Nov. 18, 1994 Issue 11 Loquitur

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ThedrivewassponsoredbyHealth ServicesincooperationwiththeAmerican Red Cross. Accordingto Olga lien, RN, the numberofblocxldonorsatCabrinihas decreasedin the past few years. According to the Red Cross, this is a commonproblemin our country". ''We're workinghardat Cabrinito get our numbersup," Liensaid Accordingto lien, HealthServices organizesthe blocxldriveand recruits donors.Noticesaboutthe blocxldrive were placed in all faculty and staff paychecks. Work grant studentsremuted door to door in Woodcrest, Xavier,andthe houses. The marketingclub also got involvedanddesignedtlyers,whichwere placedin everystudent'smailbox. ''It's a very community-minded action,"lien said lien also saidshe hopesthe blocxl drive helps to developa sense of responmbilityamongthe students,fac. ultyand staff. Accordingto the Red Cross,it is neccssarytocollectl,750pintsofb1ood everyweekday. "There's a real need for blocxltoInside ... NEWS pg.a Check out a full page spread on Spirit Day. FEATURES pg.6 Dining Review: Chill out at Chili's. SPORTS pg.12 Check out the coverage of the Blue/Whitebasketballgameheld on Spirit Day. day," said Red~ volunteerMary AnnCallahan."Alotofpeopleseemto get very uncomfortableaboutit" Callahanhas been a volunteerfor 10 yearsand saidtheworkshedoesis very importantto the community. Accordingto the Red Cross, 50 percentof thepopulationis eligibleto donateblood,but only5 percentactuallydonate. SophomoreKarinDickeywasone of the studentswho recruiteddoor to door in Wocxlcrestand XavierHalls. Dickey said many studentsdid not wantto donate. ''Peoplemightbe afraidornotwant to bother,"Dickeysaid_. Accordingto lien, thereis nothing tobescaredaboutwhendonatingblood. "Giving blood is totally safe," Lien said "TheUnitedStatesdoesthe best testingin the world" Accordingto Callahan,the only reactionadonormighthaveisafeeling of faintnessor slightdizzines-,,which passesquickly. Donating blood is important. "Somebodycould die if you don't," lien said This wasjunior BeckyPappano's fifth timedonatingblood 'Thefirsttimeldonatedwasinhigh school. I was veryscared," Pappano said ''It's someone'slife that you're goingto saveeventually."

photo by Dawnielle Klopp Seniors Tricia Reilly, Colleen Gray and Beth Pierce dance together at the Fall Formal on Nov. 11 at the Valley Forge Sheraton. Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087

The studentsalreadyenrolledprior to the1995falltennwillberequiredto completeonecreditofphysicaleducationas a partof the corecurriculum. Boththe academiccouncilandthe curriculumcommitteehave already passed the motion to drop physical educationas a requirementThe academiccouncilpassedthemotion10-4, withtwoundecidedvotes.Sincephysical educationis a part of the corecurriculum,the entirefacultywill have a sayin thefinaloutcome.Thefaculty's vote will be the decidingfactorin the futureof requiredphysicaleducation classes.

by Laura Testa staff writer Themotionto dropphysicaleducation,as a partof thecorecurriculum,is beingpresentedtothefacuhyonThursday,Nov. 17. If passed,all new studentsenteringin the fall of 1995will notbe requiredto takephysicaleducation.

Thepropa5lllwillnotendphysical educationclasses:Classeswillstillbe offeredas electives. ''I justdon'tthinkourphysicaleducationrequirement,as it has existedat Cabrini,iswhatwe wantto requirefor allstudents."Provost/AcademicDean Dr. ThomasBoekesaid Physicaleducation~ havealready gone through many changes. Insteadofateamsportsclas.s,wherethe majorrequirementis attendance,this year studentshavetext books,homework and even tests along with the physicalaspectsof theclass.Anynew changesin the curriculumresultingin thedroppingofphysicaleducationwill be determinedby thedepartment ''My 3S.Mllption is thatthisevolutionwillcontinue.I feelthatithasbeen a positiveevolution,"Boekesaid Asfarashealthclassrequirements, thefacultyhaschosennotto addthese classesto thecorecurriculum.It is the facultywho outlineswhat they considerthequalitiesof the liberally-educated person. Boeke said be feels neitherphysicaleducationnor health classesfallunderthosequalitiesat this time. donates blood to save lives by Nina Marie Sclarrotta staff writer Membersof thecampuscommunity donatedblocxlat the annualfall blocxldrive,whichwasheldon Monday,Nov.14fromnoonto4 p.m.inthe WidenerCenterGatheringArea.


Gym requirement changed

Week at a Glance ... Nov. 18 to 24 FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY 119:30p.m.-la.m. 111la.m.Mass in • I/Residence Halls in the WCGA, the Chapel. close at 8 p.m. for THANK!Hunger and 114:40p.m. Re- the holiday. ~GMNGHomelessness flection meeting Awareness Legal in Student Devel- BREAKParty. opment Conference Room. 116p.m. Mass in the Chapel. I

Dancin' the night away...

Dr. Carter Oaigie, professorof Englishandcommunications,alsodoRl>o!QbyMari<iButetl Donor talks with a nurse while she fills out forms during the Blood Drive in the WidenerCenter GatheringArea on Mon., Nov.14 from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. natedblocxl.Oaigie is what the Red ~refers to asa ''VIPdonor,"someone who donatesblocxlfour times a year. ''It's somethingthat'sveryeasyfor metodo. Itjustfeelsgoodbecauseyou knowthatyou'rehelpingsomebody," Craigiesaid ''lwanttosavelives."saidfirsl-year studcnt&UieHaveas.HMAs'~ ancehadsuqpy and neededblood transfusions. SophomoreSteveHustedsaid he likesto donateblocxlbecauseit makes him feel good to know he is helping others. Beforeone is ableto giveblood,he orshemustfilloutafonnwithhisorher name,addressand otherpersonalinfonnation.Then the donoris givena briefmedicalhistorytestandphysical. The donor is asked severalquestionsregardinghis or hermedicalhistory,in orderto determinewhetheror notthe donoris eligibleto giveblood The donor is then given a short physicalin whichhis or her temperature,bloodpressureand hemoglobin levelsaredetermined.If all the results are satisfactory,the donoris then permittedto giveblood Approximatelyonepintofblocxlis taken. Someof theblocxlis separated outintothreevialswhichwillbe used for furthertestingto be certainthatthe blocxlis safe for transfusions. The blocxlis thenrefrigerateduntilit canbe takento the hospital.

Friday,Nov.18,1994 Vol. XLI, No. 1·1

Although Cabrini Spirit Day was a success, the communication lines were down this year, There was a lot of confusion as to where and when events were held. Schedulesof the day's eventswere not easily attainable.

More to life than academics Kelly McDonald, editor in chie Academics is not the only thing that is imponant in college. It has taken me twoand-a-half years to come to this realization and what a difficult realization it was. After taking 18 credits each semester, working part-time, being involved in several extracurricular activities, picking up a double major and being a Loquitur editor, I have finally realized that the only thing I am getting out of this is a solid resume, granted that is not a bad thing. But at the same time, I am burning myself out at the age of 20. In order for me to come to grips with the aspect of my life, I had to take a good look at myself. This occurred when, after many warnings from people around me that I was taking on too much, I had to make the decision to drop a course To many people this seems like no big deal, but I had a difficult time facing the • agony of defeat. I could not understand why I was not doing well and closed my ears to what I did not want to hear, that I overburdened myself. I believe this stems back to the 2 lb. 3 oz. baby that was born two months premature. That baby was me. I guess I just could not wait to enter the world. That attitude is the very one that guides my life today. I could not wait to finish grade school, so I got moved up a grade. I rushed through high school only to be faced with the.pressure of entering college. In college, I had to enter journalism as a first-year student, instead of being like everyone else and taking it as a sophomore. That was not enough though, I had to be an editor for two years instead of one. And if that is still not enough, I have already started looking for my summer internship and could graduate a semester early. This may seem great, but what else do I have to show for all my hard work. I never have time to hang out with my friends because I am either too tired or have too much work to do. I am usually stressed about something and crying about all the things I have to do has become a weekly ritual. Now I am working toward saying no to taking on other responsibilities and trying to look at life through a more realistic approach. This takes a lot of effort on my part. I guess for years I have convinced myself that presenting the picture perfect image was important, and this image included being involved in everything and taking on the world. Now I realize I cannot go through life trying to be super woman, no matter how much I want to present that perfect image. College is supposed to be the best time of our lives, right? Well, I have let two-and-ahalf years fly by without a blink of an eye. But now I am talcing time out of my academic life to experience other facets of growth such as friendships and social~g. Do not get me wrong, academics remain first and foremost in my life but I am starting to realize that other things are important too.

I think everyone in college can relate to this feeling in some way or another. As human beings we have the constant pressure of being perfect, if not for ourselves for our parents or family member. This pressure is obvious in our throughout lives, especially when we applied to college, but first we had to do welt on our SATs and now as we prepare to enter the real world and get a job. Another realization that I came to was the fact that employers do not base everything on your transcripts, they also look at who you are as a person. Also, what employer wants to hire someone that works 24 hours a day seven days a week, only to get burnt out after one year on the job. There is still hope that things will change and I am happy that I am finally talcing into consideration what people have been telling me for years. So I have to give up and extra curricular activity until next year or graduate on time with mostly everyone else. That does seem so bad afterall. It is not too late for anyone in the same situation to start fresh and take in all college life has to offer before it passes you by. Once these years are gone, we can never get the back. Edllor-ln-ehlef: Kelly McDonald ManagingEditor: CarolineCroley Op-ed Edttor: JaneS. Van lngen News Editor: Christina Feehan ANillant News Edttor: AngelaMattlonl Arts and Entertainment Edllor: Regina Miler FMb.lrH Edttor: Shella Brady Sports Edttor: Celene Wright Copy Ed4or: Richatd Jape, Bulinaa Manager: l<al9n Szczurek Photography Edttor: DawnielleKlopp Aatistanl Photography Edttor: Carolina Croley Photography Advt-: Dr. Carter Cralgie AdviMr: Dr. Jerome Zural< Staff: Ma,y Burfete, Stephanie Caldwell, Kathy Cephaa, Nicole Coleman, Matthew Craig, David DiMatteo, Patricia Foley, DJ Glasgow, Joanna Golesh, Allyson Hannigan, Uaa Hines, Amy Jackson, Andrea Kelliher,Jamie Latshaw, John Undaay, Joe Marturano, Paul Marturano, Justin Mlrglianl, EllzabethMolloy, DoMa Schaeffer, Richard Schepis, Klmberly Sheldron, Nina Sclarrotta, Laura Testa, Diane Wrobleski Photography Staff:Marie Barrett, Caroline Croley, James Gregory, Jamie Latshaw, Joe Marturano Advertising DesignetS: Kathy Malone, Steve May Cartoonist: Bryan Bell Loquttur Is published weekly during the school year by students of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 610· 971-8412 Subsaiption price Is $25 per year and is included In the benefits secured by tuttlon and student fees. Loquitur welcomes leltera to the editor. Letters should be ligned and the IIU!horshlpknownto the edMors. However, K the wrtter wishes, and the editor agrees, the wrtter'a name may be left off the letter upon publication and an inacripbon lrlMrted -,ct, a •namewllhheld Ill the request of the writer." Letters should be typed, double-apaced, and no more than 300 words In length. If a letter la too long for the available space, the editor mey edit or condenseIt. Letters to the ed~or lhould be aubmlll9dby noon on Mondays. The editorials and opinions published In Loqultur the views of the student edltorlal llafl and the Individual wrltera and not the entire IIUdent body or the faculty and admlnlsttatlon. Locpu llealllllllllad •abunfcf llUderll......,.., IRI • a llllicl8lnthelrlir'l'lllllld, robu11.tee lRlopen dlla.alonal..-.

2 LO(}UfTUR OP-ED Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 _I E_d_ito_r_i8_1 _____ I jViewpoint ·I

Hungerand homelessness will stillexist after this week

I have taken several little steps in the right direction to facing the fact that I am only human. The first step was giving up my structured part-time job and replacing it with babysitting, which is more flexible and less stressful. I am trying to stop the mental abuse I put myself through when I feel that I have failed at something, like dropping that class. Most imponantly, I am starting to think twice before biting off more than I can chew. After all, it means more to be involved in one things and give it your best and undivided attention than it does to be involved in ten things and not be able to give enough of yourself because you are spread too

Hungerand Homelessnes.sAwarenes.sweek takesplacefrom Sunday,Nov. 14 throughSunday,Nov. 20, just one week beforeThanksgiving.Duringthis time, campusministryrunsfooddrivesandHolySpiritu.braryhada "foodforfines"drive, wherestudentswho owedmoneyfor overduebookscoulddonatefood insteadof payinga fine. The intentionsaregood,but whataboutthe other51 weeksoutof the year? Inanefforttoaddle$thisproblem,campusministry,togetherwithOldSt Joseph's Olurch, feedthe homeles.severyweekthroughthe Carewalk,by distnbutingfood everyTuesdayandFridayand by helpingout at a soupkitchen. Butwhataboutthe rest of us who do notputforththeeffortto makea difference? Do weonlythinkaboutthisproblemwhenwe seea homeles.spersonsleepingon the streetsor on a heat'venttryingto staywann? Toomanytimes,~ oflookingrighthereathome,we trytohelppeopleinother statesand countries. Sometimeswe go outwhenwe Shouldreallystayin and tryto dve ourownproblems. Whatwe needto rea1iz.e is thatbecominghomelesscouldhappento anyoneof us. Takeintoconsiderationhowmanypeoplelivefrompaycheckto paycheckandwhat wouldhappento thatpersonif theylosttheirjob. No oneis untouchable. At thestart of thisholidayseason,we shouldbethankfulforwhatwe haveas well as rememberthoselessfortunate. If a persondoes not have anything,how can we expectthem to get theirlives together?So,if youhavean extradollar,orcanlenda helpinghand,giveitto someone who coulduse yourhelp. Afterall,isn't thatthevery~ion of Cabrini. I upsand Downs aiJ The holidays are right around the comer and stress in the air. However, free haircuts in the Gathering Area last week made this time a little more enjoyable. Alhough a fun time was had by all at the Fall Formal, food was served without drinks. Ifit was not bad enough that the tickets cost $17, you had to buy yourown soda at $1.75 a pop. Cabrini Spirit Day was a big success. All of the events and workshops were wellattended. The Celebrity Breakfast, even though it took place from 8-9:30 a.m.was especially popular, with approxiamately 200 attnedants. House 5, in particular, had all its residents, with the exception of four, attend the breakfast dressed in shirts and ties. Good job!

Gerri Brauckmann, continuing education student Norman Rockwell, one of America's greatest artists, in the 1940s painted a beautiful and traditional family scene at Thanksgiving. In the painting, an extended family is gathered happily around a perfectly decorated table as the well coifed mother and father are presenting the turkey, roasted to perfection. You can almost taste that dinner from admiring Rockwell's painting. Like Rockwell, I too am an artist and I would like to paint a picture of my traditional Thanksgiving. Although it is just a small chunk of my holiday, it may seem unusual to some people, but it holds significance for me. It truly would not be a day of thanks if I did not begin my holiday this way. While most of you are probably still nestled in your beds on Thanksgiving morning, I arise early and head to a huge row home in Center City, Philadelphia. I am greeted by the smiles of people all eager to see me coming. These people who greet me come from all walks of life. They are White, African-American, Indian, Mexican, Puerto Rican and Oriental. Although they are from different backgrounds, they are all homeless. Brought to the streets by cheap wine, drugs, unemployment, insanity or choice, these people are alone with nowhere to turn. The place where I go to cater to these people is St. John's Hospice, located at 11th and Race across from the new Pennsylvania Convention Center. It is so ironic to see the city pour millions of dollars into this edifice and not drop a penny to its very own indigent who make up a portion of its population. Through my affiliation with the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic organization, I have become involved with working at the hospice. I go there three times a year {Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter) to feed the homeless. My Thanksgiving Day begins positioned behind the food service line, spoon in hand ready to serve. Initially, we do a setup for the first 100 homeless people. That means, when the doors first open at 11 a.m., their food is on the table. The homeless file in and occupy the first 100 seats. As open seats become available, systematically, more people are allowed to trickle in to be fed. This is when they are handed a tray and asked to uniformly flow down the serving line. They are served generous portions of processed turkey, boxed stuffing, canned yams, canned green beans, canned fruit and Jack & Jill ice cream cups as well as warm coffee. To me, the food is unappetizing, but when you have not eaten in over 12 to 24 hours, appearance does not matter and almost anything will do to fill an empty belly. By no means is the sight of some of these people pleasant. Most have not washed or showered in a long time, some have head lice, all have body odor, and their clothes are ragged, torn and dirty. Underneath it all, they are still living, breathing humans. Their physical appearance is not what makes me come here every year for the last four years. It is their graciousness and friendliness that draws me to the hospice during the holiday season. I was shocked the first time a homeless person looked me in the eyes, thanked me for his meal and proceeded to tell me to have a "Happy Thanksgiving." Likewise, I have been stunned on a number of occasions when one homeless man would pass on the turkey, stuffing, or whatever he did not like and tell me to give their share of turkey to the brother behind him because he did not eat turkey. To be so hungry, yet to find a place in your heart to share, there is no better example on this holiday. The homeless people are amazing in their survival skills. Numbers of them have plastic bags and containers and divide their portions, half for lunch and half for dinner. They obtain their clothing and necessities from dumpsites and bins. Some have even found electronics such as Walkmans that they have learned to fix and use. They carry their entire life's possessi~ns in tra~h bags or nap sacks. I, on.the other harid, would need two U-Hauls.

If there isa topic you would like to dispute or an idea youwould liketo share, youare encouragedto write them downfor all to appreciate.

Letters should be s.ignedand the author~ ship known to the editor. The writer may choose to leave out their name, with the consentof the editor If there are any questio~. they can be Addressedto Jane S, Van Ingen. She can be reached at:ext.8412 or box 35$. ¾ 'ii'}

• • 1nqu1res about advisory board

The children then proceeded to pick up their plates and eat like dogs. The tears rolled down my cheeks as I asked a fellow member to cover for me. I did not want the children to see my reaction. I went to the alley to cry and looked up and saw the entire alleyway filled with waiting homeless people. There must have been 300 people still waiting in line for food at 12:30 p.m. Think about it, adults and children without homes and without food and yet, our government plays policeman to Cubans and Haitians. Last Thanksgiving, shutting down at 2 p.m., we had fed 750 homeless people. I was amazed that there were that many homeless in the City. I can honestly thank God for all that I have been blessed with, knowing that not so long ago, I also chose the wrong path. I have since turned my life around and cleaned up my act. I obtained a good job and returned to school working toward my degree in Human Resource Management with the hopes of one day receiving my doctoral degree. I have also returned to painting and am currently pursuing my dream of writing. The difference between myself and those homeless people is that I had people who loved and believed in me and who have helped me get back on the right path where I am today. For me, the past eight Thanksgivings have truly been thankful. To have the things vie all take fo~ gr~ntea-friends, family and a roof over our head-is the greatest gift we can have. Always remember that! Happy Thanksgiving! Attention anyone who took pictures at Spirit Day Have your pictures published in Woodcrest, Cabrini College's yearbook. Contact Gary White in the newsroom at ext. 8412 !Correction In the November 4, 1994 issue, "Alleged assault leads to arrest" The four suspect in the alleged attack were from New York, not New Jersey. We regret the error.

A picturepaintsa thousandwords Student

·~ ' AUcomment$arewelcomer 1

Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 OP-ED Lo,..:ou=1T'U' n=...·· / : I :: : K.. 3

Sincerely, Jim Gregory Junior The editor responds: The advisory board was created over the summer at the recommendations of Dr. Thomas Boeke, vice president of academic affairs. The advisory board was selected by Dr. Jerome Zurek, adviser to Loquitur. The board gives the Loquitur ideas and ~uggestions, and meets with the staff and editors about three times a year. The board is not in a position to ce'nsor what goes into Loquitur. Members of the board include Cathy Yungmann, assistant professor of English/communications, Dr. Jo. seph Romano, professor of philosophy, Lisa Bogia, director of college relations, Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, Paul Weaver, counselor/admission, Katherine Benner, acting director of graduate studies and Nancy Costello, director of mission integration.

• Not all of the homeless people who come to St. Johns are drug addicts, alcoholics or mentally disturbed; some are here by choice. One guy, approximately 30 years old, was extremely handsome and told me he lost his job for which he had a Masters Degree in Accounting. His wife threw him out and he had nowhere to live and decided that since bill collectors were after him, the only way to survive was to take to the streets. He was proud of himself because he did not have to pay taxes anymore. This is a sad case, and though he is not mentally ill, he does appear to be dysfunctional. These are some of the better cases. What I have yet to comprehend or to face is the mothers that come in with their grimy faced children. One such woman came in to the Hospice last Thanksgiving with four blonde haired children, two boys and two girls ranging in age from one to six. As they sat down at the table, she quickly confiscated all of their bread and candy and told them she was saving that for supper.

BelmontPlazaApartments Call now to reserve your apartment! Efficiency from $405 1 Bed $559 2 Beds $629 These great prices include heat and hot water! Call 265-2638

To the editor: I am writing to discuss a cartoon that was featured in issue three of the Loquitur. The cartoon depicts four editors standing in a line in front of a firing squad. The caption above says, "Here comes the advisory board." I was wondering, what does the advisory board actually do? Do they censor what is going in the paper or do they help the students produce a more interesting and informative paper? As a student at Cabrini, I feel that Loquitur is a part of my education. Loquitur gives the student body an opportunity to voice their own opinions on activities and events that take place on and off campus. I am also interested in knowing who is on the advisory board. Are the members of the board selected by the faculty or the students? I am sincerely concerned for the welfare of the students at Cabrini, especially those students who are involved with the Loquitur.

Lettersto the editor

Whensedwhatproblemsinpartiatlarpeople tend to have in tenns of speech deliberation, Martel no:.edanxiety regarding roles and fear. When delivering speeches, Martel said, people tendtolosesightoftheirparticularrole.Toeyneed to define the role they are playing by identifying thepwpose. Hehadseveraltechniquesforeasing fearalso,suchasfindingtherootofyourfear,then practice,take good notes and use relaxationtechniques. "Leadershipcanbetaughtandlearned,"Martel said. He spoke of an incidentin particularwhen a highly-educatedindividualcame to his company for help with a presentation. This Harvard graduate,although he knew the infonnation,did notexudetheamountofself-assurancenecessary to make a goodpresentation.After goingthrough the program,he felt more confidentand was able to assumeleadershiproles in his field. Thistype of effect is common, Martel said. In terms of entering the field of communications, Martelhad a well of advice. He said there are severalsteps that need to be taken. Fust, gain computer savvy, the work world is constantly moving further into the future. The difference between who gets the job and who does not dependsmore and more on who has a knowledge of computers. Also, go for the internships. He stres5e(imakingyourselfknownandgettinghandson experiencein your field of interest. Not only knowledge,but experienceis important.

"I am also interested in establishing a relationship with a community college I heard about in the area that offers a graphics design program. I would like to go there and make a connection with this college and Cabrini," Dempsey said. By making this connection, Dempsey hopes to encourage students to come to Cabrini. In 1973, Dempsey went to Mohawk Valley Community College in Utica, N.Y., and enrolled in their two-year degree program in the area of advertising design and production. Upon his graduation, he earned an entry level position in a typesetting and printing company in Binghamton, N.Y. After some time, Dempsey applied for a position as a publication designerfor Mohawk Valley, his alma mater. He stayed at Mohawk Valley for six years, designing publications for the admissions department. While he was there, he was asked to teach some classes in the evening. At this time, he said he liked the idea of producing and sharing outside knowledge with the students. After he began teaching, he decided to pursue this career and quit his job at Mohawk Valley. He went on to Rochester Institute of Technology to earn a bachelor's of fine arts. Mohawk Valley invited him back as an instructor. While he was back at Mohawk Valley, Dempsey helped computerize the graphics department with a desktop publishing lab. In addition, he enrolled in an independent study graduate program at Kent State University, where he is currently completing his master's degree.

Next,sharpenyourwritingskills. Practicethe writingthatwillundoubtedlybenecessaryandthe skillsthat are extremelyimportant. Next, follow the industryor fieldthatyou plan to go into.Keep up-to-datewith the changestaking place in your field,and the demandsyou need to meet to enter it. Finally, meet and seek advice from professionals in your field. It is who you know rather thanwhat you know more and more. Professionals in your field can give good advice,and guide you along your life plan, Martel said.

Reagan'sspeechcoachgivestips by Angela Matt/on/ staff writer Dr. Myles Martel stood before students on Thursday, Nov. 10 and instructed them on the finer points of speech debberationand breaking into the businessworld. MarteLwhohashisPh.D.incommunications, was the speech coach for the fonner President Ronald Reagan. Aside from being an adviser to severalgovemmentofficialsandambassadors,he now has his own company, Martel and Associates,devotedtoadvisingtopexecutivesandpolitical leaderson their speeches. • Martel focused on two talents in particular: speeches and presentationskills and crisiscommunications. Martel stres.5ed,'There is no such thingas the perfectcommunicator."

photc by CarolineCroley Dr. Myles Martel, career development speaker, lectured students on Thursday,Nov. 10 in the Lecture Hall. New facultymembersbringfreshfocusto classroom by Caroline Croley managing editor Recently, Dr. Cynthia Halpern, an associate professor of Spanish, and Donald Dempsey, an assistant professor of fine arts and communications, joined the staff as fulltime faculty members. By bringing real life experiences into the classroom, Halpern and Dempsey have set some goals of their own for their respective departments.

pholo by C6rollne Croley Don Dempsey, asst. professor of fine arts/communications,teachesAndrew Borzillo computerpublication design.


photo by CarolineCroley Cynthia Halpern, associateprofessor of Spanish, said she wants to change the college's language department.

by Donna M. Schaeffer staff writer Chris Calvert, a junior, was one of 50 students in Pennsylvania to receive the United Parcel Service Scholarship. This award is given to students who show leadership, citizenship and scholarship. Calvert has been active throughout her years at Cabrini. Her activities include being a member of Kappa Sigma Omega, the women's field hockey team and the housing committee. She was involved with the Student Government Association serving in the social activities position in her first and second year. At present, Calvert serves as president of the junior class. She also works in the office cooperative education and career services. In her spare time, Calvert enjoys spending time with her friends and going to sporting events. She also plays field hockey when she gets the opportunity. Calvert said it was one of her favorite activities. Last year she was voted most valuable player and athlete of the month. • Calvert is an early childhood and elementary education major. Over the summer, she worked at a day camp held at the Phelps School in Malvern, Pa. She worked with eight-year-old children doing arts and crafts and other activities to keep them busy. At present, Calvert works at the Children's School in her field experience placement. In high school, Calvert was involved mostly with sports. It was not until her senior year that she became involved with the student council. Calvert said it was not difficult to get involved at Cabrini. "It was easier for me to get involved here," Calvert said. "At first, it was 'Okay, I'll help' then I became more involved."· Calvert also said that the small campus contributed to the ability of getting involved with activities. Being involved with different activities has given Calvert many opportunities to meet new people. "I've met a lot of different people," Calvert said. "And I have a lot of contacts with people." Calvert also said she has learned a lot from being involved with different activities on campus. "My field hockey coach was a great coach," Calvert said. "I learned a lot from her." When Calvert received the scholarship, she said she was surprised and honored. "Sometimes when I'm running around with my head cut off, I think about it. And I'm happy to have my efforts recognized," Calvert said.

Marianne DeFruscio, director of student activities, nominated Calvert for the scholarship. "Chris is very deserving of the scholarship," DeFruscio said. "She's very active on campus. She's a good student," DeFruscio said

Halpern has been teaching in colleges since 1976. She taught Spanish part-time at Cabrini, Villanova University and Immaculata College. In 1981, she completed her master's degree at Villanova and went on to start her doctoral studies at Bryn Mawr College in 1990. She said she taught at Cabrini part-time throughout her doctoral studies. Before coming back to Cabrini as a full-time faculty member, she taught at Holy Family College. Dempsey works in the English/communications and fine arts division. "When I applied to Cabrini and came for an interview, I got a warm reception. My background and the things I did were things people here were looking for in starting a graphics design degree program. I also saw the challenge of setting up a program where I can put my input on what courses should be offered. I can bring real life experiences into the classroom and prepare students who are pursuing a career in the field," Dempsey said. In addition to graphic design, Dempsey willalsobeteachingphotography. By working with the English/communications department, he said he will show how photography and journalism are related to graphic design. "I hope to contribute to, what I think is already a very good program, the aspect of digital photography," Dempsey said. Digital photography is a means of replacing the darkroom chemical process with computer editing of photos. "It's a way of working with photos on the computer and applying all the characteristics of traditional photography, like development and contrast, in a computer situation," Dempsey said. He said it avoids some of the trial and error that take place in traditional photography and makes it easier. Dempsey said his goal for the upcoming year is to get an understanding of Cabrini and how the two departments operate. Also, he said he wants to get a sense of what is needed in the graphics design program and to see the new Macintosh computer lab operable to Loquitur, the college newspaper, by digitizing their weekly production and enhancing his graphic design classes.

4 NEWS Friday, Nov. 18, 1994

Halpern said that, while nothing is written in stone, she hopes to change the language department in leaps and bounds. By creating a new focus, Halpern said she hopes to get students interested in Spanish through understanding the culture of the people and their literature. "I think we need to see language as a tool of communication and to be able to use Spanish in the workplace, where we can gradually use this language through a more practical approach," Halpern said. In the new Destinos (which means destination) program for all introductory level Spanish students, Halpern is using a Spanish video soap opera to emphasize a communicative approach. In addition, she said the language department will be offering the Destinos program for second-year Spanish students next September. "We are also taking stet,s to teach Spanish for the business people. This will be done with a video-based text with emphasis on business terminology," Halpern said. "These changes will not happen overnight," she said. "With tenacity and perserverance, which I have, I will be able to see these changes come to pass over the next few years."

D "PhiladelphiaLovesChristmas" • JohnWanamakerChristmasLightShow A ChristmasCarol"at Strawbridgeand Clothier TheEnchantedCokmialVdlageatMatket Place~ Formoreinformationcall636-1666 D "Flashlight Symphony" At theFranklin'slnstitute's10th Annual FlashlightSymphony. (Dec.4) Formoreinformationcall448--117 Q FourthAnnual Neighbors in the New Year Celebration NewYear's Eve at Pemt'sLanding. F'rreworks,music,andlightedBenFranklin Bridge (Dec.31) D "Chrlstmu In Delaware County" The PhiladelphiaSingersperfonna traditionalholidayconcert,withpiano,organ, and brass. AtTheSocietyforPerformingArtsofThe MediaTheatre (Dec.4, at 2 p.m.) For moreinformationcall566-4020 o ''The Re-enactmentof Washington'sCrossing" .AtWa.wngk?nCrossingPark DressrellearsalonDec.11 Re-enactmentonDec.·2.5 For moreinformationcall493-4076

Aboutfourmonthsago,GeorgeLockebegan to manageNobody'sProdigy.Lockeis alsothe managerof ShootersBar and Grill,so he has credibility. He can recommendthe band to managersof other clubs, since he knows first handhow muchof a crowdthe band attracts. While recordingtheir forthcomingCD, the bandis finallybeginningto lookat beingpart of a band as a job, ratherthanjust a hobby. In referencetq their new album, Bortnick said,''Basicallywe'rejust tryingto getit out,not makemoney.Everythingwemakegoesintothe bandfund. We neversee a dime." Sowhy do thesefiveguysstickwiththe late nightpractices?Whydotheycontinuetogiveup their weekendnights for the entertainmentof others? ''lean reallyseesomethingthatcancomeout of it," Bortnicksaid. NotonlydoesNobody'sProdigysoundgood, but they put on a great live show. Their main audience,bothmaleandfemale,arealmostall in their20s. ''We're somethingto watch,aswellas listen to," Bortnicksaid. ''We give our audiencean outletfortwoanda halfhourswheretheycan let go. Theyjumparound.Theysingandyell.They just let out their aggressionsand have a good tim • e." Asthebandperforms,itiseasytoseethatthey reallyare havinga good time. Their audience goes wild ''Duringthe firstset,peoplejust get wanned up. By the secondset, we get people whostandin frontof us andbangtheirheadsand mosh. Peoplerunacrosstheroom. Theyjust go crazy,"Ungermansaid. The entireclubjust electrifiesenergy. ''We phoco by Kim Shcldroo (L-R) Gus Lombardo, Brian Bortnick (front), Paul Ungerman (top), Jon Kent, and Rondi James. havegoodstagepresence.A lotofbandsjustplay and standthere. But our band,especiallyBrian and I, fly. We go insane,"Llngennansaid. Althoughtheseguysarewound up on stage, theyareallreallyniceguysoffstage.Theyareall decent,down-to-earthguyswhohavenotlettheir peekat fameget to theirheads. BothBortnickandLingermanarestudentsat theUniversityoftheArtsinPhiladelphiaBortnick studiesjazz guitar,whileUngermanstudiesjazz guitar education. Both also teach jazz guitar lessons. James and Kent are both cooks in different restaurants.Lombardoownshisown restaurant, Tre Fratelli,in Newtown,Pa. Overall,the band seems to have what it takes to expand their horiz.ons.Bortnickhas one of thosevoicesthat seemsto be ableto do almostanything.At times, it isveryaggressiveandharsh.Butinothersongs, it is verysoothingand emotional. Thevarietythebandtakeson canbe heardin theiroriginalsongs,aswellascoversongs.They can perfonnanythingfromCandleboxto Black Sabbath.And theydo it well. Thesefive guyslead theiraudienceto a two andahalfhourhigh-impactworkout.Bythetime Nobody'sProdigyplaystheirlastsong,audience members,withsweatdrippingeverywhere,have gottentheiraggressionsout.Theyhavescreamed, yelled,moshedandflownthroughtheair. Nowit is timeto go home. NObOdy'sProdigy'sthird album will have somethingfor everyone. '1t has 11 very emotionalsongs,"Llngennansaid.So will theybecomethe nextPearlJam? ''I don't knowaboutthat,but we'll keepour fingerscrossed,"Bortnicksaid. Llngennansaidhe is stayingin schooljust in case the band does not climbto the top of the charts. He likesto havethisbackup. ''But I like to be realisticand have an open mind,"Lingermansaid. '1 liketo thinkwe have as good a chance as anyone else." Nobody's Prodigywill be doing a shoot for "Out on the Town,"a videomagazine,on Sunday,Nov.20 at ShootersBar and Grill.

Local band: Marathon music generates a frenzy • by KimberlySheldron staff writer Withtheceaseoftheheavyguitars,thetaming of the wild crowd and the abrupt change of environment,the band beganto perfonnone of theirfewsoftersongs.Approximatelyoneminute later,twomorefaintvoicescouldbe heard. That numberkept multiplyinguntil almostthe entire roomhadjoinedin on the singing.This is when the fivemembersof Nobody'sProdigy,all from Philadelphiaand the surroundingareas,realized thattheyhadpassedthepointofbeingjustanother garageband. "l'vebeeninotherbandswho afteroneshow, split,"BrianBortnick,the leadsinger,said. Yetwithone albumselling500copies,and a new CD on theway,Nobody'sProdigyis reaching further.The bandreleaseda self-titledalbum in 1991. In the summer of 1993, Nobody's Prodigyreleased''Reality,"theirsecondalbum. But this time,theyhad a new vocalist,Bortnick. The albumwas distributedto many local rock stores. Yet their new album,which is going to be releasedby theend ofNovemberor beginningof December,is expectedto sell between 800 to 1000copies. After playingabout four showsa month in clubssuchasShootersBarandGrillinl.evittown, Pa. andtheTrocaderoinPhiladelphia,thebandis beginningto seetherepeatedfacesofpeoplewho didnot initiallyknowtheband. Bortnicksaidthe proce&c; of sua::es.s is gradual. Bortnick,21, RondiJames,23, Jon Kent,21, PaulLlngennan,24,andGusLombardo,29,have alllistenedto heavymetalsincetheywereyoung. So itis nowonderwhythebandresemblesa cross betweenthe older Metallicaand the new Stone TemplePilots. F.achmemberof thebandhashadhisshareof traumaticexperiencesinlife.Theyall,todifferent degrees,havedysfunctionalfiunilies.Theybring theseexperiencesintotheirmusic,focusingupon dailypainand suffering.Llngennansaidone of his favorite lyrics is from the song, ''Broken Home." "And all thetime the silentchildhides." 'That shortlyricsaysso much,"Ungerman, the band's leadguitarist,said. Both Bortnick and Llngennan agree that peoplecan relateto thispainin theirmusic. "I'm notintoasmuchtellingthestoryasI am for people making their own story out of it," Bortnicksaid.

Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5

Four hand performance for free Holiday events by Regina MIiier by Jane S. Van lngen perspectiveseditor Have you ever seen two people play at the same piano? Barbara and Gerhardt Suhrstedt will be doing just that on Sunday, Nov. 20, at 3 p.m., in the Mansion. Admission is free and a reception will follow the recital. They are one of the few one-piano, four-hand teams touring the United States. The Surhstedts debuted in 1982 in New York at the Merkin Concert Hall. Since then, the Suhrstedts have performed for many prestigious concert series, including the Dame Myra Hess Memorial Concerts in Chicago, the Phillips Collection Sunday Series and the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. In 1986, Barbara and Gerhardt became the first piano duet team invited to perform for a Liszt Society annual festival. The couple have been featured on numerous music festivals, including the Castle Hill Festival in Massachusetts, the Lakeside Festival in Ohio, the Piccolo Spoleto Festival in South Carolina and the Deer Valley International Chamber Music Festival in Utah. The Surhstedts presented the opening concert for the 1992 Gina Bachauer International Piano Festival at Salt. Lake City's Temple Square. According to Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairperson of the fine arts department, she discovered the·couple by accident. They came to the fine arts department, introduced themselves, and gave her promotional material on their programs and a tape of their concerts. Bethany agreed to sponsor them as part of the college's cultural events series. The couple will be performing overtures and suites from pianists of the 1800s. These pianists include RimskyKorsakov, Mendelssohn, Liszt, Debussy, Gottschalk and Stravinsky. "The Suhrstedts infuse liveliness and a sense of style into their interpretations," said The New York Times. The Sarnia Observer in Ontario, Quebec, in the same press release, said, "The artists gave a remarkable display of close musical rapport in a recital that was musically solid and brilliantly performed throughout." "It is unusual to hear and see a piano recital of two people and four hands at one piano," Bethany said. "Because of the extra two hands, it is possible to use the entire keyboard to greater advantage." Barbara is a native of Ohio and a graduate of the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. While in Ohio, she studied with George Haddard. Gerhardt is originally from Charleston, S.C. and is a graduate of Furman University. The Surhstedts met and married while completing graduate studies at Boston University's School for the Arts. The Suhrstedts live in Boston and have taught at several schools, including Tufts University and Boston's South Shore Conservatory. Barbara and Gerhardt have released a cassette tape, "A Four-Hand Feast," featuring music of Mendelssohn, Liszt, Dvorak, Debussy and Gershwin. The duo is well known for their programs "Four Hands Fantastique!" "French Music, Art and Poetry 1870-1920" and "Land of the Czars," a glimpse into the arts of Czarist Russia. In addition to their formal concerts, Barbara and Gerhardt regularly present lectures on the piano duet medium for high schools, colleges and piano teachers' associations. In recent seasons, they have been featured Convention Artists/ Clinicians for MTNA State Conventions in Pennsylvania and Louisiana. "These pianists paint pictures in musical sounds, reaching a high level of artistic ·achievement," The News and Observer of Raleigh, N.C., said. arts & entertainrrn,nteditQr

Last week a momentous event took place. Our first tag-team restaurant review. Anned with only our wits, lightweight jackets and a trusty notebook, we took wing to the Chili's Restaurant and Bar in Wayne. Well,notwingexactly. Wegotaride. It was cold and wet and neither of us had a car. Also, we were both fighting the common cold, and not doing too well. So, rather than brave the elements, we drafted a freak with wheels and went on our culinary sojourn. Chili's is located on Lancaster Avenue in Wayne, across from the First Fidelity bank, next to Minella's diner. We went on a Wednesday at 3 p.m., so we missed the lunch crowd, and were too early for dinner. Perhaps this helped us be seated right away. And perhaps this is why our review began He got a Pepsi. She got an iced tea. We sat by the door. Immediately we noticed the atmosphere. The bright colors of green, orange and cream caught our eyes at once. We were drawn to the exposed beams and heating vents, tiled floors and the very Sante Fe atmosphere. Everywhere she looked there was a plant... After she stopped sneezing, we noticed the details. The restaurant is loaded with little knickknacks that were reminiscent of T.G.I. Friday's, but all had a special, southwestern flair. He noticed the copper kettle drum lamps over every table. She noticed the antique bicycle hanging over her head. We agreed the atmosphere was laid-back. Our hostess/waitress kept looking to our FEATURES table as our eyes swept the room. We were expecting her to give us menus. She gave us dirty looks instead. Then, she noticed the menus. They were bright yellow, sitting on the multicolored, ceramic tile table, behind the steak sauce and Tabasco. After we looked at the menus for a few minutes, our attentive waitress came over. He planned on ordering the turkey quesadillas, a sliced, pepper turkey breast smothered in barbecue sauce, onions, pico de gallo and sour cream. For starters, the appetizer section of the menu, Chili's offers many choices, from fried cheese and buffalo wings to nachos and soup. This is because Chili's is also a bar. They have Dos XX, Corona, Heineken, Budweiser, Coors Light, Samuel Adams and other assorted premium bottle and draft beers. Chili's offers wines, such as chardonnay, white zinfandels and cabemet sauvignon. Margaritas are also mixed at Chili's. The bar itself is neat, located in the center of the restaurant, with a real bar, standing tables and a few booths. There is a big screen TV and lots of room to watch people enter and leave. A family restaurant, as well as a bar, Chili's atmosphere is interesting to say the least. Oh, Chili's also has a large salad section and offers side orders. He ordered the appetizer. She was on a diet. We needed more time. As our waitress left, she was excited to see the new "Guiltless Grill" section. She was smiling as she looked at the meals offered. Each platter contained between three to 13 grams of fat. She could have gotten a tuna or chicken salad sandwich or charbroiled chicken fahita. She went out on a limb and ordered the Guiltless Chicken Sandwich ($4.95) which had seven grams of fat. He ignored her wanton squealing of fatfree pleasure and followed his gut instinct, since his gut was paying for both of their meals. Heperusedthemenu. Chili'sisTexMex, meaning high-in-spice and high-incalories. Tex-Mex food originated in Texas and New Mexico, combining Mexican spices and cooking practices with down-home southern American eatin'. The menu is primarily steak, beef, chicken and some seafood. There are 14 entrees alone involving chicken. There are four entree sections: "Southwest Grill," "Open Range," "Burger Platters" and "Sandwiches". Most of the meat is char-grilled, especially in the "Southwest Grill." "Chargrilled" means that the meat is burned until it is done. The char-grilled food is not dry, mind you, but one may find a piece of charcoal floating in his pasta. He did. She laughed as he picked his teeth clean of the carbon grit from the first bite. After the appetizers that our waitress so lovingly • took away, we began our meal. She was very happy with her selection. A six-ounce piece of grilled chicken laid on a multi-grain bun that had lettuce, tomatoes and dill pickles on it. A fat-free honey mustard dressing was glistening in the light and was just enough to cover her buns. An array of steamed mixed vegetables such as cauliflower, broccoli and green and yellow zucchini sat next to her sandwich as well as a nice cup of fat-free tricolored spiral pasta salad. Although everything was full of flavor and color, the pasta salad contained too much vinegar dressing. He had ordered the Grilled Chicken Pasta

Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 ($6.85, add $0.99 for steamed vegetables). It was included in the "Open Range" section of the menu, which are primarily alternatives to grilled foods. He was enjoying it. It was prepared with spinach and regular linguini, which had been boiled with garlic pieces. It was tossed with marinated chargrilled chicken and red & green peppers. The linguini was then covered with a zesty garlic cream sauce and served on a platter with garlic bread. He enjoyed the meal thoroughly, down to the peppers and bits of charcoal. But TexMex is not for everybody. The spices and use of burning may not be everybody's idea of good food. His experience was good with the food and the atmosphere. It was too bad be was sick and that the waitress was absent for most of the meal. He rates Chili's in Wayne as GREAT. She thought Chili's was very accommodating for a customer on a diet. They will prepare your food without any of the creamy sauces or they will put them on the side. Their new "Guiltless Grill" has several varieties, and the food is low in fat, not low on taste. She would return to Chili's again. As we unbuckled our belts in gluttony, our waitress approached us with the bill. He was frustrated by the lack of good service. Bills should be brought to the table after a patron wants no more to eat, not in an attempt to shove people out the door. Still, He was stuffed. He had to pay up. She said "where's the bathroom?" "That way," He said, "Make a right and it's the first door on your left." After be paid the bill, she came back to the table and we got ready for our ride back. We walked out and waited, realizing we did not have a ride home. So we had to walk back, sick, in the rain. We both strongly suggest Chili's Restaurant and Bar. Bring your appetite, but bring a ride!

Don't Forget ... The 16th Annual Senior Dinner December 2 6:30 p.m. Mansion Dining Room R-esponses and Mother Ursula A 'Ward nominations are due in the Alumni Office November 21. Remember that·you MUST RSVP in order to attend! The Cabrini College Alumni Association is proud of the achievements of the Class of '95! Dial 902-8252 to RSVP

6 Dining Out by Katina Corraoand Steve May guest writers

Jennifer Goss, education program coordinator for the National Cancer Society, was one of the people promoting the smokeout this year. She said the program has been running for 18 years with varied success. "In 1993, we had 9.4 million people, or 20.5 percent of the smokers, participate in the smokeout," Goss said. Statistics from the Cancer Society show almost 80 percent of the people who tried quitting that day had some success in either cutting down or quitting altogether. Chris Breger, a senior, smokes. He said he participated in the smokeout in years past but he did not see the reason for it. "I decided to quit for the day, but the day after, I was smoking again," Breger said. Breger stressed the fact that anyone wishing to quit smoking should want to do it for themselves, not because there is a special day for it. "I have never heard of someone deciding to quit because of the day," be said. My friends who have decided to quit did it on their own, not because of a special day," Breger said. Diane Difelice, a junior and confessed smoker, said she bad not even heard about the smokeout this year. "In years past, there were a lot of advertisements for the "We send it out a month before, so people can pick the third Thursday in November as their quitting date," Goss said. Nonsmokers also have an in-terest in The Great American Smokeout. Junior Dan Meder said if the smokeout helps someone quit, the day was worthwhile. • "Who knows, someone might just decide to stick with not smoking," Meder said. He said a majority of his friends to not smoke, but those who did probably would ignore the day. "If I have not heard anything about this, how will the smokers?" Meder asked. As a nonsmoker, he said he liked the idea of a smoke-free day. He said it was nice not to smell stale cigarettes all the time.

..,, ! j l 1 l j

"Highsmith 's skills as an interviewer and broadcast journalist are absolutely top notch," said NJN news boss Bill Jobes, when he commented on his hiring of Highsmith in The Philadelphia Inquirer. Jobes said he had no problem with the lack of television experience Highsmith had when he debuted on NJN since he is able to think on his feet and not loose his cool. Highsmith has also been the recipient of several first place awards such as the 1988 Pennsylvania AP News Feature, the 1988 Pennsylvania UPI Individual Achievement, the 1988 Pennsylvania UPI Spot News, the 1987 Pennsylvania AP Best Newscast (anchor, writer, editor) and the 1986 RTNDA Edward R. Murrow Regional Award for Best News Department. Highsmith's 30 minute documentary on the Battleship New Jersey also got him nominated for an Emmy in both New York and Philadelphia. The Battleship New Jersey documentary was archival footage from the birth of the ship in Philadelphia, where it was one of four ships made during World War II Battleship New Jersey served in the later years of World War II, the Korean war, Vietnam, and recently in the Middle East. The footage also consisted of interviews with the sailors and the captain. Efforts to bring the ship back to New Jersey after its services are done are in effect. Highsmith said he has accomplish all Steve Highsmith, 1988graduate, is now an anchor for "The Inquirer NewsHour." that he has for four reasons: hard work, his striking out for something, luck and the positive image he has made for himself. "You need a sense of direction," Highsmith said. "Can't say it will all work out, but there is more time than you think there is when in your twenties, to establish your career." To reach his goals, Highsmith said he took advantage of many of the opportunities he was offered. Highsmith has also contributed his services to our community. Within the last year, he established a scholarship drive to provide the opportunity for working people either, to get or continue their education. Highsmith has also contributed to the Mansion restora-tion fund, the Alumni annual fund and the continuing education scholarship fund. Highsmith also volunteers for the New Town Haddassab, which is a local Jewish organization where he is the master of ceremonies. Highsmith does not have any definite plans for the future. He enjoys what he is doing and hopes to get better at it. He said he feels he is in a very fortunate position and he hopes to improve bis "craft." He has just started a new adventure and he is doing what he likes best, anchoring and reporting.

Grad getsTV anchorpost

To smoke or not to smoke

by Matt Craig staff writer It is long, you suck on it, and it gives you pleasure. Relax! It's not what you think. It is just a cigarette, and on Nov. 17, smokers everywhere held back their carnal desires to help make The Great American Smokeout a success. The National Cancer Society bas tried to encourage everyone in America to quit smoking for just one day. Unfortunately, the Great American Smokeout has not been the most widely observed day in our calendar year. For one reason or another, smokers will light up in spite of this annual occurrence. He said he thinks that Nov.17 was not be different than any other day. "I think it's a great idea, but if I want to stop smoking I will do it when I am ready," Breger said. smokeout. If more people heard about it more people would participate," Difelice said. Goss said each college in the Delaware County area received a packet about one month ago.

by Allyson Hannigan staff writer Cabrini 1988 alumnus Steve Highsmith, is now the weekend anchor and chief correspondent of The Inquirer News Tonight on WPHL Channel 17, Philadel.phia, at 10 p.m Highsmith graduated summa cum laude, with a bachelor's of arts in English and communications. Originally, Highsmith went to the University of Notre Dame for two years while working part-time. Shortly after his college career began he got offered a full time job and his career started. Ten years later Highsmith took the opportunity to finish his degree. Unlike most students, Highsmith was able to earn many of his credits through credentialing for life experience. This program allows students to earn credits toward their degree through past documented work experience. In getting his degree, Highsmith felt "a sense of confidence." The education he received here also helped him broaden his horizons and taught him many things that he would have never learned on the job. Highsmith has been in the communications profession for 20 years and much of it has been in politics. Highsmith has covered both the Democratic and Republican National conventions in 1988, and the 1992 Republican National Convention in Houston. Highsmith has also covered many presidents in the past, such as Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George Bush. Recently, Highsmith covered Tom Ridge and Mark Single throughout their election campaign and President Clinton's visit to the Philadelphia area on Oct. 31. After his graduation from Cabrini, Highsmith moved to South Bend, Ind. to become an anchor and reporter for WJV A AM/WRBR FM. From there he later moved and to Minnesota to work as the morning anchor and news director for WDGY AM until 1981. In 1981, Highsmith became managing director for WCAU-AM (1210), where be was later promoted to news director. Being part of WCAU took Highsmith from the White. House to MOVE confrontations to Live Aid. Highsmith later became a free-lance writer for New Jersey News Network, after CBS unexpectedly nuked WCAUAM and Highsmith became one of dozens to be pink-slipped. Highsmith debuted on Nov. 20, 1989, as a co-anchor for NJN news, weeknights at 7 p.m. on channels 23 and 52. While news anchor, Highsmith also contributed to public affairs along with the newscast.

Highsmith said be would like to stay in Philadelphia, since he feels he has invested a lot into Philadelphia.

Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 FEATURES 7

photo by Caroline Croley Dr. Jerome Zurek serves food in the Mansion at the "Celebrity Chef' breakfast on Spirit Day.

''Weneedtorebuildourcommunities physicallyand spirituallystarting withtheelementaryschools,''Kotlowitz said. ''We need to have a sense of cohesionand neighborliness." Kotlowitztalkedabouttwokindsof silence,silencesthathebelievesarethe maincontnbutionsto the problemsof today.


Kotlowitzhonored with award by Kathy Cephas staff writer ''I foundhopeandoptimismforthe futureinthechildren,"AlexKotlowitz, therecipientoftheCabriniSpiritAward, saidwhileaddressingthe430students, facultyand guestswho attendedthe awardceremonyonTuesday,Nov.15.

He recalledan exampleof two photo by MarieBarrett Monica Scaramuzza and Shav.n McAleer participate in an during the "Respect: Give me just a little bit" workshop in the Coffee House. shootin~ one in the suburbsand the otherintheprojects.Withthesuburban shootin~ thegovemoroflllinoiscalled for actionandcounselorswerebought in for the childrenand their families. Nothingwas donefor the residentsof theprojects. ''The inabilityof our societyto respond to crisis that surround us is everyone'sproblem,"Kotlowitzsaid. "Self-imposedsilenceissomething that I did not reallythinkabout until after the book had been published," Kotlowitzbegan.''I didnotwanttotalk aboutthethingsthatI hadseenforfear thatno onewouldnot believeme."

photo by DawnletleKlopp Alex Kotlowitz signs his book, 'There Are No Children Here," for Laura Irwin, Sloane Gibb and Dr. Kathleen Daley-McKinley. In 1984he becamea staffwriterfor The Wall StreetJournal.In 1985 he firstmettheRiversfamily,residentsof th.eHenryHomer Homes,a housing projecton Chicago'sWestSide,when hewroteashortpieceaboutthem.Two yearslater,hereturnedtobeginwriting thebook.. Publishedin 1991,''ThereAre No ChildrenHere" was the recipientof nwnerousawardsincludingthe Helen B. BernsteinAwardfor Excellencein Journalism,the CarlSandburgAward anda ChristopherAward.In thefallof 1993,itwasadoptedfortelevisionasan "ABC Movie of the Week'' starring OprahWinfrey. Kotlowitzmainlyspokeaboutthe bookandhowtheexperiencestouched hislife.He didadmit,however,thathe went in to the HenryHomerHomes with somepreconceivednotions. ''I went into it thinkingthat there wouldbegreattiestofamilyandfriends sinceeveryonelivedsoclosetogether,'' Kotlowitzsaidto the audience.''But I soon discovered there was a great amountof distrustbetweeneveryone." He wenton to descnbea storythat wastoldtohimby LafeyetteRivers,the elderof the two boys in the story.''I askedhimduringourfirstmeetingifhe hadanyfriends.Hethenwentonto say thathedidnothaveanyfriendsbutthat he had' associates,becausefriendsyou trust• " Kotlowitzwasstunnedtohear suchdistrustfroma youngboy. Kotlowitzwent on to speakabout thebehaviorof thechildrenin thelocal elementaryandjuniorhigh schools. ''Thechildrenareeitherveryhyperactive or very depressed.These are childrenthatarewishingfortheirchildhoodback,"Kotlowitzsaid. Disturbedby the fact that all but threeof thechildrenin a seventh-grade classadmittedtheyhadseensomeone who ·hadbeen eithershot or stabbed, Kotlowitzcalledfor actionbeginning at a very earlyage.

Kotlowitz,authorof"ThereAreNo ChildrenHere:TheStoryofTwoBoys GrowingUp in the OtherAmerica," receivedthe award and went on to praisetheworkof the namesakeof the awardand of the college. "MotherCabrinidevotedher lifeto combatinginjusticeand poverty.She representedwhat it means to be involved,"Kotlowitzsaid. Kotlowitz,a native of New York Cityandgraduateof WeslyanUniversity in Middletown,Conn.,beganhis journalismcareer with The Lansing Star in Lansing,Mich. He then freelanced, making contnbutionsto the "MacNeil-LehrerNewsHour," NationalPublicRadioandseveralmagazines.

''Institutionalsilenceis where the schools,policeandthejuvenilesystem havebasicallygivenup on thesechildren,"Kotlowitzsaid.

Photo by OawnielleKlopp

The Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus ''graced" the campus with their presence on Spirit Day when they attended Kotlowitz's speech and the picnic-type lunch in the cafeteria.

The award,presentedto Kotlowitz by PresidentAntionetteIadarola,is givento a humanitarianwhocarrieson the spiritof thecollegeandtheworkof MotherCabriniin acontemporarysetting.

''Beingblack,maleandpoorisvery tough,"Kotlowitzsaid. ''We needto providejobs forthesepeople"


TheRiversfamily,pro:filedin''There AreNoChildrenHere,"hasmovedout of the Henry Horner Homes, and Lafeyetteis in a program that will enablehimtoreceivehisGED.Pharoah is enrolledin Provence-St.Mel,a college preparatory school, where Kotlowitzwill be donatinghis $2,000 awardmoney. Kotlowitzrecognizednot allof the residentsin the projectsthatlie only a mile-and-a-halfaway from where he works,will beabletoescapeandmove on with theirlives. Kotlowitzwasrealisticwhenasked whatonecoulddo abouttheproblems of society. Hesaid moneywas neededas well as time,charityand commitmentHe addressedthe needformalerolemodels in the African-Americancommunity.


by Shella Brady features editor A job. It is the one thing on the minds of most seniors. It is also on the minds of many experienced people, who have for one reason or another left their jobs. Is there one out there for everyone? Seventy-five companies with potential jobs answered that question for employee-hopefuls by taking part in the Delaware Valley Regional Job Fair. On Thursday, Nov. 10, 2,000 people passed through the Valley Forge Convention Center doors to attend "Job Seeker Workshops" and, more importantly, make connections to land a job. "It was incredible," said Cherie Wright, the program director. "It was a very good fair." Wright said a great amount of work was put into the day. However, because her company, the Great Valley Career Connections has been a primary sponsor of job fairs for 10 years, she said they have it down to a science. The day began with a short orientation session at 10 a.m. A continental breakfast was served until 10:45 a.m. Tables were set up and ready for encounters with potential employees beginning at 11 a.m. There were three workshops available for job seekers: "How to write resumes," "Interviewing skills" and "Computer careers: Myths and realities." The people who did not attend the workshops were busy straightening their ties or stockings, as the case may be. Rows of patient job seekers shifted their weight from one leg to another, while waiting in wrap-around lines to speak to company representatives. Resumes were shared, names were taken, and according to Wright, approximately 200 of the hopefuls will be back in the work force as a result of this fair.

Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 NEWS 9

"The biggest worry I have right now is finding a job," Nicole Fries said. "I'm looking for a career in sales, or anything." There was also a much more experienced job-seeker who knew exactly what to do. Leslie Leben offered the advice to never come to these fairs early. According to Leben, skip the morning rush and also lunch hour, when temporary employees may come to the fair. Instead, come in the early afternoon when employers are loosened up, yet not exhausted, Leben said. Wright was exhausted, she said. "But it is worth it," she said, in her sharp business suit and sneakers. "It is a positive experience for companies," Wright said. "People generally do find legitimate employers."

Companies ranged from large to small. There were names like Wawa, Wendy's, TI Maxx, computer corporations and sales companies like Micro Age of Exton, Pa., and John Hancock Financial Services. "Not everybody can work for AT&T and IBM," Karen A. Zenner, the district sales manager of Famous Footwear, said. "We have nice entry-level positions." Deborah Devlin, associate manager of The Prudential Insurance Company of America said it was her guess that the majority of companies at the fair is looking for people with two or three years experience. According to Devlin, most of the college students who attended, did so early in the day. She said college-aged participation was low at the convention center. This may be due to the fact most colleges and universities have their own job fairs on campus.

OFalse Smoke/Fire ALarm 11/13 The smoke/fire alarm sounded in Woodcrest. Officer checked the location and called to report the incident. The building was evacuated and rooms were checked by RD and security. No fire was found. Apparently, two residents were smoking in their room and had tripped the smoke/fire alarm.

Qllarrassment by Phone 11/13 Security received a call from a graduate student who had found an obscene phone call on her voice mail. Student was directed to save message and the situation was turned over to Rich Kralle, director of security, for further investigation.

Vehicle 11n Officer was notified by male student in Widener parking lot that a car with no driver was loose and had just missed hitting him. Officer responded and found the car facing into the woods. The vehicle was locked and in park. Officer found the owner who then moved the vehicle.

What's Happening OLegal Party 11/18 Bring your dancing shoes to the Legal Party from 9:30 p.m. until 1 a.m. in the Gathering Area. Admission is two cans of food or $3 for Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.

Last week in the world of news by Christina Feehan news editor Q'Iuesday, Nov. 8 AIDS researchin New York Qty rut New Yock City is losing three of its four community-basedclinicaltrialsfor AIDS research. This decisionis promptingoutrage and igniting a debate regarding the right to participatein clinicaltrials. This study, which began in 1989, is an effortto insurethatminorities,women and N drug users are includedin AIDS research trials. The federalgovernment,who fundsthese trials,decidedNew Yorlc,the city with the most people in the United States,should only haveoneof16program& ThenumberofNew Yorkpatientsinvolvedwilldrq>from2,130to 534.

QFriday,Nov.11- VietnamMemorialis more thana monument VeteransDayisthedaywhenattendanceisthe heaviest at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington,D.C. Thousandsgathertogetherto find the names of their loved ones, while others just say a prayer. Thememorial'sappearanceisquitedramatic. A pair of black granite walls contain 58,196 namesof Americanmen andwomen who diedin Vietnam. Some peoplesay they can even seethe reflectionof their loved one in the granite.

Employers provide opportunities at local fair

QThaoksgiving Break Residence Halls close for the break on Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. and will re-open on Sunday at 2 p.m. Enjoy the holiday! Mass Schedule Mass is celebrated in the Chapel every Sunday at 6 & 8 p.m. and every Monday and Wednesday at 8 a.m. and every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:15 p.m. You may contact Campus Ministry for confession.

Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday, Nov. 7 through Nov.14.

Vandalism 11/11 RD called security because someone had broken two windows and ripped them off the track in Woodcrest Hall. Female resident said she heard voices but could not identify the suspects. Another resident could possibly identify them and was going to talk with security and the RD.

Nov. 12 New, simpler Alzheimer'stestreported Researchersat HarvardMedical School said they think they have found a new test for Alzheimer's. The investigatorshave found that peoplewho have Alzheimer's diseaseare more sensitiveto eye dropsused by doctorsbeforeperformingeye examinations.Researchershavetested19people in whom Alzheimer's disease had been diagnosedand have had 18 positivetests. The test may beavailableby the end of 1996

OThursday, Nov.10 Women in Canada upset by Courtrulingon drunke~ Women's advocacygroups are outraged at recent criminalcases in Canada. Apparently, drunkennesshad been succes5fullyused as a defense in assaultsagain&women.

C.anada'sSupreme Court reasonedthat if an aa:usedperson isso drunk as to not know what he is doing,he cannothave the requiredguiltymind or specificintentto commitan illegalact.

WhenMotherNaturedoesnotdropenough snow on the mountains,technologycannow providethe 'white, fluffystuff' for skiers However, environmentalistgroups are concerned the ski industryis becomingso reliantonwater divertedfrom riversto make artificialsnow that fish may become endangered.

There was, however, a Villanova University senior in attendance.

ORe0ection 11/20 At 4:30 p.m. in the Student Development Office, join together for reflection and evaluation of the week's events over pizza. Sign up in Campus Ministry. OCarewalk Sign up for the Carewalk, through Old St. Joseph's Church in Philadelphia, in Campus Ministry. It takes place every Tuesday and Friday from 5-8 p.m. House Interested in showing off your talent? Come to the Red Cloud Coffee House and strut your stuff. Contact Neal Newman at ext. 8510 or Rob Marish, Box 709.

Another Republican, Tom Ridge, won the race for governor against MadeSinge}.a democrat RidgeandSingeldidnotdiffergreatlyonthe issuesintheracebutRidgecalledforchangeinthe statecapitoland stated,as the self-anointed"outsider"intherace,hewastheagentforthatchange.

QSunday,Nov.13-Doctorsallowedtohelp terminaUy-illpatients die Oregon has become the only place in the nationwhere doctorsare allowedto hastendeath for the tenninally ill. Voterspassedthe ballot measurethat states a patient is allowed to ask a doctor to prescribea lethal dose of drugs to end unbearablesuffering. 1\vo doctorsmust agreethat thepatients' case is terminal. The patientmust requestthe drug at leastthreetimes and the thirdrequestmust be in writing, OMonday,Nov.13-Man-madesnowis makingenvironmentalistsspeakup

11/17-19 "Fresh Out of Rats" will air in the Red Cloud Coffee House at 8 p.m. $3 students/ $5 general admission. Mass Schedule 11/20 Due to Open House on campus, Mass will be celebrated at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. in the Chapel.

Public Safety Update

A groupof environmentalistshasfiledsuit intheColoradoSupremeCourttoblocksnowmakingexpansions. Hal Simpson, directorof the Division of Water Resourcesin Colorado,said he didnot believethatartificialsoow-makingcouldcause serious ecologicaldamage because the volume of water used for makingsnow is minute comparedwith the amount divertedfor agriculture. It takes about 150,(XX)gallonsof water to make enoughsnowto cover an acreof skitrail one foot deep, but it takes 326,(XX)gallons of water for irrigation.

11/10 Officer received a call that a radio was missing from the president's office. More information could be given after the president was informed of theft.

OWednesday,Nov.9-Republicanstake over Pennsylvania RepublicanRick Santorum pushed politics to the rightwhen he won a Senate seat For most of his election,Santorumkept to his message of lt!$ government,fewer taxes and more individualfreedoms.

The Ethnic Student Alliance brings new light to Cabrini with a step squad. 'The step show was really different," senior Heather McAllister said. Cabrini has never done anything like this before. It captured the audience into complete silence. Everyone just sat there and watched." The musicis made through the motions and sounds of the body. The steps are done in patterns. It is essential that the steps be done in complete unison to capture the attitude that must be expressed by the performers. It is as if the body is the instrument. This year, Midnight Madness was a huge success with the E.S.A Step Squad's performance. "We wanted to put together a dance for Midnight Madness," junior Celene Wright said. The squad wanted to get their group more well known to the students, and through their performance, they felt it was a success. "The audience seemed really excited about what we were doing," Wright said. Not only do they want to do something to make their group well- known, the squad also wants to bring something new to the campus.

pholo by CarolineCroley

Senior Kelly Brown is the current president of E.S.A and Grace is the vice president. The president calls for occasional meetings, and the group discusses different events that are coming up in the future. The idea for the step squad came into light at one of this year's recent meetings. Everyone thought this squad could be a new activity that would benefit the organization. To prepare for Midnight Madness, they began rehearsing every night from 10 p.m. to midnightfor approximatelythreeweeks. Grace taught the group their dance steps with the help of his girlfriend Jennifer. "We are very happy with the response we have received from the students, and we are looking forward to future performances," Rutherford said. The E.S.A Step Squad hopes to impress their audience in the future as they have done at Midnight Madness Before long they said they want all to be aware ofE.S.A.'s existence on campus.

The E.S.A. step squad performs at halftime during the alumni game on Monday, Nov. 14. likes teaching girls because she loves to watch their improvement. "I like to see my girls get the most out of their ability," Milhous said. Milhous also said she likes to see the girls having a good time as well as developing their skills. "The most important thing to me," Milhous said, ''is that the girls gain confidence and reach their goals." Milhous is in her fourth year of coaching at Cabrini. Hubley is the men's soccer coach. Hubley has been coaching for 31 years. He coached at the high school level for the first five years of his coaching career. Hubley was the assistant coach at the University of Pennsylvania for 13 years. During that time, his team won 52 consecutive games. He then became head coach there for the next five years. Hubley has been the head coach at Cabrini for eight years. "My favorite aspect of coaching," Hubley said, "is winning." Hubley said another thing he Ii.Icedabout coaching was showing people how to play the game. "After 31 years, still find ·it very enjoyable," Hubley said.

h : /- '•· r •• , t-=: ,: ",~~§,~~loo~~ by Ltulra'T_,.. $~ff wr/1«. •·· MarlcH.Smithi$ theass~eoach of Cabrim'swomen•sandmen'stennis J:teadcoachReggieDay asked Smitht() fill •~••positionpriorto the lfmseason. Smith~Dayeigbtyea,s ago -,vh.ileplayingtenni~ in a weekty indo()t hasbeen coaching Smith ever $Ince. '1 beat Reggiejust -oncea~y~ago.Heaefualtythreat• ened'toq~" Smith~. ' SJ;llithplayedvarsity-~ ho<:key.· at , ' Radnorln$1)Sc®QJ. colle~he p~ayed.sixtb&in$fes(JJltbetet\Disteamat , PennState.Lima. rSmiduJ~opt~fX)ennStareand, l~retumediodegeatM~ CollPtY-~Ccilleg~ whem)le ,.W,aSt!te~~totof~~-, ~T -• >L '. •·.• ·.• ,smi.:~-cum·1auc1e with an~--~glee m~-. ••·. , "A.wn~~,bigge$t~t•~eower ofobsetv~~ ~ntl~said~beitfgj\ CQlle'°rq,o,tei :)) , A. SmiththeAw()Jkedat"TVGllide,,..sawri~onthesporls'deskin the N•~ ,..tional ~8 Department.Ile thena~nded'PennState Main OunPQS ilS a readmittat¢.He was also•·•paid columnistfor the coUegepaper.Smith gra4uatedwit~ bachelor'sdegreein ecooomics. Sincebis graduatioh,Stnith hasbeen running a smallpainting~an(l-home-improvementbusinesswithhis girlfriend. Smith .is a $CUproclaimed ~ports enthusia&.Hegiewupplayingfootbali tennis, ba$Cballami ice hQclcey.Be-causeofmsloveforSjX)rts,Smith~ the,~tudyof pbysi~ fitnt$ a,id~tfr tionitlg a lifelongpursuit. _Jleis a long ~.runner ~b'f takencoursesin 'rai K;wonSo;and• plass-tn.A;lassif;atballet.' •% ' J·. o.:=:_;:, .:.•t: -, • • • : ;; : ; see more-.ratantonpg.12·


There are six members of the step squad, all of whom are involved with E.S.A. First year students Ediely Espinola, Jeannette Guzman and Chanda Mccard and juniors Wright, Rowena Rutherford and Richard Grace are all enthusiastic about being involved.

10 L.OOUl!TUR SPORTS Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 Campus recognizescoaches OWQVCU', ' J~a~en~ ' ,Ji ••• ?.: ••·•--'.•.•·. ' • liewnoreJ~o~~ami,siuq 'Jor,;tan;~,cr~ent as a ~ffllll~~tr t<>r ?Vffi~ f:t'yi • ' • r> , ~~played baakethallforalQ~g ,; • dnui just ne~· ~metbit;lg •,1 ~~:rei1t," M~d •. _ • 'J '! , •• J\.ffjrst,l4ian•tttu"1lle'd$liek2 ,., w;.t~the_retiremeiitr.•Rob-_l.Jt:f,_ a ? • junior, ~aid. "Bdtno~ 1 he , ? ~•.:• ' ." /? ? $ ~P,Stseelqroan'f~~e-~ba~ 2 •,••-~•.asp1:1otherd,~~--lJmt.h~ ?,-• 'w.,n~m'lconciu,er. 1 • r ;- ?. ? --~;;; ·i~.-...tyt~,-~l w-~JJtek, _-Ifl)~ -.v~go~ wt·f1 f .·,wnie•--1)actit~~t4·~ve beef .":1 # •. • • • ff ' >f,rw,;l ~hj~'•j ~~~~.,t-~T?, Jprdatpv.iU ftlr£is ? ? ~t<i, «a~t~ft' ,,~VQIO i --. '~"~ 1,t~ng,1n· ·• 1 1 •••.•. • lle\bPtJld<wil~etteq,;-i ;'.(! tt 0 itJr<!ap'sdeci~t~to \'J~y ti ? baliw~-mostly ~uenc~ by tµs #) • P{fM~~ QPerience-int~i$ ~; • ? ""7h~ ~e wasJ0Ut>ger,,, , ? Jacavinosaid,"hewas:r.ellllyg<><>d ; at l>asebaIL·11utJ think his d;tcl ; • influenced it too;•• • Jordan'scareermoveto base., ? ? ball occune<.tsqQrtly after his fa.. ? • th.erwasmurderedin a carjacking • ? incidept.Many PCOJ>lebelieveJor- ? ? dan )Va$influencedby his father: s ? ? wishto ~eehimbecomea profes- ? sionalbaseballplayer. , ? Othersbelieveit js not good ? ? Aftei he badaccontplisMd every~ ?· • i •? thmg he wanted to do .n pastet~ ? ball, .nwas:time to move on. _ It" 'l ' wastim~toe:xpenrn~ S()~tJ)ing .,? l}tW an;dJ~irp.t9 eoil!J~J~en • 1!1ore. • , r . . 3 ,, ,, ? ?.'J?"?·?~.,~ft??.,?!)-• e .-a. ca. · • :{: •9000·14 f,$-• • .,.itoc.&,, •,t by Joe Marturano staff writer The following people are a few vertebrae in the backbone of Cabrini sports. They are skilled people who set the examples that Cabrini's athletes strive to match. Welde is the coach of the women's basketball team. Welde coached the Taiwanese National junior team in the Asian youth games in Japan 10 years ago. He also helped start a basketball clinic in Ecuador last year. Welde, a Cabrini graduate, said he loves athletics, especially basketball He said he loves the competition involved in the sport. Welde used to play basketball when he was in school. He said he truly loves the sport. "Now that my career is over," Welde said, "I want to pass on what I've learned. I still get the joy out of being involved, but now it's on a different level." Welde said he likes working with young people. "I do the job for pure enjoyment. It's not the money." He also said he likes seeing young people learn from his experiences. "I can make people learn through my coaching," Welde said, "and I love that." Welde is in his eighth year of coaching at Cabrini. Qfom O'Hora is the coach of the men's and women's track and cross country teams. O'Hora coa.-:hed at the junior high and high school levels for 10 years before coming to Cabrini. During that time, he never had a losing team. O'Hora is now in his 12th yearof coaching at Cabrini. Several championships have been won during that time. In 1989, O'Hora was elected to the Pennsylvania Sports Hall of Fame. O'Hora said his favorite aspect of coaching is working with athletes. He said he feels an obligation to pass down his knowledge to the younger generation. O'Hora also said he likes to help athletes learn and become more informed on their sport. "You don't have to win to get satisfaction," O'Hora said. "It's good enough to see someone get the message." Milhous is the women's field hockey coach. Milhous has been coaching field hockey at summer camps since 1988. She said she E.S.A. steps into sports scene by Mary Burfete staff writer

FridaY, Nov. 18, 1994 SPORTS

Federal labor laws state that once ownen. have declared an official impasse in negotiations,theywould be unableto implementtheir ~alary-cap proposal and send out contracts under their new economicsystem. Wednesday,Dec.7 is the last day for teams to offer salary arbitrationto their playerswho became free-agents.

Men's Basketball Frl./Sat.11/18-19 Urslnua/Pharmacy A 6 p.m. Women's Basketball Fri./Sat. 11/18-19 Notre Dame Mon. 11/28 Rosemont A 8p.m. A7p.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 20 is the last day to settle

ONBA WilleBurton,smallforward,was signedby the '76ers. Burtonis a formerNBA all-rookie selection with Miami and the eighth overall draft choice in 1990. This might not be the only addition to the Sixers.

Last week in the world of sports by John Lindsay staff writer (JNHL InHamilton,Ontario,duringtheNHLlockout, the players offered to accept limits on rookie pay if owners drop their demand for complete salary controls. The league alsomet in NewYork for seven hours. They were not able to come to a collective-bargainingagreement. The lockouthas stretchedto 41 games and is the longestwork stoppage in NHL history.

C)Boxing Tony Marshall of Albany, N.Y., was out pointedby Julio Cesar Vasquezof Argentina. The match was held in Tucuman,Argentina. Marshallretainedhis World BoxingAssociationjunior-middleweightcrown. Mike Tyson withdrew his request for an appeal hearing on his 1992 rape conviction. This decision means the former heavyweight boxing champion will serve the remaining months of his six-year term. He is eligible for release in May.

:)NFL Trev Alberts, linebackerand a first-round draft pick who underwentsurgery for a dislocated elbow, practicedfor t~first time since the preseasonand targetedthe Colts' Nov. 27 game with New England for his NFL debut.

ln the Eagles game against the Cardinals, Fred Barnettburnedthe defensewith a careerhigh 11 passes for 173 yards and two touchdowns. Barnett has regainedhis touch for the long pass. Over the last three games, the former allpro wide receiverhas caught 18 passes for 392 yards and three touchdowns.

The NewYork Postreportedthatthe Sixers were talking to the Lakers about trading forward Tim Perry for shooting guard Anthony Peeler. C)Baseball In Rye Brook,N.Y., the two sides in baseball were speakingto one another. Baseball's owners said the sides will need to do more thanjust talk. If an agreementis not worked out by next month, the owners said they will meet to discuss imposing an economic system for the 1995 season.

Men's JV Basketball Mon. 11/28 Penn State-Del. County A 7 p.m. SPIRIT DAY RESULTS Alumni Game: White defeated Blue 92-86 Blue and White Game: White defeatedBlue 75-72 Trivia Answer: Bob Orr of the Boston Bruins is the NHL defensemen that holds single season marks for assists (102) and points (139) for defensemen. -compiled by Father Ambrose Tap in to Mac by Bob Macartney sports columnist 11 Defendinga titlein theworldof sports is a toughthingto do. Defendingthattitle incollegeathletics,whenpersonnelchanges from year to year, is extremelyhard to accomplish. Attemptingto three-peatis nearlyimpossible. When the NCAA basketballseason kicksoff forthe CabriniCavaliersagainst thePhiladelphiaCollegeof Pharmacyand Science,thatis exactlywhat theywill be attemptingto do. The PAChasbeenin existencefortwo years. In thosetwo years,the Cavshave dominatedplay,winningbothregularseason titles,as wellas bothconferencetournaments. In fact, in two seasonsof PAC play, CoachJohn Dzik's Cavs have not lost a game. However,as isthecasein sports, when one team dominatesfor a stretchof time, the others have a tendency to catch up. Needlesstosay,theroadwillnot beaneasy one for the Cavsthisseason. TheylostleadingscorerDanBanacliff tograduation,alongwiththestartingcenter combinationof DavidKerchnerandDave Wissler.JamieShaak,a key man for the Cavsoff ofthebenchlastseason,was also a partof tl-.atgraduationclass. Pointguardandtloorleader BradDever willalsonotbein uniformfortheCavsthis season,due to an eligibilityconflictthat was neverclearedup. SwingmanReggieMarani,oneof the Cavstopdefenders,didnot returntoschool for the first semester,so he, too, will be missingfromthe lineup. On topof all~ the leadingreturning scorer,BillyCarr,is attemptingto recover fromspinalmeningitis.HowwilltheCavs overcometheselosses? First,pointguardMikeDeverwillhave tostepinandruntheoffense.CarrandNate Bowleswillhavetoprovidethemajority of the offensivesparkfor the Cavs. EricTidwellcouldhelpCarrandBowles withthe offense,ifhe is involvedin more plays. John Drummond,Greg Grant and TomNewnamneedtocontrolthelanearea for the Cavs this season. If the team can reboundandplaydefenseinthepost,there shouldbe no stoppingthe Cavs. As for the bench, transfers Dan Robinson,Jeff Danzi and John Watson willbe countedon to contnbute.

Women'sVolleyball Eastern Allentown Misericordia Cabrini W L 5 0 5 0 4 1 4 1 Beaver 3 2 lmmaculata.. _.,3._ ___ Marywood 2 Neumann 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 Rosemont 1 Alvemia Cedar Crest Gwynedd-Mercy 1 0 0 Women'sTennis W L Marywood 8 0 C.brlnl 6 1 Allentown 6 2 • Cedar Crest 5 3 Rosemont 4 4 Beaver 3 6 Eastern 2 4 Gwynedd-Mercy 1 7 lmmaculata O 8 Women's Field Hockey Misericordia Marywood Cabrini Beaver Gwynedd-Mercy W L 9 0 8 1 6 3 5- 3 • 1 4-4-1 Men's Soccer Eastern Alvemia Cedar Crest Rosemont lmmaculata 4 5 4 5 3 6 1 8 0 9 w L Cabrini 6 0 Misericordia 4 1 Allentown 2 2 Eastern 1 3 Beaver 0 4 Women'sSoccer Cabrini Eastern Misericordia Beaver W L 2 1 2 1 1 • 1 • 1 0- 2- 1 Women'sCross Country CedarCreat Allentown Beaver Cabrini Eastern Alvernia Neumann W L 2 • 0 7 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1


Whilethenegotiationsweregoingon, NHL playerswere to take to the ice in the first round of the four-team exhibition tournament in Hamilton. arennis Martina Navratilova has begun the last tournamentin her professionalcareer. In Ne York,she drew GabrielaSabatinias her firstround opponent Navratilova,38, has won 167 singles titles and earned more than $20.5 million since turning pro in 1973. She will retire after the tournament,the finalstopon thewomen's tour this season. Sabatini said she is looking forward to playing Navratilova.

Men's Soccer -------;;S;;:EA7,;-S"O"N~COMPLETE Women's Soccer SEASONCOMPLETE Women's Cross Country SEASONCOMPLETE Women's Volleyball SEASONCOMPLETE Women'sTennis SEASONCOMPLETE Women's Field Hockey SEASONCOMPLETE

Theteam'shopesofwinningtheirthird consecutivePACtitle,and of returningto the NCAADivisionIDTournament,will be determinedby howquicktheteamcan gel intoa unit. Dzikhopesthemixofnewandoldwill be able to cany the Cavs back to the tourney.

Father Knows Best: Who is the only NBA player to take over 15 field goal attempts in one game and miss them all. -compiled by Father Ambrose contractsto unsignedplayers on their rosters.

Al Monostra, class of '84, picked McQueen and Terry Mancini, former point guard for the Cavaliers, as key player. Monostra said Mancini was probably in the best shape among a lot of alumni.

The game started out leisurely, but as the time started running out and the scores grew close, the desire to win became obvious. A few impressive shots were made, including shots from afar and slam dunks. Although the players' ages had a 10 year range, it did not show on the court. Every player hustled as well as the next. As the Ethnic Student Alliance step squad performed their routine, the reactions among the fans varied. As some Cabrini _ students cheered on the squad, the alumni's mouths dropped open as their eyes grew wide. Michael Bennett, class of '82, said he could not believe Cabrini had a show like that. "We never had an ethnic group like that when we were at Cabrini," Bennett said. "This school has come a long way." He also said if they did perform something like that, they would have been thrown out. Bennett played in the game even though he had knee problems. He said he would not have missed this game for anything. Reuniting seemed to be the purpose for this game. Monostra did not participate because of many knee operations. He came as a spectator and to see old teammates. "The basketball team was a close-knit family," Monostra said. "McQueen was my roommate in college and we still live together. He's like a family member." "It's a good chance to see friends and people I graduated with," McQueen said. "I sometimes only get to see people once or twice a year." Gary Smith, class of '86, played for tltree years at Cabrini. However, a sore knee prevented him from playing in this game. Smith said he enjoyed playing for Cabrini and McQueen had recruited him. He agreed that the alumni game was a great opportunity to see old teammates and classmates. Dan Barracliff, class of '94, said he had fun playing in the game and was proud of the alumni attendance. "Just about everyone who graduated last year is here," Barracliff said. He said it was almost impossible for the others to attend. photo by Caroline Croley Alumnus Robert Davis gives the Blue team a run for their money in the Alumni game played on Monday,Nov. 14. The White team defeated the Blue team, 92-86.

Alumni~·p·layerstake over the court

The Gavs competeor1Spirit more.assistant from10 by Justin Mlrlgllanl staff writer The White team won the annual Blue and White game 7572, in Sacred Heart gym on Spirit Day, Tuesday, Nov. 15. The game was an intersquad match-up, as the basketball team was split up into two teams to compete against each other. From the opening tip, the game was in high gear. Juniors Eric Tidwell and Mike Dever hit consecutive three-pointers to begin the scoring for the White team. The White team continued to pull away, but with just over eight minutes to go, both teams began to trade three-pointers. After the pace slowed down a little bit, the White team maintained a 35-21 lead with less than eight minutes to go in the first half. For the rest of the first half, both teams traded baskets and at half time, the White team had a 15 point lead at 49-34. The second half started out with both teams playing tight defense. As the half wore on, the game opened up and both teams were making big offensive plays. With 11:16 left in the game, the White team still enjoyed a big 62-49 lead. The Blue team suddenly surged and with just under five minutes left in the game, they cut the White team's lead to five at 70-65. The Blue team got as close as 72- 70 with just 25 seconds left to go in the game. But first-year student Tom Newnam drove the lane and hit his shot and was fouled. Newnam converted the three-point play and with it, he put away the game. The White team got the ball back and inbounded it with one second left to ice the game. There were several activities for the fans during halftime. A half-court shot contest was scheduled for the half time, with the winner receiving $100. No one hit the half-court shot, so the $100 was raffled off to the contestants. The winner of the raffle was senior Anne Shemeley. Senior Bob Macartney was the winner of a three-point shooting contest. Macartney received one pair of '76ers tickets. Junior Jackie Reid were a certificate tc Wayne Sporting Goods by winning the free throw shooting contest. The contests were run by first-year students Amy Deegan, John DiCarlo, and Daisy Wentz. There was a strong crowd turn out of about 150 in Sacred Heart gym for the game. Junior Brian Mooney said he enjoyed the game. "It was interesting to see the new players. It was also interesting to see what we should expect this year. This could be a good year," Mooney said. The Blue and White game was started in 1980. Coach John Dzik explained what the game meant to him. "I enjoy watching the game from my perspective to see how we are doing," Dzik, who has been coaching the Cavs for 15 years, said. "I pick the team the day of the game .and I try to keep it equal." There is another member of the Cabrini coaching staff who is no stranger to the Blue and White game. John McQueen, assistant coach and the all-time leading scorer in Cabrini basketball history, said he was looking forward to the game. McQue.en has been an assistant coach off and on since he graduated in 1985. "As a coach, the Blue and White game is an opportunity to see how the players and coaches will adjust to the systems," McQueen said. "This is a good chance for us to· see where we are. The game will also be good because it will bring out the competitive juices in the players, which they don't get in practice." Along with Dzik and McQueen are assistant coaches Don Heartnett, Joe Kelly and Mike Keeley. Both Keeley and Kelly had an opportunity to be head coaches in the Blue and White game. The coaches were not the only people looking forward to the game. The players were also ready to go. "This gave the school a chance to see what the team looks like," Billy Carr, a junior and captain of the men's basketball team, said. "This is a preview of the season. We get to work on things, and we also get a chance to evaluate the team." "This is a game for the crowd," first-year student Far'd Nasir said. Out on the floor, a few new players experienced the Blue an~ White game for the first time. "This is the first Blue and White game for me and the other transfer and first-year students," Newnam said before the game. According to Dzik, the team has a lot of work ahead of them for the upcoming year. "I am cautiously optimistic about the season," Dzik said. "We have a 'no star' system on this team. We have a lot of good players with equal ability. We have a lot of new faces and we need them to blend together." "I think we will do well this year," McQueen said. "We have a good nucleus from last year, and these players are solid individuals. They have a lot of characteras well as talent. Last year we were in the NCAA division three playoffs. This year we need to go back and win a game." Recruiting for the basketball team has been a priority. "Recruiting is hard, but the basketball staff works hard all of the time to recruit players," Dzik said. "All of the coaches have done a good job recruiting," McQueen said.

-12 SPORTS Friday, Nov. 18, 1994 '

by Lisa Hines staff writer Cabrini celebrated Spirit Day with the annual alumni basketball game, bringing back Cavaliers from past years. The finai score was Visitors, 92, Home, 86. The teams, blue representing home and white rep-resenting visitor, were picked at random by John Dzik, director of athletics. On Monday, Nov. 14, at 7 p.m. in the gym, Dzik introduced the players to their fans and the game began. The game was more social and less competitive than a typical Cabrini basketball game. It was a relaxed atmosphere, no worried coaches or players, just people out to have a good time. There were no Cabrini students yelling from the stage at the referee or players. However, there was some shouting during the game. "Take him on. He's old!" one fan yelled. "You got killed!" Dzik commented into the microphone to one player. The player who stood out in the game was John McQueen, class of '84, who was the assistant coach and all time leading scorer of Cabrini.

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