Friday, April29,1994 Vol.XL,No.24 CabriniCollege ·=i, .. Radnor, Pa. 19087 ~:=~=~
Campus Ministry plans annual retreat by Margaret Maio assistant managing and perspectives editor
phuto by Dawnletle Klopp
Mecca Abdullah, cousin of junior Linda Narvaez, has fun in the sun this past week. Turn to page 8 for more photos and details on this past weekend.
While most Cabrini students are studyingfor finalsand catchingup on last-minutework, a group of students willbespendingaweekendatthebeach. Campusministryissponsoring''Vision Quest VI," a retreatfor students. The retreathas not alwaysbeen held at thebeach.fufact,lastyear,itwasacase ofmisbookingthatsentthemto senior LisaGambacorta'shouseinRehobeth, Del. This year, though, the beach was the firstchoice. Retreatshave been going on at Cabrini for at leastsix years,althoughthe ReverendAmbroseCashman,campus minister, believes they always have been a partof Cabrini. Accordingto Cashman,theretreats areintendedtobeatimeofreflectionfor thestudents.Thisyear'slhemeis''Where I've been,where I am and where I am going." ''The retreat is an opportunity for
students to get away from the hectic pace of school,"Cashmansaid, "especiallyat exam time." AccordingtoCashman,theretreatis notjust a time forreflection.It also is a time for students to develop whatever talentsthey have to bea leader. Theretreatwillincludemanyactivities. The students will hold discussioos,spendtimeonthebeachandshare a Masstogether. Campus ministry is trying to organire more retreatsfor the school year, accordingtoCashman."Wewouldlike to have at least one or two each semester," Cashmansaid. Aretreatforfaculty and staffwas in the works, but according to Cashman, all of the snow days set thing;,back. , Transportationtothesiteisarranged by campusministry,and all of thefood isprovided.Studentsareask:edtomake a minimal donation, but it is not required. The organizersof thisyear's retreat are seniorsMary Jane Inmanand Patty Zeller.
Inman said the retreat is not designed as a religiousexperience. "It is a chance for students to get away and reflecton what is happening aroundus and with us," fuman said. fuadditionto theplannedactivities, therewillbe freetimeforreflectionand enjoyingthe beachsetting. According to fuman, ''Having the retreatat the beach, and at the time we have planned, is very purposeful. A primarygoal of this retreatis tojust get away from school and the pressure of exams." Eileen Doyle, a senior, said, "Last year's retreatwas great. I was able to slow down for at leasta weekend." Doyle also said the opportunityto form friendshipswith new peoplewas an added bonus of the retreat. lnmanseestheretreatasanopportunity to get to know people beyond the schoolsetting. "It is going to bea very good time," fuman said. "If you can't go this year, try to go next year. It is truly woith it."
Organizationsparticipatein commencementceremonies by Regina MIiier staff writer
Pomp and circumstance waits in the wings, while seniors finish their projects, papers and finals. The hustling and bustling of seniors excite the campus. Graduation day arrives. Entertainment and festivities fill the lawn. Everything appears organized. Celebrants enjoy each other's company, saying goodbyes, swapping numbers, sharing memories. Exactly who toils throughout the spring semester, to make all of this happen? Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student development and chief organizer of the event, along with many other departments, participates at the planning and execution phases. "We will be putting a platform in for the president and their speakers," he said. "Last year, the president looked at the parents. Now, she will be looking at the graduates." GeorgieAnneGeyer,adistinguishedjournalist who recently was inducted into the Gridiron Club, the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame, was announced recently as the commencement speaker. Her accomplishments include writing for a thrice-weekly column that appears in 120 newspapers, authoring books on Russia and providing commentary for public television's
"Washington Week in Review." She will receive an honorary doctor of letters from Cabrini. Graduation consists of a baccalaureate Mass on Saturday, May 21, at 4 p.m., followed by an outside dinner at 6 p.m. ff weather refuses to cooperate, both activities will be moved inside. Commencement begins on Sunday, May 22, at 10 a.m. Ministry at Cabrini plays a large part in the success of graduation. The Rev. Ambrose Cashman, campus minister, supervises different areas yet encourages full student involvement in formulating ideas. The Mass demands much attention. "Our baccalaureate celebration is focused on the Eucharistic Catholic Liturgy," Cashman said. "In turn. we try to empower the students through their leaders. I encourage them to go, down to their families, with their gifts, for the greeting of peace. I encourage non-Catholics to come." Cashman not only encourages non-Catholics to attend Mass but also to participate in any way possible. Cashman said that, at last year's baccalaureate Mass, a student's grandfather celebrated as a deacon on the altar. "We pass the word on that if they (graduates) have a friend or relative, they are welcome," Cashman said. Cashman compared the planning of a grad-
uation to the planning of a wedding. The chorus actively will participate at the Mass. Chorus member Heather Beltran, a firstyear student, said the chorus is learning new music for graduation, and she is looking forward to saying good-bye to friends. Senior Mary Jane Inman will be writing the prayer of the faithful. She defined the prayer as a bunch of short little prayers that the seniors select, because they mean something to them. Organization of the Mass falls in the hands of Mollie Chesna, a senior. Chesna will be singing a communion meditation, and she is the planner for music every Sunday at 6 p.m. Mass. "The baccalaureate Mass falls on Pentecost Sunday," Chesna said. "We will be following the liturgical format for Pentecost Sunday. Some of the music of the day will be in light of the celebration of the Holy Spirit." The dinner plans were coordinated by a small group of people. Marianne DeFruscio, director of student development, led the committee. She said the committee has decided on a movie theme for the dinner." The themes include "Rocky," "The Wizard of Oz," "The Little Mermaid" and a western theme. According to DeFruscio, "We charge $10 for guests, but the money is worth it. We wanted to make it more special
for the graduates." Representatives from the student government association (SGA) carry flags during commencement, and Kappa Sigma Omega, the college service organization, has rounded up 30 volunteers, to keep the day running smoothly. Volunteers help out the entire weekend. They perform such tasks as running for lost items, making sure the graduates are in the correct classrooms and doing odds and ends. Junior Kim Hittinger, president of Kappa Sigma Omega, said she and the Kappa vice president are responsible for handing the diplomas to Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president, and making sure the name tags match the diploma. Once commencement ends, a champagne celebration will top off the weekend. The event is sponsored by alumni affairs, with Martha Dale, director of alumni affairs and the annual fund, as the organizer. Staff members and students are working hard, to make graduation memories, as a cohesive unit. "I am not a Cath'olic," Inman said. "A lot of people are involved. At Cabrini, it seems like the same people are always doing everything. This is a way for the students who do not get to do everything to get involved."
Inside ... Week at a Glance ... A ril 29 to Ma 5 I/PERSONALS l)QS. 6 & 7 Turn to pages 6 and 7 to see
who said ''bu-bye" to our favorite graduates.
The Mighty Loquidites finish their season 25-0
FRIDAY el'Campus ministry spring retreat at Rehobeth Beach
SATURDAY SUNDAY el'Campus ministry spring retreat at Rehobeth Beach
ellOa.m. Kappa inductionsin chapel elAlthletic awardsbanquet el3-5p.m Mansiontour
MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY 119 p.m. "Studs" in WCGA. 1112:30-1:45 p.m. Faculty senate meeting inWCCR
Friday, April 29, 1994
E_d i_to_ria_l_~-----~___...___ ......... I I Vi8Wpoint
Dealing with change
'Atta NAFTA' hubbub pushes students into the shadows Prior to" Afta NAFf A's" arrival to Cabrini on April 21, expectations among students and faculty members were high. Some teachers canceled classes and planned for their students to attend the forum. The community was hoping to become more aware of how NA.FfA will impact the future. What was to be an informative afternoon of education and shared information quickly became an opportunity for Campbell Soup and other prominent businesses to participate in an advertising forum. Of course, "Afta NAFfA" was insightful to those businesspersons who. attended. For the students, however, it became a battle for recognition on their own home turf. It led to restricted seating for students and even proper etiquette advice distributed in a campus memo. Come on, we don't need help getting dressed! · Many students interpreted the forum's publicity as being more important than the educational aspects. It became a great public relations coup for the businesses, but the board room style of presentation was not a valuable means of relaying information to such a large audience. At one point, students hap to view the forum in the gathering area, via video monitors. Later, they were invited into the lecture hall, but only after organizers realized the attendence was not as high as anticipated. While some students trickled into the lecture hall, others simply remained in front of the video monitors, because they were tired of being shuffled around. Hosting various conferences on campus is a good idea. Campbell Soup and other corporations support the college. However, are these businesses the main vein that keeps Cabrini in business, or is it the students?
Bob Macartney, sports editor
IUps and Downs ~
Sibling weekend was better than ever this year. The spring fling included two bands, a fly wall, a gyro and much more. Students and their siblings had a perfect day to enjoy all of the activities. Students hoping to use the Widener Center last Wednesday discovered it was taken over by" Afta NAFf A." A little advance notice would have made everything a bit more tolerable.
~ ~
Students were fortunate last week to have Sol Urbach, a Holocaust survivor from Schindler's camp, come to Cabrini to share his tragic experience. Thanks to Margo Bare, who organized the speaker's visit, and the large audience of both Cabrini students and area locals who attended. The counseling center's efforts to start a support group for gay and lesbian students is commendable. Many colleges and universities have similar programs, all of which show support for the gay and lesbian community. The group is confidential and free, but best of all, on our campus.
Change. Sometimes it happens because we want it to, sometimes despite our wishes and needs. It can be seen coming, or it comes when we least expect it. There are times when it occurs, and it brings with it everything that is good. Or it comes and brings nothing but sorrow. But things always change. There is nothing we can do about it. Over the last three years, there has been a lot of change in my life. Good changes and bad changes, changes that I wanted, changes that I did not, changes that I saw coming and changes that knocked me for a loop. More often than not, they knocked me for a loop. This time last year, I was about to become the sports editor of this paper. I was eager to begin the new chapter of my life, and I already had written my first column, which would be named "Tap In To Mac." Now, I sit here at this computer, a year older, and not so eager. I already have written my last "Tap In To Mac," and I am about to give up the title "sports editor." I fulfilled one of my dreams this year. I also found out that it was part nightmare, and I do not want to edit ever again. I am in love with the writing part of this job, and that is what I have learned this year. Which is what school is all about: learning. However, now my learning experience is over, and I crave for more. I thought that as soon as the last Loquitur was printed this year, I would be happy to be finished. Now that it is over, I do not know what life will be like without it. Less hectic, but not as fuliilling. However, believe it or not, there is more in my life than Loquitur. Like sports, for instance. Take the Phillies' run to the National League pennant last year. It was great to be a Phillies fan, and I figured hey would do the same this year. However, they have started off slowly. Once again, I did not appreciate the good thing while it was happening. Now I am craving another run to the pennant. Things have changed in Philadelphia, however, and that may not be possible. During the end of my freshman year, (wow, I can say freshman again, instead of first-year student) I was involved in a relationship with somebody that I fell in love with. It was two of the best months of my life. That was before she transferred away from this school, and we drifted apart. My only wish is that I realized at the time that it would be coming to an end. Change. This year, around the same time, I met
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somebody else, and I have been offered a second chance to enjoy the time that I am spending with that person. This change in my life has been for the better. As you can see, there have been a number of changes in my life in the past few years. I am sure there will be many more in the days ahead. I really struggle to understand these changes, but I am learning there is nothing I can do to stop them. I remember when I was a little kid, playing ball with friends. Every once in awhile, there would be a beautiful day you wished would never end. We've all had them. However, the day would come to an end, and I would go to bed expecting the next day to be the same. But it never would. Things had changed, and we could never recapture what it was that made that day special. At every lecture that I went to in high school, our principal, Brother Robert Shea, would talk about our lives and compare them to the writing of a book. Each day we would write something new, in the chapter called, "High School Years." What he was trying to say was "enjoy what you are doing while you are doing it, because it will change." Every day, we write something in ourown personal novels. And every day, things are going to change. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. All we can do is enjoy our lives while we are living them. I am not saying to forget about our past, because we need to learn from it. I am saying to enjoy the present, because sooner or later, it is going to change. It could be happening right now.
!Staff E<il0rIn Cl'oel:HeelherMcAlisla' ManagingEdilDr:DenielleDiMarco ~
Ediloc DenielleDiMarco
AssislantManagingn PelspedMls Edtas: MapetMaio
Jane VM lngen
Edikr. St8Y8May
Co-NewsEdiloc KellyMcDonald AasislartNews Ecll::rs: C8rolneQ'0layand Calheme Smolhemlan ~ Edlor: Gay
As8iStllrt ~ Edior.Shela Brady
Ans and Ent8rlainmenl EdilocGay WilB Assislant Ms andEnt8rlainmenl Edilas: KalinaCom1on Cmstina Feehan Spo,1sEdler:BobMaca1ney
AssislantSpo,1sEdilocBrianSialkowsl<i CopyEdler:DougEppler
AssiStarl: Copy EdilocF«ll Jasper Wlting Coach:DougEppler
AssistsrtLayoutn Gnlphk:sEdilocDianeWrobl9skl EdilDrialCM:xxists: Blyw1Bel, Healher Belran and KalinaComlo
8Jsirlass MMager: KaranSzx:zu-ek Phoolgraphy Edlors: EricBIWtJuscia & Oa:..-.elle Klopp
Phacgrephy Mvlser. Dr.CMer Craigle Mvlser. Dr.Jera,ie ZLl'ek
S1all':~ ttlll. Regina "41er, Reooe Roznaoskl, Celene Wrir;tt Phologaptr{ Staff: liBB Blan), Carane Croley,Ja'nie Latshaw. /Vne Marie Mauro,KellyMcOa,ald
Loqliu is JU]lst1ed weoldy11mg the school year by SIUderGol
ICorrection _5-:"":=:?~-:-::=.:o!.. '------------------...
In the story on new faculty in the business ·---~~~; administration department, several errors occurred. Edward Christ is not retiring. He will no longer be a full-time faculty member. Christ will be replaced as department chair. The new hiree will be in the area of finance. We regret the error.
l.olµtlr welccmes i-s lotheedilor. ~ should be sog,ed and the authorshipkncMnlo the edt0fs. ..-..,,, I the wrillw wishes, and the edilor agrees, the W111e!'s rane may be lelt off the leUa-L4)0ll publiceDonand 811lnsa\'.JtiOn in.tad, such as 'name
'Mlhheldal 1he request olthe -·· ~ should be typed, dcu:llHpaced and 300 W1110S In !er¢. It a _. Istoo longlor the availtalllespace, Iha edlor may edl Of o;,nd8nS8l ~ rTIJSl:be swniled by noon on Mondays.
Edilorialsand opinions "" Iha views ol the edlorial Blaffand indw1Jill w,tten; and not the enlifeald9nl body, taa.ty Of admiloisllatl>,. LoquiU is~ as a lcnm lor aJdentaocpr9S8ionand lrinhiJiled,robull, -
and open dillcua8lllnol -
Friday, April 29, 1994
The Mighty Loquidites take their last swing at bat Editors' note: This article is created for pure eojoymenL Pl~se do not take offense to the material present. It is included for the readers' enjoyment, with no corrolations to any persons living or dead.
by Danielle D/Marco managing and perspectives editor
The freshly mowed grass stuck to their ratty, old cleats. Baseball bats had been abused all season long ( and not during practice, might I add). The team had grown tired and longed for the last game to be fought. They were The Mighty Loquidites, and their season was about to come to a close. But were they ready for what awaited them? The team joined forces in the spring of1993. Some were drafted for superb writing abilities, others were picked for sheer good looks and some were hired due to their impeccable yearbook skills. The torch had been passed to the 1993-94 editorial board. Instead of grabbing it and holding it to the sky, they torched their AP Stylebooks and went blindly into the realm of journalism. · They pushed their pencils behind their ears, shoved notebooks in their pants and hid microphones in their shirts. They hit the fields in September and prepared themselves for each and every curve ball that spun their way. They handled pressure the best they could. They hid in the dugouts until they felt the playing grounds were ready to battle again. The catcher, Heather "Fearless" McAllister, dressed herself in proper attire: a mask to hide her appearance in public bathrooms, a catcher's mitt to beat other team-
mates with and helmet to protect herself from angered advisers. Heather had lusted after the Phillies' Darren Daulton and often had imaginary conversations with him on late Wednesday nig)lts. Heather caught many wild pitches throughout the season. Some were so powerful, they knocked her over. She would then attack the pitcher on the mound. Danielle "Wounded Knee"DiMarco stood atop the· perched mound, ready to throw out tabloid quotes on numerous Tuesday nights. "Wounded Knee" and "Fea·rless" McAllister spent more time comparing controversial con"cock"tions instead of paying attention to the progression of their season. "Obscene" Gary White would try to look over these two loopy editors, as he stood careful guard over second base. Gary would take pocket size televisions (o'plenty) to the games, so he could keep up with his precious soap operas. Through various errors, the other editors would catch vulgarities spewing from his filthy mouth. The hall-of-famer, all-star leadoff batter, Bobby "Mac"artney opposed "Obscene" Gary's vulgari-
ties during the season. Bobby "Mac" (a.k.a. Lucas) was the cleancut boy of the team. He often had to fight off uncontrollable first-year student groupies, before he graced the world with his spotless image. Bobby "Mac" also was the most religious of the players. There even are rare trading cards portraying
him as an altar boy. Go figure. Bobby "Mac" and Doug "Cyrano" Eppler were not exactly connected at the hip, but their bond through sarcasm amused the team throughout the toughest of games. They basically took shelter in The Peanut Gallery Dugout, while many of the other players would sweat profusely on the field. "Cyrano" finally got his just desserts, when he was slugged by a crazed nineyear-old fan at a Cabrini Theater
hearty, "Hi! How are 'ya." Within Production. Speaking of slugging, Kelly "My a couple of minutes, veins would Hair!" McDonald would take prac- pop out of JZ's neck, as he read tice swings at her co-editor before over the current roster. "Who put approaching the plate. Kelly and Shock 'em Ski in this game? Steve "Spastic" May had some brief Doesn't he know he can't say ... encounters during the hectic sea- well you know ... that?" Of course, as the crocuses came son, but most of these confrontations were patched up without a lot up in the spring, so did the Jlers. Some pinch-hitters found themof blood shed. Needless to selves playing more games than say, their per- they were expected. Matter of fact, while most of the formances imstarting line-up was snoozing in the proved with their friendWidener lounge, these pinch-hitship. Remem- ters were wide-awake and willing ber guys, no to play nine more innings. So the gnews is good starting line-up gave them the blessed honor of relieving the gnews with Kelly and Mighty Loquidites, as they retired Steve's gnews to boring, mundane lives. Kelly "My Hair!" was renamed section. A team just is to "How About One More Year?" not a team with- and filled in for "Fearless" Heather, out money. This after she suffered a nervous breakDr. "I'm Still On responsibility down. was plopped in Sabbaticial" Zurek was forced at the lap of Karen gunpoint to continue his role as "BetterBusiness Mighty Loquidites' Mascot (although it was rumored he was goBureau" Sz.czurek.In her ing AWOL with Bud "The Vetsophomoreyear, eran" Mellon). Karen was Before the new season starts in conned into the September, the Mighty Loquidites job of soliciting will lower their caps and w_eepsilently, as they attempt to return to advertisements normal life. Because, it has been and collectingmoney. Most of the time she would sit in told to them, "Once you have played center field waiting for money to with the Mighty Loquidites, there pop-up. If advertisers refused to is no going back." Fans still will commend them for hard-hitting inpay-up, she would get revenge through the Better Business Bu- nings and beat them with solid, reau. Karen, who were those people wooden bats, when they are unhappy with the game's result. anyway? After that last moment in the Last, but definitely not least, the Loquitur mascot was always stuck sun, they will remember one thing out in left field. On Friday morn- before the season ends with no ings, Dr. "I'm Still On Sabbaticial" return ...one another. Zurek would greet his team with a
Letters Tennis coach questions journalistic integrity To the editor: The quotation attributed to me in the most recent copy of the Loquitur is blatantly false, and I am incensed with your unprofessional, irresponsible journalistic manipulation of my query concerning an obvious imbalance in your sports coverage. I do not know whether to be more outraged or saddened in the way you responded to a legitimate question regarding my concerns about coverage of the men's tennis team. If your effort is to lean the Loquitur toward. a tabloidal mentality, this sort of item accomplishes that end; if not, it begs for closer editorial oversight and better editorial judgment to be to be exercised. The individual reporting this has cast aspersions on myself and our team. As a member of the athletic department and the Cabrini family, I have the utmost respect for my fellow coaches and the quality of the programs they run. Having
taken the tennis program from an abysmal situation to a Conference Championship, I am acutely aware of the struggles.encountered along the way. For your paper to suggest that any coach would decry another program in insensitive and ludicrous and shows a complete lack of understanding standing of the coaching fraternity. You have done well clouding the original issue and covering your tracks with a contrived issue of more controversial proportions. In my six-year tenure as a coach at Cabrini I have had an excellent rapport with Loquitur and its staff. I would expect that Loquitur will take whatever steps necessary to rectify the problem that this irresponsible reporting has created and see to it that those responsible refrain from such potentially libelous situations in the future.
Sincerely yours, Reggie Day, head tennis coach
Student praises consortium To the editor: I am writing about a positive incident on Cabrini's campus. It seems as though in my four years here I have seen many of my peers be quick to jump on the negative aspects of their time here and very slow to commend individuals, as well as groups, for the positive. I would like to change that before I leave Cabrini. On April 8, the Cabrini chapter of Phi Chi, the national honor society of psychology, held a consortium. It consisted of individualsfrom schoolsthroughoutthe Delaware Valley who were presenting their undergraduateresearch. This may not seem exciting to some, however, this opportuinty assists undergraduate psychology majors in preparation for graduate school, as well as the life skill of presenting-in front of a group. To put on an activity such as this was a tremendous amount of work. Being responsible for the majority of the planning and organization which goes into an activity such as this, I can attest to the Ire-
mendous cooperation which is nee- essary in order for it to be successful. The positive feeling I had after To the editor: the completion of the consortium on is one which should be shared. I How do you get people to care? I could not have organized such a often have thought of how you could tremendous activity on my own. I influence dther people to care about want to personally thank physical animals,rather thanjust considerthem plant, security, housekeeping, the anuisance. food service, Cabrini students and Wheneverlseedeerorsmallanimal last but definately not least, M.L. killed on the road, I feel bad. After Corbin Sicoli, Ph.D. and Anthony · surviving severe winters, increasing Tomasco, Ph.D. I was blessed with lossof theirhabitatand constantsearch their complete cooperation up unitl forfood,itissosadtoseetheirlivesend the morning of the consortium. so quicklyby a car. Throughout the entire preparaMaybewe could help our wildlife tion, there was not anything which with the followingsuggestions: I asked for and did not receive. I 1. Us°eyour head. Obey the speed want everyone to think next time limit, maybe you could stop in time. they complain about an aspect of (Driving fast does not make you a Cabrini. There are numerous indibetter driver.) viduals as well as staff here whom 2. Use your eyes. Use your pewe could not live without, as a ripheral vision. You may see an colligiate institution. animalnearthe sideoftheroad with the I believe they should be receivintention of crossing. Slow down or ing consistent gratitude rather than even better, blow your horn to scare the consistent complaints I hear. I will start the process by thanking them back. 3. Use your heart. God created all everyone who made my job so easy life; show your love. Take the time to for the Delaware Valley Psi Chi smell the roses. We are all in such a Reseach Consortium!! Thank you!! hurrythatwemissthebeautyallaround
Caring can save animals
Sincerely, Jennifer K. Yates, senior
JanFogle, ~office
Friday, Apri I 29, 1994
National HolocaustMemorial remindsworld of mistakes by Steve May co-news editor
Six millionJews and millions ofnon-Jews, among them Gypsies (Roma), Poles, homosexuals, the handicapped,Jehovah's Witnesses, politicaland religiousdissidentsand Soviet prisoners of war, were exterminated by the Nazis during World War II. The treatment of these people and their eventual innocent deaths are known in history as the Holocaust. The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum was establishedin 1980by a unanimousAct of Congress. It officially opened in April 1993, adjacent to the National Mall. The cost for the museum, $168 million, is being raised by private donations. The museum was designed James I. Freed & Partners of New York City, in association with Notter Finegoldand Alexander,of Washington, D.C. Freed was directed by the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council to design a museum of "symbolic and artistic beauty that is visually and emotionally moving, in accordance with the solemn nature of the Holocaust." Whenone entersthe Museum,thefirst thing he or she is struck by is the 7,500 square-foot Hall of Witness. This area serves as a central gathering space. The Hall is lit by a huge, curved skylight. The room is reminiscent of a ghetto or holding chamber used during the Holocaust. Exposed, brick heating vents and huge, imposing spaces prepare the tourist for the solemn experience of the Pennanent Exhibit. The PermanentExhibit tells the story of the Holocaustthroughtextpanels, artifacts,audiovisual displays, photographs, documents and eyewitness testimonies. It occupies 36,000 square-feetof the Museum, encompassingthe entire fourth and third floors and half of the second. The Permanent Exhibit is the focus of the whole museum. It is the most popular exhibit in what has been called the most popularmuseum on the Mall. Because of this popularity, advance tickets must be acquired. Tickets either can be purchased through • Ticket Master, or another advance ticket sales company,or can be picked up atthe doorof the Museum. But, because of the high demand for tickets, the Museum suggestspicking up tickets well in advance of a trip to Washington. As for the tour, it begins at the top floor of the museum. Elevators take the visitor to the top, and the tourist works his/her way down through the tour. The tour tells the full story of the Holocaust, from the rise of Naziism to the discovery of the death camps by the Allied
photo by Diane Wrobleski
The Eternal Flame burns in the Hall of Remembrance of the National Holocaust Memorial Museum. Behind the flame is a quote from the biblical book Deuteronomy: "Only guard yourself and guard your soul carefully, lest you forget the things your eyes saw. And lest these things depart your heart all the days of your life. And you shall make them known to your children. And to your children's children. The museum opened in 1993, 400 yards from the Washington Monument, on the Mall.
rescuers, with authenticityand sensitivity. The objects in the Museum, like actual barracks of the Auschwitz death camp and a railcar used to transport hundreds of Jews and others to such camps, were obtained during a four-year hunt by the design team in Europe, Isreal and the United States. The museumalso uses eyewitnessand survivor testimony,both audio andvisual,tobring humanity to the Holocaust. Finally, at the end of the tour, the visitor is directed to the Hall of Remembrance. The 60foot high, 6,000 square-foot structure is not a part of the tour and can be entered by anyone. It is illuminatedby an immense skylight, and within it is the National Eternal Flame for the victims of the Holocaust. Dr. Heidi Levine, director of counseling services, went to the museum a few months ago. Shesaidshewas very emotionallydrained after going through the Permanent Exhibit. Levine suggested the Museum as a learning experience that everyone should visit. SeniorBelindaDesherwent to the Museum
with the student activites-sponsored trip on April 17. She said no information about the Holocaustthat she was given previouslycould have prepared her for what she saw. She said she will never forget it.
For more information on the Museum, including hours, ticket and large group information, write to 100 Raoul Wallenber_gPlace, SW, Washington DC, 20024-2150. Or call: (202) 488-0400, Fax: (202) 488-2695.
Holocaust survivor speaks
photo by Caroline Croley
photo by Diane Wrobleski
One of the boxcars used to transport the victims to the death camps looms ominously in the "deportation" section of the museum's permanent exhibit.
Sol Urbach, survivor of the Holocaust and member of Oskar Schindler's infamous list, spoke at Cabrini on Thursday, April 21, in the WCLH. He talked about Schindler's camp and how his experience differed from others' during the Holocaust.
Friday, April 29, 1994
Teacherswork outsideclassroom by Jane S. Van lngen assistant managing and perspectives editor
DearRoxy. I am a first-year students and Jive in a triple. l have learned. thro'!ghout both semesters, how to deal with many of the problems that come up from time to time, We have all sat down and discussed what bothers us about one another and how we can avoid doing this. Recently, one of my roommates has hit my last nerve. We have dealt with the fact that she is an only child and always gets bet way, but that here this is not the case. Her attitude has worsened this semester, and I am to the point that I really don't care what I do to her or what bothers her. What can I do to deal witJt this only ci!ild who feels she should have everything
her way?" l've had enough, and I feel she should grow up or get out, becalltle no one is going to give into her all
the time. Help me please! I need to get th:rougb the rest of this semester
being sane.
Looting for your years of knowledge to help me.
Dearl.ookiag. It sounds liko you roommate has not yet noticed that the wodd does not revolve around bet. You did flOt give aay of thtlspe• cifics on your problems, but the good news is you only have about two more weeks of schoolleft to worry about ii. My advice to you is to just keep cool and start looking for another rO()mmate for next year, one who can deal with people on a more
mature level. Hey all you Roxy faQs, &birds my last colvmo, because l will be leaving for the summer. I would lite to say that1baveenjoyed giv- · ing adviceandsharing.myRoxisms with you this semester. Have a greatswnmerI!I! !I Best Wishes, Rosanne Carfagno,alis Roxy
ay IS ... _
Whether it's working at a liquor store or being the general manager of the radio station at Rowan College, teachers have other jobs aside from being Cabrini professors. Frank Hogan, lecturer of radio, does not come from an hour away to Cabrini for the money. A full-time instructor at Rowan, Hogan has taught two radio courses at Cabrini for 12 years. He took the job because of his relationship with Dr. Jerome Zurek, English and communications chairperson. Hogan says Zurek is dedicated, and he wanted to give him a hand. "I turned down a lot of part-time work, because I didn't like them," Hogan said. "I like the students here. I wouldn't be coming out here for 10 years if I didn't like it." Hogan is the general manager of the radio station at Rowan. The radio station is a lot bigger than Cabrini's station, with about 150 students. Also, the station is on the air all the time. It requires a lot more attention than Hogan's job at Cabrini. "I take what I do there and apply it to Cabrini," Hogan said. Charles "Bud" Mellon, communications center supervisor, also works at Rowan. He works at Cabrini full-time and also started a second part-time job last February, at Gloucester County Institute of Technology. He will be leaving Cabrini and working at Gloucester full time in September. "I'm doing a project from scratch at Gloucester," Mellon said. "I'm building the radio and TV studios and, coming September, I'll be teaching high school students radio and TV." Mellon teaches TV production at Rowan. He teaches one or two classes per semester, depending on the need. Mellon got the job in 1987, when the man teaching at Rowan went on sabbatical. It was supposed to be only a
Hairstyles signify much more than appearances by Diane Wrobleski
expected to think of the new chemical way of changing their hair color as adding more burden to their ordeal. Everyone has done it or at least knows of As the back-to-nature mood of the '70s someone who has, at one time or another. began, it was the hairdressers, or color techPeople do it to feel better about themselves, nicians, who emerged as the driving force for confidence or just because they thrive for behind product innovation. Many customers change. It is a trend constantly in demand. It demanded gentler, kinder-to-hair formulas, is coloring one's hair. more natural colors and supplementary maThose who take the dare know it can terials, to help avoid the unnatural, one-color totally change their lives, from an inner-self look. perspective to creating a radiant outer glow. Soon, experimentation with plastic bags If hair does not seem important,just imag- and crochet hooks were used to color indiine the true power of hair. Imagine Elizabeth vidual strands of hair. This eventually led to Taylor as a blond, Marilyn Monroe as a the development of the frosting cap and foil brunette or Elvis with blond hair. It does not wraps, to strategically place color and add work. variations to light reflections. Today, this is Unlike some traditionalists, there lies the known as highlighting. extremist, Madonna, who keeps reinventing Today, hair coloring is accepted and has herself from the top down, by changing her evolved into a form of art, with the help of the hairstyle as often as the average American bi-coastal king of celebrities, Louis Licari. changes underwear. Licari, hair designer and colorer of the Looking back at the history of hair color- stars, works out of salons in New York City ing or hair dyeing, L'Oreal of France claimed and Beverly Hills. Only Licari, as far as the throne, when it introduced its first "per- anyone knows, has ever received a movie manent" hair color in 1929. credit for hair color. In the '30s hairstyling still was in its inIn Hollywood, Licari uses color to make fancy. The hairdressers who used the first people look younger or older for the big Clairol formula were daring, but their cus- screen. His rainbow of colors have poured tomers had to be even more so. into Kim Basinger's well publicized hair, Back then, there was no way to know what Robert DeNiro's locks in "Once Upon A the results of hair coloring might be. Because Time In America," as well as "Thelma and women who had their hair dyed were consid- Louise" and even Hannibal Lecter's steely ered "fast," the process had to be carried out gray hair, in "Silence Of The Lambs." discreetly. Licari has worked behind many other A single visit to a salon, where contrap- big screens and 'big heads' since 1987, when tions of electric wires forced hair to curl he opened his first salon in Manhattan. during several interminable hours, was to be On Mondays, when other salons across endured, rather than enjoyed. the country are silent and dark, his glows and During this time, women only could be hums. The early morning hours are set aside assistant graphics and layout editor
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one-year shot, but Rowan liked Mellon, and cause you get to know the faculty and stuhe enjoyed doing it, so he kept the job. dents better, and you are part of one group," "I'll do the Rowan job forever, because I Fitzpatrick said, "However, I know more like doing it, and it helps supplement my people in my field whom I would've never income,'' Mellon said. "It gives me a little known, with just one job." something extra, since full-time is not Financially, it is not the same as having enough," Mellon said. one full-time job, though. According to Mellon said it has become a national trend Fitzpatrick, part-time teachers do not get any where people need to have two part-time of the benefits, but they also do not have to go jobs, in order to equal one full-time job. to staff meetings or do paperwork. "I've been fortunate to have this full-time "One of the interesting things that has job and will be more fortunate in Septem- happened to me is that I am the only one who ber," Mellon said. "The salary will be sub- knows everyone in the arts education field in stantial. Rowan College won't be so neces- the three colleges," Fitzpatrick said. "When sary. I will be doing it for fun. It'll be my fun I go to visit high schools and elementary money." schools as a supervisor, I see people from one For Mellon, having three jobs is ajuggling of the colleges teaching there." act. He said he lives and dies by a date book, James Hedtke, assistant professor of hisor else he will not know what he is doing. tory and political science, has worked for a "I can't just wing it anymore," Mellon government-owned liquor business, on the said. side, for the past 22 years. The liquor busiDr. Virginia Fitzpatrick, fine arts profes- ness is owned by Pennsylvania, so in addisor, also knows what working at more than tion to being a professor and softball coach, one place is like. She works at three other Hedtke is a state employee. colleges besides Cabrini, Tyler School of the "It paid my way through college and graduArts, which is part of Temple University, the ate school," Hedtke said. "When I worked University of Arts and Beaver College. here part-time, it was my other source of Before moving to Philadelphia two years income. It is a means of supporting my famago, Fitzpatrick was the liead of the art edu- ily and my retirement." cation department at University of CincinAccording to Hedtke, he leads an ordered nati. Fitzpatrick found that it was harder to life and does not sleep very much. He follows find full-time jobs here. a schedule and reserves a time for grading According to Fitzpatrick, most of the papers and office hours. Hedtke also has two people in the fine arts department have more supervisors who allow him flexibility. than one job. They have an adjunct, meaning "Flexibility helps during softball season," they teach one course here and several other Hedtke said. "I teach in the morning and courses at different colleges. coach in the afternoons. I've worked at the At Cabrini, Fitzpatrick teaches20th cen- liquor business so long that they allow me tury art, survey of art history and American flexibility during softball. art. At the other colleges, Fitzpatrick teaches Hedtke has a lot of stories related to his job art education and helps students learn how to at the liquor store, but he said most of them be art teachers. She prepares them for a are not fit to print. certification in art. "I had a customer come in once with a "It is easier to have a full-time job, be- bullet in his abdomen," Hedtke said.
for Licari' s special clients of fashion editors, movie stars and even popular socialites. Two dedicated 'members' are Anna Wintour of "Vogue" and Ivana Trump, who brings her hot rollers from home. Much can be said about all this hair hoopla. Not only is hair color important in the movies and the fashion world, but so is style and design. As hair's importance has evolved within the last few decades, so has the concept of hair defining people's identities. Hair advertises whether people are conformists or rebels, rigid or adaptable, perfectionists or laid-back. Men have one major hair fixation, worrying whether or not they are losing it. Yet both sexes are similar in that they worry about length, style, color and even texture. All these factors can be potential sources of misery through stereotyping or abiding pleasure. Long hair is associated with youth, either one's own younger self, or just the idea of youth. Those who avoid hair cuts or keep the same style for years are believed to be holding onto their youth . People usually re-style their hair every two-to-three years, for reasons as complicated as each individual's life. Most people have goals when they change styles, while others venture in search of the feeling that comes with a fresh start. But there always will be those who simply make a career out of perfect maintenance of their chosen style. For the future of hair, the focus lies in the development of improved moisturizing hair coloring chemicals and plant-and-flowerbased formulas in many hair color pigments, that will be available to the public this summer.
To the gang at WYBF-FM: I love you and will miss you. Thanks for a great year. Special thanks to Red-Beard, Murray, Lady Steph, Black-Beard, Diamond Doug, Roxy Metal Chick, MAW, Nooner, Garrison and Puppy M.J. To all good luck next year, and keep the spirit going. I'll be back! Love, Bud Marianne D., thanks for all you do and are! SGA exec board, it was a fun and challenging year! Women's tennis and men's tennis- the Hilton Head trip was awesomeCongrats on two successful seasons! No drinking or smoking = April Fools! Best of luck to all! Love, MAW Bryn and House Two kids, it's been an incredible year! Those happy hours, nights at Main Lion, Smoke's, Brownies and those other gigs were a blast. You'll be missed. Best wishes for a successful future! Love, MAW Doug, never did get a dance, Steve, you are not a Brillo pad, Bud, will that printer ever work? Chris, help me, help me, help me! Steve, you look great! WYBF and Loquitur will live on! You all will be missed. Best of luck! Love, MAW Smell, frosh tennis, Hilton Head dilemma, busted for shore party, boys at bars, boys on campus, boys in general, to one boy in particular. Much more has been accomplished, and much more must be. I'll miss you. You have been a great light in my life and continue to shine! Love always, Scare/
Dear Jack: You'll always be my little brain. I believe in you and love you dearly. Get your act together, then give me a call. Love, Anne Alicia and Priscilla: Always remember the infamous Woodcrest triple, complete with kitchen, living room, stolen alarm clock, Baby Joey, community microwave, David Letterman write-ups and, of course, each other. You are the best roommates ever! Love, MI House 4 Girls: You're all freaks, there is no denying it. Thanks for listening to all my Tim Taylor stories! I love all you "Dorks" and will miss you more than you know. Love, MJ Habnor: How about another four years? At least consider eight more credits of Loquitur! I love you, Rocco. Love, MJ Dearnna: Where are you? Stay away from those baseball players. But what a weakness! Um, Um, Um. I love you Dearo. Love,MJ Eric Fox: I am sorry about the Mexican chicken. Next time, let's try American food. Call me if you are ever stuck in Trenton. Love, Mary Jane Woodcrest Second Floor Study Lounge Crew: Always remember the teapot, cigarette butts, popcorn, Neil's bare feet, Sunanne's muppet impression and Joelle Spag's 4 a.m. mass media papers. Thanks for some of the best laughs, deep thoughts and sleepless nights of my live. Love, MJ
Dr. Reher, Dr. Zurek, Dr. Young, Dr. McGuinness, Dr. Hollis, Carter, Margo, Cathy, Bud, Debbie, Anne and Frank: Thank you for everything you have given to me and continue to give to others. You all have been a great inspiration! Forever grateful, Maryanne Walker
Karen- I pulled you into the newsroom and you surpassed all our expectations. Still smiling, too! Thanks for listening to me and convincing me I was right. By the way, he hasn't called! Love, Heather
Congratulations theater award winners 1994: Cheryl Croce, Belinda Desher, Brian Killen and Dann Trotter
Sherry, you were my quiet Loquitur support all year. Thanks for putting up with an absent roommate and not making me give you gas$$ to go to Genuardi's. Love, Heather
To Jamie Shaak: The world awaits you! Every instinct I have suggests you will make a fine imprint and contribution. The best of what life has to offer. Monica Gallagher, development office
Good-bye and good luck to all the Loquidites (editors and staff) I will certainly miss you G.D. kids. Think of me whenever the newsroom needs cleaning. Love, Bud-Man
Mary Jane: Thank you for being such a great friend. You showed me many things that I will never forget. Best of luck next year in Princeton, I will miss ya! Love, Andrea
To all my favorite advisees and Steve Murray too-- get those career development reports in and keep in touch after graduation. JZ
To all you who made me smile- I will miss you! Good luck and happiness to you all! Dave- I hope you find true love! Thanks for the good times! Cabrini- see ya!!- Jenn
To the softball Mary Janes, Thanks for making this season the best one ever! Bring it on!! Love always, Mom (the old lady)
To the exciting, wonderful women of Upper North, Thank you for making my year so great! You are all fabulous! I will miss you next year and think of you always! Love, Jenn LAX Men, Thanks for all the sweat and heavy breathing. I love you all and will miss you dearly! Love, Mary Jane Ferris, Ferra!, Ferrita, Fer, Ferricknan: Before you sit down, just day one positive thing about you day and stay away from my men. I love you chica! Love, MJ KR, Kind, Ross, Rossi, Honest engine: From mass media to Joe Opelia's party to Xavier Hall to Loquitur to Mantana's (may it rest in peace) to Cancun to this moment, until forever. I love you with all my heart. "Be-My-Friend!" Love, MJ
To Gary and all my favorite Loquidites, You're all wonderful! Thanks for a great semester! Love, Rosanne C. To all my favorite teachers (you know who you are), thanks for your enlightening ideas and eye-opening opinions. I'll be back to haunt, I mean visit. Love, Rosanne To Danielle, Kelly, Bob, Doug, Gary and Steve- Here we are, at issue 24! I promise I won't send you any agendas this summer. I never even got my whip! We broke tradition, in more ways than one. Thanks for being my support and my friends. I love you, Heather To Bud, vice president emeritus of communications services, Loquitur hell would not have been the same without you! Thanks for all the quotes and words of wisdom. We'll all miss you. The Seven
Friday, April 29, 1994
Farewell/Graduat FJ-96- Yeah! Maybe if you buy Boston some Rasbury Beriels, he will seem all the more perfect. Are you sure you don't have $900? Goodluck,KR
MJ-Listen Rejection junkie, there will be no more of that behavior! The sky will be the limit as soon as you become a nun! Thanks for being my friend! Good Luck, KR Lisa-This makes eight years, doesn't it? Thanks for laughing at my stupid jokes! Roof! Roof! Good Luck, KR P.S. I will take that room in the attic Czechie- We survived! Good Luck, Ms. Ross To: "Spot" Kelly, What would have happened if you never asked me to dance? You do know that Pam is going to miss her Jim Morrison very much, don't you? Thanks for everything, even the steamroller! I'm going to meet you someday with my Zipps, and we'll make nachos, OK? I love "U2." You're "Fran"-tastic! Your main squeeze, "G" Kates. Kiersta, Denise Kim, Marge, Heather, Chrissy, Lisa, Jane, Abbe, Kyle, Clark and Dennis: Have a good summer and come visit roe next year in Woodcrest! I love you guys! Jacki To the 140 Quad and Jane, Abbe-Be Good, Stay out of trouble, and drink lots of beer! I'm going to ir..iss you! Love, Jacki Kiersta and Clark, Thanks for making me SO happy this year and for listening to me babble. I love you two! Love, Jacki Jacki, Kim, Denise, Marge, Jane, Chrissy, Lisa, Heather, Abbe, Clark, Dennis and Kyle-Woodcrest bound me! Have a great summer. Thanks for an incredible year. I love you guys, Kiersta Jacki and Clark-Who loves ya? Thanks for always making me smile. I love you both more than beer definitely! Love, Kiersta Best of Luck to all the wonderful people in the Class of 94! Nancy Hutchinson, co-op To the following people: Dave Kerchner, AnnMarie Mauro, Beth Mulvihill, Mollie Chesna, Amy Weshsler, John "Chico" Quirus- Have a wonderful graduation, and all the best in the start of your careers. All the best, from Mike Troupe Dr. Zurek- Thanks for letting us do things you didn't like! You were a constant support to a very unique board. We appreciate everything you've done. The Seven And to those 10 special people who chose to lead Loquitur next year-We wish you the best of luck. We know you'll succeed and make the paper the best it's been! Doug, Gary, Danielle, Steve, Bob, Heather To out devoted Jlers- Thanks for all your hard work. We couldn't have had such a successful year without you! Enjoy a Loquitur-free summer! The Editors Peggy and Ski- We can't believe you put up with all this in senior year! Thanks for making the year memorable. Never a dull moment! Doug, Gary, Kelly, Danielle, Steve, Bob and Heather
Seniors Steve Murray and Maryanne Walker last semester at the Parents Weekend Dance Maryanne and Rosanne- We faced the battles together last year, and we'll miss you! Good luck and congrats! Seven other J-lers. Congrats to Kim, MJ, Belinda, Deanna, Kathy, Brendan and Kevin- No matter what paths you take, we wish you, our predecessors, the best of luck. The Seven Paul Karcsh- It would have been a year sooner, if not for that Loquitur letter. T.S. and M.R. Roseanne, Ah Espanol? Hm ...T.V., lunches in the park, weddings, Loquitur, influential talks and life in general. You are a wonderful person. and we will graduate! Thanks for all the great times. Best of Luck! Love Always, MAW To the entire graduating Class of 1994. All the best, as you are about to start on your own. From the physical plant crew
Friday, Apri I 29, 1994
>n Personals 1994 Steve, I better get some free stuff from WA YV! Good luck with your new job! Love, Steph To all my graduating advisees and photographers: Thanks for all the joys you have given me over the years! You have been magnificent. My thanks for enriching my life! Always remember to hug! Love, Carter To my favorite darkroom zoomie- do not miss me too much, or I'll have to pommel you! Get ready to buy me that pitcher. Good luck, Boo Boo Ketz To our favorite RA Jenn Yates: You have made this year the best; always being a friend and making us feel loved. We wish you the best of luck in the future, whatever road you take. Love, Christina and Kristen !"(ary Jane, I want to wish you the best of luck in the future, no matter where the road of life takes you. I am a better person for knowing you ... and don't let anyone get you down. Much love, Christina To Katie Clark: Each one of us charts our own course in life. We navigate through our sense of conviction and responsiblity. As the captain of your own ship, I believe you will find the waters calm- I've enjoyed working with yoh. Monica Gallagher, development office Bud "Back in the Day" Mellon- Thanks for the smoke breaks, words of wisdom and tales from Danang. Peggy To all my fellow Jlers- I'm going to miss all of you immensely! All I can say is at least I was able to get to know such beautiful people during my life! Love, Peggy Diane- What a year! Through all the good times and the bad, you have been a true friend! I'm going to miss you next year, but don't worry ... I'll be back! Stay cool chickie! Love, Peggy House Two- We survived! I'll miss the crazy times we shared together, but most of all, I will miss the friendship you gave to me. Love, Peg
~recrowned Homecoming King and Queen
To WYBF senior-Thanks from the Com. Dept. for all your work. Hope to hear you on the airwaves. J.Z. To J.Z., Cathy, Marilyn, Artie and all the great Eng/Comm faculty. It has been both a pleasure and privilege working with all of you these past 5 years. Keep up the great work you do with our students. Good-bye, Good Luck, God Bless and on the rocky road of life may our paths cross again. Love, Bud '93 To the old Loquitur editors "92-"93: Will you ever forgive me for going on sabbatical? Time heals all wounds? Keep in touch. J.Z. Katina, I caught you flirting with my boyfriend! Where's dinner? Can't wait ti! Ocean City with the gang, but who's gonna drive? Who's room should we toilet paper at Orientation? Can't wait ti! summer! Love, Steph
Kristen, Dana, Kelly, Karen, Patty, Anne, Tracey, Kristen, Christina, Meredith, Sue apd Kristen: Have a great summer, and thanks for a great year. Love, Terry 1993-94 editors: You helped me come a long way, and I thank you for that. 199495 editors: I can't wait to work with you next year. Kelly: I'm here when you need me. I can't wait. I know you will do a fantastic job. Caroline Croley To Kristin and Heather: I cannot believe that we have only kfiown each other for four years! I will never forget all the time that we have shared, from tea and sex talks, to the apartment and Cancun and our regular week down the shore. HeatherCongratulations on MBS, the kindergarten will never be better. Kristin- I hope that this is the year of the Cycle Surgeon and, if you really want it, the summer of the diamond. I love you both. I will never forget the memories we have made at Cabrini and look forward to more in the future. Love, Amy Dawnielle: Getting Jost in Camden. It's been real. Carter: Thanks for being a good freind. To everyone I haven't mentioned, I Jove you all and plead with you to keep in touch over the summer. Caroline Croley Melis: I had a great four years with you. I never forgot the good times. Good luck in the future. Love, John Q. Beth (Loser): You have been nothing short of the best to me. Thanks and good luck. Love, Chico Eric and Dawnielle- Thanks for all of your help and support. Eric, good luck in the
future. Dawnielle, good luck with the new crew. -The Magnificent Seven Karen- You are the best business manager a bunch of psychos could ask for. Thanks for taking all of our crap. Good luck with the new crew! Love ya. -The Magnificent Seven. To our mentors- The Deb and Rambohave fun with Anna. Deb, have some tea for us. And Anne, best of luck with your baby. Thank you for your support and for teaching us about journalism. We love you both! -The Magnificent Seven. Court and Bel- I'll miss you so very much! Please keep in touch. Box 638! -Way To all my favorite Alderson buddies, remember: "Vicious Uno!" "Nine miles, nine minutes," "Cherokee people, Cherokee tribe," "We're the mayors!" and Appalachian sunsets. I love you all. God Bless, Love and Peace, Bel. Cookie- Where in the hell are you going to go now at 3 a.m.? I'm gonna miss our late-night chats. Keep in touch. Love, your masseuse. Herr Mellon- Vhereever you go, ve vill find you! Do not leave zee house vissout your PAPERS! Thank you for all the fun! We'll miss you! To the new editors: We are going to have a great year, and I am happy we will be working toghether. Thanks for all your support and dedication so far. We've only just begun! Love Kelly Caroline: Managing and editor in chief go hand- in hand. I'm glad we will be there for each another. Love Kelly
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Rich- the man of my dreams- Let's have a smoke, laugh a little and always stay friends. I don't think I could have done it without you! Love, Peg To the "ol,d" editors - "What a Jong, strange trip it's been." I'm just gald we made it together. Stay loopy and never commit a libelous act! Enjoy your Loquitur-free years, but never forget that I Jove you all! Peg
To the Class of 1994: All that is left to do is PARTY- PARTY- PARTY!!!!! To everyone who has made this year's Loquitur possible: You are all very special and wonderful people. There were times when it was fun and when it was not so fun, but through it all, we learned a lot! Keep up with all the good work you all have done!! Love, Gary Sheila and Jeannie: I hope you both find your sections of the paper next year to be as rewarding as I did. Remember to always have fun with it and never let it become a burden. You are both swell!! Love, Gary
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Friday, April 29, 1994
Siblings Weekend and 'Spring Fling' successful Right: Sophomore Nina Sciarotta puts her body through the physicsdefying gyroscope during Spring Fling on Saturday. The device forced people to flip and tum in all sorts of unnatural positions. Below: Juniors Shawn McAleer (left) and Ray Ewing (right) test their skills at Velcro Olympics during Saturday's Spring Fling.
photo by Dawnielle Klopp
photo by Oawnielle Klopp
Seniorspreparefor week of inebriation by Brian Slatkowskl assistant sports editor
Each impending graduate possesses his or her own opinion on what the days before graduation will hold for them. Whether optimistic or pessimistic, they are all sincere. One could say graduation stirs emotion like a good mixed drink. There are fewer than 30 days left until graduation. For some seniors, graduation is only thebeginning. Others consider it the end. "It's bad enough looking for a summer job, but looking for one for the rest of your life is insane," senior Dave Kerchner said. While senior Ellen Robbins said she is worried about getting a job, senior Melissa Thompson said she is just worried about oversleeping the day of graduation, due to the activities taking place the night before. Senior Tricia Daley asks the always important question, "God, do I really have to go to class?" Senior week has been cut short thanks to mother nature, but senior John Quiros, president of the senior class, is determined to make the four days of celebration one not soon forgotten. He planned these activities with the help of senior Steve Czech and Marianne DeFruscio, director of student activities. Quirus said, "I think I have a lot of drinking events planned. If you don't play it smart, you won't make all the events." Other seniors have different thoughts lingering on their mind. A group of senior residents including Kayce Pottichen, Charlyne Adams, Michelle Peranteau, Karen May and Paula DiPaolo said they all want to get so drunk that most Cabrini guys will look desirable enough to hook up with. When asked what she was doing for senior week, senior Judi Penaski said she was "drinking to forget I'm graduating." Two activities will include the Block Party and Senior Olympics. The highlight of the block party will be, tentatively, Love Seed Mama Jump. Even though, currently, no contract has been signed.
When dusk begins to fall, so will the seniors. According· to Quiros, the annual crawl will begin at the Main Lion and end up at the Wayne Tavern or Smokey Joe's. On Friday, May 20, seniors will head to Veteran Stadium. After the Phillies-Mets' game, which begins at 6:30 p.m., seniors will head for the clubs. Brownies, Legends, and Maui are prospects, Quiros said. Plans to finalize the schedule events for senior week still are being made. Also, Quirus said attempts are being made to involve all the seniors. He said he is expecting to get a bus to take the seniors, who missed the game, downtown. On Saturday, May 21, the baccalaurete Mass and reception will take place on the Mansion lawn, weather permitting. Quiros said, "The reception will have four stations of food relating to movie themes."
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Friday, April 29, 1994
Last week in the world of news by Renee Rozniatoski staff writer
0 Tuesday, April 19- United States approves additional air strikes. President Clinton approved the proposed use of air power to protect Gorazde from Herzegovian and Bosnian attacks on the United Nations' "safe area." Along with the increased air strikes against Serbia, the United States is planning to enforce economic sanctions against them, because of their continuing efforts to send supplies to the invading Bosnian Serbs. This proposal was discussed at the weekly meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) representatives in Brussels. It is planned to be a package of diplomatic concern and action against all military invasions of tp.e area. 0 Wednesday, April 20- Welfare discussions are in the works to cut benefits. Charles Murray, affiliated with the
American Enterprise Institute (a research filed against him. The patient actually died at a doctor's group), nearly a decade ago, ha·d an idea l1cµne 20 miles away from Detroit. which would discontinue welfare. Although radical at the time, politicians J(evorkia_n's lawyers are planning to order a now are planning refQPlls"in the welfare dittctverclict,due to the fact that a trial must system similar to those,of.Munay. be brougb( towhere the crime was commitThree politicians signed to support a ted. plan which would discontinue all benefits to women undet 21. (Jther similarconser- a Friday,April 22- !'l(ixondies at 81. vattve plans.suggest ending payments to Fonner president Richard M. Nixon died women of every 11ge. · at a NewYork City hospital at 9 p.m., after Bruce Reed, a White Housewetfateex- suffering from brain swelling and a stroke. pert, said Mp~'s ideas could hurta lotof - · After bej.ng hospitalized for several days, innocent p~ple, and President Clinton Nlxonfeljinto a coma. Although doctors are would oppose them. not positive of the caus~ of the stroke, they 't believe he oied peacefu,llyas a direct result of 0 Thursday,~pril 21- Kevorkian asks "iris conditfonr J for acquittal. '\ _ 1 1 In Detroit, l yers for Dr. Jack O,Sunda_y,ApriU-4-BombingupsetselecKevorkian are plannibl,to ask ajudge for an tions in Joh!JPl-rsburg. acquittal on charges tha~~_rkian violatAs ~ons came to a violent end in ed the ban on assisted suicide ifi·~~l.9,batmesburg, South Africa, a car bomb killed Kevorkian's lawyers are basing the plea at least nine people. on the fact that the patient died in a county The bomb left a crater-sized hole in the · other than the one specified in th~ charges street outside the African National Congress.
No one has been charged with the incident, but a second bomb was found by police dogs, after an anonymous phone call was received. This explosion was the deadliest since 1983, when 17 people were killed by the African National Congress. 0 Monday, April 25- Roseanne and Tom are reuniting. Roseanne and Tom Arnold are getting back together, after aweek-long spat which separated the two actors. Whether it was a publicity stunt or not is still undetermined. The two are receiving counseling from a rabbi, whom they hope will bring them spiritually back together. Tom Arnold made an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Friday. They discussed the fuing of his production staff, but no specifics were given about the separation. The two have decided to take a week away from their acting careers, to settle their differences.
May primariesemphasizeplatforms by Doug Eppler copy editor and writing coach
With fewer than two weeks until the primary elections, the would-be candidates for Pennsylvania governor, Republicans and Democrats both, are slowly bringing their views to the surface. Facing issues such as abortion, sex education and riverboat gambling, 11 men and women have begun the long process of winning the trust and approval of the voting population of the commonwealth. In the lineup for the Republicans are Ernie Preate, Sam Katz, Tom Ridge, John Perry and Mike Fisher. The Democrats are offering Dwight Evans, Lynn Yeakel, Philip Valenti, Mark Singel, Catherine Baker Knoll and Charles Volpe. Bob O'Donnell left the race late Monday afternoon. With the departure of Gov. Casey goes the hard-nosed defense of Pennsyl-
vania' s· strict legislation defining the parameters for abortions in the state. Casey, who was shunned by many of his fellow Democrats for his pro-life stance, is finishing his s ond term. Other top· f concerns th gun control eral candid advertising Preate, several co waves of P
selves pro-life. Volpe appears to be wavering on the issue. The majority of the Republicans are pro-life. Only Katz and Ridge support abortion. ols Evans says in schools. eption of lpe, again, the ques-
as decisive ucation in er. Here stand: 0 Abortion Evans, Yeakel and Singe! are vehemently pro-choice. Valenti and Knoll have declared them-
What's Happening Spring Retreat 5/5 4/29-5/1 0 Nine p.m. Bring your friends to the 0 Campus ministry and a group of WCGA and watch guys and gals particistudents spend a weekend at Reho~eth ,, pate in everyone's favorite game show. Beach, Del. Take a '}reakfrom the RedCloud Coffte House pressure of school and e~ams! 5/5 Awards Banquet 0 Enjoy~ evening of scenes written and performed by Cabrini students at 7 5/1 8 Join the C~brini athletes,who will p.m. in the Coffee House. This event is free. Don't tniss this unique first-time celebrate during an awards ceremony. event. Kappa Inductions Senior Loans, 5/1 0 Ten a.m. in the chapel. Join th<!! TBA 0 Graduating se,,11iorswho borrowed members of Kappa, they are-,,indu,cted loans iWhileatten(ling school must attend a for the year 94-95. loaneifitinterview session. Seniors cannot reeei ve fovitations, diplomas or transcripts Mansion Tour until this obligation is met. 5/1 0 From 3-5 p.m., therewill be Mansion tour, to benefit the Mansion RestoraSummer Housing 0 Interested in living on campus for the tion Fund. Five dollar admission. summer? Applications now are available in the resident life office. "Studs"
s he feels it has no place outs1 e e home. Katz favors it in the classroom. Perry agrees with Katz. 0 Riverboat gambling Seeking to increase revenue for the
stafe, some legislators have proposed the entrance of riverboat gambling into the commonwealth. The Democrats are divided on the issue. Evans supports it along with Singel and Volpe. Yeakel has not spoken about it, and Knoll is undecided. The Republicans, too, failed to unite on the topic. Preate and Fisher support riverboat gambling, Perry says the notion is "stupid," Ridge is undecided and Katz would like to leave the issue to a local referendum. Other topics pop in and out of the barrage of promotional spots currently airing. Several pieces have taken pot shots at the competition. Doubtless others will follow suit, as the primary approaches. As of yet, O'Donnell is the only casualty of the competition. It remains to be seen how many choices voters will get in each party.
Security Update Securityincidents, as reportedfrom the public safetyoffice, from April 15 - 25. Vandalism 4/15 ::::rrwoslashedlefttiresfoundbetween8:30 p.m.- 1:30 a.m. Car was in the parking lot of House6.
4/16 0 RadnorPolicehad set up a surveillance operation at a local alcohol distributor and witnesseda personpurchasea quantityofbeer. Police learned one ·of the passengers was a minorand a Cabrinistudent. Policeadministered alcoholtests. Driverpassedthe test and was informedhe/shecouldleavethe scenebut wouldnotbe allowedon campuswiththebeer. Two otherpassengersdidnot pass the test and were cited.
Alcohol Violation 4/15 0 Securitynoticedsomeonehangingout of DisorderlyConduct Woodcrest window. Student went back into room and sent a bag down on a rope. Two 4/20 OSecurityreceivedacallfromRAonduty studentswalkedup thehill withthebag. Officer found14bottlesofBuschliteand4cansofBusch in Xavier that two suspectswere verbally fightingand,atonepoint,theRAhadtoholdthe lite. two suspectsapart.
Mischief 4/15 0 Security received a call from Eastern securitythat they were being bombardedwith orangesfrom Cabrini'sCampus.
4/25 0 A facultymemberreturnedto hisoffice to find a missing 4" B/W/ T.V., Sony CD player,Boombox-typeAMJFMradio.
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Senior athletes hang them up·
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Now thatthe Playoffsare about to begin, who is your favoriteto win the NBA Championship?
? ?
by RonetteHott
staff writer
• ? ' are ngbt ?
The NBA playoffs around the corner, and fans are •
excited about which team will be ? the new title winner. Without the ? NBA's most phenomenal player, Michael Jordan, the Bulls are not ? likely to win four consecutive ? championships this year. ? Surprisingly,
the DenverNug-
gets have entered the playoffs ? this year, their first time since ? 1989. But, with B-ball mad!-tess ; in full force and teams taking a • step up from the back · court, ? there's no telling what might hap- 1
? ?
; •
Seattle is a team with great chem• istry and fresh young players that mesh together well. "The Knicks can play an offensive court and aie very aggressive," she said. · Another finely tuned NBA
? ? ?
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team is the San Antonio Spurs. • ,David Robins.on, who received ? the leading scoring title, and Den? nis Rodman, recognized as the ; leading rebounder, should not be • knocked out of the box for title ? contenders. r, Senior. Dan1>yCurbison said, • "PQoenix has a great chance of ? winning the title. They seem to ? make a conservative effort when • they're trailing and have a stron3 ?
? ? ?
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said. Cabrini's basketball team is really like a family." Another athletewill be leaving Cabriniwith Asseniorspreparefortheendoftheirfouryears positivememories.SheisseniorMaryanneWalkat Cabrini,theyreflectback on thememoriesthey er. have made. Friends, tests, papers, teachers and WalkergraduatedfromCardinalO'HaraHigh partiesare all part of those memories. School and has been playing tennis for Cabrini In addition,athleticsalsoplayedan extremely eversince. key roleto theirsocialand physicaldevelopment. Tirisseason,Walkerwastheonlysenioronthe DanBarracliff,asenior,willbe leavingCabrini team. mMaywithvery positivememories.Thisyear,at Shesaid,"Becauseofthepositiveattitudesand the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC), personalitiesofalltheplayers,oldandnew,wehad Barracliff scored his l,OOOthpoint in a game a great season." againstBeaverCollege. Like basketball and many other sports,the Barracliff,shootingguardfortheCavs,saidhe result of the games depends on the relationships feels the team's success had a lot to do with the among the players. supportthe the playersreceivedfrom the student Every year, the tennis team travels to Hilton body. Head,S.C.,toplay. Walkerexplainedthat,during Barracliff,a graduateof Ridley High School, this year's trip,the team members really bonded wasrecruitedbyCabriniduringhissecondsemes- with one another. ter of college. He transferredto Cabrini and "Aftermatches,we allwenttodinnertogether; immediatelybecame part of the team, under the we socialized and we went shopping," Walker directionof CoachJohn Dzik. said. Accordingto Barracliff,in orderfor a team to Whatwill thisEnglish/communicationsmajor play theirbest and really achievethat success,all missabout Cabrini,besidestennis? the playersmust work well together. "I'll missalltheprofessors,theunderclassmen, "I respt:? everyone on the team," Barracliff the radiostation,the stres.sof having eightpapers by Katina Corrao assistantarts & entertainmenteditor
due,thehousesand,finally,thenewsroom,"Walker said. Walkerhopesto get ajob eitherin televisionor behind the sceneswork. "I wouldliketocontnbutesometJiingconcrete to society," Walker said. "I think community serviceis so important." In the future, Walker would like to continue playingtennis. "I will definitely keep playing and possibly teach it," Walker said. Positivememoriesofcollegelifeand actjvities, whether they be athletic,academic or social, appearto strengthenthe livesand definethe pathsof soon-to-beCabripigraduates. MattCahillstartedplayingtenniswhenhewas 12-years-old.Untilhestartedplayingfor Cabrini three years ago, Cahillhad not had a real coach. "lnhighschool, wedidnotreallyhaveacoach, we had a moderator,"he said." Itwas apreistwho hung out and watchedus practice. Haughtmyself how to play." Cahillwas MVP everyyear that he played for Cabrini. Cahill said, "I will have good memories of playing for Cabrini. I am going to miss playing here."
Co11sequently, teams such as ? the Boston Celtics, Los Angeles ; Lakers and Philly's beloved • 16ers, that dominated the 1980s, ? now have fallen short to tougher ? competition in the '90s. Continuing education student ? Juaria Jenkins thinks the Seattle ? Supersonics and the New York r, Knicks probably will make it to • the playoffs. She .said, "They t,·• know how to tab control of the ? game." • According to Leslie Feggans, ? a junior, the Atlanta Hawks and ? the Supersonics bav<1a definite ?• chanceofmeetingneck-and-neck • in the playoffs. ? Howe-ver, Fe.ggans added that
Friday, April_29, 1994
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? •J desire to win, espec:ially with the ~
experience of Charles Barkley.'' ? According to Leon .Holloway. ~ an ISS employee, he agrees the • Phoenix Suns can go all the way. ?i Holloway said, "Last year, it was Phoenix's destiny to win, and without them having to,face 1 Michael Jordan, there will be less ? pressure." . ? A lot of NBA fans have picked • the Supersonics to win the title. ? With outstanding athletes, such . .-, as Sean Kemp, Ricky Pierce and • Shawn Perkins, undoubtedly they ? have the ability. ? This year's 1994 NBA play- ? offs are likely to bring excite- • ment, disappointment andplenty ? of surprises. ?
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Friday, April 29, 1994
Last week in the world of sports Tap in
by Caroline Croley assistant news editor
D Horse racing In just two short weeks, horse racing fans will be able to watch their favorite horses and jockeys take to the track at the Kentucky Derby, in Lexington, Ky. The big question this year is, "Who will beat Holy Bull?" Holy Bull is the dominant leader and is favored to win this year. As the days get closer to the big event, Holy Bull still is ahead of the rest of the pack. His rider, Mike Smith, said, in The New York Times, "He is there because he is fast. The first two jumps out of there, and he puts himself in the lead. I think he will go as far as you want him to." D Boston Marathon On April 18, athletes ran from Hopkinton to Boston in the annual Boston Marathon. Runners blew down the raceway, marking the 98th year that the marathon took place. This year, both a man and a woman beat the record for achieving the fastest times. Cosmas Nideti, a 24-year-old Kenyan, won the men's race for the second year in a row, with a time of 2:7:15. Uta Pippig, a 28-year-old from Germany, won the women's race easily in 2:21:45.
D Hockey In the first roundof the hockey playoffs, the New York Rangers eliminated the New York Islanders in four straight games. The Rangers opponent in the second round has yet to be determined. Also falling victim to a first round sweep were the St. Louis Blues. The
Scoreboard Intramural Softball
Blues were beaten by the Dallas Stars. The Penguins were also eliminated in the first round by the Washington Capitals, four games to two.
D Yacbt racing The time for the America's Cup is making its way into the lives of yacht racing fans once again. The Japanese have been busy testing the waters, as they prepare for their big race in San Diego, Ca. As practice began, the wind and the sun cooperated, and the sailers were able to form a symmetry with the water. The Japanese are busy planning a winning strategy for their race in 1995. Trials are scheduled to take place next January. The Japanese were the first to launch a 1995 design.
D Basketball The Knicks still are having a losing streak, as they suffered another huge loss against the Hornets, by the score of 107-91. For the first time, Knicks' coach Pat Riley seemed to be more upset and concerned than in the past. He wondered if the team were mentally capable of winning the championship. This loss was severe in the threeteam race for the best record in the Eastern Conference. David Robinson of the San Antonio Spurs won the league scoring title by scoring 71 points in his final game. He defeated Shaquille O'Neal, who scored only 32 in his final game of the season. The NBA Playoffs begin this weekend. In the East, it is the Atlanta Hawks against the Miami Heat, the New Y~rk Knicks and the New Jersey Nets, the
Chicago Bulls and the Cleveland Cavs, and the Orlando Magic and the Indiana Pacers. In the Western Conference, it is Seattle against Denver, the Rockets take on Portland, the Phoenix Suns play the Warriors, and San Antonio takes on Utah.
D Baseball The Phillies have fallen into the basement of the National League East, by losing four consecutive games on the West Coast. The Atlanta Braves are in first place, thanks in large part to their fabulous start. Even the New York Mets have a better record than the Phils right now. In the National League Central, the Cincinnati Reds are in first place, while the San Francisco Giants are running away with the West. Over in the American League, the division leaders are the Boston Red Sox in the East, the Cleveland Indians in the Central and the California Angels in the West.
D Boxing In his first defense since winning the heavyweight title from Riddick Bowe, champion Evander Holyfield was defeated by Michael Moorer. Moorer won a unanimous decision. Holyfield announced his retirement from boxing following the match. He entered a hospital following the fight, and it was discovered that he has a hole in his heart. In a related clevelopment, ex-champion Mike Tyson, who is still in prison, announced that he will return to boxing next year when he is released from prison.
Box scores Scores from week of 4/20-4/27 Women's Softball
Eastern Division
W Bonner Boys Lindsay's Leaders Born Again Virgins Cum Quats Reuter's Raiders
L GB 4 3 1 1 0
1 1 2 2
0.5 2.0 2.0
Monday, April 25 Cabrini 8, Widener6
Friday, April 22 Cabrini 17 Stevens Tech 6 Saturday, April 23 Cabrini 18, Manhattan 7
Sunday, April 24 Oneonta 14, Cabrini 4 Western Division
Tool Boxes The Fugitives Kegs & Legs The Apostles
4 3
1 3
GB 1.5
2.0 2.5
Father knows best Can you name the three NBA teams whose name does not end in "Sn? -compiled by Bob Macartney
Wednesday, April 27 Cabrini 4, Iona 1 (called in third quarter) Men's Tennis
Women's Softball 4/28
Stockton State
PAC Championships
Saturday, April 23 won PAC Championship
A quote to note "It's a high moment in my career, for sure. n -Montreal Canadiens goalie Patrick Roy, after having his appendix removed Saturday and then making 39 saves that night in a playoff game
to Mac
Trivia answer Steve Carlton, of the Philadelphia Phillies, was the last pitcher to win the Cy Young Award while pitching for a last place team. He did it in 1972. -compiled by Father Ambrose Cashman
Jt started back in August. All the prospectivestudent-atbletessbowedup for atbleticcamp,and theCabrinisports season was underway. Four PAC Championships later, with the possibility of another one. the seasonis windingdownto a close.
Afabulousyearfortheathleticteams and their fans. The first PAC·Championship was brought home by coach Duncan Hubley's soccerteam. Goals by firstyearstudent JoeMorrisandseniorFric BurkecatapultedtbeCavstothechampionship over Eastern.
Theother fall sports,despite excellent efforts. failed to bring home the title. Thewomen• s tennis and volleyball teams fought hard andmade it into the PAC Playoffs, beforesuccumbing to the opposition. The field hockeyteam
had their best seasonin years, and the men's cross.countryteambattled bard throughoutthe year. Whichbrings us to the second PAC Championship squad, the women's cross-country team. Strong performances by first.year student Kate Spires,junior TammyPfeiffenberger and juruor Melaaie Bruno brought Cabrinitheir secondtitle of the season. The third title quickly followed. C.oacbJohn Dzik and his Cavaliers wentthrough the PAC undefeated for the second straight seasoo and then won the conference tournament for the second straight season. The Cavs' season ended in the Division Ill Tournament, cappingquite a season. Coach Dan Welde's Lady Cavaliers tried to repeat as PAC Champions, but they fell one game short of their goal. However, the team, which has no seniors, will be a force in the PAC for yearsto come. With the spring season not yet com• pleted, the Cavs already have added another title. ReggieDay's men's tennis team took the PACs last weekend, to become the fourthCabrini team to bring home a PAC ring. The softball team will try to add to that total this weekend, when they host the final tournament. The Lady Cavs begin the dayin the semifinals against Alvemia at 9:30. The lacrosse team also bas had a decent year. Recently, they took second in the prestigious Dowling Invita-
tional. All of the student-athletes have had
excellentseasons,but the fan support has not always been there. This Saturday is your last chance. Go out and root the Lady Cavs on to victory. Help them make it five titles this year for Cabrini. Quite an accomplishment for our athletic program.
Seniorssay farewell by Rich Jasper assistant copy editor
Senior Rosanne Carfagno would not trade the experience for anything. Jason Giles, a senior, will remember the friendships he has made. And senior Lori Staneruck is grateful for the confidence she gained. For each of the senior athletes who participated on Cabrini's softball, crosscountry and soccer teams, they experienced their fair share of losses and hard times over the years. But, through it all,each came out a winner, both on and off the field. Carfagno, shortstop for the Lady Cavs softball team, hopes to pursue a job in the communications field, upon graduation. Transferring to Cabrini in her junior year, Carfagno wrote for Loquitur, worked on WYBF 89.1 FMand played softball for two years. "All I ever wanted to do in college, aside from learning, was to play softball," Carfagno said. "When I first went to college in 1985, I couldn't play, because I had to work. When I transferred to Cabrini, I was very excited to have the chance given to me again, and I took it.,, During her junior year, Carfagno played in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) and was voted MVP of the softball team. This year, she was elected captain of the team. "Playing softball has made my life very hectic, but I wouldn't trade the experience for anything," Carfagno said. "I have made some great friends both on and off the playing field, and I feel that my experiences at Cabrini have really enriched my life." Two of Carfagno's senior teammates include rightfielder Charlyne Adams and outfielder Eileen Doyle. Adams, a mathematics/secondary education major, with a minor in psychology, played softball throughout her four years at Cabrini. In addition, she played field hockey for two years, made dean's list every semester and participated in numerous community service projects, including Project Appalachia and Camp Kismet.
"Every class I have taken at Cabrini and every sports teani I have played on have taught me the same thing- it is the person that gives 110 percent at everything and continues to try who will always survive and win in the end," Adams said. Doyle, a biology major, was a welcomed addition to this year's softball team. "Eileen is the epitome of a team player," Carfagno said. "Even if she didn't get in the game, she was ready and able to perform whatever the coach asked of her to the best of her ability. Anytime she was put into the game, we knew she would give it her all." This year's women's cross-country team, victorious in the PAC championships last November, was led by captain Lori Staneruck. "Winning this year's championship was a great victory for the team, as it is made up of a majority of freshmen who still have three years ahead of them," Staneruck said. Staneruck, an English/communications major, hopes to secure a job in marketing or advertising, after graduation. Currently, she is looking for a position in the publishing field. In addition to being the only senior member of the women's cross-country team this year, Staneruck also worked as a volunteer with Cabrini's Prison Literacy Project. . Wanting to be remembered as a good student, a great leader and dependable team player, Staneruck reflected on her cross-country experience. "I have never been a great athlete, but my dedication and spirit helped me to lead this year's team, as well as help efforts in previous years," she said. "The cross-country team and the atmosphere of Cabrini College have helped me gain confidence in myself and given me the opportunity to meet many new people." The men's soccer team also won the PAC championship last November. A strong and aggressive team, Cabrini defeated Eastern College, 2-1. Following the game, Jason Giles, a senior and tricaptain of the team, was named defensive player of the game.
Friday, April 29, 1994
Lady Cavs prepare for PACs
photo by Garoline Croley
Sophomore Niki Rose fires a pitch in against Neuman. The Lady Cavs host the PAC Championships on Saturday. They open up at 9:30 a.m. against Alvemia. Coach Hedtke's squad plays Stockton State on Wednesday.
Majoring in business administration, Giles plans to spend his summer as a lifeguard in Rehobeth Beach, Del. In September, he will start a career in real estate. "My overall experience at Cabrini has been the best of my life," Giles said. "When I entered Cabrini as a freshman, we won the ESAC. Now, in my senior year, we won the PAC."
More important than the championship games, however, Giles will always remember the friendships made among his fellow senior teammates that he expects will "last a lifetime." He wanted to let them know that he had a great time competing, winning and celebrating with them. "Don't give up," Giles said. "Don't ever give up!"
Graduatingathletesgave all they had by Christina Feehan assistant arts and entertainment editor
As the seniors prepare to graduate, they leave many things behind. Cabrini, tests, homework, papers, clubs and sporting activities, just to name a few. Matt Craig, a communications major, is a commuter from Radnor, Pa. He attended two high schools in the area, Archbishop Carroll and Trinity Pawling. Craig attended Mount Saint Mary's College in Maryland, before he transferred to Cabrini. Craig then transferred to Cabrini, where he plays lacrosse and is a member of Oxfam America. Craig spends his time working at Bennigan's, when he is not on the field or hitting the books. Brian Siatkowski, another graduating senior on the lacrosse team, is from Reistertown, Md. He also transferred to Cabrini, after two-and-a-half years, from Gardner-Webb College in North Carolina. At Gardner-Webb, Siatkowski was a
two-time NAIA and NCAA national qualifier in wrestling. He placed first in a Washington and Lee tournament. He was a co-editor of the literary guide and worked at a local radio station. Siatkowski has spent his last yearand-a-half at Cabrini as a member of the lacrosse team, the student coordinator of Amnesty International and a staff writer and assistant sports editor of Loquitur. Besides these activities, Siatkowski also does a radio show and wrestles freestyle in the spring, independently. Although Siatkowski has participated in many activities at both of his colleges, he is not quite sure where he is going after graduation. "You gain a lot of insight at college outside of the classroom," Siatkowski said. "A lot of people, students and faculty have affected my life." Siatkowski also felt that his transfer also had an impact on his life. "I feel that a transfer was needed to help my education," Siatkowski said. "Coach
Mills brought me up here with him because I was unhappy with things in North Carolina. I thought I was unhappy because of my surroundings, but I was unhappy with myself. The transfer changed my entire personality." Brian Wolk, a senior volleyball player, has many plans after his May graduation. He would like to start a management company with groups he knows and get experience in that field. He would like to begin another band, get into the music industry and spend his life on the road. Wolk also wants to get married and have a family, as well as lots of animals. "I want the whole picket fence scenario," Wolk said. Wolk has played the guitar since his sophomore year of high school. This Cleveland, Ohio native has participated in the CARe walk, the haunted house for three years and he is a Eucharistic minister. He has played volleyball and been in the theater productions for three years. Wolk also is a member of the comedy
troupe, and you may even find him serving food in the cafeteria. Mark Mellor, a senior from Philadelphia, also has been a member of the volleyball club. He was an orientation counselor (OC) and the president and vice president of the student government association. "I have had many worthwhile experiences at Cabrini," Mellor said. "I received a great education, and Cabripi is everything it said it would be." Upon graduation, Mellor will work for a health care company in Philadelphia. Another senior from the volleyball club is John"Psycho" Fasolka. Fasolka played for the club all four years. He set for the team in each of his four years, and he was named Athlete of the Week once. Fasolka also played lacrosse during his junior season, and he was recruited to run for the track and field team. A man of few words, Fasolka was unavailable for comment.