April 07, 1995 Issue 23 Loquitur

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Friday,April7, 1995 Vol. XLI, No. 23 Cabrini College Radnor, Pa. 19087

Special-interest housingreturns by Lisa Hines staff writer

No onehasdoneitat Cabriniforthe past tw9 years. Now,withthe housing lotteryaroundthecorner,special-interest housingmay be comingback. Apparently,therehas beenword at Cabriniabout a dry donn that will be usedsolelyforacademicmajors. However,Laura Irwin, ~istant directorof residentlife,confirmed thatwasjust a rumor. ''We already have dry facilities, WoodcrestandXavier,wherethesanctionsfor alcoholare greaterthan those forthehouses," Irwin said. ''Wedon't have in mind to restrictany other area on campus,unlessthe studentsthemselvesrequestit." Afterthehousing-committeemeeting, Irwin broughtup the fact that she wasinterestedin special-interesthousing. 'Toere hasbeen a requestby some studentsforalivingspacethat'squieter thantherestofthecampu.5,"lrwinsaid. She spoke to Cathy Caulfield,director of residentlife, and discovered that there was a history of special interesthousingat Cabrini. "Itisa processofapplication,"lrwin said "I tookout allthepaperworkand the housingcommitteedisaissed what their expectationswould be." lrwinexplainedthathavingahouse oncampusisprime-timespace.Therefore,a clauseisto be drawnupbetween the residentsof the houseand resident life. This proposalwillinvolvewhat the housewillgivebackto residentlifeand the community. Special-interesthousing infonnation was given along with housing lotteryinfonnation.Signswere putup as well. When the meeting was held, an academic group, sports group and communityservicegroupattended. Theywere infonnedaboutthe process and told to submit applications along with proposals by Monday, March Tl. Aftera reviewof the applicationby residentlife~theywerethengiventothe housing committee. The committee can then submit a recommendationto Dr.RobertBonfiglio,vicepresidentfor studentdevelopment. Bonfigliowill make a decisionbefore the housinglottery. According to Irwin, the original proposal stated that one program per semesterwas due from the house. ''I felt that one programwas not

enough, so it was changed to three," Irwin said. Kelly Brannigan and Denise Canaris,both sophomores,are two of the applicantsinvolvedwith the communityservicegroup. They said that theyplanto have a fooddrive,clothing drive, a "Meals on Wheels"- type of activity, and to visit musing homes aroundthe holidays. ''If we get this house," Brannigan said,"it will not only be an assetto the women in the house,but to the whole community." She also addedthatthegroupcould accomplisha lot more together. "Doingcommunityservicenotonly makes'the peoplefeel good,"Canaris said, "but you feel better about yourself." Paul Monte, a first-year student, gave some ideas for the academic group's plan. These includedvarious activities such as afternoon tutoring sessionsandgroupdiscussionsforcertaintopics. ''We would also like to have possibletripstoeducationalplaces,suchas museumsandmemorials,"Montesaid. There was no proposalsubmitted by the sportsgroup. Onegroupdrew a proposalthathad a clause in the event a studentor students failed to participatein the contract.

If this were to happen, the student would thenbe evaluated.Ifthey failto go throughthe process,a meetingwill be neededforthe house. Then, if they fail, resident life would have to take highersanctions. ''Whatthey'redrawing,"Irwinsaid, "is a contractbetween them, the resident life and the community." The special-interesthouse would also be requiredto have a faculty or staffmemberas an adviser. The adviserwouldparticipatein the programsandgiveadviceto thegroup. A resident~t for the house will be chosenby how well he or she cansupportthe programsgiven by the house and ifhe or shewouldbe ableto complimentthe housein tenns of putting programstogether. The housewill have the same visitation and alcohol rules as the other house,unlessthe studentsrequestotherwise.Then,residentlifewouldnotbe able to impose. For example,the academic house will requestro-ed housingandextendedquiethoursif theyare grantedwith thehouse.Toe applicants wereexpectedtofindoutwho receives the house on April 5.

Take it all off!!!

pbolO by MarieBarrett

Senior Mike Tims performs a strip tease for junior Robert Uff during the talent portion of the Mr. Cabrini contest, while the M. C., senior Mark Hodlofski, makes sure things do not get too out of hand. The participants in the contest were seniors Frank Petrane, Rob Risse, Undo Sabatini , John Feketics and Tims. The winner of the evening was Tims. The contest, which raised over $500 for the senior class, took place on Thursday, March 30 in the Widener Center Lecture Hall.

MissionarySistersdonate $1 million to Sportsand RecreationComplex by Caroline Croley

institution.They own andsponsorthe schoolin Madrid college." Iadarola said that they were very It beganwith a dreamand a vision The Sisters heard aboutthe need eager to meet each other and to talk to makeCabriniCollegea betterplace. for the sports and recreation com- about the vision and the dreams of Recently, the college received a plex and felt the desire to fulfill such the Missionary Sisters and Cabrini. $1 million gift donated by the Mis- a need that would allow students to At this time, Iadarola said the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heartof participatein varsity activitiesas well sionary Sistersknew about the needs Jesus, the founders of the college, as to take the advantageto utilize the of the college and the future of the towardthe sportsandrecreationcom- new aerobics facilities. community. plex. "It will be a facility that all stuAccordingtoarecentletterfromthe Ten yearsago,the sportsandrecre- dents will be able to take advantage president,the MissionarySistershave ation complex was identifiedby the of," Iadarola said. "The Missionary a long history of generosity,support Missionary Sisters to Sister Eileen Sisters have a real interest in student and commitmentto this institution. Gurie, MSC, past college president life." Iadarola said she was impressed (1982-92). Afterreceivingthis donation,Sister with the spiritualityof Raccugliaand Dr. Antoinette Iadarola, college Pietrina Raccuglia,provincialof the thewillingnessthattheMissionarySispresident, said Sister Maria MissionarySistersofStellaMaristProv-ters have to make the collegea better Barbagallo,provincialgeneral of the ince, told Iadarola that she could an- place for the campuscommunity. Missionary Sisters, first discussed nounce and·acknowledgethe gift any 'This is anindicationthatthesisters this need to Currie. way she sees appropriate. The an- are willingto collaboratein anyway," "'TheSisterswere always eager to nouncementwasmadeon March21to Iadarolasaid. "It is a strongbeliefin the matchthe Dixonchallengealongwith the board of trustees,faculty,staffand college and it is the spirit of Saint contributionsmade by the board of students. FrancesXavierCabrini." trustees,"Iadarolasaid 'The MissionWhen Iadarola met Raccugliafor arySistershavegivena greatdealto the thefirsttime,itwasonatriptoaCabrini managing editor

Inside ... Week at a Glance ... ~


Keep updated on the SEPTA strike.

FEAlUES pg6&7 Check out the full-page spread on one of Cabrini's most loved teachers.

9011S Baseball strike ends.


FRIDAY tl8p.m. "Flowers for Algernon" musical in the Grace Hall Atrium. Tickets are $7/$5 for students.

SATURDAY SUNDAY el8p.m. "Flowers for Algernon" musical in the Grace Hall Atrium. Tickets are $7/$5 for students.

al'lla.m. & 6p.m. Mass in the chapel.

April 7 to 13


tll 1:30-1p.m. Free haircuts in the Widener Center Gathering Area. tlNoon Mass in the chapel.





Friday, April 7, 1995

I _I V_~ew_po_i_nt_' _____

SEPTA strikesout Best friends Walkingthroughthe brick-tiledlobbyof SEPTA's 69thStreetTerminalin Upper Darby,one immediatelygetsthe sensethatsomethingis wrong,terriblywrong. The tokenwindowsareclosed,as is theinformationcenter.Doorsto theNorristownhighspeed trolleysaresealedshut,and thepizzashop,one of onlythreestoresin the entire terminal,has stoppedfeedingravenouscommutersuntilfurthernotice. It's a SEPTA rider's worstnightmare,a bad dream that has finallymaterialized. OriSunday,April2, employeesofSEPTA'sRedArrow Divisionwalkedoffthejob, leavingmorethan21,500subUibancommutersfromDelawareCountyscramblingto findalternatemeansto work and school.Thesecommutershavejoined350,000city residentswhohavebeenwithouttheirnormaltransportation sinceTuesday,March28, when employeesof SEPTA's City Divisionwent on strike. Add to thisthe threatof a strikeon the transitsystem's FrontierDivision,and an additional3,500 ridersin MontgomeryCountywill be leftout in the cold. In all,morethan375,000SEPTAcommuterswill be seriouslyhurtby the strike,a strikethat has no immediateend in sight. For many,it is an inconvenience.But for others,SEPTAisthe onlyway they canget around. So whatdo thesecommutersdo now? Theluckyonescancarpool.Butothersarenotsofortunate.Theyaretheonesforced to makea five-milejourneyto the nearestsupermarketfor a desperately-needed loaf of breadand cartonof milk. Or theyarethe oneswho walkmorethan 20 cityblocks each morningin orderto get to work. Evenhereat Cabrini,wheremorethan20studentsandemployeesrelyon thetransit system,manyarefindingthestrikedifficulttocopewith. Somearetemporarilystaying on campus, whileothersare not comingat all. Understandably, theplightof SEPTA'sunionworkerscannotbe ignored,andtheir grievancesoverpayincreasesandbenefitsarelegitimate. lnfact,UnionPresidentHarry Lombardoaskedinconveniencedridersto not lookat theunionas the provocateurof this strike. But thenwho is? Are stateandcityofficials,includingPhillyMayorEd Rendell,to blame?Afterall, theyhaverepeatedlysaidtheywillnotgetinvolvedinthedispute,mainlyduetothefact thatmore moneyfor SEPTAmeanslessmoneyfor otherservices.And what about SEPTA? Are theybeingtoo insensitiveto theirworkers'needs? As thestrikecontinuesto linger,andcommuters'tempersflare,howlongwill ittake beforesomeone- anyone-takes responsibility?

Celene Wright,

sports editor


are forever show,and I am soon to be a residentassistant The three years that Celesteand I have been separatedhave been such a change for us. We haveacoomplisheddifferentthin~thantheother, unlikewhen we were youngerwhen we used to want the same thin~. I used to want her crib, whichI broke my collarbonetryingto takeover, and her athleticskills.And she used to want my dimplesand my collegeGPA NowCelesteandlhaveboyfriends thattakeup mo.stofourtime,yetwe donotletthatruin us. She willalwaysbemybestfriendandnoonewillever takethat away fromus, not otherfriends,schoo~ differencesor anythingon this earth. Whatit allcomesdown to is thateveryonehas a friend who goes through differentthin~ but you shouldneverletthat breakyou up. I haveJet differencebreakmeupwithotherfriendsandnow Iwonderwhathashappenedtothemtoday.lfldid not let that happen,I would know where that friendis today. Sojust becausesomeonechanges beforeyour eyes,do not letthatchangewhat you had. ' Celestehasbeenwithmeallofmylife. Some people tell me that I change when Celeste gets around.Of coursethosewho say it areat Cabrini and theirfirst impressionof me was withoutmy sister.All I sayto themis thatif thatis how I acted when she was here,then that is how I act. I have livedmy wholelifewith mysisterby my sideand now people are definingthis as different Not many people have someoneout there that was bornon thesamedayonlytwominutesapart,and from the same person. I am proud that I do. And maybeI do actdifferentbecauseCeleste is my twin,my sister,my otherhalf,my laughter, my courageand my strength. If your best friend is thatfor you,thendonot letthatgo. I do notcare if your friendgets an earringin her nose or belly buttonor dyesherhairpurple,she is stillthatsame personwho was therefor you. Your best friend.

A few of my friends at Cabrinihave toldme aboutpeoplewho usedto be theirbest friends.At onetime,thatpersonusedto do thesamething.sas them,butnow theygo throughdifferentthin~. I always would say, "I don't know anyone that changedthatmuch." ThenI thinkaboutsomeone who has been there throughoutmy whole life, who is notso muchthesameas meanymore.The personI think of is my fraternal twin sister, Celeste,who I considerto be my best friend. Sincewe wereyoung.CelesteandI havegone everywhereand have donejust abouteverything together. We dressed alike when we were younger. Of course,I used to be the chubbyone who smiledat theboys,andshewas theslimtwin who played with the boys, which seemed to be more fruitful thansmilingat them. ThefirsttimeCelesteandI wereseparatedwas in the fourth grade, when she got accepted to computer school. Although I cried because I couldnot go, I happilywent to the schooldown the street While she was learninga bit about computers,I was getting complimentson my writingskills.Forthatoneyear,whilewewentto differentschools, we still saw each other after schoo~ played the same sports, kept the same friends and helped each other to beat up our teenagebabysitter. By thefourthgrade,we knewthatCelestewas the mild-temperedathlete and I was the raging · fighterwith an attitude.I wouldbeat up my own twin, but I was always there if someone was piclcingon her. I also used to fightwith her and my brother. Though we were opposites, we worked well together and were there for each EdllorInchial: KIiiy McOarad other throughoutour occasionalschool changes ~ Edler. carolne Q'0lly Junior Niki Rose pitched the first no-hitter in approximately eight years as the andjoiningof differentsportsteams. My favorite Op-Ed Editor.Jane S. v-, i'l181' timewaswhenwebothplayedtheguardpositioos women's softball team crushed Neumann College on Monday, April 3. The Aallllart()p-Ed Edb:n:ArQllaMllllonlrd Nre MarieSdarrcla in basketball. Cavs were victorious in both games of the doubleheader. Congratulations! Newl Edilar:Ovillnl Feehan Then, suddenly,we moved to Virginia,and Allillllrt NewsEdb:n:llelhMcllov n11.an r .... Celesteandlchangedrightinfrontofeachothers' Ml ar,d E>lleolm M1181'11 Edilar:ReginaMilar eyes. I became the slimmertwin whojoined the AllilllnMI rd~ EdllorsKallr( Cept,-nl John Many people attended the Mr. Cabrini contest which raised a lot of money for drill team and paid more attentionto academics Uicllay the Senior Class. It was a very entertaining evening. Congratulations to Mike Celestebecamethe twinwho playedbasketball F-... Ecibr. ShelaBrady Allilllnf'MlnaEdib:n:Jo,n,aGolool1rd~ Hamiglln Tims who won the contest! and got the MVP award. We still had the same Edilar: Celene Wrvt friends,butI stillpaidthoseboysalot of attention. Spol1s AleillaltSpollsEdllor: Slaplw'ieCalctMIII Spol1s Counniat: Bob Maaw1ney Well, the time came for Celeste and I to The musical "Flowers for Algernon" opened last weekend and was very successgraduate and we piclceddifferent colleges to Copv Edilor: Richard Jallper ful. The actors beautifully portrayed the story of a man given the chance to learn, attend. Celestewent off to VtrginiaUnion. She Allillar1 Copv Edlar. Kim51-.in something all of us take for granted. was planningto play for the basketballteam,but Busl!,- Manager: KiwenSzczun9k Allillar1 ~ Manager:LataoaSdulwl dueto her SATscores,shewas to be a red shirtfor Edilar: ONrielle l<lof)p the first year. I chose Cabrini,where I would ~ ,..... ~ Edilor:CllrollrwCroley










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majorincommunications.Evenwhileawayfrom Celeste, she was always there. Teachers who havenevermet her or heardabouther wouldjust callme Celesteout the blue. I thoughtit was bad when peoplewho knew us made the mistakeit even thoughwe look nothingalike. I thoughtit wasbadwhenmy motherdidit Butwhenpeople calledme Celesteand never!llether, thatalways made the connectionfor me. Celesteand I visitedeach other's schoolsand ~ being together. I did a little better than Celestefor our freshmenyear of collegeand she decidedthat Union was not for her. So then it came to the present where Celeste resides in Vtrginia,working for a company called Abt Associates.She is planningto move out into an apartmentand is one up on me becauseshe hasa driver's license. She also more money to spend than I ever have. I, on the other hand,am completingmy third yearof college,withthreescholarships under my belt, two.years experience in journal.i&n, a radio ________________



AdviNr: Or.Jerome ZLnk

Slaff: Mmy a..fele, Ma!IIWN Craig, Oallkl~. PalrlclaFoley, Ula HlnN,lvrrf Jac:borl, Andraal<elllw,Jonie~Joe Marllnno, Pail Marllnno, -bltln Mirglllri. Coma Scnaoftor,llillne Wtoblelld

PhcA0grllphy Slaff:MarieBan9II. Clrollr1eClaey, si.a.,, caiazzo, Jonie uai-, Tom McKee,Mi'ellaAdea&i AdYel1illngOe8lgra: SleYe May

Clw1oolwl:Ri:h.la,per ~ ii publillhed weeldyct.ring lhe ldlool ,,_

by ---


Caimi Cdlege, Ra:lnor, PA 19087. Phone: 61G-87Hl412. ~ price ii $25 per.,., and ii incUled In.... barells NCUNldby Ulen and eutentfeea. LDquu W9lcomN ie1181sloheditcr. 1.1111n lholJd belligned and h IUlhcnhlp kroM1 lo lhe ....._ ~. lht wrtler ......, andhtedilariv-, lhe.....,.s..,,.may bellft r11tie ..... l4)0nf)ldc:lllonand .. inlcl;ltionirwnldadl •'name wtlNl9ldat lhe requlll of the Wlter." 1.1111n lh0uld be typed, ~. and no man,tw,300wordl lnlervt,. • a 111-.11 too iorG lorht avallble apace, ... edilarmayd ot ~ l. LeOn lo lheedilar lh0uld be Ulfflll8d by noon on Mondlrta, The ecllorials nl opirions pt.cbhed InLoqulur are lhe 'l1ewsof lhe llllller1 edblel ...., and the indMdull wrtlets and nottie entireeutent body"' tie ~ n1 manw,•'illilllilllllalbm.

Laquuileelllbilhed •atcn.m 1or111111er1~ ..,..,i1Jt11_1,1nlnlllllld.rcluLIIM.nlaoan ..........

rd•• ,J11.,_,



Friday, April 7, 1995


Wanna piece of bread?_Iadarola

Get it? The headline ... Try saying it with an Italian accent. Now do you get it? Sadly, that joke wouldn't work anywhere else but at Cabrini. And, the joke only works with the buildup, so here it is: I am graduating in 45 days and, in looking back at my Cabrini College career, there is really only one thing.that I have learned. THE FOOD SUCKED!!! So, with that in mind, I was trying to think of how Cabrini could serve better food. Through my experiences with Seilers (oops, Sodexho), and the Wood Company, I have discovered that the basic problem is that the expectation far exceeds the actual product. What a student may consider to be a delicacy, or an otherwise tasty dish, the food company seems to consider "Soylent Green." And the "coozine" is subsequently served up with the enthusiasm of slop in the trough. But at least the Barney-clad employees are pleasant. Anyway, an example of the inconsistency between the name and the apparent food is a typical dinner during the week. I have arrived at the cafeteria, attempted to read that filthy menu board, interpreted the orange lettering as "Pasta Primavera" and taken the plunge into the cafeteria on more than one occasion. Perhaps we have more options with the meal exchange in the WigWam this year, but how many cheeseburgers and curly fries can one human being ingest before scurvy sets in? So for "variety," we eat in the cafeteria. And we force ourselves to eat the latest artistic rendering of "Pasta Primavera." Thinking of all these things, I have come up with a solution. Since Cabrini is small enough to base an NBC sitcom on, why

doesn't someone open a restaurant with a menu consisting of foods based on the names of faculty, staff and administrators? EUREKA! It would work! It really would. I mean, Cabrini students rate the faculty the highest in that damned survey of students that all of the administrators hide behind. It certainly would help the food service, which rates dead last in the same survey. Students would certainly love dishes named after their favorite staff and faculty. I'm sure they'd even eat "administratively." And the WigWam would have more interesting and Cabrini-relevant names to work with than "Stack's Deli" and "Pete's Arena." Who the heck are Stack and Pete? Finally, the problem of expectation versus presentation would be cleared up all in a name; we all know what to ex~ect from our faculty, staff and ~dministrators -- lots of spice. So, dear Cabrini community, I propose (insert drum roll): TONI'S PLACE Catchy, ain't it? I've even enclosed a menu and a look inside Toni's Place: Atmosphere: Imagine a small, I mean REALLY small, Italian restaurant that is only open by appointment, has lots of Russian artwork (but no Russian food), and can be seen popping up erratically on campus. That is Toni's Place. On every table, there would be De Wilde flowers. All of the food would be served in (Waring) Chaffee dishes and all coffee would be poured from Caranfas. And every table would have DeFruscio fruit at them. There would be the David Labe "Out to Lunch" special, Dr. Johnson's Happy Hour, and the overall service would be excellent. When you leave, the waiter or waitress would hand you your Biller, service Servey, and usher

you out with a quick "bu-bye." Breakfast For those education majors and other early-morning risers, ~ggs Barenbaum. Appetizers and Side Dishes: Yummy a.nd satisfying salads, side dishes and munchies. Chicken Q~ntanillas, Newman Salad, Lobster Briscoe, Broccoli and Caulfield, with cheese Melton over top, (Fr.) Ambrose Salad, Chips and Dale, Gardner Salad, Zurek Cheese Fondue, and Bean and Barclay Soup. Beware, the last two have been known to cause severe intestinal discomfort.


Coffee Chat ... Rape and domestic violence have become important issues in our society. They are issues we are all aware of, but the emphasis has been placed on how it happens. How should women protect themselves against sexual harrasment and assault?

"I think if a woman looks tough, then a man will not bother her, " Katina Corrao, a junior, said.

Lunch: Affordable and fast sandwiches! Peanut Butter and Jolyon, Club Craigie, Rubins and Heibergers to Order. Dinners: Along with various other Metz, DeTurck-ey dinner with all the Gibb-lets, Lien Steak, medium-Rebe~ with Tomasco Sauce, Mollica Stew and Sutton(Skinner) fried Chicken. Of course, what's an Italian restaurant without Italian dishes? Pasta Primiano, Baked Zita, Jamattona, Lucche.si and Rondinis .. All Italian dishes would be served with Romano cheese, of course. Desserts and Bevera~es: Baked Boeke, Chocolate Bon-Bonfiglios, Mayberry and Lennon Meringue Pies, McGuinness and Bud-zilowicz beers. There you have it. Of course, this is a work in progress. But I'm sure the meals would be interesting and fun, if not always predictable. And I would much more enjoy "Pasta Primiano" than any concoction whipped up by a company named "Wood." So the next time you're offered a piece of bread in the cafe, just say, "No thanks, Iadarofa!" And then laugh your way to the toilet.

"I just think a girl should watch out who. they're hanging out with andhowtheydress," BillBarilotti, a sophomore, said. " If they truly want to stop harassment, they should get consent. "

''I think that girls should try not to put themselves in that kind of position where they may be harassed, " Phil Matteo, a sophomore, said.

"I think women should not associate with men at all, " Elizabeth A. Brister, a sophomore, said. "They should not be in their presence and just hang out with other women."

In issue 20, published March 17, 1995, in the article "Is graduare school for everyone?" Nancy's last name is Hutchison not Hutchinson. We regrer the error.

Letters to the editor If thereis anythingyouwould like to disputeor an ideayou would liketo share,you are encouragedto writethemdown for all to appreciate. Lettersshouldbesignedandthe authorshipknownto the editors.Thewritermaychoose to leaveout theirname,with the consentof the editor. Opinions:Is therea storyyouwouldliketo share? Do youwantyourvoiceto beheard? This is your opportunityto submitYOUR point of view in opinion. Opinionsshouldbe discus.sedwith theeditoroneweekinadvanceofpublication(preferably bynoononThursday). Questionscanbeaddres.5ed to JaneS. VanIngen. She canbe reachedat ext 8412. All commentsarewelcome.

"Womenshouldbeproudofwho they are, " LauraIrwin, assista,;t director of resident life, said. "They should have high self- esteem and they should be able to voice when they don't like the way they're being treated, and say stop ...no."




Friday, April 7, 1995

Securityshares a nighton duty by Mary Burfete and Justin Mlrlg/lanl staff writers It's 11pm.on a Thursdaynightandallisquiet on campus. As security is preparing for a shift change,the studentsare preparingfor the biggest partynight of the week. The beer is chilling,the parties are planned and everyone is anticipating the excitementthe next few hours will bring. Many studentsare under the false impression that the securitystaffis out to get them. However, the aspects of theirjob entail many other thing5 thanjustbustingupagoodtime. Theyareherefor the protection of the students and the campus grounds. While they are working hard to make the college campussafer, there are still some problems. "A few times I went to the securityofficenext to the mailboxes, and there was no one there. I thinkthat theschool securityshould have someone in that office at all times in case of an emergency,"said a sourcewho wishedto remain nameless. 'There was a incidentearlierthisyearwhere a familymemberwaslryingtocontactmeatschool," the sourcesaid. 'The persontrying to contactme gave my name, the class I was in and what clas&oomI was in. Securityasmi.red the member ofmyfamilythattheywouldgivemethemessage that she called. I never received the message. I think security should do a better job in locating people around the campus. Had this been an emergency,I would have nevergotten theword." Not everyone on the campus is upset with security. One male studentsayshe is happy with security. He said that his mother was alone on campusat night and the securitypersonwho was on duty made sureshe made it to her car and out of the parking lot safely. Fll'Styear studentsespeciallyrealiz.ethe value of a strong securitystaff. 'They are good people," said first-year student,KateTomasz.ewski'They areveryfriendly and always willing to help. They are very approachable." As the llp.m.-to- 7a.m. shiftbegim, security officers Marsha Hayes and Bill Wagenmann become a team, one on foot patrol and one in the security van in order to cover the entire campus territory. They communicate with one another over their radios to inform each other of what is

goingon. Yetasthenightgoesonandthemoment of troublearises,they come.togetherto back each other up. Throughouta night, it is theirresponsibilityto check each and every floor of each and every building.As Hayes is patrollingthecampusin the van, Wagenmann is using a Detex scanner to touchthescanpointsthataresetrandomlyoneach building to prove that they are doing their job. Theseareplacedinsideandouttocheckandmake sure that the outsideof the building5are being patrolledas well as each floor of each building. At 12:30 a.m., every necessary building, office, window and door has been locked. Every scan point has been carefully checked. All the while, the securityvan has been cruisingthrough areas that most studentsdo not even know exist. For the security team, however, students do not seemto realiz.ethatby protectingthe safetyof the campus and the community,they are putting their own safety in jeopardy. Being alone in the middle of the night in the midst of studentswho mayhavehadalittletoomuch todrinkisnotsafe. However,securitysaidthey feel that theirjob is importantto them and they take pride in what theydo. Therefore,theyarewilling to takecertain risks. These risks, however,only go so far. Over the past semester, certain problems which have occurred between students and security have caused administration to take away security's use of good judgment when it comes to involving the Radnor police. They are no longer allowed to contact the police when they feel it is necessary. When something gets out of control, they need to get authority before they are pennitted to contact the police. However,students are still under the impression that securityare theones who are constantly contactingthe police and gettingthe studentsinto trouble. Thisis not the case. When the police arecalled to campusto bust a party,it is a directresultof an outsidecomplaint Securityisnotifiedbythepolicethattheygotacall and are on their way to campusto investigatethe situation. When the students see the police and securityarrivingat the scene, they automatically assume thatsecurity are the ones who brought them there. In reality,however, they had no control over thesituation. At 1 a.m.,thing5arestartingtolivenup. Parties are going on and the noise is being heard clearly from the street,yet there doesnot seemto be any problems. Everyone is having a good time and

photoby Stacey Caiazzo

First-year student Dana Erdosy signs her guest into Xavier Hall. fortunatelynothing is out of control No reasonfor a bust. Not yet. A slow drive-by to stir things up lets the students know that security is aware of what is going on and gives the students the opportunity to keep thing5 quiet to avoid trouble. These students are no strangers to what goes on, and by allowing them a few chances to quiet down is fair to all. Security, as well as the students, do not want to be bothered with the hassles of write-ups. Atl:15am.,Hayesmakesabriefstq>backat the officeand receivesa call from Radnorpolice, informingher thattheyare on theirway to bust up a party as a result of an anonymous complaint Collectingher partner,she hops in the van and is off to the scene. They arrive. Five police cars arrive. Trouble begins. The cops enter the scene and begin to clear out all students who areunder-age. The cops then told the students if they did not give them any probl~ they were free to leave. All is well The partyis over. After some minor diffiatlties with some individual students,the officersleave thescene.

photo by Slacey Caiazzo

Public Safety officer Steve Moore was securing all the doors in Sacred Heart Hall after hours.

Public Safety officer Mark Cummings is the officer on duty in Xavier Hall.

Securityreturnsto its normal rotations. It is situations such as these thatare a direct resultofstudentsshowingalackofrespecttoward thesecurity.Theymuststarttorealiz.ethattheyare here for the protectionof the studentsand are not involved in the police activity. When individualsdrinktoo much,theytendto get out of hand. Securityunderstandsthat What they do not understand,however,is theway they are treated by the students. They are there to do theirjob and that is what they do. "All my experiences with them have been positive," first-year student Tom McKee said. ''But then again,I'm a commuter and I've never beenwrittenup. They'vegotajobtodo,andlcan respect that" Security is not as bad as everyone tends to think. It could be a lot worse. Many studentsdo not realiz.ehow much they do get away with. Securitysaidif theywere treatedwith respect, it would be amazingto see the extremesthatthey would go to make life on campus easier for everyone. All in all, the studentsseemhappy with seairity. By workingtogetheras as team,thestudents and securitycan work to protectthe campusand the welfare of all.

Friday, April 7, 1995



Spring play blossoms with 'Flowers'

photo by Caroline Croley

Doug Eppler, a senior, and Denise Whelan,a continuing education student, portray Charlie and Alice in the play "Flowers for Algernon."

Charlie not only experiencesa tremendous amount of intellectualgrowth,but he finds himself in a complex maze of feeling.5and emotions which he cannot byDonna Schaeffer and explain. Jamie Latshaw Eventuallytheeffectsofthesurgery staff wciters In "Flowers for Algernon," by wear off, and Charlie beginsto regress Daniel Keyes, the themes of accep- back to hisformer mental state.Howtance,self-understanding and respect ever, it is not until Charlie comes to an encompass the intense feeling.5evoked understandingaboutself-worthandselfacceptance that thisregression occurs. by the characters. ''F1owersfor Algernon" isthe story Charlie also accepts it. Jwler'smovingportrayalofCharlie of a mentally-challenged boy named Charlie Gordon, portrayed by senior showed hisversatility as an actor and Doug F.ppler,whose only desire is to his naturalability to engross the feel"get smart." Olarlie, with the support ing.5and emotions of his audience. Whelan's voice also enhanced the ofhisteacher,Alice Kinnian,portrayed by senior Denise Whelan, undergoes strong emotions of the play. The obnoxious characters of Lita experimental brain surgery in an atand Frank, portrayed by junior Katina tempt to increasehisintelligence. UsingalabmousenamedAlgemon, Corrao and first-year student Billy doctors Strauss and Nemur, portrayed Myers, provided a break from the inby senior Kathleen Foto and junior tense atmosphere of the show. Although the character of the Michael Lorenz, compare Olarlie's intellectual growth with that of mother, played by junior N"maMarie Sciarrotta,was minor, her role contnbAlgernon. uted greatly to the characterof Charlie. As the experiment progresses,

However, thedevelopmentofhercharacter was abrupt and did not have a flowing transition of emotions. The music was an unnecessary aspectoftheshow. Thesong.5interrupted the characterization and development of an already effectiveplot The theater-in-the-round setting drowned out the words of the song.5. Fora playwithsuchdeepcharacterization, the use of extensive props and scenery is not needed. Director Neal Newman and senior Steve May, assistant director, did a greatjob takingon the taskof directing Cabrini'sfirsttheater-in-the-roundperformance. The themes in the show fit well into the scheme of what college is about Collegeisthetimeofdiscoveringone's self and who one is. Eppler's final performance as an undergraduate student was indeedone of self-discovery,not only for himself but for the audience surrounding him. The play runsApril6, 7 and 8 at 8 p.m.

Phantom'smusicaldirectorfollowsdreams by Regina Miller arts & entertainment editor

Don't think if you possess a lucrative, exciting position, you have guaranteed clout. Even the music director and conductor of the musical "Phantom of the Opera" needs to pay for his friends' tickets. A man with a mission, who once possessed a childhood dream of quick fame and fortune, finds himself reaching the top of the ladder of success, but learned to pay his dues along the way. Marc McKJaren, musical director of "Phantom of the Opera," appeared nonchalant and sounded humble in his speech. Yet, McKJaren, dressed in tan khakis, denim shirt, green jacket and loafers, puts in large chunks of time directing and conducting numerous actors, musicians, technicians and singers. McKlaren translates Sir Andrew's musical ideas into the actual production and is responsible for the day-to-day running of the musical performance. McKJaren spoke at the English

and communications Career Development Seminar on Tuesday, April 4, in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. McKJaren majored in English/ communications and graduated from Boston College. In his junior year, McKJaren decided to change direction and to follow up on a dream. He applied to Yale for graduate school in music and was turned down because he lacked a music degree. He was accepted to Boston University's music program and was able to make up the undergraduate music_ credits in this master's program. Some ofMcKJaren's achievements inc'lude the musical director for Boston College's theater department between 1986-1990. In 1990, he moved to New York and conducted at the Colombia University Village Theater Company and Manhattan Stage Ensemble. He wrote four songs for commission and wrote "Paulina" for Boston College Theater Company. In 1992, McKJaren became assistant musical conductor for the

Gamelan mu.sicand dancersto perform by Regina M/1/er arts & entertainment editor

Cabrini's cultural awareness week kicked off last Sunday with the dancers from Bali, but will not end with the play's ("Flowers for Algernon") closing curtain on Saturday night. The cultural awareness week could easily be turned into a month with the coming of Gamelan Lake of the Silver Bear, on Thursday, April 20, at 8 p.m. The Gamelan Lake of the Silver Bear is cine of the old-

est orchestras in the world, originating from what is now the Republic of Indonesia in Southeast Asia. They will be performing traditional and contemporary Javanese, Balinese and American gamelan music. Traditional dances will accompany most pieces. Gamelan music is constructed in basically three layers of sound. Improvisation is an important aspect of this music. The performance will be held in the Atrium. For more information call 902-8380.

"Phantom of the Opera" and was hired to the position of musical director six months ago. Advice on career development paths came after McK.laren first stated his viewpoint of the arts. "We don't support the arts like we should," McKlaren said, "and don't let anybody tell you that we do." McKlaren put the stress on support of the National Endowment for the Arts because the organization was founded to fight off the economic pressures artists and creators feel from the media and society. When an inquiring mind in the audience wanted to know how to go about changing people's minds regarding others narrow visions of the arts, McKlaren said one cannot force a person to change. He recommended turning off the television, attending live performances, sending money to public broadcasting and seeking out interests in the arts. "People sometimes open up by example," McKJaren said. He said a low budget European film titled "Shirley Valen-

tine" awakened him at a time when it was most needed. He said he never was the same after seeing that film. He said he this was an example of how art can be beneficial in one's life. McK.laren talked about focusing on the moment instead of wasting a lot of time planning for the future. "Students don't have to be concerned about what you are going to do," McKlaren said. "Worry about what your are doing now, and that is studying and reading the great minds and delve into things that need to be delved into." McK.laren puts his job and his success in perspective. "You can do anything you want to do," he said to the approximate 100 audience members of students and faculty. "The world is open to you. You are studying language. You are studying people. What life comes down to is people who you touch or people who have touched you. It can be one-onone or a whole community of people." McKJaren stayed to talk to audience members individually and to sign autographs.

photo by Dawnielle Klopp

Marc McK/aren


Balinesedancersperformedon campuson Sunday,April2. I GD£ MadeIndraSadguna,age 8, made his debut,

Friday, April 7, 1995



FacultyWife, daughterdote on dad honors Carterby Kim Sheldron

assistant copy editor

compiledby Nina Marie Sclarrotta assistant ed &op-ed editor

"At one time, Carter was a soccer referee. Those were in the days when he wasyounger and could still move. Now he just looks across the soccer field..He is not a one dimensional person..Just give him an old Virginia 'wahoo!'" Gerald Satlow, chairperson of computerinformationscience "I have a lot of specialfeelings aboutCarter. Heisavery unselfishperson. He has ingenious approaches to teaching writing and a willingness to take on newassignmenJs. He always gave much more than he got and gave things willingly." Dr. Joseph Romano, professor of philosophy "Carter's fantastic. The thing that impressed me so much about Carter happened some time ago. I was designing a course on American music. He gave me tons of notesfrom his courses.Here's all of this researchandhe was just giving it to me. I love his ability to make every person feel as though he or she is the most importantperson in the world. I've never known him to be negative." Dr. Adeline Bethany, chairpersonoffine arts department "I think thefaculty willmiss Carter as much as thestudents will,because,asmanyredbandannas as we buy,we'll never be able to replace him. He always asks the right questions." Cathy Yungmann, professorof communications "Carter's contribution to Cabrini studenJs,faculty and the community can't be done due credit in anecdotalquotes. If Loquiturwants to catalogue that man's contributions they'd need a two-volumesur~ vey." Dr. Jolyon Girard, chairperson of history and political science "Carter has been an avid supporter of our athleticprograms through his attendance atmanyofthegames. I'msure that support will be missed, " Dr.Robert Bonfiglio, vicepresidentforstudentdevelopment "I've only known Carter a shart time, but I feel as though I've known him forever. He does that to people. " Don Dempsey,professorofgraphic design

Taking one look at the beautiful white house in Paoli, you can tell it capturestheessenceofCarterCraigie, professorofEnglishand communications. Be.5idesthe mailbox with the bold, black capitallettersspellingout "Craigie,"thehousebasCarterCraigie written all over it. The backyard is a picture-perfect, miniatureforest showingthe signs of Carter's work with nature, includinga man-made pond. Inside,his dog, a Jack Russellterrier, named Zelda, stands ready to greet guests. Carter's interestin folklore and folk life is prevalent in the books that grace the bookshelves,as well as the Native American thunderbirdpicture thathangs on the wall Even when he is indoors, he won't let go of his love for the outdoors. His sunporch allows him to overlookhisgorgeousbackyard, even onthenightswhenitisalittletoochilly to sit outside. The atmosphereis warm and welcoming. It holds a simple kind of beauty. It is not as stiff or perfectly organiz.edas one might imagine a professor's house to be. It radiates a kind of homey, lived-infeelinginjust the little things, like the pink Q.uck Taylor sneakers that lie on the den's floor and theStarTrekvideothatstill sitsby the VCR. Mostimportantly,though, are the people who share the house with Carter. Carter does not hold one job. He holds threejobs. He is a professor, a husband and a father. Yet he intertwinesall threejobs and has not only been committedto his wife, but he has been committedto his job. He has not only been a fatherto his 16-year-old daughter, Jenny, but he has been a fatherto his students. And he not only teaches in schoo~ but he teaches at home. · ''Everythinghe does at schoo~he doesathome," Jenny,aself-confident teen-ager,said. Carter'swife,Kay,adown-to-earth woman, dressed casually in a big. oozy sweater and a pair of slacks, staresoutatthebackyardasshebegins to describe Carter's typicalday. Zelda usually wakes them up around5:45 a.m. Dependingon what time Carter's first class is, they eat breakfast.When Cartercomeshome, they will eat dinner. His favorite dinner is meat loaf. "H'e s a very down-to-earth person," Kay said. ''Nothing fancy." And of course, Carter likes his dessert. His favoriteis chocolatechip cookies. "Give himchocolatechip cookies, and he'll follow you anywhere,"Kay said. After dinner, they watch "Jeopardy." Kay said Carter does "pretty good"when he calls out the answers from his comfortablecouch in Paoli Carter and Kay do notstay up late, though. "lneversawthe''Davidl..etterman Show" in my life,"Kay said. Ontheweekends,Carteroftenstays home and does most of his work, according to Kay. But he doeshave many interests and activitiesoutside of college. ''He's gone back to an earlier interestin outdoor thing.5,like canoeing.birds and butterflies,"Kay


He also collects stamps, and is referredto as ''KD3A0" when he participates in ham radio. His interestin ham radio has increased since he began in theearly 1980s. HeevengotbothKay and Jenny interestedin it. "I got into it through jealousy of him," Kay said. Carter and Kay met at theUniversity of Pennsylvaniain the late 1960s. They both were studying folkloreand folk life.''We met at that time,and then went our separateways," Kay said. Kay's mother also met Carter at a folkloreconference. "She said, 'Oh! That's the nicest person,"' Kay said. Accordingto Kay, Carter's parents have always been nice to her. "But I thinkhisparents were sorry he wasn't marrying someone from Richmond (Virginia),and living in Richmondto come back and do the Richmond thing," Kay said. But something brought the couple back together, and on Aug. 2, 1975, they were united in marriage. The reception was held on the mansion lawn, on the side that faces the tennis courts. As one might imagine, the receptionwasnotallthattypical.Itwas a picnic. ''We were poor and cheap. So we had a picnic for our wedding," Kay said. ''Everybody had a ball" Carter got the idea for the picnic receptionfrom writing his dissertation for his doctorate in folklore on the historical study of picnics in Otester County,Pa ''Itwasprettycool,"Kaysaid."Cool in one respect,but it was 115degrees." But what really attractedKay to

Carter? ''I think it's the same thing that attractsmost peopleto him," Kay said. ''He's outgoing. friendly and funny. He really seemsto careabout people. He's enthusiasticabout everything." After theywere married,they spent a lot of time traveling. They spent a month travelingthe Netherlands,Denmark, Sweden and Norway, even though they did not know the languages. Kayrecalledbeingsoproudof herself when she could read the billboards on the train at the end of the month. Then on Oct. 2, 1978, Jenny was bom.''I don't think either one of us knewhowmuchbabiescry,"Kaysaid. But theirtravelsdid notreacha dead end when Jenny was born. They took Jenny along with them. When Jenny was 5 years old, they spent a month in Great Britain. ''We found out she was a good traveJereven when some wild ponies decided her hairwas hay," Kay said. They alsowent to Franceand Switz.erlandon the Cabrini alumni trip. "Jenny had the bus driver absolutelywrappedaroundher~ger,"Kay said. "Carter taught her bow to charm some hard-noseFrench people." From the time Jenny was born, Carterandhisdaughtersharedaspecial bond. ''They spend a lot of time together and enjoy each other's company a lot," Kay said. She recalledthe time when the three went camping. Jenny was only about 1 year old. ''He was going on a hike," Kay said. ''He just stuck Pampers and a bottle in his backpackand took Jenny with him." Jenny said they still go camping a lot. "He's just like a friend," she said. ''He doesn't act like a dad."

photo by Caroline Croley

Carter Craigie According to Kay, she and Carter present two options to Jenny, and she shows a little ofboth.''I thinkshe's an interestingbalance of the two of us," Kay said. "She has more common sensethanher father. But she's not a 'fraidy cat like me." The tone of Jenny's voice even seemsto liven up when talking about her dad She tells the story of their Bermuda trip this pastsummer. ''There were about 10 kids my age standingaround, andmy dad just goes up to them and says, 'Hey, let's play volleyball.' " Jenny said. ''Then he made everyone go around the circle and say their namesto introducethemselves." Carter uses the same tacticsin his clas.woms and in almost any group settingto break the ice.''Hejust wants to seeeverybody have fun and have a good time," Jenny said. She saidhe is not a very strictfather. Until shegot her license, she did not evenhaveaaufew. Butnow,ifshehas the car,shehas to be in at 12 midnight. "All my friends love him. He's friendswithallmyfriends,"Jennysaid. ''He treats them like his other kids." Jenny said he is "reallycool" when she ~ guys to the house. ''He can talk to a doorknob, and it will talk bade," Jenny said. ''He alwaystalks to himfor hours. And when we leave,the guywillalways·say,'Oh,God. You're dadis so cool."' Jenny admitsthatshe is likeher dad in many ways. They share the same sense of humor, as well as interests in both the outdoors and story telling. Of course,there arethetimes when her parentswon't let herdo something. "Sometimes we'll say Jenny can't dosomething,andshe'llsay, 'It'shard to stay mad at you guys because you make me laugh,'" Kay said. According to Kay, Carter and she are two very differentpeople. But she said she really thinksoppositesattract. ''We laugh a lot Carter has a good senseof humor. He does outrageous things,"Kay said. ''I'm a smart mouth. I'm constantlyblitheringaway, sometimes making Carter spit across his cereal at the breakfasttable." After a minute of silence, Kay unfixes her eyes from the window and smiles to herself. Outof the blue, she says,"lguesstherewasatimewhenwe ditched the rosebush." When they lived at theirold house, they both decided thatthey needed to remove a rosebushthat grewjust besidethe house. Theydidn'tknowwhat to do with it, but they knew the trash menwouldn'ttakeit Theycutitdown anyway. And then Cartergot an idea. Afterthesunwentdown,thecouple draggedthebush andplacedit on top of

his 1972 Malibu. They got in the car and Carterbegan todrive. Kaystilldid not know where theywere going.''We got to this pointwhere there was nothing around,"Kay said, "and Carterjust flooredit. We took off and kept moving. I thought we were going to get arrested." Kay said at that time, sqe was certaintheywere goingto prison,but now shecanlookbadrnnitandlaugb."That's the type of outrageous thing that he does thatI would never do," she said. "But he can doit and getaway with it." But what really makes their marriage of almost 20 years tick? ''It has to be somethingother than likingthe samething.5,"Kay said. ''Becausewe don't." She saidthatCarteris notstuck into the mode of thinkingthatCabriniis his job and the house is her job. He helps out a lot aroundthe house. ''He's probably,absolutelythe least sexist person I've ever known," Kay said. Even thoughshetravelsa lot on the weekends,shesaidCarterisnotjealous or paranoid.''It's just the way he is," Kay said. ''It's really a partnership." When he retires,Kay said she feels Carterwilldevotealotofhistimetothe activities and hobbieshe could not pursuewith a career. "After the idea of retiringsettlesin, andhemakesthattransi.tion,"Kaysaid, ''he'll wonder how he ever made time for a job." Carteriseventakingabiologycourse at Cabrininext semester.Kay said she did not know how he would do in the class,consideringhis littlepet peeves, like the sowid lettucemakes when she is breaking it apartfor a salad. "Here is a person who can't even dissect a head of lettuce," she said, laughing. "And he's going to dissect frogs and stuff?" Carterreallyhas not changedmuch since the day of his wedding. An old wedding photo clearly demonstrates the same man,with longer sideburns. His head is held high as he smiles proudly upon his new bride. It's that same proud smile that he has today when he reads his daughter's wellwritten essay aloud to a group of 10 collegestudents. ''I don't think his appearance has really changed," Kay said. "We both had longer, browner hairthen and we were a few pounds lighter." Beside being a husband and a father, Kay and Jenny both agree that Carter is a friend. In the same sense, beside being a professor and a coworker, most studentsand staffmembers also agreethatCarter is a friend. That is why the legend teller himself has createdhis own legend at Cabrini.

Friday, April 7, 1995


What's up, Doc?



Grads never forget Carter

by Laura Testa assistant news editor

Carter Craigie is leaving. After 25 years of teaching at Cabrini College, with an eccentric style and a passion to teach unlike many others, Craigie is retiring. The Englishandcommunications departmentwillbeusingthreepeople to fill Craigie's place. They will be using two existing faculty members and a new employee to take over all of Craigie's responsibilities.

compiled by Shella Brady features editor

"He was as much of a friend as he was a teacher. I remember his wild plaid jacket. Carter was cooler than most of the prof essors. Everybody really liked him. He was everybody's pal." Mary Lynne Carone-Marcini, class of 1974

Beginning his career as a fifthphoro suppli8d by Caroline Croley grade school teacher, Craigie disDr. Carter Craigie, professor of English and communications is on photo club trip to Valley Forge. covered a love he never knew was in him. "I love to teach," Craigie said. "One of my favorite things is top of his desk demonstrating origi- able to do things and I want them to "I want my students to enjoy learn- sharing with my advisees," Craigie nalrock 'n' roll. "Thatwasdefinitely know it. And I want them to feel ing more than anything." said. "I like doing goods and bads one of my best moments at the col- good about themselves." After five years of teaching el- and being there for my advisees." lege," Craigie said. Craigie said he feels that he has ementary school, Craigie decided to In Craigie's College Success Craigie recalls the best moment accomplished many things in life. "He taught me the concept of pursue his master's degree in folk- Seminar; there is a section of the of his life as being the moment that "Well I am not in jail, and that is folktales. The stories we all hear lore and folklife studies. He gradu- class where he asks for the students his daughter was born. something," Craigie said. from our cousin's brother's friend ated from University of Pennsylva- to tell him, and each other, the best "I look forward •to everyday," welearnedweremyths. Heshowed Craigie also recalled a time when nia with honors. thing and the worst thing that has he acted in a play at Cabrini. He Craigie said. "I still love to teach, how we communicate those stoIn the fall of 1970, Craigie came happened to them during the week. played a Jewish man living in a an- and I love my students." ries in our lives. I recognize them to Cabrini with all but his disserta- Everyone gets a chance to share. nex, hiding from the Nazis, during In the future, Craigie said ,he a lot. I think Carter is a person ti~n complete. Later, Craigie com- This exercise gives both Craigie and World War II. Craigie played the wants to learn as much biology as who is so warm. He recognized pletedhis Ph.D atUniversityof Penn- his studentsa chance to support each man that stole the bread in ''The possible. Craigie also wants to do everyone at Cabrini as people not sylvania, alsoin folkloreand folklife other. Diary of Anne Frank." more with his photography. just students. " Terry Cavanagh, studies. Craigiemeets with his adviseesat He wants to learn how to speak a class of 1974 ''I worked harder than I have ever He taughtjust one coursehis first least once a week in order to keep in worked before," Craigie said. "Do- third language and also brush up on year, Minority Groups and Assimi- touch and up on their lives. his French so that he can use it on "I remember his handkerchiefs." ing the play was just fab~ous." lation. His next semester, Craigie At one time,Craigie taught a class "I think that people will forget me amateur radio. Fran MacDonald Gordon, class taught two courses, Senior Seminar entitled Marriage and the Family. quickly once I am gone ," Craigie Amateur radio is a passion of and Folklife Studies. After that, During one of the classes, Craigie said. ''I just hope to get a Christmas Craigie's. He speaks with people all of1977 Craigie was asked to be the depart- had his students in a circle on the card once in a while. That would be over the country as well as all over "He was such an avid photo bug. ment chairperson. Craigie has been floor facing one another. "Everyone nice." the world. In his spare time, Craigie The kind of work he did was very teaching at Cabrini ever since. was working together very closely Craigie tells the "Cabrini Leg- enjoys building his own radios from unique. He was such a positive Craigie has taught a wide variety and the class was very intense," end" for which he is famous. He also start to finish. of classes from College Success Craigie said. "We dido 't even notice tells stories on his life and advenCraigie alsowants to teach adults influence on me. " Elizabeth Seminar and Photography to his that the college president, the dean tures. who cannot read how to read. "There Kanaras,class of 1983 widely popularFolklifeStudies. Ac- and one or two new trustees touring "I guessthat my stories will really are too many people out there who cording to the registrar's office, ap- theschool hadcomeinandobserved be the thing that lives on once I am don't know how to read. Life for "We used to call him 'Mr. Spirit.' proximately 40 to 50 students tried my class." gone," Craigie said, "or at least I them is just what they see on televi- He represented the spirit that Cato sign up for this class even after it This was one of Craigie's great- hope that they do." sion," Craigie said. "I think that it is brini had to offer. At the time I was closed. spent working with him in photogest moments at Cabrini, he said. Craigie has high expectations for so important." Craigie carries on the tradition of Another example of Craigie's per- all of his students, past and present. "I'm not boring, life's not bor- raphy, his eye saw things that leadingtheYule Log ceremony each sonalitywas when the college presi- "I hope to leave my students very, ing," Craigie said. ''There is still so crossed the boundaries of that season. field. He was exciting and dydent wandered in while he was on very confident." ''I want them to be much to do." namic. He's a very good man. When things got rough, I looked at Carter for a vision of what the school should be." John Doyle, class of 1985 "When I was in school, I had a tough time, financially. He said he saw a talent in me and things would work out. He gave me belief in myself. And circumstances did work themselves out so I could stay in school. " Cara Graham Kapan,classof1987 "Carter was always the guy you could count on to say "That's neat. He brought a tremendous amount of enthusiasm to everything he did. He made learning so -much more exciting. Frank Emmerich, class of 1992 11


photo by CarolinBCroley

Craigie stops to admire a kite with good friend Brittany Walker, who recently named her baby brother after him.

"I remember him as always being there. It was always just a simple question of 'How are you?' He was funny and enthusiastic and always made you feel like you were the best person in the world. I never knew anyone who cared photo by Caro/me Croley about the students like he did. I Craigie takes a break during a photo club trip to Hawk Mountain. think Cabrini will feel a loss. " Rita Celucc~ class of 1993




Friday, April 7, 1995

Mansionsecretsrevealedon tour

Mass transit strike causes mess

by Andrea Kelliher

ond week, and on-goingstrikesoften have a potentialto turn ugly. Move over, O.J. Simpson. On Sunday,April2, SEPTAofSEPTAneedsthe space. ficials and 1WU President Harry It has been more than one week Lombardometforthefirsttimesince since Philadelphia's mass transit thewalkoutlastweek to disputethe system first began making front- issuesofemployeehealthinsurance, page headlines,as 5,200 members workers compensationand wages. of the Transport Workers Union· The talks broke off seven minutes walkedoffthejobonTuesday,Man:h after theybegan. 28. As a result,more than 350,000 Meanwhile,unionmembersfrom SEPTAriderswere left strandedat SEPTA's City and Suburl>anDivithe city's bus, el and trainstations. sionshavespentthepastweek-andThen,just when it appearedas if a-half carryingpicketsigns, blockthings could not po$ibly get any ingtheRegionalRails,tyingup trafworsefor areacommuters,theydid. fic on theSchuykillExp~ay and On Monday,April3, the Suburban interruptingthe weekly meeting of TransportWorkersUnionLocal234 the PhiladelphiaCity Council. It is B, covering 176 maintenanceand the UIW's hope that such displays dericalemployeesonSEPTA'sRed will persuadeMayorEd Rendellto ArrowDivision,alsowenton strike. inteIVenein labor negotiationsby ThiswalkoutledSEPTA to tel1300 providing the transit system with busand trolleyoperators,who seIVe moremoney.Rendellsaidhewilldo morethan21,CXXkommutersinsub-no such thing. wban DelawareCounty, that they Lombardo and his supporters shouldnot reportto work. have said theywill continueto fight Butwait. It gets better.Accord- until SEPTA gives them what they ing to The PhiladelphiaInquirer,the want. But as the strike drags on, contractforSEPTA'sFrontierDivi- signsof wear andteararebeginning sionexpiresonFriday ,April7,which to showon the facesof malfy Philacouldleavemorethan3,500ridei-sin delphians,includingthe unionmemBucks,MontgomeryandDelaware bers left with paychecks and the counties scrambling to find other businessownersleftwithouttransitmeans of transportation. ridingshoppers. So why all this mass confusion And don't forget the irate comconcerningmass transit? After all, muter stuck in rush-hourtrafficon many SEPTAridershave foundal- Interstate95. Just one lookand it is ternatemeansofgettingto workand easy to see that he is longingfor the school,andtherehavebeenveryfew day when SEPTA ends the strike major problemson area roadways and OJ. onceagainresumeshistop duringthedailyrush-hourcommute. position on the front page of the But,then again,this is only the ~ morningnewspaper.

staff writer

Did you know that thereis a walkin jewehy vault in the Mansion? Did you know about the hidden passageways in the Mansion basement that once used to provide easy to cutleryvaults,wine cellarsand an elevatorto the kitchen? To seethesesecretsandlearnmore aboutthe Mansion,therewill be a tour on Sunday,April23, from 2 to 4 p.m. The cost is $5 and is sponsoredby the AlumniAffairs Office. · ThehostsofthetourwillbeMartha Dale,directorofalumniaffairs;Nancy Costello,specialassistantto the president for Mission Integration; Mike Caranfa,chief physicalplant officer, and Jackie Murray,a Cabrinialumna The Mansionwas builtin 1902for JamesWilliam.PaulJr.by Philadelphia architectHoraceTrumbauer.In 1952, theestatewaspurchasedbythelateDr.


John T. Dorrance, founder of the CampbellSoup Company. In 1954, it was acquired by the MissionarySistersof theSacredHeart of Jesus,foundersof CabriniCollege. This tour will give participantsa glimpseof what lifewas reallylike for the Paul family and the family of Dr. John Dorrance. The Mansion was originally the Dorrancefamily'ssummerhome.This wasallthat 14seIVantsneededto cater an elaborate wedding or dinner for visitingmovie stars. The tour is dividedinto four parts. The first one startswith Martha Dale describingand explainingthe outside of the MansioJL The tour then gets dropped off to Nancy Costello, who will explain thefirstflooroftheMansion.Costello tells tour members that inside the Mansion, everything was built in symmetry and along a north-south

axis. The sun porch and the original breakfast room are symmetrical to each other, but the original breakfast roomwas remodeled so that families could eat in an enclosed room. The tour moves on to the kitchen, which is now used by the Missionary Sisters. The walk-in refrigeratorwas enhancedlateron and convertedto an electric refrigerator,insteadof using largeice blocks,Costellosaid. The staff who gives the tour has learneda lot of theirinfonnationfrom the originalbutlerwho workedfor the Dorrance's and the Paul's. 1bey also obtainedinformationfromtheoriginal blue printsthat are hangingin the dining room area 1be moneyraisedfrom thetourhas paidfornewfurnitureinthefoyerofthe Mansion, new carpetingfor the balcony and stairsand a diningroom set thatwas made by alumnaAnnaMarie Cellucci'shusband,Mike.

photo by StaceyCialzzo

If the Mansion's history interests you, there will be a $5 tour on Sunday, April 23, from 2 to 4 p.m.

by Richard Jasper copy editor

It'sOne Of The Most Useful Credit CardsOn The Planet.UnlessYou'veStolenIt. Your MasterCard.isstolen.Youpanic,gee angry,panic some more. Then you call and cancelit. Now the thief is in possessionof, oh,

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Friday, April 7, 1995

Last week in the world of news condemnedabortionandeuthanasia.The pontiff lockouttheplayers.Ifthatisthecase,following claimedthesewere"crimeswhichno humanlaw a three-weekspringtraining,theregularseason can claim to legitimiz.e." will begin on April 26. Even if the players John Paul did not specificallytell the world's come back, ending the 25~y strike, the QThursday,Marcb30-FirstAIDSmiracle950millionCatholicshowtoresisttheselaws,but baseballseasonis still injeopardy. hedidinfactmakeitclearthathedidnotfavorany The playerswouldbe comingbackwithout documented. For the first time,there is a documentedcase useof violencein orderto do so. a contract.Withnocontract,thereis a veryreal QSaturday,April1-Clintontravelsto Haiti chancethat the playerswill strikeagain. thataninfantdiagnosedwiththeAIDSvirus had to restoredemocracy. The playerswillbe playingunderthesame destroyedit by his firstbirthday. The child,whose name is beingwithheld,is President Clinton traveled to the impover- terrnsthisseasonastheywereunderlastseason's now 5 years old and shows no signsof being ished country of Haiti, six months after he sent contract. QMonday,April3-SEPfAstrikestillan infectedWiththe mv.The reportwas published 21,000U.S. troopsthereto restoredemocracy. Clinton proclaimed the job done and handed inconvenience. in the New England Journal of Medicine on The strikebetweenSEPTA workers and March 30. the cleanupover to the UnitedNations. Researchers from UCIA documented the An estimated22,000 Haitians aarnmed the managementis reallyheatingup. The workers fincting.5.Doctorshope that in studying this streetsoutsidetheNationalPalacetohearClinton'sand managementmet for the first time in six days today andit does not appearthat the two phenomenon,they will be able to find a vaccine speech. for AIDS. Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide sides are gettingany closerto settling. In addition, there is a second child who ~ thankedClintonforforcing-outthemilitarydictaLastweek, SEPTA went on strike in the searchersbelievehasrecoveredfromAIDS. These tors who forcedhim out of leadershipin a 1991 Philadelphiametropolitanarea,shuttingdown busandtrainserviceinthecity.Oneweeklater, two childrenare the exceptionto the rule. The coup. QSunday,April2-Major-League baseball the suburban Red Arrow Division failed to resultsin thesetwo childrenmay explainwhy 70 border. reach an agreement They have alsowalkedDavid Dalberti, 41, of Jacksonville,Aa., peroep.tofinfantsbomtomotherswithl-IlVdonot playersheadsouthfor springtraining. and WilliamBarloon, 39, of New Hampton, developthe diseasethemselves. The major-leaguebaseballplayers might fi- out, leavingmore than 21,500 commutersin Iowa,who weresentencedto eight-yearterms □Friday, Marcb31-Popewritesencyclical nallybe on their way back and the replaoement DelawareCountywithouttransportation. Thestrikeis expectedto affectan estimated playerswere released. in prison for illegally~g into Iraq on coodemniogabortionand etitbaB8sia. In his strongestwordsever,PopeJohnPaulII It appears likely that the owners will not 300,000~le all overthe Philadelphiaarea. March 13, might be released soon. Both

by Justin Mlrlgllanl

staff writer Ql'uesday, March 28-Hmoo makes it big on Oscarnight. ltwasabignightfor"ForrestGwnp"atthe Academy Awards. For the second straight year,Tom Hankswon theOscarforbestactor for his portrayalof Gwnp, a mentally-challenged Southerner. Hankswon the same awardlast year for his stellarperfonnancein the drama "Philadelphia,"when he played a lawye1firedfor havingAIDS. In all, the movie receivedsix awards. It receivedbestpicture,andbestdirectorwentto Robert 2.emeckis. It also won awards for adapted screenplay,film editing and visual effects.''Forrest~ump"was thefourth-highest grossingmovie of all time,earningmore than $317 million. □Wednesday, March29-Two men to be releasedfor illegallya-ossiog over Iraq

Barloon and Dalbertihave contestedthat they accidentally~ the border. The men have been in contactwiththeirfamiliesand are said to be doingwell.

l·nsurance claim process gets simplified by Jamie Latshaw underPennsylvaniastatelaw,canhelptoalleviate witnesses. Take note of the specific location staff writer the confusionof filinga claim. where the accidentoccurred and the positionof Haveyoubeeninjuredinanaccident?Areyou Bill Bailey, specialcounsel to the Insurance the cars involved. paying for someone else's carelessness? Does Jnfonnationlnstituteandformerclaimsexecutive If you have a home-or-businessinsurance this soundlike a commen:ial? andpracticingattorney,pointedoutthatinthevast . claim,make temporaryrepairsand take stepsto Commercials likethis are broadca&24-hours majority of cases, insurance companies settle furtherprotectthe propertyfrom furtherdamage. Savethereceiptsandsubmitthemto theinsurance a day. However,filingclaimscan be mudi more claims to the satisfactionof the policyholder. "Theycertainlydon'twanttheirpolicyholders company. The insurancecompany will reimcomplicatedthan the law firmsmake it sound. When first-yearstudentMelissaScomavacca unhappywith how theirclaimis beinghandled," burse thepolicyholderfor whateveris coveredin injuredher back in a caraa:ident, it took her six Baileysaid. the policy. Prepare a list of damaged or l<N mon~ to settlethe claim. An insurancepolicyis a contractbetweenan articles. Videotapingor photographingthedamAccordingto Scornavacca,she called the in- insurancecompanyand thepolicyholder.Bailey age is a goodidea. surancecompanyand then answeredtheir ques- recommends the followingstepsto simplifythe QFile the claim. tions concerningthe accident claimsprocess. Onoetheinsurancecompany has beennotified ''The insurancecompanyalwaysgot back to QGet the facts. of a claim,it hasupto 10businessdaysto send the me when I left a message,"Scornavaccasaid. Knowingthe factsabout the accidentor loss necessaryclaimforms. Fillouttheformsprompdy, Unfortunately,not everyonewill have such a will help the insurancecompanyto quicklypro- with as much informationas possible. positiveexperiencewhen filing a claim. cess the report. ~ the claim. SeniorBryanBellhas drivena carwith a dent At the scene of an auto accident,providethe By law,the insurancecompanymust respond in it fortwo yearsbecausehis insuranoecompany polioe with whatever informationthey ask for. to a properlyfilled-outclaim foon within 15 Get the name of the investigatingofficer and businessdays, letting the claimant know if the would not cooperate. ''Not one singlepersonwas nice to me," Bell requesta copy of thepolioereport.This can help claimhas been acceptedor rejected.The insurer to validateany claim submittedto the insurance can requestadditionaltime for a complicatedor said. Understandinghowtheclaimsprooessworlcs, company. Get the names, addresses and tele- questionableclaim.Onceanagreementisreached and the legal protections that claimants have phone numbersof everyoneinvolved,including between the claimant and the insurer, the law

What's Happening oFelicilaciones: (Congratulatiom) 3/31

□Congratulations 1995-96editorial


To the followingparticipantswho have Editor in Chief Kim Sheldron ~y deliveredpaperswrittenentirely Managing Editor in Spanishin the GraceHall Board Room to Allyson Hannigan the campuscommunity: Co-News Editors GioiaBozzacco Laura Testa & Kathy Cephas StarletteBrown Co-Sports Editors James Campbell Stephanie Caldwell& Justin Mirigliani StephanieCasinelli Co-Arts & Entertainment Mia Frtzgerald John Lindsay & Nina Marie Sciarrotta Megan McCloskey Features Editor WilliamMcDevitt Joanna Golesh Theresa McFadden Opinionand EditorialEditor Tara Powers Beth Molloy Robert Saxon Jr. Copy Editor/ Writing Coach Jamie Latshaw QPbotography Contest Graphics,Layout and Design Editor TherewillbeaphotographyoontestbeginMonica Scaramuzza ningonApril2D.Allphotosmustbesubmitted Assistant to CarolineCroleyin box Zl3. The theme is Nina Marie Sciarrotta friendship.Color,blackandwhiteand digital Photography Editor Caroline Croley photos will be accepted. Only 8x10 photos will be accepted. For moreinfonnation,con- Assistant Stacey Caiazzo tact Croley at 902-8412

requiresthat the insurerpromptlysend payment Unfortunately,not all claims are filed this easily. Problemsdo arise betweenthe claimant andthe insurer.ln mostcases,insurancecompanies will negotiatewith the policyholderto bring about equitablesettlement However,if the policyholder and the insurance company can not reachan agreement,there are other resouroesto resolvethe disagreement Thefirststepwouldbetotallctotheagentorthe claimsmanagerat theinsurancecompanyandtry to negotiatea fair settlement Next, try callingthe insurance helpline. The National Insurance Conswner Helpline (800942-4242) is a toll-freeoonsumerinfonnation telephoneservicesponsoredby insurance industry tradeassociatiom. Ifthatdoesnotwork,oontactthePennsylvania Insurance Department,(215) S<,0-2630. The representativewill discus.sthe matter with the insurerandhelp to resolvethe differences. The final stepwouldbe to consultan attorney. However,once an attorneyaccepts a case, the claimantgivesup therightto speakdirectlyto the insurer.

Public Safety Update Security incidents, as reported by security office, from Monday, March 27 through Monday, April 3. OAicohol Violation 3/31

Officer received a call from Radnor Police requesting that public safety meet their officers at house 5. Due to extreme loud music, voices and screams, Radnor Police called for backup. An RA exited the house just as the police approached. The RA became extremely upset and began arguing with Public Safety about the presence of Radnor Police. Other students also became visibly upset at the present of the officers. The second floor of the house was cleared and approximately 150 students filed out. Of those students, 54 underage students were detained. All were later released without being cited. It took six Radnor officers to finally clear the scene. As Radnor Police left the scene, one was overheard saying, "This school is completely out of hand."

□Domestic Disturbance

4/2 Public Safety received a call from an unknown source that calls for help were heard coming from a female student. Once on the scene, officer heard the female student yelling "help" and "get off of me." The officer found the female student and a male student rolling around on the ground together in an obvious disagreement. The officer separated the two and tried to find out details of the incidents. Officer noticed that the male student had blood on his lip and the female had blood on her pants and shirt. Both students said that the blood was a result of a cut on the male's lip which was a result of their argument. Both parties were visibly upset, crying and intoxicated. Both the female and male students were escorted back to their dorms. The male student returned to female student's dorm and refused to leave until he spoke to her. The two spoke briefly, which calmed both of them down. Male was escorted home again by RD.

.:-..>:·/·._; ·•I·ltTLIR .;: LOOLI 1


· ,. .


Friday, April 7, 1995

Baseball Cavs meet owners with Cheyney forcedto trackteam fold by Dave D/Matteo

by Dave D/Matteo

staff writer

staff writer

After 232 days of the longest labor dispute in sports history, one of the most beautiful sounds of spring is back. The crack of the bat hitting a baseball will be ringing through the spring air. On Friday, March 31, Judge Sonia Sotomayor issued an injunction against the owners of the major league baseball teams. Sotomayor issued the injunction because she felt the owners acted illegally on Feb. 6 when they changed the terms of the previous agreement between the players and owners before a new agreement or legal impasse was reached. After the injunction was passed, the players' union gave an 'unconditional offer' to return to work. The ball was then in the owners' court, who could either lock the players out and begin the season with the replacement players or accept the players 'unconditional offer.' • The owners accepted the offer, and major league baseball is back. After being robbed of a total of 921 games, the 1994 league championship series and the 1994 World Series, baseball is no closer to a settlement then they were back on Aug. 12. So here we are, the real spring training is back and so is a real opening day with real bigleagueplayersscheduledfor Wednesday,April 26. If no settlementwas reached, then the question of who won and who lost has to be asked. Nobody won. It is as simple as that. The players will be playing under a contract that expired on Dec. 31, 1993, the owners got nothing theywere looking for, and the fans will not have a full baseball season for the second year in a row. With all of the recent developments,what is going to happen next? The players and the owners will meet and try to iron out some sort of agreement. The players can strike at any time, and each side is questioning whether there will be any serious bargaining for an agreementsince both sides are back. The owners are expected to declare a legal impasse, which would allow them to implementa salary cap or a luxury tax on team payrolls. If a settlement is not reached by the end of the season, the players could threaten to strike again in 1996 or 1997. Since the playoffs were lost in '94 the fans should be reminded of the new playoff system that baseball implemented last year. The 1995 baseball seasonwill have three divisionsin the NationalandAmericanl.eagues, withthewinners of each divisionalong with a second-place team with the best record advancing to the playoffs. Majorleaguebaseballmayhavedugitselfinto a grave and is going to have to fight a long,hard ·,> .00qilippier battleto gainbackthefan supportthatitoncehad. ,. i,s.·l~--~~-: Asfans,we canonlyhopethatthedamagecaused r/ ilaskl)()WJU ·. ¢14 . n PW . , · ·• l bythislabordisagreementwillbesettledsoonand willnotfollowbaseballintothe2lstcentury. But ? : both$~," .l)t,JUS'f~aria~ ~-J , for now, major leaguebaseballis back and we . •,<>p~ofbqre. said.• ~~~tl>aU¥ ·,: 1 have a judge to thank. :. ' "' ·him.t,ac1t.an· ··· ····•·•_., Don't feel sorryfor the replacementplayers, though.Forsixweekstheygottolivea dream,and their grandchildrenwill never hear the end of, "When I was a major leagueballplayer¥."

The women's track and field team overshadowed the men's team on Saturday, April 1 at the Cheyney Invitational. The women won first place despite the absences of first-year student Susan Edenbom and senior Melanie Bruno. In only the second meet of the year, the men placed third behind a strong effort from first-year students Far' dNasir, James Williams and John Thomas, junior Shawn McAleer and senior Mike Tims. The men's team also broke two school records. The women's team had the best showing of the day with Michele Olsen, a junior, placing first in the 800 meter and the 1500-meter. "Everyone put in a 100 percent effort," Olsen said. Heather Odium, a first-year student, won the 400-meter hurdles and also ran away with first hi.the 100-meter high hurdles. First-year students Elizabeth Lang, Rowena Rutherford, Eboni Watkins and Odlum came away with a second place finish in the 4 by 100 meter. "Despite the two injuries that took place during the relay, I think the women's 4 by 100 relay team worked really hard for the second-place finish," Rutherford said. In the 4 by 400 meter relay, Lang, Rutherford, Watkins and Olsen took second place. In other events, first-year student, Nicole Volikas won the 3K and placed third in the 1500-meter. Rutherford was strong in the shot put, coming out with a second-place finish. "I am satisfied with my second-place position in shot put, because this is only my second time competing in this event," Rutherford said. "Each time I compete, I hope to improve." First-year student Tanisha Rufus raced to a second place finish in the 400-meter relay. As for the men's team, they could not

catch up to the Cheyney University team who took first place in the meet. The men's team showed they have the talent to challenge any team on the track. Nasir, Williams, McAleer and Tims set the first of four new school records to be made on the day in the 4 by 100 meter relay. "We missed qualification for the Penn Relays by only one second," McAleer said. "We will definitely have the time for qualification by next week at Trenton State." Williams said he agrees with McAleer that the team will be able to qualify for the Pei'm Relays by the next meet. McAleer broke the second school record of the day with his time in the 400meter relay. McAleer placed fifth in the event. Williams and Nasir placed second and third in the triple jump. In the longjump, Nasir beat out everyone, including teammate Williams, and leaped his way to a first-place finish. Williams set his first of two school records that he set in the long jump. Williams placed second in the long jump and forth in the 100-meter dash and javelin. "I was looking forward to racing against Cheyney, since I just transferred from there," Wi1liams said. "I wanted to do really well. I think we're going to do · really well in the Penn Relays and the PAC. We should win it." Tims and Thomas represented the team in the shot put and the discus. Tims placed third in the shot put-and fourth in the discus. Thomas came in second place in the shot put and fifth in the discus. "I think we're really coming along," Thomas said. "I have confidence that both the men's and women's team are going to do well in the PAC, if not win it. I don't see anyone on our team finishing lower than fifth in any event." M~Aleer said feels the new team is working well together. "We are really starting to come together as a team," McAleer said. "We' re making progress."






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Friday, April 7, 1995


Last week in the world of sports Celene Wright

begin on April 26. The players will return to work with a new collective bargaining agreement and the reinstallation of the past agreement.

sports editor □Boxing

Mike Tyson made his first public comments since his release from prison. He announced that he would continue boxONBA ing, with Don King as his promoter. The New York Knicks defeated the New Tyson's first fight will take place in • Jersey Nets on Sunday, April 2. The score of late August or September at the MGM the bout was 94-85. Grand located in Las Vegas, Nev. A bout is truly what the game became As Tyson announce_d King as his when Patrick Ewing and Rick Mahron were promoter, those escorted out of the room thrown out of the game due to a shoving were promoters Akbar Muhammad and match between the two. During the game, Beil Muhammad, who had hoped to pro- Ewing was knocked to the floor by Mahom mote Tyson, convert to Islam while in when he took an elbow to the rib cage. prison. Derek Harper and Benoit Benjamin were Due toTyson's choice to have King also thrown out of the game. promote him, Akbar Muhammed quesNear the end, the Knicks held the Nets tions his commitment to Islam. behind by 11 points and took the game. Promoter Harold Smith, who repreThe Washington Bullets are still having sented Indonesian interest and planned bad luck, and their loss to the Detroit Pistons to pay Tyson $45 million for his return proves it. The Bullets lost by five points, match, was also asked to leave before with a close score of 110-105. Tyson made his speech. Joe Dumars of Detroit confirmed the Bul·1ets seventh-consecutive loss, by scoring 22 □Baseball of his 23 points in the second half of the The baseball strike is over! Major game. league baseball owners have broken the Piston player Grant Hill also had a good bad news to the replacement players but game against Washington when he scored the good news to the fans. his career high of 33 points. The owners, seeing no other alternaThe San Antonio Spurs defeated the tive, announced the_ir acceptance to the Pheonix Suns, 109-106. The clo~ game players' offers to return to major league resulted in the eleventh-straight win for the baseball. The actual 1995 season will Spurs. The Spurs have a 52-18 record, which

Women'sSoftball Mon. 3/30 Mon. 3/30

Beaver 13 Beaver 11

Men's Lacrosse. Sat. 4/1

Cabrini 9

Dickinson 16

Men'sTennis Sun. 4/2

Cabrini 3

Alvernia Misericordia Marywood Allentown. Beaver Cabrini

lmmaculata Neumann Rosemont Eastern

w Alentown 412

Track and Field Sat. 4/1 CHENEY RELAYS Women took second place Men took third place

OTennis A judge in Hamburg, Berlin upheld a suspended sentence that many criticized against the man who stabbed Monica Seles, a tennis star, in 1993. · The judges reason for the suspension was that the law in Berlin does not constitute the principle, "an eye for an eye." She did, however, say that a further appeal would be considered if filed within one week. Seles was stabbed by Gunter Parche, 41, in Hamburg. The reason Parche stabbed Seles was because he said he could not stand the fact that Seles had knocked Stefanie Graf from the number-one position.

L 0 0 0 0 2 4 6 6 8 10

Women'sSoftball Mon. 4/10 Wed. 4/12

Eastern Allentown


1 1 Cabrini 1 Beaver 0 Gwynedd-Mercy 0 Neumann 0

L 0 0

1 1 1 1 1

Misericordia (DH} A Marywood (DH) H

2:30 p.m. 3 p.m.

Men's Lacrosse April 22,23

Dowling Tournament



Men'sTennis Marywood

Cabrini 475

Ed O'Bannon of UCLA was named the Final Four MVP. In the game, he scored 30 points and grabbed 17 rebounds. In women's basketball, Connecticut takes the title of championship. They had a victory over Tennessee, who many thought would gain the title of NCAA champions due to their depth, physical abilities and many other positives. However, Connecticut gave to those who doubted their ability a 70-64 victory over Tennessee.

April 8-16

Marywood 6

Men's Golf Thurs. 3/29

8 6 6 5 7 2 2 0 0 0

Tap in to Mac


Women'sSoftball w

DOUBLE HEADER Cabrini 2 Cabrini 2

is the best in the Western Conference. □college Basketball UCLA wins the fight for the National Championship Athletic Association basketball championship title. The team gained the title with a victory over last year's NCAA champions, the Arkansas Razorbacks, 89-

Trip to Hilton Head, S.C.

Men's Golf April 8-15

Myrtle Beach, S.C.

Track and Field Sat.


Trenton St. lnvit.

A 10a.m.

Father Knows Best:

Quote to Note:

Trivia Answer:

What. was the longest work stoppage in professional sports?

"The players are back, the game is back and we are very happy about that," Bud Selig, acting commisioner, said about the end of the baseball strike.

Tom Gola, who played for LaSalle, holds the NCAA Division I career record for rebound. mg.

-compiled by Father Ambrose

-reported in The New York Times

-compiled by Father Ambrose

by Bob Macartney sports columnist

The NCAA Tournamentis by far, the most excitingthinggoing in sportstoday. There are monumentalupsets. There are last-secondheroics,rim-rattlingchmks,and hoursuponhoursofbasketball.And,in the end, one team, filledwith skill and magic and heroes, reachestheir goal, that "One ShiningMoment''whentheycutdownthe netsandcallthemselves''NationalCham· pions." This-year,theteam withtheskillandthe magicwas UCTA They had the skill in players like Ed and Charles O'Bannon. They hadtalentedfreshmen,Toby Bailey and J.R Henderson. They hadthe unbelievablyquick CameronDollar,and they had the man in the middle,GeorgeZidek. And they had Tyus Edney, the Hero. An inspirationto everybodywho stands under six feet tall, Edney singlehandedly ledtheBruinsthroughouttheTournament. WhowilleverforgetEdney'sfull-court race againstthe clock and the Missouri Tigersinthesecondround,to lifttheBruins into the Sweet Sixteen? little Tyus went end to end in fourseconds,andwrapped a desperation layup around one of those seven-footGoliathswho he does not fear. Of course,the shot went in, and Tyus and the Bruinsmoved on. One week later, it was another mad dash againstthe clock,thistime at the end of the half againstUConnin the Regional Final.Hisbuz:z.er-beatingthreewasaknife throughthe heartof the UConn. Whichleft Tyus and the Bruinsin the FinalFour,anda matchupwithOklahoma State.Tyuswaitedfortherightmoment.lt came with underfive minutesleft and the scoretied. He pickedup his slingshotand drove a stakethroughthemiddleofOklahoma State's heart. Alas, he was wounded in the battle, sprainingthe wrist on his shootinghand, making it impos.siblefor Tyus to fire his sling.shotin the finals, againstthe Arkansas. For four years, Tyus has heard the rumors thatUClA could not win thebig one. In thelast three,he sawhis team bow out earlyin theTournament.Now,he had guidedthemto thepinnacle,andin thelast game of his collegecareer,would be unable to do anything. He could not even clap. But don't ever tell Tyus Edney thathe cannot do something. That would be underestimatingthislittlemanandthesix.e ofhisheart. Hepickeduphisslin~otone final time, and for threeminutes, battled Arkansas'relentlesspres&Ue,one--handed, inspiringhis teammateson to victory. And the Bruins won the last one for Tyus. Which is only right,considering how manyhe won for them. Tyus Edney, all five feet,eleveninchesof him,proved thatthesix.eof yourbodyis not important, itis thesix.eof yourheartthatmatters.And TyusEdneyprovedtotheentirenationthat he has the heartof a champion.



Friday, April 7, 1995

Cavs fall to Dickinson,6-19 by Mary Burfete staff writer The men's lacrosse team is not off to a very good start. They lost their fifth out of six games they have played so far this season on Saturday, April 1, against Dickinson. The offense started off strong in the first quarter, but they fell behind Dickinson and the final score was Cabrini, 9, · Dickinson, 16. Sophomore Dan Lorenz led the scoring with three goals. Sophomore Dave Regn had two goals and three assists. Attack man Regn, the season's leading scorer, has a total of 11 goals and six assists so far this season. "Even though the season hasn't been great," said sophomore goalie Kevin Camp, "we hope to turn it around this Saturday with a win against Ursinus." The main problem the Cavs have been experiencing this season is that they have not been working well together as. a team. "We need to come together," midfielder Mike Friel, a first-year student, said. "We are a bunch of individuals right now. And our ground balls and penalties are atrocious." "Penalties always kill us," defense Eric Brazinski, a first-y~ar student, said. Coach Randy Mills said he agrees.

"We are not playing together asa team," he said. The lack of team participation is a result of classes interfering with practice times. "It would be nice if the whole team could participate with practices," MiJls said. "You need to practice together to perform together. You can't put on a play without the main cast being at rehearsals. It's the same for us." Mills said he hopes that with the help of Dr. Beverly Bryde, coordinator of secondary education, these dilemmas will change for all of the departments in the future. He said he feels that it affects all the departments, not just sports. Not only are they not playing together as a team, they also have many players who have been injured. Injuries and the lack of teamwork are causing players not to be able to play, and for some, they are coming off their injuries and onto the field. As a result, they are not able to perform to the best of their abilities. · With eight games left, Mills said he hopes that the team will be in better shape and will start working together. "In all fairness to the players, however, the team is very young this year," Mills said. "We have seven freshman." The team hopes to win this Saturday

pholo by Stacey Caiazzo

Cavs start out strong against Dickinson, but fail to continue the win. They lost the game, making this their fifth loss. against Ursinus in order to break their 1-5 record. However, Mills' hopes for the remainder of the season is to get his young team to begin working together so they can be ready for next year. As for the remaining games, the team

hopes to hang in there ·and improve all of the aspects they need in order to have a winning season in the future. For Mills, he said he needs to ·feel optimistic for the future. As for this season however, he said, "At least we'll show up."

Tennistakes a few losses by Stephanie Caldwell assistant sportseditor

The men's tennis team is labeled with an overall record of 2-5. The Cavs lost to Wesley College of Dover, Del., on Wednesday, March 29, at home. They were rained-out at Beaver College on Thursday, March 30, at Beaver. The Cavs then traveled to Marywood College on Sunday, April 2, in which they lost, 6-3. According to Coach Reggie Day, the match could have went either way. "I'm not unhappy with this loss," Day said. "Our inexperience showed, but even with this inexperience, we played well." Leading the Cavs in the number-one spot is sophomore Dan Dotsey. Right behind him at the number-two spot is first-year student Alex Corkhill. Together in doubles, Corkhill and Dotsey are impressive at 6-1 overall and are 2-0 in the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference. Dotsey is 4-3 in singles and Corkhill is 5-2. "Dan and Alex have had some big wins and tough losses," Day said. According to Day, senior Frank Petrane and junior Wally Fiore are also a solid doubles team. The duo are 4-2 overall and 1-0 in the PAC. Day also said that first-year student Bill Myers has improved since the beginning of the season. Coach Day is looking forward to Saturday, April 8, when he and both the men's and women's teams travel to Hilton Head Island, S.C. At Hilton Head, the men will play five tough matches in six days. Day said he feels the Cavs can only improve their game from this experience because of the level of play and the intensity at Hilton Head.

Well over 100 teams at Hilton Head supply good competition. There are not only matches, but pick-up games and practices with better players that can improve the Cav's play. "After we come back from Hilton Head we play much better," Day said. According to Day, this year it is anybody's conference. The Cavs are strong up top, but do not have much depth. They could also use a few more players. The men are only carrying six players this season. "We are doing as well as I think we can," Day said. "Our inexperience is balanced out a Jot by enthusiasm and our desire to win." "We should do OK this season," Dotsey said. "But most guys are just out to have fun now." Day also spoke about leadership when he talked about his team. He said Dotsey and ·corkhill show leadership with experience and Petrane shows leadership with age. "There's a lot of maturity on this team," Day said .. "When they get knocked-down, they get right back up. These guys come off the court knowing they improved." According to Corkhill, the season is going better than expected. The Cavs said they hope it keeps getting better and that they will find themselves in a PAC championship situation by the end of the season. "Our goal is to win the PAC championship," Petrane said. "We'll see if the team can take the pressure of the PAC championship," Corkhill said. To Day, the keys to victory seem simple. "We just have to make sure we play our best," Day said. "To just keep trying is the key to winning."


Frank Petrane,a senior,shows his skills on the court. He is a new member to the men's tennis team, and accordingto Coach Day, he is showingleadershipskills.

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