Smokerstold: Butt.out
Friday,Sept.23,1994 Vol. XLI, No. 4 Cabrini College .Radnor,Pa. 19087
FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY v'8:30p.m. in the v'lOp.m. in the v'8a.m. Mass in v'l p.m. in the v'8a.m. Mass. v'6:15p.m. Mass gym, a mini golf Xavier Great the chapel. caf there will be v'6p.m. Hunger & in the chapel. course will be set Room, movie v'All this week a Food Commit- Homeless Aware- v'5:40-6:10p.m. up. Play for "Ace Ventura." in front of the tee meeting. All ness meeting. Confession in the FREE! v'6&8p.m. cafe, vote for are welcome. t/2:30-3:30 p.m. chapel. v'12:30-2 p.m. Mass in the Homecoming v'6:15p.m. Mass Middle States Open t/7-9p.m. There will be a chapel. nominees. in the chapel. Hearing. Cheerleading Middle States t/7:30-9p.m. v'8-9:30p.m. t/7:30-9p.m. tryouts in gym. Open Hearing. Cbeerleading Cheerleading Cheerleading A I • ln~ .-+! :
WORE rocksthe campus!
"Everyone has their position, and smokers are becoming outnumbered," Richardson said. The college is offering a number of different options for cessation programs and support for community members who want to stop smoking. Employees are encouraged to take advantage of U.S. Healthcare's Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Health services also provides support to both students and staff who need help in quitting the smoking habit.
by Allyson·Hannigan staff writer
Coverage of local art shows. started to get at 1east one room J in the Widener Center to be a smoking area, because winter is coming and it's unfair to push the smokers out in the cold. "I think we should have at least one room where we are allowed to smoke," Kristen St.ancavage, a junior said. "Somewhere other than outside where it is cold and inconve- •fl nient." According to the American Lung Association, each year more Americans die from smoking-related diseases than die from AIDS, drug abuse, car accidents and homicide. Also, cigarette smoking is the major cause of emphysema, lung cancer and chronic bronchitis. The American Lung Association reports that the amount of carbon monoxide in the blood of nonsmokers doubles in poorly ventilated rooms filled with cigarette smoke. Even outside the room, the inhaled carbon monoxide stays in the body for three or four hours. Not only is Cabrini cutting back on· smoking privileges, many restaurants and stores are now smoke-free. At the King of Prussia Mall, one is able to smoke in the hallways and the food court, but not in the stores or in designated non-smoking areas of the food court. Many McDonald's restaurants have become completely smoke-free, as have many car dealerships. Movie theaters have also become completely smdke-free. Until recently, smokers were able to light-up in the lobby of the theater. Many colleges and universities have also joined the"Smoke°Free America" campaign and have abolished all smoking privileges on their campuses. Eastern College is one such institution. Students are not able to smoke in their rooms or even outside. Ruth Richardson, Cabrini's pbo1oby DawnielleKlopp Junior ValerieMackner,sophomoreJason Emery and his friend Shane Stockertsit outside because they are no longer allowed to smoke in the gathering area. Decisionshavenot yet been made as to what these students and faculty will do in the winter. technical services associate, said it does not bother her to have to go outside to smoke. Richardson said she has always gone outside to smoke, since many of her co-workers have been allergic to cigarette smoke. She also said she believes that you cannot totally discriminate against smokers.
photoby Dawnielle Klopp WDRE'sJulie Smith gives out prizes to junior Robert Evans,andfirst-yearstudents StephanieBono, Amie Kavanaughand Kim Gisondioutside near the Peace Pole. Week at a Glance ... Sept. 23--29
Smoking is no longer permitted in any area of the Widener Center, Grace Hall, Sa-. cred Heart Hall, the Mansion and all other public buildings on campus. Cabrini has recognized ihat smoking is a significant health risk to smokers and non-smokers. Therefore, the smoking policy has been changed. In 1990, public buildings became restricted with designated smoking areas. "This is the next step,'' according to Susan M. Fitzgerald, college nurse. In addition, residence halls have designated areas for smoking that are yoted on each year by the residents. This policy applies to all employees, students and visitors. If violated, there are three possible sanctions. The first offense is a verbal warning. The second offense is a written warning, .and the third offense is a $50 fine. Heather McAllister, a senior non-smoker, said, "I understand that smoke bothers people, but certain areas should be designated in public buildings. It's not fair to push them outside." "I'm happy that there is no smoking in the gathering area," Melissa Nogels, a junior non-smoker, said. "Last year my friends and I ltad to the leave the gathering area because the smpke •filled the room," No gels said. "It's not fair to commuters," said Jason Emery, a sophomore commuter. "Commuters can't smoke inside like residents in the dorms." Shane Stockert, a smoker, said, "Smokers should have at least one room designated indoors to smoke, somewhere where the smoking and nonsmoking areas don't cross." Stockert and Emery said there has been a petition Inside ... IISPORTS pg.12 Check out the men's soccer team. They are ranked in the NCAA Divisiou Ill. IINEWS pg.4 Find a full spread on alcohol and its effects. II A&E pg.6&7
The editorials and opinions published In Loqultur are1he views of the student editorial staff and the Individual writers and not the entire student bodr or 1he faculty and administration. Loqultur Is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice In the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of lssuea.
The legal toga party that took place last Friday night in the Widener Center Gathering Area was highly attended, but the music should have been booked for another party. Unfortunately, it was outdated and hard to dance to. You need good music in order to have a good party. ;- ' ' "" ' '-·'"-, ·, •, ,-
Acceptingwhat·youdo not understand
EDITORIAL _Friday, Sept. 23, 1994
Does Cabrinihave·a parkingproblem?
ui 11 tr)] u Congratulations go out to the victorious sports teams. The men•s soccer team is ranked sixth in the NCAA mid-Atlantic region and the women's field hockey team had three shutout games in a row. Also, the women's soccerteamhas a 3-lrecord! Theseareawesomesignsofastrongseason!
The radio station began broadcasting last week for the first time this semester, with a fresh new format and staff. It consists of a variety of easy listening/soft rock music that is catered to a wider audience. However, the station personnel is planning to keep a time slot reserved for the alternative variety that existed last year. Q102 visited campus last Thursday, but Donna Storm did not do the "Noontime Workout," because of the lack of participation of students. But later during their live broadcast, participation increased because Glen Kalina interviewed the students on the air for the" College Kick Off Tour."
Celene Wright, sports editor When I decided to get my hair braided at the beginning of this semester, I knew I was going "hard." I was stepping out of the boundaries, going against the "norm," and not conforming to the usual standards and styles on a predominately white campus. I just kept thinking to myself, "Who cares?" This is my style, the style of the people in my area and the style of my people. Besides, people cannot be cruel enough to make fun of one's culture these days at least not openly. That kind of thing used to happen in the past because people were ignorant to what was different from themselves, but not now. Eventually, I made up my mind to get my hair braided, and I came back to school with my heart in my chest and my pride the length of my braided locks. Some accepted the style, although it was not familiar to them, while many thought my braids were beautiful and told me so. My boyfriend told me they were sexy. My sister wanted to get her hair done the same way. Even her boyfriend liked the style. I was happy about my choice. Of course there were some people who never once said it was nice. Instead, they nicknamed me, and it was a nickname that I did not enjoy being called. My mother put too much time and thought into my name for someone to just make up their mind to change it. Even when I expressed to people that I did not like the name, they continued to call me it. In my mind, they stomped on my heart and tried to shake my pride. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't just the non-African Americans who made it a point to make a joke of my Afro-centric style. Even a few African-Americans chose to make themselves look better by putting me down, something that they should have understood. This upset me the most, because I expected so much more from them. What it comes down to is that some people treated my style as if it was a joke to humor the whole damn campus. If people do not have something nice to say, why say anything at all? I became sick of smiling, and humoring those who said things that were close to ignorant. Most importantly, they hurt me. If they want to make fun of something, they should make fun of themselves. Do not use something I take pride in to get a few laughs. Those who said things just to make a joke, obviously did not take the time to consider my feelings. They would rather hurt my pride by making fun of it than actually think about how and what they s~id, and how 4t would make me feel. I am proud of my braids and what they stand for. • In this day and age, African-Americans are going dread, wearing braids, growing Afros and cutting out their relaxing perms, to show their natural hair textures. These people are accepting the part of them that society said was ugly. It isn't ugly, but different, and beautiful. The rap artist "Snoop Doggy Dogg" has an Afro, and Bertice Berry has dreads. She was told to change her appearance when she became a talk show host, in order to conform to society's standards of what is beautiful. Being the strong woman that she is, she refused to make the change. New music groups, such as Black Girl, _ForReal, Zhane and singer Tanya Blount, have gone natural by cutting out their relaxing perms. Janet Jackson and the group Jadealsosportthedifferentbraided styles. I think people should respect people and their culture. Others need to wake up and realize where they came from. The Queens of Africa wore braids and they were a sign of honor. So, if you do not have something nice to say, keep it to yourself and just bow. When you bow, mean it. It is not a joke! One good thing that came out of this incident was I learned that a number of African-Americans on this campus possess a lot of strength. I give them the credit they deserve for going into a situation that they are not used to, in order to get an education. A lot of the African-Americans that attend this college are not used to living in a predominately-white area. They come from areas where they are a majority, rather than a minority. Some may say I am exaggerating this whole incident, but they do not see, feel or hear what I do. I just want to say thank you to those who made me feel welcome at Cabrini. Editor-In-chief: Kelly McDonald ManagingEditor: Caroline Croley Editorial and Op-Ed Editor: Diane Wrobleski NewsEdltor: ChrisllnaFeahan Aaaillanl News Editor: Angela Maltlonl Arts and En1811ainrnantEditor: Regina MIiier Fe«turea Editor: Shella Brady Sports Editor: Celene Wright Alalstant Sporta Edilor: Kara Pruett Graphics Edllor. Jane Vmi lngen Copy Editor: Richard Jasper Business Manager: Katen Szczurek Photography Editor: OawnietleKlopp Photography Adviser: Or. Carter Cralgie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: Mary Burfete, Stephanie Caldwell, Kathy Cephas, Nicole Coleman, Mat!Mw Craig, David OIMatteo,Patricia Foley, OJ Glasgow, Joanna Golesh, Allyson Hannigan, Lisa Hines, Amy Jac:l<son,Andrea Kelliher, Jamie Latshaw, John Lindsay, Katherine Malone, Joe Marturano, Paul Marturano, Justin Mingllenl, Elizabeth Molloy, Donna Schaeffer, Richard Schepis, Kimberly Sheldron, Nina Sdarrotta, Laura Testa Photography Staff: Marie Barratt. Shella BOldy,Caroline Croley, James Gregory, Jamie Latshaw, Joe Marturano Advertising Designers: Kathy Malone, Steve May Cartoonist: Bryan Bell Loquttur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 610971-8412. Subscription price Is $25 per year and Is Included In the benaflts sea.mid by tuition and student fees. Loquitur -lcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and 1he authorship known to the editors. However, ff the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the I-r upon publlcalion and an Inscription lnaerted such as •name withheld at the request of the writer.• • ~s ai-ld be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense tt. L.attersto the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays.
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extreme nervousness and muttering "da, da, da" on the air, I realized how much fun disc jockeying could be. Soon, I had my own show, and I was spending most of my free time working at the station.
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Friday,Sept.23. 1994 OP-ED LOOUITUR. 3
I pulled into the parking lot and continued slowly downthe driveway,feelingevery single speed bump as if it was lodged in my throat. Parking was easy since it was the middle of summerandmostpeopleweren'taround.When I saw the large double doors for the first time, I rememberwondering if it was too late to turn back. I looked all around me. No one was watching. I could make a fast turn-around and leave the Widener Center. However, leaving was not a smart idea, because my boss probably realized by this time that his newest employee was late for work. This was my first day as Communications Center Supervisor/General Manager of 89.1 WYBF-FM, and I was extremely nervous! I walked through the doors and around to the office I would share with Dr. Zurek. Bud Mellon sat at bis desk waiting to train me for the position be was about to vacate. A couple of years back, be bad taught me a television course at another college, so it was nice to see a familiar face. He proceeded to take me on a tour of the offices and familiarize me with the Walking around campus made me feel comfortable, because I bad just graduated from college less than a month before. As I walked, I thought about those words that my parents, professors, and friends had uttered to me so much when I was in school, "When you figure out what it is you want to do with your life, or at least what field you want to go into, immerse yourself in something that will give you first band experience in that area." They were right. That's exactly what I did, and it helped to land me a job right out of college. I first attended Rowan College in 1990, when it was still known as Glassboro State. I knew I wanted to major in communications, but I wasn't sure of which area, so I played it safe and didn't specify radio/ TV/film, public relations, journalism or advertising. I wanted a broad background and a little taste of everything before I decided. But I knew by the end of my first year there that my heart would be in radio. I followed my parents advice and got very involved in WGLS-FM, Rowan's radio station. During my first semester, I went through their training program and worked in the promotions department. Shortly thereafter, I was sharing a show with one of the music directors, and after several bouts of Learn to speak French, Spanish or German for just $199*. fl,) on't want to seem Ii ke a potato head when you travel? Feeling fried at your job? At Berl itzll you can learn to speak a new language quickly and enjoyably with the proven Berlitz Method. Start with a fourweek beginning or intermediat~ group course. You'll learn practical speaking skills which you can begin using right away.
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Letters to the editor If there is a topic you would like to dispute or an idea you would like to share, you are encouraged to write them down for all to appreciate.
Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. The writer may choose to leave out their name, with the consent of the editor.
Turning the dial to a new station with a higher frequency of range campus, which seemed harmless enough, although the maze of Grace Hall had puzzled me for weeks. All in all, the day went well and my panic subsided.
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Opinions: Is there a story you would like to share? Do you want your voice to be heard? This is your opportunity to submit YOUR point of view in opinions. Opinions should be discussed with the editor one week in advance of publication (preferably by noon on Thursdays). The length can vary in size, from one page to two-and-a-half pages, and there are no set topics. This is left up to you. If there are any questions, they can be addressed to Diane Wrobleski. She can be reached at ext. 8412 or box 613. All comments are welcome!
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This was about the same time that Frank Hogan, a professor at Rowan with a massive history in radio (you name it, be' s done it disc jockeying, managing, engineering), came to WGLS as their full-time general manager. He taught me so much, both as a professor in class and as my boss at the station. I had so much admiration and respect for himbecause he was my mentor. Under Frank's direction, I worked my way up to becoming the music director by my junior year. It was also during this time that I was hired at Lite 96.9, WFPG-FM in Atlantic City as a weekend disc jockey. During my last year at Rowan, I was appointed station manager, for which I received six credits and an immeasurable amount of experience. It was by far just as beneficial to me as any outside internshipcould have been. I learned so much about running a radio station, and it obviously paid off, because here I am now doing the same thing. There is no doubt in my mind that without this previous experience, I wouldn't have had a shot in the dark at the position I now bold. My point is this; Do everything in your power to get as involved as you possibly can in the area you wish to work. Take advantage of internships and co-ops, join clubs and organizations, and do whatever you can to gain hands-on experience in yourfield. Good grades look pretty on paper, but they don't compare to the value of concrete experience. This is especially true in today's job market, where so many people are competing for the same position. Take the necessary steps now to pave the way for when you graduate. It may not guarantee you a job, but it's definitely going to put you ahead of those with just a degree and no experience. Also, keep in mind how important it is to make contacts while in school. Remember the old saying, "It's not just what you know, it's also who you know." As unfortunate as that may be, it's true in many cases. If it wasn't for Frank Hogan, who is now the consulting engineer for WYBF, I would never have even known about the position at Cabrini. Keep your eyes and ears open to people who may be able to help you. It's a tough market for jobs, which is why you need to stay at least one step ahead of the rest. I'm really looking forward to my time at Cabrini. It's been a wonderful experience so far, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me here. For those of you I've already met, thank you for making me feel so at home. For those of you I have yet to meet, I really look forward to getting to know you.
• Easy, conversational approach
In issue 3, Sept. 16, 1994, Brian Killen's name was misspelled in the front page photo caption. Also, the order of the band members, from left to right is; Mike Lorenz, Patrick Mercer, Brian Killen and Bryan Bell. The photo on page six is of Daniel Frantz. On page 12, Lisa Watson's name was not included with the other PAC Academic AllConference team members, and Tammy Pfeiffenberger's name was misspelled in the photo caption. Also, Nina Sciarrotta 's name was misspelled in the byline. 6 p.m.
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A look at alcohol and the college student by ChristinaFeehan newseditor Despite the change in the legal drinking age from 18 to 21, alcohol remains the most popular drug on campus. According to a 1990 survey by the University of Michigan's Institute of Social Research , three out of every four students drink alcohol at least once a month. Two out of every five have five drinks or more in one sitting at least once every two weeks. About four percent, down from a high of seven percent in 1984, drink daily. Nearly one in every five college women shows sign of alcohol dependency. With these statistics in mind, it is easy to understand why, according to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), 10.5 million adults exhibit some symptoms of alcoholism or alcohol dependence. Another 7.2 million abuse alcohol, but do not show symptoms of dependence. A projection for the year 1995, though, indicates that 11.2 million adults will exhibit symptoms of alcohol dependence. This is a statistic that many college drinkers will come to prove after graduation. No one likes to hear that the few beers they have on a Thursday night will have an overall effect on them somewhere down the road. But almost daily, new statistics are proving that alcohol is a dangerous drug that is easy to become involved with. In fact, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), states that the average age at which children take their first drink is now just under 13, and 40 percent have tasted alcohol by the age of 10. According to HHS, more startling statistics reveal that a minimum of three percent of deaths can be attributed to alcohol-related causes. Alcohol also contributes to a variety of illnesses, including liver disease, cancer and heart problems. Exposure to alcohol before birth is one of the leading known causes of menonot 1 '.:~ .1 abk;p:, tal retardation. Nearly half of violent deaths are alcohol related and more than 20,000 motor vehicle fatalities each year are due to alcohol abuse. Keeping these haunting statistics in mind, why would someone want to keep drinking until they could not see straight? Well, there are various reasons for this. Alcohol is used when we celebrate something, maybe a wedding, graduation, promotion, or birth. When a friend visits, you might offer them a drink, because it is the polite thing to do. Another common role alcohol plays is in a romantic setting. Maybe you are trying to get that girl/ guy to notice you and alcohol eases the tension. What most people do not realize, though, is that alcohol, in fact, interferes in sexual response in a negative way. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system, and although it may initially lower your sexual inhibitions, it ultimately detracts from sexual arousal and sexual potential. Alcohol lowers testosterone levels and therefore, even though the desire for sex might be very high, the ability to perform for some males, might be disappointing. Women, on the other hand, perceive they have greater sexual pleasure after an intake of alcohol, even though their responsiveness to their partner decreases physiologically and behaviorally. According to a study done by Malatesta, PoUack, Crotty and Peacock, some women may believe that they are more "satisfied" when they consume alcohol because this drug lowers their inhibitions and relieves them of their guilty feelings, For some chronic alcoholics, impotence is permanent. This is something to remember, men, on a Thursday night when the girl of your dreams walks in the door. Besides those interesting facts, more serious ones come into play when you drink a beer or glass of wine: your body pays for it. Continuous drinking can lead to cirrhosis, a chronic disease of the liver, characterized by a degeneration of cells and excessive scarring. Basically, the liver's job is to break : Q~f 9f tlttqvpr, ~Ila ~• $toJUil<.-b•col9Jlandt?r~ I'Swell asm~t µiplanomatadeadlyfollll • of~~ ~·pr~n,tstm~.~rl
M~dicalComplication~ ' •
NEWS Friday, Sept. 23, 1994
Alcohol and you, perfect together?
c:7 0 tJ down alcohol, but when too much of it is in your system, the liver cannot do its job completely. Alcohol also damages brain cells and impairs perception, judgment and motor skills. It weakens the heart muscles, increases blood pressure and triggers bleeding and peptic ulcers in the stomach. So remember, the next time you are hungover, the inside of your body probably looks worse than you feel or look on the outside. There are 10 factors that affect your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and your response to alcohol: how much and how quickly you drink, what you are consuming, your size (smaller-sized people get drunk quicker than larger-sized people because they have a smaller water volume that dilutes the alcohol consumed), sex (women are more sensitive to alcohol than men), age (the same amount of alcohol in an older drinker produces a higher BAC), race (members of certain ethnic groups are unable to break down alcohol as quickly as Caucasians do), if you have a family history of alcoholism, whether or not you eat before you drink (food slows the absorption of alcohol by diluting it), your expectations of what the alcohol will have on you, and finally, your personal physical tolerance level. Alcohol seems to be a part of everyday 0 I life, especially during the college years, so here are a few tips when a Thursday night blast turns into a Friday morning bomb: for headache: caffeine, aspirin and a hot shower; for nausea: bland foods like toast, eggs, pretzels; for thirst: slightly salty liquids such as chicken soup to replace lost fluids; for dizziness or weakness: orange juice. And last, but most important, there are a few things that you should think about to decrease your alcohol intake. You should go out later, buy each drink separately instead of buying a pitcher, drink water when you are thirsty, drink a wine cooler instead of wine, count the calories in alcohol (7 per gram), go out with friends who do not drink, take little cash to the bar, read about what alcohol does to your brain and read about what alcohol does to your athletic performance. Everyone likes to a have a beer once in a while, but just remember that when one beer turns into 20, there might be a problem. And when the apple drops on New Year's Eve, you could be one of the 11.2 million adults who exhibits symptoms of alcohol dependence. One statistic to always remember: Ten percent of drivers on the road at any time are drunk. 1l((})rtJ(C!Bl li
Friday, Sept. 23, 1994 FEATURES L.OOU:ITUIR 5
Want to inform more people about what your club is doing on campus? Then advertise in LOQU/TUR! It's vezy easy & we give an automatic 1596 discount to all clubs & activities !! If you are interested, please call Karen at ext. 8412
CABRINI COLLEGE am.ily.. weekend October 1 & 2 Sign Up N O\V Outside of the Cafe! Weekend events sponsored by Kappa Sigma Omega & Student Activities
by Paul Marturano staff writer Although Cabrini is a Catholic college, there are many people with Jewish ancestry present within the community. Two major Jewish holidayswere celebrated in the past two weeks, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
by Justin Mlrlgl/anl staff writer Volleyball, anyone? Or maybe photography is more your thing. On Tuesday, Sept. 14, Cabrini held its second annual Club Fair. In all, there were 26 different clubs or organizations for the students to get involved with. "It was a better turn out this year than last year," said Marianne DeFruscio, director of student activities and the club fair coordinator. "Many of the new clubs did well. Student government got over 20 people to sign up, which was very encouraging." Two new clubs that i:eceived a great deal of interest were co-ed baseball and women's lacrosse. Each of these clubs have already recruited 10 new members. "I had the idea for co-ed baseball," said Phyllis Cohen, a first-year student. "I managed my high school baseball team for three years. I hope this will start interest in a men's baseball team for Cabrini." Women's lacrosse is run by first-year student, Mia Fitzgerald. She came up with the idea for women's lacrosse. "I am a lacrosse player and I think the girls should have their own lacrosse club," Fitzgerald said. "It may be hard getting the club started. About 25 percent of the girls who signed up have never played lacrosse before," Fitzgerald said. Fitzgerald said, "I think it is important that the women and men be separated, because the rules and the styles of play are different for the different genders." A problem has come about because of the many clubs interested in the use of the sports fields. Many of the club leaders are trying to find a time when their club can have the field. The clubs present at the fair also represented many non-sports activities. The clubs ranged from Student Academic Council to the Psychology Club. "The turn out was so large that we gave out eight cases of Coke to the people attending the fair," DeFruscio said. "Because it was such a nice day, I think that helped us get such a turn out." There was more to do at the fair than just sign up for clubs. There were electronic games of skill, such as a quarterback accuracy game and a basketball shooting game. There were lines of students waiting to play these games. DeFruscio attributed the good turn out in part because of the activities. The turn out included many first-year students. The fair also saw an equal turn out of men and women. Although the fair is over, there are still spots available for students who want to be involved in the clubs. Anyone interested in signing up for any of the clubs, or interested in starting a new club, should go to the student activities office and see Marianne DeFruscio. familycelebratesby goingto serviceswhere we prayandsing.Weeachlookattheyearthat haspassedandthinkof ourhopesforthenew year.We havea nice dinnerwithtraditional Jewish foods, such as matzoballsoup and briskette.Wealsohavevegetables,salad,fruit and some kind of desert.It is almost like Thanksgiving,"Marks-Goldsaid. CatherineYungmann, a communications assistantprofessor,celebratesRoshHashana withthe traditionof eatingapplesandhoney. Thissymbolizesa sweetbeginningto thenew year. YornKippurwas celebratedon Sept. 15. Marks-Goldcelebratedby fastingfromsundownon Sept. 14 untilsundownon Sept.15 whenshebrokethe fastwitha largemeal. This holidayis solemnbut not mournful. OrientalJewscallthefeastofYom Kippurthe WhiteFast,as opposedto theBlackFast.The BlackFastcommemoratesthe destruction of thetemplein Jerusalemin 70 AD. Marks-GoldrememberscelebratingYorn Kippurat the beachwithherfamily. "YornKippuris a day of atonement," Marks-Goldsaid. "I prayfor my sins to be forgiven.MyfamilyandI talk about hopesfor the coming year.I enjoyspendingtimewith my family and watchingthe ocean."According to Marks-Gold,this is not a typical Jewish tradition. It is their own personalfamilytradition. "I celebrate YornKippurby fasting and attending synagogue services," Yungmann said. "Everyone wears white. It is a joyful but solemn holiday. After synagogue, I spend the day with my family." Karl Borish, the father of alumna Julie Borish, is a conseivative Jew. "Every Friday night we light candles to preparefortheSabbathday,Saturday,"Borish said. "We fast on Yom Kippur and attend synagogue seIVicesfor most of the day. These services consist of prayers, a sermon and asking for forgiveness. One prayer that all Jews say is a prayer to honor the departed."
Jewish ancestry alive on campus
"Rosh Hashana is family oriented," MarksGold said "Every family has different traditions. My by Sheila Brady Cathy Yungmann,an assistant professor of c_ommunications,fixes a candle on her menorah. The religious sculpture was made by her grandmotherErna Weill.
Club fair fares well
According to Rabbi Robert Ourach of Temple Brith Achim in King of Prussia, there is not a large number of college students that attend synagogue regularly in the King of Prussia area. "College students do attend occasionally, usually with their families," Ourach said. The lack of attendance is partly demographic. According to Ourach, his congregation is small and consists mainly of middleaged couples. Students that attend large colleges will usually go to services provided by Hillel. Hillel is a Jewish organization that is present at many large colleges. There is no Hillel organization for Jewish students at Cabrini. "Cabrini is a warm and inviting environment of accepting people," Marks-Gold said. "By working at Cabrini, I've learned more about Catholics. It is good to learn about different religions." ''My daughter was very comfortable at Cabrini," Borish said. ''There were no problems regarding religious differences." "Cabrini is a college that stresses human values that are present in many religions, not just Christian values," Yungmann said. "I have done work with mission development, even though I am not Catholic," she said. ''The college has always been encouraging of different religions."
Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year, begins the most solemn days of the Jewish calendar; the 10 Penitential Days. Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, concludes the 10 Penitential Days. Jennifer Marks-Gold, the international students adviser, is of Jewish ancestry and celebrated these holidays.
.Petty drew sketches for Nathaniel Hawthorne's and Charles Dickens' novels. "A penchant for storytelling is not the only link between Petty's art for The New Yorker and her book illustrations," Saunders wrote. ''Both reflect the growth of her artistic style, from the heavy crayon lines of the late '20s and early '30s, to the softer crayon shading and fine ink outlines of her mature work."
Humorhangson at the river-museum
by Regina MIiier arts and entertainment editor People begin to stir on this brilliant, cool Saturday morning. Magnificent wild flowers and calm rivers could not keep them outdoors. A cool breeze and the sun's radiance is ignored, too. The sleepy town of Chadds Ford escapes its lethargy. A quiet bustle of patrons travels through \he halls of the museum to see a famous cartoonist. People anticipate humor, something almost non-existent in the serious world of art. But hold on, a breakthrough has occurred. Mary Petty's collection is in town. Mary Petty's w·ork, on. loan from the Petty-Dunn Center for Social Cartooning, Syracuse University Art Collections, will be hanging around on the walls of Brandywine River Museum until Nov. 20. "Museums and art collectors recently have become more interested in social comment art as a form of expression," said Director of Syracuse University Art Collections, Alfred T. Collette, in an acknowledgement letter. Anybody could easily find the collection, once they arrived on the third floor of the museum. Infectious outbursts oflaughter and conversation surround the art. Mary Petty (1899-1976) would appreciate these critics. Oth~r critics in her life caused her much grief. Petty, a successful front cover cartoonist for The New Yorker, was declined only twice by the editors for publication over a 40-year career with The New Yorker. Her rejection came with cartoon number 30 in 1966. The rejection of this image proved to be such an ordeal for the artist that it caused her self-imposed retirement," wrote Cheryl Saunders, graduate research assistant at Syracuse University. Petty protected herself from unwanted criticism by spending months or years on one cartoon. It finally caught up to her. Her marriage to Alan Dunn in 1927 seemed enviable. Dunn, a prolific cartoonist, encouraged Petty to submit art to The New Yorker, the same magazine that paid his salary. He discouraged her to seek formal art training. Their relationship became symbiotic, both working out of their three-bedroom apartment, feeding off of each other, with two extremely polar approaches. Petty was noted as a slow and photo supp/Jed17/8nlndyWine River,.,,,_,,,, Mary Petty's watercolor, Her complete work showing at Brandywine River Museum from now until Nov. 20. • methodical artist, while Dunn was quick and frequent with his productions Her retirement lasted five years. She died two years after Dunn, in a New Jersey nursing home. Today, Petty's art lives on to tickle the hearts of others.Petty satirizes New York's upper-crust society. Her art reflects the changes that occurred throughout the '20s to the '60s. The Jazz Age takes a grip on society causing unthinkable changes. Women won the right to vote and liberation becomes a central theme. Smoking and drinking are a favorite past time,. replacing mundane society standards. The characters portrayed in the sketches are caricatures of life. The captions entice • the appreciator to look again, and somehow her words capture the essence of the. humor. In an initial work, a pencil and ink pen s~etch, the cartoon depicts two well-to-do young women, out to lunch. In this art piece, the caption, dated Nov. 28, 1931, read, "Then his father paid me $10,000 never to see him again. It sort of gives you back your faith in men. Don't it?." An interpretation of the work is unlike today's attitudes regarding women. Petty visualizes tlie new liberated woman of her time as a great enough threat to society's stan_. dards, which she depicts in her picture. Her earlier work strikes a strong resemblance to today's battle of the sexes. • EventualJy, with the creation of Fay and Mrs. Peabody, a familiar pair on the cover of The New Yorker, Petty dis<;ontinues the use of captions to help illustrate her idea. Fay epitomizes competence, as well as neglect. Petty artful1y draws Fay as a lithe doting character, eagerly awaiting her chance for freedom. Fay. is always surrounded by dogs, horses, cats ·and people. She is the center of attention. Her gregarious nature evokes sympathy from the reader when Fay is caught, on numerous occasions, performing silly actions. Delightful indiscretions appear normal to mainstream viewers, but Mrs. Peabody's caricature falls far away from the norm. The viewer becomes so familiar with the contrasting characters, he or she could begin to predict dialogue.
Drdak'sexhibition,''Themos,"washeldatthe FranklinMintMuseum,locatedin Franklin,Pa. Her artworkwas shownfromAug.9 to Sept.18. "fhemos," fromthe Greeklanguage,means victimsofacatastrophe.Herworkportrayedthe imageof hwnan suffering. Such events as the genocideandtheproblemsinBosniaandRwanda influencedher sketcltesandpain~. Throughherworlc,Drdakhopesherviewers willmakea humanand moralconnection,thus, respondingtotheneedsandresponsibilitiesofour oommonhumanity.Fdtypercentofsaleproceeds ofwoddnthisexlnbitionweredonated by Drdak to Red0cm reliefeffortsfor childrenin Bosnia and Rwanda. Drdak's interestin childrenand grievingangelsisrevealedinthisexlnbition.lnher"&sayby theArtist,"shereferstoAsrael,aMuslimmyth,as an angelentrustedwith takingaway the soulsof thedead.Also,thereoccurringimageof thechild is importantbecause childrenhave become a focusedtargetfor politicalviolencein thepast25 years. Drdakhadtodealwithcertainproblemswhile working on these pieces. When paintingthe angels'bodies,shehadtoresi.5ttheurgeto''finish" them. Instead,she gave them the look of being firitually stripped. The angels' aadling positionsaremeanttoshowtheduality'sofprotecti.on andl~ andredemptionandlamentation.Detail was givento the skullsof thechildren,showinga symbolismin their egg shape of the seed and humanessence. The researchof color lead Drdak to a vast vocabularyand a knowledgeof common culturalmeaning.5,whichwereexcitingforherto learn,because shewantsher work to communicatewitha broadhumanspectrum.
John Geipel, an expert on comedy, claims in orie of his books that it is the content of the drawing, rather than its outward form, that determines whether it is a cartoon. The content also depends on the attitude of the artist. A cartoon deals with the blemishes, while the non-humorous cartoon deals more with aesthetics.
Green with humanity by Amy Jackson staff writer Artist Maureen Drdak's work reflects her personallifeas well as humanresponsesto world tragedies. "I personallybelievethattrulyimportantart must convey or relate some moral insight,this aspectbeingthemostfundamentallymeaningful purposeof art,"Drdaksaid."And thatin orderto do this,theuseof theprimary,sharedlanguageof humanfonn is necessary."
Thevariousmeaningsof color help an artist photo suppl/fld17/TheFrenldln111/nt The artist captures the suffering of a mother and child at a recent show. create an image. Drdak uses the color green throughoutthisexlnbitofherwodc. Thiscoloris consideredan ambivalentsignifier. Greensymbolizes death,moral degradationand madness, yetat the sametime,signifieshopeandresurrection. Drdakhasstudiedat the PennsylvaniaAcademy of Fme Arts, PhiladelphiaCollege of Art (Universityof the Arts),Temple Universityand the BarnesFoundation.Shehas alsodoneindependent studiesat the PhiladelphiaMuseumof Art.
6 ARTS· Friday, Sept. 23, 1994
Drdakhasreceivedmanyawards,suchas the JuliusHallgartenPrizefromthe NationalAcademy of Designin New Yodeand the Catherine GibbonsGrangerAwardfromthePAFAin1992. Inthefuture,Drdakwouldliketo seeherwork actagainsttheprocessof man's dehumaniution. "This I deeply feel,is the true importanceof art," Drdak said ''The responsibilityof giving voire to thecoosci.enceofit'stime."
Hom acknowledges that "Picturing Asian America" was inspired by Angel Island's "the Ellis Island of the West," where between the years of 1910 and 1940, the detained Asian immigrants covered the barracks' walls with poetry describing the loss of their .homeland and their unwelcome reception in the United States. As a collective response to this country, the layered texts prompted Hom to examine how present-day Asian cultures fit in to their adopted American society.
Croley is also looking into the possibly of taking pictures for other clubs, such as the Student GovernmentAssociation and the Coop organization. She is also interested in ·helpingwith assignments for the yearbook.
"Picturing Asian America" is supported by Core States Bank, NA, the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts and a grant from the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest International Artists Program, managed by the Arts International and funded by the Lila Wallace-Reader's Digest Fund.
Dr. Carter Craigie, a professor of English and communications, has advised the club since its beginning, but the club has always primarily been student run. As a resultof a lack of interestand efforton the part of last year's members, the photogra-. phy club began to fall out of existence. CarolineCroley, a junior, saw great potential. Croley picked up duties and responsibilities in the 1994 spring semester and began to tum the club around. Croley is currently serving as president of the photography club in her second year as a member. She is being assisted by junior DawnielleKloppwho is serving as vice-president and Craigiewhoisstillthe adviser. Sophomore Marie Barrett is the secretaryand Wendy Baxteris, a first-year student, is the treasurer. has a total of 15 members. The club will travel an hour-and-a-halfto Kempton to photograph the hawks at Hawk Mountain. The club also hopes to explore the colors and sights of local scenery. These ventures includ~ Valley Forge Park, where they will capture the architecture of the covered bridges, Fairmount Park in Philadelphia and Logan Square, where they will shoot the lights and fountains. The club hopes to further plan their year after meeting once or twice as a group. Suggestionsfrom member,swill alwaysbe considered.
• "I'm there to back-up thepresident," Klopp said. She is looking forward to her new position because she sees it as an opportunity to share her knowledgewith others. "I'm there to helptheindividual,"Kloppsaid.''I'macoach."
Each picture on display depicts the vivid panorama of Asians in America at work, leisure and worship. Primarily, the portraits and representations show social gatherings, small businesses, shrines and domestic interiors. The pictures provide compelling evidence of the resilience of transplanted traditions and the emergence of hybrid customs. Seventy-five photographers, of Philadelphia's Asian communities are credited by having their names placed inside fortune cookies. These fortune cookies were opened at the reception on Sept. 16. Fortune cookies were placed in large bowls around tables in the center. of the room. Anyone who • came into the art show was free to open up a cookie and see who's name was inside of the cookie. Many of the children that took photographs were running around looking to find their name inside of the fortune cookie. Each of the different photographers bear a different heritage. Among them are Burmese, Cambodian, Chinese Hmong, Lao, Japanese, Korean, Indian, Philippine, Taiwanese, Thai and Vietnamese. Hom decided to do this type of art show because it would hopefully break down the barriers of cultural difference. By getting people involved and having people come to see the art on display, it would give the community interaction between one another and a chance to get to know each other without the issue of color or culture. The pictures, taken by people of all ages and backgrounds who do not necessarily consider themselves "artists" or "photographers," are open to many interpretations and culture readings. The resulting selections of images were chosen from the 2,000 photographs taken over the spring and summer. The depiction's of social gatherings, shrines, gardens and domestic scenes provide compelling evidence of the transplanted traditions and hybrid customs that have developed in Asian American communities. One of the photographs shows an animated group of children being sprayed by water from a fire hydrant.
Friends of the galleries at Moore gave support.
''I'm getting intouchwith departmentheads to find out when they're meeting, so that our trips and meetings don't interfere," Croley said. With improved communication between Croley and the departments, members of the photography club will not have to miss trips because of department activitiesor meetings.
The photographer, Bee .Lo, remarks on how the activity becomes an expression of a Laotian New Year tradition during which "the young people pour water on one another and the old people pour water on the monks to cleanse them."
Friday, Sept. 23, 1994 ENTERTAINMENT 7
Klopp said she believes that photography is a skill that demands attention and practice. "I want to keep students into photography so that their skills don't lapse," Klopp said. "It's like playing an instrument. It you put it down for a year, you'll lose some of your skills."
The exhibit is set up with three rows of hanging photos. The top row is of photographs that were taken in San Francisco and the bottom two rows are of the Philadelphia area. Hom said she first conceived what she referred to as a "reflective visual experiment."
The first meeting for the photographyclub will be held on Sept. 27. • phalo by..,.. La,.,_ Senior Doug Eppler signs the roster for photographyclub at the photo club fair.
AsianAmericansmixvaluesand cultures
Croley said she believes that her club is an outlet that could assist the Y,earbookin its constant search for pictures. Croiey said she hopes to be able to hold monthly photography contests for the members of the club. Klopp has never been a member of the photography club but has an impressive background in this art which she said she feels will help her as vice-president.
·by Jamie Latshaw staff writer The photography club has been snapping pictures now for at least 10 years. This year they will be traveling as far as Hawk Mountain and as close as Valley Forge for a wide range of photographic experiences.
Snappysign-ups comme·ncethe photographyclub'snew season
Pf>otos,ippliedby MooteCo/Hegeof M This picture came from a collaborativeproject oorganizedby Mei-ling Hom at the Levey Gall/eryfor the Arts in Moore College of Art. i,y Andrea Kellher· staff writer "Picturing Asian America" is a collaborative art project that has been organized by Philadelphia artist, Mei-ling Hom. The exhibition is in the Levey Gallery at Moore College of Art, Philadelphia. In this exhibition, more than 300 pictures are on display. The pictures were takenby members of the surrounding Philadelphia communities and members who live in San Francisco, Calif. The wide range of photos that are on display area small percentage of what was photographed. ,Out of the 5,000 photographs, 10 percent are on display.
Alongwiththenewfoodservicecamenew featurestothecafeteria.Ahotandcoldbarwas set up near the frontof thecafeteriaratherthan in the back as it was in previous years. The saladbar is locatedin a more convenientspot, too. Amy Butler,a sophomore,said,'1 likethe amount of tables there are now because it allows for people to move easier with their trayswithoutconstantlybumpingintochairs."
'Toe new hot and coldbars areconvenient because you no longer have to travel all over thecafeteriabeforefinallysittingdown,"Butler said. 'Toe quality of the food hasn't changed, butthestaffinthecafeteriahaschangedagreat deal," she said. Butlersaid,''Themannerinwhichthefood ispresentedhasimprovedgreatly.It'sobvious that they are aiming to please." On the other hand, a complaint that has beenrepeatedamongstudentsisthelonglines that they have to wait in before getting their food. 'Toelonglineswereonlyinthebeginning oftheyear," Butlersaid,"becausetherewasno scannerfor ID.'s. It took awhilefor peopleto know when to go to lunch or dinner without getting caught in a crowd" Maggie Mitura,a junior and an employee of Wood Food Service Management Company, said, "I think it is a much better service than previousyears. The kitchen is so much cleaner and the employeesare much nicer." 'Toe sandwichbar and hot and cold bars are much betterfor quick meals," she said Mitura works at the front desk, scanning l.D.'s and handling the money. This year, the dinner price dropped from $5.25 to $4.95. 'Toe computersystemis a bit slowerthisyear whichmay contributeto the long lines,but I really don't seethatmuch of a difference,"Miturasaid 'Toe new employeesare very friendlyand are very easy to get along with," Dr. Joylon Girard, professorof history said. Girard and other members of the Cabrini facultyoftengothecafeteriaforbreakfast,usually before it is even scheduledto begin.
Alongwiththenewfooditernscamenewfood bars. HospitalitySeivices Inc. is responsiblefor the design work of the cafeteriaand food court, previouslythe Wigwam. The constructionbegan the first week of August and was completed in only five weeks. The I.D. cards of Cabrini residents are now interchangeable.Studentsmay use their I.D.'s in the food court as long as what is purchaseddoes merely as an elective course. Boeke is confronted with the question of whether or not Cabrini students really have to know how to do aerobics or play softball to enter the working world.
To· some professors and students, physical activity is an essential part of daily life to enable students to stay healthy and in shape. However. toothers, their interests lie elsewhere, and they would prefer to have this time used in a classroom earning credits through the traditional electives that Cabrini offers. Religion courses raise a different argument. At present, there is no department requirement for religion. However, many students take religion courses before they graduate to fill their distribution requirements. Cabrini, is a Roman Catholic college, some people think that religion must be a mandatory requirement, while other faculty members feel that religion, as a requirement, is simply not necessary. Religion courses at Cabrini offer a large range of diversity in culture and ethnicity which is essential. This concept fits into the core curriculum. which provides students with a general, well rounded knowledge needed to enter the workforce. The areas covered are those faculty believe students need to be educated in. But students also learn about diversity through many other courses including Seminar 300. The possible religion requirement has not yet come up for formal discussion among the academic counsel. The word around campus is that most are happy to hear that these course requirements are being taken under consideration. Last year, the academic counsel voted on the existing requirement for physical education. Presently, students must take two semesters of physical education, onehalf credit per semester, as part of the core curriculum. Majority of the academic counsel voted to keep physical education as a requirement. According to Boeke, the review of core and elective curriculum is a never ending process at Cabrini. The 1994-95 evaluation by Boeke and his associates is not the first review of this type and will not be the last. Due to the evolving world in which Cabrini students live, a world for which Cabrini trains them to enter, the curriculum must change by evolution itself. The student handbook states that the mission of Cabrini is to educate its students for the life they must face after graduation, not merely the gaining of academic knowledge for its own sake. That mission by its very nature compels reviews like the one that Boeke and other members of the faculty perform on a recurring basis. According to Boeke, it is evidence of the continuing struggle at religious colleges and universities to balance the academic with the spiritual.
pholo by CarolineCroley First-yearstudent Karen Lynch receives a sample of the new food from Wood employee, Shan/a Buford. Most students are happy with the change. not exceed the amount allotted for each meal. Anything over this amount must be paid for in cash or by using ''flex dollars." Each resident has flex dollars dependingon their meal plan. If a student has a 14-mealplan thenheorsheis allowed$25 worthofflex dollars. Amealplanof19allowsfor$12.50wonhofflex dollars. This money can be used in the food court to purchase meals, candy, sodas or snacks without having to cut into students' budgets. Downie emphasized the importance of the ''making a difference"cards and"napkinviews." These allow students to make comments, complaints or requests concerningthe food and services of the cafeteriaand food court. '1 respond to the students' commentswithin 48 hours. The input from students,faculty and commutersis very important. The feedback we receivefromourcustomerswillonly improveour company," Downie said "We try to provide a wide variety of food for the students, faculty and others," Mauer said. "Last year only 40 percent of the students were consistently coming to the cafeteria, but this year it is _up to 85 percent. They're obviously attracted to something!"
'Major' changes affect students ?
by StephanieCaldwell staff writer Student demands for better cafeteriafood aretrying to be met this yearwith the addition of Wood Food Services to Cabrini. Wood Food Service replaced Seller's after its contract ended at the end of the last school year.
by Mary Burfete staffwriter The 1994-95 school year will see the introduction of a new major in professional communication, investigation of a criminal justice concentration and the evaluation of core requirements. At the recommendation of Dr. Thomas Boeke, dean of academic affairs/ provost, a new major has been introduced, entitled "Professional Communication." This is an accelerated degree program. Under the leadership of Dr. Jerome Zurek, chair of the English and communications department, this new major was approved by the board. The program is offered through the continuing education department, and is similar to the 18 month Cabrini Organizational Management Program (COMP) that Cabrini offers to its continuing education students. Boeke, colleagues and faculty are in the process of investigating various options to meet the evolving needs of the student body. Under the direction of Dr. Kathleen Daley-McKinley, a professor of sociology, a new concentration in the criminal justice is being looked at as well. At present, new majors and new programs are not the only focus of academic affairs. ' Boeke and faculty members are reconsidering the importance of some of the courses which must be taken either as a requirement for graduation. The academic affairs office is rethinking the need for physical education as a requirement for graduation or
Food service replaced
'Toe people are very nice about lettingus in early. I sometimeswatch the cook and he really knows what he's doing," Girardsaid. 'Toe new ideasthat Wood broughtto Cabriniare excellent The food is decent" The minds behind the Wood Food Seivice Management Company are Rick Mauer, the districtmanagerfor the division,and Christopher Downie, the director. Accordingto Mauer, formal bids were made last spring for the position, and six or seven companies responded Wood FoodSeiviceManagementCompanywasoneof the three finalists. Each corporationwas then asked to make a vert,al presentation. "Our presentationwas based on food quality, the availabilityof the food and the consistencyof the service,"Mauer said. WoodFood Service ManagementCompany is a large company within the mid-Atlantic repon. They also supply cafeteria and food seivicesto RosemontCollege,ThomasJefferson University,LehighUniversityandBucknellUniversity.
B LOOUITUl2.. NEWS Friday, Sept. 23, 1994
OVehicleAccident 9/14 Two vehicleswere involvedin an accident in the Widener lot. The left rear of vehicle one struck the left front of vehicle two, causing damage to the door and fender of vehicle two. Vehicle one suffered minimalsurfacedamageto bumper.
additionalfederalaimes,includingdrive-byshooting andcar-jackingdeaths. In additionit maysendsomethird-timefelons to prisonfor life. Thebillalsoletsprosecutorsin rapetrialsintroduceevidenceofpriorsexoffenses by thedefendant Therewillalsobe theaddition of 100,000policeofficersaddedto the nations localand statepolicedistricts. Ointon said, "Our countrywill not trulybe safe againuntilall Americanstakepersonalresponsibilityfor themselves,their familiesand theirfriends."
OWednesday, Sept. 14- President Clintonsigns$30 billiondollarcrime bill into law. TheaimebillthatwaspassedbyCongress in Augustwas signedinto law by President Clinton. Thelawwillbanthemanufacture,saleand p:, weapons.ltwillallowthedeathpenaltyfor{i()
thestateof Pennsylvaniawillhaveto undergo emisfilonstestingeverytwoyears. The25 countiesmakeup
Security Update
Theonemajorissueinthisstrikeisasalarycap thatownerssayisnecessaryfortheirsurvival.
ODoorAlann 9/13 Security officer responded to a door alarm soundingin XavierHall. Aman from the phone company told security that he had set the alarm off by opening the wrong door. Alarm was reset by RA on duty. Qhtjury 9/14
"Yourtimeisup.l.eavenow,orwewillforce you frompower." Thatwas PresidentOinton's finalultimatumto Haiti'smilitaryrulers. As Ointon gave his speechfrom the Oval Officeabout20,000U.S.troopsgatheredoff the coastof Haitifor an invasionthatcouldoccurat anytime,accordingto seniorofficers.
Food CommitteeMeeting 9/27 QA.nyone interested in voicing their opinion or sharing ideas and suggestions should attend the Food Committee Meeting in the cafeteria at 1 p.m. All are welcome. Contact Andrea Kelliher, Box 187, if you have any questions or plan on attending.
QSunday,SepL18- Russiansgettingfirst QFriday, Sept l• PresidentClintongives viewof theHolocaust. Haiti'srulersfinalultimatum. Steven Spielberg's Oscar winning film "Schindler'slist," debutedin MO&X>Wlast week.EventhoughNazitroopskilledasmany as 2.9 millionJews on the territoryof the fonnerSovietUnionbetween1941and1944, littlewas heardaboutAdolfHitler'seffortto terminatethe Jews. Jewishleadershope that the showingof "Schindler'sList'' will help make ordinary Russiansaware of the dangersof fascism, whichis seen as a solutionto the country's problemsby manyRussians.
Envirotest brings drivers back for inspection by Matt Craig staff writer IfyouownacarregisteredinPennsylvania you can expectto spendup to $225 dollars moreperyear.ThisacoordingtoBillSchwan and JohnKettllemechanicsat Jim's Berwyn Sunocoon LancasterAvenuein Berwyn. TheCleanAirAdW¥amcodedin1990to establishstricterregulationsforcaremisfilons, with priorityfor citiesand surrounding urbs. The repe~ will be
Friday, Sept. 23 2 1994 NEWS 9
OThursday,Sept.15-Actingoom.nimiooer ofbaseball~there&'toftheseasonandthe WorldSeries. After 35 days of contractnegotiationsthat discussedeverythingfrom salary caps to free agency,theactingcommis&onerofbaseball,Bud Selig.canceledthe rest of the season, including the WorldSeries.The lasttimetheWorldSeries was not playedwas in 1904.
The two sidesare stillvery far apartfromsettling.
OMonday,Sept.19-PresidentClinton caDsoffinvasionof Haid. In a televised~ to thecountry.PresidentClintonsaidthattheU.S.invasionofHaiti wouldno longertakeplace. Lt.Gen.RaoulCedrasandtwootherHaitianmilitaryleaderssaidthattheywouldstep down after the Haitianparliamentgranted themamnesty. Therewillstillbe a commitmentof 15,000 U.S.troopstobe partofapearekeepingeffort thatwillbegintoday. The agreementcame afterformerPresident JimmyCarterhad two days of discussionswithmilitaryleadersin Port-au-Prince. felt in 19'J5 25of 66countiesin 75percentofthe the 19'J5change. testswill be conductedby the companyF.nvirotesth~redinTucson,Ariz. The test is doneon a Dynamometer. This computerat Envirotestwill test and detectthe amountof carbonmonoxide,hydrocartxm'sand oxidenitrogenpresentin the exhaustsystem. Martha Nevenen,qualitycontrolexpert at Envirotest,saidthatEnvirotesthasnothingto do withthe guidelines.The F.nvironmentalProtectionAgencyhassetup theguidelinesthatgovern thi<ltest. Accordingto DavidOri,managerof vehicle controldivisionat the Departmentof MotorVehiclesin Harrisburg,''Envirotest will have 86 testing venues with two or three lanes in the suburbsandsevenoreightlanesin thecities,with a totalof 2f37lanesin the 25 countyarea." Thetestswillcost$17 thefirst21 daysof the monthand $22untilthe end of the month.
carsin Pa.,withabout3millioncars.Withthe exceptionofantique,classic,motorcycles,hot rods and dieseldrivenengines,all othercars willbe affected.Philadelphia,Chester,Delaware,Montgomery,and severalsurrounding countieswillbe affectedby
Becausethecarisonrollers,Nevenensaysyou shouldmake sure the car is in operatingorder. Thingssuch as improperalignmentand wheel
QTuesday,Sept.13-Pilotcruhes onto WhiteHooseLawn. In the eady morninghours,pilot Frank Corder,a38 year-oldtruckdriverfromMaryland, awied a single-engineCes.5nainto a magnoliatreeon theWhiteHouselawn. Corder,whodiedfrominjuriessustainedin the~ haddrugandalcoholproblemsand had lost his commercialdriver'slicenselast year for 90 days afterbeingconvictedof his secondalcoholrelatedoffense.
PresidentandHillaryRodhamaintonwere stayingattheBlairHC>U.5C~Pennsylvania Avenuewhilethe heatingand air-oonditioningsystemswerebeingrenovatedattheWhite House.
Ordinarily,the emis&onstest checksthe car whenit is inneutral.But,becausemostemissions occurwhile the car is in drive,this test is now obsolete.Therefore,the checkwillbe donewith the caron rollers.
Violation 9/14 RA on duty heard female voices coming from a male's room in Xavier Hall past midnight.RA was told there were no females present, so RA sent security officer to area. Officer found three female residents in the room, not from Xavier. Womenrevealedtheir ID's, receivedvisitation violations and were asked to leave.
Mass Schedule OOn weekdays, you can now attend Mass in the chapel, either Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 a.m. and Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:15 p.m. Masses will also be held on Sundays at 6 and 8 p.m. in the chapel. Confessionswill be heard on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 5:40-6:10p.m. in the chapel. If you would like to set up other arrangements,or you would like to make an appointment to speak to someone, stop by Campus Ministry or call 8409.
Fol.lowingClinton'sspeech,theHaitianmilitarydictator,Lt.Gen.RaoulCedras,appearedon CBSand saidhe was ''preparedto die."
C)Saturday,Sept17-ExxonCorp.ordered to pay $5 billiondollarsin Alaska oiJspill Fiveyearsafterthe largestoil spillin histoty the ExxonCorp.was orderedto pay $5 billion dollarsinpunitivedamagestocommercialfishermen,Alaskanatives,propertyownersandothers hurt in the 1989ExxonValdezoil spill. Up to 14,000individualswill share in the $5 billion verdict. TankercaptainJosephHazelwoodwas also orderedto pay $5,000. Exxonand Hazelwood'sattorneyvowedto appealthe ruling.
What's Happening Mini Golf Party 9/23 Oif you like to play miniature golf, bring your friends to the gym to play a round or two. Admission is free, so play twice. The games begin at 8:30 p.m. and prizes are given for the best golfer! "Ace Ventura" 9/25 Oif you want to an enjoy an evening full of laughter, come to the Xavier Great Room for movie night. "Ace" begins at lOp.m.
A female visitor was hit with a tennis ball while playing tennis on the courts. Upon arrival, security officer observed her eye was red and swollen and gave her an ice pack.
Last week in the worldof news
Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday, Sept. 12 throughMonday,Sept. 19. Olojury 9/13 Securityofficer on duty was approached by a group of Cabrini soccer players who said they needed an ambulance because a player on the other team was injured. The officer called the Radnor police and they responded. The victim from Allentown College was transported to Bryn Mawr Hospital.
by David DI Matteo staff writer
Homecoming OThis week, the junior class officers will be sitting outside the cafeteria during lunch and dinner taking nominations from the senior class for the Homecomingnominees. Next week, the junior class will be collecting votes from the whole student body for the HomecomingKing and Queen. Don't forget to give them your vote, every one counts!
balancecanpresentproblemsduringtheEnvirotest inspection. The test shouldtakeabout15 to 20 minutes. Duringthistime, yourcar willbe evaluatedand all the infoanationwillbe downloadedintothe maincomputerin theDynamometer.Yourcar's information,includingtheyear,modelandmake willbetakenintoaa:ount Thetestwillcheckthe emisfilonsaccordingto the emis.5ionsstandards whenyour car was made. If your cardoes not meetthestan~ yourexpensescouldincrease. Insteadof fixingtheproblemonthepremises, youwillhavetotakeyourcartoagaragewithstate inspection. "Therecouldbe a holein the exhaustpipeor a holein yourgaslineor gastank,"Schwansaid. "We needto fix thembeforeyou leave." After all necessaryrepairshave been done ,youmustgetyourcarre-testedatEnvirotest."If your retest is done within 30 days there is no charge,howeverif it is pastthisdateyouwillbe billedagain,"Nevenensaid. Thereareseveralthingsthatyoucandoto help minimizeyour expenses,as well as your time spentbetweenservicestations. You should havea mechaniclookatyourcarbeforebeing testedby Envirotestto foreseeany emissions problems. When you take your car to Envirotest makesuretheengineiswarm. A coldengine can increasethe amountof NOX's, carbon monoxide,and hydrocartxJmand affectthe testresultsfor the worse. If the repairsto your car at the service stationcostmorethan$450,youmayreceive a oneyearextensiononthe Envirotestinspection. Lookat the serialnumberon your car. Thosewithanoddnumberedlastdigitonyour serial number do not need to undergothe Envirotestuntil1996.Th05ewiththelastdigit evenmustget the testdonein 19'J5. F.nvirotesthas, or is currentlybuilding. severallocationsto handlethe 3 millioncars that will have to meet the new standards. Theselocationsarespreadamongthecounties to givethe ownereasy come1995.
• Bonfigliosaid,''Once the architectis chosen, studentinput will begin." He said focus groups may be f<>m1edrepresentingthe student body. This way,thestudentbody'svoicewillbeheard.
Louganisis one of manywho participat~in Gay Games
Accordingto Mills,thenewcomplex will be a great asset to the school and will -I see moresportscomplexpg. 12 Brooklyn and attended the closing ceremonies. Trapani's relation to the homosexual community is that she is an open lesbian and active feminist.
Accordingto Bob Bonfiglio,vice-president forstudentdevelopment,threearchitectswillgive a presentationto Dr. AntoinetteIadarola,college president,her presidentialcabinet,the Board of Trusteesand John Dzilc,athleticdirector,some timethisweek At theconclusionof thesepresentations,a contractwill be rewarded AccordingtoBonfiglio,constructionwillhopefully begin in Fall '95. This estimated time is based on the 8S&IIDptionthat the $55 million neededfor the projecthas been raised. As for the locationof the complex,Bonfiglio said the exact spot is not definite.''Plans are that it will be situateddiagonallybetweenGraceHall and the soccerfield,"Bonfigliosaid At present,the layout of the complex is not writtenin stone.Thereis a proposedlayoutwhich willmostdefinitelybe alteredastimegoeson, by the chosen architect, college officials and the studentbody.
10 SPORTS Friday, Sept. 23, 1994
The ceremonies were held at Yankee Stadium and were sold out. At the ceremonies, all of the athletes paraded in with their team from their country or city. Then, a couple of people spoke about the games. At the end, some comedians and performers were presented. The performers included Diane Reves and Patti LaBelle. "I don't know what LaBelle's relationship to the gay community is, but she and other performers came to the ceremonies in support of the games," Trapani said. The Gay Games has gotten publicity because it is separate from the traditional Olympics. "It is important to have separate Games because people need to recognize the homosexual community," Trapani said. "I think it is part of the whole gay movement. We would not need to have separate Games if people were more accepting." According to Trapani, the Games did not receive too much publicity because society remains uncomfortable with this subject. The Games, however, made the evening news on several occasions. It also received positive publicity in the mainstream press. The mayor of New York, Rudolph Guiliani, said that it was positive exposure for the city, because it exposed people to the homosexual community. Despite this positive publicity, a group of conservative politicians and advocates of traditional values protested the Games outside City Hall on May 26. According to The New York Times, on May 27, the protesters felt that the organizers were guilty of promoting sin. They also felt that the object of the Gay Games was not competition, but the promotion of gay and lesbian lifestyles. "I think the Games recognized and celebrated gay athletes as well as advocated gay lifestyles," Trapani said. "I think it was definitely political as well as competitive." According to Trapani, the Games are not seen by heterosexuals as a big deal. If nothing else, according to Trapani, it exposes them to the gay community and helps heterosexual people see them as normal. "It helps take the fear away," Trapani said. "It is important for the gay community because they can celebrate who they are," Trapani said. "The athletes can show their talents in an atmosphere where they can excel. There were some 10 world records broken in the last games." "The Gay Games was a time when the whole city was filled with gay people," Trapani said. "It gave me a taste of what acceptance would be like. I felt like I died and went to heaven, but the only problem was I had to come back."
"It is great to be out and proud," said a beaming Greg Louganis on the Maury Povich show last June. Many fans were surprised when the swimmer, who has won several gold medals in the Olympics, announced that he was gay. The show was about the fourth annual Gay Games, which took place last June 25-30 in New York City. It was no accident tJ}at the Gay Games were held in New York this year. This year also marked the 25th anniversary of Stonewall, which was a 1969 riot for gay rights in New York. The two events were coordinated together in order to celebrate the unity of the gay and lesbian movement. The organizers knew that New York is a big city and has a lot of resources. The organizers were also afraid that in a smaller town, the games could never be pulled off. Events at the Gay Games, similar to those at the traditional Olympics, included diving, softball, track, flag football, swimming, wrestling and same-sex figure skating. Due to the small amount of space available, the events were held in all five boroughs of New York. Basketball and aquatics were held at Hunter College in Manhattan. A lot of the women's sports, such as softball and football were held in Brooklyn. Loretta Trapani, 26, is a resident of Cabrinimakesway for SportsComplex by BethMelloy staff writer Withthe startof anew year,comesplansfor a long-overdueSportsComplex.Theseplansprovideuswith a smallglimpseintothe futureof our campus. Plans for the new additionhave been underway throughoutthe past year and they arenow beginningto take shape.
RandyMills,lacrossecoachandathleticcoordinator,said,''It's a must for thisschoolto have a sportscomplex if they plan on recruitingnew athletes."
by Jane Vanlngen graphics editor
Last week in the world of sports by Laura Testa staff writer Monday night, Sept. 12, 1994. The Eagles played their first regular season home game in sold-out Veterans Stadium against the Chicago Bears. Randall Cunningham had three touchdown passes in the first half, which gave the Eagles a strong lead. Fred Barnett, who was the leading receiver with eight catches, had 102 yards. Herschel Walker had 72 yards rushing on 19 carries. The defense proved its strength for the second straight week by keeping the Bears' new quarterback, Erik Kramer, off balance until the fourth quarter. Kramer who was sacked three times, came back and threw three unanswered touchdown passes in the final 10 minutes of the game. The Eagles needed each and every point from their earlier lead to hang on and eventually defeat the Bears 30-22. This evened the Eagles record at 1-1. Sunday. Sept. 18, 1994. The Eagles are decked out in vintage 1948 uniforms, featuring green pants, white shirts with two green stripes on the sleeve, for the 75th anniversary of the NFL. Coming off a loss to Miami, Reggie WhiteledhisGreenBaydefenseintoPhiladelMen's Soccer
Women's Volleyball
Tues. 9/13 Thurs.9/15 Sat. 9/17 Cabrini0 Cabrini1 Cabrini1 Cabrini2 Cabrini0 Eastern 3 Swarthmore3 Beaver2 Neumann0 Alvernia2 Women's Tennis Thurs.9/15 Cabrini6 lmmaculata1
0 0
Two World Wars, a depression, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars were incapable of doing what the owners did to baseball and the World Series. Acting commissioner, Bud Selig, announced this week that the 34-day players' strike had forced the owners to cancel the remainder of the baseball season. This is the first time, since 1904, that there will be no World Series. In the end, the 19.94 majorleague baseball season died a painless and indifferent d~ath.
The question now concerns the fate of the Philadelphia Phillies, who finished the season Men's Soccer W L Cabrini 1 O Allentown 0 1 Beaver 0 o Eastern 0 0 Misericordia 0 0 Gwynedd 0 o Soccer L Cabrini 0 Beaver Eastern 0 Misericordia 0 Cross Country Cabrini Beaver Eastern Cabrini Beaver Eastern 0
Father Knows Best: Who holds the record for the greatest distance canoe? lifetime on a -compiled by Father Ambrose in fourth place with a 54-6 l record. What will happen to free agents John Kruk, Danny Jackson and Mariano Duncan? Who will be play~g what positions when baseball gets back on track? Of course, no one can predict what will actually happen to the league. And who can forget fed-up Philadelphia fans and the city's economy, which will lose $5.25 million for the canceled home dates? Until the striking-baseball players and the salary-cap-happy owners find some common ground on which to build a strong foundation, there remains a threat to the 1995 baseball season. As for the fans, the consolation prize is that the Philadelphia Phillies get to remain the National League Champions for another year. There has to be some comfort in that.
Misericordia w
Tues. 9/13 Cabrini1 Thurs.9/15 Cabrini6 Allentown0 Widenero Women's Soccer Wed. 9/14 Cabrini2 Widener1 Cross Country Sat. 9/17 Phila.BaptistBible(Womenonly) Cabrini 7th rank 10 schools
Misericordia W L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Women's W L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cabrini Allentown Beaver Eastern Misericordia CedarCrest Rosemont Alvernia Neumann lmmaculata Gwynedd-Mercy Marywood W L 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Women's Tennis W L Cabrini O 1 Allentown 0
Women's Field Hockey Wed. 9/14 Cabrini7 Sat. 9/17 Cabrini1 lmmaculata0 Alvernia0 Men's Soccer Sat. 9/24 CollegeMisericordiaA 2 p.m. Mon. 9/26 Shippensburg H 4 p.m. Women's Soccer Sat. 9/24 NotreDame, MD A 2 p.m. Mon. 9/26 Swarthmore H 4 p.m. Cross Country Sat. 9/24 Phila.Biblelnvit. A noon Sat. 10/1 Phila.MetropolitanH 11 a.m. Women's Volleyball Sat. 9/24 Patterson/Baruch A noon Tues. 9/27 Widener/Wilson H 6 p.m. Women's Tennis 9/23-9/25 WesleyTourney A TBA Tues. 9/27 Rosemont A 3:30 p.m. Women's Field Hockey Tues. 9/27 Phila.Textile H 4 p.m. Thurs.9/29 Rosemont A 4 p.m. phia for the first time. The defense is not the only threat to the Eagles with Sterling Sharpe leading his offense by catching over 1()(}passes in the last two seasons. The Eagles defense, again a dominant force, sacked the Packers' quarterback six times. It looked as if the Eagles were ready to pack it in when Randall Cunningham fumbled for Philadelphia prior to the two minute warning. Fortunately, the Eagle's defense was able to hold off Green Bay and secure their second straight win. The final score was 13-7, making their new record 2-1. The Eagles have a bye next week before taking on the Washington Redskins on Oct. 2, 1994.
The NHL Players Association is still a union without a contract The owners are talking about locking out the players from training camp on or about Oct. 8. The players want information on healthcare, and hope to find some common ground on the subjects of revenue sharing and the salary cap. Hopefully, there is a new incentive to come to an agreement after seeing the results of the major-league baseball strike. Volleyball 0 0 0 0 0 Rosemont 0 0 Neumann o lmmaculata o Gwynedd-Mercy 0 0 Marywood 0 Cedar Crest 0 0 Field Hockey Cabrini Beaver Eastern lmmaculata Gwynedd-Mercy Marywood Alvernia Cedar Crest 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Answer: Reginald Martinez Jackson holds the career strike out record 2597. by Father Ambrose Bob Macartney sports columnist
Tap·in to Mac by
In the decade of the '90s, the image of the professional athlete is one of flash and cash. Nobody embodies this image more than "Prime Time," "Neon" Deion Sanders, centerfielder for the Cincinnati Reds, and the new comerback/ return man for the San Francisco 49ers. The second modern-day athlete to play two -professional sports at the same time, Sanders is all about glitter and gold. He used to draw little dollar signs in the dirt of the batter's box when he was a struggling, young baseball player. He is the brash cornerback from Florida State, who celebrates his touchdowns with moves last seen on the dance floor, being performed by his close friend, rap star, Hammer. • Somewhere along the line, though, Deion showed a little substance. He refused to listen to his naysayers, and in the process, turned himself into quite a good baseball player. This year, he became the tablesetter for the NL Central-leading Reds. He is quickly becoming one of the top centerfielders in the game and will certainly be an all-star in the near future. But, football is his true love. He usually returned to the Atlanta Falcons in the seventh week of the season, immediately turning the Falcons' season around. However, this year he became the most sought-after free agent in the game. Sanders traveled around the country, checking out six or seven different teams, all of whom were interested in putting the talented corner on their roster. When the New Orleans Saints offered Sanders $17 million over four years, it looked as if it would be "Prime Time" in New Orleans. However, in one of the shocking moves of the year, he signed a oneyear, $ 1. I million contract with the 49ers. That means this year alone, Deion has given up approximately three million dollars. Why would the flashiest player in the game give up that much money just to play for the Niners.? As Deion put it, "I have always watched as the 49ers went to the Big Dance. I want to dance." In an era of glitter, Deion Sanders has proven to be golden. He is probably the athlete least-expected to do what he has done. He has proven that winning IS everything. It is even more important than the mighty dollar.
Friday Sept. 23, 1994 SPORTS
11.The injuryocx:urredon a playthatresultedin victoryon Sept. 13, the Cavaliershadto play a pulledhamstringin his knee. · withoutfourstarters.Hubleysaidhe thoughtthe Whenaskedaboutthe injury,Volpesaidthat gamewasugly,buta win is a win.He addedthat the Randolph-Macounplayerswere "cheap." the teamwon becauseof its depth. VolpestartedthegameagainstAllentownbuthad Hubleysaidhe feltthe injurieshada lotto do to leaveduringthe firsthalfwhenhis kneegave withtheteam'ssloppyperformance. out "But at full ~gth, we will bury Allen-
thinkstheyareclose.Hesaidtheteamneedstowinonly13goalsthis·season.Sixofthegoalscamein at
• In the victoryover Widener,the Cavaliers scoredin thefirsthalfof a gameforthefirsttime allseason.SophomoreGrahamVigliottaopened the scoring and was followed by Anthony Cancelliere,afirst-yearstudent,andT"uns,togive • Sports complexcontinued from pg. 10 the Cavaliersa 3-0halftimelead. Inthesecondhalf,O'Keefe,LarryTeal,afirstyear student,and Omcellierescoredto givethe Cavsa 6-0win. The playerssaidtheywerehappywiththewin overWidener,wlDle coach,PtedDoonwww., i:t part of the NCAA's rankingcommitteein the mid-Atlanticregion. 'The coachkeepstellingus thatbeingranked doesn't mean anything," Vigliottasaid ''We haveto keepprovingit everygame."
TimswasquicktopointoutthatNoelhasalot Martin,who·said everythinghappenedso Field Hockey triumphs
photo by Or. Car'8rCn,igle Amy Hummel, a sophomore, challenges a Widener player to some fancy foot work. The home game was played on Sept. 14, Cabrini defeating Widener University, 2-1. The women's team is a varsity sport this year and they are already off to a great start with a record of 3-1. quicklyhe did not expecta pass, shot the ball througha massof peopleintothe leftsideof the net The game againstAllentownwas their first PennsylvaniaAthleticConference(PAC)game ofthese&Ql.
Men's soccerranksfor firsttime by Rich Schepis staff writer of poi<.efor a rookie,"He's very maturefor a freshman,"Tuns said SophomoreSteveVigliottadescnbesNoelas Rankedforthe firsttimeeverin the National incredible. CollegiateAthletic.Association's(NCAA)mid-
"He'sgreat.llehascomeupwitha,Iotofgreat men's soccerteamhas fans saves,"Vigliottasaid. Cavaliersare 6-1 VolpesaidNoel~astheplayertheteamcould Sept.15. leastaffordto loseto injury. CoachDuncanHubleysaid the team's goal Meanwhile,the playerssaidthey wantedto thisseasonis theNCAADivisionill title.andhe improveon theirscoring.The Cavshavescored least16gamesto makethe tournament the gameagainstWidener.Timsleadsthe team withfourgoals.
• ''Beingrankedsixthisnotgoodenough.Only.
the topfourteamsmakethetournament,"sopho-
"Theteam'sjust waitingto breakout of our letanyoneslip shell,"KevinO'Keefe,a junior,said by us." InthegameagainstRandolph-MacononSept. Dzik is happyto be 11, the team's only loss thisseason,the players ranked. Dziksaidhe thinksthisis thebestsoccer said they felt that the playersfrom RandolpbMaconwerewaitingfor them. 'rrhere's a lot morepres.5Ure becauseteams is theirdefenseanddepth.He singledout sopho- wantto beatus,"Noelsaid. morefullback,JohnVolpe,andfirst-yeargoalie,
Accordingto Hubley,Volpe is a tenacious town,"he said. playerwho wants to play in everygame,even SophomoreJamesMartinscoredtheovertime whenhe is hurt winninggoal,his firstof the season.Tuns,who LikeVolpe,Noelbasalso.implessedthecoachassislmoo thepl, describedit as "dutch." with his play.Noelalreadyhas six shutoutsthis The play developedoff a "throw-in"from season.Manyof theplayerssaidtheyfeelNoelis juniorWilliamBonoto Tum, who thenmaneuthekey to thisteam.WithregardstoNoel'splay, vered around his man and passed the ball to Hubleysaid,"He makeseverythinglookea.,"Y," Martin.
•by Angela Mattioni assistant news editor In yet anothershutoutgame, the women's fieldhockeyteambeat~culata College,7-0 on Wednesday,Sept.14. It seemsas thoughthe LadyCavsareproving to be a strongforcein the PennsylvaniaAthletic Conference(PAC)thisseasonbecausetheyheld thepositionof thirdintheSouthernDivisionlast season,andare3-1thisseasonsofar. Thewomen •competedina tournamentacquiringtwoof those threeshutoutsagainstOiestnutHillandWesley College,andnowa thirdagainsttheMightyMacs of lmmaculata. The team's strengthslie in theirbalanceall overthe fieldandtheirabilityto sparkan attack, saidthe coach,JoannieQuinn Milhous. "One thing that reallystirredthe team was seniorco-captainSherryRoam'smoveto play goalie,"Milhoussaid "She neverplayedgoal before,andthatshoweda lotof commitment,and that'sthe key." SophomoreErin O'Neill, who scored one goalinthegame,standsoutbecauseMilhoussaid she is strong in the backfield Milhousalso mentionedthe sisterteam of Tammyand Tara Pfeiffenberger."Theyworlcwelltogether.real teamwork."
colleges in New England to visit in order give students more to do. He said, to gain insighton possibilitiesfor the new "It's notjust importantfor the athletesbut complex. for all students." DZiksaid,''The-presidenthas commitJohri Dzik, athletic director, agreed ted to building a new sports complex." with Mills. He said this project is long Reactions from students have been overdue for the whole campus commu- relatively positive. nity. Megan Wilmot, a sophomore, said, According to Dzik, who has been in "It's a good idea and it will benefit the the athletic departmentfor 15years, "The college in the long run, but there are other school has finally realized we have fallen improvementsthat need to be madefirst." behind in technology." According to Wilmot, the complex For Dzik, this complex will not be a will be a great addition, but the school glorified sports complex. Rather, he said must not forget about our academic fathe complexwill primarily be a source of cilities. leisure for the entire campus community. Wilmot said, "All in all, it will be a It will not solely be used by athletes. great benefit to the entire campus comDzik does not deny that the complex munity." will undoubtedly help in recruiting new First-year student Kevin Eppler, a students, as well as change Cabrini's en- member of the lacrosse team, said, "It's a tire athletic department. great idea. It will open up opportunities According to Dzik, it will expand the for new sports while enhancing old department and open up new positions, sports." such as facilities manager, aquatics di- Sophomore Joe Morris, a member of rector and maintenancejobs. the soccer team, said, "I think the new According to Dzik, there are a few complex will be beneficial for all stucomponentsof the complexwhichevery- dents. I also think it will help to attract one agrees on. These include an activity new students." area that could be used for basketball, "We are all excited about it," Morris volleyball, tennis and other sports, a pool said on behalf of the entire soccer team. and a state of the art fitness center. Dzik Junior Jen Paliaro, a member of the said this is necessary for all students. volleyball team, said, "I think it's a wonOf course, some basic components derful idea. It won't just benefit athletes, include locker rooms, offices, and stor- but others as well. I hope present stuage space. dents, such as the sophomore class, will The ideas for the complex came from be around to see it. I hope it will be able a trip made by Dzik, Iadarola, John to service everyone."
12 L.OOLIITUR. SPORTS Friday, Sept. 23, 1994
Barclay, the vice-president for financial According to Bonfiglio, the complex affairs and administration, and others is scheduled to be completed by Fall over the summer. Iadarola chose some 1996.
Afterthe injuryto Volpe,Randolph-Macon AnthonyNoel,formanyoftheteam'ssu~ scored both of their goals. The first goal the Hubleyalsosaidthatseniorsandco-captains playerssaidwas controversial. SteveMcGowanandMikeTunsare reliable,as Astheballwas goingintothenet,McGowan always. "bicycled"it outbeforeit crossedthe line.HowVolpewas injuredduringthe secondhalfof ever,the refereessaidthe scorecounted. the2-0losstoRandolph-MacononSunday,Sept.
Toegameagainstlmmaculataheldtruetoall thesestatements.TheLadyCavsgainedcontrol earlyandkeptit, losingthe ballto the otherend of the fieldonlydue to fouls. The women continuouslybombardedthe Immaculatagoalie,barelyallowingthemto recover from their constantattemptsat scoring. The LadyCavshadfourgoalsbeforethe half. The firstgoal was put in by seniorDenise Cassidy with an assist by senior Tammy Pfeiffenberger.Thiswas followedby Lafferty's two goals, one ~isted by O'Neill, who also scored. Afterthe half,the gamewas playedin much thesameway,totalcontrolheldbythel.adyCavs. Threemore goalswere scored,the firsttwo by Cassidyandthe lastby TammyPfeiffenberger. Afterthegame,Milhoussaid,"I thinkCabrini fieldhockeyhas definitelycome alive here .it ,,was a totalteameffortandeverybodygave100 percent,theyallplayedreallywell.It's a Jotbetter thisyear,we workedbetteras a team andwe're gonnawin the PAC!" 'They scoredeverygoalas ifit wasthelast10 secondsofatiegameandtheyhadtoscore .it[the win]setsthe paceand it's a greatfeatfor everybodywhowas herelastyear,"Milhoussaid Milhoussaiditreallyhelpswhentheteamhas peoplebehindthem,comingout to supportthe team at the games. ''They have to keep their fightingconfidence,theyhaveit in themto sueFancy footwork!
Whenaskedtonameparticularstandoutplayers,Milhoushada lotof difficulty."It's hardto pickoutplayers,it's a totalteameffort,"shesaid. Assistantcoach SamanthaMansfieldmentionedthat theironly loss,againstGoucherCollege,hada lot to do with the facrthe gamewas playedonturf Thoughthel.adyCavslostagame, Mansfieldsaid she chalkedit up as a learning experience. play,"Mansfieldsaid.''It makesthegamemove a lot faster." FIJSt-yearstudentplayersareprovingto be a strongforce in the team. First-yearstudents JamiePaulandTaraPfeiffenbergerstoodout in Roam'smind "JamiehasgoodspeedandTara hasstrongstickwork,"shesaid. "Theydon'tlet up."