March 31, 1995 Issue 22 Loquitur

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Friday,March31, 1995 Vol. XLI, No. 22 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087

Domestic vi·olence: A woman shares her experiences with physical and mental abuse by John Lindsay assistant arts & entertainment editor

"He beat me with words, but when he began to beat me with his hands I wanted out," Cathy said. Cathy started her college life full of excitement and trust. When she met Marc she trusted him first as a friend. Then they started going out. They met at orientation and talked a lot. Marc was the first guy to ever tell Cathy that she was beautiful. She thought that this meant that Marc loved her.

D Statistics from the Family Violence Prevention Center in Sao Francisco state that in nine out of 10 domestic violence cases, the victim is usually in a relationship for some time before the verbal or physical abuse starts. ·

D Marc and Cathy were always together. Marc's friends were her friends and Cathy's friends were his. "When Marc and I got completely comfortable with one another, that is when he began to demean me," Cathy said. The remarks were just little things.

When they were together he would tell her to get up and fix him something to eat. "It wasn't always what he said, it was the way he said it," Cathy said. Marc would.also belittle her in front of his friends, trying to prove that he was right and she was wrong. He would say things like, ''why are you so stupid or are you just slow?"

happened on two occasions. Cathy, like other women, thought it would stop.

else being battered, it makes me relive my own nightmare."



One night, an argument broke out between Cathy and Marc and he hit her and threw her against a wall. A scream belted out as she hit the wall. Her hope was that someone in the dorm would have heard her scream. As she got up Marc, tried to stop her. "It's over, let me out!" Cathy said. Marc let her out the door, begging and pleading with her. She turned and walked away.

In the Philadelphia area, people who are abused can take their plea to Family Court, the Abuse Assistance Unit/Domestic Violence. The person has an interview where they fill out a petition explaining the relationship to the defendant. Then, while they wait, the petition is taken upstairs to the judge of expository communication or the signing judge. The signing judge decides if ¢ere wasfearofintimateorbodilyinjury. If so, then the judge is.5uesa restraining order for a 10-day period until the hearing process. If convicted, it can beforone of two thing5. A restraining order can be granted which involves staying away from the victimand eviction,but if they approach the victim, they are in violation. Thereisalsoprotectiooonly, which

For most abusers, it is not so much about the abuse it is about a need to be in control or in power. The abuser does not harm the person fo! physical reasons, but more for psychological reasons, according to the Prevention Center.

D "The arguments with Marc slowly got worse," said Cathy. "Until once he struck me, hard!" Like other couples, Marc and Cathy had arguments. In this particular argument,. Marc just started getting angry for no apparent reason. Marc and Cathy were talking, and Marc started to get angry and he reached over and hit her. "It hurt, not because of him hitting me, because I felt like a fool,"

Counselors at the Prevention Center speculate that why it is so easy for the victims to excuse the abuse is because the abuser is someone they- are close to and they really believe it will stop.


D Cathy watched the first reports as to what 0.J. Simpson allegedly did to his ex-wife Nicole BrownSimpson, and it made her shudder.

D The sight of O.J. Simpson in court has done more than send audience ratings soaring. It has also caused many battered women to ·break their silence.

CJ A woman is being beaten somewhere in the United States every nine seconds, according to the Prevention Center. 1nthe time it tookyouto read thisarticle, 60 women were beaten.

D Facts show that in abusive relationships, there eventually is a final argument that sets off .the victim, according to the Prevention Center.

Cathy said.


The next day, Marc apologized to Cathy and for some reason, she believed him. The abuse


means the abuser can stay in the residence, but if they abuse or harass the victim they are in violation. If they violate their one-year sentence, they can spend six months in prison or pay a $1000 fine or both, then their case goes to a criminal court.

"I was stupid, I didn't report these instances," Cathy said. "Every time I hear of someone

Up all night!

Facts about what to do if a person is physically or mentally abused: ORape: In the state of Pennsylvania, if a person engages in non-consensual sexual intercourse due to physical force, coercion or threat, actual or implied, the act is considered rape. A person is unable to consent if he or she is mentally incapacitated, asleep, physically helpless due to drug or alcohol consumption, or unconsciousness. □Sexual


Toforceorcoerceamanorwomao to engage in any form of sexual contact.

What to do: [JGet to a safe place as soon as possible. [JGet immediate medical attention. QContact a close friend or family member that you can trust to provide emotional support through the steps. [).Seek professional support.

Who to call: □Counseling photo by DawnielleKlopp

The SeniorAwake-A-Thonbeganat 10:30p.m. on Saturday,March20, but did not last the expected 12 hours. Instead,it endedwhen the beer ran out at 5 a.m. Proceedswent to the seniorclass.

Services ext. 8561 QHealth Services ext. 8400 QPublic Safety ext. 8245 QCampus Ministry ext. 8225/


□Resident Life ext. 8410

QRadnor Police 668-0500 QWomen Organized Against Rape (WOAR) 24-hour hotline number: 566-4342

Prevention: □Make use of the public safety

escort service. QBe direct and firm with someone pressuring you sexually. QPay attention to what is going on around you. QTrust your intuition DAvoid the use of drugs or alcohol because it may cloud your judgment. QBe prepared to clarify any misunderstandings that someone may incorrectly infer from your attire or behavior. □Know that you are expressing hostility and aggression if you are trying to force or coerce someone to engage in sex. QAlways let someone know where you are going, when you expect to return and who you are with; let your date know that someone else knows you are with him or her. □If you begin to feel uncomfortable, pay attentionto that feeling and begin to plan a way to leave.

Inside ... Week at a Glance ... March 31 to April 6 Sports


Men's tennis is back into the swing of things!



Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges.



Mr. Cabrini contest raises money for the sen"ior class.




v'8 p.m. "Flowers

v'8 a.m.- 8 p.m.

v'6 p.m. Mass in . v'8 a.m. Mass in v'Noon Mass in

for Algernon" musical in the Grace Hall Atrium.

Washington D.C. trip. v'8 p.m. "Flowers for Algernon" musical in the Grace Hall Atrium.

the chapel. . v' Silent Auction for Advocates for Abuse Recovery. v' Cultural Awareness week begins.

the chapel. v' Blood Drive in the Widener Center Gathering Area.

the chapel. t/7 p.m. Alcohol Assessment Program in WCLH. v' Lost and Found items on display outside Student Development.

v'8 a.m. Mass in the

v'Noon Mass in the



v'9:30 p.m. Bingo in the Widener Center Gathering Area. v' Keith Marks performs in the cafeteria at lunch.



Friday, March

31, 1995

J \ti 8wpqj nt I Eve"ryone's problem When the news strikeshome


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During a recent journalism class discussion, it became evident that many people do not realize just how commonplace domestic violence is. Physical and mental abuse is not something that happens occasionally and only to a small percentage of the population. According to the Family Violence Prevention Center in San Francisco, a woman is beaten somewhere in the United States every nine seconds. That is approximately 31 million women a year. Many people, men and women, tum their heads away when they hear about cases of domestic violence. Some small spark of compassion may flare for a moment, but it soon disappears. After all, they are not the ones being abused, and it really doesn't happen all that often, does it? Tell that to the millions of women like Nicole Brown Simpson who were beaten or murdered last year and see what sort of response you will get. Domestic violence is serious. It can happen to anyone. It is not confined to the ghettos. It is not a "white thing" or a "black thing" or a "Hispanic thing." It is not a "rich thing" or a "poor thing." It is not someone else's problem. It is not something that happens occasionally and only to those women or men or children who are "asking for it." Domestic violence is a part of everyday life in this great country of ours, where our women and children are being raped and beaten by people they care for and about. This cannot be ignored. It is our problem, and it will continue to be a problem until everyone - men, women and children - stop turning their heads away and start saying "stop the violence."

Caroline Croley, managing editor

Before I left for Christmas vacation, I was busy finishingmy finalexamsand gettingready to spenda monthwithmy familyandmy friends. During thattime I was also reading the stories aboutthebeatingsofE.ddiePoleein Philadelphia. My vacationcouldnot have been betteruntilthe SundaybeforeI came back to school. It wasa typicalSundayat my house,andI was busypackingupmy roomagainandsayinggoodbye to my friends before we all headed our separateways. I was excitedtojump intothenew semester. Everythingwas running smoothly tbat day untilaboutlOp.m.whenmymomgotaclisturbing phonecall.Itwasmysister-in-law.Sheinformed us that she and my brother, her husband,just returnedhome from the em~rgencyroom. My . ~wnbro~erhad beenbeatenm thefacenumerous tunes with a baseballbat. While I hadbeen comfortablein my room talkiflgon the phone,my brotherwas lyingin an

him lookingthe way he did. The policewereinvestigatingtheincidentand theywere comingup with nothing. Wherewere they the nightof the attack? Did anyonewalk by and see him unconsciousin a pool of his own blood? Couldn't someone have seen him and called 911? What's the matter with people? I mean, aren't we taughtto help thosein need? I thank God that it was a warm night in January.Youdon'tgetmanyofthoseinthedead of winter. If it hadbeena coldnight,the chances of Doug waking up would have been rather unlikely.The doctors said he might have gone hypothermic. It turnsout crimeslike thesego withoutpunishment How can this be? There has to be somethingwe can·do to control such a horrible crime. Why do somanyaccuserswalkthe streets withoutpunishment? It isn't fair- and it really scaresme. For a long time I was terrifiedto be alone. When I had to be alone, I would jump at the slightestnoise. It'sashamethatsomethingterriblelikeDoug's attackmade me more aware that somethinglike this cold happen to an ne anywhere at anytime. ~ does not have t~°ix:~ a poor ~ion of to:wnor in a city. Doug's attack happenedin a smalltown,witha relativelygoodreputation,in a well-litarea. Fortunatelymy brotheris back to his normal life doing the he en·o s doing. But his

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The new benches located outside of the Widener Center were a pleasant surprise. This gives students another. place besides the peace garden to smoke, talk, study or daydream. The timing is also perfect because the weather is becoming warmer.

The Open House held last weekend was a great success thanks to the hard work of the tour guides. Over 400 students attended and the tours were larger than usual.

In an effort to improve service, the Wood Company handed out surveys during peak meal hours. They were eager for students to fill them out. It is hoped that the ideas suggested in these surveys are implemented.

Milestones 0 There is a new addition to the Cabrini family! Theater dire_ctorNeal Newman and his wife had a baby boy, Justin Newman. Congratulations!

shocked.I couldn't reallybelievesomethingthat

Also, in the backof my mind,I am stillafraid

cruelandhorriblecouldhappentosomeoneinmy to go out at night alone, and I wonder if that own family! attackeror thoseattackerswill strikeagain. My brother,Doug,is 30 yearsold and he is a It is scary.The old sayingis right You never socialworker. Arowid 8 p.m. after leavinghis knowwhat's going to happenuntil it happens. office and walking to ·his car, someori~ or a group of guys - came up from behind and attackedhim. Doug,who is6 feet2inches talland roughly 210 pounds,never saw his attackeror attackerscoming.He receivedthefirstblowto the forehead,knockinghim down to his knees. With blood in his eyes, and his body getting weaker,he tried to fightback and to identifyhis E<itorin chief: Kely McOonaid· attackers.Themorehe triedto fightthemorethey Managing Editor. carolire Croley beat his face. Doug was beaten severalmore Op-Ed Edlo<:Janes. var,lngen times in the mouth until he was face down and Assistant Op-Ed Editors:AnQelaMal!ioniim Nina MarieSciarrotta News Editor: CIY!slinaFeelwl unconscious. Assislart News Editors:Beth Moloy Md,a Testa When the attackerssaw blood, I guess they and EnterlarlmentEditor: ReginaMiler were afraidmy brotherwas dead,and got scared Ms Assistart Ms Md Enlertai'wnentEditors:KalhyCephas and Jom andranaway. Douglay thereforanhourwithout Lindsay help until he woke up. FemJn:ISEditor. Sheila Brady WhenDougregainedconsciousness,hesome- AssistantFealures Editors:Joama Golesh and Alyson Hannigan how managedto drivehimselfto the emergency SportsEditor: Celene Wright AssistantSports Editor:StephaneCaldwell .room. He bad no ideahow he got there. He was SportsColumnistBob M""'"1ney just happyto be aliveand get help. CopyEditor. RichardJasper Whilehewasgettingstitphed,thepoliceasked AssistantCopy Edlo<, Klm Sheldron hima seriesof questionsregardinghis clientsat Busiiess Manager: Kwen 5ZCZl.l"ek work; did he rememberidentifyinghis attackers Assislart Buslne6s Manager:Larissa Schuman andwhat kindof weaponthe attackersmay have PholcgraphyEdllor: DawrielleKlopp Assislart Phclography Edto,: Cerollne Croley used? Doug couldn't rememberanything. He did, Pholograpt,fAdviser. C\'.c- Craigie however,rememberthathe wasprobablytherein Adviser. C\'.Jerane Zixek the parkinglot for aboutan hour. He knew what Slaff: Mary8.ufele, Mam- Craig,DavidDiMalleo,PalriclaFoley, Lisa Hines,AArf Jaci<son, AndreaKelltlef,Jamie l..a!shaw,Joe time he lefthis officeand askedwhat time it was MarUano, Paul Mlwt>Jano, Justin PNgiMi, DonnaSchaeiler,Diane Wrobleski when he arrivedat the emergencyroom. I couldn't believe it I kept thinking this PholographyStsff:MarieBarrett,CarolineCroley.Slacey Ciazzo, couldn'tbe happeningto someoneI know. I will James Gn,gory,Jamie la!sl-..w, Tern McKee,MlrellaAdessi never forget the look of horror on my parents ~ Desiglers: Kathy Malore, Steve May faces. I wantedto see Doug,but I was afraidto. I Catoonist:KyteSinon and KatinaCorrao heardhereceivedapproximately 30stitchesinhis UXJJUIs pobished weekty,duringthe school yea, by studerm of mouth. His face was very swollen and very Cabrini Colege, Radnor, PA 19087. Phone: 610.971-&412. Suboaiption prioe Is $25 per yea, and Is ilnJded in the benellls bruised.Itreallyscaredme.lthoughtoftheEddie secured by b.itionMd student lees. Polee incident,and how terribleit was, but how Loqut,, welcomes lelters to the edior. Letters should be signed Md the BIAhorsh4) knownto the edilors. However,W1he'Mlet luckymy brotherwas to be alive. wishes, Md the edtor agrees. the writer'sname may be left off 1he I triedto see Dougthe next daybeforel came letterupon publicationand ar, inscripCioninserted such as "name at the req.,estof the writer." Lettersshould be typed, backto school,but he was sleeping.I didn't want wlhheld double-.spaced, Md no morethan 300 words in length. Wa letteris too long for 1heavailable space, the editormayedit or oondense it to botherhim. I hatedgoingback to school,being ~ to the edilof should be submitled by noon on Mondays. 100 miles away and not knowingwhat the hell edbials and opinionspublishedin Loqlitur ..-ethe views of the was going on. I was worriedaboutmy sister-in- Toe S\Jdent editorialstaff ard the indMdl.elwritersMd not the enli'e swdent boator the faally and adminls1ralion. law, my parents and my brother. Doug didn't want,includinghis own parents,to see l..oq.JiurIs establshed as a fon.rnfor student expression and as a Yoicv inlheIK!inhlliled, rw.1$1,!Teoandoplll lii<.ullion (I/ INuol,

Friday, March 31, 1995



!1.:;eff er .· Rememberingthe '60s: What has changed? Bonfiglio, vice president student development

Twenty-five years ago this May, the so-called student movement of the 1960s effectively came to an end with the shooting of four college:aged youths at an anti-Vietnam war demonstration at Kent State University by members of the Ohio National Guard, and the shooting of students at Jackson State University at another demonstration several days later. If you can imagine four students at Cabrini being shot down for exercising. their constitutional right to demonstrate peacefully on campus, you can imagine how it must have felt to have been a college student during this time.

D Student Movement The student movement had its beginnings 10 years earlier, in May 1960. The House Un-American Activities Committee came to San Francisco to hold two weeks of hearings on disloyalty and subversion, and to root out what was perceived to be communist influence in the government. Also in 1960, a group of college and university affiliates of a political organization called the League for Industrial Democracy renamed themselves the Students for a Democratic Society, and pledged themselves to begin the task of building a new left-wing political movement among American students. The philosophy of SDS was put forth in the 1962 Port Huron Statement, written by Tom Hayden. The student movement lamented the disillusion that was setting in among the young, and the "hypocrisy of American ideals." It cited the "paradoxes" of racism and militarism in a society that boasted of being egalitarian and peace loving. The nation's success in accumulating wealth, according to the statement, did not signal a golden age. On the contrary, it signaled a decline in life. The statement also spoke of a society which was not run on a democratic model, but by industrial and business elites who ran foreign policy. The document also lamented the inadequacy of the American university, especially critic_izing the cumbersome nature of academic bureaucracy and of the demeaning supervision over student behavior. Furthermore, the document stated that communism in American politics is mindless paranoia. However, it did not defend the Soviet Union, which it saw as militaristic.

D Cabrini What was it like at Cabrini in the 1960s? On one level, Cabrini is recalled as a place f,!r removed from demonstrations and shootings. Mary Ann Mirra, a sec~etary in tte registrar's office, has fond memories of a Cabrini in the '60s when everyone knew everyone and that the discord of the outside world was miles away. Mirra's most vivid recollection of

the '60s was experiencing the shock of trait of Americans as seen from outside learning that students had successfully of the United States. lobbied to obtain permission to wear Despite the increasing tendency to slacks while attending liturgy, surely a question government policy, the Decemsign that "the times were a-changing." ber 1965 Loquitur featured a This recollection seems to support one photographer's survey in which students social critic's contention that the con- overwhelmingly condemned draft-card tributions to American society of the burning as a valid means of social proparticipants in the student movement test. In February 1966, a Loquitur editowere mainly contributions of style, rial encouraged students to support the dress, hair length and rhetoric. This view brothers, cousins, uncles and boyfriends actually sells the student movement a who made up the fighting boys in Vietbit short. · nam, and the October 1966 edition exFor Sr. Ursula Infante, Cabrini's horted students not to act up against president through 1967, the '60s were a U.S. military action but to pray for peace. "calm time" at Cabrini. While the colBy 1969, the Loquitur had come full lege experienced great sadness at the circle. Instead of imploring students to death of John F. Kennedy in 1963, over- be unyielding in the face of the commuall she recalls her tenure at Cabrini as a nist threat, it encouraged them to rehappy time. quest administrative support for the naOther than one student who had a tional moratorium against the war schedsignificant other stationed at Fort Dix, uled for Oct. 15, which would be a day · she does not remember the activities of when "teach-ins" were scheduled around the military having an impact on cam- the country. pus. With the arrival of a new decade and In fairness, Sr. Ursula's tenure as the shooting of students at Kent State president predates the peak years of cam- and Jackson State, the student movepus activism. Nancy Gorevin-Costello, ment unraveled. It is not difficult to however, was a student at Cabrini dur- surmise the reason for this turn of events. ing the heyday of student activism naWhile the movement upheld noble tionally. Nonetheless, she, like Mary ideas to be pursued, it never formulated Ann Mirra and Sr. Ursula, remembers a set plan for achieving social reform Cabrini during this period as "Camelot" other than through public protest, and and "an apolitical place." was thus probably doomed to failure Costello does remember the class of from the start. Moreover, on any given '72 as being particularly radical, libercampus, only about one-fourth of the ated and questioning authority in a way students were actively involved in antitheir predecessors and· successors did . government protests. not. In her view, what was happening elsewhere on college campuses D Why the movement ended and what emboldened Cabrini students to look at has changed issues that affected campus life here, such as parietals. The innocence and self-righteousness She readily points out, though that of the participants apparently precluded when stul;ient activists at Cabrini pro- them from addressing some of the more tested something, "it was such practical elements of achieving social good taste." reform. Students never seriously proposed □ Loquitur in the '60s what needed to be done to change society and instead opted for random, sponThe pages of Loquitur portray a tan- taneous expressions of emotion. gible shift in the editorial position of As the movement disintegrated nathe college newspaper concerning the tionally, its participants dispersed. Many Vietnam War and eroding faith in the ended up in conventional careers. This federal government. In the April 1960 is not to imply that lives were, on the issue, a report on book discussion ad- whole, not changed by direct or indirect vised the reader to guard against insidiinvolvement in the student movement. ous communist propaganda, and a NoFor example, the women's movement vember 1961 op-ed piece expressed the has made life in the '90s significantly prevailing sentiment at the time that we different from life in the '60s, and it was were "better dead than red." the offspring of the student movement Cabrini students at that time would and the civil rights movement. no doubt have applauded the work of the The college experience is also much House of Representatives Committee on different today than it was 25 years ago Un-American Activities that sparked the as a result of the student movement. student demonstration in San Francisco For example, most colleges· and uniin May of 1960. versities have abandoned their efforts to An October 1963 Loquitur e~litorial strictly control the personal lives of their warned students not to grow complastudents. Students have also gained cent about the threat of world dominagreater curricular choice and the elimition by the Soviet Union, a view of nation of many course requirements, and foreign affairs that seemed to be the the role of students in college governnorm both nationally and in suburban ment has been expanded. Main Line in Philadelphia. · The irony of the student movement is In succeeding editions however, one that individuals made the university their gets the impression that alternative per- target despite the fact that the university spectives were being voiced on the Ca- was the one institution most congenial brini campus. to their views. The December issue featured an ediNonetheless, the rights that students torial that was unmistakably dovislt, and have at Cabrini today are drastically the November 1965 editorial posed the different than what they once were, due question "Are We Ugly Americans?" in part to events that took place long referencing a popular novel of the time before most of our undergraduates were that painted a less than flattering por- born.


Professorunhappy aboutportrayalof psychic To the editor: The March 17 edition of Loquitur presented an article in the arts & entertainment !;ection on "Cabrini's psychic friend networks." In that article, it is reported that psychic Valerie Morrison team-taught a course (presumably in parapsychology) with me in the psychology department. I must admit that I am particularly annoyed by those who seek to validate what they do by linking themselves with academia. For the record, I have never team-taught a course with Valerie Morrison. Moreover, she has not been, at any time, associated with the psychology department during my tenure here. While I do not claim 85 percent accuracy of predictions as she apparently does, I feel comfortable in this instance predicting, with 100 percent accuracy, that I will not be teaching a course with her in the future. Since we are all vulnerable to the stresses of life, it seems reasonable that we would look for ways to deal with these stresses. Many times we look for the easy way out. My best advice to those who seek answers to life's problems is to look in the direction of qualified, competent and licensed practitioners in the mental health field or seek counsel from a trusted clergy member. Do not be enticed by the claims of psychics. The scientific community has, time and time again, been unable to confirm the presence of reliable and valid psychic prediction. I wish to make one last point. I am disappointed that Loquitur published Valerie Morrison's fees, phone number and fax. My concern is that the casual reader may see this as an informal endorsement.

Anthony T. Tomasco professor of psychology

Letterstothe editor If thereis anythingyouwould like to discuss or an idea you would like to share,you are encouragedto write it down for all to appreciate.

Letters should be signed and the authorship must be known to the editors. The writermay chooseto havehis or her name withheld with the consent of the editor. Opinions:Is therea storyyouwould like to share? Would you like your voice to be heard? This is your opportunityto submit YOUR point of view. Opinionsshouldbe discussedwith the editor one week in advance of publication,preferably by noon on the Thursdayprecedingpublication. Questions may be addressed to Jane S. Van Ingen at extension 8412. All comments are welcome.



Friday, March 31, 1995

Speaker teaches womenhow to stay healthyin a fast food world by Joanna Golesh and Laura Testa

magazines and she feels this is wrong. The fact that overall body fat is more important than weight was one of the major Did you know chocolate is an antidepres- points Feehan brought up. She said women's sant for women and an antidepressant for body fat percentage should be between 21 men is ice cream? How about that a flame- percent and 25 percent. Men, on the other broiled burger is better than one left to soak hand, should be anywhere between 9 percent in grease? and 11 percent. · These are just a couple of the facts that Dr. "I really learned a lot from Dr. Feehan,". Roberta Feehan, professor of health and fit- junior Karen Lawrence said. "I had no idea ness at Kean College-in Union, N.J., dis- how much fat was in certain foods that we eat cussed on Tuesday, March 28. alt' the time." A small, informal group of women gathFeehan said that in order to reduce fat, one ered in a circle in the Xavier Great Room to should increase the amount of carbohydrates learn more about nutrition and personal fit- they take in. One should look at reasonable ness. food choices and nutritious foods rather than "Usually I do not go to lectures on cam- , fatty foods, she said. For example,. rather pus, but the topic sparked my interest," jun- than eating ice cream you could eat low fat ior Kristen Stancavage said. yogurt. Feehan pointed out that many women "I thought I knew a lot about eating right form their identity around the way they look and staying fit, but Dr. Feehan taught me so physically. many things that I would have never learned She said many women feel like they need from an exercise video or a diet plan in a to look as good as the models in today's magazine," Stancavage said. assistant features editor and assistant news editor

photo by DawnielleKlopp

Roberta Feehan, R.N., Ph.D., came to the Xavier Great Room on Tuesday, March 28 to speak to a small group of women about nutrition and keeping fit.

Eighty percent of the calories we take in get stored as fat, Feehan said. The purpose of fat is to be stored and move around fat soluble vitamins. "It is not what you eat," Feehan said, "but rather the amount of food you eat that really counts." · Eating smaller portions is better, she said, and you should have a piece of fruit or some type of vegetable everyday. Feehan also said women should drink eight ounces of water a day. Losing weight can be a difficult task for many people, Feehan said. Every time a -person gains weight after losing it, it takes longer to lose it again so the body must work harder, she said. "If you do tomorrow a little more than you do today," Feehan said, "it will become easier and easier to become a healthier person." Feehan finished her lecture with demonstrations of the Step and Reebok Slide, which are some of the mediums she uses in her aerobics classes.

Homes and memorieswashed away iri floodsof California by Richard Jasper

stained pages come undone from the wirebinding,scatteringphotographsto S~e Reckeylacesupherold, the water belowher. These destroyed tough-as-nailsconstruction bootsand photos,andthehappymemoriesof that rolls up the pant legs of her faded- beautifulsummerweddingfive years blue Calvin Kleinjeans. Standing ago,slowlydrift towardthebackdoor. over the kitchensink,she sighs and "I reallydidn't carealJ:outthe1V or muttersa briefprayer to God. She furniture,"Reckeysaidduringa recent wishes she didn't have to do it, but telephone interview. '"They can be she needsto put her mind at ease. replaced.But allthememories..." Her With flashlightin hand, Reckey voice trailsoff. cautiouslymakesher way down the Reckeyand her husband,residents mud-caked basement stairs. The of San Diego,are not alone. Together beamoflightcutsthroughthedimly- with thousandsof citizensof Califorlitroom,andsheisabletoseethatthe nia, they battled one of the strongest couch is water-logged,the cushions rainstormstoinundatethestateinmore and upholsterystaineddarkbrown. than 100 years. The Sony televisionwill have to "It's funny,but I didn't expect the go,aswillthesetofBritannicaEncy- floodingto be so bad, especiallyso far clopedias.Fortunately, theIBMlooks south," Reckey said. "I just kind of like it may haveSUIVived the worst shrugged it off becausewe've been Right now, she is searching throughbad stonns before. I thought throughtheremainingtwo inchesof that maybe my carpetingwould be stagnantwaterforherweddingphoto destroyedagain,but neverin mywildalbum. est dreams did I imagine this would Five minuteslater,Reckeyfinds happento us." it resting beneath the coffee table. Butitdid. Beginningmorethantwo Holding back tears, she strains to weeksago,thegale-forcerainsblew in pick the album up, a once-white from the PacificOcean,causing milalbumthatnowhastheweightequiva- lions of dollars in initial damage to lencyof two concretecinderblocks. roads, homes and farmland. As the As she gingerlyopensthe cover,the daysprogressed,the situationbecame copy editor and writing coach

worse. ''When the stonn fust hit,I saw the localnewsfootageofthefloodedfannland and washed-Outhighwaysin the centralpart of the state,"Reckeysaid, "and selfishlyI thought,'Better them than us.'" Eventually, though, the rains stretched southward. By Sunday, March 12, 39 of California's58 counties had declaredthemselvesto be disasterareas. One weeklater,48 countieswereina stateofruins.lnall,atleast 15 peoplehaddied or were missingas a resultof the seriesof winterstonns. "Californiaisa hugestate,andthere seemsto be veryfew areasnot affected by the flooding,"Reckeysaid. Her assumptionis correct. From Humboldtand Lassen countiesto the farnorthofthestatetolmperialandSan Diego countiesto the south, close to 900 miles of Californiawere pummeled with rain, twice the distance from Bostonto Washington,D.C One of the hardest hit areaswas Monterey County, located along the Pacific Coast of central California, where rushingwater from the Pajaro Riverbrokea 200-footsectionoflevee, inundatingthe sleepy town of Pajaro and makingit virtuallyinhabitable.

Farmlandthroughoutthe statewas also affected by the deluge, leaving fieldafterrichfieldoflettuce,stra~berries and artichokesunder water. In addition,hundreds of acres of grape vines in the Napa Valley,northof San Francisco,have been damaged,a loss of about 3 percentof the 140,000tons ofgrapesproducedeachyear. AccordingtoThePhiladelphiaInquirer,supermarketshoppersthroughoutthe country canexpectto ~ an increasein the price of many fruits and vegetables growninCalifomiawithinthenextfew months. And in a statewhereresidentscherish their freewaysmore than a sunny afternoonat the beach,motoristswere oftenleft strandedthroughoutCalifor-

including 1989's San Francisco earthquake,the 1991 hill fires in Oaklandand last year's Northridge earthquake. Thesedisasters,coupledwiththe constantthreatof the ''Big One," a majorquakeregisteringaboveamagnitude 8 on the Richter scale that someexpertsclaimwill shakeCaliforniato its veryfoundationsby the tum of the century,are enough for manyto thinktwiceaboutlivingday to dayinthestateonceknownsolely for its sun, surfand sand. '"The whole idea of living out there scares me," said Deborah Johnston-Kreamer,acontinuingeducationstudentwho has friendsthat livein a suburbof SanFrancisco."I nia. reallydon't think I couldhandleit." "Californiais sucha beautifulstate, ''But for the people who live but sometimesI reallythink you have there, the disastersare normal and tobenutsto liveout here,"Reckeysaid. natural to them," Anne Marie "Lately,it's just one disasterafter an- Pettineo,a continuingeducationstuother." dent,said. "lt'snoteasytojustpack Or so it seems. Californianshave up and leave." indeedhadmorethantheirfair share of Or is it? run-inswith Mother Nature. In fact, '"Thenext time I see rain clouds thereseemsto be anapocalypticunder- movingin or feel the groundshake, tone to the floods, earthquakes,fires I'm on the next plane out of here," and landslidesthat have plagued the Reckeysaid."How'sPennsylvania GoldenStatewithinthepast six years, thistime of year?"

College heads in rightdirectionfor reaccreditation by Justin Mlrlglianl staff writer

Every 10 years, Middle States Commission on Higher Education sends a team of evaluatorsto Cabrini to see if the college should receive reaccreditation. This year is the tenth for Cabrini. The team of nine people, comprised of faculty and administrators of other colleges, will be at Cabrini from March 26 through the 29. To prepare for the visit, the college did a self-study. The study is an overview of the last 10 years at Cabrini. The report is done by several members of the Cabrini administration. The administration is broken up into groups and each group covers a different aspect of Cabrini. The report is to point out the good

as well as the bad points of the college. The report covers trends and surveys on how Cabrini compares with other colleges in several areas. The study showed that Cabrini is superior in a lot of areas. After the team reads the report, they send back a 20-page report of their own. Cabrini will then get a chance to correct any factual errors. Once the visit is completedby the team, they decide whether to reaccreditate the college or not. The decision will come in June. While there is a lot of optimism that Cabrini will be r~accreditated, the leaders of the self-study know there is room for improvement. "It is a good healthy process and it should be done continuously," Dr. MaryAnne Biller , co-chair person

of Middle States, said. ''We need more athletic facilities. There is also a lot of crowding in the donns. We also need more science labs.'' Biller said she feels that Cabrini has to keep putting money in for financial aid to stay competitive. The optimism felt by the staff has also been echoed by students. "I get a lot of individual attention in class and the teachers are very easy to talk to," first-year student, Phyllis Cohen said. "I think it is good that the classes are small and you can ask questions no matter how stupid you may think they are. You will definitelyget the help you need. I would make the same choice to come to Cabrini, because I have talked to friends ?t other schools and I realize how good I have it.''

"I think at Cabrini you get a wellbalanced education compared to other schools. This is a big family," BillyMyers,afirst-yearstudent,said, "Besides academics,you are able to have a person-to-person conservation with your instructorwhich is not found in other schools. I am happy I chose Cabrini." "I like the friendly atmosphere," first-yearstudentJames Shulersaid. "I also appreciate the quality of the staff and how they help the students to develop their abilities. I had the opportunity at 5 feet 5 inches tall to play college basketball. I think I am receiving a just as good or an even better education as the top-notch schools." "I like the atmosphereof the small classes," first-year student Jeannine

Wesolowski said. "And since it is such a small school, you are ,!ibleto meet more friends. If I had the decision to make again, I would choose Cabrini." The same students temper the optimism with objectivity. "As for the livingsituation,I think triples do not work, no matter who the people are," Cohen said. "Three peopleinthesameroomisnotagood idea." "The athletic fields are not abundant at Cabrini," Wesolowski said. "I also don't like the parking situation. I alwayswind up parking in the Grace Hall parking lot, and I paid $25 to be able to find a convenient parking spot." The general consensusis that Cabrir1iis headingin the right direction.

Friday, March 31, 1995



Going the extra mile fuels opportun·ities by Beth Molloy

assistant news editor Her teachers,in her senioryearof high school,toldher she shouldgo to a bigger school with a better name. They told her she shouldnot go into education since she could go· so much further with her great intelligence. "She's a mathematicalgenius," senior Tricia Reilly said. "She is an excellentstudent,"Dr. M. L Corbin Sicoli, professor of psychologyand sociology,said. "She has a brilliantmath mind," senior Colleen Gray said. ButseniorBethPiercewentalong· with what she wanted to do. She applied to just one school in her senior year and had just one profession in mind- education.The only school she applied to was Cabrini. Beth chose Cabrini because she did not want to be just another face inthe crowd.Shewantedto go somewhere small, somewhere like her high school.She believedshe would do her best work in the environment Cabrini had to offer. So, of course, aftergraduating at the top of her high school class, she attendedCabriniand she majoredin early-childhoodeducation. · "She did exactlywhat she set out to do," Reilly said. But by mid-semester,Beth was consideringdroppingout of school. She seemed overwhelmed.She felt shewas not accomplishinganything. But it did nottake longfor herfriends to talk herout of her decisionandthat was when Beth got more involved and changed her mind. Pierce said her orientationroommate had a lot to do with her decision to stay at Cabrini.They first met at orientation,but theyremainedfriends for the last four years. This person was Reilly.

"She helped me come out of my ties, she tutored third and fifth graders at the Paul V. Fly Elementary shell," Pierce said. Pierce said all the friendsshe met School in the spring of 1994. She in her freshmanyear are the friends also helped in running the Kappa Delta Pi Regional Conferen~ held she has now. "I'm really glad I met the people at Cabrini in October 1994. As for her performanceas a stuI did," Pierce said. •Her friendsseemto feel the saine. dent, Sicolisaidshe sees Pierceas an Reilly said that she believes excellentstudent. "She sets a lot of extra challenges Pierce's number-one quality is her loyalty.She saidshe is not only loyal for herself," Sicoli said. "She goes to her friends, but to her family, her the extra mile." Sicoli said that Pierce not only boyfriend and to the kids she has been actively in tune with since her wants to work with children,but she junior year in high school at also wants to understand why chilFlanagan's Preschool in Consho- dren do the things they do. ''She wants to dig deeper,"Sicoli hocken, Pa. "She's almost like a child her- said. According to Pierce, Sicoli was self," Reilly said."She's loyal to her theone who convincedher to minor kids.". Reilly describedPierce as having in psychology. Pierce said her decision to teach the potential of being "like the king came after working at Flanagan's. of the world." Her interest in working with chilBut Piercedoesnot want to be the dren was also influenced by the fact king of the world. "All that mattersto her is being a that she grew up around children. ''They always come out with the good person," Reilly said. "It's alfunniest things," Pierce said. ''They most like a vocation." She also said she is a simple per- . make you laugh." Pierce has been working at son with simple desires. According to Reilly,this is precioussincethis is Flanagan's for approximatelythreeand-a-halfyears. Accordingto Jane such a complicatedworld. "She deserves everything that's Flanagan, director of the school, wonderfulinthe world," Reillysaid. Pierce has been an excellent emOncePierceg9t more involvedin ployee. She is respected by all her school in her freshman year, there co-workers and parents of the children.Flanaganalsosaid she is loved was no looking back. Her activities ·include being a by the c;hildren. "We think the world of Beth," member of the cheerleading squad for the past four years·andcaptainof Flanagansaid. Pierce startedout as a class aid at the team for the last two years. She has also worked in the registrar for theschool.She is now a groupsuperthe pastfour years.She wasan orien- visor. She also works in the summer tation counselor for three consecu- as one of the three head teachers. , "She is a wonderfulassettow hattive years. At present, Pierce is the founda- ever class she is working in," tions chairperson on the executive · Flanagan said. According to Flanagan, Pierce board of Sigma Rho, which she was has growna lot duringher timeat the a member of two years before. In addition to her school activi- school.FlanaganseesPierceas more

pho10by Mane Barren

Senior Beth Pierce wants to work with children after graduation.

self-confident and outgoing than definitelysees herselfworkingwith when she first began working there. children. Her long-term goal is to She also described her as having a open up her own day-care center alongwith a high schoolfriend. She strong classroom presence. Pierce said she sees herself as a said she wants to teach children. "When you teach somethingto a more outgoing person now as well. She said that during her time at Ca- child, you get a feeling of accombrini,she has gottento know herself plishment,"Piercesaid."Seeinghow yourteachinghas influencedthem is better. She also said she believes the the neatest thing." Piercesaidsheknowsshe is in the education program has a lot to do right field.She can back this up with with her growth. "The teachers here made me a little heart-to-heart she received participate," Pierce said. "The an- from Sicoli. "When you're doing something swers, whether right or wrong, are and you don't notice the time passaccepted." Pierce said the classroom envi- ing by, then you knowyou are doing ronment allowed her to grow close the right thing," Sicoli said. Pierce stoppednoticingthe passto many of her professors. ing of time ages ago. As for the futufe, Pierce said she

Nontraditional studentgraspsopportunities by Donna Schaeffer staff writer

The room is silent. It is 6:59 a.m. on Wednesday morning. Suddenly, the radio blurts out, "KYW News Radio 1060." It is now 7 the woman reaches for the "off' switch on her alarm clock. There is a knock at the door. Half awake, she says, "Yeah!" "Areyougoingtousethebathroom?" asksthevoiceon theother side of the door. The woman replies yes, but adds that she will not belong. "Can you just let me know when you're done?" says the voice. "Sure," the woman replies. This is usually the way a typical day begins for transfer student Wendy Wilke. Wilke lives in Kingswood apartments with her two sophoa more roommates,JamieLatshaw and Donna Schaeffer. "They're both sweeties, and

we get along well," Wilke said. "Wendy is a very easy person to live with," Latshaw said. "She is very open and concerned." Wendy is a 34-year-old,nontraditionalresidentstudent and an education major. After having a three-hour commute to and from Montgomery County Community College last year, Wilke decided to reside on campus at Cabrini. Wilkesaid she liked being close to the resources and not having to commute everyday. She also added the fact that it became very expensivecommuting everyday. She was spendingnear!y $30 each week on transportation. So, upon the recommendationof Dr. Al Rauer, assistantprofessor of education, she thought she would check out Cabrini. "HehighlyrecommendedCabrini College and Dr. Dawn Middleton,a former student of his," Wilke ~aid. Wendy is no strangerto change, however. Herfatherwasasalesman, and the family moved frequently.

Born in Pottstown,Pa, Wilke has lived in New Jersey, Connecticut and Cordoba,Mexico,just to name a few. In 1982, when she was 21 years old, Wilke moved to SturgeonBay, Wis. with her fiance, Bob. Three years later, they married. "I really wanted it to work. I believed in the American dream -the house, the dog, the kids," she said. However,theirrelationshipgot worse when they married. Therewasn't anyphysicalabuse, but there was a lot of emotionaland mental abuse, Wilke said. They would fight over who took precedence over who, and other little things. ''There would always be somethingwrong,"Wilkesaid."Always." They becamedependenton each other, and she aJwaysfeared his disapproval. "He said, 'This is your job, and you better do it,' " Wilke said. While she wa!;married, Wendy developed agoraphobia,the fear of open spaces.

Shewas unableto leaveherhome, and spent her days sitting on the couch watching soap QPeras. She even gainedover 100poundsduring this time. Wendy attributes the illness to many differentevents in her life including childhood abuse, the pressuresof her marriageand her dependency on her husband. "I wasn't self-fulfilled," Wilke said. "Littleby littleI startedhelping myself." She would take littlewalks down to the end of the block at first, and then progressively they became longer. Shedeveloped·astrongfaith and trust in God, as well. She said she read a lot, and realized that she wasn't the only one with this illness. She alsowent into therapyto help with her recovery. Finally,after nearly nine yearsof marriage, Wilke decided to leave. She moved back to Pennsylvaniato be near her family. After a short time in retail sales, shedecidedthat itwasn',ther"thing."

So Wilke decided to go back to schoolto finishher degree,and eventually go on to graduate school to pursue a master's degree in library science. Wilke enjoys children and · tho.ughtthat elementary education would be a good start for her career. After only a few weeks, and a kit of help from the admissions staff, Wilke started at Cabrini in January. Wilke said that Cabriniis like a community to her. Before attendingCabrini,shehiulattended four othercolleges. "What'sneat aboutCabriniis that die people are all different ages, butthere's very little tensioa,"Wilkesaid. Wilkesaid that everyonehere is willingto help, and the people are very cooperative. "The professors have integrity," Wilke said. "They don't lower their standards." "I feelconfident,"Wilkesaid. "I know I'll get a job."



Friday, March 31, 1~95


pholo by Marie Barrett

"Ever since I was 5 years old, I've dreamed of being Mr. Cabrini," Rob Risse, senior and business administration major, said.

pholOby M&rieBarrell

'The only reason I chose Cabrini in 1991, other than standing out from the crowd, was to compete in the Mr. Cabrini pageant," Frank Petrane, senior and political science major, said. "I can't wait to see John Feketics in a bathing suit."

Seriiorsto strutstuff by Kimberly Sheldron assistant copy editor

photoby Marie Bamtt

"I think I can be Mr. Cabrini because someone wants me to win since they keep highlighting my name, and writing creative compliments about me on the advertisements around the campus," Mike Tims, senior and political science major, said.

pbolOby Marie Barrell

"Since the Mr. Cabrini contest is actually a beauty pageant, and I am the epitome of beauty, I shall have no problem in showing up the fat-bodied competition," Lindo Sabatini, senior and marketing major, said.

Imagine the Miss America pageant. There is the talent contest, the fonnal-wear contest, the swim-wear contest and then there is the question-and~answer segment. Now imagine the pageant with a different test. The contestants do not have long, blonde hair, nor do they wear a two-piece swimsuit. Their formal wear does not consist of a long, fitted, cleavage-revealing gown. They will not win a year's supply of Revlon cosmetics. On Thursday, March 30, five of Cabrini's most renown men will compete for the title of "Mr. Cabrini" in the Widener Center Lecture Hall at 9:30 p.m. In an effort to raise money for the senior class, seniors John Feketics, Frank Petrane, Robert Risse, Lindo Sabatini and Michael Tims will show off their best talents in the first Mr. Cabrini Contest. Before the contest, these five men were each given a bucket to fill with money. As

they walked through the caf\:teria and down the halls with a class officer, they asked for donations. The amount of money each man raises is also being taken into account when judging the contest. In addition to winning the title of "Mr. Cabrini," the winner will be awarded $100. Petrane and Risse both agreed that whoever wins the money will split it with the rest of the contestants, so they can all go out that night. Between events, nine eligible bachelors will be auctioned off. Any person putting out the most money on the following bachelors will have the opportunity to take him for a night: Kevin Besemer, a sophomore; Shawn McAleer, a junior; Far'd Nasir, a first-year student; MichaelPannentier, afirstyear student; Joseph Ricci, a junior; Kevin Shorten, a junior; Eric Tidwell, a junior; Robert Uff, a sophomore; or Graham Vigliotta, a sophomore. Admission to the contest is $1. All profits will go to the senior class.

pholOby ManeBarrett

"During the week of March 20, I found my calling in life--Mr. Cabrini," John Feketics, a senior and marketing major, said. "I should win because I survived Cancun, I can eat pizza in three minutes, and I can drink my a-- off."

Friday, March 31, 1995


7 2:..

Pourhouse Cafe extends open invitation. by Paul Marturano staff writer

Applause and screams of approval come from the crowd as Sam Frantz, a musician from the area of Reading, Pa., finishes up his version of "Dry Bones." The waitress pours another cup of coffee for a group of friends at one table as the next musician takes the stage. The sounds of conversation and laughter can be heard everywhere. It is another open-mic night at the Pourhouse Cafe in Malvern, Pa. Frantz said the audience is supportive. "I've done open-mies before," Frantz said, "but the audience here is the best type to play for." Every Friday night is an openmic night at the Pourhouse Cafe with the exception of the first Friday of the month. Every first Friday is open poetry night. According to Scott Mullen, an employee of the cafe, anyone who would like to play is welcome. Performers are asked to call in advance, usually between 5 and 8 p.m. on Friday. "It is definitely an augment to the Main Line," Mullen said. "There are a lot of places like this in the city but not many in the

suburbs." The cafe is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. every Monday through Thursday, 7 p.m. to midnight every Friday and 11 a.m. to midnight every Saturday. Each Saturday, a different performer is featured. Juan Avila, singer and songwriter Ken Haskins, folk singer Adam Sacks, folk duo The Barefoot Prophets, and singer/ songwriter Donn' Thompson will perform in _April, respectively. "We just come here, relax and drink coffee," Andrew Shaver, a resident of Newtown Square, Pa., said. "You get the music and you get to meet different people." According to the back of the menu, the Pourhouse Cafe and Agape Galleries is a ·place where you can enjoy visual and performing arts. It is a non-alcohol environment where people can express who they are. The Pourhouse Cafe is located on 13 East King St. in ·Malvern,

Pa. "I came up with the idea because I wanted more people to come to my Gallery," Jason Guynes, the owner of the Pourhouse Cafe and Agape Galleries, said. Agape Galleries does framing

by Kathy S. Cephas assistant arts & entertainment editor

byMarie Barren

Carl Doebley performs at the Pourhouse Cafe in Malvern, Pa. Open-mic nights are the last three Fridays .of the month from 9midnight.

and also displays a variety of different works of art. Guynes said he wanted a place where artists could ex-

press themselves. "I'm an artist myself," Guynes said. Call (610) 993-0611 for more information.

Self-help advice for couples in love J?;r.


mustrationby DianeWrobleski

IBo.ok_ie..view ...________________


Women Are From Venus," puts __,_ the various ways that men and

women communicate into perspective. His book offers advice and is staff writer a practical guide for improving Every living creature on this communication and getting what earth has its own method of com- you want in your relationships. municating, ·apd as unique as each "Men Are From Mars, Women and every creature is, so is their Are From Venus" has spent months language. From the piercing cry of on USA Today's top-50 book list, the world's largest mammal, the and many others as well. This only whale, to the simplest honk of a goes to show the-immense interest goose, each adapted sty le of Ian-. that men and women have in comguage still remains a mystery of municating more openly and buildevolution. ing successful relationships. Still, what seems to be the most Gray's first chapter opens with developed, studied and understood a metaphoric comparison between form of communication occurs Martians (men) and Venusians among the human species. Whether (women). He treats each sex as if it deals with behavioral patterns, they are two completely different body language or language itself, species from two different planets these forms of communicating that to get his point across. He deharmonize can just as easily di- scribes how they met, fell in love vide, especially when it comes to and had happy relationships tointimate relationships between two gether because they respected and of the most developed of these spe- accepted their differences. Then cies, men and women. he describes how they were from After years of successful coun- two different planets, and once they seling of couples and individuals, came to Earth, amnesia set in. This John Gray, the author of the top- made them forget that they were selling book, "Men Are From Mars, two very different peoples with by Diane Wrobleski

Ethnic dance

many differences. By using this metaphor to illustrate the common conflicts between men and women, Gray explains how these differences can come between the sexes and prohibit mutually-fulfilling loving relationships. His advice explains how to counteract these differences by using various communication techniques. He uses examples to raise awareness of specific emotional needs, and explores both men's and women's manners of behavior and why they act the way they do. This tool, or self-help guide, has recently become one of the most popular means of helping couples to deal with their differences and avoid ending their once happy relationships. For women, it describes men as being "rubber bands" that expand and contract as a result of needing space or time to rediscover their individuality after becoming intimate with their partners. So, women, if everything seems to be going well and suddenly he doesn't call for a few days, don't take it personally. He will call when the time is right for him to discover that it is safe for him to become close to another person, yet at the same time, remain "independent." For men, this book explains why women are like waves and tend to use their emotions to govern their actions. It tells you how to 'read,' or understand, and cope with these emotions that may not seem warranted at times. It also helps men deal with the unsolicited advice that they may receive from women. These are only a few of the areas that Grii.y's book covers. It also explores hidden messages or ·

misinterpretations within conversations and actions that both of the sexes face when communicating to each other. Men and women speak two very different languages and often misinterpret each other's messages which then tum into heated arguments where neither side wants to listen to the other. So, for both men and women, this book can guide each partner toward a more stable, open field of communicating, and assist in determining what both players want out of their relationship. What this book has been doing for millions of people within the last few months is helping couples to look in from the "outside" of their relationships, instead of from either the inside out or from only one side. It assists individuals in exploring their own actions and behaviors and interprets them into what their partner might feel from their pattern of behavior. F r o m publishing many self-help guides that explore human communication to infomercials and group counseling, John Gray is once again raising an issue that has been raised a million times in the past. · But his focus is on the future, and with one out of two couples divorcing in this day and age, it is about time that someone has taken an objective stand and created a guide for both men and women to use. This book does not segregate or blame either sex at any time, instead it explains and advises, based on actual examples and situations. It teaches couples how to respect and enjoy each others differences and how to build from them and appreciate them. ·

The fine arts department of Cabrini College will be the host of a Balinese Music and Dance performance on Sunday, April 2. The event, set to begin at 3 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall, will feature the performances of I Wayan Rai, his wife Gusti Ayu Srinaith, and their children, I Gde Agus Jaya Sadguna, 10, and I Gde Made Indra Sadguna, 8. I Wayan Rai arid Gusti Ayu Srinaith, natives of Bali, studied at Sekkolah Tinggi Seni Indonesia (STSI), the Indonesian University Performing Arts. The family is currently residing in Maryland where I Wayan Rai is completing his doctorate at the University of Maryland in ethnomusic9logy. The family performs artistic and ceremonial music with dances that are native to the island of Bali. Their inspirational presentations are filled with the beautiful sophistication that mixes the gamelan (a typical Balinese orchestra) with detailed interpretations of traditional sacred rituals. "In our country when boys are learning how to play baseball, these children are learning the ceremonial dances of their country," Dr. Adeline Bethany, chair of the fine arts department, said. Sue Hild, a continuing education student, has been working closely with the performers and Dr. Bethany in preparation for the performance. "Since they perform ceremonial dances, I was in charge of gathering flowers, fruit and rice because in the beginning of their performance they give an offering to the gods," Hild said. "They are really famous in Bali and I can't wait to see them." I Wayan Rai has taught various gamelan styles, has compiled collections of children's songs, and composes and performs his own works. "I can't believe all of the culturally-diverse, high caliber performances that Cabrini exposes their students to," Hild said. The family's performance on April 2 will be a rare and exciting opportunity for the college community to experience the uniqueness and beauty of the Balineseculture.

The Best O Picture:"ForrestGump" □Actor:

Tom Hanks,"Forrest

Gump" □Actress: J~ical.ange,



0 Director: Robert Zemeckis, "ForrestGump"

O Original Screenplay: Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary, "PulpFiction" O Original Score: Hans Zimmer,"The lion King"


.,.. '

Friday, March 31, 1995

Distinguished students named to Who's Who in American Universities and Colleges and historymajor, is one of the recipients. ''It wasan honortobeapartofWho's Who," Smith said. "It's a recognition of what I've accomplished." When Smith receivedthe letter infonning her that she had been nominated by another senior,she was shocked. ''I had to submit my resume,"Smith said, "andthenI wasvotedonbyotherseniors,faculty and staff. It was reallyexciting." Smith's academic achievements,community serviceinvolvement,.leadership andpotentialfor successare all aspectswhichhelpedher to gain the recognitionshe deserved. Amongtheseactivities,Smithhasbeenserv-· ing as a residentassistantfor thepast two years. She is a memberof Cabrini'shonor societyand photo by Dawnielle Klopp the historyhonor society. In 1993, Smith reSenior Caroline Smith, recipient of the Who's ceived an award for studentgovernmentserWho in American Universitiesand Colleges. vices and she was an orientationcounselor. by Mary Burfete Smith lives in Havertown, Pa., and is instaff writer volvedin many activitiesin her communityas well. Who's Who in AmericanUniversitiesand . She is a trackcoachfor the CYO trackteam Collegesisanhonorwhichfewstudentshavethe at St LaurenceParishin UpperDarby. opportunityto receive. Gainingrespect of felThroughouther fouryearsof college,Smith low students,facultyand staff is somethingall said she is proud of her achievementsand collegestudentsstrivefor. accomplishmentsandistruly honoredthatsomeThis award is given to recogniz.ethe hard onewouldhaveeventhoughtofnominatingher work, detenninationand involvementwith ac- for Who's Who. tivitiesonandoffcampusthatindividualcollege As a senior,Smithis on the road to success. studentsparticipatein. These studentsare role Her awards,hard work and detenninationhave modelsto societyand areableto guideand help lead her to be an exampleto all. othersstrivefor the same success. Herfutureis bright,and in thefall Smithwill SeniorCarolineJ. Smith,a politicalscience be attendingVillanovaLaw School.

photo by Stacey Ciaizzo

Senior Melissa Tobias has been honored for numerous awards for community service and academic achievements. ◄


by Beth Molloy assistant news-editor

SeniorMelissaTobias,recentrecipientof the PennsylvaniaCampus Compact 19')4 Student CommunityServiceAward,hasonceagainbeen honored for her long list of both community service and academicachievements.This time, she was named to Who's Who in American Universitiesand Colleges. This honor is awarded to studentsbased on theiracademicperformance,serviceto the community, leadership in extracurricularactivities and potentialfor continuedsuccess. Tobias isjust one of the many studentsgiven this honorfromnearly1,800collegesanduniver•sitiesin all50 states,theDistrictof Columbiaand some foreignnations. Along with being a residentassistant,Tobias hascontributedmuchtoboththeCabrinicommunity and the surroundingcommunity. .Her service includes helping to coordinate Hunger and HomelessAwarenessWeek, Outreach to the Homeless, tutoring inmates at a Graterford State institution,working with RespectLife,volunteeringin ProjectAppalachiafor three years, volunteeringat a camp for abused childrenandahomeforcrippledchildren,training

on a hotlinefor WomenAgainstRape,andworking to form an organizationfor AIDS issues. Accordingto Tobias,communityservicehas alwaysbeena partof her life.In her highschoolin Naz.areth,Pa., she was forced to do volunteer work outsideof school,since her schooldid not offermuch.When shearrivedat Cabrini,shesaid she was excitedat all the opportunitiesthatwere presentedto her. According to Tobias, she hasalways been eager to help other people.She said she sees all Cabrinistudentsas gettingso much out of each and everyexperience. ''When you get out there, you get a totally differentperspective,"Tobias said. "It's beneficialforanybody.Youleamalotaboutyourself." According to Tobias, she has come to the realizationthat she is not able to save the world. "I've always been the type of person who wanted to solve the problems of the world," Tobiassaid. "I now realiz.eI can't" She also said she cameout of her experiences with a greater senseof who she is. T9bias.said peopleare more gratefuland thankfulwhen they give serviceto others. "ltisn 't difficultto becomehomele$," Tobias said. She also said she haslearnedand otherswill learnthatthe lessfortunatearehumanbeing,;just as we are. ''Theyjust want somebodyto talk to most of the time,"Tobias said. Tobiasalso said shegaineda lot of communication skillsand a sense of teamwork. For Tobias; community service has always been a form of life-style.The awardsjU$tcame with the territory. "I never did thing,;for the awards," Tobias said ''It's just a part of life for me." As for the future,Tobias said she definitely wants to get intoa fieldthat involvescommunity service,but shesaidshewillneverstopvolunteering.Shesaidshebelievesevecyoneshouldvolunteer. Shealso saidshewouldliketo goto Africafor ayeartofinishhermaster'sdegreeandtodosome servicethere as well. "Community service is a part of my life," Tobiassaid

Orne~, has been in almosteveryCabriniCollegetheaterproductionin thepastfouryearsand will end his Cabrinitheatercareeras Charliein Cabrini's spring productionof "Flowers for Algernon." He is DouglasEppler,one studentch'?sen frommillionsthroughouttheUnitedStatesto be namedto Who's WhoinAmericanUniversities and Colleges. ''What's nice about Who's Who is that it recogniz.esaccomplishmentsbeyondthe classroom," Epplersaid."Everyonewho was n01ninatedhad a longlist of accomplishments.I was luckythat my schedulingallowedme to enjoy all of them." The award is based on academic achievement, service to the community, leadership, photo by DawnielleKlopp extracurricularactivitiesand potentialfor conSenior Doug Eppler was honored as a tinuedsuccess. member of the Who's Who in American "Evenas a freshman,DougshowedtremenUniversities and Colleges. dous potentialand became a campus leaderas by Paul Marturano soonas he arrived,"saidCatherineYungmann, staff writer assis!3Jllprofessorof Englishandcommunica"I hada lotof modelsto follow,notonlyin my tions. classbut in classesaheadof me," he said.'"They • Epplersaid a lot of his inspirationhas come told me the opportunitiesand told me to take from his professors. · them." '"Theyknowwhat buttonsto push to get the He was an orientationcounselor all three best out of us and stillhavefun," Epplersaid. summersduringhis yearsat Cabrini Eppler stressedthat there are so many talIn his four years at Cabrini, he hasbeen a ented peoplewho deserveawardsthemselves. memberof the yearbookstaff,track,cross coun- For these peopleto give him an award,it is an try,campusministry,TheCryptic,thephotoclub, honor. TAXI and a tour guide to name a few. He is the "I was surprisedand honored,"Epplersaid. leaderof the comedytroupe. ''It is a great honor because it comes from my He is a member of WYBF, Kappa Sigma peers and faculty." arenamedto Who's Who in AmericanUniversitiesand Colleges. TriciaSchuler,a senior,is one of them. Schuler hasbeen involved in activitiessuch as resident assistant, Mission AdvisoryBoard, a PrisonLiteracytutor and a coordinatorand tutor for the StudentLiteracy Camp at the Paul Ry ElementarySchool in Norristown,Pa "SJ:tedefinitelydeservesthe award,"junior VeronicaPirollosaid."She is very involvedin communityserviceandalwaysputsothersfirst." "She putsher heartandsoulinto everything she does," Sloane Gibb, resident director of WoodcrestHall, said. Schulerhas participatedin ProjectAppalachia all fourof her yearsat Cabrini. ''I met some really interestingpeople in photo by Stacey Ciaizzo Appalachia,"Schulersaid.''I wasableto putmy Senior Tricia Schuler is a member of the prioritiesinto perspective." elite group of students who was named to On Feb. 21, Schuler opened her Cabrini Who's Who. mailboxand saw the rewardfor all of her hard by Paul Marturano work,theletterthatsaidshehadbeenchosenfor staff writer the award. Eighteen-hundreddifferent institutionsof ''I was thrilled,"Schulersaid ''lbere are so higherlearningin 50differentstates.Millionsof many people on that put out 100perstudents. Only anelite groupof thesestudents cent. I was surprisedthey pickedme."


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Friday, March _31,1995



Last week in the world of news

by Lisa Hines staff writer

OTuesday, March 21- Hearing of Colin Ferguson,attackeron LongIsland Rail Road Survivors and relativesof those killed in 1993's Long Island Rail Road shootings took the stand today in Mineola, N.Y., at a sentencing hearing for Colin Ferguson, the man convicted for killing six people and wounding nineteen with a semiautomatic · handgun. "May God have mercy on you," one man told Ferguson. "And may this court have none." At times, many people at the hearing, including Ferguson's legal adviser, wept.

toxins and chemical equipment that may have been used to produce sarin nerve gas. this may provide a link to the Monday attack, which killed ten and injured more than five thousand passengers. The group has denied involvement in the deadly subway attack. In yesterday's raids, police found isopropyl, an indispensable raw material for sarin, and bottles marked ecentontrite,a solventused to turn liquid sarin into gas.

Q'Thursday,March 23- Russia,U.S. fail to end dispute in Geneva

Russian Foreign Minister Andrei V. Kozyrev said today that the WashingtonMoscow "honeymoon has come to an end" as he and Secretary of State Warren Christopher □Wednesday. March22-Japanesepo- failed to resolve major differences that have licediscoverhugecacheofchemicalsatsect emerged in the relationshipbetweentheformer In a raid on the secretivereligiousgroup, Cold War enemies. Awn ShinriKyo,Japanesepoliceseiz.ed $7.9 In a joint news conference, the foreign millionin cash,22 poundsof gold and a huge ministers argued openly over the Iran deal's cacheof toxicchemicalssimilarto thoseused . implications. in the deadly~ton Tokyo's subway. The discovery included 200 drums of OFriday, March 24- House approves

welfare overhaul The House passed a welfare bill today that could wipe out all or part of benefits for up to 12.8 million families. It denies aid to teen-ageunwed mothers and most legal immigrants, sets-up work requirements for those getting help, limits families to five years of benefits and allows states to design their own welfare programs.

mourns death of four shooting victims Thousands in Montclair, N.J. attend a memorial service for the four men killed in a post office shooting that occurred on Tuesday, March 21. What started out as a robbery turned out to be a slaying. The attack also left one man critically injured. Charged of killing the four men was 29year-old Christopher Greene, of East Orange, NJ. He was an ex-employee of the ~turday, March 25- Iraq sentences post office. The motive he gave to the two Americans to jail police was straight forward: He was broke. An Iraqi court sentencedtwo Americans to eight years in prison for illegally entering the QMonday,March27-''NomeansNo" country when they strayed across the border bill is passed. from Kuwait two weeks ago. The sentences Both the PennsylvaniaHouse of Reprehad followed an unannounced one-day trial, sentatives and the Senate have passed the producing sharp reactions from White House "No means no" legisladon. officials. The new legislation is expected to be Officials added that they will make no signed by Governor Tom Ridge. concessions to Saddam Hussein's regime in Under the new legislation, a verbal reexchange for the return of the Americans and sistance, or "no," will be enough to convict that the United States was unlikely to take any someone of a second-degreefelony. military action. This crime is punishable by a prison term and a fine of up to $ 25,000. OSunday, March 26- New Jersey town

SEPTA strike stalls commutertravel by Joe Marturano staff writer

As the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority strike continues to create havoc for Philadelphia's mass transit riders, the labor dispute drags on. Harry Lombardo, the transit union president, said the only way SEPTA employees could get a raise would be if the union agreed to enough work-rule changes and other savings to fund it. Lombardo said no one in city or state government took the steps necessary to prevent a strike. Last week, many commuters said. that they were angry at both sides in the dispute, that both sides talk and threaten, but that they did not expect a strike. The commuters were wrong. On Monday, March 27, at 12:01 a.m., the contracts of 5,200 SEPTA union members expired. As a result, City Division bus, trolley and elevated subway services stopped operating. This came as a shock to the more than 300,000 commuters who rely on the

system to get to work or to school everyday. Initially, the city's transit workers were set to strike on Tuesday, March 14, but on Wednesday, March 15, they postponed their deadline to March 27. SEPTA officials said they welcomed the date change but stressed that the offer for a new contract had not changed. Lombardo has said that the new contract would give workers no raises for three years unless they were paid for by savings from changes in health care, workers compensation or other benefits. ThisstrikeisnothingnewformanySEPTA riders, even though the last strike in 1986 had become a distant memory. After all, it has been nine years since Philadelphia has had to deal with the inconvenience that accompanies a SEPTA strike. That walkout, which only lasted four days, was the fifth in 19 years. The others were: 1981, which lasted 19 days; 197.7, which lasted 44 days; 1975, which lasted 11 days; and 1971, which lasted nine days. In nearly every SEPTA contract negotiation in the past 20 years, talks have continued

What's Happening QVolunteer Needed 4/2 Advocates for Abuse Recovery in sponsoring a silent auction. Eight volunteers are needed on Sunday, April2 to help with . the event. For more information, contact Pat Davidson at (610) 687-5864.


QAlcohol Assessment Program 4/4 Mike Green, in a unique and humorous presentation, tells all about the effects of alcohol, how to drink responsibly and how to reduce alcohol consumption, on Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. Mike Green was a college All-American and after graduating, he spent a short time with the Philadelphia Eagles. He has been a consultant for severa\ college and professional sports teams, including the Philadelphia Flyers. Green has presented his message on more that 1,000 campuses over the last 10 years. For more information, call the Resident Life office at 902-8458.

Ol,ost and Found 4/4 Have you lost anything lately? If so, all lost and found items will be on display outside the Student Development office on Tuesday,April4. Allobjectscanbeclaimed by the rightful owners at that time. QFree Drop/Add period

4/24-28 There will be a free Drop/Add period for the fall semester during the week of April 24-28. Your adviser's signature in required on the form before any changes can be made. □community

Involvement If your are at least 20 years old, and are interested in giving one week Qf your life from July 15-22 volunteering in a variety of areas, from helping the homeless to assisting people affected with AIDS, contact Sister Mary Ann Allton, CSFN, for an application at 2601 Holme ave., Philadelphia, Pa., 19152; (215) 335-6381.

right up to - and sometimes beyond -the stroke-of midnight on the deadline day. This current labor dispute was no exception. Just after midnight on Monday, March 27, SEPTA workers arrived at the 69th Street Terminal in Upper Darby with picket signs in hand announcing thefr walkout. This left many commuters in the lurch come early Tuesday morning, March 28. However, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer, day number one of the city transit strike ran relatively smoothly for most area commuters. Although more SEPTA riders took to their cars, others carpooled or jammed suburban Regional Rail stations to get where they wanted to go. Yet, come Monday, April 3, the daily rush-hour commute may only become worse. SEPTA's Red Arrow Division, which operates bus and trolley lines throughout Delaware County, will also go on strike if a settlement is not reached by Sunday, April 2. First-year student James Shuler is a Lansdowne, Pa., resident and commuter. He said that if the transit strike eventually reaches

the suburbs, he will have no way to get to school. "Hopefully if there is a strike," Shuler said, "it will not last long because I know if I keep bugging my dad for a ride, he'll get mad." Shuler said he thought that SEPTA was usually pretty reliable but not always on time. He did, however, see his personal silver lining around the SEPTA cloud. "Maybe this strike will make my dad realize that I need my driver's license," Shuler said. "I really depend on SEPTA and I don't know how I'm going to get to school," firstyear student Erin McHugh,-aDrexel Hill, Pa. resident, said. • Information on revised train schedules and suburban transit routes can be obtained from SEPTA at (215) 580-7800, which will be staffed 24 hours a day. For other questions, SEPTA's customer service numbers are (215) 580-7854 and (215) 580-7856, which are open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.

Public Safety Update Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday, March 20 through Monday, March 27. Qlnstitutional Vandalism 3/22 RA in house 6 informed officer that she had just broken up an alcohol party. A Cabrini student and two other males were asked to leave a room. RA then told officer that a rock was thrown through the window of a different room. Residents of house 6 told officer they knew who threw the rock. Officer and two RAs went to locate the individuals. Upon finding the suspects, all three denied any involvement in the incident. Officer asked the three men to produce identification. Only one suspect did. A fourth Cabrini male came on the scene and became verbally abusive toward the RAs. Another suspect denied involvem1mt and used foul language. Alcohol was detected on the suspect's breath. Officer advised suspect to watch his language, but the suspect did not comply. According to

the officer, the suspects then verbally abused the RAs again. The two nonCabrini suspects left the house. RA called RD for assistance.

CJVandalism 3/25 While doing a building check, officer found a window broken in the lower level conference room in Widener Hall. The control arm of the window was broken off and the window frame was split. The cause remains unknown.

OFire 3/25 Officer received a report of a fire by the cafeteria in Sacred Heart Hall from an unknown source. Officer reacted by grabbing a fire extinguisher from a security vehicle and running to the scene to put the fire out. Officer discovered several cardboard boxes on fire. Although the cause of the fire remains unknown several cigarette butts were found on the scene.




Friday, March 31, 1995

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Friday, March 31, 1995

Last week in the world of sports Dave D/Matteo staff writer

OCollege Basketball March Madness continues as Seattle prepares to host the Final Four. University of North Carolina, the number two seed in the Southeast, defeated number one seeded Kentucky, 74-61, in the Southeast final. UNC will play number-two seed Arkansas who defeated number four seeded University of Virginia, 68-61, in the Midwest final. UCLA, the number one seed in the West, defeated number two seeded University of Connecticut, 102-96, in the West final. The UCLA Bruins will play Oklahoma State University, the number four seed in the East, who beat number two seeded University of Massachusetts 68-54. The Final Four games will be played on Saturday, April 1, and the winners will play on Monday, April 3 for the Championship ..

ONHL The two hottest teams in hockey, the Philadelphia Flyers and the Washington Capitals, faced-off on Saturday, March 25 and skated to a 2-2 tie. The Flyers led the Washington game with 13.4 seconds left in regulation when Peter Bondra was left all alone in front of

the Flyers and scored the game-tying goal in front of a helpless Ron Hextall. The Flyers beat the Buffalo Sabers on Sunday, March 26, 3-1. The Flyers were without star right wing, Mikael Renberg, who hurt his shoulder during the third period of Saturday's game. But the Flyers got strong goaltending from Dominic Rousell. Eric Lindros, the leagues leading point scorer, added three assists this weekend to his point total giving him 49 points on the year.

ONFL The Philadelphia Eagles learned that the San Francisco Forty-Niners will not match the $6.9 million offer sheet the Eagles offered to free-agent Ricky Watters. The duo of Watters and Kevin Turner, fullback, will be the first time in over 10 years that the Eagles will start a new season with two new running backs in the backfield. Herschel Walker, the Eagles running back, has reportedly left town and gone to Dallas. Walker has been released by the Eagles so he can sign on with another team. □Baseball

Major League Baseball is still in limbo and opening day is scheduled for Monday, April 3. Replacement players will open the season if there is no settlement in the

IScoreboard I Week'sResults · I I PACStandings Men'sTennis Mon. 3/27 Cabrini Wed. 3/29 Cabrini

Gwynedd-Mercy Wesley

Men's Golf Wed. 3/27



Women's Softball Fri.


Sat. 3/25

DOUBLEHEADER Cabrini 21 Wesley 6 Cabrini 19 Wesley 9 DOUBLEHEADER Cabrini 6 Alvernia7 CabriniO Alvernia4

Sat 3/25 Sun. 3/26

Cabrini 6 Cabrini 8

Montclair· 17 Elmira 18

ONBA Michael Jordan continues his comeback with the Chicago Bulls, and played his first game at the United Center on Friday, March 24. But even with Jordan, the Orlando Magic beat the Bulls, 106-99. The 76ers continued their losing ways on Friday, March 24 and Saturday, March 25, losing two games at home to the Boston Celtics and the Indiana Pacers. The Sixers Dana Barros set an NBA record on March 25 when he hit a threepointer in the closing seconds of the game. The three-pointer by Barros was the 44th straight game where he has sunk a threepointer. QBoxing Inmate number 922335, former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, was released from prison on Saturday, March 25. Tyson will be on probation for four years and must under go counseling and perform community service.

11 Comingup

Women's Softball w Misericordia Alvernia Allentown Beaver Marywood Cabrini

lmmaculata Neumann Rosemont Eastern

4 4 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 2

Women's Softball Mon. 4/3


Sat. 4/1


2 2 4 8



1 0 Beaver 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 Marywood 0 Allentown 0

0 0 0 0 0


H 2:30p.m.

Men's Lacrosse 1 p.m


Men'sTennis Rowan

Wed. 4/4

Men'sTennis Cabrini

Men's Lacrosse

labor strike. Philadelphia Phillies Lenny Dykstra, Dave Hollins, Curt Schilling and Bobby Munoz snuck onto the practice field at Jack Russell Stadium in Clearwater, Fla., to squeeze in some practice after everybody left for the day. Phillies owner Bill Giles heard about the players practicing and asked them if they would not practice at the stadium.

H 3:30a.m.

Men's Golf Mon. 4/3 Thurs.4/6

Misericordia/Kings A PhiladelphiaTextile A

1 p.m. 1 p.m.

Track and Field





A noon

Father Knows Best:

Quote to Note:

Trivia Answer:

Who holds the NCAA Division I basketball career record for rebounding?

"There's nothing you can do," said Doc Rovers to John Starks, who was questioning how to cover Jordan.

Women's Division I basketball teams-, Louisiana Tech and Cheyney State, played in the 1st championship game in 1982. Tech won, 7 6-62.

-compiled by Father Ambrose

-reported in The New York Times

-compiled by Father Ambrose

Tap in to Mac

by Bob Macartney sports columnist

The grass is getting greener, the temperatures are starting to rise, spring is in the air. It is time for baseball to come back. We have put up with the charade long enough. Let's end the strike, get the real players out on the field and play ball. And do it soon, because I am starting to break. I find myself watching Andrew Albrecht and Ramon Sambo, Chris Gies, and my favorite Phil-in, Jeff Stone. In fact, the Phil-ins are playing .500 ball against teams that are actually using minor leaguers. And, hey, the game on Sunday was more interesting than the lacrosse match. In fact, Tim Holland might be the best defensive shortstop the Phillies have had in recent years. And Darren Niethammer went yard, the other day, his second of the preseason. This team could travel north next week. But what is the deal with the other guys? All I keep hearing is legalese like injunctions and the National Labor Relations Board. Can't we all just get along? The players need to realize that it is the game that brings people back year after year, not the· players. It has survived without Ruth, without Williams, witho1;1t Mays, it can make it without Bonds, without Griffey, without Thomas. And the owners need to realize that they will lose money without Bonds, and Griffey, and Thomas, and that the purists will come back, but not many others will. And there are a lot less purists today. America needs baseball. No matter how much press Jordan gets about his return to the NBA, no matter how hot the Flyers are, no matter what the numbers say about baseball's decreasing popularity, spring and summer are just not the same without the crack of the bat, the seventh inning stretch and ballpark franks. Baseball owes us this season. The owners owe us. The players owe us. We want good baseball. But bad baseball is still better than nothing·. If a settlement is not reached soon, get ready to root, root, root for the Phil-ins. Sambo's got speed, Holland can field, Albrecht has power and Jeff Stone always had potential...




Friday, March 31, 1995

Cavs sweat for third by Kathy Cephas

the whole team was not with us," Odium said. "I feel that once we have the whole team together that we will be more successful." The Cabrini College track and First-year student Rowena field team smoked out 11 other Rutherford came in sixth place colleges, including two National overall in the shot-put. Collegiate Athletic Association Competing against St. Peter's Division I schools, to take third College, Montclair State, place out of 15 teams in the Stock- Rutgers-Camden and Stockton, ton Relay on Saturday, March 25. the Cavs held their own. "We did very well considerAlthough the first meet of the ing the fact that the weather season was marred by the fact was miserable and that we had that the team does not have many some illnesses," said coach Tom male members, James Williams, O'Hora. a transfer student, placed third in Michelle Olsen, a transfer stu- the 100-meter dash. dent, caµie in second place in the If we even had one-tenth of 800-meter dash and third in _the the kids that ran in high school, 1500-meter dash. we would ha_vetoo many people," O'Hora said he considers O'Hora said. "Our team has a Olsen to be a valuable asset since lack of depth now because of our the departure of their ace runner small amount of male members." Kate Spires, a sophomore, who "We had a lot of absences," withdrew from school. Williams said. ''Only four males "It is not that we lost Kate, it's competed." like we made a trade," said In fact, one of Williams'• best O'Hora, when referring to Olsen. events, the long and triple jumps, First-year student Heather was canceled because of field Odium placed second in the 400- conditions. meter hurdles and second in the "The last stretch of runs was 100-meter high hurdles. really bad because of the "I think that the meet was very winds," Williams said. successful in spite of the fact that Before the meet, O'Hora talked assistant arts & entertainment editor

photo by Stacey Caiazzo

First-year students Nicole Volikas and Sue Edenborn work in practice to prepare for the relays.

about some of his expectations. "There will be some individuals from other schools that we'll be keeping an ·eye on," O'Hora said. "This meet will have no individual scoring though so we are really not to worried." In spite of the fact that thtre were 30 other colleges and universities that competed on Saturday, O'Hora said he was pleased with the overall team perrQrmance. "We did pretty good out there," O'Hora said. "I mean, no records were broken but it was still good for our first meet." O'Hora, who has been coaching here for 13 years, said that the ability to be a good runner is a gift that should not be taken for granted. "God gives you talent for a reason and these are the years of your life that, with no significant worries, you can· pursue your talent to the fullest," he said. "With all of the talent that we have on campus, I should not have to beg for people to try out," O'Hora said.

Lax faces 2. losses Tennisopens up the season

by Joanna Golesh

assistant features editor

Montclairscored two more goals before sophomore midfielder Dan Lorenz scored one final goal for the CavswithanassistbymidfielderPhilip Gaglianli,a first-yearstudent. Thegamewasbroughtto anunsuc~endfortheCavswhenMontclair defeatedthem, 17-6. The Cavscontinuedtheirweekend ~th not much time to rest and yet another game on Sunday, March 26, againstElmiraCollege. The game started out with Elmira scoringfivegoalsonsophomoregoalie Kevin Camp in the firstquarter. Once again, Regn got the Cavs on the scoreboardwitha goal in themiddleof the first. The secondquartercontinuedon in muchthe samefashionas thefirstwith Elmira scoring six goals. The Cavs attemptedto keep up with their opponentwiththreegoalsscoredbyLorenz, Parmentierand Regn.

The Cavs were able to hold Elmiraback to onlyone goal in the thirdquarter.Regnputoneinthenet for the Cavs and added another point on the scoreboard. Elmiracouldnot be held down for long. They scored six goals in thefourthquarter.TheCavskeptup wellwithtwogoalsscoredby Bygott andone goal scoredby sophomore attackmanAdam Friel. Despitethe Cavs apparentpersistence,they lostthe game,Elmira 18, Cabrini8. 'They were two tough teams," captainLindo Sabatini, a senior, said."Butoneof the positivethings was that we kept on tryingand did not give up." "If we would haveplayedthese teamsattheendofourschedule,we might have had a better chance of winning,"JoeCollins,asophomore, said.

Thelacrosseteam spentthefirst weekend of spring battling it out with twotoughteams.TheirweekendbeganwithagameonSaturday, March 25, against MontclairCollege,which the Cavs lost, 17-6. ThegamebeganwithMontclair scoringthreegoalsongoalieKevin Besemer,a sophomore,in the first quarter. Inthe secondquarter,Montclair continuedtheirscoringstreakwith threemoregoals,whichwerescored within minutesof each other. Sophomore attackman Dave RegngottheCavsonthescoreboard with his goal in the middle of the secondquarter.However,Montclair counteredthe Cavs' one goal with two of theirown goalswhichmade the scoreat the end of the first halt Montclair8, Cabrini1. Bothteamsreturnedto the field from half time ready to play. Montclairstartedoff thethirdquarter by scoring on Besemer once again. However, sophomore midfielderBrianBygottcameright back and scoredone more goal for theCavs. Montclairwentonto scorethree moregoalsin the thirdquarter.The Cavsdid not giveup. Regnput the ballin thenetfortheCavsat theend of thirdquarter. The final quarter began much like the threethat precededit with Montclairscoringtwo more goals. TheCavs'persistencestartedtopay photo by Mirella Addesi off when first-year student Mike Parmentierscored. This was fol- Sophomore Dennis Fohner and first-year students Eric lowed by a goal scored by Regn Brazinski and Eric Udovich, all defensemen, try to gain the with an assistby Bygott. ball from a Montclair opponent.

by Kelly McDonald edtor in chief

The men's tennisteamfinishedlast year with their first winning season ever,13-9, and went undefeatedin the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference, winning the championship. The defendingPAC champsenteredthisseasonwithonlytworetumingplayersand arenow 2-3 for the season. The Cavsopenedthe seasonwith a 8-11~ to DivisionII KutztownUniversity. Coach Reggie Day, entering • hisseventhyearofcoachingatCabrini, said the Cavs went up againsta team that already had a couple of matches under theirbelts,as well as the opportunity to practice indoors during the cold weather. SophomoresDan DotseyandAlex Corkhill, the two veteran players, were able to pull off the only victory with a win in numberone doubles. Corkhill,who is seededat number twosingles,saidhe and Dotsey,seeded number one singles,are the stro~gest doublesteam. Daysaidthefirst matchwasa learning experiencefor newcomersFrank Petrane,a seniorplayingin thenumber three spot and Wally Fiore, a junior, playingnumberfour. Petrane,whohasneverplayedcompetitivetennisuntilthisseason,saidhe wantsto havefunandhelptheteamwin the PAC again. ''We don't go out there to-lose,we go out there to win," Petranesaid. ''It will be a let downif we don't win the PAC this year." After the Kutztownloss, the Cavs came back to defeat Lincoln,6-3, on

photo by Caro~neCroley

Dan Dotsey, a sophomore, warms up for practice.

Thursday,March 16, despite the fact that the team enteredthe match with only 5 players. The lack of players ca~ the team to forfeit two points because they had to drop number 6 singlesand number3 doubles. Day said, sophomoresGary Egizi andBillMarschelleftbecausetheydid not fit in with the philosophyof the program. Otheradditionsincludejunior Dave Millilo,playing numberfiveand firstyearstudentBillyMyersplayingnumber six. The Cavs were victoriousin their conferenceopener againstGwyneddMercy, 8-1, but fell to WidenerUniversity,5-4, andWesleyCollege,7-2. 'This is a rebuildingyear for the men'stenniste~"Daysaid. "Where we lack in skill we make up for in enthusiasm."


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