Student killed in au·toaccident
by Paul Monte news editorJu]ian Mejia, a student at Cabrini College, was killed in an automobile accident on Friday, Oct. 18.
According to reports by NBC10 news, Tredyffryn Police Department and The Philadelphia Inquirer, Mejia was driving a 1995 Geo Tracker southbound on a rain-soaked Rt. 202 between the Devon and Paoli interchanges at 10:20 p.m. Friday when he crossed the grass median strip into the oncoming northbound lanes.
Mejia collid- Julian Mejia ed with an automobile driven by Leara Marshall, 23, of Westgate Vtllage, who was driving nortbbound. Marshall was medivaced to the Universityof Pennsylvania Medical Center, where she was reported to be in serious but stable condition.
Mejia was taken to Paoli Memorial Hospital at 12:05 a.m. Saturday morning where he was pronounced dead.
The Tredyffryn officer in charge of the investigation could not be reached for com1J1ent.
Services for Mejia were held on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at the
Sports Men's Soccer p.12
Student balances academics, R.A. duties, medical emergencies ~nd firefighting. p. 5
AIDS paves the way
Rodriguez Funeral Home in Philadelphia.
A campus memorial service has yet to be announced.
Mejia came to Cabrini after receiving an associates degree in para-legal studies at Peirce Junior ColJege earlier this year.
According to Mejia's transfer coordinator Bill Firman, Mejia chose to -major in English and communications at Cabrini because it would provide the groundwork for a career in law.
"He fell in love with Cabrini," Firman said.
In his short time at Cabrini Mejia was a·resident of house four and played junior varsity soccer for the Cavaliers.
Shock was the word of choice in students describing their reaction to the news of Mejia's death.
"He was a sincere friend to everyone he knew," sophomor£
Matt Ayers said.
"He was a nice, quiet guy who was into his religion," junior Roy Dina said: "[He was] very family oriented. I believe it was an unfair death."
Mejia's roommate, junior George Badra, said that he was so shocked at the news that he felt his kriees quiver.
"[He was] very nice, gentle, rel~gious, good to know, down to earth." Badra said. "I think God
welcomed him with open arms."
"He was always happy. A lively part of the house," junior and house four resident assistant Chris Schmid said. "I woke up to him singing. He's going to be a noticeable loss for the house for the rest of the year."
"He was a man of impeccable faith," junior Paul Kleshick said.
Firman, who knew Mejia for more than two years dating back to his days at Peirce College, said that Mejia would go out of his way to stop in the admissions
office every day to say hello.
"I saw a lot of promise in him;''"Finhan said. ''Once you gotto know him you wouldn't forget him."
Firman commented further in that Mejia had a lot of love for those he knew and that he was always curious. He also said that Mejia had gotten to the point in life where· he wouldn't judge people and want to know everything, which is why Firman thinks Mejia was so easygoing.
"You got the sense that he was happy to be alive," Finnail. said. "Be found the path. He was trying to find his way in life. l'm going to miss him."
Mejia is survived by a fouryear-old son.
Julian Majia was 30-yearsold.
Mejia's death marks the second student death in almost two months.
Alan Bunch, a would-be sophomore, was killed in North Philadelphia on Aug. 22.
Romano and Tomascodiscuss book -P"f1onathonraisesfunds
by Diane Grimaldi staff writerDo we really have the freedom of choice, or is ~verythingthat happens to us a result of our history-?
'That question was the focus of last week's faculty forum. On Thursday, Oct. 10, about 20 faculty and staff gathered in the Grace Hall board room to listen to Dr. Joseph Romano, professor of phi-
losophy, and Dr. Anthony Tomasco, professor of psychology, discuss their progress on a book they are working on together.
The book is entitled "Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives on Human Nature."
The two professors have been working on the book together since January and have already written three chapters. These chapters include the subjects of freedom,
cogmtton and aggression. Romano and Tomasco are in the process of writing the next three chapters on desire, religion, and creativity.
The book is based on the themes on freedom and determinism that have grown from coteaching the seminar 100 course, Perspectives on Human Nature. Romano said, "I want to leave the readers breathless. When they finish reading the book they should be breathless."
The forum began with Romano and Tomasco explaining their input into each chapter and ended with a discussion among the faculty that were present about certain ideas and aspects of each discipline.
"Keep the spirit of philosophy. Challenge yourself to think and keep thinking," Romano said. "Freedom," Romano said, "is the most obscure and most clear concept we know."
Tomasco said, "Philosophic assumptions are important in psychology." He said that for this reason, it is important to integrate the two discipJines.
by Michelle Bums staUwnter• "~ ' '··
"" Accordhtg to :r<aren Bell; • • development officer, .the studepts come out be~use they fove
In the month of October, Cabrini, not for the money the)t alumni affairs director Martha make doing the calling. Before Dale runs an alumni phone-athon. The goal·of the fundraiser is-to have alumni crune to Cabrini and call other c~ates all over the .countryasking for any contributions they might be willing to give to the college. The alumni called • alumni for fou'r nights. This year they called 744 alumni nationwi4e, The phone-a-thon • accomplishes two things. It raises money for the college and allows • aluriinito catch up with oJd class-:. mateson past times. In addition to alumni calling, current students are also employed to call
So many students were interested that a waiting list had to be created. There are 35 students participating in the phone-a-thon this year. A good percentage of the students helping out are returning callers. One plus that comes with soliciting funds is that the students will receive work study payment.
sitting down and making phon(.'l calls the students must first go through a training session which gives students a guideline to follow. It goes over the procedures, ·the importance pf giving and stresses the. importance of building communications skills. Students will be. calling alumpi for five nights/ Theywill he qillft the remaining ,2;8521duriinl. Students tend to·raise more: money than the alumni because they usually don't know the people they are calling as _ alumni.
Last year the alumni pledged $76,809 and the parents of students pledged $22,()()8. Total fundraising.for the alumni phonea-thon last year was $98,907. The money raised goes in the "Cabrini Fund" which then goes to wherever the college thinks the money is needed most. Pledges must be in by June30.
SGA gives 'state of the union' at campus-wide meeting
by ColleenEhrle staff writerThe Student Government Association and the student body ex~hanged concerns, goals 1'nd possible ideas at the campus wide meeting on Thursday Oct. 10, at 12:30 p.m. in the Widener center ·, lecture hall.
Junior Andy Burke, SGA president, initiated the meeting with a complete description of the proposed after-hoursweekend campus loop. Student volunteers will drive school vans Wednesday through Saturday from 10:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. The van will make four complete runs each night. There will be a total of seven stops.
"The loop was created as an alternate mode of transportation as a convenience to the students," Burke said.
It enables students. who may otherwise be isolated, due to lack of personal modes of transportation, to experience the excitement of the mainline. It is alsp a service to students who would like to go to the clubs and bars.
Key points of interest include: (1st stop) Blockbuster Video, Taco Bell, Starbucks Coffee and Smokey Joe's Cafe; (2nd stop) Sweet Daddy's and Anthony Wayne Movie Theater; (3rd stop) Cafe Procopio, Dairy Queen, Wayne station and Wayne Tavern; (4th stop) WaWa, Minella's Diner and Chili's; (5th stop) West Coast Video and Partner's Pub in Strattford; (6th stop) Bertucci's,
Mc Donalds and Cooz Comer; (7th stop) Bennigan's.
There are still funding issues that need to be worked out. In addition, SGA is trying to have a radio or cell phone installed within the van for emergency use.
Nevertheless, if the loop receives· final approval from Dr. Robert Bonfiglio, vice president for student development, the loop will begin operation on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
John Barclay,vice president for finance and administration, is still negotiating with representatives of CoreStates bank to sign a definite contract for campus installation of a MAC machine. The machine will be installed fiOto 90 days after the CQntractis signed by both parties. Once installed, there will be a $ 1.00 service charge for each transaction for those that are nonCoreStates members.
Midway through the meeting, John Lindsay, programming board chair, took a poll of the student body present to see whether they would like to have the Fall Gala as a fonnal or semi-fonnal dance. The students voted to hold the Fall Gala as a formal dance rather than another serni-fonnal. The fonnaJ title entails that men and women wear appropriate formal apparel, • gowns and dresses (prom-like material) for females and tuxedos or suits for males. Smalls Formal Wear will be at the cafeteria, renting tuxedos at $30 each for interested students.
This dance will take place Nov.
Campaign '96
2, exactly one month before the winter semi-fonnal. This event will be free of charge and take place in the atrium. The idea is a new concept that SGA proposed since there are already four semi-fonnals held throughout the year.
Burke then continued to introduce the notion behind the Collegiate Club Council. This organization will work to bring together all club presidents, hopefully giving them a stronger voice. The club's objective would be to easily organize events together.
Professor profiles are in the works, according to Felicia Miccoli, academic board chair. She explained that the profiles will be booklets categorized by major. They will provide students with background on teachers such as education, experience, and teaching style. The professor profiles booklets should be available prior to spring registration.
Burke made final comments about the Collegiate Leadership Conference. This event was hosted by Cabrini this year. It is a consortium of local colleges and universities such as Temple, LaSalle, Rosemont, St. Joseph's, etc.
"This is the first year Cabrini has been a part of this conference, so it was a big honor for the school to host the event," Burke said.
Concluding the meeting, Burke asked for suggestions and ideas. Some topics announced were implementation of a campus recycling program and parking limitations for the houses.
In the third of a four part series, Loquitur examines Bill Clinton's and Bob Dole's stance on the election's top issues.
Week 3: Economy
Bill Clinton Bob Dole by Kimberly Rubi/lo staff writerUnder Clinton, almost 6 million new jobs were created in the first two years
In 1994, the economy had the lowest unemployment and inflation in 25 years.
In the 1993 economic plan, taxes were cut on 15 miUion low-income families.
Under Clinton, the economy has been on track for three consecutive years of deficit reduction for the first time since Harry Truman.
The economy created 7.7 million new jobs in the first 34 months of his administration.
For his second term, he plans to make welfare reform one of his top priorities.
He has cut federal spending by $255 billion over five years.
Made new tax cuts avaiJable to over 90 percent of small businesses
He has passed the largest deficit-cutting plan in history, saving more than $1 trillion over seven years.
By cutting taxes and balancing the budget, Dole says he will create more opportunities for families.
His plan will cut income taxes 15 percent for all Americans and provide a $500-per-child tax credit.
Wants to cut the capital gains tax rate in half, increasing small business investments and creating new jobs.
Wants to help the economy grow 3.5 percent higher each year, creating higher wages and more jobs.
Wants to replace the current federal tax code and end the IRS as we know it.
Two-thirds of the savings to pay for this plan are already accounted for under the Republican Congress' balanced budget.
Proposes to have Washington's spending grow an average of 2.1 percent a year versus Clinton's 2.95 percent.
CLASSES: Remember that if you take part in the Cabrini Day celebrity breakfast on Nov. 5 at 8:00a.m. your class could win a free breaRfast or lunch sponsored by one of the local businesses and the satellite group of Mass Media,
The production team of "As ls" is seeking one male actor to play a part that no one else has the guts to play. We dare you to say four lines in the part that no one wants to play!
If interested, call the theater department at 9028510 A.S.A.P,
Plans to balance the budget while protecting critical investments in education.
Plans to have the budget balanced by 2002 and pass a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.
With the election less than two weeks away, everyday has become qitical. This tracking poll, according to a USA Today/CNN/Gallup nationwide poll of 736 registered voters deemed likely to vote shows Bill Clinton maintaining his lead over Bob Dole by 19 percentage points.
Walking .for a cause, college joins in AIDS walk
by Stacey Caiazzo& Michelle Burns photography editor & staff writerWalking to save a life, walking for a cure. The 10th annual AIDS walk took place in Philadelphia this past Sunday and even though the weather seemed dreary at the start of the walk, the skies cleared and people danced their way down the street.~
The electricity at the steps of the Art Museum was like that of a concert by a great band. People were bouncing off the walls with the many AIDS victim speakers stationed in the middle of the entrance to the stairway of the Art Museum. One mother of two stressed the importance of each individual who walked and the money raised in the fight. There was talk of political figures lack of recognition to the need for a cure when mayor Ed Rendell arrived and gave a short speech.
The main point of the AIDS walk is not only to raise money but to bring together people from all walks of life. People from all over the Delaware Valley came out to support the cause. There were young and old alike. Infants were carried or pushed in strollers and some even walked.
The handicap came in their wheelchairs, motorized or not. There were walkers who wore Native American garb, clown suits, and Mummers costumes.
People also expressed their concerns through the clothing they wore. There was a child walking with a picture of a relative dressed as a bride. Team members chose to create original two-sided shirts·. On the front they stated "In memory of..." and on the back each' team member had their name airbrushed. Companies walked as a team. GAP and various organizations also walked.
Banners lined the street from many different supporting organizations. Some were simply hand made out of a white sheet and colored on with markers. Others were made of felt.
Throughout the walk there were ','.ariouspit stops with local bands playing a wide variety of music. There were food stops and walk stations. Many people just wore backpacks and brought their lunches.
Each and every person represented a symbol against other people's hatred, ignorance and close-mindedness.
The AIDS walk proved many things, but most importantly "you don't have to infected to be affected."
Awareness day brings attention to symptoms .of depression
by Ron O'Orazio staff writerOn Thursday, Oct. 10, Cabrini joined a nation wide effort to help treat people who suffer depression by taking part in National Depression Screening Day.
National Depression
Screening Day is a day that encourages people to consider if they are depressed and to find out what they can do about it. The Rudy Rooymans Center, where counseling services are available, opened its doors to anyone who is part of the campus community who may have some signs of depression.
National Depression
Screening Day was advertised on campus through posters and letters as an outlet for students to discuss with a counselor any symptoms they might have and what help or treatment they could receive.
According to Andrew King, director of counseling services, depression affects many people in different ways.
"Depression is on a continuum from not being depressed on to a major depression," King said.
Depression is entered when a person starts to entertain thoughts or attempts of suicide.
The next stage down is severe depression. A person who is severely depressed often seems lethargic and lazy. King said that a severely depressed person may lie in bed all day and may or may not sleep. This state of depression may lower the ability of a person to concentrate or make decisions.
For example, a person may lie on the couch all day without watching -television because they cannot focus on it.
According to King, insomnia and a poor appetite are considered characteristics of moderate
Yearbook hits snag
A person with mild depression may seem irritable and will talk and think in a negative manner.
According to King, all forms of depression can be treated. The most traditional treatment is medication. Counseling, along with medicine, is a method of treatment.
Electroconvulsive therapy is another form of treatment, but is used as a last resort. This treatment is given to a person who is bordering on schizophrenia in the presence of a psychiatrist and an anesthesiologist.
The program is partially sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, a federal agency, along with some private companies.
"It is a sign that the government is getting involved with helping people who have mental health problems," King said about the agency's support.
The 1995-96 yearbook exists in a little tiny envelope in the English/communication office at the Widener center.
The reason for this is unclear.
"Just poor organization," one student said, not wishing to be identified.
Editor-in-chief for the yearbook Kelly McDonald said that a meeting with last year's yearbook staff will be held on Monday, Nov. 28 at in the newsroom.
The staff will decide at that meeting when and how they will piece last year's yearbook together.
Stephanie Bieg, photography editor, stated that there are about six people on the yearbook staff.
Each person was to work o~ an individual part of the book independently.
their purchased yearbook.
Yearbooks were already bought for $30 a book. Zurek said that yearbooks are usually received on the first day of class. That is because the yearbook includes events that took place throughout the past year including graduation.
"Seniors are usually involved in co-ops and jobs," Zurek said. "To work on the yearbook in the summer would be difficult."
This problem has happened in the past with seniors having conflicts with yearbook preparation and jobs.
According to Zurek the yearbook staff fell short due to similar problems 15 years ago.
"You don't have to be infected to be affected."
Ring in the start of the 1996-97 basketball season by enjoying the annual pep rally for the Cavs, Friday night, Oct. 25 in the gym. Call student activities at x8401 for the exact time of the festivities.
The Campus Activities and Programming board will present the film "Halloween II" complete with the grace and style of Mike Myers Sunday, Oct. 27 at 9 p.m. in the Widener center lecture hall.
Cabrini students will be soliciting funds on Monday, Oct. 28 from 6p.m. to 9 p.m. in the atrium. The pbonathon will also take place on Tuesday at the same time.
Bring something sharp and prepare to do some artistry on a pumpkin Tuesday,·Oct. 29 at 8 p.m. in Xavier hall.
The SGA executive board will hold a meeting Wednesday, Oct. 30 at 5:30 p.m. in the SGA office. Anyone may attend the mei,etingfor the first 10 minutes. Come and let your voice be heard.
Take a glimpse into your future with a tarot card reading on Thursday, Oct 31 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Widener center gathering area.
There will be a Halloween party on Thursday, Oct. 31 at 9 p.m. in the Widener center gathering area. Be sure to wear a costume. Call Student Activities at x8401 for admission prices and more information.
Last Week In the World Of News
by Mark Friel staff writerNew director of police in Radnor
Lt. Jerry Gregory was appointed superintendent of the Radnor police department by the township Board of Commissioners this past Monday.
Gregory has been on the force since 1977. He is ieplacing Henry Jansen who will be retiring at the end of this month. Jansen bas been in charge of the department for five years.
Gregory will be eligible for retirement in six years. He started his police career in 1977 and was promoted to patrol sergeant in 1982. Gregory achieved a Medal of Merit for rescuing a 'motorist from a burning car. An intoxicated driver drove off the road .into a pole and the car caught on fire.
"The heat from the car blew the windshield out," Gregory said.
Gregory became the lieutenant of investigations in 1991 and then became patrol lieutenant two years later. Gregory holds an associate degree in applied science and a certification in criminal justice from the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Va.
Wildfires cause thousands to flee Calif.
Wildfires fueled by strong winds charged from Los Angeles to the Malibu shore yesterday. This caused thousands to leave because of the fires.
This 4,500 acre wildfire is just one of four wind-whipped wildfires. It charred thousands of acres across Southern California The fire damaged at least 21 homes.
The fire mainly threatened Pepperdine University. Beachfront bungalows and mountainside homes were affected in Malibu.
''Everybody is trying to leave Malibu," Steve Aminian, owner of a small cafe in Malibu's main bJ.1sinessdistrict said. Pepperdine canceled evening classes and opened it's emergency operations center.
A firefighting force of close to 2,000 was called in.
The cause of the fire is still unknown.
Two killed by disease outbreak in Mich.
An outbreak of Legionnaires disease has already killed two people and infected at least 22 oth-
This & That
ers. Investigators say they only know that the victims lived in, worked in, or passed through a sixsquare-mile area of Detroit
The number of cases doubled from 12 to 24 over the weekend. Most of the victims are elderly and had been in a small area of the communities. A 74-year-old woman died Oct. 8 and a 76-yearold woman died last week.
The disease cannot be transmitted from person to person. It is mainly spread by inhaling small airborne water droplets containing the bacteria that causes the disease. It is being treated with antibiotics. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is investigating water held in buildings and cooling towers for air conditioners.
"Pinpointing the bacteria could take months," said Wtlliam Hall, chief of communicable disease epidemiology at the state Community Health Department Legionnaires cause high fevers and severe respiratory problems, also including pneumonia. Oose to 10,000 people in the United States develop this disease each year. It is a very bard disease for doctors to diagnose.
'Iwo deaths were reported last year in Minnesota and one in Pennsylvania. 1n 1994, one person died due to an outbreak of the disease on a cruise ship.
The Campus Activities and Programming board generated $2,450 pure profit from this year's haunted house.
If you are interested in a spring 1997 Co-op placement, contact Cheryl Hallman or call 902-8304
Battle of the Bands is Saturday, Oct. 26 from 3 p.m. to 12 a.m. in the Widener center gathering area. Tickets are $5 in advance, $7 at the door. Receive $1 off with two canned goods.
O Senator Arlen Specter will ) speak and answer questions from lla.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 1, at the Holy Spirit Library as part of Cabrini's Progress in Technology Celebration.
O October is breast cancer awareness month. Catherine Hayward, M.D. of the Bryn Mawr Hospital will preside over a breast cancer awareness brown bag lunch workshop Thursday, Oct. 31 at noon in the mansion dining room.
RSVP to Health Services at x8400 by Oct. 28.
Halpern joins list of Cabrini authors
by MichelleBums staff writerDr. Cynthia Halpern, assistant professor of Spanish, was recognized, in the mansion along with Dr. Sharon Schwarze and Mr. Harvey Lape. Her book "The Political Theater of Early SeventeenthCentury Spain with Special Reference to Juan Ruiz De Alarcon" was recognized.
Halpern's book was originally done for a dissertation. She had difficulty choosing a topic for her doctoral thesis since there are many books on Spanish literature.
Halpern's professor, Willard F.
R t·1 SE J O BS
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Heather's "O"riginals
Pottery Party!!!!!!
For the perfect anything gift, please keep Heather's "O" riginals in mind. r specialize in pottery, paintings, gift sets for both men and women, banners and signs for small promotions. Come join Heather's "O" riginals on Oct. 22 at 8:30 p.m. in house one's living room. For more info. please call at 902,. 800 I.
Students can place a free classified ad for a limited time only. Can 902-8412 for more details.
King, gave her an idea of doing the thesis based on Juan Ruiz De Alarcon's approach to theater.
The reason for choosing De Alarcon was because he was a lawyer and a playwright.
He took a viewpoint of government, monarchy and constitutional approach that was completely different from the others. Most other playwrights of bis day were priests.
Political theater is theater that focus its attention on political concerns.
De Alarcon had a different view of how a play could be done and how it could be used to set an example.
De Alarcon's approach was _ clever because he used kings from the past to show his ideas of a good monarchy and a bad one.
Her main focus on De Alarcon's viewpoint towards monarchies was that of a privado's role. A privado is a person who is appointed by the king and serves as his right-hand man. The main focus of the privado being discussed in great detail was because they greatly influenced the king.
Halpern was an adjunct for 10 years until she took a teaching job at Holy Family College in Philadelphia.
Upon hearing Cabrini was offering a position for a full-time
Spanish professor she applied and was hired.
Halpern was hired around the same time her book was published.
Her book was published in 1993.
The reason it wasn1t recognized before now is because she was a new teacher and did not mention it to anyone.
The Faculty Secretaries' Office sent out a memo to all professors requesting a~y new published information that teachers might have done recently.
It was recently reviewed by Frederick De Armas of Penn State University.
Taking the heat and saving lives
by JenniferKletur staff writer"It was pitch dark and you couldn't see anything, but me and my partner's main concern was to get everyone out alive."
This was going through the mind of junior Chris Schmid and former Cabrini student Tom Foran, as they battled a three-alarm fire on Saturday, Oct. 12.
This is a common experience that Schmid encounters as a volunteer firefighter.
In addition to firefighting, Schmid is a full time student with 17.5 credits and the resident assistant in house four.
When Schmid was a little boy, his brother used to watch him when his mom was out. His brother volunteered in the Penn WynneOverbrook Hills Fire Department as an officer. Schmid loved going there, so when he turned 16 years old, his brother brought him an application.
Schmid began his volunteer fire fighting in January 1993.
When a person turns 16, he or she is eligible to enroll in the junior program. The junior program allows a personto ride in the trucks and go on calls but not to enter into the fire.
Once that person turns 18, he or she is considered to be a senior firefighter and is allowed to enter in the flames and actually save lives.
After three years of training at fire schools, Schmid is now a certified senior firefighter. He also took an emergency medical technician course this summer and is now a certified EMT.
Now that Schmid is living at Cabrini as a resident assistant, he volunteers at both the Radnor Fire
Friday, October 25, 1996
a student and a resident assistant.
Department as well as the Penn Wynne-Overbrook Hills Fire Department
He has drills on Wednesday night at Overbrook and on Monday nights at Radnor.
"As a volunteer fireman, you are required to make a certain quota a month in order to stay involved in the fire department," Schmid said.
Although Schmid is still involved at both stations, the fire chief at Overbrook understands that he cannot be at every fire because he now has responsibilities at Cabrini as an RA Schmid usually makes the calls during the night and on his free time, unless it is Tuesday night when he is not allowed to leave his RAjob.
The most recent fire that Schmid was involved in took place in the WessexHouseApartments in SL Davids, a complex for elderly people mostly over the age of 50.
Schmid was sitting in his room when he received the call and rushed to the fire. The fire department had to call in two other companies to help put out the fire. Schrnid's job was to go up to the top ~oor with the hose and evacuate all the residents in the complex.
When Schmid was standing in the lobby, he could feel the heat from the fire above him. It "looked like the power had gone out" on the second through fourth floors.
"It was so bad that I couldn't see the person in front of me, even with a flashlight," Schmid said.
Unfortunately, the fire also took the life of the 45 year old man who lived there and injured one firefighter.
"The scene was well organized and we were successful in getting everyone else out alive," Schmid said. "I am there to save lives and there is an adrenaline rush that does not allow me to think about what I am doing until it is all over."
About the eight fires that Schmid has been in, he said, "I only think about it on the way there. The houses are pitch black and the heat can be felt from every comer of the house. If I think about it while 1 am in there, I panic and mess up."
As far as Schmid's career·goes, he is not exactly sure what type of career is in his future. He does know that as a communication major, he is interested in television and film.
Although he doesn't want to make fire fighting his life, he will always volunteer.
"I am there to volunteer and help people because I love it," Schmid said.
Friday, October 25, 1996
'The Chamber': two out of five stars
by Jennifer Kietur staff writerIt is the morning of 1967 and Sam Cayhall (Gene Hackman)°plants a bomb in the office of a Jewish Jawyer involved in civil rights. The bomb goes off and kills the man's two children and he loses his legs.
The main idea of the movie is that Adam Hall (Chris O'Donnell}, a 26year-old associate in a large Chicago Jaw firm, informs his partner E. Gamer Goodman (Robert Prosky) that he wants to be put on the defense case of Sam Cayhall. Cayhall has been on death row now for 16 years because of the fatal bombing. Cayhall is a racist who is also a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
The movie has a good cast but should have made some changes in the casting of Adam Hall.
Chris O'Donnell is a great actor but he just doesn't cut it in "The Chamber." Hackman however, does an excellent job and will probably receive an Academy Award for his performance.
Out of all the Grisham movies, I think that this was one of the worst. The movie is nothing Jike the novel.
\ In the beginning of the novel, Grisham has made it very clear that Cayhall had an accomplice and he never meant to hurt anyone. His intentions were to put the Jewish civil rights lawyerin his place.
In fact, he planted the bomb at around 4:00 a.m. just so it would be sure to go off before anyone came into the office at 8:00 a.m.
In the novel, Cayhall is made to be a mean but semi-compassionate man and in the movie, he is nothing but a heartless old man that you want to see dead.
If I were you, I would not waste the time·in seeing the movie. Just go out and buy the book. I give this movie two stars.
by Becky Raetsch staff writerRock and roll all night, baby. Kiss, the 1970's hard rock titans, in full makeup, reunited for a global tour. Who could ask for n,ore?
Kiss boomed their way through Philadelphia, establishing their ground on Tuesday, Oct. 8, for a three-show stand at the new CoreStates Center.
The quartet seemed to read the fans' minds. Kiss gave each and every one of them the show of a lifetime.
Like the t-shirt said in the parking lot, "You wanted the best, you got the best." Kiss had a mission to deliver, and
they did without any disappointments.
How could anyone not get a kick out of seeing the raging foursome not only exhibit their greatest hits, but put on a production that will leave spectators with a vivid recollection of exactly what went on that night?
The age variations of the fans was almost as dramatic as watching Ace Frehiey eat fire while playing the guitar.
Age ranged from sixty-yearold people in full makeup themselves, impersonating Kiss, to a four-year-old boy with little wads of cotton stuck in both ears.
Each and every person there
that night was there for the common bond, for the whole experience of Kiss.
Kiss executed such songs as "I Stole Your Love" and "Love Gun." In addition was the ever so famous set-closing that everyone was looking for. The band performed "Rock & Roll All Night" for 15 minutes while getting the audience's participation.
Frehley's guitar started billowing smoke during the hit, "Shock Me."
Kiss received a standing ovation with lighters and screaming to persuade them to come out for an encore, which they did, as Frehley hit off a solo, "Beth."
Bassist Gene Simmons was not easy to forget, indenting into memories the blood that began to ooze from hi.s mouth during "God of Thunder."
Not only did it look as if he ate a live rat, but Simmons was then catapulted into the air onto a platform in the middle of his bloody performance, where he continued to sing.
Guitarist Paul Stanley and drummer Peter Criss, each had a solo performance of their own.
Kiss, in the very beginning of their sold-out show, seemed to look out at all the zealous Philadelphians and promise they would visit Philly again. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Chris Isaak and Fiona Apple getting intimate
by Jeanne Lombardo arts and entertainment/features editorI admit it. I'm not a big Chris Isaak fan, or at least I wasn't.
Perhaps it was the intimate setting of the Tower Theater, or maybe it was his suave Elvis-like style. It could have even been his zany sense of humor. Whatever it was, Isaak had it. He kept the audience mesmerized through the end of his one hour 45 minute performance on Oct. 18, putting on a show quite unlike any other.
Isaak's opening act, Fiona Apple, warmed up the crowd with her Tori-Amos-meets-jazz musical style. She has an extraordinary voice that is very similar to the vocal style of Shade. Apple's music and lyrics are all written by her. They are very elaborate and mature for a 19year-old woman.
Nobody was more shocked
than Apple at the enthusiastic response she received from the crowd.
"Wow, I wasn't expecting this," Apple said. "I didn't think you guys would even know who I was. I thought this was going to suck."
If you .don't already have Apple's debut CD, "Tidal," you are missing out on a rare talent.
Beyond his flashy, Vegas-like attire, Isaak had little props. There was lighting of course, but he relied solely on his musical talent and excellent rapport with the audience to keep them entertained.
Of course, Isaak played old favorites such as "Going Nowhere," "Somebody's Cryin"' and "Wicked Game," but he also played a.Jew tunes from his current CD, "Baja Sessions."
He made the over-21 predominantly female crowd feel as though they were attending a
huge party and Isaak was the host.
Half-way through his performance, Isaak personally invited the entire audience to come up to the front. Of course, I felt compelled to race up there with every other dreamy~eyedwoman.
Not only did Isaak invite audience members to join him up front, but he also began pulling random people up onto the stage. During the last song about 20 women were climbing the stage. After the show, Isaak was kind enough to sign autographs. Unlike many musical acts today, Isaak seems to be very dedicated to his fans and will go to great lengths to put on a fantastic show.
For more information on Isaak visit the Chris Isaak web site at:
For more info on Apple visit the Fiona Apple web site at: /FionaApple.
Where to find 70,000 square feet of food and fun under one roof
by Bill Matoney staff writerOnce upon a time there were these two guys, Dave and Buster. Buster's restaurant was located next to Dave's Entertainment World. The two owners watched as customers flowed back and forth between their businesses. They decided to combine their businesses and became Dave and Buster's, or D&B's.
This little fairy tale came true back in 1982, when Dave and Buster's opened for business in Dallas, Texas. Eventually, Dave and Buster expanded to Houston, Atlanta, Chicago and Philadelphia. Located on Pier 19 North Delaware Ave. (Columbus Blvd.), Dave and Buster's claim, "There's no place quite like it." I would be the judge of that.
It was a Monday night and I decided to go to the waterfront for some fun. Myself and four friends decided to go to D&B's and check it out.
We parked our car in one of the 375 parking spaces located in the enclosed parking garage. It cost $6, but it was safe, well lit and not far from the elevator.
We entered the building and traveled up an escalator. The manager, Sean McCullough greeted us. He explained that D&B's is primarily an adult establishment, but persons under 21 are admitted as long as they _are accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all ti.mes. All minors must leave the building by 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. during the summer.
There are 17 billiard tables and five shuffle boards alongside a comfortable dining area and an exquisite bar. The bar featured yet another friendly professional bartender named Joe Flicker.
He told us of the seven draft beers, which didn't seem to be
many, but named dozens of bottled ones. There are 75 different ones to be exact and the prices seemed competitive ranging from $2.75-$3.75.
After getting a beverage, we journeyed to the entertainment room. There were 300 video games, pin ball and poker machines, From virtual reality to simulated sports, every game was state of the art, with a few classical selections, such as Pacman.
The machines took tokens
ner in the middle of the arcade. The service was courteous and efficient. I played games for a few minutes while we waited for our food. The food came and the dishes were huge. The cost of stuffing four people was an economical $35, tip not included.
We rode the movie simulation theater next, which cost $4 per show. The theater was brand new and featured "Aliens," "Days of Thunder," "Dino Island" and "Supersonic Flight." The shows ran once every 10 minutes. The seats in the theater adjusted to the screen and moved so the watcher felt like they were a part of the movie.
"Virtuality" also cost $4 and lasted five minutes. The "19th Hole" is simulation golf and can be played by up to eight people. The cost was $20-$25 per hour, depending on the time of day.
which are sold in different quantities. The prices were three chips for $1, 21 chips for $25, 48 chips cost $10, 125 chips for $25 or a pot of gold and 500 chips for $100.
I grabbed some chips and ran to the games.
I did not know what to play first, the choices were numerous.
I could race on a motorcycle against one of my friends, fly a simulation jet, or maybe hit some baseballs in a virtual batting cage. Maybe ski on the Alpine Racer or play virtual golf. The poker machines were another possibility, they gave out coupons redeemable for prizes. There were so many games and so much to do. I was like a five year old in Chuck E. Cheese for the very first time.
We chose to eat and had din-
In my opinion, some games sucked. "Galaxian" and "Desert Tank" are games to stay away from. But most games were incredible. Try "19th Hole," "Manx," "Open Ice," "Alpine Racer' and ''Victory Lap."
The night ended four hours and 10 empty pockets after it began. I defiantly had an enjoyable time, and it was worth every token.
So if you hate friendly people, lots of food and a pleasing atmosphere, don't go. If you like to spend money, smile and kick your friends' asses at video games, then check out D&B's.
Dave and Buster'sis located in Philadelphia on Pier 19 North Delaware Ave. Take Rt. 476 south to I-95. Use the Columbus/Washington Ave. exit (exit 16) and turn left on Columbus Blvd.
Friday, October 25, 1996
EDITORIAL In their position
The purpose of the tenth annual AIDS .Walk was twofold.
The most obvious reason was to generate funds for AIDS research, housing for AIDS patients and also the ever increasing medical bills mounted _upby victims of the virus.
The most significant intention underlying the event was. to stir consciousness. People are ignorant and that is the bottom line. To most people, "fags and junkies" are the only people who contract HIY, when in fact we are all susceptible to the virus.
Regardless of how cautious you are, if you are sexually active or if you subject yourself to certain types of medical procedures, AIDS, the equal opportunity disease, could be the death of you yet.
Imagine this. You are undergoing surgery and completely unbeknownst to you, a blood transfusion occurs in which you are the recipient of infected blood. Now you have the HIV virus, and you have also infected your spouse.
You are not aware of your condition until you only have a few months to live. In those few months time, you find out your spouse is infected, meaning your children are going to grow up without either of their parents and you will never even know if grandchildren were in your future. Also, your neighbors, having become aware of your condition, have decided to shun you and your family.
Although this is only an example, surely you can imagine how this situation could be.
The AIDS walk w<1sfirst and foremost a demonstration of support for our brothers and sisters who have been stricken with this deadly virus. It embodied a sense of comeraderie, cooperation, hope and pain that we all need to be a part of for the sake of our stricken neighbors. Because some day, God forbid, you might find yourself there. And the only way to assure yourself that someone will be there for you, is for you to be there for someone else.
Loquituris establishedas a forum for studentexpressionand as a voice in the uninhibited,robust,free and open discussionof issues.
.Letting go
Suicide is one of the leading causes of death to teenagers and young adults. To many people, the thought that a friend or family member would commit suicide is the farthest thing from reality that they can imagine. To many others, including myself, it is an upsetting and confusing reality.
When I was in high school, a guy I knew decided that suicide was the best way to solve his problems. Although I hadn't been that close to him, the event greatly affected my life. Not only because of what happened, but because my friends did not know how to handle it either.
When something like this happens, there is this little voice in your head that makes you stop and take inventory of your life. The loss of someone that you know helps you see just how much there is to live for, especially if they died by their own hand. It kind of makes you wonder how the person felt about the people they were close to. If they really cared, would they do something so selfish and leave their loved ones with nothing but a terrible memory?
The story you are about to read is fiction. I wrote it to help deal with my feelings. I think it will help to show how wrong of a decision suicide really is. It does more than kill that person, it destroys the Jives of family and friends.
Have you ever lost someone who meant the world to you? Maybe a family member, or a close friend? You feel lost and alone.
It is like no one knows how you feel, even if they are feeling the same way. It's a feeling of isolation and no matter what you
do, you cannot lose that feeling.
For me, it has taken several years for those feelings to subside. I realized in the first few days after Erik died that I was not alone. I was really lucky to have John. He was the only one who truly understood how I fell I shut him out at first. I know now that I should not have done that.
January of our senior year in high school, Erik died. Why did he die? I will never know, but I do know how he died. Erik killed himself. For the first few weeks I denied it, we all did. I never wanted to believe it because I didn't want to remember. my friend that way.
Why would Erik have done something like this? He had a very promising future, with scholarships at some of the most prestigious colleges in the country. He always had lots of friends and no enemies. He had a wonderful personality. He was funny and outgoing, he cared about everyone around him. I guess he had failed himself in some way, I'll never know.
I sort of went crazy after Erik died. I was so mixed up and confused. I would not talk to anyone, including John. I shut out the whole world. I was lonely and for some reason, I wanted to stay that way.
By the middle of the week following Erik's death, John started to become more and more concerned about me. When he came up to me in the halls at school, I would just walk away, and I would not return any of his phone calls at night.
It was like I had no control over my thoughts or actions. I could see how much I was hurting John and I wanted to talk to him, but it was like there was a
byDsna Nentwig assistant photography editorwall between us. I couldn't see how much we needed each other.
I had started to blame myself for what Erik did. I needed to have a reason for all of this, I knew it had to be somebody's fault. I was convinced it was mine.
It was at this point that I tried to kill myself. My feelings of guilt and loneliness overcame me. Thank God John came by my house that afternoon. He saved my life.
I do not really remember that day clearly, only parts of it. I remember John coming into my room. and fixing up my arm. I found out later that I had left the front door open. Then he held me in his arms for a long time. I had scared him, but I hadn't meant to. He didn't want to lose me like he lost Erik. I am sorry that I hurt him, I had not thought about the people I was leaving behind. I guess Erik did not either. I fina1ly realized that I was not alone. I understood that John had been experiencing the same feelings.
After that day, things were pretty rough. But it could only get better. John and I both went through counseling, and we worked out a majority of our problems.
I will always remember Erik, but I have learned that you have to let go. It has been hard for me to stay good-bye, but eventually everyone has to. I guess it is harder to let go of people who are already gone, especially when they will never know how you really feel, or how much they meant to you. I could never forget Erik, it is impossible to forget your friends, no matter where they are now.
Is tenure good or is it just a cake walk?
It is getting close to that time of year again; the time when assistant professors at colleges and universities across the coulltry who have sufficient time on the, job will apply for tenure. Higher education is probably the only professional employment field wbere a worker can receive a guarantee of lifetime employment. But is tenure a good idea?
The original intent was to insure that all professors could conduct researching in any acceptable manner without having the fear of losing their job if the results are controversial or are inconsistent with the views of the administration.
Tenured professors have examined, researched and commented on many not so popular issues, without the fear of reprisal.
Some political science professors, for instance, often criticize government action and do so without fear. The same is ·truefor tenured economics professors who criticize monetary and fiscal actions. The researchers say that without tenure they would be fearful of publishing any results which offend those in power or would alienate the administration.
While that argument may have had some validity years ago, today things are different. Primarily because of the way lawyers have set up our legal system it would probably be very difficult for an administrator to take unwarranted personnel actions. If that happened, a big
and very well publicized lawsuit would develop. To avoid negative publicity, the institution would probably reconsider the action.
The reality-of tenure today is much different than the original intention. In , order to receive tenure from most colleges and universities, an individual must first have the proper credentials. Thisis usually not a problem since most schools only hire an individual when the credentials are in order. Also, the professor must be at least an adequate teacher, although the reality is that there are very few mechanisms in place to judge teaching effectiveness.
A professor must also provide service to the college by serving on various committees and by volunteering his service when required. And he must have published original work in journals that are evaluated by a group of his peers. In this way, most a&ninistrators believe, the quality of scholarship can be judged. And what happens after the tenure decision?
Usually tenure track professors publish regularly in "referred" journals. After tenure is granted, however, the rate of publishing drops significantly. For older tenured professors, the rate often approaches zero. Tenure track professors can be found serving on a number of college wide committees. •They provide input to various decision making processes and contribute greatly to improving the welfare of the college. Tenured professors seem to contribute much less.
I went to a party, Mom, I remembered what you said.
You told me not to drink, Mom, so I drank soda instead.
I really felt proud inside, Mom, the way you said I would.
I didn't drink and drive, Mom, even though the others said I should.
I know I did the right thing, Mom, I know you are always right.
Now the party is finally ending, Mom, as everyone is driving out of sight.
As 1 got into my car, Mom, I knew I'd get home in one piece.
Because of the way you raised me, so responsible and sweet.
I started to drive away, Mom, but as I pulled out into the road.
The other car didn't see me, Mom, and hit me like a load.
As I lay there on the pavement, Mom, I heard the policeman say,
The other guy is drunk, Mom, and now I'm the one who will pay.
_I'm lying here dying, Mom. I wish you'd get here soon.
How could this happen to me, Mom? My life just burst like a balloon.
There is blood all around me, Mom, and most of it is mine.
I hear the medic say, Mom, I'll die in a short time.
by Michael Busler business professorAt many institutions, if a professor is denied tenure he is not rehired. The result is that many very good teaching professors are forced to leave positions at major universities because their research output is not up to par. How good of an idea is this?
Some alternatives have recently been suggested that should be seriously considered. Since virtually every college says that the quality of teaching is the primary responsibility of the faculty, perhaps newly hired professors should be given a choice.
Tenure tracks could be either teaching or research oriented.
That is, a teaching tenure track would require far less research publications but would place an emphasis on improving the manner in which knowledge is transferred from the instructor to the student. This could be measured and evaluated.
Additionally, many have suggested that tenure be granted for specific periods, say five years. At the end of that time, pr-ofessors would have to reapply and be evaluated based on the contributions during the past five years. This would eliminate the longterm retention of unproductive, costly and unmotivated professors.
It is clear that with the financial hardships being placed on colleges and universities nationwide, a review of tenure policy is need~ ed. It may be time to hold all professors accountable, even after the initial tenure decision has been made.
I just wanted to tell you, Mom, I swear I didn't drink.
It was the others, Mom. The others didn't think.
He was probably at the same party as I.
The only difference is, he drank and I will die.
Why do people drink, Mom? It can ruin your whole life.
I'm feeling sharp pains now. Pains just like a .knife.
The guy who hit me is walking, Mom, and I don't think-it's fair.
I'm lying here dying and all he can do is stare._
Tell my brother not to cry, Mom. Tell daddy to be brave.
And when I go to heaven, Mom, put "Daddy's Girl" on my grave.
Someone shotild have told him, Mom, not to drink and drive.
If only they had told him, Mom, I would still be alive.
My breath is getting shorter, Mom. I'm becoming very scared.
Please don't cry for me, Mom. When I needed you, you were always th.ere.
I have one last question, Mom, before I say good bye.
I didn't drink and drive, so why am I the one to die?
Two Cents
by Chris Lomanno perspectives editorMike Shatoff, a continuing education student: The attention span of Americans seems to be growing shorter and it is hard to get them to sit still for the length of an entire game.
Kim Phillips, a first-year student: People are getting tired of watching because the players are not meeting expectations on or off of the field. Whatever they do, they know they are going to get paid.
Kathy Malone, a senior: Before, there used to be something good and patriotic about the game. Now the players are only playing for their salaries, which are way too high.
Neel Daphtary, a sophomore: Baseball is way more fun to play than it is to watch. It needs more bench clearers.
Mike Bergels, a junior: The players strike in 1994 turned fans off and to go to a game is just too expensive for the average American family.
Christine Ream, a first-year student: The strike showed Americans how greedy the players really are. They don't care about the fans, all they care about is the money.
Why do you think baseball has declined from its status as the nation's pastime?
Pitching is our key
Kraus about to end stellar career
by Danielle Murray staff writerHer friends know her for her kind words and her coaches know her dedication to the women's soccer team. Who is she? Her name is Nancy Kraus.
by Jim Martin sports editorOnce again, the Atlanta Braves have proven that pitching is what it takes to win.
After the Braves trailed the St. Louis Cardinals 3-1 in the National League Championship series, many people were counting them out.
However, then came along John Smoltz, Greg Maddux, and Tom Glavine.
Smoltz pitched a shutout in game five, Maddux followed by allowing one run in game six, and Glavine topped it all off by pitching a shut-out in game seven.
When you allow one run in three games, it is impossible for your team to lose.
This is the luxury that the Braves have.
They can come out and score one or two runs and still win the game on the strength of their pitching.
Unfortunately for the Phillies, the Atlanta Braves are in their division.
Unless a miracle occurs, the Phillies will have no shot at winning the National League title for the next couple of years.
The Phillies could sign Albert Belle, Mark McGwire, and Barry Bonds and they still would not be able to beat the Braves.
The reason? Pitching.
If the Phillies continue to throw out pitchers like Mike Williams against the Jikes of Maddux and Glavine, then they might as well throw in the white flag before the game.
As the Phillies begin the pro(;ess of rebuilding their team, they should follow the Braves format for success.
Build your team around pitching.
As of right now, the only Phillies pitcher who can compete with the Braves pitchers is Curt Schilling.
After Schilling, there is no one.
If the Phillies have the opportunity to spend their money on a top flight free agent pitcher or power hitter, then they should choose to spend the money on the pitcher.
Because no matter how many good hitters the Phillies bring in, they will never win without improving their pitching dramatically.
- Pitching is the key.
Kraus is the a11-time leading scorer for the women's soccer team and has been the co-captain for the past two years.
Kraus grew up in Ambler, Pennsylvania. She attended Wissahicko~ High school.
While she was in high school she played basketball and softbaJI.
When Kraus first came to Cabrini, soccer was only a club sport. However, in her sophomore year the women's team officially became an NCAA Division III team and a member of the Pennsylvania Athletic Conference.
•In their first year in the PAC, Kraus helped lead the Lady Cavs to the PAC championship.
The Lady Cavs then repeated as PAC champions in Kraus' junior year.
After suffering tough losses to Beaver and Misericordia, the Lady Cavs have not qualified for the PAC championship this year.
Although they will not win a third consecutive PAC championship, Kraus feels the women's soccer team has
improved tremendously in her four years at Cabrini.
Kraus' soccer career started nine years ago in Whitpain township.
Kraus played on the township team for four years. She played for a traveling team for three years.
Kraus scored nine goals last year and has had 38 goals since she started playing for Cabrini.
Kraus said her father has influenced her ever since she first started playing soccer.
"When I was younger I didn't really want to play soccer but I played for my father's team and I grew to love the sport," Kraus said. Her father has always been very encouraging and is always there for Kraus at her games.
Since she has been at Cabrini, Kraus has always been looked upon as one of the leaders of the team.
First-year student Erin Barney said, "Kraus is a special and unique person because she maintains leadership qualities while remaining friends with each member of the team."
Kraus said she feels the soccer program at Cabrini is very good and she credits her coaches, Diane Pierangelli and Christopher Ranft, for helping her improve her soccer skills in her four years at Cabrini.
When Kraus took the field on Tuesday, Oct. 22 against
Eastern CoJlege, it was the last PAC conference game of her career.
The Lady Cavs trailed Eastern at halftime by the score of 1-0.
However, true to her form, Kraus led the Lady Cavs to victory.
Kraus tied up the game with about twenty minutes left to force overtime.
Kraus then scored her second goal of the game to lead the Lady Cavs to the 2-1 victory.
The Lady Cavs' finaJ game of the season will be at home on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 3:30 p.m. against Wesley College.
It will mark the end of Kraus' career and she will walk off the field as the leading goal scorer on the women's soccer team.
The 1997 Senior Challenge Committee will be sponsoring a 50/50 raffle at MIDNIGHT
Tonight at 11 p.m. in the gymRaffle tickets cost only $1 !
Come out to support the basketball teams at Cabrini and get your chance to go home and win some money. The remainderof the proceedswill benefit the Senior Challenge gift. Classroom Renovations,as voted on by the 1997 seniors.
Battle of the Bands
Sat. Oct. 26
Check out these upand-coming bands:
3:00 - Shandora's Dream
to Midnight in WCGA
$5 in advance, $7 at door $1 off with two canned goods
Proceedsgo to WYBFand St. Judes Children's Hospital.
Tickets sold in the food court or call 902-8'457 and at the prompt, press 4 and leave a message.
4:00 - Sizzle Kat Sunshine
5:00 - Strange Sun
6:00 - Kolor Mary Green
7:00 - Broken Peace
8:00 - Jades Parlor
9: 00 - Sweetleaf
10:00 - Skirt
11:00 - Remnants
Woods ·wins second title in seven events
by Jim Martin sports editor• Tiger Woods, the 20 year-old professional golfer, continued his Disney-like run by winning the Walt Disney World/Oldsmobile Classic by one stroke over Payne Stewart.
Woods turned pro two months ago after capturing three consecutive U.S. Amateur championships and playing for two years at Stanford University.
Woods went head to head against Stewart in the final round of the tournament.
He shot a final round of 66, while Stewart shot a final round of 67.
The one shot difference was all Woods would need to win the tournament, as he finished with a 21-under par 267, compared to Stewart's 20-under par 268.
The victory. was his second in just seven tournaments on the Professional Gc;>lfersTour.
Woods won his first ever tournament in a tournament in Las Vegas.
With the victory in the Walt Disney World/Oldsmobile Classic, Woods received a check for $216,000. His earnings for the seven tournaments he has played is $734,749.
With the victory, Woods now stands ill 23rd on the earnings list among players for the 1996 season.
The victory also allowed
Woods to qualify for the Tour championship, an elite tournament in which only the top 30 money winners on the tour qualify.
When Woods turned pro, he did so with much hype and publicity.
He was the first amateur to ever capture three consecutive U.S. Amateur championships and many people were already comparing him to golf legends such as Jack Nicklaus and Arnold
When he announced he was turning pro, he signed lucrative deals with Nike and other corporations for a reported $60 million.
However, with his second PGA tour victory, Woods is not only living up to the expectations placed upon him, but surpassing them.
In only two months on the tour, Woods is 23rd in earnings and has gotten off to the best start in golf history.
Friday, October 25, 1996
Oct. 26 Shenandoah University 3p.m.A
Oct. 30 PAC semi-finals TBA H
Nov. 2 PAC championship TBA
Oct. 29 Wesley College 3:30 p.m.H
Oct. 25-26 PAC championship Eastern College A CrossCountu Oct 26 Cabrini College
Wake-up call answered
Dina M. Tartaglia staff writerAfter coming off their first Pennsylvania Athletic Conference loss in four years, the men's soccer team rebounded with a 1-0 overtime victory over Eastern College.
The Cavs came into Monday's game against Eastern looking to avenge their PAC loss to Allentown.
·_They entered the game against Eastern with a record of 4-1 in the PAC.
The Cavs started off the game as if they were still in a daze from losing to Allentown.
However, after about 10 minutes of action, the Cavs began to pick up their play.
Despite many scoring opportunities, the Cavs were not able to capitalize and the score at halftime was 0-0.
The Cavs came out of halftime looking to get the lead.
They again generated scoring opportunities, but were still unable
to dent the net.
The Cavs continued to control the game until Eastern began to apply some of their own pressure.
With about 20 minutes to go in the game, an Eastern player broke through the Cavs' defense and hit the post with a shot.
Cabrini then responded by picking it up a notch.
Sophomore- Don Eadie dribbled through two Eastern defenders but put his shot over the net from about 10 yards out.
Although the Cavs continued to mount pressure, they could not score a goal and the second half ended with a scoreless tie.
The Cavs drew first blood in the first minute of overtime as Eadie put a shot over the Eastern goalkeeper off a pass from sophomore Wayne Brown.
When the first 15 minute overtime ended, the Cavs still held a 1-0 lead, with only 15 minutes to play.
Playing to protect the lead, the men's team kept many of its players back on defense.
Although there were some close cal1s, they held onto the lead and finished with the 1-0 victory.
With the win over Eastern, the Cavs raised their PAC record to 5-1, and clfoched at least second place in the conference.
When the men's soccer team entered the field against Allentown College on Wednesday, Oct. 16, they were looking to improve on their 20-0-1 record in the PAC for the past four years.
However, this was not to be.
The Cavs came into the game banged up, with two of their starting defenders, junior Paul Hollinger and first-year student Michael Primavera, out with injuries.
Hollinger will return in the next week from an ankle injury, but Primavera is out for the s.eason after breaking his leg in a game against Gwynedd-Mercy College.
With Primavera and Hollinger out, the Cavs had to juggle their Jine-up.
Senior Jim Martin, normally the Cavs starting half-back, took Hollinger's place on defense while senior Joe Morris took Primavera's place.
The loss was a great disappointment for all the players, but especially for the seniors., who did not see a PAC loss until Wednesday.
When the game began, the Cavs came out sluggishly. Their heads seemed to be out of the game.
The game went back and forth until Allentown notched their first goal of the game only 10 minutes into the action.
Allentown scored when junior Larry Teal tried to stop a shot from an Allentown player with his foot.
However, as Teal tried to stop the shot, it hit his foot and went right to an Allentown player who quickly shot the ball in.
Although they had the ball down the field for large amounts ·of time, the Cavs were not able to penetrate Allentown's -defense, as they were constantly thwarted in their attempts to score.
Allentown then began to mount more pressure on the Cavs.
However, thanks to junior goalie Anthony Noel's two excellent saves, the team went into halftime by only one goal.
The Cavs started off the second half by applying some early pressure.
Sophomore Noah Scharper gained possession of the ball and was about to take a shot on goal when an Allentown college player stripped him of the ball.
There were even more chances for the Cavs to score in the second half than in the first, but there seemed to be no one there to receive the ball that was sent flying down the field numerous times.
Allentown had no problem showing the Cavs how it was done when they scored again 25 minutes into the second half.
An Allentown player dribbled by one of Cabrini's players and ripped a shot into the upper left hand corner of the goal to increase Allentown's lead to 2-0.
After this goal, the Cavs began to put on the pressure as they sensed the coming of their first PAC defeat in four years.
They kept the ball in Allentown's end of the field but were unable to score off numerous passes across the net.
Toward the end of the game, it was quite obvious that the Cavs were getting frustrated.
Not only were they unable to score, but their attempts to break through Allentown's wall to score a goal off of a free kick were rejected also.
According to Morris, the team did not look like they were giving it all they had and that they were capable of playing a lot better.
"It looked like we were playing without any heart," Morris said. "It looked like we didn't want to win it."
Toward the end of the game, both teams began to become fed up with the lack of calls from the referee, and began pushing and shoving each other around.
Some aggravated spectators stood on their feet and screamed obscenities at the referee when an Allentown player tripped sophomore Paul Donaghy causing him to fall face first onto the grass.
As the whistle blew to end the game, the players had looks of bewilderment on their faces as they had trouble dealing with their first PAC loss in four years.
According to Morris, it is quite hard to compensate for having two top defenders hurt, especially during PAC games.
However, he added it was not an excuse for losing the game.
Whether or not the reason for the Cavs' loss was the loss of Primavera and Hollinger, it was quite evident the Cavs needed to reorganize and regain the dominance they had for the last four PAC games they won.
They did just that by rebounding to beat Eastern.
The Cavs are guaranteed second place in the PAC and could finish in first if Beaver college defeats ·Allentown this week.
The top three teams in the PAC will qualify for the playoffs.
The top team will have a bye and the second and third place teams will play each other on Wednesday, Oct. 30.
If Beaver beats Allentown, then Cabrini will host the PAC championship on Saturday, Nov. 2.
If Beaver does not beat Allentown, then the Cavs will host the la off game on Oct. 30.