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Men's soccer returns'ready to win
by Celene Wright
sports editor
The 1994 Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) Champions have come back foT a new season and they brought with them some reinforcements. The men's soccer team is detemrined to defend their spotasPAC champs and maybe take their ·win a little further. My Jong term goal would be to go to the
NCAA tournament and my short term goal • is to win the PAC once again," Mike Tims, senior and team captain, said. The reinforcements mentioned would describe the eight new recruits that have joined the team. These new members will assist in fulfilling the goals the team has set this year. · The recruits consist of first-year students, Jason Weidner, Chris Schmidt, Paul
Hollinger. An.tb.ony Cancelliere, Anthony
Noel, Darren Meder and Larry Teal and sophomore Bill Maher. · According to sophomore, John Volpe, first-year students and recruits, Darren
Meder and Hollinger are very aggressive players. Senior and team captain, Steve
McGowan sajd, Hollinger, Darren Meder, and Teal came in with confidence, an eagerness to play, and they were not at all . intimidated. He felt they fitinto theirwhole system of play. Anthony Noel is one of the best goalies in the Philadelphia area, said Tims._ Six of the eight recruits got a chance to show their talents and work with the veteran players this summer. The team participated in the Lower Merion Soccer League and they did very well, placing first in the league.
Though the team lost m the playoffs, placing first was quite an accomplishment, considering their competition. -The other team in the league was made up of dub teams that composed of some graduate players.
Volpe.said, the summer league gives the team a chance to get out and practice and meet new players, so they can see what talents they possess and if we play well together.
Though the team has lost some experienced · players, tltey have gotten a lot of new talent in exchange.
Dan Meder, a junior, said, "We lost a few \ . p1ayers, but we gamed a ton of good players." "Jason Giles was an aggressive player, a really good defender. We are hoping Hollinger can fill his ~hoes. Not his exact shoes, because Bollinger's feet are bigger," Meder added.
McGowan said, "Duncan did an excellent job of recruiting freshmen to fill those positions. If not, we have a few sophomores and juniors who are stepping up and could possibly take those positions."
No matter who fills those positions, there is. a balance of abiljty throughout the team. The players on the bench are ju,st as strong as their teammates on the field.
There is a lot more balance and depth o the team, meaning our second string players are as strong as our first string players, said Meder.
It looks good for the men's soccer team, elpecially if they keep tbinking like first-year student, Hollinger.
Hollinger said," I plan to 0play my best in every game and do my best to win:"
·photo by Oawniefte K1ow Jeff Winters, a sophomore, struts his stuff on the soccer field. The men's soccer team is determined to go far in their wins this year. They plan to win the PAC along with playing in the NCAA tournament.
Lady Cavs kick off new season
by Jane S. Van lngen
; graphic & design editor
While the men's soccer team won the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) championships last year and in ·1991, many may have wondered why there was not a women's so_ccer team._Well, wonder no more, because the women's soccer club is now a varsity sport.
Last year the club was started at the last minute.
According to Sis Slater, a sophomore, she and other first-year stu. dents were ask~d to piay the second week of school instead of being asked over the summer. There was an interest in soccer,_ so it became a club under the Student Government Association. According to Jen Wunsch, a senior, they were organized, but there were barely enough people to fill the team.
The women's s_occer team played various colleges in the area and will continue to compett:_ against them in the fall. Some of these colleges are
Goucher, Frostburg, Widener, Beaver and Eastern. According to
Wunsch, the team did not do very
pholo by Dawniele KloW Heather Teti, juhior, and Kristen Vento, a sophomore,begin practing for the season. The w(fJmen's team changed from a club to a varsity sport. 1this year.
well last year because it was their Gardner-Pierangeli went. to various first. high schools last year to recruit people
Dianne Gardner-Pierangeli, the for the women's soccer club. As a team, coach of the women's soccer team, they will play .more games and are elisaid, "If someone got tired in a game, gible to go to the playoffs. In addition, tliey could not be taken.out because playersareeligible,towinspecialawards there were not enough people. T_here an.d honors. With this in mind, Gardnerwere also a lot of injuries. But, that Pierangeli recruited a lot of good new will aJI change this_ year because of · players. Pierangeli did all the follow up work for recruiting people and d~d an outstanding job. Wunsch was the captain of the team last year as well as the goalie. Wunsch helped recruit p'eople by going to high schools and telling students about the emerging women's soccer team.
Michele McGowan, first-year student, is a recruit, from New Jersey. Becky Ward, Marie Kaoski, Caran Senteli and Karan Leavy.
According to Gardner-Pierangeli, the first-year students have played a long time and have a lot of experience. "Last year, a lot o( players were not only inexperienced, they had never played before," µardner-Pierangeli said.
The addition of new players will bring the program up a lot," Gardner. Pierangeli said. "We ·have a stronger team based on the talent of the first-year students."
This year is a good recruiting year, according to Gardner-Pierangeli, because she Tecruited seven people. In addition, there are eigpt players return- · ing.
The first-year students are younger and have been playing longer," GardnerPierangeli said. "There is more of a focus on wanting to do well. There is more skill and the team bas more depth." "The returning players will be good this yean because they will realize that the freshmen are good," said GardnerPierangeli, "They will have to work harder since there is m'ore competition."
Accor.ding to Wunsch, last year the players had a foundation and a building. block to work on. They started out small. and built thems.elves up.
Accor'iJing_ to Gardner-Pierangeli, because off the new players and the im~ provements they will bring, the wom.en 's soccer team has a good shot at the J> AC championships.
The women's soccer team diq not practice or compete over the summer. They began practicing last Sunday, and will begin playing Sept. I 0. ·