FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY tl9p.m. in the v'noon-4p.m.near v'9p.m.Red ti 8 a.m. Mass WCGA the Peace Pole, Cloud Coffee in the chapel Comedian Gary Welcome Back House, a night Delena, DJ and Bash with free at the theater free pizza give-a-ways and lots of activities tl3-7p.m. Campus Ministry Council meeting
Underthissystem,residentswillnot receivea monthlybill for localor oncampuscalls,nor will they becharged for installation.However,eachresident receiveda longdistancecodethat they will be billed for on a monthlybasis, whichallowsthemtomakelongdistance calls from campus telephones. fu comparisonto a callingcard,students savemoneybecausethereisooaservice charge.
, )!:~ Friday,September9, 1994 Vol. XLI, No. 2 ......-.... Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087
:JCleanAirPolicy Smokingis not permittedin any publicbuildingon campus.and is also restrictedin the residencehalls to the designated areas selected by the residents,which willbe voted on this week. Atpresent,residentsarenotallowed to smokein quadsor hallwaysandare limitedtosmokingintheirrooms.Also, residentscan indicate if their room is smokingor non-smokingon the room assigmentsurveys.
TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY tlll:30-lp.m. ti 8 a.m. Mass in tl7p.m.auditions near the Peace the chapel in the Coffehouse Pole, a club fair for everyone tll la.m.-2p.m.Qtl7p.m. in the 102, 103.9, 100.3 ti 6:15 p.m. Coffehouse, broadcasts live on Mass in the auditions for the fall campus chapel theater production, ti 6:15 p.m. "Fresh Out Of Rats" Mass in the by Paul Crowell chapel
Residentlife implementschanges
:JVisitationPolicy to last year's 24-hour visitation policy in Xavier Hall, residentswillhaveto adjustto a new, morerestrictivepolicythatis,forthe most part, the same as Woodcrest Hall. The maximumvisitationlimits, accordingtothestudenthandbook,is set by the residentsof each building atthebeginningoftheacademicyear and applyto non-buildingresidents or guestsin Xavier and Woodcrest.
SundaythroughThursday,residents are permittedto have guestsin their roomsfromnoonto midnightandin designatedloungesfrom noon to 2 a.m. On Fridayand Saturday,visitors are permitted in residents' rooms fromnoonto2am. andindesignated loungesfromnoonto 4:30a.m. However,24-hourvisitationby same-sex guests is permitted on FridayandSaturdayonly. A request forasame-sexovemightguestduring weeknightsmustbeapprovedbythe residentdirector. As for membersof the·opposite sex,Woodcrestisclosedas of2 a.m. on weeknights and 4:30 a.m on weekends The sameappliesto Xavier,with the exception of male Xavier residents,who are permittedin any room in Xavier,regardlessof sex.
Asforthehouses,nolimitsareset on visitationexceptthose decided by the residents. Accordingto Caulfield,visitation waschangedin Xavierfor a numberof reasons,the most importantbeingthe inequalitiesthatexistedbetweenXavier and Woodcrest. Other concerns included the noise level, a more academic environment and security reasons.
photo by 0.wn/el/e Klopp
Inside ... vA&E Check out Woodstock revisited pg.6 vNEWS pg8 Iadarola addresses the College vSPORTS pg.12 Women's Volleyball previewed Week
StudentscanaJsodoawaywiththeir answeringmachinesbecauseStudent TelephoneSy~providesa personal voicemailoption.Three-waycallingis anolheraddedoption; Caulfieldsaid thephoneserviceis importantfor safetyreasons. She said that now everyone has a phone, in comparisonto past years when some residents chose not have phones installed,andsecurityiseasilyaccessible in an emergencysituation. Employeesfrom the phoneservice havebeenoncampusassistingresidents withproblemsandcanbereachedatthe help line,8589. ClLaundry Services
QPhoneSystem Student Telephone Services is responsible for installing phones in residents'rooms as well as forminga connection between residents and officeson campus.The phoneservice, whichhas beenin the worksforovera year, will eventuallylink togetherthe entirecampusunderthe 902extension.
by Kelly McDonald editor in chief According to Cathy Caulfied, directorofresidentlife.regardlessof the changes in residenthalls, room andboardstillwouldhavebeenraised from$5790to$6250,a$460increase. Thisincreaseoccuredafterroomand board remainedthe same from the 1992-93to the 19'J3-94schoolyear. However,residentlifehasmadea lot of visiblechanges.
'.JR.esidentLife StaffAddition Bruce McMillian, new assistant directorof residentlife, comes from LynchburgCollege,wherehe started asahalldirectorandeventuallybecame assistantdirectorof residentlife. McMillianremainedinthispostion for five years. His responsibilites includedofferingsupportfor students as wellas beinga resourceforthe staff. McMilliandiscoveredCahiniwhile searching for a job i.., tni., spocific geographicalarea becausehis fiance, Kimberly,livedinthearea McMillian recentlymarriedand is now livingin pholo by CarolineCro#y Junior Dani Floyd, resident of House 1, tries to figure out voice mail on her new Cabrini phone. Xavier211 &212. Accordingto McMillian,he would liketo makehimselfapproachableand developa good repoirewithstudents. Heintendstodothisbywalkingaround the buildingand giving residentsthe opportunityto getto knowhimoutside of timesthey are in trouble. Hesaidhe is in favorofco--edliving becauseitgivesstudentsreal-lifeliving experience."It is out of cl~ learning, it teacheshow to get alongwithOlher people and resolve conflicts,giving students more responsibililty," McMilliansaid. Along with the majorresident life changes, some minor, less noticablechangeshave also been made.Woodcrestreceivedallnew mattresses, the houses were rekeyedand the WoodcrestSmoker is beingrenovatedto makeit more attractive.
Sept~ 9 to 15
Woodcrest resident, Heather Yosko, a sophomore, smiles as she does her laudry for free. Chip Chiappardi, Nina Sciarrotta and C.J. enjoy a hayride at the Sciarrotta's farm on Labor Day. Most Cabrini students went home or to the shore for the long weekend. at a Glance ...
Where did all the peoplego?
Accordingto Caulfield,theresident life staff knew that people were not photo by Carolin• Croley paying forlaundryservices,whichled to a lot of breakage. To preventthis problemfromcontinuing,residentlife workedout a deal with the company. Now, studentsdo not have to pay for eachloadoflaundrytheydo.However, nothingin life is free, and this is just anotherexpenseincorpo,dtedintoroom and board.
Feeling the effects of change
There is no such thing as a free lunch!!! Those of you who actually thought you were receiving the "perks" of new equipment and additions were mislead. The cost of the new additions has filtered into every college student's tuition bill for this semester. Many of the new upgrades and changes have made being a resident on campus a lot easier this semester, but these face lifts, or changes, should have occurred a long time ago. So what do the commuters gain from their investments? They gain a new campus appearance and clean sidewalks.
Some of the new and exciting changes have been three new stackable laundry machines in Xavier Hall. Not only are they new, but they are freeof-charge. Other additions include: the free local calling phone system, new locks on the exterior of the housing units, new mattresses and new T.V.s in Woodcrest and houses 2 through 4. Of course, the new furniture is a nice touch for those who lounge around and need to relax between classes. However, for the smokers, itis a little more that simply lounging around. This small population has been forced to find other areas outside to relax. A lot of changes have occurred so far, but there is still a lot more to come. Hopefully with all the changes that are occurring and will in the future, most of us will still be here to actually see where our money is going, and have a chance to enjoy the changes. Resident life/student activities deserve a thank you, for taking the time out to present a movie in Xavier Hall's Great Room last Friday. This was a great way of catering toward the students who could not go home for the Labor Day holiday.
Navigatingcareer paths
The tension of waiting in long lines for food service has been alleviated with the opening of the new food court. An additional bonus to this problem is that meal tickets are interchangeable between the food court and the cafeteria.
2 Editorial Friday, Sept. 9, 1994 lllllllli!;1;;1;1tliiii;~\~~i!i~fJ/.;;~~~;.;;iiiii~W1iii1l:iiii~~iiiliiiiii1iiiiitil&f iiiiiiiiil
Diane Wrobleski, Editorial and Op-Ed editor
It is now official. Summer is over. The carefree feeling of fun-in-the-sun has gone once again till next year. The tide rolled in one last time, and sadly it swallowed my last fling at freedom. Now reality and career choices are left on the sand, exposed to the burning sun, and my last year of college. Remember when your parents told you how fast time goes as you get older? Well, they were right. I wish I could turn the clock back and have just one more summer off, to only worry about grades and Visa bills. Now there is so much more to worry about than grades and Visas. My concern now is saving money forrent and reality. All ofthis has come sooner than I ever dreamed it would. Next May, I graduate. I am excited and happy to be on my own in a few months, but I am also uncertain about a lot of things. There will be many more obstacles to conquer and more responsibilities that will be overwhelming at first, but I know I'll survive. After all, there are millions of people in the same boat as me. All I have to worry about is finding an apartment with a good location, affordable rent, a dependable roommate and my car payments. Oh, I can not forget, a job! Honestly, I have to say I have no regrets concerning the many job experiences I have had up to this point. They have dealt with everything from building homes to managing a restaurant. Of course I have a lot of diverse experience, but there is always something to be learned, from each and every last one. I accepted the grunt work with the cushydesk jobs, and as a result, I believe I am prepared to graduate with an optimistic attitude. My only problem is I do not know exactly what I want to do. Being a senior does not mean you have to set your mind on one goal and stay with it for the rest of your life. This is why I am glad my major is communications, because there are so many careers and changes that can be made within this field. I also have a business background This will be helpful down the road, but I am still confused as to where to begin. Every summer, starting in middle school, I took on a new job with a new challenge. This is the hardest thing for me to break away from, now that graduation is just around the comer. I am one of those people who just cannot sit still for too long. Now instead of multiple jobs and weekends at the beach, I will be facing financial stress and one full-time career. In a way, I wish I had kept at least one summer as a lazy, fun break. But I did gain skills and learned a lotoflessons from all of my employment opportunities. I learned as much about different career , choices as I did about people. Simply working with people, from being a part of a crew, to becoming the navigator or manager, was one of the most valuable and rewarding transitions I ever faced. When I framed homes and built additions, I was part of a dedicated crew of workers. Any wrong or uncooperative action on the sites with the tools and structures could have meant injury or even death. I pushed myself to the extremes that summer. I never doubted myself except physically, but I worked hard and stayed determined. Now I am a stronger person both mentally and physically. Managing, however, was on the opposite end of the spectrum. Managing was my chance to dive in and be both a leader and a team player. It was hard to become comfortable with the new names and faces, but I jumped into the situation with a positive and energetic attitude. I walked on egg shells the first few days on the job, because every time a staff member had problems with customers or computers, they would run to me. My training was brief, one full day and many pages of notes. Once again I kept telling myself"! can do this." Then came the fun part: closing late, banking, spreadsheets, beverage orders and locking-up. My summernights out on the town were history. On the other hand, my savings account was making history. I was actually saving money for the future, and I felt good about it. I still hated playing with numbers late at night during closing, but I realized it was a valuable experience, and that is all that matters. As this summer ended, my training of two new managers began. I found myself calling them on the phone like my general manager did to me, at I :30 am. during closing, to make sure they were doing well with the procedures. I was addicted to the job. I hated it, but at the same time, I missed it. I enjoyed running a restaurant/bar, but the only problem was that this type of job is not what my major is about. The majority of the jobs I have had did not have anything to do with my major. The framingjob was one I was not even sure I should put on my resume. Now I am integrating the knowledge I gained from it, into my current job at an architectural magazine in Philadelphia. Accepting change and its challenges have helped me to grow and accept people and experiences for what they are. I may be uncertain as to where these jobs will eventually take me, but each summer and each step has brought me closer to what is eventually iliiliiil Edrtor-in-chief: Kelly McDonald Managing Editor: Caroline Croley Edrtorial and Op-Ed Edrtor: Diane Wrobleski NewsEditor: Christina Feehan Arts and Entertainment Editor: Regina Miller Features Editor: Sheila Brady Sports Editor: Celene Wright Graphics Editor: Jane Van lngen Copy Edrtor: Richard Jasper Business Manager: Karen Szczurek Photography Editor: Dawnielle Klopp Photography Adviser: Dr. Carter Craigie Adviser: Dr. Jerome Zurek Staff: Mary Burfete, Stephanie Caldwell, Kalhy Cephas, Nicole Coleman, Matthew Craig, David DiMatteo, Patricia Foley, Dyana Glasgow, Joanna Golesh, Allyson Hannigan, Lisa Hines, Amy Jackson, Andrea Kelliher, Jamie Latshaw, John Lindsay, Katherine Malone, Joe Marturano, Paul Marturano, Angela Mattioni, Juslin Mirigllani, Elizabeth Molloy, Brian Mooney, Michelle Reiser, Kara Pruett, Donna Schaeffer, Richard Schepis, Nina Sciarrotta, Laura Testa Photography Staff: Caroline Croley, Wes Geary, James Gregory, Jamie Latshaw, Joe Marturano Advertising Designers: Kathy Malone, Steve May Loqurtur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 610· 971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquitur welcomes fellers to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, if the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the wrrter"s name may be left off the letter upon publicalion and an inscription inserted such as "name withheld al the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. If a letter is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense it. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published in Loquitur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and • not the entire student body or tile faculty and administration.
Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voicein the uninhibited,robust,free and opendiscussion nf ill:~IIA~
Congratulations to the men's soccer for winning the Scranton tournament last week! This is a great way to start the season, guys!
Residents are having problems with the new phone system. Some of the area faculty\5taff offices are also having trouble with lines that have not been connected or are temporarily out of service. Thank goodness for the "help" line. Hopefully within two weeks, the problems will be ironed out.
Judging a book by its cover To the editor: I am pleased to know that a Cabrini student who has visited my country of Jamaica has written an article in the last issue about the "little" she saw. I hope she had a great time, and is planning to return in the future. I am also extremely happy to know that she found the people to be friendly, but she went on to say, "Despite the poverty in which the Jamaicans Jive, etc." My question to you is: What did you reaUy see? Poverty or an entire different culture? What is poverty to you? Is it Casandra, the lady in the picture, selling from her shack, or the whole town of "Rasta Mans?" It may even be a little girl eating a locally grown fruit. WeU, if it is Casandra, take a look at Ninth and Washington Streets in Philadelphia. If it is the little girl, then walk the city streets. It may even be the "Rasta Mans." Well, this is a totally different culture, a set of people with their own religion and way of living. These are people who dress differently, eat differently and live totally differently. So let's stop and look at the world's poverty and culture. It would be untrue to say poverty does not exist in Jamaica, it does. Like anywhere else, even the United States of America, poverty exists.
The satellite program I would be a part of was run by NASA and built for NOAA (National Oceanic and Administration). The satellite they were building provides continuous meteorological data for the United States and users around the world. It is used for weather forecasting, hurricane tracking, ocean temperature changes and rain forest activity.
,. _,....,_....,..1[
Sincerely, Mike Troupe, physicalplant They all treated me with respect. I will miss all of them a great deal. I know that they will miss me, and all of my wonderful stories about working on the third floor with the vicepresident. But, I know that coming back to Cabrini is the right thing for me to do, and that someday, I will have the opportunity to work with another group of people who treat me just as well as they did. For now, I hope that they will survive without a secretary until October when their former one returns. I wish them the best of luck with the NOAA-J launch and hope that they won't forget to buy me my ticket to Lompac, California, so that I can continue to learn from them and see the satel1ite launch in December. I thank them for everything they taught me and helped me with. They gave me an opportunity I never expected to have. It was better than sleeping late or going to the beach, because now I have forty new big brothers, and memories that will last a lifetime.
Some people had the opportunity to 4:15 p.m. work at a day camp, the mall, baby- In my head though, I only heard 7: 15 sitting, a business, or company, but this a.m. summer I had the opportunity to work at That is mighty early, I hope I can be NASA (National Aeronautic Space Ad- on time everyday. ministration), a part of Martin Marietta "Would it be every day," I asked. Corporation. "Yes it would be," he told me as he I never expected to be working for moved onto his next question, which was NASA after finishing just one year of when can you start? I told him tomorcollege, nor did I expect to get a job for row. the summer that would change my out- "Great," he replied, "because my look on what my life could be about. secretary is going out on medical leave I left Cabrini at the end of the spring in two days, so I will let you know by the semester, to go home and find a job. I end of the day." wanted a job that would pay well and I left feeling very confident about allow me to spend some of my time at getting this job, but the idea of getting the beach. A job that would also allow to work at 7: 15 a.m. everyday did not me to sleep late and travel to see my thrill me. friends. I went home and waited for the phone
Friday, Sept. 9, 1994 OP-ED L,OOUITUR. 3
Instead of letting myself get bored, I soon became the secretary that never stopped talking and asking questions. I was allowed to go into the area where the sate11ites were being built, and soon, I learned all about them. They were built from scratch, and the men I worked with did all of the testing right below my office window. They were called TIROS l&T, because Television Infrared Operational Satellite Integration and Test stood for exactly what they were doing. They were making sure that each satellite would be fully operational before sending them off to be launched. I learned a lot from the many things I did while working at Martin Marietta, and I met a lot of new people. I hope the connections I made can help me to find a job when I graduate. Not only did I learn how to get to work on time by avoiding the morning traffic, but my skills and personality helped me get a position working with the vice-president of the company. Working for him was very different than working with the guys I had spent most of the summer with. It was a very educational experience for both of us. I also learned that you can ask people to do something for you until you are blue in the face, but once you get forceful with them, you finally get exactly what you need from them. After spending 14 weeks with the same group of people, I became very attached to them and did not want to leave.
The first day I was home, I thought I to ring. would be able to sleep late. Oh, how At 4:30 p.m., I received a phone wrong I was. call. I got the job, and would start the I received a phone call at 8:30 a.m. next morning. from a temporary agency. So much for sleeping late and going The agency informed me that they to the beach. Instead, I will be working had set up a job interview for me that for NASA. I learned I would be workafternoon. ing for the largest government contracAll I could think about was the fact tor in the United States. that it was early and that I would not be able to spend the rest of the day relaxing. Who would have thought that this would become the job I learned to love so much, and did not want to leave at the end of the summer. When I arrived at Martin Marietta, I was told that I had papers to fill out, in order for me to be allowed to go onto the premises. As I filled these out, I waited for someone to come and get me. The man that came to get me seemed very quiet, but very nice. He explained to me why I had to be escorted around the building and what some of the buildings were. At first I was overwhelmed by this job and all of the formalities that were a part of it. I arrived upstairs to an office full of cubicles. There was one window, but it did not look outside. I became really nervous all of a sudden. I thought about how I really needed a job for the summer, even though I didn't want to work everyday. I knew that I had to act as though I did. I took a seat and tried to take-in what was around me, although none of it made any sense to me. I didn't understand why they wanted to interview me, a co1lege student. Soon, a man walked into the room and introduced himself to me as Rafael Gomez, Manager of TIROS I&T. A bit lost already, I toJd him my name. The next words out of bis mouth were, "there is no need to be nervous. This interview won't be long at all."
Mr. Gomez went on to tell me that he bad seen my resume and wanted to know a little bit about me.
Also, on board the sate11ite will be cameras which are equipped for the search and rescue of ships and plaaes around the world. Each day, I worked with forty guys who were either engineers or technicians. They all taught me something. In the beginning, they showed me how to work my computer, because my computer did not seem to want to work. They showed me how to get things accomplished and how to locate offices throughout the building. One of the engineers, Steve, even drew a map for me, and sent me off to find an office. Instead of ending up at the office, I wound up outside the building, and set the alarm off. I learned never to ask Steve or anyone else to draw a map for me. If I needed directions, I would ca11the person I was going to see, and they would tell me how to get to their office. As time went on, I learned to be myself. I was no longer the quiet secretary who just did her work and always asked if someone had something for me to do.
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Summer explodes with unexpected employment at NASA After I told him what I did at school ·=·=·and outside of school, I went on to tellfl him that I would be taking two summer l classes at the community college, and it'J would interfere with work. Andrea Kelliher, Sophomore f Mr. GotJ}ez then asked me if I knew )\ how to use a Macintosh computer and if I was willing to learn new programs. He l~ :~1 ~h~eif71:~5an:.~.
4 NEWS Friday, Sept. 9, 1994
Studentssave yearbook
"Recently I had my reunion and my fellow students and I looked through our yearbook to look back on what were then current events, certain activities, and we even looked up some students who had passed away since graduation," Smith said. "No one truly ever appreciates the work you do to put the yearbookor any publication together until you do it yourself," Smith said. Co-ops, interns or part-time jobs within the students' field or major is the way to go now. Companies are test-driving employees, using internships and summer jobs to screen students they might hire later for positions that are available. Just when it all may seem disappointing, there is a tide of change slowly rolling onto the economic boarders within certain industries. Steady improvement within the economy suggests the job market is continuing to rebound from the 1990-91 recession, despite the lingering effects of corporate downsizing.
by ChristinaFeehan news editor After the graduating class walks together as a group for the last time, each person goes their separate way down the path of life leading to the "real world." In time, one of these graduates might forget that favorite teacher, classmate or even the best party ever. Then, all he or she will have to do is dig out the yearbook to bring back the memories. According to the student handbook, a yearbook is defined "as a permanent record of on-and-off campus activities." Unfortunately, this record is only being captured and completed by two sophomores and their advisers. Andrea Kelliher ·and Jamie Latshaw signed up to work on the yearbook last fall with about 10 other students. By the end of the spring semester, these women were the only ones dedicated to their cause. "We called a lot of seniors and literally begged them to write us stories," Kelliher, editor of the senior, sports,ads and clubs and organizations sections, said. "Some seniors, like Roseanne Carfagno and Kathy Ross, came on the board to help us, but the lack of interest of students on campus is incredible." "No one is interested in creating the book," Kelliher said. "No one really cared, but they all want a yearbook." Latshaw. who is the editor of the academic, student life and opening page sections of Woodcrest, Cabrini's yearbook, said that she and Kelliher .spent their whole swnmer trying to put this book together. 'There were times when I called our publishingadviserandlwasverydisappointed and wanted to give up," Latshaw said. "But I felt a responsibilityto completethe yearbook because no one else was." "Virginia (Smith) keeps Andrea and I motivated and on the ball," Latshaw said. Lisa Naab, a '93 Cabrini graduate, and Virginia Smith, also a Cabrini alumna, are the yearbook's publishing consultants from Cook Publishing Co., in Devon, PA. "It is a big responsibility and I give them (Latshaw and Kelliher) an awful lot of credit," Naabsaid "Basically, wetakealltheirmaterials and get them ready for production. We do not do any oftheir work for them." Smith said she is upset because the seniors seem to not care about the yearbook, unless their name is spelled incorrectly or a picture is in danger of not being submitted. "The yearbook at Cabrini has enormous potential," Smith said, "but if there is not enough support, Cabrini students could lose this resource."
Educationgoes hand-in-handwith experience
Statistics show that job-hunting students have a better, more positive outlook than they did a couple of years ago in the Philadelphia area. Graduates are also having better luck this year than in the past three years. Some of the opportunistic fields of this past summer were business consulting and investment banking, as well as teaching and working for nonprofit groups. Other prospering industries include: finance, accounting, sales and marketing, healthcare, civil engineering, electronics, communications, and environmental consulting. Job growth in high technology will eventually "max-out," experts say. The technology exists, but the industry is limited in its ability to market its products. On the other end of the spectrum, slow growth exists within the industries of transportation, public utilities, education and construction, due to higher interest rates hurting the housing market. Trends in the job market never present solely good news. As the economy and the nature of work continue to change, some analysts see shadows against the future already. Many well-educated people could glut the labor market in the next few years, and their built-in earnings advantage over high school graduates could shrink by as much as a quarter. Once again, education will not be enough without flexibility, imagination and resilience. With large firms providing small opportunities, students will need to work even harder to find out who is hiring. They should build their own job information networks by approaching anyone with connections to their specific fields of interest. Those who successfully navigate the course to employment face yet another obstacle: their expectations. Here is some advice: Study the job market for careers and growing industries. Go to libraries, universities and career centers for resources and guidance. Evaluate your skills and match your characteristics with a new job, career or company. This helps avoid settling for just any job when you could actually discover the job that makes you happy. Never rely solely on obvious sources, such as published job listings and classified ads. This shrinks your chances of finding opportunities. Keep digging and stay determined, but do not loose track of what makes you happy if you are thinking in terms of a long-run career benefits. Most importantly, set practical. realistic goals each week or month. Make a list of five or 10 tasks to accomplish and complete them. This eliminates disappointment and raises confidence and esteem. a new sound coming to 89. 1 WYBF-FM Voice of Cabrini College! Monday, Sept. 12th, you'll be able to hear favorite artists like Billy . \Joel, Manah Carey, Spin Doctors, Bryan Adams, & Whitney Houston during the day, & still hear the best in alternative, rock, metal, and dance at night! even bringing blues &jazz to the airwaves on Sunday, as well as several other exciting shows! sure to tune into B9.1 WYBF-FM for all favorite songs, no matter what your musical taste! WYBF is proud to be able to finally offer something for everyone!
Those part-time jobs of flipping burgers on the beach or between classes are over in the '90s. Many students are realizing today that not only is making money for school important, but gaining experience and exposure into their field of study is the perk, or their first step, toward future employment. Those who have already found a promising job in their field; or have one lined up upon their graduation, are among the lucky. Yet, they also represent a very small percentage of students in the United States. These are the students who caughton to the economic tug-of-war during the recession of the early '90s. Most likely, they exposed themselves to the market through co-ops or internships to gain the much needed experience and skills that are now a part of the credential trend of this decade. Having a degree simply is not the ticket into getting a foot in the door anymore. Today, upper-class students can only reflect back to those now almost extinct job fairs that took place at area colleges, promising a day of interviewing and possible job placement. They realize the fairs are no longer considered outlets to employment because companies are no longer recruiting new graduates from these one-day meet and greet sessions. However, students should attend and ask questions or research their companies of interest.
So be
by Diane Wrobleski editorialand op-ed editor
'"The yearbook is a lot of work because it requires student editors putting together a professional publication with little or no training," Smith said. Dr. Jerome Zurek, adviser of the yearbook, takes care of the budget, making sure there is enough money to actually put out the book. He supervises the awarding of contracts between the photographers, publishing company and the college. Zurek also is in charge of fulfilling these contracts. "About three-fourths of the book is done and a lot has gone to print at the moment," Kelliher said. "We stayed on campus during senior week working on the yearbook in hopes that a lot of it would have gone to print. Unfortunately, Jamie (Latshaw) and I were locked out of the newsroom and we could not get our work done."
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Letters may be sent to Sheila Brady in the newsroom, Widener Center.
Editor's note: Katina Corrao is an employee of Genuardis Supermarkets.
• Native-fluent instructors ensure proper grammar and pronunciation
This incident was real. The participant was not an actor, but an actual shopper at Genuardi 's Supermarket, who was pleased to become a satisfied patron at The Pizza Shop, located in the Food Court of St. Davids Genuardi 's. Behind the counter were two smiling culinary artists. I watched closely as each topping was carefully placed on the future masterpiece.
The eggplant pizza had breaded/fried eggplant slices atop a cheese pizza base. My taste buds went bonkers when they greeted the flavorful ingredients such as pepper, garlic and parsley. The fried eggplant was firm and contained little, if any. sour seeds. The taco pizza had a blend of ground meat, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, fresh sour cream. black olives and nacho chips on a puffy pizza crust. Surprisingly, this was quite good. The rich flavor of the ground beef coupled with the spicy taco seasonings made for a tasty, unique dish'. Genuardi 's pizza crust is medium thickness. Occasionally, Sicilian pizza is available by the slice. Artichoke and red pepper, white/garlic and chicken chunk selections are also offered. What makes Genuardi's pizza so good is its uniqueness. I overheard one of the workers tell a customer that variety is what makes people come back. Genuardi's pizza is also inexpensive w@(!J] fru®w@ ® ® ml(Q] ffi)@@(ill 'Write to !Ju}
Friday, Sept. 9, 1994 FEATURES LOOUl!TUR. 5
·I began to look through the shiny glass that separated the pizza and my watering mouth. Seven piping hot circular works of art awaited onlookers, like myself, wanting to be tasted. I shied away from the "old faithful" cheese pizza ($1. 10 a slice) when making my decision. I decided to be courageous a .:! go for two foreigners to the pizza world-Eggplant and Taco ($1.95 a slice.)
• Easy, conversational approach
for the size of slices given. They are really big and very filling. A large plain pizza is $7 .50, while a large specialty is $8.75. I left Genuardi's feeling satisfied and shocked that I still had money left for the detergent with bleach. The following day, during the routine shopping trip at Genuardi's after Sunday Mass, I glanced over at The Pizza Shop and was amazed. The same two dedicated masters that waited on me the day before were behind the counter. I did not care how much they smiled and waved, I was not eating eggplants or tacos at 10:30 a.m. I looked closer and peeked through the glass once more. I was shocked. Seven new creations were on the counter that were edible in the morning, Breakfast Pizzas. I ordered, then gathered the family for breakfast-on me. Genuardi's has an area where customers can eat while watching other customers shop. We sat and enjoyed my selections. I chose the breakfast quiche, the apple strudel, and the strawberry cream cheese. My family, being purists in their breakfast menu choices, laughed. They thought I was crazy, but went out of their minds because breakfast was so good. The breakfast quiche pizza was a mixture of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, ham and cheese. The crust accented its enticing taste. The crust took on a new form and did not taste like a pizza crust, but a bakery bread. The bacon flavor seeped through the crust to create a smoky flavor in each sinful bite. The sweet breakfast pizzas were excellent. The cream cheese mixture was sweet and the fruit was covered in a thick glaze. Again, the crust was flaky and soft, and seemed to go hand-in-hand with its unusual toppings. Well, Genuardi's did it again. They served up a great breakfast without cleaning my wallet. Each slice is $1.60. Mediums are $7.75, and the large pizzas are $8.75. I hope everybody gets a chance to try Genuardi 's Pizza whether it be for breakfast, lunch or dinner. I feel as though the minds behind the counter are my family. I guess that is why they say, "Difference is our family pride!"
• Friendly, relaxed groups of 6 to 8 people
• Price based on minimum class size of 6 persons For groups of 4 5 1 price ,s $24'>. 215.735.8500 WAYNE 610.964.8404
by Katina M. Corrao staff writer Imagine you are in a supermarket. You are in the middle of an aisle trying to decide whether to buy detergent with bleach alternative or without. Then, all of a sudden, something happens. Your head tilts back as your nostrils photo by DawnielleKlopp Dan Goffredo is busy at work making a variety of pizzas in The Pizza Shop in Genuardi's Supermarket, St. Davids. photo by Dawniel/eKlopp Partners in pizza Dan Galczyk and Dan Goffredo proudly show their creation.
Looking for a part-time Job this Fall? Will consider job sharing if you & a friend want to split days. Call immediately. Care for two boys (3 & 6) after-school (3-6PM) in our Berwyn home (near Cabrini) starting in September 194. Mature, reliable, & responsible. Child care experience preferred. Car & good driving record required. References required. Joan Colbert 296-8188
Our tent was pitched by 8 p.m., thanks to our neighbors from Connecticut. That night, we did some shopping, eating and concert listening. We also were lucky enough to see Sheryl Crow, Collective Soul, Candlebox and the Violent Femmes. All were incredible The atmosphere was so peaceful. It seemed as if everyone was watching out for each other. Saturday morning we woke up to find that fences were broken down and Woodstock 1994 was now a free concert. The New York State Police had lost control. No longer were there metal detectors, or rules for that matter. Marijuana was being smoked like common cigarettes. Acid, ecstasy, whip-its and mushrooms were being sold at every other tent. All of a sudden, it seemed as if everyone went back in time to the summer of 1969. Shouts from the stage such as, "Don't eat the brown acid," and "Practice free love" were heard. The crowd of over 350,000 people had been set free, and now they were taking total advantage of the situation. The concert scene on Saturday was great. We left our tent around 1 p.m. and traveled to the stage. Together we saw Blind Melon, The Rollins Band, Cypress Hill, Melissa Etheridge and Crosby, Stills and Nash. By 4 p.m., we were back in Albany and on the way to my car. To our surprise, we found my car keys still hanging out of the trunk of my car where I had left them. If this does not show the true spirit of Woodstock, I do not know what would! Woodstock '94 was filled with many wonderful and heart-breaking memories. Little children were lost for days, and approximately four people died. Still, what can you expect when 350,000 people gather for a three day party? On a lighter note, it is interesting to note how much money bars and concession stands raked in this weekend, considering a small pizza was $15 and a case of beer was $30. I suppose it is due to a simple matter known as a supply and demand. As the four of us sat down and discussed the weekend, we came up with a phrase that seemed to fit perfectly. To us, Woodstock 1994 can be compared to an "awesome nightmare." It was a great experience, and we are all glad that we went down in history together, but it is something that can only be done every 25 years. What a long strange trip it had been!
photoby Wes Gealy Onlookers view the original Woodstock site as workers assemble the stage before the concert began. However, Woodstock '94 drew more than 350,00 people. by KristenStancavage guest writer It all began on Friday morning at 4:30 a.m. All four of us woke up and stumbled to the shower, for what we knew would be our only shower for the next few days. We packed up the little Geo Storm with clothes, tent and food supplies. Next, we decorated the car using a bar of soap. "Peace, love and happiness" covered the windows of the car, along with a few flowers and the grand old saying, "Woodstock or Bust." photobyW..a-y in. We were soaked. On our walk back to our tent, we witnessed naked mud slides and managed to get muddy ourselves. The tents near the stage were destroyed due to the heavy rains, mud and intoxicated people. That night, after the rains died down a bit, we sat around and listened to Nine Inch Nails, Metallica and Aerosmith. Not even the rain could stop Aerosmith 's performance, which was followed by fireworks as the finale.
Unfortu'3tely, we got lost. Tension was building since there were four girls, a tent, and baggage trapped in a tiny Geo Storm. We then put our heads together and decided to follow the traffic. While everyone going to Woodstock was stopped in traffic, some decided to lay out in the sun on the hoods of their cars, while others decided to walk on the edge of the bridges. It was certainly a sight to see. After we parked our car, and waited in lines longer than the Nile, to get on a bus bound for Saugerties, we arrived on the site at approximately 7 p.m.
The drive to Saugerties, N.Y. (site of Woodstock '94), was quite memorable. We turned the radio loud and began to wonder what was going to take place during the weekend. It was surprising ~ow many people we met, at rest areas, who were making the same voyage. In the background, a tent city unites the old Woodstock community. As Sunday morning approached, the rains continued, getting stronger and stronger. We all decided to get in line for a bus to take us to our car in Albany around noon. Unfortunately, my keys were lost, and we had to head back early. We took down our tent to the sounds of Country Joe McDonald and Arrested Development. Everyone was so friendly. There was a new, fresh feeling in air, one that we have not felt in a very long time. The four and a half hour drive was filled with cars beeping and people waving at each other. Decorated cars, vans, Winnebagos and even U-Hauls passed us by. Excitement was building. After hours of anticipation, we finally reached Saugerties, N.Y. around noon. It just so happened that our assigned parking lot was already full. The New York State Police directed us to Albany, N.Y., where we were now supposed to park.
6 ARTS Friday, Se~t. 9, 1994 Woodstockrevisitedin '94 I:
In addition, De Lena has written and produced for the children's show "Felix the Cat.,'' as well as 36 commercials for the New Jersey Department of Energy. De Lena travels frequently and does performances at many local colleges. Recently, he has performed at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, Villanova University, Loyola College in Baltimore and Rutgers University and Bergen County Community College in New Jersey.
by Jane S. Vanlngen graphics and design editor With a resounding "Eee-yes," Gary De Lena will be entertaining us with his comedy and music on Friday, Sept. 9, at 9:30 p.m., in the Widener Center Gathering Area. De Lena is a funny man with a guitar, a song parody specialist. With an acoustic guitar on his shoulder, De Lena delivers all kinds of surprises. De" Lena offers advice on love and marriage. He also tells local jokes and impersonates songs from various popular recording artists, including R.E.M. and Bon Jovi. At one show, De Lena dressed up as a nun, spun in a circle and did an impersonation of Twisted Sister singing, "Monsignor of the Pack." Later on, when chimes interrupted his act, De Lena looked up at the ceiling and said, "I knew I shouldn't have done the nun bit." Gary De Lena was raised in Brooklyn, N.Y. and moved to New Jersey. He now resides in Point Pleasant Beach, N.J. De Lena first became interested in comedy while performing in rock 'n' roll bands in high school and college. He attended Rutgers University where he majored in pre-med, only to drop out his senior year to spend a year abroad in London. Once there, De Lena studied acting, writing and theater. De Lena got his first break with comedian Rodney Dangerfield. De Lena auditioned at one of Dangerfield's night clubs and Dangerfield hired him. His influences include Robin Williams, Steve Martin and Bruce Springsteen. De Lena has appeared on "Comic Strip Live" on the Fox Broadcasting Network, Showtime Comedy Club Network, the "Pat Sajak Show" on CBS, MTV's "Half-Hour Comedy Hour" and "Star Search '90." He has made appearances and written for "Caroline's Comedy Hour" on A&E. He has also written for "Turn it Up" on MTV and was a "Double Dare'' ACE award nominee on Nickelodeon. De Lena has also dabbled in theater. He was Puck in "A Midsummer's Night 'Dream" at the New Jersey Shakespeare Festival, and he was Moonface in "Anything Goes" at the Bucks County Playhouse. He was also Jesus in an offBroadway tour of "Jesus Christ Superstar."
The Wilma Theater, 2030 Sansom St., Philadelphia,PA 19103 "What the Butler Saw" Sept. 14 thru October 30.
by ReginaMiller arts and entertainment editor Cabrini's welcome-back weekend opens Thursday, Sept. 8, with a drive-in featuring "Jurassic Park." This movie can be viewed at the peace pole area, depending upon the weather, at 8:30 p.m. This film is unique because it is not on tape, therefore unable to be rented in video stores, leaving the 16 millimeter projector to do all of the work. Friday, Sept. 9 at 8:30 p.m., The Hitmen D.J. will perform for the college, followed by comedian Gary De Lena. De Lena anticipates laughter in the gathering area at 9 p.m. De Lena entertains a lot of local college students and community members. On Saturday, Sept. 10, from noon to 4 p.m., there will be events on the lacrosse/hockey field. A Velcro wall, better known as Fly Tray, will entice attendees to dress up in a Velcro suit in front of friends and family, and then attempt to jump and become attached to the Velcro. wall. Marianne DeFruscio, director of student activities, said people enjoy this and it is a lot of fun. A flash-ba:::k birthday computer will be available to the curious observers who desire information regarding the single most important event of their life. Photo buttons are thrown in, free of charge. Mountain Cry, a Cabrini' band, plans to play from 1 p.m. until closing. Brian Bell and Mike Lorenz, Cabrini students, play for the band. Lunch wilJ be served outside. On Sunday, Sept. 11 at 9:00 p.m., the coffee house will host a sports/improv comedy demonstration and two scenes from the latest works by student playwright Paul Crowell. We're in an open field," DeFruscio said, "instead of the block concrete." She said she expects a good crowd at the drive-in and for the former MTV comedian De Lena.
Fall bringsfun and frolic by ReginaMIiier arts and entertainment editor AnnenbergCenter, 3680 Walnut St.,Philadelphia,PA 19104
HedgerowTheatre,146W. Rose VaUey Rd., Fose Valley, PA 19065 "Lysistrata," 9/1, 9/2 and 9/3 at 8 p.m. 'The King's New Clothes,"9/3, 9/I0and 9/17 at 11 a.m. "Winnie the Pooh," 9/3,9/10 and 9/17 at 1 p.m. "Dangerous Comer," 9/15 through 9/17, 9/22 through 9/24, and 9/29 through 9/31 at 8 p.m. 9/18,9/25 and 10/1 at 2 p.m. Tickets: $15 adults; $13 students and seniors. Box office: 565-4211.
The Walnut Street Theatre, 9th and Walnut St., Philadelphia,PA 19107 "Dracula" Sept 24 thru Nov. 6
ComedianGary De Lena visits Cabrinion Friday, Sept. 9. He will perform in the WidenerCenter GatheringArea and will be followedby a D.J. According to a 1989 article in The Chicago Tribune, De Lena spoke about his most important comedy prop. "A lot of people told me, when you do comedy, don't use the guitar," De Lena said. "And it's like, if I don't, I'd just be like everyone else and no one would know who I was. You have to be something different. My guitar is my hook, my link. And it has worked." It has indeed worked. De Lena has been successful and popular at big and small campuses across the country. De Lena will appear at the bash on Sept. 9, at the gathering area, to entertain the Cabrini community.
Tickets: Saturday audiences given opportunity for open discussion and tea after each production. A group of 10 students or more is elegible forhis $6 each per play discount. Box office: 963-0249.
Tickets: members free with an entire season of one-half price tickets. Non-members pay $5 for this event. Box office: 925-9914
Relache's ensemble performs with Ameri can master composer/performer Philip Glass'worldpremierepresentation.September 23 and 24 at 7 p.m. Tickets: $18; Students: $12; discounts available. Box office:(215)898-6791.
Tickets: College student specials. Subscribe for $1 when a second subscription cost $43. This entitles two tickets per performance. Also, discounts for senior citizens, groups and families. Single ticket prices cost $22 to $39. Box office: 574-3550
According to an article from The Hill News on February 16, 1991, De Lena said, 'Tm "in college more now that I'm touring than when I was a student." Not surprisingly, De Lena has incorporated his own college experi~nces into his act. At one show, he told the audience that he went to the University of Kmart because they had a blue light special on degrees. He added that he had fun in college while he was there. However, he forgot to tell the school he was going to London. He just went. Because of college touring and his exposure to the music business, he has a real knack for college life. David Cohen, De Lena's agent, said in a 1988 article in The Murray State News, "He has a real talent of bringing his audience into the show."
Friday, Sept. 9, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT L.OOUl:fUR. 7
The Painted Bride, 230 Vine St., Phila delphia, PA 19106 Wear Big Boots-25th Anniversary Kick-off Friday, September 30. Strap on some big boots and join the Bride at the official kick-off of its season. 6 p.m. videos of past performances, live music, and a stoll through the new gallery "Totems." 7:30 p.m., Big Mess Theater, dancer/ choreographer Terry Fox, poet Aaren Yeatts Perry, and more. Everyone invited to new coffee house for live entertainment. Boots optional.
TheNovelStages,P.O.Box 58879,Phila delphia, PA 19102-8879 "Hamlet/Richard m in Repertory" Oct. 9 thru Nov.12. Tickets: flex discounts available. Box office: 567-0610.
Comedian upstages Saturday night routine
-· ~<1~ 1 Game times are announced on page 11.
New employees were welcomed to the Cabrini team with a t-shirt identifying this year's theme, "Building a college for the 21st century." Karen Bell, assistant director of admissions, receives her shirt from Iadarola.
Sacred Heart Hall, our major classroom facility, will be redesigned summer 1995 to reflect the impact of technology on pedagogy. Through all of this, budgets have been and are projected to remain balanced. Cabrini's finances are quite delicately balanced. The college knows from long experience what it is to "do more with less," because that is how the college has built and sustained its high-quality academic programs. That is also one of the reasons why the college has been creative and, yes, entrepreneurial in developing academic programs responsive to societal needs. Cabrini must continue to be especially alert to change, to anticipating and responding to change. Recently, the Cabrini College community identified the core values of our institution values drawn from our roots that serve as our foundation for today and tomorrow. They are: commitment to developing a community of learners; dedication to excellence; respect for the individual; and vision our understanding that change is necessary to keep Cabrini College vibrant. As faculty, staff and administrators of the college, we have charged ourselves with living those values in our everyday task and long-term goals. With these values, and a firm belief that our success has been made possible because the college is fortunate enough to have people who have responded generously to our needs, I believe we can together go forward in building our college for the 21st century.
photo suppliedby College Relations
Faculty and staff members separated into groups and discusses priorities for the 1994-95 academic year. It was a day not only dedicated to Iadarola addressing the college, but a day dedicated to faculty, staff and students.
,. ) 8 NEWS Friday, Sept. 9, 1994 Iadarolaaddressescollege
by Dr. Antoinette Iadarola College president There is a story told by Sister Ursula Infante, the foundress of Cabrini College. It is a beautiful story. After the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred heart had purchased the Dorrance estate in 1954, Sister Ursula, who was very eager to establish a college and thought the estate a perfect spot for it, wrote Mother Superior in Rome, Sister Antoinette Della Casa, and said, "I would like to build a college on the estate." Mother Antoinette wrote back, "Build a college." And since the founding of Cabrini College in 1957, the college has been built and rebuilt, found and refounded, by each of my predecessors. Each of our past sister presidents, in her own way and appropriate to her own time, helped to further build, in the words of St. Frances Cabrini, "an education of the heart" by aggressively pursuing excellence, encouraging an innovative and enterprising spirit and building community.
classrooms and more, is scheduled for construction to begin in fall 1995. As we approach a new millennium, we need educated, thinking adults more than ever. Although the future has always been uncharted, the threats and opportunities have never been so great. What can we do to provide college students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to overcome the threats and capitalize on the opportunities?
Welcomes back all students, but most importantly our outstanding student athletes Come Out & Support the CAVS!
• In other words, how can we change college classrooms so that students are prepared for a changing world? Information technology holds great promise for higher education and is progressively reshaping our concept of a "course," a "curriculum," a "campus" and ultimately, " college." Our faculty are rethinking college instruction for a changing world, with a particular focus on the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning.
While holding on to the proud traditions and values of the past, all embraced change as they challenged themselves and others by putting students first and asking the question: How do we build a college that will best prepare our students for life in a world likely to be very different from what it is today? And today, 38 years later, we continue to ask the question: How do we build this college to prepare students who will spend most of their lives living and working in the 21st century? During this past year, faculty, staff, students and friends have devoted considerable effort to planning, to answering this question. Last May, the board of trustees approved an architectural ma-ster plan for the campus, updated from the previous one made in 1986. The master plan calls for an athletic and recreational complex, additional residential housing, renovations and additions to Sacred Heart Hall to include additions of a fine arts center, a science wing, and a theater. In the following year, we will move on phase I of the plan and are preparing for two ground-breaking ceremonies. The. Radnor Township has approved plans for additions to Dixon and Casey houses in our residential village and ground-breaking ceremonies are scheduled for :\fay 1995. These additions will provide housing for 50 more students and wil1 be ready for fall 1995 occup~cy. This year the college received the largest private and foundation gifts in our history $1 million from Fitz and Edie Dixon and $300,000 from the Connelly Foundation. We are in the process of selecting an architect for the athletic facility and efforts to secure additional funds will continue throughout this coming year. The complex, which will contain a field house, suspension track, swimming pool, dance studio, physical fitness center, ATHLETICS
photosuppliedby College Relations '/f D I ., photo suppliedof CollegeRelations r. ad~rola discusses Cabnn1s future Athletic Recreation Complex and its benefits to the community with Denise Hetherington, sophomore, and Steve McGowen, senior, in the Peace Garden.
Nearly $3 billion in cash was paid to a nonprescription drug operations of Sterling Winthrop Inc., which includes Bayer aspirin and Philips' Milk of M!!gnesia. This occurred nearly four months after SmithKline Beecham agreed to spend $2.3 billion for Diversified Pharmaceutical Services Inc., a Minnesota finn that handles prescripti6n benefits.
by Jane S. Van lngen graphics & design editor
OFriday, Sept. 2-Jury awards Rena Weeks $7.1 million dolJars in sexual harassment case Rena Weeks, a secretary for Baker & McKenzie, the world's largest law firm, only lasted three months on the job. In 1991, after her resignation, Weeks filed a law suit against Martin Greenstein, a lawyer for the firm, because he groped her breasts, dumped candies down her breast pocket, pulled her arms back to "see which one is bigger," and lunged at her in the office. More than a half-dozen women came forward to testify that Greenstein did the same to them. The firm will owe S6.9 million and Greenstein $225 million. The company plans to appeal.
Security Update
OAlcohol Violation (Keg) 8/30 An Xavier RA broke up a party before securityofficer was called into the situation. Security found four bottles of Rolling Rock beer and numerous plastic cups dumped in the quad bathroom. A keg was also found and taken to Public Safety; it was almost empty.
OCut Screen 9/2
OSunday, Sept. 4-Religious group in a furor over upcoming International Conference on Population and Development A conference to address the world population, which has soared from 2.6 billion in 1950 to 5.4 billion in 1991, finds extreme opposition from the Vatican. Pope John Paul II opposes the document circulated last April, which is said to contain issues concerning abortion and birth control.
ESL programis not run-of-the-mill
Red Cloud Coffeehouse 9/11 OSpend a night at the theater at 9 p.m. See two scenes from the latest works by studentplaywright Paul Crowell, performed by Cabrini students. Campus Ministry 9/11 OThere will be a Campus Ministry meeting from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Contact Jeaneen Riely, ext. 8560. Club Fair 9/13 OCome to the Peace Pole from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. for the Club Fair. When you're finished signing up, check out the pop-a-shot, baseball and football machines to win some prizes. Auditions 9/14-9/15 will be held at 7 p.m. in the Coffeehouse. Scripts are available in Faculty Secretary Office. More Info., call 971-8510.
A female student called Securityto report that a male student, who was banned from the college campus, was present in one of the dorms. Radnor Police were called by the female student but they left without dealing with the incident. Resident Life took control of the situation and escorted the male to his car and off campus. The male claimed he had no knowledge that he -was banned from the campus, but left with a copy of the letter in hand.
OTuesday, Aug. 30-SmithKline Beecham proves buying power
Sept. 3-Unemployment remains steady The nation's employers hired fewer people in August than in July, and unemployment remained at a steady 6.1 percent. Economists said this is evidence that the economy is slowing down at an acceptable pace.
Security incidents, as reported by security office from Monday, Aug. 29 through Monday, Sept. 4.
What's Happening Drive-in movie, "Jurassic Park" 9/8 OEnjoy a classic drive-in movie at 8 p.m. by the Peace Pole. See the movie everyone's been talking about. Comedy Show 9/9 OComedian Gary Delena will visit Cabrini at 9 p.m. in the gathering area. He is a one-man comedy, music and improv show that you will not forget. He has been on Fox's "Comic Strip Live," MTV's "Half-Hour Comedy Hour," and "Star Search." Take a break from studying to laugh! Welcome Back Bash 9/10 OCome to the annual welcome back party on the athletic field. The fun begins at noon and ends at 4 p.m. Some features will be: Cabrini's band "Mountain Cry," a velcro wall, computer pictures, a birthday machine, free give-a-ways and more!
Friday2 Sept. 9 2 1994 NEWS LOOUTUR 9
Last week in the worldof news
OMonday, Sept. 5-The United States and Cuba fail to establish an agreement concerning Cuban refugees The Cuban delegation calls for 100,000 immigrants to be allotted to the United States and a declaration from the United States which states that the U.S. trade ban with Cuba was at the root of the refugee problem. The United States refused. In the meantime, Panama lightened the load at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba, by taking 10,000 refugees from the 720,000 refugees held at the naval base.
The program was put together two summers ago primarily by Jeaneen, coordinator for community services. Riely was working with the Student Literacy Core, and the program was an outgrowth of that program. Cabrini was looking for a school as a sight for the SEM 300 classes. Theresa Carfagno, the principal of Paul Fly School, had student teachers from Cabrini in the past and wanted to involve SEM 300 students as role models. Paul Fly teacher Peggy Emmerich, a Cabrini graduate, is responsible for establishing the link between the schools.
of Person 9/3
The Clinton administration discovered only four of the 11 members of the Caribbean community would stand behind their word. In case of a U.S.-led invasion, Clinton was offered 226 soldiers to join the fight for restoration of the democratic process in Haiti. This would be subtracted from the 10,000 soldiers potentially required to accomplish the U.S. goals. Sept. 1- Irish Republican Army make the first move with a cease fire The Irish Republican Anny renege on their word to never put down their guns until the British first promise to withdraw out of northern Ireland. Some state the occurrence as a historic step towards peace, yet some British parliamentarians feel it to be another ploy by the IRA. The IRA are said to have contributed to 60 percent of the 3,168 political murders since 1969. The British promised last winter to join in peace talks when the IRA agreed to give up on violence forever. If the British and Irish maintain their promises, peace talks will start as early as November.
Olnvestigation of Person 9/1
by Jeannie Miller arts & entertainment editor
"The monthly meetings were called coaching feedback," Riely said, "Chaffe gave the students coaching skills and the students gave her feedback." Last spring, the program was in jeopardy of being canceled because the grant that was paying for it, was taken away by the U.S. Department of Education. According to Carfagno, the federal officials did not wait to get feedback on how successful the program was. Luckily, a grant given to the college and a grant given by the government will cover the program for the next two years. According to Riely, she wants the program to be available for all the SEM 300 classes. Riely said, "this would be possible because of publicity the program has received. Brian Siatkowski, a 1994 graduate, went beyond the call of duty, helped out during spring break, and went to his student's fifth grade graduation. After SEM 300 ended, some of the tutors even considered coming on their own if they could get transportation.
A Security officer observed a male entering Xavier Hall who was banned from campus. The male was escorted from the building to his car and off campus. He was told he was banned from campus, but he then denied he received any notification of this ruling. Noise 9/4 Security received a call from a resident regarding a noise coming from the awning area of Woodcrest Hall. Security investigated the scene and found no problems.
"One reason the program appealed to the students is because an ESL program is not the run-of-the-mill volunteering experience," Riely said. "The students picked up on the receptivity of the teachers and the principal," Riely said. "The staff was enthusiastic, and saw the students as a potential to help their own students, not as one more thing they had to do." Education majors were particularly interested in the program because it was a place they could go back to do their field experience. However, everyone learned something from the experience. "I think they learned about different backgrounds," Riely said. "They learned that they were lucky and blessed growing up. I hope they learned that being part of the human family is growing and reaching out to others."
As sophomores enter their junior year and anticipate taking SEM 300, many choices await them. One choice is to tutor others in a subject they know well-English. Last year, many participated in an English as a Second Language (ESL) program at the Paul Fly School in Norristown, PA. At Paul Fly Elementary School, many students are from different ethnic backgrounds and understand little or no English. Cabrini students went to the Paul Fly school and tutored approximately 100 students speaking 14 different languages. According to an article that appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer last May, the job was not an easy one. Tutors were worried that they would not know what to do. But, through the months, both students and tutors became fast friends.
Last year, the program was publicized through the SEM 300 class, "The Common Good." Dr. Martha WarringChaffee, professor of education, trained the students. She held a workshop on tutoring followed by monthly, on-going meetings.
Two female students in Xavier Ha reported that their window screen had bef cut. Security went to the room to investigat Nothing was reported missing at the time.
OWednesday, Aug. 31-Clinton finds promises to be rhetoric
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Many were unhappy with the baseball strike. Ron McGinn, a continuing education student, said, ';I watched the Phillies but was not happy because they were not doing well. Also, the programming of the Phillies on television was so-so."
"I was hoping the Phillies would do better and not go on strike. The pitching staff was not very good and there were a lot of injuries," Dr James Hedtke, assistant professor of history and political science, said. "It is hard for any
Among many Cabrini students and faculty, the Philadelphia Phillies, strike or no strike, were the most popular sports team. Valerie Mackner, a junior, said, "I went to a Phillies vs. Pittsburgh Pirates game with my company. They announced my company on the scoreboard, which was neat. The game was a shut-out, which was really good."
• ? Shawn McAleer, a junior, feels that if ? ? Simpson was innocent, he would have ? stayedin his house and let the officerstake ? ? ? him away without all the hassle he put • ? them through. ? ? Many have made up their mind that ? there is more to the story than Simpson • ? murdering the two victims. They said he ? ? either had an accomplice to help with the ? ? murders, or he knows who did it ?
\ ' 10 LO·OUtTUR SPORTS Friday,Sept. 9, 1994 ????????????????? . . . . . . . . . . ? ? ? Pro sports become summer past-time Two students are fans of football. ? by Jane Van lngen ? ? ? Cabrini Question ? graphics & design editor sport to compete with that many injuries. It would have been over for the Phillies even without the strike." Melissa Tobias, a senior, said, "I watch any football game, but I particularly like the Cincinnati Bengals. They are not very good but they are my team. I started watching them in high school, even though they were not good even back then. Some day, they will make a come back. " . ? . ? by Celene Wright ? sports editor ? . During the long, hot summer months, the ? Cabrini community entertained themselves by ? watching many different sports on Lelevision. Many attended baseball games. According to Hedtke, he is a big baseball fan. He watches the Orioles and the Reading Phillies, a minor league team. Another sporting event that attracted a lot of attention this summer was the World Cup. Soccer has always been more popular overseas than in the United States, but this summer, that changed. Although the United States did not make it to the finals, the Cup brought a novelty sport to this country that the rest of the world has loved for years. ? Manypeoplewereoutragedwhenthey ?• ? saw a well-lovedsports hero racing down • ? ? µiehighwayinawhiteFordBronco,being ? ? chased by the LosAngeles Police Depart- ? ment An audiencelistenedin amazement • ? whentheathletewasreportedtohavebeen ? ? holdingaguntohisownhead,ontheverge ? of suicide. He had been accusedof mur- ? ? dering his ex-wife and her friend. • Many could not believe that OJ. ? ? Simpsoncouldbesocold-bloodedtohave ? killedhisex-wife. Whentheevidencewas • ? presented and the public began to hear of ? ? Simpson's past domestic abuse, it was ? ? hard for some to believe in Simpson's ? ? innocence.
• The question still remains, "Did the ? ? Juice do it Did he kill Nicole Brown- ? Simpson and Ronald Goldman?" • ? . ? A few srudentsfelt that no onehas the ? ? right to convict Simpson just yet. They ? ?. believe the age-0ld legal rule... ? "Innocent. You are innocent until • ? provenguilty,"RichGrace,ajunior,said. ? ? JuniorD.J.Glasgowsaid,'Thereisnot ? enough evidence to make a judgment I • ? did not really know what to think. Every- ? ? one should have a fair trial you cannot ? just assume innocence." ? ? Somesaidtheyfeel Simpsonisguilty, • ? due to the evidence that was discovered. ? ? That is enough to make a conviction. ? Leslie Feggann, a senior, said, ''I think • ? OJ. is guilty because all the evidence ? ? brought up in the trial points toward him. ? ? He seems to be a jealous husband that ?
• could not let go."
• One point suggested was, "Does a ? ? manwhoisinnocentnmaway,ordoeshe ? stay to fight for the justice he deserves?"
• whenitcomestotheca.,eagainstSimpson. ?• ? One student seems to have it all figw-ed • ? out. ? ?. DougEppler,a senior,said, "I think ? OJ. is guilty. I thinkhe flipped,lost • ? control,wentalittlefurtherthanhewanted ? ? to go. But I do not thinkhe will be ? convictedbecausethe hypearound11m ·? trialwill leadto a nmtria1anda couple ? ? .? mini-series."
????????????????? . . . . . . . . . . .
Others preferred less popular sports. Sloane Gibb, Woodcrest Hall resident director, said, "I like tennis. I watch Wimbleton every summer because I enjoy the sport." Nicole Borderaux, a senior, said, "I do not do sports. But, I like to watch ice skating and gymnastics because it is something to do when there is nothing else to do." McGinn recently went to a baseball game in Tokyo. He also watched baseball games in Tokyo on television. "It was really interesting," McGinn said. "The crowds are more involved. There are fancy uniforms advertising. There is nothing like the Phillies Phanatic in Tokyo." "Tokyo televised the Japanese National baseball championships," McGinn said. 'The game was very good and it was broadcasted well. There were not too many commercials."
• According to Scott Dorsey, multi-cul- • ? tural coordinator, Simpson is not totally ? ? innocent Heeitherknowswhodidit,orhe ? took some part in the munler. • ? Marianne DeFruscio, director of stu- ? ? dent activities, said, ''I am not sure if ? Simpson committed the murders, but I ?. ? thinkhe knows somethingaboutwho may • ? have doneit" ? ? After all the evidence set up against ? Simpson, and the numerous occasions • ? where his temper has gotten him into ? ? trouble, some still believe that he is inn<r ? cent? ?"Simpson is innocent," Danielle • ? DeMart:o, a senior, said. "I think he is ? ? covering for his soo, from his previous ? • marriage, who~ hated Nicole since day • ? one." ? ? There are a lot of different feelings ?
Hector Carrasco, a junior, is an international student from Venezuela. Although his country did not play in the Cup, he rooted for Brazil. "I was very happy with the way they did," Carrasco said. "I thought the World Cup was good, although I thought it could have been programmed on television more," McGinn said Despite the publicity and memorabilia, one person was not happy with the World Cup. Hope Manley, a first-year student, said, "I watched it because my brothers are into soccer. I did not really get anything out of it."
Sat. 9/3 Sun. 9/4 Wed. 9/7
No matter what, it seems, the baseball strike that will not end drones on. As of Thursday night, Sept. 1, the strike had finished its third week, but nothing has changed. After all this time, it still comes down to the same debate: salary cap or no salary cap. However, according to various baseball sources, several of the game's foremost agents have discussed contingency plans, contemplating if baseball should call off the season in the next week or two. One of those plans almost certainly will involve some type of baseball tour. According to one prominent player agent, Tom Reich, tour plans were in the works, saying that if the season ends, "there will be activities where events are put together involving baseball." Reich said those activities could include anything from barnstorming events all the way to the formation of a new league. 0 Beaver 0 0 Eastern Misericordia 0 Cedar Crest Rosemont Alvernia 0 Neumann lmmaculata 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 Marywood 0 0 Women's Tennis Cabrini 0 0 Allentown 0 0 Beaver 0 0 Eastern 0 0 Rosemont 0 0 Neumann 0 0 lmmaculata 0 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 Marywood 0 0 Cedar Crest 0 0 Field Hockey L Cabrini 0 0 Rosemont 0 0 Beaver 0 0 Eastern 0 0 lmmaculata 0 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 0 Marywood 0 0 Alvernia 0 0 Cedar Crest 0 0 Misericordia 0 0 Answer to the trivia question will appear in the next issue. ., \ Tap in to Mac by Bob Macartney sports columnist 11 RandallCunninghamplayeda littleover one quarter in the Eagles last preseason footballgame. Randall Cunningham played until the beginning of the third quarter in the game preceding that one, his longest stint of the exhibitionseason. Randall Cunninghamis coming off his second major injury in the past three seasons. He hasnot playeda fullfootballgame in twelve months. Rich Kotite makes all of the decisions for the PhiladelphiaEagles. Following their season-opening28-23 lossto theNew YorkGiants, Kotitehadthis to say about Cunningham's performance. Kotite said,"Here's a man coming off aseasoninjury. Heusuallyhasanexcellent sixth sense .But I thinkthe more he plays, themorecomfortablehe isgoingto getwith things. He made more throws downfield than he made in all four exhibitiongames. Heisnotwherehehas been priorto this,but it is early The more he is involved, the more he plays, the better he is going to be and the more spontaneous he is going to be." I thought the exhibition season was meant to preparethe playersfor the season. Thereisplentyoftimeinthefourpreseason games to iron out all the wrinklesand head into the season raring to go.
Men's Soccer Cabrini 1 Cabrini 1 Cabrini WilkesO Scranton o F&M Women's Soccer Thurs. 9/8 Cabrini Albright Sat.. 9/1O Cabrini Goucher Cross Country Sat. 9/3 Cabrini Kate Stires Kristen Vento Sue Edenborn
Friday Sept. 9, 1994 SPORTS LOOUilTIJR.
:lBasketball According to newspaper and broadcast reports, Michael Jordan might play one last basketball game in the soon-to-bedemolished Chicago Stadium.
Women's Field Hockey Chestnut Hill brini Coming up Men's Soccer Randolph-Macon Tourney Randolph-Macon Tourney Dr w Sat. 9110 Sun. 9111 Tues. 9113 Allentown H 4 p.m. Women's Soccer Thurs. 9/8 Albright H 4p.m. Sat.. 9/1O Goucher A 1 p.m. Cross Country Sat. 911O Lebanon Valley Invitational Sat. 9117 Baptist Bible Invitational
I PAC Standings Men's Soccer w L
Theproblemis,weshouldalreadyknow. He shouldhave gottenthereps he neededin training camp. He did not. Rich Kotite's head has been on the chopping block since Jeffrey Lurie rolled into town. On Sunday,the axe began to fall.
Last week in the world of-sports by RichardJasper copy editor No contract yet. But no lockout, either. NHL teams received official word from the league on Wednesday, Aug. 31, telling them that training camps would be open on time. The action followed reports that commissioner Gary Bettman had been considering instituting a lockout if no collective-bargaining agreement was reached by Monday, Aug. 29. Many players, however, are returning to camp dissatisfied with Bettman's rollback of training camp benefits. The commissioner has imposed a string of sanctions that will force players to pay their own way to camp, pay their own life insurance and medical coverage and will eliminate meal allowances. The Philadelphia Flyers were scheduled to report to training camp on Monday, Sept. 5, at the Coliseum in Voorhees, N.J. For years, NFL owners and general managers have criticized players who refused to honor the terms of their contracts.
Women's w
According to new Eagles owner, Jeffrey Lurie, the pay cuts were necessary because the team wants to be about $1 million to $1.5 million beneath the leaguemandated $34.6 million salary cap in case they have to replace injured players or if attractive free agents become available.
0 0
Thurs. 9/8 Leb. Valley/Urs. H 6 p.m. Sat. 9/10 Cedar Crest. Tour. A 10 a.m. Women'sTennis
0 0
0 0 Allentown 0 0 Beaver 0 0 Eastern 0 0 Misericordia 0 0 Gwynedd Mercy 0 0 Women'sSoccer w L Cabrini 0 0 Beaver 0 0 Eastern 0 0 Misericordia 0 0 Cross Country Men's w L Cabrini
Women's Volleyball
Thurs. 9/8 Cabrini Sat. 9/10 Cabrini Phila. Textile Marywood
0 0
Week's Results
Women'sVolleyball w L Cabrini 0 0 Allentown 0
0 0
IfRandallCunninghamneededto throw the ball downfieldmore,ifhe neededmore time to become the spontaneous quarterback thathe usedto be, then he shouldhave gotten that time in the games that did not count There is absolutelyno excuse for ahead coach in the National Football Leagueto allow his team to blow the first few games that do count, while his star player tries to get back in game shape. If that means playing Randall Cunninghamevery down in the preseason, then so be it But make sure he is ready to go when the coin is flippedfor real. He obviously was not Already Randall Cunningham finds a way to pull that game out of his hat. There is absolutelyno doubtin my mind that a morecomfortable,more spontaneous RandallCunninghamwould have found a way to get his team into the end zone one more time. Perhaps the post-injury Randall Cunninghamcan no longerdo the thingshe used to do to make that difference. This is always a possibility. If this is so, then we shouldknow in a few more weeks,when he has gotten enough snaps to tell.
w L
The Daily Herald of Arlington Heights, Ill., and ESPN reported Wednesday, Aug. 31, that Jordan would join some of his former Chicago Bulls teammates in a Sept. 9 game benefiting a Scottie Pippen charity. The event will be the last scheduled game at the 65-year-old stadium before it Cabrini 0 0 Allentown Beaver 0 0 Eastern 0 Misericordia 0 L Cabrini 0 Allentown 0 0 Beaver 0 0 Eastern 0 0 Misericordia 0 0
Father Knows Best: Who was the youngest men's singles champion of the U.S. Open Tennis Championship? compiled by Father Ambrose is tom down. Jordan, who retired from basketball last October after leading the Bulls to three straight NBA titles, plays baseball for the Birmingham Barons, the Chicago White Sox's Double A Southern League team.
Thurs. 918 Phila. Textile Sat. 911O Marywood H 3:30 p.m. H 1 p.m. Women's Field Hockey Thurs. 918 Chestnut Hill H 4 p.m. Sat. 911O Drew A 11 a.m. I Now, a new collective-bargaining agreement will allow teams to tear up a contract and force a player to accept less money. Dealing with the salary cap began on Sunday, Aug. 30, for the Philadelphia Eagles. The bad news was delivered on the same day NFL teams had to cut down to 53 players, which means those asked to take pay cuts had few roster options elsewhere.
Phila. Col. of Bible 1st Place 4th Place 5th Place Women's Volleyball Thurs. 9/8 Cabrini Lebanon Valley/ Ursinus Sat. 9/10 Cedar CrestTourney
0 0
Another new addition to the team is Fer'd Nasir, a first-year student. Many of the players said they enjoyed playing in the summer league and realize the benefits of getting involved. Rich Grace, a junior, said, "Summer league keeps us together as a team, and helps the guys coming in to get to know the returning players and learn our style of play." Tidwell agreed with Grace and said that the summer league creates unity on the team and allows players to keep active and stay in shape. Grant also agreed that the summer league had some positive effects. "The summer league aHows us to build team chemistry, to get to know one another, and to learn how one another plays," Grant said. "We are able to build a camaraderie between the team, so in the trying times of March Madness, we are able to come together." The Cavs did well in the summer league, especially considering their competition. "Throughout the playoffs, not everyone showed because of different work schedules and prior commitments," Grant said. "But the people who were there gave one hundred percent and played hard throughout the summer."
"I think the team is strong this year," said Suzanne Stephano, a senior. The strength includes her improvement since last year. Stephano is playing more intensely. Here she shows some of that strength and ability sity of Pennsylvania and Temple University. John Dzik, athletic director, said, "I would say the level of play is better, but nothing is better than winning the games that really count." Dzik watched from the side lines as his team was coached by Don Hartnett, who was the volunteer assistant coach for the men's team last season. Greg Grant, a senior, saw the advantage of playing against teams made up of Division I and II players. He said, "It enables us to see the different levels of competition out there and gives us a chance to test our skills against those different levels." Though the competition was tough, the Cavs made their mark in the league. They finished in fifth place out of 16 placements. which put them in the playoffs. The double elimination playoff would decide the fate of the Cavs. The 1994 Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) champs won the first playoff game by 13 points. In the next game, the men played against the only undefeated team in the league and lost by four points in overtime. Eric Tidwell, a junior, said, "I was kind of upset because I went up to the foul line and missed two free throws. I thought of it as a learning experience, because you can make that mistake in the summer, but not at games during the·season." Tidwell did not seem to be the only one upset by the outcome of the playoffs. The team seemed to share similar feelings.
Cavaliersrun ball over summer
The Media Summer League not only gave the Cavs a chance to play some high level ball, but it brought together the veteran players as well as new additions to the team. Coach Dzik named the six transfers as sophomores Ingo Zitzmann, Dan Robinson and John Watson. The juniors included Tom Newman, Ken Skitek and JeffDanzi.
by Celene Wright sports editor
While most students were sitting in airconditioned offices talking to friends on the phone instead of working, the men's basketball team was sweating up the courts. The Cavaliers participated in the annual Media Summer League. The league's level of play was very competitive, with teams made up of Division I, II and Ill players. The players <:ome from area colleges, such as V~lanova University, St. Joseph's University, LaSalle University, UniverThe ball is in their court! photoby Dawniell&
by Caroline Croley managing editor Despite some obstacles, the girl's volleyball team is prepared to work together to make it to the championships. Brian Wolk, class of '94 and assisam coach, said, "The team works tog_ether, and they learn new angles together. It is like a photographic view. The players who have been here keep looking at the negative and to see what 1i. there. Then. those players show the proofs to the rest of the team and show them what the photograph is supposed to look like.·• Jill Saam, senior co-captain and middle-hitter, said, "We have to communicate as a team and get used to each other. I think that will be one of our main obstacles." "The team, however, has knowledge of the game and is not intimidated about the upcoming season," Saam said. "Everybody came into the season with a Jot of talent." Setter Jennifer Paliaro, a junior, agreed with Saam. "Unfortunately, the team got off to a bad start. Athletic camp was shorter than usual, and the gym floor was being redone. These problems took a lot of playing time on the court away from us." Wolk said, "Despite these obstacles, the team needs to grow through maturity by working together and building together as a unit." Paliaro said, "One of our weaknesses is we are a small team, made up of mostly sophomores." However, with teamwork, Paliaro and her teammates see this weakness becoming one of the team's strengths. Jim Harrigan, head coach, said this team is different than teams in the past. Harrigan said the team lost key players and gained many new experienced players. Harrigan feels the major problem will be the height of the players. He said, "We need to work on defense to accommodate for this problem. We will use more substitutes and use players in various capacities
12 SPORTS Friday, Sept. 9, 1994 Lady Cavs
preparefor season
The team has set high standards for themselves. Harrigan said he believes they can reach everyone. He wants the team to place first in Pennsylvania Athletic Conference (PAC) South, to go to PAC finals and win at least 20 games this season. In PAC South, Harrigan said Eastern College will be the Lady Cav's biggest challenge. He said Eastern has good players and Cabrini will play them early, hopefully allowing Cabrini a little more playing time and competitive practice. The team is made up of seven returning players and two people who played under Harrigan during high school. Saam said she is worried about the support of the fans. This year the team has scheduled games almost every other day and many of these matches are away. photo by Danielle Klopp Middlehitter, Jill Saam, senior co-captain, shows her strength and determination as she serves to fellow teammates during a practice scrimmage.
"The emotion of the team was extremely high during overtime in the playoffs, because the team we were playing was undefeated," Grant said.