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steps into future with smart classroom NEWS Friday, August 30, 1996 College closer to Dixon Challenge

by Thomas McKee editor-in-chief

If Al Mollica, executive director of financial advancement, seems a little bit busier than normal, it is because he is trying to ensure that Cabrini College meets the Dixon Challenge.


When the newly renovated Dixon House was opened in the fall of 1995, Eugene Dixon, a philanthropist whose wife is a member of the Board of Trustees agreed to donate $1 million toward the completion of the sports complex if the college could successfully raise $500,000 by December 1996.

Mollica would not say how much of the million dollars has been raised, saying only that "we're close."

According to MoJlica, the college is raising the money through donations from several different sources, including alumni, parents of students and alumni, organizations and foundations.

"In the past, the college has relied to much upon people like the Missionary Sisters and the Dixons," Mollica said. "Now we're trying to broaden our base."

The largest pledge to date was a $170,000 donation made by the Widener Memorial Trust for Handicapped Children, but there have been many other significant pledges as well.

One alumnus donated $60,000, while another donated an additional $10,000, Mollica said. Other groups, such as the Italian American Foundation have made significant contributions as well. Mollica said 8085 percent of the pledges were gifts of $10,000 or more.

Mollica said the money being raised to meet the Dixon Challenge did not necessarily have to be used for the sports complex, but that 99 percent of the money raised had been earmarked by the contributor for use towards it.

"There are a lot of people working real hard to make this thing happen," Mollica said. "It's a $7 million building. It's the biggest fundraising project this college has ever attempted."

Even so, Mollica is determined.

"We will do it," Mollica said. "We have a commitment to build this sports complex and a commitment to the Dixons. It's our number one priority. We will meet this challenge."

by ThomasMcKee editor-in-chief

Multimedia learning has arrived with virtually no delays.

Room 208 of Sacred Heart Hall, nicknamed the "smart classroom," was renovated over the summer as part of the project that will eventually see the west wing of Sacred Heart Hall renovated.

"As part of the project, it •seemed wise to construct one smart classroom to be used this year," Dr. Thomas Boeke, provost and academic dean, said.

Several different companies were involved in the renovations, according to John Barclay, vice president for finance and administration. The contractor was Alvin H. Butz, Inc. Entech Engineers was the architect.

The classroom, which will be occupied during almost every

Facelifts and touchups span residential buildings

by PaulMonte a,.ne\,\,5 editor

Althoughstudentswon't see a colossal difference in the appearance of their residence halls like last year's additionto the Dixon house, many will noticean arrayof smaller-scaled structuralchangesthat span the residentialareaof the campus.

Many parts of Xavier Hall were painted and carpeted while the "great room" was iINalledwith new loungefurniture. The building's bedrooms have new m~ while the game room containsnew ping pong bilfuud and air hockey tables.

In additionto improvedceiling.5,WoodcrestHall now has overhead lighting in all of its rooms.Acx:ordingto one of the building's resident assistants, some of Woodcrest'soccupants are unhappythat the lights are notbrightenough.

The Maguire,Casey,Lanshe and Sullivanhouses have been painted.The MaguireandCasey houses were also carpeted.The Lanshe and Sullivan houses have new roofs as well as some new furniture.

The biggest improvementin residencehall renovationscame to the Infantehouse. Duringthe summer,the housewas literally stripped to the bare walls. Residents arrived to a newly paintedand carpetedhousecompletewith new wiooows,blinds, furniture, bathrooms, doors, closetdoorsand a kitchen.

'1t rocks,"Infantehouseresident as.5istantStephanieMiller said. '1t makes up for the fact thatmy roomis a closet" allotted class period, will now house a VHS video player, a CD player, a laser disc player, a video monitor, and a video TV projector. The classroom will also be wired for telephone and computer use. The teacher will then be able to control any of these features with a special control panel. Special light blocking shades have been ordered, but Boeke was uncertain as to when they would be available. In addition to the missing shades, no blackboards have been installed in the classroom yet.

According to Assistant Directorof ResidentLife,Laura Irwin, all renovationsto living areashave been completedon schedule.

Also, an employee from Daveland Co. in Allentown said there would be temporary lighting in the classroom for the next five weeks.

Regardless of these minor setbacks, classes were held in room 208 on Wednesday, Aug 28. This semester, during a typical week of school, 24 different classes will be held in the smart classroom. 1\venty-two teachers will have the opportunity to work the control panel.

"What I wanted to do was get a cross section of faculty who were doing courses that lend themselves to multimedia," Boeke said.

Faculty members plan to take advantage of the opportunities that teaching in a multimedia environment will present.

"Once things get going it will be wonderful," Carol Serrota, associate professor of mathematics said. '"The facilities will be excellent and will save me from having to bring in special equi_1>ment."

"I'm real excited about it," Dr. Dawn Middleton, associate professor of education, said.

"It's a great asset to our teacher preparation program," she said.

According to Barclay, the "smart classroom" will be grouped together with several other renovations.

He would not disclose the cost of the renovating the classroom, saying only that it was "a considerable amount of money."

A source who asked to remain anonymous revealed that the cost of the project was $58, 845. Barclay was unavailable for a comment.

Regardless of the price, students seem excited with the prospect of multimedia learning.

"I'm hopeful this will enhance learning," senior John Lindsay said. "Students that I've talked to at other schools don't have anything like this yet."

"We were so far behind and now we're taking a huge leap forward into the 21st century," Lindsay said.

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