Sept. 20, 1996 Issue 04 Loquitur

Page 1



Class on Internet use offered to students

A new course offered on the Internet hopes to give its students a taste of the world of computers. This class is geared toward getting , students acquainted with the Internet and using it as a tool to access essential information.

In the first few classes, students were shown how to log on with a special "guest" code.

This code enables any student to get on the Internet. Students that .are signed up to take this class have personal codes which are their social security numbers. These codes were not in place when the class started.

The reason the codes couldn't be accessed was because the academic computing department had been reorganized. Because the professors didn't get their class lists until the first day of classes, academic computing, was not able to process everyone's e-mail accounts and personal codes at once.

Though students have been able to access the Internet through the "guest" code and the teachers have been very informative, students seem to be discouraged by how the class is flowing.

"We attempt to log on, but the computer refuses to accept our social security numbers, even though we are assured that by the next class we'll be able to log on," said a student who wished

Q-102 works out Cabrini

not to be named. "It's really frustrating not being able to access the computers."

When asked about the e-mail addresses being issued to students enrolled in this class, sophomore Kellie O'Neill said, "What e-mail addresses? I heard something about that, but nothing was said about them during class."

Rocco Paolucci, the new chairman of the computer information science department, came to Cabrini over the summer in the hopes of helping the campus embrace new computer technology.

The class runs for seven weeks and is offered for one and one-half credits.

According to Paolucci, seven weeks is not long enough to teach students how to use the Internet.

"What we are trying to do is get the basics down and to have development of information management skill~ in accessing electronic information, organizing and analyzing the wealth of information," Paolucci said.

In the Internet class taught by Ellen Dabagian, students surfed the net to a site with information about South America. They were asked to pretend to plan a vacation.

"We looked at maps and everything," an anonymous student said.

According to sophomore Edna Lahn, the class surfed the net to Villanova's web page and

also looked at Philadelphia Online, The Philadelphia Inquirer's web site.

Along with hands-on experience the class also uses a book and lectures to get the students more familiar with the computer language and simple basics. Because most students are not accustomed to using computers regularly the classes mainly consist of lectures.

"I guess they are just trying

to get us to be more prepared to use the computers, but I'd rather be learning with more hands-on experience than being lectured. The class is only seven weeks long. I just feel we don't have enough time," O'Neill said.

According to Gerald Satlow's syllabus, the main goal is to unlock the capability of modern computers by learning how to surf the net. Students will learn to understand what a computer is

and what it can and cannot do.

In the future Paolucci hopes to expand the course to fifteen weeks.

With this extra time the students will actually be able to create their own web page. Paolucci is also pushing to get every enrolled student an e-mail address.

Paolucci considers this a project oriented course to develop basic skills on Internet use.

New organizations draw big crowds at club fair

One of the rites of fall for all campus activities is the recruit-

ing of new members. Getting new members is especially important for new organizations. Despite the confusion of the day, the club fair proved to

be helpful for two of the newest organizations on campus.

It ·was almost impossible to move through !he Gathering Area. Somehow, students made their way to the tables to sign up for clubs varying from Campus Ministry to the biology club.

One of the most successful organizations at the club fair was campus minis.try, which received 100 volunteers for ministry and the AIDS walk. However, Campus Ministry was an already existing organization funded by student activities. Newer organizations rarely • receive that type of response.

There were two clubs- that experienced unexpected success at the club fair. The chess club and Bodies in Motion dance troupe are both new organizations that had large numbers of new members. Bodies in Motion dance troupe was formed last year.

Until the end of last semester, it was not funded by student activities and only had four members. Despite the challenges the group faced, they held three performances last year.

Artistic director of the dance troupe Jamie Fagan said the club fair went very well for Bodies in Motion. 30 people signed up to join the once small dance troupe.

Fagan said she liked that the club fair was held in the Gathering Area.

Fagan said this yea.r's location was more accesable than last year, when the dub fair was held in the Peace Garden. She also said that it helped to reach out to more people, especially the first-year students.

The chess club is by far the newest organization on Cabrini's campus. Founded only two days before the club fair, the chess club recruited 50

members. Only ten people knew beforehand that the club existed. Promoting the club seemed to be a large challenge for its president, Billy Myers.

"I grabbed some people, but most just came themselves and signed up," Myers said.

Myers said the competition and crowd in the Gathering Area posed no problems for his organization.

In fact, he said the poster sale and unannounced visit by Q102 brought more people into the Gathering Area.

When asked about how the club fair went, Myers said, "I had an awesome time. I got my 50."

The club fair took place on Thursday, Sept. 12 in the Widener Center Gathering Area.

The Gathering Area was shared with Trent Graphics' poster sale and a promotional visit from Q-102.

Features Sibling relationships 5 Sports Women's tennis FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1996 INSIDE A&E Review of Delaware Avenue's Philly Rock Bar & Grill 6 RADNOR PA 19087
photo by Stacey Caiazzo F'IISt-yearstudent Dave Sybs, a felfowstudent, sophomore Paul Moser, first-yearstudent Lisa Kalisperis, Q. 102's Donna Storm, first-yearstudent Paula Raspa and a fellow student hang with the Q.102 crew during their visit to Cabrini on Thursday,Sept. 1 part of a t,ack to school promotional tour. See story on p. 4. photo by StaceyCaiazzo Juniors DeniseSacc;aand LoriPfaffsignfirst-yearstudentBob Cook up for CampusMinistry as part of Cabrini's annual club fair.


IFriday, September 20, 19961

EDITORIAL Get on the bus, Gus

The club fair for the 1996-97 school year had a diffei;ent air about it this year. Students were elbow to elbow and it seemed like every table drew attention.

At a college where students can often be heard saying there's nothing to do here~ the hustle and bustle of student bodies signing their names on membership lists was a refreshing sight.

• The club fair offered something for everyone, providing clubs that fall into three general categories: service, professional and recreational.

For the people who say there is nothing to do on campus, maybe it is time to think again.

These professional clubs and _organizations offer unlimited opportunities to many students. Advantages such as the opportunity to make cont.acts in one's respective field should surely provide the incentive for joining.

For service oriented individuals, organizations such as the campus ministry would love to help you make a difference. Service projects such as Appalachia are sure to leave people feeling that desired sense of completion.

Recreational clubs like the chess club and the ski club serve distinct purposes. If you are simply looking for a good time or someone to trifle with, they are the doors you want to knock on.

If you have the time and are not participating in any of the extracurricular activities offered, it is your loss. Remember, college is only supposed to last four years. You do not want to be left with any regrets.

If none of the existing clubs get your goat, start your own. Whatever it takes, but don't "stand out from the crowd" 6y not standing out. at all.

If the club fair is to serve as any indication, it is that students are signing up and contributing to their own college experiences.

Get on the bus, Gus, before it passes you by.

Loquituris establishedas a forumfor studentexpressionand as a voicein the uninhibited,robust,free and opendiscussionof issues.

Think about it

It is a topic that I hear an awful lot about, but I can hardly say it has been given the attention in print I believe it deserves.

Maybe it is due to the controversial nature of the subject or maybe it is simply not a popular topic of discussion.

This being the case, I tentatively _feel compelled to share my general views concerning cannabis sativa • with the college community.

Right off the bat, there is a stigma attached to marijuana because of its legal status. Since it is considered a class A narcotic by the federal government, along with drugs like heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine, those of us who decide to indulge not only look like criminals but actually are criminals.

Considering the country supposedly emphasizes personal freedom, that really ticks me off.

Allow me to draw a parallel with a few of the things that the country, with our best interest at heart, considers the population mature enough to use.

Not to say marijuana is any better or worse than cigarettes or alcohol for example, but at the very least it deserves a similar classification.

The wonderful little "death sticks," as I like to refer to cigarettes, kill thousands of people every year.

The manufacturers of cigarettes put out a product that is virtually guaranteed, upon habitual usage, to have some damaging long term health effect often resulting in death.

Can anyone think of another product that boasts this proud characteristic?

How about this? The sur-

Bodies in motion

geon general warns us we should not try to operate a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol and if we are pregnant, alcohol may cause complications.

People read this and say, "OK, I won't drink and drive and I won't drink when I am pregnant, I am safe from all of the harmful effects of alcohol."

How do you think people would react if the surgeon general's warning read a little more like this?

"Consumption of this product may lead to your being raped, your wanting to kick your best friend's ass or your running your car into a pole."

Another item the federal government has decided we are responsible enough to be trusted with is the handgun. That is going over wonderfully, don't you think?

The government comes up with laws making it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to get a weapon.

Meanwhile, they twiddle their thumbs coming up with no effective policy to get the illegal guns, the ones actually used in crimes, :>ffthe streets. It makes no sense.

Right now, the government is dumping millions of dollars into a losing battle against marijuana.

At this point, it is easier to attain and cheaper than it was five years ago. Basic econom~ ics will tell you that the price has gone down because there is more of it around.

There are actually a number of states, like Kentucky and North Carolina, that have marijuana as one of the top cash crops.

Logically, there are two paths that" can be followed. The government can go all out


on a crusade against the herb and make a real effort to stop the flow of traffic; or they can legalize it, advertise it. stop criticizing it and start making some loot from it.

But enough is enough when it comes to wasting millions of dollars on a battle being waged with half a heart.

For example, an officer in the city who you smoking a joint and minding your own business will do little more than ask you to put it out.

Primarily, it must be understood that people are going to use marijuana for recreation, just like alcohol or cigarettes, no matter what.

In terms of impairing motor skills and judgment, weed is no worse than alcohol.

In terms of negative health • effects, the mainstream really has nothing to go by except that smoking is bad.

Since it is an illegal drug, no warning comes with the product upon purchase. So we do not really know what the positive or negative effects actually are unless we take the initiative to research it ourselves.

Since a considerable amount of the population uses mariju_ana on a casual, social basis, should they not be considered?

Or should the government just go on ignoring the desires of this segment of the people, putting them in jail and wasting money on their imprisonment while violent offenders serve half of their terms and go back to the streets?

I do not make this request for myself and I do not make this request on behalf of my brother who wants to bum a fatty at the end of a long hard day.

Rather, I make this request on behalf of common sense. Consider the argument.

I LOQUITUR The editorials, viewpoints and opinions published in Loquitur
views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
News Editor Paul Monte Mauaglag Editor & Copy Editor Mirella Addesj Photography Editor Stacey Caiazzo Editor-in-Chief ·t.j Thomas McKee Sports F.dltor Jim Martin Business Manager Dina Tartagli.a Perspectives Editor Chris Lomanno Arts & Entertainment & Features Editor Jeanne Lombardo Assistant Photography Editor Dana Ncntwig Photography ,ad Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Adviser Dt. Jerry Zurek Staff Michelle Jennifer Kietur Andre.aMonaco Ron D'Orezio Andrea Koch Kelly Monahan Colleen Ehrle James Kubo Paul Moser Justin Falcioni Bill Matoney Danielle Mumy MarkFriel Erin McHugh Becky Raetsch Diane Grimaldi MildredMetz KevinScott Jason Gavin Mirigliaoi DinaTartaglia Dave Jurkiewicz Kirsten Yard Sales Associates Ad Designers Becky Raetsch Lisa Mininno Kirsten Yard Jenneffer Huber Cartoonist Healher Beltrane Loquilur is a laboratory newspaper writtea, edited and produced by students of Cabrini College regi.;tcred in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 an\l 354. Members of tbe campus communi1y are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive Subscription price is $2.'i per year and is induded in the benefils secured by tuition and fees. Loquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be siglled and the authorship koown to lhe editors. However, if the wrilcr wishes and the editor agrees, lhe writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted, such as "name withheld at lhe reql!est of lhe writer.~ Letters IOlbe editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays, VIEWPOINT

Weekend preview

Years"will be the central theme.


Friday, September 20, 19961

"What would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up !Uldwalk out on me? Lend me your ear and I'll sing you a tune, I will try not to sing out of key. I get b,y with a little help from my friends "

This excerpt from the theme song of the sit-com, "The Wonder Years," by Joe Cocker, will resound throughout Cabrini's campus as the student body, families of students and faculty and staff come together to celebrate Cabrini's Family Weekend.

Family Weekend will kick off next Friday, Sept. 27 and end on Sept. 29, where "The Wonder

"We choose this theme ~use we felt it epitomized the relationship students in college share with their families,"

Melissa Hunsberger, president of Kappa Sigma Omega, the college's service organization, said.

"Just like the show 'The Wonder Years,' it is a time for change and growth."

The plot for the sitcom "The WonderYears" was taken from an era many -parents lived through, while focusing on the age group and scenarios that the students relate to.

"In years past, there has been usually a greater turn-out of freshmen and senior families. For this reason, the theme seems to be fitting, since the freshmen are just beginning their wonder years. While in the seniors' case, they are slowly coming to a close." senior John Lindsay, vice-president of Kappa Sigma Omega said.

As one will see, television will be a very prominent influence to this year's weekend. For the first time, Cabrini has incorporated some activity on Friday night for their guests.

Following check in, those in attendance will experience a social hour. The entrance of the Grace Hall Atrium will be set up like Central Perk, the coffee shop from the NBC hit "Friends."

There will be refreshmentsand junior Kevin Eppler will engage the crowd with his singing and acoustic jams on guitar.

"I wanted to make the weekend more eventful and worthwhile by having something scheduled on Friday night," Hunsberger said.

The TV theme surfaces in the set agenda for the--week·eml;,<\ll planned activities have a title named after a TV show.

, In addition, during the Saturday luncheon, there will be

A guide to Family Weekend

Everything you will need to know to guarantee an enjoyable weekend.

Friday, Sept. 27

@ Carnival held on the commons olp.m.

@Cabrini style social hour


9 -10:30 a.m.


@ Check in and breakfast in Grace Hall Atrium 10:30 -11:30 a.m.

@ Rocco Paolucci will talk about Internet issues

' 11 a.m.

@ Field Hockey Cabrini vs. Widener

O 11 :30 a.Iil.-2 p.m.


@ Lunch will be served in the Sacred Heart Dining Hall.


@ Women's soccer Cabrini vs. Rowan

@Women's volley ball

Cabrini vs. Rowan College Noon-4 p.m.


@Tennis Cabrini vs. Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science


@ President's open forum


@ Men's Soccer Cabrini vs. Millersville o3p.m.

@ Dr. Joseph Romano will speak on ethics and the media in mansion

@ James Hedtke will speak on the Presidential Election in the Academic Affairs Conference Room

04-5 p.m.


e Student leadership reception in mansion

0 6 -7:30 p.m.


@ President's reception at the Sheraton Valley Forge Hotel

four TV monitors airing episodes sporting events usually attract the of "Happy Days," "The Addams largest masses.

Family," "Bonanza" and "The The dinner-dance will take Brady Bunch." place Saturday at the Valley Forge

''TV is a medium, in which Sheraton from 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. most families relate to," Lindsay The cost is $35 for each family said. "This is why we made it member and $18 for such a factor in the Weekend." students.Many parents appreciate Family Weekend is an oppor- the athletic aspect of the weektunity for family members to end.

reunite with the students, espe- During the regular season, a cially those that live quite a dis- majority of parents do not have a tance. chance to support their children in

"It is a time in which Cabrini the regular season. Family can showcase what they have to Weekend provides them with this offer the students to the parents," 9pportunity.

Emma Legge, director of student This year, ground breaking activities said. will take place for Cabrini's

In previous years, Family future sports and recreation comWeekend has proved to be sue- plex, SPARC, at 11:45 a.m. on cessful. Sunday Sept. 9.

"Last year there was an esti- To participate in this eventful mated-40(}peoplein-attendanceat -weekend, Student Activities the dinner-dance. That's rather would like to have all parent impressive being that it is the responses in by Sept. 22. Students most costly event," Lindsay said. can sign up until the end of next

Overall, the dinner-dance and week.

·a-102 exercises right to Storm campus

Donna Storm led an on-air aerobic assault outside of the Widener Center while students collected free souvenirs.

O 7:30-9 p.m.


@Dinner and crowning of the Homecoming King and Queen

o 9 p.m.-1 a.m.



Sunday, Sept. 29

o 10:30 a.m·.


@Mass at the Brockmann Memorial Chapel

O 11:45 a.m.


·@ Groundbreaking of new SPARC

12:15 p.m.

MEL'S DINER @Brunch in Sacred Heart Dining Hall

2:30-5 p.m.

@ One Sky, One World Kite Festival for World Peace, Upper Athletic Field 3 p.m.

@ The Science of Soap Bubbles, Grace Hall Dance Studio

Q-102 managed to have a successful show at Cabrini despite the lack of advertisement, support and sunshine on campus.

The event started on Thursday, Sept. 12 at noon, when Donna Storm and the Q102 crew went on the air.

Storm, who is a health and fitness trainer, does the "Q-102 12 Noon Workout" every day on 102.1 FM.

Other engineers and promotional people helped give away Q-102 paraphernalia.

The tour bus pulled up behind the Widener Center at 10:30 a.m. with lights flashing. This bus, actually a dressed up Winebago, screeched to a halt next to the connecting ramps between the Widener Center and Sacred Heart Hall.

"We have to get here early and be setup by 11 a.m. just in case something goes wrong," Eric Camille, marketing -and - promotions assistant said.

At 12 p.m. the show went on the air. Cabrini students surrounded the tour bus.

As Q-102 broadcasted- live at the spot, they also had their music playing from the bus.

This appearance made by Q102 ts part of a back to school promotional tour, run by Q-102 and Yoo-Hoo and is going on throughout several colleges in the area.

Among the colleges are lmmaculata, Rutgers, Cabrini and Penn State.

"This week is college week," Jamie Tresch, Q-102 engineer, said. "This gives the kids a chance to get together and it gives them a fun activity to meet new people."

Despite the bad weather, at 12:25 p.m., Storm had a lot of

Cabrini students following her lead in a full body workout.

The workout consisted of a lot of aerobic exercise.

Free drinks were provided and key chains, water bottles and tee-shirts were given away by members of the Q-102 crew.

"Our job is to go out and give stuff away," Rich Gallows, a promotions worker, said.

"It's a great opportunity just to hang out and get people together," Gallows said. "It's kind of cool."

Storm has been doing the "Q-102 12 Noon Workout" for six years.

"It all started six years ago when the programs director at Q-102 decided that it would be a great idea for me to go on the air and start giving health tips to the public," Storm said. "It's a California type idea, and I love it everyday. I get to meet new people!

"I enjoy bringing fitness facts to the public," Storm said.

"It's informational and it's fun, Storm said. "We do this college tour every year and sometimes we go to schools and gyms to do other promotional events."

There was a serious lack of promotion involved with the Q-102 appearance.

Besides the broadcast message on the campus phone mail from student development on the morning of the event, there were no additional promotions involved.

"I love Q-102 and I'm glad that they came, but I think that activities... like that should be advertised around campus," sophomore Dara Corrato said.

"I mean, I didn't even know they were here u.ntil I walked by them on my way to class," Corrato said.

0 4-6-p.m.

sbnre experiences of Cnbrini nn.t be!Jon.t

When walking thr.ough the halls of Cabrini, the average student finds professors, friends and classmates. However, there are a select few who find more than that. They find family.

John and Ed Mack are brothers at Cabrini. As brothers, they share a lot in common, including the fact that they are twins. According to John, they get along great.

"We have a normal brother relationship," John says. "At times we argue."

John and Ed are both majoring in computer science information. They have shared a room together as children and here at Cabrini also. Because they share the same major they 6hare most of the same classes as well.

"Having a brother in the same classes is a plus when it comes to homework and studying," John said. "Ed can easily know what I am thinking or about to say."

Choosing the same s·chool was not planned for John and Ed. They both just felt it was the best one for them. Being at Cabrini makes it easier for John and Ed to look out for each other.

According to the two brothers, they are prc,mdof one another and they are glad they are twins.

"We share many of the same interest but we are not the same type of person," John said. "Sometimes people see twins and think 'same', but we are different."

John and Ed are both athletic. John is the captain of the cross country team and the captain of the junior varsity basketball team. Ed plans to run for the cross country team this fall.

Jamie and Kristi Paul, although not twins, are glad •to see one another as they' go through a day at Cabrini.

These -two sisters share a lot in common all the way down to

their taste in men.

"I saw him first!" Jamie will shout when she sees Kristi eyeing up the same guy.

Jamie is a junior and Kristi is a first-year student.

"I was a little hesitant at first when I found out Kristi was going to Cabrini," Jamie said, "but now I am glad and surprised about how we get along."

"We get along better here than at home," Kristi said. "We still fight, but being it's blood we can work it out better."

The two sisters are finding themselves together more, sharing the same friends and even the same sports interest. Jamie and Kristi both play for the field hockey team and they are close in numbers as well. Jamie is number 31. Following her is Kristi, who wears number 32.

These two sisters are close to each other but like every family, they have their differences.

"Kristi is more aggressive and I am more laid back," Jamie says, "She is the risk taker between the two of us."

These sisters are not twins, but Jamie feels that they have their own language, as if they were twins.

Jamie and Kristi both live in the houses, and as they are walking to class together Justin and Gavin Mirigliani are commuting from home.

These two brothers enjoy sharing the ride to school together, as well as their major. English and Communications is just the beginning of a list of things the Mirigliani brothers have in common.

If you can't find them on the couches of the Wigwam, or checking out their amazing hair, you inay find them lifting weights or working at the radio station.

"We get along pretty well," Justin remarks. "We are together all the time."

Justin is a senior and he is glad Gavin, a sophomore, is attending Cabrini.

Gavin is happy with his choice of Cabrini.

"I knew the people who went here," Gavin said, "and I was comfortable with the atmosphere."

Justin and Gavin have a lot in common, but they also differ at times. Gavin tends to be more competitive and Justin just wants to be the life of the party.

"I try to shine,'' Justin said. "It doesn't always happen but I do."

When a day at Cabrini is over for the Mirigliani's, rounds are just beginning for resident assistant Kevin Eppler.

Kevin, a junior is happy to see his sister Stephanie, a first year student follow in his footsteps and join the Cabrini crowd.

"I think we have a cool relationship," Kevin said. "Sometimes we click and sometimes we clash."

Kevin and Stephanie have a fun relationship as brother and sister. They both have some great hobbies. Stephanie has been dancing for 14 years and was part of a jazz company.

Kevin is the lead vocalist of the band Strange Sun and he is happy when Stephanie comes to watch and support him.

"Kevin is great," Stephanie said. "He has helped me out a lot since I am new to Cabrini."

Since Kevin is an RA on campus he does not get a chance to spend as much time with his sister as he would like.

"Time is hard," Kevin said. "I want to hang out more."

Looking out for his sister is something Kevin feels is under control.

"I know she1ll do okay," he said. "I can watch her from a distance."

These brothers and sisters share a common bond. They can all look out for one another throughout their college experiences.

While walking through the hall, they do not look or act any different from the average Cabrini student.

What makes them different is the family connection that they have on campus.

LOQUITUR FEATURES 5 IFriday, September 20, 1996 j
Above: Sophomore Gavin Mirigfiani (left) and his older brother, senior Justin Mirigliani (right), pose in the parking lot of Grace Hall. The Mirig/iani brothers commute together to Cabrini every morning. photo by Diane Grimaldi Above: Junior Jamie Paul (left) and her younger sister, first-year student Kristi Paul (right), have many common bonds. Not only do they share the same friends and a similar taste in men, but Jamie and Kristi also play together on the Lady Gav's field hockey team. ·Above: Junior Kevin Eppler (left) gives brotherly advice to his younger sister, first-year student Stephanie Eppler (right). Although Kevin's position as a resident assistant in Xavier Hall can be very demanding. he tries to spend as much time as possible with his little 'sis. Left: Juniors John (left) and Ed (right) Mack, though twins, are very different in personality and appearance. Both share a major in computer science and an interest in sports. The Mack brothers shared a room together as children. They also share a room together here at Cabrini.


As I walked through the doors of the Philly Rock Bar and Grill, I spotted Elvis.

Not the king of rock and roll, but 11,dog-like creature in a silver disco suit who walked around the restaurant and bar entertaining customers of all ages.

This was one of the many differences in atmosphere that most bar/restaurants lack on the "Main Line."

_ Aside from the walking "Hound Dog," Philly Rock offers a large menu, nightly specials and plenty of wall-to-wall entertainment.

With rock music blaring in my ears, my party was seated. We were given menus, but the numerous music memorabilia covering the walls grabbed my attention. From Led Zeppelin to Faith No More to Barbara Streisand, Philly Rock covered all musical tastes with autographs on pictures, guitars, outfits and even skateboards.

Lynn, our server, promptly greeted our table. She rambled off the specials of the night and brought to our attention that nothing on the menu was over $5.

She seemed to be pleasant, yet her attitude resembled "Flo" from the classic sitcom "Alice" (remember "Kiss 1:nygrits?").

Lynn had a good grasp of the

£lvis' bAs been spotte.t At

fJbill!J -~ock bAr AO.t9rill

menu, recommending some dishes over others.

Burgers, entrees, various types of chicken, appetizers and desserts covered the inside menu. The back of the menu offered 48 different draft beers, a huge vodka bar and 40 exotic milkshakes. Custqmers are able_to create their own shake, by mixing alcohol combinations with milk and ice cream. Lynn pushed this idea, stating that she was the inventor of this special.

I ordered a turkey salad sandwich, curly fries, and a R~es' Peanut Butter Cup milkshake. The members of my party ordered cheese steaks, salads and a burger.

I informed the waitress about this ·review,and asked why Philly Rock was "special," aside from the environment. Lynn jokingly answered, "The water is free," and then seriously told us about their daily specials.

Monday nights are 10 cent wing night. Tuesday night features 25 cent shrimp (fried, peel and eat, or buffalo).

Wednesday is 25 cent potato skins and Thursday is beer promotions with plenty of drink specials and prizes. Kids also eat free Monday to Thursday nights.

After our order was placed, Walter Collins, manager of Philly Rock, came to our table, welcomed us and offered his assis~ tance if we needed anything dur-

ing our stay. Polite and pleasant, Collins' cameo provided us a relaxed and friendly stay.

My friends and I roamed about the restaurant, looking at memorabilia, arguing over the quality of music the artists produced. The second floor had an outside deck for dining and lounging. We then emptied our pockets of loose change and made some selections on the jukebox.

To our surprise, our food had arrived. It seemed like we had ordered only moments ago. The portions were generously large. The food was O.K., much better than anything the Wood services could provide. Still, the food was well worth the price. Dessert made up for the semi-letdown of dinner.

The Fudge Volcano, a fudge brownie topped with ice cream and a mountain of whipped cream and chocolate sauce tickled my sweet tooth to the point where I was going to explode (my stomach agreed).

Overall, the price was right for the quality and portion provided, the service was excellent and the environment outstanding. So go in, ask for Lynn and rock and roll with Elvis. Experience Philly Rock for yourself, only 30 minutes from Cabrini, conveniently located right off of route 76 or I95, River View Plaza on Delaware Ave.

311tearsup the ElectricFactory

On Wednesday, Sept. 11, Nebraska's mix-it-up reggae jam band 311 and Korn-like Deftones ripped up the Electric Factory. A sold out, general admission only crowd welcomed the two bands along with ska-ish opening act, The Urge, with crazy mosh pits and all out craziness.

The Electric Factory, located in between Callowhill and Springarden streets, was in total shambles after the show.

With no room to breath and the smell of marijuana in the air, you could do nothing but enjoy the bands.

This is 311's fifth stop in Philadelphia in the past year. They have opened up for well known acts such as Korn, Cypress Hill and. most recently, the H.O.R.D.E.Festival.

This is the first chance being the headlining band and they did not let any 311 fans down.

The Urge and The Deftones played for an hour each, but 311 amazed the crowd by playing for two hours. 311 pleased the

moshers with songs such as "Freakout," "Down," and "Fat Chance," while adding some of that old fashionjazzy funk with songs such as "Who's Got the Herb" and "My Stoney Baby."

311 consists of five members, Nick Hexum (lead singerguitarist), M.C. Martinez (back •up vocals and turntables), Chad Saxon (drummer),. Brad Hexum (guit~r) and everybody's favorite, Peanut (bassist). They all hail from Omaha, Nebraska.

311 attracts many types of music lovers because of the variety of music they play. At the Electric Factory you could see metal heads, hippies, skaters, and reggae lovers.

311 is not popular with the media because many of their songs promote the legalization of marijuana.

Come check out 311 in late November or early December.

The band hinted to the crowd that they would probably return after their next album comes out in November.

Be sure to catch Stabbing Westward and Sponge at the Trocadero on Sept. 18.

photo by Stacey Caiazzo
Student Activities Big Brother/Big Sister Weekend Friday Phillies Game Tickets Available in Student Activities Comedy Show: 8 p.m. WCLH ,Saturday "Singled Out" - 8 p.m. WCGA Sunday. Roller Skating at Villanova. Sign up in Student Activities
From the king of rock and roll to the boss, the Philly Rock bar and grill offers a wide variety of music memorabilia for eager eyes to gaze upon. Such conversationpieces include autographedguitars and photos. photo by stacey Caiazzo Senior Bill Matoney (right) parties with "Elvis,n Philly Rock's mascot.

Macarenaor macaroni: will peopleflip or will it flop?

In the '50s there was the twist. In the '80s there was the electric slide. In the '90s it seems as though everyone is wiggling their butts to the macarena,

Sophomore Ron _D'Orazio said it is easy to learn. While waiting for a green light in his car at an intersection, a friend in • the car next to him got out and showed him how to do the Macarena.

"It's a trendy dance, but it's popularity will not last through this year," D'Orazio said.

D'Orazio goes to Egypt nightclub regularly, but has never seen it done there,

"Probably because it is too crowded," D'Orazio said.

Kearsten Leahan and Kirsten Yard, sophomores, disagreed _ and are sure it will last.

"It might stay like the YMCA," Yard said.

"The best part is that you don't have to move your feet,

,,. '

IIAr4st,eh\n.:i •((ll$ 'rl~ Mn¢. on w~_ ..&filldDa ti!lew~le,e\.)(\ 1/,d,.arr.~~Tt~-~in!

but you need some coordination:: Stacey Caiazzo, -wYBF •dance director said. "It's a good dance for people of all ages."

Since the electric slide is old and it hasn't gone out of style, Caiazzo said she couldn't imagine the macarena losing its popularity.

Nancy Gardner, the assistant to the provost and academic dean, said she learned the macarena at Cabrini's Hat and Tie Party earlier this year.


o All My Children

Kelsey and Bobby must spend their wedding night in a motel room due to the fact that Bobby's car stalled. Tad has been given strict orders from Marian to love Liza or leave her alone. Michael and Brad plan for a date. Trevor is confronted by Tim about his con~ dition. Arlene and Hayley run into Skye at Matteo and Hayley's engagement party.

Sneak peek: Erica finds out something so horrible about Bianca that she cannot even share her feelings with Dimitri.

o Another World

Feliciit leaves to write a novel on the life of Frankie Frame who was recently killed by Fax Newman, the stalker. Captain (i;!1:,e Mc::~:.:!:3 teleclues to the : Department about Officer Watts whereabouts. Jake is stiil being very protective of Vicki He decides to run a background check on Bobby Reno who has been working at Vicki's house doing carpenter work.

Sneak peek: Carl finds out chat Maggie lied to everyone about her pregnancy in order to

IFriday, September 20, 19961

iHustratlonby Stephanie Miller

"It's very easy to do and it will last long, like the electric slide because it is for all ages," Gardner said.

Dr. Cynthia Halpern, associate professor of Spanish learned it from Gardner during Cabrini's opening celebrations.

"It caught on, but it's on its way out," Halpern said.

Although it is easy to learn and fun, some are pessimistic about its popularity.

"It's a fad, like the electric

slide," sophomore Meredith DiNapoli said. "It's fun for a while but people will get sick of it."

With a strong dislike for the dance and song, sophomore Brian Ferrese said, "It will stay for a little while, but fade out."

Kevin Moore, from WSTW radio in Wilmington.said he could do it if he watched someone else.

As Moore learned in Entertainment Magazine, a group from Sevilla, Spain who call themselves Los del Rio, released the song four years ago. Two DJ's in Miami got a - hold of it and added a heavier backbe~t and some girls singing in English.

Who would have thought it would· become a hit?

It is said to be the dance of this generation, although people of all ages can learn it.

You can see it at Cabrini legal parties and even at professional baseball games. Will the Macarena last or will it be just another floppy noodle?

WillAnotherWorld'sCarlfindoutabout Maggie'sfalsepregnancy?Checkout what'shappeningonyourfavoritesoaps.

' ,t

marry Nick. His reaction is surprising.

o As the World Tums

Diego is questioned by Lily concerning Umberto's possible motivation for destroying so many lives. Only caring about herself, Lily insists on installing the computer disk Kirk received from Umberto, even though it will also incriminate Kirk. Susan's distant attitude confuses Cal when he invites her to lunch.

Sneak peek: Emily plays a videotape of Umberto for Lily and Lucinda and is surprised by the contents.

o The Bold and the Beautiful

Michael is praised by Ridge for having enough self respect to leave Grant. Stephanie is fixed up with a male model by Lauren. from Taylor that

Howardart exhibitto be displayed

Tracey Howard is the first of three unique artists coming to Cabrini's campus this year.

Howard, who has a master of the fine arts degree from the University of Delaware, has exhibited her work in numerous events around the Philadelphiaarea

Howard works with the art of photograph. In a recent statement she wrote, "pho- tographs involve a very different pathway than the way we interpret other fonns of visual art."

Howard is tying the relationship between both paths by using a combination of different art techniques.

Howard first starts off with a photograph of an image that she is interested in, then she enlarges it until it becomes out of focus.

Ally, Danny and Molly think that she fe]] into a trap set for Tess.

Sneak peek: Unaware of his true condition, Nick awakens from his surgery.

o Days Of Our Lives

Mary finds out at the hotel that an unexpected visitor keeps trying to visit Will. She vows to sell him on the black market before the week is over. Kristen finally hypnotizes John into making love to her but unfortunately, he calls out Marlena's name instead of Kristen's. Austin and Carrie's marriage license came through and they plan to be married as soon as possible. Marlena and Sarni realize that Will is somewhere in Paris and they take the first flight out lo see bow the investigationis progressing. Billie comes to join Austin and Carrie on their wedding day in Paris.

Sneak peek: Daniel shows up at Jennifer's birthday party.

she forces him to face his past.

o Guiding Light

Matt refuses to deal with the facts and the evidence that Vanessa is dead. Josh and Reva are still denying the fact that they love each other and are telling everyone they are friends. Billy Lewis comes to mourn the death of Vanessa and to comfort his ·son Bill. Sneak peek: Zachary is caught in a romantic mystery.

o The Young and the Restless

Phyllis is being taunted by Chris because she doesn't know whether or not she told Danny about what happened in Nevis. Olivia worries that Nate is becoming too dependent on Malcolm while he is coping with his father's death. Kay visits Nikki because she is curious to know how her romance with Dr. Lander is progressing. John Silva is infonned that he is being fired.

peek: Victoria's ~,.,.,_,..-c: on Ryan are becoming 1Jimto resist

::, One life To Live

Howard's next step would be to pull out an image that she sees by filling in the empty spacing wit~ ! _ wax/paint mixture.This technique is known as encaustic painting.

Howard said she was influenced by the works of Robert Frank.

Howard has displayed her work not only in the Philadelphiaarea, but also in such exotic places as New Orleans.

The fine arts department sets up two professional exhibits per semester. The department consists of Dr. Adeline Bethany, professor of fine arts and music, Don Dempsey, assistant professor of graphic design and Lisa Leamer, assistant professor of fine arts.

The three members of Ute department ieview artists who have submitted their work to the fine arts department. They try to bring a variety of different artistic expressions to Cabrini.

The fine arts department is limited to three shows a year and one show that is set up for the faculty to exhibit their work.

good ~--s ronceming HIV ue:mnenL Even though Lama is. having problems with I.m.e. e brings Nikolas to her mother's gia\'C. pedc Luc} helps Kevin realize chat he is the stalker and

Im almost strikes Kevin during another heated argument. When scenery starts falling due to the fire, Kevin saves Cassie from getting hurt. Cord and Cameron's intimate moment is interrupted by Tma. Rachel throws a dinner party for her family.

Sneak peek: Marty sees Todd for the first time.

The.displays are set up by students who are involved in the art administration practicum.

The class only has about four members per semester for this practicum.

The opening reception will be held on Sept. 29 from 3-5 p.m. on the second floor of the Holy Spirit 1.J.brary. The exhibit runs through Nov.3.


0 9/8

still remain the same in the troubled city of Hebron.

O 9/11

Friday, September 20, 19961

8 I

, WHAT'S .,



A simulation of MlV's game show "Singled Out'' will take place Saturday, Sept. 20, at 8 p.m. in the Widener Center Gathering Area.


Take a break from studying and strap on the rollerblades for a day of roller skating at the VillanovaRink. Sign up in StudentActivities.



It is said that your handwriting is a gateway to your soul. What does your signa- • ture say about you? Find out on Tuesday, Sept. 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Widener Center Ga_thering Area.


There will be an election infonnation meeting for all first-yearstudentswho wish to be a part of SGA on Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 9:45 p.m. in the SGA office.


Come join the ethnic diversitygroup in house six on Thursday,Sept. 26 at 10 p.m. for their weekly movie night in the house's living room.


Family weekend begins on Friday, Sept. 27, at 4 p.m. with check-in. At 7 p.m. a "Friends" theme party will be held in the Grace Hall Atrium.

Summit dampens hope in Hebron

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel and Palestinian President Yasir Arafat opened their peace talks with a handshake. Although the peacetalks are in progress, soldiers still make their presence known in Hebron. In fact, there are more soldiers now, in Hebron, than there were before.

The two leaders meeting and discussing peace has done little to lift the spirits of the Palestinians in Hebron. Mark Heller, an expert in strategic studies at Tel Aviv University said, "ln a technical sense, it didn't make any difference."

The meetings will continue and the two leaders will continue to strive for peace in Hebron and the entire West Bank area and between the two groups, the Israelis and the Palestinians. For now, things

Hussein prepares as U.S. warns

Saddam Hussein is trying to repair his missile defenses. In turn, the U.S. has warned Hussein and threatened to launch an air strike against Iraq if he doesn't discontinue his attempts to repair Iraq's missile defenses.

The U.S. heard word ~of Iraq's claims that they had shot anti-aircraft missiles at U.S. jets flying in the no-fly zone. Although none of the pilots reported being shot at, the U.S. still gave the warning. This is the second time that Hussein has been warned about trying to fix his missile defenses after last week's missile attacks.

Hussein has not been afraid to continue in his repair of missile defenses. ms air-defense systems in the no-fly zone have been degraded in their ability to track airplanes and to fire at

more than one plane at a time. State Department spokesman Nicholas Burns said, "He knows the price I'm being very clear about the warning we sent to him last week. He knows what it is."


Hurricane Hortense tears through Puerto Rico

Hurricane Hortense ripped through Puerto Rico with torrential rainfall that caused deadly floods and mud slides. Seven have been confirmed dead and at least four are still missing. Nearly 7,000 Puerto Ricans are staying at Red Cross shelters.

After hitting Puerto Rico, Hortense's path went northwest, with winds up to 80 m.p.h. Hortense was the first hurricane to hit the Dominican Republic in almost 20 years. This change in course fias called for warnings in the southeastern Bahamas and it .could be at Florida's front door by the end of the week.

The Sunday Eucharistic liturgy will take place on Sunday, Sept. 22, at 6 p.m. in the Bruckmann Chapel. All are welcome. The service is sponsored by Campus Ministry. Call 902-8225 or 902-8409 for more information.

Sergeant Tony Kuklinski was the winner of the grand prize at Casino Night held last Friday. The prize was a color television.

Are you stressed out? Remember that Counseling Services are here to help. Stop in the Rooymans Center or call 902-8561 for an appointment. As always, services are free and confidential.

O Quote For The Week: "The majority of us are for free speech only when it deals with those subjects concerning which we have no intense convictions."

King of Prussia mall crime on rise

One source cites the increase in crime as a result of "extreme wealth living so close to extreme poverty."

Next time you go shopping at the King of Prussia Mall, you might want to think twice about leaving your car unattended.

In the past year, auto thefts, crimes against a person (assault, rape, harassment, etc.), retail theft and retail frau_dhave all risen ten percent at the King of Prussia Mall.

According to Lt. Robert Deuber of the Upper Merion Police Department,· this increase is due to "extreme wealth living so close to extreme poverty."

Deuber claims that when these circumstances are present the crime rate is bound to rise.

According to Deuber, recent renovations have added more

stores, more people and more criminals.

"Having a larger mall means there is a larger area for criminals," Deuber said. Statistics indicate criminal acts to be on the rise.

At the end of 1995, 253 cars were stolen from the mall parking Jots.

The total reports of theft from vehicles was 135.

Total crimes against a person were 55, retail theft was 394 and retail fraud was 136. These numbers have risen ten percent so far in 1996. Deuber said that although these numbers are high, the arrest rate is high as well.

In 1995 there were 369 arrests for retail theft and 72 arrests for retail fraud.

"Arrests of stealth crimes (auto theft or articles stolen


Security incidents as reported by Public Safety from 9/10 to 9/16.

Petty Theft


Severi;ll employees in the admissions department have told Public Safety that they realized they have had money stolen from their pocketbooks since the beginning of this past summer. Each theft was of a $20 bill- in each incident. One employee believes to have been robbed three times for of $60. All thefts occurred during their normal workday of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. while they have attended meetings or have gone out to lunch.

Found property 9/10

• A resident of Xavier hall

reported to Public Safety that while walking along Main Street she saw the door of a dark station wagon-type vehicle open and a bottle of wine fall out of it. The resident turned the bottle over to Public Safety. To date no one has claimed the bottle. The bottle will be destroyed at the end of the week if it remains unclaimed.

O Motor Vehicle Accident 9/11

While making a delivery to house one, a vehicle belonging to a pizza delivery man· for Campus Pizza tolled down the driveway and struck a stump on the lawn of house one. Tommy's Towing was called to winch the vehicle off the stump at the request of the delivery man. There was no damage done to Cabrini College property.

from a car) are down because there was no confrontation," Deuber said. ''When there is confrontation, arrest rates go up."

The Upper Merion Police Department is taking steps to make it more difficult for criminals.

"The problem is that police don't stop crime, they just deter it," Deuber said.

Racheal Delano, public relations director at the King of Prussia Mall said, "Our shoppers safety is of utmost importance."

"There is foot, bike and vehicle patrol 24 hours a day." Delano said.

During renovations, the mall built stairways and elevators with glass walls to increase visibility.

Telephones were placed in


the elevators to make shoppers feel safer while riding in them. Parking garages were painted light colors and lights were added to increase visibility.

"Our security meets or exceeds national standards," Delano said.

Spectaguard was hired to patrol the mall grounds. They were unavailable for comment.

"The mall and mall security doesn't like to talk to the media about crime," Lt. Deuber said, "because if a car-jacking occurs in the Court or the Plaza it is a front page story. It's a big deal."

According to Deuber the reason it is such a big deal is because of the mall's suburban setting.

"Crime is only supposed to happen in the city," Deuber said.

o CheckoutouropenMicNighton Sunday,Sept.22.8:00p.m.

o Theprelimlnarvroundorthe secondannualcanercra1u1e • AwardwilltalleplaceonSundav, Sept.29at8 p~m.


-ILo Q u I T O R I
This &,That NEWS
Last We€k In the World Of News
0 J rru@Jrr[~~~(Q Trru[
come to both
With a prepared per'formonce, A cash prize wil be awarded to the wiMer of the Corter Croigie contest. Call902-8510fermoreInformation.

Altercations elld Miami beac·h party

Three altercations ended the Miami beach party held Thursday, Sept.12, in the Grace Hall Atrium. Two fights were in the Atrium and the other outside Grace Hall. The party, scheduled to end at 1 a.m., ended at 12:40 a.m. House six sponsored the party.

"There were three separate incidents involving the same group of guys over a domestic dispute," Tony Kuklinski of public safety said. "We were able to halt the two incidents inside the building without a

problem. The fight was then taken outside. As we approached, a knife and a jackhammer were dropped. The group was dispersed without any further incident."

By this time, however, the crowd was riled up and the decision was made to stop the festivities.

"The party was ended early as a safety measure for the rest of the campus community," Kuklinski said.

Prior to the incidents, which started around 12:15 a.m,, the party was running smoothly.

After starting out on the slow side, the attendance increased

dramatically after 10:30 p.m. Students started to fill the dance floor as DJ's Nafis Collins and Derrick Grayson kept the music going. This function was special because it was non-alcoholic and only cost $1 to get in or nothing for students arriving in beachwear.

"The difference between this party and other parties was that many people were not intoxicated but still having a good time," said John Mack, resident of House Six.

Mack admits that the attendance of the over-21 crowd was down but that was partially due to the fact that something

was going on at the Kingswood Apartments.

The money made from the party is being used for further house six events and programs, such as the Midnight Madness party coming in October.

"We wish to thank Dr. Girard, Emma Legge, Laura Irwin, Tony Kuklinski, and John Dzik for their help and support in planning the event," said Mack.

Girard is a professor of history. Legge is the director of student development. Irwin is the director of resident life. Dzik is the athletic director of Cabrini sports.

Students provide students with nutrition tips

Many Cabrini students went because their friends were going. Not many of them expected to get the knowledge that they would receive.

On Monday, Sept. 9, in house six, the ethnic and diversity club put on a health and fitness seminar for the Cabrini community.

Most of the people that attended left the house with a lot more knowledge than they had expected.

Tom O'Hora, women's and men's cross country and track coach was the key speaker in the program.

O'Hora touched on several issues throughout the program. One major issue was how to eat nutritiously in a dormitory environment. Another was why diets don't work.

O'Hara also talked about vitamin supplements and how important they are to a w_ell-balanceci diet.

O'Hora then talked about what constitutes a well-balanced diet. He said you should eat an even amount of foods from each

food group. He stressed that you shouldn't eat too much either. It is always good to be a little hungry when you are finished eating.

O'Hara also thinks breakfast is tlie most important meal of the day.

According to O'Hora, when you wake up in the morning, you are driven by the energy that is given to you by the dinner that you ate the night before.

If you don't eat breakfast, by the afternoon you are tired and out of energy. That is one of the biggest reasons for people falling asleep in class, according to O'Hara.

If you eat breakfast in the morning, you will have --your energy replenished for the afternoon. O'Hora stressed the importance of eating three square meals a day and the prevention of snacking in between meals.

Senior Ken Skitek, a resident of house six said, "He talked a lot about a balanced diet and how to keep your eating in check."

Skitek also expanded on who was there and the interest of the people who attended.

"There were people there that I thought would never show up,"

Skitek said. "I think they got a lot of beneficial infonnation. They were asking a lot of questions, so they must have been interested."

Junior John Mack also commented on the program.

"I think it was a great pro• gram because it taught the campus community how to eat right and stay healthy," Macksaid. There were also nutritious refreshments for all those who attended. A total of 36 people

Dole ·announces anticrime program at Villanova

Republican presidential nominee Bob. Dole spoke before a largely conservative student audience at Villanova University on Monday Sept. 14.

Dole put aside his ambitious tax-cut plan and focused instead on delivering a broad indictment on President Bill Clinton's record as a moral leader as well as a major policy announcement concerning his stance on crime.

According to a report in The Philadelphia Inquirer, Dole has been trying to pin the soft-on-crime label on Clinton since last spring without much success.

attended the program.

This Nutrition Workshop is the first of the many programs that House 6 is planning to follow through on this year.

House President John Mack said, "I think that this program proves that we [house six residents] can come together and help the Cabrini community, and that our reputation on campus is not deserved. I think that we will be successful in every program that we do."



Forty-two seniors participated in co-op in the spring of 1996. Sixteen were offered positions with their co-op employers upon graduation.

The average semester earnings for a co-op student working 20 hours a week was $2000.

. One hundred ninetyone companies employed co-op students between the fall of 1995 and the summer of 1996.

Many Republicans argue that Dole can't win in November unless he can wrest the "values" issues away from Clinton, and reinforce the qualms about the President's character. They say the best way to do· that is to critique Clinton the crime-fighter.

Dole mentioned a number of crime-fighting ideas during his speech at the Jake Nevin Field House. Among them were more conservative federal judges, longer prison terms, tougher penalties for criminals who use guns and denial of guns to anyone previously convicted of a serious crime.

•"What I'm offering," said Dole, "is tough love against juvenile justice. Dole wants to prosecute juveniles as adults. He wants tougher sentences for violent juvenile offenders. He wants to make the court records of such offenders more widely available to law enforcement officials and prospective employers.

Many of these proposals have already been made by Clinton.

"We will close down the drugs-to-crime-to-violentcrime pipeline," Dole said. "My goal will be to cut teenage drug use in America by 50 percent in my first term in office."

Call 902-8412.

Three hundred thirty paid co-op positions were available for the fall 1996 semester. Many of these positions are still available.

Dole was also joined by his vice presidential nominee Jack Kemp as well as 14 Republican governors from across the country, including Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge and New Jersey Gov. Christie Whitman.

photo by Stacey Caiazzo Track and cross country coach Tom O'Hara (left) stresses the importance of nutriuon to junior John Mack..
$ FINANCIALAID $ Attention all students! Over $6 Billion in FREE Financial Aid._is now available for students nationwide from private sector grants and scholarships! All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. For more infonnation, call: 1-800-263-6495 ext. F65383 I CRllSE JOBS Students Needed! Earn up to $2,000+/mo. working for Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World Travel Summer and Full Time Positions available. No experience necessary. For more information call: (206) 971-3550 ext. C65381 Tutor Wanted Xavier Hall is lookingfor a math tutor. Potential tutors should be proficient in College Math 112, 113 and 114. They should also know some calculus. If you are looking for work-grant hours and are interested in tutoring, call Steve Murray at 8458. E.\STERN ELROPE JOBS Teach basic conversational English in PragueL Budapest, or Krakow. No teaching certificate or European language required. lnexpensive Room & Board + other benefits. For details call: (206) 971-3680 ext. R65381 NATIO:'\JAL PARKS HIRING Students Needed! Students Wanted • Tour guide, instructor, lifeguard, hotel staff, firefighter+ volunteer and government positions available at National Parks. Excellent benefits+ bonuses! For Outdoor Employment Program call: (206) 971-3260 ext. N65381 College Students A local opinion research finn located in Philadelphia is interested in your opinions. We are willing to pay qualified respondents for their opinions. If you are between the ages of 18-23 and are a full-time student, please call: 1-800-355:3395,ext 90 Afters p.m. Healthy Women Wanted Make a Priceless Contribution to another Family's Happiness. Healthy women between the ages of 21 and 34 needed to donate eggs (ova) for infertile couples. ·Compensation for time and effort. Donors are anonymous. For information call: (610) 834-1140 ext. 352 *Earn Extra Income* Earn $200-$500 weekly mailing phone cards. For more information send a self-addressed stamp envelope to: Inc,, P.O. Box 0887, Miami, FL33164 House Cleanin Light cleaning job. 1 mile from campus. Set owt1schedule. $10 per hour. Call 902-8510. Students can place a free classified ad for a limited time only.
LOQUITUR NEWS 9 IFrida:y,September 20, 19961



!Friday, September20, 19961


Looking to get their first victory of the year, the Lady Cavs lost to Widener University. However, they rebounded from the loss to capture their first victory of the season with a 3-0 shutout of PAC opponent Neumann College.

Lady Cavs drop tough match to Widener SPORTS

After coming off tough losses to Kutztown University and the College of Notre Dame, the women's volleyball team lost to Widener University on Tuesday, Sept. 10, by the score of 3-0.

September is one of the greatest months for a pons fan.

Football is in full swing, baseball playoff races are coming to the end and the post-season is getting ready to begin. Basketball and hockey are getting ready to start.

In Philadelphia,one thing is mISSmg. We have the Eagles to root for and the upcoming Sixers and Ayers seasons to look forward to.

However, as usual Philadelphia fans do not have any playoff race to watch or any playoff series to get ready for.

The Philadelphia Phillies have the worst record in the National League.

Can you remember the excitement as the Phillies got ready to take on the Atlanta Braves in the NL playoffs in 1993?

Well Phillies fans, savor that moment because it does not look as if we will have any playoff races to get excited about in the future.

I can only imagine how exciting it would be to be a New York Yankees' or Baltimore Orioles' fan, watching those two teams battle each other for the AL East title.

The Phillies have forced me to not like baseball anymore.

When I see teams like the Atlanta Braves play, I can only imagine what it must be like to root for a qualityteam.

It's not the Philliescontinued losing that has turned me off to them. It is the fact there does not seem to be any hope for the future. The Phillies have not done anything to improve their team recently, so why should I think they will do anything differently?

The Phillies are finally getting what they deserve this year. Attendance is the lowest it's been in years. The Phillies have only themselves to blame for this.

If the Phillies improve the product they put out on the field, then the fans will come back to see them.

Philadelphia fans deserve better than what the Phillies are throwing out on the field. It's about time we have a quality baseball team to root for.

Although the Lady Cavs dropped their third straight game, the 'team's attitude remained upbeat and positive.

Senior Tracey Eagan said the team's problem was that they came out too slow.

"We didn't pick up the game until we were already 10 points behind," Eagan said.

Eagan also said the Lady Cavs had the talent to beat a quality team like Widener as long as they played together.

The Lady Cavs were seeking their first victory of the season.

Although the Cavs lost the match, some players felt there were still some good things that came out of it.

Junior Colleen Adair, who had three aces and five assists for the Lady Cavs, said it was really good to see the first-year

students come out and play so well.

Adair also felt the match helped the team because it allowed them the opportunity to work on some of their weaknesses.

"There's things we need to improve on, but we have already improved on a lot of our weaknesses, and that will help us pick up some needed victories," Adair said.

Sophomore Bridget Egan was very impressed with the players who came off the bench.

"The players coming off the bench, especially the first year students, did an exceIJent job," Egan said.

Egan also said the biggest things the Lady Cavs needed to work on wa~ improving their passing.

After losing to Widener University, the Lady Cavs traveled to play Neumann College on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 7 p.m., in their first PAC match of the season.

Although their record tood at 0-3 going into the match, the Lady Cavs came out ready to play against Neumann and captured their first victory of the season, shutting them out by the score of 3-0.

Sophomore Lesley Kerrigan said that although the team was frustrated from losing their first three games, their attitude has remained upbeat.

"There was no negative attitude on the team, we came out ready to win and that's what we came out and did," Kerrigan said.

Kerrigan and the other players agreed that the Lady Cavs played their best match of the season.

Kerrigan felt one of the biggest improvements the team

made against Neumann was that they communicated much better.

"We were not communicating as well as we should have in the previous matches, but our talk really improved against Neumann College," Kerrigan said.

With the victory, the Lady

Cavs improved their record to 1-3. They are na,w 1-0 in PAC play.

The Lady Cavs hope their success in the Neumann match wiU carry over into the season.

"I feel we will do really well in the PAC if we play the way we did against Neumann," Kerrigan said.


Anyone interested in SGA, elections are coming up soon for the following:


Please plan to attend the foilowing meetings in the SGA office:

Wednesday, September 25 - 9:45 p.m.

Thursday, September 26 - 12:30 p.m.

Lo Q u IT u R
photo by Dana Nentwig Sophomore Bridget Egan gets ready to set the ball for one of her teammates.
Adair is one of the returning starters for
She is also one of the Lady Cavs' key players and will be
photo by Dana Nentwig Colleen Adair is shown spiking the ball against an opponent.
the women's volleyball team.
expected to provide the talent and leadership the Lady Cavs will need to capture

U.S. Mission: Conquer Canada

Freedom, apple pie, Rocky Balboa and now hockey? What was once considered Canada's game, has been invaded by the United States. In a fashion that is usually created in Hollywood, the U.S. acted out this story-like American dream. 1980 may have been the year of miracles, but the saga continues in '96.

The World Cup of Hockey shou]d have been dubbed "mission impossible" for every competing team, minus Canada.

In a tournament that is internationa1ly played, Team Canada had the most talent, the most stars, and the most predictions to win it all.

Team USA. however, went undefeated in regular season

round-robin play and received a bye in the first round of the playoffs. The team made it to the finals, where they faced off against hockey superpower Canada.

The United States' mission

Cavs take Textiles

IFriday, September 20, 19961

that they chos.e to accept: try to defeat Canada. The team failed in game one losing 4-3.

The next game would be played in Montreal, with game three, if necessary, being played in the land of the leaf.

Canada didn't want a game three, but one was necessary because the underdog Americans traveled north and defeated the home team 5-2.

The next to impossible was only one victory away for Team USA Destruction of Canada would be complete if Team USA could take two in the great white north.

With the outstanding play of Flourtown's homeboy, Mike Richter of the N.Y. Rangers and an incredible team effort, Team USA defeated Team Canada in Monti:eaL Do you believe in miracles? You better believe.

Ranger Richter stopped 35 of 37 shots. The game-winning goal came from the stick of the Chicago Black.hawks' Tony Amonte with two minutes, 35 seconds remaining in the final period.

With the puck in the Canadien zone, Amonte rushed the net in search of a rebound. The puck flipped out, hit his skate and he slammed it past Edmonton Oilers' goalie Curtis Joseph to break a 2-2 tie.

Forty-three seconds prior to Amonte s goal, Team USA.Ts

Brett Hull of the St. Louis Blues deflected a rising shot past Joseph to tie the game at two.

s C 0 R E B

The puck would have sailed high and wide past the net, but instead, Hull dramatically changed the direction and velocity of the puck, causing it to cross the goalline. 0 A R

Hull, a man tom between two countries due to his Canadien birth, Canadien father, American mother and a dual citizenship, made the United States bench jump to its feet in celebration with his second goal of the game.

Hull was consistently badmouthed during the series by Canadiens for his Benedict Arnold-like betrayal.

Hull tried out for Team Canada in 1987, but was rejected. He then tried out for the U.S. days later and made the team.

Americans can now consider Hull an American patriot because of his outstanding play in the tournament. His 11 points had Canada singing the blues.

The Richter scale hit 10 when the Molson Center housed an avalanche of a roar. Adam Foote of the Colorado Avalanche gave Canada a 2-1 lead, as he fired a point shot, that slipped past a screened Richter at 12:50 of the third period.

The Flyers Eric Lindros, who was expected to be the dominant force of the series, scored the first Canadien goal on the power play. Tightly checked by Dallas Stars defensemen Derian Hatcher the entire series, Lindros failed to live up to expectations placed upon him. On top of that, U.S. rival and Flyers' teammate John f:eClair was more va1uable to his team.

Despite Hatcher's, Hull's and LeClair's strong play, there was only one Tom Cruise in this Mission Impossible, that being Richter.

Voted MVP of the tournament, Richter received as a gift a Harley Davidson. What could be


The men's soccer team defeated Centenary College on Wednesday, Sept. 11 by the score of 8-1. However, the Cavs traveled to play nationally ranked Johns Hopkins University on Saturday, Sept. 14, and were defeated, 3-0.


The Lady Cavs remained undefeated by beating Bryn Mawr College on Friday, Sept. 13, by the score of 3-0. Their first home game of the year, scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 17, was postponed due to rain. The game will be made up on Sept. 23.


The Lady Cavs continued their winning ways over the weekend. They defeated Manhattanville College on Saturday, Sept. 14, by the score of 5-1. On Sunday, Sept. 15, they took on Catholic University and won, 3-2. The victory improved their record to 4-_l, as they prepare for the upcoming PAC season.


The women's tennis team's match against Chestnut Hill College, scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 17, was postponed due to rain. On Thursday, Sept.19, the • Lady Cavs will make their home debut as they take on Lebanon Valley College at 4 p.m.


·Toe Lady Cavs lost 3-0 to Widener University on Tuesday, Sept. 10. However, they rebounded to defeat Neumann College, 30, on Thursday, Sept. 12. The team continued their winning ways, capturing their second consecutive victory by defeating Philadelphia College of Textiles and Pharmacy 3-2, on Saturday, Sept. 14.


Sept. 25 Ursinus College 4p.m.


Sept. 21 Holy Family College 4p.m.

Sept. 25 at Beaver College 4p.m.


Sept. 21 Alvemia College 4p.m.


DSept. 24 at Cedar Crest College 4 p.m.


Sept. 21 Immaculata College



Sept. 21 Baruch College 12:00 p.m.

Sept. 23 Eastern College 7p.m.

Sept. 24 Ursinus College 7p.m.

photo by Stacey Caiazzo The women's field hockey team rebounded from a tough 3-2 loss at the hands of Frostburg State University, winning a ha(d fought game over Philadelphia College of Textiles and Pharmacy on Wednesday; Sept. 11, by the score of 2-1. Junior Jamie Paul is shown getting ready to pass the ball downfield to one of her teammates. Paul's speed and aggressiveness played a major role in helping lead the Lady Cavs to the victory.
Junior cross country runner Lyndi Paladino was named PAC player of the week in cross country. Paladino ran a time of 21:04, giving her a top five finish in the Wagner College Invitational meet on Saturday, Sept. 14. Poladino is a transfer from Elizabethtown University. First year student Keely Crawbuck was named PAC player of the week in tennis for the se,cond consecutive week. Crawbu.ckwon both her singles and doubles matches against Albright College on Tuesday, Sept. 10. Crawbuck's victories improved her record to 3-0 in both singles and doubles play.

I Lady Cavs victorious in Wesley SPORTS. 12 College Invitational Tournament

IFriday, September 20, 19961

Entering the Wesley Invitational Tournament, mens's and women's head coach, Coach Reggie Day felt that this would be a rebuilding year for the women's tennis team.

However, thanks to the play of two fantastic freshmen, the Cavs have realized that the future may indeed be now.

The pair helped the team win their third consecutive Wesley Invitational and have now raised expectations for the rest of the season.

Keely Crawbuck and Jodi Holmes got the Lady Cavs off to a great start.

The dynamic duo swept their doubles matches against the College of Notre Dame and host school, Wesley, while registering two more wins in singles play.

The two showed tremendous poise and a killer instinct, which led Day to remark, "They were freshmen who played like upperclassmen."

The pair admitted that they were a bit nervous before playing their first match.

However, once they got onto the playing surface, their instincts took over.

Their great start .bas the firstyear students setting some lofty goals for themselves.

"I think that we can go undefeated in doubles," Holmes said.

"I would definitely love to go undefeated in doubles," Crawbuck said.

The two both agree that while individual goals are nice, team goals are the most important thing.

If they can live up to their own high expectations, the duo should be able to lead this team to a superb year.

The Cavs most decorated player and co-captain, Donna Schaeffer, had her 13 match winning streak snapped, scoring a split iri her two singles matches.

Schaeffer has won a host of awards and honors in her career at Cabrini and the only thing that has eluded her is a PAC title.

The team's fast start may give this senior one final run at a championship before her college days are over.

Another pair of freshmen who made key contributions in their doubles matches were Lauren Wiggins and Karin Lechter.

"I was very impressed with the way that they were able to work together," Day said.

Senior co-captain Michele Mcllvaine did not play in the

First year student Jodi Holmes returns a

College Invitational Tournamentby going 2-0

to injury.

However, Mcilvaine made her way back to the lineup when the Lady Cavs played at Albright ColJege on Tuesday, Sept. 10.

Mcllvaine's return is expected to give the lady cavs the the leadership and talent they need in order to make a run at the PAC title.

The Lady Cavs entered their match with Albright College on a high note after their victory at Wesley.

However, they were _handed their first loss of the season as a much improved Albright team edged them out by a score of 54, bringing the team's overall record to 2-1.

Despite the loss, Day said that be was very happy with their progress.

The two top Cavalier newcomers, Crawbuck and Holmes, continued their excellent doubles play, notching yet another win.

This improved their season record to 3-0.

team capture their third straight Wesley College Invitational

During singles play, Crawbuck, who was recently named PAC player of the week


for the second consecutive week, registered a decisive victory as losing only two gam~ to her opponent.

Holmes, on the other hand, was unable to avoid her first college defeat.

She lost in straight sets 6-4, 6-3.

"Even though she faced a very tough opponent, she was able to hold her own in the match," Day said.

Donna Schaeffer was paired up with Mcilvaine in doubles play.

The duo made the best of Mcllvaine's comeback, scoring a critical doubles victory.

Schaeffer was also victorious in singles action, making quick work of her_opponent in a 6-0, 6-0 thrashing.

Her singles record now stands at 2-1.

Mcilvaine was involved in a difficult battle which took three sets to decide.

The final set was decided by a tiebreaker, which Mcilvaine eventually lost.

Day felt that she played well and that she should keep improving as the season progresses.

Day feels that his two other freshmen, Wiggins and Lechter, are constantly improving.

Lechter is a first year player and has oever played organized tennis before.

According to Day, Wiggins and Lecbter are both· doing an excellent job.

Both players will be rotating spots throughout the season in singles play and will be paired in doubles with sophomore Michelie McDevitt.

"They are continually learning and growing stronger in each match that they play," Day said.

McDevitt also garnered praise from the coach for her continuing progress in practice and in her matches.

"I know that she is working hard and she will improve as the season continues," Day said.

Overall, Day said that be was very happy with the team's progress, noting that they have worked extremely hard to improve their tennis during practice.

The Lady Cavs will be in action next Tuesday, Sept. 17 in their home opener against Chestnut Hill.

Cavs bounce back with blowout win

Looking to bounce back from a 2-0 loss to nationally ranked Ohio Wesleyan, the men's soccer team came out on Wednesday, Sept. 11 and crushed Centenary College by the score of 8-1.

The Cavs roared out of the gates to start the game as sophomore Wayne Brown scored the first of his two goals only two minutes into the action.

The Cavs continued to press forward and senior Joe Morris scored off a rebound to increase the Cavs lead to 2-0.

Throughout the game Centenary College " showed unsportsmanlike conduct.

In the first half a Centenary College player was given a yelJow card for taking down a player from behind.

However, the .Cavs stayed calm and did not respond with any unsportsmanlike conduct as the team called to say I would-

n't continued to put the pressure on Centenary.

The game was more like a football game rather than a soccer game.

Duncan Hubley, men's soccer head coach said "I was glad that none of my players came out with injuries."

The Cavs stayed strong and at halftime they bad increased their lead to 3-0, courtesy of a goal by sophomore Noah Sharper.

The Cavs kept up their

momentum in the second half as scoring three quick goals to make the score 6-0.

Brown scored the first goal of the second half and sophomore Paul Donaghy sophomore added the next two.

After being substituted, Donaghy came back on the field to score a third goal, giving him his first career hat trick.·

Centenary College kept up their unsportsmanlike conduct in the second half. One of their players was given a red card for

punching first year student Sean McDonald in the back. Sophomore Matt Kaiser wrapped up the scoring for the Cavs by scoring on a penalty kick to give the Cavs their 8-1 victory.

Throughout the game, the Cavs offense and defense was clicking and working to perfection.

"The defense was great, we kept the ball down their end, and we capitalized on our opportunities," Brown

L O Q u I T u R
photo by Dana Nentwig
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Sophomore Michele McDevitt is shown here working at practice. McDevitt's play has helped the women's tennis photo by Dana Nentwig shot at practice. Holmes helped the Lady Cavs win the Wesley in both and doubles. Holmes' doubles partner is first year phenom Keely Crawbuck. Holmes is expected to play a major role as the Lady Cavs look to capture their first ever PAC title. Wesley College Invitational due

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