
by Renee Rozniatoskl
Rubbles have gone "down in history," staffwnter as the theme song indicates. The storyline tends to involve Fred From the television to the big screen and Barney going from best buddies to is the direction many cartoons are takenemies. In almost every episode, there ing these days. "Speed Racer" and "The is an argument between the two. As Flintstones" are two examples of those always, the show ends with the two bescheduled to hit the theaters in the next coming friends again. year. The movie tries to be as accurate as "Speed Racer," the 1960s cartoon sepossible. It includes props such as a car ries, is the product of Japanese animathat requires feet for stopping and cavetion. Upon its debut on American airmen attire. Although much of the plot waves in 1967, this show and its comicbas not been revealed, it is expected to book violence took a great deal of heat be an hour-and-a-half version of the 30from American parents. minute cartoon . The storyline revolved around a child Kim Kavanagh, a sophomore, said, "I race car driver put in good guy/bad guy think it is a good idea to make 'Speed situations. It was not unusual to see Racer' into a movie. I'm not too sure bullets flying, along with other acts of about 'The Flintstones. "It's too tradiviolence. tional." One episode in particular became the Many people seem to think "Speed center of controversy. "The Cat Hater" Racer" is going to be a success. "The was about a father who pulls out a whip Flintstone" is not expected to do as well. on Speed Racer's car, and then tries to Most feel .that its traditional storyline turn it on his daughter. Although she will not make for hysterical comedy in was saved by the child-hero, this kind of the 1990s. On the flip side, others think violence did not settle well with the "The Flintstones" will do better at the American public. box office because it is more widely Recently, there has been a revival of known. popularity in "Speed Racer." MTV now The producers of these movies seem airs the show oii a regular basis. The to be running out of ideas for new flicks. Alpha Team released a single c~lled "Go Many movies are going into three and Speed Go" earlier this year. Many people four sequels. Other cartoons have been seem to be caught up in the nostalgia of made into movies, and classics are bethis cartoon. Whether it be the popularing re-made. This leaves the question, ity of Japanese animation or just the fun are movie writers and producers dry on of it, many people are grouping together ideas, or are they trying to make money to bring the series back in syndication. off someone else's ideas? Along with the airing of the TV show The general opinion around campus and the released techno-dance single, a is that producers are having problems live-action movie is in the making. Alcoming up with new story ideas. There though no one is sure when the movie is have been so many movies, since the due to hit the screen, it is expected within invention of the big screen, that fresh the year. ideas are few and far between. Although Another 1960s cartoon is coming to this is true, many feel these movies will local theaters in the summer of 1994. do well because they are well-known The antics of the Flintstones and the and well-liked. This almost guarantees Rubbles are receiving much publicity, a profit for the moviemakers. as advertising has begun almost a year Some faculty members remembered before its intended release. "The Flintstones," but "Speed Racer" John Goodman, of TV's "Roseanne," did not quickly come to mind. portrays the chunky, loud-mouthed preDr. Carter Craigie, English-commuhistoric Fred Flintstone, along with an nications professor, said, "Sometimes all-star cast. The movie centers around remakes are really good. It's fun to the lives of the famous cartoonists, remember the old and see a modern twist Hanna and Barbera. on the old theme. I'm more likely to go In the 1960s, ."The Flintstones" desee something new, rather than a rehash buted on television. Since then, it has of another movie done by another probeen viewed by people of all ages, due ducer." to syndication. The Flintstones and the
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Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Left: Dr. Carter Craigie, first-yearstudent Donna Shaeffer and college foundress Mother Ursula Infante chat at lunch. Below:Senior Dann Trotterperforms in the Red Cloud Coffee House.
photo by Carohne Croley
photo by Carol,ne Croley
Cabrini Spirit Day! Right: First-year students Jamie Latshaw, Joe Marturano, John Lindsay and Justin Mirigliani show their spirit outside the gym. Below: Frank X acts in the one man play, "Louis' Lottery," written by former Cabrini professor Dr. Joseph Sorrentino. The play is a true story of a homeless person winning the lottery.
photo by Carohne Croley
photo by Kendra Martin
Above: Father Ambrose Cashman presides over the Mass to celebrate Mother Cabrini Spirit Day. The liturgy was on the topic of hunger and homelessness.
photo by Kendra Martin
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Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Lastweek in the worldof news by Caroline Croley
desertwindsspreadingthroughthe SantaMonica The reportsaidthisis causingthe youthsto be Mountainsand downto the PacificOcean. ill-preparedfor thework force. CausingthousandstofleetheareainterrQr,~-..., The report said educators in today's school 0 Tuesday,Nov. 2- FlorioandWhitman blaze coveredan estimateof 5,~ acres bylate systemb;i.yea tendencyto focustheirattentionon campaignscometo unexpecteddose afternoon. / . the1{veiage~ents. JimF1orioandhisopponentChristineTodd Only one person was·reporteddead,andtwo Wbencomp.hwggiftedAmericanstudentsto Whitmanspent theirlast day of campaigning men were severelyburned.. giftedstudents in 1(\eign countries,the United visitingmanyareasaroundthestate,spreading Stattsisbebin(I. theirmessagesone lasttime. D Thursday, Nov.4-Whilmanvows Coad Generallyvoterswereunenthusiasticabout income tax ClSaturday,Nov.6 - Bowevs. Holyfield bothcandidates. On the monpngf<)llowingtheeleaion,Chris· InLasVegas\'l,llSaturday, RiddickBowe and Asoimid-October,asurveyshowedthat35 tine Todd Whilmangotrigqt towort. EvanderHolyfieldmetfortheheavyweightchampercent of the voting public was in favor of Appearing betbre a number of enthusiastic pionshipren:iatch. F1orio,while only 17 percentwas in favor of supportersand legislators,Whitmanannounced Holyfieldreclaimed the title in 12 rounds. Whitman. she immediatelywouldstartworkingon-tutting Bovte~edwinded,and Holyfieldlatersaid When the voting stopped and the results incometax,for mostresidents,by July 1994. h.eexpected13oweto tireout. were in, Whitman came out on top and was Herproposais\villbe beneficialto smallbusi13owehadnotfoughtpincehistwo-roundfight electedNewJersey's governor. nesses.However,tbitmajorissuewasapromiseto withJ~Ferguson in Washington,D.C. staff writer
0 Wednesday,Nov.3 - ThousandsDee afternew fire eruptsin South California Justwhen thepeopleof Californiathought theirfireswere finallyover,theywerewrong. After an announcementthat the fires were undercontrol,anotherone brokeout. 'Thistime the fire was caused by strong
bid for Paramount." By followingthroughwiththe investment, QVCwouldbecompetingwiththe$9.3billion bid madeby competitorViacom. EventhoughBellSouthfailedto comment, theysaid the investmentwas more of a strong possibilitythana strongdeal.
0 Monday,Nov. 8- Virginiacouplego to trialforthe honifying cut One morning back in late June, Lorena Bobbitt,ofManassas,Va.slicedherhusband's mostprivatepartwhilesleeping. After the incident occurred,Bobbitt and her husband John Wayne Bobbitt made the newsnationwide. While LorenaBobbittwas being triedfor maliciously wounding her husband, John cutincometaxesby 10~rcent overthe nextthree Bobbitt was being tried for marital sexual years. 0 Sunday,Nov.,!T - QVC may receive aid assault. fromBellSouthin Paramountbid Lorena'strialissetforNov.29,butshewas 0 Friday,Nov. 5 - U.S.schoolsare.bo!ing In the offerfor ParamountCommunications, seen incourt testifyingagainsther husband's thegifted '&llSouth and QVC network have been busy unlawfulact. Accordingtoan EducationDepartmentreport, talkingabouttheir$1 billioninvestment. The courtannouncedthateach couldserve ourcountry'sgiftedand talentedstudentsfeellike According to USA Today, "the BellSouth a maximumof 20 yearsin jail. theyare notbeing challengedin school. investmentcouldhelp QVC raise its $9.3 billion
Community responds to SEPTA screw-ups by Rich Jasper staff writer
Marie Jackson, a secretary from Upper Darby, looked at her watch. The 8: 15 Express to Norristown still had not arrived, and she was already late for work. "No wonder my nerves are so bad," Jackson mumbled under her breath, taking a drag from her fifth cigarette that morning. "You would think with all the money SEJYrA is sucking out of us every day, at least they could make an attempt to be on time." Jackson's frustration with SEJYI'Ais increasingly shared by a number of commuters, including many Cabrini students who rely on the transit system as their main means of getting to class each day. For a system that boasts annual ridership of approximately 300 million, the Southeastern PennsylvaniaTransportationAuthorityhas had its share of recent misfortunes, including the derailment two weeks ago of a Route 100 P&W trolley en route to Villanova, Radnor and Norristown. Although passengers were not on
the train when itjumped the track, the accident an effort to become more user-friendly. did tie-up rail traffic the entire morning. More According to Jim Whitaker, a spokesperson importantly, it brought to light for many com- for SEJYrA, constant improvements are being muters the fact that SEJYI'A,in many respects, made on the Route 100 P&W line. may be heading for disaster. "Where we are now, we are gradually beKatieEll' ~rst-yearstudent, waited more ginning to institutethe newer trolley cars, with than 30 mmuterfor ir train the'day of the -six out of the 22 or 23 in constant service," derailment. "SEPI'Asucks,"Ellissaid. "They Whitakersaid. "Weare also in the process of almost alwaysmakeyou~. altdffieyshotild iiBtalliiig allnewtrackst)!;nals,which eventureplace the old P&Wtrainswiththe newer allywillresultin morereliable and faster train ones." service." Seni9I DannTrotterquestionedSEPTA•s This project.a small part of SEPTA's new policy thatallowscommuters toridefor RailWorksrebuildingprogram, is expected to free if their trainislate. "SEPT A is lateevery reachcompletion by t?J~morning." Trottersaid. "If theystrictly en• Yet.SEP'l'A's new''Better Than Driving" forced thispolicyonthe RS,theywouldgo marketing slogan.touting.improvementssuch bankrupt." as•fbo$e.Whitakerde'scribed, has produced Aftet..yem.of Jongd1~00 • ~jpcreased ridership. With the the rail lines, SEPTA has begun to address opening of the Blue Route nearly two years many of its R5 and P&W riders' concerns ago, it seems as if more commuters are returnthrough the capitalimprovementprogram. The ing to their cars. This is not good news for transit system has tried new schedules and a SEPTA number of other changes,includingthe gradual Fallingridershiphurts SEPTA in two ways. replacement of their aging fleet of vehicles, in Themostobviousis lessmoneycominginthrough
What's Happening Lip Sync Contest
9:30 p.m. - 1 a.m. Proper ID is required. 11/11/93 0 The sophomore class and Xavier Men's VolleyballTournament 1113 RAs are sponsoring a Lip Sync ConJ~t in .,.., The ~ Volleyball Tournament will the Xavier Great Room atlO p.m. cost is $2. beheldfrom9 a~. - 5 p.m. at Eastern.
Fall Theater eroduction and Red Cloud Coffee HouseEntertainment 11/11-11/13 :l The Fall :fheater Production: By Students, For ~tudents.All-student productions o~Boy Meets Girl by W~y Wasserstein; YouCan't Trust the Male by Randy Nooj~; ~d by Dan , Forbes will take 1-'ta<.'e in ffie~e~ Cloud Coffee House at 8 NJl.Theticltelsco$! $2 for students and $0 ~ Illepieral public.
"Thursdays" 11/12 0 Thursdays are back on Friday. Over- 21 night will be held in the Widener Center Gathering Area from
ii/14 ClJudithWisnjewski's Art Exhibit will be on<§splayin tl)e Ubrary Fine Arts G:illery during library h9urs. The opening reception will be held f,tom 3 p.m. - 5 p.m. 0 The Studenty eracy Corps is tutoring 1st-5th graders (UJflyat the Paul F1ySchool in r.omstown. 1finterested in joining, see Je~hi Continuing Education. 0 Congratulations to Senior Lisa Gambacorta, who received honorable mention in the 1993 Pennsylvania Campus Compact Studen'tCommunity Service award program.
the fare box each day. Of the estimated $600 millionthetransitauthorityneeds tooperateannually,onlyalittleover$300millionwascollectedin faresin 1992. Eventually,SEPTAwouldhaveto cut serviceto match the amount of money it has available,drivingeven moreridersaway. In general, however, commuters who have stayedwith SEPTA throughoutits period of neglectand recentreconstructionhave seen significant changesin its operations. Rob Framo,first-yearstudent,said SEJYrA is doing a goodjob. "AlthoughI thinkthey should replacealltheoldP&Wtrainswiththenewerones, overallthe systemis nicer and cleaner,"he said. Moreimportantthancourtesyandcleanliness, however,SEPTA isfocusingon improvingitsontimeperformance,asa primarywayofbringingthe massesback to mass transit. LouisJ. Gambaccini,SEJYI'A'sgeneralmanager, wants the transit authority to be the best system in North Americaby the year 2000.But accordingto many Cabrinicommuterswho ride the P&Wand Paolilocallines,SEPTAstillhas a long way to go in reachingthisgoal.
Security Update Securityincidents,as reportedby securityofficefromMonday,Nov.2 throughMonday,Nov.8.
11/8 OCabrini Security called Radnor Police andreportedtheyhadafemaleCabriniresident who saidshehad beenassaultedinXavierbya ViolationofAlcoholPolicy male resident. The female student stated to 11/6 police that she had an arguement with the 0 Securityreceiveda call from RA that a subject.Shestatedthatatfirsttherewasavelbal beer keg was found in House 1. Securi-~1..ca,tionin the suspect's room. The female with residentassistants05,:.h.; ___ • .,,: .,,,.statedthatshelefttheroomandwentto informedsecurityofthet't:wo al ~~oomwhenthesubjectslapped Cabrinistudents. ~ ~~ her~ a friend. Shesaidshe °'" ---then · v&theroom, and the susbject AttemptedTheftand ~'I\( ~e _,.,. ~alestudentsaidshewas ? .; afr ubject ' dtrytoassaultheragain 0 Securitysaw a car turfingthe old athletic during.t.t;it,~,~q1i!i,iW9 so she calledthe police. fieldandthenstopontheroadway,heading There were o signs of abuse. The female off campus. Two malesexitedthe car and ran student,however,wasadamantaboutpres.sing acrossthe fieldto the soccernets. Theywere charges. The susbject,who was in his room, tryingto take the nets downwhen someonein was arrested . He was charged with simple the car saw security.The car beganbeeping assualt,harrassment,and disorderlyconduct. the horn and took off withoutthe two males. An officer transportedthe subject to district The two males ran and were not found. courtfor a bailinterviewand arraignment.A PoliceincidentreportfromRadoorTown-stipulationof thebailis thatthesubjectisnotto shipPoliceDepartment. have anycontactwiththe femalestudent.The ~ult preliminaryhearingis set for 11/16.
~< ·
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Cabrini question? by TimothyWonson staff writer
The pass was immaculate. The reception unbelievable. The receiver faced an empty field and began his run toward the end-zone. Then, from out of nowhere, an opposing player comes into his line of view. The receiver cuts at the last second, dodging his pursuer's hands, only to fall to the ground momentslater. His adversary in tbe end: the very field he was playing on. Astro turf bad claimed yet another victim. Althoughthisparticularcase is fictitious, there are all too many accounts just likeit thatarenot. MikeSherrardof theNewYorkGiantssuffereda seasonending,andmaybecareer-ending,injury in the gameagainst the Eagle&, because of turf. He managed to shatter, then dislocate, his hip without being touchedby an opposingplayer. Therash of injuries created by turf this year bas caused quite a furvor among players and fans as welt. Cabrini students had manydifferent viewpoints on the now commondebate, shouldturfbe replacedby grass? ''The heJl with turf," Jim Oliver, a sophomore, said. "I like grass, you can't get dirty on turf." Oliver went on to say, "The only thing turf is good for is screwing up your knees." Larry Foster, a sophomore. said, "l don't mind playingon turf, but if it's wet, it's too slippery, andif it's dry, you can blow out ·a hip or snap your knee or something.'* Dan Monaco,a senior,said, "I thinkeveryoneshouldhave the optionof playingon grass,becauseturf causesso manyinjuries. Especially at VeteransStadium,'causeit sucks, andso dotheEagles,nowthatturfhas takenso many players.'' "The game should definitely be playedon grass,.. Steve Murray, a senior; said. "They're trying to take humanerrorout of the game. It's getting to be too perfect.'' Murraywent on to say, "'Besides, thereis less~hance fo( knee injuries on grass, which the Ea• gles arestartingto see andsee and see." Jeff Partisen, a senior, said, "Naturalgrass is much easier on the knees. It is better to run on. There is way better traction." Partisencontinued,'1Besides, · anything can happen on natural grass." " According to Nikki Chebra,a first-year student, "The risk for injuries on turf arejust too great to have it make any sense to play on it." AnneWaldspurger, a sophomore, said."I likegrass. It looksmorenat-
Sophomore Billy Carr shoots for the White team, as Blue team members Brad Dever, Jamie Shaak, Jon Drummond and Dave Wissler look on intently. Last year's PAC Champions opened their defense of the title with a split-squad game.
Blue tops white, ...86~82
~ photo "6yCaroline Croley
Senior Dan Barracliff leads the break.
uial." Her friefidandroommateTracy Roesener,also a sophomore.liked tutf better. "l like turf more then grass. It looksnicer." JulieWoten,a &st-yearstudent, said, "I like artificialturf.It looks waycoolerthu grass." MarkSpringer, a jonior,said, "I prefer grass, rm big on natural ,__things." ___, , .-.,
____________ '
photo by Jamte Latshaw
Sophomore Eric Tidwell passes off.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Last week in the world of sports Tap in by Celene Wright
staffwnter Those who had the advantage of seeing boxers Evander Holyfield and Riddick Bowe fighting with words, instead of fists,on the Arsenio Hall show, might have been surprised at the outcomeof the fight. Bowe seemed to have a lot to say, while.,Evander just smiled with a look of wisdom in his eyes,as if he knew something Bowe did not. This battle of words, in which Bowe was clearly the champion, had many fans excited to see who would become the heavyweight champion of the world. Could Bowe back up all histalk? Though Bowe gave Holyfield a good fight through 12 rounds, two judges voted Holyfield the winner of the b9ut, while one called it a draw. Holyfield had become the heavyweight champion of the world, reclaiming the crown he lost to Bowe a year ago. The fight appeared as if both men were not doing a job but taking it very personally. After the bell rang, the fighters did not take their corners, lnstead,they continued to
pummel each other until they were pulled apart. It seemed as if they had something to prove to each other, never mind the whole world. Holyfield and Bowe fought seriously throughout the match, but were interrupted in the seventh round. Thirty-year-old James Miller had paracbuted down over the fight, getting tangled up in the ropes. The result of this was the fans and Evander's bodyguards getting into a fight all their own. Miller was arrested for dangerous flying, his deed being a promotional ploy for his business. The Holyfield/Bowe fight ended up being the fight of the century, in more ways than one. The Phoenix Cardinals added to the Eagles' losing steak on Sunday by beating them 16-3. 'l;_heCardinal offense moved sufficiently through the defense of the Eagles throughout the game. Phoenix got its leverage from three field goals by Greg Davis and the teamwork of Chris Chandler and Gary Clark, resulting in a 10yard touchdown pass. The Eagles did a little dancing in the end zone when thei~ kicker, Matt Bahr, made a 27-yard field
goal. However, the good news for the Philadelphia stopped there, while the Cardinals moved onto victory. The New York Jets defeated the Miami Dolphins, 27-10. Miami's Scott Mitchell made an excellent pass to Irving Fryar, scoring a 65yard touchdown pass. The Cowboys seemed to be on a mission when tbey defeated the Giants, 31-9. As they played, they proved throughout the game that they were not the young team everyone saw them as. They felt they had something to prove, and they did. Putting the Giants in their place, Dallas quarterback Troy Aikman went for 162 yards and two touchdowns, before leaving the game due to a hamstring injury. In women's tennis, Tracey Austi.9 faced Anne Grossman. Austin looked as if she would take the victory position, but was disappointed. Grossman ended up taking the win, The scores were4-6, 6-1, 6-4. Going back to that fading season of baseball, the National League finds Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants to be the MVP of1993. This is Bonds' third time, in four
season, of obtaining this title. Phillies' Lenny Dykstra finished the running in second place for
MVP. Just as expected, Patrick Ewing of the New York Knicks did cause trouble to Shawn Bradley and the 76ers. The New York Knicks ended up defeating the 76ers, 95-86. Nnenna Lynch, a cross country runner and 3.9 GPA Rhodes Scholar of Villanova, became the NCAA's Woman of the Year. The award recognizes students who excel in athletics and academics and help in the community. Out of 51 national semifinalists, Lynch seemed the most qualified. In hockey, the St. Louis Blues and the Pittsburgh Penguins got a little dirty when they went up against each other on Tuesday night. The Penguins made it a point to keep cracking Brett Hull, of the Blues, in the knees, while Hull continued to complain about non-calls to the refs. The dirty tricks of the Penguins could not stop Bull, who scored two goals for his team and had one assist. The game went into overtime twice, resulting in a score of 3-3, overall.
A quoteto note
Father knowsbest
"Bondshad a great year. He put up some unbelievablenumbers. But so did I. Some of the numbersI put up were unprecedented." -Lenny Dykstra
When was the last time that a Philadelphia76ers led the league in a statisticalcategory? Who did it, and what was the category? -compiledby Father AmbroseCashman
Women win PAC; men take third by Catherine Smotherman staff writer
Cabrini's Kate Spires, first-year student, literally ran away from the competition Saturday, Nov. 6. She came in first place in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference women's cross country championship and defeated her closest competitor by nearly two minutes. Kristen Vento, first-year student, and Margit Karlsen, sophomore, took third and fourth places, helping the women's team to take first place in the championship. Don Little, first-year student, took third place in the men's competition. Little was one second away from second place and 12 seconds away from winning the five mile men's competition. The men's team placed third. In the women's competition, Cedar Crest College placed second and Alvernia College was third. In the men's competition, Alvernia won the championship, and Marywood placed second. Spires was the obvious success story of the day. About her 20
minute, 22 second 3.1 mile run, she said, "J loved it." Mark Gerard, an Eastern College runner who took first place in the men's competition, with a time of33 minutes, called Spires "amazing." Tom O'Hora, cross country coach, said Spires is one of the best runners on the East coast. "We ran hurt and sick," O'Hora said. "That's what made our performance more incredible." Kate Dinwiodie, first-year student, was in bed sick all week but ran in the race. Dinwiddie said, "I'm sick, but it's the championship." Melanie Bruno, junior, had an injury. "Melanie ran in pain every step of the way," O'Hora said. The men's team had three regular cross country runners and rounded out their ranks with draftees from the lacrosse team. "It was kind of confusing at first because of the lacrosse players," Gerard said , of the men's race. "They started out fast. But after the first mile, it straightened out." The meet, hosted by Cabrini,
took place at Belmont Plateau in Fairmount Park, Cabrini's home course. Though there are 11 schools in the the PAC, only six participated in the championships, with five teams taking part in each event. The event went very well despite a few expected snags, according to O'Hora. He said the meet went more smoothly than the meet on Oct. 30. At that meet, several runners lost their way while running the· race, because vandals had knocked down and changed signs marking the course. O'Hora said he had run the cours~ only a week earlier, and the signs Jlad been fine at the time. He added there had not been much enthusiasm for representatives from each team to walk the course before the race, as is customary, because it was pouring down rain. This week Athletic Director John Dzik asked some basketball players to stand at forks in the trail and direct the runners, so there would be no confusion. Despite some drawbacks associated with using a public course that is not located at Cabrini, 0 'Hora
to Mac
said this course serves the program well. He said Belmont Plateau is a very tough course and is considered one of the premier courses in the country. According to O'Hora, a women's course could be constructed at Cabrini, but there is not room to build a men's course. One course drawback appeared suddenly during the women's championship. Approximately six fourwheelers came speeding across the field, headed toward the part of the course that runs through the woods. People associated with the cross country race stopped the vehicles at the entrance to the woods. Since the PAC had a permit to use the course, there was no dispute. O'Hora said this was an isolated incident.
TriviaAnswer Cedric Ceballos of the Phoenix Suns led the NBA in field-goal percentage last year.
by Bob llacsrtn-, sports editor
The hype has already begun. The Catholics vs. Creminoles T-shirts have already been printed. FloridaStateagainstNotre Dame. Numberone and number two. It does not happen too often in college football, the only big-time college sport ~ithout a championship tour-
nament Notre Dame used to play Miami once a year. Then,thesbirts readCatholics vs. Convicts. At that time, I was on ~ Catholic side. Who could root for the derelicts from Miami, espe~ cially when they played againstTouchdown Jesus, the FightingIrish ofNotteDame? Now, however, it is hard to determine who the Creminoles reallyare. Granted, I have always been a big Florida State fan. Bobby Bowden's offense has a way of forcing you to be a fan. On the other side of the football, Lou Holtz ~d his Golden Domers have gone tbroughalotofturmoil. Their starting quarterback, Rick Powlus,was injured in the spring game. Kevin McDougal took over and has guided the [rish to an undefeated record and the #2 ranking. However, a more in~depth look at Notre Dame reveals wins over some weak opponents. Northwestern,Navy, Pitt, Stanford, BYU and Air For<:eare not exactly quality competition. The knock againstFlorida State has been their inability to win the big game. The team put those doubts to rest by defeating Miami earlier this year. And, if they had bad a decentplacekicker,they would be the two-time defending national champions. The game is in Notre Dame. The weather conditions should be in the lrish's
favor. Al.Ithat said, Charlie Ward and the Seminoles are still a seven-point favorite. That is not nearly enough. The best coach in theland, Bobby Bowden,iswell on his way to the NationalChampionship. The Creminoles over the Catholics, 38-14.
Friday, Nov. 12, 1993
Soccertakes PAC Championship by Diane Wrobleski staff writer
pftoto by Mary Jane Inman
Soccer team members Jason Giles, Wally Fiore, Bill Bono, Jim Andrews and Joe Ricci celebrate their PAC Championship victory over Eastern on Saturday, 2-1.
Despite the dreary weather on the soccer field Saturday Nov. 6, the attitudes of both the men's soccer team and the spectators were never dampened. Although the sun never did shine, the team's effort and the crowd's enthusiasm during the PAC championship did. Cabrini defeated Eastern College 2-1, winning the conference championship. Senior Eric Burke, who scored the winning goal, was named offensive player of the game. Another player who held the team together was senior Jason Giles. Giles was named defensive player of the game. During the first half, the game became very intense, as the mud softened on the field. Sophomore Jeff Winters said, "Although the field was muddy, it brought out the team's aggressiveness. The players were able to slide more, and they weren't afraid to fall either." Junior MikeTims, a captain, agreed, "The mud made the game more interesting and fun." First-year student Joe Morris scored the game's first goal. An Eastern defender and the goalkeeper had trouble communicating, and Morris stole the ball and kicked it into the open net. giving the Cavs the lead. Cabrini was ahead 1-0 throughout the first half. However, Eastern scored a controversial goal in the middle of the second half, tying the score 1-1. An Eastern attacker took a shot that caromed off the crossbar, back out onto the field. Another Eastern forward shot the ball toward the net, but it hit the right post. The ball once again caromed off the post, but this time wenttoward the net. Goalie Jim Andrews
dove and stopped the ball, but the official had already credited Eastern with the goal. Following this call, the game seemed to turn in favor of Eastern. In fact, they carried the play for much of the second half. However, the highlight of the game for Ca Cabrini's defense tightened during the last 10 minutes, allowing Burke to then score the winning goal. Tims said, "Not only were the last 10 minutes a highlight, but the quality of the winning play itself was really good." As soon as the winning goal was scored, the excitement was apparent. as the men's soccer team piled on top of Burke to celebrate their final victory. Although mud was caked upon each player, it didn't stop them from completely letting loose and doing a few mudslides to continue their celebration. Tims said, "It really felt good to beat Eastern, our biggest rival and neighbor." The team wrapped the season up with an overall record of 9-10-1, with a PAC record of 4-0. Looking back at the season, Winters said, ··The season started slow because we weren't familiar with each other·s skills. We had to concentrate on our kicking a lot in the beginning. But it picked up, and we eventually played well as a team." Tims said, "Although it took the team a while to learn each other's skills and qualities, this year's team is stronger than last year's. The future looks really good." The crowd was definitely the largest of the season, and they stayed out supporting the team, despite the weather. For the first time in while, Cabrini had more fans at a game against their cross-street rivals, Eastern. It paid off, as the Cavs won their first title since 1990.
Cabrinihistory:Soccerwins 1990 ESAC by Jane S. Van lngen
after several players were suspended due staff writer to the vandalism of a school van, a solid, quiet win was just what they wanted. At "It's just not everyday that they win halftime, then first-year student Brendan the ESAC title," Coach Duncan Hnbley Ryan scored, giving the Cavs a 1-0 lead. had said. The relative calm subsided, howevIt was about this time three years ago, er, with 26 minutes left in the game. in the fall of 1990, that the soccer team Although tensions flared, neither side won the ESAC championship. The team was penalized for the ruckus. The result consisted mostly of first-year students was a shift in play from the Wesley end and sophomores and had a long way to to the Cabrini end, and a couple of tough go. saves from then first-year goalie They experienced their fair share of Zimmerman, maintained the Cabrini losses and hard times, but they came out lead. winners. All of the members were imThe win allowed the Cavs to put portant, but some, such ass Glen· behind them what happened with the Jaskelewicz, Clark Zimmerman and van and to see themselves as a winning Mike "Pickle" Connor stood out from soccer team instead of a bunch of bad the rest. guys. Here are some highlights. The Cavs upended arch-rival Eastern On Sept. 7, Clark Zimmerman be- 3-0 on Oct. 9. Eric Burke scored twice, came athlete of the week, because he and Matt Capone scored once. proved himself as a goaltender, by makOn Oct. 13, the Cavs won against ing the all-tournament team at the TrenShenandoah, with 1: 15 left on the clock. ton State In'vitational on August 31. Steve Buividas tallied his second goal Zimmerman had started out as a. of the season in the opening half of the midfielder but then started thinking game. about becoming a goalie during practicJaskelewicz scored his 14th goal of es. He was a goaltender eight times in the season and the 31st of his career, high school in Shoemakersville, Pa., and becoming Cabrini's' all time· s~oring had watched and learned from other goalleader. Keeper Zimmerman recorded 5 ies. Not only did he prove himself as a saves in helping the Cavs achieve their goaltender, he showed his abili-ty to be a 9th victory, against 5 defeats. team player. He also was determined, On Oct. 18, one of their toughest assertive and ultimately confident. games turned out to be one of their best, On Oct. 5, the Cavs scored a 3-0 when the Cavs beat the then undefeated victory over Wesley College. Holy Family College, 1-0, despite terriJaskelewicz tied the career mark for ble weather conditions. goals with 2:41 left in the game. Connor became the athlete of the week After experiencing a week of turmoil on Oct. 19 because he possessed the
agility and high jumping skills essential for a sweeper. Connor had been playing soccer since he was six. He also had speed, quickness and had a good rapport with the other members on the field. When Jaskelewicz scored his 14th goal of the season, he not only broke his career record, he broke the team's record. He scored the goal with only 1: 15 left in the second half of the game on Oct. 13. Hubley attributed-Jaskelewicz's success to the fact that he trained the hardest on the field. Hubley said, "He's fast, durable, doesn't get hurt, is calm with the ball and doesn't panic." In addition to his record-breaking goal, he has led the team in assists. He had seven for the season, with Matt Capone next on the team with two. "Now that I've set the new record," Jaskelewicz said, "I can be less nervous and enjoy our final games on our way to the ESAC." On Oct. 24, the Cavs had a 2-1 victory over Allentown, which set up the ESAC championship game against Salisbury State. Anchored by Jaskelewicz's three goals, the Cavs beat their opponents 3-2 and captured the ESAC title. The win gave the Cavs a 12-6 overall mark and a 5.1 ESAC tally. It was their first title since 1987, when they won the ESAC Northern Division. A lot of strong players rejoined the team that year and, overcoming a season of external and internal adversity, achieved their goal of winning the ESAC. The young team played a difficult
non-league schedule and overcame injuries and disciplinary problems to land on top. Jaskelewicz's goals came via a penalty kick and a headball, with an assist going to Ryan. The game winner came on a perfect feed from then sophomore Matt Capone, which gave Jaskelewicz 18 goals for the season, and his record-setting career marks stands at 35. "To win that game is the best feeling in the world," senior co-captain Steve Buividas, said.
Scores: 8/31/90 1-2 Cavs vs. Trenton State Inv. 9/1/90 2-1 Cavs vs. Delaware Valley 9/4/90 1-2 Cavs vs. St. Joseph Uni versity 9/8/90 1-3 Cavs vs. Allentown 9/9/90 3-1 Cavs vs. Ursinus 9/12/90 5-2 Cavs vs. Lincoln 9/15/90 6-0 Cavs vs. Delaware Val ley 9/19/90 3-1 Cavs vs. Widener Uni versity 9/22/90 3-0 Cavs vs. Frostburg 9/29/90 0-2 Cavs vs. Drexel Univer sity 9/29/90 3-0 Cavs vs. Wesley 10/6/90 0-2 Cavs vs. Swarthmore 10/9/90 3-0 Cavs vs. Eastern 10/13/90 2-1 Cavs vs. Shenadoah 10/18/90 1-0 Cavs vs. Holy Family College 10/20/90 0-5 Cavs vs. Westchester 10/24/90 2-1 Cavs vs. Allentown
ESAC Championship: 10/27 /90 3-2 Cavs vs. Salisbury State