March 25, 1994 Issue 20 Loquitur

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Friday,March25,1994 Vol.XL,No.20 CabriniCollege .,.Radnor, Pa. 19087 .,::it

Residentlife intiateschange by Regina MIiier staff writer Resident life services enhance community living in college settings. The student development staff is busy with housing lotteries, visitation policies, laundry issues and telephone services. They are seeking out new ways to make life easier for the community of students who choose to live on campus. On March 16, Catherine Caulfield, director of resident life, met with the board of trustees to discuss the business of daily living in Cabrini's dorms and houses. "There is a lot of stuff happening," Caulfield said. "To start, we are in discussion to expand co-ed housing. We are going to offer something in the houses in terms of co-ed. Right now, we don't know how much." At Cabrini, there are seven houses, each with the capacity of 17 to 25 students. W oodcrest Hall houses 110 female students, but right now there are more women living there. Xavier houses 135 students and offers co-ed conditions. "This year was the first year that there was co-ed housing," Caulfield said. "People feel pretty good about it and think it should continue." She said that the new housing additions, which are being built onto the existing houses, are being planned now but will not be ready in the fall. She said they are hoping for January, depending on township approval and on the college's occupancy next year. More resident positions will need to be filled, once the additions are completed. "We were very crowded in the fall," Caulfield said. "We still have more people than beds. We have rooms designed for two with three people in them." A lottery is in progress, in which upper-class students are split into three groups, based on their completed credit hours. Students currently housed choose prior to new students. Students pay a $250 fee for a security deposit. This money is saved for any damages done in the residence hall. The student can pay the fee and hold a spot, if

·Marshmallowsface off for Superthon

unsure about his/her plans in the fall. The student then opts to choose a room at that time or remain on a waiting list. Once a student picks the room, the money is non-refundable. Last year, some upper-class students waited until mid-summer to decide and were put on a waiting list. Some of those students waited until September to be accommodated. Some students waited with bated breath for a place to sleep in the dorms, only to discover laundry room problems. Washer and dryer problems do exist on campus. Xavier and Woodcrest have four washers and four dryers each. Casey, house 5, pholo by Anne Marie Mauro has one washer and dryer, while "Cream puff' first-year students Heather Yosko and Dennis Fohmer take the mats in the the rest of the houses have two of Widener Center Gathering Area last Saturday, to participate in the ancient sport of sumo each. Break-downsoccurfrequentwrestling. The sumo wrestling match was just one of the many activities sponsored by the ly. student govenment association (SGA) during the 1994 Superthon weekend. This year's "We are in the process of proevent raised $1,000 for the Delaware County AIDS Network. viding free washers and dryers for residents, without having to hassle with quarters and change," Laura have the service by the fall. Woodcrest residents can have comfortable as possible for us." Irwin, assistant director of resident Free washers and dryers are welSurrounding colleges are. dis- visitors from 12 p.m. until 12 a.m. life, said. "We have coin slots, but come, but wouldn't life be even similar in their approaches. in their rooms and from 12 p.m. they get vandalized." more pleasant with a new phone Villanova University does not of- until 2 a.m. in the main lobby, "Then they break down," Irwin system? A recent survey by the fer phone service. Rosemont Col- Sunday through Thursday. On Fricontinued. "The people are withresident life staff showed a 95 per- lege charges $90 per semester for day and Saturday, visitors are alout the service for 24 hours, belowed from 12 p.m. to 1 a.m. in cent purchase rate of telephone ser- phone services. cause that is how long it takes the vices, creating an open market for St.Joseph's University provides student rooms and 12 p.m. to 4:30 repair man to get here." Cabrini to offer phone services to a hook-up for the phone, but stu- a.m. in the main lobby. Woodcrest Frank Criscitiello, a sophomore the students. dents pay for long distance calls. students follow the handbook resident of Casey House, said, "The Caulfield discussed the chances Caulfield is unsure about the de- guidelines. washers and dryers are always free, "We are merely the messentails of Cabrini's because we always rig the ma-------------------------future phone ser- gers," Irwin said. "The board makes all of the decisions concernchines." 'We were very crowdedin the fall. We still vice. ing visitation." According to have more peoplethan beds. We have Accessibilityto Xavier and the houses vote Caulfield, "stuan in-house phone on their own visitation policies. dents have found roomsdesignedfor two withthree peoplein system increases Every house and dorm has 24nd ways of bypass- them' -Cathy Caulfield,directorof residentlife reli~bility a seho ur visitation except ing payment for------------------------cunty. . Woodcrest, an all-female dorm. the washers and CaulfieldretterCaulfield said visitation poldryers, so why not take the money of obtaining an in-house system ated the importa~ce of security on icies will be re-evaluated for all part away?" that would be set up similar to the camp~s. She _saidthe phone systhe shelters. She added that the The price of any service would campus phone system, with voice tern will only rmprove security. be included in the room fee. The mail. In addition, the staff will be able board of trustees has been very "I do not want to say absoto contact students more efficient- understanding in regards to the board of trustees decides on the fee, lutely, positively that it is go- ly. "We can get a hold of a lot of visitation issues. and students usually get notified in "There are different needs for the spring. ing to happen, but I would be people. It is a win-win situation for each different type of student," Criscitiello refuted the idea that very surprised if it did not," everyone," Caulfield said. Dorsey said. "We are helping the college is finding better ways Caulfield said. Woodcrest hall council placed a to build a community for those to get reimbursed for stolen servicIrwin said every student will proposal in the laps of the resident who live on campus, because it es. "If they want to take money haveaphoneinhis/herroom,withlifestaff. ThewomenofWoodcrest is where they live and spend out going through Bell Atlantic. desire a change in their visitation from us, they can just talce it from us in our tuition," Criscitiello said. Cabrini has been researching phone policy. They want a Jess strict most of their time." "I think that they want to make it as

systems for one year and hopes to

Inside ... Week at a Glance ... v'NEWS


Five seniors are "Who's Who" at Cabrini. Read all about them in an extensive profile Inside ...

v' A & E pgs.6 & 7 Shakespeare: The Man, the Myth, the Legend

FRIDAY v9 p.m.-1 a.m. Spring Formal by sponsored sophomore class. Holiday Inn

SATURDAY SUNDAY vlmprov night at the Red Cloud Coffee House. v3p.m. Gospelrama, sponsored by E.S.A., in WCGA


March 25 to 31

MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY vSend an Egg-o-gram, sponsored by the first-year class officers. 50 cents, $1 for two.

vSend an Egg-ogram, sponsored by the first-year class officers. 50 cents, $1 for two.

vSend an Eggo-gram, sponsored by the first-year class officers. 50 cents, $1 for two.



_I E_d_ito_r_ia_l _________

I IViewpoint

Five students have right stuff

to succeed in college Recently, five seniors were selected to be a part of a directory known as "Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." This directory is a national publication that recognizes college seniors who have excelled in academics and leadership. Mollie Chesna, David King III, Mary Jane Inman, Patricia Zeller and Courtney O'Connor were named at the spring convocation on March 18. Their names will appear in the 1994 edition of "Who's Who." The five Cabrini seniors selected worked hard during their years here, both in the classroom and out. "Who's Who" is the only national award given at Cabrini that does not separate recipients by majors. Diversity is a key aspect in "Who's Who" selection, as can be seen by the students' varied talents. Too many times, the negative aspects of Cabrini overshadow the positives. Here are five students who put forth the effort to obtain good grades as well as utilize admirable leadership qualities for the common good. The achievements of these five students should be a source of pride for our college and a source of inspiration. Underclassmen need only to look at these students and know they too may receive such recognition. As the excitement over graduation begins to grow, the senior class should be proud of the accomplishments of their peers. And the faculty and staff have just as much to be proud of, since they played a part in the lives of these students. So if you happen to see one of these five students roaming the halls of Cabrini, stop them and congratulate them. They have achieved something that only a handful of college seniors across the nation accomplish. They are proof-positive of the old adage, "If you can dream it, you can do it."

IUpsand Downs Registration was a bit more chaotic this year, due to the combining of undergrauate, graduate and continuing eduacation registrations. Despite the influx of students registering in the same office, the registrar's staff handled this very smoothly. Whoever was responsible for combining all the students during registration did not think about the extra work load the registrar had to contend with. How about this? Whoever made this decision should have to file each and every student's transcript. All the events over Superthon weekend were a great success. The three-on-three tournament, sumo wrestling and human bowling were new and interesting twists to the annual SGA event. The women's softball team started their season right, with a win over Beaver College. It was quite an accomplishment to defeat the 1993 PAC champions. Jen Wunsch, a junior, knocked out three impressive doubles.

The evolutionof a little brotherand a best friend Doug Eppler, copy editor and writing coach

For as long as I can remember, he has always been there for me. Since our days as the greatest fort builders in the neighborhood, we have lived nearly a Lifetime together. Our adventures have spanned nearly 18 years of fights and apologies. It was he who inspired me to venture onto the stage. It was he who watched "Star Wars" with me nearly 100 times. And it was he who made me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. But, then again, my brother Kevin was always a funny kid. What I finally realized, however, was that he was always my best friend as well. When we were little, Kevin was the only other kid in the house. He proved exceptionally convenient when Mom or Dad no longer wanted to play. After a while, however, he was a pest. My uncle nicknamed him "Lethal," and Mom was convinced that Kevin and a KoolAid-induced sugar kick could take down the superpowers of the world. I doubted it and proved his vulnerability by pushing the kid off Mom and Dad's bed and giving him a black eye the size of a mango (three days later, he tripped and fell into a coffee table and blackened the other eye. We still have the picture of me and Raccoon Boy at Pop-Pop's that Easter.) When I reached the ripe old age of 13, my 10-year-old brother was a social burden. He could tail his older brother and his friends better than the CIA. Whenever I did manage to lose the littleshadow, my sympathetic mother would either disclose my latest hideaway or lure me home to pick up the curly-haired whiner. About every three days or so, Kevin's whining would put us at each other's throats, and I would be forced to teach the puny grade schooler not to mess with a big, bad middle schooler. He was at least three inches smaller and 20 pounds lighter than me. No sweat. A few hours later, however, Kevin and I invariably made up and launched a combined assault against our eight-year-old sister, Stephanie, or seven-year-old brother, Jason. Other pastimes included ball tag, bike rides and one-on-one basketball games. I never lost. We were brothers. Never would one admit to admiration for the other. Neither would confess to any love shared between us. Kevin and I simply hung out. When Kevin entered Loyola High School in my senior year there, however, something changed. We noticed our circles of friends had begun to merge. We frequented the same spots in town and began to audition for the same theatrical shows (for the record, Kevin did "Oliver" one year before my first show.) Before we realized what had happened, my brother and I had grown closer. When I left my beloved high school, my brother was my closest confidant. We began to swap stories about weekend parties and trips. We spent car rides and late nights talking about girls we met and girls we lost. And through it all, we laughed and laughed and laughed some more. Kevin and I loved to watch comedy routines and memorize their punchlines. We spent hours re-telling them, screwing them

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Friday,· March 25, 1994




1 \

up and laughing anyway. In 15 years, we had never had such fun. When I went away to college, I left behind my best friend in the world. It took me 15 years to realize Kevin had always been there for me. After thousands of fights, he still could make me laugh. After years of seeming imprisonment together, he still could lend me a consoling ear. After spending all of our lives in the same house, we would finally be apart. The past three years apart have helped me realize just how much my brother means to me. It is a lesson everyone should learn. For many of us, our college years represent the first time we truly have been separated from our siblings or parents. It is a time of adjustment and realization. It also is a time of bonding, despite the distance between us. My brother and I have come a long way since our days of forts and X-Wing fighters. "Lethal" will be~ first-year student in college . next year. I have not won a basketball game against him in over two years. He has two inches on me, outweighs me by nearly 25 pounds and has studied some weird form of martial arts. Needless to say, he can kick my butt. Indeed, times have changed. But I wouldn't have it any other way. I only regret that I do not get to see my best friend as often as I would like. For as long as I live, he will always be my little brother and my best friend. I miss you, Kevin.

IStaff Edilorin Chet Heather McAlhsle, ~ Editor.


Pelspedives EdilDr: DEnelleot.laroo

AssisttlntManagl,gand Pelspedives Elitors: MwgaretMaio and Jane Ver,lr1gen Co-NewsEditor. Ste,e May Co-NewsEditor. Kely McOalald Assistt1ntNews Editors:Carolire Croleyand Calherine Smotherman Feab.res Editor. Gay White Assislant Feab.res Editor.Shela Brady

Ans and Enter1ai-1ment Editoc Gay wtite Assistant Ans and Entertarment Edlo!s: Kama Corrao and Cnnsbna

Feehan Sports Editor:Bob Macal1n8y Assistant Sports Editor.Brier, SialkOWSki

Copy Editor Doug Epper

Assistant Copy Editor.Ric:11 Jasper Wntiig Coach: Doug Eppler

Assistant Layw and GraphicsEditor:Diane ~ EdilorialCa!oorisls: B,yan Bel, HeatherBellranand KalinaCorrao BusinessMmager: Karan Szx:zurek Photogaphy Eators: Eric BMllJSCia& DawnielleKlopp Photogaphy Adviser. OJ.carter Craogie AcMser: OJ.Jerome ZJ.Jrek

Staff: AonetteHolt.Regna Miler. ReneeRozniatoski,Celene Wriglt Photogaphy Staff: I.& Bilaio, CarolineCroley.Jamie la1shaw. !>me Mlrie Mauro,Kelly McOonaJd l.oqulturIS published weekly the school year by students of Callnri Colege. Radnor. PA 19087. Phooe: 61Q-97Hl412. Slbsa,ption price is $25 pa, yearand is inclJded n tie benelits by 1uitionand sludert fees.

Loquilur welcomes letters to the editor. l.stters should be s,gned and the~ known to the edl:oo;. However.l the write, wishes, and the edtor agrees, the wnter'snamemay be left off the letterupa, ptJJlicalionand an nscriplionInserted. sld1 as "name withheldat the request of the write,." Lsttersshouldbe typed, dc>Jble-spaced and 300 words in length. tt a felleris too longfor the available space, the editormay edl or condense t. Lettersmust be submitted by noonon Mondays.

Edtorials and opinionsNe the viaws of the editorialstaffand indMdual v«ters and rot the ercil8sludert boat,facultyor admi'nstrabon. 1..o<JJu is established as a forumb' student express,or,and uninhibled, and open ascussionof issues

Friday, March 25, 1994




Just for the .taste of it cause nobody in Europe wants it. Beck's, a German beer, cannot even be sold in Germany because it does not pass the Bryan Bell, German beer purity laws. It is brewed junior strictly fo_rexport to America, much like Heineken and St. Pauli Girl. However, when compared to Busch, it is a masterpiece. Ales are popular in Britain and are a little thicker in texture and taste than the In my time at Cabrini, I have come to regular lager beers popular in America. realize that the majority of students here Beers like Bass and Samuel Smith's ales could benefit from a little education that are much more bitter than most beers. is not bestowed upon us by our profesThey are best served at higher temperasors. We need to learn about beer. We tures in order to get the full flavor. Ales drink and drink until our faces fall off, are brewed in numerous colors, palates but we never stop to think about what we and strengths, such as old ales, brown are drinking. ales, English bitters, India pale ales, Beer has its origins in the times be- light ale, mild ale, dark ale, Scotch ales fore ancient Mesopotamia and Babylon. and barley wines. No one knows who first_ came up with In my opinion, a mediocre English ale is the idea to mix the four main ingredi- · 10 times more satisfying than Miller Genuents: barley malt, hops, yeast and water. ine Draft, which is like the Holy Grail to beer There are endless·ways to combine these drinkers on the 110 rolling acres. If you ingredients, which result in a wide variwant to try a good ale, try Samuel Smith's ety of tastes and styles of beer. Nut Brown Ale or Sierra Nevada's Pale There is beer that is universally re- Ale. If you can find it, or more imporgarded as bad beer, and some are contantly, afford it, do not miss Samuel sidered by many to be world classics. Smith's Winter Welcome Ale. Simply While I do not have the time or the space put, it is the beer that God brewed. to delve into the intricacies of the brewLager is the German word meaning ing process and all of the different types "to store." Lager beers are stored away of beer, I will try to shed some light on after brewing so they mature and reach beer in a way that the average beer their full flavor and potency. Most Eudrinker at Cabrini can understand. ropean beers are "lagered" for months; First of all, most Cabrini students most American beers are done for a week think that beers like Killian's Red and or two. However, they serve a purpose Samuel Adams are dark beers. Sure, that makes up for their lack of taste or compared to Natural Light, the official character: they are cheap, and they get drink at Cabrini, anything could be conyou drunk. sidered dark beer. In reality, they are These beers also are good for quenchsome of the lighter beers available. Both ing thirst on a hot day, since they don't have a full-bodied taste but are no darker have much alcohol in them. However, than any normal beers out there. Actual they use adjuncts in the brewing process "dark beer" or stouts will either disgust like corn and rice to lighten the taste and or frighten the most hardy Coors Light color, but this kills any flavor or characdrinker. ter. Examples of a good lager include Dark beer is brewed with roasted barSamuel Adams or Wild Goose Amber ley malt, so it has a very distinct "burnt" Beer. Both are American, coincidentally. flavor. Black and Tan is not a true dark Hopefully, this little tirade will open beer. It is a mixture of a stout and a a few eyes to the many good beers availlager. If you think you can drink all able, and some are just a little more dark-colored beer because you can stomexpensive than Bud or Coors. I just want ach a Black and Tan, think again. For a everyone to know that beer is something real scare, try Samuel Smith's Imperial that can be enjoyed for its taste, not just Stout, Guinness-Stout or Heineken Dark. what everyone else enjoys it for. Speaking of Heineken, do not buy it Hell, it takes me an hour to finish a thinking you are getting a good beer. beer if I really like it. So, if you have a Heineken and Beck are the Schlitz and few extra bucks, don't be afraid to try Schaefer of Europe. The reason why we something different. You just may like see so much of it in this country is be- it.

!Letter Graduate studenttakes opportunity to thank good samaritan To the editor: I would like to thank whoever turned in a bracelet found near Grace Hall last week. When I realized I lost it, I was very upset. I called public safety to check the lost-and-found, even though I thought it would be useless. Needless to say, I was overjoyed to learn that someone had turned it in. The bracelet is valuable, and that person could have very easily kept it for him or herself. Although I don't know who turned it in, I am very grateful. Too often our newspapers are filled with bad news. Thanks for the opportunity to share my good news. Linda Brach, graduate student

Sobering results occur after drinking and driving accident Editors' note: Due to the content of this opinion, the name of the author has been withheld. My name really isn't that important. The real significance is that I'm just like you. I'm a student working toward a future that will enable me to be secure in my life. Recently, I came within a hair's width of losing everything. I made a mistake that may trail me the rest of my life. The very fortunate part is that I still have a life to live. On that weekend, I went out with a friend of mine to just let loose. Stressed by school and other things, I decided that I was going to have a time that would help me alleviate all of the pressures. The evening started at 10. By 3:30 a.m., I already had ignored the curfew that my parents had set for me, and I was ready to keep going. By this time, I had had over 11 beers, three quarters of a pack of cigarettes and a shot of J & B. And I was driving. Now, I had seen all of the commercials, the ads in the paper, the pleas of Mother's Against Drunk Driving, but I was totally absorbed in myself and how I was going to have a good time. No, a great time. All that I was thinking about was the here-and-now. How this was going awesome. "I'm not going to get caught." "I'm not going to get even close to the car in front of me." "I' IIgo the speed limit, and nothing will happen." "I've driven like this before, and nothing will happeh." We drove down the street. The light started to change. It was yellow. I gunned it. And then the van gunned me. It happened so fast that there was nothing I could have done. When the van hit me, the car fished-tailed, and I lost total control of my car. No one ...I mean NO ONE, could have been able to control the car. Before the accident, I thought, "I can react fast enough to control the car. I have great driving skills." Now, I can't think of a more arrogant and pompous attitude one can take, when driving a car. So, the car fish-tailed, and because of my "excellent" driving skills, the car proceeded to flip over twice. All the while I was thinking, "My God, this isn't happening This is a nightmare. I'm going to wake up, and it will all be over with. This isn't happening to me." It was real, obviously, and the car came to a halt, upside-down. And what was thefirstthingI did? Instead of seeing if my passenger was O.K., I got out of my car, looked for all of the beer cans in the car and promptly got rid of them. I knew the penalties for DUI and didn't want to get caught. The police came and took statements from all of us, and the first thing that was asked of me was, can you guess? "Have you been drinking?" "No," I said, hoping that enough time would pass for the alcohol to work its way out of my system, and I would sober up a little. My friend and I were escorted to the police car, where information was taken from me, and then an officer told me to step out of the car. This is where the nightmare had really begun. "Please step out of the car, sir. Empty out all of your pockets. Please place your hands behind your back. You're under arrest for driving under the influence." The next thing I knew, I was in the back of a police van, it was pitch dark, and I.could hear the cops in the front of the van saying, "I guess my boy decided to get all tanked up tonight! What a dumb mother f-er." I still couldn't believe it. I was under arrest. Mr. 3. 76. "What a bright young man

you are." "You are going to go places." I went to jail at 8th and Race. And I was now Mr .. 085. Now, for all you folks who have been to jail, you know where I am coming from, and I am really sorry for your situation. For those of you who haven't, please, please listen to me and the words I am saying. Don't drink and drive. Don't do anything that will compromise your safety and might possibly land you in jail. JAIL. JAIL! We hear about it all of the time on TV, in the newspapers, on the radio. We have been de-sensitized to the place called jail. We see people go to jail on a program that lasts an hour or two hours, and then we walk away from the screen, not thinking about it again. I was in that cell at 4:30 a.m. I got out at 9:30 p.m. Think about that for a minute. You think being in a room for an hour and 15 minutes is bad? At least you can open the window. Or get a drink of water. For those of you who have night classes that last two-and-a-half hours, you think it is pretty rough, don't you? At least you ·can take a dump on a seat that hasn't had roaches crawling all over it. Or urine or feces, on it. Try, ·one day, when you have everything in the world to do, maybe the day when you have tickets to a concert that you've been waiting for, sitting in your bathroom for 17 hours straight. Have your parents padlock the door. Then run down the street and grab a guy who is up for willful homicide. Throw him in there, too. I was lucky, the guy didn't knock me up for any cash, but he did sleep on the table called a "bed." No, I didn't sleep much. And when I did sleep, I can assure you that it wasn't on the floor. After the time that I woke up and found two roaches crawling up my leg, I didn't care for any more rest. Everyone, please listen to me. Driving really is a privilege. Your freedom really is something that cannot be taken for granted. When you are driving, DON'T DRINK. AT ALL. I hate to sound like a commercial, but whoever made those things really knows what they are talking about. Find another means of getting somewhere if you are going to drink. Or stay at your friend's house. Or whatever. I'm sure that if you call your parents and say, "Mom, I'm staying at Kim's house tonight, I'll be home in the morning," they won't kill you. If they chew you out, remember that you are alive and have your freedom. As Cabrini students, we are a step ahead of everyone else, because we are in college. Don't screw it up. Don't let anyone talk you into something that is wrong, because it's your life, the only one you've got. As a result of my negligence, I have utterly shattered the trust my parents and I had, · of course my car is totaJled, and now I find myself in a position where I have no way of getting to school. Right now, itlooks like I'm going to be taking SEPT A by train or bus. I have had to quit my job because of the demand for more money, and I got another job that, fortunately, pays more and gives me more hours. But that comes at a cost for time. There are lawyer fees (monumental), public transportation fees, school fees, etc., so I am going to be working all the time, and I don't know how I am going to work in studying. Everything I have said is, at any rate, an understatement. I wish I could tell how bad it all really is. I wish I had considered the long-term consequences of my behavior, rather than living for "the moment." I hope you will. Please. For the sake of your own future.



Friday, March 25, 1994


Campus·leaders receive nationalrecognition by Margaret Maio assistant managing and perspectives editor

"Who's WhoAmongStudentsinAmerican Universities and Colleges" is a directory of seniors acrossthe nation who have demonstrated excellence in both academics and leadership. This year, Cabrini named five seniors to be listed in the 1994 edition of the directory. Students are named to this directory based on their academic achievement, service to the community, leadership in extra-curricular acUvitiesand potential for continued success. The senior class received resumes of the nominees and voted on whom they feel best represents the qualities of"Who's Who." The results were sent to the publishers of "Who's Who," and a representative of the company contacted the five students who received the most votes. The recipients, Mollie Chesna, David King III, Mary Jane Inman, Courtney O'Connor and Patricia Zeller were announced to the college community March 18, at the spring convocation. These studentswere involved in everything from campus ministry to directing a one-act play. Although their interests are varied, these students share a common bond: their hard work and dedication to being the best they possibly can. This past semester Chesna has been busy student teaching, as well as keeping up with her duties as a resident assistant. In the future, she would like to teach at an inner-city school. She said that she liked the work she has done in

David King Ill, political science (below) Resident assistant Assistant softball coach Political science club Pre-law club Sigma Zeta- math honor society

Mary Jane Inman, English/communications {left) Loquitur: staff writer, managing and perspectives editor WYBF: disc jockey, newscaster, public affairs director Campus Ministry council member Campus Ministry retreat coordinator Project Appalachia TAXI Student liaison- Cabrini spirit day One-act play- actor photo by DawnielleKlopp

I havebecome." friends,"Inmansaid. "Theyare individuals,supThis pastsemester,Zellerhas beenworkingat portive,and theystickby me no matterwhat." an internshipat St. Christopher'shospital. She Inmansaidshe neverhas had friendshipslike wantsto pursuea careerin socialwork andreturn thisbefore,andthatiswhatmakesthemsospecial. in the futurefor a mastersdegree. She descnbes the friendshipswith three words: "I would liketo concentrateon eithermedical strong,supportiveand close. socialworkorchildren,"Zellersaid,"maybeeven both." When she found out that she was named to ''Who's Who," Zellersaidshe was ecstatic."My hardwork at Cabrinihas paid off," Zellersaid. OnethingthatstandsoutinZeller'smindfrom her years here at Cabrini is the facultyand staff. ''Theteachingstaffisverysupportive,"2.ellersaid. 'They reallywant studentsto succeed,and they care aboutus." The PrincetonTheologicalseminarywill become home to Inman this fall. She recentlywas acceptedon a fellowship,andshe will sludythere for the next three years. Inmanwouldlike to teachon the collegelevel

Mollie Chesna, elementary education {below) Resident assistant Prison literacy program Project Appalachia Campus ministry council Kappa Delta Pi- treasurer Pennsylvania state education association- president SGA executive boardcorresponding secretary

inner-city schools, especially the children. She is considering graduate school, although not until she has been teaching for a year or so. She has narrowed her choice of a masters degree down to two possibilities, administration and multi-cultural education. Chesna was surprised when she learned she had been selected for "Who's Who." "Our class has a lot of good people," Chesna said, "people who also deserve this." During her four years at Cabrini, Chesna has grown both academically and personally. "I learned so much about myself and dealing with other people," Chesna said. "My experience here has helped me to strengthen my weaknesses and to look at myself." After King read the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," he first entertained thoughts of becoming a lawyer. He would like to specialize in civil rights law, and that dream is becoming a possibility.

after she finishesat the seminary. She pos.51bly mightpursuea churchcareer,and she wouldlike to get married. Thestrongfriendshipslnmanhasmadeduring her timeat Cabriniare a specialpartof her college experience. "I have a group of very special

King has been acceptedintoa numberof law schools,includingthoseat AmericanUniversity and CatholicUniversityin :WashingtonD.C., as wellasVillanova,SyracuseandMaryland Universities.Hewill attendone oftheseinstitutionin the fall "My goal is to be a successful and ethical lawyerintheD.C.area,"Kingsaid.Hewouldlike to practicein our nation's capitolbecause,in his own words,''D.C. and law are synonymous." The theaterdepartmenthas beenlikea second home to O'Connor, duringher four years at Cabrini. Shehas involvedherselfin allaspectsof the theater,andshehopestocontinuethisinthefuture. O' Connorwouldliketoattendgraduate school foreitherdirect:ingordassicalacting. "Shakespeare is my first love," O'Connor said.''I wouldliketo workeitherasanactorordirectorofShakespeare."

Patricia Zeller, social work {above) Orientation counselor Medical assistant Campus ministry council member retreat coordinator played guitar at Mass Intramural participant TAXI- coordinator for one semester PsyChi Cabrini honors society

Courtney O'Connor, English {right) Orientation counselor, coordinator Co-editor in chief of Woodcrest lmprov troupe Directed a one-act play Kappa Sigma Omega

Theworkshehasdonewith theimprovtroupe has igniteda passionwithinO'Connor. ContinuingimprovworkisyetanothergoalofO'Connor's. The years O'Connor spent at Cabrini have intluencedhergreatly.''lwasabletobecomewho I am," O'Connor said. "The Cabrinifacultyand staffhaveallowedmetoevolveinto thepersonthat

photo by Eric Barbuscia



photo by Anne Marie Mauro

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Friday, March 25, 1994


Roxy Dear Roxy, •.Jhave a problem. I have two sets of friends, one at home and one at school. The majority of my home friends bas girlfriends, the majority of my school friends do not. I am in a situation right now, as the summer approaches, where 1 am seeing someone who could be a girlfriend. However, I still enjoy the bachelor lifestyle of my school buddies. This girl is special to me, but I don't want to go 01it with her just to fit in. What

should I do?

c.a,llt Betwen a Rock

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You -,ueae yearsare•~ i~ tion,

nof onlyforeduca-


also to have full and

muefriQnds. But, there will come a time when you will wantto apc;tt~ time with one special girl more tban banging out with your buddies, and there is nothing wrong with that. When that time arrives, you will know it, because you will not be wondering what the guys are doing while you are ' out with her or feel like you are missing out on something. For tight now, I think you should give this girl a chance. See your friends on Friday nights and see her on Satur• day, or vice versa. You have nothing to lose, and there is no rule that says, if you have a girlfriend, you can't have friends. You just have to learn bow to balance both of them. Go for it- you may be surprised how jt turns out!


questions or comments for Roxy to box 586. She will answer them honestly and give you her wonderful advice.


From the pen to the plate by Celene Wright staff writer

Before dinner-time on Easter, the delicious aroma of the meal escapes from the kitchen, to entice our noses and make our mouths water. Such foods as turkey, scalloped potatoes, gravy and that most delectable main-course entree, ham, are the traditional foods people indulge in Easter dinner. Merlin Waltz knows ofa day when it took much more care and time to put ham on the table. As a child, he was raised on a pig farm that his father, also Merlin Waltz. owned. According to Waltz, "Pigs are very profitable." Since he already knew the business of raising pigs, Waltz went on to own his own pig fann, located in Williamsport, Pa. At the moment, Waltz does-not own any pigs on his farm. When he did have pigs on the farm, Waltz remembers the complaints he received. "My neighbors used to come over and complain about the odor of the pigs," Waltz said. However, Waltz spoke of the old-fashioned process with pride and patience, while quickly blurting out the modem process of preparing ham. Waltz said the first step, in the old-fashioned process, is to make a container of salt water, in order to cure the meat of the pig. "You put enough salt in the water to float an egg," Waltz said. Waltz said that, after the first week of curing the meat, the egg test is done once again. If the egg sinks, the container of salt water is emptied, in order to make a new container. When the curing is completed, the meat is put in a smoke house, which is a small building with a fue in the centerofthefloor, Waltz said. The meat is smoked for about two


Grunts, the sow, enjoys the mud in his pen, while t~e sun shines on his back. weeks, to give it flavor. According to Waltz, the two choices of flavors for the pork are apple and hickory . If apple wood is used, the ham will contain apple flavor, while hickory wood is used to create the taste of hickory in the pork. Waltz said the meat is put in empty flour sacs and hung in the attic until it is needed. Due to the curing process, if the outside begins to mold, the salt saves the inside from molding. The mold is just cut away from the ham, and the meat becomes ready to tickle the taste buds, with apple or hickory flavors, on Easter day. According to Waltz, in modem society, a hypodermic needle is used to shoot salt into

the ham, and the meat may be water- soaked for a while. He said the pork is put into a smoker that is fan-driven, to drive the smoke through the ham. Waltz compared the past to the future by bringing up the advantages and disadvantages of modem times. The modem process may be shorter and quicker, but a refrigerator is depended upon, to keep the meat fresh. "When I was little, all my family needed to do was put the pork in the attic, and it would stay fresh for a long time," Waltz said. So, at Easter dinner this year, Waltz and Grunts, the pig, will both play an important part in the meal.

Here comes Peter Cottontail by Katina M. Corrao assistant arts & entertainment editor

Here comes Peter Cottontail, hoppin' down the bunny trail. Heating kettles of flower dye to color eggs on Indian campfires? What? Easter, primarily, has to do with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Nature's awakening and rebirth happens at the same time. Now how does the rabbit fit into all this? Actually, nobody knows how the story of the Easter Bunny began. What we do know is that the rabbit. or some sort of rabbit, is celebrated all throughout the world. It

Questions? Roxy soon will be leaving for the summer. So, before she leaves, send your


0 ()

stands as a symbol for the abundance of new life. In Fredericksburg, Texas, in the 19th century, children saw Indian campfires on the hillsides. They were frightened, so their parents told them it was just the Easter Bunny, heating kettles of flower dye to color eggs. Today. that story still holds in Fredericksburg. However. not all Texans have that tradition. ln Fort Worth, Texas, where Edie Lamberti, a sophomore, lives, they have an egg-coloring party the night before Easter. When the kids of Fort Worth go to bed, they leave two baskets out, one for eggs and one for candy. In Panama, it is the conejo who brings the eggs. In Germany, Belgium and Switzerland, youngsters await the coming of Oster Haas, the Easter hare. The hare is larger and quicker than the traditional Easter Bunny, and his ears

and legs stretch much longer. In Chicago, where Eileen Doyle, a senior, grew up, she used to go to bed with nothing around the house. When she got up, there was a basket with her name in front of it and candy in it. Each year, she also would get either a stuffed animal or a toy. Children in England hide their nests, made of leaves, mosses and roots, around the garden or house for the hare. In New Orleans. La.,junior Kathleen Foto gets together with her entire family. ''Everyone brings a gift," Foto said. "It's like a mini-Christmas." The shy little creature called the Easter Bunny only comes out at night, drops off candy and eggs and then flies into the air with eight tiny ...Well, you know. In the morning, he brightens the Easters ofchildren and adults worldwide. Now that's somebody every bunny should look up to.

,RAIN 1>\/C,~



I_T_h_ea_te_r_re_v_ie_w _____ Cyrano de Bergerac: Romance, poetry and fighting by Belinda Desher and Courtney O'Connor guest writers

"Cyrano de Bergerac" has all the elements of an unforgettable love story: poetry, swordplay, romance, deception and razor-sharp wit. The great poet, Cyrano de Bergerac, is madly in love with his distant cousin, the beautiful Roxanne. Unfortunately, Roxanne is interested in finding a love who is aesthetically pleasing as well as extravagant in his expressions of love for her. Cyrano realizes that his unusually large nose will forever remain a hindrance to her affections. Enter Christian: a new member of Cyrano's military squad, of whom Roxanne asks her cousin to take special care. Christian is handsome, in love with Roxanne and dumber than a box of rocks when in her presence. After he learns that Roxanne loves Christian, Cyrano proposes that they send his poetry to her, "simply for the opportunity to give his poetry a voice." Desperate to win her, Christian readily agrees, having no hint of Cyrano's true feelings and motives. As the feelings grow more intense and the letters more frequent, these three people's lives tangle into a twisted web of deceit. Sounds great, huh? Writing a review should be a soap, we thought. After seeing the performance at the Walnut Street Theatre, however, it appeared that this would be more complicated than originally thought. Some of our differences were about as large as Cyrano's nose. How could we incorporate two trains of thoughts into one? Who says we had to? If Siskel and Ebert can each give their opinions, why can't we? Point#I: TheSet O'Connor: Thesetwasaneclecticarrayof pieces that, perhaps if utilized more, would not haveseemedso, well...wasteful.Forcertainsrenes, such as the battle, the bakery and the balcony, the set worked exquisitely. An interesting angle was theslidesthatwereconstantlyused toexpandthe depth of the set These were quite intriguing. Desher: The "eclectic array of pieces" that my comrade spoke of was cumbersome. At times, the pieces were fashioned in ways that made the stage seem cluttered. The slides looked like replicas of building facades and trees that could have been taken by tourists during their vacation to Europe. If they were striving to create some sort of realism, this dido 't help. They were distracting and completely unnecessary. Point #2: Cyrano Desher: Alan Scarfe's performance was delightful. From the start, he effortlessly swung his sword while the poetry just dripped from his lips with a cool and confident delivery. He made sword-play look so easy that I forgot how physically challenging the role was. I did realize he still had five more acts to go. However, he never missed a beat, and his energy never seemed to subside. O'Connor: If nothing else we say sways your mind to go and see the play, go to see Cyrano. Scarfe is breathtaking in his performance. With a resume to dazzle the mind, he commands the stage in a way seldom seen. Each move, each word speaks a thousand thoughts. A simple gesture or intonation tells you exactly what is going through the lovesick poet's mind at every moment. To have a tape of Scarfe's voice reading the poetry of the play, to gently lull me to sleep every night, would be a dream come true. Point#3: Roxanne O'Connor: Who is Roxanne? I have always thought of her as a young, innocent girl who is in love with the idea of being in

Friday, March 25, 1994

l Shakes,:mreanWilliam

love, and she will go to any lengths to be with her love, even to the battlefield. Not in this production. Susan Wilder's portrayal of Roxanne left something to be desired. Roxanne wasnot a starry-eyed girl,but a shallow, demanding woman, and for me, this lost som~ thing. I was no longer able to forgive her vanities, but resented her for them. Desher: Wilder portrays Roxanne as a woman who knows exactly what she wants: praise. Which makes her character seem shallow, always fishing for a compliment. She reacts much too quickly when she doesn't get what she wants. She never seemed to really be in love with Christian but then again, I never believed he was truly enthralled by her beauty. If she had been more starry-eyed, or even naive, her actions would have made more sense. Point #4: Christian Desher: Peter Bradbury's performance was more comic than romantic. Although his character is supposed to become dumb in th~ presence of a lady, I rarely noticed a change in Bradbury, whether Roxanne was around or not. Only once did his character make a clear-cuttransition, whenhedisplayed cocky confidence to earn the respect of his fellow Musketeers. O'Connor: The third member of the love triangle should be equally remembered with the other two. Unfortunately, this Christian is not. Bradbury did an adequate job but lacked the urgent passion and energy that is so much a part of his character. As a matter of fact, the entire relationship between Roxanne and Christian lacked intensity and passion, and thus, so did the play. Point #5: The Girl with the Pink Hair Desher & O'Connor: Well, we both agree that the ensemble member with the poofy pink hair made the entire night worthwhile on her own. We think she should consider making this look permanent. As a matter of fact, all of the supporting cast was quite effective in their roles and helped make the entire production much stronger. Point #6: The End Desher: Without trying to give away the ending, I must say that Cyrano's performance made me sob with both happiness and horror. I experienced happiness at Roxanne's discovery and gut-wrenching sadness at the ultimate conclusion. Although the poetry was incredible, it was Scarfe's delivery and intonation that made it perfect. As he looked off in the distance, glancing at his past more so than the present, his eyes filled with such love and pain that it truly broke my heart. This is the first time Scarfe portrayed Cyrano, the gallant fighter, as a truly vulnerable lover. ()'Connor: The ending of the play had no choice but to be filled with incredible energy and adrenaline. Well, there went my final hope for the night. While I was quite caught up in the beautiful poetry, I was let down with the climactic result. I expected to be reduced to a sobbing heap of protoplasm but instead found myself wiping a single, half-tear from one eye. The production was completely void of discoveries, thanks mainly to an emotionless Roxanne. The ending therefore was bewildering and made absolutely no sense. The great moment of discovery had no reason to come at the end but could have just as easily arrived about three or four acts sooner. All of this led, for me, to a disappointing performance of this beautifully-written French classic. The performance runs until April 17. For tickets, call the Walnut Street Theatre at 5743550.

play acting investigated by Catherine Smotherman assistant news editor

For almost any type of endeavor, there are several contenders for the title of "best." Among playwrights, there are no contenders, only wannabes and the champ, Shakespeare. The reason, according to Neal Newman, director of theater at Cabrini, is that, while most plays emphasize one element of theatrical presentation, Shakespeare's plays do it all. "Mysteries emphasize plot, something like 'The Phantom in the Opera' emphasizes spectacle," Newman said. The other elements are characterization, dialogue and story. "Shakespeare requires brilliance in all of them," he said. Shakespeare attracts both audiences and actors. "Shakespeare has always been a big seller. And good actors have always wanted to do Shakespeare," Newman said. ""When good actors perform in plays by Shakespeare, that re~orces the public's desire to see the play, such as when Mel Gibson starred in 'Hamlet,'" he continued. . The challenge of Shakespeare for actors was reiterated by Tim McDonald, a production assistant at The People's Light and Theatre Company and a teacher with Stone Soup, their educational outreach program. McDonald told of a group of child actors that worked at first only with self-generated scripts. When they prepared for their first scripted play, they wanted Shakespeare, he said. "There's definitely that mountain they want to climb." The kids also are turned on by the fact that Shakespeare was so successful when he lived, McDonald said. "Kids are turned on by money. They can see more purpose to the art if it makes money." When you perform a play by Shakespeare, you' re under "the challenge of the authority of Shakespeare as a playwright," McDonald said. "You' re under more scrutiny, but you' re in good standing, because the plays are so great they carry you." This potential for greatness does have its weak spots. The verse in which Shakespeare's plays are written may be difficult for an audience to follow. "Whether the audience follows Shakespeare depends on how it is done," Newman said. "So much of what we do is to make sure it's done very well." Shakespearean actors have to learn to speak very carefully, to do stage-fighting and to carry themselves in a variety of costumes, something that may not be easy for someone who usually wears only jeans and T-shirts, according to Newman. To teach Shakespeare to children, Stone Soup has the children improvise scenes, like those in the plays. The actors start with a line of dialogue from the play and then continue in their own words. "They start out with a mouthful of mush," McDonald said. "When they realize what he's saying in his language, they say, 'Why didn't he just say that?"' Dealing with dialogue in verse can be a challenge for the more experienced actor too, according to McDonald. "It is so beautiful you have to be careful that you do not just recite it," he said. Another difficulty in presenting Shakespeare, according to McDonald, is that some of the issues that mattered to Shakespeare's contemporaries are not familiar to modem play-goers, such as the importance of the first-born, kingship and the dis-

Explorin! play tinction between the private self and the public self. "There's a little accessibility gap for some issues in the plays," McDonald said, "but everything about love and familial issues carries over." The period does not detract from audience appeal, he added. "Any great work of art requires some education to understand it," Newman said. "Young people today expect their works of art to come to them. The audience today doesn't know the value of theater. They don't know how exciting a live performance is." "The audienc.e has to come with a willingness to listen and concentrate," he continued. "The audience has to be an energetic and active partner. Given that, it (Shakespeare) is not hard to understand at all. It is very enjoyable." One of the funniest reactions they sometimes get from audience members, McDonald said, is the surprise of some people when they understand the play. Despite the challenges involved in presenting Shakespeare, the plays are presented over and over. "High schools ask us to do Shakespeare," McDonald said. "And these plays are good for teaching," he added. "The situations are so great. We use 'Romeo and Juliet' a lot, because it has such good characters." "Shakespeare's plays are so enormously brilliant that they can take extraordinary punishment and bounce back," Newman said. "They have everything. The characters never cease to amaze me. The dialogue is great; every actor brings something new to it. I love all the spectacle," he added.

Critiquing movies made f by Diane Wrobleski assistant graphics and layout editor

Studying Shakespeare is similar to understanding the aging process of a fine wine. A lot of time has to be invested into the fermentation of the grapes, but with patience, the taste and quality are then appreciated. For centuries, the works of William Shakespeare have been produced in a variety of cultures and languages. But within society, students have been subject to dry and analytical reviews of his works. Now, however, his works are captivating a new audience through movie producers' efforts to modernize him. One example of this is Franco Zeffirelli's big-screen epic of "Hamlet," starring Mel Gibson and Glenn Close. It had enough star power to capture the viewer's attention and lure cynical viewers into movie theaters across the United States. Shakespearean adaptations have been very popular during the last two decades, from cinematic movies to video releases. Each release is uniquely as creative as its producer. Neal Newman, director of theater at Cabrini, said, "There are an average of 50 Shakespearean films that have been made. I can recall a five-minute Romeo and Juliet film that was made in New York City and dated back to 1905." According to Newman, Shakespeare is seen best through live perfonnances. "Each play establishes an exciting relationship with the audience," Newman said, "because they were written to talk to the audience, which films cannot accomplish totally."

Friday, March 25, 1994



Shakespeare ~

his work through ,, and movies Who reallywrotethe plays? by Jane S. Van /ngen assistant managing & perspectives editor

Did William Shakespeare really write all of his plays, or did someone using his pen name do it? "William Shakespeare was an actor from Stratford, but it is possible that someone using the pen name of Shakespeare wrote them," Dr. Marilyn Johnson, professor of English and communications said. Dr. Marice Bezdek, professor of English and communications, said, "Many people think that Francis Baker, a politician, wrote many of his plays." According to the Oct. '91 issue of "The Atlantic," there are two arguments for and against it. One argument claims Edward deVere, the Earl of Oxford and the Lord Great Chamberlain, is the real Shakespeare. It is possible that, at some point, the Earl of Oxford, may have met the Stratford man in London and enlisted him as his front man. Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the English and communications department, teaches a class in Shakespeare and said, "Shakespeare was a writer, an actor and part owner of the Globe theater, a company that did acting in London." "He seems to be a hick from the sticks," according to Bezdek. "He came to town looking for something to do. His first job was holding horses outside the theater in Lon-

>mShakespeareanplays Shakespearean traditionalists may frown at the cuts and switches made by producers of cinematic than theatrical productions, but the majority has been faithful to the essence of the plays. Newman said, "I enjoyed 'Hamlet,' with Mel Gibson. He was a wonderful and powerful actor, talent to use in a Shakespearean production. It was a nice angle for the producer to take." Another modern, cinematic Shakespearean production was Kenneth Branagh's "Much Ado About Nothing." This comedy was produced in such a way that modem audiences were intrigued by its 01 ympic consideration of the nature of Love and demand. "Much Ado" was shot in the villa where the subject of Leonardo da Vinci's smiling Mona Lisa lived. Branagh not only made the walls of the structure echo with Laughterbut recreated a joy that the world can share once again, as new Lifehas been breathed into an old work of art. Sophomore D.J. Glasgow selected an old film as her favorite Shakespeare production. "The Shakespearean film 'Taming of the Shrew,' with lead actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, was not what I expected," Glasgow said." It's an old movie, and compared to today's movies, with the millions of dollars involved, this old movie's great quality still remains, even though it is a low-budget film.'" Many producers have been taking Shakespeare's murder, scandal and sensual tendencies out of the dark ages and bringing them into a brighter, more modern light for new generations to appreciate.

don." According to the article in "The Atlantic," two characteristics of the Shakespearean canon suggest powerfully that he was a welltraveled nobleman. "He wrote more than we have, and some of the ones we have, we are not sure if he wrote all of them. There are about 40 in all," Zurek said. "There are good arguments that say he has the wrong background to have written · them," he continued. "The arguments for are slightly better, but I'm not 100 percent sure.'' "The biggest argument is that he could not have had the education to know about law and other references that he uses in his plays," Bezdeksaid. "He went to school in Stratford, but his country education would not have helped him." Writing in the mid 1840s, Ralph Waldo Emerson admitted he could not marry Shakespeare's Lifewith Shakespeare's works. This is the anti-Stratfordian case, in a nutshell. As many as a dozen plays were written before the Stratford actor reached his 31st birthday. In addition, Shakespeare made no official claim to the many ancedotes that have come down to readers. Also, many of the poems and plays attributed to Shakespeare were written by de Vere. According to Bezdek, "Shakespeare just did not have a university education. Many of the people who might have written it had reason to hide it, for instance, if the person were noble or in politics. It was considered undignified for a noble person to write plays. Many people think Francis Baker wrote them, and he was a politician." The other argument is that, although many of the poems and ·plays written by Shakespeare are attributed to de Vere, the actor from Stratford is the real Shakespeare. There are many references to Shakespeare as a player and a playwright. He established his position in the acting company that was under the patronage of the Lord Chamberlain. "Ninety-eight percent of the Shakespeare book that I use in my class is really by Shakespeare," Zurek said. "Henry IV is one of the plays in dispute. Scenes here and there might have been written by others. We do not have his actual manuscripts." There is more written about Shakespeare in contemporary materials than about most others in English renaissance theater. There is no evidence that Shakespeare's contemporaries attached more importance to their manuscripts than he did. "His plays are written in different styles in different scenes. You can feel it," Zurek said. "Although recently I have seen persuasive arguments, I always dismissed them because I thoughtitwasasnobbery," Johnson said. "They did not want to admit that the greatest English writer is someone of little education and class level." "The point is, it is hard to know 100 percent if he did write them. If Shakespeare did, it is a mystery where he Learnedall that stuff," Bezdek said. "It does not make a dime worth of difference, because they are wonderful plays," Johnson said.

Checking out 'Shakespeare in the Park' by Jane S. Van lngen assistant managing & perspectives editor

Shakespeare lovers know that the place to be on a hot, sticky summer day is not in their air-conditioned houses. Rather, they brave the heat and go see Shakespeare in the Park, hosted by Cabrini College. Originally, students performed at Pastoryus Park. According to Neal Newman, director of theater at Cabrini, the production was too popular. The crowds were too large, and people were complaining. It seemed like a good idea for the company to move, and they were invited to host Shakespeare at Cabrini. It was the initial idea of Dr. Jerome Zurek, chairperson of the English-communications department. He presented it to Sr. Eileen Currie, former college president. Zurek said, "I saw Hamlet in 1992 and Henry IV in 1993. I like Shakespeare and Neal. I think he is a great director." In the past, students have come to Newman when they wanted to get involved with Shakespeare in the Park. Students have acted, been assistant director and taken classes in classical theater. They also have done jobs, such as working backstage. Shakespeare in the Park provides good summer jobs, and the cast and crew are paid for their work. While most of the actors are professional, Cabrini students have been involved backstage and as stage managers. Cheryl Croce, a senior, was the stage manager for "Hamlet" and "Henry IV," and senior Belinda Desher was the sound manager for both productions. Two students acted in both performances. Missy Von Siegel, 1993 graduate, was the understudy of Ophelid in "Hamlet"and performed. Senior Courtney O'Connor had a small part in Henry IV. According to Zurek, "The students do a tremendous job. The actors Neal chose for the productions were perfect for the parts."

Zurek said. Newman said the experience Shakespeare in the Park provides is valuable to students. "It is useful to them, because they learn how to work with other professional people and get experience," he said. Students usually take classes in acting or have had some acting experience before they participate. However, anyone who expresses interest can get involved. Students can audition in May, in downtown Philadelphia. Competition includes students from Pennsylvania University, the University of Delaware and other professionals. "A lot of people have seen these plays and reacted positively," Newman said. "It is better to see a play than to read it. It has also helped put Cabrini on the map, because it makes people aware of what and where Cabrini is." "'Hamlet' gave me new insight into the play that I hadn't thought about before," Zurek said. "I only liked half of 'Henry IV,' and I liked the tavern scenes. There are two parts to the play, and the tavern part is terrific. 'Henry IV' is not a very attractive character, in contrast to the taverns. The actor did not make the character of' Henry IV' come alive for me, but it is a very h~d role to do.'' Although the event has been helpful in making prospective students interested in Cabrini, it does not automatically bring people into acting. The theater department currently does not offer any classes in Shakespeare. Shakespeare in the Park is a good opportunity for people to see Shakespeare for free. It also is a service to the community, according to Newman. "That's what Cabrini is all about," Newman said. Cabrini put on it's eighth performance last summer with Henry IV. The event was successful, but ~ay not run this summer.







Friday, March 25, 1994

Convocationrecognizesexcellence by Renee Rozniatoskl staff writer

The sounds of "Trumpet Voluntary" could be heard as students processed to the atrium. At 7 p.m. on March 19, spring convocation was underway. This is a time for students who achieve academic excellence to receive recognition for their work. Convocation was once held two times a year, but the fall convocation was replaced with one on opening day of school. The speeches began with Dr. Thomas V. Boeke, provost/academic dean. His main focus was to recognize the faculty. He stressed the fact that the faculty are the means by which students achieve. The faculty were asked to stand, and they were recognized for their dedication to the students and the school. Followed by his speech, Boeke proceeded to present the college awards. Dean's list certificates are given to those students who maintain a grade-point average of 3.5 or above. Students from all four classes were awarded this distinction, and those who had a 3.5 or better for the entire school year were recognized for both semesters. Kimberly Fusco, a first-year student, said, "I think that starting out first semester, freshman year, getting on the dean's list has provided me with confidence, self-esteem and a sense of pride. I realize that all my hard work has paid off." Along with those honored for the dean's list were those inducted into the honor societies. Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society for continuing education

students. To qualify, a student must be at least 24 years of age; have 30 Cabrini credits and have a cumulative average of 3.20. Lambda Iota Tau is an international society for literature. A student must maintain an average of 3.0 and have a minimum of 12 credit hours in upperdivision English. Kappa Delta Pi is an international honor society for educators. The requirements include a 3.3 cumulative average with a 3.5 average in education courses. These students must submit an application sophomore year and are installed during junior year. Psi Chi is a national society for the advancement of the science of psychology. These students must have 12 credits in psychology and a 3.0 average. Following the awards was the recognition of those students accepted to the Society for Collegiate Journalists. To qualify, students have an average of a 3.0 in major and 14 hours of service on a communications medium. In addition to the other awards of the evening, the Student Government Association Service Award, Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges and the Christian R. and Mary E. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching were received. The Student Government Association Service Award is presented to a student who exemplifies lea<;lership and strong achievement. This year's award went to Kim Forde, sophomore. Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges gives recognition to seniors who demonstrate

Dr. Thomas Boeke, provost, addresses the audience at convocation. Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president {left), and Fr. Ambrose Cashman, campus minister (middle), look on. Spring convocation features both the previous semesters' Dean's lists, Who's Who Among American College Students, honor society inductions and the Linbach Award for.respected faculty members. leade'rship and strong academic ability. This year, the college community selected Mollie Chesna, Mary Jane Inman, David King III, Courtney O'Connor and Patricia Zeller. Each year one teacher is honored with the Christian R. and Mary F. Lindback Foundation Award for Distinguished Teaching. Andrew J. Litavec, assistant professor of education and coordinator of elementary education, was honored. As the night came to an end, Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president, made the closing comments. In her

speech, she recognized the family members of those students honored. This year, the theme carried throughout the ceremony was the importance of the family and faculty who influence and impact the lives of those who achieved this recognition. Valerie Mackner, a sophomore, said, "I think it is an honor, and it shows your work pays off. Unfortunately, I could not be there. Maybe next year, they could hold convocation on a weekday, because people work, and weekends are difficult to get off."

Newsanalysis Whitewaterthreatensto toppleClinton by


assistantcopy editor Amid the allegations of missing files and shredded documents, subpoenas of top Qin ton administration officials and a federal grand jury investigation. Hillary all available evidence, ~deeply involved in the Whitewater rumpus as an investor, lawyer and adviser. With Whitewater's whirlpool sucking many of the Clinton's friends and business associates into the controversy, Hillary Ointon has managed to stay aloof from many of her critics. Throughouttbe course of the inquiry, however, the Amer• ican public was scratching its bead: Did we miss something? What is it that sup-

posedlyhappened? Call it the fitst post-modem, self-ref• erential White House "scandal." Watergate was about a bungled burglary on bebaJfof President Nixon. Iran-oontra was about trading arms for hostages and overthrowing congressional authority. Whitewater, on the other hand, is a full• blown Washington political scandal about. ..a Washington political scandal. To date, the Whitewater affair is a fragile, yet potentially dangerous, phenomenon that depends on a blend of media and power. It is not as much about what Bill and Hillary Clinton did back in Arkansas,it is about how they are handling qu.estionsconceming what they did or did not do. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, the investigation all started with the fact that lhe Ointons wereinvolved with James McDougal, owner of lhe Little

Rock branch office of Madison Guaranty House immediately afterward. Last month, a courier at the Rose Law Savings& Loan, which collapsed in 1989, at Firm told a Little Rock grand jury that a cost to taxpayers of $60 million. he and a colleague used a shredder in the From 1978 until 1992, the future presifirm's basement earlier this year, to de• dent and first lady were business partners stroy files belonging to Foster. with McDougal in a failed real estate investIn addition, the president's counsel, ment, Whitewater Development Corp. Bernard W. Nussbaum, removed files The murkiness of the situation comes from Foster· s office, in advance of fedinto play because of the often-inter• Some of the files twined relationship between power and eral investigators. politics in Arkansas. Gov. Clinton and pertained to Whitewater. The shredding of Foster's files has his wife were business pattners with become one of many surprises to sneak McDougal at the same time McDougal up on the White House in the past few was under state investigation. As a lawyer at the Rose Law Firm in weeks. Now, the Clinton administration is finding itself reeling from departure Little Rock, Hillary Clinton represented to sudden departure. McDougal' s Whitewater business interOn March 5, Nussbaum resigned amid ests before a state bank regulator that criticism that he may have bent ethical was appointed by her husband. standards, to protect the Clintons on That much was known when Clinton Whitewater. Then. 10 days later, Weber ran for president, and despite the efforts L. Hubbel], another of Hillary Clinton's of several news organizations, Whitewater never was an issue in the partners at the Rose Law Firm (who was being investigated by the firm for bis campaign. Although it was known that McDougal helped raise a great deal of billing and expense practices), resigned as associate attorney general. campaign money for bis friends, some Through it all, the Clintons and their of which is still unaccounted for, the defenders argue "this whole mess is Clintons were not linked to his generosabout nothing at all." Clinton supportity, The entire matter was well on its way ers insist that all that is going on is an effort by Republicans "to slow the pro~ to becoming a footnote of the '92 prescess of Democratic social initiatives." idential campaign when Vincent Foster, Grand jury investigations began on the president's personal lawyer and depMarch 11. Regardless of how the offiuty White House counsel, shot himself cial investigations proceed, questions in the head in July of 1993. about the Clintons' role, and in particuAccording to The New York Times, the suicide of Foster probably would not lar, the part of the first lady in the Whitewater affair, are numerous. Al· have resurrected Whitewater suspicions though she has been accused of no crime, were it not for actions taken in the White

Clinton has been criticized by many on the one thing she thought was invincible: her integrity. According to Dr. Jolyon Girard, history and political science department chairperson, the Clinton administration's popularity figures were relatively high before the Whitewater investigations began. Although he will not condemn the president and the first lady before the grand jury's findings are released, Girard does believe the media has played a large part in shaping the American consensus concerning the involvement of the Clintons in the Whitewater controversy. A USA Today-CNN Gallup poll taken two weeks ago found that 18 percent of 1,023 adults thought Hillary Clinton had done something illegal, and 38 percent thought she had done something that probably was unethical, but not illegal. In addition, private White House polls show Hillary Clinton· s public approval rating has fallen below that of her husband's for the first time since his election. Both ratings are between 55 percent and 60 percent, according to The Los Angeles Times. For now, Hillary Clinton is convinced she did no wrong. After all, :Whitewater may be all froth and little below the surface. But, although the country's approval ratings are still relatively high, the nu,mbec of Clinton administration supporters may dwindle after the grand jury's findings are



Friday, March 25, 1994

Last week in the worldof news by Brian Siatkowski assistant sports editor

0 Tuesday,March15-Bosporus0ooded with burningoil The Bosporus, a waterway separating Asia from Europe, was clogged up with oil burning on water, when the oil tanker Nassia was hit by a freighter. The accident left 15crew members dead, 14 missing and 29 injured. Tiie Bosporus strait is a vital shipping route to the Mediterranean for Russia and other countries bordering the Red Sea.

0 Wednesday,March 16- School rules

againstinterracialprom In Wedowee, Ala., a high school principal was suspended with pay after students claimed he tried to ban interracial couples from attending the prom. He called amixedrace couple a "mistake" that he wanted to prevent others from making. The trouble began more than a month ago when the principal met with juniors and seniors, asking how many planned on bring-

ing a date of a different race to the prom, which would be afrrst for the school, which is currently 38 percent black. More than a dozen hands went up.


John Stanfa, the reputed boss of organized crime in Philadelphia, was indicted, along with 23 otherpeople, on charges that included murder,Kidnapping, extortion and arson. 0 Thursday, March 17- Harding escapes Officialssaiqthe federal indictments came with minor penalties aftera 30--monlhin~stigation. All of the top Tonya Hardingpleadedguiltytoachargeof mobleadersin Philadelphia and southern New hindering the prosecution.• Shewassentenced Jerseywereh\volved and have been arrested. Stanfabasbeeain the Philadelphia spotto three years of probation,a fine of $100.000 light for some time now, since the public and 500hours of community sel'Vice. Harding also agreed to give $50,000to murdersassociated with hitn in Philadelphia a Oregon's Special Olympic fund and give the couplemonths ago. county $10,000 thatwasspent in legalexpens-es. She also agreed to undergo a psychiatric a Saturdayi March 19· Clinton talks to examination. childrenaroundworld During the trial, Harding agreed to resign President Clinton took time out to answer various questions fron;t children living in diffrom the U.S. Figure Skating Association. world, with the help of The question of whether ornot Harding was ferent spots around directly involved with the attack on Nancy Peter Jennings andthe media. Though;nost questions asked by the chilKerrigan may remain unans~ed. Harding's guilty plea assures her that no trials relating, to dren .were about his cat "Socks" and his wife Kerrigan's attack will use her as a witness or a Hillary, some children used the time to ask questions about Clinton's outlook on the coundefendant. 0 Friday,March 18- Philadelphiakingpin_ try and gun control.·


0 Sunday,March 20- Tarheelsupset in

NCAA tournament A day of rest, a day of upsets. The North Carolina Tarheels lost to Boston College, 75-72, in the second round of the NCAA tournament. The Tarheels were ranked no. 1 in the Eastern conference and had just come off a big win against no. 16 seed Liberty. Boston College was ranked ninth and had upset an eighth ranked Washington State squad.

0 Monday,March 21- Barneybites the dust, loses to Nickelodeon Move over Barney and Big Bird-- here come the Rugrats. Nickelodeon took on one of its last competitors for the top-dog position with America's young audience. Nickelodeon publicly announced plans to spend $30 million in the next three years to produce programs directed at the preschool audience now loyal to PBS.

School recovers after winter blues by Caroline Croley assistant news editor

Classes suffer, work suffers, and everybody, in one way or another, has been touched by this winter's blues. Michael Troupe, assistant director of physical plant, said, "Everyone in physical plant had to make many sacrifices this year, because of the weather. We were forced to make sacrifices with our social lives by working longer hours." "As compared to previous years, physical plant has been backed up by three weeks, because of the snow and ice," he continued. "Our everyday work had to be pushed back in order to take care of icy walks, snow plowing, and broken pipes." Spring is in the air, while conditions of winter continue to cause many problems. Both resident and commuting students, as well as members of the faculty, staff and administrationhave had to deal with one winter storm after another.

The weather has caused missed and resecheduled classes, accidents and treacherous roads. Many students on campus said they have missed many classes, because of snowy and icy conditions. T.hishas caused many of those same studentsto sufferwith academics and other d~ Gioia Bozzaco, a 1rst-year student "It is really hard to keepupwith yourclasses when they are constantly being canceled, or you just do not have any way of getting here." Bozzaco also said, "The teachers, I think, have been very understanding, especially with commuters." Most people, if they were lucky, were fortunate to get to and from their destinations without any difficulty. On the other hand, there were a few who had to deal with fender-benders, losing hubcaps and getting flat tires, because of the torn-up roads. Roads have become a great obstacle for

What's Happening Dancingthe Night Away 3/25 The Fall Formal will be held at the King of Prussia Hilton from 9 p.m. toJ.~.""fl:Je event is sponsored by th~dass.

evening of improv from the comedy troupe.

Hear the Music Play

3/26 ESA~Student SQr~at

Alliance) will spon-

p.m. in WCGA.

RoomReservatioafRoemDeposit MovieNight 3/25 All $250 security deposits must be paid 3/20 Comeand enjoy the movie"Malice" with in the business office.This deposit isnon.. refundable and mu.stbe made beforepick- friendsat 7:30 p.m at lheXGR. ing a lottery number. Send a Gram Resident Assistants Announced 3/29-3/31 RAs are Nathan Carter, Kim Forde, RiEaster Egg-o-Graips will go on sale outchard Grace, Joy MacAlister,Shawn side the cafeteriaan(jSGA office for 50 cents McAleer, Brian Mooney, Margaret Mitura, or $1 for two. Theevent is sponsored by the Jennifer Paliaro, Veronica Pirollo andEde fitst1.yearclass. Tidwell. Alternates are Lana Bockhaus, Frances EasterBreak Firneno, Greg Grant and Linda Narvaez. 3/31-4/4 Easter break will begin after the last class Enjoyan Eveningoflmprov onHolyThursday,March31,andclasseswill resume on Monday, April 4. Dorms will 3/26 The coffee house will be open for an remain open during the break.

many drivers. Due to the ice, snow and rock salt, roads are beginning to wear out quickly, causing people difficulty. Marianne Defruscio, director of student activities, remembe,rs a weather-related incident very clearly. She said, "Therewas one time in January whe1'~eone $lid on the ice, on the Blue Route,andhit mefrombehind. It was the day students were moving back into the residence halls, and I was going into work

that Sunday." "As I was dealing with this mess, some students were nice enough to wave," she continued. Defruscio said the student activities office has beenrunningsmoothly, despite the p.robJems.with the weather. The hypnotist was one of the only activities that had to be canceled. Also, the emerging leaders conference had to be re-scheduled twice, because of snowy conditions. Some drivers were not as lucky as others

this winter. First-year student Marie Barrett recently flipped her car, despite the rising temperatures. Barrett said the accident occurred when she was driving into school. She said, "Despite these warmer temeratures, I managed to find a patch of ice. This accident, however, has caused me to be more careful and patient while driving. I always thought I was, until this accident." However, there were students who did benefit from this snowy weather. Rob Marish, a first -year student, said, "I made a lot of money shoveling snow for people. It also gave me a chance to catch up on sleep and get caught up on work." Marish concluded, "I cannot wait for spring, though. I want to go outside and have a picnic with my girlfriend." Maryanne Walker, a senior, said, "I cannot wait to walk on grass again, without hearing the crunch of ice and snow. Plus, spring is a sign that graduation will be upon us soon."

Security Update Security incidents, as reported from the public safety office, from, Wednesday, March 16 through Friday, March 18.

found outside of the commuter's lounge, waiting for the shuttle van. In the meantime, Radnor police was called in. Kralle then had the former emOffice Unlocked ployee taken to the SGA office for 3/16 questioning. 0 While doing a building check Three Radnor police officers araround ~:30 a.m., public safet~-~u~1 ~j~ed, and_ the for~er e~pl~yee then the president's secretarr~ce;<ti~'-"''> w~questioned, cited with disorderly locked. ~~ W :j)_""-~ coi-d-u,cJ and removed from campus at

-~ J·

11::IDa.~~ • » "'- .; ,,,.,. , - ~ , -~ ~ ~K ;ij"'ock_t~receives strange employee came u/'' pl(cme calls~ )

Disorderly Conduc __


· 3/17 0 A Wigwam angry after hearing that he was fired. As a result of this, he was reported to have been cursing and knocking things off the shelves. Public safety was called in at 11 a.m. Also, the Sodexho manager wanted to press charges for disorderly conduct. Rich Kralle, director of public safety, was called to the scene. Later, the former employee was

,ut- ,,..,. 'J

□-A'.t<':f:6.tJtJ.m., a student at the radio station received "strange" phone calls during her radio shift from an unknown male. He said he was in the building and would be up to see her. Security checked the building, and they could not find a problem.

L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ? ???????9???99????

! Cabrini ♦

Losing streak continues for club 1

~ ?


1Question ~ ?


? Whatdo you think willbe the

? •

better teams in major league baseballthis S88$011?


. by Christina



FfHthan • assl$tant arts & entertainm6nteditor





? ? Amid the snow on the ground, ? ? spnng·............ basi-n ... Fansev......... "6 .,.,,.,....._ ... , ? wberebavec:hosentheirfavoiite~ ?


by Caroline Croley assistant news editor

The dark cloud has not yet been lifted from men's volleyball team. For the last few months, the men's volleyball club has been coming up short in matches, both at home and away. On Wednesday, March 16, Cabrini lost to Lehigh University in three straight games. Even though Cabrini had the home-court advantage, the Cavs still remained behind throughout the night. Senior Brian Wolk said, "Lehigh has a hard, solid team, and they just outdid us." He added, "No one played well at all, because we just did not play together." John Fasolka, a senior and captain, is

• andalready havebegunto arguewith • ? oneanolhetaboutwhowill~ ii to 1 ? tbeWoddSeries.Will therebe more : '"PhiDies -,. or aretbe Atlanta ? known by some players to be the one person ,-,


a ...... ...,

• BravesJaliy forrevet.tfP? • ? AfX:ordiog to PallyCatt,a sopbo- 1 ? more. tbeAtlanta lnves areout for .,. 1 ; revenge."Theyshould haveWOil .last • • yr,ar,•Cattsaid. ? ? JeffWintea,,a· filst.~ student, ?




Friday; March 25, 1994



who can always play well. According to teammates, Fasolka does not say much, but he makes up for his quietness in his game. The team has shown little intensity in their game, and it has been reported that a key aspect to winning is practice.


According to Wolk, everyone says it,

but nobody does anything about it. "We try to help, and there are times "I am sick of losing," Wolk said. "I have when they won't listen," Wolk added. tried to help the team. I think everybody's This year, many players will be graduatjust frustrated. It is my senior year, and it ing. Wolk said he does not know what the is a losing one." team will do without Fasolka. Wolk said Last year was known as a "building Feketics and junior Bob Macartney will be year" for the team. This year, things are returning and should prove to be very domistill questionable. nating and successful. Wolk said the club may benefit from In the game at home against Lafayette having a coach who could be separated College on March 21, the Cavs were defrom the team. · feated in straight sets, 15-2, 15-3, 15-11. However, Wolk also said times may be The team came out flat in the first two tough in the future, since students may have · games but pulled together in the last one problems dealing with this separation· be- and kept the game close. tween student and coach. According to Wolk, "That team is out How does this year's season compare to there in potential every game. We just have last year's? Wolk said that the "old-timers" to get the potential to come out. There is no may have been tough on the rookies, but doubt in my mind that we can play that this year was totally different. way." Wolk said many of the rookies do not Wolk concluded that he does not doubt know the rotations, and they cannot realize the team's potential this year. junior John Feketics is the coach. They do "Playing this year has been like an egg not realize there is a job to be done out on that has got to hatch and has not yet,." the courts. according to Wolk. "We all share the same "Personally, I cannot play when people feelings." fight or with people who won't try to pick Other members of the team were unthemselves up and try their best," Wolk available for comment. Some players chose said. not to comment.

? uap.

·WinlefsalsothinatbeSa ~. Pnmc:isco Giants willdowell~ ., ; of.Bady .lblda.· '"He'll a MVP,...,~.·

•Wmlas'said. .ABbdleAmcmcanl.eague.Wm.,


Im pm the~ WbilieSox be- :1_· • cauae()f theirmt •basemao, .l"raak~ ? '"TheBiallmt" 1ltomas. Ti



11,eyhaveaJalll8,up-aor.t.cmlingpitdm,gstaf4andOleysllauld.fP '! '! far,"Winlas said. ? Iunicr ShawnMcA1ecr • yet aa•




-naePbilJjq won't make it," .. McAlecruid. "'fte~&pos r. aie a y<1UDgteam. 'l'lley.won13 ?

:r gamainarowattbeeadof.tbe

aeason last year,andtheyshouldget

~ '• a wild


1 ~ •


card spot."

Tom :Eagar..a sophomore. disagreed; He saidthat, in tbe National ~. there is a -..up between the Pliillie8and the Bbwes. "'ThePbillicsWillbe backin the Series,.. Eagan said. tbe Ametj.. can league, the•Baltimon:Orioles will be a good team this season." "'TheSt. LouisCardinalswill go far► becausethey didwell last year:' accordingto Billy Bono, a llOph()more. "Mark Whiten, who plays right field,has a good arm. Whiten got four homerunsin onegamelast



? 'f,

.: •f

1 9


? 9. •

? ?


? ?. •




? ?


? season."


~ Yet anotherBravesfan is sopho• mote KeithLapp. "It will be tight in




the American League. though, between the White Sox and the Blue Jays,Yankees andtheOrioles," Lapp said. • Lappis not theonly Yankeesfan ? on this campus. I thinkthe Yankees will do well this season. They have ? a goodpitching staff with two solids ? returners, Jim Abbott and Jimmy ~ Key. Abbott has recorded a no• hitter, and Keywas one of the best ? pitchers during the '93 season. ?• ? •



1 ?

; •

? ?'

? ?


The Yanks havetwo.solidmiddle • fielders,Pat KellyandMike Gallego. ? ? To prove I do not just root for the ? ? home team, the TorontoBlue Jays ? ? have the best line-up in baseball. • •


Nomatterwbobaseballfansc~ for, the fact that springtraining has

? begun gives us hope for wanner




• weatherand hopefullyan exciting ? ? baseballsea.,on. ? ??????????~?~???1 ~

... ....... ~.- .. ~

ll s,,,

Serving: Cabrini College






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Friday, March 25, 1994



Last week in the world of sports by Katina Corrao assistant arts and entertainment editor □ NFL

Clyde Simmons, defensive lineman for the Philadelphia Eagles, signed as a free agent with the Phoenix Cardinals. He signed a four-year contract worth $11 million. Simmons has been reunited with his old coach, Buddy Ryan. Another Eagles' player, line backer Seth Joyner, is negotiating with the Cardinals. ·He just could be the next Eagle to fly the coop and reunite with Ryan. The Phoenix Cardinals will change their name to the Arizona Cardinals, to reflect the state-wide presence they have had since moving from St. Louis in 1988.

0 Baseball Phillies's first baseman John Kruk will begin radiotherapy at Jefferson University Hospital, to prevent the possible spread of cancer. Last Tuesday, Kruk had his cancerous right testicle removed. Although the cancer did not spread to his lymph system, he will have halfhour treatments five days a week for four weeks. The treatment likely will make Kruk drowsy, so he probably will not work during that time. Kruk is not expected to be able to return to action until May. 0 Figure Skating Tonya Harding pleaded guilty to criminal conspiracy against Nancy Kerrigan. She received a probation of three years, a fine of $100,000 and 500 hours of community service. She also agreed to contribute $50,000 to the Special Olympics, to reimburse the legal expenses. She agreed to undergo examinations. Among those testifying was

Scoreboard Men's Tennis

PAC Cabrini Alvemia Beaver Eastern Misericordia Gwynedd Neumann Marywood

Harding's ex-husband, Jeff Gillooly. He told federal investigators that Harding had something to do with the planning of the attack on Kerrigan. Still under investigation are Shane Stant, whom people say struck Kerrigan, Derrick Smith, who confessed to driving the getaway car and Shawn Eckart, Harding's bodyguard, who said he received $2,000 from Gillooly to pay the others to carry out the attack.

0 Soccer The United States tied 1-1 with South Korea in a game that took place in Fullerton, Calif. Marcelo Balboa scored the lone U.S. goal. 0 Alpine Skiing Tommy Moe of Palmer, Ala. won his first World Cup in Whistler, British Columbia. Moe covered the course in one minute, 31.22 seconds. He won two gold medals in the Lillehammer games. Marc Girardelli of Luxembourg came in second, and Werner Perathoner of Italy was third. 0 Ice Hockey Wayne Gretzky moved within three goals of breaking the National Hockey League career goal-scoring record in a game against the Ottawa Senators. The record is held by Gordie Howe, who has 801 goals. Gretzky leads the NHL in points (115) and assists (81). The Flyers are in a race for their playoff lives with the expansion Florida Panthers, the New York Islanders, and the Quebec Nordiques. They ended a recent losing streak with a victory over the St. Louis Blues on Tuesday. Rod Brind'amour, who has been on a hot streak, scored two goals in the game to

lead the Flyers.

0 Basketball The New York Knicks beat the Boston Celtics 105-91. That makes nine wins for New York. Patrick Ewing scored 35 points for New York and had 14 rebounds. The remaining points scored for New York were those of Derek Harper (17), Charles Oakley (16) and Rolando Blackman (13). Sherman Douglas led Boston with 20 points and 10 assists. The 12 added were from Robert Parish, Rick Fox and Dino Radja.

0 Pro Tennis Steffi Graf lost a set for the first time this year but beat Natalia Zvereva 4-6, 6-1, 6-2 in the Lipton Championships. Graf earned $150,000 for her 84th career title. Ranked 14th, Zvereva, 22, fell to 014 against Graf. In the men's finals, Andre Agassi will play Pete Sampras. Agassi has defeated Stefan Edberg, Cedric Pioline and Boris Becker all this week. 0 NCAA Tournament The NCAA Tournament field has been reduced to the Sweet Sixteen. In the East region, Boston College, Indiana, Connecticut, and Florida remain. The survivors in the Southeast are Marquette, Duke, Purdue, and Kansas. In the Midwest region, the remaining squads include Michigan, Maryland, Arkansas, and Tulsa. Finally, the four teams left in the West bracket are Arizona, Louisville, Missouri, and Syracuse. The Final Four will be decide this weekend.

Box scores Scores from week of 3/18-3/24





0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 0 0 1

0 0 0 0

L 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0

Men's Lacrosse

Men's Volleyball

Monday, March 21 Sunday, March 20 Saint Vincent 14, Cabrini 5

Lafayette 3, Cabrini 0 (15-3, 15-2, 15-11)

PAC Cabrini Beaver Alvenia lmmaculata Gwynedd Neumann Eastern Rosemont






1 1


0 0 0 0 2 0

0 2 0 0

1 0 2 0 0 0 0




2 2 2 2 3 0

Father knows best

Cabrini 11, Wesley 1 Cabrini 5, Wesley 3

What team ended UCLA's streak of NCM basketball championships at seven? Who was the coach? -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman

Tuesday, March 22 Beaver 10, Cabrini 7 Cabrini 8, Beaver 4

A quote to note "I was with Philadelphia."

-former 76er Jeff Hornacek, on why it was not bad timing for his wife to be expecting during the playoffs

to Mac

How? Thatis my onlyqueslioa..Howin the world can BostonOJllege,a team that was blown out by 23 points in the BigF.ast Tournament,bealNorthCarolina, I team thatWOii thedlampioasbip of thetn11gbcllt~ illtfaeCOUDlry, theACC!

How? What·was


oa Ille samecourtwidaJC~ TireWarrioncoaldn't evenwintlireOMt Midwest CoufaCIIP,but..._ daoywae blowilaKaDetf outaSaday. 11» 811111KeacudtyteamthatWJ\a


Ila No. l Arbnm a weeta,o. How? And couldaomebody~explaill to me bow a bundl of mMIIDIOI tr.. Maryland,a team that WII prayiagjust to 8Cfin the Toumameatc:aa-o,w 90pointsapinsttJMMI.


of the bl.'&ddMr ~~:l



gets into someof these teams come March. Teamstbatcan'teveowinsplit-tqUad saimmagesinFebruarybeccneworldbeaten in March? How? The amwer will probablynever be found, but it is these upsell that make the NCAATournamenttbclD(Jltunfor. gettable, inaedt'ble spordng event going today. Even though my pool is busted, thanksto a groupof misfitsat Marquette and a cheap foul by a B.C. power forward.I find it awfullyhardto be disaf>'

This is after all, March Madness. The time whenthe unexplainableoften happens. And, as a true sportsfan, I find the story of the underdog heartwarming. Which explains why I will probably be rooting for the Tulsa Golden Hurri-

L 1 1

Tap in


Women's Softball

Saturday, March 19 Women's softball


Trivia answer Bobby Knight is the only person to play in three and coach in three National Championship basketball games. Knight played for Ohio State, and coached for Indiana. -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman

canes this weekend when they take on Arkansas, the new odds-on favorite_ And why I will be pulling for a team led by Joe Smith and a man named Exree Hipp, who wears his socks up to his hips. By the way, they pl~y for the Maryland Terrapins, a team that will try to upset the Michigan Wolverines this weekend. Perhaps the biggest upset of all occurred in the Western bracket, where perennial early-round losers Missouri, Syracuse, and Arizona all managed to avoid losing. It just goes to show you how fickle the NCAA Tournament really is, I can't explain it. Just sit back, watch, and prepare to be amazed. The impossible will happen. . I just don't know how.




Friday, March 25, 1994

Lacrossefallsto Sacred Heart at 'home' by Shella Brady assistant features editor

The sun was shining brilliantly, and there was a cool breeze in the air. It was a perfect day for a lacrosse game. Or was it? Instead of battling Maritime Academy of Maine on Thursday, March 17, eight members of the lacrosse team were busy shoveling snow off the tattered, muddy field they had hoped to play on that very hour. There had been confusion all week as to · where the team would play. Cabrini's field was comprised of half-snow and half-soaking wet mud. Therefore, Upper Darby High School's and St. Joseph's University's fields were considered by the team as possible sites for its "home" game. The game ultimately was canceled. The only possible time the Cavaliers could play their game against Sacred Heart University was at 9:30 a.m., Sunday, March 20, at St. Joe's. The team lost the game, 14-

5. The team arrived at the field with empty stomachs, because the cafeteria was not open for them on Sunday morning. "It's pretty hard to play a game of lacrosse with no food in your stomach," coach Randy Mills said. SODEXHO manager Donna Beck said no one called to notify her of the early lacrosse game. According to Beck, if someone would have communicated the situation to her, SODEXHO would have provided a continental breakfast for the team, or at least provided box lunches, including fruits and juices. According to Mills, Sacred Heart had eaten at the diner and were all fueled up and ready to go. Empty stomachs was jµst one factor that played into the loss. Injuries was another. In the first half, Cabrini lost three starting players to injury. Sophomore Tom Hafler was forced off the field as the result of a shoulder separation. After a recurrent thigh bruise,junior Matt Craig also was removed. The third loss was sophomore Kyle Simons. As the result of a knee injury, he could not continue to play.

Another major factor, according to the team, was a lack of mental concentration. "Our heads weren't into the game," sophomore goaltender Kevin Besemer said. "We weren't ready to play" Nevertheless, by the end of the first half Besemer received 28 shots on goal. He saved 21 of them. The second goaltender, first-year student Kevin Camp, also was put to the test. He, like Besemer, passed with flying colors. Camp saved 19 shots in the second half. "Our defense is good, but it needs improvement," according to Jim Harvey, assistant coach. "It is our strong point, though. Our offense is lacking." Sacred Heart's defense was strong, and the team made its presence known, according to Harvey. Sacred Heart was intimidating, and Cabrini's offense did not rise to the occasion. "We weren't able to capitalize our offense," co-captain Jimmy Oliver, a sophomore, said. "We were not consistent." However, the Cavs scored, to keep themselves in the game. First-year student Clark Mowrey scored two goals, along with one each from co-captain Nate Carter, a sophomore, and first-year students Joe Collins and Jason Post. This was a big change, compared to two of the team's previous games. "We did a lot of hard hitting in our first two games," Besemer said. "We played tough lacrosse." The Cavs' motivation and mental concentration was obvious with a powerful win, 9-1, against St. Vincent's in Latro and a close loss of 11-10 against Marietta in Ohio. "If we had played the game we played against Stockton State two weeks ago, on Sunday," Harvey said, "the score would have been a different story." Some team members feel that, once they practice outside regularly, success will be evident .again. "There were a lot of factors that played a part in the game," Mills said. "There are no excuses. We win as a team, and we lose as a team." Oliver said, "We are just going to have to come out and play harder next time."

photo by AMe MarieMauro

First-year student Jason Post goes on the attack against Sacred Heart College on Sunday.

Lady Cavs start season off with a bang by Brian Slatkowski assistant sports editor

Women's softball had never beaten them before. And going into Saturday's double-header, the team had not even had the chance to practice on a field. Last season, the Lady Cavs were 8-13. But this season, the women's softball team knows no bounds. Along with a cold blistering wind, the Cabrini women's softball team swept through Wesley College in Dover, Del. last Saturday and left with a pair of wins, 11-1 and 5-3 respectively. In the first game, sophomore Niki Rose collected a win and a complete game, giving up only one run. The offense produced 11 runs, thanks to aggressive base-running, according to third baseman senior Eileen Doyle. Doyle added, "We stole a lot of bases

along with some very solid hitting." The second game was pitched by junior Jenn Wunsch and Rose. Wunsch pitched two solid innings and took home the win, and Rose picked up the save, finishing off the second half of the 4inning game. On their second road trip in four days, the softball team took to the field for another double-header against the defending PAC champs, Beaver College. The first game, pitched by Rose, ended in a 10- 7 loss. Assistant coach, senior Dave King, said, concerning the teams performance, "We came out tough, and they slowly crept back. We were ahead 6-2 after the first three innings." Jenn Wunsch went the distance pitching the second game, allowing only four runs in seven innings. Wunsch also must have been attending batting prac-

'CabriniCol1egehas never seen a softballteam likewe have thisyear.' -seniorCharlyneAdams

'They have goodself-esteemand are notafraidto win.' -softballcoachJim Hedtke tice. She went 4-4 at the plate, three of her hits being doubles. The 8-4 win on the tail end of the doubleheader was a result of "great fielding," according to Rose. "And Jenn (Wunsch) ate her Wheaties," according to Rose. Coach Jim Hedke said, "It was the little performances that count. Chris (Lear) put down a key bunt to break the game open in a critical situation." First-year first baseman Chris Lear thought Beaver would be their toughest competition., After the fust game loss, it is tough to come back, said Charlyne Adams. Adams, a senior, said, "To come back from a loss in the 1st game is a tough thing, especially versus Beaver." What comes along with a 3-1 overall record is optimism. Adams said, "Cabrini

College has never seen a softball team like we have this year." Hedke said the team is working together and is very intense about the season. "They have good self-esteem and are not afraid to win," Hedke said. The team is very optimistic, according to Hedke. "They are a good team, I almost want to say a very good team. They set high goals. They want to win the PAC." The Lady Cavs also hope to end the season with the most softball wins in a season at Cabrini. Cocky? "It ain't braggin' if you can do it," Hedke said. The team is still young. In the Beaver game, five freshman started, along with one senior. The next contest for the team is another away game on Monday, March 28, against Chesnut Hill.

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