Nov. 01, 1996 Issue 09 Loquitur

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Spreading the madness

Spiritoay'96 preview

Students will not have to go to class on Tuesday, Nov.5.

No, J3ob Dole and Bill Clinton did not give us the day off to vote. It is Cabrini Day.

The event kicks off Monday night with a campus wide bonfire and pep rally. Throughout the day on Tuesday, there will be motivational and educational activities that all are encouraged to attend.

On Tuesday from 8 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., a celebrity breakfast is being held in the mansion, served by Cabrini's faculty and staff. The breakfast will then be followed by a mass in the chapel.

From 11 p.m. - 12 p.m., Tim Willis, a speaker for the Parolympics will be giving an inspirationalspeech. Willis lost his eye sight to Coat's disease and through his speech hopes to propiote human dignity just like Mother Cabrini did for the college. The comedy troupe will perform and from 1:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m., there will be workshops held for different majors and interests of the students. To end the day, a Thanksgiving-styledinner will be held free for all students, commuters and residents.

So what exactly is Cabrini Day? The purpose of the day is to make known the legacy of St. Francis Xavier Cabrini and to consider how her life touches those at the college and the community. The college sets aside a day to join together and celebrate.

RADNOR, PA 19087

Xavier Hall survives ~scabies,crabs scare

In the last week, the residents of Xavier Hall have been separat-ed into two odd, but distinct, categories.

Those who will wash their clothes in the building and those who will not.

Although Steve Murray, resident director of Xavier Hall refuses to comment on the situation, it seems to be common knoweledge among the building's residents that scabies, tiny insects usually associated with crabs and lice, have invaded the building.

"There are different rumms going around," sophomore Kelly O'Neill said.

Resident life has posted information al signs concerning the prevention of crabs and lice in the hallways and bathrooms of Xavier Hal1.

O'Neill said she has heard of three different students who had contracted scabies.

Scabies, as well as crabs and lice, are spread through close personal contact. This includes sexual contact and shared bedding, towels and clothing. Symptoms usually appear within two to four weeks after contact.

One major concern of the residents is their laundry.

Some have washed their clothes several times in order to ward off any possibility of contracting scabies. Others have not washed them at all smce word began circulating around the dormitory.

O'Neill has not washed her clothes in a week.

''I was scared because the living quarters are so close," first-

• year student Mike McGann said. "At first, I didn't know what to expect, but things seemed tp have calmed down now."

McGann said he washed his clothing several times, but only with bleach and hot water.

Sophomore Brian Ferrese no longer washes his clothing inside of Xavier Hall. Instead, he opts to take his laundry to an outside laundromat. lt is an inconvenience, but one that he feels is worth it.

"A couple of dollars is worth my peace of mind," Ferrese said. Ferrese has not washed his clothing in Xavier in almost two weeks.

According to Lisa _Leamer, a health center adviser, residents do not need to worry about the effects of scabies, crabs or lice on their laundry.

"Crabs cannot survive in the temperatures of a washer and dryer," Learner said. "People should be doing their laundry and not letting it pile up-.-Crabs and lice love to live in these cold moist areas," Learner said.

''Make sure that bed linens are changed frequently.

"Guys and gals who are used to wearing baseball caps for days should wash their caps as soon and as often as they can," Leamer said. "Crabs can not survive long away from the human body."

Scabies burrow under the skin, usually around the fingers, abdomen and pubic area. Rarely are they found on the upper back neck, face, scalp, palms and soles. Symptoms include intense itching and a rash.

Gavin Mirigliani, staff writer also contributed to this story.

Students present presidential issues in mock debate

President Bill Clinton, Senator Bob Dole and pint-sized Texan Ross Perot made star appearances at Cabrini College to talk about their campaign platforms for the 1996 Presidential elections.

Or at least, they spoke through the voices of the mock debaters.

Organized by senior Dan Lorenz, the mock political debate was presented to "review America's best bargain," sophomore Brian Bugey said.

The debate took place on Oct. 24 at 12:30 p.m. in the Widener Center lecture hall.

Bugey and Diane Soto, a firstyear student represented Democratic Party candidate

President Clinton's campaign for reelection. Sophomores Justin Falciani and Bridget Bonner headed Bob Dole's Republican Party campaign while seniors Rich Schepis and Donna Schaeffer together represented Independent Party candidate Ross Perot's platform for election.

Questions regarding illegal immigration, welfare drug control, foreign affairs, health care, the national debt, college aid and abortion were posed to the candidates.

Responding to the foreign affair crisis, Falciani stated Dole's belief that America should keep the peace and that the president should have the final decision on the U.S. involvement in any foreign affair.

Bugey emphasized the Democratic party's anti-terrorism po1icy that includes strong sanctions against hostile countries.

Bugey also avouched the allotted $19.2 billion foreign affair budget for 1997.

Unlike the other candidates, Schepis reported that Perot's concentration will be on domestic affairs, such as high-paying jobs, tax reform and education.

With surreal imitative tension brewing, the presidential nominees continued to debate over the reduction of the national debt and tax reform.

Dole's proposal of a 15 percent tax cut and elimination of "government waste" was -counterbalanced by Clinton's slashing of the. national deficit in half, a

campaign promise from election in 1992.

Tax cuts and the inception of a balanced budget are Perot's campaign promises for combatting the economical plague surfacing across the country.

Perot's platform includes target objectives such as the creation of a stronger education system.

Increasing parental involvement and building students from "the bottom up" are Perot's goals to reform the system.

While Dole countertested Perot with his promise to increase student loans and a $500 tax cut for each child under age 18, Clinton's camp proposed a $10,000 tax deduction for after high school.

Perot's promise to win the war

on drugs by rebuilding the inner cities and to create tougher judicial and legislative systems was the response to the issue of violence and firearm control.

Clinton's rebuttal was to concentrate on the "government's first and foremost responsibility of law and order" and the enlargement of police patrol. Intense differences sprouted over the controversial issue of abortion.

Although Clinton supports a women's choice to decide, he advocates partial birth procedure only when the mother's life is in question.

Dole's ridicule of abortion and the partial birth procedure was not synonomous with Perot's belief that the government should not intrude on the issue.

CABRINI COLLEGE Features LOQUITUR The Cabrini look pp. 6&7 Sports Women's tennis p.12 VOL.XLIII, NO.9 FRIDAY,NOVEMBER1, 1996
photo by Stacey Caiazzo
Student Government President Andrew Burke tosses Cabrini lanyerds to begging students as part of Midnight Madness on Friday. Oct. 25. The night consisted of introductions of the Cabrini Cavaliers men's and women's basketball teams as well as numerous contests and giveaways. See photos on p. 10.
INSIDE A&E Battle of the bands provides tunes and money for charity.

Walking dead highlights alcohol awareness week

A movie, service project, party and students walking around dead were all part of the plan of events for National Alcohol Awareness week at Cabrini.

The week consisted of acti-vities and events for each day, Monday through Thursday. Academy Award winning movie, "Leaving Las Vegas,'~wasplayed for students at the Widener Center gathering area on Monday night.

The movie hit home with the week's theme since it depicted the effects of alcohol and drug abuse. However, the attendance for this event was poor.

On Tuesday, members of the Campus Activities and Programming (CAP) board strolled throughout the school buildings wearing all black attire with painted white faces, unable to utter a word. Each person represented a death from drunk driving related accidents. The students participating in White Face Day were representing a statistic

from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving), which states, "Every 25 minutes in the country, someone dies from accidents caused by drunk driving.''

In addition, each person partaking in this event also had their names represented on tombstones posted outside the cafe.

"I think we educated many students about , the problem of drunk driving, simply by walking about Cabrini without saying a word," sophomore Lisa Pappalardo, CAP member said.

House six prepared 2;000 drug and alco_holprevention bags for local elementary schools as a service on Wednesday. They were prepared as Halloween bags.

The Frolickers Ball was held Thursday night in the. Atrium. This party proved to be a success by the large turnout despite the absence of alcohol.

"This was one of the most enjoyable parties I've attended this semester. It was cool because no one had alcohol, but people still had a good time," said firstyear student Marisa Huntszinger.

The CAP board, the academi~

Campaign '96

board, and Kappa Sigma Omega, Cabrini's se.FViceorganization, along with volunteers from other clubs joined efforts to successfully plan activities throughout the week. Cynthia Belliveau, health educator was in charge of the week's overall organization.

The purpose for this week was to ultimately create awareness for a problem that plagues many college age students.

"Our goal was not to be preachy because people do not respond well to that,'' Belliveau said. "Instead we wanted to increase students awareness to a problem that is very preventable.''

The event that gained the most reaction of the week was White Face Day because it was the most visual representation of the National problem.

Students that would like more education and assistance or are concerned about a friend with regard to alcoholism are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a counselor in the Rooyman Center. All information exchanged is kept confidential.

Fright returns to haunted house

Upon entering the back pathway to Xavier's annual haunted house, a masked student with a chainsaw came running out of the woods giving the visitors a little taste of what was to come inside.

"The guys jumped more than the girls," first-year student with chainsaw, Andy Virtue said.

Witnesses saw a couple coming up the pathway. When Virtue jumped out of the woods the boy pushed the girl towards the masked Virtue to avoid the chainsaw himself. It was a funny sight to watch from inside the Xavier Great Room.

Gina Castafero, a mother,

said, "I don't think our kids opened their eyes."

The new dance troupe, Bodies in Motion, also helped promote the haunted house by selJing hot chocolate and Reese's cups at the door. They also had a guess contest to see how many plastic spiders were in a jar. The winner received $25 dollars. Bodies in Motion raised approximately $100 over all.

Students who live in Xavier were very cooperative, according to student activities Director Emma Legge. She said they really made the event run welt.

Taking a year off from haunted house didn't concern anyone this year. CAP board President John Lindsay and Legge worked together with CAP board mem-

hers and 30 volunteers to bring the haunted house together.

"They let us tum their home into this darkness,"' Legge said.

Despite the turn out of volunteers on Saturday night, the haunted house was able to raise $2500. Students who did show up on Saturday were sent to call anyone they could find to help out. The volunteers ended up working the entire night with no breaks because of the lack of student involvement.

CAP board had planned this event since the beginning of the semester. A few weeks ago they ordered decorations. They were able to come in under debit because, according to Legge thef used some things from past year.

In the final installment of a four part series, Loquitur examines Bill Clinton's and Bob Dole's stance on the election's top issues.

Week 4: Education

Clinton believes greater involvement of parents in their children's education will strengthen schools and families.

Clinton believes parents should be given the right to choose which public school their children attend.

Is proposing a 30 percent budget increase for a program he introduced after it was developed under Republican President Bush.

Supports increased options and quality of education through such projects as charter schools, public school choice and national standards.

Supports efforts to increase parents' participation in their children's education, such as parenting education, parental resource centers and through Education Secretary Riley's parental responsibility campaign.

Does not support using public funds to pay for private schools.

Opposes vouchers, which would allow low-income families to send children to private schools, because he believes they would take money from public schools.

Believes that school choice and returning education decisions back to the local level wiJJ reinvigorate America's education system, ::tnd prepare children to compete and excel in the global economy of the next century.

Dole believes that accountability can be restored to our schools by wrestling control of education policy away from Washington bureaucrats and returning it to parents and local communilies.

Believ~s that all Americans, rich and poor, should be able to choose the best education for themselves and their children.

In Dole's bill, the College work/study program is increased to $685 million in this bill, an 11% increase from last year.

Believes that children should not be forced to go to crime-ridden schools, especially if their families cannot afford a better school.

Believes that the federal government interferes too much and schools are weighed down by federal rules.


With the election less than one week away, everyday has become critical. This tracking poll, according to a USA Today/CNN/Gallup nationwide poll of 718 registered voters deemed likely to vote shows Bill Clinton maintaining his lead over Bob Dole by 16 percentage points.

100 80 60 40 20 0 10/7 1 0/ 20 1 0/ 25 a i ntoo • Doie graph by Mirella-Addesi

Diversity stems from United Nations Day

The international club demonstrated on Thursday, Oct. 24 to the Cabrini community during the United Nations Celebration in the Grace Hall atrium that everyone needs to learn about other people's ethnic backgrounds.

The international club has one thing in mind, to help people become more aware of different cultures. There are about 20 active members who work as a team.

The members had been working on the United Nations Day celebration since the beginning of the semester. This was the first year ever hosting a

celebration of such importance.

"The students have been wanting to host a world culture event for a long time. They noticed UN Day was coming up • and they wanted an instrument to p1ay through for their idea,"

Jennifer Marks-Gold, multicultural coordinator, said.

United Nations Day Celebration 1996 consisted of an Armenian Dance that was very simple and graceful.

Valley Forge bro!-lght a presentation of bagpipes and donated all the flags used for display.

The steel drum band, though a little late, gave a presentation of the century of Caribbean rhythms from Trinidad on drums made of tin. A buffet of international food and beverage

consisted of Chicken Dilhara with spice from India, rice and peas with chicken and curried goat from St. Lucia, kasha (buck wheat) with pasta, a Jewish dish, tunafish salad and knackebrod from Sweden, Morroco meatballs, a chicken dish from Indonesia, Burmese food, Venezuelan food, Midwest food and Armenian food. Many restaurants donated their food and made it a surprise as to what they were bringing. Mama Luchea, Rangoon and Wood Se~vice donated as well.

All the guests were very willing in trying different types of food, which was the purpose behind the. United Nation Celebration.

Cabrini College Theater

William M. Hoffman's Off- Broadway Play

November 1, 1996 NEWS
photo by Dana Nentwig
A student samples a wide variety of world cuisine
in the
atrium during United Nations Day.
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Distinguished Playwriting
s ~,
and humor.
on the
of friends, family and community " an extraordinary work. The d,epth of love is shattering!" • 1 '' •••• wond erf uL frightening remarkable! "Broadway's most immediate e:s:perience..... " " the script is stilleto sharp" New York Post NEW YORK TIMES red cloud coffee house 8:00 pm $Contains mature language and subject matter november 15, 16, 21, 22 & 23 adm. $7.00 students 5.00
Winner of the
award for
and three
awards, Hoffinan'
AS IS" confronts
AIDS with passion
It focuses
relationship of two ex-lovers through
be presented.
I •
If we ftave the guts to do it, do you have the guts ta see ·t,

November 1, 1996





Don your top hat and tails or dress up and step out to the Fal1 Gala, Saturday, Nov. 2 from 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. in the atrium. The event is cosponsored by the Campus Activities and Programming board and SGA. Admission is free.

SUNDAY 0 STUDENT PHONATHON Cabrini students will be soliciting funds on Sunday, Nov. 3 from 2:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the atrium.



Celebrate the coming of Cabrini Day Monday night, Nov. 4 with the annual bonfire and pep rally for our Cavalier teams at the lower soccer field parking lot. Then warm up in the Widener Center gathering area for a party at 9 p.m.



Classes until 4:30 p.m. are cancelled in honor of Cabrini Day.

The day is highlighted by the presentation of the Cabrini Day Medal to blind NCAA Division I athlete Tim Willis at 11 a.m. in the atrium.

There ate also various activity programs scheduled which reflect how we can integrate the college's mission and values into our daily lives. Check your mailbox for a,schedule or call Student Activities at x8401 for more details.



A reminder to seniors that they pre-register for spring 1997 classes on Thursday, Nov. 7. Make a note.



•Get a humorous portrait of yourself on Friday, Nov. 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Widener Center gathering area.

Last Week In the World Of News


Florida's state of emergency is finally over.

After three days of rioting in St. Petersburg, Fla., the National Guard picked up and the state of emergency was finally lifted last Sunday, Nov. 27.

The violence that followed injured 11 people and brought many churc~ leaders from different faiths together to show their praise that the riots were finally over.

A Baptist minister asked worshippers to seek God's help in bringing the end to racial tensions which were the cause of violence in the neighborhood where a black motorist was killed.

After a poll was taken, it was found that 37 percent of black residents felt that their rate of discrimination increased within the past five years. Many blacks as well as whit~s agreed that the police were very discriminatory towards the blacks.


Hepatitis B vaccine is now mandatory for school.

The Pennsylvania Department of Health is now requiring chil-

dren who are starting school after August 1997 to receive a hepatitis B shot.

This bill, signed by Gov. Ridge last spring, is causing much controversy. For starters, the vaccine costs a lot and secondly, it is given in three shots over eight months. This means that one of the dosages has to be given by the end of this year.

Even though the disease is not an epidemic, health officials want to take all of the necessary precautions so that they can protect children while they are young.

Some of the symptoms of hepatitis B are jaundice, cancer and fatigue. The disease can be transmitted through sexual intercourse and by contact with contaminated blood.

The children who have received only one dosages will be permitted to start school as long as their parents schedule an appointment for the next dosages.

If a child has not received the third dosages within eight months of the start of school, they will be sent home.

O 10/27

Baby Found in Cardboard Box.

In Brooklyn, Sunday, a baby girl was found in a cardboard box near an apartment complex by

This & That

another child living in the neighborhood.

The baby who appeared to have been born Sunday morning, was taken to Maimonides Medical Center after being found around 12:45 p.m. near the main entrance of the building.

The infant, weighing six pounds, is in good hands with the nurses in the neonatal unit of the hospital.


Wind blows in fire in South California

San Bernardino, Calif. and Riverside Counties were the homes of two new wildfires, believed to be started by an uncontrolled campfire, that took ablaze last Monday. The fire in San Bernardino started Monday around midnight and the Riverside fire started around 4 a.m.

This wildfire epidemic has caused much disaster and has ~estroyed over 100 homes and over ~0,000 acres of land. There was an evacuation ordered for neighborhoods living near the 600 acre fire.

Many other fires in areas like Malibu and the Mexico borders of the United States are now being tamed down, but more could surely start.

O The Cabrini Day, Nov. 5, speaker is also a Career Development speaker. Instead of signing in, give a piece of paper with your name and class level (i.e. first-year student) on it to one of the English/communications instructors in attendance.

O Dr. James B. Hirsch has accepted the position of vice president for enrollment services at Cabrini and will begin his position on Dec. 2.

O Flu shots are available from Health Services. The cost is $10. Vaccination is recommended·for those who have a chronic illness, individuals 65 and over and anyone wishing to minimize their risk of infection. Call 902-8400 for hours and information.

O Sophomore Charles McCloud dazzled a packed Sacred Heart Hall gym by winning the slam dunk contest held during Midnight Madness, held on Fri. Oct. 25.

Candidates pass on Generation X vote

In 1992 there was a huge spurt of younger voters coming out of hiding to voice their opinions at the polls.

As they were encouraged by rock stars, actors and sports celebrities, the voters who belonged to Generation X, people ages 18-24, were finally starting to get the message.

In 1992, 44 percent of the 1829 year olds went to the polls to vote for the candidate they wanted This was the highest turnout since 18 year olds received the right to vote in 1972.

There are still many promo-


Students Needed!

Earn up to $2,000+/mo. working for Cruise Ships or Land-Tour companies. World Travel Summer and Full Time Positions available. No experience necessary. For more information call:

(206) 971-3S50 ext. C65381

Tutor Wanted

Xavier Hall is looking for a math tutor. Potential tutors should be proficient ia College Math 112, 113 and - 114. They should also know some calculus. If you are looking for work•grant hours and are interested in tutoring, call Steve Murray at 8458.

Students can place a free classified ad for a limited time only. Call 902-8412 for more details.

tional events going on throughout the country in an effort to convince Generation X voters to come to the booths. It seems as if everybody has a web site on the internet and the message that "voting is cool" is still coming on strong.

But the landscape in politics has changed dramatically. This year, the same people that were up for grabs in 1992 are back again. The only problem is that nobody is focusing on this demographic.

President Bill Clinton is now in office, not a brand new man trying to make impression on people. The candidates are not going on younger preferred shows. Perot is old news and Bob

Dole is just plain old.

James Hedtke, professor of history and political science, agrees with this statement.

"This campaign has been aimed at my generation (35-50)," Hedtke said. "We are the biggest demographic group in the country and are the most likely to vote. We have a lot in common with what the candidates are talking about. The 15 percent cut on student loans affects me because I have to put my kids through college too."

The organization Choose or Lose has been touring up and down the east coast trying to get people to come out and vote.

Choose or Lose field coordinator Jaime Uzeta says that 350,000

people have registered so far due to the organization and they are constantly getting more and more people to vote.

Choose or Lose asks people when they register to sign a pledge card saying they will vote on election day. In early November, the pledge cards will be mailed back to the voters to remind them to cast a ballot

"There really isn't anything going on that I could be excited about," Samantha Goodrich, a first-year student of St. Joseph's University,said.

"The candidates have really dropped the ball when it comes to our generation .it's really discouraging."


NATIONAL PARKS HIRING Students Needed! Students Wanted • Tour guide, instructor, lifeguard, hotel staff, firefighter+ volunteer and government positions available at National Parks. Excellent benefits + bonuses! For Outdoor Employment Program call: (206) 971-3260 ext. N6S381 EASTERN El!ROPE JOBS Teach basic conversational English in Prague, Budapest, or Krakow. No teaching certificate or European language required. Inexpensive Room & Board + other benefits. For details call: (206) 971-3680 ext. R6S381 $ FINANCIAL AID $ Attention all students! Over $6 Billion in FREE Financial Aid is n°" available for students nationwide from private sector grants and scholarships! All students are eligible regardless of grades, income, or parent's income. For more information, call: 1-800-263-649Sext. F6S383 No Gimmicks Earn Extra Income Now! EnvelopeStuffing-$600-$800 every week Free Details:SASEto InternationalInc. 1375 ConeyIslandAve. Brooklyn,New York11230 Thisspaceforrent Spring Break '97 Cancun, Bahamas, Jamaica & Florida. EARN FREE TRIPS & CASH. Call 1-800-700-0790 HEALTHY WOMEN WANTED Make a Priceless Contribution to another Family's Happiness. Healthy women between the ages of 21 and 34 needed to donate eggs (ova) for infertile couples. Compensation for time and effort. Donors are anonymous. For infor• mation call: (610) 834-1140 ext. 352 STUDENTS MAY RENT A CLASSIFIED AD FOR FREE.

New videos burn up shelves

Helen Hunt and BiJI Paxton are scientists pursuing the most destructive weather front to sweep through Tornado Alley in 50 years. These storm chasers hope to obtain data by launching electronic sensors into the funnel but must intercept the twister's path.

o The Birdcage

Robin Williams and Gene Hackman own a successful nightclub along the Miami strip, but when their son invites the family of the girl he wants to marry, an ultra-conservative senator, the lies and deceptions begin. Can they pull it off in this comedy?

Oliver and Company

Disney's 27th fulllength animated masterpiece is for audiences of all ages. In New York City, an orphaned kitten named Oliver is befriended by Dodger, a carefree mutt and his gang. But these misfits run into trouble when the evil mastermind Sykes is out to kidnap the lonely girl who just adopted Oliver.

Up Close and Personal

A true romance. When Michelle Pfeiffer tries to break into television, Robert Redford is the only one willing to give her a chance. He teaches her about television and she teaches him about love.

o Sgt. Bilko

Comedian Steve Martin leads his tagtag group of soldiers, passing on his legacy of gambling and shunning responsibilities, but when the base is on the verge of shutting down and Sgt. Bilko's reputation will be ruined, his soldiers must pull through. Will they?

The Truth About Cats and Dogs

Janeane Garofalo, a veterinarian and radio talk show host, tells a caller that she looks like her neighbor (Uma Thurman) because she is too shy to meet him. Everyone will enjoy this modem day romantic comedy, but will Janeane ever get together with the man who fell in love with her over the phone?

Sizzlecat Sunshine, a Grateful Dead and Phish cover band, performed in the


Remnants went on to win first place and 16 hours of free recording time from KAJEM Recording


W\'BF hosts battle of bands

It took the judges of 89.1 WYBF-FM's Battle of the Bands nine hours to decide the winner.

Not because it was a tough decision, but rather, because the winning band, Remnants, did not take the stage until after 11 p.m., almost eight hours after the competition started.

With their victory, Remnants will receive 16 hours of free recording time from the KAJEM Recording Arts Program.

Remnants performed an all original set.

"It was a high rush. The whole band was possessed,'' Paul Burns, Remnants' lead vocalist, said.

"They were good and had a stage performance that sounded clear. It wasn't a shock that they won," first-year student Anoe

Marie Brown said.

The battle took place at the Widener Center gathering area on Oct. 26 from 3 p.m. to midnight.

The event was sponsored by 89.1 WYBF-FM, Cabrini's radio station and also included pumpkin painting. Domino's Pizza supplied soda and pizza.

"It is a chance to enable bands to gain free exposure,'' junior Kelly Ann Monahan, public affairs director for the station and one of the key organizers of the event, said.

The WYBF staff has been preparing Battle of the Bands since the beginning of this semester. Monahan said Cabrini tried to do this a couple of years ago but it was not ~s "lengthy and in-depth" as this year's."

Battle of the Bands featured local groups Shandora's Dream, Sizzlecat Sunshine, Strange Sun, Kolor Mary Green, Broken

Formal promises to be gala event

Spring forward, fa11back. As we tum back the clocks for daylight savings time, the college's Student Government Association will tum back the clocks of Cabrini to celebrate the organization's 34 years of existence.

Last May, SGA looked through the archives with Martha Dale, director of Alumni Affairs and found that in tw·o years SGA would have its 35th anniversary.

The organization wanted to set up something that would commemorate this event, but did not want to start setting up the event next year. The idea was to have the first black tie event up on campus.

SGA is looking to welcome back the original SGA staff .to celebrate the big occasion.

Gourmet Venders will be catering the occasion, so there will be plenty of food and plenty of beer to wash it all down.

This event will fulfill the request of having a formal each semester and one semi formal a semester. SGA had a campus wide meeting to decide on the dress of the event. The decision was made to have it formal Smalls Formal Wear is offering a discount on tuxedos to the students of Cabrini. Women should wear prom attire or something similar.

The Fall Gala is on Saturday, Nov.2. The party starts at 9:30 p.m. and will conclude at 1:30 a.m.

Peace, Jades Parlor, Sweetleaf, Skirt and Remnants. There were two judges that decided the outcome. One judge was from Studio 4 and the other was from KAJEM Studio.

Monahan said that most of the WYBF staff helped to put this event together.

"I think I went crazy somewhere along the line," Monahan said. "No, seriously though, it has been a great experience, just major organization and time consumption.

"In the beginning there were not too many people, but later in the night it was a full house," Monahan said with a sigh of relief. "Only big colleges do these kinds of things."

"Kelly did a wonderful job

organizing the event. Aside from a few minor equipment problems in the beginning, the day went rather smoothly," Sheri Sabot, WYBF general manager, said.

"They were courteous and professional. We would have liked to have had more· Cabrini students in attendance, but all in all I am happy with the way things went. I hope this is just the beginning of more events to come."

Tickets cost $5 in advance and $7 at the door. A $1 discount was given to those who brought two canned goods for the needy. Half of the proceeds went to WYBF and the other half went to St. Judes Children's Hospital.

On Nov. 22, catch WYBF at the Sapphire Beach Club with free giveaways.

photo by Diane Grimaldi Widener Center area in WYBF-FM's of the Bands. Studios. '

I Friday, November 1, 1996 I illustrations by Stephanie

Hey buddy, use your pockets!

You see them every where you go. Those strings, with keys and I.D. cards, hanging around guys' necks and down their backs. How about using your pockets?

Well, for starters it would be different. God forbid!

• Secondly, lacrosse shorts have no pockets. The members of the lacrosse team are not the only ones suffering from this fashion disease.

This fashion statement is not being made exc1usively by the lacrosse and .soccer teams anymore. It has spread across campus, affecting mostly residents. The commuters seem to be immune, though you do get a resident wanna-be every so often.

We should not leave out sweat pants and practice pants with the tucked in T-shirts. Cabrini fashion requires the T to be either an advertisement for local bars or an ego endorsement for their respective teams. Blue is the most common color for the pants, while white conquers the land of T-shirts. For nightwear, lacrosse players get semi-dressed up. They can be seen in their jeans and khakis with gap-like shirts. Sneakers are required, but sandals with white socks are also acceptable. A hat in one's eyes or preferably backwards, is the necessary topper.

If you see someone in a suit, chances are they either have a court appearance or a co-op. Co-op students may be the best dressed on campus. They frequently wear suits, or depending on the job, will dress down. A nice dress shirt and slacks are common, overshadowed only by khaki pants, collared shirt and tie. At legal parties, Cabrini males usually wear jeans. Button down shirts and sweaters are complimented by hats and boots.

Of all Cabri11istudents, commuters are the ones that stand out the most. There is no set code for them, though small groups form their own fashion.

They usually wear something casual and comfortable enough to be worn all day and night. Most commuters do not have the luxury of going home and showering before going out on any given night.

There is an exception to every rule and you can usually find

- one commuter who has been up at school for days, not able to shower, get changed or sleep. You can usually find one of these exceptions, catching some Zs, if you look on the couches in the Widener Center.

What is the future of Cabrini fashion? Well, commuters will ajways be different. The resident fashions will change. Look for the soccer and lacrosse players to set the latest clothing trends.


• •01 cro

The women at Cabrini may not walk around in the latest trends' highly fashionable clothing, but they do have acertain look of their own.

Walking through the halls, dorms and houses, you may not notice the Cabrini look right away, but if you take a step aside you would be amazed. Sure, every woman has her day of beauty, but what about the six other days of the week?

You will find the average Cabrini female looking like all the rest. Soccer shorts, probably borrowed from one of the guys, with a sweatshirt and sneakers. Let's not forget the sacred brine string hanging from their neck or swinging in their hands. Do they give that out at orientation?

Why is all of this a big deal? It is amusing. Before you came to Cabrini you may have worn a uniform or imitated the style of your friends, but it is all different now.

The Cabrini look is nothing new to campus. There are just new faces wearing it. Cosmo, Glamour and all the latest trend magazines show their newest fashions so now Cabrini is showing its latest look. As you sit in the classrooms, spotting a woman with a baseball cap is not a hard task.

Female students at Cabrini always have the right clothes to match the occasion. Class usually consists of sweatshirt, sweatpants and sandals with socks. When the Thursday night party in house six arrives, women may find themselves putting on a trendy top and cool shoes, but keeping the jeans. They do not want to over do it.

Then there are the legal parties. These women are not fooling around. A skirt is a must and it is usually their roommate's. Trading clothes between each other is a ritual all females learn. It happens on and off campus.

We should not neglect the other women on campus. These are usually commuters and education majors. These women may not show up in sweats, but they too have their own Cabrini look. Jeans and a sweater with a jacket are what you will see walking down the halls. Carrying a jacket is a sure sign of befog a commuter.

Education majors, on the other hand, are standing out from the crowd. They have field experience so they have to dress as a teacher. A dress or nice outfit (no jeans) are seen as they_strut through the parking lot.

Cabrini may not have a dress code in writing, but it seems as though the students have created their own.

Baseball caps are a must


Friday, November 2, 1996

EDITORIAL Friend of the devil

In examining the issues and candidates within the 1996 presidential election, one conclusion is able to be drawn. Voting for any of the candidates is choosing between the ' lesser of two, or with the inclusion of Reform party candidate Ross Perot, three evils.

With this in mind, the 1996-97 Loquitur editorial board is endorsing Bill Clinton for President of the United States. No candidate is tailor-made to a specific individual and Clinton certainly has his share of unappealing qualities. While the board is divided on the issue of abortion, healthcare and the economy in general, we can all agree that Clinton's less than impeccable character is a major blow to his appeal.

But to be perfectly frank, who else is there?

Bob Dole certainly possesses impressive credentials. One would be hard pressed to examine Dole's Senate record and find an unkept promise. His plan to cut income taxes 15 percent is laudable. But still, the fact of the matter is that Dole is 73 years old. His greatest obstacle and, consequently, his largest drawback is that he has nothing in common with the interests of a 22 year old college senior.

The overly-ostentatious Ross Perot has proven nothing, except that his withdrawal from the 1992 presidential election has perhaps forever destroyed his credibility with the American people. His take-charge, balance-the-budget-orbust platform is still appealing to some Americans, but the conclusion drawn by the editorial board is similar to that drawn by the rest of the country. Perot is just a bit too unpredictable to entrust him with our nation's highest honor.

The choice then, is to vote for Clinton. Remember, the devil you know is better than the devil you do not.

With that in mind, let us consider Bill Clinton a friend of the devil.

Loquitur is established as a forum for student expression and as a voice in the uninhibited, robust, free and open discussion of issues.

Scaring up an old Halloween memory

Everybody has their favorite time of season. For some, it is the sweltering summer heat that presents the opportunity to get a tan. Others enjoy the first snowfall that comes with the winter Christmas season.

For me, it is autumn, specifically Halloween.

For one evening every year, thousands of children can patrol the streets, raiding homes in search of a morsel of chocolate or a taste of caramel. I can remember what it was like to be one of them.

Some people will joke that Halloween is my favorite holiday because of the abundance of candy that I would consume in a two day span. It was rare for anything to last longer than that. Maybe an occasional box of Good-n-Plenty or the ever-dreaded Zagnut bar, but for the most part I was able to ravage right through the brown paperbags of candy that my mom used to store in the freezer.

My earliest memory is the dreaded pumpkin suit. Every youngster in my family, whether they be sister, brother or cousin, has worn it once. Big and cumbersome and orange enough to cause retinal damage, the costume .has been historically worn during the first year of trick-or-treating.

It is a torture that the adults in my extended family find "cute" and one that will no doubt be passed along as my cousins and I eventually start our own families.

As I got older, I learned that the two longest eight hour spans of the year were the night before Christmas and the day of school

on Halloween. Even when my teachers gave us the rare "fun day," where we spent our afternoon coloring pictures of witches and pumpkins, the minute hand seemed to drag its way around the clock.

Each year, costumes became more elaborate, largely because my dad was such a creative person. Whether I was Dracula or a punk rocker, a mummy or a football player, a simple mask would never do. No, each year we made the obligatory trip to the Halloween shop and stocked up on enough make-up to get us through the night.

Sometimes I actually looked like what I was supposed to. Other times well, we tried. I still have the comb, complete with green hair dye residue, that ~e used to spike my hair when I dressed up as a punk rocker.

Ironically enough, my worst ever Halloween turned into my greatest Halloween memory. I went to school as was required by my parents (missing school on Halloween was a guaranteed Joss of trick-or-treating privileges) but returned home feeling ill.

You could imagine my dismay and disappointment when my parents pulled the plug on any chances of Halloween adventures. Alright, I hated them. I had been stripped of my privileges.

I cried myself to sleep that night, (I couldn't have been more than eight at the time), with the intention of never speaking to my parents again. Even their promise of my siblings sharing their candy with me served as no consolation.

You could imagine my surprise the next morning when I found out that my dad had taken along an extra sack and collected a mountain of candy for me. It was the most enormous pile of Halloween booty that any costumed pirate could have hoped for, Milky Ways, Three Musketeers, Starbursts, Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

Some of the neighbors felt so bad that they went beyond giving the conventional treat of a candy bar or two. There were six-packs of Coke and dollar bills. Somebody even gave me a copy of the National Football League Encyclopedia. I have no idea why. I could barely read at the time, but still, it is the thought that counts.

Everybody has to grow up at some point, but I think everybody has a time of the year where they let themselves regress just enough to enjoy a holiday or an event the way they did when they were 11 or 12. Even now, at the ripe oJd age of 20, I have to resist the urge to throw on a costume, grab a pillowcase and attempt to reconquer the neighborhood streets that I patrolled with my friends four or five years ago.

I am sure I will be out there again some day. Eventually I will get the opportunity to dress up my own children and take them out in search of candy. I think we are all in agreement when we say that we hope the opportunity is still a few years away. But still, I am looking forward to the day when I go upstairs into the attic in search of that dreaded old pumpkin suit.


8I LOQUITUR The editorials, viewpoints and opinions published in Loquitur
are the views of the student editorial staff and the individual writers, not the entire student body or the faculty and administration.
\. News Edilor Paul Monte Managing Editor & Copy Editor • Mirella A<klesi Photography Editor Stacey Caiazzo Editor-in-Chief Thomas McKee Sports Editor Jim Martin Business Manager Di11aTartaglia Perspectives Editor Chns Lomanno Arts & Entertainment & Features Editor Jeanne Lombardo Assistant Photography Editor Dana Nentwig Photography and Graphic Design Adviser Don Dempsey Adviser Dr. Jerry Zurek Staff Michcfic Bums HoUie Havens Kelly Monahan Ron D'Orazio Jennifer Kietur Paul Moser Colleen Ehrle Andrea Koch Danielle Murray Justin Falciani James Kuhn Becky Raetsch Mark Friel Bill Matoney Kim Rubillo Diane Grimaldi Erin McHugb Kevin Scott Jason Jungreis MildredMetz Dina Tartaglia Dave Jurkiewicz Gavin Mirigliani Kirsten Yard Sales Associates Ad Designers Becky Ractsch LlsaMininno Kirsten Yard Cartoonist Heather Beltran Victor Sgro Loquitur is a laborato,y newspaper wriuen, editedand produced by students of Cabrini College registered in COM 346, 350, 351, 352, 353 and 354. Members of the campus community are invited to work on or submit stories for publication. Only students registered in the above classes, however, are eligible to receive academic credit. Subscription price is $25 per year and is included in the benefits secured by tuition and fees. 1...oquitur welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be signed and the authorship known lo the editors. I lowever, if the writer wishes and the editor agrees, the writer's name may be left off the publication and an inscription inserted, such as "name withheld at the request of the writer." Letters to the editor should be submitted by noon on Mondays. • VIEWPOINT
error HAU.
The front page photo in the Friday, Oct. 25 issue of Loquitur of Dr. Romano and Dr. Tomasco was taken by Dina Tartaglia, not by Stacey Caiazzo.
We regret the

What would I do if the oval office was mine to be.had?

If I ruled the world: This is a statement pondered by many children, young adults and adults alike. Many of us at one point in our lives step up on the soap box and express our political beliefs or co~plain about the government. So when I was faced with this idea, many issues wandered through my mind. I could ramble off on the Republican or Democratic platform but that would be a waste of time.

If I was the President of the United States I would make America the place that everyone wants it to be. Now the question that you are asking yourself is "How the hell is he going to do that?"

All human beings need three necessities in order to be content: food, shelter and security.

Once these necessities are taken care of, the rest becomes simple.

As President of the United States, I would work to make sure that all cyclical unemployment is abolished.

Frictional and structural unemployment, which create the natural rate of unemployment, are healthy and allow people to reach their highest potential in the job market.

T would make sure that every individual that wants to work is either working or involved in job training to obtain a job. Once people are working they can

As the American politic is currently engaged in an active debate over the office of President of the United States and whether the United States Congress will remain under Republican control, I could not help but wonder if people are really thinking about the issues involved in the 1996 campaign and the positions of the various candidates concerning them.

Presently, several of the most important and pressing issues in this country are education, affirmative action, health care and abortion. An ideal candidate for president has ideas and proposal for these issues that will make America a better place.

A question that many people do not ask themselves is, "What would I do if I were president? If I were elected president I would make the above issues the focus of my undivided attention.

I believe that the biggest problem facing this country is our educational system. The number of high school graduates who can barely read and write is astounding. In today's world a good education is not only essential to achieve success, but is also required for mere survival. A strong educational foundation must be cultivated in children beginning at a very young age. Furthermore~ I am in

Republican Party

afford the basic necessities of food.

Next, I would attempt to provide to the citizens of the United States housing that is affordable and decent to live in. This would mean the destruction of the run down projects an,d construction of well-built housing. Other alternatives are also needed to provide different types of housing. All citizens of the United States should have the option to live in the city, suburbs or rural areas.

Security is a tough issue. As president, I would take measures to secure the United States' reputation as the most powerful armed force in the worJd. Once our borders are secure from all enemies I would then focus on domestic security. My first priority would be to eliminate any gun that has no real use except to kill. I believe that if the manufacturing, sale and usage of these guns are outlawed and complimented with a large increase in the number of police, crime and murder would drop to new lows.

If I could place the above problems to rest, the next item Democratic Party favor of eliminating the tracking system used by schools as it has been proven to have very negative psychological ramifications on those who are placed in the lower tracks. The factor shown to affect how children learn, regardless of their intelligence, more than any other, is the inspiration given by teachers.

A second issue I would address is that of affirmative action. As I believe that discrimination still exists in this country, I support the policies

behind this concept. However, I do not agree with the primary mechanism used to implement affirmative action programs, that being the quota system. Not only are quotas unfair but they continue to perpetuate the stereotype that minorities are not as capable and are consequently inferior. I support giving minorities the opportunity to show that they are just as qualified for a position as anyone else. A person should get a job because he or she is qualified, not because it is a handout.

on my agenda would be education.

As president, I would attempt to implement a program that would make sure any person wanting an education can ·attend college by expanding the student loan programs and increasing opportunity and service scholarships. Without an educated society, America is doomed.

The question, "How is he going to pay for all this?" must be crossing your mind. No problem. Believe it or not most of the funding for these projects already exists in the government. As president, I would work with Congress to cut out the unnecessary spending and perks that everyone in the government receives. I also believe that a tax increase may be a necessary evil.

I understand that this is not the most popular thing to do but if it makes the United States a better place and the money is used correctly the results could be remarkable.

All of the programs that I would like to implement are rather obvious. The problem is that no one has had enough guts to do what is morally and ethically correct. Instead, they do the politically correct thing. It is not easy making tough decisions, but if I was the President of the United States of America, the tough decisions would become automatic.

In order for a country to be strong, it must be healthy. Every American should be able to go to bed at night knowing that they can re9Cive quality medical care if the need were to arise. Unfortunately, if you go to a hospital today in America, a doctor will not even look at you unless they know you have insurance. The citizens of other countries, such as Canada, can· not believe that the leader of the industrial world does not insure health coverage for all of its citizens. A big step in achieving this goal, which is not merely an ideal in some other countries, is to establish a health care plan in which the insurance industry would be overhauled and the costs of a doctor's services would be greatly regulated. Finally, I would like· to discuss the very divisive issue of abortion. •If I were president f would uphold and enforce the law of the land as per my constitutional oath. However, I would support legislation that would repeal the current law so that the rights of innocent babies could once again be protected. I feel that murder inside the womb is just as wrong as it is outside the womb, and that a woman's rights regarding her body should not be absolute when the right of life of another individual is involved.

Two Cents

For whom do you choose to rock the vote and why?

Alison Lain, a first-year student: Bill Clinton, because he is appealing to most audiences. He has something to offer to both older and younger voters.

Jeff Orlow, a senior: Bill Clinton, because Dole is attacking Clinton too much. I do not agree with a lot of his policies. He does not understand our generation. Clinton has a more realistic view.

Dr. Leonard Norman Primiano, assistant professor of religion: I am voting for Ralph Nader and the Green party. I do not find the other candidates very satisfying and I like the ecological agenda of the Green party.

Jennifer Delaney, a junior. Bill Clinton, because I like his policies about education and job creation. And he wants to help create a good health care policy. He is for the people.

Kathie Mininno, food court cashier: Ross Perot, because he seems the most honest and down to earth. I admire his integrity and his strong belief in family values.

Jennifer Matzner, a senior: Bill Clinton, because I do not think Bob Dole is qualified.

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Let the madness begin!!!

After advancing to the final 32 in the NCAA tournament and winning the PAC championship for the fourth year in a row,

ball team is hoping to duplicate the success of last

The men's and women's basketball teams kicked off their season at "Midnight Madness" on Friday, Oct. 25. The women's team is hoping to return to the NCAA Division III tournament and recapture the PAC championship they lost last year. They will be led by senior guard Megan Dillon and sophomore center Melissa Posse. The men's team will have a new look this season as they return only two players from last year's team. Although the team will be made up of young players, the team is confident they can win a fifth straight PAC championship and return to the NCAA Division III tournament. They will be led by senior guards John Watson and Ken Skitek.

photo by Stacey Gaiazzo the men's basket- year's season. photo by Dennis Fahner Senior co-captain John Watson is introduced to the cheering crowd. photo by Dennis Fahner Senior Amy Hummel prepares to take a free throw in the foul shooting contest. Hummel plays guard and the Lady Cavs will be counting on her scoring and leadership to lead them to victory. The Cavs wifl need Watson's scoring to lead them to victory. Sophomore Kerry Casella is showt?_'.!°'ereslapping the hands of her teammates during the pep rally.

Sixers are hoping changes equal wins

With a new look and a new line-up, the Sixers are hoping to improve on last year's 18-64 record. With first round pick Allen Iverson, Jerry Stackhouse, Clarence Weatherspoon, and a healthy Derrick Coleman the Sixers believe they are on the way to building a solid tem11.

When a team wins only 18 games, changes must be made. Such is the case with the Philadelphia 76ers.

Former S-ixers owner_Harold Katz sold'the team to an ownership group led by fitness guru Pat Croce.

When Croce assumed command of the team, change followed.

Croce went out and hired general manager Brad Greenberg to put together his team. After meeting with former head coach John Lucas, Greenberg decided he wanted to head the team in another direction and fired Lucas.

After- interviewing many coaches, - Greenberg hired Johnny Davis, then an assistant coach with the Portland Trailblazers, as the new head coach.

After the hiring, Davis and Greenberg got together and started the task of rebuilding the Sixers.

Their first major decision was deciding who to take with the number one pick in the NBA draft.

After considering players such as Stephon Marbury and Marcus Camby, the Sixers finally decided on Georgetown University sophomore point guard Allen Iverson.

With the money they had available to spend, the Sixers then went looking for players in free agency.

While the Los Angeles Lakers were signing center Shaquille O'Neal and the New York Knicks were signing guards Allen Houston and Chris Childs, the Sixers went for lower priced free agents because t~ey did not have enough salary cap room to sign players like O'Neal.

The Sixers main free agent acquisition was forward Don McClean. ' Men'sSoccer

McClean was signed from the Denver Nuggets. The Sixers are counting on McClean to provide scoring off the bench.

After this, the Sixers signed guard Lucious Harris from the Dallas Mavericks. Harris is an explosive scorer _and will he counted on to be a sparkplug off the bench.

The Sixers also signed forward Mark Davis, center Michael Cage, center Brad Radtke, and guard Doug Overton.

Davis is a great defender who will get most of his playing time backing up small forward Clarence Weatherspoon. Cage is expected to split time at center with Scott Williams and provide the toughness in the middle the Sixers desperately need.

Overton played at LaSalle University and will be backing up Iverson at point guard. Radtke is a center from Australia. He will not join the Sixers until his professional team's season ends in Australia. Radtke is an unknown entity.

The Sixers are not really sure how he will adjust to playing in the NBA.

With new· management, new coaches and new players, the Sixers will enter the 1996-97 -season with a fresh outlook.

The team will even pJay in a new facility, the CoreStates Center.

The starting line-up will look like this, Iverson at point guard, Stackhouse at shooting guard, Weatherspoon at small forward, Derrick Coleman at power forward and Cage at center.

With Iverson and Stackhouse in the backcourt, the Sixers will have one of the most exciting, youngest backcourts in the league.

Iverson played only two years at Georgetown, where he was asked to $Corefirst and pass second. There are concerns as to _whether Iverson can adjust to playing point guard for the Sixers. In the pre-season,

Iverson took a lot of shots, had few assists and turned the ball over numerous times.

However, there is no doubting lverson's ability. He is already one of the quickest and most athletic players in the league. Although it may take some time, IversC:mshould eventually become one of the top point guards in the league.

As a rookie, Stackhouse fmished as the Sixers leading scorer 1ast year. Although he became frustrated at losing so much last year, he ·was still the Sixers best player.

The Sixers will be looking for Stackhouse to improve on his successful rookie campaign. Stackhouse worked to improve his jumper during the off-season.

With an improved jump shot and his ability to penetrate, Stackhouse should once again lead the Sixers in scoring. If he plays up to his abilities, Stackhouse should warrant AllStar consideration.

Weatherspoon has been the most consistent performer for the Sixers over the past three seasons. Although he plays

small forward, Weatherspoon is a power player who likes to play near the basket.

He could have trouble adjusting to Davis' motion offense, which calls for the small forward to play around the perimeter as well as near the net. The Sixers should still be able to count on Weatherspoon to provide consistent scoring and rebounding.

Coleman could be the key to the Sixers' season. He was considered one of the top players in the league two years ago.

Coleman was an All-Star for the New Jersey Nets before he was traded to the Sixers. However, injuries wiped out Coleman's 1995-1996 season and he appeared in only a couple of games for the Sixers.

If Coleman can regain his form, and average double figures in both scoring and rebounding, the Sixers will have the inside presence they desperately need.

The Sixers will use different players at lhe center spot. Although undersized, Cage and Williams are all the Sixers have at center.

Cage is a veteran who will

throw his body around and do the dirty work. Williams is coming back from two seasons plagued by injuries. The Sixers signed Wirtiams as a free agent two years ago from the Chicago Bulls.

However, he was injured in his first season with the Sixers and he missed almost all of last season due to injury.

When he was with the Bulls, Williams was known as a hardnosed player who was a good defender and rebounder. The Sixers can only hope this proves to be true this season.

The addition of Williams, McClean and Harris makes for a deeper bench. All are expected to get significant minutes.

The Sixers appear to be on the right track heading into this season. They have one of the most explosive backcourts in the league and could have one of the best power forwards if Coleman regains his form.

However, without a center, the Sixers will still struggle on defense. If they win 30 games this season and show improvement, then the season should be considered a success.

Friday, November 1, 1996 SPORTS 11
Team W-L O/A Allentown 4-0 7-5-1 Cabrini 4-1 10-7 Beaver 3-1-1 6-7-2 Misericordia 1-1-1 5-5-2 Eastern 1-2 4-7-3
2 Cabrini 0 Beaver 2 Eastern 1 Cabrini 1 Eastern 0
2 Alvemia 1 Misericordia OAllentown 0 Beaver 2 Susquehanna 0
Gwynedd 1-3 3-7-1 Alvernia 0-6 2-13 Results Allentown
Delaware Valley Photographic Collectors Association PhotographicSwap/ShopShow Antique, Classical and Modem Cameras and Equipment • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Guest Leica Camera Inc. • • • • • Free clean and check for Leica M and R cameras. • Limit two cameras per patron. • • • • See the new RB! - . ············~····················· • Sun., November 3, 1996-10am-3pm • Radisson Hotel of Bucks County • US Rte 1 + Old Lincoln Hwy. One mile south of PA Turnpike exit 28 For directions: 215-638-8300 Admission $4.00 For information: OMM Productions • POB 173 • Bryn Mawr • PA • 19010 • (610) 527-5903 SCOREBOARD Women's Soccer Women'sField Hockey Women's Tennis Women's Volleyball Team W-L O/A Team W-L O/A Team W-L O/A South Team W-L O/A Misericordia 2-0 9-3-1 Misericordia 7-1 10-4 Cedar Crest 6-0 9-2 Beaver 2-1 10-2-3 Marywood 6-2 7-8 Marywood 5-1 6-2 Eastern 5-0 20-5 Cabrini 1-2 10-5 Beaver 6-3 8-4 Cabrini 5-1 12-2 Cabrini 4-1 11-14 Eastern 0-2 - 7-6 Cedar Crest 6-3 8-8 Eastern 3-3 6-6 Immaculata 3-2 8-10 Allentown 0-0 2-11 Alvernia 6-3 9-9 Beaver 3-4 5-5 Gwynedd 2-3 2-6 Cabrini 6-3 12-6 Allentown 2-5 2-7 Neumann 1-4 3-17 Results Eastern 3-6 5-7 Immaculata 1-4 4-5 Rosemont 0-5 0-15 Rosemont 2-7 3-9 Rosemont 0-7 0-8 Beaver 1 Eastern 0 Gwynedd 1-7 1-9 North Eastern 5 Ursinus 2 Immaculata 0-8 1-12 Results Team W-L O/A Beaver 4 York 2 Allentown 5-0 22-12 Cabrini 2 Eastern 1 ot Results Cabrini 7 Beaver 2 Alvernia 4-1 12-4 Moravian 5 Allentown o Cedar Crest 5 Marywood 4 Misericordia 3-2 15-4 York.4 Allentown 1 Cabrini 3 Kean 0 Eastern 5 Allentown 4 Beaver 2-3 12-6 Del Valley 3 cabrini 1 Cedar Crest 2 Textile 0 Cabrini 7 Beaver 2 Cedar Crest 1-4 10-13 Cabrini 2 Centenary 1 Misericordia 2 Alvemia 0 Beaver 5 Immaculata 4 Marywood 0-5 4-18

Friday, November 1, 1996

Lady Cavs reflect .on season

Although the women's field hockey team did not qualify for the PAC playoffs, there was nothing but a positive attitude shining through the players and coach.

Coach Jackie Neary raved about the whole team.

"I really enjoyed myself this year," Neary said. "They played excellent obviously since they knocked down the top two teams and the losses did not affect us."

The seniors will be missed sorely next year.

"There are five graduating seniors this year. I am going to miss each and every one of them. Talk about role models," Neary said.

Neary said 9ne of the reasons for not making the PAC playoffs, even after defeating the top two teams, was because of a slump in which they had trouble scoring, but prior to that, the team was scoring like crazy. It was upsetting not making it to the playoffs, even though everyone has reassured

them. they had a great season.

"It was very disappointing, because of the seniors on the team and everything," said junior Tara P(eiffenberger. "This was the year to do it. We went into the Oct. 19 game not knowing, but everyone was very optimistic."

The team really pulled together when times got tough. In the middle of the season when the Lady Cavs were getting a tad stressed out,·they pulled together to work even harder. They came back stronger, which made the team come back.

The Lady Cavs had nothing to be ashamed of during their season.

"I am very proud of our team," Pfeiffenberger said. "We beat the top two teams, but unfortunately they had to tie. No one ever gave up."

The six teams all fighting for a spot in the PAC playoffs were Misericordia, Marywood, Beaver, Cedar Crest, Alvemia and Cabrini.

Sophomore Mandy Seeds helped explain the details of what prevented Cabrini from entering the playoffs.

"Even though we beat the top two teams, Cedar Crest and Beaver, the other three teams beat us. Whoever had a

greater difference in score and whoever was easier beaten in regular time, as opposed to over time, is how it is decided," Seeds said.

The communication broke down in some of the games, which could have been easy to tell if you were on the field.

"When we did talk, you could totally tell and we won," Pfeiffenberger said.

Not_ many improvements have to be made next year, considering they played an excellent season, according to Neary Pfeiffenberger said, "We have got to come out strong from the very beginning, every day at not only games, but practices too. Our team has to give 110 percent effort which they do well."

Coach Neary is confident for next year and has a very positive outlook and seems to have the secret for going all the way.

"We have got to go undefeated into the PAC playoffs. We have to beat everyone beforehand and simply set our goals high. We can't afford to have a loss in the PAC. We need more wins," Neary said.

Overall, everyone said they were pretty happy with how the team played this season, and they look forward to the 1997 season.

Women's tennis nets three championships

With great effort and a strong desire to win, the Lady Cavs tennis team won two singles championships and one doubles championship in the PAC championships on Oct. 25 and 26.

For the most part, Saturday's finals tournament went well. The team played great, especially in their singles matches, with the top five players advancing to the finals.

First-year student Keely Crawbuck, number one singles player, lost to Cedar Crest College by a score of 6-2, 6-0.

Number two singles player and firstyear student Jodi Holmes lost to Immaculata College by a score of 6-0, 63.

Senior co-captain Donna Schaeffer playing in her fourth straight single conference championship, defeated Beaver College by a score of 6-4, 7-5.

Senior co-captain Michelle McTivaine, number four singles player, lost a long, tough match to Marywood College by a score of 6-4, 6-3.

Sophomore Michelle McDevitt, the number five singles player, won her match against Marywood College by a score of 6-1, 6-2.

In the doubles match, Crawbuck and Homes, the number one doubles team, lost to Eastern Coth!ge by a score of 8-6.

Schaeffer and McUvaine, number two doubles, lost to Marywood by the score of 8-4, while McDevitt and first-year student Karin Letcher, number three doubles, defeated Cedar Crest by a score of 8-4.

Coach Reggie Day pointed out that this was supposed to be a rebuilding year for the team.

He said that he was faced with many losses, such as team members transferring to another school or becoming injured.

He pointed out that it is hard to lose so much and expect to have a great season.

When the season started, Day said his expectation was to win one match. However, after the team started to play, their skills began to develop.

Crawbuck and Holmes were strong assets to the team. They both came to Cabrini together and showed a lot of poise stepping into the number one and two spots on the team.

Day said they both started out the season with much experience, skiil, leadership and a determination to compete.

When asked

believes, "For a rebuilding year, 15-2 says a lot."

The team started out its PAC games with a 5-1 PAC record and a 15-2 record over all. Everyone bad been working hard and Day about the team and first-year students in general, Day said, "They played like seniors. You can't ask for more than that."

Day becomes very emotionally involved with his team and cares for them very much.

The has team been increasing its competitiveness and trying to go for the win. winner."

- Reggie Day

"If you don't deal with it then you have no business doing it," Day said.

Day does not worry too much about the score of the match. He believes that giving it your best shot makes you a winner.

"There is no

shame in get-

ting beaten by a better player as long as you did your best, but if you lose, it's going to hurt and it should hurt. You gotta know how to be a good loser to be a winner," Day said.

Many of the players expressed their

feelings about the tournament and commented on the team this season.

McDevitt said one of the keys to the season was that each of the players focused on winning their own personal matches. '

This way each player could concentrate on their matches and not worry about what the other players were doing.

She feels that you have to play your best to make the whole team great.

As Mcilvaine finishes her season, she is very sad. She said she • had four great years with the tennis team and was very proud of her performance this season.

Schaeffer said that the team played very well and worked very hard this year. She said that it is great that so many of her teammates made it to the finals and that it says a lot for the team as a whole. When asked about her personal feelings she said, "I'm really excited. This was a great way to end my career at Cabrini."

The madness of midnight, captured in a full page spread. Get a glimpse of the madness on p. 10.
"There is no shame in getting beaten by a better player as long as you did your best, but if you lose, it's going to hurt and it should hurt. You gotta know how to be a good loser to be a
photo by Dins Tartaglia Sophomore Michele McDevitt returns a shot in one of her PAC championshipmatches, which were held at Eastern Collegeon Oct. 25 and 26. McDevittcapturedthe singles championshipat the number fivegositionand the numberthree doubles championshipw;tt,Karin Letchsr.

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