Friday,April15,1994 Vol.XL,No.22 CabriniCollege Radnor,Pa. 19087 .)~
................................. )it
Cabrinipreparesfor 'Atta Nafta' ness in theDelawareValleycan take advantage of the doors opened by NAFfA assistant managing and perspectives editor NAFf A was enacted this past January after nearly a year-long battle. The agreement has Business leaders in the DelawareValley are many elements, such as lifting all tariffs over coming-toCabrini to discuss the North Amerthe next 15 years,allowingtruckersto cross the ican Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). They Mexican border freely and the creation of a will spend the day speaking with students and North American bank that will lend money to local businesspersons on the effect NAFf A communities severely affected by NAFfA will have upon the community. Bernstockwill be joined by the Presidentof The keynote speaker and four panelists Campbell's de Mexico, Octavio Sanchez were invited by Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, colMejorada, to conduct a master's class for Calege president, and the board of trustees. brini students and to be a panelist during the Iadarola said a board member approached conference. Mejorada is responsible for all of her with the idea of inviting the speakers, and Campbell Soup company's business in Mexitogether, they extended invitations to the five co. businesspersons. He will discusstherealisticexpectationsfor The conference is being sponsored by both anyoneconsideringbusinessoperationsin MexCabrini and the Campbell Soup company. Lo- . ico, including the business culture. cal businesses in the Delaware Valley have The master's class will discuss the internabeen invited to attendthe conference,as well as tional experience of business, from language all Cabrini faculty and staff members. barriers and cultural differences to working in TheconferencewillbeheldThursday,April an internationalmarket. 21, in the Widener Center lecture hall, from 3 Cabrini students were nominated by the to5 p.m. faculty to attend the master's class. This type President of International Soup Division of forum has been used by Cabrini in the past and Vice President of Campbell Soup compaand, according to John Heiberger, assistant ny, Robert F. Bernstock, will be the keynote professor of business administration, it is an speaker. Bernstock is responsible for opportunity for students to speak with the Campbell's operations in Canada, Mexico, business leaders one-on-one. Australia and Asia (excluding Japan), as well Later in the day, the two Campbell's execas for global marketing initiative. utives will be joined by three other business He will address the audience on how busiby Margaret Maio
leaders, to hold a panel discussion. The panel will discuss the opportunities created by NAFfA for business. The three other panelists are Carlos V. Duno, vice president of business strategy for Scott Paper company, Anil Shrikhande, vice president of public sectormarketingfor Unisys Corporation and Deborah F. Cohen, esquire, Mexican-Americanbusiness alliance. Each panelist will speak about a particular aspectofNAFT A Duno will addressthe issue of how businesses must prepare their employees for an internationalmarket in such areas as culture and politics. Cohen,who workswiththe Mexican-American businessalliance,will discus.5Mexicantrade relations.Theallianceseekstopromotetradewith andinvestmentinMexico,byprovidinganeduca-
tionalandeconomicforumforbusinessentrepreneursinvolvedin tradewith Mexico. Shrikhande's message will focus upon the technologicalopportunitiesthat existin theother countriesthat have adopted NAFTA He will assessNAFTAin thecontextof a changingworld and offer somepredictionsof what stepsmay be takennext. The final panelist,Duno,will seekto shedthe mythsaboutdoingbusinesswithMexico.Healso will addresshow the opportunitiessouth of the borderwill benefitmatureAmericanandCanadianbusinesses. The opportunitiescreatedby NAFf A arenumerous, according to published reports. The UnitedStateswillnotonlybenefitinbusiness,but the other countrieswill have an opportunityto groweconomicallyas well.
'We give 'til it hurts'
Communityser.;icebenefitsall involved by Renee Rozniatoskl staff writer
Leah Mulioli wakes up on Sunday morning knowing she has a long week ahead of her. A part-time job turns this day of rest into one of work. When Monday comes, a fulltime job at Telephone Pioneers (AT&T) and community service projects begin the week. On Wednesday, she makes her way to Cabrini for a night class. With the hustle and bustle of her busy week, her social life is put on hold. Community service is more than a requirement to a Cabrini Organizational Management Program (COMP) student. It is a "life-long commitment," Dr. Valerie Ward Hollis, director of the COMP department, said. With classes, work, family and 10 hours of service, COMP students juggle responsibilities to complete their courses of study. Seminar 300 is a course required of all COMP students that mandates 10 hours of community service. COMP student Mulioli is a prime example of a student with many activities to juggle. She works full-time at AT&T and has a part-time job, as well. In her spare time, Mulioli volunteers 225 hours each year with the Telephone Pioneers of America. She authorized a program that helps deaf
Inside ... vNEWS
The recent death of Kurt Cobain brings to light the issue of suicide and how it affects college students.
Loquitur reviews 'Rags,' the most ambition endeavor of the theater department.
and disabled people of the community by telecommunication devices. This project placed third in the J.C. Penney/National Organization on Disability Awards Program. Mulioli said her many activities can be very stressful. Time management is necessary to balance her time. Many COMP students are involved in community service projects prior to enrolling in Seminar 300. This course allows students, be they COMPstudents or students of junior status, to fulfill course requirements while helping others. The seminar also gives those students an opportunity to become active in things they find of personal interest. COMP student Steve Hill participates in the marketing and finance committees of the Indian Creek Foundation. This organization deals with helping retarded adults. Hill assists in raising money for activities such as the Rock and Stroll, an annual carnival. According to the continuing education news letter, "Hill feels that careful time management will permit students to do something for the common good." Hollis said she feels many students really change after their service projects. One student, she recalled, spent a day with a drug and
photo by Eric Barbuscia
Red Cross employee Iris Paige assists sophomore Tim McManus in giving blood during the recent Blood Drive, which was held on Monday, April 11.
see more SERVICE on pg. 8
ee k at a GIance ... FRIDAY V7:35 p.m. Phillies vs Reds VB p.m. "Rags" performed in Grace Hall Atrium. Red Cloud open after performance.
A .pn
V9:30 p.m. SGA '70s party in WCGA. VB p.m. "Rags" in Grace Hall Atrium. Red Cloud open after performance.
VlO p.m. Movie night, Zebrahead, Xavier Great Room. Free.
V7:30 a.m. Washington D.C. trip. VB p.m. "Rags" in Grace Hall Atrium. Red Cloud open afterward.
VB p.m. "Stop
dieting to lose weight,"Xavier Great Room. VCultural Awareness Week Activities
V7:30p.m. Spirit of Sankofa Dancers, Atrium. Free.
V9:30 p.m. Master Lee Comedy Show, WCGAFree.
I1--E_d_ito_ri_a_l __________
-..II IViewpoint
Immigrants'dreams lead from 'Rags' to riches Today, America is referred to as the melting pot of the world. According to the composer of ''Rags," Charles Strouse, America was not the melting pot it had appeared to be. "Everyone fought to get out, and for sure it was the fighting that made all the sounds happen: rhythm you've never heard and you'll never hear again," Strouse said. The spring theater production "Rags" centers around the immigration to America. Immigrants landed in New York on Ellis Island filled with hopes and dreams of a better tomorrow. But tomorrow never came for many of these people. Mother Cabrini, for whom this college was named, lived among the immigrants with her order of missionary sisters. She saw the plight of these people and dedicated her life to helping them. Mother Cabrini assisted them with food, jobs, housing, medical assistance and adaptation to American life. She did all of this, even when her own life was worse than those of the immigrants. Many Cabrini students have parents or grandparents who experienced the same or similar plight of the immigrants Mother Cabrini sought to help. It was this connection, along with the spirit of Mother Cabrini, that brought "Rags" to our college. ' It is a moving and entertaining play that causes one to think about the hardships that many face when immigrating into this country. The is not just a story, it is the history of our country, a history made up of the lives of parents and grandparents who took a chance and moved to a new land. A chance for us, whatever generation we may be, to have the opportunities and life they dreamed about. "Rags" is our story.
IUQS and Downs
The opening of the spring production "Rags" was sold-out on April 8, and people had to be turned away. But, have no fear, audience members learned their lesson and attended earlier the next night, to enjoy the performance. This semester's blood drive had a lot of people willing to give their blood away for juice and donuts. Seriously, thanks to everyone who participated with the event. They just may have saved someone's life.
The senior challange was a good idea and beneficial to the development to Cabrini for future years. Also, the beer helped to wash down those "great" finger foods. Spring cleaning is a chore most people detest, but the men in Casey House took advantage of this ritual and dumped all their trash in the front yard. Some items that can be found scattered around are beer cans, a broken chair and even a crutch. Did you guys ever hear of trash cans?
Friday, April 15, 1994
The perils of the magnificent seven and their posse Heather McAllister, ·editor in chief
It's not often that I'm struck speechless. I don't like uncomfortable silences, so I try my best to cover them. At times, what I'm saying may not make much sense, but at least I can babble and fill the empty spaces with words. Here was a situation I wasn't handling well. I just dido 't know what to say. I think I've dealt with unpleasantness before, but this was different. It was time to announce the new editors for next year, and I was having an anxiety attack. I figured a year-end pep talk would be appropriate. So what did I say? To my board"U m, thank you." To the new board- "I wish you all the best of luck." That's all I could come up with? Aren't I supposed to be a writer, or something? I couldn't think of anything better? What could I possibly say to the six people who have meant the most to me this year? "Thank you" seemed so inadequate, but it was like my thoughts shut off automatically. My mind blanked out, and I couldn't breathe. The year is dwindling down, and I have mixed emotions about ending my time as editor in chief. On the one hand, I'm thrilled that the end is near. I can't wait to get my life back, to just be "Heather," instead of always being associated with the paper. I look forward to being able to have normal conversations with people again, without them looking at me twice, trying to figure out if I'm pumping them for information to be printed in the paper. I hope to be able to go to the bathroom in the Widener Center without someone questioning me, from the next stall, about a story. I can try to be a good student again who gets enough sleep, actually in a bed and not on the sofa outside student development. No more sofa burns on my face! I'm almost done! But that~s not the full story. I wouldn't trade my time as an editor for anything in the world. I've learned more this year than from any other. Most importantly, I've learned to be a team player in a high pressure sport, and my teammates have made all the difference. What I wanted to say to the six other editors is that I could not have maintained my sanity, during the most difficult year of my life, without their support. I am not the same person I was in September, as a result of different situations that were out of my control, but somehow the editors put up with a new-and-unimproved me. I don't think any of the editors realized the magnitude of the jobs we were attempting until we advanced into the heart of the year, but we hung together, despite our countless arguments. Even though some of us hated one another, at times, and lots of people hated the board as a whole, we managed to block it all out and keep going. And going and going, through what felt like thousands of snowstorms and school closings . But sometimes people liked us, and, more
often than not, we had fun with one another. I didn't get a gnawing feeling in the pit of my stomach anymore, when I walked into the newsroom. Instead, I felt like a character on "Cheers," as everyone called out my name. Some people might think it's scary that I felt more comfortable there than practically anywhere else on campus, but it's true. I knew as soon as I walked in the newsroom, at least one friend would be waiting there, and I could vent my emotions to my heart's content. Sometimes, I even managed to get a little work done. However, maintaining the rapport with the other editors and trying my best to keep us focused and sane was my main goal. I attempted to get rid of the black cloud that hovered over the newsroom, while putting out a quality newspaper, and not a yearbook, every week. So I wasn't a perfect editor. So I made mistakes. I'm proud of the past year of Loquitur because I made six close friends who shared my life and truly cared about whether I was traveling across a peak or a valley. I will treasure our distinctly unique relationship as a board. I do wish the new board the best of luck and friendships for the upcoming year. I am confident the new editors will take Loquitur to the next level and be able to soar, through the power of their group. Six special friends gave me my wings this year. They taught me well. I can only hope I won't forget how to fly without their guidance.
!Staff Edit0I'in Ctief: Healller McAlist..-
lwlaghg Edlor: DanieleDIMMlo P8ISp8dlves Edilllr. DanielleDiMa0o
Assislant Managng and Perspectives Editllrs: MargeretMaloand a,eVMlngen Co-NewsEdlor. Steve May Co-NewsEdtor: KellyMcDonald Assistart
Edbs: caroine Ooley and catheme SmoCherman
Feah.resEc:ttor:Gay'Mile Assistart Feah.resEdiblr:Shela llla<ty
Ms and Emr1ai'Ynenl Edlor: GayWite
AssiSlantMs and Enlertaiment Edtors: KalinaCarao and ctristi1a Feehan SportsEdler. Bob Macamey
AssiSlantSportsEdtor. BrianSialkowski
Copy Editor.Doug Epple!' AssiSlantCopy Edlor. RichJasper Wrttrg Coach: Doug Epple!'
AssiSlantLayout and Graphics Edlor. Diane Wrollleski
Ca1Dcrisls: Bryan Bel, Heelhef -
and Kaina Carao
Busi1ess Manager. KasenSzl::ruek
Assislant Busi,ess Manager. Kalhy Malone PholcgraphyEdms: Eric Batbuscia & Dawnielle~ PholcgraphyAd\liser: Dr.cater Qaigie
Adviser. Dr.Jerome ZLrek Stall: ~ Holl, Regire Miler, -
Aoztal61<1,Celene Wrighl
Pholcgraphy Staff: Lisa Blano, GarolheOoley, JaTiie Lalshaw, Ame MarieMalm, KellyMcDonald Loquiluris po.JlW1edweek1yclmg the school yea,:by of cabrin Coleg&,Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 61o-97H!412. ~ price is $25 per yea,:and is included ;, 1he benefits sewed by 1ultionand S1Udent fees. l..oquluf weloomes tellers to the edlor. ~ should be sig,ed and the 111.ChMhip krown the edlora. Haweller,tt the writer wishes, andtheeclittlragees, 1heWl'fter'snanemay beleft off1he lel!arand sn i"lsaiplion inserted, such as "name wltneld at the l9Cµl6I of the wnter."~ should be typed, dooole-spaced and 300 words i'l length. tt a is too long, the edilor mayedl or a:ridense l ~ must be submilled by noon on Mondays.
Edilaials and opinions arethe views of the edlorial slaff aroi'ldividual wrilersand not the enli'e S1Udentbody, faculy o, ari 1■ lllllelioo L lDcµb.r is e&labliShedas a fo!\ln tor student a,cpre8llior1 and • uni'lhbi8d, and open ~ of is&ues.
Friday, April 15, 1994 .__I
0--"'--p_in_io_n _ __.JILetter
Be all you can be, Cabrini in the Peace Corps students
contribute time and effort to volunteer program
Kevin Ohlandt, senior
I have always wanted things, but I have To the editor: never needed them. There is a vital difference between the two. Wanting is that feelOn March 19, 1994, St. Aloysius Acading you get when you just have to have the emy held its annual fundraiser. St. Aloysius latest Pearl Jam album or that cool sweater Academy is located in Bryn Mawr, serving from Structure. Things people should not be the educational needs of boys in preschool ashamed of. But needing is when you don't Montessori through grade 8. have a home or enough food on the table or a Eighteen students from Cabrini College way to get either of them. I have never been volunteered their time to work at our in need during my 23 years of life. .fundraiser and help make it such a success. I recently met a man who does need. His The volunteer effort was coordinated by name is Scott. He lives in West Virginia and Claudia Rodriguez. We would like to thank receives a small Social Security check from Ms. Rodriguez and the following students the government once a month. He has shelter who were present that night: and 70 acres ofland, but this is all he has. He bought the land for about $6,000 with the Karen May help of his children, but he does not have a Kristen Olejniczak bathroom or refrigeration, and he cooks off Bryn Lion of a home-made brick stove. Sam Ewing This is all that he wants. To Scott, money Paula DiPaolo is not the most important thing in the world. Marty Meenan I have thought about this a great deal in the Janice Reuter month-and-a-half since I spent a week in the Dan Bradley mountains of Appalachia. I would rather be Joelle Spagnola like Scott, who has nothing and is happy, Joel McGovern than be rich and always "wanting." Money Andrea Galasso does not buy happiness; it is how you live Frank Petrane your life. Kayce Pottichen I previously had wanted to graduate from Danny Monaco college and then find a job at a publishing Katie Clark firm. But since this particular field is not John Quiros hiring these days, I have decided to try my Joy Aselta hand at something different for a while. I am Jamie Shaak in the process of enrolling with the Peace Corps. Their representation of the school was I realize this will be a total sacrifice on my exemplary in appearance and manner. We part. I will have to give up everything. I appreciate their efforts. don't care, because I know I will be helping people who can't help themselves. I accept that I can't change the world. Too many Thank you, people want to help people, but they use that Mrs. Anne Bonner, fact as an excuse. No one person can change co-chairperson the world. But with all of us working towards a common goal, all of our small differences can add up to positive, big changes. Yes, I will be g9ing head first into poverty-stricken areas. Yes, I could get killed or catch some strange disease. I will live in environments to which I am not accustomed. I will not be able to see my family or friends Mike Troupe is from Mannerville, Jafor two years. But what I will receive is a maica, which is 65 miles west of Kingston. joy, a type of happiness that is indescribable. We regret the error. If I can make one person's life better by giving my own, then I have made a difference.
I !Survey Student Academic Council Survey SAC is conducting a survey to determine whether or not there is a demand for extended library hours. Please help us by taking a minute to fill this out. Thank you. 1. Are you a:
__ __
First-year student Sophomore Junior Senior
2. When do you use the library most? after 5 p.m. after 8 p.m. after 10 p.m.
__ __ __
3. What do you use the library for most often?
__ __
Resource materials Quiet place to study Other, if so explain
4. What days do you utilize the library most after 8 p.m.? __ Sunday __ Monday __ Tuesday __ Wednesday __ Thursday __ Friday __ Saturday
5. Would you use the library more if the hours were extended until 12 midnight? __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Comments, Suggestions:
or have you ever been a Leo? so,We
Need You!
The Lions Club International is starting a Chapter at Cabrini College. If you are interested, contact Marianne DeFruscio in the Student Activities Office ext. 8407.
yes no
6. If 'yes,' on what days?
Resident Commuter Continuing education Graduate student
Elementary Education/ Child Psychology Major
Please send resume to:
Children 2 and 4 years. Elegant C.C. Philadelphia home. Live-in or out. No housekeeping. Summer weekends at the beach.
Barbara Eberlein 1809 Cyprus St. Philadelphia, PA19103
Friday, Apri I 15, 1994
Second in a series
An on-going report on mental health issues that affect college students.
Depression and Suicide Fact an·d Fiction
Counseling seNices provides knowledge, help AcconlingtoLevine,peoplewho areexperiencingclinicaldepression need professionalhelp. She said Depressionisaveryhardthingto thereare severaldifferenttherapies define.ltissomethingthateveryone that depressedpeoplecan pursue. isfamiliarwith,beingoneofArneriMedicationis also an option,but a ca'smostcommondisorders,but no professionalmustberonsulted. one knowsmuch about. Dr. Heidi Thepamphletsaidamentalhealth Levine,directorofcounselingservicprofessionalshould be consulted es,definesdepre&Sionbywhatitisoot. whenanyofthefollowingproblems "Depressionisdifferentthanjust areexperienced:whenpainorprobdown inthedumpsor blue,"Levine lemsbecomelargerthanpleasures, said Trueclinicaldepression,l.evine when symptomsare so severethat said,includesallthefeelingsof sadthedailyisinterrupted,orwhenstress nessanddespair,but on a seemssooverwhelmingthatsuicide andmoreintenselevel. seemsto be a viableoption. Signsthatsomeoneis clinically Levine said it is importantto depressedare eitherphysicalcom- destigmatizedepression.She said plaints,changesin feelingsor in be- oursocietyseesdepressionasweakhavior.Levinesaidpeoplewhoare ne$,especiallyinrnen,andthiskeeps depressedfeelsadmostof the time, manypeoplefromseekingprofescrymorethanusual,lackenergy,feel sionalhelp. hopeless,haveint.ensefeelingsofanx- Levinealsosaiditisimportantfor ietyandguiltandoftenarepreoccu- familyandfriendsto holdout hope piedwith deathand or suicide(see fortheirdepressedlovedone. relatedstory). "It'sirnportanttoletthemknow Accordingtothepamphlet"Un- that 'You're not weak, you need derstandingDepression,"releasedbyhelp,"'Levinesaid. Finally,Levineandthepamphlet theBoardofTrusreesofthe Universibothsaiditisimportantforpeopleto tyofll.linoi5,depres5ioncanbesparlred by manydifferentthings.''Oftenitis realiz.ethatsuicideand depression theresultofanunhappyevent,suchasarelinked. The pamphletsaysthat the deathof a lovedone,"the pam- often suicideis the naturalend of depres.5ion. phletsaid. by Steve May co-news editor
Celebrity suicide reveals larger issue by Steve May co-news editor
KurtCobain,leadsingerfortherock groupNirvana,wason topof theworld. Hisband'slatestalburn, "In Utero,"was on top of the charts,Nirvanahad been asked to headline this summer's Lollapaloozatour,he hadjust kickeda heroinaddictionandhis familylifewas improving. Thenthingsstartedto fallapart."In Utero"begantoslipinthecharts,Nirvana 'pulledout of the tourand Cobainwas back.inrehab.Cobainmadean"accidental" suicideattemptin Romein March, and thingslookedbleak. Cobainhad been battlingwithdepressionfor years, andheseemedtohavefallenintoanother deepperiodofit. Then,on April 2 Cobain'smother, Wendy0'Connor,reportedtherockstar missing.On Friday,April 8, Cobain's bodywasdisooveredinhisSeattlehome witha suicidenoteattached. Cobain'srecentdeathbringsthedark causeofpa.5tabuseorneglect, peoplefeel usuallymeans that they are really far photo by Eric Barbuscia andoftenmisundelstoodtopicofsuicide so frustratedthattheonlyway theycan along in the planningprocess(for the This photo illustrates the dark, murky world of depression and suicide. intothepublic'sview. get back at the abusersis to commit suicide)." Peoplekillthemselvesinlarge munLevinewarnedloved ones of "ensuicide. bers. Accordingto theNationalCenter Cobaincase,cancauseawholerealrnof suicideisthemedia Levinesaidtheidea ''This is e~emely difficultfor the abling''pa;gblevictim5,orallowingthem, forHealthStatistics,suicideisthe ninth problems.Ouster suicides,in whicha ofsuicidewillnotbeplantedifsomeone peoplewhoareleftbehind,''Levinesaid.tocontinuethebehaviorwithoutseeking leadingcauseofdeathinArnerica.Tobe stringof ''related"suicidestake place isnotalreadythinkingaboutitbymedia "Theyareleftwithprofoundguilt,more professionalhelp,bysayingtheywillbe one,lingerforweeks. coverage.Butshesaidthatpublicityofan precise,29,7ffJpeoplecommittedsui- aftera publiciz.ed thananythingelse. They feelthey are theretolisten.Shesaidthisputsanunfair Also,cultural icons, suchasCobain,can importantfigure'ssuicide, toanimprescidein1992 Andthe15-34agegroupis responsible. It's really a horrendous burdenon thefamilymemberor friend push youngpeoplewho were already sionablegroup, caninfluencethosewho andkeepsthepersonfromthehelpthey particularlyatrisk(seerelatedgraph). burden." havebeen thinkingofsuicide. need. AccordingtoDr. HeidiLevine,direc- suicidalovertheedge. Levinesaidwarningsignsforsuicide "WithCobain,itwasveryclearwhat torofcounselingservices,youngpeople, Alcoholanddrugs,whichlooseninincludetalkofkillingoneself,apreoccu- Levineremindedpeopletobecaring especiallyadolescents,oftenthinkofsui-lubitions,alsohelpmakesuicidemoreofhewantedtodo,"Levinesaid,referring pation with death,marked change of andapproachthepersontheysuspectof beingsuicidalin a roncernedway. It is cideasanoption,becausetheythinktheyan option.Drugsdefinitelyaffectedthe to Cobain's suicide note. "But with behavior,givingthingsaway,isolationor Cobain case. Levine said use of drugs others,it'smurky." importantforthispersontoknowthereis willnot die. an extrememoodswing,from depresand alcohol cuts down on rational thinksomeonewhocares. Levine said there are many reasons Levinesaidapersonwhoissuicidalis siontocalmandpeace. Finally,shesaidtherearemanyways not thinkingrationally.She said teen- ing andalso increasesirnpulsivity.For forcommittingsuicideandmanydiffer- Levinethe latterUSllally is the sign forpeopletogethelp(seerelatedlist). She someone who has been thinking of suienttypes. Butshesaidsuicideisprimarily agersandyoungadultswhoaresuicidal thatthe personhasmadethedecisionto saidmanypeopleexperience"suicidal cide, these substances can make suicide attempted or committed out of a feeling areevenmoreirrationalandcannotmake gothroughwiththesuicideattempt. Many crises,"in whichtheyfeelsuicidalfor a ofhopelessness. theconnectionbetweensuicideanddeath.easier. warningsignsarelinkedtothoseofadeepwhile and then, for most people, the A moreinsidiousfactorthataffects "Theirfuturelooksbleak,"Levine Shealsosaidpublicity,suchasinthe depression(seerelatedstory). traumapasses,andtheyareabletorope said. 'Tuey often '"Thebestwaytoapproachsomeone again. areinf6Ychicpain." (aboutthesewarningsigns)is to be diIt is importantto knowhow to help l.evinealsosaid rect,"Levinesaid."Go rightupto them peoplewho do not rome out of these anger is often a and ask if theyare planningon killing crises. In the case of Cobain, he was NationalCenterfor HealthStatistics motiveforsuicide. themselves."Mostofthetime,theywill unabletogetoutofbisdepression,andno Sometimes, begivean honestanswer.If theydon't, it oneknewhowto helphim.
Suicides1992 Statistics
5000 4500
o 2500
How to get help ...
E :::, 1500 z 1000
Support groups
~ 4000
:g3500 ~ 3000
~ 2000
500 1-14
indMdualcounselingand referrals 971-8561
25-34 45-54 65-7 4 15-24 35-44 55-64
Age Range Men
. This graph represents the number of people who committed suicide ,n 1992; 24,260 men and 5,500 women took their lives. Dr. Heidi Levine, director of counseling services, said more women attempt suicide, but more men. are successful, because they are more violent in their attempts.
Suicide hotlines ClYouth Crisis Une 1-80(),,,448.468
ClCrlals Hotllnes 447-6081.879-4402
Depression.Suicide TreatmentCenters a NationalAlliancefor the Mentally HI(NAIii) informationand treatment 2101 Wilson BMt .• Suite 302 Ar1ington,Va., 22201 (703) 524-7600
o MoodDlsorclar8Program The Instituteof Pennsylvania Hospital (215) 471-2542
a Bryn Mawr HoepltaJ..Emergen,, cyRoom crisis careavalrable 52&-3577
Friday, April 15, 1994
DiningOut by Jane S. Van lngen assist. managing & perspectives editor
Walk into the brightly lit Friendly's, a place always filled with chatter and good food. There are many Friendly's restaurants across the country, but the one closest to Cabrini is in the King of Prussia Mall Plaza. Friendly's is not just another ice cream parlor. It also has a breakfast menu for early birds who want to enjoy eggs, pancakes, coffee or waffles. For lunch and dinner, Friendly's has a menu for seniors and kids, so it is not surprising that kids and the 65+ crowd are regulars. The menu includes soups and features salads, such as seafood, chicken, oriental and tuna. A great appetizer to get is chicken and cheese quesadillas. The two can be or-
FEATURES taste to them. The meal was just the right amount, but it left just enough room for those who want to go on to ice cream. Ice cream and shakes are, of course, what Friendly's is known for. You can take out ice cream from within the restaurant, and there also is a take-out stand adjacent to the eating area. The shakes are called fribbles and have the usual flavors. Friendly's also offers rich, smooth ice cream sodas and floats. The sundaes are not for the weak-minded. They invite you to go all out and indulge yourself. They have interesting flavors, like toasted almond fudge, black raspberries and maple walnut. They also have frozen yogurt, for those who wish to be somewhat good. You can mix and match toppings and sauces. Options include gummy bears with peanut butter sauce, brownies with strawberry or heath bar with hot fudge. I originally ordered a deep dish apple sundae. Vanilla ice cream, topped with crunchy apples smothered in a rich, piping hot apple sauce, was just what I had in mind. Unfortunately, the restaurant ran out of this choice, so I went with second best. I got a happy ending sundae, with cookies and cream ice cream and hot fudge. It comes with girl scouts' thin mint cookies, which make it the perfect little ending to a meal. When my sundae came, I was a little disappointed, because it dido 't come with the
cookie. But it came with a mandarin cherry, which is almost as good. The hot fudge was not piping hot, but it also was not sticky, as it is in some places. It is rich, creamy and smooth, just as it should be. The ice cream is creamy, chunky and scrumptious, and it does not have hard, icy spots. The whipped cream is light and airy and goes well with the other items in the sundae. The happy ending sundaes are a great snack and a great way to end a meal. The special sundae includes a huge, five-scoop serving of ice cream with a choice of toppings. Other ice cream selections include the brownie, chocolate chip cookie dough, M&M, heath bar crunch, Reeces pieces, Recees peanut butter cups and snickers sundaes. Friendly's is a good place to relax after school or work, to chat with a few friends or to have some time alone. It also is a good place to go with the kids. The service usually is slow, and that is the only thing I don't like about the chain. However, when I went, my burger came within 10 minutes. In general, it is not the place to dine when you are in a rush. Prices: $1.35 to $3 for ice cream $2 to 4 for munchies $8 to $15 for dinner, including tip Credit cards: Visa and Mastercard Parking: mall entrance next to Friendly's
occupies the front yard of the address, saluting all those who pass by. "It brings so much happiness to people," Parkie Wederbrand, owner of the dog, said. What makes this dog different from any other is the fact that it is made out of quarterinch broiler plate steel. The little dog may be strong and sturdy now, but it did not start out that way. Before the Wederbrand family moved to
King of Prussia Road, they had a wooden dog that they put on the lawn for others to see. "I chose not to dress the dog before we moved to King of Prussia Road, in fear that the clothes would be ripped off," Wederbrand said. Though the dog was appreciated by some, others saw fit to ruin what made others happy. Some kids took it upon themselves to dig the wooden dog out of the ground and break it in half. After breaking the statue, the kids dragged half of it away and left the other half in the yard. Upset that her dog was gone, Wederbrand put up signs informing others about the mistreatment of her wooden basset hound. She said the signs carried the messages, "Somebody broke my dog" and "Somebody stole my dog." The signs upset a lot of people who had enjoyed the dog. The Suburban Times saw fit to cover the unfortunate incident. The signs also encouraged a mechanical engineer, who offered to make the dog of quarter-inch broiler plate steel, which is the dog that many people see today. "That sucker is not going anywhere," W ederbrand said. Aside from the dog being heavy to carry, it also is placed on a steel pole and sits safely in cement. Now on King of Prussia Road, Wederbrand feels very safe dressing her dog
in different outfits. After 10 years of dressing her dog, Wederbrand has accumulated a bureau of about 50 outfits. "I dress the dog seasonally or if anything is happening in the nation," she said. "If there is a hurricane or a flood, I would dress the dog in Red Cross clothing. ,.When Clinton was elected, I threw a black sheet over the dog. "It is a Republican." "We dress it in our favorite team oufits when they are playing," Robert Wederbrand, the other owner of the dog, said. The Eagles, the Phillies and the Flyers are some of the team outfits. The dog also is dressed in a wedding gown and a bouquet when their children get married. Red, white and blue is worn around election time. On Halloween, the dog was a cow, and recently, on Easter, the dog was in the disguise of the Easter Bunny. Most of the outfits are bought in the children's department. Others have been donated by those who really enjoy what the dog brings to the community. Described as a landmark by the Philadelphia Inquirer, the dog gets a lot of attention. People who pass the statue everyday make a point to visit with the Wederbrands and write letters, as well. "So many people write letters and tell me the dog brings smiles to their faces," Mrs. Wederbrand said.
whatsubjectshewantedtoteach, until her firstyear atCabrini. AdamswenthomeforThanksgivingbreakher first year and watched "Stand and Deliver" one night. She previouslyhad wanted to teach history, butafterwatchingthismovie,shechangedhermind. Duringthe spring semester of that year, Adams changed her major tomath/secondary education. At first,Adams said she was dreading student teaching, but after the first day she "loved it." She getsupat6am.everymomingandhastobeatschool two hourslater. Adamshasfiveclasseseachday. Shealsomust be available for community resource time, when studentscomeinfortutoring.Shegetshome atabout 3:30 p.m. and then rushes off to softballpractice. ''Next,I goto work from 6 p.m. until 10:30 p.m. at West CoastVideoafewnightsaweek," Adams said.
AdamsalsotakesaclassonTuesdaynightgiving homework and participate. Adams also has gamesandothercompetitionsintheclassroom, her a credit load of15. "Student teaching is equal to 12credits,which so the students work to be the best they can be. "I havealotofmemorablestudents, but one meansthatlampayingCabriniforthisexperience," ofmyfavoritesandlhaveafiiendship,morethan Adamssaid. just that student/teacher relationship," Adams Shegetshomefromworkaboutllp.m.andthen said This student saw Adams in town and has todo lesson day. '1plantwodifferentlessomforeverysingleday, overheard a friend call her "Charcoal,"her because I teach two giftedand talentedclasses and nickname.Theymadeadealthathe/shecancall three above-averageclasses," Adams said. "Even Adams thisin thehallway orin town,butshestill iflarnexhaustedafter my day, I stilllookforward remains MissAdams in the classroom. ''Thisstudentisarnajortroublemaker,buthe/ to the next day of teaching. I love teaching. sheisoneofmyfavorites," Adamssaid. "Ithinklamaverymotivationalperson,andltry "Radnor is an excellent school district,and to portray thisin my classroom," she continued. Adamssaidshegivesoutcandytothosestudents . RadnorMiddleSchoolisaphenomenalschool," whoanswerquestionsandparticipateindiscussion, she continued. "My students have the best personalities,and I really enjoy my day." in order to makeher classes exciting. Adamssaidshewantsa jobanywhere,justas Adamsclaimsshewantsherstudentstofeelasif long as she can teach. being in her class is a privilege so they do their
de red separate Iy or together. They are crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. They also can be a great late night snack to have with friends. Once you get past the appetizer menu, you might want to order a sandwich or a burger. One speciality is the supermelt, a sandwich on sourdough bread. Friendly's also has pita sandwiches, such as stir-fried, and chicken or turkey platters. Usually, as I glance through the colorful menu, featuring various scrumptious items, I feast my eyes on the chicken sandwich on a kaiser roll with Canadian bacon, American cheese and barbecue sauce. It is very tasty, and the sauce gives the sandwich a tangy flavor. I wanted to try something different, so I decided to try the mushroom bacon burger, which is a new addition to the menu. The burger was well-cooked, which is good, considering the waiter forgot to ask me how I wanted it. The cheese, bacon and mushrooms all blended well together and gave the burger an irresistible taste. The bread was fresh, the bacon was crisp and the mushrooms were plentiful. It wasn't too much, though. Nothing fell out as I was eating it. It definitely was a burger you could sink your teeth into. The burger came with fries, lettuce, tomato and coleslaw. The toppings were good, and the fries were cooked just right. They were not too salty and had a slight peppery
photo by Kelty McDonald
This steel bassett hound, dressed for spring, has been greeting passersby on King of Prussia Road for the past 1Oyears. Its outfits change with the season.
A steel hound by the road by Celene Wright staff writer
Many commuters wake up in the morning with only a day of work to look forward to. Some have a little more to look toward, if they choose to drive along King of Prussia Road. Located at 744 King of Prussia Road is a little black-and-white basset hound. The dog
Second in a series The life of a teacher: CharlyneAdams by Christina Feehan assistant arts & entertainment editor
Everyday, a large population of Cabrini students get up at 6 a.m., travels to another learninginstitutionandgivesthegi.ftofleaming to a younger generation of students. Oneof the::ewell-knownteachersis senior CharlyneAdams,amath/secondaryeducation major. Adams teaches sixth grade math at Radnor Middle School Shemadethechoicetobeateacherwhenshe was seven years old. She was unsureofexactly
Friday, April 15, 1994
'Rags' sweep the Grace Hall Atrium by Heather McAllister editor in chief
One basic tenet of musical theater is that the casting and the groundplan can kill any production. Without suitably selected actors and a imaginative plateau for them to create their magic, even the most finely crafted play will fail. This is not a problem for the Cabrini theater production of "Rags," running this weekend and next in the Grace Hall Atrium. The casting endows the musical with the ability to fly, while the groundplan helps evoke the very immigrant spirit upon which Cabrini College was founded. "Rags" is the most ambitious endeavor ever attempted by Cabrini's theater department, and the actors, for the most part, ably carry the weight of the production on their shoulders. "Rags" is the story of a Jewish immigrant, Rebecca Hershkowitz, and the trials she encounters when she arrives at Ellis Island with her young boy, David, in search of her husband, who has preceded them into the country. Rebecca's every scene is truly magical, because of the vibrancy of her portrayer, Denise Whelan, a continuing education student. Whelan's lark-like voice soars with each of Charles Strouse's difficult songs, especially the haunting ballad, "Children of the Wind." Rebecca's objectives always remain clear as she strives for safety, and Whelan maintains emotional control of every scene. She sews the stitches that tie together the piecework of the "Rags" production. While the romantic connection between Rebecca and union leader Saul, portrayed by senior Dann Trotter, is not altogether believable, two intricate songs performed by the pair definitely click. The mechanics and tricky lyrics of "Easy for You" are anything but easy to perfect, while the tableau staged during the moving love song, "Wanting," is breathtaking. Another picturesque tableau is achieved when Saul teaches David to read English, as Rebecca proclaims one of the musical's recurring themes, "Now It Belongs to You." This theme and the "Children of the Wind" melody are carried throughout the musical and provide a sense of unity in the plot. Another pair of actors steps to the forefront of "Rags" with their raw energy and intensity. They are sophomore Katina Corrao, who portrays Rebecca's friend Bella, and junior Doug Eppler, who brings to life Bella's true love, cigar seller-turned-gramaphone expert Ben. The two simply light up the stage, and their love for each other is completely believable. Corrao and Eppler avoid turning Bella's and Ben's naivete into trite characterizations, and the musical talents of both actors help lift the show. Corrao achieves a vocal balance with the powerful Whelan in the opening piece,"If We'd Ever Meet Again," andcarriesthefirstact'sfinalnumber, "Rags," with great aplomb. Eppler's booming tenorresounds throughout the atrium whenever he opens his mouth. "The Sound of Love" is a treat, because it provides a zesty show-stopper that showcases both Eppler's considerable range and an enthusiastic ensemble cast. While the ensemble members appear to be enjoying themselves during "The Sound of Love," throughout the play energy levels are inconsistent and mismatched. The entire cast does not possess a common denominator of intensity. Reduced rehearsal time, due to the inclement weather of past weeks, surely
photo by Kelly McDonald
Continuing education student Denise Whelan (Rebecca), Sophomore Katina Corrao (Bella), John Blackington (David) and Junior Doug Eppler (Ben) listen to the newly developed gramaphone. can account for this lack of evenness, evident in the songs that include the full cast. One exception to the unfocused ensemble is John Lindsay, a first-year student. Lindsay fulfills nine different roles throughout the production, and his version of Hamlet is simply hilarious. Perhaps more importantly, his concentration levels do not alter, whether he is portraying a street urchin, waiter or dancer. Lindsay is a model for consistency. Another consistent player is Robert Meenan's Avram, Bella's overprotective father. Meenan's choices, as he fluctuates among stern, loving and humorous characteristics, are clear-cut and conducive to the character, while his repartee with Gabrielle Beres' Rachel is hilarious. "Three Sunny Rooms" is one of the most tightly tuned numbers in the musical, because Avram and Rachel progress toward each other as a result of a series of basic choices. Never do the characters overstep logical boundaries or utter flirtations that could be deemed unsuitable for their characters. Just as the actors' decisions, in fleshing out their roles, must be suitable for their characters, so too must the groundplan be appropriate for the fabric of the musical itself. The basic groundplan of "Rags" is a series of risers cramped together, with two large murals of immigrant scenes framing the stage on either side. While many set designs allow characters to own a particular part of the stage, this type of groundplan is not implemented in "Rags." Since immigrants own nothing, the characters in "Rags" own no particular part of the stage. Although many of Rebecca's scenes take place in a tenement bedroom, the rest of the crowded stage is utilized as a living room, roof, marketplace, factory and various other locales. A sense of chaos and tight living quarters results from the groundplan. This enables the audience to catch a glimpse of immigrant life on the East Side of New York City. The groundplan is unique to the plot of "Rags'' and could not be utilized automatically for just any musical. While it does not
encourage improvisation or aid the audience's focus, the groundplan of"Rags" does accommodate the musical's action, create atmosphere and provide excitement. Much of the excitement of "Rags" results from Strouse 's intricate melodies, combined with the complex lyrics of Stephen Schwartz. The artists did not create a musical that fits the traditional Rodgers and Hammerstein mode. Instead, they combined jazz and European influences for a unique sound that only can be described as "American." The cynical song "What's Wrong With That" is a perfect example of how Schwartz's lyrics fit the typical Stephen Sondheim criteria. The simple selection of the word "that" enabled Schwartz to create an elegant rhyme of dozens of words. While the lyrics are carefully patterned, they are basic enough that the audience can understand what the singers are saying. While the music uplifts "Rags," there are
flaws in Joseph Stein's book. The fate of Bella in act two is anti-climactic and does not allow the audience to experience a catharsis with this important character. Also, deciding to have a character narrate the action, as David does in "Rags," is the easy way out for a playwright to advance the action, instead of incorporating transitions into the musical. However, overall "Rags" is a solid musical, because it concentrates on plot and characterizations, in the attempt to involve the audience emotionally with the immigrant experience. While the set enhances the plot, the strongest attribute of this "Rags" production is the mostly top-notch quality of acting. Cabrini is fortunate that these children of the wind blew into the atrium for a brief visit. Hopefully the impact of "Rags" wiU remain after the final performance on April 23. As the immigrants themselves state, "Sometimes we don't love things 'til we tell them goodbye."
photo by
Rebecca, portrayed by continuing education student Denise Whelan, and David, played by John Blackington, have just arrived in their new home, America.
Friday, April 15, 1994
Opera singsan old song
IMovie review
by Catherine Smotherman
by Catherine Smotherman
assistant news editor
assistant news editor
Opera buffs say opera has it all: the visual spectacle of rich costuming and sets, touching stories and powerful music and vocals. Yet many students do not want to get any closer to opera than the Operaman on "Saturday Night Live." Opera is a play set to music. The music ca,n be continuous or interspersed with dialogue or sung speech. Much of the singing is an expression of deep emotions. Students tend to react negatively to . Graphic by Diane Wrobleski opera, said Adeline Bethany, f me arts operas are among the most popular, and department chairperson, "the prime barpeople are familiar with them. Verdi's rier being language. They immediately operas had melodies that were singable, build a barrier because it's in a foreign and the story of Puccini's "Madame language." Butterfly" is so touching, she added. "The students don't know what opera Opera is much more popular in Euis, so it seems stilted to them," she conrope than in America, according to tinued. "You can have an aria in which DeVault, especially in Germany. The the heroine is dying for 45 minutes, and ·Germans have so many opera halls and that's not realistic, but opera doesn't performances that a singer can make a make any pretense of being realistic." living by performing, Devault said, Knowing something about opera can whereas that is not generally possible in increase the viewer's enjoyment. "It's America. "A German would go to an very important to be prepared before you attend an opera," Bethany said. opera as we go to the movies," she said. Though the following in America is "Know the plot and the characters. If you go in cold, you're really doing a not as substantial, those who are fans tend to be committed. "Opera is alive disservice to yourself and opera." Bethany has seen student reaction turn and well," Bethany said. "You're not around after the students learn about going to get a huge audience, but the tickets are hard to get." opera. "We've been offering a program A lot of the focus. in opera today is on in opera each semester, and the response from the students is very positive," she the lead singers. "It takes lots of special said. "They are prepared, and the pro- training," De Vault said. "It's a very disgrams are highlights, rather than full ciplined study. The voice is really equivalent to an instrument," except that operas," Bethany said. "I never liked it until I took the sur- it is an instrument you have to be born with. vey of music class," junior Roberta Traditionally, opera singers use no Trinchi said. "And then I grew to appremeans of amplification besides their own ciate opera and classical music." lungs and vocal technique. "The whole Though an appreciation can be develidea is that the singer projects over a full oped, it helps to have had a long term orchestra to 3,000 to 5,000 people," exposure. "Public TV and radio do a iot DeVault said. "If anything, I think toto make opera available," Christine day they're stressing loudness too much. De Vault, a voice teacher for fine arts, They didn't used to have such loud orsaid, "but it has to come from the home." chestras to project over." Opera started in Florence in the 16th There are various styles of opera. It century, as a merge of Greek tragedy has differed from century to century, and the religious dramas of the Middle country to country and from composer Ages. After its initial birth in Italy, it to composer. All of it counts as fulldeveloped in several European counfledged opera. tries simultaneously, with influences What draws a fan to opera? "It combeing swapped across borders. bines drama, glorious music, literature, There is a tendency among Amerijust about every art form in the world," cans to think .all opera is in Italian, but that is not true, DeVault said. Italian DeVault said.
The Paper 1ddt Directed by: Ron Howard Rated: R Cast of Characters: Michael Keaton-- Henry Hackett Robert Duvall-- Bernie White Glenn Close-- Alicia Clark Marisa Tomei-- Marty Hackett
"The Paper" deals extensively with the juxtaposition of image and substance, but it does so at such a fast pace and with so much entertainment that you hardly notice you are getting a lesson in morality. Ron Howard's latest film covers one day in the life of Henry Hackett (Michael Keaton), the metro editor at a New York City tabloid. The driving element of the plot is his paper's race to get the scoop on a murder investigation before their higher-brow competitors. The family relationships of the paper's employees are a subplot, and the characters treat their family life like it is a subplot in their lives. Journalistic integrity is a major issue in the film. Hackett glosses over a moral decision he should have made about using information obtained under questionable circumstances. He fights a major battle with fellow editor Alicia Clark (Glenn Close), which becomes a battle she ultimately must fight with herself. The battle between Hackett and Clark,
over how the paper should operate, is rather simplistic. It could have been presented with a few flecks of gray, but Howard presented it in stark black and white. The battle within Clark is more subtle. She has been promoted to managing editor and is very concerned that her outward image reflect her change in status. She has to deal with the fact that she is just one rung further up the ladder, not hobnobbing with the bigwigs like she would like. In an attempt to fit in at a higher rung, she runs the risk of abandoning the values that got her there in the first place. Each of the main characters has an analogous struggle. Hackett works non-stop and is trying not to deal with his wife's demand for more of his time. His wife (Marisa Tomei) is on the verge of having her first child. She is worried that she will become a bitter drop-out from the world of work, where she used to play a vital role, and that she will be isolated because her husband is dedicated to work rather than his family. The paper's editor in chief (Robert Duvall) has been around longer than the others. He apparently has made the mistakes he now warns others to avoid. His family life is seriously whacked, and just to drive home to us that this is a big deal, he is seriously ill. In theory, he could die before everything turns out OK. Well, no comment on what does or does not come out OK. The performances are all excellent. Howard does a great job on the pacing. And, more importantly, Howard slips us a message over and over: do the right thing - but do not make the mistake of thinking that what looks like the right thing necessarily is the right thing.
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Friday, April 15, 1994
Holocaustsurvivorremindscampus of past mistakes by Regina Miller staff writer
·-photo by Caroline Croley
Ellen Robbins, a senior, reads a brief passage during the candlelight vigil sponsored by Amnesty International in remembrance of the Holocaust 0 ~ Wednesday, April 6, in the Peace Garden, at 7 p.m. '
moreSERVICEfrom1 alcohol counselor. He was amazed at how the people he worked with were so close to his age. This experience changed his outlook on things. Seminar 300 students participate in a variety of projects. Some choose to work with literacy, mental disorders, children, poverty and diseases. Most continue their work after completion of the class. Mulioli said, "It definitely gives you a good taste of what community service can be like and how satisfying it can be." In August 1993, the first 23 COMP graduates received surveys. Twelve surveys were returned. Eleven females and one male responded. The survey asked the graduates how COMP aided their professional and personal growth in 12 areas. According to the continuing education newsletter, the results were as follows: "One received a promotion with a salary increase. One received a salary increase along with a bonus, commendation and a new career option. Two made career changes. One obtained a change of position within her company. Two received recommendation from their employers. One was permitted to participate in a career rotation program. Two were able to bid on salaried/exempt positions. One applied and got accepted into a
graduate program." Mulioli said she feels the COMP program serves a definite purpose. "It is a way to complete your degree if you have a job or even if you are past your college years. It serves a definite purpose in adult education " Mulioli said. ' Three COMP students received scholastic recognition for academic honors and professional achievement. The students are Jovanna Bevilacqua, Corinne Bradley and Jim Brady. Bevilacqua was honored with second prize by the Greater Delaware Valley Human Resource Association. She received the Student Merit Award Scholarship for a two-page essay, describing the characteristics and skills that a person will need in the workforce during the decade. Bradley received the Community College of Philadelphia Scholarship for Academic Excellence. Along with an essay about her life goals, she presented a straight-A average. Brady has been promoted to Fire Lieutenant of the Philadelphia Fire Department. As the person in charge of a ladder or engine company, he will be responsible for the company's operation and upkeep. On May 16, COMP information sessions will be held in the Grace Hall Board Room from 6- 7 p.m. Those interested in the COMP program is encouraged to attend.
A Holocaust survivor who escaped death during World War II will speak at Cabrini on Thursday, April 21, at 7 p.m. Sol Urbach, one of the Jewish people saved by Oskar Schindler, was invited to speak by Margo R. Bare, assistant professor of social work. Bare describes her detective work. "I read an article in the Inquirer about him recently, and so I tracked Sol Urbach down," Bare said. "I looked up all the information numbers in New Jersey, and I called him at his house. I was one of the first to call." Bare compares her search technique to that of a bloodhound. Shortly thereafter, Urbach appeared on "Phil Donahue" and "Good Morning America." "I recently read an article discussing the fact that some people thought it possible that the Holocaust did not happen," Bare said. "A lot of camp survivors are dying, and the question is, who will be there to remind us of it, and will it become a footnote in history?" Bare said. "If it becomes a footnote, do we keep repeating ourselves?" Urbach relives those horrific war crimes every day. He reveals his stories through his speeches, and celebrates his Judaism in different ways. He is the Chairman of the Israel Bond Committee for Hunterdon County in New Jersey. He traveled to Israel as a Prime Minister Club Member and is on the Holocaust and Genocide Studies panel at Sommerset-Hunterdon Counties College. Urbach joins others in the plight to educate youth. One of this year's Academy Award winners, Stephen Spielberg, proudly accepted his award for the movie "Schindler's List." At the Oscars, he encouraged the viewing audience to continue to educate the succeeding generations about the Holocaust in World War II. Bare agrees with Spielberg. Urbach said he dismisses the critics who say Spielberg failed to make memorable characters of the Jews in the film. "We were useless," Urbach said. "It did not matter who you were. There was nobody there to Iisten .... He was able to capture this." Urbach unites with Spielberg, and other sensitive educators and artists in their goals to ensure the memory of ~he major atrocity of the 20th century and to promote the prevention of future genocide and ethnic cleansing. Bare speaks about the founders of Cabrini College and their mission statement. The statement incorporates the issue of diversity. Bare said it is very impressive that Cabrini so readily accepts difference.
photo supplied by Public Relations
Sol Urbach, Holocaust speaker
She encourages everyone in the community to take advantage of the speech. Public relations contacted surrounding neighborhood synagogues, churches and newspapers. ·Ina recent Philadelphia Inquirer article, Urbach said he believes his family was killed during the massacre in the Krakow ghetto in March 1943. He was told that his brother was shot. Urbach's plight began when he was a teen-ager in an apartment he shared with his family outside of Krakow. Between 1939 to 1945, he spent his years either hiding out in the ghetto, formed by the German soldiers, or working in Schindler's factories. One day, Urbach was found and chosen to go to the factory outside Krakow. That day, Schindler picked Urbach and another out of a line-up of 100 men. Urbach worked for Schindler in his factory as a carpenter. Urbach told the Inquirer it was in that factory where he saw Schindler's transformation from a war profiteer to a man with a conscience. He said he became a hero belatedly, but nevertheless, he was a hero. Schindler died in Israel in 1974. Urbach, 67, is touring the country telling his story. He lives in Flemington, N.J., with his wife, Ada, also a Holocaust survivor. Urbach was not as fortunate as Ada Urbach, because her entire family lived. Urbach lost his parents and four siblings. "He basically asked me what I wanted," Bare said, "and I asked him to express how real his experience was compared to the movie, and apparently he said that it was pretty accurate." Urbach, a husband, father of three and grandfather of five, knows how tightly some people cling to their prejudices . He was a victim of that mentality.
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WOODCREST YEARBOOKS All checks should can still be be made payable purchased for $35 to: by sending checks to box 187 Cabrini College ·
Friday, April 15, 1994
Last week in the worldof news by Caroline Croley assistant news editor
0 Tuesday, April 5- Welfare plan on upraise The welfare plan could cost a lot more than what was originally expected. Fiftyeight billion dollars easily could be added to welfare costs over the next 10 years. A letter presented to President Clinton said bis plan, over the next two years, could leave families with little household care or homeless. This proposed plan could force Clinton to revise his plan, causing its outcome to become a little more modest. 0 Wednesday, April 6- End of war in Bosnia stirs debate The Bosnian town of Gorazbe, formerly indicated as a "safe house," now needs the protection of U.S. forces. Serbian attacks have fueled an argument within the Clinton administration
Friday, April 8- Cancer may be regarding the use of force in ordering a cease - y linked to the AIDS virus fire in Bosnia. Defense Secretary William J. Perry and lkseaicllers in.San Francisco have stated Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff John M. Shalikashvili want to revealthis in.for. thatHIV(human¼lllmunodeficiency virus), mation. However, seniorstate ~ thevirusthatcauses AIDS, might have a officials refuse to accept their statements. directcauseof cance~inthe immune system. Doctorsrepertedthatthis may be a result of thecancerenteringinto the DNA cells. 0 Thursday, Aprit7- Prf~ amdldate H thisfindingproves to be correct, docviewed for coilrf torssaythiseancerthat causes the virus will The Supre19e Court is viewing Senator be somethingextremely rare and unlikely George J. Mitchell of Maine for a seat on the for many AIDS patients. Supreme Courr, Mitchell is one of the leading candidates. 0 Saturday, April 9- Lead singer ends to replace Justi·ce Harry A. Blackmun. -life at an early age Blackmun recentl~nnounced his retire- ment. - "\. ;/\t the age of27, Kurt Cobain, lead singer Blackmun announced1hat he would stay of the rock band, Nirvana, committed suion the Court until late Septernoo.,,,unless a cide. The songs Cobain wrote expressed rage, replacement was confirmed sooner .... _ confusion, anger, loneliness and, most of all, Blackmun has been noted for writing the torment. Fans easily could hear all of these historical decision that legalized abortion in expressions in his voice and through the the Roe vs. Wade case. sound of his instruments playing.
His body was discovered Friday, April 9, after his family reported him missing for a week. 0 Sunday, April 10- Foreigners leave battle in Rwanda As fighting continues in the African nations of Rwanda and Burundi, military troops are beginning to evacuate the troubled regions. Years of ethnic tension were sparked Wednesday, April 7, when the presidents of both countries were killed in a freak plane crash. The capital of Rwanda, Kigali, reported that the death toll easily could have reached the 20,000-mark in the last four days of warfare. The United Nations, in Kigali, stated that a cease-fire officially was announced in the tribes Hutu and Tutsi. The decision was made that rebel forces, belonging to the Tutsi, agreed to stop their forces on Kigali.
Grassroots group 'really cleans up' on Earth Day by Brian Slatkowskl assistant sports editor
Within the essence of spring lies life. The grass is growing, flowers are blooming and the birds are chirping. Yet, some things from winter still remain. Trash. Earth Day is coming to the rescue. On April 22, Earth Day will be celebrated throughout the nation. The Grassroots campaign will touch up Cabrini's campus once again. For the third time in three years, Karen Berlant, director of public relations, is heading up the Grassroots campaign. The campaign is geared towards marketing Earth Day, according to Berlant, and also to help the campus in general. Faculty, staff and students will break out their work clothes and take to the cleaning and replanting the land. "Every little bit helps," Berlant said. "For students who have only a few minutes, they can pick up a trashbag and take a walk around the campus."
Projects in the past have included the picked up by teams. Teams are made up of creation of the Peace Garden and the restora- various offices, departments, student clubs tion of the Sunken Garden that has now been or anyone interested who would like to assist replaced by the Grace Hall parking lot. Par- the clean-up of campus in any way, as a ticipants have tom down weeds that covered group. Participants can take a hike through up the architecture 9ithe buildings and have the 110 rolling acres of campus with a trash painted the yellow tocks and speed bumR_sto bag or break a sweatt,$etting down and dirty, in anall-dayproject. help out public safety. . · ~•s Grassroots Two year a concerton the comcampaign, t~ The year before that, ~ worbls mons, nextto thepeacepole,by contempodiscovered thesunbo pondandfilledit with .-aiy folk singer JohnFlynn. Director of activities M4rlantieDeFruscio, a goldfish. ~y, the Grassrootscam- student paign enco~everyoue t<>plantftowersfriendof Flynn•s,said that, since he is a and weed garden$; Thi$ year,the¢aPlpaigo~ m2arthDay,be is>very excited will emphasize~ '11)the tr-11atOUnd~~event. The concertwill takeplace from noon campus, because of tpeNA.FfA ('.OllfereOce until 2 p.m. 1be Te1,nplegraduate, who on campus the day!prkt. According"to 'M"tke Caranfa:, direclor of currenllylias two compact discs available in physical plant, most of the flowerbeds will be music stores, played at Cabrini in October in planted earlier because of the conference, the Widener Center Lecture Hall and will along with the benches around campus being now take to the outdoors to motivate the clean-up effort. stained. During his last visit, Flynn said his sound The litter that clutters the campus will be
What's Happening Baseball 4/15 0 Phillies game vs. Reds. The game is at 7:35 p.m., and tickets are available in student services for $5. SGAParty 4/16 OSGAissponso~a'70spruty at9:W p.m. in WCGA. Wear'70tcfothes to get in at a discount. Trip 4/17 0 Student setvm is running a.J.dp to Washington, D.C.,.to the National ~ caust Museum. 'lkietsare available in student services h $10. Movie Night 4/18 0 Zebrahead will be~~Kavi~ er Great Room at 10 p.m. FreeConcert 4/19 0 Keith Marks will give ajazz concert in the cafeteria at noon.
Security Update
Forum 4/19 0 An interracial relationship forum will take place in the Xavier Great Room at 7 p.m.
Security incidents, as reported from the public safety office, from March 24-Apr. 11
Fiesta 4/19 0 Cometakepart in a Mexican Fiesta at
Fire Alarm/Arson 3/24 0 A fire alarm was sounded inside Xavier at 1:30 a.m. All rooms were physically checked, and the building was evacuated. There ~~~ order in lower sout ··- · '~;·· reported, and there~o neecl1~))t., fire department. (\ -'-......__. ...k..· At 1:30 a.m., otli'a~~~ed a radio call from a sh«ient reporting a broom on fire in the quad. The building was evacuated roomby-room, and all areas were checked for other fires. Students were then brought to the Great Room to talk with Hayes.
9;30 p.m. inXavierOreat Roow. Admission is ftee. P):egnua on Weipt Control
0 Counseling serviceswill sponsor a pro-
Jtl11! pn how to control your weight without dieting at 8 p.m. i!'ltheXavier Great Room. Sibling Weekend 4/22-4/23 0 SiblingWeekend/Block Bash, SGA's 1U}.Ilial spting~t. Lip sync contest, drive-in
DiO-&ancfmote Omledy Show 4/21 0 Enjoy a good laugh by coming to the Master Lee Comedy Show. The show will take place in the Gathering Area at 9:30 p.m. Admission is free.
is influenced by Bob Dylan and Kris Kristopherson. Flynn's free concert will also include free Earth Day give-aways. According to DeFruscio earth hacky sacks and key chains will be given away. According to Caranfa, who is assisting in the distribution of work, there will be plenty of things to clean up for everyone who wishes to improve the quality of our campus. The day will not end when the sun sets. That night, everyone is invited to take in the musical production of "Rags" in the atrium at 8 p.m. Or, if the kid in you cannot be suppressed, "Aladdin" will be shown as an entertaining alternative. The film will play on the softball field in a "drive-in" type atmosphere, so everyone can lay around and enjoy the show. The campus community will unite together on April 22, and with the birth of a new spring, all are welcome to take time out of their schedules and put something back into the land.
0 While on van patrol, Officer McCoy got a call from Laura Irwin, Xavier RD, that a fire alarm was going off. McCoy went to Xavier with the help of Irwin and found an alarm box had been opened. McCoy reset the pull box, and Irwin reset the fire alarm. The students were allowed win Xavier. obody knows who pulled the fire b -' e was no fire. Everybo
t~• 1~
Fire Alarm 4/9
ceived a call about a fire alarm in Casey House. Sergeant Welsch responded to the call, and the alarm was sounding when he arrived. The pull stations were checked, as well as checking for smoke. It was noted that students using the shower may have tripped. the alarm with possible steam.
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Friday, April 15, 1994
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Exp 5/30194
Friday, April 15, 1994
Last week in the world of spOrts Tap in by Sheila Brady assistant features editor
ONHL On Thursday, April 7, the Philadelphia Flyers tied against the Florida Panthers, 3-3. This was an upset, because the team needed a victory to keep the chances of a playoff birth alive. To make matters even worse, the Flyers lost on Sunday, April 8, to the Boston Bruins, 4-3. This will assure the Flyers of their fifth season in a row in which they will not compete in the playoffs. The loss is said to be the result of a divided team. Some players fingerpointed, saying many of the other players on the team only cared about their own individual statistics, rather than the whole team's success. When the games meant nothing to the team, the Flyers finally won. They defeated the Devils 4-2 behind two goals and an assist from Mark Recchi, and a goal from Rod Brind'amour. Goaltender Dominicv Roussel, who had sat behind woeful Tommy Soderstrtom in the stretch drive, played really well in the nets for the Flyers. Why he was not playing during the end of the season, I do not know.
All 62,000 pairs of eyes were on firstbaseman John Kruk on Monda-y, April 11. It was his first come-back game at home since his well-publicized fight with testicular cancer. Kruk was the clear hero of the game with his three hits, under extraordinary circumstances. Despite his performance, the Phillies lost against the Colorado Rockies 8- 7.
0 Golf On Thursday, April 7, the Augusta National Golf Club held the opening round of the Masters. Larry Mize, winner of the 1987 Masters, led with a 4under-par 68. Not far behind him were Tom Kite and Fulton Allen. There was a winning list of clearly experienced players. On Saturday, April 9, Tom Lehman led the Masters, with a lead on Jose Maria Olazabal. However, the outcome of the Masters proved Olazabal as the champion. It was his first major title. He carded a 3-under-par 69 to complete 72 holes with a score of 9-under 279. He also became the sixth European player in the last seven years to win.
out of 25 games while he has been gone. Needless to say, the team is happy to see him return, with high hopes for next season. The Sixers went on to beat the New York Knicks 100-97, on Friday, April 8. This shocked the Knicks, because the Sixers were the underdogs. The team resented this role and persevered for another win. However, the Sixers were beaten by the Charlotte Hornets on Saturday, April 9, at 127-122. On Sunday, April 10, 60 of the area's best high school teams' seniors went to St. Joseph's University for the All-Star Labor Classic.
0 Baseball The Philadelphia Phillies had their first defeat on April 8, at Riverfront Stadium against the Cincinnati Reds. The final score was 5-4 in the 10th inning. The team pulled up after a 4-0 beginning. However, it did not pull up enough to win the game. The Phillies' second loss to the Reds was on Saturday, April 10. They lost 21, with a one-run home run effort by Pete Incaviglia.
Box scores Men's Lacrosse
Eastern Division
Cabrini 11, NYU 7
Bonner Boys Born Again Virgins Lindsey's Leaders Cum Quats Reuter's Raiders
W 1 O
o O O
L O O O 1 1
GB 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.0
W~stern Division Apostles The Fugitives Kegs-N-Legs The Tool Boxes
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 1
0.5 1.0
Monday, April 11 Bonner Boys 3, Tool Boxes 2 The Fugitives 10, Cum Quats 5 Tuesday, Apr/112 Apostles 14, Reuter's Raiders 3
Father knows best Who holds the rookie record for stolen bases in a season? -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman
Cabrini NYU
11 7
1st Quarter- Cabrini, Carter 6, (Collins), 13:46, NYU, Deleo, 12:30, Cabrini, Lorenz, '4-,6:51, NYU, Tseng, 4:17 2nd Quarter- Cabrini, Carter 7, (Collins), 12:27, Cabrini, Collins 12, 12:11, NYU, Haugenes, 7:46,NYU,Haugenes, 7:10,NYU, Haugenes, 6:40 3rd Quarter- Cabrini, Collins, 13, 7:02 4th Quarter- NYU, Lee, 13:18, NYU, e, 10:28, Cabrini, Lorenz, 5, (Collins), 58, Cabrini, Collins, 13, (Craig), 9:47, abrini, Craig, 11, (Mowrey), 6:41, Cabrini, rost, 2, (Carter), 6:1?, _Cabrini, Collins, 14, tLorenz), 3:06, Cabnm, Fohner, 2, :40
Shots on Goal Cabrini 6 NYU 17
6 9
10 5
8 6
30 37
A quote to note "I consider myself a role model for children. What I did was illegal. I apologize for it. I'll carry a shotgun in my car. That's legal." -Houston Rockets' guard Vern Maxwell, after being arrested for carrying a handgun in his car
by Bob llacattrley sports editor
ONFL Last week, Daniel Kaplan, lawyer of Jeffrey Lurie, decided it was time to make a deal. The largest deal of any pro-sports franchise in history was marked, when prices of $185 million were decided upon. The team Lurie will be the proud owner of? The Philadelphia Eagles. Eagles' fans are in an uproar over this Hollywood producer's purchase of their beloved team. But Harry Gamble and Norman Braman will still take part in ONBA the upcoming draft. "It can only get The Philadelphia 76ers ended their better," former Eagles' owner Leonard 10-game streak of defeats with an up- Tose said in the Philadelphia Inquirer. lifting win against the Milwaukee Bucks. With just a few weeks left before the Even though it was a close win of 115- NFL draft, the league owners have yet to 114, it was well appreciated. Jeff Malone okay the deal between exowner Norman had his best game of the season, and . Braman and new owner Jeff Lurie. Lurie Orlando Woolridge was the Sixers' star will become the owner of the team, but player on that night, Wednesday, April not until after the NFL draft, which will 6. be held on April 24. Seven-foot-six rookie center Shawn In other NFL news, the Minnesota Bradley returned to practice at the St. Vikings acquired quarterback Warren Joseph's University Fieldhouse, after a Moon from the Houston Oilers for a seven-week period. He was gone due to draft pick. Moon has taken the blame a knee injury, and his team has lost 23 for the Oilers exit from the playoffs.
Intramural Softball
to Mac
Saves Cabrini, Camp 17 saves, Besemer 13. NYU, Campbell 19 saves FaceotTs Cabrini 11, NYU 9 Ground Balls Cabrini 51, NYU 37
is moreof a manthan most. Jobis thb'dat bat, after grounding out to short in his second, Krukripped
Women's Softball 4/15
at Allentown
at Pharmacy
Lacrosse 1:00
Trivia answer "Pistol" Pete Maravich is the only player to average over 42 points per game in a college basketball season. -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman
Sometimes,I wishlife waslikethe movies. And sometimesit is. Monday afternoon, along with 62,000ofmycounterparts, Iwek:ol11Cd · thedefendingNationalLeaguechampion Philadelphia Phillies back to VeteransStadium. The field wasbalred in sunlight,as thedefendingNatioaall.eagtlecbam• pion PhiladelphiaPhiullics received their rings. There was a loud ovation for ceuterfielderLennyDykstra. The ladies gave a yell for catcher DarrenDaulton. But the loudest, and longest, ovation wasfor first basemanJohn Kruk., who was making his first appearance since undergoingtreatmentfor testicular cancer.The Krukkerwasback in uniform, and things would return to normal. In the top of the first, KevinStocker rnade a nice play, but his throw to fll"Stwasinthe dirt. Kruk'sattemptto SCQOp it up failed, and the Rockies jumped to an early lead. Maybe the Krukker wasn't quite ready. He did miss the end of preseason,after all. In the bottomof the fll'St,he limped uptotheplatewithonemanon. Itwas a good sign,Kruk was limping. The count quicklywentto ()Deand two. John wasin the hole. He immediately laced a double to the gap in right center,drivingMarianoDuncan in ftom first. It was the loudest ovation that I have ever heard in my life. Physically,John Kruk maybe half the manbe used to be. But be proved on Mondaythat be
a single into center. His fourthtime up,bedidtbesame. He came around to score his second run of the game on Daulton's threerun blast. However.the shakybullpenof the defendingNationalLeaguecbampion PhiladelphiaPhilliescoughed upthe lead, and they entered the ninth trailing by a run. It wastime for the rally. Dykstradrew a walk. Duncansac,. rificedhim to second. And up to the plate strolled John Kruk, first basem-.posterboy and teamleader of the defending National League cbampiM PhiladelphiaPhillies. It wastime for theHollywoodending. a two-runhomeroverthefencein ript. However,John ICmk took a caUet;Ithird strike, and the Phillies lost.
Sometimes.lwbhlifewasliathe movies.
r I
Runnersreadyto go
Friday, April 15, 1994
Tennisserves up an ace I
by Katina Corrao
is preparing for nationals, came in first assistant arts & entertainment editor place out of 11 people in the 3000-meter. The clocked stopped at 10 minutes, Satisfaction is a feeling you get when 38 seconds, as she crossed the finish you accomplish something that means a line and beat her previous best, 11:08. lot to you. It brings self-gratification or This is sophomore Chris Calvert's pleasure. first year running. After coming in secMany of this year's track and field ond in the 400-meter on Saturday, players achieve this feeling of satisfacCalvert got a taste of that ever-so-popution when they run. lar satisfaction. Melanie Bruno, a junior, has been Kristen Vento, a first-year student, .running since high school. She receives came in first place out of five in the 400a great deal of accomplishment after she meter. She enjoys the competition she runs. experiences through running. She has taken her techniques and Although running seems to be totally abilities back to her alma mater, St. individual, leadership and togetherness Hubert's High School, located in Northcan be the two factors that bring a team east Philadelphia. together. How supportive are the memAt St. Hubert's, Bruno gives her time bers of Cabrini's team? as head coach of cross country, as well "When I started running, Tammy and as being the assistant coach of track and Kristen supported me in running. They field. didn't make me feel like an outsider," Heather Teti, a sophomore, ran last Calvert said. year and is planning on returning this Spires speaks about the key player to year. any team, the coach. She enjoys the social aspect of the "Tom O'Hora is a very good motivateam as well as the competition. She, tor. He is also a good friend," according like many members of the team, gets a to Spires. feeling of accomplishment after a hard Vento explained how O'Hora is a very day's run. nice guy. Cabrini's first meet took place on She said one can talk to him not only Saturday, April 9. about track, but about one's personal Junior Tammy Pfeiffenberger won life and academics. first place in four categories, the 100"The coach and the players gave me and 200-meter, the long jump and the confidence," Calvert said." They helped four-by-100. me with breathing, how and when to go Pfeiffenberger has been running fast and how to pace myself." since the seventh grade. She said she If satisfaction is what you want, Bruno loves meeting great people from Cabrini encourages you to come and try track. and from around the area. Track pro"Even if you have the tiniest bit of vides her with much enjoyment. ability, come and try it. It's a lot of Kate Spires, a first-year student who fun,"she said.
Lady Cavs sweep doubleheader
photo by Carol,ne Croley
First-year student Gary Egizi seNes in the Cavs' home opener on April 11.
lntramuralsfinally begin by Brian Siatkowskl assistant sports editor
photo by Caroline
Sophomore Jennifer Wunsch fires the ball in during a sweep of Neumann.
Two outs in the last inning. Man on third, and it is a tie game. You 're up, it is intramural softball and your team is watching, with the anticipation of an heir reading a will. You have polished up your batting skills and dusted off your glove. The guy on third, with black lines under his eyes to dull the rays of the late afternoon sun, is smacking his hand in his mitt, while you dig into the plate. Be serious. O.K, around $400 will be given to the winning team, and the prior situation isnow the championship game. Junior Joe Opeila, vice president of the sttudent government association (SGA), organized and is maintaining this year's intramural softball season. "All the players on every team paid three bucks," Opeila said, "and whoever wins the playoffs will either get all of the money or 85 percent of the money, depending on if we decide to give the losing team 15 percent or not." The intramural softball league has two divisions. The Eastern division has five teams. The team to beat in that division will be the Bonner Boys, according to Opeila. The other four teams are the Born Again Virgins, CumQuats, Reuter's Raiders and Lindsey's Leaders. The Western division is one team shy of the East, yet, according to Opeila, is the more competitive division. The Western division includes the Apostles, the Fugitives, Kegs-NLegs and the Tool Boxes. The Apostles, according to Opeila (a team member), are rwide up of players who played on the last two championship teams. Mostlikely, the teams will play twice against the teams in their own division and once against
the teams in the other division. "This is the first time ever in the history of intramural softball," Opeila said, "that we have ever had a team of commuters. It worked out good." Kegs-N-Legs is the commuter team that made history. The question raised now is whether or not they will make the playoffs. Opeila said the reason that he agreed to take over running the league was because he played last year and wanted it to be run better this year. Several changes have been initiated to motivate people into playing. Rosters were made up, and Opeila went up to people and personally asked them if they would play. He also visited each house and found teams for those players who did not have enough people to form their own. Money was spent. About$100wasspenton equipment for the softball league. Softballs, new bats and bases were bought with the money. Most of the umpires are work grant students, to make sure they are getting compensated for their time. Opeila said he expanded the rosters to get more women involved in the league. The games do not have unchangable schedules. Opeila meets with the two teams and makes sure they both are able to come up with the minimum amount of players to field a team. Only three games have been played. The Fugitives beat up on the Cum Quats, 10-5. The Bonner Boys slid by the ToolBoxes by one run, 3-2, and Reuter's Raiders felt the wrath of the Apostles, in a 14-3 beating. Whether you win or lose does not matter. According to Opiella, who compared volleyball with softball, "Volleyball is good, but in softball, there are 20 to 30 people out on a field, and it becomes a big social event. People have fun ...That's what is the most important thing."