Dec. 02, 1994 Issue 12 Loquitur

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Friday,Dec.2, 1994 Vol. XLI, No. 12 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087

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Celebrities hit Valley Forge

Qver O$e:

Death.of Villanovastudentandrecent campusincidentsbringaboutawareness drihking so I didn'tthink that he could be drunk yet. Or at least 'l'bed~mgl'lµmberofrepofted not real drunk," a studet,.t a aJcotwtrelatedU1-ess,accidents Villanov11, who asked notto be and.deaths are leading college identified,said. students to think about the use~ When a person drinks, atco~ misuse and non1Jseofakoh<>.J. hol rapidly enters the bloodOn Oct. 28. a Cabrini student streamand circulates to all parts was taken to BrynMawr hospi~ of the body within a few min• tal twa ,Radnorambulance. The utes. The alcohol reachesthe student was sufferingfrom an brainand knocks out the control apparent alcohol overdose. centers causing jnto-xication. J:hreedayslater,onOct.31,a ''It just seems so unfair. Ht visitor on campus hit the guard really hadn1 t liad too much to tail in front of XavierHall. The drink. It wasn•t like be driving suspeetwas given a sobrietytest or anyth1ng. He was just walkand Jailed. ing around.sliding•doWll.afew On Nov.4,a resideo:tdir«tor tailingst Scott Taylor.a friend ~ll~d Cabrilli sequrqy re~d- a McGarry$, h1g anotbrr possible alf<>bQl the truth •i.$that even small 9Vetd~. Accordingtotlte;t>ul>•apiounts of alcohol QIID•· reduce lie~tyUpdate.tbe victimwu coordiJJadon, .iow ~flexes and <.tb~yd~.aJld askinJ{or~ lead to overconfid4nce.Loss ot kn!f•i ~r ot~r ·sharp ~ to coor~ination · and: judaoient ~Jti& liff with. · ·••· ·• •·· make• dlinkeu accideinprone. h ~gb n-oneof these inci• AceordingtoffieNatjonalJn.. deit~Ji~ ·•a~tal•.~~ilonce, stitute M Aleqhol.·.~•. and ~•jll pf the, victhn$survived, Alcoholism; .·the ;tt~ CJ!l~b ~-·· ~ •.soine·· peoplo·who•are deaths •that are· alepbol~r,oJ~ tiot~ luck.y. reaclled 39,t'.1£in 1991. l•mesMcGarry. an 18-yearIn 199,a,there weto about old first--year student at 22,000 death$ re$nlring from alVillanova.died Sunday.Nov. 6, cohol related highway accidents. of bead injuries obtained after In fact, alcohol related .cnshes failing 20 feet onto a SEPTA are the leading causeof death for

by LafJl'aTesta "staffwrit.r

photo by Dawnielle Klopp

John J. Gallagher, Jr., Bob Hope, General Norman Schwarzkopf, and RADM Virgil L. Hill, Jr. presented the Bob Hope Five-Star Medal at Valley Forge Military Academy and College.

Israeli general to speak on unrest in the Middle East

by Regina MIiier

ware, West Virginiaand New Jersey. The recentpeacedevelopmentthat Philadelphia's Consulate General welcomed Israelis into Jordan brings oflsrael is comingto speakat Cabrini. hopeforultimatepeaceto theterrorand The intimate speaking engagement war riddenarea. Israel and Jordan announced the planned for a political science clas.5 transfonnedinto an open invitationto establishmentof diplomaticrelations on Nov. Zl, one monthafterthe couneveryone. ConsulateGeneralEli Avidarwill triessigneda peacetreatyendinga 46speak to the college community,on year state of war. Dec. 8, at 7:15p.m., in Grace Hall. Continuing-education student History making developmentsin Smadar Shtuhl said it is importantfor the Middle East have caused Olrrent Avidarto come to Cabrinito increase Events' professor,Dr. HollaceBluitt, awarenessofwhatisgoingon,notonly in the MiddleEast , but in America to seek out an authorityon the topic. "First of all, I was involvedin the "He has first-handknowledgeand is someone who experiencedthe terpeace process," Avidar said. '1 can present the position of my govern- rorismin Israel,"Shtuhl said. ment." Shtuhl lived in Israel until 1983 Avidar was born in Alexandria, when she came to America. Egypt,ofa Greekfamily. They immi- _ "Justtheothernighton cllannel12, grated to Israel in 1967. In 1982, he I saw a documentaryof a journalist joined the Israel Defense Forces. In who uncovered the Harnas (Islamic 1989,he majoredin Middle East and radicals)havingalotofsecretmeetings IslamicStudiesand Philosophyat He- with Islamic radicals in the United brew Universityof Jerusalem. States and recruitingpeople to come In 1992,he joined the Ministryof and terroriz.eIsraelis,"Shtuhlsaid. '1t ForeignAffairs in Jerusalemand was is notjust an Israeliproblem,it is every assignedtothePLODeskintheCenter one's problem." for PoliticalResearch.Then he served The Israel-Jordanpeace treaty is in the Asia departmentand was in- one step toward the elimination of volvedin thedevelopmentof relations MiddleEast conflict. withVietnamfrom thepre-diplomatic 'The most importantproblemand relationsstageuntil the establishment difficultyis tensionbetweenreligions of Israel's embassyin Hanoi. and tension on the basis of religion," In 1993, he assumed his current Avidar said. positionservinga jurisdictionalareaof The first of the five points of Jew Pennsylvania,Ohio, Kentucky,Dela- and Muslim hostilitybegan in 1917, arts & entertainment editor

platfaou•~•et~ McGarry had a bloodalcohol

The NIAAA recently announced that the number of al• in Pennsylvania. coho I relateddeathsfor the 16 to ·'Things like this arenot sup- 24 age bracket llre on the rl$e. pose to .happen to p~ople that "College students are feeling you know; This is the kind of veryinvinciblethese days;t Tho-thing you read or bear about and mas Bakera representativefrom think, 'Wowthat'stoobad: But NIAMsaid. it's not supposed to happen to "I don't think these students someone you see everyday,►' said realize the rjsks associated with Consulate General Eli Avidar. Alica Yononas,a sophomoreat drinking. I wish those· who when the Lord Balford Declaration Villanova and classmate of choose to drink would act re~ statedthattheJewsshouldhaveahome- McGarry. sponsibly. I guess I just don't land. "l knew who he was because understandtbelogicbehindreckNo one took thisseriouslyuntilthe oµr teacher always took role. He less drinking." Baker said. Jewsbegan fleeingGennany in 1948, seemed very nice, vecy full of "ljustcan'tbelievebowmucb and the agreementwas taken to heart. Jue. I always thought that I his(Mc6arry)deathhllSaffected The political, religiousand personal would like to get co know him, lne. I know that I Willnever be strugglesbecame intensified. but I figured that there was no the same again." Taylorsaid. 'The wholeissueis aboutthetransrush/'Yononassaid. "Ilistened to.seeif Qutteacher fer of power, authorityand territory," "I sawhim right befQreiheleft would forget•and call out his Avidarsaid. Recentheadlinessaidthe theportythenightbeforehedied.: name in class. He 4idn't,•· Palestinianleader's securitypersonnel I thou t U,athe had ·ust_ started Yononassaid. level of .24. twice the Jegallimit

is a target for some Islamic radicals. Yassar Arafat's leadership is threatenedby Islamicrebels. "'Thereisno reconciliationforthese people(radicals),"Avidarsaid. 'The majorityof peoplewant peace. There is nothing that the radicalscan do to stop them." Avidarsaidhisroleasconsulistogo

Inside ... Week at a Glance ... FEATURES pg.5 Check out how students celebrate Chri$tmas at Cabrini.



Check out all the fall sports teams that made it to the PAC playoffs for the 1994 season.



Dr. Romano turns 60, look for the photo spread."


v"6p.m. in the Mansion, Senior Dinner. v"8:30p.m. in the House, Coffee "Best of Broadway." v"9p.m.-la.m. WCGA,ESA Christmas Party.



v"10a.m.-8p.m. Trip to New York City. v"8:30p.m. in the Coffee House, "Best of Broadway."

v'2p.m. "Tommy," the Musical. v"6&8p.m. Mass in the chapel. v"lOp.m. Movie Night in XGR, "Nightmare Before Christmas."

out and speakto collegeslikeCabrini. Temple, Villanovaand Swarthmore, "Cabriniisoneof thefiveacademic as interestedin dealing with Middle institutionsintheDelawareValleydeal- East studiesand issues. ing with Middle East studies and isContactDr. Jolyon P. Girard, desues,"Avidarsaid. partmentchairofthehistoryandpolitiAvidarsaidthereare77universities cal sciencedepartment,at 902-8335 and collegesin the Philadelphiaarea, for furtherinfonnation. andhenamedCabrini,alongwithPenn,

Dec. 2 to Dec. 8


v"8a.m. Mass in v"4:45p.m. in the the chapel. Caf, lighting of v"6:30p.m. the Yule Log in WCGA, Tree the Mansion Decorating Party. Courtyard. v"6:15p.m. Mass in the chapel.

v"8a.m. Mass in the chapel. v"9p.m.lee Skating party at the Viking Ice Rink.

v"ll :30a.m. in the Caf, Santa pictures. v"6:15p.m. Mass in the Chapel. ll?p.m. Auditions for "Flowers for Algernon" in the Red Cloud Coffee House.

I •



Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

.. ,_

Are we really Catholic? Love is blindto differentfaiths According to the 1994-1995 Cabrini College Student Handbook, the philosophy of the college is "rooted in the Catholic tradition and in the Ang heritage of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini," the founder of the Missionary Sisters Matti of the Sacred Heart. Yet, at present, religion is not a ll)andatory requirement assistant ne even though we are a Catholic-affiliated institution. ed In a letter to the editor dated Nov. 22, 1994, E. Charles Christ, aa assistant professor of business administration, addressed the issue of religion as a requirement, which is currently being considered by members of Cabrini's . faculty and administration. "Oy Vey is mir," I said. In his letter, Christ referred to Vatican II documents which state that a "Since when did you start saying that?" school is not worthy of being called "Catholic" if it does not care for the he said. religious welfare of its students. Christ said that these documents imply that "Since I've been dating you," I said. For "students (and faculty) who are against religion are really against the teaching those of you who don't know, "Oy vey is authority of the Church, its Magisterium. Thus, they are anti-Catholic." He mir'' means "Oh woe is me." I learned that closes this letter with a question addressed to students, asking us whether we from my Jewish boyfriend. I have been dating him for a year and I find myself want Cabrini to be "a real Catholic school." picking up his different idiosyncrasies. But Has Cabrini become an anti-Catholic college? Understandably, Christ that's not the point, as a matter of fact, the brings up some valid points about what it means to be a Catholic school. fact that I have picked up a catch phrase Ringing bells, celebrating Spirit Day and offering community service pro- seems uninteresting and unimportant. But grams, in and of themselves, by no stretch of the imagination, make us the trickle down effect of my having chosen Catholic. And like Christ suggests, many believe the Catholic faith should be someone of the Jewish persuasion to date is astronomical. based on a firm foundation of reason taught by both the church and school. My father is Italian, as is his father and Yet, will instituting religions as a requirement under the competencies in mother and everyone before them. My the core curriculum make Cabrini more "Catholic" than it is already? mother is Scottish, Engli~h and Welsh. I am According to the "The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism," attending also a Roman Catholic. This one thing is Mass and religion classes are simply not enough to make one a "good true for my entire family, and all of my relatives. We have several traditions and are Catholic." Rather, as Cabrini's mission states, "In keeping with the spirit of not just rainy day Catholics. We try to make the college's patroness ...the college hopes to instill in each student a strong it to church each Sunday and definitely on sense of responsibility to the community at large." the holidays. Up until now, I had not given And it is this overall mission, as opposed to a required religion course, that much thought to other religions, even though makes Cabrini not only a Catholic institution, but also a Judeo-Christian one. my parents have brought me up to be open

WYBF has been heard in the gathering area, Food Court and the bookstore recently. The voice of Cabrini College can be heard every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The Interfaith Prayer Service, held the week before Thanksgiving, was well publicized but hardly anyone showed up. Is this a representation of how our school feels about spirituality?


Nancy Hutchinson, the director of co-op, spoke to Psychology majors about what jobs are out there. The great thing about this is that she did this without being asked.

The legal party for Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week was a big success. A lot of people came with cans of food, and had a good time in the process.

minded and to respect other people's traditions. But, they still tell jokes. You see, my father used to work for a large linen rental plant in Philadelphia, and the owners were· two Jewish partners. He used to tell my mother all the time about how stingy they were, how they were so lazy and left all the real work and contact with the customers to him. He told her how they gave him a company car to drive around in but they took a percent of his paycheck out to pay the lease. When we moved to Bucks County, I had my first real contact with these" Jews." I had attended Catholic school for the first six academic years. But now, we lived in the suburbs, and my parents had decided that public schools had so much more to offer. So, I spent my middle school and high school years in public sc~ools. It just so happens that the area I live in has a substantial Jewish population, but most of my friends were still Catholic. My friends joked about how the Jewish people tended to live together along the same streets, in the same huge houses. They even called one hilly road, Davisville Road, "Hebrew Hills." Through it all, I laughed and turned the other way. Even the kids I knew that were Jewish laughed at the jokes and some even made them. I did a comical rendition of "Coffee Talk," a popular Saturday Night Live skit, for an event at my high school. I figured it was no big deal. They understood that they were all just jokes. I'm one half Italian and I've heard all the jokes. I never took offense. During my first year in college, I met Adam. I didn't even know he was Jewish when I started dating him. When I found out, in a nonchalant way, I really did not think that much of it. His last name, Linch, doesn't really scream Judaism, and no one really said anything. . My father asked me if he was Jewish because he said he looked Jewish. Looked Jewish? I brushed it off. But then my father mentioned to my grandfather that I had a

new boyfriend, and that he was Jewish . The next time I saw him, he called me aside and asked me "So, since when have you been dating a kike?" The word stung. He had used the word nigger before in the same tone of voice. I had no doubts in my mind before that my grandfather was bigot. But it really never phased me before. This time, it was almost personal . I was angry. How could he say such a thing? He labeled someone he never even met. After that came the fear. I could never bring him to my grandparents house, because my grandfather might say something. Then I feared my parents. I questioned my father's motive for telling my grandfather that Adam was Jewish. Then I was confused. I wondered how Adam might feel dating a non-Jew, I pictured his parents asking him, "Since when have you dated a Goy?" So I asked him. He said it didn't bother him; he hadn't even thought about it. His friends sometimes made jokes. But he said he knew they did not mean it in a cruel manner. He said that he could tell when someone was just joking. But then he said, "Lots of people hate Jews." I thought how sad that was, that someone had to learn how to differentiate between real and joking insults. Then my family met him, including my grandfather. They said how nice a person he was. They said how polite he was and how well he treated me. The jokes slacked off, at least while I was around. There was a face on the generalizations that they made. He was at a Memorial Day picni. ..,.-grandparents house last summer. My grandmother offered him something to eat. She said, "We have kosher hot dogs and pickles." He just laughed, and so did I.


Editor in chief: KellyMcDonald

ManeglngEdlor. C8roli'leCroley Op-«I Eda: Jane S. Vlllllngen

NewsEdllor.OvtstinaFeehan . AssislanlNews Edlor:At9'laMallilnl Ms andEnlBltairrnent E<ilor.Regilll Milef FM,.,.

Edilor.Sheia Brado/

Spats Edlor: CeleneWright

C.apvEdtor:Rict1ard Jasper


Manager:Karw, Szczurek

Phclai,apl1y Edlor: Dawnielel<lcpp Aalillls1I~ Edllr. Caalne Croley Phclai,apl1y AIMaot:Dr.CartsCnigie M.ri8er: Dr.Jeromellnk

Stal: ~ Eufel&,StephanieCllidMI, KalhyCeplm. Neale Colanwl, ~ Qalg. Dal/idlliMllllllo,PalrtciaFoley,DJ Gmgow,JcaraGoleol\~ Hlmgan, LillaHlnM, Nfff Jadcaor\Andree Kaltll!r, Jamie Llalww. John l..hlaay, Joe Mennno, Pall MIM1inno, JualwlMrglln. l:izllletlMaloy. Ocma Scl1Mller,RidwdSc:tlepia. ~Sheidron, NmSdimlaa, Diane~ Phclai,apl1y Slal:Mlrie

Blmlll.C8rnline Qoley, James Gregory,

JamieLlalww. Joe Mnnno ~ Oesv,ers:


Kalhy Malone,SIIMI Mir,

CWtlonist:BryanBel l..oqullJris J)ldshad weekly dlmg 1heschool ye« by sluclenlsol Cabrini College,Radnor, PA 19067. Phone: 610-971~12. ~ price is $25 per year- is i1duded in the beneits 98C:URld by tJlicnand sludentlaes. Loqultur welcornM letlani to the edila-. Letters shwd be signed and 1hediorstip known1Dthe editDrs. Howewr, • the wm,r wishes, and the edlloragrees, 1he'M1181's nime may be left oft the letter upon publicalionand an lnsaiption .--tad such as "name wiltt1eldatthereq.,estolthe --· Lettersshwd betyped, double-spaced, and no morethin 300 words ii lenglh. Wa teUeris tx, long for the available space, the editor may edMo, oondense it '--51D the editor 8holAdbe submilled by neon on Mondays.

Toe editorialsand opirionspublishedin Loquiluran, the viewsof lhe



the indMduaJwr1ets and

ncl the entira sludenl body OI the faaJly and administration.

l.oquituris eslabished as a lorum for swdenl expression and as a YOicein 1heuninlibited, and open discossion of issues.

Community Service brings memories that will last a lifetime Tricla Schuler,

I began community service during my freshman year as a way of meeting other students on campus. I did not like the high school I attended my junior and senior years. As a result, I did not make many friends, or at least develop quality friendships. I promised myself that college would be different. During my freshman year, I began tutoring at SCI-Graterford prisons. I met several Cabrini students whom I still keep in touch with, and have achieved my goal of making friends. More importantly though, I met several inmates who I will never forget. These men are the "inside" managers of the Prison Literacy Project. During the three-and-a-half years I have been tutoring, they have always been very open, honest, accommodat~ ->~ polite. I know the crimes that these men committed were wrong and hateful, but I still believe they still have something to offer if given the chance. They have taught me more than I could have ever studied in a classroom. This will be my last semester tutoring at Graterford. As I leave the building on the last night, I will be leaving behind several of my closest friends. In addition to tutoring my first year, I spent my spring break in Union, West Virginia with Project Appalachia. I spent my second and third spring breaks there, too. What a place! It is beautiful! However, it is not the scenery that takes me back every year, it is the people. There is one person in particular; his name is Mr. O'Keefe. The group that went down to Alderson with me last year can vouch that he was the highlight of our trip. This group had the privilege of meeting this man and spending time with him. He needed several of us to clear the brush from his property. Mr. O'Keefe was single handily going to build a house. This man, mind you, was a retired science professor from Berkley. He had also spent many years working for Boeing or NASA or some country like that. He spent all the money he had traveling the world and buying the land he was now going to build on. I do not know if it was poor financial planning or other circumstances that left him with no house and no family. In any event, he filled our week with work, stories, jokes and laughter. The group had him over for dinner one night and he ended up sleeping at the house because of a snowstorm. Before going to bed, we listened to music, danced and contemplated the meaning of life with Mr. O'Keefe. I can not tell you how much



Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

fun I had that night. The next day, I ran downstairs and he was gone. There was no note, no warning and no good-bye. I had originally set out to make new friends on campus, but I realized rather quickly that not all of my friends I have made at Cabrini are from Cabrini. Meeting Mr. O'Keefe and the inmates at Graterford would have never happened unless I had reached out to them. Originally, I had gone to them for selfish reasons- I wanted friends. However, I returned because they gave me love, gratitude and a sense of accomplishment. I have spent many hours doing service when I could have been with fellow students. Now that I am a senior, I sometimes regret making that decision. My friends ask me why I continue to do community service and why I am a social work major. My only answer to them is "the people," and as corny as that sounds, it is the truth.

Church gives thanks to students who contributed food Editor's note: This letter is from Sr. Jean, the woman who was in charge of the Adopt-a-Family Outreach Program from Our Lady of Hope Parish. The letter is addressed to all Cabrini students To the editor: Thank you very much for your very generous contribution of "turkey baskets" to Our Lady of Hope Parish. Seventy families were truly able to celebrate and give thanks due to your generosity. For those of you not familiar with our area, Our Lady of Hope Parish was formed from the combination of three parishes that consolidated two years ago. We cover 20 square miles of the north inner-city area. Many of our families are struggling, and they are extremely appreciative of your efforts. May God bless each of you for your work. Sincerely,


Questioning Cabrini's religious affiliation

Carnpus Ministry thanks committee

To the editor:

To the editor: The Campus Ministry staff would like to take this opportunity to thank Melissa Tobias and her committee for their efforts in making the Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week a great success. We would also like to thank the Cabrini community for their donations in money and food. The collaborative effort provided food for more than 70 families in the Philadelphia area. Sincerely, Campus Ministry Staff

§orrectlon In the Nov. 18, 1994 issue, in the "Gym requirement changed" article, the meeting on Nov. 17 was just a meeting. No decision was made at this time. We regret the error.

Suddenly, we are concerned about religion in our curriculum. It's a hot subject with the Curriculum Committee and Loquitur is surveying students how they feel about a mandatory religion course (11-11-94) When Loquitur analyzes the survey results, you should consider what the Catholic Church says about religions in schools. In the Vatican II documents, you will find this (paraphrased for brevity): No matter how excellent a school might be in other matters, if it doesn't care for the religious welfare of its students, the school is not worthy of being called Catholic. This implies that students, and faculty, who are against religion are really against the teaching authority of the Church, its Magisterium. Thus, they are anti-Catholic. All the beautiful promotional pieces, the Spirit Day celebrations, the fund raising, campus development programs, and now the bells are not enough to make Cabrini a Catholic college. By not giving God a prominent" place in the curriculum, we remove any reason for Cabrini being Catholic. So, it would seem, Cabrini students are faced with a simple choice: Do you want Cabrini to be a real Catholic school or do you want to be honest about it and withdraw Cabrini from the roster of Catholic institutions? Sincerely,

E. Charles Christ AssistantProffflorof~


Student criticizes the new cafeteria service To the editor: I would like to comment on the Wood Food Service. There are many concerns being expressed by the students, and this is an attempt to find some answers. First, I would like to address the quality of the service. We have now had two school events that included the food service- Family Weekend and Thanksgiving dinner. In comparison, Seiler's carried through much better on these occasions than Wood Food Service Company. I remember Family Weekend and the Thanksgiving dinner being extravagant productions in the past. There were real tablecloths on the table, ice sculptures that resembled more than just a block of ice, fancy servers for coffee and an assortment of fancy desserts. This was itll done because these events were special occasions, and stood out from the "hum drum" of the everyday. While Wood is not Seiler's, and therefore, cannot be expected to produce the same events, Wood can be expected to produce the same quality of events, or at least make an attempt to. This year, they have has not come close! The only other question I have regarding the free Thanksgiving dinner is, if it was supposed to be free, why did the residents still have to run their cards through? This leaves the quality of the everyday service. The food is not entirely inedible, but is becoming unbearably close. In the beginning, the Wood Service pulled out. all the stops to impress the students. This lasted only through Orientation. The comment board seemed to be attended to quickly, but now our concerns se~m to be ignored. I hate to harp on this, but I pay a hefty price for this food service and feel that I should get my money's worth! For all that Seiler's did wrong, I am beginning to wonder if the Wood Company is any better. ' Seiler's kept the cafe clean, and now it is hardly ever mopped. It is extremely difficult to find a clean table, and how many times has the cafe run out of napkins? As for the food, the Wood Company needs more variety. Rotate the meatloaf, so we are not eating it three times a week. The brownies are great, but not after five nights in a row. Try some new things, or at least get some varied schedule! These are some concerns. Perhaps we will see more changes or at least receive an answer.


Edith Lamberti Junior



Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

"Oh to Be 32, Again"

photo supplied by Woodcrest

Name: Dr. Joseph Romano Date of Birth: 11/30/34

photo by Caroline Croley

Title: Professor of philosophy Years at Cabrini:35 Future Plans:Applied for sabbatical and would like to write a combined philosophy/psychology text with Dr. Tomasco on human nature. "After years of teaching and reading, I have a lot to say." Romano said. "I have my own philosophy and I want to put it down in text." "I.feel better now than when I was youngster. Age is in your head. If you keep physically fit, eat well and like what you are doing than you stay young," Romano said about celebrating his 60th birthday.

Cults defined by religion experts by Richard Schepis

photo by Dawnlelle Klopp

Bob Rose, a lecturer on cults.



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staff writer Bob Jones, David Koresh and Luc Jouret. These recent examples of cults have gripped the nation's attention over the past decade. Cults were the subject of a lecture given by Bob Rose back in November and will be discussed in a new course to be offered in the fall by Dr. Leonard Primiano, an assistant professor of religion. One must be aware of a person's presentation when they are trying "to save you," Rose said. Rose, a grant writer for the Cabrini Mission Corps, said he hoped students will be able to recognize a cult from his discussion. "The word 'cult' is synonymous with religion," Rose said. "There are cult-like aspects to all types of religions." Even the word 'cult' itself can be misunderstood. Many cult-watcher groups have the public fearful of any group with 'cult' attached to it. Primiano said many groups are offended at being called a cult. He also added that the word 'cult' was established by the church itself. Primiano said that the sociology of religion established the terms church, sect and cult. Primiano referred to these sociological terms for definitions of the three. Primiano said a sect is just a breakaway

group from the church. On the other hand, a cult is a religious group lead by a charismatic leader in smaller numbers. The church itself is seen as just a large institution. The latest case of a charismatic cult leader occurred in Switzerland on Oct. 6, when 48 members of the Solar Temple cult, lead by Jouret, were found dead in two Swiss villages. According to Rose, a charismatic leader has the ability to lead a 'totalistic' cult. This type of cult will control every aspect of their member's lives. These leaders have the ability to mesmerize people. Primiano said the whole idea there is a charismatic leader that people will follow. "If it is a sham, then the leader will be seen as a con artist," Primiano said. "Can we criticize them?," Primiano asked. "Who are we to criticize?" · "How do you decide what groups may be legitimate and illegitimate?," Primiano asked. Besides religion, cults can be found all over in different forms. The church of scientology was started by science-fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard to clear people of unhappiness. Prominent members include actor John Travolta, actress Kirstie Alley and singer-turned-mayor Sonny Bono. Cynthia Kisser, executive director of the cult awareness network, said in an

interview in "Christianity Today" that "scientology is quite likely the most ruthless, the most terroristic and the inost lucrative cult the country has ever seen." Another example can be drawn from the networking conglomerate of Amway, which owns, among other things, the Orlando Magic basketball franchise. The mind set of an Amway distributor is that the distributor is the smart one for being able to see the potential for growth through their network marketing concept. The Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services supplied this checklist to recognize a cult-like group. OThe group seems to be perfect. Everyone agrees, follows orders cheerfully. OThe group claims to have 'all the answers' to your problems. OYou are asked to recruit new members soon after joining. OThe group encourages you to put their meetings and activities before all other commitments, including studying. OYour parents and friends are defined as unable to understand and help you with religious matters. □Doubts and questions are seen as signs of weak faith. You are shunned if you persist in these doubts. OYou are invited on a retreat with the group, but they cannot give you an overview of the purpose before you go.

Smokeout results

by Nina Marie Sciarrotta

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staff writer The GreatAmerican Smokeoutis an event sponsoredby the American Cancer Society. This year, the smokeoutwason Nov. 17. Accordingto the AmericanCancerSociety, in 1991, a nationwideGallupsurvey showed: c:J35.5%of the nation's smokersparticipated 0142% of smokersdid not smokefor 24 hours 011.7% were still not smoking 1-3 days later TheAmericanCancerSocietyprovidedpackets for smokers trying to quit. Passed out by HealthServices,thepacketsincludedpamphlets on the health risks involved in smoking and problems involved in quitting. They also includedcandyandgum,as well as a packof fake matches to deter people from smoking.

Friday, Dec. 2, 1994



Bosnianwar: 'I realizedthat I was too youngto die and sacrifice my lifefor somethingthat I have nothingto do with. It wasn't my war.'

pholo by.JamieLatshaw

Shayla Hasic, a first-year student, is from war-torn Sarajevo. She escaped danger and is now working on her education.


l l


Refugee sacrificeshome for safety by Joanna Go/esh staff writer

She looked out her window and saw the enemy shelling her hometown of Sarajevo. The only thing that went through her head was, "I wonder who was there and if anyone was hurt." Although she could seegrenades being thrown and see exactly where they were landing, she did not fear for her life. For some reason, she did not realize just how much danger she was in until she left. Shayla Hasic, a first-year student, is from Sarajevo in Bosnia-Hexzegovinawhere there has been a civil war going on between the Muslims and the Serbians for almost three years. She left Bosnia two years ago. Hasic said she did not want to leave her country at first, but after seeing some bad things, such as killings, she thought it would be the best thing to do. Hasic said she could see all of the fighting from her apartment Sarajevo. She said she could see the Serbs attacking her town from the mountains. They were also bombing her building and the other buildings around her. Fear was not an emotion that Hasic experienced. She said she did not think that anything could happen to her and did not think any differently until she left Bosnia. ''I realized that I was too young to die and sacrifice my life for something that I 'have nothing to do with," Hasic said. "It wasn't my war." Hasic said the war was originally supposed

to last for only 15 days, but it has been three years and nobody is doing anything about it She said the people of Bosnia do not want to give up what they have -- their freedom. LeavingBosniawas almostimpossiblewith all the fighting going on, Hasic said, but she was lucky to get on the last plane that left the country with people on it. She said that riding in the cargo plane was horrible. There were no windows in the plane and all the passengers had to sit on the floor. She said the plane was so big and there were so many people on it that she could not even guessand did not even think to notice how many people escaped on the plane with her. Not only did Hasic leave her home, but she also had to leave her parents and friends. "I have not seen or talked to my parents in threeyears. It is hard," Hasic said. It is even harder, she said, because her parents are in no way involved with the war.-They are innocent victims. As for her friends, Hasic said she has lost touch with all of them but one. She said she knows of a few of her friends who have been killed, but she cannot track the others down. All of her friends are somehow involved in the war, but she said she is not sure exactly what they are doing. She has no way of getting in touch with any of her friends and relatives. "I hope if they live right now like I do, then I'm happy for them," Hasic said. "I miss those friends who stayed behind because they don't have what I have and that makes me sad." After leaving Bosnia, Hasic lived in Avino, Italy, near an airbase for two years with Layla

Hasic, her sister. She said that living in Italy was not a big change because she did not really modify her way of living. She said she could not get a job or go to school because she does not speak Italianwell enough, so shejust lived the way she did in Bosnia. Hasic went two years without going to school when she was living in Italy because there are only large universities in Italy and none of them would offer her a scholarship. Hasic really wanred to continue her education, so when Cabrini offered her a scholarship, she said she jumped at the chance. The scholarship to Cabrini was arranged by Hasic's sponsor family, the Vinson's. She said h_ersponsor family talked to Nancy Gardner, the director of admissions and financial aid, and arranged the scholarship for her while she was still in Italy. If it was not for the scholarship, she said would not be living here in the United States. · During breaks and on weekends, Hasic stays with her sponsor family in New Jersey. She said that without a sponsor family she would have been unable to obtain a visa. She also said she met a lot of Americans while she was living in Italy, so she keeps in touch with them. "I might go to Dallas for Christmas, so that would be neat," Hasic said. Hasic said that after two-and-a-half years, she is used to living away from home, but that it was awful at first. She said she has learned to adjust to the environment where she is living. Hasic said that living in the United States is a lot different from life in Europe. She

said she thinks we ao everything "fast." "We enjoy life more than you do," she said, "but I am doing things fast now." Hasic said she is unsure of what her future holds in store for her. "I would like to stay here," she said, "but I do not know what will happen tomorrow." At the same time, she said she wants to go back home to Bosnia when the war is over. If she was to go back, she said she is uncertainof what shewould do because everything in her country is destroyed. Hasic said she does know that she will definitely stay at Cabrini for the next four years and get her • degree. However, Hasic is unsure of what she wants to major in, so for now she is undeclared. She said she is not scaredof what is to come in the future. "I just try the best that I can and hope for the best," Hasic said. Hasic said it is difficultfor her to watch the news on what is going on in her country. For the past few months, nothinghas been happening in Bosnia. But now that a cease-fire may occur, Hasic said she is a little worried. She tries not to watch the news because it is hard for her to hear about the fightingwhile not knowing how her parents are, she said. "I have my opinion. Maybe it's selfish," Hasic said, "butl never had anythingto do with this war and .two years of my life are ruined because of it. The only thing I can do is finish here and go back to Bosnia to work."




Christmasat college:like home sweet home


by Tricia Foley


staff writer

''I'll be home for Christmas."Isn't that what thesong says? Well, it is apprqachingsoon,but firstthere are some celebrationsat school On Dec. 6, the entire Cabrinicommunityis •invited to come together for a free Cluistmas dinnerin thecafeteria AftercarolingfromSacred Heart Hall to the Mansioncourtyard,the traditionalYule Log is lit and thecampuscommunity gathersaround. Thecrowdwillthenproceedinto thelobbyof the Mansionfor thefestivities,which includetwo choirsand explanationsof how differentgroupscelebratetheirholidays. Afterward, dessertis beingserved. Y celeh · I v eld

onthelongestdayoftheyear. Thelogislittokeep the day longerandto keeppeoplewarm throughout the long night At other colleges,holidaycelebrationsvary. At ImmaculataCollege,facultyand staff come togetherattheirannualChristmasBanquet,where they share a sit-down meal. Afterward,they congregateat the Rotunda and celebratecarol night They havethe areadecoratedwith a large Cluistmastree. The Boardof Trustees,alumni, familiesand friendsgatherto sing. In 1983,the SGA executiveboardthrewtheir firstannualChristmasSnowballat Cabrini. Toe Snowballdancewasalsocontinuedin 1986when the school celebratedthe holidayswith a theater production,dinner, caroling,the lightingof the

Yule Log and a receptionthat was held in the Mansionbeforethe dance. Eastern Collegecelebrateswith a Christmas concertthat is openedto the public. The concert isa combinationof the EasternCollegechoirand the CalvaryPresbyterianfestivitieschoir. Coordinatedby professorRon Matthews,the concert was held Friday,Dec. 2 at 7:30 p.m. HarcumJuniorCollegeholds an annualholidaydinner.Duringthefestivities,thecommunity explains the traditionsof Hanukkah and other faiths. Studentsparticipateby lightingcandles and speakingabouttheir own faiths. The president is also a major speakerduringthe meal. ''The Yule Log puts people in the Christmas irit," said AnnaMariaDiPilla,a senior.

"lt'satraditionthathasbeenhereatCabrinifor manyyears,"saidBrendaOrtiz,whois participating in the Yule Log. ''It keeps the community together." "We often get caught in the shopping and preparationfor theholiday,"DiPillasaid ''This is a holy time of year. The Yule Log helpsthe community focus on the season and why we celebrate." "Weneedachancetoleamaboutotherpeople's culturesand lifestyles,"said Ediely F.spinola,a first-yearstudent. So even if it seemslike forever until we go homefortheholidays,celebrationscanwann our heartsrightoncampus.Afterall,theysay,"Home is wheretheheartis."









Friday, Dec. 2, 1994


photo by CarolineCroley

Playwright Paul Crowell on the set of "Fresh Out of Rats."

Play feels right by Dave DIMatteo staff writer Paul Crowell, a senior, originally began writing "Fresh Out of Rats," as an assignment for Neal Newman's Writing For Theater class. Little did he know that one day students would be performing a play that originated from this one scene. "I'm really happy with the way the play went," Crowell said. Crowell, 22, graduated from Cardinal O'Hara High School. "I think I got through ·high school without reading a book. I was never a really good student," he said. Crowell knew that he always wanted to go to college, but after high school he needed to take a break. "I worked at Clover in the electronics department selling transistor radios to senior citizens," he said. Crowell said he took a couple of classes at community college, but just "lived the college life without going to classes." Crowell then came to Cabrini and will be graduating this May. Crowell said a student in the Writing For Theater class would write scenes and then the acting.students would act them out. He said "Fresh Out of Rats" just grew from that class. Six months ago, Crowell had never written a play before in his life. "I never thought I would write a play," Crowell said. "I'm new to this world of play writing." "I'm a deeply cynical person," he said, and that is where he said he believes the theme of greed and money

came into "Fresh Out of Rats." . "This was the type of question that was on my mind at that time in my life," Crowell said. "A talk show host reminded me of a loathsome, greedy person." Crowell said he thought of himself as writing comedy skits but never plays. "My favorite show is 'The Simpsons,' I love the satirical element of the show, but I don't see myself writing something like' Seinfeld,"' said Crowell, who likes watching comedy movies. "I'm a huge fan of 'The Brady Bunch,' " said Crowell, who gets his ideas from things that happen from day to day. According to Crowell, there were some themes in "Fresh Out of Rats" that were in "The Brady Bunch" at one time or another. He also feels that we are "The 'Brady Bunch' generation." "I keep a journal everyday so I'm always thinking or writing," .Crowell added. "I think I found my style or a definite point of view, I have become aware of what I do best and I have a basis to write other things," Crowell said. Now that Crowell has seen his play performed in front of a live audience. He said he knows now what worked and what did not. "I'm going to rewrite it and see where it goes. I am going to submit it to several theater and playwright contests." Crowell said that he would like to keep writing. I'm going to write short plays for now and see what happens," Crowell said.

by Allyson Hannigan staff writer Theskyoverl.ongwoodGardensisablaze by 400,000lights. The treesand gardens are lined with lights as you walk the paths to the conservatories. Yet, you cannot forget to make a stopat the water fountains that dance and change colors to the music. TheholidayspirithasarrivedatLongwood Gardens. It all started Thanksgiving Day and will run until New Year's Day. The holiday display celebrates the Victorian Era along

decorated with tussie-m~ies, prisms and dried roses from the rose house. Performers from Shoestring Productions of Brandywine Valley present scenes from Charles Dickens' "A Cluistmas Carol'' during weeknights and perform holiday carolson the weekends. Specialprogramsfor Hanukkah and Kwanza arealso being offered during the holiday season. Longwood Gardens offers these and many othersettingsforitsviewers. Childrencanvisitthe children's garden and walk through the maze

Yuletide Singers stroll in the garden. with the "Christmas past" "It looks pretty," said Ouis Mirabella, 11, ashe tookhisfirstlookatthemusical fountains. Within the main conservatory the sweet aromaof holiday flowers filled the air. Many of the flowers, which arefrom the Victorian era, are accompanied by plaques with the history of the flowers. The rainbow of holiday colors from the poinsettias,tulips, azaleas, white lilies and narcissiplease the eye as one views the various indoor displays. · LongwoodGardens' music room recreates the historicalVictorian parlor with authentic furnishing and a 15-foot Douglas fir elegantly

Lighted fountains dance to music. decorated with animalsand carrot treesall made from various plants. "It looks likeAliceinWonderlandwith all the trees and bushes cut like rabbits," said Dorothy Nowakowski, a visitor from New York. The holiday celebration at Longwood Gardens is new for many people. For others it is a yearly tradition. '1 am a frequent visitor to Longwood Gardens,"saidThomasKarlfromAudobon,Pa '1t is sort of a tradition. I come here every year around this time." '1t looks great as usual," Karl said.


photo supplied by LDngwood Gardens

....................., ...,,, ................................. , ..................................................................... :

The Cabrini Spirit Day Committee wishes to thank the entire campus community for your enthusiastic support of Cabrini Spirit Day 1994 · in honor of St. Frances X. Cabrini. We'reglad you gave Cabrini Spirit "AnInside Outlook" by attending a workshop, hearingAlex Kotlowitz, participating in liturgy, cheeringfor your favorite team, making posters, dining with friends, having breakfast, partying at the bonfire or all of the above! We lookforward to seeing you next year! ' •



Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

l?f}LJ:.I.:1:T! L.V;LL.




ir?= .K.


photo by Caroline Croley

Rats rave

(Main photo) Gordon, played by Paul Marturano, is a lawyer trying to sue Beth for food poisoning at the Burger Shack. Beth is played by Karen Szczurek. {Inset photo) John, played by John Lindsay, and Beth act out scene one. John is preparing for his inteNiew on a talk show. ·

The studentplay "FreshOut of Rats"was a selloutall three nightsin the Coffee House. Ten weeks of practicepaid off. by Stephanie Caldwell

world, and she leavesTyler and her materialism Throughoutthe~minuteplay,Bethisstalked friend,Trish,andKathrynHeummer,a:first-year behindbecause of the way she has been treated. by a poet, Heath, who is played by first-year student,playedAmber, her nerd-likeoollegeinNeedlessto say, Bethhas a tough timedoing so. studentPaulMonte. Heath'spublicactsof affec- tern.James,whowasplayedbyseniorSteveMay, Aspiringactors and actressesbrilliantlyperThe crowdpleaserin "FreshOutof Rats"was tion and from-the-heartpoemsto Beth are comi- was Tyler's executiveproducer and was often formed"FreshOutof Rats"on November17, 18, junior Katina Conao, who played Cheryi an calbut seem likea lostcausein winningher over. seenpoppingpills. MikeLorenz,ajunior,played and 19 at 8p.m.inthe Red Goud CoffeeHouse. employmentcounselor.Corrao's florescentoutHeath is very insecure and unemployed,but Tyler's bodyguard and first-year student Lia This comical play was written by senior Paul fit and bright eye glasses only added to her needs only the love of Beth to make him the Quagliarielloplayeda very patientwaitressthat Crowelland directedby Neal Newman, theater hilariousperformance,which was topped off by happiestand richestman alive. Materialthings Bethoouldneverseemtogetawayfrom.Finally, director, who was ~ by senior Heather her annoying voice and laid back ways. Her meannothingtohim,whichatonepointishardfor senior Doug EpplerplayedLilac, a shady busiMcAllister.The settingis New York City. The impatiencewithBethandherbewilderingattitude Beth to understand. His devotion to Beth's ness manager at a burgerjoint where Beth atplay pertainsto everydaylife. towardher left the crowdgaspingfor air. Cheryl happines.sis obvious throughout the play and temptedto work. The subjectof theplay is thestrugglebetween does,however,findBethemploymentat thelocal eventuallyis reached. The two, Beth and Heath, Chiappardi and Szczurek worked well tomaterialismand idealismin the life of Beth, an mall conductingtaste tests. Even this job was are finallytogetherin the end, walkingoff a dark . gether as Tyler and Beth. Marturano and · attractive young woman who produces a talk more than Beth couldhandle. set,shadowedonlyby a pinklightthroughwhich Corrao added much enthusiasmto the play and show.ThepartisplayedbyjuniorKarenSz.czurek. Anothercrowd pleaserwas sophomorePaul they will follow their dreams. Here, the writer so did Monte, but in a much more subtle, but S:zc21.1rek's characteris both funnyand gullible. Marturano,who playedGordon,a rich personal obviouslyletstheaudienceknowthatBethleaves not less entertaining, way. All would defiHer ignoranceto the real waysof theworldcause injurylawyer.Afterbeing:firedfromhermalljob, her materialismbehind in hopes of making a nitely attract another packed house in the fuher to be a puppet to the hostof the show,Tyler, Bethis lefthelplessin themalluntilGordonspots happierlife for herself. ture. playedbysophomoreMatthewChiappardi. Tyler her. Hisdesperatepleatomake a caseforBethhas Besidesthese outstandingcharacters,"Fresh "Fresh Out of Rats" was sold out each of its is a conceitedcharacterwithlittle,if any,sensitiv- him talkinga mile a minute,movingconstantly, Out of Rats" was filled with other supporting three nights in the Coffee House. It was part of itytowardanyonebuthimself.HisinterestinBeth and at some points even endingup on the floor. actorsandactresses.JohnUndsay, a sophomore, the "By Students for Students" series of plays has nothing to do with her brains,althoughit is Such a charactertakes a lot out of a person and whoplayed aguestontheshow,bravelytookon at Cabrini. This program is designed for prettyobviousthatthewriterdidnot giveher any. Marturanodoesall of theabove with enthusiasm the task of beingin the openingsc.enewith Beth. students to express themselves on any certain Still very naive, Beth tries to make it in the real as well as humor. Maureen Klement,a senior,played Beth's dear issue that concerns them. staff writer


Auditions! Springmusicaltheater production "Flowers for Algernon" by Charles Strouse Thursday Dec. 8 at 7 p.m. in the Red Cloud Coffee House, Grace Hall. Scripts and demo tapes are available in Faculty Secretary's Office. Performances are March 31, April 1, 6, 7, 8. Auditions will consist of a song (accompianist provided) and reading from the script. Assistant director, stage manager and technical assistants needed. Call #8510.

''laestpf.•Broadway''·· ele~trified by Regi~ Mijler ~ arts & rntertainmetteditoi ,

"': ~ directorNealNewmanWilt join . the student$in 8¢enes. % .





TheCof:fee,ffouse"snewelectronit;mu ..

, ,"Plwl~ o( t~e,~t•. "'Romante. sic ~~ willaQOOmpa!)Y "The ~ of R-0mance,•1 ..Jesus -Ohp$t$tt~rstar)' B~~.•: Adlniss.i<>n i&f«,e, but hol~~ /!~linaandCbess"wil,l~~of~~ .,daydo~tio~ forSt JoseP,h'sSh~iterar,e mus1cal bftles~~e< ~b~ ~.or ~ ~e~me. *Performance$ ~fll bt \eJdErt-: DougF4>plerand-09ntinumged~tion~tu,. , ·day~Dec.2 andSatutday,Dec.~31tt8:30 ~ntstmdyGrayboys~d~ Wbel~ , p.m, inthe Red CloudCoffeeHouse. • ~•··.,,,..;,.,_;






Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

NativeAmericanenlightensstudents by Kimberly Sheldron staff writer

photoby CarolineCroley

Marvin Clifford, film producer and · actor, came to Cabrini on Nov. 17 to talk to English/communications majors. Clifford, a NativeAmerican, chose to enlighten students on respect, rather than lecture on his career.

Standingin casualjeans andsneakers,Marvin Clifford,film producer and actor, capturedhis audiencewithhis unexpectedpleafor freedomof opp~on for his fellow Native Americans. Clifford,a LakotaIndian,spoketo English/communicationsstudentson Thursday,Nov. 17, in WidenerCenterLe.cture Hall. He has produced films aboutNativeAmericans,acted in " With Wolves,"and is a consultantto Ted Turner OJ? the portrayalof Native Americans. Unlike most career developmentspeakers, Cliffordchosenot to emphasiz.ehis careerin his lecture. Instead, he used the hour to educate studentsaboutthe historyand oppressionof Native Americans,by tellinga story. He said storytelling is a powerfulway of communicatingin orderto help understandhis people. The storyhe told to the audienceof 125 English/communications majors was of the first Thanksgiving.but from the perspectiveof the NativeAmericans. ''It'soursideofThanksgiving.ourstory. And youknow,ourstoryhasneverbeentold,"Clifford said ''Take this as an example and relate it to everything." A very soft-spokenand seriousman,Clifford went on to tellthe story. Clifford told the story of how the Native Americanshelpedoutahungry,thirsty.oppressed peoplewith no shelteror clothingled to the first Thanksgiving.

''Herewe can livetogetherin peace. You help me, I'll help you," Clifford said in his story. "Come to our table." Cliffordusedthe markerboardbehindhim in orderto illustratethe five most sacredrealitiesto NativeAmericanculture. Continuinghis story,he said his peoplegave food,water,clothing.shelterand air to the man. Butsincethat time,today's societyhas losttouch withthesefivesacredthing.5.He saidthesething.5 are the greatestthing.5of all because they come from MotherEarthwho gives them to everyone and they are free. ''When you go out there,my friend,andmake a life for yourself,respectthese things," Clifford said to his audience. ''That's all I ask." The man wantedto give somethingin return. Cliffordthen turnedanddrewa dollarsignon the board. But the NativeAmericansdid notwant it "We told them from day one to leave the money over there,"Cliffordsaid Cliffordliveson thePineRidgeReservationin SouthDakota. He saidthe peoplelivingthereare the poorestpeoplein the country. 'We paid a price. We knew the dangersof moneyandstucktqthosesacredthings,"Clifford said ''Now we are the pilgrimsof this country, sick and hungry. But that's what we chose." Clifforddemonstrateda strongdesireto work with the restof the countryto bringabootpeace. In regardto the evil in society,Cliffordsaid, 'We'll wipe it all out if this country will look

towardthefuturein theinterestof itschildren,not in the interestof the dollar." He said his peoplehave been waitingfor this generationof youngpeoplein orderto begin the healing process. Cliffordmentionedthe fulfillmentof a prophesyoftwochildrenofmanycolors coming. Thesechildrenwill walk hand-in-hand, understandeach other and bringaboutchange. 'We respectwhat you say. We careabootit We neverforgotabouttheAmericanchildin Ollf prayers,"Cliffordsaid A modestman, Gifford seemedto steerclear of talkingabout himself. He does not consider himselfto be any differentfrom anyoneelse. ''I get up in the morningand put my pantson just like everybodyelse,"he said. Clifford looks toward the future with high hopes. Cliffordsaid money will not solve all problems. He is not dependenton it ''In a way, I'm blessed by not having this moneybecauseldon'thavethesicknessesthatgo with it," he said. Clifford did not give the usual self-interest advicetostudents.Hedidnotsaytomakeasmany coonectionsas pos.wle or to explore all paths. Instead,heindirectlyurgedstudents to starttocare abo\rtothers. ''I don't knowwhat kindof talk you exeected to hear. I want you to walk out that door and remember:thereisamanwhohasnothingandyet he cares,"Cliffordsaid. 'We can care."

Learningdeficienciesrecognized by Richard Schepis

these,"O'Leary said His choiceof major,then,mightbe Whentold you havea learningdis- SUiprising, consideringhe would like ability,mostpeoplewouldjust giveup, to teachhighschoolEnglish.O'Leary but not Bryan O'Leary. O'Leary, a receivedhis associate's degree from sophomore,22, suffersfrom a decod- DelawareCountyCommunityCollege ing problemknown as dyslexia He is last spring. currentlyenrolledin his first semester Aa:ording to Shea's article, Kent at Cabriniasan Englishmajorstriving Fields, an asoociateprofessor of acfor certificationin ·secondaryeduca- countingatAubumUniversity,saidhe tion. believesthatstudentsare beingmisinDespite being dyslexic, O'Leary formedintothinkingtheycandosomesaid he wants to becomea teacher.He thingthey cannot. said he feels he can understandthe Kent said, "I don't have anything student'saspectof alearningdisability. against helpingpeople with disabili"Most teachersdon't know what a ties,but it's a differentthingwhen you studentgoes through,"O'Leary said. are talkingabout intellectualability." . ''The studentscanlookat me almostas O'Leary said he understandswhy a successstory because I know what teachersmightbe skeptical,but that is they are going throughand I am still whytheygiveatesttoseeifapersonhas going throughit, yethere I am." a learningdisability. Aa:ordingtoanarticlethatappeared According to Shea's article,John in The Chronicleof HigherEducation Gebbie, Jr., a student at New York in Septemberby ChristopherO'Shea, University,suffersfromweak reading many professorsand teachersbelieve comprehension.Gebbiesaidhe "hasto these problems to be an invisible read a sentence three or four times malady. ·before he can understand it." Also, O'Leary said he encounteredskep- insteadof readingthe textbookhe will ticism from teachersin the past. One listento a recordingof the book. professorat DelawareCounty ComAs with O'Leary, Gebbie also remunityCollegerefusedto lethim take ceives extratime on tests. ''I have the his final exam out of class and in the most difficulty with essay tests," campus learningcenter.O'Leary said O'Leary said.''But multiplechoiceis a he feels Catholicschoolsdo not really littleeasierformetocomprehend, even try to help studentswith thesedisabili- thoughit stillmighttakeme the whole ties.He saiditwas asif theyweretrying time allotted." to ignorethem. O'Leary saidwwas firsttestedfor But O'Leary said he has received a learningdisabilitywhen hewas in the positivefeedbackfromtheCabrinifac- fourthgrade,butat thetimeno onewas ulty,especiallyStqiianieBell,theleam- sure exactlywhat type of problemhe ing disabilitiesspecialist of theCabrini had Cabrinihad O'Leary retestedbeOpportunitiesin Personalized,Educa- fore this semesterto reaffirmit. tion Program. He said Bell has been "All I know is I have a decoding very instrumentalin his successso far. problem,"O'Learysaid.''Thereis still He meetswith Bellonce a week to set not a lot of informationavailableon a time management schedule of his what causesit." week's events. She also proofreads Do not be fooled by O'Leary's many of his papersand reports. disability.In high school he was inMany of his professorshave been volved in track and field, football, very understanding.For instance,Dr. cheerleading.He is currentlya memSharon Nagy has allowed him extra ber of the cheerleadingteam. time to take essay exams, as well as O'Leary said he is reallyinterested takingthem in the CARE Center. in gettinga supportgrouptogetheron O'Learysaidhisbiggestproblemis campus for those with learning diswith reading. especiallyout loud. ''I abilities.He said he believes all stuinkto ht o . a e t n heln eac I er. staff writer

It'sthenightbeforethe ·bigexam.You've got. ,400pagestogo~Better callDomino's. How to makethe mostof a VERYquick study break:

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193•0980 128W.LancasterAve.

Cabrini College


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Friday, Dec. 2, 1994



Last week in the worldof news

by Nina Marie Sciarrotta staff writer

□Tuesday, Nov. 22-NATO bombs airfield NATO bombed the Udbina airfield in a Serbian controlled section of Croatia in retaliation for Serbian attacks on a U.N. "safe haven." The bombing has disabled the airfield for at least 30 days, according to offi~ials. Twenty American planes were involved in the mission, out of a total of 30 planes, according to a Pentagon official. President Clinton called the attack " ... a good step in the right direction." □Wednesday, Nov. 23-Agents killed at police headquarters Two FBI agents and one city police detective were killed at the Washington, D.C. Police Headquarters when someone inside the building fired with what appeared to be an· automatic weapon. According to police officials, the people injured were involved in a

homicide task force of police detectives and FBI agents. · □Thursday,

Nov. 24-Agreement made on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Mr. Dole and President Clinton have made a pact involving the trade agreement, GAIT (General Agreement on Tariffand Trade). As a part of this pact, Congress will be allowed to vote to withdraw from the trade agreement if it feels that a new court of international trade subjected the U.S. to unfair rulings, according to officials. In return, the Republicans will back off on their proposed capital gains tax cut for the time being. □Friday, Nov. 25-Assisted Suicide legalized in Oregon Oregon doctors will soon be able to assist patients to commit suicide legally. According to the courts, it will be left up to the doctors' judgments on whether or not to administer drugs to cause death. The Vatican called this move " ... a

day of mourning for all humanity."

danger to non-smokers. This argument has caused smoking bans in 700 cities and counties in the past two years. The cigarette, called the Eclipse, does not burn, but produces the flavor and feel of a regular cigarette by using a smoldering piece of charcoal in the tip. These smokeless, odorless cigarettes cut the tar by 90 percent, which is c·ancer-causing. There is no scientific proof of this as of yet, though.

□Saturday, Nov. 26-Voluntary desegregation measures rejected A state effort to initiate voluntary desegregation in schools in Connecticut has been crippled by voters. Of the 11 ,egions in the state voting on the plan, two regions have already voted it down and two more regions have crippled the plan by the refusal of key communities to participate. Surprisingly, the plan has been rejected by communities with large minority populations, who would stand to OMonday, Nov. 28-Recycling benefit the most from desegregation . plastic into piers measures. An area of the Bronx is using 15 million clear plastic two-liter soft OSunday, Nov. 27-Smokeless, drink bottles to create plastic lumber. Odorless Cigarette to be manufacThis number will be used to build a tured 607-ton fishing pier. A new cigarette with little smoke or The pier will be much more resisodor and no ash will be marketed next tant to erosion from barnacles and year by the R.J. Reynolds Company. water then the standard wooden piers. The cigarette, which contains the The pier will be complete with same amount of nicotine as a regular benches and gazebos. cigarette, is aimed at knocking down complaints that second-hand smoke is a

Abandoned homes stand, homeless sleep in streets by Angela Matt/on/

in it becausethe curtainsandplasticflowersin the window have been left untouched since they AccordingtotheDepartmentof licensing carriedher out," MacGlaughlinsaid. andlnspection,thereareapproximately29,(XX) "I have to have an exterminatorin my house almost once a month to keep the roachesunder abandonedhouses in Philadelphia. That may not seem important, but the control,"she said MacGlaughlin's daughter, Claire ramificationsofahouseleftabandonedcanbe MacGlaughlin,has been going throughmotions disastrous. It is a snowball effect that Philadelphia to purchasethehome. ''Therearegrantsavailable from the city for roof repairs and workshops residentsknowall too well. ClaraMacGlaughlin,69,ofWestmoreland throughthe PhiladelphiaHousingAssociationto Street in Philadelphiaexperiencesthe prob- teach bomownershow to do home repairslike lem first hand. Her neighbor, an elderly plumbing and dry wall," Claire MacGlaughlin woman,diedalmostfiveyearsago. Her home said Oara MacGlaughlinand her neighbors are hasbeen left lockedup, vacantfor that entire actuallylucky in their situation,though. Elvin periodof time. There is a mandatoryfive year period of Ross,amemberofPhiladelphialnterfaithAction, waitingbeforethe city comes in and seizes a says thatshe and her neighborsare fortunatethat houseforresale.Thisperiodisleftforafamily "othertwo-leggedanimals"havenot movedinto to takethehouse,a familywhichthe deceased the house. The two-legged animals that Ross speaksof are drug-dealers~d other criminals. woman does not have. ''The home is infestedwith cockroaches, "An area(like ours) can become red-linedby rats andmice, as well as whateverelsemakes banks,"Ross said. Red-liningis when an areabecomessounsafe itsway in throughthe lockeddoorsand windows. ''The houselookslike somebodylives thattheentiresurroundingneighborhoodscannot staff writer

What's Happening □senior

Dinner 12/2 The seniors will gather together for their Senior Dinner at 6 p.m. in the Mansion.

Dice Skating 12/7 Sign up in the Student Development Office for an hour of free ice skating at the Viking Ice Rink from 9-10 p.m.

be mortgagedbecausethe banksrefuseto writea mortgage. It also becomesdifficultto get insuranceintheareabecauseitbecomeshigh-risk.Not to mentionthe robberiesthat start to take place. One can seethat thiswould be a dominantproblem with the city of Philadelphia The groupRoss is a memberof: Philadelphia InterfaithAction, mobilizeswith area corporations,neighborhoodsand especiallychurchesto get abandoned houses sealed,cleaned up and resoldor tomdowntopreventthesnowballeffect. Thisgrouphascompletedtheprocesswith about 150 homes duringits existence: The group has also discovered one strong reasonthatthecity leavesthesehousesemptyfor so long. Along with The PhiladelphiaInquirer, the group had an articlepublishedexposingthe fact that the city was still collectingrent in the amount of $400 per home permonth from the governmenton thesehouses,someof which had even been tom down already. This was a pretty profitablereasonfor the city to leave the homes vacant Ross.said he thinks this dishonestyhasdeclinedsincethearticlewaspublished."Butwhen

Public Safety Update

SecurityTips □Protect your

OESA Legal Party 12/2 Bring all your friends to the Legal Party in the Widener Center Gathering Area from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Mixed drinks and beer for those over 21. $5 admission.



12/8 Get your picture taken with Santa Claus in the cafeteria during lunch. $2 for a snapshot, sponsored by sophomore class. □Formal

OMovie Night 12/4 Come to Xavier Great Room and get in the Christmas spirit by watching "Nightmare Before Christmas" at 10 p.m. □Yule Log

12/6 Join in this Cabrini tradition featuring the Christmas dinner in the cafeteria at 4:45 p.m., followed by the lighting of the Yule Log in the Mansion courtyard.

Pictures If you had your picture taken by the . "roving photographer" at the Fall Formal, you can purchase one for only $2.50, in front of the cafeteria everyday at lunch. You must order the pictures by 12/6. □Auditions

12/8 If you would like to audition for the spring musical, "Flowers for Algernon," come to the Coffee House at 7 p.m. Performances will be March 31, April 1, 6, 7, &8.

you find that it only costs the citya measly $500) to tear down an abandonedhome,one can see how easy it really is to prevent the problemsthatcanarise,"Rosssaid."Thereare a lot of peoplewho areconcernedaboutdoing the right thing,but the institutionsaren't" Rossraisedan interestingfact.It usedto be thata greatdealof researchneededto be done to discoverthe ownerof an abandonedhome. But the computerizedDepartmentof LicensingandInspectionsmakesthistask possiblein no time at all. Thismadepossiblethesaleofhomesbythe department.''Thereis evena programwhere you can purchasea home for as littleas $1 if you promiseto fix it up withina year," Ross said Some agreements have even fewer stipulations.''Unfortunately,thegovernment doesn't check up on these agreementsin a timelyfashion,"Rosssaid So thehousesare feftagain,abandonedas theywere before. "It's a shame, because there is potential...neighbomoodscan come back to life,"ClaireMacGlaughlinsaid.

personal property belongings ousecommon sense □Lock your doors: everytime you leave your room. It takes less than 8 seconds for someone to come in your room take something. The best locks in the world cannot prevent a theft if they are not used. □Do not leave your belongings: books, gymbags, backbacks, coats, etc. unattended. They are easy to pick up and to carry away unnoticed. □Make a list: of your valuables, of the serial numbers and date purchased. Keep them in a safe place. □Engrave your valuabtes: with your ID number. An engraver is available through the security office of your RA. □Protect your

□Report stolen or missing items:

If you lose your room key, report it immediately so your lock can be changed. Report stolen or missing items to your RA or security. ODo not give out the combination to your residence ball. OKeep your room and bathroom doors locked □Do not open your door unless you know who it is □Draw curtains or blinds after dark oNever dress or undress in front of a window □Let your roommate or friend know where you are and when you will return OReport suspicious persons or threatening behavior immediately to security



Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

All Cavs excel in PAC play by Amy Jackson staff writer

The Cabrini Cavaliers were a competitive force this fall. Whether the Cavs were on the field or on the court they fought until the end. Field hockey, tennis, women's soccer, men's soccer, volleyball and cross country all proved they had the skills and team spirit to win by qualifying for the 1994 Pennsylvania Athletic Conference playoffs. Field hockey had their first winning season and ended play with 11 wins and 6 loses. Coached by Joannie Quinn Milhouse they went to PAC playoffs for the first time where they were defeated by Misericordia 1-0 in the semi-finals. Milhouse was named the PAC All Conference coach, while juniors Chris Calvert and Denise Cassidy to the first team, and senior captain Kristyn Rudnick received honorable mention. Rudnick and senior captain Sherri Roam and seniors Tammy Pfeiffenberger and Suzi Lafferty will be missed, yet next year looks promising due to a young team. Women's tennis, coached by Reggie Day, ended the season with an overall record of 7 wins and 3 loses. "The season started slow, but ended strong. The important thing is that we are a team," said sophomore Stephanie Casinelli. The team ended PAC play with 6 wins and 1 loss and took the runner-up award home from the PAC playoffs. Senior captain Suzanne Stephano and

sophomore Donna Scheaffer were named to the PAC All Conference Team. The other two captains this year were juniors Kim Scarborough and Maura Wiswall. The outlook for next year is very positive because everyone will be returning with the exception of Stephano. Women's soccer came out in their inaugural season with desire. Coached by Diane Pierangeli and Chris Rampt, they ended the season with 7 wins, 9 loses and 1 tie. PAC play ended with a record of 3 wins and 1 loss and the PAC title with a 1-0 overtime victory against Eastern at home. Sophomore Nancy Kraus was given the award for best offensive player in the PAC game as well as being named to the PAC All Conference team along with sophomore Amy Hummel, first-year student Michelle McGowan and coach Diane Pierangeli. Senior captain Jen Wunsch will be the only one not returning. The young team is looking forward to a good season next year. Men's soccer had a successful season with 15 wins and 6 loses. Coached by Duncan Hubely and Doug Meder, they went undefeated in PAC play with 6 wins and won the PAC title for the second year in a row with a 1-0 win against Misericordia at home. Senior co-captain Mike Tims was named the best offensive player in the PAC game and was named to the PAC All Conference Team along with junior Ken Konopka, and sophomores Jeff

Winters and Bill Bono. The team will lose Tims and senior co-captain Steve McGowan, but think they are strong enough to 3-peat next year. Women's volleyball, coached by Jim Harrigan and Joe Miliza, struggled in overall play this year with 8 wins and 22 loses, but had 4 wins and 1 loss in PAC play. The team lost to Allentown in the semi-finals, and placed second in the the south division. Senior captian Jill Saam and sophomore Dawn Johnson were named to the PAC All Conference Team. Junior Stephanie Eberhardt was the other captain who was out most of the season due to injury. The volleyball team is looking forward to a competitive season next year, but will miss Saam and senior Veronica Pirollo. Women's cross country had a slow start in the beginning, but with improvement throughout the season took the Cabrini Invitational. Coached By Tom O'Hora they took second place in the PAC playoffs. Next year they will have to pull together as a team after losing senior captian Melanie Bruno. The fall 1994 sports season was successful for every team and the Cavs ended the season with a lot of victories. Athletic director John Dzik mentioned that this is the first fall season that he can remember all the teams making it to post-season play. Dzik said, "I'm very pleased with the success of all the fall teams."

Men's JV start off with win by Paul Marturano staff writer

The men's junior varsity basketball won its first game over Widener University 7968 on Tuesday, Nov. 22. They defeated Widenerunder the leadership of two varsity players who were called down for the game, Robert Uff, a sophomore, and Far'd Nasir, a first-year student. Uffled all players in points with a total of 27. Nasir shined with 22 points. The two top point holders for Widener were Mike Wineberg with 17 and Josh Grant with 16. About one minute into the game, Nasir shot a three-pointer to give Cabrini a 3-0 lead. From that point on, it was all Nasir. Nasir repeatedly broke up plays, forced turnovers, made baskets, and set up other players for baskets. "I think Far'd played very well

and the junior varsity games will give him experience he will need to make him successful on the varsity level," senior Nate Bowl, a varsity player, said. With 13:10 left in the first half, Grant brought Widener up to Cabrini's standards and tied the game 13-13. Cabrini immediately regained the lead. By the end of the first half Cabrini led 45-37. The second quarter began with a bang and the two teams exchanged baskets. Widener launched a comeback. Grant had a lot to do with this comeback considering 14 of his 16 points came in the second half. With 7:40 left in the game, Grant brought Widener within one point of Cabrini, 59-58. Joe Koroly, a junior, fouled Wineberg. Wineberg made both foul shots and gave Widener the lead, 60-59. Nasir was then fouled by Widener's Brian

Do the holi_daysbring you down? Instead of "merry and bright" is the Christmas season "blue"? Come to this workshop on The Myth of the Hallmark Holiday 11 to learn how to cope with a frequently stressful time of year.


Tuesday, Dec. 6th at 8 P.M. Widener Center Conference Room Sponsored by Counseling Services

Kelly and regained the lead on foul shots, 6160. Uff added to the lead with a basket and a foul shot. With 4:40 left in the game, Nasir let loose a three-pointer that made the score 6659. With eight seconds left in the game, Kevin Breslin, a first-year student, put in the final basket giving Cabrini, the 79-68 victory. Although Cabrini did win, some players said they did not play as well as they could have. "There were too many sloppy turnovers," Breslin said. Coach Rob Rowe said he was disappointed with the amount of turnovers and that the team was lucky that Widener turned the ball over as much as they did. "Their squad was O.K. but we are going to see a lot better," Rowe said. Overall, Rowe said he was fairly happy with the way the team played. "This year's club is more enthusiastic than last year's," said Rowe. "The older guys will help the younger guys." "Ted Smith will stand out," John Mack, a first-year student and member of the team, said. "He is a strong player and he knows what he's doing because he has been around." Rowe said he would like to win but the most important thing is that his players have fun. "If it is not fun you shouldn't be here," said Rowe The members of this year's junior varsity basketball team are first-year students: Alex Corkhill, Kevin Breslin, Zach Schuler, Raymond DeChristie, Daniel Dotsey, John Mack and Theodore Smith; sophomores: James Manero and Mark Holtzapfel;juniors: Rich Grace and Joseph Koroly; and seniors: Steve McGowan and Michael Tims under the leadership of coach Rob Rowe and assistant coach, Tom Hare.

Fridav 1 Dec. 2 1 1994



Last week in the world of sports by Joe Marturano staff writer

weightchampion,has been bannedfrom international competitionbecause he failed a drug test at the Goodwill Games in Russia.

Ollockey The lockout continues. Flyers General Manager Bob Clarke said he feels, after another round of talks to end the NHL lockout, there is still hope for a shortened season. This season has already been sliced to 60 gamesand is likelyto be shortenedby 10 more, even if a labor agreement is reached. Some.NHL players have been playing in other leaguesto keep in practice. Teemu Selanneofthe WinnipegJetsscored a goal asJokerit beat HPK, 6-2, in the Finnish HockeyLeague. Selannehas scoredin his last five games. Jari Kurri of the Los Angeles Kings also contributeda goal,his sixthin 12 games for the reigning champions and current league leaders. QBo:xing John Molina,the InternationalBoxingFederationJunior-lightweightchampion.successfully defended his belt for the seventh time with the 10th-roundknockout of top-ranked contender Wilson Rodriguez in Bayamon, Puerto Rico. Waldemar Font, the world amateur fly-


Men's Basketball Tip-off Tournament: Fri. Sat.

11/18 Cabrini 80 11/19 Cabrini 75

Pharmacy 87 Ursinus 57

Women's Basketball

Qfennis 'fhe fifth-seeded team of Jan Apell and Jonas Bjorkman upset the Australian duo of Todd Woodbridgeand MarkWoodforde,6-4, 4-6, 4-6, 7-6, 7-6, in the final of the ATP Tour World Doubles Championships. The Swedishpair fellbehindearly and then ralliedby winning tie-breakersin the finaltwo sets to win. The match took three hours, 54 minutes. Gabriella Sabatini ended two and a half yearsof frustrationwhen shedefeatedLindsay Davenport, 6-3, 6-2, 6-4 in the final of the season-endingVirginiaSlimsChampionships at Madison Square Garden. The match took less than two hours. It was her first title since the 1992 Italian Open.

C8brini 67 Cabrini 59 Cabrini 87

Swarthmore 46 Notre Dame 57 Rosemont 49

Men'sV. Basketball W




Beaver Misericordia Alvernia Eastern Gwynedd-Mercy Marywood Neumann Allentown


0 0

Cedar Crest

Tues. 11/22 Mon. 11/28

Cabrini 79 Widener 68 Cabrini 64 Penn-State Delco 67



o O O O

Men's Basketball Sat .. 12/3 Wed. 12/7

Allentown Gwynedd-Mercy

A 3 p.m. A 8 p.m.


0 0 0 0




Misericordia Beaver Allentown Marywood Alvernia Gwynedd lmmaculata Neumann Eastern Rosemont

1 0 0

Sat. 12/3 Wed. 12/7


0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tap in to Mac

Jackson scored 39 of his points in the second half of the game-15 of them came in the third quarter, 16 more in the fourth, and eight in overtime.

Allentown Gwynedd-Mercy

H7p.m. A6p.m.

Women's Basketball Cabrini

Men's JV Basketball


The PhiladelphiaEaglesdroppedtheirthird straightgame on Sunday, Nov. 27. The Atlanta Falcons defeated the Eagles 28-21. ·The Eagles' downfall started early in the firstquarter. It began with a CharlieGarner fumble in the opening series. The Eagles' defense allowed Randall Cunninghamto be sacked five times and surrendered a season high 364 passing yards. They alsoreceived 10 penalties,two of which resulted from having too many men on the CJNBA field. Taking advantage of all the Sixers' misCunninghamthrew an intercepted pass in takes, the BostonCelticsclawedtheir way to a the fourth quarter. Cunningham completed 108-99victory. just 19 out of 36 passes and went through his The loss stopped a Sixers' two game win- third straightgame without throwinga touchning streak and dropped their record to 4-8 down pass. The Eagles are now 7-5 and their overall. The Sixers will host the Sacramento playoff spot is in jeopardy.

Tip-off Tournament: Fri. 11/18 Sat. 11/19 Mon. 11/28

Kings on Friday, Dec. 2. JimJacksonof theDallasMavericksscored a career-high 50 points, including two free throwswith 0.5 secondsleft in overtime. The Mavericksdefeatedthe Denver Nuggets 124-

Men's JV Basketball Thurs.12/1 Sat. 12/3 Mon. 12/5

Penn State-Ogontz Allentown Valley Forge

A 7:30 p.m. A1p.m H 7p.m.

Father Knows Best:

Quote to Note:

Trivia Answer:

Who is the only NBA coach whose club took over 1,100 three-point shots in a season?

"I made it a point to say they're not fab anything, "Fisher, the Michigan collge basketball coach said of the new Fab Five.

Tim Hardaway of the Golden State Warriors is the o~ly NBA player to take over 15 field goal attempts in one game and miss them all.

-compiled by Father Ambrose

-reportedin TheNew York Times

-compiled by Father Ambrose

by Bob Macartney sports columnist

Four weeks ago, RichKotite was the toastofthetown. Histeamhadjust beaten

the Phoenix Cardinals, coached by his predece&'i<>r BuddyRyan.and his record was7-2,justonegamebehindthetwo-time defendingSuperBowl championDallas Cowboys. Threeweeks ago, the 7-2 Cleveland Brownsrolledinto the City of Brotherly Love. .Kotiteaied for a contractextension the entireweek,then watchedhis unpreparedteamloseto the underdogBrowns. Followingthegame,hewasaskedwhy theE.agleshadnot goneto a fourreceiver setduringthesecondhalftotryandopenup the offense. Kotiterespondedby saying that the E.aglesdid not haveone. An NFL team withouta four receiver set, andtheooachwants a contractextension? Well,at least theywere7-3 andstill onlya gamebehindthe two-timedefending Super Bowl championDallasCowboys.. Twoweeksago,theE.aglestraveledto PhoenixfortherematchwithBuddyRyan's Cardinals.With 14 secondsremainingin the first half and ~ team down by six points,the Eagleshad a seconddown on ... theCardinalsten-yardline. Kotitesentout Eddie Murray for the field goal: The Eagleslost 12-6. They werewell within fieldgoal rangeatthe endof thegame,but sincetheyneeded a touchdown,andnot a field goal. the Eagles lost. Had they attemptedto takeonemoreshotat the end rone attheendofthehalt:theycouldhave

won. Kotitee:l)l)lained by sayingthat he did not want to takea chanceon gettinghis quarteri>ack: sacked. A coach who is afraid to run a play becauseofthepotentialquarteri>ack:sadcis askingfor a contractextension? Last week, the Eagles dragged into Atlanta to play the les.5than mightyFalcons. Witha thirdand 15 from theirown 35,theypickedupfourteenyardsonapass to Calvin Williams, bringing up a fourth andoneatmidfield.However,theFalcoos hadjumpedo~givingtheEagles the optionofthirdand10atthe40orfourth and one at the 49. The penaltywas declined. Fourthandone. Akey conversionandthe Eagles,whotrailedby a touchdown,could be on their way to a comebackvictory. Rich Kotite calledtime-out The Eagles • punted. TheBirdsfellshortattheendwhenthey wereunabletostoptheclockattheFalcons 20 in the waningseconds. A coachwhowastesa time-outto punt thefootballinsteadof takinga shotat third and ten is asking for a contract extension. The two-timedefendingSuper Bowl championDallasCowboysare in to play theE.aglesthisweek,leavingonequestion. Whatboneheadmovewill Richiepull this week?




Friday, Dec. 2, 1994

Cavs mix Oldand new for wins by Andrea Kell/her staff writer

Can the Cavs win the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference for the third time? To do that they will have to mesh, Coach John Dzik said, because six new players are joining a core of six returning players. "Right now the only word I can use to describe what this team is right now is 'enigma,' something that is hard to understand or explain," Dzik said. Although this team may be an enigma, they have set up five goals for themselves to reach this season. "If they can do these things, they will be able to attain almost anything," Dzik said. The men's basketball team last season lost four players to graduation and one to ineligibility this season. With the loss of players like Dan Barracliff, Jamie Shaak, David Kerchner, David Wissler and Brad Dever, the team had to fill all of these spots. That is just what the coaching staff went out to do when recruiting for this year. The coaching staff recruited six new members of the team, transfer John Watson from Delaware County Community College, transfer Jeff Danzi from Penn State Delco, transfer Tom Newnam from Philadelphia Community College, transfers Dan Robinson and Ken Skitek from Bucks County Community College and first-year student Far'd Nasir from Ben Franklin High School. · Dzik,however, is not holding up the championship as a goal. His goals are: • to never give up • to be physical • enjoy the experience • enjoy each other • to have fun He said if the players achieve these five goals, the rest will all fall into place. On Friday, Nov.18, the Cavs participated in the Quad County Tip-Off Tournament that was held at Delaware Valley College in Doylestown, Pa. The Cavs lost a game to Philadelphia Pharmacy 87-80, which placed them into the consolation round on Saturday against Ursinus, the team that lost to Delaware Valley College. During Friday night's game, the Cavs looked very out of sync. They spent a great deal of time and energy on the court but did not play intelligently, said Dzik. While Saturday's game was a much different game, it was similar to last year's winning season,

one in which the returning players are used to. The Cavs defeated Ursinus, 87-80. All the players and coaches agree on what the Cavs need in order to play at the level they were atlastyear's time. And time is just what will tell how this team wilJ fair. "For when the chemistry sets in, the other members of the PAC should watch out because here comes Cabrini defending its title for the third year in a row," said junior Rob Uff. Out of the six players that were recruited and decided to attend Cabrini, five of these players have had experience playing on the college level. "We needed players that had experience and that we could counfon," said assistant coach John McQueen. "That is just what these guys are able to give us." McQueen also said that each of the new players is a valuable asset to this year's team and should be able to fill the gap that was left behind by the players that were lost.. There are seven returning players: juniors Mike Dever, Greg Grant, Eric Tidwell, Rob Uff, Bill Carr, senior Nate Bowles and sophomore John Drummond. The team is expecting each of the seven returning players to make contributions to the team and help the new players gel with everyone else. While co-captain Carr is recovering this seaso_nafter battling with health problems and a knee problem, he is still a great assist to the team and will be a leader of the team again this year, said Dzik. Carr, who is already on a roll this year, was selected to the All Tournament Team at the Quad County Tip-Off Tournament. Co-captains Grant, Cl\rr and Tidwell will be watched for their leadership on and off the floor, many team members said. "With Grant coming to the floor this· season, he will be looked upon not only for his leadership, but for scoring and being a stellar performer in all positions," Tidwell said. Uff will be seeing playing time this season on the varsity level, where as last year he played with the junior varsity team. According to Dzik, Uff will be an asset to the team and will be looked upon for experience, hard work and play knowledge. ''With each passing game, the new additions to the team should learn to come out of their shells and play in the productive manner that we need them to play in," Bowles said. "If they are able to do this we should have a successful season."

pholoby Jim Gregory

Junior Mike Dever shows a little varsity level action to first-year student Far'd Nasir who keeps up the pace at practice on Monday night at Nov. 28.

photo by Jim Gregory

Transfer student Jeff Danzi takes his free throws while his teammates look on.

Lady Cavs defeated Rosemont by Jamie Latshaw staff writer

The Lady Cavs defeated Rosemont 87-49 on Monday, Nov. 28. First-year student Stephanie Owen of Cabrini shot 32 points at Rosem_ont and helped to lead the Cavs to their victory. Juniors Patty Carr and Karen Lawrence also helped to lead the Cavs to victory as captains w_hohave seniority on the team. Coach Dan Welde saw Rosemont's game as an opportunity for playing time. "It was early in the season and it gives us a chance to get our offense working," Welde said. "It's a great game for the freshmen to get playing time early in the season," Welde said. Welde believes this team will work well together and play the games with strong team effort. "There is a strong nucleus of the team coming back," Welde said. With a total of 12 players, it is easy to play nine players and to still have flex-

ibility with the players on the court. Of those 12 players, Stephanie Owen works to stand out. "Stephanie Owen will have an immediate impact," Welde said. "She provides us with something we haven't had in the eight years I've been here -- a bona fide scoring center."

"She was the leader, the c_aptainand was very spirited," Carr said about Mills, who is no longer on the team. In the Notre Dame tournament in Maryland on Nov. 19, Owen was named all-tournament as the Lady Cavs won the tournament. First-year student Megan Righter was named MVP of the tournament.

Other new additions to the team include first-year students Jen Mack, Trish Ricci and Daisy Wentz. Last year's team was young, consisting of only first-year students and sophomores. "We know how each other play," sophomore Amy Hummel said. "The team has more experience this year," Carr said. "Last year we had a lot of freshmen. This year's first-year students are strong players. "The freshmen have come along and are really starting to play together with us," Hummel said. Sophomore Megan Dillon will be stepping onto the court in a position she has never played before. Dillon will be starting as point guard. "I think she'll be good at it," Welde said. "As she develops at that position, our team will grow with her." Dillon formerly played forward. She had to learn all of the plays and how to see the court from the point guard's point-of-view.

Dillon is replacing junior Dana Mills who quit the team after the first tournament. "She was the leader, the captain and was very spirited," Carr said about Mills who is no longer on the team. The loss of Mills had an impact on the team. "It affected me," Hummel said. "She really stood out and got us going." The women are looking to capture the PAC championships this season and to place eighth in the Mid-Atlantic Region. With this position, they can receive a bid for NCAA tournament. "We have to work on our defense," Carr admits. "We have to learn to communicate more on the court and how to play man-to-man:" The Lady Cavs face Allentown College on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. in Cabrini's gym. "We know how they played against us last year," Hummel said, "so we'll be ready."

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