Friday,March3, 1995 Vol. XLI, No. 19 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087
Commencementspeaker Happy Birthday to you! concernsleft unanswered by Nina Marie Sciarrotta assistant op-ed editor
Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president, has refused to deal directly withstudentswhenchoo,ingthisyear's commencementspeaker,accordingto senior classpresidentAmy Gallagher. According to Gallagher, Iadarola has yet to responddirectlyto requests for a meeting between the two presidents to discuss the selectionprocess. Iadarola was unavailablefor comment According to Gallagher, seniors were sent forms in spring of 1994 requestingsuggestionsfor a candidate for this year's graduation speaker. Gallagherpresentedtheadministration with approximately12 or 15 names of candidates. Gallagher said she was then told that she had to research the accomplishmentsofthecandidatesand return the informationto the administration and the board of trustees,who would make the final decision. Gallagherspentthesummerof1994 researching the backgrounds of the candidates,and presented Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president of student affairs,with the information. Approximatelytwo months later, Gallaghersaid she was informedthat, despitetheworkshehaddoneresearching the candidates, Iadarola and the board of trustees had already chosen
area colleges to find out their release the speaker. "All of my effort wasn't really dates. Gallaghersaid that she did not worth anything,"Gallaghersaid. seehow the practicesoflargercolleges Gallaghersaid throughoutthe pro- related to Cabrini. cessshe has workedthroughBonfiglio '"That is one of the benefits of a and has never been able to work di- small college,"said Gallagher I know my president when I see her. Most rectlywith Iadarola "We wrote a letter. Again she re- people at larger schoolsdon't." sponded through Bob Bonfiglio. She Acoordingtoasurveyofareaschools doesn't seem to want to talk with us," conducted by Bogia, the identity of Gallagher said. "All her messages graduationspeakersis releasedduring come through Bob." the lastweek of Marchor thefirstweek A secretaryin Iadarola's officesaid of April. Schools surveyed were Alvemia that Bonfigliois in charge of organizCollege, Chestnut Hill College,Easting the selectionprocess. However,accordingto LisaBogia, ern College, La Salle University, directorof collegerelations,Bonfiglio, Rosemont College, St. Joseph's Uniand Gallagher,it is a nominatingcom- versity, Villanova University, Bryn mittee of the board of trustees that Mawr College, Holy Family College and ImmaculataCollege. makes the final choice of speaker. According to Bonfiglio,the name ''Bob has been great," Gallagher of the speaker will be released by said ''He's helped usout a lot" Gallaghersaid she wanted to be an Iadarolain late March or earlyApril. active participantin offering pos.sible ''l'mreallyhappytoknowthatwe'll candidatesforcommencementspeaker, find out by April," Gallaghersaid. which is why she spent a largeamount Gallaghersaid she was very disapoftimeresearchingthecandidatesnomi- pointedwith Iadarola'sapparentrelucnatedby the senior class as the admin- tance to meet with the presidentof the istrationhad requestedshe do. senior class. "She (Iadarola) claims that she "It's not as though I didn't take an activeinterestinchoosingthespeaker," wanted to be the president involved Gallaghersaid. with students," Gallagher said. "She AnotherconcernofGallagher'swas isn't that person." Iadarolawas unavailablefor comthe releasedate of the speaker's name. Gallaghersaidshewas toldtocallother ment.
photoby CarolineCroley
Mother Ursula Infante, MSC, celebrated her 98th birthday among friends on Saturday, Feb. 25 in the Atrium.
Trusteesfinalize core requirementchanges by Joe Marturano staff writer
The finalvotesby the facultyon the physicaleducationandthe three-credit religionrequirementswerepassed. The board of trustees made the final decision on Friday,Feb. 24. Accordingto Dr.DawnMiddleton, assistantprofessorof education,physicaleducationwillnolongerberequired for incomingstudents. VillanovaUniversityinRadnorand Eastern College in St Davids do.not have any physical education requirements in their core curricula. According to Dr. Margaret McGuinness, associate professor of religion,newstudentsarenowrequired to take three creditsin religion. EasternCollegerequiresnine credits in religion courses, six courses in required classes, Old Testament and New Testament, and three credits in electives.VillanovaUniversityrequires six creditsin religion.The introductory
class,Christianity:TraditionandTransition,is requiredalongwith a religion elective. Before now, Cabrini was the only Catholiccollegein the country,except in New York, that did not have a religion requirement. In addition, religion courseswill satisfydistnbutioncategories,but one course will not fulfill both the religion and distributionrequirements. Mixed emotionsfrom studentsand faculty are accompanying these rulings. First-yearstudentBilly Myers said he feels that the change in the religion requirement is for the better. "It's a Catholicschool,isn't it?" Myers said. "We're old enough to determineif we want a religion course or not," sophomoreJoey Barilottisaid. "So are incomingstudents." First-year student James Shuler said he feels the same as Barilotti. "I don'tthinknew studentsshouldhaveto
take a religion course if we don't," Shulersaid.'"Therequirementisgoing to cause people to not want to take religion. It'll seem like a bother." Dr.LeonardPrimiano,assistantprofessorofreligion,said,"I thinkit's very importantfor studentsto takea religion course." Sophomore Heather Beltran was adamantlyagainstthe requirement. "I think a basic religion course shouldn'tbe required,"Beltransaid. "I think they're interesting, but they shouldn't be required. If you want to expandyour mind, it's a good thing to take. But it shouldn't be required." The religionrequirementis not the only thing on people's minds. Some people, but not many, agree with the changes in the physical education requirements. "If you're participatingin an athletic program, physical education shouldn't be required," Myers said. "Otherwise,it should be."
Inside ... Week at a Glance ... A&E
Check out the Barnes exhibit at the Philadelphia Art Museum.
1994 Cabrini graduates answer a survey that tells what they are doing now.
Full page spread on PAC.
First-year-studentMirella Addesi said,"Oh well,atleastwe'Ubeinshape. The incomingstudentswon't be." "I think as long as the courses are offered, and the opportunity to take them and participate in athletics are available,theyshouldnotbe required," senior Doug Eppler said. "We're old enough to keep ourselves in shape." First-yearstudent Heather Odium said, "I feel new students should be required to take physical educationif they don't belong to a varsity sport. That's what we have to do." First-year student Jessica Pfeiffer said,"Gym was one classI was always good in, but I don't think it should be requiredfor anyone." "I thinkit's worth reevaluatingthat particularrequirement,"Primianosaid. First-year student Denise Canaris participatesinboth socccrandsoftball. "I feel that if the new students don't have to take phys. ed., no one should have to," Canarissaid.
While some people are againstthe changes, others are actuallyoutraged by the new requirements. "I haven't taken a gym course yet and I don't plan on it," Barilottisaid. "I'm here to make money,not to work out" First-yearstudentTomMcKeesaid, "I think it's a crock. What makes the new studentsso damn special?" While there are people who are goingwiththeflow and otherswho are upsetby thechanges,first-studentBill Matoneycouldcare less. "I reallydon't care. Gym was fun but itwasawasteofmytime,"Matoney said. Barilottisummedup a majorityfeeling of the physical educationrequirement. "What am I, back in the fourth grade?" Barilottisaid. "Ooh, can we play dodge ball?"
March 3 to 9
~esidence Halls close at 8 p.m.
Spring Break
Friday, March 3, 1995
Viewp(:)int ·$·.:
Sheddinglightin the darkness Everyyeartheeditorialboardof Loquiturgetstogetherto extolProjectAppalachia, and for a brief moment readers and editors feel compassionfor the people of Appalachia Then thepeoplevanishonce againfromtheirminds. Theyliveon back~ downlong,windingdirtpaths. There,youcansee pilesof woodandstonewhichhangtogether loosely.Pilesofwoodandstonewhichthepeople of AppalachiacaUhomes. There is a small town calledBerkeleySprings,famous for its naturalhot-water spring.5 whichareits one andonlyattraction.Downa dirtroad,reallylittlemorethan a path,thereis averyoldfarmhouse.Residinginthishouse,isan elderlycouple,whose childrenareunableto helpthem. On the side of the houseis a smallshack. Yes, it is an outhouse.The barnis dilapidated,becausethe old man no longerhas the strength, orthemoneyforsupplies,thatareneededtofixuptheplace. Fouryearsago,ninepeople convergedon thishouse. A week later,the househadbeen paintedand a new porch andbackstepshad beenaddedon. Andthewoman? Shecouldwalkon thatporchand feelproud. In thetownofF.denton,N.C.,livesan oldladynamedEtta. Sheistotallyalone.She has not seenher daughterin six years. Six peoplespentone week of theirsummerat Etta'shome.A weeklater,thegrayinghouseshonewiththewhiteofnewpaintandthe jetblackofnewtrim.Andtherewassomewonderfulnews. Etta'sdaughterwascoming for a visitin a few weeks. Ettawas thrilled,her daughterwouldsee thehouseand her oldroomwithanew cootof paint.The onlythanksshehadto givewerebagsofpecans fromthetreebehindthehouse,a smallbarometerfromGermany,andsomeMalaysian coins.Andmemoriesofasweetoldlady,whokeptadouble-barrelshotgunin theliving room. What she receivedwas hope and love. This Springbreakapproximately50 studentsfromCabriniwill go to the townsof UnionandHinton.Theretheywill findsimilarsituationsto thosein BerkeleySprings andEdenton.Theywill findpeoplewho haveverylittleandwho arein desperateneed of someonetohelp,and someoneto listen.Theywillfindthattheyaretrulyabletomake a differencein thelivesofpeople.In returnforthisdiscovery,theywill shedsomelight on liveswhichmightotherwisebe bleak.
Saying goodbye to home Regina Miller, · arts and entertainment eqitor
sign went up, my life changed-our house was sold. I kept telling myself it was the right choice. It was great for the kids' future. Two months to pack turned into one week, then three days. It got done. The books I found on moving focused on the logistics of packing, not the emotional heartbreak, excitement and mood swings. The ease of garbage-bag packing wasn't mentioned in the book either. I needed more feedback. I found it in a letter, not a book. It was a letter to me from my daughter's school friend who wanted to know who she would eat luncl} with and play with at recess. She wrote her heart was split in half. I cried, and I tucked the letter away. I knew it was too late. I sob when I pass my old neighborhood. Things are different now. People seem more pretentious, more orchestrated and more methodical. I need to act as the soul liaison between my kids and other kids. Kids don't pick up the phone and invite each otherover, nor do they just stop by. It is my job now. People think before they speak and talk in mannerly sentences. They keep their lawns manicured in the winter, and they don't put their kids' art work on their clean walls. My _newneighbors have formal brunches and parties at country clubs. My old neighbors just grabbed a lawn chair and an open invite was always assumed. Things are quite different. "How could you have done this to me," Natale, my 10-year-old daughter, still remarks. "Because it is a great school district, and you will have a lot more opportunities," I try to choke out. Instead, I just shrug my shoulders and wonder myself.
Moving beats out divorce and unemployment on the stress list. In light of this, it seems strange so many people choose to move. The complexity of moving can make people crazy. It can be a living nightmare. I know. I chose to move after much heartache and soul searching. Of course, the reasons for moving were memorized and made to appear real positive. In hindsight, it was quite an act. It seems like eons ago, but late last summer an opportunity presented itself to me. The recent divorce of a friend opened up new opportunities. She gave us first dibs on her home. We thought about moving occasionally, to Mexico or the Caribbean, but never a half-hour away. One week prior to finals and to the holidays, it happened. We said one last goodbye to our home of 10 years and moved on, to a newer, better house, to a nicer neighborhood, to the world called suburbia. The same white-faced suburbia written about on front pages of real-estate sections. Until the final act of moving, our home was in constant turmoil. My 10 year old never quite understood what would make The chapel service celebrating Black History Month gave students, faculty and her parents decide such a drastic venture. staff a chance to acknowledge black culture. A preacher read some of the My seven-year-old son was less confronaccomplishments made by blacks. This provided black students the opportunity tational, but just as sad. My two year old to remember their history. never grasped the joy and pain associated New restrictions in the food court have caused problems for many people. The with moving. My parents, two miles away, restrictions exclude certain items from the meal exchange program. This is one changed their minds like the wind, and our more way in which the Wood Company has not been everything students neighbors seemed surprised. Opinions came from all directions. expected. EdlerIn dilJI: ICellt Mc00nald The house went up for sale in late Au- MriaglngEdllar:ewn. Oaev The women's basketball team won the PAC Championship to end up ranked fifth gust, not at the height of the housing sea. open houses, w h.1ch were Oi>Ed Edler:Janes.v., 1ngen • in the Mid-Atlantic Division III. Way to go, Lady Cavs! The men's basketball son. Dunng Allillln Op-EdEdm: AngelaMlllli0nin ~...,. Sc;ilnolla team won the PAC Championship to become ranked fourth in the Mid-Atlantic announced on ugly, wooden signs, the 40 NewsEdlor.Owilhfeehan Division III. Nice job, guys! neighborhood kids sat on the porch, jeered Au1s1artNewsEdlors:BelhMolloyand re11a : at the potential buyers and held large lem- MsandEnlertairJmnEdlor. Flagi"eMller . Three bands played in the Red Cloud Coffee House on Sunday night. At SOcents onade sales on our front walk, blocking · =MaandEnleltairrnet1Edlata:KalhyeeptmandJchn a person and $1 for non-Cabrini students, it was a great time for a low price. the driveway. They cut the realtor off at . , ~ . . ~Eilllot: Sheila&ady Congratulations to the staff for puJ:tingtogether a great evening! th e pass, 1et my temperamenta 1A mencanAaillart"-Edlata:.JoiwraGoieehnMponHnilgwl Eskimo dog loose and created cheerleading SP.arts Edlar. c.en,~ pyramids on the front lawn. I was waiting Au111tartSpons~SlopiWIIICaldwolandRicllSmep11 Despite the great events the Red Cloud has been sponsoring, student attendance for the kids to hold picket signs denouncCapyEdlar.Riclwd.Jaspor has been low. Students should take advantage of the available entertainment ing the move. Instead, they swung on the Aaillal1Cq,yEdlar. KimSholcton offered to them at little or no cost. Bualr.- Manager:Kaan Szcnnk sign. Aaillal1 a.-- (l,ls,ager.LnaaSdunan At one point, I began to take sides. I Phclo!,aphy Ecllor.OawnilleKlopp sympathized with my children's ordeal. I Aaillal1 Phclo!,aphy Ecllor.Caroh Qr.ay could not understand how I could make Phclo!,aphy AIMler:Or.C..Cralgle such an important decision without a maAIMler: Or. Jefon'8 ZuNk jority vote. I became bewildered and confused. I wanted out of the contract. I Slal: Marylutela,Mlll.wCnilg. LIia ..... ,.,,,, Jld<lon. Mdree ~. Jamie 1..11119,, Joe began to sabotage the potential buyers Mlnnno, Pu Maltanno. alln Migllari,Dor,w. Sclalllr, Diane~ myself. Every Monday, during the walkMn a.,. Caroh Qaev, Slacev Clazm, through, as I sat at my computer in my Phclo!,aphy511111: .,.,_ Gtegoly,Jamie l..alllww, TomMcKee,Miela Adl8li room, I would wave and smile to another stranger snooping through my house. I let ~ Deeipls: KalhyMalone,SIIMI May Cllloonilt KyleSinon and KalinaCon9o the laundry pile up and left the bathrooms a mess. The real estate agent would just l.oquiU'i8 puilillled weekly~ 1heIIChoal,,.. by aldera ol College.Aalor, PA 19087. Phone: 610-971-8412. give a quirky look and continue. He asked Clbini ~ price i8 $25 per,,.. andi8 ircluded In 1hebenellls me to peel the kids from the front walk and teanCI by klilicnandaJdenltees. to ask them to sit a block away. One time Laquu welcomes leller1IID1heedilDr.Ull8rs llhouldbe~ 1heuhcnhip knolonID1heecllorl. Hawever,11hewrlllw he called prior to his arrival and asked me and w111ws,and 111eedloriv-, 1he wrar's namemav be 1e1 o11111e •"name to send any stragglers home. I laughed lellerupon PIAllcallonllld _, ........ ~IUCh ...itftlld 1111lle requeol ol 111ewrlllw." IAers llhould be lyped. and refused. "It's a free country," I said. cbtl4Hpeced. 111dl1011'1019.,.,300wcrds In~ I a lelleriS llr4jfcrtw ....... opace, lhe edi1Drrr,aveclt0toondonel Domestic arguments followed. Life 100 .__ 1D1heedlDr llhould be umlllld by noononMondays. seemed miserable. I knew I would miss n. edill:rtalsand aplnk)napuilillled In l.oquiU' ..... 'lilWI ol 1111 the neighbors, the Wawa around the block llllllnl«tllnlllllland1heinlMdulllwrillnand nc>t1he enlieaJdenlboctf0ttw lllallyandldl1*iltllibl and the baby sitter next door, not necessarLoqulw i89llablilheda a lonaYlforllllllnl.......,..and •a
cm ·Cy
ilyin thatorder. Sixweeksafterthesale
Friday, March 3, 1995
IQpi~ion Ham radio is for the hani at heart really funny. my fine Federal CommunicaRecently, I have "talked" in tions Commission examinaDr. Carter • tions, and I learned a lot, I am Morse code to a man in QueCraigie, still surprised by the sounds bec; he sent to me in English, English and that I hear come from my radio and I sent back to him in ~ speaker. My "CQ, CQ, CO" is French. I complimented him and he really a call meaning "Seek you, on his English complimented me on my seek you, seek you." . French. We talked over a half Lo,/,,;==='-...... It means I will be happy to conhour. It was fun! verse with anyone who hears "CQ, CO, CQ, this is KD3A0, There are so many things to my signal. So when a voice KD3AO. Over." do in amateur radio. I have comes back, I am always curi"KD3A0, this is SU5MT, hooked up my computer so I ous about who will answer and SU5MT in Cairo, Egypt. My where he or she is located. Each can send and receive messages name is Mohammed, conversation is a possible new on ham radio bulletin board Mohammed; so how copy?" systems. I have built radios friendship. "SU5MT, this is KD3A0 reand clocks and even a weather So far, I have made contacts turning. Thanks for the call in over 150 countries. Many station. But I think the most Mohammed. You have a strong fun is the people I meet over are extremely brief exchanges copy in Paoli, Pa. My name is of name, location and signal the air. Carter, Carter; so how copy, I have talked with Roy Neal, report: I am excited when I, Mohammed? Over." the NBC voice of the Mercurymake a contact with someone So begins another ham radio manned space missions. on an fly-speck-sized island in adventure in the life of Carter Though I never spoke to Senathe wide Pacific Ocean. Craigie, college professor and tor Barry Goldwater or to King However, what I enjoy most amateur radio operator whose Hussein of Jordan (both is a long "rag chew," an hourcall sign is KD3A0. This con- long conversation where I learn hams!), I have spoken with versation is done using radios about my new friend and he or NASA astronauts, with sailors and antennas with Mohammed in Tahiti, with Russians in Sishe learns about me. at his station in Cairo and me at beria and with Aussies in the My longest conversation was mine in the basement of my with a fellow in Richmond, Va. land "down under." home in Paoli. Both of us are I was driving there from Paoli, One of my most delightful licensed by our respective govconversations was with an 18and I had put my long-distance ernments to transmit and re- radio in my car. I talked with year-old girl in Ulon Bator, ceive these radio signals and Richard all the way, starting in Mongolia._ She was studying radio freque·ncies reserved for southern Pennsylvania and la~t- computers and, at the same amateurs only. ing until I hit Richmond's city time, watching the snow fallI really enjoy meeting people limits. It was so much fun; I ing outside her window. this way over the air. It is al- felt the five-hour trip lasted I have helped people in ways exciting when I meet emergency situations. One was only one hour! someone from a country I have Sometimes, I don't use a mi- a man having a heart attack not contacted before. I am al- crophon~ to communicate. I use while in a canoe race; another ways so full of questions; I love was a girl who had fallen from Morse code, and I tap plastic learning about new places and puddles, which send out dits her horse tluring cross country new people. ~nd dabs that hams around the riding trials. In both cases, we Sometimes I find people who yvorld can understand. called an ambulance to transsbare my interests such as caIn the beginning I haq a re~ port the victims to the local noeing, photography, writing, ally ~ard time sending and re- hospital. Both recovered, by the camping, collecting postage ceiving in code, but after three way! stamps, building radio kits, bird So, what is ham radio to me? month's work I began to get watchi'ng, and in general, mak- · good at it. I can now copy A chance to play, to experiing my radio station more e_f- about 20 words a minute, with ment, to build, to test my limits fective. . few mistakes. Seeing a joke and to meet and help others. I Although I studied hatd for get spelled out letter by letter is love it so much I can not conceive of a day without it. Every day I can meet someone new or can renew an old acquaintance. These days, you can not have enough friends. Ham radio has opened up the world to me. Ask me if you want to get in on the fun!
==~ ........... _...
Chat... Spring break is right around the corner, a vacation eagerly awaited by many students. Somestudents are going to warm and sunny places for vacation. Somestudents are working and some students are just hanging out. No matter how they spend it, all students look forward to spring break as a time .off from all of the stress.
"I'm going to Salisbury, Md. to visit one of my old roommates, " A.lex Corkhill, a sophomore, said. "I am going to just visit, do a little pattying and if it is warm enough, I will do a little surfing. "
"It depends on how we do in the tournament," junior Dan Robinson, a member of the basketball team, said. "Jfwe keep winning, then/ am not going anywhere, but if we lose I'm going to Fort Myers, Fl. If we continue winning we could end up in Buffalo, N. Y. Of course, I would like to keep winning and take a trip after school is over. "
".We don't haye a spring break," Rosel amattona, coordinator offaculty secretaries, said. "During the break our office is switching places with the graduate studies office, from the first floor of Grace Hall to the second. We are moving up in the world."
Financial ~id Application
April 1, 1995 FinancialAid Office"OpenHours" On these dates the Financial Aid Office will have · Friday March 3 open hours from 12 pm-4 pm. Any student with Wednesday March 15 Thursday March 23 questions should come to the office at that time. *Financial Aid applicants must complete at least 24 credits per year. A cumulative GPA of 1.60 for sophomores, 1. 75 for juniors, and 1.85 for seniors is also required.
The photograph of Paul Marturano in the "Business not , brewing at coffee house" article in issue 18, published Feb. 24, 1994, was taken by Tom McKee. In the "Spring play takes twist" art.iclein the same issue, the accompanist for the musical will be Dorothy Poor, not Dorothy Pooz. We regret the errors.
"I'm going to the mountains with 20 of my friends for the weekend, " junior Jen Woodruff said. "It is the only time we really get time to see each other because we have gone our separate ways. We try to go to the mountains four or five times a year and have been renting the same house for almost two years. "
"I'm going to Appalachia," junior Mike Lorenz said. "Last year I went on a retreat with campus ministry and it was a great experience. I heard thatAppalachia was a similar experience, a soul-searching, get-away-from-everything-andfind-yourself experience. It also gives you the opportunity to get to know people you see every day in a whole different light. "
Friday, March 3, 1995
Recent grads find life after college prosperous by John Lindsay assistant arts and entertainmenteditor The graduates of the class of 1994 have been very successful. This is according to the results of a recent survey conducted by Cabrini College. Of the graduates surveyed, 91 percent are working full-time or part-time jobs, 80 percent of those graduates have positions related to their major. Another 6 percent of them are attending graduate school full time. According to Nancy Murray, a personal representative for Bell Atlantic, and Nancy Hutchinson, director of career services and cooperative education, students need to be able to market themselves to a possible employer. Students need to know what employers are looking for in an employee. Students are studying for careers, but studying for a career and getting a job are two different things. Students need to look for what skills they have that they can use to market themselves. • Murray stressed the advantages of experiencing a co-op or internship. "You get the experience you can't get in a classroom," Murray said. "A degree is important, but so is experience." According to Murray and Hutchinson, there are many things a graduate needs to display in order to get hired. Students need to be willing to do anything and everything for an employer in order to get hired. The need to be into customer service and willing to meet the employers' needs. Students should be fully prepared for an interview by being on-time and well dressed, but also having done their "homework." During an interview, it is also important to demonstrate positive body language and know the name of the person you are meeting. Know how to work every angle of the interview to maximize your chances of getting hired.
Students should do research on the company, find out what the company's goals and their plans for the future. The employer should know that the student is aware of the plans and goals of the company. The way to research the company would be to check with career services, read annual reports, talk to people within the company or use resource centers in the library. It is always be prepared for certain interview questions and have an impressive resume. Career services is always willing to help current student or alumni prepare for an interview. They can help with role playing in a mock intervieworrehearse commonly asked questions. Contact faculty or career services for help with resumes, recommendations or other help you might need. Students should be knowledge of their field of study but also have good basic skills. According to Hutchinson,with these skills, students can go anywhere. Students should definitely study what they like, Hutchinson said. According to Hutchinson, if you are good at what you do and like it, you will get a job and be happy. Student should make themselves well rounded with diverse courses and a broad course of study. The people mostly likely to get a job are those that start early and plan ahead. They need to be focused and directed. It is very helpful to research the line of work that you would like to get involved in. It is very important to convey your own image. An applicant would need to be trustworthy and honest. Students need to know what the job market is like. Right now, the area to get into is the healthcare industry. This is the result of the high birth rate during the baby boom. Those individuals in the future are going to need healthcare.
Other areas that are booming are law enforcement and computer science. While in college, student involvement does help. It shows the employer your willingness and effort to be a team player. Most majors do well and are placed within their field of study. Mollie Chesna, class of 1994, is working as a sixth grade teacher at St. John's. Education majors are usually placed and work as substitutes for a while, waiting for a spot to open up. A lot go back to the home area and teach in schools there. Others go to graduate schools or teach special education. Stephen Murray, class of 1994, is an account executive for WAYU-FM, 95.1. English and communication majors spread out to all there different fields of study. Most are placed in careers, usually at entry level positions and they work their way up in the company or business. Donna Cippola, class of 1994, is a student at Temple University's Graduate School. Psychology majors, for the most part go, off to graduate school. Kevin Alexander, class of 1994, works for Johnson Controls. Due to the nature of history and political science, majors in these areas of study are usually able to find a variety of career options in business, government at all levels, law and teaching. Joe{ McGovern, class of 1994, is in management training for Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Kathleen Perkins, class of 1994, is an under writer for U.S. Healthcare. Paul Bethany, class of 1994, works for Microsoft. . Business and computer science majors usually get jobs within their fields. "I encourage students to do what they like to do," Hutchinson said. ''They will succeed if they like what they are doing." In the future, people will need to get higher levels of degrees because there are fewer and fewer jobs.
Results of the Senior Survey for the Class of '94 Out of 307 graduates, 48 did not respond. Therefore, this survey is based on 259 respondents. O 91 percent of respondents are working full or part time (83 percent in 1993)
O 6 percent of respondents are attending graduate school full-time (1.5 percent in 1993)
O 7 percent of respondents are attending graduate school on a part-time basis and are also employed full or parttime (5 percent in 1993)
O 3 percent of respondents are still looking for employment (5.5 percent in 1993) O 97 percent are employed or in school (94.5 percent in 1993)
O 80 percent of employed respondents have positions related to their major (85 percent in 1993) O 20 percent of employed respondents have positions unrelated to their major (15 percent in 1993)
16 percent of the graduating class did not respond (11 percent in 1993)
O 39 respondents working full time listed starting salaries; the average yearly salary was $25,653 ($23,358 in 1993)
O 35 percent of respondents participated in Cabrini's co-op program
Republicans 'get Students find place tough' on rape statute to share problems by Lisa Hines
RobertABerkowitzwasconvictedofraping tranceareputondoorswhena sessionis goingon. a fellow student in his dorm room at E.ast by Jane S. Van lngen op-ed editor The 'no means no' sexualassaultlegislation, StroudsburgUniversity. "We could have a differentfacilityor have a supportedby PennsylvaniaGov. Tom Ridge, ThevictimstatedthatBerkowilzputheronhis Sometimes,studentsexperiencedifficulttimesfacilitywith more space,"Levine said.''On the was approvedby the state Senateon January31. bed,tookoff her sweatpants andunderwearand and cannotget throughthese times alone.They other hand,it is nice to work with the healthand It now awaits approvalby the state House of rapedher. Shedidnotscreamorphysicallyresist, may face tough questions but may not know CARe services." Strictconfidentialityis alwaysmaintainedon Representatives.Ridge and the Republican-run but repeatedlysaid "no." whereto go to get the answers. The counseling allinformationsharedin counseling.ConfidentiSenateand Houseareworkingtogetherto create Thehighcourtfollowedtherapestatutestrictly centeris one place that helpsstudents. Counselingis a helping process that takes ality is only broken in the case of clear and a seriesof"get-tough"billsfor thissession. and referredto a ''forciblecompulsion"requireA previousbill, similarto this one, was ap- ment Thismeantthewomanhadtoprovethatshe placein an atmosphereof acceptance,respectand imminentdanger. provedlastJune,but not approvedby the House. wasatleastunderathreatofforce.Theconviction trust,accordingtothecounselingcenterbrochure. "I thinkpeopleshouldfeel freeto comeover Thedtangesincludedinthisbill,sponsoredby wasoverturned. EllenSchedmanhasworkedatthecounseling here and not feel limited," Schectmansaid. Accordingto Levine, the counselingcenter Sen. Greenleaf,is the creationof a new charge, This outragedwomen's groups,who saidthat center for five years. She is a licensedclinical "sexual assault" This would be ronsidereda the highcourt's decisionput women in risk of socialworkerwitha specialinterestin familyand started in the mid 80s when members of the ~ycbology faculty and studentaffairssaw that seoom:kiegreefelony. physicalharm, perhapstheir lives,to prove they maritaltherapy. Sexual assaultwould be knownas a scenein were raped.A few people from Cabrini were ''I think the counselingcenter helps people studentshad needs. Workshopsare periodicallyoffered and are which a person has sex without the victim's askedwhat they thinkof this court case. figure things out and deal with pressure," consent. Thepenaltyforthiscrimewouldbefive !'J thipkit's shameful,I really do," Jeaneen Schectmansaid. availableupon requestTopics includerelationto 10 yearsin prison. Riely, coordinatorof communityinvolvement, BothSchectmanandMaryAnn McNallyare ships, eating disorders,communication,family The charge known as rape, a first-degree said. 'This limitsthe numberof womenwho are part-timecounselors.McNally'sspecialinterests issues,sexualityandtimeandstressmanagement The counselingcenter is trying to improve felony,needsfurtherdefinitionsastowhatconsti- goingtobe abletogotoacourtsystem."Rielyalso arewomen'sissues,treatmentofvictimsofsexual their servicesin an effortto reach morestudents. tutesa rape. said that the personis not only victimizedby the assault,eatingdisordersand group therapy. The GreenleafBill is similarto anothersex- perpetrator,but by thejudicialsystem well. Dr.HeidiLevineisthedirectoroftheoounsel"We alwaysmeetwitheachotheranddiscuss Dan Lorenz, a sophomore,said he disagreed ing center. Her areas of special interestinclude thing5that are happeningon campusthat might crimes bill thatwas sponsoredby former Rep. Karen Ritter, a Lehigh County Democratwho with the outcome of the court case. "Rapecan relationships,eatingdisorders,gay/lesbianiden- affectstudents,"Schectmansaid. An evaluationwillsoonbe sentoutto students retiredlast year. happen without the physicalevidence,"Lorenz tity and adultchildrenof alcoholics. ''People see us as a resource,"Levine said. who are in counselingto receive feedback. Otherchangeswouldincludethedefinitionof said. First-yearstudent Nicole Palenno, agreed "Studentsseeus as a placeto get helpwitha wide ''My hope is that the evaluationwill tell us childsexualabuse.Itwouldincludevideotapedor specificallyhow well we are meetingour goals computerizeddepictionsof children. When a withLorenz."Agirlcangetrapedwithouttheguy rangeof problems." personisaccusedinachild-pomographycase, the actuallyhittingor bruisingher, " she said. Privacyisalwaysanissuewithanycounseling and how we can improvethem,"Levinesaid. defendantwillnolongerbeabletousethedefense A femalejunior, who asked to not have her center.This is especiallytrue at Cabrini,though, To schedulean appointment,callthecounselof beingunawarethatthe victim wasunderage. name printed, said she thought not all sexual becausethecenterislocatedintheRudy Rooyman ing center at 902- 8561, or stop in and see the No bill, however,has been passed that deals activitycausesbruises."Mostofteninarapecase, CenterwheretheCARecenterandhealthservices receptionistat the Rudy RooymanCenter.Seswiththehighcourt'sCommonwealthv.Berkowilz the most damage is emotional, that can't be are also located.In an effortto maintainprivacy, sions are availablefrom 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and proved,"she said. ., decision. the doors are padded,and signsprohibitingen- eveninghoursare also available. staff writer
Friday, March 3, 1995
Art show:
left: "Leaving the Conservatoire" by Auguste Renoir, oil on canvas, 1877.
Barnes' last hurrahends in Philly
below: 'The Red Madras Headdress" by Henri Mattise, oil on canvas, summer of 1907.
by Nina Marie Sclarrotta
to announce the exhibit, people have assistant op-ed editor needed virtuallyno extra encouragement to visit the show. "FromCezannetoMatisse: Great ''The newspapers have seemed French Paintings from the Barnes really interested in writing about it," Foundation" are now on exhibit af Zarro said. the Philadelphia Museum of Art. The Barnes Foundation collecThe exhibit is making the final tion was assembledby Dr. Albert C. stop on its three-year international Barnes (1872-1951 ), a Philadelphia tour, which took it to such famed businessmanand philanthropistwho cities as Paris, Tokyo and Toronto. was dedicated to promoting the viWhen not on tour, the 83 Impres- sual arts. ; sionist, post-Impressionistand early The Orphan'sCourtrecently ruled · modernpaintingsresidein theBarnes in favor of permitting a select group Foundation galleries in Merion, Pa. of paintings to be placed on exhibit The Barnes Foundation gallery, de- while the renovations are made to signed 70 years ago by Philadelphia the Barnes Foundation galleries. architect Paul Cret, has been closed According to Zarro, the Barnes for repairswhichareurgentlyneeded. Foundation gallery will be reopened According to Jennifer Zarro, head to the public a few months after the of public relations for the art mu- close of the exhibit at the Museum of seum, the exhibit has broken atten- Art. dance records throughout the duraThe. Barnes Foundation exhibit tion of its tour. will be open at the Philadelphia Mu"The interest has been huge," seum of Art until Sunday, April 9. Zarro said. To deal with the crowds, The exhibit is open Tuesday and · the offering timed tick- Thursday, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m., Wednes: ets. These tickets allow 350 people day and Friday, 11 a.m. - 8:45 p.m., to see the exhibit every half-hour. and Saturday and Sunday, 10 a.m. The visitors are permitted to re- 5p.m. · main in the exhibit-as long .asthey 'Fickets may be purchased in adwish. A portion of the ticket_price· vance at the museum or by telephone . goes to support the Barnes Founda- at (215) 235-7469. Tickets are $9.50 . tion. for adults; $6.50 for children, stuZarro said the interest has been so dents and senior citizens. large that, after the initialadvertising Grouprates are also available.
pbolo supplied by Philadelp,ia Museum of An
at:iove: "Mont Sainte-Victoire" by Paul Cezanne, oil on canvas, 19021904. pho10 supplied by Philadelphia Museum of Ari
right: "The Ascetic"(L 'Ascete),. ·by Pablo Picasso, oil on canvas, 1903.
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NewWalk-InHours:Thursdays from1-8p.m. pho10 supplied by Philadelphia Museum of An
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Friday, March 3, 1995·
Professorenlightens mindswith knowledge by Beth Molloy assistant news editor As one walks down the row of
faculty offices in Grace Hall, one office stands out as an interesting plac'! where character cries out. This would be the office of Dr. Leonard N. Primiano, assistant profesSQrof religion. Out of all of his accomplishments, the most notable would be the satisfaction of doing something he enjoys. "I always say to Cabrini students, in the end you should really do what you like and enjoy yourself," Primiano said. "If you force yourself to do something else, you are going to hate it." Primiano began teaching at Cabrini in the fall of '93. He said he is very interested in the students and that they work to their potential. He said it is important that students do what makes them happy. He also said students should not be expected to know exactly what they want to do during their time in college. "There's a lot of pressure on the college generation to immediately know what it is they are going to do, and sometimes they don't," Primiano said. Primiano said there is nothing wrong with not knowing what you want to do. Sometimes, this means you should not be in college but in
the work force, where you can explore your interests and capabilities. Primiano teaches courses such as the Search for Meaning and Sects and Cults. He was raised in Cheltenham, Pa., and after graduating from Cardinal Dougherty High School, he went on to the University of Pennsylvania. Primiano holds a masters of theology degree from the Harvard Divinity School, as well as a dual doctorate from Penn in folklife and folklore studies and religious studies. "I majored in religious studies because I liked it," Primiano said. According to Primiano, he studied the expression of religion in images and objects and today he still looks for them. Primiano said he would like to see college students appreciate religion more. He said he feels students tend to take it for granted. "It canadd value," Primiano said. "It can add quality to their own lives." Primiano said he believes the way students are taught religion may be a factor in the decreased interest. "I try to teach it in a dynamic way because it is a dynamic subject," Primiano said. Primiano said he believes people
are all religious in their own ways. As for Primiano, he said there is
nothing better than a good Mass and that he is disappointed when they are not good. "It can be an extremely emotional and satisfying experience," Primiano said. He also said the Catholic Church is in need of informed, intelligent believers in order to make the Mass a positive experience. Before arriving at Cabrini, Primiano taught at Penn for six years. He was in the folklore department at the Memorial University of Newfoundland in New Brunswick for one year. Then, in the fall of '93, he landed at Cabrini. "I got lucky," Primiano said, "the job appeared when I needed it, I applied, and I got it." "I'm thrilled to be working here," Primiano said. Primiano said he was deeply influenced by one of his professors of folklife studies at Penn. Don Yoder was the man who Primiano said opened his eyes. Primiano said Yoder showed him the light. He taught him that a deep culture existed in Pennsylvania, one that is beyond that of the Puritan culture that so many of us are taught. Yoder taught that a local culture exists right here. "He opened my eyes up to look
photo by Dawni<lle Klopp
Dr. Leonard Primiano,assistantprofessor of religion, talks with sophomore Michelle Paquet after class. at that," Primiano said. Yoder's influence did play a ro!e in Primiano's decision to teach. However, he said it was only after several years that he felt he had what it takes to be a teacher. "I didn't think about the teaching," Primiano said, "but I first thought about learning, and all the materials I needed to know." . According to Primiano, a teacher needs to have confidence in what it is he or she is talking about. It was only after several years at Penn that Primiano said he gained this confidence. "If you are standing in front of a bunch of students when you go to teach, and you don't have anything to say to them, nothing will happen," Primiano said. Through the pursuit of his dual doctorate, Primiano said he felt he had something to say. He said he felt he had gained enough knowl-
edge to face a classroom of students. "Not only did I have content, but a point of view," Primiano said. Primiano said he bas many hopes for his future. These hopes include several projects involving Father Divine and Mother Divine, a religious group centered in Philadelphia. He said he would also like to get involved in the Peace Mission Movement. Primiano also has plans to write a paper on the supernatural and how it is portrayed on television. Primiano said he wants to become involved in projects that interest him and make him happy. He said he feels students at Cabrini should do this as well. "Students shouldn't settle for second best," Primiano said. "They shouldn't have to."
Not just Oscar who is in the can by Diane Wrobleski staff writer
There is a possibility that Big Bird of Sesame Street might be flying south for more than just the winter. He may be but forced to fly the coop as his home in Philadelphia, television station WHYY,a member of the Public Broadcasting Services, faces federal cutbacks. The cutbacks could cause the quality of the publicly-supported station to diminish. WHYY, channel 12, is not the only publicly-supported station exposed to this highly debated issue. Other television stations like WTTW of Chicago, WNET of New York and stations even local to the root of the problem in Washington, are facing the possibility of losing the government's federally-funded support. The Republican Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said he wants to cut funding for public broadcasting. WHYY is among the majority of public broadcasters who have opened their wings to the airwaves in order to gain and raise awareness concerning the threat of federally funded cutbacks.
Theyareurgingtheiraudience to write to their
representativesand express their
feelings about the value of public television and radio. Republican Curt Weldon, whose district stretches from Delaware County into portions of Chester County and Montgomery County, has received numerous calls supporting PBS, according to his press secretary, Dana Caterson, a 1994 Cabrini graduate. Senior Margit Karlsen, a political science major, has spearheaded Cabrini's efforts to speak out to local congressmen about the issue. "It all started about two months ago·, when my sister and I began talking about it, wishing we could do something about this, to stop it," Karlsen said. With the help and support of the newly established pre-law club on campus, Karlsen and other members are actively putting a petition together. They are gathering at least 500 names of students and faculty before they send the petition to local federal offices. "Most people received a flier in their mailboxes and that's how they learned about it," Karlsen said. "A lot of people did read it, but still, many did not know about it." "When we do gather enough names, numbers and addresses, we plan on sending it to Rick Santorumwho is for cutting
funds, Curt Weldon, a supporter, and even Spector who doesn't 'know''where he stands because he is running for president,"
Karlsen. Who knows, we might even send it to the President," Karlsen said. WHYY receives federallyfunded support in the amount of approximately 9 percent of the total operating budget, or $1.7 million of its $19 million budget from Washington. Its smaller cousin, WYBE, Channel 35, with its $1 million budget, receives up to 40 percent of its funding from the govetnment. A decrease or loss of this money would create a reduction in TV 12 and 91 FM services to the Delaware Valley. This could mean losing not only "Sesame Street," but "Nature" and other quality programs that help students learn math and science and teach reading to adults. "When children are allowed to watch TV, this is one station that parents don't have to supervise or worry about what their chil-
drenarewatching,"Karlsensaid. With the help of more people like Karlsen, hopes are that we will not have to say bye-bye to Big Bird.
photo by K,lly McDonold
Brianna Elyse Karlsen was present at the petition signing, in the WidenerCenter GatheringArea, to show her disapprovalof the possible funding cuts of public broadcasting. Karlsen is the daughter of senior Margit Karlsen, a political science major.
F.riday, March 3, 1995
Coordinator cares for community by Celeqe Wright sports editor
Walking into an office,located in Grace Hall cooperative education and career services department,you will notice pictures of different Cabrini students enjoyingthe time they spent tutoring at the Paul Fly School. In the photos, the tutor and the child are smiling and working together. These students are giving of themselves, not only for a grade but for the happiness of a child. It has to be a pretty specialjob to bring such a beautiful quality out of such people. Part of thatjob, and the office, belongs to Jeaneen Riely, coordinatorof communityinvolvement for Seminar 300, who is busy with workatherdesk. Sheisfullofsmiles when giving up a half-hour of her time. That smile could only belong to someone from a small town. Imagine yourself in a town like Mayberry. You know, the town where Andy Griffith lived with his clueless assistantBarneyFife. There is hardly any crime,no hoodlums,no gangs andno homelesspeople.Heck! Andy did not even put any bullets in his gun and he was the sheriff. That is how Riely chooses to describe the town where she grew up. Mayberry is not unlike the small town where Riely came from. She came from the safehavenof Minonk, Ill., which was made up of a well-off populationof about 1,800. Growing upinahappyfamily, with twobrothers and one sister, she never experienced the plight of the homeless or other disadvantagedpeople, yet she came to Philadelphiaand made them her business. Riely did not start off with the homeless. The first time she really encounteredthem was in her college years at Villanova University. She said her involvementwiththe homeless did not happen suddenlyor with a certain incident. She gradually came to her own realization that everyone should get involvedand do somethingfor his or her own growth while helping other people. She recalls one of her early activities in helping the homeless when she lived in Chicago. She worked in a pizza place that made excellent pizza. Occasionally,some of the homeless would go to the fire escape, and she and the other employees would give them pizza for free. Once they were caught in the act by the boss who tried to get them to swear never to do it again. None of them would swear because they knew that as soon as the boss was not looking, they would be giving to the homeless once again. The boss fired her along with a few other employees. Was it worth losingher job? "Yeah,I batedthejob and I did
feeling of enthusiasm about helping the less fortunate. Now, Riely has a job that deals with helping the less fortunate,from the homeless to children with absent parents. She coordinates the different programs of community service at Cabrini. She dreamed of having this kind of job one day, though she never imagined obtaining it. There was a time when Riely said she thoughtgraduatingfromcollegewith a degree in liberal arts, would make the world your oyster. "When I graduated, I realized it wasn't quite that way, but never the less, I found some oysters and found some real nice pearls, Cabrini being one of my pearls," Riely said. Riely is completely happy about the work she does at Cabrini, especially her work with the Paul Fly School. "My standard line about this job is it fell out of heaven and landed in my lap. I love what I do, particularly with the Paul Fly School," she said. While describing her life, two students come over to the office in order to speak with Riely about their community service. She continues to talk, not even losingeye contactor smiling to assure them she will be with them in a moment. She refusesto letdown theperson that already occupies her time, not far from what she expects from the children's tutors at the Paul Fly School. Riely has a special place in her heart for the children at the Paul Fly School. When theyare disappointed, she shares that disappointment. When they are happy, she is happy for them. She speaks of them with great care and feeling. In fact, this is one of the few things she gets upset over. It bothers her when the children at Paul Fly School are disappointedif a tutor does not show up. "I feel bad for the kids," Riely said, "because they can't afford a lot more disappointmentsin theirlives." Though Riely deals with the disadvantagedjust about everyday,she does not have all the answers. She mentioned one time on the carewalk in Philadelphiawhere she stoppedto speak to a homeless man sitting on the ground. He said something that made her have to stop, pause and reflect. ''He said to me, 'I only have six more feet to go' meaning this guy's goal was to die," Riely said "What do you say?" With a job like Riely's that calls for continuous community service, she never really develops the feeling of doing enough for people. She does, however,see the positivethings in their lives that many others fail to
see. She said she tries not to think aboutthenegativebecausethereis a lot of bappin~ in the lives of the
homelCS$ andthechildren atthePaul
pl,olo by Sheila Brady
Robert Jordan is a continuing-education student resetting his book, .'Tennis for Winners!!"
Determination: A continuing-education student sharesstoryof self, daughters percentofthethirdexamineespassed it. In all, ten tests are taken, leaving His first time around in col- only the best of the best math gradulege, most of us were not even a atesas actuaries.Actuariesarepeople thought. When he was working a who calculate statistical risks and 40-hour week, while studying for premiums. "You couldn't pass these exams his bachelor's degree,BillClinton unless you were dedicated," Jordan was in diapers. said. Robert H. Jordan, 68, is a conBecauseof the long process,there tinuing-educationstudent. are not many actuaries. Jordancom"People really don't change," pared the number of actuaries in the Jordansaid. Althoughhe is somewhole country and Canada to the times surprised by students' behavior, he said he suspects his number of lawyers in Philadelphia behavior was similar in college. alone. At that time, the average He is taking courses in graphic amount of time it took to complete design, American literature and the tests was 10 years. Jordancompletedthe testsinthree math. In a course with Don years. l{e realized the only way to Dempsey, assistant professor of get the job done was to dedicate graphic design, he is resettinghis himself 100 percent. Dedication book, "Tennis for Winners!!" seems to be a key word in his life. "It's a pretty ambitious task," It was c,ledicationthat brought his Dempsey said. "But he seems to daughters all the way from Gulph be handling it quite well." Mills, where he and his wife Virginia The book cover displays his raised their family, to the Women's two daughters, Kathy and BarTennis Association World Tour. bara,. both of whom are tennis Kathy was on the tour for 12 champs. They are not the only years with numerous winnings, inones in the family with accomcluding the "all grand-slamdoubles" plishments. at Wimbeldon, and $1.5 million. JordangraduatedfromRutgers When she won the U.S. Open University class of 1950 with a doubles match, the trophy was predegree in math. After graduation, sented by The Equitable. That is the Jordan religiously studied for a company where, ironically, her faseries of examinations which ther and mother had worked and first would grant him membership in the Society of Actuaries. After met years before. Barbara's winnings, in her six the firsttest, whichweeded out 10 years on the tour, include theAustrapercent to 20 percent of examinlia Open singles and the Frenchees, he went on to the second. The mixed competition. passing rate for the second test Jordan, himself, began playing was a mere 40 percent. Thirty by Shella Brady features editor
Fly School. Riely said she see beautiful children who have hope because they have tutors. I see people in the streets that have overcome great odds and have great personalities and a sense of humor. Though Riely is happy about being at Cabrini, her life does not stop here. She also has weekends, where she finds joy in spending time with her friends from
Villanova and her boyfriend. At the age of 30, Riely has hopes for the future, such as a family and marriage. She also has other hopes. When she came to Cabrini,Riely enrolled back into school fulltime in order to obtain a nursing degree. In 10 years, she said she herself in Chicago doing some type of nursing or health care advocacy, once again in the field of helping others.
tennis when he was 10. "Iwon thebroken-backaward when I.was 19," Jordan said. He said it has been a problem ever since, especially when he plays tennis. He used to practice with his twodaughterswhen they were youngbut he could not play competitively. Competition,according to Jordan, would have been too strenuous. "The funny thing is," Jordan said, "about four or five years ago, something happened in my back and I stopped having all those back spasms." As a result, Jordan has been able to play very competitively for the past five years. In 1993, he competed in all four national championships in his age division."I did thatjust to be able to say I did it, I guess," Jordan said, laughing. He now gives lessons. He said he has taught a fair number of kids. "Almost all of them tell me that they want to become great tennis players," Jordan said. ''Practically none of them will put in any significanteffort to do that." Much of his book deals with determinationand goals. To be great, a person must be hungry, Jordan explained. He said there must be a burning desire to be recognized. His daughters had that. "Of course they had it," Jordan said, "butldon'tknowwhy."
After she is gone, she does not think anyoneat Cabriniwill remem-
ber her and she hopes they do not. "What I hope this job is about, is that people would remember something about themselves. I hope they would remember they went to the care walk and not that a teacher told them to go," Riely said. "I wantstudentstorememberthey had an opportunity and they took advantage of it," Riely said.
Friday, March 3, 1995
Grad travels road to vice presidency by Mary Burfete staff writer
photo by Sheila Brady
Lisa Schwartz,a 1986Cabrinigraduate, came to campus on Feb. 23 to tell _ English/communicationsmajors how she went from 112 acres to a vicepresident posftionfor Music Choice,a cable televisionprogrammingservice. She proposed answersto questionslike, 'Where do I go from here?''
Like many other college graduates Lisa Schwartzwas fearfulaboutgettinga job. Upon commencement,Schwartz, a 1986Cabrinigraduate begaritacklingherfearsin searchofa job, any job. Speakingto the student body about career developmenton Thursday, Feb. 23, Schwartz · proposedanswersfor the questions:Where do I start? Whom do I need to know?Will I ever get ajob? Forherfirstjob,Schwartzfoundherselfselling cabletelevisiondoor to door. She said she hated it, and six weeks later she quit. The next five months,Schwartzworked in customerservice. ''It was the worst five months of my professional career," she said Ironically,however, thesemonthswere essentialin teachingSchwartz the ins and outs of the cableservice. From there,Schwartzmovedon to a.careerin a music companycalled Stametwhere she was involvedin sales and marketingof digitalproducts. Herseven-yearcareerwithStamet,gaveher the experience she needed to gain her current position. Six monthsago Schwartzbecamevicepresidentof MusicChoice,a cabletelevisionprogramming service. Schwartzhasgone througha long struggleof careerchangesto reachthisposition. She said thereare many thin~ studentscan do to benefitthemselveswhile still in college,to gain experiencefor a career. During her speech
Schwartztold studentsthe importanceof intern- someone who can supply an opportunity,they ships and CO-OpS.The hands-onexperienceshe should take it. But for those who do not, they gained through her internshipsgave her the shouldnotbe discouraged.She saidshe feelsit is opportunityto gain knowledgein communica- importantto takerisks.If peopledonot,thanthey tions. Shesaidshefeelsthebenefitsof internships will neverknowofwhattheyroayhavepassedup, and CO-OpSare pretty obvious and what can be Schwartzsaid. gainedthroughthem is valuable. "Collegegraduatesare so young that if they "I knew I wanted to get involvedin the 1V takerisksandfail theystillhavetheopportunityto process,"Schwartzsaid,''but I didn't knowwhat move on," she said. ''It also gives you the was going to make roe good at my job." experienceto help find anotherposition." Internshipsgive studentsa chance to be in a Schwartzgave advice to the studentsabout professionalenvironmentandtoworkwithpeople where to start. She told them to follow the in theirfield of interest classifiedsectioninthe libraryandto lookin trade "I learnedto tactfullyhandlesituationsI was journalsto learnaboutopeningpositions. uncomfortablewith,"she said, "and youneedto ''By followingthe trends of companiesit is getthatexperiencewhenyouarestillastudentan~ easyto findoutwhat companiesaregrowingand thereis not that much at stake." who's hiring."Schwartzsaid. Everyday,studentsare often discouragedin Her busy schedule keepsher on the road. theirsearchfor a job. Manyareundertheimpres- Schwartztravelsextensivelythroughoutthecounsion that it is not what you know but who you try and said she feels that this aspect of her job know. For somethisis true. By networking,it is allowshertoseeplaoesthatshewouldnevergoto. easyto getjobs throughfriendsand familymem- She has also had the opportunityto work with berswhoknowsomebody,whocan getyouajob. someof the largestadvertisingagenciesin PhilaHoweverfor Schwartzthiswas not the case. delphia. ''Who you knowwillgetyou an opportunity," When asked about her personallife by her she said ''What you know will keep it." friendDr.CarterCraigie,professorofEnglishand I worked my way up throughan entry level communications,Schwartzinfonned her audiposition," Schwartz said. "I gained experience ence.she was happily married. Schwartz reand gotan understandingof theprocessandhow sponded,''You're shockedI had a taker aren't differentdepartmentsinmyfieldinteractwithone you?" Craigie'squestiongavestudentstheunderanother." standingthatit isin factpossibleto be a successful Schwartzmade it clearthatif a studentknows businesspersonaµdhaveasuccessfulfrupilylife.
Human Resource ··- · Tutors welcome Council to redefine.-rol9s students of all ages by Beth Molloy
questionsaroseas to therolesandresponsibilities of each department. 'There needsto be moreclarification.Itneeds Confusionsetthe tone as the human resource office and the Staff Human ResourcesCouncil to be in writing."Kazmiercz.aksaid. This clarificationincludesthedecisionthatthe agreed to redefinetheir roles, which have been human resourceoffice,headedby Kazmierczak, under questionfor nearly six years. This meetingtook placeon Wednesday,Jan. wouldactas a liaisonbetweenthecouncilandthe 25, beginningwith the introductionof the new presidentand her board. Kazmiercz.aksaid her SHRC committeemembers.ScottDorsey,cam- goal was to make the two work together. The revisionof the manualwill involveboth pusministerand multiculturalcoordinator,is the newchairpersonofthecouncil.Theothercouncil . the humanresourceofficeand the counciland its members includethe Rev. Ambrose Cashman, members. There will be an open discussion, campuschaplain;l..arry Staufferofphysicalplant; wherethe staffcan contributetheirown thoughts NancyCostello,specialassistantto the president on possiblechanges. Cashman e,q>ressedhis concerns about the for missiondevelopment;LourdesBarretto,of thefacultysecretariesoffice;andKristineMudrick,circumstancessurroundingtherevisions.He said it is importantfor the open forum to take place directorof Holy SpiritLibrary. Susan Kazmierczak,director of the human withoutany kind of hierarchypresent. 'There should be a group feelingwhen we resource, was also present at the meeting. to representthe entire office and to express their approachthecabinetwiththechanges,"Cashman concernsand ideas. Accordingto Kazmierczak, said. Both Kazmie!7.cak and Dorsey,and the other the confusionarose when the human resource councilmembers,.ligr.eed thatthemainconcernis officewas first createdin May 1989. ''We'rejusttryingtobeapositivead.vocatefor that thevoic;eof the staffbe heard In orderto do the employees,to enhancethem to do theirjobs this, all agreedto work together. ''We want to create a positiveworkingenvieffectively,"Dorseysaid. Afterthe humanresourceofficewas founded, ronment,"Dorseysaid assistant news editor
by Justin· Mirigllani staff writer
While tutoring is an important function in the Rooyman Center, not all students know what is available to them. "Only two of 21 first-year students, who are on academic probation, came for tutoring last semester," Janet Shoemaker, tutorial coordinator, said. "This is a service that all of the students are entitled to. Anyone can just drop in. The hours are posted all over the campus." Adults come in to be tutored," Shoemaker said. "Some of them come in on their lunch break. The adults know what to do to be successful." There is a lot_that goes into tutoring. "Tutors will do preparation in advance," Shoemaker said. "The tutors ask each other for help. The tutors enjoy each other's company. They definitely like to be busy. There are four rooms with tutoring, and more are needed." There are rewards for being a tutor. "Tutors love to see the successes," Shoemaker said. "They see they were able to help the student." "Helping people does make you feel good. I wantto help students get what they expect. Tutoring is fun because you get to interact with students," first-year student Phil Matteo said. "I tutored a girl who was going to drop a course, and after I helped her, she stayed with it and received a B. It is not real hard work. Tutoring reinforces your own skills." "Tutoring helps all the students," firstyear student Marie Koski said. "It is a sense of accomplishment to know you are helping people. You feel good about yourself after a student understands something. You also get to meet a lot of people. I tutor Spanish, math and writing. Most people come in for math." To show the dedication to the people she is tutoring, Koski would only do an interview after she checked to see if, any
students needed her help. Matteo said he feels it is important to have a responsibility of being a tutor. "Being a teacher or a tutor is more than knowing the information," Matteo said. "You need to know how to relate to the students and to get your point across. I think it is easier to talk with the students, because we are on the same wavelength." Just because you are a tutor does not mean you are gifted at everything, Matteo said. "Even though I am a science major, I am getting help in physics." The students who benefit from the tutoring said they are very appreciative. "The tutors are great," junior Brant Sheldon said. "They are very patient. They will never give up helping you, no matter how much you do or don't know." "They reinforce what we learn in class," Sheldon said. "Outside of tutoring, they will go out of their way to spend more time with you." Sophomore Julie Wolen had only words of praise for her accounting tutor, sophomore Marie Barrett. "She really works well with us," Walen said. Along with Shoemaker in the Rooyman Cent_eris Dr. Arthur Young. Young is the director of academic programs in the center, and he oversees tutoring. Barbara Rubin, assistant director of COPE, is involved in general studies, tutors writing and helps with study skills. Like Young, she is an Act 101 counselor. Shoemaker said she feels the tutors are good back up for the teachers. "I am a math teacher and it helps me because I know I have a backup," Shoemaker said. Shoemaker said she still is looking · for tutors. "Many of the stud_ents tutor for work grant, but some also volunteer," Shoemaker said. Tutoring is available five days a week.
HOLD THIS DATE: Thursday, March 16, 1995 6:00 p.m. Mansion There will be an evening of discussion for women students on "TheRole of Womenin the Church Today."Discussion will be facilitated by Sr. Regina Peterson, MSC, Dr. Margaret McGuinness and Nancy Costello. B'Please come and discuss this ever-changing topic over a light dinner which will be provided.
Friday, March 3, 1995
Last week in the world of news by Amy Jackson
Britishand Irishleadersembarkon a difficult Louganiswasalsoooncemedaboutthedoctor staff writer steptowardpeacein NorthernIrelandby begin- who stitched him up because the doctor was ningtalksbetweenthe Protestantsandthe Catho- unawarethat Louganis hadAIDS. Qruesday,Feb.21-l.awstudentwould lics. Louganis was the first openly-homosexual kill to keep grades up "The objectivethat I have... is to ensurethat athleteto admithe hasAIDS. JoannC.Plachy,a second-yearlawstudent what has been thus far a cease-fireis able to be at Aorida StateUniversity,was chargedwith turned into a permanentpeace," British Prime QFriday,Feb. 24-0inton administration solicitationto oommitmurder. MinisterJohnMajortoldtheHouseof Commons. keepsIraq in line ~lachy allegedlyhireda hit-man to kill a Major and Irish Prime MinisterJohn Burton MadelineK Albright,U.S. ambas.5adortothe law-schoolsecretary. . have a fupneworlcwhichprobablywill not meet UnitedNations,is travelingto Europeancapitals Plachy said thesecretarywas planningto the aspirationsof everyone. and the Persian Gulf~ enforceU. N. decisions tell a universityhonorcourtPlachyhad stolen regardingIraq. / a copyof a test. QThursday,Feb.23- Olympicmedalistis A WhiteHouses'tatementsaid theambassador "Ifldoo'ttakethispersonoutofthepicture, struckby AIDS will be oonsultingat each stopregardingthe best I'm screwed," Plachy allegedlysaid to the Greg Louganis,the onlymanto win multiple meansof engulfinglraq'sfulloompliancewithits would be hit-man,accordingto court docu- gold medals in divingat oonsecutiveOlympics, obligationsas establishedby the UnitedNations. ments. hasAIDS. All trade with Iraq is prohibitedexcept oil SheisbeingheldinLeonCountyJailwith Louganis admittedto knowing that he was purchasedunder strict U.N.,supervisionwith all bailsetat$500,000.Ifoorivicted,Plachyoould IDV-positivewhen he struck his head on the proceeds being usedfor humanitarianpurposes seive up to 30 yearsin prison. diving boardat the 1988SwnmerOlympics. bylraq. Plachy,whowasinthetopl5percentofher In an interviewwith" 'lfJ/'2JJ"anchorBarbara class, said, ''I'm lookingat l~ my whole WalteIS,Louganissaidhewasparalyzedwithfear C)Saturday, Feb.25-Campaigning begins law career, and I'm just about a straight-A' whenbloodstreamedintothepoolafterhesplithis Rep.PhilGrammofTexas,the firstcandidate student. head open while attemptinga reversedive. to formallyannouncehe is runningfor the presiAccordingto AIDS experts. therewas a very dency,startedhis campaign. □Wednesday, Feb. 22- Another step slim chance for any of the athletes to become He cast himselfas thebestchoiceto finishthe closerto peacein Northern Ireland infectedfrom being in the pool oonservativerevolutionthat started in November
when the Republicanstook over Congres.5.
~y, Feb. 26-UnitedStates and Chinareacha rompromise ChineseandU.S. tradeofficialsreacheda compromise on stoppingChinesepiracy of Americanmovies, music and other goods. Failuretoreachthisagreementwouldhave put U.S. tariffs on $1 billion in Cltineseimports. Negotiatorsremainedin closed-doortalks at China tradeministry. U.S. officialssaid the finalwordingwas still in the worksandno detailswere immediatelyavailable. QMonday,Feb.27-0intonbeginsplanniog for re-eJection campaign PresidentClintonstartedtoorganiz.ehisreelectioncampaignfor 1996. As he assembleshis team, some old and some new, he said he knows he needshelp throughthe oomplexand potentiallycontradictorychallengeat hand. PresidentClintonhasto finda baseamong the traditional-Democrat hberalsand also the moderateswho helped elect him in the first place.
Unrest at university affects more than Rutgers' students by ChristinaFeehan
Novemberwherehe made a comment news editor about AfricanAmericanslackingthe Since the recentremarks made by genetic hereditarybackgroundto do Francis L Lawrence, president of well on admisoonstests.Themeeting RutgersUniversity,a few weeks ago, was tape recorded and the tape was blackRutgersstudentshaveexpressed circulatedbyfarultymembersinJanutheiranger.They haveprotestedat an ary. Theremarksthenwoundupinthe important basketballgameand even papers,accordingto The Cluunicle. disruptedclassesto cause a walk-out 'Toeseremarksweresaidinameet''Two black girlscame into a class ing in November, and they are just of 500people and said, 'Everyoneget saying something about it now?" up becausewe're going to protest,' " Luttgenssaid. ''Whywasn'tthisbrought LorraineLuttgens,a junior at Rutgers, out intothe open then?" said. "No one got up to protestand so Sincethen, thepresidenthasmade the girlsjust left." public apologiesover and over again Apparently,theprotestatthemen's for hisremarks. He hasurgedstudents basketballgame haddifferentresults. to lookpasthisoomments,whichhave Hundredsofminoritystudentsdisruptedbeencalled raciallycharged,and oonthegamein centercourt. Theyleftafter centrateon his record. the game was canceledfor the night, ''I understandthathewasextremely · and then marched to the president's wrongwithwhathe said,but heapoloofficedoor in an effortto forcehimto gizedandadmittedthathewaswrong," resign,accordingto a Feb.24 articlein StephanieBieg,ajunior,said. "EveryThe Orronicleof HigherEducation. one makesmistakes." Lawrencehada farulty meetingin "Some researchmight prove that
whathesaidwastrue,butasapresident of a state university,he should have usedmore tact," I.uttgenssaid. According to The Chronicle, the studentpopulationat Rutgerscompromises a greater proportion of black studentsthan any otherof the nation's top researchuniversities.Rutgershas a dedicationto minoritiesandthis is evident becauseof its culturalcentersfor Latino and black students. It hasmajors in Africanastudiesand in Puerto RicanandHispanicCaribbeanstudies. Lawrence has been president of Rutgersfor the past five years,and he seemsto be doing everythingright,as far as making his campusesoomfortable for minoritystudents. Professors at Rutgers, who oommented in the article from The Cluunicle, gave a variety of responses oonceming the presidentdoingthing.5 for minorities. StephenA Salmore,professorof politicalscienceatRutgers,said,"Here isapresidentwhoverymuchpreached
political oorrectness,and now he is Lawrencealsosaid he hasreached falling victimto it." out to undergraduatesby invitingthem ''I believehe is an honorableman," to his house for dinner once a month RaeAlexander-Minter,directorof the and also going to the dormitoriesfor Paul Robeson Cultural Center, said. "firesidechats." ''He is a victim of a verymean-spirited ''To me, no matter what anyone countryin whichwe seemto delightin says today, they take it as a racist destroyingeach other." remark,"l.uttgenssaid.''Youcan'tsay Students on Cabrini's campus, in anything anymore without having general, seem to feel the same way someone call you a racist. We are aboutthe situationat Rutgers. supposed to live in a country with JuniorOms Calvertsaid,"It is Ut>- freedomof speech,but everytimeyou setting to know that a presidentof a openyourmouthtosaywhatyouwant, oollegewouldexpresshisracialviews, you are labeleda racist." knowingthatitwouldaffectthestudent Alexander-Mintertolda reporterat body." The Ou:onicle that she and others This particularincidentclearly il- believe that Lawrence's enemies on lustratesthat racist tendenciesare evi- thefacultyorchestratedthedisseminadent in everyaspectof our society." tion of histapedremarksin an effortto Lawrence was quoted in The stir up racialproblemsand bring him Chronicle,andsaidthathebelievesthat down. allleadersface"someunhappypeople Several farulty members and adwhodidnotgettheanswertheywanted. ministratorssay students should just I'm frustratedby the fact that I will acceptLawrence'sapologyand move neverbe able to meet witheveryone." on, accordingto The Chronicle.
What's Happening
Public Safety Update
()Open House 3/3, 3/15, 3/23 The Financial Aid office will host an Open House on the above dates from noon-4 p.m. for any student with questions regarding financial aid applications.
Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday,Feb.20 through Monday, Feb. 27.
QSpring Break 3/6-3/10 Residence Halls close on Friday, March 3, at 8 p.m. and will reopen on Sunday, March 12, at 2 p.m. O"No-Yes" A personal account of date rape. 3/14 Katie Koestner, the subject of an.HBO movie, "No Visible Bruises," will speak at 8 p.m. abo11ther personal experiences as a victim of date rape during her freshman year in college. At 10 p.m., she will speak with students one-on-one. □community
If you are at least 20 years old, and are interested in giving one week of your life from July 15-22 volunteering in a variety of areas, contact Sister Mary Ann Allton, CSFN, 2601 Holme Ave., Philadelphia PA 19152; (215) 335-6381. Request an application by March 15.
Q"The Role of Women in the Church Today" 3/16 There will be an evening discussion for women students on "The Role of Women in. the Church Today," in the Mansion on Thursday, March 16 at 6 p.m. QOn-Campus Recruiting 3/16 Representatives from the Vanguard Corp. will be oncampus on March 16 to recruit. Job descriptions are available in the office of cooperative education and career services. Seniors must have resumes on file in order to participate and they must schedule interview times in the office as I
QReported Gas Leak 2/21 Officer received a call that someone smelled gas by the mansion entrance to Grace Hall. Upon arrival, officer noticed the faint smell of natural gas. After a couple of minutes, no gas smell was detected. Physical plant was called and notified of the problem. Cause of the original smell is still unknown. □Medical
Call 2/22 Officer received a call that a student, on the second floorofthe Widener Center, was having"severe"backpain. Apparently, the student had been doing some work in her apartment, fell off a chair and hit some exercise equipment. Officer called for an ambulance. Student was taken to Bryn Mawr Hospital.
QDisorderly Conduct 2/22 Officer on duty was approached by an elderly couple who asked if it would be all right if they parked their car in front of the windows by the cafeteria since there were no other spots available. The officer said that the area was a fire lane, but they could park their vehicle in the lane next to Sacred Heart Hall. The man accused the officer of not caring about the elderly and then threatened the officer by saying, "I'll get someone to take care of you." Officer restated where the couple could park their vehicle. The man became disgusted and drove away. □Vandalism
2/25 Officer noticed street light in front of house six pushed over. Officer moved the pole back onto the lawn and then collected as much of the debris as possible. The cause of the pushed-over pole remains unknown. Physical plant was notified.
Friday, March 3, 1995
Lady Cavs run enemiesout of town by Dave DiMatteo
seeded fifth in the National Collegiate AthTheyfoughtbackfromthelargestdeficitofthe letic Association Championship. game andwerenow in a positionto tie it up. Then In the secondhalf, thingsdid not start out in the shot heard 'round the campuswas taken. The Lady Cavs stole the PennsylvaniaAth- favor of the Lady Cavs. The Lady Cavs forced The crowd threwup their arms as the ball hit leticConferenceChampionshipawayfrom Allen- passesand shots,thatcreatedmore turnoversand nothingbut thenylon.The LadyCavscelebrated town,71-68inovertime,in a shockingcomeback. pointsfor the ladiesof Allentown. thismiraculouscomeback, butknewtheystillhad TheLadyCavstrailedbythreeathome,60-57. With 13:50 left in the secon4 half, the Lady a coupleof secondsto play. With 9.4 secondsleft in regulation,Coach Dan Cavsshowedsomelife:Theyweretrailingby15, 'That was the best game ever,"junior Brad Welde gatheredhis girls for what would be the when Dillon told her teammates,"Cahn down, Dever said. final shot. guys." Inovertime,thel.adyCavscontinuedtodomiTheLadyCavshadbattledbackfromadeficit The game eventuallyhit rock bottomfor the nate the Lady Centaurs, as first-year student thatreached20pointswithlessthaneightminutes LadyCavsat aroundthe8:30minutemark,and it StephanieOwenaddedto her total,givingher 22 to go in thesecond half. · lookedas if everythingthey put up rolledin and pointsfor the game, With less than 9.4 secondson the clock,the out of the cylinder. SophomoreKelleyKemptonproduced in a shotheard'roundthecampuswassunkbysophoSucldenly,thel.adyCavsrainedinbucketafter big way and came away with 19 points for the more MVP MeganDillon. . bucketandplayeddefenselikea bunchofswarm- game. And DillonledtheLadyCavswitha game ''When he (Welde)toldme itwasgoingto me, ing bees, creatingturnoverson both ends_of the high of 23 points. Ithoughttomyself,'Noway.'Butldidnottellhim court. In the post-gameceremonies,a teary-eyed that," Dillon said. "I didn't Patty Carr, a junior, accepted thinkI wasgoingto make itoff thePACOlampionshipplaque the dribble." for the Lady Cavs. ThegameheadedintooverCarr had to sit out some of time with that bucket and the theseasonandtheplayoffsdue LadyCavsweregivenanother toaninjuryshereceivedearlier chance to prove the kind of intheyear.'Toeyreallyplayed charactertheirteamismadeup like a team," Carrsaid. of. ''They played really hard," The Lady Cavs advanced juniorDanaMills,who usedto to thechampionshipon Friday be a memberof the team,said night by beating up on ''They deserveit" Misericordia,65-41. In the 'That's stepthree. Stepone other game on Friday night, was winninghome court that Allentownbeat Alvemia,61we did by going 16-0 during 50, to advanceto the champitheseason,"CoachWeldesaid. onship. "Step two was beating Assistant coach Chip Misericordia,and step three O'Neill said, "Allentownhas was beatingAllentown. The been a big foe ever since Dan fourth step is to win in the (Welde) got here eight years 0 NCAA ltjustshowsthecharago. They're a big rivaland"a acterofthisteam.Itwasagreat solidteam." game." Allentownprovedtobe too Allentown center, junior much for the Lady Cavs since MicheleStabley,said, ''We fell tip-off. The Lady Cavsnever apartmentallyandphysically. held a lead and did not even We knew they were a good ,, keep the score close until the team, and we just fell apart. finalminutes.The Lady Cavs We wish themthebestofluck couldnothitanythingfromthe in the tournament" floor in the first half,shooting SeniorJoe Opielasaid,'Toe 26 percentfrom the field. Lady Cavs can just dominate At the half, Allentownled thegameanytimetheywant.It 35-21, and looked as if they doesn'trnatterwhotheyplay.I might run out with the PAC -thinkthey showed that today. Championship. Allentown Theyshouldgoprettyfarinthe was runningthefloorandhitan tournament" amazing 48 percent from the As a result of winping the field in the firsthalf PAC, thel.adyCavsareseeded photo by Monica Scaramuzza As a result of winning fifth in the NCAAGiampionthe PAC, the Lady Cavs are JuniprKarenLawrencegoes for a jumperin theAllentowngame. ships. staff writer
Men'slacrossescoresbig jn the wildsof w!nter
photo by Tom McKee
Scott Gordon, a first-year student, plays hard, while sophomoresKevin Camp and Dennis Fohner are eager to assist.
Friday, March 3, 1995
Last week in the world of sports Mary Burfete staff writer
Ql)iving On Wednesday, Feb. 22, Greg Louganis, 1984 and 1988 Olympic gold medalist, announced he has AIDS. The 35-year-old diver publicly acknowledged his homosexuality for the first time at last year's Gay Games. At the 1988 Summer Olympics, Louganis had already been diagnosed with the HIV virus, the virus that causes AIDS. He was greatly concerned for the other divers when he hit his head on the board and shed blood into the pool. Since then, his infection has developed into AIDS. In an interview with Barbara Walters, he told her, "I do have AIDS." Louganis has been undergoing extensive treatment since the discovery of his condition. He now joins other professional athletes, including Magic Johnson, who left the Los Angeles Lakers in 1991 after announcing he was HIV-positive, and tennis player Arthur Ashe, who lost his battle with AIDS in 1993. Louganis has written a book called "Breaking the Surface," where he talks about his career ·and his sexuality.
Men's Basketball
OBoxing American boxer Gerald McClellan suffered a vicious blow to the head during a fight in London on Saturday, Feb. 25. In the 10th round, super middleweight champion Nigel Benn was defending his title against McClellan. After a strong right, McClellan was on the floor. McClellan spent the night undergoing extensive surgery to remove a blood clot on the right side of his brain. He is now on a lifesupport system and doctors said he has a good chance at surviving. England is outraged with the incident and many are beginning to renew calls for the sport to be banned there.
cabrini 83 Cabrini 88
Men's Basketball
Allentown 74
Women's Basketball PAC CHAMPIONSHIPS (2/24-25) Fri. 2124 Sat. 2/25
Cabrini 65 Cabrini 71
Mlsericordia 41 Allentown 68(OT)
Alvernia Cabrini Allentown Beaver Misericordia Gwynedd-Mercy Neumann Eastern
12 12
4 3
6 4
10 12 12 16
Women'sBasketball w
MVPIN PACChampionships · SeniorNateBowlesledhisteam to the PAC championship over the weekend scoring 23 points, pulling down nine rebounds and dishing out four assists in wins over Allentown College and Beaver College. For these performances, he was named the PAC tournament's most valuable player.
Father Knows Best:
What is the Wilson Wingate Trophy?
-compiled by Father Ambrose
The New York Knicks defeated the Philadelphia 76ers on Monday night at Madison Square Garden. With the return of Charles Oakley, their best rebounder, the Knicks are hoping to be back in the hunt for a National Basketball Association championship. Oakley has been on the injured list since late December due to surgery he needed on his toe. Now he is back in the game and feeling good. He was not back on the court on Monday night for the win.
Alvernia Allentown Misericordia Marywood Beaver Cedar Crest
14 13 10 10 4 3
2 3 6 NORTH 6 12 13
Cabrini 16 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 9 7 lmmaculata 7 9 Neumann 7 9 Eastern 3 13 o· 16 Rosemont
Quote to Note: "I just held my head ...l just wanted to hold the blood in, or just not let anybody touch it," Greg Louganis, who has AIDS, said about his injury in the 1988 Olympics. -reported in The New York Times
Tap in to Mac
Sergei Zubov, last season's leading scorer for the Rangers, underwent surgery on his left wrist Monday to repair a loose bone chip. □NFL The injury is an old one, but lately it has The Jets are headed in a new direction ~een bothering him. Fans have been wonderunder Coach Rich Kotite. The team an:__.Jrtg why Zubov has not been shooting the nounced it would not try to resign safety puck, and now they know. Ronnie Lott and receiver Art Monk for the This season, he is the team's second lead1995 season. ingscorer. These two veterans who are unrestricted Ranger's president and g~neral manager free agents have had outstanding accom- Neil Smith said Zubov had been complainplishments during their long careers in the ing of pain. After several meetings with NFL. specialists, it was detennined that the pain In statements issued through the team, would not go away on its own. Kotite did not say why the Jets would not try The Rangers are hoping Zubov will return to resign the two players. in approximately three weeks.
PAC CHAMPIONSHIPS (2124-25) Fri. 2/24 Sat. 2125
. □NBA
by Bob Macartney sports columnist
Good job, Tony I. Tonight, the Cabrini College Cavaliers host the York College Spartans in a first round NCAA Tournament game, which means that progress has been made. Last year at this time, the Cavaliers were supposed to host a game in the first rou~d against Susquehanna University. However, the game had to be played at Eastern because the gym in Sacred Heart Hall was four feet short of NCAA regulation. This took away the Cavaliers home court advantage. In addition, the game happened to take place during spring break, when a majority of Cabrini fans were in sunny Florida. The Cavaliers lost in the first round. This year, things are different. The Men's Basketball gym is long enough. Class is in session. The 'home court advantage is there, as it should be. Most of the Thurs. 3/2 NCAA TOURN. H 7:30 p.m. players have last year's experience. York College is in trouble. The Spartans are making their first Meri's Lacrosse appearance in the NCAA Tournament. Ever. They have lost only two of their Wed. 3/8 Stockton State H 4p.m. last 19 games, but fell in their conferSun. 3/12 St. Vincent H 1 p.m. ence final to Goucher College. The only common opponent between York and Cabrini is Alvernia. Cabrini MVPIn PACChmplonshlps split a pair with Alvernia, York lost in overtime. SophomoreMeganDillon scored This year's version of the Cavaliers 3 7 points, grabbed 23 rebounds and had a hard time getting out of the gate, handed out 18 assists to lead the which can be expected of a team with so many new players. They are better Lady Cavs to victories over than last year's team inside, that's for Misericordia and Allentown. These sure. wins led to a PAC championship. On the perimeter, it's a toss-up. Off In the final game against Allenthe bench, it is definitely weaker. town, she sunk a three-point field However, they seemed to have peaked goal with 3.1 seconds left to send at the right time, which should help the game into overtime, which the them out tonight Lady Cavs won. Dillon was named The key to the game will be York's MVP of the tournament. ability to handle the press, and Cabrini's ability to defend the post. York has attempted very few three's on the season. They love to pound the ball inside. If Tom Newnam, Greg Grant and Eric Tidwell do their job in the paint, and the shooters hit their shots, unlike last year, the Cavs should walk away victorious. That win would put them into the . second round of the NCAA Tournament, which is definitely progress over last year. However, that game would be on Saturday, after most of the students ' head off to warmer climates. Oh, well, we'll have to make progress in baby / steps. And at Cabrini, one baby step forward is a miracle. Cavaliers 82, York 75. Bring on Franklin & Marshall, baby.
Trivia Answer:
Goalie Billy Smith holds the record for the most career playoff games. He played 132 games for L.A. Kings and N.Y. Islanders.
-compiled by Father Ambrose
Friday, March 3, 1995
photo by Caroline Croley
Junior Bill Carr looks for an open teammate to throw the ball in bounds, while Far'd Nasir, a first-year student, struggles to get open.
Cavs three-peat as PACchamps by Celene Wright
Many thought the hosts of the PAC, Alvernia, would put a hurtingon Beaver. On thecontraryto thatbelief,Beaverdefeated The Cavaliersregainedtheirpositionas Penn- Alverniaby three points with a score of 68-65, sylvaniaAthleticConferencechampionsfor the increasingtheirchancesof gainingthe title. third year in a row by defeatingAllentownand ''I expectedAlvernia, " junior Eric Tidwell Beaver. said. In their first game, minus first-yearstudent The Cavs expectedAlverniaso imaginetheir John Watson,who was injuredin practice,they swprisewhenBeavercameknockingat the door went up againstAllentownand came out on top with the intentto stripaway theirtitle. with a scoreof 83-74. ''I knewBeaverwould be hypebecausethey JuniorGregGrantsaid,"IthinkthelossofJohn beatusatourschool.andwe beattheminovertime (Watson) was a downfall, but we had Dan at theirgym,"Tidwellsaid. "Beaverwouldbe a Robinsonand Jeff Danzito step up and fillJohn bettermatch-upthanAlvemia,whowe beatby 23 Watson's role." points." 1bis win was not at all obvious due to the Beavernot only swprisedtheCavsby defeatnumeroustimesthattheteamsswitchedtheposi- ing Alvernia,but they had other thingsup their tionsof topdog.Atonetime,theCavswereontop sleeve,such as a full courtpress. by a fewpoints,andthenAllentownregainedand Due to the unexpectedpress,the Cavs could took those points back. The game was close notgettheballinboundstoeachother.Beaverwas throughout takingfull advantageby scoringasmanypointsas "'Ibroughoutthe whole game, I felt that the they couldget team's attitudewas very positiveand we weren't The Cavsput a stopto thisby usinga timeout too worriedwhenAllentownhadthelead," Grant toregaintheircomposureaftertheswprise. Dzik said. ''We knew ifwe playedourstyleof basket- instructedthem to set up a press break and the ball,we would be successfulin the end" pressuredisappeared The Cavs had their style and the Allentown Similar to the Allentown game, this game seemed to have their own. Allentown played started out close with the teams fightingfor the dirtythroughoutthegame,especiallyseniorTony lead However,inthisgame,Cabrinitookthelead Medina.He threwaballinthefaceof seniorMVP earlieron and was leadingat the half,50-34. NateBowles.1bis resultedin a fightbetweenthe TheCavsretumedandcontinued tostayontop two players,causingBowlesto take the bench. untiltheend of thegameand theend of the PAC ''Tony is a dirty player who will do ahnost championships. Before the game was actually anythingto win," Grantsaid. over, smilesappearedall over the court. Medinaeffortsdidnotjustremainwith,butthe )'idwell said, ''We were happy because we coaches,as well. At onetime in thegame,he ran were up by a lot of points and we pretty much pasttheCavalierbenchandboltedintoheadcoach knew the game was in hand." JohnDzik.DziksimplylaughedofftheMedina's The Cavswore thosesmilesfor the restof the efforts. night when they defeated Beaver, 88-74, and The close game and dirty play left the Cavs defendedtheir PAC title. going into the half with Allentownleading by Beforethe gamewas finallyover,theCabrini four. The Cavs cameback on the floorwith the fansstartedtosingtoBeaver,"Nah,nah,nah,nah. determinationto tum the odds in theirfavor. Nah, nah,nah, nah. Hey, hey, hey....goodbye..." The Cavaliersdidjust what theyset out to do, until next year when the Cavs defend the PAC by takingthe lead and maintaininguntilthe final championshiptitle once again. buzzerrang. The Cavalierswent on to the final AsDziksaidafterthewinagainstBeaver,"It's part of thePAC championshipsthatwouldeither not over yet." defeatorpraisetheireffortsthroughouttheseason TheCavsarenot done yet,due.tptheirNCAA The Cavswouldhavetoplaythewinnerof the bid. The team will go on to participatein the followinggame, starringAlvemiaand Beaver. NCAAtournament,afterrankingin fourthplace. sports editor
photo by Caroline Croley
above phdto: After the Cavaliers defeated Beaver, they received their award as PAC champions. The team celebrates along with senior Most Valuable Player Nate Bowles and his father, who was very excited about the win and his son's award. bottom left photo: Senior Nate Bowles, MVP of the PAC championships, challenges Allentown on a fast break up the court. At this point, the score is close, with the Cavs behind by two. By the end of the game, the Cavs took the lead and defeated Allentown and went on to play Beaver to defend their title as PAC champs. bottom right photo: Junior Eric Tidwell goes up for the shot on Allentown in Cabrini's first game in the PAC tournament.
photoby HeatherBeltran
photoby HeatherBeltran