FRIDAY 119 p.m.-1 a.m. in the gathering area there will be a Halloween Party. $3 admission with costume, $4 without. SATURDAY SUNDAY 1110p.m. Movie 118p.m. in Woodcrest Mansion Smoker, "Return Courtyard, of the Body ghost stories Snatchers." with Carter. lllOp.m. movie, "Return of the Body Snatchers" in the XGR.
118 a.m. Mass in 115-7 p.m. in 118 a.m. Mass in the 1111a.m.-3 p.m. the chapel. front of the cafe, chapel. Palm Reading in 1111 a.m.-3 p.m. order your the gathering area. in front of the college ring. 116p.m. COMP cafe, order your 116:15p.m. session in the college ring. Mass in the GHBR. I/Halloween chapel. 119p.m. Lip Sync Parade at the II All Saints contest in the Children's Day. gathering area. School.
see more REACHon pg. N8 t stude ts The"SidebySideCenter,"for- p.m. and arrive back on campus at the child might not have at home," i~ide~.:gaveWCCkumbai,ma.-G1ance::.lliclyoct:-2s to Nov. 3
Censorship alive in literature Mad at midnight! by Regina MIiier arts & entertainment editor In late September,Banned Book Week came and went without much notice from Cabrini's collegepopulation. A handfulof popularoutlawed authors and their books were put on displayinthebookstoretodrawattention to the is.sueof bookbanning. Theloneeffortofthebookstoremerely tippedthescale.Forty-eightbookshave been challengedbetweenMarch 1993 throughMarch1994inthiscountry,with thousandsof booksconsidereddangerous sincethe mid-1970s. Freedomof speechisnotjustaclichebutafactoflife. Or is it? The FirstAmendmentclearly "Con~ shallmakeno law abridging the freedomof speech,or of the ~,, amongothercivilrights.Ourforefathers knew of the difficultysurroundingthis is.sue.For centuriespriorto theconstitution, historytells of peoplewho were killedforexpres.singthemselvesinsome immoralor undesirablefushion.Since theconstitution.thewrittenwordcontinues to be the centerfor somepassionatedebates,but all too often, thesedebatesareforgotten.Isthere a placefor censorship? "Not in this society," Dr. RaymondBarber,directorof the WilliamPenn Charter Schoollibrariesand adjwtctfacultymember at Cabrini,said."We havethe firstamendment.I'm notin favor of censorship. Sometimesthat makesme uncomfortablethatI 'm not in favorof it." Barberisanexperiencedhbrarian and educator.He is not alone whenit comesto thesesentiments. "As a librarian,it (censorship) makes me very uncomfortsble," Kristine Mudrick, director of Cabrini'slibrary, said. Mudrick saidlibrariesshouldbe considered tobein a ''neutralposition"when it comesto the greatcensorshipdebate. see more CENSORon pg.a photo by CarolineCroley The crowd welcomes the men's and women's basketball team for the '94-'95 season. Students, faculty and staff gathered in the gym from 11 p.m. until 1 a.m. to participate in events such as the dunk contest and a game against the basketball teams.
NEWS pg.4
Somestudentsmayhavebeardabout thosewhocannotorhaveno ability thatis neededin suchformativeyears. The basicpremisebehindthispnr tripstothePaulV.FlyElementarySchool to helpthemselves. Cabrinistudentsleavecampusat 3:30 gramistoprovideadultinteractionthat who did not have a father,andhis motherhad a seriousdrugproblem. '"Thisis the childwe aretryingto reach,"Rielysaid. Thereis a programthathasbeen in place in Philadelphiafor many yearsand bas assistedmanyhomeless mothers and their in children relocatingand.adjustingto a more stablelife. ProjectRainbow'smissionis to empowerhomelesswomenandtheir childrento breakthedependencyof publicassistance. Generationafter generationof peopleare born and raisedin poverty,creatinga cyclical trendin thatcommunity. Studentswill be assistingwith any number of things to help the motherson theirroadto interdependence. Any task fromtutoringthe mothersto watchingtheir children will be undertakenby volunteers. Inreturnforallthehelpthemothers receive,they must give back in return.Duringtheaverage10-month staythemothersmustgive30percent of theirincomeforrent. Another20 percentof theirincomeis put in the bank in order to provide housing oncethemotherleavesthe center.
Reach out and touchsomeone by Matt Craig staff writer Jfyouhavelostfaithinsociety,seeing theyouthof todayinjail, andthedegeneratingsocialfabricin our world,then you can do somethingto changethis. However,thisdoesnotrequirelonghours in the middleof PhiladelphiaYou can helprightdownthe road fromthe nice, cozy,warmCabriniCampus. Some of the studentswho attend Cabrinihavealreadyhadtheopportunity to becomeinvolvedwith thisis.suefirst hand. As a requirementof the Seminar 300 classesstudentshavebeenaskedto participatein communityserviceat severaldifferentsitesaroundthe Delaware Valley. Untilnow,itbasbeenarequirement of the students. Now, however, youcan participatein bringingpersonal fulfillmentas well as aidingothers in yourcommunityjust by volunteeringa few ho~ of your week to help those who are1~ fortunatethanyourself.
Check out the full.spread on the upcoming elections. SPORTS pg.12 Check out the photo spread on Midnight Madness. pg.5
JeaneenRiely,coordinatorof communitysetvices,basbeenworkingwith theseminar300teachersandstudentsto
Friday,Oct.28, 1994 Vol. XLI, No. 8 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087
Find out the facts about the Cabrini ghost.
pholOby Clroline Croley Junior Karen Szczurek participates in the Care Walk by feeding the homeless near Penn's Landing. This Sem 300 program is associated with the Old St. Joe's Soup Kitchen. uptheirspringbreaktobelprebuild Norristown,is designedto give cbil- studentshelp offerthemcommunityserviceprograms.with-homeworktime, These programsgive both the student Appalachialast year. But now drena placeto spendtimeafterschool. then snack time,followedby a story therearemanymorewaysyoucan The childrenwhogo to the centerlack andfromtheBibleandthensomephysical the person they are profitableworkingwith experiences. givesomeof yourtimeto helpout some of the guidanceand parenting activity.
2 EDITORIAL Friday, Oct. 28, 1994
It is that time of year again. With less than two weeks remaining until Election Day 1994, politicians from across the country are out in full force, beating the tom-toms for health care reform, stiffer crime penalties and more prisons to solve all of the nation's problems. In this age of information superhighways and media infiltration, most Americans believe they are well informed in regards to the numerous political and social issues facing our society today. But are they really?
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The powerof changeis in your hands Scorin a touchdownfor teamwork
EditOrial ' y :
_According to an unscientific poll administered to 100 Cabrini students on Thursday, Oct. 20, 69 percent of the respondents said they did not know which candidates were campaigning for an elected position in their home state this year. Furthermore, 18 percent of the respondents said they are not registered to vote. What does this say about the present state of the democratic process? Too often, we hear that many Americans are frustrated and disappoipted with the entire U.S. political system. Some argue that today's politicians are overly dependent on the forces of money and big business, while others believe these leaders work for the success of the moment, not for the times to come. Besides, will one vote really make a difference? It can, but only if it is a vote cast after much thought and careful research. Before Nov. 8, make use of the information provided by the print and electronic media in order to determine which candidate stands for an issue you firmly believe in or is most likely to bring about a change you want to see. After all, these elected officials are supposed to work for us. The future of America rests in your hand. Midnight Madness• was a huge success this year! SGA was involved in planning it and did a great job. There was free food, a big screen TV and a WYBF giveaway.
ah Congratulations to the women's soccer team who made the PAC championships. The team has come a long way from being a club last year. While it was unfortunate that a fight broke out in front of House 6 last weekend, security responded quickly to the call and the situation quickly got resolved. The Haunted House was another popular event on campus last weekend, as it usually is. The event raised more money than ever before. Sheila Brady, features editor , • You see, because from the sidelines, I can see it. One hour before the moment, the best moment, I watched it from the sidelines. Against the second best team in the country, our team played at its best. Each player alone was tough, but together possessed an ironic gracefulness. Thirty minutes before the moment, the score was tied. It was only one brief moment in my life, Fifteen minutes before it, my heart began but in the past 20 years, it was the best to pound as I ran onto the damp field. We moment. Two years before the moment, one of the best players on the team asked me to come and try it out. Two of my friends were going to the gym to try it too, so I figured "why not?" Well, the two friends backed out, but I decided to go anyway. It was an Irish sport I had watched all my life, but had never played. The sport was Gaelic football. It is similar to soccer, but you may use your hands. For a few months, I simply could not get the hang of it. Our coach was good but tough. I wanted to quit so many times because the training sessions were so vigorous. The pains and aches in my legs and arms started going away within a couple of months. But that summer was torture, training in the midst of the heat wave. We went far that summer, winning the divisional championships, but losing in the finals. That was a year before the moment. Some members of the team cried in sadness and disappointment because seven months of hard work ended with a loss. Some talked about what went wrong. Most ofus, however, smiled and realized that we had come so far as a team. What I remember most is how the other players reminded the rest of the substitutes and me, that we were just as important as the players on the field. And they really meant it. For a year before the moment, those players had become some of the best friends I could ask for. There was never a separation of the skillful, talented players with ones like me who did not have the talent, but whose hearts were dedicated. Everyone stucktogether,like sisters. Seven months before the moment, we began training again. I was determined this yearthatl would become an excellent player. I didn't. I tried and tried, and only got a little better. I got to play some more. More importantly, though, everyone encouraged me and made such a big deal about my little accomplishments. Being part of this team was different than any other team I had ever been a part of. Everyone lived their nine-to-five lives, 6ut in training and social settings, we were buddies. No judgments were passed whether a player was rich or poor, talented or not talented, beautiful or not-so-beautiful. I could be me. The night before the moment, our coach called ameeting at 9 p.m., in a room of the hotel in which we were staying. He told us the first reason he called the meeting was to keep us out of t)Je bar. The second reason he called the meeting was to bring the team together before the game. He gave us a chance to reflect on the past months' training and games and what had gotten us this far. He asked for constructive criticism. Everyone was quiet and calm, and spoke with kindness to each other on what could be improved. The team didn't seem to know that it was the best in America. I remember nearly choking on the lump of pride in my throat as I told them that I wished they could only see themselves out there on the field. were ahead by eight points and on a roll, so the subs got to play. Four minutes before it, the commentator announced there were four minutes left. Two minutes to go and my bottom lip quivered. In the next 120 seconds, I don't know what happened. It is all a blur. Then the whistle blew. We won. I looked over at my friend and screamed. We ran toward each other and shared a hug that turned out to be more like a tackle. We joined the rest of the team at the 50-yard line. We jumped, we screamed, we hugged until it hurt. Then our captain stood in front of one thousand pairs of eyes in that south Chicago park and accepted the North American Championship Cup. The lump in my throat rose as she held the cup up so high, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. So I did both. And so did the rest of the team. Maybe that is what made the moment so special. The team. Everyone needs their own team. Whether it is a group of friends, roommates, or co-workers, everyone needs that group of people in their life. The group who accepts you for who you are, no questions asked. The group who will include you in the losses and the wins. The group who you can struggle with and hope with for your best moment. Editor-in-chief: Kally McDonald Managing Editor: Caroline Ctoley Perapactlves Editor: Janes. Ven lngen News Editor. Christina Feehan AalatantNews Editor: Angela Mationl Arts and EntartalM>elll Editor: Regina MUler Features Editor: Sheila Brady Sports Edttor: Celene Wright Copy Editor: Richard Jasper Business Manage,: Karen Szczurek Photography Editor: Dawnlelle Klopp Photography Adviser: Dr, Cane, Craigie Adviser: Or, Jelome Zurek Staff: Ma,y Burfete, Stephanie Caldwell, Kathy Cephas, Nicol& Coleman, Matthew Craig, David DIMatteo, Patricia Foley, DJ Glasgow, Joanna Golesh, Allyson HaMigan, Usa Hi,-, Amy Jackson, Andrea Kelliher, Jamie Latshaw, John Lindsay, Joe Marturano, Paul Manurano, Justin Mlrgliani, ElizabethMolloy, Doma Schaeffer, Richard Schepis, Kimberly Shel<!ron,Nina Sclarrotta, Laura Testa Photography Staff:Marie Barrett, Caroline Croley, James Grego,y, Jamie Latshaw, Donna MacDonald and Monica Scaramuzza Advertising Designers: Kathy Malone, Steve May Cartoonists: Bryan Bell. Richard Jasper Loquttur is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 610· 971-8412, Subscription price Is $25 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student fees. Loquttur welcomes letters to the edttor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known to the editors, However, H the writer wishes. and the editor agrees, the wrtter's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inscription Inserted such as ·name withheld at the request of the writer.• Letters should be typed, double-spaced, and no more than 300 words in length. II a letter is too long for the available apace. the editor may edit°' condense It. Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. The editortals and opinions published in Loquitur are the of the student editorial 8lall and the individual writers and not the enti<estudent body or the faculty and adminlstralion Loquitur is eslabllshed as a forum for student expresaion and as a YOicein the uninhibited, robust, free and open dilCUSSlon of issues.
: ALL WELCOMENov. 4, 79
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Gerri Brauckmann, continuing education student Imagine for a moment a war so silent that' the human ear can not hear it. It is a war so deadly that it attacks your every defense. It is a battle that you know from the beginning that you are destined to lose. It is a battle that is killing hundreds of thousands of people in the world each year regardless of age, sex or race. Peace from the battle comes only from death. The battle I am talking about is the killer disease known as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS is a disease which impairs the body's • ability to ward off infection by attacking and destroying the body's immune system. This virus is transmitted by blood or other body fluids such as semen, and may be contracted through sexual intercourse, unsanitary I.V. needles and/or blood products. Despite all the experi~ental drugs in use in the United States, there is no cure for this deadly disease. Ignorance and fear led me to community service at Betak, the only nursing home facility in Pennsylvania for people with AIDS, located at 7141 McCallum St. in the West Mount Airy section of Philadelphia. The home of Betak is a huge, old stone house donated to the facility by the Lutheran Church of Germantown. No AIDS patient is ever turned away from Betak. Most of the people here are abandoned by their family, friends and loved ones and have come to Betak to live and die in dignity. Some of the residents are drug users, some are homosexuals and some are heterosexual. The majority are African American, the minority are white. Most of the residents are young, but AIDS knows no age. There are males and females in this house, with each of the healthier patients having their own private rooms. These residents are allowed to roam around the house with the exception of the kitchen, which is off li!Djts. Likewise, the residents can sign themselves in and out as they desire. Their only restriction is no drugs or alcohol. If they are caught doing drugs or alcohol, they are punished and/or evicted. Come with me and witness a real life battle. As you enter Betak, the smell or rotting flesh, urine and death hang heavy in the air. The 27 severely ill residents are on the first floor, where th~y are guarded day and night by skilled nurses. -The prognosis for these residents is grim; these residents leave this floor in body bags. Meeting these 27 skeletalremains with flesh stretched across their tired frail figures, one bas to contemplate whether we all play Russian Roulette every time we gamble with a sexual partner or use drugs. With huge eyes, these people look at you and smile. These are eyes which are affected by the disease and lead to partial or total blindness. To really understand the disease, you must meet some of the people. James, a white male approximately 50-years-old in his last stage of AIDS, stole my heart t~e minute I met him. James had a way of making you feel good about life and always wanted to dance and sing for me. At one time, he probably had a real zest for life. Then there was Cynthia, a homosexual male who dressed up as a woman. Cynthia wanted be a woman all bis life, and loved having sex with other men. Cynthia, seriously afflicted with the disease, was suffering from dementia. In the bed next to Cynthia was Christine, a black woman. Pictures of her children were arranged on her dresser, surrounded by cards and gifts. A proud mother, she bragged about her son who was about to graduate from high school. Michele, a young black woman in her early 30s was always seen with her hair done and makeup on. Her infectious smile and warm laugh could steal your heart. She was in her early stages of AIDS. Reggie, a 20-something black male, who was more hostile than some, was in his last stage of the disease. There were so. many others whose names I can not remember, but whose faces are seared into my mind". One particular visit to Betak shall stay in my mind and heart forever. In the bed next to James, there was a 50 pound man, his flesh pulled taunt across his skeleton, his eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth agape. His friend prayed out loud and stroked the dying man's arm which was covered with Kaposi Sarcoma, a rare form of cancer which covers the skin and mucous membranes with pink, reddishbrown or blue lesions. Is this what the disease does to a human. I needed air. The room was closing in on me. I thought death was supposed to be peaceful. The man's final hours were not peaceful as he gasped for air, the disease totally annihilating his lungs as he slowly drowned in his own fluid. On my way out of the room, I glanced at the man's chart and learned that his name was "Al." I wish I had never learned his name because now he became human. I ran outside, and tried to stop my tears as the image burned a lasting, impression into my heart. When I regained my composure, I ~ent inside and headed for the second floor to visit Michele, only to be informed by her nurse that she was taken to Temple University Hospital with PCP (Pneumocystis Carinii), a lung disease that occurs in AIDS patients. Saddened by the news of Michele and disturbed by the sight of the dying man, I forced myself downstairs to spend time with Christine. As I left Christine, I noticed that Cynthia's bed was occupied by a new resident" Alice," so I moved on, not wanting to hear the truth. I returned to say good-bye to James only to find him in tremendous pain. You could actually see the pain pulsating through hid frail frame. At that moment, he reached out to hold my hand. Reluctantly, for fear of catching AIDS, I took his hand and squeezed it tightly only to feel his bones cracking under the pressure of my grip. I wanted to run but dared not forfearofhim dying alone. He screamed out in pain that he wanted to die. After what seemed like an eternity, the pain subsided, and he released my hand. With tears in his eyes, he looked at me and smiled, a toothless smile. The disease rots the teeth right out of your mouth, leaving all the roots intact. Likewise, AIDS patients suffer from Thrush, a thick white fungus which covers the mouth and esophagus. I readjusted James' covers, which had become twisted as he withered in pain. It was then that I noticed that James was wearing a diaper. AIDS deteriorates your intestinal system causing incontinence and chronic diarrhea. As I left James and his dying roommate, I rushed to a bathroom to wash my hands. Was it the disease I was trying to wash or was it the reality of death that I was trying to wipe away? I walked to my car in a daze unable to fathom the deadly effects this disease has upon the human mind, body and spirit. As I sat writing this article, I began to realize the extent of my naivete regarding AIDS and its effect on the community. I was amazed to learn that this disease has been around for over 15 years when I assumed that it was a more recent phenomenon, maybe 5 to 8 years in existence. Attending a Catholic high school 15 years ago, I now realize how shielded we were from the harsh realities of the world. While working with these residents, I realized that I had been living my life following the NIMBY theory: Not In My Backyard. I truly thought that this disease could not happen in my circle, but then again, I always believed I was immortal. I thank God that I do not personally know anyone with AIDS, but who knows what tomorrow may bring. How many of us can say the same? After witnessing first hand the devastating effects of this disease, my own awareness has increased significantly. Seeing how : this disease totally annihilates a healthy human being, I can not help but wonder if I : would be as strong emotionally as some of 9 4 • these people. These people probably once followedtheNIMBYtheory. Theluckofthe7 p. m. Cafe. draw came up short for them though, most • likely because of carelessness, lack of eduform cationorjustplainstupidity.AIDScanhapt t A d v • pen to anyone of us, at any time and in anyrea f\.e I er, Box 187. • placeintheworldandthatiswhyeducation must be enforced. Ionlyhopethatthroughthisarticlethatl have been able to educate at least one more person about the seriousness of the disease If not, then I have failed in my endeavor to reach out to others. After spending time with these residents, I have educated myself by facing my fears and destroying my ignorance. All of the people mentioned in this article have since died and gone to their final resting place. Their battle has ended but, in the game oflife, they have lost. Let's not gamble with the game of life.
Lettersto, .
Friday, Oct. 28, 1994 OP-ED 3 AIDS
experienceshowswhat happenswhen dyingis not peaceful
.~the,editor!<";o i -_ •~: :~ ' : i+,Itt1'ere,isa
: Any commentsor questions... fill out
· ffo o Commi·ttee r1 feeti·n'tl-
: an re urn O n
Student concerned about lack of lightingBeing a senior here at Cabrini, I have experienced some of the changes that have happened on our campus. There •is something that is really bothering me, though. It is the fact that when I walk home to my house on campus, from a class that ends at 9:40 p.m., I walk in almost complete darkness. The fact that it is night time when I come out of class is not my problem. The problem that I have is building a $6 million athletic facility when ¢ere is not adequate lighting to walk back to the houses. I feel the priorities of the school should really be looked at. I thought the safety of the students would be a main concern, but I guess I was wrong. I am sure that an athletic facility is needed, but there are so many other things that need to be taken care of first. I hope whoever has a say in what goes on will read this letter. I hope they will listen to the advice and concerns of the students. Please do not listen to just faculty and staff. Get the students involved too. withheldby editor ,; 1m~youw~l~µt~k, f*~ yl)t1would~e to 'u~ )'Po .,aweh@utlgetH1d pte them'dbwltfor'aij:toapp f % _:.. :::::··:· {}:':* 1:{•,~t f ft f· 1f\:u ~·n 4'ttefS !di 80 $i • , :~tfu>~P~l! Jr>t~ ;44\VfiJetsnay;~,.to l~ ,-_, :4 ~,witti
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tbe<~t of£& 1~• < :' 1 'o, S I:!~,;,:=_:t!Jl~:J ~) ; ,'!OpiniQns:.; , ,. , ,ff ls tben;1a ~ty /ouwouldlilc~'tO J ,.; * ' ;: s ? J)o youwant your votctfto be ?lfhisjs youropportun,ity tP shb· mh!YOURi,ointofview in qpi.moo. Opinionsshould be discussed wtmthe td:itoroneweekina.dvanceofpublicav.on (preferabtyby noon on thu~y). Thelength can vary in size, fyom one page to two-and-a.:half page$ and tblte are no settopics. This isleft up to JOU, .Ifthere are anyquestions. they can be addressed to )ane S. Van Ingen. She canbe reached at ext. 8412 or box355. All comments are welcome! ·I I :7
f 4 NEWS Friday, Oct. 28, 1994 Election'94 With Nov. 8 right around the corner, 100 Cabrini students, between the ages of 17 and 53, were polled. These students were asked if they are registered to vote, if they knew the candidates running in the district and the state where they reside. Wereregisteredto vote Knewlocalcandidates
HOLIDAYMEMORIES by TrumanCapote OF MICEAND MEN by John Steinbeck MEETINGS by MustaphaMatura TWELFTHNIGHT by WllllamShakespeare well," Bluittsaid. ''I want to speakto thatperson. Reading the is&Jesdoes not alwaysdo it."
Students elect not to vote by Kelly McDonald editor in chief People who are between 18 and 24 vote the least. Traditionally only one in threein this age group vote in the presidential and mid-term elections. Experts give a number of reasons why the voting percentage in this age group is so low, according to James Hedtke, assistant professor of history and political science. Eighteen-to-24 year olds do not have any specific stakes yet. For example, they are not worried about property value, school districts, healthcare or taxes yet. According to Hedtke, in some instances they are living away from home and have not sunk their roots in yet. Therefore they do not know where to vote or who to vote for. Hedtke said in general people are knowledgeable about the party, image and issues of a candidate, usually in that order. He said when a person casts a vote the question most commonly asked is which ca""ndidateis most like themselves. In today's society where most information about candidates is obtained. through television, voters are susceptible to images, according to Hedtke, even more so than issues. Hedtke said the issues are usually focused on last, and voters do not put much emphasis on issues when choosing a candidate. Candidates do not target college students because they do not vote. Hedtke said candidates are caught in a catch 22 when trying to address issues that concern college students because they do not vote. On the other hand, candidates focus on issues such as Medicare and Social Security based on the fact that the older population votes. He also said candidates do not take time out to visit college campuses because they do not think, based on the 18-24 year old voters, that it is necessary. "If college students want issues that concern them focused on, they first have to exhibit a voting pattern," Hedtke said. According to Hedtke, statistics show if a person is registered her or she will vote. These statistics also show that almost 85 percent of registered voters vote, which according to Hedtke, is the second highest turnout out of 40 democracies. Therefore, Hedtke saic e thinks the first step is registering becaus1.-the next step can not be taken without registration. Hedtke also addressed .the possibility of the plan for Motor Voter Registration. This plan will automatically register people to vote when they apply for a drivers license. The deadline to register to vote was Oct. I 1. The Voter Registration Department closed Oct. 11 and will open again on Dec. 8. According to Director Margaret Urey, state law requires .the Voter Registration Department to close 30 days before elections and can re-open 30 days after elections. Urey said people-who missed the registration deadline have no legal way to vote unless they changed residency after the Oct. 8 deadline. In this case they are eligible to go back to their old district to vote one last time. Another reason not many college students vote, according to Hedtke, is because they do not think they have the ability to change things. He said parents, candidates, schools and peers have to raise self efficacy so college students will feel they can make a difference, therefore causing them to vote. Hedtke said that during Bill Clinton's presidential campaign in 1992 he made a pitch to the college community. "He was a candidate trying to break the catch 22 by trying. to reach into an untapped market," Hedtke said. "He did this by making an appeal to education and service." According to Hedtke, voting is the key to democracy and is the basic way for people to partic_ipate. "Anyone who has my destiny in their hands I want to hold accountable and the basic way to do this is through voting," Hedtke said. "The government is like a car and we are all the drivers." For students who reside at college in a county other than their permanent address, an absentee ballot can be applied for. This allows students to vote for candidates in their home district. According to Josephine Laird, chief clerk at the Bureau of elections, first the application needs to applied for. Then the bureau verifies the registration by checking the ward in which the applicant resides. The student votes and returns the ballot to the bureau where Laird said it is given to the judge of elections on the Saturday before the election. The final step takes place when the ballot is opened at 8 a.m. on the day of the elections.
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,graphsdesigned by Don Dempsey
o~~~~the~or11nikt ·~"48w~~{Cdtov~nfueknewthe k)ca}C800i • tOl&ewthestatecan--: didatesyi --~~ ' i '-:i i ';r 1 " ;;:; ,l _:s.; *o~~=itIJ~orz-i~: 31,\S.tete,re~w~seven~ tb¢1~®Jdida~ andJ2kneWthesmie i:Jlpte-they~; ; : J, ?'_ -~ ,w~:' _:J>, • •• ;: »: 2 , 39,§.~ts tov«e11ivP, ~~candidatesandtwo~~ in~s«aiet)iey~,. e -;;; }:>' Blame it on the rain by ReginaMIiier arts and entertainmenteditor On Nov. 8, the governor's race will climax. The U.S. Senate racewill come to a tailspin.The electionsmightjustgo as planned. Too badthose plans depend on the forecast Political analysts cannotpredictweathercondition,but someblame rainy days for the poor voter turn out. "How the election is detennined is by the weather,"Dr. Hollar.eBluitt,adjunctprofessorof politicalscience, said Recent sunny days do not ~m to bring the miracle cureto the polls, either. Uneducatedand apatheticvoters can be found "en ~,, on the brightest of electiondays. Some disinterested voteis may live in your house. Toomanytimesindifferencecanbe found in the mirror. "We are not politically active," Bluitt said. "We wait for otheis to do it." A tug at American heartstringscan pursuade some voters. Too often,we find out about the candidates deepestpersonal struggles.such as incestsurvivors,illchildrenandrapevictirns,just weeksbeforetheelection. Doweeverfindoutthe deptliortotali~oftheissues?
Achanceatcloserangediscussionwithcandidates is an alternativeto distant television. Bluitt said she invitedcandidatesfrombotlisides to her class prior to Clinton's election. ''I have to bringthe issues to you alive and FOUR GREAT SHOWS!
According to Hedtke, in order for college students to make an educated decision on whom to vote for, they must first find ask who they are by taking an inventory of political values, beliefs and goals. Examples Hedtke cited were stands on the pro-life and pro-choice issue and death penalty vs. no death penalty. After taking this inventory Hedtke said it is time to prioritize and then find out what the candidates say on each issue. This can be researched at the library through the Congressional Record or by picking up The Inquirer and checking the records. This provides information on what ~ach candidate is doing. Then Hedtke said the next step _ischoosing a person who is most likely to deliver what the voter wants.
''We are more concerned about Susan Lucci and if she gets the Emmy," Bluitt said. The political commercials do give a soap operatwist.The governor's race playslikea street fight,with each dueling politicalcandidate locking horns over important, although !>eat:up,issues. Talk of crime, health careandeducation soundsmorelike rhetoricthanreality.
Lever pulling can be taught to any monkey. Dissectingand interpretingthe is.5uestakessome intellectualcapability. Why do studentsof Cabrini stay away from the polls?
''ldonotthinkthestudentshave enoughaccess to the is.sues,"Bluittsaid. ''I do not think they are presentedto "themenough." Accordingto Bluitt, the government tries to keep us ''not completely" informedanddoesn't tell us eveiything due to natiooalsecurity. Peopleneedto do researchand seek out infor. mation frommultiplesources.Pasfilveeducation ofthecandidatesgivesatwmel-visionviewofthe personandtheir attitudesof the is&Jes. ''It is much more thanvoting,"Bluitt said. ''It i'l participationandknowingthe is.5ues." Bluittsaid she suggestswritingto the elected officialsand organizingspeechesandmeetin~ with candidates. .She feelsresearchis important and people should not just use television as a sourceof facts. ' "They (voteis)donot have timeto get intotoo much deepthinking."Bluitt said. "Nottoo many people really like too think." Parentscan inspirechildrento get involvedin the electoralpfOCC$."I got my politicsfrom my home. I got my politicswhen I was young."Bluitt said ''I tookmy niecesto see Clintonand one of them wasso elated she wrote a letter to him and they did a mock election." Her niecewasonly in first grade. {k r1:~ y·
by Paul Marturano staff writer The next time your door slams closed for no reason, look behind it. The next time you see footprints in the snow that stop, run away. The next time you think that you see a tall man with a black top hat, your eyes may not be deceiving you. "This is the stuff that true legends are made of.,'' Dr. Carter Craigie, a professor of English and communications and also a folkloreexpert,said. If you arewalkingaround campus at night and you see a tall man with a black top hat, your eyes may not be deceiving you. Accordingto Craigie, the ghost of this manbas been seen herebefore.
Craigieis known aroundcampusfor telling the Cabrini legend.Accordingto thelegend,themansion once belongedto a wealthyfamilymanyyearsago:theman with the blacktop hat,his wife and their daughter.Therewas also a carriagemaster and bis son, a poor stableboy, who lived in what is now GraceHall. Their According to the legend, blood stains come pp through the floor boards inside the main entrance to the mansion on the anniversary of the daughter's death. According to Craigie, years ago on the first
Prospective students tour campus: Do we really stand out from the crowd? by Donna Schllllffer staffwriter Get Acquainted Day is a time for prospective students and their families to get an inside view of the college and all it has to offer. On Sunday, Oct. 23, this year's first Get Acquainted Day was held. Information sessions, discussions and campus tours were the main attractions of the day. Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, president, stressed the importance of a private education versus a public education; in particular, the importance of Cabrini as a small institution. "We intend to always remain small," Iadarola said. Iadarola also emphasized the significance of the professors in the college. "Professors are like mentors," Iadarola said. She said professors are concerned not only about what happens inside the PART TIME Elwyn Inc.
Legend of campus ghost sightings
Friday, Oct. 28, 1994 FEATURES 5
Direct service work availableat Elwyn, Inc. Teach life skills and providecaring support for adults and children with developmental disabilities.Training and work hours scheduled to meet your needs and ours. Internshipexperiences also available. Contact Pete Vltarelll at (610) 891-2529. I Equal Oppty Employer M/F/DN classroom, but what happens outside the classroom as well. The students had an opportunity to take advantage of this by meeting and talking one- on-one with professors from the different departments. Prospective students also had the chance to find out what college life is like in a question and answer session held with current Cabrini students. John Mack, a first-year student, was a member of the student panel. " I wanted to share my experience to help others make the right choice," Mack said. He also said it was interesting to see the other side of what he saw last year. Admissions and financial aid sessions, along with an athletic session were also offered. Admissions and financial aid counselors and athletic coaches were available to talk with the students and their families. Despite the rain, campus tours were also offered. "I like what I hear," said Jeffrey Lake, a senior from St. Rose High School in Belmar, N.J. Lake said he heard great things about Cabrini from his high school counselor, so he decided to check it out. Lake said he was leaning toward political science as a possible major.
snowfall of the year, he and two students left the cafeteria after a folk concert and encountered the ghost of the man in the parking lot behind Sacred Heart Hall. Craigie said he approached the man and said, "Can I help you?" Then, the man disappeared but his footprints remained in the snow. "You could see where his footprints stopped in the snow," Craigie said. Craigie said there have been more recent sightings of the man. According to Rita Cellucci, class of '93, she and her fellow classmates, Lorraine Li.11, Missy von Siegel, and Karen Kerchusky, were driving on the Upper Gulph Road entrance into Cabrini during the spring semester of '92 on a rainy night, when Lill, the driver of the car, slammed on the brakes and screamed, "Did I hit him?" According to Lill, she saw a tall, skinny ~an in a black hat and long black coat in front of the car. "It happened so fast, I screamed," Lill said. Cellucci and Kerchusky saw the same thing. "I know that I saw something, it was after midnight. I saw his trench coat and his hat but I couldn't see his face,'' Cellucci said. According to Cellucci, when they got out to see if they had hit someone, there was no one there. "It is almost impossible not to believe because we all saw it," Lill said. Craigie said the girl has also been seen. According to Craigie, a student's mother came to pick her daughter up to go home for the weekend. The student still had one more class to attend and asked her mother to wait in her room. The mother laid down on the student's bed to rest only to be awakened by a young woman asking, " Where is my baby?" The mother replied," Not in here,'' and went back to sleep. Craigie also·said in the attic of the mansion there is a crib. According to Craigie, years ago when the mansion was used for dorms, some students found a compartment in the ceiling that led to the attic. One of the students, whose name is unknown, poked her head through the opening and saw nothing except for a crib. She reached up and grabbed hold of the crib but something pulled it back. She did not go back for the crib. Would you?
Walking to fight AIDS by Joanna Golesh staff writer
There are many different issues in this world that affect members of this society, either individually or as a group. One issue that has become much more of a crisis in this day and age is AIDS. Some Cabrini students and faculty members, such as senior Trish Schuler, junior Amy Altieri, first-year students Kim Bickings and Angela Mattioni, Dr. Ann Park, director of the social work department, and Margo Bare, assistant professor of social work, became more aware of the problem of AIDS in this society and decided to do something to help. These students and faculty members participated in the recent AIDS Walk which took place on Sunday, Oct. 16. The social work club, along with the help of campus ministry, promoted the walk at Cabrini with posters and flyers. Bare participated in the AIDS Walk for the first time this year. She said they were very lucky because the weather was beautiful and that made walking along the river even nicer. The walk began and ended at the Philadelphia Art Museum. Participants walked for eight miles around the Philadelphia area. Walkers raised money by getting people to sponsor them. The sponsors pledged a certain amount of money for every kilometer walked.
This year's AIDS walk brought300,00 more participants than last year. Last year, $625,000 was raised for the cause. This year, $975,000was raised. The money raised by the walk went to several different social service agencies. Bare said before the walk began, the names of recent victims of AIDS were read and family members of victims spoke. "The whole experiencewas very moving," Bare said. "The talks that the family members gave put everyone in the spirit to do the walk." Bare attended the walk with her mother, husband and a close friend. Although she did not walk with the other participants from Cabrini, Bare said she was surprised to see a large amount of Cabrini graduates. Schuler was one of a handful of Cabrini students who participated in the walk. "My brother volunteers at the walk every year," Schuler said. "He used to say if you are so concerned with AIDS, then why don't you help with the AIDS Walk." Schuler said this year there was a decrease in the number of students who participated in the AIDS Walk. She said she would definitely like to see more Cabrini students get involved next year. Bare said she strongly recommends the AIDS walk to everyone. "'Find a cause' is my motto,'' she said. "Find something that concerns you and help do something about it."
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names are not known. When the stable boy and the man's daughter were children, they were allowed to play together. As the children grew older, one thing led to another and the man's daughter became pregnant. When the man realized what had happened, he stormed up the road between the mansion and Grace Hall to see the stable boy. Yet, it was too late. The stable boy had hanged himself in the tower of Grace Hall. According to Craigie, the rope still swings there today. Craigie said there are two different endings to what happened to the man's daughter. One ending said the daughter's baby was still-born and she buried the child in the apple orchard where houses four and five now stand. The other ending said the daughter threw herself over the edge of the balcony in the mansion, landed in front of the door and broke her neck, which resulted in her death and that of her child.
Jennifer Kietar, a senior at Tappan Zee High School in Orangeburg, N.Y., said," I think it's good how they bring everyone together to tell us about the school." Kietar toured Cabrini over the summer, and decided to find out more about the college. "I really liked this one," Kietar said. She said she was really interested in the communications program. Laurie Turns, associate director of admissions, said, "Despite the weather, it was a warm and happy environment." Turns also said she thought the day went well. She said the most successful part of the day was the one-on-one talks with the faculty. Turns said that admissions is just one part of the process. "They want to see what the faculty and students are like," Turns said. According to Turns, approximately 185 people attended Get Acquainted Day. Admissions would like to thank all those who participated and were involved in Get Acquainted Day.
Another mark of Halloween is the Jack- o'- lantern. In America, Jack is always a carved pumpkin. In Great Britain and Ireland, he is carved from turnips.
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First-year students Kevin Eppler, Dawn Deschak and Tom McKee and sophomore John Lindsay put together a quad of students coming to class late and had a teacher yelling and screaming at them and then proceeded to shoot them for being late. A typical day at Cabrini? You be the one to decide. The last quad that visitors saw was with spirits running and roaming the halls. The catch to this whole quad was the strobe light and loud sound system that the floaters used to spook everyone. According to sophomore Melissa Scornavacca, this year's haunted house made her night because she could watch her roommate scream and yell in fright. photo by DonnaMacDonald (L-R) Chris Schmid and Beth Stanbach use scare tactics.
A blacksmith named Jack made an agreement with the devil. He would give up his soul in return for seven years of mastery in his trade. Outside his shop, he hung a sign which read, "Here lies the Master of all Masters." The Irish brought over several of the traditional games we play on Halloween. In the "snap-apple" game, an apple is suspended from the ceiling which a player tries to catch with their mouth using no hands. This game is very closely related to the traditional bobbing for apples in which the apples are placed in a tub of water and players try to pull one out with their teeth. There is also a game known as the burning of nuts. Nuts are tossed onto an open fire and the initials of one's future spouse can be read in the ·ashes. According to "Psychology Today," Halloween sadists are a modern day myth. The reports that these sadists stuff candy with razor blades and drugs are basically untrue. Few of the incidents have had actual facts to back up the rumors. These Halloween sadists apparently are just another way to scare people. The Pottsville Hospital and Wayne Clinic do still worry about these Halloween sadists and check children's candy to see if it is safe to eat. The records show that the hospital has checked candy through the X-ray machine for the past few years, just in case the is any truth to this myth. The hospital said the process does not harm the candy in any way. It is just an added safety measure for the community. Schade's residence on Main Street in Harrisburg.
Lookforflyersinyourmailbox aboutupcomingpartiesandsignup outsidethecafeteria Canyouthink of a betterwayto spenda nightthan eating,dancingand drinkingwith your friends?
by Andrea Kelliher staff writer A frightful time was had at Cabrini College's Haunted House, which was held in Xavier Hall on Oct. 20, 21 and 22. The haunted house was run by members of the entertainment committee of the program~ ming board of the Student Government Association. This year, SGA spent a great amount of time and energy into making the haunted house the best one in the area. As guests went through the building they were told of the Cabrini legend and why sometimes you can really see a ghost appear on campus. Each quad was filled with a group of students who acted out a scene of the legend of Cabrini, or created their own spooky scene to scare the guests that came through the halls. Just as scary as the people in the quads were the floaters that went passing by. The most frightening was first-year student lngo Zitzmann, who would just blend into the black walls and walk up behind the people in the crowd and scare them. Many other passers-by said as they came up the steps to the second floor, senior Doug Eppler would just begin to stare and climb around on the banister laughing and screaming • while frightening people to extremes. Kate Carolan, of King of Prussia, said although she had to wait one half hour before going through the Haunted House, it was the scariest and best one she had ever been to. Getting the point of the legend of the Cabrini ghost across to everyone that came into the haunted house was the main focus for all tour guides. The tour guides led visitors in groups of 10 through both floors of Xavier.
House hauntsHalloweeners
Junior Nate Carter safd he especially liked the quad that warned about coming late to class, along with the student walking around with his hand cut off. SGA made approximately $1,600 from the haunted house. All money that was earned will be going back to students at Cabrini through programming and events. "This year's haunted house was very well organized," Lindsay said. "All of the skits that went on in the quads were great. Over all, student involvement was outstanding."
Halloween gig by Amy Jackson staff writer Wherewillwitches,goblinsand ghoslsbedancingthenightaway? If youdarecometothegatheringarea on Friday, Oct. 28, they will be there. Student government will be sponsoringa Halloweenlegalparty from9 1 a.m. JuniorAmy Loesche,chairof the programming board, is running the party along with seniors Jen Wilson,Kristin KennedyandMeredithHinkleand junior MargeTenaglia. Disguise youridentityto pay$3at thedooror showupwithoutaCO&lll1leandpay $4. Beerwillbe availablefor those attendingwhoare21orolder. The bartenderswill be seniorsMegan McKeoughand Jen Deveau and junior MikeLorenz. As of Mondaynight,over 150 studentswere alreadyon the signup listfor the legalparty.This will bethefirstpartyinthegatheringarea since the renovationshave been done.Thediscjockeywillbesetup ononeof the risers. If forsomereasonyoumissthis party,there will be two more this semester.
Halloween'sancient past uprooted by John Lindsay staff writer Halloween originated from a pagan ritual, the Celtic feast of Samhain, which celebrated the end of summer and the harvest, together with the start • of winter and the New Year. The Celts believed that on the eve of the festival (our own Halloween), the dead returned to walk the earth for a night and a day and with them came the most potent evil spirits. Halloween, or All Hallows' Eve, is immediately followed by the Feast of All Saints Day. The next day is known as All Souls Day. The object of this feast, created by the early Catholic and Orthodox Churches, was to remember the dead and to seek prayers for the souls in purgatory. The tradition of wearing costumes and roaming from door to door can be traced back to the Celtics and Christians. It was thought that the souls of the dead, fairies, witches and demons were out and around. People left food and drink out to keep the demons pleased. As centuries went on, people began to dress as these demons in exchange for the offerings of food and drink. This practice was called mumming, and today it has evolved into our present day trick or treating. Witches, ghosts and skeletons are still some of the most popular disguises.
Yesterday once more by Rich Jasper copy editor Iced tea was the hardest drink she ever consumed and the only needles she used were for needlepoint. Her weirdest stash was a collection of Mickey Mouse memorabilia. The flagrant selfindulgence so familiar in plummeting musicians like Elvis Presley and Janis Joplin did not mark Karen Carpenter's life or her death from heart failure in '1983 at the age of 32. As the squeaky-clean antidote to the early '70s brew of antiwar protests, Watergate and acid rock, Karen and Richard Carpenter were the most successful brother and sister recording act ever, with 28 hit singles, some 80 million records sold, three Grammys and an Oscar. But behind the smiles and the sha-lala-las of their impeccably arranged tunes lay a tragic secret. For more than eight years, Karen battled the eating disorder anorexia nervosa. Her tragic death came as a shock to so many fans who followed the Carpenters• fairy tale career all the way to the top of the Billboard charts. In the years following Karen's death, the public obsessed about her life and she has, in a sense, become somewhat of a cultural icon in recent years. Todd Haynes' 1987 short film "Superstar: The Karen Carpenter Story," which uses Barbie dolls to portray the vocalist's life, helped renew appreciation for the pop music duo. Karen and Richard have also been immortalized on TV (CBS' 1989 docu-drama, "The Karen Carpenter Story") and a 1991 CD boxed set, "From the Top," inspired revisionist praise for the singer, often criticized for being the epitome of vitamin-swallowing, Colgate-smiling, bland Middle America. So, it comes as no surprise that as our nation is caught up in a whirlwind nostalgic yearning for the happier, "Brady Bunch"-filled days of the 1970s, a group of '90s alternative rockers should cash in on the trend by releasing "If I Were a Carpenter" (A&M), an affectionate, respectful tribute to Karen and Richard. After listening to some of the duo's early albums, it is easy to see why these 14 bands came together to recreate some of the Carpenters' classics. Karen's extraordinary voice, which could effortlessly convey heart-wrenching emotional agony with both clarity and purity, gives the listener an insight into her own personal pain and loneliness. And the discernible absence of her amazing contralto on the tribute album eloquently expresses the tragedy of her loss. Whether these modern-day bands embrace the Carpenters with sincerity or sarcasm, most of the renditions on this album are extremely enjoyable. And in no song is the melody ever contorted or mangled, allowing a true Carpenters• fan to sing along to each and every one. Throughout the entire album, the recreations range from luxuriant to beautifully forlorn. The Cranberries perform the Carpenter~• first number one hit, "(They Long To Be) Close to You," while American Music Club treats "Goodbye to Love" with Karen-esque hopelessness and despair. Sheryl Crow, of "All I Wanna Do" fame, sings "Solitaire" and Japanese punk-rockers Shonen Knife add a different twist to "Top of the World," making this track sound least like the original version. Other popular ballads, including "Rainy Days and Mondays," "We've Only Just Begun," and "Hurting Each Other," are also modernized by Cracker, Grant Lee Buffalo and ex-Concrete Blonde singer Johnette Napolitano. Admittedly, there are one or two flops here, most notably the shriekfest verr sion of "Bless the Beasts and Children" by 4 Non Blondes. And Babes in Toyland's rendition of "Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft" leaves the listener wondering what possessed the duo to release this song as a single in the first place. Ironically, the Carpenters' 1977 version of "Calling Occupants" made it all the way _tonumber 23 on the charts, proving that Karen's true fans will readily accept anything she sings. Yet, the Carpenters• masterpiece and the tribute album's most noticeable track is "Superstar," the haunting portrayal of one fan's yearning for a rock musician. Sonic Youth, who previously paid tribute to Karen when they included "Tunic llltbyRichJaspe, (Song for Karen)" on their highly praised 1990 debut, "Goo," add a ghostly eeriness to their rendition, maJdng it sound as if Karen is desperately trying to make contact from beyond the grave. Although "If I Were a Carpenter" does a fine job in paying its final respects to one of pop music's most compelling vocalists, it cannot measure up to the sheer power of Karen's gift. If you really want to know about Karen Carpenter, you have to listen to her music. It's all there the pain, the longing and the despair. She not only sang songs of unrequited love, she also lived it. classic melodies Bt.>yz•ound Ji,aebyU.'Mne. , ,i ,"~fl{rlter ' J .• , \ • : by Lisa Hines staff writer Thirty-two American classic songs bring back over 20 years worth of memories on the "Forrest Gump" soundtrack. All the tunes in "Forrest Gump" can now be heard in your dorm on the double compact disc set, "Forrest Gump--the Soundtrack."
Friday, Oct. 28, 1994 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 7
Songs you grew up with and songs even your parents may have grown up with are in this large collection. This CD set is not only a collection of songs, it is also a collection of memories. Robert Zemeckis and Eric Roth are the soundtrack executive producers of this hit CD. They write their feelings about the you feeling 11stressed out 11 ? to the workshop on {NJ&1l!iJffl@ufliJ@~fl [J'@@@ @flfl@@r1Uw@OJyf Tuesday,November1, 8 p.m., WidenerCenter ConferenceRoom. Sponsoredby CounselingServices. ~ canllel;help musicbJt··mlbwthe in a pamphlet that comes along ~-~, ;~"'~ with the set. _ • • •· ••••..•,i·->t ' "At the heart of the story is the music. Witll~hei~al>uip~~ It is as vital as any character-it is a bdt.tliebomewwn'(leioo$~~, character-complex and exhilarating, • , _· btd evertbelfert(han humorous and heartbreaking, the essence ~- • • ' '% of what we once were and will always I•. •-' t ru'.' ll ~•~mw. • be," Zemeckis and Roth wrote. • ~lathe~~, M~sic th~t 1 can make people feel this « 'ff 1P~ , way 1s spec1a. , ,r , AU these songs are in one movie, yet have such a variety. It is something that wants to be heard and people should hear it. A lot of those times in the past are somewhat relived when these songs are heard. "Forrest Gump" is a soundtrack that almost anyone can enjoy. If any of these following artists are your type, then this CD should be one of your favorites: Elvis, Joan Baez, Credence Clearwater Revival, Aretha Franklin, The Doors, Simon & Garfunkel, The Supremes, Three Dog Night, The Mamas and The Papas, Bob Dylan, The Byrds, Bob Seger & The Silver Bullit Band and Jefferson Airplane. These are just a few of the many popular artists. If you enjoyed the movie "Forrest Gump," chances are, you will pr~bably enjoy.the soundtrack, too. IOlleal~sinp,g 1' i I j I
Another is the Graterford Prison Literacy Project. Cabrini students will travel to the prison and work on increasing the literacy of the men inside the walls, so when they get out they have a better chance of staying there. There is a training session which is run by the prison to educate the students before entering into this project. There are only two people giving their time right now, even though 11 signed up for the program. More people are needed. In fact, more people are needed in every one of the programs that Jeaneen Riely has been working on. "It seems that many people sign up for the programs, but then when it comes time to commit a small part of themselves, people decide that it's too much," Riely said. These programs are ways that you can give of yourself to bring about good in society. If you see the news at night and complain about the lack luster state of society, you can become involved. Most of the programs require only three to five hours per week. If you have this time, look into the programs, see which one is most suited to your needs and wants and then volunteer. Riely keeps adding· programs that people will hopefully become invol'ved with.
Radoorhbrarydoesnotrestrictbookborrowing in regardsto age. Caltabianosaid it would be too restrictive for the young people, who need to doresearch and borrow books only found in the adult section. "We do have a policy that the library is not respong.blefor what the child reads," Caltabiano said However, an unidentifiedsourceat the hbrary divulgedthe erotica book by Anais Nin is put on a "special shelf' and needs to be obtained by an adult and signed out. ''It is touchy when you are taught in hbrary schoolthat censorship is bad," Jo Anne Iantomo, directorofUpperDarby'sPublicLibrary Municipal Branch, said Selection is a commonword used among some library directors. ''If someone complains aboutabook,"lantomosaid, "a writtencomplaint is reviewedby the director.She tries to justify the pwt:haseby the materials selection policy." At privateschools, the age distnbutioncauses even more selection isrues. ''Some things I buy for grade 12, I am not totallycomfortablewith for sixth-gradereaders," Barber said. Barber descnbed a situationwhere some parents were upset with the book "Sylvester and the Magic Pebble." Sylvestergets lost and the police housing ministry that couples affluent and needy people to work together to repair and rebuild damaged housing. Cabrini students will be asked to basically become a fix-it person who can help out where ever necessary to rebuild housing to make it livable. Once the houses are made livable, the needy move in, making small monthly payments to something called the "Fund for Humanity." This fund will be used to build more housing in the future and get more people living in proper conditions. There are only a few Cabrini students working on this project, and many more are needed.
''I find a lot of censorship is tied to religious beliefs,"Iantomo said. ''We like to thinkwe have all of this freedom,but ifthe community does not want it, they have a lot of pull."
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Not everyone agrees with this point of view. Remember the old adage----historyrepeats itself? Well, in 1855, Mark 1\vain published "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," and he faced greaterproblems than Sunday morning critics. He discoveredhis book was banned by Concord Public library because the library saiditdealtwithaseriesofadventuresofavery low grade of moralityby using rough dialect and bad language. On May 23, 1994, 139 years later, _West Chester School Board mimicked Concord library's ad:KxIB.The school board voted unanimously to remove the same book from the seventh-grade curriailum after parents, bothwhiteand.African-American,complained that "Adventuresof HuckleberryFinn" is too full of racially-chargedlanguage. Barber's employer, Penn aiarter, is a private school and the headmaster would make the ultimate decisionon a ban. On the other hand, public school boardsmake these decisions for public schools. Before a headma&eror school board decision, a committee of administratorsand par·entsget togetherto discus'!the options. Who all of these controversial books anyway? Directors of hbraries purchase the books~ on their money allotmentandtheinterestofthepeopleitisserving. At Cabrini, Mudrick makes the decisions on the purtjlasing of books. ''I have never had any one say this is what youareorarenotgoingtobuy,''Mudricksaid.
NEWS are depicted as pigs. The parents did not appreciate the characterization. ''In theNight Kitchen,"a boy goes to sleepand walks through the kitchen unclothed In March 1992, this book was challenged at Elk River,Minn.,becausereadingthe book could lay the foundationfor future use of pornography. Even Waldo got the boot "Where's Waldo?" was removed from the Springs Public School Library in East Hampton, N.Y., in 1993, because there is a tiny drawing of a woman lying on the beach wearing a bikini bottom but no top. ''You may laugh about the Waldo thing," Barber said, ''but you have to take those things seriously. People are uncomfortableandwant to protect their kids."
moreCENSOR from 1
Two-thirds of book bans occur in elementary and secondary schools. Children's television prograinming should take as much heat ''They (parents) think the written word is more powerful," Barber said School boards are made-up of elected officials. These officials are elected by parents and other members of the community.
But what if there was a problem at Cabrini with the selectionof a book? "Libraries have library associations," Mudrick said 'Tuey try to protect readers' rights and the hbraries' rights." ''We have a good faculty,'' Mudrick said ''ldonotthinktheywouldselectso~thingfor more REACH from 1 Project Rainbow has helped over 175 families break the cycle of poverty and 90 percent of the families are currently under full time employment and housing. About two minutes up the road there is the Armenian Academy. Students who work in this program currently tutor young children who have recently arrived in the states and are learning English. The students do a read along, and also work with grammar and the alphabet in order to help the children learn the English language.
Linda Roccas, coordinatorof readerservices at Cabrini's hbrary, said there has to be some check as far as she can see. However, it shouldbe openfor discussion. ''Each library polices itself in a sense, which has to reflectits patrons,'' Rose Brown, reference hbrarian at Radnor's Public Library, said.
''Values of the printedpage are sometimesnot obvious,"Dr.Dawn Middleton,departmentchair of education,said. MiddletonsaidaloggingcommunityinNorthernCaliforniabannedthe book, 'The Lorax,"by Dr.Suessbecauseofthethemeofecologyandthe negative portrayal of the loggers, who are the children's moms and dads. "They (parents)almost always think they are doingaservicefortheirchildren,"Middletonsaid ''They thinkthey are carefullyexaminethevalues and selectingthe values appropriate to them." At the age of 18,thepublicconsiderpeopleto be adults. Then why all of this censorshipin the adult -public sector?
Larry Foster, a sophomore, said he enjoys helping out the children at the school. "I work with a child named Viken. He doesn't know much English, but over the past few weeks I have seen an improvement in his skills," Foster said. Foster said he gets satisfaction in seeing Viken improve his skills but also some personal satisfaction. "The kids wait for us in the back of the school up against the window," Foster said. "They are anxious to see us." This feeling of being able to bring happiness to the children is what brings some people to volunteer their time to these community projects. The Old St. Joseph's Care Walk & Soup Kitchen is another program that can help those who are less fortunate. Every Wednesday the students go down to a soup kitchen and prepare meals for the homeless who wander in the doors. The students also provide some companionship to the people who come there. Also, every Tuesday and Friday night, the students prepare box dinners and walk down a path known to be frequented by the homeless. The students walk down the path giving out dinners to the hungry and homeless. Another program that Cabrini has involved itself with is Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity is a Christian shockvalue. Iwouldexpecttherewouldbeagood solid discussion around the book." The public sector runs into a different set of problems. Their libraries need to be geared toward a wide range of ages. Radnor's Public Library Director,Marilyn Caltabiano,judges the success of the selectionsvia computer research. ''Y oubetterjolly-wellknowwhatthe community wants,'' Caltabiano said ''We have a well educatedcommunity here."
Ito said the ban would only last a short while in ordet to question jurors about their exposure to the media. All involved agreed that privacy would increase the chance for Simpson to have a fair trial.
QSunday, Oct. 23 Major banks across the country to close branches. Some banks around the nation may not be in existence this time next year. Expenses are too high and growth is too low, causing many of the major U.S. banks to prepare for an increasing number of branches to close. These banks believe automatic teller machines will allow them to close many more branches with no problems.
Friday,·Oct. 28, 1994 NEWS 9
Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday, Oct. 17 through Monday, Oct. 24.
Last week in the world of news
ONoise Complaint 10/21 During Xavier's "Haunted House," a report was recorded of intoxicated students yelling expletives within visual and hearing distance of crowd attending the event.
oPalm Readers 11/3 Readings will be done for free in the gathering area from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Come see what the future holds for you. QLip Sync 11/3 Show your talent at a lip sync contest sponsored by the sophomore class in the gathering area at 9 p.m. QHuman Resources This division of the college bas moved. Come and visit their new location in Grace Hall near the Co-op office. Call them at ext. 8206 or 8207. House This "House" needs musicians, bands, poets, artwork, photographers, everyone and anyone. Contact Neal Newman at ext.8510 or Rob Marish, Box 709.
QBeerKeg 10/24 RD called security about a keg she found in House 5. Officer picked up the keg of Budweiser and brought it back to the security office, where it was emptied.
QHalloween Party 10/28 Dance with the ghosts and goblins in the gathering area from 9:30 p.m. 1 a.m. Wear your costume and get in for $3;$4 if you forget to wear a mask! This event, hosted by SGA, concludes Alcohol Awareness week. Night 10/30 10 p.m. in the Xavier Great Room bring your friends to see "The Body Snatchers."
Hundreds are desperately stranded. The waters continue to rise around their homes and businesses and it has driven 10,000 people to shelters. These rains and flooding are record breaking. Oct. 20 Bombing in Israel. In Tel Aviv, 22 people are dead and 46 more injured in one of the most horrifying attacks in Israel's history. A bomb tore apart a crowded bus in the main commercial city.
"We set up a table on campus, and students and faculty stop by and write a little message to our troops," Kirkpatrick said. "Last year we sent about 750 cards and packages," Kirkpatrick said. "All of the packages and cards were sent out to reach our troops somewhere throughout the world. It is a great morale booster for them." MCCC, Alpha Kappa Zeta and Phi Theta Kappa plan on running the event again this year. "In the past, we have had 20 to 30 volunteers each year, and we are hoping to grow," Kirkpatrick said. "We are planning on setting up a table on Nov. 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.," Kirkpatrick said. In return, the school gets a certificate and pins for participating in the event, according to Kirkpatrick. MCCC, Alpha Kappa Zeta and Phi Theta Kappa have been participating in the event for quite some time, according to Kirkpatrick. "There is also a Valentine 'Mail for Our Military' that we participate in," Kirkpatrick said. A first sergeant of a Air Force hospital said, "The program you have established is very important and useful to boosting the morale of our personnel. I would like to express my personalthanks. Please continue in your efforts and your support." Individuals are encouraged to participate in "Mail for Our Military." Anyone interested should send a first-class postage stamp for return postage (a stamped, self-addressed envelope cannot be used, just the stamp) along with your name and address to: Mail for Our Military, P.O. Box 415, Fort Campbell, KY 42223-0415. Your card will be sent to one of over 1000 military units, bases and support locations throughout the world. Many of those who have written cards and letters have received responses, and some are still writing their military pen pal.
by Mary Burfete staff writer QTuesday, Oct.18 Biography of Prince Phillip to be released. Next month, a new book will be released. The book is a biography of Prince Phillip's life and it presents his son, Prince Charles, as someone who has undergone a lonely childhood. With the cooperation of Prince Charles the book will discuss his unsatisfactory relationship with his parents and his loveless marriage. The royal family has been generating business for the book publishing industry for generations. Private matters are rarely discussed by the royal family themselves. This book, however, will.
OCollege Rings 10/31-11/1 Get your Cabrini College ring, which symbolizes a better future built on education. Represen~atives will be in front of the cafe from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Monday and from 5-7 p.m. on Tuesday. A $30 deposit is required. Rings will be guaranteed for Christmas delivery.
Public Safety Update
'Mail for our military' boosts morale by Dave 0/Mstteo staff writer Family, friends, football and turkey are some of the things that remind us of the upcoming holiday season. But what if you were thousands of miles away from home or even in another country and could not get home for the holidays? That is exactly what many members of the U. S. military have to deal with every year. For them, it is not possible to go home for the weekend or Christmas break. But there is an organization called United in Service to Others, and they have a program called "Mail for Our Military," in which people from all over the country will be sending troops holiday cards and packages to over 1000 places worldwide. "Mail for Our Military" is an excellent way for civilians to help keep the morale of troops up during the especially trying holiday season. "Thank you for the Christmas cards your organization sent to us This was an important boost to morale," wrote one Navy chaplain. Many people, groups, schools and churches volunteer their time to this organization each year. They send thousands of pieces of mail addressed to members of our military during this time. Montgomery County Community College, located in Blue Bell, Pa., was among the many colleges and universities that participated in the event last year. MikeKirkpatrick, president of the Alpha Kappa Zeta chapter, said, "Last year we were fifth in the nation of all colleges and universities that participated in 'Mail for Our Military' and we are hoping that we will be up there again this year. We were also first in the nation of all Phi Theta Kappa chapters that participated in the event last year." Kirkpatrick said students and faculty donate Christmas cards and packages to the school so they can send them to our service men and women.
Oct. 17 • Heavy ftooding in Houston kills eight. Rain storms and flooding have caused thousands to flee the Houston area. The rain and floods have killed eight people, with several more feared dead.
Ol)uaJID 10/18 During a routine door opening, officer checked a male visitor's ID. The male produced two IDs. Officer confiscated one with a bad ID picture. 10/21 Security van was parked in House 5 'slot while officer was attending to a call. Beer was thrown on front window of the van by a student who was later identified.
QLawn Turfing 10/22 Officer on patrol saw a car turfing the old soccer field lawn. There were three white males in the car with Pa. tags. tar was pursued off campus, but its lights were off and no tag number was recorded. 1 ing.Officer~nrtedtfie ~l'olice hidto'becilled. ranf1lll"inl;WfiNI:allea arrived.
Officials believe the cause was of an Islamic militant on a suicide mission. The force of the bomb was so powerful that it ripped bodies to pieces and lifted the roof of the bus completely off. Oct. 21- Election approaches, candidate race is close. The election is 18 days away and the contest is neck-and-neck. The race for House and Senate seats is closer than it has been in decades. _ The democrats now hold three-quarters of these seats and the anticipation is to see if the republicans can achieve a nationwide sweep, something that has not been done in 20 years.
Oct. 22 Judge Ito banned media from getting involved with jury selection. In Los Angeles today, Judge Lance Ito banned reporters, causing ,the jury selection to go on in private. This is due to a book about one of the victims, Nicole Simpson.
Oct. 24 Museum to be built in dedication to P.O.W.'s. President Clinton signed an appropriations bill last month, stating that Andersonville, Ga. will be the site of the nation's only museum dedicated to American P.O.W.'s from the Revolution to Somalia. This museum will be completed by 1996 and will be a part of the Andersonville National Historic Site in southwestern Georgia. Only in the last 10 years did private groups and the Park Service beginto push for a museum as a memorial to P.O.W.'s throughout the nation's history. "It won't be some showplace on a hill," James B. Stockdale, the retired Navy admiral who was the highest ranking American P.O.W. during the Vietnam War, said.
What's Happening
10 Lo..=/}u: :l ;_1T'LI:,n ,.··t:.,l : : : i I :K.. SPORTS Friday, Oct. 28, 1994 Cavs compete in the PAC f!: ~f f>'••." ,. {in ?',., f' ., r"Jr., lw u .!, ?\ ..,.Jt.: ·>'9& t 'wiiboijt sP9rts?AV/pul(til:~_llle:t~,fl Sjqle ordiffet~tr·" '.. '. • •• c\ \l ?: • "£1µ-o,llmentand mo.rue -,v,;ou.ta: •i, • _gbdown/ Paliato saidl 0 • • ? A¾isusdno •~ said ihitiher~ ~,1 ~?'1hldbe,less pe?p]e on ~mpus , ??; 'Ylt out any Sl)0rts. ,.. .·· I ?. ' If>renzsaid,"Nothavm~sports • • 1 ? woijl~qe a negatiye aspectof th~ /!; ? schoo· · l, becaU$eit,Vf·OUld·c·ut.dow.n on?·• the pumber of incoming stu--. ? ·? deni,." i ' ' • ? ?,? ?.?Jl,?.??..t:t ...'l.? ? ..?,,"1~?. by Nina Marie Sciarrotta staff writer With a record of 11-4, the women's field hockey team has had its best season ever, according to coach Joanie Milhous.
The women's tennis team finished their conference season ranked in second place with an overall record of 10-3. In the conference ~hampionship, Cabrini came in second after Marywood.Cedar Crest was in thirdfollowedby Allentown, Rosemont, Eastern, Beaver, Gwynedd Mercy and Immaculata Colleges. After losing two tough ·gamesin the beginning of the season, Cabrinicame back to win the next 10 out of.11 games. Cabrini won six straight before losing to Wesley College. Cabrini then went on to beat Cedar Crest, Eastern, Rowan and Widener Colleges to close out the season. In the number one position, Patti Hillis, a freshman and transfer student from Marymount, was a huge asset to the team. Coach Reggie Day felt that Hillis had the power needed in the number one position. Hillis entered the conference championships with a record of 0-1. In the championships, Hillis defeated Cedar Crest in the first round and then lost to the eventual champion from Rosemont College. Hillis has a new record of 2-8. Playing in the number two position is sophomore Kim Scarborough. She has been a.very important part of the team for three years. This year, Scarborough entered the championships with a singles record of five wins and three losses in conference play and ten wins and six losses overall. In the championships Scarborough lost in the quarter finals 6-4 and 7-5 against Eastern. Her conference record is now 5-4. Suzanne Stephano, a senior, played in the number three position for the team. Stephano had an impressive record of seven wins and no losses in pre-championships conference play. In the championships, Stephano defeated Marywood. Her new conference record is 100. Sophomore Donna Schaeffer plays a strong fourth position. Schaeffer entered the championships undefeated, winning seven conference matchesand 13 matchesoverall. Schaeffer suffered an injury early in the season. In the championships, ~hebeat Marywood 6-3 and 61. Schaeffer's new record is 10-1 in the conference and 16-0 overall.
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In the number five position is sophomore Julie Wolen. Going into the championships, Wolen had a conference record of seven wins and one loss. Woten moved up to the fifth position after being in sixth last year. Sophomore Michaelle Mcilvaine now fills thesixthposition. Inthechampionships, Woten Jost in the semifinals. Mcilvaine Jost in the finals. Wolen's new conference record is 8-2 and she is 12-3 overall. Mcllvaine has .a_new conference record of 7-3 and an overall record of9-5. "The team has a lot of depth. Depth has been our salvation. Even·as far down as the eighth or ninth position, I have a confidence that the job will get done," Day said. Overall, Cabrini came in second in the championships just under Marywood. According to Day, the championshipswere wel~attended. There was a balance between the teams. "Many schools shared the wealth," Day said. According to Day, there was solid leadership from the three captains. Each of the captains are special in their own way. They proved that they were leaders by their performance on and off the courts, their organization, their motivation and by their responsibility in handling administrative duties. The team as a whole lived up to Day's expectations. Day said that the team meet all of the goals that they set for themselves last year. Day said he feels that Cabrini now has a well-established women's tennis team. "I tell my team to always be winners. Playing your very best is what makes you a winner. To me, they are all winners," Day said. Going for the Goal! pholo by JimGrego,y Marie Koskie, a first-year student, plays hard against her opponent in the game against Delaware Valley College. The women have overall record of 5-8.
The team played against Marywood College in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference championships held on Saturday, Oct. 22, at College of the Misericordia. The team lost 2-1 in overtime due to what Milhous referred to as an "unfortunate call" by a referee. The team scored the first goal within the first five minutes of the game, but before the end of the first half, Marywood had tied the score. Neither team was able to score in the second half, so the game went into overtime. According to Milhous, one of Marywood's players took a "dangerous" shot, but the referee accepted it as a goal. "It was the ref's decision that ended the game," Milhous said. "It was a very evenly-matched, competitive game." The last time the women's field hockey team played Marywood College, they lost 1-0 in double overtime. According to Milhous, the afternoons of Thursday, Oct. 20, and Friday, Oct. 21, were spent "fine-tuning" basic skills in preparation for the championship game. According to sophomore Melissa Hunsberger, this was Jhe first time the team had made the championships since joining the PAC. "This has been our best season ever," Hunsberger said. Hunsberger praises Milhous's style of coaching. "She makes practice fun. A lot of coaches don't do that. Joanie does," Hunsberger said. "She helps us do what we have to do to get the job done." Milhous began coaching women's field hockey here four years ago. Since then, the team has gone from winning one or two games during their first season to making the PAC championships this season. "We've come a long way in four years. It's a great feeling to see these girls, who have worked so hard, get to compete in the PACs," Milhous said. They should definitely be proud of themselves and their season." Milhous said that she has been opti.mistic about playing in the championships every season. "This year was the first year I knew it could be a reality," Milhous said. Milhous said that speed was one thing which helped the team this season. "Confidence was a very big part of it, and our defense has also be~n excellent," Milhous said. Assistant Coach Samantha Mansfield attributes the successful season partly to great team effort. "We wouldn't win if we didn't have everyone out there," Mansfield said. Senior captains Kristyn Rudnick and Sherri Roam will be leaving the team this year, as well as seniors Tammy Pfeiffenberger and Suzanne Lafferty. According to Hunsberger, Roam, having never played the position before, volunteered to play goalie earlier in the year when a first-year recruit decided not to play. "Sherri's improved so much since we started," Hunsberger said. Despite the loss against Marywood, Milhous said she is still extremely pleased with the season. "Especially for. our seniors, this year has been the year we've been waiting for," Milhous said.
Tennis takes second in the PAC by Laura Testa staff writer
Friday, Oct. 28, 1994 SPORTS L.OOU!lTU:fZ.
game schedule to have a legitimate season leading to the Stapley Cup.
Last week in the world of sports by KimberlySheldron staff writer CJNBA Shawn Bradley will be sidelined for four ~osix weeks because of damage to his left knee, according to the Philadelphia 76ers. Bradley, the center for the 76ers, suffered his latest injury on Wednesday, Oct. 19 during an exhibition game when he stepped on the foot of another player and twisted his knee. Coach John Lucas told The Philadelphia Daily News the injury was not a recurrence of the one he suffered Feb. 18 of last season in Portland, where he dislocated his knee. Soccer On Oct. 22, the National Professional Soccer League brought a regular-season indoor soccer game to the CoreStates Spectrum in Philadelphia. Baltimore and Chicago could have played in their home arenas, but the NPSL decided to use Philadelphia to see if there is interest in reviving an indoor soccer team. They want to know whether Philadelphia should have a NPSL team for the 1996 season. After a 40-day break, six players and 11 team representatives resumed negotiations concerning the strike on Oct. 19. The meeting was held under the federal government's new mediator, William J. Usery. Although this meeting was devoted to setting ground rules, Usery said the next meeting will be held toward the end of this week. Outfielder Raul Mondesi won the National League Rookie of the Year Award on Oct. 20. He is the third straight Los Angeles winner of the honor. On Oct. 22, The Dallas Morning News reported major league baseball owners are preparing a revised offer to present to striking players. This offer is expected to be made by the beginning of November.
t Women's Volleyball Eastern Allentown Misericordia Cabrini Beaver lmmaculata Marywood Neumann Rosemont Alvernia Cedar Crest Gwynedd-Mercy W L 5 0 5 0 4 1 4 1 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 • 4 1 4 0 5 0 5 Women's Tennis W L Marywood 8 0 Cabrini 6 1 Allentown 6 2 Cedar Crest 5 3 Rosemont 4 4 Beaver 3 6 Eastern 2 4 Gwynedd-Mercy 1 7 lmmaculata O 8 Women's Field Hockey Misericordia Marywood Cabrini Beaver Gwynedd-Mercy Eastern Alvernia Cedar Crest Rosemont lmmaculata W L 9 0 8 1 6 3 5- 3- 1 4- 4- 1 4 5 4 5 3 6 1 8 0 9 Father Knows Best: Who is
ONHL The NHL confirmed that it will not be able to save its entire 84-game season on Oct. 20. This was the first acknowledgment by the league that the games will be lost. Jeffrey Pash, the league's general counsel, said the NHL would soon announce a ticket refund policy. Commissioner Gary Bettman said the leagl1e would need at the only coach·t 40- 50-
Women'sVolleyball Sat. 10/29 PAC Champ. TBA Women'sTennis seasonendedSat. 10/22 Women'sField Hockey seasonendedSat. 10/22
ONFL On Monday, Oct. 25, Fred Barnett, wide receiver for the Philadelphia Eagles, led the team to a 21-6 victory over the Houston Oilers. The game started slow, but late in the third quarter, the Eagles found a seam. Barnett ran across the middle for a 53yard touchdown that broke open the game and sent the Eagles on their way to a victory. In the fourth quarter, quarterback Randall Cunningham passed 35 yards to James Joseph to complete a three-play, 32-yard drive. Kicker Eddie Murray kicked the extra point giving the Eagles their overall victory of 21-6. The game filled Veterans Stadium with a crowd of 65,233 fans. Warren Moon put the Minnesota Vikings back in control of the NFC Central Division. Moon led the Vikings to a tying field goal with 17 seconds left in regulation time and then to Fuad Reveiz's winning 27-yard kick 4:26 into overtime for a 13-10 victory over the Green Bay Packers on Oct. 20.
Women'sSoccer Sat.. 10/29 WilliamPattersonr A 4:30 p.m. Women'sCross Country Sat. 10/29 Cabrini College lnvit. H 11 a.m.
Men's Soccer Wed. 10/19 Cabrini 7 Eastern College o Sat. 10/22 Cabrini 4 King's 1 Women'sSoccer Thurs. 10/20 Cabrini 2 Sat.. 10/22 Cabrini 2 Eastern1 FrostburgSt. 0 Women's Cross Country Sat. 10/22 Cabrinifinished 1st out of 9 teams Women'sVolleyball Tues. 10/18 Cabrini o Thurs. 10/20 Cabrini 0 Fri. 10/21 Cabrini 3 Fri. 10/21 Cabrini 0 (checkthosescores) Wdmington3 Kutztowna lmmaculata0 Misericordla2 Women'sTennis Tues. 10/18 Cabrini 6 Widener 3 PAC Championships Fri./Sat 10/21-22 (check} Women's Field Hockey PAC Championships Sat 10/22 Cabrini o Marywood2 Men's Soccer W L Cabrini 5 0 Misericordia 3 1 Allentown 3 2 Eastern 1 2 Beaver 1 4 Gwynedd Mercy O 4 Women'sSoccer W L Eastern Misericordia Cabrini Beaver 1 1 1 0- 1 2 1 0 0 Women'sCross Country CedarCrest Allentown Beaver Cabrini Eastern Alvemia Neumann W L 2 0 7 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0·2-1
ake a number 1 ranked tea nto the NCAA Tournamen nly to lose the 1st gam ach time? -compiled by brose Fathe least a
Men's Soccer Sat. 10/29 CentenaryCollege H 1 p.m. Tues. 11/1 Ursinus H 3 p.m.
The Cabrini basketball season opened on Sunday, Oct. 23, at Midnight Madness. The first_men'sand women's game will be on Friday, Nov. 18. The first men's JV game will be on Monday, Nov. 28. Trivia Answer: Billy Hatcher had the highest batting average in a Single World Series while playing with the Cincinatti Reds. It was an .of . 1mpress1ve average_ 750. -c·ompiled by Fathe brose Tap in to Mac by Bob Macartney sports columnist This is absolutely ridiculous. 11 It is the middle of October and the only hockey that I can watch is being played on Sega. What is wrong with these people? They are coming off of the best Stanley Cup Playoffs in recent history. A team from their biggest market, New York, won the Cup for the first time in 54 years. They have rising young superstars from many different countries, giving the game an international following. They have a contract with ESPN2 to broadcast more hockey games this year ·than in any season in the past decade. Basketball is on the downswing, with all of their superstars retired. Football only comes around once a week. And, baseball has been out on strike since the end of summer. It is the perfect time for the graceful, fast-moving game of hockey to take center stage in the country it has always tried to impress. So, what happens. The owners lock out the players. The same players who offered to play the season without a contract. This is not like baseball, where both sides are wrong. In this situation, the blame falls on one side, and one side only. The ownership. They had the puck on their sticks. They were in all alone on a breakaway. On an open net. And they let the puck slide off of their sticks. Now, basketball season is around the corner. Football is rounding into form, as the teams gear up for the playoff race. And that new Sega hockey game is so good. This was the opportunity that hockey has been longing for. The opportunity to gain a new breed of fans. The opportunity to turn them on to a whole new game, a game of size and unbelievable speed. The fans were ready. The timing was right. The Flyers just re-acquired Hextall. Lindros was ready for a breakout season. There was a new coach. Bobby Clarke was back. So what is a hockey fan left to do? Thank the owners. Walk out yourself. Get the Sega game. It is almost as realistic as the game itself. In fact, I don't miss hockey as much anymore. Thank you, Gary Bettman.
A videofollowedtheseperfonnances,which was producedby sophomoreRob Marish.The video containedfootage of many membersof the collegecommunitywishingthe basketball team luck in their new season. The cheerleading squad followed with a routine.This was the preludeto the introduction of the 1994-1995basketballteam. At midnight,both the men's and women's basketball teams were introduced by Paul Weaver, admissionscounselor.
A half-courtbasketballcontest took place next.Threestudentswere chosento participate and the winnerwas to be given a cash prize of $100. The students chosen were sophomore TraceyEagan,first-yearstudentKevinEppler, andjunior Patty Carr. Each studentwas given one chance to make the shot from half court. There were no winners. The dance ensemble and Ethnic Student Alliance both performedafter these contests. This was the first year the ESA perfonned at midnight madness. The performers were headed by senior Rich Grace. They included first-yearstudentsEdiely Espinola,Jeannette Guzman, Chanda McCard and juniors Rutherfordand CeleneWright.The six called themselvesthe ESA step squad.
Cavs break into basketballseason
WYBF, the campus radio station, broadcastedlive from the gym. Free tee-shirts,hats, compact discs and tapes were given away to students. The night startedoff with an introduction and welcome by junior Nathan Carter, who hosted the event.
Next,thegymwasinvadedbyjuniorKatina Corrao, who was disguised as the Cabrini Cavalier.The Cavalierraced aroundthe gym, arousingteamspiritand leadingthe studentsin a cheeringcontest. Freegiftswere throwninto the crowdby the cheerleaders,which included candy,frisbees,key chains,whistles,pins and megaphones. "As the Cavalierfor the night, my goal was to get everyone psyched up for all the sports teams and to kick off the basketballseason," Corrao said. The next event to take place was a foul shootingcontest.Six contestantswere picked fromajarfilledwithstudents' namescollected from students as they entered the gym. The winnerof the contestwas RowenaRutherford, ajunior transferstudentfromHarcumCollege, who made four shots out of five. She won a cash prize of $10.
by Beth Molloy staff writer Midnight Madness is an annual college event that kicks off the varsity basketballseason. The festivitiesbeganpromptlyat 11 p.m. in the gym on Sunday, Oct. 23.
JuniortransferstudentJoe Francesconisaid he was disappointedwith the event. "I had better ones at my high school," Francesconisaid. Sophomore Lisa Watson had a different view. According to Watson, the night was highlightedby the men's basketballteam. "I liked the biceps, especiallyon number 24," Watson said. SophomoreJen Brown said she especially liked the event that involved both the teams and students. " I liked the fact that a lot of peoplecame to support the teams. Everybody was really pumped up," Brown said. right: Jeff Danzi, a firstyear student, participates in the three point shooting contest. Members of the womensandmensteams battled each other to see who could land the most baskets. left photo: Amy Hummel, a first-year student, Patty Carr, a junior and firstyear student Daisy Wentz of the women's basketball team, enterontothecourt to introduce the new season.
The ESA step squad: (left to right) Chanda McCard, a first-year student, Rowena Rutherford, ajunior, Celene Wright, a junior, Jeannette Guzman, a first-year student, Ediely Espinola, a first-year student, and Rich Grace, a junior, perform at Midnight Madness. pholo by CarolineCroley above: (left to right) First-year students Bill Myers and Bryan O'Leary, two new male additions to the cheerleading squad, cheer for the Cavs along with Kristen Gillaspy, a junior, and seniors Colleen Gray and Beth Pierce.
photo by CarolineCroley
SGA plannedthe event with the supportof John Dzik, athletic director, and Marianne DeFruscio,director of student activities. Freesoda,pizzaandpretzelswereavailable to studentsthroughoutthe night while various activitiestook place.
12 SPORTS Friday, Oct. 28, 1994
Eventsthentookplaceinvolvingbothteams and students,whichwere coordinatedby John Dzik, athleticdirectorand coach of the men's basketballteam. The first eventwas a shootingcontest.This event involvedonly the teams.Three shooters were chosen from each team and each had to take shots for an extended amount of time. Whateverteam made the most shotswon. The winner was the men's team.
Next,studentshada chanceto get involved. Five studentswere chosen to competeagainst five membersof each team. In the game, each studentand athl.etehad to spin arounda bat and then proceedto run to half court to pick up the basketball,and then run down the court to try to make a lay-up. The students chosen were seniorsJen Wilsonand Bob Macartney,junior Marty Stamps, Wright and first-year student JamiePaul.The LadyCavscamein firstplace, followedby the selectedstudents,leaving the men in last place. The nightendedwith a dunkcontestwhich involvedonly themen's basketballteam.Fans chosewho theythoughtwas the best dunkerof the team by cheering.The contestcame down to two players, first-year student John Drummondand junior Greg Grant. The winner was Drummond. Reactionsfrom the crowd concerningthe event varied.