Friday,Jan.28,1994 Vol.XL,No.13 CabriniCollege Radnor,Pa. 19087
* *
College fires employees Rose criticizes staff evalulations
Stabley: first hired, first fired
Stabley organized. It was shortly after the official inauguration that by Heather McAl/lster other colleges learned ladarola was editor in chief In a sudden move that has rocked searching for a new vice president the campus, Dr. Antoinette IadaroThe wave of dismissal that is for institutional advancement. la, college president, fired Stewart sweeping through Cabrini has Thus, according to the source, Stabley, vice president for institusmacked another staff member. officials from other colleges tional advancement. He is Bob Rose, writer/researchlearned of Stabley's imminent firAt this time, there is no replaceer in the development office. ing before Stabley did. ment for Stabley's position, and Rose said he was fired by the Another staff member was Iadarola will assume the responsi- director of development, Mary stunned that Stabley was fired for bility for the institutional advanceEllen Herzog. "no apparent reason." According ment office. Herzog could not be reached to this source, Stabley is the fifth According to Stabley, the decifor comment. vice president to be fired in apsion to vacate his position was made Rose said he was fired beproximately 15 years, but this is in early January. He said he is leavcause his qualifications do not the first firing that did not have a ing for personal reasons. fit with the new direction of the just cause. However, many staff members department. "We're pretty upset," the staff photo by Courtney O'Connor believe Stabley was fired because "I understand my interests member said. "There is a strong Former Vice President for Institutional Advancement Stewart of serious conflict with Iadarola. Stabley works with Mary Ellen Herzog, director of development. and disposition might not be a feeling of fear in the offices." Every staff member who agreed good match for the new needs Many employees attributed this to speak about Stabley or Iadarola of research and proposal writfear directly to Iadarola planting insisted on anonymity, for fear of ing," Rose said. "spies," in the various offices, who being fired. When Rose was hired two report back to the president. Iadarola could not be reached withanother$1 millionby June, by CllrollneCroley years ago, he said he made it One source said some employfor comment. assistantnewseditor 1994. clear to Sister Eileen Currie, ees are afraid to speak their minds "Stu has a lot In "College campaigus to former president, and Herzog in meetings of the The college has just about of personal integmatch challenge," issue 5 of that he came to Cabrini to help staff human rereached its goal in meeting the rity," one staff Loquitut, Lisa Bogia, of public develop the college's mission. source council. $1 millionmark needed, in ormember said. "He 'Iadarola is relations, said the department of "I came here to be a lay colThis is because dertoreceivethe$500,000prize may have refused institutional advancement's big• 1 a bora tor," Rose said. "I their words often tremendously promisedby a majordonor. to do something ge~ goal this year is to meet the achieved what I wanted, but I have come back to "TheDixonchallengeis right Dixonchallenge. vindictive. If you because it went thought the transition would be them, straight on targetandisgoingverywell," against his integThroughout the year, alumni, say anything a year or two down the road." from the president. Dr. AntoinetteIadarola,presirity." parents and everyone involved According to Rose, evalua"Iadarola is dent, said. The college's deadagainst her, she'll According to in the Cabrinicommunityhave tions of his work were done tremendously vinline to raise $1 million is June this staff member, be out to get you.' dictive," helped to meet the $1 million properly, and he received modone 30, 1994. At present, the colStabley may have goal. erate evaluations. However, source said. "If -staff member lege has received roughiy been ordered by Iadarolasaid, "The Dixons Rose believes he received only you say anything $9()(),000. Iadarola to fire have always been involved in moderation evaluations because against her, she'll Theunrestrictedfundrai$ing sports,andthat'swhy ourtennis some employees the expectations of what can be be out to get you." will go towardthe construction within his departments of developcourts and athletic fields are accomplished in his position are According to some sources, the of a sportscomplexthat is now ment, public relations, alumni afnamedafterthe Dixons." unrealistic. result of Stabley' s sudden firing is in planning.The :8oardofTrustfairs and the annual fund. "The environment here has an intense feeling of job insecurity, ees approved the challengein "He has too much integrity to always been one of crisis and at all levels. One employee said the May. fire us," the source said," so she overload," Rose said, "one Cabrini mission is being destroyed. Unrestrictedfundraisingin(Iadarola) fired him." where I took the approach that "Iadarola is throwing out what cludes gi& tbe collegecan use Since Iadarola temporarily is you do the best you can, on Cabrini is all about," according to anywhereseen:fit. taking over the reins of institutionwhatever is pressing at the mothe source. "We're supposed to be ln 1992, the college anal advancement, she would have ment. Hence my 'moderate' learning from one another. Instead, nouncedthe Dixonswouldgive no problem firing people she did evaluations, because overload we don't have time for that, be$500,000 to Cabrini. &gene not like, in those departments, acconditions mean some part of cause people are worried about not Dixon and bis wife Edith, cording to the source. your responsibilities will albeing able to feed their families." fonner chair of the board,said Another employee believes Iaways be less than excellent." Stabley said his number one contheywill double their gift if the darola' s first conflict with Stabley collegecanmeettheirchaJlenge resulted from the inauguration celsee more ROSE on pg. 6 see more STABLEY pg. 6 ebration of April 24, 1993, which
by Heather McAllister editor in chief
Presidentupdates Dixon challenge
See more on the staff firings Inside ... on page 6.
Inside ... Week at a Glance ... Jan. 28 to Feb. 3 vPERS.
p. 3
The opinions of the editors in the commentaries on recent events Inside ... do not necessarily represent those of SNOWquitur.
V6:30p.m. Super Bowl party in Xavier Great Room.
V8:00p.m. Theater Sports in Red Cloud.
Mac picks Super Bowl!
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Vl/31-2/2 Lunch and dinner. SGA electionsfor exec.boardvicepresident outsidethe cafe, gatheringarea.
V12:30 p.rn. Speaker Bongani Thabethe will discuss South African politics in the Red Cloud. '
I I -.
2 I
V_ie_w~p_o_in_t --------..1
Caringfor Cabrinican be costly To fire or be fired, that is the question. In a managerial position, there are certain goals to be met, but jobs should not have to suffer. Stewart Stabley, vice president for institutional advancement, was coerced to eliminate employees for the president. Stabley did not fulfill this request. Therefore, he was the one who left his position, and the college as well. Stabley was the first to be hired by President Iadarola, and he was the first to be fired. Iadarola sought out Stabley to complete the Dixon challenge, which was accepted in December, 1992, by the campus community. Edith Robb Dixon and her husband, Eugene, gave a $500,000 grant to the school, with an additional $500,000, if Cabrini could raise $1 million by June, 1994. The challenge is over 90 percent completed, and we owe many of our thanks to Stabley for his efforts. He wanted to obtain the rest of the grant for the advancement of Cabrini. If the money is presented to the college, it will be the largest private donation Cabrini has received. Stabley worked very hard for the college, and his contributions to the community will never be forgotten. But Iadarola passed up this administrator because of conflicts they encountered. Stu, you will be greatly missed, and we hope you come back to pay homage to the students of Cabrini. Your personal integrity meant a lot to us, and we want to wish you the best of luck.
IUps and
Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
Neither sleet nor snow kept Seiler's away from the cafeteria. School may have been closed, but hungry residents were assured a hot meal, provided by Seiler' s staff. Notification of school closings was difficult for students outside the tri-state area to obtain. They were told to listen to KYW News Radio for further information. Remember, radio stations have a limited range to broadcast. This is not a good way to start off the new year. As the snowflakes began to fall, physical plant was on the job. They shoveled walks, salted steps and plowed residential boulevard. Too bad they weren't in charge of the roads, instead of PennDOT. Many students were crammed in the business office as soon as the break ended. To obtain clearance to attend classes, bills had to be paid. This is difficult with only one computer. Hey John, why not invest in another computer for your department? Just a thought.
given up, my Grand Prix snapped around and • pointeditsnosetowardthecliffoppositetherninor mountain. Borderingon tears,I beggedthe car to reconsider and tugged the wheel slightly to the right Doug Eppler, Apparently,I tugged a bit too much. Before I copy editor & couldrememberwhenllastpaidaninsurancebill, writing coach my car had boltedto the rightside of the roadand was soonwedgedbetweenthe ditchand thehill. I triedtoreverse,ItriedtopullforwardJtriedtopray. Nada. Zip. Zero. Zilch.I wastheepitomeofstuck. AnditwasMom'sfault. My rationalization:I didn'treallyneedgas. Mominsistedlfillthetank, After 20 yearsof daily reminders,one would I got stuck, it was her fault. As I jogged the three thinkJhadfinallylearnedthatMomisalwaysright miles back to the house, cursing the wholeway, I That is the only constant. Halley's comet could realized Mom was right...again. I was in no mood, come a year early,and Mornwould still be right however, to admit it. Butlhavealwaysbeenalittlethick-headed.To When I finished the stellar trek home, I felt provethis,I recentlyrecruitedmy newcar andset dumberthandumbdirt. Ratherthanlaugh,scream out to do what Mom said should not be done. or tell me I wasonrnyown, Momcalleda towtruck Mission impossibleinvolveda trip to the gas station.My red-neckresidencyisblessedwiththe anddrovemetothesceneofthemistake.Needless modem convenienceof two gas stations. After to say, oncemy car was out, I got gas at stationA Morn is not the only one who has triedto drill convincingrnelshouldnotbeonthesnowyroads without a full tank of gas, Mom suggestedI go a afewtipsintomyconcretecranium.Butweareat few extra miles, along safer roads, to station that stage of our lives when those less frequent AAnnoyed thatmy imminentdeparturefor Philly lessonsare more and more valuable. Think about it. Why did we shrug off those was no longeras imminent,I defiantlyset out for stationB, convincedI couldmake it up themoun- fatherly talks? Why did Mom's lectures take a backseattoSaturdaymomingcartoons?No mattainousbackroad. ter how many times we fellapart, Morn and Dad I was wrong. Crossingtheone-lanebridgeonStewartstown wouldalways put us back together. That isnot tosay MomandDad nolongercare. Road, I began to ascendits famous monsterhill. SlowedbutnotdeterreclbythedisappearingµuchesIt simply means we are now capable of pulling of dry ground,I continuedto climbthe 90-degree ourselvestogether.Ourparentshavesketchedfor usashape. Inourhandstbeyhaveplaced brushes bend I shutteredonly slightlyat the ominoustele- andafewspecksofpaint. Soon,thecanvaswillbe phone pole that had wounded my beloved, and ours to complete. To finish the paintingsof our lives, we must now deceased,Malibuthreeyearsearlier. Oearing the bend, I spotted a Trans Am, remember the valuable lessonsthe mastershave whose driver had given up the challenge, a few taughtus. Thankstomyparents,Icannowseethe yardsahead.Eventually,Ilostallforwardmomen- imageof me. What used to be a mereblur is now tum. When the car startedto slideback downthe a decentpicture. I wouldn't call it a masterpiece, but I like it. hill, I nearlylostbowel control. Gatheringmy fleeingsenses,Islammedthecar intoreverseandbeganacontrolledturn,hopingto changedirectionsandslowlydescendthehill. The car,however,hadotherplans.Sensinglhadfinally
Mother knows beSt
Edtlf In Chief:HeelherMcAllsta-
Maregrg Edilor.OenielleDMaroo
Pe,speclives Edler: ~ DMaroo
Asst. ~ & Pa,pedlves Edibrs:Margnt Maio&Jane Van Inger, QHllews Edilor:Stll\/9May
Bob Macartney, sports editor
QHllews Edllr. Kely Mc:Ocneld
Asst News Editllls:Ca-olsle Croley& Ca!hemeSmolhema-1 ~
Edllr. GSlyWhlte
Ms& ErCertalnment Edtor. G8lyWu Asst Ms & 6ote,taioIIIM
Edlors; Kalir'eCooao&
Chrisllna Feehan
A cut above the rest
Asst SportsEdlDf:BrianSialkowslci
CopyEdtr. Dcug Eppler
Overthebreak,LorenaBobbittwasfoundby a jury of her peers to be not guilty, for reason of Asst. CopyEdD:r.AICherdJeoper 'MtingQiactl:DcugEwie, temporaryinsanity. What a joke. Apparently,the Americanlegal Asst. l..ayru& GraphicsEdlor:DianeWroblell<I systemfound absolutelynothingwrong with the Edbial ~ B,yan Bel eventsofthenightinquestion. JohnWayneBobbitt a..r..ssManager: KarenSzczLnk didnotrapehiswife,andl.orena'scounter-reaction tothenon-rape,tochopoffherhusband'spenis, was Photography Edltrs: EricBaibu9cla& Dawnlellel<lopp Phot)gal)hy Adviser. OJ.C8r1l!lr Qaigi8 deemedacceptable. Inhishitfilm"Raw,"EddieMurphyjokesabout Adviser: OJ.Jerome Zu-ek asimilarsituation. Lorenahaskilledthejokeforever. Staff: ~ Holt.Regina Mier, R8Me Rozrialcsl<i,TIIT104hy ThereasonshewasfoundternporarilyinsanehasWrn,on, Celere Wrig1t to do withthefactthatshe couldnot rememberthe Phot)gal)hy Slaff: LisaBiano, C8rolineQ-oley,Jame I.JllsNw, incident Doesthismeanthatwhateverwe cannot /vne MarieMaJro, Kely McOona.ld rememberinstantlybecomesacceptable? Perhaps l..oqutJris p,JJlslled weeldy c1mg 1h8scmol year by Sludentsd C8brn Colege. Racmr, PA 19087.Phone'. 610-971-&412. prisonerson deathrowcannotremembertheinci- ~ pnoeis $25 per year and is lncildedn tie beneffls dentforwhichtheywereconvicted.Shouldtheybe secued by tLltlonand SIIJdent1-. uxµbs weloomes leU8IS101h8e<IIOr. l.ellers st1oud be sv'9d givenanothertrial? I thinknot 1he~ known 10tie 8'ftJrs. However,tt 1h8I find it unbelievablethat nothingwas done to and WiShe6. and tt-eedlOfag,eN, 1h8wriler'srwne may be 1811 di tt-e upon ~ and an insaipllan .-. such as "name Lorena. She mutilatedher husband,and nothing l8llar wlltneld at tl'e reque61 d tl'e wnter." L.attersshould be typed, came of it Maybe they should bring her up on doulllHpaced and 300 wcrosIn lenglh. wa lelleris 100longlor 1h8 available apace, 1h8may... Of condanae l. l.ellers nut be litteringcharges. aJ:mb!d by noon oo Mondays. If not,I guesswe shouldgo backto thedaysof Edbials and opinions are 1h8~ d the edbiel stat and ndvoJaJ writersand nol 1he eru& lillJdert body,faaAly C:. adi I ■ m llllcNL Hammurabbi'sCode.Aneyeforaneye ... l..oqJiLr is~ as a mm lorsb.danl eocpressicr,and Lrirnbiad, robull, he and open dlclJ8slon d Issues.
Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
I-Commentary Heather McAllister, editor in chief
Unique punishment for sexual harrassment
Danielle DiMarco, managing and ~ editor
If Harding is in fact found not guilty, society will hang her before she can hop on a plane to Norway. Gillooly dug Harding's grave, and now she must lay in it. Hey Tonya, you should have hit on your husband rather than your competition. Lorena Bobbit would have been more than willing to help you out.
The icing on the cake
They say revenge is sweet, but Since the embarrassing days of Toyna Harding may be getting her the Clarence Thomas-Anita Hill just desserts. America's sweetheart, hearings, complete with Pepsi-can Nancy Kerrigan, has always been a references and CNN-televised place or two ahead of Harding. sexual innuendo, sexual A person so close to number one harrassment has been a media buzz may go to extremes to accomplish word. The most ironic aspect of this goal. sexual harrassment is that no one On Jan. 6, after Kerrigan was knows what it means. practicing in Detroit for the U.S. Our collegiate Main Line neigh- Championship, an assailant struck bor, Swarthmore College, demon- Kerrigan' s knee with a black, metal strated a glaring ignorance this past club. Enough damage was done to month, with a bungling of its own Kerrigan' s knee to knock her out of sexual harrassment case. It involves the competition. Harding went on two first-year students or, as every to skate a perfect four-and-a-half other college calls them, freshmen. minute program. The conflict arose between Harding may have won the U.S. Ewart Yearwood and Alexis ChampionshipandaplaceontheOlymClinansmith. Clinansmith claimed pic team,but Kerriganwill not give up the problem began on the second thateasily.Aftermuchdehberation,the day of school, when Yearwood told InternationalC.Ommittee of the United Clinansmith, "You have a beautiful States Skating Federation named smile." The semester culminated Kerriganto the Olympicteam. with Clinansmith claiming On Jan. 9, only three days after the Yearwood was intimidating her and attack,Kerrigansnuckintoa neighborhad violated an "active avoidance" hoodskatingrink to testthewaters.She order, already issued to Yearwood thenbegan rehabilitationofher landing by college officials. Yearwood's leg (right knee) and practicedfor her "punishment," however, is the best perfonnanceinLillehammer,Norway. part of this fiasco. Kerriganhasthewill andthewant to On Nov.17, a disciplinary com- obtain the gold medal in Norway. "I mittee decided Yearwood would have a strangefeelingthereis going to be suspended, because he violated be a big (roundot) applausewhen I go the order. A minor bonus for being out on the ice,"Kerrigansaidin a press suspended from Swarthmore is that conference,in front of her house in Yearwood can transfer to the col- Stoneham,Mass. If Kerriganclinches lege of his choice, AT the first place titlefor the 1994Winter - SWARTHMORE'S EXPENSE. Olympics,she will become the comeEven his counseling is getting paid back kid of the century. for by Swarthmore! As for Harding, it is still shaky Say what you will about whether she will be representing Swarthmore's decision-making the United States in Norway. In the process, but Yearwood was found eyes of the court, she is still innoGUILTY of harrassing cent until proven guilty. In the eyes Clinansmith. Being convicted of of the American public, she is guilty sexual harrassment should not en- without the chance of proving her title him to free tuition, and possi- innocence. bly room and board, at any college Harding is like a boxer on skates. he wants. Actually, Swarthmore The rink transforms into her ring, will be sending a check to any col- as she pokes and jabs her way to the lege that will accept Yearwood, top. Why wouldn't she use these since his first choice, Columbia maneuvers to eliminate her compeUniversity, has rejected him for tition and skate her way to the top "academic reasons." rung on the ladder of figure skatThere's nothing quite like ship- ing? ping off a convicted criminal to The American public then quesanother college, so that he can com- tions her ability to skate with a mit the same crime against other guilty conscious. The woman manwomen. Actually, that is just what aged to perform through a bad marSt. Andrew's School, in Middleton, riage, disrupted family life and death Del., did a couple years ago. In his threats. Why would Kerrigan's injunior year of high school, jures prevent Harding from skating Yearwood was expelled from the her best? Harding is coated with a prep school for sexual harrassment. thicker skin than most figure skatGo figure. ers, so this should have no impact Apparently protecting the on her mental concentration women Yearwood encounters, as throughout her program. he continues his education, is not as It is not justifiable for the Ameriimportant as getting him off the can public to convict Harding beMain Line. Maybe Swarthmore fore the legal system can connect could do the same thing with any her to the attack on Kerrigan. If she convicted rapists or murderers on is guilty, justice will prevail, and campus. Harding will enjoy prison life with I wonder what Cabrini would her husband, Jeff Gillooly, and her have done in this situation? bodyguard, Shawn Eckardt.
Steve May, conews editor
Quake, rattle and roll I laughed the day of the earthquake. I thought it was a joke. The northeast had just been hit by the coldest arctic blast in the history of the United States. My home outside Reading, Pa., had been rocked by an earthquake registering 4.6 on the Richter Scale temblor. And it was snowing like crazy when I woke up that Monday morning. I just thought another natural disaster was not possible. But, sure enough, on Jan. 17, southern California was shaken by a 7.6. Freeways buckled and collapsed, homes caught fire and the damage was mind-boggling. I watched CNN as people were pulled from that apartment building in Northridge. I watched CBS This Morning as an intrepid police officer was taken from the freeway where he plummeted to his death. And I saw the governor of California and mayor of Los Angeles come on television and announce various states of emergency and disarray. And I all I could think of was why. Lately, America has received all sorts of natural punishment. First, there was Hurricane Andrew in south Florida. That costthe American people roughly $1 billion. Then came the midwest floods, which hit us in the pocketbook in the range of $5 billion. Now President Clinton is asking Congress for $7 .5 billion dollars in aid to Los Angeles, making this quake the costliest disaster in U.S. history. Is all this damage our fault? Are we bringing it on ourselves? Or all we just the blunt of a vast, cosmic joke? The answer to all of these are yes. Americans are still living in the dream that we can live anywhere we want on this continent. Our forbears spread out across the country in search of greener pastures. The pioneers were a hardy stock that could handle anything nature threw at them. But ultimately they accepted that they were bound to the restrictions of their environment. We do not. The current American population believes we should control our environment. They do not hold the respect for nature our ancestors did. From the deadly tornado and trailer park combo in the southern plains and the frigid
northern plains to the hurricane land Losing the electricity was not of the Gulf states, Americans live the only bad thing about these in a hostile environment. But we storms. still try to dominate and control our Forthe past few weeks, the sight surroundings. of abandoned cars and sound of We tried to controlthe Mississippi engines racing have been promiwith levees. People attemptedto live nent in the area. There have also overafaultline.Butourtechnologyhas been dangerous repercussions its limits, as we've seen time and time caused by the snow, such as cabin again. What our technologycan tellus fever. isapproximatelywhenandwherethese Cabinfever is that wonderfulthing predictabledisasterscan happen. But that comes over peoplewhen they are we can't keep them from happening. stuck in one placefor too long. I think it has somethingto do with boredom. We can't play God. I think it's timethatAmericansreal- Withanextrathreedaysofffromschool, izetheycannotlivewherevertheyplease. many students could not find someNot if these events cause us all to pay. thing to fill theirtime. I hopewedo not haveanotherstorm Taxpayersfromotherpartsofthecountry should not have to pay billions of like the previousones,because cabin dollarsfor the preventablemistakesof fever can become dangerous if it others.Wecannowsay, withscienceto lasts too long. Boredom is the devil's back us up, thatsouthFlorida,the great playground. Although there are many negaplains, southern California and even Hawaiiare not safe for humansto live. tive things associated with the Ifwe can rationallysay it is not feasible weather, there is also a positive side tolivein these dangerousareas,thenthe to it. moneyfromourgovernmentshouldgo As I was driving past my town's intohelpingthesepeoplemoveto safer firehouse, I noticed a sign out front areas,where their propertiesand lives saying, "Don't knock the weather, because without it, eight out of 10 will not be in danger. I do have compassion for those people would not have anything to of Los Angeles; my aunt was awak- talk about." There will always be weather. ened at 4: 30 a.m. to her entire house shaking. When she called us at 9 Mother Nature and Old Man Wina.m. our time, all she could ask was ter like to play some little tricks on "Why did I ever move to this place? us and, from the forecast, it looks It's not safe." If the quake had been like they are not done with us yet. five miles closer to her, she could have been trapped beneath her roof, and I might have lost someone I Kelly love.
Gary White, features, arts and
Land of the free-ze I have always said Jlike the cold, but this weather is ridiculous. It seems like we cannot go more than two days without something falling from the sky. Since January began, the Snow Miser (made famous in the Christmas cartoon "A Year Without a Santa Claus") has been living in the Delaware Valley. I never thought I would say it, but Heat Miser better get here soon, because I am tired of the ice. Shoveling snow is not one of my favorite hobbies. During the break, I learned I would not like to have lived in the time before electricity. From Saturday morning, around three, to Sunday evening, around four, my house was in the dark. I do not understand why PECX)Energy could not fix the problemsooner.My housewas "fortunate"to havegottentheelectricrestorationso soon.Someplaceswerewithout powerfor days. I think the worstpartof beingwithout electricitywashavingto go without a shower as soon as I woke up on Sundaymorning.Ourhotwatersystem is electric,and I would not take a cold shower.So I had togo withouta shower untilthat afternoon.
Bye, bye Brenda Although "Beverly Hills, 90210" will not be the same without Shannen Doherty, change is always good. It will be difficult for the viewers at first, but as Doherty needs to realize, no one is irreplacable. I have always liked the character Brenda Walsh, but with the bad publicity Doherty has been receiving, her popularity is quickly fading. It all started with a bar brawl, which is unacceptable for any woman, let alone a teen idol. Yes, she is entitled to her privacy, but anything that is displayed in a public atmosphere is nothing but bait for the media. And her publicist said everyone should stop picking on her. Please. Inn articlein the WashingtonPost, Dohertydiscussedhertermination.She said, "I feel no sadness. Who wants to wake up every morning at 5 am. and leavethe arms of your husbandand go to work for 12 hoursin a job, in which you're miserable?" Miserable. If you paid me a sixfigure salary, misery is something I could certainly deal with. After all, I'm not saying her job is easy, but I'm sure there are many more grueling jobs that make people leave the arms of their husbands every morning. So Shannen,as sad as it may be, by the time the seasonends I, likemost of your fans,will be glad to see you go.
Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
Workingfor the children by Gary White
Ask Roxy
Dear Roxy, I need help! I have a wonderful boyfriend who is like a dream come true for me. We have been together already for over two years. I love him, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him, but I just have one problem! I still have feelingsfor an old, very old, boyfriend! I know I shouldn't feel this way. Actually, he was a terrible boyfriend. We have stayed friends, and now he has asked me to see him secretively. What should I do?
Signed, Please Help!!!
Dear Please Help, It sounds like you have a wonderful guy and you love him, so why risk losing him by going out with someone you know treats you badly? There is a reason you broke up with your old boyfriend, so you may want to concentrate on why you did and remember that. Also, it is very common to have feelings for an old boyfriend, especially if he was your first love or someone you thought you would be with for a long time. Sometimes those feelings don't always go away totally, but that doesn't mean you have to act on them. Your old boyfriend can still have a place in your heart. It will just be a little place. You have been going out with your boyfriend for two years, and it sounds like you are in the middle of a wonderful relationship. Why would you even think about throwing all of that away for someone who treats you like dirt? Keep one thing in mind about your old boyfriend. Don't think about what you could have with him, think about what you already had with him.
Please send your letters to Roxy at box 586, and she will give you her words of wisdom.There is no problem too big or question too small. Roxy can handle any dilemma.
features, arts and entertainment editor
After graduating from Cabrini in May of 1992, Ellen Battersby, like many other graduates, went to her home state of New York to begin her post-college life. Battersby began working soon after graduation. Unlike most of her peers, Battersby's job provided her with room, board and an experience she will never forget. Battersby started working at the St. Cabrini Home in West Park, New York. She was a social worker for 11 months. During this time, Battersby lived with the sisters in their convent. She was fed meals by the sisters and given a small stipend each month, for basic necessities. The St. Cabrini Home is a residential facility for adolescents who have been taken out of their homes by the courts. Some are placed in the facility because of an infraction of the law, such as truancy. Other teen-agers reside in the facility because they are out of control in their homes. Some children are sent to St. Cabrini Home after their parents filed a PINS (person in need of supervision) petition. "I worked with the children and their families," Battersby said. "I was also responsible for doing the paperwork on the child." Other jobs included meeting with a child at least once a week, to set goals and to evaluate the child's progress. Battersby also visited families to learn their expectations for the child. Battersby also set up home visits for some of the children. "A child could go home on the weekends if they were doing well," Battersby said. "I did a lot of paperwork, had meeting with kids and talked to their parents," she said. "I also went to court a lot." If there was a need for a child's placement to be extended or shortened, a court order was needed. If a child ran away or hit someone during the placement, a court visit was needed, to determine the punishment. Although Battersby said there was no "average" day at St. Cabrini Home, she could say what was normally done at different times. "The morning was set aside for pa-
photo supplied by Sr. l..u<:illeSouza
Former Cabrini student and campus minister Ellen Battersby does paperwork at her desk in the St. Cabrini Home in West Park, New York.
perwork and parental phone calls," Battersby said. Battersby completed 30-day, 60-day or six-month case reports for each child under her direction. She also completed a daily progress report for each child. On a typical day, Battersby would use her morning hours for court or family visits. In the early afternoon, the group convened for a treatment team meeting. This consisted of the child, parents, doctors and social workers getting together to discuss any problems the child was having. "These sessions were often emotionally draining for me and the child," she said. "Some of the children were here because of a PINS petition, which basically says the parents don't want them in their house." After the individual sessions, the children went to their cabins. The social workers had the opportunity to go up and talk casually to the children. "These were the best few hours of the day," Battersby said. Battersby learned about the St. Cabrini Home by being involved in campus mministry. She originally wanted to go to one of the Cabrini missions in Swaziland, Africa. However, the mission could not send her internationally, so Battersby was asked to fulfill a national placement. "They needed the most help at West
Park, so I went there," she said. Sr_.Bernadette Anello, former director of campus ministry, helped Battersby get into the program. Sr. Lucille Souza, director of mission development, then took charge. "I liked it a lot," Battersby said. "It was challenging, yet rewarding. I liked working with the kids. It is probably the reason I have the job I have now." Battersby is a child care worker in a residential facility and temporary shelter in Philadelphia. "These children are abused and neglected, and this is why they are taken from their homes.I work with the kids and help them with every aspect of what they do." Battersby works the 3 p.m. to 8 p.m. shift. During this time she helps with homework, serves dinner, prepares the children for bed and organizes an evening activity. "Sometimes we play bingo or see a movie," she said. "Other times, we will go for a little trip." Some of the children do not even know the basic skills, such as washing themselves. "We teach them life and survival skills," she said, "and we try to help them get along with one another. It's really fun. It's tiring and can be difficult, but I feel like I'm doing something good." "If kids have to be out of their homes, at least they' re being taken care of."
Valentine Personals Send your loved one a personal from the heart. Look for Loquitur Valentine'sDay personals in your mailboxes on Jan. 31. photo supplied by Sr. Lucille Souza
Battersby and one of the children at the St. Cabrini Home discuss some matters.
Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
I ______.
£LJl----______ Movie Review Philadelphia
*** Starring: Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington Rating: PG Capsule: Enlightens viewers about homophobia while highlighting city. by Heather McAllister editor in chief
The idea of creating a mainstream, blockbuster movie about the AIDS virus was a daring one for TriStar pictures, since the project was fraught with possibility for failure. How could producer Jonathan Demme avoid trivializing AIDS with stereotypes, yet endow the film with enough entertainment to hold the attention of moviegoers? Could an AIDS movie be funny? Artistic? Enchanting? "Philadelphia" is all this and more. The performances of lead actors Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington are the most striking aspects of "Philadelphia," and both actors are worthy of Oscar nominations. Hanks, portrayer of an attorney stricken with AIDS and subsequently fired from his job, seems the favorite for the nomination, since he won the Golden Globe Award for best lead actor in a dramatic movie. Hanks soars beyond the constraints of Ron Nyswaner's script and gives his character wings. While Beckett's struggle with his disease is evident to the audience, his character is not fully explored. The viewer receives precious few glimpses of Beckett's family and even fewer of his co-habitation with lover Miguel, portrayed by international film phenom Antonio Banderas. However, Hanks compensates for these oversights through his subdued sarcasm and poignant tears. Forget any comparisons to his roles in "Bosom Buddies," or even "Sleepless In Seattle." This is a Tom Hanks viewers have never seen before. Washington's character, Joe Miller, is the hard-nosed attorney who reluctantly represents Beckett in a suit against his law firm. It is Miller who reveals the truly central theme of "Philadelphia." This movie does not examine the disastrous effects of AIDS, since most people with half a brain cell realize AIDS is a horrible disease. "Philadelphia" presents the overwhelming homophobia of many individuals living in 1994. Washington's character, a homophobe himself, believes Beckett's "brand" of AIDS is different from those heterosexuals who have contracted the disease. Homosexuals like Beckett "brought on" the disease themselves, through "risky" behavior. Now they are paying the price for their transgressions. The decision to make Beckett's counterpart intensely homophobic emphasizes that one does not have to be an unthinking, unfeeling monster to be homophobic. This is a fear transfixed in society. Like Miller, an individual can be sympathetic about another's illness, while homophobic waves still flow through the soul. In an early scene, Miller interrogates his wife, Lisa, about how many homosexuals she knows. After Lisa spouts off
If homophobia is the nucleus of Demme's film, then the city of Philadelphia itself is another character that brings the atom to life. The movie is not just set in Philadelphia. Locations around town are used to enhance the film's urban aura. New York or Los Angeles would not have sufficed for this movie, because people can get lost much easier in these cities. In "Philadelphia," the viewer does not sense that Joe and Andrew are flitting through the city, lost in the shuffle, but instead are integral to their surroundings. If one, or both, of them was to abandon the city permanently, perhaps because of a fatal illness, he would be missed. Those attending "Philadelphia" cannot miss the opening credits, which boast a menagerie of Philly scenes, amid breathtaking cinematography and Bruce Springsteen's haunting ballad, "Streets of Philadelphia." Another added Philly touch is the number of local actors cast in small roles, such as Miller's. wife and
a lengthy list that includes her _own sister, Joe advises his newborn, high chairbound daughter to "stay away" from the lesbian, for fear the lifestyle will wear off onto the baby. However, Joe eventually attends a gay party held at Andrew's apartment, although he still feels extremely uncomfortable. Yes, Joe and Andrew establish a bond, but even a solid friendship cannot eradicate Miller's homophobia. eckett does not fault Miller for his ignorance concerning homosexuals but instead accepts the other attorney's fear as the "norm." At no time in the movie do Andrew and Joe confront each other dramatically, both defending their sexual orientations. This is a sound decision, because viewers are not forced to sit through a moral debate that might alienate both homosexuals and heterosexuals. Andrew and Joe are human beings trekking divergent paths through life. flomophobia simply is a dark cloud looming along the horizon of those paths.
Beckett's brother and sister-in-law, in addition to the thousands of local extras floating through the streets. Locations to watch for include the Miller house, set in West Mount Airy, the home of Andrew's parents in Merion, Miller's office on Chestnut Street and Beckett's firm on Market Street. All the courtroom scenes take place in City Hall Common Pleas Courtroom 243. The city definitely has a grip on this film. However, if viewers just want to watch clips of Philly, rent the "Rocky" series. Just as Philly is not just another city, "Philadelphia" is not just another movie. Experience "Philadelphia" for the numbing sensation upon its conclusion. Experience "Philadelphia" to gaze inward at prejudices buried deeply. Experience "Philadelphia" to ponder, as Beckett states, that "the social death of an AIDS victim precedes the actual death." Perhaps the cure for the social AIDS death can be discovered first.
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Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
Winter stormcripplescommunity The footprints ofa brave soul grace the frozen path between McManus and Casey
photo by Dawnielle Klopp
The college was shut down until Monday, Jan. 24, in compliance with the state-wide emergency. Another storm came through Wed. 1/26. photo by Dawnielle Klopp
Droplets attempt to break free from the ice on one of the many frozen trees across campus.
more STABLEY from 1 cern, in his personal life, is to keep his family in the area. Stabley relocated his family when he began his work as vice president in September, 1992. He was the first vice president to be hired by Iadarola and the first to be fired. Once Iadarola hired Stabley, the
first major undertaking of his vice presidency was to meet the Dixon challenge. In December, 1992, Edith Robb Dixon, member of the board of trustees, and her husband Eugene gave Cabrini $500,000, along with the promise of another $500,000 if the college could raise
$1 million by June, 1994. According to Stabley, the challenge is over 90 percent completed. Stabley said he would have remained vice president for a longer period, if the college had not been so close to meeting the challenge. "There is not much more for me to do here," Stabley said. "I am very fond of Cabrini. I wish Dr.
Iadarola and the institution well." Many staff members agreed Stabley has tremendous credentials for his position and vast experience at both small- and mediumsized colleges, in addition to large universities. One employee said he was "the consumate professional." Another claimed Stabley "never said a bad word about Iadarola and
was very much a gentleman." Many staff members said they have no idea why Stabley was fired, since he had a good track record. Many feel no one's job is safe. It is "really scary" to be a staff member at Cabrini College, one employee said. According to this source, "This is just the beginning."
more ROSE from 1
specific corrective steps discussed or suggested to me." Rose said he accepts the right of Rose said there is fear among emsupervisers to have employees with ployees that they must accept unrealisqualifications acceptable to them. Howtic expectations in their job descriptions. According to Loftus, who has been by Kelly McDonald "No one likes to say 'this is too much ever, he said this right, at least at Caco-newseditor dierctorsince1987,theprogrambas grown work,"' Rose said. "You don't want brini, has a catch for employees. sincejts beginningandservesas an impor"This right includes, from my perpeople to think you 're not a good emThe CooperativeEducation office wiJI tant wayfor students tO obtainjobs. spective, a willingness to accept the ployee." be withoutDirector Jim Loftus,beginning Loftus said 49 percent of last year's equation of 'excelJuly 1. Loftus said be would rather not seniorclasswasinvolvedin thecooperative According to Rose, lence' with unrealiscomment,at this time, on htstermination. educationprogram, and38percentreceived there is room for imtic expectations not Loftuswasamongthreeemployeesfired or acceptedfuU-timejob offersfrom their provement in the 'The environopen to dialogue," in the last monfu. As of nowDr.Thomas cooperativeemployers. evaluation process of ment here has Rose said. Boeke,provost,hasnotbegunthesearchfor employees, because Loftussaidhebelievescoopetativeedu"I cannot accept areplacement. always been one more dialogue becationis perceivedas apositiveprogramon AcoordingtotheCabriniCollege's1993that equation." campus. tween supervisers and of crisis and over94undergraduatecatalo_g,the(iepartmental On the otherhand.Boekesaid he exRose said the colemployees is needed. load' - former cbau:person. in conjunctionwiththe ~lege staff must evalupressed concemiat an academiccounsel "The employee tor of cooperativeeducation, ooordinates meeting,becaU$ethecooperativeeducation cannot be solely burate what Cabrini's grants writer Bob the cooperativeworkexperience. mission truly repreprogramwasfloundering. dened with addressing Rose WithoutLoftus,thecooperativeeduca-- ~ -.a person.who supportsthe coop- a way to correct 'modsents. tion programwill be left with Nancy erativeeducatiQCI •program,,, Boeke~. "I think there are erate' performance," Hotcmnsoo. employment coordinatOJ.a "and l tiavemadethat abundantlyclea.t troubling aspects in Rose said. part,,timeemployee. bothin publicand in private. lt is my doing education from a business para"In essence, this is now the case with AocotdingtoBoeke.hedoesttotknow•if responsibilitytoeDSIU'ethatthec.ooperative digm," Rose said, "instead of doing eduCabrini's evaluation process, at least in theoffi<;ecan~- by onepart-timeem- education oftke is efficientlyand e~cation from a mission orientation that my case. ployee,and definiteaaswennow are not tivelymanaged. andI folly •intendto do values individuals beyond the unrealis"No one ever said to me that aspects only imprudent,bulimpo$sible, Hesaid,io that" tic demands of a job description." of my job performance were unaccepttime, he will_..~ quesdonof what Boekesaidhe.hq>esto see the program. able, to the point that termination is will happen to • cooperativeeducation tlc:,urisb, andthe cooperativeeduca6onof• required, nor was any time-frame and office. fice willnot close, if he has anything to do "Whenyouask Michaelangelo how the with it paintingwill finallylookwhenbefirst takes Boekesaidparticipationin the oooperaout the paint," Boekesaid, ''then youpub- tive education programhelps students
CooperativeE~ucationoffice loses director; Boeke responds
lishthatMichaelangelodoesnotknowwherebroaden,enrich and enliven academictx· be is going, and that is what goes in the perienceandcontributesto intellectual conGenoaheadlines,thenmethinksthou.at1not versationthat takesplace on campus. being entirelyfair to Michaelangelo.l am • Accordingto Boeke,itis unfortunate for not suggestingthat this is Michaelangelo, anyone tothink changes aretakingplacefor but it is a process." anyreasonotherthenforthebenefitof the The cooperativeeducationprogrambe- institution. gan in 1987,when Cabrinireceiveda five~ As forfurtherinsightintothefutureofthe year grant from thefederalgovernment cooperativeeducationprogram,Boekesaidhe Thegovernmentsuppliedover $450,000, cannotgive final oonclusiveanswerson a to start the program. subjectthatbebimself is stillframing.
ENVELOPE STUFFING - $600 - $800 every week Free Details: SASE to International Inc. 1375 Coney Island Ave. Brooklyn, New York 11230
Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
Lady Cavs rebound in PAC play by Brian Siatkowskl
Tap in
assistant sports editor
While most students were resting up at home over the winter break, nine women players on Cabrini's basketball team competed in two competitive tournaments. The first tournament in which the small Cabrini squad took part was the Knight Classic, held at Neumann College in early December. Four small colleges from around the Philadelphia area battled for the local "bragging rights." In the first game, according to head coach Dan Welde, the Lady Cavs played "one of their best games of the season," earning them a victory over Holy Family College from Philadelphia. The 66-61 win over Holy Family sent the Cavaliers into the finals, with hopes of repeating as tournament champs for the second year in a row. The hopes dwindled, as the Lady Cavs lost a close 64-59 game to Philadelphia Pharmacy. From January 5-7, the Lady Cavs traveled west to compete in the National Catholic Tournament, held in Dubuque, Iowa. Coach Welde said the three-day tournament provided the Lady Cavs with a chance to "see different teams and experience playing in a big arena." The first day of competition matched the Lady Cavs against a strong St. Norberts' team from Wisconsin. The Cavs played a solid 30-minute game, yet tired down the stretch and lost 63-54. The second day provided little relief. The Lady Cavs were outmatched by Rosary College of Indiana, 65-52. With one shot left, the Lady Cavs encountered a juggernaut. The host team, Loras College, sent the Cavs home with a 8968 loss. "We just seemed out of gas," Welde said, "but the experience was worth the trip." An overall record of7- 7 is not what counts. In the PAC, the Lady Cavs post a 3-0 record and have eight more conference games to go. The other undefeated squad in the PAC is a tall Immaculata College team that Cabrini will face twice in a nine-day span. "The important thing right now to the Lady Cavs is to repeat as PAC champions this year," Welde said. According to Welde, with hard work over the summer, the team can come back and make the NCAAs. The two problems the Lady Cavs encountered at the beginning of the season were a slack defense and conditioning. According to assistant coach Chip O'Neill, both those problems have been resolved, and the offense is running smoother. O'Neill also noted, "Karen Lawrence was sick earlier in the season and is now feeling better and stronger, and first-year student Kelly Kempton has been added to the starting line-up recently, providing a much needed
Father knows best Who is the only player in NBA history to score 1O or more points in 600 consecutive games? -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman
to Mac
by Bob Macartney sports editor The fifth amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America states "nor shall any person ... be deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law ... " In other words, all citizens of the United States are innocent until proven guilty. Tonya Harding is a citizen of the United States. So, at the time I am writing this, Tonya Harding is innocent. She has every right to skate in the Olympic Games. Harding earned that right by winning first place at the nationals a few weeks ago. However, if, in the days leading up to the Olympics,
found guilty of conspiring to injure fellow skater Nancy Kerrigan, then she should be kicked off the team. Until then, she should be on the team.
photo by Kelty McDonald
First-year student Erin O'Neillgrabs a rebound in the game against GwyneddMercy College. The Lady Cavs were victorious in the PAC matchup, 101-41. spark plug to our team." Sophomore Patti Carr has been a consistant scorer for the Lady Cavs, averaging 17.5 points per game. "She's a much needed shooter right now," Welde said, "while the rest of the team struggles to find their shot." Since the Lady Cavs are a relatively small team, it is important that Megan Dillon, a first-year student, keeps pulling down her average of 10 rebounds a game. Sophomore Dana Mills has also been a major contributor
in the last couple of games. Mills has found her range, hitting 16 points and 18 points in two consecutive games. Welde said, "Mills has steadily picked up her point production, which can only lead to good things." A team consisting of six first-year students and three sophomores definitely has plans for the next couple of years but, for the time being, the maturing Lady Cavs hope to step up a level, after experiencing the transition from high school to college ball.
A quote to note
Trivia answer
There has got to be some frustration on the part of Buffalo. I mean, they've lost four Super Bowls in a row.11 -Cowboys head coach Jimmy Johnson
Oscar Robertson is the only player in NBA history to average a triple double over an entire season.
Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution is it written that a person may be arrested because they are guilty
by association. Right now, the only thing Harding is guilty of i.spoor judgment of her friends. I must admit that I have been guilty of this in the past. And I believe it is sate to say, so have
you. Let he who is withbut sin cast the first stone. I feel Harding is innocent. As any athlete will tell you, it. is the thrill of beating the best in the world that makes winning so im• portant. By beating a watered• down field of skaters. I cannot see how Harding could have felt satis .. fied. On the interview following
her performance at the nationals, Harding admitted she looked forward to meeting Kerrigan at the Olympicl, to see who realty was the best in the world, For this reason alone, I feel she is inno-
cent. Tonya Harding won the right to represent our country. Fairly. On the ice. Wbere com• petitions are meant to be won.
Unfortunately, she will not have that same chance at the Olympics.
-compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman
The figure skating judges will deem themselves judge, jury and executioner and see to it that Harding loses. Harding has no chance to win. That may be the biggest ctime
Friday, Jan. 28, 1994
Cavs race to top of PAC with two wins by Bob Macartney sports editor
The men's basketball team returned to the cozy confines of Sacred Heart gymnasium on Saturday night, Jan. 22, to begin a fivegame homestand that will run until the beginning of February. Prior to the homestand, the Cavs had traveled to the National Catholic Basketball Tournament in Dubuque, Iowa, where they · won two of three games. They then began PAC play with two road victories over Neumann and Beaver. Following two games that were postponed because of snow, the Cavs finally took to the court against arch-rival Eastern on Saturday. The home fans were not disappointed, as Cabrini ran the Eagles out of the gym, 10981. Cabrini came out firing early, and their full-court trap forced a few early Eastern turnovers, sparking Cabrini to an early 10point lead. The highlight of the run was a dunk by sophomore forward Eric '.fidwell, following a steal by junior point guard Brad Dever. Head coach John Dzik has continued his policy of using his entire bench, to keep the pressure on the opponent. Dzik ran his second five into the game halfway through the first half, and Cabrini ran to halftime with a 55-42 lead. Eastern came out firing early in the second half and closed the margin to seven. They soon tired of the pressure, and all of a sudden, the Cavs were up by 20. Three-pointers by senior Dan Barracliff, Dever and sophomore Bill Carr put the game out of reach. Cabrini put it on cruise control
for the rest of the game, and the only doubt was whether or not th~y would hit the 100point mark. The Cavs returned to the floor on Tuesday Jan. 25 against Gwynedd-Mercy. Theywould be playing without senior Jamie Shaak, who had suffered a thumb injury. Gwynedd mnaged to stay close throughout the first half, despite three blocked shots by senior center David Kerchner. The big play in the first half was a slam by first-year student Jon Drummond. The Cavs entered halftime with a seven-point lead. Early in the second half, Gwynedd pulled evn on a three-pointer. Cabrini quickly ran off five straight points, punctuated by a three from sophomore Reggie Marant. The press began to cause problems for Gwynedd, and Carr took over on offense. During one stretch, he scored seven straight points. He finished with 22. As the game wound down, Dever kept the ball in his capable hands. He hit most foul shots down the stretch, and Cabrini pulled to the 97-80 win. Dever finished with 18. The two victories lifted the Cavs' overall record to 10-3 on the season, 4-0 in the PAC. The Cavs host Marywood College in a PAC contest Thursday, Jan. 27, at 8 p.m. This Saturday night, the team takes on Wilmington, and next Tuesday, they will end the homestand with a PAC game against Neumann. Next Friday, the team travels all the way across the street, for the return match against Eastern. The next few weeks are key for the Cavs, who have only lost once to a Division III team this season. If they can keep winning, they have a shot to make the NCAA Division III Tournament.
photo by Kelly McDonald
Sophomore Brad Dever shoot a three-pointer against Gwynedd-Mercy College.
Not again: Buffalo battles the 'Boys in the Bowl by Bob Macartney sports editor
As Thurman Thomas ran through the Kansas City Chiefs' secondary on Sunday, it became tougher and tougher to stomach the fact that the Buffalo Bills, the perennial bridesmaids of the NFL, would return to the Super Bowl for the fourth year in a row. Three hours later, the Dallas Cowboys' Alvin Harper caught a slant pass over the middle of the San Francisco 49ers' defense and ran untouched into the end zone, securing a return trip to the "Big Dance" for the Cowboys. At that moment, millions of Americans recalled last year's 52-17 Cowboys victory and made other plans for this Sunday. Who would want to watch these two teams play again in football's biggest game? Well, me, for one. And, before you decide to check out something else on your television this Sunday, read this: THE GAME WILL BE CLOSE! That's right, this year's Super Bowl will be a close affair, with the Bills and Cowboys battling down to the wire. Why, you may ask? Quarterback: Normally, Troy Aikman would get the nod over Jim Kelly in a heartbeat. Last year, Aikman was the MVP, and Kelly was injured in the second quarter, after turning over the ball three times. This year, though, Aikman is coming off a concussion, suffered against the Niners. As for the back-ups, Buffalo's Frank Reich is in a different class than Bernie Kosar. Edge: EVEN Running back: Emmitt vs. Thurman.
Two of the best running backs in the game today. Emmitt comes in nursing an injured shoulder, but he showed an ability to play through pain in the season finale against the Giants. Daryl Johnston is the fullback. The "Moose" lead blocks like the best in the business. Dallas' back-ups are questionable. Thurman is coming off his best playoff game ever, and he ran last week like he had something to prove. If he can remember his helmet, he will be counted on to do the same this week. His back-up, Kenneth Davis, could start for half the teams in the NFL. Davis gets his share of carries and contributes well. Edge: Dallas (barely)
Receivers: Michael Irvin, like him or hate him, is a big-time receiver. Alvin Harper is a threat who should test the BiJls' secondary. Jay Novacek, despite having a sub-par season, is still one of the game's best. Plus, the 'Boys have Emmitt and Daryl Johnston coming out of the backfield. A superb receiving corps. Andre Reed is Buffalo's man. Hecould be the best receiver coming across the middle in the NFL. Don Beebe is the deep threat, but his hands are questionable. Bill Brooks is a solid possession receiver, and Keith McKellar and Pete Metzelaars are a good pair of tight ends. Thurman is the best in the league at catching balls out of the backfield. Edge: definitely Dallas Offensive line: Dallas has the one of the best in the league. Does it seem like I say that in every category? Their line opens up holes for the running game and protects the quarterback better than most. Despite losing All-Pro center Mark Stepnoski to a knee injury, they have not lost stride. The key this week will be
second-year tackle Erik Williams' ability to keep Bruce Smith away from Aikman. Buffalo's line opened up holes for Thomas last week like never before. It seemed that every running play went for at least 10 yards. Pass protection will be the problem. Buffalo had a lot of trouble with Dallas' front four last year, and that could very well be the key again this time around. Look for Buffalo to throw to one of their linemen in goal-line situations. Edge: Dallas
Defensive line: Dallas runs seven different linemen in and out of the game to kept them fresh. From past experiences, it works. Charles Haley is the key pass rusher, and pressure is the key. Russell Maryland, if he is healthy, is the runstopper. Leon Lett is a solid player, believe it or not, when he is not making bone-head plays. As for the Bills, the defensive line needs to get pressure on Aikman. That falls onto the shoulders of Bruce Smith. Those are very capable shoulders. Smith is still upset about not winning the league's defensive MVP award. Look for a big game. Jeff Wright is very underrated in the middle, and Phil Hansen holds down the other end of the line. Edge: Dallas Linebacker: The Cowboys' linebacking corps is very quick. They are led by middle backer Ken Norton, who had a huge game in last year's Bowl. Dixon Edwards and Darrin Smith are very small and fast on the outside. The Bills' linebackers kept Joe Montana in check last week. They are led by Cornelius Bennett on the outside and Darryl Talley in the middle. They are two of the best in the game. Marcus Patton is very underrated on
the other side. Edge: Buffalo
Secondary: The Cowboys are built on speed. This is evident in their secondary. The corners close on the ball faster than any others. Thomas Everett is blossoming into one of the better safeties. They shut down Jerry Rice last week and plan on doing the same to Reed this week. The Bills secondary is questionable. Nate Odomes is a good cover guy, and Henry Jones is always at the top of the league in interceptions. Mark Kelso is slowing down and has no chance of tackling Emmitt in a one-on-one situation. Edge: Dallas Special teams: Eddie Murray is a quality kicker for Dallas. Steve Christie is the same for Buffalo. Christie's leg is stronger, Murray's more accurate. The Georgia Dome should benefit both kickers. The punters are, well, punters. Nothin' special. Kevin Williams is a better return man than Russell Copeland, because he can break one at any time. As for cover men, there is no one better than Buffalo's Steve Tasker. Edge: EVEN Prediction: Buffalo cannot afford to tum over the ball. Last year, they gave it away nine times. Earlier this season, the teams met in Dallas. Buffalo won, 13-10. Note: Emmitt did not play. That's the difference. This time, Emmitt plays. The line is 10 and a half. Dallas repeats. Bills cover. Dallas 27, Buffalo 21