Friday,March24, 1995 Vol. XLI, No ■ -21 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087
GOP cuts: Iadarolafightsfor studentaid by Lisa Hines staff writer
Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college president, attended a presentation given by Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich at the annual National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in Washington, D.C. Every year, about 1,600 presidents of independent colleges and universities are invited to this meeting to update themselves with legislation that may be helpful or harmful for higher education. The presidents were concerned about the impact of financial aid on stude~ts and with the consideration from Congress on the cutback of funds. For example.many students can not go to college without the aid from a PELL grant, which is now in danger with the new Republican Congress. One of the issues Iadarola raised concerns the lack of voter registration. "Many students today don't register to vote," ladarolasaid. "That makes t::ongress think, 'These people don't even vote, we're not going to lose them. They're not going to come after us, so let's go and wipe out that amount of money.'" She said she feels it will be serious in terms of Cabrini's investment of the college's future and students. Another possibility they discussed was charging students' interest for the Stafford loans. Congress is proposing that students would pay interest from the time they start receiving the loan. "I feel that would hit students very hard," Iadarola said. Those were the two major issues covered at the meeting. About two weeks after that, Iadarola and eight other presidents from private sectors in Pennsy lvania met with Gov. Tom Ridge. This gave them the opportunity to talk and raise questions about their concerns for the colleges in Pennsylvania. These presidents told Ridge they want their students to have a greater chnace in recieving financial aid. "We need to form policies so both private and public sectors are treated equally," Iadarola said. "Obviously there are a lot of concerns in private sectors that we are not treated equally."
Iadarola regularly meets with Deleware County Congressman Curt Weldon to discuss some initiatives that Cabrini is engaged in, tenns of assessing more funds for the college. "It's important that I talkto new people in Congress about Cabrini College," Iadarola said. She said it is important to get the message out. "In the past, presidents in the private sectors weren't called upon. Now they are asked to in this lobbying role, and it's important that they do it. We can't have those cutbacks," Iadarola said. lad~rola said she is also concerned with the "faculty bashing" _oftoday. She said there is a Jot of bashing on the Hill, in Washington, D.C. and in lobbying groups. "They don't understand the work-load of a faculty member today," Iadarola said. "It is difficult, much more difficult than it was before." Iadarola said it is good that she gets a chance to talk with those who bash and inform them that the criticisms made against faculty is not true about our faculty and campus. "Our faculty are here all the time. Tuey care about the students in the classroom and outside as well," Iadarola said. When I°adarola was a college student, she had the opportunity to meet the late President John F. Kennedy when she was involved in The White House Fellow Program. She said that Kennedy's famous plea, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you.can do for your country" made students her age think "How can I use my college talents to go out and make this a better place?" "I commend faculty for requiring community service for graduating students," Iadarola said. She said she thinks this is something - that is important not only for the community, but the students as well. She also added that Cabrini students are special. She said she wants them to have an urge to go out and give back to others what they were given at Cabrini. "I'm honored and privileged to be at this institution at this moment in history. I think Cabrini College is poised for another period of dramatic growth in all kinds of ways."
photo supplied by College Relations
Dr. Antoinette Iadarola meets with Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge at a private conference concerning financial aid cuts for private colleges. This conference, which was by invitation only, was a forum for Iadarola and other college representatives to speak out against the proposed college aid cuts. Iadarola said she felt this was their chance to lobby against this proposal.
A bit o' the Irish!
photo by Torn McKee
The McGrory School of Irish Dance visited Cabrini on St. Patrick's Day in the Widener Center Gathering Area. Their teachers are Sheila McGrory, a junior at Cabrini, and Bridget O'Connell. McGrory has been teaching since she was 17. They are seen above doing a traditional hornpipe in shoes constructed of fiberglass tips and heels, so the beats of their shuffles are heard. Their dresses, which were made in Ireland, are of authentic Celtic design.
Inside ... - Week at a Glance ... News
Check out the reconstructed summer session program.
Women's softball is first sign of spring.
See what a day is like for two student teachers.
FRIDAY v'9:30p.m. March Madness Party in Widener Center Gathering Area.
March 24 to 30
v'9 p.m. Movie
v'Get Aquainted
v'Ba.m. Mass in. .,-'Noon Mass in
Night in the Widener Center Gathering Area. v'lO p.m. to 10 a.m. Senior Awakea-then challenge.
Day on campus the chapel. beginning at 11 a.m. v'6 p.m. Mass in the chapel. v'lO p.m. Movie Night in Xavier Great Room.
the chapel. v'6:00 p.m. Dr. Feehan will speak on eating healthy and exersise in the Xavier Great Room.
v'Ba.m. Mass in the v'9:30 Mr./Mrs. chapel.-
Cabrini Contest in the atrium. v'noon Mass in the chapel.
Friday, March 24, 1995
Iadarola lobbies for aid Poor people are also rich Dr. AntoinetteIadarola,collegepresident,has been very involvedin the battleto Jane S. protectstudentaid.Iadarolahas'metwithothercollegepresidents,SpeakeroftheHouse Van NewtGingrich,PennsylvaniaGovernorTom RidgeandDelawareCounty Congre&Y lngen, manCurtWeldonto discussthis importantis.sue: op-ed ladarola;spoliticalinvolvementmay beseenbysomeascontradictoryto herprimary editor roleasleaderoftheschooiespeciallywhenmanyfeelshedoesnotpayenoughattention to currentstudents.However,it is importantthat.Congressandothermembersof our governmentbe toldthatpeopleareupsetaboutthe apparentdisinterestin continuing govermnentaidprogramsfor studentsof higheret:lucation. It was a bitter cold morning in February. Students in the 18 to 24 age bracketmake up the lowestvotingpopulationin the I had gone to the Free Library of PhiladelUnitedStates.ThatiswhyCongressdoesnothesitatetopasscutsinfinancialaid_. Until phia to do some research for a paper. Much studentstake the respoilSlbility on themselvesto vocaliu theiropinionsand needsto to my horror, when I arrived there, I found out that it would not be open for another hour our govermnent,othersmustdo it for them. and a half. Although I was not familiar with Iadarolaandotherslikeb.erarefi.ghtingforsomethmgwhichisanecessityin thelives the area, and there were not a lot of people ofmostpeoplewhowishto attendanyinstitutionofhighereducation. Withoutfinancial around, I did not panic. I walked a few aid,manystudents,especiallyatsmallinstitutionslikeCabrini, wouldnolongerbeable blocks until I found a little shopping center. to obtainan education.Withoutan education,thesestudentswill not have the skills I grabbed some pizza at l)omino 'sand looked at just about every greeting card that ever necessaryto competein a worldeconomy.Thewealthywhocanaffordtheeducation existed in Thrift Drug. willget.thehigh-payingjobs,andthosewho cannot affordit will remainlockedoutof This experience made me realize what it highereconomicbrackets. is like to have nowhere to go. My situation The importanceof participatingin governmentdecisionsthroughvotinghas been was temporary, but for too many people stressedrepeatedly.This is a primeexampleof what happenswhen any group of wandering the streets of big c~ties is a way of Homeless people are down on their luck citizensdoesnot expres.stheiropinionsof govermnentactivities.Iadarolashouldbe life. and are economically poor. However, we praisedforfightingforstudentrightsinthismatter,butwhyarewenotinterestedenough will continue to have homeless for a very to do the fightingourselves? long time if the current sentiment toward
. The job of the space coordinator is to schedule when an event can take place anywhere on campus. However, things have repeatedly been scheduled on top of each other. As a results, events have to be moved around and everyone gets aggravated. In celebration of St. Pa!rick's Day, Woodcrest had a traditional Irish dinner. It was a nice change from eating in the cafeteria, and everyone enjoyed the company oftheir fellow residents.
Recently, the co-op office has gone out of its way to infonn students of offcampus events such as the job fair at Rosemont College on Wednesday, March 29. In addition, they have held several resume workshops in the past month.
Over $1,100 was raised at the Superthon last weekend to help fight Multiple Sclerosis. Many people supported this cause by attending the Happy Hour, canning drives and the boxing match. Congratulations to junior Kim Forde for running a successful Superthon. -
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these people continues. Many people are convinced that the homeless are lazy, and are all alcoholics or mentally ill. There are people on the other extreme who pity them and say such things as, ''Oh, look at those poor people. We have to help them." Both types of people make me extremely sick to my stomach. Imagine, if you will, collapsing on your bed after a long day at school, work or even a long night of partying. You are almost asleep when the earth starts to shake, water crashes through your home or flames start to lick away at your feet. You leap out of your bed and whisk yourself and your loved ones out of the house. Everyone is safe, but right before your eyes your home is destroyed. All the memories, either good or bad, that occupied that house are also destroyed. If you are lucky, you go to a family member or friend until you can get back on your feet. But many people lose their homes for one reason or another and have no one else but themselves. These kind of stories flood our 11 p.m. news constantly. I suppose it should come as no surprise to me that many people pity the homeless. Some would argue I am being too hard on them. At least they care which is more than one can say for those who simply jeer and say they should get a job. Many people equate being economically poor with being spiritually poor. Through numerous experiences I know this to be untrue. Do not ask me to ex_plainit, because I do not know how it is possible. I just know it is, and who am I to argue? Last summer, I volunteered at an organization in Washington, D.C. called S.O.M.E., which is an acronym for So Others Might Eat. You might remember seeing photos of Bill and Hillary Clinton with green aprons working in a soup kitchen last Thanksgiving. Well, I wore those very same aprons! Only hours after I got off the-plane my first day there, I was working in the soup kitchen serving lunch. It was a typical sticky and humid. day in our nation's capital, and the people kept trickling in one by one. All of them accepted the meal graciously, some of them stopping to smile and say, "God bless you." All of the homeless and poor people I met while I was in Washington had dignity and
style. I- will never forget a group of deaf people I met at a senior camp run byS.O.M.E. Although I am hearing impaired myself, they have been through so much more than I ever will have to deal with. Many of the people I met had a simple spirituality that, quite frankly, baffled me. They were hard pressed for money, but no one was going to take away their pride or their soul. An. interesting thing happened when I finally went into the Free Library that cold and wintry day last month. Many homeless people went in to look around and no one seemed to mind. I have never seen so many people walk in so freely at any public library in Queens, N.Y., who bear the slogan of being User Friendly. I have always been an avid bookworm, and the Free Library is a great place for anyone to spend a dreary Sunday afternoon. The Free Library has books on just about every topic to browse and read. I can not think of a better way for a homeless person to feel better about himself or herself than by reading a book. A person may have no home, but that does not mean they stop learning or stop being curious. . It all comes down to how we treat people. All of the people at S.O.M.E. treat the homeless with respect and dignity. They, in tum, respond with dignity and thankfulness. It is very easy for people, at any level of the pecking order, to feel sorry for themselves when everyone around them feels sorry for them. This country is becoming increasingly divided and it seems like we are all against each other. _Until we step outside of our problems to help those around us, there will always be people waiting for the library to open.
Edb in chief: KellyMeOonald
Mllfl8jjng E<itllr: CarolineCroley Op-Ed Edl0r: .lllne S. Vari lngen Assis1anlOp-Ed Ediots: Angela Ma!tioniand Nina MarieSc:iam:llta
News Edlor: Clvisllna Feehan Assistant NewsEdiols: BeihMolt,y and La!xa Tesla
Al1sand Entertainmert Edil0r. Regina Miner Assislanl Ms and EntertaiM1el1t Edlo<s:Kalh>,, Cephas and John li1dsay Feal!lesEdlor. SMlfaBrady Assistant Fealutes Editofs:Joama Golesh and /IJlys0nHamjgan Sports Editcr. Celene Wright Assis1antSports Edior. Stephanie Caldwel Sports Columnist:Bob M8Cl!l1ney C0py Edila: Ric:haidJ8/<PE!( Assislant C0py Editor.Kim Sheldron
Business Manager. KerenSzczurek AssistantBusiness Manager:Larissa Scn.,man
PhotographyEd'itor:DawnleleKlopp AssistantPhotograpty,, Editor:CarolineQciey Photog~ITf AcMser:Dr.CarterCraigie
Adviser. Dr.JeromeZurek Staff: Mary Burle!!!,Mallhew Craig, Davi:l DiMattea,Palneia Folay, Lisa Hines,-AmyJad<son, Andrea Kelliher, Jamie l..alshaw, Joe Ma'lurano, Peul Marturano,Justin Mirgliani,Donna Schaeffer, Rich Schepis, Diane Wrobleski Photography Staff:ManeElamltt, CarolineCl'Qiey,StaceyCaiazzo, James Grego,y, Jamie Latshaw, Tom McKee, Mi"e!laAdessi
AdvertisingDesigleis: Kathy Malone,Steve May Car1ooni$1: NinaMarieSciarrolta
I.Dqulturis pubished weekly duringtt,e school year by studenlsof Cabrit1College, Radnor, PA 19067. Phone:610-902-8412. Subscr1)lionpri,;eis $25 per yearand Is irduded in lhe benefits secured by lJitiOnand student fees.
Loquiturweb:>mes letlars 10 lhe editor. Le11ersshood be slgned and tt,e authorahip known tp the edilOra. However,Wthe wrw wishe,s, and 1he editoragrees, lhe writefs namemay be left off lhe • letteruponpublication and an ~ inserted such as "name wittt1etdet the r8(JJ8SI of the writer.' LetterssholJd be typed,
cb.lble-spaced,and noma-elhan 300WO!dsi1 length. ~ a letteris too long fol' lhe availablespace, lhe editormay edit or condenseit Ledelsto the editorshould be soomitted by noon oo Mondays. The editorials andopinionsp,j,lished in l..<:J(JJilut are the views of the studert editorial staffand lhe indivwal 'Milel's and not 1he et1ire9ludent body or 1he tacuty and administration.
asII forumtorstude!1Ie>qll'!l5$0!1 Md asa
Friday, March 24, 1995
Eddie Polee:Who~sto blamefo_rhis de_ath? first place. Nor were they the ones to continually beat him. Sheldron, I believe that the six accused assistant teen-agers did have intentions of killing Polee. The fact that copy editor they are claiming there was no intention to kill is absolutely ridiculous. They bashed a It begins when they ask me person's skull ln, showing no where I'm from. I say that I'ni mercy. Did their arms just hapfrom Philly and I get a look of pen to slip and fall on Pelee's surprise that I'm still alive. head? Did they think the huSo then I say, "No, but I'm from man head could .sustain any the 'good' part of Philly." amount of pressure? Are kids Unfortunately, though, I th,ese days really that stupid? ca-n't say that anymore. Now When a gang of youths takes a when I say where I'm from, person and beats him past the people automatically ask, "Isn't point of consciousness, there is that where that kid Eddie P-olec an intention to kilL was killed?" Yes, I live only It is really difficult to befive minutes away from where lieve how heartless teen-agers the teenager was killed in col_d - are tod.ay. They don't show any blood. It was in front of his . mercy. The fact is that there own c:hurch by a rival group of isn't just six of these cruel kids teens, in the "~ood" part of the out there. There are millions of city. them. Just at that scene alone, The incident h,as brnught na- there was supposedly a mob of tionwide attention. But the at- about 50 kids watching Polee tention is being drawn to all the get beaten up. . _ wr~mg people. The 911 operaSince so· many of these kids tors' and the poli'ce are being live in my neighborhood, I'm portrayed as the killers, and the _ really concerned. If I was goaccused killers are being por- _ ing to_ put the b,lame on anytrayed as the victims. The body but the kids, I'd question blame for Eddie's death is be- the parents' role in the situaing placed on everybody but his tion. I know the parents didn't killers. - I realize that the 911 kill Polee, but they are the ones operators did not handle tlre responsible for their children. caps in ,a professiop.<;11.r,nanner Growing up, I've. been forand the police didn't arrive on tunate enough to have parents time. Eddie's life may have concerned with my every move. been saved if the system was Often I've thought they were better. just overprotective and nosy, But if we didn't have ·911, but I now realize that their conthe ·police or- a hospital, who cern is what kept me from would be left to blame? Think watching things like Polec's about it. If the same situation beating or being cpld enough to ha-d4iappened-100 years· .igo, ,, make another person bleed. -It the solution would have been doesn't only work one way. easy. Parents~ are responsible for There are the killers and the their children. When a child killed. The six accused youths tends to get in trouble a lot,_the who were cruel enough to beat parent is often held responsible up Eddie until they saw blood, for their, fault. But parents and then beat him up some more, should also receive praise for a-rethe only ones to blame. They their children's strengths. were the people with the horAll too often, I see parents rible intentions. The operators who have n·o c~n~rol over their sure didn't help the situation. children. Most parents seem to But they weren't the ones who be more concerned with their set out to kill Eddie Polee in the children: s liking for them .than
with the children themselves. But there is a certain line between the two. A parent has to know when it is tirrie to be a parent. I do sympathize with the parents to some extent. In an age ~where anything goes, it is difficuJt for a working parent to keep a child away from watching a lot of filth on television-or from buying music with explicit lyrics. But if children are taught the difference between right •and wrong, they know that they will get in trouble if mom or dad catche's them with a CD containing parental advisory lyrics. When the court finds the guilty party, I hope they take some serious action. I don't want to see these killers ba~k out on _the street when I have my own children. Capital punishment should be enforced more often. The government is supposed to protect its ·law-abiding citizens. But it seems like they are protecting those who break the law more. If the killers are back on the street, chances are, they will kill again. ~ _ Do more nice kids like Polee have to die before his killers get their just punishment? Some of the sli'spects are actua1ly being allowed to spend time· on house arrest. What kind of punishment is that? At home, they are watching television, eating home-cooked meals and sleeping in their nice, comfortable beds. It is basical}-y eyery t_eenage'r' s dream. On. the other hand, we have every teen-ager' s nightmare. Eddie Po:lec is dead. Fa~ily and friends are left mourning. They can't bring Eddie home. If it weren't for these people who are now couch potatoes, Eddie may have been playing sports, preparing for college and going out for pizza t~night with his buddies. Yet anofher life of a good kid has brutally been taken in the so-called "City of Brotherly Love."
In issue 20; published Friday, March ~'
LastChanceToBuy 1995 Woodcrest Yearbook I
March 28 and 30 12:30-1:30 pm
Outside the Cafeteria \
17, 1-995,in the article "Dzik reacts to complaints of squ_ad," Will Saccomanno was a co-captain of thecheerleading squad, not a squad member. In that same issue, junior Shawn McAleer's name was left out as one of the student leaders in Project Appalachia. We regret the errors.
Coffee Chat ... The Red Cloud Coffee House, located in the theater, has been around since September of 1993. Although local bands and Cabrini students often p.erform there, attendance has. been low. Students have a variety of opinions on the subject.
"On the weekend, a lot of people go home, and that is when a lot of the bands play, " Joe Opiela, a senior, said. "Also, there is a lack of school spirit. "
"People's time is limited," Heather Beltran, a sophomore, said. "The campus's interest i.snot focused on the coffee house which is artistically based. I like it though, because it lets artistic people share whrit their abilities are. "
"Some people may not aware of what goes on in the · coffee house,,; said Rob Marish, a sophomore and coffee house manager. "But/ think a lot of students are lazy and would rather sit in their rooms and stare at the walls than go somewhere that is inexpensive , and has a great atmosphere. "
"/ think it is not advertised enough, " Denise Canaris, a first-year student, said. ''A lot of people are busy. If people are new, I think they might go. "
"I do not think a lot ofpeople are aware that they can use it, " Monica Scaramuzza, a junior, said, ''A lot of people feel that it is just a theater for plays. I would not know the concept of the theater unless I was involved with the department."
Friday, March 24, 1995
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Friday, March 24, 1995
phqto by DawnlelteKlopp
left: Betty Stone looks at Usa Learner's portfolio. Learner's work is in the background. The art show is at Holy Spirit Library, Cabrini College, second floor, until April 23. above: Lisa Learner and Ruth Rothman. Rothman is from Havertown, Pa. "I came because it's Lisa," Rothman said. Learner rides past Rothman's house every day. photo by DawnlelleKlopp
Cabrinilecturer'sart leaves audiencein awe by Kimberly Sheldron assistantcopy editor
Even though her exhibit is in the library, no one can keep quiet about it. When walking through the doors to the second floor of Holy Spirit Library, an array of bold colors on large canvases will greet the visitor. No one walks by the 12 oil paintings of Lisa Learner without being captured in their beautiful, yet realistic world. Learner, whose paintings wil-1 be on exhibit in the Fine Arts Gallery on the second floor of the library until April 23, has painted more than 150 realistically-styled landscapes. The 12 paintings on display all share common ground. In
each painting, the emphasis is placed on the role of architecture versus landscape. In one of her oils titled "Deja Vu," the viewer is attracted to a snow-covered field with an old barn draping the background. Both the architecture of the barn and the wintry landscape are intertwined. A skier is stopped in his tracks staring at the barn. In all 12 paintings, Learner depicts places she sees everyday. There are three paintings, _ "Nature Trail," "Pathway" and "The Garden," that Learner seems to use to portray a single figure and its relationship to its environment. Using the beauty of Haverford College's campus,
she places a bicyclist in three settings full of strong color. She seems to choose a color and emphasize it by contrasting it with other colors. Learner said many people describe her paintings as being
Neil Welliver, chairmanand professorof fine arts at Universityof Pennsylvania, describedher as "the mostprolificpainter I ever _sawin my life."
"meditative, strong and solid." education student majoring in Neil Welliver, chairman and . arts administration, coordinated professor of fine arts at Univerthe exhibit. sity of PeJ!nsylvania, described "Her (Learner's) talent is her as "the most prolific painter just unbelievable," she said. I have ever seen in my life." "She's generating a Jot of inter"I love to build up the paint- est." ings," Learner said. "They start Hild had regular contact with out loose." Learner. She did a floor plan Painting since the age of five, and compiled an invitation list. Leamer has been featured in ''When I saw her works, I more than 30 exhibitions and was just floored," Hild said. one-woman shows. Her work Learner holds a bachelor of is exhibited in private, corpofine arts degree from Temple rate, Canadian and U.S. collecUniversity's College of Art and tions. She now teaches oil a maste-r of fine arts from the painting, a cry lie painting and University of Pennsylvania. watercolor at Cabrini. Learner Learner was commissioned by said she paints three to four the Pennsylvania Ballet to do a hours every day. pastel and was awarded a con"It's in my blood," she said. tract with Conrail to paint four Suzanne Hild, a continuingrail scenes for their offices.
Formerlocaljournalist'sstdryboughtby Disney by Richard Jasper copy editor
On a rainy afternoonin late October 1983, Jessica Savitch was doing somethinggenerallyout of character -she was enjoying herself. Having driven almost two hours from Manhattan to New Hope, Pa., Savitch had planned to spend the day with her boyfriend browsing in the quaint shops and art galleries of this picturesque Bucks County town. However, sometime after 7 p.m. that same evening, Savitch and her boyfriend, having eaten at a romantic inn alongside the Delaware Canal, walked to th<?ir rented Oldsmobile wagon. What happened after that is anyone's guess. Three
hours later, her car was fished from the muddy, 15-foot canal. Savitch, an NBC News-anchorwoman, had died at the age of 35, only 60 miles from where she was born. Now, more than 11 years later, Hollywood has come knocking on Philadelphia's door in the hopes of shooting a film here about Savitch's life. But like the events surrounding the anchorwoman's mysterious and tragic death, the future of the movie also appears somewhat murky. According to The Philadelphia Inquirer, this film, "Up Close and Personal," is expectedtobegin shooting later this spring in the anchor's hometown of Kennett Square, Pa., a small, isolated neighborhood 30 miles southwest of Philadelphia.
Yet, it is still unclear as to who will portray Savitch. Actresses Michelle Pfeiffer ("Batman Returns") and Robin Wright ("Forrest Gump") were both being considered for the role.inlate 1994. In addition, the personal life story of Savitch, the subject of two 1988 biographies, almost disappearsfrom the final script. According to various film trade publications,"Up CJoseand Personal" is no Jonger about Savitch per say, but rather any small town farm girl who grows upto become a glamorous and revered newscaster. The original script for the film was based exclusively on the triumphs and tragedies of Savitch, a popular ''Eyewitness News" anchor/ reporter at KYW-TV (Channel 3)
from 1972-1977. Now, more than fouryears and 23 rewrites later, "Up Close" reportedly contains no references to Savitch's crippling insecurity, her two unhappy marriages, three abortions, and alleged cocaine addiction and bisexuality. Instead, the current Savitch-likecharacterhasbeentransformed into a fictitious newsreporter celebrated for her determinationand popularity who falls in love with either a political candidate or her news producer. Jon Avnet, who directed the blockbuster hit "Fried Green Tomatoes,"will also direct "Up Close" for Disney's Touchstone division. Along with production designer Kristi Zea, Avnet visited WPVI-TV
(Channel 6) in late September 1994 to study the basics ofbroadcast ~ews in Philadelphia. Zea also worked with Jonathan Demme on the Oscarwinning movie "Philadelphia," a productionwhich contributed an estimated $20 million to the local economy. Fortunately, unlike Savitch's tragic personal life, the final details of "Up Close and Personal" are expected to eventuallysort themselves out in the end. If filming begi.t:tsthis year, it will be the second big-budget film to be shot in Philadelphia in 1995. Universal's "Twelve Monkeys," a futuristic time-travel flick starring B~adPitt, Bruce Willis alld Madeline Stowe, is currently being shot in Center City, Philadelphia.
Weezer's songs spread to Tower by Kathy S. Cephas. assistantarts & entertainmenteditor
photo by Peter Orth, s~pplied G&ffen Records
left to right: Brian Bell, Patrick Wilson, Rivers Cuomo and Matt Sharp are the members of 'Weezer's' band.
Bynow, you'veprobablyheardthe song and seen the video so much that you're hummingit in yoursleep---but that's a testamentto the infectiousness ofWeezer's "BuddyHolly." But what about the rest of the album? _ Theirself-titleddebutisnowatop25 album on the Billboardcharts and th rest f albu ·. · sta,;ca hva d
just as relentlessin its deliveryof instantaneouslymemorablepop hooks. The Los Angelesbasedquartet,togethersince1992,firstgainedattention with their quirky anthem "Undonethe-SweaterSong." " 'Undone' is the feeling you get when the train stops and the littleguy comesknockin' on yourdoor,"RiveIS Cuomo,lead singerandguitarist,said. · "It was supposedto bea sad song, but everyonethinksit's hilarious. · '" W: ( · )' is tot Iv
sarcasticcalltohedonism,sosingalong, drink and bemerry,"Cuomo said. 'In The Garage,' 'Buddy Holly' and'Holiday'werewrittenin a sudden burstof confidenceandoptimismright afterwe got a recorddeai..alongwith our cash advances," Cuomosaid. "Weezef' was produced by Ric Ocasek, fonneriyof the cars. Theywill beplayingsome of their songsat the Tower Theatre,in Upper Darby,Pa.,on Wednesday,March29. 'W
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Friday, March 24, ,1995
From classroom to classroom:
Stu~ent teachers chalk up experience by Sheila Brady and Allyson Hannigan
DeFransisco,a first grader,said,"she ofbookbags,papers,snacksandPower . lets the persondo it, too." Ranger:sin the closetsand on the 25 features editor and assistant Straubsaid she is alsopleasedwith desks. features editor Hedtke's work in the classroom. She ''It's crazy in here," Hedtke said. has to work with the students A tall 6 year old with a blue shirt "But it's a neatcrazy." individually,which is a benefitto all. jumps to his feet and marchesto the Hedtkesaidthisclassisverybright. Terri Greim is the cooperating blackboardinroom121. He circlesthe Thestudentsarecomputer-literateand teacherinroom234.She,too,ispleased "d" in Darrenwith green chalk, and have already started on contractions. with her Cabrinistudentteacher. She makes it "D." Hercooperatingteacher,CaroleStraub, said she and seniorRob Guidettiare "Yougot it!" LisaHedtke,a senior, said many of them read at the.sixthvery compatJ.ble.She said Guidetti said. grade level. · •. seems to model her style of teaching. He smilesproudlyandappointsthe Hedtke said she models Straub's Thechildren.inher second-gradeclass next editor. He choosesa blondegirl teachingstylewhile sheis in her classarehappywith Guidetti. whocapitalizedthe"i" at thebeginning room. However,Hedtke also has a "Most took him right under their of the secondsentence.The four sen- style of her own. Pooitivereinforcewing," Greimsaid. ''But a few tested. tenceson theboardmakeupthemorn- ment is evidentin her disciplinaryachim." ing news story written and editedby tions. Guidetti.saidtherewas a girl !!!_ the Mn;. Straub's first-gradeclass. This ''Hyouarenottalking,giveyourself beginningwho challengedhis authorstoryis a partof theclass's dailymorn- a pat on the back," Hedtkesaid to 25 ity. This was part of the transitionof ing routine. It is the fust challenge pairs of eyes and ears. "ff you are havinga studentteacher. Hedtke faces every day as a student talking,give yourselfa pat on the botHe said they area great bunch of teacher. tom, and zip the lip." kidsand theyare a verydiversegroup. She studentteaches in Garrettfonl 'J11.e childrenwarmedup to Hedtke He explained "the-c]assroom-is-aElementary School, on tree-lined quitequicldy,acoordingtoStraub. They stage"concept,whichisoftentaughtto GarrettRoad,inDrexelHill,PaRoom seem to genuinely like their student educationmajors. He said he totally 121 is a colorful and clutteryroom, teacher. agreeswith the conrept. filled with ''What I would do if I were ''Hsomebodydidn'tgettodosome"As long as you get the concept president,"silhouettesbanging on a thingand the otherpersongets to do it across,"Guidetti.said,"thatis the most stringacrosstheroom.Thereareplenty five times or something," Gina importantthing." On thisday,Guidetti.wasworking on St. Patrick's Day crafts with the class. The 7 and 8 year olds were makingshamrocksattheirdesks, which were gatheredin bunchesof six and seven. Guidettiinstructedthemto disguisetheir names by puttingan "O' ," "Mc" or "Mac'' in frontof them. "Ooh, easy on the glue, kiddo," Guidettisaid,to ChrisCapuzzi.a second grader. AcconlingtoCapuzzi;Mr.Guidetti isaprettyniceguy. "Andletsusdofun projects,"MichaelThomas,a second grader,said. "And he's not a girl!" Guidettiexplainedthat men make up only 20 percentof all elementaryschoolteachers.He saidhe feelslikea role modelfor many of the children. Hemaybe theonlymalefigureinsome of their lives,he said. Teachingis all about adaptingand adjustingto new challenges,accordingto Guidetti. ''I havefallen.But Mn;. Greimhas pickedmeup,dustedmeoffandthrown me back in there,"Guidettisaid. Althoughhe said he believeshe is fully prepared to run his own classroom.Guidetti said he wishes there photo by Shella Brady was more studentteachingbeforethe secondsemesterof senioryear. Student teacher Lisa Hedtke, a senior, teaches her students at "I agree 100percent,"Greimsaid. Garrettford Elementary what "ew" words sound like. Inherclassroom,thereisnowanew disciplinarychart. It was designedby seniors Angela Alpini and Heather Meyer. The chartcontainsenvelopes inscribedwith each student's lµUlle. Each envelopecontains various coloredpapers. Each time a studentmisbehaves,the coloris changed. Al the end of the day,if a student's color has not changed,he or she receivesa token.At the end of theweek, ~~~ tokenscanbeexchangedfor"" outside. Acconlingto Guidetti,thekidslike the satisfactionof receiving.a token eachday. Freeti.meisa realrewardfor them. The reward for Guidetti,Hedtke and other studentteachersis real-life experience.Theyareteachingchildren everydayfor 14 weeks. The only dif. ference between them and full-time, pennanentteacherswithfullresponsibility,istheguidanceof theircooperating teachers.
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photo by MllelJa:Addssi
Patrick Myers and Danielle Soronte are members of the accounting club who volunteer in the VITA program.
Club regarded 'write-on' by taxpayers by Beth Molloy assistant news editor
April is h.ere and so is income-tax time. This time is marked with frustrationand confusion for many, but little do they know, there is a hidden secret lurking within the walls of our very own school. The Volunteer Income Taxes Assistance program is a service made available to students, faculty, staff, and also tel people off-campus. It is a program sponsored by the Internal Revenue Service, and was introduced as a requirement for the income-taxes course here beginning in 1986. The requirement is for the students to do at least 10 tax returns, free of charge, for those who need the service. However, Ann Servey, assistant professor of accounting said many students go beyond the call of duty. The duties of the club include anything from state returns to local returns. According to Servey, the service is aimed at low-income families, elderly people and handicapped people as well. There are sites that the students visit to contribute this service, which include some local churches. Servey said any organization or any person is free to call Cabrini for the service. This service can be either self-help, in which the students teach the people how to do their own returns, or direct assistance, in which the students directly complete the returns for the people. In addition to being a great service to the community, Servey said the service is a great experience for the students. "It's a great program for the students to put into practice what they have learned," Servey said. "It gives students excellent experience." Also, since Cabrini is a VITA site, the IRS advertises the school.
Club members said this attrafts more people to our school, giving our students even more experience, and further benefits the community as well. Junior Patrick Myers, president of the accounting association, was active in the program last year and plans to participate on a smaller scale this year as well. According to Myers, the service is both a service to others and an educational experience for himself. He said the service allowed a great 4eal of exposure to the community, and also allowed him to gain knowledge in the calculation of his own income taxes. He said he mostly did taxes for those who were afraid to do them themselves, which included some elderly people. Myers told a story of an elderly woman who had just lost her husband and could not complete the forms. She tried to tip him $20 for his services. Myers did not accept the cash, saying that the service is not for money but for the service itself and the experience. "We just help people out as much as we can," Myers said. Sophomore Gioia Bozzacco, vice president of the accounting association, plans to take the class next spring. She also said she sees it not onlyas a learning experience for students, but also a great service to people such as the elderly and college students, who may not have the money to hire to do taxes for them. "It's a learning experience for us and an opportunityfor others," Bozzacco said. Myers explained the service as an outreachprogram.He said it is structured to benefit everyone who needs the help. He also explainedthe program as being similar to an internship. He said it is an experience benefiting both the community and the students involved. "It's a real-life experience," M erssaid.
Friday, March 24, 1995
Jack of all trades unlocksdoor to success by Jane Van lngen op-ed editor
"We are very different people but we managed to remain friends," May said. "With the Loquitur, we did not -Gary White, a recent Cabrini tell each other how the newspaper alumnus, is a jack of all trades but be should be run." is no joker. He is someone who alHeather McAllister, a recent ways greetspeople with a wann smile alumna, worked with White on and hello. He i-.ambitious, dedicated Loquitur for two years.According to and smashes the "Generation X" ste- McAllister, she always liked work-· reotype to smithereens. ing with White because he is orgaWhite, who graduated last De- nized, patient, understanding and cember, double majored in English/ works well with people. communications and history. He "He is a lot of fun and bas a weird originally wanted to add early child- sense of humor," McAllister said. ''I hood education~ a major, but was admire himbecause he cando alotof advised not to do that since both things at once and does not get majors are too concentrated. stressed out easily." White was an orientation counselnadditiontohisvariouson-camlor for three years. He was also on pus activities, White has locksmith WYBF for three years, where he co- and real estate businesses on the hosted Phone-in Forum and was the side. White got into both businesses news director for a year. He was also through his father, who was interthe arts and entertainment and fea- ested in both fields. Both of them tures editor of Loquitur, and even took correspondence courses in how though he graduated, isnow in charge to be a locksmith before White of the yearbook. branched out on his own. White's "When I started doing the year- real estate business is part of Century book, I did not know that I was going 21. to graduate early," White said. ''I "I am in these businesses because wanted to m.ake sure we had a year- I like to have things to do and I like
White co-hosted Phone-in Forum with Steve May, a senior, for two years. The show won anaward two years ago when two guests had a· heated discussion about abortion. According to May, who also worked with White on Loquitur for two years, working with him was an unique experience.
to have different options," White said. White a!so knows exactly what he wants to do in the future. "I would like to write for TV for 20 years and then teach current events and writing for 10 years," White said. "While I am doing that, I want to study to be a veterinarian." According to White, alotof things interest him.
phato by Dawnielle
Gary White graduated
as a double major in December, and still returns to work on the yearbook.
"Why should I wish I had done something when I can?" White said. "You should fulfill your ambitions to the fullest capacity." According to McAllister, White enjoys whatever he_is doing at the moment. He is very centered. "Gary comes from a family of 14 people," May said. "lbat might have something to do with why he is so ambitious." According to White, his parents did play a big role in his life and he liked living in a big family. ''I do not know anything else, so
it is not unnatural for me tobe ina big family," White said. "I am glad that I have so many people in my·family ." "He respects everyone even ifhe disagrees with or does not like someone," McAllister said. "He gets that from his family." White was surprised that he was seen as a friendly and charming person. "You should treat people the way you want them to treat you," he said. According to McAllister, White is a very intelligent and kind person,
one who would neyer hurt anyone. . White said he juggles all of his different interests by deciding what needs to. be done first, and pursues that project. He decides what is important and what is not. In his spare time, White likes to read, write and he even likes-ballroom dancing. "I even have time to sleep at least eighthoursevery night,"Whitesaid. "He is like no one else," McAllister said.
Fightingfire with amb·ition by Rich Schepis staff writer
Sounds of sirens scream through the cold eve)ling air. Smoke rises from an open window. White hot flames crackle all around. Wood explodes from the pressure of the intense heat. Normally this would be a person's cue to rush out of the building before it is totally engulfed in flames.
But not Dave Thompson. He rushes in headlong where even angels fear to tread. "It's incredible," Thompson, ffoancial aid and admissions counselor, said. "The adrenaline starts to flow. There is nothing like it." Thompson, who graduated from Cabrini in the spring ofl 993 with a degree in human resource management, has been battling
mother nature for the past four years. At present, he is a member of the Malvern and Goshen Volunteer Fire Companies. Thompson said he does not fight fire for the reasons most firefighters do. "I don't do it for the sense of helping someone," Thompson said. "I do it because it is something I want to do."
photo by Tom McKtlB
Dave Thompson's an alumnus with a passion for volunteer firefighting. He is currently working a financial aid and at;Jmissionscounselor. He is pursuing a career in human relations.
According to Thompson, fire- · Among his duties, there was fighting adds adventure to tiis life. salary structuring for about 800 He said he also values the friendemployees in the company. ships he has made through the When the opportunity to come company. to Cabrini arose, he jumped at the "I'll put my life on the lin~ chance. knowing the-y are watching my "I enjoy dealing with fresh back," Thompson said. young minds who have innovaGetting involved is sometive ideas," Thompson said. thing that Thompson has always Thompson also said he bedone. He played tennis and lieves Cabrini gives students the soccer at Cabrini and was also opportunity to become involved president of the Society for and for them to find out what they Human Resource Management like. and a member of the student "The nice thing about Cabrini academic counsel. is you are able to get involvetl in In regard to - the thrill of a lot of activities," Thompson sports in comparison to said. firefighting, Thompson said the Thompson said the biggest infeeling of teamwork and satisfluence at Cabrini was his adfaction are not the same. viser and professor, Brian Metz. "It (firefighting) doesn't just According to Thompson, Metz stop," Thompson said. "It just changed many of bis opinions on keeps continuing. ln soccer; when what human resources is. the game is over, it's over." Thompson's father was a huThompson has been an man resource manager and he said admission's counselor since Dehe had many set opinions. cember of last year. "Metz opened my eyes," ThThe position is only a tempoompson said. "His teaching gave rary one and as of May 1, he will me a better opinion {of human be looking to continue his career, resources)." possibly somewhere else. Between his human resources "I'd like to stay at Cabrini," career and his love for Thompson said, "and then go and firefighting, Thompson is a pretty get my master's." busy guy. Thompson began working So the next time you hear sitwo days after graduating from rens screaming from a fire engine Cabrini at Systems and Com• going down your block in the puter Technologies, where he middle of the night, remember served as personnel adminisDave Thompson is having the trator. time of his life.
Friday, March 24, 1995
Summersession Studentsquestion programreconstructedequalityof scholarships by Beth Molloy assistant news editor
A recent survey con~ucted by the continuing education division has resulted in a re-evaluation of the present summer session program. This evaluation has led to a reconstruction that includes a wider variety of classes offered. According to students, this change is past due. The overall consensus has been that the school has not offered a variety of courses, and in addition, the price is too costly. Sophomores Christa Gervasi and Phil Matteo have both taken summer classes at Delaware County Community College. Their main reason for going elsewhere is because the price of taldng summer courses at Cabrini is $206 a credit. Other factors include the lack of variety a.t Cabrini and the commute they would have to make. However,: Matteo said he would take the courses he needs ·at Cabrini if the price was lower. "If it was the same price at· Cabrini, I would probably choose Cabrini," Matteo said. Sophomore Lisa Watson also took summer classes atD.C.C.C. this past summer. She said her main concerns were the times offered. Also, she changed her major from business to accounting, so she needed to take Accounting I and II in order to be on track. At Cabrini, these courses were held only at night. . "There just aren't enough times offered at Cabrini," Watson said. According to Dr. Lorraine Cavaliere, dean of the adult and continuing education division, the survey was sent to all Cabrini students and additional students within a 30-mile radius of the school during spring registration, in response to such concerns. Nearly 800 surveys were returned, and Cavaliere said _ a new summer session catalog-will be distributed by mid-March. ('We would love for our own students to stay at Cabrini for the summer sessions," Cavaliere said. She also said she is hoping to see an increase in students outside of Cabrini attending the summer sessions.·
The new catalog will reflect the survey information. It will also reflect the voice of the division chairs on what they think students need to be offered, and also an advising point of view from student advisers. Finally, results from past sessions will be analyzed. Cavaliere said the catalog will offer a wider variety of courses and also more relevant courses. "If students tell us what they need and we can get critical masses of people together, then we will make t),lecourse hap. pen," Cavaliere said. As for the future, Cavaliere said an advising module on the computers in the · registrar's office is being planned to reveal what courses are the most critically needed for students. Until then, Cavaliere said that it is important that the student bod_yvoice their concerns. As for the price issue, Cavaliere said she does not see any change happening. The current price of $206 per credit seems costly to students who would rather go to a community college that charges prices that are relatively less. Cavaliere said that the board of trustees establishes the· price, and that it is a lot higher since Cabrini is a private institution. She also said she -does not see an increase in the price due to the changes made. In addition to the summer session upgrades, Cavaliere said that there will be a Spanish summer camp offered· this summer to children ages 8-14. An exchange- program will also take place this summer, which was arranged by Dr. Cynthia Halpern, professor of the for~ eign language department. Atpresegt, she is recruiting students to study at the Catholic University in Ponce, a metropolitan city in Puerto Rico. "This is fust the beginning of a whole language institute that is going to address language development across the board," Cavaliere said. Cavaliere said she encourages students to voice their opinions and to contact her in the continuing education office at extension 8500.
SophomoreJohn Undsay defeated'first-yearstudentEric Sevlandin "Bouncing Boxing"sponsoredby SGA for 'the12thAnnual SuperthonWeekend,March 17-19. Over the weekend,a totalof $1,100 wasraisedfor MultipleSclerosis,$60() of which wentto MaryanneHolden,aunt of Kim Forde who helpedorganizethe weekend,and $500 went to the M.S. Society. The ring was donatedby StraightShooters Productionand the eventralsed$25. "Cannlng"wasdone on Saturday,March 18 from 10 am-noon, raising$600. Vblunteersfrom KappaSigma Omegaand SGA helpedout for 'this-fundraiser.''BarneyBashing,"Tuesdayand Thursdayat lunch, raised$80. The "SocialHour,"Friday,March 17, from 3-5 p.m., raised$400.
by Joe Marturano staff writer
Many people have·trouble finding and applying for scholarships because a lot of scholarships are geared toward only one nationality. First-yearstudent JeannineWesolowski is a perfect example of this. · Wesolowski said she searched for some scholarships to apply for before she came to Cabrini but she could not find any that pertained to her. Wesolowski is Italian, li;jsh, Polish, Hungarian and German. Even as a part of all those nationalities, she could not find a scholarship that applied to her. "I was looking to apply for scholarships," Wesolowski said, "but the only ones that would have benefited me were only open to people of another ethnic background." Many studentssaid they think that scholarships should be open to everyone, that they should not be based on nationality. ~•Scholarshipsshould be open to everyone," first-year student James Shulersaid. "Scholarships reflect a person's inside and intelligence, not their outside." Shule_ris Dutch, Gennan and Irish. Sophomore Joey Barilotti said, "I think everyone should have an equal chance at
-scholarships." Barilotti is Italian. First-year student Ediely Espinola is Filipino. "I think most scholarships should be available for all students," Espinola said, "but some scholarships are specifically designed for minorities because they apply to minorities." The segregation of aid does not stop at scholarships. It extends into co-operative education as well. Nancy Hutchison, director of co-operative education and career services, said there aremany internships, as well as scholarships, that are only available to minorities. "Most internships are not available to everyone," Hutchison said. "Many are only available to certain groups." Wesolowski said, "I think anyone who is qualified, regardless of their nationality, should have an equal opportunity at an internship." Hutchison named some companies that offer internships only to minorities. State Farm insurance, IndependenceBlue Cross/ Blue Shield, The Philadelphia Inquirer and The Trenton Times are a few. "These companies only offer internship to minorities," Hutchison said, "because they want to encoumge minorities to improve themselves."
Laptopcomputers replace pen and paper by Diane Wrobleski staff writer
They areeverywhere,fromhomes to can.. Theycandojust aboutanythingfromtracking criminalsto assistingstudentswhendissecting frogs. Theyarelaptopcomputers.Whatonce was a trendy oorporatetool has recentlybecome a very populareducationaltool among elementaryand high schoolstudentsthroughout the UnitedStates. Today's schoolsare takingthe initiativeof establishingnotjustcomputerworkstationsfor networkinganddistancelearning,butmanyare doingit throughthe portablelaptopcomputer. Studentscan then oommunicatein the classroom and alsotake theirnotebookshome and do theirhomeworkon the same instrument. In Philadelphia,GeorgeWashingtonHigh Schoolhasbecomeoneof the leading"laptop" schools,servingas a model to other area elementaryand high schools. The DelawareValley Friends Schooi in BrynMawr,wasone of theschoolsin thisarea to implementthe sameplan as GeorgeWashington. This privateschoolbelievesthateverystudent should purchase a $1,200 Macintosh PowerBooklaptopinorderto participatemore activelyin classeslikegeometryand biology, where three-dimensionalviewing and other moreoomplicatedviewsare easilyinterpreted as a resultof specializedsoftwarepackages. The benefitsof havinglaptopsin the classroomare constantlyincreasing. Laptopsgive studentsthe abilityto measure,comparewmk,calculateandanalyzetheir findingsall with the click of a button. Some modelscanstay on forup to one week or 168 lioursunattended,andwiththeclickof abutton theycanpickup exactlywherethe studentleft off,withprogramsalreadyopenandallthedata saved. "Lastyear,laptopsamongelementarystudentswas a trendthatwas morepopularon the WestCoastthanontheEastCoast," saidJerry
Lawrence,presidentandCEOofButtLawrence RisingandBa~ an architecturalfinn located in Tacoma,Wash. "Librarieswere the first to implementthe laptops,creatinga portable,interactive,learning environment," said Lawrence. "Even storytellingpits remainpopular,butevenmore' so, since the books became 'active' on the computerscreen." Teaching and learning with Computers (ILC) by IBM was developedto guide el~ ementaryteachersandtoincorporatetheuseof PCs,laptopsand instructionalooursewareinto classroomactivities.With TLC, teacherscreate an active learningenvironmentin which young studentswork in a varietyof thatdevelopandreinforcecunicularconcepts. Notonlyarelaptopsport&ble, user-friendly and interactive,but they canbe connectedto Internetand Americaon Lineservices,as well as others. The fact that laptops can create a oomputerlab environmentand travel are the mainbenefits. When sharing infonnation,teachers and studentsmustbe briefedor trainedon software copyrightsandon whatis legalandwhatis not. Formanyschooldistricts,thismeanscreating new rulesof conduct For instance,in the goodold dayswhen a studentpas.5eda note in class,a simplewarningfromtheteacherwasall thatwasneededto stopit from~gagain. Now, however,teachersare forced to be stricteron srudentswho arenowpassingnotes electronicallytotheirfriendsall overtheschool building. NotebookPCs areespeciallywellsuitedfor education.Studentsgainfrom personallyowning them, ~ do teachersat any grade level Faculty and administratorsare also obvious beneficiaries,but so are librarians,counselors, coaches, maintenancepersonnel and others involvedwith schoolservices. With the ability to dial into a district or college network remotely,one can work or learn anywhe.reat anytime.
Friday, March 24, 1995
Lastweek in the worldof news
by Andrea Kelliher staff writer
Q:ruesday,March 14- Changes in the postalservicewill affectall. The Postal Service is planning the most sweeping changes ever in its rates. Most consumerswill notice only one differencethe cost of mailinga postcard. It will raisethe cost to 21 cents. The proposedchanges are aimed at businessesprimarily,which sends almost90 percent cifthe nationsmail. _ ThePostalServiceplansto filetheproposal withthe independentPostalRateCommission on March 24. The commissionhas 10 months to decide on.recommendingthe changes to the postal governors,who wouldthen enact it.
daysbeforecontractscoveringmostofSEPTA's subwban operationsexpire,leadingto the prospect that all of SEPTA's regionalrailswould be shutdown.
O'fhursday, March 16- Philadelphia boostedto investment-grade status The cityof Philadelphia'sbondratingonWall Street was boostedto investment-gradestatus, ending nearly five years in the junk bond doghouse.. The rating is a milestonein the city's come- back from ~ear-fiscalcollapse. "It has been a long road back for the city of Philadelphia,"MayorEd Rendellsaid at a news conferencewith City CouncilPresidentJohn F. Street. "'Ibis will meandollarsandcentsin thepockets of the taxpayersof the city of Philadelphia," QWednesday,MarchlS-SEPTAstrike Rendellsaid. stillpostponed QFriday,March 17-GOP triesto balance .Trying to gathermore clout and goodwill, city transitworkersyestenlaypostponedtheir budgetcuts Povertyprograms,federalagenciesand forstrikedeadlinetoMarch27,providinga12-day respitefor the 300,(XX) dailyriderswho would · eign aidwent to the choppingblock at a chaotic othetwisehavebeenscramblingthismorning. scrambleby the HouseRepublicansto financea Butthenew deadlinecouldmakea strike,if $189billiontax cut while strivingto balancethe . it comes,that muchworse. It comesjust a few budget.
The HouseBudgetCommitteevoted, 24-11, tocut$100billionfromanarrayofprogramsover thenextfiveyearstohelpfinancetheGOP taxcut. The spending cuts would actually reduce programspendingfromcurrentlevels, notjusttohold back future increases.
ClintonurgedfromtheHouseRepublicans to borrow heavilyfrom the administration's child-supportproposals,togoastepfurtherand adopt a license-revocationprovision. The House is expected to vote soon on legislationthat would overhaulthe nation's . welfare system and strengthenchild-support C).Saturday, March 18 · IRS has rightto enforcement. examineyourpersonallife As of 1995, all individualsthat arechosenfor OMonday, March 20 • Toxic fumes Internal Revenue Serviceaudits will not only spreadthroughsubwayin Japan have theirreturnsinvestigated,but theirpersonal Toxic fumes spread througha crowded livesexamined. subwaysysteminJapanatthepeak ofmorning The reasonforthis isthat theIRS isinstituting rush hour. thechangesaspartof a strategydubbed"CompliThe-Defense Agency stated that troops ance 2000,"aimedat gettingmore peopleto pay were being called in to help deal with the their taxes. Uncollectedtaxes total at least$127 emergency.At least870peoplewerehospitalbilliona year,IRS figuresshow. izedand thousandsof otherssufferednausea, The tax agency'sgoal is to raisethevoluntary. headachesand coughing. complianceratefromthecurrent83 percentto 90 Expertsquotedby Japanesetelevisionhave percentby the year 2001. statedthat it is possiblemethylcyanidecould sickenpeople,which iswhat officialsbelieve QSunday,March 19 - Clintoncampaigns causedpeopletobebecomenauseated. Japan's for tougherchild-supportpenalties publicNHK1V saidpoliceofficialssuspected PresidentClinton recentlyhas escalated his the nerve gas sarin was used, which was incampaignfortougherchild-supportpenaltiesthat volvedin a mysteriousleaklast yearthatkilled wouldyankthedrivingand professionallicenses sevenpeopleinthecentraltownofMatsumoto; of deadbeatparents.
Health coverage lacking for college students by Tricia Foley
At Cabrini, as at most other colleges and universities, health insurance of some sort is Health insurance is an added college ex- required for all full-time students. Cabrini pense that is often overlooked or goes un- offers health insurance to all students. It is paid. In response to a growing trend, many offered through the Guarantee Trust Life colleges and universities are offering, and Insurance Company (GTL). sometimes requiring, school health insurThis company offers Cabrini's students ance plans for their students. two plans of insurance. Plan "A" is accident ' ''Thousands of students are walking insurance only. around uncovered and often unconcerned," After a deductible of $25, the company said Tom Getzen, a professor of health ad- would make a payment up to $2,000 of ministration at Temple University. eligible medical expenses for the treatment That is why Cabrini requires its full time of an injury that is a result of a covered students to have some sort of health insur- accident that happened during the term of the ance, but students are not required to use the student's insurance. The benefits would pay school's student health insurance plan. for fees and expenses occurring within 52 Some studentsare undera parentor spouse's weeks from the accident date. insuranceplan while others use MedicalAssisPlan "B" is accident anq sickness insurtance (MA) or receivebenefitsfrom their own ance, which most Cabrini students who job and thereforemay not be interestedin the choose GTL are covered by. school's plan. It covers four major areas: accidental death ''We havehelpedmanystudentsfill-outpaper and dismemberment, accident medical exwork for plans such as MA," Sue Fitzgerald, penses, sickness medical expenses and a school nurse said. supplemental medical expense benefit. GTL offers up to $2,000 for payment for staff writer
What's Happening □congratulations
to the new RA staff
for 1995-96: Dan Lorenz Mike Lorenz Stephanie Miller Marianne Gowan Lana Bockhaus Sue Swoyer Sis Slater Celene Wright Rose Rodner OAlternates: Julie Woten Denise Pulaski Melissa Scomavacca Malik Rashied -
Their duties will include establishing community in the residen~e halls, upholding and enforcing college policy and adminis~ative responsibilities. They must also serve as a liaison between students, resident life and other college services, and act as a peer referral source.
□Silent Auctio-o
4/2 Volunteers needed for a silent auction sponsored by Advocates for Abuse Recovery. Eight volunteers are needed to help~ out. Call Pat Davidson at (610) 687-5864 for more information.
QGet Acquainted Day 3/26 Welcome prospective students to campus throughout the day, starting at 11 a.m. OMr. & Mrs. Cabrini Contest 3/30 Show your spirit at 9:30 p.m. in the atrium and win this contest. □Community
If you are at least 20 years old, and are
interested in giving one week of your life from July 15-22 volunteering in a variety of areas, contact Sister MaryAnn Allton for an application and more information at (215) 335-6381.
re- dates and fees.
accidental death or dismemberment that sults during the term of the student's insurance. The accident medical expenses are the same as in Plan "A," with the addition of eligible expenses exceeding $2,000, considered under the supplemental medical expense benefit. A<;:cordingto the brochure, the supplemental medical expense benefit will pay for 80 percent of eligible medical expenses incurred in excess of $2,000 for each covered accident or sickness, up to a maximum of $10,000. The sickness medical expenses cover hospital charges, surgical operations, physician's inpatient and .outpatient visits, prescribed medicines and much more. In the summer, the members of Cabrini's Health Services send out information concerning health insurance. Students and their families receive a brochure, an insurance waiver form and a letter from Vice President of Student Development Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, describing the plans and providing the students with due
If students choose to use another insurance plan, they should send in the insurance waiver form with their insurance information and student identification number. If health services does not receive a student's form, they assume the student would like to be included in the GTL plans. School administrators chose GTL more than seven years ago. A company, Special Risk Management,buys insurancefrom GTL. The school has not taken any offers from companies because they are pleased with the company they deal with, according to Bonfiglio. Group policy is set by what size the school is grouped. "It is important to send the waiver forms in," Bonfiglio said. It helps the school health services to figure out how many plans they need to reserve. Rosemont College requires students to have insurance. They can use their own insurance or the school's policy. The same goes for Drexel University.
Public Safety Update QDisorderly Conduct 3/18 Officer was asked to respond to extremely loud screaming coming from QDisorderly Conduct Woodcrest Hall. After· locating the 3/17 screams, officer saw three residents inOfficer received a call for assistance volved in an altercation. One of the resifrom RD. The officer was told that the RD dents slammed a door on the officer, hitasked students to leave a room in House 5, ting his arm and shoulder, while yelling but only seven would leave. Officer entered and threatening him. Officer told the resithe room which had approximately 30 stu- dents that they must calm down and stop dents who refused to leave. Officer had to . yelling. Resident continued to yell at the ask three times for students to leave the . officer. The officer, once again, insisted room before they left. that the residents comply. After insisting several more times, the residents did calm down. As officers left the scene, laughter OArrest/Defiant Criminal was heard coming from the residents. 3/18 Officer was told by RD to contact Radnor Police due to the presence of a banned □Medical Call person on campus. Radnor officers met 3/19 Officer received a call that a man had · public safety and together they went to locate the individual. Public safety located fallen down the steps in front of the lithe person and Radnor Police handcuffed brary. Radnor Police also responded and him. Person was cited for defiant criminal soon after a ambulance was on the scene. trespassing and was told not to return to the The man was taken to Paoli Memorial .Hospital. campus. Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Thursday, March 16 through Mondayt March 20.
Friday, March 24, 1995
Men's golf attemptsto .bringscheduleup to par ing the team and getting the course and uniforms. "I hope to stay competitive as a teamt . Golf tees off to a promising season of McAleer said. competition with the additions of games McAleer said he also expects the whole that will be added to the schedule. team to finish ·the season, yet his main 'coach of the men's team and athletic concern is to have fun and improve his dire~tor John Dzik has turned Cabrini golf game. _ around, hoping to expand the program. DiMatteo said he also wants to improve Dzik conquered the difficult task of his personal game and become more comfinding a .home course. petitive. Jeffersonville Golf Course in Norriton DiMatteo said because the weather is Township, Pa., has offeied to allow the better this year, the team is able to practice Cavaliers the use of the course for practice before their first match at Jeffersonville and competition. and have a complete season. Having a home course gives the team "I know last year I didn't do well beariopportunity to learn the cause of lack of practice," course style and get familDiMatteo said. · . iar with the trouble spots DiMatteo also said he and.the difficult holes, achopes to get the chance to cording to Dzik. go to North Carolina and. This gives the team an that the practice will help advantage in competition the team do something in they have not had in the competition. past. Monte said, "Being a - This also allows the newcomer, I am focusing_ team to practice as a team, on goals to improve my while not having to pay game." for course fees; Dzik said. Iacavino said the team The team has also been · should be really compeiigiven the opportunity to tive. learn from professional Iacavino said his pergolfers. sonal performance should Jim Oakley, a member improve this season. of the board of trustee-sand Tb~ team's ..first home an avid golf fan, has armatch was on Monday, ranged for the team to play March 20 against Holy at Pinehurs.t Golf Course Family College. in North Carolina. Steve Vigliotta said the Pinehurst is the thiJd team got off to a good start top-rated course in the with their victory over country. Holy Family Colleg,e,332352. .. Oakley has arranged for the players to have two "We're going to surprise days of playing time on a lot of teams in the PAC,'' the course for free and two he said. time slots with professionDzik said he hopes to add als to work on techniques more matches to the schedand skills. ule against Eastern ColGraham Vigliotta, a lege, Beaver College and sophomore, said, "It is a Villa Ju)ie in Maryland. chance of a lifetime." The team roster is not The whole team is lookfinalized, so others intering forward to the trip, ested in joining the team although only the top six should go to the athletic photo by Caroline Croley players get to go, Vigliotta office and talk to Dzik said. Junior Shawn McAleer practices his golf swing in orderto prepare for about joining t~e team. ''It's a dream to play in the season. by Allyson Hannigan assistant features editor
North Carolina," Steve Vigliotta, a sophomore, s~id. The team has also received Cabrini sweat~rs to be used as uniforms . Dzik said he realizes that golf is low priority on the campus, but this year will be the first year he will be starting to · recruit new members. In addition to the Vigliotta brothers, the team consists of senior John Feketics; juniors Greg Grant, Shawn McAleer and Dave DiMatteo; sophomores Bill Marschel and Jim Iacavino; and first-year student Paul Monte. McAleer, who has played golf for three years, said Dzik did a great job in organiz-
A crisis
FREE PREGNANCYSCREENINGTEST OngoingSupportServices A counseflng centeroffennghonestdiscussion of optionsandservices. Makean informedchoice.Nopressure,no abortionreferrals.All servicesfree.
New Walk-InHours: Thursdaysfrom 1-8P~m. photo by StaceyCaiazzo
First-year student Alex Corkhi/1.
Fridav1 March 24, 1995
Last week in the world of sports over the Miami Panthers. This win places the Flyers with a ·seven-game winning streak.
Tricia Foley staff writer □Baseball
Bill Giles, owner of the Philadelphia □Basketball Phillies, said he would ask the players In the NCAA Tournament, in first of his team to cross the "line" if th.e round play, 32 teams advanced to the strike continued much longer. second round of the NCAA Tournament Giles said he would only make this play. request if the Owners' Executive CounWake Forest outscored St. Louis to cil approved and at least one other club meet up·_with Oklahoma State in the in the league did the same thing. _ regionals, 64-59. According to Giles, asking the blessIn Oakl'and, Calif., Maryland pulled ing of the council and the players to away from their five-point lead at halfcross would be a last resort. time to win_ 85-68 over Texas. He said he hopes the situation is Joe Smith, with-31 points in the game, solved soon so that he would not have to set a Maryland NCAA Tournament make such a petition to the players. record with 21 rebounds during the Darren Daulton, catcher for the game. Phillies, was to bring the idea to a playSmith also worked in seven blocks ers meeting with their union bead, during the game to tie a separate record Donald Fehr. in Maryland. The Connecticut Huskies won over ONHL Cincinnati, 96-91:. The Huskies' next Flyers slid by the Rangers, 4-3, duropponent is Maryland for a spot in the ing their match-up in New York. semifinals being played on April 1. With 3:38 left in the game, John Le Clair scored his 13th goal in the past 15 ONBA games on Rangers goalie Mike Richter Michael Jordan returned to play basto win the game for the team. ketball with the Chicago Bulls. This fifth straight win places the He will compete in only 17 more Flyers into a first-place tie with the games on the Bull's schedule to help the Rangers in the Atlantic Division Bulls pull from their fourth-place standrankings. ing. Jordan's first game was against the The Philadelphia Flyers also won 4-3 Indiana Pacers.
Men'sTennis Thurs. 3/13 Cabrini 6 Wed. 3/22 Cabrini 5
Lincoln Widener
Men's Golf Mon.
Cabrini 332
Holy Family 352
Bonnie Blair, in her final race of her competitive skating career, set a U.S. record in Calgary o·n Saturday, March 18. She finished first in the 1,000-meter with 1 minute, 18.05 seconds in the weekend invitational, bettering her old record of 1:18.31 seconds. Blair also won the 500-meters with 38.87 seconds, almost breaking her won record of 38.69 seconds set in Calgary in February. Blair, a five-time gold medalist, plans to move on the motivational speaking circuit for young speed racers after longawaited vacation.'
The Philadelphia Eagles signed freeagent Ricky Walters to a $6.9 million offer sheet. Walters is now waiting for the San Fra~cisco 49ers to match the offer the Eagles made. There is speculation from those in the field that the San Francisco 49ers would not match the offer. Walters would be the highest' paying player on the 1995 Eagles team. He would also be the first Pro Bowlcaliber running back for 15 years when Wilbert Montgomery played for the Eagles.
3/17 3/17
Cabrini 14 Cabrini 11
Rosemont 7 Rosemont 1
Men's Lacrosse Sat.. 3/18
Cabrini 3
Swarthmore 11
Alvernia Wesley
Sat. 3/25 Tues. 3/28
A 3:30p.m.
Men's Lacrosse Sat. 3/25 ·
by Bob Macartney spot1scolumnist
Sun. 3/26
Montclair Elmira
1 p.m. 1 p.m.
Men'sTennis Mon. 3/27 Wed. 3/29
Gwynedd-Mercy Wesley
A 3:.30p.m. A3:30 p.m.
Men's Golf Mon. 3/27
Tap in to Mac
1 p.m.
Father Knows Best:
Quote to Note:
Trivia Answer:
In Women's Division I bask€tball, who played in the first championship . Ill 1982? Who won?
"Like I was a god, or something," Michael Jordan said about the commotion that arose when he played his first basketball game in 21 months.
The NCAA game that drew the most paid attendance was 66, 144forLSU's8280 victory over Georgetown on Jan. 28, 1989.
-compiled by Father Ambrose
-reported in The New York Times
-compiled by Father Ambrose
Kerry Kittles is one of the best college basketball players in the country, a certain lottery pick if he chooses to tum pro, the Big East regular season Most Valuable Player, as well as the Big East Tournament MVP. All of which leads me towonderwhy the basketball was not in his hands at the end of regulation and the first overtime of the Wildcats first round NCAA loss to Old Dominion. However, there are many other questions leading up to that one. Why did Villanova break the cardinal sin of basketball and foul Petey Seesoms while Sessoms was attempting a three-pointer •ate in regulation:? The three foul shots tied the contest, setting up 'Nova for one final play. Of course, with Mr. First-Team All-America on their side, head coach Steve Lappas inexplicably ran a play for center Jason Lawson. And Lawson, even more inexplicably, missed two very niakeable layups to force overtime. At the end of the first overtime, Villanova once again had the ball, coming out of a timeout, with a chance to win the game. Of course, Kittles, their main gun, the man who carried them all year, wo~ld not be used as a decoy this time, right? Wrong. The same play was run for Lawson, figuring he couldn't miss another layup, could he? However, guard Alvin Williams slipped to the ground as he was about to make the entry pass, and ODU almost won at the buzzer. In the second overtime, the Wildcats jumped to a five-point lead. But guard Jonathon Haynes missed two free throws, and Old Dominion pulled even once again. Proving that the third time was indeed a charm, Lappas designed a play for Kerry Kittles. The future NBA superstar broke down his man and with seconds remaining, passed the ball. That was bad. The fact that he was passing the ball to Haynes was even worse. Haynes, a one time Temple Owl, proved that he still shoots like one by throwing up an airball, and the third overtime began. During which forward Chuck Kornegay, who wanted to make the loss a total team effort, missed five shots from within five feet of the basket on the same possession. Kittles did not have the opportunity to run away from pressure in the third overtime, as ODU ran away with the game. I might not be as upset with the 'Cats if I did not think that they were going to reach Seattle. But that was one of the worst showings of the tournament to date. One final question: has anybody seen shootingguardEricEberzordidhemiss the fli t to Alban ?
Friday, March 24, 1995
Lady-cavs scoretwo wins ■
by Stephanie Caldwell assistant sports editor
photo by Caroline Croley
Junior Heather Hoffman runs for first in the game against Rosemont. The Cavs dominated the doubleheader, winning 11~ 1 in the first game and 15-7 in the second game.
To some, the signs of spring are birds chirping and the sun shining. To many, Cabrini softball fans in particular, the signs are different. The sound of senior Jennifer Wunsch' s fastball smacking the leather of junior Heather Hoffman's catcher's mit may alert the typit:al fan. To the more offensive-minded fan, first-year student Erin O'Neill may awaken fans when she rips the ball into the outfield for a base hit. No matter how you determine that spring has arrived, whether it be the birds flying or the softball saili~g, remember that along with it comes the 1995 Lady Cavalier's softball team. The Lady Cavs opened the 1995 season with a disappointing loss to Widener University on Tuesday, March 14 at Widener. However, they bounced back quickly when they won their first Pennsylvania Athletic Conference doubleheader against Rosemont College on Friday, March 16 at home. "Losing our first game pulled us all together," outfielder Denise Canaris, a first-year student, said. . In g~me one, pitcher Wunsch recorded four walks and four strikeouts and won the game in
five innings of work by a score of 11-1. The Lady Cavs came out roaring with three runs in the first inning. They then paced themselves, adding little by liftle to their lead, incJuding a solo homerun by newcomer O'Neill in 'the third inning. "I'm really glad- I came out for the team," O'Neill said. "We have a lot of team players who really want to win. I'm just glad to be a part of it." O'Neill ended the day with three hits, a single, a triple as well as the homerun and two - runs batted in. The Lady Cavs added three more in the fifth to give them an 11-1 lead and end the game because of the 10-run rule. One game down, one more to go. Junior Nicole Rose took over the pitching duties for the .Lady Cavs in game two, but not for long. After three solid innings in a close game, Rose struggled in the fourth. After walking the bases loaded, Rose was relieved · by Wunsch. Although Wunsch walked the first batter she faced and allowed Rosemont to extend their lead to 7-5, Wunsch retired the next three batters and left the bases loaded without any further damage. The Lady Cavs then took over with a very productive fifth inning. They recorded nine runs to take a 14- 7 lead that led to an
eventual 15-7 victory. Infielders Jennifer Wiederwax, a sophomore, and Chris Lear, a first-year student, each had two runs batted in. Sophomore co-captain Sis Slater added one. "These two wins are the start of something great," Slater said. "We're a young team with only a few upperclassman so there's only room for improvement." The Lady Cavs made it to the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference chaqipionship last year only to lose to Misericordia College. However, this year is another season and another team. "Last year if we were behind, we would have folded and I think we learned from that experience," Coach Jim Hedtke said. "There's now a lot of maturity on this team. We still play our own g.ame if we get behind." The players themselves only had praise for one another. 1'We have strong returning players and an excellent bunch of new players," Canaris said. "We played a good game by pulling together and never giving up," infielder Mandi Hopta, a first-year student, said. Spring is here. The birds are singing and the bats are swinging. As long as the sun shines, so will the Lady Cavs. "We are definitely a force to be reckoned with in the PAC," Canaris said.
Runnersget on the mark by Celer,e Wright
arm and leg muscles. The teammates said they feel that they need a lot of practice, especial Iy Teammates sprint against each those who are new to track and to the other competing for the best times. team. Coach Tom O'Hara makes They throw the shot put trying to sure they get their pract~, but he reach the furthest distance. does not maker a habit out of pushing They push themselves in the long them too hard. jump flying through the air-in the "I thing the practice helps us to hopes of daiming their own indi- get our bodies toned for meets," vidual spot, untouchable to anyone. Rowena.Rutherford, a first-year stuAll this competition within dent, said. "The coach takes his time Cabrini's track team, but such a u_nity with those that are inexperienced in their minds. and he does make us take on more "I feel it's a supportive team be- than we can handle." cause we receive encouragement It seems that team is confident from the coach as well as the team," about the events they can handle. Tanisha Rufus, a first-year student, They are eager to perform in their said. " encouragement enables first track meet, which is the Stockyou to do more because so many ton Relays on Saturday, March 25. people are behind you and it makes "I thinkwe practiced really hard you want to excel." and we 're ready to see if we measure The Cavs that make up the men's uptootherschools," Rutherford said. and women's track team have started AccordingtoWilliams,themen's their season. Every week day, they and women's _teammight be ready. skip their lunch break and travel to He said, ''Th~ girls look good _the Radnor High School track to considering they are full of first-year practice. runners. The men look real strong According to first-year student because, though we may not have a James Williams, the sprinters prac- lot of people, we have people that tice by running pyramids, which are can win more than one event. the 200 meter, the 300 meter and the Forthe Stockton Relays, the mep. ()00 meter races. The jumpers par- plan to participate in the four-by-one ticipate in jumping drills. The team with _Millerrunning first leg, senior also does a routine exercise in the Mike Tims running second, junior school's weight room, working their Shawn McAleer running third leg, sports editor
and first-year student Far'd Nasir running anchor. Nasir will also be participating in the 100-meterdash, 400-meterdash, triplejump and longjump. Tims will perform in the shot put, discus, high jump and the javelin. First-year student John 'Thompson is throwing shot put. First-year student John Mack may be running the 400 and the 800. McAleer will be running in the 400. Miller is running in the 200meter dash and triple jump. Senior Steve McGowan ani:IJason Chaya are not participating in this meet, but are members of the team. The members of the women's team participating in the Stockton Relays include first-year students Michelle Olsen and Heather Odium and junior Kristen Vento. In addition, Rutherford will run the relay and perform in the events of discus, javelin and shot put; Rufus will run the 100 and the relay; senior Tammy Pfeiffenberger will run the 100-meter and 200-meter dash; Elizabeth Lang will run the 100 and the relay; first-year student Nicole Volikas will run the 1500 and the 3000; senior Melanie Bruno will participate in the high jump, triple jump and the long jump; and first-year student Sue Edenborn will run the 3000 and the 5000.
photo by Sl/lcey C8iazzo
First-year student James Williams_ performs ;n the long jump at practice.