Sept. 30, 1994 Issue 05 Loquitur

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Check out the Homecoming Court: profiles and photos. FEATURESpg.5 One

Cathy Caulfield,directorof residentlife,said thatCabriniseemsto be in the ootm comparedto otherPennsylvaniaCatholiccolleges. RosemontCollegeallowstheirresidentstohavetheirguestsin theirrooms Sunday,noonuntil 2 a.m.,and Monday throughThursdayfrom noon to 11:30p.m.Guestscanvisitfrom3p.m to 3 a.m.onFridayandfromnoonuntil 3 am on Saturday. VillanovaUniversityhasvisitation hours in their donns from noon to midnightonSun!)aythroughThursday and noon to 2 a.m on Friday and Saturday. This year, Bonfigliomay be presentedwith new proposalsfor visitation from the hall councils. If the studentdevelopmentstaffdoesreceive newproposals,theywouldpresentitto a Student DevelopmentCommittee consistingoffaculty,staffandstudents. Glance ... _Sept. 30 to Oct.5 pg.8 student tells her story about being homeless. SPORTS pg.12 Check out a photo spread on a Cabrini Olympic runner.


Collegeeducatorsandadministratorsalsoagreewiththefactthata person's dorm room should resemblea home. Anothergoalof thecollegeis to provideanatmosphereofacademic scholarship.In otherwords,students come to collegeto gain an education.Theyshouldbe ableto study,as well as be comfortablein theirhomeawayfromhome. The collegeadministrationbe-lievesthatonewayof providingan • atmospherewhere students can studywithoutdistractionisthrough visitationpoliciesin the residence hallson campus. However,thereare differentpoliciesfordifferentresidents on campus. There are no policies coocemingthe King.5Wood~ts. Xavier and Woodcresthalls both havenew visitationpoliciesthis year. Sunday through Thursday,students may have guestsin theirroomsfrom noon until midnight On Fridayand Saturday,studentsmay invitepeople intotheirroomsfromnoonuntil2 a.m. Guestsmaystayin designatedlow1ges until2 a.m.duringthe week and4:30 am. indesignatedloungesontheweekend Manystudentsare again.5tthe visitationpolicies.Thesestudentssaythat theyare now legaladults. ''We can vote for our leadersand fightfor our countryin a war,"sophomoreKimFizursaid "Butwe (people livingin Woodcrestand Xavier)cannot havevisitorsafterhours." Fizur,a sophomore,lived in Woodcrestlast year. last year Xavier had a 24-hour visitationpolicy. There were many reasonswhythepolicy~mademore restrictive. In providingthe residentsan academicenvironment,thereweremajor concernswithnoiseand securitymattersthat evolvedover the school year,accordingto thestudentdevelopmentstaff. Therewerealsoconcernswith the inequalities between Xavier and WoodcrestHalls.The concernsdealt withthe ideathattherewerefirstyear studentslivingin both buildingsand theydid not havethe sameprivileges. MelissaTobias,aresidentassistant, said she felt that the inequalitiesbetweenthe policiesof Woodcrestand Xavierwas a majorconcernlastyear. Tobiasreflectedonwhatmanystudentsfelt in herWoodcrestdormlast year. The residentsofWoodcrestfelt it was not fair becausetherewere firstyearstudentslivingin both donns. The administration'ssolutionwas that all first-yearstudentsshouldbe giventhesamerulesconcerningvisitation.

TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY V'll:30-1:30 11'8p.m. Christine V'9p.m. in-the p.m. in the D' Amico Devault gathering area, gathering area, presents an evening comedian John K.J. James will of songs and opera. Henson. be performing 11'4-Sp.m.SHH Rm. V-6:16p.m. Mass the jazz sounds 202 Outreach to in the chapel. of "Dr. Blue." Homeless Work- V'S:40-6:10 p.m. shop. Confession in theV-6:15p.m. Mass v'S:30 p.m. Red the chapel. Cloud Coffee House.


FRIDAY SATURDAY V-6-8p.m. in the tlParents Weekend Mansion dining begins at 10 a.m. room there will be a Scholarship Banquet. 11'3-4p.m. Middle States Open Hearing. All are welcome.

Friday,Sept.30, 1994 Vol. XLI, No. 5 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087 War of the houses!· The:p'ar0n~s·· ·• • -; Girls R.E.Z. photo by Caroline Croley "' . are coming... by ShellaBrady giving~ando,ganizerQftbe $ilent featureseditor auctiQn,willbendltredp~ts9fthe Hold if. Put down the phone. Sr.{Jrsufa•te ~larship. 'Ihereisnoneedtodialt-800-COL- F~ty~willbec~by to creatively·t,iegmorn and JohnHelbetger,aprofessotofbusi• dadto send,fiftybucks.They are nessadmin.istratron,Jn~Hem ex>ming! Hall;Dr.CarterCraigie,aprofesoor AsofOct,landZ:Familyweek- ofF.nglisband~in end.i$hereonceagain; themansiondiningroom; IUtdDr. : 'lbe weekend, sponsored by OawnMiddleton,~oftbe~ l<a~ Sigma OmegaandStudent tiondepartment,ht 1he<luldren's Aclivi~ ,JS plannedto be jam- ScbootCathyYun~anassi&~«t ,withmusic.sports,discus- tautprof~ of ~food.dancing andkite.-t1ying.willgivea tourof the~ 0n ~y, from 11:39a.m. oonffllter. AAtil:Z-p.m., there will be • Meg McKeough, Jenne Deveau and Abbe Keiser show team spirit before "House Wars" began. House 5 won a legal party for the most points scored from the activities on Sept. 24. •Oktobetbtlunmby~l(\ be apremdentialreceptbt.• ShildacoonlfngwM~ DeFniscio, owsNightehil>,forlK)feo. diredorof studentactivitie& Folfowingthe~Wj)lbe AnOomPahbandwilltickleli.s- tetlerS' eamwith festiveGetman LilyLangtry'sattbeShemtoo~ rnmic.AuthenticGennanfoodwill inValleyFoJgefor$35. ,make1Il()Utbswaterfor$8.Thef.ood "Lilyl..anglzy's•~P ~l]ewasbed~withroot'1eer; ~"DeFnlsclosaid. ~,~not Visitation policy examined by Tricia Foley staff writer ThevisitatlonpolicyatCabrini's two donnschangedbecauseof the school'sdesireto provideresidents with an atmospherethat is beneficialfor studyingin thedonns. The schooladmini&rationbelievesthe changesareforthebetter,butmany studentsdisagreewiththechanges. Accordingto the CabriniColIegeHandbook,"Aresidencehallis designedto be a student'shome." Manystudentsagreewiththatstat.ement They want to feel comfortableintheirdormandhavethesame rightsat schoolthattheyreceiveat home.Somestudentsaresearching for even more freedomthan they mighthave at home. 0ne·ofthesenewfreedomshas to dealwithcurfewsand the times they areableto visittheirfriends.

SUNDAY MONDAY V'Healthy I/Last day for Relationship seniors to apply Week begins. for Dec. '94 or tlParents May '95 graduaWeekend 10:30 tion. a.m. until 1 p.m. V'First-year V-8:30p.m. in student elections Red Qoud, til the 10. "Paul & his 11'8a.m. Mass in piano." the chapel.

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VJ \J No one knows what went wrong with the cable company that kept disregarding their Cabrini customers. Those who wanted cable, and paid for the cable installation for the entire month of September, were really upset with Aldephia Cable Co. It seems as if other area colleges took priority over us, even after the fees were paid. Not only are the sports teams doing a great job so far this season, but so are the fans. During the men's soccer game against Misericordia last Saturday, the Cabrini fans went wild in support for their team! It really helped to make the adrenaline flow during the critical moments of the game. The final score was Cabrini, 3-2! winnertakes all Richard Jasper, copy editor Not since Vanessa Williams, who relinquished her crown in 1984 after nude photographs of her were published in "Penthouse" magazine, has a Miss America pageant winner created such a controversy. Now, more than 10 years later, it seems as if the entire country is questioning Heather Whitestone's victory. Whitestone, a 21-year-old college student from Birmingham, Ala., was named Miss America 1995 on Saturday, Sept.17, in Atlantic City. What separates Whitestone from the pageant's past winners is that she is the first woman with a major disability to wear the fabled crown. Whitestone is almost completely deaf, with no hearing in one ear and only five percent in the other. And it is her deafness that has thrust to center stage a controversy as to whether or not Whitestone really deserved the title. In general, it seems almost no one is completely thrilled with her victory. Many members of the hearing community believe Whitestone won the sympathy vote by stealing the hearts of the audience and judges. Some even have been brazen enough to suggest that she could have stuck straws up her nose during the talent competition and still would have received a standing ovation. The deaf community, on the other hand, believe the new Miss America is a trifle politically incorrect. After all, this deaf woman prefers to speak rather than use sign language. To them, Whitestone's facility with speech-reading and speaking isn't an accomplishment; it's a sellout. What everyone seems to be forgetting, though, is that Whitestone, regardless of why she was chosen or how she chooses to communicate with the rest of the world, is the winner. It should not matter why she was crowned. Rather, as a nation, we should be concerned with what Whitest~ne plans to accomplish • during her reign as Miss America 1995 and how she intends to be a role model for others. Following the pageant, Whitestone _said being named Miss America was one of her biggest dreams, and she hopes that when other children see her speak, they will have no excuse for not making their own dreams come true. In her own life, Whitestone does practice what she intends to preach. She has let very little get in the way of her goals and aspirations.

['cartoon .12.:01 -~ ~"7 )~?>,I. lc.~,~ • .L """ '-f..;t~ .°' ~&cit , OP-ED Friday, Sept. 30, 1994 Regardless,


Born with hearing, Whitestone went deaf at the age of 18 months after a bad reaction to a diphtheria-tetanus vaccine. As she got older, she let it be known to her family that she didn't want to be different. As a result, she began studying a system that teaches the deaf to rel\d lips and use their voices. Eventually, Whitestone began competing in beauty pageants to help pay her tuition at Jacksonville State University, where she is currently a junior majoring in accounting. Because beauty pageants themselves have such a negative connotation in modem society, it is sometimes difficult to remember that Miss America is supposed to do more than tour the country on the back of a parade float, smiling and waving like a life-sized Barbie doll. Sure, it certainly helps a contestant if she is builtlike Barbie-blond, blue-eyed,anorexic and well-endowed in all the right places. But the pageant has drastically changed since its 1921 inception into American culture. In 1994, Miss America must be more than just a mere beauty queen. Now, she must be a modern woman with a mission and a message. Whitestone is a firm believer in actions speaking louder than words. She wants all physically-challengedpeople, not only the deaf, to know there are no limits to what they can do. Furthermore, she wants her victory to be a source of pride for the deaf community and an opportunity for the hearing society to understand and appreciate the deaf. The new Miss America is going to have a long, difficultjourney as she attempts to spread her message across the country. Already, Whitestone has encountered difficulties she is likely to face often in her new role. At her first news conference following the pageant, she had to tell photographers to stop taking pictures because the flashes kept her from reading a reporter's lips. Whitestone, however, is not easily discouraged. As a child, her mother told her that the last four letters of "American" spell "I can." And I, for one, know she will. Editor-in-chief: Kelty McDonald ManagingEditor: Caroline Croley Editorial Op-Ed Editor: DianeWrobleski News Editor: Christina Feehan Assistant News Editor: Angela Manion! Arts and Entertainment Editor: Regina Miller Features Editor: Sheila Brady Sports Editor: Celene Wright Assistant Sports Editor: Kara Pruett Graphics Editor: Jane Van lngen Copy Editor: Richard Jasper Business Manager: Karen Szczurek Photography Editor: Oawnlelle Klopp Photography Adviser: Or. Carter Craigie Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: Mary Burfete, Stephanie Caldwell. Kathy Cephas.Nicole Coleman. Matthew Craig, David OiMatteo, Patricia Foley, OJ Glasgow, Joanna Golesh. Allyson Hannigan, Lisa Hines, Amy Jackson. Andrea Kelliher, Jamie Latshaw, John Lindsay. Joe Marturano, Paul Marturano, Justin Mirgllanl, EHzabethMolloy, Donna Richard Schepis, Kimberly Sheldron, Nina Sciarretta, Laura Testa Photography Staff:Marle Barrett, Caroline Croley, James Gregory, Jamie Latshaw, Joe Marturano Advertising Designers: Kathy Malone. Steve May Cartoonist: Bryan Bell Loqultur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor. PA 19087. Phone: 610971-8412. Subscription price is $25 per year and is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loqultur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors. However, the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publicatlon and an inscription Inserted such as ·namewithheld at the request of the wrltar.• Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter Is too long for the available space, the editor may edit or condense tt. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions pubHshedIn Loqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loqultur Is established as a forum for student expresslon and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Security measures restrict on-campus living With the start of every new semestercomes new surprises. A large number of complaintswere filed last semester,by both parentsand students,in regardsto the noise,trafficandpartiesthatwere occurringin Xavier and WoodcrestHalls. This then forced the resident life staff to tighten the visitationpolicy of the two halls. Visitors must leave by midnight on S1mday-Thursday,and by 2 a.m. on Fridayand Saturday.The goal is to increasethe overallsafetyof these academic environments. It must be working because, according to Cathy Caulfield, directorof residentlife, the numberof weeklycomplaintsreceivedby resident life so far this semesterhas decreased. However,this changehas made it difficultfor returningXavierresidentsto adjust, becausethey had 24-hourvisitationfreedomlast semester. The majority of these returning students are upset with the fact that they participatedin last semester's housinglottery withoutbeing informed of the changein policy. Residentswerenot informed untiltheyreturnedto school for the fall semester. This shock did not affectthe residentsliving in the housesbecausethey do not have set visitationlimits. The inequalityof restrictingthe halls and not the housing is a big issue. It doesn't seemto make sense. First-yearstudentsareliving in a wet facilitywith no visitationrestriction. This seems to go againstthe ethical controlissue of creatingan academically-safeenvironment. This changemay not be acceptedby everyone,causingsome peopleto take actionsthey normallywould not take if equalityexisted.Only time will tell if this restrictionwill eliminateor cause more problems. ;'\ A lot of people enjoyed the miniature golf course that was set up in the gym last Friday evening. A company came to the college to assemble the 10-hole golf course for those who were able to golf as many times as they wanted for free. Prizes, gifts and trophies were also given away. Mike Edwards, the caricature cartoonist who visited campus last Thursday, did not only create terrific cartoon creations, but also long lines of interested students. Everyone who participated was very pleased because the long lines moved quickly and it was free!

To the editor: The lack of parking on campusthis semester is ridiculous! First of all, every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 a.m., the parking lots are full.

Friday, Sept. 30, 1994 OP-ED 3

Night SMOKES IT FOR CC& IB3mIINII Free Wings 75 cents Bud Light Drafts -Tuesday is 687-4087 Cabrini Nite at SMOKES 212 Lane.Ave. Wayne, PA

Considering some commuter students do not register their cars, and visitors and residents can park in the lots, they have been filled up lately to their capacity. It seems as if Cabrini is not aware of this problem at all. Sometimesthat plasticregistrationtag falls from the mirror and then you are stuck with another $15 fine! It seems as if this college could cut the hassleof distributingthese tickets constantly and invest their time elsewhere. My family pays enoughper class, let alone there be this additionaltab stuck on my annual tuition bill. It isn't so much the money that bothers me, but the fact that the college is paying someone to place these little tickets on vehicles when these peoples' salaries or time could be used for something worthwhile. For example; air conditionersthatwork in the classrooms,more updated computersfor students to use or even a new parking lot.!

I was always looking to produce good running results in order to make myself happy and to attain my dream of being a top athlete. I was pleased with what I had accomplished. I won many races in Morocco, and I was twice the Moroccan national champion. I also won the Magriban championship twice. This is an international student cross-country competition between Tunisia, Libya, Morocco and Algeria. I never said, "Enough!" I constantly strove to be a good athlete in order to realize my other dreams. One of those dreams was to see my name printed in newspapers around the world. Another was to participate in the Olympic Games and other international events. For better results, I decided to leave Morocco for another country that was known for producing top athletes in this kind of sport. Because of good training f~cilities, and weather that was similar to my own country's weather, Italy was my choice. Yet, the training was very different from what I had done at home. Now, I was training twice a day rather than just once. The difference focused not only on the quality of work, but the quantity as well. My training involved running 130 to 150 miles a week, and it included speed work on a track. Running has made my life better, and I have never found ii to be boring. It made me a very important person, and also well known in the domain of sports. From it, I created a life of balance, moderation and simplicity, of the values that had helped me to improve my running and my life. Victory was the most important thing to me, so I never gave up easily. I won a lot of races and defeated a lot of champions to finally achieve my dreams. My name was even published in many magazines and newspapers. In 1987, I went to the World Athletic Championships in Rome, Italy. That same year, I was ranked third in the world for a marathon that took place in London England. I finished in second place, with a time of 2:10:09. Later, I was selected as a member of the Moroccan Olympic team for the 1988 Olympic Games in Seoul, South Korea. And in 1989, I was ranked number one in the world for a half marathon, after winning two other prestigious races of that same distance.

Olympicrunnerdefeatsthe odds

Name withheld by editor They were the Philadelphia Distance Run and the Great North Run in Newcastle, England. In the England race, I defeated two Olympic medalists, while holding the Moroccan record for the marathon distance. I also broke the record that was held since 1961 by Erradi Adelsalam. Arriving to the top was a process that required a lot of work, discipline and training. I never felt like I was going to quit, or allowed myself to think negatively. I never see things as hard or as obstacles that are too difficult to pass, because motivation, commitment and confidence were alive in my heart. Mentally, I enjoy running for many reasons, whether they are for good reasons or bad. Any time I feel alone or depressed, I go for a run. It clears my mind and makes my body very active, yet relaxed. When I run a race, I feel happy because I meet people and friends from different places around the world It helps me to forget, at least for that moment, about all of my problems. Physically, injuries may slow a runner down, making them suffer psychologically. Sometimes injuries may even end careers if the athlete can no longer • achieve the best results. I had a serious injury that required me to have surgery on my back in order to remove a herniated disc. It prevented me from training for almost six months, and I couldn't compete for at least two years. During recovery, I focused a lot on training, rather than competing. Also, a lot of people helped me to get back in shape. My coach, Tom O'Hora, who coaches Cabrini's running team, gave me a lot of advice on how to regain my confidence in running. It has taken me a long time to return to my former level because I was running only once a day. However, I did participate in small races, and by doing this, I have built my confidence up. Although I cut my training mileage in half, the most important thing to me is to go back and begin a new life. This has not been easy for me, because it takes a lot of time and a lot of courage. I did not want to give up, no matter how much pain I felt or how much I suffered. Day after day, my performance is getting better and better. I've started to do well again in races, and I'm starting to compete at national and international levels. I even ran my first international race since my injury, on Sunday, Sept.18, when I crossed the finish line at the Philadelphia Distance Run. I kept thinking that it was the race I won five years ago, in 1:05:02. This time, I was satisfied with my 10th place finish, and very happy because I am waiting for my performance level to increase. I know that I will never give up.

EI-Mostafa Nechchadi, Learning from a good experience and dreaming of being a champion gave me the opportunity to start my running career. It began when I was young and had to walk a lot of miles on my way to and from school each day because there were no school buses. I developed my mus~les without knowing anything about aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Everything came by nature, and people called it talent. Of course, if you exercise your body every day, without having a choice, you will be in good shape in the future. Eight miles a day put me in good enough shape to be able to sign with a private running team in my country of Morocco. My story doesn't finish here. Other reasons pushed me to run, and I was proud of myself for running because I chose to stay far away from getting involved in smoking and drinkingalcohol. I loved to travel and wanted to see the historical cities that I couldn't afford to visit. But in order to see all these cities, I needed to have a lot of money to pay for the travel and lodging expenses. Running was the solution for resolving these problems. I found myself visiting these cities for free because the sponsors took care of all the expenses when we traveled for races in different places. That is why I got involved in running. The first step was in school. Two weeks after joining the high school team, they chose me to represent the team with other runners at the Moroccan national championships. It was my first experience in a big sports event. I finished in 56th place, and was very happy. A friend of mine saw the event and was pleased with my performance. "Would you like to come and sign up with us? The coach of our team will be happy to see you," my friend said. Signing with this team became the second step toward being a good competitor. From that moment on, running spread through my bloodstream.

Parking situation disputed

4.::3 photo by KellyMcOonald

Draft Specials Lunch Served


NAME: Mark Hodlofski (left) ACTIVmES: business administration major, intramural volleyball and softball. participant in class activities.

COMMENTS: I am from Cherry Hill, N.J. and I graduated from Bishop Eustace. I spend every summer down the shore at Long Beach Island, N .J., where I manage a jewelry store called "Making Waves." photoby Kal,VMcDonald

NAME: Amy Gallagher ACDVITIES: elementary education major with a minor is psychology, Student Government for three years, president of the senior class, Party Policy committee, Campus Ministry,Eucharistic Minister. photo by KellyMcDonald

TAVERN Monday Night Beer C, photo by KetlvMcDonald NAME:Tammy Pfeiffenberger ACTIVmES: special and elementary education major, field hockey and track team for four years, resident assistant for two years. Night Wednesday Night Shot Wings $.25 Hot Dogs c, Sausage $. 75 C, Mug Special Pitcher C, Wednesday 5:30 p.m.. 687-0236 11:30 -2 p.m. till 1:00 a.m. 688-9844

NAME: Mike Tims ACTIVITIES: political science/secondary education major, soccer team for four years (captain for two years), basketball, track and field team, president of Student Government, Kappa Sigma Omega. photo by KallyMcOonald NAME: Joe Opiela (above) ACTIVITIES: English/communications major, lacrosse, volleyball and the radio station. photo by KallyMcOonald ' photo by KallyMcOonald

COMMENTS: I am honored to be on this year's Homecoming Court. My thanks to everyone who voted for me. photo by Ket,VMcOonald

NAME: Frank Petrane ACTIVITIES: political science/history major. COMMENTS: I cannot really say I have been involved in many activities here at Cabrini, except intramural sports. I can say, though, that many people have been entertained in my room over the years, because my friends and I are always drinking. photo by Kelly McDonald

NAME: Kristen Kennedy ACTIVITIES: psychology major, Kappa Sigma Omega for three years, secretary this year, Student Government, Social Activities Rep. for the senior class, in charge of the legal party committee.




Part-time/Daypositionfor a loving,experiencedpersonto careforour 11-month-olddaughterin our Devon home. Monday and


NAME: Frankie Fireno ACTIVITIES: accounting major, Campus Ministry council, Vice president of Kappa Sigma Omega, co-op position at Commerce BanJc.

Food Served Nightly

NAME: Doug Eppler ACTIVITIES: English/communications major, Loquitur, WYBF, Yearbook. Kappa Sigma Omega, Campus Ministry Council, Taxi, college theater, the comedy troupe, chorus, honor society, Spirit Day committee and the new student orientation program.

WAYNE (B(!) (C(J]!JJ~gg

4 NEWS Friday, Sept. 30, 1994 And the king and queen will be ...

NAME: Tricia Reilly ACTIVITIES: psychology major, Dance Ensemble for four years, president ('94-'95), theater and Honors Colloquium four years, Orientation Counselor, Student Academic Council, psychology club/Psi Chi, cheerleader, the radio station and the Commuter club. photo by KellyMcOonald

I.D. Required 4 West Ave. , Wayne

ONon-Smoker only OMust have own transporlation OR.eferences required Please call:

Yetter is engaged to be married to Mike Hensleigh,andwillbe marriedwhenshegraduates.Shesaidthattherearetwokeyfactorsinhow and why she turnedher lifein the directionit is nowheaded. " of m." er. id.' Id !of { '~ I • I "' " I photo by Joe~ Tamara Yetter, a social work major, hopes to work with the homeless.

"Mykidslookatmegoingtoschoolandthink it's great,"Yettersaid,"but it's reallya strainon them."

The most importantreason Yetter has for repairingherlifeisherchildren.'1 wantedsomethingbetterformykids,"Yettersaid.''Youcan't do thatwithoutgoingto college." Yetter regards her educationvery highly.

Yetterdidnotwl\fithersontogothroughany ofthehardshipsthatotherhomelesschildrenhad to livewith.WhenDannyRaywas born,Yetter got a live-inbaby-sittingjob. Her employers allowedher to bringher sonwith her. It was fromthispointthatshe startedher life over.AfterYettergotherjob,shemarriedDanny Ray's father. This only lasted a short time, however. AfterYetterleftherfamily,shewentbackon the streetsand hitchhikedto Aoridalookingfor a job. When she did not find anything,she returned,andwiththe helpof somefriends,she was able to put her lifebacktogether. Yetterwas remarriedshortlythereafter,but again,it did not work. Duringher secondmarriage,Yetterwantedto returnto schoo~but her husbandwouldnot allowher to. After her second marriageshe was determinedto go backto school Shechoseto attend Cabrini. Yetter,27, is in herthirdyearhereas a social workmajor.Sheis alsoa psychologymajor,but herheartlieswithsocialwork.Hergoalistowork withrunaways,teenagersandthehomelesspopulation. "I would like to help them gain an inner peace,"Yettersaid,"andteachthemthattheyare theirown best resource." When asked how she feels about beating homeles.5nessand beingbackin schooi Yetter said,"Afterthreeyears,I'm tiredof it! I want a job." Even thoughYetteris gettingtiredof school and its restrictions,she knowsthatit is the right thingto do. Shewishesthatthe tightscheduleof collegewouldnotaffecther childrenso much.

A while before her 13th birthday,she left home. ''WhenI lefthome,"Yettersaid,'1 tookwith mea strongfaithonth-efoundationthatwhatever I neededwouldbe therefor me." Yettersaidshedid not seemto faceallof the sameproblemsthathOmelesspeoplefacetoday becauseshe did not worry. At 13 yearsold, Yettersaid beinghomeless wasmoreor lessa game;an adventure.

''Ifiguredifmyparentsweregoingtodestroy theirlives,"Yettersaid,"theywerenot goingto destroymine,too."

Friday, Sept. 30, 1994 FEATURES 5 i J.)m 1Vifl .·ir,' .~.~-Jela Yt!U~Pntbel~t7. 1 ic- :~ >.}: ~(Seplu.oct. 13):Yourbjrlb ~~1t)ontlt~~tJ>utwatchformo~;y prol>(e~startingthe10.Also.youwill pi'Qbl~ witllfQurmother on the ' 12.~tyousbouWenjoythjsmo11thand nave'loads of time,to sooia)iteWitb. friends. 'J ; .·._ :'8-~ ;" .• • :_ .' • ' (Oct, ~Nbv. 22): Good ffl>esprevailthismonth.HaJIO}'f~n .~. be a blast and '}'®ldbe settlingintof()Ut'$emester.Jumphetld ' fit'stintnygujol;,andteaptht,rew~<lll the28and 29. ~arips·(N?V.~--Det,21):Q~tip toucliwithyoui-Ql¥i;sicl¢.thlsttjohth as , ' • 1mgc,tAx,r$Orts. Tulkto ' • ~- Visitsto home etaJlieUticon 4patid , ' i cm-1\l . ..· • .tTJ~e.,pecially O{l tJie, t t •. ~,,} ·. <,'; .• ', , 4qµadut'(Jan:i21'-l\'eb•.•1~}:Stop ,, ~mg and,~t a 3001;YouWill4~fi• , nitel)t~ moneythismonthand you · &<lyoutselfin~wate.r~ihout 1.m¢()me;[But your love life \¥ill be ™-1p1emeAbismonth yprthavethe e¢eH.mtcombmadonof energyand ~-*,,,.,i f ; t ¾ :i ' ,·~ (Foo,20-Mar~.~):Although YQll;maywanttd so on a tripand~et _ awayfromit all,~ ,theurge~ stick with~fy,ork~ Yoo i118Y'l>eJeeJing 1-inhi~in:y~rite:i,uc ~.up and ! ${)C1ldtimewith yoursignificant<.ltbeT it. • • ~. :t x' .,,ffll\lJf,,.·.tt,~;;I,4 /4-it a.,mJ,l¾I Student survives streets, strives for success by Joe Marturano staff writer Somepeoplerelyonfaithforanswers.Others relyonfaithfordirection.At onetimeinherlife, Tamara Yetter reliedon faith as a means of swvival. Yetterwas bornin 1967in LankenauHospital. There were many familyproblemsin her home, and her mother repeatedlytold her to leave.

Thebirthofhersonopenedhereyesandmade her realizethat she had to put her life back on track. ''It's one thingif you're travelingaroundby yourself,"Yetter said. ''But when you have a child, you have to start thinking about their welfareand stopbeingselfish."

the socialwrongsthat I've seen in my lifetime that you wouldn't see living under a roof at home."

'1 liked being ~le to do what I wanted," Yettersaid,"andbeingableto gowhereI wanted withouthavingsomeonelookingovermyshoulder all of the time." Yetterwas homeless,on and qff, for almost eight years. Duringthe times she was on the streets,Yetterstayedin manydifferentplaces. Whentheweatherwastolerable,Yetterstayed in woodedareas. Duringthe winter,and other seasonswhen the weatherwas unbearable,she stayedin the backseatsof unlockedcars.

Then,somethinghappenedthatturnedYetter's lifearound. Her son,DannyRay,was born.

~, I

Asidefromthefadthatsheswvivedhooleles.snes-; and manyotherhardships,thatis why so many peoplerespecther. "E.ducationis knowledge," Yettersaid. "And knowledgeis somethingthat nobodycan takeawayfromyou."

The new Miss America is deaf in one ear and has only five percent hearing in the other. She reads lips to understand people. Whitestone chose dance as her talent. She explained that during the pageant she listens to the music several times and then counts the beats. On certain beats, she knows which steps to perform. A small ~roup of the Cabrini community liked the pageant. "I think it's nice that a handicapped woman won," Jan Fogel, an employee of the business office, said. Fogel also said whenever she sits home and watches it, her family never picks the winner. "I'm not opposed to it (the pageant)," she said. "I like it," Roberta Holley, an employee of the business office, said. "Its the idea of tradition. In the fall, there is the World Series and Miss America." Holley also said she thought it was great that a deaf woman won. The Miss America Pageant offers the contestants a chance to receive college scholarships. The fourth runner up receives a $4,000 scholarship. The third runner up receives an $11,000 scholarship. The second runner up receives a$14,000scholarship. Thefirstrunner up receives a $20,000 scholarship. The crowned Miss America receives a $35,000 scholarship plus a $25,000 scholarship from the Waterford Crystal Company. Other students just don't like the pageant in general "I think the whole pageant is stupid," first-year student, Tom McKee, said. "I was in a pageant once afld I hated it," Mindy Piekutowski, ajunior, said. "It seemed all fake." Piekutowskisaid that in pageants, the contestants back stage all act so phony. They are working too hard to make themselves look good. The pageant started with introductions of the representative from each of the 50 states. Then, the judges immediately narrowed it down to the 10 semifinalists. The judges then narrowed it down to the five semifinalists, the runners-up and the new Miss America. The contestants are judged on evening gowns, swimsuits, talent and interviews. During the pageant, contestants showed individual video-bios for the 10 semifinalists. The videos showed the contestants in everyday life. One student in particular said she felt that the pageant should change to keep up with the times. "I think it should be ·more diverse," first-year student, Dana Erdosy, said. " The panel of judges should be chosen by surveys." This year, there was a change made to the swimsuit competition. Therontestants did not wear shoes. Instead, they went barefoot. One student showed how he felt about the pageant by making a mockery of the event. They should have more swimsuitevents," Felix Ortiz, afirstyearstudent, said, "and have them topless, if possible." Another student said she felt the pageant was sexist. "I think the Miss America Pageantshould be based on the women's thoughts instead oflooks," first year student Megan Tinney said. "I don't like them (pageants) because I personally believe they are sexist." Another group of people showed that they really don't care about the pageant one way or another. "In the eyes of the viewer at home, what's more important, talent or beauty?" Cathy Yungmann, assistant professor of communications, said. "I don't watch it unless my wife does," multi-cultural coordinator, Scott Dorsey, said. "I don't see the interest or importance in it." Dorsey said he could do without the pageant. "I think they should bring back Bert Parks," said Robert A. Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, • The new Miss-America brings a fresh perspective t-othis years pageant.

Famous authorvisitsarea

Art departmentseeks and finds by Jamie Latshaw staff writer To some, Camden is a slum. To others, it is crime infested and dirty. To William M. Hoffman, Jr., it is an inspiration. Hoffman's paintings of urban and rural landscapes, including Camden, will be on display on the second floor of the Holy Spirit Library from Oct. 9 to Nov. 13. Hoffman, 60, enjoys finding old, historic buildings and preserving their craftsmanship and architecture on his canvas. Before the wrecking crew arrives on the site to demolish an old building, Hoffman captures the original landmark with his paintbrush. The Cabrini College fine arts department will present the exhibit entitled, "Landscapes: Urban and Rural." A reception will be held on Sunday, Oct. 9 from 3 to 5 p.m. in the library. Hoffman has taken painting seriously since 1953, when he came to Philadelphia to study at the Academy of Fine Arts and later at Tyler School of Art of Temple University. Hoffman is currently an associate professor of fine art at Rutgers University. In addition to being inspired by his natural surroundings, Hoffman finds the narrative and collection of essays entitled "Steppenwolf and Everyman" to be artistically stirring. Dr. Hans Mayer, author of "Steppenwolf and Everyman," is profoundly concerned with individual vision and the creative process. Hoffman said he considers himself to be a naturalistic painter with tendencies towards a romantic, expressionistic and realistic style, with interest in color. The fine arts department was looking for an artist to exhibit his work. They released an advertisement and asked anyone interested to submit slides and resumes. Hoffman sent a pamphlet to Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairperson of the fine arts department. Bethany offered the exhibit to him. Hoffman's exhibit will topll0IOsupplied by fin, ans department William M. Hoffman, Jr. 's painting is titled "View of Broadway in Camden, N.J., with the Broadway Methodist Church. It has since been demolished. ta! 21 paintings, including the Campbell Soup Towers before they were tom down, the original RCA record company logo and architecturally-interesting churches from Camden. Hoffman will also display watercolors of farmhouses from Chester County to Connecticut. Junior Kristen Shapansky, an art major at Cabrini College, is preparing for Hoffman's visit. She has been contacting the Wood Food Service and Management Company to possibly arrange to have cheese, wine, vegetables with dip, and soda at the reception on Oct. 9. Shapansky would also like to have physical plant paint the walls in the fine arts gallery of the library. For further information call the fine arts department.

No breaksfor this Miss America

by John Lindsay staff writer The Miss America Pageant is not favored by the Cabrini community, although somepeople stillfeeldrawn to it. On Saturday, Sept. 17, the 74th Annual Miss America Pageant was televised on ABC at 9 p.m. The New Miss America 1995 is Miss Alabama, Heather Whitestone. Some of the Cabrini community said the pageant was fixed. They thought Miss Alabama won because she was deaf. "I think it's fixed," first-year student, Stephanie Deitelbaum, said. "It's too phony." Deitelbaum also compared the pageant to "Al Albert's Showcase" for adults. "It's a crock," Milena Porreca, a first-year student, said. ''They have pity on poople who have problems."

t 6 L.OOU!IITUIR ARTS Friday, Sept. 30, 1994

by Andrea Kell/her staff writer Best selling author Amy Tan, was the first of many outstanding speakers who will appear during the 1994-95 season at the Free Library of Philadelphia' slecture series, "Rebuilding the Futzire. " The purpose of this lecture series is to bringworld class thinkers into the library and to raise the public's awareness of the Free Library's role as the center of intellectual activity in the city of Philadelphia. Tan, the author of two best selling novels, "The Joy Luck Club" and "The Kitchen God's Wife," recently released anothernovel. This one is a children's book, "The Chinese Siamese Cat." "The Chinese Siamese Cat" is illustrated by Gretchen Shileds. Before writing fiction, Ta~ worked as a language development consultant to programs serving developmentally disabled children. She wrote several manuals on languagedevelopment,mainstreamed education and working with AsianAmerican families. "The Joy Luck Club" was a finalist in the National Book Awards for Fiction and CommonwealthOub Gold Award. "The Year of No Flood" will be the next novel written by Tan. pholo supplied by Philadelphia Library, Logan Circle. Amy Tan visited Philadelphia.

top Jeff: David Reilly, of West Chester,Pa., wonders what it might be like to sit behind the wheel of this classic car at the Franklin Mint 30th Anniversary of the Mustang.

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Media blitz places murderers on pedestals by Amy Jackson staff writer Mickey and Mallory Knox , the murderers in "Natural Born Killers," lead us on a patbof human destruction thatisfollowed,ifnotpromoted,by the media. The media plays a role in making Mickey and Mallory stars by depicting them and their actions in Newsweek. Their fans try to explain that they know murder is wrong, yet theythinkMickeyandMallory,played byactorsWoodyHarrelsonandJuliette Lewis, are cool. Could it be said that the media, especially tabloid and celebrityjournalismin print or on television,influences what people do and how they think? AccordingtoTheNewYodcTunes, the banality of the film's influence is creepier than anything in the movie. Five days after''Natural Born Killers" opened and became the number one movie in the country, The New York Daily News ran a front-page story about an accused murderer under the headline ''Natural Born Killer." As the New York DailyNewsused Oliver Stone's idea of''Natural Born Killers," Stone uses various styles of media to infonn us about Mickey and Mallory. In a sitcom, he shows what Mallory's fumilyis like and how they treatedher,only to have them die later. The transitionfrom color to black and white, along with the cartoon inserts, kept the audiences' attention. As the screened flashed from scene to scene, viewers could not look away as they waitedto see what would happennext. When a reporter joins Mickey and Malloryin the killingof prisonguards. we get the message that there is a fine line between being san~ and being psychoticenough to kill. At the end of the movie, Mickey and Mallory tum their guns at Wayne Gale, played by Robert DowneyJr. He triesto save his lifeby remindingthem theyneed to let him live so that he can continueto tell theirstory. Mickeyand Mallorypoint to the video camera and tell him that is all they need. "Killing you and what you representis a statement,"Mickey said. ''l'mnotexactly lOOpercentsure of what it's saying." Stone ends the movie without lettingusknowifMickeyactuallypulled the triggeron Gale. "Natural Born Killers" definitely made a statement The audience just was not sure exactly what that statement was.

Friday, Sept. 30, 1994 :. . ENTERTAINMENT Lo....··.,.au·· .. : 1l:TU 1 'R=,.. : .=_. • ~- : i l : : • 7

photo by Marie Barrett photo by Marie Bamtt above: Many Mustang fanatics gather at the Franklin Mint on Sept. 18 to check out what is under the hood.

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Mustang madness cools engines

by Lisa Hines staff writer At the Eighth Annual Franklin Mint Antique Automobile Festival on Sunday, Sept. 18, 1994, there was a display in honor of the Mustang's 30th anniversary. Over 120 Mustangs were displayed, which included a Winner's Circle of 30 Mustangs that represented a model for each year from 1964 to 1994. Power, strength and grace are three words that describe a mustang, a horse that was never tame, always wild and free. In 1962, Ford's first Mustang automobile was unveiled at the U.S. Grand Prix in Watkins Glen, N.Y. The name "mustang" ~ame from the World War II P-51 Mustang fighter plane. One year later, Ford came back to Watkins Glen with the Mustang II. This was a disguised show-carversion of the Mustang production model. On April 17, 1964, at the New Yo_rk World's Fair, the Mustang was officially introduced. People caught "Mustang fever," and 22,000 orders were taken on the first day alone. In Chicago, a Ford dealership closed early and called the police when Mustang owners became anxious and attacked the showroom. In the first· 12 months, 417,000 Mustangs were sold. When the Mustang served as the official pace car for the Indianapolis 500, the sleek symbol was already a part of America's culture. Sales reached the one million mark in March, 1966. By the year 1967, competitors were trying to follow in Ford's footstep with imitations. Now, in 1994, Mustang has already won the Motor Trend's "Car of the Year" title and was once again the official pace car. for the 1994 Indianapolis 500 Race. Steve Nusbaum, owner of a 1965 Mustang GT Convertible, bought his car for $2,800 and now considers it priceless. "It remained popular because it was the first car that truly appealed to the baby boomers in mass," Nusbaum said. "It was a sporty car, inexpensive and looked great." Although Adam Erdman, 9, is too young to drive, he said he admires his father's 1965 Ford Mustang Fastback. "I like the color of it and it just looks nice," Erdman said. "I hope he'll give it to me." A graduate of Cabrini, Lisa Albrecht, is the ownerof a 1966 Mustang convertible. Her husband , Chris, was the one who talked her into buying her car about 15 years ago. Chris said he likes the style of Mustangs and he feels they are a tradition in his family. Matt Papa, 11, said his dad's 1969 Mock 1 Mustang is, "an awesome car because of the color and just how it looks." His older brother, Ralph, 14, likes the looks and sportiness of the car and he thinks a lot of people like to drive convertibles. This anniversary display proved that the Mustang has been a hit since its birth.

Thepartystartedat8:30p.m.andendedat midnight Forthepeopleon theprogramming board,though,the nightstartedmuchearlier. Accordingto DeFruscio,it took 13 peopleto set up whichbeganan hourbeforethe party. Slowly,thecrowdbeganto filterin. By 9 p.m.,therewasasteadytlowofpeoplecoming intothegym. Moststudentswhoattendedthe partyplayedseveralroundsof golf. DeFrusciowas responsibleforcomingup with the idea for a golfparty. ''It went well whenwe didit in a collegeinWestVirginia," DeFrusciosaid. "The programmingboard likedtheideaof a golfparty." DeFrusciosaid she felt this event would receivea goodturnoutbecauseit was heldin the gym. "'Thegym is clooerto the residencehalls than the gatheringarea. This could be an incentiveforpeopletocome,"DeFrusciosaid "We are hoping for a turnoutof about tiO people." The people on the programmingboard werealsoexpectingagoodturnout."Allofthe prior eventsreceiveda good turnout,"Amy Loesche,ajunioranddirectoroftheprogrammingboard,said "Wehada comedian,a legal party,andawelcomebash.The purposeofthe golfpartyis to get the studentsinvolved."

NEWS Friday, Sept. 30, 1994

BrianMooney,a junior,said,"It is something to do on a Fridaynight. Marianneis workinghardand I appreciateit. I wishthere weremorepeople.It wouldn'thurtpeopleto come and golffor a half-hour."

photo by Marie Barrell Bob Macartney and Jen Woodruff tee off at the Golf Party in the gym on Friday, Sept. 23. The gym was filled with students who were allowed to play as many rounds of golf as they could until midnight.

• Friendly, relaxed groups of 6 to 8 people

·-~-: -ii.~:: c::._j;·._,_J;-::t/,f:'':.1/ii.J:H.~i,•· t~ 11:f· ·.h::·-r_:4- trr:f 'L,_;·,::-'" ,-:·:_ ,:::•u~~\111$1'.J~i~counqH·tobe heard. ·: t: ;_ : ,•; :S i Chtlstfns~q t" , ' ~•~y~4 •:t~th~wouidnever ,.. editor , H ! , happen.butr~t it wouldl:,ea war tt> ~• If~hallsnould 'lowet¢M}9finkingtines,'' " betike.ih!:ltle;\wayftom~itshould~ PeFtl.lSCiollaidl;llataballcountjlisagood beJWl~a~. HallCpuooiHs.(ikJ:thingtd AA"ebecause h .a.voiceand aa • ii-yoiceof thenlSidepts,J3ro~ opiniqnof the ~ident hall,f'1be ~.~director of residen\:ilifel,uikfiitg.needslQ havefun at1Qrelaytheir ~~~rotXavtefEiai4isteadyto needsaad~~911$ to someone whowill ~anewyearwithaf:>an&, Jisten."DeFruscio'said. ' McMillansaid~}lasthteemaingoalsfpr ' TheC<luncilinW~Hall seemsto BanCoµnciltbisyear.ltha.sbeen"ottagilin.bav~averyinvolvedStaffofstudenls,one.that offagain/'~dingtQMc~butnowbe :hastieens<>~StrPngforthepastthteeyears, , waets1o~ta~'ofiqteremed, coocemed .a«-ordilistoMcMillan,1 ·~•tq}<,in the~. AndreaKelilllet,presidentofH'allCouncil "IWMtto~a ~tp,ofst#eJtt&inaatl in W~ forthepast two)feattsaidtllat .Oltu'li.j}~qm talk about~t theirmaiQgoolfi>ttheyeai:is,tofind,lcomnion ~B!1eit~~'andOi9fWia.sll areafQrallOtbt:inistudeJlts,JtSidentsofXavier _ who~ 1 McMlllatuakt.''Mf$K'OJ\d'"i., a,n~hOUSt$aJjke,tostl\d,y;tftervi$1ationhours' ~fMpPwil)beableto~~triap; ~ptbeybave~tQhokltwn ~1pr~~ya1e~abdu( • ~· ·•wotkingwithtJte~ ,~ , ~"""" ;rrbothirdlw>l wiJll)emo:re sq.. •• • ••W"""'n,..........w..ibut ~......,,,.<-\f_ j~ o:,; • cially~tec- •..l~ to.plan.~ -~e-~-•p0t•·;y,e,J1tl}-e ibat'Xavier ~1~•- the cdulr.iJ···ror,the.w~rhadl·~~-· •~year! w~Ne&dm& ~~~etc;'r ·, b : W~ is, given~triaJ , d ~the:~ , ~.· W~to~i(wefati •~fOJ'~~y~,. •.• .~to l ~24-ltoor ••.pon.'; i ; i < t \t;,rin_gtrbacJl.ilrfu1!~~•~~ 1 ~y,a._ t~<>f~l}f~;, 1 • • •• • Ile~~ Qt ~flt at,. tl)a!any ... 1'as~~ , ~- ~~at act,iVi~

8 Golf partyswings

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Others who attendedthe party felt the turnoutwas pretty good and would attend anothersuchpartyif it was offeredagain. SeniorDoug Epplersaid, "I think it's a goodturnoutfor a rainyFridaynight I hada great time losing. I'd come back, but after aboutfouryearsof practice." Some students came to the party with friends. Jen Woodruff,a junior, said, "it's goodif youdon't haveanythingelseto do. It was fun." By theend of the partytherewere seyeral studentsplayinga game of frisbeewith the frisbeestheywonforconvertinga holein one. At the heightof the frisbeegame,therewere five or six frisbeesbeingthrownaroundthe gym. .arealso~~' • ,em.ago. ? t ',. • ,; "'1t~t ~happening idme11\!ilq-; _ 1"Wheniwast1ielWo£XtMertJtetiriityc:af , ingtwtJ;leprioq~Jt~ld~ j ' ('9J,l91)1~Hall.~ was~~ • • ·t>r.·RobertBonfiglio, of 1 towardplantungarid·bolding~.~. J such Chrisbnas~8, am.- lbtq ~WJ~wrmnenux>uncil." ' ~called''FatTuC$day,"inwhichwe •~"ltisjmponantto~tbe~ipa mad/;'-doughnµts on Tuesday nlsflti,tt balllilcepWtals andquietb6ws:'' said."llte followingyear~.C~- For as in~ as the resi®ntsarein 193)w!~ to,getnewcbairsan4screem • , awayfrom~~: in thedoqn and we disco~ the pt9blems- l3onfigliqaid alsointeiested in ~ithhqusekeeping.'' ; t -~Jfle~haveto~y,M~ JoeKoroly,a~. ~ot}~ Cowici1.saif••·niese~canjoin tqgetherandlle bis firstyearIt!Otbrini.and oneof hisgoals l)«mtmqn·voicetbroughHallCouncil.-The wastryingto~thedritikingwws.

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Thecoursewassetupwith 10holesspread outovertheentiregym.Golfersweresupplied witha putter,a golfball anda scorecard.The golferswereallowedto play as manyrounds of golf as they wished. Once the golfeI'\ completedeach round,they handed in their scorecards.Thescoresweretalliedup,andthe top threegolfersreceivedtrophies. First-yearstudent,Tom McKee,came in firstplacewith a scoreof 17. Therewas a tie for secondplace,as first-yearstudentKevin Epplerand seniorLindoSabatinieachshot a scoreof 18.

"The first~ was$Clieduledfot 10 p.p,., ~~that Xaviei',~.atwet Wednesdaynigti~~the~.Oreat].wom;_• j" ,4 { /. :s:, ;;:} .'.'?

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by Justin Mlrlgllanl staff writer Wherecouldyou eat free popcorn,get a freemegaphone,andwinafrisbeeforaholein one?At thefirstevergolfpartyheldinthegym on Friday,Sept 23. The partywas seeminglya success. The turnout exceeded the estimated60 people which MarianneDeFruscio,directorof studentactivities,was hopingfor. , AnotherthingthatmadeDeFrusciohappy was the fact that StraightShootersProductions,thecompanywhichsuppliedth~course, gaveher a breakon the price. The partywas sponsoredbytheStudentProgrammingBoard andpaidforwiththestudentactivitiesbudget.

Qlnstitutional Vandalism 9/21

Sept. 22-Clinton says the violence in Haiti must end President Clinton vowed that the violence in Haiti's streets would not happen again, as 1,000 military police landed in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Exiled Haitian president, JenBeitrand Aristide, announced that he would return to Haiti on Oct. 15 -the same day Haiti's military rulers have promised to step down. Sept. 23-Pope cancels trip to New York, New Jersey and Baltimore Pope John Paul II canceled his trip to the United States due to recent health problems related to hip surgery he underwent in April. The Pope's physicians have instructed him to reduce his activities during his recovery time. The Pope was set to give a speech at the United Nations, as well as hold Masses in New York, Newark, N.J. and Baltimore. Those activities have been tentatively postponed until November, 1995.

by DJ Glasgow staff writer QTuesday, Sept. 20-U.S. forces arrive in Haiti U.S. naval and air force troops arrived in Haiti to begin their peace keeping mission. The troops were welcomed by many Haitians with open arms.

Friday, Sept. 30, 1994 NEWS 9

A survey was released by the Times MirrorCenter for the Public and Press to assess Americans' views towards the national political climate of the United States. • Of the 4,809 Americans polled in mid-July, the survey reveals that our society has become increasingly bitter, frustrated, cynical and selfish over the last seven years. However, despite the public feel-

Sept.26-Outbreak of fatal plague in Surat In Surat, India, an outbreak of deadly pneumonic plague is feared to be spreading across the land. Government officials are worried that the hundreds of thousands of people who fled Surat could spread the disease to other parts of India.

What's Happening Weekend 10/1 Parents Weekend begins at 10 a.m. in the Xavier Great Room. Breakfastwill be served. There will be a men's soccer game at 11 a.m. and an Oktoberfest lunch will run from 11:30-2p.m. The women's tennis team will play at noon and the women's field hockey team will play at 1 p.m. At 1:30 p.m., there will be an Open ForumwithDr.ladarola,andthewomen's soccer team will play at 2 p.m. From 2:305 p.m. there will be a silent auction and from 2:30-3:30 p.m., there will be a faculty lecture. From 3:30-4:30 p.m., the second faculty lecture will take place. At 4:45 p.m. there will be a student leader reception. At 8 p.m., there will be the PresidentialReceptionandto end the night, at 9 p.m., the Dinner/Dance will begin at Lily Langtry's in the Sheraton Valley Forge. Weekend 10/2

ParentsWeekendcontinuesat 10:30a.m. in the chapel. At noon, brunch will be served in the cafeteria and all those who attend will have a chance to meet the faculty and staff. At 2 p.m., there will be the One World Kite Festival for Peace on the Alumni field. There will also be a program called the Science of"Soap Bubbles" in the Atruim. To finish the weekend, the men's lacrosse team will play on the Dixon field. of Trustees Lunch 10/21 Come meet the new Board for lunch. Sign up in Student Development Office. 10/4 Hear some cool jazz sounds in the gathering area at lunch with Dr. Blue. Show 10/6 Comedian John Henson will make you laugh at 9 p.m. in the gathering area.

Radnor Township Police Department. "After businesses provide parking for their employees, there is generally no room left for their customers", he said. "Parking around here is pretty gruesome" said transfer student Bryan Bonfiglio. "I try to park in places like Borders or McDonalds Sometimes its better to just walk to where you have to go." "With so many stores and so many people there is no real space," said sophomore Amy Mollenkof. Maybe more metered parking or the creation of parking lots would help to ease this problem. According to Sgt. Flannery· of the Radnor Township Police Department, however, it will not happen anytime soon. "We do not have any plans to install any more meters or open up any lots anytime soon. I guess we will just have to adjust and hope_ for things to get better in the long run." In the meantime, residents have to move their vehicles before 7 a.m. or receive a $10 ticket for illegal parking and face the risk of having their car towed. Residents are not happy with the performance of the police with regard to this incident. "This is not the way Radnor Township usually does things," said Jeff Pendergast, one of the owners of the towed vehicles. "I want my money back. I think everybody should get their money back," he said. With hopes that a similar situation would not occur, residents of Aberdeen Terrace had "no parking" signs erected before the road was scheduled to be repaved. This time, the restricted parking times were listed on the signs.

Violation 9/23 Officer was called to Woodcrest because there was a male biding in the second floor lounge bathroom. The officer escorted the male to the front desk, took bis information and the RA on duty escorted him off campus. ID/Keys 9/23

QSunday, Sept. 25-Judge decides to stop media coverage of jury selection Judge Lance Ito pulled the plug on electronic media coverage during jury selection for the O.J. Simpson murder case, in order to protect the anonymity of the jurors.

The officerand RA on duty in Woodcrest witnessed two people climbing into a first floor window. The two were confronted and their respective informationwas taken. They were then escorted off campus.

"No parking signs" were erected Sunday, Sept. 18 and cars were being targeted the very next day. A representittive of Tommy's Towing, in Wayne, said, "We only get towed cars if they are illegally parked or if the (Radnor) Township gets involved." Tommy's has been charging all owners of towed vehicles $75. Some residents claim that Tommy's has mishandled some cars, even dropping one car and flattening a tire. This event has prompted some Cabrini students to raise some questions about parking or; the Main Line. Jen Paliaro, a junior, had her car fined and towed all the way to Conshohocken this past summer. "It cost me $85 and it was just one great big hassle," she said.

Qlllegal Entry 9/23

Last week in the world of news

Sept. 21-Public reveals feelings on government in survey

Public Safety Update

Residents complain about parking dilemma by Kathy Cephas staff writer How many times have you decided to park on a side street when you could not find any spaces along Lancaster Avenue, only to find your car gone upon your return? Some residents of Charles Drive in Radnor have had this happen to them within the past week. Temporary "no parking" signs have been posted due to street repavement. Owners are being fined and their cars towed without notice. Even those residents that are parked across the street from the signs are being penalized. The management of the Broadline Apartment complex is upset because it argues that the signs are not visible and that the tenants were not properly notified of the roadwork that was to begin.

Two female Xavier students reported that they received a prank call from a male on campus. The females were worried because one of them had lost her ID/keys earlier that day and they were concerned that the male had her keys. The officer tried to retrace her steps to find the keys. Early the next morning, the officer found her keys in the Xavier parking lot.

Break-In 9/25 An Xavier student, returning from a weekend away, called securitybecause be was locked out of his room. The lock on his door had been apparently tampered with. Security and Physical Plant tried to fix the broken lock.

Securityincidents, as reported by security office, from Monday, Sept. 19 through Monday, Sept. 26.

Sept. 24-Parking lot scam revealed Philadelphia city officials uncovered an airport parking lot scam in which cashiers and supervisors manipulated computers and tickets to pocket parking fees and rob the city of more than $1 million a year. Mayor Rendell said the city intended to get its money back from the company that runs the lots, an to pursue jail sentences for those charged with the scam. City officials said surveillence cameras mounted on car antennas, in back seats and in the smoke detectors in cashier booths recorded evidence of fraud against nine cashiers, three supervisors and one manager.

ings of distrust towards the government, 66 percent of those surveyed have an interest and willingness to participate in politics. This is an increase of 20 percent since 1987.

Xavier male resident called security to report that his window had been shattered. He said he beard male voices outside the window when it was shattered. Officer checked the interior and exterior of the room, but no further damage was visible.

"There are lots of businesses here in Wayne" said Lt. Jerry Gregory, of the

Since1sstyear,theteamhascomea longway and has improveda lot. Accordingto Wunsch, everyoneworkswelltogetherto getthejob done.

'Toeyshowednomercy,"saidJenWunsch,a seniorand captainof the team, referringto last year's game. 'This was a big gamefor us," she said This timeit was different The LadyCavs were the ones to show no mercy by crushing Beaver,5-0.

DeniseCanaris,rightwing and a sophomore said,'Toe freshmenare reallytalentedand are a valuableassetto the team.The defenseis excellent,"she said ''I'm havinga goodtime,andI thinkwe have a goodchanceto win everything."CaraSantelli, a first-yearstudent,said. Accordingto Santelli, shesaidshewas reallyneivousanduptightbefore the gameagainstBeaver.'Tm gladI did whatI couldto keepthegamemoving."Santellisaid Santellialso said that the coachesare very supportiveandenjoywhattheydo. The coaches areDiannePierangeliandOrrisRanft.''We have a lotof fun. Andtheupperclasmienmakeit a lot easierto play,"she said ''Diannebring5us together.Shecomesdown to our level,"Hoptasaid W~ alsosaid,''Diannebuilttheprogram up fromlast year. She startedwithnothing.and lookwherewe are rDW."

Of all the thingsyou'll haveto memorizethis semester,here'ssomething you can actuallyuse. Schedules classrooms PIZZA. Books...meetings...PEPPERONI. Cafeteriahours lunch hour DOMINO'S!Give us a call and we'll deliver your favorite pizza, hot and fresh.So memorizethis number and use it often. Welcomeback! (Pleasemention offer when ordering) CabriniCollege 193-0980 128 W. LancasterAve. STUDENTSPECIAL! • ANY PIZZA! • ANY SIZE! • UPTO 5 OFYOUR FAVORITETOPPINGS! (Not void"'1111Th<-) (Availablein Or1SlnalHand-Tossed, CrunchyTH~ Crustor Zzesty Dup Dish) NoCoupon Validfall Necessar, Semester'94 2UWSUN wllj wiUI..., ""'· 00.. v,/ij II 'M1hC0<.1J011 only.V~ij ""1q>ali'V sto<esoolj. PncesIJ'IJV11YCus1ome<pays laxwht11 ~%ic~~,:;,.~i::~<K. • CROWDPLEASER! BUY2 MEDIUMPIZZAS EACHWITH2-TOPPINGS & 4 CAI% OF COCA-COIA 0 CIASSICOR DIETCOKE 0 ! (A..,.lloblein On;nal Hand-Tossed, CrunchyTHINCrust or Zztsty Dttp Dish) No(0\.pOll Vaidfllll Necessmy Semester'94 2CP ca.,,o_ ""_...,._Ylid II wihcouponon~ \l1idal panic:ipalingSlonscdy. may,ory.Qisl- pays IJX SINGLESPECIAL! BUYA 10" ORIGINAL HAND-TOSSEDPIZZA FORONLY$5.99! (ADOITIOIW.TOPl'INGS99¢ EACH)

Lady Cavs victorious in second bout with Beaver

by DonnaSchaeffer staff writer Howmanytimeshaveyouheardthephrase, there is no "I" in team? This year's women's soo::erteamis''winning"proofthatthisstatement is true. OnSept.20,theteamfacedwhatcouldbetheir biggestchallengeof theseason:BeaverCollege. Lastyear,Beaverdefeatedthe Lady Cavs,11-1.

photo by Jim Gregory Sophomore Nancy Kraus takes things under control against Beaver College, Sept. 20.

• The women's team crushed them, 5-0, as opposed to Beaver's victory last year, 11-1.

MandiHopta,the goalie and a sophomore said, 'Toe team has great players with great personalities.StephanieCaldwell,AmyHummel andNancyKrausall had an excellentgame."

10 L.OOUITUR. SPORTS Friday, Sept. 30, 1994

''We areverycompetitiveandwehada quality game,"W~said Accordingto Wunsch,the victorywas definitelya confidencebooiter. She saidshethinkstheteamhasa reallygoodchance to win the PennsylvaniaAthletic Conference (PAC)title. At present,theteamhasa 4-1 record,andtwo of the fourvictorieswereshutouts. In the game againstBeaver,the Lady Cavs out-shottheiropponents,35-5. Withthesestats, theycouldbe a seriouscontenderfor thePAC


More than half of the teams in the National Hockey League make it into the playoffs. The last time the Philadelphia Flyers made it to the NHL Playoffs, Ron Hextall was the goaltender. That was five years ago. The last time the Flyers made it to the Stanley Cup Finals, Ron Hextall was the goaltender. Since then, Hextall has suffered through multiple injuries, numerous suspensions, a prolonged holdout and three trades in as many seasons. Last week, the cycle was completed. Ron Hextall, the most-hated goalie in the NHL, returned to the orange and black. The Flyers traded goalie, Tommy Soderstrom, to. the New York Islanders for Hextall and a sixth-round draft pick. This winter, Ron Hextall will lead the Flyers back into the NHL Playoffs_. Although they might not make it to the Finals this year, Hexy and the Flyers will be drinking from the Cup in a few seasons. There were too many times _last season when teams beat the Flyers because of shoddy goaltending. Neither Soderstrom or Dominic Roussel proved themselves worthy of holding the job this season. The Flyers needed a solid netminder to take the pressure off of a defense that is not as bad as people think. The best defensive teams in the league make mistakes. The difference is, they have goalies who will erase those mistakes. The Flyers goalies compounded those mistakes with errors of their own. Not anymore. Last year, teams pushed the Flyers around. Not anymore. The stickswinging goalie will take care of that. Last year, there was no fire in the guts of the Flyers. Not anymore. The pipe-clanging goalie will take care of that. Last year, the Flyers lost games that they should have won. Not anymore. The goal-scoring goalie will take care of that. Last year, Flyers owner, Ed Snider, said his team was five years away from winning the Cup. That timetable just became a little shorter. Hextall will join a team that has enough offense to win games. Eric Lindros, Mark Recchi, Rod Brind' amour, Mikael Renberg, Garry Galley and Co. will take care of that part. Hexy will take care of the rest. Last week, Ron Hextall returned to his home. In a few months, the NHL Playoffs will return, too.

Women's Volleyball Tues. 10/4 Allentown A 7p.m. Thurs.10/6 West Chester A 7p.m. Women's Tennis Sat. 10/,1 Allentown Tues 10/4 Neumann H 1 p.m. H 3:30 p.m.

Women's Volleyball w L Cabrini 0 1 Allentown 2 0 Beaver 1 1 Eastern 2 0 Misericordia 1 0 Cedar Crest 0 2 Rosemont 0 1 Alvernia 1 1 Neumann 0 1 lmmaculata 1 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 0 Marywood 0 1 Women's Tennis w L C&brlnl 3 1 Allentown 2. 1 Beaver 0 3 Eastern 1 0 Rosemont 2 1 Neumann 0 0 lmmaculata 0 4 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 4 Marywood 5 0 Cedar Crest 2 1 Women's Field Hockey Cabrini Rosemont Beaver Eastern lmmaculata Gwynedd-Mercy Marywood Alvernia Cedar Crest Misericordia W L 3 0 0 2 1 1 0 2 0 4 1 1 3 0 0 3 2 4 2 0 TriviaAnswer : FritzLindnerofBerlin, Germany,totaled 64;278milesofcanoeingfrom1928to 1987. (Probablyfollowedin 2nd placeby Cabrini's own CarterCraigie.) -compiledby Father Ambrose Tap in to Mac by

Women's Volleyball Mon. 9/19 Sat. 9/24 Sat. 9/24 Cabrini2 CabriniO Cabrini0 Phila. Pharmacy 3 Baruch2 Wm. Patterson 3 Women's Tennis Tues. 9/20 Cabrini8 Thurs. 9/22 Cabrini7 Beaver1 Gwynedd-Mercy2

Last week in the world of sports

Women's Field Hockey Tues. 9/20 Cabrinf5 Cedar Crest O Men's Soccer Sat. 10/1 Tues. 10/4 Sat. 10/8 Lincoln Beaver Swarthmore H 11 a.m. A 4p.m. H 1 p.m. Women's Soccer Sat. 10/1 FrostburgState H 2p.m. Fri.4p.m. 10/7 West Chester A Cross Country Sat. 10/1 Phila. Metropolitan H 11 a.m. Sat. 10/8 Dickinsonlnvit. A 11 a.m.

w 2 1 1 1 Misericordia 1 Gwynedd Mercy O L 0 1 2 0 1 2 Women's Soccer w L Cabrini 1 0 Beaver 0 1 Eastern 0 0 Misericordia 0 0 Cross Country Men's Cabrini Allentown Beaver Eastern Misericordia Marywood Cabrini Allentown Beaver

I ! I

Friday Sept. 30, 1994 SPORTS

Mfsericordia Cedar Crest Neumann W L 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Women's W L 0 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 FatherKnowsBest :

ONBA The NBA' s all-time steals leader and munber five in assists, Maurice Cheeks, has recent! y accepted the-job as assistant coach of the Sixers. The ex-Sixers player led the team to victory over the Lakers in the '83 NBA finals and in nine other successful seasons through to '89. Other assistant coaches include Ron Adams and Tom Thibodeau. John Lucas is the new Sixers head coach who offered Cheeks the job. On Thursday, Sept. 22, players told Congress in Washington that the strike will end if the antitrust law is amended to allow them to sue owners if a salary cap is imposed. Union head, Donald Fehr, told a House subcommittee that the World Series can still be played if Congress acts quickly alld if President Clinton signs the bill. Clinton said baseball's exemption will be reexamined, but did not state his position on it. Bob Macartney sports columnist

Allentown Beaver

by Beth Molloy staff writer ONFL The Eagles began practicing again on Saturday, Sept. 24, after a three-day bye week. The break began after a 13-7 victory over Green Bay, setting their record at 2-1. Offensive lineman Tom McHale, who replaced Ron Selby last September after suffering a rib injury, was signed on Saturday, Sept. 24. The ~I-year-old played with the Eagles the last five games oflast season, starting in four of those games. The team faces the San Francisco 49ers and the Dallas Cowboys next. Both teams have defeated the Eagles in the past. Both Rich Kotite and the players say these games will be the ultimate test, setting the tone for the entire season. ::JNHL 'The future is now," is the theme for the Philadelphia Flyers this season. The team has made some important changes since last season, which include new general manager and ex-Flyer, Bob Clarke, new coach Terry Murray, and a new captain, Eric Lindros, to replace Kevin Dineen. Along with these changes comes a whole Men's Soccer Mon. 9/19 Thurs. 9/22 '"-.c:.... Sat. 9/24 Cabrini1 Cabrini0 Cabrini3 West Chester 3 Stockton State 3 Misericordia 2

Women's Soccer Tues. 9/20 Cabrini5 Sat. 9/24 Cabrinio BeaverO NotreDame8 Cros_sCountry Sat. 9/24 PhiladelphiaBibleInvitational Cabrini 1st place 1Oteams

New additions to the team include Phil Crowe, formerly of the L.A. Kings, Kevin Haller. formerly of Montreal, defenseman Dimitri Yushkevich and goal tender Dominic Roussel. But what really has Flyers fans stunned is the trade with the New York Islanders, which putRonHextall back in the Flyers goal. Hex tall was traded two years ago for Lindros. Inretum,thelslandersgainedgoalieTommy Soderstrom. Clarke said he traded Soderstrom because he was uncomfortable with two young goalies. Hextall had a 3.08 goals-against-average with the Islanders. He was the team's sixth round selection in next year's draft. So now, with all these new developments, comes possibilities for yet another strike in the world of sports. NHL commissioner Gary Bettman announced that the teams will not start the season until Oct. I without a collective bargaining Cabrini Eastern Men's Soccer Eastern Whoholdstherecord for the most wins in a season? compiledby Father Ambrose agreement. The players did not have an agreement last season, and owners are now afraid players will strike if one is not reached. Is hockey about to follow the path of baseball? We shall see.

Women's Field Hockey Sat. 10/1 Misericordia H noon Tues. 10/4 WilliamPatterson H 4 p.m. new image, which can be expressed by the quote, "Pride Forever." This phrase is etched across a wall of their newly-designed Spectrum dressing rooms. Training camp began about three weeks ago and the practices have been described by the new coach and players as focused and intense.

photo by carouneCroley

Cabrinirunnergoes the distance

right photo: EI-Mostafa Nechchadi checks his time as he and the other runners get ready at the starting line. He ran this same course in 1989, in which he won the race.

12 L.OOUIITUR. SPORTS Friday, Sept. 30, 1994

left photo: EI-Mostafa stretches in order to prepare himself for the Philadelphia Distance Run.

photo by CarolineCroley photo by CarolineCroley photo by CarolineCroley by Carollne Croley managing editor It began with a dream to become a champion. Afteryearsof blood,sweatand tears,this dreambecamea realityfor senior,El-Mostafa Nechchadi.

right photo: More than 7,000 runners leave the starting line at 8:30 a.m, They ran the distance of 13.1 miles. El-Mostafa finished the distance in 1:02:00 , coming in 10th place. He was happy with his time, wanting to cross the finish line between 1:04:00 and 1:05:00.

top photo: Warming up along with other runners, Nechchadi gets ready to run the 13. 1 mile race.

On Sept. 18, Nechchadicrossedthe finish line at 9:35 a.m. in 1 hour, 5 minutesand .02 seconds. He placed 10th in a race consisting of a record 7,852 runners. He said, ''In 1989, I won this race on the samecoursein 1:02:00." Nechchadi is an internationally known champion.In 1989,hewas rankednumberone in the world after he won the two most prestigious half-marathons,the PhiladelphiaHalf Marathon and the Great North Run in Newcastle,England. He was also a two-time Moroccanchampionandrepresentedhiscountry in the 1988OlympicGamesin Seoul,South Korea. The city was dark and windy, as runners sprintedup and down Market Streetwarming up for Philadelphia'sDistanceRun. At 8 a.m., Nechchadicould be found stretchingand getting ready for the 13.1-milerace. As adrenalinepumped through his body, Nechchadiknew it would be a toughcompetition-becausehewouldbe runningagainstother internationalchampions. "This race will be a real test for me. I just want to run well without wonying about the time clock. I know I am not going to win, but I would like to finish between 1:04:00 and 1:05:00,"Nechchadisaid before the race. At 8:20 a.m.,as thecrowdbeganpushingits way closerto the fenceto catcha glimpseof the starting line, the runners were focusing their attention on the time clock. Nechchadi was staring intently at his watch while loosening his musclesfor the last time. At 8:25 a.m.,the runnersgatheredtogether, anticipatingthe next few hours. At 8:30 a.m.,theywereoff,runningwest on MarketStreetwith Nechchadiin front,holding a steady pace as he ran towards 30th Street Station,out to Kelly Drive and back to Logan Square. He said, ''Throughout the race, I knew I wasn't goingto win like I did a few yearsago. I am trying to gain my confidence back by doing well in big sportingevents such as this one. I was very pleasedwith my performance and I look forwardto the day when I am back at my old championlevel."

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