Sept. 13, 1996 Issue 03 Loquitur

Page 1



Taking a dip at the Beac~ Bash

Computer catalog to replace card counterpart in library

A new year at Cabrini College brings big changes to campus and the Holy Spirit Library.

In October, when students go to the library to find a book, article, or journal, they will go to a computer terminal instead of a card catalog. This new system is called "Cavalog." It is one of the most obvious of several changes happening'i.n the library.

"Cavalog" will be very easy to use. To find a book, article, or journal all that is needed is the title. The computer will then provide the call number.·

"If you only know the subject or author that's all right," Coordinator of Technical Services Sulekha Kalyan said.

"Just type in the subject or author and the computer will list all of the books under that particular subject or author," Kalyan said.

Another feature that "Cavalog" has to offer is the ability to say when a book is available or has been borrowed from the library. • Instead of spending time looking for a book that is not on the shelf, they can spend more time locating another one.

According to Kalyan the company whose program is being implemented for "Cavalog" is Sirsi.

"We could have bought the computers from Sirsi as well," Kalyan said. "But Cabrini bought the computers itself."

"We are very excited about this," Kalyan said. "We have been working very hard to get the card catalog on-line."

"I'm happy the card catalog will be on-line," senior Doug Lacey said. "I hate flipping through all those cards."

There are many other changes happening within the library itself.

The Internet has been available for the past two years through a service called Health Science Library Consortium (HSLC). This is run through the Health Science Library in Philadelphia. This system is expected to be connected to all the computers on campus by October, 1996.

Several stations are being set up in the library where students will be able to access the Internet with just a few clicks of the mouse.

This will make the Internet accessible to more people in the library.

"It's about time it's available to more people on campus," junior Marie Koski said.

The library has also just received "The Philadelphia Inquirer" on CD-ROM.

It will now appear on screen in full text. All of the articles can be

printed out if needed.

Also available on CD-ROM are a variety of multimedia discs including art and history. Access to these discs is available through the front library desk.

Another big change is the development of a new department. The library and .several college offices have been combined this year and given the title of Library and Information Services.

This department brings together the library, faculty secretaries, •the education resource room, and computer services.

It is headed by Executive Director Kristine Mudrick. Under her are Network Analyst Brian Mayo, Coordinator of Information Access and User Services Anne Schwelm, Information Access and User Services Associate Linda Roccas, Director of Instructional Support Mary Budzilowicz, End l}ser Support Specialist Gary Yates and Coordinator of Faculty Secretarial Support Services Lourdes Barretto.

This new department is available to help students and staff with instructional support, desktop computing and research.

"As far as I'm concerned any improvement to our library is a gift from God," Professor of Religion Dr. Leonard Primiano said. "I especially want to thank all of our devoted library staff for theirhardworkandefforts."


Students head back to the beach one last time. Check out this spread.

pp. 6&7

RADNOR, PA 19087

1996 Senior challenge hopes to increase funds and class unity

In 1995 the senior class donated $3,640. The total amount raised through donations dropped in 1994 to $2,332. This year they hope to raise a total of $5,000. by Michelle Bums staff writer

Each year, seniors are asked to promise a donation to the college after graduation. Problems arise, however, when the seniors graduate and neglect to fulfill their promises. Also, in recent years the seniors have been giving less and less. This coming year the seniors hope to have an increase in the annual school gift.

first year the program was run, according to Gardner.

Since then participation in the senior challenge has declined. Gardner and senior co-chai~, Dan Lorenz and _Stephanie Casinelli hope to raise $5,000. Gardner decided upon Lorenz and Casinelli because they are student leaders who are widely known on campus.

The co-chairs will pick a board consisting of 10 members who will contact graduating seniors and promote the senior challenge. Lorenz and Challenge.

In an attempt to bring the graduating class of 1997 together as a whole, the aJumni affairs office is presenting its annual Senior Dan Lorenz

The purpose of the Senior Challenge is to give a donation of at least $19.97 per senior to Cabrini. The money will be used to support one of Cabrini's ongoing projects.

Four years ago the Senior Challenge was brought to Cabrini by Suzie Wittich,-~former assistant director of annual giving.

Casinelli will mail letters to each senior describing what the challenge is and options for where the money can go. Some of the potential destinations are renovations to the library, Sacred Heart Hall, resident halls, scholarships funds, and the sports and recreation complex.

Wittich got the idea Steph Casinelli from Washington


In past years, a check was given to the president of the school with no known College where she worked in the development office.

During the first year of the senior challenge, seniors were asked to honor their contributions within one year after their graduation.

The Senior Challenge is run by Alexis Gardner, alumni affairs director.

According to Gardner, the problem with this policy is that .after graduation many people neglect to honor their promises.

The seniors raised $4,067 the

"This year the money will go to something specific," Lorenz said.

The Senior Challenge is a way for the seniors to join together one last time to leave their mark on the Cabrini community.

"I think it's a great thing and hope people will get involved," Gardner said. "It's a good cause and it's something they have a say in. It's good for class unity."

A&E Melissa Etheridge review Sports Field hockey opener
photo by StaceyCaiazzo Senior and Campus Activities Programming board chair John Undsay (right) and friend frolic with a beach ball in 3,500 gallons of water outside of the Widener Center Gathering Area during the Beach Bash held Saturday, Sept 6. Students also had the option of playing miniature golf.
photo by _StaceyCaiazzo These computers, which will replace the card catalog syste,n in the Holy Spirit Library, should be up and running by October.

IFriday, September 13, 19961


The little college that could

Institutionallearningis the cornerstoneupon which this country has been built.

We have seen and adjustedourselvesto an ilJdustrialrevolution, and now we find ourselvesin the midst of a technological revolution.

When rapid, large scale changes occur there are certain steps that must be taken to keep pace.

It was not until last year,when there was an increase of more than 20 percentfrom the previousfiscal year, that an enthusiasticpush was made toward updating the contentsof the venerablestructure.

The college's newly automatedcard catalog system,'isto be installedand the staff is to be trained at some point during the first week of October.

With the new system, studentswill be able to gain access to thousands of pages of informationwith the click of a button rather than a flip of the card.

Cabrinicollaboratedwith Eastern and Rosemontto purchase the system and for the future there are aspirationsof connectingour new card catalog system with each of the other collegesso studentscan take advantageof the resourcesof each institution.

The changes,renovationsand improvementsmade in the past year are certainlya step in the right direction. Cabrini is slowly being transformedfrom an outdated,educational dinosaur into a state of the art, technologicalwonder, becoming a more desirablelearningenvironmentfor studentsin the process.

The blueprintsfor the overhaulhave been drafted,and studentsare seeing results.

These changes are more than welcomed,and as long as the administrationrealizesthe need for improvements, metamorphoseslike the one occurringin the library will give the school yet anotherattractionfor the studentswho are in limb, searchingfor the.rightinstitutionto rear them.

Loquituris establishedas a forum for studentexpressionand as a _voicein the uninlu"bited,robust, free and open discussionof issues. '


This past July, I spent an evening out with a couple of good friends. We ultimately decided to go bow ling, but before I bore you, I'll say that it was the car ride home that is worth mentioning.

After taking a pit stop at Baskin Robbins, we hopped back in the Nissan and slowly but surely, began to ponder life.

For some reason, whenever I'm around my friends for a long period of time we always end up getting philosophical. I guess it is because we are so cerebral.

We talked about our hopes for the new school year and our classes and how well we all wanted to do. I mentioned to my friends that I couldn't wait to tackle my positions of resident assistant, Loquitur editor and acting in the plays, all in addition to my classes. My male friend asked me when I would ever make the time to take it easy and have some fun.

To be honest I thought that all of this was supposed to be fun.

I just assumed that my friend automaticalJy thought of anything that had a class number attached to it as work. It wouldn't even matter to him if I actually enjoyed a class and looked forward to it. I might have made some remark to him that I could rest when I'm dead.

After several minutes of debate, my female friend in the backseat asked me something along the lines of how do we live • and get the most out of life.

I bad - always known my

opinion of this but I couldn't articulate it. After a moment I said to her that life is unpredictable and that tomorrow is promised to no one.

Therefore we have to seek out and find every opportunity to be happy and enjoy life to the fullest. However, we also have to do those things in life (like working, studying, or having a job) so that we can make tomorrow, if it comes, a little bit easier on ourselves.

In other words, a satisfying life revolves around balance. We have to work hard and play hard. Too much in either direction is unhealthy.

My female friend told me to keep this in mind when I receive my birthday card. Two days later I got it, eight by 11 inches big.

On it were some words written by an 85 year-old man who learned he was dying. The title was "I Wouldn't Try to Be So Perfect." I'd like to share it with you.

"If I had my life to live over again, I'd try to make more mistakes next time. I wouldn't try to be so perfect.

We all have perfection fetishes. What difference does it make if you let people know you are imperfect? They can identify with you then. Nobody can identify with perfection.

I would relax more. I'd be sillier than I've been on this trip. In fact, I know of very few things that I would take so seriously.

I'd be crazier. I'd be less hygienic. I'd take more chances. I'd climb more mountains. I'd watch more sunsets. I'd go more places I've never seen. I'd eat more ice cream and fewer beans. I'd have more

actual troubles and fewer imaginary ones.

You see, I was one of those people who lived sensibly and sanely hour after hour and day after day.

Oh, I've had my moments and if 1 had to do it all over again, I'd have more of those moments. In fact, I'd try to have nothing but beautiful moments; moment by moment by moment. In case you didn't know it, that's the stuff life is made of--only moments.

Don't miss the now.

I've been one of those people who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, a gargle, a raincoat and a parachute. If I had to do it all over again, I'd travel lighter next time.

If I had to do it all over again, I'd start barefoot earlier in the spring and stay that way until later in the fall. I'd ride more merry-go-rounds, I'd watch more sunrises and I'd play with more children. If I had to do it all over again ·"

Whenever I feel guilty about resigning my R.A. position, I just think about what I told illy friend that night and the card she gave me on my birthday. The second-guessing fades away.

It also reminded me that when all is said and done (wheneve( that may be), the only critic we have to please is ourself.

I also remind myself that excellence, not perfection, is what is worth striving for. Do your best in anything and just move on.

My decision to step down told me that I was learning to stop trying to be Superman and just be Paul Monte.

Jeanne l.ombanlo

Aallltaal 1'111....., ll'AlifolDana

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• .Da~ t.rtiewicz

:s-sAaidam 'Beckyltletsch

LOQUITUR The editorials, viewpoints and opinions published in Loquitur are
'the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
New1Edl1or Paul Monte Managl)lg Editor & <;opyF.dltor MirellaAdclcsi \ ,.T.dltor s.-yCaiazzo ThomasMcKee Sports Editor Jim Martin Buslneis Mauger Dina Tartaglia Pmipec:tivesF.dltor Cbri.s Lomanno Arfl & Entertai11111eot & Features EdUor
Kinten Yard , A'i llr. JerryZurek• :·;;-~ <\..·,.Jeuifec Klclltr Aadrea·~ I-Kulla Bill Maloaey_ • AodreaMoaaco .CCUy'~, Pul Moser· .O..jclle Miurlly '•'~~ EriaMcHap·· MlkltedMctt Gavia'Mirigliaai! • :.~ia,ScoU • Dina Tartaglia • ' • K:in1cDYard AdDalpen. ••f,.isaMU!inno -! .• .JeajiefferHubc~ •• Ca,tooakl ,{ Heather Bc11nne Loquil!lr ill.publisbcc!weekly duriog the school year by Sllldenb of Cabrini eon., Radnor, PA 19087, Phoae: 610-902-8412.Sublcriplio11 price is $25per yeu and is induded in die benefib secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes lellcn to the editor. Lcuers shollld be sigaed &lld tile alllborship known to tbe editon. fflffl'ever, i( die writer H "'ishes w! ihe edmr .agees.lhe wrilel'.'s name may be left off the publication alld an insaiplioninserted, sudl'U "111111ewilhhcldat the ieqiaes1ofl.hewriter.~ Ldternothteditor sllauld be.submittedby noon on Monday$.
I wouldn't try to be so perfect

Supporters of the welfare reform legislation, recently passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton, argue states will finally have the ability to design independent antipoverty policies.

Opponents of the bill say the legislation endangers poor families and especially poor children by ending the entitlement system. They also point out states have always had a good deal of control over welfare benefits.

For example, in Mississippi a family of three would receive $120 a month in welfare benefits. The same family in Connecticut would receive $600 a month.

When you also consider that the Clinton administration has been more than wiUing to allow states to institute welfare reform programs, you see the legislation has little to do with handing control over to- the states.

The real question that must be answered is will this reform succeed where it is most essential, in transforming the current system of handing out checks into a system based on getting people into jobs. Or will this legislation just lead to massive federal cuts that will leave poor families in worse shape than they are now?

New legislationoffers biggerproblemswith no solutions

The bill has already brought sharp cuts in food stamps for families that work. Without some government assistance, these families will find it almost impossible to keep their heads above water. In addition, the bill cuts benefits for disabled children, a very troubling notion to me.

However, the most unsettling feature of this legislation is the fact that the bill provides incentives for states to cut off recipients instead of finding them work.

Federal money will now be given to states in fixed block grants totally unrelated to state spending. • This will eliminate the incen-tive of continued state aid to poor families. Instead of the old system of matching federal funds, where states received more federal money in relation to what they spent, states receive one fixed lump sum.

Although I support work requirements, I believe that this legislation, by requiring states to move 50 percent of the caseload into jobs in order to receive full federal grants, will force some states, especially smaUer poorer states, to set very short time limits on benefits.

States will be unable to pay for the huge cost of work programs, which in the short term could be more expensive than handouts, cash aid and child care. The eventual result would

force the states to cut off benefits. According to the bill, families ccfnbe cut off even if there are no jobs to fill. In essence.this gives the states more incentive to cut people off than to find them jobs.

Proponents of the bill argue that ~f benefits are cut off, it will force former recipients to get a job and stop having children.

Essentially saying that by removing welfare, you will remove the need for welfare. All this will do is make the impoverished even more impoverished.

How can we expect that all people need is incentive and they will prosper? You can have all the incentive in the world, but if you do not have the means to better yourself, like training and child care, you might die trying.

If these cuts in benefits were accompanied by increased money for job creation, training and daycare, there may be hope for recipients. This bill provides for none of these things.

When you add into the equation the inadequacy of inner city schools in preparing the poor for the work place or college and the drug epidemic that haunts many neighborhoods you see that this bill answers only the problem of how to spend Jess 'mone:5' on welfare rather than how to make welfare unnecessary.

Letter to the editor X3vier staff grateful for faculty involvement

D~ar·Editors, We wanl to publicly thank the faculty and staff who took time to participate in our Faculty Open House Night: Carcll Serotta, Cindy Halpern, David Petkosh, George Hebard, Leonard Primiano, Ruby Remley, Laura Irwin and Emma Legge. '.

They gave our students an opportunity to meet and ask them questions. It was exciting to see faculty, staff and students talk :and interact. Our goal for

the e~ent was to get faculty into Xavier and help us foster an academic community. Through the generous cooperation of all involved, the program was a success.

Because of the great response, faculty_and staff willbe inyited to mapy more pro-· gram$', workshops and social • gatherings. They truly help us. "live and learn." We look forward to working with them again.

We just thought the commu-

Corrections Box


nity should know how the faculty and staff go out of their way to help students. We, the Xavier Staff, appreciate it and so do our students. Faculty and staff, thanks again for your support.


I do think it is necessary and I think the people in the system think it is necessary. Time limits are good as long as there is training to balance the scales. :,t,J}%~~iol, a continuing education student: It is necessary, but I don't think it will work. The reform is bound to get caught up in red tape and government bureaucracy.

·xavier Staff

Steve Murray

Rose Rodner

Theresa McFadden

Tanisha Rufus

Kevin Eppler

, In the story "$5,000 budget increase falls short of expectations," Western ~aryland Co11egewas reported to have a $J38,000 Student Government budget and an SGA fee of $120. According to Brandy Mulhern, student go\·ernmentpresident of Western Maryland, the annual student government budget is $18,900. There is no general fee as far as Mulhern knows.

Also, Burke's proposal for a $35,000 budget increase was at one time -referred to as $35,00.

The soccer and tennis photos on p. 12 were credited to Stacey Caiazzo, when in fact, Dana Nentwig took them.

Amy Long, a first-year student: People should only be eligible for benefits for a certain amount of time. After that, if they have no job, benefits should be cut.

Remember This is your newspaper. If there is a topic you would like to write an opinion on, contact Chris Lomanno in the newsroom. 902-8412 LOQUITUR PERSPECTIVES 3 j Friday, September 13, 1996 J Two Cents by Chris Lomanno perspectives editor Do you thinkwelfare reformis necessary? Chris Herrick, a junior: It is necessary, but they're not going about it the right way. There are not enough support services offered. Vmce Martino, a junior: There is a lot of fraud in the welfare system. People take advantage of the government's generosity at the taxpayers expense. Carol Gillespie, a continuing education student:
A M·1181 ~•J. "';"lffllll. i!JI .,'i.J_p-· . .Prt)IMN.f-...(V tl1ai:r, KyJVt,ri tl'r,erfirt.wi1idto i; .... ltl C&i ,,AMNJ(JH .(610)525-HEIP • __.•Alt.SERV1t,"ESFRE>E : A~ -· lit, 'fa!, ,. life , .f lw DftflMlM1J"wJtiu•.,«,

I Frozen yogurt machine one of

many Wood dining improvements

Friday, September 13, 19961

Radnor teachers barely make deadline

Literally hours before school opened on September 4th, teachers and the Radnor School District reached an agreement.on a new contract, which is to be ratified at the next school board meeting.

Radnor Township Education Association (RTEA) spokesman Ken Sklar said that certain salary and language details needed to be worked out.

Sklar said the contract was agreed on at 12:30 a.m. on Wednesday. Sklar also said that he expects all of the details to be worked out by Tuesday's board meeting.

Both the RTEA and the district _ require a majority vote to put the contract into effect.

District negotiator MaryGeiger said she thinks the contract will be set and ready to go by Tuesday.

Geiger said she anticipates no problems. Neither party would comment on the details or length of the contract.

On Tuesday teachers rallied before and after their in-setvice day and supported the RTEA negotiating team. They also held a candlelight vigil throughout the evening as the negotiations continued.

Throughout the negotiations, a strike was never out of the picture. RTEA president Maricel Hahn said authorization for a strike would require another vote among the membership. In June, the RTEA overwhelmingly was set on a strike.

Two weeks ago there was a mass amount of confusion betw.een the district and the RTEA Due to the fact that the RTEA contract expired on August 31, the RTEA has been holding out on the district for the time being. The RTEA claims that when the 'Contract has been devised properly they will talk.

Despite all of the controversy, Principal Robert Baker of Radnor High School is intent on· getting the new block scheduling in place.

According to the Main Line Tunes, Baker said that all of the 1996-1997 schedules were sent out this sµmnier to the teachers and the students. nlis will result '. in student-s taking several 90 minute classes each day.

Baker estimates that students will be taking six or seven courses throughout the semester.There _ are also in-service days on Oct.15 and Oct. 16 so that the teachers can be taught how to. run the block scheduling.

Food and nutrition play import&nt roles in any students' success at school. This is why the Wood Dining Service, operators of the dining hall and the food court at Cabrini,- is featuring many new cha~ges and improvements in their business of satisfying students' nutritional needs.

The food court carries the most changes and shows major improvements over its service of last year.

The changes noticeable to customers include an upgrade in the menu items and the enhancement of _the appearance of the Food Court.

For example, chicken nuggets no longer appear on the menu. Instead, customers are offered chicken tenders which are made with all white meat.

Another new menu item in the court is personal pan pizzas in a box which have replaced single slices. Seasonal fresh fruit salads and donuts baked daily are also upgrades in the menu.

The introduction of Otis Spunkmeyer products provide students with prepackaged muffins and cookies that are also cooked daily.

"The changes in the appearance of the court and its

Sophomore Michelle McDevitt samples the new yogwt machine.

employees make the court look more professional to the customers," Food Court Manager Judy Fozo said.

The court now features new wineracks for cups and hanging baskets for items such as straws and cup lids.

As for the staff and its new members, uniforms now consist of visors, maroon polo shirts and slacks, as opposed to the teal shirts and jeans worn last year.

Sophomore Dave Jurkiewicz marveled at the court's new look saying, "I did not recognize the place, it looked so good."

Ma.ny improvements in the court allow for faster service for customers. The court now displays a toppings bar, including

Newsbriefs Admissions Update

lettuce, tomatoes and mayonnaise.

This feature allows students and faculty to fix their own foods, instead of waiting in line. Fozo's idea of placing a toaster oven out in the waiting area is proving to be a time-saver for the customers as well.

"The college community has given positive feedback on the changes and improvements made by the food court," Fozo said. "The community is showing especially good reactions to ideas such as the self-serve toasteroven which increases the speed of service."

Inside Sacred Heart Hall, the dining room also appears visibly different to students and faculty.

Changes in the placement of the milk and cereal stands and the addition of a frozen yogurt machine are the most noticeable.

However the placement of the milk and cereal bars at the other end of the dining hall did not sit well with some students.

."I do not like the new placement of the milk machine," sophomore Dara Corrato said. "It should be with the rest of the beverage machines."

"The cereal bar and the milk machine are not in the best of places because you have to walk out of the way to get them," sophomore Michelle Bums said.

The frozen yogurt machine has been attracting plenty of attention.

A line of students can be found at the machine almost all of the time waiting to try the low-fat yogurt. Students can choose from such flavors as chocolate, vanilla, chocolate and vanilla twist and strawberry.

"I'm glad that the machine was added because yogurt is low in fat and better than eating cakes and cookies," sophomore Kellie O'Neill said.

As for the quality of the food itself, Bums said that the food's quality has not changed much at all since last year.

New Additions-

The software in~dace

Sunday, September 22 in the Red Cloud Coffee House. Please

Fall 1996 Admissions Statistics To Date First-year Total applications Total acceptances Enrollments for year Inquiries to date Upper Level Total applications Total acceptances Enrollments for year Inquiries to date 757 660 250 17,790 211 187 121 1,606
for ERIC, the educational resources database> has ; , , changed from Silver Platter to ':;·;BBSCO. The new EBSCO interface allows users to search BRIC from 1983-1996, to limit
records in
text. PsycLIT runs on
All information comes courtesy of "FYI Newsbriefs," an internal newsletter for the faculty and staff of Cabrini College. The newsletter is published at the end of each month by tlie-college relations staff and a network of reporters.
searches to our library's journal holdings and to print selected
the same
so students only • need to learn one searching method for researching on both databases.
you sing? Dance?
Dirty Limericks while dancing with a four legged creature?
Then why n,ot display your •• talents at anOPEN MIC NIGHT?
prepare your routine beforehand.


Prllll lhl is 11111 lhl 1111111

O.K. so tickets cost $35 and $47.50, but when has Melissa Etheridge ever been known to let down a crowd? Etheridge's powerful performance at the new CoreStates center was perhaps her best performance in Philadelphia ever.

During the first part of the show, Etheridge played most of her mellow songs from her current release, "Your Little Secret." Although audience activity was limited to yawning in the first 45 minutes to an hour, Etheridge finally quickened pulses with "Silent Legacy," a track from her previous CD, "Yes I Am."

} Like her performance at the CoreStates Spectrum m June of i 1995, Etheridge surprised and ;. delighted audience members who thought they were destined for $;>nosebleeds. There was a second ,.. § stage set up at the back of the <il' ;;;·CoreStates Center, where

IFriday, September 13, 19961

Etheridge, accompanied by her band, performed such old favorites as "Yes I Am," "Let Me Go," "All American Girl" and "Meet Me in the Back." Etheridge played 45 minutes worth of tunes on that sta:ge and exploded back onto the front stage with "Bring Me Some Water."

Etheridge's props included an elegant, Victorian-style chandelier, two large television screens on either side of the stage and of course, several different types of lighting. The back drop consisted of an old ship with various images and symbols that appeared in the portholes.

Etheridge had an excellent rapport with the audience and kept the crowd energized through the end of her three hour performance.

Etheridge came back for one encore and belted out everyone's , favorite Etheridge tune, "Like the Way I Do."

Etheridge usually closes her concerts with "Talking to My Angel," a slow song from her "Yes I Am" CD. However, she closed

this show with one of her latest slow songs, "This War is Over," from her current release, ''Your Little Secret."

Etheridge's exit was a tad different from your average concert. After the closing song she said her good-byes to the audience, slapped a few hands in the front row and walked off stage, while her band members continued playing.

One by one the band members walked off until only the bassist was left. He continued to play his bass line as he walked off into the distance.

As the lights came on, one audience member joked, "Maybe we should go back-stage and tell her how unfair that wasr·

It appeared that many fans were disappOinted with how Etheridge ended the show. If she had walked off last, rather then first, perhaps audience reaction would have been more positive.

Despite a few minor let downs, Etheridge proved to Philly that she still aims to please and that she will always rock with tl:1::best of them.

Students' musical talents shine in WCLH

Cabrmi's own shooting stars, senior Paul Marturano and sophomore Kelly Ann Monahan, performed their own original songs and cover tunes in the Widener Center Lecture Hall. The two left the audience yearning for more.

The opening of the show consisted of three original songs sung and played on the piano by 19 year old sophomore Kelly Monahan.

Monahan showed the crowd a porcelain doll face from behmd the piano. Out of her mouth flowed an angelic voice.

During "Sleep My Child" her eyes lit up and her feelings came forth through her music.

Monahansaid she has dreamt of becominga famoussinger.

"I havebeenplayingas farbaclc as I canremem~r,"Monahansaid. \ '

"I would be playing the piano at three in the morning and an idea would pop into my head," Monahan said. "My poor dad puts up with me banging away for hours, waking him up."

The concert focused on recent i,ongs Marturano worked on during the summer. There was a crowd of about 60-70 people.

Marturano surprised the audi-ence with three new songs including "Three Days Ago," a mellow love song and "Mind Over Matter," a song about the human emotion of lust.

Marturano accepted requests such as "River of Dreams" and "Scenes From an Italian Restaurant" by Billy Joel. In addition to these requests he played tunes from Elton John and the Beatles.

·Marturano is a vibrant piano player who puts on an act full of

versatility. To add a taste of professionalism, a movie screen displayed the movement of his fingers across the J>ianokeys.

His voice bounced off the walls and could probably be heard for miles.

Those fingers are not only talented on the piano but they also create miracles on the guitar.

Marturano, 21, has been play- ij ing the piano since he was 5 years j old. He began playing the guitar at the age_of 10. &J

"I do not know what got me s interested, but all I know is that I just started playing the piano i when I saw it sitting in my living Above: (from left) Senior Paul Marturano serenades first-year student room," Marturano said. Diane Soto and sophomoresKellie O'Neill, Jaime Fagan and Kristi

"The Beatles, Billy Joel and Theis in the mansion before his performancein the Widener Center past experiences that have hap- Lecture Hall. pened in my life got me interested experiences and ideas that develin singing." Marturano said. op in bis musical mind.

Martutano's music is a combi- Marturano does not define the nation of inspirations from past word practice as making a habit

out of an action.

"I do not look at it as practice, it is more like I am doing something I love," Marturano said.

"Rent" soundtrack combines theater with modern Rock

Although most people only think of paying rent on their apartment or their car, they do not realize that they are also paying rent on their lives, their emotions, and their love. This is the theme of the new Broadway play "Rent" by Jonathan Larson.

The Red aoud Coffee House r~ntly sponsored a "Rent" party, where attendees spent time listening to the "Rent'' soundtrack.

"The music in 'Rent' is considered to be exciting," Neal Newman theater director said. "I received an eerie feeling when Roger sang 'Glory', because he wanted to write one great song before he died to be remembered by and Jonathan Larson wanted to

write one great play before he died and he also accomplished his goal."

"One song, Glory, one song before I go, Glory, one song to leave behind" This is Roger's greatest song that he had been waiting his entire life to write.

The cast of "Rent" consists of seven starving artists living in East Greenwich Village, NY, trying to make a living by doing whatever it takes. The play opens on Christmas Eve and carries through all the events of the characters' lives. The play ends on Christmas Eve one year later making everyone a little older and wiser.

The problems the artists face throughout the year include dealing with AIDS, drugs, struggling for money, relationships, both heterosexual and homosexual, and

just living in the city together trying to get along. All the artists have realized many things the rest of society seems to overlook.

This idea is best described in the song "Another Day" in which two of the artists, Mimi and Roger, finally realize they cannot decide their fate.

"Can't control my destiny, I trust my soul. My goal, is justto be. There's only now, there's only here. Give in to love, or live in fear. No other path, no other way, no day but today."

Throughout the play, the artists depend on the spirit of one of their friends-to guide them through their lives and lead them in the right direction.

They count on each other because none of them want to die a lonely li~ewithout their friends.

Mimi and Roger realize that life without each other would be unbearable, so they confess their love to each other in the song, "Without You."

"Without you. the eyes gaze, the legs walk, the lungs breathe, the mind chums, the heart yearns, the tears dry without you. Life goes on, but I am gone because I die without you."

The main threat to these artists is-their death by AIDS. Slowly, as each one of their rents are due, the others left realize that they may be the next ones to pay their rent.

The characters know they must make the most of their time and that is best expressed in the song, "Your Eyes".

"When I looked into your eyes, why does distance make us wise? You were the song all along and

• before the song dies I should tell you I have always loved you and you can see it in my eyes."

Before I listened to this soundtrack, I thought of life to be something very permanent and that we were somehow able to control our fate. Now I have realized that life is too short for you to take things for granted because you do not really know if you have tomorrow. Nobody should ever have to spend their life alone without friends and the song that best portrays that is "Seasons of Love."

"In truths that she learned or in times that he cried, in bridges he burned or in the way that she died. It's time to sing out. Though the story never ends, let's celebrate. Remember, a year in the like of friends measures your life in love."


Allphotos bvStacev Caiazzo

LOQUITUR FEATURES 6 IFriday, September 13, 19961
Below: Senior John Lindsay, campus activities and programming board chair, enjoys a dip with a friend at the beach bash. The bash took place in the Widener Center on Saturday, Sept. 7. The event was sponsored by the CAP Board. The pools and activities were provided by Ray Boston. Above right: A local band, Placid Admiral, entertains eager listeners at the bash.
oa a a: D
Left: Sophomore John Gwiazdowski, executive board treasurer, watches from a distance as friends catch some sun and surf.


IFriday, September 13, 19961

Right: Junior Eboni Watkins concentrates on that hole in one. Golf was just one of the recreational activities at the bash. Below: Students sit back, relax and chit chat with friends while soaking up the colorful beach scenery that was provided.
Below: (from left) Like most of those who showed, sophomores Sal laquito, Dara Corrato and Evanique Undsey kick back and enjoy a day away from their studies. Below: (from left) Emma Legge, director of student activities, and CAP Board members senior Melissa Hunsberger, sophomore Usa Popalardo and junior Tanisha Rufus hang out at the Widener Center during the bash. Below: Junior Beth Stanbach shoots a game of pool with her brother in the Widener Center.

Fr.iday,September 13, 19961





SGAis looking for students that want to sit on a committee. If you want to get involved and are interested • please notify the SGA office by Saturday, Sept. 13. If you have a~y questions please contact Lisa Mininno, vice president at ext. 8415 or box 413.



Campus Activities

Programming Cinema proudly presents a showing of the critically acclaimed "Mr. Holland's Opus" starring Richard Dreyfuss on Sunday, Sept. 15 at 8:00 p.m. in the Widener Center Lecture Hall.



First-year students will have the chance to meet with their upperclassmenr big brothers and sisters on Tuesday, Sept. 17 at noon in the dining hall.



SGA will hold an executive board meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 5:30 p.m. in the SGA office. Anyone may attend the meeting for the first ten minutes. Come and let your voice be heard.

Thursday QBINGO!

The first bingo night of the year will be held on Thursday, Sept. 19 at 9 p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area. This is a chance to win some serious cash.


These two teams face off at 7:35 p.m. Sign up in StudentActivities.

0 9/1

Farrakan Turns Down Libya Money.

Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakan did not accept a $250,000 human rights award given by President Gadhafi of Libya.

If Farra.kan had taken the money he could have faced time in prison plus fines issued by the United States.

The U.S. had set sanctions against Libya to isolate Gadhafi for supposedly supporting global terrorism. The sanctions were imposed a decade ago.

Farrakan 's dialogue with President Gadhafi has triggered controversy going back to 1986 when, in Tripoli, he called members of the Regan administration "wicked. devils."

Controversy is arising after Gadhafi stated that his cooperation with Farrakan wm be " a loophole to enter the fortress and confront it (rom within,"

meaning America.

Farra.kan told Libya he will wait until the U.S. courts decide if he can accept the money from the award.

0 9/1

Crime is moving to Suburbs.

The problems of the cities have also become the problems of the suburbs.

As a majority of middleclass tax payers continue to evacuate Philadelphia and move to the suburbs, a new census shows inner-city crime moving out with them.

Communities in Delaware, Montgomery, Chester, and Bucks Counties are now facing a growth in crime, poverty, and troubled schools.

New and old suburb communities now have a diminishing tax base.

With less tax dollars coming in those areas, it has now become difficult to take care of schools and assure children a good educational atmosphere.

A report has found that "South Coatesville, Penndel,

Chester and Chester Township have levels of childhood poverty higher than in Philadelphia."

D 9/4

U.S. Air Strikes Against Iraq.

President Clinton ordered an air strike on Iraq on Tuesday, Sept. 3, after Saddam Hussein moved troops into protected Kurdish controlled areas.

The United Nations had restricted Hussien from entering Kurdish places in Iraq after the Gulf War.

British and Saudi Arabian officials support U.S. military action against Hussein. White House press secretary Mike McCurry stated, "Our interest is making sure that Saddam does not believe that unjustified behavior of this type is cost free."

The U.S. had a second air strike on Iraq on Wednesday, Sept. 4.

The mission of the U.S. on its second bombing run into 1raq was to destroy Hus·sein'~ military equipment that was missed on the first strike.

O Senior Rich Schepis was named the new Resident Assistant for the Lanshe House on Sept. 6. He replaces Paul Monte who resigned on Aug. 23.

O If you are interested in playing chess, a new club will be forming. Contact Bill Myers or Andy Burke for more information. Their mailbox numbers are located outside of the mailroom in the Widener Center.

O Quotes for the week: "All cruelty springs from weakness."


"Stand for something. If not, you'll fall for anything."

McErlean strives to improve campus security

uate courses at Liberty and Long Island Universities.

idea of what Cabrini students expect from public safety.

Rich McErlean, Cabrini's new public safety director, already has a few changes in the works for this academic year.

One of the major changes McErlean has in store is to establish a close relationship between public safety and the students and faculty of Cabrini

McErlean has held various authoritative, security positions at Haverford College, Rider Univerr '.y, the State University of New York at Stony Brook, the Philadelphia Museum of Art and the Suffolk Police County Department, which he retired. from College.

Rich McErlean

McErlean has built

• an extensive resume over the period of 26 years he has been involved with public safety and law enforcement.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from the New York Institute of Technology.

McErlean has also taken grad-

McErlean said his goaJ is to make public safety, "service oriented and at the same time professional" and "to make people feel more secure."

McErlean plans to have bicycle and foot patrols around the dorms more :fyequently.

McErlean also plans to have 11 new emergency telephones installed around campus.

McErlean said he has been talking with students to get an


Security incidents as reported by Public Safety from 9/3 to 9/9.

Unsecure Office


While on patrol at 1:20 a.m. Public Safety found the door to the president's office closed but unlocked. A search of the office was done with negative results. Public Safety locked the door.

CJUnderage drinking


During the B.each Party a staff member found a resident of woodcrest with an open can of beer. The female stated to Public Safety that an "unknown person asked her to hold the cup and· she was leaYing the party anyway."

Underage possession


During the Beach Party a staff member notified an officer that an underclassmen was in possession of beer. The female admitted to possession. The matter was referred to Resident Life.

CJOpen property


While on patrol at 2:10 a.m. an officer noticed that all of tlie doors on the sun porch of the mansion were wide open and that all of the screen doors were unlocked. Public Safety also noticed that four large windows were open in the dining room of the building. The mansion was secured by public safety.

"I have met more students here who are concerned about safety and want tc;>cooperate with public safety," McErlean said.

McErlean said he appreciates the efforts of the Resident Assistants to cooperate with public safety to keep Cabrini secure.

"We have really good RAs on campus and that's important," McErlean said. "If a problem arises in a house or a dorm, we need the cooperation of the RAs."

In the near future, McErlean plans to construct a public safety committee which will meet every few weeks.

The committee will consist of students, faculty and administration members.

McErleiµisaid the point of the committee will be to give mem-

bers of the Cabrini College community the opportunity to teU public safety what it needs.

"I like to ask around because • each college is different," McErlean said. "I like to get feedback from the students."

According to McErlean, Bob Bonfiglio, vice-president for student development, has asked • public safety to strongly enforce parking regulations this year.

Public safety wiJI be concentrating on those who have not registered their vehicles. McErlean suggests that al] visitors should park in the Grace Hall parking lot because it is safer and it alleviates congestion by the houses.

McErlean is currently planning three safety seminars for the donns and the houses. He plans to provide students with additional information in the coming months.


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Of News This & That
8 I
Last Week
the World

WYBFreigns supreme

'The Voice of Cabrini College" had planned months in advance to pull off a successful festival to promote their station. Everything was going according to plan in the gathering area when without warning, modern rock radio giant Y-100pulled onto campus and proceeded to hand out free promotional items.

The Voice of Cabrini College, 89.1 WYBF-FM, was clearly heard in the Widener Center Gathering Area on Thursday, Sept. 5.

WY.BF, the campus radio station held it's first major promotional event, WYBF Fest. Despite the amount of planning that went into the event, no one knew that the Gathering Area would have to be shared with a commercial station.

Planning and work for the event began in late July. This was a major challenge for all those involved since school had not yet begun. The responsibilities connected with WYBF Fest were placed on the shoulders of the new executive staff since the first general meeting

of the radio staff would not be for two more weeks.

The WYBF staff was presented with an unexpected challenge on the day of the event.

At 11:00 a.m. as members of WYBF were setting up tables, hanging posters and selling chances, an unannounced guest arrived.

The tension began when an unidentified student yelled, "The Y-100 humvee is here."

The immediate reaction of the WYBF staff was one of dismay. Many believed that th·e presence of a professional radio station would distract the campus community from_ the campus radio station.

Y-100 was giving away free Pepsi-Kona and bags filled with coupons, concert passes, bumper stickers and other pro-

motional items. The Y-100 promotion was run by Michael Von Flotlow.

"We do this promotion every year," Flotlow said. "This year we are promoting our station and Pepsi-Kona."

According to· Emma Legge, director of student activities, Y-100 had contacted the school. However, no definite date had been confirmed by Y100.

Y-100 provided competition for the campus station with its very presence. However, they were very careful not to monopolize the space or students in the Gathering Area. In fact, they encouraged students to go to the WYBF Fest events and get involved in the campus station.

WYBF was not defenseless in the battle for the students

attention. They had a 50/50 drawing, Cabrini Jeopardy, a tour of the station and giveaways. Students won hats, videos, a cash prize and a 16 inch cookie. Hundreds of CDs were also given away.

After less than one hour, the Y-100 staff left and the WYBF staff had complete control of the Gathering Area. Many students •reported hearing cheers and sighs of relief as the Y-100 humvee left the parking Jot.

Despite the possible conflicts and problems caused by the presence of Y-100, WYBF Fest was considered to be a definite success.

When asked about the influence Y-lO0's presence had on the event, WYBF promotions director Andi Koch said, "They were only there for 45 minutes. I believe it went really well. Y-

100 didn't have a 50/50 or icecold soda."

"Y-100 didn't have a big-ass cookie!" sophomore Michelle Burns, WYBF news director added.

Kim She)dron, WYBF operations manager, was full of praise for a11those who participated in WYBF Fest. When asked about the effect that Y100 had on the event, Sheldron said, "It didn't bother us at all. It might have helped us."

WYBF Fest was the first major promotional event for the radio station this semester.

"It was definitely a success," Sheldron said.

When asked about future events Sheldron said, "I'd like to do something later in the year. Just being there downstairs, getting our name out helped us."

Professors' sabbaticals pay dividends for students

After years of service to an institution, professors may apply for a sabbatical.

A sabbatical is paid time granted by the president and board of trus~ees which allows a professor to do research, work on projects, or develop programs to enhance the productivity of advancement of a particular department or institution.

Yungmann, associate professor of Communications.

Together, Tomasco and Romano worked on a textbook reflecting on the six themes of human nature: freedom, cognition, aggression, desire, religion and creativity.

The duo still have three more chapters to complete, but according to Romano, they are focused and know where they want to go.

plan to complete one chapter over the school year and two over the summer.

Yungmann was granted sabbatical in order to learn how to make highend multi-media presentations.

Through a comput-

The '96 spring

Once completed, this book will give the teachers the reference semester and summer Dr. Tomasco and advantages they desire to teach the semallowed for the teaching inar. tandem to hack out three

The 1996 spring semester allowed for three Cabrini professors to take sabbaticals: Dr. Joseph Romano, professor of philosophy, Dr. Dr. Romano

"Once the book is finished we full chapters of their text- will have the anchor we want to book that, when completed, will be used in their Seminar 100 class • "Perspectives on Human Nature."

teach the course," Romano said. "Original sources 'are good but they are too abundant. With our book, we have the benefit of doing the course the way we want it."

"The presentation is for parents and perspective students to access and discover what the college and English and Communications department are doing," Yungrnann said.

er program called Cathy Yunqmann Macromedia Director,

bought by the college, Yungmann learned how to "author" or create high-end multi-media presentations and three-dimensional models.

Yungmann's presentation utilizes video clips, voice overs, still shots of students and graphics about the English and Communications and Fine Arts departments.

hoped for," Romano said.

"I really feel good about what we got completed."

According to Romano, they

"We got much more done this summer than we The two plan to complete the writing of the book by the beginning of the 1997 fall semester. Anthony Tomasco, psychology department head, and Cathy




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According to Yungmann, high-end multi-media are programs such as advanced computer games and often CD ROM software that incorporates many media elements.

Yungmann spent five to six hours a day during her sabbatical to develop an administrative • recruitment interactive presentation for the English and Communications and Fin~ Arts departments.

These graphics,· through three-dimensional modeling, move across the screen and push the normally two-dimensional programs into a third dimension. Due to her sabbatical, Yungmann will be able to present high-end multi-media to othe,r Cabrini professors and reveal to them the potential that multi-media holds.

Yungmann plans to present multi-media to the faculty at the end of the first semester.

September 13, 19961
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Activities invites you to CASINO NIGHT· 8 p.m. Friday, Sept. 13, 1996 in the Widener Center Gathering Area.

I Lady Cavs open season with tough SPORTS

j Friday, September 13, 1996 j


loss to' Division II Kutztown

The support of Cabrini's fans, or the lack of it, may not have been responsible for the loss, but it certainly didn't help.

Despite a valiant effort, the Lady Cavs volleyball team lost their first game of the season to the Kutztown Golden Bears on Thursday, Sept. 5. The final score was_3-0.

Are you serious? That was my first reactionwhen I heard that Mike Tyson had knocked out Bruce Seldon one minute and 49 seconds into the first round.

Going into the fight, I expected Tyson would win but I thought it would at least go two or three rounds. However, like many of Tyson's fights, it didn't happen.

After the fight, many people said it was fixed. Who could argue?After all, Seldon went down twice from punches that Tyson didn't even connect solidly on.

I personally think that Bruce Seldon was so scared of Mike Tyson that he went down even though he was not really hurt.

This latest fiasco shows what a sorry state heavyweight boxing has turned into. With heavyweight fighters such as Muhammad Ali, and Joe Frazier, heavyweight boxing was in its prime in the 1960s and 1970s.

Ali and Frazier engaged in battles that will go down among the best in history,cb11·

During that time, politics weren't involved as much and the top fighters always fought each other. However, in the 1990s the same cannot be said.

Corruption and scandal run throughout boxing, and the top fighters rarely face each other.

Instead, they make million~ of dollars by beating up on cupcakes, as Tyson has done since being releasedfrom prison.

As long as Don King and other promoters know they can make millions from • pay-per-view,they will continue to send their fighters out against stiffs. However, if the fans stop paying the money, then they will be forced to send their top fighters out against each other.

Would you rather watch Tysoncontinuetobeat up on stiffs or would you like to watch him fight Riddick Bowe? If you want to see boxing return to its former state, then stop paying money to watch the garbage that boxing is throwing out there.

Cabrini- players confidently entered the ,court dressed in colors of blue and white.

Their opponents, in white and maroon uniforms, were clearly just as confident.

The audience cheered them on and the number of Kutztown fans was just as numerous as the fans of the home court.

Unfortunately for the Lady Cavs, their fans would not stay for very long.

The first match began smoothly for the Lady Cavs.

Senior Tracey Eagan scored the first point for the team.

Ten minutes into the game, the score was tied 3-3.

The match ended, however, with a Golden Bears win of 156.

The Lady Cavs began their second match with a confident "team" yell in their huddle.

They even appeared to

remain excited during the first time-out, when Kutztown led by a score of 5-0.

But confidence did not reassure many Cabrini students, who began clearing out of the gym in groups of two and three when Kutztown scored its sixth point against Cabrini in the second.match.

Sophomore Bridget Egan, scored the Lady Cavs first point of the second match.

"We had first game jitters," Egan said. "We needed to get used to each other. Once we started passing the ball, though, we had much more confidence."

The second match ended in favor of Kutztown, 15-5.

The Golden Bears also had a comfortable lead during the entire third match as well.

The last serve of the game was Kutztown's.

By this point, the Lady Cavs began to show frustration and no one went for the last ball.

Cabrini players were not the only ones who became discouraged.

Cheers from Kutztown fans grew louder and louder, while the enthusiasm of Cabrini fans

noticeably diminished.

The third match also ended in favor of Kutztown, 12-2.

The final score of the game was 3-0 Kutztown.

Lady Cav senior and co-captain Dawn Johnson seemed confident after the game.

"I think we played well," Johnson said. "We stepped up our game. It was a tough team to start out against."

The teams formed lines on opposite sides of the net and shook hands with each other after the game ended.

The Lady Cavs congratulated the Golden Bears, and the winning team responded with cheerful "good games" and encouraging smiles.

Kutztown fans were very pleased with their team's per• formance.

"We have a great team," said the mother of Erin O'ConneU, Kutztown player. "I really feel that Coach Claude Lapre is giving all of his players a fair chance."

Lady Cav Head Coach Jim Harrigan, in his sixth season at Cabrini, felt that his team also played well.

"We passed well and played

strong offensively. I think we are ready now," Harrigan said. He did, however, feel that one aspect of the game could be improved in order to put the Lady Cavs over the top.

"We need to concentrate more on passing," Harrigan said. "We learned that during this game."

Last season was Cabrini's third appearance in the semifinals for the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference.

They finished last year with a record of 19-16. Their record in the conference was 4-1.

This year the team has goals of making it to the PAC championship and Johnson couldn't be happier.

"I think we'll do well in the conference this season," Johnson said Although the Lady Cavs lost their season opener, they remained enthusiastic about the up-coming season.

Kutztown had the lead the entire game, but the Lady Cavs definitely showed a lot of heart and spirit. Maybe Cabrini players could teach a thing or two to their fans.

Philly welcomes new franchises

With the addition of three new franchises, Philadelphia now has a large variety of teams to appeal to the fans in Philadelphia. While the Bulldogs have been around for five years, the Kixx and the Phantoms are entering their first year of play. All three teams will be playing in the CoreStates Spectrum this year.

The Bulldogs play in the ers from an expansion draft. CoreStates Spectrum at the In the expansion draft, the affordable price of $12 per Kixx will pick players from

With all four major sports adult and $6 for children. opposing teams in the league. represe.nted .in the city of Unlike professional hockey The expansion draft will Philadelphia, fans would be players, the players on the have 13 rounds. There wilJ also hard pressed to ask for anything Bulldogs do not make careers be a college draft with five more. by playing roller hockey. rounds.

Even so, three relatively new They receive only a couple The majority of the team will teams are sfowly building a fan , of: hundred dollars per game, be rqade up of v~terans. base, using l~w ticket prices to with some exceptions. Dave Macwilliams, head attract families from The sport came east after coach, will have his work cut Philadelphia and the surround- being originated on the· West out fot him as he tries to make ing area. : , Coast,because of a lack of faeil- the Kixx into ·a successful -team. The ,Bq1ldogs-(roller hock- -:ities for ice hockey. The Philadelphia Phantoms ey)', P.hanloms (American • The sport is for the fans·of are the new ice hockey team in Hockey League), and the the game who want to watch. town.

Kixx(indoor soccer) are. the hockey when the Flyers season When the Flyers moved into three ne.w teams ' to the' is over and those looking for a the new CoreStates ,Center, Philadelphia area. way to enjoy the sport in differ- they announced that they would

The teams are all young, ent places. have a new expansion team in with the longest living fran- The city of Philadelphia now the American Hockey League. chise of the three being the has a professional soccer team The name Phantoms was Bulldogs, who have been in the National Pro Soccer selected from a list of many around for five years. League, the Philadelphia Kixx. names that were given in a con-

The Phantoms and the Kixx The expansion team, owned • test. are ,both new to their respective by Ed Tepper, a local business • The team will be playing in leagues and are expa·nsion man, will be trying to make • the CoreStates Spectrum. teams. , , soccer a successful sport 'in • The Phantoms will begin

to mold them into future NHL players.

There will also be free agents and players cut from the Flyers who will play· for the team.

The Phantoms will play 40 home games and 80 -games overall.

When a Flyer goes down with an injury or is not playing well, a player on the Phantoms will be called up to play for him.

The city of Philadelplii,a will now have an alternative ice hockey team. 1

These three teams will open their seasons playing in the same building, the CoreStates Spectrum.

The teams will share the Spectrum over the course of the whole year.

The prices will be ,i very affordable, making it easit:r for families to attend. .,

The teams have a sm;dl fan Philadelphia.

• • play in the AHL this season, base and are Very affordal:llefor Tlie Kixx have a fuil seas'on,. under the affiliation o.f the the families that ·wish 't'o buy of 40'games wit'h 20 of them ·at Philadelphia Flyers. their tickets.

The three_ teams m~y not have the support of the· entire city but they are growing bigger everyday.

• • • • home.

., The Flyers were formally The Philadefp_hia Bulid~gs Th~ P~iladelphia. Kixx wilJ. affiliated with the ·Hershey are a rolle'r h~kef fe~m: :···•. also • bet playing ;in .·th·ec • Bears.

Started un$ler.!n.(.:0,.y.:1):ey~ip ,, C9,r.eSt~tes~pectrum. :.: • ~--: However, the Bears are now of Ron Salcer (NI-it ~gentj' and ••• The team is one of three new affiliated with the Colorado Tony Danza from TV's ','Who's expansion teams in the National Avalanche. the Boss," the franchise is Pro League, along with the The head coach of the experiencing the pains of grow- Edmon.ton Drillers and the Phantoms will be Bill Barber. ing, but r_ollerhockey, is becom- Toronto .Shooting Stars. He wiU coach the players ing a bigger ~port everyday. " The Kixx will get their play~ that the Flyers drafted and try

The action is intense and the energy is there.

The Phantoms will let you see young hockey.

The Bulldogs will let you see • roller hockey.

And the Kixx will let you see soccer.

Sports for all will be in the city of Philadelphia.

L O Q u, T O R

Lady Cavs triu.mph over Chestnut


Hill College 5-1 In season opener 11

Jackie Neary, new head coach of the lady's field hockey team, inspired aggressive offense and tenacious defense in the Lady Cavs 5-1 season opening victory on Wed., Sept. 4. After a subpar season last year, Neary is expected to lead

adjusting to a new coach,'' Neary said.

Junior Tara Pfeiffenberger commented on the uplifting things she has heard about the new coach, despite being a little nervous.

"I was definitely nervous before the game to _see whether we would click or not," Pfeiffenberger said. "We didn't


"We '11just have to be patient and work to get to know each other. We have good leaders on the team who are very receptive to everyone," Neary said.

"We're a ve_ry determined team and everyone is confident. The loss to Frostburg State, 3-2, [on Sunday, Sept. 8] was very frustrating because everyone knows we can make it all the way to the top of the PAC if we work hard," Pfeiffenberger said.

For the majority of the first half against Chestnut Hill, the Lady Cavs seemed to dominate the game holding the ball in front of the Chestnut Hill goal for long periods of time.

Rarely did the ball venture near Mary Lear and her goal net.

Coach Jackie Neary said senior Erin O'Neill and sophomore Marni DiGiorgio, both defenders, played excellent on defense. Chestnut Hill was rarely able to get the ball into their offensive zone.

"Marni played a textbook game. She got us a lot of whistles,'' Neary said.

IFriday, September 13, 19961

file photo

Senior co-captain Melissa Hunsberger is expected to provide the leadership for the Lady Cavaliers as they try to capture the PAC championship. Hunsberger is a midfielder who has played varsity all four years.

the team to another winning season.

Neary was curious more than anything to see how the field hockey team w0uld play as a team.

"I was confident the team is talented, so I wasn't nervous as to whether the team would click. They are flexible with

have such a ·great coach last year, but Jackie is very motivating and I've heard a lot of positive things about her. Before the game it was just the thing of not knowing whether we would click or not."

Overall, Neary and Pfeiffenberger had the same views on the future chemistry

The team's aggressiveness provided them with many opportunities to score.

Sophomore Jessi Valerio played an excellent game scoring the first three of the Cavs' goals.

Valerio said she was very happy with the way everyone played.

"Everyone on the team seemed to click and were all equal," Valerio said.

Coach Neary commented on the key turning points in the game.

"A{ter the first ten minutes, the team clicked and worked out all of the kinks," Neary said.

Kristi Paul, the only firstyear student to start, scored goal number four.

-Coach Neary said she was impressed with the way Paul played, especially since she was a first year student.

Her sister, Jamie, is a junior and also plays on the team.

Pfeiffenberger wrapped the game up with a swift goal in the second half, making the score 5-1 in favor of the Cavaliers.

Pfeiffenberger ·was very enthusiastic about the way the team worked together against Chestnut Hill.

"It was a very big game, and we have the potential to go all the way if everyone keeps giving 110 percent," she commented.

This is Coach Neary's first season as the field hockey coach.

However, Neary is not a stranger to Cabrini.

Neary is also the coach of Cabrini's women's lacrosse team.

Kelly McCioskey is the assistant coach for the Lady Cavs.

''This game was a nice opener," Neary said. "It was a good team effort. All 18 teammates played."

The coaches ~ad the opinion that the opposing team, Chestnut Hill, looked very young.

"It could have gone either way,'' Neary said, "They [Chestnut Hill] played half decent. Overall, it was a -good team to start with.''

Canada defeats U.S. in first game of World Cup final

In a series where friends become enemies and enemies become friends, the World Cup of Hockey features NHL stars playing for their home countries.

Formerly known as the Canada Cup, the WorldCup has seen some great international competition and has given nations a hint of the action to come in the 1998 Winter Olympics where pro players will be pennitted to compete.

Team USA, led by Brett Hull, the Flyers John LeClair, and Brian Leetch faced Team Canada and its stars, the Flyers Eric Lindros, Wayne Gretzky, aridPaul Coffey Tuesday,Sept. 10 at the CoreStatesCenter.

Canada defeatedTeam USA 4-3 in the first game of the best of three finals.

Steve Yzerman scored the winner at 10:37 in overtime when he dumped a backhand toward the net. The puck took an awkward bounce off USA goalie Mike Richter's glove and trickled across the goal line.

TeamCanadaiced the puck three times in the fmalminute of regulation. Richterwas pulled for an extra attackerand LeQair scoredwith 6.3 secondsleft to send it to overtime.

Game 2 will be played Thursdayin Motreal.Grune3, if necessary will be played Saturday.

s C 0 R E B Q_A R D


Men's Soccer Women's-Field Hockey Women'sVolleyball

On Wedoesday, Sept. •4, The 'Lady Cavs started off The Lady Cavs opened up Cavs coach. Duncan Hubley· their season on Wednesday, Sept.· their season with a 3-0 loss to captured his JOOih win •at 4, against Chestnut Hill College - -.Division_II Kutztown University Cabrini as the C&vs defeated athome. They defeated Chestnut onThursday, Sept.'5. Looking to • Frankiin and Marsball,, 2-0. , J:(illby the score of 5-! /I'he team rebound from their first las.,, they

On F,riday,Sept. 6. the..;'_~vs travele4 - to Frostburg. State traveled :to the College· of -Notre defeated. ~llege, f-0. _ · University on : Sunday, •:Sept. 8. : Dame to play in a tri-match on •

.,•... flowever,._on.Saturdiy,Sq)t.?, _ The Lady <:;avssuffered a I~ as:-Saturday;~pt. 7., However, ·the • the _eavs·lost to Ohio Wesleyan·"· they were defeated by ihe_)ltj>re- µdy Ca".s l<>sttough ,matches to ~.

UPC()l\11NG G:\\IES

Men's Soccer

·Sept 14 at Johns Hopkin~ University 7 p.m.

Sept. 16 Alvemia College 4 ·p.m.'

• ·women'sFieldHockey-

Sept. 14 Manhattanville ,College 1 p~m.

Sept. 15Qtholic·University

·1 p.m '

Women's Soccer

Sept. 13 at Bryn Mawr College 4 p.m.

.Sept.17 Ursinus College 4 p.m

-" _-Women'sVolleyball

Sep_t.12 atNeumann '

• C:Ollege7 p.m.

•Sept. l4;itPbil. College of,.

·-ofTextiles 1 ,.

• the -College of Notre Dame and .;-'·•

•Johns Hopkins University.:: On. :women'sSoccer

• · - Women'sTenni{;, - ·Tuesday, Sept~19;the.l)ady _Cavs ·~ '-;, - - ~ffered ·another defeat IS' they

The·Lady Cavs ~eked -0ff-~. The women•~ JeJ~is team lost to Wjdener University -at their season by traveling to :began their seasonby .play! •·home. ,.

' .~ --Yorf College on ThursdaY,:- the' Wesley. ColJege 'fuviiationa( -o;- I "" ';;,-> ,# ,i

i ,._Sept.5. ~ey.defeated :Y-0rkby which t901f.pfa~ frq.~ Sefil:·-~ the score of S-0. On Sunday, ·"' Sept.K The Lady Cav.swerev~-

•Sept. 8, the Cavs traveied to torious in their debut, (tefeating': Frostburg State University: the College of Notre Dame. and _ The Wy Cavs pulled.out a·2- Wesley College to capture their 0 victory to nise their record " third straight W-esley College to ·two wins and no losses. lnvitati~ai tournament:

• Women'sTennis

Sept. 17 Chestmii Hill College 4 p.m. -

Sept;19 Lebanon Valley

• College A :p.m.


d Erin,Barney;'afirst year student on the women~s soccer team, was named PAC player of ihe week for the week ending Suqday!Sept; 8. Barney scored one goal in the Lady Cavs' seaspn o~ning victory over York College. She then scored both goals in the Lady Cavs victory over Frostburg State University.

•Sept. 17 ~t CedarCrest

• University by th.escore :of 2-0 o~3-2. .-· :.-~

• i a,nege 1 ,

Keely Crawbuck; a first year student on tbe" • ' women's tennis team. was nained PAC player of the week for the. week endmg Sunday/ Sept. 8. Crawbuck plays first singles and -doubles for the ~dy Cavs and she .woo all four matclies in their tournament at Wesley College. - '

~ 1 L_O Q_U_I T_U ~R

I Cavs drop heartbreaker in Ohio SPORTS

IFriday, September 13, 19961

The men's soccer team started off sluggish in the first game of the prestigious Ohio Wesleyan Tournament against CaJyin College on Thursday, Sept. 5.

However, as the first half ended the Cavs held a 1-0 lead courtesy of a head ball goal by junior Larry Teal off a comer kick from sophomore Donald Eadie.

The Cavs came out with a vengeance as they dominated Calvin throughout the second half.

AHbough they missed numerous scoring opportunities in the second half, the Cavs held onto their 1-0 lead.

On Saturday, the Cavs played Ohio Wesylan, the number one ranked team in Division III, in the championship game of the tournament.

The Cavs battled Ohio Wesleyan throughout the first haJf and at halftime the game was scoreless.

As the Cavs entered the second half, they had hopes of upsetting the number one ranked team in the nation.

The score remained 0-0 until Ohio Wesleyan broke

After Coach Duncan Hubley earned his 100th win by defeating Franklin and Marshall by the score of 2-0, the men's soccer team traveled to Ohio Wesleyan to play in the Adidas Invitational Tournament. They won their first game by defeating Calvin College, 1-0. However, the Cavs then lost a heartbreaker in the championship game against Ohio Wesleyan, the number one ranked team in Division III, by the score of 2-0.

through with a goal with about ten minutes left in the game.

The Cavs pushed forward with the intent to tie the game but were unsuccessful.

Ohio Wesleyan then scored a head ball goal with about three minutes to go to end any thoughts of a Cavs victory.

The Cavs opened their first home game of the season with a 2-0 victory over Franklin and Marshall ColJege on Wednesday, Sept. 4. The team rebounded from a 2-1 loss at the feet of Rowan College in their season opener on Saturday, Aug. 31.

This win was Coach Duncan Hubley's 100th win. When asked about the team's performance, Duncan said, "The team was pretty fit, but more patience was needed up front."

He said he felt the team had showed as much spirit as it always had.

Wednesday's game started off with team spirit and much suspense. The crowd grew silent with the on-set of Franklin and Marshall's penalty shot, but excitement erupted when the shot was unsuccessful.

This motivated the Cavs in the right direction.

After half time, sophomore Noah Scharper scored his first

First year student Michael Primavera passes the ball downfield to one of his teammates. Primavera is the only first year player starting for the Cavs. He has been playing outside fullback and his tenacious defense has been a major asset to the Cavs. goal of the season, giving the Cavs a 1-0 advantage.

Just before the game ended, sophomore Wayne Brown scored another goal, icing the game for the team. This victory brought many cheers from the crowd. They were thrilled and praised the men with applause, in turn

making the Cavs even more enthused and motivated.

Anthony Noel, the team's goalie, was a great asset, blocking aIJ of FrankJin and MarshaIJ 's shots.

Some of the players offered their comments on the game.

Shawn MulJen, junior, said "We played excellent, but the

mid-field needs more support and communication."

"The team picked up after the missed penalty shot," senior Joe Morris said. "That motivated the team to score."

The Cavs play their first PAC home game on Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 4 p.m. against Alvemia College.

Men's and women's cross country teams give preview in preseason invitational meet

Despite a lack of runners, the men's and women's cross country teams ran in a preseason meet at Elizabethtown College on Saturday, Sept. 7. The men's team ran with only one extra runner, while the women ran with the bare minimum. However, both teams put on respectable showings as they prepare for their upcoming season.

Cabrini's men's and women's cross country teams gave their coach and their fans a glimpse of what can be expected at a preseason invitational meet at Elizabethtown College on Saturday,Sept. 7th.

The men's and women's teams ran in their first meet despite being shorthanded.

At this meet, both teams ran a relay race, which is not typicaJ of normal cross country running.

This particular meet was just a preseason indicator of how the teams will do and what improvements should be made to improve.

According to Coach Tom 0 'Hora, the teams did welt considering it was their first meet.

"It was a hot and humid day and everyone finished," O'Hara said.

Scoring did not count for the meet.

According to John Mack, a junior who is hurt and will be out for at least two weeks, the men's team looked pretty good even

though some of the members of the team did not show up for practice.

Chuck Shearer, the team manager, took Mack's place.

"[Chuck] did welJ even though he's not used to running long distance races," Mack said.

The men's team did have some trouble with the returning runners this year.

Miguel Williams suffered threats of deportation, while Maurice Blassingane was not sure if he wouJd be abJe to run this year.

Both, however, will be returning to the team.

In cross country the first five runners get a score and the last two affect the scores of the first five.

Unfortunately, the men's team only has seven men so far.

"We can do it with a solid seven guys," sophomore captain Joe Uff said. "However, five guys can still get second place."

Uff, who placed 11th in AllPAC last year, expected at least 15 men on the team this year.

Mack said, "An !"dvantage of a large team is that the more

members you have, the better they run. We could push other teams out of place."

Men run five miles and women 3.1 in order to be a part of the team.

According to Uff, runners like James Sturgis, a promising new freshman, do not know how much work cross country takes.

Sturgis, who originally ran as a sprinter, was persuaded into running cross country.

In fact, many of the track and field runners are aJso offered the opportunity to run for the cross country team.

Assistant Cross Country and Track and Field Coach Brad Coyle agrees with Uff that it takes a lot of work to run cross country.

According to O'Hora the women's team, consisting of eight runners, did better than the men's.

"I was reaJ pleased," O'Hora said. "They did their best since the league championship in '93.",

According to O'Hora, senior Kristen Vento, the female team captain, despite suffering SOJDe physicaJ problems in the past, ran

a very good race at Elizabethtown.

One of the female relay teams, which consisted of transfer student Lindie Paladino and firstyear student Camille Cloutin, a recruit from Brooklyn, NY came in first place at the meet.

Mack, who watched disappointedly from the sidelines, said, "The women Jooked more together as a team because they have been practicing together every day."

Even though both teams did well at the invitational meet, they must now prepare for one of the most challenging meets of their season.

On Saturday, Sept. 14 the teams will travel to Wagner, New York.

The meet in New York is a Division I meet, and both teams will be running against seven Division I teams.

''Next week's meet will be a good indication as to where we are," O'Hora said.

Despite what many may think, cross country does not target specific individuals. Coyle said, "If you want to lose weight and feel

better, come out and run."

Uff enjoys the experiences of running.

"I have fun going places," Uff said. "I get to meet people from other schools. I even see people who I ran against in high school.''

Both teams practice daily at 7:00 a.m. with Coyle, where they go through various running drills.

On Mondays and Wednesdays, both teams are expected to run distance drills on their own.

The team practices on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 p.m. with O'Hora. They also practice extra when the situation caJls for it.

Coyle said he would like to have more members.

«Some athletes did their thing in high school and don't want to be bothered," Coyle said. "Cross country is not always a scholarship-type sport. Division I or II schools do it for a scholarship."

According to O'Hora it is not too late to join cross country.

"It takes more courage than ability," O'Hara said_ " It is a good sport to find yourself."

L O Q u I T u R

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