Dr.HeidiLevine,directorof counselingservices,wasexcitedabouthow Bafa Bafa stood out from the other activities. '"Theexercisereallyhelpedpeople understandwhyyouhaveto talkabout diversity,"Levinesaid. Marianne DeFruscio,directorof student activitiessaid she was very happy with the responsesto all the exercisesand to the and participation. The weekendlasted only a short nightand day. "NextyearI hopeto leaveearlierto makeit longer," DeFrusciosaid The followingparticipatedin the retreat: Heidi Andraka, Stacey Caiazzo, Dawn Deschak, Kevin Eppler, Allyson Hannigan, Jen Mack, Tom McKee, Lisa Mininno, Patrice Miller, Bill Myers, Paul Monte, Angela Palazzone, Chris Schmid, Beth Stanbach, Jeannine Wesolowskiand Jay Weidner. ''It was a lotof fun,a greatgroupof people,"saidStanbach. Stanbachsaid she learneda lot of leadershipresponsibilities. Stanbachagreedwith Caiazzo it couldn'thavehad it at a betterplace. "I learnedwe areall uniquein our own specialway,"Caiazzosaid. ''It was a uniqueexperiencefrom which I met new people and learned different and I would do it all overagain,"Bill Myerssaid "I foundthe experienceto be both memorableandbeneficialinmygrowth as anemergingleader,"McKeesaid Mininnosaid," I hada greatweekend. I had a lot of fun." "I got to know people better,'' Mininnosaid. "I saw other sides of peopleI've neverseen." DeFrusciosaid the weekendwas alsoa successbecauseshe feltshe and Levinecomplementedeachotherwell.
The studentschosen to go were nominatedafter letters were sent to first-yearadvisers,faculty,staff and studentleaders.
WEDNESDAYTHURSDAY tl8a.m. Mass in the chapel. t/12:30-1 :30p.m. Resume Writing Workshop in the Coop office. t/Noon Mass in the chapel. t/12:30-1 :45p.m. SGA meeting to rebuild constitution in the SGA office.
First-year students Tom McKee, Paul Monte and Dawn Deschak share a moment at the retreat. First-yearstudentDesireeLacey needs to oven:omeone major obstacle,the handbook'sruling. The studenthandbookstatesthatin order foran organizationto beregisteredby the institution,it must,"agreeto not discriminateonthebasisofrace,color, religion,age,sexualorientation,physicalimpairment,nationalorethnicorigin. All organizationsexcept club sportsmustalsoagreenotto discriminateon the basisof gender." Bonassaidhefeelsthereis a lotof valuein a well-runsorority.He said it isdifferentthananyotherorganization becausesororitiesand fraternities generallygive intensivesmall groupexperiencesand are developmentallysound "Of course,we are not happywith everythingall of the time,"Bonassaid."Butsororitiesand fraternities add to campus life."
Check out the full-page spread on the Eastern game. NEWS pg.a Ever wonder how students feel about technology? Check out the graph and story. A&E pg.7 Country dancing at KP Corral. they attendthe most. "A lot of people wanted to have 'lOONights'atabarfartherawayfrom campus,"Gallaghersaid."Butthesuggestionsweretoo far away." "Drivingis alwaysa concernwhen peoplego out,"Macartneysaid. "The seniorsare not stupidenoughto drive homedrunk.Wearesupposedtobethe leadersof the school." One concernedsenior questioned how safe the activitywouldbe since therewas no transportationprovided, andthePubisa fartherdistancetowalk homefromthanthe Tavern. ''People go out all the time and makeit home,"Macartneysaid. " '100 Nights' is not a collegesporu;oredevent,"Dr.RobertBonfiglio, vice-presidentforstudentdevelopment, said."Itisaclassevent.Forthelastfew years, the college has not provided transportationfor manyreasons.First of all, it is not a college-sponsored event, and secondof all, becauseof liabilityand insurancereasons." MeredithHinkle,seniorclassvicepresident,said Bonfigliotold her that they cannotuse the van for insurance reasons.Whenshe foundthisout,she said she calledplacesto rentvans,but it was too expensive.
Leaders emerge at retreat by Allyson Hannigan assistant features editor The annualEmergingLeadersRetreat,attendedby 17first-yearstudents lastweekend,increasedself-awareness about values and abilities,identified various leadership opportunitiesat Cabriniandexplainedhowto applyfor leadershippositions. The retreatwas heldat the ColonnadeInn in Sea IsleCity,NJ. Theweekendwasfullof icebreakers,groupactivities,gamesanddiscussiom. Themost~activitywas BafaBafa.Althoughitisagame,Bafa Bafa had the bigge&impact on the studentsand coordinators. The gameseparatedthe groupinto two smaller groups in which they learned to become separatecultures and then learn to interactwith each otherandunderstandtheirdifferences. BafaBafa dealtwithone'sprejudices, howpeopleseparatefromoneanother, and how to compromiseand co~e to an understandingof eachother.
FRIDAY tl4-6p.m. Social Hour in the Widener Center Gathering Area. tl8p.m. Indian Restaurant Excursion with the International Students Club. SATURDAY tl10p.m.-2a.m. Rave party in the gym. SUNDAY tl6p.m. Mass in the chapel. MONDAY tl8a.m. Mass in the chapel. TUESDAY t/Noon Mass in the chapel. t/Noon Mulcreek Jazz in the cafeteria. t/Noon-2p.m. reception for art exhibit in library.
• more NIGHTS on pg.4 pho<oby Stacey Caiazzo First-year students Dana Erdosy and Kim Penske play bingo. Week at a Glance ... Feb. 10 to Feb. 16
• presentedthe ideato adminis!J1ltion. Administrationpointedtheirthumbs down. Delta SigmaThetais a blacksororitywithitsmissionbasedon communityservice. "I didnotjust saynoand shooher outofmyoffice,"Dr.RobertBonfiglio, vice presidentfor studentdevelopment, said. "It was a very difficult decisionand a verypersuasiveargument. She did do her homework."
Friday,Feb.10,1995 Vol. XLI, No. 16
No Greeks allowed by Regina MIiier arts & entertainment editor A group of minoritystudents wantedachapterofDeltaSigmaTheta oncampus.A studentspokeswoman
''Philosophically,we wouldwant a historicallyblacksororityor fraternityon campus,"GaryBonas,director of leadershipdevelopmentat VillanovaUniversity,said. He said heaskedthemembersofDeltaSigma Thetato start a chapterat Villanova insteadof losingthemto the UniversityofPennsylvaniato gainmembership. Minoritiesonly represent3-4 percent of the student body at Villanova. Greek life began on Villanova'scampusin 1900.
by Christina Feehan news editor For yearsit hasbeenat theWayne Tavern. This time it will be at Partner's Pub. Itis 100nightsuntilgraduationand the place bas changed,but the time spentamongfriendshas not ''It'sweirdthatitisnotattheTavem, but it's not goingto botherme," Bob Macartney,seniorsaid Amy Gallagher,seniorclasspresident, said she and the other seniors decidedto changethelocationof"lOO Nights" because they usually go to Partner'sPuband shesaidshethought itmadesenseto givebusinessto thebar Inside ... SPORTS pg.12
Radnortownshipdoes not allow fraternityor sororityhousing. ''In manyways, it is fortunatewe live in a posh, subwbia neighborhood,"Bonassaid, ''but the mning lawsare incredible." These laws are createdbecause neighborswanttoprotecttheirneighborhoods. Scott Dorsey,the multicultural coordinator-campus minister, is acting as the liaison between Bonfiglio and Lacey. "Both sides havevalidpoints," Dorsey said. "I am not here to solve their (students) problems, they have to solve them themselves. I'll help them get to that point." Dorsey said he has been talking to some minority alumni and some do not think Delta Sigma Theta will be successful while others think it will be an opportumore GREEKS on pg. 4 '100 Nights' until we get home Bingo! Bingo!
Laceyhad two womenfrom th_e organization come to speak to Bonfiglio,andtheytoldhimwhythey thought the sororitywould benefit Cabrini ''Itisacommunity-basedservice," Laceysaid,"anda blackorganization foundedon blackprinciples. That doesnot meanthatwhiteladiescan't join." Bonfigliosaidheconsiderssororitiesand fraternitiesexclusivein general. He saidcollegelifeshouldnot limit studentsbecauseof who they know,thewaythey dressorthekind ofmusictheylike. Sororitiesexistat Catholiccolleges. St Joseph'sUniversity, La Salle University and VillanovaUniversityopentheirarms to Greeklifeon campus.
photo by Stacey Caiazzo Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087
On the other hand, in theory, fraternities and sororities are established to provide a sense of unity for small, distinct groups of students on large college campuses such as Penn State and the University of Delaware. However, on a small campus such as Cabrini, where there is a strong feeling of community and everyone knows everyone else, a sorority or fraternity would serve only to separate a select group and alienate those outside the group. The Cabrini mission has always been about the importance of community. Therefore, the establishment of a sorority or fraternity on campus may threaten !his principle by setting one or two groups apart from the rest of the students_ A decision can only be made after carefully weighing the pros and cons. Any decision must take into account the problems innate in life on a small campus. We currently have numerous service organizations on campus, and an excellent career development program for our students. Do we need a sorority to perform acts of service, or have we already achieved this simply through following the mission of Mother Cabrini?
Editor: Shella Brady Aaalatant Editors: Joanna Golesh and Allyson Hannigan Sports Edllor: Celene Wright Alalstant Sports Stephanie Caldwell and Rich Schepi1 Copy Editor: Richard Jasper Alslatant Copy Editor: Kim Sheldron Manager: Karen Szczurek Aaalstant Bualne11 Manager: Larl11a Schuman Photography Editor: Oawnlelle Klopp A11lstant Photography Editor: Caroline Croley Photography Advlaer: Or. Carter Craig le Adviser: Or. Jerome Zurek Staff: Mary Burfete, Matthew Craig, David OIMatteo, Patricia Foley, Liu Hlnea, Amy Jackaon, Andrea Kelliher, DA'( I
2 EDITORIAL FridaXz Feb. 10, 1995 I.__E_d_ito_ri_al_____ ___.JIViewpoint Kappa Delta Cabrini? Light at th e en~".?.!.1!~~ ..!.~~~.~.~-
Edtor in chief: Kelly McOoneld Managing Editor: Caroline Croley Op-Ed Editor: Jana S. Van lngen Aaslatant Op-Ed Editors: Angela Mattlonl and Nina Marie Sclarrotta News Editor: Chrlatlna Feehan Alalstanl News Editors: Beth Molloy and Laura Testa Art1 and Entertainment Editor: Regina MIiier Assistant Arts and Entertalnment Editors: Kathy Cephas and John Lindsay FHturu
Jamie Latahaw, Jo• Marturano, Paul Marturano. Justin Mlrglianl. Donna Schaeffer, Diane Wrobleakl Photography Staff:Marie Barrett, Caroline Croley, Stacey Clazzo, James Gregory, Jamie Latahaw, Tom McKee, Mirella Ade11I Advertialng Designers: Steve May Cartoonists: Kyle Simon and Katina Corrao Loquitur la published waekly during the school year by 1tudents of Cabrini College, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 810-971-8412. Subscription price 11$25 per year and Is Included In the benefits secured by tuition and student ,.... Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorahlp known to the editors. However, If the writer wishes, and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the letter upon publication and an lnacriptlon Inserted 1uch a1 •name withheld at the request of the writer." should be typed, doublespaced and no more than 300 words In length. II a letter Is too long tor the available apace, the editor may edit or condense It. to the editor should be submitted by noon on Monday.
The editorials and opinion• published In Loqultur are the views of the student editorial staff and the Individual writers and not the entire student body or the faculty and administration. Loquitur la established as a forum tor student expression and as a voice In the uninhibited, robust, free and open dlacusslon of Issues. •'°. Van lngen, op-ed editor Kurt Cobain was popular after the success of his second album, "Nevermind." However, a lot of people probably did not realize the impact he had on America until be killed himself and appeared on the front cover of every major magazine in the country. He had it all: a wife who loved him, a child he loved dearly, fans, success and fame. Yet it was not enough, because he still felt empty. This baffled many people, and they simply cannot accept this. But, for many young people, including myself, we understand all too well. When I think about Cobain's success, suicide and the media carnival which surrounded him, all I can think about is how desperate we are for role models. Although I am not a Nirvana fan, I understand the frustrations, fury, anger and confusion expressed in his lyrics. I understood why he was called the "voice of our generation." Many young people who feel like their lives are going nowhere looked up to him as someone who overcame similar obstacles. But, he unintentionally disappointed them. Now, instead of being a rock superstar who many people look up to as "a way of getting out," he is a martyr. Cobain's suicide unsettled me, and I did not understand why. All I knew was a lot of people had lost a cherished role model. I did not realize, though, that this was because many teenagers and college students are lacking role models in their own lives. I also did not realize, even though there are people in iny life whom I love and cherish, that I was in need of a role model, too. I needed someone in my life, I realized later, who would give me a fresh perspective on life. I needed someone who would help me with new and confusing things that had entered my life. I did not know that I was looking for a role model, or that I was in need of one. I had met Loretta, a friend of my sister's, last summer. Loretta is a 26year-old Italian woman from Brooklyn and a fierce feminist. Although she But no one who knows Loretta would call her tough. Loretta is an open, honest, caring and compassionate person. She is an advocate for women's rights and is the director of a youth service in Queens, N.Y. Loretta has a charm about her that makes her easy to know and easy to like. She has this great laugh that one can hear from several rooms away. She is the only one of my sister's friends who saw me as more than "Emily's little sister." She was always willing to listen and to be a friend when I needed one. She was able to help me with the new and confusing things that had recently occurred in my life. She is someone I have a great amount of respect and admiration for. I bad long been exposed to youth services and programs because ofmy sister. By listening to my sister and Loretta, and through working for her last summer, I realized bow important it is to help our youth. I realized how much work goes into it, and how it helps youth. Both of them work long hours to help these kids, and the government rewards them by drastically cutting funds for youth programs. Kids are our future, plain and simple. Loretta also opened my eyes to women's struggles. Before I met her, my only understanding of feminists was that they no longer wanted men to hold doors open for them. Loretta and I share a love for debating and discussions, and we spent many hours talking about why women have been discriminated against and what to do about it. I realized that sexism is so ingrained in our society, that it is difficult to pinpoint it at times. But I am aware now, thanks to her, and am wjlling to fight for women's rights. Besides being a generally good person, I laughed a little more, cried a little less, and felt more relaxed when I was around Loretta. I could be honest and brash, knowing that she was the same way and would not take offense. I could be myself, which is something I have always striven to be. I wanted to share this story because I know what it's like to feel depressed and empty. I want people to know that life doesn't have to be full of Kurt Cobains. It can be full of Lorettas. But, do not look too hard, because it will happen when you least expect it. In the meantime, though, hang in there. did,, hc"rt h &rbi l 1 -H.c r,. t~nt, 11( as featly h•
one get in her way and she will fight anyone who hurts someone she cares about. Jane S. A sorority would be a beneficial addition to the campus community. Although they may appear to be separatist organizations, sororities allow women to assume positions of leadership in a nonthreatening, supportive environment. This can build confidence and help the women to take on more challenging roles later in life. Members of sororities perform acts of service throughout their communities, both on campus and off campus. A national sorority on campus would also bring about positive connections with other colleges and help women to pursue their careers by supplying them with a national network of business contacts. Greek life is not just about drinking and partying. It is about coming together in a positive manner to perform positive acts of service for the members of the sorority and the community.
ThedecisiontomovetheChildren's Schoolshouldbenullandvoidbecause there was absolutelyno student involvementintheprocess.Andallother decisionsmadewithoutrepresentation bya unitedstudentgovernmentshould alsobe considerednull and void Dr. Iadarolaandheradministrationwould likethestudentstoremaininert,acceptinganythingtheyhaveto offer. Withoutactiveunityin thestudentbody,the administrationhasbasicallydonewhateverithaswanted,withstudentinputor not. Hopefully,this year things will change. Interestedstudentshave begunto redraftthe SGAConstitution. I am on this committee. We are rewritinga constitution,takingelements fromtheunitedstudentbodyconstitutionsof otherinstitutions.Weoptedto re-writethe constitutionrather than reviseit becausewe foundthat SGA needed an overhaul But once the constitutionis in place(hopefullyfor the April election),it will be up to the studentbodyto getinvolvedandacton its own behalf. Ifthestudentscareenoughaheadof time,otherfiascoesliketheChildren's Schoolclosingwillbeavoided.Instead of takingdecisionshandeddownfrom above"forthestudents'bestinterests," studentscanmaketheirowndecisions._ Studentapathymustbecurbedtoavoid more unpleasantsituations.And action must be taken now, before it's, again,toolittle,too late. Sincerely, SteveMay SGARebuildingCommittee
Education vs. Recreation: Prioritizing To the editor: I am writingconcerningthe future ofCabriniCollege'sOilldren'sSchooL Theadministrationwouldbe doingthe collegeandtheeducationdepartment a great disservice by moving the Orildren'sSchooloff campus. lam reallybotheredthatCabrinihas askedmanyparentsofcurrentstudents as well as alumnito donatemoneyto constructtheir precious sports complex, but can not find the money to reconstructThe Qlildren's Schoolon campus.Itdidnottakemuchto askfor moneyfor the sportscomplex,so why not ask for donations to keep the Orildren'sSchoolon campus? Therearemanyotherthingson this campusthatare moreimportantthana sportscomplex. The classroomsare muchtoosmalland in needof renovation. Morecampushousingis needed, and the libraryis in desperateneed of new resources. The sciencedepartment needs new science labs. The collegehas put educationon hold to createthe"ultimate" Itsco x. l think the administrationneedsto take anotherlook at their prioritiesbefore puttingall their money into a multimilliondollarsportscomplex. The reasonI choseto cometo Cabriniwas becauseof its dedicationto educatingitsstudents,andbecauseit's a smallschool.I didnotchooseCabrini becauseof a sportscomplex.I amvery disappointedwith Cabriniand its administration.
McLeanstrungtogethercommon threadsof the Americanculture:the preoccupationwith the present moment,lackof feelingsofguilt,theinternal tension,feelingmisunderstoodby others,the uncomfortablefeelingsof growthandleavingchildhood,~ chancesofleamingfromothers,growing fromwrongchoicesandbad planning.Myintentionisnottoanalyzethis songatlength,butperhapsI couldpick outone line,"I heardaboutpeoplelike me but I nevermadethe connection," andusethisforthebasisofmyopinion.
To the editor: Last week somethingtragic happened at Cabrini. Accordingto the frontpagestoryinIssue15ofl.oquitur, two or three days before the winter break the·communityand employees of the Children's&hool, long a "Cabrinitradition,"wereinformedthatthe facility would be demolished, or ''moved,"to makeroom for the SRC (Sportsand RecreationCenter). But the real tragedyis thatthe students' opinionswerenevervoicedbefore this decisionwas made. And the reasonnobodywhomadethedecision acknowledgedthe collectivevoiceof the protesters is becausethere is no studentorganizationon campus. TheStudentGovernment.Asoociationis defunct.Thiswas theorganiz.ationthatgavestudentinputandrepresented all studentpointsof view, not just the one most convenientto the administrators.Apowerful,fully-functioningstudentgovernmentcouldhave been involvedin the decisionmaking as far back as lastJanuary. A unified studentbodyhasmorepowerandmore sayoncampusthanindividualstudents orsmallgroups.Soitissafetosay that in thiscase,thingsmayhavebeenvery differenthad therebeen a unitedstudentgovernmentBecausethereis not, the Children's.Schoolwill be moved. The actions Sigma Rho and PSEA took,thoughimportant,weretoolittle, too late.
DisorganizedSGA causes Children'sSchooldilemma
Friday, Feb. 10, 1995 OP-ED 1 , Npi"
Thewordsareveryinteresting:'1 have got nothingon my mind Nothingto remember,nothingtoforget,andlhave nothingtoregret But,lamalltiedupon the inside,no one knowsquitewhat I havegot.I knowontheoutside,whatI used to be, I am not anymore.You know,I have heardaboutpeoplelike me. But,I nevermadethe connection. Theywalkone roadto be free,butthey foundthey'vegonein thewrongdirection.There'sno needforturningback, allroadsleadtowhereI stand.I believe I willwalk them all, no matterwhat I may haveplanned."
JacquelineReid Coffee .~Chat... 3
"Valentines is a special time to devote to that person, whether you go out to dinner to give reciprocationfor things the otherperson has donefor you, " Will Saccomanno, a first-year student, said. "For the past 22 years its meant not having a girlfriend, "junior Shawn McAleer said. "I would like to have a date on Valentines Day. " "/ thinkit'sa verycommercializedholiday,and thatfor themostpa.rt,ifthepersonthat you'rewith doesn'tknowyou lovethemtheother364daysin the year,that one day is not goingtomakethedifference, " ChaseMalter,a senior,said "Youdon't needa card."
Rev. Ambrose Cashman, campus chaplain A few years ago, Don McLean, whoisfamousforthesong"American Pie,"sal\ga songcalled"Cros&'Oads."
Thechoiceto letgo of resentmentis to chooselife.Thechoicetoforgivebrings a freedomof spiritand renewedlife. Somehow,we do not learn from one another.After long years, some morethanothers,allofushavearrived at this point in time.We spendyears educatingourselves,and yet we still have questionsabout life and love. Whatmovesme?Why amI cynicalor hopeful?What thrillsme? Why do I loveand why do we pray?Whatdoes beinga Christianreally mean?Can I saywhatbeinga Christianmeansfrom the depthsof my being? ThortonWilderfoundaway to say part of it in his play, "Our Town," whichmanyhaveseenandothershave lived. It is producedon a bare stage withthestagemanagerinplainsight.In the finalscene:EmilyWebb, a young womanin hergrave,asksto relivejust one day of her life.The stagemanager allowsher to relive her twelfthbirthday,beginningat dawn.It is a lovely day, and each blissfullysad moment lastsan eternity.Emilycannotbearthe blindnessof those she loves. "Let's look at one another,"she plead&But theydonotlook,nordidtheylookback then.Throughhertears,Emilyasksthe stagemanager,"Do humanseverrealize any momentof lifewhiletheylive it?"He responds,"no."The saintsand thepoets,maybetheydo realize each momenttheyhave.Perhaµ,the restof us cannotrealizeanymomentof lifeto its fullestor cannotsay what it really meansto be a Christian.However,we can if we pausefor a moment One of the definingmarks of a Onistian should be the presenceof forgivenessandthewillingnessto seek reconciliation.As Christians,we need todiscoverthedeeprootsofselfishness in ourselvesand moveforwardto establishtruebrotherhoodandsistethood amongpeople.Wehavetobewillingto• leamwhatitmeanstohunger.Thiswill meancompassionfor others,the deep experienceof solidarityin whichone recognizesthat the evil, sin and violencewhichone seesin theworldand others,aredeeplyrootedin oneown's heart. It will also include trust in a rneicifu.lGod who bringsgoodout of evil,and is presentin the reality.This conversionwillexpressitselfin reconciliation;thewillingnessto receiveforgivenessand also to give it to other people. This is especiallytrue for leaders withinourcommunity.Leadershavea seriousrespollSlbilitytowitnesstoother membersof the communitywhat it means to be a forgivingperson.To becomea forgivingpersondemandsa highlevelof maturity.Humanbeings haveemotionsthatsometimescauseus to becomeangryandhurtone another. It is okayto becomeangry. Thebiggerquestion,though,is"can we forgive?"Ultimately,the fact that we are Christianserves as the most powerfulreasonfor beinga forgiving person.St.Paulremindsus in theletter to theEphesians:"Be kindand tenderheartedtooneanother,andforgiveone another,as God has forgivenyou in auist."
Either people enjoy the holiday or have negative feelings toward the whole event. "I'm taking Trish to Bookbinders," Bryan Bell, a senior, said. "I always try out new restaurants on Valentines Day." "/ purchased little classroom, glow-in-thedark, Loony Tune Valentines cards, and am going to give them to people, "Maura Wiswan a junior, said. "/ also plans to buy my mother some flowers. " "If you don't have anyone special to celebrate it with, it doesn't really mean anything, but its kind of fun," Nadege Brutus, a junior, said. "You still get gifts, though."
Valentine'sDay, a day of celebrationof love or just a meaninglessholiday?
But this is a differentsituationbecausestepsweretakento findridesfor the seniors. ''There has neverbeen transportationto andfroma bar,"Gallaghersaid. 'There is never transportationfor an alcohol-relatedeventWealwayshave to keep the alcoholrulesand regulationsin mindwhenwe plan events." Gallaghersaidshe calledclassofficersto findvolunteersto driveback andforthfromPartner's.SeniorDoug Fppler,first-yearstudentAmyJackson
Republicans take over Congress At St. Joseph's University, DominicMannello,an inter-fraternal council member, said the student'sinterestedin forming the group must followcertaincriteria. First,they need to form a constitution and get 100 signaturesin support of the organiz.at:ion.At this point,SGAispetitionedandvotes to acceptor denythepetitionbasedon theconstitution.Thirty-onehundred studentsattendSt Joseph'sUniversity.Threesororitiesandfourfraternitiesexistonthatcampus.Cabrini's studentpopulationalmostmatches them. by Beth Molloy assistant SpeakeroftheHouse,andBobDoleof Kansas as the new Senate majority leader. Additionalchangesincludethe re,. placementofPennsylvaniaGov.RobertCaseywithRepublicanTomRidge. DemocratHarrisWoffordlostto conservativeRepublicanRick Santorum to the U.S.Senate. TheGOPseiz.edcontrolthroughits campaignwhichincludedits"Contract WithAmerica." This contractincludesa varietyof reforms,rangingfromlowertaxes;welfare reform and a balancedbudget amendment
Questioning your sexuality? Feeling isolated? Personal growth group Come to a meeting for gay, lesbian & bisexual students. For information contact Heidi Levine. Director of Counseling Services, at 902-8563.
Membersareinvitedtojoin a ten-sessiongroupexperienceto learnmoreabout yourself,your relationships, and your view of thr ip01_-l4.Talkwith yoyr_peers(lbout self-esteem,:identity,·sgc_ial.r_~liJJ(9nfhip~,':cz.,:zd:family issuesin a confidentiallindrsui?Portivegfmosphere. ,el, ! Mondays, 3:J(f-5:00veginning2/20.
The play was writtenby Roberts from FrederickDouglass'sautobiography, "Narrative of the Life of FrederickDouglass." There is no mistakingDouglass's placein history.Borna slave,he·never knewhisfatherandonlysawhismother a few timesbeforeshe died. Douglasshas been calledthe first African-Americanpoliticalactivist.He was an orator,a journalistand an abolitionist.Hewasinstrumentalingetting theFmancipationProclarnationpassed. He also raisedthe all-African-American 54th and 55th regimentsin Concord,Mass.,to fightin the CivilWar. ''I put him up therewith Malcom, with Martin(referringto MalcomX andMartinllltherKing),"ScottDorsey, multiculturalcoordinator,said. ''You put himup therein thatrealm." ''Because of FrederickDouglass, thereis ableto be theMalcomsandthe Martins,"Dorseysaid Douglasswrote he believedthere was power in books and knowledge. "Onceyoulearnhowto read,youwill be free,"Douglasswroteinhis autobiography. Roberts delivered an emotionchargedperformance,which left his audiencebeggingfor more. JuniorRichardGrace said he has alwayslookedup to Douglass. "He madehimselfbetterin a difficultsituation;"Gracesaid."It inspires me, motivatesme."
·9f'intf#r.ested contact Heidi £evine or }Vl.ary Anne }Vl.c/Jallyat the Rooymans eenter, 902-B561.
BothGirardandHedtkeagreedthat theywill be supportiveto a point,but mostlyon smaller~ues. Theybothsaidwhenitcomestothe fundamentalissues;theDemocratsmay be lesscooperativebecausetheydonot want the Republicansto be too successful,sincethe timewillcomewhen theywillget a chancein winningback the majorityvote.
NEWS and junior Chris Calvertwere asked andhadno problemwithttyingto find volunteers. ''I thinkit is a greatideabecauseit willbecomea tradition,andforyearsto come,peoplewillbe ableto dependon • underclassmenandpeopletheyknow to drive them to and from the bar," Jacksonsaid. ''I am hopingthat this will start a trendwherethe classbeneathyouwill help you out with things like this," Gallaghersaid.
news editor Changecharacterizedthe firstsessionofthe 104thCongressonJan.4,as the RepublicanParty regainedthe powerit lostnearlyfourdecadesago. The Republicantakeoverincludes NewtGingrichofGeorgiaasthenew
James Hedtke,assistantprofessor of historyand politicalscience,said a lot of the GOP's ref01mshavealready beenaddressedin past years. ''If you lookat the 'ContractWith America,' it's prettymuch a sham," Hedtkesaid Accordingto Hedtke,thisso-called contractincludestermlimitsandstiffer penaltiesforcriminals.The104thCongressalsoplansto proposea balanced budgetamendment. Hedtkesaidtheproposedtaxcutby thenewCongressisridiculous.Hesaid thatin orderto cut taxes,cutsin spending need to be made. The question remains as to where the spending wouldbe cut. At present,46percentofthespendingis entitlementto socialsecurityand Medicare.Accordingto Hedtke,cuts in spendingwould be nearly impossiblebecauseof this fact. Dr. JolyonGirard,chairof the history department,said the Republican takeoverhas certainlycalledattention to the realityof the financialproblem thatconfrontsthe UnitedStates. He said in orderto attacktheproblemRepublicansoperationsneedto be lookedatandanalyzedtomovetoward somekindof reform. Girardsaid this takeoverof Congressis a clearsignofAmerica'sneed for somekindof change. 'Themoodofthecounttywaslookingforsomechange,whichiswhythey 'threw the rascalsout,'" Girardsaid. Sophomore Crystal Valentine agreed."Itwasn'tgettingdonewiththe Democrats,"Valentinesaid, " it's a newyear,it'sanewsystem,maybeit's timefor a change." According to Girard, the GOP shouldbe ableto accomplishsomeof thelittlethingsintheplan,butasforthe majorissues;suchas the waythe governmentoperates,thiswouldbe difficultforanyCongress.He said thereare too many other branchesof governmentwhichintercede,andin addition. thereis an unwillingnessoftheAmericanpeopleto go alongwithwhatthey say theywantto do. ''I thinkwhat the Americanvoters were certainlydoing, if only unconsciouslyin November,was at least throwingout someconcernsaboutall thesekindsof things,"Girardsaid. Girardsaid he believesthis Congresswillbe theoneto finallyfocuson such issuesthatneedto be addressed.
Douglass revived to teach education and freedom Lacey said Bonfigliotold her they could go to anothercampus. ''We couldgo througha city chapter," Laceysaid.''But everything we did would not benefitCabrini College." by Richard Schepis assistant sports editor
Friday, Feb. 10, 1995
First-yearstudentEboni Watkins saidshe agreedwithGrace.''He wasa slavewhobecamefree,"Watkinssaid ''It's inspiring." WhenDouglassescapedslaveryin 1838,peoplehada hardtimebelieving hewasreallyaformerslave.Hespoke so eloquentlyon behalfof abolition. Even after slaverywas abolished, Douglasscontinuedto fight for the rightsofAfricanAmericans,aswellas addingthe women'smovementto his cause. Roberts first portrayedDouglass foraKYW-lV {Channel3)program in the '80s called''BlackEdition." Jqhn Hadley, Roberts's manager for the last year, said the responseat colleges bad been positive.He has performedatLaSalleandTempleUniversitiesand HamiltonCollege. Robertswill be performingat the CenterCitybranchof thePhiladelphia FreeLibraryon Feb. 12. Robertsis also currentlyworking on two new plays about Booker T. Washington and Ira Aldrige, a Shakespeareanactor. Laceysaidsororitiesbringmany positiveaspectstocolleges.Shesaid theincreasein awarenessin relation to sororitiesis a majorplus,whether whitepeoplearein a predominantly blackschoolor v~ versa. Handbookrulescanbe changed and altered,even if Bonfigliosaid that Delta Sigma Theta does not meet the requirementfor a club or organizationat Cabrini ''Ruleschange,"Bonfigliosaid. "Sometimesthesethingshaveto get passedby attorneys."
Laceysaidshethinkstheadministrationis lookingat thepuresocial aspectsof a sorority.''I knew this was not going to be easy," Lacey said ''IjustthoughtI'd getadifferent response. It is not going to stop here." Bonfigliosaidhe didnot expect Laceyto giveup. Are you dealing with coming out?
more GREEKSfrom 1 othersthinkitwillbe an opportunity for studentsof color to get more involvedin a nationalorganiz.ation withnationalties. Delta Sigma Theta Inc. was started at HowardUniversityby 22 women.TberearechaptersatWesley Collegein Delawareand Delaware StateUniversity.Laceysaid she is activelydoing researchin orderto findanotherDelta SigmaThetaInc. on a campussimilarto Cabrini
''We willsponsorbus/vantripsoff campusfor culturaland socialevents, but not for people to go to a bar and drink becauseit is not educationally appropriate,"Bonfigliosaid. '' '100 Nights' would happen whetherweplanneditornot,''Gallagher said "100 Nights" will take place on Friday,Feb.10atPartner'sPubfrom9 p.m.-midnightThe cost is $6 for all youcan drink. You musthavea valid 1D. and a mug,whichis on saleMonday-Fridayoutsidethe cafeteria.
Mannellosaidthefeesrangefrom $275to $420persemester. Dorsey said he would like to learn more about how the sorority wouldbenefitthe campusby seeking out other campuses involved withthe group. CouldCabrinibe a first? "Thereis alwaysa place for precedence," Dorsey said. 'The questionis, do you want to be the precedence?"
4 more NIGHTS from 1 ''We did thing.5to tty and fix the situation,"Hinklesaid "I wantpeople to know we did do thing.5. It was differentwhentheseniorssponsoreda tripto seeLoveSeedat Reed'sin Blue Bell,becausejtwas considered a social eventand not as a drinkingfunction." ''I evenspoketo graduatesandthey said it was not an issue with them," Hinkle said ''It was like any other Fridaynightwhenpeoplehadto finda ridehome."
photo by MirellaAdde:li James Charles Roberts, who portrayed Frederick Douglass, a man who escaped slavery and fled to London where he continued his fight for abolition. He also started his own newspaper in New York.
"Don't takefreedomfor granted," JamesCbarlesRobertssaid Thiswas the messageof Roberts'one man renditionofthelifeofFrederickDouglass. Theplay,heldat theRedQoud Coffee Houseon Tuesday;Jan.31, kickedoff BlackHistoryMonthcelebration.
f riday, Feb. 1O, 1995 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5
"We have beensupportingthe KP Corral for a long time, and we support country music," Mangini said. Dana DiCaprio, from Audubon, Pa., comes to the KP Corral about three times a week. She said she comes for the atmosphere and the benefits.
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"The cable channels now do what PBS has traditionally done," Jeff Jarvis, a critic at TV Guide, said. Lawson was named programming director in 1988. Previously, decisions at PBS were made by representatives of the local stations, who voted for or against shows with their dollars. Lawson tried to lead PBS into the competitive age of cable TV. She also attempted to go after a broader audience. According to Lawson, PBS's spending on "American Playhouse," a series that features dramas, has been reduced sharply because "producing original drama for TV has simply become too expensive for PBS to do." The focus in PBS programming seems now to be shifting to history in particular. However, in this area, PBS runs into a large amount of competition once again. A&E is already running various history programs, and a new history cable channel is set to begin this year. The fact that PBS' s future is in jeopardy seems to be absent from the minds of many here on Cabrini's campus.
GOP plansforeclosureon Sesame Street by·stephanieCaldwell assistant sports editor Attention, all Big Bird fans, Elmo lovers and Mr. Roger wannabee. The new Republican Congress is threatening to elimirtate government money for public television. To be affected is the Public Broadcasting Service. Many people see PBS as an educational program for children. Republican adversaries disagree. They said the Public Broadcasting Service is simply unnecessary. Public television programming focuses chiefly on educational and cultural subjects. Public stations broadcast educational programs on a wide range of subjects. Some educational programs on public TV take much to the same format as classroom instruction. Some programs may be used as collegecredit courses for adults. But many shows use a more entertaining approach. Examples include "Sesame Street" and "Mister Roger's Neighborhood," two lively, yet educational, children's shows. Public television programs are also offered by many stations that want to provide cultural enrichment. They telecast plays, ballets and symphonies for up to two million viewers. The hearings began Jan. 20 by the House Appropriations Subcommittee on whether to continue the federal subsidy for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Most of public television's money comes from viewers, foundations and corporate underwriters, but the 14 percent provided by the federal gove~nment is used as "seed" money to raise other funds. The trouble for the service and Jennifer Lawson, the head of programming at the Public Broadcasting Service, began well before the November 1994 elections. Although many involved with PBS are defending their corporation, some have acknowledged that PBS has spent too little money on national programming and too much on the operational upkeep of its sprawling, sometimes overlapping, 350-station membership. Robert MacNeil, executive editor of the "MacNeil-Lehrer Newshour," said he believes that some recent PBS programming, including an out-of-character game show and reruns of a drama first broadcast on commercial television, "has unfortunately done little to distinguish us from commercial television." Just when PBS needed to be seen as unique, channels like Arts & Entertainment, the Learning Channel, Bravo and the Discovery Channel presented documentaries and cultural programs.
Group organizers
•KP Corral, located in the parking lot of the King of Prussia Mall, is a club that specializes ifr country music and line dancing. It has been "country-fide" for the past three years. "We're just a friendly, problem-free hangout," Corral manager Jack Moore said. "People that come here get just what they expect. a good time," Moore said. Moore said that not only do they get a steady stream of teenagers and college students, the KP Corral patronizes those up to the age of 80. The KP Corral has regular customers who visit up to six to seven days a week. This may have to do with the fact that in addition-tocountry music, they also play Top-40 dance and rock music. The dance floor is always packed at the Corral. From paid teachers teaching the "Cowboy Hip-Hop" to the smaller floor where the "Texas Two-Step" is the dance of choice, the joint is alwaysjumping. Bryan and Jill, a couple from Havertown, Pa., find themselves at the KP Corral an average of three times a week. "I used to be into really bad '70's Teachersexhibitart by Joanna Golesh assistant features editor If you enjoy attending art exhibits but are unable to get to any, there is a solution. There will be a faculty art show held at the Fine Arts Gallery in the Holy Spirit Library. The show will run through March 13. The opening reception will take place Tuesday, Feb. 14 in the Fine Arts Gallery in the Holy Spirit Library from noon to 2 p.m. There will be plenty of food and drink available at the reception as well as many fine works of art. The recent work of some of your favorite Cabrini instructors, such as Lisa Learner, Neal Patterson, Cassandre Maxwell and Don Dempsey, will be displayed for everyone to see. The exhibit is being produced by the fine arts department and will include a variety of work, including painting, graphic design, ceramics and illustration. Don Dempsey, assistant professor of graphic design and computer graphic design, will have some of his own work on display. He said the pieces he will have on display will be in publication design and logo design. "This is a chance for faculty members to demonstrate their expertise," Dempsey said. "Students don't usually get a chance to see what else the faculty can do than teach." The work of Cassandre Maxwell, lecturer in drawing, will be among the pieces displayed at the art show. She said her work will include a pastel of a student and two illustrations for book cover ideas for books by Alfred Lord Tennyson and Florence Nightingale. These two pieces will incorporate mixed media in them. "The show opens Tuesday at lunch and there will be some good snacks there, music," said Bryan, who took painstaking steps to coordinate outfits with his girlfriend Jill. "But I found that I got into the music and this is really a different kind of club and music." John Mangini, head of promotions at WXTU-FM(92.5), a Philadelphia radio stationthatplayscountrymusic,saidcountry music is definitely now in the mainstream. "Country music has brokendown a lot of the barriersthat havebeen set up against it," Mangini said. "It's no longer the stereotypical 'There's A Tear in My Beer' or 'Got to Get My Girlfriend Back' kind of music, and it is because of this tha~people are taking notice," he said. People are indeed taking notice. Three years ago, WXTU was ranked a Top-20 station in the Philadelphia radio market. Now, they are not only a Top-10 station, but their morning show is in the Top-5.
"The dancing here not only builds up your confidence and agility, but it also tones your body up," DiCaprio said. Carol, another patron who also comes three times a week,said she is "addicted."
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Mary Budzilowicz, lecturer in special education, said she did not know much about PBS• situation other than the fact that the federal government is threatening to take away the financial support of the Public Broadcasting Service. Several students also did not know the situation and showed little, .if any, interest when they were informed. However, Budzilowicz was able to speak from a parent's point of view. "As a parent, I would have to say more quality programming for children is seen on PBS than any of the other channels," Budzilowicz said. According to Ellen Jackson, director of the Children's School, PBS is very important because of its variety of programming. She said the music, theater and political programs are great. "The children's programming on PBS is the best available," Jackson said. Jackson mentioned that PBS has taken time to see what works, and they show a great deal of respect for the children. "The ideas PBS are putting into their programs are mindful, not mindless," Jackson said. For PBS, the real focus for the future should be on extending their daytime educational programming into· prime time. It should engage its viewers in discussions about politics, philosophy and more. Others suggest that PBS cameras bring adult viewers into campus debates, town hall meetings and poetry readings. It is also suggested that PBS may be better off without federal funds, because it would free the service from political pressures. As of right now, Lawson is optimistic that the current "three-pronged thrust," more educational programming, history and public affairs, will help PBS withstand further attacks fromCongress.
AlthoughtheCorralplaysdifferentmusical formats,the realattractionis the dancing.
Toe-tapping,boot-slappingfun by Kathy S. Cephas · assistant arts & entertainment editor
One way to cure an "Achy Breaky Heart" is to join your friends from "low places" to "Boot Scootin' Boogie" your cares away. Country music is taking the nation by storm, and no where is that more evident than at the KP Corral.
The KP Corralhas nightlyevents,specials, contests and dancinglessons. pho/o by Caroline Croley Don Dempsey,assistantprofessor of graphic design and computergraphic design, looks throughhis portfolio in preparation for the faculty art sh~~The exhibit will be in the Holy Spmt Ubrary from Feb. 14 to March 13. so hopefully some students will come over and see the show," Maxwell said. "It's a real opportunity to be able to see the works of your instructors." "We hope all students will come out to see all the work produced by their instructors," Dr. A-deline Bethany, chair of the fine arts department, said. It is nice for students to be able to see that their teachers actually do what they teach, she· said
6 L.0/21Uil!TUIR.·PERSONALS Friday, Feb. 10, 1995 Happy Valentine'sDay Bryanand Trish,HappyValentine'sDayto tow of my favoritepeople!Mike Nicole,I can't thankyou enoughfor that3 a.m. phonecallafterGators.HappyValentine'sDay! Mike Muffinbrains QuitworryingbecauseI'll make everythingO.K.You'regonnamakeit,andI'll be therewithyou. I loveyou morethan youknow. P.S.I like yourbutt. love, YourSes.syGuy Dtw Bill,I wouldloveto tell you our liveswill slowdowna bit,butI wouldbe certainlybe lying. Thanksfor beingso great,and so patient Love Jeannie. Mike,Whenyougoto thebathroom,don't fallin. HappyV-Day.Yourpartnerin crime Mike,lhaveenjoyedgettingtoknowtoknowyou betterthe past few weeksand I look forwardto spendinga lot of time with you this semester. HappyValentine'sDay!love, Melissa Nie & La,Thanksfor everything(ie. toothpaste in my hair,adviseon brasand nailpolish,eating mealswithmeat midnight,etc.)Manyof mybest memoriesarewithyouguys. HappyValentine's Day!l.Dve,Mel DearCarla,SpendingValentine'sDaywithyou is very specialto me and I hope it is the best of manywe will spendtogether.I loveyou. Love, Jim HappyValentine'sDaytomyfavoriteroommate Llz,Michele,Nina,Dawnielle,Brenda,DJ,laura, Connie,YoonaandeveryoneontheLoquiturand WYBFstaff. love Jane Diane,Paula,Bill,Frank,Joe,run, Chris,Christian,Lisaand everyoneelse Hopeya allhavea great Valentine'sDay! You guys are the best. Loveya-Jen Happy Valentine'sDay to Everyonein Kappa, the junior class studentgovernment,Heather, Lisa, the 240 and 210 quad, Kim, Steph,Jana, Chris, Celene, Jackie, Amy, Rich, Donna, Veronica, Jeannie, Kelly, Lisa, Stephanie, Carolynne,Mindy,Monica,SheilaB.,allLoquitur staffand anyoneelseI mayhaveforgotten! I love you all! Havea greatday!LoveKatina DearBig Johnny,I loveyouthe mostestand I'm so glad that it will be our 3rd Valentine'sDay together, and many more to come! Happy Valentine'sDay!Lovealways,Lisa To the 2 bestroomiesin theworldSamantha& Buffy,Justkidding!HeatherandLisa!I hopeyou bothhavea wondetfulValentine'sDay. Ilove ya both! Love,Katina Christina,Happy Valentine'sDay and many morecome. Love,George Happy Valentine'sDay to my 2 dear roomies Katina& Lisa,yourthe bestin theworld!Don't knowwhatl'deverdowithoutya's.Neverforget all the fun we havehere's to muchmore! Love ya's, Heather Happy Valentine'sDay to my roommateLisa, Jeanners,Calvert,Steph,Jana,Kim,the 240 and 210 quads,Katina,Heather,our neighborsin the House 3 Quad, 150 XGM's, and Dina and Lorena!!!Love,Kelly HappyValentine'sDayto Kelly,Chris,Jeannie, Steph, Kim, Jana Grape,Maria,Chris, Dawn, Paula,Nioole,Denise,Katina,Heather,the240& 210 quadsand to our neighborsin the House3 quad.lhopeeveryonehasagreatday!love,Lisa
LauraPaparone I hope your Valentine'sis everythingyouhopeit to be!!YourRoommate To My Green-Eyed Stallion, Hope this Valentine'sDay is one you'll alwaysremember. I knowI will. Love,YourItalianPrincess CoolGail:Where'sKuggy?Jim CombellHoJo's juntura. He put thembackon insideout Yucky stuff. Rut-Ro! 140's. Cuz. WawaDeer! Get the spray it stinks. Ah come on Carmel,livea little.That'sBa-Ba.I gota perm (loose),he went notice me. Happy V-Day. Thanksfor thememories.love ya poop,Kraus Dear Beautiful,Ever since that first day, you have taken my breathaway. And with each look, kiss, smile,and touch I fall deeperand deeper.Youaresucha greatpersonandI'm so luckytohaveyouinmylife.Youaremyfirstand only true love and my first and one and only Valentine.Romanceis in the air sweetheart I loveyou! LoveTigger!
Bubba:Widener ''Your bringingme down." Ho-Jo's-WatchthattoiletseatQiz-Holdonto thosebottlecaps. Do you knowwherePeppey is?Rut-Ro.Ah Comeon Carmel,livea little! Howmanymonths?140's.Wawa-deer-Bubs didI see them? That's Ba-Ba. HappyValentine Day. Thanksfor the memories. Love ya scoop,Kraus To Snotface& Crooked I loveyou,you love me,wereahappyfamily,withasix-packofbeer &apizzaontheway,Iamsurewe'llhaveagreat Valentine'sDay!!Barney VeronicaPirollo HeyButt I suredo missyou XOXOHope all is well and you havea great Valentine's.Yourfriend JenPaliaro Stopfollowingme around!I hope youhavea greatV-Day!Thanksforbeingthere forme thesepast fewweeks Your Shadow Bruce,Laura,Sloane&Cathy,Thanksforbeing suchgreatfriends& supportingme. Youguys aregreat! "Crafty" YourAssistant Happy Valentine'sDay: Bubba, Little Runt; Sis,Butler,Marge,Hummel,Erin,Mand~Little "P'', Carmel,Debbie,Kelly,Niki,"K," Duffy, Cara, Jen, and Gina. Thanks for a great first semester.Loveya guys. Kraus HappyValentine'sDayto allmybestfriendsat Cabrini My roommateChristina,Happy21st B-DayTerri,Kelly,240's, Denise,Nicole,the tripleandKeith!Anda specialthankstomylabs partnersMindyand Kelly. LoveKristen DearDawn,YourIt!!!!!!!!!!!Ha-HA,thismakes it officialbecauseit is inthe paper.Uve withit HappyValentine'sDay! LoveDana Dan,Nomatterhowgamesltakepicturesatlam alwaysamazed.HappyValentine'sDay!Love Heather Happy1,000Bill and HappyValentine'sDay. HeatherB. Sevelandis therea partyin yourpants?Happy Valentine'sDay Kim,Betweenthe2 of us andtherestof Cabrini you are the best Your sisterHeather Orris Schmid,if its 12:30in morningor 6 p.m. youalwaysareableto makeme laugh.Brother or not you're a sweetie.Luv, Heather To the Hard Coreshow yourthe BestLuv the groopie Happy Valentine's Day to. Roamy, Suzie, Kimmie,France,Caroline,Barb, Sarah,Tara and Mindy. l.Dve,Kristyn Beth&Lisa,HappyValentine'sDay!Youboth areSQ lovable,youare allany manwooldneed l.Dvealways,John DearPaul,Thanksforbeinga greatfriend YOU are alwaystherewhenI a problem. I knewI oouldcountonyou. YouknowI am hereifyou needme. Valen~'sQa .Jov~StiK;e To my baby:Thankyou for givingme the three bestyearsof my life. Whatbeganas a friendship hasgrownintosomuchmore.Youhavemademe happinessthanyou'lleverknow. Mysmilesays it all. I guessyoucouldsay,''You've madeyour point!" I loveyou. love, Me To the fantasticfour I love you guys. Would you cometo my funeralifI died? Whatwould you do if...Guys,I'm reallyupset. R.C. I love you Dave. Goldilocksyou're all a bunchesof spazzes! I want to wish a HappyValentine'sDay to all my friends: my favoriteroommate,Jane, my RA, Nicole, Shelby, Brenda, Laura, Connie, and DJ. I would also like to wish a Happy Valentine's Day to Teddy Bear. I love you! Chery lady France,Maybeyou shouldstay away from the "K" for awhile. Love ya, Kristyne Roamy- GoodLuck!!You havemy blessing!! I'll Ink you in! Love Rudnick To Caroline Happy Valentine's Day. I hope Mikecalls soon. Thanks for all you do to keep the Loquitur looking good. Love and hugs, Carter To all my advisee HappyValentine'sDay. I am very happy you all did so well your first semester. Now keep up the good work and love learning. Love and Hugs, Carter To all my studentspastand present-It hasbeen and continuesto be a joy sharing the learning with you. You bring new insightand fun into my life. Love and hugs, Carter Sean, sending you hugs and kisses on Valentine's Day. Love, Denise Stacey- You're one of my best friends. Never forget sparklers and getting caught and fun timeswe've had. KimS. Neverforgetour talks about you knowwho. John L. I'll help you w/ color anytime.It's not that bad. Caroline Editors Happy Valentine's Day. Rich J. Thanksfor beinga wonderfulfriend,8 moreto go. Carter I'm taking one day at a time. Stacey, Steph B., Dawnielle,Donna, Carter You've helped me through rough times this semester. It's nice to know have friends like you! I can't thank you enough. Caroline Loreal, Goldilocks,Michael L.E. & Crys, 72 hours! It's all good, Gap Ya; Oh!, puddles, bottombunk, Wawa,Montel,Geraldo,Oprah at 4, Stalkers, many men in caf, how funny would that be. Luv ya girls, peace, Squirt Charles ("Boo"), I am so glad that I have this weekend to spend with you. I just hope you enjoy movingValentine'sto a new day. I just want you to know I care for you and love you verymuch. HappyV-DayBaby!Love,Celene Jackie, Sorry for untying your shoes. Don't criticizemy driving! Happy Valentine's Day -Mike Boyfriend Be my Valentine's for now and always. I loveyou very much,but you already know that. There will be many more Valentine'sDaysto come. Love always,Girlfriend Dear Melissa,You are the best thing that has happened to me in a very long time. Happy Valentine's Day! Love, Michael Jen P. and Ross, Thanks for the messages. I like you! Mike L. Forrest, Eight monthsand our 1st Valentine's Day together! You're the best!I couldn't ask for more! I love you sweetheart!Love, Jenny To George,Willyoube minefor anotheryea/! I loveyou,Otristina To Squitt,Goldilocks& Babe;Squirt,no more stalking. We must move on to our victims. Goldilocks,ohmygod.I'msosocrylthoughtyou were awake,Babe,I haveforever.l.Dveya forever Loreal
& Tom Congratulationsyou crazy kids!Weloveyouboth.Takecare-Begocxl-We will missyou! Yourweddingparty DearKelly,HappyValentine'sDay. I loveyou more thanyou know and I will alwaysfeel that way. Love,Steven Dear Steven,Thanksfor alwaysbeingthere for me. I promisethingswillget betterandI hopeto spendmoretimetogetherthissemester.Wehave been throughit all in the past 5 1/2 yearsand I couldn'thavehad a betterpersonto sharemy life with. I ioveyou! Kelly Bubba-AK.A SledDog arewe phonehappy? Powerhour.Do youlikethepottyat theHe-Jo's "Gayla."UPB onceagain.Wouldyouhaveany sparechangein yourpockets?Bev's dumpster walk nextremindme to bucklemy belt Where are we drinkingnext weekend? Name Game. Widener'sbathroom.Seismeses.9 to 5. Hugs! Rie Kraus Iowa hello Mr. Robinson!Or do you prefer E.T.? Do they know your nicknameis Junior? HOJO's-you'renot as
HapPyValentine'sDayDenise!!l.DveYa!!Sean To WYBF:You are the greatest!love Heather To:Anne,Celene,Jackie,&Nina,Winter,Spring. Summer,or Fall I knowall I haveto do is call. Thanksguys! Love,Amy To the 240's and 210's, Happy Valentine's Day. Love, Christina HappyValentine'sDayto allmailroomemployees. Bob& Sam
ToChris,Daniel,&Sue:HappyValentine'sDay. Listento WYBFon Fridayat 5:30. Dear Editors:To quote Gary, ''You're great." LlstentoDougonWYBFSunday,10-midnight love, youradviser. May Cupid's arrow hit my roommateChris, Kelly,Lisa,Steph,Jana,Kim,Katina,150Quad, Dominic,Peanut, Billy, Dan, John, and Jeff HappyValentine'sDay. Lotsof love, Jeannie HappyValentine'sDaytomyroommateJeannie, Lisa,Kelly,Kim,Steph,Jana,Katina,Marianne, 150Quad,240&210Quads,Amy,Erin,Tammy, Tara,Rud-Ra,Dina,and Lorena. May'Cupid's arrowhittherightguyforyou.Love,CALVERT TomygirlsinHouse2:Orris,Jeannie,Kelly,Lisa and Jana; the 240 and 210 quads; my favorite MA1HGeek!;andmy "neighbors"intheHouse 3 Quad-HappyValentine'sDay!Love,Steph To Oaire innocentas you look Esch! Ahhh,c'mon live a little!DEER!; BA V.; Olive,Goo-googirls! Peace,Bubs Boogi"boo,I'm sendingyou much love on this day.Yougotsomuchgoingon,alllcansayldon't want to loseyour love. I love you very much! Lovealways,Charles Rie, a.le.a.SLED DOG!! HOJO's Cool Girl Weber; Was Jay putting on a show for you? Ignorant!Rude!Widener-"You'rebringingme down" Joe Bolyn clue! Bev's 3 a.m.;Let the countdownbegin!Peace,Bubs Ramera Look out 4 DEER! Iowa Ain't No Thang. E.T., DR, Ugly Feet. Ho-Jo's again you're not so innocentyourself. Rut-Row. No collectcallsaccepted.CoolgirlKraus.What'sup cuz!Goo-GooGirls.Bav.Uwillneverl3likeme. Ah comeon live a little! What's her name OUVE. LoveLittleRunt To my roomieJenn, Have a great Valentine's Day! We will hopefullyfind our dream men someday!LoveTraci TraciD.HaveaHappyValentine'sDay.You're a great roomie. Somedaywe'll both meet Mr. Right. Hopefullyreallysoon. LoveYa,Jennifer HappyValentine'sDayKelly,Lisa,Steph,Jana, Chris,and Jeannie. love, Dominic To Rich my co host Happy Valentine'sDay! Luv,The MetalWomanHeather To my BBplayers Keepdunking.LuvHeather and Kim Knickers You're the best!We get alonggreat! HappyValentine'sDay to you and yourhoney! love,Snidely P.S.Whenareyouoominghome? Andrea & Cathy Happy Valentine's Day! Wishes you all the love in the world. Love John Dorothy, Will you marry me? Happy Valentine's Day! Lifesaver
.Friday, Feb. 10, 1995 FEATURES Lo -·.,..-0 __ :LJ: :llTLJ: 1 : : /: ·=:. · : 7
by Joe Marturano she is used to the idea of a blood• staff writer crazed feline running around the
During the Christmas break, while many of us were spending time with our loved ones at home, there was a Cabrini professor traveling throughout Egypt and Israel with her sister. Dr. Margaret Reher, professor of religion, and her sister, Sister Rosemary Reher, Immaculate Heart of Mary, went on an 18-day trip and discovered all of the wonderful and beautiful places that are in the Holy Land, according to Dr. Reher. "It was my first time going to Egypt or Israel," Reher said. "I was a little anxious." "I was absolutely overwhelmed with Egypt in a way that I did not anticipate," Reher, the former chairperson of the religion department, said. "We just had a spectacular time." During their 18-day tour, Reher and Sister Reher visited places such as Cairo, the Nile River, Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and Mount Zion. Reher said she had always wanted to go to the land that is considered to be the center of Christianity and Judaism, and this time of the year was a good time to go. "The temperature was very nice. It was about 60 to 70 degrees," she said. The trip to the Holy Land was both stimulatingacademicallyas well as very enriching,according to Reher. Reher said she and her sister saw many beautiful things on their trip, but she could not get over the "human cost for building all of these magnificent buildings." The trip for the two sisters began in Cairo and ended when they got to Tel Aviv. "All of the tombs and paintings with all of the colors were just exquisite," Reher said. "One of the churches that we visited had all of these beautiful stars painted on the ceiling," Reher said. "The colors were just so stunning." "The tour guide told us that they meant 'I'm praying to you my God,' which I thought was just beautiful," she said. "We also stopped at a mosque in Egypt and the tour guide had a 'Call to prayer,' " Reher said. "This whole prayer was very • moving because it was so disciplined." When Reher and her sister got to the Dead Sea, she could not get over how beautiful it was. "When I think of the Dead Sea, I don't think of something that is nice to look at,'' Reher said. "But it was just so beautiful." As the tour continued, the group started to make their way through the desert. "It was so barren," Reher said. "Then we came across all of the wonderful pyramids and temples. They were •ust wonderful, all of Valentine's Day is just around the corner, and the Cabrini community had some very interesting memories when asked about their hest and worst Feb.14 memories.
There have been many sightings and even more attempts at capturing this ferocious feline. cougar, others are still terrified. by Angela Mattioni Day with my boyfriend John, we went to his house and had a candle-light dinner." She said she had her heart set on a gold watch. "I don't leave my house any- assistantop-ed editor All have failed.
Wildcat watch out
Sistersget 'Rel:ler' glanceat MiddleEast by Dave DiMatteo staff writer
Somepeopleclaimtheyhave seen the cougar. "I saw it run through my back yard," Molly Foltcram said. Foltcram,a Lansdowneresident,said the oversized pussycat strutted through her yard with something hanging from its mouth. "I couldn't quite make it out," Foltcram said. "But it looked like a squirrel or something." One month ago, fear was struck into the hearts of Lansdowne and Yeadon residents, but recently, the fear has subsided. "At first, I wouldn't even let my kids go outside in the yard," Kathy Stapleton said. "But now, I let them go all the way to school-as long as they take the main roads." Stapleton, a Yeadon resident, is a good example of many mothers in Yeadon. Mary Whey, a mother of three, said she was afraid at first, but now more,"MableShwartz,aLansdowne resident, said. "I even quit my job so I wouldn't have to go out." Shwartz said she lets her daughter run errands for her, but she does not like it. "I told her she should stay in, too and keep her sons with her," Shwartz said. "But she doesn't listen." And some people are taking terror to new heights. "I have a big ol' trap in-my yard," Yeadon resident Bill Gately said. "I'm using a big ol' pile of fish as bait." Gately said he wanted to be the first in his neighborhood to sport a cougar-skin coat. While some people are in hiding, and others are waiting for the cougar tocomeoutofhiding,onemanclaims he actually interacted with the cougar. "I think I ran it over on my mountain bike," Yeadon resident Dennis Wheatly said. "It could have been a deer though, or maybe even a big dog. I'm not sure, it was dark."
Unless you have been in a coma, or have been living in a cave on the side of some mountain for the last month, you have heard about the pussycat on parade. The Delaware County cougar parading around town has been a top news story for nearly a month. neighborhood. Jacquelyn Wilson, a mother of one, said she was afraid when she first heard about the cougar, but because her son, David, is too young to go out by himself, it does not really concern her. While some people are dismissing the obvious threat posed by the about past Valentines
First-year student Elizabeth Lang remembered a Valentine's Day when a boyfriend in the Navy was overseas and had a single red rose delivered to her every hour on the hour from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "That was really nice," Lang said. "I' II never forget it." On the other hand, continuing education students Jennifer Yahscoe and Wendy Emerson did not have memories, but still had comments. "I don't think men today celebrate Valentine's Day like they used to," Yahscoe said. "My husband thinks it's overrated, a way for flower shops and card stores to get rich," Emerson said. Sophomore Amy Mollenkof said, "On my first Valentine's "We opened our gifts, but no gold watch," Mollenkof said. Later in the car on the way home, there was a box on the seat with a rose on top. "I opened the box and there was the watch, engraved with the words 'Love, John' and the date," Mollenkof said. "I was so happy." As for a worst story, John P. (who preferred his last name be withheld}, a graduate student, remembered the Valentine's Day of 1973 when he was a sophomore in college. "I had a bad case of food poisoning," John said. "I remember eating one of those 'turtle' candies and a hot dog from a vending machine. I know I got the poisoning from the hot dog, but to this day I can't even look at a box of turtles." Here is a Valentine's moment Tara Neve, a sophomore, would rather forget. "I was so depressed that my parents took me out to dinner and even gave me a flower," Neve said. First-year student Tyon Williams said he remembers one sweet-and-sour Valentine's Day when he proposed to a girl and she accepted. "Only later I found out that she was also dating my friend," Williams said. To end on an up note, Valentine's Day does not get much more romantic than seniors Jenn Deveau and Steve McGowan's memory. "We got snowed in last year here and I made a fireplace out of construction paper with red and white balloons and we laid out a blanket and had champagne," Deveau said.
Dr. Margaret Reher, professor of religiqn, and her sister, Sister RosemaryReher, /HM, sit in front of a sphinx and a pyramid in Egypt, during their trip this past Christmas vacation. these buildings. And they were out in the middle of nowhere. I couldn't get over it." "When I saw all of these buildings, it really gave me an understanding of different things in the culture. I also got a new understanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan," she said. Reher said they also came across the Memorial to the Holocaust. "It was very moving to see this tribute to all of the children who died during this period of time," she said. While still in Cairo, the Reher sisters went on a Nile cruise. The cruise took them into the Aswan River and up to the High Dam. According to Reher, the tour guide told them, "The dam has become a hazard because people have threatened to blow it up. If this happens, the river would flood Egypt for three years." "I was a little afraid when we got to Jerusalem," Reher said. While in Jerusalem, the tour took them to the Donnition Abbey Church. "The art, mosaics and the images of Mary were just stunning,'' Reher said. "The images of Mary sleeping, along with the statue of Jesus with his arms extended out, reinforced the story of when Mary was brought up into heaven," Reher said. The story is that Mary never died. One ni ht while she was sleeping, Jesus took her to heaven. On Jan. 6, Reher, Sister Reher and the rest of the group were in Bethlehem for Little Christmas. "There ,were over 50,000 people in this square praying," Reher said. "And then the soldiers came out to watch over everything. I did not feel confident once I saw them." There was a time Reher said she did feel there was a ray of hope. "While traveling up the border we saw an Israeli soldier driving along with a soldier from Jordan. At least there is some hope," she said. "I would go back ·tomorrow if Icould," Reher said. "I just loved it!"
Within libraries, compact shelving is increasing space and condensing texts to allow for technology. Study areas are larger to fit the equipment and fulfill the requirements of plugging the systems into many sources at one time. In addition, books, volumes of encyclopedias and electronic maps and charts are being loaded onto CD ROM, or compact discs. Microfilm has already become a dinosaur in its existence. The only reason it continues to be used is due to financial reasons. Most budgets do not allow for the purchase of new technology, or interior make-overs that are needed to facilitate such change. Throughout the nation, libraries are becoming interactive learning environments. Because of the switch to interactive learning environments many libraries have become technology information resource centers. Labs, classrooms and computer learning centers are being formed as clusters around columns while old layout designs are altered in order to incorporate these new changes. The clusters create network centers that use modern furniture to hide the wiring. And for distance learning, dark blue and deep purple colors are used on video monitors within the classroom to reduce the amount of glare. "Infrastructure demands of libraries these days are growing and grgwing, because of the ability to run cable, in order to add more computer drops and electrical outlets where and when they are needed, said Steven Wright, architect of interiors work, Norfolk, Va. They are a concern because we are finding clients with the question of whether they should finish a project or build a new building with an infrastructure that they can add to, as programs grow with computers."
50 45
Computers are invading learning institutions throughout the nation, bringing with them the need for each individual student workstation to accommodate a desk or laptop computer, as well as books and notepads to respond to the issues of wire management and ergonomic design.
QThe end of the '90s By the end of the '90s, furniture and interior design will accommodate wiring needs in lightweight, durable and moveable pieces, mostly by using wood mixed with metal. "The trend right now is to wait for the turn-around, similar to the fashion world, to see which styles, ideas and concepts will stick around, and then incorporate new equipment and design into these new concepts," Wright said. Even when considering lighting, to house computers as well as reading needs, requests are to incorporate less lighting foroverall energy consumption concerns and electrical concerns, Computers need less ambiance lighting than reading areas, so individual workstations will use both types for comfort and flexibility. The design of interactive multimedia workstations that combine voice, video and data technologies is still in an embryonic stage. But soon, it will emerge as full-fledged, recognizable pieces of educational equipment that will have to be accommodated within tomorrow's classrooms. 4 Cabrini's view on technology: Random survey of 50 participants, of all majors Are you aware of the technology changesthat are going to occur on campus? Do you currently own a PC or a laptop computer? Does Cabrini have the resources you need? Should Cabrini offer mandatory financial computer purchasing packages like other colleges? yes no Are you actively using the resources·that are available already on campus? by DianeWroblNlcl E-mail is coming... by Angela Mattlonl assistant op-ed editor Cabriniwas awardeda $23,(XX) grant from the National Science FoundationlastDecemberforfunds to become a memberof theInternet and to connectthe campus' computerswith E-Mail. Barbara DeWilde, director of academiccomputing,in conjunction with other facultymembers, sentthegrantrequesttotheNational ScienceFoundation. Thereis E-Mailavailablein the libraryandstudentsaretappinginto Internet It seems that Cabrini is speedingalongthe informationsupemighway,but what is next? Administrativecomputers are alreadytappedintothe Internet,but they are not interconnected. The firststepCabriniis talcingis to have a company called PREP NEf provide~ to the Internet Fiber optic wires must be laid betweenSacredHeartandGraceHalls toconnectthecomputers.Thiswill enable studentsto send messages and files directlyto their teachers' computersfrom the computerlab. But E-Mailis not the only benefit of Internet There are several services available, such as File Transfer Protocol and TELNET. FfP is a service that enables studentstotransferandcopyfilesworldwide to their own computers. TELNET is a service that allows accessto world-wideinformation. Accompanying services to TELNETare also available.There are severalbulletinboard services that allow the user to gather and transmitinfonnation. UseNet allowstheusertoreadandpost''news" sent to public news groups. Network news is a systemthat allows the user to take part in discusfilons on particularsubjectsaJreadytaking place on the Internetand keep themessagesseparatefromyour EMail messages.WAIS allows the user to search indexed databases. This serviceprovidesaccessto informationand articlesbased upon what they contain. In addition,there are other uses that are not actuallyprovidedservices,but rathertricksof the experienced Internet user. They are moving files, distnbutingfiles, X Windows,diskandfilesaving,time services,faxing, games and even roboticlibrarians. "I wouldlike to see it startup in Septemberof 1995 and be up and running in May, DeWilde said. Facultywillbe attendingclassesall summerto see how they can work all this intotheir classes," ThereareaJreadythreecomputers in the labwith Internetcapabilities. Severalfacultymembershave held classes in the lab with computerinstructorsto demonstratethe ~ibilities. Anotherideaalsobeingconsidered is the availabilityof Internet in the studenthousingfacilities. However,Dewilde said this is not a possibility in the near future becausethe necessaryhardware not available.Lines wouldhave to be laidtocoonectthedonnitoriesto the restof the campus. 1bis wouldbe in Septemberof 19% if a miraclewere to happen," DeWildesaid."But it~muchmore
Educationjumps on informationhighway
These schools that fail to incorporate technology and cruise the superhighway will fail to prepare students for the not-toodistant future when ·computers will be the ultimate and predominant method of communication for voice, video and data. "Cabrini has hired 'space planers,' or architects, that have helped the faculty and staff syphon through the colleges' needs," Yungmann said. At present, technology building blocks are beginning to reach new heights. Classrooms are combining the latest technology available by connecting common data sources and programs, accessing off-site databases and providing public information instructional video disks and other optical storage media. These are used to run programs and full-motion color video at de~k tops, library/media center spaces and at home.
The Internet system which began in 1969 as a research and development tool of the United States defense establishment, is connecting all levels of education from, elementary and secondary levels to the college level. At first, it connected a few elite universities and defense-research labs. Today, however it links millions of people in almost every walk oflife throughout the United States and in over 40 other countries. By the end of the decade, it has been predicted that an estimated 100 million Americans, and millions more abroad, will be hooked into Internet. Electronic messages, or Email to individuals, groups, now sent to individuals and groups will one day link all levels of education throughout the world.
But the real challenge for educators and facility designers over the next few years is to find a way to utilize the rapidly expanding availability of technology, and to incorporate the right system into each institution, satisfying each of their particular needs. At Cabrini, "President Antoinette ladorola has made a commitment to get on the information superhighway, and is actively looking for funding an effort that she has spearheaded," said Cathy Yungmann, assistant professor of communications. Not only are most schools getting networked computer systems and access to satellite and cable services, but an increasing number of homes also have computers available for use. Within the next decade, almost every student in every level of education will have both school and home access to a computer. As local cable companies convert from coaxial cable to fiber optics, there will be an opportunity for increased sharing of these educational resources between school systems as well as home education. Organizing schools to offer such a large, expanded, shared curriculum could eliminate the current push for school choice.
a LOOUITLiR NEWS Friday, Feb.10 1 .1995
How this technology will physically affect classroom design and library/media centers throughout the nation varies from institution to institution. Faculty, administration and facility designers are trying to make due with what they have budget-wise, unless additions or renovations occur. This allow for the total transition of modern furnishings to incorporate the computer age. Whether to have traditional, contemporary or transitional computer labs is the biggest concern in the development of the interior of facilities.
35 30 25 20 15 10 5
by Diane Wrobleski staff writer Teachers as coaches, infrared remote control, teleconferencing or distance learning and trapezoidal tables and workstations. These are the components of the new-age classroom of the future.
Feb. 4- Clinton imposes tariffs The Clinton administration imposed tariffs on $1 billion of Chinese goods. The proposed tariffs would go into effect on Feb. 26 if the Communist government continues to refuse to crack down on piracy of American goods. If it goes into effect, the trade sanctions would be the largest in U.S. history. Feb. 5- Alexander's tomb found? Researchers said they are unsure if the site archeologist Liana Souvaltzi found is indeed Alexander The Great's tomb. According to George Thomas, head of the Greek team, there is no evidence that the site is even a tomb. He said the style of the structure Souvaltzi found is not Macedonian style, but rather it is Roman style. However, archeologists are still excavating the site to uncover any new findings which might aid them in determining what the site is, and the time period in which it was built.
What's Happening Ollappy Hour 2/10 Bringyourfriendsto the WCGAfrom4-6 p.m. to socialize.
Tredyffrin received $64,000 toward its $80,000 program, which will be phased in over a period of four years, to convert 20 cars to a bi-fuel capacity, meaning they can use natural gas or gasoline. Most of the vehicles will be police cars, Tredyffrin Lieutenant Bob Lan yon said, even though police departments are exempt from the federal mandates. The reason behind this decision is that police cars run 24 hours a day and seven days a week. This causes more pollution than privately-owned vehicles which do not run as often. Radnor received U00,000 to reward its $125,000 program to convert 25 vehicles. State and federal government and fuel providers, such as Peco, all have 1996 deadlines. By then, they must have a percentage of their fleet running on alPublic Safety Update
Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday,Jan.30 through Monday, Feb. 6. ~rmation Received '--~-----Security received a call from Lisa~a if111eftwereanydemonstrationson Officersaid no,'fiut would add.AD omapatrol Officer saw~ 6 Action.,_ Caaaa-4,ampus wf notifiedBO&it1Sccu,.. nty aliO.s.a.wChannel 10 and at this~int, Bogia had arrivedon the scene.
OMedical Call 2/4 RA called security because male student hurt his hand while playing in the snow next to House 7. Student was taken to Bryn Mawr Hospital.
The federal government is offering a $2,000 tax deduction for those who own natural-gas vehicles. The Pennsylvania Energy Office is sponsoring a program to reimburse people for 60 percent of the cost of converting or purchasing a natural-gas car, or installing a filling station at home. In addition, last week the Federal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement Program, administered by the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, announced that several natural-gas programs in local townships will be funded. Haverford received.$284,000 toward its $355,000 project to convert or buy 25 vehicles over five years and build a filling station. Lower Merion will receive $616,000 toward its $770,00 project to convert or buy 72 vehicles and construct a filling station.
by Laura Testa assistant news editor
Within the next five years, there could be as many as 35,000 natural-gas cars in Philadelphia and its suburbs, according to the Philadelphia Clean Cities Council. In fact, as federal mandates begin to close in, about 35 Philadelphia-area municipalities and companies have added natural-gas cars. According to Peco Energy, there are about 250 natural-gas vehicles currently on the road. The addition of almost 34,750 natural-gas cars to Delaware Valley roads would mean a drastic drop in the price of fuel. The average price of fuel would drop from $1.20 for a gallon of gasoline to 77 cents a gallon for natural-gas. Mileage and performance will, more or less, remain the same. Natural gas burns cleaner and requires less engine maintenance. On the negative side, the average cost to convert a car to a natural-gas car is anywhere from $3,000 to $4,000. New cars will also reflect the cost of converting regular fuel tanks to natural-gas tanks by a increase in the price of the car. Though the move is still in the early stages of development, progress is evident. In Delaware County, Haverford and Radnor townships are each buying natural-gas cars, to be used as primarily company cars. Crozer-Chester Medical Center's Community Division, Villanova University and Sun Marketing and Refining Company all have natural-gas cars. On the Main Line, Tredyffrin and Lower Merion each have new naturalgas programs in place.
Friday, Feb. ·10, 1994 NEWS 9
0ArtE:xlubit 2/14
2/2 Officer was informed that the Cabrini shuttle van was damaged in an accident. The driver notified Bob Bonfiglio in student development. The only damage was a broken passenger side mirror and scratched holder. on Reported Problem 2/3 Male student called security because there were problems brewing between two of the houses. Apparently, a female student had a problem with some males in these houses. Security arrived at scene, but no problems were found.
This is the first time in history these leaders have all sat down together in an attempt to restore peace along the West Bank. Although a news conference was canceled, a statement issued said the foreign ministers of the countries would meet next week in Washington to continue peace talks.
Feb. 1- House passes bill The House passed a truth-in-spending bill. This bill requires Congress to say whether or not it will pay for programs it passes on the state and local levels. This bill will allow cities to avoid future financial burdens due to federal programs.
ORaveParty 2/11 I.ookingforagoodtirne?Com~tothegym from 10 p.m. to a.m. for,foud ~~ic and, dance. • • • OMulcreekJazz 2/14., r CelebrateVafoilfine'sDay in the cafe at noon and listento MulcreekJazz.
Natural gas fuels a change
Interestedin the arts? Come to the library Fine Arts Gallery from noon-2 p.m. for the faculty art exhibitopeningreception.The exhibitwill run untilMarch 13. Referrals 2/15 Therewill be a resumewritingworkshopin the Co-opoffice,GraceHall,Room 160. Bring a friendand figureout your futurefrom 12:301:30p.m. Formoreinfo,callNancyHutchinson or CherylHalhnan, 902-8304,8305,8306. 2/17 ,Inte~ inbecominga residentassistantor an _orientationcounselor?Maybeeven a member of Kappa Sigma.Omega? Well, get an applicationfrom the StudentDevelopmentofficeand have it completedby 2/17 at 4:30 p.m. Q.Stagelland Ifyouhaveextratimeto lenda handwiththe springmusical,call ext. 8510.
Last week in the world of news by Donna M. Schaeffer staff writer Jan. 31- Advance in AIDS research Researchers said that a group of drugs called protease inhibitors can slow down the progression of the AIDS virus in the early stages. Although questions remain, resear<;h on the inhibitors continues at the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center.
Feb. 2- Egypt, Israel, PLO and Jordan meet Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin, Palestine Liberation Organization Chairman Yasir Arafat, and Jordan's King Hussein met collectively today in Cairo, Egypt.
Feb. 6- Clinton Hurles Into Strike President Clinton fo!.mally made a request for both the owners and players of the National Baseball League to come to an agreement today. Clinton was concerned about the rate at which negotiations were going and decided to step in to lend some relief to this matter. Clinton asked Bill Usery Jr., the mediator, to come up with possible solutions to the ongoing strike. Usery did not say what would be in the proposal, but he said he was working on a few different options. The deadline for the proposals was Feb. 16 at 5p.m. However, Usery did not finish writing them up in time, and Clinton extended the deadline "" .L
OlndianRestaurantE:xrursion 2/10 For all internationalstudentsand friends, take a tripto the cityto an Indianrestaurantat 8 p.m. Call JenniferMarks-Goldat ext.8555 for more info.
OFightCaJI 2/5 Security received a call from an unknown female regarding a fight in one of the houses. Security responded to the call, and found a large group of people yelling at each other. Security told them to calm down. Some people started to leave from the front and back doors. When security asked what was going on, no one knew anything. No other problems were found at this time.
Feb. J. Unemployment rate rises The government reported that job growth declined in January, and unemployment went up to 5. 7 percent. This was the first incline in unemployment in two years. In California, the unemployment rate rose to 8.2 percent from 7.7 percent. Unemployment rose to 6 percent in New York and 7.2 percent in New Jersey.
Thoughthe cheerleadersclaimthatDzikhas made a few false promise,he said, 'The only problemI renegedon is beingunableto find a suitablecoach." th t e h • to ,nnnrt thP. 11 muchas be can. He spokeof the van servicethat be providesfor themon awaygames. The squadsaid it feelsdifferently,claiming that Dzik promised them the use of mats to practicetheirstuntson. Theteamaskedfor mats at the beginningof the year becausethey were goingto be doingmorestuntsdueto malesbeing membersof the teamfor the firstyear.
The cheerleaderssaidtheyfelttheyhad good reasonto takea dayofffromcheering,evenwhile jwriorBill Carr's 1,000careerpointwas being celebrated. "Tonight,we satoutbecausewe aresickof the falsepromises,"saidAmyAndrako,ajuniorand memberof the squad. The false promisesthat Andrako spoke of werethe assurancesof a coachandpracticemats to do stunts on, as well as other open ended promises.
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10 ? ? l,t , € Lt.l'/JUIITUR. SPORTS Friday, Feb. 10, 1995
"Ifwehadacoachatthebeginningoftheyear, the lossof memberswouldhavebeenlesslikely to happen,"said Will Saccamano,a first-year studentand memberof the squad.
Dzikhasspokenwithoneofthecaptainsofthe cheeringsquadsince theirsit out at the Eastern game.He said,''I agreedto letthemlookata mat asapossibilitytouseforstunts,butbeforetheyuse them,they must make sure they are sturdyand safeto do stuntson." stage Eastern game, John Dzik, director of Athletics.
Cheerleaders choose to sit out by Celene Wright sports editor
This upset Gray, who asked the question, ''Would he ratherhave someonebreakan ann doingstunts,or havea hole in his mats?"
due to the "false promises" they said they got from
Thelossofmembeisreallyburtthecheerleaders tlw.year. They startedoutwith 14 members andendedup withnine. Theteamsaid theyfeel a lack of a coach contributedto that loss of members.
Cheerleaders join fans on the
AccordingtoDzik,henevertoldtheteamthey couldusethematsin ordertopracticetheirstunts. He said the mats were bought for protective reasonsbecausethecourtwaslengbtened,bringingthewallandthestagecloser.Anyplayerwho crashesintothe stageis protectedby thesemats attachedto the stage. Withoutmats,the cheerleadersfeel it is dangerousto practiceany stunts.Theyspokeof one member;'Myers,who was alreadyhurt when tryingstuntswithouta mat He said be had a ringingin his ear for a few days. When askedabouthis injury,Myerssaid it wasnotdueto theabsenceof mats. However,he saidbe doesfeelthat matswouldbe a benefitto the team. He said ankleproblemscome about withoutthe use of matsand matswouldhelp in doing more difficultstunts, acting as a safety measureduringpractices.
Accordingto PierceandGray,theyweretold by Dzik that the mats that were going to be purchasedfor thestagecouldalsobe usedforthe cheerleaders.Afterthematsarrived,Dziktoldthe teamtheycouldnotusethembecausetheymight puncturethem.
Accordingto Beth Pierce,a seniorand oocaptainon the squad,the teamaskedfor a coach andweretoldby JohnDzik,directorof athletics, thattheyweregettingone. Dziktoldthe teamhe was on the trail of a coach that he was playing phone tag with. The two captains,Pierceand ColleenGray,a senior,spokewith thepotential applicant,who was a fonner cheerleader.She informedthe captainsthat she spokewith Dzik onceand he nevergot back in touchwith her. "I talkedto peopleaboutbeinga coach,but theyhadotherjobs thatconflicted,"Dziksaid." I had one personin mind,but I was not sure they • weretherightpersonfortheposition.Wetriedto fl geta coachforthe squad,thoughnotashardaswe shouldhave,whichputus behindtheeightballin lookingfor a coach." • The absenceof a coachdoes hurt the cheerleadersasitwouldanyteam.Theynolongerhave a fewmembers,structureanda highperformance level. "Every sport needs a coach. In our (cheerleader's)case,a coachwouldhelpenhance ourperformancelevel.Coachesbringstructureto a team,"Myerssaid. Dzikfeelsthesameway aboutthe cheerleaders havingto dealwiththe lack of a coach. 'Thereisnodoubttheabsenceofacoachhurts a team. The cheerleadershave tried to make thingswork,"Dzik said. ''Withoutsomeonein charge,it is hard for a teamto agreeand have a consensuson the team." Withouta coach,theonlyonesto takeoverthe positionwerethe captainsof the team,Gra>;and Pierce. They said they felt tlw.kind of position was hard to takeon. Piercesaid,''IttookthefunoutofitforColleen and I becausewe bad to takeon the dutiesof the coach,as wellas the dutiesof the captains."
The teamwas there,the fanswerethere,but somethingwas JD.is.singwhen Cabriniplayedits rivalteam,Eastern,on Monday,Feb. 6. Cabrini'scheerleadingteam was not on the floorin unifonn. Rathertheywere on the stage alongwiththe rest of the fans. ''I like to participatein the cheers,"Katina Conao,ajunior,said."I likethegamesto be like a big pep rally. I m.is.sedthe cheerleaders," The cheerleadersdidfeel sony theywerenot inunifonntocheeronjwriorBillCarr,whoscored his_1,000careerpoint 'The teamhad mixedfeelingsonwhetherwe wouldcheeror not,"saidBill Myers,a first-year studentand memberof the cheerleadingsquad. "We wanted to cheer for the basketballteam becauseBillymakinga thousandpointswasa big deal to us. The basketballteam looksto us for support,especiallyon road games. We didn't ' wanttoletthemdown,buttheteam(cheerleaders) alsowantedto makea statementto Dzik," Myeisadded,''We didendupcheeringforthe team,butjust not in unifonn."
for the
QTennis Todd Martin beat Guy Forget, 6-3, 76 (7-3), 7-6 (7-5), giving the United States a berth in the Davis Cup quarterfinals. Martin charged the net 63 times and capitalized on 48 of them. The United States will face Italy in the Davis Cup quarterfinals.
Basketball w L Beaver 10 1 Alvemia 10 1 Allentown 8 2 Cabrini 7 3 Misericordia 4 7 Gwynedd-Mercy 4 8 Eastern 3 7 Neumann 2 9 Marywood 0 10 Women's Basketball w L Allentown 9 2 Alvemia 8 2 Marywood 8 3 Misericordia 6 4 NORTH Cedar Crest 3 9 Beaver 2 8 Cabrini 10 0 lmmaculata 6 4 Gwynedd-Mercy 7 5 SOUTH Neumann 4 8 Eastern 1 8 Rosemont 0 11 Quote to
Speakingof races,the intramuralvolleyballseasonis underway,and it appears thatthe divisionalracesareover. Afterone week, it is dear that the team from House Five, captained by Mike Dever and the teamfromHouseThree,captainedbyDoug Eppler, are the class of the competition. They should meet in the finals, barringa colos.531upset Finally,to the baseballgods. Will you pleasedo somethingto restoreorder to the nationalpastime. Springjustwouldnotbe the same with every Tom, Dick, and Yurberyrunningaroundthe diamond.
Speaking of rebounding.how about that F.ricTidwell. "E'' has managedto be inthetopthreeinreboundinginthePACall season,despiteplayingnearlyhalfasmuch time as his competitors.Now, aboutthose foul shots
Scoring: Men Nate Bowles (7), Bill Carr (10); Women -Stephanie Owen (8) Rebounding: Men Eric Tidwell (3), Tom Newnam (10); Women Megan Dillon (5) Assists: Men Far'd Nasir (2); Women Megan Dillon (1), Kelley· Kempton (5) Father Knows Best: Who is the only player to hit over 57 percent of his field goals in NBA playoff competition (minimum of 150 field goals)? -compiled by Father Ambrose enough. One minute and 47 seconds into overtime, the Islander's Ray Ferraro put the puck past Flyer's goaltender, Dominic Roussel. The game was over. The Flyers finally added a win to their record by beating the Buffalo Sabers on Saturday, Feb. 5. Lindros blasted a shot from the red line past Saber's Grant Fuhr with 0.7 seconds remaining in the period. The Flyer's skated away with a 4-2 win and a record of 3-5-1.
ONFL Dick Vermeil is finally out of the Eagle picture, due to Jeffrey Lurie's new choice. Ray Rhodes, former defensive coordinator of the 1995 Super Bowl Champions, The San Francisco 49ers, is now the new head coach of the Philadelphia Eagles. Rhodes has made all five trips to the Super Bowl with the 49ers. According to Lurie, Randall Cunnigham will remain the starting quarterback for the Eagles despite the problems he had at the end of the 1994 season. According to Rhodes, he considers Men's Note: "Will there be a third chance in baseball for him? That depends entirely on Darryl. We wish him well," said Giants general manager Bob Quinn, after Strawberry violated his rehabilitation program." in The New York Times
Cunningham to be a great athlete and he feels good about Cunningham. QNBA Patrick Ewing has made the All-star team for the ninth time in his 10-year career. Players Derrick Coleman and Kenny Anderson were not selected as players for the All-star team.
OBaseball Darryl Strawberry, the 32-year-old outfielder for the San Francisco Giants, was suspended from major league baseball for 60 days. His suspension was due to th.e fact he violated the rules of his after-care program. The Giants hired him after he lost his job with the Dodgers because of a drug suspension.
Speaking of competitors,how about the work of a certainpit crewat the latest runningof the RoyalCanbbean500? The two-time defending champion bounced backfromablowtothechin,andsomehow managedtofinishtherace.Keeponracing, fellas.
Men's JV Basketball Sat. 2/12 St. Vincent H National PacLeaders (as of Jan. 29, 1995) Assists: Megan Dillon (6) 3-PT FG Pct. : Patty Carr (19) 1 p.m. 3-PT FG per game: Lady Cavs (4) Trivia Answer: Artis Gilmore aver- • aged .599 field goal percentage five seasons in the ABA and 12 seasons in the NBA. -compiled by Father Ambrose Tap in to Mac by Bob Macartney sports columnist 11 In the traditionof Valentine's Day, I promise to spread only good news and happy thoughtsin this week's editionof your favoritecolumnand mine: Tap in to 'Mac. Firstand foremost,to BillyCarr,junior forwardforour belovedCabriniCavaliers, congratulationson sinking your l,CXXJth pointintherompoverEastem.Pemapsthe most impresmvepart of that feat was the beginningof the game,when Carr passed upseveralopenopportwlitiestogiveteammateseasierbaskels. Even in his questfor Cabriniimmortality,Carr continuedto be the same unselfishplayerthat he has been throughouthis career. Not to be lost in all the hype involving Carr's chase for 1,000 is the perfoanance of freshmanpointguardFar'dNasir. Nasir has not only solidified the point guard positionfor the Cavaliers,but has turned the offenseup a notch. WatchingFar' d in the middle of a fast break is a thing of beauty. However, the men's team is not the only basketballteam at Cabrini,and Dan Welde's lady Cavaliersare demanding attention. The ladiesare 17-2 on the season, 11-0 in the PAC, and have continued to play well without shooter Patty Carr. Perhaps the mainreasonfor this is the emergenceof super soph Megan Dillon. Dillon has been moved to the pointguard positionthisyear,andhas respondedto the switchwith incrediblesuccess.Dillonhas continuedto be among the top in the PAC in rebounding.too.
Sinceldon'thaveenoughclouton this paper to get onestinkingpersonal,(hey, I've only written100 articlesor so) to my Valentine,ienn,here's to many more. I
Men's Basketball Wed. 2/8 Beaver Wed. 2/11 Gwynedd-Mercy Sat. 2/15 Alvernia A 8p.m. H 8p.m. A 8p.m. Women's Basketball Wed. 2/8 Beaver Sat.. 2/11 Misericordia Mon. 2/13 lmmaculata Wed. 2/15 Gwynedd-Mercy A 6p.m. A 1 p.m. A 7p.m. H 6p.m.
Last week in the world of sports by Paul Marturano staff writer QNHL The Flyers lost to the Quebec Nordiques, 5-2, on Tuesday, Feb. 1. The Flyers could not stand up to the high-scoring, hard-hitting Nordiques. The Nordiques struck early, scoring just 35 seconds into the game. Eric Lindros returned to action after suffering from the flu. He was not 100 percent, but he did score the Flyers' first goal to tie the game at one. The Flyers then took the lead, 2-1. The Nordiques scored four unanswered goals. The Flyers had 22 shots on goal overall with only six in the third period. Ron Hextall, Flyer's goaltender, stopped 26 of the 31 shots he faced. Hextall remains winless with three losses and one tie. The Flyers followed up their loss to the Nordiques with another loss to the New York Islanders. The Flyers lost in overtime on Thursday, Feb. 3. The game was tied at four at the end of regulation time. The Flyer's Josef Beranek had a hat trick, but it was not Men's Basketball 2/1 Cabrini 104 Gwynedd-Mercy73 Sat. 2/4 Alvemia game cancelled Mon. 2/6 Cabrini 160 Eastern 59 Women's Basketball Wed. 2/4 Cabrini 80 Rosemont 42 Mon. 2/6 Cabrini 80 Eastern 43 Men's JV Basketball Sat. 2/4 Alvemia game cancelled
Friday, Feb. 3, 1995 SPORTS
The teams traded the first two baskets, but from then on Cabrini took over. -After Tidwell's three pointer and a couple of shots by seniorNate Bowles,Cabriniwas out to a 15-4 lead.
''Patty'sinjuryis asignificantloss," saidDanWelde,the headcoach. "She is a goodscoreranddefensiveplayer." Weldesaidwecoulduseherforour toughergamesandsheisgreatlymissed. '"Theoutlookis not good for having Pattywithus at PAC Championships" saidWelde. SophomoreNancyKraussaidthat not having Patty has affect scoring. ''Pattynot beingtherehas alsocaused individualsto stepup andplaybetter," Kraussaid. Carrsaidshewillhavetoworkhard to get in shapefor playingwhen she comesback. She alsosaidit will take sometime to get backto normal. ''I feeltheteamis doingwell,"Carr said. ''They are playingtogetheras a team." Carr was having a good season beforeher injury. Sinceshe has been out,Amy Hummel,a sophomore, stepped up and has been startingin place of Carr. Hummelwas a major point producerthroughoutthe game, includinga threepointshot.
Carrhadhopedto be backwith the team for the PennsylvaniaAthletic ConferenceChampionships,butat her last visit with the doctor,the outlook was not good. Now Carr hopesto be ,... ln.r M.,, • nl l""'n.1 a A I..
Carr scores 1,000 point as Cavs slam Eastern by Justin Mlrigliani staff writer Junior Billy Carr receiveda massive-standingovationupon reaching his 1,000careerpointinCabrini's12061 victoryover Eastern. Comingintothegame,Carrneeded 22 points to reach the magic 1,000 mark.Carrquicklypickedup 19points in thegame. • Finally at the 13:01 mark of the secondhalf, Carr receiveda kick out pass in the left corn~r, beyond the three..:pointline. Carr studied for about a second and let the ball fly. The shot hit nothing but net. The _crowdwent crazy. "ldidn'tthinklwasgoingtobeable to do it," Carrsaid. ''It was greatto get it overwith. It is a lot of pressure,a lot of peopledon't widerstand." Carr also expressedhis happiness for his parentsbeingthere. "My momand dadhavebeena big partof my basketballcareerandit was reallygreatthat theywere here." The game was stopped and Carr wasgiventheballbyCoachJohnDzilc. Duringthe ovation,Carr walkedover to thebleachersandgavetheballto his parents,who were in attendance. Both Mr.and Mrs.Carrexpressed their feelingfor their son and his accomplishment. "It was a great feeling and I feel reallygood for him, becauseof all he has gone throughthis year. It makes us proud of him," Mrs. Carr said. Mr.Carr agreed. As for the rest of the team, they dominatedEastern the entire game. Cabrinihad alreadydefeated F.astem earlier this season. Going into the game,Cabrinidecidednotto takeEastern lightly. 'They will come out a lot harder," juniorEric Tidwellsaid. ''It will be a dog fightfrom thebeginning." ''I think it will be a hard game," Far'd Nasir,a first-yearstudentsaid. "Theyplayedus toughlasttime. They tried to stop us from running. I think theywilltty to do itagain.Wewillplay up tempo. I don't think they are that deep. We know thatHardingwill get hispoints,so we haveto shutdownthe restoftheteam.Weneedthewintostay in the hwtt in the PAC."
12 SPORTS Friday, Feb. 10, 1995
Othermajorpointproducerswhere Kraus and StephanieOwen, a firstyearstudent Theteamhelpedeachotherthroughof the ball and stealingwas used to make suretheykeptcontrol. "We played aggressively,"Kraus said. ''The wholeteam shotwell."
Lady Cavs soar over Eagles without captain by John Lindsay assistant arts & entertainment editor Cabrini slammed Eastern back acrossEagleRoad,despitethe lossof CavalierkeyplayerPattyCarr,ajunior. Cabrinireeledoff80pointswhileholding Easternat 43 points,at the home gameon Monday,Feb.6. Easternscoredthe firstbasket,but afterthat,it was all downhillfor Eastern. Easternsta...rtedout the first half aggressivelywith threefouls. Cabrini playedan aggressivegameoveralland is ranked16-2. Carrsatonthesidelinesandwatched as theteamdeliveredyetanotherthrilling victory. Carr was injuredabouta week and a half ago, at the Neumann gamewhileplayingdefense.Sbehasa twistedankleand tom ligaments. "I hatenotbeingableto play," Carr said. "I like being here to cheer and supportthe team,but wouldratherbe playing."
Therewereseveralkeysearlyonfor Cabrini'svictory.Cabrini'sstrongfull courtpresscausedseveralturnoversfor the Eastern team, which led to easy Cabrinibaskets. Unlikethegame againstGwynedd Mercy, Cabrini was hitting its free throwsearly,going5-6 at the line. Cabrini was also able to keep Eastem'sstar-forward,juniorAntione Harden,from scoringany pointswttil the 10:24mark of thefirsthalf. Cabrini had built a commanding 44-18lead with only5:49 to go in the firsthalf.
The crowddid not seem to be into the game, against the school's rival, until a spectacular behind-the-back pass play, from first-year student Far' dNasirtosophomoreKenSkitek, brought them to their feet. Althoughthe rivalry is still there betweenthesetwo teams,it has dulled in recentyears. "It (the rivalry)might not be the same as before,"Tidwellsaid. ''We have beatenthem easilysince I have beenhere." In the game, Cabrini also dominatedthebattleof theboards,by grabbing nearlydoublethe rebowtdsE.astem did As the teams went into half-time, Cabrinihadthegamewellinhand,with a 65-29lead.
Kraussaidtheteamhasbeenwidefeatedin the PAC in the past. Wedle said the team has accomplishedall the goals they had set for themselves. "Now we hope to win PAC Championships,qualifyfor the NCAATournament,andhopefullywin a game in NCAA,"Weldesaid Kraus said ,"We will do well in NCM if we play as a team and not individuals.Hopefullywewillmakeit pastthe secondround." Weldesaidtheteam's recordis 162 and the team is 11--0in thePAC. The team has not lost a regular seasonconferencegameinthreeyears.
Harden,whoaveragesmorethan27 pointsa game,was held to only six in the firsthalf Cabrinihada balancedattackin the photo by HeatherBeltran Junior Bill Carr drives for another two points on the way to his milestone mark of 1,000 points. He reached the mark in his junior year,giving him the chance to add on next season. firsthalf.Bowleshadeightsteals,eight reboundsand scored 10 points in the half. Carr led scoring at the half with 12points. Skitekand TomNewnam each had 10 points for the Cavs by half-time. It took both teams a littlewhile to warm up in the second half. Both teams committedsloppypasses,and it seemed like neither team wanted the ball. Again Cabriniwas able to find the handle, unlike Eastern. Just minutes before Carr scored his 1,000 point, Bowlesbrought the crowd to a frenzy with a monster jam. Afterthedunkby Bowles,Cabrini went on a mini run featuringa fourpointflourishby Carr,whichgavethe Cavs an 85-39leadwith 13:51to go in the game. Except for a few small runs by Eastern,Cabrinishutthemdowncold. One by one,Dziktookout his starters, whoreceiveda warmovationfromthe crowd. A late three-pointerby junior MikeDevermadethe finalscore12061. The leadingscorersin the game were Carrfor Cabrini,who woundup with24 points,andHardenfor:Eastern, who managedto get some late points and endedwith 22. JohnDzik,headcoachof the Cavs said, ''I was happy with the way our team played. In the away game, at Eastern,we only won by 12 points becausetherewas a lotofselfishplay.I thinkwe turned that aroundquitea bit andwe are doinga muchbetterjob."
KristenBlanck,a sophomore,has been in and out of games all season becauseof an injury. Weldewantsto haveherin several gamesin a row to get her back in the playingmode so she is comfortable. ''We will win in the PAC," Kraus said.
The teamis secondin themid-Atlantic regionand 19 in thecountcy. photo by Caroline Croley I